Determination of Collector Chemicals

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Faculty of Technology
Masters Degree Program in Chemical Engineering

Tuomas Sihvonen

Determination of collector chemicals

from flotation process waters using capillary electrophoresis


Professor Heli Sirn

Ph.D. Jaakko Leppinen


M.Sc. (tech.) Annukka Aaltonen

Professor Heli Sirn
Ph.D. Jaakko Leppinen

Faculty of Technology
LUT Kemia
Tuomas Sihvonen
Determination of collector chemicals from flotation process waters using capillary electrophoresis
Masters thesis
58 pages, 27 figures, 17 tables and 11 appendices


Professor Heli Sirn

Ph.D. Jaakko Leppinen

Keywords: Capillary electrophoresis, flotation, xanthate, ditiophophinate, ditiophosphate

Froth flotation is a widely used process for separating valuable minerals from ore.
This process depends heavily on collector chemicals that bind the valuable minerals
to air bubbles, thus separating them from the gangue. Analyzing of these chemicals
from the process waters is needed for better understanding of the collector behavior in the process and for better process control. In the literature part of this work
different kinds of analysis methods for these compounds have been collected and
compared. In the experimental part two analytical separation methods using capillary electrophoresis were developed. These methods were able to detect sodium
diiosobutylditiophosphate (DTP) with detection limits of 2.7 mgL1 in pure water
and 6.7 mgL1 in process water; sodium diisobutyldithiophosphinate (DTPI) with
limits of 4.5 mgL1 and 6.7 mgL1 respectively; ethyl xanthate with limits of 0.025
mgL1 and 0.16 mgL1 and isobutyl xanthate with limits of 0.41 mgL1 and 0.62
mgL1 . In future these methods can be further optimized for collector decomposition studies as well as for on-line process analysis.

Teknillinen tiedekunta
LUT Kemia
Tuomas Sihvonen
Kokoojakemikaalien mritys vahdotusprosessivesit kapillaarielektroforeesilla
58 sivua, 27 kuvaa, 17 taulukkoa ja 11 liitett


Professor Heli Sirn

Ph.D. Jaakko Leppinen

Hakusanat: Kapillaarielektroforeesi, vaahdotus, ksantaatti, ditiofosfinaatti, ditiofosfaatti

Vaahdotusprosessia kytetn yleisesti erottamaan arvokkaita mineraaleja malmeista. Toimiakseen tehokkaasti prosessi tarvitsee kokoojakemikaaleja, joiden tehtvn
on sitoa halutut mineraalit ilmakupliin. Jotta niden kemikaalien kyttytymist
prosessissa voitaisiin ymmrt paremmin ja prosessin ohjausta tehostaa, pit kokoojia pysty analysoimaan prosessivesist. Tyn kirjallisuusosassa on koottu ja
vertailtu erilaisia kirjallisuudesta lytyneit analyysimenetelmi kokoojakemikaaleille. Kokeellisessaosassa on kehitetty kaksi kapillaarielektroforeesimenetelm niden kemikaalien tutkimiseen. Menetelmien toteamisrajat tutkituille kemikaaleille
olivat seuraavanlaiset: natrium diiosobutylditiofosfaattille (DTP) 2,7 mgL1 puhtaassa vedess ja 6,7 mgL1 prosessivedess; natrium diisobutyldithiofosfinaatille
(DTPI) vastaavasti 4,5 mgL1 ja 6,7 mgL1 ; etyyli ksantaatille 0,025 mgL1 ja 0,16
mgL1 ; ja isobutyyli ksantaatille 0,41 mgL1 ja 0,62 mgL1 . Nit menetelmi
voidaan tulevaisuudessa kehitt kokoojien hajoamistuotteiden analysointia varten
sek prosessien on-line mittauksiin.

Literature part

1 Introduction

2 Thiol collectors


Function in froth flotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chemical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Decomposition in acidic conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Decomposition in alkaline conditions . . . . . . . . . . . .


Decomposition on mineral surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Metal complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Analytical methods





UV/VIS spectrophotometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Voltammetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Xanthate ion-selective electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chromatographic methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

High performance liquid chromatography . . . . . . . . . . 17


Capillary electrophoresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

On-line analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Experimental part


4 Water samples



ICP-AES analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5 Capillary electrophoresis method



Instrumentation and reagents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


Electrolyte solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


Method development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38



Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


Measurements at a gold concentrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


Other remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


A Electropherograms of DTPI calibration in pure water

B Electropherograms of DTP calibration pure water

C Electropherograms of DTPI calibration in process water A


D Electropherograms of DTP calibration in process water A

E Electropherograms of DTPI calibration in process water B


F Electropherograms of DTP calibration in process water B


G Electropherograms of EX calibration in pure water


H Electropherograms of IBX calibration in pure water



Electropherograms of EX calibration in process water B

J Electropherograms of IBX calibration in process water B


K Electropherograms from the measurements at Vammala gold concentrator


Literature part


Froth flotation is a process for separating valuable minerals form ores. First the
ore is crushed and ground. Then the slurry is treated with flotation chemicals in a
conditioning stage. In the flotation stage air bubbles generated in a flotation machine
carry selected minerals to the top of the cell where they are collected for further
processing. Surface active collector chemicals have a central role in the flotation
process as they render the mineral particles hydrophobic. Particles having sufficient
hydrophophibicity will be attached to the air bubbles while hydrophilic particles
remain in the pulp [13]. This process can be used for many different kinds of ores,
but in this work the collectors used mainly for sulfide ores are studied.
The most commonly used collector chemicals in froth flotation of sulfide minerals
and gold are xanthates, dialkyl dithiophosphinates and dialkyl dithiophosphates,
often referred as thiol or sulfhydryl collectors. Many times these collectors are used
as mixtures to improve the process [36]. It has been noted in some studies that the
decomposition products from xanthates are detrimental to the flotation process, but
no mechanisms for this were given [1].
The purpose of this work was to develop an analytical separation method for determining organic collectors and their decomposition products from flotation process
waters. Main focus was in chromatographic methods, because with these techniques
it is possible to separate the collectors from the sample matrix and from one another
so to be able to qualify and to quantify all the different species of collectors present.
This is important because these kind of analysis methods can be used for the study
of flotation phenomena or for process control.
Previously thiol collectors such as xanthates have been studied by ultravioletvisible
(UV/VIS) spectrophotometry [7,8], titration [9] and fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectrometry [10]. Unfortunately these methods usually only give information on
the sum of of different collectors present in the sample. Chromatography can be
used to separate the different compounds especially in complex process solutions.
There are already some chromatographic methods used for determining thiol collectors. These are mainly different kinds of high performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) methods [1115]. In many of the methods the samples need derivatization
before analysis. This leads to complex mixtures to be analyzed. In this work cap-

illary electrophoresis (CE) was used. A few articles about the use of CE for these
compounds have already been published and they provided a starting point for this
work [16, 17].

Thiol collectors

Xanthates, dialkyl dithiophosphinates and dialkyl dithiophosphates are collectors

used in froth flotation of all kinds of sulfides. The first commercial patent to use
xanthates as collectors in froth flotation is from the year 1925 [18]. Since then
xanthates have been the most used group of collectors for sulfide minerals.
Table 1: Collectors used in this study
IUPAC and trivial name

Abbreviation Structure

CAS no.


Potassium ethyl xan-









Sodium O-isobutyl carbonodithioate, Sodium
isobutyl xanthate




Sodium o,o-diisobutyl


Dithiophosphates and dithiophosphinates are often called promoters in the literature. This is because they are usually used together with xanthates, not alone [5].
Information on collectors examined in this study is presented in Table 1.
While a lot of information about xanthates is available the same can not be said
about dithiophosphates and dithiophosphinates. So most of the discussion in the

thesis will be about xanthates and information about dithiophosphates and dithiophosphinates is given, when it is available.


Function in froth flotation

This section is meant to give a very general overview of the collector mineral interactions, to help the reader understand the function of the chemicals in the flotation
process. In addition some basic information on suggested adsorption mechanisms is
given, to showcase that the adsorption process can affect either pH or ionic strength
of the process water.
The main interaction mechanism of collectors on mineral surfaces is adsorption,
either chemisorption or physisorption, or combination of these two. In the flotation
process the purpose of collector chemicals is to attach the desired minerals to air
bubbles, so the minerals will float to the surface of the flotation cell. The collectors
thiol end adsorbs to a mineral surface while the carbon chain create the necessary
hydrophobicity for bubble-particle attachment. [2, 3, 19]
Waters can be circulated in the process, to save water and water purification costs.
In this kind of process some collectors, their complexes or decomposition species
can accumulate in the process to such a concentrations that have an effect on the
process. Also in a process where different minerals are floated in succession, the
minerals are exposed to collectors many times. Then the collectors decomposed on
the surfaces may affect the minerals floatability. [1, 20]
Valdivieso et al. have studied xanthate adsorption mechanism on pyrite [21]. The
study was performed by floating mineral samples in a laboratory scale flotation cell
and then assaying samples from the flotation pulp. Three different xanthates were
used. Assaying was done using UV/VIS spectrophotometry, surface area and electrokinetic studies. They compared the amount of Fe2+ ions in the solution to the
adsorption density of xanthates, and found a linear dependency between the two.
This lead them to conclude that xanthates adsorb to pyrite surface forming dixanthogen reducing Fe(OH)3 species on the surface to Fe2+ . The whole mechanism is
presented in Figure 1. Earlier also Leppinen came to the conclusion that xanthate
adsorbs on pyrite mainly by forming dixanthogen [22].

Figure 1: Xanthate adsorption mechanism on pyrite [21].


Chemical characteristics

Xanthates are produced through the (i) and (ii) reaction system, where alkali metal
hydroxide is dissolved to alcohol followed by an addition of carbon disulfide. [23]
ROH + NaOH RONa + H2 O




The used alcohol determines the length of the carbon chain at the end of the xanthate
Dialkyl dithiophosphate acid is produced through the following reaction,

P4 S10 + 8 ROH 4 R2 O2 PS2 H + 2 H2 S


where phosphorous pentasulphide (P4 S10 ) reacts with alcohol in an inert media.
This reaction produces H2 S, which is highly toxic. These acids react with alkali
forming the corresponding dialkyl dithiophosphate. Shorter chained xanthates and
dithiophosphates are more selective than long chained and are usually considered
as weaker collectors. Dithiophosphates are more selective than xanthates with the
same alkyl group. [19]



Information on decomposition is valuable to both the process and to analytics. In

processes it is important to know the concentrations of various collectors in the
slurry. In analysis it is important to know how long the samples stay representative and what species can be expected to be found in the samples. Based on his
kinetic studies Trudgett has come to the conclusion that samples containing xanthates should have a pH of 8 or above and should be stored in cold to maximize the
xanthate preservation [24].
There is information available on the decomposition xanthates such as kinetics at
different pH:s [25] and decomposition mechanisms [23]. However it is largely unknown, how the decomposition products affect the flotation process or nature. Unfortunately there is not much information available on dithiophosphates and dithiophosphinates.


