Herculaneum Guide

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Herculaneum was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD and was later rediscovered and excavated, revealing details about Roman life.

Herculaneum was rediscovered in 1709 and systematic excavations began in 1738. Many structures like the theater, Villa of the Papyri, and neighborhoods have been uncovered since the 1920s.

Herculaneum had public baths, a forum, temples, a theater, and a gymnasium built during the early Roman period.

In the Shadow of Mount Vesuvius

by amalficoasting.org

When Mount Vesuvius erupted

in 79 A.D., the Roman seaside
town of Herculaneum was engulfed by volcanic material along
with Pompeii and the surrounding area. Until the 18th century,
it was buried under a layer of
volcanic material more than 50
feet thick.
The mythical origin of Herculaneum is linked to Greek hero
Hercules, who supposedly
founded the town while returning from a trip to Spain. In reality, the city probably had an
Etruscan origin, like Pompeii,
and then by the 5th century BC
was controlled by the Samnites.
Starting at the end of the
Roman Republic, the entire
coast near Herculaneum became the site of villas of the local
Roman nobility (the most famous is the Villa of the Papyri).
In the Augustan period, the city
underwent a general revival,
with the restoration of the walls,
and the construction of the
aqueduct, two spas, the Theatre,

the "Basilica", the Gymnasium

and the temples in the southern
It was then that the city
reached a population of about 4
to 5 thousand people.
In 79 BC, when Mt.Vesuvius
erupted, Herculaneum was rst
hit by a steamy, toxic intensely
hot cloud, then buried by subsequent pyroclastic ows. The
lava, in semi-liquid state commingled with mud, penetrated
everywhere, then solidied into
the compact block that allowed
the extraordinary preservation
of the town.
In 1709, local workers hired by
the Austrian general, Count Elbeuf, discovered the wall of the
stage of the theater.
In 1738 by order of King Charles
of Bourbon proper excavations
In 1750 the suburban Villa dei
Papiri, or Villa of the Papyrii
(#44 on the map) was discovered. It was surrounded by a garden closed o by porticoes, but
with an ample stretch of vegetable gardens, vineyards and


Caesar and then rearranged in

the early Augustan period (10
B.C.) due to the greater availability of water from the construction of the Serino aqueduct.
Smaller and less rened than
those of Pompeii, they have the
same arrangement of the rooms
and the traditional division into
male and female sections.
South of the Baths is the the
Casa a Graticcio (#35), or House
of the Opus Craticium, which
consists of a wooden frame lled
by stones. It was an eective way
to erect residences for middle
and lower class citizens of Herculaneum. This residence, inhabited by several families who
lived together, is the best preserved example of such structure.
Following the alley that runs




woods that led down to a small

harbor. Built on four levels of
terraces on the sloping site, it
was one of the most luxurious
houses in all of Herculaneum
and Pompeii with its treasure of
sculptures (now in the National
Museum of Naples) and the
villas library with a collection of
papyrus (now in the National Library of Naples).
In 1927 a systematic digging
campaign lead to the unearthing
of a large part of the city with
entire neighborhoods and many
public buildings such as the Decumanus Maximus and the
Forum, which was the center of
economic, social and political
The Thermal Baths (#26 Men's
Baths, #27 Women's Baths)
were built probably in the age of

1 Fornici
2 Terrazza di M. Nonio Balbo
3 Terme Suburbane
4 Area Sacra
5 Sacello di Venere
6 Sacello dei Quattro Dei
7 Casa del Rilievo di Telefo
8 Casa dei Cervi
9 Taberna di Priapo
10 Grande Taberna
11 Taberna Vasaria
12 Palestra
13 Casa del Giardino
14 Casa del Gran Portale
15 Pistrinum e Bottega di Sex. Patulcius Felix
16 Casa dellAtrio Corinzio
17 Bottega del Plumbarius
18 Casa del Salone Nero
19 Bottega ad Cucumas
20 Bottega
21 Casa del Colonnato Tuscanico
22 Thermopolium
23 Sacello
24 Sede degli Augustali

25 Casa dei Due Atri

26 Terme Maschili
27 Terme Femminili
28 Casa del Bel Cortile
29 Casa di Nettuno e Anfitrite

30 Bottega
31 Casa Sannitica
32 Casa dellAlcova
33 Casa dellAtrio a Mosaico

34 Casa dellErma di Bronzo

35 Casa del Graticcio
36 Casa del Tramezzo di legno
37 Bottega del Lanarius
38 Thermopolium
39 Casa del Genio
40 Casa dellArgo
41 Casa di Aristide
42 Casa dello Scheletro
43 Casa dellAlbergo
44 Villa dei Papiri
45 Struttura monumentale
46 Complesso termale
47 Edificio residenziale

