Answers in Genesis - (PDF) - Ken Ham - Intelligent Design 1 - Creation Vs Evolution

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The document discusses AiG's views on the Intelligent Design Movement and their concerns with some aspects of the movement.

One of the 'bottom line' issues is whether the design argument fully aligns with a literal interpretation of the Bible.

Among the IDM's leading proponents, there are some commonly shared beliefs and stances such as focusing attacks on 'chance' evolution and naturalism rather than evolution itself.

Is it enough to point out

intelligent design in the world?




Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



AiGs views on the Intelligent Design Movement

by Carl Wieland

The argument of intelligent design (ID) has a long history going back to the ancient Greeks
and Romans.1 It was persuasively articulated by William Paley (17431805), who put forward
the argument of an inferred divine Watchmaker in his book Natural Theology (1802). Modern
Biblical creationists have also used the design argument in their opposition to evolution.2 But
the works of modern scholars such as Michael Denton (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1985) and
Phillip Johnson (Darwin on Trial, 1991) have led to the formation of an association of scientists
and other scholars, which has become known as the Intelligent Design Movement (IDM or ID
Many of our supporters have asked us repeatedly for our position on the IDM, so this document
is in response to that. It is not intended to be a hostile review by any means. Many in the creation
movement, including AiG and me personally, have friendly relations with, and personally like,
some of the people prominent in the IDM.
The modern concept of intelligent design has been simply formulated as the belief that certain
biological lines of evidence (e.g., the irreducible complexity of features such as the bacterial
flagellum) are evidence for a designer and against blind naturalistic processes.

The modern Intelligent Design Movement (IDM)

The Intelligent Design Movements motivation appears to be the desire to challenge the blind
acceptance of the materialistic, godless, naturalistic philosophy of Darwinian evolution. They
confront many of the philosophical underpinnings of todays evolutionary thinking. As a movement, they are unwilling to align themselves with Biblical creationism.
The informal leadership of the IDM has more or less come to rest on Philip Johnson, a distinguished retired (emeritus) Professor of Law at Berkeley University who is a Presbyterian. Philosophically and theologically, the leading lights of the ID movement form an eclectic group. For
example, Dr Jonathan Wells is not only a scientist but also an ordained cleric in the Unification
Church (the Moonie sect) and Dr Michael Denton is a former agnostic anti-evolutionist (with
respect to biological transformism), who now professes a vague form of theism. However, he
now seems to have embraced evolutionary (though somehow guided) transformism. Dr Michael
Behe, author of Darwins Black Box, is a Roman Catholic who says he has no problem with the
idea that all organisms, including man, descended from a common ancestor.

The IDMs general approach

Among the IDMs leading proponents, there are some commonly shared beliefs and stances:

The major focus of their attacks is not evolution as such, but chance evolution, i.e., the naturalistic philosophy (there is no supernatural; matter is all there is) behind it.

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



Anyone opposed to naturalism could potentially qualify as an ally. This includes believers
in evolution from microbe to man, so long as this belief were to involve some intelligent,
planned interference sometime during the billions of years.

They generally believe in, or are publicly neutral on, the millions and billions of years that
evolutionists teach and accept.

They either are comfortable with, or express no public view on, the corollary implication
of long-age belief, namely that millions of years of death, disease and suffering took place
before mankind appeared.

Though the movement incorporates some believers in Genesis, including recent creation in
six days and Noahs global Flood, its approach would preclude public expression of support
or concern for the Bibles authority in such matters.

They often go to great lengths to ensure that they are not seen as coming at it from the Bible.

The concept of the ID movement has attracted a number of evangelical Christians, including
believers in literal Genesis, who see it as a helpful new strategy to crack the foundation of evolution, which undergirds most of the worlds cultures and schools.
Evidence of IDs growing activism is the recent effort to add the Santorum amendment to the
2002 US education bill (an amendment that encouraged schools to inform students about the
continuing controversy over biological evolution). ID leaders have also been active in ongoing
efforts to include ID in the educational standards of the US state of Ohio.

The IDMs perceived and potential strengths

Many Biblical (or Genesis) creationists (BCs, who by historically sound exegetical standards
are convinced of recent creation) realize that the IDM doesnt go as far as we like, but think
that this is a reasonable price to pay for what they see as a potentially effective thin edge of
the wedge strategy. They reason, Lets just get the camels nose inside the tent, then we can
concentrate on these other issues. Lets win one battle at a time.

