Treasury of The Pharaohs

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Authors: Thurston Hillman and Jason Nelson
Artist: Dio Mahesa
Editing and Development: Alex Augunas and
Jason Nelson
Design and Layout: Rick Hershey
Legendary Games Team Members: Alex Augunas,
Clinton J. Boomer, Robert Brookes, Benjamin
Bruck, Pedro Coelho, Matthew Goodall, Jim
Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Jonathan H. Keith, Jeff
Lee, Nicolas Logue, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett,
Tom Phillips, Alistair Rigg, Tork Shaw, Mark Sei-
fter, Mike Shel, Mike Welham, Neil Spicer, Todd A bout L egendary G ames
Stewart, Russ Taylor, Greg A. Vaughan, Linda Legendary Games is an all star team of authors and designers,
Zayas-Palmer, and Clark Peterson founded by Clark Peterson of Necromancer Games, Inc. Legendary
Publisher: Jason Nelson Games uses a cooperative, team-based approach to bring you, the
Paizo fan, the best expansion material for your game. We are gam-
Executive Partner: Neil Spicer
ers and storytellers first, and we believe that passion shows in our
Business Director: Rachel Ventura products. So check us out, and Make Your Game Legendary!
Special Thanks: Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, James
Jacobs, Jason Bulmahn, and the Paizo staff for
Visit us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and check out our
their excellent Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path.
website at

Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this Legendary Games product designated as
Open Game Content is the rules content (creature stat blocks and names of skills, etc., taken from the Pathfinder Reference Document) as
defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). The front and back cover, back matter, introduction and Credits page, as well
all other parts of this product including all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. No portion of
this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License 1.0a, Section 1(e),
and are not Open Content: Legendary Games, the Legendary Games Logo, Adventure Path Plug-In, Treasury of the Pharaohs, as well as all
trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (including the names of each character, location, item or monster unique to this prod-
uct), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress, but excluding any content that is Product Identity of Paizo
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Reference in non-Open Game Content (thus not covered by the Open Game License) in this work to content owned by others is not a
challenge to their ownership and is used under Fair Use.

Treasury of the Pharaohs © 2015, Legendary Games

Legendary Games; Author Thurston 3734 SW 99th St.
Hillman and Jason Nelson.
Seattle, WA 98126-4026
First printing April 2015
Printed in USA.

Welcome to
Adventure Path Plug-Ins!
This product is a part of our line of support materials for extended Adventure Path-style campaign play for use with Paizo’s
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. When you see the “Adventure Path Plug-In” logo at the top of a Legendary Games product, you
can expect it is designed to fit directly with the themes of a particular Adventure Path campaign. The all-star team of design-
ers here at Legendary Games is committed to bringing you—the busy GM or player—the absolute best third party support for
your Pathfinder campaign. To deliver on that commitment, we’ve assembled the best of the best of current gaming authors,
designers and layout experts so that you can feel comfortable that Legendary Games products will be the most creative, rules-
legal and well-designed content you can find. Though Adventure Path Plug-Ins all share a theme with a specific Adventure Path
campaign, they are designed to be easily incorporated into your home game regardless of what campaign you may be running.

Hey, What’s With the Names?

You will see us use phrases such as “Egyptian Adventure Path” instead of the title of the 14th adventure path published by
Paizo Publishing, LLC, covering issues #79 to 84. Or, you may see us use names such as the “Risen Pharaoh,” the “Tomb City,”
the “Pharaoh Kingdom,” or the “Goddess of the Dead” instead of the proper names of specific characters or places from those
adventures or gods from the world setting. While we can create compatible products under the Open Game License, we still
have to be respectful of certain content Paizo owns. Because we want to be very respectful of their content and work in part-
nership with them, we use these “replacement phrases.” Plus, this helps the product have a more general appeal to those who
may be running a home campaign that fits the same themes. In any event, we are 100% confident you know what we are talking
about and will have no problem making the required connection. So, enjoy these pregenerated characters for use in your
“Egyptian Adventure Path,” seeking your fortune in the “Tomb City” and beyond. See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Special Electronic Features

We’ve hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links to the official Pathfinder Ref-
erence Document as well as d20PFSRD. If it is in the core rulebook, we generally didn’t link to it unless the rule is an obscure
one. The point is not to supersede the game books, but rather to help support you, the player, in accessing the rules, especially
those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

What You Will Find Inside the Treasury of the Pharaohs 5
Armor and Shields 7
Specific Weapons 8
Rings 11
Rods 11
Staff 12
Wondrous Items 12
Artifacts 18

What You Will Find Inside the
Treasury of the Pharaohs
This supplement brings you over 30 magical items ideal for explorers in an ancient kingdom of pharaohs and pyramids, a
land of deserts and tombs, verdant oases and dusty wadis, soaring monolithic temples and seedy back streets and black mar-
kets. These items are perfect fodder for tomb robbers of every stripe, uncovering long-lost ruins once hidden by the sands
or forbidden to outsiders, but now ready to join a daring rush into the dangerous marketplace of artifacts and antiquities.
From glittering gold and lush lapis to alabaster, ivory, papyrus, and faience, the treasures of the pharaonic kingdom fire the
imagination of treasure hunters the world over, who stand ready to defy mummy guardians, swarming scarabs, and eldritch
curses that threaten doom upon any who would violate their sacred burial spaces. Their rest disturbed, tyrants and terrors
that have long slumbered may rise to bring ruin upon lands that had forgotten them, but no warning or risk is too great when
the plunder of dynasties awaits just behind the next dune. This tome contains treasures of great value to tomb robbers and
guardians alike, like the map cartouche and tomb warden’s stele, along with deadly weapons like the scarab scourge and
dune trap javelin to protective gear like the dynast aegis and mail of the radiant pharaoh. These items are redolent with the
mysteries and magic of the desert, like the oasis mirror and faience idols to the alabaster icons of Bast and the canopic chest
of eternal repose! If your players hunger for the riches of the ages and to garb themselves like the god-kings of old, they are
going to love what they find in the Treasury of the Pharaohs.

The Legendary Games tradition is to combine rich story and background, innovative layout, beautiful aesthetics, and excel-
lence in design that is second to none. This product is the latest in that tradition, and we hope you enjoy using it as much as
we enjoyed making it. Game on!

