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HW #37 3, 4, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18

6.3 SHAQ The basketball player Shaquille ONeal makes about half of his free throws over an entire
season. We will use the calculator to simulate 100 free throws shot independently by a player who has
probability 0.5 of making each shot. We let the number 1 represent the outcome Hit and 0 represent
a Miss.
(a) Enter the command randInt(0, 1, 100) SHAQ. This tells the calculator to randomly select a hit
(1) or a miss (0), do this 100 times in succession, and store the results in the list named SHAQ.
(b) What percent of the 100 shots are hits? In our simulation, Shaq hit 52% of his shots.

(c) Examine the sequence of hits and misses. How long was the longest run of shots made? Of shots
missed? (Sequences of random outcomes often show runs longer than our intuition thinks likely.)
The longest sequence of misses in our run was 6 and the longest sequence of hits was 9.
Of course, results will vary.

6.4 MATCHING PROBABILITIES Probability is a measure of how likely an event is to occur.

Match one of the probabilities that follow with each statement about an event. (The probability is
usually a much more exact measure of likelihood than is the verbal statement.)
0, 0.01, 0.3, 0.6, 0.99, 1
(a) This event is impossible. It can never occur. 0
(b) This event is certain. It will occur on every trial of the random phenomenon. 1
(c) This event is very unlikely, but it will occur once in a while in a long sequence of trials. 0.01
(d) This event will occur more often than not. 0.6

6.8 THREE OF A KIND You read in a book on poker that the probability of being dealt three of a
kind in a five-card poker hand is 1/50. Explain in simple language what this means.
In the long run, of a large number of hands of five cards, about 2% (one out of 50) will
contain a three of a kind. (Note: This probability is actually


= 0.02113.)

6.11 DESCRIBE THE SAMPLE SPACE In each of the following situations, describe a sample
space S for the random phenomenon. In some cases you have some freedom in specifying S,
especially in setting the largest and the smallest value in S.
(a) A seed is planted in the ground. It either germinates or fails to grow.
S = {germinates, fails to grow}.
(b) A patient with a usually fatal form of cancer is given a new treatment. The response variable is the
length of time that the patient lives after treatment.
If measured in weeks, for example, S = {0, 1, 2, . . .}.
(c) A student enrolls in a statistics course and at the end of the semester receives a letter grade.
S = {A, B, C, D, F}.
(d) A basketball player shoots four free throws. You record the sequence of hits and misses.
Using Y for yes (shot made) and N for no (shot missed), S = {YYYY, NNNN, YYYN,
YNNY, NYYN}. (There are 16 items in the sample space.)
(e) A basketball player shoots four free throws. You record the number of baskets she makes.
S = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.

6.14 LISTING OUTCOMES, I For each of the following, use a tree diagram or the multiplication
principle to determine the number of outcomes in the sample space.
(a) Toss 2 coins. If two coins are tossed, then by the multiplication principle, there are (2)(2) = 4
possible outcomes. The outcomes are illustrated in the following tree diagram: The sample
space is {HH, HT, TH, TT}.

(b) Toss 3 coins. If three coins are tossed, then there are (2)(2)(2) = 8 possible outcomes. The
outcomes are illustrated in the following tree diagram: The sample space is {HHH, HHT,

(c) Toss 4 coins. If four coins are tossed, then there are (2)(2)(2)(2) = 16 possible outcomes,
each of which consists of a string of four letters that may be Hs or Ts. The sample space is

6.15 LISTING OUTCOMES, II For each of the following, use a tree diagram or the multiplication
principle to determine the number of outcomes in the sample space.
(a) Suppose a county license tag has a four-digit number for identification. If any digit can occupy
any four positions, how many county license tags can you have? 10 10 10 10 = 104 = 10,000.
(b) If the county license tags described in (a) do not allow duplicate digits, how many county license
tags can you have? 10 9 8 7 = 5,040
(c) Suppose the country license tags described in (a) can have up to four digits. How many county
license tags will this scheme allow? There are 10,000 four-digit tags, 1,000 three-digit tags, 100
two-digit tags, and 10 one-digit tags, for a total of 11,110 license tags.

