Nat in Uganda: Ephesians 3:20-21

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Nat in Uganda


Being an overseas missionary comes with great joys
and sometimes great sorrows. Getting to see the
goodness of the Lord every day in obvious ways is a
privilege greater than words can express. It is a joy to
see the value and purpose in things I do each day that
are now part of my normal routine.
But, there are also times that are hard, and being away
from family, friends and my first culture makes those
times extra hard. I find myself caught in the middle of
two familiar norms. Both cultures have their ups and
downs, and both now belong to me, but I dont fully fit
into either.
The transient nature of the mission field has impacted
me this year because dear friends I made have left the
mission field, departing with a little piece of my heart.
But, at the same time, God has brought great joys well
beyond my dreams by bringing the Palmer family to
Lulwanda. Their presence in my life gives me Western
teammates with whom I can share
an important ministry and make
big dreams about the future.
Though this has been a hard year
emotionally, it has made the
blessings that much richer.

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to Him who is able to do
exceedingly abundantly above all
that we ask or think, according
to His power that is at work
within us, to Him be the glory in
the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations,
forever and ever. Amen.

My Job as Program Coordinator

My favorite part of being the program coordinator is
spending time with and planning activities for the
children, especially when they are on holiday from
school. One of two highlights was taking all of the
LCH children fishing at the nearby Manafwa River.
With a string, a hook, a piece of a rubber flip-flop to
act as a bobber, and grasshoppers they had caught in
hand, we hiked about 20 minutes to the river. Though
there was only one real catch that day, all the children
had a blast.

The other highlight was being able to fulfill a longtime

dream of hosting (with the Palmers) slumber parties
with the older Lulwanda children, class by class. We
hiked to a nearby waterfall, swam in the river, cooked a
feast together, and watched movies throughout the
night. The younger children did the same but on a
smaller (single day) scale. By November, the Palmers
and I were able to have all 108 children visit our
homes. Time away from the LCH campus exposes the
children to new places and social activities,
as well as
them to be
good and
they go.

Happy Birthday Lulwanda!

The end of 2014 not only marks the
closing of a year, but also the 10-year
anniversary of Lulwanda Childrens
Home. It is amazing that what started
as a humble vision to be a doer of the
Word in helping the orphans has
become such a big wonderful family.
The Lord has given us the privilege of
raising 108 precious children in the
love and fear of the Lord, while also
providing for their physical, emotional
and educational needs at a standard
higher than many of those around
As I praise God for the 10 years He
has been restoring hope in the lives of
these children, I also stand amazed that
I have been part of the Lulwanda story
for seven of those years. The Lord has
been incredibly faithful to both the
children of Lulwanda and to me.

A New Family in Town

But, one of the biggest blessings of 2014 was a missionary
family (from Georgia, USA) who moved to Uganda to join the
Lulwanda family. The Palmers were a blessing from the start,
instantly accepting me as part of their family. It has been a
blessing to share dreams, pray together, and enjoy true Biblical
community with them. I love seeing the Lulwanda children
interact with the Palmer children, Jackson (10) and Lilly (7),
and see the Palmer children learn a different perspective from
the Lulwanda children. It has been such an incredible
experience to share life and ministry with the Palmers this
year, and I look forward to continuing our relationship in

Moving House
The missionary life is one of many transitions,
with people coming in and out of your life on
a regular basis. I began the year by moving
into a four-bedroom house with my dear
housemate of the past three years, Tiffany.
With two extra bedrooms, the house was
large enough to host more than 20 people for
periods ranging from 10 days to five months.
After Tiffany returned to England in June, it
was time to downsize. Though really sad to
say goodbye to Tiffany, the Lord had a
wonderful plan all along. In September, I
moved into the guesthouse that is on the
same compound as the Palmer family. This is
the first time in my life that I have lived alone, but
the transition was easy with the Palmers just up
the hill. We spend many of our evenings together
cooking, eating dinner and relaxing.

Wise Choices for Life

One of the highlights of this year has been the
opportunity to be on a team of five Lulwanda
staff members trained in Wise Choices for





worldview on sexuality and teaches a holistic

approach to reproductive health. As a team,

we teach the material to the older students at
Lulwanda Primary School every Friday and to
the staff during monthly staff meetings. The
curriculum, which is designed specifically for
Ugandans from a Christian perspective,
provides a safe environment for conversations
about reproductive health. Honestly, it has

surprised me to have so much fun teaching

Game Night

truth about a subject that is taboo in this

Every Tuesday is game night at my house. This has

been a longstanding tradition that began about three
years ago. The numbers have varied between three to
16 people, representing numerous mission
organizations in Mbale. Though we come from all
walks of life, all over the world, it is awesome to be
united through the common chord of Jesus, serving
His people, and playing games .


Looking Ahead
I am currently on furlough in Texas, spending time with my family and visiting friends I havent seen in
1.5 years. My parents recently moved to a house on the lake and it is a beautiful place to rest. I will return
to Uganda on February 3rd and look forward to reconnecting with the children and staff of Lulwanda.
Specifically, I am really excited to see how the Lord will use me in programing activities and trainings,
and in discipleship of our seven oldest children who are on an extended school holiday as they await
results of the major national high school exam that will determine whether they continue to upper high
school levels or enter a trade school. This will be a
great opportunity to spend individual time with
the girls, to help mentor them in their faith and
teach them what it means to be a woman of

As 2014 comes to a close, I am thankful to look back

and see the goodness of the Lord upon the lives of the
children at Lulwanda and upon my life. He alone has
been my joy and my strength. He alone has been
perfectly good and perfectly faithful in all ways.
This includes my finances. I am so grateful to everyone
who has generously given toward my living expenses
through monthly support and one-time donations. It is
such a blessing to not have to worry where the necessary money will come from or if it will come on time. I
am beyond humbled and grateful to see how my Father provides through His people. I know that He will
continue to do so.
So, I ask you to pray and ask the Father whether He wants you to be on my sending team through a
financial contribution, whether monthly or a one-time gift.

If so, you can donate online from the GICF website by clicking here. Follow the Donate
Online button to another site. Under Donation Purpose is a dropdown menu. Select
Missionary Support: Natalie.

OR you can make a check to Midland
Bible Church (with Natalie Rolfe in the memo line) and
mail it to: Midland Bible Church, 5900 Whitman Drive, Midland, TX 79705.
Stay Connected
Dont forget to look at my BLOG periodically for stories,
photos and updates on what is going on with me and at
Lulwanda Childrens Home. Or you can read my monthly
Program Coordinator Activity Reports HERE.

PO Box 1650
Mbale, Uganda
East Africa
[email protected]

Many blessings of love, joy and peace upon you and your family in 2015.

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