IDM sympathizers among BCs, frustrated by the failed legislative attempts to force the
teaching of two models, generally think that this tactic has a better chance of getting them a
hearing in the social/legislative arena. (AiG has never supported compulsion to teach creation,
by the way, and does not support the artificial separation into the categories of scientific vs
Biblical creationism that characterized much of the two-model approach.) They probably
believe that this is because:
i. They can tap into the intellectual, academic and political clout of a greater
range of people than just Bible-believing Christians.
ii. By having non-Christians in the movement, it will appear less parochial and
iii. By keeping the Bible out of it, they likely believe that this will overcome the
separation of church and state interpretations of the US Constitution that have
prevailed in recent years. They would therefore be inclined to argue that this is a
tactical necessity.
iv. The movements apparent refusal to identify the hypothetical designer with the
Biblical God (some IDers have pointed out that the design work they postulate
could even have been performed by aliens) is seen as a prudent necessity to keep

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



the argument on philosophically neutral ground, and thus avoid a lot of antiChristian hostility.

AiGs perception of the positives of the IDM

It has produced some materials and arguments which, though not necessarily designed to help
the battle for Biblical creation, have been very useful in this cause.

It has kept the anti-creationists occupied on another flank of the battle, i.e. it has drawn some
of the fire which might otherwise have distracted us from allocating our full efforts to spreading our message.

It correctly draws attention to the fact that the teaching of Darwinism is not philosophically/
religiously neutral, but is squarely based upon the presuppositions of naturalism (another
word for philosophical materialism or atheism, i.e., that there is no supernatural, but that this
material world is all there is).

AiGs perception of IDMs weaknesses

Despite incorporating some extremely bright thinkers, the movement as a whole seems to
have a recurring philosophical blind spot. Though they often correctly point out the religious
foundations of Darwinism, the fact that all scientific reasoning is ultimately based on axioms/
presuppositions (which are unprovable, hence metaphysical/subjective/biased by definition)
should have alerted them to the fact that there is no such thing as a neutral scientific arena
within which to interpret the evidence related to the past.

Since the only thing in their platform which comes close to being a commonly-shared presupposition is a negative (naturalism is wrong), they can provide no coherent philosophical
framework on which to base the axioms necessary to interpret evidence relevant to the historical sciences (paleontology, historical geology, etc). So they can never offer a story of the
past, which is one more reason why they must continually limit the debate to one of mechanismand then only in broad, general terms (designed vs undesigned).

They generally refuse to be drawn on the sequence of events, or the exact history of life on
Earth or its duration, apart from saying, in effect, that it doesnt matter. However, this is
seen by the average evolutionist as either absurd or disingenuously evasivethe arena in
which they are seeking to be regarded as full players is one which directly involves historical
issues. In other words, if the origins debate is not about a story of the past, what is it about?

Their failure to identify themselves with a story of the past (e.g. Genesis) is partly tacticallydriven, but is also a necessity, because they do not agree within themselves on a story of the
past. However, this failure only reinforces the perception by the establishment that they are
really creationists in disguise. The attacks on the IDM have thus been virtually as ferocious
as any on Genesis creationists. Thus, the belief that agreeing to keep the Bible out of it
would serve to keep anti-religious hostility out of the arena has not been confirmed in practice.

Some who are prominent in the IDM appear to be sympathetic to the Bibles account of
Creation. However, if the movement should ever make the strategic inroads it hopes for, then
our concern would be that any of its leaders who might later identify themselves with Genesis
belief would lay themselves open to charges of having been publicly deceptive.
Ironically, despite already drawing the fire aimed at Genesis, the Bible and Christianity,
many other prominent figures in the IDM reject or are hostile to Biblical creation, especially

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



the notion of the recent creation of a good world, ruined by mans Fall into sin. For tactical
reasons, they have been urged (especially by their coolest and wisest head, Phil Johnson, who
does not himself share that hostility) not to publicly condemn their Genesis-believing fellow
travelers, although this simmering opposition has burst forth from time to time. Were the IDM
to partially succeed in its initial aims, some of the strongest opponents of literal Genesis may
well arise from its recently-victorious ranks. For instance, Dr Michael Denton, though an
amiable fellow, was nevertheless part of a broadcast forum in Australia which recently told a
largely Christian audience that belief in literal Genesis was foolish and unscientific.

