WWF-Tanzania Fact Sheet

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People & Nature



Restoring landscapes and reducing deforestation
The Office through Forest project has supported the establishment of both new Protected
Areas as Village Land Forest Reserves and Local Authority Forest Reserves in priority
landscapes. There has been significant achievement with the demarcation of 260,000 ha
within priority landscapes (4,200 ha in Zanzibar and 255,800 ha in Tanzania mainland).
The protected areas developed are strategically located to provide corridors, buffer
functions and connectivity within the landscape areas

generations2006-2012: Rehabilitation of 1,888 ha. equivalent to 6.4% of

the total degraded (29,513.4 ha.) forests adjacent to Udzungwa National Park.

WWF has been involved in project work in Tanzania since 1962, but it was in 1990 that it
first established its Tanzania Programme Office (WWF TPO), to develop and manage a
coherent conservation programme for Tanzania and to develop strong links with both the
governmental sectors, institutions and the civil society organizations. It was registered
under the Tanzanian NGOs Act as of February 2004 operating under an agreement with
Tanzanian Government with the latest five year agreement effective from October 2010.
In 2009 WWF-Tanzania changed its status to Country office headed by a Country Director.
Since the establishment in 1990 the Tanzania office has seen an exponential continued
growth with the biggest expansion happening between 2007 and 2010 where the
conservation portfolio annual funding increased from TZS 4.89 (2007) billion to
TZS 11.7 (2010)billion to 16.3 billion (2012) and a staff base of over 100 people in 2012
from 70 in 2007.
Conservation being the core focus WWF Tanzania has been actively involved in the
conservation of natural resources inTanzania in collaboration with government
institutions, local communities and other conservation partners including Civil society
Organizations. While promoting and supporting conservation programmes,
WWF-Tanzania works to ensure that natural environment is well managed and remains
a dependable source of livelihoods for the present and future generations

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WWF- Tanzania operates throughout
the country and currently manages a
portfolio of 7 initiatives/ programs
having a suite of 23 projects that has an
average annual budget of USD 8 million
and around 100 permanent staff as of
September 2012.Main programs are
therefore Coastal & Marine, Forests,
Freshwater, Community based Natural
Resources Management, National
Environment Education and Cash-for

communities are expected to benefit

from sustainable use of natural
resources and improve their

Forests: that comprises of Coastal,

Eastern Arc and Miombo Forests;

Rosana standing in front of a house she

built with money earned through CFW

Freshwater: covering the Great Ruaha

River and Mara River Programmes;
Coastal & Marine: implemented through
Mnazi Bay & Ruvuma River Estuary
Marine Park (Part of the
Mtwara- Quirimbas ecosystem) and the
Rufiji-Mafia-Kilwa RUMAKI Seascape

A Total of 57,087 people directly

benefitted from WMAs through
employment andbusiness
opportunities. The employment
included working for WMA through
work in private sectors in a WMA.
Business opportunities involved the
sale of local produce and handicrafts,
among other things.

Species focusing on African Elephants

within the Selous-Ruvuma wilderness
and Rhino work in Tanzania as well as
Marine Turtles, Dugongs and Whale

The Great Ruaha photo by Onesmo Zakaria


Climate Change: that addresses the

vulnerability assessments and
adaptation within Coastal & Marine,
Forests and Freshwater using among
others, Payment for Environmental
Services (PES) and Reduced Emissions
from Deforestation and forest
Degradation (REDD) mechanisms;
Policy: that includes support in
development and implementation of
key NRM and Environmental policies
and respective legal frameworks and
strategies; and,
Environmental Education: that supports
both formal and informal environmental
education and awareness embedded
through conservation programmes.

WWF Tanzania in collaboration with
WWF - US has been implementing a
Community Based Natural Resources
Management (CBNRM) Policy program
with funding from USAID since January
2010. The program primary goal is to
enhance communityparticipation in
wildlife conservation through
establishment and management of
Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) on
village land. By registering a WMA,

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The Ruaha Water program has

established a strong network with
different experts and experienced
support group; who have either
involved themselves in conducting
water related research in the Great
Ruaha Catchment or involved in
implementing, managing or
researching complex water related
multistakeholder programmes. Also,
the core team, for programme phase II
implementation has been formed, built
and consolidated through different
activities establishment and use of
Basecamp portal.

If we did not participate in the WMA,

Where do you think all these benefits
could have come from, no matter how
little or big?

