International Liquidity
International Liquidity
International Liquidity
Refers to the adequacy of a country's, or the world's, international reserves. Under the Bretton
Woods System, liquidity was a problem, since it depended on US dollars and thus a US
deficit. The SDR was an attempt to fix this.
resources in the form of land, mines and forest but for dealing with foreign country, that
nation should have foreign currency in hand.
International liquidity measures a country's ability to make good on its debts in the short-term.
Jeffrey Chwieroth of the London School of Economics defines it as the total value of all gold, foreign
cash reserves and available international credit held by a country
International liquidity is important to consider when investing in a foreign country because it
indicates how safe your investment is. A country with high international liquidity has plenty of
liquid assets, which means it has the cash on hand to pay its debts quickly and easily. A country
with less international liquidity may have plenty of assets, but ones which cannot be used to
quickly pay off debts, such as natural resources.
After the Asian financial crises of 1997, it became clear that with