TREASURY alabaster icons of Bast
faience idol (raging hippopotamus)
24,000 gp
24,000 gp
amulet of abhorrent life 25,000 gp

OF THE faience idol (grand tortoise)

storm general’s lance
30,000 gp
32,310 gp

chief engineer’s rod 37,000 gp
signet of the life pharaoh 45,200 gp
hierophant’s funerary cone 45,500 gp
disemboweling sickle 57,506 gp
The magic items in this product are designed specifi-
element pharoah’s crook 60,000 gp
cally to fit within a campaign set in an Egyptian-style fallen
kingdom of the ancients, one with vast ruins filled with biting wind 62,300 gp
the wealth of the ages but also rife with curses and terrible radiant pharaoh’s mail 67,200 gp
danger. This book is an ideal companion to the official canopic chest of eternal repose 80,000 gp
Egyptian Adventure Path for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
carpet of desert fire 88,000 gp
(#79-84), but it works equally well in any campaign where
you want to evoke the tropes of ruined desert kingdoms, spirit pharaoh’s staff 90,000 gp
where double-dealing scavengers and rival robbers duel in funerary pyramid — (artifact)
the shadow of crumbling monoliths and towering pyra-
mids that hearken back to a glorious past. The items in
this book are listed here by price, and their descriptions
follow organized by item type.

Item Name Price

dune trap javelin 900 gp
papyrus of supplication 3,000 gp
censer of the aerial emissary 3,800 gp
map cartouche 4,000 gp
scepter of Wadjet 5,305 gp
tomb warden’s stele 5,500 gp
wretched warrior’s garb 5,910 gp
oasis mirror 7,000 gp
necropolis attendant’s band 8,000 gp
canopic sentinel jar 10,000 gp
faience idol (soaring hawk) 10,000 gp
scarab scourge 10,461 gp
desert moon 10,820 gp
dynast aegis 13,157 gp
blade of the black desert 13,802 gp
faience idol (delta crocodile) 15,500 gp
faience idol (desert frog) 17,000 gp
asp hide 20,245 gp

A rmor and S hields
A sp P oison
Bite—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 6
Asp Hide P r i c e 20,245 GP rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 2 consecutive saves.

Slot armor CL 7th Weight 25 lbs.

Aura moderate necromancy
Made of multiple sets of tanned and magically preserved distance is reduced by 5 feet for every size category of the
snake hides, this set of +2 slick hide armor shifts in color target above Medium.
from black, brown, green, and red. The wearer gains a Construction Requirements C o s t 6,657 GP
+2 luck bonus on saving throws vs. poison, and once per Craft Arms and Armor, animate objects, force punch
day as a swift action the wearer can cause the armor to
sprout tiny pricking fangs that weep asp poison until the
beginning of the wearer’s next turn. Any creature that
strikes the wearer with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, R a d i a n t P ha r a o h ’ s M a i l P r i c e 67,200 GP
or melee touch attack or attempts a bull rush, grapple,
Slot armor CL 15th Weight 30 lbs.
or overrun maneuver against the wearer is pricked by the
fangs. This deals no damage but exposes the attacker to Aura strong evocation
asp poison (see sidebar). While the fangs are extruded, the An austere set of +3 moderate fortification scale mail, radiant
wearer can extract one dose of asp poison and apply it to a pharaoh’s mail is embellished with metal plates depicting
weapon as a standard action, with no chance of poisoning hieroglyphic renditions of war and imagery of a sun god.
himself. This poison lasts for 24 hours or until the weapon The armor radiates continuous light, and oonce per day,
is used to make a successful attack. the wearer can speak the Sun God’s name as a swift action,
Construction Requirements C o s t 10,205 GP
causing the armor to shed bright light as daylight spell. If
Craft Arms and Armor, poison, sepia snake sigil, creator the wearer can use daylight or light as a spell or spell-like
must possess the poison use class feature ability, he can quicken that ability up to three times per
day, using it as a swift action.
When the wearer is struck in melee, up to three times
per day as an immediate action he can release a flash of
Dynast Aegis P r i c e 13,157 GP radiance that affects his attacker as searing light, requiring
a melee touch attack rather than a ranged touch attack.
Slot shield CL 12th Weight 10 lbs.
If the attack was a critical threat, this searing light hits
Aura moderate transmutation
automatically, even if the critical hit is not confirmed or is
Gifted to those charged with protecting a pharaoh, this negated by the armor’s fortification property. If a criti-
+2 heavy wooden shield is decorated with golden edg- cal hit is confirmed against the wearer, he can expend all
ing and inlaid with the hieroglyph of the pharaoh it was three daily uses of this ability as an immediate action to
crafted to protect. At sunrise, the wielder of the dynast create a sunburst centered on himself. This sunburst does
aegis may nominate one creature to be the shield’s charge. not harm the wearer. After this sunburst is released, the
The selected creature gains the same shield bonus to AC armor’s light-based powers are suppressed for 24 hours,
as the wielder does, as long as the shield-wielder is within though it retains its enhancement bonus and fortification
5 feet, able to take actions, and not denied his Dexterity property.
bonus to AC.
Construction Requirements C o s t 33,700 GP
While within 5 feet of his charge, the wielder can make Craft Arms and Armor, daylight, searing light, sunburst,
a special shield bash attack twice per day as a standard creator must be a 10th level cleric of a deity with
action. In addition to the normal damage incurred by a the Sun domain
shield bash, the attack causes a swell of sand to rush out
of the aegis, pushing the target away from the wielder in a
straight line up to 30 feet (DC 18 Fortitude negates). This