Moreover WWF offered over 11,500

jobs to men and women from the
targeted villages through its cash for
work project. More than
TZS 846,922,100 was injected into
the local economy to improve

Species work involves protection of key

species mainly Elephants, Rhinos and
Marine turtles; focusing on supporting
implementation of Species Action Plans
(SAPS) within the Ruvuma landscape,
RUMAKI & Mtwara- Quirimbas complex
plus establishing and expanding
ecosystems and habitats that support
protected areas, migratory corridors and
dispersal areas. WWF-Tanzania works
with relevant government institutions to
identify and facilitate establishment of
protection of critical sites. Community
Based Natural Resources Management,
Participatory Forest Management and
MPA Networks approaches are
examples that WWF facilitates to engage
communities in achieving these
objectives where such natural resources
remain an integral part of
communities livelihoods.

WWF- Tanzania has six freshwater
programmes/projects. These are:
Ruaha Water Program, Mara River
Basin Management Initiative, Lake
Victoria Catchment Environmental
Education Program, Water Futures
Partnership and two Equitable
Payment for Watershed Services
(in Uluguru and East Usambara

Rungwecebus Kipunji photo by Trevor Jones

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Main Conservation achievements of

WWF-Tanzania in FY12 include:

Crosscutting and emerging issues

CC; Cross cutting issues includes climate
change that involves undertaking
vulnerability assessments and support to
the implementation of adaptation
strategies using various PES mechanisms
such as ccarbon markets and REDD
initiative. Pilot climate change adaptation
interventions will be up-scaled within
Marine, Forests and Freshwater
Energy; Energy entails support to
sustainable charcoal production,
promoting best practices in oil & gas as
well as biofuel investments and adoption
options for energy alternatives and
sustainable production.

Usambara forest landscape has been lost

over a period of 30 years (1975-2006).
These forests and woodlands are
important connecting corridors of high
value conservation areas and various
species within the Coastal and Eastern
Arc forests.The achievements have been
made more successful through
promoting participatory forest
management (under Village Land Forest
Management), over 260,000 ha of
forests in coastal forests and Eastern
Arc forests.

Species rediscovered

The Forest program has facilitated a

research that traced two tree species on
Coral rag forests along the coast of Kilwa.
One is Erythrina schliebenii belonging to
legume family trees easily identified by
its red flowers and spiny trunks while
WWF Tanzania has achieved working on the other is Karomia gigas. Both of which
a strategy to encourage collaborative anti- were previously declared extinct on Earth
poaching efforts whereas the Government
has already embarked in anti- poaching
both aerial and ground Patrol in Ruvuma
landscape/ throughout the Elephant
range in Tanzania technically and
financially, the wildlife intelligence
system and judiciary has been
successfully lobbied for the government
to reinvest in conservation and
successfully encouraged the use of
non-lethal Human elephant mitigation
techniques HEC

Before 2007, 1,404 km2 near shore
waters within MPAs of which 92% was
effectively unmanaged. Marine parks
that existed became unpopular with
communities and this raised a concern
to introduce co-management approach
in marine fisheries sector by
WWFTanzania through the RUMAKI

African Elephant in Selous photo by Cyprian Malima

From 2004 to date, WWF has supported
establishment of about 200,000 ha of
new protected forests in Coastal and
Eastern arc forests and Woodlands
occurring in the general land. This is in
addition to restoration of 63,000 ha of
Village land Forest Reserves previously
reported in 2007 in the National Forest
and Beekeeping Data Base. Why is this
important? The rate of deforestation and
degradation in forest resources in
Tanzania is quite alarming.
For example, recent analysis of photo
satellite images by an American research
Jaclyn Hall has revealed that over
16,680 Ha of forest cover in the East

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Mafia Deep Sea, photo by Andrew Sutton,

The programme, with partners, has

pioneered the design, adoption and
implementation of a co-management
model for fisheries governance in the
Rufiji-Mafia-Kilwa seascape in
Tanzania, providing a model for Coastal
East Africa. By 2012, six new
collaborative fisheries management
areas (CFMAs) established = 2500 km2
under new co-management
arrangements encompassing 21 villages
or approx. 50,000 people

