Croatian Eno Gastronomy 2014 2015 EN PDF

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Croatia, Gastronomic Princess of the Mediterranean and Europe
The country of culinary diversity
Why enjoy Croatia?


Regions (Gastronomy, Health, About wine)

List of regions


9_Central Croatia


About wine and special subjects

About wine_Croatia a small country for great wines
Olive oils_Benefits of olive oil
Water_Water is life
Ecological products



c ontents

Basic information about Croatia

Offices of the Croatian National Tourist Board


c roatia,

Gastronomic Princess
of the Mediterranean
and Europe

In the mid nineties, during the rescue excavations in Starogradsko Polje (old town field) on the island of Hvar, grape and olive
seeds were found in one of the funeral urns. Researchers speculated that this was a common residue of agricultural crops from
the 4th or 3rd century BC as it was thought that both cultures
were connected to the arrival of the Greeks and the establishment of their colonies on the eastern coast. The seeds were sent
to the Research Institute of the Old Culture in Phoenix, Arizona
to be carbon tested and the results were a surprise to everyone.
The seeds of the vines and the olive trees were in fact from the
9th or 8th century BC, that is from the time before the Greek
colonisation. They date from the time of the Illyrian rule over
the island and the Dalmatian coast. So the Illyrians, the warlike but disunited lords of our coast, inland and islands, also
grew grapes and olives back in the ancient times and equally
enjoyed wine and food, which they seasoned with olive oil. Later
chronicles tell of great feasts and festivities at the Illyrian kings
palaces, which of course continued over the Greek, Hellenistic period, in the already forgotten Symposion, banquet in Issa,
Faros, Tragurion, Salons, Epetion, Epidaurus, and Korkyra (then
the Greek island of Korula). The feasts and festivities continued
over a few centuries later when Rome finally gained control of
all these areas, expanding its cosmopolitan culture, cultivation
and wine production and bringing its tremendous cuisine based
on olive oil. So, thanks to the findings in the small ceramic urns
from Starogradsko fields, our knowledge about the history of
the Mediterranean culture of crop farming has shifted to the
early ancient world. Therefore the question of whether there is
a genuine Croatian gastronomy and Croatian oenology, inseparably linked with Croatia, is pointless really, because they are
both clearly identified as small, but separate parts, sometimes
even more clearly recognisable than areas more famous for gastronomy and oenology. It is difficult to find in Europe, on such
a small territory as todays Croatia, so pronounced an intermingling of central and southern European, particularly Mediterranean, civilisations and culinary and oenological tradition. It
would be more than presumptuous to compare Croatian cuisine
and Croatian wine culture with the cuisine and wine traditions
of larger nations, but the very diversity and traditions of Croatia
identify it as a separate gastro entity.
If we tried to follow Croatias geographical and cultural traces
by going on a journey through time and tastes, and if we started from the eastern Croatian borders, we would first meet the
Croatian northeast and northwest, their true oenological and
gastronomic accents associated with strong cultural influence,
radiating from Western and Central Europe, from the Frankish
Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Formed in such a
gastro melting pot, in Eastern Slavonia, the most interesting dish
is definitely shepherds stew. Deriving from Hungarian and Panintroduction

Veljko Barbieri

nonian influences, it condenses a soupy experience of goulash

and stews with a special kaleidoscope of vegetables and spices,
and of course wine, without which this unique dish can neither
be prepared nor enjoyed. The dish can be spiced during cooking
or later adjusted to taste when already seated at the table, with
spices and wine such as Slavonian Traminac or Klikun, indigenous red and white noble Riesling from the cellars of the old Slavonian Ilok, Vukovar and Osijek, akovo and Vinkovci. If shepherds stew and Slavonian wines combine to create a trademark,
then the best Slavonian culinary product is certainly kulen. This
dried sausage with hot pepper, made from the best parts of pork
meat, is unsurpassed in these parts of the European continent.
The sausage is always accompanied by excellent wines.
Osijek, the capital of Slavonia which neighbours Vukovar, and
in particular akovo and Vinkovci are also the capitals of stews,
pork and poultry, especially duck. As they are hugged by the two
great rivers, the Drava and the Danube, they also offer a menu
of fresh water fish, giving them special culinary flair. Fish stews
and Catfish perkelt (perkelti can be made with all sorts of meat,
diced and stewed with peppers, onions and potatoes), like Hungarian ones but more dense and aromatic, are usually followed
by fish broth, dried fish or fish sausages, while the fried carp,
probably under the influence of the Ottoman Empire, is served
with uve oriental rice with vegetables. When Vinkovcis
horseradish soup arrives on the table first, it is usually followed
by Baranjas perkelt and the main course, akovos pork stuffed
with smoked meat or ham, vegetables and tongue. All the dishes
have a strong and desirable smell. Finally, a variety of thirty or so
traditional Slavonian cakes usually served at weddings mark the
end of every major culinary and wine festival. This short menu is
accompanied of course by Eastern and Baranja wines, for many
of which the taste was directly influenced by Hungary, from the
great vineyards and cellars in Vilanju near Peuh, or those immediately along the border in the Hungarian part of Baranja.
In the western part of Slavonia, this theme builds on the extensive dining experiences of immigrants and natives. So it is
difficult to deny the roasted poultry filled with quince compote, accompanied by red Frankovka or Portugizac, their German, Austrian and Czech origins. Bean stew and sarma (pickled
cabbage leaves stuffed with minced beef) are of Bosnian and
Turkish origin, while the unique horse sausages and horse meat,
which in Italy has disappeared from the menu, come from the
Apennines. The highlands and hills are rich in small and big
game, and there is an abundance of fish from rivers and ponds.
The culinary simplicity and elegance distinguishes perch in sour
cream as the finest dish of Western cuisine, followed by carp
and drunk carp baked in butter, fat and wine, poured over
with golden wine from the vineyard. This is a true wine region,
marked by the famous Roman Vallis Aurea or Golden Poega

Valley, which extends all the way to the famous Kutjevo vineyards and cellars, and the
hills that surround the very Poega highlands,
Kamensko and the slopes of Papuk. It seems
that everything around here evolved around
and exists because of wine, while the wine
and culinary flagship of Western cuisine is
not conceivable without their top varieties,
the already mentioned Traminac, Riesling,
Chardonnay, Cabernet and ipelj. Every meal
is followed with a carefully selected wine, creating a special gastro-oenological circle.
Adjacent to Slavonia are Moslavina, Posavina
and Banovina. Their original cellars ripen
krlet, Moslavac, Kraljevina, Frankovka and
the whole range of afore-mentioned European white and red wines. The cellars have
old cauldrons and the area is famous for roast
meat platters from these, which are more
ancient than the open-fire baked meat and
sausages in fat, pepper and, of course, wine,
adding more recently various vegetables and
baked beans. Rabbit, poultry and game stew
are boiled in pans over a fire. Here, geese and
ducks can be seen roasting on a spit, especially during St. Martin, when the saint is said to
come and baptise the young wine.
Podravina is proud of its festive tables,
which offer marinated meat preserved in
lard and diced bacon, which connects the
province with Meimurje, Croatias land of
fairy tales. In the mist rising over its rivers,
forests, groves, fields and vineyards one can
listen to a song from enchanted creatures
from Meimurjes mythology. The creatures
sneak through the flavours of ducks and geese
roasted in their own fat, meat from tiblica (a
bowl characteristic of the Meimurje region
used to prepare meat dishes) and pork in sour
cream, wine and mushrooms, fish from the
Drava and Mura rivers, especially the famous
trout in red wine, which along with a dozen
kinds of Meimurje pastry, swell on the tables looking like stuffed dwarfs. Everyone is
seated or lying on tables, and next to them
pushing through come the gourmets and
drunkards of old from akovec, town of the
Zrinski family and Varadin, a Baroque centre of northern Croatia, an urban centre and
the former Croatian capital. They are proud
members of one of the most famous baroque

butchers guilds of Europe, the body that has

ruled their city for two centuries.
For them were prepared old Varadin rajleci
(an old dish made of veal stomach), pts
made from livers and poultry, and veal shank
in wine and cream, as well as stuffed goose
and duck breast in gingerbread dough. In
one whole day of feasting, according to
books neatly written by Varadins butchers
guild, back in 1693, these gourmet masters,
about thirty of them, consumed no less than
one whole calf, four pigs, a dozen pounds of
cooked beef, a few chickens, pigeons, turkeys,
geese and ducks, along with a brace of rabbits,
wild birds, lots of sausage, exactly 22 hens, a
few ox tongues on skewers and a bunch of
snails. If you leave out the desserts, it is noted
that on this ancient day, a few hundred litres
of wine was drunk, and if the accounts are to
be trusted, exactly 360 litres, but that is, to
tell the truth, an unbelievable amount.
However, those are extremely delicious and
nicely decorated menus depicting palaces
and bell-towers of the historical Croatian
capital, but also of Meimurjes capital.
The wine from nearby Meimurje trigova
is poured into glasses, the wines gurgle and
clinking of the goblets full of indigenous
Meimurje Puipel and golden Mukat
blend with aromas and flavours of excellent
and original dishes listed in the famous 17th
century cookbook from the palace of the
Zrinski family in akovec, in which for each
recipe, the original baroque culinary experience is explained. The dishes were cooked
in the kitchens of this powerful family and
relied equally on European influences, especially those from Italy, Hungary and Austria,
Germany, Portugal and even Spain.
Zagorje, Zagrebs entrance hall, scattered
villages spread over hills is home to baked
and fried chicken, turkey with dumplings,
strong flavoured soups made with poultry
and mushrooms, venison in wine sauces,
cooked smoked meat served with a stew of
beans and pumpkin, sauerkraut and nettle soup, which accompanied the famous
garlic sausage and black pudding, sausage
seasoned with garlic and blood. It is also
an ancient oenological area whose exquisite
varieties such as Riesling, Graevina (a sort

of Riesling), Traminac and ipon inspire

with a fresh dry taste. Zagorjes pork tenderloin with dried plums marinated in imported Chardonnay a recipe recorded in
16th century gourmet menus is a bridge
to the menus of the Croatian capital of Zagreb.
Old Agram (an old historic restaurant in the
green part of Zagreb serving local food and
good wine) is a respected cultural and urban representative of Central Europe. From
its kitchens and wine cellars the tradition
emerges at every step. The palate and taste of
Zagreb reflect revised Austro-Hungarian flair,
but they also reflect centuries long cultural
and oenological experience from Zagorje and
closer Turopolje which normally protects the
province from the centre, cities like Zagreb
from its former metropolises such as Vienna.
Of course it is not surprising to anyone that
Zagrebs tables are full of minced or fried and
breaded meat steaks, preceded by the famous
Zagrebs ajngemahtes, soup with poultry or
veal with root vegetables and peas, and finally
Provincial Cordon Bleu, veal, pretentiously
stuffed with ham and cheese. It is as if Zagreb
wants to emphasize the superiority of its provincialism, as it is really more interesting than
its culinary Viennese model. A special place
is dedicated to agramerski riet made of beans
and barley with smoked meat and veal soup,
refined foods and pts made of poultry and
game, and with them good old tenderloin
in wine, and at the feasts end- the original
Zagreb cherry strudel, which was adopted by
Viennese cuisine too.
Roasted young boar out of the oven, also
bathed in wine, and cooked ox tails with
homemade Samobor mustard, as well as famous organic chicken dishes, lead us to another baroque Croatian capital, the old town
of knights Samobor. Known for its excellent
meat menus in which along with the dishes
already mentioned there is a proud smell of
grilled pork and grilled pork chops, then old
Samobor catfish soup with cream and white
wine, stuffed breast of veal and shank from
the oven, the strudels and pastry, especially
cream cake (kremnita), served with dessert
wine, Samobor Bermet and wines from nearby umberak and its vineyards.


From here, from nearby Lika and Gorski

Kotar region, a whole food and wine world
emanates and it seemed that it lived as an ancient legend hidden in the ancient forests, the
purest Croatian riverbeds and old fortresses
and cities. The entire area is dominated by
the city of Karlovac, a military center of
Krajina streching from Ozalj to Rijeka and
the Croatian Primorje coast, whose kitchen
breathes originality, not only from AustroHungarian influences but also the influences
of those in Samobor that were left behind by
Napoleons soldiers with their town as well as
rural menus from simple egg and flour soups,
thick soup with mushrooms and meat soup,
Dugorekas dish, roasted and cooked meat,
shank, breast and ham, traditional rabbit
in sauce with cloves. They are followed by
dishes from a rich fish menu, because this is
an area bordered by the clearest Croatian rivers Kupa, Retina, Korana and Dobra, mainly
inhabited with pike and perch, catfish and
carp. There are also porridge and vegetable
stews or beans, fungi, mainly highly prized
mushrooms such as vrganj and lisike, homemade noodles in imaginative sauces, pies,
bazlamaa (a simple cake made of corn flour,
eggs, cottage cheese and cream, typical of Zagorje and Meimurje), kuglof and cakes.
Across the boundaries of Gorski Kotar and
the Ogulin part of Lika, there with Ogulin
at its centre famous for its array of homemade breads, smisovnica (a type of multigrain
bread), bread with onions and dry meat specialties from deer and bear, various kinds of
meat with Ogulins renowned cabbage and
vegetables and game dishes from nearby
Josipdol: deer, venison, boar, rabbit, pheasant, quail and snipe, Likas roasted lamb and
baked potatoes under the bell, as well as an
excellent selection of cheeses such as indigenous Tounjs cheese (smoked cheese from
Tounj, Lika) and kripavac (a type of haloumi
cheese) and mature cheese spreads, served
with a cornflour bread or bread baked from
the flour of seven different grains ...
However, this is just a list of various foods
from the area and they are followed by an
army of cakes that wake up the taste buds,
while this gastronomic power is accompanied
by the honour guard of wines from Vivod-

insko, Ozalj, Ogulin, Duga Resa, Draganii

with Rainas Riesling, Muscatel, Traminer,
Chardonnay, Franconia, and the especially
celebrated ice harvested wines, an oenological
With those highlighted ancient highland
dishes and wines nowhere else in Croatia
does one get the feeling that time has stood
still than in the regions of Istria and Dalmatia. These two regions stand out as special
features of Croatia, the authentic life and
gastronomic ambience which have admittedly drawn their inspiration from their exemplars especially Venice, but they knew how
to build on them with the strength of their
own culinary knowledge and experience. We
can begin with Istrian minestrone and jotas,
thick soups made of dried/smoked meat and
beans, Istrian gvaceti with venison or lamb
(a pasta dish with meat stew), various sauces
from famous Istrian truffles and asparagus,
which are poured over Istrian fui (homemade
pasta) and pljukanci (homemade tortellini),
very similar to old medieval macaroni, or to
season fine risottos.
Pazins famous roasted turkeys with sour apples are baked in the oven, and along with
pears and fruit, sausages and smoked pork
loin on gradele (a type of grill used along the
Croatian coast for grilling meat, mainly fish),
along with fish, clams and big crabs in risottos with truffles, sophisticated leade (a traditional light meal consisting of cooked fish
served with boiled vegetables and fish soup)
and brujeti (fish cooked in wine) in which the
taste of wine and olive oil permeate as gifts
of the Istrian soil, with mixed fish and crabs
from Istrian waters. These products of sea and
land, along the banks of their coastal towns or
at the foot of their hills and mountains over
which guard famous Istrian castles, are served
in various ugovi (juices or sauces made of tomato or seafood) dominated by the famous
Greek Malvasia imported by the Venetians,
but which in Istria has surpassed its role models. In addition to imported Merlot, there is
also the indigenous red Istrian Teran with
a bitter and strong taste and fragrant color
from which the famous Istrian Teran soup,
seasoned with cloves and served with toasted
bread, is made.

All this along with the inevitable asparagus in

Spring, with Autumn chestnuts and truffles,
particularly the white ones, strong-smelling
and with a distinct taste, like the Istrian cuisine itself, which has managed to turn all
those imported techniques and know-how
into its own culinary expression. Istrian culinary expression is not only felt in Liburnia,
an area at the foot of Uka, in its dishes flavoured with Spring and Summer asparagus
and cherries, with famous Autumn chestnuts
from Lovran, but also on the islands of Cres,
Loinj and Rab, whose soil also contains the
seeds of ancient varieties, notably the original
lahtina (an authentic Croatian white wine).
This, in parallel embraces the individual civilization, oenological and gastronomic traditions which are based on lamb and goat,
while the deep sea whispers tales of big crabs,
clams and fish.
But, if on the journey through time and
tastes, we try to come up with the menu that
consists of a complex series of passages of
time, then it is best to look for it in Dalmatia. In Dalmatia, one can still feel the dawn
of civilization from which the Mediterranean cuisine originates. Its cuisine is so gentle
and classically basic, refined, but sometimes
old fashioned in the modern culinary sense,
as a mirror of the old Mediterranean. Fish,
shellfish and crabs of all kinds, prepared in
various ways: baked, boiled in marinades
na buzare (cooked in wine in seashells)which all derive from Dalmatia or cooked
in the famous Dalmatian brujeti, seemingly
similar to the Venetian broti and Provencal
bouillabaisses. Followed by vegetables dishes, often mixed beans like French cassoulet
and preparations made from cabbage, lamb
and goat meat, giblets or ancient pirjanci ( a
type of meat stew) such as famous paticada,
in its composition of ancient and Byzantine
origin, but with a strong Dalmatian emphasis.
Culinary courtesy is included that province
in the Mediterranean culinary kaleidoscope
made up of ancient sea urchins and raw fish,
roast from under metal or ceramic bells,
unique bread cakes filled with salted fish from
the island of Vis in which it is easy to recognize its ancient Greek origin. Here we dis-

cover the ability of inheritance in Neolithic

lamb tripe, classical tripe and Bra vitalac (a
tripe type of food made on the island of Bra),
goat or lamb meat and giblets on the spit, and
good old tinguli with venison and poultry,
also from Apennine roots, various seafood
casseroles like Hvars broth, which even in its
own name reveals links with Greece, continuing the long tradition of Hellenic and Byzantine presence. Since olden times the fish in
Dalmatia is roasted on a grill or a spit, like
sardines on the islands, while octopus tentacles, cuttlefish and squid are filled with their
own flesh, sometimes pieces of shrimps or
prut (prosciutto) the best smoked ham of
the Mediterranean. Dried fish and salted fish,
was exported for centuries, but also prepared
for festive occasions in dishes similar to todays
codfish bakalar (a cod fish). But, Venice has
also enjoyed the Dalmatian katradina, dried
mutton or goat meat with Dalmatian cabbage. Castrati dalmati (Dalmatian katradina)
and Cavoli dalmati (Dalmatian cabbage) were
equally valued as were tongues cooked with
cloves and coriander, and above all, the pots
of beans and cabbage already mentioned,
which along with many other native foods
have outgrown their culinary horizon.
According to historians, the emperor Diocletian himself before his death cultivated
cabbage in the vicinity of the palace in Split,
renaissance gastronomes like Platin and
Scappi praised Dalmatian game in wine, olive oil, lemon and rosemary. In the deltas of
Dalmatian rivers the brujeti of eels and frogs
are cooked, they are followed by crayfish in
mint and tomatoes salsa. In the Spring, off
the Dalmatian tables glide snails in hot pepper sauce, asparagus and artichokes prepared
in dozens of ways smelling nicely in pots and
pans. Dalmatia is a land of mountain and island lamb and goat, veal, pork and smoked
meat, of which the traditional roasting and
leade with salsa, capers and coarse salt are
During harvesting of the famous native wine
varieties such as Plavac Mali decisive and
dominant wine of Croatia, as well indigenous as Katelas Crljenka and Primotens
Babi, ibeniks Debit, islands Poip, Para,
Bogdanua, Vugava or Maratina, polpete


(meatballs) of mutton are baked, while in

the inland the Sinjs arambaii, a domestic version of the Turkish-Bosnian sarma
compete with its Ottoman model. Then the
original Dalmatian inland varieties such as
white Zlatarica and honey or red Trnka are
served on a table. On the islands the famous
cheeses, such as Pags and Silbas and young
sheeps and goats cheeses, accompany almond and carob cakes, ravioli, fritters and
cheese pies, Carnival cakes which arrived
in the area with a carnival from Venice and
were embodied within the strong local tradition.
In the cuisine of the Dubrovnik Republic
the biggest impression on travellers left a
green pasta of kale, cabbage and katradina,
pasta Ragusei dei Verdi, as they were called
by the Apennines gastronomes, then clams
and oysters from Mali Ston Bay, which also
celebrated this small southeastern state and
its cuisine. These are only small fragments
of the great courses illustrated by roate and
renaissance pepper biscuits with honey and
ammonia or, in the culinary world, a famous
cake Makarana made of almonds, eggs and
the famous Maraschino liqueur, which inspired even Giacomo Casanova in his amorous adventures, or at his writing desk.
As a final fragment of one never completed
menu, created in a split between epochs,
which, from dish to dish, from wine to
wine, married the gastronomy of Croatia
and Croatian oenology.
Sometimes the main idea about the Croatian
cultural, oenological and gastronomic regions may have been misunderstood, especially after close examination of Balkan
culinary habits. However, the gastronomic
variety of dishes and menus, native and imported wine varieties, similarities and differences, influences and originality, slowly
started to merge in the same way that spices
and ingredients match in good food, food
with wine, and the region and its history
combine in the original flavors and odors.
Such a menu and wine list which reflect
our common heritage, Croatian cuisine and
Croatian oenology offer a small but distinct
and valuable opportunity for study and discovery of the Mediterranean and Europe.


The country of culinary diversity

In Europe it is hard to find a country in which, in such a small
area, so much diversity exists as in Croatia. Its geographically
curved shape, like a horseshoe, demonstrates many distinctions and peculiarities that distinguish the north-western region, belonging to Central Europe, from the southern, more
Mediterranean area. Both areas are linked with modern highways enabling travel between them of just a few hours.
The historical turbulence, geographic and climatic features,
diversity of cultural heritage, the details of original traditions,
customs and habits, the varied characteristics of rural and urban localities, all contribute to the wealth of Croatias culinary
diversity. But in this relatively small area, these differences are
often very strongly intertwined, often to the extent that the
original cuisine is unrecognisable and subject to influence and
cross-fertilisation from one region to another, from rural to
urban and from traditional to a new contemporary context.
The gastronomic culture of Croatia is undoubtedly one of the
most interesting and richest in Europe, primarily because it
unites the richness of Central European, Mediterranean and
Eastern cuisine, but also because it is based on an extremely
healthy food. Refined European gastronomy connoisseurs will
recognize on the plates of the Croatian cuisine achievements of
the former rulers of its regions, fromVienna to Istanbul and Venice, but also a precious legacy of peoples cuisine, developed in
conjunction with the modest possibilities of individual regions.

Essentiality and originality

Regardless of whether it is anchovy, which is considered a
food resource of Dalmatia, livestock on the Dalmatian islands
and inland, wildlife in the mountain and the lowland part
of Croatia or forest fruits in the woodlands of the country,
Croatias gastro culture has always been developed in harmony with the climate of the region and, of course, the material wealth of the population. The necessity and originality of
many regional peoples cuisines today, in modern conditions,
are one of the strongest assets of the national cuisine. Croatia
has turned its ecological preservedness into an unforeseen culinary advantage.
Croatia is a country of healthy food, originating mainly from
the greenery of naturally preserved landscapes untouched by
the harmful effects of excessive industrialization. Because of
that, many Croatian culinary delights are unique in Europe
and the rest of the world.

Culinary rarities
Mali Stons oysters Ostrea edulis, islands lamb, a wealth of freshwater and marine fish, shellfish and crabs, one of the best olive

eljko utelija

oils in the world, Pags cheese, Slavonian kulen (hot sausage), Istrian Bokarin (less known type of beef originating from Istria),
truffles and asparagus, Dalmatian chard, arugula, artichokes,
broad beans, miancija (Dalmatian mixed herbs) and other
types of vegetables, smoked ham and bacon from the Dalmatian
hinterland, naturally bred Zagorje turkey, rich wildlife and wild
berries, potatoes from Lika and Meimurjes cabbage, rarities
like butarge (salted and dried fish roe, a rare and precious delicacy),
dried fish eggs, or dried tabinja (a rare fish) which many consider more tasty than dried cod these are the ingredients on
which the best Croatian gastronomy is based and which, thanks
to tourism, has become well known in Europe and worldwide.
The development of gastronomy has been strongly supported
by tourism development, and the partnership of these two disciplines influenced the re-appraisal of the gastronomy and wine
culture and its adaptation to modern conditions and needs.
Our long neglected cuisine has finally become a treasured and
properly valued occupation, and more and more young and
educated people get drawn to catering, hospitality, agriculture, fisheries, orchards and vineyards. They are conscious that
this is a potentially lucrative part of the Croatian economy in
which demand is on an upward curve.