Decomposition in acidic conditions

Decomposition kinetics for xanthates depend heavily on pH. Sun and Forsling have
studied the decomposition kinetics at pH 312 by UV-Visible spectroscopy. They
found that at pHs lower than 7 the degradation is the fastest, then at pH 78 xanthates are at their most stable point. After that degradation gets faster at pH 910
and again slows down after pH 10. They also give a reaction mechanism for the
degradation at pH 35 given in reactions (iv) and (v) [25]. Dialkyl dithiophosphates
are more stable in acidic conditions than xanthates as their respective dialkyl dithiophosphoric acids are more stable [23].
Iwasaki and Cooke have studied xanthate decomposition kinetics in acidic solutions
[26]. Their study was done by following the UV response at 301 nm. The study
covered pH ranges of 2.684.71 and 0.11.11. For the former range they suggested
the same mechanism as Sun and Forsling, given in equations (iv) and (v). They
made the assumption that the determining step was the decomposition of xanthic
acid (v) as the first reaction is ionic and thus very fast. From their measurements
they were able to calculate the following dissociation constant to xanthic acid K =
0.020 0.001.


2 +H )




Typically froth flotation processes of sulfide minerals are not operated at pHs below
5 and consequently the above decomposition products are not a priority in this work.
On the contrary oxidation reactions and their products are more interesting for this
study. It is known that these reactions need an oxidizing agent. The most common
oxidant in the processes is oxygen from air. Usually this oxidation takes place
catalyzed by the mineral surface.


Decomposition in alkaline conditions

Accordingly to Sun and Forsling [25] dixanthogens are formed at pH 612. The
most widely recognized model for dixanthogen formation is presented in the following reactions. First the xanthate oxidizes to dixanthogen (vi). The electrons
given off at this reaction are conducted by the mineral surface or other catalyst back
to the solution through the cathodic reduction of oxygen (vii). The overall reaction
is presented in equation (viii). [23, 27]


(ROCS2 )2 + 2 e
2 )


O2 + H2 O + 2 e

2 OH


(ROCS2 )2 + 2 OH
2 + 2 O2 + H2 O )




The above reaction mechanism is similar to the one suggested for pyrite by Valdivieso et al. [21], presented in Figure 1, except in their mechanism the cathodic
reduction of oxygen is replaced by the reduction of surface-ferric hydroxide species.
Tipman and Leja have studied the formation and decomposition of dixanthogen in
basic solutions [28]. Measurements were made by following UV absorption at 301
nm. They propose that in solutions of pH 710 xanthate decomposes according to
the following reaction,

2 + H2 O ROH + CS2 + OH


and that no dixanthogen is formed by oxidation by oxygen, when no catalyst is

present. In the presence of a oxidizing agent, it was found that the rate constant
of xanthate decomposition increased by 106 at pH 8. No dixanthogen was detected
during the decomposition, so it was concluded that the reaction followed equation
(ix). Dixanthogen was found to decompose in basic media following the next reaction,




where ROCS2 OH is a sulfenic acid, that is highly unstable and decomposes further.
Based on some other semiquantitative tests and knowledge of base strengths the
following order or dixanthogen reactivity with nucleophiles was proposed: HS >

CN > OH > SO2

3 > S2 O3 > EtX > SCN > I . [28]

The solubility of dixanthogen in water was measured in two ways. First by analyzing the dixanthogen in aqueous phase of a dixanthogen water system that was
agitated so that it was likely in equilibrium. Second way was to measure the turbidity when dixanthogen saturates a solution of xanthate that is titrated with KI3 . With
both methods the solubility at pH 2.88.4 was 1.25 0.05 105 mol/L. [28]
At pH 911 perxanthate is formed [25] and for it the following reaction has been
proposed [23].

2 + H2 O2 ROCS2 O + H2 O


Monothiocarbonate also needs a mineral surface, most likely a sulfide surface, to

form. The exact reaction mechanism seems to be unknown, but the next mechanism
has been given in [23].

Pb(X)2 + O2 Pb(MTC)2 + 2 S0


Pb(MTC)2 + 2 X Pb(X)2 + 2 MTC


Information on decomposition species of ethyl xanthate is presented in Table 2 and
it is very likely that other xanthates produce similar degradation products, as all the
degradation reactions seem to be only depended on the functional thiol group. Also
there seems to be very little difference in xanhtate decomposition kinetics between
xanthates of different alkyl groups [24].
Table 2: Decomposition products of ethyl xanthate [14].


Xanthate ion, EX



Dixanthogen, (EX)2



Ethyl perxanthate, EPX







Name, abbreviation


Ethyl monothiocarbonate,
Ethyl xanthyl thiosulfate,


Decomposition on mineral surfaces

Many of xanthate decomposition species form only in heterogeneous systems where

some mineral surface or oxidizing agent is present [23, 28]. These conditions are
obviously met in froth flotation. The phenomena happening on mineral surfaces are
very complex and it seems that there is not a clear picture of the reactions taking
place. Hao et al. have given a reaction scheme for the decomposition of ethyl
xanthate on mineral surfaces in Figure 2.
Vreugdenhil et al. have studied xanthate decomposition on mineral surfaces [29].
They analyzed the gas phase decomposition products of potassium ethyl xanthate
on variety of sulphide mineral surfaces. Analysis was done using a head space IR
method they had developed themselves. In their setup dry mineral sample treated


Figure 2: Ethyl xanthate decomposition scheme [14].

with xanthate is placed in the measurement cell and heated to release the gaseous
decomposition species, from which the IR spectrum was recorded.
For the formation of CS2 Vreugdenhil et al. [29] have postulated the following
mechanism (xiv), which is basically the reverse of the xanthate synthesize reaction (ii). For COS they have produced a mechanism (xv). In all of the mechanisms
M is either a metal atom in the mineral lattice or oxidized metal atom on the mineral





Isotope studies were made to find out the origin of CO2 so that the C1 of ethyl
xanthate was replaced with


C. As a result most of the CO2 was suspected to

have desorbed from the sample boat or mineral surface. Still there was some labeled CO2 present, the amount of which depended on the mineral in question and
the temperature. It was found that at 130 C on chalcocite sample 40% of carbon
dioxide released was labeled and in the same conditions galena and pyrite samples
produced only 13% of labeled CO2 . From these findings they proposed that CO2
was produced by the following mechanism. [29]





Metal complexes

Flotation process waters usually contain many different metals dissolved. These
metals are free to produce complexes with the collectors added to the process.
Xanthate can exist either as soluble (ionic) or insoluble complexes. The ionic com, where Mn+ is the
plexes can be either cationic M(X)(nm)+ or anionic M(X)(mn)
metal cation and X the xanthate ion. Ionic complexes are produced when xanthates and metal ions are non stoichiometric concentrations and after the solubility
of the complex MXn is exceeded. Xanthate has been found to form 1:1 complexes
at least with the following metals: Pb2+ , Cd2+ , Zn2+ , Ni2+ , Co2+ and Cu2+ . As for
the stoichiometric complexes, it can be seen from Table 3 that their solubilities are
quite low. [23]
Table 3: Solubilities of xanthate metal complexes in water, at 20 C [23].
Metal complex

Solubility, [mol/L]


9.0 104


6.3 105


5.5 105


3.3 105


7.6 108

Cu2 (EX)2

4.1 108

Readiness of xanthates to form complexes has also been used in analysis. Eggers
and Rssel [11] have used xanthates for analyzing metal ions through xanthate complexes. They found that some solvents caused the complexes to decompose rapidly.
Also Vregdenhil at al. have studied xanthate complex decomposition [20]. They
found that Fe(III) and Zn(II) complexes decompose fast, even at low temperatures,
producing CS2 and COS. Pb(II), Ni(II) and Cu(I) complexes were found to be more
stable and only decompose rapidly in higher temperatures.
Dithiophosphates have been found to produce complexes with Pb2+ , Hg2+ , Fe3+ ,
Ni2+ , As3+ , Cu2+ , Cd2+ and Bi3+ . These complexes dissolve to water much more than

equivalent xanthate metal complexes. Complexes of Mn2+ , Fe2+ , Co2+ , Zn2+ and
Ga3+ do not precipitate in aqueous solutions with diethyl dithiophosphate ion, but
some of these complexes can still be found form the solution. The Fe(III) complex
is unstable and forms a Fe(II) ion and bis-(O,O-dialkylthiophosphoryl)disulphide
(analogous to dixanthogen) molecule. [23]

Analytical methods

In this section methods for analyzing collectors from flotation process water are
reviewed. Thus far, many methods are used only to determine the bulk amount
of collectors present in the process waters, or to analyze the amounts of different
collectors present. Only one article was found in the literature in which a method
for analyzing xanthate decomposition species have been developed and tested on
process water samples [7].
There is a number of different methods for analyzing xanthates and other thiol collectors, which are discussed in this section. The objective is to give an overview on
what has been done and where these methods might be used. Table 4 can be used
for easy comparison between different types of analysis methods.


UV/VIS spectrophotometry

UV/VIS spectrophotometry is one of the most used analysis methods in chemistry

and UV/VIS detectors are widely used with liquid chromatography and capillary
electrophoresis [37]. This is why it is good to know the spectroscopic behavior of
the analytes. All thiol collectors have quite distinctive UV spectra by which they can
be identified. UV spectra of different collectors and also xanthate decomposition
species are given in Figure 3.
Jones and Woodcock have determined dixanthogens from flotation liquors [8]. Because dixanthogen has a low solubility to water, they propose to extract dixanthogen
to isooctane and then measure the UV absorbances at 241 nm and 286 nm. They
note that when different xanthates are used as a mixture also asymmetrical dixanthogens are formed and that the spectra for them might differ from symmetrical
ones used in calibration. In symmetrical dixanthogen two xanthates with the same
alkyl groups have connected together and in asymmetrical case the alkyl groups are




absorbing solids

All types of collec- removal of UV



isobutyl xanthates

lective elec-

and none


0.5 min





1.58 mg/L



[16, 17]

[14, 15, 24]

[1113, 30]



trum of the sample.