Enhancing anti-poaching patrols in the

Selous ecosystem: The anti-poaching
intelligence networking managed to
develop a strong anti-poaching network
system which works with informers
from all villages to enhance proactive
strategies for tracking down people who
are engaged in illegal killing of wildlife
including elephants.
Policy recommendations have been
provided recommending biofuel
projects to adhere to environmental
laws, suitability and sensitivity mapping,
less than 33 years lease for biofuel
projects to mention just few. A
noticeable impact in the on-going
process to development of biofuel policy
and legal framework in Tanzania has
been realized as 90% of CSO
recommendations were taken on
Much effort was made to improve
biodiversity and ecological functions of
the landscape by increasing area of
forests and vegetation cover through
tree planting and agroforestry practices.
This included18 Village Land Forest
Reserves covering 1041 established and
1,857.3 ha covered through tree planting.
Natural forests clearing were reduced
by more than 93% since June 2004.
A rate of forest disturbances in East
Usambara has significantly been
reduced with the proportion of tree cut
decreased from 0.13% 2009 to 0.08%
and poles cut from 1.98% in 2009 to
0.44% in June 2012. Management
effectiveness has improved from 52.6%
62.8% in 2009 to 66.67% - 86.42% in
June 2012. Threat reduction score both
in National and Village land forest
reserves have improved from 15% - 64%
in 2009 to 30% - 90% in June 2012.
Collaborative engagement between
districts authorities and other
stakeholders in fisheries management
facilitated establishment of 25
communities fisheries management
groups/Beach Management Units (BMUs)
in 25 villages of 3 districts (Rufiji, Mafia
and Kilwa) and raising their technical
capacity in conflicts management,
planning, development of bylaws, patrols,
fisheries catch data collection and revenue
collections was accomplished. Members of
21 groups became empowered and are
independently making decisions, plan and
implement fisheries management
BMUs are now collecting their operational
funds from fisheries based revenues with
encouraging (average 40.45%) increase
(from TZS 9,327,669/= (USD 5830) of
FY11 to TZS 15,664,501/= (USD 9790)

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About 80,000 tree seedlings of different

species have been raised. Furthermore,
during this period 100,00 trees have been
planted in Nyambili and Bumba Msolo
Ten (10) efficient kilns have been
constructed and are in use. The efficiency
of improved charcoal kilns under
promotion is between 45 50% of
productions, compared to 5-10% of old
and traditional kilns.
FSC certification of Improved local
livelihoods evidenced by funds from the
sale of certified Lesser Known Timber
species (LKTS) being used on community
projects. This Include the construction of
one community water project in Kikole,
community dispensaries in Kikole and
Kisangi and village office and community
worker house in Nainokwe.
About 61,274Ha of Nanjirinji Village Land
Forest Resources (VLFR) under Mpingo
Conservation Development Initiatives
(MCDI) Group certification scheme to
more than 80,000Ha in Tanzania. A total
of USD 10,600 (Tshs 16,536,600) for
Liwiti, Nainokwe, Kikole and Kisangi
villages from selling of 179.27m3 of

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Extension of Protected Areas (PAs)

coverage by 133,577 Ha within the
landscapes of Rufiji, Kilwa and Lindi
were achieved through participatory
village land use plans. The developed
PAs are strategically located to provide
corridor,buffer functions and
connectivity within the landscape areas.
Most of the Land use plans have been
approved by respective villages. Further
survey and demarcation of new Village
Land Forest Reserves was carried out in
Mkinga, Bagamoyo and Pangani districts
where 19,500 ha have been demarcated
and mapped for conservation.

Key socio-economic and conservation

While the Tanzanian government has
continued to demonstrate her
commitment in environmental
conservation by endorsing various
policies, serious environment and natural
resources management challenges have
continued to emerge including increasing
degradation of forests, marine, water and
wildlife resources. Key drivers for the
degradation relate to increasing
population (which has doubled over the
last two decades) and the associated
intensification and diversification of land
and resources use. These are related to
Tanzania being largely an agriculture and
natural resources dependent country
exploited both for livelihood support
systems and the national economy.

Natural resources governance is also

ineffective in a number of areas with
weak institutions relating to inadequate
policy and legal framework
implementation, participation and
capacity limitations, awareness, political
commitment and incentives for
compliance. Increasing poverty levels
poses real threats and challenges to the
national economy, primarily dependent
on its natural resource base.
Other challenges relate to climate change
impacts and related adaptation needs, the
extractives industry including energy
where the focus is on exploration of oil
and gas and biofuels investments.
Overriding poverty and population growth
plus limited partners capacity and
effectiveness Dynamite fishing remains a
major challenge and limited policy & legal
framework enforcement

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About WWF-Tanzania
Field Offices
Main programs
Forest, Fresh Water, Coastal &
Marine; Climate Change;
Environmental Policies and
Environmental Education, Cash
for Work. WWF-Tanzania has a
suite of around 23 Projects.



WWF-Tanzania manages
10 other field offices
throughout the country.

WWF- Tanzania is Located in

Dar es Salaam under the East
and Southern Africa Regional


WWF-Tanzania was established
In 1990, formerly known as Tanzania
Program Office until 2009 where the
status was changed back to a Country

WWF Tanzania, plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni,

P.O Box 63117, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. www.panda/tanzania.com

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Why we are here

To stop the degradation of the planets natural environment and
to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

WWF- Tanzania has

Over 100 filled staff

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