Precious heritage
As in a theatre of the absurd, many historical misfortunes on
Croatian soil in modern conditions turned into a national culinary advantage. When the conquerors of its regions in the
changed historical and social circumstances retreated, they left
behind a valuable gastronomic culture, which today, we have
as a legacy. When, due to the political and social climate, we
were not developing as fast as todays highly developed European countries, our regions, for a variety of reasons, were
spared from ecological disruption and pollution, inevitable accompaniments of rapid development, which in turn promoted
the production of healthy food.
A country that is capable of offering on the same menu grilled
dishes with an oriental tradition of preparation, sea fantasy
dishes which summarize the best Mediterranean ways of preparing seafood and imaginative pasta as well as Wiener schnitzel and strudel along with many irresistible folk dishes of indigenous origin such a country does not have to worry about
its culinary future.
The anticipated development of tourism is an additional accelerator for widespread recognition of Croatian gastronomy
and of one of the most attractive European cuisines, all accompanied by a growing range of premium wines which follow the
development of Croatian gastronomic culture.



or health

Why do you
enjoy Croatian

Olja Martini

The geographical position of Croatia has determined its traditional cuisine. The Mediterranean diet with the domination
of high-quality olive oil is a form of diet that the indigenous
population, but also numerous guests prefer. The long tradition of tourism in Croatia spontaneously led to achieving high
standards when it comes to the truth and quality of food; and
culinary culture is the greatest ally of all those who for whatever reason, choose Croatia for their holiday.
Croatian gastronomic culture is a kind of collage that along
with a primarily Mediterranean diet has elements of Eastern
cuisine and very recognizable elements of the cuisine from the
central, so-called continental Europe.
A rich variety of domestic products and a wide range of traditional dishes have stubbornly resisted modernization and
stereotyped patterns of eating, which led to the preservation
of the methods of food preparation that do not degrade the
nutritional ingredients in food. But, thats not all.
The coast, which stretches over 6000 kilometres, is a natural
salt room and everyone, who spends their holidays on the Adriatic, really enjoys a sort of salt therapy or halotherapy. Posolica
(sea salt deposits) generated by the winds colliding with the
sea surface and driven by the same wind disperses over the
coastal zone and affects the soil composition and the chemical components of the flora and fauna. If we add to this the
diet based on local produce and seafood, you are guaranteed
to have the perfect holiday with balanced meals of highly nutritional properties.
On the other hand, continental Croatia is full of rivers and
lakes and the perfect destination for those who want to be
surrounded by nature. It cultivates a large number of crops
that represent a rich diet in culinary and nutritional terms.
The richness of the soil, abundant water supplies and optimum
climate are the reason why farming is based on tradition with
very little technological innovations.


for health


virgin olive oil, truffles,
smoked Istrian ham, bokarin
meat (meat of indigenous
Istrian cattle), wild
asparagus, goat and sheep
cheese, homemade pasta
(fui, pljukanci), manetra (thick
vegetable soup), a variety of
game dishes, pork loin and
sausages with sauerkraut,
stew with dumplings, seafood
fish (sole!), crustaceans
(crabs!) and shellfish from
the Lim canal, Labins krafi,
wines Malvasia and Teran ...


k va r n e r

famous Kvarner shrimp raw,

briefly baked, na gradele (on the
grill),in a stew, added to risotto
or pasta, islands lamb, goat and
sheep cheeses, urlice (homemade pasta with eggs), minetra,
deer, frogs, snails, dormice, wild
berries and an abundance of
edible mushrooms, strudels and
cakes, fritters and krotule (Angel
wings), Rabs cake, Lovrans
chestnuts, Vrbniks lahtina
(wine) ...


dalmat i a

z a da r


river (trout) and sea fish, well known

Lika potatoes, basa, catfish and kripavac
cheese (similar to haloumi), smoked
cheese, sauerkraut with meat (dried
or fresh) and sausages, lamb, venison,
mushrooms, berries (blueberries, wild
raspberries, blackberries) apples, pears,
prunes and nuts, local honey, donuts, Lika
plum brandy, Gegi wine ...


Stons oysters, butarga, squash,

vegetables from Konavle fields and
Neretva river delta, olive oil, green
menestra, macaroni with meat sauce,
fish, lobsters, shrimps or prawns,
rnovskis macaroni, eels, frogs,
tangerines, birds such as coots,
arancini, flan, kotonjata, mantala,
Proek (Croatian dessert wine), wines:
Plavac Mali, Poip, Malvasija from
Dubrovnik, Grk and Maratina ...


white and oily fish (anchovy,

mackerel and tuna), shellfish
(lobster), mussels (scallops),
Miljevacs ham, bacon, and various
kinds of sausages, excellent cheese
from miina (traditional cheese
making methodology of this region),
bread (kruh ispod peke), lamb and
katradina with cabbage, beef stew
with homemade gnocchi, soparnik
(mangold pie), beans, pasta, veal,
turkey and rooster in the oven
(kruna pe bread oven), olive oils,
grapes and herbal brandy, wines:
Babi, Maratina and Debit ...


k a r l ova c

Pags cheese and lamb, broad

beans and artichokes, Swiss
chard, arugula, zucchini,
cauliflower, broccoli,
tomatoes and all the rest
from Zadars hinterland,
islands olive oil, oily and
white fish, grilled fish, boiled
fish or in a stew, marinated
and salted oily fish, sardines
and tuna, prosciutto, Nins
pork, Maraschino and cherry
maraska, wines: Debit and
Maratina ...


turkey with dumplings

(mlinci), free range
chicken, rooster or baby
chicken, home-cooked
ham, chops, pork neck
and pork loin, beans
with turnips, sauerkraut
with smoked meat, black
pudding with potatoes
and sauerkraut, cabbage
rolls (sarma), cabbage
with square pasta, beans
with cabbage, creamy
pumpkin soup, cheese
and sour cream, cornflour
bread, Meimurje pie,
wines: Riesling, Pinot
Noir, Moslavac krlet ...

plenty of fish from the sea, broth,

lamb, beef stew with dumplings, Sinjs
arambaii, frogs legs, ham and bacon,
soparnik, olive oils, vitalac (a traditional
dish from the isle of Bra, made of
either goats or lambs innards), lamb
tripe, goat, citrus fruits, artichokes
with broad beans, Vis bread, fritters
and krotule, cherries, jujubes, figs,
carob, Imotskis cake, Vis hib (minced
meat made of figs, brandy and
aromatic herbs usually served on
special occasions), varenik (delicacies
made with grape must), wines: Mali
Plavac, Dobriis Poip, Vugava and
Bogdanua ...


on Zagrebs table you can find food

from Mediterranean, Slavonia,
Zagorje, Prigorje, but also from
neighbouring countries: beef or
veal soup with homemade noodles,
ajngemahtes (Croatian chicken
chowder), stews of cabbage and
leeks, riet (barley porridge boiled
with beans), broach, fried chicken,
stuffed peppers, sarma (minced meat
rolls wrapped in sour cabbage leafs),
pig tripe, beans with sausages, lambs
lettuce, beetroot, Samobors cream
cake, poppy cakes, sweet rolls, wines:
Kraljevina and Portugizac ...


freshwater fish (carp, perch, catfish),

kulen (sausage), kulens seka sausage,
homemade sausages, bacon, crackling,
geese and ducks, deer, various species
of mushrooms, fruit and vegetables, red
peppers, salenjaci (traditional Slavonian
cookies made with pork fat), walnut
cake, poppy seed cake, various types
of cakes, gingerbread, honey cakes,
medvjee ape (bear paw shaped cookies),
vanilla cookies and peaches, plum
brandy, wines: Riesling, Traminac and
Frankovka ...
























i b ednailkm a t i a



d a ls m
p lai tt i a
d u b r o vdnailkm a t i a


Istria is a land
of wine, olives,
truffles and
welcoming hosts


1 From a terra incognita, Istria was transformed into

the Promised Land in a very short period of time. It became

the leader of regional development and an example of
gastronomic and oenological achievements, becoming a role
model for many other areas in Croatia. How did the unknown
develop into the Promised Land?

Did you know?

A white truffle (Tuber
magnatum Pico), of 1.31 kg,
found by Giancarlo Zigante
in the River Mirna valley on
the 2nd November 1999,
is recorded in the Guinness
Book of World Records. It
was 19.5 cm long, 12.4 cm
wide and 13.5 cm high. It
was eaten at the Marino
wine cellar at Kremenje, at
a gala dinner held on the
12th November 1999.

In Mediterranean, but also wider European relations, Istria is branded as the area
of wines, olives and truffles, superior gastronomy, developed wine culture, authentic
model of agritourism and traditionally successful coastal tourism in towns such as Pula,
Rovinj, Pore, Umag, Novigrad and many
smaller places. How did Istria transform
into a region of very attractive living and a
growing economy, recently becoming populated not only by people from other parts of
Croatia, but a growing number of foreigners,
It turned its least populated and somewhat
forgotten, and green countryside of Istria,
into its strongest and most go-ahead natural resource. The essence of the development
philosophy of this region and Istrias future
is based on it. The initiators of the strategic development of Istria were the first to
realise that the inner part of this peninsula
represents the hidden treasure yet to be discovered. They figured out that the successful
development of coastal tourism will largely
depend on reviving the neglected parts of
Central Istria.
Many old olive groves and vineyards were
restored. Large areas of deserted land were
planted with young olives and vines, fruits
and vegetables. The inhabitants recognised the
value and potential of this extremely fertile red
Istrian soil and a high quality base for development of contemporary agriculture was soon
developed. Focusing mainly on olive production and wine growing, it led the revival of the
gastronomic and oenological scene.
Small family-run wine cellars and taverns
revitalised traditional recipes, and the Motovun Forest with its Mirna River and black
and white truffles became one of the most

visited and famous forests in Europe. The elite gastronomic

offer now includes seasonal specialities: meat of bokarin,
indigenous Istrian cattle weighing up to one ton, and wild
asparagus. Country farms and restaurants offer Istrian proscuitto of extraordinary quality, home- made sheep and goat
cheese, home-grown eggs, home-made pasta, traditional pickled foods, honey, vegetables grown in village gardens, various
venison dishes, pork cutlets (ombolo or zarebnjak) and sausages
with pickled cabbage, gvacet (stew or moussaka) with gnocchi, veal prepared under ripnja (steel or clay dish), Istrian red
wine soup with olive oil, salt, pepper and toasted bread, crabs
from the Pula local waters served with salad, sweet ravioli la
Labin, tea cakes (cukeranii), etc.
Istrian estates (stancije) were reconstructed, preserving the
authentic architectural characteristics of ancient building tra18

ditions and they now provide visitors with superior comfort

while offering authentic food, faithfully reflecting the identity
of this region and its rich gastronomic heritage.
The gastronomy was developed on the foundations of centuries-old tradition, modernised with new recipes and imaginative combinations featuring both Mediterranean and Central
European cuisines.
Istrian olive oils win most prizes in all important world festivals and competitions, while Istrian wines receive high marks
from world-renowned wine experts and critics in respected
professional wine journals.
Wine and olive trails give impressive insights into the regional
wealth, while festivals (such as Vinistra in Pore, Open Days
for visitors all over Istria and Days of Olive Oils in Vodnjan)
give a strong incentive for faster and more quality development

of wine-growing, wine production and olive growing. Malvasia became a wine trade
mark of Istria, recognised in a wider region.
New generations of viticulturists and winegrowers systematically improve the quality
offering of this important Istrian brand.

Guests of the Istrian estates are

offered delicacies which reflect
the identity of the region.


Istrian gastronomy offers a wide palette of the

most diverse delicacies; from fui with truffles (home-made Istrian pasta), venison and
bokarin with pljukanci (home-made Istrian
type of gnocchi), asparagus fritaje (a type
of omelette), pasta, proscuitto smoked and
dried in the original Istrian manner, bacon
and other meat products, to sea specialities;
fish, crabs and shells from the Lim Channel.
Extraordinary biodiversities, mountain ranges from Uka to the Mirna River valley and
the coastal belt all packed into the relatively
small Istrian territory. This is an inexhaustible source for the creation of an imaginative
gastronomic and wine offering.

The former flight of the population from

the countryside turned into an emigration
exodus, has now changed into a mass and
ongoing return. First-class olive-growers,
wine makers, winegrowers, oenologists and
caterers, are becoming valued entrepreneurs.
Small family-owned hotels win the highest
awards in the hotel industry category on a
regular basis. Refurbished estates are being
equipped for the highest standard of tourism. The white truffle (Tuber magnatum),
found in the Motovun Forest, entered the
Guinness Book of World Records, as a rarity, being the largest, precious tuber ever
found in the World (1.31 kg). Goat cheeses
from the Kumparika estate stand shoulder
to shoulder with world renowned cheese
products. Oysters and mussels from the Lim
Channel will impress discerning gourmets.
If we combine the Istrian gastronomic and
oenological features with the beauty of the
almost untouched countryside of the peninsula, its coast and islands, and in particular,
the Briuni National Park and Uka Park
of Nature, it becomes obvious that Istria
presents one of the most attractive European regions. It moves away from the idea
of terra incognita, coming closer to being
a land of truffles, wines, olives and helpful, warm hosts, who will proudly offer the
wealth of the Istrian soil and traditional
heritage to their guests. On the other hand,
Istrian restaurants, most of which preserved
the romantic atmosphere of the old taverns,
compete in the quality and diversity of their
offer. Some of them match the high achievements of the European catering industry.
The most popular of them are the Giannino,
San Rocco, Monte, Milan, Blu, Pepenero,
Morgan, Batelina and Vodnjanka.
By many of its geographical features, Istria
will remind you of Provence or Tuscany.
Culture in the revived Istrian towns, such as
Motovun, Gronjan, Buzet, Grimalda and
Svetvinenat, contributed to the popularisation of Istria as an unmissable cultural destination. The shows at the Ulysses Theatre in
Brijuni, film festivals in Pula and Motovun,
summer concerts in Gronjan and the Amphitheatre in Pula are internationally recognised cultural events, positioning Istria on
the cultural map of Europe.
However, the majority of visitors are delighted with Istria because of its wine, olives
and truffles its brand-making features. The
Istrian gastronomy, with its brave mix of the
traditional and avant-garde, offers its guests
memorable specialities, allied with wines of
the Istrian climate, affirmed and recognised
in the international wine arena. These are
the reasons for touring Istria with plentiful gastronomic and oenological curiosity,
armed with sufficient patience to discover
new and so far unknown pleasures in the
hidden corners of this beautiful, promised
land, and to satisfy the highest hedonistic

h ealth
Istria is a Croatian region, surrounded by
the sea, thus its cuisine is mostly based on
the fruits of the sea. Change of seasons and
the Mediterranean climate, as well as the
conditions at sea, dictate the type of seafood to be chosen at a given time. Plenty of
fresh fish and famous shrimps are available
for most of the year and they are a perfect
choice for a healthy heart, particularly the
Omega 3 fatty acids, obtained from seafood which protect the heart and vascular
Zinc (Zn), the mineral found amply in seafood, is of vital importance for the immune
system. The amount of zinc in the body is
related to vitality and replacement of lost
energy; revitalisation.
Shells, limpets and fish are surely the primary choices in Istria, for they are full of
Exotic taste and an extravagance of truffles
are a temptation for all those ready for a
gastronomic adventure.
A strong point in the gastronomy of Istria is
made by olive oil, which presents a perfect
choice for energy and good health.

g roceries
Goat cheese
Istrian proscuitto

d ishes
Fritaja (a type of omelette)
Pljukanci (home-made Istrian
pasta) with asparagus and
Bitter orange cake
Bouillabaisse (brudet) of drysmoked octopus
Fried shark


wi n e s
Istria is the largest peninsula in Croatia
and its most western winegrowing region.
Its geographic position is excellent, and is
almost fully surrounded by the sea. It has a
mild Mediteranean climate, with significant
continental influences. This area is also very
interesting and diverse from the geopolitical
view; it is situated within three states, between the east and the west, in touch with
many different peoples and on a crossroads
of different cultures. Its rich and turbulent
history, Istria nowadays uses to its advantage
it is a multi-cultural environment, open
and progressive in many segments of human
life and work.
All of that had its impact on the development of vineyards and wine-growing, the
history of which dates far into ancient
times. It is thought that the first vine was
brought by the Greek colonists, several centuries before Christ. Istrian viticulture was
developing through the centuries and its
peak occurred at the end of the 19th century,
together with other parts of Croatia, before
the appearance of the vine-pest. Today, Istria
is one of the most important Croatian winegrowing areas. Wine is not only an important agricultural product, but also an integral part of the tourist offer. As proof of this,
everyone who comes to Istria by car can see;
after passing the 5 km long tunnel through
the Uka Mountain, one of the first signs:
Istria the land of good wine.

Wine-growing fields and production conditions

Istrian vineyards are situated in three winegrowing areas western, central and eastern
Istria. The whole peninsula is characterised
by vast differences in its landscape its vineyards are situated at all altitudes, from sealevel to 400 m above the sea. Climate is also
diverse. The average annual temperature in
Pore and Pula is high (13 14 C), with a
moderate amount of rainfall (of about 850
mm/year). Central Istria experiences a more
significant influence from the continental
climate and thus, the average annual temperature in Pazin is just above 11 C, with
a significantly higher amount of rainfall
(>1000 mm/year). But, besides these large
differences in environmental conditions,
the most significant and notable difference
is in the soil particularly and obviously its
colour. Istria is thus often divided into the
Red (red soil, terra rossa), and White (flysch
soil, terre biance). It is the diversity of the
environmental conditions that leads to the
high number of grape varieties being successfully grown in this area. Istria is a specific

region where we find an equal distribution

of continental and Mediterranean varieties.
Many of them achieve supreme results and
significantly contribute to the fullness of Istrian wines nose and taste.

Istrian varieties and their wine

Until the middle of the last century, red varieties prevailed in Istria. Today, the leading
variety in the assortment is the Istrian Malvasia, a white variety dominant in all winegrowing fields. It belongs to the large group
of malmseys, with some fifteen varieties of
different characteristics. They are found all
over the Mediterranean, and their common
name often relates them to Greece, i.e. its
historic port of Monemvasia in the Peloponnesus. Still, all the research indicates that this
particular malvasia is unique and it is most
probably the indigenous Istrian variety. It
has been grown in Istria for centuries, and
its sudden rise happened after WW II, with
the increase of interest in white wines. It is
a polyvalent variety, used for production of
all types of wine, from sparkling to soft, dessert wines. The quality of the wine strongly
depends on the growing circumstances, and
particularly the quality of the soil. The best
varieties of malvasia come from high terrains
and soft, flysch grounds. We find it in all
quality categories from table to supreme
wines. Nonetheless, the vast majority of
malvasia comes from dry wines from ordinary picking, with a discrete, pleasant type
of aroma, which reminds us of the locust
flower, and is of good constitution with a
full, balanced taste. It represents the basis of
production and is the base wine for almost
all Istrian wine makers.
Chardonnay, white and grey Pinot are worldknown varieties, with excellent results in
Istria. The specific climate of Istria has a
favourable impact on the characteristics of
the wine, and they mature into wine of full
and medium strength, but aromatic with a
balanced taste. The same qualities can be
noted with white sauvignon. This environment provides for its flavour to be fully expressed. In comparison to the colder parts
of the continent, where sauvignon varieties
are lighter, with an intensive flowery flavour,
the wine here is fuller and the bouquet is
more complex. The white Muscat wine holds
a specific place within the assortment. It is
usually found here under the name Muscat
Momjanski (named after the area in which
it is found, Momjantina). In particular,
Momjan, a picturesque place in Western
Istria, has a tradition of cultivating this particular variety, and is known for production
of some of the best Croatian dessert wines.

These are usually much flavoured, semisweet or sweet wines, produced from regular picking or some traditional procedures
typical of the production of dessert wines.
In this way, the grapes are usually left on
the vine to become over ripe, possibly until the end of October or November, or are
additionally dried after picking. Teran (or
Terrano) is the leading red variety in Istria.
It gives usually well coloured, aromatic
wine, pleasant and fresh, with a tart taste.
The best Teran wine is produced in central
Istria, around Motovun. In good years, and
with moderate vinification, these wines are
among the best this variety can give. Refosk
(refosco) is a type of variety close to Teran,
and was therefore considered for that wine
for a long time. Still, they differ. Refosk is
less prominent, but gives wine of similar
characteristics and is also considered a native variety and a trade mark of red Istrian
Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and
Merlot are world-known varieties, and they
are widespread in Istria where they achieve
excellent results and are used on their own
or as a cuve. They are grown all over the peninsula, but the best vineyards are found in
the western, warmer part, close to the sea.
The largest plantations are around Pore.
Their wines are full, medium strong, well
coloured and with a discrete, distinctive
flavour. Red Pinot is less well represented,
but it gives good wines. They are fuller and
of better colour than those from inland. It
gives the best results in the production of
Istrian sparkling wines, together with Chardonnay and Istrian malmsey. Hrvatica (a
woman of Croatia) is a less represented variety. It is considered an indigenous variety,
gives a good crop and its wine is in the middle quality range. Borgonja is another variety considered as autochthonous, although,
for a while, it was thought to be identical


to the French Gamay. Still, genetic research

has discarded this hypothesis, and has established that this variety is identical to
Frankovka (a dark-skinned variety), i.e. the
Blaufrankisch or Lemberger variety. It gives
good, red wine, of moderate fullness and
colour, very appropriate for everyday use
with many Istrian traditional dishes. The
Muscat Rua of Pore is a local synonym for
a more famous Austrian Rosenmuskateller or
the Italian Moscato Rosa, an old variety of
rather particular features; it gives excellent,
mostly dessert wine, whose bouquet reminds us of roses. The wines are semi-sweet
or sweet, of very intensive bouquet, moderately coloured and of full taste, balanced
and with very long ending. Besides the varieties mentioned above, which form the majority in the vineyards of Istria, we can also
mention draganela, brajdenica, opaevina,
dolcin, duranija, surina and some other varieties, which are today almost forgotten.
They are not used separately, but as part of a
mixed, mostly old plantations. We consider
them the native varieties and measures have
been taken lately to revitalise them.

Principal producers
According to many indicators, Istria is one
of the leading Croatian wine-growing regions. The number of producers is on the
rise, and the areas covered with grape-vines
are expanding. Most of them are located in
western Istria and the majority are small
wine cellars, companies and family farms.
During the 90s of the last century, a new
Istrian wave started from here. A few young
producers started production in a new,
modern way and have quickly risen to the
Croatian peak. They are successful on the
world markets today and their products
are often given excellent marks and receive
awards. Among them, distinguished are the
Matoevi (with famous, recognised malva-

sia Alba and Alba barrique, Grimalda, excellent Cuve Chardonnay, Sauvignon and
Istrian malvasia) and Kozlovi (with Santa
Lucia, from the location of the same name,
is one of the most sought after malvasias,
and semi-sweet Momjanski Muscat in the
category of dessert wines), but also Coronica and Trapan, who have been attracting
world attention lately with their malvasias.
There are also the Pilato, Degrassi, Arman
and a dozen other less known, but perceptive wine makers.
The largest producers are the Agrolaguna
and Istravino. They offer many varieties of
wine of moderate price and good and excellent quality (particularly Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon of the Agrolaguna, and Teran Dajla of the Istravino). It is important to
mention also the wine maker Roxanich and
Franco Arman, whose wines have recently
been positioned among the best Istrian teran wines. Some of the best Croatian sparkling wines are produced in Istria, under
the name of Misal, where we find several
sparkling wines produced in a traditional
procedure of bottle fermentation. Besides
the usual varieties of chardonnay and red
pinot, produced in the traditional, champagne method, the native Istrian varieties
are also being vinificated, making those
wines rather specific and interesting.
The Association of Vine and Wine Growers,
Vinistra, is largely responsible for the development of vine-growing and wine making
in Istria. They organise regular exhibitions
of wine, Vinistra, (at the beginning of
May) and the international competition,
The World of Malvasia, which is a sort of
a world championship of wine produced
from different malvasias. They have initiated the programme Malvasia IQ, the system
for awarding a specific marking IQ (Istrian
Quality) to the best malvasias. In this way,
they promote and raise the quality of the
most important Istrian wine.



The area of Kvarner is

the home of shrimps,
one of the biggest sea
delicacies in the world


Kvarner area offers several restaurants singled out for

their consistent quality standards and constant innovations

with seasonal features.

Did you know?

Kvarner gastronomy is
embracing the famous
Lovran chestnut from the
slopes of Uka Mountain.
This is a much valued
variety of chestnut and it
is the basis of the seasonal
offering of sweet delicacies
made from this fruit. Every
autumn, the festival of
chestnuts, called Marunada,
takes place in the town of
Lovran, celebrating the
season of the chestnut and
offering a wide range of
delicacies made of or with

Even if the famous Kvarner shrimp was the

only thing Kvarner gave to the Mediterranean gastro-culture, it would have been
enough for its place at the gastronomic map
of the world. Many experts in gastronomy
and gourmands have no doubts: the Kvarner
shrimp or the shimp from the area under the
Velebit Channel originally comes from Norway and has become domesticated in the
area of Kvarner. Its quality is extraordinary
and its extremely delicate, gentle texture
surpasses all crabs and, many would agree,
even the lobster and hlap (a type of lobster)
and the pretty rare sea-spider from Pulas local waters. It lives on the muddy soil, but
excessive catching is threatening this species.
The king of crabs can be prepared in several ways, and some of the master chefs
consider that its basic preparation includes
a 2-minute cooking in mildly salted water
with a bit of olive oil. Served with sprinkled
olive oil and a few drops of lemon, shrimps
fascinating taste is preserved. Its genuine
taste is also preserved by short barbecuing
and many will opt for buzara (stew), scampi
risotto or pasta with scampi. Any way of
preparation of a large, fresh shrimp brings
one of the biggest, global sea delicacies to
the table. Devotees of the original authenticity of taste eat shrimps raw sprinkled only
with a few drops of lemon juice.
The area of Kvarner, and specifically the
Opatija Riviera, has several restaurants singled out with consistent quality and constant innovations with seasonal features.
The tables of those restaurants will offer the
most quality seasonal fruits and vegetables,
and sophisticated sweets, along with imaginatively prepared fresh fish, shells, molluscs
and crabs. At the sea side, one will find the

Lovers of the original authenticity of

taste eat shrimps raw sprinkled only
with lemon juice.
Plavi podrum (blue cellar), Le Mandrac and Tramerka (in
Volosko), restaurants Bevanta, Laurus (in Opatija), Johnson
(Moenika Draga). The best known gastronomic destinations on the slopes above the Kvarner are restaurants and hotels
Kukuriku (in Kastav) and Draga di Lovran in the town of the
same name. Catering competition in Kvarner resulted in an
extensive range of cuisine and a strong tendency towards authenticity in the menus and thus the whole of the Kvarner area
can be considered as the peak of Croatian catering.

