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The document discusses bilge pumping procedures, oil water separation, and methods for preventing flooding on vessels.

Proper bilge pumping procedures include priming the pump, opening relevant valves, monitoring the discharge, and addressing potential issues like air locks or debris in the intake.

Oil in bilges should be pumped into a sludge tank if available, otherwise pumped overboard in a trace and collected in drums to dispose of properly.

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Masters and Mates Orals

Examination Questions and Answers
As Supplied By Australian Maritime
College Students in 2007
[compiled by Rishiraj, in 2007]

Part 1 of3
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questions and answers. These oral examination questions and answers have
been digitised as a service to students for oralexamination preparations.
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Reproduced by University of Tasmania Library, November 2012


STCW Reg 11/2..................................................................SYIX.ABUS



Candidates should demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge outlined in this
oral syllabus and oral examination syllabus DECK - B and DECK - C, by the
apprppriate responses, anticipations and reactions to a range of routine, non
routine and contingency scenarios as presented by the examiner, from the
perspective of MASTER.


1 ....................................................................................1'r~~~~1[1[4:)~


Plan and Conduct a Safe Passage.

(a) Voyage planning and navigation of all conditions including ships routeing and
reporting systems.
(b) IALA systems of maritime buoyage.
(c) Understand and interpret a synoptic chart and use of weather routing services.
(d) Knowledge of characteristics of various weather systems, including tropical
revolving storms, the avoidance of storm centres and dangerous quadrants.
(e) Practicalmeasures to be taken when navigating in or near ice and dealing with
ice accumulation on board.
(f) Danger messages and obligatory reporting requirements.

Establishing Safe Navigational Watch keeping Arrangements and'


(a) A thorough knowledge of the principles of navigational watch keeping at sea,

including under pilotage,. and watch keeping at anchor and in port.
(b) A thorough knowledge of the content, applications and intent of the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
(c) Knowledge and application of the ICS Bridge Procedure Guide.
(d) Limitations and risks involved with the use of ECDIS and RCDS; inter
relationship and optimum use of all navigational information available.
(e) A knowledge of principles of establishing a safe engineering watch at sea,
anchor and in port.

3. Compasses.


(a) The operation and care of various types of compasses.

(b) Care and maintenance of the magnetic compass and binnacle.
(c) Knowledge of the purpose and use of compass correctors (candidates will not be
required to demonstrate a compass card procedure)
(d) knowledge of how to find the magnetic bearing of a distant object and
subsequent construction of a deviation card.

4. Manoeuvre the Ship.

(a) Knowledge of manoeuvring and propulsion chacteristics of ships, with special

reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds,
squat and inter-actions.
(b) Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused by own
ships bow wave and sternwave.
(c) Demonstrate and understanding of ship manoeuvres commonly undertaken
under all weather conditions including: berthing and unberthing, approaching pIlot
Istations, restricted waters and shallow water.
(d) Management and handling of ships in heavy weather.
(e) Choice of anchorage and working anchors in all circumstances.
(f) Precautions when manoeuvring to launch rescue boats or survival craft in bad


TOPIC 2 ..................................................... C,ARGO HAN'DLIN"G AND

Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care During
Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes.

(a) knowledge and ability to apply relevant international regulations, codes and

guidelines concerning the safe handling, stowage, securiqg and transport of


TOPIC 3 .............................................................RESPONSE TO



Response to Navigational Emergencies.

(a) Precautions when beaching a ship.

(b) grounding: action to be taken when imminent, after grounding and re-floating,

and subsequent surveys.

(c) Measures to be taken following exceptional circumstances including loss of

rudder and / or propeller and imp!lirment of watertight integrity of the ship

through any cause.

(d) Emergency towing arrangements and towing procedures.

(e) Plan and co-ordinate SAR operations, including establishing and maintaining

effective communications.


Response to other emergencies.

(a) Preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies.

(b) Actions to be taken when disabled and in distress.
(c) Organization of fire and abandon ship exercises.
(d) Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction.
(e) Functions and use of life-saving appliances.
(f) Abandoning ship and survival procedure.
(g) SAR plans for passenger ships.
(h) Maintenance of operational conditions of life-saving appliances, fire-fighting

appliances and other safety systems.

(i) Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to
and consequent flooding of a compartment and counter measures to be taken.

G) Action to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or
grounding, including protection of the marine environment.
(k) Action to safe guard all persons on board in emergencies.

0) Assisting a ship or aircraft in distress.

TOPIC 4 ........................................................... .. ONBO~ SHIP



Compliance with Pollution Prevention Requirements.

(a) Responsibilities under International Convention for Prevention of Pollution

including master's duties, obligations and liabilities, including the keeping of


(b) Methods and equipment to prevent pollution.


Seaworthiness ofthe Ship.

(a) Effect of heavy weather on the ship's structure.

(b) Effect upon ship behavior oflists, stiff and tender stability conditions, large

angles of heel and associated righting precautions: the effect upon different


Cc) The importance of free surface effects and the identification and correction of

an angle of lolL

. Cd) Specific effects on stability and stress caused by ship type or nature or trade.

3. Crew Management.,
(a) Knowledge of personnel management, organization and training including

disciplinary procedures.

(b) Application of hours of work and rest legislation.

4. Maintain Safety of Ships Crew and Passengers.

Ca) Master's responsibility with respect to stowaways and prevention of smuggling.
(b) Precautions to safeguard against terrorism, piracy and armed robbery.

Cc) Methods of pest control- fumigation of holds and living spaces; safeguards in
applying various methods.

5. Legislative Requirements.
(a) Knowledge and application of current Merchant Shipping Health and Safety
legislation including the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen and
the main elements of Risk Assessment.
(b) Safe manning, crew agreements, conditions of employment, official log book
and the law relating to entries.
(c) Knowledge of international conventions relevant to the operation of ships,
including certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships.
Cd) Requirements for statutory and classification surveys.
(e) Reports required by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAlB).
(f) Putting into port with damage to ship and / or cargo, both from business and
technical points of view, safeguarding of cargo.


(g) Towage and salvage agreements.

(h) Obligations with respect to pilotage.
(i) Marine declarations of health and requirements of the international health


CD Purpose and applications of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.

What are the Four Elements to a Passage Plan?





It you remember the word "PEAM" this will help you think about the 4 stages

Appraisal, what is this?

When you gather as much safety and navigation information to give you a safe


What type of information does this involve?

The tides

Tidal streams

Under-keel allowances

Information from pilot books/sailing directions

Chart dangers (rocks, shallow water oil-rigs etc.)

