Example 6 - Cal Supply Air Quantity FCU

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Example 6 

      Summer Cycle and Winter Cycle

A Concert Hall measures 40 m x 20 m x 8 m high.

It is to be air conditioned in summer and winter.
Determine the following:
o       Air flow rates
o       Supply air temperature by calculation in summer and winter.
o       Cooling coil contact factor.
o       Cooling coil and reheater outputs in summer
o       Humidifier output in litres/hour.
The plant schematic is as shown below.

Indoor condition all year        -        22oC dB temperature, 50% saturation. 
Outdoor condition summer   -        28oC dB temperature, 80% saturation. 
Outdoor condition winter       -        -3oC dB temperature, 80% saturation. 
Maximum occupancy             -        1000 people. 
ADP of the cooling coil                   -        8oC 
Fresh air requirement            -        12 l/s/person 
Supply air rate                        -        8 air changes per hour. 
Frost off coil temperature     -        7oC. 
Latent heat gain                     -        40 W/person 
Sensible heat gain in summer -      100 W/person + 20.5 kW fabric, lights, solar &
ventilation gains. 
Sensible heat loss in winter  -       20 W/m3 air volume (estimated)
Fresh Air Flow Rate

Fresh air rate = 12 l/s/p x 1000 people =         12,000 l/s =         12.0 m3/s
The specific volume at the outside condition may be determined from a psychrometric
It is approximately 0.88 m3/kg.
Mass flow rate = Volume flow rate / specific volume
Mass flow rate     (Fresh Air)   = 12.0 / 0.88      =       13.64 kg/s.

Supply Air Flow Rate

The ventilation supply air rate is taken from table B2.3 and is given as 8 air changes per
hour; the mass flow rate can be calculated.
Volume flow rate (m3/h)         =       Volume of room (m3) x air change rate (ac/h)
Volume of room (m3)             =       40 x 20 x 8          =       6400 m3
Volume flow rate (m3/h)         =       6400 (m3) x 8 (ac/h)
Volume flow rate (m3/h)         =       51,200 m3/h
Volume flow rate (m3/s)         =       51,200 / 3600               =       14.22 m3/s.
Mass flow rate = Volume flow rate / specific volume
The specific volume at the supply condition may be approximated at this stage from a
psychrometric chart. It can be taken as 0.834 m3/kg.
Mass flow rate (Supply Air) = 14.22 / 0.834                =       17.05 kg/s.

Recirculation Air Flow Rate

Recirculation air rate    =       Supply air rate - fresh air rate

Recirculation air rate    =       17.05 - 13.64  =    3.41 kg/s

Fresh Air and Recirc. Ratio.

The ratio by mass is therefore;

Fresh air rate                =       13.64 kg/s
Supply air rate              =       17.05 kg/s
The ratio of fresh air to total supply air is;
13.64 / 17.05 = 0.8, i.e. 80% fresh air and therefore 20% recirculated air.
It is not unusual to have a high percentage of fresh air in a high occupancy room
such as a Concert Hall.
The air flows are shown on the schematic diagram below.
Heat Gains

The heat gains are given as:

Latent heat gain  -       40 W/person
Sensible heat gain -     100 W/person + 20.5 kW fabric, lights, solar & ventilation gains.
Latent gain          =       40 W x 1000 people    =       40,000 W  =       40 kW
Sensible gain      =       100 W x 1000 people  =       100,000 W          =       100 kW +
20.5 kW     =      120.5 kW.
Total heat gain    =       120.5 + 40 = 160.5 kW
Summer Heat ratio       =       sensible / total     =       120.5 / 160.5      =    0.75

Heat Loss

The heat loss in winter is given as 20.0 W/ m3.

Volume of room (m3)   =       40 x 20 x 8          = 6400 m3
Total heat loss              =       20 x 6400  = 128,000 Watts =   128 kW
Total heat (winter)         =       128 + 40 (Latent) = 168 kW
Winter Heat ratio          =       sensible / total     =       128 / 168   =   0.76

Summer Calculations & Process

Supply Air Temperature by Calculation

In this example the supply air temperature will be found by rearranging the following
                   Hs      =       ma x Cp ( tr - ts )
Hs        =          Sensible heat gain to room (kW) 
ma       =          mass flow rate of air (kg/s) 
Cp       =          Specific heat capacity of humid air (approx.1.01 kJ/kg degC) 
tr          =          room temperature (oC) 
ts         =          supply air temperature (oC)                                            
Rearranging the above formula gives:
                    ( tr - ts )      =       Hs / ( ma x Cp )
                    ( tr - ts )      =       120.5 / ( 17.05 x 1.01 )
                   ( tr - ts )      =       7.0 deg.C, since tr = 22oC,   ts = 22 - 7.0 = 15.0 oC          
ts       =       15 oC                   
The processes can now be plotted on a psychrometric chart as shown below.
1. Points O, M and R can be shown on the chart.
2. Point ADP can be indicated and lines drawn between these points as shown.
3. The room ratio line can be drawn.
4. Point S is then shown on the chart, on the room ratio line at 18 oC.
5. A horizontal line is then drawn from point S towards the line O – ADP.
6. Point W can then be found where the horizontal line W - S intersects the line O -
Cooling Coil Contact Factor
On a full size psychrometric chart the length of the line from point M to point ADP is
The distance from point M to point W is 107mm.
The cooling coil contact factor is
The specific enthalpies are shown below.

