Flimmer: A Flying Submarine - Spectra 2014

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The Flimmer program aims to develop a vehicle that can rapidly deliver unmanned underwater vehicles to operational areas by flying over water instead of swimming long distances. This allows quicker access to areas not accessible by continuous underwater pathways.

The Flimmer program seeks to investigate the potential of rapidly flying a submarine over the ocean’s surface into position, transitioning from flight to underwater propulsion via flapping fins, and enabling an underwater swimming mode.

The Flimmer vehicle must balance buoyancy, weight, and structural elements to function as both an aircraft and submarine. It must reduce enclosed air volume for submarine mode while strengthening structures to survive splashdown from flight into water.



Flimmer team (left to right): Trent Young, Jason Geder, Dan

Edwards, Marius Pruessner (not shown: Ravi Ramamurti).

A Flying Submarine
The Flimmer (Flying Swimmer)
program at the Naval
Research Laboratory (NRL) is
merging two research areas
to provide a novel airborne
delivery method for unmanned
underwater vehicles (UUVs).

Underwater vehicles are limited in

top speed by the drag produced in
water. However, air is approximately
1000 times less dense than water, so
the power required to overcome drag
is substantially reduced in air. By
flying over the surface of the water
rather than swimming long distances
through it, delivery of a UUV to an
operational area can be accomplished much more quickly, and delivery is possible to areas not directly
accessible through continuous water

pathways. The Flimmer program

seeks to investigate the potential of
rapidly flying a submarine over the
oceans surface into position, transitioning from flight to underwater,
and then enabling a swimming mode
once underwater.

Major Design Considerations

In general terms, an aircraft is a

specific outer shape held rigidly in
place with a series of internal structural elements. Weight is the enemy
of an aircraft designer: an increase in
weight requires additional lift to keep
the vehicle aloft. Drag is increased
due to this extra lift, which requires
more power to overcome that drag.
To keep aircraft lightweight, they are
typically manufactured as a thin skin

supported by minimal internal structures with low safety factor margins.

On the other hand, underwater
vehicles are built completely the opposite way. As an underwater vehicle
descends, the pressure applied by
the water column increases rapidly,
requiring the use of a strong pressure
vessel to protect the electronics from
water. These pressure vessels are
typically thick metal pressureresistant shapes with substantial
seals. Inherent to enclosing air volume is an increase in the vehicles
buoyancy, requiring sufficient ballast
weight to bring the overall vehicle to
near neutral buoyancy. Instead of using ballast weight, many UUV designers elect to make the pressure vessel

heavier than required for the desired
depth pressure.
Combining these two diametrically
opposed vehicles to design a flying
submarine comes down to a balancing act between buoyancy, weight,
and structural elements. For a submarine to fly, the enclosed air volume,
which is the main driver of weight for
a submarine, needs to be reduced as
much as possible. For an aircraft to
land on the water, its structural elements need to be more robust to survive the high impact of splashdown.
The Flimmer program adds a further
complication into the design: flapping
fins are used for underwater propulsion. As learned from NRLs WANDA
UUV (see article on page 2), a fourfinned configuration provides high
maneuverability and good stability
underwater. In air, however, the fins
add weight and are relatively fragile
mechanisms that need to be able to
survive the forces of splashdown.
Bringing all these design elements
together is the central challenge of the
Flimmer program.

Test Sub

The Flimmer program started with just

the combination aircraft and submarine, without the additional complexity
of fins. The Test Sub configuration
was born from combining a traditional
submarine shape with a traditional
aircraft shape. Test Sub uses a fixed
geometry in both air and water, carrying the drag penalty of large surface
area wings in the water, instead of
spending weight and complexity on
a wing folding mechanism. Test Sub
also carries a weight penalty in the
aircraft mode so that it can enter the
water at full flight speed, spending
weight to make the structures survive
this high impact loading.
The Littoral High Bay test pool in
NRLs Laboratory for Autonomous
Systems Research (LASR) was home
to Test Sub during its initial development. Underwater testing focused on
development of the submarine sub-


Test Sub maneuvering as a submarine in the Littoral High Bay pool in NRLs
Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research.

systems, to include primarily buoyancy control and kinematic controls.