Delicacies of Kvarners islands (Krk, Loinj, Cres and Rab) are

strongly represented in Kvarners gastronomy. This is specifically
the case for lamb la islands, which is of extraordinary quality
firstly due to variety of pasture, enriched with posolica (traces
of salt on the grass from the action of sea winds), and microclimatic characteristics of the Velebit Channel. Smaller island
producers of goat and sheep cheeses, usually family farms, continuously improve and enrich the gastronomy of Kvarner with
their products. A specific type of pasta, locally called urlice, is
prepared on the Island of Krk, while a type of cream soup of
fennel, called minetra, is prepared on the Island of Loinj. Krk is
the homeland of Vrbnika lahtina, a famous sort of white wine
originating from Kvarner, coming from the area Vrbnik. Along
with other delicacies from Rab, comes Cake of Rab, a dessert of
fine taste and desired on tables in many prestigious restaurants.

The Kvarner gastronomy is embracing the

famous Lovran chestnut from the slopes of
Uka Mountain. This is a much valued variety of chestnut and it is the basis of the
seasonal offering of sweet delicacies made
from this fruit. Every autumn, the festival of
chestnuts, called Marunada, takes its place in
the town of Lovran, celebrating the season of
chestnut and offering a wide range of delicacies made of or with chestnuts. Thanks to its
entertaining and gastronomic features, it has
grown into a real tourist attraction.
The coastal area is firmly connected to its
hinterland, and the Mediterranean cuisine is
enriched by continental specialities of the Gorski Kotar, the area known for its game, frogs,
snails, dormice, wild fruit and plentiful edible
mushrooms. During the summer heat, the
visitors of Kvarner have the option of an easy
escape into a fresher zone: only a half an hour
drive by motorway takes them to the attractive tourist destinations in Gorski Kotar. They
can visit the Risnjak National Park, or enjoy


the lakes, tasting specialties offered in the restaurants in Fuine, Lokve and other locations.
The long tourist tradition of the Kvarner
Riviera, with Opatija as its centre, along with
many other towns recognised as coastal resorts, has developed an exciting and sophisticated gastronomy, with prevailing Mediterranean cuisine, but also a strong influence of
the traditional cuisine from the areas bordering the coast.
The elements of the central European cuisine,
specifically when looking at the confectionery
element, are harmonised with typical Mediterranean menus,that are dominated by fresh fish
and sea-food. trudel (a type of pastry) is equally favoured as fritule (a type of doughnut) and
krotule (a type of sweet pastry). Closeness to
Italy and centuries-long connection between
Italy and Kvarner have had a strong impact
on the gastronomy. The harmonious penetration and completion of traditional recipes, imaginative pasta with sea fruits, vegetables and
mushrooms, as well as risotto, eliminates the

gastronomic borders between the western and

eastern coasts of the Adriatic sea. Fast tourism
development strengthens the tendencies of
gastronomic internationalisation, opening its
doors to new culinary experiences.
The area of Kvarner is a true paradise for
navigators, and they have the opportunity to
discover not only the hidden bays with virgin
beaches, but also small family-run wine cellars and restaurants, offering local, seasonal
specialities and, for some folk, almost forgotten dishes. These are the places where you
can experience the Adriatic coast as it once
was and as many would like to see it today.
This is especially true when talking about the
gastronomy, where the folk cuisine is facing
more demand and value.
The Kvarner shrimp, symbolising the peak of
Kvarners gastronomy, will become more rare,
and with the time will have to be added to
the list of more accessible seafood such as anchovies, sardines and other Adriatic treasures,
which are often unjustifiably left out of family
and restaurant menus.


h ealth
Anything you order during your Kvarner
travels, will bring the pleasure of taste, but
also guaranteed fast recovery and replacement of energy we mercilessly waste in our
fast lifestyle.
We are witnesses of the negative impact
that stress has on our body and soul. Stress
and free radicals are the root of accelerated ageing, but also many degenerative
changes. If we take an occasional break
and spend quality time while on vacation,
we can significantly decrease the unwanted
footprints left by the daily turbulence of life.
Asparagus (vitamin C, carotene, iron, phosphorus, potassium, asparagines, arginine),
citrus fruits (terpene, flavan-3-ols, glucaric
acid), wild fruits and nuts (fatty acids Omega 3, minerals zinc, calcium) are just a few
foods which contain nutritive components,
and can postpone degenerative processes
in the cells.
Visiting Kvarner, you get a chance to enjoy
natural anti-ageing food with perfect gastronomic pleasure.

g roceries
Lemon, orange

d ishes
Squid with swede
Bouillabaisse (brudet) of drysmoked octopus
Lemon risotto
Bitter orange marmalade
Grilled scampi


wi n e s
The Croatian coast is a very interesting
area for the grapevine; a narrow coastal line between Istria and Dalmatia, between the mountainous Croatia and cold, continental climate
and Kvarners isles with its typical Mediterranean atmosphere. Every traveller visiting this
region, immediately notices its differences in
landscape, climate, vegetation and the way of
life within a relatively small space, where it is
possible to spend the morning skiing at the
Mt. Platak, and a few hours later enjoy the
sea under the warm sun. The production and
availability of wine are diverse and it is possible to find chardonnay, pinot and frankovka
of almost continental freshness in the Vinodol
area (from Kriie to Novi Vinodolski), while
islands also grow typical southern varieties,
such as cabernet sauvignon, merlot, syrah, and
recently the plavac mali (small blue grapes).
The history of grapevine cultivation is very old
and goes back to ancient times. The Greeks
were probably the first who started producing
wine, but the most important for the development of viticulture were the Romans. Proof
of this is found in numerous documents, including a record of Lucan, a Roman poet, who
speaks about the fight between Caesar and
Pompey on the Island of Krk, and of the wooden barrel made of alder, which Caesars soldiers used to escape from the surrounded island.
This leads us to conclude that the habitants
of this area used wooden barrels before the
Greeks and Romans did. The latter are recorded as more important for the development of
viticulture, although they kept and transported their wine in clay amphora.


Wine-growing fields and production conditions

In accordance with Croatian wine legislation, the area of Kvarner belongs to the
wine-growing Croatian coastal region, and
the most significant areas are at the sea side
(the wine growing fields cover the whole
coastal area from Lovran to Vinodol), as
well as the islands, starting with Krk and
Rab. Other islands have mostly smaller
family farms and the Island Susak is worth
mentioning because it emerged from the alluvium of sand, and at the beginning of the
20th century, the grape-vine covered up to
96% of the area of the island, i.e. everything
except the villages (there was no vine-pest
on the island). This demonstrates the significance of this culture for the economy of
Kvarners islands.
The vineyards are located mostly on karst
fields and on terraces to a lesser extent.
The most famous of them are in the area
of Bakar, where the production of the first
sparkling wine in this area started. It was
the famous Water of Bakar (copper water Bakarska vodica). The soil is very diverse; from heavy red soil to light flysch and
sand. The differences in climate between the
coastal area and islands are also very marked.
In Rijeka there is about >1500 mm/per year
of precipitation, while Susak has about half
of that, i.e. around 800 mm. Temperatures
also vary, but the annual average is around
14-15 C. All these differences result in the
development of a large number of varieties


and production of different types of wine.

The largest areas today are on the Island of
Krk, at the Vrbniko polje (the field of Vrbnik),
with the majority of producers located there.
In recent years, they managed to revitalise
quality vineyard areas, both on the islands and
in the coastal area. This area is characterised
by smaller plots of vineyards and family production, from where only a handful reach the
market of a greater quality.

Varieties and their wine and the

most prominent producers
The most important variety in the area of
Kvarner is lahtina, which is the fundamental wine of almost all producers. It is considered a Croatian native variety with a long
history in this area and it became a much
sought-after wine on the local market some
20 years ago. Its popularity continues and it is
very wide-spread and presents the economically most important variety. It is the result
of excellent correlation of characteristics of
the variety and environmental conditions,
and thus its wine conquered the market with
good organic features, becoming the basis
for wine-growing. Unlike heavy and strong
southern wines on one side, and easy, but often harsh northern wines, lahtina brought
to the market a good combination it gives
fruity, fresh, elegant and rather drinkable
wines, making an excellent compromise between north and south. The largest areas
are found on the Island of Krk, in Vrbniko
polje, where almost all producers are located.
The most famous and by quantity the largest wineries are the Katunar vinarija Inc.,
Frajona Inc., Agricultural Cooperative (PZ)
Gospoja and PZ Vrbnik, as well as Neda and
ipun from Vrbnik. It is also important to
mention Vupik d.o.o. from Novi Vinodolski.
Apart from lahtina it also produces Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Frankovka
named Mori. Chardonnay is produced by
several other producers and several years
ago some other world-known varieties were
also planted, such as merlot, syrah, pinot, and
white sauvignon. It is important to mention
Istrian Malvasia, as a domestic variety, but it
is less present here than in Istria. Another sort
is Plavina, which is locally referred to as Brajdica crna. The popularity and high quality of
wine in this area tend to be confirmed also
by Plavac mali, a variety from middle and
southern Dalmatia. The first plantations were
made on Krk and Rab islands, and the first
wine is eagerly expected.
Sparkling wines are traditionally produced
here and the oldest of them is the Bakarska
vodica, natural sparkling wine (methode rurale), using the grapes from indigenous varieties: belina, umi, vrbi and lahtina, grown
on the famous stone terraces, above the town
of Bakar. Its production was well-known
and large before, and has been almost completely abandoned. In recent years, attempts

have been directed towards rehabilitation of

the variety. The Istravino company produces
Bakarska vodica as a carbonated wine (with
the marking Special), and as a sparkling
wine produced in the classic way (marked
Prestige). Apart from the Bakarska vodica,
there are several other producers who produce
sparkling wine, and it is therefore possible to
find Porin (with white pinot and lahtina,
using the Charmat method), 1288 (a classic
method of bottle fermentation champenoise
method, giving a sparkling wine named by
the year of the Law Codex of Vinodol, which

is an important historic document). As a rare

wine, it is important to mention Valomet,
a natural sparkling wine produced in a classic method from lahtina, but then kept for
maturation in the sea for more than a year,
at a depth of thirty metres giving excellent
conditions for maturation. Apart from being
responsible for the excellent characteristics of
the sparkling wine, the long period in the sea
is also responsible for the original design of
the bottle, which is covered by layers of corals
and shells, which accounts for the very high
price of this wine.

The area of Kvarner is rich in autochthonous

varieties of grapevine, which have been absent from production for many years. During recent years, there have been attempts
to revitalise them, supported by the market
orientation to move towards native original products. Some of them show excellent characteristics (vrbi, umi, sansigot,
trojina, kamenina, jarbola) and are very
interesting for producers. Several producers
have started new plantations with these varieties and their first wines are resulting from

Lika is a region
of untouched nature
and re-discovered
indigenous cuisine


3 This region has a unique connection of the sea and

land. Being close to each other, they offer a selection of sea

and river fish (especially trout, the gastronomic trademark of

the region). This has great tourist potential and not only in
the gastronomic sense.

Did you know?

In the national gastronomy,
the potato from Lika has
reached the status of a cult
ingredient. Lika is an ideal
area for cultivation of it,
from its climatic features to
its soil composition. White
and red potatos from Lika
are of unattainable quality.
Chefs say that its quality
provides for it to be served
as a side dish, but also as a
dish on its own.

This is one of the least populated regions in

Europe, whose untouched landscape is cut
by the motorway, linking the continental
parts of Croatia to the towns on the Adriatic, and being perhaps the most beautiful
and exciting motorway in Europe. This area
has not been fully revealed as a gastronomic
heaven, where the preparation of food is
based on healthy nutrition and ancient recipes from the area.
When we say Lika, we usually immediately
think of trout, a noble and extremely tasty
river fish, living in the mountainous springs
and unpolluted rivers. It is the gastronomic
trademark of this region, whether it is being
prepared on the grill, in a stove with potatoes
and herbs, or breaded in corn flour.
Wild trout, whose quality and taste differ
from the domesticated one, lives only in
clean waters and Lika, with its low population and untouched nature, crystal clear
rivers, such as Gacka, and clear mountain
springs, represents an exceptional area in the
whole Europe.
The trout contains a small amount of cholesterol and is recommended to people suffering from heart and vascular diseases, and in
dietary therapy. As a source of valuable proteins, the trout, even if consumed in small
quantities, satisfies the total daily need for
essential amino acids, and is recommended
to everyone who is under greater physical or
mental strain.
In the national gastronomy, the potato from
Lika has reached the status of a cult ingredient. The incomparable quality of the white
and red potato from Lika, depending on
whether it is intended for cooking or roasting, brooks no argument among chefs and
nutrition experts. Lika is the ideal area for

this food, due to its climatic features and the

composition of the soil.
It is unsurprising that the potato is plentiful
in the gastronomy of Lika; it features equally
in cooked and baked foods, and not only as a
side dish, but often being the core meal. Potato police are particularly popular those are
thin slices of potato, salted with coarse sea salt
and then baked in the oven. The best oven
for baking this type of potato is either an
old wood-stove, or a bread oven. This baked
delicacy can be covered with sour cream or
any other dairy product, and is eaten in combination with the famous cheese from Lika,
kripavac (squeaky cheese, similar to Haloumi cheese), made of cow milk. It merits the
name because of its grainy structure and the
sound it makes when being eaten.
Smoked cow cheese is also very tasty. Before
the motorway was built, this cheese and


other delicacies of the region were sold on

stands by the road side.
Lika is an agricultural and cattle-breeding
area and only recently has become a tourist destination, and an ideal area for the
cultivation of healthy food. Dairy products
from the countryside households provide
the quality which comes from excellent pastures, especially around Mt. Velebit, which
are rich with aromatic herbs, and in the
cattle-breeding tradition of this area.
Lika is equally attractive regardless of the
season. In the summer, this is an area with
comfortable freshness, while in winter, when
its inhabitants are cut off from normal communications and the rest of the world particularly those living in the farthest mountainous areas, it offers a unique atmosphere.
Such a climate influenced the development
of a specific gastronomic culture, adjusted to

the conditions of the season and even sometimes to the extreme weather conditions.
During the winter, another speciality of Lika
is put on the table. It is pickled cabbage /
sauerkraut, combined with dry or fresh
meat, mostly pork or young beef, sausages
and other smoke-dried meat products.
The lamb from Lika is also one of the gastronomic features of the region, and it matches
the quality of the lambs from the islands. It
is prepared in the same way as in other areas,
either on a rotisserie, in an oven with potatoes, under cripnja (steel or clay dish), or
cooked with vegetables. The quality of the
pasture, specifically on the northern hillsides
of Mt. Velebit, guarantees the development
of quality sheep-breeding and cattle-breeding in general.
The forests of Lika are a true treasure trove
of different edible foods: mushrooms and

During the stay in Lika, one

should try different types of
home-made honey, produced
by excellent beekeepers in the
pastures and forests of Lika.


wild fruits, such as blueberries, wild raspberries, blackberries, etc. The orchards of Lika
grow apples, pears, plums and walnuts. During the mushroom season, this forest meat
presents an important part of the nutrition
of the local population, but it also became
more popular in the restaurants and country
farms, which have quickly adjusted to the
specific tourist needs. A tourist searching for
the authentic offering of food and drink will
find a unique destination in Lika, not often
found in Europe. Internet pages offer traditionally-built houses in Lika, with modern
equipment, suitable for a stay in an oasis of

quietness, in fresh air and surrounded by

untouched nature.
The National Park Plitvica Lakes, a main
tourist centre of this region, is a unique natural phenomenon with international fame,
visited by millions of tourists from all over
the world. The whole experience is complemented with the specialities of Lika cuisine
on offer in the regions restaurants.
As Lika touches the Gorski Kotar, the gastronomic influences of the two regions are
interconnected. Lika, in the same way as
Gorski Kotar, is an area with a hunting tradition, and game is frequent on the menus
of the local cuisine. It is prepared mostly
with bacon being inserted into the meat
of rabbit, doe or wild boar, and left for a
few days in a marinade. Afterwards, adding
spices, it is cooked on a slow fire, and served
with bread balls.
During a stay in Lika, one should certainly
try different types of home-made honey
coming from pastures and forests, produced
by supreme beekeepers from Lika, known
for their expertise in picking the best locations to position their beehives.
Speaking of sweet foods, the Lika menu will
reward with the simplest desserts, made of
just a few recognisable ingredients, such as
Lika fritters. Raised dough is fried briefly
in hot oil, and served with a coating of fine
The variety on offer in the restaurants in
Lika, from the National Park Plitvice Lakes
(Borje), to the Gaanska konoba (wine cellar
of Gacko), amara, Braje, Makija, Zlatne
potkove, etc., is complemented with the cuisine by the sea, with Bokinac hotel, restaurant and winery (close to Stara Novalja), on
the Island of Pag, as the most distinguished,
being one of the leading small luxury hotels
on the Adriatic coast. The variety makes this
region an ideal area for oeno-gastronomic
adventurers. In combination with the fresh
air and luxurious nature, the local folk specialities are given royal gastro qualities.
Lovers of home-made brandy (rakija) should
not miss the ljivovica (plum brandy) from
Lika, made in a traditional way, which the
hosts are very proud of.
Lika people are very hospitable and will
share all they have with their guests, from
smoke-dried meat delicacies to cornmeal
mash with sour cream.
Ever since European motorcyclists started
discovering the charms of the less famous regions, Lika has been attractive to these adventurers with its landscapes and cuisine.
Sometimes it is fishing on the Gacka River,
and at other times, it is the winter atmosphere
with lamb on the rotisserie in the fireplace, or
warming up next to an old wood-stove, while
meat with pickled cabbage is being cooked,
or Lika potato police fried on top of it. An
eventful and gastronomic stay in Lika transforms into a long remembered experience.

h ealth

wi n e s

The traditional cuisine of this region is

strongly in touch with nature, and its main
base is in the forest fruits and different river
The main nutritional determinants are in
forest fruits, which thus have stress-reducing benefits.
Consumption of the traditional meals of
this region, rich in taste and aroma, bring
plentiful phytochemicals, herbal sterols and
other eliminators of bad symptoms resulting from stress.
Blueberries, blackberries, cornelian cherry, wild strawberries consumed in small
amounts free your body from free radicals
and offer pleasure regardless whether consumed fresh, in jams and marmalade or as
ingredients in cakes.
This area is famous for its cattle breeding
and it offers meat dishes with the aroma of
rich, green pastures.

This tourist region of Croatia stretches

from the low area north of Karlovac, over the
mountainous areas of Lika and Velebit, to
the sea. There are not many vineyards here.
They are found only in the area of Ozalj and
Vivodina, and in the coastal part of the region, including a part of the Island of Pag.
The continental lowlands and mountainous
areas, which make up the major part of this
tourist region, are not suitable for profitable
wine-growing, mainly due to low winter
temperatures. Nonetheless, the southern
and western hillsides of the umberaka
Gora, and slopes of Mt. Velebit, from Senj
to Starigrad, covering a narrow coastal area,
are the regions where we can find grapevines, but only in smaller, family farms,
without a significant economic presence.
Wine-growing has been increasing there
too lately, and the production is attracting
more attention. In the Ozalj-Vivodina area
of winegrowing fields, a wine route has been
recently opened with the attempt to bring
it closer to visitors and promote wine with
the rich gastronomic offering. On the Island
of Pag, whose western part belongs to this
tourist region, the grape-vine is traditionally
cultivated and the offer includes the famous
cheese from Pag, along with the wine. The
cheese is part of the regular assortment of
the islands products, and a part of the everyday menu of its inhabitants.

g roceries
Blueberries and blackberries
Basa (catfish)
Wild game steak
Mountain mushrooms
Sour milk

d ishes
Organic marmalade
Home-made bread
Deer backstrap with blueberries
Soup from Lika (with lambs
ganci (white and yellow
cornmeal mush)


Conditions for production of

grape and wines
The largest part of the region takes in the
mountainous area, and includes the central
mountainous massif with no favourable
conditions for grape-vine growing. An exception is in the warmer, southern and western areas of the umberaka Gora, where
the average annual temperature is an acceptable 10-11 C, with an average precipitation of about 1100 mm/year. In the coastal
part of the region, due to the closeness of
the sea, there are much better conditions in
terms of temperature, but strong sea winds,
unfavourable geological relief and lack of
available agricultural areas in this area, limit
development and growing. The western part
of the Island of Pag, and especially the area
around Novalja (Novaljsko Polje), offer favourable conditions to the grape-vine and
wine-growing here is a traditional industrial sector. The climate is Mediterranean
with plenty of sun and high temperatures
(an annual average of > 15 C), and despite
the high total annual precipitation (> 1000
mm/year), summers are always dry. The areas along the sea are less favourable due to the

lack of fertile soil and the presence of (salt)

posolica, which, carried by strong winds, can
cause significant damage.

Varieties and their wine and the

most important producers
At the Ozalj-Vivodina wine growing fields,
we find some typical continental varieties the inevitable graevina, aromatic
white sauvignon and yellow Muscat, as well
as Rhine Riesling, chardonnay and pinot.
Among the red varieties, besides the pinot,
there are also frankovka, portugizac and
zweigelt. Smaller family wineries prevail.
In recent years, they raised the quality of
their wine and are now winning prizes at
various exhibitions. The most notable wine
producers today are Frlan (grey pinot, yellow Muscat), Ivan and Darko Vrbanek
(chardonnay), Wine cellar Vivodina, Mirko
Vrbanek, and others.
On the Island of Pag, and in the rare coastal vineyards, the native varieties are grown,
such as gegi, maratina and plavina. In recent years, new varieties were introduced,
those which found their place in these
rather mean conditions: chardonnay, which
gives the wine typical fullness and strength,
white sauvignon, which loses a part of its
light notes, normal in continental wine
growing areas, but gains the note of mature
fruit, and usually delights with the fullness of taste. Cabernet sauvignon and merlot
have also become a part of the assortment
and manifest a large part of their potential
they give intensively coloured wine with
a pleasant bouquet and significant fullness.
Unfortunately, there are not many producers
who produce wine for the market, since this
is usually a family production with a limited
amount of wine offered to buyers during the
summer holidays. Still, we should mention
the winery Bokinac in Novaljsko Polje.
This is a producer with a contemporary approach to wine growing and a very quality
offer. This is a medium size cellar, situated
within the hotel, and wine can be tasted exlcusively there. They produce several wines,
and it is worth mentioning the excellent
pairing of cabernet sauvignon with merlot,
recently listed among the best Croatian red
wines. The blend of chardonnay, sauvignon
and autochthonous gegi is very interesting.
This is a wine produced in a contemporary
manner, and many would agree that this is
a successful mix of bouquets and tastes of
these very different varieties. Otherwise,
gegi receives special attention by the producer and it gets offered as a variety wine,
produced in several ways.




da l m a t i a

The diversity of
cuisine in the Zadar
area is based on the
riches of the sea and
variety of fruits of the
earth from the Ravni
kotari district

Did you know?

The cheese from the Island
of Pag is one of the best
dairy products in the
world. It is produced in
the traditional manner,
from the milk of the
autochthonous breed of
sheep from Pag, which
feed on the pasture rich
with aromatic herbs, and
posolica, brought by the
winds from the Velebit.

4 The gastronomy of the Zadar part of Dalmatia is defined

by a sophisticated harmony of rich fruits from the land and
a variety of sea-fruits in a unique composition of excellent
dishes, where each ingredient preserves its specific features,
and where the mix gives such taste that is immeasurable by
ordinary culinary standards.