Fast but gives the sum spec-


electrodes for different col-

ple preparation.

[7, 8]

Fast and does not need sam- [3436]

many analytes in a sample.


Measurements are fast, but

compounds at a time.

Possible to analyze many

compounds at a time.

Possible to analyze many

time. Gives a sum result if

0.002 mg/L






tion generates more complex

compounds at a time. Deriva-

Possible to analyze many





0.20100 ng


Pros and cons


10 min

15 min

816 min


Detection Sensitivity

ethyl DTP, diphenyl adjustment

N2 purging, pH

by filtration

hexyl xanthates

Ethyl xanthate, di-

Removing solids

ethyl, isopropyl and


oxidation products. by filtration

Xanthates and their Removing solids

Xanthate se-



tion HPLC




Analysis time

to 1020 min


dixanthogen or to


Normal and


Sample prepara-

reverse phase

Analytes studied


Table 4: Comparison of the analysis methods found in literature.



(a) UV spectra of common collectors [15].

(b) UV spectra of decomposition

products of ethyl xanthate. In pH 8
11 at 25 C [14]

Figure 3: UV spectra of collectors and ethyl xanthate oxidation products in water.

One of the biggest problems for using UV/VIS spectrophotometry for analyzing
industrial samples is the interference from the matrix. Even when only xanthates
are present UV/VIS spectrophotometry only gives the sum absorbance of xanthates
with various chain lengths [7]. Still UV/VIS spectrophotometry is used for example
to check the purity of industrial grade collectors [15].



Leppinen and Vahtila have studied thiol collectors in waters by differential pulse
polarography [32]. With this method they wanted to analyze xanthates and dithiophosphates in the presence of sulphides, as they are usually present in flotation of
sulfide minerals. They studied ethyl xanthate diethyl dithiophosphate and diphenyl
dithiophosphate. The problem with this method is that in different concentrations of
analytes also different peaks are observed. Even in the concentration ranges where
only one peak is present the peak height or area might not be linearly dependent on
analyte concentration. All samples were purged with N2 prior to experiments. To
determine sulphides simultaneously to thiol collectors, they propose that first the
polarogram of sulphide is recorded in basic conditions and then the pH is adjusted
to 5.3 using acetic acid to remove the sulphides as H2 S. With this method sulphide

can be analyzed in the range of 1106 5104 M and that it can be determined simultaneously with ethyl xanthate or dithiophosphates. One thing to note about this
method is that xanthate decomposes rapidly in acidic condition, so some xanthate
will be lost during sulphide removal. Lastly, they compared the results from their
method to UV/VIS spectrophotometry and noted that while that gave more precise
measurements and lower deviations over the whole concentration range, polarography could give better results, if the samples have suspended solids, that absorb
Ivaska and Leppinen have analyzed ethyl xanthate from aqueous solution by cathodic stripping voltammetry [31]. They wanted to study adsorption of ethyl xanthate and diethyl dithiophosphate on Cu2 S-surface and for this they needed a method
with high sensitivity. The method was calibrated between 1 108 7 105 M
for ethyl xanthate and 1 107 1 105 M for diethyl dithiophosphate. The draw
back of this analysis method is that the peak shapes change with concentration. This
causes problems for calibration and also interpreting the voltamperograms can be
hard. Then again peak changes can give more information about the adsorption and
redox reactions happening on the mercury surface. The method was also tested on
samples from a flotation plant. No ethyl xanthate was found from flotation plant
process or effluent waters but they were able to find both ethyl xanthate and ethyl
dixanthogen from the flotation liquor. One reason for not finding any collectors in
the waters may be that the samples were taken from the plant and only assayed the
next day in the laboratory. The authors did not record the pH or temperature of the
samples, but they mentioned some problems in sampling from the slurry.
Zakharova and Zakharov have also developed a cathodic stripping voltammetry
method for determining xanthates [33]. While Ivaska and Leppinen used a mercury
drop as the working electrode, Zakharova and Zakharov used a silver electrode. Still
they observed similar peak changes as in [31]. Their method has a detection limit
of 1.8 105 M for ethyl xanthate.
Voltammetry seems to be a good tool at least when studying adsorption, because
peaks at different potentials can give ideas about the phenomena happening at the
mercury surface and this information can be applied to other surfaces. But when it
comes to studying of process waters or other more complex matrices, this method is
hardly the best. When used as a detector in some chromatographic method voltammetry could give some information about the reactions of analytes, to help identify some unknown species, and simultaneously help achieve low detection limits.
The use of chromatography would remove the problems of sample matrix having

species which overlap. This kind of detection has been used in study of xanthate
complexes [38]. Furthermore it is possible to detect very small amounts (106
109 M) with voltammetry [37] and this has been shown to work also in xanthate
analysis [31].


Xanthate ion-selective electrodes

Bugajski and Gamsjger have developed a xanthate ion specific electrode [34].
They note that their cell is easier to regenerate than silver metal based electrodes,
which can be easily poisoned by xanthate decomposition products. Their cell consists of an anode made by dipping a silver wire first to saturated silver amalgam
and then to finely ground silver xanthate. Cell was calibrated between 101 105
mol/L. The cell was tested against a titration method and results were found to be
quite similar.
Cabrera et al. have produced a PVC membrane based isopropyl xanthate ionselective electrode [35]. These kind of electrodes have a polymer disk that has a
liquid ion exchanger held in. This disk is fastened at the end of a tube housing
the internal reference electrode, there the polymer disk works as a membrane between the analyte solution and the reference solution [37]. Cabrera et al. used
two kinds of plasticizers to form the PVC membranes and in both cases they used
trioctylmethylammonium-isopropyl xanthate complex as the held in ion exchanger.
For both membranes the limits of detection were between 104 and 105 M. Calomel
electrode was used a reference electrode. They found that while the electrodes were
not much interfered by chloride, nitrate, carbonate or acetate; they were strongly interfered by isobutyl xanthate and they could not distinguish between isopropyl and
isobutyl xanthates. So it seems that this kind of electrode could be used in process
conditions as long as the process has only one kind of xanthate present.
A similar type of PVC membrane electrode was also used by Huang et al. in an
on-line application [36]. Their membrane had trioctyldodecylammonium-isobutyl
xanthate complex held in. Calibration were linear in the range of 101 106 M
for IBX. They tested the electrode in laboratory scale flotation cell and reported
no problems. Electrode was also compared to UV-spectroscopy and found that the
error in water samples was about 2 % and in flotation pulp samples about 5 %.
All of the errors seem to be so that UV method has detected less xanthate than the
electrode and the authors note that this could be because the UV samples needed
some filtering and were studied a few hours later while the electrode readings were

taken on-line.


Chromatographic methods

In comparison to the previous analytical methods, chromatography offers many advantages. The main advantage is to be able to analyze different collectors simultaneously. In addition analyzing from complex matrices is possible when the species
that would otherwise interfere are separated from the analytes. On the other hand,
chromatographic methods are not so straight forward as some other analysis methods and they require more expertise and work to optimize.


High performance liquid chromatography

Xanthates and other thiol collectors are ionic in most sample matrices and thus do
not retain well enough in the reverse-phase column. So to counter this, in most of
the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods described here, two
kinds of derivations have been done. One method has been to oxidize the xanthates
to corresponding dixanthogens and the other method is to create metal complexes
from xanthates. The derivation steps adds extra work to the analysis and can lead to
some more complex matrices. In more advanced methods ion pairing reagents are
used in the mobile phase to remove the need for derivation.
Regardless of the few drawbacks, at least in the older methods, HPLC is still one of
the most used and studied chromatographic method for analyzing xanthates. That
is why it is good to evaluate and compare some of the suggested methods. For
easy comparison, main points of the different methods have been compiled in Table
5. It should be noted that many authors have given absolute limits of detections,
which means the total amount of analyzed compound that has been injected to the
separation column. The concentration of the sample can then be calculated from the
volume of sample injected. Unfortunately, these injection volumes are not always
given in the papers discussed here.

Table 5: Comparison of HPLC methods found from literature

Studied compounds





Dibutyl dixanthogen



Butyl xanthate







com- As(III)ethylxanthate




com- Etyl xanthate Iso- 301 (A),

plexes (A) and propy





xanthate 240 (B)

Isobutyl xanthate



Etyl xanthate



Isopropy xanthate



Isobutyl xanthate



Amyl xanthate



Octyl xanthate



com- Ethyl xanthate




Etyl xanthate




Isopropy xanthate




Propyl xanthate




Sec-butyl xanthate




Isobutyl xanthate




Butyl xanthate




Octyl xanthate





One of the first HPLC methods for xanthates were created by Eckhardt et al. [30]. In
their method xanthates were derived to dixanthogens and separated in a reversedphase column using a gradient elution of water and methanol. All dixanthogens
eluate in less than 20 minutes. This method is able to separate and detect different xanthates as corresponding dixanthogens, but problems arise when dealing with
mixtures of xanthates. Then through the oxidation also asymmetrical dixanthogens
are produced. They found that asymmetrical species form even when dixanthogens
of different xanthates are formed separately and then mixed. The system of dixanthogens converge towards some kind of equilibrium point whether xanthate mixture
is oxidized or the already made dixanthogens are mixed.

