Educators Social and Emotional Article

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Stephanie M. Jones, Suzanne M. Bouffard, and Richard Weissbourd

Educators social and emotional

skills vital to learning
Social and emotional competencies arent secondary to the mission of education, but are
concrete factors in the success of teachers, students, and schools.
I yelled at my students too
much today.
I thought I was going to lose it
when Nick acted up in class again.
Im so stressed out that I dont
want to teach tomorrow.
Statements like these are all too
familiar to educators. What teacher
or administrator hasnt felt stresses
that make it difficult to focus on
teaching and learning? Who hasnt
needed to call on a deep well of
social and emotional resources to
overcome those challenges?
In the current national focus on
teacher quality, the essential role
of teachers social and emotional
competencies is often overlooked.
But ask educators when they need
those competencies and theyll
likely respond every day. And
ask students to describe the teachers who most influenced them and
why, and their answers will likely
include qualities in the social and
emotional area the ability to
listen and empathize, pick up on
a subtle social cue, find a students
hidden strength, or model calm
under stress.
These educators and students
know intuitively what research
has shown: Social and emotional
competencies influence everything from teacher-student relationships to classroom management to effective instruction to
teacher burnout.

There is good reason to believe

that social and emotional competencies like managing emotions
and stress are needed more today than ever before. The latest
MetLife Survey of the American
Teacher found unprecedented
levels of stress and dissatisfaction
among teachers and principals,
with just over half of teachers reporting great stress at least several days a week. Students, too,
report high levels of stress, negative perceptions of their school
environments, and problems in
the social, emotional, and behavioral areas, such as bullying, conflicts with peers, and externalizing
and internalizing mental health
problems (OConnell, Boat, &
Warner, 2009). And student and

R&D appears in each issue of Kappan with the assistance of the Deans Alliance,
which is composed of the deans of the education schools/colleges at the following
universities: Harvard University, Michigan State University, Northwestern University,
Stanford University, Teachers College Columbia University, University of California,
Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Michigan, University of
Pennsylvania, and University of Wisconsin.


May 2013

teacher stress can fuel each other

in many ways.
Practices and policies to support and foster educators social
and emotional competencies are
fundamental to addressing these
challenges. Schools must overcome the false assumption that
all educators naturally possess
these abilities in equal measure.
As with other competencies, they
can be built through coaching and
other forms of support. At the
core of these approaches is a clear
understanding of social and emotional learning (SEL), recognition
of SELs effect on teaching and
learning, and openness to innovation and shifts in school culture.

Getting concrete about SEL

Social and emotional learning
has often been an umbrella term
for a wide range of competencies
from emotional intelligence to
social competence to self-regulation. SEL competencies encompass three areas:
Emotional processes include unThinkstock/Purestock

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derstanding and labeling feelings

accurately; regulating emotions
and behaviors for the situation
(e.g., calmly sorting through a
disagreement rather than storming out of a faculty meeting when
angry); taking anothers perspective, and displaying empathy.
Social/interpersonal skills include
understanding social cues (such as
body language and tone of voice);
correctly attributing the intent of
others behaviors (e.g., understanding a students defiance as a desire
for independence rather than a personal insult); interacting positively
with students and other adults, and
acting in prosocial ways (e.g., offering help and kind words).
Cognitive regulation includes
maintaining attention and focus;
engaging working memory, inhibiting impulses that are not appropriate to the situation (e.g., not
yelling at a student or using sarcasm out of frustration), and flexibly shifting gears when needed
(e.g., trying a new approach when
an instructional strategy is not
For all adults, some of these
skills come naturally, while others require ongoing effort. SEL
competencies develop in a complicated set of interactions and settings from birth into adulthood.
Theyre also influenced by context.
For example, managing stress is
easier in an environment that encourages learning than in one that
is harshly critical; environments
where complaints and gossip are
the norm tend to bring out more
negative behaviors. Supportive
school cultures not only enhance
staff members SEL abilities, but,
importantly, set the conditions for
using them effectively.
To date, most interventions to
STEPHANIE M. JONES (jonesst@gse. is an associate professor
of human development and urban
education at the Harvard Graduate
School of Education, Cambridge, Mass.,
is a research project manager and
of the Human Development and Psychology Program.

develop SEL and build positive

school culture have focused exclusively on students. Educators
typically receive little training
and support for implementation
and for effectively supporting students social and emotional development and even less training and
support for educators own SEL.
But such support is growing.