Even with all its differences, founded on the

wealth from the sea on one side, and the inexhaustible possibilities of the fertile Ravni
Kotari on the other, the gastronomy of the
Zadar area of Dalmatia is still branded by
one product from the island only, praised to
the status of a gastronomic cult. The cheese
of Pag with its unique quality and rather recognisable, specific taste, is the most famous
and appreciated Croatian dairy product.
The unique micro-climate features of the
Island of Pag, specific vegetation rich with
aromatic herbs and improved with posolica
brought by the winds from Velebit, breeding
of the indigenous breed of Pags sheep and
a long tradition of cheese production, together with the vast experience of the dairy
producers ensure that the supreme quality
of this product will be preserved as a permanent gastronomic legacy of this island.
The cheese from Pag, which can stand
shoulder to shoulder with the best hard
sheep cheeses in the world, is an inevitable
ingredient in the most ambitious menus, offering the best from this area. The island of
Pag, and its towns Pag and Kolan, are the
centres for cheese production. The tradition of production and its ancient recipe
are transferred from one generation to the
next and preserved as a family legacy. The
new generations are maturing and wanting
to gain market acceptance for their product.
Pag is also known for its excellent lamb, the
quality of which equals the sheep milk from
which the cheese is made. It is based on a
very specific pasture containing all the micro climate and vegetation features of this
unique island. The lamb is prepared on a rotisserie or grilled, baked in an oven with po39

tatoes or slow-cooked in a dish with young

peas, making the speciality locally called
lamb with bii.
Zadar has skilfully included all the features
and advantages of the areas gravitating towards it into its own gastronomic offering.
Vegetables and fruits of utmost quality come
to Zadar market from the Ravni Kotari,
promising somewhat forgotten tastes and
aromas. Broad beans and artichoke, chard,
rocket, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes and other vegetables grown on the
fertile soil of Zadar, combined with excellent island-made olive oil, are the prime examples of healthy, Mediterranean nutrition.
Kali, a fishing base on Ugljan island, with
excellent fishermen known from the Adriatic to California, is famous for the rich daily
offering of white and blue fish at Zadars fish
Sardine, former prime food for folk in Dalmatia, is regaining a significant place in the
modern gastronomy, in which blue fish has
often been neglected.
The chefs of Zadar are true masters in the
preparation of grilled fish, cooked fish-stew
(bouillabaisse), but also marinated and salted blue fish. Tuna is becoming more popular
in recent years, thanks to the Japanese, who
consider the Adriatic tuna as the fish of the
highest quality in the world, and use it in
sushi and other Japanese specialities.
There are several different recipies for bouillabaisse, with minor differences, but with
one thing in common: mixing several types
of fish and slow-cooking them with a moderate addition of herbs and using excellent
olive oil from the Ugljan island. Polenta is
the usual side dish with bouillabaisse.
The hinterland of Zadar provides proscuitto
from Poserdarje, a delicacy with many international awards, which owes some of its
quality to the winds from Velebit. The other
part of the quality lies in the preparation
which includes drying in cold smoke.
Refined lovers of sophisticated drinks will
be thrilled with Maraschino, a liquor made
from the famous cherry marasca, coming
from Asia, deep-rooted in the area of Zadar, which is the name given to the Zadar
factory for the production of alcoholic and
non-alcoholic beverages.
Maraschino is an original brand from Zadar
with a long tradition, celebrating this city all
over the Mediterranean and in the world.
It originates from the pharmacy of the Dominican convent in Zadar, where it has been
regularly prepared since the 16th century,
under the name of Rosoglio. The tourist consider it an authentic souvenir, which they
gladly take back home with them.


Sardine, which used to feed

the commoners of Dalmatia, is
gaining an important position
in the modern gastronomy.


The gastronomy of Zadars part of Dalmatia is defined by a sophisticated harmony of

rich fruits from the land and a variety of seafruits in a unique composition of excellent
dishes, where each ingredient preserves its
specific features, but in the mix gives such
taste that is unattainable by ordinary culinary measures. New gastronomic favourites
complement the restaurant menus in Zadar. Among them, there are the Foa, Niko,
Roko, Kornat, Pet bunara (offering meals
with marasca cherry), and the Pece (in Vinjerac) and Zrinski (on the Pasman Island).
Zadar offers a unique cultural, historical
and religious heritage to its visitors, but also
some examples of avant-garde architecture
and fine arts, presenting rarities all over the

world, such as the Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun. There are also smaller towns
around Zadar offering gastronomic pleasures enriched by the aroma and taste of the
area. In Nin, a historic town with salt-works,
there is a ninski okol, a smoke-dried meat
product made from pork neck, dried in the
winds from Velebit. There is also sukoanski
manetrun in Sukoan; cooked root-like vegetables with bacon and pasta. Islands offer
octopus salad with lentils or octopus under
Sardines, of high nutritional value and of
low price, are becoming a success even in
elite restaurants. What used to be the food
of the commoners of Dalmatia, is now becoming the queen of trendy menus.


h ealth

wi n e s

The ideal geographic and agronomic

position of Zadar provides the conditions
for a menu full of sea-fruits and organically
grown vegetables and fruits, from an area
with plenty of sun and water.
A sufficient amount of green, bitter vegetables and all other ingredients found along
the coast, protect the health of the bone
structure. Herbs on the islands have a specific taste coming from the soil structure,
and also the fact that the bay is under the
influence of posolica (a salty meteorological phenomenon, when small drops of salt
water are carried by the wind to the soil).
The structure of vegetation gives a special
taste to the meat of animals raised on the
island pastures. It needs to be mentioned
that those pastures are scarce, but alive
with Dalmatian herbs rich with very light
oils. Dalmatian herbs are both for seasoning and medication.
Sprinkled sea drops, sea salt and iodine penetrate the soil, the vegetation and animals,
and analysis of the types cultivated in areas
where the wind brings posolica, compared to
other areas, shows higher amounts of chlorine, magnesium, sodium, iodine, lithium,
zinc, manganese, and specifically selenium.

Zadar, the largest city and the administrative, cultural and economic centre of
northern Dalmatia, has excellent conditions for the development of agriculture:
excellent climate, a fertile and spacious
hinterland, and a traditional preference
towards production. Wine production has
historically been one of the most important
cultures, but in the last several decades, this
area did not follow the trend in Croatia of
mass development of small family wine cellars and this created a wrong impression on
the suitability of this area for wine production. Fortunately, the situation has been
changing recently, and significant areas are
being planted, along with the introduction
of new varieties and technologies. Notable
wines are appearing and winning awards,
making firm steps towards the top of the
Dalmatian provision.
Wine was produced in this area more than
two thousand years ago, of which there is
much archaeological evidence. Whether
it was the Greeks, such as in the other
parts of Dalmatia, or the domestic Illyrians who knew about grapevines and wine
before them, remains unknown, but it is
certain that production was significantly
improved by the Romans, who established
a colony Idassa (Jadera), under the direct
order of Julius Caesar.

Natural conditions for production

g roceries
Cheese from Pag
Marasca cherry
Samphire, pickled
Smoke-dried shark

d ishes
Cheese from Pag with samphire
Marasca and cheese cake
Manetra made of cuttlefish
Octopus with lentils
Gnocchi with prosciutto


Everyone who comes to the area of Zadar

either by road, sea or air, will note that this
is a very interesting landscape, laced with
many fields, upslopes and water surfaces
the Adriatic Sea, Zrmanja River, Karin
Sea, Novigrad Sea, and Vrana Lake. In addition to the mild climate, all this created
excellent conditions for the production of
grapes and wine. Today, alongside the rich
autochthonous assortment and introduction of some world famous and recognised
varieties, there are many interesting wines,
which usually blend with the richness of
the natural resources and modern technology.
In accordance with Croatian vineyard legislation, this tourist region includes two
wine growing areas: Zadar Biograd and
BenkovacStankovci. The area includes
the fertile Ravni Kotari in the hinterland,
as well as the coastal strip and islands. The
largest areas are in Ravni Kotari, at the
Nadinsko Polje and the area of Benkovac,
where large vineyards of former social enterprises were cultivated in the 70s of the
last century. Today, new areas are being
cultivated closer to the sea, not far from
Zadar, and on the islands.

The climate is typically Mediterranean,

warm and mild, with a colder and windy
hinterland. The temperature is around 1616.5 C in the annual average, with about
900 mm rainfall. Summers are hot and
without rain, and drought is very frequent.
There are different soils here, depending
on the position they range from stone and
shallow soil in the karst area, to the deep,
fertile brown or red soil in the fields.

Varieties and their wine and the

most prominent producers
Over the last few decades, several large
social companies existed in this area and
managed wine production. Large areas were
planted and new sorts were introduced,
mostly from France (Grenache, carignan,
ugni blanc). But, as the ownership structure
changed after the last war, and there was
no full recovery of the private areas, this
area has gone through a downturn when it
comes to the development of family cellars
and private wine-making initiatives. Only
in the last several years, did several producers emerge in significant, new areas and
with very interesting wines.
When looking at white wines, this area is
traditionally growing indigenous Croatian
varieties, such as debit, the leading white
variety. It gives average table and quality wine, and can be found in almost all
domestic wines. It is frequently grown together with maratina, an old Dalmatian
variety which was recently found to be
identical to the Italian type malvasia del
It gives quality wines, but it can be found
occasionally on the market as pure variety
wine regularly mixed with other varieties. Chardonay was introduced in the latter
years and is spreading in the area, in spite
of the fact that it matures rather early and
that its wine is often quite strong and with
a high percentage of alcohol. Trebbiano
toscano (ugni blanc) was introduced into
the assortment some forty years ago and
it has given good results. It often comes
with debit and maratino, freshening the
wine, due to its ability to preserve a significant amount of acid in the grapes. Poip has
been present recently and its initial results
are extraordinary it shows very good variety characteristics in this area, too. When
it comes to other white varieties, several
other native varieties can be found, but
not as variety wines in the range. As for
the red ones, there is also a dominance
of the autochthonous varieties, such as
plavina (regular ingredient of local mixed
red wines, with a soft and mild taste), and

babi, a variety well known in the ibenik

area, with good characteristics on stone
and poor soils. Other indigenous varieties
that are traditionally planted are lasina,
zadarka and svrdlovina, but they do not
have any significant impact on the market.
The true renaissance in the production and
offering of red wine in the area of Zadar
comes from the introduction of the French
varieties grenache and carignan, introduced during the 70s of the last century,
as well as merlot, cabernet sauvignon and
syrah, present in recent years. Outstanding
potential is seen here and the best red Zadar wines bear those names. A new variety

in this area is plavac mali, the most important Croatian autochthonous red variety,
but so far mostly present in central and
southern Dalmatia.
On the former large producers of wine, today only Badel 1862 and its winery Vinarija
Benkovac continue with production, traditionally making a very good ros made of
Grenache and carignan. They planted large
areas with varieties cabernet sauvignon, merlot and syrah (located in Korlat), and the first
produced wines had excellent characteristics. When it comes to the smaller producers, one can mention the Wines of the island
of Pag (Denis Rako), who was among the

first of the private producers, then Gegis

wines (local varieties with cabernet sauvignon, merlot and vranac), and a few new
ones, are just appearing on the market now.
Among those, there are Jurjevis wines, with
posip and syrah, from the island of Silba,
then the Figurica by Mladen Ani from
Smilii (maratina, cabernet sauvignon, syrah). A very good trebbiano toscano is produced by the Zlatko Katelanac. There is an
excellent cabernet sauvignon by ime kaulj
from Nadin, and new wines are received
from many others, whose names will soon
be found on the wine maps of this region
and further afield.

The ibenik area

of Dalmatia is
known for its
harmonious mixture
of continental and


da l m a t i a

5 The gastronomic culture of the ibenik area comes down

from the hinterland to the coast, resembling the falls of the
Krka River and creating a unique national gastro-park, in
which traditional and contemporary gastronomic heritage
are united, and which has spread from rural areas to the
hidden island bays.

Did you know?

The hinterland of ibenik,
and specifically the area
of the Miljevac plateau,
is an almost ideal climate
with cold and windy
winters, producing maybe
the best proscuitto in the
whole of Dalmatia. The
local country households
prepare it in the traditional
way: smoked on holm oak
and dried by the wind.

The national parks Kornati and Krka are

not the only natural phenomenons to thrill
the visitors of the ibenik part of Dalmatia.
As the Krka River, with a magnificent display of its rich waterfalls demonstrating the
power and beauty of a karst river, enters the
sea, the gastronomic delicacies of ibeniks
hinterland flow into the gastronomic wealth
of the ibenik archipelago, an area rich with
white and blue fish, crabs, shells and molluscs. Lovers of good food cannot miss the
harmonious mixture of the two, apparently
different, cuisines, where the first one is
dominated by typical continental features,
and the second contains all the finesse of
sea flavours and aromas. Jointly, they form
the Mediterranean gastro-rhapsody in this
area demonstrating an exchange of varied
macro-climate and morphological diversity
in a small area.
The hinterland of ibenik, and specifically
the area of the Miljevac plateau, is an almost ideal climate with cold and windy
winters, producing maybe the best proscuitto in the whole of Dalmatia. The local
country households prepare it in the traditional way: bacon (pancetta) along with all
types of sausages and other meat products
are smoked on holm-oak and dried by the
wind. This combines all the advantages and
specificities of this area and reveals a long
tradition of ancient gastronomic customs.
The proscuitto is often eaten with another
speciality typical of the Dalmatian hinterland goat cheese from miina (a bag made
of animal leather), and bread under a clay
or steel dish, prepared with various cereals
ground in old mills.
Lovers of young lamb will be offered this
speciality prepared in several different ways.

The most popular is lamb on a spit, which

attracts visitors to Boraja. Equally delicious
is barbecued lamb, lamb under a steel or
clay dish, made with potatoes and vegetables, or lamb roasted with potatoes or on
its own. Side dishes with cooked lamb are
seasonal vegetables, cooked with the meat,
but the most favourite combination is one
of cabbage, collard greens or white cabbage. Gourmets, who love local specialities,
should not miss lamb tripe, barbecued lamb
liver or lamb stewed with onions. In late autumn, and during the winter months, the
ibenik hinterland offers beef or young beef
with cabbage or collard greens, where meat
and vegetables combine their tastes. A favourite dish is katradina, i.e. smoke-dried
mutton combined with cabbage.
Traditional households will provide bread
made under a clay or metal dish, with flour
containing all types of cereals.
Paticada (a stewed beef dish) with homemade gnocchi is the most favourite Dalmatian dish and a gastronomic speciality for all
gourmets. Many are accustomed to discuss
for hours whether prunes will be included
in the paticada, or of the original recipe
will omit them.
One of the folk, traditional dishes is going through a true gastronomic revival: it
is soparnik or soparnjak, which is a salty pie
filled with chard and olives, prepared in a
traditional manner. It is a culinary star, occupying an important place in ambitious
menus. It is baked under a clay or metal
dish, and this typical speciality is now frequently offered as an appetiser in prestigious restaurants.
The locals will usually prepare pasta-faol,
beans with smoke-dried beans and pasta, as


A tradional peasant dish

is soparnik or soparnjak;
a culinary hit in top

well as patauta, stewed beef with homemade pasta.

The hinterland of ibenik is famous for its
excellent lamb, prepared in various ways,
and also home-reared veal, turkey, and
rooster. They are prepared by roasting in a
bread oven.
Fans of sea specialities will be able to enjoy
excellent white fish, and also oily fish, such
as sardines, anchovies, mackerel and tuna,
whose popularity is on the rise. Shellfish is
prepared na buzaru (stewed), but also barbecued, and some gourmets will appreciate scallop shells au gratin (Jakove kapice),
baked in the oven. The peak of gastronomic
hedonism is enjoying fish specialities in any
of the bays of the Kornati islands, which a
poet described as the most beautiful fleet of
ships ever to have anchored at a sea. These
places offer fresh fish right out of the sea,
in a wonderful ambience which sailors
claim to be one of the most beautiful on
the whole of the Mediterranean.
Lovers of fresh water river fish have a
chance to taste mountain trout either
grilled or baked with potatoes, of supreme
quality and of memorable taste, coming
from the beautiful karst Krka River.
The local grape brandy (loza) and travarica
(herb brandy), with fresh figs in the summer, or dry figs in the winter, act as an excellent aperitif, an introduction into serious gastronomy and a good opportunity
for endless discussion on different brandies
and their aromatic additives.
The wine range is dominated by two varieties: red (babi, characteristic of the ibenik
part of Dalmatia) and ros (locally called
opolo), with a long tradition in this region.

ibenik and its surroundings have many

good restaurants: Pelegrini in ibenik, Cantinetta (in Skardin), Zlatna ribica (gold
fish) in Brodarica, Tik Tak (in Murter),
Opat and Zakan in the Kornati Islands and
many others.
When touring the cultural and historic
monuments of ibenik, especially the Cathedral of Sv. Jakov (St. Jacob), a masterpiece of Juraj the Dalmatian from the 15th
century and a monument of culture protected by UNESCO, many will conclude
that the area with such a rich cultural tradition and an extremely valuable spiritual


heritage, must have a rich gastronomic legacy too. And they would be right.
The gastro culture of the ibenk area comes
down from the hinterland to the coast, resembling the falls of the Krka River, creating a unique national gastro-park, where
the traditional and the contemporary gastronomic heritage are united and which has
spread from rural karst clearings to hidden
island bays. Nature has rewarded its inhabitants, and they take what is best from nature, offering it to those who want to join
them in the enjoyment of unsurpassed attractions of the ibenik area of Dalmatia.


h ealth

wi n e s

This is an area where the sea and a river come together, and where the smell of
ozone is felt for miles, feeling salt particles
arising from the sea.
The falls of the Krka River and its water nurturing rich vegetation and providing relaxation are appreciated by all who experience
The heavenly ambience of the National Park
Krka is confirmed by 1267 plant species of
which 72 are native to the area. This distinction is also in the soil, which is actually
the humus, and this area offers an abundance of food from biological cultivation
and from wild mountainous fruits.
The ibenik archipelago is ideal for oily fish
with the level of salt in the water, but also its
temperature. Sardines from the sea reach
their optimal size, but also have an agreeable mixture of fish oils, which gives them a
specific taste. Tuna fish, octopus, mackerel
and other fish, contribute to the gastronomy of the coastal area and on the islands.
Considering the fact that this is the area
where a river joins the sea, the large amount
of date shells and other shell fish is no.
Heavenly scenery and and tastes from the

ibenik area has always been related to the

grape-vine, and this industry makes a significant contribution to the economy even now.
The first glimpse of the landscape reveals an
interesting area for wine-growing; there are
many slopes and karst fields, and the closeness
of the sea, the Krka River and the Prokljansko
lake are favourable for the climate.
The growing of the grape-vine in the ibenik
area started more than two thousand years
ago, and the Romans, as in other areas,
brought a renaissance to this industry. As well
as probably bringing varieties and technique
of growing, they are also responsible for
growing in the hinterland. Unlike the Greek
colonists, who stayed in the islands and the
coast, the Romans spread the grape-vine into
the countryside and cultivation started in
Drni and Knin, and all other areas where the
conditions were favourable.
Besides very favourable natural conditions for
production, the wine was traditionally used
in everyday nutrition, and it is no wonder
that large attention is paid to wine in the area
of ibenik. Many documents bear this out
and about a hundred years ago proek (prosecco, traditional Dalmatian dessert wine, made
of dried grapes) was sold as a medicine in the
pharmacies of ibenik.

Natural conditions for production

g roceries
Date shell
Conger eel
Jakovska kapica (sea shells)
Smoke-dried ham

d ishes
Conger eel bouillabaisse
Limpet pasta
Sardines grilled over old vines
Braised beef with dumplings/
Fillets of anchovy in lemon


The area of ibenik includes a part of the

Dalmatian coast around the town of ibenik
from Pirovac and Skradin to Trogir and the
area around the towns of Drni and Knin.
The Rulebook on vineyard areas in Croatia
states that this area belongs to the region of
northern Dalmatia and consists of six wine
growing areas: Pirovac Skradin, Knin, Promina, Drni, ibenik and Primoten. Due
to climatic features, this area is quite diverse
and produces a number of different wines.
In the countryside, the vineyards are mostly
grown in karst areas, on deeper soil and there
is a significant impact from the colder, continental climate on the traditional growing
of white varieties. The coastal area and islands dominate with red varieties, usually on
appropriate vineyard positions. Often stated
as an example of that is the Primoten wine
growing area, where the grape-wine is grown
on raised, sloping, stone terraces, and the famous Primoten ipka (lace) is an example of
the excellent harmony between the vineyards
and landscape. This image is often shown as
a monument to the hardwork and dedication
of the local population to the grape-vine. The
largest areas of vineyards are found today in
the area of Primoten and Promine, as well as
Drni (Petrovo Polje).

Climate varies considerably and the temperature in ibenik is of average >15 C annually,
while in Drni it is about 13 C. On the other
hand, rainfall is higher inland (>1000 mm)
than on the coast (less than 800 mm). The
soil is also different and, as in other Dalmatian areas, we find deep brown and red soil
in the fields, and shallower, poor soil in the
coastal area with a lot of rocks. Nevertheless a
large part of this area is suitable for the grapevine, and the differences in the environmental conditions contribute positively to the
characteristics of the wine.

Varieties and their wine, and the

most prominent producers
Babi is surely the most important ibenik
variety today, often associated with this area.
The reason for this is the exceptional wines
and varieties from the terraces of Primoten;
the area from which the superior quality of
Babi is obtained. These are intensively coloured red wines, of full and strong taste, with
beautiful aromas of matured fruit. Several
producers of the supreme Babi continue this
long tradition, while the contemporary technology and the expert approach in the development of the vineyards along with the efforts of the local community contribute to the
preservation of this landscape, and point to a
brighter future for these wines. We can say
that the Maratina (malvasia del Chianti), is
the most important white variety in ibenik,
although it used to be even more visible in
the past than it is today. It produced famous
wines, especially dessert ones, but it needs sites
with extraordinary features, of which less and
less are available today, and they usually host
red varieties. There are not many producers of
pure variety wines, and they are usually blends
encouraging improvement in the quality of
other varieties. Debit is the most widespread
white variety, giving usually medium quality wine, but some producers, with low yield
and modern technology in the cellars, achieve
significant results with this variety. It is mostly
present in the Prominsko wine growing area,
but has spread out to the whole region in recent years. Among other white varieties, we
can find trebbiano toscano (ugni blanc, a variety introduced some thirty years ago), rkaciteli
(a type introduced from Georgia during the
70s of the last century), and trbljan (ku), but
they are usually not produced individually, but
come with blends.
As with the neighbouring Zadar regions,
poip has recently being planted as an indigenous variety from Korula, along with the
world famous chardonnay whose first results
were in accordance with its high expecta-

tions. The second most important red variety

after babi is plavina, which gives soft, easy
and medium strength wines, mostly being
a blend variety, but there are several variety
wines also available on the market. Lasina
belongs to the group of forgotten and rediscovered autochthonous varieties, taking quite
a small portion of the assortment. It is much
appreciated and close interest in the wine
produced from it is growing, causing intensive planting. A few variety wines of lasina
can be found today. Merlot is one of those
varieties which fully justified its expectation,
so we find several wines of this variety, with
excellent characteristics and it has found its
place both in the hinterland and on the coast.
When it comes to other red wines, there are
Cabernet sauvignon and Syrah, which make
an integral part for any assortment and which

have also met expectations. Plavac mali used

to be only occasionally present in this area,
but today it is found grown in large areas,
and it is expected to show its exellence in the
ibenik area, as well.
When it comes to the producers, there are
two large ones (Vinoplod from ibenik and
Dalmacijavino from Drni), and a number of
medium and small family-run cellars, which
started production about a decade ago. Vinoplod Inc. from ibenik is surely the most
famous with its supreme Babi, but offers
also other, cheaper wines. There are Merlot
and Cabernet sauvignon, and Plavina, in addition to several other table or cheap wines,
they produce a very good brandy Komovica,
Lozovaa and Travarica. Dalmacijavino Inc.,
the wine cellar in Drni, produces a very good
Merlot, Debit and Plavina. Using modern

technologies, the winery Bibich produces an

excellent Debit, and it is important to emphasise a few red wines, and the dessert prosecco
Ambra, a sweet wine produced with traditional technology from debit and maratina.
Several other small producers must be mentioned who are present in the market, such as
Duvani and Dapo (Debit, Maratina and
Lasina) in the wine growing area of Promina,
and Piliota, Gracin and Gaperov (Babi) in
the Primoten wine growing area.
A long tradition of growing grapevines, many
varieties and favourable natural conditions,
result in the production of excellent and very
diverse wine, and the ibenik region nowadays
represents a very important area. Still, in view of
its potential, it is certain that it is going to play
an even more important role in Croatian vinegrowing and wine-production in the future.

Since the era

of Diocletian
until now the
gastronomy of
the Split area
of Dalmatia
has been one of
the best in the

6 split

da l m a t i a

6 All the best and most indigenous from the Split region,

from the sea and the wealth of islands, to the continental

hinterland, used to end up on the tables of Split. The return
process did not fail: refined cooking, as part of the civic culture
of Split, had its impact on rural cuisine, enriching it with new
and sophisticated recipes.

Did you know?

The Split fish market, or
pekarija, is a luxurious
exhibition of the wealth
of the Adriatic Sea. It
is a cult location where
the inhabitants of Split,
bargaining in a typical
Dalmatian ritual of supply
and demand, dependent
on the availability of fish
and shellfish, create the
daily menu to be served for
lunch or dinner.