The IDMs refusal to identify the Designer with the Biblical God, and in particular with the
history in the Bible, means that:
i. Acceptance of ID thinking en masse could just as easily lead to New-Age
or Hindu-like notions of creation, as well as weird alien sci-fi notions. In such
instances, a Christian might well see that the metaphorical exorcism of one sociophilosophical demon would have achieved merely its replacement by others, possibly worse.
ii. There is no philosophical answer to their opponents logically-deduced charge
that the Designer was monstrous and/or inept (look at all the horrible, cruel, even
defective things in the living world), since bringing up the Fall is deliberately,
tactically excluded. (However, the Fall was a major event in history, that changed
everything. The world we are looking at now is a world that has been corrupted
by sin, not the original world that God designed.) Thus, the movements success
could very likely even be counterproductive, by laying the Biblical God open to
ridicule and contempt in new ways.

In fact, these points are not just hypothetical. Historically, the intelligent design in isolation
argument has achieved just these sorts of negative results. In other words, its been tried before
and failed. The natural theology approach (using design, but keeping the Bible out of it) by the
deists of former centuries led to an increase in deistic belief, i.e. a different god just as in point
i) immediately above, with its attendant rejection of the Bible and the Gospel. The deists driving force was the rejection of Gods Word and, concomitantly, His right to exercise rule over our
Urged to deduce the existence of the Creator God from design alone, and thus leaving out the
Fall and the real history of the world, thinkers concluded that any creator God must be cruel,
wasteful, etc. Charles Darwin himself wrote in exactly that vein. He also provided another example of the negative effects of leaving the Biblical history out of the discussion. When he came
across obvious examples of adaptive radiation from mainland populations onto islands, the only
concept of creation he had in his mind, in association with most of his deistically-influenced scientist contemporaries, was in situ creation, which his observations spoke so strongly against. But
of course if he had built into his thinking dispersal of all land vertebrates from one central point
after the global Flood, the alleged problem would have vanished. So, intelligent design arguments
that left the Bible out of it actually aided and abetted, in a major way, the rising rejection of the
Bible. Far from countering atheism, it actually pushed thinkers into a non-design explanation,
hence further into naturalism and atheism.
This is not surprising. The Apostle Paul acknowledges the power of the design argument in
Romans 1:20: Gods eternal power and divine nature can be clearly understood from the things
that have been made (i.e. evidences of design in nature). Because of this, the ungodly are without
excuse. But he maintains that people willingly reject this clear evidence. Peter likewise says in
2 Peter 3:3-6 that those who reject the supernatural Creation and the global Flood are willingly
ignorant (KJV) or deliberately forget[ful] (NIV). Evidence of design in nature is enough to conIs it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



demn men, but it is not enough to save them. The Bible makes it overwhelmingly clear that the
scientific aspects of creation ministry cannot, in the end, be separated from the preaching of the
Gospel, to enable people to be reconciled to their Creator. Deducing the details of creation from
nature alone, unguided by His revealed Word, ignores the fact that nature is fallen and cursed. The
great theologian Louis Berkhof wrote: ... since the entrance of sin into the world, man can gather
true knowledge about God from His general revelation only if he studies it in the light of Scripture .3
The IDM as a whole does not come to grips with the historical background of naturalism in the
sciences. Biblical creationists have long argued that the millions-of-years concepts (which the
majority of leading IDMers either support or say they have no problem with) in fields like
astronomy/cosmology and historical geology were squarely based on, derived from, and fueled
by, naturalismi.e., the deliberate rejection of Gods Word and its authority in relation to the
history of the world.4 These naturalism-underpinned conclusions of geology/astronomy were the
seedbed for Darwinism. That is, naturalism was there long before Darwinism and led directly
to its dominance. It is therefore ironic to observe IDers telling people that fighting naturalism is
the important issue, when at the same time they tell people that the very naturalism-based issues
which were the seedbed of Darwinism are unimportant.
Interestingly, a recent book produced from within the IDM, Darwins God by Cornelius Hunter,
argues powerfully that Darwin was really trying to distance God from natural evil, by removing
Him from having anything to do with His creation. In other words, Darwin was in that sense an
ultra-deist, rather than an atheist. Hunter shows how the problem is a particular view of God, of
what He would or would not do. But indirectly, this would appear to argue against one aspect of
the ID platform, since the only way to have a correct view of God and what He would do (and
did do) would be if God revealed it to us, as indeed He has through Scripture. And Hunters book
often refers obliquely to Biblical passages.