Another derivation method for analyzing xanthates with HPLC is to create metal
complexes. This same method can also be used the other way around, so that xanthates are used for the analysis of metals. Eggers and Rssel have studied xanthate
complexes with HPLC and thin layer chromatography (TLC). They wanted to use
xanthates to form complexes with various metals and thus analyze those metals with
HPLC and TLC. They noted that some solvents such as methanol cause rapid decomposition of xanthate complexes during analysis. Xanthates of different alkyl
chain lengths were tested as the complex ligands and found that butylxanthate gave
good resolution while still eluting in a reasonable time of 10 minutes. However,
the authors did not try to separate different xanthates from each other using this
method. The complex method has the same problem as the dixanthogen method,
namely that when the complexes are created also asymmetrical species form. [11]
Zhou et al. have compared and optimized metal complex and dixanthogen methods
[13]. For the metal complex method they tried many different thiophilic metal ions,
but decided on the copper(I)-complex as it gave the best resolution and sensitivity.
They found that either method works equally well for analyzing xanthates with
detection limits, given for ethyl xanthate, of 3.1108 mol/L for the metal complex
method and 1.6 108 mol/L for the dixanthogen method. Analysis times for
both methods were under 10 minutes. Both methods were applied for flotation
solutions, in which they seemed to work well. Although some problems appear
when the dixanthogen method is applied to a flotation sample of copper sulfide ore
or a sample where copper has been used as a depressant. Then both dixanhogens
and copper complexes are formed in the same sample.
In another article Zhou et al. have developed a normal-phase HPLC method for analyzing xanthate mixtures as dixanthogens [12]. With this method they have achieved
better limit of detection and the peak insensitivities are not so much dependent on
the proportions of the mobile phase. Dixanthogens are more stable and soluble in
the n-hexane mobile phase. This method has shorter analysis time and it is more
sensitive than the reverse-phase methods. In this normal-phase method the less polar longer chained diaxanthogens eluate a lot quicker than in the reversed-phase
method. For this reason this method is better at least for xanthates with longer carbon chains. A detection limit of 0.41 ng was achieved for potassium ethyl xanthate.
Analysis times presented are under 10 minutes. Method was tested on real process waters and compared to the results gained from the previous reversed-phase
method. It was noted that both methods give similar results.
Barnes et al. have developed an HPLC method based on ion-pairing to study vari-

ous thiol collectors [15]. The collectors studied were mercaptanes, xanthates, dialkyl dithiophosphates, dialkyl dithiophosphinates, dialkyl dithiocarbamates and
thinocarbamates. To obtain an optimal separation they looked at the effects of
mobile phase, column support material, column lenght, flow rate and temperature.
From their comparison of tree different ion-pairing reagents, tetrabutylammonium
hydroxide (TBAOH), tetrapropylammonium hyhdorxide (TPAOH) and cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (CTMOH), they came to the conclusion that TBAOH works
best in either silica or polymer based columns. From column support materials the
silica one gave better selectivity and efficiency. The method was able to separate
xanthates of various chain lengths, up to amyl xanthate, from one another in 24
minutes. Analysis of dibutyl dithiophosphinates was achieved in about 14 minutes
and dibutyl dithiophosphate had first the analysis time of over 50 minutes, but after
some optimization it was lowered to 16 minutes. The calibration range for studied
thiol collectors were between 0.1100 mgL1 .
Ion-pairing can also be used for the study of xanthate oxidation products, as Hao
et al. have done [14]. Their method is able to separate and identify ethyl xanthate
EX and its decomposition species EPX , ETC and EXT given in Table 2. They
found that increasing the concentration of ion-pairing agent, tetrabutylammonium
ion (TBA+ ), also increased the retention factor. Still it was necessary to have TBA+
concentration at 5 mmol/L to achieve adequate separation. Phosphoric acid was
used as the pH modifier, mainly to neutralize the hydroxide from TBAOH. The
amount of phosphate had no other major effect on the method. Acetonitrile was
the organic modifier in the eluent. Increase in its concentration caused the retention
factors (k) to get very big. To keep the analysis times reasonable a low amount
was used. In the optimized method they used a gradient method for acetonitrile to
eluate EXT faster. Ethyl xanthate oxidation products could be analyzed in under
13 minutes with the method. The optimized method was then tested by analyzing
a flotation suspension of pentlandite. From those samples the method was able to
determine all the species it was optimized for.
In his masters thesis Mark Trudgett did a very comprehensive study on the analysis
of xanthate mixtures [24]. He made a comparison between suggested ion-pairing
based HPLC methods. He concluded that tetrabutylammonium (TBAB) was the
best ion-pairing reagent. With this method absolute detection limits of 0.080.42
ng were calculated for ethyl xanthate and amyl xanthate respectively, when detected
at 227 nm. Analysis time for studied xanthates was under 9 minutes, amyl xanthate
being the last to migrate. The optimized method was tested on mine tailings waters

and sludges. He noted that his method has the capacity to separate different oxidation products from xanthates, but no further analysis was done. He showed that his
method is able to separate some xanthate metal complexes from tailings sludges.
At the moment his method seems to be the most accessible and sensitive. It has the
advantages of no need for pretreatment of samples, other than the filtration of solid
In conclusion, it can be said about the HPLC methods that at the moment those
methods employing ion-interaction give the best results. These methods have even
been tested on some real samples from flotation plants. Although Trudgetts study
seems to be only one where samples from waters that circulate back to the plant
from tailings was studied. Some of the older methods, such as derivation to metal
complexes or to dixanthogens, can still be helpful when the analysis of either of
those compounds is needed. As for the study of only xanthates the derivation methods have no advantages over the ion-paring methods.


Capillary electrophoresis

Because capillary electrophoresis (CE) is not so well known method in everyday

laboratory work, some of the concepts will be presented here. The main focus will
be on capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), as it will be used in the experimental
part of this work. Other types of electrophoresis under the term CE are capillary gel
electrophoresis (CGE) and micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC); according to Kuhn capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) and capillary isotachophoresis (CITP) should not go under the term CE [40].
As in the HPLC methods the detection limits can be given either as absolute values
or as the concentrations present in the sample. Because in CE the injected amounts
of sample are usually in the nL range, the absolute values of detection are also very
low, in the pg range. This is why limits given this way do not give much information
about the applicability of the method, so detection limits given as the concentrations
of the analyte in the sample are preferred.
Capillary zone electrophoresis is a separation method based on the different electrophoretic movements of ions in a electric field. The separation occurs in a fused
silica capillary, which is filled with a background electrolyte, when a voltage of up
to 30 kV is applied between the capillary ends. The voltage is usually applied so
that the negative electrode is at the outlet and positive at the inlet. This is called
normal polarity and when the electrode potentials are switched it is called reversed

polarity. When the pH of the electrolyte is above 2 the silanol (SiO ) groups on
the capillary walls are ionized and thus negatively charged. Positive ions in the
electrolyte form a electrical double layer (Stern layer) on this negatively charged
surface. After the Stern layer a diffusion layer forms consisting mostly on the positive ions that do not have space in the double layer. When a direct current (dc)
high voltage is applied the positively-charged ions in the diffusion layer migrate
towards the negative electrode (cathode) and carry solvent molecules in the same
direction. This overall solvent movement is called electroosmotic flow (EOF). During a separation, uncharged (neutral) molecules move at the same velocity as the
electroosmotic flow (with very little separation). Positively charged ions (cations)
move faster and negatively charged ions (anions) move slower. [37, 4042]
Capillary electrophoresis equipment consists of high voltage power supply, that usually produces voltages between 30 kV; the capillary itself; electrolyte vials, which
house the capillary ends and electrodes; and a detector. Usually detection happens
through the capillary, from a spot where the polyimide housing the capillary has
been burned off to form a window [41]. A schematic drawing of the main components in a CE equipment can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Capillary electrophoresis instrumentation schematic [41].

Most used injection method in capillary electrophoresis is hydrodynamic injection,
in which the sample is introduced to the capillary by pressure. This can be done
by pressurizing the sample vial, by introducing a vacuum to the outlet vial or by
siphoning. Injection can also be done electrokinetically. In this injection method,
usually called field amplified sample injection (FASI), sample is introduced to the
capillary by applying a voltage between the capillary ends, while the capillary inlet

is in the sample vial. The analytes migrate to the capillary according to their electrophoretic mobilities aided or hindered by the EOF. If the EOF moves towards the
outlet, it can help pump sample in to the capillary, but if the EOF is moving to the
opposite direction, it can move the analytes away from the capillary. [40, 42]
In cases where the EOF removes the analytes from the capillary during FASI, pressure assisted field amplified sample injection (PA-FASI) can be used. In this method
a small pressure is applied to the inlet vial to stop the electroosmotic flow from
moving the analytes away from the capillary. The biggest problem with FASI and
PA-FASI is that they do not give uniform injection of the sample. This causes complication for example in calibration, as the molecules with higher elecrophoretic
mobilities migrate more rapidly to the capillary. In addition, the difference in ionic
strength between the sample and the buffer in the capillary has an effect on the migration to the capillary. This quality can also be used as an advantage, if ions of
only certain charge are needed to analyze. [37, 4042]
To overcome the problems of FASI and PA-FASI a stacking method can be used.
First in stacking some amount of sample is injected to the capillary hydrodynamically, to get larger amounts of the analytes to the capillary. Sample can be injected
up to two-thirds of the total column length. After that a opposite polarity of what
would be used in the separation normally is applied. This causes the electro-osmotic
flow to move towards the inlet while the analytes try to migrate towards the outlet.
The EOF pushes the sample matrix out of the capillary, while the analytes stay at the
sample matrix buffer interface. If the voltage is picked so that the electro-osmosis
does not take the analytes with it to the inlet vial, then they will stack accordingly
to their electrophoretic mobilities. After stacking normal separation voltage is applied. Because the sample is introduced to the capillary by pressure it represents the
sample better. [37, 42]
Hissner et al. have used capillary electrophoresis to study the tailings waters from
a former tin mine [17]. They developed the method for styrene phosphonate, etyl
xanthate, isopropyl xanthate and hexyl xanthate. They evaluated three different
sample injection modes and their effect on detection limits. These injection methods were hydrodynamic, pressure assisted field amplified and stacking. From these
injection modes stacking was found to have the best sensitivity. PA-FASI gave better results than the hydrodynamic injection especially to species that have a high
electrophoretic mobility as they migrate faster to the capillary. Because of the difficulties in calibration and in the automation, PA-FASI method was not validated
further. Hydrodynamic injection gave a detection limit of 200 ppb and for stacking

the limit was 20 ppb to ethyl xanthate. Analysis time for the compounds was under 15 minutes. The optimized method was tested on samples from a tailings bond
outlet, which lead to a river. From the water samples they were able to find styrene
phosphate, but xanthates were not used at the plant for a couple of years, so any
traces of them were not found.
Malik and Faubel, studied ethyl xanthate and dithiocarbamates [16]. Samples were
injected in the capillary by vacuum, so that the injection volume was 13.1 nL. They
compared borate, phosphate and acetate buffers, which had pHs 9.0, 7.0 and 4.5,
respectively. These buffers were studied in the concentration range of 1.550 mM.
At buffer pHs below 7.0 no peaks were observed, so borate was chosen as the buffer.
Concentration of 20 mM was chosen for the buffer, because at concentrations above
25 nM the separation times grew too large. With the optimized method the analysis
time was under 12 minutes. Separation voltage was +25 kV. For the injection volume of 13.1 nL, the detection limit for ethyl xanthate was 3.7 pg or 0.28 ppm. This
is about one order of magnitude larger than in Hissners method, although here the
injection volumes are much smaller.
Capillary electrophoresis has also been used to analyze dialkyl dithiophosphates
[43]. Although this method was developed for the study of lubricant additives and
thus is nonaqueous and can not be used in the flotation samples as such, it may still
offer some help in the analysis of dithiophosphates.
From the CE-methods Hisner et al. have reported the lowest detection limits for
xanthates, which are around the same amounts as Trudgett has reported for his


On-line analysis

It has been proven through kinetic studies that xanthates stay intact in samples even
for long periods of time, if the pH is eight or above [24]. So it would seem that
the samples could just be analyzed at a laboratory. For process control analyses
done in a laboratory take usually too much time. The collectors can also continue
to react with the ions or solids in the process sample, while the sample is taken to
the laboratory. So the only way to really know which species are present and might
affect the process, is to use on-line analytics. On-line analytics used at concentrator
plants are usually only pH and temperature measurements, in addition also particle
sizes and inorganic elements are analyzed on-line. Normally collectors end up in
the concentrate with the valuable minerals, if they are found in the waters that have

gone past the process, they are most likely being over dosed to the process.