Traffic schemes

Weather information (shipping forecasts)

Possible areas of restricted visibility

Any areas, which would involve an area of high traffic density

, ..-.-----~--:--~~,~~

Planning, what is this?

Planning out the intended voyage, using all the information from Appraisal
What have you to do to make a plan of your voyage?

Plot the intended voyage making sure it is safe, and that the plan has been checked

out by the master of the vessel, use way points, parallel indexing, courses, distance

to steam on each leg, and by using all the information that you Appraised

Execution, what is this?

The master should find out how long his intended voyage should take, making sure
he has enough water and fuel for the voyage
He should take into account any weather conditions expected on the voyage
Any areas of high traffic density that would make him deviate from his course (he
should if possible make a plan to keep well clear of these areas)

Monitoring, what is this?

This is the act of checking your position often on a chart and that you remain in a
safe distance from any danger areas Oand)
Parallel Indexing should be used when you are alongside any hazards to maintain a
safe distance

What is Parallel Indexing?

This is done by using your radar and V.R.M. (Variable Range Marker) and putting a
distance on to it, as long as this distance is not breached, then your vessel should be
in safe water

What is the purpose of Parallel Indexing?

To make sure your vessel is a safe distance away from any navigation hazards

How do you parallel index-using radar?

By using your heading marker and slide it over towards the side that has the
obstruction and using your V.R.M. and measuring the distance you need and put
the heading marker onto the V.R.M.

What would you do if you had to parallel index off a point of land at 2
miles but the radar says your 1.7 miles from the point of land?

Alter off the land until you where 2 miles from the point of land, never breech what
distance you had to keep off an obstruction

(Q) How would you make the actual passage plan going from Aberdeen

to the west side ofShetland?

(a) By putting way points so you can parallel index off the points of
lands before and when joining a new course taking into account the
strong tides at the Pentland Firth and the chances of meeting small
inshore traffic
(Q) What distance would you parallel index offthe land or any

obstacles that's in your passage plan?

(a) At least 2 miles depending on the depth ofwater at that obstacle and
any dangers to the ship
(Q) You've made a passage plan up for a voyage from Aberdeen to

Egypt, how will you find out the state ofthe tide in the area your going
(a) By using the tidal diamonds that's on the chart ofthe area your
going too


(Q) Why is it important to keep your charts up to date?

(a) Incase any new obstructions endanger your vessel, sunk vessel with
her masts above the water, well-heads, new approaches to a harbor, oil
rig shifted position Etc.
(Q) How do you correct your charts up to date?

(a) By using the Cumulative Notices to Mariners and cross-referencing

them ag~st the numbers of past corrections on the bottom left hand
side of your chart.
(Q) What would you do if there was a correction missing?
(a) Find out the correction number and what issue ofthe Weekly
Notices to Mariners it was contained in and enter it and put the
correction number in at the bottom left hand side ofthe chart then sign
it and date it.
(Q) What is Position fixing?

(a) By using your GPS and taking the lat/Iong and placing this onto a
(Q) How can you Position fix your position on a chart if you only have a

radar, charts and a magnetic compass 2 miles from a point ofland?

(a) By taking a compass bearing of the point of land and changing this
to a true bearing then reversing the true bearing, now draw a line with
the true reversed bearing from the point ofland and measure off 2
miles this will give you an approximate fix
(Q) What publication would you find all the charts ofthe world?

(a) Admiralty World Charts



Rule 2 Responsibilities
(Q) Define Rule 2-Responsibilities?

(a) That everybody is responsible for any action taken aboard a vessel, and if
involved in a collision then both parties are at fault, because the stand-on vessel did
not use rule 7 risk of collision and rule 8 Action to avoid collision.
(Q) What are the responsibilities of a skipper on the vessel?

To make sure the vessel is a safe and healthy working environment

(Q) what are the responsibilities of individuals aboard your vessel?

(a) To make sure their health is good and if they see any dangers then to report
them to the skipper

Rule 3 General Definitions

(Q) Describe the term "not under command"?

(a) Means a vessel through some exceptional circumstances is unable to deviate

from the course she is following.
(Q) Describe the term" vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre"?

(a) Is a vessel through the nature of her work; she is unable to deviate from her
course she is following.
(Q) Describe a "vessel constrained by her draught"?

(a) Is a power-driven vessel, because of her draught in relation to the depth of

water she is ,in, cannot deviate from the course she is following
(Q) Describe the word "Underway"?

(a) When a vessel is not at anchor, aground or made fast to the shore, and is only
going through the water by tide and/or wind.
(Q) Describe the word "Making way"?


(a) When a vessel is being propelled through the water by engine propulsion, sails

or oars.

(Q) In the Rules ofthe road, in some rules the word "vessel" comes up,
but what would you say a vessel is?
(a) Any type of watercraft than can carry personnel.
(Q) Describe a power-driven vessel?

(a) Any vessel that has an engine to propel herself through the water
(Q) Describe a sailing vessel?

(a) A vessel using sails and not using engine propulsion to push her through the


(Q) Describe the word "seaplane"?

(a) Any aircraft that can land on water.


(Q) Your asked about the "Length and Breadth" of your vessel, what is


(a) The longest length of your vessel and the widest part of the vessel, you'll get this

from your "Stability book" and the "Record of particulars"

(Q) the term "when vessels are in sight of one another" what does this


(a) When you can see the vessel visually by the naked eye during daylight or at
night, Rule 34 explains the sound signals used "When vessels are in sight of one

Rule S Lookout.
(Q) Describe rule Slookout?

(a) By keeping a good lookout using eyes, ears and by using all navigation aids

including radios for listening out for navigation warnings, so you can appraise any

situation ahead of you.

Rule 6 Safe Speed.

(Q) Describe a safe speed by all vessels?

(a) Every vessel shall go at a safe speed so that you can stop your vessel in half the

distance you can see and use the other half to manoeuvre away from danger, taking

the following factors into account:

By all vessels:
(i) the state of visibility
(ii) density of traffic
(iii) how manoeuvrable your vessel is, and how quick you can stop your vessel
(iv) the glare of your lights or light from the shore, you might not see the harbor


(v) weather, sea state and any navigation hazards

(vi) the draught of your own vessel
(Q) Describe a safe speed by vessels with operational radar?

(i) The limitations of your radar

(ii) the scale in use ( too small a scale could be hiding targets)
(iii) weather, sea and rain clutter ( target could be hiding in clutter)
(iv) ice, small vessels not detected by radar
(v) vessels detected by radar
(vi) determine the range of other vessels

Rule 7 Risk of Collision.