What about public education?

We tend to blame the world for what has happened to our educational institutions. We dont
usually stop to think of how the church itself has aided and abetted this tragedy as it has so often
compromised on the authority of Gods Word in relation to real-world issues such as science and
history. AiGs major strategy is to boldly, but humbly, call the church back to its Biblical foundations in such matters, reforming the thinking of Christians, who are then to be salt and light to our
culture. This is how it worked in the days of the Great Awakening in England and America, when
the light of the Gospel diffused horizontally through the educational, political and social institutions, transforming positively just about everything we take for granted in our modern world.
We have always felt that teachers should at least be able to critically examine arguments for and
against evolution, and we dont think that the constitutional arguments in the USA supposedly
preventing that have ever been strong, i.e., how can any Christian teacher who wants to do so be
prevented from giving arguments for and against evolution? What reasonable person could logically defend the notion of shielding any scientific theory or idea from all critical analysis?
At the same time, we have never supported compulsory teaching of Biblical creation (imagine any
teacher being forced to teach that which they dont believe, and which in effect points the finger at
them as sinners).
As indicated earlier, we also dont believe that one can, or should attempt to, artificially separate
Biblical from scientific creation in order to gain a hearing in the public arena. This has been
attempted by Biblical creationists, again for tactical reasons, with good motives. But, like the
IDMs broader but ultimately similar stratagem, it appears to us to be philosophically flawed.
Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



The origins issue has never been about facts and evidence as suchwe all have the same world,
the same evidence, the same facts. It is the philosophical framework within which facts are interpreted which differs. And philosophical frameworks are based on axioms (presuppositions, or
starting beliefs). The scientific conclusions of Darwinism are squarely based on anti-Biblical (naturalistic) axioms, while those of creation are based on Biblical axioms. We believe that axioms
need to be openly on the table, and it should be realized that one can discuss them in a secular
setting without teaching religious doctrine as such, but without hiding or running away from the
implications. The evidence concerning origins can be discussed through a critical comparison of
axiom-based models5 without fostering the secular myth of neutrality, i.e., that evidence speaks
for itself in some mysterious way.

What about the constitutional barriers?

US courts have consistently reinterpreted the Constitution, and the US public mood has become
increasingly secular. Why has this societal shift occurred? Because the church en masse has had
its eyes shut to the foundational philosophical/worldview shift in Western culture. For this failure
to adequately defend the authority of Genesis the church bears grave responsibility. Again, we
see that the pressing need and priority is to reform the church in order to re-salt the culture; the
legal/political battles will then become totally reframed. We fear that Christians who play lets
pretend the Bible isnt part of it risk alienating the culture still further.
Of course, in practical terms, starting with the powerful design arguments which the IDM has
helped to reawaken (and has formalized in modern terms) can be a very useful tool for opening
discussion, especially in circles where mentioning the Bible would instantly plug the hearers
ears. Many of us in AiG have actually been partially using the wedge tactic of the IDM for
years individually. That is, we may, in certain settings, seek to gain a more ready hearing through
initially focusing on less controversial aspects of Biblical Creation. However, unlike the official
stance of the IDM, when that opening comes, or when questioned, we will unhesitatingly affirm
that we start our thinking based squarely on the real history in the Bible. Used properly, such a
tactic is almost inevitably more effective than acting as if there is a neutral science arena for
determining truth. Most people get the point when one shows them how evidence is not neutral
and does not speak for itself but must be interpreted. Even unbelievers are often willing to follow
an argument when asked to temporarily alter their presuppositions (i.e., to put on a different pair
of glasses) to see how the evidence might fit a Biblical worldview. So, while it may be useful on
occasion to focus on the evidence and avoid references to the Bible and religion, it is counterproductive if one does so to an extent that reinforces the myth that it is somehow less scientific to
base ones models on Gods revelation, the Bible.