Wretched Warrior’s Garb P r i c e 5,910 GP with a powerful curse called the embrace of Set (DC 18 Will
negates; see sidebar). If the target fails its save, the blade
Slot armor CL 5th Weight 15 lbs.
is destroyed after imparting the curse. Imparting the
Aura faint transmutation embrace of Set is an evil act.
This set of +1 leather armor resembles little more than
Construction Requirements C o s t 7,052 GP
scraps of camel leather held together by haphazardly
Craft Arms and Armor, animate dead, confusion
placed stitches. The wearer’s carrying capacity is three
times normal, and she can endure hot climates as if using
endure elements. The wearer also gains a +2 resistance
bonus on saving throws against effects that would cause Biting Wind P r i c e 62,300 GP
him to become exhausted, fatigued, staggered, or to fall
asleep, as well as on saving throws or Constitution checks Slot none CL 11th Weight —
made to withstand the effects of hunger, thirst, and daz- Aura moderate conjuration and transmutation
zling or blindness from bright sunlight. The wearer also
This worn +2 corrosive burst sling is made of chewed and
gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks made
burned straps of leather. When the wielder uses the full
against subordinates in the same organization.
attack action, the sling surrounds the wielder with a
In addition, the wearer can spend one hour infusing the miniature cyclone of wind and caustic rain until the end of
effects of a potion into the patches and scraps of leather his next turn. This cyclone does not harm or impede the
comprising the garment. The effect of the potion is stored wielder but functions as a wind wall for other creatures.
indefinitely in that patch and can be activated by tear- Creatures ending their turn adjacent to the wielder take
ing off the patch as a move action that does not provoke 2d6 points of acid damage (DC 14 Reflex negates). The
attacks of opportunity. Tearing the patch gives the armor wielder is immune to this damage. The sling can produce
the broken condition, and until it is repaired it cannot be this cyclone for a total of 10 rounds per day, though these
used to store a new potion effect. rounds need not be contiguous.
Construction Requirements C o s t 3,010 GP Construction Requirements C o s t 31,300 GP
Craft Arms and Armor, ant haul, command, endure ele- Craft Arms and Armor, acid fog, fickle windsUM
ments, shrink item

D e s e rt M o o n P r i c e 10,820 GP
S pecific W eapons
Slot none CL 7th Weight 8 lbs.
Aura minor transmutation
Blade of the B l a c k D e s e rt P r i c e 13,802 GP
This +1 frost khopeshUE bears few discernible details
Slot none CL 10th Weight 1 lbs. beyond its bronze handle, though it is often rimed with
Aura moderate necromancy
This obsidian +2 dagger is made of blackened flint graven
with symbols of blackest evil. As a full-round action, the
wielder can cause the weapon to grow a haft, allowing E mbrace of S et
it to be wielded as a +2 longspear, +2 shortspear, or +2
Type curse; Save Will DC 18;
spear. Evil creatures wielding a blade of the black desert in
any form gain a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws Onset Immediate
against mind-affecting effects and a +2 bonus on Charis- Effect The target of this curse only receives half-healing
ma checks and Charisma-based skill checks when interact- from magical healing. A target that dies while affected by
ing with daemons. this curse rises 1 round later as a fast zombie, as described
When the wielder of a blade of the black desert confirms in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary.
a critical hit, the wielder can choose to inflict the target

hole with a depth of 30 feet. Any creature standing where
the pit is conjured must make a DC 14 Reflex saving throw
to jump to safety in the nearest open space. Creatures
who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal. The
pit’s shifting walls have a Climb DC of 20.
Ground matter under the javelin is shunted into an
extra-dimensional space and slowly seeps back in, causing
the base of the pit to rise 5 feet per round until it reaches
the surface. The javelin is consumed after use.

Construction Requirements C o s t 600 GP

Craft Arms and Armor, create pit APG

Disemboweling Sickle P r i c e 57,506 GP

Slot none CL 11th Weight 2 lbs.

Aura moderate necromancy
The preferred tool of mummification specialists, this +2
wounding sickle is inlaid in copper and covered with hiero-
glyphic depictions of ritual preparation of the dead. When
used to perform a successful coup de grace, the wielder
and target are affected as death knell, though the wielder
frost. If planted in the ground in an area of very hot condi- may choose to gain a +2 enhancement bonus to any abil-
tions (above 90° F), it creates a 60-foot-radius emanation ity score (rather than Strength only).
of normal temperature, which can be designated by the Once per week, a disemboweling sickle can be used as
wielder as any temperature from 40 to 80° F. In areas of an additional focus for casting create undead, allowing
hot climate or when exposed to open flame, a desert moon the wielder to animate a corpse with the dread mummy
can produce water once per hour as create water. template (as described in the Advanced Bestiary from Green
Wielders capable of using the Channel Energy class Ronin Press), provided her caster level equals or exceeds
feature can choose to harm outsiders with the fire subtype the target creature’s Hit Dice in life. The newly created
or heal outsiders with the water subtype with their chan- dread mummy is not under the caster’s control, but the
neling, as though they have the Elemental Channel feat. caster gains a +4 profane bonus on Charisma checks and
The DC on saves to resist these types of channels increases Charisma-based skill checks with any dread mummy she
by 2. animates with the sickle’s aid.

Construction Requirements C o s t 6,570 GP Construction Requirements C o s t 28,906 GP

Craft Arms and Armor, Elemental Channel [water], Craft Arms and Armor, Command Undead, create
chill metal, create water undead, death knell

D u n e T r a p J av e l i n P r i c e 900 GP S c a r a b S c o u r g e P r i c e 10,461 GP

Slot none CL 5th Weight 2 lbs. Slot none CL 3rd Weight 2 lbs.
Aura minor conjuration Aura faint conjuration and necromancy

When thrown at a location of sand or dirt (ranged attack This braided leather thong is embedded with shards of
against AC 5) this +1 javelin creates a 10-foot-by-10-foot iron-hard iridescent chitin harvested from monstrous
desert beetles. Though this lash is only a few feet long,

it extends to the length of a normal whip when used to ring of 10 slots which lead into the shaft of the weapon.
attack, functioning as a +1 keen whip dagger, and once When the wielder inserts an arrow into a slot, the slot
per day when the wielder confirms a critical hit he can closes, the arrow is destroyed, and the lance gains one
summon a swarm of flesh-eating scarabs as a swift action charge. Loading an arrow is a move action, or a free action
to swarm over the target (DC 20 Reflex negates). The if the wielder has the Quick Draw feat.
swarm functions as an army ant swarm, as described in The wielder can expend charges in order to make
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary, but it fills only ranged attacks with the storm general’s lance, discharging
the target’s space and clings to the target, moving with a jolt of electricity as a ranged touch attack with a range
it. It does not harm other creatures unless they enter the of 60 feet. Each electrical jolt consumes one charge and
target’s space (including creatures grappling the target). deals 1d6+1 points of electricity damage on a hit. Ranged
The scarabs turn to dust even as they feast on the target’s combat feats such as Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and
flesh, causing the swarm to take 1d6 points of damage per Rapid Shot apply when making these attacks. Each time a
round. If the target is reduced to negative hit points while charge is expended, a slot opens to allow a new arrow to
the scarabs are clinging to him, the target must succeed be inserted.
on a DC 13 Fortitude save each round at the beginning of
Once per week, by slamming the butt of the lance into
its turn or be slain as death knell. The wielder of the scarab
scourge gains the benefits of the death knell if the target is the ground, the wielder can conjure forth a light chariot (as
slain by this effect. described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat),
emerging from the ground in a torrent of quickly dissipat-
Construction Requirements C o s t 5,381 GP ing sand. This chariot remains for 8 hours, during which it
Craft Magic Arms & Armor, death knell, summon swarm is pulled by two phantom steeds and manned by a phantom