A sequence of magnificent islands close to

Split, from olta and Bra to Vis and Hvar,
together with the Split hinterland with its
natural wealth and diversity, have contributed to the development of one of the most
charming cities of the Mediterranean, full of
valuable monuments. Consequently, it became the peak of gastronomic culture which
has been developing since the Roman era.
As an important part of the heritage of civilisation, this gastronomic culture has obeyed
high criteria and imperial demands. Today,
when the Croatian coast and islands are
increasing as a tourist world star, it satisfies
ambitious tourist expectations and needs.
To understand the Mediterranean culture at
the table, it is necessary to go back into the
past, at least for a moment.
In the history of civilisations, the Roman
Empire, among other things, is remembered
for its luxurious gastronomic culture of a
powerful empire, which took the best parts
of the cuisine from the countries it conquered. This is particularly true for the eastern Roman provinces, where gastronomy
was on a much higher level than the western
European provinces of the empire. Legendary feasts at the Roman Court are still visualised when speaking of gastronomic luxury
or when wanting to warn of the dangers
threatening those who are immoderate in
consumption of food and drink.
Considering this historical aspect, it is then
clear that the Roman Emperor Diocletian
did not choose Split to build his magnificent
palace there, just by chance more than 1700
years ago. The palace now represents one of
the most important late Roman monuments
and the current cultural and historic core of
the Dalmatian metropolis.

The area of Vis is known for

lobster catches and its crab
should definitively be tasted with
pasta or prepared with salad.
All that is best and most autochthonous from the surroundings of Split, used to end up on its tables, but it also created a
return process: refined cooking, as part of the civic culture of
Split, had its impact on rural cuisine, enriching it with new
and sophisticated recipes.
The biggest attraction of all for many tourists will be the visit
to the picturesque fish market in the old part of the city, where
all the wealth of the Adriatic Sea is exhibited during the morn-


ing hours. Lovers of fish, crabs, shells and mollusc will sometimes start an uncontrolled and thoughtless spending spree,
simply difficult to resist.
The fish market or pekarija is a place where, depending on
the daily offer, the daily menu is created. The pekarija promotes the typical Dalmatian ritual of supply and demand and
bargaining, and the fishermen at the stone counters proudly
exhibit their impressive catch.
Next to the pekarija, there is a cult restaurant Nostromo, where
everything you see in the market, gets prepared in innovative
and creative ways. The breadth of the gastronomic offering in
Split includes locations with a traditional menu (the Hvar wine
cellar), and also an extended Dalmatian cuisine, retaining substantial principles of its tradition (the Adriatic Grao).

The culture of eating in the Split part of

Dalmatia is founded on a firm connection
with the sea, continuity of a gastronomic
heritage, which is transferred from one generation to another, and on a strong belief in
healthy food coming from the hinterland.
Whether it is dory, sea bass, scorpion fish,
dentex, or grilled gilthead, octopus, squid,
cuttlefish, bouillabaisse, or fish soup, crabs,
shells, salted anchovies or grilled mackerel,
the menus of Split are dominated by the
largest variety of sea food. Equally appreciated is the lamb on rotisserie, or under a clay
or steel dish, stewed beef (paticada) with
gnocchi, arambaii (a type of kebab) from
Sinj, deep fried frog legs, snails au gratin,
prosciutto and bacon of the Cetinjska Krajina, boiled vegetables with excellent olive
oils from the islands
Each island in the area of Split has its own
native products, recipes and unique specialities. On the Island of Bra, they will
offer you vitalac lamb giblets wrapped in
offal and grilled on a spit, lamb tripe or a
young goat on a spit. The people from Bra
will not forget to praise their excellent citrus fruits, oranges and mandarins. On the
Island of Hvar, they will offer you gregada,
a meal of various fish, prepared with onion, slow cooked in a clay dish. During the
season, one should not miss artichoke with
broad beans and bii (young peas), one of
the best specialities of the Dalmatian cuisine, a method of showing who the true
culinary master is.
Extremely comfortable Pojoda, with its exquisite and excellent service, is a restaurant
that comes before other good restaurants in
the town of Vis, on the Island of Vis. One
should try the famous flat bread la Vis
(pogaa). Sailors hurry to get their bargains
in the morning, along with their viki hib
(sweet bread), a dessert made of ground
figs. The inevitable lobster with pasta, or
prepared in salad is another incomparable
dish, because the area of the Island of Vis is
famous for their expert methods of catching this large crab. The people from the Island of Vis, the same as those from Bra,
always recommend their citrus fruits, and
experts claim that the lemons from Vis are
the best in Dalmatia. The majority of res-


taurants offer stewed shells (buzara), with

bread made under a clay or metal dish.
Dipped into the sauce of the stew, it turns
the meal into a Roman-like feast.
Those enthusiastic for peasant meals will not
be able to miss the porki makaruni (pasta
titled dirty macaroni), or grilled seasonal
vegetables, white and black risotto, fritule
and krotule. Among fruit, there are cherries
and peaches from Katela, wild raspberry and
blackberry, jujube, fresh or dry figs, paired
nicely with homemade fruit brandy (Travarica) or Lozovaa. A glass of fine prosecco, goes
very well with the cake la Split, a biscuit
with chopped almonds, figs and raisins.
Each island in Splits local waters has its own
wine to offer. The southern sides of Bra, Vis
and Hvar are known for Plavac mali and the
respected wineries of this area. A significant
white wine is the Vika vugava (Vugava from
It is possible to taste exotic specialities in
some places, such as sea eggs (meereseier),
sea urchin, limpet soup, fried vlasulja (type
of sea greens) All dishes, from the peasant
to the sophisticated ones, are paired with the
area that produced them.
Sailors are able to reach restaurants hidden
in small island bays, especially those on the
favourite coastal routes around the Pakleni
Islands (Meneghello, Palmiana), around
Bra (Pipo in Luke bay), Vis (wine cellar in
Stonica and Mala taverna), or Lastovo (wine
cellar Triton in Zaklopatica). In addition to
their magnificent ambience, these islandbased restaurants offer supreme sea menus.
The gastronomy of the Split area of Dalmatia
is closely connected to Italian cuisine, which
had a centuries-long impact on Dalmatian cuisine. Menus often offer a variety of
pasta, gnocchi, tortellini, ravioli, macaroni,
patauta, pata faol and other specialities
with pasta. Starting in Roman times and until today the Dalmatian cuisine has preserved
the most significant Mediterranean tastes
and aromas, and old recipes were modernised with new culinary techniques. Millions
of tourists who visit this attractive area every
year are witness to this being one of the best
parts of the Mediterranean Sea. One of the
areas trump cards, ever since the era of Diocletian, was and still is gastronomy.


h ealth

wi n e s

The city of palaces has emerged under

the Marijan forest. This is a perfect place
for living, based on its micro climate. A
large number of sunny days, optimal wind
directions and typical Mediterranean vegetation, make Split a perfect choice for vacations, but also for living. Like an incubator,
this is a breeding ground of expert sportsmen, and those interested in leisure sports
can live their life-long fantasies here.
On the top of the Zlatni rat beach, in Bol
on the Island of Bra, two of largest tidal
streams come together and thus the saying
that the north and south Adriatic kiss here.
Perfect winds drive the sails, but also build
the waves for surfers.
Winds, which make the air endlessly clean,
make a perfect backdrop for sporting activities, with a perfectly comfortable climate,
allowing for sufficient time in the open. Being anywhere in Split is like being in a natural halo-room (salt room).
The influence of Mediterranean nutrition,
typical of Split, is visible in the development
of sport and this connection is seen from
probing the chemistry of food.
The Mediterranean nutrition is rich with alkaline, which leads to faster recovery after
any sporting activity and stress, which make
the body acetous and prone to injury.

The region of Split is surely in one of the

most important Croatian wine areas. It covers the coastal area from Trogir to Ploe, the
islands of iovo, olta, Bra, Hvar and Vis,
and the hinterland with the areas around Sinj,
Imotski and Vrgorac. According to Croatian
wine legislation, it covers a part of the vinegrowing area of middle and southeren Dalmatia and the whole area of the Dalmatian
Zagora. Central Dalmatia is the area where
developed ancient cultures can be found
and this is the place where many varieties of
Croatian and world grape-vines were born, as
well as the place where the wealth of nature
and civilisation of the Mediterranean is felt
the most. Central Dalmatia is where some of
the best Croatian wines are produced.
This area is where the start of grape-vine cultivation in Croatia started the first record, according to all sources, is from the 2nd century
before Christ, when the great Greek writer
Athenaios quotes the historian Agatarhid in
its Deipnosophistai (the feast of the sophists):
on the Island of Vis, at the Adriatic Sea,
which makes wine better than any other it
can be compared to. There is more evidence
showing that central Dalmatia is the crib of
wine-growing in this territory. The grape-vine
later spread inland, and during all those years,
it played an important role in the life of its
population. The significance of winegrowing
in this area is illustrated also by the fact that
the phenomenon of the vine-pest, a disease
that destroyed the vineyards toward the end
of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, led to an economic crisis and the migration of people overseas.
Wine growing is a very important industry,
because the natural conditions of central Dalmatia provide for production of different and
very high quality wines. In recent years, there
is a growing number of small producers who
are changing the reputation of Dalmatian
wine, largely damaged during the time of socialism. The family cellars are becoming small
and medium wineries, and the use of modern
technology is providing for the establishment
of vineyards in excellent locations. With a
large number of autochthonous varieties and
the wealth of natural conditions, this area is
returning to the path of its former glory, and
the wines are achieving awards and attracting
the interest of buyers.

g roceries
Sour durmast oak
Varenik (non-alcoholic nectar)
Lobster from Lastovo

d ishes
Wild rabbit
Samatrani (sort of marinade)
Carob cake
Gregada (fish, shells and

Natural conditions for production

The environmental conditions in this region
are diverse due to large differences in the climate of the coastal area and islands on the one
hand, and inland on the other. The average annual temperature is from around 13 C (Sinj,


Imotski) to over 16 C (Split, Vis). There are

even larger differences in rainfall. The annual
average on the islands is about 750 mm, and it
is much higher inland. The soil in these wine
growing areas are same as in the neighbouring
areas red and brown soil on limestone, of
different depths and variable rockiness.
The largest areas are found in Imotsko, Sinjsko
and Vrliko fields and on the islands: Hvar
and Vis. Large areas have been cultivated in
the coastal area in recent years. White varieties
are dominant in this area, and the wines have
different characteristics, due to the significant
impact of a colder, continental climate. The
islands mostly grow red varieties, and the famous, sea-facing positions often grow only plavac mali. Significant among those locations are
Ivan Dolac and Sveta Nedjelja, on the southern

side of the Island of Hvar, and Bol on the Island

of Bra, which receives additional light from
the sea, as well as warmth and freshness, which
regularly gives red wines of superior characteristics.

Varieties and their wine and the

most important producers
We find the largest number of indigenous varieties in this area, which is understandable
considering the rich history and diversity of the
natural conditions here. In addition, there are
also foreign varieties and we can thus say that
Central Dalmatia has the richest assortment
of grape-vines in Croatia. Plavac mali is the
undoubted leader among the red vines, and it
is a proven Croatian autochthonous variety. It
covers almost all of the warm, sea-facing positions, where it reaches superb quality. Its wines
are intensively coloured, full and strong (alcohol
is often above 15 vol%). It has a specific and
striking flavour. Its supreme potential has been
recognised long ago and the wines produced
from plavac mali are at the top of the list of

lovers of Croatian wine. There are many labels

with Plavac on the market nowadays, but the
best wine from Central Dalmatia comes from
the southern parts of Hvar, Bra and Vis islands.
In recent years, there has been an expansion of
the crljenak katelanski, an almost forgotten
Croatian variety, known in America as Zinfandel, and as Primitivo in Italy. The DNA testing
several years ago proved its Croatian origin,
and it was confirmed as one of the parents of
plavac mali. Historic data suggests that it was a
well-known variety in Dalmatia more than five
centuries ago, and its supreme characteristics are
still visible today. Several producers have made
the first wines of this variety, and these are usually typical southern red wines, full, with a high
percentage of alcohol and with specific fruity
Merlot, cabernet, sauvignon and syrah are making excellent wines in this area, too. They are

vinificated on their own or paired up in different combinations. When it comes to other

red varieties, babi must not be left out, as it is
an accompanying variety to plavac, as well as
to plavina, or it comes in a blend with other
autochthonous varieties. Still, a large number
of red wines, specifically those made from
vines grown in less favourable positions, are a
result of pairing, because many old vineyards
grow several varieties. This has been shown
as favourable for the quality of the domestic
wine, but has led to the preservation of the
old, native varieties, too. Several of them have
shown splendid characteristics as independent
ones, and we today see the dobrii wine (excellent colour, large potential, one of the plavac mali parents), ninue, okatca (glavinua),
trnjak and babica. Other variety wines made
of vranac can also be found. Vranac is grown
here, and the interest for it has also been increasing in recent years.
The white assortment is led by poip, a variety
which has also been proven as indigenous. In
recent years it has spread all over Dalmatia.
This is the result of excellent variety characteristics, because wine made of poip is strong
and full, but also fresh and flavoured, unlike
many other autochthonous white wines. Vugava and bogdanua are typical island-grown
varieties, grown exclusively on the islands of
Vis and Hvar, their original home. Their potential is very high and several wines produced
by modern methods have already come to the
attention of consumers. Kujundua is one of
the most important varieties of the Dalmatian
Zagora. It mostly comes in mass-produced,
cheap wine, but in recent years, with the introduction of modern technology, the image of
its potential has been changing. Maratina is a
type we can find in many vineyards here. It is
rarely produced as a variety wine, and mostly
comes in mixtures. As for the others, we need
to mention trbljan (a sort intended for massproduction and lesser quality wines), zlatarica
vrgorska (good potential, but rather rare), grey
pinot (as the first of the pinot group of varieties
planted in the Dalmatian Zagora), and the inevitable chardonnay planted usually in the hinterland, intended for the production of wine
from regular harvesting and for sparkling wine.
There are several other varieties with high potential, but they unfortunately rarely come to
the market and when they do, they are in small
quantities; i.e. Pr from the Island of Hvar, or
Crljenak viki.
Central Dalmatia has many producers who
play a significant role in the Croatian market,
both in terms of quality and quantity. Among
them, Zlatan Plenkovi is surely the best (Zlatan otok Inc.), from Hvar, one of the pioneers
of private entrepreneurship in wine-growing.
He is best known for the wines made from
plavac mali and he produces it in several
categories of quality and price. He is one
of the first to introduce wine from crljenak
katelanski onto the market, and he produces
several other noted wines (Zlatan otok, Poip,

Proek, Zavala). High quality wines from the

Island of Hvar are also produced by Andro
Romi (Bastiana Inc, with excellent Plavac
mali and the dessert vine Proek, by Hektorovich), Cari (wine by Hvar d.o.o, producing Plavac mali called Plovac ploki, and
Bogdanjua), Dubokovi (a rare, expensive,
but excellent wine from plavac mali, named
Medvjedica and Medvid), Plani (one of the
first private producers in Croatia, who produces high quality Plavac from the area Ivan
Dolac, and Bogdanua and Par). Among
the oldest producers of the cult Hvar Plavac,
there are also Badel 1962 (Ivan Dolac wine
from the agricultural cooperative Svire), and
Faros wine by Dalmacijavino d.d. Producers
Lipanovi, Rokis and Cobo (A. Ivevi) can
be singled out for Vis, with very good Vugava
and Plavac wines. There are several new producers on the Island of Bra, who are distinguished firstly by Plavac mali (Bakovi, Plavac Murvica) and Jako Andabak (Jako Wine
Inc.), which offers Poip, together with Plavac.
There are several producers in the Dalmatian
Zagora Imota Ltd. (Kujundua, Vranac),
and Vinoplod (Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot
and their brand called Carlot). Still, there is
an increasing number of smaller family wineries which stand out for their quality and new
products Grabovac (very good kujundua,
and Modro Jezero, ros Crveno Jezero, several
sparkling wines), Jerkovi (kujundua) and
Opaak (Zlatarica, Trnjak). The coastal part
has a number of small family wine cellars, but
without any significance on the market. Dillatum (Agricultural Cooperative Katelacoop)
can be mentioned as a cuve of old and rare
varieties from Katela, a wine made as the result of local communities attempting to revitalise.


Gastronomy of the
south coast is based
on the natural
resources of Peljeac,
the Neretva valley
and Konavle


da l m a t i a

7 In the DUBROVNIK area which is exposed to Mediterrane-

an, oriental and continental influences, one of the best Mediterranean cuisines has been developed, with a high contribution from seafood from the southern Dalmatian archipelago,
organic vegetables from Konavle, traditional dishes from
Korula, Mljet, Elaphiti and the Nerevta area as well as meat
specialties from the hinterland.

Did you know?

Ostrea edulis, is a rare and
high quality Ston oyster
whose quality cannot be
compared to that of any
of its ocean relatives. This
type of oyster is extinct
in other areas and has
survived only in Morocco
and Mali Ston Bay, in sea
of the highest purity with
the ideal proportion of salt
and fresh water. Experts
consider them one of
greatest seafood delicacies
in the world.

The natural resources of the Dubrovnik

Riviera, Peljeac and Konavle and centurieslong tradition of Dubrovniks civic culture,
within which sophisticated cooking was
developed, exposed it to various influences,
from Mediterranean to Oriental, culminating in the southern Adriatic gastronomic
culture ranking among the best in the Mediterranean; and the area in which it has been
developed, among the most potent agronomic areas on the Adriatic.
The Ostrea edulis itself, the rare Ston oyster,
would be sufficient for culinary branding of
the entire region. It is extinct in other areas
and survives only in Morocco and Ston Bay.
Because of the biological conditions Ston
Bay was declared a Sea Zone of the Highest Purity, and Ston oysters, their quality
unparalleled compared with their oceanic
relatives, are considered by professionals and
gourmets as unique in the world.
Mali Ston Bay is exposed to the influence of
the Neretva River, the mixing of fresh and sea
water, strong currents and tides all of which
have a great impact on the production of
shells of exceptional quality. Fans and admirers of Ston oysters served in the most natural
way raw and sprinkled with a few drops
of organic lemon juice are aware that they
enjoy one of the worlds rare gastronomic
delicacies of unique flavour that contains and
reflects all the richness of southern Dalmatia.
Butarga or dried fish roe, usually from gray
mullet or sea bass, formed into a thin sausage
or cake, is another specialty that marks the
gastro culture of southern Dalmatia. It is offered as a rare delicacy in limited quantities in
some rural households on the peninsula, and
only in the most prestigious restaurants.

Since the inner part of the peninsula has witnessed a rapid development of agro tourism based on the Istrian model with
wine tasting offered on the Peljeac wine trails and also with
an increasing supply of olive oil, an original folk cuisine, based
on traditional recipes and dishes which used to be prepared by
Peljeac old women, is being revived. On the farm Panorama
above Orebi, dishes with truffles, first found on the peninsula,
are offered. Traditional dishes based on local ingredients, especially vegetables grown in the fertile environmental conditions
of Konavle, are being increasingly represented on the menus
as part of the southern coasts cuisine. All those who have at
least once tasted zucchini, aubergine, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes and other vegetables grown in Konavles fields, have been convinced of their exceptional quality,
compared to those they are used to from standard commercial

sources. In the preparation of dishes based on vegetables, Oriental influences are also identified, especially when it comes to
beans, for which the local name soiva (lentils) is used.
The most popular traditional dish of all is green menestra, prepared from dried/smoked mutton (katradina), dried/smoked
pork and homemade sausages, combined with cabbage and potatoes, porki makaruli made of stewed beef and pasta mixed
in a large bowl. Southern Dalmatia cuisine, as well as from
other parts of Dalmatia, is well known for its rich variety of
fish, shellfish, crabs and molluscs which came from the fishing
areas around the southern Dalmatian islands. Mljet and Lastovo waters are famous for their lobsters while from Korula
arrive rnovski makaroni, one of the greatest meaty delights of
the southern coast, prepared from beef and homemade pasta
hand-moulded in a special way around a thin stick. Recipes

Butarga or dried fish roe from

mullet or sea bass is a long
known speciality from Peljeac


are a closely guarded family secret. Korula

is proud of its wine production. The most
popular varieties of white wines are Poip
and Grk while Plavac Mali and Cabernet
Sauvignon are the red wines. Fertile areas
of Smokvica and Blato are ideal for growing fruit and vegetables and for the development of viticulture and olive growing.
The most famous dessert of the southern coast
is definitely flan, egg custard with caramel
sauce that is served cold, another favourite
dessert being kotonjata, quince candy.
Sugared almonds (brotulani mjenduli) and
arancini (orange peel cut into thin strips
cooked in sugared water) are native delica-

cies of the southern coast which in combination with sherry or semi-dry wine are ideal
for serving in relaxing moments in informal
In close connection with the gastronomic culture is the very special viticulture, based on the
Plavac Mali variety. Along the length of the
Peljeac peninsula three high ridges stretch,
their micro-location and micro-climate are so
special that each has a specific slope, sunlight,
air circulation, the composition of grey and
brown sandy soil rich in minerals and other
features that affect the quality of the grapes.
One of the best positions is the Dinga area,
on very steep slopes of the peninsula, after
which the premium wine is named, the most
prestigious brand of Croatian red wines.
For a more complete insight into the winegrowing areas of Peljeac, the best way is to
take a tour of the wine route, a tourist route
that reveals all the treasures of the interior of
the peninsula and some of the finest and most
prominent manicured vineyards in Dalmatia.
In Konavle the autochthonous variety Malvasia is grown, which should be clearly distinguished from the Istrian Malvasia.
Along the coast of southern Dalmatia, several
excellent restaurants are listed as at the peak of
national cuisine. From Mali Ston (Captains
House), Korula (LD Terace, Adio Mare),
ipan (In the Harbour at Marks), Dubrovnik
(Nautica and Sesame), the Konavoski Court
(dvori) in Konavle to Cavtat (Gaul), restaurants with an excellent supply of fresh fish and
crabs. Restaurants in the Konavle mountains
also have a good reputation, and are especially
appealing in the summer heat, when in the
height of the mountain there comes a pleasant
freshness, which also provides an impressive
view of Cavtat, Dubrovnik and the surrounding archipelago. They are known for offering
excellent lamb, veal and roast goat, grilled on
gradele or baked under a bell and home-made
goat cheese in olive oil.
In the western part the most famous specialty from the Neretva delta is a stew of
eels and frogs; shrimps and prawns from the
Neretva area are among the best, it is believed, on the Adriatic.
The fertile valley of the Neretva river, rich in
water supply is a paradise for agriculture and
from that area melon, watermelon, cherries,
apricots, peaches, nectarines, oranges, tangerines, and all kinds of vegetables arrive on the
Dubrovnik Riviera.
The area along the Neretva river is also
known for waterfowl, birds such as coots
living in the swampy backwaters of the river,
which are prepared according to hunters
The gastronomy of the Dubrovnik coast
evolves in parallel with the development of
tourism and each seriously prepared dish reminds us that its origin reflects the uniqueness of the southern region. That is Dubrovniks gastronomys greatest charm and
greatest advantage over many other regions.

h ealth
Dubrovnik and its surroundings have always been the area of trade and commerce
and therefore it certainly has the most diverse
cuisine in the region. Proximity of Otrant Gate
and the deep quiet Dubrovnik port, throughout history, meant a break and rest for sailors,
but also provisions for long journeys. Marco
Polo, who was born in 1255 on Korula,
started his famous journey from there. It is
thanks to the port of Dubrovnik that many
plants from around the world arrived in this
region with the help of sailors who have collected and brought them from their voyages.
A special feature of that area is also the delta
of the Neretva river. The Neretva river and
the sea fed the population for centuries and
brought good luck to sailors who during their
long voyages could not go without food or fall
Many visitors today, from all over the world,
come here to acquire and take away with
them their piece of good luck, just like a thousand years ago.
All known natural elements are dissolved in
this water so that eating oysters ensures we
are supplied with those elements we need
only in small traces. Fish salted with sea salt
(slani rnci) provides replacement of electrolytes lost due to the high temperatures.
Oysters are characterized by a high mineral
content and are aboundant in low molecular weight protein chains. This enable very
fast energy transfer. Kotonjata is a dessert
rich in pectin and beta-carotene, which
usually the modern diet lacks. Eel is rich in
omega 3 fatty acids.

g roceries
Salt has plenty of
Dubrovniks cheese
Konavle katradina

d ishes
Salted Crnci
Beef with sage
Raw oysters with lemon


wi n e s
The Dubrovnik area belongs to the
winegrowing sub-region of Central and
Southern Dalmatia and it includes the
coastal area from Ploe to the far south, the
valley of the Neretva, the Peljeac peninsula
and the islands of Lastovo, Korula, Mljet
and Elaphiti. This warmest and sunniest
Croatian territory is almost entirely suitable
for growing grapes, so the tradition of cultivating them ties with the beginings of this
cultures arrival on the Adriatic coast.
The rich history of the Dubrovnik Republic
and its excellent links with the world have
largely influenced the development of viticulture. The new varieties of grapes and new
technology were brought in so through history this region was one of the most developed regions in Croatia. Even now, we find
a lot of vineyards around here, and many
residents are directly or indirectly related
to wine production. The region is known
for its famous vineyards, many of the best
Croatian red wines come precisely from
here. For example, the first Croatian wine
with protected geographical origin is the famous Dinga harvested in 1961, named after the area Dinga on Peljeac, and the first
white, also in the category of fine wine, was
Poip from 1967 from the island of Korula.
In recent years, there has been a major qualitative shift in wine production, new producers emerging with a modern approach and
modern equipment. For example, Peljeac
wines not only attract the attention of
consumers, but nowdays, there are more
and more producers whose roots are not
connected with the peninsula. Abandoned
vineyards are being recovered; new areas are
being turned into vineyards, the famous indigenous varieties are being revitalized, so,
this area is certainly expected to produce
even better wines. Since the main industry
of the region is tourism, many manufacturers see this as an additional opportunity, so


that wine tourism is developing intensively.