(Q) What would you use to determine a risk of collision?

(a) Compass, radar and visual bearings (visual bearings being the most reliable)
(Q) what scale is your radar(s) on?

(a) 6 and 12 miles.

(Q) Why is your radar on the 12 miles scale?

(a) For early detection of targets.

(Q) You've taken 1 radar plot of a target, would you alter with this plot?
(a) No.
(Q) You've taken a 2nd radar plot of a target, would you alter with this
(a) No.
(Q) Why would you not alter with 1 and 2 plots?
(a) Rule 7 part (c) says not to rely on scanty information, especially scanty radar
(Q) What are the dangers with radar plotting?
(a) Time is being wasted and could put your vessel into a collision course
(Q) If the bearings are steady, is there a risk of collision?
(a) Yes.
(Q) If the bearings are not steady, could there still be a risk of collision?
(a) Yes.
(a) With a large vessel, a long tow or a close quarter situation.
(Q) If plotting a vessel towing a vessel towing another vessel with the
length oftow being 2 miles long, what are you going to take bearings of?
(a) The stem of the towing vessel and the stem of the vessel being towed,
everything in between is a risk of collision.
Rule 8 Action to avoid collision.

(Q) What 4 actions can you take to avoid a collision?

(i) an early and bold alteration of course, as long as you do not put your vessel into
another close quarter situation/risk of collision with another vessel
(ii) slow your vessel down
(iii) stop your vessel
(iv) come astern with your vessel
(Q) Why are you always making an alteration of course, why do you not
stop your vessel?
(a) To make sure the risk of collision/close quarter situation is taken out, also the

other vessel ill see the change of aspect of your vessel (Visually and by radar)

(Q) If you make an alteration of course, what have you to watch out for?
(a) That you don not put yourself into a close quarter situation with another vessel.
(Q) If you make an alteration of course, why is it dangerous to make a

series of small alterations?

(a) Because you could go into a close quarters situation/risk of collision

(Q) If you're unsure about what to do in a situation, what's the best

thing to do?

(a) Slow your vessel down, best to stop your vessel altogether.

Rule 9 Narrow Channels.

(Q) What side ofthe narrow channel would you keep?

(a) The starboard side of the narrow channel as long as your vessel is in safe water.
(Q) What would you sound to overtake a vessels starboard side?
(a) (Morse flG (2 prolonged blasts followed by 1 short blast on the whistle

, (Q) What would you sound to overtake a vessels port side?

(a) (Morse "Z")(2 prolonged blasts followed by 2 short blasts on the whistle)
(Q) What would you sound if you agree to be overtaken in a narrow


(a) (Morse "C")(1 prolonged, 1 short, 1 prolonged, 1 short blast on the whistle)
(Q) What would you sound if you disagree to be overtaken in a narrow

(a) (5 or more short and rapid blasts 'on the whistle)

(Q) What would you sound coming up to a bend in a narrow channel?

(a) (1 prolonged blast on the whistle)
(Q) If there is another vessel coming around the bend and he heard

your warning signal, what would he sound?

(a) (1 prolonged blast on the whistle to let you know he is there)

(Q) What 3 vessels do not impede any other vessels using a narrow


(a) A fishing vessel, sailing vessel and vessels under 20 metres

(Q) Are you allowed to cross a narrow channel?

(a) Yes, as long as you do not impede any vessel using the narrow channel
(Q) Jfyou where in a narrow channel, and there is a vessel crossing a

narrow channel, what would you sound to get him to stop and let you
(a) Five or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle to indicate that your unsure
of his intentions.

Rule 10 Traffic Separation Schemes.

(Q) How do you join a lane?

(a) At the start of a lane or at a small an angle as possible to the lane.

(Q) How do you leave a lane?

(a) At the end of a lane or at a small an angle as possible to the lane.

(Q) How do you cross the lanes?
(a) At 90 degrees to the general flow of traffic (DO NOT SAY TO THE LANE)
(Q) Why 90 degrees?

(a) Because it's the quickest way across, and vessels in the lane can see the aspect of
your vessel.



(Q) If crossing a lane, what 3 vessels do not impede any vessel using a
(a) A fishing vessel, a sailing vessel and a power-driven vessel under 20metres.
(Q) What vessels can use the inshore zone?

(a) A power-driven vessel under 20 metres, sailing vessels, fishing vessels, vessels
going to or from a port, going from port to port in the scheme, going into anchor to
do emergency repairs, to avoid immediate danger, to lay submarine cables or to do
r~pairs to buoys within the scheme.
(Q) What vessels can use the traffic separation zone?

(a) Fishing vessels, anchor for emergency repairs, crossing vessels, to avoid
immediate danger, to lay submarine cables or to do repairs to buoys within the
(Q) Where can you anchor in a scheme?

(a) Anywhere, as long as it's to do emergency repairs, try and avoid anchoring in
the lanes and at the terminations.
(Q) What would you do if you had to stop your main engine to do

emergency repairs in a lane and had to anchor?

(a) Call up the port and advise them, also put out a security warning other vessels
that you're at anchor, put up anchor lights and daytime signal.
(Q) Where can you fish in the scheme?

(a) Anywhere, but if fishing in a lane then go with the flow of traffic, and try and
avoid fishing at the terminations.
(Q) Would you fish in a traffic separation scheme?

(a) This is a personnel question, there is a lot oflarge traffic there; you would be
putting your crew and vessel into dangerous situations.
(Q) Could a supertanker leave a lane at 90 degrees come into the

inshore zone to a pilot station, pick up a pilot and then cross to the
opposite inshore zone at 90 degrees?
(a) No, he would have to leave the lane at a small an angle as possible to the lanes.
(Q) If you're in a power-driven vessel, crossing a scheme and on your

port bow is another power-driven vessel in a lane, the bearing are

steady and the distance is closing, what are you going to do?
(a) First find out length of vessel you are in.
(Q) Does it matter what size the power-driven vessel is that you're in?

(a) Yes, if under 20 metres and crossing a lane, then you would have to give way to
every vessel in the lane.
(Q) Your in a 30 metres power-driven vessel crossing a lane, and there

is a power-driven vessel on your port bow in a lane, the bearings are

steady and the distance is closing, what are you going to do?
(a) Stand-on with caution, maintaining your course and speed.

(Q) How would the power-driven vessel leave the lane?

(a) He would make an early and bold alteration to starboard sounding 1 short blast
on the whistle indicating he is altering to starboard.
(Q) Would he line up your stern and go around it?