Construction Requirements C o s t 16,310 GP

Scepter of Wadjet P r i c e 5,305 GP Craft Arms and Armor, lightning bolt, major creation,
phantom driverUC
Slot none CL 5th Weight 4 lbs.
Aura minor abjuration
Gifted to the children of pharaohs during their teenage
years, this +1 light mace ends in the shape of a two-headed
winged snake head. Consecrated to the goddess Wadjet,
protector and councilor to the pharaoh dynasties, this
scepter grants the wielder a +1 deflection bonus to AC
and a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws. When
held in both hands, the bonuses to AC and saving throws
provided by the scepter of Wadjet increase to +2.

Construction Requirements C o s t 2,805 GP

Craft Arms and Armor, shield of faith, resistance, cre-
ator must be a cleric of Wadjet

S to r m G e n e r a l ’ s L a n c e P r i c e 32,310 GP

Slot none CL 9th Weight 10 lbs.

Aura moderate conjuration
Crafted from the bones of a blue dragon, this +1 shock
lance is layered with rings of sharpened bronze overtop its
osseous form. Just past the grip of the lance is a concentric

R ings

N e c r o p o l i s A t t e n d a n t ’ s B a n d P r i c e 8,000 GP

Slot ring CL 5th Weight —

Aura faint necromancy
Gifted to those tasked with the unenvious job of main-
taining the myriad tombs of the dead, this silver ring is
detailed with scripture of the goddess of rest and repose.
The wearer can concentrate as a full-round action to detect is surrounded by a beatific halo for up to 1 hour, shedding
undead. While the band is worn, unintelligent undead light as a light spell and enabling her to gain a +10 sacred
perceive the wearer as not being a threat (similar to how bonus on a single Wisdom or Charisma check or Wisdom-
they would perceive other undead). As long as the wearer or Charisma-based skill check. Once this bonus is used,
does not engage in any hostile acts, they will be ignored the halo disappears and the signet of the Life Pharaoh cannot
by the undead. An undead creature commanded to attack use any of its healing abilities for one week.
the wearer ignores this protection.
Construction Requirements C o s t 22,600 GP
Construction Requirements C o s t 4,000 GP Forge Ring, breath of life, cure serious wounds, creator
Forge Ring, detect undead, halt undead must be 10th-level cleric (or equivalent) with the
Glory or Good domain

Signet of the L i f e P ha r a o h P r i c e 45,200 GP

R ods
Slot ring CL 10th Weight —
Aura moderate conjuration
Alignment Lawful Good Chief Engineer’s Rod P r i c e 37,000 GP

Senses 30 ft. CL 15th Weight 5 lbs.

Intelligence 14 Wisdom 14 Charisma 18 Ego 13 Aura moderate transmutation
Language telepathy (ancient Egyptian, Celestial) This stone rod is intricately carved with references of
This ring of protection +2 was formerly worn by a long- angles and weight tolerances. The chief engineer’s rod ends
deceased noble called the Life Pharaoh. The pharaoh was with a golden tip where several barbs emerge, allowing
slain in a bloody coup, but a sliver of his essence managed the rod to be wielded as a masterwork whip. Gifted to
to cheat death and endure within the ring. The pharaoh’s overseers in the process of constructing wonders, this rod
intellect seeks to protect wearers with high scruples and grants its wielder a +5 competence bonus of Knowledge
strong character. The wearer can invoke the aid of the ring (engineering) and Craft (stonemasonry) checks.
as a standard action, gaining the benefits of a cure light Once per day, the wielder can strike up to six targets
wounds three times per day, or a cure serious wounds once with the whip portion of the rod, granting those struck
per day on command. When you use this ability to heal a the benefits of ant haul for the following 5 hours. Finally,
good-aligned creature, that creature gains a +5 sacred bo- the wielder can use the rod to move unattended objects
nus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving by concentrating on them. This effect can move an object
throws for 1 round. weighing no more than 1,000 pounds up to 20 feet per
Once per week, the spirit of the Life Pharaoh can fore- round.
stall the death of the wearer. Anytime the wearer would Construction Requirements C o s t 18,500 GP
be killed by hit point damage, the ring bestows a breath of Craft Rod, ant haulAPG, telekinetic assemblyUC, telekinesis,
life upon her. If this prevents the wearer’s death, her head

T hy R od and S taff
E l e m e n t P ha r a o h ’ s C r o o k P r i c e 60,000 GP
The reigns of Element and Spirit Pharaoh were some of
CL 12th Weight 3 lbs. the most turbulent times of the ancient desert kingdom.
Aura moderate evocation Element Pharaoh fought against a series of raging natural
disasters, eventually crafting the element pharaoh’s crook
Shaped in the form of a miniature crook staff, this rod
as a sign of his dominance over nature. Spirit Pharaoh
shifts in color from white to brown to red to blue. The rod
endured an entirely different upheaval, as rebellion and
can be wielded as a +2 crook, and when striking an enemy
revolution tore across the empire. In time, the spirit pha-
the rod gains the corrosiveAPG, flaming, frost, or shock magic
raoh’s staff became a symbol of a re-unified people when
weapon properties (determine randomly for each success-
the tumult was ended.
ful attack).
Both items were lost with the passing of their respective
A creature with the ability to channel energy can medi-
Pharaoh—supposedly buried for all eternity with them.
tate upon the element pharaoh’s crook for 1 hour to gain the
The rod and staff presented here represent imitations
use of the Elemental Channel feat for any one elemental
of these powerful items, but many believe the originals
subtype (air, earth, fire, or water) for the next 24 hours. If
possess even greater power. Some desert explorers and
the wielder already possesses any one Elemental Channel
scholars speculate that were one to retrieve the original
feat, he can gains the use of all Elemental Channel feats
rod and staff, they would gain dominance over both the
for 24 hours. Similarly, a spellcasting creature can medi-
elements and spirits of the lands.
tate for 1 hour to gain the use of the Elemental SpellAPG
metamagic feat for the next 24 hours when preparing
or spontaneously casting spells. A wielder that already
has any one Elemental Spell feat gains the benefits of all save twice and take the lowest result. The staff allows use
Elemental Spell feats for 24 hours. The element pharaoh’s of the following spells.
crook must be wielded in order to cast an Elemental Spell
or use an Elemental Channel of a type the wielder cannot charm monster (1 charge)
normally use. dominate animal (1 charge)

