Classroom Management Plan Assignment
Classroom Management Plan Assignment
Classroom Management Plan Assignment
Marlon Vincent
A development of a classroom management plan that is based on my personality and future
teaching style. Which includes philosophy, room arrangement, classroom expectations and
rules, monitoring problem behaviors, and techniques in classroom management. These all
include references from theories learned such as from Marzoano, Westood, McDowell,
Bradshaw as well as Curwin & Mendler.
I believe every student should feel welcomed and respected in the learning
environment and deserves an equal opportunity to learn. When students are
learning they are stepping outside of their comfort zone, so it is essential to provide
a safe and positive environment with a teacher who is supportive, helpful, and
enthusiastic. I will incorporate inquiry-based learning and learning by doing into my
teaching because I feel these methods engage students and help them construct
their own knowledge. Higher-level tasks and activities are much more memorable
and enjoyable for students and should be incorporated daily in the classroom.
Rules and procedures for the classroom will be established with students
(Marzano). As a teacher, it is my goal to provide a safe learning environment for
each and every student. I aspire for students to view my class as a stress-free place
to learn. A traditional approach to a mathematics classroom involves lecturing,
worksheets, and textbook questions; however, my approach to a mathematics
classroom involves looking at real-life applications and problem-based learning.
Teaching and learning will occur as a team and I will guide students through the
learning process and encourage students to help students.
Every student is unique and learns in his or her own way; I will differentiate
every lesson to address the diverse types of learners that are present in my class.
Differentiation and hands-on learning can happen in a mathematics classroom and I
will ensure no student is left behind in the learning process. It is crucial for a
teacher to be passionate, knowledgeable, and prepared for what they are teaching.
This can make the difference of having students engaged or not (Westwood).
>Room Arrangement
Stadium Seating (Angled Rows with Desks Touching) (McDowell)
Pros: Enables the teacher to see what every child is doing, gives all students a clear
view of the front of the room, can take up less floor space than other arrangements,
makes it easy for students to work in pairs or move their desks into groups for
cooperative work
Cons: Does not work well with a large number of desks because students will be too
far away, less effective in terms of management when more than two rows are used,
less suitable for classrooms that use cooperative learning methods for the majority
of the day.
I have always been an extremist when it comes to organization, so it is
certain my classroom will be organized in the most reasonable fashion. I would love
to have a desk at the front and back of the classroom. The desk at the front helps to
have supplies near by while I am teaching and the one at the back is great to have
for when students are working because they are unable to see if I am watching
them, so they will usually do their work as asked. I love displaying student work and
projects and it serves as a form of positive reinforcement; therefore, the back wall of
the classroom will be dedicated for students work or projects (Westwood). The
classroom rules and procedures, as well as a calendar, will be posted on one of the
I believe a seating plan is more efficient in classroom organization than
allowing students to choose where they sit. I will change the seating plan around
every so often to ensure students have the opportunity to work with different
students in the class.
Represented below is the classroom design I would prefer. On the left is the
regular seating arrangement for individual activities and on the right is an
alternative seating arrangement for group activities.
1st minor offense: The student will stay in detention from 5 to 30 minutes.
2nd minor offense: Student conference.
3rd minor offense: Parent conference.
4th minor offense: Referral.
As the severity of the offense increases some of these steps might be skipped at the
teachers discretion.
>Monitoring Problem Behaviors
It is important to monitor student behavior to "catch" students being good
and provide acknowledgement for the appropriate behavior. Monitoring allows me
to intervene early for misbehavior and redirect and correct inappropriate behavior.
Monitoring also allows me to collect ongoing information on student behavior
performance to use in evaluating the effectiveness of the Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Supports (PBIS) efforts (Bradshaw).
Active monitoring means that the staff supervising students will:
Move in an obvious manner using unpredictable patterns of movement.
Scan the environment with head up and making eye contact with students.
Make positive social contact with students.
Provide acknowledgement for students engaging in school behavior
Provide acknowledgement for students not engaging in school behavior
Three Behaviors include:
*Visual mock-ups available in attached excel spreadsheet.
Source: Behavior & Intervention Tracking Form (For Microsoft Excel Software)
I think it is important to establish classroom rules and procedures with the
students. This includes them in the process and also helps them to be more
responsible for their behavior. I will also establish fair consequences with the
students. These may include staying after class, coming in at lunch, staying
afterschool, or doing extra work.
Dan W Morrish compares student compliance with the compliant response to
stop at a red light. He explains, Of all the behavior you should train, the most
important is compliance. We dont question why we have to stop at a red light; we
just do it without even thinking because our brains are trained to do so. This is the
same compliance that students need to have within the classroom. It does not mean
students dont have their own opinion and voice; it simply applies to classroom
management (i.e. entering the classroom, hanging up your jacket, taking out your
books when asked, etc.). These actions should all become habits that dont even
require thinking. Just how I stop at a red light, I want students to stop when I tell
them to stop. I dont want them thinking about it or talking back to me. I will employ
Morrishs technique of compliance simply because I think it is important for my
students to be trained to behave appropriately in my classroom, otherwise there
will be total chaos. I support student input, opinions, and questions, but there are
rules that students should comply with. I will be sure to establish a strong
foundation with my students by being clear with my expectations of their behavior
and what the consequences will be if they misbehave so that students become
responsible for their own behavior. I will be consistent with the rules and
procedures so that they become habits to the students. Examples of how I will train
my students include: having a specific hand-in spot for assignments at the front of
the classroom and having specific directions for the class up on the smart board
before class begins (to get in specific groups or to start reading or working on
something). I will also train my students is to never allow students to sharpen their
pencil while I am teaching and when students finish a test they are to pick up the
next assignment on the table and start working on it right away. By employing these
procedures over and over, students will catch on and eventually these things wont
require any thinking, they will be instilled behaviors and habits.
It is essential for students to know from day one that fair is not always equal
(Curwin & Mendler). If someone shows up late because they were at a doctors
appointment, they wont need to stay in at lunch even though if one of the rules is
Be on time for class. However, if someone shows up late because they were talking
with their friends, then this student would definitely have to stay in at lunch.
Marzano explains that students have a strong sense of fairness when it comes to
behavioral expectations, therefore I feel that at the high school level they will
understand that fair and equal are not the same thing, and that I, as the teacher, will
do my best to be fair 100% of the time.
To effectively manage my classroom, I will employ techniques that reinforce
good behavior and provide negative consequences for unacceptable behavior
(Marzano). I feel this is the most effective way for students to learn and behave