Stat Section 6.1 Study Guide Solutions

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Statistics Section 6.

1 Study Guide

1. Describe the differences between discrete and continuous random variables.

discrete random variable: random variable with a countable number of possible values; can list them
out with gaps in between
continuous random variable: random variable that takes on all values in some interval of numbers

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable can be represented by a table or

histogram; for a continuous random variable it is represented by a density curve.

2. A baseball player historically gets on base 30% of the time. Suppose you randomly select an at-
bat when the player got out. The following distribution represents the number of at-bats X since
the last time he got out.

X 1 2 3 4 5 6
P 0.7000 0.2100 0.0630 0.0189 0.0060 0.0021

a. Verify that this is a legitimate probability distribution (hint: what must be true?)
0.7 + 0.21 + 0.063 + 0.0189 + 0.006 + 0.0021 = 1 AND all probabilities are between 0 and 1

b. Compute the mean of the random variable. Interpret your result.

μX = 1(0.7) + 2(0.21) + 3(0.063) + 4(0.0189) + 5(0.006) + 6(0.0021) = 1.4272
OR use 1-Var Stats on calculator
After many, many times getting out, the player will have an average of 1.43 at-bats since his last
time getting out.

c. Compute the variance of the random variable.

σx2 = (1 – 1.4272)2(0.7) + (2 – 1.4272)2(0.21) + (3 – 1.4272)2(0.063) + (4 – 1.4272)2(0.0189) + (5 –
1.4272)2(0.006) +(6 – 1.4272)2(0.0021) = .5981

OR square σx

d. Compute the standard deviation of the random variable. Interpret your result.
σX = √(.5981) = 0.7737 OR use 1-VAR STATS
When the player gets out, the number of at-bats since his last out will typically be 0.77 at-bats
away from the mean of 1.43.

e. For a randomly selected out, what is the probability that it has been exactly four at-bats
since the last out?
P(X = 4) = 0.0189
f. What is the probability that the batter would have four or more at-bats since his last out?
Based on your answer, would this be an unusual occurrence?
P(X ≥ 4) = 0.0189 + 0.006 + 0.0021 = 0.027
This is a low probability, so it seems fairly unlikely the batter would take this many at-bats
before an out.

g. Suppose in the last week, the player has had an average of four at-bats between getting out.
Does this mean that in the next week, his average should be below the expected value in
order to even out? Explain.
No, the expected value only describes the average in the long run. In the short term, each series
of at-bats is still unpredictable in how long it will be.

3. As part of a game you roll four standard dice. Let the random variable X represent the number
of 5’s rolled.
a. Create a probability distribution table to represent X.

x 0 1 2 3 4
P(x) (5/6)4 (1/6)(5/6)(5/6)(5/6) (1/6)(1/6)(5/6)(5/6) (1/6)(1/6)(1/6)(5/6) (1/6)4
= 0.4823 x 4 ways x 6 ways x 4 ways = 0.0008
= 0.3858 = 0.1157 = 0.0154

b. Draw a probability histogram for X.



0 1 2 3 4
# of 5’s rolled
c. Find and interpret the average value for X.
μX = 0(0.4823) + 1(0.3858) + 2(0.1157) + 3(0.0154) + 4(0.0008) = 0.667 OR use 1-VAR STATS
If you played this game many many times, on average 0.667 out of the four rolls would be a 5.

d. Find the variance and standard deviation for X. Interpret the standard deviation.
σX2 = (0 – 0.667)2(0.4823) + (1 – 0.667)2(0.3858) + (2 – 0.667)2 (0.1157) +
(3 – 0.667)2 (0.0154) + (4 – 0.667)2 (0.0008) = 0.556 OR square standard deviation
σX = √(0.556) = 0.745 OR use 1-VAR STATS
4. Explain what makes a game of chance (like a casino game) fair.
In a fair game, the cost to play the game is the same as the expected value of money won, so
that in the long run both parties come out even.

5. The density curve at the right represents the distribution of the random variable Y, representing
the waiting time in minutes for a train. (Area = probability)
a. What is the probability of waiting fewer than 10 minutes?
P(Y < 10) = ½(10)(0.01) = 0.05
b. What is the probability of waiting more than 40 minutes? 0.01

P(Y>40) = ½(10)(.04) = 0.20 10 20 30 40 50

c. What is the probability of waiting between 10 and 40 minutes?

P(10<Y<40) = 1 – 0.05 – 0.20 = 0.75 OR ½(40)(.04) – 0.05 = 0.75

6. Since 1900, the magnitude of earthquakes in California measuring higher than 0.1 on the Richter
Scale is normally distributed with μ = 6.2 and σ = 0.5.
X = magnitude of randomly selected earthquake
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected earthquake in California has a magnitude
less than 6.4?
P(X < 6.4) = P(Z < (6.4-6.2)/0.5 ) = P(Z < 0.4) = 0.6554 (using normal table)

b. Suppose you randomly select six California earthquakes. What is the probability that none of
them has a magnitude between 6.1 and 6.4?
For a single earthquake:
P(6.1 < X < 6.4) = P( (6.1-6.2)/0.5 < Z < (6.4-6.2)/0.5 ) = P(-0.2 < Z < 0.4) = 0.6554 – 0.4207
= 0.2347

P(none out of 6 is between 6.1 and 6.4) = (0.7653)6 = 0.2009

(There is only one way that all six earthquakes are not between 6.1 and 6.4.)

c. Suppose you randomly select three California earthquakes. What is the probability that one
of them has a magnitude greater than 7.2?
P(X > 7.2) = P(Z > (7.2-6.2)/0.5 ) = P(Z > 2) = 0.0228

P(one out of 3 has a magnitude over 7.2) = (0.0228)(0.9772)(0.9772) x 3 = 0.0653

(There are three ways that one of the earthquakes is over 7.2 and the other two are not.)
d. Suppose you randomly select five California earthquakes, and their average magnitude is
5.98. Does this contradict the given information? Explain.
No! According to the Law of Large Numbers, the average calculated from the data (x̅) will get
closer to μ =6.2 as the amount of data increases, but five earthquakes is not very many.

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