Gazzaniga and Mangun 2014. The Cognitive Neurosciences

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Fifth Edition

Michael S. Gazzaniga and George R. Mangun,


Section Editors: Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

James J. DiCarlo
Scott T. Grafton
Peter Hagoort
Todd F. Heatherton
Sabine Kastner
Leah Krubitzer
Elizabeth A. Phelps
Todd M. Preuss
Adina Roskies
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
Peter L. Strick
Giulio Tononi
Anthony D. Wagner
B. A. Wandell
Rachel I. Wilson

© 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The cognitive neurosciences / edited by

Michael S. Gazzaniga and George R. Mangun. –
[5th edition].
pages cm
“A Bradford Book”
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-262-02777-9 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Cognitive neuroscience. I. Gazzaniga, Michael S.,
editor of compilation. II. Mangun, G. R. (George
Ronald), 1956– editor of compilation. III. Title:
Cognitive neurosciences.
QP360.5.C63952 2014

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Preface xiii



Introduction Sarah-Jayne Blakemore and Todd M. Preuss 3

1 Infant Social Cognition: Psychological and Sociomoral Reasoning

RenÉe Baillargeon, Peipei Setoh, Stephanie Sloane, Kyong-sun Jin,
and Lin Bian 7

2 Structural Brain Development During Childhood and Adolescence

Anne-Lise Goddings and Jay N. Giedd 15

3 Cognitive Control and Affective Decision Making in Childhood and

Adolescence Eveline A. Crone 23

4 The Social Brain in Adolescence Sarah-Jayne Blakemore and

Kathryn L. Mills 33

5 Evolution of the Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Function in

Humans James K. Rilling and Dietrich Stout 41

6 The Primate Prefrontal Cortex in Comparative Perspective

Steven P. Wise 51

7 Animal Models of the Human Brain: Repairing the Paradigm

Todd M. Preuss and Jason S. Robert 59

8 Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Human Brain Development and

Evolution AndrÉ M. M. Sousa, Kyle A. Meyer, and
Nenad Šestan 67

contents v

Introduction Leah Krubitzer 77

9 Organizing Principles of Cortical Circuits and Their Function

Rodney J. Douglas and Kevan A.C. Martin 79

10 Cost, Efficiency, and Economy of Brain Networks Olaf Sporns 91

11 Plasticity of Sensory and Motor Systems After Injury in Mature

Primates Jon H. Kaas and Charnese Bowes 103

12 Modularity, Plasticity, and Development of Brain Function

Man Chen and Michael W. Deem 119

13 Specificity of Experiential Effects in Neurocognitive

Development Courtney Stevens and Helen Neville 129

14 Auditory Cortical Plasticity as a Consequence of Experience

and Aging Gregg H. Recanzone 143

15 The Contribution of Genetics, Epigenetics, and Early Life Experiences

to Behavior Jennifer Blaze, Eric D. Roth, and Tania L. Roth 151


Introduction Sabine Kastner 163

16 Theoretical and Behavioral Aspects of Selective Attention

Jeremy Wolfe 167

17 Representations of Space and Feature-Based Attentional Priority in Human

Visual Cortex John T. Serences and Sabine Kastner 177

18 Electrophysiology of Visual Attention in Humans Steven J. Luck and

Steven A. Hillyard 187

19 Spatial Neglect and Attention Networks: A Cognitive Neuroscience

Approach Maurizio Corbetta, Antonello Baldassare,
Alicia Callejas, Lenny Ramsey, and Gordon L. Shulman 197

20 Attentional Modulation of Receptive Field Profiles in the Primate Visual

Cortex Stefan Treue and Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo 211

21 Attentional Selection Through Rhythmic Synchronization at Multiple

Frequencies Thilo Womelsdorf, Ayelet N. Landau, and
Pascal Fries 221

22 Neural Signatures, Circuitry, and Modulators of Visual Selective Attention

Behrad Noudoost, Eddy Albarran, and Tirin Moore 233

vi contents
23 Computational Models of Attention Laurent Itti and
Ali Borji 245


Introduction James J. DiCarlo and Rachel I. Wilson 257

24 Constraints on Sensory Processing Rachel I. Wilson 261

25 Are Neural Circuits the Best They Can Be? Fred Rieke 271

26 Adaptation and Natural Stimulus Statistics Adrienne Fairhall 283

27 Perception as an Inference Problem Bruno A. Olshausen 295

28 Neural Computation in Sensory Systems Xaq Pitkow and

Markus Meister 305

29 Noise, Correlations, and Information in Neural Population Codes

Elad Schneidman 319

30 Population-Based Representations: From Implicit to Explicit

Nicole C. Rust 337

31 Relating the Activity of Sensory Neurons to Perception

Douglas A. Ruff and Marlene R. Cohen 349

32 Characterizing the Effects of Stimulus and Neural Variability on

Perceptual Performance Wilson S. Geisler, Johannes Burge,
Melchi M. Michel, and Anthony D. D’Antona 363

33 Neural Coding of Tactile Perception Steven Hsiao and

Manuel Gomez-Ramirez 375

34 Inferential Models of the Visual Cortical Hierarchy Daniel Kersten and

Alan Yuille 389

35 The Functional Architecture of Human Ventral Temporal Cortex and

Its Role in Visual Perception Kalanit Grill-Spector and
Kevin S. Weiner 405


Introduction Scott T. Grafton and Peter L. Strick 417

36 Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Circuits with the Cerebral Cortex

Richard P. Dum, Andreea C. Bostan, and Peter L. Strick 419

contents vii
37 Basal Ganglia Function Robert S. Turner and
Benjamin Pasquereau 435

38 Cerebellar Function Jörn Diedrichsen and Amy Bastian 451

39 Computational Approaches for Goal-Directed Movement Planning

and Execution FrÉdÉric Crevecoeur, Tyler Cluff, and
Stephen H. Scott 461

40 Multineuronal Views of Information Processing Aaron Batista 477

41 Action Vocabularies and Motor Commands Roger N. Lemon 491

42 Choice Values: The Frontal Cortex and Decision Making

Matthew F. S. Rushworth, B. K. H. Chau, U. Schüffelgen,
F.-X. Neubert, and N. Kolling 501

43 Finding the Actor in Reciprocal Affordance Scott H. Frey and

Scott T. Grafton 513


Introduction Anthony D. Wagner 523

44 Short-Term Memory: Neural Mechanisms, Brain Systems, and Cognitive

Processes Charan Ranganath, Michael E. Hasselmo, and
Chantal E. Stern 527

45 The Medial Temporal Lobe and Memory Lila Davachi and

Alison Preston 539

46 The Contribution of Hippocampal Subregions to Memory Coding

Jill K. Leutgeb and Stefan Leutgeb 547

47 The Role of Context in Episodic Memory Jeremy R. Manning,

Michael J. Kahana, and Kenneth A. Norman 557

48 Parietal Lobe Mechanisms Subserving Episodic Memory Retrieval

Melina R. Uncapher, Alan M. Gordon, and Anthony D. Wagner 567

49 Memory as Decision Making Michael B. Miller and

Ian G. Dobbins 577

50 Habits and Reinforcement Learning Daphna Shohamy and

Nathaniel D. Daw 591

51 Prediction, Imagination, and Memory SinÉad L. Mullally and

Eleanor A. Maguire 605

viii contents

Introduction Peter Hagoort 615

52 Cytoarchitectonics, Receptorarchitectonics, and Network Topology

of Language Katrin Amunts and Marco Catani 619

53 The Neurophysiology and Evolution of the Speech Rhythm

Asif A. Ghazanfar and David Poeppel 629

54 Morphological Systems in Their Neurobiological Contexts

William D. Marslen-Wilson, Mirjana Bozic, and
Lorraine K. Tyler 639

55 The “Negatives” and “Positives” of Prediction in Language

Marta Kutas, Kara D. Federmeier, and Thomas P. Urbach 649

56 Language in Our Hands: Neural Underpinnings of Sign Language

and Co-Speech Gesture Karen Emmorey and Asli Özyürek 657

57 Neuropragmatics Peter Hagoort and Stephen C. Levinson 667

58 Cultural Recycling of Neural Substrates During Language Evolution

and Development Morten H. Christiansen and
Ralph-Axel Müller 675

59 The Emerging Standard Model of the Human Decision-Making Apparatus

Paul Glimcher 683


Introduction Elizabeth A. Phelps and Todd F. Heatherton 695

60 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Fear and Its Control: From Animal Models
to Human Experience Catherine A. Hartley, Justin M. Moscarello,
Gregory J. Quirk, and Elizabeth A. Phelps 697

61 Self-Regulation and Its Failures Dylan D. Wagner and

Todd F. Heatherton 709

62 What Is the Role of Control in Emotional Life?

Kevin N. Ochsner 719

63 Emotional Reactivity and Regulation Across Development

Leah H. Somerville and BJ Casey 731

64 The Amygdala: Relations to Biologically Relevant Learning and

Development Dylan G. Gee and Paul J. Whalen 741

contents ix
65 Sensory Foundations of Socioemotional Perception
Timothy R. Koscik, Nicole White, Hanah A. Chapman, and
Adam K. Anderson 751

66 The Role of the Amygdala in Face Processing

Peter Mende-Siedlecki and Alexander Todorov 767

67 The Cultural Neuroscience of Human Perception

Nalini Ambady and Jonathan B. Freeman 777


Introduction Giulio Tononi 789

68 Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Perception and Volition

Gabriel Kreiman 791

69 Toward an Objective Index of Consciousness

Marcello Massimini 801

70 Consciousness Alterations After Severe Brain Injury

Athena Demertzi and Steven Laureys 811

71 Consciousness and Seizures Hal Blumenfeld 821

72 On the Relationship Between Consciousness and Attention

Naotsugu Tsuchiya and Christof Koch 839

73 Consciousness and Its Access Mechanisms

Sid Kouider and JÉrôme Sackur 855

74 Bodily Self-Consciousness Olaf Blanke 865

75 Intention and Agency Patrick Haggard 875


Introduction B. A. Wandell 889

76 Computational Causal Modeling of High-Resolution Functional

MRI Data Alard Roebroeck and Rainer Goebel 893

77 Multivoxel Pattern Analysis of Functional MRI Data

Jarrod A. Lewis-Peacock and Kenneth A. Norman 911

78 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Yaniv Assaf 921

79 Network Methods to Characterize Brain Structure and

Function Danielle S. Bassett and Mary-Ellen Lynall 935

x contents
80 Using Computational Models to Understand Robustness and Variability in
Nervous Systems Tilman J. Kispersky, Timothy O’Leary, and Eve
Marder 949

81 Studies of Human Visual Perception Using Cortical Electrical Stimulation

Daniel Yoshor and Michael S. Beauchamp 959

82 Optogenetics in the Study of Mammalian Behavior

Kelly A. Zalocusky and Karl Deisseroth 971

83 Neuroimaging Informatics: Tools to Manage and Share Neuroimaging and

Related Data Daniel Marcus 981


Introduction Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Adina Roskies 991

84 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Person Perception Lasana T. Harris,

Victoria K. Lee, and Beatrice H. Capestany 995

85 Mindreading and Privacy Adina L. Roskies 1003

86 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Moral Judgment and Decision Making

Joshua D. Greene 1013

87 Cognitive Neuroscience and Criminal Responsibility Uri Maoz and

Gideon Yaffe 1025

88 Society and Addiction: Bringing Understanding and Appreciation to a

Mental Health Disorder Annabelle M. Belcher, Nora D. Volkow,
F. Gerard Moeller, and Sergi FerrÉ 1035

89 Neuroscience of Antisocial Behavior Lyn M. Gaudet,

Nathaniel E. Anderson, and Kent A. Kiehl 1043

90 Neuropharmacology and Society Anjan Chatterjee 1055

91 Neuroeconomics Scott A. Huettel 1063

92 The Significance of Cognitive Neuroscience: Findings, Applications, and

Challenges Anat Arzi, Snigdha Banerjee, Justin C. Cox,
Dean D’Souza, Felipe De Brigard, Bradley B. Doll,
Jacqueline Fairley, Stephen M. Fleming, Sibylle C. Herholz,
Danielle R. King, Laura A. Libby, John C. Myers, Maital Neta,
David Pitcher, Jonathan D. Power, Olga Rass, Maureen Ritchey,
Eduardo Rosales Jubal, Ashley Royston, Dylan D. Wagner,
Wei-chun Wang, Jill D. Waring, Jamal Williams, and
Suzanne Wood 1071

Contributors 1079

Index 1085

contents xi
With some amusement we note that the preface to the last edition of this book
carried a hilarious error. One of us (MSG) wrote that preface and buoyantly noted
that the first meeting at Lake Tahoe, which underlay that book, had occurred 20
years earlier. After all, it was the fourth edition and the book does come out every
five years. Do the math, right? Upon first glance, it seems correct and yet like most
everything else in our field, what seems right is not good enough. We have to think
about the problems we study again and again.
Of course, it seemed right to MSG because the Summer Institute in Cognitive
Neuroscience had already been up and running for the four years preceding the
1993 Tahoe meeting. It had started off at Harvard, moved to Dartmouth for two
years and then to UC Davis. The fifth year of that cycle was the Tahoe meeting,
which resulted in the first edition of this volume. Obviously, the volume summa-
rized the previous four years of research presented at the Summer Institutes, not
the future SI’s.
So, in this 2014 edition, the result of the fifth Tahoe meeting, we can say that it
really was 20 years ago that we met for the first time in Tahoe! Not only that, the
fifth meeting was one of the best. Many of the speakers were former fellows, and
many of the current fellows will undoubtedly be future speakers and authors.
Indeed, this book and the 2013 Tahoe meeting reflect a transition. As JFK famously
said, “The torch has been passed to a new generation. …” In this case, young cogni-
tive neuroscientists are exploring the logic of old ideas and, in some cases, finding
them wanting and presenting new ideas. While some old hands were around to
steady the transfer, a new era is launched with this book and is bursting with new
The Institute started with a bang, a perspective on some pitfalls in the brain sci-
ences. It was pointed out that while human brains are extremely large, neuroscien-
tists have lacked the necessary methods both to compare humans to other animals
and to determine how evolution modified the internal structure of the brain. It
was noted that in the absence of such methods, neuroscientists have focused
on the study of relatively few model species and have viewed those results as appli-
cable to humans with little qualification. Fortunately, new techniques, especially
MRI techniques and the methods of comparative genomics, have started to be
used to study humans and other animals and have been game changers.
Particularly exciting is the application of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a tech-
nique that has been used to compare humans to chimpanzees (the animals most
closely related to humans, which makes them critical species for identifying human
specializations). These studies have revealed, for the first time, differences in
systems of connections between cortical areas and have provided the foundations
for understanding the neural bases of human cognitive and behavioral

preface xiii
In the area of development, research in the past 20 years or so has generated
profound insights into the infant mind and has revealed that the cognitive and
social cognitive capacities of very young children are much more sophisticated than
was once believed. While developmental psychology made great progress in the
later part of the last century, it remained relatively removed from developmental
neuroscience. In the past decade, the field of developmental cognitive neurosci-
ence has undergone unprecedented expansion. Once again, the use of MRI and
fMRI has propelled our knowledge of how the human brain develops, and the data
from developmental imaging studies have in turn spurned new interest in the
changing structure and function of the brain over the lifespan.
The study of sensation and perception is also being revolutionized by new experi-
mental techniques that provide deeper insights into old problems. New tools are
improving our ability to test the causal role of specific neurons and brain regions
in shaping sensory perception. They are allowing us to record from increasingly
large ensembles of neurons, revealing the ways that information about the state of
the world is untangled from population activity evoked at the sensory epithelium.
New data are also revealing the competing constraints that sculpt the architecture
of sensory systems. Finally, new conceptual approaches and computational methods
are beginning to reveal how the brain’s limited hardware can give rise to fast, flex-
ible, and robust perceptual categories. In short, new tools are exploding our field
of view, pushing us to develop better theoretical frameworks.
People are astounding in their ability to create goal-directed behaviors that trans-
form the world. This vast behavioral repertoire creates theoretical challenges for
defining the fundamental principles of selection, planning, and control that the
motor system must employ to achieve these ends. The section on motor systems
and action addresses some of these challenges by first emphasizing the basics of
motor system anatomy, particularly at the circuit level. This architecture includes
cortical connectivity between many cortical motor areas and subcortical systems,
particularly the basal ganglia and cerebellum. Functional contributions of the dif-
ferent motor areas are considered in terms of optimal control and the retrieval of
learned motor behavior. The section then introduces some of the most important
correlation methods for identifying dynamic representations of movement based
on multiple neuron recordings. The section closes with two chapters on problems
of human action selection. The first considers how we choose among a variety of
goal-directed behavior when there are competing risks and rewards. The second
evaluates the way that possible actions are planned automatically, in advance of any
Approximately 20 years ago, the memory section of the first edition of The Cogni-
tive Neurosciences highlighted two major themes central to theory and research at
the time. First, to understand memory, one must characterize the processes govern-
ing memory encoding, storage, and retrieval. Second, memory is a nonunitary
entity, as it consists of multiple forms of knowledge expression that depend on
distinct neural substrates and computations. In the intervening years, technological
advances in human and nonhuman neuroscience have enabled increased anatomi-
cal and computational precision in these core areas, while simultaneously sparking
novel themes and challenges to earlier ideas. The memory section of this volume
documents the field’s progress toward establishing increasingly precise models of
memory, such as specifying the distinct computations and forms of remembering
supported by regions in the medial temporal lobe, delineating the multiple mecha-
nisms that enable memory performance over short time scales, and illuminating
how context is neurally represented and shapes memory behavior. The chapters in
this section also document some of the newly emerging themes that have shaped
the field in recent years, such as the convergence of theorizing about memory and

xiv preface
decision making, the unexpected role of parietal cortex in memory, and the fun-
damental link between memory and prediction. The remarkable strides summa-
rized in these chapters evidence past progress and predict a future rich with
continued discovery.
One flourishing area in cognitive neuroscience revolves around trying to under-
stand the affective basis of the social brain. In solving adaptive problems, the brain
relies on emotional processes to solve challenges to successful adaptation. For
humans, many of the most challenging adaptive problems result from the necessity
of interacting with other humans, such as selecting mates, cooperating in hunting
and gathering, forming alliances, competing over scarce resources, and even
warring with neighboring groups. Interacting with other humans produces emotion,
and these emotions serve as guidelines for successful group living. Any true under-
standing of human nature requires a full consideration of both the emotional and
social aspects of brain functioning. There is remarkable convergence in this section
that highlights the important role of the amygdala across animal species and para-
digms. In addition, it is now clear from more than a decade of research that various
prefrontal regions are crucial for successful functioning within social contexts. This
section demonstrates that the study of emotion and social cognition has become
established as a core area of cognitive neuroscience.
The session on language and abstract thought was a testimony of where the field
has moved since the previous edition of this book. First, the connectivity profile of
the perisylvian language areas has been mapped out in much more detail, as have
the cytoarchitectonic and receptor architectonic properties of language areas such
as Broca’s area. It has become clear that the language network, beyond any doubt,
is much more extensive than Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, and the arcuate fascicu-
lus (the classical Wernicke-Lichtheim-Geschwind model). Second, studies record-
ing event-related brain potentials have established firmly that prediction plays an
important role during language comprehension. Predictions are made at multiple
levels about general event structure, a word’s grammatical characteristics, and even
about the upcoming word sound. Finally, we now realize that communication with
language is a multimodal system in which speech is accompanied by gestures and
other information. Indeed, sign language is a form of language based solely on the
visual-gestural modality. How this difference in modality of expressing language
and how the multimodal aspects co-determine the neural architecture of the system
are starting to be understood. Moreover, understanding language is more than
decoding what is written or said. In communication we try to infer the intention
behind the utterance. The step from coded meaning to speaker meaning, we now
know, involves the ToM network. Hence, it is clearly shown that an account of lan-
guage comprehension based solely on the mirror neuron system will fail
The session on consciousness showed, in no uncertain terms, how far we have
moved since the days when the c-word was an outcast from psychology and neuro-
science (but one that had gained early admission within cognitive neurosciences,
as witnessed by the previous editions of this volume). There are now bold attempts
at characterizing consciousness theoretically, with respect to both quantity and
quality, which do not shy away from the “hard problem” of what consciousness is
and how it is generated by the brain. Impressive new work using TMS/EEG has
demonstrated that the level of consciousness can be measured in individual subjects
and across brain states as diverse as wake, sleep, anesthesia, and brain disorders.
We are also learning a great deal about how and when consciousness is lost in dif-
ferent kinds of seizures—an area of study that was nearly nonexistent even 10 years
ago. A strong case is now being made for the experimental and conceptual dissocia-
tion between consciousness and attention on one side and between consciousness

preface xv
and executive function/report on the other. Intriguingly, initial results suggest that
some of the so-called neural correlates of consciousness demonstrated in past
studies have to do with stimulus processing or response preparation rather than
with consciousness itself. Other prominent areas of progress include the relation-
ship of consciousness with cognitive and neural access, the conscious control of
action, and the relevance of body awareness to consciousness in general.
Tackling such profoundly difficult questions will be aided by the introduction of
powerful new methodologies to analyze brain function. What were leading tech-
nologies 10 years ago are not the leading technologies of today. Accordingly in this
edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences we include a new section devoted to new
methods that will shape and guide our field into the future. Moving from new, more
exacting methods of measurments for fMRI to deeper probings of the massive data
collected, today’s cognitive neuroscientist must be well versed in both several new
methodologies and concurrent research in separate related fields. Sophisticated
models of causality in brain function are now beginning along with the application
of network theory to massive data sets on diffusion imaging knowledge about brain
Finally, other people are mysterious. We do not understand how they work, and
we do not know how to treat them. Neuroscience is starting to help us unravel these
mysteries. To improve our understanding of society, recent work in cognitive neu-
roscience has revealed some of the psychological and neural processes through
which we perceive people as people, through which we determine which mental
states other people have, and through which we form moral judgments about
actions and choices by other people. In addition, knowledge of the brain can be
used as a tool to change how we relate to other members of society. It can affect
policies regarding addicts, psychopaths, and perhaps even “normal” criminals. It
can also be used to develop drugs to enhance cognitive and emotional performance
in people without illnesses and to understand and control economic transactions
through neuromarketing. This power of neuroscience to illuminate and affect
society can, of course, be used for good or for ill, so it poses profound moral quan-
daries that we are only beginning to face. The goal of the section on neuroscience
and society in this volume is to raise these issues, not to resolve them.
It was a glorious three weeks of science interrupted by hikes, swimming, and
pondering the lectures in the sylvan beauty of Lake Tahoe. This book and the linked
videos of the lectures are our attempt to let one and all enjoy the richness and
scholarship of the great scientists involved in this effort. The complex and intense
planning, editing, logistics, and time put in by dozens of people should be obvious.
Needless to say, the section editors and the participants make the book what it is
and all deserved our profound thanks. The flawless execution of the meeting itself
was due to Jayne Rosenblatt, and once again the managing editor of the book,
Marin Gazzaniga, made it all seem easy. Finally, we are indebted to MIT Press, which
year after year serves our field in ever so many ways. And all of this, of course, would
not have been possible without the generous support of the National Institute of
Mental Health.

Michael S. Gazzaniga George R. Mangun

University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Davis

xvi preface


3 CRONE 23



6 WISE 51




Fifty years ago, very little was known about how the
human brain develops. Research on brain development
in the second half of the twentieth century focused
almost entirely on nonhuman animals and revealed a
great deal about early neuronal and synaptic develop-
ment (Hubel & Wiesel, 1977). These advances in animal
research were paralleled by pioneering research in
developmental psychology, particularly by Piaget (1977)
and Vygotsky (1986). Their studies, which involved
observing and analyzing children’s behavior in meticu-
lous detail, changed contemporary thinking about chil-
dren’s minds. Through such important behavioral
studies, children were increasingly seen as more than
just miniature versions of adults. Research in the past
20 years or so has generated profound insights into the
infant mind and has revealed that the cognitive capaci-
ties of very young children are much more sophisti-
cated than was once believed. Infant social cognition is
the focus of chapter 1 by Baillargeon, Setoh, Sloane,
Jin, and Bian in this section.
While developmental psychology made great prog-
ress in the later part of the last century, it remained rela-
tively removed from developmental neuroscience.
Research on human neural development was heavily
constrained by the technical challenges of studying the
living human brain and, until fairly recently, was limited
to the study of post-mortem brains. Yet, in the past two
decades, the field of developmental cognitive neurosci-
ence has undergone unprecedented expansion. This
can at least in part be attributed to technological
advances. Electroencephalography, or EEG, has been
used for several decades to study the temporal dynamics
of brain function in infants and children. However, in

blakemore and preuss: introduction 3

recent years, probably more than any other advance, the and Jones (1993) that the field urgently needed infor-
increased use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in mation about the detailed structure of the human
children has created new opportunities to track struc- brain, particularly its connections.
tural and functional changes in the developing human This situation changed dramatically with the develop-
brain. The use of MRI and functional magnetic reso- ment of MRI and other neuroimaging modalities, tech-
nance imaging (fMRI) has propelled our knowledge of niques well suited for comparative studies, since they
how the human brain develops, and the data from devel- can be used with both humans and other primate
opmental imaging studies has in turn spurred new inter- species. What’s more, cross-species application of diffu-
est in the changing structure and function of the brain sion-tensor imaging, which can track the course of fiber
over the life span. Who would have imagined half a bundles in the brain, has for the first time made it pos-
century ago that scientists would be able to look inside sible to compare the cortical connectivity of humans to
the brains of living humans of all ages and track changes that of other primates, and so begin to relate human
in brain structure and function across development? specializations of cognition and behavior to specializa-
Until relatively recently, it was widely believed that tions of the brain. The value of these techniques is well
any changes in the brain after early development were illustrated in chapter 5 by Rilling and Stout, who review
comparably minimal. Research in the past 20 years, recent neuroimaging studies comparing the myeloar-
however, especially that emanating from the pioneering chitecture and cortical connectivity of humans, chim-
National Institutes of Health pediatric neuroimaging panzees, and macaque monkeys. Consistent with
project, has shown that this is far from true. This large- traditional views of human brain evolution, evidence
scale longitudinal study has generated very large from magnetic resonance myeloarchitectonics indicates
amounts of MRI data from childhood through adult- that the classical higher-order cortical regions—pre-
hood and has revealed that the human brain continues frontal cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and nonaudi-
to develop for many decades. Structural development tory parts of the temporal cortex—became enormously
in the human brain is the focus of chapter 2 by God- enlarged in human evolution. Comparative diffusion
dings and Giedd in this section. tensor imaging studies demonstrate that these changes
As developmental MRI research has expanded and in size were accompanied by changes in cortical con-
flourished, so too has research on developmental nectivity that affected systems involved in at least three
changes in functional brain activity as measured by human-specialized cognitive domains: language, tool
fMRI. Just like developmental MRI research, since 2000 making and tool use, and social learning.
there has been a year-on-year increase in the number Evolutionary specializations are not, of course,
of papers reporting fMRI studies on functional develop- restricted to the human lineage, and chapter 6 by Wise
ment in the human brain. Many labs around the world addresses an enduring issue in comparative cognitive
use fMRI to investigate how neural systems associated neuroscience: the putative uniqueness of the primate
with particular cognitive processes change with age. prefrontal cortex. Wise maintains that the data on
Areas of research in this field that are fairly well estab- primate brain evolution support the view that the por-
lished, but continue to expand, are the development of tions of prefrontal cortex that contain a well-developed
the social brain in adolescence (see chapter 4 by Blake- internal granular layer are unique to primates. If this is
more and Mills, this section) and the development of the case, what does granular prefrontal cortex contrib-
decision making and executive function (see chapter 3 ute to cognition? Wise contends that whereas the non-
by Crone, this section). granular orbital and medial parts of prefrontal cortex
Just as human developmental neuroscience has been (cortical regions shared widely among mammals)
transformed by the development of new technologies, support classical associative-learning mechanisms that
so has human evolutionary neuroscience. Until quite link objects and actions to expected outcomes over the
recently, all that could be said about the evolution of course of many events, the granular regions support
the human brain is that it became freakishly enlarged explicit representation of single events that enables pri-
after the human lineage separated from the branch mates to generate abstract rules, making it possible to
leading to our closest relatives (chimpanzees and solve novel problems and forage more efficiently.
bonobos) 5–7 million years ago. What we have needed In light of the growing body of evidence for primate
to know, but seemed unable to find out, was what hap- and human brain specializations, Preuss and Robert, in
pened to the brain’s internal organization (Holloway, chapter 7, examine the consequences of focusing animal
1966). Lacking methods to study humans in detail, and research on a very few “model” species—mostly
with the field’s heavy investment in model animal rodents—for understanding of aspects of the human
studies, few neuroscientists echoed the view of Crick brain that we cannot study directly in humans. While

4 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

acknowledging the practical benefits of concentrating species differences in gene-expression regulation must
on a small number of species, they contend that this be an important source of the differences between
concentration has gone too far, with serious conse- humans and other animals in the growth, development,
quences. The central problem of the “model-animal and adult morphology of the brain (King & Wilson,
paradigm” is its premise that differences between species 1975), but recent work, reviewed by Sousa, Meyer, and
are relatively minor and can generally be discounted, a Šestan (chapter 8, this section) has begun to reveal just
view clearly at odds with the facts of comparative neu- how extensive these differences are and the nature of
roscience and modern evolutionary biology. Adherence the molecular interactions involved, as well as to iden-
to the paradigm affects the interpretation of data, tify developmental time points at which critical expres-
encouraging soft-pedaling of results when model sion differences occur.
animals are found to differ from humans, and perpetu-
ates the view that all brains are merely minor variants
of a basic brain organization. The failure to deal with REFERENCES
diversity calls into question the integrity of neuroscience Crick, F., & Jones, E. (1993). Backwardness of human neu-
research results, and failure to accommodate modern roanatomy. Nature, 361(6408), 109–110.
views of evolution raises questions about the intellectual Holloway, R. L. J. (1966). Cranial capacity, neural reorgani-
zation, and hominid evolution: A search for more suitable
integrity of the neuroscientific enterprise generally. The
parameters. Am Anthropol, 68, 103–121.
authors argue that a more comparative approach would Hubel, D. H., & Wiesel, T. N. (1977). Ferrier lecture: Func-
result in a more rigorous science and a better under- tional architecture of macaque monkey visual cortex. Proc
standing of how humans resemble and differ from other R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 198(1130), 1–59.
animals. King, M. C., & Wilson, A. C. (1975). Evolution at two levels
New techniques derived from comparative molecular in humans and chimpanzees. Science, 188(4184), 107–116.
Piaget, J. (1977). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adult-
biology and genomics are beginning to illuminate hood. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
molecular mechanisms at the intersection of develop- Vygotsky, L. S. (1986). Thought and language (rev. ed.). Cam-
ment and evolution. It has long been appreciated that bridge, MA: MIT Press.

blakemore and preuss: introduction 5

1 Infant Social Cognition: Psychological
and Sociomoral Reasoning

ABSTRACT Infant social cognition depends on at least two Mary’s and Jane’s individual actions by inferring the
evolved systems: the psychological- and sociomoral-reasoning mental states underlying these actions (e.g., Mary wants
systems. Each system has at its core a distinct explanatory
to stack all the rings, she noticed that the last one fell,
framework of principles and concepts. The psychological-
reasoning system enables infants to interpret agents’ inten- and she is trying without success to reach it; Jane under-
tional actions and is constrained by a principle of rationality stands what Mary is trying to do, and she purposefully
(with its corollaries of consistency and efficiency). When walks to the ring and picks it up). The sociomoral-
infants observe an agent act in a scene, the psychological- reasoning system would allow infants to form expecta-
reasoning system infers the mental states that underlie the tions about what Jane should do next (e.g., is it
agent’s actions; if the scene changes, infants use these mental
states—together with the rationality principle—to predict the obligatory for Jane to give the ring to Mary? is it permis-
agent’s likely actions. Recent evidence indicates that infants sible for Jane to drop the ring back to the floor? is it
are already capable of sophisticated mentalistic reasoning and impermissible for Jane to steal the ring?) and how Mary
can attribute to agents not only motivational states (e.g., should respond to Jane’s actions.
goals) and epistemic states (e.g., ignorance), but also coun- In this chapter, we review findings on psychological
terfactual states (e.g., false beliefs). The sociomoral-reasoning
system guides infants’ expectations about how individuals
and sociomoral reasoning in infancy (i.e., before age
should act toward others and is constrained by several prin- 2). These findings are important not only for develop-
ciples, including reciprocity, fairness, and ingroup (with its mental psychology but also for cognitive science gener-
corollaries of loyalty and support). When infants observe two ally, because they inform and constrain theoretical
or more individuals interact in a scene, the sociomoral- models about the nature and causal etiology of human
reasoning system determines what actions are obligatory, what
intuitive social cognition.
actions are permissible, and what actions are impermissible.
This chapter reviews key findings concerning each system in
infancy. Psychological reasoning
Beginning in the first year of life, infants attempt to Agents When infants encounter a novel entity, they
make sense of the actions of others. At least two causal- gather evidence about its ontological status. If the entity
reasoning systems contribute to this process: the is capable of autonomous motion (e.g., begins to move
psychological- and sociomoral-reasoning systems (for a com- or reverses course on its own), infants categorize it as
prehensive review, see Baillargeon et al., 2014). Each self-propelled and endow it with internal energy (e.g.,
system operates largely without explicit awareness and Luo, Kaufman, & Baillargeon, 2009). If the entity has
has at its core a distinct explanatory framework com- autonomous control over its actions (e.g., uses varied
prising key principles and concepts. The psychological- means to achieve the same goal or responds purpose-
reasoning system infers agents’ mental states (e.g., fully to changes in its environment), infants categorize
Leslie, 1994), and the sociomoral-reasoning system it as agentive and endow it with mental states (e.g.,
determines what is obligatory, permissible, and imper- Csibra, 2008; Johnson, Shimizu, & Ok, 2007). Finally, if
missible in social interactions (e.g., Dwyer, 2009). the entity gives evidence that it is both self-propelled
To illustrate the purview of each system, imagine that and agentive, infants categorize it as an animal and
infants are observing the following scene. Mary is stack- endow it with biological properties, such as filled insides
ing rings on a table; the last ring rolls to the floor, and (Setoh, Wu, Baillargeon, & Gelman, 2013).
Mary vainly attempts to reach it. At that point, Jane By 3 to 5 months of age, infants can already identify
enters the scene; she observes Mary’s efforts, walks over and reason about novel nonhuman agents (e.g., Hamlin
to the fallen ring, and picks it up. The psychological- & Wynn, 2011; Luo, 2011; Luo & Baillargeon, 2005).
reasoning system would enable infants to interpret These findings make it unlikely that infants gradually

baillargeon et al.: infant social cognition 7

construct (e.g., through their own experiences as belief; instead of asking how the agent will act, however,
agents) an abstract understanding of intentional action investigators assess children’s understanding of the
that is then extended to novel agents; rather, these find- agent’s false belief using various indirect measures. For
ings support the view that psychological reasoning is an example, positive results have been obtained with
adaptation that emerges early in life and enables infants infants in the second year of life using violation-of-
to interpret the actions of any entity they identify as an expectation tasks (e.g., infants detect a violation when
agent. Sally searches for her toy in its current location; Onishi
& Baillargeon, 2005), anticipatory-looking tasks (e.g.,
Mental States Infants who observe an agent act in a infants anticipate that Sally will approach the toy’s origi-
scene can attribute at least three kinds of mental states nal location; Senju, Southgate, Snape, Leonard, &
to the agent: motivational states, which capture the Csibra, 2011), anticipatory-pointing tasks (e.g., infants
agent’s motivation and include goals and attitudinal spontaneously point to inform Sally about her toy’s new
dispositions (e.g., Csibra, 2008; Woodward, 1998); epis- location; Knudsen & Liszkowski, 2012), and prompted-
temic states, which represent what the agent knows about action tasks (e.g., infants respond appropriately to
the scene and include knowledge and ignorance states prompts to help Sally, such as “Go on, help her!”; But-
(e.g., Liszkowski, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2008; Luo & telmann, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2009). Evidence of
Johnson, 2009); and counterfactual states, which corre- false-belief understanding has been obtained using
spond to reality-incongruent states such as false beliefs similar tasks with infants as young as 7 months of age
and pretense (e.g., Onishi & Baillargeon, 2005; Onishi, (e.g., Kovács, Téglás, & Endress, 2010).
Baillargeon, & Leslie, 2007). A decoupling mechanism is
recruited by the psychological-reasoning system to help Processing-load account If children are capable of repre-
represent counterfactual states (e.g., Baillargeon et al., senting false beliefs at an early age, why do they fail at
2014; Leslie, 1994). For example, when the agent holds elicited-response tasks until about age 4? According to
a false belief about the scene, the decoupling mecha- the processing-load account (e.g., Baillargeon et al.,
nism enables infants to temporarily put aside—or 2014), these tasks have considerable executive-function
decouple from—their own perspective on the scene in demands (for alternative accounts, see Butterfill &
order to adopt the agent’s perspective. Apperly, 2013; Perner & Roessler, 2012). When children
are asked the test question (e.g., “Where will Sally look
Elicited- and nonelicited-response false-belief tasks Until for her toy?”), a response-selection process is activated
recently, it was generally assumed that false-belief (e.g., Mueller, Brass, Waszak, & Prinz, 2007) that inad-
understanding does not emerge until about age 4 and vertently triggers a “reality bias”: because agents usually
constitutes a major milestone in the development of look for an object where it is located, the prepotent
mentalistic reasoning (e.g., Wellman, Cross, & Watson, response is that Sally will look for her toy in its current
2001; Wimmer & Perner, 1983). This assumption was location. Thus, instead of—or in addition to—tapping
based on findings from elicited-response tasks. In these their representation of Sally’s false belief, children tap
tasks, children are presented with a scene where an their own knowledge about the toy’s current location.
agent holds a false belief about some aspect of the As a result, children cannot succeed unless their inhibi-
scene, and they are asked a direct question about the tion skills are sufficiently mature to suppress the prepo-
agent’s likely behavior. For example, children listen to tent response generated by the reality bias (e.g., Birch
a story enacted with props: Sally hides her toy in a & Bloom, 2003; Leslie & Polizzi, 1998).
basket and leaves; in her absence, Anne moves the toy If young children’s difficulties were entirely due to
to a box. Children are asked where Sally will look for their inability to inhibit prepotent responses, we would
her toy when she returns. At about age 4, children typi- expect them to succeed at elicited-response tasks that
cally answer correctly, pointing to the basket; in con- circumvent the reality bias. One such task is the
trast, most 3-year-olds point to the box, as though they “undisclosed-location” task: instead of moving Sally’s
do not yet understand that Sally will hold a false belief toy from the basket to the box, Anne takes it away to an
about her toy’s location (e.g., Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & undisclosed location. As children do not know where
Frith, 1985). the toy is, the reality bias should have little effect,
The evidence that false-belief understanding is leaving them free to answer the test question by tapping
present long before age 4 comes from nonelicited-response their representation of Sally’s false belief. However,
tasks (e.g., Baillargeon, Scott, & He, 2010; Scott, He, young children typically perform at chance in
Baillargeon, & Cummins, 2012). In these tasks, children undisclosed-location tasks (Wellman et al., 2001).
are again presented with an agent who holds a false According to the processing-load account, the joint

8 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

demands of the false-belief-representation and response- present (e.g., Luo & Baillargeon, 2005), or if the agent
selection processes overwhelm young children’s limited does not know that object-B is present (e.g., Luo &
working-memory resources, leading to chance perfor- Johnson, 2009); in either case, there is no longer choice
mance. This account predicts that young children information signaling the agent’s disposition toward
should succeed at undisclosed-location tasks when object-A. Second, infants attribute a preference to the
response-selection demands are reduced through prac- agent during the familiarization trials even if object-A
tice trials, and recent results confirm this prediction is the only object present, as long as the agent expends
(Setoh, Scott, & Baillargeon, 2011). effort to obtain object-A (e.g., in each familiarization
trial, the agent must open a container in order to
The Rationality Principle Adults’ expectations retrieve object-A; Bíró, Verschoor, & Coenen, 2011).
about agents’ actions are guided by a rationality prin- Third, infants view preferences as attributes of individ-
ciple: all other things being equal, adults expect agents ual agents: if Mary prefers object-A over object-B, infants
to act rationally—indeed, this is what makes it possible do not expect Jane to share the same preference (e.g.,
to predict their actions (e.g., Dennett, 1987; Fodor, Buresh & Woodward, 2007; see Egyed, Király, & Gergely,
1987). Corollaries of the rationality principle include 2013, for an interesting exception involving pedagogi-
expectations of consistency—agents should act in a cal cues). Finally, infants attribute preferences when-
manner consistent with their mental states—and ever agents’ choices systematically deviate from random
efficiency—agents should expend as little effort as sampling (e.g., when an agent chooses only ducks from
possible to achieve their goals (e.g., Baillargeon et al., a box containing mainly frogs; Kushnir, Xu, & Wellman,
2014; Gergely, Nádasdy, Csibra, & Bíró, 1995). Like 2010).
adults, infants expect agents to adhere to the rational-
ity principle. When infants observe an agent act in a Efficiency In a well-known efficiency task (e.g., Csibra,
scene, the psychological-reasoning system attempts to 2008), infants first receive familiarization trials in which
build a psychological explanation for the agent’s actions an agent detours around an obstacle in order to reach
by positing a causally coherent set of mental states that a target. In the test trials, the obstacle is removed, and
portrays these actions as rational. If infants succeed in the agent either moves to the target in a straight line
building such an explanation, they can then use it (short-path event) or detours as before when approach-
(along with the rationality principle) to predict how ing the target (long-path event). Infants typically look
the agent will behave when the scene changes. longer at the long- than at the short-path event. This
result suggests that during the familiarization trials,
Consistency In a well-known consistency task (e.g., infants attribute to the agent the goal of reaching the
Woodward, 1998), infants first receive familiarization target. During the test trials, infants expect the agent to
trials in which an agent faces two objects, object-A and maintain this goal and to pursue it efficiently: with the
object-B, and repeatedly reaches for object-A. In the test obstacle removed, a more efficient path to the target
trials, the objects’ locations are switched, and the agent becomes possible, and infants detect an efficiency viola-
reaches for either object-A (old-object event) or object-B tion when the agent ignores this path and follows the
(new-object event). In another version of the task (e.g., familiar, less efficient path instead.
Robson & Kuhlmeier, 2013), object-B is replaced with Additional findings support this interpretation. First,
new object-C in the test trials, and the agent reaches for similar results have been obtained with various detour
either object-A (old-object event) or object-C (new-object tasks, including an agent reaching over an obstacle to
event). In either case, infants typically look longer at grasp an object (e.g., Phillips & Wellman, 2005). Second,
the new- than at the old-object event. This result sug- when considering physical effort, infants evaluate not
gests that during the familiarization trials, infants notice only the shortest path possible for reaching a target, but
that the agent continually chooses object-A over also the shortest action sequence possible for obtaining
object-B, and, based on this systematic choice informa- an object: infants expect an agent who has access to two
tion, they attribute to the agent a particular disposition, identical objects to choose the one that can be retrieved
a liking or preference for object-A. During the test with fewer actions (Scott & Baillargeon, 2013). Third,
trials, infants expect the agent to continue acting on infants consider mental as well as physical effort when
this preference, and they detect a consistency violation reasoning about efficiency: if an agent is presented with
when the agent reaches for the other object instead. two identical objects, one under a transparent cover
Additional findings support this interpretation. First, and one under an opaque cover, infants expect the
infants do not attribute a preference to the agent during agent to choose the visible object, which can be retrieved
the familiarization trials if object-A is the only object with less mental effort (Scott & Baillargeon, 2013).

baillargeon et al.: infant social cognition 9

Irrational agents The preceding results indicate that have a beneficial effect on others, whereas negative
when infants are able to build a well-formed psychologi- actions are those that have a detrimental effect.
cal explanation for an agent’s actions, they use this Research with infants age 10 months and older indi-
explanation to predict how the agent will act when the cates that (1) they can assess the valence of both
scene changes. As might be expected, when infants are positive (e.g., helping, sharing) and negative (e.g., hin-
unable to build a well-formed explanation for an agent’s dering, hitting) actions (e.g., Behne, Carpenter, Call, &
actions, they hold no expectations about the agent’s Tomasello, 2005; Premack & Premack, 1997); (2) they
subsequent behavior. Such negative results have been show an affiliative preference for individuals who
obtained (1) when it is unclear why the agent is pursu- produce positive actions over individuals who produce
ing a particular goal (e.g., the agent is attempting to negative actions (e.g., Hamlin, Wynn, & Bloom, 2007);
steal an undesirable object; Scott, Richman, & Baillar- (3) through evaluative contagion, they show affiliative
geon, 2014) or why the agent is refraining from pursuing preferences for individuals who behave positively toward
a particular goal (e.g., the agent is staring at an acces- individuals who have produced positive actions and for
sible object but does not reach for it; Luo, 2010); (2) individuals who behave negatively toward individuals
when the agent’s actions are inconsistent with her who have produced negative actions (e.g., Hamlin,
knowledge about the scene (e.g., the agent expresses Wynn, Bloom, & Mahajan, 2011); and (4) they expect
excitement over an empty container; Chow & Poulin- others to have similar affiliative preferences (e.g.,
Dubois, 2009); and (3) when the agent’s actions are Fawcett & Liszkowski, 2012; Hamlin et al., 2007).
inefficient and involve either an unnecessary action
(e.g., the agent opens a container before grasping an The Reciprocity Principle Adults expect individu-
object that stands next to the container; Bíró et al., als to act in accordance with a reciprocity principle: if A
2011) or an unnecessary detour (e.g., the agent jumps, acts in some way toward B, who chooses to respond,
for no apparent reason, while approaching a target; then B’s reciprocal action should match A’s initial
Gergely et al., 1995). action in value, though it need not match in form (e.g.,
When presented with an inefficient action on a novel Jackendoff, 2007; Premack, 1990). Recent evidence
object, infants occasionally give the agent the benefit of indicates that by the second year of life, infants already
the doubt: they assume that a rational agent would not possess an expectation of reciprocity (e.g., Dunfield &
perform this action unless there was a reason for doing Kuhlmeier, 2010; He, Jin, Baillargeon, & Premack,
so. Thus, after watching a model activate a light-box by 2014).
touching it with her forehead, while her hands lay idle In one violation-of-expectation experiment, for
on either side of the light-box, infants tend to imitate example, 15-month-olds watched live events involving
the model’s inefficient head action (Meltzoff, 1988). two unfamiliar women who sat at windows in the right
Infants use their hands to activate the light-box, however, wall (E1) and back wall (E2) of a puppet-stage appara-
if the model’s hands are occupied while she demon- tus (He et al., 2014). During the familiarization trials,
strates the (now merely expedient) head action E1 either gave a cookie to E2 (give-cookie condition) or
(Gergely, Bekkering, & Király, 2002). stole E2’s cookie (steal-cookie condition). During the test
trial, while E2 watched, E1 stored stickers one by one
Sociomoral reasoning in a colorful box; as she was about to store her last
sticker, a bell rang, and E1 exited, leaving her last sticker
As it became clear that infants can make sense, at least on the apparatus floor. Next, either E2 stored the sticker
in simple situations, of the actions of a single agent, in the box, thus helping E1 by completing her actions
researchers were naturally led to ask whether infants (store-sticker event), or E2 tore the sticker into four
also possess expectations about social interactions pieces and dropped them on the apparatus floor (tear-
among two or more agents, bringing about a new focus sticker event). In either case, after finishing her actions,
on sociomoral reasoning. E2 looked down and paused until infants looked away
and the trial ended.
Values Because many sociomoral expectations pre- In the give-cookie condition, infants looked reliably
suppose an ability to assess the values of social actions, longer at the final paused scene if shown the tear-
initial investigations explored this ability in infants. In sticker as opposed to the store-sticker event; in the
general, the value of a social action is determined by its steal-cookie condition, the opposite looking pattern
valence (positive, negative, or neutral) and magnitude was found. These results suggested two conclusions.
(more or less) (e.g., Jackendoff, 2007; Premack, 1990). First, infants expected E2 to follow the reciprocity prin-
As might be expected, positive actions are those that ciple: when E1 had acted positively toward E2, infants

10 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

detected a reciprocity violation if E2 acted negatively Infants looked reliably longer at the final paused
toward E1; conversely, when E1 had acted negatively scene in the unequal than in the equal event, suggest-
toward E2, infants detected a reciprocity violation if E2 ing that, by 19 months, infants expect a distributor to
acted positively toward E1. Second, infants could detect divide resources fairly between two similar recipients.
these violations even though E2’s reciprocal actions This conclusion was supported by two control condi-
toward E1 differed in form from E1’s initial actions tions. In one, the giraffes were inanimate (they never
toward E2, pointing to an abstract expectation of reci- moved or talked), and infants looked about equally at
procity. These conclusions were supported by a second the two test events. In the other, instead of bringing in
experiment identical to the first except that in the test and distributing the two objects in each trial, the experi-
trial E2 entered the apparatus only after E1 had exited. menter removed covers resting over the giraffes’ place-
E2 found the sticker on the apparatus floor and, as mats to reveal the objects; infants again looked equally
before, either stored it or tore it up. Infants in both at the two test events, suggesting that they did not
conditions looked about equally at the store-sticker merely expect similar individuals to have similar
and tear-sticker events. Because E2 did not know to numbers of items.
whom the sticker belonged, her actions were not wit-
tingly directed at E1. Therefore, the reciprocity princi- The Ingroup Principle According to the ingroup
ple did not apply, and infants held no expectations principle, members of a social group should act in ways
about E2’s actions. that sustain the group (e.g., Baillargeon et al., 2014;
Brewer, 1999). The ingroup principle has two corollar-
The Fairness Principle According to the fairness ies, loyalty and support, each of which carries a rich set
principle, all other things being equal, individuals of expectations. Ingroup loyalty dictates that in situa-
should treat others fairly when allocating windfall tions involving ingroup and outgroup individuals, one
resources, dispensing rewards for effort or merit, and should (1) prefer and align with ingroup as opposed to
so on (e.g., Haidt & Joseph, 2007; Premack, 2007). outgroup individuals, (2) protect ingroup individuals
Traditionally, investigations of fairness in 3- to 5-year- who are threatened by outgroup aggressors, and (3)
olds have used first-party tasks, where the children display favoritism toward ingroup over outgroup indi-
tested are potential recipients, and third-party tasks, viduals (e.g., when allocating scarce resources). Ingroup
where they are not. Perhaps not surprisingly given support dictates that when interacting with ingroup
young children’s pervasive difficulty in curbing their individuals, one should (1) engage in prosocial actions
self-interest, a concern for fairness has typically been such as helping ingroup members in need of assistance
observed only in third-party tasks (e.g., Baumard, and comforting ingroup members in distress, and (2)
Mascaro, & Chevallier, 2012; Olson & Spelke, 2008). limit negative interactions within the ingroup by refrain-
Extending these results, recent investigations using ing from unprovoked negative actions, curbing retalia-
third-party tasks have revealed that infants in the second tory actions, and engaging in social acting, the
year of life already possess an expectation of fairness well-intentioned deception adults routinely practice
(e.g., Geraci & Surian, 2011; Schmidt & Sommerville, (e.g., white lies) to support ingroup members (Baillar-
2011; Sloane, Baillargeon, & Premack, 2012). geon et al., 2013; Yang & Baillargeon, 2013). Although
In one violation-of-expectation experiment, for all of these expectations are being explored with
example, 19-month-olds watched live events in which infants (see Baillargeon et al., 2014), due to space con-
an experimenter divided two objects between two iden- straints we focus below on the first expectation in
tical animated puppet giraffes (Sloane et al., 2012). At each set.
the start of each trial, the two giraffes protruded
from openings in the back wall of the apparatus; in Ingroup loyalty Infants align their toy and food choices
front of each giraffe was a small placemat. The giraffes with those endorsed by speakers of their native lan-
“danced” until the experimenter entered the apparatus guage (e.g., Kinzler, Dupoux, & Spelke, 2012; Shutts,
carrying two identical objects (e.g., edible cookies), and Kinzler, McKee, & Spelke, 2009). In one preferential-
announced, “I have cookies!”; the giraffes then reaching experiment, for example, 10-month-olds from
responded excitedly, “Yay, yay!” (in two distinct voices). English-speaking families sat at a table in front of a
Next, the experimenter placed either one object in computer monitor and received four test trials (Kinzler
front of each giraffe (equal event) or both objects in et al., 2012). Each trial had a speech phase in which
front of the same giraffe (unequal event). Finally, the infants heard, in alternation, a woman who spoke
experimenter left, and the two giraffes looked down at English and a woman who spoke French, followed by a
their placemats and paused until the trial ended. toy-modeling phase, in which the two women stood side

baillargeon et al.: infant social cognition 11

by side, each silent, smiling, and holding a different toy (with its corollaries of consistency and efficiency). The
animal; real-life replicas of the toys rested on the table sociomoral-reasoning system guides infants’ expecta-
below the monitor. Following the toy-modeling phase, tions about social interactions and is constrained by
infants were wheeled closer to the table to select one of several principles, including reciprocity, fairness, and
the toys. Across trials, infants reliably chose the toy held ingroup (with its corollaries of loyalty and support).
by the English speaker. These results suggest that when Although much research is needed to understand each
infants face two unfamiliar women, one from their system and its neurological basis, the present review
speech community and one from a different speech makes clear that key components of adult social cogni-
community, they extend ingroup status to the woman tion are already in place in infancy.
from their speech community and align their choices
with hers, in accordance with the ingroup principle. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of this chapter was supported
by an NICHD grant to Renée Baillargeon (HD-021104). We
thank Dan Hyde for helpful comments.
Ingroup support Infants help an experimenter in need
of assistance (e.g., Warneken & Tomasello, 2006, 2007),
as long as they extend ingroup status to the experi-
menter through either an appropriate familiarization
phase (e.g., Barragan & Dweck, 2012) or affiliative
primes (e.g., Over & Carpenter, 2009). For example, Baillargeon, R., He, Z., Setoh, P., Scott, R. M., Sloane, S.,
& Yang, D. Y.-J. (2013). False-belief understanding and why
Warneken and Tomasello (2007) presented 14-month- it matters: The social-acting hypothesis. In M. R. Banaji &
olds with three out-of-reach scenarios in which a famil- S. A. Gelman (Eds.), Navigating the social world: What infants,
iarized experimenter required help (e.g., he accidentally children, and other species can teach us (pp. 88–95). New York,
dropped a marker on the floor and unsuccessfully NY: Oxford University Press.
reached for it). Most infants helped the experimenter Baillargeon, R., Scott, R. M., & He, Z. (2010). False-belief
understanding in infants. Trends Cogn Sci, 14, 110–118.
in at least one scenario. Infants are less likely to comfort
Baillargeon, R., Scott, R. M., He, Z., Sloane, S., Setoh, P.,
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responsive event, a woman folded towels on the left side necessary for young children to help? Paper presented at the
of a room; at the back of the room were a chair with Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Min-
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14 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

2 Structural Brain Development During
Childhood and Adolescence

ABSTRACT The past 15 years have seen a major expansion in With the increased availability of MRI, a number of
research on the structural development of the maturing large-scale studies of typical structural brain develop-
human brain in childhood and adolescence. In this chapter,
ment have demonstrated not only that the human brain
we summarize the major findings from histological and mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) studies looking at the struc- continues to undergo substantial structural remodeling
tural development of the child and adolescent brain. There throughout childhood and adolescence and into adult-
is substantial evidence for the ongoing development of many hood, but have also documented region-specific differ-
regions of the brain into adulthood, both microscopically and ences in the timing and extent of these changes. It is
macroscopically. Histological investigations have shown that important to note that common MRI techniques are
myelination continues throughout childhood and adoles-
cence, and appears to correspond to the increasing white limited to investigations of macroscopic changes, since
matter volumes seen in MRI studies. Post-mortem studies the images produced are typically made up of voxels of
investigating synaptic density have documented a dynamic between 1 mm3 and 3 mm3. By comparing MRI investi-
process of synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning that pro- gations with post-mortem histological studies, we are
gresses in a region-specific manner during this developmental better able to describe the major macroscopic develop-
period. MRI studies have found that most cortical regions
show evidence of increasing gray matter volume during child-
mental patterns of the human brain and link these to
hood, before peaking in late childhood/early adolescence the likely microscopic changes that underlie them.
and decreasing in volume during adolescence, although there In this chapter, we summarize the major findings
is wide variation in the timing and extent of this change. In from histological and MRI studies looking at the struc-
contrast, subcortical regions show varying trajectories, which tural development of the child and adolescent brain.
differ between structures but also across studies. Possible
future directions to tackle many of the unanswered questions
that remain are discussed at the end of the chapter. Histological changes in brain structure during
childhood and adolescence
The past 15 years have seen a major expansion in
research on the structural development of the matur- Since the late 1960s, studies have shown evidence of
ing human brain in childhood and adolescence, cellular age-related differences in particular regions of
based largely on the results of cross-sectional and lon- the human brain in childhood and adolescence (Hut-
gitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies tenlocher, 1990, 1979; Huttenlocher & Dabholkar,
(Brain Development Cooperative Group [BDCG], 1997; Miller et al., 2012; Petanjek et al., 2011; Yakovlev
2012; Brown et al., 2012; Giedd et al., 1996; Lenroot & Lecours, 1967). These developments can largely be
et al., 2007; Østby et al., 2009; Raznahan et al., divided into changes in myelination of axons and
2011a; Sowell, Trauner, Gamst, & Jernigan, 2002; axonal caliber, and changes in the organization and
Sullivan et al., 2011). Prior to the development of density of synapses.
MRI, our understanding of the maturation of the
human brain was largely limited to data from post- Changes in Myelination Myelination, the process
mortem studies. While such histological studies provide of laying down myelin by oligodendrocytes, is important
invaluable information regarding the basic processes for the maturing connectivity within the developing
underlying brain development, they are unable to brain, allowing the synchronization of information
inform us fully about how individuals change over transfer within and between brain networks (Fields &
time, how structures vary in their development both Stevens-Graham, 2002). Myelination occurs as a result
within and between individuals, and how these struc- of reciprocal communication between neurons and oli-
tural changes relate to functional correlates and behav- godendrocytes (Simons & Trajkovic, 2006). Humans
ioral patterns. are born with relatively low levels of neocortical myelin

goddings and giedd: brain development during childhood and adolescence 15

compared with other nonhuman primates such as
chimpanzees (Miller et al., 2012).
Human post-mortem studies have shown that myelin-
ation continues through the first and second decade of
life (Benes, Turtle, Khan, & Farol, 1994; Yakovlev &
Lecours, 1967). A recent study quantifying myelinated
axon fiber length density in post-mortem samples
(Miller et al., 2012) showed that myelination continues
until at least 28 years of age, only reaching 60% of its
adult levels by adolescence/early adulthood (age 11–23
years). Myelination does not occur uniformly across the
brain according to these studies, but develops in differ-
ent regions of the brain at different ages (Benes et al.,
1994; Yakovlev & Lecours, 1967).

Synaptic Changes Synaptogenesis in humans begins

in the third trimester of fetal life and continues for a
variable time depending on the brain region being
examined (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997). It has,
for instance, been found that the auditory cortex shows
a rapid burst of synaptogenesis postnatally, peaking at
age 3 months. In contrast, the prefrontal cortex contin-
ues to demonstrate synaptogenesis until 3.5 years of age
(Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997), and may continue
for a longer period (Huttenlocher, 1990). Following
this period of synaptogenesis, the cortex undergoes a
period of synaptic pruning (Huttenlocher, 1979), which
is again heterochronous, occurring earlier in the
primary sensory cortices (e.g., visual cortex) than in the
prefrontal cortex, where it continues well into the
second decade of life (Huttenlocher, 1990).
Figure 2.1 Regression curves showing the dendritic spine
This body of work by Huttenlocher and colleagues
density from (A) basal dendrites, (B) apical proximal oblique
has been significantly expanded by a more recent dendrites, and (C) apical distal oblique dendrites of pyrami-
study that investigated synaptic development in the dal cells from layers IIIc and V of the dorsolateral prefrontal
prefrontal cortex of post-mortem brains from 32 indi- cortex in 32 participants aged 1 month to 91 years. Repro-
viduals aged between 1 week and 91 years (Petanjek et duced from Petanjek et al., 2011.
al., 2011). This study also showed increasing dendritic
spine density in prefrontal cortex through infancy and
childhood, with a decrease in adolescence and into without the use of ionizing radiation. A major benefit
adulthood. The peak dendritic spine density in late of MRI as an investigative technique over other forms
childhood was approximately twice that of adult levels, of imaging or post-mortem studies is that it enables the
and remained significantly higher than adult levels collection of repeated scans in the same individuals
throughout adolescence. These data demonstrate that over time. Given the large interindividual variability in
there is protracted pruning of synaptic spines through structural volumes, longitudinal data have proved
adolescence and into early adulthood (Petanjek et al., invaluable for documenting developmental trajectories
2011). (i.e., change in volume over time) within and between
Macroscopic structural changes using MRI The earliest longitudinal brain imaging project began
in 1989 under the direction of Markus Krusei, M.D., at
First used in pediatric neuroimaging studies of typical the Child Psychiatry Branch of the National Institute
development in the late 1980s, MRI allows the collec- of Mental Health (CPB; Giedd et al., 1996). This longi-
tion of high-resolution anatomical brain images of tudinal brain imaging project has acquired more than
large numbers of healthy children and adolescents 6,500 structural MRI scans from thousands of individu-

16 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

als aged 3 years and older (see http://clinicalstudies adolescence (Jernigan & Tallal, 1990; Reiss, Abrams, ). Singer, Ross, & Denckla, 1996; Schaefer et al., 1990),
Much of the data for the following sections regarding complementing the anatomical studies describing
quantification of brain structure sizes are from sub- ongoing myelination during childhood described
groups of typically developing individuals within this above. More recent longitudinal MRI studies have
cohort, including Giedd et al., 1996 (cross-sectional, tracked the trajectories of WM volume development,
104 participants, 4–18 years); Giedd et al., 1999 (243 revealing age-dependent patterns that were broadly
scans, 145 participants, 4–21 years); Gogtay et al., 2004 similar across lobes (frontal, temporal and parietal;
(52 scans, 13 participants, 4–21 years); Lenroot et al., Lenroot et al., 2007). A key WM structure in the brain
2007 (829 scans, 387 participants, 3–27 years); Razna- is the corpus callosum, which is made up of approxi-
han et al., 2011a (376 scans, 108 participants, 9–22 mately 200 million mostly myelinated axons that
years), and Raznahan et al., 2011b (1,274 scans, 647 connect homologous areas of the left and right cerebral
participants, 3–30 years). We also include a number of hemispheres. The CPB study (Lenroot et al., 2007) and
relevant studies from other projects around the world. other studies (Pujol, Vendrell, Junqué, Martí-Vilalta, &
Capdevila, 1993; Thompson et al., 2000) have shown
Total Cerebral Volume Total brain volume has increasing volume of the corpus callosum in childhood
been shown to double in the first year of life and to and adolescence (4–20 years).
increase by a further 15% in the second year (Knick- With advances in MRI technology, additional methods
meyer et al., 2008). It approaches adult volumes by to characterize WM structure have been developed.
mid-childhood, reaching approximately 95% of peak One important technique is diffusion tensor imaging,
volume by age 6 (Lenroot et al., 2007). After this time, which quantifies diffusion of water through different
total brain volume remains relatively stable through the regions of the brain (Mori & Zhang, 2006). If uncon-
second decade into adulthood, with some studies sug- strained, water molecules will randomly diffuse in all
gesting a small reduction in volume (BDCG, 2012; directions. Nonrandom diffusion can be used to infer
Koolschijn & Crone, 2013; Lenroot et al., 2007; Østby constraints placed upon the motion of water by physical
et al., 2009). features such as cell membranes or interactions with
Consistent with the adult neuroimaging literature large molecules (Le Bihan et al., 2001). Fractional
(e.g., Goldstein et al., 2001), mean total cerebral anisotropy is a measure used to indicate the degree of
volume is approximately 10% larger in boys than girls nonrandomness of the diffusion, providing both infor-
throughout childhood and adolescence (Giedd, Raz- mation on the microstructure of WM and the direction-
nahan, Mills, & Lenroot, 2012). This finding has often ality of the axons contained within it. Mean diffusivity,
been attributed to differences in overall body size in the overall speed of diffusion, tends to be decreased by
adult populations, but the CPB study showed that the these same factors.
differences in brain size preceded the striking differ- As would be predicted by increasing myelination,
ences in body size which predominantly occurred after overall fractional anisotropy has been shown to increase
puberty in the sample (Lenroot et al., 2007). This and mean diffusivity to decrease during childhood and
study demonstrated the large interindividual variability adolescence (Lebel & Beaulieu, 2011; Peters et al.,
that exists in brain volumes. Thus, healthy children at 2012). High anisotropy indicates coherently bundled
the same age may have nearly two-fold differences in myelinated axons and axonal pruning, resulting in
total brain size, as well as large variation between more efficient neuronal signaling (Suzuki, Matsuzawa,
volumes of various brain substructures. While the Kwee, & Nakada, 2003) and improved cognitive perfor-
mean difference in total cerebral volume persisted mance (e.g., reading ability: Beaulieu et al., 2005; IQ:
between the sexes, there was significant variation Schmithorst, Wilke, Dardzinski, & Holland, 2005). This
within and between the sexes in terms of brain volume development varied between regions and specific tracts,
(Lenroot et al., 2007). with tracts connecting frontal and temporal regions
(e.g., cingulum, uncinate fasciculus, and superior longi-
White Matter Development Cortical tissue can be tudinal fasciculus) showing more prolonged periods of
broadly divided into white matter (WM) and gray maturation than other regions (e.g., corpus callosum
matter (GM) based on its appearance on MRI. White and fornix; Lebel, Gee, Camicioli, Wieler, Martin, &
matter is composed primarily of axons, many of which Beaulieu, 2012), and one study showing fractional
are myelinated, and associated vasculature and glia. anisotropy continuing to increase beyond 23 years of
Early cross-sectional MRI studies of WM development age in frontal and temporal regions (Tamnes et al.,
showed that volumes increased through childhood and 2010).

goddings and giedd: brain development during childhood and adolescence 17

subsequent decline occurring in the primary sensorim-
otor areas, and the latest in higher-order association
areas that integrate those primary functions, such as the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal cortex,
and superior temporal gyrus (Gogtay et al., 2004; Muf-
tuler et al., 2011). The underlying mechanisms associ-
ated with a reduction in GM volume are still debated
(Carlo & Stevens, 2013; Paus, 2010), and to date there
are no studies that have tested the relationship between
developmental changes in underlying cellular or
synaptic anatomy and structural MRI measures. Despite
these limitations, it is thought that reductions in GM
volume may reflect synaptic reorganization and/or
increases in WM (as axons become myelinated), result-
ing in GM encroachment and apparent GM volume
Improving magnetic resonance image resolution
and the development of new surface-based reconstruc-
tion tools (e.g., CIVET, Freesurfer) has enabled the
study of distinct aspects of GM structure, such as corti-
cal thickness and surface area, in addition to GM
volume. Cortical thickness refers to the distance
between the two surfaces of the GM cortex—that is,
the GM-WM interface and the outer GM-pia interface.
Surface area refers to the total or regional area of the
cortical surface. GM volume is a product of cortical
thickness and surface area. Cortical thickness and
surface area are driven by distinct genetic (Panizzon et
al., 2009; Winkler et al., 2010), evolutionary (Rakic,
1995), and cellular (Chenn & Walsh, 2002) processes.
Differences in surface area are pronounced across
Figure 2.2 Mean volume (with 95% confidence intervals) species (Hill et al., 2010; Rakic, 1995), whereas cortical
by age in years for males (blue) and females (red) for (a) total thickness is highly conserved in comparison. Many
brain volume, (b) white matter volume, and (c) gray matter areas of the brain that have expanded in surface area
volume. Reproduced from Lenroot et al., 2007. (See color
across evolution also show relatively greater surface-
plate 1.)
area expansion between infancy and adulthood (Hill
et al., 2010).
Cortical Gray Matter Development Examining The CPB dataset has been used to characterize
the developmental trajectory of total GM volume in the changes in surface area and cortical thickness (Razna-
CPB study revealed inverted U-shaped trajectories with han et al., 2011b). In this study, both cortical thickness
an increasing volume across childhood followed by a and surface area showed decreases throughout adoles-
decrease in adolescence (Giedd et al., 1999; Lenroot et cence following peak measurements in childhood. In
al., 2007; see figure 2.2). The rate of decreasing volume males, the changes in surface area explained two-thirds
in adolescence reduces with age, suggesting relative sta- of the changes seen in cortical volume, while in females
bility of overall GM volume by early adulthood cortical thickness and surface area appeared to contrib-
(Hedman, van Haren, Schnack, Kahn, & Hulshoff Pol, ute equally (Raznahan et al., 2011b). Reductions in
2012; Lenroot et al., 2007; Østby et al., 2009). The cortical thickness during adolescence have also been
timing at which GM volume peaks differs between demonstrated in other studies (Brown et al., 2012;
lobes, with parietal lobes peaking before the frontal Tamnes et al., 2010; van Soelen et al., 2012). Further
lobes and the temporal lobes peaking last (Giedd et al., work is needed to elucidate the developmental trajec-
1999; Muftuler et al., 2011). Across the cortical surface, tories of cortical thickness during childhood, since the
there is extensive heterogeneity in this developmental findings across these studies are not consistent in this
timing, with the earliest GM volume peak and younger age range.

18 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Subcortical GM Development The relatively small subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra). The caudate
size and ambiguous MRI signal of the borders between decreases in volume across adolescence (Lenroot et al.,
subcortical structures mean that reliable automated 2007; Tamnes et al., 2013a). The CPB longitudinal
techniques for extracting volumes on a large scale have study found that the caudate volume followed an
only recently been developed, and to date there are few inverted U-shaped trajectory, increasing in childhood
published large-scale studies documenting the develop- and peaking before decreasing in adolescence (Lenroot
mental trajectories of subcortical structures. et al., 2007), while the longitudinal study by Tamnes et
al. showed a steady decrease in volume throughout the
Amygdala and hippocampus Amygdala and hippocam- study (Tamnes et al., 2013a). This discrepancy may
pus volumes increase during early to mid-childhood (1 reflect the differing starting ages of the studies and
month to 8 years; Uematsu et al., 2012). The develop- emphasizes the relative paucity of information regard-
mental trajectory in late childhood and adolescence is ing the childhood trajectories of many subcortical
less clear. An early cross-sectional analysis of amygdala regions. The large cross-sectional samples available
and hippocampus volumes using data from the CPB support the longitudinal data showing a decrease in
cohort, validated by expert rater manual tracing, showed caudate volume during adolescence (BDCG, 2012;
increases in amygdala volumes in males only and Østby et al., 2009).
increases in hippocampal volumes in females only The data for the putamen, globus pallidus, and
(Giedd et al., 1996; n = 104, 4–18 years). A later, larger nucleus accumbens are broadly in agreement, showing
cross-sectional study of amygdala and hippocampal decreases in volume across adolescence, although the
development between 8 and 30 years of age (n = 171) extent of these changes varies between studies and
showed a nonlinear increase in volume with age of both some do not show significant changes in all regions
the hippocampus and amygdala in both sexes (Østby (BDCG, 2012; Koolschijn & Crone, 2013; Østby et al.,
et al., 2009), and a further cross-sectional study of 885 2009; Sowell et al., 2002; Tamnes et al., 2013a).
participants between 3 and 20 years of age showed non-
linear increases in hippocampus volume (Brown et al., Cerebellum Developmental curves of total cerebellum
2012). However, a longitudinal study that incorporated size in the CPB study followed an inverted U-shaped
the developmental trajectories of the amygdala and hip- developmental trajectory, similar to the cerebral cortex
pocampus described small decreases in both amygdala (Tiemeier et al., 2010). The cerebellum can be subdi-
and hippocampus volume (n = 85, 8–22 years; Tamnes vided into GM and WM in the same way as the cerebral
et al., 2013a). A decrease in amygdala volume (but not cortex, and similar developmental trajectories were
hippocampal volume) was also reported by Uematsu seen in a cross-sectional study, with increasing WM and
and colleagues (n = 109, 1 month–25 years; Uematsu et decreasing GM volumes over late childhood and ado-
al., 2012). The discrepancy between studies may reflect lescence (Koolschijn & Crone, 2013; Østby et al., 2009).
the large interindividual variation in amygdala and hip- However, different subregions, which arise from differ-
pocampus volume, where there is a twofold variation in ent embryologic precursors, followed different develop-
absolute volume (Giedd et al., 1996; Østby et al., 2009; mental trajectories. In contrast to the evolutionarily
Tamnes et al., 2013a), or different study designs and more recent cerebellar hemispheric lobes that followed
methods of measurement and analysis. the inverted U-shaped developmental trajectory, cere-
bellar vermis size did not change across the age span
Thalamus Analyses of the changes in thalamus volume covered in this study (5–24 years; Tiemeier et al., 2010).
across adolescence show a similar discrepancy between
studies to those seen when examining the amygdala and Future directions
hippocampus. One longitudinal study showed decreas-
ing volume with age (8–22 years; Tamnes et al., 2013a) As our understanding of the ongoing development in
and an early cross-sectional study also reported tha- brain structure during adolescence increases, so does
lamic decreases with age (n = 35, 7–16 years; Sowell the need to relate this development to the characteristic
et al., 2002). In contrast, other cross-sectional studies behaviors associated with the teenage years. Adoles-
have reported slight increases in volume over adoles- cents typically show changes in social behaviors includ-
cence (BDCG, 2012; Brown et al., 2012; Koolschijn & ing heightened self-consciousness, increasingly complex
Crone, 2013; Østby et al., 2009). peer networks, and the initiation of sexual feelings and
relationships, as well as an escalation in risk-taking
Basal ganglia The basal ganglia are a collection of sub- behaviors compared with children (Spear, 2009; Stein-
cortical nuclei (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, berg & Morris, 2001; Steinberg, 2004). Decisions made

goddings and giedd: brain development during childhood and adolescence 19

during this time can have long-lasting ramifications, structure through childhood and adolescence. There is
such as those related to relationships, education, and ongoing development of many regions of the brain into
identity. Given that structural changes seen in MRI adulthood, both microscopically and macroscopically.
studies are thought to reflect changes in synaptic Myelination is ongoing throughout this developmental
number and organization, it is possible that they cor- period and appears to correspond to increasing WM
relate with differences in behavior and cognitive abili- volumes seen in MRI studies. There is a dynamic process
ties. Studies have started to investigate these links in of synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning that progresses
typically developing and clinical populations of chil- in a region-specific manner during childhood and ado-
dren and adolescents, looking at structural correlates lescence. While this may be reflected in the changing
of, for example, hyperactivity and impulsivity traits volumes of GM detected on MRI over this period,
(Shaw et al., 2007, 2011); conduct problems (Huebner further work is needed to confirm this. In general, most
et al., 2008; Walhovd, Tamnes, Østby, Due-Tønnessen, cortical regions show evidence of increasing GM volume
& Fjell, 2012); intelligence (Shaw et al., 2011; Sowell et during childhood, before peaking in late childhood/
al., 2004; Tamnes et al., 2011); and working memory early adolescence and decreasing in volume during
performance (Østby et al., 2011; Tamnes et al., 2013b). adolescence, although there is wide variation in the
Further studies are needed to extend and broaden this timing and extent of this change. Subcortical regions
area of research to allow a clearer and more accurate show varying trajectories that differ between structures
interpretation of the structural changes seen in child- but also across studies.
hood and adolescence.
The number of studies documenting structural brain
changes in childhood and adolescence is small, particu- REFERENCES
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(1996). Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of
In this chapter, we have described some of the main human brain development: Ages 4–18. Cereb Cortex, 6,
findings that inform us about the changes in the brain’s 551–560.

20 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

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22 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

3 Cognitive Control and Affective Decision
Making in Childhood and Adolescence

ABSTRACT One of the major steps in cognitive development Social Affective Sensitivities At the onset of ado-
during childhood and adolescence is an increase in cognitive lescence the influence of social and affective context
control functions, such as working memory, response inhibi-
starts to impact the decisions that adolescents make
tion, adaptation, and complex reasoning. Yet, at the same
time adolescence is characterized by a relative dominant focus (see chapter 4, this volume). Adolescence starts with
on rewards and short-term outcomes at the cost of long-term puberty around 10 to 11 years of age, although there is
consequences. This chapter reviews neurocognitive studies variance between children at the onset of puberty
showing a change in recruitment of prefrontal cortex and (Forbes & Dahl, 2010). During pubertal development
parietal cortex over time when performing cognitive control there are substantial changes in hormone release; these
tasks and heightened sensitivity of subcortical areas in
response to emotional stimuli in mid-adolescence. Together, changes propagate alterations in both bodily character-
these findings have been interpreted in terms of different istics and in social-affective sensitivities, such as an
developmental trajectories for brain regions involved in increased tendency towards risk-taking and a greater
making complex decisions, which creates sensitivities but also sensitivity to peer group influence (Crone & Dahl,
important opportunities for adaptation and explorative 2012). Most changes in social sensitivity and increases
in risk-taking behavior are adaptive, to stimulate explor-
ative learning, and to eventually obtain mature social
goals. However, in some cases such changes can have
Cognitive and affective decision making serious consequences, including accidents, drug abuse,
in adolescence and in extreme cases suicide attempts (Dahl & Gunnar,
Fast Improvement in Cognitive Control One of These developmental patterns have inspired neuro-
the most consistent observations in the development of scientists to investigate how different regions in the
cognitive capacities across childhood and adolescence brain work together when children, adolescents, and
is the rapid increase in cognitive-control functions, oth- adults make decisions.
erwise referred to as “executive functions.” Cognitive-
control functions are capacities that allow one to keep The neurocognitive development of
relevant information in mind in order to obtain a future cognitive control
goal (Huizinga, Dolan, & van der Molen, 2006). In early
development, there is a marked improvement in a wide Basic Cognitive Control: Working Memory and
range of cognitive-control functions, such as the ability Response Inhibition The basic components of
to store and manipulate information in one’s mind to cognitive control consist of several processes. Most
inhibit responses, to filter irrelevant information, and developmental cognitive-control research has focused
to switch between tasks (Zelazo, 2004). This improve- on the processes of working memory and response
ment continues during school-aged development, when inhibition.
children refine their cognitive-control functions, with
adult levels achieved around mid-adolescence. These Working memory Drawing from the adult literature
cognitive-control functions are of crucial importance (D’Esposito, 2007), several developmental neuroimag-
for all kinds of daily activities, and for school perfor- ing studies have examined the role of the lateral pre-
mance. For example, working memory, a key compo- frontal cortex (Brodmann area [BA] 44 and BA 9/46)
nent of cognitive control, predicts future academic and posterior parietal cortex (BA 7) in working memory
performance in areas such as reading and arithmetic performance and development. These studies have
(St Clair-Thompson & Gathercole, 2006). reported that when 8- to 12-year-old children and adults

crone: cognitive control and affective decision making 23

are performing a visuospatial working memory task, already initiated response needs to be inhibited, or a
adults showed more activation in the lateral prefrontal go/no-go task, which involves the inhibition of a
cortex and posterior parietal cortex than children response to a rarely presented specific stimulus (e.g.,
(Klingberg, Forssberg, & Westerberg, 2002; Kwon, the letter X) that is presented in a series of other, more
Reiss, & Menon, 2002; Scherf, Sweeney, & Luna, 2006; prevalent stimuli requiring a response (e.g., other
Thomason et al., 2009). Age-related increases in recruit- letters of the alphabet).
ment of these areas were also found for other domains Neuroimaging studies in adults and patient studies
of working memory, such as verbal working memory have consistently reported that the right inferior
(Thomason et al., 2009) and object working memory frontal gyrus (BA 45/47) is important for successful
(Ciesielski, Lesnik, Savoy, Grant, & Ahlfors, 2006; inhibitory control (Aron & Poldrack, 2005) and for the
Crone, Wendelken, Donohue, van Leijenhorst, & greater attention demands associated with response
Bunge, 2006; Jolles, van Buchem, Rombouts, & Crone, inhibition (Hampshire, Chamberlain, Monti, Duncan,
2011). This increase in activation in the lateral prefron- & Owen, 2010). Developmental neuroimaging studies
tal and posterior parietal cortex correlates with perfor- have shown that the right inferior frontal gyrus is
mance in both adults and children (Crone et al., 2006; recruited more in adults than in 8- to 17-year-old chil-
Finn, Sheridan, Kam, Hinshaw, & D’Esposito, 2010; dren and adolescents, and that adults perform better
Olesen, Nagy, Westerberg, & Klingberg, 2003), suggest- on inhibition tasks, suggesting that the right inferior
ing that both age and performance have partly inde- frontal gyrus is important for successful inhibition
pendent contributions to activation levels in these areas. (Durston et al., 2006; Rubia et al., 2006; Tamm, Menon,
However, specific task analyses also point to more & Reiss, 2002). Indeed, performance on the stop-
complex patterns when different domains of working signal task correlates with activity in the right inferior
memory are taken under study. For example, during frontal gyrus in children, adolescents, and adults
long-delay visuospatial memory trials, children (8–12 (Cohen et al., 2010). Aside from the age-related
years) and adolescents (13–17 years) recruited a more increase in activation in the right inferior frontal gyrus,
widespread network in the lateral prefrontal cortex some studies have reported that 8- to 12-year-old chil-
compared with adults (18–30 years; Geier, Garver, Ter- dren show more left inferior frontal gyrus activation
williger, & Luna, 2009). Furthermore, when a visuospa- than do adults (Booth et al., 2003; Bunge, Dudukovic,
tial task was performed with distractors, adults recruited Thomason, Vaidya, & Gabrieli, 2002), while several
the lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal studies have also reported more widespread activation
cortex more during working memory demands, while in other parts of the lateral and medial prefrontal
12- to 13-year-old children recruited the lateral prefron- cortex in 8- to 12-year-old children than adults when
tal cortex more than adults when distractors were inhibiting responses (Booth et al., 2003; Velanova,
present, independent of working memory demands Wheeler, & Luna, 2008).
(Olesen, Macoveanu, Tegner, & Klingberg, 2007). This evidence suggests that better inhibitory control
Finally, some studies have reported that adults are more is accompanied by greater activation of the right inferior
responsive in terms of neural activity to specific task frontal gyrus, and that, overall, adults recruit this region
demands (e.g., load dependency or modality depen- more strongly than do children. Thus, both perfor-
dency) than are 7- to 13-year-old children (Brahmbhatt, mance and age drive activation differences. However,
White, & Barch, 2010; Libertus, Brannon, & Pelphrey, children recruit other areas of prefrontal cortex more
2009; O’Hare, Lu, Houston, Bookheimer, & Sowell, than adults, suggesting that they rely on a wider network
2008). of areas to perform a task.
Taken together, a comparison among children, ado-
lescents, and adults shows that while adults recruit the Adaptive Control: Feedback Monitoring Whereas
lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex working memory and response inhibition require the
in a way that is more specifically helpful for successful implementation of specific task rules, most of our cog-
performance of a given task, children and adolescents nitive control requires us to respond to changing task
also recruit these areas, though under different, possi- demands. The ability to show adaptive behavior in
bly less performance-related task conditions. response to changing task demands is referred to as
adaptive control, a process required when, for example,
Response inhibition A second basic control process con- feedback cues inform us that we need to change our
tributing to cognitive control is the ability to inhibit behavior on a subsequent occasion.
inappropriate responses. To study this, most studies Feedback monitoring has been widely studied in neu-
have made use of either a stop-signal task, in which an ropsychological literature, using classic tasks such as the

24 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. Based on patient studies, Relational reasoning Previous research in adults has
it has been found that several regions of the lateral and demonstrated that this ability to integrate information
medial prefrontal cortex are important for monitoring relies on the most anterior part of the prefrontal
negative feedback cues that inform participants a previ- cortex, the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex (Christoff et
ously applied rule (for example, sorting cards according al., 2001). In a series of developmental neuroimaging
to color) is no longer correct. This feedback cue (such studies, an adaptation of the Raven Progressive Matri-
as a minus sign, or the word “incorrect”) informs the ces task was used to study how neural activation differs
participant to switch to a new rule (for example, sorting when individuals need to integrate one dimension
cards according to shape; Barcelo & Knight, 2002). (e.g., follow a horizontal line of reasoning) or two
Several tasks have been developed in which positive dimensions (e.g., follow and integrate a horizontal and
or negative feedback ensues from the response to a vertical line of reasoning; see figure 3.1). The rostro-
certain task rules. Neuroimaging analyses reveal that in lateral prefrontal cortex was more active in 8- to
adults, receiving negative feedback results in activation 12-year-old children at the onset of stimulus presenta-
in the same frontal-parietal network and medial pre- tion, but failed to show sustained activation during
frontal cortex as is activated in working memory and problem solving. In contrast, in adults this region
inhibition studies (Zanolie, van Leijenhorst, Rombouts, showed sustained activation throughout the problem-
& Crone, 2008). The negative feedback–related activity solving period (Crone et al., 2009). In addition, a study
was greater for adults and 13- to 17-year-old adolescents including children, adolescents, and adults showed
than for 8- to 12-year-old children, specifically in that children aged 7 to 10 years recruited the rostrolat-
the lateral prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices eral prefrontal cortex for both one- and two-
(Crone, Zanolie, van Leijenhorst, Westenberg, & dimensional problems, whereas adolescents aged 11 to
Rombouts, 2008; van den Bos, Güroğ lu, van den 14 years showed a small differentiation in activation
Bulk, Rombouts, & Crone, 2009; van Duijvenvoorde, patterns, and adolescents aged 15 to 18 years recruited
Zanolie, Rombouts, Raijmakers, & Crone, 2008). This the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex for two-dimensional,
activation increase correlated with successful perfor- but not for one-dimensional problems (Wendelken,
mance independent of age, suggesting that these areas O’Hare, Whitaker, Ferrer, & Bunge, 2011).
are important for updating behavior following negative Relational-reasoning problems can be solved in dif-
feedback. ferent ways, and strategy differences may also result in
However, in children aged 8 to 10 years, the lateral developmental differences in brain activation. For
prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex are typi- example, one study showed that adolescents (14–18
cally more active in the reverse contrast; that is to say, years) had relatively more activation than did children
more activation is reported following positive compared (11–13 years) and adults (22–37 years) in the rostrolat-
to negative feedback, with a shift occurring in adoles- eral prefrontal cortex when solving complex relational-
cence (van den Bos et al., 2009; van Duijvenvoorde et reasoning problems. This increase in activation was
al., 2008). This developmental difference is specific to accompanied by a dip in performance, which suggests
situations in which participants learn new rules, but not that adolescents might use a qualitatively different way
when applying rules that are already learned (van den of solving relational-reasoning problems (Dumontheil,
Bos et al., 2009). Houlton, Christoff, & Blakemore, 2010). This shows
This suggests that adults show more activation in the that relational-reasoning demands are associated with
lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex specialization of the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex and
when updating behavior following negative feedback, may be highly sensitive to strategy use.
while children recruit these same areas more following
positive feedback, with a transition occurring in Creativity Creativity requires the integration of multi-
adolescence. ple dimensions to come to new solutions that are novel
and useful at the same time (Runco, 2004). When a
Complex Cognitive Control: Relational Reason- task requires participants to generate multiple solu-
ing and Creativity The ability to interpret problems tions to an open-ended problem, this is often referred
from multiple perspectives, to integrate knowledge, or to as divergent thinking. Originality in verbal divergent
to infer new solutions from presently available informa- thinking develops with age (ages 10–25 years), whereas
tion probably lies at the highest level of cognitive spatial divergent thinking is highest at 15 to 16 years
control. This type of complex reasoning often involves (Kleibeuker, de Dreu, & Crone, 2013).
combining different control processes for successful A neuroimaging study tested spatial divergent think-
performance. ing using a Match Stick task in 15- to 17-year-old

crone: cognitive control and affective decision making 25

Figure 3.1 Examples of cognitive-control paradigms. (A) A stimulus that needs to be sorted in a specific location. The
visuospatial working memory typically involves the presenta- feedback screen informs the participant whether the response
tion of a grid in which dots are consecutively presented and was correct or incorrect. (D) Relational reasoning requires
need to be reproduced on the next trial. More dots will make participant to integrate dimensions of a presented stimulus.
the task more difficult. (B) A stop-signal paradigm involves One-dimensional trials are those trials where only one direc-
the presentation of a stimulus that requires a left- or a right- tion needs to be followed (e.g., a horizontal line) and two-
hand response. On some trials, the arrow quickly turns color, dimensional trials are trials where more dimensions (e.g., a
which informs the participant that he/she should inhibit horizontal line and a vertical line) need to be integrated to
responding. (C) A feedback learning task typically involves a come to the correct solution.

adolescents and 25- to 30-year-old adults (Kleibeuker et make decisions, research has often focused on how
al., 2013). Participants were instructed to find solutions children, adolescents, and adults process rewards.
for Match Stick problems by removing matches to find Reward processing has been examined in the context
new spatial shapes (e.g., remove six matches to make of risk-taking, based on the observation that adoles-
two squares). Adolescents slightly outperformed adults cents are more prone than children and adults to take
in finding spatial solutions and showed more activation risks in daily life (Steinberg, 2011). Laboratory studies
in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while solving these have demonstrated an age-related reduction in risk-
problems. This same area correlated positively with the taking (Crone, Bullens, van der Plas, Kijkuit, & Zelazo,
number of solutions found. Such findings suggest that 2008; van Duijvenvoorde, Jansen, Bredman, & Huiz-
the flexible recruitment of the lateral prefrontal cortex enga, 2012), but also nonlinear age effects, suggesting
in adolescence is adaptive for successful performance, that adolescents take more risks than children and
such as in the case of spatial creativity. adults when there is a strong affective context (Burnett,
Bault, Coricelli, & Blakemore, 2010; Figner, Mackinlay,
The neurocognitive development of affective Wilkening, & Weber, 2009). The specificity of these
decision making developmental differences has been studied in more
detail using neuroimaging, for example, during studies
Risks and Rewards To understand how affective that aim to differentiate between different phases of
context influences the way we control our actions and risk-taking.

26 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Taking risks When participants are faced with a risky that adolescents also show elevated activation compared
decision, they typically need to decide between a certain with adults in the ventral striatum following an aversive
chance of getting a small reward (safe bet) and an event in comparison to a neutral baseline (Galvan &
uncertain chance of getting a high reward (risky bet). McGlennen, 2013). Thus, the receipt of positive and
This design was used in a developmental study where it negative learning signals resulted in elevated activation
was found that, overall, a safe bet was associated with in the ventral striatum in adolescents, suggesting that
activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, whereas the ventral striatum is more sensitive to affective learn-
a risky bet was associated with activation in the ventro- ing signals in adolescence.
medial prefrontal cortex (van Leijenhorst, Moor et al.,
2010). In addition, a lower part of the ventromedial Short-Term and Long-Term Consequences The
prefrontal cortex/subgenual anterior cingulate cortex way individuals weigh short- versus long-term conse-
(the subcallosal cortex), a region previously implicated quences is often examined in delay discounting tasks
in affective processing, was more active in 12- to 17-year- where the choice for an immediate reward (e.g., 1 euro
old adolescents compared to 8- to 10-year-old children now) and a delayed reward (e.g., 2 euros later) is pre-
and 18- to 25-year-old adults when taking risks, suggest- sented with variable delays. Individuals tend to prefer
ing a unique affective coding of risks in adolescence. the immediate reward more when the delay for the
Using a comparable design, adults showed more activa- larger reward is longer. In a delay discounting task,
tion in the anterior cingulate cortex than adolescents preference for a delayed reward was associated with
when taking risks (Eshel, Nelson, Blair, Pine, & Ernst, activation in the lateral prefrontal cortex, whereas pref-
2007), suggesting that adolescents rely more on affec- erence for an immediate reward was associated with
tive prefrontal cortex regions, whereas adults rely more activation in the ventral striatum in both adolescents
on prefrontal cortex regions that are important for and adults (Christakou, Brammer, & Rubia, 2011). In
deliberative processing. adults, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex was more
active than in 11- to 17-year-old adolescents when they
Anticipating rewards To gain more insight into reward chose immediate rewards compared to 18- to 31-year-
processing independent of choice, studies used simple old adults. This region also showed age-related increases
paradigms that were either passive or where choices in functional connectivity within the ventral striatum,
had no consequence on outcome (e.g., press the button suggesting that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex
when a stimulus appears that is tagged to a certain works together with the striatum when selecting or
amount of reward). These studies reported that a inhibiting impulsive choices. Consistent with this line
specific area in the limbic circuit, the ventral striatum, of reasoning, a diffusion tensor imaging study in adults
is active when anticipating rewards. This reward antici- reported that structural connectivity between the
pation in the ventral striatum is elevated in 13- to ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the striatum pre-
17-year-old adolescents, such that adolescents recruit dicts fewer short-term choices, suggesting that the
the ventral striatum more compared to 8- to 11-year-old ventromedial prefrontal cortex plays a regulatory role
children and 18- to 29-year-old adults in response to when making impulsive choices (Peper et al., 2012).
the same level of reward (Galvan et al., 2006; van The development of this connectivity may underlie the
Leijenhorst, Moor, et al., 2010). This response in the developmental improvements in inhibition of impulsive
striatum was not found in more complex or uncertain choices between adolescence and adulthood.
reward-anticipation paradigms (Bjork, Smith, Chen, &
Hommer, 2010). Thus, when adolescents anticipate Models of neurocognitive development
predictable rewards, they show more activation in the
ventral striatum than children or adults. Several models have been introduced to explain how
differential development of various brain regions is
Receiving rewards After taking risks, individuals typi- important for control, and thus influences decision
cally receive a reward or loss following their choices. making in adolescence. These dual-processing models
The rewarding outcome also results in activation in the (Ernst & Fudge, 2009; Somerville, Jones, & Casey, 2010;
ventral striatum. Several studies reported that this Steinberg et al., 2008) suggest that affective limbic
reward response in the ventral striatum is higher in 13- brain regions, such as the ventral striatum, develop at
to 17-year-old adolescents compared to children and a faster pace than brain regions that are important for
adults (Ernst et al., 2005; Galvan et al., 2006; Padma- control and regulation, such as the prefrontal cortex,
nabhan, Geier, Ordaz, Teslovich, & Luna, 2011; van the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and the posterior
Leijenhorst, Zanolie, et al., 2010). Recently, it was found parietal cortex. This imbalance makes adolescence a

crone: cognitive control and affective decision making 27

Figure 3.2 This model explains the slow developmental tra- of exploration and social learning. However, in some cases the
jectory and flexible recruitment of the prefrontal and parietal imbalance between these systems can cause negative growth
cortices in adolescence, in combination with puberty-specific trajectories, which can result in depression or excessive risk-
changes in the limbic system. This combination leads to posi- taking. (Adapted from Crone & Dahl, 2012).
tive growth trajectories in adolescence, as this is a natural time

sensitive time for risk-taking, but also brings opportuni- Conclusion and future directions
ties for exploration and adaptive learning.
Crone and Dahl suggested that puberty could be a This chapter has described the neural correlates of
driving force for heightened affective sensitivity in ado- cognitive and affective decision making in school-
lescence (Crone & Dahl, 2012). Extensive animal research aged children, adolescents, and adults. Literature
has pinpointed the timing of puberty in rodents and relating to cognitive control shows that the develop-
reported specific effects of puberty on brain function and ment of basic to complex levels of control follows a
structure (Spear, 2011). Furthermore, pubertal hormones pattern of specialization with age in the prefrontal
were found to have a steering influence on the structural cortex and the posterior parietal cortex, such that
development of the human brain (Ladouceur, Peper, these areas are more selectively recruited for specific
Crone, & Dahl, 2012). Finally, puberty influences affec- tasks. The transition from widespread to focused net-
tive responses to reward in the ventral striatum, inde- works takes place during adolescence, a period of
pendent of age (Forbes et al., 2010; Op de Macks et al., change in explorative learning. This development
2011). Puberty has a strong influence on the way we coincides with increased affective sensitivity in mid-
process affective and social information, preparing ado- adolescence to affective cues, pinpointing nonlinear
lescents to obtain independence and adapt quickly to contributions of control and affective brain regions
changing social contexts. Therefore, pubertal develop- in development. This integrative approach, in which
ment may be an important contributor to the increased the development of cognitive control and decision
sensitivity to affective information, which, together with making are studied in combination, is expected to
flexibility in recruitment of prefrontal cortex, may facil- allow for a richer description of adolescent brain
itate explorative learning (figure 3.2). development.

28 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author of this chapter is supported Crone, E. A., Wendelken, C., van Leijenhorst, L., Honomi-
by an innovative ideas grant from the European Research chl, R. D., Christoff, K., & Bunge, S. A. (2009). Neuro-
Council. ERC-2010-StG-263234. cognitive development of relational reasoning. Dev Sci,
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Dev Cogn Neurosci, 1, 506–516. 51(1), 345–355.
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& Luna, B. (2011). Developmental changes in brain func- Westenberg, P. M., Rombouts, S. A., & Crone, E. A.
tion underlying the influence of reward processing on (2010). What motivates the adolescent? Brain regions medi-
inhibitory control. Dev Cogn Neurosci, 1(4), 517–529. ating reward sensitivity across adolescence. Cereb Cortex,
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Heijboer, A. C., Koolschijn, P. C., & Crone, E. A. (2012). Velanova, K., Wheeler, M. E., & Luna, B. (2008). Matura-
Delay discounting and frontostriatal fiber tracts: A tional changes in anterior cingulate and frontoparietal

30 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

recruitment support the development of error processing Zanolie, K., van Leijenhorst, L., Rombouts, S. A., & Crone,
and inhibitory control. Cereb Cortex, 18(11), 2505–2522. E. A. (2008). Separable neural mechanisms contribute to
Wendelken, C., O’Hare, E. D., Whitaker, K. J., Ferrer, E., feedback processing in a rule-learning task. Neuropsycholo-
& Bunge, S. A. (2011). Increased functional selectivity over gia, 46(1), 117–126.
development in rostrolateral prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci, Zelazo, P. D. (2004). The development of conscious control
31(47), 17260–17268. in childhood. Trends Cogn Sci, 8(1), 12–17.

crone: cognitive control and affective decision making 31

4 The Social Brain in Adolescence

ABSTRACT Adolescence is a period of formative biological and complex, such as understanding others’ mental states
social transition. Social cognitive processes involved in navi- (theory of mind/mentalizing; Blakemore, den Ouden,
gating increasingly complex and intimate relationships con-
Choudhury, & Frith, 2007), social emotion processing
tinue to develop throughout adolescence. Here, we review
neuroimaging studies of social cognitive processes across (Burnett, Bird, Moll, Frith, & Blakemore, 2009), and
development during adolescence. These studies show that negotiating complex interpersonal decisions (Crone,
areas of the social brain undergo both structural changes and 2013). In this chapter we focus on the more complex
functional reorganization during the second decade of life, social cognitive processes. Recent behavioral and neu-
possibly reflecting a sensitive period for adapting to the social roimaging studies have shown that these processes con-
tinue to develop past childhood and throughout
adolescence (Apperly, 2010; Blakemore, 2012).
Adolescence is defined as the period between the onset
of puberty and the achievement of relative self- Adolescent social environment
sufficiency. The adults who emerge from adolescence
must be equipped to navigate the social complexities of Adolescents go through a period of “social reorienting,”
their community. Therefore, it has been proposed that during which the opinions of peers become more
adolescence is a time of particular sensitivity to social important than those of family members (Larson &
signals (Choudhury, 2010; Fiske, 2009) and that the Richards, 1991; Larson, Richards, Moneta, Holmbeck,
impact of puberty on the brain makes adolescents par- & Duckett, 1996). This enhanced sensitivity to the social
ticularly sensitive to their social environments (Crone environment and the rewarding nature of peer accep-
& Dahl, 2012; Peper & Dahl, 2013). Knowledge about tance is reflected in studies showing that adolescents
the development of the adolescent brain has signifi- are particularly susceptible to the negative conse-
cantly increased in the last 20 years, and there is now quences of social exclusion (Sebastian, Viding, Wil-
extensive evidence that the brain undergoes substantial liams, & Blakemore, 2010). Adolescents aged 13–17
structural and functional change during this transition years reported that peer evaluations affected their feel-
from childhood to adulthood, including in networks of ings of social or personal worth, and that peer rejection
brain regions involved in social cognition (Blakemore, indicated their unworthiness as an individual (O’Brien
2008; Mills, Lalonde, Clasen, Giedd, & Blakemore, & Bierman, 1988). While the adolescents and children
2013). This chapter reviews neuroimaging studies of aged 10–13 years similarly felt that peers provided com-
social cognitive processes across development, with panionship, stimulation, and support, the younger
emphasis on the changes occurring in mentalizing— group did not indicate that peer acceptance impacted
that is, the attribution of mental states to other people— self-evaluation. O’Brien and Bierman suggest that
during adolescence. increasing abilities to form abstract representations, as
well as increasing motivation for peer acceptance, might
Social cognitive development account for the influence of peer evaluations on self-
evaluations in adolescence (O’Brien & Bierman, 1988).
Social cognition refers to the ability to make sense of These self-reported accounts of the importance of peer
the world through processing signals generated by acceptance are supported by the results of a behavioral
members of the same species (Frith, 2008). Social cogni- study investigating the effects of social exclusion in the
tion includes basic perceptual processes such as face lab. After being excluded by other players in a labora-
processing (Farroni et al., 2005), biological motion tory ball-throwing game called “Cyberball,” young and
detection (Pelphrey & Carter, 2008), and joint attention mid-adolescents (11–15 years) reported lowered overall
(Carpenter, Nagell, & Tomasello, 1998)—all of which mood and young adolescents (11–13 years) reported
are developing rapidly from birth (see chapter 1, this higher state anxiety compared with adults (Sebastian
volume). Other social cognitive processes are relatively et al., 2010). Thus, it appears that complex social

blakemore and mills: the social brain in adolescence 33

cognitive processes, such as the desire to be accepted response and other executive functions; the main dif-
by one’s peers, the importance of social reward, and ference is the need to take into account someone else’s
avoidance of social rejection, are particularly acute in perspective in order to guide decisions in the Director
adolescence, and might drive much adolescent-typical condition.
behavior. Thus, it is important to understand how social We tested participants aged between 7 and 27 years
cognition and the social brain develop during and found that performance in both Director and
adolescence. Control conditions improved gradually, following the
Until recently, there was a shortage of studies looking same trajectory from mid-childhood until mid-
into social cognitive abilities after childhood, as it was adolescence. In contrast, for the Director condition
generally assumed that these abilities were already only, there was continued improvement between mid-
mature by mid-childhood in typically developing chil- adolescence and adulthood. These results suggest that
dren. Most paradigms have been designed to investigate the ability to take into account another person’s per-
social cognition (in particular, theory of mind) in young spective to guide decisions is still developing in late
children and result in very high levels of performance adolescence (Dumontheil et al., 2010).
after mid-childhood (Apperly, 2010). However, recently
more complex and challenging paradigms have been Social brain network
designed to be appropriate for older children and ado-
lescents. One of the first studies to investigate changes Mentalizing, the ability to infer the mental states of
in social cognitive behavior in adolescence showed that others, has been associated with a network of brain
the ability to integrate the perspectives and intentions regions including the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex
of others when making fairness considerations contin- (dmPFC), temporoparietal junction (TPJ), posterior
ues to improve throughout adolescence (Güroğ lu, van superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), and anterior tempo-
den Bos, & Crone, 2009). The authors of this study sug- ral cortex (ATC). This is referred to as the social brain
gested that adolescents perceive interactions with peers network, or the mentalizing network. The mentalizing
as rewarding, and that this could affect social decision- tasks that recruit this network use a wide variety of
making processes (Güroğ lu et al., 2009). stimuli such as animated shapes (Castelli, Happé, Frith,
Another study demonstrated that online social cogni- & Frith, 2000), cartoon stories (Brunet, Sarfati, Hardy-
tive skills improve across adolescence (Dumontheil, Baylé, & Decety, 2000; Gallagher et al., 2000), and
Apperly, & Blakemore, 2010). Participants aged 7–27 written stories (Fletcher et al., 1995) to elicit the repre-
years were tested on their ability to take the perspective sentation of mental states.
of another person when making decisions. Their para-
digm, referred to here as the “Director Task,” adapted Structural Development of the Social Brain
a referential communication task in which adults fre- Network Cellular studies of post-mortem human
quently make mistakes (Keysar, Barr, Balin, & Brauner, brain tissue provided some of the first evidence that the
2000; Keysar, Lin, & Barr, 2003). In our computerized brain undergoes profound changes in anatomy across
version of the task, participants view a computer screen the first decades of life (Petanjek et al., 2011; Webb,
showing a set of shelves containing objects, which they Monk, & Nelson, 2001; Yakovlev & Lecours, 1967).
are instructed to move by a Director. The Director is Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies over the
standing behind the shelves and he cannot see all the past 20 years have illuminated how and when the human
objects the participant can see because some objects are brain develops. Structural MRI studies have consistently
occluded from his point of view by a gray screen shown continuing neuroanatomical development in
(Dumontheil et al., 2010). Thus there is a “conflict” gray matter and white matter (Brain Development
between the participant’s perspective and that of the Cooperative Group, 2012; Lenroot et al., 2007; Sowell
Director. In order to move the correct object, the par- et al., 2003; Tamnes et al., 2013), with association cor-
ticipant needs to take into account the Director’s per- tices reducing in gray matter volume across adolescence
spective by moving only objects that the Director can and white matter increasing into adulthood (see chapter
see (the Director condition). In addition, we included 2, this volume).
a control condition in which the Director is absent, and Areas within the social brain network continue to
instead participants are instructed to follow a rule undergo neuroanatomical changes across adolescence
(“ignore objects with a gray background”) in order to before relatively stabilizing in the early twenties (Mills
decide which objects to move. Thus, the control condi- et al., 2013). In a study using MRI data from 288
tion is matched to the Director condition in terms of individuals with at least two brain scans between
demands on working memory, inhibiting a prepotent ages 7 and 30 years, we examined the neuroanatomical

34 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Figure 4.1 Social brain network: Areas of the brain that are sulcus (pSTS), which is involved in observing faces
sensitive to social cognitive processes necessary to navigate and biological motion; and the anterior temporal cortex
the adolescent social environment accompanied by graphs (ATC), which is involved in applying social knowledge. For
displaying the developmental trajectories of each region’s each graph, age is on the x-axis and gray matter volume is
gray matter volume. Regions represented in this figure on y-axis, with the displayed percentage representing the
include the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) and decrease in gray matter volume for each region. (Data for
temporoparietal junction (TPJ), which are involved in think- graphs adapted from Mills et al., 2013.)
ing about mental states; the posterior superior temporal

developmental trajectories of the social brain network. et al., 2012), and thinking about the preferences and
Gray matter volume and cortical thickness in medial dispositions of oneself or a fictitious story character
Brodmann Area 10 (a proxy for dmPFC), TPJ, and (Pfeifer et al., 2009). In some studies, higher activity in
pSTS showed continued reductions from childhood more posterior regions, such as the pSTS/TPJ (Blake-
into the early twenties, whereas the ATC continued to more et al., 2007) and the ATC (Burnett et al., 2009),
increase in gray matter volume until adolescence and was observed in adults as compared to adolescents.
in cortical thickness until early adulthood. This pro- These changes in functional recruitment are hypothe-
tracted development demonstrates that areas of the sized to reflect changes in neurocognitive strategy and/
brain involved in deciphering the mental states of or neuroanatomy (Blakemore, 2008).
others are still maturing in terms of their structure In an adapted version of the Director Task (Apperly
from late childhood to early adulthood. et al., 2010; Dumontheil et al., 2010), areas of the social
brain network were engaged when participants had to
Functional Development of the Social Brain use social cues to select an appropriate action in a com-
Network There have been a number of functional municative context (Dumontheil, Hillebrandt, Apperly,
MRI (fMRI) studies that show functional changes across & Blakemore, 2012). While both adults and adolescents
adolescence in the brain networks associated with social recruited the dmPFC when the social cues were
cognition, including mentalizing, social emotion, peer needed to accurately perform the task, adolescents also
evaluation, and peer influence. We discuss these studies recruited the dmPFC when social cues were not needed.
below. The authors suggest that this engagement of the dmPFC
in social conditions, even when social signals are irrel-
Mentalizing Several fMRI studies on mentalizing report evant, may reflect the use of brain regions involved in
decreases in dmPFC recruitment between adolescence mentalizing even when they are not necessary during
and adulthood (Blakemore, 2008, 2012). These studies adolescence.
have used a variety of tasks that require mental state Adolescents also show developmental changes in sen-
attribution, such as understanding irony (Wang, Lee, sitivity to the perspectives of others. In an fMRI study,
Sigman, & Dapretto, 2006), thinking about social emo- young adolescents (12–14 years), older adolescents
tions like guilt (Burnett et al., 2009), understanding (15–17 years), and emerging adults (18–22 years) com-
intentions (Blakemore et al., 2007), understanding pleted a social exchange game in which participants
emotions from photographs of eyes (Gunther Moor were the “second players” in an investment game (van

blakemore and mills: the social brain in adolescence 35

den Bos, van Dijk, Westenberg, Rombouts, & Crone, years), level of pubertal hormones (testosterone, estra-
2011). Initially, these participants were given an amount diol, and DHEA) was related to ATC recruitment during
of money by an anonymous “first player,” which they social-emotional processing. While activity in the left
could divide equally among themselves and the first ATC was positively correlated with hormone levels (irre-
player (reciprocate), or keep mostly for themselves spective of age), activity in the dmPFC was negatively
(defect). Participants’ ability to understand the inten- correlated with chronological age (irrespective of
tions of the first player was also measured by comparing hormone levels), providing evidence for a dissociation
trials in which the first player stood to lose a large between puberty- and age-related changes in social
amount of money by trusting the second player with brain function during adolescence (Goddings et al.,
trials where the first player stood to lose a relatively 2012).
small amount of money. Older adolescents and emerg-
ing adults were more likely to reciprocate when the first Peer evaluation There are a number of fMRI investiga-
player stood to lose more money, whereas the younger tions of experimentally manipulated social exclusion
adolescents did not differentiate, supporting the idea using the Cyberball task. As described above, this task
that the ability to understand the intentions of others involves participants playing a game of “catch” with two
increases into adulthood. The recruitment of the left other players, under the guise that they are playing with
TPJ when participants were shown that the first player real people over the Internet. However, the other
trusted them increased with age, and this level of players are actually preprogrammed to include or
activation correlated with participants’ sensitivity to exclude the participant. In one study, recruitment of
the first player’s intentions. All participants showed the mPFC during exclusion conditions relative to inclu-
greater recruitment in the dmPFC when making self- sion conditions was associated with greater self-reported
oriented choices (defecting), but only young adoles- susceptibility to peer influence in adolescents, but not
cents engaged this region when making reciprocal in adults (Sebastian et al., 2011). This study also found
choices. This heightened activation in the dmPFC for age-related differences in right ventrolateral PFC
reciprocal choices decreased between early and late (vlPFC) recruitment during exclusion conditions, with
adolescence and remained stable into early adulthood, adults recruiting right vlPFC more than adolescents
possibly reflecting a shift away from engaging in social (Sebastian et al., 2011). Another fMRI study using the
interactions from an egocentric perspective (van den Cyberball task specifically in a group of adolescents
Bos et al., 2011). aged 12–13 years found that the recruitment of the
right vlPFC during exclusion conditions was negatively
Social emotion Social emotions—such as guilt, embar- correlated with self-reported measures of distress fol-
rassment, shame, and pride—require thinking about lowing exclusion (Masten et al., 2009). Together these
someone else’s mental states or emotions, whereas basic studies suggest the vlPFC plays a role in regulating dis-
emotions like fear and disgust do not. As adolescence tress following social exclusion, and that this region is
is a period of increased sensitivity to peer evaluation, still developing functionally between adolescence and
there may be changes in how social emotions are pro- adulthood. A recent study found that healthy adoles-
cessed. One fMRI study investigated changes in neural cents who display heightened activity in the subgenual
recruitment during a social-emotional task between anterior cingulate cortex while being excluded from
adolescence (11–18 years) and adulthood (23–32 years; peers in Cyberball were more likely to show an increase
Burnett et al., 2009). Participants were instructed to in depressive symptoms over the following year (Masten
read sentences describing social- or basic-emotion sce- et al., 2011).
narios. Adolescents recruited the dmPFC more than Prompted by research linking good peer relation-
adults when reading social-emotional sentences relative ships to well-being, Masten and colleagues examined
to basic-emotion sentences. In contrast, adults recruited how 12- and 13-year-olds respond to witnessing peer
the left ATC more than did adolescents when reading rejection in an online game (Masten, Eisenberger,
social-emotional sentences relative to basic-emotion Pfeifer, & Dapretto, 2010). Participants first completed
sentences (Burnett et al., 2009). These results reflect a a self-reported measure of trait empathy before partici-
developmental shift from prefrontal to temporal cortex pating in an fMRI task where they witnessed peer exclu-
recruitment during the processing of social emotion. sion in a game of Cyberball. Afterward, they were asked
A more recent study investigated the influence of to write a letter to the rejected player as a measure of
puberty on social-emotion processing in adolescence prosocial behavior. Activity in parts of the social brain
(Goddings, Burnett Heyes, Bird, Viner, & Blakemore, network was related to observed exclusion compared to
2012). In a sample of 42 female adolescents (11–13 observed inclusion. While recruitment of the dmPFC

36 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

and ATC appeared to be related to self-reported trait speculate that this may reflect the anxiety of having
empathy, only the anterior insula showed a positive cor- dissimilar preferences to others (note that this is spec-
relation with prosocial behavior, perhaps reflecting ulative because these brain regions are involved in
increased distress during observed exclusion. Together, multiple other cognitive and emotional processes).
these findings suggest that young adolescents recruit The presence of peers affects how likely adolescents
the social brain network more while witnessing peer are to take risks in a driving game. Adolescents (13–16
rejection, in contrast to a situation where peers are years), youths (18–22 years), and adults (24+ years)
being treated equally. One speculative interpretation is took around the same number of driving risks when
that adolescents might be paying special attention to alone, whereas the adolescents took almost three times
situations of peer rejection in order to figure out why that number of risks in the presence of their friends. In
a peer may become excluded from the social group. contrast, peers had no impact on risk-taking in adults
and had an intermediate effect on risk-taking in youths
Peer influence Peer influence on conformity shows a (Gardner & Steinberg, 2005). In an fMRI version of this
curvilinear pattern between middle childhood and late task, in the peers-present condition, two friends com-
adolescence, reaching a peak in early adolescence municated with the participant in the scanner over the
(Berndt, 1979). The popularity rankings of a given intercom (Chein, Albert, O’Brien, Uckert, & Steinberg,
song influence how much adolescents like it, for 2011). Adults (24–29 years) showed higher activity in
example (Berns, Capra, Moore, & Noussair, 2010). In lateral PFC than did adolescents (14–18 years) or
an fMRI task, adolescents aged 12–17 years listened to younger adults (19–22 years) when they had to make
and rated the likeability of short music clips, first critical decisions in the driving game, both when alone
without knowing the popularity of the song, and then and when peers were present. Relative to both groups
after receiving its popularity ranking. Adolescents’ of adults, adolescents showed increased recruitment of
change in song evaluation correlated with increased the ventral striatum and orbitofrontal cortex during the
recruitment of the anterior insula and ACC. Since driving decisions with peers compared to when alone.
these regions are involved in arousal, the authors Social context also modulates risk attitudes adopted
by adolescents (Engelmann, Moore, Monica Capra, &
Berns, 2012). Relative to adults, adolescents showed
greater risk-adverse behavior after receiving expert
advice, and this effect is modulated by increased engage-
ment of the dorsolateral PFC by adolescents during
valuation in the presence of advice (Engelmann et al.,
2012). The authors suggest enhanced inhibitory and
cognitive control processes might underlie the effect of
social context on risky decision making in adolescents.

Decision making and social influence

Adolescents are stereotypically known for their engage-
ment in risky behaviors. There is experimental evidence
supporting the idea that, while in laboratory settings,
adolescents are more likely than children and adults to
make risky decisions in “hot” (e.g., affective) contexts
(Blakemore & Robbins, 2012). Experimental evidence
Figure 4.2 A qualitative meta-analysis of the region of from risky decision-making and probabilistic reward
dmPFC that consistently shows decreased activity during men-
paradigms mostly support the hypothesis that adoles-
talizing tasks between late childhood and adulthood. This
meta-analysis shows voxels in mPFC (in yellow) that are within cents are biased toward taking risks due to overactive
10 mm of the peak voxel found to have a significant negative reward-related circuitry (i.e., the ventral striatum; Ernst,
relationship with age in three or more of eight published Pine, & Hardin, 2006; van Leijenhorst et al., 2010; also
developmental fMRI studies of social cognition (Blakemore see chapter 3, this volume). Probabilistic reward para-
et al., 2007; Burnett et al., 2009; Gunther Moor et al., 2012;
digms in laboratory experiments on risk-taking often
Güroğ lu et al., 2009; Pfeifer et al., 2007, 2009; Sebastian
et al., 2011; van den Bos et al., 2011). Meta-analysis was per- involve gambling tasks. Children and adolescents
formed using Neurosynth software ( showed adult levels of probability estimation and reward
(See color plate 2.) evaluation during one such gambling task, suggesting

blakemore and mills: the social brain in adolescence 37

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40 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

5 Evolution of the Neural Bases of
Higher Cognitive Function in

ABSTRACT Three of the most distinctive attributes of Homo the cultural accumulation of complexity. Our facility
sapiens are language, complex technology, and our degree with technology thus depends in part on our capacity
of reliance on social learning. It is an open question
to learn from others through observation and imita-
whether these human faculties reflect a proliferation of dis-
tinct cognitive adaptations or the diverse behavioral expres- tion. Imitation involves reproducing both the end result
sion of a smaller number of key underlying capacities. By of an observed action as well as the specific movements
comparing modern human brains with the brains of other used to achieve it (Hecht et al., 2012; Visalberghi &
living primate species, we can glean insights into the neuro- Fragazy, 2002). Although chimpanzees are capable of
biological changes that evolved to support these abilities. In imitation, they more commonly emulate, reproducing
particular, comparison with our closest living primate rela-
tive, the chimpanzee, is crucial for reaching conclusions the end result of observed actions but not the specific
about human brain evolution. The recent advent of nonin- movements used to achieve them (Tennie, Call, &
vasive neuroimaging techniques has opened new possibili- Tomasello, 2009). Humans are exceptional imitators
ties for such comparative studies. These and other studies and will even over-imitate by reproducing movements
collectively suggest that language, technology, and aspects of in an observed action that do not contribute to reach-
social learning draw on overlapping regions of association
cortex in prefrontal, temporal, and parietal regions that
ing its end result (Whiten, McGuigan, Marshall-Pescini,
expanded and became functionally specialized during & Hopper, 2009). This expertise in social learning is
human evolution. essential for the social transmission of knowledge upon
which human culture is based (Boyd, Richerson, &
Like all primate species, humans have species-specific Henrich, 2011). It is an open question to what degree
cognitive and behavioral attributes. Three of the most human faculties for language, technology, and social
distinctive attributes of Homo sapiens are language, learning reflect a proliferation of distinct cognitive
complex technology, and our facility with and propen- adaptations as opposed to the diverse behavioral expres-
sity for social learning. While other species communi- sion of a smaller number of key underlying capacities
cate, none does so by combining thousands of symbols (Stout & Chaminade, 2012).
according to a defined set of rules to generate phrases It is thus natural to ask how the human brain was
with a nearly infinite variety of meanings (Pinker, 2000). modified throughout evolution to enable these unique
Humans are also uniquely technological. Although faculties. The fossil record shows that brain size approx-
nonhuman primates are capable of simple tool use, imately tripled over the last 2.5 million years of human
using objects to implement motor to mechanical trans- evolution (Holloway, Sherwood, Rilling, & Hof, 2008),
formations that amplify movements of the upper limbs, and this may be part of the explanation. However, there
humans are far superior at complex tool use, in which may also have been important evolutionary changes in
objects are used to convert movements of the hands the internal organization of the brain, changes that
into mechanical actions qualitatively different from would be difficult to identify in fossils (Holloway, 1968).
manual actions (Frey, 2007). Humans also excel at tool To investigate internal changes, we must turn to the
making. Not even the most highly enculturated modern comparative study of the brains of living primate species.
great apes approach the stone tool-making abilities of If we can identify a characteristic of the human brain
our ancestors 2.5 million years ago (Schick et al., 1999). that is not found in the brain of any closely related
Only in humans are complex tool use and tool making primate species, then we can infer that the trait evolved
elaborated into truly “technological” systems involving in the hominin lineage after we diverged from our
socially coordinated action, intentional teaching, and common ancestor with chimpanzees some 5 to 7 million

rilling and stout: evolution of the neural bases 41

years ago. This approach renders the study of chimpan- found in nonhuman primate brains. Geschwind’s classic
zees crucial for learning about human brain evolution: model of the functional neuroanatomy of language
we cannot infer that a trait uniquely evolved in the (Geschwind, 1970), although somewhat simplistic in
human lineage unless it is absent in modern chimpan- light of current knowledge, is nevertheless a useful start-
zees (Preuss, 2006). ing point for comparative analyses. The model postu-
We have extensive knowledge of rhesus macaque lates that a region in the posterior portion of the left
brain anatomy and physiology obtained through lesion superior temporal gyrus, Wernicke’s area, is responsible
studies, single-cell electrophysiology, and tracer studies. for speech comprehension, while a region in the left
We would dearly like to have similarly detailed knowl- inferior frontal cortex, Broca’s area, is involved in
edge from humans and great apes, but these invasive speech production. These two regions are connected
methods cannot ethically be applied in humans and by a large white matter bundle known as the arcuate
great apes. Fortunately, the recent advent of noninva- fasciculus. An obvious question is whether homologues
sive neuroimaging techniques has opened new possi- of Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas exist in nonhuman
bilities for comparative studies (Preuss, 2011). primate brains, and it appears that they do, based on
These comparative studies have revealed multiple cytoarchitectonic similarities and shared nonlinguistic
human brain specializations (Sherwood, Subiaul, & functional properties (Preuss, 2004). But are there any
Zawidzki, 2008), beyond its large overall size. One such differences in the organization of these areas between
specialization that may be of particular importance to humans and nonhuman primates?
language, technology, and social learning is the larger
proportion of the cortical surface dedicated to the clas- Broca’s Area Comparative evidence suggests that
sical association regions of the frontal, temporal, and Broca’s area (BA 44 and 45) and surrounding regions
parietal lobes compared to primary sensory or motor (e.g., BA 6) have had an important role in communica-
cortex in humans as opposed to nonhuman primates tion throughout anthropoid primate evolution (Corbal-
(Glasser, Goyal, Preuss, Raichle, & Van Essen, 2013; lis, 2009). Mirror neurons are found in macaque area
Preuss, 2011). At the risk of oversimplifying, this sug- F5, part of which is homologous to the posterior part
gests that relatively more of the human cerebral cortex, of human Broca’s area (area 44). These neurons pre-
compared with other living primate species, is dedi- sumably allow monkeys to better understand the actions
cated to conceptual as opposed to perceptual process- of others by mapping those observed actions onto their
ing. Below we provide evidence that human language, own motor repertoire. Mirror neurons, best known for
technology, and social learning each tap into similar their response to reaching and grasping movements of
expanded regions of association cortex in prefrontal, both self and others, also fire when producing commu-
temporal, and parietal regions. nicative mouth movements, or when observing them
(Rizzolatti & Fogassi, 2007). Macaque monkeys rely very
Language heavily on orofacial expressions for communication.
Mirror neuron regions seem to retain this function
Averaging 1330 cc, human brains are much larger than in orofacial communication in humans (Carr, Iacoboni,
the brains of any other living primate species (Holloway Dubeau, Mazziotta, & Lenzi, 2003); however, human
et al., 2008). The brains of our closest living primate Broca’s area is additionally responsible for organizing
relatives, the great apes, range from an average of 405 cc linguistic actions, including speech. Could Broca’s area
in chimpanzees to 500 cc in gorillas (Holloway et al., homologue mediate the production of nonhuman
2008). Rhesus macaque brains average only 88 cc primate vocalizations? In contrast to human speech,
(Herndon, Tigges, Klumpp, & Anderson, 1998). Might monkey calls are largely involuntary expressions of emo-
our unique capacity for language simply be a product tional arousal (Deacon, 1997), implying that they may
of our large brain size? Studies with high-functioning not be under cortical control. Indeed, lesioning the
human microcephalics suggest that this is unlikely to be macaque homologue of Broca’s area does not interfere
the whole explanation, as some have ape-sized brains with vocalizations (Aitken, 1981). Monkey calls are
but greater linguistic abilities than language-trained instead mediated by the limbic system and brainstem.
chimpanzees. Thus, there must be qualitative differ- Chimpanzees, however, exhibit volitional calls in captiv-
ences supporting the human propensity to acquire lan- ity (Hopkins, Taglialatela, & Leavens, 2007), and there
guage (Holloway, 1968). is evidence that Broca’s homologue could be involved
To identify human brain specializations related to in their production (Taglialatela, Russell, Schaeffer, &
language, we must consider the neural circuitry of lan- Hopkins, 2008). This raises the intriguing prospect
guage in humans and how it may differ from what is that Broca’s area was recruited for vocal, in addition to

42 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

orofacial, communication at some point in hominoid nonhuman primate ancestors, they also imply that
evolution. planum temporale asymmetries do not mediate human-
Still, human and chimpanzee Broca’s areas have specific linguistic abilities. Despite this, at the micro-
obvious functional differences, not just in the motor scopic level, potentially important specializations of
control of vocalizations but also in the involvement of human Wernicke’s area are apparent. Similar to Broca’s
human Broca’s area with syntax (Vigneau et al., 2006), area, planum temporale minicolumns are wider in
and we expect these to be supported by anatomical humans compared with chimpanzees, and also wider in
differences. Indeed, human Broca’s area has wider the left than in the right hemisphere in humans but not
cortical minicolumns than its great ape homologues chimpanzees (Buxhoeveden, Switala, Litaker, Roy, &
(Schenker et al., 2008), whereas there is no difference Casanova, 2001).
between humans and great apes in the width of mini-
columns in primary somatosensory, motor, or visual Connections Between Wernicke’s and Broca’s
cortex (Semendeferi et al., 2011). Larger minicolumns Areas In addition to these structural differences in
have more space for connections, perhaps facilitating Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, there are differences in
greater integration of information. Given the strong the white matter connections between them that could
tendency for many aspects of language function to help to account for the human capacity for language.
be lateralized to the left hemisphere, it may also be The connectivity of the macaque homologues of Wer-
relevant that Broca’s area is larger on the left than on nicke’s and Broca’s areas have been explored in detail
the right in humans but not chimpanzees (Schenker using anterograde and retrograde tracer techniques
et al., 2010). (Deacon, 1992; Petrides & Pandya, 1988, 2002, 2009).
Interestingly, the dominant frontal connection of Wer-
Wernicke’s Area In contrast to the production of nicke’s homologue (area Tpt) is not with Broca’s
vocalizations, vocalization comprehension seems to area homologue, but rather with dorsal prefrontal
depend on similar neural substrates in humans and cortex (Petrides & Pandya, 1988). This pathway is
macaque monkeys. The left posterior superior tempo- involved with localizing sounds in space, as part of the
ral gyrus (i.e., Wernicke’s area) is involved in human auditory “where” pathway (Romanski et al., 1999).
speech comprehension. Likewise, lesions of the left Macaques also have a second auditory pathway that is
superior temporal gyrus of Japanese macaques are asso- involved in auditory object recognition (Romanski et
ciated with selective impairment for discriminating al., 1999). This pathway connects the anterior portion
species-specific vocalizations but not other types of of Broca’s area not with Wernicke’s homologue (area
auditory stimuli, whereas right hemisphere lesions do Tpt), as might be expected, but instead with cortex of
not produce these deficits (Heffner & Heffner, 1986). the middle superior temporal gyrus (Petrides & Pandya,
Additionally, monkey superior temporal cortex com- 2002). This connection travels via the extreme capsule
prises three sets of auditory areas: a core region, a sur- pathway, which is ventral to the auditory where pathway.
rounding belt region, and an adjacent parabelt region A macaque homologue of the arcuate fasciculus has
(Hackett, Preuss, & Kaas, 2001). Single-cell electrophys- been described by Deacon (1992) and by Petrides and
iology studies reveal that whereas core areas respond Pandya (2009). However, this is a relatively weak pathway
best to pure tones, lateral belt areas respond best to in macaques, and its function is unknown.
complex sounds, including species-specific vocaliza- The original descriptions of white matter fascicles in
tions (Rauschecker, Tian, & Hauser, 1995). the human brain were based on gross dissections of
As with Broca’s area, the human Wernicke’s area post-mortem brains (Dejerine, 1895), which cannot
has functional properties that distinguish it from its precisely define the cortical terminations of axons. The
nonhuman homologue, such as phonological process- invasive tracer methods used in macaques, which can
ing (Vigneau et al., 2006). Therefore, we again might identify cortical terminations, cannot be used in humans
expect to find underlying anatomical differences. Many and great apes. Noninvasive diffusion tensor imaging
years ago, it was discovered that the planum temporale, (DTI), however, can be used to delineate major white
a portion of Wernicke’s area, is leftwardly asymmetric matter fiber tracts in both humans and nonhuman pri-
in most humans (Geschwind & Levitsky, 1968). However, mates. DTI reveals connections between Broca’s and
this same asymmetry has been found in great apes Wernicke’s areas (or their homologues) in humans,
(Gannon, Holloway, Broadfield, & Braun, 1998; Hopkins, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques; however, there is
Marino, Rilling, & MacGregor, 1998). While these find- one striking difference between humans and the other
ings are consistent with the notion that human brain two species. In both rhesus macaques and chimpanzees,
language systems evolved from homologues present in the posterior terminations of the arcuate are focused

rilling and stout: evolution of the neural bases 43

Figure 5.1 Schematic of language/communication systems bold font. MT: the middle-temporal visual motion area; PS:
in humans (right) and nonhuman primates (left). Neurologi- principal sulcus; AS: arcuate sulcus; CS: central sulcus; IPS:
cal attributes are in italicized font. Cognitive attributes are in intraparietal sulcus; STS: superior temporal sulcus; PrCS: pre-
nonitalicized font. Human specializations are designated by central sulcus; IFS: inferior frontal sulcus.

on the homologue of Wernicke’s area in the posterior implicating the arcuate fasciculus as the key substrate
superior temporal gyrus. Humans, however, also possess for human language evolution. Furthermore, the
a massive projection of the arcuate into the middle and human arcuate fasciculus is leftwardly asymmetric,
inferior temporal gyri, ventral to classic Wernicke’s area while the extreme capsule is not (Rilling, Glasser,
(Rilling et al., 2008). Jbabdi, Andersson, & Preuss, 2011).
These projections lie within a region of temporal In summary, specializations of the human brain that
association cortex that seems to have expanded in may be relevant to explaining our capacity for language
human evolution, displacing the nearby extrastriate include (1) wider cortical minicolumns in both Broca’s
visual cortex in the process. For example, the middle and Wernicke’s areas, (2) leftward asymmetries in
temporal visual motion area, or MT, lies within the Broca’s area volume and PT minicolumn width, and 3)
superior temporal sulcus (STS) in chimpanzees and arcuate fasciculus projections beyond Wernicke’s area
rhesus macaques. In humans, however, MT is located to a region of expanded association cortex in the middle
posterior to the STS, which instead contains associa- and inferior temporal cortex involved in processing
tion cortex (Glasser et al., 2013). The posterior limit of word meaning (figure 5.1).
temporal-lobe arcuate fasciculus terminations in the
human brain coincides very closely with the anterior Technology
limit of visual motion area MT, consistent with dis-
placement of MT by the highly expanded arcuate Many species make and use tools, but humans are dis-
pathway. tinguished by the extent and complexity of their tech-
The region of expanded cortex that receives arcuate nological behavior. In fact, the term “technology”
projections has been dubbed an “epicenter for lexical- properly refers to a complex assemblage of artifacts,
semantic processing,” based on lesion, functional MRI institutions, social relations, knowledge, and skills that
(fMRI), and structural and functional connectivity data has no strict counterpart in nonhumans. Comparative
(Turken & Dronkers, 2011). Thus, this portion of the studies are critical to unraveling the evolutionary origins
arcuate fasciculus may carry lexical-sematic information of this uniquely human mode of behavior. Technologi-
to Broca’s area. Although some have postulated that cal behavior may be heuristically divided into simple
evolution recruited the extreme capsule pathway into tool use, complex tool use, and tool making.
the language system and that this pathway has played a
key role in language evolution, comparative DTI data Simple Tool Use In humans and macaques, grasping
suggest that the evolutionary expansion of the arcuate and manipulation depend on circuits that connect the
fasciculus outstripped that of the extreme capsule, intraparietal sulcus with the inferior frontal cortex via

44 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Figure 5.2 Schematic of tool-use systems in humans (right) and nonhuman primates (left). Conventions are the same as in
figure 5.1. VLT: ventral lateral temporal lobe; IP: inferior parietal lobe.

the third branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus semantic knowledge about tool form and function.
(SLF III). As macaques learn to use rakes to extend These streams converge in the inferior parietal lobule
their reach, the receptive fields of visuotactile neurons (IPL) to integrate the action and semantic knowledge
in the intraparietal sulcus increase over time (Iriki, required for complex tool use. This information is com-
2006). It has been argued that this reflects an extension municated via SLF III to the inferior frontal cortex,
of the body schema to incorporate the handheld tool, which supports hierarchically structured action sequenc-
and that simple tool use may be accounted for by ing during production and perception of object-
straightforward extension of the sensorimotor mecha- directed actions (Fadiga, Craighero, & D’Ausilio, 2009).
nisms involved in prehension. Below, we present evidence that these tool-relevant
regions of temporal, parietal, and frontal cortex are
Complex Tool Use Body schema extension is insuf- relatively larger and more extensively interconnected in
ficient to explain the use of complex tools that alter the humans than in other primates (figure 5.2).
functional properties of the hand (e.g., knives, hammers, Evidence for temporal lobe expansion is discussed
potholders), which require an additional causal under- above in the context of language. Human IPL is simi-
standing of tool properties as distinct from the hand larly expanded relative to macaques (Orban et al.,
(Frey, 2007). Complex tool use is understood with refer- 2006) and chimpanzees (Glasser et al., 2013). Finally,
ence to the “two-streams” account of visual perception human Broca’s area displays wider minicolumns than
(Milner & Goodale, 1995). A “dorsal stream” from its ape homologue (Schenker et al., 2008), is one of the
extrastriate visual cortices to the posterior parietal lobe most greatly expanded cortical regions in humans com-
supports visuospatial-motor transformations for action, pared to apes, particularly in the left hemisphere
whereas a “ventral stream” from occipital to posterior (Schenker et al., 2010), and displays greater bilateral
temporal cortices maps visual percepts to stored connectivity with IPL via SLF III (Hecht et al., 2012).

rilling and stout: evolution of the neural bases 45

The cortical control of tool use is left-lateralized in for manipulative complexity (Faisal, Stout, Apel, &
humans (Johnson-Frey, Newman-Norlund, & Grafton, Bradley, 2010), this result is attributable to differences
2005), further stimulating interest in possible relations in the complexity of object transformations.
between tool use, handedness, and the evolution of left Functional studies of tool making, though sparse,
hemisphere language circuits. According to Frey (2007), thus implicate right hemisphere homologues of left
complex tool use is enabled by integration of semantic hemisphere inferior frontal and parietal regions
representations in the left middle temporal gyrus with involved in tool use and may be underwritten by the
kinematic representations in left IPL. Peeters et al. bilateral expansion and increased interconnectivity
(2009) reported a region of left rostral IPL that is active of these regions. Interestingly, Ramayya et al. (2010)
when humans, but not tool-experienced monkeys, view report DTI evidence of a strong rightward asymmetry
actions performed with simple tools. This region may in the human white matter tract connecting posterior
be involved in representing the causal properties of IPL and inferior frontal cortex (although anterior IPL
handheld tools. DTI evidence indicates that the direct to IFG is larger on the left). The differential lateraliza-
white matter connection between middle temporal tion of tool use versus tool making parallels that of
gyrus and IPL is left-lateralized in humans (Ramayya, small-scale (e.g., phonology, syntax) versus large-scale
Glasser, & Rilling, 2010), and is relatively larger in both (e.g., prosody, context) linguistic processing and may
hemispheres in humans compared with chimpanzees reflect a more general hemispheric division of labor
and macaques (Hecht et al., 2012). between rapid, routine action control on the left and
large-scale integration on the right (Stout & Chami-
Tool Making Although many species make and use nade, 2012).
tools, humans are distinguished by the greater sophis-
tication of their tool making, including the use of tools Social learning
to make other tools, the construction of multicompo-
nent tools, and the cultural accumulation of complexity The intersubjectivity upon which human social learning
in tool design (Frey, 2007). On this view, the use of tools depends involves simulation of others’ actions, thoughts,
to transform durable objects is the most distinctive and feelings. Here, we restrict our comments to action
element of human tool behavior. How does the human simulation that is believed to mediate imitation, because
brain represent the more abstract and temporally the underlying neurobiology overlaps that of language
extended goals enabled by transformation of durable and technology, and because humans have a stronger
objects? Available evidence suggests that, in contrast to propensity to imitate than do chimpanzees or macaques.
tool use, representation of such material outcomes may The putative ability of the mirror-neuron system to
be right-lateralized in humans. map the observed actions of others onto one’s own
Hamilton and Grafton (2008) used repetition sup- motor repertoire makes it well suited to support imita-
pression to demonstrate that, while repeated presenta- tion (Molenberghs, Cunnington, & Mattingley, 2009).
tion of the same grasping target objects produces The mirror-neuron system consists of the STS, inferior
suppression of left inferior frontal cortex and IPL, rep- parietal cortex, and inferior frontal gyrus. STS pro-
etition of demonstrated material action outcomes (e.g., cesses the visual motion of observed actions and is
closing or opening a box) yields suppression of right thought to then relay this information to mirror regions
inferior frontal cortex and IPL. Frey and Gerry (2006) in the inferior parietal cortex and inferior frontal gyrus,
found that the right intraparietal sulcus was the only allowing the observer to covertly simulate the observed
brain region where activity predicted successful imita- action. Species differences in the mirror-neuron system
tion of an object-construction sequence, and Hartmann might explain species differences in social learning
et al. (2005) report that right-brain damage is associ- abilities (Hecht et al., 2012). For example, human but
ated with deficits in the organization of multistep tech- not monkey mirror regions will respond to intransitive
nical actions. PET and fMRI investigations of Paleolithic actions such as mimed grasping movements that lack
stone tool making by modern experimental subjects an object (Rizzolatti & Fogassi, 2007). Additionally, DTI
(Stout, Passingham, Frith, Apel, & Chaminade, 2011; has revealed species differences in connections among
Stout, Toth, Schick, & Chaminade, 2008) also reveal components of the mirror-neuron system. In both
right hemisphere activation. Stout et al. (2008) found macaques and chimpanzees, most connections between
greater activation of right IPL and inferior frontal STS and the inferior frontal gyrus travel via the ventral
cortex when making more sophisticated tools, a result extreme capsule pathway mentioned earlier. In humans,
mirrored by fMRI data from the observation of tool by contrast, a substantial number of connections travel
production (Stout et al., 2011). As tasks were matched by a dorsal route between STS and inferior parietal

46 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Figure 5.3 Schematic of social learning system in humans (right) and nonhuman primates (left). Conventions are the same
as in previous figures.

cortex (via the middle/inferior longitudinal fascicu- temporal cortex; however, skill is represented in infe-
lus), and between inferior parietal cortex and inferior rior parietal cortex, which is functionally specialized for
frontal gyrus (via SLF III; figure 5.3). If IFG processes specific aspects of tool use. Both the inferior parietal
the goals of actions, then the ventral connections that cortex and the pathway linking it with ventral lateral
dominate macaque and chimpanzee brains would be temporal cortex, which presumably integrates these
involved mainly with linking the observed action with dorsal and ventral streams of information about tools,
its goal or intention. These pathways may primarily have also expanded disproportionately in human evolu-
support emulation. Inferior parietal cortex is involved tion. Whereas tool use seems to be lateralized to left
in the spatial mapping of movement and may be useful hemisphere parietofrontal systems, tool making is more
for extracting more kinematic details from observed reliant on the right hemisphere homologues of these
actions. This pathway might support reproducing the areas. Finally, imitation may depend on connections
specific actions that lead to the goal, and its greater between the superior temporal sulcus and the inferior
development in humans may explain our penchant for frontal gyrus that run via the inferior parietal lobe, a
imitation (Hecht et al., 2012). Thus, the connectivity of pathway that is better developed in humans than non-
the inferior parietal cortex, another region of associa- human primates. More fine-grained studies are needed
tion cortex that appears to have expanded in human to determine if the cortical substrates supporting these
evolution (Bruner, 2004; Glasser et al., 2013; Orban et different human specializations are indeed the same, or
al., 2006), emerges as potentially crucial for the human merely in close proximity to one another.
capacity for learning through imitation.

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rilling and stout: evolution of the neural bases 49

6 The Primate Prefrontal Cortex in
Comparative Perspective

ABSTRACT In The Neurobiology of the Prefrontal Cortex, Passing- (Rose, 2006), and their visual advances probably pro-
ham and Wise build on the work of Preuss and Goldman- vided improved depth perception and object detection,
Rakic, who found that new prefrontal areas emerged during
as well as vision below and in front of their snout
primate evolution. We propose that the new prefrontal areas
of early primates perform search and valuation functions, (Allman, 2000; Barton, 1998, 2004; Changizi, 2009).
and that later, in anthropoid primates, additional prefrontal Among their motor specializations, early primates
areas evolved to perform related functions. The new anthro- used their hindlimbs more in locomotion than other
poid areas augment ancestral reinforcement-learning mecha- mammals and generated less force to move from place
nisms, which use feedback events to update the state of to place (Larson, 1998; Schmitt, 2010). The latter trait
memories through the cumulative adjustment of associa-
tions, averaged over many events. In contrast, the anthropoid minimized predator-attracting movements of flimsy
prefrontal areas store the memory of single events and use branches, and the former enabled forelimb specializa-
event representations to reduce the number of unproduc- tions for reaching and grasping. Like many modern
tive, risky, or costly foraging choices. They do so by using the prosimians, early primates probably used a hand-to-
memory of events to speed learning and by using event rep- mouth feeding technique (MacNeilage, Studdert-
resentations to generate goals from abstract rules and strate-
gies, thus bringing previous solutions to bear on novel
Kennedy, & Lindblom, 1987), one that required
problems. coordination among head, mouth, and hand move-
ments (Wise, 2007). Primates also reach in a unique way
(Shadmehr & Wise, 2005), which depends on a suite of
Passingham and Wise (2012) present a proposal on the new cortical areas (Preuss, 2007a, 2007b), a topic taken
fundamental function of the primate prefrontal cortex up later.
(PF), which this chapter presents in summary form.
Figure 6.1 illustrates the terminology used to explain Anthropoid evolution
our idea. Primates include strepsirrhines and haplo-
rhines; haplorhines consist of tarsiers and anthropoids; Early anthropoids engaged in diurnal foraging, as indi-
anthropoids include platyrrhines (New World monkeys) cated by their relatively small eyes (Fleagle, 1999; Heesy
and catarrhines; and catarrhines comprise Old World & Ross, 2004). Daylight foraging increased the risk of
monkeys, humans, and apes (figure 6.1B). The term predation, as well as competition from other diurnal
“prosimian” refers to tarsiers and strepsirrhines. Figure animals, such as frugivorous birds. Anthropoids inher-
6.1A recognizes seven subdivisions of PF: caudal (PFc), ited the primate fovea, which emerged in haplorhines
orbital (PFo), ventral (PFv), dorsolateral PF (PFdl), (Ross, 2004), and amplified several traits of early pri-
dorsal (PFd), medial (PFm), and polar (PFp). mates, such as large brains, long lives, and frontally
directed eyes. Later anthropoids evolved various forms
Early primate evolution of trichromatic vision, with catarrhines developing the
“routine” form that depends on three distinct photopig-
Most primatologists agree that early primates adapted ment genes (Williams, Kay, & Kirk, 2010).
to life in the fine branches of angiosperm trees and that Early anthropoids were small animals, approximately
their innovations included grasping hands and feet, 100 grams, and tooth-wear patterns suggest that they
nails instead of claws, and frontally directed eyes foraged mostly on fruits and insects (Fleagle, 1999;
(Fleagle, 1999; Rose, 2006). These adaptations proba- Rose, 2006). An increase in size began around 34
bly supported visually guided leaping (Martin, 1990) million years ago, after the divergence of platyrrhines
and foraging (Cartmill, 1972), and fossil evidence sug- and catarrhines (Williams et al., 2010). The first of
gests that the grasping specializations arose first (Bloch these larger anthropoids were probably arboreal quad-
& Boyer, 2002). Early primates foraged nocturnally rupeds (Fleagle, 1999; Kay, Williams, Ross, Takai, &

wise: the primate prefrontal cortex in comparative perspective 51


PFp PFm PFdl, PFd, PFv New World (platyrrhine) monkeys
granular PFm
CC (?) PFp
PFd Old World (catarrhine) monkeys
SMA SMA gibbons

Primates fovea
PMd PFc 17%
M1 ‘routine’
granular PFo
PMd, PMv trichromacy chimpanzees & bonobos
PMv IT humans



bush babies

PFv tree shrews

flying lemurs

Figure 6.1 (A) PF regions in macaques. (B) Primate clado- supplementary motor area; c, caudal; d, dorsal; dl, dorsolat-
gram showing shared derived traits (black bars). The gray eral; o, orbital; p, polar; m, medial; v, ventral. Lines in
lettering and bracket in (B) indicate a paraphyletic group. (A) reproduced from Petrides and Pandya (2007) by permis-
Circle diameter proportional to percentage of cortex com- sion of the Society for Neuroscience. (A) and (B) reproduced
prising granular PF. Abbreviations: IT, inferotemporal from Passingham and Wise (2012) by permission of Oxford
areas; PP, posterior parietal areas; PF, prefrontal cortex; University Press.
PM, premotor cortex; M1, primary motor cortex; SMA,

Shigehara, 2004), a trait that many modern anthro- premotor and posterior parietal areas, along with a
poids have retained (Schmitt, 2010). This kind of loco- dozen or more new visual and auditory areas (Kaas,
motion requires considerable energy, especially with 2012). In addition, a new part of the PF cortex emerged,
frequent changes in elevation. the main topic of this chapter. As Preuss (1995) pointed
As anthropoids increased in size, they began to forage out, this part of the PF cortex has a prominent internal
over a larger home range, an energy-intensive activity granular layer, and so can be called the granular PF
(Martin, 1981). To meet their needs, they probably cortex. This name, however, reflects just one of its
obtained much of their nutrition from ripe, high-energy diagnostic traits; as reviewed elsewhere, extensive addi-
fruits and tender, easily digestible leaves. Like modern tional evidence confirms that the granular PF cortex
anthropoids, these animals foraged among thousands occurs uniquely in primates (Passingham & Wise, 2012;
of angiosperm trees, few of which had ripe fruit on any Preuss, 1995, 2007a, 2007b; Wise, 2008).
given day. Among their many foraging challenges, trees Preuss and Goldman-Rakic (1991a, 1991b) provided
of a given species generated fruit at various times and the key support for this idea. They concluded that
frequencies, with substantial annual variation and rip- agranular PF areas have homologues in all mammals
ening rates that varied by location (Janmaat, Byrne, & and that PFc and PFo emerged as new granular areas
Zuberbühler, 2006). When shortfalls in preferred nutri- in early primates. First, they identified the granular PF
ents occurred, competition intensified, as did the risk cortex in the bush baby, a strepsirrhine primate. As in
of predation. anthropoids, these granular areas are situated rostral
to the premotor cortex (area 6), a group of agranular
Cortical evolution in primates areas. Second, they compared the connections, cytoar-
chitectonics, and myeloarchitectonics of the frontal
Early Primates As early primates adapted to a noc- cortex in bush babies with anthropoid monkeys
turnal, fine-branch niche, they developed several new (macaques) and other mammals. They concluded that

52 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

one part of the bush baby PF cortex was homologous the mouth in coordination with head and mouth move-
with area 8 of macaque monkeys, which Passingham ments, and postural stabilization on a flimsy, thin-
and Wise (2012) call PFc. This area has a “very thick, branch substrate (Wise, 2007). The adaptive advantages
dense” layer 4 and bundles of vertically oriented of PFc and PFo become clearer in this context:
myelinated fibers in the infragranular layers, which dis-
perse as they enter the supragranular cortex (Preuss & • PFc contributes to selective foraging among the
Goldman-Rakic, 1991b, p. 459). Preuss and Goldman- many objects found in the clutter of the fine-branch
Rakic further concluded that another set of areas, the niche, including search and identification functions, as
granular parts of PFo, also had homologues in both well as directing and maintaining attention toward valu-
bush babies and macaques. able objects, which the animal might acquire at some
Contemporary support for these conclusions includes future time. The oculomotor functions of the frontal
the identification of the frontal eye field within PFc in eye field, part of PFc, can therefore be understood as
anthropoids and strepsirrhines; the topological rela- fundamentally attentional rather than “motor.”
tionship of PF areas with the allocortex; the pattern of • PFo evaluates objects in terms of current biological
their projections to the striatum; the lack of direct needs and links the sensory properties of predicted
inputs to granular PF from olfactory, gustatory, and outcomes with these valuations, especially in the visual
visceral systems (which characterizes agranular PF domain.
areas); and the relatively high threshold for evoking
autonomic effects from granular PF with electrical stim- Anthropoids As anthropoids became larger animals,
ulation (in contrast to agranular PF areas; Wise, 2008). their brains expanded more than predicted by their
Passingham and Wise (2012) review the functions of increase in body size, sometimes called an “upward
PFc and PFo. The evidence comes from neuropsycho- grade shift” in brain size. An early catarrhine, Aegypto-
logical, neurophysiological, connectional, and brain- pithecus (Kay et al., 2004), had relatively small frontal
imaging studies, which indicate that PFc functions in lobes (Radinsky, 1979) compared to modern catar-
the search for salient objects, their visual identification, rhines, but had a visual cortex (broadly defined) within
and the orientation of attention toward them. The same the range of modern catarrhines. On this basis, Radinsky
kinds of evidence indicate that the granular parts of concluded that the visual cortex expanded earlier during
PFo function in estimating the current value of objects primate evolution than did the frontal lobes, and prob-
and other stimuli. For example, evidence from lesion ably prior to the upward grade shift in total brain size.
studies in macaque monkeys indicates that the granular Even with its large visual cortex, the Aegyptopithecus brain
PFo performs two related functions: (1) it maps the falls within the modern prosimian size range, when
choice of an object to the specific outcome apparently regressed against body size (figure 6.2A, point A). Like-
caused by that choice, including the taste, smell, and wise, other early anthropoids have brains within the
visual appearance of the foods or fluids that compose prosimian range, including Parapithecus (Bush, Simons,
such outcomes (Walton, Behrens, Buckley, Rudebeck, & Allman, 2004), an early anthropoid (point P); and
& Rushworth, 2010), and (2) in cooperation with the Chilecebus (Sears, Finarelli, Flynn, & Wyss, 2008), an early
amygdala, it updates the valuation of these outcomes to platyrrhine (point C). This evidence suggests that the
reflect an animal’s current state, such as selective satiety upward grade shift in brain size occurred in parallel in
(Baxter & Murray, 2002; Izquierdo, Suda, & Murray, catarrhines and platyrrhines (Williams et al., 2010).
2004). Importantly, and unlike the orbital cortex of As for the types of cortex that expanded, compara-
other mammals, the granular PF cortex of primates can tive studies in modern primates point to granular PF,
establish this mapping on the basis of a single event, a which in anthropoids comprises 9–11% of the neocor-
capacity called credit assignment. The next section tex (figure 6.1B) and 43–50% of the frontal lobe
returns to this topic. (figure 6.2B; Elston et al., 2006). In strepsirrhines, only
These new PF functions developed in the context of 7–8% of the neocortex (figure 6.1B) and 41–43% of
a suite of adaptations to the fine-branch niche (Preuss, the frontal lobe (figure 6.2B) consists of granular PF.
2007a). As mentioned earlier, primate innovations Coupled with Radinsky’s conclusion about the early
include many new sensory areas for specialized process- expansion of visual cortex, the upward grade shift in
ing of visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, brain size probably depended in part on expansion of
along with new posterior parietal and premotor areas granular PF. Posterior parietal areas also developed
that guide reaching toward visual goals, often consisting extensively in anthropoids, and they play a role in visu-
of nutritious objects. Parietal and premotor areas also ally guided reaching and in providing the granular PF
control the grasping of these objects, bringing them to cortex with contexts concerning the order, number,

wise: the primate prefrontal cortex in comparative perspective 53



Granular PF/frontal lobe (%)

500 anthropoids

Brain volume (cm3)

C chimpanzee
G G gorilla
50 M mandrill
50 M B baboon
M macaque
M anthropoids V vervet
P strepsirrhines
45 V C capuchin
5 C M marmoset
T LL L black lemur
L dwarf lemur
0.05 0.5 5 50 0 20 40
Body mass (kg) Cortical surface area
(mm2 x 103)

Figure 6.2 (A) Brain versus body size in modern primates points for anthropoids and strepsirrhines, respectively.
and selected fossils: A, Aegyptopithecus; C, Chilecebus; P, Para- (B) Granular PF as percentage of frontal cortex. Data for (A)
pithecus; T, tarsiers. Shadings and dashed-line bound data from Bush et al. (2004); data for (B) from Elston et al. (2006).

durations, distances, speeds, and locations of visual errors in novel situations: the former by solving a
events (Passingham & Wise, 2012). These areas also problem quickly, the latter by transferring solutions
contribute to the control of attention, in part by ori- from similar problems to novel ones. A reduction of
enting the fovea (Paré & Dorris, 2011). errors results in more productive foraging choices, less
In support of the idea that granular PF cortex wasted energy, and lower risk of predation.
expanded in anthropoids, Preuss and Goldman-Rakic Our proposal relies partly on neuroimaging and neu-
(1991b) made two key observations in addition to those rophysiological findings, but the most direct evidence
cited earlier: many of the granular PF areas in macaque comes from the effects of selective brain lesions, as sum-
monkeys have a paucity of myelin, and bush babies lack marized in the next section.
large myelin-poor regions within their granular PF.
Chimpanzees and humans, like anthropoid monkeys, Using events to reduce foraging errors
also have myelin-poor regions within their PF (Glasser,
Goyal, Preuss, Raichle, & Van Essen, 2014). The myelin- Credit Assignment As noted earlier, PFo functions
poor parts of granular PF were probably, therefore, in updating the mappings between objects and the out-
anthropoid innovations. comes that follow the appearance or choice of those
objects. PFo receives high-level, conjunctive visual rep-
Proposal resentations of objects and outcomes from inferotem-
poral cortex (IT); olfactory, gustatory, and visceral
Anthropoid innovations include several parts of granu- information about outcomes from agranular parts of
lar PF: PFv, PFdl, PFd, the rostral, granular parts of orbital and insular cortex; and signals that allow it to
PFm, and probably PFp. Passingham and Wise (2012) update the value of these outcomes from the amygdala
suggest specialized roles for each of these areas, but (Izquierdo et al., 2004).
their most important contribution comes from the inte- Walton et al. (2010) provided evidence that monkeys
grated function of granular PF as a whole (Wilson, use their memory of single events to choose a foraging
Gaffan, Browning, & Baxter, 2010). Specifically, we goal. They studied the choices that monkeys made
propose that the primate PF cortex generates the goals among three objects that produced rewards at a vari-
appropriate to a current context and to current biologi- able rate. Normal monkeys can generate appropriate
cal needs, and that it can sometimes do so based on a choices based on a memory of which previous choice
single event. seemed to cause a particular outcome. In contrast,
As a result, the new granular PF areas of anthropoids monkeys with lesions of the granular PFo were more
reduce foraging errors, which they accomplish in at affected by the mappings between objects and out-
least two ways: through fast learning and by applying comes that accumulate across trials, as an average of
abstract rules and strategies. Both capacities reduce several events. The choices of lesioned monkeys thus

54 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Learning set task Object-in-place scenes task
(trial 4) (trial 4)
50 50
Serial Concurrent
40 40

Percent error

Percent error
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
















Conditional motor learning Abstract strategies Temporal extended events
80 0.8 40 ‘Binding’ Blank
Strategy application

Errors to criterion
stimulus screen
Percent error

60 0.6 30
(perfect = 1)

40 0.4 20

20 0.2

0 0 0


Pre-op PFv+o Pre-op PFv+o







Figure 6.3 (A) Learning set, performance on trial 4. et al. (2007); for (B), from Browning et al. (2005); for (C) and
(B) Object-in-place scenes task, performance on trial 4. (D), from Bussey et al. (2001); for (E), adapted from Wilson
(C) Conditional motor learning, mean over 48 trials. (D) Appli- et al., 2010, with permission from Elsevier; reproduced
cation of the change-shift strategy, first eight change trials. from Passingham and Wise (2012), by permission of Oxford
(E) Temporally extended events. Data for (A) from Browning University Press.

resemble those of nonprimate mammals and other ver- concurrent discrimination task. Monkeys learn much
tebrates, which learn associations between responses faster and make fewer errors on the serial version of the
and outcomes through cumulative experience. The task (figure 6.3A, gray). In general, their high error rate
capacity for learning the outcome caused by a single on the concurrent task resembles that of naive monkeys
event provides an advantage in generating future forag- on the serial task. Murray and Gaffan concluded that
ing choices. when experienced monkeys face the serial discrimina-
tion task, they choose their next goal based on events
Discrimination and Reversal Learning Set With from the previous trial. If the choice of an object pro-
experience, macaque monkeys can make the correct duced a reward, then the monkey will choose that
choice between two objects on the second opportunity object as the goal for the next trial; otherwise, it chooses
to make that choice, a capability called “learning set.” the alternative object. Monkeys can then maintain the
These experiments usually involve the serial discrimina- goal in short-term memory until the opportunity comes
tion task, in which the same two stimuli appear trial to make the next choice, a process called prospective
after trial. In the concurrent discrimination task, by coding. The concurrent discrimination task precludes
contrast, monkeys choose between two objects and then this strategy by imposing intervening objects.
many trials with different objects intervene before The development of a strong learning set depends
monkeys face the same choice again. on granular PF and its interactions with IT (Browning,
Murray and Gaffan (2006) found that monkeys fail Easton, & Gaffan, 2007). Disconnection lesions that
to develop a strong learning set when tested on the block interactions between PF and IT slow learning and

wise: the primate prefrontal cortex in comparative perspective 55

increase errors on the serial discrimination task, bring- subsequent reward instead of a blank screen. This
ing performance into the range observed for the con- “binding” stimulus probably fosters the linkage of a
current version of that task (figure 6.3A, black) and for series of events into a single conjunctive representation,
naive monkeys on the serial version. called a temporally extended (or complex) event. Like
The term “reversal set” refers to an improvement in the other results cited here, PF-IT disconnections cause
switching between two objects when experimenters monkeys to revert to the level of performance achieved
change the one designated as the correct choice. After without the “binding” stimulus (figure 6.3E).
macaque monkeys develop a reversal set, PF-IT discon- An account of PF function in terms of conjunctive
nections impair reversal performance (Wilson & Gaffan, representations also applies to credit assignment
2008). This finding suggests that granular PF enables (choice-outcome), the object-in-place scenes task
monkeys to generalize from previous reversal problems, (background-choice-outcome), and conditional motor
thereby reducing the number of errors. Rats and cats learning (cue-action-outcome).
generalize across reversal problems poorly, although
some corvid birds show convergence with anthropoids Conclusion
for this trait (Bond, Kamil, & Balda, 2007).
Lesion studies in macaque monkeys show that an intact
Object-in-Place Scenes Task In the object-in-place granular PF cortex decreases errors in laboratory tasks.
scenes task, monkeys use a background context, called According to Passingham and Wise (2012), it does so
a scene, to help them choose between two object-like by generating goals from a current context, based on
stimuli in that scene. The presence of the background current biological needs. A goal, in this sense, refers to
leads to faster learning and fewer errors. Bilateral PF the objects and places that serve as targets of action. PF
lesions cause a severe impairment on this task (Brown- sometimes uses a single remembered event—the con-
ing, Easton, Buckley, & Gaffan, 2005), and PF-IT discon- junction of a context, goal, action, and outcome—to
nections do so to a lesser extent (figure 6.3B). Without generate a future goal when a context recurs. It also
granular PF or its interactions with IT, macaque monkeys reduces errors by using events to choose goals based on
perform as they do without background scenes. Brown- abstract rules and strategies and by encoding goals pro-
ing et al. argue that this task measures the ability to spectively until the opportunity arises to attain them.
remember single events, sometimes called episodic Connections between PF and premotor areas serve to
memories. implement the chosen goals at that time, in part by
providing a bias among competing visuomotor plans
Conditional Motor Learning The term condi- (Pastor-Bernier & Cisek, 2011). Connections with other
tional motor learning refers to the ability to use arbi- areas provide PF with high-level information about con-
trary cues, usually visual, to choose an action. Naive texts, goals, actions, and outcomes.
macaques learn novel cue-action mappings relatively The ecological and comparative perspective provided
slowly, but with experience they can reduce errors dra- earlier helps us understand these laboratory findings.
matically, often learning from single events. As in learn- Granular PF first emerged in early primates as they
ing set and reversal tasks, this error reduction requires adapted to life in the fine branches of angiosperm trees.
granular PF (figure 6.3C; Bussey, Wise, & Murray, 2001). Their new PF areas, PFc and PFo, provided advantages
Bilateral lesions of PFo and PFv cause a reversion to in the search for and valuation of foraging goals in this
error rates typical of naive monkeys and rats (Bussey, cluttered environment. The search function of PFc,
Muir, Everitt, & Robbins, 1996). including the frontal eye field, involves top-down atten-
In addition to fast learning, the application of abstract tion of both the overt and covert varieties.
rules and strategies also reduces errors. Two abstract Additional granular areas appeared later, in anthro-
strategies, called repeat-stay and change-shift, also poids, as these animals increased in size and came to
depend on granular PF (figure 6.3D). These strategies rely on rich but volatile resources distributed over a
depend on event memory, because what occurs on the large home range. They foraged by day in a competi-
previous trial determines whether the monkeys tive environment, under threat of predation, using an
should stay with their previous choice or shift to an energy-intensive form of locomotion. These anthro-
alternative. poid ancestors used visual advances, such as foveal and
trichromatic vision, to improve their perception of
Temporally Extended Events In a task used by color, shape, and visual texture. Temporal areas,
Browning and Gaffan (2008), macaque monkeys see a including IT, provided PFv with signs of resources at a
picture during an interval between their choice and a distance based on those attributes. Posterior parietal

56 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

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& Van Essen, D. C. (2014). Trends and properties of human
E. Passingham, and Todd M. Preuss for their comments on a
cerebral cortex: Correlations with cortical myelin content.
previous version of this chapter.
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58 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

7 Animal Models of the Human Brain:
Repairing the Paradigm

ABSTRACT Despite advances in in vivo human studies, neuro- The purpose of this essay is to critique the MOP. We
scientists still depend on studies of nonhuman species for emphasize that we are not arguing against animal
information that cannot be obtained without invasive tech-
research. Rather, we identify limitations and liabilities
niques. This research is concentrated in a very few “model”
species, mostly macaque monkeys, rats, and mice. Although of animal research conducted within the current frame-
it is well documented that brain organization varies markedly work of the MOP, and suggest ways to modify science
across mammals, species differences are perceived as threat- policy so as to enhance our understanding of humans
ening to model-organism research and so are often ignored through the study of other animals.
or, if acknowledged, are interpreted in the context of a
simple-to-complex phylogenetic progression that is at odds
with the modern, branching-tree conception of evolution. What model organisms do for us
We argue that the failure of the model-organism paradigm
to deal forthrightly with phyletic variation can compromise The advancement of knowledge in the biological and
the integrity of research by slanting the generation, report- behavioral sciences has been pursued primarily with
ing, and interpretation of results, and by placing the enter- research on a relatively small number of model organ-
prise outside the bounds of evolutionary plausibility. We
propose that many of the deficiencies of the model-organism
isms. Model organisms are physical representations of
paradigm could be remedied, and the quality of inferences phenomena of interest, and those representations are
about humans improved, by increasing the number and phy- of several kinds (Bolker, 2009; Preuss, 2001): a species
logenetic diversity of core experimental species and embed- might serve as a disease model—that is, as a proxy or
ding model research in a broader comparative framework. in vivo replica of a disease, symptom, or disease process
(e.g., the rat model of Parkinson’s disease), or as an
Research in cognitive neuroscience primarily involves exhibitor of some widespread phenomenon (e.g., a
studying humans with one of several noninvasive model for studying neurogenesis, a model of prefrontal
imaging techniques. Nevertheless, the field is still very cortex), or a general-purpose stand-in for other species.
dependent on experimental studies of nonhuman In any case, the goal is to advance research by standard-
species for obtaining certain kinds of information, espe- izing experimental methods and materials (Robert,
cially small-scale features of brain organization, and 2008a).
information that can only be obtained with invasive Current model organisms were established for
techniques that are considered ethically unacceptable primarily pragmatic reasons: they are lab-friendly
for use in humans. Given this dependence, what is the (relatively cheap, small, and generally susceptible to
best strategy for studying animals in order to under- husbandry), experimentally tractable (relatively easy
stand human beings? For most scientists, the answer is to observe and manipulate), and standard (the ones
obvious: focus on one of the widely used “model” that everyone uses). Model organisms canalize entire
species. In the neurosciences, those would be rats and domains of research because they create research effi-
mice, mainly, but also macaque monkeys and other ciencies, including beneficial economies of scale and
nonhuman primates (Manger et al., 2008). This reliable replication of results (Robert, 2004b, 2008a).
approach, which we will refer to as the “model-organism The “model organism” honorific is most properly
paradigm” (Preuss, 2000), or MOP, is the dominant applied to those animals sanctioned by the National
animal-research paradigm not only in the neurosci- Institutes of Health (NIH) and other funders, and
ences, but in the biomedical sciences generally, as around which a model “system” has grown (including
reflected in its support by funding organizations such research networks, literatures, databases, and so on).
as the National Institutes of Health (cf. Robert, 2008a, Thus, model organisms are more than just animals: they
on “model organism-ism”). are the foci of human institutions (e.g., Logan, 2005b;

preuss and robert: animal models of the human brain: repairing the paradigm 59
Rader, 2004). When scientists achieve prominence principle” by Hans Krebs (1975), although Krogh would
through their research on a particular model, they probably not have endorsed Krebs’s view that species
attract students who typically work on that model. differences are “minor modifications” of a standard
Funding agencies take notice and direct resources to animal plan (Logan, 2002). It is the MOP’s default
research on the model. Research know-how on the assumption of generality that justifies the concentration
model accumulates and supporting infrastructures of effort on internal validity and repeatability rather
develop. The community develops an ideology about than on external validity (see also van der Staay, Arndt,
the best way to do research and how it applies to & Nordquist, 2009).
humans. Members of the model-organism community— This ideology promotes a kind of species neglect. Since
researchers, administrators, students—develop vested species are thought not to matter in any fundamental
interests in the political as well as scientific success of way, titles of neuroscience papers commonly do not
their model, interests that, we argue, influence their name them—as one can easily confirm by scanning the
view of biological reality. contents of the Journal of Neuroscience—and species are
Typically, organisms destined to become models sometimes omitted from abstracts as well. Instead,
come to the attention of scientists owing to some scien- papers focus on the structure or function of particular
tifically interesting or methodologically convenient biological entities, such as brain areas and genes. These
characteristic. For example, Norway rats came to the entities are thus presented as independent of the species
attention of researchers because they mature quickly that harbor them, although it is well known that the
and were perceived as being hypersexual, at a time phenotypic effects of a particular gene or protein, or
when researchers were beginning to study the physiol- the functional properties of a particular brain structure,
ogy of sex (Logan, 2001). However, as Logan has can differ dramatically between even closely related
documented, when rats became domesticated through species (see, e.g., Krubitzer, Campi, & Cooke, 2011;
generations of breeding, and researchers became McNamara, Namgung, & Routtenberg, 1996; Rekart,
increasingly reliant on their use, they underwent a Sandoval, & Routtenberg, 2007; and, generally, Robert,
remarkable transformation in the minds of scientists, 2004a, 2008b). The reality of species differences is
their rodent- and species-specific characteristics receiv- further highlighted when models come into competi-
ing progressively less attention and their status as “typical tion with each other, leading to sometimes rancorous
mammals” promoted (Logan, 1999, 2002, 2005a). With disputes about the best model for a particular purpose,
this change, and the availability of pure strains, the as for example in the debate over primate versus rodent
status of rats changed from biological species to labora- models in Parkinson’s disease research (Robert, 2008a).
tory reagent. This is an accurate depiction of model Species neglect in the neurosciences is reinforced by
organisms more generally: they are standardized, explicit doctrine: the claim that there is a “basic unifor-
quality-controlled laboratory materials useful for mity” of neocortical organization, an idea most fully
making experiments work. The purification of these articulated by Rockel, Hiorns, and Powell (1980). “Basic
reagents probably increases the internal validity and uniformity” holds that the numbers of cells and propor-
repeatability of experimental results, but unfortunately tions of cell types in a cortical column are the same
does not assure their external validity—that is, their across species and cortical areas (except the primary
generalizability to other species—and may, in fact, com- visual area of primates), and that the local circuitry of
promise it. the cortex is likewise invariant; functional differences
between areas result from differences in extrinsic con-
What model organisms do to us nectivity. Taken seriously, basic uniformity implies that
for most research purposes, any mammal will do. But
While the benefits of model-organism research are basic uniformity cannot be sustained, as modern
widely recognized, it also has liabilities, especially in the research has revealed numerous differences in intrinsic
neurosciences, where research is concentrated in so few as well as large-scale cortical organization between areas
species. Here, we consider how scientists’ commitment and species (Hof & Sherwood, 2007; Preuss, 2010). Nev-
to models affects how they understand the place of their ertheless, basic uniformity remains an influential concept
models in the phylogenetic scheme, how they view their in neuroscience.
work in the broader context of science, and how they The MOP’s distortions of biology extend into the
represent their findings. realm of evolution (Preuss, 1995a, 2009; Robert, 2004a).
At the heart of the MOP is the assumption that find- Modern evolutionary biology views every species as a
ings obtained in model species will hold for many or mosaic of features, some unique or specific to the
most other species. This was dubbed the “August Krogh species, some shared with close relatives, and some

60 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Figure 7.1 Evolution of biological ideas about the relation- champion, Ernst Haeckel (1879). (C) A modern phylogenetic
ship of humans to other animals. (A) Pre-Darwinian concep- tree, depicting the relationships among mammalian orders.
tion of the scale of being, from Charles Bonnet (1745). From Preuss (2007), simplified from Murphy et al. (2001).
(B) An early, scale-like tree of life, from Darwin’s German

shared with more distantly related species. The totemic references in the use of terms such as “infrahuman”
organism of modern evolutionary biology is the branch- primates and “lower” mammals, remain common in the
ing tree, representing both the unity and diversity of neuroscientific literature. Even NIH’s animal care and
life. The rise of “tree thinking” in the latter part of the use guidelines recommend using animals “lower on the
twentieth century marked a profound change in the phylogenetic scale” whenever possible (Striedter, 2007).
way evolutionary biologists understand evolution. Trees The fact that the phylogenetic scale remains the
drawn in the nineteenth century and first half of the common-sense, folk understanding of evolution in our
twentieth century looked as much like scales as like culture may explain some of its continuing appeal
trees (figure 7.1) and, indeed, early evolutionists within the MOP. Yet what the MOP has done is to
(including Darwin) understood evolution as progres- promote a way of thinking about the relationship
sion from undifferentiated “lower” forms to the most between humans and other animals incompatible with
complex and perfect “higher” forms: humans, that is basic principles of modern biology—while still passing
(see reviews by Fleagle & Jungers, 1980; Hodos & Camp- for modern biology.
bell, 1969; Preuss, 2009; Striedter, 2007). The phyloge- For scientists working within the MOP, commitment
netic scale compresses the diversity of life onto a single, to a specific model can shape the ways data are inter-
vertical axis of complexity and perfection. The bushier preted and basic concepts are framed. A case in point
trees drawn by modern evolutionists (figure 7.1C) is prefrontal cortex. Primates possess a region of pre-
reflect the rejection of a linear, human-centered view of frontal cortex (PFC) located mainly on the dorsolateral
evolution, emphasizing instead its diversifying charac- aspect of the frontal lobe that has a well-formed granu-
ter, each branch of the tree possessing unique features. lar layer IV: the granular PFC. This region, which is
The MOP is much more compatible with the old view involved in some very high-level cognitive functions
of life than with tree thinking. Explicit references to such as conscious reasoning and planning, comprises
the defunct phylogenetic scale, as well as implicit numerous subdivisions that are nodes in networks

preuss and robert: animal models of the human brain: repairing the paradigm 61
Figure 7.2 Alternative interpretations of frontal-lobe homologies in macaques and rats. Modified from Preuss (2007).

linking granular PFC with higher-order parietal and granular PFC, the medial frontal cortex in rodents, as
temporal areas (reviewed by Preuss, 1995b, and Passing- in primates, is notable for its strong connections with
ham & Wise, 2012). Granular PFC presents a problem subcortical limbic and autonomic structures. Rebrand-
for rodent models, because obvious homologues are ing rostral cingulate cortex as “prefrontal” may enhance
found only in primates (Brodmann, 1909; Preuss, the stature of rodent models by providing them with an
1995b). One proposed solution is to focus on other enlarged region of PFC, but it amounts to little more
features of anatomy that are shared by rodents and than an accounting change, and one that obscures
primates. Since primate granular PFC receives projec- important differences among cortical regions and
tions from the lateral part of the mediodorsal (MD) among species without advancing our understanding
thalamic nucleus, the part of rodent cortex that receives of brain structure and function.
inputs from lateral MD would be a candidate for homol- Not only can models shape conceptual space, they
ogy. In rodents, however, lateral MD projects not to can police access to it, influencing what data are
dorsolateral frontal cortex, but rather to the medial accepted as legitimate and significant. Consider the
frontal cortex, including areas 24, 32, and 25, areas macaque model of the visual system, which has domi-
originally classified as “cingulate.” This has prompted nated our understanding of the neurobiology of human
the claim that rodent areas had been misidentified, and vision. This dominance is no accident: a series of studies
that they actually correspond to granular PFC, or made a point of emphasizing the value of macaques as
perhaps to some amalgam of granular PFC and cingu- proxies for humans, creating the impression that there
late cortex (see, for example, Krettek & Price, 1977; are few differences of consequence between the central
Leonard, 1969; Uylings, Groenewegen, & Kolb, 2003; visual systems of humans and macaques (e.g., de Valois,
and figures 7.2A and 7.2B). Current evidence, however, Morgan, Polson, Mead, & Hull, 1974; Harwerth &
clearly indicates that the medial frontal areas of rodents Smith, 1985; Merigan, 1980). So strong is the influence
resemble the rostral cingulate areas of primates in virtu- of the macaque model that one is hard-pressed to find
ally every feature that can be compared: in both, major references to human-macaque visual-system differences
inputs arise from nucleus MD, both have an agranular in the secondary literature or in textbooks. Moreover,
histology, and lesions in both produce similar behav- its influence has made it seem reasonable to dismiss
ioral effects—whereas these areas bear no diagnostic evidence of human specializations out of hand, on the
similarity to primate granular PFC (Passingham & Wise, grounds that features present in humans but not
2012; Preuss, 1995b; figure 7.2C). In contrast to macaques must be artifacts of poor methods or

62 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Figure 7.3 Summary of differences in the visual-system organization of humans and macaque monkeys. Preuss (2004) reviews
the findings presented here, except those of Denys et al. (2004) and Peeters et al. (2009).

materials because similar characteristics had never paradigm. As we have seen, adopting the MOP can bias
been reported in macaques (as an anonymous reviewer the generation of results, because so few species are
explained in critiquing the findings ultimately pub- studied, as well as the reporting and interpretation of
lished by Preuss, Qi, and Kaas, 1999). Yet, while there results. In this way, the MOP challenges the integrity
is no question that macaque and human visual systems of individual researchers and of the larger research
have much in common, the primary literature also con- enterprise, ultimately undermining the evidence base
tains abundant evidence of differences between humans of science. Moreover, the fundamental assumption
and macaques, and attests that these differences are of the MOP—that species differences are trivial—is
found at every level of the visual system, from the retina inconsistent with the modern understanding of evolu-
to association cortex (figure 7.3). Why aren’t these dif- tion, and thus challenges the intellectual integrity of
ferences better known? We suggest that acknowledging biology.
human-macaque differences is perceived as threaten- Additionally, animal research undertaken within the
ing to the monkey model. The lesson in this case, as in MOP can undermine the credibility of animal research
the example of prefrontal cortex, is that when the more broadly, and in so doing abet those who would
model comes into conflict with the thing modeled— limit or eliminate animal research altogether. Not all
humans, that is—the model wins. Alternatively, if some- animal research is equally well justified; poorly justified
thing doesn’t exist in the model, it doesn’t exist. MOP research lacking external validity threatens the
moral acceptability of more epistemically legitimate
Ethical dimensions of the MOP research with nonhuman species. Scientists are obli-
gated to make the best use of nonhuman species in
We briefly note here the ethical hazards resulting from research, and the species neglect endemic to the MOP
the reality-distorting effects of the model-organism works against this goal.

preuss and robert: animal models of the human brain: repairing the paradigm 63
Reforming Research As we see it, the liabilities behavioral ends: for example, certain avian species
and contradictions of the model-organism paradigm appear to have evolved cognitive capacities similar to
stem from the way findings in model species are thought those of primates, despite marked differences in brain
to relate to other species, including humans— structure (e.g., Avian Brain Nomenclature Consortium,
specifically, from the default assumption that any 2005; Emery & Clayton, 2004). How did birds achieve
given finding in a model will generalize to other animals that? Perhaps they share with us emergent, higher-
until proven otherwise. If evolution took the form order features of brain organization, features relevant
of a phylogenetic scale, and all the diversity of life to cognition that we do not yet appreciate even in our
could be collapsed onto a single axis of complexity, own species. Comparative studies can also identify
the default assumption would make sense, and the extreme cases that illustrate processes or design fea-
distinction between internal and external validity tures relevant beyond specific phylogenetic groups. For
would be relatively unimportant. But evolution is like a example, our appreciation of the capacity of cerebral
tree and not a scale, and this fact requires we acknowl- cortex to compartmentalize processing would be dimin-
edge that internal validity is no guarantee of external ished if we did not know that compartmental, modular
validity. Demonstrating the generalizability of results organization evolved repeatedly in mammalian history,
requires that neuroscientists adopt a more comparative star-nosed moles providing a remarkable example of
approach, extending their research broadly and deeply this (Catania, 2006).
to include species outside of the current stable of model
animals. Increase the number of core species In generating an appro-
Let us make clear what we are not proposing. We do priately comparative context for research, we recom-
not advocate eliminating any of the currently favored mend a strategic and systematic approach rather than
model animals, because we acknowledge that there is, a haphazard and idiosyncratic one. Determining which
indeed, value in working with animals that have estab- species are especially well suited for addressing particu-
lished husbandry practices and research systems, or are lar biological problems will and should depend on the
particularly tractable for one purpose or another (for problem itself, not strictly on historical antecedents and
example, making transgenic animals, in the case of canalized research programs. We cannot, of course,
mice). Nevertheless, we believe the concentration of expect to study every species in great detail, or even in
resources in a few highly entrenched models has passed modest detail, but we would benefit from adding species
the point of diminishing returns and that the enter- for concentrated research in a way that increases the
prise would be better served by distributing resources breadth and depth of phyletic coverage. This would
over a larger number of species. We advocate the fol- entail adding more representatives of the rodent and
lowing reforms based on both epistemological and primate orders, adding species from other mammalian
ethical considerations: orders, and adding selected taxa from other animal
groups, especially those meeting the criteria discussed
Embed research in a broader comparative framework Without in the previous paragraph. Species to be favored might
broad comparative studies, it is not possible to deter- also include those for which genome sequences are
mine how particular features of brain organization and available. Access to primates is a particular concern,
function are distributed across the evolutionary tree, or given the reduction of primate species available at
within the human part of it. For a program of research NIH’s National Primate Research Centers over the past
designed to improve our understanding of humans, a two decades, as this represents a serious obstacle to
reasonable approach would, at a minimum, involve obtaining a deeper understanding of primate (includ-
identifying features of brain organization characteristic ing human) biology.
of ancestral mammals, of ancestral eutherian mammals,
of the ancestors of the modern eutherian orders Foster multispecies research and training For the sake of
(including of course Rodentia and Primates), as well as improving external validation, funding institutions
the specialized features of the genera and species from should promote the study of specific processes and phe-
which our model species are drawn. As well as identify- nomena in multiple species (models or otherwise).
ing widely shared features, this approach would help to Also, studies of phenomena in a particular animal group
identify additional species that possess features similar should be favored, not disfavored, if most previous
to those present in humans that resulted from conver- research has been concentrated in some other species.
gent evolution: adult pair bonding in voles comes to In addition, just as we accept that it is usually better
mind (Young, Wang, & Insel, 1998). Comparative for students to work with several mentors and at
studies can also highlight alternative means to similar different institutions during their training, we should

64 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

promote cross-species training at all levels of scientific ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by the James S. McDonnell
education. Foundation, NSF 0926058, and NIH Office of Research Infra-
structure Programs/OD P51OD11132.
Privilege research that directly compares humans and nonhu-
man species, and study humans in as many ways as possible
In the neurosciences, we now have some very powerful
tools for in vivo research, including the wide array of
neuroimaging techniques. These techniques, along Avian Brain Nomenclature Consortium. (2005). Avian
brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolu-
with the development of improved methods for collect-
tion. Nat Rev Neurosci, 6(2), 151–159.
ing, storing, and processing human tissue obtained Bolker, J. A. (2009). Exemplary and surrogate models: Two
post-mortem, have made human brains accessible as modes of representation in biology. Perspect Biol Med, 52(4),
never before (Preuss, 2010). What is more, these tech- 485–499.
niques have made it possible to directly compare Bonnet, C. (1745). Traité d’insectologie. Paris: Chez Durand.
Brodmann, K. (1909). Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Gross-
humans and other animals in ways scarcely imaginable
hirnrhinde. Leipzig: Barth (reprinted as Brodmann’s localisa-
a decade ago. Examples of this research include com- tion in the cerebral cortex; trans. and ed. L. J. Garey. London:
parisons of gene and protein expression in the brain, Smith-Gordon, 1994).
of brain morphology and connectivity, and of the Catania, K. C. (2006). Evolution of the somatosensory system:
cellular and histological organization of the brain Clues from specialized species. In J. H. Kaas & L. A.
(reviewed by Preuss, 2011; Rilling, 2008; Sherwood, Krubitzer (Eds.), Evolution of nervous systems, Vol. 3: Mammals
(pp. 189–206): Oxford, UK: Academic Press.
Subiaul, & Zawidzki, 2008). These studies are impor- de Valois, R. L., Morgan, H. C., Polson, M. C., Mead, W. R.,
tant, as they have, for the first time, identified features & Hull, E. M. (1974). Psychophysical studies of monkey
of brain organization that are uniquely human. vision. I. Macaque luminosity and color vision tests. Vision
Organizing research along these lines would have Res, 14(1), 53–67.
many direct scientific benefits. It would mitigate the Denys, K., Vanduffel, W., Fize, D., Nelissen, K., Sawamura,
H., Georgieva, S., … Orban, G. A. (2004). Visual activa-
current malignant species neglect in animal research tion in prefrontal cortex is stronger in monkeys than in
and encourage investigators to adopt a more rigorous, humans. J Cogn Neurosci, 16(9), 1505–1516.
evidence-based understanding of phyletic similarities Emery, N. J., & Clayton, N. S. (2004). The mentality of
and differences. By expanding the range of species crows: Convergent evolution of intelligence in corvids and
studied, it would provide more opportunity for identify- apes. Science, 306(5703), 1903–1907.
Fleagle, J. G., & Jungers, W. L. (1980). Fifty years of higher
ing valuable new model species. Perhaps most impor-
primate phylogeny. In F. Spencer (Ed.), A history of American
tantly, a broader, more comparative research program physical anthropology, 1930–1980. New York, NY: Academic
would enable us to achieve a much better understand- Press.
ing of what humans share with other species, and what Haeckel, E. H. P. A. (1879). The evolution of man: A popular
is distinctively human. This will allow us to make better exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phy-
logeny, from the German of Ernst Haeckel. New York, NY:
judgments about how to model specific features of
human organization in other species and in tissue and Harwerth, R. S., & Smith, E. L. (1985). Rhesus monkey as
cell preparations, and make better inferences about a model for normal vision of humans. Am J Optom Physiol
development, evolution, structure, and function. Opt, 62(9), 633–641.
Hodos, W., & Campbell, C. B. (1969). Scala naturae: Why
there is no theory in comparative psychology. Psychol Rev,
Conclusion 76(4), 1–14.
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We are not the first to travel this path—historians of neuron classes in the neocortex of mammals. In J. H. Kaas
science have shown that every generation of experimen- & L. A. Krubitzer (Eds.), Evolution of nervous systems, Vol. 3:
tal biologists has generated critiques of over-reliance on Mammals (pp. 113–124). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Krettek, J. E., & Price, J. L. (1977). The cortical projections
one or a few model organisms. That these critiques have
of the mediodorsal nucleus and adjacent thalamic nuclei
not been heeded suggests that the choice of species to in the rat. J Comp Neurol, 171(2), 157–191.
be studied owes considerably more to science as a Krubitzer, L., Campi, K. L., & Cooke, D. F. (2011). All
human and social institution—that is, to the politics of rodents are not the same: A modern synthesis of cortical
science—than to the way nature is actually structured. organization. Brain Behav Evol, 78(1), 51–93.
Leonard, C. M. (1969). The prefrontal cortex of the rat. I.
Taking these critiques seriously is critical for making
Cortical projection of the mediodorsal nucleus. II. Efferent
progress in neuroscience and other branches of experi- connections. Brain Res, 12(2), 321–343.
mental biology, generating findings that more accu- Logan, C. A. (1999). The altered rationale for the choice of
rately depict the real world of biological organisms. a standard animal in experimental psychology: Henry H.

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Donaldson, Adolf Meyer, and “the” albino rat. Hist Psychol, Preuss, T. M. (2007). Evolutionary specializations of primate
2(1), 3. brain systems. In M. J. Ravosa & M. Dagasto (Eds.), Primate
Logan, C. A. (2001). “[A]re Norway Rats … Things?”: origins: Adaptations and evolution (pp. 625–675). New York,
Diversity versus generality in the use of albino rats in experi- NY: Springer.
ments on development and sexuality. J Hist Biol, 34(2), Preuss, T. M. (2009). The cognitive neuroscience of human
287–314. uniqueness. In M. S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The cognitive neurosci-
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physiology. J Hist Biol, 35(2), 329–363. the twenty-first century. In M. L. Platt & A. A. Ghazanfar
Logan, C. A. (2005a). The legacy of Adolf Meyer’s compara- (Eds.), Primate neuroethology (Vol. 1, pp. 422–454). Oxford,
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animal model. Integr Physiol Behav Sci, 40(4), 169–181. Preuss, T. M. (2011). The human brain: Rewired and running
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66 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

8 Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms
of Human Brain Development and

ABSTRACT The immense complexity of the human brain is Cellular mechanisms of human brain development
reflected in its cellular organization and the vast behavioral
and cognitive repertoire that it can generate. The human Human brain development involves many cellular and
brain develops through a dynamic and prolonged process
during which a myriad of cell types are generated and assem-
molecular processes that unfold over the course of
bled into intricate synaptic circuitry. Deviations from this almost two decades (Kang et al., 2011; Kostović & Judas,
normal course of development can lead to a variety of pathol- 2002; Sidman & Rakic, 1973; see figure 8.1). One of the
ogies, including disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, most remarkable aspects of human development is that,
that affect some of the most distinctly human aspects of cogni- by the time of birth, the general architecture of the
tion and behavior. While humans share many features with
brain has been assembled and the majority of neurons
other mammals, in particular with other primates, organiza-
tional and developmental differences have allowed for the have migrated to their final positions. The organization
elaboration of human-specific cognition and behavior. Analyz- of human neurodevelopment can be divided into three
ing molecular and cellular processes involved in human brain main sequences of events: generation of neuronal and
development, along with parallel studies in nonhuman pri- glial cells types, migration of newly born cells to their
mates, is necessary for defining both ancestral and uniquely
final destination, and their differentiation into mature
human features, but this is often difficult to do in a systematic
and comprehensive manner. In this review, we summarize and properly functioning cells within neural circuits.
current knowledge about molecular and cellular processes
underlying human brain development and evolution. Particu- Genesis of Neuronal and Glial Cells The ven-
lar emphasis is given to studies of the cerebral cortex because tricular and subventricular zones (VZ and SVZ, respec-
of its importance in higher cognition and because it has been tively) comprise the germinal zones of the developing
the focus of many comparative and developmental studies.
telencephalon and give rise to neurons and macroglia
The human brain is composed of over eighty billion (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) of the cerebral cortex
neurons and at least an equal number of glial cells (figure 8.2; Caviness, Takahashi, & Nowakowski, 1995;
(Azevedo et al., 2009). Neurons are connected with Fishell & Kriegstein, 2003; Sidman & Rakic, 1973). VZ
approximately 150,000 to 180,000 km of myelinated is the first germinal zone to form and is composed of
axons, and within the neocortex alone, there are about elongated polarized neuroepithelial cells that undergo
0.15 quadrillion synaptic contacts (Pakkenberg et al., interkinetic nuclear migration. Early neuroepithelial
2003). These basic facts illustrate the organizational progenitor cells each produce two daughter cells that
complexity of the human brain and highlight some dif- re-enter the cell cycle. This symmetrical division doubles
ficulties we face when trying to understand the molecu- the number of progenitor cells each time and exponen-
lar and cellular mechanisms of its development and tially expands the pool of progenitor cells (Caviness et
evolution. In this chapter, we will first review the al., 1995; Fishell & Kriegstein, 2003; Rakic, 1995). Early
sequences of cellular events in the developing human in neurogenesis, neuroepithelial progenitor cells trans-
brain, with a focus on the cerebral neocortex, and then form into radial glial cells that elongate along apico-
highlight advances in understanding the molecular pro- basal axis and begin dividing asymmetrically to generate
cesses associated with its development and evolution. a new progenitor and a postmitotic neuron or glial cell.
The generation of glial cells follows neurogenesis and
peaks around birth in humans (Sidman & Rakic, 1973).
There are important species differences in the orga-
*These authors contributed equally to this work. nization of neural progenitor cells and the generation

sousa, meyer, and šestan: molecular and cellular mechanisms 67


5 cm

B Conception Birth
Embryonic Fetal development Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Age (PCD) 0 50 100 200 500 2000 10000 30000

C Neocortex
SP, L5/6 proj. neurons
L2-4 projection neurons
Neuronal migration

Figure 8.1 Timeline of major cellular events and gross mor- in post-conception days (PCD). (C) Summaries of the occur-
phological changes in human brain development. (A) Sche- rence and progression of major cellular events in the human
matic images of developing brains from Gustaf Retzius’s 1896 neocortex. Black indicates the developmental age when the
atlas and an adult brain generated by magnetic resonance defined event reaches its peak or is indistinguishable from
imaging. (B) Periods of development and adulthood as previ- adult periods.
ously defined (Kang et al., 2011). Age is represented

of neural cell types. One of the most prominent is the & Anton, 2012; Leone, Srinivasan, Chen, Alcamo, &
prolonged period of neuronal and glial production in McConnell, 2008; Molyneaux, Arlotta, Menezes, &
humans compared to other primates and mammals Macklis, 2007). In contrast, the inhibitory neurons or
(see figure 8.2), which has been postulated to play a interneurons are GABAergic, form local circuit connec-
critical role in regulating the size of the brain and matu- tions, and account for 15–25% of all cortical neurons
ration of neural circuits (Caviness et al., 1995; Rakic, (DeFelipe et al., 2013). A number of studies have shown
1995). Increases in neocortical size, particularly in that cortical interneurons share a common origin with
primates and humans, have been linked to the expan- striatal neurons, arising from progenitors within the
sion of progenitor cells in the outer subventricular zone ganglionic eminences of the ventral forebrain and
(oSVZ) during development (Fietz et al., 2010; Hansen, migrating tangentially into the cortex (Marín & Ruben-
Lui, Parker, & Kriegstein, 2010; Smart, Dehay, Giroud, stein, 2003). Intriguingly, studies in humans and non-
Berland, & Kennedy, 2002). human primates (NHPs) have reported that certain
There are also potential differences in the origin and cortical interneurons arise from dorsal, instead of
migrational routes of cortical neurons, particularly ventral, pallial progenitors (Jakovcevski, Mayer, &
between primates and rodents. The neurons of the cere- Zecevic, 2011; Letinic, Zoncu, & Rakic, 2002; Petanjek,
bral cortex can be roughly classified into two distinct Kostović, & Esclapez, 2009), suggesting that the origin
groups: excitatory and inhibitory. The excitatory and migration of primate cortical interneurons are evo-
neurons utilize the excitatory neurotransmitter gluta- lutionarily divergent. However, the extent of these
mate. The great majority of them have characteristic species differences is unclear. A study of human holo-
pyramidal-shaped cell bodies and a long apical dendrite prosencephaly brains, which exhibit severe ventral
covered with spines, and project long axons to other forebrain hypoplasia and lack a subgroup of ventral
regions of the central nervous system (Kwan, Sestan, progenitors that generate distinct types of interneurons

68 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

Figure 8.2 Schematic of generation and migration of pro- migration into the cortical plate (CP) occurs in an inside-first,
jection neurons and glia in the neocortex. Projection neurons outside-last manner. At the end of neurogenesis, radial glial
are generated by progenitor cells in the ventricular zone (VZ) (RG) cells lose their polarity and generate glia. Adapted from
and subventricular zone (SVZ). Their generation and Kwan et al. (2012). (See color plate 3.)

in rodents, revealed that these patients also lack the synaptic contacts with ingrowing cortical afferents.
same subtypes of cortical interneurons (Fertuzinhos et These neurons also play a key role in establishing corti-
al., 2009). Further support for the importance of the cal lamination and patterning of cortical connections
ventral forebrain in generating human cortical inter- (Allendoerfer & Shatz, 1994; Kostović & Judas, 2002;
neurons comes from a recent study (Hansen et al., 2010) Rice & Curran, 2001).
demonstrating that cultured human neocortical pro- Neurons use different modes of migration to reach
genitors do not generate interneurons. their final destination. For example, newly born pyra-
midal neurons either undergo somal translocation
Neuronal Migration Upon leaving the cell cycle, (Morest & Silver, 2003) or migrate while attached to
neurons migrate toward their final destination (figure radial glial fibers (Rakic, 1971) to their final position in
8.2). The first generated neurons settle immediately the cortical plate, following a precise inside-first,
above the VZ, forming the early marginal zone MZ, outside-last order. Hence, radial glia serves dual roles
which is also referred to as the primordial plexiform as a neural progenitor and a transient scaffold for neu-
layer or the preplate (Marin-Padilla, 1978). The subse- ronal migration. Cortical interneurons, on the other
quent generation of neurons destined for the cortical hand, migrate tangentially from the ventral forebrain
plate (future layers 2–6) are thought to split the pre- or within the growing dorsal cerebral wall (Marín &
plate into a superficial marginal zone (future layer 1) Rubenstein, 2003).
and a deep subplate zone. Neurons in the marginal and In all mammals, including humans, at least two types
subplate zones are the first to be generated and achieve of spatial information must be imprinted onto neurons
functional maturity, as well as the first to establish of the developing cerebral cortex: (1) their position in

sousa, meyer, and šestan: molecular and cellular mechanisms 69

the radial direction, corresponding to their laminar Several lines of evidence indicate that processes such
position, and (2) their position in the tangential plane, as myelination and synaptogenesis progress at different
corresponding to their particular cortical area. The rates across human neocortical areas with the general
physical separation of layers and areas is functionally trend of earlier maturation of the primary sensory-
determined and maintained through their distinct motor areas (Giedd & Rapoport, 2010; Huttenlocher &
composition of neuronal cell types and a unique set of Dabholkar, 1997).
afferent and efferent connections. The laminar identity
of projection neurons reflects their birth order, with
first-born neurons occupying the deepest layers and Molecular mechanisms of human brain
later-born neurons present in more superficial layers. A development
neuron’s laminar identity is also intimately linked to its
eventual function; neurons of the deepest layers (layers The generation of different neural cell types in proper
5 and 6) send connections to either other cortical areas numbers at the right time and location, followed by
or the subcortical regions, while those in upper layers their assembly into a complex network, requires precise
(layers 2 to 4) form exclusively intracortical connec- spatial and temporal regulation of gene expression.
tions. The upper cortical layers are overrepresented in Valuable information has been obtained over the past
primates, especially in humans, and have been pro- several years by transcriptome analysis of post-mortem
posed to contribute to some of the cognitive and motor human brains.Transcriptome studies of the developing
abilities that are unique to humans (Marin-Padilla, human brain have included a relatively small number
2014). of samples and have predominantly focused on few
regions or developmental time points (Abrahams et al.,
Cellular Differentiation and Neural Circuit For- 2007; Colantuoni et al., 2011; Ip et al., 2010; Johnson
mation Upon arriving at the cortical plate, neurons et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2005). Two recent studies (Kang
stop migrating and continue to differentiate. Despite et al., 2011; Pletikos et al., 2014) greatly expanded
the fact that neurons rapidly extend their axons as they spatial and temporal coverage by analyzing exon-level
migrate, most differentiation processes, such as the gene expression in multiple brain regions and cortical
extension and elaboration of dendrites and the forma- areas across the full course of human brain develop-
tion of synaptic connections, take place only after ment. A high percentage of genes analyzed (86%) were
neurons have assumed their final laminar position in expressed in at least one region of the developing or
the cortical plate. Overlaid onto this laminar specifica- adult brain. Of these, nine out of ten genes were dif-
tion is the parcellation of neurons into distinct areas. ferentially regulated at the whole-transcript or exon
Work in rodents has shown that the patterning is initi- level across brain regions and/or time. The bulk of
ated by molecular signaling centers in and around these transcriptional differences occurred in prenatal
the embryonic cortex (Fukuchi-Shimogori & Grove, development. Among brain regions, the cerebellum
2001; O’Leary & Nakagawa, 2002; Sur & Rubenstein, possesses the most distinct transcriptional profile.
2005). Extrinsic influences also affect laminar and Among neocortical areas, strong transcriptional differ-
areal fate, particularly during the ingrowth of thalamo- ences were particularly prominent during fetal develop-
cortical fibers and elaboration of cortico-cortical ment and included specific transcriptional signatures
projections. associated with prefrontal and perisylvian areas, which
The timing of synaptogenesis differs across layers and are involved in some of the most distinctly human
regions of the developing human cortex. Synaptogen- aspects of cognition (Johnson et al., 2009; Kang et al.,
esis begins within the subplate zone and the limbic 2011; Pletikos et al., 2014). These strong neocortical
cortical areas (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997; Kos- transcriptional differences in prenatal development
tović & Judas, 2002). The earliest evidence for intraneo- diminish during infancy and childhood, and increase
cortical synapses has been found within deep layers at again after adolescence (Pletikos et al., 2014).
18 post-conception weeks (Kwan et al., 2012). In early Gene co-expression analyses also revealed that the
postnatal life, exuberant dendritic growth and local human developing transcriptome is organized into dis-
elaboration of axon terminals characterize a critical tinct co-expression networks enriched for specific bio-
period during which there is a marked increase in the logical functions (Kang et al., 2011). Interestingly,
number of established synaptic connections and an genetic variation in some of the most well-connected
extended capacity for neuronal remodeling in response genes in these modules has previously been linked to
to environmental cues and activity-dependent mecha- psychiatric or neurological disorders, including schizo-
nisms (Huttenlocher & Dabholkar, 1997). phrenia and autism spectrum disorders, suggesting that

70 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience

they may have converging functions in specific brain can avoid negative pleiotropy (Wagner & Lynch, 2008),
regions and developmental periods. The same study has making it unclear what the relative contributions of cis
also identified robust sex differences in spatiotemporal and trans mutations are to regulatory evolution.
gene expression, especially prenatally (Kang et al., Thus far, several studies have tried to globally charac-
2011). Some of the sex-biased genes had previously terize cis-regulatory elements that show evidence of
been associated with disorders that differentially human-specific changes compared to other NHPs. Most
affect males and females, suggesting that the risk for of these studies use conservation to gauge functional
certain disorders may be traceable to transcriptional importance, as these regions have likely been preserved
mechanisms. by purifying selection. Thousands of conserved noncod-
Taken together, the above-mentioned transcriptome ing regions show signs of accelerated evolution in the
studies have provided unique data on the developing human genome (Bird et al., 2007; Pollard et al., 2006a;
human brain and valuable insights into the transcrip- Prabhakar, Noonan, Paabo, & Rubin, 2006), and some
tional foundations of human neurodevelopment. As regions that are highly conserved in other NHPs are
discussed in the rest of this chapter, these findings in deleted in the human genome (McLean et al., 2011).
human tissues are an important step to comparative Global analysis of positive selection in coding and non-
and functional analyses aimed at elucidating transcrip- coding regions found that neural genes were enriched
tional mechanisms that led to the phenotypic specializa- for regulatory evolution (Haygood, Babbitt, Fedrigo, &
tions of the human brain. Wray, 2010). In a few cases, the ability of these regions
to regulate human-specific expression has been tested
Molecular mechanisms of human brain evolution using mouse transgenic assays (McLean et al., 2011;
Pennacchio et al., 2006; Prabhakar et al., 2008), but the
It is often suggested that differences in expression of vast majority of them have unknown consequences.
genes, rather than the makeup of the genes themselves, As of yet, there has not been any extensive study
have been the major drivers of phenotypic evolution. linking human-specific cis-regulatory evolution to
One motivation for this claim is the argument, which is changes in human brain development. A human accel-
proposed on the basis of exclusion, that the protein- erated region (HAR1F) that is composed of a noncod-
coding differences are too small to account for this, an ing RNA is specifically expressed in Cajal-Retzius
idea put forward by King and Wilson (1975). However, neurons of the cortical marginal zone in a developmen-
without knowledge of how genomic changes map to tally regulated and human-specific manner, but the
phenotypic differences, it is difficult to estimate a priori phenotypic consequence of this is not known (Pollard
what degree of divergence would be necessary in order et al., 2006b). Another interesting example is GADD45G,
to explain observed phenotypic differences. This diffi- a tumor suppressor gene. If a human-specific deletion
culty is highlighted by stating the sequence differences neighboring this gene is introduced into the mouse,
between human and chimpanzee proteins in another expression is no longer driven in the forebrain SVZ,
way: the majority of proteins differ by at least one amino leading to the speculation that this loss could have a
acid (Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consor- role in human brain development (McLean et al.,
tium, 2005; Glazko, Veeramachaneni, Nei, & Makalowski, 2011).
2005). A complementary approach to sequence compari-
An important argument for the contribution of regu- sons is to compare gene expression in human and NHP
latory evolution to human-specific features is that most brains to identify genes that are differentially expressed
changes are quantitative rather than qualitative, which between species. This has the advantage of being able
points to changes in developmental processes and to identify regulatory changes regardless of the underly-
timing via regulatory evolution (Carroll, 2003; see also ing regulatory mechanism. From this point, both the
Hoekstra & Coyne, 2007, for a different perspective). regulatory changes responsible for the expression
Within the context of regulatory evolution, noncoding change as well as the phenotypic consequences of the
cis-regulatory evolution has been proposed as the expression changes can be investigated.
primary source of phenotypic change, based on the Even though differences in gene expression during
idea that mutations to cis-regulatory regions circumvent development is an area of high interest, most studies
increased selective pressure due to pleiotropic effects on transcriptome evolution were done in adult speci-
because regulatory elements act in a modular fashion, mens due to the scarcity of human and NHP develop-
enabling tissue- and time-specific changes in gene- mental tissue (especially from great apes) in good
expression levels. Despite the focus on cis-regulatory condition. A handful of these studies reported evidence
regions, there is also evidence that transcription factors that gene expression in the human brain has diverged

sousa, meyer, and šestan: molecular and cellular mechanisms 71

more from other primate species than gene expression human neural progenitors (Konopka et al., 2009).
of other tissues examined (Enard et al., 2002) and that Induced pluripotent stem cell research is another area
there was a bias for upregulated expression in the that may provide valuable tools for exploring human-
human brain that was not observed in the other tissues specific features of neurodevelopment. As we advance
(Caceres et al., 2003; Gu & Gu, 2003; Khaitovich et al., our knowledge of the differences and the similarities in
2004). However, other studies did not find higher diver- mammalian brain development, we will also be better
gence in brain gene expression (Hsieh, Chu, Wolfinger, positioned to perform informative and relevant experi-
& Gibson, 2003) or a bias for upregulated expression ments in model organisms.
in the human brain (Uddin et al., 2004). Some other
works focused on differences in metabolic genes, espe- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We apologize to all colleagues whose
cially in aerobic metabolism (Babbitt et al., 2010; Uddin important work was not cited because of space limitations.
et al., 2008), groups of genes with human-specific This article is supported by grants from the Kavli Foundation,
co-expression (Konopka et al., 2012; Oldham, Horvath, the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and the National Insti-
tutes of Health.
& Geschwind, 2006), and also noncoding RNAs (Babbitt
et al., 2010), which were surprisingly conserved in terms
of expression, suggesting that they may have a func-
tional role.
Despite the difficulties in obtaining developmental Abrahams, B. S., Tentler, D., Perederiy, J. V., Oldham,
M. C., Coppola, G., & Geschwind, D. H. (2007). Genome-
specimens and interpreting results across species due
wide analyses of human perisylvian cerebral cortical pat-
to developmental heterochronicity (Clancy, Darling- terning. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104(45), 17849–17854.
ton, & Finlay, 2001), several studies have focused on Allendoerfer, K. L., & Shatz, C. J. (1994). The subplate, a
analyzing gene- and protein-expression data across transient neocortical structure: Its role in the development
postnatal primate brains (Liu et al., 2012; Miller et al., of connections between thalamus and cortex. Annu Rev
2012; Somel et al., 2009; Somel et al., 2011). An interest- Neurosci, 17, 185–218.
Azevedo, F. A. C., Carvalho, L. R. B., Grinberg, L. T.,
ing finding is that the human brain, compared to the Farfel, J. M., Ferretti, R. E. L., Leite, R. E. P., …
brains of other primates, appears to have an increased Herculano-Houzel, S. (2009). Equal numbers of neuro-
number of genes with a delayed expression pattern nal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an iso-
(Somel et al., 2009) and that genes involved in metrically scaled-up primate brain. J Comp Neurol, 513(5),
synaptogenesis have a prolonged expression pattern 532–541.
Babbitt, C. C., Fedrigo, O., Pfefferle, A. D., Boyle, A. P.,
(Liu et al., 2012). Similarly, Miller et al. (2012) quanti- Horvath, J. E., Furey, T. S., & Wray, G. A. (2010). Both
fied myelinated fiber length density and myelin-associated noncoding and protein-coding RNAs contribute to gene
protein expression and found that myelination is pro- expression evolution in the primate brain. Genome Biol Evol,
tracted in humans compared to chimpanzees. It is 2, 67–79.
important to note that, while the above studies provide Bird, C. P., Stranger, B. E., Liu, M., Thomas, D. J., Ingle,
C. E., Beazley, C., … Dermitzakis, E. T. (2007). Fast-evolving
valuable information on human-specific expression pat-
noncoding sequences in the human genome. Genome Biol,
terns, they have used mostly postnatal samples, making 8(6), 118.
them unable to detect any critical differences in the Caceres, M., Lachuer, J., Zapala, M. A., Redmond, J. C.,
transcriptional program that shapes the human brain Kudo, L., Geschwind, D. H., … Barlow, C. (2003). Ele-
during prenatal development. vated gene expression levels distinguish human from non-
human primate brains. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(22),
Functional approaches and future directions Carroll, S. B. (2003). Genetics and the making of Homo
sapiens. Nature, 422(6934), 849–857.
The current feasibility of sequencing is enabling the Caviness, V. S., Takahashi, T., & Nowakowski, R. S. (1995).
production of an enormous quantity of data on the Numbers, time and neocortical neuronogenesis: A general
human and NHP genomes and transcriptomes. It is developmental and evolutionary model. Trends Neurosci,
18(9), 379–383.
important to focus on integrating the findings at various
Charrier, C., Joshi, K., Coutinho-Budd, J., Kim, J.-E.,
levels and to begin to work out which species-specific Lambert, N., de Marchena, J., … Polleux, F. (2012).
differences are functionally and developmentally mean- Inhibition of SRGAP2 function by its human-specific para-
ingful. Functional characterization can be approached logs induces neoteny during spine maturation. Cell, 149(4),
in several ways, from using transgenic mice carrying 923–935.
Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium.
human-specific genetic variants (Enard et al., 2009), in
(2005). Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and
utero electroporation (Charrier et al., 2012; Kwan et al., comparison with the human genome. Nature, 437(7055),
2012; Shim, Kwan, Li, Lefebvre, & Sestan, 2012), and 69–87.