A custom-built buoyancy control
system uses two inflatable bladders
placed at the front and rear inside the
hull fairing. A control loop pumps air
into the two bladders for a combination of both pitch and heave control
when the vehicle is stationary (in motion, the tail surfaces are used). Air is
scavenged from inside the pressure
vessel to inflate the bladders. While
using air in bladders is a lightweight
solution, it does have the drawback
of being unstable with depth, requiring constant control inputs.

of descending orbits to a splashdown landing in the water. Test Sub

flew as any other aircraft, controllable
in three axes and exhibiting sufficient
stability for man-in-the-loop flight.
Once nearing the water surface, Test
Sub was guided along a standard
approach at an airspeed of approximately 40 knots before splashdown
with wings level. Upon touching the
water surface, the aircraft saw a dramatic increase in drag and decelerated abruptly. After the splash, Test
Sub submerged and started moving

The most interesting aspect of running Test Sub in the LASR pool was
that controlling the vehicle in forward
motion underwater was identical to
flying the aircraft. The configuration
of an aircraft shape and traditional
aircraft control surfaces of rudder, elevator, and ailerons functions exactly
the same whether in air or water.
Several test runs showed excellent
controllability and maneuverability of
Test Sub in the water while moving

With the success of Test Sub, the

Flimmer team applied the lessons
to designing a method for flying
NRLs WANDA vehicle. The Flying
WANDA configuration has four fins
and the addition of a wing, with the
two aft fins mounted on the tips of
the wing. This allows keeping the
same control techniques developed
for the four-finned UUV design, but
provides a lifting surface for carrying
the weight of all the flapping mechanisms.

For flight testing, Test Sub was taken

to a local test range. Three freeflights started with an air-drop of the
vehicle from a mother ship at approximately 1000 feet altitude. Test
Sub was guided manually in a series

Flying WANDA

As the fins are a significant surface

area relative to the wing area, they
have been designed to pull doubleduty. While swimming, the fins act
as flapping propulsors. In flight, the
wingtip-mounted fins are turned up


Test Sub splashdown sequence.

to act as fixed vertical stabilizers

for lateral stability, and the forwardmounted fins act as close-coupled
canards ahead of the wing. With this
dual-use of the fin mechanisms, the
incremental drag penalty for Flying
WANDA is only the addition of the
Four test flights of this configuration
have confirmed acceptable stability
and control. Half-area forward fins
have been flown and show strong
control power for acting as canards.
Full-area wingtip fins have been
flown in a fixed configuration and
provide sufficient vertical tail surface
for stable lateral modes.
Test flights have also begun exploring the landing mode that will best
protect the fin mechanisms. Flying
WANDA is designed for a traditional
approach and splashdown, with a
planing hull surface to stretch the
deceleration time across a longer
landing maneuver. All four fins are
well protected using this landing
technique, as they are on upper
portions of the vehicle. However, in

moderate to heavy sea states, this

planing landing is not possible without large increases in vehicle size or
autopilot complexity. Therefore, two
nose-down landing styles have been
tested to investigate survivability of
the canards in a load condition consisting primarily in the drag direction.
Since the flapping propulsion mode
already must be stiff in the drag
direction, the fins survivability in the
plunge style landing has been better
than initially expected.
Experimentation with the Flying
WANDA configuration continues.
Future flights will explore the performance envelope using the fins as active control surfaces in the air and will
continue the landing technique work.
A hollow, floodable wing is under
construction so that the swimming
phase of experimentation can begin
in the LASR pool.

incompatible, the Flimmer program is

showing a feasible path can be found
somewhere in the middle. There
are important trade-offs between
enclosed air volume and structural
weight, with a particular emphasis on
surviving a splashdown in water at
flight speeds. However, testing has
already shown that Test Sub cruises
well above 50 knots in the air, while
top speed in the water is below 10
knots, illustrating the ultimate benefit
of a flying submarine: assuring quickreaction access to underwater areas.
By Dan Edwards
NRL Tactical Electronic Warfare Division

The Skys the Limit for this


While the diametrically opposed requirements for a flying vehicle versus

a swimming submarine vehicle seem



Flying WANDA takes flight, moments

after departing the pneumatic launcher.

The Flimmer vehicle is an adaptation of

NRLs WANDA for air-delivery.

Flying WANDA approaches splashdown

in the Potomac River.


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