Construction Requirements C o s t 30,000 GP dominate person (2 charges)

Craft Rod, Elemental Channel, Elemental SpellAPG, fire- control undead (3 charges)
ball, fly, spiked pitAPG, sleet storm
Construction Requirements C o s t 45,000 GP
Craft Staff, charm monster, control undead, dominate
animal, dominate undead

S taff
W ondrous I tems
S p i r i t P ha r a o h ’ s S ta f f P r i c e 90,000 GP

Slot none CL 13th Weight 5 lbs. Alabaster Icons of Bast P r i c e 24,000 gp

Aura strong enchantment Slot none CL 9th Weight —

This golden staff is inscribed with hieroglyphs depicting Aura faint enchantment and transmutation
the ascension of a pharaonic dynasty, particularly that of Alabaster icons of Bast come in a set of three hollow alabas-
Spirit Pharaoh during a period of long revolution. When ter sculptures, each intended to contain different portions
used as a focus for any mind-affecting enchantment spell, of a favored feline being mummified to accompany its
this staff increases the DC of that spell by 1. The staff can master into the afterlife. These squat figurines are roughly
also be used to deliver its spells via touch, with the wielder cylindrical, with lids carved into the shape of cat’s heads.
making a touch attack against the target. When a spell is The spirit of these cat companions lingers on and can
delivered as a touch attack, the recipient must roll their be called forth when these enchanted alabaster jars are

nearby to one another. All three alabaster icons of Bast must Amulet of Abhorrent Life P r i c e 25,000 GP
be within 30 feet of one another to call upon their powers,
Slot neck CL 12th Weight —
though they can be activated by different creatures.
Aura moderate necromancy and illusion
Guardian Cat: Once per day, the largest statuette can
call forth an invisible guardian spirit that functions as a This amulet is shaped to resemble the head of a falcon
mage’s faithful hound, though to creatures able to see invis- and is rendered in reflective brass. Most often crafted by
ible objects or creatures it takes the form of a large cat. cultists of the minor god Seker (sometimes referred to as
Alternatively, Sokar), the amulet of abhorrent life perverts the natural
order by giving undead a fictitious semblance of life.
Purring Cat: Once per day, the medium-sized cat can be
Undead and other wearers that are normally damaged by
commanded to emit a soothing purr that promotes restful
positive energy and healed by negative energy are instead
sleep and concentration for all allies of the creature that
healed by positive energy and damaged by negative en-
activated it. This functions as nap stackAPG, but in addition
ergy. Positive energy effects created by creatures with the
creatures that prepare spells can do so in only 10 minutes
1st-level granted power or minor blessing of the Repose
rather than one hour.
or Sun cleric domain or warpriest blessing ignore the ef-
Mewling Cat: Once per day, the smallest cat can be fects of the amulet of abhorrent life.
commanded to emit a warm and enchanting meow of
Undead wearing the amulet of abhorrent life also gain
such insufferable charm that one creature chosen by the
a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks made to
creature activating the mewling cat chooses is affected
impersonate a living creature. If worn by a living creature,
as reckless infatuationUM (DC 15), compelling the target to
the amulet imparts the wearer with an illusory look of
remain close to the tiny canopic cat. Alternatively, it can be
flaking flesh and rotted meat, granting a +5 circumstance
commanded to emit a piteous mewling wail that functions
bonus of Intimidate checks.
as miserable pityUM (DC 14), dissuading creatures from at-
tacking the creature holding it. Construction Requirements C o s t 12,500 GP
Craft Wondrous Item, death knell, fleshy façadeMC
In addition to the individual powers of the alabaster
icons of Bast, once per day they can be used together in a
ritual requiring one round to complete, summoning three
celestial, entropic, fiendish, or resolute leopards or cheetahs
Canopic Sentinel Jar P r i c e 10,000 GP
(all creatures must be of the same type), as if using summon
monster V. The alignment template applied to the sum- Slot none CL 11th Weight 7 lbs.
moned cats must match the alignment of the creature Aura moderate conjuration and transmutation
performing the ritual.
These clay jars are inscribed with sigils of life and fertility
If one of the alabaster icons of Bast is destroyed, the pow-
and are colored in vibrant faience greens and blues. Each
ers of the others cannot be used until it is repaired; how-
canopic sentinel jar can be bonded to a single creature in
ever, even if one alabaster jar is reduced to 0 hit points the
a ritual which takes 1 hour. During this ritual, one of the
magic item itself is not considered destroyed as long as at
four canopic organs (lungs, intestines, stomach, and liver)
least one jar remains intact.
is removed from the creature wishing to be bonded and
Construction Requirements C o s t 12,000 gp placed inside the jar. During the ritual, the creature is sus-
Craft Wondrous Item, mage’s faithful hound, miserable tained by the jar’s magic and suffers no ill effects from the
pityUM , nap stackAPG, reckless infatuationUM, summon organ’s removal. A creature can be bonded to up to four
monster V such jars, each jar containing one of the four organs.
When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a crea-
ture bonded to one or more jars, there is a chance that
the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is
instead rolled normally. The chance is 20% for each jar the
creature is bonded to. For each jar a creature is bonded to,
they reduce the amount of healing received by spells and
abilities by 2 (2 hit points for 1 jar, 4 hit points for 2 jars,