(a) No, this would be a close quarter situation and could make you alter your course
and put into a collision course with another vessel.

(Q) After the vessel came around your stern, how would he get back
into the lane?
(a) At a small angle as possible to the general flow of traffic.
(Q) If you where in any vessel, just outside the scheme, would you

manoeuvre here?

(a) No, it says if not using the scheme, then to give it a wide a margin as possible.
(Q) If you're fishing in a lane, and there is a power-driven vessel

overtaking you, what are you going to do?

(a) Stand-on with caution, you have to use rule 13 Overtaking.

(Q) If you're crossing a lane in a fishing vessel and any vessel is on your
port bow in a lane, the bearings are steady and the distance is closing,
what are you going to do?
(a) If you're crossing and the bearings are steady, then you have to give-way to all
vessels in a lane.

Short cut to remember which vessels use the inshore zone and the
separation zone
- ......-._-- ..


Vessels that can use Inshore Zone

Vessels that can use the Separation


3 boats + P.P.AID


PDV under 20 metres
Boats going from Port to Port
Boats anchoring
Boats leaving the lane to avoid immediate
Vessels restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
laying cablesfbuoys

Fishing Vessels
Vessels going into Anchor
Crossing vessels
Boats leaving the lane to avoid immediate


Vessels restricted in her ability to manoeuvre

laying cables/buoys

Rule 12 Sailing vessels

(Q) In the following sketches which sailing vessel is the Give way

(Above image) The

wind on his port side

(Above image) The green sailing vessel is the give way vessel as he is to
windward of the other vessel

(Above image) The red sailing vessel is the give way vessel as he is to
windward of the other vessel

(Above image) The red sailing vessel is the give way vessel, if he is
unsure if the sailing vessel to windward has the wind on his port or
starboard side

(Q) On a sailing vessel, what is deemed as the windward side?

(a) Opposite side to which the main sail is carried, windward side is usually the

port side of the vessel.

Rule 13 Overtaking.
(Q) What's classed as an overtaking vessel?

(a) When you're coming up on another vessel MORE than 22.5 degrees abaft the


(Q) What light will you see at night if you're overtaking another vessel?

(a) The sternlight of the other vessel.

(Q) What are your priorities when overtaking another vessel?

(a) To keep well clear of the vessel being overtaken until well past and clear.
(Q) What distance would you say is well past and clear?

(a) At least 4 miles.

(Q) If you're overtaking another vessel and now you're abeam of the

other vessel are you overtaking or crossing?

(a) You're still an overtaking vessel until well past and clear
(Q) If you're in any vessel and any vessel is overtaking you what would

you do?

(a) Stand-on With caution keeping your course and speed.

(Q) If you're coming up on a vessel at 22.5 degrees abaft the beam, are

you a crossing vessel or overtaking vessel?

(a) You're a crossing vessel, the word MORE is missing.

(Q) If you're overtaking a vessel, you're on his starboard quarter and

the other vessel is on your stem, what action will you take?

(a) Take the shortest course, sound 2 short blasts on the whistle and make an early
and bold alteration to port and go around the other vessel's stem.

(Q) If you're overtaking a vessel, you're on his port quarter and the

other vessel is on your stem, what action will you take?

(a) Take the shortest course, sound 1 short blast on the whistle and make an early

and bold alteration to starboard and go around the other vessel's stern.

(Q) If you're coming up on a vessel, and one minute you're seeing his

sternlight, then his sidelight, then his sternlight, is this a crossing

situation or an overtaking situation?

(a) This is an overtaking situation.

Rule 14 Head-on Situations.

(Q) According to the rule, what types of vessels do you need?

(a) 2 power-driven vessels.

(Q) In a head-on situation between 2 power-driven vessels, how do you

know it's a head-on situation at night?
(a) Because you would see his masthead light in between his sidelights.
(Q) What action will you take with 2 power-driven vessels in a head-on
(a) Both vessels will sound 1 short blast on the whistle and make an early and bold
alteration to starboard.

(Q) What action will you take if you're in a power-driven vessel, and in

a head-on situation with a fishing vessel, also what action would the
fishing vessel take?
(a) You will sound 1 short blast on the whistle and make an early and bold
alteration to starboard, the fishing vessel will stand-on with caution because he is
most hampered.
Rule 15 Crossing Situations.
(Q) What type ofvessels do you need for this rule?
(a) 2 power-driven vessels.
(Q) How do you know who is the give way vessel in a crossing situation?
(a) You're the give way vessel if you have another power-driven vessel on your
starboard side.

Rule 16. Action by Give way Vessels.

(Q) If you were the Give way vessel, what action would you take?
(a) Make an early and bold alteration of course, you could slow down, stop your

vessel or come astern, but if plenty of distance, an alteration is the best means to

avoid a collision.

Rule 17. Action by Stand-on Vessels.

(Q) If you're the stand-on vessel, what action will you take?
(a) Stand-on with cautiqn~ keeping your course and speed.
(Q) If the Give way vessel were standing on, what warning signal would

you give him?

(a) 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle, to indicate that you are unsure
of his intentions.
(Q) If you're in a power-driven vessel, and on your port bow there is
another power-driven vessel, who is standing-on, collision course,
you've gave him 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle, you got
no response from him, what action will you take now?
(a) Make an early and bold alteration away from him, in this case, 1 short blast on
the whistle and an early and bold alteration to starboard and show him your

(Q) If you're in a fishing vessel, and on your starboard bow is a sailing

vessel, who is standing-on, collision course, you've gave him 5 or more

short and rapid blasts on the whistle, you got no response from him,
what action will you take now?
(a) Make an early and bold alteration away from him, in this case, 2 short blasts on

the whistle and make an early and bold alteration to port.

(Q) What actions for the stand-on vessel if the give way vessel standsIon?
(a) If the give way vessel stands on; the stand-on vessel may alter course (outside 4

miles - Rule of thumb distance)

(inside 4 miles - Rule of thumb distance)If in a close quarter situation and the give

way vessel stands on; the stand-on vessel shall alter course

Rule 18. Responsibilities between vessels.

(Q) If you are in a power-driven vessel, there are 6 vessels that you
should give way to, name them?
(a) Apower-driven vessel on your starboard bow.
(b) A sailing vessel
(c) A fishing ves~el
(d) A vessel not under command
(e) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre

(0 If the circumstances of the case admit, a vessel constrained by her draught.

(Q) If you are in a fishing vessel, then you have to give way to 4 vessels,

name them?