Summary and conclusion

AiG supports the ID movements efforts to promote academic freedom and to question evolution. When we call into question (hopefully with humility) aspects of their strategy, we do so not
to seek to undermine or oppose their efforts, but to encourage careful thinking by all concerned
believers (including ourselves) concerning the ways to achieve the most good, and to give most
honor and glory to God. In the end, we in AiG are concerned about the truth and authority of the
Word of God, the Bible. This is an issue which ultimately transcends and overrides matters such
as local school politics and the like.
God, who used even the pagan king Cyrus for His purposes, may use the IDM in spite of the concerns we have raised. We would be delighted to see it make real inroads in the areas of its interest, and are positive about many aspects of its existence, including some of the useful materials
it produces. Where we can be natural allies, if this can occur without compromising our Biblical
stance in any way, we want to be.
Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



Our friends in the IDM will hopefully understand that when we discuss these problems and issues,
we do so not to discourage or obstruct, but simply to make it clear where we are coming from,
why we do so, and why we neither count ourselves a part of this movement nor campaign against

1. Cicero, for example, used design in support of the Greek pantheon of gods.
2. A.E. Wilder-Smith, The Creation of Life (Wheaton: Harold Shaw, 1970), Robert Kofahl and
Kelly Segraves, The Creation Explanation (Wheaton: Harold Shaw, 1975) and Henry Morris
and Gary Parker, What is Creation Science? (El Cajon: Master Books, 1982).
3. Louis Berkhof, L, Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology, Eerdmans Publishing Co.,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1938, p. 60.
4. See two relevant articles by Dr Terry Mortenson on this point:
a. Defining Boundaries on Creation and Noahs Flood: Early 19th Century British Scriptural Geologists, which discusses these writers who perceived the then-developing oldEarth geology to be based on naturalism (order it free by email from Zondervans Web
site: and
Penn.asp (especially the section entitled The Philosophical Foundation of Comparative
Estimate), which discusses the philosophically astute writings of one of the Scriptural
5. What about the common objection, Why not then teach e.g. Australian Aboriginal creation stories in science lessons? One could ask such objectors whether they are aware of any origins
teaching outside of the Abrahamic stream which:
a. Claims to be absolute revelational truth from the Creator in documentary form.
b. Has been held and believed consistently for many centuries in essentially its modern
c. Has been held to offer a serious historical explanation for all of reality and the origins
of man and the universe.
d. Is supported by a significant group of qualified scientists and other intellectuals who are
convinced that it does indeed explain the data at least as well as evolution/long ages.

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



A brief history of design

by Russell Grigg
First published in:
Creation 22(2):50-53
March-May 2000
For over two millennia, people have argued that the design in nature points to a Designer.1 In
44 BC, the Roman writer, orator and statesman, Cicero (10643 BC), used this concept in his
book De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods)2 to challenge the evolutionary ideas of the
philosophers of his day.

Greek evolutionism, the gods, and fear of death

The two main schools of philosophy then were Epicureanism3 and Stoicism.4 The Epicureans
sought happiness through bodily pleasures and freedom from pain and anxiety. The two chief
causes of anxiety were fear of the gods and fear of death, so Epicurus sought to nullify both of
these by teaching an evolutionary atomic theory.5
He denied that there was any purpose in nature, because everything was composed of particles
(atoma: atoms), all falling downwards. He said that these sometimes spontaneously swerved to
coalesce and form bodies non-living, living, human, and divine. The gods were made of finer
atoms than humankind. They did not create the world or have any control over it, so they were not
concerned with human affairs, and there was therefore no need for man to fear them. At death, the
soul disintegrated and became non-existent, so there was no need to fear death or the prospect of
judgment after death.
Cicero used the Stoic character in his book to refute these ideas with arguments from design,
aimed to show that the universe is governed by an intelligent designer. He argued that a conscious
purpose was needed to express art (e.g. to make a picture or a statue) and so, because nature was
more perfect than art, nature showed purpose also. He reasoned that the movement of a ship was
guided by skilled intelligence, and a sundial or water clock told the time by design rather than by
chance. He said that even the barbarians of Britain or Scythia could not fail to see that a model
which showed the movements of the sun, stars and planets was the product of conscious intelligence.6
Cicero continued his challenge to the evolutionism of Epicurus by marvelling that anyone could
persuade himself that chance collisions of particles could form anything as beautiful as the world.
He said that this was on a par with believing that if the letters of the alphabet were thrown on the
ground often enough they would spell out the Annals of Ennius.7,8
And he asked: if chance collisions of particles could make a world, why then cannot they build
much less difficult objects, like a colonnade, a temple, a house, or a city?9

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?