Stn et al. have studied how pH and the concentrations of Ca2+ , CO2
3 and HCO3

ions change in the Siilinjrvi apatite flotation plant [44]. The study was done with
a process titrator with sampling from water circulated back from the tailings bond
and from the thickener overflow. They have showed that there is variation in pH,
from around 8.9 during the winter to about 9.8 during the summer. They suggest
that this variation is from biological activity brought on by the increasing sunlight
during the summer.
In a paper by Luukkanen et al. the same research group has studied the process
waters of a different concentration plant [9]. They used the same process titration
equipment as before, but this time they studied the concentrations of Ca2+ , Mg2+ ,
4 and xanthate. When titrating xanthate from the pyrite circuit tailings waters,
they noticed some species that were titrated ahead of xanthate. These species were
believed to be some kind of xanthate degradation products. Unfortunately, the titration equipment was not capable of separating and identifying what products were
present. The concentrations of xanthate in the tailings from copper circuit was found
to be lower than in the pyrite tailings. The amounts of xanthate found in tailings was
compared to the amounts added to the process and they seem to vary in a similar
fashion. Ion chromatography was selected for a reference method for the xantahate
titrations. An additional peak was observed also in the chromatograms and it was
thought to belong to the same degradation product that was seen on the titration
curves. No attempt was made to identify this compound.
Hao et al. have developed an UV spectrophotometry based system for monitoring
the xanthate concentrations in flotation pulps [7]. Their aim was to develop a faster
way for monitoring xanthate concentration during flotation experiments in the laboratory. Samples were taken from the flotation cell by a filter fitted in the cell.
Filtrate was then pumped to a UV spectrometer, where a signal was recorded at 301
nm. From there the sample was returned back to the flotation cell. The UV spectrophotometric measurements gave linear calibrations within the range of xanthate
concentrations used in flotation. There are some components that might interfere
the UV detection of xanthates. In this study they were not a problem, but this should
be taken into consideration when applying the method on industrial scale.
It can be seen in the studies published on on-line analytics of flotation processes
that there is not a robust method that could give deeper knowledge about xanthates
and their degratation products in the process waters to the operators or to the scientists studying the phenomena happening at these plants. The currently used on-line

methods give only information about the total amounts of collectors in the process
waters or in the laboratory flotation experiments. More information about the reactions happening in the process could be gained by using chromatographic methods
on-line as with them it is possible to detect also the side products of these reactions.

Experimental part

Water samples

Knowledge of the inorganic content of the samples is needed for the development
of the capillary electrophoresis method, because the ionic strength of the sample
also affects the analysis. Similarly ionic organic species affect the analysis, but in
the case of flotation process waters, their concentrations should be much smaller
than that of inorganic ions. Preparation of artificial samples is made by using this
information. However, in this work it was chosen to use the process samples themselves as the sample matrix. The main advantage of this approach is that the sample
matrix is basically the same that would be found when doing the measurements at
the concentrator. This helps to produce a method that would work robustly enough
for the process samples.
Two process water samples from Vammala gold concentrator were analyzed and
used in the method development. The water samples were from two different circulation from the plant. One from the thickener overflow which is circulated back to
the beginning of the process (process water A). The other sample is from the water
circulated back from the tailings pond (process water B). These sampling points can
be seen in the flowchart of the plant in Figure 23. Both samples were stored in a
freezer and melted when needed.
The sample from the thickener overflow has some particles that can be seen with
naked eye. The water sample from the tailings bond did not have visible particles but
a slight brownish coloration. Both samples were filtered through a 45 m syringe
filter. Even though the tailings water seemed to be free of particles it fouled the
filter much faster. After filtration both samples were clear colorless liquids. The
filtered samples were stored in a refrigerator in closed containers and let to warm to
room temperature before use.



ICP-AES analysis

Filtered water samples from a concentrating plant were assayed for inorganic content with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).
Study was done using a Iris intrepid II XDL (Thermo Electron Corporation) ICPAES equipment with ASX-520 Autosampler (Cetac). Calibration samples were
prepared using ICP standards from Romil. A multi standard was used for the following metals Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, V and Zn. A
separate calibration mixture was made for Na and S. From both mixtures a calibration series of 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 mgL1 were made. For iron the
detection limit was raised to 1 mgL1 as the smaller concentration calibration points
did not fall to the calibration curve. All standards and samples were made in 6 %
nitric acid. Both water samples were diluted to 1:10 and 1:100 and also analyzed
undiluted. The results of ICP-AES analysis are presented in Table 6. Knowledge of
the inorganic metal cations in the sample solutions gives information on what kind
of complexes could be found during CE analysis.
Table 6: Results from ICP-AES analysis of two different process waters form the
Vammala concentrator plant.

Detection wavelength

Thickener overflow, Tailings water,











< 0.01




< 0.01

< 0.01



< 0.01

< 0.01



























< 0.01

< 0.01














It can be seen from Table 6 that there is very little or no difference between the inorganic content of the two water samples. Still everyday practice at the concentration
plant and some laboratory flotation experiments have shown that there is a difference on how these waters work in the flotation process. ICP-AES analysis does not
give the species in which these metals occur. Still it seems likely that the differences
in flotation performance are the result of organic species in the process waters. From
the organics the collectors chemicals, their complexes and degradation products are
the most interesting.

Capillary electrophoresis method

The aim of this thesis was the developing of a capillary electrophoresis method for
the analysis of collector chemicals from flotation process waters. As described in
the literature part of this work the analysis of xanthates using CE has already been
studied. The methods developed in this work differ from the ones found in the
literature. Firstly, both of those methods use buffers based on sodium tetraborate,
while in this work CAPS was used as the buffer. In Malik and Faubels work the
sample matrix was also totally different. They used their method to study fertilizers
from wheat grains [16]. Hissner et al. on the other hand did use their method to
study tailings waters from a tin mine [17]. They reported no interference from the
sample matrix and were able to quantify sturene phosphate from the tailings waters.
The authors did not give other information about the water samples so for example
the salt content of the sample matrix is unknown.


Instrumentation and reagents

All dilutions were made in a low conductivity water purified by Elga Centra-R
60/120. In this work this water is called pure water. For method development
industrial grade collector reagents were used. Names and information given by the
suppliers is in Table 7.

Table 7: Reagents used in the method development.

Product name



Potassium ethyl xanthate


85 %


Sodium isobutyl xanthate


82 %


50 % (water)


5052 % (water)


Sodium diisobutyldithio- Danafloat 245

Sodium diisobutyldithio- Aerophine 3418A

From these reagents both xanthates were in the form of solids while Aerophine and
Danafloat were in about 50 % water solutions. Xanthates dissolved to water easily
and no visible impurities were seen. Aerophine was a clear slightly viscose liquid
with no visible impurities and a strong smell. Danafloat was a brownish liquid with
some fine dark particles.
When diluted Aerophine formed a white cloudy liquid and when left to mix on a
magnetic stirrer the cloudiness disappeared as the small white particles aggregated
to bigger ones. This liquid was filtered and continued dilutions from the filtered
sample did not form particles anymore. There were no problems in the dilutions of
Danafloat, but it was also filtered to get rid of the impurities which could be seen.


Electrolyte solution

The electrolyte solution, background electrolyte or buffer solution as it is sometimes

called, is an important part of the CE-method. In the methods the background
electrolyte used was a 60 mM CAPS (3-(cyclohexylamino)propane-1-sulfonic acid)
and 40 mM NaOH solution. The pH of the electrolyte was measured using Orion
model 410A pH meter with VWR pH electrode to be 10.7.
CAPS is a zwitterionic compound with a pKa of 10.4 [45]. Zwitterions are compounds that can have simultaneously a negative and a positive charge in its structure.
For example amino acids are zwitterionic. CAPS has a sulfonic acid group in it and
also a secondary amine group as can be seen in Figure 5. When pH is over the pKa
CAPS is mostly negatively charged as the sulfonic group dissociates. Information
on the chemicals used in the buffer solution is presented in Table 8.


Figure 5: Molecular structure of 3-(cyclohexylamino)propane-1-sulfonic acid

Table 8: Chemicals used in the electrolyte solution.




98% Sigma-Aldrich

Sodium hydroxide 99% Merk



The method was developed on a Beckman Coulter P/ACE MDQ capillary electrophoresis system with a diode array detection. Capillary used was a Polymicro
Technologies fused silica capillary with inner diameter of 49 m, total length of
60 cm and 50 cm length to detector. The schematic diagram of a typical CEinstrumentation can be seen in Figure 4.