6.17 ROLLING TWO DICE The table below shows the 36 outcomes when we toll two dice.

(a) Another way to summarize these results is to make a table like this. Complete the table below.
Number of ways
(1, 1)
(1, 2) (2, 1)
(1, 3) (2, 2) (3, 1)
(1, 4) (2, 3) (3, 2) (4, 1)
(1, 5) (2, 4) (3, 3) (4, 2) (5, 1)
(1, 6) (2, 5) (3, 4) (4, 3) (5, 2) (6, 1)
(2, 6) (3, 5) (4, 4) (5, 3) (6, 2)
(3, 6) (4, 5) (5, 4) (6, 3)
(4, 6) (5, 5) (6, 4)
(5, 6) (6, 5)
(6, 6)

(b) In how many ways can you get an even sum? 18

(c) In how many ways can you get a sum of 5? A sum of 8?
There are 4 ways to get a sum of 5 and 5 ways to get a sum of 8.
(d) Describe any patterns in the table. Possible answers include:
The number of ways increases until sum = 7 and then decreases.
The number of ways is symmetrical about sum = 7.
Odd sums occur an even number of ways and even sums occur an odd number of ways.

6.18 PICK A CARD Suppose you select a card from a standard deck of 52 playing cards. In how
many ways can the selected card be

(a) a red card?

(b) a heart?


(c) a queen and a heart?

(d) a queen or a heart?


(e) a queen that is not a heart?

HW #38 19, 20, 23 26, 27, 29-31, 33, 35, 37

6.19 BLOOD TYPES All human blood can by typed as one of O, A, B, AB, but the distributions of
the types varies a bit with race. Here is the distribution of the blood type of a randomly chosen black
Blood type:





(a) What is the probability of type AB blood? Why?

The given probabilities have sum 0.96, so P(type AB) = 0.04.
(b) Maria has type B blood. She can safely receive blood transfusions from people with blood types
O and B. What is the probability that a randomly chosen black American can donate blood to Maria?
P(type O or B) = 0.49 + 0.20 = 0.69.

6.20 DISTRIBUTION OF M&M COLORS If you draw an M&M candy at random from a bag of
the candies, the candy you draw will have one of six colors. The probability of drawing each color
depends on the proportion of each color among all candies made.
(a) The table below gives the probability of each color for a randomly chosen plain M&M:
Brown Red Yellow Green Orange Blue
What must be the probability of drawing a blue candy?
The sum of the given probabilities is 0.9, so P(blue) = 0.1.

(b) The probability for peanut M&Ms are a bit different. Here they are
Brown Red Yellow Green Orange


What is the probability that a peanut M&M chosen at random is blue?

The sum of the given probabilities is 0.7, so P(blue) = 0.3.

(c) What is the probability that a plain M&M is any of red, yellow, or orange? What is the probability
that a peanut M&M has one of these colors?
P(plain M&M is red, yellow, or orange) = 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.1 = 0.5.
P(peanut M&M is red, yellow, or orange) = 0.1 + 0.2 + 0.1 = 0.4.

6.23 ACADEMIC RANK Select a first-year college student at random and ask what his or her
academic rank was in high school. Here are the probabilities, based on proportions from a large
sample survey of first-year students:

Top 20%

Second 20%

Third 20%

Fourth 20%

Lowest 20%

(a) What is the sum of these probabilities? Why do you expect the sum to have this value?
The sum is 1, as we expect, since all possible outcomes are listed.

(b) What is the probability that a randomly chosen first-year college student was not in the top 20% of
his or her high school class? 1 - 0.41 = 0.59.

(c) What is the probability that a first-year student was in the top 40% in high school?
0.41 + 0.23 = 0.64.

6.24 SPIN 123 Refer to the experiment described in Activity 6 (textbook p. 328)
(a) Determine the number of outcomes in the sample space.
There are 19 outcomes where at least one digit occurs in the correct position.

(b) List the outcomes in the sample space. There are 27 elements in the sample space.
The following are the outcomes with at least one digit in the correct position:
111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123, 131, 132, 133, 213, 221, 222, 223, 233, 313, 321, 322, 323, 333.

(c) Determine the theoretical probability that at least one digit will occur in its correct place.
The theoretical probability of at least one digit occurring in the correct position is therefore
19/27 =0.7037.

6.25 TETRAHEDRAL DICE Psychologists sometimes use tetrahedral dice to study our intuition
about chance behavior. A tetrahedron is a pyramid (think of Egypt) with four identical faces, each a
triangle with all sides equal in length. Label the four faces of a tetrahedral die with 1, 2, 3, and 4
(a) Give the probability model for rolling such a die and recording the number of spots on the downface. Explain why you think your model is at least close to correct.
Let X = number of spots. Then P(X = 1) = P(X = 2) = P(X = 3) = P(X = 4) = 0.25.
Since all 4 faces have the same shape and the same area, it is reasonable to assume that the
probability of a face being down is the same as for any other face. Since the sum of the
probabilities must be one, the probability of each should be 0.25.