More recent users of the design argument

In the 18th century, the most notable user of the design argument was William Paley (17431805).
In his book, Natural Theology, he put the case of someone finding a watch while walking in a
barren countryside. From the functions which the various parts of the watch fulfil (e.g. spring,
gearwheels, pointer), the only logical conclusion was that it had a maker who comprehended its
construction and designed its use.10 Paley also discussed evidence of design in the eye that as
an instrument for vision it showed intelligent design in the same way that telescopes, microscopes
and spectacles do. And he went on to discuss complex design in many other human and animal
organs, all pointing to the conclusion that the existence of complex life implies an intelligent
David Hume, the 18th century Scottish sceptical philosopher, tried to counter the watch argument by pointing out that watches are not living things which reproduce. However, Paley wrote
30 years after Hume, and Paleys arguments are proof against most of Humes objections. For
example, a modern philosopher has countered Hume: Paleys argument about organisms stands
on its own, regardless of whether watches and organisms happen to be similar. The point of talking about watches is to help the reader see that the argument about organisms is compelling.11

Charles Darwin and Paley

Charles Darwin was required to read Paley during his theological studies at Cambridge (1828
31). He later said, I do not think that I hardly ever admired a book more than Paleys Natural
Theology. I could almost formerly have said it by heart.12
However, he then spent the rest of his life developing and promoting a theory to explain how
design in nature could occur without God.13 Darwin proposed that small, useful changes could
occur by chance, and enable their possessors to survive and pass on these changes natural
selection. Natural selection would work on even the tiniest improvements and, over vast ages,
would supposedly accumulate enough small changes to produce all the design we see in the
living world.

Modern science vs Darwin

Evolutionists, including the stridently atheistic Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins, still use
Darwins theory to oppose the design argument. But now, they believe that natural selection acts on genetic copying mistakes (mutations), some of which are supposed to increase the
genetic information content. But Dawkins arguments have been severely critiqued on scientific
Dawkins neo-Darwinism has several flaws:
Natural selection requires self-reproducing entities. Producing even the simplest self-reproducing organism by a chance combination of chemicals is even more incredible than producing the
Annals of Ennius by dropping letters on the ground. Living things require long molecules with
precise arrangements of smaller building blocks. Not only will the building blocks not combine in the right order, but they are unlikely, by natural means, to build up large molecules at all!
Rather, large molecules tend to break down into smaller ones.18 Also, the building blocks are
There is complex biological machinery of which Darwin was simply ignorant. Biochemist Dr
Michael Behe lists a number of examples: real motors, transport systems, the blood clotting
cascade, the complex visual machinery. He argues that they require many parts or they would not
Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?




function at all, so they could not have been built in small steps by natural selection.20
Biophysicist/information theorist Dr Lee Spetner points out that mutations never add information,
but only reduce it this includes even the rare helpful mutations. And he points out that natural
selection is insufficient to accumulate slight advantages, as it would be too weak to overcome the
effects of chance, which would tend to eliminate these mutants.21

The Bible and the design argument

Design is not enough!
The Apostle Paul used the design argument in Romans 1:20, where he declares that Gods eternal
power and divine nature can be understood from the things that have been made (i.e. evidences
of design in nature). And he says that because of this, the ungodly are without excuse. But Paul
continues that people willingly reject this clear evidence.
This evidence of design in nature is enough to condemn men, but it is not enough to save them.
The Bible makes it clear that the preaching of the Gospel is also needed to show how we are to
come into a right relationship with the Creator (see next section).22
Cicero lived in the century before Christ and probably had never heard of the God of Genesis; he
used design in support of the Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses of the Stoics. Today, New
Agers may attribute design to Mother Nature or Gaia (the Greek goddess of the Earth).