(a) A fishing vessel on your starboard bow

(b) A vessel not under command
(c) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
(d) If the circumstances of the case admit, a vessel constrained by her draught.
(Q) Ifyou're in a power-driven vessel, or fishing vessel, would you

stand-on or give way to a vessel constrained by her draught?

(a) Your best to Give way to a vessel constrained by her draught.

(Q) Is there any rule that says you should try to avoid impeding the safe

passage of a vessel constrained by her draught?

(a) Yes, Rule 18d part (1) says any vessel other than a vessel not under command or

a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, shall if the circumstances of the case

admit avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draught.

(Q) Usually what type ofvessel would a vessel constrained by her

draught be?

(a) Very large supertanker carrying crude oil.

(Q) So what would happen if you stood-on to a vessel constrained by

her draught?

(a) She could easily go aground and tear the bottom out of her hull, causing a major

ecological disaster, killing all seabirds, covering the coastline with oil, pollution at

its worst.

ower-driven vessel gives way to..... .

Restricted in her ability to


_ . _ _

A fishing vessel gives way to...... .

3 Big

Restricted in her ability to


Not under command

Not under command

Constrained by her draught

Constrained by her draught



A power-driven vessel on
your own starboard side

'---"- ------. A fishing vessel on your own

1 kw d starboard side
aw ar

Rule 19. Conduct ofvessels in Restricted Visibility.

(Q) What does Rule 19 mean to you?
(a) This Rule applies to all vessels in or near an area of Restricted Visibility.


(Q) What would you say a safe speed was in Restricted visibility?
(a) A speed that you could stop your vessel in halfthe visible distance you could

see, so you could alter using Rule 19 (d) parts (i) and (ii)

(Q) What does part (a) say?

(a) This Rule Applies to all vessels in or near an area of restricted visibility
(Q) What does part (b) say?
(a) Go at a safe speed and have your engines ready for immediate manoeuvre's
(Q) What does part (c) say?
(a) Have Due regards to the prevailing condition
(Q) What does Rule 19 (d) say?
(a) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall
determine if a close-quarter situation is developing and/or risk of collision exists. if
so she shall take avoiding action in ample time, providing that when such action
consists of an alteration of course, so far as possible the following shall be avoided
(Q) What does Rule 19 (d) Part (i) say?
(a) Avoid an alteration to port for a vessel forward of the beam, other than for a

vessel being overtaken

(Q) What does Rule 19 (d) Part (ii) say?

(a) Avoid an alteration towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam

(Q) What does Rule 19 (e) say?

(a) Except .where it has been determined that a risk of collision does not exist, eyery

vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam, the fog signal of another vessel,

or which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with another vessel forward of her

beam, shall reduce her speed to a minimum at which she can be kept on her course.

Shall if necessary take all her way off and in any event navigate with extreme

caution until danger of collision is over.

Rule 23. Power-Driven Vessels

(Q) A Power-driven Vessel- UNDERWAY, what Navigation lights does

he switch off if he is stopped and making no-way through the water?

(a) None, he is not entitled to switch off any Navigation Lights

(Q) What is classed as Navigation lights?
(a) Sidelights (Port & Starboard), Sternlight, and if entitled to them Masthead


(Q) What vessels are not entitled to masthead lights if the vessel is


(a) Three vessels;

(i) Fishing vessel other than Trawling (Red Light over a White Light - 2 metres


(ii) Not Under Command (Red light over a Red Light - 2 metres apart)
(iii) A Vessel engaged in Pilotage duties (White light over a Red Light - 2 metres


(Q) How can you tell a Power-driven vessel is Makingway?

(a) By taking a series of Compass, Radar & Visual Bearings (visual Bearings being

most accurate)

Rule 34. Manoeuvring and Warning Signals

. (Q) 1,2,3 & 5 Short and Rapid blasts on the ships whistle, what

condition ofvisibility are these sound signals used?

(a) When vessels are in sight of one another
(Q) Does that mean clear visibility?

(a) No, you can still see a vessel when it is hazy, when you can see the vessel

visually then you use this Rule and not Rule 35. Sound Signals in Restricted


(Q) In a Narrow Channel, a vessel sounds 2 Prolonged Blasts followed

by 1 short blast (Morse "G" - Golt), what does he intend to do?

(a) He wants to Overtake your Starboard side and he is awaiting your answer for

you to agree for him to pass

(Q) In aNarrow Channel, a vessel sounds 2 Prolonged Blasts followed

by 2 short blast (Morse "Z" - Zulu), what does he intend to do?
(a) He wants to Overtake your Port side and he is awaiting your answer for you to
agree for him to pass
(Q) What sound signal would you reply with if you agreed with the

overtaking manoeuvre?
(a) (Morse "C" - Charlie) 1 Prolonged blast followed by 1 short blast followed by 1
p,rolonged blast followed by 1 short blast on the ships whistle
(Q) What would you sound if you disagreed to be overtaken in a narrow

(a) You'd sound 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the ships whistle, you can also
flash a light 5 or more times
(Q) In aNarrow channel, your coming towards a bend in the channel,
what warning signal will you sound?
(a) One prolonged blast on the ships whistle
(Q) If I was coming around the bend towards you, what warning signal
would I sound?
(a) One prolonged blast on the ships whistle
(Q) You're on a collison course with another vessel, you're the stand-on

vessel, the givewayvessel is standing-on, what warning signal will you

(a) You'll sound 5 or more short and rapid blasts on the ships whistle
Rule 35. Sound signals in Restricted Visibility
(Q) A vessel engaged in Pilotage duties, what is his identity signal?

(a) He may sound 4 short and rapid blasts on the ships whistle
(Q) May he sound the identity signal when vessels are in sight of one


(a) No, this is only to be sounded in Restricted Visibility

(Q) Is there a time length for the Pilots identity signal (I.E. not

exceeding 2 minutes)?

(a) No, there is no time limit, he may sound the identity signal as and when he


(Q) Name the vessels with a hampered fog signal (1 Prolonged and 2



(i) Sailing Vessel (ii) Fishing vessels (Trawler & Fishing other than Trawling)
(iii) Not Under command (iv) Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
(v) Constrained by her Draught (vi) Minesweeper
(vii) Vessel engaged in towing
(viii) Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre engaged in towing
(ix) A vessel engaged in pushing another vessel ahead
(x) A Fishing vessel other than trawling fishing while at anchor (Anchor Seine-net)
(xi) Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre while at anchor

(Q) A Power-driven vessel has 2 different Fog signals, what are they?

If Underway - Two Prolonged blasts on the ships whistle at intervals not exceeding

two minutes

If Makingway - One Prolonged blast on the ships whistle at intervals not exceeding

two minutes

(Q) A Short Blast - How long does it last for?