Also of interest


mosaic with slivers of colored

marble. The garden has the casts
of two marble sculptures that
were found there.
Beyond the garden, in front of
the sea, is a summer triclinium
with remains of its beautiful
original oor, anked by two
rooms with windows adorned in
At the North-Western edge of
town, along via Resina, is the entrance to the Theater (visit on
request). Discovered in 1709, it
is still buried under a layer of
mud 25 yards deep. It was built
by the architect Numisius in the
Augustan age and would have
held an audience of 2,500 peopl

Terrazza di M. Nonio Balbo,

Terrace of M. Nonius Balbus
Climbing the ramp against the
walls brings you into a large rectangular piazza, in front of the
complex of the Suburban Baths.
Here stands the funeral altar,
covered with marble, which by
decree of the local senate was
dedicated to the senator M. Nonius Balbus, praetor and proconsul of the provinces of Crete and
Cyrene, tribune of the plebes in
32 BC and partisan of Octavian,
the future Augustus (27 B.C.-14
A.D.). M. Nonius Balbus did
good service towards the city of
Herculaneum by restoring and

Terrace of M. Nonius Balbus

building many public buildings:

at least 10 statues were erected
in his honor, and great honors
bestowed upon his death, recalled in the long inscription engraved on the side of the funeral
altar facing the sea. On the marble base next to the funeral altar
was the armored statue of M.
Nonius Balbus himself, also
made of marble: the head was
found during the early excavations, while the large fragment
of the bust was recovered in
Area Sacra, or Sacred Area
The western sector of the
South Terrace, supported by
heavy vaulted structures, is occupied by a Sacred Area contain-



alongside the Palestra (#12),

one arrives at Pistrinum (#15),
the ower mill and oven, the
largest such facility in Herculaneum, where even tools for
making bread were found.
In the courtyard there were
two huge stones used to crush
the grain probably operated by
donkeys, as revealed by bones
found on the oor.
Only partially excavated, the
Decumanus Maximus (northeast of #17 on the map) , was a
large paved thoroughfare for
pedestrian access. The proximity of stores suggests that the
market was there. To the west,
a large brick arch, originally
covered with marble, marked
the entrance to the arcaded
square, the Basilica, built in the
Augustan age, and to public area
of the city.
The Casa dei Cervi (#8), or
House of the Deer, was one of
the richest and most noble of
Herculaneums villas. Built in
the form of a large rectangle, it
is divided into an area in the
north, with the living quarters,
and one to the south, with terraces overlooking the sea that
communicated with each other
through four windows. The
structure and decoration led
archeologists to attribute the
villa to the Claudian-Neronian
age. The interior is tiled in white

Sacello di Venere, or
Sacellum of Venus (#5)
Completely restored after the
earthquake in 62 A.D. by Vibidia
Saturninus and his son A. Furius
Saturninus, this small temple is
dedicated to Venus. It is preceded by a marble-covered altar,
and had a vestibule (pronaos)

with grooved and stuccoed tufa

columns, now stacked nearby;
the vaulted cell contains the remains of frescoes with a garden
motif: in the painted panel to
the left of the entrance we can
recognize a rudder, an attribute
of Venus-Fortuna who guided
Sacello dei Quattro Dei, or
Sacellum of Four Gods (#6)
Restored after the earthquake
in 62 A.D., the temple is dedicated to four divinities, as evidenced by the lovely archaistic
reliefs, perhaps from the Augustan period (27 B.C-.14 A.D.), originally fastened to the front side
of the podium standing at the
back of the cell. These depict
Minerva, Neptune, Mercury and
Volcano, all divinities related to
the world of manufacture, trade
and crafts. The oor of the
pronaos (vestibule) and the
Corinthian columns are made of
cipolline marble. Part of the
wooden structure of the roof
was recently recovered, dragged
onto the beach below by the
force of the eruption.
Casa del Rilievo di Telefo, or
House of Relief of Telephus
With the adjacent House of the
Gem, it formed a complex that
may have belonged to M. Non-

Sacellum of Four Gods



ing various rooms and two temples side by side, dedicated to

Venus and four divinities, respectively. Here, as recalled by
an inscription, the board of
Venerii held its meetings. Two
mythological frescoes were detached from the rst vaulted
room after entering the Sacred
Area; the second was instead the
source of two headless statues of
women in togas, and a marble
ara dedicated to Venus by a libertus of the Marii family. Architectural terra-cottas from a
previous renovation have also
been found in the area.

House of Relief of Telephus

ius Balbus, and is the second

largest in Herculaneum (1800
square meters). Built in a scenic
position, on the slop leading
down to the marina, the house
was built on three levels and
held a rich collection of sculptures of the neo-Attic school, including the relief with the myth
of Telephus, son of Hercules
(mythical founder of the city).
The structure current dates
from the Augustan period (27
BC-14 A.D.), and was remodeled
after the earthquake in 62 AD.
The atrium is similar to a peristyle, with columns supporting
the rooms of the upper oor, as
in certain Greek houses. Between the columns hang the
plaster casts of the marble oscilla
found here (discs or masks, generally in a Dionysian theme,

used to ward o evil).