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74 developmental and evolutionary cognitive neuroscience


10 SPORNS 91







My first thought when Mike Gazzaniga and Ron

Mangun asked me to be the editor for this section of
this book was: “What do I know about plasticity and
learning?” My second thought was: “Aren’t they the
same thing?” This motivated a venture to the dictionary,
where I looked up the definition of both terms.
Learning: the acquisition of knowledge or skills
through experience, study or by being taught. (The New
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)
Plasticity: the quality of being plastic; especially: capac-
ity for being molded or altered. (Merriam-Webster)
Although a variety of definitions are founsd for both
terms, the most common definitions of learning empha-
size experience and repetition, while those for plasticity
emphasize the capacity to change. If our underlying
assumption is that behavior in all animals is mediated
by the brain, and the covert behavior of acquiring new
information through exposure and repetition requires
the capacity to change the brain, then brain plasticity
and learning are inextricably interwoven, but not the
same thing. It is possible that the extent to which the
brain, particularly the neocortex, is plastic distinguishes
mammals from each other, and that the mechanisms
that generate plasticity evolve. Thus, while the ability to
be plastic may be genetically determined, the actual
changes to the phenotype are context-dependent. Such
changes can appear to be hereditary, masquerading as
evolution, when in fact a stable developmental environ-
ment is merely triggering the same plasticity in each
new generation.
I began my research career trying to understand
how complex brains evolve, and quickly realized how
restricted this question was. Evolution deals with

krubitzer: introduction 77
heritability, and therefore only the genetic component which it is composed. For example, a social system has
of the phenotype. What I grew to appreciate was that properties that cannot be easily explained by the behav-
the important question was how complex phenotypes ior of a single individual, or brain, or neural firing
emerge. This deals with both genetic, heritable traits as pattern.
well as traits that are context-dependent. Every given On the other end of the spectrum, brains can be
species is a combination of both, and any individual decomposed into cortical networks, made up of nodes
within a species could have a multitude (or at least a or cortical areas, which are composed of local neural
broad distribution) of phenotypes of brain organization circuits. These circuits are formed by neurons, which
and behavior that are expressed in varying environmen- are held together by the cytoskeleton and plasma mem-
tal contexts. Thus, evolution and plasticity are also branes and connected to each other by synapses. These
intertwined. in turn include smaller elements such as synaptic recep-
The focus of this section, “Plasticity and Learning,” is tors, which are composed of molecules encoded by
the neocortex, the portion of the brain associated with genes, and the expression and transcription of genes
volitional motor control, perception, and higher cogni- can be controlled by environmental context. While
tive processing. Collectively, this section spans many genes are the heritable part of this complex hierarchy,
levels of organization. When considering how the neo- it is the larger, often context-dependent components of
cortex works and how it changes within the lifetime of organization, such as behavior, that are the targets of
an individual and across species over time, it is impor- natural selection. To further complicate matters, the
tant to recognize that the neocortex is only one com- relationship between the targets of selection and genes
ponent of the entire nervous system. It should be is often correlative and generally indirect.
obvious, but it is valuable to remember that the nervous Keeping these different levels of organization in
system is embedded in a body that has sensory receptor mind, the authors of this section were charged with
arrays and a particular morphology that is often highly addressing several important questions. What is chang-
derived. For example, a bat interacts with the world in ing in the neocortex, and does it directly or indirectly
a very different way than a monkey. Each have different co-vary with the target of selection, which in this case is
forelimb morphologies, a wing versus a hand, and each the ability to learn and respond appropriately in a
have enhanced sensory receptor arrays that allow for complex and dynamic multisensory context? At what
extraordinary abilities associated with the auditory level should we be looking for these alterations in the
(sonar) versus the visual (form vision) system, respec- neocortex? Will there be changes in the microcircuitry
tively. The cortical areas that process inputs from these (Rodney J. Douglas and Kevan A. C. Martin) and/or
specialized effector arrays have expanded and are speci- the macrociruitry (Olaf Sporns)? How does enhanced
fied by their unique inputs, and additional fields have or degraded input from our sensory receptor arrays
been added to the portions of the neocortex that ulti- affect the functional organization of the brain and our
mately receive inputs from these sensory systems. perceptions of a sensory experience ( Jon H. Kaas and
Further, cortical networks necessary for sensory motor Charnese Bowes)? Do particular types of neocortical
integration for flight versus manual dexterity, and for organizations promote plasticity (Man Chen and
interfacing the specialized effectors (ears/pinna versus Michael W. Deem)? What is the impact of groups of
eyes) with the object to be explored are also uniquely brains (social systems) on the development of brain
wired within the brain. Finally, each body faces a differ- structure and function (Courtney Stevens and Helen
ent and changing physical environment, areal versus Neville), and how does the brain change throughout
terrestrial-arboreal, that constrains movement and the entire life of an individual (Gregg H. Recanzone)?
perception. What are the underlying mechanisms that generate
This body/brain configuration of a given individual these phenotypic alterations at all levels of organization
within a species interacts with other bodies and brains, (Tania Roth), from cellular to systems levels, and how
chasing, courting, mating, attacking, fleeing, communi- do these changes result in variant behaviors? The objec-
cating, and forming social systems. These individuals tive of addressing these questions is to begin to under-
interact with other species and other social systems in stand the boundary conditions of each level of
a variable physical environment composed of living and organization; how higher levels of organization emerge
nonliving elements. This group of organisms and their from and interrelate with lower levels; how the brain
environment generates a complex and highly dynamic dynamically generates highly adaptive, context-depen-
collective biomass that has emergent properties that dent behaviors throughout a lifetime; and how human
differ from, and often exceed, the individual parts of social and cultural evolution impact brain evolution.

78 plasticity and learning

9 Organizing Principles of Cortical
Circuits and Their Function

ABSTRACT Every percept, every concept, every memory, every version of this same idea in their “canonical circuit” for
decision, and every action we make arise from the activity of the neocortex, based on intracellular recordings and
neurons in our brains. Of all brain structures, the neocortex, computer simulations of cat area 17. While there is
which forms over 80% of the volume of the human brain, is
arguably the most critical structure that makes us what we are broad agreement that neocortex is built of common
and allows us to create the societies in which we live. This is components linking in a stereotyped combination, it is
a paradox, because the local circuits of the neocortex in all worth emphasizing from the start that, however beguil-
mammals, from mouse to man, are thought to be very similar ing this concept, it is still a working hypothesis 100 years
and determined by the laminar distribution of relatively few after the Vogts proposed it.
types of excitatory and inhibitory neurons organized accord-
ing to common principles of connectivity. Here we trace how
all these different elements contribute to the dense thickets Composition
of cortical circuits, and how evolution has organized these
circuits across the two-dimensional surface of the cortical A quick look at the composition of the neocortex is
sheet to produce a map of behavior. instructive. In each cubic millimeter of cortical gray
matter we find up to 100,000 neurons, about 100 million
synapses, and 4 km of axon (Braitenberg & Schüz,
The most astonishing hypothesis about the human neo- 1991). By contrast the white matter, which is generally
cortex is not that it is the seat of consciousness, but that thought to contain most of the wiring of the brain,
it achieves its enormous range of competence through contains only 9 m of axon per cubic millimeter. These
local circuits that may bear a close similarity to those bald numbers suggest that the processing strategy of the
found in the brain of a mouse. Of course, the human neocortex is to exploit direct broadband transmission
neocortex forms a far larger percentage of the brain by for local circuits in the gray matter and to use the white
volume than that of the mouse (35% vs. 80%), but the matter only for long-distance, low-bandwidth transmis-
basic local circuits, areal organization, and interconnec- sion. The implication of this is that most of the synapses
tions with subcortical structures are qualitatively similar made in any area originate from neurons within that
in man and mouse. The hypothesis that the neocortex area, not from outside sources, like the thalamus or
of all mammals is built of a common circuit is long- other cortical areas. Thus we should first look to the
standing: in the early twentieth century, Cecile and local circuits if we are to understand how the neocortex
Oscar Vogt (1919) referred to neocortex as “isocortex,” performs its multifarious tasks of perception, memory,
because of its relatively uniform six-layered appearance. cognition, and action. Of course, the long-distance
Pioneers of cortical functional architecture, like Mount- external inputs to these local circuits are not incidental
castle (1997) and Hubel and Wiesel (1974), were con- players, since some of them connect cortex to the
vinced that their favorite areas were built of repeated peripheral structures, like the spinal cord, while others
units, “like a crystal” (Hubel & Wiesel, 1974). In 1980, connect cortex to itself and to other essential machin-
Rockel, Hiorns, and Powell published their controver- ery like the basal ganglia, claustrum, brain stem, and
sial classic entitled “The basic uniformity of structure of cerebellar nuclei. Unfortunately, the multiple roles of
the neocortex,” in which they claimed that all cortical these external pathways are rather poorly documented.
areas, with the exception of primate area 17, had the We have nothing like a comprehensive description of
same number of neurons lying under each unit of their synaptic connectivity and physiology, despite such
surface area (see Carlo & Stevens, 2013, for a confirma- iconic representations as the summary circuit diagram
tion of Rockel et al.’s findings and a rebuttal of the from Felleman and Van Essen’s (1991) meta-study of
counterclaims). By the end of the same decade, Douglas, the hierarchy of connections among visual cortical
Martin, and Whitteridge (1989) expressed a functional areas in the macaque monkey.

douglas and martin: organizing principles 79





4 NG


Figure 9.1 Pyramidal cells and their principal inputs. Most target different portions of the dendritic tree—only the best
excitatory (glutamatergic) synapses are formed on spines and studied are shown here. P, pyramidal cell; CH, chandelier cell;
arise from other pyramidal cells within the same area. Inhibi- DB, double bouquet cell; NG, neurogliaform cell; LBC, large
tory (GABAergic) synapses are provided by neurons that basket cell; CR, Cajal-Retzius cell; M, Martinotti cell.

All textbooks will tell you that about 80% of the monkeys. Interestingly, they are not found in some
neurons that occupy the six layers of the neocortex are primary sensory areas, like the auditory cortex of the
pyramidal cells. These neurons are spiny, have a promi- mouse. Spiny stellate cells are usually lumped together
nent apical dendrite, use glutamate as their neurotrans- with the pyramidal cells, since both are spiny and excit-
mitter, and are excitatory in function (figure 9.1). The atory. Spiny stellate neurons are not found throughout
remaining 20% are smooth neurons, often misleadingly the neocortex, but only in the middle layers of certain
called “interneurons” without further qualification. sensory cortical areas like rodent barrel cortex and the
These neurons do not have densely spiny dendrites primary visual cortex of cats and monkeys (Lund, Lund,
(hence “smooth”), use gamma amino-butyric acid Hendrickson, Bunt & Fuchs, 1975).
(GABA) as their neurotransmitter, and are inhibitory The 4 : 1 ratio of the two basic morphological and
in function. The confusion about cortical “interneu- physiological types of neurons is standard in most
rons” arises because they were traditionally defined as “biologically realistic” models of neocortical functions,
cells whose entire axon arborizes in the region around but in two-dimensional (2D) models of cortex their
its parent cell body; that is, in contrast to “projection relative spatial distributions are usually tweaked to
neurons,” their axon does not project out of their own ensure that monosynaptic inhibitory connections
cortical area. While this is largely true of the smooth spread further than the excitatory connections. This
neurons, is it also true of some pyramidal cells and of center-surround pattern (also called a DOG [Differ-
most members of the second type of excitatory neuron, ence of Gaussians] or “Mexican hat”) is widespread,
the “spiny stellate,” which is spiny, lacks an apical den- as, for example, in the structure of the receptive fields
drite, and has a rather symmetric dendritic arbor, which of retinal ganglion cells and thalamic relay cells. In
gives it its name. Spiny stellate neurons are not found models of cortex the pattern of center excitation–
throughout the neocortex, but only in the middle layers surround inhibition is also applied to ensure stability
of certain sensory cortical areas like rodent barrel of the network. However, in reality, the smooth
cortex and the primary visual cortex of cats and neurons typically have much more compact axon

80 plasticity and learning

arbors than the pyramidal cells, but this spatial charac- here, as does the actual form of the dendritic and
teristic has been hard to incorporate in models axonal arbors. Axonal arborizations of the inhibitory
without producing a “leak” of recurrent excitation that neurons come in a few basic forms (figure 9.1): one
leads to instability in the network. that forms a tight local cluster (small basket cells,
The yin and yang of excitation and inhibition prob- neurogliaform cells, chandelier cells), one that elon-
ably arose as an early feature in the evolution of the gates horizontally and remains largely within a single
nervous system. In his studies of spinal cord reflexes, lamina (large basket cells, Cajal-Retzius cells), and a
Charles Sherrington found that excitatory and inhibi- third form where the axon extends radially (double
tory neurons were always in tandem and that together bouquet cells, Martinotti cells). In all cases the axon
they provided the algebra of the nervous system: “The arbors are relatively compact compared to those of the
net change which results there when the two areas are spiny neurons, whose axons sometimes form a local
stimulated concurrently is an algebraic sum of the plus cloud of synapses in the region of the dendritic tree,
and minus effects producible separately by stimulating but then project horizontally within their home layer
singly the two antagonistic nerves” (Sherrington, 1908, and/or to another layer. Pyramidal cells and spiny stel-
578). The algebra of the cortex has proved to be more late cells send their axons in rather straight trajectories
elaborate, but the principle of controlling the balance before branching to form a localized terminal cluster
between excitation and inhibition is a fundamental of synapses (see Douglas & Martin, 2004).
property needed for cortical computation, and not The diversity also extends to the differences in
simply as a means of stabilizing excitation. synapses—certainly to the dynamics of the synapses
and to their palette of postsynaptic receptors. However,
Diversity at the ultrastructural level there is a clear binary divi-
sion in the morphology of synapses, which was first
Smooth neurons take a variety of forms, and the “diver- noted by Gray (1959), who named the two types of
sity” of the smooth neuron morphology has become a synapses Type 1 and Type 2. Subsequent investigations
cliché. Their fascination lies in that fact that their have strengthened the binary classification, and we
axonal arbors arrange themselves in a variety of exotic now know that Type 1 synapses are glutamatergic and
shapes, which reminded the neuroanatomists who excitatory in function, while Type 2 are GABAergic
named them of baskets, bouquets, chandeliers, horse- and inhibitory in function. On average, the number of
tails, glial forms, and the like (figure 9.1). Other smooth synapses formed by each pyramidal cell axon is more
neurons are named after their discoverers, such as Mar- than that formed by each smooth neuron. In addition,
tinotti, Cajal, and Retzius, as are some pyramidal cells, the vast majority of long-distance projections entering
like Betz and Meynert, who gave their names to the an area are excitatory, thus further diluting the aliquot
large solitary cells that project to the spinal cord or to of inhibitory synapses provided by local smooth
the midbrain, respectively. Pyramidal and spiny stellate neurons. Estimates vary across species and areas, but
cells distinguish themselves not so much by the shape the proportion of inhibitory synapses in any cortical
of their axons, but by their distinct dendritic arboriza- area lies between 8% and 18%.
tions and by the precision of their axonal projections
within and between layers. Adding to this, pyramidal Rules of engagement
cells are further differentiated from each other by their
projections to specific target structures lying outside Since synapses form at an approximately constant
their local area. Thus, two neighboring pyramidal cells density along a dendrite, the length of dendrite that a
can have very similar local dendritic trees and axonal given neuron contributes to a layer gives a good approx-
arborizations, yet project to different targets. When all imation to the number of synapses that can be contrib-
these characteristics are included, spiny neurons clearly uted by the multiple axons that arborize within the
show at least as much diversity in their morphology as same layer. This potential connectivity is the basis for
their smooth cousins. Peters’s Rule, which predicts that neurons connect to
The anatomical diversity of the axons and dendrites each other in proportion to the amount of dendrite or
of cortical neurons has strong implications for connec- axon they contribute to a particular layer (Braitenberg
tivity. Their very shape and size generates important & Schüz, 1991; Peters & Payne, 1993). In this form it is
constraints on what connections are possible (since the a convenient “poor-man’s” method of establishing an
vast majority of synapses are formed between dendrites average circuit of a given patch of cortex. One common
and axons) and how many synapses they can support. interpretation of Peters’s Rule is that if it holds, it is
The laminated structure of cortex has a major influence evidence that the connections are made randomly. It is

douglas and martin: organizing principles 81

hazardous to interpret Peters’s Rule in this way without postsynaptic neuron (figure 9.1). For example, the tha-
qualification, however, since in its statistical averaging lamic relay cells form multiple synapses on the somata
it says nothing about any possible specificity of neuron- of small basket cells in layer 4 of the cat’s visual cortex,
to-neuron connections. Indeed, there are many studies but not on the somata of adjacent spiny cells. Spiny
that show that very specific connections exist, but none- neurons concentrate their input on spines and never
theless the overall statistics follow Peters’s Rule. The form synapses with the somata of other spiny neurons.
most prominent lesson comes from studies of the con- However, they do form synapses with the somata of
nection between thalamus and layer 4 of the primary smooth neurons. This design suggests a need to drive
visual cortex in the cat, where about 6% of the synapses the inhibitory cells to spike threshold as fast as possible,
arise from the thalamic relay cells (as predicted by without the intervention or delay of any dendritic pro-
Peters himself; see Binzegger, Douglas, & Martin, 2004; cessing, which may be a sign that even minute differ-
Peters & Payne, 1993) and thus implying a random con- ences in the timing of inhibition and excitation may be
nectivity. Physiology, however, shows that the neurons critical (Ohana, Portner, & Martin, 2012). Although it
in layer 4 are the textbook “simple cells” of Hubel and is relatively rare that excitatory synapses form on the
Wiesel (1962): they are orientation-selective and have dendritic shafts of excitatory cells, one type of pyrami-
separate “on” and “off” fields that are most likely a dal cell in layer 6, which projects back to the thalamus,
consequence of a highly orderly arrangement of inputs specifically forms the majority of its synapses on the
from thalamic relay cells. This nonrandom patterning dendritic shafts of spiny cells in layer 4 (Ahmed et al.,
of connections is also reflected in the highly orderly 1994).
functional architecture of cortex, such as the organized Traditionally, inhibitory synapses were thought to
maps for orientation and the arrangements of common locate themselves mainly on the somata and proximal
functional properties in radial columns. The specificity dendritic tree of spiny cells, but recent evidence shows
in connections needed to generate these properties is otherwise. Inhibitory synapses are actually found on all
invisible to the average statistics generated by applying parts of the neuron, including distal dendrites, the
Peters’s Rule. initial segment of the axon, and everything in between
Deviations from Peters’s Rule, which have been called (figure 9.1). This territory, from tip of dendrite to axon,
White’s Exceptions by Braitenberg and Schüz (1991), is actually divided up between the different subtypes of
are also important in signposting specific connections. smooth neurons. Thus, the chandelier cells form their
They are increasing in number since White first reported synapses exclusively with the initial segment of the axon
that the thalamic projection to layer 4 of the mouse of pyramidal cells (mainly in the superficial layers),
somatosensory formed 20% of the excitatory synapses whereas the basket cells tend to concentrate their syn-
on spiny neurons, but only 4% on adjacent smooth apses on the proximal parts of the neuron, although
neurons (see White, 1989). This is quite different from they also form a substantial fraction—between 20% and
cat visual cortex, where the pattern follows the Peters’s 40%—of their synapses with dendritic spines. The
Rule prediction that thalamic afferents will form radial axons of the double bouquet cell and Martinotti
approximately equal numbers on spiny and smooth cells span the layers and form synapses on the distal
neurons (Ahmed, Anderson, Douglas, Martin, & shafts and spines of pyramidal cells.
Nelson, 1994; Binzegger et al., 2004). In cat and monkey The existence of inhibitory synapses on distal den-
visual areas, pyramidal cells form between 80% and drites has long been a puzzle, particularly for dendrites
90% of their synapses with spines. Thus the most recent entering layer 1, which itself contains only GABAergic
example of a White’s Exception is very puzzling: Bock neurons, albeit at a very low density. Standard cable
et al. (2011) found that smooth neurons formed fully theory predicts that the most efficient site for inhibitory
50% of the targets of pyramidal cells in mouse visual synapses is the region around the cell body, which is
cortex, whereas Peters’s Rule predicts at best 20%. What indeed dominated by inhibitory synapses. However,
does this say about mouse’s strategy for visual process- physiological studies in vitro of the large pyramidal cells
ing compared to that of the cat or monkey? of layer 5 reveal reasons for distal inhibition. The distal
regions of the apical dendrite of these cells contain at
Mapping on the body least two active excitatory conductances—an N-methyl
D-aspartate (NMDA) and a calcium conductance—
The distribution of excitatory and inhibitory synapses which can be quenched by activating the inhibitory
on their targets is also nonrandom, for they concentrate synapses to the distal regions of the apical dendrite
their input on distinct structures or regions of their (Larkum, Nevian, Sandler, Polsky, & Schiller, 2009;

82 plasticity and learning

Area A Area B The long and the short of connections
The basic equation of cortical connectivity is simple—
on average, a given neuron in the local circuit needs to
make as many synapses as it receives. Estimates from the
monkey are that about 70–80% of the neurons that are
labeled retrogradely by a tracer injection in any area of
L2,3 L2,3 L2,3
cortex lie in the same area. Similarly, 70–80% of the
synapses in any cortical area originate from neurons in
L4 L4 that area. Thus, most of the 4 km of axonal “wire” in
each cubic millimeter of the gray matter, is generated
mainly by local neurons connecting with each other
L5 L5 L5 (figure 9.2). This strategy of making most of the con-
nections with nearby neurons is space-saving, for length-
ening the wires necessarily increases their total volume
L6 L6
relative to the computational elements, both for
neurons in brains and transistors in silicon circuits
(Mead, 1990; Mitchison, 1991). The problem of scaling
Tha Cla Tha can be severe, too, since larger brains require longer
axons to connect two areas of cortex and so occupy
more white matter volume. The ratio of white matter to
Sub gray matter does increase with increasing brain size, but
not explosively so (Zhang & Sejnowski, 1990). The
Figure 9.2 Main pattern of connections of the excitatory axons in larger brains also have to increase their diam-
cell types found across areas of neocortex. Thick lines indicate eter and degree of myelination if they are to maintain
the dominant interlaminar and recurrent intralaminar con- reasonable speeds of conduction over long distances.
nections between excitatory neurons in the local circuit. Thin Indeed, the white matter axons are myelinated,
lines indicate the main long-distance connections to other whereas most of the axons in the local circuit are finer-
cortical areas and subcortical targets. Triangle indicates pyra-
midal cell; diamond indicates spiny stellate. Numbers indicate
caliber and unmyelinated, and hence slower-conduct-
layers. Source and target structure indicated by circles: Thal, ing. Although the sheer length of wire makes the
thalamus; Sub, subcortical structures such as striatum, supe- analysis of the local circuits dauntingly complex, many
rior colliculus, or spinal cord; Cla, claustrum. have been excited by the thought that a fundamentally
new understanding of cortical processing will come
from a detailed analysis of one cubic millimeter of gray
Murayama et al., 2009). The sources of the distal inhibi- matter, rather than a study of an entire system or an
tory synapses are the Martinotti cells of layer 5 and entire brain (e.g., Helmstaedter, de Kock, Feldmeyer,
inhibitory neurons in layer 1, like the Cajal-Retzius cells Bruno, & Sakmann, 2007; Markram, 2006).
(figure 9.2). In a revision of the conventional theories, Of course, there are long-distance connections to
recent theoretical work has also indicated that inhibi- transmit information between cortical and subcortical
tory synapses located on distal branches of apical den- areas (figure 9.2). The most critical of these is the input
drites can more effectively quench distal excitatory from the primary thalamic nuclei, which project prin-
hotspots than inhibition located at sites more proxi- cipally to layers 4 and 6. The secondary thalamic nuclei
mally (Gidon & Segev, 2012). Thus, both experimental project to all the remaining layers, including layer 1.
and theoretical work agree that the dendritic tree, Surprisingly, none of these thalamic relays form large
soma, and axon initial segment of pyramidal cells are numbers of synapses in their target layers. In the visual
all involved in the active engagement of excitation and cortex, for example, the thalamus contributes less than
inhibition. These new findings go beyond Sherrington’s 10% of all the excitatory synapses even in layer 4, its
notion of an algebraic sum of plus and minus effects, main target layer (Ahmed et al., 1994; Da Costa &
and encourage the view that the soma-dendrite complex Martin, 2009). On the output side, the corticospinal
of single neurons are computationally rich devices, not tract is also tiny—perhaps only a million fibers connect
simply the most convenient means of connecting A our primary motor cortex to output regions of the
with B. ventral spinal cord. Given the rich sensory world we

douglas and martin: organizing principles 83

seem to occupy, it is sobering to discover that the con- involved also falls exponentially with distance, so that
straints of wire minimization in the brain mean that our the most projection neurons are used to connect to the
cortex is connected to our sense organs and muscles by area next door and the fewest neurons are used for the
only the thinnest of threads. A few bytes come into a very long-distance connections, as one would expect if
neocortex-dominated brain that dynamically interprets wire use were being optimized. This is not good news
this sparse input and then delivers a few bytes to a final for human tractographers, because as the studies of
common output path that, from an evolutionary per- macaque cortex indicate (e.g., Markov et al., 2012), the
spective, is relatively unchanged across species. Leaving number of white matter fibers involved in many area-
aside the special modifications needed for species-spe- to-area pathways falls way below the resolution of
cific behavior (e.g., corticospinal neurons in humans current noninvasive imaging instruments.
and nonhuman primates with opposable thumbs are Although feedforward connections originate princi-
specified for fine motor control of the hands), what has pally from neurons in the superficial layers, they form
changed is not so much the overt behavior, but the their synapses in the middle layers (mainly layer 4) of
conditions under which this behavior is generated, the target area. Thus they are thought to act similarly
and the temporal relationship between stimulus and to the inputs from the primary thalamic nuclei and to
response (which can be very long in species with a big provide the primary drive to the local circuits. Feedback
neocortex). connections, which originate predominantly from
The long-distance connections between areas come neurons in the deep layers, form their synapses outside
in three basic motifs: feedforward, feedback, and lateral the middle layers of their target areas, much like the
(Felleman & Van Essen, 1991; Rockland & Pandya, secondary thalamic nuclei do. These patterns translate
1979; figure 9.2). The concept of directionality in these to functional differences: cooling feedforward neurons
interareal circuits provides the major framework for to reduce their activity has a much more dramatic effect
understanding the hierarchy of structure-function rela- on their target structures than cooling feedback neurons
tionships of the cortex (Crick & Koch, 1998; Felleman (Bullier, Hupé, James, & Girard, 2001). Lateral projec-
& Van Essen, 1991; Rockland & Pandya, 1979). Precise tions originate from all layers and send their axons to
quantification of the laminar origins and numbers of all layers. With the exception of a lateral projection in
neurons involved has revealed a second organizing the monkey that carries an important attentional signal
principle with which to establish hierarchical relation- from prefrontal to extrastriate cortex (Anderson, Kennedy,
ships (Barone, Batardiere, Knoblauch, & Kennedy, & Martin, 2011; Moore & Fallah, 2001), the functional
2000; Markov et al., 2012). This is achieved experimen- roles of lateral projections have yet to be studied.
tally by tracing all the projections into a given area. This Over 60% of cortical areas that can connect with one
is not simply a qualitative map, for the exact proportion another in the macaque neocortex actually do (Markov
of superficial to deep-layer neurons labeled in a given et al., 2012). Thus, while “small-world” architectures
donor area depends precisely on its hierarchical dis- (Watts & Strogatz, 1988) have been the theorists’ favor-
tance from its recipient target area. Thus, feedforward ite description of cortical circuits, the reality is that the
projections to far distant areas originate almost exclu- interareal network is dense and highly structured. Most
sively from superficial-layer neurons (layers 2 and 3), of the connections between two areas involve very small
but as one approaches the target area there is a mono- numbers of neurons, and only near-neighboring areas
tonic increase in the contribution from the deep layers connect with each other using substantial numbers of
(layers 5 and 6), until adjacent areas provide their input neurons (Markov et al., 2012). This is a crucial observa-
from almost equal numbers of neurons from their tion, for it means that the vast majority of interareal
superficial and deep layers. Likewise for feedback pro- connections in the macaque monkey involve connec-
jections, nearby areas show equal numbers of labeled tions to areas less than 12 mm distant in a cortical sheet
superficial- and deep-layer neurons, and as the hierar- of over 60 mm. A single area usually projects to multiple
chical distance increases there is a steady increase in levels of the hierarchy, with the result that any single
the proportion of labeled cells in deep layers, so that area receives its input from between 26 and 87 other
far distant feedback projections originate almost entirely cortical areas, and at least 10% of these are unidirec-
from deep-layer neurons. This regularity has been for- tional (Markov et al., 2012).
malized as a “distance rule” (Rockland & Pandya, 1979), These new connectivity studies in macaque monkeys
which has the power to define the hierarchical organi- also indicate that nearby areas typically receive their
zation of a cortical network from the analysis of the cortical inputs from many areas in common, and this
projections to only a small number of key areas (Barone raises fundamental questions as to what actually deter-
et al., 2000). In addition, the number of neurons mines the functional subdivisions of cortex seen with

84 plasticity and learning

many physiological and neurological methods. That (Douglas & Martin, 2004). The neurons concerned do
areas share common cortical inputs, yet still differ func- not simply transfer information serially between layers,
tionally, suggests that the cortico-cortical connections but also form a series of nested positive and negative
are not the dominating factor in determining the func- feedback loops called recurrent circuits. This is a radi-
tional parcellation. This leaves the thalamic input with cally different means of computation than the model of
the job of generating functional differentiation. On the serial processing offered by Hubel and Wiesel (1962).
other hand, the degree of convergent input from other The principle of a recurrent cortical circuit is most
cortical areas offers extraordinary combinatorial possi- simply captured in the model called the “canonical
bilities for context-dependent computations that lead circuit” (Douglas et al., 1989; Douglas & Martin, 2004),
to behavior (see, e.g., the discussion in Markov et al., which expresses the functional relationships between
2012). Indeed, given that the thalamus maps in a highly the excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the different
orderly and well-conserved fashion onto the cortical cortical layers and shows how the inputs to a local
sheet, variations in the precise pattern of long-distance region of cortex from the sensory periphery via the
interareal connections across the cortical sheet may be thalamus, or from other cortical areas, are integrated.
the major source of variation between species in evolu- There are three major functional features of the circuit:
tion (Krubitzer, 2009). The high degree of convergence first, the thalamic input is weak, which is reflected in
of these long-distance connections also offers a means the small proportion of thalamic synapses seen in layer
of plasticity in response to altered environment, or even 4 (Da Costa & Martin, 2009). The thalamic synapses
brain damage. Similarly, the robust performance of the also depress with repeated activation, thus further
individual in the face of ever-changing contexts is an reducing their efficacy (Stratford, Tarczy-Hornoch,
adaptive behavior at which humans seem particularly Martin, Bannister, & Jack, 1996). Second, there is strong
advantaged. If best choices are based on accumulating recurrent excitation within and between layers (see
evidence to weigh a number of alternative strategies, figure 9.2). Third, excitation and inhibition are linked
then the small contributions from multiple areas may in tandem, so that they remain in balance and prevent
be a significant factor in biasing the probability toward the positive feedback from overexciting the circuit. This
better decision making (Gold & Shadlen, 2002). Simi- organization explains how it is that the relatively tiny
larly, while the loss of some of the inputs would not be numbers of thalamic synapses are nevertheless effective
catastrophic, their loss may nevertheless alter the bias if they act in synchrony and are amplified by recurrent
of probabilities and inject more uncertainty into the excitatory circuits. Explorations of this model in the
process of decision making. visual cortex have shown how this key notion of recur-
rent amplification can explain the emergence of corti-
Local processor cal properties, such as direction and velocity sensitivity,
orientation selectivity, masking, contrast adaptation,
What is so special about the local circuits of the neocor- and winner-take-all behavior (Ben-Yishai, Bar-Or, &
tex? What makes them so efficient and so adaptable to Sompolinsky, 1995; Douglas et al., 1989; Douglas, Koch,
different tasks? An early insight into the cortical circuit Mahowald, Martin, & Suarez, 1995; Douglas & Martin,
came with the evidence of Hubel and Wiesel (1962) 2004; Somers, Nelson, & Sur, 1995).
that input arriving from the thalamus was processed Virtually “transplanted” to a very different part of the
serially through the cortical layers (figure 9.2). Their brain, a simulation of a detailed canonical circuit
physiological measurements of the receptive fields of derived from cat visual cortex has provided a compre-
neurons in the different cortical layers of the cat and hensive explanation as to how the frontal eye field area
the monkey were consistent with structural studies of of prefrontal cortex might drive saccadic eye move-
the projection patterns reconstructed from intracellu- ments in monkeys and humans (Heinzle, Hepp, &
larly labeled spiny neurons (Gilbert & Wiesel, 1979; Martin, 2007). Principles captured in the canonical
Martin & Whitteridge, 1984). Importantly, the pattern circuit are thus generalizable, as they should be. It
of excitatory connections in these very detailed recon- should be emphasized, however, that while the notion
structions was consistent with generations of anatomical of an “isocortex” has a long history, it is far from proven.
descriptions of other cortical areas, suggesting that the Good evidence exists for common rules of connections
pattern is conserved across species and across different at many levels across areas and species, but we still lack
areas of sensory cortex. Thus the rat barrel cortex, the quantitative comparisons of even the best-studied areas,
cat and monkey visual cortex, and the cat’s auditory like visual cortex in cat and barrel cortex in rat, that
cortex, for example, show a very comparable “back- would help convince us that these areas generate the
bone” of excitatory connections between the layers same computations with the same canonical circuits.

douglas and martin: organizing principles 85

Figure 9.3 Organization of the cortical sheet: schematic nuclei (red; e.g., septal nuclei, amygdala). Dynamically evolv-
showing functional organization of cortical sheet and some of ing behaviors are represented schematically as “nodes,” rep-
its related structures in the right hemisphere. Above: Trans- resenting regions of active processing, and “edges,” which
verse section shows how limbic nuclei, basal ganglia (gp, represent the axonal communication channels between active
globus pallidus; caud/put, caudate and putamen), and hip- nodes. The channels act directly through cortico-cortical con-
pocampus (hippo) are folded and come to occupy more nections, or indirectly via thalamus and basal ganglia. Multi-
“medial” positions. Below: Plan view of the cortical sheet ple behaviors may evolve simultaneously (green graph; see
(cyan) with central sulcus indicated by thick red horizontal text), while the red graph represents the various functional
line. The sheet is surrounded by limbic cortical regions relations of the behavior currently being executed. (See color
(brown; e.g., cingulate cortex, insula) and associated limbic plate 4.)

Nonetheless, the unifying hypothesis that the neocor- evolve, develop, and function. Importantly, it is on this
tex is essentially a computational sheet, which assem- cortical sheet that the sensory, perceptual, emotive, cog-
bles itself using common components and rules of nitive, and motor aspects of behavior are systematically
connection, is not only extremely attractive, it offers mapped and form their connections with the rest of the
new insights into the way in which the neocortex might brain and spinal cord.

86 plasticity and learning

Cortical sheet hippocampus. The emotive, subjective signals of the
limbic cortices color or bias the processing of the evolv-
Having established some of the key principles by which ing plans of the more medial areas of the cortical sheet.
local and long-distance cortical connections organize More lateral cortical areas are relatively isolated from
themselves, we now show that these anatomical con- these biases and process alternative action sequences
straints have a direct interpretation in terms of the and spatial structure in a more semantically and syntac-
structure and dynamics of behavior (figure 9.3). The tically objective manner.
organization of the neocortical sheet and its relation to The mediolateral axis can be described as an
other brain structures is a consequence of the long evaluate/deploy axis (figure 9.3). Particularly in the
evolutionary history of the vertebrate forebrain, which prefrontal region, this axis links limbic evaluation to
forms from the dorsal part of the most anterior segment appropriate behavioral procedures. Thus, behaviors
of the neural tube. Symmetrical telencephalic hemi- evolving on the cortical sheet can be viewed as coherent
spheres grow out of the midline diencephalon, and the processing between transiently bound sets of active
neocortex forms from the dorsal regions of these hemi- subregions across the sheet, the effect of each process-
spheres. The dorsal diencephalon contains the thala- ing region being characterized by its spatiotemporal
mus, whose nuclei provide bidirectional connections to scale in the environment and the explore/exploit
all regions of the neocortex. The margin (or limbus) of quality of its role. One consequence of this view is that
the two telencephalic hemispheres contains archaic the “hierarchical” nature of behavioral scale, as it
structures that provide emotive content and valuation expresses itself in action-space and action-time, is
of current input, as well as memory. These structures directly encoded in the cortical sheet (Koechlin, Ody,
include the hippocampus (spatiotemporal memory), & Kouneiher, 2003). In its plan, the cortical sheet thus
cingulate cortex (emotion and evaluation), olfactory offers a natural syntax of permissible patterns, and a
cortex (olfactory perception), and the amygdala (emo- natural semantics in terms of the particular regions of
tional memory). The ventral telencephalon gives rise to the sheet that are activated. The arrangement of these
the basal ganglia, which interact with the cortex in the fields of neurons appears crucial to the generation of
context of planning, initiation, and regulation of move- behavior, not least because the fundamental organiza-
ment as well as a variety of cognitive and affective tion of the forebrain is highly conserved and scales
functions. across mammals from mouse, to monkey, to man, along
Now imagine the highly folded primate cortex laid with increased cognitive performance (Finlay & Dar-
out as a flat sheet in plan view (figure 9.3). We observe lington, 1995; Jerison, 1973; Passingham, 1982; Yopak
that it is organized along two axes (Douglas & Martin, et al., 2010).
2012). Regions immediately around the central sulcus As humans, we tend to attribute our rational actions
relate to ongoing sensorimotor behavior. More anteri- to a “self”—an individual sentient agent. Although the
orly, the premotor areas of frontal cortex process poten- forebrain may support this impression in terms of its
tial action repertoires, plans, and goals that are coherent external actions, we can now see that coher-
temporally bound to the concurrent actions. Further ent behaviors arise out of neuronal processing that is at
anteriorly lie the prefrontal areas that are not tempo- any time widely and inhomogeneously distributed
rally bound to the immediate stimulus, but process across fields of neurons that are, on average, only
plans and goals extended in time from the near-present sparsely connected with one another. This architecture
to well into the distant future. The cortex posterior to is so different from the artificial ones that we have
the central sulcus processes space. Here, as one moves designed that it is not surprising that our very partial
more caudally on the cortical sheet, the space to be descriptions of it are still far richer than our ideas of
represented expands from the body surface, as repre- how it might actually work. While uncovering the struc-
sented in the somatosensory cortex; to proximal space tural principles that organize the cortical circuits and
represented in the parietal cortex; to the more expan- constrain their interactions will not lead automatically
sive distal spaces provided by the senses of hearing, to knowledge of their higher-order functions, it is a
represented in the posterior areas of the temporal major step in understanding how their function leads
cortex, and vision, which involves areas lying in the to the intelligent behavior.
most posterior areas of the cortical sheet. The ventral
and anterior areas of the temporal lobe also encode ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge generous sup-
port from European Union Future and Emerging Technolo-
places, things, and faces. This lobe is greatly enlarged gies Grant, “Self Constructing Computing Systems” (SECO)
in primates, including humans, and is intimately related (RJD & KACM), Swiss National Fund Sinergia, Grant “Neural
to the declarative memory functions involving the Circuit Reconstruction,” the Swiss Federal Institute of

douglas and martin: organizing principles 87

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douglas and martin: organizing principles 89

10 Cost, Efficiency, and Economy
of Brain Networks

ABSTRACT The architecture of brain networks has become a In formal terms, networks are collections of nodes
strong focus of recent empirical and theoretical studies, build- (network elements) and edges (interconnections). Net-
ing on the availability of comprehensive data sets on anatomi-
works can be represented as connection matrices where
cal brain connectivity in multiple species, including humans,
as well as on the development of novel analytic techniques each entry in the matrix records the presence or
coming from the emerging field of network science. Numer- absence, weight, sign, and direction of connections
ous studies have documented a strong tendency of brain net- between pairs of elements. The full set of network
works to minimize network cost, expressed as the physical nodes and edges can be described as a graph, and the
length or volume of connections or the energy budget devoted set of pairwise relations constitutes the graph’s topol-
to neural signaling. Network studies also show that cost mini-
mization cannot fully explain all empirically observed features ogy. Importantly, graph topology defines proximity or
of network architecture. The prevalence of high-cost aspects distance among elements solely in terms of the configu-
of network organization, including long-distance projections ration of the link structure, without explicitly taking
and highly connected brain regions, suggest that these aspects into account the spatial or geometric embedding of the
confer advantages in terms of efficiency and integrative graph within the real-world system from which it is
network function that outweigh their cost. This chapter
explores aspects of network cost and network efficiency and
derived. Thus, network topology captures the configu-
suggests that the topology of brain networks represents a ration of network nodes and edges in the absence of
trade-off between these opposing driving forces. any spatial context, while spatial embedding explicitly
considers the spatial relations among network elements.
Nervous systems are complex networks of structurally This distinction of network topology and spatial embed-
connected and dynamically interacting neural ele- ding is important for the main subject of this chapter,
ments. Informally used, the term “network” has a long which focuses on the relationship between these two
history in neuroscience. In recent years, an increasing ways of capturing brain network architecture. Another
focus on recording comprehensive data on brain important distinction is that between structural net-
connectivity has introduced a new formal and quantita- works and functional networks. Structural networks
tive network perspective to cognitive and systems are constructed from data on connectional anatomy,
neuroscience. The important innovation lies in the derived from microscopy, histology, or neuroimaging.
application of computational and analytic tools and Functional networks are based on time series data from
methods for mapping and interpreting patterns of neural recordings, capturing various aspects of correla-
connections and interactions among neurons and brain tion or dynamic coupling. Unless otherwise noted, the
regions (Bullmore & Sporns, 2009; Sporns, 2014). current chapter focuses on properties of structural
Empirical studies of brain networks at all scales, from brain networks and the role of these properties in brain
synaptic circuits in the mammalian retina (Briggman, function.
Helmstaedter, & Denk, 2011) to large-scale connectivity A deeper understanding of the relationship between
in the monkey (Markov et al., 2011) and human cere- network structure and network function is one of the
bral cortex (Hagmann et al., 2008), continue to reveal central challenges for cognitive and systems neurosci-
network patterns in ever-greater detail. These patterns ence (Bassett & Gazzaniga, 2011). This chapter attempts
are characterized by distinct nonrandom structural fea- to approach this challenge by exploring key factors that
tures (Sporns, 2011a), many of which are shared across can account for and may have shaped structural brain
brain networks in different species. Since brain net- networks, with an emphasis on “highly evolved” or
works underpin dynamic interactions among neural complex brains (including humans). To motivate the
populations, their structural organization is thought to approach taken in this chapter, let us consider the space
be essential for efficient and adaptive brain function of all possible brain network architectures. This space
(Sporns, 2011b). is truly astronomical, as it spans all of the ways in which

sporns: cost, efficiency, and economy of brain networks 91

such brain networks can be topologically connected. Yet morphology is shaped by “laws of conservation for time,
the architectures we actually encounter in living species space and material” (Cajal, 1995). Building on pioneer-
occupy only small regions within this vast space. The ing work on neuronal morphology by Mitchison (1991)
overwhelming majority of these theoretically possible and Cherniak (1992), recent studies of the anatomical
architectures do not actually exist as part of any living layout and physiology of brain networks have greatly
biological organism, and have probably never been added to our understanding of the limits imposed by
realized over the course of evolution. It is likely that a wiring and running cost on network structure. The next
large part of the space is excluded simply because of section examines different aspects of network cost in
historical contingencies. Early evolutionary choices light of their implications for network topology.
about body and brain morphology, developmental
paths, and physiological mechanisms put strong limits Brain Volume and Wiring Length Brain networks
on future brain architectures, thus excluding many are spatially embedded, and this fundamental and
theoretically feasible networks from becoming viable inescapable fact immediately leads to the definition of
options at later points in time. several aspects of network cost. Limits on brain size
But even taking into account the limiting influence place severe constraints on the number and density of
of early evolution, clearly most of the remaining possi- neurons, and on the volume allocated to neural con-
ble brain architectures do not exist today. One explana- nections. Volume constraints, together with the spatial
tion for their nonexistence is based on the fact that layout of neural elements, determine the physical
brain networks consume limited resources as they are lengths of axonal connections and place limits on
built and run, and many theoretically possible networks axonal caliber, with important consequences for the
are simply too costly to be instantiated in a living and velocity (Wang et al., 2008) and information rate
functioning brain. This explanation favors network cost (Perge, Niven, Mugnaini, Balasubramanian, & Ster-
as a major constraint that has shaped the spatial layout ling, 2012) of neural signal transmission. Brain volume
and operation of brain networks, and steered evolving generally scales with body size across species (Jerison,
brains toward the regions of network space they cur- 1973; Roth & Dicke, 2005), and different components
rently occupy. Another competing explanation is based of the brain also exhibit allometric scaling relations
on the idea that networks of real brains have been pri- across species (Changizi, 2001; Striedter, 2005) as well
marily selected to support efficient information pro- as across individuals within a species (Finlay, Hinz, &
cessing and adaptive behavior. This explanation favors Darlington, 2011). An increase in the number of
some form of network efficiency as the dominant crite- neurons (for example, as a result of an increase in
rion for evolutionary selection of brain networks. brain volume) implies a parallel increase in the
The first part of this chapter examines to what extent number of neuronal connections, with both neurons
network cost and network efficiency can account for and connections together subject to volume con-
structural features of brain networks, highlighting evi- straints. Across mammalian species, the relation of
dence for conserved cost as well as high efficiency in gray matter volume (neurons) to white matter volume
brain networks. The chapter then moves to a joint con- (connections) follows a robust allometric scaling law,
sideration of these two major driving forces of network with white matter volume growing faster than gray
organization, in the process developing the idea that matter volume as brain size increases (Zhang &
extant brain networks represent the result of an eco- Sejnowski, 2000). This scaling relation has conse-
nomic trade-off between cost and efficiency. The quences for the density and layout of brain connectiv-
chapter ends with an exploration of how the cost- ity, resulting in a tendency toward sparser long-distance
efficiency trade-off may illuminate comparative analyses connections among neurons as brains increase in size
across species and shed light on fundamental questions (Herculano-Houzel, Mota, Wong, & Kaas, 2010), a
of brain evolution. pattern consistent with earlier theoretical predictions
(Deacon, 1990; Ringo, 1991; Stevens, 1989).
Network cost Constraints imposed by the placement of neural ele-
ments and their wiring pattern have been extensively
Network cost is incurred by the need to consume limited studied in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, for
resources in the course of the construction (“wiring”) or which the spatial arrangement and topology of all
operation (“running”) of a network. The realization that neurons and connections was mapped more than 25
the nervous system’s design and performance is subject years ago (White, Southgate, Thomson, & Brenner,
to constraints imposed by its cost was already expressed 1986). It was noted early on that neurons that were
over 100 years ago in Cajal’s postulate that neuronal spatially close tended to be densely and mutually

92 plasticity and learning

interconnected, forming “triangle” motifs (White, 1985). (Laughlin & Sejnowski, 2003). The brain is metaboli-
Computational studies examined wiring cost by fixing cally expensive, consuming a large fraction of the body’s
the network topology and spatially rearranging the energy budget (approximately 20%) relative to its size
location of ganglia (Cherniak, 1995) and individual of around 2% (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001; Clarke &
neurons (Chen, Hall, & Chklovskii, 2006; Kaiser & Sokoloff, 1999). Looking beyond the brain itself, the
Hilgetag, 2006). These studies revealed that the place- absolute need to balance metabolic demand and energy
ment neurons actually encountered was consistent with consumption across the entire organism implies that
strongly conserved (though not strictly minimized) the energetic cost of the brain is subject to the con-
wiring cost. Similar cost-conserving relations between straints imposed by the rest of the body. Increased
spatial layout and wiring were found in mammalian encephalization is subject to severe energetic con-
brains (Cherniak, Mokhtarzada, Rodriguez-Estaban, & straints (Isler & van Schaik, 2006) which may limit the
Changizi, 2004; Klyachko & Stevens, 2003). adaptive benefits due to increased cognitive function.
Among individual neurons, numerous studies have Increases in brain energy cost require a redistribution
shown that connection probabilities are greatly of energy demands across other organs and tissues, with
reduced as physical distance increases (Hellwig, 2000; potentially important consequences for cognition and
Stepanyants et al., 2008). In addition, neocortex exhib- behavior (Aiello & Wheeler, 1995).
its local clustering of connections among spatially co- As brains increase in size, so does the burden they
localized neurons, with an increased probability of place on the organism’s energy budget. Global energy
inferred synaptic connections among neurons that use of the brain has been shown to exhibit a scaling
share common neighbors (Perin, Berger, & Markram, relationship with brain volume such that larger brains
2011; Perin, Telefont, & Markram, 2013). Similar become increasingly metabolically expensive, imposing
effects are seen at the macroscale level of brain regions a disproportionate metabolic cost as brain volume
and inter-regional projections. Adjoining regions or expands (Karbowski, 2007). Other factors such as
regions separated by short physical distances are much increases in axonal diameter and length contribute to
more likely to be linked by an inter-regional pathway increasing the metabolic cost of neuronal signaling,
than are pairs of regions that are spatially remote and also contribute to wiring cost. Remarkably, only a
(Averbeck & Seo, 2008; Young, 1992). This decline in small fraction, perhaps as little as 1%, of the total energy
the projection probability with physical distance has use of the human brain is devoted to changes in neu-
been confirmed in recent quantitative labeling studies ronal activity associated with specific “functions,” while
in mouse (Wang, Sporns, & Burkhalter, 2012) and the bulk is devoted to processes that occur “at rest”; that
macaque cortex (Markov et al., 2011, 2013). In addi- is, in the absence of any overt sensory input, attention-
tion, these studies have shown a pronounced decrease demanding task, or cognitive challenge (Raichle &
in the density of existing projections with increasing Mintun, 2006). This observation suggests an important
physical distance. Within single brain regions, intrinsic and evolutionarily conserved role for resting brain
connection densities exhibit an exponential decrease activity (Raichle, 2010).
with distance, with 95% of all connections made within It is clear from these observations that information
a radius of 1.9 mm (Markov et al., 2011). Extrinsic pro- processing in biological circuits requires considerable
jections among regions are characterized by high-den- energy consumption, and it has been argued that this
sity, short-distance projections, with the strongest requirement has resulted in evolutionary pressure to
projections among adjoining regions and much weaker increase energy efficiency (Laughlin, 2011). Evidence
long-distance projections and low-density subcortical for conserved energy use while retaining high-capacity
input (Markov et al., 2011). Ordered by projection information transmission is found in the design of
strength, regional density profiles exhibit a log-normal insect photoreceptors (Niven, Anderson, & Laughlin,
distribution consistent with the existence of a small 2007) and may underlie the cellular architecture of
number of strong (short-distance) and a larger number other sensory systems (Niven & Laughlin, 2008).
of weak (long-distance) projections. Log-normal scaling Another way in which metabolic cost can be conserved
was found not only in macaque but also in the mouse is by neuronal signaling and coding strategies that mini-
brain (Wang et al., 2012). mize energy use associated with action potentials. The
initiation and propagation of action potentials is poten-
Neuronal Communication and Energy Budget tially costly since it requires the restoration of ionic
Another important aspect of network cost is related to gradients by ATP-driven ionic pumps. An analysis of the
the metabolic energy that must be expended toward kinetics of ionic currents engaged during action poten-
maintaining neuronal activity and synaptic signaling tials in mammalian neurons suggests that these currents

sporns: cost, efficiency, and economy of brain networks 93

operate with near-minimal ATP consumption (Sen- Complex Network Topology The topology of brain
gupta, Stemmler, Laughlin, & Niven, 2010). Another networks has become a major focus of empirical efforts
cost-saving strategy is sparse coding, which allows for to create comprehensive maps of structural connec-
highly specific representations of a large number of tions in a variety of species, including humans (Bull-
inputs while minimizing the level of neuronal activity more & Sporns, 2009). These maps can be derived from
needed to process information (Laughlin, van Steve- reconstructions of synaptic connections imaged at the
ninck, & Anderson, 1998). microlevel of individual neurons, or from tract tracing
or diffusion imaging and tractography studies at the
Do Brain Networks Minimize Cost? These and macrolevel of brain regions. The relative advantages
other studies have led to the idea that network cost is a and pitfalls of various mapping techniques are the
major factor in shaping patterns of brain connectivity. subject of much controversy, and thus it is important to
As summarized in the previous section, there is much keep in mind that all currently available connection
evidence to support this view. Many different factors maps must be continually updated and refined as
contribute to the concept of network cost, some of empirical techniques for mapping structural connec-
them determined by the network’s spatial and geomet- tions become more sensitive and reliable. The ultimate
ric embedding, others related to the cost of neuronal goal of creating a comprehensive map of structural con-
signaling and coding. But there is also evidence to nectivity, the “connectome” (Sporns, 2012; Sporns,
suggest that minimization of network cost cannot fully Tononi, & Kötter, 2005), is to deliver a structural foun-
account for the topology of brain networks. There are dation for understanding dynamic aspects of brain
other competing factors that prevent brain networks function.
from reaching optimally low wiring or running cost, for All studies of structural brain networks carried out
example, the need to encode neuronal information so far have provided evidence for several characteristic
with high precision and to transmit it at high rate and “nonrandom” features of network organization. One
speed across the entire network. Jointly these compet- of the first analyses, carried out on the cellular network
ing factors contribute to increased efficiency of network of the nematode C. elegans, revealed the existence of
performance. so-called small-world attributes, specifically the co-exis-
tence of high clustering and a short path length (Watts
Network efficiency & Strogatz, 1998). High clustering indicates that the
topological neighbors of a given node also have a ten-
The evidence presented in the previous section demon- dency to be neighbors of each other, a feature that is
strated that extensive material resources are devoted to characteristic of highly regular lattice networks. Short
the physical infrastructure and operation of neuronal path length indicates that, on average, all pairs of
signaling networks across all scales, from local circuits nodes can be reached along a path with few intermedi-
to brain systems. Wiring and signaling cost are expended ate steps, a feature that is present in random networks.
with the purpose of enabling efficient network com- The network of C. elegans was found to exhibit a
munication. In theoretical network science, the concept mixture of regular and random features, resulting in a
of network efficiency has been approached from the topology that was intermediate between the extremes
perspective of communication processes (Boccaletti, of lattice and random networks. Such intermediate
Latora, Moreno, Chavez, & Hwang, 2006). According characteristics are often encountered in systems that
to one definition of global network efficiency (Latora exhibit high structural or functional complexity,
& Marchiori, 2001), an efficient network allows pairs of defined as a mixture of order and disorder (Crutch-
network elements to interact along relatively short or field, 2011).
direct communication paths. While this definition of High clustering and short path length have since
global efficiency is widely used, it should be noted that been observed in virtually all connectome data sets,
it assumes that communication processes can actually including several connection matrices derived from
access short communication paths, a capacity that gen- tract tracing studies in mammalian brains (Hilgetag,
erally requires some sort of global knowledge of the Burns, O’Neill, Scannell, & Young, 2000; Sporns et al.,
network topology. Alternative models of network com- 2000; Sporns & Zwi, 2004), and diffusion imaging/trac-
munication rely on diffusion or spreading dynamics, tography in humans (Gong et al., 2009; Hagmann
which do not require such global knowledge (Goñi et et al., 2008). Additional features include characteristic
al., 2013). Which model of network communication distributions of local subgraphs or motifs (Milo et al.,
best describes neuronal signaling processes is still 2002; Sporns & Kötter, 2004), which deviate from dis-
unknown. tributions that would be expected if the brain was

94 plasticity and learning

Figure 10.1 A schematic illustration of a distributed and partitioned into two principal modules (lower right). Both
modular brain network. Brain connectivity has been rendered connector hubs and provincial hubs maintain a high number
as a network of nodes and edges (upper left), with the nodes of connections, with connector hubs cross-linking the two
corresponding to distinct brain regions and the edges repre- modules, while provincial hubs link to numerous other nodes
senting estimates of weighted and undirected anatomical con- within their own module.
nections. After thresholding of weak edges, the network is

organized as a perfect lattice or random network. A Network Modules and Hubs Many real-world net-
statistical overabundance of some motifs is likely driven works can be partitioned into a set of modules or
by the presence of high clustering, which tends to network communities wherein each module corre-
promote fully connected and recurrent motif configu- sponds to a set of nodes that are densely interconnected
rations. The strong tendency of cortical networks to among one another, while connections between
exhibit local clustering is partly due to wiring cost mini- modules are relatively sparse (figure 10.1). This defini-
mization. An abundance of short-distance connections tion can be formalized in the form of a modularity
naturally leads to high local clustering as seen in a metric that expresses the degree to which a given
regular lattice. Counteracting this tendency are network network exhibits modular organization, given a module
features that break regularity and drive brain organiza- partition (Newman & Girvan, 2004). An optimal parti-
tion in the direction of “randomness,” in the process tion can then be identified using an optimization algo-
incurring higher wiring cost. rithm (Blondel, Guillaume, Lambiotte, & Lefebvre,
The features of network organization discussed so far, 2008). The optimal partition assigns each network node
while present in many examples of structural brain net- to exactly one module, thus decomposing the network
works, are also broadly, perhaps universally, shared into nonoverlapping network communities. Modularity
across many other social, technological, or biological detection is an active research area in its own right (for
networks (Boccaletti et al., 2006; Watts & Strogatz, a review, see Fortunato, 2010), and recent methodologi-
1998). Hence, their presence in brain networks is cal developments include new search algorithms, refine-
not unique, which begs the question whether there ments of modularity measures (Fortunato & Barthelemy,
are additional aspects of network organization that 2007), and reformulations of modularity in terms of
are compatible with these universal features but link communities (Ahn, Bagrow, & Lehmann, 2010).
more directly indicative of specific aspects of neuronal Modularity is ubiquitous in brain networks. Modules
information processing. In this context, topological fea- of densely interconnected neurons have been identi-
tures pointing to the existence of network communities fied in C. elegans (Sohn, Choi, Ahn, Lee, & Jeong,
or modules that are interconnected by important hub 2011), and modules of brain regions have been found
nodes are of special importance. in whole-brain analyses across multiple mammalian

sporns: cost, efficiency, and economy of brain networks 95

species (e.g., Hagmann et al., 2008; Hilgetag et al., addition of new and more specialized modules may
2000; Hilgetag & Kaiser, 2004). Some studies have have been instrumental for the emergence of novel
demonstrated hierarchical modularity, with large-scale cognitive capacities (Chittka & Niven, 2009).
modules that could be further subdivided into smaller- Modular brain architecture places a premium on
scale modules (e.g., Bassett et al., 2010). In most cases, network features that can break modularity to enable
modules identified in structural networks comprised global communication and integration. Communica-
network elements that were located within the same tion paths between modules largely flow through a spe-
spatial neighborhood, reflecting once again the high cific subset of nodes generally referred to as network
density of local or short-distance connections. This hubs (van den Heuvel & Sporns, 2013). Hubs can be
stands in contrast to modules derived from functional defined according to a number of different criteria
networks, which are often composed of more spatially (Sporns, Honey, & Kötter, 2007), including high
distributed elements, for example, in the case of so- numbers of connections (degree), placement on many
called resting-state networks derived from functional short paths (centrality), or a diverse connection profile.
MRI recordings (e.g., Power et al., 2011). The latter criterion can be directly derived from the
Computational network studies suggest that modules number and distribution of connections maintained
confer a number of functional benefits. The dense clus- within a single or across multiple communities. Hubs
tering of connections within modules and the relatively link to nodes across many modules, thus acting as points
weak interconnections between modules form a struc- of convergence and divergence for intermodular signal
tural basis for functional specialization—network ele- traffic. Studies of mammalian cortex have identified a
ments within modules are likely to share response subset of areas in parietal, temporal, and frontal cortex
properties, while elements across modules exhibit dif- as putative hub regions (Sporns et al., 2007). In human
ferences. This notion is supported by studies that cortex, network analyses have converged on a set of
have pointed to a strong relationship between member- regions including portions of the medial and superior
ship in modules or clusters derived from structural parietal cortex as well as selected regions in orbitofron-
connectivity and similarities in physiological responses tal, superior frontal, and lateral prefrontal cortex (Gong
(Hilgetag & Kaiser, 2004). Modular connections also et al., 2009; Hagmann et al., 2008, 2010). Many of these
shape patterns of synchronization (Müller-Linow, Hil- regions have been previously described as multimodal
getag, & Hütt, 2008; Zhou, Zemanova, Zamora, Hilge- or transmodal association areas (Mesulam, 1998) char-
tag, & Kurths, 2006) favoring local or spatially restricted acterized by complex physiological responses and
synchronization behavior. Other studies have suggested diverse activation patterns across many tasks. Network
that modularity supports greater adaptability of net- studies suggest that the diverse responses of hub regions
works to changing environmental challenges (Kashtan are strongly linked to their important role in ensuring
& Alon, 2005; Kashtan, Noor, & Alon, 2007), as well as efficient network communication. Hubs are key struc-
complex neuronal dynamics, especially when modules tures for lowering the path length of the network, as
are arranged along several hierarchical levels (Kaiser & they create shortcuts among network communities and
Hilgetag, 2010; Rubinov, Sporns, Thivierge, & Break- thus reduce the topological distance between many
spear, 2011). Finally, the tendency of modules to limit pairs of nodes, particularly nodes that belong in differ-
the spread of dynamic perturbations supports the ent structural modules.
dynamic stability of the network as a whole. This effect
is widely thought to be associated with evolvability, Are Brain Networks Maximally Efficient? In the
which is defined as the capacity to generate heritable, previous section, the concept of network efficiency was
selectable phenotypes (Kirschner & Gerhart, 1998), for approached from the perspective of network features
example, by limiting the effects of mutations and thus that promote the efficiency of communication pro-
ensuring greater robustness. The link between modular cesses. While this formulation of network efficiency may
topology and evolvability has been demonstrated in have some validity in the context of sensorimotor pro-
computational network models that suggest evolvability cessing required for simple behavioral outputs, it should
may result from selection pressure to reduce network also be noted that network efficiency cannot be easily
cost (Clune, Mouret, & Lipson, 2013). Given this extended to considerations of adaptation or fitness at
multitude of functional benefits, modular brain archi- the level of the whole organism. With this limitation in
tectures are of special interest in an evolutionary mind, a communication-based definition of network
context. Modular organization (columns, brain regions) efficiency does allow the construction of objective effi-
becomes more prominent as brains increase in size ciency measures that can be derived from network
and complexity (Kaas, 1989; Krubitzer, 2009), and the topology. Application of such measures to brain

96 plasticity and learning

networks suggests that these networks are not optimally and brain regions, have been selected to favor efficient
efficient. On the one hand, the existence of modules communication processes that not only rely on routing
and hubs offers potential adaptive advantages by creat- of messages along short paths but also on processes
ing specialized sources of information that can link to involving diffusion dynamics (Goñi et al., 2013). Pareto
effectors and impact on behavior rather directly through optimality and multi-objective strategies for maximizing
connectional “off-ramps.” However, on the other hand, performance offer promising new theoretical avenues
local communities or modules can restrict long-distance toward understanding brain networks that merit further
brain communication, which depends heavily on hub exploration.
nodes that open intermodule links. While hubs can The next section illustrates the trade-off between
lower the overall path length (and hence increase network cost and efficiency in brain networks by giving
global network efficiency), they may also act as process- two examples of network features that violate cost-min-
ing bottlenecks that can impede information flow, imization in favor of gains in efficiency. One of these
resulting in network congestion. examples concerns increased wiring cost, and the other
So far, we have presented evidence for conserved involves increased running cost. Both serve to enable
network cost and pointed to network features that more direct and efficient network communication.
promote network efficiency. However, neither minimi-
zation of cost nor maximization of efficiency appears Trade-Off Between Network Cost and Efficiency
sufficient to fully explain all features of brain network As discussed earlier, quantitative labeling studies of
organization. We now turn to an alternative model, one inter-regional projections in macaque cortex have
that instead views brain architecture as resulting from revealed a high density of local projections among spa-
an economic trade-off between the competing demands tially nearby regions and a lower density of projections
of cost and efficiency. between regions that are spatially remote, a pattern that
is consistent with the principle of conservation of wiring
Network economy cost. A corollary of this pattern is that long-distance
projections make important contributions toward spe-
In the context of economic theory, the success or profit- cific functional roles to individual brain regions by
ability of a product can be measured by taking into increasing the specificity of regional connection pro-
account both the cost incurred by the producer as well files (Markov et al., 2013). Such connection profiles are
as the propensity of the product to add value for its thought to be associated with functional specialization
customers. Profitable businesses may be said to opti- (Passingham, Stephan, & Kötter, 2002), and the added
mize a trade-off between the cost of production and the expense of long-distance projections may confer a func-
value added by the product itself (Bullmore & Sporns, tional benefit in allowing greater specialization of
2012). While an explicit economic analogy can only go regional response profiles.
so far, the larger concept of an economic trade-off A further and perhaps even more important func-
between competing objectives, here represented by cost tional benefit of long-distance projections is due to
minimization and efficiency maximization, appears their central role in global integrative processes and
fruitful when applied to brain architecture. Indeed, efficient network communication. Global integration
strategies for multi-objective optimization are increas- must break modularity and requires information flow
ingly applied in studies of complex biological systems on connections that cross module boundaries. Such
(Shoval et al., 2012), including brain networks (Clune intermodular connections typically span longer physi-
et al., 2013; Goñi et al., 2013; Santana et al., 2011). cal distances than shorter connections among members
A central concept first used in engineering and eco- of the same module (Sporns et al., 2007). While they
nomics is called “Pareto optimality.” It refers to the state are expensive in terms of wiring cost, network studies
where the construction or operation of a given system of the topology of several structural brain networks have
simultaneously satisfies multiple objectives. Identifying shown that such long-distance connections greatly
the objectives that are jointly satisfied can reveal selec- reduce the network’s path length, and hence increase
tional forces that drive optimal design or biological its global efficiency (Kaiser & Hilgetag, 2006), thus pro-
fitness. Applications of Pareto optimality to biological viding functional benefits, including more direct, faster,
networks have begun to provide insight into the factors and less noisy information flow. A re-examination of the
that have shaped their connectivity and function. For wiring diagram of C. elegans has shown that its wiring
example, multi-objective optimization of different mea- cost is not strictly minimized but could be reduced
sures of network efficiency suggest that the topologies further by rewiring some of its connections. However,
of real-world networks, including networks of neurons this reduction in wiring cost resulted in a network with

sporns: cost, efficiency, and economy of brain networks 97

longer path length and lower global efficiency, thus supply of ATP, possibly in the service of fueling ionic
supporting the idea that the C. elegans connectome rep- pumps or cellular processes involved in biosynthesis
resents a trade-off between the competing demands and synaptic plasticity (Vaishnavi et al., 2010). Other
imposed by cost and efficiency. Similar results were aspects related to running costs were found to be associ-
obtained for mammalian connection matrices describ- ated with rich club regions (Collin et al., 2013). For
ing the cat and macaque cortex. More recent compari- example, axonal projections of these regions span long
sons of the spatial layout and topological complexity of distances and show high levels of myelination, and their
brain networks and electronic circuits have shown that temporal activity tends to be more variable—all aspects
their advanced information-processing capabilities are of structural and functional organization that are likely
associated with greater-than-minimal wiring cost to put pressure on energy and metabolic resources.
(Bassett et al., 2010).
Long-distance connections tend to link high-degree Segregation and Integration The trade-off of
nodes or brain hubs. Recent studies of brain networks network cost and efficiency gives rise to an architecture
including C. elegans (Towlson, Vértes, Ahnert, Schafer, that simultaneously accommodates two performance
& Bullmore, 2013), cat cortex (Zamora-López, Zhou, & requirements—the generation of specialized informa-
Kurths, 2010), macaque cortex (Harriger, van den tion in modular or segregated circuits, as well as the
Heuvel, & Sporns, 2012), and the human brain (van need to integrate specialized information to create
den Heuvel & Sporns, 2011; van den Heuvel, Kahn, globally coherent brain states (Sporns, 2011b; Tononi,
Goñi, & Sporns, 2012) have shown that hub nodes Sporns, & Edelman, 1994). Numerous attributes of
are interconnected to form a so-called “rich club,” brain networks promote these two aspects of neural
defined as a collective of nodes with mutual intercon- information processing, segregation and integration
nections that are denser than predicted by chance (Sporns, 2013). This chapter has discussed several
(Colizza, Flammini, Serrano, & Vespignani, 2006). In examples of such network attributes encountered in
both human and macaque cortex, rich club regions structural brain connectivity. Modularity and high clus-
include a variety of multimodal association areas that tering favor the sharing of related information within
are widely distributed across all major cortical lobes. functionally specialized subsystems. Hubs and short
The connections linking these rich club regions tend path lengths enable the flow and integration of infor-
to be long distance, and hence violate the wiring mini- mation across module boundaries. Rich club organiza-
mization principle. Computational network studies tion accommodates both specialized and integrated
strongly suggest that rich club connections are vitally processing by providing the infrastructure for attracting
important for integrative processes. For example, a and dispersing information to and from diverse sources.
large proportion of all short paths linking pairs of brain Further examples are found in functional brain net-
regions access rich club nodes and connections. Dele- works, and in this domain the trade-off between cost
tion of rich club nodes of connections results in greater and efficiency may be much more dynamic and time-
disconnection than equivalent damage to more periph- dependent. Several studies have shown that functional
eral nodes and connections. Rich club regions span and networks undergo rapid reconfigurations in response
interconnect all of the brain’s structural and functional to momentary demands imposed by stimulus and task
modules, suggestive of an essential role in integrating (Bassett, Meyer-Lindenberg, Achard, Duke, & Bull-
their functional activity. How the extent of rich-club more, 2006; Bassett et al., 2009; Doron, Bassett, & Gaz-
organization may vary across brains of different sizes, zaniga, 2012). Over time and depending on cognitive
for example across mammals differing in cortical size demands, they continually iterate between functional
and expansion, is currently unknown. network architectures that are characterized by more
Hub nodes and their connections are essential for local processing and others that are more commensu-
global brain communication, and their existence not rate with integrated processing. Local processing may
only incurs increased wiring but also increased running be considered less costly, since it involves signaling
cost, expressed in their energy use and metabolic over smaller physical distances, while more integrated
profile. A meta-analysis of the regional distribution of processing likely involves “expensive” long-distance
aerobic glycolysis (Vaishnavi et al., 2010) and regional pathways. Hence, it appears that the cost-efficiency
network centrality suggests that the two measures are trade-off not only plays out on the longer time scales of
significantly and positively correlated, with higher cen- development and evolution, but may be constantly
trality or hub-ness predicting a specific metabolic renegotiated on much faster time scales as brains
profile. High levels of aerobic glycolysis may index respond to the ever-changing demands imposed by
strong demand for fast, albeit relatively inefficient, their environment.

98 plasticity and learning

Conclusion Bassett, D. S., & Gazzaniga, M. S. (2011). Understanding
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phenotypic characteristics of the brain have complex fractal small-world human brain functional networks. Proc
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promise” (Krubitzer, 2007; Krubitzer & Seelke, 2012) Blondel, V. D., Guillaume, J. L., Lambiotte, R., &
resulting from numerous constraints and selection Lefebvre, E. (2008). Fast unfolding of communities in
large networks. J Stat Mech-Theory E, 10, P10008.
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of optimization should be replaced by a framework that works: Graph theoretical analysis of structural and func-
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sporns: cost, efficiency, and economy of brain networks 101

11 Plasticity of Sensory and Motor Systems
After Injury in Mature Primates

ABSTRACT After damage to peripheral nerves and other parts to another in rats. Such observations suggested that the
of sensory and motor systems, adult humans often experience mature nervous system has a functional organization
sensory or motor impairments that diminish over weeks to
that is highly fixed, as functional adaptations to altered
months after the injury. Studies on monkeys, rats, and other
animals have helped us understand how these recoveries sensory inputs did not seem to occur. Second, the early
occur and suggest ways to promote them. While valuable experiments that demonstrated alterations in the orga-
information has come from a wide range of studies, those on nization and functions of the visual system after sensory
nonhuman primates are especially informative because their deprivation in cats and monkeys found that the suscep-
nervous systems more closely resemble our own. Studies have tibility to such changes was largely restricted to a short
focused on recoveries after various types of restricted damage
to sensory or motor systems that produce sensory or motor period early in postnatal development, the so-called
deficits by deactivating parts of sensory or motor systems. sensitive or critical period, and the same treatments
These studies indicate that the growth of new connections in have little or no effect on the mature visual system
the central nervous system as a consequence of deactivations (Daw, 1995). Third, it seems logical to conclude that a
can be extensive and lead to reactivations that promote behav- fully functional nervous system should no longer be
ioral recovery. Importantly, several types of treatment appear
to enhance adaptive growth of new nervous system connec-
plastic at maturity, as almost any change would impair
tions and behavioral recovery. The mature nervous system is function. Of course, early investigators recognized that
more plastic than previously thought. at least systems for learning remain plastic throughout
life, perhaps at a reduced level for language in adults,
“In the general’s entourage, the discomfort José Maria and that patients often recover some or all lost func-
Carreño experienced in the stump of his arm was reason for
tions after some brain damage. However, evidence that
cordial teasing. He felt the movements of his hand, the sense
of touch in his fingers, the pain bad weather caused in bones the mature nervous system remains quite plastic has
he did not have.” accumulated, and it is useful to consider this evidence
—Gabriel Garciá Márquez, The General in His Labyrinth and understand the nature of the nervous system
changes that occur. Thus, we want to know how such
The developing nervous system has long been known changes emerge, how they relate to the recovery of
to be quite plastic. This means that the developing abilities, and why they sometimes lead to errors in per-
nervous system has the potential to develop in different ception. We also need to evaluate treatments that have
ways depending on sensory experience, other environ- the potential to promote functional recoveries.
mental factors, and nervous system damage (e.g., Kaas, This review focuses on plasticity studies of sensory
Merzenich, & Killackey, 1983; Wiesel, 1982). As the and motor systems in monkeys and other primates.
developing nervous system is always changing, it seems While much has been learned about the plasticity of the
reasonable that the course of development can be human brain from clinical patients, studies in animals
altered, sometimes in ways that compensate for nervous allow the repetition and control of variables and provide
system damage or allow an adaptation to an abnormal evidence that is more easily interpreted. Because
environment. In contrast, early neuroscientists were monkeys and our other primate relatives have nervous
often skeptical about the possibility of mature nervous systems that more closely resemble our own than those
systems being plastic, and even recently the concept of of cats, rats, and mice, most of the experimental evi-
visual cortex in mature monkeys being plastic has been dence presented here comes from studies on monkeys.
seriously challenged. However, evidence from other mammals is important
There are several reasons for this skepticism. First, and relevant, and some of it is included here. In addi-
early investigators such as Sperry (1959) noted that tion, the emphasis in this review is on the plasticity of
behavioral compensations did not occur after eye rota- the somatosensory system, since the organization of this
tion in frogs or after a nerve was crossed from one leg system in monkeys is well understood and the system

kaas and bowes: plasticity of sensory and motor systems after injury 103
offers several technical advantages for studies of plastic- Anterior parietal
Post parietal
ity, including the ability for the regeneration of sensory M1
Frontal CS 5 +7
1 2
nerves. We also consider the plasticity of visual and audi-
tory systems, as well as the motor system, for compari- Cortex
son. Other systems—for example, those devoted to
cognitive functions—might be even more plastic than
sensory or motor systems. However, the structural and
functional organizations of sensory and motor systems 3a
are much better understood, and thus changes in these VPS PV
systems as a result of experimental manipulation are VPL
more likely to be detected. Finally, the types of plasticity VPM
that are due to experience and learning in sensory Face Hand Foot
systems (e.g., perceptual learning) and motor systems
are considered elsewhere (Buomomano & Merzenich, Thalamus
1998; Diamond, Armstrong-James, & Ebner, 1993; Li,
Piech, & Gilbert, 2004; Nudo, Milliken, Jenkins, &
Merzenich, 1996; Recanzone, Schreiner, & Merzenich,
1993). External
Cuneate N. Gracile N. RA
Muscle +
Cuneate N.
Plasticity of the somatosensory system after sensory spindle SA
T rigeminal N. inputs
loss or lesions inputs Cervical spinal cord
The structural organization of the somatosensory system column Spinothalamic tract
of primates is well known (Kaas, 2011). Thus, altera- Dorsal
tions from the normal organization as a result of plastic- root
ity can be detected (figure 11.1). Sensory afferents from
Receptors Spinal cord
the receptor sheet, the skin, largely preserve their
peripheral neighborhood relationships as they termi-
nate in the ipsilateral spinal cord and brainstem nuclei.
Left Right
Topographic (or somatotopic) patterns of connections
are further preserved in projections to the contralateral Figure 11.1 The somatosensory system of primates. Note
ventroposterior nucleus of the contralateral somatosen- that cutting the dorsal column pathway removes the direct
sory thalamus, and then to primary somatosensory somatosensory input from low-threshold, rapidly adapting
cortex, S1 (area 3b of Brodmann, 1909). Early studies (RA) and slowly adapting (SA) cutaneous peripheral nerve
afferents from the lower body, while cutting dorsal roots of
of the somatotopic organization of somatosensory peripheral nerves removes all sensory inputs. Cutting all
cortex in primates did not have the resolution to distin- dorsal column branches of RA and SA afferents from the
guish the four systematic representations of the contra- forearm deactivates neurons in the cuneate nucleus and the
lateral body in the four architectonic fields of Brodmann hand territories of the contralateral ventroposterior (VP)
areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2. The unfortunate consequence nucleus of the thalamus and cortical areas 3b (primary
somatosensory cortex, S1) and area 1. Other areas with direct
has been that the term S1 is often used to refer to all
or indirect inputs from areas 3b and 1 are also deprived (e.g.,
four fields combined. However, only area 3b is homolo- area 2; the second somatosensory area, S2; the parietal ventral
gous to S1 of other mammals, and it is important to area, PV; posterior parietal cortex, areas 5 & 7; area 3a; and
distinguish area 3b from these other fields (Kaas, 1983). primary motor cortex, M1 or area 4.) VPM, the medial divi-
Area 1 forms a mirror image representation of touch sion of VP represents the face and mouth, while VPL, the
lateral division, represents the forelimb, trunk, and hind limb.
receptors just caudal to area 3b. Parallel somatotopic
representations in areas 3a and 2 are merged with pro-
prioceptive inputs from the ventroposterior superior Thus, we focus on changes in area 3b, although there
nucleus of the thalamus. Additional representations may be further changes that are mediated in these addi-
with inputs from areas 3b, 3a, 1, and 2 include the tional processing areas.
second somatosensory area, S2, and the parietal ventral Many studies of plasticity of the somatosensory system
area, PV. As information about touch is distributed have demonstrated changes in the somatotopy of
from area 3b to all of these areas, any plastic change in cortex or other parts of the system after a loss of some
area 3b would be relayed to these higher-order areas. of the sensory inputs from the skin. Alterations or

104 plasticity and learning

compensations likely occur throughout the system, but of the wrist was cut or crushed. This deprives the thumb
most studies have been on the somatotopy of area 3b, half of the glabrous skin of the hand of sensory innerva-
since this cortical area is accessible for recording. Any tion, while the rest of the hand remains innervated.
changes in area 3b would reflect those mediated within This sensory loss is so minor that monkeys behave nor-
area 3b and those relayed from the thalamus, brain- mally and barely seem to notice. Yet about the lateral
stem, and spinal cord. Without plasticity, any extensive half of the hand representation in contralateral area 3b
loss of sensory inputs would be expected to inactivate is completely deactivated, so that neurons are no longer
somatotopically matched parts of the system. For responsive to touch on the hand. Subcortical represen-
example, a loss of inputs from the hand would be tations that relay to area 3b are also deactivated, as is
expected to leave the hand representation in the cortical area 1. Presumably, higher cortical areas are
cuneate nucleus of the ipsilateral lower brainstem and altered as well. Within days and over a few weeks, this
upper spinal cord totally unresponsive to touch on the unresponsive cortex becomes extensively or completely
hand, as well as the hand portions of the contralateral reactivated by preserved inputs from the hand, mainly
ventroposterior nucleus and area 3b. Instead, consider- the back of the hand and digits in a somatotopic pattern
able reactivation of these hand territories may occur that matches the missing inputs for the glabrous hand
over days to months of recovery following the sensory (Merzenich et al., 1983a, 1983b). The back of the hand
loss. These reactivations are typically detected and char- is sparsely innervated compared to the glabrous hand,
acterized with microelectrode recordings from neurons and yet this sparse input can reactivate the large cortical
in area 3b. As time course and somatotopic features of territory of the glabrous hand.
the reactivation process depend on the type and extent Thus, sparse sensory inputs can activate much larger
of sensory loss, we describe plastic changes for four dif- cortical territories than they normally do. This means
ferent types of sensory loss. that sparse brain connections can expand their func-
We are concerned with addressing several questions: tional roles. Competition between inputs for synaptic
How does the reactivation happen? What are the func- space seems to prevent this from normally happening.
tional consequences, and are they beneficial? And can If a crushed medial nerve is allowed to regenerate over
beneficial plastic changes and behavioral outcomes be months of recovery, the normal map of the glabrous
enhanced by treatments that could be applied to hand in area 3b returns as if nothing has happened
humans? Later in this review, we describe evidence that (Wall, Felleman, & Kaas, 1983). However, when a cut
visual, auditory, and motor systems are plastic in adult nerve regenerates, regeneration is less precise, errors
primates as well, but not always in the same ways. in innervation occur, and the regeneration may be
incomplete. Thus, the recaptured representation of the
Reactivation Following Damage to Peripheral hand in area 3b may be somewhat abnormal (Florence,
Nerves Many of us have experienced some sort of Garraghty, Wall, & Kaas, 1994; Garraghty & Kaas, 1991a;
accidental nerve damage where part of a peripheral Wall & Kaas, 1986; Wall et al., 1983). These results indi-
nerve is cut or crushed, leaving some region of skin cate that considerable plasticity of the somatosensory
numb. If all goes well, sensation will return after weeks system can occur, cortical reactivation and reorganiza-
to months as the damaged nerve regenerates. However, tion can be rapid and occur over days to weeks, and the
the regeneration may be incomplete, or jumbled, plastic effects are reversible with re-innervation. As in all
leading to mislocalizations of the place of touch (Wall types of brain damage, sensory loss not only concerns
et al., 1986). In addition, representations of the region the region of direct deprivation, but also all regions that
of numb skin in the central nervous system may have are thereby deprived of activating connections. As the
become responsive to other inputs from normally competition among different sources of inputs to any
innervated skin, leading to misperceptions of where the nucleus or cortical area is changed, system functions
skin was touched. However, perceptions may become widely change.
more normal after the peripheral nerve regenerates How do we explain the more rapid reactivation of
and the inputs from the re-innervated skin reclaim all cortex after nerve section? Studies of the anatomy of
or most of their original central nervous system terri- the somatosensory system indicate that the sparse inputs
tory. These outcomes have occurred in experiments in from the back of the hand terminate in the cuneate
which central nervous system representations have nucleus very close to the many more inputs from the
been evaluated at various times after section of a periph- glabrous skin of the hand (Florence, Wall, & Kaas, 1988,
eral nerve. 1991; Qi & Kaas, 2006). At least some of the reactivation
In one set of experiments designed to reveal plastic occurs at the level of the cuneate nucleus (Xu & Wall,
changes after sensory loss, the median nerve at the level 1997), and reactivations also occur at the level of the

kaas and bowes: plasticity of sensory and motor systems after injury 105
contralateral ventroposterior nucleus (Garraghty & Lesions of Peripheral Nerve Afferents as They
Kaas, 1991b). Thus, with a lack of competition from the Travel in the Dorsal Columns of the Spinal
afferents of the median nerve, the sparser inputs from Cord A third way of producing and studying sensory
the radial nerve of the back of the hand likely sprout loss has been to cut the ascending branches of periph-
over the very short distances in the cuneate nucleus to eral nerve afferents as they course in the dorsal columns
activate deprived neurons (Florence & Kaas, 2000). of the spinal cord to the dorsal column nuclei. The
Alternatively, subthreshold connections to somatotopi- major advantage of this approach is that the sensory loss
cally mismatched locations in the cuneate nucleus may is very specific, and very limited. The large axons con-
already exist, and they become stronger by providing ducting touch information from the skin of the hand
more synapses or because of other homeostatic mecha- and arm branch as they enter the spinal cord—with one
nisms (Garraghty, LaChica, & Kaas, 1991; Turrigiano, branch entering the dorsal column of axons that project
1999). As the time of regeneration of peripheral nerves to the cuneate nucleus representing the forearm, and
depends on distance, reactivations in the central the other branch terminating on dorsal horn neurons
nervous system that depend on longer axon growth of the spinal cord that preserve this touch information
should take longer times. Of course, some of the corti- for use in local reflexes and motor control—and send
cal reactivation that follows a nerve cut may depend on this information to other locations, including the
axon growth at thalamic and cortical levels, perhaps cuneate nucleus. All other afferents, including those
occurring over longer times. that mediate crude touch, pain, and temperature, ter-
minate normally in the dorsal horn, as they do not
branch into the dorsal columns (Kaas, 2011). Thus,
Reactivations After Damage to Dorsal Roots of monkeys with dorsal column lesions appear quite
Peripheral Nerves as They Enter the Spinal Cord normal in most behavior, including running and climb-
Another type of sensory loss occurs when the sensory ing, but do have impaired hand use for a period of 2
inputs to the spinal cord are reduced or eliminated by to 4 weeks (Qi, Gharbawie, Wynne, & Kaas, 2013). They
cutting the dorsal sensory roots of peripheral nerves as may drop grasped objects, and even look in their hand
they enter the spinal cord, leaving the ventral motor to see if the object is present. However, they rapidly
root outputs to muscles intact. Years after this approach recover, and normal hand use returns. Immediately
was used to evaluate arm use after a complete sensory after such dorsal column lesions, the hand region of
loss from one arm, it became possible to study cortical contralateral area 3b is largely or completely unrespon-
responsiveness in some of these monkeys (Pons et al., sive to touch on the hand (figure 11.2), and this level
1991). The surprising result was that the complete arm of unresponsiveness persists for 1 to 2 weeks, after
representation in area 3b was activated by touch on the which the cortex is progressively reactivated by any of
face, as well as the arm representations in areas 3a, 1, inputs in the dorsal columns from the hand that were
and 2. These results showed that major reactivation of preserved (Chen, Qi, & Kaas, 2012; Jain, Catania, &
deprived cortex is possible, but there was no informa- Kaas, 1997; Qi, Chen, & Kaas, 2011). Spinal cord
tion about the time course of the massive reactivation neurons that receive the branched dorsal horn inputs
or mechanisms of this reactivation. from peripheral nerve axons and project to the cuneate
More recently, this approach has been used to only nucleus (Rustioni, 1976; Witham & Baker, 2011) also
partially denervate the arm and hand by cutting only a likely contribute to the reactivation. Finally, with lesions
few dorsal roots, thus removing most, but not all, of the that are extensive, and when all of the hand cortex is
inputs from some of the digits. As a result, only a few not reactivated by the hand, then parts of the hand
preserved inputs from the digits, ones that were too few representations may become activated by touch on the
to activate cortex immediately after surgery, became face (Jain et al., 1997; Jain, Qi, Collins, & Kaas, 2008).
effective in activating most of the deprived cortical ter- The activation by inputs from the face appears to
ritories for those digits, with a recovery of hand use over depend on the growth of a few axons from the face past
a period of weeks (Darian-Smith & Ciferri, 2005, 2006). their normal targets in brainstem trigeminal nuclei to
These experiments demonstrated that even sparse reach the cuneate nucleus for the forearm (Jain, Flor-
remaining inputs can reactivate their former cortical ence, Qi, & Kaas, 2000). Much of the hand subnucleus
territories over short periods of time. Furthermore, the of the contralateral ventroposterior nucleus also
cortical reactivations and behavioral recoveries were becomes responsive to the face (Jain et al., 2008). The
associated with sprouting of preserved axons in the reactivation of hand cortex by inputs from the face
cuneate nucleus and spinal cord (Darian-Smith & takes 6 to 8 months to emerge, a longer time perhaps
Ciferri, 2006), as well as in cortex. related to the longer distance the face axons need to

106 plasticity and learning

A B C the growth of axons from the face into the cuneate
Normal DC cut After 4-6 weeks nucleus for the hand, while reactivations depend on the
Arm Arm growth of preserved peripheral nerve inputs. Reactiva-
Wr ist
tions are likely also mediated and expanded by the

D4 growth of new connections at thalamic and cortical
D4 Unresponsive
Palm D3 levels.
D2 D2
D1 D1 Reorganization After Amputation A fourth way of
Face Face Face studying sensory loss has been after injuries to a limb
S1-3b Face Face that require amputation in monkeys or humans. Such
injuries are not common, but occasionally, monkeys in
Figure 11.2 Effects of dorsal column (DC) section at a high social groups are injured to the extent that a therapeu-
cervical level on the somatotopic organization of primary tic amputation is necessary. The somatosensory systems
somatosensory cortex, S1 (area 3b). Only the face to forearm of a few of these monkeys have been studied years after
region is shown. (A) The normal organization of area 3b in
monkeys. The digits 1–5 are represented in order in the injury. After a loss of the lower forearm, neurons
rostral two-thirds of area 3b, just medial to the representation throughout the forearm portion of area 3b and adjoin-
of the face. The palm is represented caudal to the digits. ing areas 1 respond to touch on the stump of the
(B) For days to weeks after a complete or nearly complete DC amputated arm and on the lower face (Florence &
cut, neurons throughout the hand, wrist, and forearm region Kaas, 1995). In addition, neurons in the region of the
of area 3b are unresponsive to tactile stimulation of the fore-
limb. Neurons in the face region remain normally responsive.
hand representation in the ventroposterior nucleus of
(C) After 4–6 post-lesion weeks, much of the deactivated hand the somatosensory thalamus became responsive to
and forelimb region becomes responsive to touch in the touch on the face and on the stump of the amputated
digits, palm, and forearm in a roughly normal somatotopic arm (Florence & Kaas, 2000). As with long-standing
pattern. However, the reactivation is variable across cases, and lesions of the dorsal column afferents, tactile inputs
digit territories are usually smaller than normal, but some-
from the face came to activate portions of the hand
times larger or discontinuous. In other regions, the neurons
are unresponsive to touch. After 6–8 months of recovery, cortex after a major sensory loss from the entire lower
some regions of hand cortex may become responsive to touch arm.
on the face. We know the perceptual consequences of such major
reactivations and reorganizations of the somatosensory
system because similar reactivations occur in humans
grow to reach the cuneate nucleus. A rapid and exten- with long-standing amputations of an arm. Noninvasive
sive recovery of hand use after dorsal column lesions imaging studies (fMRI) of the brain activity in humans
appears to depend on the amount of cortical reactiva- with arm amputations show that much of the hand and
tion, as well as the somatotopy of the reactivation. If arm region of contralateral somatosensory cortex (areas
most of the fingers are represented, especially digits 1 3b, 1, and 2) responds to touch on the face (Flor et al.,
and 2, and in their normal cortical territories, recovery 1995; Karl, Birbaumer, Lutzenberger, Cohen, & Flor,
is faster and better. 2001; Moore et al., 2000). Other evidence comes from
In summary, after a complete or nearly complete a patient who was being treated for pain in the phantom
lesion of the sensory afferents in the dorsal columns of limb after a long-standing amputation (Davis et al.,
the upper spinal cord, contralateral somatosensory 1998). As in many other patients with arm amputations,
cortex is unresponsive to touch on the hand, and hand this patient felt that the arm was still present, a feeling
use is impaired. Cortical reactivation by touch on the called a “phantom limb.” In this patient, as in some
hand is rapid, over a period of weeks, and hand use others, pain was felt in the phantom, and recordings
recovers. This reactivation and hand use is apparently with an electrode were necessary to locate the region
mediated by the potentiation of the few preserved producing the sensation of pain in the phantom.
axons in the dorsal column, and by the potentiation of Recording from neurons in the hand portion of the
second-order axons that travel outside the lesion to ventroposterior nucleus contralateral to the amputa-
reach the cuneate nucleus. These second-order neurons tion revealed receptive fields on the stump of the arm.
normally provide subthreshold modulating inputs. Yet when these same neurons were electrically stimu-
Finally, large lesions that remove more of the inputs to lated with the same electrode, the patient reported
the cuneate nucleus leave parts of the hand representa- feeling touch on the missing hand; that is, the phantom
tion unresponsive for a period of 6 to 8 months, after hand. This result indicates that even though the reacti-
which inputs from the face may activate the cortex via vated thalamic neurons responded to the stump, they

kaas and bowes: plasticity of sensory and motor systems after injury 107
signaled touch on the hand, as if the hand were still more extensive growth of new connections (Jain et al.,
present. This result is consistent with the reported sen- 2000; Xu & Wall, 1997).
sations of patients with amputations of the arm. Such Given the limited plasticity that was observed in the
patients may feel touch on the missing hand (the lateral geniculate nucleus after retinal lesions, a sur-
phantom) when touched on the face, or on the stump prising level of reactivation was found after in primary
(Ramachandran, Rogers-Ramachandran, & Stewart, visual cortex. After months of recovery from small,
1992). bilateral 100 or less lesions of the retina, neurons
In summary, all types of sensory loss produce reactiva- throughout the deprived region of visual cortex
tions of deprived portions of the somatosensory system. responded to visual stimulation with receptive fields
The reactivation can be rapid, over days to weeks, with based on parts of the retina just outside the lesion. As
a limited sensory loss, and the reactivation from pre- this fringe zone of retina activated neurons in both
served afferents appears to lead to considerable func- their normal locations in V1, and in neurons across
tional recovery. When the sensory loss is extensive, the deprived zone, the normal retinotopic organiza-
reactivations are incomplete for periods of months, fol- tion of V1 was disrupted, as neurons in the fringe
lowed by reactivations based on inputs that do not con- and in the deprived zone had overlapping receptive
tribute to any recovery of function, but instead lead to fields. This overlap was called receptive field “pile-up.”
perceptual errors. This happens when inputs from the Cortical reorganization after retinal lesions was first
face activate cortex formerly devoted to the hand. All reported for visual cortex of cats (Kaas et al., 1990),
reactivations appear to depend on the formation of new and soon thereafter for V1 of monkeys (Darian-Smith
connections in the somatosensory system, perhaps at & Gilbert, 1995; Gilbert & Wiesel, 1992; Heinen &
several levels of processing. Skavenski, 1991). With much larger cortical deac-
tivation produced by bilateral lesions of the foveal
region of the retina in monkeys, the reactivation was
Reactivations of visual cortex after lesions of incomplete, revealing a cortical core of unresponsive
the retina cortex (Heinen & Skavenski, 1991). In a more recent
study with microelectrode recording and optical
The capacity of the mature visual system to reorganize imaging, the authors focused on the unresponsive
has been studied by placing small, visuotopically match- core (Smirnakis et al., 2005). However, microelectrode
ing or overlapping lesions of the retina of each eye. This recordings from neurons in cortex bordering the unre-
procedure produced a region in primary visual cortex, sponsive core revealed receptive field “pile-up”—clear
V1, which no longer received its normal source of acti- evidence of plasticity. The reactivation of the deprived
vating input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the zone of cortex, called the lesion projection zone, con-
visual thalamus. Well before the cortical effects of such tinued to increase, and neuron responses to visual
lesions were known, Eysel, Gonzalez-Aguillar, and Mayer stimuli improved for at least one year (Giannikopoulos
(1980, 1981) discovered that small lesions of the retina & Eysel, 2006). Overall, the evidence for the reactiva-
in cats produced a permanent core of unresponsive tion of visual cortex is compelling. Considerable corti-
neurons in the deprived portions of the lateral genicu- cal plasticity does occur after retinal lesions, but when
late nucleus that were directly denervated by the lesions the region of deactivated primary visual cortex is large,
of the retina. However, the core of unresponsive neurons complete reactivation may not occur.
was bordered by a narrow zone of deprived neurons Because of the limited reactivation of deprived
that had become activated by inputs from parts of the neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus, the reactiva-
retina around the lesion. Thus, there was plasticity as tion of cortical neurons appears to be largely the result
the neurons along the margins of the deprived zones of the sprouting of cortical axons intrinsic to V1 into
acquired new sources of activation. However, the forma- the deprived zone, as the extents of new axon growth
tion of new connections from the retina in the lateral match the sizes of the reactivated zones (Darian-Smith
geniculate nucleus was very limited. The effects of & Gilbert, 1994; Yamahachi, Mavik, McManus, Denk, &
retinal lesions on the lateral geniculate nucleus of Gilbert, 2009). In addition, lesions of V1 along the
monkeys were similar. Restricted retinal lesions pro- margin of the reactivated cortex block the responsive-
duced a core of unresponsive neurons in the deprived ness of neurons in the lesion-projection zone (Calford,
zones of lateral geniculate nucleus layers, and plasticity Wright, Metha, & Taglianetti, 2003). The response
was extremely limited (Darian-Smith & Gilbert, 1995). properties of the reactivated cortical neurons to visual
In contrast, the neurons in the cuneate nucleus with stimuli appear to be nearly normal, although response
direct inputs from the hand and arm are reactivated by thresholds may be elevated and response magnitudes

108 plasticity and learning

reduced (Chino et al., 1995). In humans with retinal compensate by having higher levels of spontaneous
lesions, the scotoma produced by the lesion “fills in” activity, they could contribute to the perception of non-
with information from the retina around the lesion, so existent sounds, as in tinnitus (Rauschecker, 1999).
that the blind spot in the visual field is not perceived
(Sergent, 1988). Cortical reactivation appears to occur Plasticity of motor cortex and corticospinal
in adult humans after damage to the retina (Baker, projections
Dilks, Peli, & Kanwisher, 2008), as in adult monkeys.
Thus, the perceptual change where the scotoma fills in Primary motor cortex represents movements of body
is likely mediated by cortical reactivation and receptive parts via connections to groups of motor and premotor
field pile-up. neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord. Overall, the
movement map in M1 is somatotopically organized, so
Cortical reorganization after a hearing loss that foot, trunk, hand, and face movements are evoked
by electrical stimulation in a mediolateral sequence
Noise-induced hearing loss is common in humans, across M1, but locally the organization forms a mosaic
especially in older adults. Because of differences in so that wrist, elbow, and shoulder movement can be
coding mechanisms and cochlear anatomy, the hearing evoked at some sites that are mixed with sites that evoke
loss is most pronounced for high-frequency sounds. As digit movements (Gould, Cusick, Pons, & Kaas, 1986;
the high-frequency hearing loss becomes more and Kaas, Stepniewska, & Gharbawie, 2012; Schieber, 2001).
more pronounced, more of the auditory system becomes A loss of sensory input to cortex, and the subsequent
deprived of its normal sources of activation. It was once reorganization of sensory cortex, could alter the orga-
assumed that the mature auditory system in mammals nization of motor cortex due to the reorganized and
was hard-wired and did not change as a result of hearing possibly misleading sensory relay of information from
loss. Thus, many neurons throughout the auditory somatosensory cortex to M1. However, abnormalities in
system would be unresponsive to sound after a high- the motor map in the M1 hand region were not detected
frequency hearing loss. While the plasticity of the audi- after long-standing lesions of the contralateral dorsal
tory system has not been extensively studied, especially column in adult moneys (Qi, Stepniewska, & Kaas,
in primates, there is compelling evidence at the level of 2000). In contrast, changes in M1 occur after long-
primary auditory cortex that deprived cortical neurons standing dorsal column lesions placed in early postnatal
become responsive to remaining auditory inputs, very monkeys, as a reduced representation of evoked finger
much like the reactivation of somatosensory cortex movements was detected in such monkeys reared to
after sensory loss. In a study of three adult macaque adulthood (Qi et al., 2010). Likely, in these monkeys
monkeys with a high-frequency hearing loss induced by that were deprived of normal sensory guidance of
ototoxic drugs, recording with microelectrodes after 2 skilled use of their fingers of the affected hand, motor
to 3 months demonstrated that the tonotopic organiza- cortex developed differently.
tion of primary auditory cortex, A1, had changed so Restricted lesions of part of the hand-forelimb repre-
that the caudal portion of A1 that is normally respon- sentation of primary motor cortex are typically fol-
sive to high-frequency tones had become responsive lowed by a period of impaired hand function, followed
to middle-frequency tones (Kaas, 1996; Schwaber, by a recovery of much of the lost function (Glees &
Garraghty, & Kaas, 1993). Similar results have been Cole, 1950; Hoffman & Strick, 1995; Nudo & Milliken,
reported for mice (Willott, Aitkin, & McFadden, 1993), 1996; see Dancause & Nudo, 2011, for review). The
cats (Irvin & Rojan, 1997), and guinea pigs (Robertson recovery may be enhanced by practice or training in
& Irvine, 1989). Although these changes have been forelimb and hand use. In addition, the motor map,
detected in primary auditory cortex, they likely occur, revealed by electrical stimulation with microelectrodes
to a lesser extent, in subcortical structures. Of course, to produce hand and digit movements, is altered over
changes in the activation pattern in primate auditory the recovery period so that cortex adjoining the region
cortex would be relayed to a host of other auditory of the lesion in primary motor cortex, M1, produces
areas, adding substantially to the number of neurons some of the movements formerly evoked from the
that are responsive to middle-frequency sounds. The lesioned tissue (Nudo & Milliken, 1996). Some of the
functional consequences of this reactivation of auditory functional changes could be mediated by alterations in
neurons might be beneficial for some auditory tasks, intrinsic connections within M1, so that output patterns
but sounds could also be misinterpreted as having of M1 are altered. In addition, the activating inputs to
more high-frequency components than were present. M1 may change, as M1 receives goal-directed infor-
To the extent that incompletely reactivated neurons mation from posterior parietal cortex and premotor

kaas and bowes: plasticity of sensory and motor systems after injury 109
cortex (Kaas, Gharbawie, & Stepniewska, 2011; Dan- cortex lend to reactivation of deprived neurons in
cause et al., 2006). But much of the recovery of func- higher-order visual areas, either by a potentiation of
tion likely depends on new termination patterns of other sources of activation, as proposed for the media-
corticospinal projections of intact parts of M1 to tion of blindsight (Cowey, 2010; Jenkins & Merzenich,
occupy and activate deprived motor and premotor 1987; Stoerig & Cowey, 1997; Weiskrantz, 1990; Weisk-
neurons that mediate muscle activity and organize rantz et al., 1974), or by the potentiation of intrinsic,
movements. lateral connections from activated to deprived cortex
Other types of nervous system damage also alter the within the higher-order visual area (Collins, Lyon, &
organization of M1. Amputation of limbs not only Kaas, 2003, 2005). Similarly, a small lesion of primary
deprives motor cortex of its normal sensory input, but somatosensory cortex, area 3b, is followed by a local
also of its normal motor functions. After months to reorganization of that cortex (Jenkins & Merzenich,
years of recovery after therapeutic amputation of the 1987), likely induced by a sprouting of thalamocortical
forelimb in monkeys, electrical stimulation of the inputs, or the potentiation of subthreshold connections
deprived forelimb portion of M1 produces shoulder that existed before the lesions, but new connections are
and arm stump movements (Qi et al., 2000; Schieber & also likely formed in area 1, as well as in other areas
Deuel, 1997; Wu & Kaas, 1999). In part, these changes with a loss of direct inputs from area 3b. Lesions of
in cortical organization were the result of the sprouting primary somatosensory cortex, and adjoining areas 1
of cut peripheral-nerve motor axons that had inner- and 2, resulted in a reactivation of deprived parts of
vated the muscles of the missing limb to newly innervate the second somatosensory area, S2 (Pons, Garraghty, &
muscles of the stump (Wu & Kaas, 2000). Mishkin, 1988). Furthermore, lesions of the hand rep-
The functional reorganization of motor cortex is resentation in M1 lead to an increase in size of the hand
also altered by the sprouting of cut corticospinal axons representation in the ventral premotor area and an
to innervate new spinal cord motor and premotor increase in somatosensory connections (Dancause et
neurons. Lesions of the corticospinal tract at the level al., 2005). In addition, small lesions of cortical regions
of the upper cervical spinal cord are followed by in posterior parietal cortex that are involved in a spe-
impaired hand use, followed by a period of recovery. cific behavior, such as reaching, are followed by a rapid
The corticospinal projections arise predominantly, but recovery of the impaired behavior (Padberg et al.,
not exclusively, from M1 (Galea & Darian-Smith, 1994). 2010). Thus, we propose that wherever neurons are
Most of these projections from M1 are to the contralat- deprived of their normal sources of activation in cortex,
eral spinal cord, but a significant number are to the and likely at other levels, they are partially or totally
ipsilateral spinal cord. Experimental results so far indi- reactivated by the potentiation of other inputs, by the
cate that there is little spontaneous sprouting of cut growth of axons to form new connections, or both.
corticospinal axons past the barrier of the glial scar of
the lesion site (“axons do not penetrate the lesion, Treatments that promote or refine plasticity
cross it, or grow around it … in significant numbers”;
Steward et al., 2008, p. 6836). Instead, much of the Repairing the Injured Central Nervous System: A
behavioral recovery may be due to the considerable Focus on Spinal Cord Injury Although the mature
sprouting of the spared ipsilateral corticospinal axons nervous system retains considerable ability to form new
to cross the spinal cord midline below the spinal cord connections and recover from damage, various treat-
lesion (Rosenzweig et al., 2010). ments have the potential of increasing useful plasticity
In summary, the functional reorganization in motor and promoting functional recovery. Recent studies,
cortex may depend in part on rearrangements of intrin- especially in the spinal cord injury field, have made
sic connections and cortical inputs, but the terminal great progress in elucidating conditions under which it
arbors of corticospinal axons are plastic and capable of can be coaxed to increase its malleability. These com-
forming new contacts. In addition, the synaptic contacts prise not only alterations in synaptic strength, short-
of spinal motor neurons on muscles are plastic and can range rewiring or terminal sprouting (Darian-Smith &
change to innervate different muscles. Ciferri, 2006; Florence & Kaas, 1995; Jain et al., 2000;
Kaas et al., 2008), but also the extension of large
All cortical areas in adult mammals are plastic numbers of axons over remarkable distances (Lu et al.,
2012b). It is worth a reminder that increased plasticity
All cortical areas in adult primates and other mammals within the central nervous system (CNS) doesn’t neces-
are likely plastic. The evidence is not comprehensive, sarily translate to improved functional recovery (Lu et
but it is compelling. Partial lesions of primary visual al., 2012a), and indeed may actually induce mechanical

110 plasticity and learning

or thermal hypersensitivity, or cutaneous mislocation. & Muller, 2012). Studies in rats demonstrated the effi-
Oftentimes, however, whether as a result of axonal cacy of Nogo inhibition in stimulating the regrowth of
regeneration or facilitation of intraspinal or cortical cortical spinal tract axons up to 11 mm caudal to the
reorganization of spared circuits, researcher interven- lesion site by means of intracerebral implantation of
tions have led to improved outcomes after the central Nogo-A antibody producing hybridoma grafts (Schnell
nervous system has suffered an insult such as a spinal & Schwab, 1990). Other promising results were seen in
cord injury. The following examples are largely further studies (Liebscher et al., 2005; Simonen et al.,
from studies in mice and rats due to the greater avail- 2003) that utilized different delivery routes and dosages,
ability of molecular biology tools for rodent gene and across different SCI models, including a primate
manipulation. SCI study wherein neurites were observed to grow into
the lesion site in four of the five treated animals (Fouad,
Neuroprotection After a central nervous system Klusman, & Schwab, 2004). Importantly, a Nogo immu-
injury, the primary and most beneficial method of pre- notherapy clinical trial has been underway for several
serving function is via neuroprotection. Within 30 years.
minutes of CNS injury, cells express proinflammatory
cytokines that lead to the recruitment of even greater Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans Chondroitin sulphate
numbers of peripheral immune cells into the site of proteoglycans, or CSPGs, comprise an integral part of
injury (Yang et al., 2004, 2005). These inflammatory the extracellular matrix around neurons, as well as the
cytokines (Ankeny & Popovich, 2009; Detloff et al., glial scar that walls off the injury after SCI (Lemons,
2008; Donnelly & Popovich, 2008) are crucial to the Howland, & Anderson, 1999; Rolls et al., 2008). This
processes of wound healing, and to the sequestration of scar formation serves the beneficial role of protecting
an excitotoxic environment that kills neighboring cells the unassaulted perilesion spinal cord from the waves
via increases in extracellular glutamate and the ubiqui- of inflammation and excitotoxicity that otherwise exac-
tous cell-signaling calcium. The deleterious effects of erbate the injury (Silver, 2008). The scar is, however, a
inflammatory molecules, however, soon begin to hinder potent chemical and physical barrier to the outgrowth
recovery. Therefore, various immunomodulatory drugs of regenerating axons (Plant, Bates, & Bunge, 2001;
have been under scrutiny for reducing the secondary Snow, Brown, & Letourneau, 1996), and therefore is a
damage that significantly compounds an injury to the continued target for the dissolution or modulation of
CNS (Casha et al., 2012; David, Lopez-Vales, & Wee its inhibitory components.
Yong, 2012; Lord-Fontaine et al., 2008). While it is clear The commonly used method for digestion of CSPGs
that the best outcome after CNS injury involves protect- has been the application of the bacterial digestive
ing the remaining susceptible infrastructure, interven- enzyme chondrotinase ABC. The Proteus vulgaris
tions may not be timely, and this therefore requires that product has been used in a large number of experi-
we maximize the potential of the remaining circuits ments and has repeatedly led to increased CNS plasticity.
either via the replacement of lost cells, intraspinal or Initial reports measuring regeneration of dopaminergic
cortical reorganization, or axonal sprouting or regen- nigrostriatal axons following axotomy and treatment
eration. The most commonly utilized spinal cord injury with chondroitinase ABC indicated that nigral axons
(SCI) repair strategies follow. grew up to 4 mm through the injury site along the
course of the original nigrostriatal tract back toward the
Overcoming Inhibitory Molecules in the ipsilateral striatum (Moon, Asher, Rhodes, & Fawcett,
Central Nervous System 2001). Subsequently, Bradbury et al. (2002) demon-
strated that chABC application could also be used to
Nogo Approximately 25 years ago, researchers discov- promote the growth of dorsal column fibers, which
ered that axonal myelin actively inhibits the outgrowth were apparent 4 mm past the dorsal column lesion site.
of neurites, both in vitro and in vivo (Caroni, Savio, & These studies also reported a correlational improve-
Schwab, 1988; Caroni & Schwab, 1988; Schwab & ment in beam and grid locomotor tasks, but it is likely
Caroni, 1988). Subsequently, a major myelin-associated that these improvements were mediated via short-dis-
neurite growth inhibitor has been identified and named tance intraspinal sprouting. More recently, the applica-
Nogo-A. Nogo-A is one of the transcripts of the Nogo tion of chABC to the cuneate nucleus in primates
gene that has been experimentally neutralized with promoted the effectiveness of surviving D1 afferents to
function-blocking antibodies in efforts to enhance the activate larger portions of somatosensory cortex after
regeneration and growth of injured axons in order to most or all of the dorsal column cutaneous afferents of
restore functions (see Fawcett, Schwab, Montani, Brazda, other digits had been cut (Bowes et al., 2012). Whereas

kaas and bowes: plasticity of sensory and motor systems after injury 111
most other studies had focused on the resulting changes (PTEN) in the sensorimotor cortex of adult mice. Liu
at the spinal cord level, the reactivation of primary and colleagues (2010) used Cre-expressing adeno-asso-
somatosensory cortex to which dorsal column afferents ciated virus (AAV-Cre) to delete the gene encoding
are relayed was evaluated. By intentionally sparing PTEN in homozygous conditional PTEN mutant mice.
dorsal column afferents from digit 1 (thumb), it was After lesions of the corticospinal tract in adults that
demonstrated that months after the dorsal column had received neonatal AAV-Cre injections, PTEN dele-
lesion and cuneate nucleus treatment, the cortical ter- tion elicited considerable sprouting of the intact ipsi-
ritory in area 3b of somatosensory cortex activated by lateral corticospinal tract into the contralateral cord.
touch on D1 was larger in chABC-treated than in control Further studies by these authors (Sun et al., 2011)
monkeys. showed an increased capacity for axonal regeneration
after co-deletion of PTEN and suppressor of cytokine
Gene therapy signaling 3 (SOCS3) in an optic nerve crush model,
but similar observations have not yet been demon-
Growth Factors Given the discovery that secretion strated in the spinal cord. Importantly, it has been
of exogenous growth factors has the ability to not only shown that conditionally deleted SOCS3 expression in
promote the regrowth of axons after injury, but to also nestin-expressing cells have increased STAT3 activa-
serve in chemotactic guidance toward appropriate tion, and that this limits the inflammatory expression
targets (Massey et al., 2008), researchers have sought after injury, thereby reducing cell death (Okada et al.,
methods to deliver these neurotrophic factors constitu- 2006). Alternatively, CNS deletion of STAT3 delays
tively after injury. Additionally, growth-factor delivery formation of the glial scar, leading to greater inflam-
has been shown to be effective not only when delivered mation, cell death, and functional impairment (Her-
acutely, but also after chronic injuries (Kadoya et al., rmann et al., 2008). Therefore, SOCS3 reduction may
2009). However, widespread delivery of these neuro- indeed be a good combinatorial component for reduc-
trophic factors can lead to adverse effects, and there- ing post-SCI deficits.
fore local and targeted administration is required. In 2009, a group of researchers (Moore et al., 2009)
Extended neurotrophic delivery has been achieved via screened developmentally regulated genes in retinal
infusion, ex vivo methods wherein grafts of tissue genet- ganglion cells and identified a family of Kruppel-like
ically modified to secrete brain-derived neurotropic transcription factors (KLF) that regulated intrinsic
factor, neurotrophin -4/5, or glial-cell-line–derived axon regeneration ability. Of these, KLF7 was later
neurotropic factor have been implanted into the lesion found to have a large impact on axon growth after its
site after SCI, or via viral vector gene delivery (Blits, developmental down-regulation was countered with
Dijkhuizen, Boer, & Verhaagen, 2000; Piantino, Burdick, overexpression in in vitro cortical neurons (Blackmore
Goldberg, Langer, & Benowitz, 2006; Ruitenberg, et al., 2012). This held true in vivo when overexpression
Vukovic, Sarich, Busfield, & Plant, 2006; Schnell, Sch- of a KLF7 chimera with a VP16 transactivation domain
neider, Kolbeck, Barde, & Schwab, 1994; Zhou & Shine, in adult mice produced axonal regrowth in the CST
2003). These grafts were usually successful in inducing tract.
axonal elongation, but only to a limited extent. Typically,
greater elongation of sensory axons occurred (Bradbury Cell Transplantation The allure of cell transplan-
et al., 1999; Taylor, Jones, Tuszynski, & Blesch, 2006), tation is quite understandable given the many potential
but corticospinal tract axons remained resistant to benefits that could be achieved with an effective trans-
manipulation. plant. Cell transplantation has the capacity to physically
bridge a lesion site, replace lost neurons or supporting
Regeneration-Associated Genes As the central cells, secrete growth factors that can enhance regenera-
nervous system matures, a down-regulation of mTOR tion or sprouting of damaged axons, and even aid in
activity occurs. Age and injury-dependent down-regu- chemotactic signaling for guidance toward appropriate
lation of neuronal mTOR activity was identified as a targets (Biernaskie et al., 2007; Grill, Blesch, & Tuszyn-
major cause of the lack of regeneration of optic nerve ski, 1997; Guest, Rao, Olson, Bunge, & Bunge, 1997;
axons after injury, and genetic activation of mTOR was Haas & Fischer, 2013; Kajikawa, de la Mothe, Blumell,
observed to facilitate axon regrowth (Park et al., & Hackett, 2003; Kobayashi et al., 2012; Martin et al.,
2008). Subsequent efforts (Liu et al., 2010) revealed 1996; Ruitenberg et al., 2006; Tuszynski, Grill, Jones,
that considerable sprouting of the corticospinal tract McKay, & Blesch, 2002; X. M. Xu, Zhang, Li, Aebischer,
also occurred after the conditional deletion of the & Bunge, 1999). Regenerating axons will grow into a
gene for the phosphate tensor homologue protein cell graft, but the greatest difficulty still lies in coaxing

112 plasticity and learning

them through and beyond the lesion site for any con- into a complementary strategy to rebuild a circuit that
siderable distance. However, this is not an insurmount- best facilitates recovery after CNS injury. Treatment
able problem in terms of therapeutic potential since with chondroitinase ABC has also been recently com-
axons do grow around the lesion site, where they can bined with an older approach that had previously led
potentially form new or re-establish functional connec- to only limited success. A number of investigations had
tions that increase the remaining circuit’s usefulness. used a segment of peripheral nerve to bridge a gap in
Grafted Schwann cells overexpressing glial-cell-line– the spinal cord due to injury. However, a buildup of
derived neurotrophic factor have also been used to growth-inhibitory CSPGs prevented regenerating spinal
promote regeneration of descending propriospinal cord axons from entering or leaving the bridge. In
axons through and beyond the lesion gap of a spinal several studies, chondroitinase ABC has been used to
cord hemisection where they formed new synapses counter the CSPGs, resulting in axon growth across the
(Deng et al., 2013). bridge that restored function (see Lee et al., 2013).

Combinatorial Treatments With the promising, yet Conclusion

restricted, gains in individual therapies available, it is
perhaps more productive to tackle the problem with In summary, behavioral training has long been the most
multiple interventions at once. The potential of combi- productive treatment for promoting behavioral recov-
natorial treatments to transform the central nervous eries after nervous system injury. The recoveries may be,
system into a more permissive state is already being in part, due to the learning of behavior compensations,
realized. but they also may promote the formation of favorable
Crucial to the usefulness of new synaptic connections new connections as a result of activity-dependent mech-
is that they occur within a suitable target. Therefore, in anisms. In addition, a number of other treatments are
addition to co-administration of neurotrophic factors, promising to be effective by removing barriers to new
and dissolution of the CSPGs within the glial scar or axon growth and enhancing growth with growth factors.
around target neurons, physical rehabilitation might While the research emphasis has been on promoting
mediate an important component of functional recov- formation of new connections, more research is needed
ery after injury via activity-dependent axonal guidance. to find ways that restrict new growth that could lead to
With this in mind, Garcia-Alias, Barkhuysen, Buckle, misperception, motor errors, and impaired cognition.
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118 plasticity and learning

12 Modularity, Plasticity, and Development
of Brain Function

ABSTRACT We discuss the relationship between modularity of Noor, & Alon, 2007). At short time, modularity improves
neural activity in the brain and cognitive ability and review the plasticity of a system, because the system more effi-
observations and theories relating modularity to plasticity of
ciently finds a solution in the smaller, modular sub-
brain neural activity. By analogy with evolutionary biology, we
hypothesize that selection for maximum plasticity of the space. At long time, the system has enough time to find
human brain occurs in young adulthood, which implies mod- the optimal organization in the space of all possibilities,
ularity should peak in young adults. We show that modularity which is unlikely to be in the modular subspace. There
of neural activity derived from functional MRI data rises from is, then, a tension between the increased ability to adapt
childhood, peaks in young adults, and declines in older that modularity confers upon a system at short time and
adults. We suggest experiments to measure the impact of
modularity on fast, low-level, automatic cognitive processes the constraint that modularity imposes upon a system
versus high-level, effortful, conscious cognitive processes. We at long time. The amount of modularity that arises in a
suggest modularity may be a useful biomarker for disease, system reflects a balance between these two competing
injury, or rehabilitation. effects, as a function of the time scale at which selection
occurs (Sun & Deem, 2007).
Biological systems are modular, and the organization of Modularity is an order parameter that characterizes
their genetic material reflects this modularity (Hart- the structure of correlations of neural activity in the
well, Hopfield, Leibler, & Murray, 1999; Rojas, 1996; brain. If a network of neural brain activity can change
Simon, 1962; Waddington, 1942). Genes are organized its architecture, it will change its modularity to a value
into exons, and expression of different exons allows that achieves the balance of plasticity and cognitive per-
one gene to produce multiple proteins. In many cases, formance demanded of it (Lorenz, Jeng, & Deem,
each exon confers a distinct function to the protein, 2011). In particular, a system under greater pressure to
and so an exon is a modular element. Similarly, while respond quickly will tend to develop a more modular
genes interact, each gene confers function or functions distribution of connections. A pressure to respond
to the organism, and so a gene is a modular element. quickly selects for an effective response function of the
Collections of related genes clustered together on the system, at the time scale of the environmental change
genome occasionally form a functional unit termed an (Sun & Deem, 2007). More modular systems have a
operon, which is also a module. more rapid response at short times. The rate of growth
In this chapter, we are interested in a different sort of modularity from an initially nonmodular state is
of modularity, that of spatially and temporally corre- roughly proportional to the variability in selection pres-
lated neural activity in the brain. A group of neurons sure (Sun & Deem, 2007). Similarly, if there is selection
that tends to be activated above threshold for a period pressure for a system to adapt rapidly to steady state
of time in response to a stimulus is termed a region of from an initially unfit state, modularity can arise
interest, which is a module (Schwarz, Gozzi, & Bifone, (Wagner & Altenberg, 1996). The coupling between
2008). Remarkably, these modules of neural activity are transport and a heterogeneous spatial environment
also generated spontaneously from purely subject- also leads to the emergence of modularity (Kashtan,
driven cognitive states (Shirer, Ryali, Rykhlevskaia, Parter, Dekel, Mayo, & Alon, 2009).
Menon, & Greicius, 2012). The remainder of this chapter is organized as
Organization of biology into modules simultaneously follows. In the following section, we introduce modu-
restricts the possibilities for function, because the larity and discuss a number of biological examples of
modular organization is a subset of all possible organi- modularity, culminating with a discussion of modular-
zations, and may lead to more rapid evolution, because ity in neural activity. We provide an intuitive and a
the evolution occurs in a vastly restricted modular sub- mathematical definition of modularity and discuss how
space of all possibilities (Sun & Deem, 2007; Kashtan, modularity may adapt in time. In the third section,

chen and deem: modularity, plasticity, and development of brain function 119
“Modularity and brain function,” we discuss how mod- clusters into these regions. The fMRI data measure
ularity in neural activity of the brain is correlated with brain activity with spatial and temporal resolution
learning rate. We also discuss how modularity is during a 20- to 30-minute imaging session.
lowered in patients with brain injury or disease. In The data are analyzed by extracting the activity as a
“Modularity and plasticity,” we discuss how modularity function of position within the brain and may be further
increases plasticity and how increased modularity of averaged within regions of interest—for example, all
neural activity in the brain is expected to increase per- the Brodmann’s areas. The correlations of neural activ-
formance at task switching. In “Modularity of neural ity among different regions of interest are then com-
activity increases then decreases with age,” we consider puted. A cutoff is typically applied so that only the
how modularity of neural activity of the brain develops largest of these correlations are considered. A sche-
from childhood to old age. We show that modularity matic of this process is shown in figure 12.1.
rises, peaks in young adults, and declines in old adults. Modularity is defined by rearranging and partition-
We also show that modularity is positively correlated ing the correlation matrix, with cutoff applied, so that
with raw IQ score. In the following section, we discuss it is as block-diagonal as possible (Fortunato, 2010).
some of the details of functional magnetic resonance Mathematically, modularity is the probability to have a
imaging (fMRI) analysis. We conclude in the final correlation within the modules, minus the probability
section. to have a correlation expected by random chance
(Newman, 2006). In other words,
Modularity 1 ⎛ a ia j ⎞
M= ∑
2e all modules
∑ ⎜⎝ A ij −
2e ⎠
⎟ (1)
Biological systems have long been recognized to be nodes ij within this module

modular. In 1942, Waddington presented his now classic where Aij is 1 if there is a link between node i and node
description of a canalized landscape for development, j and 0; otherwise, ai = Σj Aij is the degree of node i,
in which minor perturbations do not disrupt the func- 1
tion of developmental modules (Waddington, 1942). In and e = ∑ i a i the total number of links. The value of
1961, H. A. Simon described how biological systems are modularity depends on the definition of the modules,
more efficiently adapted and are more stable if they are that is, how the nodes are partitioned into modules in
modular (Simon, 1962). A seminal paper by Hartwell, Eq. 1. The clustering of the nodes into modules is
Hopfield, Leibler, and Murray (1999) firmly established defined by choosing the partitioning that maximizes
the concept of modularity in cell biology. Systems Eq. 1.
biology has since provided a wealth of examples of The modularity of biological systems changes over
modular cellular circuits, including metabolic circuits time. There are a number of demonstrations of the
(Ravasz, Somera, Mongru, Oltvai, & Barabási, 2002) evolution of modularity in biological systems. For
and modules on different scales; that is, modules of example, the modularity of the protein-protein interac-
modules (da Silva, Ma, & Zeng, 2008). Protein-protein tion network significantly increases when yeast are
interaction networks have been observed to be modular exposed to heat shock (Mihalik & Csermely, 2011), and
(Gavin et al., 2006; Spirin & Mirny, 2003; von Mering the modularity of the protein-protein networks in both
et al., 2003). yeast and E. coli appears to have increased over evolu-
Ecological food webs have been found to be modular tionary time (He, Sun, et al., 2009). Additionally, food
(Krause, Frank, Mason, Ulanowicz, & Taylor, 2003). webs in low-energy, stressful environments are more
The gene regulatory network of the developmental modular than those in plentiful environments (Lorenz
pathway exhibits modules (Raff & Raff, 2000; Wagner, et al., 2011), arid ecologies are more modular during
1996), and the developmental pathway is modular droughts (Rietkerk, Dekker, de Ruiter, & van de Koppel,
(Klingenberg, 2008). 2004), and foraging of sea otters is more modular when
Modules have also been found in spatial correlations food is limiting (Tinker, Bentall, & Estes, 2008). Other
of brain activity (Chavez et al., 2010; Ferrarnini et al., complex dynamical systems exhibit time-dependent
2009; He, Wang et al., 2009; Meunier, Achard, Morcom, modularity as well. The modularity of social networks
& Bullmore, 2009; Meunier, Lambiotte, & Bullmore, changes over time: stock-brokers’ instant messaging
2010; Schwarz et al., 2008). Modularity of brain activity networks are more modular under stressful market con-
is computed by analyzing correlations in fMRI data ditions (Saavedra, Hagerty, & Uzzi, 2011), and socioeco-
(Meunier et al., 2009; Schwarz et al., 2008). Intuitively, nomic community overlap decreases with increasing
modules are regions of correlated brain activity, and stress (Estrada & Hatano, 2010). Modularity of financial
modularity is a measure of how well the brain activity networks changes over time: the modularity of the world

120 plasticity and learning



Figure 12.1 Clustering of brain neural activity into modules modularity calculated from Eq. 1 is 0.6441, and the contribu-
and calculation of modularity. (A) The Brodmann’s areas, tions to M are 0.1585, 0.1310, 0.1592, and 0.1954 from the
onto which the measured fMRI neural activity data are pro- green, red, yellow, and orange modules, respectively. (D) The
jected (Dubuc). (B) Correlation matrix of the neural activity Brodmann’s areas grouped into the four modules. In this
between the different Brodmann’s areas, with only the largest slice, only two voxels of the second module are visible, with
elements retained (white). (C) Reordered correlation matrix, the majority of the voxels in a different region of the brain
showing the grouping of the areas into four modules. The not visible in this slice. From Chen & Deem (2014). (See color
Brodmann’s areas are grouped into modules by permuting plate 5.)
the rows and columns of the correlation matrix. The

trade network has decreased over the last 40 years, Features of modularity are correlated with learning
leading to increased susceptibility to recessionary shocks rates. In a study of subjects learning a simple motor
(He & Deem, 2010), and increased modularity has been skill, the flexibility of neural activity was positively cor-
suggested as a way to increase the robustness and adapt- related with learning ability (Bassett et al., 2011). Flex-
ability of the banking system (Haldane & May, 2011). ibility was defined as the probability that voxels of brain
neural activity participated in multiple modules. In
Modularity and brain function other words, the ability of the brain to reconfigure
neural activity into different modules was predictive of
Neural activity in the brain is modular (Fodor, 1983; learning rate.
Mountcastle, 1979). That is, neural activity in different In some cases, modularity of neural activity can dis-
regions of the brain is stimulated by different tasks. tinguish healthy subjects and patients with disease. For
Brain function of subjects activates different regions, example, an analysis of magnetoencephalographic
which can be observed in fMRI experiments (Shirer et signals from epileptic patients showed their neural
al., 2012). Patterns of neural activity that are activated activity to be less modular than that of normal subjects
during attention- and memory-demanding tasks are (Chavez et al., 2010). Patients with epilepsy had neural
correlated with structural connectivity in the brain activity networks with greater connectivity in addition
(Hermundstad et al., 2013). to lower modularity. These patients also had more

chen and deem: modularity, plasticity, and development of brain function 121
connections between nodes in different modules, which
by the definition of Newman’s modularity lowers the
modularity. Anecdotal evidence suggests patients with
traumatic brain injury have less modular neural activity
as well (Leclercq et al., 2000).

Fitness, f
M = 0.8

Modularity and plasticity

A networked system that is modular adapts more easily
than does a nonmodular networked system. This Time, t
concept was explored in the early works of Waddington
(1942) and Simon (1962). Modular networks adapt
more easily because most of the rewiring of connections M = 0.2
is done within the modules, and it is easier to rewire Figure 12.2 Modularity quantifies the amount of clustering
connections within a small module than within the in the correlations of neural brain activity. A highly modular
entire network. Evolution of the modules can also occur network of neural activity provides a better response (solid
in parallel if the modularity is high and the modules curve) to a challenge than does a less modular network
(dashed curve) at short times. At long times, the less modular
interact only weakly. Detailed calculations on models of
system will produce a better response. Thus, the optimal
molecular evolution have shown that modularity favors amount of modularity depends on the time scale of the
plasticity (Bogarad & Deem, 1999). required response. Here fitness quantifies the quality of the
The cognitive ability of the brain—that is, the ability cognitive response. For example, fitness, f, could be the prob-
of the brain to solve a challenging problem—depends ability that a subject correctly identifies an image that is visible
for a time, t.
on the modularity of neural activity. Figure 12.2 shows
the responses of a highly modular and a less modular
system. Here the term fitness is used to quantify the Applying this theory to the brain, one expects that
quality of the solution to the problem. For example, more highly modular patterns of neural function should
fitness, f, could be the probability that a subject cor- endow a brain with greater plasticity of neural function.
rectly identifies an image that is visible for a time, t. The Thus, more modular neural activity should allow the
more modular system produces a better solution at brain to more quickly switch from one type of neural
short times. Given enough time to respond, however, activation to another. In other words, increased modu-
the nonmodular system will have a better solution. larity of neural activity in the brain is expected to
Thus, the utility of modularity depends on the time increase performance at task switching.
scale of the required response. The term plasticity is
used to quantify the ability of the system to respond to Modularity of neural activity increases then
the challenge. Plasticity is the increase of fitness in decreases with age
response to a challenge. At short times, the modular
system is more plastic, because it adapts a better solu- A natural question to ask is how modularity of neural
tion to the problem. activity in the brain changes with age. Our hypothesis
Figure 12.2 suggests that if a networked system is is that selection for neural adaptability peaks during
under pressure to be plastic, modularity might be adulthood, adulthood being the period of peak
expected to arise (Lipson, Pollack, & Suh, 2002). Early demands on flexible brain function. We know that mod-
models showed that if a system is subjected to changing, ularity increases adaptability, from theory described in
modular goals, the system will become modular the previous section, in particular from the spontane-
(Kashtan & Alon, 2005; Kashtan et al., 2007). These ous emergence of modularity under conditions of
results are examples of selection for plasticity (Earl & greater environmental change (Kashtan et al., 2007;
Deem, 2004), in which modularity provides the plastic- Sun & Deem, 2007). Thus, modularity might peak
ity. It was further shown that structured goals are not during adulthood as well.
required, and that modularity can arise even in a ran- In other words, a part of brain development may be
domly varying environment (Sun & Deem, 2007). learning how to make modules of neural activity. These
Figure 12.2 is a schematic summary of these results, modules, while correlated with physical brain structure
showing increased rates of adaptation for more modular (Hermundstad et al., 2013), are not entirely hard-wired
networked systems. at birth. Interaction of the individual with a demanding

122 plasticity and learning

environment promotes the development of modular of neural activity is greater in adults than in children.
neural activity that endows the brain with increased This result is robust to changing the cutoff used when
plasticity and ability to task switch. projecting the correlation matrix to a binary matrix.
The hypothesis of neural activity peaking in adult- Not only is neural activity more modular in young
hood is borne out by experimental data. We analyzed adults than in children, but modularity of neural activ-
fMRI data from 24 children aged 4 to 11 watching ity also increases with age during childhood develop-
Sesame Street for 20 minutes, as well as fMRI data from ment. Shown in figure 12.4 is the correlation between
21 adults aged 18 to 26 watching the same Sesame modularity and age; the positive correlation shows that
Street video (Cantlon & Li, 2013). For each subject, we modularity increases with development. Scores on stan-
processed the fMRI data to make a movie of three- dardized test for childhood verbal and nonverbal IQ
dimensional neural activity with 4 mm spatial resolution were also analyzed (Cantlon & Li, 2013). Also shown in
and 2 sec time resolution. For each subject, we despiked figure 12.4 is the correlation between modularity and
the data and then projected it to standard Talairach raw KBIT-2 overall IQ score. This raw score is not age-
space (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988). We aligned the standardized. This positive correlation with raw IQ also
observed data to high-resolution deskulled anatomy supports the interpretation of modularity increasing
data for each subject. We further aligned the data with development.
through time to correct for head motion. Two children Finally, modularity peaks in adulthood and declines
and one adult were excluded due to excessive censor in old age. Resting state fMRI data from 17 young adults
readings, inferred to be due to excessive head move- aged 18 to 33 and 13 older adults aged 62 to 76 were
ment. These calculations were done using AFNI (Cox, analyzed (Meunier et al., 2009). The data were pro-
1996). Activity from each Brodmann area was then cor- jected onto standard regions of interest (Tzourio-
related, and a cutoff was applied to the correlation Mazoyer et al., 2002) and analyzed with SPM2 (Friston,
matrix. We then computed modularity of the cutoff Frith, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991). Correlations of
correlation matrix. these time series were calculated. A cutoff was applied
The values of modularity calculated for children and to make a binary correlation matrix between the regions
adults are shown in figure 12.3. We see that modularity of interest.
Finally, the modularity of this correlation matrix was
computed (Lorenz et al., 2011; Meunier et al., 2009).
Kids, aged 4−11
0.7 Adults, aged 18−26
We here reprocessed these data, eliminating unneces-
sary wavelet filtering. The results are shown in figure
12.5. As previously (Meunier et al., 2009; Lorenz et al.,
0.6 2011), we observe the modularity of adults aged 18 to
33 is greater than that of adults aged 62 to 76.

Modularity enhances plasticity, and modularity of
0.5 brain neural activity peaks in adulthood. This observa-
tion may be placed in mathematical form by consider-
ing the fitness of the brain to be a function of modularity.
0.4 For young children, this fitness function peaks at a
lower value of modularity than it does for adults. For
adults over 62, the fitness function again peaks at a
0.3 lower value of modularity. Figure 12.6 shows how the
200 300 400 500
fitness as a function of modularity may look for chil-
Number of edges
dren, young adults, and older adults. The modularities
Figure 12.3 Modularity of neural activity for children and measured for 400 edges are used to construct this esti-
adults. Modularity is greater for adults than for children.
mation of the fitness function.
Modularity is calculated from the correlation of neural activity
between Brodmann’s areas. The entries of the correlation
matrix are projected to unity for values above a cutoff and set Functional MRI data analysis
to zero otherwise. The number of correlation matrix entries
above the cutoff value—i.e., the number of white entries Here we present some details of the calculation of mod-
shown in figure 12.1—is denoted by edges. The trend of ularity from fMRI data. Such fMRI data provide an
increased modularity for adults is persistent for different cut-
offs—i.e., different edges—which quantify differing sparse- indirect measure of neural activity in the brain with
ness of the projected correlation matrix. The error bars are millimeter spatial and second temporal resolution. The
one standard error. (From Chen & Deem, 2014.) fMRI signal is an approximation of blood flow to each

chen and deem: modularity, plasticity, and development of brain function 123
0.55 0.5

Correlation between age and modularity


Correlation between IQ and modularity






0.1 0
200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500
Number of edges Number of edges

Figure 12.4 For each child, the age is known, the raw KBIT-2 modularity and age. Right: The correlation between modular-
IQ score was measured (Cantlon & Li, 2013), and the modu- ity and raw KBIT-2 overall IQ score. Modularity is positively
larity of neural brain activity was calculated. The correlation correlated with both age and IQ. These positive correlations
between modularity and either age or IQ was calculated. Ages show that modularity increases with development. (From
were in the range 4–11. Left: The correlation between Chen & Deem, 2014.)

region of the brain, and local blood flow is an approxi-

Adults, aged 18−33 mation to local neural activity. Technically, fMRI
0.7 Adults, aged 62−76
measures the difference in magnetic properties of
0.65 oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin (Ogawa,
0.6 Lee, Nayak, & Glynn, 1990). The fMRI data are col-
lected over a time period that can be up to 30 minutes.

0.55 Scans of the entire brain can be taken every 2 seconds.

0.5 The spatial resolution of these data can be 1 to 4 mm.
Typical data sets will be several two-dimensional slices
through the brain, repeated every 2 to 3 seconds, for
0.4 the duration of the experiment. In addition, for each
subject, a high-resolution image of the brain at one
time point will typically be collected to provide an ana-
0.3 tomical reference.
200 300 400 500
Software tools are now available so that one need not
Number of edges
be an imaging expert to analyze these data. AFNI and
Figure 12.5 Modularity of neural activity for adults aged SPM2 are popular packages (Cox, 1996; Friston et al.,
18–33 and adults aged 62–76. Modularity is greater for 1991). Data from each subject are analyzed indepen-
younger adults than for older adults. Modularity is calculated dently. The first step of the analysis is to combine the
on the correlation between Brodmann’s regions. The correla-
tion matrix entries are projected to unity for values above a two-dimensional slices into a three-dimensional fMRI
cutoff and set to zero otherwise. The trend of increased mod- representation of the neural activity as a function of
ularity for adults is persistent for different cutoffs, i.e., differ- time. Due to sensor noise and subject movement, data
ing sparseness of the projected correlation matrix. The error at some of the time points may be outside the expected
bars are one standard error. (After Lorenz et al., 2011; range for neural activity, and the values at these time
Meunier et al., 2009.)
points are removed and interpolated from adjacent
values. The fMRI data are then registered to the

124 plasticity and learning

Kids, 4−11 0.48
Adults, 18−26
Adults, 62−76




0 20 40 60 80
0.424 0.454 0.488 Age

Kids, 4−11
Adults, 18−26
Adults, 62−76

Figure 12.6 (A) Schematic representation of the results in


figures 12.3 and 12.5. Data are from subjects with ages in the
solid part of the curve. (B) Schematic figure of the fitness of
brain activity as a function of modularity. Fitness is a measure
of the quality of neural activity, over all the tasks demanded of
the brain. To measure this average fitness, figure 12.2 is con-
structed for many typical challenges and typical response
times, and an average is taken. The peak of fitness is set at the
observed values of modularity for children, young adults, and
old adults. The width of the curve is set schematically to the
0.424 0.454 0.488
standard deviation of the observed subject modularity within
Modularity each group.

high-resolution anatomical data, typically by registering of interest is then calculated (Meunier et al., 2009;
one of the first few images of the fMRI data. Since Schwarz et al., 2008).
brains of different subjects are of different sizes, the Only those elements above a cutoff value are retained
imaging data are then typically scaled into standardized and set to unity, with all other elements set to zero. The
Talairach brain coordinates (Talairach & Tournoux, modularity of this cutoff correlation matrix is then cal-
1988). The fMRI data are then registered during the culated by Eq. 1.
time course to correct for frame-to-frame head motion
of the subject. The outcome of these processing steps Discussion and conclusion
gives neural activity as a function of time in fixed, stan-
dardized spatial coordinates. Modularity quantifies the degree to which neural activ-
For further analysis, the fMRI data may be pro- ity in the brain is modular. Modularity is a mathematical
jected to standardized regions of interest, for example concept, expressed in Eq. 1. Physical regions of the
the Brodmann’s areas; see figure 12.7. The average brain were defined by early anatomical studies, and
value of the processed fMRI data in each region may later studies identified functional regions by observing
be calculated as a function of time. A wavelet trans- how brain lesions from disease or trauma related to loss
form may optionally be applied to these data to of function. Functional MRI studies now provide
regress out smooth features of the time-dependent detailed maps of neural activity, allowing identification
data (Meunier et al., 2009), but is unnecessary. The of modules from correlations of neural activity (see
correlation of these data among the different regions figure 12.1).

chen and deem: modularity, plasticity, and development of brain function 125
an experiment could challenge subjects with a cognitive
task during the fMRI data collection. Among other
parameters, the ability of a subject to solve the task will
depend on the modularity of correlations of neural
activity. Quantifying this ability as a function of modu-
larity would provide the fitness function for this particu-
lar task. Perhaps different tasks will have fitness functions
that peak at different values of modularity. It has been
speculated that fast, low-level, automatic cognitive pro-
cesses are modular, whereas high-level, effortful, con-
scious cognitive processes are less modular (Meunier et
al., 2010). This speculation is related to figure 12.2: at
short times, modular networks are more efficient, but
at long times, nonmodular networks will find better
solutions. It is possible that fast, low-level cognitive pro-
cesses are to the left on this figure, and slow, high-level
tasks are to the right. Measuring fitness as a function of
modularity for low-level and high-level tasks would
resolve this issue.
Modularity may be used as a biomarker for brain
function. For example, the neural activity of epileptic
patients is less modular than that of normal subjects
(Chavez et al., 2010). Epileptic patients had more con-
nections and less modular structure in their correla-
tions of neural activity. An interesting application
Figure 12.7 The Brodmann areas of the human cerebral suggested by anecdotal evidence (Leclercq et al., 2000)
cortex, onto which fMRI data are projected for further analy- would be to quantify extent of traumatic brain injury
sis. (From Dow.) Each Brodmann area is shaded a different (TBI) and to quantify effectiveness of rehabilitation
color. (See color plate 6.) treatments. This diagnostic quantifies the reduction of
structure in background brain activity due to TBI. The
architecture of functional networks extracted from TBI
patients is expected to differ from that of healthy sub-
We hypothesize that brains of young people are likely jects. We expect that TBI, as a debilitating condition,
under more selective pressure to quickly solve challeng- will reduce the natural modularity of the healthy brain.
ing problems than are brains of older people. This We propose modularity as a metric for evaluating extent
pressure induces the emergence of modularity in of TBI. This metric can be used for quantification of
human brain activity as children develop into adults success of therapeutic strategies such as administration
(Kashtan et al., 2007; Sun & Deem, 2007). That is, this of ibuprofen and as a feedback to the success of reha-
hypothesis implies neural brain activity of young adults bilitation programs.
should be more modular than that of children or older
adults, as suggested schematically in figure 12.2. Figures ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Jessica Cantlon for providing
the fMRI, age, and IQ data. This research was supported by
12.3, 12.4, and 12.5 show fMRI data that provide support
the US National Institutes of Health under grant 1 R01 GM
for this hypothesis. In other words, modularity rises 100468–01.
during childhood, peaks in young adults, and declines
in older adults.
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128 plasticity and learning

13 Specificity of Experiential Effects in
Neurocognitive Development

ABSTRACT Here, we report research on the neuroplasticity of versus deficits are observed. We also propose likely
different subsystems within vision, audition, sensory integra- mechanisms contributing to these different profiles of
tion, language, and attention. In each section, we note differ- plasticity. A final section describes our studies testing
ent profiles of plasticity observed in different subsystems
within the domain, situations in which enhancements versus the hypothesis, raised by this basic research on human
deficits are observed, and likely mechanisms contributing to neuroplasticity, that interventions that target the most
these different profiles of plasticity. A final section describes plastic, and thus potentially most vulnerable, neurocog-
our studies that test the hypothesis, raised by this basic nitive systems can protect and enhance children with,
research on human neuroplasticity, that interventions that or at risk for, developmental deficits.
target the most plastic, and thus potentially vulnerable, neu-
rocognitive systems can protect and enhance children with,
or at risk for, developmental deficits. Vision
The primate visual system contains multiple distinct
For several years we have employed psychophysics, elec-
visual areas, with a gross segregation of cortical visual
trophysiological, and magnetic resonance imaging
processing into dorsal and ventral streams that project
(MRI) techniques to study the development and neu-
respectively from V1 toward posterior parietal cortex
roplasticity of the human brain. We have studied deaf
and ventrally toward the temporal cortex (Grill-Spector
and blind individuals, people who learned their first or
& Malach, 2004; Ungerleider & Haxby, 1994). In our
second spoken or signed language at different ages,
research, we observe that aspects of vision and attention
and children of different ages and stages of cognitive
mediated by the dorsal pathway—including motion
development. Here, we review our research on the neu-
perception, peripheral vision, and selective attention—
roplasticity of different brain systems and subsystems.
are most modifiable with altered experience, showing
As detailed in the sections that follow, in each of the
both enhancements and deficits in special populations.
domains examined in this research we observe the fol-
In one line of research, we examined changes in
lowing characteristics:
visual processing in congenitally, genetically deaf adults.
• Different brain systems and subsystems and related
By virtue of an increased reliance on vision, we hypoth-
sensory and cognitive abilities display different degrees esized that deaf adults would exhibit enhancements in
and time periods (“profiles”) of neuroplasticity. visual processing. Indeed, our studies revealed improve-
• Neuroplasticity within a system acts as a double-
ments in some—but not all—aspects of vision in these
edged sword, conferring the possibility for either deaf adults. For example, congenitally deaf individuals
enhancement or deficit. have superior motion detection for peripheral visual
• Multiple mechanisms both support and constrain
stimuli than hearing individuals (Neville & Lawson,
the ability to modify different brain systems and subsys- 1987b; Neville, Schmidt, & Kutas, 1983; Stevens &
tems, with the most malleable systems generally display- Neville, 2006). These improvements are accompanied
ing longer developmental trajectories, higher levels of by increases in the amplitudes of early visual event-
redundant connectivity, and a greater concentration of related potentials (ERPs) for peripheral visual stimuli,
neurochemicals, including CAT301 and BDNF, which as well as increased functional magnetic resonance
are both important in neuroplasticity. imaging (fMRI) activation in motion-sensitive middle
In the sections that follow, we describe our research temporal (MT) and middle superior temporal (MST)
on neuroplasticity within visual, auditory, sensory inte- areas (Armstrong, Hillyard, Neville, & Mitchell, 2002;
gration, language, and attention systems. In each section, Bavelier et al., 2001; Bavelier et al., 2000; Neville &
we note different profiles of plasticity that are system- Lawson, 1987b; Neville et al., 1983). In contrast, we
and context-dependent and in which enhancements observe no differences between deaf and hearing adults

stevens and neville: specificity of experiential effects 129

in tasks tapping ventral pathway functions, including 20
central visual field tasks and isoluminant color pro- Dyslexic
cessing (Armstrong et al., 2002; Bavelier et al., 2001;
Bavelier et al., 2000; Neville & Lawson, 1987b; Neville
et al., 1983; Stevens & Neville, 2006).
If neuroplasticity indeed acts as a double-edged
sword, conferring both the potential for a system to be 0
enhanced or to show deficits, one might predict that
dorsal visual functions would—under different condi-
tions—be selectively vulnerable to deficit. This is indeed
the case. For example, several studies report that visual
processing mediated by the dorsal (but not ventral)
pathway shows deficits in many developmental disor- –20
ders, including autism, Williams and Fragile X syn- Figure 13.1 Performance on a peripheral visual field
dromes, as well as in individuals with reading or motion-detection task for deaf participants (gray bar) and
language impairments (Atkinson, 1992; Atkinson et al., dyslexic participants (black bar) relative to matched control
1997; Cornelissen, Richardson, Mason, Fowler, & Stein, groups. The zero line represents performance of the respec-
1995; Demb, Boynton, Best, & Heeger, 1998; Eden et tive control groups. Deaf participants showed enhancements
and dyslexic participants showed deficits relative to matched
al., 1996; Everatt, Bradshaw, & Hibbard, 1999; Hansen,
controls. No differences between groups were observed on a
Stein, Orde, Winter, & Talcott, 2001; Lovegrove, Martin, central visual field contrast-sensitivity task. (Data from Stevens
& Slaghuis, 1986; Sperling, Lu, Manis, & Seidenberg, & Neville, 2006.)
2003; Talcott, Hansen, Assoku, & Stein, 2000).
Interestingly, the literatures showing enhancements
and deficits in dorsal pathway visual function have Ruijter, & Spekreijse, 1998a, 1998b; Mitchell & Neville,
developed largely in parallel, with different experi- 2004; Packer, Hendrickson, & Curcio, 1990). Anatomi-
mental paradigms employed in each literature. To cal studies also suggest that connections within regions
examine whether parallel enhancements and deficits of the visual system that represent the central visual
could be observed in dorsal pathway function, we field are more strongly genetically specified and display
have used the same visual processing tasks in congeni- fewer redundancies, whereas connections within the
tally deaf adults (hypothesized to show enhance- portions of the visual system that represent the visual
ments) and dyslexic adults (hypothesized to show periphery contain more redundant connections that
deficits), as shown in figure 13.1. In this study we can be shaped by experience over a longer develop-
observe the two sides of plasticity, using the same mental time course (Chalupa & Dreher, 1991). More-
experimental paradigm to show enhancements in over, anatomical studies in nonhuman primates
deaf adults and deficits in adults with dyslexia for (Falchier, Clavagnier, Barone, & Kennedy, 2002; Rock-
dorsal visual pathway tasks, with no difference for land & Ojima, 2003) and neuroimaging studies of
either group in visual tasks relying on the ventral humans (Eckert et al., 2008) report cross-modal con-
pathway (Stevens & Neville, 2006). nections between primary auditory cortex and the
Taken together, these data suggest that the dorsal portion of primary visual cortex that represents the
visual pathway exhibits a greater degree of neuroplastic- periphery (anterior calcarine sulcus). In our own labo-
ity than the ventral visual pathway, rendering it capable ratory, we observe that deaf (but not hearing) partici-
of either enhancement (as is the case following pants recruit a large, additional network of supplementary
congenital deafness) or deficit (as is the case in indi- cortical areas when processing far peripheral relative to
viduals with some developmental disorders). The dorsal central flickering visual stimuli (Scott, Karns, Dow,
pathway is likely more developmentally labile due to Stevens, & Neville, 2014), including regions associated
subsystem differences in rate of maturation, extent and with auditory and visual processing (A1 and V1), mul-
timing of redundant connectivity, and presence of neu- tisensory integration (STS), motion processing (MT/
rochemicals and receptors known to be important in MT+), and attention (posterior parietal and anterior
plasticity (for a review, see Bavelier & Neville, 2002). For cingulate regions). In sum, the anatomical, neurochem-
example, there is considerable, though not unequivo- ical, and developmental mechanisms mentioned above
cal, evidence indicating that the dorsal pathway matures could render particular aspects of vision more modifi-
more slowly than the ventral pathway (Coch, Skendzel, able by experience and likely to display either enhanced
Grossi, & Neville, 2005; Hickey, 1981; Hollants-Gilhuijs, or deficient processing.

130 plasticity and learning

Audition auditory processing, including the recovery cycles of
neurons, might also engage aspects of attention to a
To test whether the specificity of plasticity observed in greater degree than other aspects of auditory process-
the visual system generalizes to other sensory systems, ing. In the case of congenital blindness, changes in
we have conducted studies on the effects of visual depri- auditory processing may be facilitated by compensatory
vation on the development of the auditory system. reorganization. A number of studies confirm that
Although less is known about the organization of the primary and secondary visual areas are functionally
auditory system, as in the visual system there are large involved in nonvisual tasks in congenitally blind adults
(magno) cells in the medial geniculate nucleus that (Burton et al., 2002; Cohen, Weeks, Celnik, & Hallett,
have shorter conduction times than the smaller (parvo) 1999; Röder, Stock, Bien, Neville, & Rösler, 2002; Sedato
cells, and evidence suggests that there may be dorsal et al., 1996). In addition, parallel studies in animals
and ventral auditory processing streams with different reveal information about mechanisms underlying cross-
functional specializations (Rauschecker, 1998). To modal plasticity. For example, in blind mole rats, nor-
determine whether similar patterns of plasticity occur mally transient, weak connections between the ear and
following auditory and visual deprivation, we developed primary visual cortex become stabilized and more pro-
an auditory paradigm similar to one of the visual para- nounced (Bavelier & Neville, 2002; Cooper, Herbin, &
digms employed in our studies of deaf adults. Partici- Nevo, 1993; Doron & Wollberg, 1994; Heil, Bronchti,
pants detected infrequent pitch changes in a series of Wollberg, & Scheich, 1991). Thus, portions of the audi-
tones that were preceded by different interstimulus tory network that either depend upon or can recruit
intervals (Röder, Teder-Salejarvi, et al., 1999). Congeni- multimodal, attentional, or normally visual regions may
tally blind participants were faster at detecting the show greater degrees of neuroplasticity.
targets and displayed ERPs that were less refractory—
that is, recovered amplitude faster—than normally Sensory integration
sighted participants. These results parallel those
of our study showing faster amplitude recovery of the The above discussion suggests that, in some cases, plas-
visual ERP in deaf than in hearing participants (Neville ticity might be related to the interactions and integra-
et al., 1983) and suggest that rapid auditory and visual tion among different sensory systems. Most research
processing may show specific enhancements following examining cross-modal plasticity in congenitally deaf
sensory deprivation. adults has focused exclusively on vision. In the visual
Similar to the dual nature of the plasticity observed domain, it is unclear whether primary auditory cortex
in the dorsal visual pathway, the processing of rapidly shows cross-modal plasticity, since the studies have
presented acoustic information, which is enhanced in employed methods that poorly localize Heschl’s gyrus.
the blind, shows deficits in some developmental disor- Only a few studies have examined the somatosensory
ders (Bishop & McArthur, 2004; Tallal, 1975, 1976; modality (Auer, Bernstein, Sungkarat, & Singh, 2007;
Tallal & Piercy, 1974). Using ERPs, we have observed in Lavänen, Jousmäki, & Hari, 1998). These somatosen-
two studies of children with specific language impair- sory studies implicate Heschl’s gyrus in cross-modal
ment (SLI) that the amplitude of auditory evoked plasticity but are also limited in anatomical precision.
potentials were smaller (i.e., more refractory) than in A third study, using magnetoencephalography and
controls, but only at short interstimulus intervals fMRI in a single congenitally deaf individual, found
(Neville, Coffey, Holcomb, & Tallal, 1993; Stevens, neither visual nor somatosensory responses in deaf
Paulsen, Yasen, Mitsunaga, & Neville, 2012). This sug- auditory cortex (Hickok et al., 1997).
gests that in audition, as in vision, neural subsystems A large literature on developmental disorders reports
that display more neuroplasticity show both greater deficits in multisensory integration (e.g., see Foss-Feig
potential for enhancement and also greater vulnerabil- et al., 2010; Hairston, Burdette, Flowers, Wood, &
ity to deficit under different conditions. Wallace, 2005; Iarocci & McDonald, 2006). We recently
The mechanisms that give rise to greater modifiabil- tested the hypothesis raised by these results—i.e., that
ity of rapid auditory processing are as yet unknown. multisensory integration is a process that displays con-
However, as mentioned above, some changes might be siderable neuroplasticity and may, therefore, be capable
greater for magnocellular divisions of the medial genic- of large enhancements in the deaf. We examined
ulate nucleus. For example, magno, but not parvo, cells whether visual, somatosensory, and bimodal processing
in both the lateral and medial geniculate nucleus are are altered in congenitally deaf adult humans by quan-
smaller than normal in dyslexia (Galaburda & Living- tifying fMRI signal change within anatomically defined
stone, 1993; Galaburda, Menard, & Rosen, 1994). Rapid Heschl’s gyrus and in superior-temporal cortex in

stevens and neville: specificity of experiential effects 131

individual subjects (Karns, Dow, & Neville, 2012). We acoustically similar syllables in the middle of the word
found that deaf adults did recruit Heschl’s gyrus slightly (Astheimer & Sanders, 2009; Sanders & Neville, 2003a;
for processing visual stimuli, but to a much larger Sanders, Newport, & Neville, 2002). Below, we examine
extent for somatosensory processing and visual-somato- the degree to which these three subsystems—semantics,
sensory stimuli. Importantly, this cross-modal neuro- syntax, and speech segmentation—display neuroplastic-
plasticity had functional consequences, namely, altered ity with altered experience.
perception in deaf individuals. Only the congenitally To the extent that language is composed of distinct
deaf adults in our study reported a somatosensory neural subsystems, it is possible that, as in vision and
double-flash illusion, a visual percept induced by a audition, these subsystems show different profiles of
somatosensory stimulus. However, this somatosensory neuroplasticity. In support of this hypothesis, behav-
recruitment was not constant across deaf individuals. ioral studies of language proficiency in second-
We found that those individuals with the strongest language learners document that phonology and
response to somatosensory stimuli in Heschl’s gyrus syntax are particularly vulnerable following delays in
also saw the somatosensory-induced double flash illu- second-language acquisition (Johnson & Newport,
sion more frequently. This research shows that in con- 1989). Similarly, in studies of Chinese-English bilin-
genital deafness, even primary sensory cortices can be guals who were first exposed to English at different
recruited to process other sensory modalities. Interest- ages, the neural systems associated with syntactic pro-
ingly, it has recently been proposed that multisensory cessing are vulnerable to differences with early delays
integration and attention are tightly interconnected in age of acquisition. On the other hand, the neural
(Talsma, Senkowski, Soto-Faraco, & Woldorff, 2010), systems associated with semantic processing are more
suggesting that attention may facilitate or enable plas- robust against delays in age of acquisition (Weber-Fox
ticity in multisensory processing. & Neville, 1996). We also observe atypical ERP effects
of speech segmentation among late-learners when pro-
Language cessing their second language (Sanders & Neville,
2003b). However, studies of bilingual participants
It is reasonable to hypothesize that the same principles suffer from two limitations: (1) the difficulty of separat-
that characterize neuroplasticity of sensory systems— ing out effects of age of acquisition from language pro-
including different profiles, degrees, and mechanisms ficiency and (2) the difficulty of assessing whether any
of plasticity—also characterize language. Indeed, as in observed differences in neural organization are due to
the sensory systems, language exhibits a number of dis- delays in acquisition as compared to interference from
tinct subsystems, with nonidentical neural networks a first-learned language. In related research, we have
mediating the processing of, for example, semantics, addressed each of these issues.
syntax, and speech segmentation. As an example, when In one recent study, we examined the effects of
sentences contain a semantic (as opposed to syntactic) delayed age of acquisition in a group of high-profi-
violation, ERPs to the semantic violation reveal a bilat- ciency German-English bilingual participants, in which
eral negative potential that is largest around 400 ms proficiency was equivalent to that of native English
(N400; Kutas & Hillyard, 1980; Neville, Nicol, Barss, speakers. However, as shown in figure 13.2, even in this
Forster, & Garrett, 1991; Newman, Ullman, Pancheva, proficiency-matched group, later age of acquisition was
Waligura, & Neville, 2007). In contrast, syntactic viola- associated with atypical ERP responses to syntactic viola-
tions elicit a biphasic response consisting of an early, tions, and in particular an absence of the early LAN
left-lateralized anterior negativity (LAN) followed by a effect (Pakulak & Neville, 2011). This suggests that age
later, bilateral positivity, peaking over posterior sites of acquisition can influence the neural systems recruited
∼600 ms after the violation (P600; Friederici, 2002; during language processing, independent of language
Neville et al., 1991). The LAN is hypothesized to index proficiency. However, at the same time, we have—in
more automatic aspects of the processing of syntactic separate studies—observed effects of language profi-
structure (see below for new evidence on this) and the ciency on the neural systems used for language pro-
P600 to index later, more controlled processing of cessing, even among native speakers (Pakulak & Neville,
syntax associated with attempts to recover the meaning 2010). Specifically, whereas high-proficiency native
of syntactically anomalous sentences. In the case of speakers show the typical biphasic LAN/P600 response
speech segmentation, there are also distinct ERP to syntactic violations, native speakers of lower profi-
responses to word-initial as compared to word-medial ciency show a less spatially and temporally focal early
syllables. By 100 ms after word onset, syllables at the neural response, as well as a reduced amplitude P600
beginning of a word elicit a larger negativity than (see figure 13.2). Indeed, in developmental studies as

132 plasticity and learning

Figure 13.2 Event-related brain potential (ERP) to syntactic language learners to native speakers of equivalent proficiency.
violations in spoken sentences showing independent effects (B) Comparison of native speakers with higher versus lower
of age of acquisition and proficiency on neural processing levels of English language proficiency. (Data from Pakulak &
for language. (A) Comparison of high-proficiency second- Neville, 2010, and Pakulak & Neville, 2011.) (See color plate 7.)

well, the neural response to known and unknown words of language shows a strong degree of biological invari-
and to syntactic anomalies is more strongly predicted ance, and several neural subsystems important in written
by a child’s language proficiency than by chronological and spoken language have also been observed when
age (Adamson, Mills, Appelbaum, & Neville, 1998; deaf and hearing native signers process American Sign
Adamson-Harris, Mills, & Neville, 2000; Mills, Coffey- Language (ASL), despite the fact that the eliciting
Corina, & Neville, 1993, 1997). These data suggest that sensory stimuli are very different (Capek, 2004; Capek
both age of acquisition and language proficiency affect et al., 2009; MacSweeney, Capek, Campbell, & Woll,
the neural systems used during language processing. 2009). However, it should be noted that although
To address whether altered neural organization in spoken and signed language processing share a number
late bilinguals is due to age of acquisition versus inter- of modality-independent neural substrates, there is also
ference of a first-learned language, we have studied a some degree of specialization based on language modal-
unique group of individuals: deaf signers who acquired ity. The processing of ASL, for example, is associated
sign language late in life. Many deaf children are born with additional and/or greater recruitment of right-
to hearing parents and, due to their limited access to hemisphere structures, perhaps owing to the use of
spoken language, do not have full access to a first lan- spatial location and motion in syntactic processing in
guage until exposed to a signed language, which often ASL (Capek et al., 2004, 2009; MacSweeney et al., 2009;
occurs very late in development. This provides an Neville et al., 1998). In support of this hypothesis, we
opportunity to study the neural systems underlying have shown that syntactic violations in ASL elicit a more
delayed first language acquisition, since the neurobiology bilateral anterior negativity for violations of spatial

stevens and neville: specificity of experiential effects 133

syntax, whereas a left-lateralized anterior negativity is We have also examined the role of awareness in
observed for other classes of syntactic violations in ASL semantic and syntactic processing using attentional
(Capek et al., 2009). blink manipulations. We found that the N400 was elic-
The effects of delayed ASL first-language acquisition ited only by words that were correctly reported, suggest-
have been observed in both behavioral and neuroimag- ing that this component indexes processes that are
ing studies. Behavioral studies of deaf individuals with dependent upon awareness (Batterink, Karns, Yamada,
delayed exposure to sign language indicate that with & Neville, 2010). Similarly, in the domain of syntactic
increasing age of acquisition, proficiency in sign lan- processing, the P600 was observed only for syntactic
guage decreases (Mayberry, 1993, 2003; Mayberry & violations that were explicitly detected. In contrast, the
Eichen, 1991; Mayberry, Lock, & Kazmi, 2002). In LAN was elicited by both detected and undetected syn-
studies of deaf late-learners of ASL, we have examined tactic violations, suggesting that this response reflects
the effects of this delayed first-language acquisition on automatic and implicit syntactic processing mecha-
brain organization. In one study, we demonstrated that nisms that operate outside of conscious awareness (Bat-
whereas the right angular gyrus is active when native terink & Neville, 2013a).
signers process ASL, it is not active in individuals who Several mechanisms may render the neural systems
acquired ASL after puberty (Newman, Bavelier, Corina, important for syntax and speech segmentation more
Jezzard, & Neville, 2002). In a second study, in which vulnerable than the neural systems important for
we employed ERPs, we studied groups of deaf individu- semantics. For example, we and others have observed
als who acquired ASL from birth, from 2 to 10 years, or that the neural systems important for syntactic process-
between 11 and 21 years of age (Capek, 2004; Capek et ing show a longer developmental time course than
al., 2014). All three groups display normal noncognitive systems important for semantic processing (Hahne,
skills. In all three groups of participants, the N400 Eckstein, & Friederici, 2004; Sabourin, Pakulak, Paulsen,
index of semantic processing displays the same ampli- Fanning, & Neville, 2007), again suggesting that systems
tude, latency, and cortical distribution. However, the with a longer developmental time course may be more
early anterior negativity thought to index more auto- modifiable during development. Networks involved in
matic aspects of syntactic processing is only evident in language processing that overlap with networks associ-
those who acquired ASL before the age of 10 years. ated with selective attention may also be more vulner-
These data suggest that, in contrast to semantic process- able. For example, the speech segmentation ERP effect
ing, aspects of syntactic processing are subject to matu- resembles the effect of temporally selective attention
rational constraints that render them more vulnerable (Astheimer & Sanders, 2009), which allows for the pref-
following delays in either first- or second-language erential processing of information presented at specific
acquisition. time points in rapidly changing streams, and has also
Using a novel laboratory language-learning task been shown to modulate early (100 ms) auditory ERPs
designed to mimic second-language immersion, we (Lange & Röder, 2005; Lange, Rosler, & Röder, 2003).
recently compared the ERP response to novel syntactic Thus, the neural mechanisms of speech segmentation
rules acquired under conditions of implicit exposure may rely on the deployment of temporally selective
and explicit instruction. Regardless of training condi- attention during speech perception to aid in processing
tion, learners who successfully acquired the novel syn- the most relevant rapid acoustic changes.
tactic rules showed P600 effects to syntactic violations
similar to those elicited by native speakers who were Attention
tested on the same paradigm. This effect was observed
after only an hour of exposure to the novel language, As noted above, many of the changes in vision, audition,
demonstrating that late, controlled mechanisms indexed sensory integration, and language observed during
by the P600 can be rapidly recruited (Batterink & studies of neuroplasticity may depend at least in part
Neville, 2013b). In a second study, we examined the on selective attention. The importance of selective
neural mechanisms involved in the acquisition of novel attention for certain types of adult neuroplasticity is
semantic information using a task in which novel pseu- supported by animal research. For example, when
dowords were presented 10 times in a narrative context. monkeys are provided extensive exposure to auditory
During a subsequent explicit recognition task, these and tactile stimuli, experience-dependent expansions
novel words elicited a robust N400 effect, suggesting in associated auditory or somatosensory cortical areas
that explicit representations of word meanings can be occur, but only when attention is directed toward those
acquired with remarkable speed (Batterink & Neville, stimuli in order to make behaviorally relevant discrimi-
2011). nations (Recanzone, Jenkins, Hradek, & Merzenich,

134 plasticity and learning

1992; Recanzone, Schreiner, & Merzenich, 1993). Mere specific aspects of attention that are modifiable may
exposure is not enough. These data strongly suggest also help to explain the apparent lifelong plasticity
that attention is important in enabling neuroplasticity. observed in other types of training in adulthood, includ-
Given this, and the central role of attention in learning ing video gaming (e.g., Green & Bavelier, 2003).
more generally, we have conducted several studies on If the early neural mechanisms of selective attention
the development and neuroplasticity of attention. can be enhanced after altered experience, it is possible
In these studies, we examined the effects of sustained, that, as with other systems that display a high degree of
selective attention on neural processing employing the neuroplasticity, attention may be particularly vulnera-
Hillyard principle, that is, while keeping the physical ble during development. To address this question, we
stimuli, arousal levels, and task demands constant. For first developed a child-friendly ERP paradigm for
example, competing streams of stimuli are presented assessing selective auditory attention. These studies
(e.g., two different trains of auditory stimuli delivered were modeled after those we and others have used with
to different ears), with participants alternating atten- adults (Hillyard et al., 1973; Neville & Lawson, 1987a;
tion to one stream at a time in order to detect rare Woods, 1990). The task was designed to be difficult
target events. By comparing neural activity to the same enough to demand focused selective attention, while
physical stimuli when attended versus ignored, the keeping the physical stimuli, arousal levels, and task
effects of selective attention can be ascertained. Studies demands constant. We presented two different chil-
utilizing fMRI reveal that selective attention modulates dren’s stories concurrently from speakers to the left
the magnitude and extent of cortical activation in the and right of the participant, and then asked partici-
relevant processing areas (Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, pants to attend to one story and ignore the other. We
Shulman, & Petersen, 1990). Complementary studies superimposed probe stimuli on the stories and
using the ERP methodology have clarified the time recorded ERPs to these identical probes both when
course of attentional modulation. These studies reveal attention was on that story and when it was on the
that in adults, selective attention amplifies the sensori- other story. Adults tested with this paradigm show
neural response by 50–100% during the first 100 ms of typical N1 attention effects (Coch, Sanders, & Neville,
processing (Hillyard, Di Russo, & Martinez, 2003; Hill- 2005). Children, who show a different ERP morphol-
yard, Hink, Schwent, & Picton, 1973; Luck, Woodman, ogy to the probe stimuli, also show early attentional
& Vogel, 2000; Mangun & Hillyard, 1990). This early modulation within the first 100 ms of processing. This
attentional modulation is in part domain-general in attentional modulation is an amplification of the broad
that it is observed across multiple sensory modalities positivity occurring in this time window, and we observe
and is based on spatial, temporal, or other stimulus it in children as young as 3 years of age (Sanders,
attributes. Moreover, in between-group and change- Stevens, Coch, & Neville, 2006; see also figure 13.3).
over-time comparisons, ERPs can separately index pro- These data suggest that with sufficient attentional
cesses of signal enhancement (ERP amplitude gains for cues, children as young as 3 years of age can attend
attended stimuli) and distractor suppression (ampli- selectively to an auditory stream and that doing so,
tude reductions for unattended stimuli). as in adults, alters neural activity within 100 ms of
In a number of studies, we document neuroplasticity
in the early neural mechanisms of selective attention
that, as in other neural systems, show considerable spec- Higher SES Lower SES
ificity. In the case of adults born deaf, employing ERPs
and fMRI, we observe enhancements of attention that C4 C4
are specific to the peripheral, but not central, visual
field (Bavelier et al., 2000, 2001; Neville & Lawson,
1987b). In parallel studies of auditory spatial attention
among congenitally blind adults, we observe similar
Attended 1.0 µV
specificity in attentional enhancements to peripheral,
Unattended 400
but not central, auditory locations (Röder et al., 1999).
However, there is some evidence for a sensitive period Figure 13.3 Effects of selective attention on neural process-
in attentional changes. For example, adults blinded ing in children aged 3–8 years from higher versus lower socio-
later in life do not show changes in the early (N1) atten- economic status (SES) backgrounds. Children from higher
SES backgrounds had significantly greater effects of selective
tion effects, though they do show changes in later attention on neural processing than children from lower SES
(P300) attention effects (Fieger, Röder, Teder-Sälejärvi, backgrounds. (Data from Stevens, Lauinger, & Neville, 2009.)
Hillyard, & Neville, 2006). Such differences in the (See color plate 8.)

stevens and neville: specificity of experiential effects 135

processing. These data provide the baseline from Lane & Pearson, 1982; Maccoby & Konrad, 1966;
which to examine possible vulnerabilities in children Ridderinkhof & van der Stelt, 2000; Sexton & Geffen,
with or at risk for developmental disorders. 1979; Zukier & Hagen, 1978). Additionally, since the
In one study, we examined children from back- key sources of selective attention within the parietal and
grounds of differing socioeconomic status (SES; Stevens, frontal lobes constitute parts of the dorsal pathway,
Sanders, & Neville, 2006). Previous behavioral studies similar neurochemical and anatomical factors noted in
indicated that children from lower socioeconomic the section on vision may contribute to the plasticity of
backgrounds experience difficulty with selective atten- attention. Finally, recent evidence points to consider-
tion, particularly in tasks of executive function and in able genetic effects on attention (Bell et al., 2008;
those tasks that require filtering irrelevant information Fan, Fossella, Sommer, Wu, & Posner, 2003; Posner,
or suppressing prepotent responses (Farah et al., 2006; Rothbart, & Sheese, 2007; Rueda, Rothbart, McCan-
Lupien, King, Meaney, & McEwen, 2001; Mezzacappa, dliss, Saccamanno, & Posner, 2005) that may also be
2004; Noble, McCandliss, & Farah, 2007; Noble, modified by environmental input epigenetically (Baker-
Norman, & Farah, 2005). We observed that children mans-Kranenberg, van Ijzendoorn, Pijlman, Mesman, &
from lower SES backgrounds showed reduced effects of Femmie, 2008; Sheese, Voelker, Rothbart, & Posner,
selective attention on neural processing (see figure 2007). Thus, a complex interplay of genetic and expe-
13.3) and, moreover, that these differences were related riential factors, operating across a relatively long devel-
specifically to a reduced ability to filter irrelevant infor- opmental time course, contribute to the plasticity of
mation (i.e., to suppress the response to ignored selective attention.
sounds). Other research groups report similar results
(D’Angiulli, Herdman, Stapells, & Hertzman, 2008). In Interventions
a second study, we examined children with specific lan-
guage impairment (SLI; Stevens et al., 2006). We were As described above, selective attention influences early
interested in children with SLI, as previous behavioral sensory processing across a number of domains. In our
studies reported deficits in aspects of attention, includ- most recent research, we are investigating the possibility
ing filtering and noise exclusion (Atkinson, 1991; that attention itself might be trainable, and that this
Cherry, 1981; Sperling, Lu, Manis, & Seidenberg, 2005; training can impact processing in a number of different
Ziegler, Pech-Georgel, George, Alanio, & Lorenzi, domains. We outlined this general argument in a recent
2005). We observed that children with SLI did not show review, which applies a cognitive neuroscience frame-
effects of selective attention on neural processing, and work to identify the role of selective attention in the
that this deficit was specific to a reduced ability to development of several foundational skills, including
enhance the neural response to attended stimuli. Thus, language, literacy, and mathematics (Stevens & Bave-
the mechanism implicated in attention deficits in chil- lier, 2012).
dren from lower socioeconomic backgrounds (i.e., dis- In one line of research, we examined whether train-
tractor suppression) was not the same as the mechanism ing programs that successfully target language or liter-
implicated in children with SLI, who showed a deficit acy skills also train selective attention. We were interested
in signal enhancement of stimuli in the attended in this question as several proposals suggest that some
channel. interventions designed to improve language skills might
Taken together, these studies point to the two sides also target or train selective attention (Gillam, 1999;
of the plasticity in early mechanisms of attention. The Gillam, Crofford, Gale, & Hoffman, 2001; Gillam, Loeb,
marked plasticity observed in attentional systems—and & Friel-Patti, 2001; Hari & Renvall, 2001). We tested this
in particular in selective attention—may be mediated hypothesis in a series of intervention studies. In this
by several mechanisms. For example, sustained, selec- research, we document changes in the neural mecha-
tive attention shows a particularly long time course of nisms of selective attention following training in typi-
development. Although the effects of selective atten- cally developing children, as well as in children with
tion on neural processing are quite similar in adults and language impairment or at risk for reading failure
young children, it may be more difficult for children to (Stevens, Coch, Sanders, & Neville, 2008; Stevens et al.,
deploy selective attention successfully. In support of 2013; Yamada, Stevens, Harn, Chard, & Neville, 2011).
this, a robust literature documents that the abilities to In all cases, increases in the effects of attention on sen-
select input for processing and successfully ignore irrel- sorineural processing are accompanied by behavioral
evant stimuli improve progressively with increasing age changes in other domains that were also targeted by the
across childhood (Cherry, 1981; Geffen & Sexton, 1978; training programs, including language and preliteracy
Geffen & Wale, 1979; Hiscock & Kinsbourne, 1980; skills and/or changes in the neural systems important

136 plasticity and learning

for literacy processing. These data suggest that modifi- multi-rater, multi-method assessment was conducted
cations in behavior can arise alongside changes in the that included electrophysiological measures of chil-
early neural mechanisms of attention, and provide a dren’s selective attention using the paradigm described
“proof of concept” for the malleability of the early above. Results indicated that electrophysiological mea-
mechanisms of selective attention in children. sures of children’s brain functions supporting selective
In a second line of research, we have designed train- attention, standardized measures of cognition, and
ing programs that specifically target attention. Indeed, parent-reported child behaviors all favored children in
in his seminal work, Principles of Psychology, William the treatment program relative to both control groups.
James raised the idea of attention training for children, Figure 13.4 presents the ERP results from this study.
proposing that this would be “the education par excel- Positive changes were also observed in the parents
lence” (James, 1890; italics original). While James went themselves, including changes in language interaction
on to say that such an education is difficult to define patterns with their children and reductions in parent-
and bring about, attention training has recently been ing stress. Moreover, the effect sizes were large in mag-
implemented in curricula for preschool and school-age nitude, ranging from one-quarter to one-half of a
children (Bodrova & Leong, 2007; Chenault, Thomson, standard deviation.
Abbott, & Berninger, 2006; Diamond, Barnett, Thomas, Importantly, this study both builds on previous
& Munro, 2007; Rueda et al., 2005). These programs research on neuroplasticity and also advances the field
are associated with improvements in behavioral and in several ways. Perhaps most importantly, the study
neurophysiological indices of attention, as well as in demonstrates that the neural mechanism of selective
measures of academic outcomes and nonverbal intelli- attention can be improved in children from lower SES
gence. However, these previous studies do not engage backgrounds, and this can be done in the relatively
the larger context of parents and the home environ- short time frame of eight weeks. Second, as the most
ment. Yet the family context plays a key role in sup- favorable outcomes were observed in a more parent-
porting children’s attention development and may focused (as opposed to child-focused) training model,
specifically be targeted in intervention programs aimed these findings underscore the importance of engaging
at improving child outcomes. Thus, employing infor- parents to support child development. Third, the effec-
mation from research on the neuroplasticity of selective tiveness of PCMC-A, a short, inexpensive ($800 per
attention and on the central role of successful parent- family) eight-week program, supports the design of pro-
ing in child development, we have now developed and grams that efficiently build on evidence from basic
rigorously assessed an eight-week, family-based training research on neuroplasticity and on evidence-based
program designed to improve brain systems for selec- practices and that can be delivered in relatively short
tive attention in preschool children. time frames. Finally, by including multiple outcome
The program, Parents and Children Making Connec- measures, the study provides a comprehensive picture
tions—Highlighting Attention (PCMC-A), is unique in of the changes resulting from a family-based training
combining training sessions for parents, guardians, or model, including not only gains for children in a direct
caregivers (hereafter “parent”) with attention-training neural measure of selective attention, but also specific
exercises for children. Parents attend eight weekly, two- skills assessed by standardized tests (Neville, Stevens, et
hour, small-group classes that occur in the evenings or al., 2011a; Neville, Stevens, et al., 2011b; Neville et al.,
on weekends, and their children participate in concur- 2013).
rent small-group training activities. Parents learn strate-
gies targeting family stress regulation, contingency-based Conclusion
discipline, parental responsiveness and language use,
and facilitation of child attention through links to child The research described in this chapter illustrates the
training exercises. The child component of PCMC-A variable degrees and time periods of neuroplasticity in
consists of small-group activities (four to six children the human brain and likely mechanisms whereby expe-
and two adults) designed to address the fundamental rience influences different subsystems within perceptual
goal of improving regulation of attention and emotion and cognitive domains. Additionally, this research high-
states. lights the bidirectional nature of plasticity—those
In the evaluation study (Neville et al., 2013), 141 aspects of neural processing and related cognitive func-
lower SES preschoolers enrolled in a Head Start (HS) tioning that show the greatest capability for enhance-
program were randomly assigned to the training ment also display the greatest susceptibility to deficits
program, HS alone, or an active control group. Prior to under different conditions. Researchers are now enter-
and following the eight-week intervention period, a ing a powerful frontier of neuroplasticity research that

stevens and neville: specificity of experiential effects 137


Pre-test Pre-test Pre-test


Post-test Post-test Post-test


2 µV –

100 Attended Significant effect

+ msec Unattended

Figure 13.4 Effects of selective attention on neural process- in the effects of attention on neural processing from pre- to
ing in children aged 3–5 years from lower socioeconomic post-training. Children in the PCMC-A program also made
status backgrounds, both before and after an eight-week train- significantly greater gains than either comparison group on
ing period. Only children in the family-based program with a standardized measures of receptive language and nonverbal
greater emphasis on parent training (“PCMC-A”) showed an IQ, as well as parent reports of child behavior. See main text
increase in the effects of attention on neural processing. Chil- for details. (Data from Neville et al., 2013.) (See color
dren in Head Start alone (“HS-alone”) or in a comparison plate 9.)
training program (“ABC”) did not show significant changes

transforms the results of basic research on the profiles potentials. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience
and mechanisms of neuroplasticity into the develop- Society.
ment of training and intervention programs. Our Armstrong, B., Hillyard, S. A., Neville, H. J., & Mitchell,
T. V. (2002). Auditory deprivation affects processing of
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enhanced by computerized training: Electrophysiological literacy abilities: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 57, 704–713.
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Neville, H. (2013). Examining the role of attention and 102(39), 14110–14115.
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measures of selective auditory attention before and after an tive attention under distracting conditions. Child Dev, 49,
early literacy intervention. J Learn Disabil, 46, 73–86. 870–873.