(b) Give the probability model for rolling two such dice. That is, write down all possible outcomes
and give a probability to each. What is the probability that the sum of the down-faces is 5?
Outcomes (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (4,1) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4)
The probability of any pair is 1/16 = 0.0625.
P(Sum = 5) = P(1,4) + P(2,3) + P(3,2) + P(4,1) = (0.0625)(4) = 0.25.

6.26 BENFORDS LAW The first digits of numbers in legitimate records often follow a distribution
known as Benfords Law. Here is the distribution:
First digit:
Probability: 0.301 0.176 0.125 0.097 0.079 0.067 0.058 0.051


P(A) = P(first digit is 1) = 0.310

P(B) = P(first digit is 6 or greater) = 0.222
P(C) = P(first digit is odd) = 0.609
We will define event D to be {first digit is less than 4}. Using the union and intersection notation, find
the following probabilities:
(a) P(D) = P(1, 2, or 3) = 0.301 + 0.176 + 0.125 = 0.602.

(b) P(B D) = P(B) + P(D) = 0.222 + 0.602 = 0.824.

(c) P(DC) = 1 P(D) = 1 0.602 = 0.398.

(d) P(C D) = P(1 or 3) = 0.301 + 0.125 = 0.426.

(e) P(B C) = P(7 or 9) = 0.058 + 0.046 = 0.104.

6.27 A BATTLE PLAN A general can plan a campaign to fight one major battle or three small
battles. He believes that he has probability 0.6 of winning the large battle and probability 0.8 of
winning each of the small battles. Victories or defeats in the small battles are independent. The
general must win either the large battle or all three small battles to win the campaign. Which strategy
should he choose?
Fight one big battle: His probability of winning is 0.6, compared to 0.83 = 0.512 . (Or he could
choose to try for a negotiated peace.)

6.29 COLLEGE-EDUCATED LABORERS? Government data show that 26% of the civilian labor
force have at least 4 years of college and that 16% of the labor force work as laborers or operators of
machines or vehicles. Can you conclude that because (0.26)(0.16) = 0.0416, about 4% of the labor
force are college-educated laborers or operators? Explain your answer.
No: It is unlikely that these events are independent. In particular, it is reasonable to expect
that college graduates are less likely to be laborers or operators.

6.30 Choose at random a U.S. resident at least 25 years of age. We are interested in the events:
A = {The person chosen has completed 4 years of college}
B = {The person chosen is 55 years or older}

= 0.256 since there are 44,845 (thousand) people who
175, 230
have completed 4+ years of college out of 175,230 (thousand).

(a) Find P(A). Explain. P(A) =

(b) Find P(B). Explain. P(B) =

56, 008
= 0.320.
175, 230

(c) Find the probability that the person chosen is at least 55 years old and has 4 years of college
educations, P(A and B). Are the events A and B independent? P(A and B) =
= 0.060.
175, 230
A and B are not independent since P(A and B) P(A)P(B).

6.31 BRIGHT LIGHTS A string of Christmas lights contains 20 lights. The lights are wired in
series, so that if any light fails the whole string will go dark. Each light has probability 0.02 of failing
during a 3-year period. The lights fail independently of each other. What is the probability that the
string of lights will remain bright for 3 years?
An individual light remains lit for 3 years with probability 1 0.02; the whole string remains
lit with probability (1 0.02) 20 = (0.98) 20 = 0.6676.

6.33 TELEPHONE SUCCESS Many sample surveys use random digit dialing equipment to call
residential telephone numbers at random. The telephone polling firm Zogby International reports that
the probability that a call reaches a live person is 0.2. Calls are independent.
(a) A polling firm places 5 calls. What is the probability that none of them reaches a person?
P(one call does not reach a person) = 0.8.
Thus, P(none of the 5 calls reaches a person) = (0.8)5 = 0.32768.

(b) When calls are made to New York City, the probability of reaching a person is only 0.08. What is
the probability that none of 5 calls made to New York City reaches a person?
P(one call to NYC does not reach a person) = 0.92.
Thus, P(none of the 5 calls to NYC reach a person) = (0.92)5 = 0.6591.

