DW TechTip Brushless Servo Systems
DW TechTip Brushless Servo Systems
DW TechTip Brushless Servo Systems
Comparison of DC servomotors and brushless servomotors 2
Sinusoidal and trapezoidal brushless servos 4
Sinusoidal EMF and sinusoidal current 6
Sinusoidal control for brushless and induction motors 7
Closed-loop control for high performance 9
This updated handbook provides a technical overview
of the components, theory and interaction of brushless
motion control systems.
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Figure 1:
Comparison of DC servomotors
and brushless servomotors
Courtesy ElectroCraft
The traditional permanent magnet DC servomotor has
Figure 2:
Principle and
of a DC
Torque = K B I sin
Where K is a constant, B is the magnetic flux density, I is the armature current, and
two vectors.
Therefore, as the rotor motion reduces the torque angle to a zero value,
no further motion results. To eliminate this condition, the DC motor
incorporates a commutator on the rotor, which routes the current flow in
the armature windings as the rotor rotates. In other words, the current is
progressively reversed as the windings connected to the commutator bars
pass beneath the brushes. In a servomotor, the physical location of the
brushes is such that the current vector is maintained perpendicular to the
fixed magnetic field for any direction of rotor rotation or for any rotor
speed. This results in torque generation proportional to armature current
and motor speed proportional to armature voltage. The classic equations
that describe the DC servomotor are then:
Torque = Kt I
Eg = Back EMF Voltage = Ke n
Where Kt is the torque constant, Ke is the voltage constant,
and n is the motor speed.
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Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Torque-speed curves
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Figure 6:
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Sinusoidal EMF and square wave current
Today most brushless servomotors actually have sinusoidal back
or frequency is increased. Phase advancing the commutation angle
EMF. Because of the simplicity and low cost of the square-wave current
can improve this situation at the expense of additional complexity.
control, it is common to have square-wave current servo amplifiers
In summary, excitation of a sinusoidal EMF brushless motor with
operating sinusoidal back EMF brushless motors. This is commonly
a square wave current drive is practical and can result in acceptable
referred to as a Brushless DC servo system. The theory of operation is
performance for many applications. This very basic control principle
shown in Figure 7.
is relatively simple to accomplish in a servo drive. This approach is
Notice that with ideal back EMF and current waveforms, the motor
still common and results in a lower cost solution, which requires
torque constant Kt has a peak-to-peak divided by peak ripple value
less hardware and, in many cases, is simpler to install than more
equal to 13.4%. The average Kt
sophisticated brushless servo
value is about 10% higher than
technology. The ElectroCraft
Figure 7:
the Kt for sinusoidal currents. In
CompletePower series of
Waveforms for two EMF styles and square wave
closedloop velocity servos the Kt
brushless servo drives and speed
brushless servo drives
ripple is not necessarily a problem
controls utilize this control
since a high velocity loop gain
methodology. The Completeproduces a very uniform rotation.
Power Series of drives can be
However, the torque constant ripple
a cost effective and simple
does increase motor heating, because
solution to many motion control
current is modulated by the ripple
function to produce the uniform
velocity. In fact, the continuous
torque rating is decreased by about
Figure 8:
5% as compared to sinusoidal
Inductance effect
with square wave current
current excitation.
Another subject that has not
been discussed yet is motor winding
inductance. The coils of wire that
make up the motor windings
have resistance and inductance.
From Faradays law, current in
an inductor cannot be changed
instantaneously. In practice, the
square wave currents suffer from
the inductance effect as shown
in Figure 8. This torque loss
progressively worsens as speed
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Figure 9:
the capability of the sinusoidal brushless servo system. At the same time
component costs have decreased, making this the most popular servo
technology today.
The sinusoidal back EMF motor excited with three phase sinusoidal
currents (in the proper relationship to the back EMF at every rotor
position) produces a constant torque. An explanation of this phenomenon
at a steadystate speed and torque is illustrated in Figure 9.
The three-phase sinusoidal quantities which are displaced
spatially by 120 represent the magnetic field and current. The
three-phase quantities produce a resultant vector with constant
amplitude that rotates at the sinusoidal frequency. The rotor position
sensor tracks the back EMF position and allows the current vector
command to be generated perpendicular to the magneticfield vector
at any instand. A pulse width modulated (PWM) current amplifier
is necessary to ensure the ability to control the current amplitude,
frequency and phase with sufficient dynamic performance. At
this point, the fixed magnitude magnetic field vector, which is
perpendicular to the adjustable magnitude current vector, is analogous
to the operation of a DC motor.
There are many brushless servo drives and brushless positioning
drives that are designed to produce sinusoidal currents with
incremental encoder feedback. This type of servo system combines
the optimum motor design with a sinusoidal current PWM drive
to produce the best low-speed and high-speed performance. The
ElectroCraft CompletePower Plus digital servo drive takes this
control capability one step further. True sinusoidal current control
can be accomplished in these drives without the need for highresolution incremental encoder feedback. Only the lower resolution
commutation feedback is required. In some applications, this reduces
the need for and cost of the additional encoder.
Other benefits that arise from the microprocessor-based drive design
include the ability to operate induction motors using field orientated
control and the ability to share the motor mounted encoder with the
position controller. This maximizes flexibility.
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Figure 10:
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Figure 11:
Figure 12:
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Figure 13:
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Current regulation
Courtesy ElectroCraft
The current control for three-phase brushless servomotors is usually
Figure 14:
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Figure 15:
Figure 16:
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Figure 17:
Figure 18:
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Figure 19:
Figure 20:
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