etc) to a minimum of 1 hit point of healing as each missing four segments, each of which can house a canopic jar. The
organ disrupts the flow of magical healing. chest can hold up to 700 pounds and has a volume limit
A canopic sentinel jar must remain within 200 feet of of 100 cubic feet. The contents of the chest are preserved
the creature it is bonded to. If it is moved beyond this so that they resist the passage of time and do not decay.
range, the organ inside is immediately transported back Recently deceased creature (or parts of creatures) placed
into the bonded creature. If the jar is opened manually (a within the chest gain the benefits of a gentle repose.
full-round action when in possession of it), the contained The true power of the canopic chest of eternal repose is
organ returns to the bonded creature. Smashing the jar when it is filled with canopic jars containing the four vital
(hardness 8, hp 20) also causes the interred organ to re- organs—the intestine, liver, lung, and stomach. The chest
turn. The jar can be placed in an extradimensional space, prevents the owner of the entombed organs from being
but doing so causes the organ to return to the bonded the target of any effect that would restore it to life or
creature. The magical effect causing the organ to return to unlife, while spells such as miracle or wish only reveal that
the previously bonded creature is quite disorienting, stag- the subject’s soul is still partially tethered on the mate-
gering them for 1d6 rounds. rial plane. Divinations attempting to locate the creature’s
remains or communicate with its spirit automatically fail,
Construction Requirements C o s t 5,000 GP
as do effects that would detect the magical aura of the
Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door, undead anatomy
chest or anything within it, though the chest itself can be
discovered if the nature of the deceased’s entombment is
discovered. The stone of the chest is infused with invis-
ible spiritual energies as strong as a wall of force. If this
Canopic Chest of Eternal Repose Price 80,000 GP wall of force is damaged, it regains 1 hit point per round; if
reduced to 0 hit points, the wall of force is destroyed.
Slot none CL 17th Weight 20 lbs.
Construction Requirements C o s t 40,000 GP
Aura strong necromancy Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, soul bind, wall of
Covered with a funerary shroud of the modern death force
goddess, the canopic chest of eternal repose is sectioned into

Carpet of D e s e rt F i r e P r i c e 88,000 GP miles of that point. Creatures can move freely into or out
of the gate. Keeping this portal open expends two addi-
Slot none CL 9th Weight 5 lbs.
tional charges per round after the first.
Aura moderate conjuration and evocation
Construction Requirements C o s t 44,000 GP
This woven mat of golden silk is 5 feet square and embroi-
Craft Wondrous Item, Elemental Spell , contact other
dered with patterns of flame in glittering orange and scar-
plane, elemental speechAPG, gate, resist elements, scry-
let. Crafted by ancient elementalists with a fetish for fire, a ing
carpet of desert fire also serves as a prayer mat for cultists of
fiery elemental entities and other devotees of the flame. A
carpet of desert fire contains 50 charges when created, and
as it is used the fiery patterns embroidered in it become Censer of the Aerial Emissary Price 3,800 GP
sooty and blackened. When its last charge is expended, it
crumbles to ash. Slot none CL 5th Weight 1 lb.

While sitting or kneeling on the carpet, the user gains Aura faint conjuration and transmutation
fire resistance 20 and can converse with any creature with The Pharaoh Kingdom has long alliances with air elemen-
the fire subtype as though they shared a language, and if tal clans, and this gilded incense burner is used to call
he uses a planar ally or planar binding spell to call a crea- upon their aid to carry messages or tokens. Once per day
ture with the fire subtype the maximum Hit Dice of the if a stick of incense is burned in the censer, taking 1 full
creature(s) he calls is increased by 2. round, the user can send a message borne on the wind
A spellcaster who prepares spells and worships a deity as a whispering wind spell. If the user burns 10 sticks of
that grants the Fire domain (even if the character is not a incense, taking 1 minute, she can instead summon a small
cleric or does not have that domain) can prepare spells as air elemental to carry an item or message to a specific
fire spells while kneeling on the carpet of desert fire as if he location or individual, similar to an animal messenger. This
had the Elemental SpellAPG feat by expending one charge elemental is more intelligent than an animal, however,
for each spell he prepares in this way. and can be given more complex instructions on the recipi-
ent of its message, though it speaks and understands only
A carpet of desert fire can expend a charge to enhance the
Auran. While carrying its message, it does not fight unless
power of creatures of flame. This creates a 20-foot-radius
attacked, and even then it prefers to flee if possible.
emanation that affects creatures with the fire subtype as a
desecrate spell affects undead, though it grants them a bo- If you give the elemental a gift, such as a strongly
nus on saves vs. cold rather than against positive energy. scented perfume or powder, worth at least 25 gp, you may
This emanation is stationary and ends immediately if the instruct it to serve the creature to whom it delivers the
carpet of desert fire is destroyed or removed from the area. message for up to 5 rounds, as if that creature had sum-
moned it with summon monster III.
The user of a carpet of desert fire can also use it to observe
or enter the Elemental Plane of Fire or make contact with Construction Requirements C o s t 1,900 GP
its denizens. By meditating upon the carpet for one hour, Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster III, whispering
the user can expend one charge to ask a question of a fire wind
elemental power as if using contact other plane or can scry
(DC 16) upon a creature on the Elemental Plane of Fire. If
the user wishes to ask additional questions beyond the
first or to continue scrying, he must expend one addition-
al charge for each round after the first. The user can also Faience Idols
expend one charge after meditating to send a message Price 15,500 GP (delta crocodile), 17,000 GP (desert frog),
to (and receive a reply from) a creature on the Elemental 30,000 GP (grand tortoise), 24,000 GP (raging hippopota-
Plane of Fire as if using sending. mus), 10,000 GP (soaring hawk) GP
Finally, the user can expend five charges to create a gate
Slot none CL varies Weight 5 lbs.
into the Elemental Plane of Fire. This gate is only 5 feet
across and cannot connect to a specific location on the Aura varies
Elemental Plane of Fire (though it can appear within 1d% Made of a blue-green ceramic, these idols stand a foot

tall on average and are sculpted in the image of wildlife dile moves on water—the summoned creature refuses
commonly associated with the lands of ancient desert to transport riders while on land. While transformed, the
empires. Similar to figurines of wondrous power these crocodile gains DR 3/adamantine. The crocodile idol can
precursor idols lack the ability to animate real life figures, be used once per week for 2 hours when summoned on
but instead change into similarly sized construct versions land, or three times per week for 6 hours when summoned
of the imitated creature. When an idol is tossed down and in water.
the correct command word spoken, it becomes a creature Moderate transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous
of normal size (except when noted otherwise). The sum- Item, animate objects.
moned creature retains the base statistics of the creature Desert Frog (CR 7): On command, this idol transforms
but counts as a construct, gaining all associated construct into a large toad with an affinity for the desert. This
traits. The creature obeys and serves its owner. Unless creature is treated as a glacier toad but replaces the cold
stated otherwise, the creature understands Common but subtype with fire and changes its immunities and vulnera-
does not speak. bilities appropriately. The toad’s aura of bitter cold ability
If a faience idol is broken or destroyed in its statuette turns into an aura of heat that deals fire damage instead of
form, it is forever ruined. All magic is lost, its power de- cold. In addition, the frog gains DR 5/adamantine. The frog
parted. If slain in animal form, the figurine simply reverts idol can be used every 3 days for no more than 8 continu-
to a statuette that can be used again at a later time. ous hours each day it is summoned.