6.35 LEGITIMATE ASSIGNMENT OF PROBABILITIES? In each of the following situations,

state whether or not the given assignment of probabilities to individual outcomes is legitimate, that is,
satisfies the rules of probability. If no, give specific reasons for your answer.
(a) When a coin is spun, P(H) = 0.55 and P(T) = 0.45.


(b) When two coins are tossed, P(HH) = 0.4, P(HT) = 0.4, P(TH) = 0.4, P(TT) = 0.4.
legitimate, because probabilities sum to more than 1.



6.37 NEW CENSUS CATEGORIES The 2000 census allowed each person to choose one or more
from a long list of races. That is, in the eyes of the Census Bureau, you belong to whatever race or
races you say you belong to. Hispanic/Latino is a separate category. Hispanics may be of any race.
If we choose a resident of the United States at random, the 2000 census gives these probabilities:



Not Hispanic

Let A be the event that a randomly chosen American is Hispanic, and let B be the event that the person
chosen is white.
(a) Verify that the table gives a legitimate assignment of probabilities.
The sum of all 8 probabilities equals 1 and all probabilities satisfy 0 p 1.

(b) What is P(A)?

P(A) = 0.000 + 0.003 + 0.060 + 0.062 = 0.125.

(c) Describe BC in words and find P(BC) by the complement rule.

The chosen person is not white.
P( Bc ) = 1 - P( B) = 1 - (0.060 + 0.691) = 1 - 0.751 = 0.249.

(d) Express the person chosen is a non-Hispanic white in terms of events A and B. What is the
P( Ac B) = 0.691.
probability of this event?


HW #39

46- 48, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61

6.46 PROSPERITY AND EDUCATION Call a household prosperous if its income exceeds
$100,000. Call the household educated if the householder completed college. Select an American
household at random, and let A be the event that the selected household is prosperous and B the event
that it is educated. According to the Census Bureau, P(A) = 0.134, P(B) = 0.254, and the joint
probability that a household is both prosperous and educated is P(A and B) = 0.080. What is the
probability P(A or B) that the household selected is either prosperous or educated?
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B) = 0.134 + 0.254 0.080 = 0.308.

6.47 Draw a Venn diagram that shows the relation between events A and B in Exercise 6.46. Indicate
each of the following events on your diagram and use the information above to calculate the
probability of each event. Finally, describe in words what each event is.

(a) P(A and B)

{A and B} represents both prosperous and educated. P(A and B) = 0.080.

(b) P(A and BC) {A and BC } represents prosperous but not educated.
P(A and BC) = P(A) P(A and B) = .134 .080 = .054.
(c) P(AC and B) { AC and B} represents not prosperous but educated.
P(AC and B) = P(B) P(A and B) = .254 .080 = .174.
(d) P(AC and BC) { AC and B C } represents neither prosperous nor educated.
P(AC and B C) = 1 (.054 + .080 + .174) = 1 .308 = .692.


6.48 WINNING CONTRACTS Consolidated Builders has bid on two large construction projects.
The company president believes that the probability of winning the first contract (event A) is 0.6, that
the probability of winning the second (event B) is 0.4, and that the joint probability of winning both
jobs (event {A and B}) is 0.2. What is the probability of the event (A or B) that Consolidated will win
at least one of the jobs?
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B) = 0.6 + 0.4 0.2 = 0.8.

6.50 Draw a Venn diagram that illustrates the relation between events A and B in the preceding
exercise. Write each of the following events in terms of A, B, AC, and BC. Indicate the events on your
diagram and use the information in the exercise above to calculate the probability of each.

(a) Consolidated wins both jobs.

This event is {A and B}; P(A and B) = 0.2 (given).

(b) Consolidated wins the first job but not the second.
P(A and BC) = P(A) P(A and B) = 0.4.

This is {A and BC}

(c) Consolidated does not win the first job but does win the second.
P(AC and B) = P(B) P(A and B) = 0.2.

This is {AC and B}

(d) Consolidated does not win either job. This is {AC and BC}
P(AC and BC) = 0.2 (so that the probabilities add to 1).


6.51 CAFFEINE IN THE DIET Common sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, and cola drinks.
Suppose that
55% of adults drink coffee
25% of adults drink tea
45% of adults drink cola
And also that
15% drink both coffee and tea
5% drink all three beverages
25% drink both coffee and cola
5% drink only tea
Draw a Venn diagram marked with this information.
Use it along with the addition rules to answer the
following questions.
(a) What percent of adults drink only cola?
15% drink only cola.

(b) What percent drink none of these beverages?

20% drink none of these.