142 plasticity and learning

14 Auditory Cortical Plasticity as a
Consequence of Experience and Aging

ABSTRACT The auditory cortex is well known to show plasticity are over. Aging affects virtually all systems of the body,
in its functional organization in the adult as a consequence causing the central nervous system (which is also under-
of peripheral denervation, behavioral training, conditioning, going aging effects on its own) to adapt and reorga-
and other manipulations. It is also well established that
hearing deficits, both peripheral and central, are a common nize to accommodate these changes (e.g., Davis &
consequence of natural aging. What remains unclear is how Leathers, 1985; Gems & Partridge, 2013). For example,
these two phenomena are interrelated. This chapter will changes in the flexibility of joints and hypotrophy of
review the evidence for adult cortical plasticity in young adult the muscles will necessarily influence how cortical
animals and compare these functional changes that occur at motor circuits have to behave in order to produce the
younger ages with those seen at both the perceptual and
neural levels in a natural aging population.
same (or similar) motor functions (Ren, Wu, Chan, &
Yan, 2013). Nonneural effects of aging in sensory
systems will also dramatically affect central nervous
Adult mammals are continuously changing throughout system processing. A simple example includes presby-
their lifetime by adding new repertoires of behaviors opia, where aging causes the lens of the eye to become
while losing others. Nervous systems are also under a stiffer and less able to image near objects on the retina
constant state of change, which should be no surprise (Truscott, 2009). Similar affects can be noted for other
to those of us who attribute behaviors and perceptions sensory systems as well, all of which will require that the
to the nervous system. There are a myriad of studies on central nervous system in some way adapts to these
neural development, from the first formation of the changes to provide percepts that are as similar as pos-
neural tube to the final myelination of the frontal lobes. sible to those for the same stimuli at a younger stage in
Focus on the development of the cerebral cortex life.
includes neurogenesis, the development of polarity, Neural changes also occur in aging, the most popu-
synaptogenesis, migration, and critical periods of larly attributed to aging being Alzheimer’s and Parkin-
sensory perception (e.g., see Barnes & Polleux, 2009; son’s diseases. These are neurodegenerative diseases
Clowry, Molnar, & Rakic, 2010; Kanold & Luhmann, affecting the higher-order temporal and frontal cortical
2010; Levelt & Hubener, 2012). These studies have areas and the basal ganglion. However, there have been
given us a great perspective on how the nervous system far fewer studies of the effects of aging on unisensory
is made and what constraints are imposed during its areas, for example in primary sensory cortical areas A1,
development. Following development, adult cortical V1, and S1 (David-Jürgens, Churs, Berkefeld, Zepka, &
plasticity studies have shown that injury, training, or Dinse, 2008; David-Jürgens & Dinse, 2010; de Villers-
other means of altering peripheral input will reorganize Sidani et al., 2010; Engle & Recanzone, 2012; Juarez-
the functional representations of the sensory epithe- Salinas, Engle, Navarro, & Recanzone, 2010; Mendelson
lium in the cerebral cortex (e.g., see Feldman, 2009; & Ricketts, 2001; Recanzone, Engle, & Juarez-Salinas,
Irvine, Rajan, & McDermott, 2000; Pascual-Leone, 2011; Schmolesky, Wang, Pu, & Leventhal, 2000; Yang
Amedi, Fregni, & Merabet, 2005). These studies are et al., 2008; Yu, Wang, Li, Zhou, & Leventhal, 2006;
largely done in relatively young adult animals, and rep- Zhang et al., 2008). Any age-related effects seen at this
resent changes in the brain that occur over the course level must be at least partially due to the age-related
of weeks or months. As with developmental studies, differences in the periphery (hearing loss, cataracts,
these studies have also provided us with great insights etc.) but it remains a largely open question as to the
into the general function and constraints of the nervous extent to which the primary sensory areas are able to
system. compensate for these peripheral changes. What is also
One constant in the life of an animal, however, is that virtually unstudied is how natural aging influences the
it continuously ages once the developmental periods transfer of information throughout the cortical

recanzone: auditory cortical plasticity 143

hierarchy. It remains unknown whether it is the case & Li, 2012), again without a continuous and orderly
that once the compromised input is initially processed retinotopic representation in cortex.
in the primary sensory area, there is relatively normal One interesting feature of these now classic studies
processing across cortical areas until one reaches the is that they were performed in young animals after
higher-order areas where senile plaques and neurofi- relatively brief periods of time between the peripheral
brillary tangles begin to compromise this processing. manipulation and the cortical mapping procedures. In
Alternatively, it could be that each stage in cortical pro- natural aging, however, the “peripheral manipulation”
cessing is compromised, leading to very poor and unre- that is experienced is quite different. Aging deficits
fined input to the higher cortical areas, which in itself result in a denervation that is gradual, and more
could contribute to the formation of neurofibrillary similar to multiple small acute denervations. With
tangles and senile plaques. This chapter will begin to respect to hearing, the hearing loss can occur over the
address these questions in the auditory system, largely span of multiple years, and even decades, as opposed
of the nonhuman primate, and draw a few examples to one acute event. Therefore, the amount of time
from other systems where appropriate and available. that the central nervous system has to adapt to age-
related changes is also very long, and has very small
changes in the periphery to adjust to at any given
Historical perspective of auditory cortical plasticity time. Since there are very few studies that can mimic
the long range of time between manipulation and
Cortical plasticity in adults is a now widely accepted effect, it is unclear how much of an impact these two
phenomenon that can be induced by injury, training, factors could have on cortical reorganization and the
and manipulations of the neuromodulatory circuits extent to which acute manipulations can be used to
such as acetylcholine (see citations, above). In auditory interpret these aging affects. The few studies that were
cortical processing, one of the first influential reports done in the Silver Spring monkeys, in which the time
of adult cortical plasticity was done by Robertson and between the acute manipulation and subsequent
Irvine (1989), who showed that damage to the high- effects was over the course of many years, indicate that
frequency region of one cochlea in the guinea pig cortical plasticity can occur over a much larger spatial
resulted in an expansion of the cortical representation scale than was previously predicted based on acute
of frequencies spared at the edge of the lesion (figure studies (Jones & Pons, 1998; see Jones, 2000). The
14.1A and 14.1B). The Irvine group extended these question arises, then, whether natural aging is better
studies in cats (Rajan, Irvine, Wise, & Heil, 1993), and modeled by these long-term changes as seen in the
subsequently demonstrated similar changes in the thal- Silver Spring monkeys, which would predict that
amus (Kamke, Brown, & Irvine, 2003) and inferior col- there is a more topographic re-representation of the
liculus (Irvine, Rajan, & Smith, 2003). Similar studies lesioned cochlea than is seen in the more acute dener-
using bilateral lesions in the cochleae in monkeys are vation studies. A schematic example of this is shown in
consistent in these findings: namely, there is an over- figure 14.1, where it is possible that natural aging
representation of the spared frequencies at the edge of resulting in a high-frequency hearing loss would have
the cochlear lesion (Schwaber, Garraghty, & Kaas, the same cortical consequences as acute cochlear
1993). This is particularly interesting as it stands in lesions (figure 14.1B), or result in a more topographic
contrast to what is seen in S1 following the amputation reorganization similar to that following digit amputa-
of a single digit, which is an analogous peripheral tion (figure 14.1C). Natural aging studies may be the
denervation (Merzenich et al., 1984). In that case, best model system for this long-term cortical plasticity,
amputation of the middle finger resulted in the expan- and it may be crucial to have an animal model that
sion of the cortical representations of the ring and ages sufficiently slowly, so that these changes have time
index fingers, but the fine topography was maintained; to occur.
that is, there was no larger representation of the skin A second class of studies of auditory cortical plasticity
of those two fingers closest to the amputated one. has taken a more “top-down” approach. Many of these
Similar experiments in primary visual cortex, where a studies originated in the Merzenich laboratory and
scotoma was produced in the retina either binocularly used either operant conditioning (Recanzone, Mer-
or monocularly with the other eye enucleated, showed zenich, & Schneiner, 1993) or basal forebrain micro-
a similar pattern as in A1 after the cochlear lesions. In stimulation paired with acoustic stimulation (Kilgard &
this case the region that formerly represented the visual Merzenich, 1998a) to effectively change cortical maps.
field in the scotoma came to represent the visual field Using operant conditioning, the representation of fre-
locations at the spared edge of the scotoma (see Gilbert quencies that the animal had to discriminate from a

144 plasticity and learning

A. Normal / Young B. Young Lesioned C. Normal Aged?


Auditory cortex

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Single neuron tuning functions

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4/5 1 2 3 4 5


quiet XXX XXX

low Freq (kHz) high low Freq (kHz) high low Freq (kHz) high

Figure 14.1 Cortical map changes after cochlear damage. there is an orderly and progressive shift of best frequency
(A) Schematic representation of the cochlea (top) with low across A1. (B) Results from lesions of the basal turn of the
frequencies represented at the apex (red) and progressively cochlea (high frequencies, denoted by X) and the subsequent
higher frequencies represented toward the basal end (blue). expansion of the representation of the frequencies at the
The middle panel shows a schematic of the primary auditory edge of the lesion, with little change in the representation of
cortex and the isofrequency bands where neurons have the other frequencies. (C) One possible outcome of high-
similar frequency tuning corresponding to the different frequency hearing loss as a consequence of natural aging,
cochlear locations. Black dots (numbered 1–5) denote record- where the representation of many frequencies are altered to
ing sites that correspond to the tuning functions of individual regain an orderly, topographic representation in A1. (See
neurons shown in the bottom row. In the normal animal, color plate 10.)

standard frequency increased, and this increase was well With natural aging, one of the common deficits
correlated with how well the individual animals per- noted is in “executive control” (Salthouse, 2012). Geri-
formed the perceptual task. An important finding was atric individuals show deficits in maintaining attention,
that the animals had to be attending to these stimuli, in allocating attention to one set of stimuli in the pres-
as attending to unrelated tactile stimulation resulted in ence of distractors, and in allocating attention as a func-
no such cortical plasticity (Recanzone et al., 1993). tion of the number of distractors (Li, Gratton, Fabiani,
Similarly in rats, basal forebrain stimulation, which & Knight, 2013; Fabiani, 2012). Each of these deficits
causes a release of acetylcholine in the auditory cortex would undoubtedly result in both a weakened percep-
in much the same way that attention does, also resulted tion of the relevant stimuli, but also in a decrease in the
in a broad increase in the representation of the paired potential for cortical plasticity mechanisms to enhance
frequency (Kilgard & Merzenich, 1998a). Subsequent the perception of those stimuli. Thus it may be difficult
studies showed that the cortical representation of the to disambiguate how much of a perceptual deficit is the
temporal aspects of acoustic stimuli were similarly result of bottom-up influences from the sensory periph-
plastic (Kilgard & Merzenich, 1998b; Kilgard et al., ery and top-down influence from decreased executive
2001). These microstimulation and operant condition- control. Again, both are likely to be in operation simul-
ing experiments indicate that attentional mechanisms, taneously, and given the unique location of the auditory
or “top-down” control, are critical for changes in per- cortex with multiple ascending auditory nuclei process-
ception and cortical plasticity, and suggest that atten- ing information in the brainstem, midbrain, and thala-
tional deficits will also strongly influence the magnitude mus, and the multiple feedback connections from the
and effectiveness of cortical plasticity mechanisms. frontal and parietal lobes, the primary auditory cortex

recanzone: auditory cortical plasticity 145

may be in an optimal position to allow us to delve into above). Studies in rodent models of aging have investi-
the interaction between these two classes of deficits. gated several aspects of how the auditory brainstem and
midbrain potentially compensate for this decreased
Bottom-up changes in the ascending auditory afferent input (Caspary, Hughes, Schatteman, & Turner,
pathways 2006; Caspary, Ling, Turner, & Hughes, 2008; Caspary,
Milbrandt, & Helfert, 1995; Caspary, Schatteman, &
One of the leading perceptual deficits as a consequence Hughes, 2005; Palombi & Caspary, 1996). One of the
of natural aging is age-related hearing loss (Brandt & key findings is that there is a decrease in GABAergic
Fozard, 1990; Cruickshanks et al., 1998; Fetoni, Pic- inhibition at most of the auditory relay nuclei including
ciotti, Paludetti, & Troiani, 2011; Scholtz et al., 2001). the cochlear nucleus, the superior olivary complex, and
This audiometric hearing loss is characterized by an the inferior colliculus. This decreased inhibition pre-
upward shift in the audiogram, indicating that the indi- dicts an increased level of both spontaneous and driven
viduals simply can’t hear many sounds unless they are activity. This prediction has been shown physiologically
louder than necessary for unaffected individuals to in the inferior colliculus of aged rats (Simon, Frisina,
hear. It had originally been proposed that certain char- & Walton, 2004; Walton, Barsz, & Wilson, 2008; Walton,
acteristic shifts in the audiograms corresponded to spe- Frisina, Ison, & O’Neill, 1997). In these studies, the
cific deficits in the inner ear (Ramadan & Schuknecht, overall neuronal activity in the inferior colliculus in
1989; Schuknecht, 1955, 1964; Schuknecht & Gacek, anesthetized aged rats is much higher than that seen in
1993). This idea has been difficult to test directly, as the younger animals. Importantly, while there is an increase
availability of human audiograms and cochleae for his- in driven activity as well, this increase is not selective for
tological processing is very low (see Nelson & Hinojosa, different acoustic features. For example, activity mecha-
2006; Ohlemiller, 2004). More recently, the same style nisms that can plausibly encode the presence of gaps in
of experiment has been conducted in macaque monkeys an otherwise continuous stimulus are severely com-
(Engle, Tinling, & Recanzone, 2013), which age at promised. This sort of altered neural activity presum-
approximately three times the rate of humans (Davis & ably underlies the increased gap-detection thresholds
Leathers, 1985). In this case, audiograms were mea- seen in aged humans (Schneider, Pichora-Fuller, Kow-
sured using the auditory brainstem response (ABR), alchuk, & Lamb, 1994; Schneider & Hamstra, 1999;
which can be derived when the animal is anesthetized. Snell, 1997). Gap-detection ability is a key component
Four different metrics in the Organ of Corti were quan- in speech comprehension, so it is not surprising that
tified and compared to the hearing deficits as well as gap-detection and speech-recognition thresholds are
the age of the different monkeys. These four anatomi- also tightly correlated (Snell & Frisina, 2000; Snell,
cal metrics were (1) the presence of inner hair cells, (2) Mapes, Hickman, & Frisina, 2002).
the presence of outer hair cells, (3) the density of spiral Similar studies have been conducted in macaque
ganglion cells, and (4) the thickness of the stria vascu- monkeys and show that the same basic processes also
laris. The main finding was that there was a great deal occur. These studies indicate that there is a shift in the
of individual variability in the types of inner ear histo- expression of different calcium binding proteins, spe-
pathologies observed between the different animals. cifically parvalbumin, which has been implicated in the
Thus, animals that had very similar hearing deficits excitatory and inhibitory circuitry in these auditory
could have very different deficits in the cochlea; for nuclei (Gray, Engle, & Recanzone, 2014a, 2014b; Gray,
example, one could have a reduction in the number of Rudolph, Engle, & Recanzone, 2013). Thus, there
spiral ganglion cells, while another could have fewer appear to be some neuroanatomical compensatory
outer hair cells. The one thing that did effectively cor- mechanisms in place to help offset the decreased excit-
relate with age was not which particular deficit existed, atory input to the cortex. Similarly, responses to gap
but rather how many different deficits were there. Thus, stimuli in auditory cortex reflect these changes in gap
as aging progresses, different elements begin to degrade detection in humans (Recanzone et al., 2011), and in
independently with different individuals showing differ- increases in both spontaneous and driven activity
ent cochlear degradations over time. (Juarez-Salinas et al., 2010).
These cochlear studies have shown that the input
into the ascending auditory system has decreased by a Auditory cortical plasticity with aging
variety of different mechanisms as a consequence of
aging, but this decreased input is not nearly as struc- Very few studies have investigated the effects of natural
tured as specific cochlear lesions, either mechanical or aging on the auditory cortex (De Villers-Sidani et al.,
chemical, that have been used experimentally (cited 2010; Hughes, Turner, Parrish, & Caspary, 2010;

146 plasticity and learning

Juarez-Salinas et al., 2010; Mendelson & Ricketts, 2001; belt fields. Further studies showed that the spike rate
Turner, Hughes, & Caspary, 2005). There is good evi- information across the population of CL neurons, but
dence that aging humans show spatial-processing defi- in no other area tested, was sharp enough to account
cits (Abel, Giguere, Consoli, & Papsin, 2000; Brown, for sound localization performance in humans (Miller
1984; Kubo et al., 1998) as well as temporal-processing & Recanzone, 2009).
deficits beyond gap detection that include speech- When the responses of neurons in the auditory cortex
processing deficits (Barsz, Ison, Snell & Walton, 2002; of aged monkeys were tested, there were several key
Frisina & Frisina, 1997; Gordon-Salant & Fitzgibbons, findings that are consistent with the reduced GABAer-
1993, 2001; Kubo et al., 1998; Phillips, Gordon-Salant, gic inhibition seen at subcortical areas and the decreased
Fitzgibbons, & Yeni-Komshian, 2000; Snell et al., 2002; sound localization acuity common in the aged. First,
Strouse, Ashmead, Ohde, & Grantham, 1998). Animal the spontaneous activity in both A1 and CL was much
models have shown similar results, and lesion studies in greater in the aged animals than was seen in the young
animals indicate that the auditory cortex is necessary animals (Juarez-Salinas et al., 2010). Second, the
for these auditory perceptions (Harrington, Heffner, & amount of driven activity was also greater in both corti-
Heffner, 2001; Heffner & Heffner, 1989, 1990). It is cal areas. This increase average was several-fold higher
therefore prudent to investigate the auditory nervous when compared to the younger animals. Similar find-
system at this level in animal models, where single-neu- ings have been made in the primary visual cortex (V1)
ron recordings can be made in the alert state. and the motion processing area MT of anesthetized
One difficulty in studying aging, regardless of animals (Yang et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2006; Zhang et al.,
whether it is in humans or in an animal model, is in 2008). In visual cortex, there was also a broadening in
separating the effects of aging from the effects of orientation and direction of motion tuning in V1 and
hearing loss, as the two are highly correlated (refer- MT, respectively, in the aged animals. The spatial tuning
ences cited above). However, it is possible to find of auditory cortical neurons was also broader in aged
aged humans and animals that have similar audiomet- monkeys compared to younger ones. One of the more
ric hearing as younger subjects (i.e., the peripheral salient findings was that these aging effects were rela-
circuits are intact), in which case any hearing deficits tively small in A1, in the sense that spatial tuning metrics
must be related to changes in the central auditory were not greatly reduced. However, in young animals
processing network. Two studies on the spatial pro- there was a considerable narrowing in the spatial tuning
cessing of auditory cortical neurons were conducted in CL compared to A1. In older animals, this sharpen-
on young and aged macaque monkeys that showed ing of spatial tuning was almost completely eliminated.
similar behavioral audiograms (Engle & Recanzone, Indeed, across the population of neurons in the aged
2012; Juarez-Salinas et al., 2010). The primate audi- animals, there was very little difference in spatial tuning
tory cortex is made up of multiple cortical fields and between A1 and CL neurons under these task condi-
is organized into a series of core-belt-parabelt fields tions. This indicates that there is a breakdown in the
(Galaburda & Sanides, 1980; Hackett, Preuss, & Kaas, cortical processing between hierarchically connected
2001; Kaas & Hackett, 2000; Pandya, 1995; Petkov, areas, resulting in a significant reduction in the feature
Kayser, Augath, & Logothetis, 2006). These fields are extraction that normally occurs.
anatomically interconnected with their neighbors but The next question addressed how this reduction
are not connected beyond that; that is, core and belt could take place. When looking across the population
fields are interconnected, but core and parabelt fields responses, one feature of note was that in younger
are not (Kaas & Hackett, 2000). It has been hypothe- animals there was an increase in the latency of the
sized that there are different processing streams, response in area CL compared to A1 (Engle & Recan-
one for the spatial features and the other for the non- zone, 2012). This latency difference was gone in the
spatial features of the stimulus (Rauschecker, 1998; aged animals, since the first spike latencies were the
Rauschecker & Scott, 2009; Rauschecker & Tian, same between the population of A1 and CL neurons,
2000; Recanzone & Cohen, 2010). Previous studies in and in fact were less than the first spike latencies of A1
young animals had shown the spatial receptive fields neurons in younger animals. A second feature that was
were broadly tuned in the core area A1, but much interesting was that in younger animals there was a very
more sharply tuned in the caudal belt field known as short latency inhibition of the response at locations
the caudolateral field, or CL (Recanzone, Guard, beyond the best direction in CL neurons. This short
Phan, & Su, 2000; Woods, Lopez, Long, Rahman, & latency inhibition was completely absent in older
Recanzone, 2006). This spatial tuning was the sharp- animals. Thus, consistent with a lack of inhibition in the
est of all areas investigated, including other core and subcortical processing areas, there was a clear lack of

recanzone: auditory cortical plasticity 147

inhibitory drive at the level of the auditory cortex. Brandt, L. J., & Fozard, J. L. (1990). Age changes in pure-
These results indicate that spatial tuning in the normal tone hearing thresholds in a longitudinal study of normal
human aging. J Acoust Soc Am, 88, 813–820.
auditory cortex is heavily dependent on, and shaped by,
Brown, C. H. (1984). Directional hearing in aging rats. Exp
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nisms are lost as a consequence of natural aging. Caspary, D. M., Schatteman, T. A., & Hughes, L. F. (2005).
A second series of studies investigated the temporal Age-related changes in the inhibitory response properties
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related hearing deficits are noted in gap detection and tory inputs. J Neurosci, 25, 10952–10959.
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in younger animals following behavioral training as Clowry, G., Molnar, Z., & Rakic, P. (2010). Renewed focus
on the developing human neocortex. J Anat, 217,
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as a consequence of aging, the same neural plasticity K., Klein, R., … Nondahl, D. M. (1998). Prevalence of
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unclear how well acute manipulations in animal models primary auditory cortex with operant training. Proc Natl
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150 plasticity and learning

15 The Contribution of Genetics,
Epigenetics, and Early Life
Experiences to Behavior

ABSTRACT A continuing challenge in neuroscience is elucidat- epigenetics then emerged as a leading candidate for a
ing complex relationships between nature and nurture. Both biological pathway linking gene-environment interac-
genetic polymorphisms and environmental stressors are rec- tions. Our current understanding is that epigenetic
ognized for their significant roles in producing behavioral
abnormalities and psychiatric disorders. The mechanisms by
alterations, acting either separately or in conjunction
which environmental factors may physically interact with gen- with genetic polymorphisms, serve as a risk factor
otype are likely varied, but increasing evidence argues for a responsible for long-term and even multigenerational
prominent role of DNA methylation. This chapter will focus trajectories in the development of behavior following
on the role that polymorphisms and epigenetic factors play stress and social adversity encountered early in develop-
in behavior.
ment. A central theme also explored here is that epi-
genetic regulation of genes is not a process exclusive to
For decades, psychologists and neuroscientists have developing organisms, but is an active process that
realized that early life experiences have far-reaching affects behavior throughout life into senescence. Such
effects on behavior. Stressful experiences and adverse observations are thus consistent with the notion that
social environments during sensitive periods of devel- epigenetics can provide a mechanism for gene-by-envi-
opment have been associated with a range of negative ronment interaction and behavior throughout the life
outcomes. These include structural changes in regions span.
such as the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala,
and cerebellum and a high prevalence of anxiety and Contribution of genetic polymorphisms to behavior
depression (Cicchetti & Toth, 2005; Hanson, Chandra,
Wolfe, & Pollak, 2011; Tottenham et al., 2010). Nature- Common types of functional polymorphisms studied in
versus-nurture questions have long plagued scientists the context of behavior are single nucleotide polymor-
seeking to understand mechanisms responsible for phisms, or SNPs, in which a single nucleotide within the
behavioral development and psychiatric disorders. Is it DNA sequence is altered, and short tandem repeats, or
an individual’s genetic makeup, exposure to certain STRs, which are sections of DNA with repeating pat-
environmental factors, or a gene-by-environment inter- terns of short sequences (figure 15.1A). The presence
action that best predicts behavioral trajectories? of polymorphisms often produces changes in gene tran-
After completion of the Human Genome Project in scription, conferring either higher or lower levels of
the early 2000s, investigators realized that the human gene expression. A widely studied polymorphism that
genome did not possess enough genes to fully codes for the serotonin transporter 5-HTT is well rec-
explain the vast complexities of behavior. At the same ognized for its capacity to influence stress responsivity
time, studies were emerging showing that not all indi- and mood. Encoded by the gene SLC6A4 in humans,
viduals who encounter stressful events succumb to 5-HTT is responsible for removal and reuptake of sero-
depression or anxiety. Instead, data suggested that tonin. 5HTTLPR (see table 15.1 for abbreviations and
certain individuals may be more vulnerable to stress definitions commonly used in this chapter) is a poly-
and adversity because of so-called genetic predisposi- morphic region that has a variable number of tandem
tions. Such observations led us to the realization that repeats yielding either short or long alleles. The short
there is a gene-by-environment interaction influencing allele has reduced transcriptional efficiency compared
the development of behavior. With the birth of behav- with the long allele, ultimately leading to reduced sero-
ioral epigenetics research in the mid-to-late 2000s, tonin transporter in membranes.

blaze, roth, and roth: the contribution of genetics, epigenetics 151

Table 15.1
Abbreviations and definitions
Abbreviation Full Term Definition
5HTTLPR Serotonin transporter-linked Region within the 5HTT gene containing a variable number of
polymorphic region tandem repeats
BDNF Brain-derived neurotrophic factor A protein crucial for neural development and nervous system
plasticity, encoded by Bdnf gene
CRF Corticotrophin-releasing factor gene Gene encoding the CRF hormone that is involved in stress
DNMTs DNA methyltransferases Enzymes responsible for catalyzing DNA methylation
FKBP5 FK506 binding protein 5 gene Gene encoding a protein that controls HPA axis activity through
regulation of glucocorticoid receptors
GADD45b Growth-arrest and DNA-damage- A protein that can actively demethylate cytosines by a DNA repair-
inducible beta protein like mechanism, encoded by Gadd45b gene
GR Glucocorticoid receptor The receptor that binds cortisol (or corticosterone in animals),
encoded by the GR (rodent) or Nr3C1 (human) genes
HDAC Histone deacetylase An enzyme that removes acetyl groups from histone tails, helping to
suppress gene transcription
HPA axis Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis A set of pathways and feedback interactions that modulate the stress
LG Licking and grooming Nurturing pup-directed behaviors displayed by rat mothers
MAN2C1 Mannosidase alpha class 2C member 1 An immune-related gene that is epigenetically regulated in PTSD
MeCP2 Methyl-CpG-binding protein A protein that binds to methylated cytosines and recruits
transcriptional repressors or activators to inhibit or activate gene
OXTR Oxytocin receptor A receptor for oxytocin that regulates stress and social behaviors,
encoded by the OXTR gene
PACAP Pituitary adenylate cyclase- Protein responsive to cellular stress and implicated in neurotrophic
activating polypeptide function that is implicated in PTSD
PVN Paraventricular nucleus A nucleus in the hypothalamus that secretes CRF during the stress
SLC6A4 Solute carrier family 6, member 4 gene The gene that encodes the serotonin transporter in humans
SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism The alteration of a single nucleotide within a DNA sequence
STR Short tandem repeat Sections of DNA with repeating patterns of short sequences
TSA Trichostatin-A An HDAC inhibitor known to activate gene transcription
TSST Trier Social Stress Test A psychosocial stress regimen in which participants perform a
speech and arithmetic for a panel of “interviewers”

Neuroimaging studies have revealed that healthy sub- Specifically, individuals with one or two copies of the
jects with at least one short allele have increased tem- short allele exhibited more depressive symptoms in
peramental anxiety and amygdala reactivity (Pezawas et relation to stressful life events, especially child maltreat-
al., 2005). Work with nonhuman primates and humans ment (Caspi et al., 2003).
provide evidence for an interaction between 5HTTLPR The gene encoding the brain-derived neurotrophic
genotype and lifetime stressors, especially early life factor protein (BDNF) has another commonly studied
stress, on behavioral and emotional outcomes. For polymorphism. A polymorphism in the Bdnf gene
example, rhesus monkeys with the short allele that were causes an amino acid substitution (driven by a G/A
deprived of maternal care showed deficiencies in sero- substitution) of valine to methionine at codon 66 (Val-
tonergic functioning, altered stress reactivity, and aber- 66Met), which ultimately leads to reduced secretion of
rant emotional behavior (Barr et al., 2004; Bennett et BDNF. Because BDNF is crucial for neural development
al., 2002). In humans, the interaction of early and central nervous system plasticity, alterations in its
life adversity and 5HTTLPR genotype was pioneered by secretion have been well linked to numerous cognitive
Caspi, who found that 5HTTLPR genotype moderated deficits and neuropsychiatric disorders (Bath & Lee,
the influence of stressful life events on depression. 2006). Independent of environmental factors, the Met

152 plasticity and learning

A B 3′ ! $

# %"

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) “Turn on”
gene Co- C G



G C CH3 MeCP2 “Turn off”
Short tandem repeat (STR) repressor gene




Figure 15.1 Schematic of common gene polymorphisms cytosine residues. MeCP2 binds to methylated DNA and can
and DNA methylation. (A) Single nucleotide polymorphisms either recruit HDACs and other co-repressors to suppress
(SNPs) consist of a single nucleotide variation between indi- gene transcription or can recruit cAMP response element-
viduals. Short tandem repeats (STRs) contain multiple repeats binding (CREB) protein and other transcriptional co-activa-
of a certain short sequence of nucleotides. (B) DNA methyla- tors to enhance gene expression. (See color plate 11.)
tion refers to the addition of methyl groups to specific

allele has been associated with poor episodic memory sex-specific manner in this task (Shalev et al., 2009).
and abnormal hippocampal activation (Egan et al., Specifically, Val/Met females showed greater increases in
2003). An important study from B. J. Casey’s lab showed salivary cortisol during the test than Val/Val homozy-
that the Val66Met polymorphism is biologically and gotes, while Val/Val males showed a higher cortisol
behaviorally relevant across species, since both humans response than heterozygotes.
and genetic knock-in mice showed abnormal neural Although 5HTTLPR and Val66Met polymorphisms
activity and significant impairments in fear memory are most commonly investigated, many other variations
extinction (Soliman et al., 2010). confer specific behavioral phenotypes either alone or
The Bdnf polymorphism also moderates the effect of in interaction with environmental factors. For example,
early or later-life environmental factors. In carriers of FKBP5 is a gene that controls HPA axis activity through
the Met allele, early life stress predicts higher levels of regulation of glucocorticoid receptors (GR), and
depression and anxiety that are linked to loss of pre- various FKBP5 SNPs have been recently linked to
frontal gray matter and reduction in hippocampal anxiety and depression following early life stress
volume (Gatt et al., 2009). The Trier Social Stress Test (Binder et al., 2008; Gillespie, Phifer, Bradley, &
(TSST), in which participants have to perform a speech Ressler, 2009). It is likely that having multiple polymor-
and do mathematical problems in front of a panel of phisms in combination with specific environmental
“interviewers,” is an effective psychosocial stress regimen events confers an even greater moderating conse-
commonly used in humans to explore the significance quence in terms of neural and behavioral outcomes.
of polymorphisms. The presence of the Bdnf Val/Met Indeed, such gene-by-gene interactions (having the
polymorphism has been shown to modulate hypotha- Met allele of the Bdnf gene and two short alleles for
lamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity in a 5HTTLPR) in conveying greater vulnerability to

blaze, roth, and roth: the contribution of genetics, epigenetics 153

depression have been demonstrated in maltreated chil- epigenetic mechanisms in general, we refer readers to
dren (Kaufman et al., 2006). several of our recent reviews (Blaze & Roth, 2012; Roth,
Introduction to epigenetics
Prenatal Environmental Events Some of the first
While the genetic polymorphism literature implicates clues that prenatal events could have behavioral conse-
gene-by-environment interactions in behavior, the ques- quences via epigenetics came from observations that
tion arises: How can environmental factors interact with exposure of pregnant women to war-related stressors
genes? The idea that environmental factors can physi- (including dietary restrictions) in the 1940s was associ-
cally interact with our genome and in turn produce ated with an increase in prevalence of schizophrenia
central nervous system responses capable of driving a and anxiety disorders in their offspring (Roseboom,
change in behavior is a central tenet of behavioral epi- Painter, van Abeelen, Veenendaal, & de Rooij, 2011).
genetics. The word epigenetics as traditionally defined Additional clues came from observations of descen-
involves the study of changes in gene expression that dants of the Dutch Famine (six decades removed),
affect phenotypic outcome of cells during differentia- whereby prenatal exposure to famine was linked to
tion and development. Epigenetics as we currently hypomethylation of an imprinted gene regulating body
define it refers to changes in genome function that growth (Heijmans et al., 2008).
occur without a change in the DNA sequence of nucleo- Work in rodents has provided more direct evidence
tide bases. of epigenetic factors linking maladaptive maternal
Epigenetic processes such as DNA methylation (figure nutrition to adverse health outcomes. Offspring of mice
15.1b) actively regulate our genome in response to envi- fed a high-fat diet during gestation and lactation show
ronmental input and are poised to do so not just during persisting hypomethylation of genes that moderate
early life development, but also throughout the life reward-related and feeding behavior, including those
span. DNA methylation is a process in which a methyl coding for the dopamine reuptake transporter and mu-
group attaches to a cytosine of a cytosine-guanine dinu- opioid receptor in the nucleus accumbens and hypo-
cleotide. This reaction is initiated by a family of DNA thalamus (Vucetic, Kimmel, Totoki, Hollenbeck, &
methyltransferases (DNMTs), including DNMT1 and Reyes, 2010). The long-standing epigenetic modifica-
DNMT3a. Most literature is consistent with the view of tions due to maternal high-fat diet are accompanied by
DNA methylation being associated with suppressing increased gene expression and preference for sucrose
gene transcription. This occurs through interference of and fat. In addition to nutritional abnormalities, prena-
the methyl groups with transcription factors or is medi- tal toxin exposure is known to epigenetically modify
ated by methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2), which genes and offspring behavior across multiple genera-
can recruit histone deacetylases (HDACs) and other tions (Crews et al., 2012; Skinner, Anway, Savenkova,
co-repressors to “turn off” a gene. In some cases, MeCP2 Gore, & Crews, 2008).
can instead associate with transcriptional activators and Our first hint that methylation status of the human
promote gene transcription. Active demethylation of genome is also sensitive to maternal stress and emotion
cytosines can occur through a DNA repair–like mecha- came in 2008. Infants born to mothers who reported
nism mediated by the growth-arrest DNA-damage- high levels of depression and anxiety during their third
inducible beta protein, GADD45b. trimester of pregnancy exhibited increased methylation
of the human GR gene (Nr3c1) promoter in cord blood
Contribution of DNA methylation to behavior cells (Oberlander et al., 2008). At 3 months old, these
infants also had increased salivary cortisol in response
Our discussion regarding genetic polymorphisms to an information-processing task involving the presen-
emphasized a gene-by-environment interaction that tation of novel visual stimuli. Work in a rodent model
plays a prominent role in mediating neural and behav- has also established a link between epigenetic mecha-
ioral changes. A plausible mechanism for how environ- nisms and the maladaptive effects of a mother’s stress
mental factors could interact with genes is through on offspring behavior (Mueller & Bale, 2008). To model
epigenetics. These mechanisms are recognized for their a stressful early life environment, investigators applied
ability to alter gene expression in response to environ- different stressors during gestation, including exposing
mental factors, whether they are prenatal, postnatal, or pregnant dams to fox odor, restraint stress, and satu-
occur later in life. In the next few sections, we review rated bedding. When they examined male offspring
key studies that have helped us understand this point. from the stressed mothers, they found decreased
For a more comprehensive review of this literature and methylation of the corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF)

154 plasticity and learning

promoter in the adult hypothalamus and central explored the ability of DNA methylation to link Bdnf
nucleus of the amygdala, which corresponded to gene-by-caregiver maltreatment interactions in the rat
increased CRF mRNA levels. Also present was an increase (Roth, Lubin, Funk, & Sweatt, 2009). In our model, we
in methylation of the GR promoter accompanied by a repeatedly expose infants to adverse caregiving condi-
decrease in GR gene expression in the hippocampus. tions for 30-minute bouts each day during the first
These epigenetic alterations were shown to be relevant seven days of life. We have found that adults that expe-
to increased stress reactivity. rienced these caregiving conditions have increased
methylation of DNA associated with several regions of
Early Life Environmental Events The previous the Bdnf gene within their prefrontal cortex, with a
section highlighted that epigenetics can provide a concomitant decrease in Bdnf mRNA levels. We have
mechanism for gene-by-environmental interactions also demonstrated that these epigenetic changes appear
within the womb. We have learned, too, that epigenetics in the next generation of infants, and are potentially
can do the same outside the womb and during early reversible with chronic treatment of a DNA methylation
development. Work by Meaney’s lab pioneered the idea inhibitor.
that early life caregiving can alter gene methylation
with consequences for later behavior. Prior to their epi- Later-Life Environmental Events There is a
genetic study, they had identified natural variations in growing body of literature demonstrating that epigen-
maternal caregiving in a strain of rats, in which rat dams etic mechanisms facilitate similar environmentally
either displayed high levels of licking or grooming (LG) driven phenomena later in life. These studies make it
and arched-back nursing, or low levels of these mater- clear that DNA methylation alterations are biological
nal behaviors (high vs. low LG). Their 2004 study pro- responses to psychological and social-contextual factors.
vided evidence that epigenetic patterns in offspring Furthermore, these observations are consistent with the
were directly attributable to differences in these mater- hypothesis that epigenetic marking of genes could
nal behaviors (Weaver et al., 2004). Specifically, they underlie aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders that can
demonstrated that pups raised by low-LG mothers had be associated with stress and abnormal brain function.
increased methylation of the GR promoter in the hip- Various genes have been implicated in post-traumatic
pocampus, an effect that emerged during the first week stress disorder (PTSD), and a growing body of literature
of infancy and persisted into adulthood. Consistent has begun to investigate underlying epigenetic modifi-
with the idea of DNA methylation as a suppressor of cations. Because a substantial trauma is necessary for
gene transcription, these effects paralleled a decrease this disorder to emerge, the molecular machinery gov-
in expression of the GR gene. Offspring of high-LG erning the symptoms must be significantly affected by
mothers instead showed an opposite pattern of GR pro- environmental factors, making epigenetics a viable can-
moter methylation and expression. They also demon- didate. One candidate gene shown to be epigenetically
strated that patterns of methylation (higher to low) modified in individuals with PTSD is α-mannosidase
could be induced by cross-fostering infants, and that (MAN2C1), an immune-related gene. Individuals with
the effects in low-LG offspring were reversible with increased methylation of MAN2C1 and greater expo-
trichostatin-A, an HDAC inhibitor that eliminated the sure to self-reported potentially traumatic experiences
DNA methylation and attenuated corticosterone levels showed greatest risk for PTSD (Uddin et al., 2011).
in response to restraint stress (Weaver et al., 2004). The Another report has shown an increase in global meth-
ability of child maltreatment to epigenetically modify ylation, as well as increased methylation of specific
the human GR gene has since been demonstrated genes associated with plasticity (Bdnf ) and immune
(McGowan et al., 2009; Tyrka, Price, Marsit, Walters, & regulation in PTSD patients who have high self-reports
Carpenter, 2012). of total life stress, including child abuse (Smith et al.,
The broad array of phenotypes affected by caregiving 2011). Together, peripheral measures show strong asso-
would suggest the ability of caregiver-infant interactions ciations between child abuse/life stressors, methylation
to epigenetically program a multitude of genes and of DNA, and the diagnosis of PTSD.
systems. Research has shown that this is indeed the case. In human epigenetic studies, it is difficult to distin-
For example, a whole-genome methylation analysis of guish methylation patterns that developed specifically
institutionalized children (maternally separated) in as a consequence of exposure to a traumatic event.
comparison to children raised by their biological There is evidence, however, that this can be the case, as
parents showed greater methylation of several genes DNA methylation is an active mechanism in the mature
involved in controlling immune responses and cell sig- brain and is part of a biological response repertoire to
naling (Naumova et al., 2012). Additionally, we have psychological and social-contextual factors. To illustrate

blaze, roth, and roth: the contribution of genetics, epigenetics 155

this point, we will first discuss some important work Social stress in the form of social defeat likewise has
from animal models, and then end with recent work in the capacity to affect epigenetic marks in adult rodents.
humans. In this paradigm, a rodent is placed in a cage with a
David Sweatt and colleagues pioneered the idea that more dominant peer and bullied for a set amount of
if DNA methylation remains an active mechanism in the time, either acutely or chronically. One study has shown
mature rat brain, then it can subserve gene-environ- that susceptible mice—mice that spend less time in a
ment interactions relevant to learning and memory. A social-interaction zone after social defeat—show long-
contextual fear-conditioning paradigm, which pairs an term demethylation of the CRF gene in the PVN, which
aversive stimulus such as a shock with a neutral context, leads to an overactive HPA axis and social avoidance
was used to explore this provocative notion. They behaviors (Elliott, Ezra-Nevo, Regev, Neufeld-Cohen, &
showed that adult rats that had formed a fear memory Chen, 2010). Resilient mice on the other hand, which
had decreased methylation of DNA associated with spend more time in the social-interaction zone after
reelin (Miller & Sweatt, 2007) and Bdnf (Lubin, Roth, & defeat, do not show these methylation changes. We
Sweatt, 2008) genes in their hippocampus. Consistent have also explored the ability of stressful experiences in
with DNA demethylation as a mechanism to facilitate adult rats to promote DNA methylation changes. We
gene transcription, rats also had increased reelin and used a clinically relevant animal model of PTSD, devel-
Bdnf gene expression. To make more of a causal argu- oped by David Diamond’s group, which involves sub-
ment, they have also shown that disrupting DNA meth- jecting rats to psychosocial stress. Adult rats are twice
ylation impairs memory formation (reviewed in Blaze immobilized and subjected to a hovering cat for a
& Roth, 2012). period of one hour, and in conjunction experience
Spatial learning and memory in rodents is often unstable housing conditions (Zoladz, Conrad, Fleshner,
assessed using the Morris water maze, a task in which & Diamond, 2008). This stress regimen produces pro-
rats are placed in a pool of opaque water with a hidden found learning and memory deficits, increased anxiety-
escape platform under the water surface. With succes- like behavior, and glucocorticoid abnormalities weeks
sive trials, rats learn the location of the hidden plat- to months following the termination of the stress
form. GADD45b is known to mediate gene-specific regimen (Zoladz et al., 2008; Zoladz, Fleshner, &
demethylation in the hippocampus following seizure Diamond, 2012). We have recently shown that these
(Ma et al., 2009), and one study has examined perfor- behavioral abnormalities coincide with robust altera-
mance in the Morris water maze in mutant Gadd45b tions in hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation (that vary
knock-out mice (Sultan, Wang, Tront, Liebermann, & by subregion) and gene expression. Specifically, we
Sweatt, 2012). Although these knock-out mice did not have found an increase in Bdnf exon IV DNA methyla-
exhibit differences in latency to reach the platform, tion in the dorsal DG and dorsal CA1 of stressed rats,
they did show an increased number of platform cross- but decreased methylation in ventral CA3 (Roth,
ings in probe trials compared to wild-types. An increase Zoladz, Sweatt, & Diamond, 2011). We found that these
in platform crossings is typically used as an indicator of methylation changes also coincided with a decrease in
enhanced spatial learning and memory. While the role Bdnf mRNA in both dorsal and ventral CA1.
of DNA methylation in spatial learning and memory Additional work with models of defeat or chronic
needs further exploration, other spatial studies are sug- stress also demonstrates epigenetic consequences of
gestive of different epigenetic mechanisms. Histone stress outside of periods of development (Tsankova et
acetylation, an epigenetic molecular mechanism that al., 2006; Uchida et al., 2011). Finally, in humans the
regulates chromatin structure to promote gene tran- ability of stressful experiences to evoke epigenetic mod-
scription, has been linked to spatial memory (Bousiges ifications has been investigated in a laboratory setting
et al., 2010). During spatial memory consolidation fol- using the TSST, which we described earlier in this
lowing the Morris water maze task, increases in histone chapter. One group found in blood samples from par-
acetylation were observed in the dorsal hippocampus. ticipants following the TSST a transient increase in
Furthermore, increased histone acetylation through methylation of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene that
HDAC inhibition resulted in dendrite sprouting, was no longer present 90 minutes post-stress (Unter-
synapse formation, and enhanced Morris water maze naehrer et al., 2012). Response to the TSST is known
performance in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease to differ for male and females, and another recent study
(Fischer, Sananbenesi, Wang, Dobbin, & Tsai, 2007). showed greater methylation of the NR3C-1 gene after
Together, these studies are consistent with the notion the TSST in females compared to males, which coin-
that gene-environment interactions play a role in spatial cided with a decrease in salivary cortisol released during
learning and memory. the TSST (Edelman et al., 2012).

156 plasticity and learning

Evidence of epigenetic mechanisms mediating and behavioral effects of gene-environment interac-
genotype contributions to behavior tions, and we now understand that changes in gene
activity established through epigenetic alterations occur
We have reviewed key studies to illustrate that DNA as a consequence of exposure to environmental adver-
methylation can serve as a mechanism for modified sity, social stress, and traumatic experiences. Though
behavior following exposure to adversity or stress. the epigenetic focus of this chapter has been on DNA
Genetic polymorphisms can also convey susceptibility methylation, histone modifications and microRNA pro-
to these factors. Is there evidence, then, that epigenetic cessing are presumed to work in parallel with DNA
factors can mediate gene-by-environment interactions? methylation to exert changes in neurobiological func-
A study with infant rhesus macaques showed that mater- tion. Studies are also consistent with the notion that
nally deprived infants showed higher peripheral blood there is a so-called double-hit phenomenon underlying
mononuclear cell (PBMC) 5-HTT methylation regard- behavioral changes and outcomes, in which a reduced
less of genotype, and that methylation levels were nega- functioning allele combined with altered methylation
tively associated with 5-HTT mRNA levels (Kinnally et can exacerbate the effects of the environment. It is
al., 2010). Furthermore, they showed 5-HTT methyla- likely, then, that incorporating both genetics and epi-
tion was highest in carriers of the short allele, and these genetics into future environmental health research will
infants exhibited the greatest stress response during yield substantial information regarding biological
maternal/social separation. Taken together, their determinants of central nervous system changes and
results suggest that 5-HTT methylation may mediate the behavior.
risk conferred by the short allele (Kinnally et al., 2010).
In humans, Koenen and colleagues found that after
controlling for SLC6A4 promoter genotype, people
with more traumatic events were at an increased risk for Barr, C. S., Newman, T. K., Shannon, C., Parker, C.,
Dvoskin, R. L., Becker, M. L., … Higley, J. D. (2004).
PTSD, but only with decreased SLC6A4 DNA methyla-
Rearing condition and rh5-HTTLPR interact to influence
tion. Individuals exhibiting higher methylation were limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to
protected against PTSD (Koenen et al., 2011). Methyla- stress in infant macaques. Biol Psychiatry, 55(7), 733–738.
tion of genes within the pituitary adenylate cyclase-acti- Bath, K., & Lee, F. (2006). Variant BDNF (Val66Met) impact
vating polypeptide (PACAP) system, a system responsive on brain structure and function. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci,
6(1), 79–85.
to cellular stress and implicated in neurotrophic func-
Bennett, A., Lesch, K. P., Heils, A., Long, J., Lorenz, J.,
tion, also appears to predict PTSD diagnosis. Specifi- Shoaf, S., … Higley, J. D. (2002). Early experience and
cally, females with high plasma PACAP levels and greater serotonin transporter gene variation interact to influence
methylation of the PACAP receptor gene (ADCYAP1R1) primate CNS function. Mol Psychiatry, 7(1), 118–122.
containing a polymorphism show strongest PTSD symp- Binder, E., Bradley, R., Liu, W., Epstein, M., Deveau, T.,
toms and physiological fear responses (Ressler et al., Mercer, K., … Ressler, K. J. (2008). Association of FKBP5
polymorphisms and childhood abuse with risk of posttrau-
2011). Finally, a study has found allele-specific and matic stress disorder symptoms in adults. J Am Med Assoc,
childhood trauma–dependent demethylation of the 299(11), 1291–1305.
FKBP5 gene, resulting in dysregulation of stress systems Blaze, J., & Roth, T. L. (2012). Epigenetic mechanisms in
and immune function (Klengel et al., 2013). Together, learning and memory. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci, 4(1),
such studies provide evidence for epigenetic mediation 105–115.
Bousiges, O., Vasconcelos, A. P. D., Neidl, R., Cosquer, B.,
of the combined effects of genotype and environmental Herbeaux, K., Panteleeva, I., … Boutillier, A. L. (2010).
exposure on the risk for stress-related disorders. Spatial memory consolidation is associated with induction
of several lysine-acetyltransferase (histone acetyltransfer-
Conclusion ase) expression levels and H2b/H4 acetylation-dependent
transcriptional events in the rat hippocampus. Neuropsycho-
pharmacology, 35(13), 2521–2537.
Early life experiences can profoundly impact develop-
Caspi, A., Sugden, K., Moffitt, T. E., Taylor, A., Craig, I.
mental trajectories, and mechanisms by which these W., Harrington, H., … Poulton R. (2003). Influence of
changes occur are likely diverse. Genetic polymor- life stress on depression: Moderation by a polymorphism in
phisms that are engrained in DNA are well recognized the 5-HTT gene. Science, 301(5631), 386–389.
for their role in modifying environmental effects on Cicchetti, D., & Toth, S. L. (2005). Child maltreatment.
behavior; thus, genetic variation is one route through Annu Rev Clin Psychol, 1(1), 409–438.
Crews, D., Gillette, R., Scarpino, S. V., Manikkam, M.,
which life experiences can influence behavioral out- Savenkova, M. I., & Skinner, M. K. (2012). Epigenetic
comes. Interest has certainly increased for the role of transgenerational inheritance of altered stress responses.
epigenetic mechanisms as a biological basis of neural Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109(23), 9143–9148.

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blaze, roth, and roth: the contribution of genetics, epigenetics 159

Chapter 16 WOLFE 167













“Attention” is a broad term that refers to a large

variety of different behavioral phenomena and their
underlying neural mechanisms. In the context of this
section, we will define this term as the set of processes
that leads to the “selection of behaviorally relevant
information from our sensory environment.” This defi-
nition implies a selective process and sets it apart from
related, but more general processes such as vigilance
that will not be considered in depth (but see chapter
19 by Corbetta and colleagues in this section). Impor-
tantly, in our consideration, attentional selection oper-
ates on the external world and is directed at our sensory
environment in contrast to selection processes that are
internally directed at different mental operations or
Early behavioral studies on attention used the audi-
tory domain to investigate fundamental problems of the
selection process. For example, the well-known “cock-
tail party” problem illustrates our limited ability to
process and deal with multiple competing inputs at the
same time. In order to process the speech of the person
you talk to at a party, you have to filter out the many
other voices in the room. This situation exemplifies
that, in typical natural environments, mechanisms are
needed to route sensory information that is most rele-
vant to ongoing behavior—such as the speech of the
person you are currently interacting with at a cocktail
party—preferentially through the brain and at the
expense of the overwhelming majority of the sensory
information available, that is, all the irrelevant, distract-
ing stimuli.
Limitations in processing capacity are a characteristic
of all sensory systems. During the last 30 years, the study
of attention has shifted from the auditory to the visual

kastner: introduction 163

domain, partly because of the rising interest in the While functional brain imaging has been instrumen-
neural basis of attention and the wealth of knowledge tal in identifying the large-scale organization of the
available for the primate visual system. For that reason, attention network, little knowledge has been gained
the chapters in our section focus exclusively on the from these studies regarding the temporal dynamics
visual domain. However, it is conceivable to assume that across the network. Steve Luck and Steve Hillyard fill
many of the principled findings from vision can be this gap by reviewing the literature on human electro-
generalized to other sensory domains. physiology. Event-related and steady-state potential
The chapters in this section provide updates on tra- studies reveal the time course of modulatory attention
ditionally important topics in the field of attention and, effects in sensory processing areas, as well as the dynam-
at the same time, pave the path toward future chal- ics in higher-order areas that control the routing of
lenges in gaining a deeper understanding of attentional information in sensory systems during the selection
operations in the primate brain. The first four chapters process. Intriguingly, the steady-state potential tech-
summarize state-of-the-art research directed at the nique that operates by evoking neural oscillations at
human brain using complimentary approaches, includ- different frequencies has been successful in teasing
ing psychophysics, functional brain imaging, and elec- apart temporal dynamics associated with different com-
trophysiology. These are followed by three chapters that ponents of the selection process such as space- and
summarize monkey physiology studies and discuss dif- feature-based mechanisms to study their interactions.
ferent aspects of attention mechanisms as measured at The significance of attention mechanisms for success-
the cellular and systems level. The final chapter pres- ful behavior becomes most apparent when they fail.
ents a theoretical account of core problems in attention Attention deficits are associated with many psychiatric
and how they can be conceptualized through computa- and neurological diseases and have devastating conse-
tional models. quences for the impaired individual. Spatial neglect is
Even though much of this section is dedicated to a particularly dramatic example of an attention deficit,
the review of literature on the neural underpinnings given that patients have difficulty attending to large
of visual attention, it is important to carefully consider portions of visual space contralateral to the brain lesion.
the behavioral literature that has provided not only Even though the neglect syndrome has been studied
many of the standard paradigms used in research on extensively, its neural basis is still poorly understood.
neural foundations, but also the theoretical basis for Maurizio Corbetta and colleagues present an elegant
hypothesis-driven empirical studies. Jeremy Wolfe sets recent account of the pathological basis of spatial
the stage for the section by reviewing behavioral neglect, proposing that the deficit is mediated by abnor-
studies on a variety of attention phenomena that illus- mal interactions of attention control networks. Their
trate our limited processing capacity in space and account reconciles many of the unresolved questions in
time. the neglect field and constitutes an important example
The selection of behaviorally relevant information that our growing knowledge about normal brain func-
can be based on many different criteria, including a tion from neuroimaging can finally be applied to reveal-
particular location, feature of an object, or an object ing the neural basis of brain pathology.
itself. For example, when we look for a friend in a crowd Stefan Treue and Julio Martinez-Trujillo revisit one
who wears a red shirt, we scan all people with red shirts of the most fundamental problems in attention
at different locations in the crowd to guide the search. research. Specifically, how do we filter out the unwanted
Attention can even be directed at categories of objects, information from our sensory environment—that is,
such as when we look for cars when crossing the street. the majority of information available to us? Biased com-
Each of these individual selection criteria is associated petition accounts of attention have provided compel-
with a different set of underlying neural mechanisms. ling evidence that attention directed to one of two
John Serences and I review the neural basis of such competing stimuli that are present in a neuron’s recep-
space-, feature-, and object-based attention as evidenced tive field (RF; a computational unit that may be one of
by functional imaging studies in the human brain. the neural correlates underlying capacity limitations in
Together, these studies reveal the large-scale network vision) leads to a response modulation that reflects the
that mediates selective attention, including several stimulus-evoked response to the same stimulus when
areas, or functional nodes, in occipital, temporal, pari- presented alone. This and other findings led early on
etal and frontal cortex as well as the thalamus. It is a to the proposal that the RF may shrink around the
major goal of the field to characterize the functional attended stimulus. The chapter summarizes recent evi-
roles of each of these nodes and their interactions dence from monkey physiology showing that RF dynam-
across the network. ics do play an important role in filtering distractor

164 visual attention

information during attentional selection. Such dynamic in behaving primates trained on sophisticated cognitive
RF properties are likely to play a fundamental role in tasks. However, understanding how communication is
many other cognitive operations. set up in cognitive networks and translates into success-
Behrad Noudoost, Eddy Albarran, and Tirin Moore ful behavior is one of the ultimate frontiers of cognitive
have shown in seminal studies that modulatory atten- neuroscience. Thilo Womelsdorf, Ayelet Landau, and
tion effects observed in visual cortex are generated in Pascal Fries summarize recent studies of electrocortico-
higher-order cortex and transmitted via feedback con- graphic recordings from several brain regions provid-
nections. These studies, which have provided unprec- ing first insights into the functional role of oscillatory
edented causal evidence for interactions between nodes activity that may serve large-scale communication to
of the attention network, are summarized in addition mediate attentional selection.
to recent advances that have used hypothesis-driven The final chapter by Laurent Itti and Ali Borji under-
pharmacological interventions to manipulate network lines the need for computational models to organize
interactions and behavior. Together, these studies pave the increasing amount of empirical data into coherent
the way toward a thorough understanding of the mech- frameworks and to derive hypotheses for guiding future
anistic operations within the attention network. quests. Ultimately, the integration of data across differ-
Traditional monkey electrophysiology has focused on ent primate brain models (e.g., human, monkey), dif-
response properties of neurons in local areas without ferent levels of analyses (e.g., cellular and systems
much consideration of the greater network that these methods), and different conceptual approaches (e.g.,
local entities are part of. Simultaneously recording theoretical and empirical) will be necessary for future
from several neural populations across a large-scale progress in understanding the neural foundations of
network has been technically challenging, particularly selective attention.

kastner: introduction 165

16 Theoretical and Behavioral Aspects of
Selective Attention

ABSTRACT The nervous system is limited in its ability to process When your teacher suggested that you “pay atten-
stimuli and information. Attention is a term covering the many tion,” we might say that she was primarily addressing
ways in which the system can selectively process a useful subset your alerting mechanisms: those processes that allow
of all that could be processed. This chapter focuses on the
behavioral manifestations of attention, specifically in visual
you to be ready to sustain your sensitivity to incoming
processing. Subsequent chapters will describe the neural basis stimuli. Vigilance studies, in which an observer might
for some of these aspects of attention. be asked to simply push a key each time an infrequent
light appears, are measures of the decline or lapse of
In a text on cognitive neuroscience, there is going to alertness over time (Warm, Dember, & Hancock, 1996).
be a heavy emphasis on those aspects of attention that When your friend in that class suggested that you “look
are amenable to study with electrophysiology and neu- here,” he was orienting your attention: inducing you to
roimaging. In focusing on that subset of the field, one select a subset of the currently available sensory stimuli.
can lose track of the broader sweep of attentional phe- A vast body of research makes use of Posner’s cuing
nomena—the behaviors that got us interested in the paradigm to study orienting of attention. In its simplest
neural underpinnings of attention in the first place. form, observers are asked to detect a stimulus that can
The purpose of this chapter is to briefly review behav- appear at one of two locations. Prior to the stimulus, a
ioral manifestations of attention and some of the theo- cue directs attention to one or the other location. After
retical constructs that have been used to organize our a delay, the stimulus is presented at the cued or uncued
understanding of those behaviors.1 location. A benefit in speed, accuracy, or both at the
cued location or a penalty, relative to a baseline, at the
Posner’s taxonomy: Alerting, orienting, and uncued location is evidence for the selective orienting
executive function of attention. Simple cueing and probe-detection para-
digms are readily adapted to animal and neuroimaging
“Attention” refers to a wide range of mechanisms in work.
the mind/brain that help us deal with our inability to The executive function aspect of attention refers to
do everything at the same time. There are fundamen- those processes that serve to monitor our ongoing flow
tal bottlenecks in processing, and there are attentional of thoughts, reactions, and responses. These processes
mechanisms that control access and navigation for are of particular use in resolving conflicting demands.
many of these. At least since William James, it has been The tumbling kittens and babies at the top of a web
clear that attention is not A Single Thing. There have page are trying to summon your attention by virtue of
been many efforts to organize this broad category of their high perceptual salience (Yantis, 1993), but you
different processes and, indeed, one way to do this has wish to deploy top-down control in order to read the
been to look for anatomical or physiological networks turgid scientific prose elsewhere on the page. Executive
that seem to be devoted to one or the other class of processes mediate that conflict. Researchers have devel-
attentional process (see chapter 19, this volume). One oped a number of laboratory tasks to study these pro-
useful taxonomy grows out of the work of Michael cesses. For instance, in “stop” signal tasks, you must try
Posner (Posner & Cohen, 1984). He divides the terri- to countermand an order or plan to do something
tory into three networks: alerting, orienting, and exec- when a second command tells you to stop. For instance,
utive function. you might be asked to push a button when a light
appears but to stop or withhold that response if that
This chapter is lightly referenced because of space light turns red (Schall & Godlove, 2012). In anti-sac-
considerations. A more fulsomely referenced version can be cade tasks, a signal at one location tells you to make a
obtained from [email protected]. saccadic eye movement to a different location, again

wolfe: theoretical and behavioral aspects of selective attention 167

requiring an act of volition to overcome the reflexive a passing resemblance to that visual search (Hills, Jones,
tendency to move the eyes to the signal. Similarly, exec- & Todd, 2012).
utive processes are presumed to be involved whenever
you switch from one task to another (Kiesel et al., 2010).
The “Stroop” effect is a classic illustration of the costs Attention exists because capacity is limited
of invoking executive control. In the Stroop effect,
observers are asked to name the color in which a word We have attentional processes at every level in our
is printed. If that word is, itself, a color word, it will mental architecture because, large and powerful as our
interfere with the response if the color named is differ- brains may be, they cannot handle all possible demands
ent than the color of the word (e.g., “RED” printed in at the same time. Tsotsos, in a “back-of-the-envelope”
green). The conflict between the two colors, competing calculation, determined that we would need brains
to control the response, must be managed by the execu- larger than the size of the known universe to process
tive network. A whole family of similar conflict situa- all visual input in parallel, without selection (an almost
tions can be described as “Stroop-like” (MacLeod, theological thought; see Tsotsos, 1990). On the output
1992). “Flanker” effects pit the identity or response side, the hands cannot wield knife and fork while typing
demands of a central target against the identity of flank- at the keyboard. Again, a selection must be made. In
ing items. For example, you might be shown a triplet of between, many components of our mental hardware
letters and asked to press one key in response to an “A” have very restrictive limits. Visual short-term (or
in the central position and another in response to a “B.” working) memory can handle only a very few items at
Given those instructions, you will be faster with an any one time (Cowan, 2001). Consequently, access to
“AAA” triple than with “BAB,” even though you have that limited resource must be managed intelligently.
been told to ignore those flanking letters. Rather like
the Stroop effect, there seems to be some processing of
the technically irrelevant flanking stimuli that inter- Given that there are attentive processes, are there
feres or supports response to the central letter. Interest- “preattentive” processes?
ingly, if the central task is made harder, it actually
becomes easier to ignore the flankers (Lavie & Tsal, Back in the 1960s, Neisser (1967) introduced the dis-
1994), as if attention were a resource of some limited tinction between attentive and preattentive processes.
size. If it is entirely consumed in dealing with the central This seemed straightforward enough if you imagined a
letter, the flankers do not interfere. However, if there simple box diagram. Outputs from the eyes fed preat-
is leftover capacity, attention spills over to the flankers, tentive processes which, in turn, fed attentive processes.
leading to interference. Attention could be seen as a gate (Broadbent, 1958) or
This chapter will focus on visual selective attention. filter (Treisman, 1969) between preattentive and atten-
Needless to say, the processes of selective attention tive stages in vision. In Treisman’s powerful feature inte-
operate in all the senses (Shamma, Elhilali, & Micheyl, gration theory (Treisman & Gelade, 1980), preattentive
2011) and between senses (see various chapters in processes were those that operated in parallel, across
Stein, 2012) but the largest body of work has been done the visual field. These processes would support the
in the visual modality. “pop-out” of one salient feature on a background of
Alerting, orienting, and executive function are one homogeneous distractors; for example, a red spot
way to divide up the territory of attention. Chun, among green, or a vertical among horizontal lines
Golomb, and Turk-Browne (2011) suggest that the most (Egeth, Jonides, & Wall, 1972). Similarly, preattentive
basic taxonomic division should distinguish between processes would support texture segmentation, a
external attention and internal attention: attention to process by which regions in the visual field were defined
the outside world and attention to internal states and and separated from neighboring regions by parallel
thoughts. In a sense, this is an orthogonal division to processing of basic features (Julesz, 1984), though
Posner’s. For example, you have both internal and texture segmentation and efficient discovery of single
external processes of selective attention. Internal and items are not quite the same thing (Wolfe, 1992).
external processes probably share some fundamental A substantial literature developed, seeking to identify
components. Thus, if you are looking for your cowork- the basic stimulus attributes that could be processed
er’s child at the birthday party, you are performing a preattentively (Wolfe & Horowitz, 2004) but, at the
visual search, requiring visual selective attention. If you same time, challenges arose to the preattentive-atten-
try to remember the name of that child, you are search- tive dichotomy. First, as is discussed in chapters 17
ing through memory in a manner that bears more than through 22 of this volume, it is possible to find neural

168 visual attention

evidence of attention at every stage of visual processing What does attention select?
except the retina (Kastner & Pinsk, 2004). More prob-
lematic from a behavioral science vantage point, what Selection in Space Many aspects of selection by
would it mean for a process to be “preattentive,” if it attention can be appreciated by inspection of figure
can be clearly modulated by attention? Going back to 16.1A.
the basic Posner cuing task, response to a single spot of To begin, though all of these items are highly visible,
light (a clear preattentive “pop-out” stimulus) is influ- some are more likely to attract your attention in a bot-
enced by cues that direct attention. Using more subtle, tom-up, stimulus-driven manner. Odds are that your
psychophysical and signal detection methods, Carrasco, attention was directed, at first, to the picture of Michael
among others, has shown that the extraction of very Gazzaniga or to the white item with spikes. In both
basic visual properties (contrast, saturation, etc.) is cases, these are especially different from all of their
influenced by attention (Carrasco & McElree, 2001). neighbors and, thus, likely to be the most “salient” items
Nevertheless, even though attention can reach the in the field (Itti & Koch, 2001). The bottom-up salience
earliest, post-retinal stages of processing, and even of an item would increase if all of the other items were
though attention can modulate the most basic of visual more similar to each other. This can be seen in figure
functions, the concept of “preattentive” processing 16.1B, where the small black square “pops out” among
retains its meaning. Suppose that you are attending to homogeneous big black squares. Bottom-up salience
one location, perhaps a spot of light in an otherwise increases with distractor homogeneity (Distractor-
darkened room. Now suppose the lights are turned on. Distractor “D-D” similarity; Duncan & Humphreys,
You are quickly aware of visual stimuli everywhere in the 1989). Unsurprisingly, salience decreases when target
visual field. If we assume that visual selective attention and distractors become more similar (T-D similarity).
is still spatially selective and, thus, selecting some Thus, in 16.1B, the target would be less salient if it were
portion of the stimulus, then the unselected portion of a little bigger, and in 16.1A the photo would become
the field is tautologically “preattentive”—selective atten- more salient if it were in color (Duncan & Humphreys,
tion has not gotten there yet. The crisis over the notion 1989). “Distance” in feature space is not trivially mea-
of the preattentive arises, in part, from something like sured in terms of the physical units of measurement. It
a confusion of space and time. Preattentive has a clear is the psychophysical response to the physical stimulus
meaning if it refers to processing of stimuli in some that would be important and, even then, basic psycho-
period of time before those stimuli are selected. In the physical measures like a “just noticeable difference” are
older, Neisser-Broadbent era, the view of visual not necessarily the correct metric for what we could call
processing was a sequence of steps, so that earlier in “salience space.” For instance, a pink target amidst
time also meant earlier in the space of visual processes. white and red distractors is found much more quickly
Thus, one could imagine labeling some pieces of the and, thus, would be described as much more salient
visual pathway as preattentive and other pieces, further than a light green amidst white and saturated green
along this linear chain, as attentive. However, it is now distractors. This is true even if the distances between
clear that processing involves feedback as well as feed- targets and distractors are carefully controlled to be
forward processing, and that attentive effects in early identical in a just noticeable difference–based color
visual centers can be driven by feedback from later space (Lindsey et al., 2010). In the absence of a
centers (Hochstein & Ahissar, 2002). As a consequence, general rule, salience and stimulus “distance” must be
the same piece of early visual hardware (e.g., V1) could
be engaged in preattentive and subsequent attentive
processing of the same stimuli. This raises the interest-
ing question of the “postattentive” status. Do visual
stimuli return to their preattentive state when an
attended location becomes unattended (Wolfe,
Klempen, & Dahlen, 2000)?
The idea of initially preattentive processing that is
altered by subsequent selective attention to a locus or
object goes back, at least, to the French philosopher
Condillac (1715–1780). In a more modern formula-
tion, the initial preattentive experience would include Figure 16.1 (A) Many rules of selection can be illustrated
basic features and some aspects of the semantic “gist” with this collection of items. (B) The small(er) square, not
of the scene (Oliva, 2005). salient in 16.1A, attracts attention here.

wolfe: theoretical and behavioral aspects of selective attention 169

determined empirically. One approach to measuring Feature guidance is one way to get spatial selective
salience is to use some standard salient stimulus (e.g., attention to an object. We could also direct attention
brightness) as a yardstick (Nothdurft, 1993). using a cue of some sort. One of the standard divisions
While you were looking for small black squares in of attentional cues is into endogenous and exogenous
figures 16.1A and 16.1B, you may not have noticed that categories (Posner & Cohen, 1984). Endogenous cues
the “small” black square in 16.1A is the same size as the are typically symbolic and are typically placed at fixa-
larger squares of 16.1B. When specifying a property like tion. Thus, the words “upper left” could be an endog-
size, the relative value of that attribute is important enous cue, directing attention to one gray square in the
(Becker, 2009). upper left of figure 16.1A. Endogenous cueing takes a
Attention can be guided by “top-down” user-driven few hundred milliseconds to take effect (longer, if
factors as well (Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel, 1989). Thus, reading is required). Exogenous cues are typically
returning to figure 16.1A, if we ask if all the dark gray peripheral, at the intended destination of attention. A
objects are the same, your appreciation of the figure flash of light at the lower right would exogenously
now changes—though, of course, the physical stimulus direct attention to the vertical textured bar in that loca-
has not changed. You may find that the gray objects tion. Exogenous cueing works more quickly with a lag
actually appear to be more salient now that they are the of perhaps 50 msec. It is more reflexive. Flashes of light
objects of attention. Indeed, you may find that the very “capture” attention in ways that endogenous cues do
qualia of the stimuli change with the application of not (Yantis, 1993). Exogenous cueing is also more tran-
attention (Carrasco, Ling, & Read, 2004). sient than endogenous cueing. Interestingly, some
This attention to features seems to be applied at the central cues that might be thought to be obviously
same time to all locations having that feature. Notice endogenous and symbolic can behave as though they
that, if asked, you could direct your attention from one are exogenous, fast attention-capturing cues. The clear-
gray square to another while maintaining the sense of est examples are eye gaze (Friesen & Kingstone, 1998)
having highlighted the entire group of gray squares. and arrows (Eimer, 1997). In figure 16.2, you can
This is, at least, introspective support for the idea that compare three sorts of central cues and decide if the
attention to a feature is separable from attention to a arrows and eyes, even when very schematic, seem to do
location or an object (Chen, 2009; but see Bundesen, their cueing work more reflexively and automatically
1991). than a word cue.
If you now look for a horizontal, textured bar, you What is cued by a cue? If, for example, we use exog-
will be able to quickly deploy your attention to this enous cuing by a spot of light on one end of one of the
conjunction of two features (Wolfe et al., 1989). In this black bars in figure 16.1A, attention would be sum-
case, you are directing feature attention to two different moned rapidly to the cue and, we would find, the effects
features in order to permit spatial attention to quickly of selective attention would spread throughout the
select one object and to enable its identification as object. A cue at one end of a bar would produce more
horizontal and textured. Introspectively, you may notice facilitation in the detection of a subsequent probe at
that either the textured items or the horizontal items, the other end of the bar than at an equidistant location
or both, are available to you as sets, highlighted by that was not on the same object (Reppa, Schmidt, &
attention to their relevant features. The single, horizon- Leek, 2012). All else being equal, spatial selective atten-
tal textured item does not “pop out” in the way that the tion appears to select objects (Goldsmith, 1998).
face does, even once selected. Were there multiple, Returning once more to figure 16.1A, attention could
conjunctively defined, textured horizontal items, they be directed to the item at the lower right of the figure.
would not group as effectively as the gray squares, as If you deploy your attention in response to this endog-
will be discussed below under the heading of “binding.” enous cue, this will lead you to become aware that this

Figure 16.2 Three central cues: Eyes and arrows behave more like exogenous cues than like endogenous, symbolic cues.

170 visual attention

item is a textured, vertical bar. The relationship between they produce tilt aftereffects (He, Cavanagh, & Intriliga-
attention to features and attention to objects or loca- tor, 1996).
tions is not a one-way street. The act of attending to that There is a long-standing debate about the ability to
textured, vertical bar will “prime” the features “tex- select multiple, discrete locations in space ( Jans, Peters,
tured” and “vertical.” This will make it somewhat more & De Weerd, 2010). Some of the debate is engendered
likely that you would subsequently direct attention to by the multiplicity of attentional processes. Thus, as
an item with either or both of those features (Maljkovic noted before, in figure 16.1A, if you attend to gray
& Nakayama, 1994). squares, feature-based attention would seem to be
The idea of object-based attention is not as simple as selecting multiple loci in, at least, two discrete groups.
it might seem. For instance, if you were asked to count Object-based attention might be restricted to just one
the objects in front of you, you would not have a defini- of these items. If one is merely keeping track of the
tive answer. Is the bookshelf an object, or do we count location of objects and is not concerned with the spe-
each book or each letter on the spine of each book? cific features attached to those objects, then one can
Any of those could be the “object of attention.” More- select and track a small number of objects (typically
over, there is a chicken-and-egg problem here. In order three to four) as they move around on the computer
to direct attention to “objects,” don’t objects need to screen (Cavanagh & Alvarez, 2005).
exist as perceptual entities ahead of time? How is that The rules of selection become more complex when
to be accomplished? Part of the solution or, at least, an we think about selection in real scenes. As discussed
acknowledgement of the problem, is to propose that above, it is essentially impossible to enumerate the pos-
the preattentive world is divided into “proto-objects” sible objects of attention in a real scene. Moreover, the
(Rensink, 2000). These would be some default approx- basic features like color or orientation tend to be very
imations of objects that might be carved out of the heterogeneous in real scenes. Such heterogeneity is
visual scene preattentively and might be converted known to make it harder to get attention to a desired
to perceived, recognized objects by the subsequent target (Duncan & Humphreys, 1989). Nevertheless,
deployment of attention. There is currently no consen- search in real scenes is relatively easy (Wolfe et al.,
sus about how to partition the visual world into 2008). Part of the answer appears to be that there are
proto-objects. forms of attentional guidance that are specifically based
Feature-based selection is subject to a variety of con- on our knowledge of the structure of real world scenes.
straints (reviewed in Wolfe & Horowitz, 2004). There Borrowing from the study of language, we can talk
appears to be a limited set of features that can be about semantic and syntactic guidance (Biederman, Mezza-
selected. That is, you can select on the basis of surface notte, & Rabinowitz, 1982). Semantic guidance directs
properties like color or, perhaps, shininess, but not attention to locations based on meaning. If you were
something like “furriness,” even though you are remark- looking for your computer mouse, semantic guidance
ably good at identifying furriness in a brief flash of an might direct your attention to the neighborhood of the
attended stimulus. Moreover, even selection by a keyboard and screen, even though your wireless mouse
member of that limited set of features is subject to could be sitting on the floor or the shelf behind you.
further limits. For example, it is easy to select vertical Syntactic guidance directs attention based on the struc-
from horizontal lines in figure 16.1A on the basis of ture and physical rules of the world. Syntactic guidance
their orientation. However, even though you can see would tell you the computer mouse should be sitting
the difference between lines tilted 10 and 15 degrees on a horizontal surface. The floor would be syntactically
from vertical, you would not be able to guide attention but not semantically acceptable. Accounts of visual
to the 10-degree ones in the way that you can select on attention in the real world need to consider these
the basis of more dramatic orientation differences. scene-based rules as well as space-, feature-, and object-
As there are limits on selection by feature, there are based rules.
strong limits on the ability to select in space. These are
well illustrated by “crowding” phenomena (Levi, 2011). Selection in Time Attention can be used to select
For example, if one views a set of lines, some distance locations in time as well as in space. Posner’s “alerting”
from fixation, it may be possible to see that there are network was invoked earlier to describe the fluctuations
lines lying between the leftmost and rightmost lines in of attention over time as vigilance varies. We can also
the set, but it may not be possible to determine their select specific instants in time (Nobre, 2001). In the
individual orientations. Nevertheless, we can show that study of auditory attention, much of what is spatial in
the orientation of these unattendable lines is still being vision becomes temporal. Thus, attention to an audi-
processed at some loci in the visual system. For example, tory “object” is more usefully considered as attention

wolfe: theoretical and behavioral aspects of selective attention 171

over some piece of time than over some piece of space There also appears to be inhibition surrounding the
(Shinn-Cunningham, 2008). locus of attention. It can be harder to perform a task at
In vision, much of the interest in temporal selection a location near to a recent deployment of attention
focuses on the consequences of selecting one object on than a bit further away. Attention is sometimes meta-
subsequent selection of others. This is best seen in phorically described as a “spotlight that enhances the
the attentional blink (AB) phenomenon (Raymond, efficiency of the detection of events within its beam”
Shapiro, & Arnell, 1992). In the AB, observers typically (Posner, Snyder, & Davidson, 1980, p. 172). It might be
view a stream of stimuli at fixation in so-called RSVP, or better to describe it as having a “Mexican hat” profile,
rapid serial visual presentation. Observers are instructed with an enhancing center surround by an inhibitory rim
to monitor the stream for two targets. For example, in (Muller, Mollenhauer, Rosler, & Kleinschmidt, 2005).
a stream of black letters, they might be asked to name
the only red letter and name the identity of the only Binding
number that appears. The red letter is the first target
(T1) while the number is T2. Items appear, perhaps, A central function of attention is to permit the binding
every 100 msec. The key finding is that there is a period of features into coherent objects. Different pieces of
on the order of 200–500 msec after the appearance of information about the same object will be represented
T1 during which T2 is much harder to report. Interest- in different brain areas. Some essentially passive com-
ingly, the observer is not completely blind to T2 when bination of separate features will occur when those fea-
it is missed. For instance, a “blinked” word still produces tures co-occur in space (e.g., color and orientation;
semantic priming effects (Shapiro, Driver, Ward, & Houck & Hoffman, 1986) but the active integration of
Sorenson, 1997) based on the meaning of the word, so features, especially if multiple objects are present,
the word was, on some level, read. Given that word requires a process of binding, enabled by attention.
reading almost undoubtedly requires selective attention Thus, binding is a central tenet of Treisman’s feature
to the word, this tells us that AB represents yet another integration theory, mentioned earlier. This process of
attentional mechanism. binding can be experienced in figure 16.3, if you look
A metaphorical way to think about this is to imagine for the black-headed arrow, pointing left. It should be
dipping a fishing net into a river. If one pulls out a fish intuitively clear to you that you know that the colors in
(T1), there is a period of time when one might be able the figure are black and white and that the component
to see another fish (T2) but would be unable to pull shapes are triangular and rectangular. You also know
that fish from the water because the net is occupied that the arrows are oriented on the main vertical and
with the first fish (Chun & Potter, 1995). There are horizontal axes, with no oblique arrows. However, even
many less metaphorical models of AB and a large body though it is trivial to determine if an arrow has a black
of data addressing the theoretical possibilities (Dux & head and is pointing left, you do not know which arrow
Marois, 2009). that is until the bundle of black, white, triangle and
rectangle features is attended and bound into a coher-
Inhibitory Processes The AB might be thought of ent object (Treisman, 1996).
as an inhibition of attention following the deployment
of attention to an object in space and time. Inhibitory
processes are important by-products of many acts of
attention. In a spatial array, when attention moves away
from a selected item, inhibition of return (IOR) makes
it harder and slower to get attention back to that item
or location than to move attention to some other item
or location (Posner & Cohen, 1984). IOR may serve a
role in preventing observers from perseverating on
salient, but irrelevant, points in the field. Once you
figure out that a bright spot does not mark what you
are looking for, it would be useful if attention were not
continually dragged back to that spot by uninformed,
bottom-up attentional guidance. One useful way to
describe IOR is as a “foraging facilitator” (Klein &
MacInnes, 1999). It inclines a search to move forward,
not to perseverate. Figure 16.3 Find the black-headed arrow, pointing left.

172 visual attention

Binding is typically discussed in the context of firmly The mechanics of attention: How might attention
attaching visual features like color and shape to spe- modulate a signal?
cific visual objects. However, this may be merely a con-
venient arena in which to study a general role for Much of the work on the neural basis of attention,
binding attention. When you deliberately connect the especially at the single-cell level, is devoted to asking
dots of a thought or associate a specific feeling with a how attention might be implemented in a brain. Behav-
specific memory, you may well be using attentional ioral research points to a variety of ways in which atten-
processes to enable binding processes that are similar tion might be implemented. Figure 16.4 shows a
to basic visual feature binding. Of course, not all asso- selection of these, many of which will recur in subse-
ciations are attentionally mediated acts of binding (see quent chapters.
chapter 50, this volume). It is the more effortful and If we imagine a signal progressing from sense
controlled aspects of human cognition that may be organs to more central processes, attention could act
analogs of visual binding. as a gate (see figure 16.4A) preventing some signals
Questions of the neural mechanisms of binding are from moving beyond some point in the pathways
discussed in later chapters (e.g., see chapters 20 and 21, (Broadbent, 1958). If the gate is not absolute, atten-
this volume). Where does feature binding occur? Pari- tion could be seen as a filter (see figure 16.4B), atten-
etal structures are strongly implicated (Friedman-Hill, uating some signals (Treisman, 1969). A gate or filter
Robertson, & Treisman, 1995). As will be discussed, can also been seen as a spatial allocation of attention
there is some evidence that binding is implemented by to some portion of the visual field or to some
synchrony of neural activity (von der Malsburg, 1981). object(s) within that field (see figure 16.4C). Behav-
Some have argued that we don’t need a locus or mecha- iorally, signals outside of that spatial window are
nism for binding because there is no “binding problem” responded to less effectively (Cepeda, Cave, Bichot, &
to be solved (DiLollo, 2012). Kim, 1998). In the neural realm, this might represent
a shrinking of receptive fields to include only the
Individuation, Scrutiny, and Awareness For many current object of attention (Moran & Desimone,
attention-demanding tasks, there is no obvious binding 1985). Rather than impeding unattended signals,
that needs to be done. If you want to appreciate the attention could speed attended signals (see figure
exact shade of green of a new leaf or the precise orien- 16.4D) (Carrasco & McElree, 2001). In models where
tation of grating in an experiment, you will need to “pay items are racing for access to later limited capacity
attention.” Attention allows finer perceptual decisions processing (Bundesen, 1990), giving some signals a
to be made (Yeshurun & Carrasco, 1998). In the pres- temporal boost would be equivalent to blocking or
ence of multiple items, whose features would tend to attenuating other signals.
average together, attention can help individuate items Lu and Dosher (e.g., Lu & Dosher, 2004) have
(Intriligator & Cavanagh, 2001). pursued a program of research in which the behavioral
In some cases, a failure to attend to an item or a responses to added external noise can be used to infer
location will cause a failure of awareness of the exis- different roles of attention including distractor exclu-
tence of that item. The iconic example of this “inat- sion (see figure 16.4E, similar to “sharpening” in other
tentional blindness” is the failure to notice a gorilla contexts) in which a process, channel, or neuron that
wandering through a ball game (Simons & Chabris, had responded to a wider range of stimuli comes to
1999). Even if the observer is aware of the contents of respond to a narrower range (here illustrated as a
a scene, she may fail to detect quite salient changes to channel coming to respond to a narrower range of
that scene. This is known as “change blindness” orientations). Attention could also boost the response
(Simons & Rensink, 2005). While these phenomena to a signal (see figure 16.4F). That might take the form
have been used to argue that all conscious awareness of a response gain, where attention acts to multiply all
requires attention, arguing that we are “blind” outside outputs of a process. Alternatively, attention might
of the spotlight of attention seems too extreme. As produce a contrast gain where the effect of attention
Condillac noted, we see something everywhere before would be to make a weak attended signal the equivalent
selective attention has had a chance to visit more than of a stronger unattended signal (see figure 2 of Reyn-
a spot or two. Our visual experience is made up of olds & Heeger, 2009). Again, these various signs of
nonselective processing of the entire scene, selective attentional effects should not be seen as mutually exclu-
attention and binding of one or a few objects and some sive. For instance, a normalization process can produce
memory for previously attended items (Wolfe, Vo, several of these patterns, depending on the experimen-
Evans, & Greene, 2011). tal conditions (Reynolds & Heeger, 2009).

wolfe: theoretical and behavioral aspects of selective attention 173

Figure 16.4 A sampling of the ways that attention could alter a signal. (See color plate 12.)

Conclusion Cavanagh, P., & Alvarez, G. A. (2005). Tracking multiple

targets with multifocal attention. Trends Cogn Sci, 9(7),
This chapter should have made it clear that it is impor- 349–354.
Cepeda, N. J., Cave, K. R., Bichot, N., & Kim, M.-S. (1998).
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understood to refer to a wide range of processes that Chen, Z. (2009). Not all features are created equal: Process-
make it possible for our limited minds to deal with a ing asymmetries between location and object features.
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176 visual attention

17 Representations of Space and
Feature-Based Attentional Priority in
Human Visual Cortex

ABSTRACT Computational theories suggest that attention as well as occipital, temporal, parietal, and frontal
shapes the topographical landscape of priority maps in visual cortex. The activity level of neural representations that
areas extending from the lateral geniculate nucleus to pre- code each position in a given map can be modulated
frontal cortex. Here we review evidence suggesting that top-
down deployments of attention to spatial locations and to either via foreknowledge of an important spatial loca-
behaviorally relevant simple (e.g., orientations, colors) and tion (space-based attention) or by foreknowledge of the
complex (e.g., categorical object information) features can relevant visual features that define an object (e.g.,
jointly influence the topography of attentional priority maps. attend to yellow objects when searching for a NYC taxi
These topographic representations appear to integrate mul- cab, termed feature- and object-based attention). Here we
tiple sources of information to efficiently represent sensory
will review functional magnetic resonance (fMRI)
stimuli and to guide motor interactions with important objects
in the environment. studies that highlight the flexible and adaptive nature
of attentional modulation of neural activity across the
Selective attention is the mechanism by which an organ- visual hierarchy (see chapters 18 and 20 by Hillyard &
ism prioritizes the processing of relevant sensory inputs Luck and by Treue & Martinez-Trujillo, this volume, for
at the expense of irrelevant distractors. The need for related reviews that focus on monkey and human elec-
selective sensory processing arises for a variety of reasons trophysiology, respectively).
(Tsotsos, 1991). First, the neurons that encode environ-
mental stimuli are highly variable, such that the same The influence of spatial attention on attentional
physical stimulus will evoke a slightly different response priority maps
each time it is presented. In turn, this variability in
neural response patterns limits the amount of informa- Although the existence of visual maps in human cortex
tion that neurons can encode about basic stimulus was established nearly 100 years ago (Holmes, 1918), it
features (Pouget, Dayan, & Zemel, 2003; Seung & took until the advent of functional magnetic resonance
Sompolinsky, 1993). Second, multiple items in the imaging (fMRI) in the early 1990s for researchers to
visual field compete for representation, and this com- reliably define maps on a whole-brain basis. Mapping
petition must be resolved so that the most behaviorally the visual system also opened the door to the systematic
relevant sensory stimuli are represented robustly to exploration of the influence of attentional factors on
guide goal-directed behavior (Desimone & Duncan, the topographic representations maintained in each
1995). Collectively, these factors restrict the speed and visual area. In the earliest investigations, a key question
accuracy of perceptual decisions and place an upper was: How early in the visual system does attention have
limit on our ability to interact with objects in the an effect on spatially selective representations? In a pio-
environment. neering set of studies, several groups independently
Computational theories propose that attention mod- established that attention to the location of a moving
ulates the topographical landscape of spatial maps in stimulus (Gandhi, Heeger, & Boynton, 1999; Somers,
the visual system such that the location of the most Dale, Seiffert, & Tootell, 1999) and to a stationary stim-
important object is associated with the highest activa- ulus (Martinez et al., 1999) reliably modulated activa-
tion level, and the activation level of irrelevant objects tion levels in primary visual cortex, or area V1. This
declines in descending order of importance. Recent result, which has subsequently been replicated many
studies suggest that these attentional priority maps of times, provided the most compelling evidence to date
visual space are ubiquitous and span subcortical areas, that attention could operate on the earliest cortical

serences and kastner: representations of space and feature-based 177

node of information processing, thus putting to rest a P A
long-standing debate in the single-unit physiology lit-
erature (e.g., Motter, 1993).

fMRI response (% BOLD)

A few years later, the effects of spatial attention were
pushed even one step earlier in the processing hierar-
chy with the discovery of modulations in the lateral
geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus, which is one
synapse removed from the retina (a structure that does
not have feedback connectivity) and is also the first
post-retinal structure that can be modulated via feed-
back projections through afferent inputs from V1,
the brainstem, and the thalamic reticular nucleus
(O’Connor, Fukui, Pinsk, & Kastner, 2002). Moreover,
attentional modulation in the LGN was shown to be
even stronger than in V1, suggesting that activity in the
LGN was influenced not just by feedback from cortical Figure 17.1 The relative influence of sensory and atten-
tional factors on occipital and parietal visual areas. Responses
sources. Instead, attentional modulation in the LGN to passive visual stimulation and attention. (A) Functional
more likely reflects the joint influence of cortical, tha- MRI response amplitudes to passive visual stimulation with a
lamic, and brainstem sources. high-contrast visual stimulus. (B) Functional MRI response
More recent studies have shifted focus to better amplitudes during performance of the attention-mapping
understand how attention impacts topographical repre- task in which subjects sequentially shifted covert attention
around a circular annulus (with very low-contrast visual stimuli
sentations in areas of parietal and frontal cortex. Thus
that were presented with equal probability at attended and
far, seven topographic maps have been identified in unattended locations). For a given cortical area, the response
parietal cortex, each with a bias toward representing amplitudes were computed for each subject and then aver-
the contralateral hemifield and located along the intra- aged across subjects (n = 4). Error bars: standard error of the
parietal sulcus (IPS; termed areas IPS0-5) and the supe- mean (SEM) across subjects. As shown in A, early visual areas
show a large sensory-evoked response, even in the absence of
rior parietal lobule (SPL; termed area SPL1; Sereno,
attention. In contrast, in later stages of occipital cortex and
Pitzalis, & Martinez, 2001; Silver & Kastner, 2009; in intraparietal sulcus (IPS) passive sensory stimulation
Swisher, Halko, Merabet, McMains, & Somers, 2007). In yielded a very modest response. In contrast, B shows that
addition, two sets of maps have been identified in almost all areas exhibited a robust and roughly equivalent
frontal cortex: one each in the superior and inferior modulation due purely to covert shifts of spatial attention.
branches of the precentral cortex (PCC; Kastner et al.,
2007; Silver & Kastner, 2009), in the vicinity of what is
typically referred to as human frontal eye fields. These stimulus but large modulations in response to changes
frontal maps were first defined using a delayed saccade in the locus of attention (figure 17.1). This finding sug-
task (Kastner et al., 2007), but have subsequently also gests that—at least with the type of simple stimulus
been found when observers perform an attentionally employed by Silver et al.—retinotopic maps in higher-
demanding peripheral task such as monitoring biologi- order areas of parietal cortex are primarily sensitive to
cal motion stimuli or performing a difficult speed dis- attentional as opposed to sensory factors (see also
crimination task (Jerde, Merriam, Riggall, Hedges, & Kastner, Pinsk, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider,
Curtis, 2012; Saygin & Sereno, 2008). 1999).
Silver and colleagues (2005) showed strong atten- The high degree of sensitivity to attentional factors
tional modulation in IPS1 and 2 using a task in which suggests that maps in parietal cortex might play an
subjects sequentially shifted attention around a circular important role in representing the attentional priority
stimulus array. Importantly, the physical attributes of of competing objects in the visual field and in providing
the stimulus were matched in all attention conditions, top-down biasing signals to modulate activity in earlier
so this task isolated the effects of attention independent areas of occipital cortex. One basic prediction of this
from changes in sensory stimulation. In addition, Silver account is that attentional signals in parietal cortex
et al. established a gradient of sensitivity across occipital should precede signals observed in occipital visual
and parietal areas, such that V1 responded maximally areas. Consistent with this prediction, two recent studies
to changes in the sensory stimulus (a large flickering examined the temporal structure of blood oxygenation
checkerboard), whereas IPS1 and IPS2 showed a rela- level dependent (BOLD) signals and found that atten-
tively modest response to changes in the sensory tional modulation occurred earlier in parietal than in

178 visual attention

occipital cortex (Lauritzen et al., 2009). In addition, hemifield. This asymmetry explains the frequently
Greenberg et al. (2012) measured the magnitude of observed right-hemispheric dominance of the syndrome
attention effects in occipital areas V1–V3 using fMRI, (Heilman & van den Abell, 1980; see also chapter 19 in
and then measured the strength of white matter con- this volume by Corbetta and colleagues). However,
nections between IPS1 and each of the early visual areas recent detailed fMRI and transcranial magnetic stimula-
using diffusion spectrum imaging. Consistent with tion studies in healthy subjects do not support the
many previous reports (e.g., Kastner, De Weerd, Desim- notion of a biased parietal control mechanism. Instead,
one, & Ungerleider, 1998), larger spatial attention these studies suggest that space-based attention is con-
effects were observed in V3 compared to V1. Moreover, trolled via an opponent processor control system in
white matter connectedness was stronger between IPS1 which each hemisphere directs attention toward the
and V3 as compared to IPS1 and V1, consistent with the contralateral visual field and balance between the hemi-
notion that the strength of projections from topo- spheres is achieved through reciprocal inhibition (Kins-
graphic maps in IPS to occipital visual areas may play bourne, 1977). Consistent with this account, stronger
a role in determining the magnitude of attentional fMRI responses were observed in each topographically
modulation. mapped region of parietal cortex when attention was
In another recent study, Jerde et al. (2012) identified directed to the contralateral as compared to the ipsilat-
maps in both IPS and prefrontal cortex and tested a key eral visual field, thereby generating multiple contralat-
prediction regarding attentional priority maps: if these eral spatial biasing signals. On average, the biasing
IPS/frontal regions form candidate attentional priority signals were balanced across the two hemispheres, with
maps of space, then they should topographically repre- only a few notable hemispheric asymmetries (Szczepan-
sent important locations, irrespective of why a location ski, Konen, & Kastner, 2010). First, only right SPL1
was initially prioritized. To test this hypothesis, subjects generated contralateral biasing signals, and left frontal
performed one of three tasks: they covertly attended a eye field (FEF) as well as left IPS1/2 generated stronger
peripheral location, they remembered a peripheral contralateral biasing signals than their counterparts in
location across a delay interval, or they planned a the right hemisphere. These asymmetries may be
delayed saccade to a peripheral location. Despite differ- important in generating a more powerful left-hemi-
ences in the type of cognitive operation that the sub- spheric processor in the case of right-hemispheric
jects were carrying out, in all three cases a specific damage, thereby accounting for the well-documented
location in space should be prioritized, and thus the hemispheric asymmetries in spatial neglect that were
spatial representation in a putative priority map should described earlier. Importantly, this evidence for inter-
be similar. Jerde et al. trained separate pattern classifi- hemispheric competition was further substantiated by
ers to discriminate the spatial position of the prioritized a causal intervention using transcranial magnetic stimu-
location in each task condition based on the spatial lation: interfering with either right or left parietal areas
distribution of the activation across voxels in each altered the attentional weights of individual subjects
region of IPS and prefrontal cortex. First, they estab- and predictably shifted spatial attention toward one
lished that each classifier could decode the prioritized visual field or the other (Szczepanski & Kastner, 2013).
location using training data from the same task. Next, While the evidence that topographically organized
they demonstrated that the classifiers trained using data subregions of IPS and prefrontal cortex maintain
from IPS2 and superior PCC generalized across tasks, domain independent representations of attentional pri-
suggesting that a common spatial representation was ority is consistent with the notion of an attentional
maintained in these regions irrespective of the cogni- priority map, computational theories also predict a
tive or motor operation being carried out (figure 17.2). graded representation such that locations are continu-
This is exactly what one would predict if the topo- ously represented in descending order of importance
graphic representations within these regions reflected (Bisley & Goldberg, 2010; Itti & Koch, 2001; Serences
the attentional priority of locations in the visual field as & Yantis, 2006). While some evidence for graded
opposed to simply encapsulating a specific cognitive or representations exists in the single unit literature (e.g.,
motor facet of information processing. Bichot, Rossi, & Desimone, 2005; Bichot & Schall,
How are control functions of space-based attentional 1999), less is known about graded representations in
priority implemented in higher-order cortex? The human visual cortex. In one line of relevant work,
classic notion based on patients with visuospatial recent fMRI studies in humans have systematically
hemineglect has been that the right hemisphere con- manipulated the perceptual or cognitive load, or both,
trols attention across the entire visual field, while the associated with a target stimulus while simultaneously
left hemisphere exerts control only over the right assessing the response associated with unattended

serences and kastner: representations of space and feature-based 179

Figure 17.2 Task general representation of attentional pri- area, the percentage of correctly decoded trials is plotted.
ority in parietal and frontal cortex. Left: Topographic maps in Each dot is an individual subject, and each horizontal line is
the right hemisphere of a single subject. As indicated in the the mean performance across subjects. The color of the dots
central color wheel key, warm colors reflect the position of keys the task used to train the classifier. The color of the boxes
the stimulus in the contralateral left visual field (LVF). The keys the task used to test the classifier. Within-task classifica-
borders of topographic areas in occipital and parietal cortex tion, dot and box colors match; across-task classification, dot
are demarked by dotted black lines reflecting the lower visual and box colors do not match. The gray boxes represent the
meridian (LVM) and dotted white lines reflecting the upper 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of the null distribution generated
visual meridian (UVM). In this subject, anterior and dorsal to by random permutation analysis. Dots and bars beyond these
early visual areas V1–V3, four topographic areas are found cutoffs are significantly different from chance. The multivoxel
along the caudal-rostral intraparietal sulcus (IPS0–IPS3). In pattern of delay period activity only in sPCS (superior PCC)
the prefrontal cortex (PFC), two topographic areas are found and IPS2 predicts the prioritized hemifield both within and
along the dorsal—ventral precentral sulcus (sPCS and iPCS; across the three spatial cognitive tasks. The black horizontal
LH, left hemisphere; RH, right hemisphere). Note that the bars are the mean performance of the control analyses, in
sPCS and the iPCS in these figures correspond to the superior which the mean signal difference of all voxels in the left and
and inferior precentral cortex (PCC) in the main text, respec- right hemisphere topographic areas was used to predict the
tively. Right: Classifier results for decoding the visual field that prioritized hemifield. (All data adapted and reprinted with
was currently prioritized with attention. For each topographic permission from Jerde et al., 2012.) (See color plate 13.)

180 visual attention

distractors. If topographic representations represent down) of sets of feature-selective neurons can influence
attended items in a graded manner, then the the selectivity of response profiles at the population
representation of unattended stimuli should be attenu- level and increase the precision of neural coding.
ated as attentional demands increase at the target loca- Finally, attending to a specific feature can modulate
tion. In one study, the attentional demands associated neural activity in a spatially global manner, such that
with a task at fixation were parametrically manipulated neurons tuned to an attended feature will increase their
while fMRI was used to measure neural responses asso- firing irrespective of their spatial receptive field (Cohen
ciated with an unattended peripheral motion stimulus & Maunsell, 2011; Martinez-Trujillo & Treue, 2004;
(Rees, Frith, & Lavie, 1997). The magnitude of the Sàenz, Buraĉas, & Boynton, 2002; Serences & Boynton,
response in motion-selective area MT scaled inversely 2007). Thus, feature-based attention can increase the
with task difficulty, suggesting a graded representation activation level of all locations in attentional priority
of unattended items as a function of their attentional maps that contain a potentially relevant target feature
priority. This same pattern of results has also been (see also chapters 20 and 22 by Treue & Martinez-
observed in the thalamus, primary visual cortex, and Trujillo and Wolfe, this volume).
extrastriate cortex in other studies that employed a In human visual cortex, the first demonstrations of
similar experimental logic (O’Connor et al., 2002; feature-based attention examined cross-category modu-
Pinsk, Doniger, & Kastner, 2004; Schwartz et al., 2005). lations as opposed to within-category modulations (e.g.,
In addition, the magnitude of load-dependent attenua- attend color versus motion, as opposed to attend orien-
tion is larger in the LGN as compared to V1, mimicking tation 1 versus orientation 2). In the early 1990s, Cor-
the larger overall effect of attention on target process- betta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, and Petersen (1991)
ing that was discussed above (O’Connor et al., 2002). used positron emission topography to demonstrate that
Thus, the data to date suggest that early subcortical and attending to the color, shape, or velocity of an object
cortical regions maintain graded representations of differentially activated human extrastriate visual areas
stimuli in which the magnitude of the response corre- that were thought to be selectively involved in process-
sponds to the relative attentional priority granted to ing each feature dimension (e.g., MT was more active
each spatial location in the visual field. However, analo- in general when subjects attended motion compared to
gous experiments have not been carried out in topo- color).
graphically organized regions of human IPS and However, it was not until many years later that
prefrontal cortex. Thus, future work is required to researchers started to examine within-category feature-
specify the functional properties of these regions. They based attentional modulations, which is necessary to
may also maintain a graded representation, or the rep- understand how the competition between populations
resentations may increasingly evolve to resemble a win- of similarly tuned neurons plays out to support a coher-
ner-take-all mechanism in which only the most relevant ent representation of relevant features. These studies
location is tagged at any moment in time. took several forms and progressed rapidly in their
complexity in a relatively short period of time. Sàenz,
The influence of feature-based attention on Buraĉas, and Boynton (2002) instructed human sub-
attentional priority maps jects to attend to one of two overlapping moving dot
fields on the left side of space; one dot field always
In addition to being able to direct attention to specific moved up and the other down. In addition, there was
locations in the visual field, attention can also be always an ignored field of dots presented on the right
directed to basic visual features such as orientation, side of space that moved either upward or downward.
direction of motion, or color (Maunsell & Treue, 2006; This design, which was similar to that employed in
Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel, 1989). In contrast to spatial earlier single-unit recording studies (Martinez-Trujillo
attention, feature-based attention modulates the gain & Treue, 2004; Treue & Martinez Trujillo, 1999),
of neurons based on their feature-tuning profile, as allowed the researchers to fix the locus of spatial atten-
opposed to the location of their spatial receptive field. tion on the left while simultaneously examining the
As a result, feature-based attention enhances the gain isolated influence of feature-based attention by mea-
of neurons that are tuned to behaviorally relevant fea- suring responses to the dot field on the right. In line
tures while simultaneously suppressing the gain of with the idea of a feature-based attentional mechanism
neurons that are tuned to behaviorally irrelevant fea- that operates in parallel across the entire visual field,
tures (Martinez-Trujillo & Treue, 2004; Scolari, Byers, the BOLD response in area MT that was associated
& Serences, 2012; Serences, Saproo, Scolari, Ho, & Muf- with the ignored right stimulus was higher when it
tuler, 2009). Thus, a simple change in the gain (up or moved in the same direction as the attended dot field

serences and kastner: representations of space and feature-based 181

on the left (compared to when it mismatched the of visual information processing to support the efficient
direction of the attended dot field on the left). Subse- selection of behaviorally relevant objects.
quent work further demonstrated that these modula- The selection of behaviorally relevant information
tions in areas like MT actually underwent a systematic from the environment based on simple features such as
change as a function of the attended direction, such a particular color or direction of motion has been well
that the pattern of activation across voxels in a given documented. However, we also have a remarkable
area could be used to infer the precise feature that was ability to efficiently extract complex information related
being attended (e.g., 45° versus 135° motion; Kamitani to entire objects at a categorical level in natural vision,
& Tong, 2006; Serences & Boynton, 2007). Moreover, such as when looking for cars while crossing the street.
these modulations could occur even when a region was Even though exemplars from any given object category
not being directly driven by a stimulus (Serences & can appear in different locations, can be viewed from
Boynton, 2007), suggesting that all neurons tuned to different viewpoints, and can contain different featural
the relevant feature are modulated by attention, irre- details, we are able to detect categorical information
spective of their spatial receptive field (Liu & Hou, about objects in the near-absence of focused attention
2011; Sàenz, Buraĉas, & Boynton, 2002; White & (Fei-Fei et al., 2002). In one recent study that explored
Carrasco, 2011). the neural basis of such object-category based selection
Interestingly, the speed with which feature-based effects, subjects were asked to attend to briefly pre-
attention can modulate responses in visual cortex is also sented city scenes and to detect the presence of people
consistent with a role for rapidly tagging potentially or cars. In object-selective ventral temporal cortex, only
relevant locations in an attentional priority map. For task-relevant information was processed to the categori-
example, investigators combined event-related poten- cal level, even when the information was not spatially
tial and event-related field data (magnetoencephalo- attended, whereas task-irrelevant information was not
graphic signal) that was concurrently collected to processed to the categorical level, even when the scenes
determine the temporal dynamics of feature-based were attended (figure 17.3B; Peelen et al., 2009). These
attentional selection in feature-selective cortical areas object-category biasing signals were also found follow-
(Schoenfeld et al., 2007). Using these techniques, fea- ing an abstract letter cue that indicated the target cat-
ture-based modulations were found to onset about egory, that is, in the absence of a visual stimulus (Peelen
90–120 ms following stimulus presentation when sub- & Kastner, 2011). These cue-related biasing signals were
jects shifted between attending to colors or directions predictive of behavioral outcome: the probability to
of motion. This estimate was much faster than previous correctly detect a target category increased with the
estimates made while subjects shifted between features strength of the biasing signal. These studies indicate
in the same dimension (e.g., Anllo-Vento, Luck, & Hill- that neural activity in object-selective cortex is entirely
yard, 1998; Liu, Stevens, & Carrasco, 2007), suggesting dominated by task-related demands as subjects extract
that feature-based shifts between dimensions might be categorical information from natural scenes. The mech-
faster than shifts within a dimension. However, Zhang anism that mediates object category–based selection is
and Luck (2009) subsequently demonstrated that independent from that for space-based attention and
within-dimension shifts also occur very rapidly, at least appears to operate in a spatially global fashion, similar
when the stimuli were already visible before the atten- to feature-based attention mechanisms. However, in
tion-shift cue was presented. contrast to feature-based attention, object category–
The rapid action of feature-based shifts of attention based selection mechanisms are implemented at a later
further raised the possibility that early subcortical areas stage of cortical processing (i.e., in object-selective
of the visual system might play a key role just as they do ventral temporal cortex; figure 17.3B).
in the spatial domain. Schneider (2011) used fMRI to While much is known about the control of spatial
measure BOLD signals associated with between-cate- attention, most studies of feature- and object category–
gory shifts of feature-attention within the LGN and the based attention have focused solely on their role in
pulvinar, as these regions exhibit differential sensitivity modulating activity in visual cortex. Thus, relatively
to color and motion, respectively (Petersen, Robinson, little is known about the role of higher-order cortical
& Keys, 1985). In line with predictions based on neural areas in mediating these forms of attentional selection.
selectivity, the BOLD signal was larger in the LGN when However, two early studies implicated a subregion of
subjects attended to stimulus color, and the response in the SPL in switching attention between different cate-
the pulvinar was higher when subjects attended to gories of features (color/motion) and object categories
motion. Thus, just as in the spatial domain, feature- (faces/houses; Liu et al., 2003; Serences et al., 2004).
based attention shaped responses at the earliest stages More recently, Serences and Boynton (2007a, 2007b)

182 visual attention




B * ***
Asymptotic accuracy

0.7 *** ***

*** *
0.65 *** **

V1 V2v V3v V4v V3a MT IPS FEF
Visual Area

Figure 17.3 Feature- and object category–based attention by viewing intact vs. scrambled objects) in a group-average
effects. (A) Top panel: Sequence of events on a trial where the analysis at P < 0.005 (Talairach coordinates of peak: x = 35,
observer was attending to 45° motion in the right stimulus y = −41, z = −18; N = 10). The lower panel shows category
aperture. One-half of the dots in each stimulus aperture information as a function of category, task, and attention in
moved at 45°, and the other half moved at 135°, for the dura- individually defined object-selective cortex. Category informa-
tion of the 14 sec presentation period. Targets were defined tion was calculated by taking the difference between within-
as a brief slowing of the dots at the attended location that category comparisons and between-category comparisons,
moved in the currently attended direction (45° in this figure); and reflects the amount of category information in multi-
distractors were defined as a brief slowing of the dots at the voxel patterns of activation. Significant category information
attended location that moved in the unattended direction depended solely on task instruction and not on spatially
(135° in this figure). Bottom-left panel: Asymptotic multi-voxel attended location. Task-relevant information was processed to
classification accuracy for the attended direction of motion the categorical level, even when unattended, whereas task-
based on fMRI activation patterns in each visual region (error irrelevant information was not represented at that level, even
bars, ±SEM across observers). (Data adapted and reprinted when attended. Error bars indicate ± SEM. (Data adapted and
with permission from Serences and Boynton, 2007.) (B) Top reprinted with permission from Peelen et al., 2009.) (See
panel: Clusters of object-selective activations in ventral tempo- color plate 14.)
ral cortex (as determined by contrasting activations evoked

demonstrated that regions of IPS and PCC encode with the spatial attention system. Indeed, jointly direct-
information about the specific direction of an attended ing attention to locations and to simple and complex
motion stimulus, suggesting that these regions may play features—to the extent supported by top-down knowl-
a role in generating the biasing signals observed in early edge—is a highly efficient way to rapidly hone in on the
visual areas. Liu et al. (2011) extended these findings most relevant objects in the visual scene. The combined
by showing that areas of IPS and PCC also encode spe- information provided by foreknowledge of relevant
cific colors (as well as directions of motion). In addi- visual information is likely combined in higher-order
tion, Liu et al. (2011) demonstrated that partially topographic maps that are found in subregions of IPS
separable regions of IPS and PCC carry information and prefrontal cortex, where the landscape of topo-
about attended directions and colors, suggesting graded graphical representations is partially divorced from the
specialization or sensitivity in the putative priority maps exact task or motor plan that initially induced atten-
that are thought to be maintained in these regions. tional priority (Jerde & Curtis, 2013; Jerde et al., 2012).
In the future, a major challenge will be to form a
Conclusion more integrated understanding of the role that each
region in the visual system plays in building an increas-
Together, the rapid implementation of feature- and ingly selective and refined representation of relevant
object category–based attentional shifts and their mod- stimuli in the environment. For instance, neurons in
ulatory impact on the visual system raise many parallels each area of the visual system differentially encode

serences and kastner: representations of space and feature-based 183

information about stimulus attributes (orientations, Heilman, K. M., & van den Abell, T. (1980). Right hemi-
colors, etc.). Therefore, it stands to reason that selective sphere dominance for attention: The mechanism underly-
ing hemispheric asymmetries of inattention (neglect).
attention implements different functions in different
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serences and kastner: representations of space and feature-based 185

18 Electrophysiology of Visual Attention
in Humans

ABSTRACT Human vision unfolds rapidly—with dozens of dis- questions. First, ERPs provide a continuous, millisec-
tinct processes occurring within a half-second of the onset of ond-resolution measure of processing between a stimu-
a stimulus—and attention influences many of these processes. lus and a response (as well as prior to the stimulus and
The event-related potential (ERP) technique is particularly
well suited for measuring these rapidly varying attentional
after the response). This makes it possible to track shifts
processes because of its millisecond-level temporal resolution. of attention as they occur and to determine the stage
Recent ERP studies of attention have been used to study two at which attention influences the processing of incom-
major topics in attention, namely, the mechanisms by which ing sensory information. Second, ERPs make it possible
attention is directed to specific types of stimuli and the con- to “covertly” monitor the processing of a stimulus in the
sequences of attention on the processing of incoming sensory
absence of a behavioral response. This is especially valu-
information. In particular, recent research on attentional
control shows that salient stimuli are always detected, even if able in attention research, because it is difficult to
task-irrelevant, but can be prevented from capturing attention obtain a behavioral response to a stimulus that is truly
by top-down suppression mechanisms. Once attention has unattended.
been captured by a stimulus, these same suppression mecha- The temporal resolution of ERPs also makes it pos-
nisms may be used to terminate attention when the percep-
sible to answer questions that cannot be addressed by
tion of the attended object is complete. In addition, recent
studies of the effects of attention on sensory processing have techniques that are limited by the slow time course of
focused on a subset of ERPs called steady-state visual evoked the hemodynamic response, such as functional mag-
potentials (SSVEPs), which are oscillating potentials induced netic resonance imaging (fMRI). Many different atten-
by flickering stimuli. By tagging individual stimuli with differ- tion-related processes may occur within a given brain
ent flicker frequencies, SSVEPs make it possible to assess the area within the first half-second after the onset of a
effects of attention on sensory processing for multiple simul-
taneous stimuli. Recent SSVEP studies have shown that the stimulus, and it is difficult to pull these processes apart
“spotlight” of attention can be divided among multiple dis- with fMRI. In addition, fMRI typically mixes together
continuous locations and have delineated the speed at which brain activity elicited by attended and unattended
attention can be shifted. stimuli, making it difficult to assess the implementation
of selection with fMRI. In contrast, the ERPs elicited by
attended and unattended stimuli can easily be recorded
The role of event-related potentials in studying and measured separately, as long as these stimuli are
attention separated by a few hundred milliseconds.
A special class of ERPs elicited by repetitively flashing
Studies of visual selective attention are typically focused or flickering stimuli has proven to be particularly useful
on understanding two broad questions (see reviews by for studying the implementation of visual selection.
Luck & Gold, 2008, and Luck & Vecera, 2002). First, These so-called steady-state visual evoked potentials
how does the brain determine which sources of input (SSVEPs) are continuous oscillatory neural responses
should be attended? This is called the control of attention. elicited in the visual cortex at the same fundamental
Second, once attention has been focused on a given frequency as the flickering stimulus. If several stimuli
source of information, how does this change the pro- are presented simultaneously, but each is flickering at
cessing of the attended and unattended information? a different frequency, the brain activity for each stimu-
This is called the implementation of selection. lus can be separated by extracting oscillations at the
Event-related potentials (ERPs) have played a key specific frequencies of stimulation. This is called fre-
role in addressing both of these questions for many quency tagging the stimuli, and it makes it possible to
years (see reviews by Hillyard, Vogel, & Luck, 1998; separately measure sensory activity to attended and
Luck & Kappenman, 2012). ERPs have two main advan- ignored stimuli that are presented simultaneously
tages over behavioral measures for addressing these but flicker at different frequencies. Frequency-tagged

luck and hillyard: electrophysiology of visual attention in humans 187

SSVEPs can reveal selection mechanisms that are differ- components, but P2 and P3 are not lateralized, so the
ent from those employed when the stimuli are brief N2pc component can be isolated by means of a contra-
flashes (Andersen, Müller, & Hillyard, 2012). Frequency- lateral-minus-ipsilateral difference wave (see figure
tagged SSVEPs can also be used to study the selective 18.1, right).
processing of spatially intermingled stimuli (e.g., spa- Many studies have shown that the N2pc component
tially overlapping fields of red and green dots), which reflects the focusing of attention onto a given item
is difficult to achieve with other neural recording (reviewed by Luck, 2012). Single-unit recording studies
methods. Finally, since SSVEPs provide a continuous in monkeys using similar tasks have found analogous
measure of selective stimulus processing, the time attention-related changes in neural firing rates in area
course of their amplitude modulations can reveal the V4 and inferotemporal cortex with approximately the
speed with which selection is implemented following a same latency (Chelazzi, Miller, Duncan, & Desimone,
cue to attend (Müller et al., 1998). 1993, 2001). The amplitude of the N2pc and the size
of these single-unit attention effects show similar modu-
lations in response to a variety of stimulus and task
ERP studies of attentional control manipulations (Luck, Girelli, McDermott, & Ford,
1997). Moreover, magnetoencephalographic and fMRI
The N2pc and PD Components Many studies of the experiments suggest that the N2pc is generated in the
control of visual attention make use of the N2pc com- human homologues of macaque area V4 and infero-
ponent, an attention-related ERP response that is useful temporal cortex (Hopf et al., 2006). Thus, the N2pc
for tracking the spatial allocation of attention millisec- component likely reflects the same mechanism of atten-
ond by millisecond (see review by Luck, 2012). Figure tion reflected by changes in single-unit activity in these
18.1 shows a prototypical paradigm for isolating the areas.
N2pc component. Each display consists of a large A recent study discovered a component called PD
number of randomly located squares, most of which are (distractor positivity) that is much like N2pc, but is
black. One square is red and another is green, and opposite in polarity and reflects a suppression of pro-
these two colored squares are randomly located, with cessing rather than attentional enhancement (Hickey,
the constraint that they are always on opposite sides of di Lollo, & McDonald, 2009). As illustrated in figure
the display. Subjects are told to attend to the red item 18.2A, the stimulus arrays in this study contained one
in some trial blocks and the green item in other blocks, object on the vertical midline and another object on
and they press a button on each trial to indicate if the the left or right side of the display. On some trials, the
attended-color item has a gap on the top versus a gap item on the midline was the target and the lateralized
on the bottom. In this paradigm, the location of the item was the distractor, and on other trials this was
to-be-attended object is not known in advance, and reversed. If a difference wave is formed by means of a
attention must be shifted to the target after an initial contralateral-minus-ipsilateral subtraction relative to
wave of processing that finds a likely target object in the the location of the lateralized item, this difference wave
stimulus array. will contain little or no contribution from the midline
The N2pc is a negative-going ERP deflection in the item (because the brain activity for the midline item
N2 latency range (200–300 ms) at posterior electrode should be largely bilateral). Thus, the difference wave
sites over the hemisphere contralateral to the location will reflect target-related activity when the target is the
of the target item (N2pc stands for N2-posterior-contralat- lateralized item and distractor-related activity when the
eral). As shown in figure 18.1, the voltage over the left distractor is the lateralized item.
hemisphere is more negative from 200–300 ms when When the target was lateralized and the distractor was
the target is in the right hemisphere compared to when on the midline, Hickey et al. (2009) observed a typical
the target is in the left hemisphere. Similarly, the voltage N2pc component (figure 18.2B). In contrast, when the
over the right hemisphere is more negative when the distractor was lateralized and the target was on
target is in the left hemisphere than when it is in the the midline, they observed a more positive voltage over
right hemisphere. The waveforms are usually collapsed the hemisphere contralateral to this distractor (figure
across hemispheres, with one waveform for contralat- 18.2C). There is growing evidence that this positivity, the
eral (left hemisphere, right target, averaged with right PD component, reflects some kind of suppressive influ-
hemisphere, left target) and another for ipsilateral ence on distractor processing.
(left hemisphere, left target, averaged with right hemi-
sphere, right target). The N2pc component is typi- Tracking the Time Course of Attention with
cally superimposed on the positive-polarity P2 and P3 N2pc In a well-controlled N2pc experiment, the

188 visual attention



Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Collapsed

N2pc N2pc

LVF target LVF target Contralateral target
RVF target RVF target Ipsilateral target
Contra minus ipsi
+2 µV

100 200 300

–2 µV

Figure 18.1 Typical N2pc paradigm and results. Each stimu- gap in the target item is on the top or the bottom of the
lus array contains a distinctly colored item on each side, and square. The N2pc component is defined as the difference
one of these two colors is designated as the target color in the between the contralateral and ipsilateral waveforms (shown
instruction screen for each trial block. The locations of the as the shaded region), which can be isolated by constructing
items varied at random from trial to trial, except that the two a contralateral-minus-ipsilateral difference wave. (Adapted
pop-out colors are always on opposite sides. The subject is with permission from Luck, 2014.)
required to press one of two buttons to indicate whether the

Line is target Diamond is target
Diamond is distractor Line is distractor


+2 µV +2 µV

100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
–2 µV –2 µV

Contralateral Ipsilateral
Contra minus ipsi

Figure 18.2 Example stimuli and results from the study of (N2pc) was elicited by the red item. When the green diamond
Hickey et al. (2009). Each array (A) contained a bright green was the target (C), the ERP was more positive contralateral to
square or diamond along with a short or long red line that the red distractor item than ipsilateral to this item. This con-
was isoluminant with the background. The red stimulus shows tralateral positivity is called the distractor positivity (PD).
almost no lateralized sensory activity, making it possible to Waveforms courtesy of John McDonald. (Adapted with per-
attribute any later lateralized activity to top-down processing. mission from Luck, 2012.)
When the red line was the target (B), a contralateral negativity

contralateral-minus-ipsilateral difference wave cannot N2pc onset latency can also be used to study indi-
deviate from zero microvolts until the brain has detected vidual and group differences in the speed of attentional
and localized the to-be-attended item and begun to control. For example, N2pc onset latency is increased
shift attention toward it. Thus, N2pc onset latency pro- in older individuals (Lorenzo-Lopez, Amenedo, &
vides a means of tracking the time course of attentional Cadaveira, 2008) and in patients with hepatic encepha-
control. Not surprisingly, N2pc onset latency varies with lopathy (Schiff et al., 2006). In contrast, no change in
the salience of the target and is earlier for targets that N2pc amplitude or latency has been observed in patients
are associated with large rewards (Kiss, Driver, & Eimer, with schizophrenia (Luck et al., 2006) or Parkinson’s
2009). disease (Praamstra & Plat, 2001).

luck and hillyard: electrophysiology of visual attention in humans 189

The N2pc component has also been used to test the A
hypothesis that some visual search tasks involve serial
shifts of covert attention. If a search task is so difficult
that the observer cannot tell if an item is a target or a
distractor without focusing attention on it, some theo-
ries propose that attention is focused sequentially on
each item until the target is found (Treisman, 1988). B
Other theories propose that attention is simply divided M A X Y U T H O
among all the items in parallel (Duncan, 1996).
Woodman and Luck (1999, 2003) provided strong evi-
dence in favor of serial processing by showing that, T I O U X M I L
when the distractor and target are on opposite sides of
the display, the N2pc can be observed to shift from the
Red singleton among green items
hemisphere contralateral to the distractor to the hemi-
sphere contralateral to the target (spending about 100 +2 µV +1.5 µV
ms on each item). C
Bottom-up and Top-down Control of Atten-
–2 µV –1.5 µV
tion Figure 18.3A displays a homogeneous field of N2pc
vertical lines along with a single tilted line. The tilted
line is called an orientation singleton, and it “pops out” +2 µV +1.5 µV
from the other lines. For the last two decades, attention D Pd
researchers have debated whether this “pop-out” phe- Salient
distractor 100 200 300 400 ms
nomenon reflects a completely automatic, bottom-
–2 µV –1.5 µV
up attraction of attention to the singleton (van der
Stigchel et al., 2009), or is the result of the match Contralateral Difference wave
Ipsilateral (contra-ipsi)
between the singleton and a top-down attentional set
(Folk, Remington, & Johnston, 1992). Behavioral evi- Figure 18.3 (A) Example of a feature singleton, which
dence has failed to resolve this debate, and recordings appears to “pop out” from the background. (B) Stimuli from
of N2pc yielded conflicting evidence, with an N2pc the study of Sawaki and Luck (2010). Subjects searched for a
observed for salient but task-irrelevant singletons under specific target letter (e.g., the large A) and ignored color.
(C) N2pc elicited by the target. (D) PD elicited by the irrele-
some conditions (e.g., Hickey, McDonald, & Theeuwes,
vant color singleton.
2006) but not others (e.g., Eimer & Kiss, 2008).
In attempt to resolve this conflict, Sawaki and Luck
(2010) proposed a signal-suppression hypothesis that distractor elicited a PD component (figure 18.3D).
combines elements of both the bottom-up and top- Thus, although subjects had no incentive to attend to
down hypotheses. According to the signal-suppression the color singleton, it was detected (i.e., it generated an
hypothesis, feature singletons always elicit an atten- attend-to-me priority signal). However, it did not elicit
tional priority signal (an attend-to-me signal), but this a shift of attention; instead, it triggered the suppression
signal can be suppressed by top-down control processes process indexed by the PD component, thus lending
before attention is actually allocated to the source of strong support to the signal-suppression hypothesis.
the priority signal. The suppression process is further
hypothesized to produce a PD wave. Don’t Fade Away: Terminating Shifts of Attention
Figure 18.3B shows the design of an experiment that The timing of the N2pc component indicates that atten-
was designed to test this hypothesis. Subjects performed tion typically dwells on a target for about 100 ms
a visual search task in which they searched for a specific (although it may dwell longer when the target is par-
combination of size and letter identity (e.g., a large A). ticularly difficult to perceive). Presumably, this reflects
All of the items in the display were one color (e.g., the amount of time needed to perform perceptual pro-
green), but a color singleton distractor was sometimes cessing and perhaps working memory encoding on the
present (e.g., a red letter). The target, when present, target once attention has been shifted to it. But what
was found to elicit an N2pc, as would be expected given happens to attention once target processing is com-
that subjects were motivated to focus attention on this plete? Does attention passively fade away, or is an active
item (figure 18.3C). In contrast, the salient singleton process needed to terminate the episode of attention?

190 visual attention

A recent series of experiments has demonstrated that a 2004; Luck & Kappenman, 2012). Figure 18.4 shows the
shift of attention to a target typically leads to an N2pc most common experimental paradigm and typical
component that is immediately followed by a PD com- results. Subjects direct gaze to a central fixation point
ponent (Sawaki, Geng, & Luck, 2012). This suggests while a rapid sequence of stimuli is presented to the left
that the same mechanism that is used to prevent a shift and right visual fields. Subjects are instructed to attend
of attention to a salient but irrelevant distractor item is to one side for a block of trials and detect rare targets
also used to terminate a shift of attention after target on that side, and eye movements are monitored to
processing is complete. This is analogous to the phe- make sure that they attend to this side covertly rather
nomenon of inhibition of return, in which a peripheral than overtly. A stimulus in this paradigm typically elicits
transient (e.g., the onset of a new stimulus) will trigger larger P1 and N1 waves when it is attended than when
an automatic shift of attention to the location of the attention is directed to the opposite side of the display
transient and then an inhibition of processing at that (figure 18.4B). The P1 effect typically begins within 100
location (Klein, 2000). However, inhibition of return is ms of stimulus onset and appears to arise from lateral
ordinarily observed only after peripheral transients, not areas of extrastriate visual cortex (Di Russo, Martinez,
after voluntary shifts of attention. In addition, the PD & Hillyard, 2003; Martinez et al., 1999). However, atten-
process appears to bring attention back to a neutral tion does not reliably influence the C1 wave, which is
state rather than creating inhibition at the previously generated in striate cortex (Mangun, Hillyard, & Luck,
attended location (relative to other locations in the 1993; reviewed in Ding, Martinez, Qu, & Hillyard,
display). Thus, the termination process reflected by the 2013). Thus, spatial attention appears to modulate the
PD component appears to be different from the mecha- flow of information through intermediate levels of
nisms that produce inhibition of return. visual cortex. Analogous effects of attention in extrastri-
ate visual cortex but not in striate cortex have also been
ERP studies of the implementation of selection observed in monkey single-unit studies (Luck, Chelazzi
et al., 1997), although attention can influence single-
Spatial Attention ERPs have been used to study unit activity in striate cortex under some conditions
visual-spatial attention for several decades (see reviews (Briggs, Mangun, & Usrey, 2013). Attention also influ-
by Hillyard et al., 1998; Hopfinger, Luck, & Hillyard, ences the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal


+1 µV

L standard Ignored
100 ms

C1 100 200
100–300 ms –1 µV
R standard
100 ms

100–300 ms

R standard
TI 100 ms

100–300 ms

L target
100 ms

Figure 18.4 Prototypical paradigm and results for using when it is attended and when it is ignored. The P1 and N1
ERPs to assess the effects of spatial attention on sensory pro- components are typically found to be increased in amplitude
cessing. Subjects attend to the left side of the display in some for attended-location stimuli. (Adapted with permission from
trial blocks and to the right side on others, making it possible Luck & Kappenman, 2012.)
to examine the ERP elicited by a stimulus in a given location

luck and hillyard: electrophysiology of visual attention in humans 191

The SSVEP is enhanced by spatial attention

Figure 18.5 Schematic diagram of stimulus array and SSVEP of color changes. SSVEP waveforms shown were averaged in
waveforms from one subject in the study of Müller et al. the time domain using a moving window average over the
(1998). On each trial, subjects were cued to attend to the left interval 1–3 sec after cue onset. (Reprinted with permission
or right array of flickering LEDs and detect a target pattern from Müller, Teder-Sälejärvi, & Hillyard, 1998.)

in striate cortex, but this likely reflects late feedback within an array of flickering stimuli (Vialatte, Maurice,
signals rather than a feedforward modulation of incom- Dauwels, & Cichocki, 2010). SSVEP amplitude modula-
ing sensory signals (Martinez et al., 1999). tions have also been used to show that improvements
SSVEPs elicited by flickering stimuli at multiple loca- in visual attention seen in fast-action video game players
tions in the visual field are strongly modulated by the were associated with a more effective suppression of
allocation of spatial attention among those locations irrelevant competing inputs (Krishnan, Kang, Sperling,
(reviewed in Andersen et al., 2012). Typically, SSVEPs & Srinivasan, 2012; Mishra, Zinni, Bavelier, & Hillyard,
to stimuli within the spotlight of attention show 2011).
enhanced amplitudes in early visual-cortical areas rela-
tive to stimuli outside the spotlight (figure 18.5). When
flickering stimuli are presented at two spatially sepa- Feature-Based Attention In a typical ERP study of
rated locations that need to be attended simultane- feature-selective attention, a series of stimuli is pre-
ously, the spotlight can be effectively divided in two for sented at a single location, and the subject is asked to
periods of at least several seconds, as evidenced by attend only to the stimuli that possess a specific feature
SSVEPs being enhanced to attended-location stimuli (e.g., the color blue). Under these conditions, the P1
but not to intermediate, unattended stimuli (Müller and N1 waves are not any larger for stimuli containing
et al., 2003). Such a sustained splitting of the atten- the attended feature than for stimuli that lack this
tional spotlight is not readily achieved when stimuli are feature (Anllo-Vento & Hillyard, 1996). This suggests
flashed transiently at the attended locations, suggesting that selection based on nonspatial features occurs at a
that the human visual system can only divide attention later stage of processing than selection based on spatial
effectively between separated locations when stimuli are location. However, recent studies have shown that color-
continuously present (or flickering rapidly so that they based attention can influence P1 amplitude under
appear to be continuous), as is usually the case in the certain conditions, operating at the same stage as spatial
natural environment. The sensitivity of SSVEPs to attention (Zhang & Luck, 2009). In these studies, the
spatial attention has led to the development of brain- attended and ignored colors were present continuously
computer interfaces whereby the intentions of an and were spatially overlapping, which presumably maxi-
immobile subject can be conveyed via amplitude modu- mized the competition between them, and the ERPs
lations of the SSVEP produced by directing attention were elicited by transient probe events.

192 visual attention

A required to attend to dots of one color at one location
at a time, again searching for coherent-motion targets.
It was found that the SSVEP was enhanced maximally
to dots having the attended color and location, and that
these feature and spatial selective effects were largely
additive. It thus appears that spatial and feature selec-
tive attention can independently enhance signal gain at
early levels of visual-cortical processing. Moreover, the
finding that stimuli of the attended color were facili-
tated equivalently at attended and unattended loca-
B tions provides strong support for the feature-similarity
gain model (Maunsell & Treue, 2006), which specifies
that paying attention to a feature at one location results
in a global facilitation of the processing of that feature
throughout the entire visual field. Current evidence
indicates this global facilitation of attended-feature
inputs at an early cortical level only occurs when the
attended stimuli are continuously visible and hence can
be readily studied with SSVEP techniques (Andersen,
Müller, & Hillyard, 2013).
Figure 18.6 Stimulus display and spectral pattern of SSVEP
amplitude modulations with attention in study of Andersen
and Müller (2010). Each trial began with concurrent flicker- Tracking the Time Course of Attention Shifts
ing of the overlapping red (11.98 Hz) and blue (16.77 Hz) dot with SSVEPs The speed with which attention can be
populations, followed by a color-change cue indicating which shifted from one item or location to another has been
color should be attended. Amplitude spectra of SSVEPs were estimated using a variety of behavioral and electrophysi-
obtained from Fourier transforms over the interval −300 to
+1500 ms with respect to the cue, averaged over all subjects.
ological techniques. Because SSVEPs are recorded con-
(Reprinted with permission from Andersen & Müller, 2010.) tinuously over time, the speed of attentional shifting
can be measured with high temporal resolution by
examining the time course of SSVEP amplitude modu-
Feature-selective attention to overlapping fields of lations following an attention-directing cue. In a study
stimuli can also be studied with SSVEPs using the fre- of spatial attention shifting, Müller et al., (1998) pre-
quency tagging principle. In the experiment shown in sented flickering stimulus arrays in the left (20.8 Hz)
figure 18.6 (Andersen & Müller, 2010), overlapping and right (27.8 Hz) visual fields as shown in figure 18.5;
fields of randomly moving red and blue dots were the stimuli began to flicker at the beginning of each
flashed at 11.98 and 16.77 Hz, respectively. Subjects trial, and after a delay a central (endogenous) cue was
were cued to attend to either the red or blue dots on given directing attention to the left or right array. The
each trial, with the task of detecting occasional targets SSVEP elicited by the cued array started to increase
of coherent dot motion in the attended color. In this about 400–500 ms after the cue onset, and this increase
and several other similar studies (reviewed in was paralleled by an improvement in behavioral target
Andersen et al., 2012), it was found that the attended- detection rates, thereby confirming earlier reports that
color dots elicited an enhanced SSVEP in a region that endogenously cued shifts of spatial attention require
encompassed visual areas V1–V3. This facilitation of several hundreds of milliseconds to be fully imple-
attended-color inputs at early cortical levels was shown mented. Interestingly, this cued spatial attention effect
to operate independently of spatial attention mecha- appeared to involve early cortical facilitation of the
nisms, since the randomly moving dots could not be attended-side input with no parallel suppression of the
tracked spatially (Andersen, Müller, & Hillyard, 2009). unattended-side input. These effects were confirmed by
The combined effects of spatial- and feature-selective Kashiwase, Matsumiya, Kuriki, and Shioiri (2012), who
attention were studied by Andersen, Fuchs, & Müller showed further that attention enhanced the phase
(2011) in a design where overlapping fields of red and coherence of the SSVEP, thereby suggesting that atten-
blue dots were presented to both the right and left tion increases neural-response synchronization and
visual fields. Each of these four randomly moving dot increases neural population activity.
populations was flickered at a different rate and hence A similar approach was used by Andersen and Müller
elicited a separately measurable SSVEP. Subjects were (2010) to study cued shifting of color-selective attention

luck and hillyard: electrophysiology of visual attention in humans 193

A presented at a distractor location (Luck & Hillyard,
Several recent studies have also capitalized on the
continuous nature of SSVEPs to track different aspects
of attentional selection over time. In a divided spotlight
experiment akin to that of Müller et al. (2003), Itthipu-
ripat, Garcia, and Serences (2013) examined the time
course of SSVEPs elicited by spatially separated target
items and by an intermediate distractor. The results
showed that the spotlight of attention could be divided
across noncontiguous regions of space over a tempo-
rally discrete interval prior to the behavioral response,
and that the degree of amplitude separation between
target and distractor SSVEPs was predictive of behav-
ioral accuracy. In a task where subjects judged the ori-
entation tilt of a contrast-reversing circular grating,
Garcia, Srinivasan, and Serences (2013) identified scalp
distribution patterns of time-varying SSVEPs that were
orientation-specific; amplitude changes of these fea-
ture-selective SSVEP profiles over time were found to
Figure 18.7 (A) Time course of SSVEP amplitude modula- be predictive of tilt discrimination performance. The
tions with attention in study by Andersen and Müller (2010).
Stimulus layout is shown in figure 18.6. SSVEP amplitudes
time course of attentional capture by a meaningful
calculated by moving Gabor filters were collapsed over the red picture could also be revealed through SSVEP record-
and blue dot populations and show distinct time courses of ings. Hindi-Attar, Andersen, and Müller (2010) pre-
enhancement for the attended dots and suppression for the sented pictures that were overlaid with flickering dots
unattended dots. (B) Time course of behavioral reaction and found that the dot-evoked SSVEP was sharply
times to targets (brief intervals of coherent motion of the
reduced within 200 ms after the picture emerged from
attended dots).
a scrambled background. This reduction was greater for
more emotionally charged pictures, indicating a more
using the stimuli shown in figure 18.6. On each trial, intensive focusing of attention on the picture (and away
the red and blue dot arrays began flickering for over a from the irrelevant dots).
second before a color change of the fixation point cued
the subject to attend to the red or blue dots. The SSVEP Conclusion
elicited by the attended-color dots showed a significant
amplitude increase 220 ms after the cue onset, which This chapter has highlighted recent research using
was followed after another 150 ms by an amplitude sup- both transient ERPs and SSVEPs. Transient ERPs have
pression of the SSVEP to the unattended dots (figure been used for decades to study attention, and they con-
18.7A). These amplitude modulations were paralleled tinue to be an important tool in attention research. In
by a speeding of behavioral reaction times to target particular, the N2pc component and the more recently
detections following the cue (figure 18.7B). These discovered PD component have become popular mea-
results suggest that color-selective attention may be sures for assessing the control of attention. Experiments
engaged more rapidly than endogenously cued spatial with these components have shown that it is possible to
attention, and that color selectivity involves both a facili- avoid shifting attention to some kinds of salient stimuli
tation of the attended-color items and a suppression of (e.g., color singletons), but that this reflects an active
the unattended-color items. This is consistent with suppression of the salient stimuli. The N2pc compo-
many prior visual search experiments showing that, nent is also useful for tracking the time course of atten-
when the to-be-attended color is known in advance, the tion over the half-second following the onset of a static
target color triggers an N2pc component beginning stimulus array. SSVEPs have been more recently har-
175–200 ms after the onset of the visual search array. nessed for studying attention, and they have the advan-
Moreover, a small probe stimulus that appears 250 ms tage of being able to separately measure the sensory
after the onset of the search array elicits enhanced processing of multiple simultaneous stimuli. Recent
sensory-evoked ERPs when presented at the target SSVEP studies have been particularly important for
location and suppressed sensory-evoked ERPs when showing that the spotlight of attention can be divided

194 visual attention

among discontinuous regions and for tracking how the Eimer, M., & Kiss, M. (2008). Involuntary attentional capture
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of this chapter was supported visual search. J Cogn Neurosci, 21, 760–775.
by grants from NSF (BCS-1029084) and NIMH (1P50MH86385) Hickey, C., McDonald, J. J., & Theeuwes, J. (2006). Electro-
to S. A. H., and by NIH grant R01MH076226 to S. J. L. physiological evidence of the capture of visual attention.
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196 visual attention

19 Spatial Neglect and Attention Networks:
A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach

ABSTRACT Spatial neglect is a common syndrome after brain right-hemisphere lesions can cause neglect, only right-
injury, characterized by spatial and nonspatial attention, and hemisphere lesions cause severe and persistent deficits
perceptual and motor deficits. These deficits are due to the (Stone, Halligan, & Greenwood, 1993). This still-unex-
structural and functional damage of attention networks, and
their interaction with sensory and motor regions of the brain.
plained hemispheric asymmetry after nearly 70 years of
Accordingly, white matter damage is associated with more research is one of the primary reasons for the widely
severe neglect due to the disconnection of different interact- held view that the right hemisphere is dominant for
ing regions. The right hemisphere lateralization of neglect attention. Finally, spatial neglect is unique among the
is due to the hemispheric lateralization of arousal/vigilance. behavioral disorders resulting from focal lesions, since
Spatial neglect is an outstanding model to study how large-
its severity can be modulated by behavioral interven-
scale neural systems mediate behavior.
tions over very short timescales (e.g., seconds to
Spatial neglect is a common syndrome that follows focal minutes). Deficits in attending to and reporting objects
brain injury (stroke, tumor, etc.). It is defined as the in contralesional space can be lessened by (1) encour-
inability to attend and report stimuli on the side oppo- aging a patient to attend to the previously ignored
site the lesion (or contralesional) despite apparently stimuli using verbal cues; (2) presenting salient sensory
normal visual perception. Neglect is also frequently stimuli, such as noises (Robertson, Mattingley, Rorden,
associated with a reduction of arousal and vigilance, a & Driver, 1998); (3) asking the patient to perform hand
spatial bias for directing actions toward the hemi-space movements controlled by the injured hemisphere (Rob-
or hemi-body on the same side as the lesion (or ipsile- ertson & North, 1992); or (4) training patients to
sional), and several disorders of awareness, including a increase their alertness (Robertson et al., 1995). These
degree of obliviousness toward being ill and confabula- observations suggest that the neural mechanisms under-
tion about body ownership. lying the spatial deficit can be dynamically modulated
About 25–30% of all stroke patients suffer from this by signals from other parts of the brain reflecting
syndrome, an estimated 250,000–300,000 patients per endogenous or exogenous attention, movement, and
year. Clinically, spatial neglect negatively impacts motor arousal. Moreover, in a matter of days or weeks, most
recovery and outcome. Stroke patients with neglect are patients with spatial neglect recover from the more
less likely to go back to work, drive, and be independent obvious spatial impairments, which, however, continue
than stroke patients with a comparable degree of motor to negatively influence their ability to return to a pro-
disability but without spatial neglect. ductive life (Denes, Semenza, Stoppa, & Lis, 1982;
Spatial neglect has attracted tremendous interest as Paolucci, Antonucci, Grasso, & Pizzamiglio, 2001).
a model for understanding the neurological basis of To reconcile these observations, we have proposed
awareness, cerebral lateralization, spatial cognition, that neglect is mediated by the abnormal interaction
and recovery of function. Yet its neural bases remain between brain networks that control attention to the
poorly understood. environment in the healthy brain (Corbetta & Shulman,
There are several outstanding issues that are of great 2011; see Heilman, Watson, & Valenstein, 1985, and
interest for cognitive neuroscience. First, even though Mesulam, 1999, for other network formulations). We
strokes causing neglect occur in different locations in argue for a core set of spatial and nonspatial deficits
the brain, both cortically and subcortically, the syn- that match the physiological properties of these net-
drome is relatively stereotypical. This suggests that works. First, the core spatial deficit, a bias in spatial
some of the deficits are supported by a common patho- attention and salience mapped in an egocentric coor-
physiological mechanism despite variability in lesion dinate frame, is caused by the dysfunction of a dorsal
location. Second, although acutely both left- and frontal-parietal network that controls attention and eye

corbetta et al.: spatial neglect and attention networks 197

movements and represent stimulus saliency. Core non- Rengachary, He, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2011; Verdon,
spatial deficits of arousal, reorienting, and detection Schwartz, Lovblad, Hauert, & Vuilleumier, 2010).
reflect structural damage to more ventral regions that Simple speeded responses to lateralized visual targets
partly overlap with a right-hemisphere dominant ventral are highly sensitive and specific in classifying patients
frontal-parietal network recruited during reorienting with neglect both subacutely (2 weeks) and chronically
and detection of novel behaviorally relevant events. (9 months; Rengachary, d’Avossa, Sapir, Shulman, &
Second, ventral lesions that result in neglect alter the Corbetta, 2009). We argue that at its core, spatial neglect
physiology of structurally undamaged dorsal frontopa- represents a deficit of spatial attention and stimulus
rietal regions, consistent with the fact that dorsal and saliency.
ventral attention regions interact in the healthy brain.
Physiological dysfunction in dorsal frontoparietal Gradients of Spatial Attention and Stimulus
regions is empirically observed not only during task Saliency Virtually all patients with spatial neglect
performance, but also at rest, and correlates with the manifest a lateralized bias in visual information process-
severity of the egocentric spatial bias. Moreover, this ing that is evident both clinically and experimentally as
dysfunction decreases the top-down modulation of a gradient across space (Behrmann, Watt, Black, &
visual cortex, reducing its responsiveness, which can Barton, 1997; Pouget & Driver, 2000). Clinically this is
also contribute to neglect. The highly dynamic and evident as a tendency to look ipsilesionally when pre-
plastic nature of the spatial deficits in neglect strongly sented with stimuli in the visual field, as a deficit of
argues that they are mediated by parts of the brain that exploration of the contralesional space, and as a reluc-
still function, even if abnormally. Measurements of the tance to direct actions (eye, hand) toward the contral-
physiology of brain regions, not just of structural esional space. Low sensitivity and responsiveness to
damage, are essential for understanding neglect behaviorally relevant stimuli improve as one moves
(Deuel & Collins, 1983), and we emphasize neuroimag- from contralesional to ipsilesional locations. Figure
ing methods that provide a window on physiological 19.1A shows the spatial bias of movie director Federico
function. Fellini, who suffered a right-hemisphere stroke. The
Finally, perhaps the least understood clinical feature bias is apparent as a deviation toward the right (ipsile-
of spatial neglect is its right-hemisphere lateralization. sionally) of line bisection, and as the missing half of
Brain-imaging studies have shown that dorsal frontopa- Fellini’s own body image.
rietal regions controlling spatial attention and eye This spatial bias does not reflect abnormal early visual
movements are largely symmetrically organized, with mechanisms, as indicated by contrast sensitivity (Spi-
each hemisphere predominantly representing the con- nelli, Guariglia, Massironi, Pizzamiglio, & Zoccolotti,
tralateral side of space. In contrast, ventral regions that 1990), image segmentation based on low-level features
underlie the core nonspatial deficits observed in neglect in the neglected visual field (Driver & Mattingley, 1998),
patients are strongly right-hemisphere dominant. We visually evoked potentials (Di Russo, Aprile, Spitoni, &
argue that lateralization of these latter functions, and Spinelli, 2008; Watson, Miller, & Heilman, 1977), and
their interaction with dorsal regions, rather than asym- functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; Rees
metries of spatial attention per se, primarily account for et al., 2000).
the hemispheric asymmetry of neglect. In contrast, the “saliency” of objects in the neglected
visual field is impaired. Saliency refers to the sensory
The core spatial deficit: Egocentric bias distinctiveness and behavioral relevance of an object
relative to other objects. In a recent study, the saliency
A large body of neuropsychological research has tried of objects in the ipsilesional or contralesional visual
to characterize the deficits in neglect that are “spatial” field of neglect subjects was measured by indexing the
(i.e., involve predominantly one side of space). Factor- patients’ tendency to look at distinctive but task-irrele-
analytic studies of behavioral deficits have consistently vant stimuli or at task-relevant stimuli (Bays, Singh-
isolated at least one factor associated with impairments Curry, Gorgoraptis, Driver, & Husain, 2010). The
in attending, searching, or responding to targets in probability of an eye movement increased along a
contralateral space, but have yielded inconsistent con- spatial gradient from contralesional to ipsilesional loca-
clusions with regard to other factors (Azouvi et al., tions that was the same for both kinds of stimuli, sug-
2002; Coslett, Bowers, Fitzpatrick, Haws, & Heilman, gesting that exogenous (automatic) and goal-driven
1990; Farne et al., 2004; Halligan, Marshall, & Wade, components of spatial attention were equally affected
1989; Hamilton, Coslett, Buxbaum, Whyte, & Ferraro, (figure 19.1B). The abnormally high salience of ipsile-
2008; Kinsella, Olver, Ng, Packer, & Stark, 1993; sional stimuli may prevent them from being filtered

198 visual attention

Figure 19.1 (A) Rightward bias in line bisection and neglect Occasional luminance distractors are presented, and they
left body image. (B) Gradients of saliency for both goal-driven attract eye movements automatically (stimulus-driven). The
and stimulus-driven attention. The task requires making an frequency of eye movements linearly normalizes according to
eye movement to a target defined by an isoluminant color a gradient from left to right visual field.
target that was cued prior to the task (goal-driven).

when they are task-irrelevant (Bays et al., 2010; Shom- at rest also suggest an indwelling imbalance in the
stein, Lee, & Behrmann, 2010; Snow & Mattingley, mechanism’s controlling gaze. These motor biases are
2006) or lead to repeated re-fixations during search likely associated with attentional biases because of the
tasks (Husain et al., 2001). functional relationship between the corresponding
Importantly, a spatially lateralized bias is observed neural systems (Corbetta et al., 1998; Rizzolatti, Riggio,
even in the absence of a stimulus. When neglect sub- Dascola, & Umiltá, 1987).
jects searched for a nonexistent object in complete
darkness, search patterns as measured by eye or head An Egocentric Frame of Reference Spatial deficits
position were strongly biased toward the ipsilesional can be separated based on the reference frame in which
field (Hornak, 1992). Moreover, gaze deviations are stimuli are coded. Neglect is often egocentric (viewer-
observed tonically at rest, similar to those observed centered), with left and right hemi-spaces based on
during task performance (figure 19.1C; Fruhmann the observer’s midline. Neglect can also be allocentric,
Berger, Johannsen, & Karnath, 2008). where the midline is defined from the central axis of
Spatial biases in the dark during target search could a stimulus, irrespective of its position in the environ-
reflect a reduced salience of contralesional spatial loca- ment (stimulus-centered) or of both its position and
tions during task performance, but the biases observed orientation (object-centered). (Chechlacz, Rotshtein,

corbetta et al.: spatial neglect and attention networks 199

Figure 19.2 (A) Reorienting deficit. Slower reaction time to region (Malhotra et al., 2009). (C) Reorienting response
visual targets presented at unattended (invalidly cued targets (invalidly-validly cued targets) in healthy subjects involves
in the Posner orienting task). Ventral frontal cortex damage both dorsal and ventral frontoparietal regions (i.e., dorsal and
causes damage in both visual fields while temporoparietal ventral attention networks). (D) The map shows regions acti-
junction (TPJ)/superior temporal gyrus (STG) damage vated either by reorienting or target detection in ventral fron-
causes deficits mainly contralesionally (Friedrich et al., 1998; toparietal cortex. Activity is lateralized to the right hemisphere
Rengachary et al., 2011). (B) Neglect patients show a decre- (Stevens, Calhoun, & Kiehl, 2005; Shulman et al., 2009).
ment in performance as time elapses on a task in which they Plotted are foci of activation during visual and auditory vigi-
have to maintain attention to specific locations on the screen. lance experiments. Note overlap, especially in TPJ, between
The region most associated with this vigilance is the right TPJ response to target, vigilance, and lesions that cause neglect.

& Humphreys, 2012; Marsh & Hillis, 2008). Egocentric & Luzzatti, 1978; Della Sala, Logie, Beschin, & Denis,
neglect is associated with regions classically damaged in 2004). In a famous experiment, patients with right-
spatial neglect, i.e., inferior parietal lobule (IPL), supe- hemisphere stroke and neglect were asked to report by
rior temporal gyrus (STG), and inferior frontal gyrus memory buildings to the left and right of the cathedral
(IFG), while allocentric neglect has been associated in the Piazza del Duomo in Milan while imagining they
with damage of inferior temporal regions (figure 19.2A; were facing the front of the cathedral. Patients with
but see Chechlacz et al., 2012). We suggest that egocen- neglect tended to ignore buildings on the left side of
tric neglect underlies a spatial disorder and is associated the square. However, when asked to repeat the same
with damage of systems involved in spatial processing task while imagining being rotated by 180 degrees, thus
(see below), while allocentric neglect reflects a problem looking toward the square with the shoulders to the
with object coding and is associated with damage to the cathedral, now they reported buildings on the right side
ventral visual system (Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982). that had been previously ignored, while ignoring build-
ings on the left side that had been formerly reported.
What About Representational Neglect? An influ- This experiment clearly indicates the integrity of spatial
ential account proposes that neglect is a deficit in information in working memory, and the involvement
forming, storing, or manipulating the left side of mental of a “scanning” or “saliency” mechanism similarly to
images or information in VSTM, termed representa- what is observed during perceptual tasks. Furthermore,
tional neglect (i.e., representation within VSTM; Bisiach mechanisms for spatial attention, VSTM, and imagery

200 visual attention

are closely related, as shown by psychological and physi- for auditory stimuli presented at ipsilesional locations in
ological studies (Awh & Jonides, 2001; Kosslyn, Kosslyn, right-hemisphere patients with neglect versus without
Ganis, & Thompson, 2001). Not surprisingly, represen- neglect (Samuelsson, Hjelmquist, Jensen, Ekholm, &
tational neglect is nearly always observed in association Blomstrand, 1998), indicating that the reaction-time
with perceptual neglect (Bartolomeo, D’Erme, & slowing may reflect damage to right-hemisphere brain
Gainotti, 1994). regions specifically associated with neglect (figure
Summary Spatial neglect is characterized by a spatial
gradient of impaired attention, saliency, and represen- Arousal and Vigilance Arousal refers to the combi-
tation within an egocentric reference frame. The nation of autonomic, electrophysiological, and behav-
saliency deficit reflects both task and sensory factors ioral activity that is associated with an alert state, while
and is linked with indwelling motor imbalances that vigilance refers to the ability to sustain this state over
produce resting ipsilesional deviations in eye, head, and time. Kenneth Heilman and colleagues have argued that
body movements. Clinical observations indicate that neglect patients have decreased arousal due to hypo-
the gradient fluctuates depending on arousal and task activation of the right hemisphere (Heilman, Watson,
instructions, suggesting that the underlying neural Valenstein, & Goldberg, 1987). For instance, patients
mechanisms are modulated by signals from other parts with right- as opposed to left-hemisphere damage do not
of the brain, and are dysfunctional rather than obliter- show the typical slowing of heart rate following a cue
ated by structural damage. that signals a subsequent target and show reduced
galvanic skin response to electrical stimulation. Lesion
Core nonspatial deficits studies have associated right TPJ damage with decreased
sustained attention to spatial locations (Malhotra et al.,
Patients with spatial neglect also suffer from a host of 2009; figure19.2B), and right frontal damage with a dec-
nonspatial deficits, including problems with arousal/ rement over time in sustaining attention and detecting
vigilance, reorienting, and spatial-temporal capacity. targets (vigilance decrement; Rueckert & Grafman, 1996;
Clinically, especially in the first few days after stroke, Wilkins et al., 1987).
patients with right-hemisphere injuries and neglect
show an overall decrement in their ability to maintain Interaction between spatial and nonspatial deficits
a normal vigilance state. They tend to be sleepier, less
responsive, and more prone to fluctuations of arousal Recent behavioral evidence in healthy adults indicates
than left-hemisphere damaged patients, alternating that arousal interacts with spatial attention, the primary
moments of responsiveness with periods in which they spatial function impaired in neglect patients. Healthy
appear comatose. adults show a slight tendency to attend to the left side
of an object (Nicholls, Bradshaw, & Mattingley, 1999),
Reorienting of Attention Michael Posner and col- but this bias is reduced or shifted to the right under
leagues reported that neglect patients are impaired in conditions of low arousal (Bellgrove, Dockree, Aimola,
reorienting to unexpected events (Posner, Walker, & Robertson, 2004; Manly, Dobler, Dodds, & George,
Friedrich, & Rafal, 1984). Patients showed especially 2005; Matthias et al., 2009).
large deficits in detecting contralesional targets when Importantly, there is also evidence in neglect patients
they were expecting an ipsilesional target, suggesting a for an interaction between arousal/vigilance and spatial
deficit in disengaging attention from the ipsilesional deficits. For instance, a study reported a specific associa-
field. Several studies have localized disengagement/ tion between damage to right TPJ cortex and vigilance
reorienting deficits to right temporoparietal junction decrements, but only when attention had to be sus-
(TPJ)/STG (Friedrich, Egly, Rafal, & Beck, 1998; Ren- tained to a spatial location, not for targets presented at
gachary et al., 2011), but also right inferior frontal random locations (figure 19.2B; Malhotra et al., 2009).
cortex (Rengachary et al., 2011; figure 19.2A). The specific form of the interaction between arousal
and spatial attention predicts that increases in arousal
Detection of Behaviorally Relevant Stimuli should bias attention to the left visual field, ameliorat-
Right hemisphere and neglect patients show deficits in ing left field neglect. Ian Robertson and colleagues
target detection in even the simplest paradigms. Simple observed this result in two important studies. Increases
auditory reaction time, for example, is much slower fol- in either phasic (Robertson et al., 1998) or sustained
lowing right- than left-hemisphere damage (Howes & (Robertson, Tegner, Tham, Lo, & Nimmo-Smith, 1995)
Boller, 1975). Related differences have been reported arousal decreased neglect of the contralesional field,

corbetta et al.: spatial neglect and attention networks 201

Figure 19.3 (A) Anatomy of neglect defined based on clini- damage in the white matter overlaps with common white
cal diagnosis by treating therapist (N = 40 patients). Note matter pathways: superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and
ventral distribution of lesions with involvement especially of arcuate (AF), which connect frontal and parietal regions, and
superior temporal gyrus (STG), supramarginal gyrus (SMG), ventral frontal to dorsal parietal cortex. (D) Functional con-
angular gyrus (AG), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), and insula nectivity maps of dorsal attention network with core regions
(Ins). (B) Lesions extend in the periventricular white matter identified. (E) Functional connectivity maps of ventral
both ventrally and dorsally. White matter damage is more attention network with core regions identified. (See color
common in severe neglect. (C) The region of maximal plate 15.)

consistent with a direct effect of the activation of ventral Structural Damage Does Not Explain the Egocen-
right-hemisphere mechanisms on the dorsal attention tric Spatial Bias Spatial neglect is traditionally asso-
network. ciated with damage to parietal cortex (Critchley, 1953),
The interaction between mechanisms underlying especially IPL (Mort et al., 2003; Vallar & Perani, 1987).
nonspatial and spatial deficits is likely critical for the However, subsequent studies have also emphasized STG
pathogenesis and right-hemisphere lateralization of (Karnath, Ferber, & Himmelbach, 2001) and IFG
spatial neglect. We argue that this is due to the interac- (Husain & Kennard, 1996), and convincing evidence
tion of structural damage and secondary physiological exists that damage to other regions, including anterior
dysfunction of networks involved in the control of atten- insula and middle frontal gyrus, sometimes produces
tion (see below). neglect (figure 19.3A). Importantly, neglect patients,
especially in severe cases, have white matter fiber
Anatomy of spatial neglect damage, which can disconnect frontal, temporal, and
parietal cortex (Bartolomeo, Thiebaut de Schotten, &
Lesions causing spatial neglect are heterogeneous in Doricchi, 2007; Gaffan & Hornak, 1997; He et al., 2007;
location, since they can occur in frontal, temporopari- Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2005; figure 19.3B–C).
etal, superior temporal, insular cortices, and even sub- White matter damage most commonly involves a dorsal
cortical structures (thalamus, basal ganglia). Often region lateral to the ventricle where arcuate and supe-
lesions involve the underlying white matter that con- rior longitudinal fasciculi (II and III) run parallel in an
nects anterior to posterior cortex. These observations anterior-to-posterior direction (Doricchi & Tomaiuolo,
raise the question: How does a relatively homogenous 2003; figure 19.3C). Finally, neglect can be also caused
behavioral syndrome arise from a heterogeneous set of by damage to subcortical nuclei (pulvinar, caudate,
structural lesions? putamen; Karnath et al., 2002; Vallar & Perani, 1987)

202 visual attention

that cause cortical hypo-activation of regions important that precisely represent locations for attention, eye
for the genesis of neglect (Karnath et al., 2005; Perani, movement, and saliency signals (Koch & Ullman, 1985).
Vallar, Cappa, Messa, & Fazio, 1987). Physiological studies in both human and nonhuman
While the detailed profile of behavioral deficits primates indicate that a possible mechanism for coding
undoubtedly depends on the site of the lesion (Medina the location of relevant stimuli is a computation that
et al., 2008; Verdon et al., 2010), and some lesion sites calculates differences in activity between attended
are more likely than others to produce neglect, the versus nonattended parts of the topographic map. The
striking fact remains that neglect of the left field can be idea that the locus of attention may be efficiently coded
caused by many different right-hemisphere lesions. by the two hemispheres is not novel (Kinsbourne,
Attempts to identify a critical region based on structural 1987), but the notion that this could be represented by
damage alone inevitably must explain away a large a differencing signal coded either through the corpus
number of reported lesions that produce neglect and callosum (Innocenti, 2009) or subcortical routes is
yet do not involve the supposedly critical region (Fried- supported by a growing literature (Bisley & Goldberg,
rich et al., 1998; Malhotra et al., 2009; Rengachary 2003; Sylvester et al., 2007; Thut, Nietzel, Brandt, &
et al., 2011). Pascual-Leone, 2006).
Importantly, lesions that cause neglect tend to occur
in ventral aspects of cortex that are associated with the A Ventral Frontoparietal Network for Target
nonspatial deficits discussed above, but do not contain Detection, Reorienting, and Vigilance/Arousal
the physiological signals that mediate the egocentric Matches the Anatomy of Neglect In contrast to
spatial bias and core spatial processing deficits charac- the poor correlation between the anatomy of neglect
teristic of neglect. Instead, as discussed next, these and the physiology of spatial attention, eye movements,
physiological signals are housed in dorsal regions and saliency, the anatomy of nonspatial deficits matches
that often are not structurally damaged in neglect the underlying physiology much more closely (figure
patients. 19.3E). Neuroimaging studies of healthy adults have
shown that reorienting to stimuli in either visual field
Cognitive neuroscience of attention and that are presented outside the focus of attention (“stim-
relationship to spatial neglect ulus-driven” reorienting) recruits a right-lateralized
“ventral attention” network in TPJ (including separate
A Dorsal Frontoparietal Network for Spatial foci in the supramarginal gyrus and STG; Shulman et
Attention, Stimulus Salience, and Eye Movements al., 2010) and VFC (insula, IFG, middle frontal gyrus),
Does Not Match the Anatomy of Neglect In in conjunction with the dorsal network (figure 19.3C;
healthy subjects, regions in dorsal frontal-parietal cortex Corbetta & Shulman, 2002).
form a network (dorsal attention network) that con- The ventral (and dorsal) attention networks are also
tains physiological signals for spatial attention and eye activated by detection of behaviorally relevant stimuli.
movements (figure 19.3D). For example, bilateral Regions of activation in the ventral network that respond
medial intraparietal sulcus, SPL, precuneus, supple- to targets in both visual fields are lateralized to the right
mentary eye field and frontal eye field regions respond hemisphere (Shulman et al., 2010; Stevens, Calhoun, &
to symbolic cues to shift attention voluntarily to a Kiehl, 2005; figure 19.3D). These studies are consistent
location (e.g., Corbetta, Kincade, Ollinger, McAvoy, & with lesion studies noted above in which damage of
Shulman, 2000; Hopfinger, Buonocore, & Mangun, STG/TPJ and ventral frontal cortex leads to reorienting
2000; Kastner, Pinsk, De Weerd, Desimone, & deficits and problems with target detection (Husain,
Ungerleider, 1999). These regions are also recruited Shapiro, Martin, & Kennard, 1997; Rueckert & Grafman,
when attention is shifted to salient objects based on task 1996; Rueckert & Grafman, 1998; Wilkins, Shallice, &
relevance and sensory distinctiveness (Shulman et al., McCarthy, 1987).
2009). Regions of the dorsal attention network are Neuroimaging studies of arousal and vigilance have
recruited not only by “attention” signals, but also by qualitatively reported right-hemisphere dominance,
visually and memory-guided saccadic signals, with usually in lateral prefrontal, insula/frontal operculum,
almost complete overlap of attention and eye move- and TPJ regions (Coull, Frackowiak, & Frith, 1998;
ment activations (Corbetta et al., 1998). These regions Foucher, Otzenberger, & Gounot, 2004; Pardo, Fox, &
are well suited to code for the location of objects in Raichle, 1991; Paus et al., 1997; Sturm et al., 1999;
space, since they contain topographic maps (Hagler & Sturm et al., 2004; figure 19.3D). Arousal-related activ-
Sereno, 2006; Sereno, Pitzalis, & Martinez, 2001; ity has been recorded more frequently in ventral
Swisher, Halko, Merabet, McMains, & Somers, 2007) cortex of the right hemisphere than left hemisphere.

corbetta et al.: spatial neglect and attention networks 203

Figure 19.4 (A) Maps of activity in healthy subjects and interhemispheric temporal correlation in spontaneous blood-
neglect patients at 3 weeks (acute) and 9 months (chronic) oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) activity at acute stage and
during the Posner orienting task. Note lesions and paucity of recovery at chronic stage between the same dorsal areas. (D)
response at acute stage. (B) Task imbalance in dorsal network Interhemispheric coherence inversely correlates to spatial
at acute stage. The response in L IPS is larger than response neglect, measured as the difference in response to visual
in R IPS. Both regions are structurally intact. The imbalance targets in the left and right visual field.
is also present in visual cortex (not shown). (C) Abnormal

Importantly, arousal-related activations in the TPJ and primary spatial deficits in neglect are housed in dorsal
insula/frontal operculum overlap with regions that are regions, while the lesions that cause neglect occur in
damaged in spatial neglect and recruited during reori- ventral regions. The main insight comes from neuroim-
enting and target detection (Heilman, Bowers, Valen- aging studies in neglect patients showing that ventral
stein, & Watson, 1987; Malhotra, Coulthard, & Husain, lesions cause physiological abnormalities in structurally
2009). intact dorsal frontoparietal cortex corresponding to the
Therefore, a consistent set of right-hemisphere-dom- dorsal attention network. First, at 3 weeks post-stroke, a
inant regions is recruited during tasks that involve reori- widespread cortical hypo-activation during a spatial
enting, target detection, and arousal/vigilance. Damage attention task was observed more strongly in the right
to these regions acutely or chronically causes nonspatial than left hemispheres (figure 19.4A). The cortical
deficits similar to those described in patients with hypo-activation was associated with a large interhemi-
neglect. spheric imbalance of activity in dorsal parietal cortex
(figure 19.4B). The interhemispheric imbalance nor-
Pathogenesis of spatial neglect malized at the chronic stage (9 months post-stroke) in
parallel with an overall improvement of cortical activity
Physiological Correlates of the Egocentric and spatial neglect (figure 19.4B; Corbetta, Kincade,
Spatial Bias in Neglect The model we propose Lewis, Snyder, & Sapir, 2005). Interestingly, activity in
aims at reconciling the seeming contradiction that ipsilesional occipital visual cortex was also abnormal,
signals for saliency, attention, and eye movement; the showing reductions in magnitude and spatial selectivity

204 visual attention

Figure 19.5 Models of neglect. (A) Mesulam/Heilman’s right lesion. A left lesion does not produce the same amount
model. The right hemisphere contains neurons representing of right neglect, given the relatively weak orienting bias of the
space bilaterally (ipsi, contra), while the left hemisphere con- right hemisphere. (C) Corbetta and Shulman model. Neglect
tains only neurons coding for contralateral locations. Accord- involves a bilateral decrement of detection due to structural
ingly, ipsilateral right-hemisphere maps compensate for damage of the ventral attention network and associated defi-
lesions in the left hemisphere. (B) Kinsbourne’s model. Each cits in vigilance/arousal and target detection. This problem
hemisphere contains an opponent mechanism to orient con- is further exacerbated by a rightward spatial and sensory-
tralaterally. Each hemisphere’s orienting mechanism cross- motor bias induced by an interhemispheric imbalance caused
inhibits the other, and the locus of attention depends on a by the disconnection of the right ventral network with the
balance of activity between hemispheres. The right-lateraliza- right dorsal network. Left lesions do not cause neglect because
tion of neglect comes from the stronger unopposed rightward the ventral network is lateralized to the right hemisphere.
bias generated by the left hemisphere in the presence of a

(Corbetta et al., 2005). These impairments in sensory- lateral rotation of the eyes, head, and body in neglect
evoked activity, possibly reflecting abnormal top-down patients at rest, and contribute to the observed abnor-
control (Bressler, Tang, Sylvester, Shulman, & Corbetta, malities in task-evoked responses. Overall, then, in
2008), may further lessen the saliency of contralesional structurally intact regions of the dorsal attention
stimuli. Secondly, neglect patients show anomalies in network, ventral lesions induce changes in blood-oxy-
the pattern of spontaneous activity fluctuations within gen-level-dependent (BOLD) resting functional con-
the dorsal attention network (figure 19.4C). Coherence nectivity and task-evoked activity that reflect abnormal
between left and right parietal regions was disrupted 3 interhemispheric interactions and response balances
weeks post-stroke and improved over time in parallel (Kinsbourne, 1987), which plausibly explain the ego-
with the improvement of neglect (He et al., 2007). centric spatial bias in neglect.
Both task-evoked activity and resting coherence are
functionally significant. Left parietal activity is stronger Right Hemisphere Lateralization of Spatial
in subjects with more severe neglect, as indexed by the Deficits Previous models have explained the right-
difference in response times to contralesional versus lateralization of neglect, and hence attention in the
ipsilesional visual targets (Corbetta et al., 2005). Stron- human brain, by proposing that the right hemisphere
ger left- than right-hemisphere activation of parietal contains a bilateral representation of space while the
and occipital regions may reflect a biased representa- left hemisphere contains predominantly a contralateral
tion of stimulus salience and the locus of spatial atten- space representation (Heilman, Bowers et al., 1987;
tion (Bisley & Goldberg, 2003; Sylvester, Shulman, Jack, Mesulam, 1999; figure 19.5A). Damage to the right
& Corbetta, 2007). This interpretation is consistent with hemisphere impairs attention to the left hemifield, while
transcranial magnetic studies, in which inactivation of damage to the left hemisphere can be compensated. A
left posterior parietal cortex reduced left-field neglect second, “opponent-process” theory proposes that each
(Brighina et al., 2003; Koch et al., 2008). Secondly, at hemisphere promotes orienting in a contralateral direc-
rest, significant correlations are found throughout the tion, but the strength of this bias is stronger in the left
dorsal attention network between reductions in inter- than right hemisphere (Kinsbourne, 1987; figure
hemispheric coherence and the magnitude of the 19.5B). Left hemisphere lesions cause only mild right
spatial bias; for example, the difference in reaction spatial neglect, because the unopposed orienting bias
times between contralesional and ipsilesional targets generated by the right hemisphere is relatively weak.
(figure 19.4D; Carter et al., 2010; He et al., 2007). The According to our model, right-hemisphere domi-
anomalies in spontaneous activity may underlie the nance of neglect reflects an asymmetrical interaction

corbetta et al.: spatial neglect and attention networks 205

between bilaterally represented spatial attention and regions in the opposite hemisphere. Because the locus
visuomotor systems in dorsal frontal and parietal cortex, of attention is coded by mechanisms that take into
and right-hemisphere-dominant systems in ventral fron- account activity from both sides of the brain, this inter-
toparietal cortex for arousal/vigilance, target detection, hemispheric functional disruption drives spatial atten-
and reorienting. Lesions in the right hemisphere cause tion and eye movements to the right visual field.
more contralateral (left) spatial neglect for two reasons.
First, they lead to more severe nonspatial deficits, given ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge the help of many col-
leagues who generously made their data available for this
the lateralization of the underlying neural mechanisms.
review, and Drs. Bays and Driver, University College London,
Second, they lead to a greater disruption of spatial pro- for figure 19.1B; Drs. Karnath and Fruhmann-Berger, Univer-
cesses in the right dorsal attention network. This effect, sity of Tübingen, for figure 19.1C; Drs. Medina, Pavlak, and
combined with an imbalance of the normal push-pull Hillis, Johns Hopkins and University of Pennsylvania, for
relationship between spatial-orienting mechanisms in figure 19.2; and Drs. Malhotra and Husain, University College
dorsal cortex, leads to a rightward bias in saliency and London, for figure 19.4B. This work was supported by the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
eye movements that corresponds well with clinical and RO1 HD061117-05A2 and the National Institute of Mental
experimental evidence (figure 19.5C). A lateralization Health R01 MH096482-01.
of sustained attention/vigilance processes has been also
proposed by Husain and Rorden (2003).
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corbetta et al.: spatial neglect and attention networks 209

20 Attentional Modulation of Receptive
Field Profiles in the Primate Visual

ABSTRACT During the allocation of spatial attention, humans studies have revealed a basic organization of the
and animals selectively filter information that is relevant to primate visual system in which the image of an organ-
behavior, avoiding information-processing overload. A ism’s environment projected onto the retina is
change in receptive field profiles may be one neural corre-
late of such effects of attention. A neuron’s visual receptive
encoded by populations of neurons in a multitude of
field is the region of the visual field where the presentation areas in striate and extrastriate visual cortices, each
of a stimulus evokes a train of action potentials. Receptive containing retinotopically organized maps emerging
fields therefore are spatiotemporal filters representing the from the systematic tiling of the visual field by the RFs
spatial allocation of processing resources across the visual of neighboring neurons. Within a given cortical area,
field. Receptive fields have been seen as invariant, providing
the size of RFs increases with eccentricity. Similarly,
the visual system with a stable “labeled line” code for the
spatial position of visual stimuli. In recent years, this view RF sizes increase along the processing hierarchy, from
has changed; it has been proposed that under certain early striate to extrastriate visual cortices. In associa-
circumstances the spatial profile of receptive fields changes, tion areas of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes,
providing the visual system with flexibility for allocating RFs become so large that they cover most or all of the
processing resources in space. Here, we focus on the brain
visual field captured by the eyes.
system for encoding visual motion information and review
recent findings documenting interactions between spatial The spatial tuning embodied by a visual neuron’s RF
attention and receptive fields in the visual cortex of pri- is combined with a tuning for nonspatial features, that
mates. Such interactions create a fine balance between the is, a systematic selectivity for one or several nonspatial
benefits of receptive field invariance and those derived from stimulus properties. For example, neurons in area V1
the attentional modulation of receptive field profiles. change their firing rate when stimuli shown inside the
RFs vary their color, orientation, motion direction, or
speed. In areas downstream from V1, feature selectivity
Visual receptive fields: Caught between labeled becomes segregated into two main streams, the “what”
lines and dynamic resource allocation and “where” pathways. In the former, reaching from V1
to inferotemporal cortex, neurons show selectivity for
Neurons in the primate visual system represent visual orientation, color, shape, and even complex objects
information by variations in their firing rate (fre- such as faces and houses. In the latter, which comprises
quency of action potentials) when different visual a chain of areas leading into parietal cortex, neurons
stimuli are presented within a specific, circumscribed show selectivity for motion features such as direction
region of visual space. This region, or receptive field and speed, and for stereoscopic disparity (depth). The
(RF), is considered a neuron’s essential physiological selectivity of a neuron’s RF for a given stimulus feature
property; it acts as a spatial filter, shaping the encod- can be described by the cell’s tuning curve, a plot of
ing of retinal signals across the visual system. Since mean response as a function of the feature value pre-
the seminal work of Hubel and Wiesel in the 1960s sented inside its RF.
(e.g., Hubel & Wiesel, 1968), electrophysiological A predominant and long-held view has been that the
methods in nonhuman primates have been continu- spatial structure of the neurons’ RF, as well as their
ously refined to determine the location and shape of nonspatial tuning, are hard-wired properties. Such
neuronal RFs throughout the visual cortex. Such invariance ensures a stable “labeled line code” for the

treue and martinez-trujillo: attentional modulation 211

location and other basic aspects of sensory stimuli. This on the preferred stimulus (i.e., the one evoking a strong
provides a powerful, simple, and easily decodable response) and reduced their response when attention
representation of the spatial layout of the visual envi- was on the less-preferred stimulus (i.e., the one evoking
ronment. On the other hand, these advantages are a weak response; Moran & Desimone, 1985). They
counterbalanced by the inflexibility of such a system. hypothesized that the mechanism underlying this non-
Relevant information is not homogenously distributed sensory response modulation was a change in the
in the sensory environment and is dynamically chang- neurons’ RF profile. Essentially, the neurons responded
ing, providing a continuous strain on the processing as if the RF had shrunk around the attended stimulus,
resources of a nervous system aiming to achieve an effectively excluding the unattended stimulus from
efficient and powerful representation of just the rele- the RF.
vant aspects of the sensory input at any given moment. Other studies have demonstrated similar attentional
The “missing link” between these opposing approaches modulation along the dorsal pathway. For example,
of strict “labeled line coding” and an entirely flexible Treue and Maunsell used two oppositely moving dots
resource allocation according to momentary behavioral within the RF of direction-selective neurons in area MT
demands is selective attention, or the ability to bias and showed that directing attention to one dot modu-
the distribution of processing resources according to lated the MT neuron’s responses as if the influence of
momentary demands. For spatial attention, this mani- the second, unattended dot had been reduced (Treue
fests behaviorally in our ability to selectively perceive & Maunsell, 1996). The same result was reported by
visual stimuli within our “spotlight of attention” at the Treue and Martinez-Trujillo in 1999 using random dot
expense of those stimuli outside our attentional focus. patterns (RDPs; Treue & Martinez-Trujillo, 1999). They
Over recent decades there has been substantial prog- positioned two RDPs inside the RF of MT neurons and
ress in understanding how spatial attention relies on instructed the animals to direct attention to one or the
changes in the RF of neurons in the visual cortex and other. As anticipated, when the two stimuli were unat-
how spatial attention causes those changes. One major tended and the animals detected a small color change
avenue of investigation is to explore the properties of on a central fixation spot, the responses were a weighted
visual RFs in many areas of awake macaque monkeys average of the responses to the two stimuli presented
while manipulating the behavioral relevance of visual alone. However, when the animals directed attention to
stimuli. the RDP moving in the neuron’s preferred direction,
responses approximated the ones to this pattern pre-
Multiple stimuli inside the receptive field of sented alone inside the RF. A similar effect was obtained
visual neurons when the animals directed attention to the RDP varying
direction from trial to trial (tuning pattern); then
It has been shown that in extrastriate visual areas, RFs responses approximated the ones to this pattern alone
increase in size up to several degrees of visual angle. inside the RF (figure 20.1). Thus, directing attention to
Thus, in a normal visual scene, stimuli located nearby one out of two stimuli inside the RF of an MT neuron
will unavoidably share the same RF. Some studies have will increase the influence of that stimulus on the
shown that when two stimuli falling inside a neuron’s response and filter out the influence of the second
RF have similar behavioral relevance, the cell’s response unattended stimulus.
is a weighted sum of the responses to each stimulus These and many later findings in other areas of visual
presented alone (Recanzone, Wurtz, & Schwarz, 1997; cortex demonstrate that visual neurons are not invari-
Treue, Hol, & Rauber, 2000). This, of course, intro- ant filters that exclusively encode their sensory input,
duces ambiguity in the coding of stimulus properties. but that their response properties are modulated by the
Thus, this neuron cannot unambiguously signal one allocation of attention. Thus, information gets effec-
of these two particular stimulus configurations inside tively filtered out of the neurons’ RFs at an early point
its RF. during visual processing according to behavioral
A solution to this problem was proposed by Moran relevance.
and Desimone more than two decades ago. They posi-
tioned two oriented bars (one with the preferred and Directly measuring changes in receptive field
one with a less preferred orientation) inside the RF of profiles with attention
a neuron in area V4 of macaque monkeys trained in an
attentional task, and observed that when the animals To directly determine whether the mechanism of spa-
directed their attention to one of the stimuli, the tial-attention modulation is indeed a reshaping of RFs,
neurons increased their responses when attention was as suggested originally by Moran and Desimone, it is

212 visual attention


Attend-fixation (AF) Attend-antipreferred (AA) Attend-tuning (AT)


FC Tuning










–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150

Tuning pattern

Figure 20.1 Switching attention between two moving stimuli pattern) and the other could change direction from trial to
inside the receptive field (RF) of MT neurons. The top panels trial (tuning pattern). The lower panel illustrates tuning
illustrate the experimental design of Treue and Martinez- curves (responses as a function of the tuning pattern direc-
Trujillo (1999). Two random dot patterns (RDPs) were pre- tion) obtained when the animal attended to the fixation point
sented inside the RF of an MT neuron (white area) while the (black), to the tuning pattern (red), and to the anti-preferred
animal fixated a dot (small square). One RDP always moved pattern (blue). (See color plate 16.)
in the neurons’ anti-preferred direction (anti-preferred

necessary to map RFs while spatial attention is allo- neuron’s RF separately for each of the two spatial
cated to one or the other of two locations inside a attention conditions. When the animal directed spatial
given RF. Womelsdorf and colleagues (Womelsdorf, attention to one of the patterns, the RF shifted its
Anton-Erxleben, Pieper, & Treue, 2006) recorded the center toward that attended stimulus’s location. In
responses of single neurons in area MT of rhesus addition, there was also a small shrinkage of the RF
monkeys while the animals attended to one of two around that stimulus (figure 20.2A). This modulation
identical RDPs positioned inside the recorded neu- of RF profiles indicates that early in the hierarchy of
ron’s RF. The task for the animals was to sustain atten- visual processing, unattended information is filtered
tion on one pattern, wait for a change in its direction, out from the RF and only behaviorally relevant
and release a lever within a short time window after the attended signals are further processed in downstream
change onset. Because the second, unattended pattern areas.
could also change direction, and trials were terminated One feature of RFs in many visual areas is their cen-
without reward if the animal released the lever in ter-surround structure; the center is an excitatory
response to the distractor change, they were motivated region where stimuli produce an increase in response,
to attend to the target RDP and ignore the distractor. and the surround is an inhibitory region where stimuli
By flashing probes at different locations inside and produce response inhibition. One interesting question
around the RF while the animal was waiting for the arising from the results of Womelsdorf and colleagues
stimulus to change, the researchers could map a is whether both of these regions shift during the

treue and martinez-trujillo: attentional modulation 213

S1 S2 0 50 Spikes per second
a b


c d
S3 S1 S2 Receptive

–40 0 40 5°

Figure 20.2A Left: Sketch of the layout in the study of Wom- RF, to S3 (panel b). The surface color at each point in the
elsdorf et al. (2006), depicting an example of the placement plots indicates the increase in the neuron’s response elicited
of the three moving random dot patterns (shown here as by the presentation of a probe stimulus at that position, over
textured circles) that were present in every trial as well as the the response observed in the absence of a probe (that is, when
grid of locations at which a series of small probes could briefly only S1 and S2 were present). Panel d depicts a difference
appear within a trial. The single dot represents the fixation map computed by subtracting the RF when attention was on
point where the animal has to maintain his gaze throughout S1 from the RF when attention was on S2. The map illustrates
every trial. Right: RF profiles of an example neuron, when that shifting attention from S1 to S2 enhances responsiveness
attention was directed inside the RF, to stimulus S1 (panel a) around S2 and reduces it near S1. (See color plate 17a.)
or S2 (panel c), or when attention was directed outside the

allocation of attention. Anton-Erxleben and colleagues football game or staring at a menu in a restaurant). In
(2009) answered this question using a similar experi- these circumstances it is very likely that more than two
mental design as in figure 20.2B, with the difference stimuli will share a single visual RF. This is even more
that they also stimulated the RF surround with the small frequent in extrastriate visual areas, where RFs com-
probes. They found that both RF regions shift with prise several degrees of visual angle. Nevertheless,
shifts in the allocation of attention (Anton-Erxleben, humans can allocate spatial attention to one stimulus
Stephan, & Treue, 2009). within a crowd, selectively processing details for that
These findings provide support for Moran and stimulus while ignoring other stimuli nearby (He, Cava-
Desimone’s hypothesis that spatial attention can change nagh, & Intriligator, 1996; Palmer & Moore, 2009).
a neuron’s RF profile. Moreover, they indicate that the Moreover, studies of multi-object tracking have
sensitivity of the attended RF region increases at the shown that human subjects can simultaneously track
expense of one of the unattended parts. Thus, the origi- (attend to) multiple, independently moving objects
nal view outlined above of neurons in visual cortex as without moving their gaze; that is, they can split the
hard-wired, invariant filters for the location and other “spotlight” of spatial attention into more than one
properties of visual stimuli has to be abandoned in favor focus (Cavanagh & Alvarez, 2005). An interesting
of a system where neurons receive retinal input from a question arising from this observation is whether the
restricted region of the visual field, but the sensitivity attentional mechanism that causes changes in RF pro-
of different RF regions can dynamically change depend- files is flexible enough to selectively enhance process-
ing on the allocation of spatial attention. ing in two or more attended regions of a given RF
while suppress processing in a third region. For the
When more than two stimuli share a visual particular scenario of two attended objects separated
receptive field: Splitting the spotlight of attention by an irrelevant distractor in between, that may mean
that the RF would be virtually split by attention into
In many visual scenes, stimuli can be cluttered over a two regions of enhancement, separated by a region of
small region of visual space (e.g., while watching a inhibition.

214 visual attention

A Time






0 −0.4
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
Distance to RF-pattern (°)
Stimuli onset Stimuli onset
‘outward’ ‘inward’ 0

Response (Hz)

29 70 80 80 80 70 29
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
0 RF region
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
Distance to RF-pattern (°) Preferred Antipreferred

Figure 20.2B Splitting receptive fields with attention. translating RDP position during attend RF (green) and tracking
(A) Sketch of the experimental paradigm of Niebergall et al. (red) trials. (C) Responses when the translating pattern dots
(2011b). The experiment was identical to the one described moved in the anti-preferred direction. (D) Response modula-
in figure 20.4, except that a third RDP (with local dot motion tion for all neurons. The cells have been sorted according to
in the neuron’s preferred direction) was placed and stayed in their RF size, and the strength of the modulation appears in
the center of the RF, and the animal was instructed to attend color. The arrows indicate the direction of the translating
either to the translating RDPs (tracking) or to the RF stimulus patterns (up: preferred, down: anti-preferred). The bottom
(attend RF). (B) Responses for attend RF (green rasters) and graph plots the mean modulation for both directions (two
tracking (red rasters) trials. Data from an example cell for the lines) as well as the difference in modulation between them
stimulus configuration with the translating RDPs dots locally (gray band, representing the average difference of the two
moving in the preferred direction. The bottom plot shows line plots ± 95% confidence interval). (See color plate 17b.)
average responses (± standard error) as a function of the

A recent study by Niebergall, Khayat, Treue, and hypothesis that splitting the attentional spotlight across
Martinez-Trujillo (2011b) using single-cell recordings the two tracked stimuli would produce an area of sup-
in area MT of macaque monkeys provides a neural cor- pression at the RF center, affecting the processing of
relate of the ability to split the focus of spatial attention the irrelevant distractor RDP.
between two stimuli within a visual RF separated by an They found that when the two tracked patterns
irrelevant distractor. They trained rhesus monkeys to passed alongside or entered the RF, the responses to
attentively track two RDPs that translated across a com- the central stimulus in the receptive field were reduced,
puter screen along parallel paths and passed a third with the maximum suppression when the three patterns
RDP positioned inside a recorded neuron’s RF (figure were aligned (figure 20.3B). Interestingly, they tested
20.3A). During task trials, the animals maintained two stimulus configurations: in the first, the three
their gaze on a light spot. This allowed testing of the stimuli moved in the neuron’s preferred direction. In

treue and martinez-trujillo: attentional modulation 215



Outward Inward
Response [Hz]


0 DFR50 5.7 4.1 2.5 3.6 0

10 5 0 0 5 10
Distance to center of receptive field [deg]

Figure 20.3 Expanding receptive fields with attention. time. (B) Result from an example neuron. Left: Data from
(A) Sketch of the experimental paradigm of Niebergall et al. “outward” trials. Right: Data from “inward” trials. Data points
(2011a). Two RDPs moved across the screen following parallel represent the average responses evoked by RDPs with local
trajectories (moving outward or inward relative to the fixation dots moving in the neuron’s preferred direction during track-
point) and moving through the peripheral parts of a neuron’s ing (gray), and attend fixation (white). Gaussian fit–predicted
receptive field (RF, dashed circle). During attend-fixation trials, values are superimposed (dashed line, tracking; solid line,
animals ignored the RDPs and had to detect a luminance attend fixation). The DFR50 (downward arrows) represents
reduction in the fixation point. During tracking trials, animals the distance from the Gaussian center to the point of half-
had to detect a change in the local speed of the dots in one maximum response during attend fixation (horizontal line) as
of the RDPs, which occurred at an unpredictable point in a measure of receptive field size.

the second, the translating patterns moved in the anti- distant stationary stimuli (McMains & Somers, 2004;
preferred direction and the pattern at the center of the Morawetz, Baudewig, Treue, & Dechent, 2010). It dem-
RF moved in the preferred direction. They found that onstrates that attention is a flexible and adaptable
in both configurations, directing attention to the trans- mechanism able to produce dramatic changes in RF
lating patterns effectively suppressed the responses to profiles according to task demands.
the pattern positioned in between, relative to a condi-
tion where the latter pattern was attended and the Expansion of RFs during attentive tracking
translating patterns were irrelevant. However, in the
configuration with the translating patterns moving in The studies described above have demonstrated shift-
the neuron’s anti-preferred direction, the suppression ing and contraction of RF profiles with spatial attention
of the central pattern was larger. These results demon- in order to reduce the influence of irrelevant stimuli
strate that focusing spatial attention on the two translat- on neuronal responses. An additional important func-
ing patterns produced a suppressive area of inattention tion of attention is to dynamically allocate processing
between them. Moreover, such suppression was depen- resources to the relevant visual input. This flexible allo-
dent on the selectivity of the neurons for the attended cation is restricted across visual space toward attended
objects. This finding matches the observation reported locations and is constrained by the RF boundaries. This
by functional MRI studies of spatially separated peaks is because the RF constrains a neuron’s processing
of activity across the retinotopic spatial maps in visual resources to input from a highly restricted region of
cortex when splitting spatial attention between two space. Whether and to what extent the RF boundaries

216 visual attention

can be reshaped by attention has only recently been observed when switching spatial attention between two
investigated at the level of single neurons. stimuli inside a RF, as this always involves a switching
Niebergall and colleagues (2011a) trained macaque between a preferred and a nonpreferred stimulus. Thus
monkeys to attentively track two RDPs as they translated the attentional response modulation observed could
across a computer screen (figure 20.3A) while record- reflect this change in feature-similarity without a need
ing the responses of direction-selective neurons in area to invoke a change in the RF profile.
MT. The motion paths of the tracked stimuli were To further explore the mechanism of feature-based
designed to approach, pass through, and exit a given attention, Patzwahl and Treue (2009) used superim-
neuron’s RF. A comparison between neuronal responses posed RDPs moving in opposite directions positioned
to passing stimuli that were attended (tracked) or unat- inside the RF of MT neurons, and instructed monkeys
tended (not tracked) revealed that in the former condi- to attend to one of the RDPs while ignoring the other.
tion the RFs expanded toward the attended stimulus In this design, a shrinking of RFs could not account for
(figure 20.3B). Interestingly, this effect was stronger at the attentional modulation of responses, since the two
the RF boundaries, as if there was a selective increase RDPs were fully superimposed and in the same fixation
of the neurons’ RF sensitivity along those boundaries disparity plane (i.e., projected on the computer screen).
when facing the tracked stimuli. The consequence of They observed that the attentional modulation of
such a systematic expansion of RFs is that the spatial responses was half of that observed when the RDPs were
path traveled by an attentively tracked stimulus is rep- spatially separated inside the RF of the same neurons
resented by more neurons than an untracked path and (see figure 20.1). This result points toward a combined
likely during a longer time. Thus, attentively tracking a effect of spatial attention (perhaps equivalent to a
moving object dynamically allocates additional process- shrinking of the RF) and the feature-based attention
ing resources to that stimulus representation. Again, effect observed by Treue and Martinez-Trujillo (1999).
this flexibility allows the attentional system to adjust RF Thus, feature-based attention seems to act below the
profiles to task demands. resolution of visual receptive fields in area MT, produc-
ing changes that interact with those produced by spatial
attention in a predictable manner.
Contribution of feature-based attention to shaping
RFs profiles in visual cortex
A mechanism for changes in receptive field
Several of the studies mentioned above used behavioral profiles with attention
tasks where spatial attention is shifted between stimuli
inside the RF, and the results are consistent with an The studies discussed above document a wide variety of
attentional modulation of RF profiles. However, a dif- attention-evoked changes in the structure of extrastri-
ferent type of attentional modulation of neuronal ate neuron RFs: changes in size and position as well as
responses observed after the initial studies on spatial splitting RF profiles have been observed. While these
attention may provide an alternative interpretation. changes are highly adaptive in the given attentional
In a series of studies in area MT of the dorsal visual condition, it is unclear which mechanisms are respon-
pathway, Treue and Martinez-Trujillo showed that attend- sible for such changes. A clue to answering this question
ing to different motion directions outside of a neuron’s might be provided by existing models of RFs in extrastri-
RF caused systematic changes in neuronal responses, ate visual cortical neurons. One of the most well-known
even though spatial attention was far outside the RF. RF models in extrastriate area MT was proposed by
This phenomenon was termed feature-based attention Simoncelli and colleagues (Heeger, Simoncelli, &
and led to the proposal of the feature-similarity gain Movshon, 1996; Simoncelli & Heeger, 1998). The
model. It predicts the attentional modulation of visual response of a neuron (R) is computed by taking the
neurons based on the similarity between a given visual stimulus drive (E), representing the excitatory inputs
neuron’s preferences (RF location and tuning for non- into the neuron, and dividing it by a constant (σ) plus
spatial properties) and the attended stimulus’s proper- the suppressive drive (S). S is provided by neighboring
ties. When the animal’s attention is well matched to a neurons with RF at the same location via interneurons.
given neuron’s preferences, the neuron up-regulates its The normalized responses are then subjected to a
firing rate, and when the attentional match is poor, the threshold (T), and the firing rate of the neuron is taken
neuron down-regulates its firing rate (Martinez-Trujillo to be proportional to the amount of response exceed-
& Treue, 2004). This feature-based attention provided ing the threshold (see equation 1 from Reynolds &
an alternative or additional account for the results Heeger, 2009).

treue and martinez-trujillo: attentional modulation 217

R(x , θ) = |E(x , θ)/[S(x , θ) + σ]T (1) modulation of responses at the level of MT neurons by
a gain-control mechanism. The results were better
This model explains the sigmoid shape of the contrast explained by a modulation of inputs into MT neurons.
response function of MT neurons, and it seems to be Moreover, in a related study, the same authors demon-
applicable to visual neurons in general (Heeger et al., strated a modulation of local field potentials recorded
1996). How can we relate this model to the changes in in area MT compatible with a modulation of inputs into
the RF profiles observed in studies of attention? Impor- the area. They proposed that a modulation of responses
tant clues come from studies that have examined the of V1 neurons feeding into MT (Born & Bradley, 2005),
mechanisms of attentional modulation of responses to which contribute the most to the local field potentials’
two stimuli inside the RF of extrastriate neurons. Ghose high frequencies (Khayat et al., 2010b), would account
and Maunsell (2008) recorded the responses of V4 for the observed pattern of modulation.
neurons to two stimuli inside the units’ RF. They also A proposed mechanism for changes in the RF
recorded the responses to each one of the stimuli alone. profile with attention is illustrated in figure 20.4. Here
Then they tried to predict the responses to the stimulus a layer of neurons with small RFs (e.g., V1 neurons)
pairs from the responses to the single stimuli using an feeds into an MT neuron. The connectivity strength of
input-summation model. They showed that by modulat- each neuron is determined by the weight function,
ing the individual inputs into V4 neurons, they could which approximates a Gaussian shape (Rust, Mante,
account for the attentional modulation of responses to Simoncelli, & Movshon, 2006). The contribution of
two stimuli in the RF and reconcile apparently contra- neurons in the middle is larger than that of neurons at
dictory observations made by previous single-cell studies both sides; thus, the MT neuron RF also approximates
of attention. a Gaussian function, but it is much larger than the input
Another input model of attention was proposed by neurons’ RFs. Note that although this is illustrated in
Reynolds and Heeger (2009). In their approach, atten- one dimension, this applies in the same way to a two-
tion also modulates responses of extrastriate neurons dimensional model of the RF. The effects of attention
in a given area by modulating inputs into neurons. This can be simulated by applying different gains to different
modulation affects the intensity of the normalization neurons in the input layer (see figure 6B of in Womels-
mechanism that causes response saturation (Albrecht dorf, Anton-Erxleben, & Treue, 2008). In this case, by
& Hamilton, 1982). This input-normalization model increasing the contribution of neurons on the right side
also explains the effect of attention on the contrast and decreasing that of neurons on the left, one can
response function of extrastriate visual neurons obtain a shift of the RF to the right. Different transfor-
(Reynolds, Pasternak, & Desimone, 2000; Martinez- mations are possible by using different patterns of mod-
Trujillo & Treue, 2002). As an alternative to these input ulation (e.g., multiply the weight function by differently
models, Lee and Maunsell proposed that attention may shaped functions that describe how attention acts on
act by controlling the intensity of the normalization the input layer). Note that in this simplified model we
step (i.e., the firing rate of neurons in the normaliza- have not considered the normalization step. However,
tion pool; Lee & Maunsell, 2009). However, because the it is also possible that a modulation of the normalization
neurons in the normalization pool share inputs with the pool activity contributes to changing the shape of RFs,
recorded neuron, any modulation of stimulus inputs for example, to the nonlinear changes observed by Nie-
would also be a modulation of the normalization pool bergall et al. (2011b) during tracking. Building a quan-
activity. Thus, one can conclude that despite small dif- titative model that captures the dynamics proposed in
ferences between these normalization models, they all figure 20.4 and that generates testable new predictions
provide good accounts for most of the known modula- remains a challenge for future studies of attention.
tory effects of visual attention.
Empirical evidence in favor of changes in the strength Conclusion
of input signals into extrastriate visual neurons during
attention tasks has been provided by Khayat and co- Investigations of the detailed effects of spatial attention
workers (Khayat, Niebergall, & Martinez-Trujillo, 2010a). on the response properties of individual neurons in
They recorded from two macaque monkeys the primate visual cortex have revealed a great deal of flex-
responses of MT neurons to two stimuli inside their RFs, ibility in the profile of receptive fields. Contrary to the
while varying the contrast and direction of one of the classical view of RFs as static, hard-wired entities that
stimuli. By instructing the animals to switch attention form the central component of encoding incoming
between different stimuli, they observed a modulation sensory information, it is now apparent that RFs are
of the neurons’ firing rate that was incompatible with a highly flexible entities. By being able to dynamically

218 visual attention


MT receptive field

MT neuron

MT input weight function

V1 neurons

V1 receptive

Even attentional gain Suppression Enhancement

Figure 20.4 A possible mechanism for the attentional shift ellipse represents the MT neuron’s RF. The gray band at the
of receptive fields. The two panels are sketches of the putative bottom represents the even attentional gain applied to all V1
V1 inputs into an MT neuron. The small circles at the bottom neurons in the absence of a spatial focus of attention. (B) If
indicate the RFs of the V1 input neurons along a horizontal attention is directed to the right, the attentional gain increases
axis crossing the middle of the MT receptive field. Each small for the right V1 neurons and decreases for the left V1 neurons.
triangle represents the cell body of a V1 neuron, and the This causes the MT RF profile to shift toward the right. The
connected lines, the projection toward the MT neuron (large dashed circle represents the old RF, and the filled circle the
triangle). The bell-shaped function represents the strength of new RF in the presence of spatial attention on the right side.
the weights from the V1 neurons into MT. (A) The large

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220 visual attention

21 Attentional Selection Through Rhythmic
Synchronization at Multiple Frequencies

ABSTRACT Selective visual attention is realized in brain circuits of an IT neuron will typically contain multiple objects.
by the dynamic restructuring of cortical information flow in However, when attention is directed to only one of
favor of sensory information that is behaviorally relevant, those objects, the IT neuron’s response is biased toward
rather than irrelevant and distracting. Electrophysiological
evidence suggests that this attentional selection of neuronal
the response that would be obtained if only the attended
information routing is implemented flexibly through selective object were presented (Chelazzi, Miller, Duncan, &
synchronization of neuronal activities at multiple frequencies Desimone, 1993).
and across all spatial levels of neuronal interactions. This Such dynamic biasing of responses in later visual pro-
chapter delineates the underlying neuronal processes that cessing stages could be achieved by selective enhance-
could give rise to selective neuronal communication through
ment (suppression) of the impact of those afferent
coherence and highlights recent insights about (1) selective
attentional routing through synchronized gamma activity in inputs from neurons in earlier visual areas coding for
sensory cortices, (2) long-range reverberation of selective top- the attended (nonattended) input (Reynolds, Chelazzi,
down information at beta and gamma-band frequencies, and & Desimone, 1999). However, the mechanisms underly-
(3) the role of low-frequency theta band rhythms to selectively ing this up-and down-modulation of neuronal input
sample and switch between attentionally relevant sensory
gain for subsets of converging connections are only
information. This survey suggests that core processes underly-
ing attentional structuring of neuronal communication poorly understood. They likely entail a selective increase
employ precise phase synchronization that is selective in of temporally precise and coincident inputs from those
space, time, and frequency. neurons activated by an attended stimulus in earlier
areas. Such a role of spike timing is suggested by fine-
grained attentional modulation of precise neuronal
The role of selective neuronal synchronization in synchronization within area V4. Enhanced synchroni-
the implementation of attentional top-down biases zation of the spiking output among those neuronal
groups activated by attended sensory input (Fries,
Attentional top-down biases on perceptual processes Womelsdorf, Oostenveld, & Desimone, 2008) translates
are ubiquitous, ensuring that neuronal circuitry is into enhanced coincident arrival of spikes at their post-
devoted to prioritize processing resources to the typi- synaptic target neurons at later stages of visual process-
cally small subset of sensory inputs that should control ing. These temporally coincident inputs will be highly
behavior. In visual cortex, this identification process has effective in driving neuronal activity (Azouz & Gray,
to act highly selectively, because the same sensory 2003; Tiesinga, Fellous, & Sejnowski, 2008). It is there-
aspects can pertain to different visual objects. Attention fore likely that selective synchronization within area V4
is thus required to functionally connect those neurons underlies attentional biasing within IT cortex, and
that represent information from attended visual objects, could thus underlie effective spatial routing of informa-
and decouple or filter out the contribution of cells tion flow within visual cortex (Bosman et al., 2012).
encoding distracting information (figure 21.1A). For Synchronized spike output not only leads to increased
example, neurons at the highest visual processing stage impact on postsynaptic target neurons in a feedforward
in IT cortex have receptive fields that span much of a manner, it also rhythmically modulates the group’s
visual field and respond selectively to complex objects ability to communicate such that rhythmic synchroniza-
composed of simpler visual features. Part of this selectiv- tion between two neuronal groups likely supports their
ity arises from their broad and convergent anatomical interaction, because rhythmic inhibition within the two
input at earlier processing stages from neurons that groups is coordinated and mutual inputs are optimally
have smaller receptive fields and simpler tuning proper- timed. We capture these implications in the framework
ties (Kravitz, Saleem, Baker, Ungerleider, & Mishkin, of selective neuronal communication through neuro-
2013). During natural vision, the large receptive field nal coherence (Fries, 2005, 2009).

womelsdorf, landau, and fries: attentional selection 221

A B Mutual interaction

synchronization synchronization
Effective strength
0 0.2 0.4
Ineffective –pi

Phase relation



Neuronal Neuronal
groups action potentials

A A Sensory impulse
C D Light Light
+ + + -
+ Trials with “good” B C B C
phase relations 1 2

Spikes per trial

3 4
- Trials with “bad” A A
phase relations
- + - -
B C B C 1

c(AB) for ( [ 1 + 2 ] – [ 3 + 4 ] ) / 2 0
0 ms 25 ms
c(AB) for ( [ 1 + 3 ] – [ 2 + 4 ] ) / 2

0.08 Gamma


/ sec. 5 ms
10 20 60 100 140
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 21.1 (A) Attention renders a subset of cortical con- synchronization. (D) Evidence that rhythmic optogenetic acti-
nections effective. (B) Rhythmic activity provides briefly vation in mouse somatosensory cortex modulates gain of
recurring time windows of maximum excitability (LFP responses to whisker stimulation. A whisker was stimulated at
troughs), which are either in phase (black and dark gray different phases of an optogenetic activation rhythm. The
groups), or in anti-phase (black and light gray groups). spiking responses of pyramidal cells (y-axis) varied as a func-
Mutual interactions (right panel, upper axis) are high during tion of the phase (x-axis). ((B) and (C) adapted from Wom-
periods of in-phase synchronization and lower otherwise. elsdorf et al., 2007; (D) adapted from Cardin et al., 2009.
(C) The trial-by-trial interaction pattern between neuronal Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd:
groups (A to B, and A to C) is predicted by the pattern of Nature.)

Selective Communication Through Coherence brief time periods between inhibition provide time
Local neuronal groups frequently engage in periods windows for effective neuronal interactions with other
of rhythmic synchronization. During activated states, neuronal groups, because they reflect enhanced post-
rhythmic synchronization is typically evident in the synaptic sensitivity to input from other neuronal groups
gamma-frequency band (30–90 Hz; Fries, 2009). In vitro as well as maximal excitability for generating spiking
experiments and computational studies illustrate that output to other neuronal groups (Azouz & Gray, 2003;
gamma-band synchronization can emerge from the Fries, Nikolic, & Singer, 2007; Tiesinga et al., 2008). As
interplay of excitatory drive and rhythmic inhibition a consequence, when two neuronal groups open their
imposed by interneuron networks (Bartos, Vida, & temporal windows for interaction at the same time, they
Jonas, 2007; Börgers, Epstein, & Kopell, 2005). Inter- will be more likely to influence each other (Womelsdorf
neurons impose synchronized inhibition onto the local et al., 2007). The consequences for selective neuronal
network (Bartos et al., 2007; Cardin et al., 2009). The communication are illustrated in figure 21.1B: if the

222 visual attention

rhythmic activities within neuronal groups are precisely Modeling studies have shown that such selective
synchronized between the two groups, they are routing of information flow can be achieved by synchro-
maximally likely to interact. By the same token, if rhyth- nizing an inhibitory gating network with only one of
mic activity within neuronal groups is unsynchronized multiple input streams (Börgers & Kopell, 2008; Mishra,
between groups, or if activity synchronizes consistently Fellous, & Sejnowski, 2006; Tiesinga et al., 2008). Pos-
out of phase, their interaction is curtailed (figure sible sources of inhibitory gating are fast spiking
21.1B). interneurons of the basket cell type that synapse pre-
This scenario entails that the pattern of synchroniza- dominantly onto perisomatic regions of principal cells
tion between neuronal groups flexibly structures the and thereby impose a powerful gain control on synaptic
pattern of interactions between neuronal groups (figure inputs arriving at sites distal to a cell’s soma (Cardin et
21.1C). Consistent with this hypothesis, the interaction al., 2009). The inhibitory synaptic influence is inher-
pattern of one neuronal group (group “A”) with two ently rhythmic at high (gamma) frequencies due to
other groups (groups “B” and “C”) can be predicted by GABAA membrane time constants (Cardin et al., 2009;
their pattern of precise synchronization (figure 21.1C). Bartos et al., 2007). Selectively activating basket cells at
This has been demonstrated for interactions of triplets the gamma frequency (using optogenetic methods) has
of neuronal groups from within and between visual been shown to gate input through sensory cortex as a
areas in the awake cat and monkey (Womelsdorf et al., function of the phase at which the input arrives (figure
2007). This study measured the trial-by-trial changes in 21.1D). The phase-specific inhibitory gate increases the
correlated amplitude fluctuation and changes in precise gain of pyramidal cell output, enhances the precision
synchronization between pair “AB” and pair “AC,” using of pyramidal cell firing, and shortens the neuronal
the spontaneous variation of neuronal activity during response latency to sensory stimuli (figure 21.1D;
constant visual stimulation. The strength of amplitude Cardin et al., 2009).
covariation—the covariation of power in the local field During attentional processes, interneuron networks
potential (LFP), multiunit spiking responses, or both— could be activated by various possible sources. They may
was used as the measure of mutual interaction strength be activated by transient and spatially specific neuro-
(figure 21.1C, bottom panel). The results showed that modulatory inputs (Lin, Gervasoni, & Nicolelis, 2006;
the interaction strength of “AB” could be inferred from Rodriguez, Kallenbach, Singer, & Munk, 2004). Alter-
the phase of gamma-band synchronization between natively, selective attention could target local interneu-
group A and group B, being rather unaffected by the ron networks directly via top-down inputs from neurons
phase of synchronization of group A with group C in upstream areas (Buia & Tiesinga, 2008; Mishra et al.,
(figure 21.1C). This finding was evident for triplets of 2006). In these models, selective synchronization
neuronal groups spatially separated by less than 750 μm emerges either by depolarizing selective subsets of
illustrating a high spatial specificity of the influence of interneurons (Buia & Tiesinga, 2008), or by biasing the
precise phase synchronization between neuronal groups phase of rhythmic activity in a more global inhibitory
on the efficacy of neuronal interaction. Further analysis interneuron pool (Mishra et al., 2006). In either case,
of the temporal evolution of the selective phase-depen- rhythmic inhibition controls the spiking responses of
dent power correlations revealed that the phase rela- groups of excitatory neurons, enhancing the impact of
tions at which power correlations were maximal those neurons that spike synchronously during the
preceded by a few milliseconds the time of maximal periods of disinhibition, while actively reducing the
power correlation (Womelsdorf et al., 2007). Such a impact of neurons spiking asynchronously to this
temporal precedence is consistent with a mechanistic rhythm. This suppressive influence on excitatory
role of phase synchronization to instantiate neuronal neurons, which are activated by distracting feedforward
interactions. input, is the critical ingredient for the concept of selec-
tive communication through coherence (CTC): atten-
Synchronization in Interneuron Networks and tion is expected not only to enhance synchronization
Their Attentional Modulation The described of already more coherent activity representing attended
characteristics of selective neuronal interactions stimuli, but to actively suppress the synchronization and
entail the major components required for selective impact of groups of neurons receiving strong, albeit
attentional routing: attentional selection evolves at distracting, inputs, because these inputs arrive outside
rapid time scales and with high spatial resolution by the noninhibited periods in the target group (Börgers
enhancing (reducing) the effective connectivity among & Kopell, 2008).
neuronal groups conveying task relevant (irrelevant) The outlined framework of the interneuron-medi-
information. ated gating of neuronal information flow at rhythmic

womelsdorf, landau, and fries: attentional selection 223

gamma-band synchronization predicts that synchroni- gamma-band synchronization within area V4 is based
zation should not only selectively increase with focused on the requirement of V4 neurons to selectively gate
attention, but that phase-dependent activity imple- the input from only those V1/V2 populations of
ments a selective gate on bottom-up processing of neurons that convey attended (i.e., relevant) stimulus
sensory information that is integrated within a large- information.
scale attention network that encodes the higher-level, The selective gating hypothesis of V1 to V4 connectiv-
top-down information. Recent evidence supports these ity has been verified in recent inter-areal recording
predictions. studies in awake nonhuman primate cortex (Bosman et
al., 2012; Grothe et al., 2012). Bosman et al. (2012)
investigated the coherence of electrocorticographic
Experimental evidence for the role of selective activity from one V4 neuronal population with activity
gamma-band synchronization for attentional of two spatially separate V1 populations (figure 21.2A).
selection The receptive fields at each of the V1 populations
converged onto the larger receptive field of the V4
Direct evidence for the functional significance of selec- neuronal population. This arrangement allowed the
tive synchronization within and between local neuronal placement of separate stimuli in each of the two non-
groups for attentional selection has been obtained from overlapping V1 receptive fields, and at the same time
recordings in macaque visual cortical areas V1, V2, and within the confines of the same V4 receptive field
V4 (e.g., Bosman et al., 2012; Buffalo, Fries, Landman, (figures 21.2B and 21.2C). With this spatial arrange-
Buschman, & Desimone, 2011; Fries et al., 2008; Gre- ment, the activity of the V4 recording site reflected the
goriou, Gotts, Zhou, & Desimone, 2009; Grothe et al., response to the combined, convergent input from the
2012). One consistent result across studies in V4 is that two V1 sites. When attention is selectively focused on
spatial attention enhances local (i.e., within-area) one of the two stimuli, then only the V1 site processing
gamma-band synchronization of the neuronal groups the attended stimulus should synchronize to V4 and
that have receptive fields overlapping the attended loca- thereby mediate the selective routing of attended infor-
tion (Fries et al., 2008). Attention selectively modulates mation according to the CTC mechanism. Figures
phase synchrony among LFPs, spike-LFP couplings, and 21.2E and 21.2F show the local effect of spatial atten-
mutual spike-train coherence, demonstrating that those tion in V1, revealing a similar degree of gamma-band
V4 neurons that convey attended stimulus information synchronization locally, that is, within each of the neu-
send more coherent spike output to their postsynaptic ronal populations. When the animals focused spatial
projection targets (Fries et al., 2008). This conclusion attention on one of the stimuli, gamma-band coher-
is strongly supported by the recent findings that gamma- ence emerged between V4 and the specific V1 site that
band spike-LFP synchronization is enhanced by atten- conveyed the relevant, attended stimulus. At the same
tion to receptive field stimuli, particularly for neurons time, gamma-band synchronization was strongly
in superficial layers that host the majority of cortico- reduced between V4 and the V1 site that conveyed the
cortical feedforward projection neurons (Buffalo et al., irrelevant, distracting stimulus (figures 21.2G and
2011). A similar pattern of layer-specific attentional 21.2H). Thus, the top-down influence of selective atten-
modulation is observed at the major input regions to tion determined which anatomically converging con-
area V4: within areas V1 and V2, selective attention nections from primary visual cortex to extrastriate area
modulates gamma-band synchronization in superfi- V4 became functionally effective (Bosman et al., 2012).
cial—that is, feedforward projecting—layers (Buffalo et This emergence of selective functional connectivity was
al., 2011). brought about by selective gamma-band coherence,
The strength of selective increases of spike-LFP providing direct support for the concept of selective
gamma-band synchronization, as well as the attentional communication through coherence (Fries, 2005).
modulation of firing rates, is lower within V1 and V2 as Communication though neuronal coherence could
compared to area V4 (Buffalo et al., 2011). This pro- be based on a symmetric mutual influence between
gression of attentional modulation from early to neuronal groups, or it could arise from nonsymmetric
extrastriate visual areas may result from the increased influences. The asymmetry, or directedness, of coher-
demand of neurons with larger receptive fields in later ence can be estimated with the Granger causality metric,
visual processing areas to select subsets of inputs from which quantifies the influence of one neuronal group
a broader set of converging inputs from neurons with “A” (e.g., in V1) onto another group “B” (e.g., the V4
smaller receptive fields. According to this suggestion, group) as the variance in “B” that is explained by the
the larger attentional enhancement of selective immediate past of “A,” rather than by the past of “B”

224 visual attention




u g d g
c i c i


Figure 21.2 (A) The spatial coverage of ECoG electrode relative to pre-stimulus baseline in V1a (E) and V1b (F).
locations. Shaded regions indicate areas V1 and V4. (G, H) Coherence spectra between V4 and V1a (G) and
(B, C) Attention conditions with arrows denoting that only between V4 and V1b (H). (I, J) Bottom-up Granger causal
the behaviorally relevant and therefore attended stimulus was influence of V1a onto V4 (I) and of V1b onto V4 ( J).
routed from the respective V1 site to the V4 site. The shading (K, L) Top-down Granger causal influence of V4 onto V1a
of the box contours (black, gray) is used in the remaining (K) and of V4 onto V1b (L). Gray bars in (G)–(L) indicate
panels to denote the attention conditions. (D) Spectral power the frequencies with a significant effect. (Adapted from
change relative to pre-stimulus baseline in V4 (gray line Bosman et al., 2012. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan
mostly occluded by black line). (E, F) Spectral power change Publishers Ltd: Nature.)