Casa del Gran Portale, or
House with Large Portal (#14)
The name derives from the
half-columned portal, with brick
lintel and cornice, built after the
earthquake in 62 A.D., which
reused the Hellenistic tufa capitals symbolizing Victory. The
dwelling, whose unusual layout
comes from an expansion of the
building at the expense of the
peristyle of the adjacent Samnite House, has the remains of
grooved tufa columns and two
pilasters with half-columns still
encased in the walls, in their
original position. Worthy of
note within the dwelling are the
fourth style frescoes; the small
courtyard to the left of the entrance that gave the illusion of a

House of the Tuscan Colonnade

yard, through the garden paintings that decorated the walls;

the triclinium, with the panel
depicting Silenus seated between two satyrs, observing Ariadne and Dionysus.
Casa del Colonnato Tuscanico, or House of the Tuscan
Colonnade (#21)
The original core of the
dwelling (from the Republican
period), centered around the
atrium, was remodeled in the
Augustan period (27 B.C.-14
A.D.). The peristyle with the
Tuscan colonnade was added
then. Also, the impluvium was
covered with marble, some
oors renovated with mosaics or
sectile opus, the walls decorated
in a lovely third style, which in
the oecus (or living room) still
holds two paintings, depicting a

seated Maenad preceded and

Pan conversing with two
women, respectively. The
tablinum (restored after the
earthquake of 62 AD) has
painted red and blue panels,
with an Apollo in the upper area:
other examples of fourth style
are found in the triclinium and
in a cubiculum (bedroom).
Secondo Sacello, or
Second Sacellum (#23)
A small rectangular sacellum
with podium in the back wall,
facing the Decumanus Maximus, probably related to worship at the adjacent Hall of the
Collegio degli Augustali, or
Hall of the Augustals (#24)
For the liberti (freed slaves) becoming Augustals meant enter-



ing into the dynamics of upward mobility. Their board,

dedicated to worshiping the
emperor Augustus, held its
meetings in the area of the
Forum, where all political, religious and commercial life took
place. This is a building with a
quadrangular layout, with walls
separated by blind arches and
four central columns. Later, a
cell was built aligned with the
entrance, which partly retains
its original oor and wainscoting covered with marble, and
fourth style frescoes: on the
left wall is depicted the entrance of Hercules in the
Olympus, accompanied by
Jupiter, in the form of a rainbow, Juno and Minerva; the
one on the right alludes instead
to the battle between Hercules
and the Etruscan god Acheloo.
In the back, to the right of the
sacellum, is the caretaker's room
in opus craticium, whose skeleton was found lying on the bed.
An inscription now placed on
the wall reminds us that the
building, dedicated to Augustus
(27 B.C.-14 A.D.) while still living,
was built by the brothers A. Lucius Proculus and A. Lucius Iulianus, who oered a luncheon
to the members of the municipal
senate and the Augustals on its
inauguration day.


Fresco in the Samnite House

Casa dei Due Atri, or

Double Atrium House (#25)
The lovely faade on the gate
has a terracotta Gorgon mask
against the evil eye. There was
an upper oor extending for the
length of the house, with light
provided by two atria: one, in
front of the entrance, tetrastyle
(with its roof supported by four
columns); the other, farther inside, with impluvium and two
well-heads, which also acted as a
garden. Note the small window
in the faade, one of which still
has its original ironwork.

with one open side. The oor is

dotted with white tiles, while
that of the tablinum is adorned
with a rosette of diamond
shapes centered around a round
copper tile. During the nal remodelling, the impluvium was
covered with marble and a room
painted with a green background, with the painting depicting the rape of Europa.
Casa dellAlcova, or
House of the Alcove (#32)
The house is actually two
buildings joined together. As a
consequence of this it is a mixture of plain and simple rooms
combined with some highly decorated ones. The atrium is covered, so lacks the usual
impluvium. It retains its original
ooring of opus tesselatum and
opus sectile. O the atrium is a
biclinium richly decorated with
frescoes in the fourth style and a
large triclinium which originally
had a marble oor. A number of
other rooms, one of which is the
apsed alcove after which the
house was named, can be
reached via a hall which gets its
light from a small courtyard.