To taste great Plavac Mali, Poip or Malvasia
from Dubrovnik in their native space and
beautiful surroundings, is certainly much
more enjoyable.

The natural conditions of

This tourist region comprises six vineyards,
but each of them has a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild,
rainy winters. The average annual temperature is around 16 C and rainfall is 8001000 mm. The geology is typically karst
and varied soil many types are found, but
brown soil and red soil dominate the region.
There are many places on the karst with an
abundance of stone, and this land over recent years is successfully being converted
into vineyards by using modern mechanization.
Most of the vineyards are located on the
Peljeac peninsula, where there are many
well-known locations facing the sea eg.
Dinga, Postup, Viganj, etc., which receive
additional reflection from the seas surface
and thus have very favourable conditions
for the accumulation of sugar in the grapes.
On the islands and in the Konvale vinyards
the situation is similar the vineyards are
returning to such locations. White grape
varieties are planted in most fields, due to
lower temperatures and higher humidity favourable to the characteristics of their wines.
In the coastal areas larger surfaces suitable
for vineyards are located in the valley of the
Neretva river and Konavle area.

Varieties and their wines and the

most important manufacturers
The abundance and dominance of indigenous varieties is a characteristic of the Dubrovnik region too; Mali Plavac and Poip


are represented here in most vineyards. In

recent years, other, mainly world-famous varieties, are being planted here, but they still
cannot threaten the dominance of this duo.
Production of Plavac Mali here, compared
to central Dalmatia, is grown in the Dubrovnik region to an even greater extent, so
that famous vineyards on Peljeac are almost
of one variety. On these, elevated and southfacing terrains facing the sea, Plavac Mali
gives the best potential quality and therefore, the best variety and quality wines come
from the region. Extremely full-bodied and
dense, strong and aromatic, intensely coloured red wine has become the hallmark of
many local wineries, so that this sort has no
real competition. Katelas Crljenak is a variety that was grown here even in the 16th
century, then it virtually disappeared from
Croatian vineyards, and after discovering
that this variety is identical to American
Zinfandel, which has solved the mystery of
its origin, the interest in its planting has increased again. Nowadays large vineyards of
this variety can be found on Peljeac and in
Konavle, and the first wines have already arrived on the market.
According to the first assessment of this
wine, we can say that the variety has met
expectations and that in addition to Plavac
Mali its offspring Crljenak will be of great


quality too. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon

have been present along the coast for a long
time and over the last few years they are being
planted and on the islands too. Their quality
is unquestionable, here too their wines are
of high quality, but nevertheless it is difficult to compete with production of Plavac
in the often extreme and difficult terrain.
Over the last years Syrah (Shiraz) was introduced, being mostly mixed with other varieties, but it also justified high expectations.
Of the other red wines, we should mention
Plavina, which is often Plavacs companion,
and it ferments together. Vranac is a leading
variety in neighboring Montenegro, but has
also been cultivated here for a long time. In
a few cases varietal wines are produced, they
usually get mixed with other red varieties of
the region, primarily Plavac Mali.
For the last twenty years, Poip has been the
areas leading white variety, which is primarily due to its exceptional quality and adaptability. Its provenance was proved through
DNA analysis; it originated from the island
of Korula, where it is being produced to
this day. It is of an excellent quality and
according to many, Poip is of the highest
quality of all Southern whites, because in
addition to the fullness and high alcohol
percentage, it is well-balanced with a nice
aroma. Maratina, or more often locally
called Rukatac is a variety which is represented in the area to a greater extent, compared with other parts of Dalmatia. There
are several wine varieties whose quality varies, as it is quite challenging to cultivate
them in those locations. It makes excellent
sherries and is sometimes cultivated for the
production of dessert wines. Grk variety is
one of the natives of the area, whose origin
intrigues (namely, one of the assumptions is
that is of Greek origin, hence the name, or
that it came to the island since the time of
the Greek colonization of the Adriatic, 2-4
century B.C). Grk has a great quality it
undoubtedly has huge potential, but it is
grown in a very limited space. It gives exceptional, real southern wines, strong and full,
yet balanced, of specific aroma and flavour.
Of the other white varieties, we should mention Cetinka, which is a widespread variety,
but may provide unusually fresh and light
wines for the region, and is much sought after, and Trbljan, a high quantity variety that
often occurs in domestic and cheap wine.
In the Dubrovnik area, there is one more
unique variety, Malvasia Dubrovnik
known and appreciated for centuries. It provides the highest category of white wines,
full and strong, very aromatic, and has exceptional potential for the production of
fortified sweet wine these are wines that
regularly receive the highest ratings. The importance of Malvasia in Dubrovnik lies in
the fact that this variety of wine had a special
treatment in the Republic of Dubrovnik

the price of other wines was limited while

the prices for Malvasia were freely formed.
DNA-analysis showed later on that the same
variety was found in Sicily (Malvasia delle
Lipari) and some other places in the Mediterranean. This type is rare, but highly valued everywhere, and today it is fully revitalized in Konavle and there are a few notable
wines on the market.
In recent years a large number of small producers prospered here more than anywhere
else in Croatia. The credit for this goes primarily to Plavac Mali, so that those who
produce this wine are the most numerous.
There are almost no producers on Peljeac
today who do not offer Plavac, and this
wine in recent years has led to the unprecedented expansion of vineyards in certain
locations. Vineyards are being planted,
new ground conquered, modern technology introduced in the wine cellars, so we
can say that todays best Croatian wines
come from the Peljeac peninsula. Among
the first to produce superior Plavac, even
during the socialist period, were agricultural cooperatives Dinga and Postup
Donja Banda which produce them even
today, but they have very strong competition. On the market today Niko Bura
and Mara Mrgudi offer excellent Plavac
Mali wine (some already legendary vintage
wines and highly valued too), Grgi Wines
Ltd. (the famous Croatian winemaker from
California Miljenko Mike Grgich produces
highly valued Plavac Mali and Poip at his
winery in Trstenik), Milo Skaramuca and
Matuko are among the first private producers, they had a few notable harvests,
and to that group also belong Milii,
Radovi, Kiridija and Poljani. There are
a few more of them who have produced
excellent Plavac, we should mention the
new primarily Saints Hills winery with
excellent Dinga, Korta Katarina with very
well-received Plavac and Poip, and Terra
Rota with Plavac from new locations, with
karst reclamation. But the Peninsula is getting conquered by other varieties too, and
so we should mention the winery Mokalo,
owned by US-Croatian owners (MrgudiBenmosche), which produces Zinfandel,
from the beautiful vineyards in Viganj.
The most famous and the largest manufacturers of Poip are on Korula, and those
are agricultural cooperatives ara and
Smokvica, which began with the production of these varieties in the fifties of the
last century. They offer some very popular
and sought after wines (Poip ara, Marco Polo, Centurion) at reasonable prices.
One of the wineries that should also be
mentioned is a small winery Toreta in
Smokvica, which besides offering Poip
also offers Rukatac and other wines, and
Krajani and Kunjasa, local winemakers,
who recently appeared on the market. On

Korula, Poip is being also produced by

the winery Blato 1902, which offers Poip,
Plavac Mali and table wines (made of
one or more sorts of grapes). Among the
other varieties the most important is Grk,
which has a very high reputation, is very
specific and difficult to grow, and its wines
are quite sought after. It is produced in a
very limited number of locations, mostly
in Lumbarda on the island of Korula,
the only place where varietal wines can be
found. There are several small local produc7_dalmatia_dubrovnik

ers, including Branko Cebalo, the Fiduli

family, Frano Milina Bire, Bartul Batisti
Zure, etc. Most of them offer Plavac Mali
(which is needed for pollination purposes
in the Grks vineyards), while the quantity
of other wine varieties is small notably
Korkyra, a mixture of native white varieties
with the largest share of Cetinka, light and
fresh, a very reasonably priced wine.
Dubrovniks Cellars Winery Inc. is the
largest producer of wine in the Konavle
district, which offers a notable wine Merlot

and Cabernet Sauvignon (under the names

Merlotina and Trajectum) as well as Plavac
Mali. But, the most interesting in that area
is Dubrovniks Malvasia, successfully revitalized a few years ago, and today several
excellent wineries offer this wine these are
primarily the Karaman family (which won
the sherry champion title at the international competition The World of Malvasia 2009) and Andro Crvik, Miho Brato,
Cellar Marinovi, who apart from Malvasia
offer other wines too.


Slavonian gastronomy
is characterised by
excellent smoked meat
products, specialties
of freshwater fish and
sumptuous desserts

Did you know?

Slavonian Kulin was the
first Croatian food brand
with protected origin,
and it has since also
become part of the worlds
gastronomic heritage.

8 Gastro culture is an important part of the general culture

of the Slavonian region while its outstanding hospitality

is one of the important features of Slavonian tradition and
ancient customs. Communication channels and human relationships are associated with food preparation and the way it
is served, while an abundance of food is considered to be the
trademark of every Slavonian house.
The Slavonian plain is the largest fertile area
in Croatia and that fertility is the source of
an enduring wealth of varied and imaginative Slavonian cuisine. The plain is intersected by the rivers Sava, Drava and Danube,
which enrich Slavonian tables with freshwater fish and many specialties including carp,
perch, catfish and other fish. But Slavonia
is not merely the plain, as is often thought,
but also has a mountainous landscape in the
western part, where some of the most important wine-growing areas in Croatia are
Gastro culture is an important part of the
general culture of this region and outstanding hospitality is one of the important features of the Slavonian tradition and ancient
customs. Communication channels and human relationships are associated with food
preparation and the way it is served while an
abundance of food is considered to be the
trademark of every Slavonian house. This is
equally true in Baranja, the easternmost part
of Croatia.
Cookery is an important topic of discussion
for every Slavonian and Baranja resident, but
also a way of life and a source of satisfaction.
You have hardly sat down before your host is
offering you some local specialties, because
no house has a lack of local sausages, Kulin
(kulen), bacon, crackling, plum brandy ...
Local Kulin Galovi became the first
Croatian food brand with protected origin
(followed by the protection of Istrian prosciutto, Pags cheese and Slavonian plum
brandy and, recently, the trademark Greaves
The basic prerequisite for the continued
quality of every product, including kulen,
is strict quality control of the raw materi65

als from which the food is prepared. Pigs must be kept in

the open and fed with healthy food (acorns from the Slavonian forests, corn, barley, oats and clover). The recipe for the
preparation of kulin is not some special secret: it is based on
the good quality of the raw materials and proper stuffing into
bags made of pork intestine, for which you need a superb
craftsman. Only 10% of the highest quality of meat (ham,
pork, shoulder, neck with no fat) of the total weight of pigs
aged between 12 and 20 months ends up in kulin: the rest is
processed into other products.
After the kulin is stuffed, it goes to a smokehouse, where it
stays, for short periods, exposed to light smoking for seven to
ten days in smoke from burning hornbeam and beech. Next is
the process of ripening, in a room where natural ventilation is

ensured and optimum humidity reached, which allows the kulin to get coated in noble rot. In the process of ripening, kulin
loses about 50% of its original weight. The entire process, from
pig slaughter to bringing kulin to market takes six months.
Many households in Slavonia produce this most famous Slavonian sausage specialty, which is included in the global culinary
heritage and a modern industrialised version of the sausage is
produced in Belje.
Kulenova seka (literally kulens sister) is almost equally as valued
as kulin (or kulen). It is of a similar composition as kulin and
stuffed into beef intestine, which undergoes the same process of smoking and drying, but because of its thickness, it is
slightly shorter. Lovers of meat products will be delighted with
crackling (greaves) bacon cut into small pieces, melted in a

mined by customer preferences, and fish stew can be served

with a mild variant or an extremely spicy one.
Freshwater fish are prepared on the grill, but also in a very
special Slavonian way baked on a long fork over an open
fire on coals. In more recent times, in the prestige restaurants
they serve fish greaves, as an appetiser a pt made of ground
crackling, with added cucumbers, sweet red pepper, mustard,
onions and pressed garlic.
Catfish, a freshwater fish, are usually prepared as perkelt or in
a stew: add the cleaned pieces of catfish to braised onions, add

Jolly, songful and hospitable Slavonian

beari and snae (local man and
woman) will turn each guests visit
to Slavonia into an unforgettable
hedonistic trip.

large kettle on the hearthstone and then pressed in order to

separate it from excess fat.
Various types of sausages, from mild to very spicy, like vargla,
smoked ham and other products complement a wide repertoire
of cured meats for which Slavonia is at the forefront of the
national gastronomy.
For centuries Slavonian cuisine has been exposed to various
influences, from Hungarian and Austrian to eastern cuisines,
but it never lost its own originality but only enriched it with
new recipes and culinary experiences.
Fi-paprika (hot paprika based fish soup) or fish stew/soup is
one of the favourite dishes of Slavonia, and chefs say that in
addition to using fresh fish the secret of its preparation is in
the high quality of paprika powder, whose piquancy is deter8_slavonia

peppers, tomatoes, garlic and spices, and after twenty minutes

of cooking, serve the perkelt with pasta.
A very popular dish as well is obanac a legendary shepherds
stew the finest when prepared in a pot on the fire. The pots
bottom is lined with chopped onions mixed with fresh peppers
and then the meat sheep, lamb, beef or veal is added to it
cut into cubes. Add water and wine, plus tomatoes, cook until
the meat is tender, then add a little bit of cream and some more
wine depending on the specific taste and finally add dumplings.
Slavonian cuisine is unthinkable without sweets. The typical
cakes such as salenjaci a dough with added minced bacon,
folded several times and stuffed with nuts or jam, baked in the
oven or guvara a dough filled with walnuts or poppy seeds,

h ealth
baked in the oven, are just a few of the ancient recipes for making sweet delicacies.
Walnut cake, poppy cake, various kinds of
festive and cream cakes, gingerbread, bear
paws (biscuits shaped like bear paws), vanilla cookies and peach cookies are just part
of the Slavonian dessert menu, especially
sumptuous when prepared for and served
at special occasions / celebrations such as
births, christenings, engagements, weddings, harvest work, pig slaughter ...
Slavonian oak forests are the ideal environment for forest fruits. Most picked are various kinds of mushrooms, which are most
common on the menu in their harvest season.
Just as the home of Malvasia is Istria, so
Slavonia became homeland to Graevina
(Riesling, although this is one of the domesticated varieties). From the wine-growing
areas around Kutjevo and Ilok, but also
from the vineyards of Belje, come some of
the best Croatian continental wines, Riesling
and Chardonnay and in recent times also red
wines of a very high quality: merlot, pinot
noir, etc. Kutjevos and Iloks cellars with a
long tradition of wine production are the
oldest ones in Croatia. The best Slavonian
wine producers have opened their cellars to
visitors, so the wine tasting rooms are an
important part of tourism in the Slavonian
wine routes.
Agritourism in Slavonia, as in many other
Croatian regions, is rapidly developing and
the advantage of this type of tourism is an
abundance of gourmets attracting visitors
who appreciate the autonomous kitchen.
By temperament, Slavonians are jolly fellows and their joyful mood is accompanied
often with the inevitable tamburaka music
(Croatian tamburitza /tamburitza/ is a
folk song played with a tambura cousin of
the Russian balalaika and the Italian mandolin) that accompanies each party. The mood
is further enhanced with fine and imaginative
cuisine and wines. The well-known Slavonian
beari and snae (local men and women) hospitality will turn each visit to this region into
a hedonistic unforgettable trip.
From the many popular restaurants that offer authentic Slavonian cuisine, one should
definitely visit the Baranjska Kua in Karanac, Kova arda in Suza, Restaurant
Zdjelarevi in Brodski Stupnik and the restaurant at the Hotel Osijek in Osijek.
And after enjoying Slavonian cuisine, not
only for the purpose of spending excess calories, it is recommended to visit the famous
Kopaki rit, a unique natural phenomenon
in the world, where it will also be possible to
try some of fine Slavonian dishes.

The area of exceptional gastronomic

luxury comes from optimum climate conditions that suit the plant world.The number
of crops which cannot grow here is almost
Rivers, swamps and forests teem with wildlife and Slavonia prides itself on its excellent
Game and venison dishes are deeply rooted
in the diet of the region. The meat of wild
fowl, deer, boar, rabbit was always used
here for food. The meat of wild animals is
rich in minerals, especially iron (Fe), which
is one of the reasons for a lower occurrence
of anemia in the population that consumes
these high-quality foods. In Slavonia full
meals normally consist of a sequence of
several dishes, and the portions are much
larger than in other regions. Spices are favourite ingredients of any meal and are intense- so the red paprika that gives colour
and flavour to stews and fish paprikas as
well as to the unique kulen mark the regional cuisine.

g roceries
Oyster mushrooms
Freshwater fish rolls

d ishes
Pheasant soup
Venison steak
Pheasant pt

wi n e s
This is the largest tourist region, as well
as wine-growing area the largest area of
vineyards with the largest production and
export of wine. Slavonia is a leader in many
fields, but, it should be stressed that the
best white wines of the Croatian mainland
come from here. The region stretches from
Virovitica and Daruvar in the west to the
Danube, encompassing the eastern Croatian
borders, including the finest and most diverse locations, where grapes are traditionally grown and many residents depend on it.
According to vineyard legislation this region
comprises of two sub-regions (Slavonia and
Danube); thirteen vineyards in total and
here the largest wine producers are located.
In addition to the few large, most of the
smaller manufacturers originate from family
farms, but compared to other Croatian regions, Slavonia records the largest vineyards
by manufacturer. Modern technology is applied, superior varieties are planted, so the
wines are of high quality Slavonian wines
regularly receive awards and recognitions at
national and international competitions.
The tradition of wine growing in Slavonia
goes back to the third century when the Romans planted grapes on the slopes of Fruka
Gora, and then it spread throughout the region. From then until today, there are many
records about the quality of wine and the
importance of its production for the wider
economy the vine has become one of the
most important agricultural crops in Slavonia.

Vineyards and production conditions

Slavonia occupies a very large and diverse
mountainous area bounded by the rivers
Drava, Sava and Danube. The majority of
vineyards are situated on the gentle and spacious slopes of the mountains Dilj, Psunj,
Poeka Gora Papuk, Krndija and Fruka
Gora and on the hills above the rivers, where
large water surfaces create a very favourable
microclimate for the production of quality
grapes. Between individual vineyards there
are large differences in environmental conditions and going towards the east on the
mountain the climatic features become typically Pannonian. But these differences are
manifested in a variety of wines, and Slavonia is the Croatian leader at that too.
The main production is located around the
cities Kutjevo, akovo, Ilok, Erdut, Daruvar and Slavonski Brod. The vineyards are
located on higher ground, usually 150-350
m above sea level and at the far east, near
the Danube, the grapes are even planted un8_slavonia

der 100 meters. The climate is continental,

moving from west to east temperatures rise
and rainfall decreases. Thus, in the west region the average annual temperature is 10.5
C and rainfall is about 900 mm, while in
the Danube region temperatures are around
11 C and rainfall is 650-700 mm. But because of a favourable annual distribution
drought is rare. The soil is very diverse, from
the Danubes and Podravinas type of sandy
to brown calcareous soil and red soil, but
they are all suitable for growing grapes.
Generally speaking, Slavonia is also in terms
of natural conditions well suited for producing quality wines. As in other continental
vineyards here too white wine predominates
while more heat and sunshine and less rainfall in the region of Slavonia is reflected in
their characteristics they are usually full,
medium to high calorie wines, with a very
nice fruity aroma. In recent years, especially
from the Danube locations we get the great
red wines. This is a result of technological
changes, planting of better varieties and according to some, global climate changes as
well. But, without going into the reasons
behind this, the fact is that this area offers
a lot of excellent wines in all categories and
justifiably deserves the title of best Croatian

Varieties and their wines, and the

most important manufacturers
Riesling, the variety known in neighbouring countries under the names Riesling
Italico, Welschriesling or Laki Riesling is not
a Croatian variety, but it certainly achieves
the best quality here. It is the most important and most widespread variety in Croatia


in general, but the best wines of this variety

come from Slavonia. It certainly grows in
some Slavonian and Danube locations under ideal conditions, so we can responsibly
say that some Croatian Graevina is among
the best varieties of wines in the world. Fullness, freshness and a well-developed aroma
are characteristics of the Slavonian Riesling;
these wines are regular companions of the
wine and gastronomic offer throughout the
country. There are almost no producers in
the region that do not have Graevina in
their vineyards; it is usually the foundation wine in most of cellars. Apart from the
regular wine harvest, Graevina also makes
Prdikat wines (superior quality wines, from
the German system of designation) and so
Graevina has won many medals for Kutjevo
original and icy harvests varieties. For the
last 20 years, Chardonnay has been the most
widespread variety in young vineyards. Slavonian wines of this variety are an excellent
compromise between heavy and high in alcohol Chardonnay from the south and light,
fresh and undefined varietal wines from the
Pinot (white, grey and red) is traditionally
grown here; they give high quality wines
from all wine regions of Slavonia. However,
the most aromatic characteristics are reflected
in the western region, which is understandable given the somewhat different climatic
characteristics. However, Sauvignon Blanc,
as a typical aromatic variety, gives excellent
wines throughout the whole region, although
there are obvious differences related to locations towards the east part of the region
floral aromas gradually turn into fruity ones,
the body is fuller with a more intense flavour.
Traminac is also found throughout Slavonia,
but the best known come from the warmer
parts of the region, Kutjevo, akovo, Erdut
and Ilok. A very intense smell, fullness and
a high alcohol percentage are common in
the description of eastern Slavonian Traminac, which is perhaps not typical of most of
its wines from other regions, but it is exactly
those features that gave it the high reputation
that it enjoys in Slavonia today. In addition,
the Graevina is the most common variety
used for production of Prdikat wines. Riesling rajnski has found excellent harvesting
conditions in many Slavonian locations, it
is grown throughout the area, but also more
typical varietal wines can be found in the
western and central parts of the region.
Rizvanac (Mller Thurgau) is weaker today
than before, but in central Slavonia it can
give very good results. In recent years, Zelenac slatki (Rotgipfler) is being produced
in Slavonia again, this was an almost forgotten variety in Croatia. The first harvests
justified the expectations, versatile and very
good wines can be produced from this type;
Silvanac zeleni is one more white wine that
could be mentioned here and the red assort70

ment is led by Frankovka, the most common

red grape variety in continental Croatia.
The best wines are produced in prominent,
warmer locations in Kutjevo, Ferianci and
Danube. To a lesser extent we encounter
Zweigelt, Gamay, and today all major areas
are used to produce leading global wines
such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and
Syrah lately. Although these varieties have
been known for a long time, and some traditionally gave good results (Merlot), the application of better technology in Slavonian
vineyards and cellars has led to the production of the finest red wines and to winning
prestigious continental awards. Among the
red varieties portugizac should also be mentioned, which is grown here to a lesser extent
than in the west, but certain years can give
notable wines, which are also typically consumed while young.
The biggest Croatian producers of wine are
located in Slavonia, they occupy large areas
and produce substantial amounts of wine
and they consist of a few medium and many
small family wineries. The largest producer
is Agrokor Inc, who at their wineries (Belje
Cellars and Ilok Cellars) produce a large
number of wines in all qualitative categories,
but we can also say that these wines are excellent value for money. Some of them received
awards in recent years and the gold medal
was given for the Merlot from the wine cellar Belje, 2008 vintage. The gold medal
was won at the prestigious competition at
the recent Decanter World Wine Awards in
London. Graevina wines from the same cellar are also among the best in Croatia and
the famous dessert wines Traminer from
Ilok are well known too. Kutjevo Inc. has a
premium Croatian range on offer in recent
years and besides its traditionally high quality Graevina, it offers to the market a large
number of brands, wines from regular harvests and Prdikat wines. Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon and Traminer
are just some of the varieties on offer.
Amongst the big manufacturers of wine that
should also be mentioned is akovos Wines
Inc., which produces a similar range of wines
as the ones already listed, including Badel
1862 and their cellar in Daruvar, which produces highly sought Graevina and excellent
Sauvignon Blanc. There are also Feravino Inc.
from Ferianci (its Graevina was a champion in 2009 and they also produce a good
traditional Frankovka), Erdut Vineyards Inc.
(Traminac, Riesling), and agricultural enterprise Orahovica Inc. (the famous Silvanac
zeleni). Besides these bigger manufacturers
which occupy the largest areas and have the
biggest production of wine in Slavonia and
were created from formerly socially owned
enterprises, nowadays there are also many
medium-size wineries, comprising small
family cellars. These are Kutjevo winemakers,
Krauthaker (multiple award-winning wines,

traditionally good Riesling and Chardonnay

and Sauvignon Blanc and a very interesting sweet Zelenac) and Enjingi (one of the
pioneers of private production, a standard
good Chardonnay and Riesling, Pinot Noir
and some excellent Zweigelt and Venje vintages, agreat white cuve of several varieties).
Of the other manufacturers we should also
mention the vineyards of the Kutjevo family
Adi (a very popular Riesling), Gali (a new
producer, excellent Chardonnay and Sauvi8_slavonia

gnon Blanc), Mihalj (also excellent Riesling),

Lukaevi (causing attention with its Pinot
Gris), Jakobovi (Riesling, Rhine Riesling).
Among the medium winemakers we have
Zdjelarevi (Slavonski Brod Vineyards, one
of the first privately owned winemakers),
which along with a good range of wines
(Chardonnay and Riesling) offers hotel services too. In recent years excellent wines are
produced by prominent Josi, Kalazi and
Gertmajer from Baranja. The Slavonian

wine scene contains many more promising

winemakers but it is impossible to mention
them all here, but they are already attracting world attention and will certainly play
a major role in the production and range of
wines of this region in the future.
In addition to great wines, Slavonian wine
makers including the smaller ones are in
most cases focused on wine tourism as well
and combine their wine with the beautiful
landscape and gastronomy of the region.



