Thales of Miletus
Thales of Miletus
Thales of Miletus
was possible. The claims that Thales used the Babylonian saros, a cycle of length 18 years 10
days 8 hours, to predict the eclipse has been shown by Neugebauer to be highly unlikely since
Neugebauer shows in [11] that the saros was an invention of Halley. Neugebauer wrote [11]:... there exists no cycle for solar eclipses visible at a given place: all modern cycles concern the
earth as a whole. No Babylonian theory for predicting a solar eclipse existed at 600 BC, as one
can see from the very unsatisfactory situation 400 years later, nor did the Babylonians ever
develop any theory which took the influence of geographical latitude into account.
After the eclipse on 28 May, 585 BC Herodotus wrote:... day was all of a sudden changed into night. This event had been foretold by Thales, the
Milesian, who forewarned the Ionians of it, fixing for it the very year in which it took place. The
Medes and Lydians, when they observed the change, ceased fighting, and were alike anxious to
have terms of peace agreed on.
Longrigg in [1] even doubts that Thales predicted the eclipse by guessing, writing:... a more likely explanation seems to be simply that Thales happened to be the savant around at
the time when this striking astronomical phenomenon occurred and the assumption was made
that as a savant he must have been able to predict it.
There are several accounts of how Thales measured the height of pyramids. Diogenes Laertius
writing in the second century AD quotes Hieronymus, a pupil of Aristotle [6] (or see [8]):Hieronymus says that [Thales] even succeeded in measuring the pyramids by observation of the
length of their shadow at the moment when our shadows are equal to our own height.
This appears to contain no subtle geometrical knowledge, merely an empirical observation that at
the instant when the length of the shadow of one object coincides with its height, then the same
will be true for all other objects. A similar statement is made by Pliny (see [8]):Thales discovered how to obtain the height of pyramids and all other similar objects, namely, by
measuring the shadow of the object at the time when a body and its shadow are equal in length.
Plutarch however recounts the story in a form which, if accurate, would mean that Thales was
getting close to the idea of similar triangles:... without trouble or the assistance of any instrument [he] merely set up a stick at the extremity
of the shadow cast by the pyramid and, having thus made two triangles by the impact of the sun's
rays, ... showed that the pyramid has to the stick the same ratio which the shadow [of the
pyramid] has to the shadow [of the stick]
Of course Thales could have used these geometrical methods for solving practical problems,
having merely observed the properties and having no appreciation of what it means to prove a
geometrical theorem. This is in line with the views of Russell who writes of Thales contributions
to mathematics in [12]:Thales is said to have travelled in Egypt, and to have thence brought to the Greeks the science of
geometry. What Egyptians knew of geometry was mainly rules of thumb, and there is no reason
to believe that Thales arrived at deductive proofs, such as later Greeks discovered.
On the other hand B L van der Waerden [16] claims that Thales put geometry on a logical footing
and was well aware of the notion of proving a geometrical theorem. However, although there is
much evidence to suggest that Thales made some fundamental contributions to geometry, it is
easy to interpret his contributions in the light of our own knowledge, thereby believing that
Thales had a fuller appreciation of geometry than he could possibly have achieved. In many
textbooks on the history of mathematics Thales is credited with five theorems of elementary
What is the basis for these claims? Proclus, writing around 450 AD, is the basis for the first four
of these claims, in the third and fourth cases quoting the work History of Geometry by Eudemus
of Rhodes, who was a pupil of Aristotle, as his source. The History of Geometry by Eudemus is
now lost but there is no reason to doubt Proclus. The fifth theorem is believed to be due to Thales
because of a passage from Diogenes Laertius book Lives of eminent philosophers written in the
second century AD [6]:Pamphile says that Thales, who learnt geometry from the Egyptians, was the first to describe on
a circle a triangle which shall be right-angled, and that he sacrificed an ox (on the strength of
the discovery). Others, however, including Apollodorus the calculator, say that it was
A deeper examination of the sources, however, shows that, even if they are accurate, we may be
crediting Thales with too much. For example Proclus uses a word meaning something closer to
'similar' rather than 'equal- in describing (ii). It is quite likely that Thales did not even have a way
of measuring angles so 'equal- angles would have not been a concept he would have understood
precisely. He may have claimed no more than "The base angles of an isosceles triangle look
similar". The theorem (iv) was attributed to Thales by Eudemus for less than completely
convincing reasons. Proclus writes (see [8]):[Eudemus] says that the method by which Thales showed how to find the distances of ships from
the shore necessarily involves the use of this theorem.
Heath in [8] gives three different methods which Thales might have used to calculate the distance
to a ship at sea. The method which he thinks it most likely that Thales used was to have an
instrument consisting of two sticks nailed into a cross so that they could be rotated about the nail.
An observer then went to the top of a tower, positioned one stick vertically (using say a plumb
line) and then rotating the second stick about the nail until it point at the ship. Then the observer
rotates the instrument, keeping it fixed and vertical, until the movable stick points at a suitable
point on the land. The distance of this point from the base of the tower is equal to the distance to
the ship.
Although theorem (iv) underlies this application, it would have been quite possible for Thales to
devise such a method without appreciating anything of 'congruent triangles'.
As a final comment on these five theorems, there are conflicting stories regarding theorem (iv) as
Diogenes Laertius himself is aware. Also even Pamphile cannot be taken as an authority since
she lived in the first century AD, long after the time of Thales. Others have attributed the story
about the sacrifice of an ox to Pythagoras on discovering Pythagoras's theorem. Certainly there is
much confusion, and little certainty.
Our knowledge of the philosophy of Thales is due to Aristotle who wrote in his Metaphysics :Thales of Miletus taught that 'all things are water'.
This, as Brumbaugh writes [5]:...may seem an unpromising beginning for science and philosophy as we know them today; but,
against the background of mythology from which it arose, it was revolutionary.
Sambursky writes in [15]:It was Thales who first conceived the principle of explaining the multitude of phenomena by a
small number of hypotheses for all the various manifestations of matter.
Thales believed that the Earth floats on water and all things come to be from water. For him the
Earth was a flat disc floating on an infinite ocean. It has also been claimed that Thales explained
earthquakes from the fact that the Earth floats on water. Again the importance of Thales' idea is
that he is the first recorded person who tried to explain such phenomena by rational rather than
by supernatural means.
It is interesting that Thales has both stories told about his great practical skills and also about him
being an unworldly dreamer. Aristotle, for example, relates a story of how Thales used his skills
to deduce that the next season's olive crop would be a very large one. He therefore bought all the
olive presses and then was able to make a fortune when the bumper olive crop did indeed arrive.
On the other hand Plato tells a story of how one night Thales was gazing at the sky as he walked
and fell into a ditch. A pretty servant girl lifted him out and said to him "How do you expect to
understand what is going on up in the sky if you do not even see what is at your feet". As
Brumbaugh says, perhaps this is the first absent-minded professor joke in the West!
The bust of Thales shown above is in the Capitoline Museum in Rome, but is not contemporary
with Thales and is unlikely to bear any resemblance to him.
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson