Digital Electronics: Quine Mccluskey Method Has To Be Revised

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Digital Electronics

Important Points

- Quine McCluskey Method has to be revised.

- The convention is to make the sign bit 0 for positive and 1 for

- If the binary number is signed, then the leftmost bit represents

the sign and the rest of the bits represent the number. If the
binary number is assumed to beunsigned, then the leftmost bit
is the most significant bit of the number.

- Usually, there is no confusion in interpreting the bits if the type

of representation for the number is known in advance.

- The signedmagnitude system negates a number by changing

its sign, whereas the signedcomplement system negates a
number by taking its complement.

- A positive binary number can be written in only way, but a

negative binary number can be written in three ways - signedmagnitude form, 1's complement form or 2's complement form.
The latter is the most common.

- In signedmagnitude, - 9, say, is obtained from + 9 by changing

only the sign bit in the leftmost position from 0 to 1. In signed
1s-complement, - 9 is obtained by complementing all the bits of
+9, including the sign bit. The signed2scomplement
representation of - 9 is obtained by taking the 2s complement of
the positive number, including the sign bit.

- The signed2scomplement system has only one representation

for 0, which is always positive.

- Note that all negative numbers have a 1 in the leftmost bit

position; that is the way we distinguish them from the positive

- With four bits, we can represent 16 binary numbers. In the

signedmagnitude and the 1scomplement representations,
there are eight positive numbers and eight negative numbers,
including two zeros. In the 2scomplement representation, there
are eight positive numbers, including one zero, and eight
negative numbers.

- The addition of two signed binary numbers with negative

numbers represented in signed2scomplement form is
obtained from the addition of the two numbers, including their
sign bits. A carry out of the signbit position is discarded.
But the same is used as end-round carry in 1's complement

- Note that negative numbers must be initially in 2scomplement

form and that if the sum obtained after the addition is negative,
it is in 2scomplement form. For example, - 7 is represented as
11111001, which is the 2s complement of + 7.

- In two's-complement representation, positive numbers are

simply represented as themselves, and negative numbers
are represented by the two's complement of their absolute

- To find 2's complement of a fractional number, first find its

1's complement by complementing each bit on both sides
of binary point and then adding 1 to its rightmost bit.

- Shorthand to find 2's complement: Start from the rightmost

bit and move left till you find 1. After that complement all
the bits to its left side (except that 1)!

- Continuous or analog information is converted into digital form

by means of an analogtodigital converter. It is sometimes
convenient to use the Gray code to represent digital data that
have been converted from analog data.

- The advantage of the Gray code over the straight binary

number sequence is that only one bit in the code group changes
in going from one number to the next.

- A typical application of the Gray code is the representation of

analog data by a continuous change in the angular position of a
shaft. The shaft is partitioned into segments, and each segment
is assigned a number. If adjacent segments are made to
correspond with the Graycode sequence, ambiguity is
eliminated between the angle of the shaft and the value
encoded by the sensor.

- A combinational circuit that performs the addition of two bits is

called a half adder. One that performs the addition of three bits
(two significant bits and a previous carry) is a full adder. The
names of the circuits stem from the fact that two half adders can
be employed to implement a full adder.

- Connecting n full adders in cascade produces a binary adder

for two n-bit numbers. The subtraction circuit is included in a
complementing circuit.

- Half adder adds two bits. Full adder adds three bits.
Cascaded full adders add NUMBERS!

- An n-bit adder requires n full adders, with each output carry

connected to the input carry of the next higher order full adder.

- The sum bits are thus generated starting from the rightmost
position and are available as soon as the corresponding
previous carry bit is generated. All the carries must be
generated for the correct sum bits to appear at the outputs.

- Classical method would require a truth table with 2^9 = 512

entries, since there are nine inputs to the circuit. By using an
iterative method of cascading a standard function, it is possible
to obtain a simple and straightforward implementation. (This
approach is similar to divide and conquer approach in designing

- The total propagation time is equal to the propagation delay of a

typical gate, times the number of gate levels in the circuit. The
longest propagation delay time in an adder is the time it takes
the carry to propagate through the full adders.

- The subtraction of unsigned binary numbers can be done most

conveniently by means of complements. Remember that the
subtraction A- B can be done by taking the 2s complement of B
and adding it to A. The 2s complement can be obtained by
taking the 1s complement and adding 1 to the least significant
pair of bits. The 1s complement can be implemented with
inverters, and a 1 can be added to the sum through the
input carry.

- The circuit for subtracting A- B consists of an adder with

inverters placed between each data input B and the
corresponding input of the full adder. The input carry C0 must
be equal to 1 when subtraction is performed. The operation

thus performed becomes A, plus the 1s complement of B,

plus 1. This is equal to A plus the 2s complement of B. For
unsigned numbers, that gives A- B if A >=B or the 2s
complement of (B - A) if A<B. For signed numbers, the result is
A- B , provided that there is no overflow.

- It is worth noting that binary numbers in the signed-complement

system are added and subtracted by the same basic addition
and subtraction rules as are unsigned numbers. Therefore,
computers need only one common hardware circuit to handle
both types of arithmetic. The user or programmer must interpret
the results of such addition or subtraction differently, depending
on whether it is assumed that the numbers are signed or

- When two numbers with n digits each are added and the sum is
a number occupying n + 1 digits, we say that an overflow
occurred. This is true for binary or decimal numbers, signed or
unsigned. Overflow is a problem in digital computers because
the number of bits that hold the number is finite and a result that
contains n + 1 bits cannot be accommodated by an n-bit word.
For this reason, many computers detect the occurrence of an
overflow, and when it occurs, a corresponding flip-flop is set that
can then be checked by the user.

- The detection of an overflow after the addition of two binary

numbers depends on whether the numbers are considered to
be signed or unsigned. When two unsigned numbers are added,
an overflow is detected from the end carry out of the most
significant position. In the case of signed numbers, two details
are important: the leftmost bit always represents the sign, and
negative numbers are in 2s-complement form. When two

signed numbers are added, the sign bit is treated as part of the
number and the end carry does not indicate an overflow.

- An overflow condition can be detected by observing the

carry into the sign bit position and the carry out of the sign
bit position. If these two carries are not equal, an overflow
has occurred.

- The binary addersubtractor circuit has outputs C and V along

with the sums Si. If the two binary numbers are considered to
be unsigned, then the C bit detects a carry after addition or a
borrow after subtraction. If the numbers are considered to be
signed, then the V bit detects an overflow. If V = 0 after an
addition or subtraction, then no overflow occurred and the n-bit
result is correct. If V = 1, then the result of the operation
contains n + 1 bits, but only the rightmost n bits of the number fit
in the space available, so an overflow has occurred. The (n+1)th
bit is the actual sign and has been shifted out of position.

- Although the adderor, for that matter, any combinational

circuitwill always have some value at its output terminals, the
outputs will not be correct unless the signals are given enough
time to propagate through the gates connected from the inputs
to the outputs.

- An overflow cannot occur after an addition if one number is

positive and the other is negative, since adding a positive
number to a negative number produces a result whose
magnitude is smaller than the larger of the two original
numbers. An overflow may occur if the two numbers added are
both positive or both negative.

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