Delta Crocodile (CR 3): This beautiful crocodile figu- Moderate transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous
rine’s back is covered in hieroglyphic script detailing the Item, animate objects.
paths of several prominent waterways. When animated, Grand Tortoise: Weighing 10 pounds instead of the
the idol takes on the form of a buoyant faience crocodile typical 5 pound idol weight, this imitation tortoise has a
with a sculpted seat on its back for a rider. The crocodile shell made of a lighter hued ceramic. When summoned,
can act as a mount for a single medium sized creature, this idol balloons into an immense tortoise (see Bestiary 4)
but can only be used in such a manner when the croco- composed of the same faience material. The turtle gains

DR 10/adamantine and when using its shell ability, it gains wielder of the mirror can command it to pour forth up to
fast healing 5. While it understands its owner, the tortoise 12 gallons of water per day, pouring forth at a rate of 1
cannot speak and only has an 80% chance of following gallon per round, while a second command word causes
received orders that require it to move or attack. When 2d4 plump figs or dates to appear in the mirror. The
it ignores an order, the tortoise retreats into its shell for wielder can reach into the mirror and take these fruits,
1d4 rounds. The tortoise idol can be used four times per eating or sharing them as goodberries..
month for up to 24 hours at a time. In addition, once per day the wielder can speak a third
Moderate transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous command word and present the oasis mirror toward a
Item, animate objects. Large or smaller creature within 10 feet. The target is
Raging Hippopotamus (CR 5): Posed with a comically drawn into an extradimensional pool of water within the
smiling face, this model hippopotamus is mid-stride. mirror (DC 14 Will negates). The target can close its eyes
When summoned, the owner must designate one creature or avert its gaze as if the oasis mirror were a gaze attack. A
or object within 70 feet to be the immediate recipient of creature trapped within the mirror is treated as if trapped
a charge attack from the hippo. The summoned hippo ig- within an aqueous orbAPG, though escaping from the mirror
nores all instructions from the owner and targets the item requires a successful Will save rather than a Reflex save. A
or target until it is destroyed, at which point it returns creature is ejected from the mirror after a successful save
to its idol form. While summoned, the hippo gains DR 5/ or after 6 rounds, whichever comes first.
adamantine, but cannot communicate with or receive
Construction Requirements C o s t 3,500 GP
commands from its owner. The hippopotamus idol can be
Craft Wondrous Item, aqueous orb, create water, good-
used once per week and lasts for 1 hour, or the more likely
result of its target being slain.
Moderate transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous
Item, animate objects.
Soaring Hawk (CR 1): On command, this idol transforms M a p C a rto u c h e P r i c e 4,000 GP
into a hawk or a hawk with the giant simple template.
When transformed, this idol gains DR 2/adamantine and Slot none CL 9th Weight—
communicates with its owner by telepathic means, in- Aura faint divination
forming them of all it sees and hears. The hawk idol can be
This small golden plaque is inscribed with tiny symbols
used once per day from sunrise to sunset, and cannot be
around its edges, but the center of the cartouche itself is
used in areas where the sun is not visible.
blank. Invented by treasure hunters and tomb robbers,
Moderate transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous once per day it can be placed next to any map, including
Item, animate objects. one drawn by its owner, to reveal something hidden in the
Construction Requirements area that is not shown on the map, such as a secret door,
Cost 7,750 GP (delta crocodile), 8,500 GP (desert hidden room, trap, or secret compartment inside a table,
frog), 15,000 GP (grand tortoise), 12,000 GP (rag- cabinet, throne, altar, or similar structure or object. A map
ing hippopotamus), 5,000 GP (soaring hawk) cartouche does not reveal creatures, but it can reveal hid-
Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, additional den hazards, such as green slime or yellow mold. The map
spells (see text) cartouche must be held next to the map for 1 full round to
reveal the hidden feature. If multiple hidden features are
present, the map cartouche reveals the nearest feature to
its current location. Perception and Disable Device checks
Oasis Mirror P r i c e 7,000 GP made with respect to the revealed hidden feature gain
Slot none CL 6th Weight — a +2 circumstance bonus, as do Armor Class and saving
throws if the hidden feature makes an attack roll or forces
Aura moderate conjuration
a saving throw.
This golden hand mirror is encircled in a frame of blue
faience. When moved, the surface of the mirror seems to Construction Requirements C o s t 2,000 GP
ripple like a glassy pool, though it becomes still once more Craft Wondrous Item, detect secret doors, find traps
when the mirror is stationary. With a command word, the