Creation Evangelism
When Christians use design and other arguments from science, they are properly engaging in
pre-evangelism, i.e. they are seeking to expose the fallacy of the evolutionary presuppositions
that blind the eyes of people today to the truth of the Word of God. This is shown by the Apostle
Pauls experience in Athens. Paul preached Jesus and the resurrection (Acts 17:18), which challenged both the Epicurean and the Stoic philosophers of his day i.e. both Ciceros opponents
and his fellow believers. Paul challenged their faulty ideas by pointing them to the one true God
who had created everything. But Paul didnt stop with creation.23
He urged them to repent, and he said they could know there would be a Day of Judgment because
God had appointed the Judge and given assurance of this by raising Him from the dead (Acts 17:
The only way to be saved is to believe in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12), the
Creator/Redeemer, who died and rose again to pay the penalty for mankinds sin. We should
follow the way Paul presented the Gospel in 1 Cor. 15 N.B. verses 14, 2122, 26, 45, which
make sense only with a literal Genesis a literal Creation, Fall, death penalty for sin, etc.
John the Evangelist wrote his Gospel so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of
God, and that believing you might have life in His name (John 20:31). But he began his Gospel
by declaring that Jesus is the Creator (John 1:13), the Second Person of the Trinity, who took on
human nature (John 1:14). Thus evangelism must present Christ as Creator or it is deficient if
Christ is not God, then He cannot be our Saviour (Isaiah 43:11).

Without the message of design and the Creator, gospel preaching lacks foundation. Without
Christ, the design argument cannot save. We must present a full Gospel, starting with creation by
Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?




the Triune God, and combine it with the message of Christs death for sin and His Resurrection.

References and notes

1. Philosophers often call this the teleological argument.
2. A fictitious dialogue involving an Epicurean, a Stoic, and a speaker from the Academy (the
philosophical school founded by Plato).
3. Based on the teachings of Epicurus (341270 BC).
4. Based on the teachings of Zeno of Citium (335263 BC). The Stoics were pantheists. For
them, happiness lay in emulating the calm and order of the universe by enduring hardship and
adversity with fortitude and a tranquil mind. The name derives from the porch (Greek: stoa)
where Zeno taught.
5. Derived from Democritus (460361 BC). These philosophies were of Greek origin.
6. Cicero, De Natura Deorum, Book 2, sections 8788.
7. Ref. 6, Book 2, section 93.
8. Compare Grigg, R., Could monkeys type the 23rd Psalm? Creation 13(1):3034, 1990;
updated in Apologia 3(2):5964, 1994.
9. Ref. 6, Book 2, section 94.
10. Paley, W., Natural Theology, first published 1802, republished by Bill Cooper as Paleys
Watchmaker, New Wine Press, Chichester, England, pp. 2931, 1995.
11. Sober, E., Philosophy of Biology, Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, p. 34, 1993, cited in
Behe, Ref. 20.
12. C. Darwin to John Lubbock, Nov. 15, 1859, Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, D. Appleton
& Co., 2:15, 1911.
13. Wieland, C., Darwins real message: have you missed it? Creation 14(4):1619, 1992.
14. Gitt, W., Weasel Words, Creation 20(4):2021, September 1998.
15. Bohlin, R.G., Up the River Without a Paddle Review of River Out of Eden: A Darwinian
View of Life, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 10(3):322327, 1996.
16. Sarfati, J., Review of Climbing Mt Improbable, CEN Technical Journal 12(1):2934, 1998.
17. Truman, R., The problem of information for the Theory of Evolution: Has Dawkins really
solved it?, July 14, 1999.
18. Sarfati, J., Origin of life: the polymerization problem, CEN Technical Journal 12(3):281284,
19. Sarfati, J., Origin of life: Instability of building blocks, CEN Technical Journal 13(3):
124127, 1998.
20. Behe, M.J., Darwins Black Box, The Free Press, NY, USA, p. 217, 1996. He calls this property: irreducible complexity.
21. Spetner, L.M., Not By Chance, The Judaica Press, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 1997.
22. Matthew 28:1820; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; Romans 10:1315.
23. For further reading: Morris, H.M., Design Is Not Enough! Back to Genesis No. 127, ICR, CA,
Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?




24. Gitt, W., In the beginning was Information, CLV, Bielefeld, Germany, 1997.
25. Dawkins, R., The Blind Watchmaker, W.W. Norton, NY, USA, p. 115, 1986.
26. Fraser, C.M. et al., The minimal gene complement of Mycoplasma genitalium, Science,
270(5235):397403, 1995; perspective by Goffeau, A., Life With 482 Genes, same issue,
pp. 445446.
27. Gitt, W., Dazzling Design in Miniature, Creation 20(1):6, 1997.