Cooling Coil Output in Summer

The cooling coil output is as follows:
H cooling coil   =       ma ( hM - hADP)
H cooling coil      =          Cooling coil output (kW) 
            ma       =          mass flow rate of air (kg/s) 
            hM       =          specific enthalpy at condition M (kJ/kg) determined
from psychrometric chart. 
            hADP    =          specific enthalpy at condition ADP (kJ/kg) determined
from psychrometric chart
The specific enthalpies at points M and ADP are shown on the psychrometric Chart
H cooling coil   =       17.05 ( 71 - 25)
                   H cooling coil   =       784.3 kW
The cooling coil output is very high and a lot of energy would be required to provide
this amount of cooling.
The cooling coil load would probably be spread over several air handling units but
the it could be examined with a view to some reduction.
The coil output is high because the mass flow rate of supply air is high (17.05 kg/s)
and the proportion of fresh air is also high (80%).
The mix point M is at approximately 27oC dry-bulb so there is little advantage in
recirculation in this instance.
It would be advantageous to consider the supply airflow rate to see if a lower rate
would be acceptable for this building.
If 6 air changes per hour are used as the ventilation rate then this would reduce
the mass flow rate of supply air.
Also the engineer may consider other methods of air-conditioning a hall with a
large volume such as using partial radiant cooling where surfaces are cooled rather
than air.

Reheater Battery Output in Summer
The heater battery or reheater output is as follows:
H heater battery =      ma ( hS - hW)
H heater battery   =          Heater battery output (kW) 
            ma       =          mass flow rate of air (kg/s) 
            hS        =          specific enthalpy at condition S (kJ/kg)
determined from psychrometric chart. 
            hW       =          specific enthalpy at condition W (kJ/kg)
determined from psychrometric chart.
The specific enthalpies at points W and S are shown on the psychrometric Chart
                   H heater battery =         17.05 ( 34 - 28)
                   H heater battery =         102.3 kW
Winter Calculations & Process
Winter Cycle Psychrometrics
The processes can now be plotted on a psychrometric chart as shown below.
1.      Points O, M, P and R can be shown on the chart.
2.      Join points O and P and P and R.
3.      Find the mix point M
          The line measures 81mm long.
        81 x 0.8 = 65 mm , the distance from point M to R is 65mm.
4.      The room ratio is 0.76 from previous calculation. Draw RRL.
5.      Find the supply air dry bulb temperature by calculation.
Supply Air Temperature by Calculation
The temperature of supply air is calculated from the following formula:
Hs      =       ma x Cp ( ts - tr )
                                    Hs        =          Sensible heat loss from room (kW) 
                                    ma       =          mass flow rate of air (kg/s) same as summer
rate for constant volume systems. 
                                    Cp       =          Specific heat capacity of humid air
(approx.1.01 kJ/kg degC) 
                                    tr          =          room temperature (oC) 
                                    ts         =          supply air temperature(oC)
          ( ts - tr )      =       Hs / ma x Cp
                             ( ts - tr )      =       128 / 17.05 x 1.01
                             ( ts - tr )      =       7.43 deg.C
                                       ts      =       22 + 7.43 deg.C
                                        ts      =       29.43 oC say 29.5 oC.
6.    Plot the condition H at 29.5oC dB. on a horizontal line from M.
7.    Plot condition S on a vertical line from H on the RRL.
Assume the humidity process is vertical.

Preheater Battery Output (or frost coil)

The preheater battery output is as follows:
H preheater battery     =       maf ( hP - hO)
      H preheater battery     =          Preheater battery output (kW) 
                        maf      =          mass flow rate of fresh air (kg/s) 
                        hP        =          specific enthalpy at condition P (kJ/kg) 
                        hO        =          specific enthalpy at condition O (kJ/kg)

                   H preheater battery      =       13.64 ( 13 - 3)

                   H preheater battery      =       136.4 kW
Reheater Battery Output in Winter
The reheater battery output is as follows:
H reheater battery       =       ma ( hH - hM)
                        H reheater battery =          Reheater battery output (kW) 
                                    ma       =          mass flow rate of supply air (kg/s) 
                                    hH        =          specific enthalpy at condition H (kJ/kg) 
                                    hM       =          specific enthalpy at condition M (kJ/kg)
H reheater battery        =       17.05 ( 39 - 19)  
                   H reheater battery        =       341 kW
The heater battery load may be reduced by using other forms of heating for some
of the load, e.g. perimeter convectors or radiators.
Humidifier Output in Winter
The amount of moisture added to the air may be calculated from the following formula:
m moisture added       =       ma (msS - msH)
                      m moisture added   =          The amount of moisture or added or
steam flow rate (kg/s) 
                                    ma       =          mass flow rate of air (kg/s) 
                                    msS     =          moisture content at condition S (kg/kg
                                    msH     =          moisture content at condition H (kg/kg
m moisture added       =       17.05 (0.0074 - 0.0035)
                   m moisture added       =       17.05 (0.0039)
                   m moisture added       =       0.0665 kg/s
                   m moisture added       =       0.0665 litre/s
m moisture added       =       0.0665 litre/s x 3600    =       239.4 litres/hour

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