Central Croatia
is the home
of cheese and
cream, and
famous dairy

Central Croatia inherited the best from their close

neighbours while preserving its native foods from oblivion

and has given them contemporary features that have not
jeopardized their original quality. That is why the gastronomy
of Central Croatia is clearly positioned on the national culinary atlas.

Did you know?

Varadins klipi, the
Croatian version of a
French croissant, is a short
breadstick of a golden
colour and wonderful
taste, is usually served
at breakfast, but also on
many other occasions. It
dates back to the 18th
century and represents the
first Croatian protected
bread product.

Central Croatias Cuisine is strongly influenced by Central European cuisine, mostly

Hungarian, Austrian, Slovenian and Czech,
but along with it cultivating ancient folk
recipes that accurately reflect the strengths
and uniqueness of the area where they were
born manages to maintain its originality.
From Zagreb, bypassing or passing Medvednica, we enter the Croatian Zagorje, a tame
undulated region which is reminiscent of
Italian Tuscany and which, by its configuration, already reflects its natural diversity that
will show up strongly in the culinary details.
And among these extraordinary gastronomic minutiae, a place of honour belongs
to one extraordinary dish turkey with
dumplings (mlinci) which most strongly
defines the culinary identity of the Croatian
Zagorje. Zagorjes turkey, the only Croatian
indigenous breed, is hardly bigger than a
chicken, lives naturally and feeds on natural food, grows slowly and weighs no more
than three kilos and its meat quality differs
greatly from those that are artificially reared
and can reach twice the weight.
Turkey roasted in the oven, if desired, with
potatoes, is usually served with mlinci
dough rolled out until very thin, then baked
on an electric hotplate or on an old-fashioned wood stove, then just immersed in
boiling water, drained and poured over with
grease from the turkey roast. Turkey with
dumplings is usually served as a Christmas
dinner, as well as during other holidays and
festive occasions, and, as we know, in American gastronomy, turkey (without mlinci!)
is a traditional meal served at Thanksgiving
(Thanksgiving Day).

This specialty of Zagorje has spread to other areas in Croatia,

all the way to Dalmatia, where roast turkey reared in the hinterland, is also considered an excellent dish. Turkey is a part of
a long tradition of poultry farming, not only in the Croatian
Zagorje region, but throughout Central Croatia, especially in
the Varadin area and Meimurje. Domestically bred chicken,
roosters or baby chickens which, in their quality, are essentially
different from those artificially bred, are regularly on the menu
in this Croatian region, both in households and in restaurants.
Poultry is prepared in various ways, baked, fried, boiled, grilled
and in perkelt. Organic eggs, in quality and colour, also vary
considerably from eggs bought in supermarkets, and is very
often baked in lard, commonly used in other cooking too.
When it comes to poultry, ducks and geese are among the
praised specialties, which gourmets claim are the best in Turo

polje, which has plenty of water and has a long tradition of

superior breeding and preparation.
In central parts of Croatia, especially in winter, a typical continental food is served, such as ham or pork leg with sauerkraut,
beans with turnips, sauerkraut with smoked meat, black pudding with potatoes and sauerkraut, sarma (cabbage rolls stuffed
with meat), pasta with cabbage or spinach, beans with cabbage
etc. Cabbage, fresh and pickled, is strongly represented in the
gastronomy of the area and the most appreciated comes from
the Varadin region. Beans and potatoes, prepared in many
ways, are also very often on the menus of local residents and an
extremely healthy pumpkin seed oil is used in salads.
Pumpkin, often scorned, in recent times has experienced a real
renaissance and is served in the most prestigious restaurants as
a creamy soup or baked as a side dish.

Turkey with dumplings

(mlinci) most strongly
defines the culinary identity
of the Croatian Zagorje
What lamb is for Dalmatian gastronomy
pork is for the continental area. Pork grilled
or roasted in the oven with potatoes is considered the biggest speciality. Crispy skin off
succulent meat is for many an unsurpassed
meat dish and the most appropriate dish for
the climatic conditions in which it is served.
Because of its juiciness, pork meat is suitable for barbecues and most often used are
chops, neck and so called lungi or pork fillet. Pork kare is separated from bones and
prepared in a special way: it is firstly marinated in oil and spices for two days, then
roasted in one piece, the fat poured over it
and finally stored in an earthen vessel and

thus is suitable for consumption for a longer

period of time.
Along with the traditional cuisine, restaurants such Vuglec Breg near Krapina, Kezele
near azma, Zlatne gorice and Zlatna guska
(Varadin), Mala hia near akovec and
many others, today offer menus which include more sophisticated versions of traditional cuisine based on local ingredients.
Although, it is difficult to locate the original
area whence the famous cheese and cream
arrived in the local gastronomy, it is pretty
certain that these milk products are, in many
ways, unique in Europe. Croatian Zagorje
is, certainly, at least one of homes of these

delicacies, whose consumption is widely

spread across the entire central Croatia and
also in Slavonia, Lika and other regions.
Home-cooked ham with onions, cheese and
sour cream, sprinkled with paprika according to taste, together with homemade corn
bread, locally called kurunjak, is one of the
biggest specialities of the continental cuisine
and which is, with great pleasure and admiration, accepted by foreign visitors too.


h ealth

wi n e s

The change of seasons in Central Croatia

is reflected on the gastronomic map of that
area. The harmonisation of the traditional
menu with the rhythm of nature shows all
the splendour of crops and animal products
that were used with great wisdom throughout all four seasons. Food was successfully
stored also in times when the resources of
modern gastronomy were not available.
Before we had refridgerators, pork meat
was kept by first dipping it into fat and then
stored in cold storage. For centuries due to
low winter temperatures fruit and vegetables
were processed and preserved in acid. Pickled peppers, pickled beets and sauerkraut
are sources of valuable vitamins of high bio
availability and natural probiotics, much
needed during the long winter months.
Goose meat and dairy products ensure gastronomic variety to the region, but also exceptional nutritional versatility, one of the basic
components of nutritional balance.
Central Croatia is a culinary crossroads of
the region and it could be said that all the
cuisines of Europe have crossed here. The
movement of people and goods has left its
mark and because of exceptional weather
conditions in the region, there are hundreds
of plant and animal species that form a part
of this sumptuous cuisine.
During your travels in the summer, seasonal
fruit and vegetables await you. You can taste
some old varieties of apples.

The tourist region of Central Croatia

includes four wine-growing areas, the subregions Zagorje Meimurje, Pokuplje,
Moslavina and most of the subregion Prigorje Bilogora. This is a typical continental
wine growing area and thus here we find
wines with these properties mostly white,
with accentuated freshness and fruitiness. Grapevines have been traditionally
grown here since the Roman Empire and
throughout history represent important agricultural crops. In recent years, viticulture
has developed intensively in this area, a
large number of small family wineries were
formed, particularly in areas where tourism
developed there are more and more winemakers who offer wine in a tourism related context. New varieties and technologies
are being introduced, the number of wines
on offer increases, so this area is rightly becoming one of the most important areas in

g roceries
Cheese, cream and butter
Pickled peppers stuffed with
Trout, perch
Meat from lodrice (meat stored
in fat)
Goose meat and its products
Black pudding

d ishes
Sauerkraut with baked black
Pork chop in its own sauce
Trout in corn meal
Hearty goose soup with
Cherry strudel

Vineyards and production conditions

Vineyards of Central Croatia are situated
on higher grounds and these are the slopes
of the mountains (Kalnik, Ivanica, Bilogora, Moslavaka gora) or low mountains,
which, especially on their southern slopes,
have excellent conditions for producing
high quality grapes. Vineyards can be found
even above 400 m altitude, in some cases
on very steep, but predominantly gentle
and slightly inclined hills. The whole area
is dominated by a continental climate, with
warm, not too dry, summers and slightly
keener winters. The lowest average annual
temperature is recorded in the northernmost part, in Meimurje (10 C, akovec),
and gradually increases towards the south
and east (11 C, Sisak). Drought does not
commonly occur in this area, due to good
rainfall distribution throughout the year,
although the annual amount of rainfall is
not too high (800-900 mm). The soil is
varied and usually of a lighter composition
in vineyards. Most vineyards are located in
Zagorje and Meimurje; this is a terrain of
undulating relief, scattered across the gentle hills of Zagorje and Meimurje. This is
the area of white wines, where most of the
continental varieties give fresh and light
wines, with very beautiful floral and fruit
aromas. Similar landscape can be found in
Pokuplje, where vines are now just returning to former positions, and to the east, on
the slopes of Bilogora and Moslavaka Gora,
there are more crops with new, modern
vineyards developing.

Varieties and their wines, and the

most important manufacturers
Conditions of production, especially climatic, have influenced the development of
typical continental varieties. These are the
varieties similar to those in the neighbouring countries (Slovenia, Austria, Hungary
and northern Italy) which have existed in this
region for the past hundred years. There are
several valuable indigenous varieties, but, in
general, we can say that the Central Croatia
region is very rich in varieties, so the range
on the market is very versatile. The most important variety is Riesling, usually the basic
wine of almost all manufacturers. Although
its grapes ripen later and it grows only in the
best locations, due to many positive characteristics many manufacturers produce it. Its
wines are usually fresh, medium strong, of a
discrete aroma, and from these varieties, all
categories of wine are produced. The varieties
of Pinot group (white/blanc, grey/gris and
red/ noir) have been grown in the local vineyards for a long time and because they mature
early, they are very suitable to grow in almost
all locations. Pinot Gris (Rulnder) have been
among the most sought after wines for a long
time, a white which has always been one of
the most prized varieties and Pinot Noir is,
without a doubt, the best choice for red wines
of many manufacturers in this region.
In addition to high quality red wines, the
production of sparkling wines is common.
For sparkling wines, of which there are some
of a very good quality in this area, Chardonnay is a very widespread variety often used
in recent years, as indeed everywhere in the
world. But Chardonnay wines that grow under these climatic conditions are somewhat
different from the heavy varieties in other
parts of Croatia. Their main characteristic is
freshness, fruitiness and elegant fullness, with
a discreet developed varietal flavour such
wines are often produced in Meimurje and
Croatian Zagorje. Riesling is also found in
many vineyards, as well as Sauvignon Blanc
and Traminac (Gewrztraminer), the variety
of high aromatic potential is best expressed
in such production conditions. These world
famous varieties with great characteristics
suppressed the indigenous varieties, of which
only a handful are of economic importance.
These are the Moslavac, also known as Furmint and ipon a variety which for years
was used for the production of table, common and inexpensive wines, but lately in
Meimurje great attention is paid to it. In
addition to special regulations regarding wine
production, the local manufacturers have
founded an association and under the name

of the local market Puipel they place

some excellent wines on the market.
In Moslavina and Pokuplje, we find another, less widespread, but excellent variety
of great qualitative potential krlet. It is a
very sought after wine because of its attractive characteristics discreet scent, light but
balanced flavors. In recent years, this sort
has became the subject of numerous professional activities and research which have local
support, because the wine krlet has become
the trademark of many local manufacturers.
There are several other less abundant white
local and foreign varieties whose wines can
be found on the market, but lately also more
and more blends that attract attention. Besides the aforementioned Pinot noir, red
wines are made mostly of Frankovka, which
gives only looked-for characteristics for just a
few manufacturers and more recently Merlot,

Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, etc., but in this

area, they are of a high quality only and in a
few locations.
There are many manufacturers in this region, most of them small family farms which
started production for a wider market ten
or so years ago. Most of them are in the
northwest region, to mention only few in
Meimurje: Agromeimurje Inc. (produces
good and cheap wine), Bobnjar (excellent
Sauvignon), Lovrec (large selection of quality
wines), Cmrenjak (Rhine Riesling, Puipel)
Dvanajak -Kozol (Puipel) tampar (yellow
Muscat), Jakopi (Sauvignon Blanc), etc.,
then in the Croatian Zagorje and Prigorje
Bilogora: Bodren Ltd. (expensive but excellent Prdicate wines, four gold medals from
last years Decanter World Wine Award),
afran (Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling), Winery
Vinski Vrh (Riesling, Pinot Noir), Petroveki

(many labels), Badel 1862 (Krievo vineyards

Ltd. known for Riesling in the category
of less expensive wines produced en masse),
Matoec (excellent Pinot Gris from Podravina sands), etc. Pokuplje is represented with
only a few manufacturers, many of them located in Moslavina. Most of them produce
wines from the standard, aforementioned
varieties, however more and more of them
are increasingly turning to production of the
indigenous krlet (Miklaui, Florijanovi,
Mika, Jaram, Trdeni ...).
It is worth noting that many family producers from this region are modern pioneers of
wine tourism in Croatia but besides wines
they offer other products and services such as
accommodation and food, combining in the
best way all the virtues of the production of
quality wines, a beautiful environment and
good traditional cuisine.

Zagreb cuisine
inherited the best
from Croatian
regional cuisines




Zagreb and its surroundings nurture an enviable

gastro culture with one important feature: it is a bourgeois

cuisine, in many ways different than the rural, which shows
the art of food preparation in all its glory. Thus it is not the
most important whether a dish originates from Zagreb, but
the way it is prepared and enriched with culinary finesse.

Did you know?

In Zagreb, there are some
of the best Croatian
restaurants catering
for different genres, for
different budgets, with
an offer that could satisfy
the most demanding
customers of any European

When you look down upon Zagreb Dolac

market, one of the most panoramic views
of Zagreb, built in the 1930s to free the
central city square of stalls that had been
previously located there to sell food products, it is immediately clear that Zagrebs
paunch is a sumptuous and magnificent
exhibition of the best Croatia has to offer.
All Croatian regions pour their best exhibits into Dolac, thus capturing the national
gastronomic richness and high levels of
gastro culture in their region. Dolac market is a must visit for all tourists, many
of whom no longer have the opportunity
to enjoy such a luxurious presentation of
food in the open in their own country, accompanied by the folk elements that indicate the regional origin of foods and their
All Croatian regions are represented at Dolac, from those who gravitate to the city as
a vast market for the demanding consumer,
to those further away, for whom distance is
no obstacle as they are proud to offer their
products in this cult place.
A dairy department, a modernly equipped
fish selling area, the part above-ground
which looks like a vast tapestry of fruit and
vegetables and the part inside the building on the ground floor with butchers and
other food stores, offer consumers a choice
of their favorite food and many housewives
specifically decide their daily menu on the
spot at Dolac inspired by the daily selection
of foods.
Besides Dolac, there are other markets in
the city centre which offer the richest variety of food, but each quarter of Zagreb also
has its own neighbourhood market. Although large shopping centres completely

changed the system of supply and consumption of food, the

food market, as a key concept of tradition and gastro culture
in this area, survived this modern battle and retained its essential characteristics.
Just a brief glance at the Dolac and other markets convince
us that the Zagreb area cultivates great gastro culture, interspersed with many regional influences, but with one important
feature: it is a bourgeois cuisine, in many ways different than
the rural, which comes to show the art of food preparation
in all its glory. Thus it is not the most important whether a
dish originates from Zagreb, but the way it is prepared and
enriched with culinary finesses.
Zagrebs cuisine inherited the best of regional cuisines, so on
Zagrebs table, one will find excellent Mediterranean specialties

as well as delicacies from Slavonia, select Zagorje meals and

menus of neighbouring countries.
Sunday lunch could serve as a good overview of Zagrebs cuisine. Beef or veal soup with homemade noodles, followed by
veal or pork roast with potatoes, green salad, lambs lettuce or
arugula, and for dessert apple strudel or strudel made from
some other fruit, could be considered typical, almost a conventional family Sunday lunch, but equally other combinations
are as common as well.
After ajngemahtes aromatic soup with chicken liver dumplings usually is followed by fried chicken with mashed potatoes, lettuce, or beetroot. Dessert might be pancakes or
nenokle, kremnite- a cream cake bought in Samobor, home
of these native sweets; or poppy cake, walnut cake or some

Dolac was built in 1930

to move the food stands
from the citys central
square, it is Zagrebs
paunch and the most
beautiful market in

other sweet delights. Those who prefer lighter meals will go for a Mediterranean menu,
for example, fresh fish purchased early in the
morning from one of Zagrebs well-stocked
fish markets, which can be prepared in the
oven, na gradele (on a special grill) if the
host owns one, or boiled. The fish is usually served with chard and potatoes seasoned
with olive oil. For an appetizer fish soup and
octopus salad can be served, and for the dessert fritters, which were already very wellknown in continental cuisine or roata for
those families brave enough to try to prepare
this Dubrovnik specialty. If, for any reason,
the prospect of fish was not satisfactory, the
Mediterranean alternative is always available
cooked meat with vegetables, tomato salsa
or horseradish mixed with grated apple.
The fascination with young lamb is not just
a Southern tradition, it is equally eaten with
enthusiasm inland too, and it is considered
an highly esteemed and favourite food in
Zagrebs gastronomy too.
Zagrebs cuisine comes with the usual range
of demanding, expensive and pretentious
menus to traditional local dishes such as
stuffed peppers with mashed potatoes,
stews from cabbage, leeks and other vegetables, sarma, pork-tripe, pasta with cabbage,
chopped steak known as polpete or fairanci,
beans with sausages and smoked meat, riet
(vegetarian stew based on beans and barley),
beans with turnips, ajnpren-soup (egg soup),
wine stew, etc.
Some of the best Croatian restaurants are
situated in Zagreb; they are of various culinary genres and different price categories,
such as the luxurious Zinfandel in the Hotel
Esplanade, restaurant Dubravkin Put, appreciated Mano in the authentic surroundings
of Gliptoteka, Apetit (in two locations) with
an imaginative menu and expertly selected
range of wines, legendary Okrugljak with a
great menu closest to the concept of Zagrebs
cuisine, which, with its outdoor terrace, the
murmur of the brook and the sound of an
old spinning mill, evokes the spirit of old
Zagreb and offers visitors an extraordinary
experience, not just a culinary one.
Among the esteemed and popular Zagreb
restaurants there are also: Balthazar with its
meat and fish delicacies, Vinodol located in
the city centre, Balon in an area where this
restaurant is very much needed, lovely Prasac in Gornji grad (the Upper Town), Gallo
in a renovated Art Nouveau palace in Donji
grad (Lower Town), Graanka Kamanjo a
popular restaurant of the same name as its
chef, a nice Triologija kod Kamenitih vrata,
Carpaccio in Tesla St, Lari i penati in Petrinjska St, Lainska klet, Kod Pere on alata
and Purger in Petrinjska St offering classic
Zagreb and home-style dishes and local cuisine, and many other restaurants that meet
high hospitality criteria. Eastern cuisine
is strongly represented in Zagrebs cuisine:

h ealth

grilled dishes such as kebabs, burgers and

other meats are very popular and are part of
a regular offering in many restaurants.
In Zagrebs surrounding areas, there are
several attractive restaurants with a typical
range of continental dishes, some of which
are Zeleni papar, Gabrek, pilja and Slavagora in Samobor and restaurant piek in
Zaprei with exceptionally creative cuisine
based on traditional foods.
Zagreb is the Croatian gastronomic capital
which has recognised all the qualities of regional cuisines and put them in its offer, in
a wide range from the highly sophisticated
bourgeois cuisine to the charming folk ones
which have kept rural authenticity. Open to
a wide range of culinary achievements, from
central European to Eastern, Zagreb can be
regarded as an important stop on a gastronomic journey through Europe.


Zagreb is a world metropolis where you

can taste specialties of domestic and international gastronomy. Due to transport
links and a favorable climate, nutritional
raw materials come to Zagrebs marketplace from across the region, but the typical range from the immediate surroundings
of the town is strongly present as well.
Zagreb is the ideal location, so that within
a few hours, fish from Adriatic fishing nets
arrive at the fish market, fish from nearby
rivers and fungi which are abundant around
the hillsides of Zagreb. Slavonia and Baranja areas provide a variety of grains and
products based on wheat, corn, buckwheat
The markets are full of top quality fresh
foods because Zagreb is the place where all
meals are prepared with the freshest ingredients. Quality assurance guarantees the
pleasure of food, but also a good balanced
A large number of restaurants with international cuisine meet the most complex
culinary desires and it is very unlikely that a
specific course in Zagreb cannot be found.
Zagreb is a city in which dishes are prepared
with olive, pumpkin seed oil, apple cider
vinegar and wine and meet high nutritional
requirements, but also you will find dishes
prepared in good old lard, goose fat and
spiced with red paprika.
The specifics of Zagrebs cuisine are also:
extravagant menus where they include caviar, Istrian truffles, lobster dishes, simplicity
and accessibility, which feature buckwheat,
corn ground at the mill, pumpkin, sauerkraut, nuts, apples and strawberries ...;
country-folk regularly offer on the markets
products that are part of the diet of them
and their families cottage cheese with
homemade cream, eggs from hens that live
outdoors, cured meat products prepared in
the traditional way.

g roceries

d ishes
Smoked trout
Kotlovina (meat, veggies and
sausages cooked in a cauldron
in the open)
Corn bread
Soup with mushrooms

wi n e s
The area around the capital city of Zagreb abounds in excellent locations suitable
for the production of quality wines. The
slopes of the mountain Medvednica offer good conditions for the vineyards and
the town itself, where the grapes traditionally grow (until the advent of phylloxera,
vineyards were located in the very centre
of town, on Kaptol and above the main
square!). Even today there are vineyards on
the edge of the city, but the eastern slopes of
Medvednica (the city of Saint Ivan Zelina)
and the slopes of Pleivice on the south enable the residents of the Croatian capital and
their guests to enjoy superb wine.


At only thirty kilometers from the bustling

city modern vineyards are planted with varieties known to the world, modern technology is applied, so the area is still highly prized
for the quality, especially of white wines. In
order to popularise these industries the wine
roads opened and Pleivika and Zelinska
roads opened in 2001, and since 2009 the
Wine Road of Zagreb City. So, to all visitors, in addition to beautiful scenery, Zagreb
offers excellent gastronomic delights lots
of traditional dishes and high quality wines.
In recent times, the city authorities have organised special wine events, the celebration
of Martinje (St. Martins, the holiday when

traditionally grapes turn into wine) to taste

and occasionally sell county brands wines
made from traditional varieties, portugisac
and kraljevina.

The conditions for growing grapes

and producing wine
The City of Zagreb is situated on the eastern
and southern slopes of Medvednica, its gentle slopes offer a favourable configuration
for growing vines. The slopes of Pleivica,
with its famous Roman amphitheatre has
been immersed in this wine culture for centuries, as well as Zelina area which traditionally focused on the production of grapes and
wine. That is the result of excellent natural
conditions, with sunny, warm and airy elevated vineyard locations, a sloping and
south-facing terrain. According to Croatian
legislation the wine vineyard area belongs
to two subregions Pleivica and Prigorje
Bilogora, temperatures are around 11 C
on annual average. The soil is of a diverse
composition: in vineyards it is lighter and
permeable, and rainfall is regular amounts
ranging from 850-1000 mm per year with
very a favourable schedule throughout the
year. These conditions are very suitable for
obtaining high quality and excellent white
wine, and traditionally the most cultivated
is the white variety. In recent decades, almost all the known varieties of the world
were introduced and some indigenous types
are being revitalised, so the region now offers many labels of mostly varietal wines.
This region has a relatively large number
of manufacturers in small areas, but in re-


cent years, several family wineries have enlarged into medium size, with the associated
amounts of wine for the Croatian market.