(Dhamala, Rangarajan, & Ding, 2008). Applying the 2011), because feedforward connectivity originates
Granger causal metric, Bosman et al. (2012) revealed a from superficial layers in primary visual cortex.
predominance of Granger causal influences from the
attended V1 neuronal group onto the neuronal group Origins of attentional top-down biases onto visual
in V4 in the gamma-frequency band (figures 21.2I and cortex: Selective long-range coordination at
21.2J), and only a subtle Granger causal feedback gamma- and beta-frequency synchronization
influence of V4 to V1 (figures 21.2K and 21.2L). These
findings resonate well with the predominance of The described findings illustrate that the behavioral
gamma-band synchronization in superficial versus deep relevance of a stimulus location or feature determines
visual cortical areas reported above (Buffalo et al., how the neuronal circuitry in V4 synchronizes

womelsdorf, landau, and fries: attentional selection 225

its activity to earlier stages of the sensory processing attention (Noudoost & Moore, 2011; Noudoost, Albar-
hierarchy. The top-down information about which stim- ran, & Moore, this volume). Notably, electrical micro-
ulus aspect is behaviorally relevant arrives in area V4 stimulation of circuitry within FEF induces 40 Hz
from diverse sources, including the posterior parietal gamma oscillations of those distantly connected V4 sites
cortex and the prefrontal cortex. Both of these brain that contain neurons with receptive fields overlapping
regions are part of larger frontoparietal networks that the stimulation sites (Premereur, Vanduffel, Roelfsema,
implement selective attention and working memory & Janssen, 2012). These long-distance influences from
(Corbetta & Schulman, 2011; see also Serences & FEF onto visual cortex likely depend on monosynaptic
Kastner and Corbetta et al., this volume). Notably, pre- and excitatory long-range connections that are particu-
frontal and parietal network nodes convey top-down larly dense and bidirectional between FEF and V4
attention information about relevant stimulus features (Anderson, Kennedy, & Martin, 2011). Empirical evi-
in local and long-range, phase-synchronized activity dence shows that this recurrent connectivity is function-
that critically support the outlined role of synchroniza- ally coordinated by selective attention at a narrow
tion as a key mechanism for selective neuronal com- gamma-frequency band (Gregoriou et al., 2009). Atten-
munication (Gregoriou et al., 2009; Gregoriou, Gotts, tion to a stimulus overlapping the receptive fields of
& Desimone, 2012; Liebe, Hoerzer, Logothetis, & simultaneously recorded V4 and FEF sites enhances
Rainer, 2012; Phillips, Vinck, Everling, & Womelsdorf, long-range gamma-band coherence when compared to
2013; Pesaran, Nelson, & Andersen, 2008; Salazar, attention elsewhere. Moreover, this attentional modula-
Dotson, Bressler, & Gray, 2012; Siegel, Donner, & Engel, tion is based on a subpopulation of neurons in FEF that
2012). In particular, recent studies suggest that neuro- is tuned to visual inputs and rich in long-range con-
nal circuitry in area V4 receives specific top-down nectivity to visual cortex (figure 21.3; Anderson et al.,
control signals through selective phase locking to the 2011; Gregoriou et al., 2012). Figures 21.3A and 21.3C
activity of two major networks. First, area V4 phase- illustrate that selective attention inside the receptive
couples in the classical gamma-frequency band to visu- field of visually tuned FEF neurons synchronizes their
ally tuned neurons in the frontal eye field (Gregoriou spike-trains to the distant sites in visual cortex. In con-
et al., 2009, 2012). And second, V4 synchronizes to a trast, FEF neurons tuned to oculomotor planning and
beta-synchronous cortico-cortical network that is com- execution did not modulate their long-range coher-
posed of the dorsolateral prefrontal and the posterior ence as a function of covert visual attention (figures
parietal cortex (Buschman, Denovellis, Diogo, Bullock, 21.3B, 21.3D; Gregoriou et al., 2012). These findings
& Miller, 2012; Buschman & Miller, 2007; Salazar et al., reveal that the stimulus-specific attention information
2012; Siegel et al., 2012). that is evident in gamma cycle–dependent firing of area
The frontal eye field (FEF), a known source of atten- V4 cells (Fries et al., 2008) is phase-synchronized to
tional top-down control, contains neuronal circuitry visually encoding neurons of the top-down control cir-
whose electrical and pharmacological stimulation cuitry in FEF, but decoupled from neurons that are part
imposes a selective change of neuronal activity in visual of the sensorimotor network that control saccadic eye
area V4 that resembles the activity modulation of spatial movements (figure 21.3E).

Figure 21.3 (A) Average coherence of spike-trains of visu- memory task required encoding of a sample object or sample
ally tuned neurons in the frontal eye field (FEF) to the local object location. Following a 0.8–1.2 sec delay, the macaque
field potential (LFP) when the monkeys attended inside (red) monkeys had to identify which of two objects or object loca-
or outside (blue) the visual receptive field of the FEF cell. tions matched the sample. (G) Average selectivity of coher-
(B) Same as in (A), but for “motor” cells in the FEF that are ence for object identity (upper panel) and location (bottom
tuned to saccadic target directions and are located predomi- panel) during sample and delay epochs (separated by white
nantly in deeper cortical layers in the FEF. (C) Long-range vertical lines). The LFP coherence was computed between
coherence of visually tuned FEF cells with the LFP recorded pairs of frontal and posterior parietal sites. (H) Average
in visual area V4 FEF. (D) Long-range coherence of motor- coherence, for each of three objects, rank-ordered for each
tuned FEF cells with the LFP recorded in visual area V4. recorded pair according to their object preference. The time
(E) Illustration of cells in the FEF that are primarily respon- course shows differences in coherence with the start of the
sive to visual stimuli and located in supra-granular layers delay period. (I) The proportion of frontoparietal LFP-LFP
(red), visuomotor neurons (half-red, half-green), and motor- pairs that showed individually significant selectivity of beta
tuned neurons (green) that are predominantly located in band coherence, split according to their anatomical locations.
deeper layers. The solid/dashed arrows to V4 cells indicate (Panels (A)–(D) adapted from Gregoriou et al., 2012; panels
selective coupling of visual FEF to visual V4 cells, but a lack (F)–(I) adapted from Salazar et al., 2012. Reprinted with
of coupling from motor-related FEF cells. (F) The working permission from AAAS.) (See color plate 18.)

226 visual attention

Selective attention demands not only synchronize content-specific synchronization between prefrontal
FEF-V4 connections in a location- and feature-specific and posterior parietal cortex of the LFPs in a 12–22 Hz
manner. Recent work has shown that the selective encod- beta-frequency band. The strength of this long-range
ing and maintenance of location- and object-specific phase-locking started to predict either the location or
information is achieved by an anatomically specific the identity of a sample object at the time when the
pattern of beta-band synchronization spanning prefron- sample stimulus was removed from the visual scene, and
tal and parietal cortex. The cognitive nature of this long- working memory circuitry began to sustain its informa-
range coherence has been documented for active visual tion during the delay of the task, until the test stimuli
search (Buschman & Miller, 2007) and for dynamic were presented >0.8 seconds later (figure 21.3H). Criti-
working memory processes (Salazar et al., 2012). Figures cally, the beta-rhythmic frontoparietal communication
21.3F and 21.3G illustrate the temporal evolution of the of working memory content was widespread, but

A Attention inside RF C E
Attention outside RF
Spike-LFP coherence

Spike-LFP coherence

FEF spikes— FEF spikes—

Visual- FEF
FEF cells

FEF cells
FEF spikes— FEF spikes—
Spike-LFP coherence
Spike-LFP coherence



cortical surface

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Fronto-parietal network topography
Percent of sign. LFP-LFP pairs

of working memory information

Location selective
Object selective
G 50
Object identity
Frequency [Hz]

selectivity index


0 20
Object location

H Preferred object 12–22 Hz Frontal areas: Post. parietal

Non-Preferred object
6DR—Dorsorostral area 6 PEC—Caudal area PE

8AD—Anterodorsal PGM—Medial area PG

Area 8 8B—Area 8B PE—Area PE
dPFC—Dorsal prefrontal cortex PG—Area PG
vPFC—Ventral prefrontal cortex MIP—Medial intraparietal area
0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 9L—Lateral area 9 LIP—Lateral intraparietal area
Time (sec.)

womelsdorf, landau, and fries: attentional selection 227

particularly pronounced for the dorsolateral prefrontal of dynamic nesting of gamma rhythmic activity within
cortex (including area 8) and the lateral intraparietal slower frequencies in the theta band (<10 Hz; figure
cortex. More than 40% of pairs of dorsolateral prefron- 21.4B). Previous studies suggest that gamma-band
tal–lateral intraparietal cortex connections engaged in power increases are often limited to a certain phase of
beta frequency–specific phase-locking that conveyed slower neural oscillations in the theta range. The link
the content of the current visuospatial working memory between gamma and theta activity was first found in
(figure 21.3I; Salazar et al., 2012). rodent hippocampal recordings (Bragin et al., 1995)
Taken together, the delineated evidence for selective but later was also described in cortex (see Fries, 2009).
long-range synchronization illustrates that precisely The finding that the gamma-rhythmic synchronization
timed activity at gamma- and beta-frequency ranges (1) is reestablished every theta cycle implies that the selec-
conveys information that is specific to behaviorally rel- tion process itself is reset at a theta rhythm. This type
evant stimulus dimensions, (2) emerges in anatomically of temporal structure gives rise to active sampling and
clustered subareas that form selective long-range net- updating of the selection process, akin to other explora-
works, and (3) is evident for selected subsets of cells of tion behaviors that operate at a theta rhythm. For
the topographic clusters that are tuned to the attended example, sniffing and whisking in rodents occur at a
stimulus dimension. theta frequency (Buszaki, 2005; Kleinfeld, Berg, &
O’Connor, 1999) as does saccadic exploration in pri-
mates (Otero-Millan, Troncoso, Macknik, Serrano-
Theta-rhythmic modulation of gamma-band Pedraza, & Martinez-Conde, 2008). Finally, attentional
synchronization top-down control processes have recently been shown
to proceed on large-scale theta-synchronous frontopa-
As outlined above, the CTC framework describes a rietal networks (Phillips et al., 2013). Figure 21.4B illus-
mechanism for selecting relevant incoming informa- trates the proposed extension of selection through
tion as well as curtailing irrelevant input from further synchrony incorporating the nesting of each synchro-
processing (figure 21.4A). However, in continuous nous state within a given theta cycle. The resetting of
sensory processing there are many factors, endogenous gamma by the theta cycle as an implementation of a
as well as external (bottom-up), that affect the process fundamental exploration rhythm that shapes the selec-
of sensory selection. Under those circumstances, how tion process provides a mechanistic and functional
does selective synchronization, as the likely mechanism interpretation for the prevalent finding of theta-gamma
for attentional selection, dynamically adapt to the ever- cross-frequency coupling. More importantly, it also gen-
changing goals and sensory environment? Once inter- erates predictions regarding the temporal properties of
areal synchronization is achieved, how is it broken in brain-behavior relationships and the course of atten-
order to support shifting of attention to other poten- tional selection. In what follows, we survey evidence for
tially relevant locations or objects? A possible elabora- this theoretical possibility from three main research
tion of the CTC framework that would account for the areas: (1) investigations of the temporal properties of
updating of attentional selection is the incorporation overt exploration behaviors, (2) investigations of the

Figure 21.4 (A) Schematic illustrating the communication 7.1 Hz, for the last 120 ms prior to target onset and standard-
through coherence hypothesis in an attentional task where ized performance after the phases were aligned for each par-
one location (apple) is attended while the other (pepper) is ticipant so that the optimal phase would be lined up with the
ignored. Lower visual areas represent both objects, yet gamma- zero degrees bin. Note that from the optimal phase, perfor-
band synchronization supports the communication of the mance declines and reaches a minimum at the opposite
attended object for further processing and curtails the com- phase. (E) Schematic illustration of a task that measures the
munication of the unattended object from further processing sampling rhythm using psychophysics. (F) Detection perfor-
in higher visual areas. (B) Incorporating the nesting of mance as a function of temporal interval between target event
gamma-band synchronization within a theta sampling rhythm and flash event (attention reset event). Zero point denotes
when, for example, two objects are behaviorally relevant. onset of flash event; negative values denote trials in which the
Within each theta cycle, a given object is selected, and this target preceded the irrelevant flash. Black (gray) line: detec-
selection is implemented in the gamma-band synchronization tion for targets appearing in the same (opposite) visual field
much like illustrated in panel (A). In each sampling cycle, the as the flash. These time courses of performance reveal a
selection alternates between the two objects. (C) Statistical rhythmic sampling of each location sequentially. (Panels (C)
significance of a phase bifurcation between detected and and (D) adapted from Busch, Dubois, & van Rullen, 2009,
missed targets. The white rectangle highlights a time-frequency and van Rullen, Busch, Drewes, & Dubois, 2011.)
region of significance. (D) The relationship between phase at

228 visual attention

functional relationship between ongoing oscillatory (2008) have investigated the properties of saccadic eye
phase and behavioral outcome, and (3) behavioral movements in naturalistic viewing setups in humans.
investigations of the temporal structure of attentional In addition to demonstrating inter-saccadic intervals
selection. that are consistent with a theta rhythmic sampling
mechanism, they have shown that microsaccades (i.e.,
Investigations of the Temporal Properties of involuntary fixational eye movements) have velocity
Overt Exploration Behaviors The proposal that magnitude characteristics that are consistent with regular,
attentional selection entails a theta sampling rhythm exploratory saccades, suggesting that both types of sac-
serving exploration behaviors is supported by studies cadic eye movements lie on a single continuum. Bosman
investigating the temporal dynamics of saccadic eye et al. (2009) extended the finding of theta rhythmic
movements (Bosman, Womelsdorf, Desimone, & Fries, microsaccades to nonhuman primates, combining phys-
2009; Otero-Millan et al., 2008). Otero-Millan et al. iological measurements from V1 and V4 during the

+ Visual



p < 0.05 (corrected)

7.1 Hz; –0.120 s n = 16

Normalized hits ratio

Detection accuracy
(proportion correct)
Frequency (Hz)



Target event

Flash event
0.2 Same
–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Time (ms) Aligned phase bin (radians) Flash-to-target interval (s)

womelsdorf, landau, and fries: attentional selection 229

performance of an attention task while the animal was Behavioral Investigations of the Temporal Struc-
trained to maintain fixation. Gamma-band synchroniza- ture of Attentional Selection If the neural imple-
tion modulated around individual microsaccades in mentation of attentional selection is modulated at a
both V1 and V4, revealing a link between the overt slow theta rhythm, the behaviors associated with atten-
exploration behavior and the physiological implemen- tional selection should likewise entail such periodicity.
tation of attentional selection (Bosman et al., 2009). Recently, there have been a few demonstrations of how
Consistently, response times to targets were predicted rhythmic structure can be found directly in behavioral
by the ongoing pattern of microsaccades, establishing performance (Fiebelkorn, Saalmann, & Kastner, 2013;
a relationship between miniature eye movements and Holcombe & Chen, 2013; Landau & Fries, 2012;
attentional performance. It should be noted that, Mathewson, Fabiani, Gratton, Beck, & Lleras, 2010). In
although most attention tasks engage attention in the a study we conducted (Landau & Fries, 2012), partici-
nominal absence of eye movements (i.e., covert atten- pants distributed attention over two locations, and per-
tion), the detailed investigation of eye movements over formance was probed finely in time over the course of
the past decade has highlighted that even when sacca- more than 1 second. Crucially, we reset attention to one
dic eye movements are suppressed by instruction and of the two locations using a flash event and tested the
training, microsaccades are present and often biased temporal structure of detection performance thereaf-
toward behaviorally relevant locations (Hafed, Lovejoy, ter. We probed performance both at the location of the
& Krauzlis, 2011). reset event and at the opposite location and found that
behavioral detection performance fluctuated rhythmi-
Investigations of the Functional Relationship cally at 4 Hz for each location. The performance fluc-
Between Ongoing Oscillatory Phase and Behav- tuations for the two locations were in anti-phase,
ioral Outcome If a slow theta-frequency oscillation suggesting a sequential sampling of one location at a
is nesting the attentional selection process that is time. The finding of a 4-Hz sampling rhythm at each of
evident in the gamma band, then measuring ongoing two locations, and in anti-phase between them, is con-
oscillatory activity should reveal the state of the system sistent with a general sampling mechanism operating at
in a way that could explain the variance in perfor- twice that frequency, or 8 Hz. Accordingly, if we had a
mance during constant stimulation conditions. Studies way to examine the sampling of three locations, we
investigating the link between ongoing oscillations and should predict that the same 8-Hz sampling rhythm
behavioral outcomes aim to predict performance vari- would be sequentially sampling over the three loca-
ability by using the phase information of the ongoing tions. Holcombe and Chen (2013) recently provided
oscillation of single trials (e.g., Busch et al., 2009). such evidence in the context of a motion-tracking task.
Trials would then be sorted according to behavioral Commonly, capacity limitations in multiple-object track-
responses (e.g., visible-detection target vs. invisible- ing tasks were quantified as a function of an object’s
detection target) and phase consistency measured speed. Accordingly, with increasing speed, participants’
within each response category. Such a procedure has item capacity to track multiple objects decreases. Hol-
by now been performed for several tasks, consistently combe and Chen applied a crucial modification to this
revealing that shortly prior to the onset of a detection analysis: they quantified the motion of an object in
target, the phase of ongoing alpha or theta (5–15 Hz) terms of its frequency; that is, the time that elapses from
predicted the behavioral outcome (figure 21.4C; the appearance of a target at a given location until it is
Busch, Dubois, & VanRullen, 2009, threshold detec- replaced by a distractor. With this approach, they found
tion task; Mathewson, Gratton, Fabiani, Beck, & Ro, that attentional tracking capacity remains constant for
2009, masked detection task; Busch & VanRullen, 2010, different numbers of distractors and only changes when
threshold detection task with and without attention; a different number of targets are to be tracked. The
Drewes & VanRullen, 2011, saccadic reaction times). temporal resolution of attentional tracking is 7 Hz for
This common result provides evidence for the func- tracking one object, 4 Hz for tracking two objects, and
tional significance of the theta phase to attentional 2.6 Hz for tracking three objects. These findings are
selection processes. Importantly, the findings highlight consistent with a sampling mechanism that is sequen-
that the sampling at theta is a robust and fundamental tially sampling the targets with an overall sampling peri-
mechanism. It will be important for future work to odicity of 7 Hz.
further test for direct links of the pre-stimulus phase The converging evidence, linking the physiological
effect to the physiological manifestation of the selec- dynamic of theta-gamma coupling to different aspects
tion process at different levels of the sensory process- of attentional selection, supports the notion that atten-
ing hierarchy. tion, like many other exploration behaviors, entails

230 visual attention

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232 visual attention

22 Neural Signatures, Circuitry, and
Modulators of Visual Selective Attention

ABSTRACT Attention is the process of selecting a subset of Signatures of visual attention

sensory information for further processing while ignoring the
rest. A great deal of neurophysiological work has established One signature of visual attention is an increase in the
that the dependence of visual perception on selective atten-
tion is reflected in the responses of neurons throughout the spiking rates of neurons to stimuli within their receptive
visual system via changes in the signal-to-noise ratio of visual fields (RFs). The effects of visual attention on neuronal
information. However, until recently, little was known about firing rate have largely been observed in neurophysio-
the neural circuitry that controls the perceptual effects of logical experiments involving monkeys. Monkeys can
attention and their neural correlates within the visual system. be trained to perform complex visuospatial tasks such
In this chapter, we review recent work implicating particular
brain structures, both cortical and subcortical, in the control
as fixating on a central fixation point while covertly
of visual spatial attention. Studies aimed at localizing neural attending to one of many peripheral stimuli on the
circuits controlling selective visual attention are distinct from same display in return for a reward. The experimenter
those that have explored the long-suspected role of particular can control which of the peripheral stimuli the monkey
neuromodulators in attention. We also discuss the current attends to by making the reward contingent upon the
knowledge and major questions concerning the role that neu-
detection or discrimination of some aspect of that stim-
romodulators play in attentional control.
ulus (e.g., change in color). While the monkey attends
to the RF stimulus or stimuli outside of the RF, the
What is attention? spiking activity of neurons within the visual system can
be measured and compared between those two condi-
Attention is the process of selecting a subset of sensory tions. Generally, one observes that the spiking activity
information for further processing while ignoring the increases when the monkey attends to the stimuli
rest. The neural basis of attention is typically studied located within the RF relative to when the monkey
through experiments that measure neural activity (e.g., attends to stimuli outside of the RF (Noudoost, Chang,
neuronal spike rate) within brain structures of animal Steinmetz, & Moore, 2010). Importantly, this difference
subjects (e.g., monkeys) during attention-demanding in firing rate is observed even though the retinal stimu-
tasks. Once obtained, these neural measures can be lation is identical across conditions. Such increases in
analyzed to establish correlates or signatures of atten- firing rate due to attention have been observed begin-
tional control. These signatures reflect and encode ning at the earliest stage of processing beyond the
behavioral effects at the neural level. Because attention retina, namely, in neurons within the lateral geniculate
is the means by which we focus and amplify behaviorally nucleus (McAlonan, Cavanaugh, & Wurtz, 2006). Fur-
relevant information (i.e., an important stimulus), thermore, this type of neuronal modulation has been
neural signatures of attention are generally expected to observed across multiple stages and areas of visual pro-
reflect that as an increase in the ratio of relevant to cessing. Increase in firing rate is only one measurable
irrelevant neural responses (i.e., signal-to-noise ratio, or signature of attention, and recent studies have revealed
SNR). In principle, increases in the SNR can be achieved other, complementary ways that attention may increase
through a variety of means, such as strengthening the the SNR (table 22.1).
selected visual signal, improving the efficacy of incom- Another way to potentially alter the SNR during
ing inputs, or reducing the noise. Understanding these attention is through changes in synchronous neural
signatures of attention—that is, the ways in which the activity, either in the spiking rates of neurons or in the
SNR is altered—presumably enables one to identify the low-frequency electrical signals recorded locally (local
mechanisms underlying both them and their corre- field potentials; LFPs), or both. Increased synchrony of
sponding behavioral effects. neuronal signals is thought to enhance the transmission

noudoost, albarran, and moore: neural signatures, circuitry, and modulators 233
Table 22.1
Summary of signatures of top-down attention within the visual system. An overview of currently known signatures of attention and their
potential implications. Abbreviations: LFP, local field potential; RF, receptive field; FEF, frontal eye field; LIP, lateral intraparietal area; IT,
inferotemporal cortex; SC, superior colliculus; LGN, lateral geniculate nucleus; Pulv, pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus; PFC, prefrontal
Signature Potential implication Area
↑ Spiking rate Increases output signal LGN, TRN, Pulv, SC, V1, V2,
↑ γ-band LFP power Increases locally synchronous synaptic activity FEF, V4
↑ Local γ-band coherence Potentially increases signal efficacy at postsynaptic FEF, V4, LIP
↑ Cross-areal γ-band coherence Potentially facilitates long-range interactions by FEF-V4, PFC/FEF-V4, LIP-MT
providing a common temporal reference frame
↓ Response variability Increases reliability of encoded information V4
↓ Low-frequency synchrony Potentially reduces output redundancy by decreasing V4
↓ Correlated noise at low Potentially increases the sensitivity of pooled responses V4
Receptive field shift Potentially increases output signal by recruiting MT, V4

of signals by reducing the phase lag of inputs to down- can be attributed to independent sources of noise
stream structures and thus potentially increasing their within each neuron, the correlated fluctuations shared
postsynaptic efficacy. Spikes reflect the output of across groups of neurons, or both. For individual
neurons, while LFPs are thought to largely reflect the neurons, the Fano factor, a measure of neural firing
inputs (excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic poten- variability quantified as the variance divided by the
tials). Coherence in neural activity can be measured mean response, is reduced when attention is directed
between the spiking activity within different sets of toward the respective RFs of those neurons (Mitchell,
neurons, between their LFPs, or between the spikes of Sundberg, & Reynolds, 2007). Recent studies have
one set of neurons and the LFPs of the other. Specifi- found that attention reduces the correlated variability
cally, it has been argued that gamma-band (25–100 Hz) among pools of many neurons in area V4, which
synchronization of spiking from selected groups of appears to improve the SNR more effectively than
neurons can increase the influence of these spikes on increases in firing rate or decreases in independent
downstream areas (Salinas & Sejnowski, 2001). Syn- firing variability (Cohen & Maunsell, 2009; Mitchell,
chrony in the gamma band among neurons encoding Sundberg, & Reynolds, 2009). This decorrelation arises
an attended representation could facilitate the integra- mainly from a suppression of low-frequency (<5 Hz)
tion of spikes from these populations converging on rate fluctuations shared across neuronal populations
their postsynaptic targets, enhancing the attended rep- and is thought to reflect the attention-dependent low-
resentation. Various studies have reported increases in frequency desynchronization observed in area V4
the local gamma band (Fries, Womelsdorf, Oostenveld, (Fries et al., 2008).
& Desimone, 2008; Gregoriou, Gotts, Zhou, & Desim- Another measurable signature of attention is the
one, 2009), and that synchrony has been found to cor- number of neurons involved in processing particular
relate with behavioral performance (Womelsdorf, Fries, visual information. The act of attention potentially
Mitra, & Desimone, 2006). Although these observations amplifies and sharpens selected signals through the
support the positive role of synchrony in attentional recruitment of additional neurons to represent selected
selection, there are differences in the actual reported information and, additionally, through the narrowing
frequency ranges in which significant effects of atten- down of their spatial tuning (RFs). Studies that show
tion are observed, and the role of synchrony in atten- shifting and shrinking of RFs toward attended stimuli
tion remains an active area of research (see chapter 21, provide evidence for this adaptive prioritization of
this volume). visual representations (Connor, Preddie, Gallant, &
Other studies have found that attention also Van, 1997)
decreases the variability of neuronal firing of individ- In summary, attention increases the efficacy of visual
ual neurons. Variability in firing patterns of neurons processing via various different potential mechanisms,

234 visual attention

including (1) increasing firing rates of visual neurons,
(2) increasing neural coding through synchronous LIP

activity, and (3) reducing redundancies by decorrelat-

ing the responses of populations of neurons. In prin- FEF
ciple, understanding the ways in which the SNR can be Posterior
enhanced during attention should aid in revealing their visual areas
underlying causal mechanisms.

Sources of attention
SC Pulvinar
It is clear that visual perception depends on the direc-
tion of attention, and as is now well established, this
dependence is reflected in the responses of neurons
throughout the visual system via changes in the SNR of Figure 22.1 Macaque brain highlighting structures impli-
cated in the control of visual selective attention and their
visual information (table 22.1). However, until recently
connections, namely, the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) in
little was known about the neural circuitry that controls posterior parietal cortex, the frontal eye field (FEF) in pre-
the perceptual effects of attention and their neural cor- frontal cortex, the superior colliculus (SC) in the midbrain,
relates within the visual system. In the following section, and the pulvinar nuclei in the thalamus. Dotted outlines indi-
we discuss several brain structures suspected of playing cate subcortical structures. (See color plate 19.)
a causal role in attention (figure 22.1 and table 22.2 ).

Frontal eye field addition, like neurons within earlier stages of the visual
system, FEF visual responses are modulated by covert
The frontal eye field (FEF), located within the prefron- attention (e.g., Armstrong, Chang, & Moore, 2009;
tal cortex (PFC), is an area originally known for its role Thompson, Bichot, & Sato, 2005). However, more
in overt attention, specifically saccadic eye movements recent studies revealed a prominent role of the FEF in
(Bruce, 1990). FEF neurons exhibit a spectrum of visual covert spatial attention. FEF neurons have a rich con-
and motor properties. Most FEF neurons respond to nectivity with posterior visual areas, both feedforward
visual stimulation within their RFs. A subset of those and feedback, the latter being implicated in the modu-
neurons will also respond prior to saccades of a particu- lation of posterior visual signals by the PFC. Electrical
lar direction and amplitude, most often (but not always) microstimulation of sites within the FEF (through
to locations within the visual RF. The remaining subset microelectrodes) with sufficiently high currents can
of FEF neurons consists of those that do not respond evoke highly reproducible saccades. More importantly,
to visual stimulation, but only prior to saccades. In microstimulation of FEF sites with currents too weak to

Table 22.2
Candidate brain areas implicated in the control of visual processing
Method of Signature
causality of
test attention FEF SC LIP Pulvinar
Stimulation Neural Increased visual response ? ? ?
and stimulus selectivity
Behavioral Increased visual detection Increased visual Spatially non- ?
and visual guidance of detection specific increases
saccades in visual
Inactivation Neural Decreased stimulus Decreased stimulus ? ?
selectivity selectivity
Behavioral Distractor-dependent Distractor- Distractor- Distractor-
decrease in visual dependent dependent dependent
detection decrease in visual decrease in visual decrease in
detection detection (LIPv visual
not LIPd) discrimination

noudoost, albarran, and moore: neural signatures, circuitry, and modulators 235
evoke saccades (subthreshold microstimulation) none-
theless improves performance in an attention-demand-
ing task (Moore & Fallah, 2001). Specifically, FEF
microstimulation improves the ability of monkeys to
detect minute changes in the luminance of targets posi- ms
5 00
tioned within the part of space represented by neurons –1
at the stimulation site. In addition, subthreshold FEF 30
microstimulation also enhances the degree to which
voluntarily generated saccades are guided by the visual
features of saccadic targets (Schafer & Moore, 2007).
Thus, activation of FEF neurons is sufficient to increase
the influence of particular visual stimuli on behavior.
Subthreshold microstimulation of FEF sites also pro-
duces a brief enhancement of visually driven responses
of area V4 neurons with RFs in the region of space
represented by neurons at the stimulated FEF site
(Moore & Armstrong, 2003). Furthermore, it has been
shown that the magnitude of this enhancement -
increases when more effective RF stimuli are used and

Target discrimination
when non-RF (i.e., distractor) stimuli are present. Con-

Percent RF misses
versely, microstimulation of FEF sites that do not overlap 10 0.5
with particular V4 RFs suppresses the responses of those
V4 neurons, which reflects the effects observed in 5
endogenous attention studies. Additionally, this −0.5
enhancement of V4 responses is observed only with RF
0 −1
stimuli that align with the endpoint of the saccade Up Down −200 0 200 400
vector represented at the FEF site. As a result of this, Voluntary control Time from array
when two competing stimuli are present within a V4 RF, condition onset (ms)
FEF microstimulation drives visual responses toward Figure 22.2 Operant control of FEF neurons and its effects
those observed when an aligned stimulus is presented on selective attention measured behaviorally and neurophysi-
alone (Armstrong, Fitzgerald, & Moore, 2006). Func- ologically. Top: The operant control task in which the monkey
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been fixated a central spot on an otherwise blank video display and
was rewarded for increasing or decreasing the firing rate of
used to demonstrate the influence of FEF microstimula- FEF neurons. Dotted circle shows the FEF RF. Speaker icon
tion on visual activation throughout the cortex and musical note depict auditory feedback of FEF neuronal
(Ekstrom, Roelfsema, Arsenault, Bonmassar, & Vanduf- activity (spike train). Subsequent panels depict the visual-
fel, 2008). This work shows that FEF microstimulation search probe trials in which a search array appeared, the
enhances the visual activation of retinotopically corre- auditory feedback ceased (“x” on speaker icon) and the
monkey was rewarded (blue droplet) for directing a saccade
sponding foci within multiple visual areas and increases
toward an oriented bar target. Bottom left: The frequency of
the contrast sensitivity within multiple visual areas trials in which the monkey failed to respond to the target
(Ekstrom, Roelfsema, Arsenault, Kolster, & Vanduffel, (“misses”) opposite the RF was increased during DOWN
2009). operant control of FEF activity in both monkeys (square and
In addition to studies using electrically induced triangle symbols). Bottom right: Target discrimination by FEF
neurons was increased during upward (red) operant control
changes in FEF activity to test its role in attention,
relative to downward (blue). (Adapted from Schafer and
Schafer and Moore (2011) tested the hypothesis that Moore, 2011.) (See color plate 20.)
behaviorally conditioned, voluntary changes in FEF
neuronal activity are sufficient to bring about the
deployment of visual attention (figure 22.2). The blocks of trials), while maintaining central fixation on
authors used operant training techniques to examine a blank visual display. The authors probed the behav-
the impact of voluntary control of FEF activity on visu- ioral and neurophysiological consequences of operant
ally driven behavior. Monkeys were provided with real- control of FEF activity. They did this by introducing
time auditory feedback based on the firing rate of FEF probe trials in which the monkey performed a visual
activity, and rewarded for either increasing or decreas- search task while exerting operant control over FEF
ing that activity (in alternating “UP” and “DOWN” activity. They found that when the search targets

236 visual attention

A Fixation B Attention C Passive fixation


D1R manipulation ACh applied Target salience

Response to target (sp/s)

40 0.2 70
Control ACh not applied

Modulation index
Firing rate (sp/s)

30 50
20 n = 86 30
0 0
0.1 0.8 1.2 2.4 0 4 8 12
RF stimulus Bar length (degree) Distracter salience
(loom degree/s)

Figure 22.3 (A) Visual responses of a V4 neuron with a RF toward the stimulus within the neuron’s RF compared to
that overlapped the FEF RF measured during passive fixation when attention is directed elsewhere. Indices measured
(top panel). The bottom plot shows mean and standard error during control trials (gray) and during iontophoretic applica-
of the mean (SEM) visual responses to bar stimuli presented tion of acetylcholine (black) are shown. (C) Cholinergic
at varying orientations and the baseline-firing rate in the neurons in the owl’s IPC nucleus signal the physical salience
absence of visual stimulation (dashed lines) before (black) of stimuli by a characteristic switch response. The exemplar
and after (gray) the FEF D1R manipulation. (B) Enhance- neuron responds almost invariantly to RF stimuli across a
ment of attention effects in macaque V1 by ACh. The cartoon range of stimulus intensities as long as the stimulus is more
above depicts the behavioral task in which attention was physically salient than the other stimulus on the screen (dis-
directed covertly to a neuron’s RF stimulus (V1 RF) or to a tractor). When the RF stimulus is less salient, the neuron
stimulus outside of the RF (not shown) during fixation of a responds at a uniformly low rate. Salience is manipulated by
central spot (gray lines). The effect of spatial attention on the varying the speed at which a given stimulus looms (target
responses of V1 neurons to visual stimuli is quantified with a salience in this example is set at 7 degrees/sec). IPC neurons
modulation index for stimuli of varying lengths. Positive were recorded in owls during passive viewing (top panel).
indices indicate greater responses when attention is directed

appeared in the FEF RF, monkeys were less likely to responses of V4 neurons to visual stimulation, (2)
detect the target (i.e., they had more “misses”) on the increased stimulus selectivity, and (3) reduced cross-
DOWN-trials than UP-trials. In addition, the authors trial variability of visual responses. Note that similar
found that FEF neurons could discriminate targets changes to each of these three measures have been
from distractors better during UP trials compared to observed during endogenously directed attention
DOWN trials. This change in target discriminability was (McAdams & Maunsell, 1999; Mitchell et al., 2007). The
dependent on the direction of operant control and not results of Noudoost and Moore (2011a) provide two
on spontaneous fluctuations in firing rate. These results crucial pieces of evidence. First, they demonstrate
show that endogenous, voluntary changes in FEF neural changes in FEF neuronal firing rate are sufficient to
activity are sufficient to bring about both the behavioral bring about changes in sensory signals in posterior
and neurophysiological effects of visual attention, and visual cortex. Although the previous microstimulation
that explicit learning of an attention task is not required. results suggest this to be the case, they do not rule out
Noudoost and Moore (2011a) pharmacologically other possibilities such as antidromic spread of micro-
altered FEF activity by infusing small quantities of stimulation-evoked activity to other cortical or subcorti-
dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists at local- cal structures. Second, the results also demonstrate that
ized cortical sites. They found that, similar to FEF the influence the FEF has on posterior sensory signals
microstimulation, manipulation of FEF neuronal activ- can itself be influenced by changes in dopaminergic
ity through dopamine D1 receptors could enhance the activity. This latter point may establish a basis by which
visual responses of area V4 neurons at corresponding prefrontal dopamine contributes to attentional control,
spatial locations (figure 22.3A). Specifically, they found as appears to be the case in studies of attention-deficit
that blocking D1 receptors (1) increased the spiking hyperactivity disorder (Castellanos & Tannock, 2002).

noudoost, albarran, and moore: neural signatures, circuitry, and modulators 237
In addition to the studies taking a gain-of-function 2004). Other studies further demonstrated that the
approach, inactivation experiments have consistently behavioral benefits of SC stimulation on performance
shown that removal of FEF output disrupts behavioral are not dependent on whether microstimulation occurs
measures of attention. Wardak and colleagues studied in the visual or motor layers of the SC (Cavanaugh,
effects of FEF inactivation on behavioral performance Alvarez, & Wurtz, 2006), indicating that the benefit
in visually guided saccades and covert visual search tasks does not result from an evoked visual experience.
and found that FEF inactivation causes deficits in both The results of pharmacological inactivation of the SC
saccade and attention tasks (Wardak, Ibos, Duhamel, & also suggest a causal role of this area in visuospatial
Olivier, 2006). Monosov and Thompson have also attention. Lovejoy and Krauzlis (2010) trained monkeys
shown that inactivation of the FEF produces spatially in a covert spatial attention task. Monkeys were required
selective perceptual deficits in covert attention tasks to deploy covert attention to a cued location and report
(Monosov & Thompson, 2009). These deficits are stron- the motion direction of stimuli appearing at that loca-
gest on invalid cue trials that require endogenous atten- tion. The authors found that inactivation of the SC
tion shifting. Experiments using search classification resulted in profound deficits for targets in the corre-
tasks to record responses of inferotemporal (IT) sponding part of space. This deficit was only observed
neurons before and after FEF inactivation show that when target stimuli were presented in the presence of
both object-selective responses of IT neurons and distractors outside of the affected visual field, consistent
behavioral performance are affected by changes in FEF with the idea that the observed deficits are attentional
activity (Monosov, Sheinberg, & Thompson, 2010). in nature, rather than merely visual. More recently, the
Thus, not only does FEF activation (electrically or phar- authors tested the effects of SC inactivation on the
macologically) enhance behavioral and neuronal mea- neural signatures of attention within visual areas MT
sures of attention, its inactivation reduces performance and MST. Surprisingly, they found that in spite of prom-
on attention-based tasks, suggesting that FEF activity is inent behavioral deficits in visual attention following SC
not only sufficient to drive attentional deployment, but inactivation, the measured neural signatures of atten-
that it is also necessary for that deployment. tion within the two visual areas were unaffected (Zenon
& Krauzlis, 2012). This work suggests that although the
Superior colliculus SC may be necessary for attentionally directed behavior,
it may not be a source of attention-related modulation
Another oculomotor area suspected of playing a causal within visual cortex.
role in attention is the superior colliculus (SC). As with
the FEF, SC neurons exhibit a spectrum of visual and Lateral intraparietal area
motor properties. Most SC neurons respond to visual
stimulation within their RFs (Goldberg & Wurtz, 1972). Another brain region that has been implicated as a
A subset of those neurons will also respond prior to source of attentional modulation is the lateral intrapa-
saccades of a particular direction and amplitude, most rietal area (LIP), an area located in the lateral bank of
often to locations within the visual RF. The remaining the intraparietal sulcus of the parietal lobe. As with the
subset of FEF neurons consists of those that do not FEF and the SC, LIP neurons exhibit a spectrum of
respond to visual stimulation, but only prior to sac- visual and motor properties (Mazzoni, Bracewell,
cades. In general, neurons with largely visual properties Barash, & Andersen, 1996). As with the other struc-
are found in more superficial layers of the SC, while tures, LIP visual responses are also modulated by
neurons with largely motor properties are found in covert attention (e.g., Bisley & Goldberg, 2003). The
deeper layers. In addition, like neurons within earlier first evidence for a causal role of the LIP in visual
stages of the visual system, SC visual responses are mod- attention comes from inactivation studies. Wardak et al.
ulated by covert attention (Ignashchenkova, Dicke, found that inactivation of the LIP had no direct influ-
Haarmeier, & Their, 2004). As with the FEF, micro- ence on saccade mechanisms for visually and memory-
stimulation of the SC enhances performance on atten- guided saccades (i.e., saccades maintained the same
tion-demanding tasks. Subthreshold microstimulation accuracy, omission rate, latency, duration, and ampli-
of sites within the SC spatial map enhances visual per- tude; Wardak, Olivier, & Duhamel, 2002). However, LIP
formance in the corresponding region of space. This inactivation did cause monkeys to choose targets
has been observed in studies in which monkeys appearing on the ipsilateral side of visual field over
performed a direction-of-motion discrimination task contralateral ones and induced a delay in searching for
(Muller, Philiastides, & Newsome, 2005) or they visual targets in the ipsilateral field. Follow-up experi-
detected changes in visual stimuli (Cavanaugh & Wurtz, ments testing the monkeys’ performance on covert

238 visual attention

attention tasks found that LIP inactivation slows the attention-related structures and visual cortex, the pul-
reaction time of the task, but that this deficit is highly vinar is thought to mediate the control of attention by
dependent on the number of distractors and the task those structures (Allman, Kaas, Lane, & Miezin,
load (Wardak et al., 2004). Comparing FEF (Wardak 1972). Generally, cortical areas connecting directly to
et al., 2006) and LIP inactivation studies (Wardak et al., each other are also connected via pulvinar (Sherman
2004), Wardak and colleagues concluded that whereas & Guillery, 2002), and thus the pulvinar may regulate cortico-
both FEF and LIP inactivation cause deficits in covert cortical transmission via these cortico-pulvino-cortical
attention tasks, there are essential differences between pathways. As in the above-mentioned structures, the
their observed inactivation effects: (1) unlike FEF inac- visual responses of pulvinar neurons are modulated
tivation, which produces deficits in the presence or by attention (Petersen, Robinson, & Keys, 1985), and
absence of distractors, attention deficits due to LIP there is evidence of a causal role of the pulvinar in
inactivation are more prominent when the target stimu- attention. Pharmacological inactivation of the lateral
lus is presented in competition with distractors and pulvinar causes attention deficits in behaving monkeys
when the task load is high; (2) FEF inactivation results (Desimone, Wessinger, Thomas, & Schneider, 1990).
in severe deficits in memory-guided saccade execution, A more recent study by Kastner and colleagues pro-
whereas these saccades are mostly intact after LIP inac- vides evidence of a role of the pulvinar in regulating
tivation (Wardak, Olivier, & Duhamel, 2002). Experi- the transmission of information between cortical
ments by Liu et al. further explored the dissociation of areas. They first showed that visual cortical areas V4
saccade deficits from attention deficits after LIP inacti- and temporo-occipital area connect to overlapping
vation. They found that well-localized inactivation of areas within the pulvinar. They then studied the visual
the dorsal region of the LIP (LIPd) specifically impairs responses of neurons in these three regions in
saccades, but that attention-driven search remains monkeys performing an attention task. They observed
intact (Liu, Yttri, & Snyder, 2010). In contrast, well- an increase in coherence between pulvinar spikes and
localized inactivation of the ventral region (LIPv) LFPs and the LFPs in areas V4 and temporo-occipital
impairs both attention-driven search as well as saccades, area. Furthermore, they found evidence that the
suggesting a dissociation of function within area LIP. coherence of activity between the pulvinar and the
Microstimulation techniques have also been used to two visual areas originated from the pulvinar (Saal-
test the causal role of the LIP in attention. Cutrell and mann, Pinsk, Wang, Li, & Kastner, 2012). These
Marrocco observed that LIP stimulation overrides the results suggest that the pulvinar contributes to atten-
effects of a distracting visual cue, eliminating the “cost” tional control via its intermediary role in cortico-
of incorrectly deploying attention to the extraneous cortical transmission.
location (Cutrell & Marrocco, 2002). However, when
there was no cue, such stimulation resulted in a behav- Neuromodulators and attention
ioral advantage for both ipsi- and contra-stimulation
fields, suggesting the presence of a general vigilance for Distinct from studies aimed at localizing neural circuits
visual stimuli, rather than a spatially selective orienta- controlling selective visual attention are those that have
tion. Others have found that microstimulation of the been aimed at exploring the long-suspected role of
LIP slightly biases animal subjects to saccade to visual particular neuromodulators in attentional control.
stimuli at the stimulated location during visual search These studies have focused on a variety of different
tasks (Mirpour, Ong, & Bisley, 2010). Studies compar- species, including humans, in both clinical and non-
ing the FEF and LIP areas in attention tasks (Wardak et clinical subjects (Brennan & Arnsten, 2008; Sarter, Has-
al., 2004, 2006) and in tasks requiring filtering of dis- selmo, Bruno, & Givens, 2005). Neuromodulators are
tractors (Suzuki & Gottlieb, 2013) suggest a difference classes of neurotransmitters that influence synaptic
between the roles of these two areas in visuospatial transmission broadly within neural circuits. They have
attention tasks, in which the LIP is more involved in several characteristics in common. (1) They are all
bottom-up attention whereas the FEF is more involved released by neurons within specific brainstem or mid-
in top-down attention (Buschman & Miller, 2007). brain nuclei. (2) These subcortical neurons project
broadly to many other subcortical and cortical struc-
The pulvinar tures. Projections to the cortex include both posterior
sensory areas where correlates of selective attention are
The pulvinar nuclei of the thalamus comprise another observed, as well as projections to the PFC, where the
set of candidate structures controlling visual atten- control of selective attention is thought to originate. (3)
tion. Based on its widespread connectivity with other Each of the specific nuclei also receives projections

noudoost, albarran, and moore: neural signatures, circuitry, and modulators 239
from the PFC, suggesting a means by which PFC control Studies employing behavioral paradigms that manip-
can exert network-wide attentional effects. For a more ulate bottom-up attentional orienting—for example,
detailed review of the role of neuromodulators in atten- using spatial cues (Posner, 1980)—have generally found
tion, see Noudoost and Moore (2011c). Here, we briefly that lesions of the basal cholinergic nuclei impair such
discuss recent evidence of a role for two major neuro- orienting (Voytko et al., 1994), while increased cholin-
modulators, acetylcholine and dopamine. ergic activity (e.g., via nicotine agonist) increases ori-
enting (Witte, Davidson, & Marrocco, 1997). Moreover,
both systemic administration of the muscarinic antago-
Acetylcholine Within the past twenty years, a nist scopolamine (Davidson, Cutrell, & Marrocco, 1999)
number of studies using human and animal subjects and its local injection into posterior parietal cortex
have yielded evidence for the role of acetylcholine have been shown to slow bottom-up orienting of atten-
(ACh) in attention (Warburton & Rusted, 1993). Sys- tion in nonhuman primates (Davidson & Marrocco,
temic increases in ACh activity have been shown to 2000), suggesting a role of ACh in the mechanism of
enhance visual selective attention in healthy human bottom-up attention. In contrast to top-down attention,
subjects (Warburton & Rusted, 1993). Cholinergic in which selection among different sensory stimuli
receptors are classified into two classes: metabotropic depends solely on the relevance of those stimuli to
muscarinic receptors (mAChRs) and ionotropic nico- behavioral goals, bottom-up driven selection is based
tinic receptors (nAChRs; Cooper, Bloom, & Roth, solely on the (physical) salience of stimuli. As with top-
2003). Although much of the evidence for behavioral down attention, bottom-up salience enhances the
enhancement through cholinergic stimulation involves responses of neurons within visual cortex (Burrows &
nAChRs, there is evidence for a role of both receptors Moore, 2009). Yet it remains unclear how ACh contrib-
in certain aspects of attentional control. Rodent studies utes to these effects. Recent studies employing owl
suggest that the processing of sensory signals within models reveal that neurons in a cholinergic nucleus
posterior areas might be influenced by the interaction exhibit response characteristics consistent with a
of PFC with ascending cholinergic projections (Sarter potential role in the selection of visual objects based on
et al., 2005), and the interaction appears to involve salience (Asadollahi, Mysore, & Knudsen, 2010).
nAChRs (Guillem et al., 2011). Within posterior areas, Neurons within the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis
basal forebrain stimulation enhances sensory signals (IPC) of owls transmit cholinergic inputs to the tectum
within somatosensory (Tremblay, Warren, & Dykes, and respond to both auditory and visual stimuli. Inter-
1990) and visual cortex (Goard & Dan, 2009), and in estingly, the visual responses of these neurons depend
all cases the effects appear to involve mAChRs. However, heavily on whether the stimulus in their RF is more
other studies have recently shown that within primary salient than stimuli outside of their RF; the magnitude
visual cortex (V1) it is in fact nAChRs that are involved of their responses decreases sharply at the boundary
in gain control (Disney, Aoki, & Hawken, 2007). Within where the relative salience of the RF stimulus falls below
V1, nAChRs are localized presynaptically at geniculo- that of a stimulus outside of the RF (figure 22.3C).
cortical inputs to layer IVc neurons, where they enhance Similar effects are observed within the owl optic tectum
responsiveness and contrast sensitivity of thalamorecipi- (Mysore & Knudsen, 2011), which is reciprocally con-
ent neurons. Recent experiments concerning the role nected with IPC in a precisely topographic manner.
of ACh in attentional modulation recorded visual These results suggest that salience-driven selection may
responses of V1 neurons in monkeys performing a originate in part from cholinergic inputs, or at least it
covert attention task (Herrero et al., 2008), and, consis- involves those inputs.
tent with previous results (e.g., McAdams & Reid, 2005),
an increase in V1 responses was found when monkeys Dopamine Dopamine receptors are grouped into two
attended toward RF stimuli compared to when they classes, D1 and D2. The D1 family includes D1 and D5
attended to non-RF stimuli (figure 22.3B). However, receptors, whereas D2, D3, and D4 receptors make up
iontophoretic application of ACh augmented the atten- the D2 family (Seamans & Yang, 2004). Within the PFC,
tional modulation of V1 responses. Furthermore, appli- D1Rs exhibit a bilaminar pattern of expression, while
cation of scopolamine, an mAChR antagonist, reduced D2Rs are less abundant and appear to be expressed
the attentional modulation, while application of the primarily within infragranular layers (Lidow, Goldman-
nAChR antagonist, mecamylamine, had no effect. Rakic, Gallager, & Rakic, 1991; Santana, Mengod, &
These results demonstrate a robust interaction between Artiga, 2009). Recent studies have explored the impact
attentional deployment and mAChR activity on the rep- of manipulating D1R-mediated activity within the FEF
resentation of stimuli within visual cortex. on saccadic target selection and on visual responses of

240 visual attention

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noudoost, albarran, and moore: neural signatures, circuitry, and modulators 243
23 Computational Models of Attention

ABSTRACT This chapter reviews recent computational models studies have shown that the majority of eye fixations
of visual attention. We begin with models for the bottom-up during execution of many tasks are directed to task-
or stimulus-driven guidance of attention to salient visual relevant locations that may or may not also be salient,
items, which we examine in seven different broad categories.
We then examine more complex models, which address the
and fixations are coupled in a tight temporal relation-
top-down or goal-oriented guidance of attention toward items ship with other task-related behaviors, such as reaching
that are more relevant to the task at hand. and grasping (Hayhoe, Shrivastava, Mruczek, & Pelz,
2003). Several of these studies have used naturalistic
A large body of psychophysical evidence on attention interactive or immersive environments to give high-
can be summarized by postulating two forms of visual level accounts of gaze behavior in terms of objects,
attention (James, 1981). The first is driven by the visual agents, “gist of the scene” (Potter & Levy, 1969;
input; this so-called exogenous, bottom-up, stimulus- Torralba, 2003), and short-term memory to describe,
driven, or saliency-based form of attention is rapid, for example, how task-relevant information guides eye
operates in parallel throughout the entire visual field, movements while subjects make a sandwich (Hayhoe
and helps mediate pop-out, the phenomenon by which et al., 2003; Land & Hayhoe, 2001), or how distractions
some visual items tend to stand out from their sur- such as setting the radio or answering a phone affect
roundings and to instinctively grab our attention (Itti eye movements while driving (Sodhi, Reimer, & Llamaz-
& Koch, 2001; Koch & Ullman, 1985; Treisman & ares, 2002). While these more complex attentional
Gelade, 1980). The second, endogenous, top-down, or behaviors have been more difficult to capture in com-
task-driven form of attention depends on the exact task putational models, we review below several recent
at hand and on subjective visual experience, takes efforts that have successfully modeled attention guid-
longer to deploy, and is volitionally controlled. Normal ance during complex tasks, such as driving a car or
vision employs both processes simultaneously to control running a hot-dog stand that serves many hungry
both overt and covert shifts of visual attention (Itti & customers.
Koch, 2001). Covert focal attention has been described While we focus on purely computational models
as a rapidly shiftable “spotlight” (Crick, 1984), which (which autonomously process visual data without the
serves the double function of selecting particular loca- requirement of a human operator, or of manual parsing
tions and objects of interest and of enhancing visual of the data into conceptual entities), we also point the
processing at those locations and for specific attributes reader to several relevant previous reviews on attention
of those objects. Thus, attention acts as a shiftable infor- theories and models more generally (Frintrop, Rome,
mation-processing bottleneck, allowing only objects & Christensen, 2010; Gottlieb & Balan, 2010; Itti &
within a circumscribed visual region to reach higher Koch, 2001; Paletta, Rome, & Buxton, 2005; Toet, 2011;
levels of processing and visual awareness (Crick & Koch, Tsotsos & Rothenstein, 2011).
Most computational models of attention to date have Computational models of bottom-up attention
focused on bottom-up guidance of attention toward
salient visual items. Many, but not all, of these models Development of computational models of attention
have embraced the concept of a topographic saliency started with the feature integration theory of Treisman
map (Koch & Ullman, 1985) that highlights scene loca- and Gelade (1980), which proposed that only simple
tions according to their relative conspicuity or salience. visual features are computed in a massively parallel
This has allowed for validation of saliency models manner over the entire visual field. Attention is then
against eye movement recordings, by measuring the necessary to bind those early features into a united
extent to which human or monkey observers fixate loca- object representation, and the selected bound repre-
tions that have higher predicted salience than expected sentation is the only part of the visual world that passes
by chance (Parkhurst, Law, & Niebur, 2002; Tatler, Bad- though the attentional bottleneck (figure 23.1A). Koch
deley, & Gilchrist, 2005). However, recent behavioral and Ullman (1985) extended the theory by proposing

itti and borji: computational models of attention 245

Central representation


Saliency map

Feature maps

Input image

Linear filtering at 8 spatial scales

Colors Intensity Orientations

R, G, B, Y On, Off 0, 45, 90, 135

Center-surround differences and normalization

7 features
Feature Maps (6 maps per

Conspicuity Maps

Linear combinations

Saliency map
Inhibition of return

Central representation

Figure 23.1 Early bottom-up attention theories and models. computational models. They included many elements of the
(A) Feature integration theory of Treisman and Gelade Koch and Ullman framework and added new components,
(1980) posits several feature maps, and a focus of attention such as an alerting subsystem (motion-based saliency map)
that scans a map of locations and collects and binds features and a top-down subsystem (which could modulate the saliency
at the currently attended location (from Treisman & Souther, map based on memories of previously recognized objects).
1985). (B) Koch and Ullman (1985) introduced the concept (D) Itti et al. (1998) proposed a complete computational
of a saliency map receiving bottom-up inputs from all feature implementation of a purely bottom-up and task-independent
maps, where a winner-take-all (WTA) network selects the most model based on Koch and Ullman’s theory, including multi-
salient location for further processing. (C) Milanese, Wechsler, scale feature maps, saliency map, winner-take-all, and inhibi-
Gill, Bost, and Pun (1994) provided one of the earliest tion of return.

246 visual attention

the idea of a single topographic saliency map, receiving is feasible, often these models (inspired by efficient
inputs from the feature maps, as a computationally effi- coding in visual cortex) utilize a sparse set of basis
cient representation upon which to operate the selec- functions learned from a repository of natural scenes.
tion of where to attend next: a simple maximum-detector Examples in this category are the attention based on
or winner-take-all neural network was proposed to information maximization, or AIM, model (Bruce &
simply pick the next most salient location as the next Tsotsos, 2005); the rarity model (Mancas, 2007); the
attended one, while an active inhibition-of-return local + global image patch rarity model (Borji & Itti,
mechanism would later inhibit that location and thereby 2012a); and incremental coding length models (Hou &
allow attention to shift to the next most salient location Zhang, 2008).
(figure 23.1B). From these ideas, a number of fully
computational models started to be developed (e.g., Graphical Models Graphical models are general-
figure 23.1C and 23.1D). ized Bayesian models that have been employed for
Many research groups have more recently developed modeling complex attention mechanisms over space
new models of bottom-up attention. Fifty-three bottom- and time. Torralba (2003) proposed a Bayesian
up models are classified along 13 different factors approach for modeling contextual effects on visual
in figure 23.2. Most of these models fall into one of search which was later adopted in the saliency using
the seven general categories described below, with natural statistics, or SUN, model (Zhang, Tong, Marks,
some models spanning several categories (also see Shan, & Cottrell, 2008) for fixation prediction in free
Tsotsos & Rothenstein, 2011, for another taxonomy). viewing. Itti and Baldi (2005) defined surprising stimuli
Additional details and benchmarking of these models as those that significantly change beliefs of an observer.
was recently proposed by Borji, Sihite, and Itti (2012a, Harel, Koch, and Perona (2007) propagated similarity
2012b). of features in a fully connected graph to build a saliency
map. Avraham and Lindenbaum (2010), Li, Zhou, Yan,
Cognitive Models Development of saliency-based Niu, and Yang (2010), and Rezazadegan, Tavakoli,
models escalated after Itti, Koch, and Niebur’s (1998) Rahtu, and Heikkilä (2011), have also exploited Bayes-
implementation of Koch and Ullman’s (1985) compu- ian concepts for saliency modeling.
tational architecture. Cognitive models were the first to
approach algorithms for saliency computation that Decision-Theoretic Models This interpretation
could apply to any digital image. In these models, the states that attention is driven optimally with respect to
input image is decomposed into a set of multiscale the task. Gao and Vasconcelos (2004) argued that, for
feature maps, selective for elementary visual attributes recognition of objects, salient features are those that
(e.g., luminance or color contrast, or motion energy). best distinguish a class of objects of interest from all
The feature maps are combined across features and other classes. Given some set of features X = {X1, ... , Xd},
scales to form a master saliency map. An important at locations l, where each location is assigned a
element of this theory is the idea of center-surround class label Y (Yl = 0 for background, Yl = 1 for objects
operators, which define saliency as distinctiveness of an of interest), saliency is then a measure of mutual infor-
image region compared to its surroundings. Almost all mation (usually the Kullback-Leibler divergence), com-
saliency models are directly or indirectly inspired by puted as I (X , Y ) = ∑di =1 I (X i , Y ). Besides having good
cognitive concepts of visual attention (e.g., Le Meur, Le accuracy in predicting eye fixations, these models have
Callet, Barba, & Thoreau, 2006; Marat et al., 2009). been very successful in computer vision applications
(e.g., anomaly detection and object tracking).
Information-Theoretic Models Stepping back
from biologically plausible implementations, models in Spectral Analysis Models Instead of processing an
this category are based on the premise that localized image in the spatial domain, these models compute
saliency computations serve to guide attention to the saliency in the frequency domain. Hou and Zhang
most informative image regions first. These models thus (2007) derive saliency for an image by computing its
assign higher saliency to scene regions with rare fea- Fourier transform, preserving the phase information
tures. Information regarding visual feature F is I(F) = while discarding most of the amplitude spectrum (to
−log p(F), inversely proportional to the likelihood of focus on image discontinuities), and taking the inverse
observing F. By fitting a distribution P(F) to features Fourier transform to obtain the final saliency map. Bian
(e.g., using Gaussian mixture models or kernels), rare and Zhang (2009) and Guo and Zhang (2010)
features can be immediately found by computing P(F)−1 further proposed spatiotemporal models in the spectral
in an image. While, in theory, using any feature space domain.

itti and borji: computational models of attention 247

Figure 23.2 Survey of bottom-up and top-down computa- free-viewing ( f ); target search (s); interactive (i ). In the fea-
tional models, classified according to 13 factors. These factors, tures ( f10) column: color, intensity, and orientation (CIO)
in order: bottom-up ( f1); top-down ( f2); spatial (−)/spatio- saliency; CIOFM: CIO plus flicker and motion saliency; M* =
temporal (+) ( f3); static ( f4); dynamic ( f5); synthetic ( f6) and motion saliency, static saliency, camera motion, and object
natural ( f7) stimuli; task-type ( f8); space-based(+)/object- (face) and aural saliency (speech-music); LM*: contrast sensi-
based(−) ( f9); features ( f10); model type ( f11); measures tivity, perceptual decomposition, visual masking, and center-
( f12); and used data set ( f13). In the task type ( f8) column: surround interactions; Liu*: center-surround histogram,

248 visual attention

Pattern-Classification Models Models in this cat- also recognizing objects and their context, to incremen-
egory use machine learning techniques to learn stimu- tally update the model’s understanding of the scene
lus-to-saliency mappings, from image features to eye and to plan the next most task-relevant shift of attention
fixations. They estimate saliency s by computing p(s|f ), (Beuter, Lohmann, Schmidt, & Kummer, 2009; Naval-
where f is a feature vector which could be the contrast pakkam & Itti, 2005; Yu, Mann, & Gosine, 2008, 2012).
of a location and its surrounding neighborhood. For example, one may consider the following informa-
Kienzle, Wichmann, Scholkopf, and Franz (2007), tion flow, aimed at rapidly extracting a task-dependent
Peters and Itti (2007), and Judd, Ehinger, Durand, and compact representation of the scene, that can be used
Torralba (2009) used image patches, scene gist, and a for further reasoning and planning of top-down shifts
vector of several features at each pixel, respectively, and of attention, and of action (Itti & Arbib, 2006; Navalpak-
used classical support vector machine (SVM) and kam & Itti, 2005).
regression classifiers for learning saliency. Rezazadegan
• Interpret task definition: by evaluating the rele-
et al. (2011) used sparse sampling and kernel density
vance of known entities (in long-term symbolic memory)
estimation to estimate the above probability in a Bayes-
to the task at hand and storing the few most relevant
ian framework. Note that some of these models may not
entities into symbolic working memory. For example, if
be purely bottom-up since they use features that guide
the task is to drive, be alert to traffic signs, pedestrians,
top-down attention, such as faces or text (Cerf, Harel,
and other vehicles.
Einhauser, & Koch, 2008; Judd et al., 2009).
• Prime visual analysis: by priming spatial locations
that have been learned to usually be relevant, given a
Other Models Other models exist that do not easily
set of desired entities and a rapid analysis of the “gist”
fit into our categorization. For example, Seo and Mila-
and rough layout of the environment (Rensink, 2000;
nfar (2009) proposed self-resemblance of local image
Torralba, 2003), and by priming the visual features
structure for saliency detection. The idea of decorrela-
(e.g., color, size) of the most relevant entities being
tion of neural response was used for a normalization
looked for (Wolfe, 1994).
scheme in the adaptive whitening saliency model (Gar-
• Attend and recognize: the most salient location
cia-Diaz Fdez-Vidal, Pardo, & Dosil, 2009). Kootstra,
given the priming and biasing done at the previous
Nederveen, and de Boer (2008) developed symmetry
step. Evaluate how the recognized entity relates to the
operators for measuring saliency, and Goferman,
relevant entities in working memory, using long-term
Zelnik-Manor, and Tal (2010) proposed a context-aware
knowledge of interrelationships among entities.
saliency detection model with successful applications in
• Update: based on the relevance of the recognized
re-targeting and summarization.
entity, decide whether it should be dropped as uninter-
In summary, modeling bottom-up visual attention is
esting or retained in working memory (possibly creat-
an active research field in computational neuroscience
ing an associated summary “object file” in working
and machine vision. New theories and models are
memory; see Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs, 1992) as
constantly proposed that keep advancing the state of
a potential object and location of interest for action
the art.
• Iterate: the process until sufficient information has
Top-down attention models been gathered to allow a confident decision for action.
• Act: based on the current understanding of the
Models that address top-down, task-dependent influ-
visual environment and the high-level goals.
ences on attention are more complex, since some rep-
resentations of goal and of task become necessary. In An example of a top-down model that includes the
addition, top-down models typically involve some above elements, although not in a very detailed imple-
degree of cognitive reasoning, not only attending to but mentation, was proposed by Navalpakkam and Itti

multiscale contrast and color spatial-distribution; R*: lumi- target patch receives higher saliency than a randomly chosen
nance, contrast, luminance-bandpass, contrast-bandpass; SM*: negative one); DR means models have used a measure of
orientation and motion; J*: CIO, horizontal line, face, people detection/classification rate to determine how successful the
detector, gist, etc.; S*: color matching, depth and lines; and model was. PR stands for precision recall. In the data set ( f13)
:) represents the face. In the model type ( f11) column, R column: self data means that authors gathered their own data.
means that a model is based on reinforcement learning. In For a detailed definition of these factors, please refer to Borji
the measures ( f12) column, K* means the Wilcoxon-Mann- and Itti (2012b).
Whitney test was used (the probability that a randomly chosen

itti and borji: computational models of attention 249

(2005). Given a task definition as keywords, the model Markov random field; Kimura et al., 2008). An eye-
first determines and stores the task-relevant entities in focusing map is then created that highlights maxima in
symbolic working memory, using prior knowledge from the stochastic saliency map, additionally integrating
symbolic long-term memory. The model then biases its top-down influences from an eye-movement pattern (a
saliency-based attention system to emphasize the stochastic selection between passive and active state
learned visual features of the most relevant entity. Next, with a learned transition probability matrix). The
it attends to the most salient location in the scene and authors use a particle filter with Markov chain Monte
attempts to recognize the attended object through hier- Carlo sampling to estimate the parameters; this tech-
archical matching against stored representations in nique, often used in machine learning, allows for fast
visual long-term memory. The task-relevance of the rec- and efficient estimation of unknown probability density
ognized entity is computed and used to update the functions. Several additional recent related models
symbolic working memory. In addition, a visual working using graphical models have been proposed (e.g., Chik-
memory in the form of a topographic task-relevance kerur, Serre, Tan, & Poggio, 2010).
map is updated with the location and relevance of the In a recent example, using probabilistic reasoning
recognized entity. The implemented prototype of this and inference tools, Borji et al. (2012b) introduced a
model has emphasized four aspects of biological vision: framework for top-down overt visual attention based on
determining task-relevance of an entity, biasing atten- reasoning, in a task-dependent manner, about objects
tion for the low-level visual features of desired targets, present in the scene and about previous eye move-
recognizing these targets using the same low-level fea- ments. They designed a dynamic Bayesian network
tures, and incrementally building a visual map of task- (DBN) that infers future probability distributions over
relevance. The model was tested on three types of tasks: attended objects and spatial locations from past
single-target detection in 343 natural and synthetic observed data. Briefly, the Bayesian network is defined
images, where biasing for the target accelerated its over object variables that matter for the task. For
detection over two-fold on average; sequential multiple- example, in a video game where one runs a hot-dog
target detection in 28 natural images, where biasing, stand and has to serve multiple customers while manag-
recognition, and working memory contributed to ing the grill, those include raw sausages, cooked sau-
rapidly finding all targets; and learning a map of likely sages, buns, ketchup, etc. Then, existing objects in the
locations of cars from a video clip filmed while driving scene, as well as the previous attended object, provide
on a highway (Navalpakkam & Itti, 2005). evidence toward the next attended object (figure
While the previous example model uses explicit cog- 23.3B). The model also allows reading out which spatial
nitive reasoning about world entities and their relation- location will be attended, thus allowing one to verify its
ships, a complementary trend in top-down modeling accuracy against the next actual fixation of the human
uses fuzzy or probabilistic reasoning to explore how player. The parameters of the network are learned from
several sources of bottom-up and top-down information training data in the same form as the test data (human
may combine. For example, Ban, Kim, and Lee (2010) players playing the game). This object-based model was
proposed a model where the bottom-up and top-down significantly more predictive of eye fixations, compared
components interact through a fuzzy learning system to simpler classifier-based models, several state-of-the-
(figure 23.3A). During training, a bottom-up saliency art bottom-up saliency models, and control algorithms
map selects locations, and their features are incremen- such as mean eye position (figure 23.3C). This points
tally clustered and learned in a growing fuzzy topology toward the efficacy of this class of models to capture
adaptive resonance theory model (GFTART). During spatiotemporal, visually guided behavior in the pres-
testing, top-down interest in a given object activates its ence of a task.
features stored in the GFTART model and biases the While fully computational top-down models are more
bottom-up saliency model to become more sensitive to complex than their bottom-up counterparts, many
these features, thereby increasing the probability that recent examples thus exist that provide an inspiration
the object of interest will stand out. In a related approach, for future efforts in developing models that more accu-
Akamine, Fukuchi, Kimura, and Takagi (2012; also see rately emulate the human cognitive processes that
Kimura, Pang, Takeuchi, Yamato, & Kashino, 2008) control top-down attention.
developed a dynamic Bayesian network that combines
the following factors. First, input video frames give rise Outlook
to deterministic saliency maps. These are converted
into stochastic saliency maps via a random process that Our review shows that tremendous progress has been
affects the shape of salient blobs over time (e.g., dynamic made in modeling both bottom-up and top-down

250 visual attention


Figure 23.3 Examples of recent top-down models. prediction. Models compared are as follows. MEP: mean eye
(A) Model of Ban et al. (2010), which integrates bottom-up position over all frames during the game play (control model).
and top-down components; r, g, b: red, green, and blue color G: trivial Gaussian map at the image center. BU: bottom-up
channels. I: intensity feature. E: edges. R, G: red-green color. saliency map of the Itti model. Mean BU: average saliency
B, Y: blue-yellow color. CSD&N: center-surround differences maps over all video frames. REG(1): regression model that
and normalization. ICA: independent component analysis. maps the previous attended object to the current attended
GFT_ART: growing fuzzy topology adaptive resonance theory. object and fixation location. REG(2): similar to REG(1), but
SP: saliency point. (B) Graphical representation of the the input vector consists of the available objects at the scene
dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) approach of Borji et al. augmented with the previously attended object. SVM(1) and
(2012b), unrolled over two time-slices. Xt is the current SVM(2) correspond to REG(1) and REG(2) but using a
saccade position, Yt is the currently attended object, and Ft i support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Similarly, DB(5) and
is the function that describes object i at the current scene. All DB(3) correspond to REG(1) and REG(2), meaning that in
variables are discrete. It also shows a time-series plot of prob- DB(5) the network considers just one previously attended
ability of objects being attended and a sample frame with object, while in DB(3) each network slice consists of the previ-
tagged objects and eye fixation overlaid. (C) Sample pre- ously attended object as well as information about the previ-
dicted saccade maps of the DBN model (shown in B) on three ous objects in the scene. REG(Gist): regression based only on
video games and tasks: running a hot-dog stand (HDB; top the gist of the scene. kNN: k-nearest-neighbors classifier.
three rows), driving (3DDS; middle two rows), and flight Rand: white noise random map (control). Overall, DB(3)
combat (TG, bottom two rows). Each red circle indicates the performed best at predicting where the player would look
observer’s eye position superimposed with each map’s peak next (Borji et al., 2012b). (See color plate 21.)
location (blue squares). Smaller distance indicates better

aspects of attention computationally. Tens of new While many models have approached the problem of
models have been developed, each bringing new modeling top-down attention, a fully implemented cog-
insights into the question of what makes some nitive system that reasons about objects, their relation-
stimuli more important to visual observers than other ships, and their locations to guide the next shift of
stimuli. attention remains an elusive goal to date.

itti and borji: computational models of attention 251

Several barriers exist in building even more sophisti- Borji, A., & Itti, L. (2012a). Exploiting local and global
cated visual attention models, which, we argue, depend patch rarities for saliency detection. Proc IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 1–8).
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vision, knowledge representation, and artificial intelli- tion modeling. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal, 35(1), 185–207.
gence, to support some of the components required Borji, A., Sihite, D. N., & Itti, L. (2012a). Quantitative
to implement attention-driven scene-understanding analysis of human-model agreement in visual saliency mod-
systems. Of prime importance is object recognition, eling: A comparative study. IEEE Trans Image Process, 22,
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face detection. Adv Neural Inf Process Syst, 20, 241–248.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by the National Science Foun-
putational visual attention systems and their cognitive foun-
dation (grant numbers CCF-1317433 and CMMI-1235539),
dations: A survey. ACM Trans Appl Percept, 7(1), 6.
the Army Research Office (W911NF-11-1-0046 and W911NF-
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12-1-0433), the US Army (W81XWH-10-2-0076), and Google.
visual recognition from cluttered scenes. Adv Neural Inf
The authors affirm that the views expressed herein are solely
Process Syst, 17, 481–488.
their own, and do not represent the views of the United States
Garcia-Diaz, A., Fdez-Vidal, X., Pardo, X., & Dosil, R.
government or any agency thereof.
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itti and borji: computational models of attention 253

Chapter 24 WILSON 261

25 RIEKE 271





30 RUST 337








When we took on the task of editing this section, we

had one aim in mind: to outline the key concepts
underlying the science of sensation, both those that had
stood the test of time and those that are now emerging.
We selected authors whose own research has contrib-
uted to the field’s understanding of these concepts.
However, we asked them not to focus on their own
research, or to write a conventional review article.
Rather, we asked them to explain the key ideas that have
motivated their research, or that raise questions for
research of the future.
Inevitably, different authors ended up tackling some
of the same concepts, but always with a different angle
or emphasis. For us, one of the pleasures in reading and
editing these chapters was the experience of viewing
the same concepts refracted through these different
lenses. We hope the resulting collection is more than
the sum of its parts, because it invites the reader to
compare how the same idea is treated by different
Often, the term sensation is used to refer to the neural
processes resulting from a sensory stimulus, whereas the
term perception is used to refer to the conscious aware-
ness of those processes. We would argue that it is useful
to think of percepts as particular neural states that can
be flexibly linked to a variety of behaviors. In scientific
practice, we generally seek to understand sensory per-
ceptions by means of behavioral reports, because con-
scious awareness is not directly observable. Careful
quantitative measurements of sensory perceptions (in
this sense of the term) are the domain of psychophysics,
and these types of measurements can be applied to both
human and nonhuman subjects. Indeed, one of our
goals in selecting authors was to illustrate relationships
between studies in a wide range of organisms. This

dicarlo and wilson: introduction 257

implicitly assumes that some of the neural states that This chapter builds upon classic ideas, but updates
link sensory stimuli to behaviors will have characteristics these ideas in light of new data and new tools for per-
that are common to a variety of different species. turbing neural activity. Bill Geisler, Johannes Burge,
This section begins with a chapter by Rachel Wilson, Melchi Michel, and Anthony D’Antona describe psycho-
which outlines the internal constraints on sensory systems, physical approaches to characterizing perception, as well
with a particular focus on visual and olfactory systems. as modern statistical methods to characterize the diffi-
These constraints include limitations imposed by evolu- culty of sensory tasks based on the information available
tion, development, metabolism, neural noise, and the in sensory data and the goal of the task. These methods
electrical limitations of single neurons. This is followed allow one to determine the efficiency of neuronal
by a chapter by Fred Rieke that considers how neural systems and to isolate the sources of variability that limit
systems might actually reach optimality in balancing its performance. This chapter also describes how the
internal constraints against the demands of behavioral same framework can be used to generate principled
tasks. Rieke focuses on the very first stage of visual pro- hypotheses about the neural implementation of a
cessing, which is unusually costly in terms of energy, and behavioral task.
thus unusually constrained. The final chapters consider the relationship between
We then turn to the question of the neural code. neural activity and perception in particularly difficult
Several chapters describe principled ways to consider tasks. Specifically, all of these chapters deal with the
why neurons use the codes they do. Adrienne Fairhall problem of integrating information about fine-scale
summarizes the statistical regularities that are character- sensory features (textures) with information about
istic of natural stimuli, and describes how adaptation large-scale sensory features (objects). First, Steven
continually adjusts neural codes to match these statisti- Hsiao and Manuel Gomez-Ramirez describe how infor-
cal properties. Bruno Olshausen extends these ideas to mation from many types of sensory neurons might be
show how it is useful to conceptualize the sensory system combined to account for perceptual performance in
as implementing a probabilistic inference about the true complex somatosensory tasks. They point out that
state of the visual world under ill-posed conditions. He sensing is often an active process, and thus sensory
uses this approach to show how the properties of signals must be integrated with information about the
neurons in primary visual cortex can be derived from active behaviors involved in collecting those signals.
this viewpoint. Next, Dan Kersten and Alan Yuille tackle the problem
Next, Xaq Pitkow and Markus Meister ask how we of visual scene analysis. Their chapter describes the
should characterize the response properties of neurons computational importance of hierarchical processing,
that detect low-dimensional, but behaviorally relevant, and also shows how that processing can be usefully
aspects of the world from a very high-dimensional conceptualized as a form of statistical inference. Their
stream of data, highlighting the need for highly nonlin- chapter argues that feedforward (“bottom-up”) process-
ear operations to accomplish such tasks. They explore ing streams convey uncertain messages that can be dis-
how such neurons challenge conventional ways of char- ambiguated by virtue of lateral and top-down processing.
acterizing receptive field properties, and they describe how Finally, Kalanit Grill-Spector and Kevin Weiner
selectivity for complex features could arise through cas- approach the same problem from the viewpoint of
cades of elementary neural computations. Elad Schneid- human functional magnetic resonance imaging studies.
man’s chapter takes on the problem of population coding, They emphasize the importance of explicitly identifying
and in particular the question of why neurons may carry the goals of any neural process, along with the specific
redundant information. Schneidman proposes that computations that must be achieved to reach those
neural networks might achieve near-optimal levels of goals. They also show how the spatial maps within visual
redundancy, given that redundancy can be useful in cortical regions can be linked to these specific computa-
combating noise and facilitating decoding. Nicole tions. Although these three chapters deal with specific
Rust’s chapter links together all these ideas. Rust cases of visual or tactile object recognition, they describe
describes how information about complex stimulus fea- concepts that are likely equally relevant to processing
tures is only implicit near the sensory periphery, but is auditory objects or olfactory objects.
made explicit via a series of hierarchical transformations of Inevitably, there are gaps here, reflecting our own
population activity. preoccupations, and perhaps those of the field as well.
Finally, we turn to the relationship between neural For example, we have overemphasized vision and
activity and perception. Doug Ruff and Marlene Cohen neglected audition. And while there is an interesting
discuss how one can design experiments to establish a dialogue in these pages between primates and flies,
causal role for specific neurons in a particular percept. there is little about neural systems of intermediate

258 sensation and perception

size—especially rodents. In the future, we expect these of time, and thus serve as important reading for all
gaps will be filled in, especially with the development serious students of sensation and perception. In addi-
of new tools for monitoring and perturbing neural tion, we invite the reader to consider how future studies
activity. Regardless, each of these chapters contains key might test the more speculative ideas described in these
principles that we believe will continue to stand the test chapters.

dicarlo and wilson: introduction 259

24 Constraints on Sensory Processing

ABSTRACT The evolution of sensory systems is driven by the The design of artificial systems is sometimes inspired
need to survive and reproduce in a naturalistic sensory envi- by biological systems. This represents an additional
ronment. However, neural architectures are also shaped by motivation to seriously consider the constraints on bio-
their own internal constraints. These constraints include the
evolutionary-developmental constraints that restrict the pos-
logical systems. Because artificial systems are not subject
sible effects of mutations, as well as stochastic developmental to many of the constraints discussed here, an imple-
noise. Neural systems are further limited by metabolic costs, mentation that works well in biology may be suboptimal
particularly the cost of maintaining ionic gradients. Finally, in an artificial system, and thus engineers must be
neural systems are limited by the properties of their own careful not to draw the wrong lessons from biological
electronics—namely, the existence of intrinsic electrical
systems (Stafford, 2010).
noise, the limited speed of signal propagation, the restricted
dynamic range of synapses and firing rates, and the quasi- This chapter reviews the key constraints on neural
linear nature of synaptic integration. Importantly, many of systems and their implications for sensory processing.
these internal constraints are fundamentally in conflict with Organisms have evolved intriguing ways to cope with
each other, insofar as they pressure evolution in opposite some of these constraints. Such cases are generally
directions. Thus, neural systems are shaped by the need to
clearer in sensory neuroscience than in other branches
find a satisfactory trade-off between competing factors. Many
such trade-offs are common to many sensory modalities, and of neuroscience, simply because the function of sensory
they are shared by organisms as different as flies and humans. systems is particularly transparent. For this reason,
As such, they can help explain why some features of neural sensory systems are a good setting for investigating how
systems are also shared. neural systems evolve in the context of constraints.
“The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.”
—Orson Welles Evolutionary inheritance
The ability of neural systems to process sensory infor- Neural systems in related species have a similar organi-
mation is subject to internal constraints. A constraint zation. This is true even in species that inhabit very
(as defined here) is a limitation on the performance of different ecological niches. For example, the relative
a sensory system that arises from the intrinsic properties size of major brain divisions is remarkably constant
of the neural system itself. This is distinct from limita- across mammals. A meta-analysis of 131 species showed
tions arising from the sensory environment, or the that the volumes of all major brain divisions (including
nature of the behavioral task. the medulla, hippocampus, cerebellum, striatum, and
Any given internal constraint may not directly limit neocortex) were highly systematically related to total
performance, because it may be possible to compensate brain volume, except the olfactory bulb. Different
for the constraint. However, compensation may push brain divisions showed different relationships to brain
the nervous system toward a particular architecture, volume—in particular, neocortex grew particularly
rather than other architectures that might hypotheti- steeply with increasing volume—but for all brain divi-
cally produce better performance in the absence of this sions there was a systematic dependence on brain
constraint. Thus, constraints often limit performance volume that extended to species with widely varying
indirectly, by pressuring neural systems toward compro- body sizes and lifestyles. Notably, this analysis included
mise architectures. A compromise may be optimal, or species as diverse as simians, prosimians, insectivores,
it may simply be good enough to permit the organism and bats. This result argues that the expansion of brain
to survive and reproduce (Marder & Goaillard, 2006; volume resulting from natural selection for any behav-
Rieke, 2014). ioral trait is constrained to be a coordinated growth of
The constraints discussed here are common to all the entire nonolfactory brain (Finlay & Darlington,
sensory systems. Moreover, they are common to very 1995). This finding raises a provocative question: might
different organisms. As such, they can potentially there be excess signaling capacity in some brain divi-
explain why certain neural architectures occur again sions, as a by-product of a strong pressure to expand
and again: they are good compromises. other divisions?

wilson: constraints on sensory processing 261

Whereas the size of an entire brain division (e.g., programs can be likened to a canal that channels the
neocortex) appears to be highly constrained, there is progress of a waterway along a stereotyped route; thus,
relatively more flexibility in the regionalization of brain this phenomenon has been termed canalization. The
divisions (e.g., the division of neocortex into sensory idea that neural systems are constrained by these devel-
regions). Even so, there is evidence that regionalization opmental canals is closely linked to the idea of inher-
is also subject to constraints. For example, all mammals ited evolutionary constraints (see above). Indeed, there
share a common set of primary and secondary sensory is no real distinction between a developmental con-
cortical regions. This includes visual areas V1 and V2, straint of this sort and an evolutionary constraint: devel-
somatosensory areas S1 and S2, and auditory area A1, opmental programs are the means by which evolutionary
as defined by cytoarchitectonic landmarks and affer- constraints are imprinted on an individual organism.
ent/efferent connections. Even the relative positions of An example of a developmental canal is the sequence
these regions are grossly conserved in all mammals. of neurogenesis in different divisions of the mammalian
Because mammals inhabit a wide diversity of ecological brain. This sequence is stereotyped across species, sug-
niches, from treetops to fields to oceans, this conserved gesting it is difficult to alter by genetic variation, perhaps
pattern of regionalization suggests that the neocortex due to some robustness of the master regulatory genetic
is evolutionarily constrained to a particular architecture networks that control it. The sequence of neurogenesis
(Krubitzer & Kahn, 2003). is important because it affects the relative volume of dif-
More evidence of constraints upon regionalization ferent brain divisions. The later the onset of neurogen-
comes from studies of animals that have completely lost esis in a particular brain division, the larger the potential
one sensory modality, and yet still preserve a vestige of pool of neural precursors in that division. Delaying the
the corresponding regions of neocortex and thalamus. onset of neurogenesis in one brain division should
For example, the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehren- therefore have cascading effects on the volume of all
berghi is completely blind: its eyes are entirely covered later-developing brain divisions. Indeed, as we might
with skin and fur, and recordings from cortex show no expect, the brain divisions where neurogenesis occurs
evidence of visually evoked potentials. The only func- last are those that have enlarged disproportionately in
tion for the retina in this species is to entrain its circa- large-brained species. The implication is that dispropor-
dian clock, which occurs via projections to the tionate enlargement is constrained to occur preferen-
superchiasmatic nucleus. Nevertheless, the retina still tially in these brain divisions, as compared to other ones
sends sparse projections to all the visual areas that nor- (Finlay & Darlington, 1995; Finlay, Darlington, & Nicas-
mally process form and motion in other mammals, tro, 2001). If so, then the disproportionately large size
including the superior colliculus and the lateral genicu- of the human neocortex (and its associated sensory
late nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus. Moreover, the regions) may have arisen initially as a by-product of a
LGN still sends a topographic projection to occipital constraint on brain development.
cortex, where V1 is normally located (Cooper, Herbin,
& Nevo, 1993). Although these regions are severely Developmental Noise In addition to being limited by
reduced in size, their persistence in this species argues developmental canals, neural systems are also limited by
that the regionalization of thalamus and cortex is con- developmental noise. A clear example is the rodent
strained by evolutionary inheritance. olfactory bulb. This structure is divided into ∼1,000 dis-
Despite sharing conserved features, homologous crete neuropil compartments called glomeruli. Each
neural structures can dramatically switch functions. glomerulus is uniquely associated with a single olfactory
This idea is illustrated by the case of the blind mole rat, receptor neuron type, corresponding to a single odorant
where large parts of the LGN and occipital cortex are receptor (figure 24.1). On a coarse spatial scale, the rela-
taken over by auditory inputs (Bronchti et al., 2002; tively spatial location of each glomerulus is completely
Heil, Bronchti, Wollberg, & Scheich, 1991). This illus- stereotyped. On a fine spatial scale, however, there is
trates the principle that inherited constraints are typi- notable imprecision: the relative positions of adjacent
cally incorporated into functional neural systems. glomeruli are often swapped. Notably, imprecision along
the anterior-posterior axis is significantly larger than
Developmental programs along the medial-lateral axis (Soucy, Albeanu, Fantana,
Murthy, & Meister, 2009). This is particularly interesting
Canalization Because certain developmental pro- because anterior-posterior position is specified by an
grams are robust to genetic variation, they tend to unusual axon guidance mechanism that depends on
persist across evolutionary time, and they channel the intrinsic properties of odorant receptors them-
neural systems into stereotyped architectures. These selves (Imai, Suzuki, & Sakano, 2006). This suggests that

262 sensation and perception

Olfactory As this example illustrates, developmental mecha-
receptor nisms can be noisy. The origin of developmental noise
neuron Second-order
neuron is stochasticity in signal transduction and gene expres-
Sister neurons

sion. Stochasticity at the single-cell level reflects the low

copy number of some proteins within cells (McAdams
& Arkin, 1997). This type of noise places limits on the
theoretical maximum rate of information transmission
Local Third-order
interneuron neuron
in biochemical signaling networks, including the bio-
chemical signals that instruct neural development.
3 Recent studies using information-theoretic analyses
1 have formalized this intuition (Cheong, Rhee, Wang,
2 Nemenman, & Levchenko, 2011).
4 The effect of developmental noise can be mitigated
by using multiple mechanisms having partly redundant
1 Independent sampling
functions. For example, retinal ganglion cell axons
2 Compressive nonlinearity, must project in an orderly fashion to retino-recipient
Glomerulus histogram equalization brain regions, forming retinotopic maps where axonal
3 Normalization
4 Divergence, reconvergence position is systematically related to retinal position.
These retinotopic maps are specified by multiple ligand-
Figure 24.1 Circuit organization of the olfactory system.
receptor systems, and some of these have partly redun-
The architecture of the olfactory system provides several
examples of how neural systems can respond to internal con- dant functions, such that multiple mechanisms must be
straints. Each olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) generally genetically disrupted in order to reveal any substantial
expresses a single odorant receptor, and all the ORNs that phenotypic defect (Feldheim et al., 2000).
express the same receptor converge on the same compart- In spite of such compensatory strategies, develop-
ment of neuropil (“glomerulus,” dashed line) in the olfactory mental noise is still likely to limit the function of neural
bulb (in vertebrates) or antennal lobe (in insects). This sche-
matic depicts only two glomeruli, but in reality there are on systems. For example, intrinsic imprecision in glomeru-
the order of 1,000 glomeruli (in vertebrates) and 50 in lar targeting may limit the pattern of horizontal con-
Drosophila. The spatial placement of each glomerulus is nectivity between glomeruli, which could limit the
coarsely stereotyped but can vary on a fine spatial scale, likely computations performed in the olfactory bulb (Murthy,
reflecting stochastic developmental noise. There are on the 2011). It will be interesting in future to learn whether
order of 10,000 ORNs per glomerulus in vertebrates, and
about 40 ORNs per glomerulus in Drosophila. In Drosophila, all
some features of neural circuit architecture might be
sister ORNs synapse precisely on every second-order neuron, adaptive responses to stochasticity in single-cell devel-
with about 3 second-order neurons per glomerulus. (Verte- opmental programs.
brates have 10–100 second-order neurons per glomerulus.)
Studies in Drosophila have shown that several features of this
circuit can be viewed as a response to a constraint (see text):
Metabolic constraints
(1) sister ORNs provide independent samples of the olfactory
world; (2) within a glomerulus, the transfer function from Origins of Metabolic Costs For many species,
ORNs to second-order neurons takes the form of a compres- neural systems represent a major metabolic burden. In
sive nonlinearity; (3) inhibitory local interneurons mediate humans, about 20% of the resting metabolic rate is
lateral inhibition between glomeruli, thereby normalizing the consumed by the brain (Rolfe & Brown, 1997). Neurons
amplitude of population activity across odor stimuli; (4) sister
consume more energy when they are active, but even
second-order neurons carry largely redundant signals, and
they are thought to reconverge onto the same third-order inactive neurons impose a substantial energy burden.
neurons. When neurons run out of energy, the consequences are
swift: a human subject falls unconscious only 7 seconds
after circulation to the neck is blocked (Ames, 2000).
variation in glomerular position is due mainly to limita- For these reasons, metabolic demands strongly con-
tions in the precision of the hardwired developmental strain the architecture of neural systems. This idea has
mechanisms that specify glomerular position, rather been explored in several comprehensive reviews
than variations across animals in odor-evoked neural (Laughlin, 2001; Niven & Laughlin, 2008), which also
activity. Consistent with this idea, a mutation that elimi- serve as primers on how neural systems respond to
nates odor-evoked neural activity has relatively little competing constraints.
effect on the glomerular map (Lin et al., 2000; Zheng, The highest metabolic costs are imposed by the need
Feinstein, Bozza, Rodriguez, & Mombaerts, 2000). to maintain steep ionic gradients across the plasma

wilson: constraints on sensory processing 263

membrane. This alone accounts for about half of the related to the very high metabolic costs incurred by
energy consumed by neural systems (Ames, 2000). these cells (Laughlin, 1994; Snyder, Bossomaier, &
Ionic gradients are dissipated by transmembrane cur- Hughes, 1986). Second, redundancy can also be
rents, and so there is a price associated with the chan- reduced by cell-intrinsic mechanisms of adaptation or
nels that carry these currents. Among all transmembrane gain control, which tend to reduce redundancy over
currents, the most costly are the currents associated time. Cells possess a variety of these intrinsic negative
with action potentials, followed by synaptic currents feedback mechanisms (Shapley & Enroth-Cugell, 1984;
and leak currents. By comparison, the cost of recycling Wark, Lundstrom, & Fairhall, 2007). Third, redundancy
synaptic vesicles is low (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001). can be reduced by lateral inhibition among neurons that
have correlated activity. This type of lateral inhibition
Architectures That Minimize Metabolic Costs also represents a form of negative feedback. The key
Metabolic constraints shape neural architecture in feature here is that information in other neurons is
several ways. To begin with, they create an incentive to used to make a prediction about what level of gain is
match the intrinsic properties of neurons to the signals needed. This has been called a predictive coding architec-
they must carry. A nice example is provided by the ture. Finally, redundancy is reduced simply by virtue of
potassium conductances of fly photoreceptors. Visual the fact that most neurons have a nonlinear spike
signals fluctuate rapidly, and, to capture these fluctua- threshold, because any nonlinearity tends to reduce
tions, photoreceptors should have fast membrane time linear correlations (Pitkow & Meister, 2012).
constants. However, there is a metabolic cost to the high
leak conductances that would be required to create a Electrical noise
fast membrane (Niven, Anderson, & Laughlin, 2007;
Niven & Laughlin, 2008). The solution is to match the Origins of Noise As electrical signals propagate
temporal bandwidth of the membrane to the character- through neural systems, they are continually contami-
istics of input signals. Phototransduction is slow at low nated by noise that arises in neurons themselves. This
light levels and fast at higher light levels; accordingly, represents a major intrinsic constraint on sensory pro-
at rest the membrane acts as a low-pass filter, but when cessing. The origin of neural noise lies in stochastic
depolarized it acts as a high-pass filter. Moreover, fast- microscopic processes. Chief among these are ion-chan-
flying flies have faster membrane time constants, nel gating and synaptic vesicle release. The noise
whereas slow-flying flies have slower membrane time created by these stochastic microscopic events can then
constants (Laughlin, 1994). be amplified by the nonlinear properties of neurons
Moreover, metabolic costs favor architectures where (Faisal, Selen, & Wolpert, 2008).
connected neurons are located near each other in Intuitively, one might think that channel noise is not
space. For a typical neuron, most of the metabolic cost a major problem for most neurons, because noise
associated with a single spike is incurred by axonal cur- should average out across many channels. Surprisingly,
rents, with a smaller contribution from dendritic and this is not true—even for neurons that contain relatively
somatic currents (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001). The cost large numbers of channels (White, Rubinstein, & Kay,
of axonal currents grows with axon length, and so axons 2000). There are three reasons for this result. First, the
should be as short as possible. This means that there is signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of total conductance grows
a strong pressure for connected neurons to be spatially only slowly with increasing channel number, because it
close, and indeed most connectivity in neural systems is is proportional to the square root of the number of
local rather than long range. This is sometimes called channels (N). Given the metabolic costs of increasing
the wiring economy principle (Chklovskii & Koulakov, N, this limits the ability of a cell to overcome noise by
2004). increasing N. Second, for a channel that is gated by
In addition, metabolic costs create an incentive to depolarization, the probability of opening is low at
keep redundancy low (Barlow, 1961, 2001). Indeed, hyperpolarized potentials, and so the SNR of total con-
metabolic costs would argue that redundancy should be ductance can be relatively poor. Third, individual chan-
minimized both in space and in time (i.e., both across nels are not independent: a stochastic opening of one
neurons and within neurons). There are several ways voltage-gated Na+ channel will tend to depolarize the
that neural systems can do this. First, redundancy can cell, thereby increasing the probability that another Na+
be minimized by using an array of sensors that under- channel will open.
samples the sensory world. This is exemplified by the Synaptic noise arises primarily from the fact that the
photoreceptor array in both vertebrates and inverte- release of synaptic vesicles is stochastic (del Castillo &
brates, which under-samples the optical image; this may Katz, 1954). At many synapses, the mean number of

264 sensation and perception

released vesicles is low, and so trial-to-trial variability in at two successive layers, in spite of its metabolic costs.
the number of released vesicles is quite high. This, Note also the peculiar architecture of this circuit (figure
together with variability in the amount of neurotrans- 24.1): signals first converge (all sister ORNs synapse
mitter per vesicle, can create large trial-to-trial fluctua- onto each sister second-order neuron), then diverge (in
tions in the size of the postsynaptic response to a single the form of redundant sister second-order neurons),
presynaptic spike (Bekkers & Clements, 1999; Sargent, and then reconverge (as sister second-order neurons
Saviane, Nielsen, DiGregorio, & Silver, 2005). wire onto the same third-order neuron). This architec-
Together, channel noise and synaptic noise inject a ture suggests the system is under strong pressure to
substantial stochastic element into neural activity. This minimize the maladaptive effects of noise. A similar
places a limitation on the precision of stimulus encod- architecture has been proposed for the transmission of
ing, because it causes identical presentations of the visual information between retina, thalamus, and visual
same stimulus to elicit different neural responses. More- cortex (Alonso, Usrey, & Reid, 2001).
over, the mean membrane potential of many neurons Another strategy is to impose a filter that selectively
in vivo is just below their spike threshold; neural noise discards noise, retaining the signal. This is possible only
sources tend to push these neurons above their thresh- if the properties of signal and noise are distinctively
old, so that they fire spikes even in the absence of a different. For example, the phototransduction cascade
stimulus. Finally, it should be kept in mind that neural downstream from rhodopsin is spontaneously active,
noise is injected at every layer of a sensory processing which generates continuous voltage noise in photore-
circuit, and so each central neuron inherits noise from ceptors. Absorption of a photon generates a predictable
previous layers. discrete “bump” of activity in the phototransduction
cascade, which is distinctively different from continu-
Architectures That Minimize the Effects of ous noise. Accordingly, the synapse between rod photo-
Noise Given these considerations, neural systems are receptors and bipolar cells is configured to impose a
under pressure to minimize the negative effects of threshold on rod output, such that continuous noise
noise. One strategy is to pool redundant signals from cannot pass, but (many) single-photon responses can
independent sensors. This is exemplified by the first pass (Field & Rieke, 2002).
relay in the olfactory system (figure 24.1), where each Yet another strategy is to distribute signals as uni-
second-order neuron pools input from many olfactory formly as possible within the available coding space,
receptor neurons, all of which express the same odorant ensuring that all codes are used with equal frequency.
receptor and all of which project their axons to the This strategy is sometimes known as histogram equaliza-
same glomerulus. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, tion, because it produces a flat histogram of response
all olfactory receptor neurons that express the same probabilities. The classic example of this phenomenon
odorant receptor (called “sister ORNs”) are known to is the contrast-response function of second-order fly
synapse quite precisely onto each and every second- visual neurons, which is nicely matched to the distribu-
order neuron in their target glomerulus, and to make tion of contrasts in natural visual scenes. As a conse-
synapses of a rather uniform strength. All sister ORNs quence, these neurons use each response level with
have the same noise level, and their noise is indepen- equal probability (Laughlin, 1981). Importantly, histo-
dent, so this architecture ought to maximize the SNR gram equalization cannot help combat existing noise,
of second-order neurons. Indeed, the SNR of second- but it helps immunize signals from noise that is added
order neurons is better than that of their cognate later: when signals are well separated in coding space,
ORNs, despite the fact that principal neurons are adding noise has a minimal effect on their discrim-
subject to additional synaptic and channel noise (Bhan- inability. Another example of histogram equalization
dawat, Olsen, Schlief, Gouwens, & Wilson, 2007; Kazama occurs in the Drosophila olfactory system. Most odor
& Wilson, 2008, 2009). There are several second-order responses of olfactory receptor neurons fall within the
neurons in each glomerulus, and because they pool lower part of the dynamic range of these neurons. This
input from exactly the same sister ORNs, they carry might reflect a metabolic constraint on average firing
highly redundant signals. Interestingly, there is evi- rate, especially as ORNs are numerous, outnumbering
dence that they synapse onto some of the same third- second-order neurons by ∼10:1. Weak ORN responses
order neurons (Marin, Jefferis, Komiyama, Zhu, & Luo, are then preferentially boosted as they are transmitted
2002; Wong, Wang, & Axel, 2002). This arrangement to second-order neurons. As a consequence, second-
should allow third-order neurons to average out some order neurons use each response level with roughly
of the noise that arises de novo in second-order neurons. equal probability. Because second-order neurons are
Note that there is substantial redundancy in this circuit less numerous, the relative pressure of metabolic

wilson: constraints on sensory processing 265

constraints and noise constraints may be different in neurons is consistent with the idea that they come at a
these neurons. high price.

Limitations on Dynamic Range Spike rates and

Constraints on neural electronics vesicular release rates cannot be negative. This poses a
constraint, because many sensory systems must encode
In principle, single neurons can perform a vast array of
fluctuations above and below some mean ambient level
operations on their synaptic inputs. Biophysicists tend
of a stimulus (e.g., light). In principle, neural systems
to emphasize this viewpoint. The fanciest single-neuron
might respond to this constraint by setting basal firing
operations rely on complex dendritic morphologies,
rates high, allowing the same neuron to encode both
the specific spatial placement of synaptic inputs onto
increases and decreases about the mean. However, high
dendritic trees, and well-tuned voltage-gated conduc-
basal firing rates are metabolically costly. An alternative
tances in dendrites. There is ample evidence that
is to create opponent populations of neurons having
neurons can achieve these things, although their roles
opposite stimulus preferences. Classic cases are the
in vivo are necessarily difficult to demonstrate (London
ON-OFF neurons and color opponent neurons of the
& Hausser, 2005; Silver, 2010).
retina, but opponent neurons can also be found in
Nonetheless, the operations that a neuron can
mechanosensory, auditory, and thermosensory systems
perform are also constrained by the nature of cellular
(Jacobs, Miller, & Aldworth, 2008; Ma, 2010; Yorozu
electronics. Many of these constraints can be mitigated,
et al., 2009).
but sometimes the solution would be costly and so is
Firing rates also cannot be arbitrarily large. More-
not worth the price. In short, single-neuron operations
over, it seems that there can be strong constraints on
are not arbitrarily flexible. In some cases, this creates
the firing rate of a neuron averaged over long time
incentives for neural circuits to evolve architectures that
scales. The evidence for this idea comes from the obser-
can compensate for the limitations of single neurons.
vation that firing rate distributions are exponentially
distributed in visual cortical neurons. This is notable,
Limitations on Speed Several factors limit the speed because information theory predicts that firing-rate dis-
of neural processing. As we have seen, fast membrane tributions should actually be flat, since this should max-
time constants are metabolically costly, and this may be imize the rate of information transmission (see above).
why many neurons have relatively slow membrane time Exponentially distributed firing rates are consistent
constants. In addition, dendritic cable filtering tends to with the existence of a constraint on mean firing rates,
slow synaptic potentials as they travel to the spike initia- together with a pressure to maximize the rate of infor-
tion zone. In particular, axonal conduction delays can mation transmission within that constraint (Baddeley
be as large as 100 milliseconds in long axons, much et al., 1997). Given the energy budget of the human
longer than the typical delay involved in synaptic trans- brain, it has been estimated that the average neuron is
mission (150–400 microseconds; Sabatini & Regehr, constrained to fire at rates around 1–7 Hz (Wang et al.,
1999). Axonal conduction speed can be increased by 2008). A constraint on firing rates will constrain the
increasing axon diameter, but because volume grows number of distinguishable messages that a neuron can
with the square of the diameter, this strategy consumes send, because noise limits the number of different
valuable space (Swadlow, 2000). firing rates that can be reliably distinguished from each
Notably, many organisms have evolved neural subsys- other.
tems with unusual cellular specializations for speed. In Finally, synapses cannot be arbitrarily strong. In a
invertebrates, these subsystems are characterized by passive dendrite, increasing the conductance of a
large-diameter axons and electrical synapses, and synapse brings diminishing marginal returns on the
they mediate escape reflexes (Allen, Godenschwege, postsynaptic voltage response, because a large localized
Tanouye, & Phelan, 2006; Faulkes, 2008). In the brains synaptic conductance will simply shunt synaptic cur-
of many mammals, the distribution of axon diameters rents. Dendritic voltage-gated conductances can of
is right-skewed, and the largest axons are always myelin- course amplify synaptic potentials, but this also has a
ated, which further increases speed. This subpopula- cost. Specifically, if a dendrite is endowed with active
tion of particularly large axons has been proposed to conductances, this will increase not only the efficacy of
serve brain functions that require fast conduction speed the synapse in question, but also the barrage of ongoing
(Perge, Koch, Miller, Sterling, & Balasubramanian, noise arising from spontaneous presynaptic spikes at
2009; Wang et al., 2008). The fact that these specializa- other synapses. As a consequence, there may be no net
tions for speed are only found in a small fraction of increase in the ability of the synapse in question to

266 sensation and perception

control the postsynaptic cell (London, Schreibman, the likelihood that there is a separating hyperplane
Hausser, Larkum, & Segev, 2002). increases with the number of synaptic inputs N (Cover,
All these considerations limit the dynamic range of 1965). For example, it has been pointed out that high
any neuron’s output. These limits create an incentive dimensionality is a characteristic property of olfactory
for sensory neurons to implement some form of encoding (Itskov & Abbott, 2008). Odors are encoded
adaptation or gain control. This allows a neuron to combinatorially by the activity of many odorant recep-
continually adjust its sensitivity based on the current tors having diverse odor tuning, where each receptor
characteristics of the sensory environment, so that binds multiple odors, and each odor binds multiple
both large and small inputs fall within its dynamic receptors. As the number of odorant receptors (N)
range (Wark et al., 2007). These mechanisms are ubiq- grows, so does the potential selectivity of higher-order
uitous, but they also come at a cost: because the signals olfactory neurons that linearly sum the activity of differ-
that control adaptation or gain will tend to be noisy, ent receptors.
any feedback mechanism based on these signals will Second, there is a special case of the linear separation
tend to amplify noise (Dunn & Rieke, 2008). More- problem where normalization and a compressive nonlinear-
over, because gain control changes the relationship ity can be helpful. This special case can be termed
between input and output, it necessarily creates ambi- sparse recoding. Imagine that we want to create an
guity about the stimulus (Fairhall, Lewen, Bialek, & de array of neurons where each neuron responds to only
Ruyter Van Steveninck, 2001). one stimulus out of many, and each stimulus activates
at least one neuron. To achieve this, each neuron needs
Limitations Arising from Linear Summation At synaptic input weights and a threshold that confers
least to a first approximation, the dendritic trees of specificity for a single stimulus. The problem of finding
most neurons perform a rather simple operation on these values amounts to the problem of drawing a line
their synaptic inputs. Inputs are weighted and summed (or in high-dimensional space, a hyperplane) that sepa-
quasi-linearly, and then the neuron fires roughly in rates each individual stimulus from all other stimuli
proportion to the sum above some threshold. This sim- (figure 24.2). Sparse codes are typical of many sensory
plistic description, of course, does not capture all that brain regions, so this is a biologically relevant special
single neurons are capable of. However, it encapsulates case of the linear separability problem.
the basic hardware that all neurons possess. In this situation, separability can be improved by nor-
Insofar as many neurons integrate their inputs in this malization. Normalization involves dividing activity in
manner, this situation creates a constraint on what cat- individual neurons by the summed activity of many
egorizations these neurons can perform. Imagine we neurons in the same brain region. This operation
would like to create a neuron that responds only to a occurs in a wide range of sensory modalities and organ-
particular subset of stimuli. This neuron can receive N isms (Carandini & Heeger, 2012). Normalization facili-
synaptic inputs. The free parameters we have are the tates sparse recoding, because it tends to equalize the
weights associated with each input synapse, as well as total population firing rates evoked by different stimuli.
the threshold of that neuron. It is possible to find a set In geometric terms, if we imagine each stimulus as a
of parameter values that generates the desired solution point in N-dimensional space, then normalization tends
if and only if one can draw a hyperplane in N-dimen- to move all points toward the surface of a hypersphere
sional space that separates target stimuli from off-target in that space, making it is easier to find a line or a
stimuli (Rosenblatt, 1958). In other words, stimulus hyperplane that separates each stimulus from the rest
representations must be linearly separable. An idealized (figure 24.2). An example of normalization has been
binary linear classifier of this type is called a perceptron. described in the Drosophila olfactory system, where
Real neurons are even more constrained than input from individual olfactory receptor neurons is
classical perceptrons. This is because synaptic weights divided by the total activity of all olfactory receptor
and thresholds cannot be arbitrarily large. In addition, neurons. This is accomplished via lateral inhibition
the synaptic inputs that can be tuned to confer the from local interneurons (figure 24.1). In simulations
desired selectivity may be constrained to be nonnega- that were tightly constrained by data, this operation
tive, because they are synaptic inputs from excitatory makes it easier to construct linear classifiers that respond
neurons. sparsely and selectively to single odors (Luo, Axel, &
There are several ways that neural systems can Abbott, 2010; Olsen, Bhandawat, & Wilson, 2010). Nor-
improve linear separability under these strong con- malization has been proposed to serve a similar func-
straints. First, it is helpful to begin with a high- tion in visual cortical areas (DiCarlo & Cox, 2007;
dimensional stimulus representation. This is because Olshausen & Field, 2005).

wilson: constraints on sensory processing 267

A Input B Within-channel In addition, sparse recoding is also facilitated by a
signals transformation compressive nonlinearity in feedforward excitation. The
intuition here is similar. A compressive nonlinearity
tends to make a responsive neuron fire at a fixed rate
Channel 1

(i.e., its saturated response level). This operation pro-

duces total population firing rates that are relatively
equal for different stimuli, as compared with a scenario
where there is no compressive nonlinearity. Again
drawing an example from the Drosophila olfactory
0 0 system, it is notable that there is a compressive nonlin-
0 Channel 2 0 Input earity in the relationship between the odor responses
of olfactory receptor neurons and postsynaptic second-
C After within-channel D After divisive order neurons. Implementing this nonlinearity in data-
compressive nonlinearity normalization
driven simulations makes it easier to construct linear
classifiers that respond sparsely and selectively to single
odors (figure 24.2; Luo et al., 2010; Olsen et al., 2010).
Channel 1

Channel 1

It is perhaps nonintuitive that equalizing firing rates

(via compressive nonlinearity and normalization) can
improve separability. The key is that these operations
occur in a high-dimensional coding space.

Channel 2 Channel 2

Figure 24.2 Compression, normalization, and linear sepa- To be a film director, in the words of Orson Welles,
rability. (A) Consider a sensory representation in multiple is simply to “preside over accidents.” This could stand
dimensions, with each dimension corresponding to a coding as a description of how a nervous system evolves and
channel (a neuron or a chain of neurons). For concreteness, develops—accident by accident. Neural systems are
we might imagine the two-dimensional space in this schematic
subject to constraints, and this influences which random
corresponds to two different types of olfactory receptor
neurons. Every odor stimulus is a point in this space. A subset variations are passed on to successive generations. As
of points are highlighted for comparison across panels (black we have seen, the history of which accidents survive
circles). (B) A compressive nonlinearity transforms signals becomes another constraint on neural system architec-
within each channel (black curve). Divisive normalization ture, in the form of the organism’s evolutionary inheri-
adjusts the steepness of this nonlinearity according to the tance and developmental programs.
total input to both channels. Namely, when total activity is
high, the nonlinearity is less steep (gray curve; Carandini & The central argument of this chapter is that internal
Heeger, 2012). Different stimuli will therefore fall on differ- constraints leave their imprint on the architecture of
ent curves, because they produce different amounts of total neural systems. Because these constraints are ubiqui-
input to both channels. Curves in this schematic are fit to data tous, they can potentially explain why some architec-
recorded from Drosophila olfactory neurons in vivo (Olsen tures are so common. Understanding how this might
et al., 2010). (C) A steep compressive nonlinearity (black
curve in B) preferentially boosts weak input signals (compare
occur will require a comparative approach that embraces
to A). (D) Normalization tends to equalize the distance of all a variety of sensory modalities and organisms.
representations from the origin. As a consequence, stimuli Thinking about constraints is more important than
tend to lie near the surface of a circle. The vector w corre- ever before, because the field of experimental neuro-
sponds to the weights on the two input channels that define science is undergoing a revolution in techniques. New
a linear separation (dashed line) between one highlighted
techniques allow us to precisely perturb neural activity,
symbol and the other symbols. Note that, in this example, we
can separate each highlighted symbol from the rest using only and to test how this affects perception and behavior. In
nonnegative weights. In the Drosophila olfactory system, there practice, one often begins with a specific element of a
are 50 coding channels (glomeruli), as compared to the two neural system (e.g., a cell type) and one searches for
channels in this schematic. This system has a large capacity behaviors that fall apart when this element is per-
for generating sparse and selective representations, and com-
turbed. This search assumes we will understand the
pression and normalization together improve this capacity
(Luo et al., 2010; Olsen et al., 2010). function of each element by identifying the behaviors
that rely on it. However, the nature of the behavioral
task is only one pressure that drives the evolution of
neural systems: equally important is the pressure to

268 sensation and perception

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Larry Abbott, James Jeanne, Andreas Liu,
DiCarlo, J. J., & Cox, D. D. (2007). Untangling invariant
and Wendy Liu provided helpful comments on drafts of
object recognition. Trends Cogn Sci, 11(8), 333–341.
the manuscript. The author’s research is supported by the
Dunn, F. A., & Rieke, F. (2008). Single-photon absorptions
National Institutes of Health (R01 DC008174) and the
evoke synaptic depression in the retina to extend the opera-
Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
tional range of rod vision. Neuron, 57(6), 894–904.
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270 sensation and perception

25 Are Neural Circuits the Best
They Can Be?

ABSTRACT Neural computation is impressive, yet we have Physical limits

made limited progress in understanding the underlying algo-
rithms. This is in large part because of the complexity of Physical laws set performance limits that no system—
neural circuits and the difficulty in identifying their relevant
biological or engineered—can exceed (Bialek, 1987).
computational features. One approach is to construct predic-
tive models for relevant computational features based on the Two basic limits are posed by statistical variations in the
idea that computation is not just good but optimal according input signals themselves and irreducible noise that
to some well-defined metric. Such models can provide a con- results from the operation of any physical system at
ceptual framework for neural computation and can guide finite temperature.
experiment. This chapter highlights some notable successes
The division of physical stimuli into discrete units—
and some of the challenges of such approaches.
for example, single photons of light or single molecules
of a pheromone, odor, or tastant—means that the
Neural circuits have the potential for enormous com- actual stimulus reaching a detector will fluctuate even
plexity: they are dynamic across a wide range of time if the stimulus is nominally constant. For example, the
scales, they exhibit strong nonlinearities, and they are number of photons absorbed by a light detector varies
highly and elaborately connected. Making sense of this over time, even for a source of nominally fixed intensity.
complexity is a central challenge in computational To be more specific, consider a stimulus that results on
neuroscience. average in n absorbed photons in some time period Δt.
One approach to systematizing the complexity of For conventional light sources, the actual number of
neural circuits is to seek conceptual frameworks that photons absorbed in any given time window Δt will vary
make clear and testable predictions about the relevant according to Poisson statistics (figure 25.1). These fluc-
computational features. “Optimality”—the idea that tuations become smaller relative to the mean number
neural circuits perform as well as they can given a set of absorbed photons as light levels increase, but they
of operating conditions and hardware constraints—is never disappear. Such extrinsic noise sets a fundamen-
one such framework. Arguments based on optimality tal limit to the sensitivity of any system—biological or
begin by proposing a metric by which system perfor- man-made—designed to detect the stimulus. Put differ-
mance is evaluated—for example, maximizing sensitiv- ently, statistical variations in the stimulus set a design
ity to a particular stimulus feature or minimizing energy goal for the noise intrinsic to the detector, since intrin-
consumption. Optimizing this metric, often in conjunc- sic detector noise rapidly becomes unimportant when
tion with hardware constraints such as finite wiring it is smaller than the extrinsic noise in the inputs.
length, leads to predictions about how neural circuits A second unavoidable source of noise is created by
implement specific computations. the fact that biological systems operate at finite tem-
Predictions based on optimization could fail either perature and hence are subject to thermal fluctuations
because the solutions neural circuits employ are far from the environment. Thus all molecules undergo
from optimal (e.g., circuit behavior could depend spontaneous, thermally driven changes in conforma-
strongly on the particular evolutionary trajectory a tion. The rate of these spontaneous conformational
system has taken), or because capturing all the con- changes depends on the energy barrier E that the mol-
straints that contribute to circuit design with a tracta- ecule has to cross to become active, as captured by the
ble performance metric is effectively impossible. Boltzmann factor e−E/kT, where k is Boltzmann’s constant
Thus, pragmatically, a key issue is whether simple per- and T is temperature. These conformational changes
formance metrics allow for successful predictions. In can introduce noise into neural signals if they cause a
some cases, admittedly specialized ones, the answer molecule to transition between two different signaling
seems to be yes. states (e.g., close-open transitions of an ion channel or

rieke: are neural circuits the best they can be? 271
A 1000 events/integration time (dim interior) priate metric to evaluate performance and incorporat-
1100 ing key hardware constraints. In the best case, both
provide parameter-free predictions about how well a


0.05 neural system can perform a given task and how it could
achieve this limiting performance.
900 0.00 Ideal observer or optimization approaches provide
0 50 100 900 1000 1100
key tools to compare performance across different
levels of a system. Thus the limiting performance set by
B 10 events/integration time (dusk)
signals at one level of a system can be compared with
the actual performance realized at a later stage. These

two levels could be, for example, light inputs to the eye

0.05 and behavior (reviewed by Donner, 1992; Field,
Sampath, & Rieke, 2005; Geisler, 2003, 2011), or pho-
0 0.00
0 50 100 0 10 20
toreceptor signals and retinal output (reviewed by Field
et al., 2005), or pre- and post-synaptic signals. Ideal
C 0.1 events/integration time (moonlight) observer analysis provides a natural progression in our
1 1.0
understanding of a system. Thus, initial applications
often focus on overall performance (e.g., a comparison

0.5 of detection sensitivity in vision with that permitted by

the statistics of the light inputs). A more restrictive
0 0.0 focus on specific components of a system can then help
0 50 100 0 1 2 pinpoint key bottlenecks to performance—for example,
Time Count separating preneural limitations in vision (stimulus sta-
Figure 25.1 Poisson fluctuations in photon arrival. Left
tistics and optics) from neural factors. Construction of
panels show simulated photon arrivals at a single detector the ideal observer also necessarily identifies optimal
(e.g., a photoreceptor) as counts per integration time at three algorithms for decoding neural signals. Hardware
mean light levels, corresponding roughly to dim room light constraints—for example, wiring length, receptor noise,
(A), dusk (B), and moonlight (C). Right panels show histo- or optical aberrations—can also be built into such
grams of photon counts in a single integration time.

spontaneous activation of an enzyme). Below we focus Vision in starlight and photon detection
on one such source of noise created by spontaneous
Vision at low light levels exemplifies how a focus on
activation of the same photopigment molecules that
optimal design can guide investigation of the relevant
absorb photons and initiate the visual process; sponta-
neural circuits. Specifically, the approach of behavioral
neous activation of these molecules generates photon-
performance to fundamental limits has led to a set of
like noise events that provide an important source of
precise questions and constraints about how the under-
intrinsic noise in the responses of rod photoreceptors.
lying computations work. Many of the issues have been
reviewed in detail previously (Donner, 1992; Field et al.,
Hardware constraints and the view of the ideal 2005).
Optimization approaches are closely related to ideal Probing Behavioral Sensitivity It has been known
observer analysis (Geisler, 2003, 2011; Green & Swets, for more than 100 years that dark-adapted human
1966), which determines the optimal performance observers can detect a small number of absorbed
obtainable from observing signals at one level of a photons. The experiments described below support a
system. Optimal performance should not be confused picture in which visual sensitivity is limited as much by
with perfect performance. Instead, noise in sensory the division of light into discrete photons and the
inputs or in neural responses (e.g., those described in unavoidable statistical fluctuations in photon absorp-
the previous section) will set a limit to per formance— tion as by biological noise or inefficiency. These obser-
the limit identified by ideal observer analysis. Ideal vations about behavioral fidelity motivate making and
observer analysis and optimization approaches share testing predictions about the operation of key compo-
similar challenges—in particular, identifying an appro- nents of the neural circuits supporting night vision.

272 sensation and perception

Absolute visual sensitivity has been measured in A Frequency-of-seeing curves
frequency-of-seeing experiments—measurements of Low threshold
the probability that a dim flash is seen as a function of High threshold
flash strength (Hecht, Shlaer, & Pirenne, 1942; van der
Velden, 1946). Initial experiments of this type were

Fraction seen
analyzed assuming that all flashes producing more than
a threshold number of absorbed photons were seen,
and that the number of absorbed photons was described
by Poisson statistics. In this case, the probability of
seeing is simply the probability that a flash of a given 0.0
strength produces more than the threshold number of
absorbed photons. This analysis does not incorporate

Corrected fraction seen

any biological noise—and thus is equivalent to an ideal
observer of the flux of photons at the rod photorecep-
tors. Fits to experimental frequency-of-seeing curves are 0.5
unique or near-unique given these (strong) assump-
tions. The conclusion from this work was that dark-
adapted human observers can detect <10 absorbed
photons spread over an area of the retina containing
0.1 1 10
∼500 rods.
Mean photons absorbed
Interpretation of early frequency-of-seeing experi-
ments is hampered by the inability to incorporate false- B Sensitivity vs false positives
positive responses—that is, trials in which the observer
reported seeing a flash although no light was delivered.
Observers in early experiments were trained to rarely Normalized threshold
generate false-positive responses, but this stringent
requirement on detection likely elevates perceptual Cone fit
Rod fit
threshold (Barlow, 1956; Sakitt, 1972). The develop- Poisson noise
ment of signal detection theory in the 1950s and 1960s
provided a clearer view of the relationship between 0.1
noise, false-positive responses and an observer’s crite- 0.0 0.3 0.6
rion for responding (Green & Swets, 1966). Signal- Fraction false positives
detection theory quantifies performance based on the
probability of both detected events and false-positive Figure 25.2 Trade-off between sensitivity and false-positive
responses (adapted from Koenig & Hofer, 2011). (A) Top:
responses. This allows, for example, an observer to vary
simulated frequency-of-seeing curves (probability that a flash
his or her criterion for detection, revealing the relation- is seen as a function of the number of photons absorbed).
ship between perceptual threshold and false-positive Each curve corresponds to a different criterion or threshold
rate (figure 25.2). Subsequent absolute-threshold for detecting the flash. Bottom: frequency-of-seeing curves cor-
experiments exploited the connection between false rected for false-positive responses. The false-positive rate
(probability of seeing when no photons were absorbed) was
positives and perceptual threshold to estimate the inter-
subtracted from each curve, and the curve rescaled to a
nal noise-limiting detection sensitivity (Sakitt, 1972; maximum of 1. (B) Dependence of sensitivity (flash strength
Teich, Prucnal, Vannucci, Breton, & McGill, 1982). for 0.5 corrected probability of seeing as indicated by the
These estimates assumed that the internal noise could dashed line in bottom panel of (A) on the false-positive rate.
be equated with a rate of photon-like events, and that Rod and cone curves are fits to behavioral data from Koenig
those events followed Poisson statistics. and Hofer (2011), generously provided by Darren Koenig and
Heidi Hofer.
A challenge in this extended analysis is that fits to
the frequency-of-seeing curves are no longer unique
when internal noise and Poisson fluctuations together by varying the observer’s criterion (e.g., using differ-
limit sensitivity. Specifically, different combinations of ent ratings that imply different degrees of certainty;
key parameters—the probability of photon absorp- Sakitt, 1972; Teich et al., 1982). Results from these
tion, internal noise, and response threshold—account experiments have been interpreted in the context of
for the empirical data equally well (Rieke, 2008). This two nonexclusive models (Donner, 1992). In the first,
degeneracy in fitting can be at least partially resolved signals from every photon-like event—whether due to

rieke: are neural circuits the best they can be? 273
noise or true photon absorption—are available to cor- We start with a seemingly innocuous question about
tical circuits involved in the decision of whether the photon absorption: what fraction of the incident
flash was seen. In the second, a thresholding nonlin- photons should a rod capture to optimize sensitivity? A
earity in the visual circuitry limits information about reflexive answer is that maximal sensitivity is achieved
individual photon-like events. The first model makes a by capturing as many incident photons as possible, but
clear prediction about how detection threshold and as we will see that answer is wrong (see Bialek, 2012,
the rate of false-positive responses interact (figure for more details). The argument is based on two prop-
25.2B, Poisson noise curve). The actual decrease in erties of rhodopsin: self-screening and spontaneous
perceptual threshold with increased false-positive activation.
rate falls short of this prediction, indicating that the To get some intuition for self-screening, approximate
“every photon” model is unlikely to be strictly correct the outer segment of a rod photoreceptor as a cylinder
(Koenig & Hofer, 2011). This is consistent with a filled with a uniform concentration of rhodopsin mol-
thresholding nonlinearity that eliminates some ecules (figure 25.3). As photons travel along the long
responses to absorbed photons. axis of the cylinder, some of them are absorbed. This
The ability to express the noise that limits behavior means that the density of photons at the location of a
as a rate of equivalent photon-like events is convenient, given rhodopsin molecule depends on its position
but does not specify where the noise originates. Barlow within the cylinder; specifically, the photon density
suggested that internal noise in fact resulted from the declines exponentially from the base to the tip of the
thermal activation of rhodopsin molecules in the rods cylinder. The probability of photon absorption by a
(Barlow, 1956). Subsequent recordings from single-rod rhodopsin molecule at location x depends on the
photoreceptors revealed discrete noise events associ- photon density at the molecule’s position. As a
ated with spontaneous rhodopsin activation (Baylor,
Matthews, & Yau, 1980; Baylor, Nunn, & Schnapf, 1984).
These noise events are indistinguishable from events
produced by photon absorption. They occur about
once every 100–200 sec in a mammalian rod, a rate
quite close to that required to account for the noise-
limiting behavioral sensitivity, although the connection 1
Normalized amplitude

between the two in humans should be regarded as sug-

gestive rather than definitive due to uncertainties in
both measurements (Field et al., 2005). The strongest
evidence linking these noise events to the noise-limiting Absorption
behavior comes from prey-capture experiments in toads probability
and frogs. Since toads and frogs are cold-blooded, the 0
temperature dependence of behavioral threshold can
be measured by varying the animals’ temperature (Aho,
Donner, Hyden, Larsen, & Reuter, 1988); behavioral

sensitivity indeed improves at lower temperature.

Further, the temperature dependence of behavioral
threshold in these experiments agrees closely with the
temperature dependence of the rate of spontaneous
rhodopsin activation.
Rod Photoreceptors Act as Near-Ideal Photon Length
Detectors The behavioral experiments summarized
Figure 25.3 Optimizing rod outer-segment length. As
above indicate that rod vision reaches or approaches photons traverse the outer segment (top) they are absorbed,
limits set by the division of light into discrete photons causing the effective photon flux to decrease. The middle
and the occasional spontaneous activation of rhodop- panel shows the fraction of photons absorbed as a function
sin. This performance motivates us to take seriously the of outer-segment length. Also plotted is the total outer-seg-
ment noise, which increases as the square root of the outer-
idea that the neural circuitry responsible for rod vision
segment length. The bottom panel plots the signal-to-noise
is near-optimal, and to use this performance to pose ratio (SNR) as a function of length. The different dependen-
specific questions about how this circuitry works. This cies of photon absorption and noise on length cause the SNR
starts with the rods themselves. to have a clear peak.

274 sensation and perception

consequence, rhodopsin molecules located near the A
base of the outer segment see a higher density of inci-
dent photons and hence contribute more to visual sig-
naling than those located near the tip of the outer 5'GMP
segment. A second important property of rhodopsin is
its spontaneous activation. The total rate of spontane- T*GTP + PDE PDE*

ous activation depends on the number of rhodopsin

Rh Rh* cGMP
molecules contained within the outer segment. Hence,
a longer outer segment that would capture a greater T Photocurrent
fraction of the incident photons would also generate Rhi
more noise. GTP
These considerations make it clear that there is an
optimal length: as the length goes to zero, the rod B
does not absorb any photons, while as it gets infinitely
long it absorbs all incident photons but suffers from
extremely high noise. The highest signal-to-noise ratio
is achieved somewhere in between; formulating the 1 pA
problem more precisely shows that this optimum cor- 4s
responds to absorbing ∼70% of the incident photons
(Bialek, 2012; figure 25.3). Given the concentration of 1.0
rhodopsin in the outer segment and its absorption Integration time

cross-section, 70% absorption is achieved for a rod ∼60 Normalized amplitude 0.8

microns in length. Toad and frog rods are quite close

to this optimal length, while rods in primate are ∼35
microns in length, and absorb ∼50% of the incident
photons. The imperfect agreement of the predicted
and actual lengths is to be expected given the many
factors this simple argument ignores.
In addition to capturing photons, our ability to see 0.0
at night requires that rod photoreceptors respond reli- 0.1 1 10
ably when they absorb a single photon. We now have a PDE activity
solid mechanistic understanding of how this is achieved
(reviewed by Yau & Hardie, 2009; figure 25.4A), and Figure 25.4 Trade-off of response duration and noise. (A)
can instantiate this understanding in the form of math- Schematic of phototransduction cascade that converts light
into an electrical response in the rod outer segment (top
ematical models that capture many aspects of rod right). The membrane current is controlled by cyclic GMP
behavior (reviewed by Rieke & Baylor, 1998). These (cGMP) channels. Light-activated rhodopsin (Rh) activates
models nicely summarize the biochemical reactions the G-protein transducin (T), which activates the phosphodi-
that form the rod phototransduction cascade. The esterase (PDE). Activated PDE hydrolyzes cGMP, allowing
behavior of the transduction cascade is dictated by a channels to close. Cyclic GMP is synthesized by guanylate
cyclase (GC). (B) Dependence of response kinetics and noise
collection of key rate constants that reflect the concen-
on PDE activity. The top left panel shows simulated single-
trations and activities of the underlying components. photon responses for a low level of spontaneous PDE activa-
We do not understand well, however, how rod behavior tion. The black trace is the average response, and the gray
would change as these parameters are varied, and in traces are 10 superimposed individual responses. The top
particular where real rods reside within the range of right shows responses for a high level of spontaneous PDE
activation. The bottom panel shows how the integration time
possible behaviors exhibited by the general transduc-
and noise depend on PDE activity.
tion scheme.
Consider a simple example in lieu of a more com-
plete study. In addition to discrete noise due to sponta- activation also produces ongoing activity in the trans-
neous rhodopsin activation, rod signals are contaminated duction cascade that abbreviates the single-photon
by continuous current fluctuations produced by spon- response by allowing the cascade to recover quickly
taneous activation of the phosphodiesterase and result- following a perturbation such as activation of rhodop-
ing fluctuations in channel activity (Baylor et al., 1980; sin. Thus maintaining low noise and producing a
Rieke & Baylor, 1996). Spontaneous phosphodiesterase brief response impose opposite constraints on the

rieke: are neural circuits the best they can be? 275
phototransduction process, specifically on the rate of likely generating single-photon responses while reject-
spontaneous phosphodiesterase activation. ing noise from the remaining rods (Baylor et al., 1984;
Figure 25.4 explores these issues using a model for van Rossum & Smith, 1998).
the phototransduction cascade based on measurements Similar issues of how to integrate sparse, noisy inputs
in toad rods. Figure 25.4B plots the noise variance and recur in many other neural circuits. Photon detection
response integration time as the rate of spontaneous in the retina offers several key advantages for investigat-
phosphodiesterase activation is increased. High phos- ing this general issue. First, the signal and noise proper-
phodiesterase activity produces a brief response, but ties of the rod’s single-photon responses can be
also produces so much noise that individual single- thoroughly characterized. This permits construction of
photon responses are not identifiable (top right). Low parameter-free predictions of the optimal strategies for
phosphodiesterase activity produces little noise, but separating rod signal and noise. Second, separation of
responses last tens of seconds (top left). The measured single-photon responses from noise is effective only
rate of spontaneous phosphodiesterase activation places prior to mixing of rod signals. This restricts the possible
the actual rod behavior at a location in the middle. anatomical locations for such signal processing to sites
Evaluating whether or not this is a good compromise, at or prior to the synapse from rods to rod bipolar cells.
however, requires some means of weighing the relative Thus we can generate parameter-free predictions about
costs of response duration and noise, and it is not clear the properties, location, and functional importance of
how to do so. This example highlights a central chal- a key signal-processing step supporting night vision.
lenge facing ideal observer calculations: the task The predictions about processing of rod responses
facing the system is often multifaceted, and weighing have been tested by recording from rod bipolar cells
different aspects of system function can be difficult or (Berntson, Smith, & Taylor, 2004; Field & Rieke, 2002).
impossible. Responses of mouse rod bipolar cells indeed differ
substantially from those of the rods from which they
Retinal Readout Rod-mediated signals traverse the receive input. In particular, rod bipolar responses
mammalian retina through the specialized rod bipolar depend supralinearly on flash strength, and are more
circuit (reviewed by Bloomfield & Dacheux, 2001; Field discrete than responses of the rods. These properties
et al., 2005). Behavioral sensitivity requires that this are consistent with the presence of a threshold-like
circuit operate effectively when <0.1% of the rods nonlinearity at the synapse between rods and rod
absorb a photon within the 100–200 ms integration bipolar cells. Further, the synaptic nonlinearity has
time of rod signals. This sensitivity poses substantial properties closely aligned to those predicted from the
constraints. First, rod photoreceptors must respond to rod signal and noise. Surprisingly, the synapse discards
single photons. Second, the resulting signals must be many of the rod’s single-photon responses. This is,
reliably transmitted across the retina and protected however, a good strategy when photon absorptions are
from noise. Third, absorption of one or a few photons exceedingly rare, as the change in current produced
spread across many rods must noticeably impact the by a small or average single-photon response is more
spike responses sent from the retina to the brain. These likely to have originated from noise from spontaneous
constraints have guided investigation of the underlying phosphodiesterase activity (figure 25.4) than from a
mechanisms, and the resulting focus has provided mul- true photon absorption.
tiple insights into circuit function. Thresholding of the rod signals occurs through a
At light levels near perceptual threshold, photons simple synaptic mechanism (Sampath & Rieke, 2004).
arrive rarely at individual rods, but all of the rods gener- Rods release glutamate continuously in the dark, and
ate noise. This noise threatens to overwhelm the sparse decrease this release during the single-photon response.
single-photon responses when signals from multiple Rod bipolar cells sense glutamate released by the rods
rods are combined. How should downstream retinal via metabotropic receptors that control ion-channel
neurons combine signals across the rods from which activity through a second-messenger cascade. Gluta-
they receive input? This is a situation in which averaging mate release from the rods saturates this signaling
is a disaster. Averaging is a good strategy when both cascade; as a consequence, small changes in rod voltage
signal and noise are spread uniformly across receptors. and glutamate release fail to modulate the rod bipolar
But when the signal is sparse, averaging inextricably voltage. Larger changes in glutamate release—such as
mixes signal from a few receptors with noise from those associated with a large single-photon response—
receptors that do not carry any signal. Instead, sensitiv- relieve this saturation and produce a response. An
ity can be dramatically improved by a nonlinear mecha- interesting and unresolved issue is how the level of
nism that selectively retains signals from those rods synaptic saturation is controlled.

276 sensation and perception

Signal transfer from rods to rod bipolar cells also Behavior and Preneural Factors The detection
serves to substantially abbreviate the rod responses. sensitivity of cone-mediated vision has been quantified
This temporal filtering can be nicely predicted in using frequency-of-seeing approaches like those used
amphibian retina, which lacks the synaptic nonlinearity for rod-mediated vision. Cone signals are typically iso-
described above. Rod responses themselves are strik- lated by centering stimuli on the rod-free fovea at the
ingly long-lasting—single-photon responses of mamma- center of the visual field. Flashes producing ∼5 absorbed
lian rods exceed 0.5 sec at body temperature (Baylor photons per cone in a region containing ∼10 cones are
et al., 1984). The long duration of the single-photon just detectable (Koenig & Hofer, 2011; Marriott, 1963);
response, however, does not fundamentally limit tem- for comparison, just-detectable flashes for rod-mediated
poral precision. This is because linear filtering can be vision produce ∼0.005 absorbed photons per rod in a
undone—for example, low-pass filtering can be com- region containing ∼2,000 rods (Koenig & Hofer, 2011).
pensated by matched high-pass filtering. This deconvo- Estimates of the effective cone dark noise are ∼20–200
lution process is a common strategy employed in both photon-like noise events per cone per second, com-
biological and engineered systems. For example, decon- pared to estimates of ∼0.01 events per rod per second
volution is a key part of several microscopy approaches for rod vision. These measures of sensitivity and noise
aimed at achieving resolution beyond the nominal dif- pose important constraints on the underlying neural
fraction limit. circuits.
While in principle linear filtering can be undone to Further constraints on the operation of the neural
exactly recover the input signals, in practice the addi- circuits responsible for cone-mediated vision come
tion of noise after the initial filtering step often makes from a relative inability to trade false positives for sen-
complete recovery of the input signal impossible. In this sitivity (Koenig & Hofer, 2011; see figure 25.2). Sensitiv-
situation, modified deconvolution approaches take into ity is, instead, quite constant across a broad range of
account the temporal properties of the signal and noise false-positive rates. The lack of improvement in sensitiv-
so as not to amplify the noise in an attempt to recover ity with increased false-positive rate is inconsistent with
a weak signal. This general argument, appropriately linear processing limited by a combination of quantal
formalized, leads to predictions about the dynamics of fluctuations and spontaneous pigment activation (or any
signal transfer from rods to bipolar cells, on the assump- other early noise source that follows Poisson statistics).
tion that these dynamics serve to optimally estimate the Two nonexclusive models have been proposed to account
times of photon absorption from the noisy rod signals for this result. The first model posits a neural threshold
(Bialek & Owen, 1990; Rieke, Owen, & Bialek, 1991). that eliminates small cone-mediated responses together
Such predictions agree well with the kinetics of signal with a post-threshold noise source that contributes to
transfer in amphibian retina. false-positive responses. The second model posits that
noise is pooled nonoptimally due to an observer’s
uncertainty about the timing and location of the stimu-
Daylight vision lus. This model also requires a neural threshold. In
both models, the neural threshold limits the increase
The sensitivity of cone vision is impressive: we can see in sensitivity associated with lower behavioral criteria
spatial structure smaller than the spacing between cone for detecting a flash.
photoreceptors (Klein & Levi, 1985; Westheimer, 1981), In addition to detection sensitivity, several other well-
resolve 1–2% changes in contrast (Banks, Geisler, & characterized aspects of cone vision provide clear com-
Bennett, 1987), and detect ∼2 nm changes in the wave- parisons with fundamental limits. A striking example is
length of a monochromatic light (Mollon, Estevez, & spatial sensitivity, which can substantially exceed the
Cavonius, 1990). How close are these measures of visual spacing between cone photoreceptors (Klein & Levi,
performance to fundamental limits? In particular, do 1985; Westheimer, 1981). Spatial acuity is often quanti-
these observations indicate that the underlying neural fied using Vernier tasks such as that depicted in figure
circuits make effective use of all the information avail- 25.5. The behavioral task in such an experiment is to
able in the light inputs or in the cone photoreceptor determine whether the center line is closer to the left
signals? Can optimal design approaches help us under- or the right flanking line. Human observers can detect
stand the operation of the neural circuits responsible displacements of the center line in such tasks that are
for cone-mediated vision, much as they have for rod- as small as 3–5% of the spacing between foveal cones.
mediated vision? For the most part, these questions Interpretation of this sensitivity requires considering
remain unanswered, although progress has been made the quality of the optical image at the cone photorecep-
in several areas. tors, spatial sampling by the cones, and cone noise.

rieke: are neural circuits the best they can be? 277
d+ d– The optics of the eye blur the lines in the Vernier task
of figure 25.5 so that they are spread over many cones
(Westheimer, 1984). Thus the distribution of mean
cone photon fluxes (without any noise) resembles that
in figure 25.5 (second panel from top). The asymmetry
in the distribution—particularly the different depths of
the minima corresponding to the regions between the
center and flanking lines—is indicative of the displace-
ment of the central line; from this simple picture it is
clear that, without noise, an ideal observer could detect
exceedingly small displacements even given the finite
cone sampling and optical blur. Figure 25.5 (second
panel from bottom) depicts these distributions on a
single 0.6 sec trial of such a task for a displacement of
1/20th of the cone spacing; noise due to quantal fluc-
tuations is included. This illustrates the quality of signal
available to an ideal observer of the photon flux at the
cone photoreceptors.
Human behavioral performance in a Vernier task like
that in figure 25.5 falls short of that possible given the
Mean photon flux photon flux at the cones. The difference between actual
and ideal performance is a factor of 3–10 depending
on details of the spatial configuration (Banks, Sekuler,
& Anderson, 1991). A similar difference between per-
Population response

formance supported by the photon flux at the cones

and that measured behaviorally holds for several other
discrimination tasks, including grating acuity and con-
+ Quantal flucts trast sensitivity (reviewed by Geisler, 2003, 2011). Thus
limits imposed by the preneural factors that determine
the quality of the image reaching the cone photorecep-
tors (optics, cone sampling, and quantal fluctuations)
do not fully account for the limitations to the sensitivity
of cone vision.

Physiology: Dominance of Cone Noise The failure

+ Cone noise of behavioral sensitivity to reach limits set by quantal
fluctuations and optical properties highlights the
Position importance of identifying the location and properties
of the neural noise sources active at cone light levels.
Figure 25.5 Vernier acuity task and cone signals. Top: Three- Several results indicate that much of the noise in the
line stimulus used in many Vernier discrimination tasks super-
imposed on foveal cone mosaic (modified from Curcio et al., retinal output originates in the cones themselves.
1990). Second from top: Estimated distribution of mean photon Barlow proposed that the >10,000-fold difference in
catches in the cone array as a function of position relative to estimates of the dark noise-limiting rod and cone vision
the lines. Photon fluxes were obtained by passing lines might be explained by differences in the wavelength of
through an estimate of the point spread function of the optics peak sensitivity of the rod and long-wavelength-sensitive
(Westheimer, 1984) and then sampling with a simulated cone
array. Third from top: Distribution of cone quantal catches on
(L) cone photoreceptors, and corresponding differ-
a single 1 sec trial of the three-line stimulus. Bottom: Distribu- ences in the rate of spontaneous pigment activation
tion of cone responses, complete with noise, on a single 1 sec (Barlow, 1972). The basic idea is that the rate of spon-
trial. taneous activation is proportional to e−E/kT, where E is
the energy required for spontaneous activation. If E is
equal to the energy of a photon at the wavelength of
the peak photopigment absorption, a shift in peak sen-
sitivity from 500 nm (rods) to 580 nm (L cones) would

278 sensation and perception

cause a ∼105-fold increase in spontaneous activation by receptive field or dendritic overlap (Ala-Laurila
rate. Indeed, rates of spontaneous activation of a broad et al., 2011; Greschner et al., 2011; Trong & Rieke,
range of photopigments can be quantitatively predicted 2008). Together these observations support a simple
from this basic idea (Luo, Yue, Ala-Laurila, & Yau, model in which correlated noise originates from noise
2011). Measured noise in mammalian cones, however, introduced by the cone photoreceptors, which then
shows much more rapid variations than expected from propagates across the retinal circuits that control the
pigment activation, and thus appears to be dominated responses of diverse retinal output cells.
by other sources (Ala-Laurila, Greschner, Chichilnisky, Additional evidence that cones account for much of
& Rieke, 2011; Angueyra & Rieke, 2013; Schneeweis & the noise in the output signals of primate retina comes
Schnapf, 1999). from suppressing cone inputs to On bipolar cells (Ala-
Evidence for the importance of cone noise in the Laurila et al., 2011). On bipolar cells signal via metabo-
retinal output comes from several types of experiments. tropic glutamate receptors, and can be targeted quite
The first evidence comes from comparing the sensitivity selectively by pharmacological agents. A potential issue
of an ideal observer of the photon flux at the cones with in such experiments is that manipulating receptor activ-
that of an ideal observer of the responses of horizontal ity could lead to large changes in bipolar voltage and
cells (which receive input from cones) or of the gan- hence in transmitter release; such changes will con-
glion cells (the retinal output cells) in guinea pig retina found interpretation of changes in ganglion cell signal-
(Borghuis, Sterling, & Smith, 2009). Losses of sensitivity ing, since noise could be reduced simply because it can
between two locations—for example, between the no longer be transmitted from bipolar cell to ganglion
photon flux at the cones and the horizontal cells—indi- cell. An appropriate mixture of receptor agonists and
cate a source of noise between the two locations. This antagonists, however, can suppress cone input to On
comparison indicated that noise in the output signals bipolar cells with minimal changes in the rate of bipolar
of the most sensitive ganglion cells contained roughly transmitter release. Suppressing cone inputs to the
equal contributions from noise intrinsic to the cones retina in this way reduced noise in the excitatory synap-
and from post-cone noise introduced in the retinal tic inputs to primate On parasol ganglion cells ∼3-fold.
circuitry. Thus much of the noise in a ganglion cell’s excitatory
A second indication of the importance of cone noise inputs appears to be inherited from the cones
comes from correlated noise in the responses of nearby themselves.
ganglion cells, particularly in mammalian retina. Cor- Together, these observations support two conclu-
related noise is present in the spike outputs and the sions: (1) the cones produce considerably more noise
excitatory synaptic inputs to pairs of ganglion cells, indi- than expected from quantal fluctuations across a broad
cating an origin from noise in a common upstream cell range of light levels, and (2) at least in primates, the
in the retinal circuitry (reviewed by Mastronarde, 1989; retinal readout adds little noise to that already present
Meister, 1996; Shlens, Rieke, & Chichilnisky, 2008). Cor- in the cone signals. These conclusions suggest that
related noise persists in the absence of modulated light much of the discrepancy between the performance of
inputs and often has a time scale substantially briefer an ideal observer of the light flux at the cones and
than that associated with responses to light (Brivanlou, behavioral performance may be due to noise intro-
Warland, & Meister, 1998; DeVries, 1999; Mastronarde, duced by the cones themselves. In turn, this suggests
1983; Trong & Rieke, 2008). These properties indicate that we compare the fidelity of the cone signals with
that it is not produced by quantal fluctuations in photon that of behavior. As an example, figure 25.5 (bottom
absorption, but instead originates after photopigment panel) shows the distribution of cone responses (includ-
activation. The time course of correlated noise in ing intrinsic cone noise) for the Vernier acuity task.
primate retina is quite similar to that characterizing the Cone noise substantially degrades the signals available
total noise in the inputs to a single ganglion cell, sug- for discriminating small shifts in the line position;
gesting that both correlated and uncorrelated noise indeed, the limiting spatial resolution including cone
originate from a common source (Trong & Rieke, noise is within a factor of 2–3 of that measured behav-
2008). Correlated noise occurs across cells of different iorally for these stimuli.
types, and generally respects the polarity (On or Off)
of the cells involved (Greschner et al., 2011). This sug- Conclusion
gests that correlated noise originates from noise intro-
duced prior to the divergence of signals into the parallel Relating the mechanistic operation of neural circuits to
circuits that control the responses of these different function is challenging in large part because of the
cells. The strength of correlated noise can be predicted many circuit properties that can be measured and the

rieke: are neural circuits the best they can be? 279
vast array of stimulus conditions under which such mea- Barlow, H. B. (1956). Retinal noise and absolute threshold.
surements can be made. Further complicating matters, J Opt Soc Am, 46(8), 634–639.
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ics. Handbook of sensory physiology, 8(4), 1–24.
lus conditions rarely generalize well to describe Baylor, D. A., Matthews, G., & Yau, K. W. (1980). Two
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Predictions based on the idea that neural circuits Baylor, D. A., Nunn, B. J., & Schnapf, J. L. (1984). The
approach ideal performance provide one way to navi- photocurrent, noise and spectral sensitivity of rods of the
monkey Macaca fascicularis. J Physiol, 357, 575–607.
gate these complexities. This chapter has focused on Berntson, A., Smith, R. G., & Taylor, W. R. (2004). Trans-
illustrating how this approach can be applied to the mission of single photon signals through a binary synapse
operation of the retina in the context of simple detec- in the mammalian retina. Vis Neurosci, 21(5), 693–702.
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unavoidable stimulus variations or early sensory noise tion. Annu Rev Biophys Biophys Chem, 16, 455–478.
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able predictions about the relevant computational retinal bipolar cells. Elements of an optimal computation?
dynamics of retinal circuits. Biophys J, 58(5), 1227–1233.
There are many reasons such optimization approaches Bloomfield, S. A., & Dacheux, R. F. (2001). Rod vision:
Pathways and processing in the mammalian retina. Prog
could fail. Calculations of the performance of an ideal
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observer necessarily focus on simple measures of system Borghuis, B. G., Sterling, P., & Smith, R. G. (2009). Loss
performance; in reality, a host of factors, many unknown, of sensitivity in an analog neural circuit. J Neurosci, 29(10),
are certain to have imposed evolutionary pressures that 3045–3058.
have shaped circuit operation. Indeed, other aspects of Brivanlou, I. H., Warland, D. K., & Meister, M. (1998).
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cells. Neuron, 20(3), 527–539.
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wiring length. Thus it is somewhat surprising that pre- A. E. (1990). Human photoreceptor topography. J Comp
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Field, G. D., & Rieke, F. (2002). Nonlinear signal transfer
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Juan Angueyra and Rachel Wilson
from mouse rods to bipolar cells and implications for visual
for many helpful comments, Darren Koenig and Heidi Hofer sensitivity. Neuron, 34(5), 773–785.
for providing data for figure 25.2, and past and present Field, G. D., Sampath, A. P., & Rieke, F. (2005). Retinal pro-
members of the laboratory for helping develop and refine cessing near absolute threshold: From behavior to mecha-
many of the ideas here. nism. Annu Rev Physiol, 67, 491–514.
Geisler, W. S. (2003). Ideal observer analysis. In L. Chalupa
& J. Werner (Eds.), The visual neurosciences (pp. 825–837).
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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Ala-Laurila, P., Greschner, M., Chichilnisky, E. J., & Greschner, M., Shlens, J., Bakolitsa, C., Field, G. D.,
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rieke: are neural circuits the best they can be? 281
26 Adaptation and Natural
Stimulus Statistics

ABSTRACT In trying to understand the structure and dynamics neuron or neural system’s response to a specific stimu-
of sensory neural representations, it has been productive to lus often reduces over time. While this is often thought
examine the complex structure of natural images to discover of as a decay in the response, it can be interpreted as
the nature of the task that the nervous system performs. Two
different forms of adaptation help sensory systems to handle
part of the dynamical coding properties of the neural
the large variations and multiple spatial and temporal scales system. Adaptation is also used to describe more general
of natural inputs. Slow changes in excitability can be under- nonstationarities in the neural code: shifts in the form
stood as an encoding of slowly varying stimulus properties that of neural representation over time. These shifts often
highlights change, while adaptive changes to neural coding appear to allow neural systems to represent inputs more
strategies lead to more efficient representations of stimuli
drawn from time-varying distributions.

Natural scenes and their challenges

Animals must parse a sea of sensory data to extract
information that informs their behavioral interactions Natural stimuli have a distinctive structure that results
with the world. Early sensory systems must provide suf- from the properties of the natural world (Ruderman,
ficiently resolved data to extract, produce, and manipu- 1997; Simoncelli & Olshausen, 2001). These properties
late representations of meaningful structure in the pose particular challenges for sensory systems, and also
world. The composition of much of the natural world opportunities for selecting efficient strategies for
in terms of discrete events and objects at varying dis- encoding.
tances imposes a strong spatial and temporal structure
on sensory stimuli from all modalities. Several proper- Large Variations Natural stimuli (e.g., figure 26.1A–
ties are common: a multiplicity of spatial and temporal D) exhibit modulations in amplitude over many orders
scales, a prevalence of sharp transitions or edges, and of magnitude in intensity. Audible, naturally occurring
complex correlations. It has long been hypothesized sounds span a range from the threshold of hearing at
that this special structure might be reflected in the around 10 dB to 120 dB, around 10 orders of magni-
organization of sensory neural systems. tude, with little alteration in our ability to detect and
Sensory neural coding describes the mapping of a identify sound sources (figure 26.1A). Olfactory stimuli
sensory input to its representation in neuronal activity. are detectable by humans at fractions of a part per
While the classic notion of a tuning curve implies that million (figure 26.1B), and odorants are also uniquely
this mapping is stationary, several different processes identified over a very wide range of concentrations.
combine to create what can appear to be a dynamic Light level and contrast can vary by 10 orders of mag-
relationship between input and output. These nonsta- nitude, yet permit accurate viewing and stable object
tionarities span a wide range of time scales, from neu- recognition (figure 26.1C). Given that the activity of
ronal adaptations that are almost instantaneous to the primary sensory receptors typically increases with the
reconfiguration of brain circuitry that underlies long- intensity of the input, this tremendous dynamic range
term memory. poses two questions. First, how can sensory systems rep-
We focus here on the shorter time-scale processes resent such a wide range of inputs without saturation,
referred to as adaptation. We will discuss how proper- and second, how do they achieve the ability to extract
ties of adaptation may be relevant to the precise and information about object identity that is invariant with
efficient coding of inputs with the special structure of intensity?
natural inputs. The term adaptation is used in two
broadly defined ways. In the first sense, it describes the Structure at Many Scales Because visual scenes
transience of many neural responses: the fact that a contain structure in the form of objects and

fairhall: adaptation and natural stimulus statistics 283

Figure 26.1 Examples and properties of natural stimuli. whitened. (F) A Gaussian random image with spectral char-
(A) A natural auditory stimulus, the sound pressure wave of acteristics matching those of natural scenes. (G) The proba-
a zebra finch’s song (M. Fee). (B) The position of a rat’s bility density, gray, of the output of a Gabor filter (inset)
vibrissa during natural whisking (data courtesy of D. Klein- acting on the image in (C); differs strongly from Gaussian
feld). (C) A natural image (photograph by Ruben Holthui- (dotted). (H) Natural images have a close to 1/f 2 power
jsen). (D) An underwater olfactory plume passing a lobster spectrum. (See color plate 22.)
antenna (photograph by M. Koehl). (E) The image in (C),

arrangements that can be viewed from a range of dis- self-similar and exhibit a power-law spectrum (Catrakis
tances and that exist in a wide range of sizes (figure & Dimotakis, 1996).
26.1C), images exhibit self-similarity: as one zooms Not all of the structure in a natural scene is captured
through different scales, the statistical composition of by the power spectrum: one can easily construct a
the scene is relatively invariant (Ruderman & Bialek, random image with a 1/f 2 spectrum that has no object-
1994; Simoncelli & Olshausen, 2001). For an image like properties (figure 26.1F). The existence of higher-
with intensity as a function of space given by I(x, y) we order correlations is apparent when one examines the
can compute the image’s autocorrelation function, distribution of two-point differences. If images were
C(δx, δy) = I(x + δx, y + δy)I(x, y), where the average is fully explained by the mean and power spectrum, these
over all locations x and y. As images are translation- distributions would be Gaussian; however, they are typi-
invariant, one can equivalently compute this function cally strongly peaked at zero and have long tails (figure
in the Fourier domain to obtain the power spectrum. 26.1G), showing that higher-order moments, or equiva-
This two-dimensional function can be reduced to a lently, multipoint correlations, are needed to fully
function of spatial frequency f by averaging over phase. describe such images.
For natural images, this function behaves as a power Despite the overall self-similarity, natural inputs often
law, 1/f α, where the exponent α is very close to 2 have a separation of meaning between large-scale and
(figure 26.1H; Ruderman & Bialek, 1994; Tolhurst, small-scale features (Attias & Schreiner, 1998; Joris, Sch-
Tadmor, & Chao, 1992). The power-law form of the reiner, & Rees, 2004). Large-scale features might be
power spectrum is likely a result of the scale invariance termed objects, whereas small-scale features may be
of natural scenes; the particular exponent of 2 may be termed textures; features on these different scales convey
a result of the prevalence of edges, as edges themselves different types of information. Here, “scale” can refer
have a power spectrum of 1/f 2. This property is not to either time or space. For example, the large-scale
unique to vision: under ideal conditions, odorants that features that identify object boundaries are filled with
are advected by a turbulent airflow also become finer-scale textural structure that conveys distinct

284 sensation and perception

information both in visual images and in the temporal Ca2+-dependent K+ channels (Adelman, Maylie, & Sah,
signals created by tactile exploration (Hill, Curtis, 2012); Na+-dependent K+ channels (Schwindt, Spain, &
Moore, & Kleinfeld, 2011). Speech, the auditory input Crill, 1989); and slow inactivation of sodium channels
with which humans are most concerned, consists of a (Marom, 1998). Beyond single-neuron properties,
large-scale amplitude modulation or envelope that short-term synaptic plasticity (Zucker & Regehr, 2002)
carries most of the information about word meaning, can also reduce input strength in an activity-dependent
while fine textural details of frequency composition or way (Castro-Alamancos & Connors, 1996).
pitch convey information about the speaker, nuance, How one interprets the coding role of such adapta-
and emotion. This general separation between large- tion depends on the method used to characterize the
and small-scale features suggests that different coding neural code. If one presents a sequence of inputs I that
schemes might be used at different time or length are fixed for some period of time, then change, one can
scales. construct an input-output curve derived from the
Given these general properties, how might neural responses immediately following each change in input,
encoding be optimized for natural scenes? One hypoth- f0(I ), and a different input-output curve from the steady
esis is that the coding properties of neurons should be state part of the response, f∞(I ) (Fernandez & White,
organized to represent natural stimuli as efficiently as 2010; Higgs, Slee, & Spain, 2006). This leads to a char-
possible. Efficient coding means that a neuron’s response acterization of schemes of neural coding as either
properties are adjusted to the distribution of possible instantaneous or steady-state relative to an onset time.
stimuli in such a way as to maximize the neuron’s rep- Benda and Herz (2003) developed a general descrip-
resentational capacity (Attneave, 1954; Barlow, 1961). tion of adapting dynamics whereby the firing rate f
This idea has been generalized to neuronal populations relaxes between these two coding regimes according to
through the notion of sparse coding, which imposes an the dynamics of an adaptation variable A:
additional constraint on the number of active neurons
f = f 0(I − A) (1)
(Barlow, 2001; Bell & Sejnowski, 1997; Olshausen &
Field, 1996a, 1996b, 1997, 2004). These approaches τ = f ∞−1 ( f ) − f 0−1 ( f ) − A. (2)
have led to a qualitative understanding of the form of dt
receptive fields in a number of sensory systems. However, In this model, the adaptation variable A is driven by the
in the course of natural behavior and through transi- neuronal activity f and relaxes with a fixed time con-
tions in environments and natural diurnal cycles, the stant of τ. When the two f-I curves are linear, with slopes
statistics of stimuli continuously vary in space and time. f 0′ and f ∞′, these dynamics correspond to a high-pass
An extension of the efficient coding hypothesis suggests filter imposing gain G( fc ) on the input component
that neural systems should dynamically adjust their at fc,
coding strategies to best represent these time-varying
stimulus statistics. 1 + (2πf c τeff f 0′ f ∞′ )2
G ( fc ) = f ∞′ . (3)
1 + (2πfc τeff )2
Adaptation as temporal decay
The time constant τeff is given by τf ∞′ /f 0′ and corre-
The term adaptation is often used to describe the ten- sponds to the measured time course of decay to a step
dency of neural responses to decay over time. When a of input. In this model, Eq. (1) captures the rapid onset
stimulus is presented after no input, neuronal responses of the response seen experimentally, and Eq. (2) the
often initially rapidly increase, then gradually decrease slow relaxation. This model predicts the behavior of
to a lower steady state (Adrian, 1928). This ubiquitous electroreceptors in the electric fish, which respond with
effect occurs through a variety of mechanisms. In the high gain to chirps embedded in a more slowly varying
periphery, sensory transduction often occurs through amplitude modulation signal (Benda, Longtin, & Maler,
second messenger cascades that contain several oppor- 2005).
tunities for feedback that diminishes response to con- The continuous variation of natural stimuli suggests
stant stimuli over time (Soo, Detwiler, & Rieke, 2008); an alternative perspective: that the dynamics of adapta-
further, receptors tend to inactivate (Sato et al., 2008). tion is an essential part of the encoding of the stimulus.
In spiking neurons, this effect is known as spike- The transient responses are a strong response to a
frequency adaptation and is due to a range of ion change in stimulus: that is, the firing rate can be consid-
channels, including a noninactivating K+ current ered as a combined function of the new stimulus value
known as the M current (Brown & Adams, 1980); the and the derivative of the stimulus. As the response R(t)
medium afterhyperpolarization current, mAHP, due to to a stimulus stream s at any time t depends on the

fairhall: adaptation and natural stimulus statistics 285

Figure 26.2 Linear-nonlinear models and adaptation. by a flickering noise input or a natural image ensemble. The
(A) Multidimensional linear-nonlinear cascade model: the filters show changes in low-frequency content (adapted from
stimulus s(t) is filtered through one or more filters f1 and Sharpee et al., 2006). (C) The nonlinearity g can also adapt.
passed through a nonlinear function g(f1*s, f2*s, …). Here, Input-output curves from a cortical neuron driven by a fil-
f1 is a leaky integrating filter while f2 is closer to a derivative. tered white noise current input (R. Mease). The stimulus s
The filters f1 and g can both change with adaptation to stimu- is the current filtered through the spike-triggered average.
lus context. (B) Example of filter adaptation: spatiotemporal (D) The same input-output curves plotted against the stimu-
filters from V1 computed using the maximally informative lus normalized by the standard deviation of the current. (See
dimension method (Sharpee et al., 2004) when driven either color plate 23.)

recent past of the stimulus (for example, the fact that 26.2A. If, as is often observed, the output activity
it just underwent a step, or that it has been constant for responds transiently to changes in the stimulus, f (τ) is
some time), one can approximate it as some function f likely to have a differentiating nature, as in f2 in figure
of the recent history of the stimulus: 26.2A. Generally, one might expect the response to
R (t ) = f (s (t ′ ≤ t )) . have a sensitivity to both the recent mean stimulus and
its derivative, so that f (τ) might be a composition of an
In the simplest case, this response might be a linear averaging filter and a differentiating filter. If the
function: response is truly approximately linear, these compo-
∞ nents will simply add. It is likely, however, that the
R (t ) = f ∗ s = ∫ dτf ( τ ) s(t − τ), (4) response is a nonlinear function of this weighted sum:

where here, f (τ) is a set of coefficients that weights the ⎛∞ ⎞

R (t ) = g ⎜ ∫ dτf ( τ ) s (t − τ )⎟ , (5)
stimulus at times in the recent past, denoted by τ. Equiv- ⎝0 ⎠
alently, f (τ) is a filter acting on the stimulus. One can
think about f (τ) as defining a feature of the input to where g(·) is a nonlinear function that relates the firing
which the system is sensitive, and the operation per- rate output to the stimulus projected onto the feature
formed in Eq. (4) is a projection of the stimulus onto f (τ). In the case that two or more features contribute
that feature. The nature of f (τ) reveals the dependence to the response nonlinearly, the response could then be
of the output on variations in s(t): for example, the approximated as
response might simply be an average of the recent stim-
⎛∞ ∞

ulus, in which case f (τ) will have a form like f1 in figure R (t ) = g ⎜ ∫ dτf1 ( τ ) s (t − τ ), ∫ dτf 2 ( τ ) s (t − τ ), …⎟ , (6)
⎝0 0 ⎠

286 sensation and perception

∞ ∞ & Meister, 1997), the time scale of the response appears
where now s1 = ∫ dτf1 ( τ ) s (t − τ ) and s 2 = ∫ dτf 2 ( τ ) s (t − τ ) to scale with T (Fairhall, Lewen, Bialek, & de Ruyter van
0 0
are the components of the entire temporal history of s, Steveninck, 2001b; Lundstrom et al., 2008; Wark,
projected onto features f1 and f2 and g(·,·) is a two- Fairhall, & Rieke, 2009; Wark, Lundstrom, & Fairhall,
dimensional function of these two variables (figure 2007). This response function scales each input fre-
26.2A). The features to which a given neuron is sensi- quency component’s amplitude by a power-law function
tive, and the set of features to which a population of of frequency ωα and rotates each component in the
neurons is sensitive, define a basis set that captures the complex plane by a constant amount, i α = ei πα/2. This
components of an input to which the neural population rotation corresponds to a frequency-independent phase
responds (Schwartz, Pillow, Rust, & Simoncelli, 2006). shift of φ = πα/2. These dynamics are approximately
In this formulation, the initial rapid increase fol- realized by several sensory systems (Anastasio, 1994;
lowed by an exponential decay of the firing rate of the Fairhall et al., 2001b; Lundstrom et al., 2008; Lundstrom,
neuron in response to a constant stimulus corresponds Fairhall, & Maravall, 2010); however, the constant phase
to convolving the input with a high-pass filter like that property is not always observed along with power-law-
defined in Eq. (3). It is important to realize that the like decays (Drew & Abbott, 2006; Pozzorini, Naud,
decaying dynamics observed in R(t) can be usefully Mensi, & Gerstner, 2013). Note that this response is a
interpreted not as a fatigue of the response, but as part linear function of the time-varying input amplitude. For
of a well-defined coding property of the system in which a linear function, the response simply scales with the
the neuron’s response is not an instantaneous input- size of the input; more biophysical (Nagel & Wilson,
output function but incorporates history dependence 2011; Ozuysal & Baccus, 2012) or normative (Wark
and sensitivity to derivatives (Lundstrom, Higgs, Spain, et al., 2009) models have been evoked to account for
& Fairhall, 2008; Nagel & Wilson, 2011). nonlinear effects such as a change in the time constant
of the response with a change in input amplitude.
What might power-law adaptation accomplish in
Power-law adaptation terms of signal processing? Since many natural inputs
have a power-law spectrum, it is possible that this adap-
While modeling spike-frequency adaptation with a
tive transformation has the effect of whitening such
single exponential has been successful in several appli-
inputs: following this transformation, different frequen-
cations (Benda & Herz, 2003), the decay observed in a
cies in the input are represented more uniformly, and
variety of different neurons exhibits multiple temporal
thus, more efficiently, by the firing rate output. Some
components (French & Torkkeli, 2008; La Camera et
direct evidence for this was found by Pozzorini et al.
al., 2006; Schwindt, Spain, Foehring, Chubb, & Crill,
(2013), who showed that the spectrum of the input to
1988; Thorson & Biederman-Thorson, 1974). The
layer V cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo is indeed
response following a stimulus step can be approximately
matched to the power-law filtering induced by multiple
adaptation time scales in spike-frequency adaptation in
R (t ) = R 0t − α these neurons, such that natural current inputs are
A response function that can account for both the deriv- There are several possible biophysical mechanisms
ative-like rapid onset to a step and also the slow power- that might underlie power-law-like responses at the
law decay can be expressed in the frequency domain as single-neuron and network level, including multiple
a transfer function of the form R(ω) = (iω)α. If the time scales in Na+ channel inactivation (Gilboa, Chen,
exponent α is 1, this operation is differentiation: the & Brenner, 2005; Toib, Lyakhov, & Marom, 1998),
system responds to the step with a pulse that decays spike-frequency adaptation currents (Lundstrom et al.,
immediately. When α is less than 1, this is known as frac- 2008), and synaptic dynamics (Drew & Abbott, 2006;
tional differentiation (Oldham & Spanier, 2006), and Puccini, Sanchez-Vives, & Compte, 2007). In principle,
can be conceived of as a mixture of integration and dif- one or more of these mechanisms could work together
ferentiation. Such a system also responds with a sharp to increase the power-law exponent (Lundstrom et al.,
increase to a step, but following the step, the response 2010).
exhibits a slow decay. Because of the power-law nature
of the response, if such a system is driven by a switching Adaptive coding with changing stimulus statistics
stimulus that changes amplitude with some period T
(Baccus & Meister, 2002; Kvale & Schreiner, 2004; So far, we have considered how adaptive dynamics
Maravall et al., 2007; Smirnakis, Berry, Warland, Bialek, themselves constitute a channel for encoding stimulus

fairhall: adaptation and natural stimulus statistics 287

variations in the time domain. We will now use the possible. The filters that result from this procedure
descriptions of responses given in Eqs. (4–6) to con- strongly resemble oriented Gabor-like receptive fields
sider a general approach to capturing the effects of with a range of spatial scales, as are characteristic of V1
different forms of adaptation on encoding. Eqs. (5) and simple cells (Bell & Sejnowski, 1997). Similarly, Smith
(6) express the concept that a neuron’s response can and Lewicki (2006) were able to learn filters with the
be approximated as a nonlinear function acting on one same form and population distribution of filters of
or more linear filters applied to the input. This is known cochlear auditory neurons from natural sound ensem-
as a linear-nonlinear cascade model (Schwartz et al., bles using this sparseness constraint. Together, these
2006). The filter can be generalized to act on arbitrary studies suggest that neurons encode stimuli in such a
components of the stimulus: spatial, temporal, spectral, way as to minimize correlations across neurons, and
or other representations (figure 26.2). The two compo- across time, with the additional condition that the pop-
nents of such a coding model, the linear filtering of the ulation response is sparse (Olshausen & Field, 2004).
system and its nonlinear input-output mapping, may be
particularly adapted to the statistics of the inputs. Fur- Optimal Input-Output Functions The second
thermore, these components may be able to change in part of the standard coding model of figure 26.2 con-
time to track nonstationary inputs. cerns the nonlinear mapping from filtered input to
output, the function g(·) in Eq. (5). Information-the-
Optimal Filters First, the linear filter stage of the oretic concepts can also be applied to the form of this
response can cancel out the correlations in the input so function. If the range of the output is limited, one
that responses represent only “surprising” components should use all available output symbols (e.g., firing
of the stimulus. This is known as predictive coding. Based rates) as often as possible; under certain assumptions,
on the spatial autocorrelation function of natural this will maximize the entropy of the output and thus
scenes, Srinivasan, Laughlin, and Dubs (1982) com- maximize information transmission through the
puted the amount of inhibitory surround required to coding channel (Barlow, 1961; Laughlin, 1981). In
cancel out these correlations and found that this pre- order for this to happen, the input-output relation of
diction matched the filtering properties of first-order the system must depend on the probability distribu-
cells in the fly eye. Atick and Redlich (1990; Atick, tion of the inputs; with a fixed maximum output, the
1992) used information theory along with a model of input-output curve should be the cumulative integral
photoreceptor noise to derive filters that both optimally of the input distribution. Laughlin (1981) measured
reduce the noise and whiten the power spectrum in the distribution of contrasts in natural scenes and
natural scenes. The predicted filters qualitatively match showed that the input-output relations of fly large
the response characteristics of retinal ganglion cells monopolar cells indeed matched this predicted form.
and behavioral contrast sensitivity. Predictive coding These results indicate that the structure of some
can remove not only spatial correlations, but also tem- neural codes can be understood in terms of optimizing
poral ones (Dong & Atick, 1995; van Hateren, 1992a, response functions relative to the statistics of natural
1992b). For example, predictive coding has been stimuli. However, as we have emphasized, a typical prop-
invoked to explain adaptation to stimulus input in the erty of such inputs is their local variability in space and
encoding of electrical signals in cerebellum in electric time. One might therefore expect that the relationship
fish and in dorsal root ganglia (Roberts & Portfors, between input and output changes in time as stimulus
2008). statistics change. Indeed, many sensory neural codes
While visual processing in the retina and lateral display the ability to adapt to the current context of the
geniculate nucleus (Dan, Atick, & Reid, 1996; Dong & stimulus.
Atick, 1995) may serve to whiten images and image A dependence of the code on statistical context
streams, figure 26.1 shows that significant correlational appears in the calculations of Atick and Redlich (1990;
structure still remains. Olshausen and Field (1996a) Atick, 1992), which predict that the receptive fields of
used natural image patches to learn a set of spatial pat- ganglion cells will be low-pass at low light levels, or low
terns that best represent the images, but such that only signal-to-noise ratio, and more band-pass as the signal-
a small number is needed to reconstruct any image. to-noise ratio increases. This tendency of neural filters
Constraining the number required for representing to shift toward higher frequencies with higher signal-to-
natural images makes this a “sparse” representation: if noise as the amplitude of the stimulus increases is
the spatial-filtering properties of neurons in cortical typical in many systems, even in single neurons (Hong,
area V1 corresponded to these patterns, any given stim- Aguera y Arcas, & Fairhall, 2007). Filter properties can
ulus would activate as few neurons in the population as also adapt to more complex statistical properties of the

288 sensation and perception

input. In the retina, when stimulated with random neurons (Baccus & Meister, 2002; Fairhall et al., 2001a;
inputs that contain spatiotemporal correlations, gan- Fairhall et al., 2001b; Nagel & Wilson, 2011; Panzeri,
glion cell filters adjust over minutes to cancel out these Brunel, Logothetis, & Kayser, 2010; Wen, Wang, Dean,
correlations (Hosoya, Baccus, & Meister, 2005). These & Delgutte, 2012).
changes were proposed to be due to anti-Hebbian syn- Recall the earlier separation of natural stimulus scales
aptic plasticity reweighting interneuron contributions into “textures” and “objects.” For a time-varying stimu-
to the receptive field. Similarly, slow adaptation of the lus amplitude, we can approximately decompose the
filter characteristics of cortical V1 neurons occurs when stimulus as s(t) = σ(t)η(t), where σ(t) is the envelope
stimuli are switched from Gaussian white noise to a and η(t) is a fast-varying fluctuation. The slower-adapt-
natural image ensemble (Sharpee et al., 2006; figure ing dynamics encode the stimulus envelope, while an
26.2B). adapting coding scheme permits responses to stimulus
Along with changing filter properties, the nonlinear details that maintain high fidelity in the face of chang-
input-output function may also vary dynamically with ing stimulus statistics such as overall amplitude or cor-
changes in stimulus statistics. A method of maintaining relation structure. When the input-output curve adapts
high information transmission through a coding to the scale σ of the stimulus, the response might be
channel is to continuously match response range to a approximated as
changing range of inputs (Brenner, Bialek, & de Ruyter
van Steveninck, 2000). Suppose that the response func- R [s (t ′ ≤ t )] = F [σ ] (t ) g (( f ∗ η) (t )) .
tion appropriately spans the dynamic range of a stimu-
lus ensemble. If this input ensemble has a mean or Here the rate factor F [σ], a functional of the time-
variance that changes in time, the input-output curve varying envelope, multiplies a linear-nonlinear model,
should shift its center along the stimulus axis as the Eq. (5), so that the fast fluctuations modulate the
mean changes, and alter its slope to accommodate firing rate on short time scales and the stimulus is
changes in the variance (Enroth-Cugell & Shapley, treated in units normalized to the stimulus standard
1973; Shapley & Victor, 1979). In the fly visual system, deviation, while the overall gain depends on the slower-
the input-output curve adapts to stimuli with changing varying stimulus statistics. As the mean firing rate is a
variance such that the stimulus appears to be encoded function of the amplitude—although potentially a
in units of its time-varying standard deviation (Brenner nontrivial one—the inherent ambiguity of a normal-
et al., 2000; Fairhall et al., 2001a). This rescaling of the ized code is removed: information about σ(t) is avail-
input with standard deviation in neural response func- able, although precise spike timing encodes stimulus
tions has been shown to occur, with different levels of fluctuations in a variance-independent way (Fairhall
precision, in visual (Baccus & Meister, 2002; Kim & et al., 2001a).
Rieke, 2001), auditory (Kvale & Schreiner, 2004; Nagel Thus, adaptive processes can play two different roles
& Doupe, 2006), and somatosensory neurons (Diaz- in information processing. The temporal envelope
Quesada & Maravall, 2008; Maravall, Petersen, Fairhall, dynamics contribute to the scaling of the output, called
Arabzadeh, & Diamond, 2007), and even in developing “output gain” (Carandini & Heeger, 2012), while the
cortical neurons responding to an injected input normalization of the stimulus is an example of “input
current (Mease, Famulare, Gjorgjieva, Moody, & Fairh- gain.” The coexistence of fast input adaptation with
all, 2013; figure 26.2C and D). slow relaxation of the firing rate has been observed in
the fly visual system (Fairhall et al., 2001a), the retina
Multiple time scales of information representation (Baccus & Meister, 2002), and the somatosensory system
(Lundstrom et al., 2010; Maravall et al., 2007); in the
We have described two apparently distinct notions of auditory system, these time scales may be similar (Wen
adaptation: the decay processes that tend to encode et al., 2012). At the single-neuron level, the channel
large-scale stimulus variation with transient dynamics, dynamics that drive spiking define the feature that trig-
and the ability of a coding scheme to adjust to the local gers spikes (Hong et al., 2007) and govern encoding of
statistics of a stimulus. While some systems appear to stimulus components at fast time scales through precise
explicitly separate representations at different time spike timing while the slower, activity-dependent time
scales into different neuronal populations, for example, scales of adaptation encode slower stimulus variations
in electrosensation in response to amplitude modula- in the time-averaged rate or membrane dynamics
tion versus the modulation envelope (Stamper, Fortune, (Lundstrom et al., 2008; Nagel & Wilson, 2011). These
& Chacron, 2013), in many cases, these different com- processes are not necessarily independent: a biophysi-
ponents are temporally multiplexed in the same cal model that incorporates history-dependent changes

fairhall: adaptation and natural stimulus statistics 289

in kinetics accounts well for both aspects of multiple account for the observation that the time scale of adap-
time scale adaptation in the retina (Ozuysal & Baccus, tation in retinal ganglion cell inputs depends on stimu-
2012). lus length: a long period of observation of samples from
a particular variance ensemble strengthens one’s belief
Predicting time scales of adaptation about the current stimulus parameter and slows the rate
of adaptation to a new state. The idea of inference has
Many of the experiments previously discussed imply also been applied to the problem of estimating a neu-
that neural systems incorporate in their response prop- ron’s membrane potential through observation of
erties an implicit model of time-varying stimulus statis- spikes (Pfister, Dayan, & Lengyel, 2010); short-term syn-
tics. Some of these coding changes occur almost aptic plasticity emerges as a consequence of optimal
instantaneously (Baccus & Meister, 2002; Fairhall et al., estimation. These examples show that optimal statistical
2001a), suggesting that no explicit learning process is inference can serve as a normative model to qualita-
occurring and that such adaptive behavior can arise as tively explain the temporal dynamics of adaptation
a result of intrinsic neuronal nonlinearity, both with (Lochmann & Deneve, 2011; Lochmann, Ernst, &
respect to the stimulus filter (Famulare & Fairhall, Deneve, 2012), although these approaches do not yet
2009) and the input-output function (Paninski, Lau, & provide a prediction of absolute time scale on theoreti-
Reyes, 2003; Rudd & Brown, 1997). This is consistent cal grounds.
with experimental and modeling observations that the
nonlinearities of ion-channel dynamics in single Building neural models from natural inputs
neurons contribute to this behavior (Kim & Rieke,
2003; Mease et al., 2013; Yu & Lee, 2003). Other Due to the nonlinearities of neural systems, standard
changes, such as alterations in filtering properties in methods for deriving models of neural coding from
response to changes in spatiotemporal correlations in data—reverse correlation (Rieke, Warland, de Ruyter
the stimulus, occur slowly, and without a fixed time van Steveninck, & Bialek, 1997; Simoncelli, Paninski,
scale that is easily mapped on to an intrinsic time con- Pillow, & Schwartz, 2004) and generalized linear models
stant (Hosoya et al., 2005; Smirnakis et al., 1997; Sharpee (Truccolo, Eden, Fellows, Donoghue, & Brown, 2005)—
et al., 2006). lead to an inherent dependence of the resulting model
What sets the time scale for adaptation? While adap- on the input statistics. Furthermore, those methods are
tation has clear benefits in reshaping coding strategies guaranteed to be correct only for Gaussian input distri-
toward higher-fidelity representations as stimulus statis- butions (Paninski, 2003). However, while Gaussian
tics change, there are also costs: adapting too rapidly white noise is convenient in that it samples responses
can amplify input noise (Dunn & Rieke, 2006). Further- to multiple frequencies in an unbiased way (Rieke et
more, there are statistical limits to how rapidly a system al., 1997; Simoncelli et al., 2004), in many cases it does
can track time-varying stimulus statistics. DeWeese and not drive the brain in a way that resembles sensory func-
Zador (1998) considered a model of adaptation as a tion during normal behavior (Quiroga, Reddy, Kreiman,
Bayesian update process whereby incoming samples are Koch, & Fried, 2005; Theunissen, Sen, & Doupe, 2000).
used to update a probability distribution over possible Thus, it is necessary to develop methods to obtain reli-
stimulus parameters (mean or variance). This approach able and unbiased estimates of coding properties that
predicts two experimental observations. First, it predicts generalize across different stimulus ensembles. The
that systems should adapt more rapidly to mean than method of maximally informative dimensions (Sharpee,
to variance. Second, there should be an asymmetry Rust, & Bialek, 2004) searches for filter directions in
between adapting to a higher variance than in adapting stimulus space that maximize mutual information
to a lower one: a sample from the lower-variance ensem- between the filtered stimulus and spikes; it does not
ble has a high likelihood of being drawn from the depend on the use of a Gaussian input. In general,
higher-variance ensemble, while the higher variance models that have been sampled with a given white or
sample is likely to be an outlier in the lower-variance colored noise ensemble notoriously do not do well in
ensemble. This is indeed observed in the fly visual predicting responses to natural scenes, presumably due
system (Snippe, Poot, & van Hateren, 2004). In this to rapid adaptation to changing stimulus statistics
particular formulation, the time scales of adaptation (Rieke & Rudd, 2009) as well as the effects of nonlin-
were dominated by the internal model for the typical earities prior to linear filtering (Schwartz & Rieke,
rate of change of the tracked parameter. By assuming 2011). While dynamical models can reproduce some of
no inherent time scale for this process, Wark et al. the characteristics of adapting systems (Ozuysal &
(2009) constructed a Bayesian framework that could Baccus, 2012), future coding models should aim to

290 sensation and perception

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27 Perception as an Inference Problem

ABSTRACT Although the idea of thinking of perception as an basis of “deep learning” models in machine learning
inference problem goes back to Helmholtz, it is only recently and have achieved unprecedented success on both
that we have seen the emergence of neural models of percep- image- and speech-recognition benchmarks.
tion that embrace this idea. Here I describe why inferential
computations are necessary for perception, and how they go
Might such hierarchical, feedforward processing
beyond traditional computational approaches based on models provide insight into what is going on in the
deductive processes such as feature detection and classifica- multiple areas of sensory cortex? I shall argue here that
tion. Neural models of perceptual inference rely heavily upon despite the strong parallels between these models and
recurrent computation in which information propagates both cortical anatomy and physiology, these models are still
within and between levels of representation in a bidirectional
missing something fundamental. The problem lies not
manner. The inferential framework shifts us away from think-
ing of “receptive fields” and “tuning” of individual neurons, just with their computational architecture, but also the
and instead toward how populations of neurons interact via class of problems they have been designed to solve.
horizontal and top-down feedback connections to perform Namely, benchmark tasks such as image or speech rec-
collective computations. ognition—while appearing to capture human percep-
tual capabilities—define the problem of perception too
One of the vexing mysteries facing neuroscientists in narrowly. Perception involves much more than a passive
the study of perception is the plethora of intermediate- observer attaching labels to images or sounds. Arriving
level sensory areas that lie between low-level and high- at the right computational framework for modeling
level representations. Why in visual cortex do we have perception requires that we consider the wider range
a V2, V3, and V4, each containing a complete map of of tasks that sensory systems evolved to solve.
visual space, in addition to V1? Why S2 in addition to So, what are these tasks? What do animals use their
S1 in somatosensory cortex? Why the multiple belt senses for? Answering these questions is a research
fields surrounding A1 in auditory cortex? problem in its own right. One thing we can say with
A common explanation for this organization is that certainty is that visual systems did not start out process-
multiple stages of processing are needed to build pro- ing high-definition images, and auditory systems did
gressively more complex or abstract representations of not start out with well-formed cochleae providing time-
sensory input, beginning with neurons signaling pat- frequency analysis of sound. Rather, sensory systems
terns of activation among sensory receptors in lower began with crude, coarse-grained sensors attached to
levels and culminating with representations of entire organisms moving about in the world. Visual systems,
objects or properties of the environment in higher for example, began with simple light detectors situated
areas. For example, numerous models of visual cortex in the epithelium. Remarkably, over a relatively short
propose that invariant representations of objects are period of time (estimated to be 500,000 years), they
built up through a hierarchical, feedforward processing evolved into the wide variety of sophisticated eye designs
architecture (Fukushima, 1980; Riesenhuber & Poggio, we see today (Nilsson & Pelger, 1994). What was the
1999; Wallis & Rolls, 1997). Each stage is composed of fitness function driving this process? Presumably, it was
separate populations of neurons that perform feature the ability to plan useful actions and predict their out-
extraction and spatial pooling, with information flowing comes in complex, three-dimensional (3D) environ-
from one stage to the next, as shown in figure 27.1. The ments. For this purpose, performance at tasks such as
idea here is that each successive stage learns progres- navigation or judging scene layout is crucially impor-
sively more complex features of the input that are built tant. From an evolutionary perspective, the problem of
upon the features extracted in the previous stage. By “recognition”—especially when distilled down to one of
pooling over spatial position at each stage, one also classification—may not be as fundamental as it seems
obtains progressively more tolerance to variations in the introspectively to us humans.
positions of features, culminating in object-selective The greater problem faced by all animals is one of
responses at the top level that are invariant to variations scene analysis (Lewicki, Olshausen, Surlykke, & Moss,
in the pose of an object. Such networks now form the 2014). It is the problem of taking incoming sensory

olshausen: perception as an inference problem 295

Feature Spatial Feature Spatial ...
Image Classification Label
extraction pooling extraction pooling

First stage Second stage

Figure 27.1 Hierarchical feedforward processing model of object-selective responses at the top stage that are invariant to
visual cortex. Each stage contains separate populations of variations in pose.
neurons for feature extraction and pooling, resulting in




Figure 27.2 Components of scene analysis. The scene itself contain multiple levels of representation and analysis. The
contains not just a single target object, but other objects, level of “intermediate features” is where inferential processes
terrain, and background, all of which may be important for come into play (Lewicki et al., 2014).
behavior. The neural structures enabling scene analysis

information and interpreting it in terms of what it or the pose of an object—in an analog manner that
conveys about the surrounding environment: terrain, captures the components of a scene and how one might
obstacles, and navigable surfaces or routes, in addition act upon them. It is at this intermediate level where
to specific objects of interest and their pose and posi- inferential processes come into play.
tion within the scene. In contrast to a simple feedfor- In this chapter, I shall describe why inference pro-
ward processing pipeline in service to the single goal of vides a suitable computational framework for percep-
classification, scene analysis involves multiple types of tion, the basic computations it entails, and specific
representation with different functions (figure 27.2). models that have been proposed for how it is instanti-
Most actions (the interesting ones we care about) are ated in neural systems. As we shall see, the inferential
not simply reflexive behaviors in direct response to framework forces us to consider neural architectures
sensory messages. Rather, they depend on goals, behav- other than the standard feedforward processing pipe-
ioral state, and the past history of what has occurred line. An open problem, though, is to understand the
(memory). In other words, meaningful behavior relation between perception and action, and how infer-
requires having a model of the world and one’s place ential computations fit into the larger framework of
in it. The model needn’t be particularly detailed— sensorimotor systems.
indeed, what aspects of the environment are modeled, For other excellent reviews of “perception as infer-
and to what degree of accuracy, is an important empiri- ence” from the perspective of psychophysics, see Knill
cal question—but we may reasonably assume that it and Richards (1996), Kersten, Mamassian, and Yuille
must be assimilated from diverse types of sensory input (2004), Kersten and Yuille (2003), and Yuille and
into a common format that mediates planning and Kersten (2006), in addition to chapters 32 and 34 in
execution of behavior. this volume.
The goal of intermediate levels of representation,
then, is to disentangle from the raw input stream aspects Why inference?
of the scene appropriate for driving behavior. In con-
trast to classification that collapses over variability to The Problem of Disentangling The properties of
make a discrete categorical assignment, the goal here the world that we care about—which drive behavior—
is to describe the variability—such as the slope of terrain, are not directly provided by sensory input. There are

296 sensation and perception

no sensors that measure surface shape, motion of to a change in reflectance (the boundary between q and
objects, material properties, or object identity. Rather, r); (2) those due to a change in 3D object shape (the
these properties are entangled among multiple sensor boundary between p and q); and (3) those due to the
values and must be disentangled to be made explicit (see boundary between the object and background. Obvi-
also DiCarlo & Cox, 2007). In vision, for example, the ously, it is impossible for any computation based on
retinal image provides a set of measurements of how purely local image analysis to tell these different types
much light is impinging on the eye from each direction of edges apart. It is the context that informs us what
of space. The fact that we humans can look at two- they mean—but how, exactly?
dimensional (2D) images and make sense of them To interpret this image, one must understand how
unfortunately gives the misleading impression that an illumination, 3D shape, and reflectance interact, and
image tells you everything you need to know. But the how an object combines with its background in project-
image itself is simply a starting point, and its 2D format ing to a 2D image (i.e., occlusion). If an edge is ascribed
is not well suited to drive behavior in a 3D world. Simi- to a reflectance change, it cannot also be due to a shape
larly, the array of hair cell responses does not provide change (an edge could be due to both, but then the
an explicit representation of sound sources, nor does contribution of each of these causes would need to be
the array of mechanoreceptor activities on the fingertip reduced, so that when combined they still match what
provide a representation of object shape. These proper- is in the image). Thus, the computation of reflectance
ties are entangled in spatiotemporal patterns of sensor depends on the computation of shape, and vice versa.
activities. And both of these require prior knowledge of what
Importantly, the nature of these disentangling prob- shape and reflectance changes are likely in order to
lems is that they are often ill posed, meaning that there arrive at a plausible interpretation consistent with the
is not enough information provided by the sensory data data.
to uniquely recover the properties of interest. In other Early investigators such as Roberts and Waltz
words, the various aspects of a scene that are needed to attempted to formally specify the logical operations
drive behavior cannot simply be deduced from sensory needed to recover representations of 3D shape from
measurements. Rather, they must be inferred by combin- such idealized “blocks world” scenes (Roberts, 1965;
ing sensory data together with prior knowledge. More- Waltz, 1975). However, their methods assumed perfect
over, the disentangling often requires that different knowledge of edge segments in the image and the X
aspects of scene structure be estimated simultaneously, and Y junctions formed at their intersections, and they
so that the inference of one variable affects the other. utilized the constraints of geometry to then deduce 3D
Thus, it would be impossible—or at least highly shape from the 2D image. Later, Marr (1982) proposed
inefficient—to infer these things in a purely feedfor- breaking this process into multiple stages: a primal
ward chain of processing. sketch in which features and tokens are extracted from
To give a concrete example, consider the simple the image, a 2.5-D sketch that begins to make explicit
image of a block painted in two shades of gray, as shown aspects of depth and surface structure, and finally an
in figure 27.3 (Adelson, 2000). Computing a represen- object-centered, 3D model representation of objects.
tation of the 2D edges in this image is easy, but under- His model proposed a feedforward chain of processing
standing what they mean is far more difficult. Note that in which features are extracted from the image and
there are three different types of edges: (1) those due progressively built up into representations of objects
through a logical series of operations in which informa-
tion flows from one stage to the next. However, since
these initial proposals, experience with real-world
images has shown us that such bottom-up, deductive
processes rarely work in practice.
Consider, for example, the simple scene of a log
against a background of rocks, as in figure 27.4. It
takes little conscious effort to comprehend what is
going on in this scene—the boundary of the log
appears obvious to most observers. But if we put our-
selves in the position of a local population of neurons
Figure 27.3 Image of a block painted in two shades of gray
(from Adelson, 2000). The edges in this image are easy to in V1 getting input from a local patch of this image,
extract, but understanding what they mean is far more diffi- things are far less clear. The right panel of figure 27.4
cult and cannot be discerned through local image analysis. shows the response of an array of model V1,

olshausen: perception as an inference problem 297

100 100

120 120

140 140

180 200 220 240 180 200 220 240

Figure 27.4 The outlined region around the boundary of each line segment indicates the magnitude of response of a
the log (left panel) is shown expanded in the middle panel. neuron whose receptive field is situated at that position and
The right panel shows how a hypothetical array of model V1 orientation. An array of such neurons provides only weak or
neurons (Gabor filters at four different orientations) would ambiguous cues about the presence of object boundaries in
respond to the image subregion shown at left. The length of natural scenes.

orientation-selective units analyzing a local patch of Importantly, the computation of each of these maps
the image, with the boundary of the log superimposed involves propagating information between maps to
as a faint gray line. As one can see, almost nowhere obey photometric constraints and within maps to obey
along this boundary are there neurons firing indicat- continuity and occlusion constraints. That is, they
ing the position and orientation of the boundary. cannot be computed in independent streams in a purely
Instead, one finds neurons firing at many different feedforward fashion, but must cooperate to reach a
positions and orientations that signal structure in the solution.
background and foreground, but with little relation to Although Barrow and Tenenbaum appreciated the
the boundary itself. Thus, simply measuring oriented importance of disentangling and outlined some of the
contrast in an image does not give us a direct measure computational problems that need to be solved, they
of the boundaries or intersection of objects which can stopped short of proposing a specific algorithm and
then be fed into a reasoning engine about 3D shape. testing it on real images. Somewhat surprisingly, the
The best we will get from early levels of representation intervening years have seen only a handful of efforts
is a collection of ambiguous 2D shape cues that devoted to these problems (e.g., Jojic & Frey, 2001;
have aspects of illumination, shape, and reflectance Wang & Adelson, 1994), and as a result there has been
intermingled. These must then be aggregated and little progress in developing practical solutions for
refined by higher-level processes to disambiguate these dealing with real-world images. Recently, however,
cues and what aspects of scene structure they corre- Barron and Malik (2012) have made an important
spond to. advance by using priors over shape, reflectance, and
illumination to recover intrinsic images for these quan-
Intrinsic Images One of the first attempts to grapple tities from photographs of real objects. To date, their
with the computational aspects of the disentangling method obtains the best performance on this challeng-
problem was Barrow and Tenenbaum’s work on “intrin- ing problem. And, notably, it is based on inferential
sic images” (Barrow & Tenenbaum, 1978). They computation in which representations of shape, reflec-
attempted to specify the rules by which scene compo- tance, and illumination interact in order to settle to a
nents such as surface shape, reflectance, and illumina- solution.
tion could be recovered from the raw-intensity image. The intrinsic-image approach takes an important
They argued that these attributes should be separated step in introducing the idea of a structured or layered
at an early level of representation, and that by doing so representation that moves away from a flat, monolithic
it greatly facilitates the process of segmentation and representation of image properties (such as an array of
object recognition. Specifically, they proposed repre- Gabor filters) and toward a representation of properties
senting these attributes as a stack of 2D maps, or intrin- of the scene. But still, attributes of the scene are repre-
sic images, that are in register with the original intensity sented in 2D Cartesian coordinates, in a retinotopic or
image, where each pixel location is labeled according camera-centric frame of reference, whereas animals
to its shape, reflectance, or illumination properties. must act in complex 3D environments. Ultimately, then,

298 sensation and perception

it makes sense for scene attributes to be represented in
a format that is more amenable to planning actions in y
the world.
λ xy
Surface Representation Nakayama and colleagues λ xz
have argued based on psychophysical evidence that
intermediate-level representations are organized x z
around surfaces in the 3D environment, and that these
representations serve as a basis for high-level processes
such as visual search and attention (Nakayama, He, &
Figure 27.5 Occlusion and border ownership. When image
Shimojo, 1995). This view stands in contrast to previous regions corresponding to different surfaces meet in the pro-
theories of perceptual grouping, search, and attention jection of a scene, the region corresponding to the surface in
based on 2D maps of image features such as local ori- front “owns” the border between them. A region that does
entation and motion energy (Julesz, 1981; Treisman & not own a border is essentially unbounded and can group
together with other unbounded regions. Here, surface x owns
Gelade, 1980). Nakayama’s experiments suggest that
the borders λxy and λxz. Thus, regions y and z are unbounded
representations of 3D surface structure are formed at at these borders, and they are free to group with each other
an early stage, and that perceptual grouping, search, but not with region x because it owns these borders and is
and attention operate primarily on inferred surface therefore bounded by them (adapted from Nakayama et al.,
representations rather than 2D maps of image features. 1995).
For example, when colored items are arranged on sur-
faces in different depth planes, detection of an odd-
colored target is facilitated when pre-cued to the depth to other sensory modalities such as audition or touch.
plane containing the target; but if the items are arranged The central problem we face for all of these modalities
so as to appear attached to a common surface receding is that the properties of the world that are needed to
in depth, then pre-cueing to a specific depth has little drive behavior are not given directly by the sensory
effect. Thus, it would appear that attention spreads receptors, but instead must be inferred by combining
within inferred surfaces in 3D coordinates in the envi- sensory data together with prior knowledge. Now we
ronment, not by 2D proximity in the image or within a turn to the question of how this is actually done by
common depth plane (disparity). neurons.
Nakayama’s work also points to the importance of
surface-occlusion relationships in determining how fea- How do neurons perform inferential computations?
tures group within a scene. Under natural viewing con-
ditions, the 2D image arises from the projection of 3D Helmholtz astutely observed long ago that perception
surfaces in the environment. When these surfaces is a process of “unconscious inferences.” Only recently,
overlap in the projection, the one nearest the observer though, have investigators pursued this idea in a quan-
“over-writes,” or occludes, the other. Thus, a proper titative manner in order to characterize inferential com-
grouping of features would need to take this aspect of putations carried out in the nervous system. Here I
scene composition into account in determining what describe the mathematical framework for inference
goes together with what, as shown in figure 27.5. By based on Bayes’s rule, as well as neural models that have
manipulating disparity cues so as to reverse figure- been proposed for doing perceptual inference.
ground relationships in a scene, they show that the
visual system groups features in a way that obeys the Bayes’s Rule The basic mathematical framework for
rules of 3D scene composition. Features are grouped inference begins with Bayes’s rule, which uses the laws
within surfaces, even when parts of the surface are not of conditional probability to calculate the probability of
visible, but not beyond the boundary of a surface. Thus, a hypothesis H given the data D:
the neural machinery mediating this grouping would
P (D | H )P (H )
seem to require an explicit representation of border P (H | D ) = . (1)
P (D )
ownership, such as described by Zhou, Friedman, and
von der Heydt (2000), or some other variable that What this equation tells us is that if we have a model
expresses the boundaries and ordinal relationship of that specifies how probable the data would be under a
surfaces. certain hypothesis—that is, the likelihood P(D|H)—in
Although the discussion above has focused mainly on addition to the prior (“before data”) probability of the
visual inferential processes, the same ideas generalize hypothesis, P(H), then we can calculate the posterior

olshausen: perception as an inference problem 299

(“after data”) probability of the hypothesis P(H|D). image in terms of their probability of being the correct
(The term P(D) often plays the role of a normalization interpretation. It takes into account both how well
constant, and may be ignored if we are mainly inter- image measurements are fit by these values and how
ested in the relative probability of different hypotheses consistent they are with prior knowledge. With strong
for the same data.) Simply speaking, Bayes’s rule pro- enough priors, the posterior may be peaked around a
vides a calculus for reasoning in the face of uncertainty. single value of s and r, which would make these settings
It is a powerful conceptual and mathematical frame- an obvious choice (i.e., the maximum a posteriori, or
work that tells us quantitatively how to make inferences MAP, estimate).
in the face of noisy or incomplete data. Not surprisingly, A model that shows how the above computations may
one now finds it applied to a wide variety of problems, be implemented in a neurally plausible manner in the
from the control of guided missiles to spam filtering. circuits of visual cortex has yet to be fully developed. In
In perception, we are interested in estimating proper- the meantime, though, we can get a feel for the nature
ties of the external environment from sensory data. For of such a solution by looking at a simpler neural model
example, in vision we are given a set of photoreceptor of inference called sparse coding.
activations or pixel intensities, I, and we wish to infer
properties such as shape, s, and reflectance, r. Using Sparse Coding The goal of sparse coding is to learn
Bayes’s rule, we can formulate this problem as follows: a set of basis patterns from the statistics of incoming
sensory data and then infer a representation of the data
P (s , r | I ) ∝ P (I | s , r )P (s )P (r ). (2)
in terms of these patterns. Although these patterns may
Here the likelihood term P(I|s, r) expresses the render- not correspond to the actual properties of a scene, the
ing model—that is, how images are generated as a func- model nevertheless illustrates the principles of inferen-
tion of shape and reflectance. This is a well-posed tial computation in a neural system and how it can
computation that is routinely solved by computer graph- provide new insight into the response properties of
ics algorithms. However, the problem of going the neurons.
other direction—from the image to compute shape and In a visual sparse-coding model, we start with the
reflectance—is highly ill posed, because there are mul- assumption that the spatial distribution of light intensi-

tiple ways to set these parameters that would result in ties within a local region of the image I (x ) may be
the same image (Adelson, 2000). This degeneracy is represented in terms of a superposition of some basis

resolved by the priors over shape and reflectance, P(s) patterns φ(x ):
and P(r), which favor certain settings of s and r over
others. In the work of Barron and Malik (2012), these I (x ) = ∑ ai φi (x ) + n(x ). (3)
priors were obtained by measuring statistics of shape
and reflectance on a large database of objects. The The image is then represented in terms of the coeffi-
resulting posterior distribution over s and r, P(s, r|I) cients ai, which tell us which basis patterns are con-

rates the different shape and reflectance values of the tained in the image (figure 27.6). The term n(x ) is a


External Internal .
world model .