Method development

During method development mostly different injections were tried. First case was
to use pressure injection. Pressure injection gives the most uniform representation
of the sample as all types of analytes have a similar driving force for migrating to
the capillary. For this method different injection pressures and times were tested. It
was noticed that with higher injection pressures and times the migration time of the
analytes starts decreasing hindering separation. To counter this longer voltage ramp
up times were tested in the separation step. Longer ramp up should help the sample
plug to mix with the running buffer and so help the separation [46]. But in this case
no efficient enhancement in separation was noticed with increasing ramp up times.
The optimized method is presented in Table 9. This method is able to detect DTP
and DTPI in the concentration range of about 5 10,000 mgL1 . This is already

quite good result at least considering that the method works also with samples prepared using the process waters described earlier. However, this method can be further optimized to be more sensitive with lover LODs, especially for xanthates for
which detection limits were not determined using this method. This method is able
to separate all of the analytes in under 20 minutes.
Table 9: Parameters of method 1
Instrument parameters

Background electrolyte


50/60 cm


60 mM


20 kV


40 mM

Injection pressure

1 psi



Injection time



20 C


214, 225 and 301 nm

Some of the seemingly low sensitivity can be attributed to the fact that the inner
diameter of the capillary is just 49 m. Detection is made through the capillary;
in in-line mode. The i.d. of the capillary is then the path lenght of the light in the
sample. The injected sample volume is only 10.55 nL. Therefore, the ammounts
of analytes in the capillary are very low. These two factors cause low absorbance
resulting in low sensitivity.
The sensitivity can be increased by using a capillary with larger inner diameter,
injecting more sample or using a different detection method. From these options
increasing the injection was the most applicable as it does not need any modification to the instrument and larger capillaries were not available. But as mentioned
earlier, just increasing the amount injected by pressure does not work. This is why
electrokinetic injections modes were tested.
To get lower detection limits than in method 1 a field amplified sample injection
(FASI) method was tried. In the method all of the the collertors are anions. Therefore sample injection was done with reverce polarity. In that case the inlet electrode
is the cathode and the outlet is the anode. This way negative ions are more likely
to migrate to the capillary. After the injection the separation voltage of 20 kV was
applied. Other instrument parameters and buffer composition was the same as in
method 1.
Different injection voltages and times were tested. Even with rising voltages and
injection times the analyte peaks did not seem to grow. The reversed polarity also
reverses the flow of the EOF and it seems the EOF carries some of the analytes

away from the capillary. Even though the negative species want to migrate to the
capillary the EOF is stronger and only a little amount of the analytes stay in the
capillary during injection. Figure 6 shows that this method gives quite poor peaks
in for a sample in the concentration of 100 mgL1 .

Figure 6: Electropherogram of isobityl xanthate in the concentration of 100 mg/L

in water, using FASI method. Detection 301 nm.

A small pressure was applied to the inlet vial to resolve the problem of EOF carrying the analytes away from the capillary during electrokinetic injection. This kind
of injection is called pressure assisted field amplified sample injection (PA-FASI).
With this method a few different injection voltages, times and pressures were tested.
In the end the parameters presented in Table 10 gave satisfactory results.
Table 10: Parameters of method 2
Instrument parameters

Background electrolyte


50/60 cm


60 mM


20 kV


40 mM

Injection voltage

-10 kV



Injection pressure

2 psi


20 C

Injection time

60 s


214, 225 and 301 nm

The results of PA-FASI method can be seen in Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10. These figures
show that applying pressure during electrokinetic injection improves the results.

Even when the injection time is as high as one minute the sample peaks still separate. This is quite good result, if compared to the purely pressure injected samples,
where increasing the injection time or pressure resulted in none of the analytes separating. For this method injection was varied by changing the injection time. Figure
11 illustrates a series of electropherograms with different injection times. The sample used was 0.1 mgL1 IBX and from the series it can be seen that even with a
injection time of 5 min only a badly shaped peak forms.

Figure 7: Electropherogram of ethyl xanthate in the concentration of 10 mg/L in

water, using method 2. Detection 301 nm.


Figure 8: Electropherogram of isobutyl xanthate in the concentration of 10 mg/L in

water, using method 2. Detection 301 nm.

Figure 9: Electropherogram of ethyl xanthate and isobutyl xanthate in the concentration of 5 mg/L in water, using method 2. Detection 301 nm.


Figure 10: Electropherogram of sodium diisobutyldithiophosphate, sodium diisobutyldithiophosphinate, isobutyl xanthate and ethyl xanthate, using method 2. DTP
and DTPI in the concentration of 10 mg/L; and both xanthates in the concentration
of 1 mg/L in water. Detection at 214nm.

Use of this method was also tested with samples dissolved in process water. Results
are shown in Figures 12, 13 and 14. It can be seen that the peaks are smaller than
in the pure water samples and also some unknown peaks appear. These unknown
peaks were also observed during the calibration of this method and can be seen
clearer in Figure 19. Figure 15 indicates that DTP and DTPI do not separate in
the process water samples using this method even though they did separate in pure


Figure 11: Electropherogram of isobutyl xanthate in the concentration of 0.1 mg/L

in pure water, with various injection times. From top the injection times were 0.5
min, 1 min, 2 min and 5 min, otherwise the same parameters as in method 2. Detection 301 nm.

Figure 12: Electropherogram of ethyl xanthate sample in concentration of 10 mg/L

in process water, using method 2. Detection 301 nm.


Figure 13: Electropherogram of isobutyl xanthate sample in concentration of 10

mg/L in process water, using method 2. Detection 301 nm.

Figure 14: Electropherogram of sodium diisobutyldithiophosphate, sodium diisobutyldithiophosphinate, isobutyl xanthate and ethyl xanthate, using method 2. DTP
and DTPI in the concentration of 10 mg/L; and both xanthates in the concentration
of 1 mg/L in process water. Detection 301 nm.


Figure 15: Electropherogram of DTP and DTPI sample in concentration of 10 mg/L

in process water, using method 2. Detection 214 nm.



In capillary electrophoresis mobility of the separated compounds are used for calculation of the analytical separation efficiency of the method. The apparent mobility
(app ) or sometimes total mobility of a analyte can be calculated from the following
app =

Lt Ld


where Lt is the total capillary length, Ld is the capillary length to detector, t is the
migration time and U is the voltage applied between capillary ends. With the same
equation (1) we can calculate the electro-osmotic mobility (eof ) just by replacing
the migration time with the time of the EOF peak.
Now we can calculate the electrophoretic mobilities (ep ) for analytes using the next
app = ep + eof


Resolution (Rs ) describes the separation between two analytes. It can be calculated
directly from the electropherogram by the following equation

Rs =

2(ti tj )
wb,i + wb,j


where wb is the peak width at the baseline of a Gaussian peak and t is the migration
time of the analytes i and j.
Quantification of the compounds was made by external standard method. Reference
standard chemicals were used at specific concentrations for eight (method 1) and
for six (method 2) level calibrations. The analysis results were used for fitting
the parameters of a straight line y = b + mx, where y is the peak area in the
electropherogram and x is the concentration of the reference compound.



Calibration for Aerophine and Danafloat was done using the method 1 described
earlier. Calibration samples were done by serial dilutions in the concentrations
of 4.57, 13.7, 41.2, 123.5, 370.4, 1,110.0, 3,330.0 and 10,000 mgL1 . To make
sure the method would work in process conditions the calibrations were done using
three different matrices. First calibration was simply done using the pure water
from laboratory and two sequential calibrations were done using the process water
samples analyzed previously with ICP-AES. By using the process water samples to
dilute the analytes it is possible to get very close to the same ionic strength as in the
process. All calibration samples were analyzed three times and the results were used
to fit the calibration curves. The limits of detections (LOD) for the analytes were
defined with signal to noise ratio 3 (S/N = 3) and for the limits of quantification
(LOQ) a ratio of S/N = 10 was used. These ratios were calculated by comparing
the peak heights to the height of the baseline variation.
As mentioned earlier in Table 7, the reagents were not pure and the exact concentration of the chemical used for the calibration is not known. This means that all
of the measurements have more error than is otherwise calculated. One more thing
to notice is that for both Danafloat and Aerophine the peak shapes were not good
anymore at the concentration of 10,000 mgL1 . The calibration was anyhow done
to that concentration, as the peak areas still fitted the calibration curve quite well
(seen Figure 16) and removing these data points did not improve the coefficient of
determination noticeably.



x 10

Measured data
Calibration curve

Peak area, AUmin

Peak area, AUmin

Measured data
Calibration curve





x 10







Concentration, mgL1





Concentration, mgL1

(a) Calibration curve of Aerophine in pure wa-

(b) Calibration curve of Danafloat in pure wa-




x 10

Measured data
Calibration curve

x 10

Measured data
Calibration curve


Peak area, AUmin

Peak area, AUmin











Concentration, mgL1





Concentration, mgL1

(c) Calibration curve of Aerophine in process

(d) Calibration curve of Danafloat in process

water A

water A


x 10

Measured data
Calibration curve

x 10

Measured data
Calibration curve


Peak area, AUmin

Peak area, AUmin










Concentration, mgL1






Concentration, mgL1

(e) Calibration curve of Aerophine in process

(f) Calibration curve of Danafloat in process

water B

water B

Figure 16: Calibration curves of Aerophine and Danafloat on three different matrices.

Results of Aerophine calibration are presented in Table 11. It can be seen that the
LODs and LOQs are worse in the process waters and that electrophoretic mobilities
also change a little. Comparison of the electropherograms made by spiking shows
that the matrix compounds are not detectable, because the method is the most selective for Danafloat and Aerophine. However, there is a slight change in the electrophoretic mobilities of the above mentioned analytes that is probably caused by

difference in the ionic strength of the sample matrices. Therefore the calibration established in this study is usable for determining the concentrations of collectors that
are simultaneously present in process waters, even though the ionic strength causes
the analyte retention and its movement from the standardized migration time.
Table 11: Calibration results for Aerophine using method 1.

Calibration area,





ep ,

mgL1 mgL1 108 m2 V 1 s1

Pure water

4.5 10000




-0.186 0.004

Process water A

4.5 10000




-0.184 0.005

Process water B

4.5 10000




-0.183 0.005

Results of Danafloat calibration are given in Table 12. From this table the same
conclusions can be made as with Aerophine. The difference is the calculated LOD
and LOQ values for process water A, as they are lower than even in pure water. This
can be explained with the process water already containing some Danafloat, which
makes the peaks bigger.
Table 12: Calibration results for Danafloat using method 1.

