Rate of Turn Indicator

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Q. Could you tell me what a Rate of Turn indicator is please?

This is an instrument to measure of how fast the vessel is turning and is one of the most
useful pieces of equipment the helmsman can have in steering a straight course.
(a rate of turn indicator will show a turn faster than the gyro and counter helm can be
applied to stop the turn before it starts)

it can also be used to ensure the ship turns at a steady rate (which is important in
pilotage waters )

they generally indicate the number of degrees you will turn in a fixed period (normally 1

It's only a indicator, human' skill is better. I think

Quote SOLAS V REG 19

2.9 All ships of 50,000 gross tonnage and upwards shall, in addition to meeting the
requirements of paragraph 2.8, have:
2.9.1 a rate of turn indicator, or other means, to determine and display the rate of turn;
2.9.2 a speed and distance measuring device, or other means, to indicate speed and
distance over the ground in the forward and athwartships direction.

3. When "other means" are permitted under this regulation, such means must be
approved by Administration in accordance with regulation 18.



RECALLING Article 16(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization

concerning the functions of the Assembly in the relation to regulations concerning
maritime safety,

BEARING IN MIND regulation 12, chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended in 1981, concerning the carriage of rate-of-turn


The rate-of-turn indicator (ROTI) should, in addition to the requirements of these

standards, comply with the requirements of resolution A.281(VIII) for ship borne
electronic navigational aids.


2.1 The ROTI should be capable of indicating rates of turn to starboard and to port of the
ship to which it is fitted.

2.2 The ROTI may be self-contained; alternatively it may form part of, or derive
information from, any other appropriate equipment.

2.3 Indication
2.3.1 The indication required should be provided by a centre-zero analogue type
indicator (preferably circular). Where a circular scale indicator is used, the zero should be

2.3.2 A turn of ship to port should be indicated on the left of the zero point and a
starboard turn to the right of the zero point. If the actual rate of turn exceeds full scale
deflection, this should be clearly indicated on the display.

2.3.3 In addition, an alphanumeric display may be provided. Positive indication of port

and starboard should be provided on such displays.

2.3.4 The length of scale in either direction from zero should not be less than 120 mm.
The sensitivity of the system should ensure that a change in the rate of turn of 1°per
minute is represented by a distance of not less than 4 mm on its scale.

2.4 Range scales

2.4.1 A linear range scale of not less than ±30°per minute should be provided. This scale
should be marked in intervals of 1°per minute on both sides of zero. The scale should be
marked with figures every 10°per minute. Every 10°mark should be significantly longer
than the 5°mark which in turn should be significantly longer than the 1°mark. The marks
and figures should preferable be red or a light colour on a dark background.

2.4.2 Additional linear range scales may be provided.

2.4.3 Damping of the ROTI should be provided with a time constant which may be varied
during operation in the range zero to at least 10 seconds.

2.5 Accuracy

2.5.1 The indicated rate of turn should not deviate from the actual rate of turn of the ship
by more than 0.5 degrees per minute plus 5 per cent of the indicated rate of turn of the
ship. These values include the influence of earth rate.

2.5.2 Periodic rolling motion of the ship with an amplitude of ±5°and period of up to 25
seconds and periodic pitching motion with an amplitude of ± 1°and period of up to 20
seconds should not change the mean value of the indicated rate of turn by more than
0.5°per minute.

2.5.3 The ROTI should meet these accuracy requirements at all ship speeds up to 10


3.1 The ROTI should be ready for operation and comply with these standards within 4
minutes of being switched on.

3.2 The design should be such that whether operating or not the ROTI will not degrade
the performance of any other equipment to which it is connected.

3.3 The ROTI should include means of enabling the operator to verify that it is operating.

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