I(x,y) i (x,y) ai

Figure 27.6 Sparse-coding model of images. (A) Images are patches extracted from natural images. Each patch shows a
represented in terms of a set of basis patterns ϕi (x ) that are different learned pattern ϕi (x ). The learned patterns are ori-
learned from the data. Each coefficient ai expresses how ented, localized, and bandpass (selective to structure at dif-
much of each basis pattern is needed to describe the image. ferent spatial scales), similar to the measured receptive fields
Sparsity is imposed through a prior that encourages coeffi- of V1 neurons.
cients to be zero. (B) Basis patterns learned from image

300 sensation and perception

residual that is included to account for other structure, responding. If the basis pattern of one unit is better
such as noise, that is not well described by the model. matched to the image than another, it will attempt to
The basis patterns themselves are learned from the sta- cancel out or “explain away” the other unit’s
tistics of images so as to provide a sparse or compact activity. Interestingly, Zhu and Rozell (2013) have shown
description of the image—that is, we desire a dictionary that these explaining-away interactions can account

of basis patterns {φi (x )} that allows us to provide a good for a wide variety of nonclassical receptive field
match to any given image using the fewest (sparse) effects, such as end-stopping and contrast-orientation
number of nonzero coefficients ai. Sparsity is enforced tuning.
by imposing a prior over the coefficients, P(a), that The sparse coding model illustrates how a variety of
encourages values to be zero. The coefficients them- neural response properties found in V1—localized, ori-
selves are then computed by maximizing the posterior ented, bandpass receptive fields and contextual modu-
distribution lation—may be accounted for in terms of a model that
P (a | I ) ∝ P (I | a )P (a ). (4) attempts to infer a representation of the incoming
sensory data in terms of its underlying features. But the
The proposal here is that neurons in cortex (layer 4 of
most we can hope for with this approach is a direct
V1) are representing the coefficients ai (Olshausen &
representation of the data per se (e.g., basis patterns of
Field, 1997). But how should such a population of
the image), whereas what we ultimately desire is a rep-
neurons compute their responses so as to maximize
resentation of the properties of a scene that these data
the posterior P (a|I )? Rozell, Johnson, Baraniuk, and
tell us about. As the simple example of the painted
Olshausen (2008) have shown that a solution may be
block in figure 27.3 shows us, this cannot be accom-
computed according to the following system of
plished through local image analysis, but rather involves
aggregating information globally across the scene in
τui + ui = ∑ φi (x )I (x ) − ∑ Gij a j order to infer properties such as shape and reflectance.
 Thus, we turn now to the question we addressed at the
x j

ai = g (ui ). (5) outset: How can we build up more complex or abstract

representations of sensory input through a hierarchy of
These equations are amenable to direct implementa- multiple stages of analysis?
tion in a neural network (in fact, they are the same
equations as for a Hopfield network). Each neuron’s Hierarchical Representation Lee and Mumford
membrane voltage ui is driven by the combination of a (2003) have proposed a framework for hierarchical
feedforward (receptive field) term and a feedback Bayesian inference that illustrates how the above infer-
(recurrent inhibition) term that depends on the overlap ential computations could be extended to multiple
between basis patterns Gij = ∑ φi (x )φ j (x ). The output ai stages of representation. The general idea is illustrated

x in figure 27.7, which is adapted from their paper. At
is then computed by simply thresholding the membrane
each stage, the variables being represented are influ-
voltage ui (the function g passes values above a specified
enced by both bottom-up and top-down inputs. At the
threshold and sets values below threshold to zero).
first stage, corresponding to V1, the variables a are
Thus, in order to arrive at a representation of the
inferred through a combination of the likelihood and
image, the population of neurons must interact.
prior, as above, except now the prior over a is shaped
Although the receptive field provides a driving input,
by the variables b represented in the next-higher level
the neuron’s actual response is determined by the
(“V2”). For example, if many weak signals among the a
context in which other neurons around it are also
variables suggest the presence of a contour (as in the
log and rocks image of figure 27.4), then the b variables
in the next stage that explicitly represent the contour
would become active, in turn encouraging the elements
consistent with it to increase their activity by modulat-
Image data ‘V1’ ‘V2’ ing the prior over a in this direction. The variables b in
turn are subject to influences from yet higher levels,
Figure 27.7 Hierarchical Bayesian inference. The variables such as objects or fragments of surfaces represented by
represented at each level are inferred from a combination of variables c. Thus, the full representation of the scene
bottom-up and top-down inputs. Bottom-up inputs enter into
the likelihood, while top-down inputs enter into the prior. involves variables at all levels, a, b, and c, and computing
The two are combined to form the un-normalized posterior, these variables relies upon bidirectional information
which guides the inference of variables at each level. flow between levels.

olshausen: perception as an inference problem 301

This is admittedly just the sketch of a theory. There 9 ms (Briggs & Usrey, 2007). It is also not clear whether
are many details to be filled in here, and some efforts “iterative processing” is an apt analogy to describe signal
have already been made along these lines (Cadieu & flow in the cortex, since there is no clock latching each
Olshausen, 2012; Garrigues & Olshausen, 2010; Karklin cycle of feedback. It may well be that such a system can
& Lewicki, 2005, 2009). What is most needed now is to quickly settle to a solution within physiological time
incorporate layered representations, such as those pro- constraints. More importantly, sensory processing does
posed by Barrow and Tenenbaum (1978), and Barron not work in terms of static snapshots of input that get
and Malik (2012), that separate aspects of scene struc- churned away in the system one at a time. Rather, it oper-
ture due to surface shape, reflectance, or other scene ates as a dynamical system operating on a continuous,
variables. It will also be necessary to include in the gen- time-varying input stream. Thus, the consequence of
erative model the ability to account for occlusion or feedback arriving through axonal and synaptic delays is
figure-ground relationships (Le Roux, Heess, Shotton, simply that sensory information arriving at the present
& Winn, 2011; Lücke, Turner, Sahani, & Henniges, moment is processed in the context of past information
2009) and geometric transformations due to variations that has gone through a higher level of processing,
in pose (Arathorn, 2002, 2005; Olshausen, Anderson, which undoubtedly could be quite advantageous.
& Van Essen, 1993). Finally, it should be noted that the hierarchical Bayes-
From a neurobiological perspective, the hierarchical ian inference framework is distinct from the “predictive
inference model provides a clear role for feedback con- coding” model of Rao and Ballard (1999). Though
nections in the cortex, and it suggests how to design both models advocate an important role for top-down
experiments to reveal what they are doing. Although feedback signals, the proposed effect of these signals is
there have already been numerous experimental very different. Predictive coding proposes that feedback
attempts to uncover what feedback is doing—for signals are largely inhibitory, as they carry the predic-
example, by cooling or disabling neurons in a higher tions of higher levels that attempt to cancel out signals
area and characterizing how responses in lower areas coming from lower levels. By contrast, hierarchical
change (Andolina, Jones, Wang, & Sillito, 2007; Ange- Bayesian inference proposes that feedback serves to
lucci & Bullier, 2003; Hupé et al., 2001)—the effects to disambiguate representations in lower levels, meaning
date appear rather subtle. Indeed, there is considerable that it would facilitate, rather than cancel out, the activ-
doubt among neuroscientists as to whether feedback ity of neurons at lower levels consistent with representa-
plays any role in dynamically shaping information pro- tions from higher levels, and it would suppress the
cessing (Lennie, 1998). If the hierarchical Bayesian activity of neurons that are inconsistent.
inference model is correct, it suggests we would see the
greatest effects of feedback when the system is pre- Conclusion
sented with scenes containing locally ambiguous cues
that can only be properly interpreted at higher levels of Thinking of perception as an inference problem, as
analysis. Indeed, functional MRI experiments along opposed to a deductive computational pipeline, leads
these lines have revealed evidence for strong top-down us to ask a different set of questions about what neurons
effects: when subjects perceive a collection of features are doing. Instead of asking about feature extraction,
as an entire 3D object as opposed to its individual parts, receptive fields, and tuning of individual neurons, we
activity in higher levels increases while activity in lower are led to ask how populations of neurons cooperate
levels decreases, consistent with disambiguation and interact to infer representations of scene proper-
(Murray, Kersten, Olshausen, Schrater, & Woods, 2002). ties. Instead of looking for organized “maps” of sensory
Another important neurobiological consideration is features varying along one or a small number of feature
the speed with which such a hierarchical inference dimensions across the cortical surface, we are led to
system can settle on a solution. It has been argued, look for different layers of representation that disen-
based on the latency of object-selective neural responses tangle different scene properties and that are likely to
(Hung, Kreiman, Poggio, & DiCarlo, 2005; Oram & be intermingled on a much finer scale. Instead of
Perrett, 1992; Thorpe, Fize, & Marlot, 1996), that there viewing the cortical hierarchy as a feedforward pipeline
is little time for the iterative type of processing that with classification as an end goal, we are led to ask how
feedback loops would entail (Thorpe & Imbert, 1989). ill-posed problems are being solved at each level, and
But conduction velocities of feedforward and feedback how feedback from higher levels disambiguates repre-
axons between V1 and V2 are on the order of 2–4 ms sentations at lower levels.
(Angelucci & Bullier, 2003). Even between thalamus While Bayes’s rule provides a computational frame-
and V1, the round-trip travel time can be as short as work for perceptual inference, it leaves many questions

302 sensation and perception

unanswered regarding its implementation. If the brain Angelucci, A., & Bullier, J. (2003). Reaching beyond the
is doing Bayesian inference, should we expect to find classical receptive field of V1 neurons: Horizontal or feed-
back axons? J Physiol (Paris), 97(2–3), 141–154.
neurons representing probabilities and calculating
Arathorn, D. W. (2002). Map-seeking circuits in visual cogni-
Bayes’s rule when we look inside? As we have seen in tion: A computational mechanism for biological and machine
the case of the sparse-coding model, not necessarily. vision. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Here neurons represent hypotheses about what is con- Arathorn, D. W. (2005). Computation in the higher visual
tained in the scene, and Bayes’s rule acts as the “invis- cortices: Map-seeking circuit theory and application to
ible hand” that governs the dynamics of the circuit and machine vision. Proc. of the 33rd Applied Imagery Pattern Rec-
ognition Workshop (pp. 73–78).
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discussions with Mike Lewicki, Cindy Moss, and Anne-Marie Hung, C. P., Kreiman, G., Poggio, T., & DiCarlo, J. J. (2005).
Surlykke while on sabbatical at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Fast readout of object identity from macaque inferior tem-
Berlin in 2009. I also thank Jim DiCarlo for encouraging me poral cortex. Science, 310(5749), 863–866.
to write these things down and better explain the inferential Hupé, J.-M., James, A. C., Girard, P., Lomber, S. G., Payne,
framework of perception. Supported by NSF (IIS-1111654), B. R., & Bullier, J. (2001). Feedback connections act on
NIH (EY019965), NGA (HM1582-08-1-0007), SRC STARnet the early part of the responses in monkey visual cortex.
(SONIC), and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. J Neurophysiol, 85(1), 134–145.
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304 sensation and perception

28 Neural Computation in Sensory Systems

ABSTRACT An animal’s brain must extract from the onslaught How does the brain attack this problem? At the very
of raw sense data the few bits of information that actually input, it converts photons into electrical signals in nerve
matter for the guidance of behavior. Accordingly, one finds cells. At the output, it converts electrical signals of nerve
neurons in the upper echelons of a sensory system that report
very selectively on high-level features of the stimulus while
cells into movement. In fact, all the world events with
remaining invariant to many low-level perturbations. For which we interact are represented by neuronal mem-
example, “face cells” in the primate visual cortex respond brane potentials: sight, sound, smell, touch, speech,
selectively to one person’s face regardless of the view angle, movement, sweating, and internal phenomena like
scale, or illumination. The emergence of such complex thought, dreams, and emotions. This is a truly remark-
pattern detectors is one of the stunning phenomena in
able step of abstraction, by which phenomena of entirely
sensory neuroscience. In studies that trace signal flow through
the associated neural circuits, the most common tool is the different physical nature are encoded with the same
measurement of sensory receptive fields. Here we review the symbol set of membrane voltages. From that point on
tenets and basic results of receptive field analysis and place it the brain can use general purpose devices—namely,
in a common framework with the task of selective feature neurons and synapses—to create connections between
detection. We show that classic receptive field measurement—
these world events; for example, combining sights and
with its focus on the linear summation of stimulus variables—
has little to contribute on the subject of feature computation. sounds to cause thoughts and speech. We sometimes
On the other hand, a cascade of simple nonlinear operations forget the immense power of this abstraction, but it
can indeed account for high-level pattern detector neurons, offers another parallel to man-made electronic comput-
and hints of such organization are found in the brains of ers, which similarly represent all world events by voltage
diverse animals. signals.
In this chapter, we consider how these sensory com-
Consider a human typist copying a handwritten manu- putations happen; namely, how the neurons and syn-
script. His brain converts visual signals that enter the apses are arranged to accomplish the selective extraction
eye into motor signals that drive the fingers. How much of relevant bits from the sensory stream. We start with
information is involved in this task? At the input, the some illustrative examples of selective computation. In
typist’s eye can receive about 109 bits per second of raw tracing this process through the associated neural cir-
visual information.1 At the output, the typist generates cuitry, the primary tool has been measurement of
about 20 bits per second of movement information.2 receptive fields, and we discuss and critique this
This modest number is in line with other estimates for approach. How complex neuronal-response properties
the information rate of human behavior (Eriksson, come about through the actual signal flow in neural
1996; Pierce & Karlin, 1957). So the task of the typist’s circuits presents a more daunting challenge, and we
sensory system is to extract, every second from a data cite some examples of progress in this area. Finally, we
deluge of 109 bits, the 20 bits that really matter for visu- consider several theories of brain function that purport
ally driven behavior. Of course, those few important bits to explain why sensory computation is organized the
are hidden in the raw sensory input in convoluted ways. way it is. Throughout, we make liberal use of examples
The same applies to all other cases of sensory-driven from the visual system, partly because of our own expo-
behaviors. This process of highly selective extraction is sure bias, but the chapter focuses on principles thought
appropriately called computation; indeed, many of the to apply in the other senses as well.
tasks that we hand to our man-made computing machines
involve similar challenges of pattern extraction.
Selectivity and invariance
Our back of the envelope reads: Six million cone Continuing our observation of the typist: note how his
photoreceptors, each modulated at up to 25 Hz with a signal-
to-noise ratio of 100. right thumb flicks downward only when he needs to
One hundred words per minute, six letters per word, two bits type a space. So there is a motor neuron innervating
of entropy per letter in the English language. his thumb muscle that has become a perfectly selective

pitkow and meister: neural computation in sensory systems 305

visual pattern detector. It fires reliably and only in direction of the sound source comes from the time
response to visual images that look like the space delay between sounds arriving at the two ears. And in
between two words. Of course, these images can take the higher stations of the auditory system, one indeed
on many different forms, given the varieties of hand- finds neurons whose response is selective for a particu-
writing, types of paper and ink, and illumination. The lar interaural time delay, but invariant to many other
motor neuron is invariant to this enormous variation of features of the sound waveform (Carr & Konishi, 1990;
the raw sensory stimulus. After work, the typist may ride Konishi, 2003). Another instance arises in weakly elec-
home on a bicycle and his right thumb is used to flick tric fish that sense their surroundings by producing an
a small bell on the handlebar. Now that same motor oscillating electric field in the water. When two fish
neuron has become a selective detector of pedestrians. with similar oscillation frequencies approach too close,
We draw two lessons from these simple observations. their signals threaten to interfere, and they shift the
First, the brain can indeed construct circuits that make two frequencies further apart. Among the many sta-
single neurons perfectly selective for a high-level tions of the electrosensory nervous system, one finds
abstract feature of the sensory input. Second, this neurons whose response reports selectively the fre-
mapping is flexible and changes dramatically when the quency difference of the other fish, invariant to the
brain engages a different task or context. location or orientation of the fish or even the absolute
Given that the brain can produce motor neurons field frequencies (Heiligenberg, 1991; Rose, Kawasaki,
selective for high-level features, one suspects that it may & Heiligenberg, 1988). These two examples are
do so already within the sensory system, namely, prior instructive, because much has been discovered about
to the commitment to a particular motor output: once the circuits that generate the selectivity (Konishi,
individual neurons have extracted a high-level concept, 2006).
their firing could easily be mapped into different behav- We will use these high-level pattern-detector neurons
ioral outputs, or associated with other concepts for the as a guide to understanding sensory computation. Obvi-
purpose of learning, memory retrieval, or thinking ously, this is not the only purpose of a sensory system.
(Barlow, 1972, 2009; Quiroga, 2012). Indeed, this is the But in exploring how a system works, it is useful to have
case. A compelling example can be found in the “face some concrete phenomenon in mind whose explana-
cells” of the macaque inferotemporal cortex (Freiwald tion is likely to reveal something fundamental. Face
& Tsao, 2010; Gross, 1992; Rolls, 1992; Tsao & Living- cells—and their analogs in other species—impress us
stone, 2008). When the animal is presented with a by the combination of selectivity and invariance. Their
broad variety of visual images, these neurons remain response is selective for faces, but not just one picture
silent, except on presentation of a face. Some neurons of a face; that could easily be accomplished by a tem-
appear selective for the faces of specific individuals. Yet plate match to the target image. Instead, they respond
their response to that face is largely invariant under equally to images of that same face rotated, translated,
widely different view angles, distances, or illumination and illuminated in all different ways. How does that
conditions that result during natural interactions. The arise?
macaque cortex has several small regions in which the First of all, one must recognize that selectivity and
great majority of neurons are specialized for faces, to invariance per se are not unusual: every neuron has
the extent where these regions can even be resolved by them. A photoreceptor is selective for light that falls
functional MRI (fMRI) imaging (Tsao, Freiwald, on one point in the image, and invariant to the pattern
Knutsen, Mandeville, & Tootell, 2003). In turn, fMRI of of light on all the other photoreceptors. Further into
human subjects suggests that they have similar regions the sensory system, each neuron receives a synaptic
dominated by face-selective neurons (Kanwisher, input current that represents a single scalar function
McDermott, & Chun, 1997). Recordings from multi- of the sensory stimulus, and that defines its selectivity.
modal areas of the human brain have suggested special- The neuron’s response is invariant under all the myriad
ist neurons with even broader invariances, such as the stimuli that leave this scalar function unchanged. So
“Halle Berry cell” that responded selectively both to the one is led to a more subtle assessment: the “face cell” is
name of the actress and her image (Quiroga, Reddy, remarkable because its selectivity and invariance have
Kreiman, Koch, & Fried, 2005). been shaped so exquisitely to match a specific region
Selective pattern detectors have been described in in the space of all images that corresponds to different
other species, often in the context of sensory tasks that views of the grandmother’s face. Furthermore, its
are an essential part of an animal’s behavior. For response is invariant under image transformations that
example, owls can localize prey on the ground based profoundly alter the signals of each sensory receptor
on sound cues alone. The information about azimuthal and most neurons in the early visual system. To

306 sensation and perception




Figure 28.1 A geometric view of sensory computations. function of the stimulus variables. Note the contour lines are
(A) Each stimulus is a vector in a high-dimensional space, straight and orthogonal to the receptor’s axis of sensitivity
whose axes are defined by the excitation of all the sensory (here the S1 axis). (D) A receptive field is represented by a
receptors, for example, the intensity on the 6 million cones vector L in stimulus space. Integration of the stimulus S by
in a human eye. One retinal image of a face is a point in that this receptive field is the projection of S onto L. The response
space. The same face seen under different views and illumina- of a linear-nonlinear (LN) neuron depends only on this pro-
tions defines a high-dimensional surface (DiCarlo & Cox, jection: the contour lines of its response function are straight
2007). (B) Two-dimensional stimulus space. A “face cell” and orthogonal to L. (E–G) How to create a shoelace-shaped
responds only when the stimulus is in a thin, convoluted, response region in three simple steps. See text for details.
shoelace-shaped region. (C) The response of a receptor as a (See color plate 24.)

appreciate this, it is helpful to think about the space of like scaling, translation, illumination by a point source
stimuli in geometric terms. at various angles, background illumination, diverse
Your eye has about 6 million cone photoreceptors. facial expressions. Together these define a high-dimen-
For daylight vision, this is the number of pixels of the sional and highly convoluted surface in the stimulus
raw visual stimulus. Suppose the image of a face appears space (figure 28.1A). The face cell fires only if the
on the retina: like all other retinal images, it can be stimulus is on or near that surface.
represented as a point in an abstract space that has 6 For those few readers with difficulty imagining a
million dimensions (DiCarlo & Cox, 2007). Each coor- 6-million-dimensional space, let us consider a rudimen-
dinate of that space represents the intensity on one tary sensory system with just two receptors. The space
photoreceptor (figure 28.1A). Now rotate the face of all stimuli is a two-dimensional plane (figure 28.1B).
about one axis: this produces a series of stimulus points Any given image is a point on that surface. The activity
that trace out a curved line in the stimulus space. of those two receptors can be represented with two
Rotate it also about another axis: now one has a two- response functions on that surface, whose contour lines
dimensional surface. Add several other transformations, run straight and parallel to the axes (figure 28.1C). But

pitkow and meister: neural computation in sensory systems 307

a hypothetical “face cell” fires only in a thin stimulus quotes just the receptive field, the best (only) guess for
region that looks like a convoluted shoelace (figure such integration is a linear summation: at any given
28.1B). The challenge for the brain (or more aptly for time, the system sums the intensity of the point-like
us trying to understand the brain) is how the shoelace- stimuli in the recent past, weighted by the amplitude of
shaped selectivity region can be built from the straight- the receptive field. Formally, this linear summation is
line selectivities of the receptors. Of course, in the expressed as
6-million-dimensional space of real face detection, this t

problem is greatly magnified. g (t ) = ∫ ∫ ∫ S (x , y, t − t ′) L (x , y, t ′)dt ′dydx , (1)

x y t ′=−∞

Receptive fields where S(x, y, t) represents the stimulus at location (x,

y) and time t and L(x, y, t) is the receptive field. In
How does one go about exploring these sensory cir- practice, one always deals with a finite number of dis-

cuits? The primary approach has been to record the crete locations xi and times discretized to multiples of
signals of single neurons along the pathway from the some small interval Δt. So the stimulus can also be rep-
primary receptors to the high-level feature detectors. At resented as a vector that lists the intensities at those
each stage, one measures the properties of neuronal points in the recent past,

responses to sensory stimuli, in the hope that they will S = {Sij } = {S (xi , t − jΔt )} , (2)
gradually approach the selectivity and invariance of the
“face cell.” In characterizing the function of a sensory and similarly the receptive field is a vector

neuron, one would ideally like to report its response to L = {Lij } = {L (xi , jΔt )} . (3)
any relevant sensory stimulus. Given limited experimen- In this vector representation, the linear summation of
tal time, one can test only a small number of stimuli, stimuli becomes a simple dot product
and then the results must be extrapolated in a way that
extends to stimuli outside that limited set. g =S•L (4)
The most common form of reporting such a summary The effect of any given stimulus is determined entirely
of response properties is the “receptive field.” The by the projection of the stimulus vector onto the special
meaning of this term has undergone some evolution direction indicated by the receptive field vector L. In
over the years, adapting to increased needs and powers this way the receptive field of a sensory neuron—at least
of sensory physiology. Originally applied to entire reflex in this modern incarnation—identifies its axis of selec-
arcs (Sherrington, 1906), the receptive field meant the tivity in the abstract space of stimuli. The neuron’s
area of a dog’s skin in which touch would trigger a response varies only along that axis, and remains invari-
scratch reflex. Later it was applied more specifically to ant along all orthogonal directions (figure 28.1D).
characterize neural responses, but generalized to other How does the response vary along the special direc-
sensory surfaces like the retina (figure 28.2A–C), and tion? Whereas the above expression for g can take on
even to abstract surfaces like an auditory spectrogram any value, a neuron’s response is generally limited to a
(figure 28.2E). Then the concept was extended to allow finite range. For example, firing rates cannot be nega-
for both excitation and inhibition, meaning that area tive or exceed a biophysical limit from membrane
of the sensory field in which point stimuli directly refractoriness. Thus a more realistic model of sensory
increase or decrease the neuron’s firing rate. Finally, in responses includes a nonlinear distortion function by
today’s usage, the receptive field also conveys quantita- which g turns into the neuron’s response:
tive information about how much the firing rate is
r = N ( g ) = N (S • L). (5)
altered and with what time course.
In the visual system, for example, the spatiotemporal Generally, N(g) has a sigmoid shape, with zero or con-
receptive field L(x, y, t) is a function of space and time stant response for very small values of g and saturation
(sometimes also wavelength) that spells out how much to a maximal response at very large values. This expres-
an impulse of light at location (x, y) in the visual field sion for a neuron’s response to stimuli is often called
alters the firing a time t later. An arbitrary stimulus can the “LN model”: a linear summation of stimuli followed
be constructed from a superposition of short flashes of by a nonlinear response function. One can measure the
light at different locations and times (Rodieck & Stone, nonlinearity N during the same experiment that mea-
1965). Thus a neuron’s response summary should sures the receptive field L (Chichilnisky, 2001; Ringach,
include a description of how these many point-like 2004). A complete report that includes both receptive
stimuli at different locations and times combine to field and nonlinearity allows the reader to predict the
generate the response of the neuron. When an author neuron’s response to any desired stimulus.

308 sensation and perception



Frequency (Hz)

0 .01 .02 .03 .04
Time (s)


D 0


0 1
Time (s)

Figure 28.2 Receptive fields in various sensory systems. time course again is biphasic, as in panel C. (E) Spectrotem-
(A–C) Spatiotemporal receptive fields in the early visual poral receptive field of a neuron in the auditory area field L
system. Here the components of the stimulus vector S are the of the zebra finch (Nagel & Doupe, 2008). Here the stimulus
light intensity at different locations and time points. Any given S(f, t) is represented as a spectrogram, plotting sound power
stimulus vector consists of a short “movie” S(x, y, t). The recep- as a function of time and frequency. The receptive field of
tive field L(x, y, t) can similarly be viewed as a movie. For this cell shows excitatory (red) and inhibitory (blue) regions.
displays on paper, one often shows a single frame L(x, y, t0) Along the spectral dimension one finds a “Mexican hat”
of this movie (panels A–B) along with the time course L(x0, profile, with a central region of excitatory frequencies and
y0, t) at a particular location (panel C). Note that L has both adjacent inhibitory regions. The action of the surround is
positive and negative components, meaning that light is excit- delayed relative to the center. In the time domain, the recep-
atory (red) at some locations and times, and inhibitory (blue) tive field is strongly biphasic or even triphasic. This is only
at others. For retinal bipolar cells, ganglion cells, and tha- one of many receptive field shapes encountered in this brain
lamic relay cells, the receptive fields look very similar except region. (F) Osmotemporal receptive field of a neuron in the
for some scaling along the spatial and temporal axes. The olfactory pathway of the locust (Geffen et al., 2009). Here the
spatial profile (B) contains a center region (C) and a sur- stimulus S(o, t) is the time-varying concentration of two dis-
round region (S) in which light has opposite action. When crete odors, octanone or hexanal. The receptive field L(o, t)
displayed in three dimensions (A), this profile has the appear- specifies the contribution to the response of each odor at
ance of a “Mexican hat.” The time course of the receptive different times. Top and middle: Receptive field derived from
field (C) is biphasic, both in the center and the surround. experiments in which only one odor was presented at a time.
Generally, the surround response is slightly delayed relative Bottom: Receptive field measured when both odors were varied
to the center (C). (D) For a simple cell in primary visual simultaneously. Note the neuron’s response to hexanal
cortex, the receptive field profile typically shows elongated changes polarity under this condition. (See color plate 25.)
side-by-side regions in which light has opposite action. The

pitkow and meister: neural computation in sensory systems 309

Figure 28.2A–D presents typical spatiotemporal field shapes have been particularly effective in the
receptive fields encountered along the mammalian early visual system. One theory postulates that the
visual pathway. Beginning in retinal bipolar cells, the retina is concerned primarily with transmitting visual
spatial receptive field profile shows what is called “cen- information efficiently through the bottleneck of the
ter-surround antagonism” (Asari & Meister, 2012; optic nerve (Atick & Redlich, 1992; Doi et al., 2012;
Burkhardt, Bartoletti, & Thoreson, 2011; Hare & Graham, Chandler, & Field, 2006; Srinivasan, Laugh-
Owen, 1990). This means that light in a small central lin, & Dubs, 1982; van Hateren, 1992). In particular,
region near the cell body has opposite effects from this means avoiding redundancy among the signals of
light in a larger surrounding region (figure 28.2A–B). different retinal ganglion cells. The images from the
The temporal part of the receptive field shows antago- natural world contain a great deal of correlation,
nism in time: light in the recent past has opposite because nearby points in space and time tend to have
effects from light in the more distant past (Baccus, very similar intensity (Field, 1987). In this view, the
Ölveczky, Manu, & Meister, 2008). This is reflected in retinal circuitry filters the incoming movies in space
the biphasic time course of the receptive field (figure and time to remove those correlations. Formalizing
28.2C). Generally this time course is slightly different this principle leads to a theory that predicts image
in the center and the surround, with a notable delay in filters with center-surround antagonism in space and a
the response to the surround (Baccus et al., 2008; biphasic time course, bearing close resemblance to
Fahey & Burkhardt, 2003). These same features domi- actual receptive fields measured in the retina. Fur-
nate the receptive fields reported for downstream thermore, the same theory appears to explain a list of
neurons, like retinal ganglion cells (Benardete & performance features of the early visual system (van
Kaplan, 1997; Enroth-Cugell, Robson, Schweitzer- Hateren, 1993). This has led to widespread accep-
Tong, & Watson, 1983; Kuffler, 1953; Meister & Berry, tance of the efficient coding idea, although some
1999) and thalamic relay neurons (Hubel & Wiesel, skeptics remain, including its earliest proponent
1961; Reid & Shapley, 2002). One synapse further, in (Barlow, 2001). For example, it appears that lateral
the primary visual cortex, the receptive fields begin to inhibition in the early visual system performs much
change (DeAngelis, Ohzawa, & Freeman, 1995; Hubel less redundancy reduction than should be possible
& Wiesel, 1962; Martinez et al., 2005; Ringach, 2004): (Pitkow & Meister, 2012), and there are proposals
for so-called simple cells, the canonical shape consists that it serves a different purpose (Balboa & Grzywacz,
of elongated side-by-side regions of opposite polarity 2000).
(figure 28.2D). The temporal component of the recep- Deeper into the visual system, once the coding con-
tive field again has a biphasic time course (figure straints of the optic nerve have fallen away, receptive
28.2D). The same receptive field formalism has been fields have been interpreted under a different perspec-
used for other sensory modalities, and we illustrate tive. Here it has been suggested that the brain seeks to
examples from the auditory (figure 28.2E) and olfac- represent the stimulus using a large population of
tory systems (figure 28.2F). Note that in all these cases neurons that are each active only rarely and are statisti-
the dynamics look biphasic. Fundamentally, this means cally independent of each other (Olshausen & Field,
that the neurons emphasize changes in the sensory 2004). Such a code can help to highlight “suspicious
input.3 coincidences” (Barlow, 1994) of firings in the popula-
Why does the brain use neurons with these particu- tion, which are the hallmarks of higher-level stimulus
lar receptive fields? Attempts to explain the receptive structures like objects. When analyzing natural visual
scenes by this criterion, one predicts receptive fields
that respond selectively to edges, similar to those seen
to excite neurons in the early visual cortex (figure
Incidentally, the biphasic time course of receptive fields 28.2D; Bell & Sejnowski, 1997; Olshausen & Field,
extends even to other phylogenetic kingdoms. The dynamics
1996). A similar correspondence has been noted in the
of human photoreceptors (Schnapf, Nunn, Meister, & Baylor,
1990), bacterial chemosensory responses (Block, Segall, & auditory system (Smith & Lewicki, 2006). On the one
Berg, 1982), and light responses of fungi (Lipson, 1975) all hand, it is quite remarkable that an ab initio theory
follow the same time course, except for a scaling of the time based only on concepts of signal coding and the statis-
axis. It is tempting to postulate this as a universal law, tics of natural stimuli can predict with some success
presumably related to the need of all living things to detect
the sensory responses in living brains. On the other
changes in their environment. Someday, life will be discovered
on other planets. While those creatures may or may not be hand, the particular response features that it explains,
based on carbon chemistry, it is a safe bet that they have namely receptive fields, do not tell the whole story of
biphasic sensory responses. visual processing.

310 sensation and perception

Limits of receptive field analysis (Borst, Flanagin, & Sompolinsky, 2005; Garvert &
Gollisch, 2013; Ozuysal & Baccus, 2012).
For all its sophistication, the method of receptive field Third, the sensory computation expressed by the LN
measurement—even in its modern embodiment by the model is rather primitive. It seems implausible a priori
LN model—ultimately delivers only partial insights into that neurons many synapses into the brain are still con-
sensory computations. We focus here on four com- cerned with a simple weighted summation of stimuli.
monly noted limitations. For example, the receptive fields quoted for neurons
First, the LN model for a given neuron often along the mammalian visual pathway are remarkably
accounts for only a portion of its neural response. This similar. There is virtually no change from retinal bipolar
can be tested directly by comparing the firing rate pre- cells to thalamic relay neurons: they all have spatial
dicted from the receptive field and nonlinearity (Eq. profiles shaped like “Mexican hats” with opposite effects
5) with the actual firing rate. Often this prediction from light in the center and surround, and a biphasic
works well when one uses simple artificial stimuli, with temporal profile (figure 28.2A–C). Some change in the
limited or tightly defined spatial and temporal struc- spatial profile appears at the level of primary visual
ture (Chichilnisky, 2001; Keat, Reinagel, Reid, & cortex, where the antagonistic regions tend to lie side
Meister, 2001). But when natural stimuli are used as by side rather than concentrically (figure 28.2D). This
inputs, the simple receptive field models often fail dra- reflects a rather modest computational accomplish-
matically (David, Mesgarani, Fritz, & Shamma, 2009; ment, given the enormous amount of neural machinery
Machens, Wehr, & Zador, 2004; Mante, Bonin, & that is engaged, including no fewer than 70 different
Carandini, 2008; Sharpee, Miller, & Stryker, 2008). neuron types in the retina alone. One gets the suspicion
Such complex stimuli seem to engage pathways that go that these receptive field measurements have very little
beyond linear summation. As an example, consider the to do with what these circuits really accomplish. In the
“object motion sensitive” ganglion cells found in the vertebrate retina, we now know that many of the
vertebrate retina (Baccus et al., 2008; Ölveczky et al., approximately 20 types of retinal ganglion cell perform
2003; van Wyk, Taylor, & Vaney, 2006; Zhang, Kim, quite sophisticated image computations (Field & Chi-
Sanes, & Meister, 2012). These neurons fire selectively chilnisky, 2007; Gollisch & Meister, 2010), which become
when an object moves with a trajectory different from apparent under more ecologically relevant stimuli. Yet
that of the background. This response is largely invari- when probed with the white-noise flicker stimulus that
ant to the pattern on the object. But the cells remain is popular for receptive field measurements, these RGCs
silent when the entire retinal image moves in concert. will always hide their true personality under a modest
This complex response function is of obvious utility for sombrero.
detecting prey or predator within the visual scene. But Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally, receptive
it cannot be formulated in terms of an LN model. field analysis of this type simply does not help much in
Second, receptive fields are fickle and can change on understanding interesting computations, such as those
a moment’s notice. One finds very commonly that a leading to face cells. This is because the LN neuron
simple change in the stimulus environment—going has a trivially simple invariance. Its response varies
from dim to bright lights, or from soft to loud sounds, along a single direction in stimulus space (the vector L
or from one to two odors—elicits substantial changes in Eq. 5), and it remains invariant to all the directions
in the receptive field (Bair, 2005; Geffen, Broome, orthogonal to it. This basic limitation is independent
Laurent, & Meister, 2009; Geffen, de Vries, & Meister, of the form of the nonlinearity N. In our reduced two-
2007; Gilbert & Li, 2013; Mante et al., 2008; Nagel & receptor system (figure 28.1D), the response function
Doupe, 2006; Theunissen, Sen, & Doupe, 2000; figure of any LN neuron has straight and parallel contour
28.2F). The LN model may well produce acceptable fits lines. Given such a straight-laced neuron, we are no
to the response under one stimulus environment, but closer to constructing the curly response space of a
changing the environment leads to entirely different face cell (figure 28.1B) than we were with the original
results for L and N. Sometimes these changes can be sensory receptors. At best, such a neuron can offer a
interpreted as “adaptation” to the new environment local tangent to the desired response region. But
(Hosoya, Baccus, & Meister, 2005; Shapley & Enroth- within the receptive field formalism, one cannot
Cugell, 1984; Wark, Lundstrom, & Fairhall, 2007), but explain why the region should bend around from one
they are a clear indicator that the actual computation tangent to the next. So from the standpoint of stimulus
performed by the system is more intricate than the LN geometry, the receptive field of any LN neuron has the
model. If one knew the true nature of that computa- same complexity as that of a sensory receptor, and is
tion, there would be no need to invoke “adaptation” no more helpful in explaining the advanced stimulus

pitkow and meister: neural computation in sensory systems 311

selectivities one encounters at the higher echelons of Here the stimulus S is projected onto n different vectors
sensory systems. Li, producing n scalars gi. Then the response is com-
puted as a nonlinear function of all these variables
(figure 28.3A). There are principled methods for dis-
Beyond receptive fields
covering the special vectors Li (Marmarelis & Orme,
Experimentally, there have long been indications that 1993; Schwartz, Pillow, Rust, & Simoncelli, 2006), and
the receptive field alone cannot account for sensory indeed many sensory neurons probed this way have
neuron responses, even early in the sensory circuits. For more than one special direction in stimulus space
example, stimuli that on their own do not elicit a (Fairhall et al., 2006; Maravall, Petersen, Fairhall,
response—and thus fall outside the receptive field— Arabzadeh, & Diamond, 2007; Rust, Schwartz, Movshon,
can often modulate the responses in powerful ways. & Simoncelli, 2005; Slee, Higgs, Fairhall, & Spain, 2005;
When a simple cell in primary visual cortex is probed Touryan, Lau, & Dan, 2002). Already the simple process
with short line segments as stimuli, it has a compact of spike generation, which turns a membrane current
receptive field with elongated response regions (figure into action potentials, involves two special directions
28.2D). But if one adds another line segment outside (Agüera y Arcas, Fairhall, & Bialek, 2003). These
this receptive field, the response changes dramatically methods can serve to identify a relevant subspace in
depending on whether the segments are collinear or which the neuron’s computation seems to take place.
not (Kapadia, Ito, Gilbert, & Westheimer, 1995). Simi- However, mapping out the nonlinearity N(…) in the
larly, the response of a retinal ganglion cell can be response function is a challenge when it depends on
powerfully suppressed by stimulus movement in distant more than two variables. Moreover, if it is simple enough
regions on the retina, far outside the receptive field to characterize this way, the mathematical form of this
(Baccus et al., 2008; Roska & Werblin, 2003). These and response function is still rather restrictive, and implau-
similar response components have been described as sible a priori for neurons deep into a sensory system.
the “extraclassical” receptive field, or “surround effects,” 3. A third approach is to model the neural system as
or “contextual influences” (Fitzpatrick, 2000). Presum- a cascade of LN stages leading up to the sensory neuron
ably these effects contribute to bending a neuron’s in question (French & Korenberg, 1989; Mante et al.,
response surface. This gets us closer to explaining 2008; Shapley & Victor, 1981; van Hateren, Ruttiger,
sensory computation, and indeed for that goal the Sun, & Lee, 2002). The structure of such a model can
extraclassical effects are more important than the neu- be inspired by what is known about the anatomy of the
ron’s receptive field alone. circuits. For example, in modeling retinal ganglion cell
Given the importance of characterizing a neuron’s responses, one would include circuit elements like
response beyond a single receptive field, how can bipolar cells and amacrine cells with their known syn-
those additional components be treated in a formal aptic relationships (Baccus et al., 2008; Chen et al.,
analysis? 2013; Gollisch & Meister, 2008; Greschner, Thiel, Kretz-
1. One approach is to experiment in a stimulus space berg, & Ammermüller, 2006; figure 28.3B). Each circuit
of reduced dimensionality, for example, with just two element performs a simple LN operation on its inputs.
independent stimulus components (figure 28.1B). Yet a cascade of such simple units—including diver-
Within that space, one can then map out a neuron’s gence, convergence, and feedback of signals—can in
response region in complete detail (Bolinger & Gollisch, principle compute arbitrarily complex functions of the
2012; Gollisch, Schutze, Benda, & Herz, 2002). A recent stimulus (Cybenko, 1989). This modeling approach has
study on retinal ganglion cells showed that their been successful in capturing many “extraclassical”
response regions are often highly curved, and that dif- response features (Gollisch & Meister, 2010). It also
ferent cell types produce opposite curvatures in the offers a useful linkage to the actual neural circuits that
same part of stimulus space (Bolinger & Gollisch, 2012). are the biophysical substrate of all these computations.
These could serve as primitive parts for constructing a
more complex response region. Expanded nonlinear representations
2. Alternatively, one can maintain the full dimension-
ality of the stimulus space, but ask whether there exists With these insights, we can now return to the simple
a subset of these directions Li that can affect the neu- two-receptor system considered above, and ask: how
ron’s response. A formal framework for such responses could one construct a neuron with a curved and con-
is the multi-LN model: voluted response region? One very simple approach is
to first construct a population of neurons that have
r = N ( g 1, … , g n ) = N ( S • L1, … , S • Ln ) . (6) small, local, almost point-like response regions in

312 sensation and perception

A stimulus space. Then one can combine a suitable col-
lection of these to create a neuron with an arbitrary
response region.
In principle, this can be achieved in three steps
(figure 28.1E–G):
1. For each of the two stimulus axes, create n neurons
that respond to only a small range along that axis (e.g.,
neurons A and B in figure 28.1E).
2. Combine such neurons from each axis with a
logical AND to create a large population of n2 neurons
that each respond in a tiny region of the stimulus space
(neurons Ci in figure 28.1F; for example, neuron C1
responds only when stimulus intensity S1 is medium and
intensity S2 is maximal).
3. Combine many of these by a logical OR to create
B a neuron with a thin and convoluted response region
(neuron D in figure 28.1G).
Note that the neurons from step 1 can still be described
by an LN model—though with an unconventional
hump-shaped nonlinearity—and thus have a defined
receptive field, whereas this is no longer the case for
the neurons in step 2. A key ingredient of this scheme
is the dramatic expansion of the neural population.
Starting with just two receptor neurons, after step 2 the
stimuli are represented by n2 neurons. This is followed
by an equally dramatic contraction in step 3, which
yields a neuron with complex response function.
Indeed, one can find such extreme expansions and
contractions in several sensory systems. For example, in
the retina, one cone photoreceptor connects to ∼10
bipolar cells (Wässle, Puller, Muller, & Haverkamp,
2009), and each bipolar cell in turn has many synaptic
terminals. Each of these terminals may receive a differ-
ent set of amacrine cell inputs, resulting in different
Figure 28.3 Response models beyond the receptive field. response properties (Asari & Meister, 2012; Baden,
(A) Multi-LN model. Here the stimulus, S, is processed lin- Berens, Bethge, & Euler, 2013). Finally, a retinal gan-
early through multiple parallel filters. Their outputs are then glion cell pools over a select subset of all these bipolar
combined in a single static nonlinearity, yielding the response,
R. (B) Circuit model with a cascade of LN stages that may be
cell terminals to construct its specific response function
arranged in series or parallel, including feedforward and (Gollisch & Meister, 2010). From the retina to primary
feedback pathways. This example takes inspiration from visual cortex, one finds another expansion in the
retinal circuitry, and each participating neuron type (On and neuron number by a factor of ∼100. At the same time,
Off bipolar cells, BC; amacrine cells, AC; ganglion cells, GC) the activity in these cortical populations becomes more
is represented by a simple LN model: a weighted summation
and more sparse (Barth & Poulet, 2012; Hromadka &
of inputs (weights wi) followed with a temporal filter and a
nonlinear response function. With appropriate choice of Zador, 2009; Isaacson, 2010; Olshausen & Field, 2004;
those parameters, the circuit makes quantitatively accurate Wolfe, Houweling, & Brecht, 2010): whereas natural
predictions for the response of the so-called object motion stimulation will drive early sensory neurons to fire much
sensitive ganglion cells that sense differential motion between of the time, neurons in the cortex are active more
foreground and background (Ölveczky et al., 2003). (See
rarely, with an average spike rate estimated at only one
color plate 26.)
to three spikes per second (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001;
Lennie, 2003). Of course, each cortical neuron pools
several thousand of such inputs to construct its own
response space. A similar expansion into a sparsely

pitkow and meister: neural computation in sensory systems 313

active population has been demonstrated in the insect of physiological cell types, their connectivity, synaptic
olfactory system: From the second-order to third-order integration, and the patterns of signal flow. This paral-
neurons in this circuit, the number of distinct response lel pursuit of structural and functional information has
types in the population increases, and the activity within greatly helped in understanding peripheral sensory cir-
each type decreases dramatically (Laurent, 2002). cuits, like retina and olfactory bulb, and will ultimately
As illustrated above, the purpose of such a nonlinear be essential to cracking the mysteries of cortical circuits
expansion may be to allow for construction of complex as well.
response functions in the subsequent pooling stage.
Interestingly, this does not require a careful design of
response functions in the expanded representation. REFERENCES
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pitkow and meister: neural computation in sensory systems 317

29 Noise, Correlations, and Information
in Neural Population Codes

ABSTRACT The brain relies on the spiking patterns of large circuits. It is not clear, however, how we should interpret
groups of neurons to represent information. Uncovering the the code of such a large number of neurons.
design principles of this “neural code” is fundamental to our Representation of information in the brain is neces-
understanding of information processing and computation in
the brain. This task is made difficult by the fact that neural
sarily noisy because of the stochastic nature of neurons
responses to their stimuli are highly selective and noisy, and and synapses. Overcoming this noise requires some
because population activity patterns are often correlated and form of error correction, but our understanding of how
the number of potential population patterns is exponential the brain might do this is, at best, limited. While differ-
in the size of the population. We present here the fundamen- ent brain areas show distinct spiking patterns and are
tal questions regarding the design and structure of probabi-
coding stimuli of different modalities, universal fea-
listic and correlated neural population codes and their
implication for encoding and decoding. We show that correla- tures of the code include population spiking patterns
tions are neither good nor bad, but that the combination of that are sparse, noisy, correlated, and adaptive (Rieke,
stimulus-induced correlations and joint fluctuations of the Warland, de Ruyter van Steveninck, & Bialek, 1997). We
cells balance the capacity of the code and its error-correction present here some of the fundamental design princi-
properties. We then show that the typically weak signal and
ples of the code of populations of neurons and, in
noise correlations observed at the level of cell pairs can add
up to give strong signal and noise correlations in large popula- particular, how noise and correlations are shaping it.
tions. Finally, we suggest that population codes may be We suggest that neural noise means that we must rely
designed to adapt to stimulus statistics in a way that would on probability distributions in describing and analyzing
give collective coding that balances the information content the code, and that the brain must do so as well. We
and the code’s readability or learnability. argue that the combinatorial number of potential activ-
ity patterns and correlations implies that understanding
the code of large populations must rely on identifying
Information is represented in the brain by the action simplifying principles of the design of neural codes. We
potentials of large groups of neurons. These basic present an information theory–based framework for
symbols form temporal sequences of multi-neuron assessing the role and impact of correlations and noise
spiking and silences that are the universal language that between cells and how it shapes the nature of the code.
our brain uses. Extending the language metaphor, to We review the dominant theoretical idea of redundancy
decipher this code we need to understand how this reduction as a design principle of neural population
alphabet is used to form the vocabulary, what the codes and its limitations, and suggest instead that neural
grammar is, and, ultimately, the content of this neural population codes rely on correlated collective coding
code. that balances the amount of conveyed information with
Much of our understanding of how information is the readability or “learnability” of the code.
“encoded” in the brain relies on studies of single
neurons. As most of what we care about is the result of The neural code
the joint activity of many neurons working together, the
nature of the code of populations is central to neurosci- The universality of spikes as the basic symbols of neu-
ence and our understanding of the brain. Experimen- ronal activity has made it common to talk about the
tally, it has been hard to record the joint activity of many “neural code” (Rieke et al., 1997). But although the
neurons over long periods of time. Since this task has “letters” of the code are universal in the brain (i.e.,
become more feasible in recent years using multi- spikes are the key carrier of information), the organiza-
electrode arrays or imaging, we will most likely have in tion of these letters into words and their meaning
the not-too-distant future recordings of very large popu- differs between brain areas, between conspecifics, and
lations and even recordings from full, large neural presumably between species. Moreover, the mapping

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 319

between stimuli and neural response is not stable even and respond with spikes only to a small fraction of the
for the same cells over time due to adaptation and stimuli they are presented with. Because the mapping
learning. from stimuli to spikes at the level of a single neuron is
At the level of single cells, the study of the neural so selective, it has been common (following Hartline,
code has focused on what kind of information is carried 1938) to characterize the properties of neurons in
by neurons of different types and in different brain terms of the stimulus feature that a cell responds to, or
areas, and how this information is encoded. In particu- “encodes.” This classic notion of the “receptive field”—
lar, a central question has been whether the main which describes the part of stimulus space or the prop-
carrier of information is the time-dependent spiking erties of the stimuli that a neuron responds to—is
rates of neurons (rate coding), and how much is carried intuitive and simple to describe, but is often a little too
by the precise timing of the spikes (temporal coding) simplistic. The inferred mapping between stimuli and
or the relative timing between spikes within the spiking responses of a neuron depends critically on the set of
patterns (Gerstner, Kreiter, Markram, & Herz, 1997; the stimuli used to assess this mapping. Analysis of
Perkel & Bullock, 1968; Rieke et al., 1997). At the level neural responses to simple artificial stimuli often sug-
of populations, coding has often been explored in gests an easy way to describe the feature selectivity of a
terms of averaging over cells by combining their activity neuron. Yet the response of the same neuron to other
linearly, but also in terms of the magnitude and kinds of stimuli, and in particular rich naturalistic
structure of correlations between cells (Ahissar et al., stimuli, may differ considerably than the picture one
1992; Georgopoulos, Schwartz, & Kettner, 1986; Gray, might form based on the response to the artificial
König, Engel, & Singer, 1989; Hatsopoulos, Ojakangas, stimuli (David, Vinje, & Gallant, 2004). In particular,
Paninski, & Donoghue, 1998; Martignon et al., 2000; even stereotyped simple functions that one might infer
Meister, Lagnado, & Baylor, 1995; Panzeri, Schultz, from “standard” stimuli may have a qualitatively differ-
Treves, & Rolls, 1999; Pillow et al., 2008; Riehle, 1997; ent feature selectivity when stimuli that are considered
Schneidman, Berry, Segev, & Bialek, 2006; Stopfer, irrelevant are used (e.g., Geffen, de Vries, & Meister,
Bhagavan, Smith, & Laurent, 1997; Vaadia et al., 1995). 2007).
It seems almost obvious to expect that the structure The common interpretation of feature selectivity of
of the code of retinal neurons would be different than neurons is missing another aspect of neuronal encod-
that of the olfactory bulb, for example, due to differ- ing. The responses of neurons, even to their “preferred”
ences in the stimulus structure, the time scales of stimuli, are not deterministic or reliable. Somewhat
stimulus changes, and the nature of spatiotemporal cor- surprisingly, this “noise” in neural function and
relations in the stimulus. Similarly, the spiking patterns response is significant in almost every part of the
of neurons in the hippocampus and those in the visual nervous system, from synaptic unreliability to neural
cortex would probably have different organizational spiking, network activity, and behavior (Calvin &
principles, due to the nature of information that is Stevens, 1968; De Ruyter van Steveninck, Lewen,
represented, time scales, neural noise, communication Strong, Koberle, & Bialek, 1997; Harris & Wolpert,
with other areas, and so on. Thus, it might be more 1998; Körding & Wolpert, 2004; Reich, Victor, Knight,
appropriate to replace the notion of “the neural code” Ozaki, & Kaplan, 1997; Stevens & Zador, 1998; Warze-
with a set of neural codes that are used in the brain. cha & Egelhaaf, 1999). In particular, the variability of
Moreover, even within the same neural circuit, the neural responses to repeated presentations of the same
structure of the code may change when the stimulus stimulus is apparent at different aspects of the spike
statistics change. Despite these individual differences, trains—the number of spikes in a given window, the
many aspects of the code are universal, and must be temporal structure of the spikes, and time delay with
related. Sensory systems are a natural place to explore respect to the stimulus (figure 29.1).
the nature of neural codes since they are close to the Neural variability may arise from a variety of sources
stimulus, and we therefore have a sense of their primary (Faisal, Selen, & Wolpert, 2008). One such source is
role as conveying information about the outside world sensor noise, such as bending of hair cells (Denk &
or of what is being encoded. Webb, 1992), fixational eye movements (Martinez-
Conde, Macknik, & Hubel, 2004), and so on. These
Neurons respond to stimuli with sparse and noisy are usually associated with the mechanistic biophysical
spiking patterns properties and the limits of the biological “hardware.”
Another source of variability is synaptic fluctuations,
Almost everywhere in the brain, neurons are silent most which result in unreliable response on the postsynaptic
of the time (e.g., Shoham, O’Connor, & Segev, 2006), side to incoming presynaptic spikes (Destexhe,

320 sensation and perception




Figure 29.1 Reliability and reproducibility of in vivo spiking shown in panel A. The responses to constant stimuli gave
patterns in response to different stimuli. A fly (Calliphora highly irregular and noisy spiking patterns. Right: Spike-pat-
vicina) viewed a pattern of random bars that was moved across tern reliability for dynamic stimuli. (A) The fly viewed the
the visual either with constant or dynamic velocity. The spiking same spatial pattern as in the left panel but now moving with
activity of H1, a motion-sensitive neuron in the fly’s visual a time-dependent velocity, part of which is shown. The motion
system, was recorded from an immobilized fly over multiple approximates a random walk with diffusion constant D ∼ 14
repetitions of the same visual stimulus. Left: Spike-pattern degrees2/sec. For illustration, the waveform shown is low-pass
reliability for constant stimuli. (A) A random bar pattern was filtered. In the experiment, a 10-sec waveform is presented
presented across the visual field at constant speed (0.022 900 times, every 20 sec. (B) A set of 50 response traces to the
degrees/sec) and in the preferred direction of the H1neuron repeated presentations of the stimulus waveform shown in
in the fly. (B) A set of 50 response traces to thestimulus in panel A. (C) Averaged rate (PSTH) for the same segment.
panel A, each lasting 1 sec, taken 20 sec apart. The occurrence The rate is strongly modulated, but its time-average is very
of each spike is shown as a dot. The traces were taken from a close to that in the left panel. Variability and reproducibility
segment of the experiment where transient responses have were much higher than for the constant stimulus, but still
decayed. (C) The peristimulus time histogram (PSTH; bin showed diverse, stimulus-dependent reliability. (Adapted
width 3 ms, 96 presentations), which describes the rate at from de Ruyter van Steveninck et al., 1997.) Such results have
which spikes were generated in response to the stimulus parallels in many experiments on sensory neurons.

Rudolph, Fellous, & Sejnowski, 2001; Seung, 2003; networks (see Timme, Wolf, & Geisel, 2002; van
Deweese & Zador, 2004; Stevens & Wang, 1994). Yet Vreeswijk & Sompolinsky, 1996). The combination of
another source is the stochastic nature of ion channel all these sources of randomness and chaos shapes the
opening and closing (DeFelice, 1981; White, Rubin- probabilistic mapping from stimuli to responses, giving
stein, & Kay, 2000), which means that even when pre- a surprisingly high level of variability in many cases
sented with the exact same intracellular input, we can (see more on this below).
expect variability of the resulting spike train (Mainen Thus, rather than describing neural encoding in
& Sejnowski, 1995; Schneidman, Freedman, & Segev, terms of their high selectivity (which is the basis of the
1998). In addition to inherent randomness or “thermal” notion of “grandmother cells”), the mapping from
noise, we might get variance in the response to the stimuli to responses must be described in terms of a
same exact inputs without true “randomness.” Variabil- probability distribution over the responses to each stim-
ity may result from chaotic behavior at the level of ulus. This implies a computational cost in terms of
single cells, or from the dynamics of neuronal learning the code and processing it, which then requires

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 321

accurate sampling of the encoding distribution. There- also avoid arbitrary assumptions about what features of
fore, understanding the design and content of the code the spiking patterns matter.
relies on the characterization of the variability of the Information theory gives a first-principled way to do
temporal spiking patterns of a single cell and the spa- this using a minimal set of assumptions (Cover &
tiotemporal patterns of populations. Thomas, 2012). It does not assume any particular kind
of dependency, such as linearity of relations between
Noise and unreliability of the neural code limit its stimuli and responses, nor does it make assumptions
capacity and shape the structure of the code and about which stimuli are similar to one another (or the
processing similarity between responses). Instead, it measures a
general form of the relation between s and r. Impor-
The noise or unreliability of neural responses has a tantly, the mutual information does not tell us which
crucial role in determining how information is carried features of the stimulus are encoded or how—but it
by neurons and how it may be interpreted or read by puts a bound on what can be inferred about the stimu-
neurons “down the road.” If neurons were noise-free, lus from the neural response, or vice versa (Rieke et al.,
each stimulus would result in a single particular neural 1997).
“code word.” The capacity of the neural vocabulary The fundamental measure of this framework is the
could then be used efficiently, with every potential entropy of a distribution p(x), which gives a mathemati-
spiking pattern carrying distinct information. But, since cally unique way to quantify our uncertainty about x, or
the mapping from stimuli to responses is probabilistic, how much we do not know about it (Cover & Thomas,
then for a given presentation of s, the response, r, is 2012; the basis of the logarithm sets the units for the
described by the probability distribution over the pos- entropy; we use basis 2, which then gives the entropy in
sible responses p(r|s). The readout of information from “bits”). For a stimulus set {s} where each particular s
the neural response then depends on which particular appears with probability p(s), the entropy of H[p(s)]
r was “chosen.” The noise also means that different measures how much there is to know about the set of
stimuli may result in the exact same neural response. stimuli we might encounter. After observing the neural
Therefore, there is also a probabilistic mapping from response, our knowledge about the stimulus has
responses to stimuli, and so observing a response r, our changed and is now given by the posterior distribution
knowledge of the stimulus that has caused it is given by p(s|r), which we can quantify by H[p(s|r)]. The differ-
p(s|r). This probabilistic relation sets the limits of the ence between the two is the mutual information between
accuracy of decoding or reconstructing the stimulus, stimulus and response,
and in particular it means that it would generally be
I (s ; r ) = H [ p (s )] − H [ p (s r )] r
impossible to get perfect reconstruction of a stimulus.
Furthermore, the noise also determines the similarity where 〈〉r denotes averaging over p(r). The mutual infor-
of neural responses in terms of their meaning and the mation between stimuli and responses is also equal to
similarity of stimuli: what makes stimuli similar for the H[p(r)] − 〈H[p(r |s)]〉s. This implies that I(s;r) can also
brain is defined by the overlap of the distributions p(r|s) be interpreted as the difference between the capacity
for different s, and the semantic similarity of responses or richness of the neural codebook, quantified by
is then given by the overlap of p(s|r) for different r. H[p(r)] and the average noisiness of the responses to a
These can be considerably different from our intuition particular stimulus, given by the average over stimuli of
of similarity of the stimulus (Curto & Itskov, 2008; the stimulus-dependent conditional entropy 〈H[p(r |s)]〉s,
Ganmor, Segev, & Schneidman, 2011a; Kiani, Esteky, or “noise entropy” (Rieke et al., 1997; Strong, Koberle,
Mirpour, & Tanaka, 2007; Tkacik, Granot-Atedgi, Segev, de Ruyter van Steveninck, & Bialek, 1998). (We note
& Schneidman, 2013). here that estimating these entropy terms and mutual
To assess what do the neural responses convey about information between stimuli and responses suffers
the stimulus and the impact of noise, we need to quan- from sampling issues and bias, and usually requires
tify the probabilistic nature of the relations between the large amounts of data as well as bias correction and
stimuli {s} and responses {r }. In particular, we seek a validation techniques (Strong et al., [1998]; Treves &
measure that captures the relations in both directions— Panzeri, [1995]).
both the encoding distribution p(r |s) and the inverse One can assess exactly how much of the neural
distribution p(s|r), which can be viewed as the basis for response is “wasted” because of the noise by the ratio
decoding a neural response; these two distributions are of the information that the neural response carries
related through Bayes’s rule p(s|r) = p(r |s)*p(s)/p(r). about the stimulus to the total response entropy, namely,
Such a measure of the relations between s and r should I(s ;r)/H[p(r)]. If this ratio is close to 1, then almost all

322 sensation and perception

the capacity is used to convey information. Estimating noise correction. Alternatively, every neuron might
this fraction accurately for temporal spiking patterns is cover an almost unique part of stimulus space (with no
experimentally and computationally demanding, but in or very little overlap with other cells), which would
the few cases where it has been quantified, almost 50% imply detailed coverage of the sensory space, although
of the coding capacity of single cells was lost due to less potential for noise correction.
noise (see, e.g., Borst & Haag, 2001; Strong et al., 1998). From a simple mathematical viewpoint, the potential
The noisiness of neural machinery seems wasteful in coding capacity of populations is huge as a result of the
terms of energy and computational cost, raising the combinatorial number of patterns they could use to
question: Why wasn’t noise selected against by evolu- encode information: If each neuron splits the stimulus
tion? In particular, despite the prevalence of noise at space into “preferred” and “nonpreferred” parts and
the level of receptors, synapses, and single neurons, responds by spiking or silence when a stimulus appears
there are examples of neural hardware that is extremely in the corresponding parts of stimulus space, then with
accurate, such as the low spontaneous rate of confor- N such neurons, the space of potential responses has 2N
mational change of rhodopsin molecules in photore- distinct patterns. Thus, a handful of such neurons
ceptors (Rieke & Baylor, 1998). Moreover, some neural would be able to encode any stimulus ever encountered
circuits are so finely tuned we can find neurons that using a unique pattern, since even just 100 cells would
respond with temporal accuracy of tens of microsec- have 2100 ∼ 1030 different activity patterns. However, such
onds (Simmons, Ferragamo, Moss, Stevenson, & Altes, combinatorial codes which would efficiently utilize all
1990). At the behavioral level, we have examples of potential code words would be hard to interpret and
high performance despite the noise, which sometimes decode, because reading the meaning of a pattern
approaches physical limits, like photon counting would require detailed calculations to infer the contri-
(Bialek, 2012), sound localization (Simmons et al., bution of each cell and the relations between them or
1990), or primate ability to follow a target at an accu- an exponentially large lookup table. Moreover, because
racy limited by its sensory noise (Osborne, Lisberger, & every population activity pattern could carry different
Bialek, 2005). information, a missing spike or noisy neuron could
Performing so well means that some neural circuits result in a very different message being represented,
are very successful in overcoming their inherent vari- which would make the code even harder to interpret.
ability and the noisy inputs they receive. One possibility On the other extreme, to overcome noise, popula-
is that these circuits have much more reliable compo- tion codes should rely on some form of redundancy in
nents than other circuits, which in turn must have a cost terms of the information conveyed about their stimuli.
in terms of design and maintenance. Alternatively, One simple possibility is duplication of neural responses,
using many noisy cells to encode the same stimulus or high overlap by noisy samples of the same stimuli by
would allow for some form of averaging or noise reduc- neurons with similar response properties. This form of
tion. In most cases, it is not immediately unclear how population coding could use a very simple decoding
the brain might use population codes to that effect mechanisms, such as population vector (Georgopoulos
(Deweese & Zador, 2004), in particular since neural et al., 1986) and linear decoding (Bialek, Rieke, de
noise is often nonadditive and depends on the specific Ruyter van Steveninck, & Warland, 1991; Dan, Atick, &
stimulus presented. Reid, 1996; Warland, Reinagel, & Meister, 1997), where
the estimated or reconstructed version of the stimulus
How are population codes built? is given by s est (t ) = ∑ k i ∗ ri , where sest(t) is the value of
The brain relies on arrays of receptors and processing the estimated stimulus at time t, ri is a vector denoting
neurons to represent information about the outside the activity of neuron i up until time t, and ki for the
world in almost all sensory systems. This population- each of the neurons are spatio-temporal filters, and *
based representation is inevitable given the richness of denotes the convolution between the filters and the
the natural sensory world that the brain is presented neurons activity patterns. The filters {ki} are fit such that
with, and the binary and noisy encoding capacity of over all cells they minimize the reconstruction error
single neurons. But what kind of population codes between s and sest over time.
should we then expect to find in the brain? If neurons However, the design of population codes may need
overlap in terms of the part of stimulus space they to answer different and sometimes conflicting goals and
respond to, then population coding implies higher constraints in terms of energy, error correction, cost of
fidelity of coding, by having multiple cells covering the computation, or stimulus statistics. Thus, there is no
same part of the sensory space, and the potential for universal optimal code. Different coding schemes might

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 323

be efficient or even optimal for different combinations A
of stimuli, single cell properties, noise level, and con-
nectivity between cells. In other words, to enable effec-
tive error correction and decoding of novel neural
activity patterns, population codes must balance the
richness of combinatorial codes with some form of
overlap or dependency between the cells. This balance
and therefore, the nature of the code is set by the rela-
tions between neurons. B

Correlations between neurons

The relations between the spiking patterns of different
cells depend on the similarity of their respective stimuli
and response properties (receptive fields), the synaptic
connections between cells, and their joint circuitry or
cells, from which they receive inputs. These different
sources of dependencies between cells may result in
Figure 29.2 Distributions of pairwise signal correlations and
plain similarity of their activity, linear correlation
pairwise noise correlations in two different neural systems.
between their spiking patterns, or in more complicated (A) A histogram of correlation coefficients for all pairs of 40
statistical dependencies. For obvious experimental and ganglion cells from a patch of an intact salamander retina,
practical reasons, the dependency between cells is most recorded using a multi-electrode array, which was presented
readily assessed in terms of the relations between pairs with a long natural movie. These “signal correlations” are
typically weak, even for cells with overlapping receptive fields.
of cells. The discussion bellow presents the questions
(Adapted from Schneidman et al., 2006.) (B) Example of
and measures of correlated neural codes at the level of typically weak pairwise noise correlations in the cortex. Left:
pairs, but can be immediately extended to more cells. Spike-count noise correlations of 329 pairs of neurons in the
The most obvious form of dependency between primary visual cortex (area V1) of awake monkeys were esti-
cells—and the one that the brain itself observes and can mated using simultaneous recording by an array of chroni-
assess—is reflected in the activity of one cell given that cally implanted tetrodes. Monkeys were presented with
natural images that were each shown for 200 ms, and the noise
of another cell, regardless of the details of the stimulus. correlations for each stimulus were estimated based on the
This is often measured at the level of individual cell first 500 ms of each response. The average noise correlations
pairs by comparing the joint activity pattern of both (over stimuli) are shown as a function of the receptive field
cells to what would be expected from what we know distance (mapped separately) for pairs of V1 cells. Right: Dis-
about the activity of each cell, or the prediction of tribution of the average noise correlations over the popula-
tion. (Adapted from Ecker et al., 2010.)
independent activity of the cells (figure 29.2A). Perhaps
most common is the estimation of the Pearson correla-
tion between the firing rates or the number of between cells. This form of correlation between cells is
spikes of the cells over some time window Δt given by, commonly termed “signal correlation,” since the prob-
(r1 − r1 )(r2 − r2 ) ability distributions over activity patterns are the result
, where r1 and r2 denote the responses of summing over all stimuli and conditions that the cells
σ1σ 2
of each of the cells, 〈〉 denotes average over conditions, observe together. This measure of correlation between
and σi denotes the standard deviation of ri. However, the cells reflects what knowing about cell 1 tells about
the dependency between pairs of cells may be nonlin- the activity of cell 2, averaged over all stimuli, which is
ear, and moreover, the relation between cells may not exactly what the brain can assess (since usually it has no
necessarily manifest itself in terms of firing rates. Thus, knowledge of the specific stimulus that was presented).
in general, the dependency between cells should be Various measures of similarity between p(r1,r2) and
measured in terms of the probability of seeing joint p(r1)p(r2) can be used to generalize over linear mea-
activity patterns of the two cells p(r1,r2) to the indepen- sures of correlations, but given the mathematical ben-
dent prediction p(r1)p(r2), where r1 and r2 can be any efits of information theory, we can quantify the
form of activity (from spiking rates to more compound dependency between the two cells in terms of the
spiking patterns in time). Similarly, one can estimate mutual information between the cell spiking patterns,
p (r1, r2 )
the temporal dependency between cells in terms of which is given by I (r1; r2 ) = ∑ p (r1, r2 ) log 2 .
p(r1(t)r2(t − δt)), where δt denotes the time difference r1 ,r 2 p (r1 ) p (r2 )

324 sensation and perception

We note that this way of expressing mutual information correlations). In other words, since our estimate of the
between the two cells is mathematically equivalent to signal correlations results from the joint probability
the two other ways to define information between two p(r1,r2), and this is based on the sum over stimuli of
variables presented above. p(r1,r2|s), then signal correlations are in a sense a mar-
Another measure of dependency between cells is the ginalized reflection of the nature of the joint response
relation between their activity patterns with respect to and joint noise of the cells to specific stimuli or noise
a specific stimulus (or stimuli). For a pair of cells and correlations (figure 29.2B).
a particular stimulus, s, we can compare the distribution How do these correlations shape the neural popula-
of responses of the two neurons to that particular stimu- tion code? In terms of encoding, it is clear that any form
lus, given by p(r1,r2|s), to the predicted distribution of of correlation or dependency between the cells must
joint responses if the cells were responding to the stimu- diminish the range of possible patterns the neurons
lus independently of one another, namely, p(r1|s)p(r2|s). may use to convey information. Yet it is this very depen-
This comparison between the empirical distribution of dency that would allow a “listener” to the code to correct
joint responses to the one that assumes that the cells errors. Thus, signal and noise correlations set a balance
are conditionally independent in responding to the of coding properties. The dependencies between cells
stimulus measures how correlated are the fluctuations restrict the joint vocabulary, but the nature and magni-
(or the “noise”) of the responses of the cells. These tude of the stimulus-dependent encoding noise is the
correlations are often estimated by presenting the same key for error correction.
exact stimulus repeatedly, then shuffling the order of A population coding scheme in which the cells
responses of one cell with respect to those of another. encode their stimuli independently of one another
It has been common to average this measure of joint (i.e., without noise correlations), would have several
fluctuations in encoding over a range of different experimental and practical benefits, which would make
stimuli. This, then, measures the average nature of joint the neural code simple to describe and to study. First,
fluctuations in the responses, or the noisy nature of the there would be no need to use simultaneous recording
joint responses, and is commonly termed “noise cor- of multiple neurons to study the code, and we could
relation.” It is noteworthy that this name is somewhat combine cells from different recording sessions
confusing, since these correlations depend on specific (although to know that, one would need to record the
stimuli and then are averaged over stimuli. Thus, joint activity to verify that they are indeed indepen-
these noise correlations are generally not stimulus- dent). Second, the hard problem of sampling of the
independent, and have a strong impact on the way population code would be reduced to sampling the
stimulus information is encoded and can be read. In individual noise of each cell, which is exponentially
particular, noise correlations for one stimulus may be easier. Third, analyzing the structure of the code would
very different than those of another stimulus. Moreover, then reduce to understanding how a collection of
while it is relatively easy to assess noise correlations for neurons are encoding their stimuli, which again would
the case where no external stimulus is presented be exponentially simpler than exploring joint coding
(ongoing activity), this tells us very little about noise schemes. However, the lack of noise correlation would
correlations for different stimuli. In terms of quantify- also mean that the variance of joint responses of the
ing these correlations, we can again use information population is larger than in the case of any correlated
theory to quantify the information that one cells response of the cells to the stimulus.
tells us about another, given a particular stimulus value, While it is common to think of error correction in
I (r1; r2 s ) = ∑ p (r , r s ) log p (r , r s )
1 2 2 1 2 p (r1 s ) p (r2 s ), to terms of averaging over multiple independent identical
encoders, this is not the only way and in many cases not
r1 ,r 2
measure the noise correlations for particular s. The the optimal way to overcome noise. Critically, the
average noise correlations would be then quantified by dependencies between cells are a double-edged sword.
<I(r1;r2|s)>s. They reduce the richness or capacity of the population
The two forms of dependencies between neurons we code, making it less diverse than it would be if the cells
presented are coupled (the distinctions and relations were encoding independently. But, this coupling
between them have old roots in statistics; see, e.g., between cells is also what allows for attenuation of noise
Good, 1953). At a fundamental level, the noise correla- or error correction by the cells themselves (Deweese &
tions are at the heart of the nature of the encoding of Zador, 2004). Thus, signal correlations or noise correla-
a stimulus by the population. Yet the brain has no direct tions are not universally “good” or “bad” (see figure
access to these dependencies in general, and can only 29.3B for simple toy examples of the potential effect of
assess how cells work together over all stimuli (stimulus noise and signal correlations on the code; Averbeck,

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 325

A C I Latham, & Pouget, 2006). Instead, the effect of correla-
tions depends on the nature of single cell properties,
the balance of the contributions of correlations to
reducing the population variability, and richness of the
population code (Abbott & Dayan, 1999; Amari & Naka-
hara, 2006; Averbeck & Lee, 2004; Averbeck et al., 2006;
Synergy Latham & Nirenberg, 2005; Quiroga & Panzeri, 2009;
Romo, Hernández, Zainos, & Salinas, 2003; Schneid-
man, Bialek, & Berry, 2003a).

From correlations to redundancy, independence,
and synergy in neural population codes
Intuitively, the design of information coding by a
neural population can be described in terms of the

cases (rows), the response distributions for two neurons that

respond to two different stimuli are shown. The panels on the
left show the joint responses of the cells, whereas those on the
right show the conditionally independent version of the same
responses, also known as “shuffled response,” which can be
achieved from the joint responses by shuffling the order of
responses of each cell to different presentations of the same
stimulus; that is, left panels show the result of p(r1,r2|s) and
those on the right show the result of p(r1|s)p(r2|s). Each ellipse
(which appears as a circle in the uncorrelated plots) indicates
the 95% confidence interval for the responses. Each diagonal
line shows the optimal decision boundary—that is, responses
falling above the line are classified as stimulus 2 and responses
below the line are classified as stimulus 1. The x-axis is the
response of neuron 1, the y-axis the response of neuron 2.
(Note that in this particular simple case, signal correlations
correspond to the relative positions of the mean responses and
noise correlations control the shape and orientation of the
ellipses, and thus whether correlations result in more or less
encoded information). Top row: In this case the responses were
chosen such that the signal and noise correlations are both
positive, and this leads to larger overlap between the ellipses
for the correlated rather than for the uncorrelated responses.
A larger fraction of the ellipses lie on the “wrong” side of the
Figure 29.3 Graphical presentations of the complex effects decision boundary for the correlated responses than for the
of combinations of signal and noise correlations on the infor- independent responses. In this case I(r1,r2;s) < I(r1;s) + I(r2;s),
mation content of population codes. (A) Graphical presenta- and so the cells carry more redundant information compared
tions of synergy as a combination of other measures of to the conditional independent case. Middle row: Here the
non-independence. As discussed in the text, we can represent signal correlations are negative and noise correlations are posi-
the synergy or redundancy of a pair of cells as a point in a tive, and there is less overlap in the correlated than uncorre-
plane with the axes <I(r1;r2|s)>s and I(r1;r2). Because both of lated responses. A smaller fraction of the ellipses lie on the
these measures are nonnegative, only the top right quadrangle wrong side of the decision boundary for the correlated
is allowed. Neuronal pairs whose activity is independent (i.e. responses, and in this case I(r1,r2;s) > I(r1;s) + I(r2;s). This also
they have no signal correlations) would be represented by means that the cells in this case carry synergistic information.
points along the abscissa with I(r1;r2) = 0. Neuronal pairs whose Bottom row: The same fraction of the ellipses lies on the wrong
response is independent given the stimulus, (i.e. they have no side of the decision boundary for both the correlated and
noise correlations) would result in points along the ordinate, independent responses, so in this case I(r1,r2;s) = I(r1;s) +
with I(r1;r2|s) = 0. The case where the neurons carry indepen- I(r2;s). Thus, the presence of correlations does not guarantee
dent information corresponds to the diagonal that separates an effect on the amount of information encoded—it is the
the synergistic values from the redundant ones. (Adapted detailed correlation structure of the signal and noise correla-
from Schneidman et al., 2003a.) (B) A toy model example of tions that shapes the content and organization of the code.
the effects of correlation on information encoding. In all three (Adapted from Averbeck et al., 2006.)

326 sensation and perception

information that is over-represented by several cells SR (r1, r2; s ) = I (s ; r1, r2 ) − ( I (s ; r1 ) + I (s ; r2 ))
and can be read from each of these cells individually
= I (r1; r2 ) − I (r1; r2 | s )
(redundant coding), information that is carried s

uniquely by some cells but not by others (independent In relative terms we can quantify the synergy or
coding), and information that is carried by the joint redundancy in terms of the ratio SR(r1,r2;s)/min(I(s;r1)
activity of cells in a way that can only be read from ,I(s;r2)), which measures what fraction of the informa-
their joint activity (synergistic coding; Amari & Naka- tion that is carried by the cells is redundant, and is often
hara, 2006; Averbeck & Lee, 2004; Latham & Niren- denoted as the fractional redundancy.
berg, 2005; Schneidman et al., 2003a). It is not The different mutual information terms we presented
immediately clear, though, how to translate the corre- and the relations between them do not tell us which
lation structure among cells, and between the cells and stimuli are associated with which responses. Nor do they
stimuli, into these notions of redundant, synergistic, tell us what is the redundant or synergistic information
and independent coding. First, the relation between that is encoded by the cells. Other kinds of measures
cells and the stimuli they respond to can be quantified must be used to give a breakdown of the encoded infor-
using various correlation measures. For example, while mation and relations between cells or stimuli, which
it is straightforward (and common) to assess the would have to rely on additional assumptions, such as
Pearson correlation between stimuli and responses, it metric approaches to the stimuli or decoding errors
is not clear how to use such linear measures for the (Brunel & Nadal, 1998; Kang & Sompolinsky, 2001;
correlation between the stimulus and the combined Shamir & Sompolinsky, 2004), or measures of informa-
responses of two cells (or more). Second, and more tion carried by specific patterns of activity (Brenner,
importantly, it is not clear how these measures relate to Strong, Koberle, Bialek, & de Ruyter van Steveninck,
one another and to these coding notions. 2000; Deweese & Meister, 1999; Pola, Thiele, Hoff-
Information theory gives a principled and self-consis- mann, & Panzeri, 2003; Schneidman et al., 2011). The
tent way to combine these notions of dependency power and benefit of using information-theory based
between stimuli and cells, without making arbitrary measures here is exactly their assumption- and metric-
assumptions—since the mutual information between free nature, which gives bounds on the relations
variables measures their dependency in a way that is not between cells and stimuli.
limited to linear correlations, or any specific metric on Somewhat surprisingly, the correlations between
similarity. We can then compare the information that pairs of cells are typically weak—in terms of both the
two cells convey together about the stimulus I(s;r1,r2) signal correlations and the average of noise correlations
and the information that each of the cells carries on its over stimuli—in many different sensory systems (Bair,
own, I(s;r1) and I(s;r2). The synergy or redundancy of Zohary, & Newsome, 2001; Ecker et al., 2010; Niren-
the code can be then expressed as the difference berg, Carcieri, Jacobs, & Latham, 2001). This has often
between the two, namely, been interpreted to suggest that we could either neglect
noise correlations or signal ones. Moreover, estimates
SR (r1, r2; s ) = I (s ; r1, r2 ) − ( I (s ; r1 ) + I (s ; r2 )) . of pairwise redundancy between cells have also given
relatively low values of redundancy, typically on the
Then, the cells are redundant when SR < 0, since in order of a few percent (Chechik et al., 2006; Gawne &
this case they must be carrying redundant information. Richmond, 1993; Narayanan, 2005; Puchalla, Schneid-
The cells are synergistic if SR > 0, since together they man, Harris, & Berry, 2005; Reich, Mechler, & Victor,
convey more information than taken separately. If SR = 2001; see an example in figure 29.4). Yet even these
0, then the cells carry independent information. This typically weak correlations can shape the reliability of
framework also allows us to make direct link to the rela- neural coding and computation (Cafaro & Rieke, 2010;
tions between the activity of the cells and the stimulus Lee, Port, Kruse, & Georgopoulos, 1998).
I(r1,r2;s), the signal correlations between cells I(r1;r2), The results for pairs of cells seem to be consistent
and the average noise correlations over stimuli I(r1;r2|s)s. with one of the more influential theoretical ideas in
The synergy/redundancy (SR) measure defined above neuroscience, known as “redundancy reduction.”
is also equal to the difference between the correlations Attneave (1954) and Barlow (1961, 2001) suggested
between neurons measured over all stimuli measured that neural populations “aim” to encode information
as the information between cells, and the average noise efficiently, and since redundancy is prevalent in natural
correlations, measured as the average over stimuli of sensory scenes, neurons would decorrelate their
the stimulus-dependent information between cells responses with respect to one another, to optimally
(figure 29.3A): use their joint coding capacity. This idea of a design

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 327

Object motion the correlation and redundancy at the level of pairs
Optic flow
depend on the number of pairs and the relations
Fractional redundancy
Smooth pursuit between the pairs.
Mixed motion

Signal and noise correlations and the population

codes of large groups of neurons
– Despite the typically weak correlation and redundancy
Cell pair distance
at the level of pairs, the correlation among large groups
of neurons can be surprisingly strong. Even small
Figure 29.4 Pairwise redundancy in the retina, responding groups of ∼10 neurons in the retina already show
to natural scenes. Four salamander retina patches were strongly correlated activity patterns that deviate signifi-
presented with natural movie clips, and the ganglion cell
cantly from what might be expected from their
responses were recorded extracellularly using a multi-
electrode array. The fractional redundancy (see main text) weak pairwise correlations (Schneidman et al., 2006;
for 1,838 cell pairs is shown (each dot represents one pair of Schnitzer & Meister, 2003; Shlens et al., 2006). These
cells) as a function of the distance between the centers of the deviations are clear at the level of specific patterns,
cells’ receptive-fields. The type of motion present in each showing orders of magnitude mismatch between the
movie clip is shown by the dot: object motion, saccades, optic rates of appearance of patterns that one observes exper-
flow, smooth pursuit, and combinations of motion. Most pairs
show weak redundancy or information independence. imentally and what would be expected from indepen-
(Adapted from Puchalla et al., 2005.) dent cells. Over all patterns, the difference between the
joint distribution of activity patterns of N cells, p(r1,r2,…
,rN), and the independent model pindependent(r1,r2,…,rN) =
principle for neural populations was the basis for explo- p(r1)p(r2)…p(rN) quantifies the strength of network cor-
ration of possible structures of the neural code (van relations, implying that the population vocabulary is far
Hateren, 1992) and used to predict the receptive field less diverse than it would have been if cells were inde-
properties of single cells in the visual system (Atick & pendent (Schneidman et al., 2006).
Redlich, 1990, 1992; Dan et al., 1996), and at the popu- To understand the nature of the code of large neural
lation level, corresponded to the notion of indepen- populations, it is imperative to use tools that would
dent component analysis and coding (Bell & Sejnowski, enable us to dissect the nature of the different orders
1995, 1997; Hyvärinen & Hoyer, 2001). of dependency and correlations between cells and their
However, removing redundancy and achieving decor- coding role (Amari, 2001; Martignon et al., 2000; Naka-
relation would be problematic for two reasons—as hara & Amari, 2002; Schneidman, Still, Berry, & Bialek,
Barlow himself argued later (Barlow, 2001). First, 2003b). Somewhat surprisingly, strong network correla-
redundancy is crucial for overcoming noise, and so tions could arise from the collective effect of the qua-
reducing the redundancy, and making the cells inde- dratic number of weak pairwise dependencies. This can
pendent encoders, would make the code highly suscep- be seen by building the minimal model that relies on
tible to noise. Second, learning from examples must the pairwise correlations between cells: since the
rely on identifying structure in patterns, which requires entropy of a distribution measures how random or
some form of redundancy in the patterns themselves. structured it is, the distribution p(r1,r2,…,rN) with
An efficient code in terms of its information rate would maximal entropy (Jaynes, 1957) that is consistent with
have no such redundancy, making the patterns seem the observed firing rates ri and the pairwise correlations
almost random in structure. This would make it a hard between cells (which is equivalent to giving the average
code to learn from examples, since there would be no of all products rirj) is the minimal or most parsimonious
apparent dependencies from which one could infer the model that relies only on pairwise relations between
rules or structure (which is what one uses when learn- cells (Schneidman et al., 2003). If we discretize neural
ing a new language, for example). responses into small time bins, where in each bin a
What, then, is the nature of correlation and redun- neuron either spikes ri = 1 or is silent ri = 0, then this
dancy in large populations of cells? Naively, if every cell minimal pairwise model is given by a distribution of the
has 5% correlation with 100 of its neighbors, then every form
piece of information is repeated on average 5 times
(∑ α r + ∑ β r r ).
(Puchalla et al., 2005). Thus, even before we consider p(2) (r1 , r2, … , rN ) = exp i i ij i j
high-order dependencies, the network implications of Z i i< j

328 sensation and perception

Here, αi (for each neuron) and βij (for each pair) are A
Lagrange multipliers that are found to obey the required

Model pattern rate

constraints, and Z is a normalization factor, or the parti-
tion function. This solution, which is equivalent to the
Ising model from physics (Landau & Lifshitz, 1996), is
mathematically unique and can be found numerically,
giving the most parsimonious, or minimal pairwise
model of the population codebook.
In the vertebrate retina, cultured cortical neurons, Observed pattern rate
cortical slices, and in vivo cortical recordings, it was
found that such pairwise maximum-entropy models B
give an extremely accurate description of the popula-
tion activity vocabulary for both spatial and temporal

Population rate
population activity patterns (see figure 29.5A and
Amari, Nakahara, Wu, & Sakai, 2003; Ganmor, Segev, &
Schneidman, 2011b; Marre, El Boustani, Frégnac, &
Destexhe, 2009; Ohiorhenuan et al., 2010; Schneidman
et al., 2006; Shlens et al., 2006, 2009; Tang et al., 2008).
Going beyond the overall vocabulary of the code or
signal correlation, the immediate question is what is Time (s)

the role of correlations in encoding specific stimuli, or Figure 29.5 Strong signal and noise correlations at the level
what is the nature of population noise correlations? of large populations of neurons. (A) An example of strong
Similar to the case of the overall vocabulary, the nature signal correlations in the vertebrate retina and the accuracy
of the responses of large populations of neurons to of pairwise maximum-entropy models. The response of 10
simultaneously recorded ganglion cells in an intact patch of
the same stimulus are often poorly described by a
salamander retina, in response to a natural movie, was
model that assumes no noise correlations (Granot- recorded using a multi-electrode array. Neural responses were
Atedgi, Tkacik, Segev, & Schneidman, 2013; Pillow discretized into 20 ms bins, and the activity of the group was
et al., 2008; Schneidman et al., 2006). Explicitly, this represented in each time bin as a binary word of length 10,
means that p(r1,r2,…,rN|s) can be significantly different with xi = 1 if a neuron was active, and 0 if it were silent. The
rate of occurrence of each pattern predicted if all cells are
from p(r1|s)p(r2|s)… p(rN|s). This difference between
independent is plotted against the measured rate shown in
these distributions reflects the impact of noise correla- gray. Each dot stands for one of the 210 possible binary activity
tion at the level of the network for a particular stimulus patterns for the 10 cells. Black line shows equality. For the
(Granot-Atedgi et al., 2013), which for a population of same group of cells, the rate of occurrence of each firing
N cells we can quantify by I(r1;r2;…;rN|s) = H[p(r1|s)p(r2 pattern predicted from the pairwise maximum-entropy model
|s)…p(rN|s)] − H[p(r1,r2,…,rN|s)]. Importantly, while p(2) that takes into account all pairwise correlations is plotted
against the measured rate (black dots). The rates of com-
I(r1;r2;…;rN|s) can be very high for particular s, it is often monly occurring patterns are predicted with better than 10%
the case that averaging over stimuli gives a relatively low accuracy, and scatter between predictions and observations
value of 〈I(r1;r2;…;rN|s)〉s since for many other stimuli the is confined largely to rare events for which the measurement
noise correlations at the level of the group can be low of rates is itself uncertain. (Adapted from Schneidman
(Granot-Atedgi et al., 2013). As it has been customary et al., 2006.) (B) The stimulus-dependent maximum-entropy
(SDME) model (see main text) was fit to describe the response
in the literature to report the average noise correlations of 100 retinal ganglion cells to full-field flicker Gaussian stim-
over stimuli, and these reports often suggested weak ulus. The pairwise SDME model predicts population activity
noise correlations (see e.g., Ecker et al., 2010), one patterns for N = 100 neurons better than a model that assumes
should note that these averages may indeed mask strong that the cells are independent encoders, given by a set of
noise correlations for particular stimuli (see, e.g., conditionally independent LN models for each of the cells.
The log-likelihood ratio of the population firing patterns
Granot-Atedgi et al., 2013).
under the pairwise SDME model and under the conditionally
Two families of models have been used to show how independent model is shown as a function of time (black dots,
taking the relations between cells into account gives a scale on left) for an example stimulus repeat (which was not
significant improvement in describing the correlated used to train the model). For reference, the average firing
nature of population encoding of specific stimuli. The rate of the population is shown in gray (scale on right). Thus,
the noise correlations in the population are very strong at
generalized linear model (GLM; Pillow et al., 2008)
particular times along the stimulus. (Adapted from Granot-
describes the response of each cell in a population Atedgi et al., 2013.)
to a stimulus s by its instantaneous firing rate, given by

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 329

⎛ ⎞ of large group of cells observed in a long experiment,
λi (t ) = exp ⎜ k i * s + h i * ri + ∑ l ji * rj + μi ⎟ where * denotes the model that we fit to one half of the data is a better
⎝ j ≠i ⎠ predictor of the other half than the original data itself.
the convolution between two vectors, ri is a vector (over Hence, even describing the data would be more accu-
time bins) denoting the spike-train history of cell i at rate using a model. Ultimately, understanding the code
time t, and {rj} are the spike-train histories of the other of large groups of neurons, and in particular the rela-
cells at time t, ki is the stimulus filter of neuron i, hi is tions between the correlations between cells and the
the history filter for neuron i, lji are the coupling filters stimulus, must therefore rely on models that would
between neuron j to neuron i, and μi is the baseline allow us to identify the design principles of the code,
log-firing rate of cell i that were found to maximize the which the modeling frameworks like maximum entropy
likelihood of a spiking pattern of each of the cells. and GLMs aim to give us.
GLMs have been shown to be more accurate in captur-
ing noise correlations among small populations of Discussion
neurons (Pillow et al., 2008; Truccolo, Hochberg, &
Donoghue, 2009). Maximum entropy models that are The emerging picture of the design of population codes
also stimulus-dependent can give the minimal models is one in which large groups of noisy and highly selec-
that are consistent with stimulus-dependent features of tive neurons are strongly correlated. These strong
the neuronal response. A simple version of such stimu- network correlations rely on a large set of typically
lus-dependent maximum entropy models (Tkacik et al., weak dependencies that add up and result in strongly
2010) is the minimal model that has the empirical stim- correlated collective behavior at the level of the
ulus-dependent firing rate of the cells ri(s) (where the population.
average is over multiple presentations of the same stim- The correlations between neurons are almost inevi-
ulus) and the correlation between cells rirj over all table, given the overlap in receptive fields, correlations
stimuli. This model is given by a distribution of the in the stimuli, and synaptic connections between
form neurons. An overlap in the receptive field of cells
(which would be reflected in signal correlations) is
1 ⎛ ⎞ imperative for the ability to overcome noise, but it also
p(2) (r1, r2 , … , rN s ) = exp ⎜ ∑ αi (s ) ri + ∑ βij ri r j ⎟
Z (s ) ⎝ i i< j ⎠ means that some of the potential coding capacity of the
neurons is lost due to their overlap. Weak noise correla-
tions, or lack thereof, would suggest an obvious way to
where the individual stimulus parameters for each of average over independent encoders of the same stimu-
the cells, αi(s) and the stimulus-independent pairwise lus, but this would prevent the cells from correcting or
interaction terms βij are set to match the measured reducing the noise through collective coding. The role
firing rates ri(s) and the pairwise correlations between and value of correlations are set by the balance of
cells; Z(s) is a normalization factor or partition function correlations in the stimulus and neural noise, while
for each stimulus s, given by connections between the cells shape the nature of pop-
⎛ ⎞
Z (s ) = ∑ exp ⎜ ∑ αi (s ) ri + ∑ βij ri r j ⎟ ulation codes. In particular, the combination of noise
{ri } ⎝ i i< j ⎠. and signal correlations may enable neural populations
These models (Granot-Atedgi et al., 2013) show to operate at a point that may give a code that has high
orders of magnitude improvement in capturing the information capacity by matching it to the statistics of
noise correlations for different stimuli for large popula- stimuli and noise (figure 29.6; Tkacik, Prentice, Balasu-
tions of cells (figure 29.5B). Thus, also in the case of bramanian, & Schneidman, 2010). The redundancy in
noise correlations, the typically weak noise correlations the code may have an additional role in creating repeat-
at the level of pairs add up to strong noise correlations ing structure in the code, which is important for learn-
at the level of the network for particular stimuli. ing from examples (Barlow, 2001). Interestingly, recent
These modeling approaches are not only beneficial results on the nature of correlations in large neural
but critical for the analysis and understanding the populations under naturalistic stimuli suggest that
nature of the code of large neural populations. Again, strong correlations result from a sparse network of
since the number of potential patterns that N cells can high-order interactions, making the population code
transmit is exponential in N, any hope of direct sam- simple to learn (Barlow, 2001; Ganmor et al., 2011a).
pling the joint activity of even just 100 neurons, which Why does noise play such a significant role in shaping
have 2100 potential patterns, is doomed to fail. In fact, the neural code? One possible reason is that evolution
we often find if we take the population activity patterns has not optimized the neural code as well as other

330 sensation and perception

A Uncoupled population suggests that neural noise may be a “feature” rather
10 High than a “bug.” Noisy or probabilistic-based coding and
noise computation may enable the brain to overcome local
minima in learning (Seung, 2003), and underlie innate
Noise entropy (bits) 8
exploration of new solutions. It may even allow the
computational benefits of probabilistic algorithms,
6 which can be better than any known deterministic ones.
The nature of noise and correlations has been sug-
4 ts ts
gested to imply different design principles of informa-
bi bi

0 2 Low tion processing and computation that one brain area


I= I=

noise may perform on the population-activity patterns of

2 4 6 8 10 noisy correlated neurons it receives from another. We
Output entropy (bits) have presented here the notion of strongly correlated
population codes that rely on typically weak pairwise
B Optimally coupled population relations, which give noise-tolerant and possibly learn-
10 bi able codes. Other, nondistinct features that have been
I= reported include codes from which important behav-
Noise entropy (bits)


bi ioral information can be read fast and reliably, even if
I= not perfectly (Gollisch & Meister, 2008; Haddad et al.,
2010; VanRullen & Thorpe, 2001); predictive coding of
stimulus features by neural populations (Hosoya,
High Baccus, & Meister, 2005; Palmer, Marre, & Berry, 2013;
4 noise Srinivasan, Laughlin, & Dubs, 1982); sparseness and
Low overcompleteness of the code (Olshausen & Field,
2 1997; Simoncelli & Olshausen, 2001); time scale of rep-
2 4 6 8 10
Output entropy (bits)
resentation (Burak & Fiete, 2012); and energy efficiency
(Laughlin, 2001; Laughlin & Sejnowski, 2003; Levy &
Figure 29.6 The effect of noise and correlation on the Baxter, 1996). It is not unlikely that the principles would
nature of optimal information encoding by model networks. be different in different parts of the brain. In particular,
(A and B) A toy SDME model with 10 neurons was studied
the effect of noise in neural circuits goes beyond the
under Gaussian correlated stimuli for the case of no coupling
between the cells, aside from signal correlations (in panel A), capacity and accuracy of representing sensory informa-
and with the optimal couplings that would maximize the tion that we presented here. It also imposes limits on
encoded information (in panel B). The output entropy (total the nature of persistent activity in networks and propa-
population entropy) and the population noise entropy are gation in the brain (London, Roth, Beeren, Häusser, &
shown for uncoupled and optimal coupled networks para-
Latham, 2010), and is likely to have a crucial role in
metrically as neural reliability (or 1/noise) changes from high
(bright symbols) to low (dark symbols), The information that shaping the computations that underlie decision
the population transmits I, is the difference between output making based on population activity (Beck et al., 2008;
and noise entropies and is shown by the gray scale gradient. Churchland et al., 2011; Lee, 2008) and the representa-
Networks with low reliability transmit less information and tion of probabilistic information in the brain (Beck et
thus lie close to the diagonal, while networks that achieve high al., 2008; Berkes et al., 2011; Daw, O’Doherty, Dayan,
information rates lie close to the lower right corner. The
optimal network uses its couplings to maintain a consistently Seymour, & Dolan, 2006; Deneve, Latham, & Pouget,
low network noise entropy despite a 10-fold variation in 1999; Lee et al., 1998; Pouget, Dayan, & Zemel, 2000).
neural reliability. Error bars are computed over 30 replicate The ability to record large populations of neurons
optimizations for each reliability (1/noise) level. Thus, these over long time periods would enable us in the not-so-
two models show distinct information coding capability, based distant future to address the design and content of very
on optimal coupling between cells, but also distinct profiles
of coding vocabulary and coding noise. (Adapted from Tkacik
large population codes and their dynamics. Recent
et al., 2010.) experimental studies suggest that network correlation
structure may change during development or learning
features of our brains. However, with 1011 neurons and (Berkes, Orban, Lengyel, & Fiser, 2011; Tkacik et al.,
1015 synapses in the human brain, it is clear that if this 2010) to match stimulus statistics. Theoretical analysis
were the key aspect of optimality, the evolutionary pres- and experimental evidence suggest that very different
sure for more reliable neural circuits would be immense. correlation structures would be optimal for different
The brain’s performance despite its noisy hardware stimuli and noise conditions (Chechik et al., 2006;

schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 331

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schneidman: noise, correlations, and information 335

30 Population-Based Representations:
From Implicit to Explicit

ABSTRACT Many of our everyday perceptual and cognitive objects (DiCarlo & Cox, 2007; Hung, Kreiman, Poggio,
tasks require our brains to transform information from implicit & DiCarlo, 2005a).
representations in which task-relevant information exists but in
The need to group neural responses into sets applies
a format that is difficult to extract, into explicit representations
in which this information is accessible. For example, deter- to more cognitive challenges as well. For example, sig-
mining the identities of objects that are currently in view naling whether an item is a member of a particular
across naturally occurring variation, such as changes in an category (e.g., whether a chair is a piece of furniture)
object’s position, requires our brains to reformat the pattern requires our brains to group the sensory representa-
of light-based representations encoded by our photoreceptors tions of different items (e.g., Freedman, Riesenhuber,
into representations that explicitly reflect object identity. The
brain faces similar challenges for other perceptual tasks, such Poggio, & Miller, 2001). Moreover, we know that our
as identifying words spoken by different voices, as well as more brains can flexibly group the same items in different
cognitive challenges, such as determining whether a chair ways, depending on task demands, as exemplified by
belongs to the category of furniture. Insight into these chal- the Wisconsin card sorting task in which subjects are
lenges, and the brain’s solutions, can be understood using instructed to take a deck of cards and switch between
geometrical, population-based coding approaches. Once for-
mulated, these population-based descriptions can be linked
groupings of cards with the same shape, color, and
to the single- and multi-neuron mechanisms that support number of items (Berg, 1948). In these and similar
a successful task solution as well as provide important cases, our brains transform lower-level population
insights into the computations that the brain uses to process representations in which the task solution exists but
information. is hidden (because the neural responses to the
members of different groups are intermingled in the
Many of the computations that our brains perform can population representation), into higher-level popula-
be restated as transformations of information from tion representations in which the appropriate neural
implicit representations in which task-relevant information responses are grouped together and the task solution
exists but in a format that is difficult to extract, into can be extracted.
explicit representations in which this information is
accessible. Transformations from implicitly to explicitly Understanding neural transformations at
formatted information are often required when our multiple levels
brains need to “group” the neural responses to differ-
ent conditions into sets, and this requirement is ubiq- Explicit representations tend not to emerge until higher
uitously present in the tasks that we perform every day. stages of neural processing. In these high-level brain
For example, consider the perceptual challenge of areas, neural response properties tend to be diverse,
identifying the objects that are currently in view. Each and this diversity is thought to be advantageous insofar
of our photoreceptors encodes light intensity at a par- as a population that contains a diversity of neural
ticular position, and thus the photoreceptor population responses is capable of performing a diversity of tasks
represents the visual environment as patterns of light. (Rigotti et al., 2013). However, response heterogeneity
These light patterns can differ substantially with natural also makes these high-level brain areas difficult to
variation in an object, such as changes in its position on understand using classical single-neuron approaches,
our retina, or its retinal size as the object moves which inherently rely on identifying regularities in the
toward us, yet we have no problems identifying objects response properties of individual neurons across a pop-
across these identity-preserving transformations. This is ulation (e.g., discovering that the majority of V1 neurons
because our brains successfully “group” all the light are tuned for orientation).
patterns that contain the same object and differentiate Inspired in large part by the proposals of David Marr
those from the light patterns that contain different (1982), we and many others have converged on using

rust: population-based representations: from implicit to explicit 337

a multilevel approach to understand how heteroge- multilevel approach to understand how the brain refor-
neous brain areas process information. Specifically, we mats task-relevant information to make it explicitly
have found it useful to begin by taking a population- accessible, by first describing each level in more detail,
based approach (Level 1), which has proven to be an followed by its application to two specific examples.
effective way to investigate heterogeneous brain areas
(e.g., Churchland et al., 2012; Hung, Kreiman, Poggio, Level 1—Population representations: Implicit,
& DiCarlo, 2005b; Machens, Romo, & Brody, 2010; explicit, and “untangling”
Meyers, Freedman, Kreiman, Miller, & Poggio, 2008;
Rigotti et al., 2013) as it inherently focuses on how the To envision how a population of neurons might repre-
combined population response reflects a specific type sent information, we begin by considering the popula-
of information. Next, we can use these population-level tion response to some condition (e.g., the visual
descriptions to constrain explanations at the response response to a particular image) at one point in time as
mechanism level (Level 2), where we focus on deter- a population response vector, defined as the pattern of
mining the single and multineuron mechanisms that spike count responses produced by each neuron in the
give rise to the population representation. Finally, we population on a single trial (figure 30.1A). This vector
can use both population and response mechanism level lies in a space whose dimensionality is defined by the
descriptions to constrain descriptions at the computa- number of neurons in the population but is most easily
tional level (Level 3), which seeks to describe the envisioned in a two-dimensional space that corresponds
computations that transform signals from one stage to to the responses of just two neurons. Because neurons
the next. Below we review how we have applied this are noisy, the response vector for a given condition can

| |
Neuron 1 || | || ||| vector
Spike count, neuron 2

Neuron 2 | | | | |

|| | |||
| || | | |
| | || |
| | | |
| |
| || | | Response
|| || | | cloud
|| | |
| | | |
Spike count, neuron 1

B Not separable Implicit/tangled Explicit/untangled

Neuron 2

Neuron 1

Figure 30.1 Population representations. (A) The spike requires parsing the white and black sets of response clouds.
count responses for N neurons combine to form a “response Panels show scenarios in which the information required for
vector” of length N. This response vector exists in an N- this task does not exist (left); the information required for this
dimensional space but is illustrated in the two-dimensional task is present but requires a highly nonlinear population
space defined by the responses of two neurons (one dot). readout (i.e., is implicit or tangled; middle); the information
Because neurons are noisy, repeated trials of the same condi- required for this task can be accessed via a linear readout of
tion produce slightly different response vectors, and together the population (i.e., is explicit or untangled; right).
all trials form a “response cloud.” (B) Shown are the hypo-
thetical responses for a two-way discrimination task that

338 sensation and perception

fall at slightly shifted positions within the population divisive normalization). However, highly complex deci-
space, and this distribution is called a population response sion boundaries are likely to be beyond the machinery
cloud (figure 30.1A). that can be implemented by individual neurons and
Tasks that require the brain to group different condi- instead reflect scenarios in which the information must
tions (e.g., identify a face across changes in position, be reformatted before it becomes accessible to a neu-
size, and pose) amount to associating the response rally plausible readout. Because implicit and explicit
clouds that belong to the same set and differentiating information loosely map onto nonlinear and linear
those from response clouds that belong to different sets decision boundaries, respectively, the reformatting
(DiCarlo & Cox, 2007; DiCarlo, Zoccolan, & Rust, process from a nonlinear or “tangled” representation
2012). The amount of total information available in the into a linear or “untangled” representation has been
population to perform such a task depends on the coined as “untangling” (DiCarlo & Cox, 2007).
degree to which the response clouds corresponding to
different sets are nonoverlapping (figure 30.1B). When Level 2—The response mechanisms that support
information exists in a population, we envision that the explicit representations
brain might group responses to different members of a
set by placing decision boundaries in this space that sepa- As a proxy for measuring how a specific type of infor-
rate the response clouds for different sets (e.g., a mation is represented by a population, one can
boundary that parses the response clouds correspond- measure how well a population of neurons can solve a
ing to one face presented at different views from the particular task (with a particular type of decision
response clouds for all the views of other faces). The boundary). Population performance depends on
shape of these decision boundaries corresponds to the several factors that are largely nonexclusive. First and
population readout rule required to discriminate these foremost, population performance depends on the
sets based on the population response. These decision information conveyed by individual neurons. Notably,
boundaries can range from simple rules that corre- population performance also depends on population
spond to lines or hyperplanes to complex, nonlinear size. To gain some intuition for this relationship,
rules that correspond to boundaries that are curved we can calculate how the distance between two popula-
and contorted (compare figure 30.1B, center vs. right). tion response clouds (“population discriminability”)
Thus two populations could (in theory) have the same depends on the discriminability of individual neurons.
amount of total information to discriminate two sets, For a two-way classification (e.g., face 1 versus 2) and a
but that information could be formatted very differ- linear decision boundary, one can calculate the com-
ently and require differently shaped decision boundar- monly used measure of single neuron discriminability,
ies to parse them. d′, as the difference between the mean firing rate
The shape of the decision boundary required to responses to each set, divided by the pooled standard
extract information determines whether a certain type deviation of the two distributions (figure 30.2A). This
of information (e.g., object identity) is represented in single-neuron measure can be extended to a measure
a manner that is implicit or explicit: “implicit” informa- of the distance between two response clouds in the
tion is defined as information that requires a complex, population space (the “normalized Euclidean dis-
highly nonlinear readout, whereas “explicit” informa- tance,” or NED), computed as the square root of
tion can be extracted using a simple readout rule (e.g., the summed squared d′ for all neurons (figure 30.2A).
linear). The rationale behind this distinction is the Consequently, the distance between two population
notion that the entities that extract information from a response clouds increases as a function of the
population of neurons are higher-level neurons, and number of neurons in a population, and even small
thus our models of neural machinery can be used to single-neuron d′ can translate into large population
guide our determination about whether a representa- discriminability given enough neurons.
tion is implicit or explicit. The simplest decision bound- Population performance also depends on the number
ary, a line or a hyperplane, corresponds to the most of different sets that need to be parsed. Multiway clas-
basic model of a neuron—one that receives weighted sification problems (e.g., which of 100 possible objects
input from a population, followed by a threshold, to is currently in view?) are often envisioned as multiple
produce a response that signals when a particular event two-way classifications (A/not-A, B/not-B, etc.), fol-
occurs (e.g., when a particular object is in view). Slightly lowed by a “max” operation to determine a population’s
more complex decision boundaries correspond to final answer (figure 30.2B). Thus one can envision that
slightly more complex models of readout neurons (e.g., the solution to a multiway classification problem is com-
a “bent hyperplane” follows from a model neuron with puted by parsing the population space with multiple

rust: population-based representations: from implicit to explicit 339



Spike count


B A1

Neuron 2

d’ C2 ~A A

Neuron 1

Spike count

C Noise correlations
Beneficial Detrimental
Uncorrelated correlations correlations

D Tuning correlations
Beneficial Detrimental
Uncorrelated correlations correlations

Figure 30.2 Factors that determine population perfor- correlations are determined by the trial-by-trial variability
mance. (A) The distance between population-response clouds between neurons, and they determine the shape of the indi-
depends on the information conveyed by single neurons and vidual response clouds. (D) Tuning correlations are deter-
grows as a function of population size. Shown are the responses mined by the mean firing-rate responses within and across
of two hypothetical neurons, each with a d′ = 3 for two condi- sets, and they determine the relative positions of the different
tions. The normalized Euclidean distance (NED) for these response clouds. For (C) and (D), shown are hypothetical
two conditions in the 2D population space can be calculated scenarios that include no correlations, correlations that are
as NED = 32 + 32 = 4.2 . (B) An N-way classification can be beneficial because they are aligned to the decision boundary,
envisioned as parsing the population space into N two-way and correlations that are detrimental because they are per-
classifications (e.g., A/not A, B/not B, etc.). (C) Noise pendicular to the decision boundary.

decision boundaries, each of which separates the individual response clouds (i.e., uncorrelated noise has
response clouds corresponding to one set from all the a spherical shape whereas correlated noise is oblong;
other sets. figure 30.2C). Whether this type of correlation is ben-
Population performance also depends on “correla- eficial or detrimental to population performance
tions,” which come in two varieties. “Noise correla- depends on how these correlations are aligned relative
tions,” defined by the correlated trial-by-trial variability to the decision boundaries (figure 30.2C). In contrast,
between neurons, determine the shapes of the “tuning correlations” determine how the response

340 sensation and perception

clouds for the different conditions within a set are posi- approach attempts to describe the response properties
tioned relative to one another. This type of correlation of neurons within a brain area using variants of the
can also be beneficial or detrimental to population per- “linear-nonlinear” (LN) model, in which the computa-
formance, depending on how the response clouds tions performed by individual neurons are described
within a set align relative to the decision boundaries as a weighted sum of the firing rate responses from
(figure 30.2D). See chapter 29, this volume, for a more an input brain area, followed by the application of
extensive description of noise correlations and their an instantaneous nonlinearity (e.g., thresholding) to
impact on population representation. produce an output firing rate response. Due to the rela-
Finally, population performance depends not only tive simplicity of this type of model, one can often iden-
on the shape of the decision boundary selected, but also tify regularities across the models fit to different neurons
on the details by which the decision boundary is posi- and arrive at an intuitive yet accurate description of
tioned within the population space. For example, a “how” the response properties of neurons in a particu-
linear decision boundary might be placed midway lar brain area are constructed from the responses of the
between the means of two sets of response clouds, or, input population (Adelson & Bergen, 1985; Carandini
alternatively, another position along this vector may be et al., 2005; Heeger, 1993; Rust, Mante, Simoncelli, &
more appropriate (e.g., because one set of response Movshon, 2006; Rust, Schwartz, Movshon, & Simoncelli,
clouds has a larger variance). Returning to the notion 2005; Simoncelli & Heeger, 1998). See chapter 29, this
that higher-level neurons are responsible for reading volume, for a more extensive description of the LN
out neural populations at an earlier stage, these deci- model concept.
sion boundaries are presumably positioned via the One attractive proposal that can be regarded as an
learning rules by which neurons are wired together extension of the LN model concept is that each cortical
(discussed in more detail below). Issues related to how brain implements the same “canonical” computation,
classification performance depends on the manner by albeit with different inputs, and thus achieves different
which decision boundaries are positioned can be goals (Douglas & Martin, 1991; Fukushima, 1980;
informed by the rich engineering literature focused on Heeger, Simoncelli, & Movshon, 1996; Kouh & Poggio,
machine learning and information processing (e.g., 2008; Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999). The appeal of this
Manning, Raghavan, & Schutze, 2008). In practice, idea arises in part from the fact that iterative stacks of
absolute population performance values depend on simple, LN canonical computational elements are
many factors, including the number of classifications, known to be capable of powerful computations, includ-
the number of neurons, the specific details about the ing untangling (Fukushima, 1980; Riesenhuber &
classification scheme and its optimization, and thus it is Poggio, 2000; Serre, Oliva, & Poggio, 2007), and one
often difficult to interpret absolute levels of perfor- can envision how these computational elements might
mance (i.e., “75% performance” means little by itself). arise from relatively simple genetic programming. As a
Thus population performance values are almost always refinement of these ideas, some have proposed that we
studied as comparisons with these parameters fixed— should focus on identifying whether a particular canon-
for example, between different populations of neurons ical quantity is optimized at each stage of processing
or between different conditions within the same through a learning process, such as the degree to which
population. input responses are locally untangled within subpopula-
tions of neighboring neurons (DiCarlo et al., 2012).
Level 3—The computations that produce explicit The ideas associated with each of these levels of
representations explanation are elaborated in more detail below, where
we describe two examples of how complementary descrip-
In comparison to the other two levels, understanding tions at the population, response mechanism, and com-
the computations that the brain uses to transform infor- putational levels have been combined to understand
mation is probably the most challenging. This is because how the brain transforms task-relevant information from
the other two levels tend to lend themselves more to an implicit format into an explicit representation.
pure data-analysis approaches (e.g., a comparison of
classifier performance for two populations), whereas Example 1—Explicit representations of object
arriving at a computational description most often identity
involves the more challenging task of finding and fitting
a model that is sufficiently simple to be constrained by Level 1: Population Representations of Objects
the data but at the same time is sufficiently complex to One example in which the brain is thought to untangle
provide a good account of most neurons. One popular information is the case of invariant object recognition.

rust: population-based representations: from implicit to explicit 341

Not linearly separable Linearly separable
“Tangled” “Untangled”


Not squirrel

C Which of 10 objects D
1 is in view? Example neurons
Not linearly Linearly
separable separable





0 Object # Object #
0 50 100 150
Number of neurons

Figure 30.3 Explicit representations of object identity. As classification performance in V4 and IT using a linear readout,
reported by Rust and DiCarlo (2010). (A) A subset of images reprinted from Rust and DiCarlo (2010). (D) Firing-rate
used to probe the representation of object identity, across identity- response surfaces for 10 objects presented under six different
preserving transformations, in V4 and the inferotemporal transformations for one example V4 neuron that is not lin-
cortex (IT). In total, 10 objects were presented under six dif- early separable, and one example IT neuron that is linearly
ferent transformations that included changes in the objects’ separable. Single-neuron linear separability translates into the
position, size, and background context. (B) The problem of preservation of object preferences across these transforma-
invariant object recognition can be formulated as multiple, tions, or equivalently a separable response matrix.
two-way classifications (see also figure 30.2B). (C) Object

Information about objects is processed in the primate presented at different positions and sizes and within
brain along the ventral visual pathway, a hierarchically different background contexts (figure 30.3A; Hung et
arranged collection of neural structures that includes al., 2005a; Li, Cox, Zoccolan, & DiCarlo, 2009; Rust &
the retina and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) as well DiCarlo, 2010). We then evaluated the degree to which
as cortical brain areas V1, V2, and V4 and inferotempo- object identity was explicitly represented at each stage
ral cortex (IT; Felleman & Van Essen, 1991; reviewed by probing how well a linear decision boundary could
by DiCarlo et al., 2012). Within each structure, the separate the responses corresponding to one object
response vectors corresponding to all possible identity- from the others using a cross-validated linear classifica-
preserving transformations of the same object (e.g., tion scheme (figure 30.3B). These results revealed that
changes in position, scale, pose, etc.) define an object a linear readout of object identity applied to the IT
manifold (DiCarlo & Cox, 2007). As described above, population performs robustly with only a few hundred
the population of photoreceptors represents the visual neurons and that the IT population performs invariant
scene as patterns of light, and because natural object object recognition tasks much better than real or simu-
variation produces markedly different light patterns, lated populations at earlier stages, such as V1 and V4
the manifolds for different objects are “tangled” in the (figure 30.3C; Hung et al., 2005a; Freiwald & Tsao,
photoreceptor representation. Thus, to extract object 2010; Li et al., 2009; Rust & DiCarlo, 2010; figure
identity information, the brain must untangle these 30.3A). These results support the notion that the ventral
signals. To evaluate where and how the brain accom- visual pathway reformats object manifolds to make
plishes this, we and others have recorded and/or simu- object identity explicit at its final stage (DiCarlo & Cox,
lated the responses of neurons within different ventral 2007).
visual pathway brain areas to images of objects

342 sensation and perception

Level 2: The Response Mechanisms Underlying are responsible for transforming the small receptive
Object Recognition What single-neuron responses fields found in the eye into the larger receptive fields
correspond to “tangled” and “untangled” object mani- found at higher stages of the pathway and, similarly, for
folds? At the final stage of the pathway (in IT), neural creating tolerances for the other identity-preserving
responses across transformations (i.e., for changes in transformations (e.g., size and background context).
position) tend to change in a manner that maintains Prototypical examples of selectivity and invariance
their rank-order selectivity preferences for objects computations are those used to describe the construc-
across identity-preserving transformations (Ito, Tamura, tion of V1 simple and complex cells (Hubel & Wiesel,
Fujita, & Tanaka, 1995; Zoccolan, Kouh, Poggio, & 1962). In this description, V1 simple cells implement
DiCarlo, 2007). This property, coined tolerance, trans- selectivity operations on the LGN inputs to produce an
lates into single-neuron response surfaces that corre- orientation-selective response. Next, V1 complex cells
spond to different object identities presented at different implement polarity (i.e., light/dark) invariance by com-
transformations that are linearly separable, or “untan- bining simple cells tuned for the same orientation.
gled” (figure 30.3D; Li et al., 2009; Rust & DiCarlo, Together, these two operations accomplish a small
2010). In contrast, at early stages of the ventral visual amount of “untangling” in the visual representation by
pathway, such as the retina, LGN, and V1, neurons have transforming it from the center-surround representa-
small receptive fields that are activated by simple light tion found in the LGN to one based on local orienta-
patterns, and the object identity response surfaces at tion partially invariant to polarity and position. Models
earlier stages of the pathway are nonlinearly separable, of biological object recognition have extended this
or “tangled” (figure 30.3D; Li et al., 2009; Rust & selectivity/invariance framework to an iterative, hierar-
DiCarlo, 2010). These nonlinearly separable responses chical cascade of these operations that loosely maps
within individual neurons translate to population object onto the processing thought to occur at different stages
manifolds that are “tangled” together, similar to pieces of the ventral visual pathway (Fukushima, 1980; Riesen-
of paper crumpled into a ball. Similarly, the untangled huber & Poggio, 1999; Serre et al., 2007). These rela-
single-neuron responses observed in IT translate into tively simple hierarchical models are largely successful
object manifolds that are more “untangled,” in that at producing an “untangled” representation of object
they are both more flat and are more separated from identity at their highest stage. However, they cannot
one another. At intermediate stages of processing, such completely account for human object-recognition per-
as V4, neurons appear to have intermediate response formance, and some have speculated that doing so will
properties, consistent with gradual untangling along require a deeper, more systematic exploration of this
the pathway. large class of models (DiCarlo et al., 2012).
For a complementary perspective on the neural com-
Level 3: The Computation of Object Identity The putations underlying invariant object recognition, we
gradual transformation from the tangled, light-pattern can consider how the ventral visual pathway might “wire
representation encoded by the eye into the untangled itself up” to untangle information about object identity.
representation of objects found in IT is often envi- The scheme described above implies that neurons learn
sioned as an iterative cascade of two types of computa- to appropriately position the decision boundaries at
tions: selectivity and invariance. Selectivity computations each stage such that object identity is ultimately untan-
combine inputs (that each respond to different visual gled. How might these boundaries be determined? One
features) with what is often described as an “AND-like” proposal is that the brain might exploit the fact that the
operation to create a neuron that responds more identities of the objects that are in view tend to change
robustly to the conjunction of the features (e.g., fea- more slowly than the specific light patterns encoded by
tures A and B presented together) than the response the eye (Foldiak, 1991; Stryker, 1992; Wallis & Rolls,
predicted from the features presented individually 1997; Wiskott & Sejnowski, 2002). This notion incorpo-
(e.g., the response to feature A alone + the response to rates both changes due to variation as objects move as
feature B alone). Selectivity computations are respon- well as changes in the light patterns produced by a
sible for transforming the representation from its pat- moving observer. For example, when we move our eyes
tern-of-light based form into one based on the to scan a scene and across saccades, the same object is
conjunctions of visual features that define objects. In likely to fall at different positions on our retina, thus
contrast, invariance computations act with what is often producing different light-pattern representations and
described as an “OR-like” operation to create neurons adjacent points in time.
that respond whenever any of the features encoded by These naturally occurring temporal contiguity cues can
any of its inputs are in view. Invariance computations instruct the building of tolerance to identity-preserving

rust: population-based representations: from implicit to explicit 343

transformations. In the population-based description Richmond, & Optican, 1992; Haenny, Maunsell, &
presented in figure 30.3A, the notion is that the response Schiller, 1988; Miller & Desimone, 1994). To evaluate
vectors that are produced by the retina at points close the degree to which target match signals are explicitly
together in time tend to be those that correspond to represented within and just beyond the ventral visual
identity-preserving image variation. Thus, a learning pathway, we recorded the responses of neurons in IT
rule that attempts to produce similar patterns of neural and one of its projection areas, perirhinal cortex (PRH),
responses at points close in time can achieve the larger as monkeys performed a task in which they had to indi-
goal of creating an untangled object representation. cate when a target image appeared within a sequence
Experiments targeted at testing these ideas have manip- of distractor images (figure 30.4A; Pagan, Urban, Wohl,
ulated the statistics of temporal contiguity cues within & Rust, 2013). We then evaluated the degree to which
the sensory input (e.g., by changing object identity each population could distinguish the same images pre-
across saccades) and then evaluated the impact of these sented as targets and as distractors with a linear readout
manipulations on human behavioral judgments (Cox, by applying a cross-validated linear classification scheme
Meier, Oertelt, & DiCarlo, 2005) and neural responses (figure 30.4B). We found that PRH performed this task
in IT (Li & DiCarlo, 2008, 2011). The results of these better than IT, suggesting that PRH has more untan-
experiments support the notion that invariant object gled target match information (figure 30.4C).
recognition mechanisms are shaped via an unsuper- More untangled target match information in PRH as
vised learning process, and they suggest that even in the compared to IT could follow from a scenario in which
adult brain, invariant object representations are con- PRH has more total information for this task than IT
stantly being recalibrated. because it receives information that IT does not
(compare figure 30.1B, left vs. right). Alternatively,
Example 2—Explicit representations during target more untangled target match information in PRH
search could follow from a scenario in which the two areas
have similar total information, but that information is
Level 1: The Population Representation of Target more tangled in IT and more untangled in PRH
Matches The need to reformat task-relevant informa- (compare figure 30.1B, center vs. right). To discrimi-
tion to make it explicitly available is not confined to the nate between these alternatives, we measured the
realm of perception (i.e., determining the content of amount of total target match information using an ideal
the sensory environment), but naturally extends to observer classifier whose performance depended on
more cognitive tasks as well. One example is the case the distance between the response clouds for target
of finding target visual objects. Finding a target object, matches and distractors but not on the relative position-
such as your wallet, requires your brain to not only ing of response clouds within each set. We found total
determine the items you are looking at, but also to information to be similar in IT and PRH, consistent
compare this visual representation with a working with a description in which visual and working memory
memory representation of what you are looking for. To information are combined within or before IT in the
act on the event of finding your target, your brain must ventral visual pathway in a largely tangled fashion, and
transform this information into an “I found it” signal then this information is sent to PRH, which then untan-
that reports when a target is in view, no matter what that gles it.
target is (e.g., a neuron that fires when you view your
wallet or your car keys, but only when you are looking Level 2: The Response Mechanisms Underlying
for those items and not when you are looking for other Target Search As described above, finding a spe-
things). Creating such a signal requires nonlinear com- cific target requires the brain to compare visual and
putation (i.e., conjunctions of visual and working working memory signals. Within both IT and PRH, we
memory information) and, before these signals have found example neurons whose responses reflected
been appropriately combined, the representation of pure versions of these signals, as illustrated by firing-
whether a currently viewed object is a target match or rate response matrices defined by each image viewed
not will be tangled. in the context of every image as a target, where visual
While the process is not well understood, visual and and working memory signals are represented with ver-
target-specific information are thought to be combined tical and horizontal matrix structures, respectively
at middle to higher stages of the ventral visual pathway (figure 30.4D). The solution to the monkeys’ task
(i.e., V4 and IT), where the firing rate responses of required differentiating target matches, which fall
neurons are largely visual, but are also modulated by along the diagonal of these response matrices, from
changing the identity of a target (e.g., Eskandar, distractors, which fall off the diagonal, and we also

344 sensation and perception

A B Not linearly separable Linearly separable
Delayed match to sample task “Tangled” “Untangled”
Cue Distractor Distractor match



C D Population average
Is the image a target match Working

Normalized modulation
or a distractor? Visual memory IT
1 PRH Visual

0.8 Diagonal

Looking for
0.7 IT 2 Working
3 memory
0.5 1 2 3 4 Diagonal
0 50 100 150 Looking at 0 100 200
Number of neurons Time (ms)

E Inputs Linear combination Nonlinearity

Tangled Tangled Partially untangled
Response, pairing 2

Response, output 2
Response, input 2

Response, input 1 Response, pairing 1 Response, output 1

Figure 30.4 Explicit representations during target search. Amounts of each type of signal as function of time relative to
As reported by Pagan et al. (2013). (A) Monkeys performed stimulus onset and averaged across each population, com-
a delayed match to sample task in which a cue image was puted via a bias-corrected, ANOVA-like decomposition (right;
presented, followed by a random number of distractor images described by Pagan et al., 2013). (E) A linear-nonlinear model
and then a target match. The task required the monkeys to provided a good account of the transformation from IT to
fixate throughout the presentation of the distractors and PRH. This model untangled target match information by
make a downward saccade in response to the match. The combining IT neurons that had tuning correlations for target
experimental design involved presenting four images in all matches and distractors that were asymmetric (e.g., positive
possible combinations as a visual stimulus and a target. tuning correlations for target matches and negative correla-
Throughout the figure, the different images are indicated tions for distractors are shown in this hypothetical example).
with different shapes, with target match conditions in black Pairing such neurons with appropriate weights resulted in a
and distractors in white. (B) This task can be formulated as a rotation in the population space that resulted in variance dif-
two-way classification of the same images presented as target ferences between the firing-rate response distributions to
matches and as distractors. For simplicity, only a subset of the target matches and distractors (depicted at the bottom and
conditions is depicted. (C) Target match/distractor linear left of the plot). These variance differences were then
classification performance measured in IT and perirhinal exploited to increase linear separability via an instantaneous
cortex (PRH; reprinted from Pagan et al., 2013). (D) Firing- nonlinearity that included thresholding and/or saturation.
rate response matrices for four example neurons (left).

rust: population-based representations: from implicit to explicit 345

found neurons with diagonal matrix structure. These the model parameters that would maximally untangle
included neurons that responded to individual images information. The resulting model PRH population
but only when they were presented as targets, which matched task performance of the actual PRH popula-
were found in both IT and PRH, as well as a handful of tion for target match–distractor distinctions, and
compelling PRH neurons that responded whenever remarkably, this model of PRH also matched the PRH
any image was presented as a target (figure 30.4D, data in many other respects as well, including a decrease
“diagonal”). Notably, the intuitive neurons described in the amount of visual modulation in PRH as com-
above were more the exception than the rule in both pared to IT (figure 30.4D).
brain areas, as we found that most neurons were het- An investigation into the mechanism that the model
erogeneous and difficult-to-describe mixtures of differ- used to untangle target match information revealed
ent types of signals (not shown). To quantify the that the model worked by combining IT neurons with
magnitudes of different types of signals within each slightly offset tuning preferences (i.e., offset tuning cor-
population, we developed a method to parse the relations) for target matches as compared to distractors
responses of each neuron into different types of signals (figure 30.4E, left). Linear combinations of such
(e.g., visual, working memory, and diagonal; figure neurons acted to rotate the population representation
30.4D), and we used these quantifications to constrain to produce differences in the variance across the
our models of how signals were reformatted between responses to target matches as compared to the vari-
IT and PRH, as described below. This analysis con- ance across the responses to distractors (figure 30.4E,
firmed that higher performance in PRH as compared middle). Once produced, nonlinearities could act on
to IT corresponded to an increased amount of diago- these response variance differences to produce a more
nal structure within the response matrices of PRH untangled target match representation (figure 30.4E,
neurons (figure 30.4D), consistent with other types of right). We found that the offset-tuning preferences that
IT signals that were reformatted into diagonal signals this mechanism relied on were ubiquitously present in
in PRH. We also investigated whether noise correla- our data (and, by extension, any population that reflects
tions might contribute to higher PRH population heterogeneous mixtures of visual and target signals).
performance by analyzing the responses of small, This suggests that the connectivity responsible for
simultaneously recorded populations, but we found no untangling IT inputs within PRH could reasonably be
evidence for that in our data. This result is likely due determined via reinforcement learning during the
to the fact that performance in this task is more limited natural experience of searching for targets.
by the separation of the responses to different target
match and different distractor conditions, which must Conclusion
be grouped together (figure 30.2D), than it is by the
noise correlations, which determine the shapes of the Many tasks require our brains to group neural responses
individual response clouds (figure 30.2C). via transformations from implicit representations in
which the responses to different sets are intermingled
Level 3: The Computations Responsible for Untan- into explicit representations in which these groupings
gling Target Match Signals Probing computa- can be easily accessed. While described above for the
tions in high-level brain areas like PRH can be specific problem of object recognition, the challenge of
challenging, particularly in the absence of a complete transforming the elemental representation encoded by
understanding of all of the computations up to the our sensory receptors into an explicit representation of
brain area of interest (e.g., to describe computations in the content in our environment is a common percep-
PRH that act on the inputs from IT, a model of process- tual problem. Other examples include identifying
ing up to and including IT). In the absence of such a motion direction invariant to the moving pattern
model of IT, we circumvented these challenges by devel- (Movshon, Adelson, Gizzi, & Newsome, 1985); deter-
oping novel methods to “leap-frog” into the system and mining the relative depths (Thomas, Cumming, &
fit a simple linear-nonlinear model of PRH that Parker, 2002; Umeda, Tanabe, & Fujita, 2007) or tilt
described how our recorded IT responses were refor- (Nguyenkim & DeAngelis, 2003) of two surfaces inde-
matted to produce a more explicit representation of pendent of absolute depth; and independently deter-
target matches (despite an incomplete understanding mining the pitch and location of a sound (Walker,
of how these IT responses came to be). To constrain Bizley, King, & Schnupp, 2011). Similarly, target search
the model, we assumed that the untangling process in is one instantiation of a larger class of “cognitive flexi-
PRH acted optimally on its inputs arriving from IT, and bility” problems in which the brain must flexibly switch
we searched for the combinations of IT neurons and between different states (in this case between different

346 sensation and perception

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348 sensation and perception

31 Relating the Activity of Sensory
Neurons to Perception

ABSTRACT One of the major goals of systems neuroscience is stimulus vary tremendously in their functional and ana-
to understand how the activity of sensory neurons gives rise tomical properties. The sensory information they
to our perceptual experience. When scientists first began encode may or may not be useful for the task at hand
recording from sensory neurons while subjects performed
perceptual tasks, Parker and Newsome (1998) wrote a seminal
or sufficiently sensitive to explain the detail with which
paper laying out a rubric for how to establish that the electri- a subject perceives a stimulus. Different cortical areas
cal impulses on the end of the electrode were actually respon- or other groupings of cells work as a network, so simply
sible for a specific percept. The intervening years have seen determining the effect of removing or activating a
an explosion of interest in this question, technical develop- group of neurons might be either too crude or too
ments that have paved the way for new types of answers, and
subtle a manipulation to yield specific behavioral effects.
theoretical advances that provide a context for the new exper-
imental results. In this chapter we will update the rubric of To make matters worse, most neurons do more than
Parker and Newsome to incorporate recent work and to pose simply provide sensory information, so dissociating
questions whose answers will provide a new level of under- their contributions to perception rather than a cogni-
standing in the coming years. tive or motor process can be challenging. In general,
establishing a link between neurons and task perfor-
Since the fourth century BC, when Aristotle claimed mance entails monitoring the activity of and manipulat-
that the heart was the seat of the mind and the soul, ing specific (but often large) groups of neurons while
scientists and philosophers have been searching for a a subject performs a task, which can be experimentally
link between biology and our internal perception of the challenging.
world around us. Modern neuroscience has long In 1998, Parker and Newsome wrote an influential
recognized that the physical source of our internal review summarizing the state of the field and providing
experience is the brain. Over the last few decades, neu- a rubric for establishing a link between a group of can-
roscientists have begun to amass a body of evidence didate neurons and a specific percept (Parker &
linking the activity of groups of sensory neurons in Newsome, 1998). Their rubric has become an invalu-
specific brain areas with individual percepts. able framework for interpreting and combining the
Although the claim that our internal experience is results of many studies. The nature and quantity of the
due solely to the activity of neurons is no longer con- experimental evidence linking sensory neurons to per-
troversial, associating a specific group of neurons with ception has exploded since that time, leading to many
a particular perceptual experience is challenging for new insights. Out of technological necessity, earlier
both conceptual and experimental reasons. First, it is experiments typically monitored the activity of one
necessary to measure a subject’s percept, which is a neuron at a time and extrapolated their responses to
fuzzy, subjective experience, in a quantifiable way. This the large groups of neurons thought to underlie any
challenge has largely been met thanks to centuries of percept. The technology for activating or inactivating
work by psychologists and psychophysicists who have neurons was crude, akin to using a chain saw when a
designed clever tasks to measure subjects’ perceptual scalpel was called for. The techniques for analyzing
abilities. Still, we are left relating neuronal activity to data focused on these single neuron recordings or
performance on a task, rather than perception. gross causal manipulations. In the intervening decade
Determining whether the activity of a particular and a half, new experimental technology and tech-
group of neurons is in a position to underlie perfor- niques for analyzing data have revolutionized the field.
mance is even trickier. Many thousands of neurons These developments have recently begun to bear
across sensory cortex as well as in subcortical areas fruit, and hard drives are being filled with data as
respond every time we see, hear, touch, smell, or taste quickly as engineers can increase their size. As the field
a sensory stimulus. The neurons that respond to any adjusts to this wealth of new information, it is more

ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 349
important than ever to establish a conceptual frame- 2. Most experimental methods for recording or
work for understanding the meaning of these new data. manipulating the activity of neurons are invasive, so
For those who spend their days in the lab or at the they cannot be used in humans except in rare cases
computer, such a framework will be the only way of when a patient is undergoing brain surgery for another
recognizing when we have accomplished the goal. What reason. Therefore, the vast majority of data concerning
evidence will convince us that we’ve found the biologi- the neuronal basis of perception comes from animal
cal basis for a percept? studies, in which the subjects cannot verbally describe
Our goals in this chapter are fourfold. We aim to their experiences.
1. provide an updated framework that is based largely To link neuronal activity with perception, we there-
on the rubric of Parker and Newsome but reflects new fore rely on the field of psychophysics to quantify the
insights for linking groups of neurons to perception; relationship between physical stimuli and a subject’s
2. review the current state of the art for performing perceptual abilities. Psychophysical experiments can be
experiments and analyzing the results; carefully designed to minimize the ambiguity inherent
3. review the results of influential experiments using in perceptual reports, often in ways that can be general-
older technology and describe early experiments using ized from human subjects to nonhuman subjects.
the newest methods; Rather than asking a subject how fast something went,
4. highlight current and future avenues of research for example, one could probe their ability to judge
aimed at understanding how neural activity gives rise to speed by asking them which of two stimuli is moving
perception. faster. This experimental design removes the ambiguity
Although we will discuss evidence linking different sets associated with the subject’s internal speed calibration,
of neurons with particular percepts from a variety of because it forces the subject to evaluate one stimulus
model systems and organisms, our goal is not to provide with respect to another stimulus. The subject’s response
a comprehensive review of this field. We aim to explore on a single trial could be compared to the activity of
the depth of knowledge necessary to present a compel- the candidate neurons at that moment (e.g., could a
ling case that a particular set of neurons underlies a subject’s mistake be predicted from the activity of that
specific perception. group of neurons?). The subject’s performance on the
task could also be compared to that group of neurons
(e.g., how well could a hypothetical subject do if all the
information they had to go on came from the activity
Quantifying a percept
of that group of neurons?).
Perception is an inherently subjective experience. We The experiments described in the rest of this chapter
can easily quantify aspects of a physical stimulus, such attempt to determine whether the responses of a group
as the speed of a moving object, the chemicals that give of candidate neurons are necessary and sufficient to
rise to an odor, or the pitch of a musical note. But the explain performance on perceptual tasks. Therefore, if
subjective experience of seeing your puppy sprint by the title of this chapter were to describe the status
you, smelling your mother’s homemade chocolate chip rather than the goal of this field, it would be called the
cookies, or hearing the crescendo in a Beethoven sym- more cumbersome “relating the activity of sensory
phony is not something that is readily accessible to neurons to performance on perceptual tasks.”
In everyday life, we try to understand the perceptual
Quantifying performance
experiences of others by asking them what something
looks, smells, or sounds like. Such perceptual reports, Measuring a subject’s overall performance on a task is
however, are an ineffective way of linking neuronal therefore critical for assessing perception. Simple mea-
activity to perception for two reasons: sures like total percent correct are affected by factors
1. Perceptual reports are notoriously unreliable. other than the subject (such as the difficulty of the
Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter, there task). Psychophysicists usually measure a psychometric
is abundant experimental evidence that people’s reports curve, which is a plot of performance (either percent
of what they perceive (or do not perceive) are very dif- correct or percent of choices in favor of a particular
ferent from what quantitative tests reveal are the limits decision) as a function of a measure of the sensory
of their perceptual capabilities. This has consequences stimulus. For example, in a speed-discrimination task,
far beyond neuroscience, including the validity of eye- the psychometric curve might plot percent correct as a
witness testimony in the courtroom. function of the difference in speed between the two

350 sensation and perception

A assessing the quality of the evidence that the results of
each experiment bring to the hypothesis that a certain
set of neurons is responsible for a specific percept.
Much of this psychophysical work is discussed in detail
elsewhere in this volume.
Two types of psychophysical tasks have been used
most commonly to relate neuronal activity to percep-
tion: detection tasks and discrimination tasks.

Threshold Detection tasks In detection tasks, subjects are asked to

signal that they perceive the onset or a change in a
sensory stimulus. Chapter 25 (by Fred Rieke) of this
volume described a classical detection task in which
human observers were asked to detect weak flashes of
B light in a very dark room. Impressively, this task showed
that humans can detect single photons of light under
some conditions.
• Detection tasks are typically the easiest psychophysi-
cal tasks to train animals to do. Nearly all psychophysi-
Figure 31.1 (A) Psychometric curves plot performance as a cal tasks with nonprimate subjects use detection tasks
function of a measure of the stimulus. The dashed line rep- for this reason.
resents the psychometric threshold, which is the stimulus • Because the onset of the stimulus can come at an
value at which the subject can achieve a certain level of per- uncertain time, subjects must remain focused on the
formance. In this example, the relevant stimulus parameter
for the behavioral task is stimulus speed, but in principle it stimulus (or expected stimulus location) for a long
can be any one-dimensional analog parameter of the stimulus. period of time. This is useful for physiology experi-
(B) The stimuli in the motion-direction discrimination task ments because it gives a longer period for obtaining
as typically used by Newsome and colleagues. accurate measurements of neuronal responses.
• The psychophysical threshold depends on the sub-
stimuli (figure 31.1A). Psychometric curves usually have ject’s internal criterion, or willingness to make certain
a sigmoidal (or “S”) shape and can be characterized by types of errors. In the light-detection task, some subjects
two parameters: their slope (the steepness of the linear might be willing to falsely report seeing a flash if they
part of the curve), and the threshold (corresponding to are unsure, while others will only report seeing the flash
the left-right position of the curve on the graph; dashed if they are absolutely certain. Therefore, most studies
line in figure 31.1A). Because experimental manipula- focus only on changes in threshold from experimental
tions do not often change the slope (for review, see manipulations rather than absolute threshold values.
Parker & Newsome, 1998), performance is often quanti- • It can be difficult to dissociate changes in perfor-
fied as the threshold. The threshold is in units of the mance or neuronal responses that are due to sensory
physical stimulus rather than in units of performance factors from those caused by changes in the subject’s
or perception. It is defined slightly differently in differ- cognitive state. For example, changes in alertness might
ent studies, but it is always the value of the stimulus that increase the responses of neurons all over sensory
is necessary to achieve a certain level of performance. cortex and also improve performance on psychophysi-
For example, in a speed-discrimination task, the thresh- cal tasks (simply because increased alertness improves
old might be the speed difference that a subject can performance on most things). Therefore, one might
discriminate with 82% accuracy. observe a misleading correlation between performance
and the responses of neurons, simply because both are
Common Perceptual Tasks There are a multitude of modulated by the subject’s alertness.
psychophysical tasks designed to measure different
aspects of perception. For use in comparing neurons to Discrimination tasks Discrimination tasks require the
perception, each has a unique set of strengths and limi- observer to choose between two or more options. A
tations. These are important to keep in mind when motion-direction discrimination task (figure 31.1B) was

ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 351
used to establish what is currently the best link between Limitations:
perception and sensory neurons. Newsome and his
• For nonhuman subjects, discrimination tasks are
colleagues (Britten, Newsome, Shadlen, Celebrini, &
often more difficult to train than detection tasks.
Movshon, 1996; Britten, Shadlen, Newsome, & Movshon,
• Decisions are often made quickly, limiting the time
1992; Newsome & Paré, 1988; Salzman, Britten, &
available to record neuronal responses. If subjects are
Newsome, 1990; Shadlen, Britten, Newsome, &
forced to observe a stimulus for a long period of time
Movshon, 1996) performed a series of experiments
before making a decision, they may not use all of the
linking the responses of direction-selective neurons in
available sensory information, making it difficult to
the middle temporal area (MT) and performance on
determine when the decision actually occurred.
the task in figure 31.1B. In these studies, rhesus monkeys
viewed a dynamic random dot display in which a per-
centage of the dots moved coherently in one of two Linking sensory neurons to perception
opposite directions (up or down in figure 31.1B), while
the rest of the dots moved randomly. The monkeys We will devote the rest of the chapter to establishing a
were required to indicate which of the two directions series of questions (based heavily on the rubric of
contained the coherent motion. When a large percent- Parker & Newsome, 1998) that must be answered to
age of dots moved coherently, this task proved to be demonstrate that a candidate group of neurons under-
very easy. At low coherence, the random dots provided lies performance on a particular perceptual task. The
a masking stimulus, making the discrimination earliest attempts to characterize sensory neurons
difficult. focused on describing the general properties they
There are two types of discrimination tasks. Some, encode. On average, neurons in early sensory areas are
like the direction-discrimination task (figure 31.1B), selective for simple features like the orientation of a
require subjects to observe a stimulus and choose line, the pitch of a note, or which of a rodent’s whis-
between two or more options. When there are two kers has moved. In higher cortical areas, cells are
options, these are called two-alternative forced-choice tuned for more complex features like object identity.
tasks (the “forced” is because the subject must pick an Building on this knowledge, one can make a somewhat
option rather than indicating “I don’t know”). The educated guess about which neurons seem like good
forced choice can often reveal perceptual abilities candidates to underlie the perception of a particular
unknown to the subject. In the direction-discrimination feature. The goal of the rest of this chapter is to pose a
task, human subjects often perform better than would series of experimentally tractable questions that test
be expected by chance even when they report seeing this hypothesis.
no coherent motion. By far, the best-established connection between
In the second type of discrimination task, two-interval sensory neurons and perception is the one studied by
forced-choice tasks, subjects are required to indicate in Newsome and colleagues (figure 31.1B) between direc-
which of two time intervals a stimulus (or a stimulus tion-selective neurons in the middle temporal visual
with a certain property) occurred. An example of this area (MT) and performance in a motion-direction dis-
type of task was used by Romo and colleagues (Romo, crimination task. To our knowledge, this is the only
Hernández, Zainos, & Salinas, 1998) to determine the connection between sensory neurons and perception
role of somatosensory areas in the perception of vibrat- for which all of the questions below can be answered in
ing tactile stimuli. Two stimuli were presented in the affirmative. In each section, we will describe the
sequence and monkeys were required to indicate which evidence linking MT with motion perception and also
of the two vibrated at a higher frequency. provide recent examples showing how these concepts
have been applied to other systems or tested using new
Strengths: experimental techniques.
• Thresholds are immune to differences in criterion
because a bias in favor of one option (e.g., “up” answers Do the responses of the candidate neurons encode detailed
in the motion-direction discrimination task) can be enough sensory information to support the percept? The
measured by comparing performance on trials when most basic requirement for the neural underpinnings
the dots actually moved up versus down. of a percept is that the candidate neurons carry enough
• While cognitive factors like alertness still improve sensory information to explain performance on a per-
performance and modulate neuronal responses, they ceptual task. For example, if, as a group, MT neurons
do so equally for all trial types. Therefore, increases in could only discriminate strong upward from downward
arousal will affect “up” and “down” trials equally. motion with 75% accuracy but the monkey can get 90%

352 sensation and perception

A For each stimulus strength (e.g., 12% coherence
motion), they computed the accuracy with which an
ideal observer could discriminate the two motion direc-
tions (e.g., up from down) based only on the responses
of the one neuron on the end of the electrode. (The
ideal observer’s performance is equal to the area under
the receiver operating characteristic curve correspond-
ing to the responses to upward and downward motion;
Green & Swets, 1966.) Using the ideal observer’s per-
formance for each stimulus strength, they constructed
a neurometric curve that could be directly compared to
the monkey’s psychometric curve (figure 31.2B). The cor-
responding neurometric and psychometric thresholds
from each curve (as in figure 31.1A) allowed them to
compare the amount of motion information encoded
by the neuron to the amount that the monkey used to
B perform the task.
Britten and colleagues (1992) found that MT neurons
are shockingly sensitive. On average, the neurometric
and psychometric thresholds were identical, meaning
that the monkey behaved as if he based his decisions
on a single MT neuron. Later studies suggested that
some details of the original experiment tilted the results
in favor of the neuron, but that the observation that MT
neurons are exquisitely sensitive was true: the monkeys’
behavior suggested that they used only as much motion
information as was carried by two or three MT neurons
(Cohen & Newsome, 2009). This begs the question, why
would the monkey ignore the other 100,000 MT neurons
or the motion-selective neurons in other cortical areas?
We will discuss a resolution to this question in the
Figure 31.2 (A) Motion-direction tuning curve of an next section, but the answer is not that MT neurons are
example MT neuron (Ruff and Cohen, unpublished data).
(B) A schematic neurometric curve. The neurometric curve
markedly more sensitive than neurons in other areas or
reflects how well an ideal observer could do a task based on that the direction-discrimination task is unusually well
the responses of a single neuron. In MT, neurometric and suited to the responses of sensory neurons. Similar
psychometric curves for the direction-discrimination task are experiments in a variety of species and cortical areas
similar (based on the results of Britten et al., 1992). found that individual sensory neurons are extremely
sensitive to the stimulus information they encode. For
example, Prince and colleagues (Prince, Pointon,
of the trials correct, then the monkey must be incorpo- Cumming, & Parker, 2000) trained monkeys to judge
rating motion information from somewhere else. the depth (or perceived distance) of ambiguous visual
Britten and colleagues (1992) quantified the amount stimuli. They found that single neurons as early as
of information about motion direction encoded by primary visual cortex carry enough depth information
single neurons in MT using a metric that could be to account for the monkey’s performance. In rats
directly compared to the monkey’s performance. They trained to discriminate the frequency of stimuli vibrat-
first measured each neuron’s direction tuning curve ing against their whiskers, individual trigeminal gan-
(figure 31.2A) and determined the neuron’s preferred glion neurons are similarly sensitive to vibration
direction (the direction of motion that elicits the frequency (Gerdjikov, Bergner, Stüttgen, Waiblinger, &
highest response from the neuron; up, in this example). Schwarz, 2010).
They then measured neuronal responses while the There is no reason that single neurons alone need to
monkey discriminated motion in the preferred direc- be sensitive enough to account for a subject’s psycho-
tion (up) from the opposite direction (down) using the physical performance. After all, the brain contains lots
direction-discrimination task in figure 31.1B. of neurons! For a group of candidate neurons to

ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 353
underlie perception, however, they must together A
encode sufficient information to explain performance
on psychophysical tasks. The results highlighted here
show that this is not usually the most difficult require-
ment to fulfill in linking sensory neurons with

Can the responses of the candidate neurons be used to predict

the subject’s choices? The idea that a group of neurons
is responsible for what a subject perceives makes a
strong prediction about what the subject will do with
the sensory information encoded by those neurons.
Neural responses are noisy. Say you regularly meet a
friend for lunch, and you’re in the habit of looking far
down the street to see if she’s coming. Each time you
see your friend walking toward you (even if she is
wearing the exact same thing and in the exact same
spot), your visual neurons will respond slightly differ-
ently. If a group of neurons is responsible for your
perception of your friend, the noise in their responses B
should affect your visual experience. Specifically, if a
group of neurons happens to respond unusually –
strongly, you should be more likely to perceive the
visual features they encode (and respond accordingly
on a perceptual task).
Britten, Newsome, and colleagues tested this hypoth-
esis by determining whether they could predict
monkeys’ responses on the direction-discrimination Figure 31.3 (A) Choice probability is calculated by compar-
task from the fluctuations in the responses of the MT ing the distributions of neural responses on trials when the
neurons the authors recorded (Britten et al., 1996). subject made each of two choices. This schematic shows pairs
of distributions with different choice probabilities. (B) Choice
Consider a situation in which they recorded from a probabilities (referred to as “detect probabilities” in this
neuron whose preferred direction is “up” on many detection task) decrease for neurons whose preferred direc-
trials of, say, a random 0% coherence stimulus. If the tion does not match the direction of motion being detected
responses of this neuron contribute to a monkey’s deci- (adapted from Bosking & Maunsell, 2011). (See color plate
sion on these trials, then it should be possible to use its 27.)
responses to predict the monkey’s choice on each trial.
On trials in which the neuron fires more than its
average, the monkey should be more likely to report
seeing upward motion than on trials in which the no idea which choice the monkey was about to make.
neuron fires less than its average. This would occur if the distribution of responses on
The authors of this original study coined the term trials on which the monkey chose up were identical to
choice probability to describe the proportion of trials on the distribution when the monkey chose down.
which an ideal observer could predict the monkey’s The authors found that choice probabilities for indi-
choices based on the neuron under study. In the context vidual MT neurons (whose tuning was well-matched to
of a detection task, a similar metric is called detect prob- the task) were approximately 0.54, which was signifi-
ability. A choice probability of 1 would mean that the cantly greater than 0.5 but far from the perfect value of
neuron could be used to perfectly predict the monkey’s 1. Therefore, individual neurons carry some informa-
choice (figure 31.3A). This would occur if the upward- tion about what the monkey is about to do, but not
preferring neuron fired more on every trial in which much. Neurons whose tuning does not match the stim-
the monkey chose up than on any trial in which the ulus to be discriminated or detected (e.g., a neuron
monkey chose down. A choice probability of 0.5 would whose preferred direction is not exactly up or down)
mean that the neuron is uninformative, so someone have weak but significant detect probabilities (Bosking
only looking at the responses of this neuron would have & Maunsell, 2011; figure 31.3B).

354 sensation and perception

These weak choice probabilities are to be expected model of the monkey’s decision process suggests the
given how many neurons respond to any given stimulus. observed correlations can explain the monkey’s
After all, many neurons presumably contribute to any performance and the observed choice probabilities
percept, so no individual neuron should be terribly pretty well (Cohen & Newsome, 2009; Shadlen et al.,
predictive of the monkey’s choice. 1996).
The low but significant choice probabilities are sur- This model also makes the prediction that even if
prising for two reasons, however. First is the observation monkeys use a very large number of neurons to make
we discussed previously: individual neurons carry nearly a decision, neither their performance nor the ability of
enough information to explain the monkey’s perfor- an ideal observer to predict choices from the responses
mance on perceptual tasks. If the monkey only uses one of a group of neurons should improve after about 100
or a few neurons to make a decision, those neurons neurons. This prediction appears to be true. A recent
should have very high choice probabilities. The low study recording from about 80 sensory neurons simul-
choice probabilities suggest that, instead, the monkey taneously showed that those neurons were enough to
combines information from many neurons. This is a predict the monkey’s decisions on the vast majority of
sensible strategy, but then why doesn’t his performance trials (Cohen & Maunsell, 2010).
reflect the benefit of the information encoded by all It is tempting to interpret the existence of choice
those neurons? probabilities significantly greater than 0.5 as evidence
If the monkey indeed uses many neurons to make enough that a group of neurons is responsible for per-
any decision, the second surprise is that choice proba- ception. After all, recording from a few dozen neurons
bilities are big enough to be detected at all. Trying to is enough to predict a monkey’s actions almost per-
predict the monkey’s decision from the one neuron fectly. The problem is that correlated noise can lead to
that happens to be close to the electrode is like trying choice probability even when the recorded neurons
to predict the outcome of a presidential election by have nothing to do with the decision, as long as their
polling only the first person you encounter on the responses are correlated with the neurons that are. If
street. If many neurons or people vote in a decision or the monkey makes his decision based on neuron A’s
an election, that one person’s opinion should carry very response, but neuron B responds the same way as A,
little weight in the election and should not tell you both could be used to predict the decision. (The same
much about which way it will go. could be true of a nonvoter whose whims reflect the
The resolution to both of these apparent paradoxes feelings of the nation as a whole.) The fact that signifi-
lies in the fact that neurons (like voters …) are not cant choice probabilities have been observed almost
independent thinkers. If the noise in neural responses every time they have been measured (for review, see
were independent, some neurons would fire more than Nienborg, Cohen, & Cumming, 2012), including in
average and some would fire less than average at any neurons whose tuning is very poor for the particular
given moment. In this case, the mean of the population task, suggests choice probability may sometimes be
would remain relatively constant, so the noise would present solely due to widespread correlated noise.
not have a big effect on the ability of the population to Further evidence is therefore necessary to make the
encode sensory information. Therefore, the monkey case that a group of neurons are responsible for,
would have no excuse for not performing better on the rather than simply correlated with, a perceptual
task, and the average individual neuron would carry decision.
very little information about which option he would
choose. Does activating the candidate neurons bias perception in favor
Instead, the noise in neuronal responses is shared, of the stimulus property they encode? If a group of neurons
or correlated. Simultaneous recordings from multiple is responsible for a percept, modifying their activity
neurons have shown that when one neuron fires more should change the percept. Since the work of Penfield
than its average, nearby neurons are likely to be firing in the 1950s, experimenters have used electrical stimu-
more than their average as well (for review, see lation to activate small groups of neurons. Penfield
Cohen & Kohn, 2011). If all of the neurons were found that applying large currents on the surface of
doing the exact same thing, there would be no point cortex could elicit reliable perceptions or movements
in having more than one: the monkey would do depending on the location of the injected current (Pen-
exactly as well as any one neuron, and every neuron field & Rasmussen, 1950). This work led to the creation
would perfectly predict the monkey’s choices. In of well-known maps of somatosensory and motor cortex
reality, the correlation between the noise in the (sometimes affectionately termed “homunculus maps,”
responses of nearby neurons is positive but weak. A because they look like a small person). As stimulation

ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 355
techniques were refined, experimenters realized that A
smaller currents delivered by fine electrodes placed
no stim
inside the cortex of animals could lead to readily repro- stim
ducible motor responses (for a review, see Graziano,
Newsome and colleagues used microstimulation to
determine how activating small populations of MT
neurons could bias the monkey’s choice during the
motion-direction-discrimination task (Salzman et al.,
1990). This clever experiment relied on the fact that in
MT, neurons located near each other tend to have
similar preferred directions. Therefore, when the
experimenters applied small currents, they could rea- – – –
sonably expect that they were modulating the activity of
a group of neurons with similar tuning. B
The authors put an electrode into MT, placed the
motion stimulus in the receptive fields of the neurons intact
they recorded, and had the monkey discriminate
motion in the neurons’ preferred direction from
motion in the neurons’ null direction. Unbeknownst to
the monkey, the experimenters passed small amounts
of current through the electrode on a subset of trials,
which increased the firing rates of the neurons near the
electrode tip.
The monkey behaved as if the stimulation had
increased the strength of the motion in the neurons’
preferred direction, which can be seen in the leftward
shift in the animal’s psychometric curve (figure 31.4A).
That this technique works is astounding: the currents Figure 31.4 (A) Microstimulation biases the subject’s choice
used in this experiment should have modulated the toward the option that matches the preferred direction of the
responses of only tens or hundreds of neurons (Histed, stimulated neurons (schematic based on the results of Salzman
Bonin, & Reid, 2009). The fact that tickling the et al., 1990). (B) Performance on a motion-discrimination
task is not much better than chance following ibotenic acid
responses of such a small number of neurons affects the
lesion of MT (schematic based on the results of Newsome &
monkeys’ behavior in a measurable way is strong evi- Paré, 1988).
dence that MT neurons underlie performance in the
direction-discrimination task.
In other contexts, microstimulation has an even
more astounding effect: it has been used to create a information that the animals could use to make deci-
percept in the absence of a physical stimulus. Romo and sions about stimulus frequency.
colleagues trained monkeys to perform a two-interval While microstimulation is a powerful tool for evaluat-
somatosensory discrimination where the monkey’s job ing the causal contribution of neurons to perception,
was to indicate whether the second stimulus in a pair it is a relatively coarse method both temporally and
vibrated at a higher or lower frequency than the first spatially, and does not allow for the precise targeting of
(Romo et al., 1998). During most trials, a mechanical cell types or neuronal subpopulations. New techniques
vibrating flutter stimulus was applied to the monkey’s make it possible to precisely target particular neurons
fingertips for both stimuli, but on some trials, one of at particular times. In particular, the field of optogenet-
the mechanical stimuli was absent and instead, electri- ics allows researchers to use light to activate neurons
cal microstimulation was applied directly in somatosen- that express proteins such as channelrhodopsin (ChR2;
sory cortex. Amazingly, the animals were able to Luo, Callaway, & Svoboda, 2008; Peron & Svoboda,
compare electrical and mechanical stimuli after train- 2010; Scanziani & Häusser, 2009).
ing only on mechanical stimuli. This experiment The greatest promise of these techniques lies in their
provided strong evidence that the electrically stimu- potential specificity: in mice and some other species,
lated somatosensory neurons encoded vibrotactile ChR2 can be genetically expressed into particular

356 sensation and perception

subtypes of neurons in different areas or cortical layers monkeys had first been trained on a different, finer-
or that project to different areas. Making these methods grained depth discrimination.
usable in monkeys is a topic of active investigation, and Technological advancements are making possible
there have been some notable early successes (Diester even more precise inactivation and lesion methods. For
et al., 2011; Han et al., 2009). A recent study was the example, Schlief and Wilson (2007) used a genetic
first to demonstrate the behavioral detection of opsin- approach to lesion specific, highly selective olfactory
mediated neuronal signals in the primate brain (Jaza- receptor neurons in the fly brain. Flies are innately
yeri, Lindbloom-Brown, & Horwitz, 2012). attracted to certain odors, but removing these neurons
made them no longer interested in the odors encoded
Does inactivating the candidate neurons cause deficits in by the removed receptor neurons.
perception? If a group of neurons underlie a percept, While genetic approaches are still in their infancy in
suppressing their activity should cause a deficit in per- primates, researchers have begun to use rodents to
ception. The brain is remarkably flexible, and removing combine cutting-edge genetic techniques with electro-
or inactivating large portions of cortex can have surpris- physiology and perceptual tasks. A recent study from
ingly subtle effects on behavior. Nevertheless, to make Znamenskiy and Zador (2013) harnessed many of the
a strong statement that a group of neurons are respon- techniques we have discussed in the previous sections
sible for a percept, it is necessary to show that inactivat- to provide an impressive amount of evidence linking
ing them has a measurable effect on a subject’s corticostriatal neurons to decisions about the fre-
perceptual ability, even if it’s a transient one. quency of a tone stimulus. The authors used excitatory
To determine whether MT neurons are necessary for channelrhodopsin and inhibitory archaerhodopsin to
motion-direction discrimination, Newsome and Paré demonstrate that the activity of neurons in auditory
used ibotenic acid to completely remove MT in one cortex that project to the striatum biases decisions
hemisphere (Newsome & Paré, 1988). Removing MT either toward or away from the choice represented
almost completely abolished the monkeys’ ability to by the set of neurons expressing each opsin type,
perform the direction-discrimination task (figure 31.4B), respectively.
suggesting that under normal circumstances, MT is
critical for performance in this task. Interestingly, the Do the candidate neurons underlie perception or a planned
monkeys’ performance improved almost to pre-lesion motor response? Neurons that underlie perception
levels within a few weeks, suggesting that motion signals should correlate with the subject’s choices regardless of
from elsewhere in cortex can be recruited to guide the way that the subject communicates that choice. The
behavior in the absence of MT. responses of neurons that encode a planned motor
While lesion studies can provide clear answers, they response could correlate with choices for a trivial reason
are a relatively crude approach for asking whether a that has nothing to do with perception. In the most
group of neurons are necessary for a percept. It is common version of the direction-discrimination task,
usually not possible to measure performance on per- the monkey signals that he perceives upward motion by
ceptual tasks for a while after the lesions have been moving his eyes up and downward motion by moving
made, and, as the MT results show, subjects may eventu- his eyes downward. Imagine recording from a motor
ally be able to learn alternate strategies to make up for neuron responsible for upward eye movements. The
the missing areas. Because reversible inactivation exper- responses of that neuron would be perfectly correlated
iments can be performed on a relatively fast time scale, with the monkey’s choice; high firing rates would signal
such manipulations may solve this problem by not upward choices, and low rates would signal downward
allowing for sufficient time for the animal’s brain or choices.
behavioral strategy to adjust to a long-term deficit. One straightforward way to ensure that a set of
Using muscimol, a GABA agonist, Chowdhury and neurons is correlated with perception rather than
Deangelis (2008) replicated the findings of Newsome simply a planned motor response is to ensure that
and Paré, showing that the monkeys’ performance their responses carry sensory information and corre-
returned to normal after the drug had sufficient time late with choices regardless of the motor output used
to wash out two days after injection. Further, because to signal the choice. MT neurons have choice-probability
they could allow MT to recover after muscimol was and signal-motion information in the motion-
applied, the authors were able to ask questions about discrimination task regardless of whether choices are
how an area’s role in a percept might change with train- signaled with eye movements (Britten et al., 1992,
ing on different tasks. They found that MT’s role in a 1996) or hand movements (Nichols & Newsome,
particular type of depth judgment depended on whether 2002). In principle, the responses of the same neurons

ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 357
could be responsible for perception and a motor plan, identify faces. To test whether activity of inferotemporal
so the requirement should not be for identical neurons is sufficient to lead to the percept of a face,
responses for different motor outputs. Rather, some Afraz and colleagues performed an analogous experi-
aspects of the response (e.g., early in the behavioral ment in primate IT to the one performed by Newsome
trial) should not depend on the motor output used to and colleagues in area MT. These authors trained
signal the choice. monkeys to perform a task where they reported whether
an image contained a face or not (Afraz, Kiani, & Esteky,
Examples of systems for which the link between 2006). This task was made difficult by adding various
sensory neurons and perceptions is most well amounts of noise to the image set that degraded the
established clarity of the images, thus making them harder to dis-
criminate. Similar to the results of the MT study, the
To our knowledge, MT and the motion-direction dis- authors found that microstimulation in face-selective
crimination task represents the only system for which portions of cortex led the animals to report seeing a
all of the above questions have been answered in face in a noisy stimulus more often than when stimula-
the affirmative. However, there is growing evidence tion was not applied.
linking other brain areas with specific percepts. Two With the advent of increasingly sophisticated molecu-
other experimental systems have proven to be particu- lar, genetic, and imaging techniques has come a strong
larly fertile grounds for linking sensory neurons to interest in developing both rodent and rat models for
perception. linking the activity of neurons to behavior. Progress on
Motion direction is a relatively low-level feature of a this front has been made across a range of tasks and
visual stimulus, but the same experimental methods sensory modalities, including visual (Carandini &
used in the MT experiments have been used to link the Churchland, 2013) and auditory (Brunton, Botvinick,
activity of neurons in inferior temporal (IT) cortex, in & Brody, 2013) discriminations. Of particular interest
both humans and monkeys, with the perception of is a series of work linking the activity across multiple
higher-level features like faces. Early electrophysiologi- brain areas in rats to olfactory discriminations.
cal experiments identified neurons in primate IT that Uchida, Mainen, and colleagues have demonstrated
were extremely selective for faces compared to other that rats can accurately discriminate between mixtures
complex objects (Desimone, Albright, Gross, & Bruce, of odor pairs with just a single sniff (Uchida & Mainen,
1984). The existence of small clusters of face-selective 2003). Neurons in the olfactory bulb, the target of olfac-
IT neurons was revealed by work from Doris Tsao and tory receptor neurons in the nose, exhibit odor-specific
colleagues, who used functional imaging to guide their selectivity and have been shown to reliably distinguish
electrophysiological recordings and identified patches between small sets of odorants on similarly brief time
in macaque temporal cortex that were overwhelmingly scales to a sniff, as well as to correlate with reaction
selective for faces, even compared to other similar times during an odor-discrimination task (Cury &
shapes (Tsao, Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingstone, 2006). Uchida, 2010).
Functional imaging in humans has also revealed patches Piriform cortex, also known as olfactory cortex,
of cortex in the ventral stream that are highly selective receives input from the olfactory bulb and is a candi-
for different object categories, such as faces (Kanwisher, date for a cortical region that is involved in odor dis-
McDermott, & Chun, 1997). Activity in these regions criminations. A recent study recording activity in
may be used during perceptual decisions about complex piriform cortex during an odor-mixture discrimination
object categories like faces and houses (Heekeren, demonstrated that the activity of fewer than 100 neurons
Marrett, Bandettini, & Ungerleider, 2004), but it is cur- was sufficient to accurately predict behavioral perfor-
rently unknown whether individual IT neurons in mance and reaction time. This study also interestingly
humans or monkeys can be used to predict choices in revealed that noise correlations among these neurons
a face-discrimination task in a manner that is directly were extremely low, highlighting a potentially impor-
analogous to the choice-probability studies performed tant difference between olfactory and visual processing
in MT. (Miura, Mainen, & Uchida, 2012).
However, the results of lesion and microstimulation The systems for which the most progress has been
studies strongly implicate IT cells in face perception. made linking sensory neurons to perception tend to
Prosopagnosia, famously documented by Oliver Sacks have at least two things in common. First, experiment-
and others, is a well-described condition in humans ers have designed psychophysical tasks that allow them
thought to result from damage to the temporal lobe in to measure subtle changes in specific perceptual abili-
which patients are completely unable to recognize or ties. Second, the brain areas under study (in the primate

358 sensation and perception

visual system, at least) tend to be organized so that state and cognitive factors like attention (Cohen &
neurons with similar tuning tend to be located near Maunsell, 2009; Cohen & Newsome, 2008; Mitchell,
each other in the brain. This certainly has experimental Sundberg, & Reynolds, 2009; Poulet & Petersen, 2008;
benefits, because techniques like microstimulation Vaadia et al., 1995). That so many factors affect correla-
or chemical inactivation that are accessible in primates tions strongly suggests that they are important, but
can be used to affect small groups of neurons with, future theoretical and experimental work will be needed
for example, only a preference for upward (and not to determine their exact role in encoding sensory
downward) motion. New techniques such as optogenet- stimuli.
ics may remove this technical requirement. It will be Recording from large groups of neurons has another
interesting to see whether anatomical organization is advantage: it gives experimenters a snapshot of the
required for certain perceptual abilities, or whether sensory information available to a subject at a given
areas with anatomical organization have been well moment rather than the average responses to many
studied simply because it is technically easier to do so. repetitions of the same sensory stimulus. It has long
been known that cognitive factors and motor planning
General themes and future directions can affect the responses of sensory neurons, but the
role these factors play likely differs from moment to
As our knowledge of the link between sensory neurons moment and can be obscured by averaging across many
and specific percepts has become more developed in trials (for review, see Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Maun-
recent years, a few conceptual themes and unanswered sell & Cook, 2002; Maunsell & Treue, 2006). The differ-
questions have emerged. ences in the conclusions that can be drawn from studies
that record many neurons at a single moment com-
Studies of Single Neurons Miss Critical Informa- pared to one neuron over a long period of time are an
tion For technological reasons, most studies linking area of active investigation.
the responses of sensory neurons to perception focus
on recordings from one neuron at a time. However, the Not All Neurons Are the Same Neurons come in
responses of a large subset of the thousands of neurons many anatomical and physiological subtypes. Neurons
that respond to any sensory stimulus are thought to differ in their pattern of connections, whether they are
underlie any percept. The logic is that we can learn inhibitory and excitatory, whether they fire tonically or
about how big groups of neurons respond at one time in bursts, and a host of other factors. Most of the studies
(as in actual behavior) by recording how individual we have discussed rely on extracellular electrophysiol-
neurons respond over many behavioral trials and using ogy. This technique makes it very difficult to determine
computational models to figure out how the responses the subtype of the neuron under study. Most models of
of many neurons are combined. Although these types neural circuits posit very different roles for neurons
of studies have been hugely informative, recent studies with different properties (e.g., inhibitory vs. excitatory
have shown that this assumption does not always hold. neurons), but there is little experimental data on how
New technology makes it possible to record from they function in behaving animals. New technology,
groups of neurons simultaneously, and early results including optogenetics (Luo et al., 2008; Peron &
suggest that measuring the responses of many neurons Svoboda, 2010; Prakash et al., 2012; Scanziani & Häusser,
at once is very different than combining information 2009; Zeng & Madisen, 2012) and improved imaging
from individual neurons recorded on separate days. For tools (Helmchen & Denk, 2005), will make it possible
example, we discussed earlier that shared or correlated to understand the role of different classes of neurons
noise can make measurements of choice-probability in neural computations.
misleading. Those same correlated responses can have
big effects on the amount of information a group of Theoretical Models Are Important As monitor-
neurons encodes, although different models of how the ing the activity of large numbers of neurons becomes
responses of many neurons are combined make differ- easier and easier, having a theoretical framework for
ent predictions about whether correlations hurt or interpreting all of these data becomes more and more
help (Abbott & Dayan, 1999; Shadlen et al., 1996). critical. The dominant, and really only, framework for
Correlations depend on the sensory stimuli (Aertsen, relating sensory neurons to perceptual decisions comes
Gerstein, Habib, & Palm, 1989; Ahissar, Vaadia, Ahissar, from work by Shadlen and colleagues (1996) modeling
& Bergman, 1992; Espinosa & Gerstein, 1988; Kohn & decision making in the motion-discrimination task.
Smith, 2005), learning (Ahissar et al., 1992; Gutnisky & This model has significantly helped researchers to make
Dragoi, 2008; Komiyama et al., 2010), and behavioral sense of the physiological data. For example, it pointed

ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 359
to correlated variability as the source of choice-predic- Cohen, M. R., & Maunsell, J. H. R. (2009). Attention
tive signals in individual MT neurons. It is in many ways improves performance primarily by reducing interneuro-
nal correlations. Nat Neurosci, 12(12), 1594–1600.
a high-level model, however, and does not take into
Cohen, M. R., & Maunsell, J. H. R. (2010). A neuronal
account factors like cell type, dynamics, or the pattern population measure of attention predicts behavioral
of connections different neurons make. As data sets get performance on individual trials. J Neurosci, 30(45),
more sophisticated, new theoretical frameworks will be 15241–15253.
necessary to convert data into understanding. Cohen, M. R., & Newsome, W. T. (2008). Context-dependent
Tremendous progress has been made on both theo- changes in functional circuitry in visual area MT. Neuron,
60(1), 162–173.
retical and experimental fronts since Parker and Cohen, M. R., & Newsome, W. T. (2009). Estimates of the
Newsome wrote their landmark review in 1998. As the contribution of single neurons to perception depend on
field continues to progress, their rubric has become timescale and noise correlation. J Neurosci, 29(20),
more important than ever. It is only through a princi- 6635–6648.
pled application of the technological advancements Chowdhury, S. A., & DeAngelis, G. C. (2008). Fine discrimi-
nation training alters the causal contribution of macaque
discussed above that we will improve our understanding area MT to depth perception. Neuron, 60(2), 367–377.
of the relationship between neural activity and Cury, K. M., & Uchida, N. (2010). Robust odor coding via
perception. inhalation-coupled transient activity in the mammalian
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are supported by NIH grants Desimone, R., Albright, T., Gross, C., & Bruce, C. (1984).
4R00EY020844-03 and R01 EY022930 (MRC), a training grant Stimulus-selective properties of inferior temporal neurons
slot on NIH 5T32NS7391-14 (DAR), a Whitehall Fellowship in the macaque. J Neurosci, 4(8), 2051–2062.
(MRC), and a Klingenstein Fellowship (MRC). We thank Desimone, R., & Duncan, J. (1995). Neural mechanisms of
David Montez, Regina Chang, and Trevor Stoltzfus for helpful selective visual attention. Annu Rev Neurosci, 18, 193–222.
comments on an earlier version of the chapter. Diester, I., Kaufman, M. T., Mogri, M., Pashaie, R.,
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ruff and cohen: relating the activity of sensory neurons to perception 361
32 Characterizing the Effects of
Stimulus and Neural Variability
on Perceptual Performance

ABSTRACT Perceptual performance is limited by both external sensory organs. For example, the quantum nature of
and internal factors. External factors include the physical light causes the number of photopigment molecules
variability of sensory stimuli and the inherent ambiguities that activated in a photoreceptor to vary according to the
exist in the mapping between the properties of the environ-
ment and the properties of stimuli at the sensory organs Poisson probability distribution, even when the stimu-
(natural scene statistics). Internal factors include neural noise lus is nominally the same (de Vries, 1943; Hecht, Shlaer,
and nonrandom computational inefficiencies. External & Pirenne, 1942; Rose, 1948). Although this source of
factors have not received the study they deserve, perhaps noise is ubiquitous, there are only a few situations where
because they are difficult to measure and because methods it is the primary factor limiting performance. These
for characterizing them have not been standardized. This
chapter describes some of the computational tools used to
situations consist primarily of simple detection or dis-
characterize the effects of external and internal variability on crimination tasks where brief, spatially localized targets
perceptual performance. These tools are based on concepts are presented in the visual periphery under dark-
of Bayesian statistical decision theory and are illustrated for adapted conditions when the rod photoreceptors are
several basic natural tasks: grouping of contours across occlu- most sensitive (Hecht et al., 1942).
sions, estimation of binocular disparity, and interpolation of
In some laboratory tasks, it is possible to avoid all
missing pixel-luminance values.
sources of stimulus noise, other than irreducible sources
such as photon noise. In such tasks, performance is
Evolution pushes sensory and perceptual systems to usually dominated by neural variability, and by limita-
perform efficiently in those tasks necessary for the tions in neural computations. Examples of such cases
organism to survive and reproduce. Nonetheless, even would be simple detection or discrimination tasks with
in an organism’s natural tasks, perceptual performance fixed stimuli presented under light-adapted conditions
can never be perfect. Thus, to understand and predict (e.g., detection of a known pattern on a uniform gray
perceptual performance it is crucial to characterize and background). In other laboratory tasks, and in most
understand the many factors that limit performance. natural tasks, additional sources of stimulus variability
These factors include the complexity and variability of are also major factors. Examples of such cases would be
the sensory stimuli, as well as many sources of internal detection of targets in pixel-noise backgrounds (Burgess,
variability, ranging from noise in sensory receptor Wagner, Jennings, & Barlow, 1981), or estimation of
responses, to noise in decision and memory circuits, to physical properties in the environment such as the
noise in motor neuron responses. The aim of this depth, shape, and reflectance of object surfaces (e.g.,
chapter is to describe some of the computational tools see Geisler, 2011; Kersten, Mamassian, & Yuille, 2004).
used to characterize and understand the effects of Most perceptual tasks can be regarded as decision
external (stimulus) and internal sources of variability making in the presence of random variability, and
on perceptual performance. These tools are based on hence an appropriate theoretical framework for analyz-
principles of statistical decision and estimation theory. ing perceptual performance is Bayesian statistical deci-
The computational tools described here are applicable sion theory (e.g., see Geisler, 2011; Kersten et al., 2004;
to many perceptual systems, but the examples are drawn Knill & Richards, 1996). In what follows, we sketch the
from the vision literature. general Bayesian framework and then discuss several
The most basic kinds of stimulus variability are irre- special cases, starting with a discussion of simple detec-
ducible sources of noise that occur in transmission of tion and discrimination tasks and ending with discus-
stimulus information from the environment to the sion of optimal estimation in natural scenes.

geisler et al.: characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability 363
It is important to note that Bayesian statistical deci- a positive value u when the response is correct (γ (a, a)
sion theory is used to analyze perceptual performance = γ (b, b) = u), and –u when the response is incorrect
in two different ways. The first is to derive ideal-observer (γ (a, b) = γ (b, a) = −u). As another example, if the goal
models, which are theoretical devices that perform a is to maximize accuracy, while keeping false-positive
perceptual task optimally. An ideal observer usually responses (saying an absent target is present) at some
contains no free parameters and is not meant to be a low rate, then that can be represented by assigning
model of real observers. Rather, its purpose is (1) to a greater cost to false-positive than false-negative
help identify task-relevant stimulus properties, (2) to responses, that is, making γ (b, a) < γ (a, b). In the
describe how those properties should be used to perform depth-estimation task there are many more possible
the task of interest, (3) to provide a rigorous bench- combinations of response and state of the world, and
mark against which to compare real perceptual systems, hence many more possible goals (utility functions). A
and (4) to suggest principled hypotheses and models typical goal would be to minimize the mean squared
for real performance. error, which would be obtained by setting γ (r, ω) = −(r
The second way Bayesian statistical decision theory is − ω)2. In an ideal-observer model, the utility function
used is as a framework for modeling perceptual perfor- (goal) is fully specified. In a perceptual-performance
mance. When used in modeling perception, there are model, the utility function is a part of the model and
generally hypothesized internal (neural or information- may have free parameters.
processing) mechanisms, which have unknown param-
eters that are estimated from perceptual performance Ground Truth and Input Stimuli The second step
data. in using Bayesian statistical decision theory is to specify
the statistical relationship between the states of the
Bayesian statistical decision theory world and the proximal stimulus. In the most common
case, this involves specifying the conditional probability
Specifying the Task The first step in using Bayesian of the different ground-truth states of the world given
statistical decision theory is to specify the task. This the input stimuli; this is the posterior probability distri-
includes specifying the set of possible stimuli, the set of bution, p(ω|s). In practice, it is often convenient to first
possible responses, and the goal of the task. Specifying specify the stimulus likelihood distribution p(s|ω) for
the set of possible stimuli typically requires specifying each possible state of the world and the prior probabil-
(1) the ground-truth (distal) stimuli, which reflect the ity distribution p(ω), and then use Bayes’s rule to
true task-relevant state of the world ω and (2) the proxi- compute the posterior probability distribution.
mal stimuli, which constitute the input data s. For
example, in a simple detection-in-noise task, the true
Input Data In many applications of Bayesian statisti-
state of the world is that a target is either absent (ω =
cal decision theory, there are properties of the percep-
a) or present (ω = b) in a noise pattern, and the proxi-
tual system that are part of the specification of the input
mal stimulus is the specific pattern of pixels that would
to the optimal Bayesian computations. These properties
be imaged on the retina. In a typical depth-estimation
could be either known physical or neural properties
task, the true state of the world is the physical distance
that have no free parameters, or models of these prop-
of one surface patch from another, and the proximal
erties that have free parameters. For example, these
stimulus is the specific pattern of pixels imaged on the
properties might include the optics of the eye, the sam-
two retinas.
pling pattern of the photoreceptors, or the tuning and
The set of possible responses can be quite complex,
noise characteristics of retinal ganglion cells. The prop-
but in most perception experiments it is simple. For
erties can be represented by a function gθ that maps the
example, in the detection-in-noise task it would be one
input stimulus s onto input data,
of two responses that indicate whether the observer
judged the target to be absent (r = a) or present (r = z = g q (s ) , (1)
b). In the depth-estimation task, the response might be
an estimate of the number of centimeters in depth where θ represents any free parameters. In other words,
separating the surface patches. this constraint function incorporates the effects of
Specifying the goal of a task requires specifying the known or assumed properties, and its output is the
costs and benefits (utility) of each possible response for input data to the Bayesian analysis.
each possible state of the world: γ (r, ω). If the goal in
the detection-in-noise task is to be as accurate as pos- Bayes Optimal Response Once the task, input data,
sible, then that can be represented by making the utility and posterior distributions are specified, it is possible

364 sensation and perception

to write down an expression for the optimal response. of signal-detection theory is that on each trial the
Namely, one should pick the response that maximizes responses are based on the value of the decision vari-
the utility (minimizes cost), averaged over the posterior able ψ. On trials where the stimulus is a, the random
probability of the possible states of the world, given the values of ψ are described by one probability distribu-
input data:1 tion, p(ψ|a), whereas on trials where the stimulus is b,
the random values of ψ are described by another prob-
ropt (z ) = arg max ⎡ ∑ γ ( r, w ) p (w z )⎤ . (2) ability distribution, p(ψ|b) (see figure 32.1A). The
r ⎣w ⎦
second key assumption is that the observer’s responses
Note that z reduces to s in the case where the input data are selected by placing a criterion β along the decision
are the input stimuli. We define the “ideal observer” for variable axis; if the value of ψ exceeds the criterion,
a given task and constraint function to be the observer then the response is b; if it falls below the criterion, the
that makes responses according to Eq. 2. response is a. Two potential criteria are shown in figure
In what follows, we first consider identification tasks 32.1A (i.e., the solid and dashed vertical lines).
(of which detection and discrimination are special There are four possible stimulus-response outcomes
cases), then estimation tasks, and finally make some in the yes-no task: responding b when the stimulus is b
general points about the relative importance of exter- (hit); responding b when the stimulus is a (false alarm);
nal and internal factors. responding a when the stimulus is a (correct rejection);
and responding a when the stimulus is b (miss). The
Identification tasks proportions of trials that are hits and misses must sum
to 1.0, and proportions that are false alarms and correct
In an identification task, the observer is required to rejections must sum to 1.0; thus, the data can be sum-
identify which of n possible stimulus categories was pre- marized by the proportions of hits and false alarms. As
sented on a trial. The special cases where there are only is clear from figure 32.1A, these two stimulus-response
two possible categories of stimuli are usually referred to outcomes are interpreted in signal-detection theory as
as detection or discrimination tasks. the areas under the two probability distributions to the
In the classic yes-no task, the observer is presented right of the criterion. The number of standard devia-
on each trial with one of two randomly chosen stimuli tions separating the means of the two distributions
(a or b). The observer is required to report whether the represents the observer’s sensitivity, and is called d′ (d-
stimulus was a or b. Here we will regard a as the refer- prime). The bigger the value of d′, the greater the
ence stimulus, and b as the reference plus signal. The potential accuracy of the observer; however, actual per-
typical goal is to maximize accuracy. In another variant, formance will also depend on where the criterion is
there are monetary costs and benefits associated with placed.
the different stimulus-response outcomes, and the goal An important feature of signal-detection theory is
is to maximize monetary gain. In the two-alternative that it allows estimation of both the sensitivity and
forced choice (2AFC) task, the observer is presented the criterion from the proportion of hits and false
both stimuli on each trial, a and b, either in two tempo- alarms. For example, if the probability distributions
ral intervals or two spatial locations. The temporal or are assumed to be Gaussian and of equal variance,
spatial order is randomized, and the observer is required then d ′ = Φ−1(ph) − Φ−1(pfa) and β = Φ−1(1 − pfa) − d ′/2,
to report whether stimulus a or b was in the first location where Φ is the cumulative standard normal integral
or interval. Although the yes-no task is more representa- function. These formulas are useful because observers
tive of real-world tasks, the 2AFC task is more common can differ in task performance due to differences in
in laboratory experiments, because performance tends the criterion, even when they are equally sensitive, or
to be better and response biases smaller than in the vice versa. Once the value of d′ is determined, it is also
yes-no task. possible to calculate what would be the performance
of the observer if the decision criterion were placed
Signal-Detection Theory Signal-detection theory is at some other location (e.g., the optimal location)
a special case of Bayesian statistical decision theory that using the formulas ph = Φ(d′/2 − β) and pf = Φ(−d′/
was developed to interpret the behavioral data in detec- 2 − β).
tion and discrimination experiments (Green & Swets, The same logic and equations above hold for the
1966; Tanner & Swets, 1954). The first key assumption 2AFC task; however, the colorful names hits and false
alarms are reserved for the yes-no task. Also, if the
Note that arg max [f (x)] is the value of x (the argument) responses to the two stimuli are statistically indepen-
for which f (x) reaches its maximum value. dent, then signal-detection theory predicts d′ in the

geisler et al.: characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability 365
Figure 32.1 Detection and discrimination. (A) Distribution (D) Three parameters describing the possible geometrical
of decision variable values conditioned on two different states relationships between two contour elements. (E) Samples of
of the world (a and b). (B) The receiver operating character- geometrical relationships for pairs of contour elements
istic for the distributions in A. (C) Samples from hypothetical belonging to the same physical contour (blue symbols) and
Gaussian likelihood distributions for the two stimulus catego- belonging to different physical contours (red symbols), for a
ries in a yes-no detection task. The log of the ratio of these particular distance between the elements. The black curve
two likelihood distributions at any point is the decision shows the optimal decision bound given equal prior probabili-
variable in A; that is, Ψ = log[p(z1, z2|b)/p(z1, z2|a)]. The solid ties. (Data from Geisler & Perry, 2009.) (See color plate 28.)
and dashed contours correspond to the two criteria in A.

2AFC task to be √2 larger than in the yes-no task, for corresponding to the solid and dashed criteria, respec-
the same stimuli (Green & Swets, 1966). tively, in figure 32.1A.
The assumptions of signal-detection theory can be
tested in part by inducing the observer to adopt
Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis The different decision criteria and then seeing if the observ-
effect on performance of changes in the decision crite- er’s hit and false alarm rates fall on the ROC predicted
rion, for a given level of sensitivity, can be represented for the measured value of d′. Typically, different deci-
with the receiver operating characteristic (ROC), sion criteria are induced by varying the relative proba-
which plots the proportion of hits as a function of the bility of stimulus a and b, varying the monetary payoffs
proportion of false alarms (figure 32.1B). Note that in for the different kinds of correct and error responses,
this plot the value of the decision criterion is implicit; varying the instructions to observer, or by asking the
the ROC shows only the locus of hit and false alarm observer to provide a confidence judgment along with
rates for all values of the criterion. The shape of the each response (Green & Swets, 1966). Signal-detection
ROC depends on the shapes of the probability distri- theory predicts that in the 2AFC task the ROC curve
butions; the ROCs plotted in figure 32.1B are for the should be symmetric about the negative diagonal, even
distributions in figure 32.1A. The solid and open when it is not predicted to be symmetric in the yes-no
symbols in figure 32.1B show points on the ROC curve task (e.g., see Green & Swets, 1966).

366 sensation and perception

If the probability distributions for the decision vari- The left side of the inequality is the likelihood ratio,
able cross at just one point (as they do for the equal- and the right side is the prior-probability ratio (often
variance Gaussian distributions), and if the two stimuli called the “prior odds”). Figure 32.1C illustrates this
are equally probable, then the area under the ROC is decision rule for an example where the input data are
the maximum percent correct that can be obtained in two-dimensional, z = (z1, z2), and Gaussian, with differ-
a two-interval, two-alternative forced choice task with ent means and covariance matrices. The ellipses show
the same stimuli (Green & Swets, 1966). In neurophysi- iso-likelihood contours, and the symbols show random
ology experiments, the area under the ROC is frequently samples from the two Gaussians. Equation 4 says that if
used to quantify the “discrimination information” trans- the two categories occur with equal probability, then
mitted by individual neurons (e.g., Britten, Shadlen, the response should be b when the likelihood ratio
Newsome, & Movshon, 1992; Tolhurst, Movshon, & exceeds 1.0. The solid black curve shows the locus of
Dean, 1983). The typical procedure is to record the points where the likelihood ratio equals 1.0, and thus
response of a neuron to multiple presentations of two any input z below and to the right of the solid curve
stimuli, compute the hit and false alarm rate for each should be assigned response b. If the ratio of the priors
value of a criterion along the response axis, and finally is greater than 1.0, then the decision boundary should
compute the area under the resulting ROC. This calcu- shift. For example, the dashed curve shows the locus of
lation provides an estimate of the maximum percent points where the likelihood ratio is 44. If the ratio of
correct that could be supported by that neuron alone, the priors is 44, then any input z below and to the right
assuming that all the relevant discrimination informa- of the dashed curve should be assigned response b. The
tion is contained in the total spikes per trial (i.e., no same logic applies to input data of arbitrary dimension-
information is in the temporal pattern of responses). ality and to arbitrary likelihood distributions. It also
For an ideal observer in a yes-no task, the probability applies to arbitrary numbers of categories, except that
distributions for the optimal decision variable must the boundaries now define regions for each of the pos-
cross at a single location (see later), and hence the area sible responses.
under the ROC is the maximum percent correct. How is this analysis of optimal identification related
However, in neurophysiology experiments the neural to signal-detection theory? To see the connection, note
response (e.g., spike count or spike rate) is typically that the ideal decision variable is the likelihood ratio
regarded as the decision variable. The neural response (the left side of Eq. 4). Furthermore, note that the
is not guaranteed to represent an optimal decision vari- specific decision is unchanged by any strictly monotonic
able (i.e., a likelihood ratio; see below). In other words, transformation of the two sides of the inequality in Eq.
there is no guarantee that the neural response is a 4. In other words, for an ideal observer, the decision
monotonic with the likelihood ratio. Hence, the two variable can be any monotonic transformation of the
probability distributions could cross at more than one likelihood ratio. For Gaussian (and many other) distri-
location. In this case, the area under the ROC curve will butions, a useful monotonic transformation is the loga-
not correspond to the maximum percent correct. A rithm (although any monotonic transformation is
better procedure is to fit the ROC, assuming an appro- valid). Applying this transformation to both sides of Eq.
priate family of distributions (e.g., gamma distribu- 4, we obtain the decision variable ψ = log[p(z|b)/p(z|a)]
tions), compute percent correct, and then do a statistical and the criterion β = log[p(a)/p(b)]. When the stimu-
analysis, for the family of distributions, to correct for lus on a trial is from category a, then the decision vari-
bias in the accuracy estimates. able will have a distribution p(ψ|a) (red curve in figure
32.1A). When the actual stimulus is b, then the decision
variable will have a distribution p(ψ|b) (blue curve in
Ideal Observer for Identification If the goal in an
figure 32.1A). Note that for the ideal observer’s deci-
identification task is to maximize the percentage of
sion variable, it is impossible for the two probability
correct identifications, then Eq. 2 reduces to the
distributions on the decision axis to cross at more than
maximum a posteriori (MAP) rule:
one point.
ropt = arg max [ p (z ai ) p (ai )]. (3) We see, then, that signal-detection theory is consis-
tent with ideal-observer theory. This fact provides one
Further, in the case of just two categories of stimuli rationale for the assumptions of signal-detection theory.
(a1 = a, a2 = b), Eq. 2 reduces to However, signal-detection theory is more general in
that an observer’s decision variable need not be a
p (z b ) p (a ) monotonic transformation of the likelihood ratio, and
respond b if > ; otherwise, respond a . (4)
p (z a ) p (b ) the criterion need not be optimally placed. In other

geisler et al.: characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability 367
words, signal-detection theory assumes an arbitrary and ideal performance is nearly identical, implying
rather than the ideal decision variable and criterion. that the human visual system accurately applies the
To obtain quantitative predictions for the ideal decision boundary in figure 32.1E (Geisler & Perry,
observer in an identification task, it is necessary to 2009).
specify the prior probability of the different stimulus We reiterate that ideal observers are not meant to be
categories and the likelihood of the input data for each models of real observers. Rather, they provide a rigor-
of the categories. Specifying the likelihoods and priors ous benchmark against which to compare real observ-
can be very difficult. The most common approach is to ers, and a principled starting point for developing
constrain the stimuli so that it is practical to derive or models for real performance. For example, the classic
compute the likelihoods and priors. One way of con- signal-detection model for interpreting performance in
straining stimuli is to create them by sampling from detection and discrimination experiments is motivated
probability distributions specified by the experimenter. by the computational principles of the ideal observer.
This is what is done in many perception experiments. In addition, there are many examples in the perception
For example, stimulus a might be a sample of Gaussian literature where human performance is found to paral-
noise, and stimulus b a sample of Gaussian noise with a lel that of the ideal observer, showing that modest modi-
fixed added target. In this case, the decision variable fications of ideal observers (or heuristic approximations
and the criterion can be easily computed, making it to the ideal observer) can serve as plausible and testable
straightforward to calculate or simulate ideal perfor- models for real performance (for a review, see Geisler,
mance (e.g., Burgess et al., 1981). 2011).
Working with natural stimuli is more difficult,
because their statistical structure is complex and gen- Estimation Tasks In estimation tasks, there is some
erally unknown. One approach is to restrict what physically ordered dimension along which stimuli fall,
aspects of the natural stimuli are presented in an and the observer is required to estimate the value along
experiment. By considering only certain aspects of that dimension. The distinction between estimation
natural stimuli, it can become practical to measure the and identification is not a sharp one, because one can
relevant probability distributions and compute ideal- regard estimation as identification with a large number
observer performance. For example, consider a task of categories. The primary distinction is captured in the
where the observer is presented with just two contour utility (cost/benefit) function. Generally, in the estima-
elements (short line segments) at the boundary of an tion task, the closer the estimate to the true value, the
occluding surface, and must decide whether the ele- better. On the other hand, in many identification tasks
ments belong to the same or different physical con- all errors are equally costly; for example, if the task is
tours (Geisler & Perry, 2009). For a given occluder to identify a criminal from a police lineup of otherwise
width (distance), two parameters describe the geomet- innocent people, then all errors would be equally bad.
rical relationship between two contour elements: the Estimation tasks are very common under natural condi-
direction of one element from the other, φ, and the tions, but in laboratory settings they are less common
orientation difference between the two elements, θ than identification tasks.
(see figure 32.1D). The blue symbols in figure 32.1E The typical method for measuring estimation perfor-
show samples from the actual distribution in natural mance is similar to that for measuring discrimination
images of direction and orientation difference when performance. On each trial, a variable test stimulus is
the contour elements belong to the same contour; the presented, and the observer is required to respond
red symbols show samples when the elements belong whether it is greater or less than some standard along
to different contours. The solid curve shows the ideal the stimulus dimension of interest (e.g., color, depth,
decision bound when the goal is to maximize accuracy. size, shape, etc.). Often the standard is another stimu-
Specifically, the ideal observer should report that the lus, but in some tasks the standard may be an internal
contour elements are on the same contour if the direc- reference. For example, in a slant-estimation task (e.g.,
tion and orientation difference fall inside the bound- Burge, Girshick, & Banks, 2010), the observer may be
ary; otherwise, the observer should report that the required to respond whether a test stimulus is right-
elements are from different contours. The perfor- side-back from frontoparallel (an internal standard).
mance of this ideal observer can be determined by Data are typically plotted as psychometric functions,
applying this decision rule to test stimuli that contain and the estimate is taken to be the point of subjective
two contour elements (taken from natural scenes) sep- equality (PSE)—the value of the variable stimulus
arated by an occluder. These same test stimuli can be where the observer reports that the test is greater than
presented to human observers. In this case, human the standard with probability 0.5.

368 sensation and perception

Ideal observer for estimation A typical goal in an estima- common (but sometimes unverified) assumption is that
tion task is to minimize the mean squared error between the likelihood distributions are Gaussian,

( ),
the estimate and the true value. This is the MMSE esti-
mate given by p (c ω ) = gauss c; m ω , Σ ω

ˆ opt = arg min ⎡ ∑ (ω − ω

ω ˆ )2 p (ω z )⎤
ωˆ ⎢⎣ ω ⎥⎦ where μω and ∑ ω are a mean vector and covariance
matrix that depend on the specific state of the world
= ∑ ωp ( ω z ) = E ( ω z ) . (5)
(e.g., depth). This assumption implies that the proba-
bility distribution of the context vector p(c) is a mixture
In other words, the optimal estimate is simply the mean of Gaussian distributions with weights given by the
of the posterior probability distribution. Using Bayes’s prior probabilities, a form of Gaussian mixture
rule to expand p(ω|z) in Eq. 5, the optimal estimate can model (GMM): p (c ) = ∑ ω p (c ω ) p (ω ). In applying this
also be expressed in terms of the likelihood and prior approach to natural stimuli, the mean vectors and cova-
probability distributions: riance matrices can be measured (learned) from a large
set of contexts taken from natural images, for each state
p (z ω ) p (ω )
ˆ opt = ∑ ω
ω . (6) of the world. Empirical measurements of natural stimuli
ω ∑ p (z ω ) p (ω ) also allow researchers to verify whether their assump-
tions about the parametric form of the likelihood are
Although minimizing some measure of the deviation valid (e.g., Burge & Geisler, 2011, 2014). If the size of
from the true value is the intuitive goal for most estima- the context vector is n, then the number of parameters
tion tasks, it is not uncommon for researchers to con- that must be estimated for each possible state of the
sider the MAP estimate (which penalizes all errors world is n(n + 1)/2 + n. This number is small enough
equally; cf. Eq. 3): to make it practical to measure all parameters for mod-
ˆ opt = arg max p (ω z ) = arg max [ p (z ω ) p (ω )]. (7)
ω erate context sizes. Once the means and covariance
ω ω
matrices are measured, Eqs. 6 or 7 can be used to
The reason for this choice is that sometimes the MAP compute the ideal observer’s estimates.
estimate is easier to compute, and if the posterior dis- The second approach makes no assumptions about
tributions are unimodal and not skewed, then the MAP the parametric form of the likelihood or prior distribu-
and MMSE estimates are the same. tions, but instead makes the analysis tractable by con-
As in identification experiments, the difficult step in sidering only small context sizes (e.g., Geisler & Perry,
generating ideal-observer predictions is specifying the 2011). One version of this approach, parallel condi-
likelihood and prior distributions (or, equivalently, the tional means (PCM), involves measuring separately the
posterior distributions). For both laboratory and natural mean of the posterior probability distribution for all
stimuli, this generally requires constraining the stimuli context values for two or more contexts in the input
in some way. Below, we briefly describe two approaches data (gray squares in figure 32.2A). These means can
that can be applied to tasks with natural stimuli. be measured directly by computing sample means from
Both approaches begin by constraining the amount training data, and do not require measuring (or model-
of data in the input. To be concrete, suppose that the ing) the posterior probability distributions. These
task is to estimate some state of the world (e.g., depth) means specify estimation functions that map context
at each location in the retinal image. The input z to the values into optimal (MMSE) estimates: ω̂1 = E (ω c1 ),
visual system is the entire image, which for natural ω̂ 2 = E (ω c 2 ). Once these functions are measured, the
stimuli is far too big and complex to allow specification final estimate is obtained by combining the estimates,
of the likelihood or posterior distributions. Thus, it is typically by weighting the estimates by their relative reli-
typical to restrict the input to some small neighborhood ability (e.g., Oruc, Maloney, & Landy, 2003). Another
or context, c, over the location where the estimate is to version of this approach, recursive conditional means
be made. This is reasonable because, in many cases, (RCM), involves first measuring the mean of the poste-
image correlations drop rapidly with distance (e.g., rior probability distribution for one context c1 in the
Deriugin, 1956; Field, 1987). In addition, in experi- input data z (gray squares in the first box in figure
ments on real observers it may be possible to use stimuli 32.2B). Again the optimal estimate is ω̂1 = E (ω c1 ). The
restricted to the local context so that the ideal observer recursive step is to define a second-level context c2 that
is appropriate for the stimuli tested on real observers. includes one or more values of the first-level estimates
The first approach is to make an assumption about (gray squares in third box in figure 32.2B), and then
the parametric form of the likelihood distributions. A directly measure the mean of the posterior distribution

geisler et al.: characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability 369
Figure 32.2 Simple nonparametric minimum mean squared error estimates. (A) Parallel conditional means. (B) Recursive
conditional means.

for all possible values of the variables in this second- from the distribution.) On the other hand, the RCM
level context. The result is a second estimation function observer is “discriminative,” in the sense that it provides
that maps second-level context values into optimal esti- optimal estimates, but does not specify the joint distri-
mates: ω̂ 2 = E (ω c 2 ). This process can be repeated to bution of the context and true values (McLachlan,
obtain a series of n estimation functions; the value of n 1992; Vapnik, 1998). The distinction between genera-
is determined by when performance reaches asymptote. tive and discriminative is separate from the distinction
The final estimate is obtained by applying the n estima- between parametric and nonparametric. For example,
tion functions sequentially. direct nonparametric measurements of higher-order
Which version performs best depends on the particu- moments beyond the conditional mean may allow gen-
lar task. Both versions require having enough training eration of random samples from the joint distribution.
data to estimate the mean of ω or each possible pattern Alternatively, parametric models such as multiple linear
of context values. For example, if the values of the regression produce estimates, but cannot generate
context variables range from 0 to 255, then the context random samples from the joint distribution. In percep-
size is limited to three or four variables, because more tual systems, a potential advantage of representing the
variables would require an impractical amount of train- joint distribution is that it may be possible to switch
ing data. However, the context size does grow (in effect) utility/cost functions without needing to learn whole
at each step. In the recursive case, the effective context new estimation functions.
grows because the context for a higher-level estimate We illustrate the two approaches with two examples:
contains estimates that were obtained using the con- (1) disparity estimation, which underlies binocular
texts at lower levels (in figure 32.2B, the context for the depth perception, and (2) missing-pixel estimation,
second estimate can effectively include the light gray which is a simple form of image interpolation (amodal
pixels). Note that it is also possible to apply Gaussian completion).
mixture models recursively.
Another distinction between these two approaches is Disparity estimation To illustrate the first approach,
that the GMM observer is “generative,” in the sense that consider the task of estimating horizontal disparity
the GMM parameters specify the joint distribution of from the images formed in the left and right eye when
the context and true values. (The term “generative” binocularly viewing a small patch of natural scene. In
refers to the fact that if the joint distribution is speci- this example, the context consists of eight variables,
fied, then it is possible to generate random samples where each variable is the dot product of a different,

370 sensation and perception

figure 32.3B, strongly suggesting that Eqs. 7 and 8
should give near-ideal performance. Figure 32.3C shows
that the optimal estimates (for a separate set of test
patches) are unbiased and that the confidence intervals
grow with the magnitude of disparity. Figures 32.3D and
32.3E show, in agreement with human psychophysics,
that the growth in the confidence interval is approxi-
mately exponential with disparity (Blakemore, 1970;
McKee, Levi, & Bowne, 1990), and that the proportion
of disparity sign confusions decreases rapidly at small
disparities, is minimal at intermediate disparities, and
decreases gradually at large disparities (Landers &
Cormack, 1997). Thus, an ideal (GMM) observer for
disparity estimation in natural images shows that human
performance tracks the information available in the
retinal images and provides a principled starting point
for developing models of human disparity estimation
under natural conditions.