Papyrus of S u p p l i c at i o n P r i c e 3,000 GP non-instantaneous effects, if the papyrus of supplication is
destroyed prematurely, or if it is taken into an area that
Slot none CL 13th Weight 1/2 lb.
is not consecrated, desecrated, hallowed, or unhallowed to its
Aura strong evocation associated deity, any effects it creates are likewise ended
A papyrus of supplication is a specially prepared scroll upon immediately.
a spindle of rare wood, and is always illuminated on one
Construction Requirements C o s t 1,500 GP
side in elaborate hieroglyphics that call forth the blessings
Craft Wondrous Item, commune or miracle
of one of the core deities revered within the Pharaoh King-
dom, whether a major deity like Lamashtu or a minor deity
like Khepri or Wadjet. When unrolled, a character trained
in Linguistics and Profession (scribe) can use rare inks and Tomb Warden’s Stele P r i c e 5,500 GP
pigments (costing at least 100 gp) to inscribe a prayer or
request to that deity. With successful DC 23 Linguistics Slot none CL 5th Weight 30 lbs.
and Profession (scribe) checks, the request inscribed on Aura minor abjuration and divination
the papyrus of supplication is granted, subject to the restric-
This two-foot wide carved slab has a square indentation
tions below. If the writer does not worship the deity to
with perfectly weathered sandstone. When first discov-
whom the papyrus of supplication is consecrated, he takes a
ered, the face of the tomb warden’s stele is blank. Anyone
-5 penalty on skill checks to use it. A divine spellcaster that
who appropriately identifies the properties of the item
worships the same deity gains a +2 circumstance bonus
can chisel on a message of no more than 25 words. The
on skill checks to use a papyrus of supplication.
writer immediately becomes linked to the stele, gaining
The request made upon the papyrus of supplication must several benefits.
be one that is in keeping the nature, alignment, and areas
A creature linked to the tomb warden’s stele hears a men-
of interest of the deity in question. It can duplicate the
tal alarm (as per the alarm spell) any time someone comes
effect of a cleric/oracle spell of 6th level or lower, any
within 100 feet of the stele. As a standard action, the
divine spell of 5th level or lower, or any arcane spell of
linked creature can see from a vantage of 500 feet above
4th level or lower. It can undo the effects of harmful spells
the stele, rotating their viewpoint up to 360 degrees. The
as a limited wish, and it can produce other effects whose
creature perceives with its normal visual senses. All of
power level is in line with the above, as a limited wish. The
these abilities cease to function if the linked create travels
save DC of any spell created by a papyrus of supplication is
more than 50 miles away from the stele.
as for a 7th-level spell. A papyrus of supplication can also
create more mundane effects, such as protecting crops The stele remains linked to a creature until they die. If
from storms or floods, warding off plagues and drought, erase or make whole is cast upon the stele, the connection
ensuring (or preventing) healthy childbirth, or similar ef- is also broken and the item can be re-linked by inscribing a
fects. These effects last up to one year and affect an area new message on its surface.
inversely proportional to the power of the effect. A papyrus Construction Requirements C o s t 2,250 GP
of supplication that granted a +2 circumstance bonus on Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, eagle eyeAPG
one Craft, Knowledge, Perform, or Profession check might
affect an entire city, while one that spread a baneful curse
might affect only one family, one business, one temple of
a rival deity, or even a single creature. The precise limits
on what you can accomplish are subject to GM discretion,
but must be consonant with the nature, alignment, and
areas of influence of the associate deity.
Inscribing a papyrus of supplication takes 1 hour and
must be done in an area consecrated, desecrated, hallowed,
or unhallowed to its associated deity, or with the papyrus
spread on a permanent altar or shrine to that deity. When
the duration of the effect created by the papyrus of supplica-
tion ends, the papyrus crumbles to dust, powerless. For

A rtifacts points of positive energy per day, and each effect that
it absorbs adds to this total. Effects that affect multiple
creatures or an area, such as mass cure light wounds or chan-
F u n e r a ry P y r am i d (M i n o r A rt i fa c t ) nel energy, apply the amount of their positive energy only
once to the funerary pyramid, as though it were a single
Slot none CL 15th Weight 15 lbs. creature affected by it; positive energy from a single effect
Aura strong necromancy is not cumulative even if it absorbs that energy from mul-
This red clay is sometimes formed as a ziggurat or tiple creatures. Once the cone has absorbed 200 hit points
step pyramid and sometimes smooth-sided and clad in of positive energy, any positive energy above this total
polished limestone and capped with gold. Whatever its functions normally and its desecrate effect is weakened, as
form, it can be attuned to a specific site, typically a temple though it were no longer a permanent altar or shrine to
or crypt, and meditated over for 8 hours while funerary evil until the next day, when its absorbed positive energy
prayers are recited from the books of the dead. Once this dissipates and its powers return.
ritual is completed, a creature with the power to channel Destruction
negative energy can use the funerary pyramid to control If a funerary pyramid has absorbed 200 points of posi-
undead (as per the spell) with the following limitations. tive energy damage and its desecrate effect is suppressed,
In order to control undead, the user must be touching the as described above, it can be destroyed by forcing it to
funerary pyramid and the targeted undead must have been absorb 100 additional hit points of positive energy, at
created within the attuned site. There is no limit to the which point it explodes in a 10-ft radius burst dealing
number of undead the wielder can control while using 20d6 points of damage (DC 23 Reflex half), half of which is
this item, though each target is allowed a DC 23 Will save piercing damage and the other half sonic damage.
to resist a command. If the command involves a danger-
ous action or activity, undead that are not mindless can
attempt a new save each round at the end of their turn to
break free of the funerary pyramid’s control. An undead cre-
ated within the attuned site never attacks the a creature
touching the funerary pyramid, and this protection persists
for 15 minutes after the creature releases the funerary pyra-
mid, though this protection is ended if the creature attacks
any undead. The wearer must issue any commands in a
language spoken by the undead. In the case of mindless
undead, this language can be one the creature understood
while alive.
A funerary pyramid is deeply invested with negative
energy, radiating a permanent desecrate effect and being
treated as a permanent shrine or altar. This desecrate effect
cannot be countered or dispelled by consecrate without
first casting dispel evil and making a successful DC 26 caster
level check, which suppresses the desecrate effect for 1
round per level of the caster. A consecrate spell cast during
this time suppresses the funerary pyramid’s desecrate effect
for as long as the consecrate spell persists.
The funerary pyramid absorbs area effects that use posi-
tive energy, negating such effects completely, as well as
ranged positive energy effects that target creatures within
20 feet. It cannot absorb positive energy effects that are
delivered by touch, unless those effects are used to touch
it directly. The funerary pyramid can absorb up to 200 hit

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to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds,
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tive Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
terms of this agreement. Jason Bulmahn, Brian Cortijo, Adam Daigle, Mike Ferguson, Joshua J. Frost, James
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a Jacobs, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Lisa
notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms Stevens, James L. Sutter, and Greg A. Vaughan.
of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua
by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal Maclean,
Game Content distributed using this License. Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor,
acceptance of the terms of this License. and Greg A. Vaughan.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license Jason Bulmahn, Jesse Benner, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4. © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim
this License. Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,
Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork Shaw, and Russ Taylor.
Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and
NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Skip Williams.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, includ- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures. © 2013, Paizo Publishing,
ing as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, LLC; Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn; Design Team: Stephen Radney-MacFarland and
independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. Sean K Reynolds; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Ben Bruck, Jim Groves, Tim
You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Ryan Macklin,
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Tork Shaw, Russ Taylor, and Ray Vallese.
except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of
such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn; Designers: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain Bruck, Brian J. Cortijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb,
all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) © 2012, Paizo Publish-
which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. ing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J.
Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw,
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, Owen KC Stephens, Russ Taylor, and numerous RPG Superstar contributors.
modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any
version of this License. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn; Designers: Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.
copy of the Open Game Content You distribute. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game
Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission
from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
Game Material so affected.


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