Biochemistry Lab Notes

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Crystalloids those that diffuse readily through parchment membrane

2. Colloids do not diffuse through parchment membrane
But some colloids under suitable conditions can be transformed into crystalloids and vice versa
Newer concept of classification is based upon the SIZE OF THE PARTICLES OF THE SOLUTE (dispersed phase) &
dispersed in the solvent (dispersion medium)
1. True solution molecules or ions are about one millimicron in diameter
2. Colloidal solution size of the particles is larger than one millimicron but does not exceed 100 milimicra
3. Suspensions particles bigger than 100 milimicra but not exceeding one millimeter

COLLOIDAL SOLUTION exhibit distinctive properties:

1. Filtrability: the particles of colloidal solution can pass through ordinary filter but not through parchment
membranes. This property is utilized in the process of dialysis by which colloidal solutions are freed from
crystalloidal impurities.
2. Negligible osmotic pressure: this is due to the fact that the number of particles in a colloidal solution is
comparatively small, and all these phenomena depend mostly upon the number of dispersed particles per unit
volume regardless of their size
3. Tyndall phenomenon: the path of a powerful beam of light through a colloidal solution appears strongly
luminous when viewed at right angle. This is the result of the reflection of light from the surfaces of the
suspended particles in the medium. Tyndall effect is measured by means of nephelometer.
4. Brownian movement: When viewed under the microscope, the suspended particles of colloidal solutions are
observed to be in continuous, rapid vibratory motion which is called the BROWNIAN MOVEMENT.
5. Electrical charges: Colloidal particles especially suspensoids are electrically charged, the charge being distributed
over the surface of the entire particle. The electrical charge upon the particles is of importance in stabilizing
colloidal solution. Since all particles in a given solution are charged alike, they repel each other and remain in
suspension. The neutralization of these charges is of importance in precipitation or flocculation of colloids.
6. Surface reaction: The total surface area presented by colloidal particles is enormous compared to those of

Colloidal substances are classified into: EMULSOIDS and SUSPENSOIDS

Emulsoids lyophilic, having affinity for the solvent. When brough in contact with water they take up a large amount of
it causing them to swell and form a gel. The phenomenon is called IMBIBITION and is influenced by temperature and Hion concentration.
Many lyophilic colloids like gelatin, form semi-solid gel; when dilute, it is fluid; when concentrated and allowed
to stand, it forms a gel.
This gel is converted to sol state upon heating but reconverts to gel on cooling.
When allowed to stand quietly, forms a GEL but when shaken vigorously, is transformed into a SOL. This
phenomenon is known as THIXOTROPY.
Solutions of emulsoids have higher viscosity than that of the pure solvent.
Molecules on the surface are attracted only downward and sideways but not upward except for a little attraction of air
molecules. They are held together and form a membrane over the surface of the liquid. The force by which the surface

molecules are held is called SURFACE TENSION. The stronger the attraction between molecules, the greater is the
surface tension. So when a non-wetting powder like sulfur is sprinkled upon the surface of the liquid (water) it is
suspended on the surface.
Surface Tension can be measured by the use of a stalagmometer.
Certain substances alter the surface tension of fluids. Sodium chloride for example increases it, while bile salts have
diminishing effects. Bile salts which lower the surface tension of fats hasten the latters digestion and subsequent
ADSORPTION. When coloring matter or toxic substances adhere on the surface of the particles of animal
charcoal, adsorption is taking place, and is due purely to physical force. But when fatty acids are neutralized by
sodium hydroxide, the sodium ions through some chemical force are adsorbed upon the surface of the
dispersed droplets of the former.
The greater the surface of the adsorbing agent the greater is the adsorption. It is increased by a rise of pressure
and diminished by a rise in temperature.
Liquid tends to flow due to its fluidity. The resistance which a liquid offers to flowing is VISCOSITY. Example: Acetone &
ether has little viscosity while honey has high viscosity.
Several factors which affect Viscosity:
1. Temperature: For every degree rise of temperature, there is a 2% decrease of viscosity
2. Chemical nature: Viscosity is greater with larger and elongated rather than small and spherical molecules.
Increased concentration in a given solution increases viscosity. Small amounts of electrolytes lower the viscosity
of the solution.
3. Colloids: Suspensoids have viscosity which differs only slightly from the pure solvent and increases only slightly
with increasing concentration. Emulsoids have relatively high viscosity.
4. Suspended particles cause an increase in viscosity in proportion to the amount of suspended material; in
relation to total volume.
The viscosity of the blood is due to proteins, emulsoids and corpuscles suspended in the plasma. Blood viscosity is
importation in relation to the resistance offered to the heart in circulating blood. The heart muscle functions best when
working against a certain resistance.

1 millimicron or less

1 to 100 millimicra


Passes thru membranes &

Not visible


Not visible

Passes thru filters but not

thru membranes
Visible under
Brownian movement



Above 100 millimicra to
Do not pass thru either
Visible with microscope or
naked eye
Settles down

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