Calibration area,





ep ,

mgL1 mgL1 108 m2 V 1 s1

Pure water

4.5 10000




-0.179 0.004

Process water A

4.5 10000




-0.177 0.003

Process water B

4.5 10000




-0.177 0.004

Calibrations using method 2 were only done for isobutyl xanthate and ethyl xanthate. This is because it was noticed during the method development, that DTP and
DTPI did not give very good peaks using this method, as can be seen in Figure 15.
Calibration samples were done by serial dilutions and had the concentrations of
0.41, 1.23, 3.70, 11.11, 33.33 and 100 mgL1 . Calibrations for this method were
only done using pure water and process water. This is because during the calibration of the first method it was noticed that the results between calibrations done
in process water and the water from thickener overflow did not differ noticeably.
Calibration runs were repeated three times from the same sample vials.
It can be seen from the calibration data of IBX in Figure 18 and in Table 13 that
the method seems to work better in the process water. The calibration for samples in process water gives a straight line with a good coefficient of determination

while data points from calibration in pure water seems to be nonlinear. In addition,
Figure 18b shows that the repeated measurements have much more spread than the
repetitions in process water in Figure 18a.
Starting from the concentration of 1.23 mgL1 in the electropherograms of the process water calibrations a unknown peak could be seen. This peak also grew linearly
with the IBX concentration. This unknown peak can be seen in Figure 19.

Figure 17: Electropherogram from the calibration runs for IBX in process water
using method 2.

Table 13: Calibration results for isobutyl xanthate using method 2.


Calibration area,





ep ,



108 m2 V 1 s1

Pure water

0.41 100



-0.239 0.021

Process water B

0.41 100




-0.192 0.008


x 10


x 10

Measured data

Measured data
Calibration curve

Peak area, AUmin

Peak area, AUmin









Concentration, mgL1

(a) Calibration curve of IBX in process water.






Concentration, mgL1

(b) Datapoints of IBX calibration in pure water.

Figure 18: Calibration results for IBX in two different sample matrices.

For ethyl xanthate similar results as for isobutyl xanthate were obtained from the
calibration using method 2. The results can be seen in Table 14 and in Figure
20. The method seems to be working better with process water samples also in
the case of EX . Although the LOD in water is much smaller and so doing the
calibration in pure water with a different concentration range could yield better
results because the data points at smaller concentrations seem quite linear in Figure
20b. Comparing the results from EX and IBX calibrations it can be seen that the
LODs are smaller for EX. This is most likely caused by the fact that EX has a larger
electrophoretic mobility (ep ) than IBX, i.e. during the electrokinetic injection EX
molecules migrate to the capillary faster and as a result the EX peaks are bigger,
when the injection time is the same for both analytes.
Similarly to IBX a unknown peak appeared also in the electropherograms of EX
calibrations in the process water, but for EX this peak was visible from the sample
concentration of 0.41 mgL1 . When the concentrations of the analytes were 100
mgL1 , the peaks for both the EX and the unknown compound were so big that
they did not separate well enough for quantitative determination. This is why the
final calibration range of EX in process water was 0.41 33.3 mgL1 .


Figure 19: Electropherogram from the calibration runs for EX in process water
using method 2.

Table 14: Calibration results for ethyl xanthate using method 2.


Calibration area,





ep ,

mgL1 mgL1 108 m2 V 1 s1

Pure water

0.41 100



-0.283 0.027

Process water B

0.41 33.3




-0.244 0.013

x 10

Measured data
Calibration curve

Measured data

Peak area, AUmin

Peak area, AUmin

x 10






Concentration, mgL1

(a) Calibration curve of EX in process water.






Concentration, mgL1

(b) Datapoints of EX calibration in pure water

Figure 20: Calibration results for EX in two different sample matrices.



With method 1 it is possible to separate Danafloat and Aerophine as can be seen

in Figure 21. Similar separation happens also in samples prepared using the process waters for dilution. In all matrices tested Danafloat migrates first. From the
same figure it is also possible to see that both of the analytes migrate before 10
minutes. Using equation (3) the resolutions were calculated between Danafloat and
Aerophine in all of the matrices. Danafloat and Aerophine separated well enough
in all of the matrices, because the resolution factor was larger than one.

Figure 21: Electropherogram of Danafloat and Aerophine in pure water in the concentration of 100 mgL1 . The negative peak at the start and the following peak
are system peaks caused by the EOF, after that Danafloat migrates first followed by
Aerophine. Conditions as in method 1.

Using method 2 all four compounds (DTP, DTPI, IBX and EX) could be separated
in pure water (see Figure 10). Figure 14 shows that method 2 was not efficient for
all of the compounds in process water, but has capacity to separate EX and IBX,
even though the EX peak has some overlapping with one unknown compound.


Measurements at a gold concentrator

Vammala gold concentrator is owned by Dragon Mining and it is located in Sastamala, Finland. Ores from Orivesi and Jokisivu gold mines are processed there. The

process consists of crushing, grinding and flotation. The concentrate produced is
further refined at the Harjavalta smelter. Flowchart of the process can be seen in
Figure 23.
Measurements at Vammala gold concentrator were made during 6th and 7th of
September 2012. Purpose of these measurements was to test the applicability of
the developed methods for samples straight from different stages of the process.
Prior to these test analyses at the concentrator both methods had been developed
using water samples from the same concentrator. It was expected that these methods should work also at the plant and with fresh samples, but it is also known that
the composition of the process waters change as the ore compositions change. In
addition, the waters may change during different stages of the process. These kind
of samples require some robustness from the analysis method. The plant changes
the promoter used alongside IBX depending on the ore they are handling, Danafloat
for Orivesi and Aerophine for Jokisivu -ore. During measurements ore from Orivesi
gold mine was handled. The ore had changed two weeks before the measurement
During analyses there could be seen some sifting of the peaks between different
samples. This is most likely caused by the difference in the ionic strengths at various stages of the process, still when calculated the electrophoretic mobilities were
close to one another. Another reason for peaks sifting was the surroundings of the
capillary electrophoresis machine, especially the ambient temperature. Because the
machine was placed in a part of the plant with no heating system, the temperatures
around the machine changed with the outside temperature. The analysis machine
itself has temperature control for the capillary and the sample storage, but no doubt
the temperature of environment has some effect on the buffers and samples on the
buffer trays, because the trays are basically exposed directly to outside air. Picture
of the measurement apparatus and setup in the concentrator plant can be seen in
Figure 22.


Figure 22: Measurement setup at Vammala concentrator plant.

Samples were taken from 9 different points in the process. These points were cyclone overflow, cyclone underflow, rougher flotation, scavenger flotation, tails, concentrate, thickener overflow, thickener underflow and filtrate of the thickener underflow. Figure 23 shows a flowchart of the process for better understanding of the
sampling points. All of these samples were studied using both method 1 and 2. As
noted before the measurement conditions were a bit different than in the laboratory
where the methods were developed and where the calibrations were done. Normally
calibrations should have been done with the sample runs, but as the idea was just to
test the applicability of the methods they were omitted to allow for more samples
to be analyzed. For the same reason repeated analyses were done only for some
samples with quite good reproducibility. For the above reasons the following results give more information about the methods rather than exact knowledge of the
process. For example the concentrations calculated for different samples should be
considered more as an orders of magnitude than the real concentrations.


Figure 23: Flowchart of the Vammala gold concentrator plant showing all the main
equipment and process streams from which the samples were taken.

Using method 1 small peaks could be detected in most of the process samples.
Unfortunately, concentrations calculated from these peaks fall under the LODs of
the analytes this method was calibrated for. Electrophoretic mobilities were calculated for the peaks found in the samples and compared to electrophoretic mobilities
calculated from the calibrations of method 1. For all of the peaks found in the process samples using method 1 the electrophoretic mobilities were very close to the
mobility calculated for Danafloat in process water. It was also known that during
the measurements the concentrator plant was using Danafloat 245 in their process.
According to the electrophoretic mobilities it can be said that the peaks found are
very likely to be Danafloat, but the amounts fall under the detection limit of 6.7
mgL1 . The calibration data for Danafloat can be seen in Table 12 and the results
of method 1 from the concentrator in Table 15. In Figure 24 few electropherograms
from samples are drawn together with a standard that was run between samples at


Figure 24: Electropherograms of Vammala samples cyclone overflow (pink) and

thickener overflow (green) together with a 50 mgL1 standard (blue). Conditions
as in method 1.

Table 15: Results for Danafloat 245 (DTP) measurements from Vammala concentrator process waters using method 1.


mobility Concentration, mgL1

(ep ) 108 m2 V 1 s1
Cyclone overflow


Under LOD

Cyclone underflow



Rougher flotation



Scavenger flotation









Thickener overflow



Thickener underflow




No peak detected

In most of the samples Danafloat migrated to the detector in about 10 minutes. For
some samples longer analyses of about 20 minutes were done. In these some additional peaks were detected as showed in Figure 25, where a electropherogram of
a sample from the thickener underflow is presented. Similar results were obtained
also for the filtrate. The thickener underflow and the filtrate are actually taken from

almost the same part of the process. The only difference is that the thickener underflow was filtrated in the laboratory before analysis and the filtrate sample came
from the filter used in the process. One reason for these peaks could be that the
filtration, either in the process or in the laboratory detaches some of the adsorbed
collector species as complexes or decomposition products. At this point and with
the data available it is impossible to say much else about these unknown peaks, but
after further development the method could be used for gaining more information
about the phenomena in the flotation process.

Figure 25: Electropherogram of a sample from thickener underflow using method


Method 2 was used to study the presence of isobutyl xanthate in the process samples. From Table 16 it can be seen that IBX was not found in so many of the samples as Danafloat was. In addition, the electrophoretic mobilities do not match up
against the values calculated from calibration quite so well as in samples analyzed
with method 1. Still the mobilities are close to the value calculated from calibration
in Table 13. This gives a reason to believe that the peaks detected were likely IBX.
Most of the electropherograms of Vammala samples remind those attained from
calibration runs, at least to a some extent. This can be seen from Figure 26 where
results from laboratory are compared to those from the Vammala concentrator.


(a) Electropherogram from the calibration of

(b) Electropherogram from the cyclone over-

IBX in process water, detection at 301 nm.

flow, detection at 301 nm.

Figure 26: Comparison of electropherograms gathered from laboratory calibrations

and measurements at Vammala concentrator. Method 2 was used in both cases.