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?




The new anti-Darwinismjoys and dangers

by Russell Grigg
First published in:
Creation 20(1):4
December 1997-February 1998
Between the World Wars, many Christian books smugly provided quotes from prominent scientists which indicated they were opposed to Darwinism. Actually, the scientists concerned were
not abandoning evolution, just Darwins idea of how it happened. The result? One anti-Biblical
concept (Darwinism) was replaced with another (neo-Darwinism).
Are we seeing a similar thing beginning today? Recent years have seen a swag of books attacking
evolution by chance, from authors in high standing, who do not claim to be defending Genesis
For instance, Michael Denton, the molecular biologist whose book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
powerfully exposed the weakness of the evidence for evolution.
Then came Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnsons influential Darwin on Trial. His impact is
clear from the way the highly organised US anti-creationist lobby systematically targets him in its
Next was Darwins Black Box, by biochemistry professor Michael Behe. Behes easy-to-understand examples of irreducible complexity cry out for intelligent design as a serious scientific
A new book by impeccably credentialled Israeli scientist Lee Spetner may be the most potentially
damaging to the neo-Darwinian establishment. He shows why chance mutations are theoretically
and experimentally incapable of adding the new information evolution demands.
Where do they really stand? Behe has no problem with the idea of man descending from the
slime, via fishso long as it didnt happen by chance.
Johnson says it would not matter to him if God used evolution or not. He riles theistic evolutionists, because he exposes their surrender to Darwinian naturalism. Nevertheless, it seems he would
be comfortable with a Behe-like evolution by intelligent manipulation.
Denton, who was an agnostic when he wrote his book, has since moved much closer to theistic
evolution, not Genesis creation.
In the US a whole new intelligent design movement (IDM) is forming around the likes of Johnson and Behe. Its main features:
Not so much attacking evolution as chance evolution.

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?




No real concern with the authority of the Bible regarding such matters as the global Flood, the
original perfection of creation, the six days, and so on.1
Belief in billions of years of death and suffering before mankind appeared, which undermines the
logic of the Gospel.
It would seem foolish to reject the contributions of the IDM altogether. Many of their works,
which we stock, can, if used with care, help bring people to Christ. Even though most of their
points were made long ago by overt believers in Genesis, they cannot be as easily (albeit unfairly)
However, believers should not again be lulled into a false sense of security. Assume the IDM
succeeds, and the establishment does come to believe in some god-like intelligent force which
manipulated billions of years of death and suffering. Would that not highlight for people just how
far removed such a deity would be from the holy God of the Bible, and how the Bibles account of
the origin of (and solution for) human sin must indeed be flawed?
Man in rebellion against his Maker has obviously found Darwinian evolution (creation by chance)
a convenient way to evade responsibility to Him. However, if forced to accept the evidence that
intelligent design was in fact necessary, the next best way to avoid unpleasant notions of sin and
judgement would be to ensure that the Bible, and the character of God revealed therein, remained
discredited. A scientific paradigm of intelligent design would, if it rejected the Genesis Creator
(the one who became flesh and died on Calvarys cross precisely because of Adams rebellion), be
just another expression of that rebellion.
The world-wide ministry of Answers in Genesis is involved in opposing evolution; however, this
is not for us an end in itself. It comes from striving to base all of our thinking on the authority of
Gods Word. Only in this way can all believers bring honour to Gods name as they uphold, proclaim and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:15).3

References and notes

1. I have deliberately not included Hugh Ross in this movement. The IDM as a whole does not
pretend to hold to a literal Genesis. Ross says he doesthen teaches billions of years of death
and suffering before sin, local Flood, etc. None of the ID proponents systematically disparage
literal creationists (and all have an excellent grasp of biology), unlike Ross.
2. While this may be tactically useful on occasion, we need to be careful not to swallow the myth
that it is somehow less scientific to base ones models, indeed all of ones thinking, on Gods
revelation, the Bible.
3. 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer
to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

Is it enough to point out the evidence of intelligent design in the world? What is the bottom line issue when using the design argument? Is the irreducible complexity argument still valid? What are other evidences of design? What about chaos theory?




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