(a) One second

(Q) A Prolonged Blast - How long does it last for?

(a) Between 4 - 6 Seconds

(Q) What is the complete sound signal for a vessel engaged in towing

another vessel that is manned?

(a) The towing vessel will sound 1 prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts on the
ships whistle, the vessel being towed will immediately sound 1 prolonged blast
followed by 3 short blasts on the ships whistle, all within 2 minutes

(Q) A vessel at anchor (under 100 metres), what is his fog signal?

A rapid ringing on the bell (forward) for 5 seconds

at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

(Q) A vessel at anchor (Over 100 metres), what is his fog signal?

A rapid ringing on the bell for 5 (forward) seconds, then

A rapid ringing on the gong (aft) for 5 seconds

at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

(Q) A vessel at anchor has a warning signal he may use to alert you of a

possible collision, what is it?

(a) He may sound (Morse "R" - Romeo) 1 short blast followed by 1 prolonged blast

followed by 1 short blast

(Q) A vessel aground (Under 100 metres), what is his fog signal?

3 distinct strokes on the bell, followed by

a rapid ringing on the bell for 5 seconds, followed by

3 distinct strokes on the bell (bell is forward in the ship)

at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

(Q) A vessel aground (Over 100 metres), what is his fog signal?

3 distinct strokes on the bell, followed by

a rapid ringing on the bell for 5 seconds, followed by

3 distinct strokes on the bell followed by (bell is forward in the ship)

a rapid ringing on the gong (gong is aft in the ship) for 5 seconds

at intervals not exceeding 1 minute

Life Rafts
Life rafes

(Serviced every year)

The life raft is the most important piece ofapparatus aboard a vessel,
it is you're last hope ofsurvival ifyour veSsel goes down.
Decide for yourself the best side to board a Life raft the painter line's
length is long enough to launch a Life raft with the vessel upside down
think on this,
if you launch the Life raft on the leeside, the life raft is going to cling to
the vessel
The vessel could roll over on top of the life raft
If you launch on the windward side, the life raft is going to be hard to
keep alongside the vessel, personnel might fall into the water, life rafts
have been lost because they where launched on the windward side
The chances of the vessel rolling over on top ofthe Life raft should be
Once you've launched the Life raft and boarded it, then do the
(1) Use the paddles to paddle away from the sinking vessel, you could

also take the sea-anchor and roll it into a ball and throw it in the

direction you want to go and then pull it towards you

(2) Look for survivors in the water

(3) If 2 or more Life rafts are launched from the vessel, paddle over to
them and make your life raft fast to it (double rations and you're now a
bigger target too)
(3) Stream the both drogues, this will improve the life rafts stability
(4) inflate the floor to prevent hypothermia
(5) If you took it with you, place the E.P.I.R.B. into the water and attach
the lanyard to the life raft
(6) issue sea-sickness tablets
(7) Set the watch, save your flares until you see a vesselfplane (never

fire a distress rocket with any aircraft in the area)

(8) Check the sponsons for air, there is a bellows to pump them up with
(9) in poor weather close the doors
(10) DO NOT ISSUE WATER for the first 24 hours, unless the person
has been sick
(11) Tend to injured personnel, there is a first aid kit in your Life raft,
also a thermal insulation blanket
(12) Dry the floor with. the bailer and sponges

If the Life raft capsizes, do the following;

Have a man stand on the gas cylinder and pull on the straps (make sure
he is downwind)

Care of Life raft on the vessel

The Life raft is serviced every year (take note of when its due to be
When taking the Life raft onboard NEVER roll it into place
Never use a power-hose on a lifraft, it has breather holes in the bottom
of it, you might force water into the holes and perish the Life raft
Wash it down with fresh water and a hand scrubbing brush
How To launch a Life raft manually
This is important and could save your life and also your crews lives

(1) Have two men undo the SENHOUSE Slip

(2) Lift the Life raft to the ships rail (Do not undo the painter line from the
hydrostatic release)
(3) Drop the Life raft into the water
(4) Pull the painter line till it can come no more and then give it a sharp pull
(5) The Life raft should now inflate
(6) Pull the Life raft close to the pilot ladder
(7) Put the strongest man into the Life raft first
(8) Pass him the tail of the painter line leading back to the hydrostatic release, he
will be pulling the Life raft closer too
(9) Every person that enters the Life raft helps him to keep the Life raft close to the
(10) The second last person will get the safety knife attached to the sponsons inside
the Life raft
(n) Once the last person boards the Life raft, the painter line gets cut at the
hydrostatic release side

(12) It is important to try and not loo~e your Life raft's, this has been done before,
the reason for launching Life raft's is there is no hope for the vessel, loose these Life
raft's and there is no hope for you, take care!

Contents of a life raft (SOLAS pack "A")

SPLAS pack "A" first aid kit
Sea anchor and spare sea anchor
1.5 litres of water per person
Tin opener


Fishing line and hook

Thermal Protection Sheet

Anti-Seasickness Tablets


6 Hand held distress flares

4 red distress parachute flares

2 smoke/dye markers (Optional)

Sponges (to dry floor)

Pump (to pump up the floor)


Puncture repair kit

Core Plugs

2 safety knifes (stored in the sponsons)



Torch with spare batteries and bulbs

Plastic bags

Life jackets

The life jacket in the photograph has an extra feature normal life jackets don't have
and that's the face protector, if unconscious in the water, the life jacket will place
you face upwards towards the sky, this one also prevents heat loss (90% of the body
heat is lost through the head) also it will prevent you from swallowing water which
could choke you.
(1) Every life jacket must be foolproof so it cannot be put on back to front

(2) It has to turn an unconscious'person face up and keep their mouth 6 inches
(lsomm) above the water

(3) It must have high coloured reflective tape

(4) It must have a strap at the top so the person can be pulled from the water
(s) it must be made of a low inflammable material

(6) It must have rot proof straps

(7) It must have a whistle
(8) New life jackets have a light that flashes every second
(9) Every life jacket used for a person over 32 kilograms must have at least lS.8

kilograms of buoyancy in fresh water for at least 24 hours

(10) It must be stamped "For persons over 32 kilograms"

(11) Every life jacket must have two seperate compartments
(12) At least 1 kilogram of kapok must be inside each life jacket to provide the

buoyancy of each life jacket

Crewsaver Inflatable Lifejackets

Crewsaver inflatable lifejackets are common place amongst seafarers nowadays, I ,

recommend them to be worn before stepping onboard any vessel, I cannot
emphasis how important it is to use them
Aboard fishing vessels, while carry out duties on deck, fishing skippers will make
crew unemployed if caught working on deck without them, you might think this is
pretty hard on the crewmembers, but it's the skippers responsibility to make sure
the crew are safe.
It is important that Crewsaver lifejackets are worn on the outside of every piece of

waterproof clothing, the following will show you why;

An M.C.A. Captain asked the following question;

A man came back to his fishing vessel, his vessel was away from the pier because of
the wind, so he decided to jump onto the stem of his vessel, he slipped and fell into
the harbour, at the time he was wearing crewsaver Lifejackets below a NYLON
Waterproof jacket.
The Crewsaver Iifej~ckets inflated and came up by his neck, the size of the
Iifejackets inflated broke the man's neck.
The Crews aver lifejackets should be senjced every 6 months to make sure you've
not cut any holes in them, put them up to Cosalt for servicing
They will inflate the Lifejackets and check for any holes and also insert a new

canister and new seals for the canister.


