Syllabus Safety Education

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Vinayaka Missions University,Directorate of Distance Education

Salem India


1 Yr.
UNIT - 01
Chapter I
Introduction - safety - goals of safety engineering. need for safety. safety and productivity definitions - accident, injury , unsafe act, unsafe condition, dangerous occurrence, reportable history of safety movement .theories of accident causation
Chapter II
Safety organization:
Objectives, types, functions, role of management, supervisors, workmen, unions, government and
voluntary agencies in safety. safety policy - safety officer-responsibilities, authority - safety
committee-need , types, advantages.
UNIT - 02
Chapter III
Safety education:
Definition - education and enforcement. - methods - training -importance, various training
methods, effectiveness of training, behaviour oriented training. communication- purpose, barrier to
Chapter IV
Safety performance monitoring:
Introduction - importance of monitoring - frequency rate, severity rate, incidence rate, activity rate
- job safety analysis safety surveys - safety audits - inspection procedure - safety sampling
techniques safety inventory technique.
UNIT - 03
Chapter V
Cost of accidents-computation of costs- utility of cost data - plant safety inspection, types - accident investigation - why? when? where? who? & how? - environment and systems .process of
investigation - tools-data collection - handling witnesses - accident analysis -analytical techniques
- system safety - change analysis -mort - multi events
Chapter VI
First aid:
Principles - role of the first aider - ABC of first-aid for injured and sick in industry - sequence of
action on arrival at scene - vital signs - breathing - pulse - body - basic anatomical terms - body
cavities-head- cranium - thorax - abdomen and pelvis.
UNIT - 04
Chapter VII
First-aid practice in industry:
Managing first-aid centers- equipping first-aid center- training of first-aiders- training of employees

in first-aid under St. John ambulance - ambulance room- equipping ambulance- transport of
injured and sick - first - aid specifics
Chapter VIII
Structure and functions of musculoskeletal systems, tendons, ligaments, facia, bone, muscles,
joints and basic mechanisms - the respiratory system - respiratory failure - asphyxia- abdominal
thrust in Heimlich.
UNIT - 05
Chapter IX
Nervous system:
Functions - components - brain - cerebrum - cerebellum - medulla oblongata -cerebro - spinal fluid
- spinal cord - autonomic nervous system.
Chapter X
Causes -level of consciousness-management of unconscious casualty problems of
unconsciousness - fainting-recognition-management-aftercare - diabetes - hypoglycaemia hyperglycaemia - management. seizures - features- management , stroke - head injuries-fractures
of the base-vault and sides of skull.
UNIT - 06
Chapter XI
Wounds and fracture:
Types of wounds - case of wounds-bleeding from special sites - fractures- classification of
fractures - chest injuries - types - fractured ribs - pneumothrox - haemothrox. - sprains and
dislocation - broad - and narrow fold bandages - hand bandages - slings - the skin.
Chapter XII
Burns - rule of nines - pure thermal burns - electric burns - chemical burns - radiation burns - cold
burns - physical fitness - casualty handling - use of stretchers - bleeding - acid-alkali-chemical
splash - managing unconscious worker in the workplaces.
1. N.V. Krishnan, Safety management in industry, Jaico publishing house, 1997
2. Ronald P. Blake, Industrial safety:, prentice hall, New Delhi, 1973
3. David L. Goetsch, Occupational safety and health, prentice hall
4. Willie hammer, Occupational safety management and engineering, prentice hall.
5. Lalan waring, Safety management system, Chapman & Hall.
6. John V. Grimaldi and Rollin H.Simonds, Safety management, all India travelers.

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