6.53 GETTING INTO COLLEGE Ramon has applied to both Princeton and Stanford. He thinks
the probability that Princeton will admit him is 0.4, the probability that Stanford will admit him is 0.5,
and the probability that both will admit him is 0.2.
(a) Make a Venn diagram with the
probabilities given marked.
(b) What is the probability that neither
university admits Ramon?
P(neither admits Ramon) =
1 P(P or S) = 1 (0.4 + 0.5 0.2) = 0.3.

(c) What is the probability that he gets

into Stanford but not Princeton?
P(S and not P) = P(S) P(P and S) = 0.3.


6.55 AMERICAN WOMEN, II Choose an adult American woman at random. The table below
describes the population from which we draw.

(a) What is the conditional probability that the woman chosen is 18 to 29 years old, given that she is
married? 7,842/59,920 = 0.131

(b) Find P(married | age 18 to 29) = 7,842/22,512 = 0.348

Then complete this statement: 0.348 is the proportion of women who are married among those
women who are age 18 to 29.

(c) In (a), you found P(age 18 to 29 | married). Write a sentence of the form given in (b) that describes
the meaning of this result. The two conditional probabilities give us very different information.
0.13087 is the proportion of women who are age 18 to 29 among those women who are


6.57 BUYING FROM JAPAN Functional Robotics Corporation buys electrical controllers from a
Japanese supplier. The companys treasurer think that there is probability 0.4 that the dollar will fall in
value against the Japanese yen in the next month. The treasurer also believes that if the dollar falls
there is probability 0.8 that the supplier will demand renegotiation of the contract. What probability
has the treasurer assigned to the event that the dollar falls and the supplier demands renegotiation?
If F = {dollar falls} and R = {renegotiation demanded}, then
P(F and R) = P(F) P(R| F) = (0.4)(0.8) = 0.32.

6.61 TASTES IN MUSIC Musical styles other than rock and pop are becoming more popular. A
survey of college students finds that 40% like country music, 30% like gospel music, and 10% like
(a) What is the conditional probability that a student likes gospel music if we know that he or she likes
country music. Let G = {student likes Gospel} and C = {student likes country}.
P(G | C) =

P (G and C )
P (C )


= 0.25

(b) What is the conditional probability that a

student who does not like country music likes
gospel music? (A Venn diagram may help you.)
P(G | not C) =

HW #40

P (G and not C )
P ( not C )


= 0.33

63, 64, 67, 70, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85

6.63 SURGERY RISKS You have torn a tendon and are facing surgery to repair it. The orthopedic
surgeon explains the risks to you. Infection occurs in 3% of such operations, the repair fails in 14%,
and both infection and failure occur together in 1%. What percent of these operations succeed and are
free from infection?
Let I = the event that the operation results in infection, F = the event that the operation fails.
We seek P(IC and FC). We are given that P(I) = .03, P(F) = .14, and P(I and F) = .01. Then
P(IC and FC) = 1 P(I or F) = 1 (.03 + .14 .01) = .84.


6.64 HIV TESTING Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests are used to screen blood specimens for the
presence of antibodies to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Antibodies indicate the presence of the
virus. The test is quite accurate but is not always correct. Here are approximate probabilities of
positive and negative EIA outcomes when the blood tested does and does not actually contain
antibodies to HIV.

Antibodies present:
Antibodies absent:

Test result

0.9985 0.0015
0.006 0.994

Suppose that 1% of a large population carries antibodies to HIV in their blood.

(a) Draw a tree diagram for selecting a person from this population (outcomes: antibodies present or
absent) and for testing his or her blood (outcomes: EIA positive or negative).

(b) What is the probability that the EIA is positive for a randomly chosen person from this population?
P(test pos) = P(antibody and test pos) + P(no antibody and test pos.) =
(0.01)(0.9985)+ (0.99)(0.006) =0.016.

(c) What is the probability that a person has the antibody given that the EIA test is positive?
P(antibody and test pos)
P(antibody | test pos) =
= 0.624
P(test pos)


6.67 ACADEMIC DEGREES Here are the counts (in thousands) of earned degrees in the United
States in a recent year, classified by level and by the sex of the degree recipient:







(a) If you choose a degree recipient at random, what is the probability that the person you choose is a


= 0.5264

(b) What is the conditional probability that you choose a woman, given that the person chosen
received a professional degree?


= 0.4054

(c) Are the events choose a woman and choose a professional degree recipient independent?
How do you know? No: If they were independent, the answers to (a) and (b) would be the same.