Speedlines like the one above comes in two sizes (230 & 250)
The 230 can fire a line a minimum distance of 230 metres
The 250 can fire a line a minimum distance of 250 metres
They have to be in a water-tight casing
Serviced every 3 years
Check to see how many of these you have in your vesseL
To operate the speedline use the following instructions;
(1) Take of the top lid
(2) Take the Manilla (Brown Hairy Rope) and make it fast to a strong point on the
vessel, (You can attach it to another rope if required and attach the other end of
this rope to a strong point on the vessel)

(3) Rest the Speedline on the sea side of the ships rail and aim the Speedline in the
directio,n that you intend to fire it

(4) There is a red Arrow on the handle of the speedline, this arrow should point to
the horizon, the speedline will be at the correct angle to get the maximum distance
for the line inside the speedline
(5) Pull out the safety pin
(6) 'pull the trigger
(Caution, before pulling the trigger, make sure there is no personnel in the direct
line of where the rocket is going to go)


Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon'


E.P.I.R.B. stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon, it's purpose
alert other vessels that a vessel is in distress, before E.P .I.R.B. came on the go, lots
of vessel where disappearing without trace, no-one knew where the vessel
had sank at, the E.P .I.R.B. has also a second function, if you have time when
launching a Life raft and taking it with you, you and your crew will be picked up
quicker as the resource services can home on your position quicker.
False alerts have been caused because of an E.P .I.R.B. breaking free from it's cradle
and activating a distress on 406Mhz, if this happens, contact the Coastguard, under
no circumstances do you go and switch the E.P .I.R.B. off until the Coastguard tell
you to do so.

The E.P .I.R.B. has a test and a activation switch on it, the test should be carried out
every muster drill and this should also be logged.
In the U.K. every E.P.I.R.B. has to be registered to the M.R.C.C. in Falmouth, if you
buy a second-hand vessel then re-register it.
Every vessel over 300Grt and every registered fishing vessel must carry an
E.P.I.R.B. should be serviced every year and the Lithium battery replaced every 5



Search And Rescue Transponder

SA.R.T. stands for Search And rescue Transponder, when activated, and vessel
with a radar that is operating in the 9Ghz bandwidth will be able to home on your
vessel (or Life raft) .

.. .....


over 5. miles

between 1 - 5 miles

under 1 mile

Over 5 miles will give the above effect on radar once the SART has been

activatedBetween 1-5 miles will give the above effect on radar once the SART has
been activatedUnder 1 mile will give the above effect on radar once the SART has
been activated

To activate a S.A.R.X;
(1) Remove the S.A.R.T. from it's container

(2) Pull the safety pin from the S.A.R.T.

(3) Check the RED light is on

(4) In onboard the vessel, try and get it as high as possible
(5) If in a Life raft, mount it on top of the Life raft
Technical Information;
Battery Renewal- 4 years
Type of battery - Lithium
Operating life span - 100 hours in stand-by mode and 8 hours when continuously
sending a signal
Serviced every 2 years

Monthly tests - turn the switch on the SA.R.T. to test mode, hold for a few seconds,

an audible alarm will sound and the light will flash

(As soon as you see the light and hear the sound you should switch it off, leaving it

on will activate the S.A.R.T.

Tips of the day

When overtaking another vessel, whether in sight of one another or when in

restricted visibility, take the shortest possible route to get back onto your original
track and go around his stern.
Masthead lights, if its a length light for a vessel towing or a length light for the
vessel then the arcs of visibility is 225 degrees most candidate think towing
masthead lights are 360 degrees
When doing alterations in an Oral Exam make sure what type of visibility you are
in as they can have different answers, for example a vessel 40 degrees abaft your
starboard beam in good visibility means you have to stand-on if he is overtaking,
but if its restricted visibility and the bearings are steady in both situations then you
have to make an early and bold alteration to port

.. ----.-.-.-. ----------..

---- -- --- ---


Most Rules are worked through lights and Alterations

Rule 13 is a common mistake, listen to the amount of degrees abaft the beam the
captain gives you, 22.5 degrees or less abaft the beam is a crossing situation you
have to be MORE than 22.5 degrees abaft the beam to be overtaking.

Rule l8d part (i) explains what should be done to stop the vessel constrained by her
draught going aground and causing a major ecological disaster.

If you're the give way vessel, then alter towards the stand-on vessel But if you're the
stand-on vessel, NEVER alter towards the give way vessel.

When thinking about a risk assessment, think what you would feel like if any of

your crew got injured or died under your responsibility; it's your responsibility to

make sure they get home to their loved ones.


_~c_,"_~~. ~.'"~"-"~-.-"


_ _'""__


Inflatable life jackets are great for personnel working on deck, make them use

them, it's for their safety, either they use them or you put the person ashore, your

responsible for their safety.

Safety equipment are bought for the crews safety, make them use it
(1) Hard hats
(2) Survival suits
(3) Safety harnesses
(4) Steel toe cap rubber boots
(5) Waterproof oilskins
(6) Rubber Gloves
(7) Warm clothing

- ..

.... .. .




The Captain is assessing you to see if your fit to skipper a vessel, would he feel

comfortable to go to his cabin if you where the skipper.

To minimize accidents happening on watch its preferred to have two watch

keepers, what happens if you cannot afford to pay for two watch keepers, how will

you know if he is asleep or has taken ill?, fit a second watch keeping alarm with a 3

minute delay into the accommodation.