Missing-pixel estimation To illustrate the second

approach, consider the task of estimating the gray level
of missing pixels in 8-bit (0-255 gray level) calibrated
natural images (D’Antona, Perry, & Geisler, 2013; task
Figure 32.3 Disparity estimation. (A) Two of the eight verti- modified from Kersten, 1987). The left side of figure
cally oriented binocular receptive fields (filters) optimal for
disparity estimation. (B) Likelihood distributions of first two
32.4A shows a large patch of natural image with a
filter responses for disparities ranging from –15 min to 15 missing center pixel; the right side shows an enlarge-
min. Symbols show responses to individual natural image ment of the center 5x5 neighborhood around the
patches for two disparities. Contours indicate 95% of the missing pixel. PCM (figure 32.2A) was applied using
volume of Gaussian distributions fit to the joint responses. two contexts: the four pixels left and right of the center
(C) Estimation performance on random natural image test
pixel, and the four pixels above and below the center
patches for an ideal Gaussian mixture model using all eight
optimal filter responses. Symbols are mean estimates, and pixel. From a large set of natural image training patches
error bars represent 68% confidence intervals. (D) Confi- (on the order 1010), the mean of the center pixel is
dence intervals of estimates as a function of disparity. computed for each combination of the four context
(E) Proportion correct estimation of disparity sign (crossed values. These conditional means (which are a smooth
vs. uncrossed) as a function of disparity. (From Burge &
function of the context values) were used to obtain two
Geisler, 2014.)
estimates that were then combined.
For test patches of natural image, the mean squared
vertically oriented binocular receptive field with the error of the estimates of the PCM observer is approxi-
retinal images in the two eyes. These eight receptive mately 90 (SD of error = 9 gray steps). Analysis shows
fields were found (by a separate analysis) to be the most that the most useful pixels for this task are the four
useful vertical receptive fields for disparity estimation neighboring horizontal and vertical pixels (other pixels
given the optics of human eyes and the properties of provide much less information), and hence the perfor-
natural stereo images (Burge & Geisler, 2014). The mance of the PCM observer is likely close to the true
symbols in figure 32.3B show joint responses of the first optimum (Geisler & Perry, 2011). The mean squared
two binocular units (figure 32.3A) to randomly selected error of the estimates of the GMM observer that uses
contrast-normalized natural image patches, for a range simultaneously the four pixels in the horizontal direc-
of horizontal disparities (−15 to 15 minutes of arc). As tion and the four pixels in vertical directions (8-dimen-
can be seen, the likelihood distributions are roughly sional Gaussian distributions) is approximately 140.
Gaussian in shape (solid curves are 95% volume con- Thus, for this task the PCM observer is considerably
tours), with mean vectors that change little with dispar- closer to ideal.
ity and covariance matrices that change rather The mean squared error of human estimates on
dramatically. This pattern holds for all pairs of variables, exactly the same test patches is approximately 246
and for disparities intermediate to those shown in (figure 32.4C), and thus humans are well below optimal

geisler et al.: characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability 371
Figure 32.4 Missing-pixel estimation task. (A) Example test Gaussian. (D) Estimation of error of a parallel conditional
image (calibrated 8-bit gray scale). (B) Distribution of estima- means (PCM) observer trained on natural images plotted as
tion errors (in gray-level) of the point of subject equality for a function of the estimation error of three human observers,
three human observers on 62 test patches. (C) Distribution for 62 test patches. If PCM and human errors were identical,
of psychometric function slopes (standard deviation values) the points would fall on the positive diagonal.
obtained by fitting psychometric data with a cumulative

in this task. However, because of luminance gain control (stimulus) variability must be scaled up for the perfor-
and center-surround mechanisms in the retina, the mance of the ideal observer to match that of the organ-
output of the retina is probably better described as a ism. This scale factor κ is closely related to the definition
contrast image rather than a luminance image (a con- of efficiency, η in signal-detection theory: η = dreal′ 2 dideal
trast image is obtained from a luminance image by (Tanner & Birdsall, 1958). In a detection task with a
subtracting and then dividing by the local mean lumi- fixed signal in Gaussian noise, κ is simply the inverse of
nance at each pixel location). Interestingly, humans the efficiency (κ = 1/η). As a more general example,
match the performance of a PCM observer trained on consider an ideal observer in an identification task,
contrast images. Figure 32.4D shows, for 62 representa- where each category is represented by a Gaussian dis-
tive test patches, the estimation error of the contrast tribution. In this case, κ is the scale factor on the covari-
PCM observer plotted against the human estimation ance matrices that brings the ideal performance down
error. The contrast PCM observer does a good job of to real performance. If the external variability must be
predicting the specific errors made by humans for arbi- scaled by a factor of κ, then the effective internal vari-
trary natural image patches. ability equals κ − 1 times the external variability. In
other words, if the value of κ is near 1.0, then the inter-
nal noise is near zero and external factors dominate
Relative influence of external and internal factors performance; if the value of κ is large, then internal
factors dominate performance.
Efficiency An observer’s performance is generally Whether external or internal factors dominate per-
limited by both external factors (variability and ambigu- formance is highly task-dependent. For detection of
ity of the inputs) and by internal factors (neural, deci- targets in fixed backgrounds, the only external variabil-
sion, and motor noise, as well as nonrandom ity is photon noise (the ideal observer is limited only by
computational inefficiencies). For the purpose of esti- the signal’s energy and photon noise) and the value of
mating the relative influence of external and internal κ is large (typically greater than 10), showing that inter-
factors, the combined effect of all the internal factors nal factors dominate (e.g., Geisler, 1989). For detection
can be regarded as a level of internal noise, which can in high-contrast pixel noise, the values of κ can be quite
be estimated by calculating how much the external a bit smaller (sometimes less than 2), showing that

372 sensation and perception

external factors dominate, or at least play a major role distributions fitted to the psychometric data. If the
in limiting performance (e.g., Burgess et al., 1981). human observers had no internal variability, they would
For tasks involving natural stimuli, the variability of make the same decision every time the same stimulus
the stimuli is often high, and hence there are likely to was presented, and the psychometric functions would
be many cases where external factors dominate. An be step functions. Thus, the fitted standard deviations
example is the task described earlier, where the estimate all the internal variability, which in this case is
observer is presented with two contour elements at equivalent to a pixel noise standard deviation of 9.2
the boundary of an occluding surface and must gray steps (variance = 85). On the other hand, figure
decide whether the elements belong to the same or 32.4C shows the distribution of systematic errors (PSE
different physical contours (figures 32.1D, E). The errors). These errors are largely due to external factors
accuracy of the ideal observer in this task is 87% or fixed (nonrandom) internal factors (the confidence
correct, and is entirely due to external (stimulus) vari- intervals on the PSEs are quite small). The root mean
ability. Human performance under exactly the same squared PSE error is 15.7 gray steps (variance = 246),
conditions is 83% correct. The value of κ necessary to which is substantially larger than the internal variability.
degrade ideal to real performance is 1.5, and hence This result makes the important point that in many
in this task human performance is dominated by natural tasks performance is limited more by external
external factors. In other words, the human visual factors and nonrandom internal inefficiencies than by
system uses a decision rule that closely approximates neural, decision, and motor noise.
the solid curve in figure 32.1E and hence has effi-
ciently incorporated the statistics of natural contours. Conclusion
Fixed-Stimulus and Across-Stimulus Variation in This chapter reviewed some tools that are useful for
Performance Another important distinction is characterizing the external and internal factors that
between the variations in behavioral response that limit perceptual performance. These tools are based on
occur when an observer is presented with the same applying the concepts of Bayesian statistical decision
fixed stimulus repeatedly, and the variations that occur theory to the analysis of natural signals, neural responses,
across different stimuli. Fixed-stimulus variation must and behavioral responses. Application of the Bayesian
be entirely due to internal factors that are varying from approach to natural signals can identify task-relevant
presentation to presentation (e.g., sensory neural dimensions of information, provide principled hypoth-
noise, decision noise, or motor noise). On the other eses for neural mechanisms, and determine the limita-
hand, variation in response across stimuli must be due tions on perceptual performance imposed by external
either to external factors or to nonrandom internal factors. Application of the Bayesian approach to neural
factors. responses can provide similar insight into task-relevant
A method for separating the two types of variation in dimensions of neural information and can provide
detection-in-noise tasks is the “frozen noise” experi- principled hypotheses for subsequent decoding. Appli-
ment, where each noise background (or natural stimu- cation of Bayesian approaches to behavior can provide
lus background) is repeated occasionally in the course principled perceptual models and can be used to sepa-
of the experiment. Fitting the subject’s responses with rate effects on performance due to sensitivity from
standard signal-detection models allows estimation of those due to decision criteria.
the relative variance of the two sources of variation.
Furthermore, if the pixel-based ideal observer for the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by NIH grant EY11747, NSF
task is known, then it is possible to separately estimate Grant IIS 1111328 and NIH Training Grant 1T32-EY021462.
the effective variance due to external factors, nonran-
dom internal factors, and internal noise (e.g., see
Swensson & Judy, 1996). REFERENCES
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374 sensation and perception

33 Neural Coding of Tactile Perception

ABSTRACT A fundamental problem in neuroscience is to throughout the pathway are linked to sensation and
understand how neural activity is related to behavior. This perception, and (2) how information is transformed
neural coding problem combines psychophysical data with and represented within those pathways.
neurophysiology, and it has been largely applied in two kinds
of psychophysical tasks, detection and discrimination tasks,
In this chapter we discuss two concepts related to
and subjective magnitude estimate (SME) tasks. The aim of sensation and perception. The first is the concept of
the psychophysical study is to quantify the relationship quantifying the neural activity with behavior, which is
between the stimulus and perception, whereas the aim of the called the neural coding problem. The rationale is that
neurophysiological study is to draw a relationship between embedded within the spatial and temporal patterns of
the stimulus and neural responses. The neural code is then
action potentials is a neural representation of the
determined by finding the link that relates the two kinds of
data. The lower-envelope principle is used to determine the sensory stimulus. The aim of neural coding studies is to
neural code for detection and discrimination tasks, while the determine how these representations are related to
principles of consistency and falsification are used to deter- behavior. We first discuss classical neural coding studies
mine the neural code for SME tasks. Throughout the chapter, of the tactile system and provide a theoretical frame-
we discuss neural coding studies of somatosensory function.
work for linking neural activity recorded from nonhu-
Particularly, we will review studies of roughness, orientation,
curvature, and motion, which show that the neural mecha- man primates with human behavior.
nisms for coding local cues are based on extracting two- The second concept is that, under conditions when
dimensional (2D) features of the stimulus from the spatial the form of the input representations are the same
activity across receptors. The mechanisms for spatial process- across sensory modalities, the nervous system appears
ing are highly similar between vision and touch. However, to use similar coding mechanisms to solve similar prob-
the mechanisms for coding global features of object size and
shape are different between vision and touch. lems. To illustrate this second concept, we discuss how
objects are represented in the somatosensory system
and draw parallels with neural mechanisms in the visual
Sensory systems are faced with the common problem of modality. We show that tactile object recognition is
encoding and transforming inputs from the environ- based on processing of the global and local features of
ment into patterns of action potentials that give rise to objects. Results from a number of studies show that
memory and perception. In touch, this process begins neural coding mechanisms for processing local features
with the activation of a large number of receptors in of objects, which rely on 2D arrays of receptors in the
the skin that have specificity for different environmen- skin, are similar between touch and vision. However
tal energies, such as mechanical or thermal inputs to we will show that mechanisms for processing global
the skin, and specificity for forces, positions, and move- features, which depend on integrating inputs across
ments of our limbs. Tactile perception of mechanical fingers, are different.
inputs alone has four different kinds of receptors
located in the skin that are sensitive to different aspects Neural coding
of mechanical energy. Each receptor is associated with
a particular afferent fiber that is thought to encode In the 1960s, Vernon Mountcastle initially suggested
information about different features of the input. This that the neural mechanisms underlying perception can
division of labor among the peripheral nerves results in be studied directly. The approach is to first select an
the central nervous system receiving parallel represen- aspect of perception and perform quantitative psycho-
tations of the peripheral input that are processed in physical experiments in humans to determine how
different regions of cortex. Along each pathway, these perception changes as a function of the stimulus’s
images are transformed by convergent and divergent parameters. Neurophysiological experiments are then
synaptic circuits into central representations of objects performed on nonhuman primates using the same
that are matched against stored memories. The broad stimulus and stimulus conditions to determine how
goals of tactile research are to determine (1) which neurons are modulated by the stimulus. Given the cor-
neuronal population, or populations, at each stage respondence in neural mechanisms between the two

hsiao and gomez-ramirez: neural coding of tactile perception 375

species, the final step is to “inquire which quantitative U-shaped function) being around 200 Hz for both
aspects of the neural response tally with psychophysical species (LaMotte & Mountcastle, 1975; Talbot, Darian-
measurements” (Mountcastle, Poggio, & Werner, 1963). Smith, Kornhuber, & Mountcastle, 1968; figure 33.1).
This combined psychophysical-neurophysiological They rationalized that, because the psychometric curves
experimental approach has been applied to two kinds were similar for the two species, the neural mechanisms
of psychophysical tasks: (1) detection or discrimination mediating vibration detection between the species must
tasks, which measure the perceptual thresholds of also be similar. Previous recordings from the peripheral
detecting a sensory stimulus or detecting differences nerves of nonhuman primates had revealed that there
between two or more stimuli, respectively; and (2) sub- are four kinds of mechanoreceptive afferents that
jective magnitude estimate tasks (SME; first proposed innervate the skin. These are called the slowly adapting
by Stevens, 1960), which provide quantitative measures type 1 (SA1), the slowly adapting type II (SA2, rarely
of subjective behavior (e.g., the brightness of a light or reported in the monkey), the rapidly adapting (RA),
the roughness of a surface) for which there is no right and the Pacinian afferents (PC; see below for details).
or wrong answer. The issues of how to link human psy- Mountcastle and colleagues set out to determine which
chophysics with neural responses are different for these afferent type was responsible for the perception of
two kinds of behavior. vibration. They recorded the responses of the SA1, RA,
In detection and discrimination tasks, it is assumed and PC peripheral afferents in nonhuman primates to
there are internal noise distributions of the neural activ- vibratory stimuli, and found that the neural detection
ity that are known by the observer. The observer’s task threshold (minimum intensity needed to activate a
is to determine when the signal-plus-noise distribution neuron) of the most sensitive RA and PC afferents
is significantly different from the noise distribution closely matched the psychophysical measurements in
alone (detection) or when the two signal-plus-noise humans (see figure 33.1A). They concluded that low
distributions are different (discrimination). The first frequencies below about 150 Hz are coded by RA affer-
neural coding study was aimed at understanding which ents, while high frequencies are encoded by PC affer-
afferent fibers were responsible for coding perception ents. This result is now referred to as the lower-envelope
of tactile vibration. In those studies, Mountcastle and principle, which posits that perceptual threshold for any
his colleagues performed psychophysical studies in behavior is determined by the responses of the most
humans and nonhuman primates and found that the sensitive neurons. Since those studies, the notion that
vibratory detection threshold forms a U-shaped func- perception is bounded by neural activity of select neural
tion with the minimal threshold (i.e., bottom of the populations has been applied extensively to many

Figure 33.1 Neural coding of discrimination and subjective from Mountcastle et al., 1972, and Freeman & Johnson,
magnitude estimation (SME) studies. (A) The graph shows 1982.) (B) Summary of four coding studies of roughness
the sensitivity (threshold firing) of the most sensitive SA1, RA, perception. Y-axis, SME. X-axis, spatial variation of firing rates
and PC afferents to vibrations. RA afferents account for the of SA1 afferents (see text for details). The correlation is equal
lower limb, and PC afferents the upper limb, of the human or greater than 0.97 in all studies.
psychophysical curve (dashed line. (Adapted with permission

376 sensation and perception

studies in other sensory systems (for a review, see Parker Phillips, & Johnson, 1990). In the second study, they
& Newsome, 1998). designed stimuli that differentially activated neurons
The concept that a direct link could be made between depending on how the spatial pattern of dots was
neural activity and behavior for threshold detection arranged on the surface and tested whether the code
tasks suggests that the methods of statistical decision was based on spatial or temporal codes (Connor &
theory, which are widely used in many areas of science, Johnson, 1992), while in the third study stimuli were
could be applied to neural discrimination studies. designed to differentially activate SA1 and RA afferents
Johnson addressed this issue in a series of papers in based on their sensitivity to dot height (Blake, Hsiao, &
which he provided a theoretical basis for linking neural Johnson, 1997). From these studies they rejected tem-
activity to sensory discrimination ( Johnson, 1980a, poral codes and codes based on RA afferents since
1980b). The theory proposes that sensory discrimina- they failed to show consistent relationships with the
tion is based on two normal distributions, with the behavior. The only remaining neural code that showed
shape of these distributions known by the observer. a consistent relationship with the SME across all of the
Further, the distance between these distributions (called studies was a code based on the differences in firing
d ′) is dependent on the signal strength of the stimulus rate between SA1 afferents spaced about 2.0 mm apart,
input, whereby small or weak input signals result in which they termed the SA1 spatial variation code. In a
significantly overlapping distributions. The “observer” fourth study (Yoshioka, Gibb, Dorsch, Hsiao, &
then decides whether the two signals are the same or Johnson, 2001), they confirmed that this neural code
different by placing a decision boundary between the continued to show a consistent relationship with behav-
two distributions. The decision boundary can change ior, even for fine spatial patterns that are below the
depending on the goals of the observer, with a conserva- spatial resolution of the SA1 afferents (see figure 33.1B
tive observer placing their decision boundary well into for a summary of these four studies). What was remark-
the signal distribution to ensure that they are respond- able about this neural code was that its relationship
ing to the signal and not the noise. The close fit between with perception was not only monotonic but also
theory and experimental results suggests that this linear, suggesting that linearity may be a general law of
theory is a good model for discrimination tasks (for a perception.
review, see Parker & Newsome, 1998). The logic they used to relate the neural code to per-
The second kind of psychophysical tasks are those in ception is based on the ideas of falsification (Popper,
which subjects freely scale their responses to a sensory 1959), which proposes that codes can only be consid-
stimulus or event, such that a reported number is twice ered valid when all other possible codes have been
as large if a stimulus feels twice as intense. The assump- rejected. For some percepts, such as vibratory intensity,
tion behind these studies is that the neural code under- determining the neural code is difficult because there
lying the aspect of perception increases monotonically are several potential codes that co-vary with intensity
as a function of the perceived magnitude of the stimu- (e.g., total number of impulses evoked and total number
lus, which could be determined using multivariate of activated neurons). Further, it is difficult to design
regression methods. An example of a neural coding stimuli that can distinguish between those codes, and
study using SME is one by Hsiao, Johnson, and col- as such some codes cannot be falsified (Johnson, 1974).
leagues, who studied the neural coding of tactile
roughness perception in four separate studies (see Neural coding of tactile object perception
Johnson, Hsiao, & Yoshioka, 2002, for details on these
studies). In all four studies, humans scanned their Determining the neural code for objects that span mul-
fingers across embossed spatial patterns and reported tiple dimensions is more difficult than the coding
their SME of the surface’s roughness. They then studies described earlier, in which only a single dimen-
recorded neural activity of SA1, RA, and PC afferents sion (e.g., roughness) is the focus of investigation. The
in nonhuman primates and tested which afferent pop- dimensions of tactile object recognition can be broken
ulation and neural code underlies the perception of down into two broad categories of global and local
roughness. In each study, they systematically ruled out features depending on how the information about the
hypothetical neural codes when they failed to show object is gathered from the hand. Global features, such
consistent monotonic relationships with perception. In as size, three-dimensional (3D) shape of the object, and
the first study, they ruled out mean rate codes and its weight, rely on integrating information across the
codes based on the PC afferents because there was no fingers and hand. The local surface features include 2D
consistent relationship between these codes for any of form (e.g., shape, curvature), temperature, surface
the afferent fiber types and behavior (Connor, Hsiao, texture, and direction of motion of the object. All

hsiao and gomez-ramirez: neural coding of tactile perception 377

Figure 33.2 Working model of tactile object recognition. views of the object. At each view, the cutaneous input provides
(A) Hand holding an object. (B) Hand in the same conforma- information about local shape, texture, and motion. (Adapted
tion without the object. Dashed circles represent multiple with permission from Hsiao, 2008.)

largely depend on information gathered from individ- RA afferents also innervate the skin densely (150 affer-
ual fingers and have been shown to play a role in object ents/cm2), but convey a less acute spatial image of the
recognition (Klatzky & Lederman, 1995; Lederman & stimulus because the receptors they innervate have
Klatzky, 1997). Indeed, psychophysical evidence sug- large, uniform RFs (∼3–5 mm in diameter). The SA2
gests that the local and global features of objects are and PC afferents have large RFs that sparsely innervate
processed independently, with material properties pro- the skin, and unlike the SA1 and RA afferents, play no
cessed separately from shape properties (Klatzky & role in 2D form processing. The SA2 afferents provide
Lederman, 1995). Understanding how objects are information about skin stretch and joint angle, and are
coded in cortex requires that we first understand how thought to play a role in 3D shape perception. The PC
individual features of objects are coded. afferents provide information about vibration (see
Figure 33.2 shows a working hypothesis of how we above) and play an important role in tool use (Johnson,
envision the differences between global and local 2001).
feature processing. We hypothesize that global proper- The neural mechanisms underlying proprioception
ties of size and shape are derived by integrating cutane- are poorly understood. In addition to the SA2 afferents,
ous inputs from mechanoreceptors innervating the skin there are four other types of afferents providing pro-
with proprioceptive receptors in the skin, muscles, and prioceptive input. These are the Golgi tendon organs
joints. Proprioception provides information about (1b afferents), muscle spindles (1a and II), and joint
where the fingers contacting the object lie in space. The afferents. Of these, only the muscle spindles and SA2
local properties of the object are derived from cutane- afferents are thought to provide information about
ous receptors that provide 2D images of the spatial and joint angle. The relative contributions of these afferents
temporal pattern of activity on the skin. to joint-angle perception are not well understood. Psy-
In the next section, we briefly describe the anatomi- chophysical studies show that activation of either affer-
cal pathways underlying tactile perception and then ent can alter perception of joint angle (Collins,
describe neural coding studies of how individual fea- Refshauge, & Gandevia, 2000; Goodwin, McCloskey, &
tures are represented in the brain. Matthews, 1972), and neurophysiological studies show
that the responses of SA2 afferents to different joint-
Anatomical Pathways Tactile object processing angle configurations closely match human psychophysi-
begins with the activation of four types of cutaneous cal reports (Dimitriou & Edin, 2008; Edin & Abbs,
afferents, namely, the SA1, RA, slowly adapting type 2 1991).
(SA2), PC, and proprioceptive afferents (see Hsiao & After leaving the arm, the main cutaneous and pro-
Gomez-Ramirez, 2012, for a review). There are about prioceptive pathway of peripheral afferents project to
100 SA1 afferents/cm2 at the fingertips in both human the dorsal column nuclei in the brain stem, which in
and nonhuman primates (Darian-Smith & Kenins, turn project to neurons in the ventroposterior lateral
1980; Johansson & Vallbo, 1979), with each afferent nucleus (VPL) of the thalamus, which itself projects to
having circular receptive fields (RFs) of about 2–3 mm neurons in primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Neuro-
in diameter that have a Gaussian-like shape (Hsiao, physiological evidence suggests that minimal process-
Fitzgerald, Thakur, Denchev, & Yoshioka, 2006). The ing occurs along these ascending pathways (for a review,

378 sensation and perception

see Hsiao & Gomez-Ramirez, 2012). However, there is neural activity of the SA1 afferents. The neural code
new evidence indicating that neural processing of underlying sticky-slippery is not understood. In the next
tactile inputs may begin to emerge in different colum- section, we discuss peripheral and central neural coding
nar structures of the spinal cord (Abraira & Ginty, studies of 2D spatial form.
The first place where significant processing occurs is Spatial acuity Studies of spatial acuity in touch show
S1, which is composed of four areas (3a, 3b, 1, and 2). that the discrimination threshold for gap detection,
Areas 3a and 3b receive the bulk of the feedforward grating orientation, and letter discrimination is about
thalamic input and are considered to be SI proper. 1 mm. Among the four candidate afferent types, only
Areas 1 and 2 receive both parallel inputs from VPL and the SA1 and RA afferent systems have sufficient inner-
serial inputs from areas 3a and 3b, suggesting that these vation density to account for this threshold. Johnson
areas serve an integrative function and lie at a higher and Phillips (Johnson & Phillips, 1981; Phillips &
processing stage (Felleman & Van Essen, 1991). Area Johnson, 1981) recorded from these afferents and
3a neurons largely encode proprioceptive input, while showed, using the lower-envelope principle, that only
areas 3b and 1 process cutaneous input. Area 2 pro- the SA1 afferents have RFs with sufficient spatial acuity
cesses both proprioceptive and cutaneous inputs (Hsiao, to account for the psychophysical performance. While
2008). SA1 afferents can resolve 1.0 mm gaps, RA afferents
Neurons from the four areas of S1 cortex predomi- only resolve gaps that are 3–5 times greater. These
nantly project to areas 5, 7b, and secondary somatosen- results demonstrated that the SA1 system includes the
sory cortex (SII). SII cortex is thought to play an afferent fibers and all of the ascending pathways
important role in object identification, since animals leading to perception. This system is the tactile spatial
with SII ablated are unable to discriminate shapes of system and is the system responsible for spatial form
tactile objects. These deficits were not observed in processing with the individual afferents playing the
animals when area 5 was ablated (Murray & Mishkin, role of pixels (smallest processing element) in a 2D
1984). However, the organization of SII cortex is not image. While the RA system also provides a dense 2D
well understood. Like S1 cortex, it is composed of mul- image of the central nervous system, the spatial resolu-
tiple areas (Burton, Fabri, & Alloway, 1995; Disbrow, tion of the individual afferents is relatively poor, and as
Roberts, & Krubitzer, 2000; Fitzgerald, Lane, Thakur, & such the neural image provided by these afferents is
Hsiao, 2004; Krubitzer, Clarey, Tweedale, Elston, & quite blurred. The poor spatial resolution of the RA
Calford, 1995; Robinson & Burton, 1980; Whitsel, afferents is the reason why reading with an Optacon,
Petrucelli, & Werner, 1969). Hinkley et al. (2006) and which is a sensory substitution device for the blind that
Fitzgerald et al. (2004) reported that neurons in SII only activates RA afferents, requires spatial patterns
received both proprioception and cutaneous input, that are five times greater in height than embossed pat-
which suggests that, like area 2, it is important for pro- terns (for a review, see Johnson & Hsiao, 1992).
cessing global features of objects. These authors subdi- The results from those studies show that at the
vided SII into three functional areas, SIIa, SIIc, and periphery, the initial coding of spatial form is an iso-
SIIp, with the anterior and posterior portions of SII morphic 2D representation of the spatial pattern on the
(SIIa and SIIp) responding to proprioceptive and cuta- skin. This representation is identical (although much
neous inputs, while the central region (SIIc) mainly less acute) to the representation of visual images leaving
responding to cutaneous stimulation. This organization the optic nerve. In the next section, we will describe the
is similar to that of S1 cortex, where areas 3b and 1 are representation of form in S1 beginning with neural
flanked by areas 3a and 2, which are the SI regions that coding of first-order stimuli (i.e., oriented bars).
predominantly encode proprioceptive inputs.
Bar orientation Psychophysical studies show that orien-
Neural Coding of Local Properties of Objects tation-discrimination thresholds for bars is about 20
Practically all of the current neural coding studies of degrees (Bensmaia, Hsiao, Denchev, Killebrew, & Craig,
touch have focused on understanding how 2D form, 2008), which is less accurate in touch compared to
texture, and motion perception are represented in the vision (1–4 degrees in vision; Beaudot & Mullen, 2006).
nervous system. The perception of texture is captured Although peripheral SA1 afferents have small RFs and
by three main dimensions: rough-smooth, hard-soft, are insensitive to orientation (Hsiao et al., 2008), many
and sticky-slippery. Neural coding studies show that the cortical neurons in areas 3b and 1 show orientation-
dimensions of roughness-smoothness (see above) and tuned responses to both scanned and indented bars
hard-soft (not reviewed here) are also coded in the (Bensmaia, Denchev, Dammann, Craig, & Hsiao, 2008;

hsiao and gomez-ramirez: neural coding of tactile perception 379

Figure 33.3 Neural coding of orientation tuning in area 3b. difference between two oriented bars, while the y-axis indi-
(A) Both psychometric discrimination thresholds for oriented cates the probability of correct difference discrimination.
bars indented in the skin and neurometric discrimination for (Adapted from Bensmaia, Denchev et al., 2008.) (B) Raster
neurons in area 3b predict that the threshold is about 20 plot and orientation-tuning curve for an area 3b neuron.
degrees. Shown is the neuromatic function. Threshold is (Adapted from Hsiao et al., 2002.)
defined as 75% correct. The x-axis represents the angular

DiCarlo & Johnson, 2000; Hsiao et al., 2002; Sripati, notion that the SA1 system plays a prominent role in
Yoshioka, Denchev, Hsiao, & Johnson, 2006; Thakur, encoding tactile spatial information.
Fitzgerald, & Hsiao, 2012), like neurons in primary Studies reveal that tuning for contour features (e.g.,
visual cortex (Hubel, 1958). This emergent property of curvature) emerges in area 2 and SII (Yau, Pasupathy,
orientation selectivity is mediated by neurons that have Fitzgerald, Hsiao, & Connor, 2009; Yau et al., 2013).
RFs with oriented excitatory centers and flanking inhib- Neurons in both areas respond to curves pointing in a
itory regions that also have oriented shapes (DiCarlo & specific direction, with the representations of curvature
Johnson, 2000; DiCarlo et al., 1998; Sripati et al., 2006; developing and peaking concurrently in both areas
Thakur et al., 2012). The RF structures are similar (Yau et al., 2013). Interestingly, the responses to tactile
to ones observed in primary visual cortex (Hubel & curved stimuli are similar to the responses in area V4
Wiesel, 1959). Orientation-selective neurons are also to visual curves (Yau et al., 2009).
observed in SII cortex, with the majority of neurons
showing position-invariant responses on a single finger 3D curvature Similar results are observed for coding of
(Fitzgerald et al., 2006; Thakur et al., 2006). The orien- 3D curves indented into a single finger pad, with thresh-
tation-discrimination threshold of about 20 degrees old discrimination of about 5 m−1 (Goodwin, Browning,
closely matches the threshold predicted by the corre- & Wheat, 1995) and the threshold being mildly affected
sponding population response of area 3b neurons by indentation force. Neurophysiological observations
(figure 33.3; Bensmaia, Denchev et al., 2008), thus indi- from human peripheral nerves show that only the 3D
cating (using the lower-envelope principle) that the spatial profile of the SA1 population provides a veridi-
neural code for tactile orientation resides in area 3b. cal representation of curvature, and that their activity
Next we investigate the representation of second-order accounts for human psychophysical observations
stimuli (i.e., curves) which can be either 2D and lie (Goodwin et al., 1995; LaMotte & Srinivasan, 1993).
within the plane of the skin (e.g., the letter “C”), or 3D RAs respond poorly to such stimuli and are unrelated
and indent into the skin with different depths (e.g., like to curvature discrimination (Goodwin et al., 1995;
a ball). Khalsa et al., 1998; LaMotte, Friedman, Lu, Khalsa, &
Srinivasan, 1998). The neural coding of 3D curvature
2D curvature Wheat and Goodwin (2001) showed in in cortex has not been studied.
human psychophysics that the discrimination threshold
for curvature in the plane of the skin is about 2D patterns composed of multiple features Further evi-
20 m−1. In corresponding peripheral neurophysiologi- dence that the SA1 system is essential for fine form
cal studies, which were also performed in humans, they processing, analogous to the parvocellular pathway in
showed that the neural representation of curvature is vision, comes from studies that use complex 2D pat-
an isomorphic spatial pattern based on the responses terns such as Braille dots or embossed letters, which are
of SA1s. The responses of the RA afferents did not composed of combinations of curves and oriented bars
match the psychophysical data, further supporting the (for details, see Hsiao & Gomez-Ramirez, 2012). If the

380 sensation and perception

Figure 33.4 Neural coding of motion in area 1. (A) Response y-axis on the left depicts human subjects’ behavioral data,
profile of a neuron tuned to ∼90° moving random-dot stimu- while the y-axis on the right represents the relative preferred
lus. Tuning diminishes with lesser levels of coherent motion direction of the neural population in area 1. (Adapted with
between the dots. (B) Human perception of moving plaid permission from Pei et al., 2010, and Pei et al., 2011.)
patterns and neurometric function of area 1 neurons. The

SA1 system is devoted to processing spatial form, then studies of tactile motion that is based on the activation
can complex patterns be recognized as easily in touch of the RA afferents.
as they are in vision? Phillips et al. (1983) showed that
when letters are scaled in height to span the same Motion When interacting with the world, we need to
number of receptors in touch and vision, the patterns represent not only static properties of objects but also
of confusions in an identification task are nearly dynamic features of how and where the objects are
identical. The results showed that complex 2D patterns moving. There have been a number of studies investi-
are perceived similarly in the two systems, suggesting gating tactile motion, with a series of them showing that
that the mechanisms of 2D form processing are neurons in S1 cortex are tuned to tactile motion
similar. (Costanzo & Gardner, 1980; DiCarlo & Johnson, 2000;
Subsequent studies showed that letter-recognition Pei, Hsiao, Craig, & Bensmaia, 2010; Ruiz, Crespo, &
performance in humans is not affected by active or Romo, 1995; Warren, Hämäläinen, & Gardner, 1986).
passive scanning (Vega-Bermudez et al., 1991). In an However, the coding of stimulus motion begins with the
attention study, Hsiao trained nonhuman primates to activation of RA afferents (Gardner & Palmer, 1989).
recognize embossed letters of the alphabet scanned These afferents are sensitive to motion but not to
across their finger pads (Hsiao et al., 1993). They motion direction (Pei et al., 2010). Further, Pei et al.
observed that the ability of nonhuman primates to rec- reported that while a large percentage of SI neurons
ognize letters is nearly identical to human performance, respond to motion signals (∼60% in areas 3b and 1 and
supporting the cross-species assumption that the mech- 30% in area 2), only neurons in area 1 showed motion
anisms of 2D form processing across the two species are tuning independent of the spatial form of the stimulus,
similar. and their population response closely matched humans’
Neurophysiological studies using embossed letters psychophysical data in a motion-discrimination task
show that both the RA and SA1 afferents provide an (figure 33.4). Pei et al. (2011) further examined the
isomorphic representation of the patterns (Phillips et responses of area 1 neurons to tactile, plaid moving
al., 1988), with the representation being more acute for patterns (pairs of gratings moving in different direc-
the SA1 compared to the RA system. The spatial pattern tions) and showed that, similar to vision, a subset of
of the peripheral SA1 afferents accounts well for the neurons encode the individual movement of each
psychophysical data in subjects performing letter-recog- grating composing the plaid stimulus (component
nition tasks (Vega-Bermudez et al., 1991). It is not neurons), while a separate set of neurons encode the
understood how spatial patterns composed of multiple combined motion across all gratings composing the
features of patterns like letters are represented in plaid (pattern neurons). In corresponding neurophysi-
cortex. In the next section, we review neural coding ological studies, Pei and his colleagues found that

hsiao and gomez-ramirez: neural coding of tactile perception 381

neurons in area 1 responded to both component and to both proprioception and cutaneous input. The effect
pattern motion. These responses were accounted for by of proprioception on integrating input across fingers
a modified vector-average model (see Pei et al., 2011), can be exemplified by an illusion that was first described
which is similar to the mechanisms used for coding by Aristotle (1984). Normally, a single edge feels con-
visual motion. These studies suggest that area 1 is the tinuous when touched by two fingers. However, the
tactile analog of the middle temporal area (MT) in the same edge feels like two separate edges when touched
visual system, the core area of visual motion processing. by two fingers that are crossed. Proprioceptive influ-
These neural data, in combination with psychophysical ences have also been observed on the cutaneous per-
studies, strongly support the notion that motion is pro- ception of motion. Rinker and Craig (1994) reported
cessed similarly in the visual and tactile modalities. that the direction of stimuli moving across the thumb
In the next section, we review how global features of while a nontarget stimulus moved across the index
objects are represented in cortex. To the best of our finger was affected by hand conformation. They found
knowledge, there have been no neural coding studies that the effect of the nontarget stimulus changed when
of global object representation because of the difficulty the hand was in a flat position, so that stimuli moving
in determining the dimensionality of global features. in the opposite direction across the skin interfered with
We first review psychophysical studies of tactile object motion perception. However, when the two fingers were
recognition and then, based on complementary neuro- opposed to each other, the same cutaneous motions on
physiological data, provide a working hypothesis of how the skin enhanced perception. These results suggest
global features of tactile shapes are represented. that the cutaneous interactions between fingers are
dependent on hand conformation.
Neural Coding of Global Features We effortlessly
recognize and manipulate objects with our hands Active Sensing A fundamental issue that confronts
without visual input. Klatzky, Loomis, Lederman, Wake, all sensory systems is the role of active sensing. In the
and Fujita (1993) had subjects identify 36 common tactile system, the role of active sensing has received
objects that were either real objects (e.g., scissors, significant attention because of the inherent active role
hammer, cups, etc.) or embossed images. The tactile that the hand plays during object exploration. In con-
performance (reaction times and accuracy) was nearly trast to echolocation in bats and other marine animals,
identical to visual performance when subjects freely in primates the receptors in the skin are completely
explored the objects with their hand. Performance was passive and depend on encoding the stimulus input,
mildly degraded when they scanned the objects just whether it is generated by the object or by movements
with their finger pads and was greatly degraded in of the hand.
touch but not in vision when subjects scanned the 2D There are two issues related to active sensing. The
embossed images. The results show that allowing the first is the role of efference copy of the motor command.
hand to be molded around the object is important for As noted above, it is clear that hand movement plays an
tactile object identification, indicating that recognition important role in perception. The question is whether
involves integrating both cutaneous and proprioceptive the efference copy modulates sensory input. The second
inputs originating from within and across fingers. issue is one of reafference, which are sensory signals
These results raise the question of what information that result from self movement. It was initially thought
is integrated across digits. Some studies suggest that that efference copy played a significant role in sensory
there is minimal integration. Loomis, Klatzky, and processing because of the active nature of hand move-
Lederman (1991) found that when subjects perform 2D ments (Gibson, 1962). However, recent studies suggest
pattern-recognition tasks, visual performance is greatly that it plays a minimal role (Magee & Kennedy, 1980;
enhanced when the aperture size is doubled, but tactile Yoshioka, Craig, Beck, & Hsiao, 2011). Yoshioka et al.
performance is not enhanced when the surface is (2011) showed that while active scanning has a signifi-
touched by two fingers simulating the doubling of the cant role in tactile roughness perception, the results
in-aperture size in the visual condition. Similarly, Craig were the same when the experimenter moved subjects’
(1985) showed that spatial patterns presented to a hand compared to when subjects moved their hand
single finger pad are recognized more accurately than independently. This result suggests that hand move-
when divided and presented to adjacent finger pads. ments are captured by afferent proprioceptive signals
That being said, other studies show that perception is as opposed to efference copy of the movement. Indeed,
different when scanned with multiple fingers, suggest- there is strong evidence indicating that reafference
ing that there are significant interactions (Pont et al., plays a major role in sensory perception. Sensory input
1999). When grasping real objects, subjects have access is greatly enhanced during scanning as opposed to

382 sensation and perception

static touch because the primary afferents are more affect perception of broad curvatures are location, atti-
active (higher firing rates) during movement (Phillips tude or slope of finger contact, and spread between the
& Johnson, 1985). Further hand movements appear to fingers (Pont, Kappers, & Koenderink, 1997).
be tuned to gather specific kinds of sensory informa-
tion, suggesting that movements are used to optimally Neural Mechanisms of Size and Shape Neural
activate the primary afferents. Lederman and Klatzky mechanisms of global tactile size and shape perception
(1996) reported that subjects typically use eight explor- are thought to be carried out in neurons with RFs that
atory procedures to extract qualities or features of span multiple fingers. Neurons in area 3b have classical
objects. For example, back and forth lateral movements RFs confined to a single finger, while neurons in areas
of the fingers are used to extract information about 1, 2, and SII have RFs that span multiple fingers
surface roughness, while pressure on the object is used (Iwamura, Tanaka, Sakamoto, & Hikosaka, 1985).
to extract information about hardness. In addition, However, recent studies suggest that even neurons in
molding the fingers around the object and contour fol- area 3b have multidigit RFs (Reed et al., 2010; Thakur,
lowing (scanning) is employed to extract shape infor- Fitzgerald, & Hsiao, 2012), suggesting that integration
mation. These studies demonstrate that hand movements across digits occurs at the earliest stages of cortical pro-
are not random, but rather purposefully executed to cessing. The most complete multidigit RF maps are
guide the desired behavioral task of the subject. Based from SII cortex. Figure 33.5 shows that neurons in SII
on studies described above, we believe that information cortex have a variety of RF sizes and shapes, with mixed
about hand movements is conveyed to cortex by pro- excitatory and inhibitory input. Many neurons (about
prioceptive afferents. 30%) have one or more pads that have orientation-
tuned responses. There are two possible explanations
Object Size Perception Studies show that tactile size for the functional role of neurons with multidigit RFs.
perception largely depends on combining propriocep- One is spatial invariance, where neurons code for a
tive and cutaneous inputs. Santello and Soechting specific feature independent of where it is located on
(1997) showed that the perceived size of an object is the hand. The other is that neurons with multidigit RFs
related to finger span, while Berryman, Yau, and Hsiao are coding for global features of objects. We rule out
(2006) showed that subjects had distorted perceptions the first explanation as playing an important role since
of object size when their cutaneous receptors are anes- the RFs are not uniformly responsive to cutaneous
thetized. Berryman and colleagues concluded that input (figure 33.5).
tactile size is based on the fingers relative spread deter- The second explanation suggests that neurons with
mined at the first contact point with the object. Kahri- multidigit RFs are integrating information across
manovic, Tiest, and Kappers (2010) showed that there fingers. This raises the question of how information
are interactions between the shape of objects and their about objects is coded when fingers move relatively
perceived size. They proposed that the perception of independently with respect to each other during grasp-
size is based on an estimate of the surface area of the ing and exploring objects (see the following section).
object. The neural mechanisms of tactile size percep- During exploration there are dynamic changes in the
tion in cortex are unknown. relative positions of the cutaneous receptor sheet as the
hand changes conformation. A major question facing
Object Shape Perception There are few studies of tactile research is to understand how neurons in somato-
tactile shape perception of objects. Norman, Norman, sensory cortex modulate their responses with changes
Clayton, Lianekhammy, and Zielke (2004) asked sub- in hand conformation.
jects to discriminate asymmetric shapes (green pepper–
like) using vision, touch, and combined vision and Hand Synergies While we can independently move
touch. They found that subjects are able to compare our fingers, there is strong evidence that the fingers
shapes within and across sensory modalities with accura- move synergistically. That is, during grasping and
cies of about 70%. This finding and others suggest that exploration, there are a small set of characteristic
there might be functionally overlapping representa- movement patterns. The human hand has about 22
tions of shape in vision and touch (Amedi, Jacobson, degrees of freedom. Controlling these degrees of
Hendler, Malach, & Zohary, 2002; Lacey & Sathian, freedom to produce smooth movements and integrat-
2012; Lucan, Foxe, Gomez-Ramirez, Sathian, & ing those movements with the cutaneous inputs to
Molholm, 2010). Perhaps the most extensively studied extract global features of objects is difficult. Reducing
aspect of 3D shape is the perception of curvature (for those dimensions by having the joints move synergisti-
a review, see Kappers, 2011). The main factors that cally is therefore advantageous for both motor control

hsiao and gomez-ramirez: neural coding of tactile perception 383

Figure 33.5 Receptive fields of SII neurons. Each box of inhibitory. (Adapted with permission from Fitzgerald et al.,
twelve squares represents the RF of a single neuron, with each 2006.) (See color plate 29.)
square representing a finger pad. Red: excitatory; blue:

and sensory perception. Studies of hand movements Conclusion

suggest that this is in fact the case (Santello & Soecht-
ing, 2000; Thakur et al., 2008). Thakur et al. (2008) In this chapter, we addressed the question of neural
showed that only seven synergies are needed to coding and how this principle has been used to under-
capture more than 90% of the variance of movements stand how objects are represented in cortex. We
during generalized object exploration. These syner- described a set of steps that need to be implemented to
gies are highly conserved across subjects, suggesting determine the neural code for a particular aspect of
that a common “library” of hand motion is used to perception. Initially, one needs to characterize the per-
explore objects. ceptual space under inquiry. Then, one needs to deter-
mine the dimensionality of the perceptual space, and
Working Model Based on these results, we formulate the psychophysical measurements needed to character-
a working model of how objects are represented in the ize perception. The next step is to design a set of stimuli
somatosensory cortex. As the hand is molded around and psychophysical tests to explore the space. If the
an object, neurons tuned for that hand conformation subjects can make greater than or less than judgments,
become active. These neurons have excitatory and then SME is a candidate psychophysical test. Otherwise,
inhibitory inputs from the different finger pads, and the classical psychophysical tests of discrimination are
global features of objects are coded in the activity of a more appropriate. Importantly, corresponding neuro-
subset of those neurons that are selectively activated by physiological studies need to be performed on either
the cutaneous input. Thus, different populations of nonhuman primates or humans. Other species could
neurons are activated for different shapes grasped with be used, but the further away the species are from
the same hand conformation (Fitzgerald et al., 2006a, humans (in evolutionary terms), the harder it is to
2006b; Haggard, 2006). Simultaneously, there are cuta- exploit the principles of the cross-species hypothesis.
neous neurons that code for local features of the object The lower-envelope principle is typically used when
at the locations where the skin contacts the surface. determining the correct neural code for detection and
Thus, the neural representation of objects depends discrimination tasks, and the principle of consistency is
conjointly on the local cutaneous properties of an used for SME tasks.
object and the global properties determined by how the In the second part of this chapter, we showed how
object is held in the hand. neural coding studies have been used to understand

384 sensation and perception

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hsiao and gomez-ramirez: neural coding of tactile perception 387

34 Inferential Models of the Visual
Cortical Hierarchy

ABSTRACT Human visual object decisions are believed to be overlapping fields of perceptual psychology, computer
based on a hierarchical organization of stages through which vision and robotics, and visual neuroscience.
image information is successively transformed from a large In all three fields, theories of representation of visual
number of local feature measurements with a small number
of types (e.g., edges at many locations) to increasingly lower-
knowledge and the processes acting on them are con-
dimensional representations of many types (e.g., dog, car, …). strained by (1) functional behaviors or tasks, and their
Functional utility requires integrating a large number of local priorities; (2) the statistical structure of the visual world,
features to reduce ambiguity, while at the same time selecting and consequently in images received; (3) algorithms
task-relevant information. For example, decisions requiring and knowledge structures for getting from images to
object recognition involve pathways in the hierarchy in which
behaviors; and (4) neurophysiological (or hardware)
representations become increasingly selective for specific
pattern types (e.g., boundaries, textures, shapes, parts, limitations on what can be computed by collections of
objects), together with increased invariance to transforma- neurons (or components and circuits).
tions such as translation, scale, and illumination. Computer There has been considerable growth in (4), our
vision architectures for object recognition and parsing, as well knowledge of the neurophysiology and anatomy of
as models of the primate ventral visual stream, are consistent
the primate visual system at the level of large-scale
with this hierarchical view of visual processing. The hierarchi-
cal model has been extraordinarily fruitful, providing qualita- organization of visual areas and their connections
tive explanations of behavioral and neurophysiological results. (Kanwisher, 2010; Kourtzi & Connor, 2011), and the
However, the computational processes carried out by the finer-scale level of cortical (Callaway, 1998; Lund,
visual hierarchy during object perception and recognition are Angelucci, & Bressloff, 2003; Markov et al., 2013) and
not well understood. This chapter describes how a Bayesian, subcortical neurocircuitry (Guillery & Sherman, 2002).
inferential perspective may help to explain the brain’s hierar-
chical organization of visual knowledge, and its utilization The larger picture is that visual processing involves
through the feedforward and feedback flow of information. processing within a visual area (both laterally and
across laminae), and hierarchical—feedforward and
feedback—processing between areas with various
It takes just one quick glance at the picture in figure feature selectivities (figure 34.2).
34.1A to see the fox, a tree trunk, some grass, and back- However, despite growth in our knowledge of the
ground twigs. This is a remarkable achievement in visual brain, there remains a gap in our understand-
which the visual system turns a massive set of highly ing of how the biology of vision enables common
ambiguous local measurements (figure 34.1B) into behaviors.1 An immediate problem faced when
accurate, reliable identifications. But that is just the beginning such an analysis is that the large-scale
beginning of what vision enables us to do with this systems nature of the problem makes it difficult to
picture. With a few more glances, one can see a whole empirically test theories of behavior at the level of
lot more: the shape of the fox’s legs and head, the neurons. One strategic solution is to temporarily
varying properties of its fur, and so on, as well as guess ignore the details of the neurophysiology and neuro-
what it is doing and whether it is young or old. The circuitry—that is, (4) above—and try to understand a
ability to generate an unbounded set of descriptions narrower problem: what are the representations,
from a virtually limitless number of images illustrates
the extraordinary versatility of human perception.
This chapter focuses on the following question: what Even complete knowledge of neural network connectivity
and dynamics would be insufficient to explain visual function.
knowledge representations and computational pro-
For example, a complete description of spatial-temporal
cesses are needed to achieve reliable and versatile switching of the billion-plus transistors in a video game
object vision? Although we are far from complete console would provide little insight into how these patterns
answers, there has been substantial progress in the relate to game goals, algorithms, or behavior.

kersten and yuille: inferential models of the visual cortical hierarchy 389

Figure 34.1 (A) This figure illustrates two problems. spatial scales, such as the various edge and textural properties
(1) How can local measurements made from small patches of local regions B, the shape of parts C, and intermediate- and
(B), using neurons with small receptive fields, be integrated higher-level concepts such as “head” D, respectively. There is
to recognize objects and patterns (e.g., fox, tree trunk, grass)? a bootstrapping problem, in that the accurate interpretation
(2) How does the visual system support a limitless number of of any local patch is ambiguous without knowledge of the rest.
descriptions of a single scene? Answers need to account for (See color plate 30.)
flexible access to information of various types over a range of



Vn Vn+1

Figure 34.2 (A) Schematic of macaque monkey visual the dorsal and ventral streams, respectively. (B) Feedforward
cortex (figure reprinted from Wallisch & Movshon, 2008, with and feedback connections represent transmission of feedfor-
permission from Elsevier; see also Lennie, 1998). The colored ward and feedback signals between visual areas. Lateral (also
rectangles represent visual areas (see Felleman & Van Essen, called “horizontal”) organization within areas, representing
1991). The gray lines show the connections between areas, features of similar types and level of abstraction. (See color
with the thickness proportional to estimates of the number of plate 31.)
feedforward fibers. Areas in warm and cool tones belong to

390 sensation and perception

learning principles, and types of computations material (fur properties, together with shape and light-
required for competent visual behavior? ing produce image texture); relative depths (the tree
A key idea, inspired by both computer vision research occludes part of the fox, which in turn occludes back-
and quantitative studies of human behavior, is that ground); and pose (the image of fox’s head is to the
vision is fundamentally inferential. More specifically, right of the body). This suggests a causal, top-down
visual perception involves processes of statistical infer- hierarchical structure, with variables representing
ence, which can be as simple as heuristic rules or more abstract concepts at the top to variables at the bottom
complex, probabilistic processes. Further, methods of representing local features shared among many objects.
statistical inference can also be applied, specifically Formally, the structure of images can be formulated
through machine learning techniques, to understand in terms of probability distributions over structured
how hierarchical representations of feature types are graphs (Lauritzen & Spiegelhalter, 1988; Yuille, 2010).
constrained by the statistical regularities in natural The graphical language helps capture the causal struc-
images. tures and the dependencies and independencies
In the next section, we review basic concepts of sta- between causes. The nodes are random variables that
tistical inference, focusing on Bayesian decision theory. represent hypotheses about events, objects, parts, fea-
In subsequent sections, we discuss the functions of tures, and their relations. The links express the statisti-
within-area (focusing on lateral representations), feed- cal dependencies between nodes. The links can be
forward, and feedback visual processing from an inferen- directed, representing causal influence, or undirected.
tial perspective, with a view toward a better understanding Inference and task flexibility is achieved by fixing values
of how the visual cortical architecture may support human of nodes based on local image measurements, or deci-
visual object perception and recognition. sions made elsewhere in the system (e.g., through
“priming”), together with integrating out variables that
Vision as statistical inference are unimportant for a given task (for a simple example,
see figure 34.3A).2
How can one begin to model vision as inference? To Optimality is defined by a criterion (e.g., “minimize
begin, we need to specify the task requirements: what average error”), which determines a decision rule (e.g.,
should be estimated, and the image information “pick the values of the unknowns that maximize the pos-
required to get there. The number of models to get terior probability”).3
from input to output can be very large, suggesting the Bayesian algorithms can be discriminative, based on
strategy of first characterizing the requirements for a model of the posterior:
optimal inference, and then interpreting actual perfor- p (s I ) = p (s , I ) p (I ) ,
mance in terms of approximations (see ideal-observer
analysis below). Bayesian inference theory provides a the probability of a description s = s1, s2,…, given a
well-developed set of concepts for modeling optimal pattern of image measurements (or “features”) I = (I1,
inference, including discriminative and generative I2,…). Discriminative algorithms are bottom-up, and do
probability models and decision rules. not incorporate explicit models of how image patterns
In its basic form, Bayesian theory provides mathemat- are caused by objects. For example, in its simplest form,
ical tools for estimating hypotheses with potentially a discriminative algorithm could be a look-up table that
complex interdependencies (e.g., causal relationships),
given varying degrees of uncertainty and importance.
Bayesian inferences are based on knowledge repre- 2
Until the advent of computers, it was difficult to handle
sented by the joint probability distribution p(s1, s2,…, I1, Bayesian calculations beyond a few dimensions. Today,
I2,…)—a model of the probability of descriptions computer vision algorithms find Bayes optimal solutions for
(“explanations” or “hypotheses”) s = s1, s2,…, together problems involving thousands of dimensions. Optimization
methods include regression, various message-passing
with the patterns of image measurements (or “fea-
algorithms such as expectation-maximization (EM), and
tures”) I = (I1, I2,…). belief-propagation. It is largely an open question if and how
The joint distribution, however, can be quite complex, such algorithms could be implemented in a neurally plausible
reflecting causes of image patterns that are often subtle fashion.
and deep. For example, the descriptions of the fox in Bayesian decision theory generalizes “integrating out” by
introducing a loss (or utility) function to allow for relative
figure 34.1 included inferences of category (which
costs of imprecision in the estimation of various contributing
influence 3D object shape, and thus measurements values of si. Optimality is then defined as maximizing utility
available in the image projection); subcategory (baby (or minimizing risk; Geisler & Kersten, 2002; Maloney &
fox, which affects the size and contours of the head); Zhang, 2010).

kersten and yuille: inferential models of the visual cortical hierarchy 391
m m m
s1 s2
s1 s2 s1 s2 next step s1 s2

? I1 I2
I1 I2 I1 I2 I1 I2

To be inferred To discount Known

Cause Perceptual inference

Figure 34.3 (A) Simple graph illustrating the generative (C) Bayesian coarse-to-fine inference. Different “models,” m,
constraints on incoming data. (See main text.) (B) More than can be different functions of the parameters s, which in turn
one combination of causes, s, could explain local image mea- lead to different image features. An initial, “quick and dirty”
surement, I1. Optimal perception seeks an explanation, i.e., visual inference may be at the top level (e.g., it is a “fox”),
values of s1 or s2 that give the most probable explanation for ignoring shape details (but using, for example, features from
how the image measurement could have been generated. For the wooded context, fur color, “features of intermediate com-
example, Bayes optimal calculations show that without feature plexity” or “fragments,” that may be sufficient). Fixing the
I2, s1 takes on one value, but with a measurement of I2, it takes hypothesis of “fox” can be followed by reliable inferences at
on a different value. Pearl (1988) calls this “explaining away.” a lower level (e.g., “shape of the head of the fox”).

maps an image pattern to the most probable hypothesis, Computer vision studies have shown discriminative
which in neural terms is not that different from a reflex and generative models can be combined (Tu et al.,
(Purves & Lotto, 2003).4 2005)—an algorithmic strategy similar in spirit to two-
Bayesian algorithms can also be generative. Genera- stage processing accounts of human visual recognition,
tive models rely on knowledge in the likelihood p(I|s), in which an initial, fast decision about the “gist” of a
which specifies how an image results from causes or scene narrows the space of specific objects to match to
explanations s and a prior p(s). These probabilities are the image (Bar, 2003).
related to the posterior through Bayes’s rule: p(s|I) = Bayesian probabilistic methods have been applied in
p(I|s)p(s)/p(I). Generative algorithms make explicit use a number of quantitative studies of human visual behav-
of top-down generative processes, in which high-level ior. There is a long history to studying human percep-
hypotheses are used to simulate the values of lower-level tion (and neural responses) using ideal-observer
nodes, ultimately generating a prediction of I (Mumford, analysis (Gold, Abbey, Tjan, & Kersten, 2009). Here one
1992; Yuille & Kersten, 2006). Generative models makes quantitative comparisons between what an ideal
provide a number of advantages. For example, by elabo- (Bayesian) observer can achieve with humans or
rating the structure of the likelihood, computational neurons (Geisler, 2011; Trenti, Barraza, & Eckstein,
studies have shown that a generative process can 2010). A strategic benefit of ideal-observer analysis in
improve recognition through “explaining away,” which studies of human behavior is that it helps to distinguish
is useful for both learning (Hinton, 2009; Zeiler, Taylor, perceptual limitations inherent to the information-
& Fergus, 2011), and inference applied to image parsing processing problem from limitations of the neural
(Tu, Chen, Yuille, & Zhu, 2005). Generative algorithms mechanisms (cf. Eckstein, Drescher, & Shimozaki, 2006;
predict appearances in time (e.g., Bayes-Kalman; Burgi, Weiss, Simoncelli, & Adelson, 2002).
Yuille, & Grzywacz, 2000), and cope more efficiently Quantitative behavioral experiments have shown
with a wider range of variability, such as the virtually near optimality or ideal-like behavior in a variety of
unlimited ways in which objects can be composed domains, including visual cue integration (Jacobs,
(Chang, Jin, Zhang, Borenstein, & Geman, 2011; Yuille 1999); visual motor control (Orban & Wolpert, 2011;
& Mottaghi, 2013), discussed more below. Wolpert & Landy, 2012); learning (Green, Pouget, &
Bavelier, 2010); and attention (Chikkerur, Serre, Tan,
& Poggio, 2010; for reviews, see Geisler, 2011; Kersten
A discriminative algorithm can implement a decision rule & Yuille, 2013; Vilares & Körding, 2011). Findings of
with no explicit use of probabilities. For example, with a large
number of samples, a rule to minimize empirical risk optimal behavior have raised the question of whether
(Schölkopf & Smola, 2002) becomes equivalent to minimizing neural populations within the brain explicitly represent
Bayes risk, as discussed in Kersten et al. (2004). and compute with probabilities, for example, using

392 sensation and perception

information about both the mean and covariance of representation? If so, what theoretical learning
perceptual variables (cf. Beck, Latham, & Pouget, 2011; principles might help to explain the discovery and rep-
Knill & Pouget, 2004; Koch, Marroquin, & Yuille, 1986; resentation of regularities? How do the task require-
Lee & Mumford, 2003; Ma, 2010, 2012; Ma, Beck, ments of object perception constrain representations?
Latham, & Pouget, 2006; Ma, Beck, & Pouget, 2008; Insight comes from computational studies that have
Zemel & Pouget, 1998). shown how structured image knowledge can be dis-
Bayesian methods applied to graphical models have covered through “unsupervised” as well as task-based
provided a unified framework within which to under- learning (e.g., “supervised” learning) from collections
stand generative and inverse inference as well as statisti- of natural images. Such “discoveries” in an organism
cal learning (Jordan & Weiss, 2002). And while it isn’t presumably arise through evolution and development
always practical to develop a quantitative model for a of the visual system through exposure to natural
complex visual function, the basic concepts provide a images, as well as to their behavioral outcomes. It
common language for describing how image represen- makes sense that early visual features would be more
tations with an area might be discovered from natural general purpose, involving representations shared
image regularities, how complexity is managed, and among many objects, and thus more strongly con-
how reliable, flexible decisions may be made through strained by the statistical regularities in natural images
the combination of feedforward and feedback flow of and discoverable through unsupervised learning. As
cortical information. one moves up the visual hierarchy, the contingencies
of primary tasks become more important. This may
Representations and computations in visual account for multiple parallel pathways (Beauchamp,
hierarchies Lee, Haxby, & Martin, 2002; Freiwald & Tsao, 2010;
Nassi & Callaway, 2009) and the divergence, following
In the following three sections, we discuss within-area, V1 and V2, into multiple visual areas in which differ-
feedforward and feedback computations from an infer- ent causal contributions are discounted (integrated
ential perspective, with particular attention to how out) based on different task requirements. Such spe-
lateral/within-area and between-area (feedforward and cialization would be constrained through adaptations
feedback) processes may relate to primate vision. based on outcomes (e.g., task-based or reinforcement
Because most relevant research has been on early reti- learning) across phylogenetic and ontogenetic time
notopic visual areas, our examples focus there. The scales.
computations and surface representations in early
visual cortex may be more complex than traditionally Unsupervised learning of feature representations An early
thought, making V1 a good test-bed for ideas regarding idea was that, in its simplest form, N discrete levels (or
hierarchical functions generally (Gilbert & Sigman, areas, or layers of neural units) are required to detect
2007; Lee, 2003; Olshausen & Field, 2005). Nth-order image regularities. With such a system in
place, vision operates in a feedforward manner in which
Within-Area Representations Cortical maps are a progressive conjunctions of features are detected, even-
fundamental, large-scale property of lateral, within-area tually leading to the detection of whole objects. Barlow
cortical organization with a well-established empirical (1990) suggested that mechanisms for learning Nth-
and theoretical history (Barlow, 1981; Hubel & Wiesel, order image regularities could rely on the detection of
1977; Mountcastle, 1997). Specifically, the columnar “suspicious coincidences” in the combinations of input
organization within a visual area reflects the require- features—that is, test whether p(s1, s2) >> p(s1)p(s2), and
ment that units representing similar image features if so recode to remove this dependency. Some coding
should be nearby on the cortical surface (Durbin & could be “hard-wired,” and modulated or built during
Mitchison, 1990). This arrangement is believed to early development. At the behavioral level, it has been
provide the basis for perceptual organization, for shown that human adults can learn, without supervi-
example, to group local edges into object boundaries. sion, part combinations by detecting co-occurrence of
The presumption is that local features of a similar type features (Fiser, Berkes, Orbán, & Lengyel, 2010; Orbán,
can be more easily linked over cortical space. A given Fiser, Aslin, & Lengyel, 2008).
area represents spatially organized information of a There have been a large number of computational
similar type and level of abstraction (Connor, Brincat, studies aimed at explaining the neural population
& Pasupathy, 2007; Orban, 2008). Are there natural architecture in V1 in terms of efficient codes that
image regularities that support the evolution, develop- exploit the regularities in natural images. Neural
ment, and adult plasticity of lateral, within-area feature response properties, such as orientation and spatial

kersten and yuille: inferential models of the visual cortical hierarchy 393
frequency tuning in V1 neurons, are consistent with a out slow spatial gradients (presumed due to illumina-
sparse-coding strategy adapted to the statistics of tion), and emphasizing edges (presumed due to surface
natural images (Olshausen, 1996; Hyvärinen, 2010). In changes). However, illumination effects are compli-
addition, neurons in primary visual cortex show cated: slow gradients can also be caused by shape, and
nonlinear divisive-normalization behavior in which simple filtering neither accounts for human perception
responses are inhibited by contrast variation outside of brightness (Kingdom, 2011; Knill & Kersten, 1991),
the classical receptive field. Divisive normalization nor provides accurate reflection estimation in com-
results in a reduction of statistical dependencies puter vision applied to natural images (Tappen,
(Schwartz & Simoncelli, 2001), providing an efficient Freeman, & Adelson, 2005).
representation potentially useful for discovering (addi- This problem is naturally cast in terms of Bayesian
tional) suspicious coincidences. Recently, Freeman, inference, where the generative knowledge is contained
Ziemba, Heeger, Simoncelli, and Movshon (2013) in the image formation model I = f(E, R, S) and spatial
developed a texture model based on high-order statisti- priors on illumination (E), reflectance (R), and shape
cal dependencies in natural images that could account (S)—spatial maps called “intrinsic images” (Barrow &
for selectivities in both macaque and human V2. Purely Tenenbaum, 1978). Conceptually, a Bayesian model
bottom-up, unsupervised feature learning typically would use a posterior proportional to the product of a
ignores task requirements (i.e., what to discount), and likelihood function p(I − f(R, S, E)), and priors that
eventually the behavioral end-goal of a visual pathway characterize the spatial regularities in the natural pat-
needs to be taken into account.5 However, some task terns of reflectance and shape, while discounting illu-
requirements are general, suggesting that certain kinds mination through integration (see Freeman, 1994).
of information can be discounted early on. While computing intrinsic images from natural images
can be done in special cases, it nevertheless remains a
Generic task constraints on early representations It is challenging problem (Barron & Malik, 2012; Grosse,
believed that early vision involves both contour- and Johnson, Adelson, & Freeman, 2009).
region-based linking (Grossberg & Mingolla, 1985; Perceptual evidence for human computation of an
Lamme, Sup, & Spekreijse, 1998; Lee, 2003; Roe, Chen, intrinsic image for reflectance comes from human
& Lu, 2009; Roe et al., 2012). For contour features, lightness judgments, which are more strongly corre-
conditional probabilities, fit with natural image statis- lated with reflectance than image intensity or contrast.
tics, predict aspects of human contour perception, such The classic Craik-O’Brien lightness illusion, shown in
as the Gestalt property of “good continuation”—nearby the upper-middle panel of figure 34.4A, illustrates this.
contour elements tend to have similar orientations Regions with identical physical intensities appear to
(Elder & Goldberg, 2002; Geisler & Perry, 2009). have different lightnesses. The functional interpreta-
Region-based grouping relies on the prior assumption tion is that the illusion is due to a mechanism designed
of piece-wise smoothness in low- and higher-order to produce an estimate of surface reflectance, based on
intensive attributes (i.e., texture; Shi & Malik, 2000). the assumptions that reflectance changes are often
The assumed function of edge- and region-based group- abrupt and illumination changes tend to be gradual
ing is to compute surface representations that are more (figure 34.4B).
reliably associated with object than image properties, Functional MRI evidence for processes involved in
providing a front end to a variety of object-based tasks, computing a lightness map in human V1 and V2 is
including recognition (Marr, 1982). And a first step shown in figure 34.4A (Boyaci, Fang, Murray, & Kersten,
would be to begin the process of discounting causes of 2007). Activity in localized regions of visual cortical
image patterns that are not needed. areas V1 and V2 (distant from the central edge)
The accurate inference of illumination level and responds to a perceived change in lightness in the
direction is low priority for both “what” and “how” tasks, absence of a physical change in intensity (see lower
which care primarily about objects and surfaces. This panels in figure 34.4A). While purely lateral computa-
suggests that at least some components of illumination tions have been invoked to explain this kind of “filling
variation would be discounted early in the visual system. in,” it has also been shown that human V1 response to
This is consistent with retinal lateral inhibition filtering lightness change is also sensitive to perceptual organiza-
tion of occluded surfaces, suggesting that top-down
5 feedback may be involved (Boyaci, Fang, Murray, &
Discounting can be achieved through unsupervised learning.
For example, Cadieu and Olshausen (2012) show unsupervised Kersten, 2010).
learning of invariances of form by factoring out contributions In addition to allowing for illumination variation,
from motion. object recognition has the additional requirement

394 sensation and perception


“Real” “Illusory” “Control”

B sk

li j


“Real” “Illusory” “Control”

Figure 34.4 (A) The upper-middle panel shows a classic The lower graphs show that voxels in both V1 and V2 respond
illusion known as the Craik-O’Brien effect. Away from the to apparent changes in lightness almost as strongly as real
vertical border, the left and right rectangles have the same changes, as compared with a control. (Reprinted from Boyaci
luminance, as indicated by the red line, which shows how light et al., 2007, with permission from Elsevier.) (B) An undirected
intensity varies from left to right. The interesting perceptual graph (Markov random field) can be used to formulate prior
observation is that the left rectangle looks darker than the probabilities representing lateral, spatial statistical dependen-
right. In fact, there is little difference between the appearance cies for contours and surface properties such as reflectance
of a real intensity difference (upper left), and the illusory one. (cf. Kersten, 1991; Marroquin et al., 1987). (See color plate 32.)

that variations due to position and depth need to be highest level to learn high-level features that optimally
discounted. We discuss within-area computations sup- distinguish object classes. At the next level down, the
porting invariant recognition in the later section on principle is again applied to learn lower-level features
feedforward computations. that distinguish the previous features learned, and so
forth (Epshtein, Lifshitz, & Ullman, 2008). The task
Learning hierarchically organized area representations for rec- requirement of what to discount is built into the a
ognition One can use the end goal of object classifica- priori selection of the training classes to be distin-
tion as a constraint on learning feature hierarchies guished. Simulations have shown that once the fea-
through successive, top-down categorization of inter- tures have been learned, accurate object recognition
mediate-level features. Here the invariance require- and localization can be achieved with one forward pass
ments are built into the choice of what distinguishes followed by one backward pass through the hierarchy
the top-level training classes. The basic principle is to (Epshtein et al., 2008).
learn diagnostic features (such as “fragments” or “fea-
tures of intermediate complexity”) that maximize the Learning object compositions to manage image complex-
information for distinguishing object classes (Ullman, ity Compositionality refers to the human ability to
Vidal-Naquet, & Sali, 2002). Humans and nonhuman construct hierarchical representations, whereby fea-
primates seem to learn such features (Harel, Ullman, tures/parts are used and shared to describe a poten-
Epshtein, & Bentin, 2007; Hegdé, Bart, & Kersten, tially unlimited number of relational compositions
2008; Kromrey, Maestri, Hauffen, Bart, & Hegdé, 2010; (Geman, Potter, & Chi, 2002). It is argued that without
Lerner, Epshtein, Ullman, & Malach, 2008). To build a such a generative structure underlying scene and object
feature hierarchy, one applies this principle at the compositions, we could not account for the efficiency

kersten and yuille: inferential models of the visual cortical hierarchy 395
and versatility with which humans can acquire and gen- It has been argued that a hierarchy of multiple areas
eralize visual knowledge. There is also evidence is required to achieve functional invariance, given the
that humans exploit compositionality when learning biological properties of neurons and their connections
new patterns (Barenholtz & Tarr, 2011). One aspect of (Poggio, 2011). In this account, discounting is achieved
compositionality is the ability to represent spatial rela- incrementally through levels of the ventral stream via
tionships between parts, an idea with an early history the operation of AND-like (to detect feature conjunc-
(Biederman, 1987; Hummel & Biederman, 1992; Marr tions) and OR-like operations (to discount variations in
& Nishihara, 1978; Waltz, 1972). A second aspect, con- position and size) over levels (Zhu et al., 2010) via
sistent with current models of primate recognition, is simple- and complex-type cells, respectively (Riesenhu-
the idea of “reusable” features or “shared” parts, where ber & Poggio, 1999).
lower levels have only a few feature types (e.g., edges), During the first feedforward pass, information neces-
but these can be combined in many ways to make com- sarily gets left behind in the race to quickly and accu-
positions of parts with increasing specificity at higher rately draw from a relatively small set of high-priority,
levels. categorical hypotheses. But “no going back” requires
An underlying compositional structure to the visual strong a priori architectural assumptions regarding
world suggests that learning should exploit that assump- what constitutes high-priority end goals, as well as a
tion, and computer vision work has demonstrated unsu- strategic balancing of the trade-off between selectivity
pervised learning of levels of reusable parts from natural and invariance. Invariance is achieved at the cost of loss
image ensembles, which is then applied to multi-class of information—too much loss and categories become
recognition (Zhu, Chen, Lin, & Yuille, 2010; Zhu, Chen, indistinguishable; too little, and there are too many
Torralba, Freeman, & Yuille, 2011; see figure 34.5). object types.

Feedforward Computations Invariant object recog- Efficiency of a compositional hierarchy for recognition Com-
nition by the ventral stream requires discounting spatial positional arguments may help to answer the question
position and size (DiCarlo, Zoccolan, & Rust, 2012; of why a hierarchical visual architecture is desirable.
Fukushima, 1988; Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999; Wallis, Yuille and Mottaghi (2013) conjecture that the key
Rolls, & Foldiak, 1993). The basic feedforward compu- problem of vision is complexity. The visual system
tations are assumed to be the detection of conjunctions needs to be organized in such a way that it can repre-
of features that belong together as part of an object, sent a very large number of objects and be able to
while at the same time discounting, through disjunction rapidly detect which ones are present in an image.
(which can be viewed as an approximation for “integrat- They demonstrate by mathematical analysis that this
ing out”), sources of variation, including position and can be achieved using compositional models, which
scale. are constructed in terms of hierarchical dictionaries of
parts (see figure 34.5). There are two key issues. First,
this visual architecture exploits part sharing between
different objects, which leads to great efficiency in rep-
resentation and speed of detection. The lower-level
Level 5
parts are small and are shared between many objects.
The high-level parts are larger (composed from lower-
level parts) and are shared less because they are more
Level 4 specific to objects. Second, objects are represented in a
distributed hierarchical manner where the positions,
and other properties, of the high-level parts are speci-
Level 3
fied coarsely, while the low-level parts are specified to
higher precision. This “executive summary principle,”
Level 2
combined with part-sharing, can lead to exponential
Level 1
gains in the number of objects that can be represented,
Figure 34.5 Examples of the mean shapes of visual concepts as well as the speed of recognition. For these types of
automatically learned for multiple objects with part sharing models (based on Zhu et al., 2011) recognition is
between objects. The specificity and the number of types of performed by propagating up hypotheses about which
features increases as one goes up the hierarchy, consistent in
general terms, with the progression of neural selectivities as low-level parts are present to obtain an unambiguous
one moves up the ventral stream. (Figure adapted from Zhu high-level interpretation. And, as discussed in the
et al., 2011.) next section, top-down processing can be used to

396 sensation and perception

remove false low-level hypotheses (using a high-level Kanwisher, 2010), or be consciously task-driven and
context). specified by a higher-level “executive.”
We noted at the beginning the extraordinary reli- Automatic (and executive) coarse-to-fine inference
ability and versatility of human vision, in its ability to can be modeled as an initial high-level decision that
respond both to challenging input (partially hidden “fixes” the value in the upper level of a hierarchical
objects, confusing background clutter, camouflage) model, constraining subsequent lower-level decisions
and diverse task demands, such as the fox description (figure 34.3C). An optimal decision restricted to a high
example. What if the information for a low-level hypoth- level requires integrating out intermediate-level param-
esis (e.g., precise object boundary location, or the direc- eters. Several behavioral results are consistent with
tion of movement of a local edge) is not sufficiently Bayesian coarse-to-fine computations over a simple
reliable from a single forward pass? What if a task needs hierarchical graph structure (Knill, 2003; Körding et
information not present or easily computable within al., 2007; Stocker & Simoncelli, 2008; Wozny, Beier-
top levels of the hierarchy? Earlier we noted some of holm, & Shams, 2010; Wu, Lu, & Yuille, 2008).
the computational advantages of generative models in For example, Wu et al. (2008) have shown that human
resolving residual ambiguity. The next section discusses velocity-discrimination performance is consistent with
human behavioral and neuroimaging experiments, an initial classification of motion type (rotation, expan-
based primarily on the effects of context on local deci- sion, translation).
sions, that are consistent with cortical feedback
computations. Does feedback enhance or suppress feature representations?
There are several ways in which top-down signals could
Feedback Computations Most interpretations of change the neural representation of the probability dis-
top-down visual processes have focused on selective tributions. Top-down processes may enhance or sup-
attention, which is viewed as feedback that improves press low-level features consistent with a description or
sensitivity at attended locations, features, or both hypotheses at higher levels (Lee & Mumford, 2003;
(Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Noudoost, Chang, Stein- Mumford, 1992; Rao & Ballard, 1999; Spratling, 2012;
metz, & Moore, 2010; Petersen & Posner, 2012). Top- Yuille & Kersten, 2006). Enhancement is consistent with
down (or “endogenous”) visual attention is typically neurophysiological and brain imaging studies that have
interpreted as selective tuning in which information is demonstrated that perceptual grouping is correlated
routed through the visual processing hierarchy to with the amplification of neural responses throughout
amplify some features relative to others. In particular, the visual hierarchy (Kourtzi, Tolias, Altmann, Augath,
Tsotsos et al. (1995) argue that attention acts to opti- & Logothetis, 2003; Roelfsema, 2006).
mize visual search for features through a top-down hier- Enhancement is also consistent with the composi-
archy of winner-take-all processes. A Bayesian perspective tional models described earlier, in which information
emphasizes preservation of information regarding about a given object is represented and bound hierar-
uncertainty about hypotheses, and its sequential reduc- chically. In principle, and depending on the task,
tion by message-passing between units and areas (Lee feature enhancement could either be automatic or cor-
& Mumford, 2003). In addition, the diversity of visual respond to executive, top-down (“endogenous”) atten-
descriptions suggests flexible access to hierarchically tion. There is also evidence for suppression of lower-level
organized information. While there is no direct evi- features, which are consistent with a high-level hypoth-
dence, at this time, for neural populations representing esis. Such a mechanism, sometimes referred to as
hypotheses rather than decisions, or for probabilistic “predictive coding,” could support detecting and sub-
computations (as in message passing; Lochmann & sequently processing image information that does not
Deneve, 2011), there are behavioral and neuroimaging fit with the current interpretation. Such a bottom-up
results that are suggestive of Bayesian top-down compu- signal would provide the basis for exogenous attention,
tations down the cortical hierarchy. We briefly describe but in contrast to a saliency computation (Itti & Baldi,
some of them. 2009; Li, 1997; Rao & Ballard, 2013; Zhang, Tong,
Marks, Shan, & Cottrell, 2008; Zhang, Zhaoping, Zhou,
Coarse-to-fine inferences A basic lesson learned from & Fang, 2012), which could be accomplished laterally,
computer vision is that being certain about a local the signal increase is the result of a top-down prediction
region of a natural image requires knowledge of the that fails.
whole (figure 34.1B). Local perceptual decisions can be Figure 34.6 shows behavioral evidence consistent
automatic, constrained by spatial or temporal context with a predictive coding interpretation of “explaining
(as in priming or prior learning; cf. Hsieh, Vul, & away,” in which occlusion cues provide an explanation

kersten and yuille: inferential models of the visual cortical hierarchy 397
for the missing vertices of the diamond (see Kersten, 2013). And suppression measured using fMRI activity
Mamassian, & Yuille, 2004). When the diamond is seen does not necessarily show the spatial specificity sug-
during an adaptation period (figure 34.6C), there was gested by the above adaptation study or by theory (de
an increase in the strength of adaptation to shape (e.g., Wit, Kubilius, Wagemans, & op de Beeck, 2012).
adapting to a skinny diamond results in seeing a stan- In the language of signal-detection theory, the sup-
dard comparison diamond as fatter); at the same time, pression of false and true positives through feedback
there was a decrease in the strength of adaptation to could both be computationally useful. Suppression of
the local orientation of comparison gratings. The con- false positives, enhancement of true positives in one
verse was found when the occlusion cues were inconsis- population of neurons, or both could serve to bind
tent with a diamond (figure 34.6D). The interpretation, object representations with parts and features at lower
consistent with other research, rests on the assumption levels, as in the above compositional model. At the same
that the sites of orientation and shape adaptation are time, increased activity in another neural population
in early and higher-level cortical areas, respectively. could signal false positives (i.e., inconsistent features
There is also evidence from human fMRI studies for that need to be resolved with other hypotheses; Friston,
context-dependent suppression of neural activity in 2005; Rao & Ballard, 1999). Ultra-high field fMRI with
earlier areas in some cases (Alink, Schwiedrzik, Kohler, submillimeter resolution has found stronger fMRI
Singer, & Muckli, 2010; Cardin, Friston, & Zeki, 2011; response in middle cortical layers of V1 during the
Fang, Kersten, & Murray, 2008; Murray, Kersten, Olshau- presentation of scrambled objects as compared with
sen, Schrater, & Woods, 2002; Rauss, Schwartz, & Pour- intact objects (Olman et al., 2012), similar to what one
tois, 2011), but not all (Mannion, Kersten, & Olman, might expect from prediction errors.

A B C D Hierarchically organized expertise In the race to make

high-priority decisions quickly, as in “core” or basic-level
recognition (DiCarlo et al., 2012), detailed information
about position, size, shape, material and illumination

direction is left behind, but not necessarily discarded.

We know that human vision can discriminate subtle
differences in shape and material and even see gradi-
ents of illumination, suggesting that it has the ability to
10.99° access low-level information or recover transformations
Complete Occluder Diamond Non-diamond discounted earlier (Grimes & Rao, 2005; Olshausen et
al., 1993; Tenenbaum & Freeman, 2000).
E The ability of vision to extract information of differ-
ent types and across multiple spatial scales raises the

possibility that feedback signals in visual hierarchies

have a richer computational function than so far dis-
0.92 0.96 1 1.04 1.08 cussed. Neuronal activity and receptive fields as early as
F G primary visual cortex appear to be modulated by task
requirements (Gilbert & Sigman, 2007; McManus, Li,

& Gilbert, 2011). The interesting possibility is that the

–8° –4 0° +4° +8° +25°
representation of information across levels of the visual
Figure 34.6 In studies with human subjects, He et al. (2012) hierarchy is accessible for a range of tasks. But for what
showed that perceptual grouping amplifies the effect of adap- functions, representations, and operations?
tation to a whole shape, while reducing the strength of adapta- One possibility is that the optimal machinery, repre-
tion to local tilt. Thus, perceptual grouping is consistent with
sentations, or coordinate frames for the task exist at a
enhancement of high-level shape representation and attenu-
ation of the low-level feature representation, possibly the lower level. Lee, Mumford, Romero, and Lamme (1998)
result of top-down predictive coding. In panel A, the diamond suggested that higher-level computations involving
corners undergo tight rotations during adaptation. When fine-grain spatial and orientation information would
covered by an occluder, shown in B, the diamond can still be necessarily involve V1. There are a number of results
perceived, as shown in C. The diamond percept can be dis-
consistent with this idea. For example, Harrison and
rupted by the occlusion relationships shown in D. Panels E
and F show test stimuli for measuring the aftereffects of shape, Tong (2009) analyzed patterns of fMRI voxel activity to
and tilt, respectively. (Figure adapted from He et al., 2012, show that visual areas from V4 down to V1 can retain
with permission from Elsevier.) orientation information held in working memory over

398 sensation and perception

Figure 34.7 This figure illustrates how global, contextual found if the image of the back ring, in the absence of the 3D
information for 3D depth can shift the spatial extent of activ- depth context, actually was bigger. Lower panel: When a person
ity in human V1. Upper left panel: Both rings are the same size attends to the ring, the increase in spatial extent as indicated
in the image, but the ring in the back of the hallway is per- by a shift in the ring response with eccentricity, is more robust
ceived to be bigger than the one in front because it appears (bottom left) than when attending to the fixation mark
to be further away. Upper right panel: The spatial extent of (bottom right). (Reprinted from Fang et al., 2008, with per-
activity in human cortical area V1 is larger for the back ring mission from Elsevier.) (See color plate 33.)
(red) than the front ring (green), similar to what would be

many seconds. Variations in perceptual learning and its computation with no current computer vision solution.
transfer may be understood in terms of whether the The visual system has to decide which features form the
learning task requires the “expertise” of a lower versus boundary of the object’s image—that is, a challenging
higher level of processing (Hochstein & Ahissar, 2002). segmentation and grouping problem that could require
In another study, Williams et al. (2008) found that the feedback to retinotopic areas. The locations of these
measured patterns of fMRI activity near foveal retino- features are needed to summarize the average diameter,
topic cortex could discriminate which object category or angular size. Then to estimate physical size from
the observers had been seeing with their peripheral angular size, the system needs to process the larger
vision. It has been known for some time that visual context in order to take the object’s depth into account.
imagery involving fine spatial discrimination, and even Further, size perception often involves comparisons
orientation-specific tactile tasks, may activate represen- with other objects, raising the question of where to
tations in early visual areas (Kosslyn et al., 1993; Kosslyn make those. The complexity of the analysis suggests an
& Thompson, 2003; Lucan, Foxe, Gomez-Ramirez, interplay between high-level representations and early
Sathian, & Molholm, 2010; Zangaladze, Epstein, retinotopic areas, particularly V1 as a result of its high
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404 sensation and perception

35 The Functional Architecture of Human
Ventral Temporal Cortex and Its Role
in Visual Perception

ABSTRACT Visual recognition is amazingly rapid and requires Thus, the goal of this chapter is to unveil the “black
a series of computations extending from primary visual cortex box” of VTC and its role in visual perception adapting
to ventral temporal cortex (VTC). Here, we examine the Marr’s framework to examine the inter-relationship
functional architecture of human VTC and its role in recogni-
tion. We detail the computational goals, the information com- among computations, representations, and neural
puted to reach those goals (representations), and the physical implementation (figure 35.1). Our examination of
layout of that information on the cortical sheet (implementa- these three factors builds upon classic cognitive neuro-
tion). Then, we discuss how implementational features of science research, which provided an integrative founda-
neural architecture may impact representations and computa- tion for how anatomical and functional properties of
tions in VTC. Specifically, recent discoveries detail anatomical
the visual system (Van Essen, Anderson, & Felleman,
and topological relationships among a series of fine-scale rep-
resentations nested within large-scale representations in VTC, 1992; Zeki & Shipp, 1988)—namely, its functional
which generate predictable divergences and convergences architecture (Hubel & Wiesel, 1962)—contribute to
across cortical scales. We suggest that this implementation information processing (figure 35.1A). We emphasize
generates a spatial hierarchy of nested functional representa- recent discoveries of implementational features of VTC,
tions that mirrors the hierarchical category information struc-
which reveal superimposition of multiple neural repre-
ture of VTC, where more abstract information is represented
at larger spatial scales. Together these implementational, rep- sentations on the cortical sheet with predictable levels
resentational, and computational features enable a rapid and of anatomical convergence and divergence. This func-
flexible recognition system with access to different levels of tional architecture matriculates at multiple spatial
information abstraction extending from exemplars, to basic scales, generating a spatial hierarchy of nested neural
categories, to broad superordinate categorical distinctions. representations (figure 35.1C). We propose that this
spatial hierarchy generates an information hierarchy
Human recognition is amazingly rapid, enabling us to within VTC (figure 35.1B), which, in turn, enables a fast
determine the gist of a visual scene in just one-tenth of and flexible system supporting recognition at multiple
a second (Thorpe, Fize, & Marlot, 1996). Despite this levels of abstraction ranging from exemplars to broad
remarkable efficiency, visual recognition is nontrivial, categories.
requiring a series of computations arranged in a ventral
stream processing hierarchy (Ungerleider & Haxby,
1994), ascending from primary visual cortex (V1) to Computational theory: What are the computational
high-level regions in ventral temporal cortex (VTC; also goals of ventral temporal cortex?
referred to as inferotemporal cortex, or IT). Human
VTC consists of the posterior half of the ventral aspect Theorists investigate the computational requirements
of the temporal lobe. Lesions to VTC can produce spe- necessary for achieving an efficient and rapid visual
cific deficits, such as the inability to recognize objects, recognition system. This computational research has
faces, or words, while other visual faculties are pre- yielded four important insights:
served, indicating its critical role in recognition. 1. Shape is the critical visual attribute for object
To understand how visual recognition is achieved, it recognition.
is necessary to study the computational goals of the 2. A visual recognition system needs to be robust to
recognition system, the representations and informa- changes in object appearance, such as retinal size, posi-
tion computed to reach those goals, and its physical tion in the visual field, illumination, contrast, and view
layout and implementation in cortex (Marr, 1982). (referred to as tolerance to image transformations)

grill-spector and weiner: human ventral temporal cortex 405

Figure 35.1 Marr’s (1982) framework applied to ventral representations, as well as natural from artificial objects.
temporal cortex (VTC). (A) Computational models simulate (C) Implementational features reveal superimposed repre-
the ventral stream computational hierarchy during an animate sentations at multiple spatial scales (top to bottom: large to
vs. inanimate task. (B) VTC representations contain a hierar- fine) with orderly diverging (e.g., animate from inanimate)
chical category information structure, first separating and converging (e.g., animate with face and body representa-
animate from inanimate representations, then face from body tions) characteristics.

without losing the ability to discriminate between Representations: How does ventral temporal cortex
similar exemplars with comparable parts and configura- represent information to support visual
tion (such as two different faces). recognition?
3. A visual recognition system should support recog-
nition and perception at several levels of abstraction; Ventral Temporal Cortex Is Tuned to Shape Irre-
for instance, differentiating among exemplars (e.g., spective of Visual Cue A general property of human
Joey vs. Jack), basic categories (e.g., face vs. car), as well VTC is that it responds more strongly to a variety of
as broad superordinate categories (e.g., animate vs. shapes and objects compared to textures, noise, or
inanimate). highly scrambled objects (Malach et al., 1995). Impor-
4. There are classes of stimuli that may require tantly, VTC responses maintain their selectivity to
specialized computations in addition to the domain- shape across a large spectrum of visual cues including
general computations mentioned in (1)–(3). For luminance, color, motion, texture, stereo, and illusory
example, face perception may also require domain- contours (Davindenko, Remus, & Grill-Spector, 2012;
specific computations to determine the gender, age, Grill-Spector, Kushnir, Edelman, Itzchak, & Malach,
expression, or gaze of a person. 1998; Kourtzi & Kanwisher, 2001; Mendola, Dale, Fischl,
Liu, & Tootell, 1999; Vinberg & Grill-Spector, 2008).
Understanding the computational goals of VTC as a Thus, a domain-general property of VTC is that it dem-
recognition system has important implications for both onstrates perceptual constancy to shape across visual
information processing and neural implementation. In cues.
the sections below, we examine the properties of VTC
representations and their relation to the computational Ventral Temporal Cortex Representations Are
goals of a recognition system: Are VTC representations Sensitive to Changes in Exemplar Identity and
tuned to shape? Are they tolerant to changes in appear- Exhibit Some Tolerance to Changes in Exemplar
ance? How do VTC representations and their cortical Appearance Classic theories of recognition suggest
implementation support different levels of information that recognizing exemplars across changes in appear-
abstraction? Empirical research striving to answer these ance requires object-specific, invariant representations
questions has led to the development of computational (Biederman, 1987). However, modern theories have
models that provide important insights into the compu- shown that complete tolerance is unnecessary as long
tations performed by the ventral stream hierarchy as representations for different exemplars are “untan-
(Epshtein, Lifshitz, & Ullman, 2008; Riesenhuber & gled” or linearly separable from each other (DiCarlo &
Poggio, 1999; Serre, Oliva, & Poggio, 2007). Cox, 2007; DiCarlo, Zoccolan, & Rust, 2012). Thus,

406 sensation and perception

untangling predicts that effective representations for data provide evidence for separable object and transfor-
recognition should have separable identity and trans- mation information in VTC.
formation information (e.g., view, size, position).
Indeed, a prominent characteristic of VTC responses Categorical Information in Ventral Temporal
is that they are highly sensitive to exemplar identity. Cortex VTC representations also support visual cat-
That is, neuronal responses in VTC (but not early visual egorization. Categorical information is identified at dif-
areas) decrease when an exemplar is repeated (referred ferent spatial scales, from the level of distributed
to as repetition suppression or adaptation; Grill-Spec- responses across the entire VTC (figure 35.1B, C; Haxby
tor, Henson, & Martin, 2006), but remain high when et al., 2001; Kriegeskorte et al., 2008), to activations in
different exemplars are shown. Interestingly, VTC rep- focal clusters (figure 35.2; Cohen et al., 2000; Epstein
resentations are highly sensitive to small changes in & Kanwisher, 1998; Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun,
form that affect perceived exemplar identity (Grill- 1997; Peelen & Downing, 2007), to responses of single
Spector et al., 1999; Jiang et al., 2007; Kourtzi & Kan- neurons (Kreiman, Koch, & Fried, 2000). Regardless of
wisher, 2001), but are tolerant in some degree to the spatial scale of measurements, category information
changes in contrast (Avidan et al., 2002) and size (Grill- generalizes across exemplars and format (figure 35.2)
Spector et al., 1999; Liu, Agam, Madsen, & Kreiman, and exhibits some tolerance to changes in position and
2009; Vuilleumier, Henson, Driver, & Dolan, 2002). size (Kanwisher, 2010), as well as a small range of views
Comparatively, VTC exhibits less tolerance to changes (Kietzmann, Swisher, Konig, & Tong, 2012).
in exemplar viewpoint (Epstein, Graham, & Downing, Interestingly, categorical information in distributed
2003; Grill-Spector et al., 1999; Vuilleumier et al., 2002). VTC responses exhibits a hierarchical information
Further, VTC responses are more tolerant to position structure. There is a broad distinction between animate
than early visual areas (Grill-Spector, Kushnir, Hendler, versus inanimate categories, and there are additional
et al., 1998), but not completely invariant to position as levels of distinction within each domain (Kriegeskorte
postulated by classic theories (Biederman, 1987). et al., 2008). For example, within the animate domain,
Indeed, VTC responses are modulated by eccentricity there is separable information for faces and bodies
(Levy, Hasson, Avidan, Hendler, & Malach, 2001), are (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008; Weiner & Grill-Spector,
higher for contralateral than ipsilateral stimuli 2010), in addition to separable information for biologi-
(Hemond, Kanwisher, & Op de Beeck, 2007; Raus- cal classes such as bugs, birds, and primates (Connolly
checker, Bowen, Parvizi, & Wandell, 2012; Sayres & et al., 2012; Haxby et al., 2011). Furthermore, within
Grill-Spector, 2008), and can be decoded to infer the faces, there is some species-specific distinction between
category of the object across positions (Carlson, Hogen- human and animal faces (Kriegeskorte et al., 2008). On
doorn, Fonteijn, & Verstraten, 2011). Together, these the other hand, within the inanimate domain, there is

Figure 35.2 Focal categorical responses: selective and faces/(FFA-2) fusiform face area-2 averaged across seven sub-
shape-tuned. (A) Example inflated right cortical surface jects show reproducible preference for faces across tasks
zoomed on VTC. Face (black) and body (white) representa- and paradigms. (Adapted from Weiner & Grill-Spector, 2010.)
tions are arranged in focal clusters with predictable topologi- (C) Responses (±SEM) of mFus-faces/FFA-2 and OTS-limbs/
cal characteristics relative to one another and macroanatomical fusiform body area (FBA) averaged across 11 subjects show
landmarks. CoS: collateral sulcus; FG: fusiform gyrus; OTS: differential shape tuning for a face-hand morph continuum.
occipitotemporal sulcus; MFS: mid-fusiform sulcus (white); Selectivity is maintained across format changes. (Adapted
ptCoS: posterior transverse collateral sulcus. (B) Responses from Davidenko et al., 2012.)
(plus or minus standard error of the mean, SEM) of mFus-

grill-spector and weiner: human ventral temporal cortex 407

a distinction between objects and places (Kriegeskorte dichoptic, or masked stimuli, experimenters have
et al., 2008; Weiner et al., 2010), and within places, shown that VTC responses (but not responses in early
there is separable information for different types of visual areas) are stronger and more reliable when sub-
scenes such as mountains or beaches (Walther, Caddi- jects perceive objects, faces, and places, compared to
gan, Fei-Fei, & Beck, 2009). Recent measurements when they are shown, but not perceived (Bar et al.,
using intracranial implanted electrodes in VTC of 2001; Grill-Spector et al., 2000, 2004; Moutoussis &
patients suggest that this categorical information is Zeki, 2002; Tong, Nakayama, Vaughan, & Kanwisher,
present within 150 ms after stimulus onset (Jacques 1998; Hasson, Hendler, Ben Bashat, & Malach, 2001).
et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2009), supporting the role of VTC Further, activations in different VTC subregions are cor-
in fast visual recognition. related with recognition of different categories (Grill-
Of the tens of thousands of categories in the world, Spector et al., 2004; Moutoussis & Zeki, 2002; Tong et
VTC exhibits striking selectivity to only a handful of al., 1998). For example, responses in face-selective
ecologically relevant categories: faces (Kanwisher et al., regions on the fusiform gyrus (FG) are strongest when
1997), body parts (Peelen & Downing, 2007), places a face is correctly identified, intermediate when a face
(Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998) and words (Cohen et al., is detected but not identified, and minimal when a face
2000). Selective responses manifest as stronger responses is presented, but missed (figure 35.3A). However,
to exemplars of these categories compared to exem- responses in this region do not correlate with the iden-
plars of other categories within focal regions in VTC tification of inanimate categories such as guitars, houses,
(figure 35.2), which are thought to contain a high pro- cars, or flowers. Instead, categorization and identifica-
portion of neurons selective to these stimuli (Tsao, tion of these stimuli occurs in adjacent regions (figure
Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingstone, 2006). This strong 35.3B). Notably, the causal involvement of these face-
selectivity profile has elicited a debate surrounding selective FG regions in face perception has been recently
whether these activations reflect domain-specific pro- demonstrated. Electrical brain stimulation of face-
cessing of the preferred category (Kanwisher, 2010) or selective regions in a patient resulted in a specific dis-
expertise (McGugin, Gatenby, Gore, & Gauthier, 2012), tortion of face, but not object, perception (Parvizi et
as well as a debate regarding the information in non- al., 2012).
maximal responses within these category-selective
regions (Haxby et al., 2001; Weiner & Grill-Spector, Implementation: What is the relationship between
2010). the organizational and computational principles
of human ventral temporal cortex?
Ventral Temporal Cortex Responses Are Corre-
lated with Perception By measuring brain The major implementation challenge of the brain is to
responses when subjects viewed ambiguous, rivalrous, arrange multidimensional representations onto the

Figure 35.3 VTC responses correlate with successful identi- guitar images. Asterisk indicates that neural responses during
fication and detection. Responses (±SEM) averaged across identification (e.g., this is Harrison Ford) are significantly
five subjects from (A) a 5 mm disk on mFus-faces/FFA-2 and larger (P < 0.01) than during image detection. (Adapted from
(B) a 5 mm disk on an adjacent region on the medial FG Grill-Spector et al., 2004.)
during recognition of briefly presented and masked face or

408 sensation and perception

Figure 35.4 Functional architecture of VTC. (A) Several
large-scale functional maps tile the cortical sheet with the
same lateral-medial gradient. From left: domain specificity,
animacy (the second principal component [PC2] from Haxby
et al., 2011), and eccentricity bias on an example right hemi-
sphere. (B) Fine-scale organization in a representative subject
measured with 1.8 mm voxels. Functional regions are located
in predictable cortical positions relative to macroanatomical
landmarks and relative to one another. White: borders of reti-
notopic regions. (C) Left: inflated cortical surface with cyto-
architectonic regions of VTC in one representative postmortem
subject showing the cytoarchitectonic transition between
FG1/FG2 occurring within the MFS (black). Right: cytoarchi-
tectonic characteristics of FG1 and FG2 (left) with profiles of
gray level indices (right). FG1 displays a columnar arrange-
ment of small pyramidal cells, while FG2 does not, and FG2
displays a higher neuronal density than FG1. (Adapted from
Caspers et al., 2013, and Weiner et al., 2014.) (D) Correspon-
dence between structural connectivity and functional division
of VTC in a representative subject: thresholded boundaries of
inferotemporal (dark red) and lingual (dark blue) connectiv-
ity are nearly identical to the faces vs. places functional map.
(Adapted from Saygin et al., 2012.) (See color plate 34.)

two-dimensional cortical sheet. In general, the brain

employs three organizational solutions: clustering of
neurons with similar properties, arranging information
into large-scale maps, and superimposing multiple
kinds of information on the cortical sheet. This organi-
zation can matriculate at various spatial scales: from the
level of neurons (∼1 μm), to columns (∼0.2–1 mm), to
areas (∼1 cm), to the entire VTC (several cm). Next, we
describe recent findings which have elucidated imple-
mentational features of VTC in the millimeter scale and

Large-Scale Maps in Ventral Temporal Cortex Are

Arranged in a Lateral-Medial Functional Gradi- maps have a common lateral-to-medial arrangement
ent Tightly Linked to Anatomy The organization across VTC despite their different informational dimen-
of large-scale functional maps in VTC reveals three fea- sions. For instance, animate, face, limb, central, and
tures (figure 35.4A): (1) several large-scale, superim- small-object representations manifest in lateral VTC,
posed functional maps tile the entire VTC; (2) maps while inanimate, place, peripheral, torso, and large-
display a common lateral-to-medial spatial arrangement object representations manifest in medial VTC (figure
on the cortical surface; and (3) this lateral-medial gradi- 35.4A). Consequently, the former representations con-
ent is tied to anatomy in a specific way. verge on lateral VTC and diverge from those on medial
Large-scale functional maps in VTC range from rep- VTC, and vice versa.
resentations differentiating animate from inanimate Not only are these maps aligned with respect to one
stimuli (Martin, 2007), faces from places (Nasr et al., another, but they are also aligned relative to the mid-
2011), and foveal from peripheral biases (Malach, Levy, fusiform sulcus (MFS; Weiner et al., 2014), which ana-
& Hasson, 2002; figure 35.4A) to maps of animacy tomically divides VTC into lateral and medial partitions
(Haxby et al., 2011; Connolly et al., 2012), semantics (figure 35.4A). The positioning of the MFS in individ-
(Huth, Nishimoto, Vu, & Gallant, 2012), real-world ual brains predicts the division of face-selective regions
object size (Konkle & Oliva, 2012), and the human in the lateral FG from place-selective regions in the col-
body (Orlov, Makin, & Zohary, 2010). Notably, these lateral sulcus (CoS; see figure 35.4A; Nasr et al., 2011;

grill-spector and weiner: human ventral temporal cortex 409

Weiner et al., 2014), as well as the division of the eccen- topological relationship among these functional
tricity bias map, separating foveal biases in lateral VTC representations, where place-selective activations con-
from peripheral biases in medial VTC (figure 35.4A; verge with peripheral representations on the CoS, and
Weiner et al., 2014). Together, the large-scale maps in diverge from foveal representations on the medial FG.
VTC show a consistent spatial arrangement (topology) Understanding the organization of multiple fine-
relative to one another and the macroanatomical struc- scale functional regions in medial VTC has important
ture of VTC. In turn, this suggests that converging com- implications for information processing. First, position
ponents of different functional representations may information in place-selective regions in medial VTC is
have a linking property (either computational or ana- a direct outcome of the overlap between the PPA and
tomical), whereas the lateral-medial divergence sug- maps of the visual field. Second, convergence of place
gests that spatially distinct VTC components may selectivity and retinotopy suggests that the brain may
have different computational goals and anatomical simultaneously process form and position information
architecture. by superimposing them in the same cortical expanse.
Third, position and place information are integrated in
Fine-Scale Clusters: Consistent Topological VO-2, PHC-1, and PHC-2, but are segregated anterior
Arrangement with Various Levels of Convergence to PHC-2. Thus, there may be a functional gradient of
and Divergence Within each of the large-scale lateral category and retinotopic processing across what is con-
and medial components of VTC, there is a series of sidered to be a homogeneous region (the PPA).
fine-scale functional representations displaying both a
tight coupling with anatomy as well as a consistent Lateral Ventral Temporal Cortex: Predictable
topology relative to other fine-scale clusters. Topological Arrangement of Functional Clus-
ters Selective to Faces, Body Parts, Words, and
Medial Ventral Temporal Cortex: Superimposed Objects Lateral VTC is characterized by multiple
Retinotopic Maps and Functional Clusters While functional clusters selective to faces, body parts, words,
VTC is traditionally described as nonretinotopic cortex, and objects (figure 35.4B). Unlike medial VTC, retino-
recent measurements have identified four retinotopic topic maps are yet to be identified in lateral VTC.
maps within medial VTC, each containing a representa- However, there is a striking regularity in which func-
tion of the contralateral visual field. These maps are tional clusters are arranged relative to one another and
arranged in two clusters in medial VTC (figure 35.4B): relative to anatomy. Just as the MFS predicts the large-
the ventral occipital (VO) cluster, VO-1 and VO-2 scale division between face- and place-selective activa-
(Brewer, Liu, Wade, & Wandell, 2005; Wandell & tions, the MFS predicts the positioning of two
Winawer, 2011), and the parahippocampal (PHC) face-selective regions on the lateral FG (Weiner & Grill-
cluster, PHC-1 and PHC-2 (Arcaro, McMains, Singer, & Spector, 2010; Weiner et al., 2014). Thus, instead of the
Kastner, 2009). These retinotopic maps have a tight one homogenous Fusiform Face Area (FFA) suggested
coupling with anatomy: they are aligned perpendicular by classical work (Kanwisher et al., 1997), there are two
to the CoS, with their foveal representations on the face-selective regions in the lateral FG in predictable
medial FG, their peripheral representations on the anatomical locations: one overlapping the anterolateral
CoS, and their posterior extent, defined by the hV4– tip of the MFS (mFus-faces/FFA-2) and one 10–15 mm
VO1 boundary, located on the posterior transverse CoS more posterior (pFus-faces/FFA-1) overlapping the
(Winawer, Horiguchi, Sayres, Amano, & Wandell, 2010; posterolateral tip of the MFS and extending into the
Witthoft et al., 2013). occipitotemporal sulcus (OTS). These face-selective
Likewise, researchers report a tight structural-func- clusters are separated by a body part–selective region,
tional link between place-selective activations (tradi- which is positioned between these two face-selective
tionally referred to as the parahippocampal place area, clusters and extends laterally into the OTS (Weiner &
or PPA; Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998) and the CoS (Nasr Grill-Spector, 2010, 2012, 2013). Additionally, object-
et al., 2011; Weiner et al., 2010). While the PPA was selective and word-selective activations overlap the pos-
initially described as located outside retinotopic cortex, terior FG and OTS and are lateral to face-selective
recent data shows that place-selective activations on the activations, where the object-selective activation extends
CoS consistently overlap the peripheral representations more posteriorly and laterally than the word-selective
of VO-2, PHC-1, and PHC-2 (Arcaro et al., 2009; figure activation.
35.4B). Importantly, although there is not a one-to-one This organization structure has implications for infor-
relationship between a retinotopic area (e.g., PHC-1) mation processing in lateral VTC. For instance, object
and a functional area (e.g., PPA), there is a consistent and word activations tend to converge (Ben-Shachar,

410 sensation and perception

Dougherty, Deutsch, & Wandell, 2007), indicating We have shown that there is an orderly spatial
common processing (e.g., domain-general processing arrangement among multiple large-scale maps and fine-
producing tolerance). However, face- and limb-selective scale functional regions that generates predictable
activations diverge from one another, indicating segre- convergences and divergences among neural repre-
gated processing of different parts of the body. Face and sentations in VTC. We propose that the convergent and
limb activations are also components of a larger topo- divergent properties of this functional architecture
graphic representation of the human body extending provide an anatomical substrate for fast and efficient
into the lateral occipitotemporal cortex, suggesting that visual processing (Van Essen, Anderson, & Felleman,
cortical representations may have incorporated the sta- 1992; Zeki & Shipp, 1988). Convergence may reduce
tistical regularity of the human body (Orlov et al., 2010; wiring costs and speed up neural communication by
Weiner & Grill-Spector, 2013). placing neurons that process related information in
close spatial proximity. Thus, clustering face-selective
Discussion neurons may enable fast communication among
neurons coding facial features, consequently expedit-
Overall, this chapter links the information and compu- ing facial recognition. Divergence may expedite com-
tations performed by VTC to its neural implementa- putations by providing an anatomical substrate for
tion, which reveals two prominent characteristics: an parallel processing of independent information in seg-
orderly topological pattern of convergence and diver- regated cortical circuits. Thus, the segregated cytoarchi-
gence among representations, and a spatial hierarchy tectonic and connectivity structure of lateral and medial
of nested functional representations. What may constrain VTC may allow parallel processing of independent com-
this organization, and how does it generate an efficient percep- ponents of the visual scene such as identity and place
tual system? We hypothesize that (1) the interplay among information. For example, identity information (e.g.
microarchitecture, connectivity, and functional needs Kevin not Jim) may be processed in lateral VTC, and
operate as mutual constraints underlying the functional place information (e.g. beach not office) may be pro-
organization of VTC, (2) the regular topological con- cessed in medial VTC.
vergence and divergence of functional representations
in VTC enables rapid perception, and (3) the hierarchi- Intriguing Hypothesis: Hierarchical Spatial
cal spatial structure of the functional organization of Structure of Functional Representations in
VTC supports its hierarchical information structure. Ventral Temporal Cortex Supports a Hierarchi-
cal Information Structure We propose the intrigu-
Cytoarchitecture and Connectivity: Anatomical ing hypothesis that the spatial hierarchy of nested
Constraints with Functional Benefits The direct functional representations at various spatial scales in
relationship among cytoarchitectonics, connectivity, VTC may serve as the scaffolding supporting the hier-
and functional regions in human VTC is unknown. Nev- archical information structure of VTC (figure 35.1B,
ertheless, recent breakthroughs in linking functional C). Further, the spatial structure may extend to other
divisions of VTC to its cytoarchitectonic and connectiv- spatial scales beyond the ones described here (e.g., the
ity structure may provide important insights. The MFS smaller spatial scale of a cortical column; Borra, Ichi-
is not only the boundary between functional transitions nohe, Sato, Tanifuji, & Rockland, 2010; Fujita, Tanaka,
in VTC (figure 35.4A, B), but it also aligns with a cyto- Ito, & Cheng, 1992; Tanaka, Saito, Fukada, & Moriya,
architectonic division of the FG (figure 35.4C; Caspers 1991). This proposition is consistent with hierarchical
et al., 2013; Weiner et al., 2014), as well as with a lateral- computational models of visual recognition. These
medial division of white matter connections (Saygin models are composed of a series of layers that process
et al., 2012). Since cytoarchitectonic, connectivity, and increasingly more complex information, from simple
large-scale functional divisions occupy the same macro- features (e.g., angled lines), to intermediate complexity
anatomical expanse on either side of the MFS, it sug- features (e.g., face or object fragments), to exemplars,
gests the intriguing hypothesis that the ubiquitous and finally, to categories (Epshtein, Lifshitz, & Ullman,
lateral-medial functional division of VTC may be par- 2008; Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999; Serre, Oliva, &
tially constrained by underlying cytoarchitectonics and Poggio, 2007). These hierarchical models are robust
white matter connections. recognition systems that are tolerant to changes in
appearance and enable extraction of different levels of
Convergence and Divergence Expedite Cortical information from distinct levels of the hierarchy. While
Processing by Reducing Communication Time and researchers have traditionally mapped these hierarchies
Processing Independent Information in Parallel across the entire ventral visual pathway, we speculate

grill-spector and weiner: human ventral temporal cortex 411

that some aspect of this computational hierarchy may Ben-Shachar, M., Dougherty, R. F., Deutsch, G. K., &
be implemented across different spatial scales of the Wandell, B. A. (2007). Differential sensitivity to words and
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414 sensation and perception

Chapter 36 DUM, BOSTAN, AND STRICK 419





40 BATISTA 477

41 LEMON 491





In this edition, we emphasize that any meaningful

investigation of motor systems must go far beyond the
science of understanding how physical movement is
generated and controlled. Whether we are seeking a
reward, finding a mate, or building a shelter, humans
along with many other complex organisms move to
accomplish goal-directed actions. Many of the funda-
mental ideas in movement science, including optimality
principles, learning mechanisms, and trade-offs in the
evolutionary design of the physical plant, can only be
interpreted when they are evaluated within this larger
domain of goal-directed action. With this in mind, the
chapters in this section provide a rich survey of some
of the fundamental issues in understanding complex
motor behavior. The chapters range from detailed sum-
maries of motor system anatomy and physiology to the
choice as well as the formation of specific motor
The section begins with an “update” on the anatomic
organization of motor circuits involving the basal
ganglia and cerebellum by Richard Dum, Andreea
Bostan, and Peter Strick. While the presence of cortical-
subcortical loops through either the basal ganglia or
cerebellum is well established, these circuits have his-
torically been assumed to be independent, nonoverlap-
ping pathways. Recent studies using viral tracing
methods in nonhuman primates challenge this assump-
tion. There are significant interconnections between
the two subcortical nuclei. These interconnections are
intriguing from a number of functional perspectives.
The basal ganglia and cerebellum may provide differ-
ent mechanisms to support supervised learning, and
the interconnections between the structures may
enable the algorithms of one structure to improve the

grafton and strick: introduction 417

outcomes of the other. On the other hand, in patients function with spinal cord or brainstem damage, motor
with Parkinson’s, many neuroimaging studies have neuron disease, and other forms of paralysis. Many of
shown augmented cerebellar activity that normalizes these systems rely on grid electrode arrays capable of
with dopamine therapy, pallidotomy, and deep brain multi-unit recording. In his chapter, Aaron Batista
stimulation. Thus, it is possible that the heightened reviews the different ways these rich data sets can be
cerebellar activity contributes to the motor dysfunction analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the degree to which
associated with the disease. different neurons can generate coordinated activity pat-
The detailed analysis of motor behavior in terms of terns. These correlation methods and their analogs in
kinematics, coupled with neuronal recordings, provides functional imaging will be increasingly important
a robust platform for understanding what role the basal throughout cognitive neuroscience.
ganglia play in controlling or shaping motor behavior. Ultimately, motor cortex is involved in the generation
In their chapter on the basal ganglia, Rob Turner and of descending commands to the spinal cord to generate
Benjamin Pasquereau provide a detailed critique of a repertoire of complex actions. In his chapter, Roger
some of the classic basal ganglia functions, including Lemon considers how the cortex might represent action
skill storage and movement selection. Based on neuro- vocabularies. Using object grasping and manipulation
nal recordings as well as inferences that can be drawn as an experimental framework, he evaluates current
from patients, they shift the focus to other functions, theories about how the motor cortex actually causes
including skill acquisition through supervised learning movement. The versatility of grasping is exceptional,
and the control of movement “vigor.” and cannot be explained by the simple recombination
Continuing with the theme of subcortical circuits, of a few muscle synergies. Lemon summarizes how the
Joern Diedrichsen and Amy Bastian offer an invaluable diversity of motor cortex activity for grasping is shaped
primer on cerebellar anatomy and functionality. They within a larger visuomotor grasping circuit involving
draw from a rich history of clinical observations in premotor and parietal systems.
patients with cerebellar lesions to set a framework for Actions are a result of a sophisticated decision-
understanding some of the basic ways in which the making process. Organisms must be able to effectively
cerebellum facilitates ongoing movement. They discuss navigate among action choices to survive. In their
evidence that the cerebellum is involved in the forma- chapter, Rushworth and colleagues consider the neural
tion of an internal model for motor behavior. They also systems that allow for the estimation of value among
consider the role of the cerebellum in adaptation for a competing action choices, risks, and rewards. They
broad range of motor behaviors, including movement review evidence from lesion studies, single neuronal
through force fields or walking on split treadmills. recording, and functional MRI to show how cortical
When faced with unexpected perturbations, such as areas performing different computations result in the
a bump to the arm during a reach, humans are capable selection of particular behaviors.
of extremely rapid movement corrections to stay on The section closes with a chapter by Scott Frey and
target. In their chapter, Frédéric Crevecoeur, Tyler Scott Grafton that restages the notion of affordance in
Cluff, and Steve Scott link these rapid corrections to a modern conceptual framework. They introduce the
long loop reflexes generated in part by the primary theory of reciprocal affordance. This proposes that the
motor cortex. They extend the classic single joint way an animal perceives the world is closely intertwined
studies of Evarts to show how corrections are distrib- with the way in which its motor system can form actions
uted over multiple joints. Perhaps more important, they in the environment. Having an internal model of what
summarize the basic principles of optimal control is graspable provides a neuronal mechanism for auto-
theory and use this framework to interpret the compu- matic, preparatory motor planning from available
tations performed by the primary motor cortex during stored action vocabularies. This framework is particu-
error correction. larly useful for understanding how the nervous system
Since the last edition of this book, there has been a adapts perception through physical experience, how
rapid development of brain-machine interfaces that the body schema can be reorganized in the setting of
can generate movement through robotic systems or the amputation, and how the design of brain-machine
electrical stimulation to peripheral muscles. These interfaces might be improved.
systems hold enormous promise for enhancing motor

418 motor systems and action

36 Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Circuits
with the Cerebral Cortex

ABSTRACT The neural connections of the basal ganglia and basal ganglia processing is represented by the internal
cerebellum provide important insights into their function. segment of the globus pallidus (GPi), the pars reticulata
The outputs of the basal ganglia and cerebellum target motor, of the substantia nigra (SNpr), and the ventral palli-
premotor, prefrontal, posterior parietal, and inferotemporal
areas of the cerebral cortex. In addition, the basal ganglia and dum. The comparable structures for cerebellar process-
cerebellum are interconnected. These basal ganglia and cer- ing are the deep cerebellar nuclei: dentate, interpositus,
ebellar circuits form the anatomical substrates for influencing and fastigial. Neurons in the output layers of both cir-
not only the control of movement, but also cognitive behav- cuits send their axons to the thalamus and, by this
iors like planning, working memory, reward-based learning, route, project back upon the cortex. Thus, a major
sequential behavior, visuospatial perception, and attention.
structural feature of basal ganglia and cerebellar cir-
Similarly, abnormal activity in specific basal ganglia and
cerebellar circuits may contribute to a variety of neuropsychi- cuits is that they form loops with the cerebral cortex
atric disorders, including autism, addiction, attention-deficit/ (e.g., Allen & Tsukahara, 1974; Brooks & Thach, 1981;
hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Kemp & Powell, 1971). These loops were thought to
Tourette syndrome. Thus, the anatomical substrate exists for function largely in the domain of motor control by fun-
the basal ganglia and cerebellum to be involved in a broad
neling information from diverse cortical areas to influ-
range of motor and nonmotor functions.
ence motor output at the level of the primary motor
What are the functions of the basal ganglia and cerebel- cortex (M1). This view has been supported by the
lum? Numerous reports describe the motor deficits obvious motor symptoms that can result from basal
associated with damage to these subcortical structures. ganglia and cerebellar dysfunction (for reviews, see
As a consequence, concepts about basal ganglia and Bhatia & Marsden, 1994; Brooks & Thach, 1981; DeLong
cerebellar function have focused primarily on their con- & Georgopoulos, 1981).
tributions to the generation and control of movement. Over the past 30 years, an accumulation of informa-
Examination of the macro-organization of basal ganglia tion about basal ganglia and cerebellar anatomy has led
and cerebellar connections with the cerebral cortex has a number of investigators to challenge this view (e.g.,
led to a different perspective. In this chapter, we focus Alexander, DeLong, & Strick, 1986; Goldman-Rakic &
on two critical questions. First, which cortical areas are Selemon, 1990; Schell & Strick, 1984). It is now clear
the target of the outputs from the basal ganglia and the that basal ganglia and cerebellar efferents terminate in
cerebellum? Second, do the basal ganglia and cerebel- different subdivisions of the ventrolateral thalamus (for
lum interact at sites other than the cerebral cortex? The a review, see Percheron, François, Talbi, Yelnik, &
answers to these questions lead to some novel and impor- Fénelon, 1996) which, in turn, project to a myriad of
tant insights about basal ganglia and cerebellar function. cortical areas. Thus, the outputs from the basal ganglia
Classically, the macro-organization of basal ganglia and cerebellum influence more widespread regions of
and cerebellar circuitry is described using a relatively the cerebral cortex than previously recognized.
simple hierarchical model. The “input layer” of basal Based on these and other anatomical results, Alexan-
ganglia processing is represented by the striatum der et al. (1986) proposed that the basal ganglia par-
(caudate, putamen, and ventral striatum). The analo- ticipate in at least five separate loops with the cerebral
gous level in cerebellar circuits is represented by spe- cortex. These loops were based in part on their cortical
cific pontine nuclei that send mossy fiber inputs to targets of the output layer of processing and were des-
cerebellar cortex. A major source of afferents to the ignated the skeletomotor, oculomotor, dorsolateral pre-
input layers of both circuits originates from widespread frontal, lateral orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate
regions of the cerebral cortex, including motor, sensory, circuits. According to this scheme, the output of the
posterior parietal, prefrontal, cingulate, orbitofrontal, basal ganglia has the potential to influence not only the
and temporal cortical areas. The “output layer” of control of movement, but also higher-order cognitive

dum, bostan, and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits 419
and limbic functions subserved by prefrontal, orbito- separate animals, virus was injected into M1 regions
frontal, and anterior cingulate cortex. where face, arm, or leg movements were evoked by
Similarly, Leiner, Leiner, and Dow (1986, 1991, 1993) intracortical stimulation. The survival time was set to
suggested that cerebellar output is directed to prefron- allow retrograde transport of the virus to “first-order”
tal as well as to motor areas of the cerebral cortex. They neurons in the thalamus and then retrograde transneu-
noted that in the course of hominid evolution, the ronal transport of virus from these first-order neurons
lateral output nucleus of the cerebellum—the dentate— to “second-order” neurons that are the origin of basal
undergoes a marked expansion that parallels the expan- ganglia– and cerebello-thalamocortical inputs to M1
sion of cerebral cortex in the frontal lobe. They argued (Kelly & Strick, 2000; Strick & Card, 1992).
that the increase in the size of the dentate is accompa- These experiments produced three major results.
nied by an increase in the extent of the cortical areas First, M1 is richly innervated by the output nuclei of the
in the frontal lobe that are influenced by dentate basal ganglia and cerebellum. The densest projections
output. As a consequence, Leiner et al. (1986, 1991, originate from GPi (figures 36.1 and 36.2) and the
1993) proposed that cerebellar function in humans has dentate (figures 36.3 and 36.4). Less dense projections
expanded to include involvement in certain language originate from portions of SNpr and interpositus.
and cognitive tasks. Second, both GPi and the dentate are somatotopically
The use of neurotropic viruses (herpes simplex virus organized with separate face, arm, and leg areas that
type 1 [HSV1] and rabies virus) as transneuronal tracers project via the thalamus to the face, arm, and leg areas
has been essential for testing these proposals (for of M1. Third, and perhaps most surprising, the projec-
review, see Kelly & Strick, 2000, 2003; Strick & Card, tions to M1 originate from only 15% of the volume of
1992; Strick, Dum, & Fiez, 2009). This tracing method GPi and about 30% of the volume of the dentate. Fur-
can effectively label a chain of up to three synaptically thermore, the output to M1 originates from restricted
linked neurons in a single experiment (Bostan, Dum, portions of each subcortical nucleus. These results
& Strick, 2010; Kelly & Strick, 2003, 2004). In this imply that the majority of the output from the basal
chapter, we review some of the new observations that ganglia and cerebellum is directed to other cortical
result from using viruses to map the basal ganglia and areas.
cerebellar projections to the cerebral cortex. These
observations have led to important insights about the Premotor areas
cortical targets of these circuits and the functional
domains they influence. Basal ganglia and cerebellar projections to the arm
representations of premotor areas in the frontal lobe
Primary motor cortex were examined following injections of virus into the
ventral premotor area (PMv) or the supplementary
Retrograde transneuronal transport of HSV1 was used motor area (SMA; Akkal, Dum, & Strick, 2007; Hoover
to examine the organization of basal ganglia and cere- & Strick, 1993). These injections consistently labeled
bellar outputs to M1 (Hoover & Strick, 1993, 1999). In neurons in the middle of GPi rostrocaudally. Within

Area 9m Area 46 SMA arm M1 arm PMv arm


o i
A 15.0 A 14.2 A 13.7 A 14.0 1 mm A 14.2

Figure 36.1 Origin of pallidal projections to M1, PMv, SMA, portion of the internal segment of globus pallidus; I, inner
area 46, and area 9. Labeled neurons (dots) from several portion of the internal segment of globus pallidus; M1 arm,
adjacent sections are displayed on coronal sections through arm area of the primary motor cortex; PMv arm, arm area of
the GPi of animals that received virus injections into different the ventral premotor area; SMA arm, arm area of the supple-
cortical areas. The anterior-posterior location of each section mentary motor area; area 46 and 9 m, cytoarchitectonic
is indicated. Abbreviations: GPe, external segment of globus regions in the prefrontal cortex. (Adapted from Middleton &
pallidus; GPi, internal segment of the globus pallidus; o, outer Strick, 2000, with permission from Elsevier.)

420 motor systems and action

Globus Pallidus Dentate

D GPi (o)

4 9L M1
Distance (mm)

3 Pre-
SMA arm arm
“Motor” PMv
M1 arm
1 “Non-
PMv arm M1
Motor” leg SMA 7b
arm FEF

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
46d Pre-
“Non- SMA
4 Motor” 9L
GPi (i)
Distance (mm)


2 D ?
SMA arm
1 C
M1 arm
“Non- 1 mm
Motor” PMv arm
C Figure 36.4 Summary map of dentate output channels. The
0 1 2 3 4 5 dentate is displayed as an unfolded map (for details of unfold-
Distance (mm) ing, see Dum & Strick, 2003). The cortical target of each
output channel is placed at the site of its peak labeling follow-
Figure 36.2 Summary map of basal ganglia output chan- ing retrograde transneuronal transport of virus from that cor-
nels. The outer and inner segments of the GPi are shown as tical area. The dentate can be divided into “motor” and
separate unfolded maps (for details of unfolding, see Akkal “nonmotor” domains based on the grouping of output chan-
et al., 2007). In this planar view, the cortical target of each nels that target functionally similar cortical areas. Abbrevia-
output channel is placed at the site of its densest labeling tions as in figures 36.2 and 36.3. (Adapted from Dum & Strick,
following retrograde transneuronal transport of virus from 2003, and Akkal et al., 2007, with permission.)
that cortical area. The GPi can be divided into “motor” and
“nonmotor” domains based on the grouping of output chan-
nels that target functionally similar cortical areas. Abbrevia-
tions: D, dorsal; C, caudal; see also figure 36.1. (Adapted from
Akkal et al., 2007, with permission.)

M1 arm PMv arm Area 46 Area 9


1 mm

P 7.5 P 8.0 P 8.5 P 8.5

Figure 36.3 Origin of cerebellar projections to M1, PMv, according to figure 36.2. Abbreviations: DN, dentate nucleus;
area 46, and area 9. Representative coronal sections through IP, interpositus nucleus; M, medial. (Adapted from Middleton
the dentate and interpositus nuclei of animals that received & Strick, 1998, with permission from Elsevier.)
virus injections into different cortical areas. Conventions are

dum, bostan, and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits 421
this region, neurons labeled after injections into the channels characterizes skeletomotor output from the
SMA, M1, or PMv formed separate clusters in a dorsal dentate.
to ventral arrangement (figures 36.1 and 36.2). These
observations indicate that pallidal output is not con- Frontal eye field
fined to M1, but projects via the thalamus to multiple
premotor areas in the frontal lobe (see also Inase & The results of studies with conventional tracers sug-
Tanji, 1995; Jinnai, Nambu, Tanibuch, & Yoshida, 1993; gested that the frontal eye field (FEF) receives input via
Saga et al., 2011; Sakai, Inase, & Tanji, 1999). Further- the thalamus from three subcortical nuclei: SNpr, the
more, the arm representation of each motor area superior colliculus (SC), and the cerebellar nuclei. To
receives input from a topographically distinct set of test this proposal, virus was injected into FEF regions,
GPi neurons. We have proposed that this arrangement where eye movements were evoked by intracortical
creates distinct “output channels” in the sensorimotor stimulation (Lynch, Hoover, & Strick, 1994). Virus-
portion of GPi (Akkal et al., 2007; Hoover & Strick, infected neurons were found in SNpr, the optic and
1993). intermediate gray layers of the SC, and the dentate
The output neurons of the dentate have a similar nucleus. Within the dentate, labeled neurons were con-
topographic organization. Injections of virus into the fined to its posterior pole, where some neurons exhibit
arm representations of M1, PMv, and SMA labeled activity correlated with saccadic eye movements (van
clusters of neurons in the middle of the dentate ros- Kan, Houk, & Gibson, 1993). Within the basal ganglia,
trocaudally (figures 36.3 and 36.4; Akkal et al., 2007; labeled neurons were located in posterior and lateral
Middleton & Strick, 1998; see also Hashimoto et al., portions of SNpr (figure 36.6, FEF) where neurons
2010; Lu, Miyachi, Ito, Nambu, & Takada, 2007). The display changes in activity related to saccadic eye move-
“hot spot” of each cluster appeared to be centered in ments (Hikosaka & Wurtz, 1983a, 1983b). The regions
a slightly different region of the dentate. The hot of the basal ganglia and cerebellum that were labeled
spots for the different motor areas are shown on an after injections of virus into the FEF were strikingly dif-
unfolded map of the dentate (figure 36.4). This ferent from those labeled after injections into the skel-
diagram emphasizes two important observations. First, etomotor areas of the frontal lobe. Thus, the oculomotor
the dentate, like GPi, contains distinct output chan- output channels in the basal ganglia and cerebellum
nels that innervate the arm representations of the dif- are distinct from those concerned with skeletomotor
ferent cortical motor areas. Second, the output function.
channels to these different arm representations are
clustered together. This observation suggests that Prefrontal cortex
these output channels are in register within the
nucleus and raises the possibility that they form a Areas 9, 12, and 46 of the prefrontal cortex appear
single map for each body part. to be involved in cognitive operations such as the
Results from single-neuron recording experiments guidance of behavior based on transiently stored infor-
in awake trained monkeys provide physiological mation rather than immediate external cues (“working
support for the existence of distinct output channels in memory”; for review, see Fuster, 1997; Goldman-Rakic,
GPi and dentate (Mushiake & Strick, 1993, 1995; 1996; Passingham, 1993). These regions of prefrontal
Strick, Dum, & Picard, 1995). These studies suggest cortex are known to project to the input stage of basal
that individual output channels are involved in differ- ganglia and cerebellar processing (e.g., Glickstein, May,
ent aspects of motor behavior. Specifically, some output & Mercier, 1985; Haber, Kim, Mailly, & Calzavara, 2006;
channels appear to be especially concerned with move- Kemp & Powell, 1971; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997).
ments that are internally generated, whereas others We tested whether regions of prefrontal cortex not only
appear to be devoted to movements guided by extero- project to the basal ganglia and cerebellum, but also
ceptive cues. Taken together, these observations indi- are the target of basal ganglia and cerebellar outputs.
cate that the basal ganglia and cerebellum have the Virus injections into areas 9, 12, or 46 labeled many
capacity to influence a broad range of motor behavior neurons in the output nuclei of the basal ganglia
using output channels that project to the premotor (figures 36.1, 36.2, and 36.6; Middleton & Strick, 1994,
areas in the frontal lobe, as well as to M1. Thus, the 2002). Injections into area 12 labeled neurons in a
skeletomotor circuit of Alexander et al. (1986) is more localized portion of SNpr. In contrast, injections
accurately viewed as multiple discrete channels to each into area 46 labeled neurons largely in GPi. Area 9
of the cortical motor areas (figure 36.5; Middleton & injections labeled neurons in both SNpr and GPi. The
Strick, 2001b). A similar arrangement of output topographic nature of basal ganglia projections to

422 motor systems and action

“Skeletomotor” Circuit

Old Revised

Cortex SMA APA, MC, SC M1 PMv SMA PMd* CMAr* CMAd* CMAv*


Pallidum vl-GPi vl-GPi

cl-SNr vl-GPi mid-GPi GPi GPi GPi GPi
s. nigra cl-SNr

VLo, VLo, VLo, VLo, VLo, VApc, VLo, VLcr,

Thalamus VLm VLm VLm VLm VLcr VLm VLcr VLm

Figure 36.5 The original skeletomotor circuit proposed by pallidus; PUT, putamen; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata;
Alexander, DeLong, and Strick (1986) and our revised cl, caudolateral; mid, middle; vl, ventrolateral. Thalamic
scheme. Asterisks indicate loops whose existence is predicted abbreviations: VApc, nucleus ventralis anterior, parvocellular
but not specifically tested using virus transport. Cortical division; VLcc, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars caudalis,
abbreviations: CMAd, dorsal cingulate motor area; CMAr, caudal division; VLcr, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars caudalis,
rostral cingulate motor area; CMAv, ventral cingulate motor rostral division; VLm, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars medialis;
area; M1, primary motor cortex; PMd, dorsal premotor area; VLo, nucleus ventralis lateralis pars oralis. (From Middleton
PMv, ventral premotor area; SMA, supplementary motor area. & Strick, 2001b, with permission from Elsevier.)
Basal ganglia abbreviations; GPi, internal segment of globus

SNpr SNpr
Caudal Rostral
FEF Area TE Area 12 Area 9m Area 9l

pc pc
pc pr pr
pr pr
pc M
1 mm

Figure 36.6 Origin of nigral projections to the FEF, area TE, different cortical areas. Abbreviations: CC, crus cerebri; pc,
area 12, area 9 m, and area 9 l. Coronal sections indicating pars compacta; pr, pars reticulata. (Adapted from Middleton
the location of labeled neurons in the caudal and rostral & Strick, 2000, with permission from Elsevier.)
regions of the SNpr following virus injections into the

prefrontal cortex is further emphasized by the finding Virus injections into areas 9 and 46 (but not area
that different regions within rostral SNpr project to 12) labeled neurons in ventral regions of the dentate
medial and lateral portions of area 9 (figure 36.6, areas nucleus (figure 36.3; Middleton & Strick, 1998,
9m and 9l). In all cases, the locations of the neurons 2001a). The neurons labeled after area 9 injections
labeled in GPi and SNpr after injections into prefrontal were found largely medial and caudal to those labeled
areas of cortex were different from the locations of by area 46 injections. The ventral regions of the
neurons labeled after injections into motor areas of dentate that project to these nonmotor areas in the
cortex. frontal lobe clearly differ from the more dorsal regions

dum, bostan, and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits 423
of this nucleus that innervate motor areas of the 2001, 2005). In addition, area MIP in the anterior bank
cortex (figures 36.3 and 36.4). Thus, both the basal of the IPS and area LIP in the posterior bank of the IPS
ganglia and the cerebellum project via the thalamus to receive output from the cerebellum (Prevosto et al.,
multiple areas of prefrontal cortex. Moreover, the 2010). These results clearly indicate that the sphere of
output channels in the basal ganglia and cerebellum influence of basal ganglia and cerebellar output extends
that influence prefrontal areas of cortex are separate to include portions of the posterior parietal cortex.
from those that influence motor areas of cortex. This Although the implications of basal ganglia and cerebel-
observation suggests that GPi and the dentate can be lar projections to posterior parietal cortex cannot be
divided into distinct motor and nonmotor domains fully addressed here, we will highlight two specific pro-
(figures 36.2 and 36.4; Akkal et al., 2007; Dum & posals about these circuits. The cerebellar projection to
Strick, 2003). posterior parietal cortex may provide signals that con-
The presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) has tribute to sensory recalibration during some adaptation
traditionally been included with the motor areas of the paradigms (Clower et al., 2001; Prevosto et al., 2010).
frontal lobe. However, a number of recent observa- In addition, we have suggested (Clower et al., 2005) that
tions emphasize the nonmotor nature of this cortical abnormal signals in the basal ganglia projection to the
area (Picard & Strick, 2001). For example, unlike the posterior parietal cortex may contribute to the visuo-
cortical motor areas, the pre-SMA does not project spatial deficits observed in some patients with basal
directly to M1 or to the spinal cord. Instead, the ganglia disorders (Karnath, Himmelbach, & Rorden,
pre-SMA is densely interconnected with regions of pre- 2002).
frontal cortex. Virus tracing was used to test whether
basal ganglia and cerebellar projections to the pre-SMA Inferotemporal cortex
originate from the motor or the nonmotor domains of
GPi and the dentate (Akkal et al., 2007). Virus injected In general, each cortical area that projects to the basal
into the pre-SMA labeled neurons dorsally in the ganglia or cerebellum is known to receive projections
rostral portion of GPi (figure 36.2) and in a ventral back from these subcortical nuclei. Area TE, a region
portion of the dentate (figure 36.4; Akkal et al., 2007). of inferotemporal cortex, is known to project to the
Thus, the output channels to the pre-SMA from GPi input stage of basal ganglia processing (i.e., the tail of
and dentate are grouped with output channels that the caudate and ventral portions of the putamen; Saint-
project to regions of prefrontal cortex rather than Cyr, Ungerleider, & Desimone, 1990), but not to the
output channels to the cortical motor areas (figures input stage of cerebellar processing (Glickstein et al.,
36.2 and 36.4). These observations provide further 1985; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997). Consistent with
support for the proposal that the pre-SMA is more these observations, virus injections into area TE did not
similar to regions of prefrontal cortex than it is to the result in any labeled neurons in the cerebellar nuclei,
cortical motor areas (Akkal et al., 2007; Picard & Strick, but did label a distinct cluster of neurons in SNpr (Mid-
2001). dleton & Strick, 1996; figure 36.6, area TE). Most of
these neurons were located in a dorsal region of caudal
Posterior parietal cortex SNpr that appears to be separate from the regions that
influence the FEF or subdivisions of prefrontal cortex.
Areas 5 and 7 in posterior parietal cortex also are known Thus, area TE is both a source of input to, and a target
to project to the input stage of basal ganglia and cere- of output from, a distinct portion of the basal ganglia.
bellar processing (e.g., Cavada & Goldman-Rakic, 1991; In contrast, TE neither projects to nor receives input
Glickstein et al., 1985; Kemp & Powell, 1971; Schmah- from the cerebellum.
mann & Pandya, 1997; Yeterian & Pandya, 1993). This TE is known to play a critical role in the visual recog-
raised the possibility that these regions of cortex also nition and discrimination of objects (e.g., Gross, 1972;
are the target of basal ganglia and cerebellar outputs. Miyashita, 1993; Tanaka, Saito, Fukuda, & Moriya,
This possibility has been tested in several experiments 1991). Physiological studies have shown that the region
(Clower, Dum, & Strick, 2005; Clower, West, Lynch, & of SNpr that influences TE contains some neurons that
Strick, 2001; Prevosto, Graf, & Ugolini, 2010). Virus are responsive to the presentation of visual stimuli (e.g.,
tracing demonstrated that both portions of area 7b in Hikosaka & Wurtz, 1983a). These observations, together
the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and on the cortical surface with our anatomical results, provide evidence that basal
are the target of output from the dentate nucleus, ganglia output is involved in higher-order aspects of
whereas only the portion of area 7b on the cortical visual processing, as well as in motor and cognitive
surface is the target of output from SNpr (Clower et al., function.

424 motor systems and action

Macro-architecture of subcortical loops with the M1 Area 46
cerebral cortex I
Cortical areas that receive output from the basal ganglia II
and cerebellum also project to the input stage of these II
subcortical structures. This observation suggests that
closed-loop circuits represent a fundamental architec- IV
tural feature of basal ganglia and cerebellar connec- IV
tions with the cerebral cortex. This proposal was tested
by utilizing two complementary virus-tracing approaches. V V Crus I
First, retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus a
was used to define the regions of cerebellar cortex that VI p
project to the arm area of M1 or to area 46 in the pre- VI Crus II
frontal cortex (Kelly & Strick, 2003). Briefly, this VII a
approach showed that the arm area of M1 receives VII
input from Purkinje cells located mainly in lobules F.ppd. S.
IV-VI of cerebellar cortex (figure 36.7, left). In contrast,
area 46 receives input from Purkinje cells located VIII F.apm.
mainly in crus II of the ansiform lobule (figure 36.7,
right). Thus, M1 and area 46 are the target of output
from separate regions of the cerebellar cortex. HVIII
Subsequently, anterograde transneuronal transport
of the H129 strain of HSV1 was used to define the X
regions of the cerebellar cortex that receive input from
M1 or area 46 (Kelly & Strick, 2003). This approach
demonstrated that granule cells in lobules IV-VI of Figure 36.7 Origin of cerebellar cortical projections to M1
and area 46. The dots on the flattened surface maps of the
cerebellar cortex are the target of input from the arm cerebellar cortex represent Purkinje cells that were labeled
area of M1. Lobules IV-VI are the same region of the by retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus from the
cerebellar cortex that projects to M1 (figure 36.7, left). arm area of M1 (left panel ) or from area 46 (right panel ). Note
Similarly, granule cells in crus II of the cerebellar that the Purkinje cells that project to M1 are located in sepa-
cortex are the target of input from area 46. Crus II is rate lobules from those that project to area 46. Nomenclature
and abbreviations are according to Larsell (1970). (Adapted
the same region of the cerebellar cortex that projects
from Kelly & Strick, 2003, with permission.)
to area 46 (figure 36.7, right). These observations
provide strong support for our proposal that multiple
closed-loop circuits represent a fundamental architec- cerebellar cortex is functionally coupled to association
tural feature of cerebrocerebellar interactions. Similar areas of the cerebral cortex. Activity in large portions
closed-loop circuits are also likely to be a fundamental of the cerebellar cortex, including hemispheric lobule
feature of cerebro–basal ganglia interactions (Kelly & VII, is correlated with activity in frontoparietal associa-
Strick, 2004). tion areas, including the cognitive control and default
Considerable support for the separation of cerebellar networks (Buckner et al., 2011; Habas et al., 2009;
cortex into motor and nonmotor domains in humans Krienen & Buckner, 2009; O’Reilly, Beckmann, Tomas-
comes from recent imaging studies (for a review, see sini, Ramnani, & Johansen-Berg, 2009). Interestingly,
Manni & Petrosini, 2004). These studies used func- some association cortical regions that have limited or
tional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) and functional MRI no known projections to the cerebellum in the monkey
(fMRI) to reveal the presence of two somatotopic rep- (such as ventral area 46 and regions in orbitofrontal
resentations of the body in the cerebellar cortex of cortex) show functional coupling to cerebellar cortex
humans (Buckner et al., 2011; Grodd, Hülsmann, in the human. Thus, an expanded array of neocortical
Lotze, Wildgruber, & Erb, 2001; Wiestler, McGonigle, & areas may interact with the cerebellum in humans.
Diedrichsen, 2011). The orientation of the body map is There is abundant evidence for activation of cerebel-
inverted in the anterior lobe and upright in lobule VIII lar cortex in a wide variety of nonmotor processes,
of the posterior lobe. including executive function, working memory, lan-
Studies using fcMRI have provided complementary guage, timing, music, and emotion. Since several recent
evidence that the nonmotor domain in the human reviews discuss results from fMRI of the human

dum, bostan, and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits 425
cerebellum and describe the functional topography in the cerebellum and basal ganglia are components of an
cerebellar cortex (e.g., E, Chen, Ho, & Desmond, 2012; interconnected network concerned with motor and
Ito, 2008, 2011; Ramnani, 2006; Stoodley, 2012; nonmotor aspects of behavior.
Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009; Stoodley, Valera, &
Schmahmann, 2012; Strick et al., 2009), this subject will Functional implications
not be presented in detail here. Nevertheless, it is clear
that the sites of activation in cognitive and emotion Clearly, the outputs from the basal ganglia and cerebel-
tasks are quite separate from those observed in motor lum gain access to more widespread and diverse areas
tasks, and the results of these studies are fully consistent of cortex than previously imagined. To date, our studies
with the view that cerebellar cortex has distinct motor have shown that the output nuclei of the basal ganglia
and nonmotor domains. and cerebellum project (via the thalamus) to skeleto-
motor, oculomotor, prefrontal, and posterior parietal
The cerebellum is interconnected with the areas of cortex. In addition, a portion of SNpr projects
basal ganglia to inferotemporal cortex. Thus, the anatomical sub-
strate exists for the basal ganglia and cerebellum to
The loops that link the cerebellum with the cerebral influence higher-order aspects of cognition like plan-
cortex have traditionally been considered to be ana- ning, working memory, sequential behavior, visuospa-
tomically and functionally distinct from those that link tial perception, and attention as well as skeletomotor
the basal ganglia with the cerebral cortex (Doya, 2000; and oculomotor function. As a consequence, a sizeable
Graybiel, 2005). The outputs from the cerebellum and component of basal ganglia and cerebellar output oper-
basal ganglia to the cerebral cortex are relayed through ates outside of the domain of motor control.
separate thalamic nuclei (Percheron et al., 1996; Sakai, The new insights gained from virus tracing have
Inase, & Tanji, 1996). Any interactions between cere- important implications for hypotheses about basal
brocerebellar and cerebro–basal ganglia loops were ganglia and cerebellar contributions to normal and
thought to occur primarily at the neocortical level. abnormal behavior. Detailed discussions of this issue
Results from recent anatomical experiments challenge have been presented in our recent reviews (Bostan,
this perspective and provide evidence for disynaptic Dum, & Strick, 2013; Middleton & Strick, 1998; Strick
pathways that directly link the cerebellum with the basal et al., 2009), and therefore only some examples will be
ganglia. presented here. Abnormal activity in basal ganglia and
Transneuronal transport of virus demonstrated that cerebellar loops with cortical motor areas has been
the dentate nucleus projects disynaptically to the stria- shown to contribute to the symptoms of certain motor
tum (caudate and putamen; figure 36.8; Hoshi, Trem- disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease and dystonia
blay, Féger, Carras, & Strick, 2005). Projections to the (for reviews, see Filip, Lungu, & Bareš, 2013; Sadnicka,
striatum originate from motor and nonmotor domains Hoffland, Bhatia, van de Warrenburg, & Edwards, 2012;
in the dentate and terminate in regions of putamen and Wu & Hallett, 2013). In Parkinson’s disease, the loss of
caudate known to be within the “sensorimotor” and dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars
“associative” territories of these nuclei (see Parent & compacta results in tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and
Hazrati, 1995). These findings indicate that the disyn- akinesia (Wichmann, DeLong, Guridi, & Obeso, 2011).
aptic pathway from the dentate to the striatum enables However, cerebellar activity is also abnormal in Parkin-
the cerebellum to influence both nonmotor and motor son’s patients (Catalan, Ishii, Honda, Samii, & Hallett,
function within the basal ganglia. 1999; Ghaemi et al, 2002; Rascol et al., 1997). In par-
In comparable experiments, virus transport demon- kinsonian patients (Lenz et al., 1988; Ohye, Saito, Fuka-
strated that the subthalamic nucleus (STN) projects machi, & Narabayashi, 1974) and in monkey models of
disynaptically to cerebellar cortex (figures 36.8 and the disease (Guehl et al., 2003), oscillatory activity at
36.9; Bostan et al., 2010). Projections to the cerebellar tremor frequencies has been recorded in regions of the
cortex originate from motor and nonmotor domains thalamus that receive cerebellar, not basal ganglia,
within the STN (see Parent & Hazrati, 1995). Further- efferents. Furthermore, the cerebellar receiving thala-
more, the projections terminate in motor and nonmo- mus is one of the most effective surgical sites for treat-
tor regions of the cerebellar cortex. These findings ing parkinsonian tremor (Narabayashi, Maeda, &
indicate that the disynaptic pathway from the STN to Yokochi, 1987). These results suggest that abnormal
the cerebellar cortex enables the basal ganglia to influ- activity in cerebellar circuits may account for parkinso-
ence both nonmotor and motor function within the nian tremor. Furthermore, deep-brain stimulation of
cerebellum. Taken together, these studies indicate that the STN is not only highly effective in reducing the

426 motor systems and action

Cerebellar Output to the Basal Ganglia Cerebellar Output to the Basal Ganglia

Interconnections with Interconnections with

the Cerebral Cortex the Cerebral Cortex

Basal Ganglia Cerebellum Basal Ganglia Cerebellum

Striatum Input Striatum Input

Cerebellar Cortex Cerebellar Cortex
(Caudate-Putamen) Stage (Caudate-Putamen) Stage

Output Output
GPi DN GPi Stage DN

Thalamus Thalamus


Basal Ganglia Output to the Cerebellum Basal Ganglia Output to the Cerebellum

Interconnections with Interconnections with

the Cerebral Cortex the Cerebral Cortex

Basal Ganglia Cerebellum Basal Ganglia Cerebellum

Striatum Input Striatum Input

Cerebellar Cortex Cerebellar Cortex
(Caudate-Putamen) Stage (Caudate-Putamen) Stage

Output Output
GPi DN GPi Stage DN

Thalamus Thalamus


Figure 36.8 Circuits interconnecting the basal ganglia and

Learning Specialization
the cerebellum. The top panel depicts the cerebellar (gray
shading) projection to the basal ganglia. Rabies virus injected
into the striatum went through two stages of transport: retro- Unsupervised Learning
grade transport to first-order neurons in the thalamus that
innervate the injection site, and then retrograde transneuro- Cerebral
nal transport to second-order neurons in the dentate nucleus Input Output
(DN) that innervate the first-order neurons. The bottom
panel depicts the basal ganglia (gray shading) projection to
the cerebellum. Rabies virus injected into the cerebellar
cortex was retrogradely transported to first-order neurons in Reinforcement Learning Supervised Learning
the pontine nuclei (PN), and then transported transneuro- Input Input
nally to second-order neurons in the subthalamic nucleus
Reward Error
(STN). These interconnections enable two-way communica-
tion between the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. The small
arrows indicate the direction of virus transport. Abbreviations Cerebellum
as in figure 36.1. (Adapted from Bostan et al., 2013, with
permission from Elsevier.) -
Output Output Target

dum, bostan, and strick: basal ganglia and cerebellar circuits 427
A Injection Sites Figure 36.9 The subthalamic nucleus (STN) projects to the
a Crus I cerebellar hemisphere. (A) Rabies virus injection sites in the
I p cerebellar cortex. Left: Flattened map of the cerebellar cortex
in a Cebus monkey. Right: Shaded region on the left map is
III a expanded to show an injection site in Crus IIp (AB2, gray)
and another in HVIIB (AB3, black). (B) Combined charts of
Crus II STN neurons labeled by injections of rabies virus into crus IIp
AB2 p
(gray dots) or HVIIB (black dots) illustrate the topographic
AB2 distribution of STN projections to different cerebellar cortical
VII AB3 lobules. (C) Organization of the STN according to the func-
AB3 F.amp.
VIII VIII tional subdivisions of the basal ganglia. (D) Schematic
summary of projections from the cerebral cortex to the STN.
IX C: caudal; D: dorsal; M: medial. (Adapted from Bostan et al.,
F.ppd. 2013, with permission from Elsevier.)

B STN to Cerebellum
Crus IIp Injection
HVIIB Injection Dystonia, another motor disorder often attributed to
the basal ganglia (Neychev, Gross, Lehéricy, Hess, &
Jinnah, 2011), is characterized by involuntary muscle
Caudal contractions, twisting movements and abnormal pos-
D tures (Bhatia & Marsden, 1994). However, dystonia can
also arise from cerebellar dysfunction and may be better
Mid C described as a network disorder involving the basal
Rostral 1mm ganglia and cerebellum (LeDoux, 2011; Neychev et al.,
C STN Territories 2011). Human carriers of genetic mutations associated
with dystonia exhibit abnormalities in both the basal
ganglia and the cerebellum (Argyelan et al., 2009;
Carbon et al., 2008; Carbon, Argyelan, & Eidelberg,
SM AS 2010; Carbon & Eidelberg, 2009; Eidelberg, 1998;
M1 Caudal Ghilardi et al., 2003; Trost et al., 2002). In addition,
PM SM Sensorimotor abnormal cerebellar activity drives dystonic movements
AS Associative both in a pharmacological model of dystonia in normal
AS LI LI Limbic
Mid mice and in mutant tottering mice (Campbell & Hess,
Rostral 1998; Campbell, North, & Hess, 1999; Chen et al., 2009;
D Cortex to STN Pizoli, Jinnah, Billingsley, & Hess, 2002; Neychev, Fan,
M1 Mitev, Hess, & Jinnah, 2008). Overall, these findings
PM support the importance of functional interactions
M1 FEF between the cerebellum and the basal ganglia in the
PM manifestation of motor disorders typically associated
Caudal with the basal ganglia.
PM FEF Several lines of evidence also implicate the intercon-
PM M1 Primary Motor nections between the basal ganglia and cerebellum in
PF Mid PM Premotor
FEF PF Prefrontal nonmotor processes, such as associative reward-related
FEF Frontal Eye Field
Rostral learning, as well as in neuropsychiatric dysfunction.
The cerebellum and basal ganglia are typically viewed
as segregated modules that participate in different
motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (Krack, Fraix, aspects of learning. The cerebellum is thought to be
Mendes, Benabid, & Pollak, 2002), but also normalizes involved in adaptive modification of behavior and error-
cerebellar activity and function (Geday, Østergaard, based learning, whereas the basal ganglia is thought to
Johnsen, & Gjedde, 2009; Grafton et al., 2006; Hilker be involved in reward-prediction and reward-based
et al., 2004; Payoux et al., 2004; Trost et al., 2006). The learning (see Doya, 2000; Houk, 2005). Accounts of
disynaptic connection from the STN to the cerebellum reward-related learning have emphasized the role of
may be the anatomical substrate that mediates this the basal ganglia based on the hypothesis that dopa-
effect of STN stimulation (figure 36.8). mine neurons reflect reward-prediction error and

428 motor systems and action

facilitate reinforcement learning in striatal target between environmental cues and drug craving (Grant
neurons (Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, 1997). Human et al., 1996). Second, the cerebellum through its motor
fMRI studies have shown that activity in the striatum is loops may be active as part of a distributed sensorimotor
correlated with reward-prediction error in Pavlovian network that subserves automatized behavioral reac-
reward-association tasks (O’Doherty, Dayan, Friston, tions toward drug-related stimuli (Yalachkov et al., 2009;
Critchley, & Dolan, 2003; O’Doherty et al., 2004). Strik- Yalachkov, Kaiser, & Naumer, 2010).
ingly, reward-prediction error in these imaging studies There is considerable evidence that cerebellar
is also strongly correlated with cerebellar signals damage can lead to deficits in the performance of
(O’Doherty et al., 2003). Moreover, there is substantial cognitive tasks that require rule-based learning, judg-
evidence for cerebellar contributions to associative ment of temporal intervals, visuospatial analysis, and
learning (see Swain, Kerr, & Thompson, 2011; Thomp- shifting attention between sensory modalities, as well
son, Swain, Clark, & Shinkman, 2000). The cerebellum as working memory and planning (see reviews by
is both necessary and sufficient for the establishment of Akshoomoff & Courchesne, 1992; Botez, Botez, Elie, &
classical conditioning with aversive stimuli (Brogden & Attig, 1989; Fiez, Petersen, Cheney, & Raichle, 1992;
Gnatt, 1942) and is activated in neuroimaging studies Grafman et al., 1992; Ivry & Keele, 1989; Leiner et al.,
of aversive conditioning in humans, along with the stria- 1986, 1991, 1993; Schmahmann, 1991, 1997; Schmah-
tum (Pohlack, Nees, Ruttorf, Schad & Flor, 2012; mann & Sherman, 1998). Many of these deficits reflect
Seymour et al., 2004). The co-activations of the cerebel- functions normally thought to be subserved by areas of
lum and the basal ganglia in these tasks (O’Doherty prefrontal cortex. Likewise, abnormal activity in basal
et al., 2003; Pohlack et al., 2012; Seymour et al., 2004; ganglia and cerebellar loops with nonmotor areas of
Tanaka et al., 2004) suggest that they may interact the cerebral cortex could lead to a broad range of psy-
in support of processes involving reward-related chiatric and neurological symptoms, such as those asso-
learning (for review, see Swain et al., 2011; Liljeholm & ciated with autism, addiction, obsessive-compulsive
O’Doherty, 2012). disorder, and Tourette syndrome (for a review, see
Cerebellar and basal ganglia interactions in reward- Lichter & Cummings, 2000). For example, Courchesne
related learning may explain, in part, why lesions in and colleagues (Courchesne et al., 1988, 1994; Cour-
both regions impair reward-based reversal learning chesne, 1997) have suggested that alterations in the
(Bellebaum, Koch, Schwarz, & Daum, 2008; Thoma, cerebellum and its projections to posterior parietal
Bellebaum, Koch, Schwarz, & Daum, 2008) and may cortex may underlie some of the deficits seen in autistic
help interpret findings that implicate the cerebellum in patients. Rapoport and Wise (1988) have proposed
addiction. Although dopaminergic function and rein- that dysfunction in basal ganglia circuits with anterior
forcement learning implemented in the basal ganglia cingulate and orbital frontal cortex may explain some
are considered key elements in the process of addiction of the features of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In
(for review, see Koob & Volkow, 2010), the cerebellum Tourette syndrome, the cerebellum and the basal
may also be involved in this disorder (for review, see ganglia are likely to be concurrently involved in tic
Miquel, Toledo, García, Coria-Avila, & Manzo, 2009). generation (O’Halloran, Kinsella, & Storey, 2012).
For example, an imaging study reported that cognitive Tourette syndrome patients can be differentiated from
deficits in addicted individuals were associated with control subjects by an abnormal metabolic pattern that
abnormal cerebellar activity (Hester & Garavan, 2004). includes increased cerebellar and decreased basal
Furthermore, imaging studies consistently report co- ganglia metabolism (Lerner et al., 2007). Thus, both
activation of the cerebellum and basal ganglia when cerebellar and basal ganglia dysfunction and interac-
addicts are exposed to drug-related cues that increase tions between the two subcortical nuclei may be impor-
craving (e.g., David et al., 2005; McClernon, Kozink, tant contributors to neuropsychiatric disorders.
Lutz, & Rose, 2009; Olbrich et al., 2006; Yalachkov, In summary, virus tracing has revealed that the output
Kaiser, & Naumer, 2009). The cerebellar activation of the basal ganglia and cerebellum targets motor,
occurs during responses to smoking cues (David et al., premotor, prefrontal, posterior parietal, and inferotem-
2005), alcohol cues (Schneider et al., 2001), heroin poral areas of cortex. These connections provide the
cues (Yang et al., 2009), and cocaine cues (Bonson et al., basal ganglia and cerebellum with the anatomical sub-
2002; Grant et al., 1996). Two main explanations have strate to influence not only the control of movement,
been proposed for cerebellar activations in cue-reactiv- but also many aspects of cognitive behavior like plan-
ity paradigms. First, the cerebellum through its prefron- ning, working memory, sequential behavior, visuospa-
tal loop may be active as part of a distributed memory tial perception, and attention. Similarly, there is
network that subserves emotional and cognitive links growing evidence that disorders like autism, addiction,

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434 motor systems and action

37 Basal Ganglia Function

ABSTRACT The basal ganglia (BG) is composed of several Basal ganglia: A group of interconnected
heavily interconnected nuclei at the base of the cerebrum. A subcortical nuclei
series of anatomically distinct parallel circuits through the BG
receive afferent projections from and project back to cortical
regions that mediate skeletomotor, oculomotor, frontal asso- Four major nuclei make up the BG: the striatum, the
ciative, and limbic functions. Because of this parallel circuit globus pallidus, the subthalamic nucleus (STN), and
organization, it is fair to say that the BG contributes to a the substantia nigra. The approximate location of these
panoply of brain functions ranging from motor control to nuclei in the primate brain is illustrated in figure 37.1A.
cognition and motivation. The specific contribution of the BG The striatum, the largest component of the BG, includes
to these brain functions (i.e., the algorithm or information
transform that it performs) remains a topic of active research.
the caudate nucleus and the putamen. The globus pal-
All circuits share a common intrinsic organization captured lidus is divided into external (GPe) and internal (GPi)
largely by the heuristic model of direct, indirect, and hyper- segments. The substantia nigra, located in the mid-
direct pathways that link BG input stations to outputs. Activa- brain, gets its name from its compact dorsal part (SNc),
tion of the direct pathway may facilitate movement, whereas which is heavily pigmented in primates due to the pres-
the indirect and hyperdirect pathways may suppress move-
ence of brown neuromelanin in dopamine neurons. Its
ment. Neuromodulators such as dopamine have different
effects on activity and synaptic plasticity in the three pathways. ventral part, with a more reticulated appearance, is the
Clinical disorders that involve the BG are often associated pars reticulata (SNr).
with movement disorders. Although the actual contributions Because the connections between the nuclei of the
of the BG to brain function are still actively debated, growing BG are complex, it is most interesting to consider these
evidence suggests that it acts as a reinforcement-driven tutor
circuits from the perspective of the information that
for the learning of automatic behavioral routines.
enters and leaves the BG. Where does it come from,
how is it directed within the BG, what happens to it
within the BG, where does it go when it leaves the BG,
The basal ganglia (BG) is composed of a group of and what influence does it exert on behavior?
nuclei situated at the central base of the forebrain Information reaching the BG comes from two major
(figure 37.1A). Heavily interconnected with the cere- sources: the cerebral cortex and the thalamus. Most
bral cortex, this structural network provides a site at information enters the BG at the level of the striatum,
which segregated functional information from diverse although some key inputs enter at the STN. Signals
cortical areas can interact and be influenced by multi- leave the BG from two structures: the GPi and the SNr.
ple neuromodulators such as dopamine. Outputs from Because there are multiple routes from inputs to
the BG are directed primarily back to the cortex through outputs, information flow through the BG may be
the thalamus (especially toward the frontal lobe), and complex and involve multiple steps of processing
to brainstem structures. Inputs that originate from (figure 37.1).
functionally distinct cortical areas are processed in dif-
ferent parallel loop circuits through the BG (Alexan- Anatomically and functionally distinct
der, Crutcher, & DeLong, 1990). Consistent with this parallel circuits
anatomical organization, the activity of BG output
neurons in these circuits carries signals related to a The BG is organized as a series of anatomically segre-
variety of functions, including voluntary movement of gated loop circuits (Alexander, DeLong, & Strick, 1986;
the limbs, eye movement, decision making, and moti- Middleton & Strick, 2000). This topic is reviewed in
vational control. depth elsewhere in this volume (see chapter 36 by Dum,
How is this information processed, combined, and Bostan, & Strick) and is discussed briefly here. Different
modulated in the BG? How do BG disorders disrupt areas of cortex terminate within specific territories of
stable posture and smooth efficient movement? What the BG that are connected to similarly specific portions
does this tell us about the role of the BG in the normal of the thalamus, which in turn project back to innervate
control of behavior? the areas of cortex from which the circuit originates.

turner and pasquereau: basal ganglia function 435

A Cortex B


VA/VL CMPf Putamen

Striatum D2 D 1

CorticoSTN Indirect Direct


SNr Glutamate


C Skeletomotor Oculomotor Associative Limbic

Cortex Somato- Frontal Post. DL pre- Post. Ant. Med.

Motor sensory eye parietal frontal parietal cing. temporal

Putamen Nucleus
Striatum posterior lat. Caudate body Caudate head

Pallidum/ GPi SNr GPi SNr

nigra posterior lat. caudal lat. dorsal rostral dorsal med.

Brainstem PPN PPN ?

Thalamus VL oralis Med. Dorsalis VA Med. Dorsalis

Figure 37.1 Circuit diagrams of the basal ganglia (BG) and median–parafascicular intralaminar complex (CMPf) of the
associated input-output connections. (A) The positions of key thalamus. CMPf closes another loop by projecting back to the
BG structures involved in skeletomotor control and their basic striatum. GPi also projects to brainstem regions such as the
input-output connectivity are indicated in a parasagittal pedunculopontine nucleus. Dopaminergic (DA) neurons of
section through the macaque brain. The basic loop circuit the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) innervate the stria-
includes an excitatory glutamatergic (Glu) projection from tum and, less densely, the GP and STN. (C) Anatomically
the neocortex to the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) segregated parallel circuits through the BG subserve skeleto-
and then inhibitory (γ-amino butyric acid-containing; motor, oculomotor, associative, and limbic functions. All cir-
GABAergic) striatal projection (the “direct pathway”) to the cuits obey a common internal organization. Distant yet
internal globus pallidus (GPi). GABAergic neurons in GPi functionally related regions of cortex send converging projec-
project to targets in the thalamus and brainstem. The main tions to a subregion of the striatum. Medium spiny neurons
thalamic target of this basic circuit (VA/VL, ventro-anterior/ in each striatal subregion project to distinct subregions of the
ventrolateral nuclei of the thalamus) projects to the frontal globus pallidus, which in turn project to different regions of
cortex, including parts of the premotor and primary motor thalamus. (Only direct pathway structures are shown.) BG-
cortex. (B) The internal connectivity of the BG (inside the receiving subregions of thalamus project back to a subset of
dotted line). Direct and indirect pathways start in striatal the cortical areas that project into each circuit. Descending
projection neurons that express D1- and D2-type dopamine projections from the GPi terminate in the pedunculopontine
receptors, respectively. D2-type neurons project to the exter- nucleus (PPN) or superior colliculus (sup. coll). The target
nal globus pallidus (GPe). GPe projects to the subthalamic of descending projections from the limbic circuit is not estab-
nucleus (STN) and GPi. STN also receives monosynaptic Glu lished. Abbreviations: DL, dorsolateral; lat., lateral; med.,
input from the motor cortex and projects to GPi and GPe. medial.
GPi sends GABAergic projections to VA/VL and the center

436 motor systems and action

Figure 37.1A illustrates an example of this re-entrant region of the striatum produces abnormal limb move-
loop organization for the circuit that subserves the ments, whereas disinhibition in associative and limbic
primary motor cortex. Although the striatum receives regions produce disorders that resemble attention
afferents from nearly all cortical areas, any one striatal deficit and obsessive-compulsive disorders, respectively
site receives inputs from a small set of cortical areas that (Worbe et al., 2009; Worbe, Epinat, Feger, & Tremblay,
have related functions (Flaherty & Graybiel, 1991, 2011). Similarly, neurons that show changes in activity
1993). For example, inputs from primary motor and related to arm movements and eye movements are con-
primary sensory cortex—areas involved in skeletomotor centrated in different subregions of the BG output
function—converge into one specific territory located nuclei (Anderson & Horak, 1985; DeLong, 1971; Hiko-
in the posterolateral putamen. Information from each saka & Wurtz, 1983). In all regions, however, many of
striatal region is conveyed through separate territories the neurons are additively influenced by cognitive and
of the BG and back to the cortical areas that originally motivation-related signals (Hikosaka, Nakamura, &
provide input to its circuit (figure 37.1C). At least four Nakahara, 2006; Kimura, Aosaki, Hu, Ishida, & Wata-
major circuits have been distinguished, including loops nabe, 1992; Pasquereau et al., 2007; Turner & Ander-
associated with skeletomotor, oculomotor, associative son, 2005). These observations suggest that many types
(cognitive), and limbic (emotion) functions (Alexan- of information are routed through separate BG chan-
der et al., 1986; Hoover & Strick, 1993; Parent & Hazrati, nels, but that some types of information may be shared
1995a). This list is by no means exhaustive, given the across more than one channel. The crucial question is:
evidence for loop circuits that include temporal and what operations does a BG circuit perform on the infor-
parietal cortical areas (Clower, Dum, & Strick, 2005; mation it receives?
Middleton & Strick, 1996). Several thalamic nuclei also
project into the BG with an arrangement that follows Organization and physiology of the motor circuit
the general rule of anatomically segregated parallel
functional circuits (McFarland & Haber, 2000; Smith, The BG motor circuit has been studied intensively with
Raju, Pare, & Sidibe, 2004). respect to its anatomy, physiology, and involvement in
Research continues on whether the anatomical seg- behavior. Furthermore, disorders of movement are
regation of functional circuits is absolute and the BG- important components of most BG-associated clinical
thalamo-cortical circuits are strictly closed loops (Haber disorders. Although this section focuses on the motor
& Calzavara, 2009; Joel & Weiner, 1994). For example, circuit, it is important to keep in mind that knowledge
growing evidence suggests that limbic regions of the gained by analysis of the motor circuit is likely to provide
striatum “project” (via a multisynaptic pathway) to non- insights into the operations of the other parallel BG
limbic frontal cortical areas (Kelly & Strick, 2004; circuits as well, because of the similar internal connec-
Miyachi et al., 2006; Saga et al., 2011). These develop- tivity and physiology of all BG circuits.
ments are significant because they provide a pathway Figure 37.1B illustrates the basic connectivity of the
for relatively direct communication between function- BG motor circuit. Afferent projections into the BG
ally disparate areas of cortex (e.g., between limbic and from skeletomotor-related areas of cortex terminate
motor cortices). Another important proviso for the seg- exclusively in the dorsolateral region of both striatum
regated loop model is that a significant degree of con- (putamen) and STN (Parent & Hazrati, 1995a). The
vergence and “funneling” does occur within each circuit putamen also receives glutamatergic projections from
(Percheron & Filion, 1991). The strongest evidence for the thalamus (specifically, the center median-parafas-
this notion is the simple fact that the BG output nuclei cicular complex, “CMPf”). Efferent projections out of
(GPi and SNr) contain far fewer neurons than the prin- the BG to motor-related regions of the thalamus (VA/
cipal input nucleus (the striatum; Harman & Carpenter, VL) originate from the posterolateral GPi. Much of the
1950; Kemp & Powell, 1971). This funneling and com- connectivity between input (striatum/STN) and output
pressing of information may represent one aspect of the (GPi) stages is captured by a simple heuristic model of
core operations performed by this network (Bar-Gad & three principal pathways: (1) the “direct” pathway; (2)
Bergman, 2001). the “indirect” pathway; and (3) the “cortico-STN”
Behavioral and electrophysiological experiments also pathway (figure 37.1B; Albin, Young, & Penney, 1989;
support the concept of functionally distinct BG circuits. DeLong, 1990; Nambu, 2004).
Focal lesions and pharmacologic manipulations in The direct and indirect pathways arise from neurons
the BG produce behavioral abnormalities that differ in the striatum. About 95% of the neurons in the
depending on the region manipulated. For instance, striatum are projection neurons that release the inhibi-
excitation of neuronal activity in the skeletomotor tory neurotransmitter γ-amino-butyric acid (GABA).

turner and pasquereau: basal ganglia function 437

These neurons are called medium spiny neurons However, the direct/indirect pathway model captures
because of their size and the profusion of spiny pro- central features of BG connectivity and accounts for a
cesses on their dendrites (Wilson & Groves, 1980). Glu- wide range of physiological and clinical data (Kravitz
tamatergic afferents from the cortex synapse primarily et al., 2010; Nambu et al., 2002; Shen et al., 2008).
on the dendritic spines (Smith & Bolam, 1990). Tha- Many of the operations of this network can be under-
lamic afferents tend to synapse instead on dendritic stood in terms of changes in firing rates in neurons that
shafts (Sadikot, Parent, Smith, & Bolam, 1992; Smith & belong to the direct and indirect pathways. GPi output
Bolam, 1990). Medium spiny neurons are divided into neurons generate action potentials spontaneously at
two distinct types based on their projection patterns very high rates of 50–100 spikes per second (DeLong,
(Feger & Crossman, 1984; Smith, Bevan, Shink, & 1971; see figure 37.2A for example). Activation of
Bolam, 1998), morphology (Gertler, Chan, & Surmeier, D1-type (direct pathway) medium spiny neurons will
2008), neurochemistry (Gerfen et al., 1990; Shen, inhibit the tonic firing of GPi neurons, which in turn
Flajolet, Greengard, & Surmeier, 2008), and electro- will facilitate thalamocortical activity through the
physiology (Day, Wokosin, Plotkin, Tian, & Surmeier, process of disinhibition. In contrast, activation of
2008). One class expresses D1-type dopamine receptors D2-containing (indirect pathway) medium spiny
and the neuropeptides dynorphin and substance P. neurons will inhibit the tonic firing of GPe neurons
These medium spiny cells project directly to GPi, where and, via the multiple indirect pathways, increase GPi
they synapse on the GABAergic projection neurons of firing rates and suppress thalamocortical activity. Activa-
that nucleus, thereby forming the “direct” pathway. The tion of STN neurons by direct cortical excitation will
second type expresses D2-type dopamine receptors and also increase GPi firing rates and suppress thalamocorti-
the neuropeptide enkephalin. Those neurons do not cal activity. Because of this arrangement, activation of
project directly to GPi, but instead innervate GABAer- direct pathway neurons is thought to facilitate thalamo-
gic neurons in GPe. From GPe, multiple routes lead to cortical activity and thereby movement execution. Acti-
BG output, including a monosynaptic GPe→GPi projec- vation of indirect and cortico-STN pathways inhibits
tion and a bisynaptic GPe→STN→GPi pathway. In this thalamocortical activity and, consequently, movement
way, D1- and D2-containing medium spiny neurons con- (Kravitz et al., 2010; Nambu et al., 2002).
stitute the starting points for the direct and indirect How is neuronal activity in the motor circuit related
pathways to the GPi. to movement? Probably the most direct answer to this
The third pathway links cortex to BG output via the question comes from considering the spiking activity of
glutamatergic STN (Nambu, Tokuno, & Takada, 2002). the circuit’s output neurons. The activity of GPi neurons
The STN is an important node in the indirect path represents the final product of motor control–related
because it receives input from both GPe and cortex, processing in the BG; it is the signal that is sent from
and its axons provide the major excitatory input to both the BG to influence other skeletomotor control regions.
pallidal segments (Parent & Hazrati, 1995b). Thus, the In the GPi, most neurons show changes in discharge
STN provides a site at which cortical inputs interact with that begin immediately before movements (Anderson
information processed in the indirect pathway. The & Horak, 1985; DeLong, 1971; Mink & Thach, 1991;
internal connectivity of the BG is actually more compli- Turner & Anderson, 1997). Many of these neurons also
cated than stated in the heuristic model outlined here. respond to proprioceptive stimulation (e.g., tendon

Figure 37.2 Abnormal discharge of neurons in GPi is a criti- Huntington’s disease, D2-type indirect pathway neurons
cal step in the network imbalances associated with Parkinson’s degenerate selectively (dotted outline, left). The net effect on
disease (B) and Huntington’s disease (C). In a normally func- GPi activity is decreased firing rates and rhythmic bursty firing
tioning BG (A), balanced activation of direct and indirect patterns (right). Diagrams on the left indicate the level of
pathways (starting in striatal D1 and D2 neurons, left) leads tonic activity in a pathway by the thickness of lines. Traces on
to intermediate GPi firing rates and random discharge pat- the right show brief (∼2 second) epochs of action potential
terns (right). (B) In Parkinson’s disease, the dopaminergic discharges (i.e., “spike trains”) recorded from three actual
innervation of the striatum, pallidum, and STN degenerates GPi neurons under each clinical condition. The spike train
(dotted outline, left). The best understood consequence of in A was recorded from the GPi of a normal macaque monkey.
this is increased activation of D2-type indirect pathway neurons Single-unit spike trains in B and C were recorded from human
and decreased activation of D1-type direct pathway neurons. subjects undergoing surgery for deep brain stimulation. At
The effects of dopamine denervation on pallidum and STN the time scale used, individual action potentials appear as thin
activity are less well understood. The cascading effects result vertical lines of similar height above the level of background
in abnormal GPi activity marked by increased firing rates and noise (thick horizontal bands).
rhythmic bursty firing patterns (right). C. In early-stage

438 motor systems and action

A Normal GABA
Cortex DA
GPi neuronal discharge—normal monkey

VA/VL CMPf Putamen

D2 D1


100 mV
~70 spikes/sec resting discharge rate
SNc Random discharge pattern

B Parkinson’s disease

GPi neuronal discharge—Parkinson’s disease

VA/VL CMPf Putamen

D2 D1

100 mV

Increased firing rates, burstiness, oscillations,
and synchronized firing

C Huntington’s disease

GPi neuronal discharge—Huntington’s disease

VA/VL CMPf Putamen

D2 D1

100 mV

Decreased firing rates, burstiness and oscillations

turner and pasquereau: basal ganglia function 439

taps; DeLong, Crutcher, & Georgopoulos, 1985). Move- neuromodulatory mechanisms that affect BG function
ment-related changes in firing are almost always influ- and the pathophysiology of BG-related disorders.
enced by specific characteristics of a movement such as
its direction, amplitude, and speed (Turner & Ander- Modulation of circuit activity by dopamine
son, 1997). Three key observations constrain the role
that GPi may play in motor control: Probably the best known and strongest neuromodula-
tory influence in the striatum is from the nigrostriatal
1. Movement-related discharge in the GPi seldom
dopaminergic projection. Axons of the dopaminergic
begins early enough to contribute to movement initia-
cells of the SNc arborize widely and densely in the stria-
tion (Mink & Thach, 1991; Turner & Anderson, 1997).
tum (gray arrows in figure 37.2), where they terminate
Onset latencies are around the time of earliest muscle
most often on the narrow necks that connect spines to
activation (50–80 milliseconds before movement onset)
the dendritic shafts of medium spiny neurons (Freund,
and, notably, after the activation of primary motor
Powell, & Smith, 1984; Groves, Linder, & Young, 1994).
cortex (∼120 milliseconds before movement). This
This arrangement may provide a mechanism by which
observation makes it unlikely that signals processed by
dopamine release modulates the influence of cortical
the BG contribute to the initiation of movement. Con-
inputs to a medium spiny neuron (Nieoullon & Kerke-
sequently, the common view that the BG plays a central
rian-Le Goff, 1992; West, Floresco, Charara, Rosenkranz,
role in the selection of actions (Mink, 1996; Redgrave,
& Grace, 2003). Dopaminergic neurons have been
Prescott, & Gurney, 1999), a mechanism that obviously
shown by Wolfram Schultz to be particularly responsive
must precede movement execution, appears to be
to unexpected rewards or signals that predict reward
untenable. Based on timing, GPi activity may be involved
(Schultz, 1998). What might be the consequence of this
in monitoring movement, updating ongoing motor
reward-associated signal? Dopamine affects the activity
execution, or both.
of striatal cells in several ways, and those effects differ for
2. Movement-related changes in discharge consist of
D1- and D2-type medium spiny neurons. First, dopamine
an increase in firing in 60–80% of GPi neurons
has immediate effects on the responsiveness of medium
(DeLong, 1971; Mink & Thach, 1991; Turner & Ander-
spiny neurons. An increase in dopamine makes D1-type
son, 1997). Given that increases in GPi firing are con-
neurons more responsive to corticostriatal excitation
sidered to be movement-suppressive, this observation
and D2-type neurons less responsive (Gerfen & Sur-
suggests that one of the important functions of output
meier, 2011). Second, dopamine has a strong influence
from the BG motor circuit is to suppress or inhibit
on the plasticity of corticostriatal synapses (Gerfen &
thalamocortical activity that would otherwise be inap-
Surmeier, 2011; Reynolds & Wickens, 2000). Dopami-
propriate or in conflict with the movement being per-
nergic stimulation promotes long-term potentiation
formed (Mink, 1996).
(LTP) in D1-type medium spiny neurons and long-term
3. Movement-related activity in the GPi is often influ-
depression (LTD) of excitability in D2-type medium
enced by the context of the behavioral task being per-
spiny neurons (Kreitzer & Malenka, 2008; Shen et al.,
formed. Movement-related activity can differ depending
2008). This dopamine-dependent LTP and LTD may be
on the memory requirements of a task (i.e., for move-
the basis for reward-dependent learning and habit for-
ments to remembered target locations versus visible
mation in the striatum (Aosaki, Graybiel, & Kimura,
target locations; Turner & Anderson, 2005); whether
1994). If corticostriatal activation of a D1-type (direct
the movement is discrete or part of a movement
pathway) neuron coincides with an increase in striatal
sequence (Mushiake & Strick, 1995); or the reward con-
dopamine (e.g., due to delivery of an unexpected
tingencies of the task (Pasquereau et al., 2007). Several
reward), then that corticostriatal synapse will be potenti-
studies have confirmed that these cognitive and moti-
ated. Remember that activation of D1-type direct pathway
vation-related effects cannot be attributed to differ-
neurons is thought to be movement facilitatory, so it
ences in movement kinematics. Consequently, the BG
would be appropriate to potentiate movement-facilitat-
motor circuit is not involved in the control of move-
ing pathways whose activation resulted in delivery of an
ment per se, but rather in integrating cognitive and
unexpected reward (Nakamura & Hikosaka, 2006).
motivation-related signals with information related to
motor commands (Pasquereau et al., 2007; Turner &
Anderson, 2005).
Clinical conditions associated with basal
ganglia dysfunction
The actual role of the BG motor circuit in motor control
remains a topic of intense study. Before addressing Nearly all of the clinical conditions that involve the BG
this topic in more detail, it is helpful to discuss the can be traced to some form of dysfunction in

440 motor systems and action

the striatum. For example, loss of the dopaminergic Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Parkinson’s disease
innervation of the striatum results in the motor signs of exhibit akinesia (a paucity of spontaneous movements
Parkinson’s disease (DeLong & Wichmann, 2009; and slowed movement initiation), bradykinesia (slowed
Franco & Turner, 2012); lesions in the striatum often movement execution, including postural responses),
result in secondary dystonia (Bhatia & Marsden, 1994; rigidity (excessive muscle activity at rest that is
Krystkowiak et al., 1998); the D2-type medium spiny enhanced when the muscle is stretched), and a 3- to
neurons of the striatum degenerate selectively in early 8-Hz tremor that diminishes when the individual makes
stages of Huntington’s disease (Augood, Faull, & voluntary movements (Paulson & Stern, 1997). Indi-
Emson, 1997; Reiner et al., 1988); a specific subpopula- viduals with Parkinson’s disease often “freeze,” and
tion of striatal interneurons is lost in Tourette syn- they have problems combining sequential or simulta-
drome (Kalanithi et al., 2005); and striatal neurons neous movements into a smooth motor act.
appear to have abnormal metabolic activity in The changes in BG activity that follow degeneration
obsessive-compulsive disorder (Graybiel & Rauch, of the nigrostriatal dopamine system have been well
2000). The specific type of behavioral disorder induced studied in a nonhuman primate model of Parkinson’s
by these disparate pathologies is related to the region disease induced by the neurotoxin MPTP (1-methyl-4-
of the striatum most affected. Dysfunction localized to phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine; Bankiewicz et al.,
the posterolateral region of the striatum leads to disor- 1986; Langston, 1987). Seminal experiments using
ders of movement, whereas dysfunctions of dorsome- MPTP found that the activity of neurons in the GPi is
dial and ventromedial striatal regions lead to disorders altered dramatically following the intoxication (Filion
in executive control (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactiv- & Tremblay, 1991; Miller & DeLong, 1988); GPi neurons
ity disorder) and disorders in motivation (e.g., obses- discharged at higher rates than normal, action poten-
sive-compulsive disorders), respectively (Worbe et al., tials tended to occur rhythmically in clusters (“bursts”),
2009). This clinical-anatomical correlation is consistent and the spiking activity of neighboring pallidal neurons
with the segregated loop circuit organization described was highly synchronized (Raz, Vaadia, & Bergman,
previously (Alexander et al., 1986). 2000). Subsequent neuronal-recording studies in Par-
Lesions in BG output nuclei, in contrast, have rela- kinson’s disease patients undergoing surgical treatment
tively subtle effects on behavior. In fact, as will be dis- confirmed that similar abnormalities in GPi activity are
cussed in greater depth below, surgical ablation of the present in the human disease (Levy et al., 2001; Magnin,
motor territory of the GPi (pallidotomy) is an effective Morel, & Jeanmonod, 2000; Sterio et al., 1994). (Figure
treatment for striatal-associated disorders such as 37.2B shows an example of the abnormal discharge
Parkinson’s disease and dystonia (Baron et al., 1996; observed in a single neuron recorded from the GPi of
Laitinen & Hariz, 1990; Lozano et al., 1997). Together, a Parkinson’s disease patient.) Observations in MPTP-
these observations lead to an apparent paradox—BG- treated monkeys combined with many other lines of
associated disorders arise primarily from dysfunction evidence have yielded a simple but useful “rate” model
in the principal input nucleus, the striatum, and can to explain how loss of dopamine from the striatum
be alleviated by lesions of BG output nuclei. The results in abnormal activity in GPi (DeLong & Wichmann,
seeming contradiction can be explained by the 2007). (See diagram in figure 37.2B.) Because of the
concept that it is better to block BG output completely opposing effects of dopamine on the two classes of stria-
than allow faulty signals from the BG to pervert the tal projection neurons, loss of striatal dopamine causes
normal operations of motor areas that receive BG D1-type direct pathway neurons to become less active
output (DeLong & Wichmann, 2007). Abnormalities and D2-type indirect pathway neurons to become more
in striatal function, including the clinical disorders active (Shen et al., 2008). The resulting imbalance
listed above, induce grossly abnormal “pathologic” pat- favoring activation of the indirect pathway leads to over-
terns of neuronal activity in the inhibitory output activation of GPi neurons and excessive inhibition of
neurons of the BG. These abnormal firing patterns BG-receiving regions of the thalamus and cortex
are thought to disrupt the normal operations of BG- involved in motor control. The mechanisms that lead
recipient brain regions, although the actual mecha- to abnormal firing patterns are less well understood.
nisms mediating that disruption remain to be Several surgical interventions have been developed
determined. In summary, the GPi constitutes a critical to directly interrupt the abnormal excessive GPi activity.
bottleneck in the pathophysiology of BG disorders, These include electrolytic destruction of neurons in the
and abnormal “pathologic” activity in these neurons is skeletomotor portion of the GPi (pallidotomy; see cita-
an important step in the expression of BG-associated tions above) or interruption of the abnormal activity
motor signs. by high-frequency electrical stimulation (“deep brain

turner and pasquereau: basal ganglia function 441

stimulation,” DBS) in ventrolateral GPi or in STN “hyperdirect” pathway (Nambu et al., 2002). Keeping
(Benabid, 2003; Wichmann & Delong, 2006). How DBS in mind that increases in firing in the GPi are thought
yields clinical benefit remains unclear, although recent to suppress movement, the hyperdirect pathway may
evidence suggests that DBS works by blocking the trans- provide a way to rapidly suppress or control potentially
mission of abnormal pathologic firing patterns in GPi interfering or inappropriate actions. Indeed, a growing
efferent projections (Rubin, McIntyre, Turner, & Wich- list of studies associate this pathway with a subject’s
mann, 2012). ability to suppress or control movements. Most famously,
lesions or stroke in the region of the STN can lead to
Hyperkinetic Disorders In contrast to the hypoki- hemiballism, a striking hyperkinetic movement disor-
netic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, involuntary or der marked by violent flailing movements of one or
compulsive movements that cannot be suppressed are more limb contralateral to the site of damage (Guridi
found in a variety of other BG disorders, which include & Obeso, 2001). Like other hyperkinetic disorders,
Huntington’s disease, dystonia, obsessive-compulsive hemiballism is associated with abnormally low firing
disorder, and the tardive dyskinesia induced by drugs rates in the GPi (Hamada & DeLong, 1992; Vitek et al.,
used to treat neuropsychiatric disorders. The abnormal 1999). In recent years, the cortico-STN pathway has also
movements in these disorders range from the facial been implicated in behavioral disorders related to an
grimaces or jerky flicks of the hands (choreiform move- impaired ability to suppress or delay imminent actions.
ments) characteristic of early Huntington’s disease to For example, high-frequency stimulation of the STN, as
repetition of more complex acts, such as washing of the applied in DBS for PD, increases a subject’s impulsivity
hands, that plagues individuals with an obsessive-com- in a variety of tasks (Cavanagh et al., 2011; Frank,
pulsive disorder. The dyskinesias induced by prolonged Samanta, Moustafa, & Sherman, 2007; Thobois et al.,
L-DOPA therapy for Parkinson’s disease also resemble 2007). The concept that the hyperdirect pathway plays
the choreiform movements of Huntington’s disease. a role in the rapid suppression or delay of imminent
Many of these “hyperkinetic” disorders are known to be actions is also supported by functional imaging (Aron
accompanied by a GPi firing rate that is much lower & Poldrack, 2006) and neuronal recording studies
than found in Parkinson’s disease, along with an abnor- (Isoda & Hikosaka, 2008; R. Schmidt, Leventhal, Mallet,
mally bursty firing pattern (Papa, Desimone, Fiorani, & Chen, & Berke, 2013). These results all support the idea
Oldfield, 1999; Starr, Kang, Heath, Shimamoto, & that abnormal function of the cortico-STN-GPi pathway
Turner, 2008; Starr et al., 2005; Vitek et al., 1999; e.g., may play a key role in societally important impulse
see figure 37.2C.) control disorders, such as those associated with compul-
The rate model can account for many aspects of the sive gambling and substance abuse (Coxon, van Impe,
hyperkinetic disorders. For example, the abnormally Wenderoth, & Swinnen, 2012; Lhommee et al., 2012;
low GPi firing rates in Huntington’s disease can be Pelloux & Baunez, 2013).
explained as an imbalance that is roughly the converse
of the situation in Parkinson’s disease: D2-type indirect Problems with the Classical Rate Model of Basal
pathway neurons degenerate selectively in Hunting- Ganglia Pathophysiology One glaring and
ton’s, leading to reduced inhibition in the striatum→ unsolved difficulty for the simple rate model is the fact
GPe pathway and increased firing rate in GPe. This that many hyperkinetic disorders improve dramatically
leads, in turn, to increased inhibition of GPi by the in response to pallidotomy (Cersosimo et al., 2008;
GPe→GPi pathway and reduced excitation by the Guridi & Obeso, 2001; Lozano et al., 1997). If reduced
GPe→STN→GPi pathway (figure 37.2C). The net GPi firing rate alone could induce hyperkinetic disor-
downstream effect of abnormal reduced GPi activity in ders, then pallidotomy, which is an ablation of the
Huntington’s disease appears to be an overfacilitation motor GPi, should exacerbate hyperkinetic disorders
of the thalamocortical motor circuit, leading to abnor- rather than improve them. Because of this disparity,
mal excessive movements. many investigators now believe that abnormalities in
firing pattern (burstiness, oscillations, or synchronized
Impulse Control Disorders and the Corticosub- firing) are just as important in the causation of parkin-
thalamic Nucleus “Hyperdirect” Pathway The sonism and hyperkinetic disorders as altered mean
cortico-STN pathway provides a short-latency route to firing rate (DeLong & Wichmann, 2009; Rubin et al.,
transmit cortical excitatory inputs to the BG output 2012). Which firing-pattern abnormality is the critical
neurons of the GPi and SNr. Because of the directness one, and why, are current topics of research.
of this pathway and the fast conduction velocity of its It is common to try to deduce the normal functions
axons, this pathway has also been labeled the of the BG by studying the behavioral impairments that

442 motor systems and action

accompany BG disorders. This reasoning, that the of specific aspects of movement to cognitive functions
symptoms of BG disorders represent a kind of “negative such as working memory, motivation, learning, and pro-
image” of normal BG functions, is based on the premise cedural memory. From one perspective, such a diversity
that the primary problem in these disorders is a loss of of function should not come as a surprise given what
normal BG function (i.e., loss or disruption of the we know about the macrocircuit organization of the BG
normal task-related signals transmitted). The success of (described above; see “Anatomically and functionally
BG-directed surgical therapies, however, brings that rea- distinct parallel circuits”). According to this perspec-
soning into question. For example, pallidotomy blocks tive, multiple BG functions are performed in parallel,
the transmission of both pathologic activity (the abnor- with the function of each BG circuit determined by the
mal firing rate and pattern, discussed above) and, information that is conveyed into the circuit via cortical
importantly, normal task-related signals from the and thalamic inputs.
ablated region of the GPi. The fact that transmission- A more probing approach to the analysis of BG func-
blocking manipulation of the GPi is an effective therapy tions is to ask: What algorithm (or computational trans-
for both parkinsonism and hyperkinetic disorders sug- form) does the canonical BG circuit perform? All of the
gests that much of the problem in these diseases is not parallel BG circuits share the same fundamental inter-
a loss of normal BG signaling, but rather, a disruption nal organization, with similarly connected pathways
of function in other BG-receiving brain regions caused (direct, indirect, and cortico-STN) and similar physiol-
by pathologic output from the BG. Surgical therapies ogy at each processing step. Thus, it is quite likely that
release cortical motor areas from the disrupting influ- all circuits apply a similar transform to the information
ence of pathologic output from the BG and thereby that they receive. (This is similar to the perspective used
allow those motor control circuits to function more to analyze the parallel circuit organization of the cere-
normally. Results from functional imaging studies have bellum. See Diedrichsen & Bastian, chapter 38, this
supported this idea by showing that pallidotomy and volume.) From this point of view, analysis of the opera-
DBS for Parkinson’s disease produce a normalization of tions and functions of the motor circuit will shed light
neuronal activity patterns in non-BG brain regions on how oculomotor, associative, and limbic circuits of
(Grafton et al., 2006). the BG work as well. Recent studies suggest three
general potential roles for the BG in the control of
Auto-Activation Deficit The final clinical condi- normal movement: (1) the suppression or facilitation
tion to be discussed is an unusual behavioral syndrome of movements (Mink, 1996; Redgrave et al., 1999); (2)
termed “athymhormia,” or auto-activation deficit, that reinforcement-driven learning, especially of habits or
is associated with focal damage (e.g., ischemic stroke) skills (Bar-Gad, Morris, & Bergman, 2003; Graybiel,
to the globus pallidus (Bhatia & Marsden, 1994; Habib, 2005); and (3) the regulation of movement vigor
2004; Schmidt et al., 2008). Athymhormia is a disorder (Turner & Desmurget, 2010). As will be seen, each of
of motivation marked by loss or reduction of desire and these hypotheses is supported, at least partially, by
interest toward activities that were previously highly current evidence.
motivating. Patients with bilateral lesions of the palli- The loop organization of BG-thalamocortical circuits
dum can perform motor and cognitive tasks normally makes it difficult to disentangle the relative roles of the
when prompted by external sensory cues or commands, different stages of a circuit. One productive approach
but they engage in few activities and make few actions to this problem is to investigate how a circuit changes
spontaneously. Although such cases are rare, they may or “transforms” the information it receives from cortical
provide important insights to the contributions of the inputs. Using this approach, researchers have com-
BG to normal behavior and motor control. Indeed, pared task-related activity in a certain region of the BG
lesions that include the output nuclei of the BG may with activity in the cortical area that specifically projects
disconnect motor-control centers of the brain from the to that circuit. A consistent finding is that task-related
motivation-related signals that normally energize and activity in the striatum and globus pallidus begins later
drive movement (Turner & Desmurget, 2010). than activity in connected regions of cortex (Antzoula-
tos & Miller, 2011; Crutcher & Alexander, 1990; Fujii &
Graybiel, 2005; Seo, Lee, & Averbeck, 2012). Because
Functions of the basal ganglia using the motor of the late onset times, it is unlikely that the responses
circuit as a model of neurons in the BG motor circuit contribute to the
selection or initiation of movement under these condi-
A remarkably wide range of functions have been sug- tions. A few researchers have studied cortical and stria-
gested for the BG as a whole, ranging from the control tal activity while animals learn a new skill, such as

turner and pasquereau: basal ganglia function 443

1 2 3 4
3 2

Velocity (mm s–1)


4 1
4001 2 3 4
50 3 2

Velocity (mm s–1)


4 1
–50 50 0 1 2 3
mm Seconds
Pre Post
300 90 Spatial

Movement extent (cm)

Peak velocity (cm s–1)
Reaction time (ms)


100 8


50 7
Sequence Random Sequence Random Sequence Random

Figure 37.3 Inactivation of the BG skeletomotor circuit sequence, even though movement extent and velocity were
does not impair movement initiation or sequencing in a neu- reduced (“post-injection”). (C) Inactivation in the skeletomo-
rologically normal animal, but has a selective effect on move- tor region of GPi had a negligible effect on reaction times
ment speed and extent. (A) Single behavioral trials illustrate (RTs); left, compare pre-injection (open symbols) versus post-
performance of a sequential movement task before and after injection means (filled symbols). This was true irrespective of
an injection of muscimol (a long-acting GABAergic inhibitory whether animals performed overlearned fixed sequences
agent) into the GPi. Animals moved a joystick through a series (“Sequence”) or random sequences (“Random”), or whether
of four out-and-back component movements. Targets were cues provided information by their spatial location (circles)
presented in fixed order (1→4). Spatial trajectories (A) and or color (triangles). In contrast, muscimol injections consis-
tangential velocities (B) of the joystick are plotted. Outward tently reduced movement velocity (middle) and extent (right)
movements to capture a peripheral target often began before under all conditions. Error bars plus or minus standard error
the instruction cue was presented (↓). GPi inactivation did of mean.
not impair the smooth uninterrupted execution of the

choosing the correct response when presented with a Another fruitful approach to disentangling BG func-
novel visual stimulus. In this situation, activity that tions is to determine what aspects of motor behavior
reflects the newly learned association appears earlier in are impaired following lesions or inactivations of differ-
the striatum than in cortical neurons across the course ent circuits. A handful of studies have interrupted GPi
of learning (Brasted & Wise, 2004; Pasupathy & Miller, activity temporarily by injection of a pharmacological
2005; Williams & Eskandar, 2006). Interestingly, task- inhibitory agent (i.e., muscimol, GABAA agonist) into
related activation of the BG appears to become less that structure (Desmurget & Turner, 2008; Inase,
common as a skill becomes well learned (Tang et al., Buford, & Anderson, 1996; Kato & Kimura, 1992). Inac-
2009). These results suggest that the BG contributes tivation of the skeletomotor region induces significant
selectively to early stages of skill learning (Ashby, Turner, impairments in the speed and extent of arm movement
& Horvitz, 2010; Jueptner, Frith, Brooks, Frackowiak, & accompanied by modest postural instability. Remark-
Passingham,1997). ably, acute disconnections of the motor circuit do not

444 motor systems and action

affect (a) reaction time (i.e., the time required to lesions involving the BG often have difficulty learning
select and initiate movement); (b) the control of move- new sequences or skills (Brown et al., 2003; Exner, Kos-
ment direction; (c) feedback mechanisms that mediate chack, & Irle, 2002; Obeso et al., 2009; Sage et al.,
on-the-fly movement correction; (d) the fluid perfor- 2003). Imaging data from humans indicate that differ-
mance of familiar sequences of movements; or (e) the ent parts of the BG may be activated as a sequence is
expression of familiar stimulus-response habits. Figure learned explicitly versus performed repeatedly with
37.3A illustrates examples of single behavioral trials of greater speed and accuracy. The associative circuit of
a familiar sequence of arm movements performed by a the BG is activated during early stages of skill learning,
monkey before (top) and during (bottom) inactivation whereas the motor circuit becomes active later, as
of the contralateral GPi by microinjection of muscimol. further practice of a skill leads to habit-like perfor-
Before the inactivation, the monkey performed the mance (Lehericy et al., 2005). Importantly, learning-
sequence as a fluid, uninterrupted series of gestures. related activity appears earlier in the striatum than in
Individual movements often began before presentation connected cortical regions (Pasupathy & Miller, 2005).
of the visual instruction cue (vertical arrows). During Combined with the observation that the performance
inactivation in the GPi (bottom), sequences were still of well-learned skills is not affected by GPi lesions or
performed with the fluid anticipatory responding that inactivations, these observations suggest that the BG
is characteristic of a well-learned motor skill. In a series functions as a kind of tutor, being important during
of experiments (figure 37.3B), GPi inactivation did not procedural learning but not necessary for storage or
impair movement initiation (i.e., reaction time), but recall of already learned information. Very similar
did slow movements substantially (“peak velocity”) and ideas have been proposed by Ashby and colleagues
reduced their extent (Desmurget & Turner, 2008, with respect to the involvement of associative BG cir-
2010). cuits in the learning of visual categories (Ashby et al.,
Given results from inactivation studies like this one, 2010) and by the community of scientists who study
along with clinical observations (e.g., the therapeutic the roles of the avian BG in song learning (Andalman
efficacy of pallidotomy) and neuronal recording results, & Fee, 2009; Brainard & Doupe, 2000). This concept
it appears unlikely that the BG motor circuit contrib- also fits well with the prominent idea that the responses
utes to movement selection or initiation. It also appears of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons mediate fast rein-
unlikely that the motor circuit is involved in retaining forcement-driven plasticity in the BG (Bromberg-
or executing well-learned motor skills like motor Martin, Matsumoto, & Hikosaka, 2010; Schultz, 2007).
sequences or stimulus-response associations. Is there a Thus, multiple lines of evidence indicate that the BG
tenable alternative hypothesis? The observation of cir- promotes new skill learning, but that other parts of the
cumscribed impairments in regulating movement speed brain (cortex in particular) take over the storage and
and extent is consistent with the idea that the motor production of well-practiced skills. The unique neuro-
circuit regulates a form of implicit “motor motivation” modulatory milieu of the striatum provides an ideal
that influences how vigorously individual actions are substrate for rapid reinforcement-driven plasticity, but
performed (Baraduc, Thobois, Gan, Broussolle, & cortex is better suited for long-term retention and
Desmurget, 2013; Mazzoni, Hristova, & Krakauer, 2007; execution.
Turner & Desmurget, 2010). The motor vigor hypoth-
esis is also supported by the peculiar symptoms observed Conclusion
in clinical cases of damage to the GP (see “Auto-activa-
tion deficit,” above), and by the consistent observation The BG has rich access to information from multiple
in BG structures of neuronal activity that scales with the cortical areas. Anatomically, this input is divided into
vigor of movement (i.e., with movement speed, ampli- functionally distinct pathways, but also combined (i.e.,
tude, or force; Anzak et al., 2012; Brucke et al., 2012; funneled) and regulated by multiple neuromodulatory
Georgopoulos, DeLong, & Crutcher, 1983; Turner, inputs. Dopamine is a neuromodulator of particular
Desmurget, Grethe, Crutcher, & Grafton, 2003). It interest, because its phasic release is perfectly timed to
remains to be determined if the vigor idea applies serve as a learning signal and it has contrasting effects
equally to all functional circuits of the BG (i.e., that on the synaptic plasticity of direct and indirect pathways
each BG functional circuit links motivation to its own through the BG. The final output of the BG is an inhibi-
form of action) or if it is rather a specific function of tion of target neurons that is sculpted in association
the BG skeletomotor circuit. with specific tasks. In large part, this information is
Many studies have associated the BG with particular directed back to motor and associative areas of the
types of learning. As mentioned earlier, patients with frontal lobes. Over the course of many repetitions, we

turner and pasquereau: basal ganglia function 445

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450 motor systems and action

38 Cerebellar Function

ABSTRACT The cerebellum is a large subcortical brain struc- receives input from the lateral hemispheres of the cer-
ture that influences movement, sensation, and cognitive ebellar cortex and projects via the thalamus back to
behaviors through interactions with the cerebral cortex and contralateral premotor, prefrontal, and parietal neocor-
brainstem. Cerebellar damage does not abolish these behav-
iors, but instead reduces their accuracy and flexibility. It has
tical regions. More medially, the interposed (emboli-
been hypothesized that the cerebellum contributes to its form and globose) nuclei receive input from
various functions by providing predictions about future intermediate cerebellar cortex (paravermis) and project
sensory and motor states, and by implementing a fast error- to the spinal cord via the red nucleus and to primary
driven learning process, which calibrates well-trained behav- motor cortex via the thalamus. The most medial
iors to environmental changes.
nucleus, the fastigial nucleus, receives input from the
midline areas of cerebellar cortex (vermis) and projects
Cell types and physiology to neocortex and brainstem targets, influencing descend-
ing vestibulospinal and reticulospinal pathways.
The cerebellum consists of a highly folded cortical
sheet surrounding white matter and deep cerebellar Functional anatomy
nuclei. A remarkable feature of the cerebellum is its
three-layered cortex, which is homogeneous in both The cerebral cortex can be parcellated into different
cell type and arrangement (figure 38.1). regions based on cytoarchitectonic organization. In
The main source of input to the cerebellum is pro- contrast, the neural circuit of the cerebellar cortex is
vided by mossy fibers, which transmit information from remarkably invariant, even though the human cerebel-
the neocortex via the pontine nuclei, from brainstem lum contains many distinct functional modules. In the
structures including the vestibular and reticular nuclei, medial-lateral direction, it consists of a set of parasag-
or directly from the spinal cord via the spinocerebellar gital compartments, which can be revealed by labeling
tracts. Mossy fibers synapse on granule cells (figure the expression of aldolase C or zebrin (Sugihara &
38.1), which account for over half of the neurons in the Shinoda, 2004). In the anterior-posterior direction, a
human brain (Azevedo et al., 2009). Granule cells send series of horizontally running fissures divide the cere-
axons into the molecular layer, where they branch into bellum into a set of lobules (figure 38.2), labeled I-X
parallel fibers and form excitatory synapses onto Pur- based on Olof Larsell’s careful comparative work
kinje cells. Purkinje cells have flat but elaborate den- (Larsell & Jansen, 1972).
dritic trees, branching orthogonally to the direction of Lobules I–V form the anterior cerebellum and are
the parallel fibers. In this way, each Purkinje cell can mainly concerned with motor control. Lobules IV and
receive input from ∼174,000 granule cells. At rest, Pur- V have reciprocal connections with primary motor
kinje cells fire action potentials, known as simple spikes, cortex (Kelly & Strick, 2003) and a reliable somatotopic
at a rate of 40–70 Hz. Climbing fibers provide more organization (Grodd, Hulsmann, Lotze, Wildgruber, &
sparse input to the cerebellum. Each Purkinje cell Erb, 2001). The feet are represented in superior and
receives input from a single climbing fiber, while each medial aspects of lobule IV, and the arm and hand in
climbing fiber branches to innervate ∼10 Purkinje cells. the hemispheric part of lobule V. The latter also con-
Climbing fibers cause Purkinje cells to fire powerful tains representations of single finger movements (Wies-
action potentials with complex waveforms, termed tler, McGonigle, & Diedrichsen, 2011). Upper-limb
complex spikes, at the low rate of 1–4 Hz. representations are strongly lateralized. Hand move-
Purkinje cells inhibit cells in the deep cerebellar ments activate the ipsilateral anterior lobe almost exclu-
nuclei, which provide the cerebellum’s only output. sively. The representation of orofacial movements
Pauses in the firing of specific sets of Purkinje cells extends from lobule V into the neighboring lobule VI.
release inhibition of the deep cerebellar nuclei cells, Complex limb movements preferentially activate
which in turn emit an excitatory burst of action poten- lobule VI (Schlerf, Verstynen, Ivry, & Spencer, 2010).
tials. The largest of these nuclei, the dentate nucleus, In contrast to lobule V, lobule VI generally shows

diedrichsen and bastian: cerebellar function 451

l fiber

cell (–)

cell (–)

Purkinje fiber (+)
cell (–)
cell (+)

Golgi Inferior
cell (–) olive
neuron (+)
fiber (+) Deep
nucleus (+)

Figure 38.1 Main anatomical layout of the cerebellar cortex indicates whether the cell gives rise to excitatory (+) or inhibi-
displaying major cell types and connections. The sign tory (–) connections.

bilateral activation for unilateral hand movements. This 2011). Functionally, various language, working memory,
suggests that it acts in concert with cortical secondary and executive function tasks activate lobule VII (Stood-
motor areas such as premotor and supplementary ley & Schmahmann, 2009).
motor area. Indeed, functional connectivity studies Lobules VIIIa and VIIIb are part of a second motor
show high correlations between activity in lobule VI and cortical–cerebellar loop (Kelly & Strick, 2003). As with
activity in the contralateral premotor cortex (Buckner, the anterior motor representation, these lobules have a
Krienen, Castellanos, Diaz, & Yeo, 2011). Language convergent representation of movement and sensory
tasks, including verb generation, also activate right information from the whole body. While there is dis-
lobule VI (and crus I of lobule VII), even when motor cernable somatotopy in these regions, it is weaker than
output-related activity is controlled for. Left lobule VI that in the anterior lobe.
may be associated with spatial tasks (Stoodley & Schmah- The hemispheres of lobule IX connects to the ante-
mann, 2009). The vermis of lobules VI and VII controls rior cingulate and precuneus (Buckner et al., 2011).
eye movements and is known as the oculomotor vermis The vermal aspect of lobule IX appears to be involved
(Prsa & Thier, 2011). in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, for
Lobule VII is the largest lobule of the human cerebel- example, in cardiovascular control. Finally, the rela-
lum, accounting for roughly half the cerebellar gray tively small lobule X (flocculus + nodulus) is involved
matter volume (Diedrichsen, Balsters, Flavell, Cussans, in vestibular functions and eye movement control.
& Ramnani, 2009). It is subdivided into lobule VIIa Together, the cerebellar cortex comprises a patch-
(consisting of crus I and II) and lobule VIIb. In the work of areas, each with its own pattern of connectivity
monkey, the hemispheres of crus II have reciprocal and functional specialization. The information-process-
connections with Brodman area 46 (Kelly & Strick, ing role that each cerebellar region fulfills within its
2003), and human functional connectivity data indi- respective loop remains unclear. However, given the
cate that lobule VII participates in at least three subnet- homogenous functional architecture of the cerebellar
works including dorsolateral prefrontal, inferior cortex, many researchers agree that a single computa-
parietal, and lateral temporal areas (Buckner et al., tional function should characterize the role of the

452 motor systems and action

Lobules Functions

I-IV Foot
V Hand
Crus I

Crus II

VIIb Spatial Language
Eye Working
VIIa crus I memory

VIIa crus II functions

VIIb VIII functions

VIIIa Autonomic X Motor
nervous system Vestibular+ functions
eye movement


Hemisphere Vermis Hemisphere

Figure 38.2 Functional anatomy of the human cerebellum numerals indicate lobules following Larsell’s notation; italics
shown on a flattened representation of the cerebellar cortex indicate likely involvement in behavioral functions. Gray
(based on Van Essen, 2002). Lobule surface area is roughly shading indicates sensory-motor involvement and connectiv-
proportional to real size. The upper inset shows dorsal and ity to motor regions.
ventral views of a cerebellar 3D reconstruction. Roman

cerebellum across motor and nonmotor domains (Ivry, ataxic reaching movements, hand paths are highly
Spencer, Zelaznik, & Diedrichsen, 2002; Schmahmann, curved and tend to be quite variable from reach to
2004). However, what constitutes this “universal cere- reach (figure 38.3A). An underlying inability to
bellar transform” is a much-debated matter. account for complex limb mechanics may cause this
abnormal curvature (Bastian, Martin, Keating, &
Thach, 1996). Consistent with this idea, patients show
Clinical aspects greater deficits when they reach quickly and move
many joints or body parts simultaneously. Patients com-
Neurological diseases, tumors, malformations, and pensate by moving more slowly and breaking move-
stroke can all damage the cerebellum. Loss of move- ments down into simpler components, a phenomenon
ment coordination or “ataxia” is the most common and originally described by Gordon Holmes as decomposi-
obvious deficit. Because the cerebellum projects to con- tion of movement (Holmes, 1939).
tralateral neocortical areas, right cerebellar damage One common element of ataxia is dysmetria, poor
affects right-sided movements. Recovery of motor func- control over the extent of movement. People with
tion often occurs, but is generally worse if deep cerebel- cerebellar damage often overshoot (hypermetria) or
lar nuclei are affected. In a recent study, children and undershoot (hypometria) targets. As a result, their
adults recovered better from surgical tumor removal movements show oscillations when approaching the
when deep cerebellar nuclei were spared (Konczak, target, a phenomenon known as intention tremor.
Schoch, Dimitrova, Gizewski, & Timmann, 2005). Intention tremor likely represents a series of corrective
Although ataxia is often used to describe specific movements, and may stem from the use of time-delayed
deficits (e.g., arm ataxia during reaching, or gait ataxia sensory feedback (see below). Consistent with this idea,
during walking), it is a global term that refers to spe- intention tremor is reduced or absent when patients
cific features of dyscoordination. For example, during point to a target with their eyes closed, reducing visually

diedrichsen and bastian: cerebellar function 453

guided corrections (Day, Thompson, Harding, & clear deficits in force perception under active condi-
Marsden, 1998). tions (Bhanpuri, Okamura, & Bastian, 2012).
Walking ataxia has been described as an irregular, In contrast to the pronounced disturbances of sen-
somewhat drunken-looking gait pattern involving sory-motor function, the consequences of cerebellar
widened stance, irregular steps, and oscillations in damage on cognitive processes are much less obvious.
trunk control. Interestingly, it is not necessarily due to This is puzzling, as much of the cerebellum projects
leg control deficits—patients often can make normal to and receives input from frontal, parietal, and tem-
isolated leg motions yet still show profound walking poral regions of neocortex, and because cognitive
ataxia (Morton & Bastian, 2003). This suggests that tasks often activate the cerebellum in functional MRI
cerebellar influence over walking is distinct from that experiments. Cognitive deficits have been reported in
over voluntary control of isolated leg movements, with tests of language, executive function, emotion, and
the former involving midline, and the latter intermedi- attention after cerebellar damage (Ivry et al., 2002;
ate and lateral structures. Schmahmann, 1997). Yet there is considerable varia-
There are clear oculomotor deficits associated tion between studies, with patients performing nor-
with cerebellar damage, depending upon the region mally in one study but not another. A review by
involved. Dysmetria of saccadic eye movements occurs Timmann and Daum (2010) suggests that cognitive
with damage to the oculomotor vermis or the fastigial deficits are most pronounced in people with acute
nucleus. Nystagmus, an involuntary eye movement con- lesions. Thus, variability may be due to longer-
sisting of slow drift and fast resetting phases, often term neocortical compensations for cerebellar loss.
occurs after cerebellar damage. Abnormalities in the However, cognitive deficits may be more robust and
gain of the vestibule-ocular reflex also occur following long-lasting when cerebellar damage is acquired in
cerebellar damage, particularly when lobule X is childhood. Thus, cognitive deficits arising from cere-
damaged. bellar damage are difficult to characterize. What is
Recent work suggests that cerebellar damage may clear is that cerebellar loss affects motor function
impair somatosensory function, but only in the context more robustly than cognitive function—due perhaps
of active movement. Cerebellar patients show normal to the fact that neocortical regions for movement
proprioceptive acuity when a limb is passively moved control compensate less for cerebellar loss than do
(Maschke, Gomez, Tuite, & Konczak, 2003), but exhibit those involved in cognitive processes.