6.70 TEENAGE DRIVERS An insurance company has the following information about drivers
aged 16 to 18 years: 20% are involved in accidents each year; 10% in this age group are A students;
among those involved in an accident, 5% are A students.
(a) Let A be the event that a young driver is an A student and C the event that a young driver is
involved in an accident this year. State the information given above in terms of probabilities and
conditional probabilities for the events A and C.
P(C) = 0.20, P(A) = 0.10, P(A | C) = 0.05.

(b) What is the probability that a randomly chosen young driver is an A student and is involved in an
accident? P(A and C) = P(C) P(A | C) = (0.20)(0.05) = 0.01.


6.73 MULTIPLE-CHOICE EXAM STRATEGIES An examination consists of multiple-choice

questions, each having 5 possible answers. Linda estimates that she has probability 0.75 of knowing
the answer to any question that may be asked. If she does not know the answer, she will guess, with
conditional probability 1/5 of being correct.. What is the probability that Linda gives the correct
answer to a question? (Draw a tree diagram to guide the calculation.)
P(correct) = P(knows answer) + P(doesnt know, but guesses correctly) = 0.75 + (0.25)(0.20) = 0.8.

6.78 WHO GETS TO GO? Abby, Deborah, Julie, Sam, and Roberto work in a firms Public
Relations office. Their employer must choose two of them to attend a conference in Paris. To avoid
unfairness, the choice will be made by drawing two names from a hat. (This is an SRS of size 2.)
(a) Write down all possible choices of two of the five names. This is the sample space.
There are 10 pairs. Just using initials: {(A,D), (A,J), (A,S), (A,R), (D,J), (D,S), (D,R), (J,S),
(J,R), (S,R)}.

(b) The random drawing makes all choices equally likely. What is the probability of each choice?
Each has probability 1/10 = 10%.

(c) What is the probability that Julie is chosen?

Julie is chosen in 4 of the 10 possible outcomes: 4/10 = 40%.

(d) What is the probability that neither of the two men (Sam and Roberto) is chosen?
There are 3 pairs with neither Sam nor Roberto, so the probability is 3/10.


6.79 ARE YOU MY (BLOOD) TYPE? All human blood can be ABO-typed as one of O, A, B,
or AB, but the distribution of the types varies a bit among groups of people. Here is the distribution of
blood types for a randomly chosen person in the United States:
Blood type:
U. S. probability:





(a) What is probability of type AB blood in the United States?

P(Type AB) = 1 (0.45 + 0.40 + 0.11) = 0.04.

(b) An individual with type B blood can safely receive transfusions only from persons with type B or
type O blood. What is the probability that the husband of a woman with type B blood is an acceptable
P(Type B or Type O) = 0.11 + 0.45 = 0.56.
blood donor for her?

(c) What is the probability that in a randomly chosen couple the wife has type B blood and the
Assuming that the blood types for husband and wife are independent,
husband has type A?
P(Type B and Type A) = (0.11) (0.40) = 0.044.

(d) What is the probability that at least one of a randomly chosen couple has type A blood and the
other has type B?
P(Type B and Type A) + P(Type A and Type B) = (0.11)(0.40) + (0.40)(0.11) = 0.088

(e) What is the probability that at least one of a randomly chosen couple has type O blood?
P(at least one has type O) = 1 P(neither has Type O) = 1 (0.55)2 = 0.6975


6.83 SUICIDES Here is a two-way table of suicides committed in a recent year, classified by gender
of the victim and whether or not a firearm was used:





Choose a suicide at random. Find the following probabilities.

(a) P(a firearm was used)

P( firearm) =

= 0.6011

P( firearm | female) =

(b) P(firearm | female)

(c) P(female and firearm)

= 0.4199

P( female and firearm) =

= 0.0812

(d) P(firearm | male)

P( firearm | male) =

= 0.6445
25, 415

(e) P(male | firearm)

P(male | firearm) =

= 0.8649

6.85 TOSS TWO COINS Independence of events is not always obvious. Toss two balanced coins
independently. The four possible combinations of heads and tails in order each have probability 0.25.
The events
A = head on the first toss
B = both tosses have the same outcome
may seem intuitively related. Show that P(B|A) = P(B), so that A and B are in fact independent.
P(B | A) = P(both tosses have the same outcome | H on first toss) = 1/2 = 0.5.
P(B) = P(both tosses have same outcome) = 2/4 = 0.5.
Since P(B | A) = P(B), events A and B are independent.


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