How to prevent loosing your vessel through flooding!, fit CCTV into your engine

room and aim the camera at the bilge, bilge sensors are one main cause for vessels

sinking, the camera will alert you for fire and ingress of water in the engine room

During an Oral exam the captain takes you through the lights like this
(1) What vessel are you looking at?
(2) Is this vessel Underway or What?
(3) What is the vessels fog signal?
(4) What is the vessels daytime signal?
(5) What are the arc of visibility of the lights?
(6) What are the vertical and horizontal distance between the lights?

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue is important to know if you're involved in a

manoverboard or search for a vessel/aircraft that has went down.
In any situation, think about this while doing a search
(1) what are you looking for? --> ship --> Life raft --> man in the water

With all ofthe above you must then take the following into
(a) The weather
(b) The strength ofthe tide
(c) The wave height
(d) The temperature ofthe water
with the above information and regarding the following, then think
about this
Sea is like a mirror, then the searches can be pretty wide
Storms, large waves and strong tides, then the searches must be very
There are various searches that can be carried out, the following
searches are recognised in the IMASAR Manual.



.... ,.... ....




Expanded Square Search

Downwind for 1 miles, alter to starboard 90 degrees, go down this

course for 1 mile;


Alter 90 degrees to starboard and go down this course for 2 miles


Alter 90 degrees to starboard and go down this course for 2 miles

Keep adding 1 mile ever time you alter to starboard

All distances are just for examples

Oil-Rig Search

Onboard an oil-rig they're the search sectors placed into 4 quadrants

At anyone time, they'll know the direction ofthe wind and tide
They launch the FRC's and start an expanding square search (as above)

You have put your vessel aground, what are you going to do?
(1) Stop your vessel.

(2) Sound the general alarm of7 short blasts and one prolonged blast to

alert the crew.

(3) Get everyone to their muster stations.
(4) At the same time the skipper should be putting out a Mayday. The
reason for this is you don't know how much damage you have to your
(5) Get the Life raft's ready to launch, don't launch them until the last
possible moment, your vessel is your best Life raft just now.
(6) Get the mate and engineer to check each compartment for ingress of
(7) They make a report to the skipper once they have finished to alert
the Coastguard to the state ofyour vessel.

(8) If a leak is found, I have no faith in shoring up a vessel until I know

for sure that there is no danger to life, your insurance will pay for
loosing your vessel, don't take chances!!!! your crew comes before the
(9) Get a collision mat ready incase you get a chance to use it.
(10) Get a rope ready incase there is a vessel coming to your assistance

for towing you off.

(11) Make sure all crew have survival suits on ifthey have them ~d life



(12) NEVER take chances with you crews lives, if in doubt about your
vessel and you think she is going to capsize launch the Life raft's now
and get all the crew into it.

Reasons for a vessel going aground

(1) Watch-keeper falling asleep

(2) Watch-keeper taken ill

(3) Leaving the wheelhouse unattended

(4) Main Engine Failure
(5) Over reliance on Navigation Equipment (Especially the video plotter)
(6) Echo Sounder not switched on
(7) Restricted visibility with radar switched off or no radar on vessel
(8) Extreme Rip Tides forcing the vessel ashore
(9) Debris caught in the propeller
(10) Watch high on drugs or drunk
(n) Intentional placing the vessel onto the shore
(12) In restricted visibility with the radar on too large a scale (This is a very
common mistake - keep lowering the scale and tune it again)
(1) Open up the overboard valve (discharge valve) (Full Open)

(2) Open up the main sea-cock for the pump (Full open) This will prime the bilge

(3) Start the bilge pump
(4) Open the valve (Full open) that is used for the compartment you want to pump
(5) Slowly close the main sea-cock (closing it slowly will help prevent air-locking
the system)
(6) Check the overboard to make sure you are pumping bilge water over the side
(7) If you're not pumping bilge water, check the following;
(a) You've air locked the bilge pumping system
(b) You have a hole in a pipe drawing air into the system

(c) The bilge pump impeller is worn or broken

(d) The bilge pump is broken

(e) The main intake is choked with some debris



(Q) What are you going to do with any oil in your bilges?

, (a) Pump it into a sludge tank

(Q) What if you had no sludge tank, what will you do with the oil in the
bilges now?

(a) Pump the bilges until there is a trace of oil being pumped overboard, as soon as
this happens stop your bilge pump, then manually pump the oil in the bilges into 5
gallon oil drums, then when you get ashore inform the port authorities and they
will dispose of it for you


............ ~-

(Q) What is an oil/water separator?

(a) A system that separates water from oil, so that no more that 15 P.P.M. (Parts
Per Million) ?f oil is being discharged overboard

(Q) How does an oil/water separator work?

(a) By using thousands of ball bearings spinning centrifugal ,pushing the water out
and letting the oil sink into a holding tank

(Q) How often would you empty your sludge tank?

(a) You should empty your sludge tank at the first chance you get

How to Prevent Flooding in your vessel

(1) Fit C.C.T.V. (Close Circuit Television) to all compartments so you can see if any
water or fire in that area

(2) Maintain Bilge pumps

(3) Fit Bilge sensors as low as possible in the bilges

(4) Clean Bilge strainers and filters often

(5) Have portable pumps on the vessel (if a diesel or petrol pump; only use these in
a well ventilated area)
(6) Inspect the hull of your vessel for any damage before proceeding to sea
(7) Inspect the hull of your vessel for any damage while in Dry-dock
(8) Withdraw Non-Return valves and check them out (only possible in dry-dock)
(9) Make sure bilge alarms can be heard throughout the vessel
(10) Check the bilges several times a day (visually)
(11) Remove any debris from the bilges (this will eventually get to the pumps and

choke it
(12) Sea-cocks should be placed as high as possible in the engine-room
(13) NEVER EVER remove a Non-return valve while the vessel is in water
(14) If the bilge pumps are not coping with the amount of water in the bilges, close

all bilge pumps down as it could be the bilge pumping system that is to blame for
the ingress of water
(15) Make sure all water-tight doors and hatches are closed when not in use (place a
placard on every door saying so) E.G.(DOORS MUST BE KEPT CLOSED AT ALL

(16) Fit Grids over slush wells (Strainers in the hold)

(17) While at anchor or before leaving the vessel, close all sea-cocks that are not
being used

(18) Have extra bilge pumps fitted, (electric and belt driven)
(19) Have whale pumps fitted

(20) As part of a muster drill, have the whole crew accustomed to the bilge
pumping system


and Search Patterns

I was asked "What is the purpose of the MersarJlmasar manual?"

I replied that it gave information to get hold of a person in the water in any

condition of visibility

I told this person it's not the ship your after or the Life raft but the man inside it,

you can always get another ship

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