Teachers SEL
Teachers SEL competencies
influence students in at least three
First, SEL influences the quality of teacher-student relationships. Teachers who are good
at regulating their emotions are
more likely to display positive affect and higher job satisfaction
(Brackett, et al., 2010). Teachers who are calm, positive, and
content are likely to be better
equipped to treat students warmly
and sensitively, even when students behave in challenging ways.
When students have high-quality
relationships with teachers, they
have better social adjustment and
higher academic competence
(Mashburn et al., 2008; Raver,
Garner, & Smith-Donald, 2007;
Pianta, 2003). Conversely, when
teachers and students have negative or conflict-filled relationships, students are less likely to be
engaged in school and more likely
to have low academic achievement
(Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg,
Pianta, & Howes, 2002; Hamre
& Pianta, 2001; NICHD Early
Child Care Research Network,
2003; Raver, et al., 2008). One
study even found that the quality
of teacher-student relationships
was a better predictor of academic
adjustment than other factors like
teacher education and teacherstudent ratio (Mashburn et al.,
Second, teachers model SEL
skills for students intentionally
or not. Teachers navigate stressful situations nearly every day, and
students are watching. Students
learn from the way teachers manage frustration, maintain control of
themselves and the classroom, stay
focused in the face of distractions,
and shift tactics when needed.

They also learn from the way

teachers handle students who need
better SEL skills, such as when
students act cruelly toward one
another or use inappropriate language, such as thats so gay. This
is why R.W. Roeser and colleagues
(2012) suggest that teachers need
to possess certain habits of mind,
or dispositions, such as awareness,
attention, flexibility, and intentionality. It is also why one intervention program begins with activities
to build school leaders and teachers SEL skills as a precursor to
student programming (Maurer &
Brackett, 2004).
Third, teachers SEL abilities
likely influence their classroom
organization and management. As
every teacher knows, maintaining a calm, organized, and wellregulated environment is essential. Such environments include
effective behavior management
approaches as well as practices
that encourage creativity, student
choice and autonomy, and student
reflection (Bodrova & Leong,
2006; Mashburn et al., 2008). To
build such environments, teachers must maintain a sense of calm,
be organized, feel in control of
the classroom, and develop social
trust with students and families
who may be different from them
(Carlock, 2011).
Most educators can think of additional ways that SEL influences
practice. Focusing on these competencies is like starting a healthy
diet: Once you notice the effects,
you see more and more benefits.

Teachers with
stronger SEL
have more
with students,
manage their
and implement
SEL programs
targeted to
with greater

Stress and burnout

As noted previously, environmental factors, particularly stress,
influence teachers and students
ability to develop and use SEL
competencies. Studies suggest that
teachers today are more stressed
and unhappy than ever before and
that more teachers are leaving the
Stress influences the three pathways from teacher SEL to student
outcomes described above. First,
research with both teachers and
parents suggests that when adults
are stressed and/or depressed,
their interactions with children
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learn from
the way
control of
and the
stay focused
in the face of
and shift
tactics when

become less warm, more harsh,

and more conflictual. Second,
teachers who have limited emotional regulation skills may have
trouble coping with stress and
struggle to model effective stress
management for students. Third,
neuroscience research shows that
stress also disrupts cognitive regulation processes, including attention, memory, and problem solving. At the same time, its likely
that limited SEL competencies
can exacerbate teachers stress.
Jennings and Greenberg (2009)
developed a theoretical model
that describes how SEL and stress
interact to create a feedback loop
that they refer to as a burnout
cascade. According to the model,
teachers with stronger SEL competencies have more positive relationships with students, manage
their classrooms more effectively,
and implement SEL programs
targeted to students with greater
fidelity. The result is a positive
and healthy classroom climate
that supports positive student outcomes. These outcomes including student behavior in the classroom feed back into teachers
relationships with students, stress,
and social and emotional skills.
Ideally, the cycle is a positive one.
But, when it is negative, the result
is a cascade that results in growing
teacher burnout over time.
Any approach to building
teachers SEL competencies
therefore must address teacher
stress. The most effective approaches are likely to be those
that work to mitigate factors that
cause stress and also help teachers learn to cope with stresses that
cant be avoided.