Even when the electropherograms of the samples remind the ones from calibration
there are some differences. The main difference is that the peaks detected in the
samples are larger when detected at wavelengths of 214 nm and 254 nm rather
than 301 nm, where the absorption of of xanthates should have their maximum.
Example of this is presented in Figure 27, where the first two peaks are clearly
smaller at wavelength 214 nm while the third one clearly grows. The last peak in
fact matches most closely the electrophoretic mobility of IBX. One reason could be
that while Danafloat was determined using the method 1, it separates also with the
method 2. Then the reason for the intensive signal at 214 nm and 254 nm, could be
Danafloat comigrating with other compounds. At wavelength of 301 nm Danafloat
does not appear, since due to the selective detection only xanthate peaks can be
monitored. But the reason could well be entirely other, such as xanthate oxidation
product comigrating, and in this case spiking the sample with IBX would be the
best way to resolve this.

(a) Electropherogram from the thickener un-

(b) Electropherogram from the thickener un-

derflow, detection at 301 nm.

derflow, detection at 214 nm.

Figure 27: Electropherograms of thickener underflow recorded at two different

wavelengths using method 2.

Table 16: Results for isobutyl xanthate (IBX) measurements from Vammala concentrator process waters using method 2.


mobility Concentration, mgL1

(ep ) 108 m2 V 1 s1
Cyclone overflow



Cyclone underflow



Rougher flotation

No peak detected

Scavenger flotation

No peak detected




No peak detected

Thickener overflow

No peak detected

Thickener underflow







In addition to the process samples, a few samples from Vammala concentrators

waters were analyzed using both methods. Samples were taken from from the first
and second tailings bonds, the overflow drain, or the storm drain and from the fresh
water well. From these samples no peaks were detected with either method.


Other remarks

During the development and calibration of method 2 and the measurements in Vammala, some peaks other than of the analytes were observed. In Table 17 migration times for peaks found from various samples are given. This includes a lot
of unknown peaks, which are for future reference, so when for example oxidation
products of xanthates are studied using this method, a comparison could be done
between the migration times.
At the moment these unknown compounds can be either impurities from the industrial grade chemicals used, decomposition products or metal complexes. The peaks
have been arranged to columns according to similar migration times, this does not
mean that the peaks in different samples would be of the same origin. Still some
conclusions can be made from Table 17. Firstly, by comparing the analyses of the
6th and 7th sample in the table it can be seen that five peaks have appeared to the
older (7th) sample. This would implicate that the peaks that have appeared would
be some kind of degradation products of one or both xanthates in the sample.

It could be assumed that the unknown peaks found in the samples that were analyzed just after preparation, are most likely impurities from the chemicals themselves, as decomposition has not had time to happen. At least in the case of higher
concentration samples, as the 3rd sample, where also the impurity concentrations
are higher. Lastly, the unknown peaks found in samples prepared in pure water are
most likely not complexes, because there should not be any metal ions available to
form complexes.




Cyclone overflow

Thickener underflow


IBX 3.7 mgL1 in process 4.069


EX 1.1 mgL1 in process wa-

water, a few days old sample

EX, IBX at 1 mgL1 in pure

DTP, DTPI at 10 mgL1 and 4.765


EX, IBX at 1 mgL1 in pure

DTP, DTPI at 10 mgL1 and



EX and IBX 5 mgL1 in pure




in pure water

IBX 10 mgL

IBX 100 mgL

in pure water


EX 10 mgL1 in pure water






Peak 1,


EX 3.7 mgL1 in pure water













Peak 2,






Peak 3,







Peak 4,















Peak 5,








Peak 6,

Table 17: Migration times of known and unknown peaks from various samples analyzed using method 2.











Peak 7,





In this work two capillary electrophoresis methods were developed for analyzing
flotation collectors from process waters. First method can be used for sodium diiosobutylditiophosphate and sodium diisobutyldithiophosphinate. The second for
ethyl and isobutyl xanthates.
Phosphate method is able to separate and detect sodium diiosobutylditiophosphate
(DTP) and sodium diisobutyldithiophosphinate (DTPI) in pure water as well as in
flotation process water. For DTPI the detection limits were 2.7 mgL1 and 6.7
mgL1 in pure water and process water, respectively. For DTP the corresponding
limits were 4.5 mgL1 and 6.7 mgL1 . These components can be analyzed in 10
minutes using this method in both matrices. The method is also capable of separating ethyl and isobutyl xanthates, but in those analyses the detection limits were still
so high that a separate method was developed for analyzing them.
Phosphate method was also used for analyzing samples from the flotation plant
at Vammala. The method proved itself robust enough to handle samples from all
stages of the process giving peaks with similar electrophoretic mobilities as DTP
calibration peaks. Unfortunately, all of the peaks detected were under the limit of
detection of the analytes. Additional optimization was studied to get lower LODs.
The good separation efficiency and the many unknown compounds detected in the
electropherograms may make possible the characterization of degradation products
and complexes of collectors.
Xanthate method is used for separating isobutyl xanthate (IBX) and ethyl xanthate
(EX) in pure water and flotation process water. The detection limits in pure water for isobutyl xanthate (IBX) and ethyl xanthate (EX) are 0.41 mgL1 and 0.025
mgL1 , respectively. In process water the LODs were 0.62 mgL1 and 0.16 mgL1 .
Analysis of these compounds can be achieved in 10 minutes in process waters and
in under 15 minutes in pure water. This method also shows response for DTP and
DTPI, but they do not separate well from other compounds in process waters. Fortunately, these compounds do not have a high absorbance at 301 nm where xanthates
are detected.
Xanthate method was used at Vammala gold concentrator. While the method seemed
to be a little less robust than the phosphate method, it did give peaks in many of the
samples. Concentrations were calculated for the peaks with similar electrophoretic
mobilities as in IBX calibration. Although the conclusion was made that these
peaks are most likely IBX, it is not so sure as with the phosphate method. Some

more development should be done with this method at least to get all the components to separate from each other and to increase robustness and thus applicability
to process samples.
The next step in the method development could be the testing of other injection
methods. For example stacking could improve the detection limits by introducing
more analytes to the capillary. Buffer composition could also be changed or a organic modifier added to the buffer. These could help separating species for example
in the case of the xanthate method.
These methods serve as a starting point for further development. They have the
potential to be used for the study of decomposition products and complexes of collectors. Another application can be on-line measurements, either at a concentrator
plant or in a laboratory scale flotation experiment. For these applications the methods need to be tested with synthesized complexes or decomposition products and
most likely some more optimization is needed for these new analytes.


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Electropherograms of DTPI calibration in pure water

(a) Sample concentration 4.57 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 13.7 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 28: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 41.2 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 123.5 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 370.4 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 29: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 1,110.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 3,330.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 10,000 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

Figure 30: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


Electropherograms of DTP calibration pure water

(a) Sample concentration 4.57 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 13.7 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 31: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.

(a) Sample concentration 41.2 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 123.5 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 370.4 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 32: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 1,110.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 3,330.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 10,000 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

Figure 33: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


Electropherograms of DTPI calibration in process

water A

(a) Sample concentration 4.57 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 13. mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 34: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 41.2 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 123.5 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 370.4 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 35: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 1,110.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 3,330.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 10,000 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

Figure 36: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.

Electropherograms of DTP calibration in process

water A

(a) Sample concentration 4.57 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 13.7 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 37: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 41.2 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 123.5 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 370.4 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 38: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 1,110.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 3,330.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 10,000 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

Figure 39: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


Electropherograms of DTPI calibration in process

water B

(a) Sample concentration 4.57 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 13.7 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 40: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 41.2 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 123.5 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 370.4 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 41: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 1,110.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 3,330.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 10,000 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

Figure 42: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTPI using method 1.


Electropherograms of DTP calibration in process

water B

(a) Sample concentration 4.57 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 13.7 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 43: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 41.2 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 123.5 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 370.4 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 44: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


(a) Sample concentration 1,110.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 3,330.0 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 10,000 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection
and red: 3rd injection.

Figure 45: Electropherograms used for calibration of DTP using method 1.


Electropherograms of EX calibration in pure water

(a) Sample concentration 0.41 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 1.23 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 46: Electropherograms used for calibration of EX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 3.70 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 11.11 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 33.33 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 47: Electropherograms used for calibration of EX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 100 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 48: Electropherograms used for calibration of EX using method 2.


Electropherograms of IBX calibration in pure water

(a) Sample concentration 0.41 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 1.23 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 49: Electropherograms used for calibration of IBX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 3.70 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 11.11 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 33.33 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 50: Electropherograms used for calibration of IBX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 100 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 51: Electropherograms used for calibration of IBX using method 2.


Electropherograms of EX calibration in process water B

(a) Sample concentration 0.41 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 1.23 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 52: Electropherograms used for calibration of EX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 3.70 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 11.11 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 33.33 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 53: Electropherograms used for calibration of EX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 100 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 54: Electropherograms used for calibration of EX using method 2.


Electropherograms of IBX calibration in process

water B

(a) Sample concentration 0.41 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 1.23 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 55: Electropherograms used for calibration of IBX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 3.70 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(b) Sample concentration 11.11 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

(c) Sample concentration 33.33 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 56: Electropherograms used for calibration of IBX using method 2.


(a) Sample concentration 100 mgL1 . Blue: 1st injection, green: 2nd injection and
red: 3rd injection.

Figure 57: Electropherograms used for calibration of IBX using method 2.


Electropherograms from the measurements at Vammala gold concentrator

(a) Samples from the tailings bond (pink), fresh water well (green), overflow drain
(black) and the second tailings bond (blue) analyzed using method 1.

(b) Samples from the tailings bond (pink), fresh water well (green), overflow drain
(black) and the second tailings bond (blue) analyzed using method 2.

Figure 58: Electropherograms of samples from the tailings bond (pink), fresh water
well (green), overflow drain (black) and the second tailings bond (blue).


(a) Samples from cyclone underflow (blue), rougher flotation (red), concentrate
(pink), tails (green) and scavenger flotation (light green).

(b) Samples from thickener underflow (green), thickener overflow (black), cyclone
overflow (red) and filtrate (pink).

Figure 59: Electropherograms of samples from the flotation process at Vammala.

All samples analyzed using method 1.


(a) Samples from cyclone underflow (blue), rougher flotation (red), concentrate
(pink), tails (green) and scavenger flotation (light green).

(b) Samples from thickener underflow (green), thickener overflow (black), cyclone
overflow (red) and filtrate (pink).

Figure 60: Electropherograms of samples from the flotation process at Vammala.

All samples analyzed using method 2.

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