Varieties and their wines and the

most important manufacturers
In the last hundred years in the majority
of the Croatian mainland, including the
Zagreb area, the dominant variety is Riesling, the variety originating from Western
Europe, but, in this region, it has been domesticated and very well accepted. It is a
multipurpose variety; it generally gives good
quality table wines from the regular harvest,
but often yields Prdikat wines of the highest quality too. Its wines are fresh, aromatically discreet, of a moderate fullness and
strength, a basic wine of the large number
of manufacturers.
Lately Chardonnay has assumed dominance
in the younger vineyards; in these production conditions it is rich and full, often wine
with a high percentage of alchohol, of medium intensity and with a floral-fruity nose.
It manifests many varietal qualities here, and
although they are usually strong character
wines, climatic conditions make it special
and quite different from most wines of this
variety, especially in warmer areas. Riesling
has had its own place in Zagreb for a long
time, so it is often found in the local vineyards. Undoubtedly, many manufacturers
have nurtured the high quality features, and
these have a very nice nose, noticeable freshness and full flavour, often accompanied by
residual sugar. Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris
are common in the local vineyards, due to
earlier ripening these varieties are very suitable. The freshness and a very nice aroma
usually adorn these wines, which usually are
marketed as dry, medium strength, but of
noticeable fullness.
Silvanac and Sauvignon Blanc varieties
are also widespread in recent years and are
highly sought after wines, primarily due to
a very nice floral and fruity aroma, and from
Traminer, traditionally, excellent dessert
wines are produced. Late and selected harvests, often ice wines, are mostly obtained
by vinification of overripe grapes of this
variety, and these are wines of exceptional
characteristics highly aromatic (intense
aromas of honey, overripe and dry fruits),
and usually with more residual sugar. Less
common red varieties are led by the worldfamous Pinot Noir, but attention should
be paid to Portugizac, a red variety, which
has long been cultivated in the Zagreb area
and whose wines usually come on the market very young. Many are inclined to call


it Croatian Gamay Beaujolais, modeled

on the French wine regularly offered on
the market in November, in the same year
of harvest. Young Portugizac has excellent
characteristics as a young wine,bringing together a growing circle of admirers, and in
November, Portugizac days are also organised, when the wines of this variety are presented. In this way, the city authorities are
trying to encourage young people to enjoy
the culture of wine as in neighbouring
countries, supporting its planting and the
protection of its wines as a county brand.
Zagreb County in recent years prompted
the protection of another brand, Kraljevina
wines, indigenous varieties of this area. Often it is a basic wine of Zelina, very fresh,
light and easy to drink, a favourite with
local residents as a daily beverage. Major
manufacturers are Jarec family, Jarec-Kure,
Puhelek, Puhelek-Purek, Kos, Kos-Jurii
etc. In the vineyards of Zagreb and its surroundings some other indigenous varieties
can be found, such as Plavec uti, ipelj,
Ranfol etc., but they are rarely produced
Larger manufacturers are Badel 1862 (Kurija Nespe, and they produce Riesling Rajnski, Chardonnay, Traminac and Sauvignon
Blanc), Mladina Inc. (a number of wines,
best known for their Riesling and Muscat
Ottonel) and Bojakovina Inc. (wines under
the brand name of sv Jakob Pinot Gris,
Traminac, Riesling). Other vine growers
produce wine mainly on family farms, of
which some are more successful and have
now grown into small wineries. Most of
them are located in the area of Pleivice
and among the important and sought-after, award-winning wines, the Tomac family should be noted (excellent Chardonnay
and Sauvignon Blanc, a few sparkling wines
and in recent years as a rarity wine from
amphora) and Korak Family (Chardonnay,
Portugizac). There are also Ledi wines (Portugizac, Pinot Noir and Traminac) and several family cellars Agro Reek (Portugizac,
Rizvanac), Zdravko Reek (Silvanac zeleni),
Kunovi (Rhine Riesling, Chardonnay). In
St. Ivans Zelina most manufacturers are
also small family farms, and apart from the
Kraljevina, the ones to be noted are Riesling
(Kos-Jurii), Sauvignon (Puhelek-Purek)
and Pinot Blanc (Stjepan Jarec). Very near
to the centre of Zagreb, wines are produced
also by the University of Agriculture in Zagreb, offering to the market Chardonnay
and Traminac (Zlatarevo zlato /Goldsmiths
Gold) Riesling (Dora Krupieva) and some
other wines from grapes grown in the Jazbina college grounds.



bout wine

Croatia a small country

for great wines
Although Croatia is a small country, it offers
many interesting things to its guests. Among
other things, it is interesting for its wine,
which has been produced here since the beginning of vine cultivation in Europe. In addition to a long tradition of wine production
in Croatia, one can still find a large number of
indigenous grape varieties, many of which are
of specific characteristics and superior potential. If we take into account the facts that the
area for growing grapes is very diverse, that in
this small area four of the five climatic zones
can be found, that there are many variations in
relief and soil composition, the conclusion is
that Croatia has many kinds of wines of different and often original in their characteristics,
in short wine for every taste.

Croatian viticulture and oenology

in the past
There is evidence that the noble grape Vitis
vinifera was cultivated in this area from a few
centuries before Christ, when it was, according
to numerous sources, brought to the coastal areas by prehistoric traders and colonizers of the
Mediterranean, the Phoenicians and Greeks. A
special credit for starting wine growing and for
the introduction of initial wine varieties goes
to the Greeks, who reached the eastern Adriatic coast and settled permanently at prominent
points. They established settlements of the citystate (polis) type, the most famous of those are
Korkyra Korula, Issa Vis, Pharos Hvar,
Tragurion Trogir and Epidaurus Cavtat.
Grapes arrived on the continent later with the
expansion of the Roman Empire spreading
from south to north. The Romans spread and
developed wine growing and grapes arrived in
all areas where climatic conditions allowed its
cultivation. This activity runs throughout the
long history of ups and downs, and in the late
19th century wine growing reached its peak.
The official statistics of that time recorded the
largest area under vine, after which, unfortunately, it never reached that record area. The
reason for that was the emergence of new
diseases and phylloxera, which led to the deterioration of many vineyards and since wine
production was a very important industry, this
was reflected in major demographic changes.
Croatia is a country with a long tradition of
wine growing and wine production, but also
the homeland of many grape varieties. A lar86

ge number of varieties exist here since the beginning of cultivation, and the reasons for this
were many. Geographical position, turbulent
history and links with other nations and cultures have enabled our country to be introduced
to many foreign varieties, but it is certain that
a large number of the varieties originate from
here too. This is further confirmed by the latest
results of genetic research which agree that this
area is an important centre in the development
of genetic varieties, whence a number of Croatian, but also some world varieties originate.
Consequently in the pre-phylloxera era, when
the wine was at its peak Croatia was growing
more than 400 varieties, but in the reconstruction of vineyards many varieties disappeared.
However, the latest results from Croatian vineyard inventory and genetic identification of
varieties in cultivation show that about 130
varieties can still be found that can be regarded as indigenous. Many of them have very
high oenological potential, so in recent years
a number of rehabilitation programmes have
been implemented and some varieties have
already become economically important.

Croatia today
Viticulture and wine production are still very
important economic activities in Croatia. According to some indicators a large number of
residents directly or indirectly are connected
with this production, and the potential is
much larger than the current situation. The
total area of vineyards in Croatia, according
to official statistics, is about 33,000 hectares
and wine-growing areas are divided into two
regions (continental and coastal Croatia), 12
sub-regions and 66 vineyards. Within these,
many locations stand out with especially good
ecological conditions where they produce famous wines. The composition of vineyards
shows that the majority of vineyards are small
(less than a hectare more than 80% come
under this category) with small producers
predominating. Many of those produce wine
only for their own use, but there is also a remarkable number of market producers more
than 700 wineries produce around 2000 wines
with a protected geographical origin. But there
are only twenty of those whose production
exceeds 3000 hl/year and who belong to the
category of big wine producers. The production of white wines is predominant (70%), fol-

Edi Maleti

lowed by production of reds (29%) and ros

(only 1%).
Today, Croatia grows many varieties of grape
vines the official variety list shows that there
are two hundred of them. Besides the large
number of indigenous sorts almost all major
international varieties were introduced, many
of which show excellent results. For example,
Riesling (Riesling Italico, Welschriesling) exhibits high quality in all categories, according to
many wine critics in Croatia (Slavonia and
Danube regions) it reflects the maximum
qualitative potential. Today that is Croatias
most important variety (about 25% of cultivars), and it can be found in all wine regions
the continental regions. Beside it, Istrian
Malvasia and Plavac Mali are indigenous
Croatian aces leading varieties in their areas (Istria and Dalmatia), and an unavoidable
subject when talking about Croatian wines.
Their potential is very high, and as a result
of technological progress in recent years
wines of these varieties that attract attention
and consumer demand are produced. Along
with Riesling they occupy almost half of
Croatian vineyards and form the largest part
of the wine offer. It is also necessary to mention other wines Chardonnay, Pinot, Sauvignon, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah
and Rajnas Riesling varieties of the world,
as well as Poip, Teran, lahtina, Zinfandel
and Dubrovniks Malvasia of the indigenous
varieties that greatly enrich the Croatian
wine scene and without which any discussion about Croatian wines is inconceivable.
Despite poor recognition on the world wine
map, which is the result of small quantities
of wine production and the lack of recognizable wine brands, Croatia is, thanks to many
natural benefits, an interesting wine country.
Very diverse environmental conditions, a large
number of indigenous varieties and in recent
years development of high technology vinification create conditions for the production of high quality, and by its nature, original
wines. In addition, you can enjoy them with
traditional Croatian dishes, often in beautiful natural surroundings, which are undeniable and irreplaceable assets. That is why and
rightfully so, the wine stands out as a unique
product because it combines tradition, natural
resources and high technology enough for
complete enjoyment.

about vine


live oils

Benefits of olive oil

Due to its geographical location and the mild Mediterranean
climate, Croatia is rich in olive groves whose fruits have been
throughout the centuries a part of traditional food, especially
for the population living near the sea.
The olive tree can reach a ripe old age and has the ability of
auto renewal even in burnt areas. An olive tree on the Brioni
islands is one of the oldest olive trees in the Mediterranean,
and it is assumed that is about 1600 years old. Lunjske olive
trees on Pag and those from Katel-tafili and from Korula,
which also can count more than a thousand summers with
their fruit, full of yellow gold, deserve respect and special care.
The most common and most famous product of the olive is
olive oil, which is of a very specific taste and a pleasant, almost fruity smell, and can be found in various shades of green,
depending on the variety and the area from which the fruit
comes. In Croatia, there are several varieties of olives, of which
the most common are: oblica, roulja, bjelica, lastovka, bua, levantinka, debela. The oil quality is evaluated by analysis and by
tasters evaluation, and, in the most prestigious international
competitions, a number of Croatian olive oils have won gold
Olive oil is one of the most respected foods and its health benefits are recognized by modern science too. It has a protective


role in preventing cancer and a variety of malignant diseases

and significantly contributes to the preservation of the circulatory system. It is good to skin, it helps healthy development of
bones and brain tissue and due to a high content of antioxidants
it is considered that olive oil slows down the ageing process.
The secret of the healing properties of olive oil is in its composition it contains a large percentage (60-85%) of mono-unsaturated fatty acids or oleic acid, which is resistant to oxidation. It also contains carotene and chlorophyll which prevent
oxidation of oils, and essential vitamins A, D, K, and E.
Olive oil is the perfect blend of many components that have
powerful antioxidant effects and thus, when included in the
diet, serve the skin as an aid in preventing the bad effects of
ultra-violet rays. Oils are easier to digest than regular fats, including olive oils, which of all oils is the most easily digested. It
is believed that it is just as digestible as breast milk.
In addition to preserving beauty and health, olive oil is a must
in the kitchen, where it is used in the preparation of savoury
dishes, especially fish and meat with vegetables, and it is traditional and an essential ingredient in making authentic homemade cakes. So the secret of longevity of people who live by the
sea most likely lies in the regular consumption of fruits given
to us by this precious tree.

olive oils



Water is life
Water is the most important ingredient for the survival and
quality of life wherever you are. The human body consists of
60-70 percent of water, which is the basic, indispensable and
necessary daily dietary component. Water is the most important component of the cuisine; with a safe tap water we can
also choose one that has the characteristics suitable to our
needs (acids, alkalines, minerals).
Fortunately, Croatia abounds with water. The public water
supply system supplies 75 percent of the population, and
about 90 percent of the water in Croatia comes from the
supplies of high quality groundwater. Water is renewable,
and the data show that Croatia uses between 140 and 150
litres per capita per day, corresponding to the EU average. In
addition, 20 manufacturers offer high-quality water from water sources, natural water and mineralized water from deeppumping stations.
The human body and Croatia, according to information about
water, it seems, are in a statistical coincidence and it is clear
that the quantity, type and water quality are huge benefits that
we gladly share with our guests.
Water has always been prized for its value and it was always
managed wisely. Supporting this thought there is data on the
existence of some form of water systems far in the past. For
example, the remains of water pipes on Kupa River prove the
existence of water systems in the area of Sisak probably dating from the Roman period. Pools and tanks for organized
water supply of the population from ancient times are found
on the Briuni islands too and above Bol on the isle of Bra. It
is believed that parts of ancient Pulas water system originate
from the 2nd century. At that time water was largely passed
via clay pipes, and at the very end were found the remains of
lead pipes.
A similar ancient water supply system exists also in the area
west of Knin and a water supply system was buit in Zadar on

the order of the Emperor Trajan. From the time of Venetian

rule the remains of stone pipes were found in Ston and Gradac and wells in which water was collected were found on the
island of Hvar and other islands. Novalja on the island of Pag
was supplied by a water supply system that passed through a
Roman ditch and it operated on wind power.
Diocletians water system is one of the few which from the
beginning until now remained partly functional so that even
after almost two thousand years it is used to supply water to
inhabitants of Split. The water supply which goes from the
source of the Jadro river is extremely rich in high-quality water
of maximum purity and is more than nine kilometres long.
That the old masters certainly knew their job even without
having measuring instruments that we have today is proved by
the fact that they managed to build the system of water freefall. The slope has perfect channels towards Split. Relying on
the flawless performance of gravity, the slope is constant (2.43
), which has ensured the delivery of water to any desired
point in the city. Plumbing pipes partially go through the tunnels and aqueduct, which is part of todays cultural monument
the so- called Dry Bridge.
The most perfect water scenery awaits visitors in natural parks.
Whether you enjoy the waterfalls of Krka, Plitvice lakes or rivers, you will witness the wonders of nature that are impeccably maintained and their waters are pure. For those who seek
health benefits from water, Croatia abounds in numerous thermal and curative waters containing components whose benefits have been confirmed by epidemiological studies.
The Adriatic Sea is the largest water resource in Croatia. The
length of the Croatian coast is 1.880 km + 4.398 km surrounding the 1.244 islands, islets, reefs and rocks totaling 6.278 km.
The waters of the Adriatic are of the optimal temperatures
for our enjoyment and for the many animal species living in
the sea.



cological products
Ideal conditions
for production
Did you know?

Organically produced food has a special and important place because it attracts the attention of
manufacturers as natural conditions are almost
ideal. Proximity of roads to agricultural sites, and
the impeccable composition of soils make Croatia
one of the most favourable places for organic agriculture in the wider region. Easily accessible terrain
and the possibility of application of eligible technoproduction methods make organic production feasible and the vast unpopulated parts are the ideal
area for pasture and breeding of farm animals. Thus
organic production and preservation of indigenous
products in Croatia are booming and the statistics
are changing every few months. It is emphasised
that the analysis of food is carried out systematically and thoroughly.
Ecological products with the eco stamp have
been created in an orderly and controlled
manner. These manufacturers are listed in the
registry and all products are visibly marked. So,
we have organic apples, tomatoes, pumpkins,
carrots, wheat and poultry meat from eco breeding as well as fish (freshwater and marine) and
other types of meat.


ecological products


asic information about croatia

Welcome to Croatia!

Unique in so many ways, Croatia

has roots extending from ancient
times and a great cultural wealth
telling of its turbulent history from
the Roman era, the Renaissance,
the Baroque (period) and the
Ottoman conquests right up to the
present day which are exceptionally
alluring to all those who visit the
country. If we then add to this
rich cultural heritage the amazing
natural beauty which attracts
visitors at all seasons of the year,
the 8 national parks, 11 nature
reserves and the numerous heritage
sites under UNESCOs protection,
Croatia truly is a country of
incredible magnetic attraction.
Yes, Croatia is all that and so much
more. It is the home of the necktie,
the parachute, the torpedo, the
propelling pencil, the filament light
bulb, the worlds fastest electric
car, the Dalmatian dog, Marco
Polo, one of the oldest cities and
parliaments in Europe, the second
longest stretch of defensive walls in
Europe, the smallest cathedral, the
oldest arboretum and the oldest
film festival in the world and the
birthplace of great athletes.
And last but by no means less
significant than all the aforementioned the Croats themselves!
The Croatian people and their
kindness are a magnet which keep
drawing tourists back. Sometimes
the hospitality of the locals will
make you wonder whether you are
in your own home or simply on
holiday in Croatia!
Travel documents

A valid passport or some other

form of identification recognised
internationally - for some states,
an ID is also valid (a document
proving the identity and citizenship
of the bearer).


Information: Diplomatic missions

and consular offices of the
Republic of Croatia or the Ministry
of Foreign and European Affairs of
the Republic of Croatia
(Tel. +385 1 4569 964,
E-mail: [email protected],
medjunarodnopravna.pomoc@, [email protected],
Customs regulations

The customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia are harmonised

with the regulations and standards
of the European Union.
The import of personal luggage
is exempt from import duties,
without any limits or relation to its
value, provided that the traveller
can prove that all the luggage was
declared at the time of departure
to the person responsible for its
transport.This applies to each traveller who enters the EU, regardless
of whether he carries the luggage
with him or it arrives separately.
Personal luggage, which by its type
and quantity is not for resale but
solely for the personal use of passengers and members of their family, is exempt from import duties if
its total value does not exceed the
equivalent value of 2,200.00 kuna;
or for air and sea transport the
value of 3,200.00 kuna. Exemption
applies to each passenger individually, and can be applied only once
per day. Those items where the value
exceeds the specified amount or are
not considered to be personal luggage are subject to customs duties
and value added tax (and possibly
excise duties as well). The luggage
of passengers under 15 years old
is exempt from import duties up
to a total value of the equivalent
of 1,100.00 kuna, regardless of the
mode of transport used.

Passengers are obliged to report to

the Customs Service when they are
carrying the equivalent of 10,000
Euros or more in cash, whatever the
currency, or in any other means of
payment, such as cheques, whenever they enter or leave the EU.
Foreign nationals and Croatians,
who are resident in another country, may temporarily bring in items
for their personal use, as well as for
the use of their family members,
without being liable to import duties. Also, people residing in the EU
may temporarily export items they
need during their stay in a third
The personal belongings of passengers are any items, whether
new or used, which a traveller may
reasonably need for his personal
use during the journey excluding all goods being imported for
commercial purposes. Examples
of personal items are: video cameras, portable TV sets and audio
devices, cameras, laptops, PCs,
camping, sailing, scuba diving, skiing, skating and hiking equipment,
caravans, pleasure craft, portable
medical devices with accessories (if
necessary for the passenger), pets
and the like. The import of such
goods is made by oral declaration
without any particular customs
formalities at the border crossing.
The re-export of the above items is
done in the same way.
When a passenger imports or exports valuable professional equipment, when entering or leaving the
Republic of Croatia, he must complete a List of Goods in triplicate
at the border. If necessary, he must
attach an insurance document to
pay any customs duties which may
Individuals, who are neither resident nor have a usual address in

the European Union, are entitled

to a refund of value added tax
(VAT) on the goods they have
purchased in Croatia, if the value
of the goods exceeds 740 kuna per
purchase. The refund is obtained
upon presentation of the completed form VAT-P, in Tax free form.
This form must be certified, within
3 months of the date stated on the
invoice or delivery note, by Customs when taking the goods out of
the European Union. The foreign
citizen must submit the request
for the refund of VAT within six
months of the date of purchase.
For further information, please
contact Customs Administration
For information on the regulations
relating to importing personal
shipments and products of animal
origin in personal luggage, please
contact the Ministry of Agriculture
Administration for Veterinary
Medicine and Food Safety (Tel:
+ 385 1 6443 540),

The kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa).

Foreign currency can be exchanged
in banks, exchange offices, post offices, travel agencies and hotels.
Post and telecommunications

Post offices are open from 8am to

8pm. Certain post offices in major
centres are open weekdays from
7am to 8pm and Saturdays from
7am to 1pm. The on duty post
office is located at 4 Branimirova
Street, 10000 Zagreb, and is open
24 hours every day.
Phone cards are used in all public
telephones and may be purchased
from post offices and newspaper
kiosks. International calls may be
made directly from any public telephone.
Tel.: 0800 303 304
E-mail: [email protected]
Shops and public services working

During the tourist season, most

shops are open from 8 a.m. until
8 p.m. on weekdays, and most are
open during the weekends as well.
Public services and business offices
work from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.,
Monday to Friday.
Health services

There are hospitals and clinics

in all the larger towns and cities,
while smaller places have surgeries

c roatian e no g a s t r o n o m y

and pharmacies. Foreign visitors
who are covered by health insurance in their own country do not
have to pay for emergency health
care during their private stay in
the Republic of Croatia provided a
convention on Social Security has
been signed between their country
and Croatia. This is on the condition that they possess a certificate
stipulated by such a convention
confirming their right to health
care. Health care (including transport) is provided for emergency
cases in the same manner and
according to regulations valid for
Croatian citizens covered by Social
Security, with foreign visitors paying the same excess health care
costs as Croatian citizens. People
from countries with which no such
convention has been signed shall
personally bear the costs of the
health services provided. For further
information, please contact the
Croatian Institute for Health Insurance (standard health insurance
0800 79 79, premium health insurance 0800 79 89; Ministry of Heath
White Telephone 0800 79 99; web:
Power supply: 220 V, frequency
50 Hz
Tap water is safe to drink in all
parts of Croatia.
Public holidays

1 January - New Years Day

6 January - Epiphany
Easter Sunday & Easter Monday
1 May - Labour Day
22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day
25 June - Statehood Day
5 August - Victory Day and
National Thanksgiving Day
15 August - Assumption Day
8 October - Independence Day
1 November - All Saints Day
25 December - Christmas Day
26 December St. Stephens Day
Petrol stations

Petrol stations in larger cities and

on motorways are open 24 hours a
day. Petrol stations sell Eurosuper
95, Super 95, Super 98, Super plus
98, Euro Diesel and Diesel, and
gas (LPG) is also available in major
cities, and at petrol stations on
For information on fuel prices and a
list of places selling LPG gas go to:;;;

basic informations_tourist offices

Important telephone numbers

International dialling code for

Croatia: +385
Ambulance: 194
Fire Brigade: 193
Police: 192
National Centre for the Co-ordination of Search and Rescue at Sea: 195
National Protection and Rescue
(single European number for emergency services): 112
General information: 18981
Information on local and intercity
telephone numbers: 11880 and
Information on international telephone numbers: 11802
Weather forecast and road conditions: 060 520 520 (automated
messaging system), price: 3.49
kuna per minute from a landline
and 4.78 kuna per minute from a
mobile; Telecom service provider:
HT d.d., Savska cesta 32, Zagreb,
Tel: 0800 1234.
Duty weather forecaster at the NHI
(from 8am to 6pm): 060 616 666,
price: 6.99 kuna per minute from a
landline and 8.41 kuna per minute
from a mobile, Service provided by
the National Hydrometeorological
Institute, Tel: 01 4565676, HT d.d.,
Savska cesta 32, Zagreb.
Croatian Automobile Club (HAK):
Roadside vehicle assistance: 1987
(When calling from abroad or by
mobile phone, call +385 1 1987)
Road conditions: 062 777 777
Customer service: 0800 9987
+385 1 6611 999
E-mail: [email protected]

ffices of the Croatian

National Tourist Board


(Hrvatska turistika zajednica)

Croatian National Tourist


Iblerov trg 10/IV

10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 4699 333
Fax: +385 1 4557 827
E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Kroatische Zentrale fr Tourismus

E-mail: [email protected]
Kroatische Zentrale fr Tourismus

Frankfurt, Deutschland
E-mail: [email protected]
Kroatische Zentrale fr Tourismus

Mnchen, Deutschland
E-mail: [email protected]
Ente Nazionale Croato per il Turismo

E-mail: [email protected]
Chorvatsk turistick sdrueni

esk republika
E-mail: [email protected]
Chorvtske turistick zdruenie

Slovensk republika
E-mail: [email protected]
Horvt Idegenforgalmi Kzssg

Dear Guests,
In order to ensure both your
pleasant stay in our country and
the observance of its laws, we
respectfully request that you check
whether you have been correctly
registered for the whole period
of your stay, from the day of your
arrival to the day of your departure.
This is an important and necessary
procedure, particularly if you are
staying in private accommodation,
in order to guarantee the quality
of service and your personal safety
as well as to prevent the illegal
provision of accommodation by
those who are not registered with
the appropriate authorities.
We thank you in advance for your
co-operation and wish you a
pleasant stay.

E-mail: [email protected]
Office National Croate de Tourisme

E-mail: [email protected]
Croatian National Tourist Office

United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]

Narodowy Orodek Informacji

Turystycznej Republiki Chorwacji

E-mail: [email protected]
Kroatiska Turistbyrn

E-mail: [email protected]
Kroatisch Nationaal Bureau Voor

E-mail: [email protected]
Office National Croate
du Tourisme

E-mail: [email protected]
xopbatckoe typcteckoe

E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]
Hrvaka turistina skupnost

E-mail: [email protected]
Kroatische Zentrale fr

E-mail: [email protected]
Oficina Nacional de Turismo de

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]



Croatian Tourist Board

The author of the concept, Art Director, Photo Editor and Author of photographs

Damir Fabijani

The Author of Croatia, Gastronomic Princess of the Mediterranean and Europe

Veljko Barbieri

The Author of The Country of culinary diversity and texts about gastronomies in each region

eljko utelija

The Author of Why enjoy Croatia?, Olive Oil, Water, Ecological products and texts
About health in each region

Olja Martini

The Author of Croatia a small country for great wines and About wine in the texts
under each region

Edi Maleti

Graphic design and layout

Studio Rai; Ante Rai

Image processing for printing

FAB d.o.o./Ines Puli, Petar Strmeki


Croatian Language School London


Radin Print d.o.o.

Zagreb, 2014
The data and descriptions in the articles express views and professional opinions of authors
who the Croatian National Tourist Board engaged as top specialists in their fields.
The publisher does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the information published herein
and shall not be responsible for possible inaccuracies or changes to this information.

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