Promising interventions
A limited but growing number
of interventions have been designed to support educators
especially teachers SEL and
stress management:
Emotion-focused training: Support for emotional regulation can
help educators cope with stress,
frustration, and challenges like
the emotional burden of student
trauma. Chang (2009) proposed
that emotion-focused interven64


May 2013

tions should help teachers recognize the emotional nature of their

work, identify and reflect on their
emotions and the causes of them,
and cope with difficult emotions
through reframing, problem solving, and emotional management.
The RULER approach is an intervention for K-12 students, teachers, administrators, and parents
that focuses on emotion recognition, understanding, labeling, expression, and regulation. During
an initial two-day training, teachers and administrators learn about
tools that they and their students
can use to create emotionally supportive schools and classrooms.
Teachers attend an additional
training on implementing the student curriculum, and they receive
up to five coaching visits in their
Relationship-building interventions: Interventions designed to
foster positive teacher-student
interactions frequently use coaching, in which professional mentors provide classroom-based
feedback and specific strategies.
The 4Rs + MTP project is a
promising new approach to SELfocused coaching. It is designed
to enhance an evidence-based
SEL curriculum for students, the
4Rs (Reading, Writing, Respect,
& Resolution), with an evidencebased professional development
and support system, My Teaching
Partner (MTP). MTP provides a
web site with videos and other resources that teachers can access at
any time as well as biweekly, oneon-one consultation via the Internet. Teachers regularly videotape
their own teaching of lessons in
SEL skills, literacy, and language
and receive specific written feedback from consultants. The observations and feedback are guided
by the empirically validated Classroom Assessment Scoring System
framework and assessment instrument, which focuses on teacherstudent interactions.
Mindfulness and stress reduction:
Mindfulness refers to both a state
of being and an approach based
in meditation and other centering techniques. When people are
mindful, they are focused, aware

of the present moment, nonjudgmental, and accepting of situations as they are. Strategies for
building mindfulness include deep
breathing, reflection, yoga, and
secular meditation. Mindfulness
practices have been used in medical and military populations with
evidence of effectiveness and are
now being applied in education
settings with the goal of helping educators be less reactive and
more reflective, responsive, and
flexible. Two mindfulness programs for educators are CARE
(Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education) and SMART
(Stress Management and Resiliency Training). Both programs
aim to build educators mindfulness, job satisfaction, feelings
about students, and efficacy for
regulating emotions.
SEL routines: Like students,
educators can benefit from structures and routines that continually
remind and guide them in using
SEL skills. Used in ongoing ways
throughout the school day, routines can take the form of structured activities (e.g., techniques
for calming down) or specific
language (e.g., I messages for
stating feelings). Some programs
and classrooms have wall posters
that remind students and adults to
use these strategies. For example,
routines are an important part of a
new program for students and educators in grades pre-K to 3 called
SECURe (Social, Emotional, and
Cognitive Understanding and
Regulation). Routines include Stop
and Stay Cool, a three-step process
for staying in control of emotions,
and a Decision Tree that guides
choices. One factor that appears
to make the routines effective is
their consistent use throughout the
school day and building, with staff
and students using them in the
same way that they use strategies
like raising hands or forming lines.

Build SEL into daily work

While these interventions are
promising, theyre not enough on
their own. Support for SEL skills
must be embedded into the daily
life of the school for everyone
students, teachers, staff, and admin-

istrators. This is essential because

SEL skills are developed in and
needed for everyday interactions.
This cultural shift will be uneasy for
many schools, especially given that
so many are intensely focused on
academic achievement. But as weve
argued, the impact of such cultural
shifts on both SEL and academic
achievement can be large. Many
forms of support are also inexpensive and easy to implement.
Making SEL a core part of a
schools work means integrating
practices that:
Build emotional awareness. All administrators and staff need to develop greater understanding of how
their own emotions affect students
(and colleagues). The emotions
surrounding teaching and learning
should be discussed in supervision
and staff meetings, addressed in
professional development, and explored through tools like journals,
logs, and nonevaluative videotape
review. Some teachers are likely to
be resistant to talking about emotions, responding to it as flaky, for
example, or not seeing it as part of
their job. School leaders will need
a repertoire of strategies for increasing teachers emotional awareness that is responsive to teachers
backgrounds, temperaments, and
cultures. Sometimes, school leaders may also need to use strategies
that are indirect. When teachers
are asked to reflect on how students
view them, for example, they can
indirectly develop greater emotional awareness.
Incorporate reflection into daily
practice. Reflection understanding what is happening, why, and
how it might be changed is a
critical skill for reacting effectively
in challenging situations. Reflection should be continually modeled
and reinforced. Administrators can
build it into meetings and supervision, colleagues can be assigned
partners or teams for regular reflective discussions, and all staff can be
encouraged to take regular time for
reflection, even if its just five minutes at the beginning of the day and
five minutes at the end.
Tackle professional and personal
stress. A school cant eliminate all
stress, but administrators should ask