A B C Control
Velocity Dentate
Controller cooling
(inverse model)
Firing rate during flexion

Sensory Motor Firing rate during extension

Reach direction feedback commands
5 cm


0 ms 500 ms

Figure 38.3 The cerebellum as a predictive forward model. command’s influence on body state, thereby avoiding prob-
(A) Hand paths made by a cerebellar patient reaching toward lems associated with delayed sensory feedback. (C) Velocity
a target. Note features of ataxia, including dysmetria and end- and firing rate of a motor cortical neuron during typical
point oscillations. (B) A controller generates a motor movement (control; dashed line) and when cerebellar input
command based on a behavioral goal and an estimate of is blocked through dentate cooling (solid line). (Data redrawn
the body’s state. It sends an efference copy of the command from Hore and Flament, 1988.)
to the forward model (cerebellum), which predicts the

454 motor systems and action

Cerebellum as a predictive device for motor control agonist muscle that initially corrects the movement.
Even during dentate cooling, the initial activity in
A central theory about the cerebellum is that it serves primary motor cortex neurons appeared normal when
as a predictive forward model for motor control (Miall, a given muscle (triceps) acted as the agonist (figure
Weir, Wolpert, & Stein, 1993; Wolpert, Miall, & Kawato, 38.3C, gray box, middle panel). Rather, oscillations
1998). Forward models are used in engineering to were caused by delayed timing of the antagonist (break-
establish stable control in systems with sensory and ing) muscle that terminates the corrective response: when
motor delays. Consider the diagram in figure 38.3B. A the triceps acted as an antagonist, dentate cooling
controller (i.e., motor cortex) computes motor com- delayed the predictive response (figure 38.3C, gray box,
mands based on the goal and an estimate of the body’s bottom panel). This suggests that the intact cerebellum
current state (i.e., position, velocity). Motor commands plays a role in advancing responses of primary motor
are sent to the muscles, causing them to contract and cortex, changing it from reactive to predictive control.
move the body. Sensory feedback about these changes The role of prediction in motor control is especially
is then used to update the state estimate, closing the evident in tasks requiring coordination between multi-
feedback loop. However, there is one important ple joints or limbs, as in the fast, isolated elbow move-
problem with such control architecture. Given both ments used when whipping eggs. Although the task
motor (∼30 ms) and sensory (∼30–70 ms) delays, a feed- does not require shoulder movement, the monoarticu-
back controller may become unstable during fast move- lar muscles around the shoulder joint activate to coun-
ments: the controller may command a reaching teract the torques induced to the shoulder by the elbow
movement to stop when sensory feedback indicates that joint’s acceleration. Cerebellar damage impairs active
the hand approaches its target. However, by that time compensation for interaction torques during voluntary
the hand may have overshot the target, and antagonist elbow movements, causing considerable shoulder insta-
muscle activity for decelerating will arrive too late. The bility (Bastian et al., 1996). Interestingly, this predictive
same problem applies to movement corrections. Thus, control even occurs during fast feedback responses, in
closed-loop control of a device with considerable which the motor system modulates shoulder-muscle
sensory delay can cause dysmetria and end-point oscil- responding, based on induced motion to the elbow
lations, similar to the ataxia exhibited in cerebellar joint (Kurtzer, Pruszynski, & Scott, 2008). Such mecha-
disease. One solution many patients choose to correct nisms can be understood as the consequence of a
this problem is to move more slowly, meaning that forward model, in which motor commands to correct
sensory feedback has time to catch up with the actual elbow joint position after perturbation allow predictive
state of the limb. corrections of shoulder perturbations. Indeed, long-
Fast movement execution requires a different latency reflexes are modulated by intersegmental infor-
approach. The engineering solution is to employ a pre- mation 20–30 ms after the onset of an initial response
dictive device, which uses a copy of the motor command (Pruszynski et al., 2011). After cerebellar damage, coor-
(efference copy) to predict the future state of a limb. dinative feedback responses are still present, but are
This prediction is then integrated (accounting for additionally delayed by 10 ms and reduced in size
sensory delays) with actual sensory feedback (Miall et (Kurtzer et al., 2013). These changes may account for
al., 1993). Replacing real sensory feedback with a pre- the observation that movement deficits in cerebellar
diction about limb state allows for smooth and stable patients become exaggerated during multi- versus
real-time control. single-joint movements (Bastian et al., 1996).
The similarity between symptoms of ataxia and a Another example of prediction in motor control is
control system using delayed feedback is compelling, the so-called waiter task, in which someone supports a
and argues that the cerebellum may serve as a forward loaded tray with one hand, and then removes the load
model in motor control. Early evidence for this idea using the other hand. Healthy individuals reduce the
comes from experiments in which a monkey must hold activity of the load-bearing muscles 50 ms before any
a handle at a specific position and counteract unex- load change occurs (Hugon, Massion, & Wiesendan-
pected perturbations (Hore & Flament, 1988). Nor- ger, 1982). This predictive behavior effectively mini-
mally when perturbed (figure 38.3C, 0 ms), the monkey mizes possible destabilization effects that might occur
quickly returns the handle to the specified position. when the tray is removed. Indeed, when the load is
When cerebellar input to motor cortex is disrupted by lifted by an external agent (even a predictable agent),
cooling the dentate nucleus, the arm initially overshoots no anticipatory response occurs, and the tray shows a
and then oscillates around the hold position (solid line, small upward displacement, requiring feedback mech-
upper panel). This is not due to poor control of the anisms to restabilize the system. Cerebellar damage

diedrichsen and bastian: cerebellar function 455

causes this anticipatory response to be poorly cali- this context refers to the modification of behaviors
brated in both size and onset (Diedrichsen, Verstynen, based on performance errors. This definition excludes
Lehman, & Ivry, 2005). learning based on reward prediction errors; that is,
While these findings provide evidence that the cere- sensory feedback signaling only the relative success or
bellum acts as a predictive device in motor control, they failure of a movement (Schultz, Dayan, & Montague,
also show that the cerebellum is not the sole source of 1997). Instead, error-based learning is driven by dis-
predictions. In cerebellar damage, predictive responses crepancies between actual and predicted movement
are often ill-timed and inappropriately scaled, but outcomes (Tseng, Diedrichsen, Krakauer, Shadmehr, &
nonetheless clearly present, indicating that other brain Bastian, 2007). Importantly, prediction errors signal not
structures can also generate well-learned predictions. only that a movement has failed, but exactly how it has
Thus, rather than being the exclusive site of a predictive failed. One defining feature of error-based learning is
forward model, the cerebellum may control the exact that it utilizes a single prediction error to change behav-
timing (Ivry et al., 2002) of forward models stored else- ior in the desired direction on the next attempt.
where, or adapt these to changes in task dynamics. Con- Take the example of throwing darts at a dartboard:
sistent with latter idea, cerebellar patients do not adjust in a typical context, there is a match between where a
their anticipatory responses in the waiter task after a person is looking and where they aim the movement.
catch trial (Diedrichsen et al., 2005). However, if you wear laterally displacing prism glasses
that shift the visual world, the dart will miss the target
Cerebellum and error-based learning (figure 38.4A). Thus, the initial error is equal to the
perturbation. Error-based learning will partially correct
The problems experienced by patients with cerebellar the next throw in the opposite direction to the shift
pathology in using predictive mechanisms points to a induced by the prisms. For this to happen, an error-
second major domain of cerebellar function: adapta- based learning system needs to translate the perceived
tion or error-based learning. Error-based learning in error direction into a desired motor command change.


Trial Trial


20 Catch trials
Movement error [deg]

Force error

After- 0

Figure 38.4 The role of cerebellum in error-based learning. direction of movement. After an initial error, the movement
(A) Traditional adaptation experiment in which a perturba- adapts, resuming a nearly straight trajectory (gray line). When
tion suddenly occurs, leading to an exponential learning the force is suddenly removed, an aftereffect in the opposite
curve. Upon perturbation removal, an aftereffect is observed. direction occurs. (D) Deficit of cerebellar patients in adapting
(B) A key feature of error-based learning is that it occurs even to force fields. The force field is switched on (gray box),
during random perturbations, which induce small but mea- causing a large initial error. Healthy individuals show increas-
surable changes in behavior. (C) During a force-field reaching ing aftereffects on trials with no force field, but patients with
task, a robotic device exerts a force perpendicular to the cerebellar degeneration do not (Smith & Shadmehr, 2005).

456 motor systems and action

To avoid instabilities due to overcorrection, the motor latter paper also shows that observing unexpected
system usually corrects for much less than 100% of the movement outcomes, rather than correcting unsuccess-
error, meaning that it takes repeated throws to fully ful movements, is the likely source of the error signal.
adapt to prism glasses. After adaptation, removal of the Finally, cerebellar damage impairs adaptation of
glasses reveals an aftereffect: the throws show the oppo- outward saccadic eye movements, although adaptation
site error and then readapt to the original calibration. of inward saccadic eye movements appears to be intact
Such aftereffects are unavoidable, arising even when (Golla et al., 2008). However, this is likely due to uncom-
participants know that the perturbation has been pensated central fatigue, rather than error-driven adap-
removed. These aftereffects are considered to signal tive processes (Prsa & Thier, 2011).
genuine error-based learning as opposed to conscious
or strategic action re-planning (Mazzoni & Krakauer, Cellular mechanisms of cerebellar learning
Error-based learning is even observed when perturba- The idea that the cerebellum implements error-based
tions are inconsistent and random across trials (figure learning is especially attractive, because we have a rela-
38.4B). Each induced error leads to a measurable small tively detailed picture of how behavioral learning phenom-
adjustment on the next trial (Thoroughman & Shad- ena may relate to the underlying cellular mechanisms.
mehr, 2000), demonstrating that the error-based mech- Marr (1969) and Albus (1971) proposed an influen-
anism adjusts for single performance errors, even when tial computational model of error-based learning within
participants know that all perturbations are random the cerebellar neuronal circuit (figure 38.1). They sug-
(Diedrichsen, Hashambhoy, Rane, & Shadmehr, 2005). gested that the mossy fiber-parallel fiber system carries
Thus, error-based learning is continuously engaged to information about the motor command (an efference
correct for small environment changes or performance copy) and the current state of the system to Purkinje
fluctuations, keeping well-trained motor behaviors cells. The climbing fibers, which emanate from the infe-
calibrated. rior olive, transmit error signals that induce learning via
Over the last 15 years, substantial evidence has accu- complex spike activity (CS). Consistent with this hypoth-
mulated pointing to a critical role for the cerebellum esis, climbing fibers discharge during unexpected
in error-based learning. An early demonstration comes sensory events, such as the slip of a retinal image or a
from prism adaptation during dart throwing (Martin, misreach (for a review, see de Zeeuw et al., 1998). The
Keating, Goodkin, Bastian, & Thach, 1996). Patients resulting CS in the Purkinje cell triggers an influx of
with focal cerebellar lesions did not adjust throwing Ca++, inducing long-term depression. This process is
movements to displacement prisms, despite repeated specific to the parallel fiber–Purkinje synapses that were
unsuccessful throws. Importantly, after removing the active 100–200 ms before climbing fiber input (Wang,
glasses, the patients did not show the aftereffects that Denk, & Hausser, 2000). Consequently, the arrival of a
are found in healthy participants. Thus, cerebellar similar pattern of parallel fiber input causes a reduced
damage appeared to disrupt error-based learning at a simple spike (SS) firing rate in Purkinje cells, releasing
basic level. deep cerebellar nuclei from inhibition.
Since this initial report, deficits across a range of This model has been supported in studies of arm
adaptation tasks have been reported in cerebellar control (Gilbert & Thach, 1977), eye-blink conditioning
patients. In force-field adaptation tasks, a robotic device (Thompson, 2005) and adaptation of the vestibulo-
is used to introduce perturbations when people make ocular reflex (Lisberger, 1988). Recent work by Medina
point-to-point reaching movements (figure 38.4C). and Lisberger (2008) provides a particularly elegant
Error-based learning leads to adjustments in the forces demonstration. In their task, a monkey was rewarded for
generated by the arm, attenuating the effects of the visually tracking a moving target. At 0 ms, a target
perturbing forces. To probe this form of anticipatory appeared and moved downward; at 250 ms, it deviated
control, the robotic device is switched off on “catch from the path, moving slightly to the right (figure 38.5A).
trials,” revealing large and robust aftereffects. Cerebel- Purkinje cells in flocculus (the hemispheric part of
lar patients are highly impaired in this learning task, as lobule X) showed SS activity related to eye-movement
evidenced by increased errors and reduced aftereffects pursuit direction. Figure 38.5B shows a cell that increases
(Maschke, Gomez, Ebner, & Konczak, 2004; Smith & its activity for downward movement, but decreases activ-
Shadmehr, 2005). Similar deficits in adaptation have ity for rightward movements. The sudden deviation of
been reported during split-belt treadmill walking the target from the downward trajectory induces a slip
(Morton & Bastian, 2006) and reaching under novel of the retinal image and a CS (gray triangle). On the
visuomotor transformations (Tseng et al., 2007). The next trial, the cell showed a lower SS rate. Importantly,

diedrichsen and bastian: cerebellar function 457


Change in SS rate (spikes/s)

110 40

SS firing rate [spikes/s]

0 ms Trial n
250 ms 90 Trial n+1
–100 0 100 200 300 50 100 200 400 800
Time [ms] CS rate on previous trial
(% of baseline)

Figure 38.5 Cellular mechanisms underlying cerebellar gray triangle shows the occurrence of a complex spike (CS)
learning. (A) In the task, a monkey fixated a moving on trial n. (C) Relationship between CS probability and
target that changed direction 250 ms after movement onset. change in SS rate. (Based on Medina and Lisberger, 2008.)
(B) Trial-to-trial change in the SS rate of a Purkinje cell. The

this SS decrease preceded the CS and hence the moment elsewhere. Clearly, some well-learned predictive motor
of directional change. Thus, the Purkinje cell is predict- mechanisms are preserved in cerebellar patients. Fur-
ing the error. The decrease in firing rate related to an thermore, recent evidence using transcranial direct
anticipatory rightward movement of the eye and current stimulation (Galea, Vazquez, Pasricha, Orban
increased tracking performance accuracy. To prevent SS de Xivry, & Celnik, 2011) suggests that the cerebellum
firing rates from decreasing indefinitely, this system also may produce short-term modifications of forward
requires a counteracting (i.e., potentiating) learning models, whereas the neocortex may store longer-lasting
mechanism. This can be seen in the potentiating effect motor memories.
of trials in which CS activity does not change from base- At the whole-brain level, it has become clear that the
line (figure 38.5C). These results provide strong evi- cerebellum is not simply a motor control device, but
dence in support of the Marr and Albus hypothesis that has functional involvement in a wide array of mental
the climbing fiber provides an error signal. However, the abilities. How the cerebellum contributes to these non-
results also point to the operation of other learning motor functions remains unclear. We hope that the
mechanisms within the cerebellar circuitry. next generation will fulfill the dream of a universal
theory that explains cerebellar function from cellular
to behavioral levels, as envisioned by David Marr more
Concluding remarks and open questions
than 40 years ago.
Many open questions about cerebellar function remain. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Dr. Erin Heerey and
Although the Marr-Albus model of cerebellar learning Prof. Richard Ivry for comments on an earlier draft. Thanks
provides an elegant account of many experimental find- to Prof. Daniel Wolpert for assistance with figure 38.1.
ings, there is also substantial evidence opposing this
theory. For example, the low-frequency CS activity
(1–5 Hz) may not be high enough to provide the tem- REFERENCES
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460 motor systems and action

39 Computational Approaches for
Goal-Directed Movement Planning
and Execution

ABSTRACT The apparent ease of skilled motor behavior masks particular because they may provide a window into the
the complex neural processes involved in the control of voluntary control of movement. In this chapter, we
movement. To handle the complexity of most motor tasks, introduce the basic notions underlying optimal control
optimal feedback control suggests that the brain continu-
ously processes sensory feedback and selectively compensates theory and discuss how this approach may help us iden-
for noise disturbances as well as external perturbations. Moti- tify problems that the brain must solve to perform even
vated by this powerful prediction, recent studies have used the simplest movements. Then, we review recent find-
perturbation paradigms to investigate the neural control of ings that emphasize the similarity between biological
movement. After introducing the basic mathematical con- control and the sophistication of optimal control
cepts of optimal feedback control, we review evidence that
the brain generates flexible feedback strategies following
models. In particular, we focus on perturbation para-
perturbations perceived from visual feedback (e.g., a sudden digms showing that many aspects of optimal control
change in the target location), as well as mechanical pertur- models are observed in corrective responses generated
bations applied to the limb. Importantly, we highlight evi- by humans: (1) continuous processing of sensory feed-
dence that the motor system can generate goal-directed back underlies the control of movement, and (2) feed-
responses in as little as 50–60 ms following a mechanical per-
back control is tailored to the constraints imposed by
turbation. A transcortical feedback pathway through primary
motor cortex appears to play an important role in these the task at hand. We finish our chapter by briefly dis-
rapid corrective responses. cussing how sophisticated motor behavior may be
linked to processing in distributed brain circuits, high-
Elite athletes push the limits of the sensorimotor system, lighting recent evidence that neural processing in
integrating sensory information to generate rapid yet primary motor cortex (M1) may possess some of the
remarkably precise movements. A good example is a attributes required for flexible feedback control.
hockey player breaking away from his defenders. In a
split second, the player has to read the goaltender’s
Optimal control: Definitions and applications
movement and decide whether to shoot the puck or
in neuroscience
fake out the goaltender and wait for an opening. Even
the simplest movements that we perform in daily life, Flash and Hogan (1985) introduced optimal control
such as reaching for a cup of coffee, also involve principles to movement neuroscience almost 30 years
complex sensorimotor coordination. The ability to use ago. Intuitively, this approach is based on the assump-
sensory information to flexibly guide, correct, or modify tion that the brain selects motor commands that maxi-
our actions is the hallmark of skilled biological control. mize or minimize a performance criterion. In the
Recently, optimal feedback control (OFC) has been context of reaching movements, Flash and Hogan sug-
used as a model of how the brain processes sensory gested that the brain selects motor plans that minimize
information to control movement. A powerful feature the derivative of the hand’s acceleration (or the jerk).
of this model is that it describes how the motor system This hypothesis was justified by the fact that point-to-
should handle performance errors caused by neural point movements tend to be smooth with a bell-shaped
variability or environmental disturbances. This feature velocity profile, which is reproduced nicely by minimiz-
has renewed interest in feedback response strategies, in ing the derivative of the hand’s acceleration during
reaching movements. Following Flash and Hogan’s
work, a wealth of studies have proposed biological cost
* These authors contributed equally to this work. functions that incorporate kinetic parameters (e.g.,

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 461
minimum torque change; Nakano et al., 1999; Uno, Deterministic Optimal Control In general, the
Kawato, & Suzuki, 1989) and energy consumption solution of a particular control problem is not unique.
(Biess, Liebermann, & Flash, 2007; Berret, Chiovetto, This also applies to biological motor control, where
Nori, & Pozzo, 2011) to identify movement variables reaching movements may follow distinct paths to the
that the motor system may control and optimize. same target or even have different velocities along the
This approach is grounded in the theory of optimal same movement path. Given that each of these move-
control, a formalism that applies optimization princi- ments satisfies the goal of reaching the target (i.e.,
ples to describe what the motor system should do motor equivalence), extensive research has been con-
according to how our limbs move, as well as the ducted to identify how the brain selects one control
performance criteria (e.g., energy consumption) and solution among infinitely many alternatives. One way to
constraints (e.g., time constraint) associated with move- reduce the set of possible movement solutions is to
ment. The following section outlines the basic notions constrain the problem using a cost function. For
of control theory and defines (optimal) control prob- instance, we may be interested in applying a sequence
lems that are often encountered in movement of joint torques that allows us to reach a target while
neuroscience. minimizing the intensity of muscle activity to avoid
fatigue. In this example, the cost is directly related to
Dynamical Systems and Control Problems At the the motor command, and the problem is to find the
basis of control engineering is the notion of a dynamical reaching path that minimizes muscle energy expendi-
system: a set of variables evolving as a function of time. ture. This approach uses optimization principles to
For instance, the angular motion of a body segment can determine the best way to reach the target among all
be seen as a dynamical system described by state vari- possible movement solutions.
ables, such as the joint angle and velocity. In general, A typical cost function contains a final cost, g(x), and
the evolving state of a dynamical system can be described a running cost, L(x,u), that accumulates along the tra-
by a differential equation of the form: jectory followed by the state variables:
x = f (x , u ), (1) tf

J (x , u ) = g (x(t f )) + ∫ L(x(t ), u(t ))dt . (3)

where x is the vector of state variables and the dot
expresses its time derivative. This derivative is a func-
tion of the state vector itself and an additional vari- With these definitions, an optimal control problem can
able, u, called the control vector. It is assumed that be defined as follows: find a control function that mini-
the controller influences the state of the system by mizes J(x,u) (Eq. 3), subject to the initial condition x(t0)
changing the value of the control vector. For = x0, and to the system dynamics (Eq. 1). It can be
example, varying muscle activity changes the torque shown that, under the optimal solution, J(x,u) satisfies
acting on a joint and alters segmental motion through the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (U represents
the dynamical properties captured in the function f. the set of admissible control actions):

{ }
With these definitions, we can define a control
∂J (x , u ) ∂J (x , u )
problem as follows: find a time-varying control vector − = min L(x , u ) + f (x , u ) . (4)
that steers the state variables to a desired location. ∂t u ∈U ∂x
Assuming that the initial state x0 is known, the
The function J(x,u) is the cost to accumulate from the
problem is to find a control function u(t), t0 <= t <= tf,
present time until the end of the problem horizon, tf.
such that the solution of Eq. 1,
This quantity is called the cost-to-go and plays a central
role in the derivation of numerical solutions (Todorov,
x(t ) = x 0 + ∫ f (x(s ), u(s ))ds , (2) 2006). An intuitive interpretation of Eq. 4 is that the
control vector can vary the orientation of the instanta-
meets the constraints of the control problem. A reach- neous direction of the state trajectory (f(x,u)), which
ing movement, for example, may be described as a should ideally follow the direction that is opposite to
control problem where the brain must steer the hand the gradient of the cost-to-go (∂J/∂x). However, the opti-
to the spatial location of a goal target. Expressing a mization also takes into account the instantaneous cost
simple task such as reaching as a control problem is a (L(x,u)), and as a result, Eq. 4 achieves the best com-
powerful approach to identify the challenges that motor promise between the gradient of the cost-to-go and the
control presents for the brain. As we will see, even the instantaneous cost (L(x,u)). This compromise deter-
simplest movements impose complex sensorimotor mines the instantaneous variation of the cost-to-go
transformations. (∂J/∂t).

462 motor systems and action

Optimal commands
control policy

Optimal feedback
estimation Musculoskeletal system

Figure 39.1 Illustration of basic processes expected under musculoskeletal system). An efference copy of the descending
the OFC framework. The selection of the behavioral task motor command is used internally to predict the conse-
determines the feedback control policy (task selection). The quences of motor actions. These internal predictions are com-
purpose of the feedback control policy is to continuously bined with feedback from sensory receptors to compute the
process and convert sensory data into motor commands that posterior estimate of the state of the body (optimal state esti-
best satisfy the task demand (optimal feedback control policy). mator). This state estimate is used to adjust the motor com-
Once the sensory feedback is processed, motor commands are mands during the ongoing motor action.
sent to the peripheral motor system (biomechanical plant or

The many studies that have used this approach have disturbances alter performance. The control of stochas-
agreed on the general conclusion that healthy motor tic processes was introduced to address this limitation.
systems favor smooth and efficient movements. The In this framework, feedback is essential to update motor
shortcoming of this approach, however, is that because commands and compensate for neural variability.
the laws of physics relate all movement parameters, Online monitoring and control are often described in
virtually every meaningful cost function in the form of terms of a state estimator combined with a controller
Eq. 3 partially captures the smoothness and efficiency (figure 39.1). The state estimator typically combines
of biological motor control. Also, this approach does sensory and motor signals to compute the present state
not systematically account for the continuous update of of the body (figure 39.1; optimal state estimator), and
motor commands that is necessary to correct for motor the controller uses the estimated state of the body to
errors. select control actions that best reflect the goal and con-
straints of the task (figure 39.1; optimal feedback
Stochastic Optimal Control In general, factors control policy). This section presents the basic formal-
that can induce motor errors and trial-to-trial variability ism of the problems of estimation and control of sto-
fall into two broad categories. First, the variable activa- chastic processes.
tion of neural circuits induces variable motor behavior. Because random (Brownian) motion does not have
Neural noise can be found in sensory systems, move- finite instantaneous variations, the control problem is
ment preparatory activity, and the activation of muscles formulated in discrete rather than continuous time
in the motor periphery (Churchland, Afshar, & Shenoy, (Arnold, 1974). To begin, the analog of Eq. 1 becomes
2006; Faisal, Selen, & Wolpert, 2008; Osborne, Lis-
dX = F (X , u )dt + G(X , u )dW . (5)
berger, & Bialek, 2005; Scott & Loeb, 1994; van Beers,
Haggard, & Wolpert, 2004). Additionally, motor errors In Eq. 5, the capital X signifies that the state vector is
can be produced by external disturbances resulting now a stochastic variable. Eq. 5 expresses that small
from our interaction with the environment. Both neural changes in the state (dX) follow a deterministic law
variability and external disturbances require that the described by the function F that captures the system
brain continuously update motor commands based on the dynamics as in Eq. 1, and a stochastic term that captures
available sensory data to produce successful behavior. random disturbances in the process (dW). We now
Harris and Wolpert (1998) considered the influence convert this equation to discrete time by considering
of neural variability on movement planning and sug- changes in the process over a time step of δt. From the
gested that motor commands are selected to minimize definition of Brownian motion (Arnold, 1974), the
the variance of movement end points, assuming the accumulation of random noise over δt follows a Gauss-
intensity of motor noise scales with the size of the motor ian distribution with zero mean and variance equal to
command. While this model explicitly considers the δt. We use ξ(t) to designate these Gaussian disturbances
effect of motor noise, it does not address the online at each time step. The formulation in discrete time
adjustment of motor commands required when becomes

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 463
X (t + δt ) = M (X (t ), u(t )) + N (X (t ), u(t ))ξ(t ), (6) optimal control and filtering problems is available. The
main assumptions are that the system follows linear
where M(.) and N(.) are the discrete versions of the dynamics, coupled with a quadratic cost function and
functions F and G introduced in Eq. 5. The analog of subject to additive Gaussian noise (linear quadratic
Eq. 4 also becomes a discrete equation. The optimiza- Gaussian, or LQG). The function M(.) introduced in
tion can no longer be computed over the true state Eq. 6 becomes a linear function of the state and control
variables, because independent simulations of the same vectors (represented by the state-space matrices A and
process will lead to distinct sample paths. Instead, for B), and the noise disturbance is captured by additive
stochastic control problems, the controller should opti- Gaussian noise (ξt). With these definitions, the system
mize the expected outcome, which ensures that perfor- dynamics become
mance will be optimal in the most likely scenario. The
analogue of Eq. 4 becomes X t +1 = AX t + But + ξt . (8)
The sensory feedback available at time t is of the form
J t (X t , ut ) = min {L(X t , ut ) + E [ J t +1(X t +1, ut +1 )| X t , ut ]} , (7)
Yt = HX t + ωt , (9)
where E[.] denotes the expected value of the argument
where ωt is Gaussian random variable and H is the
and the explicit dependency on time was replaced by
mapping between the system state and sensory data.
the subscript t. Eq. 7 means that the best control action
This matrix may express that information about some
minimizes the present running cost, as well as the
state variables is not available, such as an external per-
expected value of the future cost-to-go given the selected
turbation that can only be indirectly measured through
control action (figure 39.1; optimal feedback control
its effect on the motion of the body. The matrix H may
also express that some sensory signals provide informa-
A clear difficulty encountered with stochastic pro-
tion about a combination of state variables, as for
cesses is that the state of the system (Xt) may not be
instance muscle spindles provide sensory feedback that
known exactly, because sensory feedback is also cor-
is a mixture of the muscle’s length, velocity, and higher
rupted by noise. Filtering techniques can be used to
derivatives. The cost function is a quadratic form in the
estimate the state of a stochastic process (figure 39.1;
state and control variables, defined by weight matrices
optimal state estimator). These techniques combine
Qt and Rt, respectively:
imperfect sensory data with internal assumptions about
the state of the system (or internal priors). Prior assump- L(X t , ut ) = X tT Q t X t + utT Rt ut . (10)
tions are often formulated as the output of a forward The optimal control problem consists in finding a
model, making a prediction of the present state of the sequence of control variables that minimize the total
body given the available information, including the expected cost, that is,
motor command sent to the muscles (Wolpert & Flana-
gan, 2001). Let Yt denote the information available at ⎡N ⎤
J = E ⎢ ∑ L(X t , ut )⎥ . (11)
time t. We assume that the conditional distribution of ⎣ t =1 ⎦
Yt given the state variable Xt is known. First, we can
predict the distribution of Xt given the distribution of For this class of control problems, the optimal control
Xt-1 by using Eq. 6 (forward model). This prediction step policy turns out to be a linear function of the estimated
gives a prior belief about the system state. Second, the state, denoted x̂t :
feedback data, Yt, can be used to correct the prior dis- ut = Ct xˆt . (12)
tribution by applying Bayes’s theorem, which gives the The sequence of optimal feedback gains, Ct, is deter-
posterior distribution of the state (Xt) given the sensory mined by the cost matrices (Qt and Rt in Eq. 10) and by
feedback (Yt). In other words, the best estimate of the the system dynamics (A and B in Eq. 8). The result is a
system state is obtained by performing Bayesian integra- time-varying feedback gain that tells us how the motor
tion of sensory signals and forward predictions at each system should transform the estimated state of the
time step. The resulting estimate is optimal in the sense system into motor commands.
that the variance of the posterior distribution is mini- The optimal estimate of the state is calculated in two
mized. In the particular case of linear dynamics affected steps (Kalman filter). First, the prediction of the next
by additive Gaussian disturbances, this procedure is system state is obtained by simulating the dynamics over
known as a Kalman filter (Kalman, 1960). one time step given the current motor command, ut,
and taking the expected value of the outcome:
Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Regulator Let us examine
the simplest case where an analytic solution of the xˆtp = Axˆt −1 + But −1. (13)

464 motor systems and action

This prediction (or prior belief) is then corrected with Kawato, 1999). Pairing inverse and forward models
the difference between actual and expected feedback, according to the intended movement was proposed as
weighted by the Kalman gain: a model for sensorimotor coordination (Wolpert &
Kawato, 1998).
xˆt = xˆtp + K t (Yt − Hxˆtp ). (14)
Optimal feedback control generalizes the neural
The Kalman gains are determined by the system dynam- computations identified within the framework of inter-
ics (Eq. 8), feedback (Eq. 9), and the covariance matri- nal models and bridges the gap between movement
ces of the motor and feedback noise. The Kalman gain planning and execution by providing a goal-related
(Kt) specifies how much the prior estimate (Eq. 13) feedback control policy (Eq. 12 for linear systems). In
should be changed according to the available sensory the optimal control framework, the controller must
data. Recent studies have extended the LQG framework transform the movement goal expressed by the cost
to take properties of biological motor control into function (Eqs. 3 or 11) into a control policy. This opera-
account, such as the scaling of noise variability with the tion is similar to the one performed by inverse models,
intensity of the neural signal (Crevecoeur, Sepulchre, in the sense that they both use knowledge of the body
Thonnard, & Lefèvre, 2011; Qian, Jiang, Jiang, & dynamics to map intended movements into motor com-
Mazzoni, 2013; Todorov, 2005), as well as the nonlinear- mands. The notion of a forward model is also present
ity of the musculoskeletal system (Li & Todorov, 2007). in the optimal control framework. A common perspec-
A complete derivation of the optimal feedback gains tive is that forward models predict the consequences of
and Kalman gains is beyond the scope of the present motor actions, thereby allowing the brain to compen-
review, but can be found elsewhere (Åström, 1970; sate for their effect ahead of sensory information. The
Brown, 1983; Bryson & Ho, 1975). computation of a prior belief about the state of the
Figure 39.1 recapitulates the different components of body can be seen as a forward prediction of the future
the full control algorithm (estimation and control) and state of the body (Eq. 13), based on the current motor
illustrates how they may describe some aspects of motor commands and internal knowledge of the system
control. In the framework of optimal control, task selec- dynamics (represented by the matrices A and B; figure
tion specifies the movement goal and constraints and 39.1, musculoskeletal system). Motor prediction from
can be seen as the definition of the cost function (Eqs. forward models is therefore a critical component of
3 or 10). Indeed, the cost function determines which optimal feedback control models.
state variables will be constrained, and how much motor Aside from the problems related to the derivation of
commands will be penalized to attain that goal. Once the control policy, an important challenge for the
the cost function is defined, an optimal control policy motor system is the computation of the state estimate.
can be derived as the solution of a well-defined problem. Indeed, we have only partially addressed the problem
In this respect, the approach based on optimal control of state estimation with the Kalman filter, dealing with
makes a theoretical link between motor behavior and the variability of prediction and sensory signals. Addi-
the control of a biomechanical plant, which are two tionally, the brain must cope with time delays resulting
fundamental aspects of movement neuroscience (Scott, from the transmission of neural signals along the nerves.
2004). Optimal control provides a normative tool to Given the presence of sensory delays, the hypothesis
describe how the biomechanical plant should be con- that the brain uses state estimation requires converting
trolled according to a given behavioral objective. The delayed sensory feedback into present estimates of the
online control of movement is then realized by applying state of the body, which involve prediction based on
the feedback control policy (figure 39.1 and Eq. 12) to sensory signals that is independent from the motor pre-
the estimated state of the body (figure 39.1 and Eqs. 13 diction (Ariff, Donchin, Nanayakkara, & Shadmehr,
and 14). 2002; Mehta & Schaal, 2002). Compatible with this
prediction, we recently showed that rapid sensory
Optimal Control and Internal Models The predictions are performed following a perturbation
notion of an internal model is an important conceptual (Crevecoeur & Scott, 2013).
framework in motor neuroscience that is often defined
as a group of neurons or circuits that mimic the input- Perspective on Alternative Control Approaches:
output relationship of the peripheral motor system and Trading Efficiency for Robustness A central
environment. A traditional view was that inverse models assumption of optimal (feedback) control approaches
transform a desired movement into a sequence of in movement neuroscience is that the brain knows the
motor commands, and forward models predict the con- system’s dynamics exactly. In other words, OFC models
sequences of these motor commands (for a review, see give us the best solution, assuming that a correct

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 465
internal representation of the body and environmental environmental dynamics can never be known exactly,
dynamics is available, while uncertainty is handled by robustness may be an important consideration in motor
considering the presence of random noise in the system. neuroscience.
However, uncertainty in the internal model of dynamics
can also alter the control of a movement. For instance, Application to biological control: Flexible
the inertia of the limb differs slightly according to the sensorimotor control strategies
weight of a watch, clothing, or hand-held objects. In
addition, muscle dynamics may vary depending on the The motor system has a remarkable ability to perform
level of background activity, biochemical factors, or successfully while never reproducing exactly the same
fatigue (Zahalak, 1981). This class of model distur- movement. This consistent success in the presence of
bances does not fall under those disturbances modeled variability suggests the central nervous system is well
by random noise, as they potentially introduce system- aware of the constraints of the task at hand and is less
atic biases during movement. concerned about errors that do not affect performance.
In general, researchers have approached this problem This tendency is often referred to as the minimum inter-
with learning or adaptation studies (Shadmehr, Smith, vention principle (Todorov & Jordan, 2002) and is cap-
& Krakauer, 2010; Wolpert, Diedrichsen, & Flanagan, tured by the ability to ignore limb deviations that do
2011). In this framework, changes in motor commands not interfere with task completion. The same idea is
reflect adaptive adjustments of how the brain repre- reflected in the notion of structured variability or an
sents environmental dynamics. While tremendous uncontrolled manifold, where limb and whole-body motion
progress has been made with this approach, a clear are more variable along dimensions that are irrelevant
shortcoming is that the body and environment can for the task (Balasubramaniam, Riley, & Turvey, 2000;
change more rapidly than the adaptation processes typi- Cluff et al., 2011; Scholz & Schoner, 1999; Valero-
cally investigated in motor learning studies (e.g., learn- Cuevas, Venkadesan, & Todorov, 2009).
ing curves varying over tens to hundreds of trials). For Optimal feedback control provides a framework for
instance, muscle dynamics rapidly change during effort us to understand task-related error corrections. Because
without giving us the chance to practice tens of trials to motor commands have a cost, there is no need to
adapt to those changes. control movement errors that do not interfere with the
Engineers have developed an approach based on the intended goal. This trade-off between behavioral per-
concept of robustness to deal with these internal model formance and motor costs, expressed in a straightfor-
uncertainties. The idea is to make the control design as ward way by the quadratic cost function in Eq. 10, is
insensitive to model errors as possible (Bhattacharyya, only possible if the brain continuously processes sensory
Chapellat, & Keel, 1995; Doyle, Francis, & Tannen- data to select control actions that are appropriate for
baum, 1992). This approach typically focuses on prop- the goal and constraints of the task. In agreement with
erties of the controller rather than on the actual system this principle, we review several studies emphasizing
trajectories emphasized in the classical optimal control that this type of flexible, task-dependent feedback
approach. An important theoretical result is that the control underlies both voluntary motor behavior and
controllers that are the most robust against model responses to external perturbations.
errors do not always correspond to the controllers that
are the most efficient (Boulet & Duan, 2007; Michiels Visuomotor Feedback Responses Liu and Todorov
& Niculescu, 2007). In other words, improving the (2007) provided compelling evidence for flexible bio-
robustness of control may degrade performance, logical control strategies by demonstrating that feed-
whereas optimizing a performance criterion can make back responses depend on the hand’s position when a
the control design more fragile to model errors. Com- goal target changes location during reaching. In this
patible with these principles, previous studies have sug- experiment, visual target perturbations were intro-
gested that motor performance is altered to maintain duced at the start (early) or near the end of a reaching
performance or preserve movement smoothness in movement (late; figure 39.1A) in a task where subjects
conditions of higher uncertainty (Crevecoeur, McIntyre, were instructed to stop at a peripheral target. When the
Thonnard, & Lefèvre, 2010; Ronsse, Thonnard, Lefèvre, target location was perturbed early in the movement,
& Sepulchre, 2008). However, to our knowledge, the the participants corrected their hand path smoothly
trade-off between the efficiency and robustness of (figure 39.1B). In contrast, hand path corrections were
biological motor control and its influence on motor incomplete when the same perturbation was introduced
planning and execution has not been thoroughly late in the movement (figure 39.1B). Liu and Todorov
investigated. Given that internal models of body and suggested that the dependency of the correction upon

466 motor systems and action

the timing of the target jump was caused by the inher- control models, these results reveal that the motor
ent trade-off between end point accuracy and motor system selectively corrects for visual perturbations that
costs. In order to stop near the target, the controller jeopardize task performance while taking into consid-
became more sensitive to movement velocity than end eration the constraints of the task. The latency of
point accuracy, leading to consistent under-compensa- visuomotor corrections was consistently observed in
tion for target errors introduced at the end of the 150–230 ms (Franklin & Wolpert, 2008; Knill et al.,
reaching movement. This systematic under-compensa- 2011), which, after removing delays associated with
tion was reduced when the task instructions were to hit signal transmission, suggests the brain can rapidly
rather than stop at the target (figure 39.1B). Hitting the implement flexible feedback responses after a perturba-
target removes the constraint on final hand velocity and tion. In the following section, we present results from
allows participants to fully correct for positional errors mechanical perturbation studies suggesting that flexi-
introduced near the target. ble feedback responses can be implemented in as little
Several other attributes of visuomotor control have as ∼50 ms when they are mediated by rapid changes in
been addressed in the context of target or cursor (i.e., limb afferent feedback.
hand feedback) jumps. In agreement with the princi-
ples of stochastic optimal control, several studies have Mechanical Perturbations Investigating how
shown that visual perturbation responses are modu- quickly the motor system implements flexible control
lated by the reliability of the cursor or target location strategies can provide important insight into the neural
(Izawa & Shadmehr, 2008; Körding & Wolpert, 2004), pathways involved in feedback control. Mechanical
by the shape of the goal target (Knill, Bondada, & perturbations offer a powerful means to address this
Chhabra, 2011), and by the relevance of the visual problem, because muscle afferent feedback evokes
cursor jump relative to the reaching target (Franklin & motor responses on a time scale of tens of milliseconds.
Wolpert, 2008). As we mentioned earlier, the aim of In fact, when the limb is displaced by a mechanical
OFC models is not to eliminate all variability, but rather, perturbation, the motor system produces a stereotyped
allow it to accumulate in dimensions that do not inter- sequence of muscle activity, beginning with the short-
fere with performance (Todorov, 2004) while minimiz- latency stretch reflex (response epoch called R1:
ing it in dimensions that are relevant for task completion. 20–50 ms post-perturbation) and ending with a volun-
Knill and colleagues (2011) outlined the same type of tary response (>100 ms). The short-latency stretch
selective motor corrections during visuomotor control. reflex is the earliest of these responses, and due to its
Indeed, Knill and colleagues showed that motor correc- timing can be attributed to spinal processing. These
tions following lateral cursor jumps were nearly twice as spinal stretch responses are sensitive to joint motion but
large for rectangular targets oriented parallel to the show little of the functional complexity expressed
movement path compared to when the target was per- during voluntary behavior (Pruszynski, Kurtzer, & Scott,
pendicular to the reach. 2008).
Another clear example of flexible visuomotor control Between the short-latency and voluntary responses is
is when subjects reach in the presence of visual pertur- the long-latency stretch response (R2/R3: 50–105 ms
bations that may or may not affect reaching perfor- post-perturbation), which includes responses gener-
mance (Franklin & Wolpert, 2008). Franklin and ated from multiple neural substrates (Pruszynski,
Wolpert characterized these selective corrections by Kurtzer, & Scott, 2011), including spinal (Ghez &
unexpectedly shifting hand feedback during point-to- Shinoda, 1978; Matthews, 1984; Schuurmans et al.,
point reaching movements. The hand cursor distur- 2009) and supraspinal pathways (Evarts, 1973; Phillips,
bance either persisted until the end of movement 1969). A robust observation in motor physiology studies
(relevant) or returned to the veridical hand location is that feedback corrections in the long-latency time
before the end of the movement (irrelevant, figure window exhibit remarkable flexibility and can be modi-
39.2D). By shifting the visual cursor location, it was fied by the subject’s voluntary intent (Crago, Houk, &
shown that the motor system selectively corrects hand Hasan, 1976; Hammond, 1956; Rothwell, Traub, &
feedback perturbations that affect the outcome of the Marsden, 1980) or the demands of an ongoing motor
task (figure 39.2E), while ignoring perturbations that action (see Hasan, 2005; Matthews, 1991; Pruszynski &
do not affect performance (figure 39.2F). Scott, 2012, for a comprehensive review).
In summary, visuomotor perturbation studies have As we mentioned earlier, OFC models suggest the
shown that the brain produces distinct feedback ability to alter feedback responses to a mechanical per-
responses when the same perturbation is encountered turbation is a direct consequence of task-dependent
in different behavioral contexts. Consistent with optimal sensorimotor processing (Scott, 2004). Nashed and

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 467
Task-relevant Task-irrelevant
A Normal feedback feedback


Position [cm]

35 cm


m -4 0 4 -4 0 4 -4 0 4
40 c

Position [cm]
3 Pre-normal Task-relevant Post-normal
B feedback
10 Target
Lateral position [cm]

Mean force [N]

Undershoot [cm]
1 Stop
5 1

Hit 0
0 200 400 600 800 Early Late 1 14 1 14 1 14
Time [ms] Perturbation Trial blocks
F 3 Pre-normal Task-irrelevant Post-normal
10 Target
Lateral position [cm]

Mean force [N]

Undershoot [cm]

5 Stop 1

Hit 0
0 200 400 600 800 Early Late 1 14 1 14 1 14
Time [ms] Perturbation Trial blocks

Figure 39.2 Visuomotor responses account for the goal of are relevant to the ongoing task. In the normal condition, the
the ongoing task. (A) Subjects were instructed to reach and hand feedback cursor reproduced the hand trajectory. In the
stop at a target (“stop” condition) that either stayed in the task-relevant feedback condition (orange traces), the visual
central location or jumped in the lateral direction after the cursor moved away from the hand trajectory and remained at
start of the movement. Data are the population average tra- this point for the rest of the movement. In contrast, in the
jectories when participants were instructed to stop at the task-irrelevant feedback condition (blue traces), the hand
target. Color code: black, baseline; red, early perturbation; feedback cursor moved away from the hand trajectory but
blue, late perturbation. (B) Hand path deviation in the direc- returned to the true hand position by the end of the move-
tion of the displaced target. Note that subjects were unable to ment. (E) Time course of adaptation to task-relevant feedback
compensate when the target jumped late in the movement, perturbations. Data are the mean (solid line) and standard
demonstrating that feedback responses depend on the task deviation (shaded region) force difference across subjects
constraints. Color scheme is the same as in A. Dashed lines, between right and left visual perturbations (180–230 ms after
“hit” condition; solid lines, “stop” condition. (C) Results from cursor jump). Note that subjects produced larger corrections
target intercept experiment. In this experiment, the target when the cursor displacements were relevant to the ongoing
jumped laterally and then moved downward at a fixed rate. task. (F) Time course of adaptation to task-irrelevant feedback
The subjects were instructed to “stop” or “hit” the target perturbations. Note that subjects did not adapt when the
before it stopped moving. (Adapted from Liu & Todorov, perturbations were irrelevant to the ongoing task. (Adapted
2007.) (D) Visuomotor responses only correct for errors that from Franklin & Wolpert, 2008.) (See color plate 35.)

468 motor systems and action

One-cursor task: One-cursor task:
C mirror perturbations matching perturbations
A Pert.
6 R1R2 R3

ΔEMG [au]
Actual Cursor
Unperturbed 0 Hand X position (cm) Mirror
x reaching –50 0 50 100 150 D E 10 R1 R2 R3
2 cm Matching
Left hand Right hand
Perturbed Time [ms] 8
–100 –10 –5 0 5 10

EMG [au]
B 0 4

3 2
R1 R2 R3
100 0

ΔEMG [au]

Time [ms]
−50 0 50 100 150 200 250

ΔEMG [au]
0 1
–50 0 50 100 150
Time [ms] 400 0
−50 0 50 100 150 200 250
Time [ms]

Figure 39.3 Corrective responses to mechanical perturba- perturbation. (Adapted from Nashed et al., 2012.) (C) Cor-
tions applied during reaching and postural control. (A) Dif- rective responses in a bimanual postural control task. In the
ferences in corrective responses while reaching to a circle mirror perturbation condition (left panel), the hands are
target (left panel) or rectangular bar (middle panel). Black perturbed in opposite directions (black arrows). In the match-
dotted lines are unperturbed reaching movements to each ing perturbations condition (right panel), the hands are
target shape. Extensor perturbations were applied at the perturbed in the same direction (gray arrows), causing dis-
shoulder and elbow on random trials to elicit elbow motion placement of the feedback cursor that is displayed at the
just after movement onset. Corrective responses were rapidly spatial average position of the two hands. (D) Lateral hand
directed back to the circular target (black solid lines), but in path kinematics. Thin lines correspond to individual subject
contrast, were directed to new locations on the rectangular data; thick lines denote the population average for each
bar (gray lines). Note that differences between corrections condition. Color scheme is the same as in C. Shaded box is
can be observed in brachioradialis stretch responses (popula- the acceptable target region. (E) Pectoralis major stretch
tion data, elbow flexor) within ∼60 ms of the perturbation (R2 responses in the mirror (black lines) and matching conditions
and R3; right panel). Vertical lines denote perturbation onset, (gray lines). Data are the population average response, and
and dashed lines denote separation of the different phases of shaded region corresponds to the SEM. Bottom panel is the
the stretch response. (B) Differences in corrective responses difference between stretch responses in the matching and
while reaching to a rectangular bar occluded by environmen- mirror conditions (Matching – Mirror). Dotted line denotes
tal objects (left panel) and an unoccluded rectangular bar average difference across participants, shaded region is the
(middle panel). Corrective responses directed the hand SEM. Note that differences in muscle stretch responses
between the objects to the target (black solid lines), but emerge ∼75 ms after the perturbation, demonstrating that
directed the hand to new locations on the unoccluded rect- right limb responses depend on feedback about the left arm’s
angular bar (gray lines). Note that the stretch response motion. (Adapted from Omrani et al., 2013.)
begins to reflect the target shape ∼60 ms after the

colleagues (2012) recently investigated whether long- redirected their hand to new locations on the bar.
latency responses selectively correct for task-relevant Similar context-dependent responses were evoked
errors while subjects made reaching movements to a when obstacles in the environment required that the
circular target or rectangular bar oriented perpendicu- participants navigate to the target through a narrow
lar to the reach (figure 39.3A). On certain trials, a channel (figure 39.3B). These behavioral results were
mechanical perturbation was applied to displace the reproduced by an optimal feedback control model with
hand in the lateral direction. When the perturbation differing sensitivity to lateral hand errors. Further, the
pushed the hand away from the circular target, the model predicted that the shape of the goal target should
participants performed rapid corrective responses to influence the feedback response as early as sensory
direct their hand back to the target. In contrast, when feedback about the perturbation became available. In
the same perturbation was applied while subjects agreement with these model predictions, differences in
reached to the rectangular bar, the participants muscle responses between tasks were observed in as

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 469
little as 70 ms following the perturbation, establishing Studies have since confirmed that sensory informa-
that rapid motor corrections (i.e., long-latency responses) tion from one limb in both reaching (Mutha & Sain-
integrate muscle stretch information with knowledge burg, 2009) and posture (Dimitriou, Franklin, &
about the behavioral goal and spatial features of the Wolpert, 2012; Omrani, Diedrichsen, & Scott, 2013)
environment (Nashed et al., 2012). rapidly modifies corrective responses in the other limb
during the long-latency time window. When the two
Flexible Bimanual Feedback Control In the hands control independent cursors and are perturbed
context of sudden mechanical perturbations, Marsden in opposite directions, robust long-latency responses
and colleagues (Marsden, Merton, & Morton, 1981) are observed in both arms to counter the perturbation
first outlined the task dependency of interlimb responses, (Omrani et al., 2013). In contrast, long-latency stretch
noting that long-latency muscle stretch responses in the responses are substantially smaller when the two hands
right arm after left arm perturbations reflected the task are perturbed in opposite directions while controlling
the right arm was performing. If the right arm held a a single cursor displayed at the spatial average position
table for support, the extensors were activated to stabi- of the two hands. In this context, corrective responses
lize the participant following the left arm perturbation. are unnecessary because the position of the single feed-
Remarkably, subjects even reversed their corrective back cursor is not disturbed by the perturbation. When
responses and activated the flexor muscles of the right the direction of the left arm perturbation was not pre-
arm if they had to stabilize a cup of tea. Perhaps the dictable, stretch responses in the right arm depended
most powerful example of how the task modulates on proprioceptive input from the left arm in the one-
interlimb feedback responses is that muscle responses cursor condition, and were larger if both arms were
were absent if the subject grasped a loose handle and perturbed in the same direction (figure 39.3C, D, and
benefitted little from right arm responses. The coordi- E). These differential feedback responses were not
nated responses observed in the muscles of the unper- observed when each hand controlled its own indepen-
turbed arm clearly emphasize that online feedback dent cursor. Why should the brain distribute corrective
control is not hard-wired but can be engaged at will, responses when several effectors are involved in the
depending on the context and on the intended task? Optimal feedback control predicts this behavioral
behavior. pattern, since dividing the response across effectors
Bimanual control therefore provides a remarkable reduces the effort and variability of motor corrections
tool to address how sophisticated feedback control can (Diedrichsen & Dowling, 2009).
be distributed across different body parts. Motivated by
the capacity of OFC models to exploit many different Internal Models of Multijoint Dynamics We
ways to attain the same movement goal (i.e., task redun- have so far focused on evidence that the motor system
dancy), recent studies have examined feedback correc- continuously processes sensory data to generate task-
tions in bimanual tasks by comparing motor responses dependent feedback responses. It is important to
when the two arms act independently or are coupled recognize, however, that task-dependent feedback
by the task demand. A compelling example of this flex- responses can only be achieved if the motor system has
ibility is when one hand is gradually perturbed in a task knowledge of how the body should move in response
that requires bimanual reaching movements (Diedrich- to external forces that arise from our environmental
sen, 2007). If each hand controls its own cursor while interactions or forces generated by muscles. An impor-
reaching to separate targets (two-cursor task), only the tant feature of body dynamics is the presence of interac-
perturbed hand shows a corrective response. However, tion torques between joints that require coordinated
when the two arms control a single cursor (one-cursor multijoint responses to control the motion at each
task), displayed as the spatial average position of the joint. Extensive evidence has shown that the voluntary
two hands, perturbations applied to one hand elicit motor system compensates for these interaction torques
bilateral responses to correct the cursor’s trajectory to produce straight reaching movements (Gribble &
(Diedrichsen, 2007). These flexible responses were Ostry, 1999; Hollerbach & Flash, 1982), but an interest-
reproduced by expressing the task constraints (Qt in Eq. ing question is whether corrective responses also reflect
7) for each hand independently, or as the average of knowledge of limb mechanics.
the two hands. The flexibility of bilateral corrections is Previous work emphasized that mechanical perturba-
not restricted to changes in the size of the response, as tions evoked rapid responses in muscles that are not
even the direction of these coordinated responses can directly stretched by the perturbation, suggesting that
be reversed if required by the task (Diedrichsen & coordinated motor responses occur in the long-latency
Gush, 2009). time window (Gielen, Ramaekers, & van Zuylen, 1988;

470 motor systems and action

A Applied multijoint torques C
Flexor (F) Extensor (E) R1 R2 R3

Post. Delt. EMG [au]

τe 5 (F)
ο 3
τs 1
PD (E)
–50 0 50 100 150
B 8 60
Elbow (F)
ΔJoint Angle [deg]

4 50

Firing Rate [Hz]

0 Responding to
underlying torque
–4 20
(E) (E)
10 Nonspecific response
–25 0 50 100 0 ~20~50 100 200
Time [ms] Time [ms]

Figure 39.4 Long-latency responses express knowledge of although there was no change in the length of the posterior
multijoint limb mechanics. (A) Subjects were instructed to deltoid muscle, there is still a robust long-latency response
maintain their hand at a central target, and step-torque per- (excitatory and inhibitory). Data are the population-level
turbations were applied to the shoulder and elbow joints muscle response, and shaded region corresponds to SEM.
(flexor torques at both joints, dark gray shading and denoted Same color scheme as in A and B. (Adapted from Kurtzer et
by (F), extensor torques at both joints, light gray shading and al., 2008.) (D) Population-level response of shoulder-like M1
denoted by (E)). Stretch responses were recorded from the neurons. Shoulder-like neurons respond to the underlying
posterior deltoid muscle (PD) (B) Limb configuration and shoulder torque even though local information from the
applied multijoint torques were selected to cause substantial shoulder is ambiguous about the underlying torque. Note that
elbow motion (dashed lines) but minimal shoulder motion the response to the underlying torque begins about 50 ms
(solid lines). (C) Posterior deltoid (shoulder extensor) after the onset of the shoulder and elbow perturbations.
muscle activity aligned on perturbation onset. Note that (Adapted from Pruszynski et al., 2012.)

Soechting & Lacquaniti, 1988). The question of whether shoulder and elbow joints onto a response that is appro-
these responses relate to limb dynamics was recently priate for the actual underlying torque rather than the
addressed by applying different combinations of pertur- observed motion pattern.
bations to the shoulder and elbow. In one experiment, It is important to emphasize that OFC as a theory of
multijoint loads applied to the shoulder and elbow did motor behavior can only tell us what the optimal motor
not produce motion at the shoulder but led to either solution should look like. The studies presented above
flexion or extension motion at the elbow (Kurtzer, highlight feedback responses that possess an impressive
Pruszynski, & Scott, 2008, 2009; figure 39.4A, B, and C). degree of flexibility and can be modified to suit the
The authors found that there was no short-latency needs of many behavioral tasks. It has been demon-
muscle stretch response in the posterior deltoid, a strated that long-latency stretch responses are modified
shoulder extensor, highlighting that this spinal reflex is in different dynamic environments (Ahmadi-Pajouh,
not elicited without overt motion at the joint (figure Towhidkhah, & Shadmehr, 2012; Kimura & Gomi, 2009;
39.4B, C). In contrast, the long-latency response Krutky, Ravichandran, Trumbower, & Perreault, 2010),
(50–105 ms post-perturbation) integrated motion infor- and a direct prediction is that corrective responses
mation from both joints and generated a large response should be modulated by the novel dynamical context.
in the posterior deltoid to counter the shoulder flexor Changes in corrective responses to a gradual perturba-
torque, even though there was no motion at the joint tion have been observed over longer time scales
(figure 39.4C). These results clearly showed that (Wagner & Smith, 2008). A recent study shows that
rapid motor corrections map the sensed motion of the long-latency responses also express knowledge of

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 471
internal models acquired during motor learning (Cluff responses contribute to volitional control of the limb
& Scott, 2013). This result emphasizes that adaptive during the long-latency time window. This idea was
changes to novel dynamics alter voluntary behavior and recently tested in a study examining whether the trans-
rapid feedback responses. cortical feedback pathway through M1 exhibits knowl-
In summary, the studies outlined above emphasized edge of the limb’s biomechanical properties (Pruszynski
the following principles: (1) upper-limb postural control et al., 2011) using the paradigm developed by Kurtzer
and reaching involve continuous sensory processing; et al. (2008). The authors applied different combina-
(2) feedback control processes selectively compensate tions of shoulder and elbow torques evoking flexor or
for errors that interfere with the ongoing task, produc- extensor motion at the elbow and no motion at the
ing motor strategies appropriate for the movement shoulder. As a result of these multijoint perturbation
goal; (3) these principles describe voluntary motor loads, shoulder motion (none, in this case) is ambigu-
behavior as well as responses to visual and mechanical ous about the applied perturbation, and the motor
perturbations; and (4) sophisticated feedback responses system can only appropriately counter the underlying
emerge ∼50–60 ms following a mechanical perturba- torque by taking elbow motion into consideration. The
tion, coinciding with the long-latency stretch response. responses of shoulder-related neurons in MI were found
to appropriately respond to the applied load at ∼50 ms,
M1 as part of a flexible feedback controller about 15 ms before long-latency responses were
recorded in shoulder muscles (figure 39.4D).
A robust observation across the studies outlined above How this transcortical feedback pathway resolves this
is that short-latency responses (∼20–50 ms) are pre- multijoint integration problem is unclear. One clue is
dominantly sensitive to muscle stretch (Pruszynski & that the earliest activity in MI, from 20 to 50 ms after a
Scott, 2012), whereas task-dependent responses consis- perturbation, does not reflect specific features of the
tently emerge in the long-latency time window (∼50– perturbation (figure 39.4D). That is, regardless of per-
100 ms). Long-latency responses coincide with the turbation direction, all neurons sensitive to shoulder or
contribution of long-loop mechanisms, including a elbow motion display similar responses until 50 ms after
transcortical pathway through M1 (Cheney & Fetz, the perturbation is applied. This may suggest that M1
1984; Desmedt, 1978; Matthews, 1991). Indeed, single- requires ∼30 ms to identify the appropriate response, or
unit recordings in monkeys indicate that M1 receives that knowledge of limb mechanics is computed else-
somatosensory feedback (Evarts & Fromm, 1977; Scott where in sensorimotor circuits. Several brain regions
& Kalaska, 1997) or mechanical perturbations (Herter, that receive sensory feedback from the limb project to
Korbel, & Scott, 2009; Picard & Smith, 1992). More- M1, including primary somatosensory cortex, parietal
over, human studies using transcranial magnetic stimu- area 5, and cerebellum (Fromm & Evarts, 1982; Martin,
lation emphasize a causal link between M1 processing Cooper, Hacking, & Ghez, 2000; Mason, Miller, Baker,
and long-latency stretch responses, since motor cortex & Houk, 1998). There was considerable interest in
stimulation disrupts the task-dependent features of examining how brain regions including M1 responded
long-latency responses (Capaday, Forget, Fraser, & to sensory feedback in the 1970s (for a review, see
Lamarre, 1991; Day, Riescher, Struppler, Rothwell, & Desmedt, 1978), but since then the role of sensory feed-
Marsden, 1991; Kimura, Haggard, & Gomi, 2006, but back in M1 processing has received little attention from
see also Shemmell, An, & Perreault, 2009). Given the the scientific community. Given the tight link between
involvement of M1 in the generation of voluntary voluntary control and sensory feedback processing, the
behavior (Porter & Lemon, 1993) and rapid feedback use of OFC as a framework to understand voluntary
pathways, this brain region is a clear candidate to motor control has led to a renewed interest in how dif-
implement flexible feedback control strategies (Scott, ferent cortical and subcortical circuits participate in
2004). feedback processing for motor control (Scott, 2012).
A number of neurophysiological studies in nonhu-
man primates have highlighted that a transcortical feed- Conclusion
back through M1 provides important task-dependent
processing following mechanical perturbations. In a We have argued that OFC is a powerful tool for under-
seminal study, Evarts and Tanji (1976) found that within standing biological motor control and that it has shed
40 ms of an upper limb perturbation, the responses of light on many of the complexities the brain must con-
pyramidal tract neurons differ depending on whether sider to move successfully in the presence of neural
the monkey was instructed to push or pull a handle. variability or environmental disturbances. Perhaps the
The authors suggested that these task-dependent neural most important contribution of OFC in movement

472 motor systems and action

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muscles. J Neurosci, 14(12), 7529–7540. Wolpert, D. M., & Kawato, M. (1998). Multiple paired
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correction, sensory prediction, and adaptation in motor 11(7–8), 1317–1329.
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ation of the electromyographic responses to multidirectional

crevecoeur, cluff and scott: goal-directed movement planning and execution 475
40 Multineuronal Views of
Information Processing

ABSTRACT Cognitive neuroscientists have only recently gained the interactions between pairs of neurons. Their tech-
the ability to record from many neurons at once while animals nique, cross-correlation (now often called synchrony),
behave. The multineuronal view of information processing
involved measuring the probability of neuron 2 firing
provides new insights into the collective action of neurons.
Some of the principles emerging from these studies are (1) an action potential with respect to the time when
there is flexibility in the exchange of information between neuron 1 fires (figure 40.1). Connectivity schemes such
brain areas; (2) populations of neurons together embody as direct excitation, direct inhibition, shared excitation,
underlying computational structures; (3) neurons are active and shared inhibition could be inferred from the shape
in response to specific patterns of synaptic input, and these of the cross-correlation histogram. The central opera-
input patterns can provide a more accurate description of
neural “tuning” than do external covariates. A fuller under- tion is
standing of how neural networks transform and manipulate C(τ) = ∑ S A (t )S B (t + τ), (1)
information is emerging from the perspectives provided by t
multineuronal recording techniques and the computational where C is the cross-correlation histogram (or correlo-
tools being developed to interpret multineuronal data.
gram) and S is the time of action potentials from one
neuron. The time lag between action potentials from
Neuroscience has made tremendous strides in discover- the two cells is τ. Note that this equation is nearly identi-
ing how the sensory environment and ensuing actions cal to a convolution (differing only by a sign). The
are represented by individual neurons. The question of cross-correlation measures how similar two signals are
how information is transformed as it flows through the over a range of temporal offsets. C is constructed for
brain is just as important, but we know far less about it. each individual trial, then averaged over trials and cor-
Understanding how neural information is altered, elab- rected for chance to yield correlograms like those in
orated, and refined—essentially, neural computation— figure 40.1. The appearance of a peak in a correlogram
requires observing more than one neuron at a time. can indicate an interaction between two neurons, but
This chapter surveys the history of multineuronal Carlos Brody (1999) pointed out that such plots must
investigations of the brain. We begin with paired record- be interpreted with caution. Peaks can appear spuri-
ings and the work of George Gerstein and his colleagues ously, for example, if two neurons that are not actually
in the 1960s. They introduced the first tools to probe connected respond to the same stimulus, or are oscil-
information flow between pairs of neurons. Next we lating in unison. Statistical techniques and a dose of
survey other paired-recording techniques and what they good judgment can help resolve whether a peak in a
have contributed to our understanding of the neural correlogram actually indicates neural connectivity.
mechanisms of sensory, motor, and cognitive processes.
Then we move beyond pairwise interactions to consider Some Applications of Cross-Correlation Reid
recently introduced multineuronal recording and anal- and Alonso (1995) used the cross-correlation technique
ysis techniques, and the new perspectives on neuronal to examine connectivity between the lateral geniculate
information processing that they are enabling. The nucleus and the primary visual cortex. They discovered
chapter concludes with a perspective on the types of that the connections between these areas were highly
questions whose answers might be near at hand using specific: they were tightly constrained to overlapping
multielectrode techniques. receptive field locations and matching light-dark polar-
ity. Even when a correlation was present, it was fairly
Paired recording techniques weak: the probability of a V1 spike appearing in response
to the spike of a particular lateral geniculate nucleus
Cross-Correlation Perkel, Gerstein, and Moore cell was less than 8%. It is reasonable to expect the
(1967) introduced a statistical framework to analyze lateral geniculate nucleus–to-V1 projection to be one of

batista: multineuronal views of information processing 477

p (B spikes) p (A spikes)

Time since A spiked Time since A spiked



Figure 40.1 Covariogram shapes and the connectivity they The autapse in the schematic symbolizes any influence (direct
imply. (A) Direct excitation; (B) direct inhibition; (C) shared or indirect) that A has on itself. The dashed lines show the
excitation from an unobserved third neuron; (D) an autocor- null hypothesis of independence between the cells, con-
relation reveals oscillations. The large peak at 0 is suppressed. structed by shuffling data across trials.

the stronger feedforward pathways in the nervous confirmed and extended earlier observations (Riehle,
system. Although the specificity of connectivity between Grun, Diesmann, & Aertsen, 1997), using a related
the areas is perhaps not surprising, the weakness of the technique called unitary event analysis, of coincident
connection strength between particular neurons is a spiking in M1 that conveyed information about the cog-
surprise. nitive aspects of movement.
At the opposite pole of the nervous system—motor For many years, synchronized oscillations have been pro-
output—a technique conceptually related to cross- posed to serve a special role in cortical function. The
correlation has been used to illustrate connectivity in demonstration of synchronized oscillations between a
the motor system. In the spike-triggered average technique, pair of cells relies on the cross-correlation technique.
electromyographic (EMG) activity is recorded along Synchrony is the tendency for two cells to fire together—
with the activity of a neuron in primary motor cortex that is, to bear a significant correlation at a time lag
(M1). When EMG signals are aligned on the time of near zero. An oscillation, of course, is the tendency for
spiking of an M1 cell, a distinct peak sometimes emerges a single neuron to fire at a particular frequency. If the
after activity has been averaged over thousands of autocorrelation of a cell is plotted (figure 40.1D), where
spikes. M1 neurons that can be shown in this manner SB in Eq. 1 is replaced with SA, oscillations appear as
to cause EMG activity are termed corticospinal (CS) cells. periodic side bands. When the cross-correlation between
They project to the spinal cord, and as such they provide two neurons reveals periodic side bands, it indicates a
more direct control of muscles and movements than do synchronized oscillation between those cells. Charlie
other cortical neurons. A special subclass of CS cells Gray and colleagues (Gray, König, Engel, & Singer,
consists of the corticomotoneuronal (CM) cells. These 1989) found that visual cortex neurons exhibit synchro-
project directly to the motor neurons in the spinal cord. nized oscillations that might function in the integration
They are best identified anatomically, but physiological of separate visual features into a cohesive image. The
evidence for them comes from short-latency peaks in electroencephalographic (EEG) signal is a consequence
the spike-triggered averaged EMG signal. CM cells may of large-scale synchronized oscillations among popula-
be essential for the dextrous control of the fingers tions of neurons.
(Bortoff & Strick, 1993).
An important open question is whether correlations Coherence Methods Cross-correlation studies gen-
among neurons carry information beyond what is con- erally reveal fairly weak interactions between pairs of
veyed by the activity of the neurons taken individually. neurons, even when they are near each other. Typically
To this end, investigators have related the presence of very few neuron pairs exhibit synchronous spiking,
enhanced correlation to the neural encoding of sensory whether they are examined in sensory (Smith et al.,
(Panzeri, Schultz, Treves, & Rolls, 1999) and motor 2013) or motor (Jackson, Gee, Baker, & Lemon, 2003)
events. For example, Nicho Hatsopoulos and colleagues cortex. The scarcity of synchronized neurons is surely
(Hatsopoulos, Ojakangas, Paninski, & Donoghue, 1998) exacerbated when the two neurons are not in the same
applied cross-correlation to neurons recorded in M1. brain area. Coherence analysis improves on the resolving
They observed synchrony between pairs of neurons that power of cross-correlation by examining the correla-
carried information about the timing of movement, tion within specific frequency bands separately. For
beyond what was evident in individual cells. This rhythmic neural phenomena, such as the local field

478 motor systems and action

potential (LFP), this is manifestly a good idea. LFP is an which holds that information is passed through the
aggregate measure of neural activity recorded with a firing rates of neurons. He proposes instead that
sharp electrode. LFP probably reflects synaptic poten- the “communication through coherence” scheme is the
tials and local membrane dynamics as well as action main mode of information transfer in the nervous
potentials of cells near as well as distant from the elec- system.
trode tip (Buzsaki, Anastassiou, & Koch, 2012). The How are coherent oscillations orchestrated? Saal-
physiological basis of the LFP is probably close to the mann and colleagues (Saalmann, Pinsk, Wang, Li, &
mechanisms that generate EEG signals. Like EEG, LFP Kastner, 2012) provided strong evidence that the thala-
signals exhibit power at specific frequency bands, mus provides that orchestration. Using coherence
which probably reflect local excitatory-inhibitory methods, they found that attention modulates synchro-
circuit resonances and long-range reverberant circuits. nized oscillations between cortical areas in the alpha
Sensory, motor set, motor execution, and cognitive band (around 10 Hz), which could in turn entrain activ-
functions modulate LFP power in specific frequency ity in the gamma range (around 40 Hz), classically affili-
bands (Kilavik, Zaepffel, Brovelli, MacKay, & Riehle, ated with visual attention. That synchrony between
2013; Rickert, 2005), which are similar between LFP cortical areas was mediated at least in part by a particu-
and EEG measurements, further suggesting a connec- lar region of the thalamus, the pulvinar. The authors
tion between these processes. identified the portion of the pulvinar that was anatomi-
In a coherogram, the coherency between two signals cally connected with cortical areas using diffusion
(that is, the degree to which they are phase-aligned) is tensor imaging, a noninvasive magnetic resonance
plotted as a function of frequency. Coherency can imaging–based technique that can reveal anatomical
evolve over time, according to task events, thus cohero- connectivity in a living brain. Neurons in this region
grams have two independent axes (time and frequency), were activated by attention, and they also exhibited
with the amplitude of coherency on the dependent axis coherent oscillations with cortical areas. Thus, cortical
(figure 40.2A). synchronization during attention appears to be orches-
trated by the pulvinar.
Some Applications of Coherence Methods Coher-
ency can reveal communication between disparate cor- Identified Neurons In his second career as a neuro-
tical areas. That communication can depend on the scientist, the great Francis Crick was known to interrupt
animal’s cognitive set. Evidence for this includes a study seminar speakers with one innocent question: “The
by Pesaran, Nelson, and Andersen (2008) in which they neurons whose properties you just described for us—
measured the coherency between spiking activity in the can you tell us where they project?” The question was
premotor cortex and the local field potential recorded intended as a rallying cry: physiology is more meaning-
in parietal cortex. They compared the coherency in a ful within the context of anatomy. If we find a signal in
task where a monkey was free to search among several the brain, or a range of signals within one cortical area,
possible targets for a reward, and a task where the how well does that finding serve our understanding of
animal had to touch the targets in a particular sequence brain function unless we also know where those neurons
to receive its reward. Coherency was greater under free project? That question has a complement: to under-
search (figure 40.2A, left panel). The authors posit that stand how response properties emerge in a neuron, we
this increase in coherency is the signature of a more must know something about the neurons that drive it.
tightly orchestrated exchange of information between Structure/function relationships were key to under-
the areas during the more difficult decision-making standing DNA, as they will be to understanding sensory,
task. motor, and cognitive functions, perhaps even conscious-
This result is consistent with a theory of neural com- ness itself (Crick & Koch, 2005).
munication through coherence proposed by Pascal Often, a diversity of neural signals coexist in a cortical
Fries (2005). Fries argued that neuronal coherence area. Primary visual cortex contains neurons responsive
may underlie the flexible exchange of information to different aspects of the visual scene (Van Essen,
between cortical areas in a variety of contexts. Coher- Anderson, & Felleman, 1992). Neurons in the lateral
ence may serve to open and close “windows” of informa- bank of the intraparietal sulcus (area LIP), a portion of
tion transfer, with different frequency bands providing the parietal (“association”) cortex, reflect visual atten-
for communication between different brain areas, or tion (Bisley & Goldberg, 2003; Liu, Yttri, & Snyder,
for different cognitive processes; for example, attention 2010) as well as motor planning (Liu, Yttri, & Snyder
(Fries, Reynolds, Rorie, & Desimone, 2001). Fries 2010; Snyder, Batista, & Andersen, 1997). Primary
argues against the classic view of neural communication motor cortex contains neurons that encode muscle

batista: multineuronal views of information processing 479

activity (Evarts, 1968; Kakei, Hoffman, & Strick, 1999) A
and movements (Georgopoulos, Schwartz, & Kettner,
1986; Kakei et al., 1999). It is tempting to speculate that
neurons with different functional properties make dis-
tinct projections. Also, we can reason that those differ-
ent properties might arise from different computations
on the same inputs. Testing these ideas requires a way
to identify neurons that project from one brain area to B
If we wish to know whether a neuron (“B” in figure
40.2B) under study receives input from another part of
the brain (area “1” in figure 40.2B), we can employ the
orthodromic test. We insert an electrode in area 1 and
deliver a single pulse of microstimulation through it. If
neuron B reliably fires an action potential at a brief and
consistent lag, that indicates that B receives synaptic
input from some neuron near the electrode tip in area
1. Note that using the cross-correlation and coherence C
techniques described above we can only infer the exis-
tence of a connection—other network topologies are
consistent with a significant correlation. The orthodromic
test is a causal test, and it can decisively demonstrate a
connection, although it is quite difficult to perform.
If we are recording from a neuron (“A” in figure
40.2B), and we wish to know whether it projects to area
2, we would use the antidromic test. By stimulating in area
“2,” we can record an action potential in neuron A. This
is because axons can be driven bidirectionally. In
normal nervous system function, neurons exhibit polar-
ity: action potentials are initiated at the soma and they
flow down the axon to the synapses. But, under micro-
stimulation, axons can sustain action potential move-
ment in the retrograde direction: depolarization at the
synapse generates an action potential, which flows up
the axon to the soma.
The antidromic test is evidence, but not proof, that E
neuron A projects to area 2. It might be that A receives
input from neurons in area 2. To distinguish between
those possibilities, we can use the collision test. It is the
same as the antidromic test, except microstimulation
on the electrode in area 2 is triggered by an action
potential in neuron A. When this happens, no action
potential is recorded from neuron A in response to the
microstimulation. I encourage you to pause here to
consider why this might be. The explanation is that fol-
Figure 40.2 Other pairwise measurements. (A) Cohero-
lowing the endogenous action potential, the axon is in grams plot the amplitude of the coherency between spiking
its refractory period due to the temporary inactivation activity in the premotor cortex and LFP in the parietal cortex.
of sodium channels. This prevents the retrograde Coherency is greater in the 15 Hz band when the monkey
passage of the stimulation-triggered action potential. freely selects targets in a foraging task than when his choices
Essentially, the two action potentials collide. are instructed (Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Pub-
lishers Ltd: Nature, from Pesaran et al., 2008). Identifying
projection neurons: (B) the orthodromic test; (C) the anti-
Some Applications of Identified Neuron Tech- dromic test; (D) the collision test. Stimulation on electrode 2
niques The tests described above allow investigators causes a spike in neuron A only if A has not spiked recently.
(E) Noise correlation. (See color plate 36.)

480 motor systems and action

to identify neurons that project to another area, or patience and dedication. These studies tend to have low
receive input from an area. In a heroic study, Marc yields. However, they provide detailed information
Sommer and Bob Wurtz (2006) used both the ortho- about how information is transformed as it flows
dromic test and the antidromic test to identify neurons between brain areas that cannot yet be attained using
in the thalamus that relay information from the supe- any other technique.
rior colliculus (the midbrain region responsible for
commanding saccadic eye movements) to the frontal Noise Correlation Of course, functional networks
eye fields in the cerebral cortex. They hypothesized that of neurons are large and contain many neurons that do
these “relay neurons” inform the cortex about impend- not bear a synaptic connection between them. If we
ing eye movements, perhaps to aid in perceptual stabil- wish to broaden our scope to investigate interactions
ity across eye movements. To test this, they reversibly between pairs of neurons that are not necessarily
inactivated the thalamus in the vicinity of those relay directly connected, we can use the noise correlation (or
neurons by injecting muscimol, which mimics the spike count correlation) technique (reviewed in Cohen &
inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Indeed, animals Kohn, 2011; Zohary, Shadlen, & Newsome, 1994). This
were not impaired in making saccades (presumably technique can detect interactions on broader time
because the pathway from the frontal eye fields to the scales than those typically revealed by the cross-correla-
superior colliculus was still intact), but they were tion technique. It relies on the noise that is inherent in
impaired in keeping track of where their eyes ended up neural responses: when a neuron is presented with the
after the saccade: a second saccade after the first was same stimulus repeatedly, its responses are not identi-
inaccurate. The inaccuracy was consistently in a direc- cal. Trial-by-trial deviations from the average response
tion that would have been correct if the first saccade can be sizable—neural spiking is fairly well described as
had not occurred. a Poisson process, where the variance equals the mean.
In the first section above, we discussed how the cross- If two neurons are recorded simultaneously, their
correlation technique was used to show that projections responses may cofluctuate relative to their means: when
from the thalamus to the visual cortex were very precise. one neuron fires higher than its mean, the other
Tony Movshon and Bill Newsome (1996) used the anti- neuron might tend to fire higher (or lower) than its
dromic technique to show that projections are also own mean. This departure from independence is the
precise in one of the next stages in visual processing: noise correlation. It is taken to indicate the cells are
the projection from primary visual cortex to the motion- part of the same functional network. The noise correla-
sensitive extrastriate area MT. Among 745 V1 neurons tion is mathematically equal to the normalized area
they tested, twelve were identified as MT projection under the covariogram (Bair, Zohary, & Newsome,
neurons using the collision test. Those projection 2001), so the techniques are related, but they empha-
neurons were themselves sensitive to motion, but size different time scales of interaction. A significant
responded only to the motion of the component fea- noise correlation can occur even when no short–time
tures of the image, rather than to the motion of the scale interaction is evident between the neurons; in this
overall pattern. This indicates that area MT does not sense, it provides a more inclusive test for pairwise
compute motion information de novo from its inputs, interactions.
but rather computes richer motion information (i.e., The noise correlation rA, B is computed as the covari-
more closely resembling our motion percepts) from its ance between the neurons, normalized by their indi-
inputs: V1 cells which are themselves sensitive to motion. vidual deviations:
Only about one million cortical neurons project to cov(A, B )
the spinal cord. These special cells, the pyramidal tract rA , B = (2)
sd(A)sd(B )
neurons, are identified using the collision test. As part
of his classic studies that pioneered the technique of Some Applications of Noise Correlation One of
recording neural activity in awake, behaving primates, the most exciting applications of the noise correlation
Edward Evarts showed that pyramidal tract neurons cor- technique has been in revealing changes in functional
relate with muscle force. This led to the discovery, years circuitry due to context. It must be true that the nervous
later, that different populations of neurons in primary system can rapidly reconfigure the flow of information,
motor cortex coexist that carry information about the to flexibly enable responses suitable to the circum-
activity of muscles, and also about the direction of stances at hand. As a simple example, the sight of a
movements (Kakei et al., 1999). yellow traffic light might lead a driver to brake, or to
Using the collision test to identify neurons that accelerate, depending on factors having nothing to do
receive input from or project to another area requires with the visual stimulus. Marlene Cohen and Bill

batista: multineuronal views of information processing 481

Newsome (2008) showed that pairs of neurons in area A 2
MT change their functional coupling (as assessed
through context-dependent changes in their noise cor- 1
relation) based on the task instructions given to the
animal. The visual stimulus did not change, but the
manner in which the animal had to act upon the infor- 3
mation in the stimulus was altered, and that was suffi- B C

cient to change the network organization within

area MT. A A
Adam Kohn and Matt Smith (2005) conducted a
clever study that showed that brief–time scale interac-
tions between neurons (assessed using cross-correlation) B
and longer–time scale interactions (assessed with noise y(t–2) y(t–1) y(t)

correlation) can be decoupled, and thus they are dis-

tinct neural phenomena. While recording pairs of
neurons in V1, Kohn and Smith were able to change x(t–2) x(t–1) x(t)
the short–time scale correlation by changing the orien-
tation of the stimulus. This is consistent with the find-
ings described above of Reid and Alonso, and of
C ‘go’ cue
Movshon and Newsome, which showed that cross-
correlation is only present between neurons with pre-
cisely aligned tuning properties. As the visual stimulus Time

Latent dimension 2
was moved away from the region of common drive to
both neurons, the cross-correlation decreased. The
noise correlation was unaffected by changing orienta- Target
tion, but it was influenced by the contrast of the visual Movement
stimulus: noise correlation increased when visual con- onset
Latent dimension 1
trast decreased. The authors reason that the increase in
noise correlation with decreasing stimulus contrast
indicates the V1 network shifts from a stimulus-driven D
mode to a mode in which intrinsic network dynamics
dominate its activity.
A reflection before we leave the topic of pairwise
techniques. The noise correlation technique hinges on
the notion that the correlation between neurons is not
driven by a sensory stimulus, but rather by some under-
lying (unobserved) process that affects both cells. This
process need not be “noise” (that is, random and

Projection onto jPC 2 (a.u.)

Figure 40.3 Multineuronal interactions. (A) Visualizing

high-dimensional neural data. A point in seven-dimensional
space, and two 2D projections. 1, 2, 3, etc., represent the activ-
ity of individual neurons; A, B, and C are linear combinations
of the seven original axes. (B) Depiction of a simple latent
variable model. (C) “Neural trajectories” through state space.
Each line is an individual trial. (Adapted from Afshar et al., Projection onto jPC1
2011, with permission from Elsevier.) (D) Tuning in state
space. (Adapted from Broome et al., 2006, with permission
from Elsevier.) The arrow indicates the position in state space
for which the Kenyon cell is tuned. (E) Intrinsic dynamics in
motor cortex. (Adapted by permission from Macmillan Pub-
lishers Ltd: Nature, from Churchland et al., 2012.) (See color
plate 37.)

482 motor systems and action

uninteresting)—it could in fact be a meaningful signal; axes that best account for the data. The first principal
it is just one that is not under experimental control. By component (PC) captures the greatest variability in a
the time an external stimulus can affect a cortical data set. The second PC captures the greatest variability
neuron, it has passed through several stages of process- that remains in the data after the variability accounted
ing. The neural activity patterns originally generated by for by the first PC has been removed, and so on. For
the sensory stimulus have been combined, branched, N-dimensional data, N PCs exist, which together yield a
and transformed by the network action of neurons. complete accounting for the original data. They are just
Under these considerations, the extent to which mea- a rotation of the axes of the space in which the data
surable external covariates can explain the activity of a were collected. The beauty of PCA is that you can take
cortical neuron must be small. The meaningful driver just the first few PCs, and have a fairly accurate recon-
of neural activity is the activity of other neurons. Pair- struction of the original data, using far fewer parame-
wise techniques suggest this is the case. Direct evidence ters. You can “dial in” the fidelity with which you wish
for this perspective is presented below. to reconstruct the original data—you can determine
how many PCs it would take to account for (say) 95%
Multineuronal interactions of the original data. It is natural to think that the first
few principal components that account for the vast
So far we have considered interactions among pairs of majority of the data are capturing the essence of the
neurons. Modern multielectrode techniques allow the data set, and that further dimensions are mostly just
simultaneous recording of several hundred neural units fitting noise.
(Collinger et al., 2013; Ifft et al., 2013), and that number PCA may be the best-known dimensionality-reduc-
is growing steadily. What types of relationships might tion technique, but others exist, and may be more
we observe among dozens or hundreds of neurons? suited to the properties of the data. For example, locally
There are not many hypotheses yet about how they linear embedding (Roweis & Saul, 2000) and Isomap
might interact. Exploratory data visualization can help (Tenenbaum, de Silva, & Langford, 2000) provide
us build intuitions about multineuronal function, which better reconstructions of data sets that have strongly
can inspire novel hypotheses. nonlinear shape to them, for example, if the data lie
along a curved manifold. Factor analysis (Santhanam
Multineuronal Visualization Techniques To visu- et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2009) allows each neuron to have
alize the activity of a population of neurons of arbitrary its own noise properties, which given the Poisson-like
size, we can use state space tools (figure 40.3A). Imagine nature of neural firing (Dayan & Abbott, 2005) is a
the firing rate of a neuron is represented as a value justifiable and powerful provision. When factor analysis
along an axis. For two neurons, their firing rates viewed is combined with temporal smoothing (by assuming the
together is a point on a plane (e.g., figure 40.2E). The data evolve following a Gaussian process), a richly infor-
joint firing rate of N neurons is a point in an N- mative low-dimensional projection of the time course
dimensional space. When N = 3, we can plot the data of the data emerges. Ben Cowley, Byron Yu, and their
in a cube, and visualize it by rotating the cube using a colleagues (2013) recently developed a software visual-
computer with a fast graphics processor. ization suite that allows users to interact with high-
Beyond N = 3, we must project the data into a lower- dimensional data and rapidly hone in on interesting
dimensional space to visualize it. We could simply con- projections of those data. Their code is freely available,
sider all pairwise and three-way combinations of neurons and it comes with example data sets so that you can
in our population and view them one after another, but familiarize yourself with these powerful new tools.
surely there are more interesting projections of the
data. Suppose that two neurons are tightly correlated. Latent Variable Models In the sections that follow,
In that case it is not informative to view them both; we we discuss some of the principles of neural function
would rather view a slice through the N-dimensional that are emerging from multineuronal visualization
space where one axis is aligned with the comodulation techniques. But first an important theoretical tool is
of those neurons. If we extend this logic to correlations needed: the concept of a latent variable. Our ability to
among many neurons, we can ask which projections of reduce the dimensionality of neural data relies on the
multineuronal data are the most interesting and infor- fact that the neurons under study are correlated. Are
mative. Dimensionality reduction techniques suit this correlations good or bad? Some theoretical studies
objective—they can provide the maximally informative (e.g., Zohary et al., 1994) indicate that correlations
views of the original data. A well-known technique is reduce the information-carrying capacity of the brain
principal components analysis (PCA). It finds the set of (but see Averbeck & Lee, 2004, and Averbeck, Latham,

batista: multineuronal views of information processing 483

& Pouget, 2006, for a fuller treatment of the issue). latent states, y, and ultimately the traits of f that govern
Perhaps correlations are an undesirable but inevitable how the latent states evolve.
consequence of brain connectivity. The latent variable In his influential 1982 book, Vision, David Marr pro-
perspective offers an alternative view: correlations may posed that information processing can be described at
indicate that individual neurons together comprise three levels: The computational level expresses the goal
larger information-processing assemblies. Those assem- of the process. The algorithmic level describes the steps
blies, termed latent variables, may have properties of and rules by which the computation is performed. The
their own, which we can now begin to study. By this implementation level describes the physical operations
perspective, a set of latent variables govern information that instantiate the algorithm. Applying this hierarchy,
processing in the brain, and individual neurons provide we can posit that individual neurons implement the
only a noisy, narrow window into the properties of those algorithms of neural information processing, and those
latent variables. algorithms are best understood at the level of latent
We are already comfortable with the concept of latent variables. By this view, the dimensionality reduction
variables in other contexts. For example, imagine the techniques described above are not just visualization
pattern of pixel intensities on a television screen. They tools—they actually reveal deeper organization of
may not make much sense taken individually, but when neural information processing. The sections that follow
viewed together, it becomes evident that the movements will provide evidence for this view. In each example, a
of the actors and objects on the screen drive the activity multidimensional view is used to provide insight into
of individual pixels. The scene makes more sense when neural function that is not as readily apparent by observ-
we abstract away from the individual pixels and instead ing the activity of individual neurons.
focus on how the actors are moving. Another feature of A final note on latent variable models: they are
this analogy applies to multineuronal recordings: notice nothing new in neuroscience. Although the formaliza-
that it requires being able to image the individual pixels tion is fairly recent (Sahani, 1999), the concept has
well in order to be able to see how they comprise an been around for a long time. In 1986, Georgopoulos,
actor. If you watch television with your glasses off, it only Schwartz, and Kettner introduced the population vector
makes it harder to resolve the individual actors. It is algorithm (PVA). A collection of noisy, broadly tuned
only through the collective action of the well-resolved neurons can be combined using the PVA to reconstruct
components that the deeper principles can be appre- the precise direction in which an animal reaches. The
hended. Another intuitive example of a latent variable intended reach direction is the latent variable, and the
model is trying to understand the behavior of insects. activity of individual neurons each provides a noisy,
The flight path of an individual bee might not make narrow view of that process. Recently, Chase, Schwartz,
much sense on its own, but if the individuals comprising and Kass (2010) showed that when an animal’s intended
a swarm can be observed, their objectives are clearer. movement direction is taken as a latent variable, it pro-
Figure 40.3B depicts the notion of a latent variable vides a better fit to the motor cortex firing-rate data
model, using a simplified example, a hidden Markov than does the actual movement. This is a direct valida-
model. There is some internal process, y, that evolves tion of the latent variable perspective. In 1985, Moran
according to rules of its own. Periodically, y generates and Desimone reported that visual attention alters the
phenomena we can observe, x. The challenge then response properties of extrastriate neurons. Attention
becomes, given a history of observations of x, can we is a latent variable—it is a process that can be observed
infer the rules that govern y? Formally, only indirectly, through its effects on behavior and
    neural activity. Through careful studies of neural activ-
y(t ) = f [y(t − 1), y(t − 2), … , y(0)]
  ity and behavior, researchers have been able to describe
x (t ) = g (y(t )), (3)
the rules by which attention functions (Petersen &
where y evolves according to its own history and internal Posner, 2012).
dynamics, given by f. In most applications, the simplify-
ing assumption is made that f depends only on the Applications of Multineuronal Techniques
previous time step, but in general y at time t can depend
on its history; x are observations of y governed by g. In Single-trial analysis The vast majority of behavioral neu-
general x is of higher dimensionality than y (that is, roscience studies average over many repetitions of
there are more neurons than latent variables), and g quasi-identical trial conditions. In this way, subtle signals
injects some noise, so it is not a simple task to invert g can be discerned, and main trends emerge. However,
to get y from x. The objective of latent variable model- trial-to-trial variability is often large, and some impor-
ing is to peer through the observations, x, to infer the tant information can be subsumed by the mean

484 motor systems and action

response. In 2011, Afshar and colleagues examined To formalize the intuitions conveyed by these experi-
multineuronal activity during repeats of the same arm ments, we can use a generalized linear model (GLM)
movement without averaging them together. They framework. In a GLM, the activity of an individual
observed that the multineuronal population neural neuron is predicted based on three things: (1) external
activity followed a fairly stereotyped trajectory through covariates (e.g., the stimulus), (2) the activity of other
neural state space (figure 40.3C). The animal’s reaction neurons, and (3) the neuron’s own history. These
time in the task could be predicted based on the loca- models have found widespread use lately in explaining
tion in state space at the time the instruction was pro- responses in the retina (Pillow et al., 2008), visual cortex
vided. When population neural activity happened to be (Kelly, Kass, Smith, & Lee, 2010), premotor cortex
near a particular subregion of the state space, the (Zhao et al., 2011), and motor and sensory cortices
behavioral response was rapid. When neural activity was (Stevenson, 2008; Stevenson et al., 2012).
further from that optimal subregion, responses were Two overarching observations are emerging from
slower, as it took additional time for the neural activity GLM approaches. First, the responses of cortical
to reach the optimal subregion. Reaction times were neurons are explained predominantly by the activity of
not predicted as well when neurons were considered other cortical neurons; external covariates play far less
individually. Thus, the multineuronal view of neural of a role. Second, neurons are not all that noisy. When
activity yielded a stronger prediction of the reaction more explanatory signals are available, the amount of
time on individual trials than did conventional single- noise (that is, unexplained variability) exhibited by
neuron analyses. individual neurons is dramatically reduced. This obser-
vation is reminiscent of influential earlier studies on
Neurons are tuned to their inputs What causes a neuron single neurons that showed when the inputs to a neuron
to fire? Clearly, it is the activity of other neurons—the are precisely controlled and repeated, the cell’s response
collection of 1,000 or so cells that synapse onto it. is very consistent (Bair & Koch, 1996; Bialek, Rieke, de
However, most behavioral neuroscience studies provide Ruyter van Steveninck, & Warland, 1991; Mainen &
an account for the activity of neurons only in terms of Sejnowski, 1995).
external covariates: the visual image, or movement
kinematics. In the absence of being able to observe the Rich information can be extracted from populations of
neurons that impinge on a given neuron, our options neurons The previous section explained how seem-
are limited when it comes to providing an account of ingly complex tuning properties can be made simpler
neural responses. Now, with multineuronal recordings, by expressing them in the proper space—that of the
we can build more accurate predictions of neural impinging neurons, rather than external stimuli. The
responses. converse also appears to be true: seemingly complex
Broome, Jayaraman, and Laurent (2006) provided a responses of individual neurons can provide a basis
description of the tuning properties of neurons in the for extracting simple, useful information. Two groups
insect olfactory system. In locusts, odorant molecules working independently—Rigotti and colleagues (2013)
picked up by the antennae trigger activity in a distrib- and Mante and colleagues (2013)—observed that
uted population of “projection neurons” (PNs). The neurons in the prefrontal cortex exhibit complex and
PNs transmit information to a set of higher-order idiosyncratic tuning properties when examined indi-
neurons, the Kenyon cells (KCs). Although each KC vidually. However, when machine learning classifica-
receives input from a vast number of PNs, these cells tion techniques are applied to a population of PFC
have a low baseline firing rate and exhibit highly spe- neurons, simple and important parameters about the
cific and reliable responses to combinations of odor- task can be extracted. These studies argue that a popu-
ants. This two-stage circuit implements a transition lation of neurons each exhibiting complex and idio-
from a broadly distributed neural coding scheme to a syncratic tuning is required for the extraction of a
sparse coding scheme. How is the selectivity of the KCs diverse range of simple information. The information
achieved? The researchers were able to predict when a that is extracted can vary depending on the needs of
KC would fire based on the location in state space of the current circumstances (Mante et al., 2013). Neuro-
the population response of the PN cells (figure 40.3D). scientists tend to seek simple explanations for what
This description yielded a more robust explanation of causes a cell to fire; the view is emerging that it is actu-
KC activity than did tuning in the space of the odorants ally the neurons whose tuning properties elude simple
themselves. It appears that the KCs are each “tuned” to explanations that convey the most information. Cer-
specific configurations of firing rates across the popula- tainly, more evidence will be needed before this per-
tion of their input PNs. spective becomes widespread.

batista: multineuronal views of information processing 485

Neural networks have intrinsic dynamics Any physical patterns that would be driven by visual input. The fol-
system is bound to have its own intrinsic dynamics. A lowing year, Fiser, Chiu and Weliky (2004) verified these
notorious example of intrinsic dynamics is a resonant intrinsic dynamics in awake animals, and extended the
frequency—the rate at which a system is prone to oscil- findings to show that visual inputs act mostly by chang-
late, even if the driving input is very small. In manufac- ing the intrinsic dynamics of the visual cortex network.
tured systems ranging from headphones to bridges, An observation mentioned above made by Kohn and
good engineering design is required to predict and Smith (2005) supports this perspective. They saw that
control (and occasionally, to exploit) the resonances. noise correlation among V1 neurons increased as the
In the nervous system, uncontrolled resonances can stimulus contrast was reduced. They interpreted this as
lead to seizures. Even under normal conditions, the V1 moving back into a state where its activity is gov-
nervous system will oscillate at particular frequencies. erned by its own intrinsic dynamics.
These resonances result from phenomena across mul- It appears that activity in the brain is governed in part
tiple scales, from the ion channel composition in the by its own intrinsic dynamics, and when a stimulus
membranes of individual cells, to the inhibitory-excit- arrives, it interacts with those dynamics. In a large com-
atory topology of local networks, to the long recurrent parative study involving data collected in 13 cortical
loops that the cerebral cortex makes with subcortical areas, Mark Churchland and colleagues (2010) found
areas (Buzsaki et al., 2012). in all cortical areas they examined that the appearance
Even if they are an unavoidable artifact of physics and of a stimulus reduces the variability in neural activity.
network topology, oscillations in the brain accompany These observations of intrinsic dynamics interacting
useful functions, and may be integral to them. Oscilla- with driven activity are reminiscent of the important
tions around 40 Hz (“gamma”) have been linked exten- discovery of a default mode network in the human
sively to attention and cognition (Fries et al., 2001; brain (Raichle et al., 2001). A widespread network of
Jensen, Kaiser, & Lachaux, 2007). Oscillations in central intrinsic dynamics can be observed in positron emission
pattern-generator circuits generate useful behaviors tomography and functional MRI while subjects are at
such as locomotion and feeding (Marder & Calabrese, rest. This is a robust phenomenon, which has been
1996). Mark Churchland and colleagues (2012) argue confirmed in many studies. Cognitive tasks and sensory
that evolution has harnessed rhythmic oscillations to inputs reduce the activity in this rest state network grad-
implement nonrhythmic functions. They performed ually as the cognitive demands rise (Greicius, Krasnow,
multielectrode recordings in the motor and premotor Reiss, & Menon, 2003). The intrinsic dynamics of the
cortex of reaching monkeys. Low-dimensional projec- default mode network have a fascinating psychological
tions of the neural activity patterns revealed oscillatory correlate: they appear to be related to the experiential
structure (figure 40.3E). Those oscillations appeared to state of mind wandering (Mason et al., 2007).
stem from intrinsic network properties of the cortex
itself; neither the muscle activity nor the resulting Brain-computer interfaces A brain-computer interface
behavior were overtly rhythmic, although the study (BCI) is a technology designed to restore motor func-
demonstrated through simulations that these nonrhyth- tion to paralyzed individuals. A variety of neural signals
mic signals could be generated from the rhythmic corti- have successfully provided BCI control, including
cal activity they observed. EEG recordings (Wolpaw, Birbaumer, McFarland,
An intriguing additional observation made by Pfurtscheller, & Vaughan, 2002) and multielectrode
Churchland and colleagues is that the motor prepara- array recordings from humans (Collinger et al., 2013;
tory activity preceding the onset of the reach appears Hochberg et al., 2006) and monkeys (Gilja et al., 2012).
to initialize the dynamical system, allowing it to unfold Users can then control an external effector, such as a
along different neural paths to execute reaches in dif- robotic arm or a computer cursor. A BCI embodies the
ferent directions. Extrapolating from this view, not only latent variable standpoint—here the latent variable is
our behavior, but also our perceptual experience and the animal’s movement intention. The observed vari-
cognitive flexibility, may arise from the interplay ables are the firing rates of dozens of neurons. Our
between intrinsic neural dynamics and external drive. objective is to infer the movement intention from the
Primary visual cortex may also exhibit an interaction firing rates, so we can render their intentions back to
between intrinsic dynamics and external drive. Tal the subject as the movement of the effector. Then, the
Kenet and colleagues (2003) identified default network subject can modify their intentions as needed to steer
states in primary visual cortex. The network would the cursor to the target.
spontaneously switch between different patterns, and This mapping from neural activity to intended move-
these patterns appeared to correspond to activity ments is performed by a decode algorithm. An effective

486 motor systems and action

decode algorithm is provided by the Kalman filter. Neural information is transformed and manipulated
Originally introduced to track satellites (Kalman, as it flows through networks. Those networks must also
1960), the Kalman filter embodies the latent variable impose constraints on how information can move. Can
framework explicitly. It has a state model, which predicts we observe those “rules of the road” with multineuronal
the next position (or velocity) of the effector based on recordings? Those constraints may manifest themselves
its own history (the state is the latent variable), and an in observable behaviors, facilitating some, while making
observation model, whereby the effector’s position can be others more difficult to perform. In this manner, the
estimated from sensor readings (in a BCI, the observa- space of possibilities that define our individual memo-
tions are neural activity). Both sources of information ries, skills, and personality may be determined by the
provide an estimate of the system’s location; the esti- idiosyncratic shapes of our particular networks of
mates are combined in a weighting that depends on neurons.
the reliability of the source of information. If the
sensor data are noisy, the kinematic predictions are ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Matt Smith, Steve Chase, Byron Yu,
made mostly using the state model. In the context of Richard Dum, and Scott Grafton for comments on the
BCI control, the state model essentially smooths the manuscript.
estimation of cursor position given by the neural activ-
ity. That smoothing is done in a manner that captures
the physics of how limbs tend to move. REFERENCES
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batista: multineuronal views of information processing 489

41 Action Vocabularies and
Motor Commands

“Voltaire said of Sir Isaac Newton that with all his science he completed and the goal achieved. The command signal
knew not how his hand moved.” should also contain high-level information appropriate
—John Napier, 1971 for the context of the movement, which may vary from
trial to trial.
Skilled grasp is a distinctive component of human
ABSTRACT This chapter focuses on action vocabularies and
motor control. Visual guidance of skilled prehension
motor commands with reference to object grasp and manipu-
lation. First, I highlight the language used in the motor and manipulation of objects is essential for human
control literature related to motor “commands,” which creative art, sculpture, and music, as well as for tech-
emphasizes the concept of supraspinal structures generating nological development, tool use, and manufacture.
movement by passing a command to the spinal cord. Ideas Therefore, in this chapter, I focus on the status of
about commands for movement have been strongly influ-
research on commands for grasp control. I begin by
enced by the fact that electrical stimulation of the motor
cortex actually causes movement. I highlight critical differ- looking at evidence for activity in motor and premo-
ences between evoked and natural movements, and especially tor cortex that is selective for particular types of grasp
differences in timing and patterning of neural activity emanat- carried out under visuomotor control. I then consider
ing from the primary motor cortex. I discuss the rich versatil- how activity in the visuomotor grasping circuit results
ity of skilled grasp and suggest that this versatility cannot be in activity in corticospinal neurons with projections to
explained by combination of just a few muscle synergies. I
emphasize that the visuomotor grasping circuit primes the the cervical spinal cord, and targeting motor nuclei
motor network for grasp of objects; other (prefrontal) circuits innervating the upper limb muscles recruited during
are involved in how the object should be used. I describe some grasp.
of the work on grasp selectivity in both ventral premotor and Although some features of this corticospinal output
primary motor cortex, and on the interactions between them. from primary motor cortex (M1) fit well with a role as
I discuss the evidence for motor cortex pyramidal tract
neurons acting as potential “command neurons.” These pyra-
command neurons, others certainly do not. In addition,
midal neurons exhibit some features that fit well with such a we now know that some of the same neurons recruited
role, including some neurons intercalated in “smart” transcor- when movements are generated are also recruited
tical reflexes and with fast, direct access to motoneurons. during other states such as action observation, so we
These features are discussed in the light of theories of motor have to understand what precisely it is that distinguishes
control, such as optimal feedback control and active infer-
the level and pattern of activity that is specifically associ-
ence. Activation of pyramidal tract neurons is not restricted
to their role as command neurons: their discharge can also ated with movement generation. These approaches may
show mirror properties, being modulated during observation help define exactly what we mean by motor commands
of others’ actions, without any sign of concomitant electro- for grasp.
myographic activity.

Much of the literature on motor control theory makes The language of motor commands: The impact of
free use of the term “motor command.” By definition, stimulation studies
a command must be both delivered and received.
Although neural activity in a number of different struc- It is generally assumed that the brain’s motor system
tures has been identified as having the properties of generates motor commands that cause movements to
such a command signal, far less is known about how occur (Franklin & Wolpert, 2011; Frey et al., 2011). The
these signals are received by spinal interneurons and term “command” is closely related to that of agency in
motoneurons and transformed into muscle activity and the motor system, since by implication the motor
movement. A further point is that commands for move- system, by issuing command signals for movement, rein-
ments should not only initiate the movement, but also forces our sense that these commands cause things to
continue to guide and update it until the action is happen.

lemon: action vocabularies and motor commands 491

She brought her forefinger closer to her face, urging it to Hughlings Jackson was publishing his seminal essays.
move. It remained still because she was pretending … because The pioneering observations by Fritsch and Hitzig in
willing it to move or being about to move it was not the same
1870 on movements evoked from the dog’s motor
as actually moving it. And when she did crook it finally, the
action seemed to start in the finger itself, not in some part of cortex showed that stimulation of the cortex caused
her mind. When did it know to move, when did she know to movement to occur, a discovery that heralded a long
move it? (McEwan, 2001, pp. 35–36) sequence of investigations into the “motor” cortex of
both humans and experimental animals (see Lemon,
This quotation nicely sums up the differences between 2008a). The introduction of transcranial magnetic stim-
thinking about a movement and actually making one, ulation in the 1980s completed a full century of motor
and also underlines fundamental questions about voli- cortical stimulation studies. These helped to define how
tion and agency (Haggard, 2008; Tallis, 2004). Hugh- electrical stimulation acts upon the human cortex, and
lings Jackson suggested that movements could be particularly the preferential activation of axons rather
categorized according to the level of volitional control than cell bodies (di Lazzero, Ziemann, & Lemon, 2008;
exerted over them. He classified movements involving Maier, Kirkwood, Brochier, & Lemon, 2013).
fine control of the hand as “least automatic”—that is, Questions soon arose: Were these evoked movements,
requiring conscious control. Jackson was struck by the or the central neural activity that precedes them, the
vulnerability to disease of the most advanced functions same as occurred during “natural” movement? Cer-
of the human motor system, including speech and tainly some features are characteristic of natural actions,
skilled manipulation, reflecting relatively recent evolu- for example, the order of recruitment of motor units
tionary development. The degradation or loss of these (Bawa & Lemon, 1993; Gandevia & Rothwell, 1987).
functions was a process of “dissolution” versus evolution However, we should be cautious. Leyton and Sher-
(Hughlings Jackson, 1884). This historical account rington (1917) had been the first to note the “fractional
points us firmly in the direction of skilled grasp as a quality” of the evoked movements, such that they typi-
useful target for understanding how these “least auto- cally would have formed only part of a more complex
matic” movements are generated and controlled. action. Movements can appear purposeful or goal-
While the least automatic movements involved the related if the cortex is subjected to long (500 ms) and
cortex, the most automatic or reflex movements were intense (> 100 μA) periods of stimulation (Graziano,
considered to originate within the spinal cord (Phillips Taylor, & Moore, 2002). But Phillips and Porter (1977)
& Porter, 1977, p. 3). The links between the different warned: “Thus faradic stimulation is disqualified,
levels of the motor system are provided by the “descend- equally with ‘galvanic,’ as a tool for evoking natural
ing” (implying commanding) motor pathways from function,” but it can be used as “a tool for mapping the
brain to spinal cord. An early account of the linkage outputs that are available for selection by the intracorti-
provided by the “motor bundle” or pyramidal tract was cal activities that it cannot itself evoke” (p. 37).
given by François Frank in 1887: “The motor bundle Thus, although electrical stimulation continues to
gathers up the voluntary motor commands from the provide a useful probe for exploring connections within
surface of the brain and transmits them to the effector the motor system and for probing the processes within
apparatus of the brainstem and spinal cord” (quoted in it, we know that the patterns of activity generated by
Phillips & Porter, 1977, p. 5). electrical stimulation are quite different from those
This concept is long enshrined in the terms “upper” observed during natural movements. Electrical stimula-
and “lower motoneuron,” widely used (Phillips & Landau, tion of the motor cortex causes intense transynaptic
1990) and still very useful in clinical neurology: the pyra- bombardment of pyramidal output neurons. This
midal output neurons of the motor cortex are identi- results in a characteristic repetitive discharge of “I”
fied as controlling activity in spinal alpha motoneurons waves in the corticospinal tract at high frequencies
supplying limb muscles. However, there is plentiful evi- (∼600 Hz; Edgley, Eyre, Lemon, & Miller, 1997; Patton
dence that the activity of cortical output neurons (upper & Amassian, 1954). Even a single intracortical stimulus
motoneurons) and muscles innervated by lower moto- can recruit indirect, transsynaptic responses in a high
neurons can be completely dissociated (Fetz & Finno- proportion of corticospinal outputs (Maier et al., 2013).
chio, 1971; Schieber, 2011; see below), so these terms However, discharges at these high frequencies have not
are no longer appropriate for describing cortico-mus- been observed in recordings from these same pyrami-
cular interactions during voluntary movements. dal neurons during natural movements (di Lazzero
The concept of motor commands resonates strongly et al., 2008).
with the motor effects of electrical stimulation of the There are also striking differences in the central
motor cortex, newly discovered during the time that delays involved for stimulus evoked versus naturally

492 motor systems and action

generated movements. For example, the intense, syn- Premotor and motor cortex activity that is selective
chronized output generated by electrical stimulation of for grasp
the macaque cortex evokes responses in hand and digit
muscles with brief onset latencies of about 10 ms. These Because of the complexity of movements involved in
latencies are much shorter than the 60–100 ms between reaching toward an object, grasping, and manipulating
the onset of M1 activity and subsequent muscle activity it, how can one hope to detect grasp-specific command
during voluntarily generated movements (Cheney & signals? Early investigations did this by comparing neu-
Fetz, 1980; Porter & Lemon, 1993). ronal activity for different grasps (Muir & Lemon,
Thus, the generation of motor responses by electrical 1983). Hideo Sakata and his colleagues documented
stimulation of the cortex reinforced the idea that the neuronal activity while monkeys were successively pre-
brain commands movement. However, the evidence is sented with a wide range of different objects, each
that natural voluntary movements are the result of a evoking a different type of grasp. This approach has
different and much longer process that far exceeds been used to explore activity in a number of cortical
physiological conduction times. This difference may regions (Murata et al., 1997; Raos, Umilta, Murata,
reflect a slow buildup to some kind of threshold that Fogassi, & Gallese, 2006; Taira, Mine, Georgopoulos,
must be reached before movements can begin (Porter Murata, & Sakata, 1990; Umilta, Brochier, Spinks, &
& Lemon, 1993), or it may represent a shift in neural Lemon, 2007).
dynamics from one neural state space to another In a landmark paper published in 1995, Jeannerod,
(Shenoy, Sahani, & Churchland, 2013). Many investiga- Arbib, Rizzolatti, and Sakata suggested that
tors have used perturbations of ongoing movements to the transformation of an object’s intrinsic properties into spe-
illuminate the process of motor control (Evarts & Tanji, cific grips takes place in a circuit that is formed by the inferior
1976; Johansson, Lemon, & Westling, 1994; Scott, parietal lobule and the inferior premotor area (area F5).
2012). However, even in these cases, the delays involved Neurons in both these areas code size, shape and orientation
in generating outputs that update the ongoing move- of objects, and specific types of grip that are necessary to grasp
them. ( Jeannerod et al., 1995)
ment are still considerably longer than physiological
conduction times (Johansson et al., 1994; Scott, 2012). Visual control of grasp depended on a visuomotor
grasping circuit that received information via the dorsal
Action vocabularies for the hand: Reach and grasp visual stream about the shape, size, and location of
graspable objects. It was proposed that this circuit trans-
The control of grasp presents particularly complex formed visual information in the anterior intraparietal
questions for theories of motor control. The enormous area into vocabularies for grasp in F5, which were in
versatility of the hand depends upon the many degrees turn executed via M1 descending projections to the
of freedom that it provides. The position and orienta- hand. All three nodes within this circuit have been
tion of any object we wish to grasp can be defined by demonstrated to contain neurons with grasp-specific
six variables (three positions and three angles). In con- selectivity in their discharge.
trast, there are already seven degrees of freedom in the Umilta et al. (2007) compared activity of neurons
arm (three at the shoulder, two at the elbow, and two recorded simultaneously from area F5 and from M1
at the wrist), while the hand (carpals, metacarpals, and during a delayed visuomotor reach-to-grasp task which
phalanges) contribute a further 20 degrees of freedom. involved six different grasps. Normalized population
It is a remarkable achievement of the grasp-control activity of F5 and M1 neurons was significantly different
system to apply a controlled level of force, with a par- across the six grasps. For F5 neurons, activity selective
ticular vector, to a pen or an instrument held between for the different grasps emerged early, soon after the
the finger tips, since this force has to be developed at object to be grasped became visible to the monkey, but
the very end of a long, articulated bony chain. The before the cue to grasp was given. In contrast, M1 selec-
transition from moving a digit (such as the index finger) tivity did not appear until shortly before the monkey
toward an object and then exerting a controlled force began the reach to grasp action. There was a high
vector upon it is particularly demanding. Such an degree of variation in preparatory activity from one
action, rather than being explained by the combination neuron to the next (cf. Shenoy et al., 2013).
of a small number of basic muscle “synergies,” requires Significant differences in neuronal discharge across
the contribution of an extended number of principle the six grasps continued throughout the trial—includ-
components in the activity of muscles acting on the ing reach, grasp, displacement, and holding of the
index finger (Valero-Cuevas, Venkadesan, & Todorov, object. For F5 neurons, activity across different phases
2009; Venkadesan & Valero-Cuevas, 2008). of the trial was highly correlated, suggesting that F5

lemon: action vocabularies and motor commands 493

activity reflects the same goal throughout. For M1, cor- Lemon, & Brochier, 2011). Most responses occur at
relations were lower, probably because M1 activity is short latency (1.8–3 ms), suggesting that they are medi-
closely associated with the different movements making ated by a relatively direct, cortico-cortical route. F5
up each part of the total action. stimulation exerts substantial facilitation of corticospi-
“Canonical” neurons in F5 (Rizzolatti, Fogassi, & nal outputs from M1 (Shimazu, Maier, Cerri, Kirkwood,
Gallese, 2002) respond with very short latency (∼100 ms) & Lemon, 2004), which results in boosting of responses
to the presentation of graspable objects, and this is in motoneurons supplying distal hand muscles (Shimazu
considered to reflect the low-level characteristic priming et al., 2004) and electromyographic (EMG) responses
of the visuomotor circuit in preparation for grasp of in these muscles (Cerri, Shimazu, Maier, & Lemon,
visible objects. The term “affordance” refers to the 2003). In the awake monkey and in human volunteers,
grasp employed to manipulate a particular object in a premotor–motor cortex interactions are grasp-specific
specific manner. Thus, the initial priming provided by (Davare, Lemon, & Olivier, 2008; Prabhu et al., 2009);
the visuomotor grasping circuit can be overridden by a in some cases, F5 stimulation can cause significant sup-
presumably higher-level action selection mechanism pression of the test M1 response.
(e.g., to grasp a knife not by the handle, but by the
blade, in order to pass it to another). The ventral pre- M1 corticospinal neurons as command neurons
motor cortex is a possible node for the interaction
between these low-level and high-level inputs, since it From the early studies of Evarts (1964, 1968), it seemed
receives a significant input from prefrontal cortex (area clear that the large corticospinal neurons in primary
10) (Dum & Strick, 2005; Gerbella, Belmalih, Borra, motor cortex (antidromically identified from the pyra-
Rozzi, & Luppino, 2011). midal tract and referred to as pyramidal tract neurons,
or PTNs) were possible candidates for command
Premotor–motor cortex interactions neurons. Evarts showed that when monkeys performed
fast wrist movements, these M1 PTNs discharged in
When area F5 is inactivated, monkeys can no longer advance of movement, and their discharge frequency
preshape the hand appropriately for grasp of a particu- could be correlated with parameters of the upcoming
lar object (Fogassi et al., 2001). Although area F5 could, movement, such as its direction and force. These PTNs
in principle, exert its influence over grasp movements are also among the fastest-conducting axons in the
via its direct corticospinal projection (Borra, Belmalih, central nervous system, and this may be related to the
Gerbella, Rozzi, & Luppino, 2010; Dum & Strick, 1991), need to reduce conduction delays in transmitting activ-
the major pathway appears to be through its cortico- ity from cortex to spinal cord. However, fast-conducting
cortical projections to M1. There are three subdivisions axons make up only a few percent of the corticospinal
of area F5: F5a, F5p, and F5c (Gerbella et al., 2011). tract.
The posterior region (area F5p) is a hand-related field Other eligible features of PTNs as command neurons
in which the canonical visuomotor neurons responsive include their collateralization to important subcortical
to observation and grasp of 3D objects are particularly motor structures, such as the pontine nuclei (Ugolini
prominent (Raos et al., 2006; Umilta et al., 2007). This & Kuypers, 1986), thereby providing an efference copy
subdivision of F5 has strong reciprocal connections to of commands to the cerebellum. But PTNs appear to
the anterior intraparietal area in the posterior parietal form a quite separate population from cortical neurons
cortex (Gharbawie, Stepniewska, Qi, & Kaas, 2011), and projecting to the striatum (Turner & Delong, 2000).
provides the main connections with the M1 hand area A further key feature of M1 PTNs is that some make
(Godschalk, Lemon, Kuypers, & Ronday, 1984), which direct corticomotoneuronal (CM) connections to alpha
are also reciprocal. Unlike the more anterior region of motoneurons (Porter & Lemon, 1993; Rathelot &
F5 (F5a), it has only weak connections to prefrontal Strick, 2006; Zinger, Harel, Gabler, Israel, & Prut, 2013).
areas. All three subdivisions (including F5c, in which CM synapses on motoneurons are not subject to presyn-
mirror neurons are primarily located; see below) are aptic inhibition (Jackson, Baker, & Fetz, 2006), suggest-
densely interconnected. ing that other systems (e.g., peripheral afferent inputs
The physiological effects of activating F5 projections from the moving limb) do not use this mechanism to
to M1 have been the subject of a series of studies (see modulate or cancel out these CM inputs to motoneu-
Lemon, 2012). In summary, single-pulse intracortical rons, allowing fidelity of central commands during cen-
stimulation of F5 (mainly the F5p subdivision) exerts trally generated movements.
strong excitatory and inhibitory effects on single Spike-triggered averaging of EMG demonstrated
neurons in the M1 hand area (Kraskov, Prabhu, Quallo, that the natural activity of PTNs could exert a direct

494 motor systems and action

CM action on the target muscle (Fetz & Cheney, 1980; behavioural performance and associated motor costs”
Lemon, Mantel, & Muir, 1986) and allowed insights (Scott, 2012, p. 541).
into how spinal motoneurons processed CM command The motor system is richly supplied with information
signals (Lemon, 2008b; Zinger et al., 2013). These from a variety of peripheral receptors that provide a
studies concentrated on motor cortex as a causal gen- detailed account of the current sensory state of a limb
erator of movement, rather than being a central repre- and any movement of it. Multiple ascending sensory
sentation of motor parameters (Fetz, 1992; Shenoy et pathways make this information available to all supra-
al., 2013). In macaque hand muscles, post-spike facili- spinal motor centers. The motor cortex itself receives
tation of EMG activity by CM cells begins around 11 ms, fast somatosensory feedback from the limb: for the M1
in keeping with conduction time estimates from stimu- hand area, over 80% of neurons receive such inputs
lation studies (Lemon et al., 1986; Porter & Lemon, (Porter & Lemon, 1993).
1993). While this demonstrates unequivocally that Evidence for the operation of optimal feedback
pathways revealed by electrical stimulation are utilized control has been gained by studying the effects of per-
during natural movements, it is also the case that at turbing voluntary movements (Scott, 2012). In arm
the start of movement, even identified CM cells show muscles, the response to perturbations of the intended
much longer delays between discharge onset and EMG movement consists of a series of reflexes. The shortest
onset than predicted on the basis of these conduction latency component arises through a spinal reflex, but
times (Cheney & Fetz, 1980; see above). its contribution to the response is small and does not
A recent study showed that the greatest number of show context-related adaptation. In contrast, the slightly
corticospinal terminations in the cervical spinal gray later contribution of a transcortical component shows
matter, from the M1 hand area, was found among the all the features of a “smart” reflex (Evarts & Tanji,
intermediate layers, in which most of the segmental 1976). CM cells respond to peripheral inputs (Porter &
interneurons are located. The second-highest count Lemon, 1993) and have been shown to be recruited
was for terminations among the motor nuclei of the during long-latency transcortical reflexes (Cheney &
ventral horn (Morecraft, Ge, Stilwell-Morecraft, McNeal, Fetz, 1984).
Pizzimenti, & Darling, 2013). So the CM system does There are strong transcortical reflexes to perturba-
not work in isolation from other descending (Baker, tion of grasp. When lifting an object between the finger
2011; Lemon, 2008b), segmental (Takei & Seki, 2010), tips, application of sheer forces to the object results
and propriospinal systems (Isa, Ohki, Alstermark, Pet- in a fast slip response, with rapid upgrade of the grip
terson, & Sasaki, 2007). However, the CM system can force to prevent the object slipping from the grasp
provide a significant proportion of the drive needed to (Johansson et al., 1994). This response is triggered by
maintain motoneuron discharge in steady-state condi- slip-related signals in cutaneous afferents and results in
tions (Cheney, Fetz, & Mewes, 1991). force upgrades after only 60 ms. This response can be
CM cells have been shown to be active for a whole strongly boosted by transcranial magnetic stimulation
range of different limb movements, including during over the contralateral motor cortex (Johansson et al.,
tool use by macaques; CM connections are particularly 1994). Again, the spinal component is small and
well developed in primates with a high level of dexter- ineffectual.
ity and who use tools (Quallo, Kraskov, & Lemon, Active inference theory suggests that activity in
2012). descending pathways, such as the corticospinal tract,
does not represent commands at all, but instead reflects
M1 command neurons and neural implementation a prior-based prediction of the proprioceptive input
of motor control theories associated with the upcoming movement (Adams,
Shipp, & Friston, 2013; Friston, 2010). In this model,
Optimal feedback control is one of a number of current spinal reflex mechanisms take on special importance in
theories of movement planning and control (Franklin terms of generating the movement: movement arises as
& Wolpert, 2011; Todorov & Jordan, 2002). This theory a result of spinal reflex activity signaling an error
stresses the role of sensory inputs in motor control and between the predicted and the actual proprioceptive
suggests that the brain makes an optimal state estima- input. This prediction error is generated in segmental
tion by integrating efference copy signals with delayed interneurons, which then relay the error signal to the
sensory feedback: “The derivation of the optimal appropriate motoneurons and muscles.
control policy (i.e., feedback gains) uses knowledge of The existence of the CM system poses a considerable
the system dynamics, such as properties of the muscu- challenge for the active inference model. Because CM
loskeletal system, to achieve an optimal balance between cells by definition produce monosynaptic input to

lemon: action vocabularies and motor commands 495

motoneurons, these inputs must be integrated with neurons (Kraskov et al., 2009) may be involved in
many other segmental inputs to the same motoneurons, inhibiting the monkey’s own movement as it observes
and therefore they are implemented at the same level the experimenter’s actions. In F5, execution- and
of the motor system: the motoneuron cannot then dis- observation-related firing rates are rather similar
tinguish between a prediction (from a corticospinal (Gallese et al., 1996), whereas in M1, PTNs are much
input) and a prediction error (from a local interneu- more active during execution than observation. As
ron). In addition, it is likely that CM neurons also ter- a result, there is a marked disfacilitation of PTN
minate on last-order interneurons (Porter & Lemon, output to the spinal cord during action observation
1993; Morecraft et al., 2013), and the same signal (Vigneswaran et al., 2013). This withdrawal of cortico-
cannot represent both a prediction and a prediction spinal input to spinal centers may assist in suppressing
error (Adams et al., 2013). unwanted movement during observation.
Adams et al. (2013) suggest a way around this While the wider functions of mirror neurons are still
problem. They propose that the CM system acts to being debated, these observations add to many others
predict the precision or gain of the sensory input by suggesting that the motor cortex can be active in a
modulating the postsynaptic gain in motoneurons to number of different states, all of which are quite distinct
the prediction error input. There seem to be two fun- from movement itself (see Schieber, 2011). These
damental problems with this idea: First, these neuro- include preparation for movement (Shenoy et al.,
modulatory signals require activation of relatively slow 2013), mental rehearsal, and imagination (Cisek &
NMDA channels by CM inputs, whereas the existing Kalaska, 2004; Dushanova & Donoghue, 2010; Macuga
evidence is that they act through fast AMPA channels. & Frey, 2012). Further evidence comes from operant
Second, as pointed out above, spinal reflexes to pertur- conditioning of M1 outputs (Fetz & Finnochio, 1971)
bations are generally weak (particularly in hand and the use of M1 activity to control a brain-machine
muscles) and lack context-dependent properties (Scott, interface: a situation in which the monkey is rewarded
2012). for activating an ensemble of cortical neurons, but
Despite these criticisms, the active interference where no muscle activity or movement is required
model does have attractive features: not least, it embod- (Schwartz, 2007). Unfortunately, in nearly all of these
ies the concept that much of the descending activity is studies, the neurons have not been identified (see
concerned with controlling and interrogating somato- Vigneswaran, Kraskov, & Lemon, 2011). We do know
sensory input, rather than generating movement. that PTNs are embedded in the M1 cortical microcir-
Descending control of sensory input may have evolved cuit (Jackson, Spinks, Freeman, Wolpert, & Lemon,
much earlier than movement generation (Lemon, 2002). If these circuits play a part in processes such as
2008b). action observation and mental rehearsal, it is not sur-
prising that M1 PTNs are also involved.
Corticospinal mirror neurons and motor
commands Conclusion: Do M1 PTNs qualify
as command neurons?
Further insights into the possible role of the corticospi-
nal system in movement initiation has come about as a The M1 PTN is well placed to sum central and periph-
result of recent work that demonstrates that the dis- eral drives and produce an appropriate output to the
charge of PTNs in both premotor and motor cortex can spinal cord. However, since PTNs receive powerful pro-
be modulated by simply observing the actions of prioceptive and kinesthetic inputs from the periphery,
others, without any sign of concomitant EMG activity as well as from a number of cortical and subcortical
(Kraskov, Dancause, Quallo, Shepherd, & Lemon, 2009; centers, it is clear that M1 itself does not generate com-
Vigneswaran, Philipp, Lemon, & Kraskov, 2013). mands for movement. Rare intracellular recordings in
Neurons that discharge during both self-initiated move- the awake monkey by Matsumura (1979) showed that
ment and during action observation were originally the phasic bursts of M1 pyramidal neurons that occur
termed “mirror neurons” by Rizzolatti and his collabo- before movement onset are preceded by a slow buildup
rators (Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, & Rizzolatti, 1996). of subthreshold excitation. Even when the motor output
Some of these PTNs showed contrasting properties from M1 is damaged, it can be shown that processing
for execution versus observation of grasp: they fired of the relevant planning and selection of movement is
vigorously during the monkey’s own grasp, but dis- intact (Johnson, Sprehn, & Saykin, 2002). Thus, move-
charge was either partly or completely suppressed ment preparation and motor execution involve a wide-
during action observation. These suppression mirror spread cortical and subcortical network that argues

496 motor systems and action

strongly against a hierarchical command structure. Churchland, M. M., Afshar, A., & Shenoy, K. V. (2006). A
Within M1 itself, the activity associated with movement central source of movement variability. Neuron, 52,
is heterogeneous in nature (Churchland, Afshar, &
Cisek, P., & Kalaska, J. F. (2004). Neural correlates of mental
Shenoy, 2006), but unless neurons are identified, this rehearsal in dorsal premotor cortex. Nature, 431, 993–996.
may be difficult to explain. The corticospinal tract has Davare, M., Lemon, R., & Olivier, E. (2008). Selective mod-
multiple functions in addition to that of a descending ulation of interactions between ventral premotor cortex
motor pathway (Lemon, 2008b), so some heterogeneity and primary motor cortex during precision grasping in
is to be expected. humans. J Physiol, 586, 2735–2742.
di Lazzero, V., Ziemann, U., & Lemon, R. N. (2008). State
Two key observations should now lead future investi- of the art: Physiology of transcranial motor cortex stimula-
gations. First, we need to know more about the process- tion. Brain Stimul, 1(4), 345–362.
ing that occurs within the network between the first Dum, R. P., & Strick, P. L. (1991). The origin of corticospinal
signs of discharge and movement onset: this delay may projections from the premotor areas in the frontal lobe.
well signal a change in the neural state (Shenoy et al., J Neurosci, 11, 667–689.
Dum, R. P., & Strick, P. L. (2005). Frontal lobe inputs to the
2013), but we have yet to understand what the impact digit representations of the motor areas on the lateral
of these changes is on the motor apparatus: does this surface of the hemisphere. J Neurosci, 25, 1375–1386.
represent a slow buildup of excitability in interneurons Dushanova, J., & Donoghue, J. (2010). Neurons in primary
and motoneurons, or are other central processes motor cortex engaged during action observation. Eur J Neu-
involved? Second, it is important to focus on the differ- rosci, 31, 386–398.
Edgley, S. A., Eyre, J. A., Lemon, R. N., & Miller, S. (1997).
ences in discharge frequency and temporal pattern for
Comparison of activation of corticospinal neurones and
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42 Choice Values: The Frontal Cortex
and Decision Making

ABSTRACT Actions are chosen on the basis of expectations Pessiglione, 2009) and it now seems likely that the
about the benefits they will yield. Areas in the brain’s frontal vmPFC/mOFC is involved in the actual making of the
lobes are important for making decisions about which choice decision itself. When people make a decision between
it is best to take. In functional magnetic resonance imaging
experiments, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex exhibits
two potential choices, the vmPFC/mOFC exhibits a
signals related to the values of potential choices, and the activ- signal that suggests it is comparing the values of the
ity pattern is consistent with the emergence of a decision. choices. For example, Boorman, Behrens, Woolrich,
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions disrupt value-guided and Rushworth (2009) used functional magnetic reso-
decision making. Another frontal lobe area, the anterior cin- nance imaging (fMRI) to measure blood oxygen level–
gulate cortex, is also important for value-guided decision
dependent (BOLD) indices of brain activity in human
making. There is some evidence suggesting that anterior cin-
gulate cortex is especially involved in the selection of an subjects while they made a series of decisions between
action in the light of the rewards that will follow and the effort two different choices associated with different numbers
that will be invested. More fundamentally, it may be con- of reward points. The points won by the subjects were
cerned with the computation and comparison of values translated into a monetary payment at the end of the
needed for decision making during foraging. During forag-
experiment. The decisions were difficult in the sense
ing, the key decision is whether to engage and pursue the
default choice, or whether the foraging opportunities avail- that the reward associations contained two elements: a
able elsewhere in the environment mean it is better to certain number of points (reward magnitude), which
switch away from the current behavior and pursue other changed randomly from trial to trial, and a certain
alternatives. probability of the points being delivered (reward proba-
bility), which slowly changed over the course of a series
When we make a movement, we need to make sure that of decisions. Therefore, in order to choose effectively,
it is executed correctly. We have to ensure that muscles subjects had to consider both of the elements that com-
and joints move in such a way that the limb is directed posed each option.
to the desired target location and the hand is config- Boorman and colleagues found vmPFC/mOFC
ured correctly. Rather than looking at the neural mech- encoded the difference in value between the option
anisms that determine how an action is executed, this that was chosen and the option that was rejected in each
chapter instead focuses on the cortical mechanisms that decision (figure 42.2). They referred to this as a relative
underlie why one action is chosen instead of another. It chosen value signal. At the time that a choice is made,
focuses on the cortical mechanisms (figure 42.1) that the vmPFC/mOFC BOLD signal becomes positively
underlie selection of a choice on the basis of the value correlated with the value of the option that is chosen
of its consequences. and negatively correlated with the value of the option
that is being rejected (figure 42.2). One interpretation
of this pattern is that vmPFC/mOFC activity increas-
Value signals in prefrontal cortex for guiding ingly reflects the value of the option that is to be chosen,
decisions and at the same time it is less and less activated by the
value of the option that is to be rejected. When this
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and adja- process is complete, the decision is made.
cent medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) play a central Several other fMRI studies have confirmed the exis-
role in choice selection. For some time, it has been clear tence of relative chosen value signals in vmPFC/mOFC
that activity in the vmPFC/mOFC region is correlated (de Martino, Fleming, Garrett, & Dolan, 2013; FitzGer-
with the values of stimuli and choices (Kable & ald, Seymour, & Dolan, 2009; Philiastides, Biele, &
Glimcher, 2007; Lebreton, Jorge, Michel, Thirion, & Heekeren, 2010; Wunderlich, Dayan, & Dolan, 2012).

rushworth et al.: choice values: the frontal cortex and decision making 501
Figure 42.1 Frontal brain regions, in the macaque, involved orbitofrontal cortex; lOFC, lateral orbitofrontal cortex; ACCs,
in reward-guided learning and decision making. Abbrevia- anterior cingulate cortex sulcus; ACCg, anterior cingulate
tions: vmPFC/mOFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex/medial cortex gyrus. (Adapted from Rushworth et al., 2011.)

activity reflected the value of the choice that was taken

(rather than the difference between it and the rejected
option’s value).

The time course and emergence of the value

difference signal
One way to reconcile these apparently diverging results
is to think about them almost as snapshots taken at dif-
ferent time points during the making of the choice.
First, the vmPFC/mOFC may represent the value of
both potential choices (as in the study by Hare et al.,
2011), then it may begin to compare those values, and
in the course of doing so a relative value signal will
emerge (as in some other studies: Boorman et al., 2009;
de Martino et al., 2013; FitzGerald et al., 2009; Philias-
tides et al., 2010; Wunderlich et al., 2012), and finally,
once the comparison process is complete, it is left just
Figure 42.2 (A) Sagittal slices through z-statistic maps relat- carrying a signal representing the value of just the
ing to the relative chosen value (chosen–unchosen expected option that has been chosen (as in the study by Daw
value) of two options during decision making. (B) Top panel: et al., 2006). This account suggests that if we had a more
Time course for the effect size of the relative chosen value in
time-resolved measure of vmPFC/mOFC activity, then
the vmPFC is shown throughout the duration of the trial.
Bottom panel: The same time course is shown with the signal we would be able to see the transition from one type of
decomposed into chosen and unchosen action values. There signal to the next.
is a positive correlation with chosen value and a negative cor- Hunt and colleagues (2012) tried to take just such a
relation with unchosen value during the decision-making measurement from human subjects during decision
phase. (Adapted from Boorman et al., 2009.) making by using magnetoencephalography (MEG) to
record brain activity rather than fMRI. First of all,
Some studies, however, have reported slightly different however, Hunt and colleagues attempted to make quan-
results. For example, Hare, Schultz, Camerer, O’Doherty, titative predictions about exactly how a neural network
and Rangel (2011) reported that vmPFC/mOFC BOLD ought to make decisions and what signals a network
activity reflected the sum of the values of the choices would generate if only the average activity of a brain
subjects were offered (rather than the relative differ- area, rather than the activity of individual neurons,
ence in their values) while Daw, O’Doherty, Dayan, could be measured. The models they used to predict
Seymour, and Dolan (2006) reported vmPFC/mOFC the activity were first proposed by Wang (2002), and

502 motor systems and action

they employed neuron elements with biophysically choice it encodes. Ultimately, the network ends up in
plausible properties. Wang’s model was originally pro- one of two possible attractor states in which one pool
posed to explain how neurons in the macaque might of neurons is active and the other is not, and this activity
mediate choices between one of two eye-movement pattern constitutes the decision. In general, the pool
responses on the basis of graded visual evidence, but it representing the more valuable of the two options
can also be adapted to look at choices made on the basis remains active.
of different values. At the heart of the model is the idea When Hunt and colleagues looked at the mean field
that the neurons can be assigned to two different pools, activity in the model (the sum of the postsynaptic activ-
each encoding one choice (figure 42.3). Each pool of ity throughout the model), they found that it was ini-
neurons becomes active in proportion to an input it tially dominated by the sum of the values of the two
receives that is, in turn, proportional to the value of the choice options. Subsequently, the mean field activity
choice it represents. Within a pool of neurons there reflected the value difference between the choices.
is recurrent excitatory activity, but the interactions They then looked throughout the brains of their human
between pools of neurons are mediated by inhibitory subjects for areas with MEG signals that resembled
interneurons. In essence, this means that each pool those they had seen in the model—signals that rose
becomes active in proportion to the value of the choice and fell in proportion to, first, the sum of the values
it encodes and exerts an inhibitory influence on the of the choices and then the difference in value
other pool that is also proportional to the value of the between choices. They identified two areas with such

Figure 42.3 (A) The biophysical model Hunt and col- values (on frequency range 3–9 Hz; black lines) and choice
leagues (2012) used to predict a transition from activity that value difference (on frequency range 2–4.5 Hz; gray lines)
is proportional to the sum of choice values to the value of the on biophysical model activity; solid lines are correct trials,
chosen value. It contains two pools of excitatory pyramidal dashed lines, incorrect trials. (C) vmPFC activity shows
neurons (PA, PB) corresponding to choices of either option A several value-related hallmarks of the biophysical network
or option B. There is recurrent excitation between neurons model. (D) Effect of overall value (3–9 Hz; black) and value
within pools, but inhibitory interneurons (Pi) mediate com- difference (2–4.5 Hz; gray) on correct/error trials (solid/
petition between pools. Activity in each pool is initially dashed lines, respectively) during first half of experiment in
affected by an input proportional (IA, IB) to the value of each vmPFC. The analysis used here was performed on human
option, but inhibition between pools leaves only a single pool vmPFC but was equivalent to that performed in panel
in a high-firing attractor state. The corresponding option is 42.3B on the biophysical model. (Adapted from Hunt et al.,
then chosen. (B) Z-scored effect of overall sum of choice 2012.)

rushworth et al.: choice values: the frontal cortex and decision making 503
signals—one was in the parietal cortex, but the other probability of reward), but on other days its reward
was in vmPFC/mOFC. In summary, the results are con- probability began to approach that of the best stimulus
sistent with the idea that a value-comparison process (either 0.2 or 0.375 probability of reward). Discriminat-
takes place in vmPFC/mOFC, and that during the ing the best option from the second-best option there-
course of the comparison vmPFC/mOFC is dominated fore became more and more difficult as the second-best
by different types of value signal. option’s value approached that of the best option. In
the control state macaques were able to make the deci-
Disrupting vmPFC/mOFC impairs value-guided sion in all three cases, but they learned the identity of
decision making the best option more slowly when they were performing
testing sessions in which the best option and second-
If it is true that vmPFC/mOFC discriminates between best option were close in value (figure 42.4). Macaques
choices on the basis of their value, then we might with vmPFC/mOFC lesions were significantly worse
expect that vmPFC/mOFC lesions would impair value- when the second-best option was close in value to the
guided decision making. We might expect that choice best option. In other words, vmPFC/mOFC lesions
discrimination would become more and more impaired made macaques worse at taking the most difficult value-
as the difference in choice values decreased. This pre- guided decisions. Moreover, the disruptive impact on
diction is based on what happens when mechanisms for difficult decisions was specific to vmPFC/mOFC lesions
color discrimination are impaired by brain lesions in and did not occur after lesions in other frontal brain
visual association cortex; discrimination performance areas that contain neurons with reward-related activity
becomes worse and worse as differences in the color of patterns, such as anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) or
two stimuli are made smaller and smaller (Buckley, lateral orbital frontal cortex (lOFC) (Noonan et al.,
Gaffan, & Murray, 1997). 2010; Rudebeck et al., 2008; Walton, Behrens, Buckley,
The prediction was borne out when lesions were Rudebeck, & Rushworth, 2010).
made in vmPFC/mOFC in macaques (Noonan et al., Another way to assess value-guided decision making
2010). Noonan and colleagues trained their macaques is to examine the consistency and transitivity of choices.
to choose between three stimuli with different probabi- Normally, if a person or a monkey prefers option X over
listic associations with reward. Each day, the macaques Y and Y over Z, then their preferences are said to be
learned about three new stimuli, but on each day one transitive if they also prefer X over Z. It is just such
of the stimuli was a high-value stimulus because it was transititivity that is lost after vmPFC/mOFC lesions
associated with a high probability of reward (0.6), and (Rudebeck & Murray, 2011). Once again, the effect is
one stimulus was a low-value stimulus because it had no specific to vmPFC/mOFC lesions and is not seen after
association with reward (0 probability of reward). The lOFC lesions. Similar patterns of impairment in value-
third stimulus was important because on some testing guided decision making have also been reported in
days it was just as poor in value as the worst stimulus (0 human patients with vmPFC/mOFC lesions (Camille,

Figure 42.4 Effect of choice option value proximity for show number of trials to reach 70% V1 choices. Lesions of
macaques with mOFC lesions. Proportion of choices which mOFCs caused impairments when the best and second-best
were of the best value option when the difference in value value differences were small (A). The mOFC lesion locations
between the best and second-best option was small (A, 0.2), are represented on an unoperated control brain, with dark-
medium (B, 0.4) and large (C, 0.6). Control pre-lesion (light ness indicating lesion overlap (overlap in one to four animals).
gray), post-mOFC lesion (dark gray) performance. Insets (Adapted from Noonan et al., 2010.)

504 motor systems and action

Griffiths, Vo, Fellows, & Kable, 2011; Fellows, 2011; between different types and amounts of reward (Cai &
Henri-Bhargava, Simioni, & Fellows, 2012). Padoa-Schioppa, 2012; Padoa-Schioppa & Assad, 2006).
By contrast, when ACC neurons are recorded in the
The activity of neurons in vmPFC/mOFC same paradigm, they do not encode the values of
the potential choices, but they do encode the value of
Despite the abundance of neuroimaging studies of the choice taken, and do so with a longer latency than
vmPFC/mOFC, we have relatively little knowledge of OFC neurons (Cai & Padoa-Schioppa, 2012). ACC
this region’s activity at the level of individual neurons. neurons did, however, encode the direction of the
A handful of very recent studies have reported that the action used to affect the choice. In other words, it seems
activity of neurons in the vmPFC/mOFC of the macaque that, at least in the paradigm studied by Padoa-Schioppa
is modulated when there is a possibility that a reward and colleagues, ACC neurons are only encoding the
rather than a punishment might be received (Monosov output of a decision process rather than the decision
& Hikosaka, 2012). Firing rate is modulated as a func- itself, but that they are then encoding features of the
tion of the reward size (Bouret & Richmond, 2010; action that will be used to make the choice. Some
Kaping, Vinck, Hutchison, Everling, & Womelsdorf, human neuroimaging studies might be interpreted in
2011) and reward probability (Monosov & Hikosaka, a similar manner (Noonan, Mars, & Rushworth, 2011).
2012) that is associated with a stimulus that is chosen. The ACC region that carried both chosen value and
What is less clear is quite how vmPFC/mOFC activity action direction signals is well placed to influence the
evolves during the course of a decision. Padoa-Schioppa motor system. It lies on the dorsal bank of the cingulate
and colleauges (Padoa-Schioppa, 2009; Padoa-Schioppa sulcus and it is adjacent and interconnected with a
& Assad, 2006) have presented a detailed account of region called the rostral cingulate motor area (van
single-neuron activity patterns when macaques choose Hoesen, Morecraft, & Vogt, 1993). The rostral cingulate
between different amounts and types of rewards. In a motor area in turn sends projections to the spinal cord
number of ways, the activity is reminescent of the MEG that probably allow it to influence movement in a rela-
signals reported by Hunt and colleagues (2012) because tively direct manner (Dum & Strick, 1991; He, Dum, &
it is, initially, related to the value of the potential choices Strick, 1995).
that might be taken. This signal is then rapidly followed In summary, one way in which different frontal lobe
by another pattern of activity that is related to the value areas might interact during decision making is for
of the choice that is actually being taken. However, the vmPFC/mOFC and possibly adjacent OFC areas to
region in which recordings were made is probably just make a choice between different possible reward goals
lateral to the one that has been the focus of the neuro- and for ACC to decide between different possible
imaging and lesion studies of reward-guided decision actions. It is, however, important to emphasize that in
making and probably lies in lOFC. Despite the impor- the experiments of Padoa-Schioppa and colleagues the
tant differences between vmPFC/mOFC and lOFC and only meaningful associations with reward are with
their anatomical separation, there are interconnections stimuli. A given stimulus appears at different locations
between the two regions (Carmichael & Price, 1996). on different trials, so that the actions that are made to
select the stimulus change from trial to trial and actions
Translating values into actions: Integration across made to particular locations do not have a consistent
frontal lobe systems relationship with a reward if the stimulus at that loca-
tion changes. It is possible that another role for the
When vmPFC/mOFC makes a decision, it does not do ACC might be revealed if the animals are given the
so in the sense of choosing a specific action, but instead opportunity to learn direct associations between actions
the type of decision that it makes is the selection of a and rewards that do not involve any mediation by visual
reward goal that becomes the focus of behavior. This stimuli. Rudebeck and colleagues (2008) and Luk and
appears to be especially the case when there are mul- Wallis (2013) taught macaques tasks in which associa-
tiple competing alternative choices and attention must tions had to be learned between actions and rewards in
be directed while critical comparisons are made between the absence of any mediating stimuli, and compared
the various options (Noonan et al., 2010). Once the them with the more commonly studied type of task in
reward goal is selected, then a second type of decision which macaques learned associations between stimuli
has to be made about which action should be made to and rewards. More ACC neurons encoded the choices
obtain the reward goal. animals made when they were performing the action-
There was little evidence in OFC of encoding of the reward association task than the stimulus-reward asso-
actions that monkeys made when they were choosing ciation task, whereas the opposite was true in lOFC

rushworth et al.: choice values: the frontal cortex and decision making 505
(Luk & Wallis, 2013). ACC lesions impaired action- lead to one piece of fruit and only later perceive the
reward association learning but not stimulus-reward opportunity to pursue another piece of fruit by taking
association learning, while the opposite was true after another course of action. The critical choice for the
lOFC lesions (Rudebeck et al., 2008). A similar dissocia- foraging animal is, therefore, whether to engage with a
tion between the effects of ACC and OFC lesion deficits potential food option or whether to carry on searching
has been reported in human patients (Camille, Tsu- for better opportunities elsewhere.
chida, & Fellows, 2011). In contrast to cognitive neuroscientists, behavioral
Such patterns of neural activity and lesion effects ecologists have long been interested in such choices.
suggest the existence of different mechanisms for deci- Whether or not an animal engages with the potential
sion making in ACC versus vmPFC/mOFC and lOFC. option it encounters is determined by the value of the
It is possible that these different mechanisms work in a encountered option, the effort that will be expended in
completely parallel manner, with one set of brain engaging with it, whether the environment is, on
regions learning associations between actions and average, sufficiently rich that better options are likely
rewards and another set learning associations between to be encountered frequently if the animal carries on
stimuli and rewards. However, it seems unlikely that this searching, and how effortful it will be to continue
will be the case. While values may adhere to particular searching (Charnov, 1976; Stephens & Krebs, 1986). In
stimuli and objects in the world in a relatively constant summary, foraging decisions should be governed by the
fashion, it is not clear that this is always likely to be true average value of continuing to search (search value), the
of actions. For example, the value of an action directed effort entailed by searching (search costs), and the value
to the left or the right might, in many real-world sce- of each option encountered (encounter value). Despite
narios, change depending on which way a person is the ecological importance of such choices, surprisingly
facing. What might, however, be pertinent for a system little has been known about their neural mechanisms.
that can bring together information about reward and Kolling, Behrens, Mars, and Rushworth (2012)
actions is to decide whether it is worth persisting with attempted to compare the neural processes underlying
a given action or whether it might be better to try an engage/search foraging choices with the neural mecha-
alternative one. These are the types of decisions that nisms underlying binary decision making. On each
animals often have to make when there are no specific trial, human subjects could alternate between two dif-
stimulus-reward associations available to guide their ferent styles of decision making while fMRI data were
behavior. In addition, it might be useful for such a collected. Before the subjects entered the scanner, they
mechanism to compute whether the effort entailed by had learned about a set of visual stimuli in which each
an action outweighs the benefit that it bestows. The stimulus was associated with a different number of
next section considers such possibilities in the context points that were translated into a monetary payment at
of the foraging choices that are important for many the end of the trial. At the beginning of each trial in
animals. the fMRI experiment, subjects saw two of these stimuli
(figure 42.5). The options encountered in this way were
Distinct mechanisms for decision making in ACC referred to as the encounter options. They were intended
and vmPFC/mOFC to simulate the opportunity that a foraging animal
might engage with. The investigators refered to their
The last section discussed how vmPFC/mOFC might be values as encounter values. A box at the top of the screen
a mechanism for making decisions between potential included a number of alternative stimuli. These were
choices. Although such decisions are commonly studied intended to represent the richness of the subject’s
by psychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, and econo- current foraging environment and to indicate the search
mists, they may be surprisingly rare outside of the value; if the subject did not engage with the encoun-
laboratory. This is simply because in many natural situ- tered option, then he or she opted to search for better
ations, when an animal is foraging, potential food items options that would be drawn at random from the stimuli
are encountered sequentially rather simultaneously in the box and become the encounter options on the
(Freidin & Kacelnik, 2011). It might be only on some next trial. The first decision that subjects made on each
occasions that a macaque foraging in the wild is given trial was therefore a foraging-style choice to either
the opportunity to make the type of choice that the engage with an encountered option or to search for
vmPFC/mOFC appears to make—for example, a choice better alternatives. To simulate search cost, subjects lost
between an apple and an orange. Instead, what is more points if they chose to search (the cost on each trial was
likely to happen is that the macaque might first see an indicated by the color of the box surrounding the
opportunity to pursue a course of action that might search options). Subjects could keep opting to search

506 motor systems and action

Figure 42.5 While vmPFC/mOFC is more active during (Di) or to search for potential alternatives when the search
decision making than foraging (A, B), an ACC region is more cost is also represented (Dii). By contrast, vmPFC/mOFC
active during foraging than decision making (C). The ACC BOLD is positively correlated with the encounter value, when
BOLD is positively correlated with the search value and nega- it is chosen, but there is no representation of search values or
tively correlated with the encounter value regardless of costs regardless of the choice ultimately made (B). (Adapted
whether subjects choose to stick with the option encountered from Kolling et al., 2012.)

for better alternatives as many times as they wanted. values, and search costs. By contrast, vmPFC/mOFC
However, as soon as they opted to engage, they were only carried an encounter value signal but no represen-
then able to make the second type of decision—a binary tations of search value or search costs. Other fMRI
comparitive decision between the two component experiments have also reported integrated reward/
stimuli that constituted the encounter option. This effort signals in ACC as opposed to vmPFC (Croxson,
second decision was therefore of the same type as those Walton, O’Reilly, Behrens, & Rushworth, 2009).
that are known to be related to the vmPFC/mOFC. Another reason for thinking the two regions, vmPFC/
Several aspects of the results suggested binary choices mOFC and ACC, were mediating binary comparative
and foraging choices were being mediated by the decisions and foraging choices, respectively, could be
vmPFC/mOFC and the ACC, respectively. First, several found in examination of individual differences in activ-
brain areas, including ACC, were more active when ity patterns in the two regions. Individual differences in
subjects made foraging-style engage/search choices, the strength of ACC signals, but not vmPFC signals,
while other brain regions, including vmPFC/mOFC, were correlated with individual differences in foraging
were more active when subjects made binary compari- behavior. Individual differences in the strength of
son decisions (figure 42.5). Perhaps even more impor- vmPFC/mOFC signals, but not ACC signals, were cor-
tantly, ACC activity reflected all three key factors that related with individual differences in the way binary
should determine foraging: encounter values, search comparative choices were made.

rushworth et al.: choice values: the frontal cortex and decision making 507
The way in which ACC encoded values for foraging If ACC has a mechanism for valuation and promotion
choices was quite distinct from the manner in which of behavioral change and search, then this may suggest
vmPFC/mOFC encoded values during binary decision a reinterpretation of some other findings made during
making. As earlier sections have described, vmPFC/ earlier investigations of ACC. The action-reward learn-
mOFC encodes a relative value difference signal, with ing tasks that are impaired by ACC lesions (Camille,
the BOLD signal increasing as a function of the value Tsuchida et al., 2011; Kennerley, Walton, Behrens,
of the chosen option and decreasing as a function of Buckley, & Rushworth, 2006; Rudebeck et al., 2008)
the value of the rejected option. By contrast, rather typically involve alternation between actions but no
than encoding decision values in a framework that is informative stimuli. Repetitive selection of an action
relative to the choice that is made, the ACC encodes interleaved with periods of exploration of alternative
foraging choice values in a fixed manner; ACC activity actions may be just the sort of behavior normally under
always increases as a function of the search value and the control of a foraging system. It may be that the ACC
decreases as a function of the encounter value. The lesion did not disrupt a mechanism for linking specific
search value signal, however, ramps up more quickly actions to outcomes but that, instead, it disrupted a
when subjects are going to make the search choice mechanism with which animals decide whether to
rather than the engage choice (figure 42.5). persist with one choice versus switching to an
In the foraging task it was noticeable that by default alternative.
subjects often seemed simply to engage with the option The human ACC region that carries search/engage
placed in front of them; subjects made more of these signals for foraging is well placed to influence whether
choices and did not move away from them unless the or not a successful action will be repeated or whether
value of searching considerably outweighed the value the value of an alternative action will be explored. It lies
of engaging. One way of thinking about the ACC’s just adjacent and anterior to the human rostral cingu-
choice signals is that they are configured in such a way late motor area (Amiez & Petrides, 2014; Beckmann,
as to indicate the value of changing away from the Johansen-Berg, & Rushworth, 2009; Picard & Strick,
current default behavior and of searching for better 1996), and as we have already seen a similar region is
alternatives. interconnected with the rostral cingulate motor area
(van Hoesen et al., 1993), which has connections to a
Reinterpreting the role of ACC number of motor regions.

The hypothesis that ACC encodes value signals that are ACC neurons during searching and foraging
needed for foraging-style choices can explain some of
the other signals that have been reported in ACC in the A longstanding problem that has dogged attempts to
past. For example, it has been noted that during binary understand ACC has been the difficulty of finding sin-
choices the ACC often carries a signal that is inversely gle-neuron activity patterns that are consistent with
proportional to the difference in value between the some of the most influential theories of ACC func-
choices available, rather than proportional to the dif- tion. For example, it has proven difficult to identify
ferences in value between the choices as in vmPFC/ ACC neurons that detect conflict (Nakamura, Roesch,
mOFC (Hare et al., 2011). According to the foraging & Olson, 2005). By contrast, there are several reports
hypothesis, the inverse value signal recorded during a of ACC neuron activity that suggest that it is con-
binary comparison task can be interpreted as a signal cerned with searching the environment for the best
reporting how beneficial it would be to not take the choices to take and with foraging-style search/engage
choice that is about to be taken but, instead, to switch decisions.
to the other choice. Quilodran, Rothé, and Procyk (2008) taught
Another important strand of research has linked macaques a task in which they had to work out which
ACC to detecting when there is conflict between pos- one of four options was associated with reward. The
sible responses that might be made (Botvinick, 2007). macaques solved the task by searching through each of
Response conflict occurs when there is a similar the four possible choices. When they identified the
amount of evidence favoring more than one response, choice that was associated with reward, they were
and once again the ACC may be signaling the value of allowed to repeat it again for several trials and received
taking a course of action that is alternative to the one rewards on each occasion. After several trials, however,
that is being taken. It is not clear, however, that a the reward was reassigned to another option and the
theory that focuses just on conflict monitoring could cycle of searching for the best option, and then repeat-
explain some of the results found in the foraging task. edly choosing that option, began again. The animals,

508 motor systems and action

therefore, alternated between periods of searching for
good choices to take and, once a good choice was iden-
tified, of exploiting that choice by taking it repeatedly.
The firing rate of many ACC neurons was modulated
when the outcomes of the choices were revealed to the
monkeys in the search phase of the task, and this was
apparent both when the choice led to nonreward as
well as when it led, for the first time, to a reward (the
first reward, of course, defined the end of the search
period). As the monkey shifted into the repetition
phase of the task, however, ACC neuron outcome-
related activity diminished and instead activity became
more prominent at the moment that choices were reini-
tiated (figure 42.6).
Other features of ACC activity also attest to the impor-
tance of the transition between searching and repetitive
behavior. Both nonreward and reward outcomes in the
search period were followed by an increase in high
gamma (60–140 Hz) power in the ACC, which was then
followed by a similar increase in lateral prefrontal
cortex (Rothé, Quilodran, Sallet, & Procyk, 2011). By
contrast, in the repetition phase, post-choice outcome-
related activity in ACC and lateral prefrontal cortex was
correlated in the beta (10–20 Hz) band. Figure 42.6 Macaque monkeys were taught to identify
which of four possible directions of response was the correct
Other experiments have made even more explicit one. The correct direction remained the same for a few trials
attempts to simulate the type of foraging decision that but then changed. In this example, there is an increase in
animals have to make in the wild. Hayden, Pearson, and activity after feedback (indicated by arrow head) informs the
Platt (2011) designed a laboratory task for macaques monkey that the action just made is now correct and reward
that simulated the types of foraging choices that is delivered, but this occurred only on the first occasion that
the action was established as the correct one (CO1, second
are considered by Charnov’s (1976) marginal value
row) and not on subsequent trials (bottom row). This neuron
theorem. The marginal value theorem was proposed to also indicated the direction or sign of the change in action
explain how animals should spend their time in an value; it was active when the action was rewarded for the first
environment composed of patchily distributed food time, but not when an exploratory choice established that the
sources. As an animal forages in its patch, it gradually action was not rewarded (INC, top row). Other neurons
exhibited the opposite pattern of activity. Once the action is
depletes the resources it contains. For example, a
established as rewarding, the ACC activity occurs in expecta-
monkey that continued to forage in the same tree all tion of reward at the time that the lever is touched (vertical
the time would gradually deplete the fruit it contained. line), rather than at the time of feedback (CO2-CO3, bottom
In a patchy environment, an animal should continue row). In other words, ACC activity contains information both
foraging within its patch for longer when that patch is about action value expectations and errors in predictions
richer in resources than the average patch or if consid- when actions were better or worse than expected. Each row
of the figure shows both raster diagrams of the action poten-
erable effort is going to have to be invested in traveling tials recorded on individual trials at the top and the mean
a large distance to the next patch. Hayden and col- frequency of action potentials at the bottom. (Adapted from
leagues simulated such a situation by giving their Quilodran et al., 2008.)
macaques a target to which they could saccade in order
to indicate they wanted to remain foraging in the same
patch. Each time they made this decision they received level in the new patch was high (this simulates how the
a reward, but the reward gradually declined in size just new patch has not yet been depleted).
as the returns from a food patch in the wild might The pattern of results suggested that ACC neurons
decline if it is continually exploited. The macaques were monitoring the reward intake rate in the current
could indicate that they wanted to leave the patch by patch and contributing to the monkeys’ decisions to
saccading to another stimulus. There was then a delay leave the patches (figure 42.7). ACC neurons were
until they had their next chance of reward (the delay active in response to the delivery of rewards received
simulates travel time to the next patch), but the reward each time the monkey carried on foraging in its patch,

rushworth et al.: choice values: the frontal cortex and decision making 509
Figure 42.7 The activity of neurons in ACC in monkeys gain was a function of the search costs that were to be paid;
during a foraging task. Outcome-related activity increases here, rate of gain is indicated by a regression slope (beta
with each outcome that is received for foraging in a given weight) relating time spent foraging in a patch with firing
patch in an example neuron (A) and, on average, the gain of rate, and it can be seen that it decreases with the search cost
the outcome-related response with time in the patch co-varied that will have to be paid in order to travel to a new patch.
with the speed of departure from the patch (B). The rate of (Adapted from Hayden et al., 2011.)

but the reward-related firing rates gradually increased reward benefit/effort cost decisions that have been
as the time approached for the patch-leaving decision. associated with ACC activity (Kolling et al., 2012).
After the reward-related firing rate reached a certain Lesion studies also suggest ACC plays a critical role
level, the monkeys tended to switch to a new patch on in integrating information about reward and effort
the next trial. The steepest rises in firing rates were expectations during decision making. Rats can be
seen on those trials where the animal left the patch trained to make choices between two arms of a T-maze
soonest and when the travel time to the next patch was that are associated with different reward benefits (for
shortest. example, two versus four reward pellets) and different
A more direct demonstration that ACC neurons effort costs (such as climbing over a barrier versus no
might integrate information, not just about reward barrier). Normally rats are prepared to pay some cost
expectations, but also about the effort that is going to in order to receive a bigger reward benefit, but this
be invested in pursuing a course of action comes from changes after lesions are made in the Cg1/Cg2 fields
a multidimensional choice task that involved macaques of the ACC (Rudebeck, Walton, Smyth, Bannerman, &
making choices between different pictures that were Rushworth, 2006; Schweimer & Hauber, 2005; Sch-
each associated with different outcomes (Kennerley, weimer, Saft, & Hauber, 2005; Walton, Bannerman,
Dahmubed, Lara, & Wallis, 2009). The three critical Alterescu, & Rushworth, 2003; Walton, Bannerman, &
dimensions that defined each outcome were the size of Rushworth, 2002; Walton et al., 2009). By contrast,
reward payoff (volume of juice delivered), effort lesions of orbitofrontal cortex or prelimbic cortex, in
(number of lever presses necessary to earn the reward), the rat, do not have the same effect.
and the probability (probability that reward would be
delivered). Kennerley and colleagues found that Conclusion
neurons in all three areas they investigated, ACC, lOFC,
and lateral prefrontal cortex, encoded the three differ- We have emphasized the different functional contribu-
ent factors that determined choice values. However, tions of frontal lobe regions to value-guided decision
ACC neurons more frequently encoded each of the making. We have emphasized a flexible vmPFC/mOFC
three value-determining factors than did lOFC or lateral system that makes comparisons between choice values
prefrontal neurons. Individual ACC neurons were also by focusing on the most relevant aspects of value (for
especially likely to multiplex information across all example, reward probability or reward magnitude). In
three value dimensions so that information about, for some cases such a system may work in series with brain
example, both the reward benefits and the effort costs areas such as the ACC, which might select an action
of a choice was integrated within the firing rate of single compatible with the reward goal that is the focus of
ACC neurons. Such activity patterns might underlie the attention. In some situations, however, the ACC might
integration of reward/effort expectations in ACC activ- operate in a quite independent manner to take simple
ity reported in fMRI studies (Croxson et al., 2009) and stay-switch decisions on the basis of different types of
would, of course, enable ACC to make the type of value information such as average search values and

510 motor systems and action

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512 motor systems and action

43 Finding the Actor in Reciprocal

ABSTRACT Actions are distinguished from movements on the capacity (e.g., those related to growth, development,
basis of their being goal-directed. At any given moment, the skill acquisition, senescence, and injury or illness). To
possibilities available for goal-directed action are defined by address this shortcoming, we introduce the concept of
a complex dynamic between perceived attributes of the envi-
ronment and the actor’s unique goals and behavioral capaci- reciprocal affordance, which places the strengths of J. J.
ties. While much attention has been given to the perceptual Gibson’s insights (Gibson, 1979) within a modern cog-
side, cognitive neuroscience has all but overlooked the essen- nitive neuroscience framework. Our starting point will
tial role of the actor. For instance, a keyboard may enable an be a brief introduction to several influential contempo-
individual to type a letter, but not if he or she is wearing rary theories of action, each of which has moved the
mittens, has no experience with electronics, or suffers from
paralysis. Theories of action must accommodate the contex-
field forward significantly while also failing to address
tual nature of the situation. Here, we introduce the concept the dynamic interplay between environment and actor
of reciprocal affordance, which explicitly acknowledges that adequately. We then review evidence supporting recip-
actors actively shape, and are shaped by, their environments. rocal affordance as a new and important conceptual
This offers a way to integrate a diversity of factors that influ- framework, and identify a number of areas that may
ence our actions, including development, disability, and the
prove especially amenable to this perspective.
use of technology.

The characteristic that distinguishes action from move- Contemporary theories of action
ment is its goal-directedness, and how we represent and
select actions is the fundamental problem in under- The emergence of action as an area of inquiry, distinct
standing goal-directed behavior. There is consensus from perception and motor control, has yielded a
that solving this puzzle involves understanding percep- number of significant advances. Here, we briefly con-
tual processing of objects and surfaces, on the one sider treatment of the actor in shaping goal-directed
hand, and volitional motor planning and control on the behavior by several of the more influential theoretical
other. However, this dichotomy, while experimentally perspectives.
convenient, is suspect. Evidence is accumulating in For more than two decades, Goodale and Milner’s
both the behavioral sciences and neurosciences that (1991) dual systems theory has been the dominant
perceptual, motor, and, indeed, a broad set of action- theoretical framework. The key idea is that two func-
related cognitive functions are intertwined to the point tionally and anatomically separable pathways are
of being largely inseparable. As a consequence, action involved in the representation of visual information
science must grapple with challenging issues that span for perceptual judgments (occipital-temporal ventral
all three of these research domains. stream) versus goal-directed actions (occipital-parietal
Several decades of action research have yielded a dorsal stream). There is extensive evidence for these
deep understanding of perceptual processes that two pathways and their distinct functional properties.
mediate motor behavior. Very little attention, however, Most notable is patient D. F., whose remarkable preser-
has been given to the fact that actions are determined vation of visually guided action in spite of severe apper-
by the relationship between perceptual attributes of the envi- ceptive agnosia was the impetus behind the insight that
ronment and the unique cognitive and motor capabilities of perception for action is supported by mechanisms dis-
the actor. The fact that actors, like their environments, tinct from those involved in perceptual judgments.
are highly dynamic has been almost entirely ignored. Despite its many virtues, this approach is heavily focused
This dynamism is due to rapid changes in goal or moti- on perception of the environment and gives short shrift
vational states and access to tools or other technologies, to the role of the actor in shaping actions. Little atten-
as well as to more gradual alterations in behavioral tion is devoted, for instance, to the role of the actor’s

frey and grafton: finding the actor in reciprocal affordance 513

goals and motivations and how unique cognitive and eliminated by these manipulations. In the natural
physical capabilities shape their actions. world, the physical state and internal motivation of the
The theory of event coding (TEC) is perhaps the first actor are dynamic. At present, ACH does not address
contemporary framework to emphasize the role of the this key challenge.
actor in goal-directed action (Hommel, Musseler, Furthermore, the available evidence in support of
Aschersleben, & Prinz, 2001). This theory makes the ACH exclusively involves reaching, which can be char-
important point that studying perception and action acterized entirely by direct sensorimotor matching of
separately is an artifice, with perceptual information the superficial location of the target and the associated
and action plans represented in a common system of limb trajectory. It is unclear how this selection mecha-
event codes. This significant step acknowledges the nism would need to be enhanced to account for more
need for representational processes that capture not complex goal-directed behaviors such as grasping,
only properties of the environment but also of the where the choice of a grasp can be affected not only by
actors and their intended actions in the world. There the perceptual attributes of objects, but also by the
is, however, no clear account in the theory of whether intended functional outcome of the action. For
the stimulus determines the behavior (a reframing of example, our choice of grasping a hammer depends on
behaviorism, where the event code is the stimulus- whether we intend to pound or pull a nail, or pass it to
response association), or the desired behavior sets up another worker, as well as its perceived size, orientation,
conditions for the event code to occur. Real action form, and weight (Johnson & Grafton, 2003).
involves active sensing to maximize physical perfor-
mance. Furthermore, it is unclear how action choices The dynamic actor
are made in this framework. Action is built from an
appreciation of one’s capabilities, desires, motivational The fundamental challenge for theories of perception
states, and experience. is explaining how it is possible to construct stable rep-
Relatedly, Cisek’s affordance competition hypothesis resentations of objects and surfaces in the environment
(ACH) is based on extensive recording studies in non- (distal stimuli) from information received by the senses
human primates that are trained to make reaching (proximal stimuli) that is highly dynamic due to changes
movements to different targets (Cisek, 2007). A key in a variety of factors including lighting, distance, and
observation from this work is that, following the onset viewpoint. Retinal images of objects are dramatically
of visual targets, there is a buildup of object-selective affected by all of these variables, and yet we somehow
premovement activity within parietal neurons. These perceive a world of objects with constant properties of
responses are viewed as representations of potential color, size, and form (Johnson, 2001; Rock, di Vita, &
goal-directed actions and escalate over the subsequent Barbeito, 1981). Though having received considerably
delay interval. Following presentation of a cue indicat- less attention, theories of action must grapple with an
ing the action target, there is a selective decrease in additional challenge: the possibilities for goal-directed
activity associated with the uncued target. In Cisek’s actions aimed at these stable objects are themselves
model, action selection (the perceptually based choice) dynamic. The reason is that possibilities for action
and specification (how an action is to be physically depend on the capabilities of the actor, which change
executed) are intertwined representations, and multi- over several different time scales due to factors includ-
ple action possibilities are represented and then ing growth and development, senescence, injury or
resolved through a competitive process. disease, the acquisition of skills, and even the availabil-
Cisek’s hypothesis goes on to provide an elaborate, ity of tools and other technologies. The button on the
neurally based framework that describes how an action corridor wall presents an opportunity to summon the
results from a multitude of influences arising in widely elevator when pressed, but not to the small child or
distributed brain regions. Conspicuously absent from wheelchair-bound adult who cannot reach it. Likewise,
the factors that can influence action choice in ACH are for the adult from a remote culture who has never
those pertaining to characteristics of the actor. How experienced this technology. Allowing the child to
might the system behave, for instance, if the visual stand on a stool, giving the person in the wheelchair a
targets were located beyond the monkey’s reach, or if cane to extend their reach, or demonstrating the pro-
the animal’s hands were restrained, or paralyzed? In cedure to the foreign visitor can rapidly alter the action
both of these examples, the targets would no longer possibilities presented by that very same button.
signal possible actions. To the extent that the pre- In short, the action possibilities in an environment
movement neurophysiological responses indicate cannot be understood solely by focusing on the
affordances, one would therefore expect them to be perceptual attributes of the environment, because these

514 motor systems and action

opportunities are only defined relative to the actor. This criti- that might be drawn between what is motor and what
cal point was understood by Gibson and captured in his is sensory.
original notion of affordances. As discussed below, this If one accepts this assertion, then there are important
concept inspired a substantial body of behavioral implications for the way that we design and interpret
research into actors’ perceptions of the opportunities our experiments. Perhaps the most obvious is that how
for action provided by the environment. We contend actors are allowed to respond in our research para-
that a cognitive neuroscience of action has much to digms matters; relying too heavily on button presses, for
gain by building on this construct in three ways: extend- example, may limit the relevance of our results to other
ing the role of the actor, allowing for representations actions. Because affordances are seen as relative to the
to mediate affordances, and allowing for deep (inferred) actor, the approach also forces scientists to confront the
properties of objects and task environments to serve as possibility of interspecies differences. The same envi-
potential affordances. ronment holds different affordances depending on a
species’ capabilities for action, which are products of
Representation of affordances evolutionary history. This point is important to consider
when generalizing results from animal models to
Since Gibson first introduced the term, much has been humans.
written about the meaning(s) of “affordances” in the To remain accurate, perceptions of affordances must
philosophical and psychological literatures (Chemero, adapt as the capabilities of an actor change. Evidence
2003), and it has been become part of the jargon in suggests that this is the case even in response to acute
robotics, human factors engineering, and psychology. manipulations, such as artificially increasing leg length
Between, and even within, these disciplines, the term by strapping blocks to the feet (Mark, 1987), extending
has been used inconsistently. Far from being merely an reach with a tool (Witt, Proffitt, & Epstein, 2005), or
issue of semantics, this definition has practical conse- altering the range of motion and dynamics of manual
quences for how action scientists design experiments grasping thorough use of a handheld device (Jacobs,
and interpret data. Danielmeier, & Frey, 2010; Martin, Jacobs, & Frey,
The concept of affordance has begun to appear in 2011). In an upcoming section, we argue that the same
the cognitive neuroscience literature as well, where it is should also be true for more gradual changes brought
often used synonymously with “action-relevant object about by growth and development, senescence, and
property” (Barde, Buxbaum, & Moll, 2007; Borghi, skill acquisition, as well as the onset of injury or disease.
Flumini, Natraj, & Wheaton, 2012). While Gibson did A final implication is that the physical properties of
appear to use the term in several ways over the years, the effectors themselves constrain the affordances in an
this differs fundamentally from his basic notion. For environment. Of relevance here is recent work showing
Gibson, affordances are objectively measurable, latent action that problems of action specification are simplified by
possibilities in the environment’s objects and surfaces the physical constraints of the effectors (Overduin,
defined in relation to the perceiver’s physical capabilities, but d’Avella, Carmena, & Bizzi, 2012; Valero-Cuevas, Yi,
not dependent on the perceiver’s awareness (Gibson, 1979). Brown, McNamara, Paul, & Lipson, 2007).
Properties of the world exist independent of actors,
while affordances exist only if there is an actor capable Reciprocal Affordance: Empirical Studies For
of exploiting them. Gibson, the environment was rich with information and
Gibson’s definition of affordances has a number of possessed invariant properties that could be used to
significant implications for cognitive neuroscientists solve the relationship between distal and proximal
who are interested in understanding mechanisms of stimuli directly, without the need for elaborate construc-
goal-directed action, and we advocate it as a powerful tive processes, including internal representations. The
starting position. He viewed perception as a reciprocal first question to answer was, what information is avail-
process, with actors who engage in gathering informa- able to the organism in an environment? There have
tion from the environment through active use of their been important successes in determining invariant
senses, and whose possibilities for action are in turn sources of information (Cutting, Proffitt, & Kozlowski,
constrained by that environment. He explicitly recog- 1978; Cutting, Springer, Braren, & Johnson, 1992;
nized that organisms are equipped with a variety of what Turvey, Solomon, & Burton, 1989; Warren, 1984), and
we might best refer to as sensory effectors. They move investigations of affordance perception continue to be
parts of the body that are considered effectors and/or fruitful in the experimental psychology literature
sensors (e.g., eyes, ears, tongue, hands) to investigate (Adolph, Eppler, & Gibson, 1993; Gibson, Owsley,
the environment. These facts effectively blur any line Walker, & Megaw-Nyce, 1979). Without moving a

frey and grafton: finding the actor in reciprocal affordance 515

muscle, healthy adults are able to perceive accurately a virtual world, a person’s judgment about whether
whether a stool is low enough to sit on, a stair is too she can squeeze through a closing gap will change if
high to step (Mark, 1987; Warren, 1984), an object is she is walking, independent of perceptual information
within reach (Fischer, 2000; Rochat & Wraga, 1997), or induced by visual flow (Fajen & Matthis, 2011). The use
an opening is of sufficient size to accommodate their of a tool to elongate a limb can also alter fundamental
hand (Ishak, Adolph, & Lin, 2008). Nevertheless, the perceptual properties, such as parallax and object shape
direct perception approach in pure form has proven (Witt, 2011). The neural mechanisms underlying these
limited. Due largely to its rejection of the need for effects remain to be determined. It would seem,
internal representation, it fell out of the mainstream however, that the motor command and efference copy,
during the “cognitive revolution,” which laid the foun- which are used to estimate the physical position of the
dation upon which cognitive neuroscience was erected. actor in space in real time (Desmurget & Grafton, 2000;
Unfortunately, this dismissal needlessly sacrificed a Mulliken, Musallam, & Andersen, 2008), must influ-
number of valuable insights. As recognized by Neisser ence the structure of sensory feedback used in this state
and others, many strengths of the Gibsonian approach estimation.
are compatible with those of information processing,
and this amalgamation has led to notable successes in The key interacts with unseen functional attributes of a
the domain of cognition (Neisser, 1976). We advocate lock The actor’s functional knowledge plays a role in
for the utility of a similar hybrid approach to action. defining affordances. For instance, the way that actors
We use the terminology “reciprocal affordance” to choose to grasp a familiar tool is affected by their knowl-
underscore the interactive relationship between the edge of the tools’ learned functions rather than just the
dynamic actor and the world in defining opportunities tool’s perceptual attributes (orientation, size, form).
for action. We place a very strong emphasis on the fact This functional knowledge is reflected in hand shaping,
that the actor is an active participant in defining these which is far more elegant and supple than a simple
opportunities, which are represented in the brain. The opposition space formed by the thumb and index
actor supplies novel opportunities for action through finger. There is enormous flexibility in how the grasp
their goals, motives, and active manipulation of the aperture is actually formed from all of the fingers to
environment (including the creation of new objects match the requirements of a given affordance (Mon-
and technologies), and by virtue of their own capacity Williams & Bingham, 2011). The kinematics of hand
to change due to maturation and experience. shaping are closely tied to the functional attributes of
A growing body of behavioral evidence is consistent the object, not just the superficial object properties
with the hypothesis that actors represent reciprocal (Hughes et al., 2012). Tools requiring a specialized
affordances, and a useful analogy to consider is the grip, such as scissors, are a good example.
relationship of locks (the environment) and keys (the Evidence for functional knowledge can also be
actor). The actor, interacting with objects and sur- obtained from analyses of reaction-time data reflecting
faces, has to accommodate the environmental and grasp planning prior to movement onset. For example,
task requirements, just as a key must fit the lock. the fact that planning times are strongly influenced by
However, in this analogy, both the key and the lock the compatibility between the orientation of the object’s
are changeable; that is, what is possible with an object functionally relevant axis (e.g., handle) and the hand
can change, and what an actor can do is not fixed. indicates that the grasp is planned by retrieving stored
representations of functionally relevant information
The state of the key can change the apparent lock Across (Tucker & Ellis, 1998). In interpreting reaction-time
many natural circumstances, both the state and the studies, it is noteworthy that hand shape for a given
behavioral capacity of the actor can have powerful influ- object can be generated entirely from prior knowledge,
ences on how affordances are perceived. For example, without any online or haptic feedback (Bingham, Coats,
in sports, balls that are easier to stop look like they are & Mon-Williams, 2007). Many recent studies have used
moving more slowly than balls that are more difficult to priming to establish the specificity of grasp planning for
stop (Witt & Sugovic, 2012). The apparent size of an different functional attributes. In a clever study, regular
object is also positively related to the grasping ability of and reverse pliers were used in a paradigm that switched
the observer (Linkenauger, Witt, & Proffitt, 2011) and between different tools and task goals from trial to trial.
using an object will increase perception of related Reaction times demonstrated priming effects related to
objects (Witt & Brockmole, 2012). As demonstrated in the action (clamp/release) independent of the specific
infant locomotion many years earlier (Adolph et al., tool (i.e., hand movement) used to generate that prop-
1993), physical motion itself alters perception, while in erty (Beisert, Massen, & Prinz, 2010). In another study,

516 motor systems and action

actors were asked to grasp a beer mug on its side and leads to renewed capacity as well as a shift in reciprocal
reorient it vertically using a biomechanically comfort- affordance. They are better at perceiving if they can fit
able action. The starting position of the mug was through barriers with the wheelchair than naive ambu-
manipulated, resulting in an upright or inverted mug latory subjects sitting in a wheelchair (Higuchi, Hatano,
that could hold beer or not (Masson, Bub, & Breuer, Soma, & Imanaka, 2009).
2011). Priming effects only occur if the starting position The tool can change the actor by creating a new
and handle are in an orientation that results in the spatial geometry of interactions. When a stick is used to
more functionally useful end-state: an upright mug. extend reach, what is perceived as being reachable is
Both of these studies show dramatically that action fundamentally altered (Witt, Proffitt, & Epstein, 2005).
selection is not based solely on the perceptual attri- One framework to explain this is the “distalization of
butes of the object, but includes representations of the end-effector,” where the internal body schema is
the object’s functions, as well as the anticipated elongated with the tool (Arbib, Bonaiuto, Jacobs, &
demands associated with completing the actors’ goal Frey, 2009; Cardinali et al., 2009). In addition, periper-
(Rosenbaum, Halloran, & Cohen, 2006). sonal space is defined by the body schema, which in
turn is modified with tools (Brozzoli, Pavani, Urquizar,
Experience reshapes the key, leading to new locks Reciprocal Cardinali, & Farnè, 2009).
affordance allows for increases or decreases in experi- Tools can do much more than extend reach; for
ence to change the actor, resulting in new affordances. example, a screw only provides an affordance if one has
This has been observed in many cross-sectional studies the appropriate driver. In addition to providing unusu-
of expert athletes. For example, successful archers per- ally shaped effectors (screw drivers, sewing needles)
ceive the target as larger than nonexperts (Lee, Lee, that provide access to otherwise inaccessible affor-
Carello, & Turvey, 2012). Expert rock climbers perceive dances, tools by virtue of their unique mechanical prop-
climbing handholds differently than novices (Handy, erties can dramatically alter the range of motion for
Tipper, Borg, Grafton, & Gazzaniga, 2006) and can grasping movements (Jacobs, Danielmeier, & Frey,
visualize more routes up a climbing wall than nonex- 2010; Martin, Jacobs, & Frey, 2011). When people learn
perts (Pezzulo, Barca, Bocconi, & Borghi, 2010). More to use a new grasping device, there is striking overlap
direct evidence can be found in longitudinal training in brain areas involved in natural hand grasping and
studies that avoid the pitfalls of cross-sectional compari- novel tool grasping, suggesting that intrinsic mecha-
sons. Once people learn to tie a specific set of knots, nisms for planning natural hand grasps are readily
their capacity to visually discriminate knots (both famil- adapted for planning new types of grasps.
iar and new) is enhanced (Cross et al., 2012). There
also appears to be a social aspect to this kind of change. Old or broken keys may no longer release the same locks When
Having learned how to use a tool will strongly bias an individual’s capacity for action is diminished due to
expectations of how other people will use the same tool senescence, injury, or disease, there could be a change
(Jacquet, Chambon, Borghi, & Tessari, 2012). These in reciprocal affordances. An important question is
experience-dependent behavioral effects are also whether changes of physical capacity are reflected in
reflected in brain activity. Once knots are physically patients’ perceptions of action possibilities. In normal
learned, there is greater activity in grasp-related areas aging, some, but not all, aspects of reciprocal affor-
of the parietal cortex (Cross et al., 2012). In addition, dance adapt to the declining physical strength. As we
activity in parietal cortex shows greater specificity for grow old, our estimation of the climbability of a flight
familiar versus learned tools (Valyear, Gallivan, McLean, of stairs is appropriately reduced (Konczak, Meeuwsen,
& Culham, 2012). An important implication of these & Cress, 1992). However, in other situations, older
studies is the localization of reciprocal affordance for adults may fail to update adequately their representa-
objects to areas at the end of the dorsal visual stream, tions of reciprocal affordances to accommodate their
where haptics, motor commands, and vision merge to diminishing physical capacity. This can lead them to
plan grasping actions. overestimate their ability to stand on an incline or to
clear an obstacle (Lafargue, Noel, & Luyat, 2013).
Experience with technology can change or add new keys to the Relatedly, the question of how brain or bodily injury
keychain The relationship between tool use and recip- might influence perception of affordances remains
rocal affordance is complex, because the tool both largely unexplored, but there are some intriguing leads.
changes and augments the actor. A dramatic example Although physically impossible, many patients with
of this was described in tetraplegic patients who learn dense acute (Johnson, 2000a) or chronic (Johnson,
to use wheelchairs for mobility. Learning this new tool Sprehn, & Saykin, 2002) post-stroke hemiparesis retain

frey and grafton: finding the actor in reciprocal affordance 517

the ability to select the least awkward option for grasp- pot with a handle pointing toward or away from the
ing an object; that is, to evaluate reciprocal affordances responding hand; Tucker & Ellis, 1998). Assessing this
(Johnson, 1998; Johnson, 2000b). Preservation of this in a patient is complicated by the potential co-
ability in hemiparetics might be attributed to continued occurrence of unilateral spatial neglect that could lead
visual or somatosensory feedback, or both, from the to a rightward bias irrespective of the functional rele-
affected limb were it not for the fact that chronic upper- vance of the oriented object. To sort this out, the rela-
limb amputation also demonstrates preserved grip- tionship between spatial compatibility of the object
selection judgments (Philip & Frey, 2011). Why are location and the responding hand (the Simon effect)
these populations not updating their representations of and, separately, the orientation of the functional object
reciprocal affordances in light of their disabilities? A (the affordance effect), must be disentangled. In
plausible interpretation is that once formed, the integ- healthy subjects, spatial incompatibility between func-
rity of reciprocal-affordance representations does not tionally relevant object orientations and the response
require continued motor output or sensory feedback to hand are reflected in prolongation of reaction times,
be maintained, but that such activity may be required when subjects are selecting or planning the response or
for updating (Jenkinson, Edelstyn, & Ellis, 2009). If so, retrieving semantically related functional information
then this could have important implications for reha- (Iani, Baroni, Pellicano, & Nicoletti, 2011). Most evi-
bilitation and assistive technologies. Similar to the over- dence in healthy subjects shows that spatial compatibil-
estimation of affordances by the elderly noted earlier ity effects and functional affordance effects operate
(Lafargue, Noel, & Luyat, 2013), more work is needed independently, although there are exceptions (Iani et
to address whether this might contribute to incidents al., 2011). If the Simon effect is considered as a proxy
such as increased risk of falling in certain patient for the spatial attention processes that are impacted in
populations. neglect, then results from stroke patients support the
In contrast to patients with unilateral hemiparesis or argument that these two effects represent fundamen-
amputation, those with classic ideomotor apraxia do tally independent planning operations. In patients with
show deficits in representing reciprocal affordances, as anosagnosia and profound neglect, there is striking
tested with a version of the grip-selection task (Buxbaum, preservation of the affordance effect, suggesting that
Johnson-Frey, & Bartlett-Williams, 2005). Lesions in this functional knowledge can overcome the neglect that
case are typically localized to left inferior parietal or would otherwise cause the patient to ignore the object
posterior inferior prefrontal cortex in a network that is (Humphreys & Riddoch, 2001; Humphreys, Wulff,
widely acknowledged to play a central role in action Yoon, & Riddoch, 2010). The critical point from these
cognition, particularly in relationship to the organiza- patient studies is the demonstration that reciprocal
tion of complex goal-oriented behavior, object manipu- affordance is a representational process that is relatively
lation, and tool use (Haaland, Harrington, & Knight, independent of spatial attention.
2000; Johnson-Frey, Newman-Norlund, & Grafton,
2005). Note that these regions overlap to some extent Conclusion
with those implicated by functional MRI as being
involved in representing reciprocal affordances in the The characteristic that distinguishes action from move-
grip-selection task; specifically, the anterior intrapari- ment is its goal-directedness. As a result, action scien-
etal sulcus and left ventral premotor cortex (Johnson tists face the sizeable challenge of understanding how
et al., 2002; Marangon, Jacobs, & Frey, 2011), areas our actions are determined by the attributes of the
commonly implicated in visually guided grasping objects and surfaces in the environment and by our
(Grafton, 2010). Activity in these areas increases if the unique goals and behavioral capacities. The key lies in
subjects must choose the most natural grip for rotating developing an appreciation of the complex dynamic
the handle to place a cued end downward, imposing that exists between actor and environment in defining
the additional complexity of the calculation of end-state possibilities for action. We offer the concept of recipro-
comfort. This suggests that even when subjects must cal affordance as an important step in this direction. By
plan multiple steps in advance to achieve end-state virtue of its explicit acknowledgment that actors shape
comfort, a single neural system is utilized in computing and are shaped by their environments, it offers a way to
the affordance (Marangon, Jacobs, & Frey, 2011). integrate a diversity of factors that influence our actions,
Another approach for investigating reciprocal affor- including development, disability, and the use of
dance in patients is to determine if their reaching to technology. The reciprocal-affordance approach will
objects is influenced by the compatibility or incompat- become increasingly important as goal specification is
ibility between object orientation and the hand (e.g., a translated to the clinic. The rapid evolution of brain

518 motor systems and action

computer systems introduces fundamental challenges Cutting, J. E., Springer, K., Braren, P. A., & Johnson, S. H.
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as a goal-directed behavior unfolds. In the area of stroke Cogn Sci, 4, 423–431.
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tional, rather than motor recovery. action-scaled affordances: The shrinking gap problem.
J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 37, 1442–1457.
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PHS (NS44393), the U.S. Army Research Office (contract engagement or postural stability? Hum Mov Sci, 19,
W911NF-09-0001), and the James S. McDonnell Foundation; 297–318.
and by grants to S.H.F from the PHS grant (NS083377-01), Gibson, E. J., Owsley, C. J., Walker, A., & Megaw-Nyce, J.
USAMRAA (W81XWH-10-1-1020), and James S. McDonnell (1979). Development of the perception of invariants: Sub-
Foundation (220020190). stance and shape. Perception, 8, 609–619.
Gibson, J. J. (1979). The ecological approach to visual perception.
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520 motor systems and action










Memory influences all aspects of cognitive function,

as learning through past experience gives rise to predic-
tions (memories) that shape current perception, think-
ing, and action. Approximately 20 years ago, Endel
Tulving introduced this section of the first edition of
The Cognitive Neurosciences by highlighting two themes
central to memory theory and research. First, to under-
stand memory, one must characterize the processes gov-
erning memory encoding, storage, and retrieval.
Second, memory is a nonunitary entity, as it consists of
multiple forms of knowledge expression that depend
on distinct neural substrates and computations. In the
intervening years, technological advances in the neuro-
sciences have enabled increased anatomical and com-
putational precision in addressing these central topics,
while simultaneously sparking novel themes and chal-
lenges to some earlier ideas.
This section of this volume documents the field’s
progress toward increasingly precise models of memory,
such as specifying the distinct computations and forms
of remembering supported by regions in the medial
temporal lobe, delineating the multiple mechanisms
that underlie memory performance over short time
scales, and illuminating how “context” is neurally rep-
resented and serves to influence memory behavior. This
section also documents some of the newly emerging
themes that have shaped the field in recent years, such
as the integration of memory and decision theory, the
unexpected role of parietal cortex in memory, and the
fundamental link between memory and prediction.
The remarkable strides summarized in these chapters
evidence past progress and predict a future rich with
continued discovery.

wagner: introduction 523

Theories of memory have long emphasized that multivariate data analyses have enabled quantitative
memories operate at different time scales. A common measurement of the neural responses at encoding and
distinction is between short-term forms of memory that retrieval that relate to memory performance, and they
enable representations to persist across brief temporal discuss extant data supporting the view that event recol-
gaps, and long-term forms of memory that enable lection partially depends on hippocampally mediated
knowledge acquired even in the distant past to influ- reinstatement of the distributed patterns of cortical
ence current cognition. Canonically, performance after activation that were present at the moment of memory
brief delays is thought to depend on short-term (or encoding. Davachi and Preston further consider how
working) memory processes, wherein sustained atten- measures of neural reinstatement are being leveraged
tion to internal representations of just-encountered to understand the processes that support memory-
stimuli keeps the representations active in mind, allow- based inference, generalization, and the integration of
ing knowledge from the recent past to shape ongoing knowledge across distinct life events. Leutgeb and
thinking and action. Recently, this view has been chal- Leutgeb review parallel efforts to specify how separable
lenged by findings suggesting that performance after medial temporal cortical processing streams and dis-
brief delays can be supported by multiple mechanisms, tinct intra-hippocampal computations support memory.
some that may correspond to short-term memory pro- Drawing on an increasingly rich literature in rodents,
cesses and others to long-term memory processes. In and to a lesser extent primates, they consider exciting
the first chapter in this section, Ranganath, Hasselmo, developments in understanding entorhinal cortical
and Stern discuss candidate neural mechanisms, brain function, including the discovery and elucidation of
systems, and cognitive processes that can support per- the functional role of medial entorhinal grid cells, and
formance on short time scales (on the order of tens of they discuss evidence suggesting that the subregions
seconds). They review how performance after brief of the hippocampal formation—dentate gyrus, cornu
delays may depend on active maintenance of neural ammonis (CA) subfields of hippocampus, and subicu-
activity, as well as on short-term changes in synaptic lum—perform specialized computations during the
efficacy or neural excitability. At the neural systems encoding, storage, and retrieval of memories. The com-
level, they consider how active maintenance may emerge plementary discoveries highlighted in these two chap-
from interactions between prefrontal and posterior cor- ters illustrate the bidirectional influences of rodent and
tical areas, and they discuss the controversial idea that human research on medial temporal lobe function.
the medial temporal lobe may also contribute to per- A critical tenet in cognitive models of episodic
formance at short delays partly through maintenance memory is that event memories entail the binding of
processes. Ranganath and colleagues conclude by con- event features with representations of the “context” in
sidering a number of influential cognitive theories of which the event unfolds. The explanatory power of
short-term memory. context for understanding memory behavior was
Beginning with the observation of Henry Molaison’s insightfully demonstrated in seminal work by William
(H.M.) amnesia following surgical resection of his Estes in the 1950s, work that has inspired the inclusion
medial temporal lobes some 60 years ago, extensive of context representations in subsequent computa-
research has established the critical role of these struc- tional theories of memory. While a dominant theoreti-
tures in long-term (declarative) memory for events cal construct, precise specification of what constitutes
(episodes) and facts (semantic knowledge). Models of context and how context is neurally represented have
medial temporal lobe function have become increas- remained elusive. Manning, Kahana, and Norman con-
ingly precise in recent years, with considerable work sider how contextual effects in memory emerge from
focused on understanding the forms of memory and the influence of representations that persist and slowly
underlying computations supported by distinct subre- drift with time. From their view, context does not consist
gions of the medial temporal lobe (which consists of of a particular type of event content (e.g., representa-
the hippocampal formation and surrounding perirhi- tions of the spatial environment in which an event has
nal, parahippocampal, and entorhinal cortical areas). occurred), but rather consists of information that
Davachi and Preston review the field’s progress in speci- emerges from our experiences and that persists with
fying the neural processes that encode and reactivate different time scales across time. Manning and col-
(retrieve) episodic memories, including evidence that leagues review how context can explain important
the medial temporal cortex (specifically, perirhinal and aspects of memory behavior, and they discuss factors
parahippocampal cortex) and hippocampus subserve that drive contextual drift and updating. At the neural
distinct computations. In so doing, they illustrate how level, they consider possible mechanisms that may give
the advent of event-related functional MRI (fMRI) and rise to context and review recent neurophysiological

524 memory
and functional imaging evidence for the role of pre- are increasingly considering memory as decision
frontal cortex and medial temporal lobe structures in making, wherein perception ultimately guides action
representing context. through decision processes that weigh retrieved mne-
Given the established dependence of episodic monic evidence in relation to decision criteria.
memory on medial temporal lobe binding and reactiva- From the multiple memory systems perspective, dif-
tion computations, one of the more surprising develop- ferent forms of memory are supported by distinct com-
ments in recent years is the observation that fMRI putations and neural substrates. One central distinction
activity in multiple regions of lateral parietal cortex is between declarative memory, which consists of epi-
consistently varies with episodic retrieval behavior. It is sodic and semantic memory, and procedural memory,
perhaps unsurprising that the medial temporal lobe is which underlies habits and skilled behavior. Further
not the only region to exhibit activity that covaries with illustrating the intersection between theorizing about
retrieval processing, given that binding and reactiva- memory and decision making, Shohamy and Daw con-
tion, in isolation, are insufficient to support memory- sider the evidence for these distinct memory systems in
guided behavior. Indeed, to remember and to act on parallel with the literature on decision making and
the products of remembering requires multiple addi- learning from reward. These authors highlight two
tional processes, from attending to the cues that trigger exciting theoretical developments. First, they discuss
memory retrieval, to maintaining reactivated informa- how decision research on reward learning has speci-
tion that may serve as the basis for memory-guided fied a neural mechanism for learning about actions,
decisions, to integrating reactivated evidence with deci- and they consider how this mechanism may partly
sion criteria, and ultimately to selecting an appropriate underlie the habits and skills (procedural memory)
action. Two chapters in this section consider the role of that have been the focus of much of memory research.
parietal cortex in episodic retrieval through the broader Second, they discuss how important aspects of reward-
lens of remembering as decision making. Uncapher, mediated decision behavior are not well accounted for
Gordon, and Wagner introduce a number of promi- by this “habit-like” mechanism, sparking interest in
nent hypotheses recently advanced to account for understanding the mechanisms governing goal repre-
lateral parietal contributions to episodic retrieval and sentation and goal-directed action learning. Highlight-
briefly review the literature in relation to these hypoth- ing the reciprocal influences between decision and
eses. These authors argue that any model of lateral memory research, Shohamy and Daw consider how
parietal contributions to retrieval must take into account declarative memory mechanisms may support goal-
the rich, fine-grained functional heterogeneity evident directed action learning. The explanatory power of
in lateral parietal cortex, and they offer a working viewing memory and decision behavior as linked prom-
model of lateral parietal function that posits that mul- ises continued integration of these fields, and the
tiple parietal processes—including processes of atten- emergence of models in which core mechanisms of
tion, multifeatural binding and maintenance, decision memory and decision making are isomorphic.
making, and action intention—as well as interactions Memory as decision making directly stems from the
between these processes ultimately support memory- demands of life, in which people and other organisms
guided behavior. Miller and Dobbins similarly argue constantly face the challenge of representing the
that memory inherently entails decision making, and as current state of the world and determining how to act
such many of the neural correlates of episodic retrieval to achieve goals and optimize outcomes. Learning
evidenced by functional imaging likely reflect various enables organisms to draw on predictive models of how
decision and control processes, rather than memory past states of the world mapped to outcomes, such that
reactivation processes per se. These authors review an memory-based predictions shape current interpreta-
emerging literature that suggests that lateral prefrontal tions of the world and favor selection of appropriate
and parietal cortex may contribute to memory-guided actions. While the conceptualization of memory as pre-
behavior, in part through control processes that tune diction has a long history, this view is increasingly influ-
and bias memory judgments. Miller and Dobbins posit ential in theorizing about memory. Not only is it central
a biasing and orienting framework wherein frontopari- to theories of procedural memory (habits and skills),
etal processes bias memory-guided judgments for more priming, and other nondeclarative forms of memory,
efficient processing when biases are confirmed and, the idea has also emerged as central to theories of epi-
alternatively, support attentional orienting and more sodic memory, wherein the recollection of details of a
thorough exploration of memory contents when biases past event may be viewed as an episodic-based predic-
are disconfirmed. Both chapters illustrate how efforts tion about what the present may hold. Strikingly, a
to understand the cognitive neuroscience of memory recent theme in memory research extends this idea to

wagner: introduction 525

understand how episodic memory enables individuals brain states) back in time (recollecting events past) but
to imagine possible experiences that may unfold well in also forward into imagined futures (constructing
the future. Mullally and Maguire discuss the relation- memory-based simulations).
ship between prediction, imagination, and recollection, In the fourth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences,
and review a wealth of evidence in support of this inte- Daniel Schacter noted: “We cannot know with any cer-
grative perspective. In doing so, they consider leading tainty what path memory research will follow in the
hypotheses for how the medial temporal lobe supports upcoming years, but we can be confident that it will be
memory, scene construction, and prediction, and they exciting to find out.” The chapters in this section reveal
make the powerful point that our conscious realities some of the paths taken and the remarkable discoveries
can be temporally stretched by medial temporal lobe that followed. There is reason to remain optimistic
computations that not only project our thoughts (and about the exciting science that lies ahead.

