Herculaneum Guide
Herculaneum Guide
Herculaneum Guide
by amalficoasting.org
1 Fornici
2 Terrazza di M. Nonio Balbo
3 Terme Suburbane
4 Area Sacra
5 Sacello di Venere
6 Sacello dei Quattro Dei
7 Casa del Rilievo di Telefo
8 Casa dei Cervi
9 Taberna di Priapo
10 Grande Taberna
11 Taberna Vasaria
12 Palestra
13 Casa del Giardino
14 Casa del Gran Portale
15 Pistrinum e Bottega di Sex. Patulcius Felix
16 Casa dellAtrio Corinzio
17 Bottega del Plumbarius
18 Casa del Salone Nero
19 Bottega ad Cucumas
20 Bottega
21 Casa del Colonnato Tuscanico
22 Thermopolium
23 Sacello
24 Sede degli Augustali
30 Bottega
31 Casa Sannitica
32 Casa dellAlcova
33 Casa dellAtrio a Mosaico
Also of interest
Sacello di Venere, or
Sacellum of Venus (#5)
Completely restored after the
earthquake in 62 A.D. by Vibidia
Saturninus and his son A. Furius
Saturninus, this small temple is
dedicated to Venus. It is preceded by a marble-covered altar,
and had a vestibule (pronaos)
Casa Sannitica, or
Samnite House (#31)
This dwelling, built in the 2nd
century B.C., originally occupied
a large area. Its currently visible
appearance is the result of
changes made over time. The
residence at rst ceded its garden space to the adjacent house,
then, after the earthquake in 62
A.D., the rooms on the upper
oor were separated from the
house and rented out, creating
an independent entrance. The
lovely view frames the portal
topped by tufa capitals supporting the wooden architrave: the
entrance is decorated in rst
style, with a coered second
style ceiling. The Hellenisticstyle atrium, with walls painted
over in fourth style, is crowned
at the top by an arcade closed on
three sides by false columns,
Casa di Aristide, or
House of Aristides (#41)
The rst building in insula II is
the House of Aristides. The enCasa del Genio, or
trance opens directly onto the
House of the Genius (#39)
atrium, but the remains of the
To the north of the House of house are not particularly well
Argus lies the House of the Ge- preserved due to damage caused
nius. It has been only partially by previous excavations. The
excavated but it appears to have lower oor was probably used
been a spacious building. The for storage.
house derives its name from the
statue of a cupid that formed Casa dello Scheletro, or
part of a candlestick. In the cen- House of the Skeleton (#42)
tre of the peristyle are the re- The front of the building was
mains of a rectangular basin.
rst explored by an archaeologist who found a skeleton on the
Casa di Argo, or
upper oor. The current layout
House of Argus (#40)
combines three existing houses
The second house in insula II in an elongated shape, of which
got its name from a fresco of the central one has a covered
Argus and Io which once atrium. The nymphaeum to the
adorned a reception room o left of the entrance has the back
the large peristyle. The fresco is wall covered with lava and a monow lost, but its name lives on. saic-covered frieze. A mosaic
This building must have been lararium is also present in a
one of the ner villas in Hercu- small courtyard, protected by a
laneum. The discovery of the metal grate. A few rooms have
house in the late 1820s was no- oors in sectile opus and frestable because it was the rst coed walls.
time a second oor had been
Suburban Baths
Casa dellAlbergo, or
House of the Hotel (#43)
It is the largest, and probably
was the richest, private building
in the southern part of town and
the only one in Herculaneum to
have a private thermal bath
Terme Suburbane, or
Suburban Baths (#46)
Built between the walls of the
town and the sea in the early 1st
century A.D., this bath complex
is one of the best preserved anywhere. The half-columned portal
with tympanum leads into the
vestibule with impluvium, bordered by 4 columns; water sprays
into the circular fountain. The
vestibule opens to the right,
through a corridor, onto a waiting
room and to the praefurnium