like the adjoining Casa dei Cervi,

or House of the Deer, taken over
by a large peristyle garden and a
string of richly decorated rooms
overlooking the sea. What distinguishes this house from its
neighbor is its spectacular
At the rear of the atrium is a
room of unusual size and form.
A series of square pillars on the
north and south sides of the
room divide it in the pattern of
a nave and two side aisles, while
above the pillars rises a second
story with clerestory windows
reminiscent of the classical
basilica layout. This room is
considered a rare example of an
Oceus Aegyptius or Egyptian
dining room based on Vitruvius's description. Given its position, it must have been used as
a public reception area, deliber-

Casa dellAtrio a Mosaico, or

House of the Mosaic Atrium
The house occupies an area of
over 1200 sq.m. much of which,
Fresco in the House of the Alcove

House of the Mosaic Atrium

ately evoking the public setting

of the basilica.
On the south side of the atrium
is a door which opens onto the
north portico of the large peristyle, with additional rooms
along its eastern and southern
sides. In the center of the eastern side is a large exedra, which
extends out into the garden with
a small terrace.
Casa del Tramezzo di Legno,
or House of the Wooden Partition (#36)
The entrance to this dwelling is
anked by two masonry seats
and a waiting room. The conventional name derives from the
wooden partition, a folding gate
that shields the atrium, to maintain privacy. The partition has
proled panels with rings and
supports for hanging oil-lamps.



Casa Sannitica, or
Samnite House (#31)
This dwelling, built in the 2nd
century B.C., originally occupied
a large area. Its currently visible
appearance is the result of
changes made over time. The
residence at rst ceded its garden space to the adjacent house,
then, after the earthquake in 62
A.D., the rooms on the upper
oor were separated from the
house and rented out, creating
an independent entrance. The
lovely view frames the portal
topped by tufa capitals supporting the wooden architrave: the
entrance is decorated in rst
style, with a coered second
style ceiling. The Hellenisticstyle atrium, with walls painted
over in fourth style, is crowned
at the top by an arcade closed on
three sides by false columns,


unearthed in such detail. The

excavation revealed a second
oor balcony overlooking Cardo
III. Also wooden shelving and
cupboards. However, with the
passing of time, these elements
have now been lost.

Casa di Aristide, or
House of Aristides (#41)
The rst building in insula II is
the House of Aristides. The enCasa del Genio, or
trance opens directly onto the
House of the Genius (#39)
atrium, but the remains of the
To the north of the House of house are not particularly well
Argus lies the House of the Ge- preserved due to damage caused
nius. It has been only partially by previous excavations. The
excavated but it appears to have lower oor was probably used
been a spacious building. The for storage.
house derives its name from the
statue of a cupid that formed Casa dello Scheletro, or
part of a candlestick. In the cen- House of the Skeleton (#42)
tre of the peristyle are the re- The front of the building was
mains of a rectangular basin.
rst explored by an archaeologist who found a skeleton on the
Casa di Argo, or
upper oor. The current layout
House of Argus (#40)
combines three existing houses
The second house in insula II in an elongated shape, of which
got its name from a fresco of the central one has a covered
Argus and Io which once atrium. The nymphaeum to the
adorned a reception room o left of the entrance has the back
the large peristyle. The fresco is wall covered with lava and a monow lost, but its name lives on. saic-covered frieze. A mosaic
This building must have been lararium is also present in a
one of the ner villas in Hercu- small courtyard, protected by a
laneum. The discovery of the metal grate. A few rooms have
house in the late 1820s was no- oors in sectile opus and frestable because it was the rst coed walls.
time a second oor had been



The oor of the large atrium is

decorated with white tiles, dating from the most ancient stage
of the residence. The marble
covering of the impluvium tub,
the wall paintings and the geometric mosaic of the room to
the right of the entrance date instead from a restoration from
approximately the mid-1st cent.


Suburban Baths

Casa dellAlbergo, or
House of the Hotel (#43)
It is the largest, and probably
was the richest, private building
in the southern part of town and
the only one in Herculaneum to
have a private thermal bath
Terme Suburbane, or
Suburban Baths (#46)
Built between the walls of the
town and the sea in the early 1st
century A.D., this bath complex
is one of the best preserved anywhere. The half-columned portal
with tympanum leads into the
vestibule with impluvium, bordered by 4 columns; water sprays
into the circular fountain. The
vestibule opens to the right,
through a corridor, onto a waiting
room and to the praefurnium

(oven). The bathing rooms as

such include the frigidarium (cold
bathing room), with a oor of
white marble slabs and frescoes
in fourth style, the tepidarium,
with a oor of slate slabs and
stuccoes on the walls depicting
warriors, the caldarium (hot
bathing room), with walls decorated in 4th style. In this room
one can see the impression of
the labrum (tub for ablutions) in
the volcanic material that came
in through the window. The eastern sector of the bath complex
includes an apsidal room, with a
pool heated using the samovar
system (a receptacle placed in
the center of the room, below
which the re was lit directly),
and the laconicum (steam bath
room), with a black mosaic oor
on a white background.

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