staff regularly about stress, work to

reduce stressors like scheduling and
resource issues, and provide tips for
dealing with stress (for example,
taking deep breaths, briefly meditating, talking through frustration).
Administrators should also provide
referrals for mental health services
when needed.
Create a culture of continuous improvement and learning. Nonevaluative supervision, open staff discussions, and open-door policies can
encourage staff to be reflective and
to acknowledge both SEL competencies that are personal strengths
and those that need improvement.
An emotionally safe and learningfocused environment is essential for
exploring these topics.
Involving everyone, especially
administrators, and integrating
adult SEL with ongoing approaches
to support students SEL means
a significant shift in how we think
about the mission of education: A
fundamental understanding that
social and emotional competencies
are not secondary to the mission
of education, but concrete factors
in the success of teachers, students,
and schools.K
Bodrova, E. & Leong, D. (2006). Selfregulation as a key to school readiness:
How early childhood teachers can
promote this critical competency.
Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
Brackett, M. A., Palomera, R., Mojsa, J.,
Reyes, M., & Salovey, P. (2010). Emotion
regulation ability, job satisfaction, and
burnout among British secondary school
teachers. Psychology in the Schools, 47,
Burchinal, M.R., Peisner-Feinberg,
E., Pianta, R.C., & Howes, C. (2002).
Development of academic skills from
preschool through 2nd grade: Family and
classroom predictors of developmental
trajectories. Journal of School Psychology,
40, 415-436.
Carlock, R. (2011). Executive functions: A
review of the literature to inform practice
and policy. Cambridge, MA: The Harvard
Center on the Developing Child.
Chang, M.-L. (2009). An appraisal
perspective of teacher burnout: Examining
the emotional work of teachers.
Educational Psychology Review, 21,

Hamre, B.K. & Pianta, R.C. (2004).

Self-reported depression in nonfamilial
caregivers: Prevalence and associations
with caregiver behavior in child care
settings. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 19, 297-318.
Jennings, P.A. & Greenberg, M.T. (2009).
The prosocial classroom: Teacher social
and emotional competence in relation to
student and classroom outcomes. Review
of Educational Research 79, 491-525.
Mashburn, A.J., Pianta, R.C., Hamre, B.K.,
Downer, J.T., Barbarin, O., Bryant, D., . . .
Howes, C. (2008). Measures of classroom
quality in prekindergarten and childrens
development of academic, language,
and social skills. Child Development, 79,
Maurer, M. & Brackett, M.A. (2004).
Emotional literacy in the middle school.
Port Chester, NY: Dude.
National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (NICHD) Early Child
Care Research Network. (2003). Social
functioning in 1st grade: Associations with
earlier home and child care predictors and
with current classroom experiences. Child
Development, 74, 1639-1662.

Social and
from teacherstudent
to classroom
to effective
to teacher

OConnell, M.E., Boat, T., & Warner,

K.E. (Eds.). (2009). Preventing mental,
emotional, and behavioral disorders
among young people: Progress and
possibilities. Washington, DC: National
Academies Press.
Pianta, R.C. (2003). Experiences in
P-3 classrooms: The implications of
observational research for redesigning
early education. New York, NY: Foundation
for Child Development.
Raver, C.C., Garner, P., & Smith-Donald,
R. (2007). The roles of emotion regulation
and emotion knowledge for childrens
academic readiness: Are the links causal?
In R.C. Pianta, M.J. Cox, & K.L. Snow
(Eds.), School readiness and the transition
to kindergarten in the era of accountability
(pp. 121-147). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
Raver, C.C., Jones, S.M., Li-Grining, C.P.,
Metzger, M., Champion, K., & Sardin, L.
(2008). Improving preschool classroom
processes: Preliminary findings from a
randomized trial implemented in Head
Start settings. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 23, 10-26.
Roeser, R.W., Skinner, E., Beers, J., &
Jennings, P.A. (2012). Mindfulness training
and teachers professional development:
An emerging area of research and
practice. Child Development Perspectives,
6, 167-173.
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