526 memory
44 Short-Term Memory: Neural
Mechanisms, Brain Systems, and
Cognitive Processes

ABSTRACT The idea that memory across delays of a few seconds, “long term” to refer to different concepts and time
or short-term memory (STM), can be distinguished from scales. For example, in the synaptic plasticity literature,
memory across longer delays, or long-term memory (LTM),
the terms short term and long term are used to refer to
has a long history but remains highly controversial. The con-
flict has come about, in part, because of the challenges in longer time scales.
integrating findings from studies of STM at different levels of It is probably fair to say that most cognitive neurosci-
analysis, using different task paradigms, and in different entists have been exposed to the general idea that LTM
species. A review of this literature reveals that there is no (i.e., the ability to retain information across longer
single neural mechanism, brain system, or cognitive process delays on the order of minutes or longer) is supported
that supports performance on STM tasks. Furthermore, at the
neural level, STM and LTM may be intricately linked. by lasting, experience-dependent changes in synaptic
strength in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) memory
“Memory is a convenient chapter heading designating certain system, and that this system is not necessary for reten-
kinds of problems that scientists study. Methods of science tion across very short delays. Instead, the early view held
have been brought to bear on the problems of memory for by some was that STM (defined here, operationally, as
over a hundred years, in many different organisms, and at the ability to retain information across delays of several
many different levels of analysis, extending from molecular
mechanisms to the phenomena of conscious awareness.”
seconds) was supported by the prefrontal cortex (PFC).
At present, few researchers who study STM and LTM
—Endel Tulving, introduction to “Memory” section of the
first Cognitive Neurosciences (1995) would endorse this view, as it presents an overly simplis-
tic, and largely incorrect, mapping between neural
The study of short-term memory serves as a beautiful mechanisms (persistent activity for STM vs. synaptic
example of both the stunning progress in cognitive plasticity for LTM1), brain systems (PFC for STM vs.
neuroscience over the past 50 years, and the number of MTL for LTM), cognitive processes (active maintenance
open questions that remain. Researchers have made vs. episodic memory encoding and retrieval), and con-
great strides by relating work from elegant behavioral scious experiences (the attention-demanding process
paradigms in animal models, studies on humans with of having something remain present in consciousness
brain damage, and neuroimaging studies of activity in vs. the experience of becoming aware of information
the healthy human brain. These findings have yielded that is associated with a sense of a different time and
a series of answers to very specific questions posed at place).
different levels of analysis. Our current challenge is to In this chapter, we will summarize available evidence
bridge these different levels of analysis. regarding the neural mechanisms and brain systems
Here, we use the terms “short-term memory” (STM) that support STM. We start off by reviewing the basic
and “long-term memory” (LTM) as operational terms
to describe memory performance at various retention 1
Note that we are not using the term “working memory”
intervals, with the understanding that multiple pro- (WM) in this chapter, though many researchers equate the
cesses and mechanisms (to be considered in this term WM with STM. This is because we are describing memory
chapter) could differentially support performance on mechanisms on short time scales independent of their use for
cognitive processes. In contrast, we use WM in a manner that
STM and LTM measures. We use STM to refer to time
is consistent with its use by Baddeley and others—that is, to
scales up to tens of seconds, and LTM to refer to describe various cognitive processes that might support STM
memory spanning minutes or longer. It is important to performance. The definitions of STM and WM are reviewed
note that different literatures use “short term” and in more detail in Aben, Stapert, and Blokland (2012).

ranganath, hasselmo, and stern: short-term memory 527

neural mechanisms that could conceivably support the service of LTM) and persistent activation of the cell
memory at short time scales. Next, we will summarize assembly over short durations in the service of STM
the available evidence regarding the involvement of tasks.
areas across the brain in STM, based on evidence from To the extent that a novel stimulus does not closely
single-unit recording, lesion, and neuroimaging studies. correspond to preexisting representations, active main-
We will then review concepts from different models of tenance dependent on preexisting synaptic connectivity
STM and describe how these models might help to may not provide a mechanism for short-term retention
build links between the mechanisms described above. (Hasselmo & Stern, 2006). As an alternative, active
maintenance could be implemented through intrinsic
Candidate neural mechanisms for cellular mechanisms within single neurons that do not
short-term memory require synaptic interactions. One theory of the main-
tenance of novel stimuli (Hasselmo & Stern, 2006) was
There are a number of neural mechanisms that have initially motivated by intracellular single-cell recordings
been proposed to contribute to STM. We will first con- of potential memory mechanisms (Egorov, Hamam,
sider potential mechanisms for the active maintenance Fransén, Hasselmo, & Alonso, 2002; Fransén, Tahvildari,
of neural activity involving either network level interac- Egorov, Alonso, & Hasselmo, 2006; Klink & Alonso,
tions or intrinsic cellular mechanisms. We will then 1997; Shalinsky, Magistretti, Ma, & Alonso, 2002).
consider other mechanisms involving short-term Recordings in the laboratory of Angel Alonso demon-
changes in synaptic efficacy or neuronal excitability. strated that single neurons in slice preparations of
Most theories of neural mechanisms for memory the entorhinal cortex, isolated from other neurons by
assume a distributed representation across neurons, in pharmacological blockade of excitatory and inhibitory
which the items and relationships held in memory are synaptic transmission, can maintain memory for prior
represented by the pattern of neural activity across a input in the form of persistent spiking activity. This
population of neurons, with some neurons being more maintenance of persistent spiking depends on the
active and other neurons being less active or silent. application of acetylcholine or other drugs that activate
Hebb (1949) proposed the concept of the cell assembly, muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (Egorov et al., 2002;
defined as a population of active neurons that maintain Shalinsky et al., 2002) and is blocked by muscarinic
an active memory trace that remains for a period of antagonists such as atropine (Egorov et al., 2002; Klink
time after some stimulus has been perceived. Hebb & Alonso, 1997). In the absence of acetylcholine, a
conceived of the cell assembly as arising from a rever- depolarizing intracellular current injection causes the
beratory interaction in which activity spreads between neuron to fire a train of spikes during the depolariza-
neurons in the brain, and this basic idea describes many tion, but when the current injection is stopped, the
theories of active maintenance (Amit, 1988; Cohen & membrane potential of the cell falls back to resting
Grossberg, 1983; Hopfield, 1984; Tegner, Compte, & potential and the firing stops. However, in the presence
Wang, 2002; Wilson & Cowan, 1972). This neural mech- of acetylcholine, a current injection of only a few
anism for active maintenance involves feedback excita- hundred milliseconds in layer II causes the membrane
tion, in which previous spiking activity induces further potential to remain depolarized after the current injec-
spiking activity that persists for an extended period. tion is stopped, and the cell continues to generate
The potentially explosive growth of spiking activity must spikes for an extended period of many seconds or even
be countered by feedback inhibition, resulting in fixed minutes without current injection or synaptic input.
point or oscillatory attractor dynamics (Amit & Treves, The phenomenon underlying self-sustained spiking
1989; Hasselmo, Schnell, & Barkai, 1995; Wilson & is sometimes referred to as an afterdepolarization or
Cowan, 1972). Models of spiking activity have com- plateau potential. This phenomenon continues even
monly used excitatory recurrent connections to model when both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmis-
the persistent activity of prefrontal neurons during the sion are blocked, indicating its dependence on intrinsic
retention-delay period of STM tasks (Amit & Brunel, mechanisms in a single neuron, rather than on excit-
1997; Zipser, Kehoe, Littlewort, & Fuster, 1993). Notably, atory recurrent connectivity between neurons (Klink &
this mechanism depends upon a preexisting structure Alonso, 1997). The persistent spiking can return after
of synaptic connectivity, established through previous brief periods of hyperpolarizing current injection, indi-
learning or through neural connections established cating resistance to transient distractors. In addition to
during development. Critically, such networks are not the entorhinal cortex, this effect has also been described
specialized for STM, in the sense that they can support in other structures of the medial temporal lobe, includ-
transient, input-driven activation of a cell assembly (in ing the presubiculum (Yoshida & Hasselmo, 2009), the

528 memory
perirhinal cortex (Navaroli, Zhao, Boguszewski, & Brown, called “short-term potentiation” or “post-tetanic poten-
2012), and hippocampus (Knauer, Jochems, Valero- tiation” and can be induced by calcium influx in pre-
Aracama, & Yoshida, 2013). A similar plateau-potential synaptic terminals (Bliss & Lomo, 1973; McNaughton,
phenomenon has also been described in layer V of Douglas, & Goddard, 1978). Even if the rapidly decay-
prefrontal cortical slices (Haj-Dahmane & Andrade, 1998) ing synaptic modification does not depend upon both
and in the cingulate cortex (Zhang & Seguela, 2010). presynaptic and postsynaptic activity, it can be used to
In the entorhinal cortex, plateau potentials appear to store memory (Mongillo, Barak, & Tsodyks, 2008).
arise from a calcium-sensitive nonspecific cation current Alternately, any short-term change in excitability could
(CAN current) activated by muscarinic acetylcholine allow selective reactivation of the most recently pre-
receptors (Egorov et al., 2002; Fransén, Alonso, & sented stimulus, including the CAN current described
Hasselmo, 2002; Fransén et al., 2006; Klink & Alonso, above that can decay over a period of seconds when it
1997) that strongly depolarizes neurons. In the pres- does not cause persistent spiking (Klink & Alonso,
ence of acetylcholine, the generation of spiking by 1997; Yoshida & Hasselmo, 2009).
intracellular current injection or synaptic stimulation Neuronal oscillations have been proposed to contrib-
causes the neuron to enter an internal regenerative ute to another potential STM mechanism. For instance,
cycle of sustained spiking. Each new spike activates Lisman and colleagues proposed a model in which indi-
voltage-sensitive calcium channels, and the new influx vidual items could be transiently maintained by activa-
of calcium activates the CAN current (Fransén et al., tion of specific ensembles of neurons within a single
2002). This current causes additional depolarization, cycle of a gamma (30–80 Hz) oscillation (Jensen &
leading to another spike, which again activates voltage- Lisman, 2005; Lisman & Idiart, 1995; Lisman & Jensen,
sensitive calcium channels that further perpetuate the 2013). In the model, activation of multiple item repre-
cycle. The cellular processes in the entorhinal and peri- sentations is regulated by low-frequency theta oscilla-
rhinal cortex provide a mechanism of persistent spiking tions (4–8 Hz in the human), such that each item
suitable for retaining representations of novel stimuli representation is sequentially activated during a differ-
in an active state (Hasselmo & Stern, 2006), which ent theta phase (Lisman & Idiart, 1995). Afterdepolar-
could also underlie some of the data from functional ization due to mechanisms such as the CAN current
MRI (fMRI) and unit-recording studies in parahippo- allow the reactivation of the representation on the next
campal structures described below. theta cycle, with first-in first-out replacement of items
The cellular mechanisms for generation of persistent that can model the precession of place cell spiking activ-
activity could not only support the temporary retention ity relative to theta (Jensen & Lisman, 1996; Koene &
of novel information, but also drive synaptic changes Hasselmo, 2007; Lisman & Idiart, 1995; Navratilova,
that can support retention over long delays (Hasselmo Giocomo, Fellous, Hasselmo, & McNaughton, 2012). In
& Stern, 2006; Jensen, Idiart, & Lisman, 1996; Jensen & this framework, the afterdepolarization corresponds to
Lisman, 2005). Specifically, persistent spiking could a mechanism of short-term memory for maintaining
generate strengthening of synaptic connections based representations for spatial location (Navratilova et al.,
on presynaptic and postsynaptic activity (Jansen et al., 2012; de Almeida, Idiart, Villavicencio, & Lisman,
1996; Jensen & Lisman, 2005), thereby forming pat- 2012).
terns of synaptic connectivity that could allow a similar Jensen and Lisman (2005) argued that the sequential
presynaptic cue to evoke the associated postsynaptic activation of neocortical item representations on each
activity. The strengthening of long-term synaptic con- theta cycle could support both temporary maintenance
nections can mediate LTM performance by allowing of multiple items and also the long-term retention of
later activity to cue the retrieval of an associated item temporal sequence information. The temporal distance
(Hasselmo et al., 1995; Hasselmo & Wyble, 1997; Jensen between activation of successive item representations in
et al., 1996; McNaughton & Morris, 1987; Treves & their model is substantially compressed to ∼20 ms,
Rolls, 1992). Once retrieval of a long-term memory has which corresponds roughly to the duration of one cycle
been cued, the pattern of recurrent excitation could of gamma oscillation and is within the time window
allow the retrieved memory to be held in active main- required for long-term potentiation (LTP; Bi & Poo,
tenance for an arbitrary period of time (Hasselmo & 1998; Markram, Lubke, Frotscher, & Sakmann, 1997).
Wyble, 1997; Zilli & Hasselmo, 2008). Thus, the sequential activation of items in a theta cycle
As an alternative to the persistent activity mechanisms could allow for the item representations to become
described above, STM could also be supported by tran- directly linked through Hebbian plasticity mechanisms
sient changes in synaptic efficacy that decay over a and, as a result, support long-term retention of multi-
period of seconds. This form of synaptic change is item memories. The idea that single-unit activity and

ranganath, hasselmo, and stern: short-term memory 529

gamma oscillations are modulated by the phase of low- goal. This explanation fits well with single-unit record-
frequency oscillations has received strong support from ing data showing that PFC neurons carry a great deal
studies reporting direct recordings of single-unit and of information about the task rules that are currently
local field potential activity (Bragin, Jando, Nadasdy, relevant (Fuster, 1995; Miller & Cohen, 2001; Stokes
Hetke, Wise, & Buzsaki, 1995; Colgin et al., 2009). Addi- et al., 2013; Wallis, Anderson, & Miller, 2001; Wallis &
tionally, work by Rainer and colleagues (Liebe, Hoerzer, Miller, 2003).
Logothetis, & Rainer, 2012) has shown that stimulus- According to this explanation, prefrontal dysfunc-
selective activity of V4 neurons during the retention tion impairs the use of higher-order goals to direct
period of an STM task was phase-locked to the ongoing behavior, such that behavior is now driven by simple
theta oscillation. These findings support the idea that stimulus-response associations. Thus, PFC damage
theta oscillations might regulate the activation of rele- would not be expected to disrupt STM performance
vant stimulus information in the service of STM task under all circumstances, but more specifically under
performance. conditions in which one must actively maintain an inter-
nal task set in the face of distracting stimuli. Indeed, as
Involvement of brain systems in short-term noted above, the effects of PFC lesions on STM can be
memory minimized by reducing distractions (Malmo, 1942).
Additionally, humans with PFC lesions do not show
Prefrontal Cortex and Posterior Cortical reductions in the capacity of information that can be
Areas As noted above, at the level of brain systems, held in STM, but they do show deficits on STM tasks
the PFC has been the predominant area of focus in that require retention of information in the face of dis-
studies of STM. This was largely due to two major find- traction or tasks that require manipulation of recently
ings from studies of the delayed-response task in presented information (D’Esposito & Postle, 1999).
monkeys. In the delayed-response task, a monkey sees The evidence described above therefore indicates
food being put into one of two wells, but then the that the PFC is not the site of all short-term storage, but
monkey must wait until after a delay before reaching rather that it represents a particular type of information
for the food. Lesion studies, beginning notably with the that allows one to retain a task set across short delays.
work of Jacobsen (1938), demonstrated that PFC lesions Indeed, it is now clear from single-unit recording and
severely impaired retention of the food location when fMRI studies that there is no particular site of short-
the delay extended over several seconds. Subsequent term storage. Instead, percepts, concepts, and actions
single-unit recording studies of the task by Niki, Fuster, are represented at various levels of analysis in different
and others (e.g., Funahashi, Bruce, & Goldman-Rakic, cortical areas (e.g., Felleman & Van Essen, 1991), and
1991; Fuster, 1973; Fuster & Alexander, 1971; Kubota & any of these representations may be actively retained in
Niki, 1971) revealed that prefrontal neurons showed the service of task goals (Fuster, 1995; Jonides et al.,
persistent spiking activity selective to the information 2008; Postle, 2006; Ranganath & Blumenfeld, 2005).
that the monkey was to maintain across the delay. Intui- For instance, single-unit recording data have shown
tively, these findings would seem to indicate that the that neurons in visual, auditory, and somatosensory
PFC is the site of short-term storage, but this interpreta- areas show stimulus-selective persistent activity when
tion does not explain why the delayed-response deficit their preferred stimuli are being actively maintained
in PFC-lesioned monkeys is eliminated if the lights are across short delays (Fuster, 1973, 1995; Miller, Brody,
turned off during the retention interval (Malmo, 1942). Romo, & Wang, 2003; Pasternak & Greenlee, 2005;
Furthermore, PFC lesions in monkeys do not appear to Romo, Hernandez, Zainos, Lemus, & Brody, 2002), and
affect retention of object information across short fMRI studies have shown that category-selective regions
delays (Kowalska, Bachevalier, & Mishkin, 1991), but show persistent activity increases when stimuli from the
rather the impairment seems specific to tasks that preferred category are actively maintained (Postle,
require a motor response. How does one explain these 2006; Ranganath, 2006; Ranganath & D’Esposito, 2005;
discrepancies? Schon, Hasselmo, Lopresti, Tricarico, & Stern, 2004).
The contemporary explanation seems to be that PFC Additional work with multivoxel pattern analysis tech-
lesions do not directly impact the temporary storage of niques has shown that even primary sensory cortical
item information, but rather the active maintenance of areas carry information about stimuli that are actively
the task that is currently relevant. That is, the prefrontal maintained (e.g., Harrison & Tong, 2009).
cortex may represent information about “the rules of
the game”—the context-dependent mappings between Medial Temporal Lobes Perhaps the most contro-
stimuli and actions that are associated with a particular versial idea to emerge recently in the STM literature

530 memory
is that areas in the MTL (like other cortical areas) shown that the hippocampus is critical for STM under
play a role in STM processes. This idea was controver- certain circumstances. Several fMRI studies, for instance,
sial because initial studies (Corkin, 1984; Scoville & have shown a role for the hippocampus in the active
Milner, 1957) showed that patients with MTL damage maintenance of novel, complex stimuli. The first of
exhibit a normal capacity for short-term retention of these studies, by Stern and colleagues (2001), investi-
simple stimuli or recall of sequences of simple digits gated activity while participants performed a “two-back”
or spatial locations (i.e., “immediate serial recall”). task with novel, complex scene stimuli. On each trial,
These studies, along with more recent findings, participants were required to decide whether each
suggest that patients with MTL damage can show scene was the same as one presented two trials previ-
severe impairments on LTM measures but still retain ously. The hippocampus showed increased activity
simple information, such as the locations of colored during blocks with novel scenes, as compared to blocks
squares, across short delays (e.g., Cave & Squire, with scenes that were highly familiar. Stern et al. also
1992). Given the findings described above, however, examined activation in the hippocampus during perfor-
this is not surprising because simple, familiar, and mance of a target detection task that placed minimal
highly discriminable stimuli could be maintained by demands on STM maintenance. Hippocampal activa-
persistent activity of representations in cortical areas tion did not differentiate between blocks of target
outside of the MTL. The important question, then, is detection with novel stimuli and blocks with highly
whether there are any conditions under which MTL familiar stimuli. This finding suggests that hippocampal
regions do contribute to STM. activation during the STM task was not driven by passive
It is, in fact, quite clear that neocortical areas in the processing of novel stimuli, but rather by the demand
MTL—that is, the perirhinal, entorhinal, and parahip- to actively attend to and actively maintain these stimuli.
pocampal cortex—play a critical role in STM when the In a separate set of experiments, Ranganath &
relevant information is being actively maintained. Early D’Esposito (2001) used event-related fMRI to investi-
evidence for this idea came from studies of neurons in gate the neural correlates of STM for novel faces. In the
“inferior temporal” areas (e.g., Fuster & Jervey, 1982), first experiment, participants performed a delayed-
including perirhinal cortex (E. K. Miller, Erickson, & recognition task, in which a novel sample face was to be
Desimone, 1996; Naya, Yoshida, Takeda, Fujimichi, maintained across a 7-sec delay in anticipation of a
& Miyashita, 2003), that showed persistent, object- recognition probe. Critically, as in the Stern et al., study,
selective activity during short retention delays. Similar the stimuli presented on each trial were novel and not
effects have been reported in entorhinal cortical repeated on subsequent trials. This study found that
neurons (Suzuki, Miller, & Desimone, 1997). Addition- hippocampal activation was increased during the
ally, damage to the perirhinal cortex has been associ- memory delay, consistent with a role in maintaining the
ated with severe impairments in the retention of object face stimulus. Control conditions demonstrated that
information, even across very short delays of a few the hippocampal activation seen during the STM task
seconds (Baxter & Murray, 2001), and humans with was not driven simply by the demand to encode or
extensive perirhinal damage show comparable impair- perform recognition decisions on faces. In the second
ments in STM for complex objects (Buffalo, Reber, & experiment, the authors replicated the findings of hip-
Squire, 1998). These findings make sense, as most of pocampal activation during maintenance of novel faces
the available evidence suggests that perirhinal cortex in a new sample of participants, and extended it by
represents detailed information about the perceptual demonstrating that delay-period activation in the same
and semantic characteristics of objects (Burke et al., region was increased during maintenance of novel
2012; Murray, Bussey, & Saksida, 2007; Ranganath & faces, as compared with familiar faces.
Ritchey, 2012; Tyler et al., 2013). Although less is known The findings from the studies by Stern et al. (2001)
about the parahippocampal cortex, this area shows per- and Ranganath & D’Esposito (2001) prompted several
sistent activity when visual scene information is actively groups to reexamine the question of whether STM
maintained (Schon et al., 2004; Schon et al., 2005; is intact following MTL damage. For example, one
Stern, Sherman, Kirchhoff, & Hasselmo, 2001), and group replicated the fMRI findings of Ranganath and
damage to this area has been associated with spatial D’Esposito (2001) and also demonstrated that amnesic
STM impairments (e.g., Hartley et al., 2007; Pierrot- participants with medial temporal lobe damage due to
Deseilligny, Muri, Rivaud-Pechoux, Gaymard, & Ploner, anoxia or encephalitis were impaired at this task, even
2002; Ploner et al., 2000). though it only required retention across a 7-sec delay
The role of the hippocampus proper in STM pro- (Nichols, Kao, Verfaillie, & Gabrieli, 2006). A similar
cesses is more controversial, but several studies have study conducted by Olson and colleagues also found

ranganath, hasselmo, and stern: short-term memory 531

that amnesic patients with medial temporal damage In addition to maintaining novel, complex stimuli,
were impaired at retaining novel faces across a 4-sec available evidence suggests a particularly essential role
delay (Olson, Moore, Stark, & Chatterjee, 2006; Shrager, for the hippocampus in short-term retention of spatial
Levy, Hopkins, & Squire, 20082). and relational information. The basis for this idea
Although the above lesion studies do not precisely comes from models suggesting that the hippocampus is
implicate the hippocampus, as it is essentially impossi- critical for encoding representations of arbitrary rela-
ble to rule out damage to other areas in human patients, tionships between specific aspects of an event (e.g.,
the convergence with the fMRI results suggests that, at remembering where you put your keys, the name associ-
least under some circumstances, the hippocampus plays ated with a familiar face, etc.) in a manner that can
a role in STM. It is not clear exactly when and how the support performance on episodic LTM tests (Cohen &
hippocampus contributes, but the findings described Eichenbaum, 1993; Diana, Yonelinas, & Ranganath,
above suggest that novelty and complexity play a role. 2007; Eichenbaum, Yonelinas, & Ranganath, 2007). If
As described above, most models of the neural mecha- the hippocampus rapidly encodes representations of
nisms for active maintenance of familiar stimuli require arbitrary relationships, these representations could
learning of a previous pattern of synaptic connections. support short-term retention of these relationships
In contrast, novel stimuli may not correspond to previ- (Hannula, Tranel, & Cohen, 2006; Olson, Page, Moore,
ous patterns of synaptic connectivity for representing Chatterjee, & Verfaillie, 2006; Ranganath & D’Esposito,
the configuration of item features or the relationship 2001).
between items. The active maintenance of novel stimuli Evidence from recent imaging studies suggests that
might require intrinsic single-cell mechanisms for per- the hippocampus may be critical for temporary reten-
sistent spiking that have been demonstrated in MTL tion of relational information. For example, at least
regions, including the entorhinal cortex (Egorov et al., three imaging studies have reported persistent hippo-
2002; Fransén et al., 2006; Klink & Alonso, 1997), the campal activation during the delay periods of STM tasks
perirhinal cortex (Navaroli et al., 2012), and hippocam- that required temporary retention of object-location
pus (Knauer et al., 2013). Consistent with this potential associations (Mitchell, Johnson, Raye, & D’Esposito,
role in memory for novel stimuli, MTL structures 2000; Piekema, Kessels, Mars, Petersson, & Fernandez,
appear to selectively gate sensory responses based on 2006). Another study demonstrated that transient hip-
novelty, showing much stronger responses to novel pocampal activation during encoding and recognition
stimuli than to familiar, repeated stimuli in unit record- phases was related to successful retention of object-
ing (Brown & Xiang, 1998; Riches, Wilson, & Brown, location bindings across a 10-sec delay (Hannula &
1991; Xiang & Brown, 2004) and fMRI studies (Stern Ranganath, 2008), consistent with the transient synap-
et al., 2001). tic plasticity mechanism described above. Additional
work using multivoxel pattern analysis demonstrated
that the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex main-
Although Shrager et al. (2008) found STM impairments in
tained representations of object and spatial location
their patients, they made the counterintuitive conclusion that information, respectively, and that hippocampal voxel
this effect was really based on impaired LTM. Their conclusion patterns carried information about the specific configu-
was based on their finding that healthy individuals were not ration of object-location conjunctions to be maintained
affected on the same STM task when interfering stimuli were across the delay (Libby, Hannula, & Ranganath, 2013).
presented during the retention delay. They concluded that
The retention of object-location associations in such tasks
because the task was not sensitive to distraction, it was really
a measure of LTM (at short delays). Their conclusion, may involve spatial firing patterns of neurons, including
however, is contingent on the assumption that there is a place cells in the hippocampus (O’Keefe & Burgess,
dedicated system for STM that is sensitive to interference, 2005), grid cells in medial entorhinal cortex (Hafting,
and that there is a separate LTM system that is not sensitive Fyhn, Molden, Moser, & Moser, 2005), and object-sensitive
to interference. To our knowledge, this assumption is
cells in lateral entorhinal cortex (Deshmukh & Knierim,
unsubstantiated, and no theory of memory makes this
counterintuitive assumption. Numerous studies have shown 2011; Tsao, Moser, & Moser, 2013).
that LTM processes are sensitive to interference, and in fact, Studies of amnesic patients generally converge with
dual store models tend to make the opposite assumption (i.e., the imaging results in demonstrating a role for the MTL
that loss of information in STM is based on decay, rather than in short-term maintenance of relational information
interference). Thus, the results from the behavioral study of (Hannula et al., 2006; Hartley et al., 2007; Olson, Page,
Shrager et al. (2008) do not suggest a clear explanation, and
the results of the patient study are consistent with results from et al., 2006). For example, Hannula et al. found that
other studies showing that MTL damage impairs retention of amnesics with damage limited to the hippocampus
novel face information even across short delays. showed impaired immediate memory for the locations of

532 memory
objects within a complex scene (Hannula et al., 2006). 2013; MacDonald, Lepage, Eden, & Eichenbaum, 2011;
In a follow-up study, these researchers demonstrated Pastalkova, Itskov, Amarasingham, & Buzsaki, 2008).
that the effect was not limited to spatial relations The selective firing response to temporal intervals
by showing that patients were also impaired when could allow learning of items or events that occur at
tested on immediate memory for arbitrary associations specific time points (Hasselmo, 2012). This could
between faces and scenes. Another study investigated mediate the role of hippocampus in memory for tem-
memory for object-location associations (Olson, Page, poral order (Hunsaker & Kesner, 2008). Computational
et al., 2006) by using a paradigm adapted from an modeling shows how these responses could arise from
imaging study (Mitchell et al., 2000), in which subjects persistent spiking activity of neurons in the entorhinal
remembered the locations of objects in a two- cortex (Hasselmo, 2012).
dimensional 3 × 3 grid. Relative to healthy controls,
amnesic patients with MTL damage were significantly
impaired at retaining the object-location associations Cognitive processes that may support
across an 8-sec delay. Similar results were found in other short-term memory
studies of object-location binding (Braun et al., 2011;
Finke et al., 2011) or scene memory (Hartley et al., In the 1950s and 1960s, several researchers developed
2007; King, Burgess, Hartley, Vargha-Khadem, & models proposing that information that is active could
O’Keefe, 2002). Collectively, these studies suggest that be held in a capacity-limited short-term store, and that
short-term retention of relational information may the act of processing this information would result in
take place in the same areas implicated in long-term the development of a memory trace that could be
retention. accessed even after long delays. Interestingly, these
Additional evidence (Axmacher et al., 2009; Schon, models did not necessarily assume that short- and long-
Quiroz, Hasselmo, & Stern, 2009) suggests that MTL term stores were supported by different brain regions.
regions may be involved in STM tasks that use complex For instance, Atkinson & Shiffrin (1971) noted: “One
stimuli and manipulate the number of items to be might consider the short-term store simply as being a
retained (“memory load”). Using intracranial record- temporary activation of some portion of the long-term
ings in humans during a WM task with face stimuli, store” (p. 278).
Axmacher and colleagues (2007) demonstrated that Some of the evidence for dual-store models came
hippocampal and MTL cortical gamma power increased from analyses of serial position effects in verbal learning
with increasing STM load, and they subsequently studies. Specifically, the likelihood of recalling a word
reported modulation of hippocampal gamma power by from a previously studied list is increased for words at
theta phase when multiple items were maintained the beginning (primacy) and end (recency) of the list.
(Axmacher et al., 2010). Several fMRI studies have also Whereas some manipulations disproportionately impact
shown increases in hippocampal activity during memory the primacy effect and recall of middle-list items (e.g.,
delays with increasing memory load (e.g., Axmacher presentation rate) others disproportionately affect the
et al., 2007; Schon et al., 2009; Schon et al., 2013). A recency effect (e.g., lag between end of list and recall
functional connectivity study using a Sternberg task test). Intuitively, it would seem sensible to assume that
with unfamiliar faces reported that the correlation of primacy and middle-item memory is an index of LTM,
activity between the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and the whereas recency is additionally influenced by processes
hippocampus increases with increasing STM load that support STM (e.g., phonological rehearsal). In
during a delay period (Rissman, Gazzaley, & D’Esposito, fact, more recent studies have shown that the magni-
2008). Collectively, the results of these studies suggest tude of the primacy effect is actually influenced by
encoding and retention of higher loads across a delay rehearsal (Tan & Ward, 2000), and that robust recency
results in activity within the MTL, including roles for effects can be observed even when phonological
the hippocampus, entorhinal, and perirhinal cortices. rehearsal is not feasible (see Howard & Kahana, 1999,
Although it is clear that sequences of verbalizable for review). Indeed, the factors influencing primacy
items can be maintained independently of the hippo- and recency effects remain controversial. Some suggest
campus (as in the digit span task), it is possible that the that these effects can largely be accounted for by a
hippocampus may nonetheless play a special role in single store (Sederberg, Howard, & Kahana, 2008),
maintenance of temporal sequence information. Recent whereas others suggest that a temporary activation
data show that neurons in the hippocampus may code buffer (akin to the idea proposed by Hebb, 1949) addi-
different temporal intervals within behavioral tasks tionally contributes to recency (Davelaar, Goshen-
(Kraus, Robinson, White, Eichenbaum, & Hasselmo, Gottstein, Ashkenazi, Haarmann, & Usher, 2005).

ranganath, hasselmo, and stern: short-term memory 533

Baddeley and Hitch (1974) proposed a model that STM. Our review highlights the point that there is no
further elaborated on the processes that support STM single neural mechanism, brain system, or cognitive
performance. Their working memory (WM) model was process that supports performance on STM tasks. Fur-
innovative in two ways. First, the WM model proposed thermore, the processes that support STM performance
a distinction between the short-term representation of appear to involve interactions in multiple anatomical
phonological and visual information. A second innova- systems, including even MTL regions. Finally, this review
tion of the WM model was that it proposed a separation highlights the possibility that, at the neural level, STM
between short-term storage (or “maintenance”) and the and LTM are intricately linked. Neurocognitive pro-
manipulation of information in the service of task goals. cesses that may specifically support short-term retention
That is, in the original model, two slave systems (the of information may also enhance LTM for that informa-
phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad) were tion. Likewise, performance on STM tasks may rely on
proposed to mediate maintenance, whereas a different sustained attention to established stimulus representa-
component, the central executive, was proposed to tions that were acquired recently, remotely, or early in
mediate the selection, inhibition, and manipulation of development. Full understanding of the neural mecha-
information in WM. nisms of memory function will benefit from continued
One shortcoming of the original Baddeley and Hitch integration across these levels of analysis, to better
(1974) model is that it did not account for the short- understand the complex dynamics of neural circuits
term retention of materials extending beyond the pho- mediating memory behavior across different time
nological and visuospatial domains (Postle, 2006). To scales.
deal with the temporary retention of other materials
and the problem of integration of information across ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research supported by R01 MH068721,
R01 MH083734, R01 MH60013, R01 MH61492, Silvio O.
modalities, Baddeley (2000) added a new component
Conte Center P50 MH094263, and the Office of Naval
to the model, termed the “episodic buffer.” At present, Research MURI grant N00014-10-1-0936.
this component is less specified than other components
of the model.
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538 memory
45 The Medial Temporal Lobe
and Memory

ABSTRACT Memory is our access to the past. Recent work in neural underpinnings of episodic memory, focusing on
cognitive neuroscience has provided evidence that our access processes taking place during the experience itself, or
to past events is guided by the reinstatement of the same encoding, and those involved in reactivating or retrieving
neural patterns of activity that were present during original
experiences. In essence, when we remember, the brain returns memories at a later time point. We present a model of
to a prior brain state, allowing us to reexperience our past. In memory formation and retrieval that has received the
this chapter, we highlight existing evidence for the role of the most support to date. This model has motivated most
medial temporal lobe in forming new episodic memories and empirical investigations into episodic memory process-
reinstating those memories during remembering. ing in the brain.

What did she say? Where did you go? What did you eat? Memory as reinstatement: The MAR model
Answering questions like these requires that you access
previous experiences, or episodes, of your life. Episodic The memory as reinstatement (MAR) model (Davachi
memory is memory for past experiences that occurred & Danker, 2013) represents a combination of current
at a particular time and place. By contrast, other forms theory and knowledge regarding how episodic memo-
of memory do not require that you access specifics ries are formed and subsequently accessed. It consists
about a prior encounter, such as knowing what a giraffe of elements drawn from many influential models of
is (semantic memory) or knowing how to ride a bike episodic memory and, thus, should not be considered
(procedural memory). Thus, episodic memory is a a new model, but rather a summary of the common
record of our personal experiences that make up the elements of many existing models (e.g., Alvarez &
narrative of our lives. Squire, 1994; McClelland, McNaughton, & O’Reilly,
The first link between the medial temporal lobe 1995; Moscovitch et al., 2005; Norman & O’Reilly,
(MTL) and episodic memory occurred through the 2003).
study of a patient, Henry Molaison, famously known as During an experience, the MAR model proposes that
H.M. At the age of 27, H.M.’s MTL was surgically the ongoing, dynamic representation of that experi-
removed to alleviate epileptic seizures; that surgery, ence is represented in distributed cortical and subcorti-
while successful in treating his epilepsy, also left him cal patterns of neural activation. These activation
with dense amnesia. He was no longer able to form new patterns are driven by sensory-perceptual (visual, audi-
episodic memories, a condition known as anterograde tory, somatosensory) experience, actions, internal
amnesia. The specificity of the deficit was remarkable. thoughts, and emotions, to name a few. Thus, neural
His intelligence was intact, and he appeared to have activation patterns at any one time point can be thought
normal working memory and procedural memory, but of as representing the current episode and state of the
he was confined to living “in the moment” because the organism. Critically, it is thought that the distributed
present disappeared into the past without a trace. With pattern of cortical and subcortical firing filters into the
H.M., it became clear that the MTL is critical for epi- MTL cortices and converges on the hippocampus,
sodic memory. This major discovery set the stage for where a “microrepresentation” of the current episode
neuroscientists to determine exactly how the MTL con- is created. The connections between hippocampal
tributes to episodic memory formation and retrieval. neurons that make up the memory are thought to
Critically, the MTL is not a single structure but rather undergo subsequent strengthening via the process
is made up of different regions. These include the hip- of long-term potentiation. Specifically, connections
pocampus as well as the entorhinal (ERc), perirhinal between concurrently active hippocampal neurons are
(PRc), and parahippocampal (PHc) cortices. In this more likely to become strengthened compared with
chapter, we review our current understanding of the those that are not (Hebb, 1949). What results from a

davachi and preston: the medial temporal lobe and memory 539
successfully encoded experience is a hippocampal episodic memory formation. These initial findings
neural pattern (HNP) and a corresponding cortical paved the way for future work further refining the use
neural pattern (CNP). Importantly, the HNP is thought of the DM paradigm to ask more specific questions
to contain the critical connections between representa- about how distinct MTL subregions contribute to
tions that allow the CNP to be accessed later and attrib- memory formation. This question is hotly debated
uted to a particular event. both in the animal (Eichenbaum, Sauvage, Fortin,
Importantly, episodic memory retrieval is thought to Komorowski, & Lipton, 2012) and human literatures
involve cue processing that, if successful, will lead to a (Davachi, 2006; Diana, Yonelinas, & Ranganath, 2007;
reinstatement of the HNP. Retrieval cues (e.g., an exter- Eichenbaum, Yonelinas, & Ranganath, 2007; Wixted &
nal stimulus or internal thought) are thought to serve Squire, 2011) and will be discussed in further detail in
as “keys” that unlock the HNP associated with a prior the next section.
experience, a process referred to as hippocampal pattern
completion. Pattern completion refers to the idea that a Hippocampal activity during encoding predicts
complete pattern (a memory) can be reconstructed later associative memory
from only a subset of the elements making up that
pattern. Thus, successful retrieval is thought to involve The hippocampus receives direct input from the MTL
reinstatement of all or some of the HNP established cortical regions (ERc, PRc, and PHc), each of which
during encoding. Finally, reinstatement of the HNP is receives a distinct pattern of inputs from other neocor-
then thought to be instrumental in reinstating the cor- tical and subcortical regions. Most researchers now
responding CNP, resulting in the concurrent reactiva- agree that the function of the underlying MTL cortex
tion of disparate cortical regions that were initially is distinct from the core function of the hippocampus
active during the experience. Importantly, it is thought proper. While the precise nature of this division remains
that this final stage of cortical reinstatement underlies unclear, several studies over the past 10 years have pro-
the subjective experience of recollection and drives vided a broadly consistent picture of the different func-
mnemonic decision making. tions of the hippocampus and MTL cortex in episodic
memory. These studies were motivated by an influential
Functional neuroimaging of episodic encoding computational model of MTL function that posits
that item and associative encoding are supported by
The processes through which individual experiences distinct, yet complementary, learning systems imple-
get transformed into long-lasting memory traces have mented within the hippocampus and PRc (Marr, 1971;
collectively been referred to as encoding mechanisms McClelland et al., 1995; Norman & O’Reilly, 2003;
(Davachi, 2006). The predominant neuroimaging O’Reilly & Rudy, 2000).
approach linking brain activation and episodic encod- These studies have employed the DM paradigm to
ing mechanisms has been the comparison of trial-by- differentiate patterns of brain activation during encod-
trial estimates of blood oxygen level–dependent, or ing that relate to later successful item-recognition
BOLD, activation during experiences that are later memory from those related to later recovery of associ-
remembered relative to activation during events that ated items, context, or source. Many of these studies
are not remembered. This approach has been referred have shown that the magnitude of hippocampal-
to as the difference in memory (DM) or subsequent encoding activation relates to participants’ later memory
memory paradigm (Paller & Wagner, 2002). Using this for the contextual details associated with individual
approach, measures of brain activity during encoding events (Awipi & Davachi, 2008; Davachi, Mitchell, &
can be related to a variety of memory outcomes, mea- Wagner, 2003; Hannula & Ranganath, 2008; Kirwan &
sured by different retrieval tests. For example, one can Stark, 2004; Ranganath et al., 2004; Staresina & Davachi,
determine whether each presented item was or was not 2008, 2009; Staresina, Duncan, & Davachi, 2011;
remembered as well as whether contextual details sur- Uncapher, Otten, & Rugg, 2006; Yu, Johnson, & Rugg,
rounding that were also recovered. 2012). Furthermore, in many such studies, PRc activa-
In two initial groundbreaking studies using the DM tion during encoding related to whether items were
approach, encoding activation in the parahippocampal later recognized, regardless of whether additional con-
gyrus was greater for words (Wagner et al., 1998) and textual details were also available at the time of retrieval
scenes (Brewer, Zhao, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, (Davachi et al., 2003; Haskins, Yonelinas, Quamme, &
1998) that were successfully remembered relative to Ranganath, 2008; Kirwan & Stark, 2004; Ranganath
stimuli that were forgotten. These two studies thus et al., 2004; Staresina & Davachi, 2008, 2009). These
showed that MTL activation correlates with successful highly consistent results across different memory

540 memory
paradigms provide strong evidence for a clear division et al., 2011). Taken together, it is evident that involve-
of labor across MTL regions in their respective contri- ment of MTL cortex in encoding is largely dependent
butions to item and associative memory formation. on the content of the episode and on what aspects of the
Interestingly, these distinctions between encoding episode are attended. By contrast, hippocampal activa-
mechanisms in human PRc and hippocampus corre- tion is selectively related to whether associated details
spond with similar distinctions from single-cell record- are later recovered, irrespective of the content of those
ings in animals (Brown & Aggleton, 2001; Eichenbaum, details. These results also highlight that the role of PRc
Fortin, Sauvage, Robitsek, & Farovik, 2010; Komorowski, and PHc in item versus associative encoding will vary
Manns, & Eichenbaum, 2009; Sauvage, Fortin, Owens, depending on the nature of the stimuli being treated
Yonelinas, & Eichenbaum, 2008). Additionally, there is as the “item” and the “context” (Staresina et al., 2011).
notable evidence from human patient work that damage Thus, taken together, there is strong support for the
to the hippocampus disproportionately impairs recol- idea that hippocampal activation during an event is
lection, compared with item recognition based on correlated with the later recovery of the details associ-
familiarity (Giovanello, Verfaellie, & Keane, 2003; Vann ated with that event. More recent work has turned
et al., 2009; Yonelinas et al., 2002; but see Wixted & toward examining multivoxel activation patterns in
Squire, 2004). In contrast, one recent seminal report hippocampus and cortex to allow for greater precision
showed that selective damage to left PRc resulted in a in measuring the HNP and CNP associated with encod-
higher than average propensity to recollect events with ing to ask whether they are, indeed, related to later
little evidence of familiarity-based memory (Bowles et memory. Whereas standard functional MRI (fMRI)
al., 2007). This finding is critical because it is consistent analyses compare the mean response of a group of
with the growing body of literature linking the PRc with contiguous voxels within a region across experimental
item-encoding mechanisms that allow one to later know conditions, multivoxel pattern analysis uses a computer
that item has previously occurred, even in the absence algorithm, known as a classifier, to determine whether
of remembering the specific episodic context. or not the pattern of activity across a set of voxels differs
In addition to dissociations between item and associa- between two conditions (see Lewis-Peacock & Norman,
tive processes across MTL regions, there is growing chapter 77 in this volume). Using this approach, it has
appreciation that PRc and PHc show preferential been recently shown that, to the extent to which pre-
responses to different kinds of event content and, thus, frontal and temporal lobe cortical activation patterns
may contribute to episodic encoding in a domain-specific during encoding are similar to category level informa-
manner, whereas the hippocampus may be important tion, those items are better remembered on a subse-
in domain-general binding of the various event elements quent memory test (Kuhl, Rissman, & Wagner, 2012).
(Davachi, 2006). A variety of evidence supports this A related experiment further showed that the similar-
framework. First, it has been demonstrated that the ity of an item’s pattern of cortical activation across
human PRc responds more to objects and faces than repeated study trials with the item predicted better
scenes, and that PHc shows the opposite response memory (Xue et al., 2010).
pattern: greater activation to scenes than objects and Much less is known about the relationship between
faces (Litman, Awipi, & Davachi, 2009; Liang, Wagner, MTL-encoding patterns and memory formation.
& Preston, 2013). Second, when study items were scenes However, a recent study showed that cortical similarity
and the associated “context” was devised to be one of (in PRc and PHc) and hippocampal similarity had dis-
six repeating objects, PRc encoding activation now pre- tinct relationships to later memory. Specifically, similar-
dicted later recollection, whereas successful scene ity between the PRc response to a particular stimulus
memory was supported by PHc (Awipi & Davachi, and other stimuli from the same perceptual category
2008). Third, both hippocampal and PRc encoding was related to enhanced memory; the reverse relation-
activation are related to whether object details will be ship was observed in the hippocampus (LaRocque
later recalled, whereas only hippocampal activation et al., 2013). Finally, recent work also suggests that simi-
additionally predicts the recovery of other contextual larity in the representation of events may be diagnostic
details (Staresina & Davachi, 2008). Finally, in a tightly for successful encoding even when the stimuli pre-
controlled study where study items were always words sented are different. Specifically, hippocampal similar-
but participants’ task was to use each cue word to either ity between items in a sequence during encoding is
imagine an object or a scene, it was shown that PRc higher for pairs of items later rated as having occurred
activation predicted later source memory for the object- close together in time (Ezzyat & Davachi, 2014). This
imagery trials, and that PHc activation predicted later finding suggests that similarity in hippocampal response
source memory for the scene-imagery trials (Staresina patterns may also be related to binding items with their

davachi and preston: the medial temporal lobe and memory 541
temporal context (see Manning, Norman, & Kahana, event requires reactivating the specific hippocampal
chapter 47 in this volume). representation associated with that event.

Hippocampal activation relates to Hippocampal and cortical reinstatement

successful retrieval during retrieval
The MAR model proposes that episodic retrieval results A key prediction of the MAR model is that successful
from hippocampal pattern-completion processes in episodic remembering is the result of pattern-completion
response to partial retrieval cues that drive reinstate- processes that lead to reactivation of the same hippo-
ment of CNP. Accordingly, successful remembering campal and cortical neurons and patterns of neural
should be associated with enhanced engagement of the activity that were active during the initial experience.
hippocampus during episodic retrieval. Consistent with While the research reviewed above indicates that MTL
this prediction, human neuroimaging studies have responses at retrieval relate to the subjective experience
shown increased hippocampal activation accompanies of memory, such studies do not directly compare encod-
the conscious recollection of studied episodes (Eldridge, ing and retrieval activity patterns, which would be the
Knowlton, Furmanski, Bookheimer, & Engel, 2000; key test of the reinstatement hypothesis.
Wheeler & Buckner, 2004) and recollection of contex- In the last decade, several neuroimaging studies have
tual details surrounding an item’s prior encounter supported the idea that partial cues lead to the reactiva-
(Cansino, Maquet, Dolan, & Rugg, 2002; Dobbins, Rice, tion of CNP during retrieval. For instance, in a seminal
Wagner, & Schacter, 2003). study, participants learned associations between words
Hippocampal activation is also related to successful (e.g., “dog”) and either corresponding sounds (“Woof!”)
recognition of arbitrary item associations (Giovanello, or corresponding pictures (a picture of a dog). During
Schnyer, & Verfaellie, 2004; Kirwan & Stark, 2004). In retrieval, words were presented as cues, and partici-
one such study, hippocampal activation during presen- pants indicated whether the cue word was presented
tation of a partial retrieval cue predicted participants’ with a sound or picture (Wheeler, Petersen, & Buckner,
memory accuracy on an associative memory probe 2000). Consistent with the reinstatement hypothesis,
moments later (Chen, Olsen, Preston, Glover, & Wagner, retrieval cue words that were paired with sounds elicited
2011). The finding that increased hippocampal activa- activation in the same auditory cortical regions that
tion prior to a memory decision was associated with were active during encoding, while the cue words paired
improved performance likely reflects successful pattern with pictures elicited activation of visual cortical regions
completion to the encoded associate from the partial preferentially activated by pictures during encoding.
cue. Converging evidence from rodents also demon- More recent work using MVPA has also shown that pat-
strates the critical link between the hippocampus terns of cortical activation during category-specific
and episodic remembering, as lesions to the hippocam- retrieval resemble patterns of activation during encod-
pus selectively impair recollection-like memory while ing (Polyn, Natu, Cohen, & Norman, 2005; Ritchey,
leaving intact familiarity processes that enable simple Wing, Labar, & Cabeza, 2012). Moreover, Polyn et al.
judgments of whether or not a stimulus is old or new (2005) found that reactivation of category-specific
(Fortin, Wright, & Eichenbaum, 2004). neural encoding patterns preceded participants’ verbal
Two recent multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA) recall responses, providing an important link between
studies have further shown that the distributed pattern cortical reinstatement and behavior.
of hippocampal activation evoked during vivid recall While these findings provide clear evidence that the
distinguishes between individual memories for real- CNP during encoding is reinstated during successful
world actions performed by people in different con- memory retrieval, they do not speak to the hypothesis
texts (Chadwick, Hassabis, Weiskopf, & Maguire, 2010), that the hippocampus mediates such reinstatement.
even when those events share overlapping features Using a multivariate analysis approach known as repre-
(Chadwick, Hassabis, & Maguire, 2011). These findings sentational similarity (Kriegeskorte, Mur, & Bandettini,
are consistent with the idea that the hippocampus mag- 2008), Ritchey et al. (2012) found that remembered
nifies the distinctions between highly similar events—a scenes were associated with greater similarity between
process termed pattern separation (for expanded discus- the encoding and retrieval patterns evoked for indi-
sion, see Leutgeb & Leutgeb, chapter 46 in this volume) vidual scenes. One caveat, however, was that the same
—resulting in separable memory traces that reduce sus- scenes were presented both at encoding and retrieval,
ceptibility to mnemonic interference. This empirical raising the question of how much of the similarity
evidence thus suggests that recollecting a particular measures were driven by stimulus processing versus

542 memory
memory-related reinstatement. Nonetheless, they found for unique word-scene associations during encoding
a significant correlation between encoding-retrieval were reinstated during retrieval (Staresina, Henson,
pattern similarity in cortex and hippocampal activation Kriegeskorte, & Alink, 2012). Participants were pre-
during retrieval, with hippocampal engagement medi- sented with word cues during retrieval and asked to
ating the link between cortical encoding-retrieval simi- recall the corresponding scene; reinstatement of MTL
larity and memory success. These results are consistent cortical-encoding patterns was observed only when sub-
with the idea that the hippocampus facilitates reinstate- jects successfully recalled the scene, providing the first
ment of cortical memory traces during successful evidence for MTL reinstatement in the human brain.
remembering. Notably, while this study did not measure hippocampal
However, these findings do not speak to a core aspect reinstatement, the degree of MTL cortical reinstate-
of the reinstatement hypothesis—that hippocampal ment was correlated with hippocampal retrieval activa-
and MTL cortical-encoding patterns themselves are tion, consistent with a role for the hippocampus in
reinstated during memory retrieval. Leading memory coordinating CNP reinstatement.
models posit that retrieval should not simply activate
the MTL, but would specifically activate the same MTL Memory reinstatement during new encoding
neurons that were active during the original encoding
experience. A key demonstration of this principle As highlighted in the previous section, memories for
comes from a landmark study using intracranial single- past events are often reinstated during new experi-
cell recordings in epileptic patients (Gelbard-Sagiv, ences. These findings emphasize that memory encod-
Mukamel, Harel, Malach, & Fried, 2008). Hippocampal ing and retrieval are not performed in isolation, but
and MTL cortical neurons were recorded while patients rather are interactive processes. Recent human neuro-
viewed and later recalled a series of short video clips imaging research indicates that new learning influ-
(e.g., a scene from The Simpsons). They found that a ences, and is influenced by, reactivation of existing
subset of MTL neurons showed selective firing during memories. In one such study, participants learned
initial viewing of the video clips (e.g., one hippocampal overlapping (e.g., watch-sink and later watch-pipe) and
neuron fired specifically during The Simpsons clip). Crit- nonoverlapping (e.g., peanut—moose) pairs of pic-
ically, they found that these selective MTL neurons were tures during fMRI scanning (Kuhl, Shah, DuBrow, &
also active during verbal recall of the same videos (i.e., Wagner, 2010). The findings revealed that the degree
the “Simpsons” neuron fired again when the participant to which prior memories (e.g., memory for the watch-
recalled The Simpsons video clip). Consistent with this sink event) were reinstated during encoding of new
electrophysiological work in humans, physiological overlapping experiences (watch-pipe) was associated
studies in rodents have also demonstrated reactivation with greater retention of the originally learned informa-
of hippocampal memory traces during retrieval (for a tion when compared to memory for nonoverlapping
review, see Carr, Jadhav, & Frank, 2011). For instance, information. Moreover, hippocampal engagement during
hippocampal place cells representing a spatial trajec- encoding of the overlapping pairs was related to both
tory through a well-learned environment are replayed cortical memory reinstatement and improved memory
in sequence at remote time points as the animals expe- retention. These findings indicate that memory rein-
rience new environments (Karlsson & Frank, 2009)—a statement during new encoding helps reduce forgetting
phenomenon referred to as hippocampal replay. More- of past events. One possibility is that reduced forgetting
over, recent work has shown that interrupting hippo- was not just the result of strengthening of reactivated
campal replay impairs rodents’ ability to correctly memories, but may also have resulted from a hippocam-
navigate to rewards in a well-learned environment pal-mediated integrative encoding mechanism, whereby
(Jadhav, Kemere, German, & Frank, 2012), providing newly encountered information is integrated with exist-
further evidence for the link between hippocampal ing memories at the time of learning (Shohamy &
replay and memory-guided decision making. Collec- Wagner, 2008; for a review, see Zeithamova, Schlichting,
tively, these findings provide strong evidence that the & Preston, 2012).
reinstatement of hippocampal memory traces plays an According to this mechanism, the fundamental role
important role in guiding behavior and choice. of the hippocampus in memory is not only to form
Until the recent advent of multivariate fMRI analysis relationships among elements within an individual
methods, documenting reactivation of MTL-encoding experience, but also to construct memory representa-
patterns during retrieval in the human brain had proved tions that link memory elements across discrete experi-
challenging. One recent study achieved this goal by ences. This constructive hypothesis about hippocampal
showing that activation patterns in human MTL cortex function dates back to Tolman’s concept of a “cognitive

davachi and preston: the medial temporal lobe and memory 543
map” (Tolman, 1948) and is further exemplified in event encoding (Wimmer & Shohamy, 2012). Thus,
more modern models of hippocampal function (Cohen converging evidence from these studies provides evi-
& Eichenbaum, 1993; Kumaran & McClelland, 2012; dence for a hippocampal-mediated encoding mecha-
O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978). Integrative encoding proposes nism whereby overlapping experiences are integrated
that when a new event shares a common feature, or into a network of related memories as they are learned.
features, with an existing memory trace, the common Together, these findings provide a deeper understand-
features elicit memory reinstatement through hippo- ing of how remembering the past influences how we
campal pattern completion. New experiences would learn about the present.
then not only be encoded in the context of presently
available information in the external world, but would Conclusion
also be bound to reactivated representations of prior
related memories. Furthermore, this mechanism makes In summary, there is strong evidence for hippocampal
the fundamental prediction that by combining informa- and cortical contributions to encoding and retrieval
tion across discrete events, hippocampal memory rep- and growing evidence for the MAR model supporting
resentations would include information that goes the widely held view that memory is supported by the
beyond direct experience. Accordingly, integrative reinstatement of brain patterns that characterize a prior
encoding would not only support strengthening of encoding experience. Furthermore, recent work using
existing memories (e.g., Kuhl et al., 2010), but would multivariate fMRI approaches suggests that reinstate-
also support novel inferences about the relationships ment not only strengthens existing memories but also
between memory elements that were experienced at contributes to establishing links across related experi-
different times and generalization of knowledge to ences. There is still much to learn, however, as under-
entirely new situations, a hallmark of episodic memory. standing what aspects of a prior encounter are reinstated
In recent years, several human neuroimaging studies is still unknown. Furthermore, very little is known about
have set out to test the hypothesis that the hippocampus the temporal relationship between hippocampal and
supports integrative encoding through memory rein- cortical reinstatement.
statement. These studies typically employ similar para-
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546 memory
46 The Contribution of Hippocampal
Subregions to Memory Coding

ABSTRACT Episodic memories contain information about what the postrhinal cortex in rodents are corresponding
happened, where, when, and in which sequence. The forma- (figure 46.1A, B). Throughout this chapter we will use
tion of episodic memories requires the medial temporal lobe, the rodent nomenclature, focus on rodent circuits, and
which consists of subregions with unique connection patterns
and specialized cell types. Each subregion can perform spe- mention notable differences to primates.
cialized computations to support memory processing. Particu- The regions of the medial temporal lobe that com-
lar computations may selectively support the acquisition, prise the core circuit for memory are arranged in three
storage, or retrieval phase, or may be flexibly used across the tiers that are reciprocally connected (figure 46.1C).
different phases of memory coding. This chapter describes The first tier integrates information from various corti-
processing streams in the medial temporal lobe, specialized
circuits in each subregion of the hippocampal formation, and
cal association areas and consists of the perirhinal and
how they act in concert to support the various aspects of epi- postrhinal cortex. The second tier consists of the ento-
sodic memory. rhinal cortex, which can be subdivided into lateral and
medial divisions (anterior and posterior divisions in
nonhuman primates). The lateral and medial divisions
Hierarchical processing across subregions are preferentially connected with the perirhinal and
in the medial temporal lobe postrhinal cortex, respectively. The third tier includes
the dentate gyrus, the hippocampal CA regions, and
The medial temporal lobe is essential for memories of the subiculum. This tier is commonly referred to as the
facts and events. Patient H.M. and similar patients with hippocampal formation. In addition to the reciprocal
extensive lesions in the medial temporal lobe have connections between the first and the second and
revealed that the loss of these brain regions results in a between the second and the third tier, subregions
profound impairment in forming new semantic and within a tier have uniquely arranged local circuits and
episodic memories and in remembering events that consist of distinct anatomical and functional cell types
occurred over the previous months and years before the (van Strien, Cappaert, & Witter, 2009). Each subregion
brain damage (Scoville & Milner, 1957; Squire & is thus thought to act as a specialized processing module
Alvarez, 1995). However, the extent of brain damage in that contributes in a unique way to semantic and, in
patients may go beyond the areas that are essential for particular, episodic memories.
memory or only include a subset of the areas that can Episodic memories are composed of three funda-
support memory. The subset of structures in the medial mental elements, namely, “where,” “when,” and “what”
temporal lobe required for memory has thus been (Tulving, 1983). The “where” and “what” elements
defined with better precision in animal models of are initially computed in separate processing streams
amnesia in which the damage can be targeted to selected from sensory cortices to association cortices and are
subregions (Zola-Morgan & Squire, 1993). The core eventually bound together into a unified representa-
circuit for event memories includes, in primates, the tion in the hippocampus (Eichenbaum, Sauvage, Fortin,
perirhinal cortex, the parahippocampal cortex, the Komorowski, & Lipton, 2011). The “when” element
entorhinal cortex, the dentate gyrus, the CA regions of may be directly generated by intrahippocampal compu-
the hippocampus proper (cornu ammonis, or Ammon’s tations. This chapter describes how the separate pro-
horn), and the subiculum. These brain regions are phy- cessing streams converge and how the information is
logenetically conserved divisions of the cortex and can further processed in the hippocampus. These computa-
thus be readily identified across all mammalian lin- tions are known to give rise to place cells in the hip-
eages. A consistent nomenclature is generally used in pocampus of rodents (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978) and to
different mammalian species, with the notable excep- related cell types in the hippocampus of primates
tion that the parahippocampal cortex in primates and (Ekstrom et al., 2003; Rolls, 1999). Place cells are

leutgeb and leutgeb: the contribution of hippocampal subregions 547


Anterior Posterior

Figure 46.1 Anatomy and connectivity of the rodent medial entorhinal cortex (MEC and LEC), perirhinal cortex (PER),
temporal lobe. (A) Schematic of a rat brain, lateral view of and postrhinal cortex (POR). Asterisks in black and white
the left hemisphere. Areas important for memory and spatial indicate corresponding positions across the two images. Scale
navigation are highlighted and labeled. The dashed box indi- bar, 100 μm. (Adapted from Witter et al., 2006, with permis-
cates the position of a horizontal section taken through the sion from Elsevier.) (C) Circuit diagram of brain regions for
hippocampal formation (HF) and adjacent cortical structures memory processing. Different box shades depict three tiers
as shown in (B). (B) Stain of neurons in the HF: dentate gyrus in the cortical hierarchy. (Adapted by permission from Mac-
(DG), CA3, CA2, CA1, and subiculum (S); and in the sur- millan Publishers Ltd: Nature Reviews Neuroscience, from van
rounding input and output structures: medial and lateral Strien et al., 2009.)

principal neurons that reliably fire action potentials in network computations, such as making input patterns
a particular spatial location (figure 46.2A). However, more distinct (i.e., pattern separation) or processing
consistent with the convergence of multiple pathways sequence and temporal information. The outcomes of
in the hippocampus, place cells can also integrate other these computations can then be relayed back to cortical
types of information or even switch between repre- areas to generate enriched representations that include
senting nonspatial and spatial information (Wood, object, spatial, and temporal information as well as
Dudchenko, & Eichenbaum, 1999). For example, mod- information about the sequences of current and past
ulation of firing rates at the preferred firing location of events.
a place cell can code for differences in context or in
internal state (Kennedy & Shapiro, 2009; S. Leutgeb Separate processing streams throughout
et al., 2005b). Importantly, the hippocampal code is cortical modules
distributed and combinatorial, such that some cells may
be more exclusively spatially tuned while others may be The notion that different types of information are ini-
particularly responsive to differences in visual stimuli, tially processed separately is based on anatomical and
odors, elapsed time, or task demands. physiological evidence. In primates, cortical processing
Hippocampal cell populations do not only receive is characterized by parallel pathways (e.g., dorsal and
information to conjointly represent different types of ventral visual stream, and polymodal and unimodal
information, but can also perform a number of unique inputs to parahippocampal and perirhinal cortices;

548 memory
Suzuki & Amaral, 1994; Ungerleider & Mishkin, 1982). A
In rodents, posterior association areas process visuospa-
tial information and project predominantly to postrhi-
nal cortex, whereas anterior association areas process
unimodal sensory information and project predomi-
nantly to perirhinal cortex (van Strien, Cappaert, &
Witter, 2009). The segregated anatomical pathways
result in neural representations for “what” information
primarily in the perirhinal cortex and for “where” infor-
mation primarily in the postrhinal cortex. This segrega-
tion is largely retained in the next processing stage. The
medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) receives most of its
input from the postrhinal cortex. The lateral entorhinal
cortex (LEC) receives most of its input from the peri-
rhinal cortex. Accordingly, MEC or postrhinal lesions
selectively affect navigation and pathfinding, whereas
LEC or perirhinal lesions primarily affect nonspatial B
information processing and, more generally, object-
context associations (Eichenbaum et al., 2011; Suzuki
& Amaral, 2004). The idea for a segregation of function
at the level of the entorhinal cortex is also supported
by the selective presence of specialized cell types in
each subregion, as described in the following sections.
Medial Entorhinal Cortex In rodents, MEC can
be distinguished from LEC by differences in cytoarchi-
tecture and in the input and output pathways. In addi-
tion, the principal neurons of these two entorhinal
subregions have distinct firing patterns (Witter & Moser,
2006). The most remarkable cell type in MEC is the grid
cell. Grid cells are principal neurons that fire action
potentials at multiple spatial locations within an envi-
ronment. The spatial receptive fields of these neurons
are arranged in a highly regular triangular grid (figure
46.2B). Grid cells were first described when performing
extracellular recordings from the MEC in awake, behav-
ing rats that explored two-dimensional environments
(Hafting, Fyhn, Molden, Moser, & Moser, 2005). Cor-
responding cells are also found in the primate entorhi-
nal cortex (Killian, Jutras, & Buffalo, 2012). In primates,
the grid pattern emerges while a spatial scene is Figure 46.2 Place cells and grid cells. (A) Spatially tuned
principal neurons are found in all subregions of the rodent
explored by eye movements. During eye movements, hippocampal formation. A gray line indicates the path of the
the firing peaks for where on the screen the eyes fixate animal while exploring a 1 m  ×  1 m open field. Each action
are arranged in a triangular grid pattern (figure 46.2C). potential of the CA1 neuron is shown as a red dot superim-
Although grid cells are a prominent cell type in the posed on the position of the animal when the spike occurred
most dorsal pole of MEC in rodents and a common cell (left). The firing rate of the same CA1 neuron is represented
by a heat map with high firing rates in warmer colors (right).
type in the posterior entorhinal cortex of primates,
Hippocampal neurons are place cells with a single place field,
there are also numerous other functional cell types in whereas (B) grid cells are found in all layers of medial ento-
entorhinal cortex. Some of these cell types have obvious rhinal cortex (MEC). The multiple firing peaks of grid cells
spatial firing patterns, such as firing along the borders are arranged as equilateral triangles (white dashed lines) that
of a box in rodents or along the border of a screen in form a grid-like representation (right). (C) Grid cells in the
primate MEC during the visual exploration of spatial scenes.
primates (Killian et al., 2012; Solstad, Boccara, Kropff,
(Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd:
Moser, & Moser, 2008). However, there are also cells Nature, Killian et al., 2012.) (See color plate 38.)

leutgeb and leutgeb: the contribution of hippocampal subregions 549

that cannot be readily classified and do not exhibit principal neurons of the DG, the dentate granule
spatial firing properties, and those are more abundant neurons, comprise the first synapse of the “tri-synaptic
in primates compared to rodents (Killian et al., 2012). pathway.” The dentate granule neurons send projec-
tions, the mossy fibers, which terminate on proximal
Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Unlike MEC, in which CA3 dendrites. This is the second synapse. The third
individual neurons exhibit spatial firing properties, the synapse is from CA3 to CA1. While the first and the
firing patterns of LEC principal neurons show little third synapses in the pathway are similar to typical corti-
spatial specificity (Hargreaves, Rao, Lee, & Knierim, cal synapses, the synapses between dentate granule cells
2005). However, when objects are placed within a and CA3 pyramidal neurons are rather exceptional.
recording environment, LEC cells fire selectively at They are extremely large, and transmitter release from
locations relative to the object (Deshmukh & Knierim, a single bouton is sufficiently strong to reliably result in
2013) or in specific places where objects were previ- an action potential in the target CA3 cell (Henze,
ously located (Tsao, Moser, & Moser, 2013). The firing Wittner, & Buzsaki, 2002). However, each granule cell
of LEC neurons in the vicinity of discrete objects and only makes contact with approximately 50 CA3 cells.
in representing objects from past experiences suggests, The hippocampal CA3 region receives, in addition to
along with the lesion studies described above, that LEC inputs from dentate granule cells, direct inputs from
cells support object-place memory or item-context layer II of LEC and MEC. Both LEC and MEC terminate
memory, hence serving as the only subdivision of the onto the distal portion of CA3 dendrites. The inputs
entorhinal cortex that to a larger degree supports the that CA3 cells receive from entorhinal cortex are often
“what” component of episodic memory. from the same en passant axons that also form synapses
onto dentate granules cells. Principal neurons in DG
The different processing streams converge in and in CA3 thus receive convergent inputs from LEC
hippocampal subregions and MEC (Witter, 2007).

The entorhinal cortex is the gateway to the dentate Processing within dentate gyrus Predictions about a sepa-
gyrus and to the hippocampal CA fields. All major excit- rate role of DG in memory processing are based on
atory inputs to hippocampus originate from neurons elements of its architecture that are unique for the DG
in the entorhinal cortex, and the entorhinal cortex subregion as well as on the sparse firing of dentate
receives back-projections from CA1 and the subiculum. neurons. The firing in DG is sparse in that the mean
Because the entorhino-hippocampal loops are at the firing rates of dentate granule neurons are low and in
core of memory processing and because disorders with that the proportion of active neurons at any given time
memory impairment each have different patterns of is also low (Piatti, Ewell, & Leutgeb, 2013). The sparse
cell loss across entorhinal and hippocampal subregions, activity in DG is the result of a rich inhibitory network.
it can be expected that we will gain a profound under- Such strong inhibition shuts off a large number of
standing of memory by unraveling the information flow neurons and makes the DG a competitive network in
within the circuit. Although questions about memory which only a few neurons fire action potentials (Rolls,
processing will eventually need to be addressed in 2010). Even though dentate activity is sparse, it is
complex memory tasks across different species, substan- coupled to CA3 through the powerful unidirectional
tial progress has been made from examining how spatial mossy fiber projections. Computational models thus
firing patterns emerge and are processed throughout predict that the few active neurons can “detonate” the
the entorhino-hippocampal circuit in rodents. This CA3 network, thereby generating new patterns of
section therefore focuses on our current understanding neural activity and strengthening the connections
of the processing of spatial information within the between activated cells such that new memories are
circuit along with key insights from studies on memory encoded (O’Reilly & McClelland, 1994; Rolls, 2010).
processing. During the storage of new memories, it is not only
important that new activity patterns are imposed onto
Early Processing Stages of the Hippocampal the CA3 network, but also that the new patterns are
Formation distinct from patterns that were stored on previous
occasions. A critical step in the encoding of a new epi-
Connections of the dentate gyrus and the CA3 subregion The sodic memory is therefore the amplification of the dif-
dentate gyrus (DG) is classically considered the first ferences between the representations that are encoded
processing stage of the hippocampal formation. The compared to those that already exist in the network.
inputs of entorhinal cortex layer II neurons to the The powerful effect of the dentate in activating CA3 is

550 memory
therefore paired with a computation that is referred receive is limited by the size of the dendritic tree, a
to as “pattern separation.” Partially overlapping experi- high connection probability between neurons within a
ences are made more distinct by amplifying sensory network can only be achieved if the number of neurons
differences before a representation is encoded (figure in the network is not too high. In the rat, the total
46.3A). In behavioral studies in rodents in which number of CA3 cells is about 300,000 per hemisphere
neurons of the DG were selectively lesioned or manipu- (Rolls & Treves, 1998). In comparisons between pri-
lated, it was found that rats were unable to discriminate mates and rodents, it is interesting to note that the
between adjacent spatial locations while they could increased size of the primate hippocampus is associated
easily discern between spatial locations that were sepa- with a larger increase in the number of dentate and
rated by greater distances (Gilbert, Kesner, & Lee, CA1 neurons rather than of CA3 neurons (West, 1990),
2001). The notion that the DG is necessary for distin- such that the high intrinsic connectivity within the CA3
guishing between similar spatial locations is also sup- subregion can be maintained.
ported by studies of place cells in the DG. Pronounced The high connection probability within the network
changes in dentate firing patterns are observed for of excitatory neurons gives rise to a recurrent or autoas-
small differences in sensory input. Very separate neuro- sociative architecture. Recurrent networks can perform
nal representations can therefore be generated in con- several classes of computations (Amit, 1989). First, they
ditions of high input similarity to the network. Pattern can hold information online when a subgroup of CA3
separation can also be observed in the CA3 network, cells activates other subgroups of CA3 cells. Neuronal
but CA3 requires a higher degree of input difference activity patterns can thus reverberate within the circuit
before it responds in this way. The dentate network can to sustain a short-term memory. Second, the ongoing
thus perform pattern separation in conditions in which reverberation can be used to associate incoming pat-
the neuronal activity in CA3 is not yet distinct (figure terns with patterns that are intrinsically retained. Third,
46.3B; Guzowski, Knierim, & Moser, 2004; Leutgeb, the network can also perform a long-term memory func-
Leutgeb, Moser, & Moser, 2007). tion. Long-term memory relies on first storing a configu-
Pattern separation in the dentate/CA3 region can ration of synaptic strengths during ongoing activity
also be observed with high-resolution functional MRI within the circuit. When the recurrent network is later
(fMRI) when human subjects are presented with images presented with incomplete inputs or with inputs that
of objects that were not seen before (novel), were a somewhat differ from previously learned patterns, the
repetition of a previously viewed object (repeat), or subset of neurons that is first activated can iteratively
were similar but not identical to a previously viewed recover the neuronal activity pattern that fully corre-
object (lure; figure 46.3C). Results revealed that activity sponds to the pattern that was stored at the time of
in the dentate/CA3 region increased during the viewing learning (McNaughton & Morris, 1987). The recovery
of lure images to the same extent as during the viewing of complete neuronal firing patterns from either partial
of novel images (Bakker, Kirwan, Miller, & Stark, 2008). inputs or from partially distinct inputs supports memory
This increase in neural activity was not observed in retrieval and is a neural computation that is referred to
other hippocampal subregions (figure 46.3D). The pro- as “pattern completion” (figure 46.3A). Because pattern
cessing of lures as novel events in the dentate/CA3 completion moves network activity toward a stored firing
region supports the notion that this region is biased pattern, it must also shift neural activity away from other
toward pattern-separation processes during the passive stored patterns. Pattern completion and pattern separa-
encoding of information. Although fMRI imaging in tion thus occur in concert, and the transitions between
humans currently does not have the resolution to sepa- the modes can be sudden (figure 46.3B). However, the
rate the DG from CA3 (Carr, Rissman, & Wagner, 2010), firing patterns of CA3 cells can also respond gradually
the convergent evidence from the data in humans and for sensory configurations that are intermediate to
animals points toward a central role of the competitive learned configurations (J. K. Leutgeb et al., 2005a).
DG network for pattern separation. Importantly, gradual changes in activity patterns not only
code for intermediate sensory inputs, but can also code
Processing within CA3 CA3 receives direct inputs from task parameters that are relevant for memory perfor-
the DG and from the entorhinal cortex and sends mance (Allen, Rawlins, Bannerman, & Csicsvari, 2012).
forward projections to the hippocampal CA1 area and
back-projections to mossy cells in the dentate hilus. In The Output Areas of the Hippocampus
addition, the most exceptional feature of the CA3 sub-
region is the major intrinsic CA3 to CA3 projection. The CA2 subregion Based upon anatomical analysis of
Because the number of synapses that a neuron can hippocampal neurons, several CA subregions have

leutgeb and leutgeb: the contribution of hippocampal subregions 551



Figure 46.3 Distinct computations in hippocampal sub- patterns. (C) Examples of sample stimuli (original and lure
fields. (A) Pattern separation mechanisms transform similar versions) viewed by patients during fMRI imaging. (D) Left:
input patterns into more orthogonal output patterns (top). Regions of activity in the medial temporal lobe are overlaid
Pattern completion processes achieve the opposite and in white in the DG/CA3 region (gray surrounded by solid
recover the original input pattern despite subtle changes in white line) and in the CA1 region (black surrounded by
the input pattern (bottom). (Adapted from Yassa & Stark, dashed white line). Right: Mean activity in each region of
2011, with permission from Elsevier.) (B) Output of a neural interest for each trial condition (First presentation, Repeat,
network while gradually changing the input pattern. Different and Lure). In the DG/CA3 region, lures elicit similar levels
computations are observed in each hippocampal subregion. of activity as the first presentation, which indicates pattern
The CA1 network (stippled line) reflects the gradual change separation. In CA1, lures evoke the same level of activity as
in input. In DG (dashed line), subtle input differences are repeated trials, which indicates pattern completion. (Adapted
amplified and become orthogonalized. CA3 (solid black line) from Bakker et al., 2008. Reprinted with permission from
performs both pattern completion and pattern separation AAAS.)
depending on the degree of change in the incoming input

been described (Lorente de No, 1934; Ramon y Cajal, their more proximal dendrites (Chevaleyre & Siegel-
1893). Although frequently left out of standard depic- baum, 2010). The unique convergence of strong excit-
tions of the hippocampal circuit, CA2 is a distinct ana- atory drive from entorhinal cortex to CA2 may result in
tomical region based on protein- and gene-expression distinct contributions to episodic memory. Behavioral
profiles (Lein, Callaway, Albright, & Gage, 2005) and studies in mice, in which the function of the CA2 region
on its anatomical connectivity. The hippocampal CA2 was selectively silenced, have revealed a selective deficit
subregion is unique among the CA subregions in that in storing the “when” component of memories (DeVito
it receives inputs from both layer II and III of entorhi- et al., 2009; Wersinger, Ginns, O’Carroll, Lolait, &
nal cortex. In addition, unlike CA3 and CA1, CA2 Young, 2002). However, additional experiments and
neurons are more strongly excited by entorhinal cortex computational models are needed to describe how such
inputs to their distal dendrites than by CA3 inputs to a contribution to memory could be performed and how

552 memory
temporal information in CA2 may influence the neural Importantly, the neuronal population code in CA1
network mechanisms that represent time in CA1. changes over time in a way such that temporal informa-
tion can be gained without a major loss of spatial and
The CA1 subregion CA1 is essential for routing informa- contextual information (Mankin et al., 2012). The
tion from earlier processing stages in the hippocampal “where,” “what,” and “when” aspects of episodic memo-
loop back out to the neocortex. Recurrent excitatory ries can thus be simultaneously represented in the activ-
connections within the CA1 network are weak such that ity patterns of CA1 neurons. Behavioral studies in which
the processing occurs in a feedforward manner that the CA1 region was selectively lesioned also support a
transforms an input pattern (from CA3, CA2, and layer role for CA1 in binding temporal associations to other
III of entorhinal cortex) into an output pattern (to aspects of memory (Kesner, Hunsaker, & Ziegler, 2010).
subiculum and the deep layers of entorhinal cortex).
The three main excitatory inputs to hippocampal CA1 Subiculum The subiculum is the last processing stage
cells are from CA3 cells, from CA2 cells, and directly in the long loop through hippocampal subregions back
from layer III cells in the entorhinal cortex. Why would to the entorhinal cortex. The subiculum receives inputs
CA1 receive input from entorhinal cortex directly, but from CA1 pyramidal neurons, and similar to CA1
also indirectly through longer loops in which input receives inputs from layer III of LEC and MEC to sepa-
from layer II of entorhinal cortex is routed through the rate regions of the cell layer. The subiculum in turn
DG, CA3, and CA2 to CA1? A major difference in the sends projections to the deep layers of the entorhinal
organization of entorhinal inputs is that dentate, CA3, cortex (Witter, 2006). The contribution of the subicu-
and CA2 cells receive convergent inputs from layer lum to memory processing is unclear, although recent
II of LEC and MEC, while layer III projects to two sepa- human fMRI imaging studies suggest that the subicu-
rate zones within the CA1 area. The direct input from lum and CA1 are selectively activated during periods of
entorhinal cortex layer III to CA1 therefore more memory retrieval rather than periods of memory encod-
closely represents incoming cortical processing streams, ing (Carr et al., 2010). Neural mechanisms in the subic-
while the indirect pathway from CA3 may add informa- ulum that may support memory retrieval are unknown.
tion from long-term or short-term memory. The differ- However, the subiculum differs from CA1 in the degree
ential processing along the indirect pathway may result to which it supports spatial memory. Lesions of the hip-
in some degree of mismatch compared to the direct pocampus result in deficits in spatial memory, while
inputs, which can be detected in CA1 and can be lesions of the subiculum do not lead to similar deficits
flexibly used in updating its representations and in gen- (O’Mara, 2005). Such a dissociation is consistent with
erating arbitrary associations (Lisman & Grace, 2005; a circuit diagram in which all hippocampal information
McNaughton & Morris, 1987; Mizumori, Smith, & flows through CA1, but in which CA1 can support
Puryear, 2007). circuit function by either directly projecting to entorhi-
The different input streams can also be used to inter- nal cortex or by routing information through the
leave incoming firing patterns and to generate the subiculum.
sequential activation of CA1 cells at time scales over
which ongoing neuronal activity can be associated Integrated function across medial temporal
within the hippocampal circuit (Eichenbaum, 2013; lobe subregions
O’Keefe & Recce, 1993). However, there is also a fun-
damentally different mechanism for temporal coding, By combining the unique computations of neural net-
which does not depend on continuously sustained hip- works within each subregion, the medial temporal lobe
pocampal firing. It has been proposed that a stable generates neuronal processing streams that enable the
neural code can be compared to a neural code that, acquisition and initial retention of fact and event mem-
when reinstated, has changed over time (Howard & ories. The position of a subregion within the circuit, the
Kahana, 2002). Although this mechanism could be unique intrinsic neuronal architecture of a subregion,
used over any time period, the neuronal activity pat- and the specialized neuronal firing patterns within each
terns in CA1 show such drift over periods of hours to subregion determine which specialized computations
weeks. Importantly, neuronal activity in CA3 remains are performed. A particular computation may selec-
stable over the corresponding time intervals. The tively support the acquisition, storage, or retrieval of
retention of a stable reference representation in CA3 memories, or a computation may be flexible such that it
enables a comparison in which the similarity between can support memory processing across different phases.
the stable and the time-varying representation can serve For example, memory acquisition is thought to acti-
as an indication of how long ago an event occurred. vate input stages from entorhinal cortex to DG and

leutgeb and leutgeb: the contribution of hippocampal subregions 553

from DG to CA3. In this loop, the dentate activity is common set of neuronal responses throughout the
thought to be particularly important for first generating loop.
a distinct code and for then strongly activating a popu-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by an Ellison
lation of CA3 cells such that the information can be
Medical Foundation New Scholar Award in Aging, the Walter
stored as a separate pattern in a recurrent network that F. Heiligenberg Professorship, and the Ray Thomas Edwards
includes back-projections from CA3 to dentate and Foundation.
intrinsic projections within CA3. In contrast, retrieval
may more directly activate CA1 as well as CA3, and CA3
might have an important role in retrieving events from REFERENCES
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leutgeb and leutgeb: the contribution of hippocampal subregions 555

47 The Role of Context in Episodic

ABSTRACT In this chapter we discuss the role of context in are sensory representations of words that persist only
organizing episodic memories. We define context as slowly while the word is being presented; above, there are
drifting information (i.e., information that persists over a rela-
representations of thoughts or mental states that persist
tively long time scale in a person’s brain; for example, a
representation of a person’s location). First, we use the tem- over longer time scales.
poral context model of memory search (Howard & Kahana, The central idea of this chapter is that slowly drifting
2002) to illustrate how binding slowly drifting contextual information (i.e., information that persists over rela-
information to more transient representations (e.g., of studied tively long time scales) can be used to time-stamp and
words) serves to organize our memories of the more transient organize more quickly drifting information. This time-
information. We next present electrophysiological studies
examining the role of slowly drifting representations in orga- stamping is accomplished by means of the hippocam-
nizing episodic memories, and we provide an overview of the pus binding co-active representations together (O’Reilly
brain systems involved in representing slowly drifting informa- & Rudy, 2001), including representations that are drift-
tion. Finally, we discuss sources of variability in the rate of ing at different rates. In the scenario shown in figure
contextual drift. 47.1, these bindings allow words to cue retrieval of co-
active contextual threads and vice versa. For example, if
Context is simultaneously one of the most fundamental the participant recalls the word shark, he or she might
and elusive concepts in memory research. Memory also recall being hungry when that word was presented,
researchers often define context by exclusion: in a which in turn might trigger retrieval of the fact that leaf
memory experiment, there is a set of items that the was also presented while the person was hungry. When
participant is being asked to memorize (e.g., a list of leaf is retrieved, this might trigger retrieval of having
words), and then there is context, which reflects every- been worried about exams, and then the participant
thing else that is represented in the person’s brain might recall also hearing the word skull when worrying
during the experiment. Context might include, for about exams, and so on. The set of contextual threads
example, information about the external environment, that were active during a previously experienced event
mood, thoughts about recently encountered items, (e.g., studying the word skull) constitutes a unique
plans concerning the future, and incidental features of time-stamp for that event, and we will refer to the
the stimuli such as the color and the spatial location of process of reactivating these contextual threads as con-
a word on the screen (for a review, see Smith & Vela, textual reinstatement. Effectively, this contextual reinstate-
2001). This list makes it clear that defining context in ment process allows the participant to mentally “jump
terms of the type of information being represented is back in time” to when the contextual threads were ini-
futile. Under this definition, anything can be context— tially active. If the participant succeeds in reinstating a
for example, if you test memory for which colors were large number of contextual threads that were linked to
seen, rather than word identity, then the background an item at study, they will all convergently cue the asso-
colors become the items and word identities become ciated event, thereby boosting the probability of retriev-
part of the context. ing the event.
Instead of defining context in terms of specific types To understand the role of context in episodic memory,
of information (and the roles they play in particular we need to understand the factors that give rise to slow
experiments), we focus here on the time scale of infor- drift in the brain, and the role that slow drift plays in
mation representation. Figure 47.1 illustrates, in time- time-stamping memories. Speaking generally, there are
line form, what might be going through a person’s head two different (and non-mutually exclusive) ways to get
as he or she learns a list of words in a typical memory slow drift. The first possibility is that slow drift can arise
experiment. The figure shows how information is rep- from the brain representing slowly drifting features of
resented at different time scales. At the bottom, there the world. For example, because we cannot teleport

manning, kahana, and norman: the role of context in episodic memory 557
Testing room



Figure 47.1 Illustration of contextual drift. A hypothetical external stimuli (e.g., the testing room) as well as internal
participant studies the seven words in the bottom row over states (feeling itchy, worrying about upcoming exams, etc.).
the course of five minutes (times are indicated by the digital These thoughts persist for different amounts of time and can
clock faces). In addition to thoughts related to the studied overlap.
words, the participant experiences thoughts related to other

between locations, our location in one moment will be Items (fast)

similar to our location in the next moment. Therefore
brain areas that represent current location information APPLE CAT BOAT DOG
will show the requisite slow drift property. The second
possibility is intrinsic maintenance. Even if features of the
world disappear quickly, the brain has the ability to
Context (slow)
sustain patterns of neural firing corresponding to both
external features of the world and internal thoughts
(see “Brain Systems Involved in Representing Context”
below and also chapter 44, this volume).
The rest of this chapter is divided into three main
Figure 47.2 The temporal context model. Nodes (repre-
parts. In the next section, we describe a computational sented by circles) in the item layer correspond to the sensory
model of memory search to illustrate how the afore- representations of the words on the study list. When an item
mentioned psychological principles (slow drift and con- (in this case, dog) is studied, its node in the item layer is
textual reinstatement) can account for detailed patterns activated. The shadings of the nodes reflect their activations,
of memory data. We also discuss electrophysiological where brighter shading reflects greater activation. Nodes in
the context layer represent a running average of item-layer
evidence for slow drift and contextual reinstatement.
activations. Here the activations in the context layer reflect
We then provide an overview of the brain systems the state of the model as the participant studies the fourth
involved in representing slowly drifting information. In word on a list, dog, after studying apple, cat, and boat. The
the last section, we discuss sources of variability in con- arrows denote interactions between the item and context
textual drift. layers.

Explaining behavioral memory data using the to recall the items in any order. Free recall is a useful
temporal context model test bed for models of context and memory because it
provides data regarding both accuracy (i.e., which
The worth of a psychological theory may be measured memories were recalled) and the order in which items
by how well it explains detailed patterns of behavioral were recalled.
and neural data. Toward this end, researchers have built To provide an intuition for how slow drift and con-
computational models that instantiate the principles textual reinstatement can account for behavioral
outlined above (slow drift and contextual reinstate- memory data, we will focus our discussion on one spe-
ment) and fit the models to detailed patterns of memory cific model, the temporal context model (TCM; Howard
data. Here we focus on modeling data from the free-recall & Kahana, 2002), schematized in figure 47.2. TCM is a
paradigm, followed by a brief survey of other relevant member of a large family of models that incorporate
paradigms. In the free-recall paradigm, participants slow drift and contextual reinstatement (e.g., Davelaar,
study lists of items (typically words) and then attempt Goshen-Gottstein, Ashkenazi, Haarmann, & Usher,

558 memory
2005; Dennis & Humphreys, 2001; Polyn, Norman, & recency effect, which refers to participants’ ability to more
Kahana, 2009; Sederberg, Howard, & Kahana, 2008; easily retrieve information pertaining to recent experi-
Shankar & Howard, 2012). The purpose of this section ences (e.g., items from the end of a just-studied list)
is not to differentiate between models within this than information pertaining to long-ago experiences
family, but rather to illustrate these models’ shared (Murdock, 1962). The contiguity effect is another funda-
predictions. mental regularity in free recall, and refers to partici-
In TCM, there are two interconnected layers of nodes pants’ tendency to successively recall items that occupied
(or computing elements). These two layers represent nearby positions in the study lists (Kahana, 1996). For
the same information but at different time scales. The example, if a list contained the sub-sequence apple cat
item layer represents the item that is currently being boat and the participant recalled the word cat, it is far
studied on the list, and the context layer represents a more likely that the next response would be either boat
running average of recently studied items. As the par- or apple than some other list item.
ticipant studies each item on a list (e.g., the words Both the recency effect and the contiguity effect
apple, cat, boat, dog), the corresponding node in the exhibit time-scale invariance, meaning that these same
item layer is activated. In the figure, the participant is patterns are observed at short and long time scales. For
currently viewing the word dog, so the dog node is example, recency effects are observed in immediate
active (denoted by bright shading) and the apple, cat, free-recall experiments (where participants are given a
and boat nodes are inactive (denoted by darker list of words and are tested immediately afterwards) and
shading). As each node of the item layer is activated, also in situations where the items on the list are spaced
the item becomes associated with the current state of out across multiple days (Glenberg, Bradley, Kraus, &
the context layer. The context layer is continually Renzaglia, 1983) or even longer (Moreton & Ward,
updated by averaging together the current item repre- 2010). Likewise, contiguity effects are observed in
sentation with the previous state of context. Because the immediate free recall and also in continual distractor free
context layer computes a running average, the state of recall, where participants perform a distracting task after
context evolves gradually as the participant studies studying each item (Bjork & Whitten, 1974; Howard &
the list. Kahana, 1999). Contiguity effects have even been
Recall is simulated in TCM by using the current state observed across word lists (i.e., given that a participant
of context as a retrieval cue. Each item’s node in the has just recalled an item from the fourth list, he or she
item layer is activated according to how similar that is more likely to recall the next item from the third or
item’s associated state of context is to the current state fifth list than from the second or sixth lists; Howard,
of context. Items stochastically compete to be recalled, Youker, & Venkatadass, 2008).
with more active items serving as stronger competitors. The recency and contiguity effects (along with some
When an item wins the recall competition, two things degree of time-scale invariance) emerge naturally out
happen. First, the recalled item is incorporated into the of retrieved-context models of episodic memory like
current state of context (e.g., if you recall dog, that is TCM. According to these models, recency effects arise
blended into the context vector). Second, the current because the context present at test is relatively more
state of context is also updated with retrieved mental similar to the context associated with the end-of-list
context (i.e., the state of mental context that was linked items than the context associated with earlier items.
to the just-retrieved item at study). The updated state This fact is true regardless of whether the items were
of context is then used to probe memory for other presented within a few seconds of each other or days
items. As discussed earlier in this chapter, reinstating apart, which explains why the model predicts recency
an item’s study-phase context can be construed as effects at both short and long time scales.
mentally jumping back to the moment when the just- Retrieved-context models like TCM explain the con-
recalled item was studied. Cuing with reinstated contex- tiguity effect in terms of slow drift at study and contex-
tual information increases the chances that the next tual reinstatement at test. When participants retrieve an
item recalled will be one associated with a similar item, they retrieve contextual features associated with
context. that item, and then they use the retrieved contextual
features to probe their memories for more items. Due
Modeling Key Regularities in Free-Recall Behav- to slow drift at study, items studied nearer in time will
ior TCM and similar models have enjoyed extensive have been associated with (relatively) more similar
success at explaining many stereotyped behaviors states of context than far-apart items. Just as with the
observed during free recall and other episodic memory- recency effect, this relative match property holds
related tasks. One fundamental regularity is termed the regardless of the time delay between successive item

manning, kahana, and norman: the role of context in episodic memory 559
presentations, explaining why retrieved-context models directed-forgetting paradigm suggests that when partici-
predict contiguity effects at a variety of time scales. pants are asked to forget list A items prior to studying
The fact that context models can explain recency and list B, they respond to this forget cue instruction by delib-
contiguity does not mean that contextual drift is always erately shifting their state of context, thereby making
responsible for these effects. For example, it may be the list A items less accessible (for a review of the
possible to explain recency effects in immediate free relevant evidence see Sahakyan, Delaney, Foster, &
recall in terms of participants actively maintaining end- Abushanab, 2013).
of-list items in working memory, and then directly Contextual matching may also be used to explain
recalling these items from working memory (e.g., Atkin- how people judge the order in which a series of events
son & Shiffrin, 1968). Likewise, it is possible to explain occurred. Specifically, if our current context is more
contiguity effects in immediate free recall in terms of similar to the context associated with event y than with
participants directly forming links between adjacently event x, we may judge event y to have occurred more
studied items. However, these alternative accounts recently than event x (see discussion of Manns, Howard,
cannot explain why recency and contiguity effects & Eichenbaum, 2007, below, for neural data relating
persist across long time scales. recency judgments to contextual drift).
Importantly, many retrieved-context models (includ-
ing TCM) are not fully time-scale invariant. For example, Electrophysiological Evidence for Slow Drift
TCM has a characteristic contextual drift rate which and Contextual Reinstatement Recent advances
determines how rapidly the state of context evolves to in neural recording and analysis methods have allowed
incorporate new information. Events that occur at time researchers to test whether neural patterns during epi-
scales slower than this drift rate will not show substantial sodic memory experiments are consistent with retrieved-
recency or contiguity effects. A recently developed context models. As described above, retrieved-context
theory from Shankar and Howard (2012) extends TCM models predict that recalling a studied item should lead
to account for precise timing and full time-scale invari- to the reinstatement of a gradually evolving contextual
ance by positing that drift occurs across a spectrum of representation. To test this prediction, Manning, Polyn,
time scales (also see Howard & Eichenbaum, 2013). Baltuch, Litt, and Kahana (2011) recorded electrical
signals from electrodes implanted throughout the
Other Findings That Can Be Addressed Using brains of human neurosurgical patients as they partici-
This Framework While modelers interested in how pated in a delayed free-recall experiment (figure 47.3A,
context shapes episodic memory have focused primarily B). The researchers first sought to isolate slowly drifting
on free recall, it is important to note that contextual neural patterns that might be involved in representing
tagging and contextual reinstatement contribute to context. Next, the researchers examined whether those
some degree to virtually every episodic memory para- (putative) context representations were reinstated as
digm. For example, in tests of recognition memory, the participants recalled the studied words.
presenting information about a past event (e.g., display- The researchers isolated candidate context represen-
ing a previously studied word) can reinstate the context tations by identifying temporally autocorrelated neural pat-
in which the word was studied, such that words studied terns (i.e., patterns that were more similar during the
in similar contexts are subsequently remembered more study of nearby words than temporally distant words) as
easily (Schwartz, Howard, Jing, & Kahana, 2005). Con- the participants studied the words. After the patients
textual reinstatement can also lead to memory errors. had studied and recalled words from many lists, the
For example, suppose that a participant studies two lists researchers computed the similarity between the neural
of items, A and B. If the participant is reminded of patterns recorded just prior to recalling a word and the
studying list A prior to studying list B, the contextual neural patterns recorded at study.
threads associated with list A may be reinstated and If the neural patterns recorded as a participant recalls
bound to the list B items. This binding can lead partici- an item reflect only item information, then they should
pants to misattribute memories of list B items to list A match the neural patterns recorded when the item was
(Gershman, Schapiro, Hupbach, & Norman, 2013; studied and also possibly afterwards (to the extent that
Hupbach, Gomez, Hardt, & Nadel, 2007; Sederberg, the item representations persisted in the participant’s
Gershman, Polyn, & Norman, 2011). Just as contextual brain). In contrast, if the neural pattern at retrieval
reinstatement can facilitate access to memories linked reflects reinstated, slowly drifting context from the
to those contextual threads, contextual shifts can study phase, then it should match the patterns recorded
inhibit access to memories associated with out-of-date both before and after that item was studied, with similar-
contextual threads. Evidence from the list-method ity falling off gradually in both directions. Figure 47.3C

560 memory
A Study Recall

1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4


Normalized PCA


... –2 –1 0 1 2 ... Lag


of context reinstatement
r = 0.42
p = 0.007
Neural similarity

Neural signature


–0.02 –2
–4 –2 0 2 4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Lag Contiguity effect

Figure 47.3 Neural evidence for contextual reinstatement electrode implanted in the brain of a neurosurgical patient.
in humans. (A) After studying a list of 15 or 20 words and (C) Similarity between the activity recorded during recall of
performing a brief distraction task, participants recalled as a word from serial position i and study of a word from serial
many words as they could remember, in any order. ECoG position i + lag (the black dot denotes the study and recall of
activity was recorded during each study and recall event. The the same word; i.e., lag  = 0). (D) Participants who exhibited
similarity between the recorded patterns was computed as a stronger neural signatures of context reinstatement also
function of lag. (B) Each dot marks the location of a single exhibited more pronounced contiguity effects.

shows that the data matched this latter pattern, thereby cause neural patterns in PFC to change more slowly
supporting retrieved-context models. Furthermore, than they would otherwise (see Ranganath, Hasselmo,
the degree to which individual patients exhibited this & Stern, chapter 44 in this volume). In keeping with
neural signature of contextual reinstatement was cor- this idea, a number of neural-recording studies have
related with the behavioral contiguity effect (i.e., par- found direct evidence that neural patterns in PFC drift
ticipants’ tendency to successively recall neighboring slowly. For example, Hyman, Ma, Balaguer-Ballester,
list items; figure 47.3D). In a related study, Howard, Durstewitz, and Seamans (2012) recorded from dozens
Viskontas, Shankar, and Fried (2012) collected extracel- of neurons in the rodent medial prefrontal cortex
lular recordings from various medial temporal lobe (mPFC) as rats navigated in two environments. They
regions in humans during a recognition memory test, found that the firing rates of mPFC neurons were tem-
and found a similar neural signature of contextual porally autocorrelated. Furthermore, Jenkins and Ran-
reinstatement. ganath (2010) found that patterns of functional MRI
(fMRI) activity in the right lateral PFC drifted slowly
while participants studied lists of pictures; the rate of
Brain systems involved in representing context neural drift predicted how accurately participants could
remember when particular pictures were presented
Prefrontal Cortex As reviewed by Polyn and over the time course of the experiment. Converging
Kahana (2008), prefrontal cortex (PFC) has several evidence for the PFC’s role in representing contextual
properties that make it an especially good candidate for information comes from studies of patients with frontal
representing contextual information. In particular, PFC lobe damage. These studies have found that damage to
can actively maintain patterns of neural firing in the frontal regions impairs memory performance on
face of distraction (e.g., Miller, Erickson, & Desimone, strongly contextually mediated tasks like free recall,
1996). This capacity for active maintenance should whereas performance is relatively spared on tasks where

manning, kahana, and norman: the role of context in episodic memory 561
context plays a lesser role (e.g., Shimamura, 1994; (e.g., sensory representations of words on a study list)
Wheeler, Stuss, & Tulving, 1995). to more slowly drifting information, thereby making it
possible for studied items to cue reinstatement of slowly
MTL Structures Studies have found evidence for drifting contextual information, and vice versa (Cohen
slowly drifting patterns of neural activity in several & Eichenbaum, 1993; Diana, Yonelinas, & Ranganath,
medial temporal lobe structures, including parahippo- 2007; O’Reilly & Rudy, 2001). To play this binding role,
campal cortex (PHC) and hippocampus (e.g., Howard the hippocampus needs to receive inputs from areas
et al., 2012). We elaborate on the roles of each of these representing slowly drifting information. This is accom-
structures below (for additional discussion of MTL plished via connections from areas like PFC and PHC
contributions to episodic memory, see chapter 45, this that go through the entorhinal cortex (which itself
volume). exhibits gradually evolving neural patterns; Egorov,
Hamam, Fransen, Hasselmo, & Alonso, 2002) into the
Parahippocampal cortex and the posterior medial system hippocampus.
Several recent papers have argued that PHC represents A recent study by Manns et al. (2007) provides clear
a person’s inference about the situation they are cur- evidence that patterns of hippocampal firing evolve
rently in (e.g., reading a book, listening to music, gradually over time, and that these gradually evolving
cooking dinner, etc.). For example, Bar and Aminoff patterns are behaviorally relevant. In their study, Manns
(2003) found that the PHC shows greater activation in et al. (2007) simultaneously recorded activity from mul-
response to objects that are strongly diagnostic of situ- tiple neurons in the CA1 hippocampal subregion as rats
ational context (e.g., a roulette wheel or a beach chair) sequentially sampled a “list” of odors. After sampling
than to objects without a strong associated context the sequence of odors, the rat had to choose which of
(e.g., a cherry or a fly), although see Epstein and Ward two odors in the sequence had been presented more
(2010) for an alternative interpretation. Insofar as a recently. The authors found that patterns of neural
person’s representation of the situation they are in firing in CA1 changed gradually as animals sampled the
changes gradually over time (except at event boundar- odors, and that the degree of neural drift over the
ies; see “What Drives Contextual Drift?” below), brain course of the list predicted behavioral accuracy on a
regions that represent situational information should recency-discrimination test. The authors interpret this
exhibit gradually changing neural patterns. In keeping finding in terms of the idea that greater neural drift
with this view, the slow drift property predicted by indicates greater contextual separation, which (in turn)
context models has been demonstrated in PHC using makes it easier to temporally discriminate between
both electrophysiology (Howard et al., 2012) and fMRI items on the recency test. Notably, in addition to
(Turk-Browne, Simon, & Sederberg, 2012). showing a within-list neural drift effect, Manns et al.
Although PHC plays an important role in represent- (2007) also observed slow drift across lists of odors (for
ing situational context, it is not the only such region. As discussion, see Howard & Eichenbaum, 2013); this fits
reviewed by Ranganath and Ritchey (2012), PHC is part with the idea (mentioned above in the section “Explain-
of a densely interconnected network of regions called ing Behavioral Memory Data Using the Temporal
the posterior medial system that includes retrosplenial Context Model”) that context drifts at multiple time
cortex, the mamillary bodies, anterior thalamic nuclei, scales (Shankar & Howard, 2012). For a related finding
presubiculum, parasubiculum, posterior cingulate, pre- showing slow drift in CA1, see Mankin et al. (2012).
cuneus, angular gyrus, and ventromedial PFC. Ranga-
nath and Ritchey (2012) propose that structures in the Temporal Receptive Windows In addition to the
posterior medial system work together to match incom- aforementioned regions, how can we discover other
ing cues about the current context to internal situation areas involved in representing context? Naïvely, one
models that specify the spatial, temporal, and causal rela- could just look for regions exhibiting gradually evolving
tionships that define specific situations. For example, neural patterns using fMRI. The problem with this
the situation model for going to a movie might describe approach is that the fMRI signal is constrained to drift
the properties of movie theaters, the typical time slowly due to the sluggishness of the blood flow response
sequence of events during a movie-going outing, movie that it measures, regardless of the drift rates of the
theater etiquette, and so on (Zacks, Speer, Swallow, underlying neurocognitive processes. Therefore the
Braver, & Reynolds, 2007; Zwaan & Radvansky, 1998). mere presence of slow drift in the fMRI signal is not
diagnostic of slow drift in the person’s thoughts.
The hippocampus The hippocampus is the key structure To address this problem, Hasson, Yang, Vallines,
responsible for binding quickly drifting information Heeger, and Rubin (2008) devised a new technique for

562 memory
measuring a brain region’s sensitivity to information at found that (controlling for elapsed time) participants
different time scales. Instead of directly measuring the are impaired at recalling details from the previous event
drift rate of neural patterns, they measured the history- compared to the current event (e.g., Radvansky & Cope-
dependence of neural activity in a region. Specifically, land, 2006; Swallow, Zacks, & Abrams, 2009). Using a
they manipulated what came before a particular stimu- long-term memory paradigm, Ezzyat and Davachi
lus (by rearranging scenes in a movie), and asked (2011) found that participants had difficulty recalling
whether the response of a region to a particular scene associations between adjacent sentences that spanned
was altered by changing the scenes that came before it. an event boundary, compared to sentences that were
For example, if a region’s response to a scene is altered part of the same event. These behavioral findings are
by changing what happened 5 minutes previously (but consistent with the idea that event boundaries induce a
not 10 minutes ago), this indicates that the region sharp discontinuity in context, resulting in decreased
retains information from 5 minutes ago (but not 10 accessibility of details from the previous event and also
minutes ago). Hasson et al. (2008) define the temporal decreased contiguity effects in long-term memory tests
receptive window (or TRW) for a particular region as the (for relevant neural evidence, see Swallow et al., 2011).
length of time, prior to the stimulus presentation, Explaining these event-boundary effects poses a
during which the presentation of other information major challenge for computational models of contex-
may affect the neural response to the stimulus. tual drift. Computational models that update context
Using a variant of this approach, Lerner, Honey, via a simple integration process (i.e., by computing a
Silbert, and Hasson (2011) found that the temporal running average of recently encountered stimuli) posit
parietal junction (including the angular gyrus and that, when the situation shifts, information about previ-
supramarginal gyrus) and precuneus were sensitive to ously encountered stimuli will gradually fade out of
the previous sentence in an auditory story, and medial context rather than exhibiting a rapid shift. As dis-
PFC showed an even longer TRW (extending to the cussed by Polyn et al. (2009), this gradual fade is not
previous paragraph and possibly further). Hasson et al. enough to explain the sharp drop in recall observed at
(2008) identified a similar set of “long TRW” regions event boundaries. Polyn et al. (2009) created situational
using a movie stimulus, including precuneus and the shifts at study by having participants switch (multiple
temporal parietal junction. Importantly, there is strong times) between encoding tasks as they studied lists of
overlap between the set of long TRW regions and the words, and then had participants freely recall the
posterior medial network regions identified by Ranga- studied items. To model the effects of these task switches
nath and Ritchey (2012). We should emphasize that on free recall, Polyn et al. (2009) had to incorporate an
regions can show long TRWs for a variety of reasons— extra context-disruption mechanism that was triggered
for example, a region might have a long TRW because whenever participants switched between encoding
it has intrinsic integrator properties (e.g., Arnsten, tasks.
Wang, & Paspalas, 2012), or because it can actively While this context-disruption mechanism helps to fit
maintain specific patterns of activity (as in PFC), or the data, it does not provide a clear mechanistic account
because it is receiving information from other regions of why context is disrupted at event boundaries (it just
involved in memory storage (e.g., the hippocampus). posits that it happens). Modeling work by Shankar, Jaga-
disan, and Howard (2009) may provide some insight
What drives contextual drift? into this issue. Their model (which they call pTCM, for
predictive TCM) modifies TCM such that, instead of
One of the main goals of theories of context and updating context with item information, context is
memory is understanding variability in contextual drift updated with a prediction of which items will be pre-
by explaining the circumstances that result in mental sented next. Insofar as event boundaries are marked by
context changing more or less quickly. A key implica- sharp changes in predictions (i.e., what you predict at
tion of the situation model view described above in the end of one event is very different from what you
the section “Brain Systems Involved in Representing predict at the beginning of another), this model may
Context” is that mental context will change sharply be able to simulate the findings described above (also
when a person’s (inferred) situation changes. see Reynolds, Zacks, & Braver, 2007).
This view is supported by data showing that event
boundaries (moments when participants infer a change Conclusion
in their situation; e.g., shifting from eating dinner to
washing dishes) can cause forgetting. In the event- Context has long been the “dark matter” of memory
processing literature, several behavioral studies have theories. Researchers have found it necessary to posit a

manning, kahana, and norman: the role of context in episodic memory 563
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manning, kahana, and norman: the role of context in episodic memory 565
48 Parietal Lobe Mechanisms Subserving
Episodic Memory Retrieval

ABSTRACT Episodic memory enables conscious remembrance item-memory strength or familiarity—that is, the sense
of events past and the recognition of previously encountered of prior encounter that is unaccompanied by remem-
stimuli. Functional neuroimaging investigations of episodic brance of contextual detail. By contrast, ventral PPC
retrieval indicate that retrieval-related activity extends well
beyond the medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex, and (vPPC) is engaged during recollection—that is, the
consistently includes multiple, functionally distinct retrieval retrieval of contextual details of a prior event. While
effects in lateral posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Here we this coarse dorsal/ventral distinction in PPC old/new
review what is known about PPC activity at retrieval and how effects has prompted multiple hypotheses and moti-
this activity relates to the broad range of cognitive operations vated novel experimentation, recent meta-analyses and
subserved by PPC (e.g., attention, multifeatural binding, deci-
sion making, and action intention). We conclude by introduc-
empirical studies indicate a more fine-grained parcella-
ing a working model of PPC contributions to episodic tion of PPC retrieval-related effects (figure 48.2; e.g.,
remembering. Hutchinson, Uncapher, & Wagner, 2009; Hutchinson et
al., 2014; Sestieri, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2010), calling
Episodic memory enables humans to discriminate into question whether two-process (dorsal/ventral)
novel from previously encountered stimuli and to models are sufficient to account for PPC computations
retrieve details of past events. Given its importance for during retrieval.
everyday functioning and how it is disrupted in disease, This chapter summarizes fMRI research on PPC func-
extensive neuroimaging research has sought to delin- tion during episodic retrieval, and considers how mul-
eate the neural mechanisms that subserve episodic tiple PPC mechanisms may influence memory-guided
remembering in healthy humans. Extant functional action. We first introduce prominent hypotheses regard-
MRI (fMRI) data implicate several large-scale brain ing PPC contributions to retrieval and briefly review the
regions and their network interactions in episodic current state of the field. Critically, we argue that any
retrieval, including the medial temporal lobe (MTL), model of PPC contributions to retrieval must take into
prefrontal cortex (PFC), and posterior parietal cortex account the fine-grained functional heterogeneity in
(PPC; figure 48.1). While rich neuropsychological lit- PPC. We then offer a working model of PPC function
eratures demonstrate that MTL and PFC damage can that incorporates seemingly conflicting hypotheses.
lead to noticeable memory impairments (Shimamura, Broadly, we suggest that multiple PPC functions—
1995; Squire, 1992), lateral PPC damage is associated including mechanisms of attention, multifeatural
with subtle memory changes (Berryhill, 2012). This binding, decision making, and action intention—may
puzzling result has sparked debate about the function each explain a particular subset of PPC retrieval effects
of lateral PPC (hereafter PPC) during retrieval. and interact to support retrieval-guided behavior.
Interest in PPC contributions to episodic retrieval
emerged from event-related fMRI observations of “old/ Attention
new” or “retrieval success” effects, wherein PPC activity
(predominantly left-lateralized) is greater during recog- Attention to Memory From one perspective, PPC
nition of previously encountered stimuli as “old” (hits) old/new effects reflect the differential engagement of
relative to classification of novel stimuli as “new” (correct attention depending on retrieval outcomes. A particu-
rejections). Initial studies suggested a dorsal/ventral larly influential attention-based hypothesis—termed
axis of PPC functional organization (Cabeza, Ciara- attention to memory (AtoM; Cabeza et al., 2008; Ciara-
melli, Olson, & Moscovitch, 2008; Vilberg & Rugg, melli, Grady, & Moscovitch, 2008)—builds on a model
2008; Wagner, Shannon, Kahn, & Buckner, 2005). In of perceptual attention (Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman,
general, fMRI blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) 2008) in which dPPC supports goal-directed (“top-
activity in dorsal PPC (dPPC) tracks differences in down”) orienting of attention, while vPPC supports

uncapher, gordon, and wagner: parietal lobe mechanisms 567

Figure 48.1 PPC anatomy. (A) Lateral view, with macroana- sulcus; POS, parietal-occipital sulcus. (B) Dorsal view, with
tomical regions labeled: SPL, superior parietal lobule; IPS, medial IPS (mIPS) and lateral IPS (lat-IPS) labeled (dotted
intraparietal sulcus; SMG, supramarginal gyrus; TPJ, tempo- line; fundus of the IPS).
roparietal junction; AnG, angular gyrus; PCS, postcentral

Figure 48.2 PPC functional dissociations. (A) Hutchinson fMRI data. Line graphs depict schematics of representative
et al. (2014) revealed a quadruple dissociation of activity pat- activity patterns. Note: AnG activity tracks recollection (left
terns during retrieval: lat-IPS (red) activity showed a mono- graph) and sometimes also shows a novelty effect (right
tonic relationship with item-memory strength; AnG (blue) graph). “Remember,” Remember responses; “hi confid,” high
activity tracked recollection of event details; mIPS/SPL confidence. (B) Meta-analyses of top-down and bottom-up
(yellow) demonstrated a decision uncertainty effect, with TPJ attention effects, and recollection and familiarity-based
(green) qualitatively showing the reverse. Black outlines on retrieval effects reveal largely nonoverlapping parietal regions
the brain indicate parcellation identified by Nelson et al. supporting attention and memory (adapted from Hutchinson
(2010) using graph-theoretic analyses of resting-state and task et al., 2014). (See color plate 39.)

568 memory
stimulus-driven (“bottom-up”) reorienting of attention. expectation violations elicit activity that overlaps old/
Extending this attention model from perception to new effects in vPPC (O’Connor, Han, & Dobbins, 2010).
memory, AtoM posits that dPPC mechanisms are Similarly, old/new effects overlap with effects posited to
recruited to allocate attention to the goal of memory be a proxy for bottom-up attention (Ciaramelli et al.,
retrieval (e.g., when effortful pre- and/or post-retrieval 2010): greater vPPC activity was observed when partici-
processing is required to make a memory decision), pants were presented with recombined word pairs that
and that relevant memory cues or recollected memories may elicit a memory-based expectation violation rela-
result in vPPC bottom-up attentional capture. tive to intact word pairs (which presumably confirm
The dorsal component of AtoM garners support from memory-based expectations). Third, in a study that
studies in which demands on top-down attention at investigated (bottom-up) target detection in a memory
retrieval are thought to differ across conditions. First, task and a perceptual task, activity during mnemonic
relative to high-confidence decisions, low-confidence and perceptual target detection overlapped in vPPC
decisions, which should require greater top-down atten- (Cabeza et al., 2011). While none of these studies
tion, elicit greater dPPC activity (Cabeza et al., 2008; directly relate PPC activity during recollection or high-
Vilberg & Rugg, 2008). Second, recognition decisions confidence memory decisions to that during conditions
accompanied by familiarity may be associated with known to demand bottom-up attention, they can be
greater dPPC activity relative to recollective decisions interpreted as suggesting that vPPC-mediated atten-
largely because, in the framework of many studies, tional processes are engaged under various retrieval
familiarity-based decisions are more effortful and thus conditions.
more demanding of top-down attention (Cabeza et al.,
2008). When a recollective task was designed to be Beyond Dual-Attention Accounts While the pre-
more effortful than an item-memory task, greater dPPC ceding findings (and others) lend support to AtoM, a
activity was observed in the recollection condition growing literature demonstrates that the PPC regions
(Ciaramelli, Grady, Levine, Ween, & Moscovitch, 2010). engaged during attention tasks are not the same as
Third, attentional orienting during a visual search task those typically showing old/new effects. First, Sestieri
was shown to engage dPPC regions that are similar to and colleagues (2010) demonstrated that top-down
those engaged during a memory search task (Cabeza perceptual and mnemonic search tasks elicit activity in
et al., 2011). adjacent but nonoverlapping regions of dPPC, with the
The ventral component of AtoM also garners support perceptual task recruiting medial intraparietal sulcus
from multiple lines of evidence. First, the detection of (IPS) and the memory task recruiting lateral IPS.
recollected or high-strength mnemonic information is Second, Hutchinson and colleagues (2014) reported
proposed to be analogous to the detection of target complementary findings (figure 48.2A): while BOLD
information in perception (Ciaramelli et al., 2008); activity in angular gyrus (AnG) tracked recollection,
such retrieval events are thought to be salient and thus and activity in lateral IPS tracked item-memory
should elicit bottom-up attentional capture (putatively strength, medial IPS/superior parietal lobule (SPL)
associated with vPPC activity). Consistent with this activity tracked (1) top-down visuospatial attention
account, greater vPPC activity is observed (1) when (as evidenced by overlap with “attendotopic maps”—
recognition is accompanied by the subjective report of that is, topographic maps indicating where in visual
“remembering” the past event—putatively indicating space top-down attention is allocated) and (2) retrieval
retrieval of some detail(s) of the original study episode— decision uncertainty (i.e., low-confidence > high-
relative to when recognition is accompanied by the sub- confidence recognition decisions). Moreover, activity
jective sense of familiarity (“know” and high-confidence in a fourth region—temporoparietal junction (TPJ)—
“familiar”/“old” responses), and (2) when participants demonstrated a pattern that qualitatively resembled
objectively recollect details associated with a test probe’s the inverse of that in medial IPS/SPL. In a third line
past encounter, including retrieval of a specific contex- of evidence, Uncapher and colleagues (Uncapher,
tual (source) detail, retrieval of an associate of a cue, DuBrow, Hutchinson, & Wagner, 2011) manipulated
and retrieval of more rather than fewer event details when attention and memory operations were likely to
(Cabeza et al., 2008; Rugg, Johnson, & Uncapher, in occur during a retrieval task, and demonstrated paral-
press; Vilberg & Rugg, 2008; Wagner et al., 2005). lel dissociations as reported in Hutchinson et al.
Second, consistent with bottom-up attention being (2014): AnG activity tracked recollection success, SPL
engaged when expectations are violated (e.g., oddball activity tracked top-down attentional orienting, and
effects and invalid vs. valid trials during attention TPJ activity exhibited bottom-up attentional reorient-
cueing; Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, 2008), memory-based ing effects.

uncapher, gordon, and wagner: parietal lobe mechanisms 569

Collectively, these findings (and others) point to a et al., 2011). Within vPPC, (1) SMG and AnG show dif-
quadruple dissociation in PPC (figure 48.2A). In dPPC, fering, if not opposite, connectivity with the MTL, and
medial IPS/SPL regions appear to support top-down only AnG appears to belong to a functional network
attention and are engaged during uncertain retrieval that includes parahippocampal gyrus and hippocam-
decisions, whereas lateral IPS supports a mechanism (or pus; (2) boundary detection and graph theoretic analy-
mechanisms) that positively varies with item-memory ses reveal an abrupt transition between SMG and AnG
strength. In vPPC, TPJ appears to track bottom-up in their global functional connectivity profiles; and
attention, which may be disengaged or suppressed (3) these boundaries are functionally meaningful, with
during uncertain retrieval decisions, whereas AnG sup- AnG—but not SMG—seeds being sensitive to retrieval
ports a mechanism (or mechanisms) that varies with outcomes (for visualization of boundaries in relation to
event recollection. The partitioning of PPC into four the retrieval effects discussed above, see figure 48.2A).
functional regions is further supported by meta-analy- As such, extensive evidence indicates that considerable
ses of the attention and retrieval literatures (figure structural and functional heterogeneity exists in PPC,
48.2B). Specifically, Hutchinson and colleagues (2009, making it unlikely that a coarse dorsal/ventral account
2014) observed a quadruple dissociation within these can explain the full pattern of PPC activity during
broader literatures, with the four retrieval-identified retrieval.
PPC foci (figure 48.2A) anatomically overlapping the Proponents of AtoM argue that extensive PPC func-
four regions observed in the meta-analyses (figure tional heterogeneity is more apparent than real, par-
48.2B). As such, there is now considerable evidence for ticularly in vPPC, since they interpret the literature as
at least four functionally separable PPC regions in revealing “largely overlapping [effects] with some dif-
which activity varies during episodic retrieval, with ferences around the edges” (Cabeza, Ciaramelli, &
lateral IPS and AnG demonstrating old/new effects dis- Moscovitch, 2012). This position seems difficult to rec-
tinct from medial IPS/SPL and TPJ regions demonstrat- oncile with the considerable evidence detailed above,
ing attention effects. including the retrieval-related dissociations between
AnG and TPJ (figure 48.2). Moreover, Nelson, McDer-
Posterior Parietal Cortex Anatomical and Func- mott, and Petersen (2012) point to the sharp connectiv-
tional Heterogeneity A broader literature demon- ity boundary between AnG and TPJ/SMG as strong
strates that PPC comprises multiple subregions, each evidence against such a view of vPPC functional organi-
with unique receptor composition and structural con- zation. Following criteria for defining a distinct cortical
nectivity (Nelson et al., 2013). For instance, cytoarchi- area—a region possessing unique function, architec-
tectonic parcellation of PPC reveals at least 11 distinct tonics, connections, and topography (Felleman & Van
subregions: seven in vPPC (Caspers et al., 2006), and at Essen, 1991)—the findings reviewed above suggest that
least four in dPPC (Scheperjans et al., 2008). Such PPC contains at least four, but more likely six or more,
structural partitioning relates to functional partition- major subdivisions. Given extant data, the AtoM hypoth-
ing, as regions exhibiting similar receptor architecton- esis may explain retrieval-related effects in medial IPS/
ics have been shown to belong to the same functional SPL (top-down attention to retrieval cues and/or mne-
network (e.g., Zilles & Amunts, 2009). Diffusion tensor monic evidence) and TPJ (bottom-up attention that
imaging (DTI) studies also reveal fine-grained parcella- is suppressed during top-down attention allocation
tion of PPC, with multiple subregions of vPPC showing required for retrieval; figure 48.3). However, AtoM
macroscopically distinct structural connectivity profiles leaves unspecified the functional significance of the
(Caspers et al., 2011; Uddin et al., 2010). old/new effects in AnG and lateral IPS (which appear
Heterogeneity within PPC is also reflected in func- sensitive to recollection and item-memory strength,
tional profiles. First, at least seven dPPC regions (IPS0– respectively). Indeed, while proponents of AtoM posit
IPS5 and SPL1) contain “attendotopic maps” (Silver & that the anatomical separability of memory and visual
Kastner, 2009); these regions appear separable from attention effects in dPPC and in vPPC do not pose a
the lateral IPS region showing item-memory strength challenge to AtoM, as they may reflect common atten-
effects, and partially overlap with the medial IPS/SPL tional computations oriented either to external inputs
region demonstrating a retrieval decision uncertainty (medial IPS/SPL and TPJ) or internal representations
effect (Hutchinson et al., 2014). Second, “resting-state (lateral IPS and AnG; Cabeza et al., 2012), it is unclear
functional connectivity” analyses indicate that distinct how this can account for the dissociable activity profiles
aspects of PPC functionally connect with distinct large- that are observed during retrieval (figure 48.2A)—spe-
scale networks (Nelson et al., 2013). For example, four cifically, the monotonic function in lateral IPS together
to eight large-scale networks include PPC nodes (Yeo with the nonmonotonic function in medial IPS/SPL;

570 memory
Figure 48.3 Working model of PPC operations during episodic retrieval (see text for details).

the same holds for the distinct functional profiles in TPJ functionally couples with these MTL structures at rest
and AnG. We next discuss other hypotheses advanced and during tasks.
to understand retrieval effects in AnG and lateral IPS. The episodic buffer hypothesis proposes that AnG
acts as an interface between episodic memory opera-
Buffer/binding accounts of angular tions and executive processes engaged in service of
gyrus function memory-guided decisions. By this account, AnG mecha-
nisms serve to maintain recollected memory content, so
As reviewed above, extensive evidence indicates that that the retrieved mnemonic information can be inter-
AnG activity tracks recollection at retrieval. Two closely rogated in service of retrieval goals (Vilberg & Rugg,
related hypotheses—the episodic buffer (Vilberg & Rugg, 2008). Consistent with this account, AnG demonstrates
2008) and cortical binding of relational activity (CoBRA; a “recollection load effect” (Hutchinson et al., 2014;
Shimamura, 2011) accounts—posit that AnG operates Rugg et al., in press; Vilberg & Rugg, 2008)—that is,
on the products of hippocampally mediated pattern activity is greater when more versus less information (or
completion (see chapters 45 and 46 in this volume). more specific vs. more general information) is recol-
AnG is thought to be well positioned to represent and lected, and thus presumably when more information
operate over the multifeatural information reinstated must be maintained. Moreover, Vilberg and Rugg
by the MTL, given that AnG (1) receives strong disyn- (2012) demonstrated that, whereas hippocampus is
aptic input from the hippocampus by way of parahip- only transiently engaged during recollection, AnG activ-
pocampal gyrus and retrosplenial cortex, and (2) ity persists for variable durations depending on how

uncapher, gordon, and wagner: parietal lobe mechanisms 571

long recollected information must be held to meet task variable during perceptual decisions. In humans, BOLD
demands, consistent with the notion of a “buffer” that activity in IPS and FEF is greater (e.g., Heekeren,
maintains retrieved representations. Marrett, Bandettini, & Ungerleider, 2004; Kayser,
CoBRA draws from the connectivity of AnG, wherein Buchsbaum, Erickson, & D’Esposito, 2010) and more
AnG serves as a cortical convergence zone of multi- temporally extended (Ho, Brown, & Serences, 2009;
modal information, and thus may be engaged during see also Ploran et al., 2007) during low- versus high-
retrieval to facilitate reactivation of the disparate details evidence perceptual decisions, suggesting a role for
of a recollected event (Shimamura, 2011). As such, these regions in an accumulative decision process.
CoBRA is closely related to the episodic buffer account As reviewed above, BOLD activity in lateral IPS tracks
in that AnG mechanisms are proposed to operate on item-memory strength during recognition decisions
the output of hippocampal pattern completion opera- (figure 48.2A), with activity typically being greater for
tions, in this case to support cortical reactivation of high- than low-confidence hits, which in turn is greater
event features. It has been argued that CoBRA differs relative to misses and correct rejections. Moreover,
from the episodic buffer account in that AnG processes lateral IPS activity tracks perceived memory strength
operate on cortically stored representations, rather rather than veridical experience, being greater for false
than acting as a separate store of these representations. alarms than misses or correct rejections (Wagner et al.,
In this manner, it can be considered an activation model 2005). One hypothesis is that lateral IPS contributes to
of the episodic buffer hypothesis (Shimamura, 2011). the accumulation of mnemonic evidence toward a deci-
While both accounts predict a recollection load effect, sion bound. By this account, greater memory strength
given the putative role of AnG in multimodal or multi- leads to greater accumulative activity, perhaps reflecting
featural integration, the binding account may explain a steeper response slope on stronger memory strength
why AnG activity is sometimes greater for high-confi- trials.
dence relative to low-confidence correct rejections While the accumulator framework may provide a way
(perhaps reflecting the encoding/binding of novel to link activity in LIP neurons with BOLD data in
associations during retrieval; figure 48.2A). human IPS, there are several challenges for this account.
First, it is unclear how accumulative activity in LIP
Mnemonic accumulator accounts of lateral neurons translates to BOLD activity. Some have argued
intraparietal sulcus and angular gyrus that lower evidence should be accompanied by greater
BOLD responses in regions where decision signals
Many acts of memory retrieval can be construed as are accumulated (Ho et al., 2009; Kayser et al., 2010),
a decision process, in which retrieved mnemonic assuming (1) the neural response slope is shallower and
evidence is computed in relation to decision criteria thus takes longer to reach the bound, and (2) accumu-
(Ratcliff, 1988). The mechanisms governing memory- lative processes terminate once the bound is reached.
based decisions, which depend on internally generated The BOLD pattern predicted by this view would appear
evidence, may parallel those supporting perceptual to better fit that seen in medial IPS/SPL, which dem-
decisions, which depend on external inputs. Theoreti- onstrates greater activity for lower-confidence memory
cal models, which posit that evidence is accumulated decisions (a decision uncertainty effect). Alternatively,
toward one or more bounds over the course of a deci- it is possible that decision evidence may continue to
sion (Ratcliff, 1988; Usher & McClelland, 2001), can accumulate even after the decision bound is reached,
successfully account for a range of behavioral phenom- which would give rise to greater activity in situations of
ena from mnemonic and perceptual decision tasks, greater mnemonic evidence, and is the pattern seen in
including speed-accuracy trade-offs, the positive skew in lateral IPS. Second, retrieval-related activity in multiple
reaction time (RT) distributions, and slower RTs for PPC regions varies with decision bias, including when
incorrect versus correct decisions. bias is shifted (see chapter 49, this volume); it is pres-
In two-choice perceptual decision tasks, neurons in ently unknown how shifts in decision bounds impact
lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP, the putative nonhu- BOLD activity reflecting accumulative processes. Third,
man primate homolog to human IPS; e.g., Van Essen from one perspective, activity in a mnemonic accumula-
et al., 2001) gradually increase their firing rates until a tor region might be expected to track greater strength
decision is made (Shadlen & Newsome, 2001), with of evidence, regardless of whether the evidence favors
greater perceptual evidence eliciting steeper slopes in an “old” or a “new” response. That is, a test probe
LIP firing rates. These data suggest that LIP neurons, may elicit stronger evidence that it is old (high- vs.
along with neurons in the frontal eye fields (FEF) and low-confidence hits) or that it is novel (high- vs. low-
principal sulcus of PFC, code for a cumulative decision confidence correct rejections). If evidence for novelty

572 memory
is accumulated (rather than correct rejections being action to be performed (e.g., manual vs. oculomotor
based on the absence of strong evidence that the probe responses). To date, no study has directly tested either
is old), then a U-shaped activity function might be pre- prediction. Here, we review evidence from the action-
dicted (rather than a monotonic item-memory strength intention literature that suggests a pattern of effector-
function). Such a pattern is sometimes observed in specificity compatible with this hypothesis.
AnG, rather than lateral IPS, during recognition deci- In nonhuman primates, effector-specificity is observed
sions (figure 48.2B). in PPC during preparation of eye, arm, and hand move-
Others have posited that AnG implements an accu- ments (Andersen & Cui, 2009). Neurons in the “pari-
mulative integration-to-bound mechanism during etal reach region” of PPC exhibit preferential activity
retrieval (Criss, Wheeler, & McClelland, 2013). Criss during preparation of arm movements, anterior intra-
and colleagues observed that AnG BOLD activity peaked parietal cortical neurons show preference for grasping
more quickly when participants rejected foils in a block movements, and a “parietal eye field” in PPC shows
that contained strongly encoded old items relative to a strong preference for eye movements. Although mon-
block that contained weakly encoded old items, which key-human homologies are underspecified, it is thought
offers tentative support for the view that the level of the human homolog of the parietal eye field is medial
evidence (as indexed by perceived novelty) influences IPS, anterior intraparietal area is thought to be homolo-
the rise rate of AnG activity (N.B.: this result is also gous to anterior IPS, and the parietal reach region may
consistent with binding/buffer accounts). Other data dissociate into two regions in humans, medial IPS and
potentially challenge an accumulator account of AnG superior parietal-occipital sulcus (Vesia & Crawford,
function. Guerin and Miller (2011) had participants 2012).
encode faces that occurred with low (once or twice) or There is growing fMRI evidence for effector-specific-
high frequency (five or six times), and then make a ity in human PPC (Vesia & Crawford, 2012), with a
frequency discrimination between pairs of faces (“which saccade bias in more posterior/medial areas and a
face appeared more often?”). Test pairs consisted of hand/arm bias in more anterior/lateral areas. For
easy versus difficult discriminations (low-high pairs vs. instance, Beurze, de Lange, Toni, and Medendorp
low-low or high-high pairs). Importantly, AnG activity (2009) demonstrated that anterior IPS exhibits hand-
was greater when frequency discriminations involved specific activity, the superior parietal-occipital sulcus
high-frequency faces (i.e., high-high > low-high > low- exhibits eye-specific activity, and medial IPS is sensitive
low), rather than when discriminations were easy versus to both effectors. Interestingly, recent data suggest that
difficult, suggesting that AnG activity may scale with the this posterior-anterior gradient may not reflect effector-
amount of retrieved information independent of deci- specificity per se, but instead may relate to the different
sion certainty. This pattern appears to favor binding/ functional goals that different effectors enact (i.e.,
buffer accounts of AnG function during retrieval. saccade goals operate on eye-centered reference frames,
whereas limb goals interact with both eye- and body-
Action intention reference frames; Vesia & Crawford, 2012).
Given the central role of dPPC regions in action
PPC computations support the planning of movements, intention, a largely unexplored hypothesis is that PPC
as evidenced by extensive data on the role of PPC in activity during retrieval—particularly in IPS—reflects
eye, arm, and hand movements (Andersen & Cui, the transformation of mnemonic evidence to action
2009). The vast majority of retrieval studies required intention. As noted, during manually signaled memory
participants to indicate their memory decisions by decisions, medial IPS/SPL demonstrates a decision
manual button press, raising the possibility that aspects uncertainty effect, whereas lateral IPS (often spanning
of PPC activity during retrieval reflect action-intention mid- to anterior IPS) monotonically tracks perceived
processes (which may interact with processes of atten- item-memory strength, raising an intriguing possibility
tion, binding, and evidence accumulation). From this that retrieval-related dissociations may partially reflect
perspective, some PPC old/new effects may reflect the role of action computations during recognition
the preparation of memory-guided actions, with the decisions. In the only study (to our knowledge) to inves-
strength of memory evidence serving to modulate the tigate action intention during retrieval (Shannon &
strength or duration of action-intention processes. This Buckner, 2004), participants made button presses either
hypothesis predicts that (1) existing PPC old/new to old items or to new items, withholding responses to
effects will localize to regions that exhibit preference the other class of items (manipulated between experi-
for hand movements, and (2) the localization of old/ ments). While PPC old/new effects did not vary accord-
new effects will shift depending on the memory-guided ing to response contingency, which seems to argue

uncapher, gordon, and wagner: parietal lobe mechanisms 573

against an action-intention account of retrieval-related it is unclear whether pattern-completed evidence is
PPC activity, it remains possible that participants pre- combined with item-memory evidence during memory-
pared (but did not execute) a response on every trial. based decisions, or whether recollective and item-mem-
Given the apparent co-localization of some dPPC ory signals are independently accumulated.
retrieval-related effects with dPPC regions implicated in The role of parietal cortex in memory decisions is
action intention, further studies are needed to directly also complicated by questions related to the transfer
investigate the degree to which retrieval-related activity function that maps neuronal firing rate to BOLD activ-
varies with the specific effector used to make memory- ity, and to the anatomical overlap between parietal
guided actions. regions that support perceptual and mnemonic deci-
sions. Specifically, it is unclear how accumulative deci-
Working model sion processes observed at the neuronal level should
manifest in BOLD data. It also remains to be seen
Retrieval-guided behavior emerges from multiple neu- whether the posterior IPS region implicated in the
rocognitive processes—including processes mediated accumulation of perceptual evidence is dissociable
by PPC—that are triggered by retrieval cues and end from the lateral IPS region that has been shown to track
in action. PPC subregions influence retrieval through item-memory strength.
their participation in large-scale functional networks Another important question concerns the extent to
(Nelson et al., 2010), and retrieval-guided behavior which mnemonic evidence accumulation and action-
likely depends on dynamic interactions between these intention processes are separable. During manual
networks. Here, we briefly introduce a working model actions, which may be supported by anterior IPS in
that posits putative roles for specific PPC regions humans, it is possible that processes that select such
during retrieval (figure 48.3), and we highlight funda- actions are at least partially distinct from the item-
mental open questions. memory strength patterns seen in lateral IPS (which
Retrieval is initiated by cues that are encountered in likely only partially overlap with anterior IPS). Although
the external environment or are internally generated. no data are presently available, we hypothesize that
Top-down attention is likely engaged during retrieval memory-guided oculomotor actions will result in medial
initiation, supporting the allocation of attention to IPS/SPL activity that will be distinct from the observed
retrieval cues; subsequently, top-down attentional allo- lateral IPS item-memory strength effects, establishing
cation likely unfolds dynamically over the course the partial functional independence of putative evi-
of the retrieval act, depending on the nature of the dence accumulation and action-selection processes.
emerging memory signals. In particular, top-down
attention to retrieval cues, and perhaps also to the Conclusion
products of retrieval, is likely to be maintained or even
increase over the course of uncertain or difficult The present review and working model may serve as a
retrieval trials (giving rise to the decision uncertainty starting point for considering how the fine-grained
effect). Extant evidence suggests that medial IPS/SPL functional heterogeneity of PPC influences memory-
supports top-down attention, and that engagement of guided behavior. Continued progress in understanding
these regions is accompanied by suppression of TPJ- PPC contributions to retrieval is fundamental to build-
mediated bottom-up attention during retrieval attempts; ing cognitive neuroscience models of memory, and will
however, more evidence is needed to fully assess both have implications for understanding parietal contribu-
hypotheses. tions to attention, decision making, and action. Further
Attended retrieval cues can elicit two types of mne- progress likely will come through a next wave of experi-
monic signals (see chapter 45, this volume): (1) MTL mentation that leverages methods with higher spatial
cortex-dependent item-memory strength evidence that and temporal specificity. First, marked across-partici-
supports familiarity-based retrieval decisions, and (2) pant anatomical and functional variability in PPC may
hippocampal-dependent pattern completion that drives necessitate a shift toward more subject-level analyses,
reinstatement of event features and supports recollec- employing within-subject comparisons of regions sup-
tion-based retrieval decisions. Extant data suggest that porting perceptual decision making, manual versus
pattern completion gives rise to MTL interactions with oculomotor action selection, and top-down and bot-
AnG, which may contribute to the reactivation and tom-up attention. Second, many of the hypothesized
maintenance of multifeatural event details in cortex. A roles of PPC in retrieval entail dynamically unfolding
role for AnG in multifeatural binding may also be computations that play out with distinct temporal pro-
present during the encoding of novel events. At present, files, and could thus be further characterized using

574 memory
methods with greater temporal resolution. For example, Heekeren, H. R., Marrett, S., Bandettini, P. A., &
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mistic that such investigations will continue to reveal general mechanisms of perceptual decision making in
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576 memory
49 Memory as Decision Making

ABSTRACT Memory researchers investigating the brain regions depend on episodic memory evidence; for example, did
involved in successfully retrieving a past event have revealed I park the car in this lot? have I read that book before?
a robust and ubiquitous pattern of activity across lateral did my wife tell me to pick up the kids? Strategic deci-
regions of the left prefrontal and parietal cortex. While some
of these regions may play a direct causal role in episodic sion processes are involved in each of these mnemoni-
memory retrieval, such as the accumulation of mnemonic cally guided decisions, although sometimes in subtle
evidence or the buffering of retrieved representations, we ways. For example, judging whether one read a particu-
present evidence that much of the activity can be accounted lar book (a recognition task) may be influenced by
for by decision and control processes and not memory factors other than the memory “signal” itself, such as an
retrieval per se. Two general lines of research demonstrate
that brain activity greater for hits than correct rejections can
assessment of one’s general familiarity with the author,
reflect decision biases and/or reorientation. We present a knowledge of the release date of the book, or other
biasing and orienting model of parietal contribution that con- factors, which may bias one toward a positive or nega-
verges with studies of patients with parietal lobe damage and tive final conclusion (Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay,
syntheses with research on visual attention and valuation. 1993; Mandler, 1980; Schacter, 1996; Tulving, 1983).
Recognition tests have been used to probe the contents
Episodic or event memory pervades our everyday lives, of memory as early as 1913, when Hollingworth stated
but its study is challenging because inferences about in his report in The American Journal of Psychology that
memory functioning are fairly indirect. These infer- “the value of a single presentation is greater in recogni-
ences rely on establishing the links between the original tion than in recall, and the difference between the
events that yield the potential for subsequent memory values of repetitions becomes still greater the more
expression and a retrieval demand that may take place meaning the material possesses” (Hollingworth, 1913,
minutes, days, or years following the events. The p. 543). As George Mandler put it, to “recognize is the
researcher cannot directly manipulate raw memory act of perceiving something as previously known … the
signals in the same manner he or she might manipulate recognition of the prior occurrence of an event” (1980,
frequency in, say, an audition experiment. Instead, the p. 252). He postulated that recognition consists of two
properties of memory representations must be inferred separate and additive processes: (1) the recognition of
through far more indirect methods. Hence, the advent familiarity which is a continuous value retrieved quickly
of functional brain imaging using positron emission and automatically based largely on the perceptual char-
tomography (PET) and then functional magnetic reso- acteristics of the previous exposure, and (2) the identi-
nance imaging (fMRI) provided the opportunity to fication as a result of a retrieval process that is thought to
more directly observe the process of episodic memory be initiated once the familiarity judgment fails to
retrieval (a.k.a. ecphory) that guides our behavior in a provide an unequivocal decision. These two processes
wide variety of contexts. The overarching message of are now commonly known as familiarity and recollec-
this chapter is that while these techniques have greatly tion (Jacoby, 1991; Yonelinas, 1997), although current
informed our understanding of episodic recognition models generally assume that recollection is sought
memory, in doing so, they suggest that much of the during every recognition trial in standard recognition
observed brain activation reflects various decision and tests, and not merely those trials that yield ambiguous
control processes and not memory-retrieval processes sensations of familiarity, and it is thought that familiar-
per se. Thus the “simple” act of recognition appears to ity is often based on conceptual characteristics of the
tap a host of complex control processes geared toward previous exposure.
tuning and biasing memory judgments. Mandler’s well-known analogy of these two separable
In everyday life, episodic memories are retrieved in forms of memory content invites you to imagine walking
various ways, including spontaneous encounters with onto a bus and seeing a man whose unexpected famil-
cues that trigger the retrieval of a memory, as well as iarity convinces you that you have seen him before, but
through purposeful searches of past events. We also you cannot immediately recall where or when. Follow-
make decisions throughout the course of the day that ing a deliberate search of memory where various

miller and dobbins: memory as decision making 577

candidate possibilities are considered, you realize that “successful retrieval” effect. While many of these early
the man is a butcher in your neighborhood. In order studies produced differential activity within the pre-
to understand the neural representations of these frontal cortex (Buckner, Koutstaal, Schacter, Dale et al.,
various forms of memory content, cognitive neurosci- 1998; Rugg et al., 1996; Schacter, Alpert et al., 1996),
entists typically contrast the recognition of a previously Kapur and colleagues (1995) did find greater activity
encountered item (hit) with the correct judgment that for mostly “old” blocks versus mostly “new” blocks in
a memory probe is newly encountered (correct rejec- parietal regions, including the medial precuneus and
tion). The natural inclination is to assume that regions the left lateral parietal cortex. Since both conditions
demonstrating greater activation for the former than were thought to include equal amounts of retrieval
the latter are directly involved in the retrieval or repre- effort, the extra activity associated with mostly “old”
sentation of memory evidence. However, further inspec- blocks was interpreted as activity associated with
tion reveals that many original candidate regions ecphory, that is, the successful retrieval of episodic
support processes aside from episodic retrieval itself. It information in response to the recognition memory
is important to emphasize that functional imaging probe.
researchers, like animal researchers, have relied heavily An obvious limitation of the block design is that the
on recognition tasks for the study of episodic memory signal must be averaged across trial types other than the
for the simple reason that they are amenable to avail- trial type of interest. For example, a mostly “old” block
able methodologies. Not only are recognition tasks rela- must include some new items in order to keep the
tively easy to train nonhuman animals on, but they also subject honest, and it must also include incorrect
enable controlled timing and trial intermixing that is responses to old items (i.e., misses). Another less
essential for event-related fMRI approaches. Thus, we obvious problem is that the design may force unin-
know considerably less about other types of memory tended psychological effects. For example, blocking
demands, such as free recall and the recall of other trials according to the probability of a target may affect
types of complex materials (cf. Long, Öztekin, & Badre, the subjects’ strategies (Buckner, Koutstaal, Schacter,
2010). Wagner et al., 1998) or the saliency of the targets
(Herron, Henson, & Rugg, 2004) depending on the
The elusive “successful retrieval” map block. The advent of event-related designs in fMRI
allowed for a more precise comparison of old and new
One of the goals of the early neuroimaging work on items by removing unsuccessful trials from the success-
memory was to distinguish between regions signaling ful retrieval effect. Trials could now be selected based
successful episodic retrieval from those supporting the on the response of the subject, allowing a direct com-
ability to deliberately engage in a retrieval attempt parison of hits (correctly recognizing an old item) to
(Buckner, Koustall, Schacter, Dale et al., 1998; Kapur correct rejections (correctly rejecting a new item). No
et al., 1995; Rugg, Fletcher, Frith, Frackowiak, & Dolan, longer did errors need to muddy the interpretations.
1996; Schacter, Alpert, Savage, Rauch, & Albert, 1996; The consequence of this advancement was that studies
Tulving et al., 1994). Brain activity associated with new produced a more robust pattern of activation associated
items on a recognition test would necessarily contain with successful retrieval (Buckner Koutstaal, Schacter,
little to no information regarding the study session, and Wagner et al., 1998; Herron et al., 2004; Konishi,
therefore the attempt to retrieve episodic content from Wheeler, Donaldson, & Buckner, 2000; McDermott,
new items would contain more information about the Jones, Petersen, Lageman, & Roediger, 2000; Nolde,
attempt itself than the product of that attempt. On the Johnson, & D’Esposito, 1998). Recent meta-analyses
other hand, brain activity associated with old items reveal that the typical pattern of activations for this
would contain information both about the retrieval effect includes regions of the anterior prefrontal cortex
attempt as well as the product of that retrieval attempt. (PFC), anterior insula, thalamus, anterior cingulate,
These early neuroimaging studies necessarily relied on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex,
contrasts between blocks of trials. Therefore, the typical medial parietal cortex, and lateral posterior parietal
design included blocks of mostly old items compared cortex (e.g., Spaniol et al., 2009; see figure 49.1).
with blocks of mostly new items, often “hidden” within This widespread activation pattern associated with
the context of periods in which old and new items were successful retrieval was quite surprising, because many
equally frequent so as to avoid triggering nonmemorial of the regions that were found to exhibit successful
response strategies. Comparison of mostly old and retrieval activity were not thought to play a role in
mostly new blocks revealed a pattern of activity that was simple recognition judgment. For example, neuropsy-
commonly referred to as the “old/new” effect or the chological studies had shown that although the PFC was

578 memory
Figure 49.1 Activation likelihood map of “retrieval success” effect during recognition. (Taken from Spaniol et al. 2009.)

important for source-memory attribution and other judgments is then compared to activity associated with
complex recall tasks, patients with fairly extensive PFC item memory judgments alone. Even when stimulus
damage were thought to be quite normal on simple materials are completely matched across source and
verbal recognition tasks (Janowsky, Shimamura, & item memory conditions, source judgments are associ-
Squire, 1989; Milner, Corsi, & Leonard, 1991; Shimam- ated with greater activity in left ventrolateral PFC
ura, Janowsky, & Squire, 1990; though see Wheeler, (Dobbins, Foley, Schacter, & Wagner, 2002). However,
Stuss, & Tulving, 1997). These neuropsychological the level of activation is quite similar regardless of
studies suggested that memory tasks that made demands whether or not the source attribution is correct
on executive functioning or inhibitory control, such as (Dobbins, Rice, Wagner, & Schacter, 2003). In addition,
free recall, source memory, and temporal ordering, the magnitude of activity in this region during the
were impaired by PFC damage because these secondary source task appears to be linked to the degree that
processes were damaged; however, basic recognition the probe’s semantic as opposed to perceptual charac-
ability remained intact (Shimamura, 1995). The pre- teristics are potentially relevant for the source judg-
frontal cortex has reciprocal connections throughout ment (Dobbins & Wagner, 2005). Consistent with this
the cortex, and it appears to filter and control much of finding, damage to this region (Thompson-Schill et al.,
the flow of information between sensory inputs and 1998) and disruption via transcranial magnetic stimula-
motor outputs (Miller & Cohen, 2001). However, these tion (Gough, Nobre, & Devlin, 2005) have impaired
connections vary greatly across PFC regions, indicating semantic processing. Collectively, these findings suggest
considerable functional heterogeneity in this large that the left ventrolateral PFC region supports the
region. controlled or strategic semantic processing of probes
during source-memory attempts and presumably during
Functional specialization in prefrontal cortex memory attributions in general. This process, known as
during retrieval attempts semantic elaboration, can improve retrieval outcomes
to the extent that the semantic features evident during
Although considerable uncertainty remains, a better the initial encounter match the features attended to at
understanding of the functional contribution of some test (Roediger & Geraci, 1990; Tulving & Thomson,
of the PFC regions to memory is beginning to develop. 1973).
Here we briefly consider two regions and outline
putative functions supported by functional imaging Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (∼BA 6/8)
findings. This region is often activated in close conjunction
with dorsolateral parietal cortex, with which it is
Left Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex (∼BA 47) directly anatomically connected. In controlled judg-
This region, located along the inferior frontal gyrus, is ment domains outside of memory, these two regions are
not only revealed by the retrieval success contrast, but often described as members of a frontoparietal control
it is also implicated in studies examining source memory network (Dosenbach et al., 2007). The left DLPFC also
and semantic memory. In source-memory studies, sub- demonstrates greater activation during source- versus
jects encode information that originated from a par- item-memory decisions for matched verbal probes;
ticular context within the study session. Then, at test, however, unlike the left ventrolateral region, it appears
on some trials subjects are asked to determine the par- to be engaged even prior to the arrival of the probes
ticular context through which the item was encoded, and thus demonstrates a greater activation when the
whereas on other trials, they are asked to make an item retrieval question dictates a source requirement instead
memory judgment and are not required to recall the of an item requirement (Dobbins & Han, 2006). The
context. Brain activity associated with source-memory region then increases activation during both types of

miller and dobbins: memory as decision making 579

tasks when the probes are presented. As with left ven- mnemonic history; and (3) recollection-based versus
trolateral PFC, activation is not modulated by the familiarity-based recognition. These general observa-
success of the source-memory judgment (Dobbins et al., tions led to the development of three prominent
2003). This pattern is consistent with the long-standing hypotheses that are still currently under debate (see
role of the region during verbal working-memory chapter 48 in this volume). These hypotheses include
demands (Nystrom et al., 2000; Rypma, Prabhakaran, the attention to internal representations hypothesis,
Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1999) and led to the which states that PPC could be involved in shifting
hypothesis that the region supports the online mainte- attention away from external stimuli to internal repre-
nance of descriptions of sought-after source informa- sentations of memory that were presumably arising
tion along with the maintenance of candidate probes if from other regions, such as the medial temporal lobe.
more than one is available during verbal episodic This hypothesis would certainly be supported by the
memory demands. In the cognitive literature, “retrieval neuroimaging work showing that the PPC is sensitive
descriptions” are quite important and are hypothesized to changes in the retrieval goals and orientation
to bias retrieval by foregrounding the general charac- (Dobbins et al., 2003; Dobbins & Wagner, 2005). For
teristics that the observer believes should be present in instance, in a study that separated activations to
to-be-recovered content (Norman & Bobrow, 1979). retrieval cue type (source or item memory) from acti-
These characteristics can be gleaned from the retrieval vation to the actual memory probes, the left lateral
query, but may also be informed by experience with the parietal response (unlike the lateral premotor PFC)
task and other preexperimental beliefs. Computation- was insensitive to differences in the cues, but then
ally, this may be thought of as a coarse way of incorpo- demonstrated a prominent response to probes during
rating statistical priors into the judgment of recovered source- but not item-memory judgments (Dobbins &
memory content. Additionally, recent work using tran- Han, 2006). One putative interpretation of this pattern
scranial magnetic stimulation more directly demon- of results is that the response signaled the shift of
strated that this general area plays a role in the attention toward recovered recollective mnemonic
foregrounding or biasing of representations in poste- content that is critical for making source-memory attri-
rior cortex (Feredoes et al., 2011), a conclusion also butions, but less important for endorsing items merely
suggested by reversible cooling studies in nonhuman based on familiarity.
primates (Chafee & Goldman-Rakic, 2000). Similar ideas were later incorporated into a parietal
memory framework termed the attention to memory
Functional specialization in parietal cortex (AtoM) model, which builds on the visual attention
during retrieval attempts work of Corbetta and Shulman (2002) and posits
both top-down and bottom-up attention mechanisms
Given the neuropsychological link between the PFC supporting memory in parietal cortex (Cabeza, Ciara-
and source- and working-memory processes, it was not melli, & Moscovitch, 2012). Top-down mechanisms
surprising that PFC activations were observed with the are held to take place in the superior parietal lobule
retrieval success contrast. However, this is not the case (SPL) and reflect directed attention toward weak
with the prominent parietal lobe activations that were memory signals under difficult retrieval circum-
also observed with this contrast. This region has never stances. In contrast, bottom-up processes, held to take
been associated with episodic memory in the long- place in supramarginal gyrus regions, are thought to
standing neuropsychological literature, since extensive reflect the capture of attention by recollective content
damage to the region leaves basic recognition abilities arising from memory systems, presumably in the
intact. Given the robust successful retrieval activation medial temporal lobes.
in parietal cortex (perhaps the most reliable of any An alternative to the assumption that inferior lateral
regions exhibiting this effect), the race to functionally parietal responses reflect the capture of attention
explain the role of the parietal lobe has become some- during memory is the idea that these responses reflect
thing of a quest in the last 10 years (Wagner, Shannon, the accumulation of recovered memory evidence
Kahn, & Buckner, 2005). Wagner and colleagues con- toward a decision bound. This hypothesis draws its
ducted an influential meta-analysis in 2005 that noted inspiration from studies using single-cell recordings of
that posterior parietal activity (PPC) was typically mod- monkeys in monkey area LIP while making a simple
ulated by (1) the subjective perception that an item choice that is based on the integration of sensory signals
was old—activity for false alarms was greater than for until a decision is reached (Shadlen & Newsome, 2001),
misses; (2) the retrieval orientation of the subject—the and behavioral research supports the idea that recogni-
goals of the task-modulated PPC activity regardless of tion evidence accumulates during the course of trials as

580 memory
well (e.g., Van Zandt & Maldonado-Molina, 2004). A biasing and orienting model of
Support for the accumulation hypothesis of parietal parietal contributions
activation has been gained by demonstrating that activa-
tion tracks the number of original contextual details We propose a model that arises out of two general lines
that are recovered by the participant (Vilberg & Rugg, of research: one in which observers are required to shift
2009a). However, a recent fMRI study on frequency memory decision biases adaptively during blocks of
judgments found that parietal activity tracked with the trials, and one in which they are required to incorpo-
absolute amount of information even when that infor- rate biases into their recognition judgments on a trial-
mation was not the basis of the decision (Guerin & by-trial basis. Both lines of research suggest that parietal
Miller, 2011). Finally, a related hypothesis suggests that regions are important for the implementation and
parietal responses reflect the operation of an episodic- adjustment of decision biases during recognition.
memory output buffer, in which the recovered contents Before briefly describing these paradigms and their
of episodic memory are temporarily stored in a buffer findings, it is important to note why bias during deci-
that makes them rapidly accessible to decision making. sion making is critical, particularly in the case of memory
Such a buffer had been proposed by Baddeley (2000) decisions.
as the missing component to his working memory The phrase “successful retrieval effect” implies that
model, and it would work similarly to visual and verbal the effect directly supports retrieval processes; however,
working memory buffers. a more appropriate phrase might be the “recognition
judgment effect,” which does not presuppose a direct
link between the activations and the availability of
Criteria for fashioning a parietal lobe memory content. Critically, optimal decision making in
functional model recognition (and all discrimination tasks) depends not
only upon the current stimulus evidence, but also
Despite a host of candidates, there remains little con- upon the context in which that evidence is encoun-
sensus on the functional roles of the parietal lobe tered. This is formalized under Bayesian reasoning
during recognition memory. Building on the discussion through the incorporation of prior probabilities with
of Wagner, Shannon, Kahn, and Buckner (2005), we current observed evidence in order to arrive at a poste-
propose a series of criteria that a successful model must rior probability. Equivalently, under the signal-detec-
achieve. tion framework, the observer uses a decision bias that
1. The characterization must be compatible with can be adjusted in order to maximize outcomes. Thus
extant neuropsychological findings and be able to the use of informative priors in Bayesian reasoning
account for the historical absence of any link between and flexible biases (a.k.a. criteria) in signal-detection
parietal damage and recognition-memory impairment. theory serve an identical function, namely, to modu-
2. The characterization must clearly distinguish late decisions using information other than that which
between causal and noncausal functional models with is directly perceived or remembered. For example,
respect to memory-retrieval ability. A causal interpreta- even if recognition evidence were quite strong, one
tion reflects a characterization that would be essential would nonetheless want to be highly cautious in
for successful retrieval behavior to occur. For example, judging an individual as recognized in a context in
the episodic buffer account is causal because damage which there was little prior probability that familiar
or removal of the buffer would yield behavioral amnesia, individuals would be encountered (e.g., a foreign
since the contents of episodic memory would be unavail- airport terminal). In such situations, under the signal-
able. In contrast, a model that assumed the response detection framework, ideal observers would use what is
reflected the implementation of a decision bias would termed a “strict” or “conservative” decision bias, requir-
be noncausal, in that damage would yield an inability ing extremely high levels of evidence to judge an indi-
to flexibly bias memory decisions but would not prevent vidual as recognized. In contrast, in more familiar
basic memory functioning. environments they would use a more “lax” or “liberal”
3. The characterization should incorporate both con- bias. The adopted bias can also be informed by the
dition-level blood oxygen level–dependent, or BOLD, relative benefits and costs of correct and incorrect
effects (e.g., hits greater than correct rejection) and it judgments as well as the prior probabilities (Gold &
should anticipate individual differences. For example, Shadlen, 2001; Green & Swets, 1966; Macmillan &
the episodic buffer model would predict that individual Creelman, 2005). Thus, unlike the pejorative lay
differences in accuracy should track with increases in use of the term “decision bias,” ideal responding
blood oxygen level–dependent activity. actually requires biasing one’s judgments; the same

miller and dobbins: memory as decision making 581

Table 49.1
Sample subjects from two studies: Aminoff et al. (2012), using a target probability manipulation, and Kantner, Vettel, and Miller
(submitted), using a payoff manipulation. In the initial condition in each study, the subjects have equal discrimination ability (d ′) and they
are both relatively equivalent in criterion (c). But in the contrasting condition only one of the two subjects appropriately adapts his or her
criteria, which benefits that subject’s proportion correct (PC) relative to the other subject. (H = hit rate; CR = correct rejection rate.)
High target probability Low target probability When adapting to the conservative condition …
Subject H CR d′ c PC H CR d′ c PC
111 .81 .41 .64 −.56 .68 .48 .79 .77 .43 .70 now avoids false alarms.
051 .90 .27 .64 −.93 .70 .85 .39 .76 −.65 .53 still avoids misses.
Conservative payoff Liberal payoff When adapting to the liberal condition …
Subject H CR d′ c $ H CR d′ c $
161 .43 .71 .39 .37 4.00 .86 .20 .23 −.95 4.40 now avoids misses.
59 .34 .77 .34 .57 4.60 .29 .77 .18 .65 −2.60 still avoids false alarms.

recognition evidence should not lead to the same with manipulations of sensitivity. A group-level analysis
response on all occasions. revealed that more activation occurred in dorsolateral
Recent behavioral work from our labs demonstrates prefrontal and dorsolateral parietal cortex during
that there are considerable individual differences in blocks in which the decision criterion shifted on a trial-
observers’ ability to appropriately bias their recognition by-trial basis compared to blocks in which the decision
judgments using blockwise manipulations of target criterion remained stable. However, a similar analysis
probabilities, blockwise manipulations of payoffs, or with blocks of high d ′ (sensitivity) compared to blocks
trialwise manipulations of target probability (Aminoff of low d ′ revealed only medial activations, with no acti-
et al., 2012; Selmeczy & Dobbins, 2012). An example vations in parietal cortex whatsoever. A more recent
of this variability and its consequences is shown in event-related fMRI study of 95 subjects found that
table 49.1. similar regions were activated for trials in which the
criterion shifted compared to trials in which the crite-
The Link Between Parietal Cortex and the Biasing rion remained the same (Aminoff et al., submitted; see
of Decisions In the visual attention literature, the figure 49.2). Further, Aminoff and colleagues found
link between biasing judgments and parietal cortex is that the regions sensitive to criterion shifting signifi-
well established. When observers use predictive cues cantly overlapped with regions that exhibited greater
that reliably anticipate the spatial location of subse- activity for hits compared to correct rejections. Even the
quent perceptual probes, activation is increased in the regions of successful retrieval activity that did not
PPC, specifically in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), com- overlap with regions of criterion-shift activity using the
pared to situations in which environmental transients strict thresholds were significantly correlated with indi-
occur at the same location as an upcoming target (e.g., vidual differences in the conservativeness of the crite-
Kincade, Abrams, Astafiev, Shulman, & Corbetta, 2005). rion (see below).
The former is typically referred to as an endogenous In a recent fMRI study, Vilberg and Rugg (2009b)
shift of spatial attention; however, it is equally appropri- manipulated the test-wide prevalence of targets (25%
ate to refer to it as a spatial judgment bias. In contrast, or 75%) during a combined source- and item-recogni-
when probes are encountered at unexpected locations, tion judgment task. At test, subjects indicated that they
compared to validly endogenously cued locations, there recognized the items and remembered one of two
is increased activation in ventral parietal regions sur- source contexts, merely recognized the items but
rounding the temporoparietal junction. As noted by couldn’t recollect the source context, or believed the
Hutchinson, Uncapher, and Wagner (2009) and Nelson, items to be new. Critically, they found that regions in
McDermott, and Petersen (2012), these regions do not the lateral post-central gyrus and dorsal superior pari-
coincide with those implicated during recognition etal lobule that demonstrated “retrieval success” effects
memory. However, as suggested by Cabeza et al. (2012), were modulated by the target base rates. However, they
they may serve similar roles at the algorithmic level. also found that more lateral and inferior parietal
An early fMRI study suggested a role for recognition regions, along with the middle portion of the IPS, dem-
decision bias in the parietal cortex (Miller, Handy, onstrated a “retrieval success” effect that was insensitive
Cutler, Inati, & Wolford, 2001). Using a block design, to the listwide target probabilities, with the authors sug-
Miller and colleagues crossed manipulations of criteria gesting this pattern was directly reflective of retrieval.

582 memory
Figure 49.2 A comparison of activation maps (n = 95 sub- conservative and liberal conditions (see Aminoff et al.,
jects; p > .05, false-discovery rate corrected) for the shifting submitted).
criterion contrast and the “retrieval success” contrast in the

But this interpretation was hampered by the fact that in both the conservative and liberal conditions was sig-
the subjects were explicitly instructed to ignore any nificantly related to individual differences in criterion
changes in the base rate of the targets, and the changes but not to individual differences in accuracy. Overall,
in the target probabilities were not cued in any way. these data suggest that the parietal retrieval response
Several behavioral studies have demonstrated that cri- must take into account the adopted decision biases.
terion shifts only occur if the subject is aware of the In order to examine the interaction between expecta-
change in the conditions (Estes & Maddox, 1995; tions and memory evidence, O’Connor, Han, and
Rhodes & Jacoby, 2007; Wixted & Stretch, 2000). Dobbins (2010) used a trial-wise cuing paradigm in
Indeed, the listwide density manipulation in the Vilberg which each recognition memory probe was preceded
and Rugg (2009b) study failed to induce any behavioral by a verbal cue (Likely Old or Likely New) that indi-
decision biases. As we discuss below, in paradigms yield- cated its probable memory status. During critical runs,
ing clear behavioral evidence of biases, whether due to these cues were valid on 80% of trials. Consistent with
the shifting or the conservativeness of the bias, much Aminoff et al. (submitted), these cues yielded promi-
of the lateral parietal response is affected. nent decision biases. With respect to brain activity, the
For example, Aminoff et al. (submitted) used a critical comparison of invalidly versus validly cued trials
blockwise biasing paradigm in which target probability (figure 49.3) resulted in prominent prefrontal and pari-
(70% or 30%) was indicated by a color cue for small etal activations. The results also demonstrated that
blocks of six to nine trials for both face and word invalid cuing activations occurred in supramarginal and
stimuli that were tested in separate runs. Participants angular gyrus regions for both old and new materials
were informed of this contingency and displayed prom- that were correctly identified. This invalid cued response
inent behavioral biases induced by these cues. In terms partially overlaps with the response demonstrated when
of the behavioral results, Aminoff and colleagues observers must shift the criterion applied to memory
(2012) recently reported clear individual differences in judgments (figure 49.2); however, it appears to extend
the degree that biases were induced across participants. more laterally. Because correctly identified new materi-
These were stable domain-general differences that als are unlikely to have any episodic content, these
were observed across materials. As for the brain activa- researchers concluded that the functional role of these
tion, there were three critical effects that emerged regions cannot reflect episodic retrieval or the accumu-
from the study (Aminoff et al., submitted). First, as lation or buffering of episodic content. Furthermore,
noted above, when observers were required to shift the in an independent fMRI data set of basic uncued rec-
bias, there was a transient response at the beginning of ognition, activation in these parietal regions was shown
the block in the SPL that extended along the IPS, to correlate with individual differences in adopted deci-
regardless of the direction of shift or the accuracy of sion bias, and not retrieval accuracy. Specifically, this
the response. Second, although an apparent “retrieval analysis demonstrated that for individuals who were
success” effect was observed in dorsolateral parietal increasingly conservative, there was an increase in the
cortex during blocks inducing a conservative bias (i.e., hits>correct rejections signal difference. This corre-
strong expectation of new materials), the effect was sponds to an increase during identification of the
virtually eliminated under blocks that induced a liberal memory class least expected by the participant, and the
bias (i.e., strong expectation of old materials; see figure lateral parietal region was held to signal disconfirma-
49.2). Finally, activity associated with “retrieval success” tions of decision biases that were either cue-induced or

miller and dobbins: memory as decision making 583

Figure 49.3 The violation of cued recognition memory voxel extent). This invalid memory cueing effect occurs in
expectations. Left panel shows activations that result when both supramarginal and angular gyri (middle panel) and
recognition memoranda violate expectations cued on a trial- results in an increased response for both correctly identified
wise basis (invalid > validly cued recognition memory probes; old materials (hits) and new materials (correct rejections).
voxelwise threshold p < .001 with greater than 5 continuous Right panel: taken from O’Connor et al. (2010).

general characteristics of the participants (see also biases. From this overall perspective, the saliency of
Herron & Rugg, 2003). memory signals is governed by the bias induced by the
A final recent fMRI study looking at trialwise decision cues. This notion is further supported by the results of
biases afforded sufficient power to separately examine an individual differences analysis of the anterior angular
the two types of violations possible, namely, unexpected gyrus response. Within this region, the unexpected
familiarity following the Likely New cue and unex- familiarity response (hits vs. correct rejections following
pected novelty following the Likely Old cue (Jaeger, the Likely New cue) was strongly associated with indi-
Konkel, & Dobbins, 2013). Figure 49.4 shows three vidual differences in accuracy. This might have been
regions demonstrating three different patterns, includ- mistakenly construed as evidence that the region sup-
ing sensitivity to unexpected familiarity, sensitivity to ports retrieval in a causal manner. However, the activa-
unexpected novelty, and sensitivity to both unexpected tions under the Likely Old and uncued conditions bore
familiarity and unexpected novelty. Postcentral gyrus no relationship to individual differences in accuracy
and medial SPL areas demonstrated greater activation within those conditions. This is precisely the marker of
for new than old materials following the Likely Old cue, saliency anticipated under an orienting model, in that
consistent with orienting toward unexpected novelty. those individuals who discriminate well showed the
This interpretation is further supported by the failure most marked differential response to unexpectedly
to detect any discernible signal difference in these familiar stimuli that conflicted with the Likely New bias
regions when observers instead expected new materials versus expected novel stimuli that confirmed the Likely
following the Likely New cue. The opposite pattern of New bias.
results occurred in anterior angular gyrus. Here differ- Critically, the findings in Jaeger et al. (2013) point to
ential activation occurred following the Likely New considerable functional heterogeneity in parietal cortex
cues, in which there was a stronger response for old during recognition judgment. Neither the unexpected
versus new materials, which is consistent with orienting familiarity nor unexpected novelty responses have been
toward unexpected familiarity. There was no signal dif- previously isolated, but their close proximity to the
ference between the materials when the observers more general mid-IPS response may mean that these
instead expected familiarity following the Likely Old various responses may have been collapsed in prior
cues. Finally, the intraparietal sulcus demonstrated designs and discussions. Furthermore, the three pat-
increased activation for whichever class of memoranda terns of response in figure 49.4 corresponded well with
was unexpected. This pattern of activation led to the recent parcellations of parietal cortex suggested by the
conclusion that this region supported the orienting of analysis of resting connectivity data via graph theory
attention toward unexpected memory content, and (Nelson et al., 2010). Moving forward, then, it may be
hence may be critical for overriding adopted decision important to distinguish between general control

584 memory
Figure 49.4 Selective responses to particular types of viola- in blue demonstrated an unexpected familiarity response,
tions of memory expectations. Targeted contrasts and masking with bar plot (B), illustrating the pattern of response across
procedures isolated three different patterns of response in cue conditions and item types. The mid-IPS region in red
left lateral parietal cortex. The left anterior IPS/PoCG region demonstrated a general unexpected memory effect, with bar
in green illustrated an unexpected novelty response pattern, plot (C) illustrating the pattern of response across cue condi-
with bar plot (A) illustrating the pattern across cue conditions tions and item types. (Taken from Jaeger et al., 2013.) (See
and item types. The posterior anterior angular gyrus region color plate 40.)

mechanisms that underlie criterion shifts and violations In summary, recent fMRI findings demonstrate that
of adopted criteria (that presumably engender shifts) adopting a liberal decision bias eliminates previously
from material specific effects, such as unexpected observed successful retrieval activation differences in
novelty, and unexpected familiarity responses that may intraparietal sulcus and supramarginal gyrus regions.
be linked to mobilization of different investigatory Furthermore, the requirement to shift a recognition
responses depending on the nature of the violation. For decision bias yields prominent activations in these
example, figure 49.2 illustrates that the most prominent regions as well. There also appears to be functional
response to facing a requirement to shift the recogni- specificity in the parietal cortex when adopted biases
tion criterion occurs along the IPS (figure 49.2, left are violated versus confirmed by memory materials,
panel), regardless of the direction of shift. Somewhat both in the case of novelty (in regions not typically
analogously, the mid-IPS response in figure 49.4 associated with “retrieval success” effects) and familiar-
occurred whenever a memorandum violated the expec- ity (in regions typically associated with “retrieval success”
tation held under the current bias/criterion. Addition- effects). Finally, individual difference analyses using
ally, both contrasts also implicated similar lateral PFC ROIs in or near the anterior angular gyrus do not
regions, and so both may capture a process or processes support a direct role in retrieval. Instead they suggest
that are important when an observer must update or that activation for old materials is governed by the
reevaluate the adequacy of the current decision crite- salience of familiarity or perhaps recollection signals,
rion, regardless of whether it is liberal or conservative. which is a function of both the cue condition and the

miller and dobbins: memory as decision making 585

observer’s basic discrimination ability. Thus fMRI data cortex may perform functions that are algorithmically
are beginning to converge on the idea that orienting similar, albeit in vastly different domains. In the case of
or reorienting toward novelty or familiarity may criti- recognition memory, there remains controversy over
cally rely upon parietal regions, and that this operation the degree to which memory-linked activations overlap
may be critically linked to the initial biasing of memory with those involved in visuospatial attention. In a direct
judgments. Conversely, the data do not suggest a strong within-subjects comparison of the parietal regions
role for the regions identified in the actual retrieval or involved in memory and visuospatial attention, Hutchin-
buffering of episodic content. Critically, however, one son and colleagues (2014) used a field-mapping
region typically linked to this function, the posterior/ approach to demonstrate that the medial IPS and SPL
ventral angular gyrus, has not been implicated in studies response was likely common across visual and memory
of recognition bias and remains a viable candidate for domains, perhaps reflecting the sustained deployment
a more direct role in retrieval itself. of visual attention to external probes in proportion to
reaction times. In contrast, lateral IPS and angular
Convergence with neuropsychology gyrus memory-linked activations were disjoint with
spatial attention regions. Although these researchers
Additional evidence against a direct causal role for PPC cast the lateral IPS and angular gyrus responses in terms
and recognition memory retrieval can be seen in recent of familiarity versus recollection-based retrieval prod-
neuropsychological investigations on patients with pari- ucts, respectively, as discussed above, these regions are
etal lesions. Since previous studies on patients with pari- also heavily modulated by the requirement to shift
etal damage had not focused on memory impairments, memory decision biases, and by memoranda that con-
several recent studies targeted memory tests similar to flict with these adopted decision biases. In addition,
the ones used in neuroimaging studies. Yet they have these regions demonstrate a pattern of brain-behavior
generally found little to no effect on basic recognition correlation at the subject level that tracks tonic observer
memory accuracy (Ally, Simons, McKeever, Peers, & biases in uncued recognition, not observer accuracy. In
Budson, 2008; Ciaramelli, Grady, Levine, Ween, & conjunction with the failure to observe even minor rec-
Moscovitch, 2010; Dobbins, Jaeger, Studer, & Simons, ognition accuracy deficits following large parietal
2012; Simons, Peers, Mazuz, Berryhill, & Olson, 2010). lesions, and the initial demonstration that such lesions
While parietal patients may freely report fewer details may impair the ability to flexibly adopt cued recogni-
on long-term autobiographical memory tests, they tion biases, the data would suggest that these regions
appear to perform normally when given specific probes may be important for the differential weighting of
(Berryhill, 2012; Berryhill, Picasso, Arnolds, Drowos, & novelty, familiarity, and perhaps recollective informa-
Olson, 2010). This lack of an effect due to damage to the tion depending upon contextually cued biases and not
parietal lobe is difficult to reconcile with parietal models memory retrieval per se. Under this interpretation,
of memory that ascribe a function that depends on this memory evidence is necessary, but not sufficient, to
region to accumulate or buffer the contents of episodic drive activation. In addition, the map that results during
retrieval. Furthermore, Dobbins et al. (2012) examined recognition reflects the relative salience of particular
parietal patients using the trial-wise biasing manipula- types of memory information in light of the adopted
tion and found that unlike frontal patients and controls, processing biases and other factors discussed below.
the one deficit in their behavior appeared to be the The concept of memory orienting is not novel in the
inability to use Likely New cues to appropriately bias cognitive literature (e.g., Mandler, 1980) or in the
their recognition decisions, suggesting a deficit in the context of functional brain imaging (Herron & Rugg,
ability to integrate externally cued biases into the assess- 2003). However, it is relatively unexplored. Critically, if
ment of recognition evidence. Interestingly, it is the memory information, like visual information, is multi-
Likely New cue condition that led to the unexpected dimensional or multifeatural, then the relative salience
familiarity response in anterior angular gyrus in Jaeger of these different features of recovered memory evi-
et al. (2013), and this region was likely heavily compro- dence (e.g., familiarity, novelty, and recollection) is
mised in the parietal patients of Dobbins et al. (2012). governed by a host of factors, including (1) the adopted
bias of the observer (i.e., which features are expected
Synthesis with visual attention and given general task emphasis, biasing cues, task experi-
valuation research ence/practice, and subject traits), (2) individual
differences in core retrieval abilities which govern
As noted above and suggested by Cabeza, Ciaramelli, the basic availability of types of memory evidence, (3)
and colleagues (2008), different regions of parietal encoding manipulations that determine the availability

586 memory
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miller and dobbins: memory as decision making 589

50 Habits and Reinforcement Learning

ABSTRACT A central challenge in memory research has been that these habit-like action mechanisms are insufficient
to characterize the cognitive and neural mechanisms by which to explain many sorts of reward-directed decision
habits are formed. Here we review recent advances in under- behavior, leading to a recent focus on dissociating them
standing how habits are learned and how they interact with
other forms of learning to guide decisions and actions. We from other, more deliberative or explicit influences on
address these questions by reviewing research on multiple decisions. Though not yet fully understood, these sorts
memory systems alongside a complementary body of work of behaviors—known as goal-directed or model-based
on decision making and learning from reward, highlighting actions—may serve as a bridge from declarative memory
converging evidence from animal physiology, computational to behavior.
models, human functional MRI, and patient research.
Together, this work has demonstrated that reward prediction
The convergence between memory and decision
models of midbrain dopamine neurons successfully account making thus serves to fill in gaps in either field. Here
for a wide—but also limited—range of motivated behaviors; we survey these developments and discuss how under-
specifically, those that underlie habitual, stimulus-response standing the convergence between these areas provides
learning. We further review emerging research that has begun a framework for understanding the mechanisms by
to answer new questions, such as how habit learning interacts
which habits are learned, how different forms of
with goal-directed behavior, how other forms of memory con-
tribute to decision making, and how behavior transitions from memory guide decisions, and the neural mechanisms
goal-directed to habitual control. supporting these behaviors. Viewing these systems
together, as jointly supporting decision behavior, has
How does memory support behavior? Research on the begun to lead to an enriched view of both, and particu-
neurobiology of learning and memory has led to the larly of their interactions.
proposal that different forms of memory are supported
by different brain structures. A focus of research within Multiple memory systems supporting learning
this framework is to determine which structures con- and memory
tribute to memory for facts and events, termed declara-
tive memory, and which to memory for habits or skills, A prominent idea in cognitive neuroscience is that
often termed procedural memory. there are different kinds of memory, each supported by
Procedural memory, by its very definition, is more different neural systems (Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1993;
closely linked to action than declarative memory. Yet in Gabrieli, 1998; Squire & Zola, 1996). Decades of
studies of memory, declarative memory has traditionally research into declarative memory originated from studies
been more fully investigated, whereas many questions with patients with memory deficits, such as patient H.M.
remain about the neural, psychological, and comp- As the case of H.M. demonstrated, damage to the
utational mechanisms supporting procedural memo- medial temporal lobe (MTL), including the hippocam-
ries. At the same time, declarative memories clearly pus and surrounding cortical regions, leads to severe,
inform decisions and other day-to-day behaviors, but and selective, declarative memory impairments—an inabil-
the links to behavior from the more abstract cognitive ity to learn new facts and to form new memories for
capacity as studied in the laboratory remain largely events (Scoville & Milner, 1957). This initial discovery
underexplored. set the stage for decades of detailed investigation into
In this chapter, we address these questions by review- the role of the hippocampus and surrounding MTL
ing research on multiple memory systems alongside a cortices in memory. Although the precise role is still
complementary body of work on decision making and debated, substantial progress has been made both in
learning from reward. Much research in the latter area anatomical precision and in functional characterization
has detailed a neural mechanism for learning about (as described in chapters 45 and 46, this volume).
actions, which appears to correspond, at least in part, The selectivity of memory impairments in patient
to procedural learning as envisioned by memory H.M. and others highlighted another important fact
researchers. Importantly, however, there has been about memory organization: damage to the MTL did
increasing consciousness among decision researchers not impair other forms of learning: the ability to learn

shohamy and daw: habits and reinforcement learning 591

new procedures and skills, often referred to as proce- found in patients with MTL damage. In particular,
dural or habit learning, remained intact, leaving open patients with Parkinson’s disease are impaired on tasks
questions about the neural and cognitive mechanisms that involve gradual learning of stimulus-response or
that support such forms of learning. action-outcome associations, but are spared on tests of
Although the research presented in the remainder of declarative memory.
this chapter elaborates and somewhat complicates the
traditional view, habit learning is classically character- The Basal Ganglia, Probabilistic Learning, and
ized in opposition to declarative memory: as gradual, Parkinson’s Disease Probabilistic category-learning
implicit, and outside conscious awareness. Converging paradigms have been central to understanding the con-
evidence suggests that habit learning depends on tributions of the basal ganglia to learning and memory.
the basal ganglia (Yin & Knowlton, 2006). Much of One widely used measure, the “weather-prediction” task
this evidence comes from studies of patients with Par- (see figure 50.1), requires that participants use trial-
kinson’s disease, a progressive neurological disorder and-error feedback to learn to predict categorical out-
that involves a loss of dopaminergic input to the stria- comes (sun or rain) based on four different visual cues
tum due to a reduction in dopamine neurons in the (simple shapes). On each trial between one and three
substantia nigra pars compacta (Kish, Shannak, & of the four are presented, yielding 14 possible stimuli
Hornykiewicz, 1988; Peran et al., 2010). Patients with (all possible combinations of the cues without display-
Parkinson’s disease, who famously suffer from motor ing all four or none at all). The relationship between
impairments, also have cognitive and mnemonic cues and outcomes is probabilistic, such that across all
impairments, even in the earliest stages of the disease trials each cue predicts an outcome only some of the
when loss of dopaminergic input is relatively selective time. The complex cue structure and probabilistic
to the striatum. nature of the associations, with no consistent one-to-
Thus, individuals with Parkinson’s disease provide a one mapping between stimuli and outcomes, was origi-
useful model of basal ganglia dysfunction in humans nally thought to hamper attempts at explicitly encoding
and can be compared with individuals with MTL dys- cue-outcome associations, making improved perfor-
function to ask questions about the unique contribu- mance dependent on gradual, implicit learning (Gluck,
tion of each brain region to different kinds of memory. Shohamy, & Myers, 2002; Knowlton, Mangels, & Squire,
Such comparisons, detailed below, have revealed that 1996).
the pattern of memory impairments found in patients Indeed, early studies demonstrated that amnesics
with Parkinson’s disease is quite different from that were capable of displaying some incremental learning

Figure 50.1 Structure and task events from a probabilistic habit-learning mechanisms. Patients with disrupted striatal
classification task, often referred to as the “weather-predic- function due to Parkinson’s disease are slow to learn the
tion” task. (A) Each of four visual cues—cards with shapes—is probabilistic associations—and healthy participants show
independently and probabilistically associated with either increased activation in the striatum—when learning is driven
“rain” or “sun.” (B) On each trial, a combination of one to by immediate, response-contingent feedback. Performing this
three cards is shown. Subjects respond based on their predic- task when there is a distracting secondary task at the same
tion of the weather for that trial, and receive response-contin- time—a behavioral hallmark of habits—is also related to
gent feedback. Learning this task is thought to involve implicit increased activation in the striatum.

592 memory
(measured as increased accuracy in performance) Dopamine and habits
despite having no explicit memory for the testing
episode (revealed by multiple-choice questions about A different line of research suggests a mechanism that
details of the testing events). By contrast, Parkinson’s might underlie a dopaminergic role in habit formation.
disease patients, especially those with severe symptoms, The dopaminergic input to striatum (and indeed to
were impaired at incremental learning of the task, but other parts of the forebrain, including hippocampus)
had intact explicit memory for the task events (Knowl- arises from neurons whose cell bodies are located in two
ton et al., 1996; Knowlton, Squire, & Gluck, 1994). small midbrain nuclei, the substantia nigra pars com-
This double dissociation was consistent with other pacta and the ventral tegmental area. These are the
similar double dissociations obtained in animal research neurons whose degeneration is primarily implicated in
between different forms of learning, such as place Parkinson’s disease.
versus response learning (e.g., Packard, 1999). Together, Recordings from these dopaminergic neurons in
such findings were central in advancing the notion that behaving monkeys suggest that they carry a very sugges-
the basal ganglia and MTL support two dissociable tive signal related to reward. These neurons tend to
memory systems. In particular, the findings provided behave similarly to one another; they have a low back-
evidence that the basal ganglia are necessary for non- ground firing rate punctuated by brief, phasic excita-
motor, incremental learning of stimulus-response asso- tions and inhibitions. Following a series of reports
ciations. These findings in humans converge with a describing various circumstances under which these
large body of animal lesion work also demonstrating a phasic firing modulations occur (see Schultz, 1992, for
key role for the basal ganglia in incremental, stimulus- an early review), seminal computational modeling work
response learning (e.g., Foerde & Shohamy, 2011; pointed out that many of these responses could collec-
Mishkin, Malamut, & Bachevalier, 1984; Packard, 1999; tively be understood as a signal known as a reward predic-
Yin & Knowlton, 2006). tion error (Houk, Adams, & Barto, 1995; Montague,
These findings highlighted the basal ganglia as a Dayan, & Sejnowski, 1996; Schultz, Dayan, & Montague,
potential substrate of habit learning, raising many 1997). A reward prediction error is the difference
questions about the mechanisms by which such learn- between the reward you expected and the reward you
ing takes place. First, while Parkinson’s disease patients got; in computer science and engineering, such signals
are impaired on some types of implicit learning, they are commonly used for learning to make such predic-
are not impaired at others, indicating the need for a tions, since they carry information about how to adjust
careful characterization of what exactly a habit is, and errant predictions in light of experience (Sutton &
how habit learning differs from other sorts of nonde- Barto, 1998).
clarative memories. Second, questions were raised Figure 50.2A shows a typical response in a dopamine
about whether participants completing the “weather- neuron (Fiorillo, Tobler, & Schultz, 2003). In this case,
prediction” task were necessarily learning the contin- a monkey was trained that five different pictures would
gencies implicitly; subsequent studies demonstrated be followed by a drop of juice, or not, with five different
that healthy subjects could use simple, explicit strate- probabilities ranging in steps from 0 to 100 percent.
gies to support learning. Furthermore, studies with The figure shows the neural response when a drop of
functional imaging in humans found that the hippo- juice is received following each of these pictures. If
campus is activated during learning of the “weather- the monkey has learned the contingencies (which his
prediction task,” in addition to the basal ganglia behavior demonstrates he has), then he should expect
(Poldrack et al., 2001; Shohamy, Myers, Onlaor, & reward to different degrees, ranging from not at all to
Gluck, 2004). Indeed, as subsequent studies demon- certainty. When a reward is actually received, then, the
strated, both healthy people and Parkinson’s disease prediction error should range from completely unpre-
patients might in fact rely on the hippocampus when dicted to no error at all, with various degrees of surprise
learning in this task (Foerde, Knowlton, & Poldrack, in between. Accordingly, across the conditions the
2006; Moody, Bookheimer, Vanek, & Knowlton, 2004). neuron shows a phasic excitation to reward propor-
Thus, even in what is considered to be a prototypical tional to this error. The figure also shows that when a
implicit learning task, multiple memory systems may reward is expected but omitted, the neuron shows an
work together to contribute to learning. inhibitory response consistent with the (negative) pre-
As outlined below, many similar questions—and diction error. However, due to the low background
some answers—have come up in a different line of firing rate of the neurons, it has been harder to detect
research demonstrating a role for midbrain dopamine a quantitative relationship between the size of the
neurons in learning. negative error and the magnitude of the inhibition

shohamy and daw: habits and reinforcement learning 593

Figure 50.2 (A) Responses of dopamine neurons recorded neurons are inhibited (right). These responses are consistent
from the primate midbrain, reprinted from Fiorillo et al. with a reward prediction error. (B) BOLD activity in areas of
(2003) and Schultz et al. (1997) with permission. Five stimuli the human brain, notably ventral striatum, correlates with a
predict juice reward with different probabilities (p = 0 to 1, reward prediction error extracted from a trial-by-trial compu-
top to bottom). The neuron responds to each stimulus pro- tational model of each subject’s learning (top trace). Dis-
portional to its associated reward probability, but when reward played at p < .001 uncorrected; data replotted from Daw
is delivered, the response is larger the less expected was the et al. (2011). (See color plate 41.)
reward. When an expected reward is omitted, dopamine

(Bayer & Glimcher, 2005; Bayer, Lau, & Glimcher, 2007; or chess: they help chain together behaviors by provid-
Fiorillo et al., 2003). ing feedback for actions that set the stage for further
Figure 50.2A also shows that in addition to the successful ones.
response to received or omitted primary rewards, the These basic findings have now been replicated and
neuron also responds to cues (here, the pictures) that extended in many studies in monkeys and rodents.
are predictive of reward, and more so for those most Human functional imaging in similar tasks also tells
predictive of reward. This can also be understood as a a similar story: the blood oxygen level–dependent
reward prediction error, in a particular class of models (BOLD) signal at dopaminergic targets (principally
called temporal-difference learning models (Sutton, ventral striatum; see figure 50.2B) shows positive and
1988). Here the goal is to predict not just immediate negative excursions related to positive and negative
rewards but cumulative future rewards, and reward pre- reward prediction errors (McClure, Berns, & Mon-
diction errors occur whenever there is an unexpected tague, 2003; O’Doherty, Dayan, Friston, Critchley, &
change in your future prospects: here, when an unex- Dolan, 2003), and indeed this activity looks very much
pected cue comes on signaling the availability of future like the dopaminergic responses of figure 50.2A, but
reward. In computer science, these sorts of predictive smeared out by a slow hemodynamic response. Of
responses are particularly useful for learning tasks course, the metabolic activity detected by functional
requiring multiple behaviors in sequence, such as mazes MRI (fMRI) is not specifically diagnostic of a particular

594 memory
underlying neural cause such as dopamine. However, dopamine activity might, by strengthening or weaken-
there are a number of indications, for example, ing synapses onto these neurons, therefore strengthen
from pharmacological and Parkinson’s disease studies or weaken the chance of repeating those movements in
(Pessiglione, Seymour, Flandin, Dolan, & Frith, 2006; the future. Such a rule—strengthening actions that lead
Schonberg et al., 2010) that the prediction-error related to positive reward prediction error and weakening
portion of the striatal BOLD signal is affected by those that lead to negative prediction error—is used in
dopamine. computational models of action learning, known as the
actor-critic. In psychology, learning rules of this sort
Dopamine and Movement How does all this relate to have a long history going back to Thorndike’s “law of
behavior, and more specifically to habit learning? A effect” (Thorndike, 1911).
basic abstract concept is that reward prediction errors
are useful for learning to predict rewards, and learning Dopamine, Learning, and the Basal Ganglia A
to predict rewards is useful for learning how to choose dopaminergic role in learning from reward prediction
the most rewarding actions. But how does this actually errors, then, is a candidate mechanism for habit learn-
work? ing and some of the cognitive symptoms in Parkin-
One clue is that the medium spiny neurons of stria- son’s disease. But so far, we have presented mostly
tum (MSNs; the projection neurons of the structure, correlational (unit recording) evidence supporting
which are targeted by dopaminergic inputs) are strongly this idea. Do manipulations of dopamine actually
implicated in movement, for instance, due to the prom- affect learning in a manner predicted by these theo-
inent motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. A classic ries? A very suggestive first clue is that dopamine in
understanding of their functional anatomy (Alexander striatum appears to be a common link across drugs of
& Crutcher, 1990; DeLong, 1990) holds that they receive abuse: many, like cocaine and amphetamines, mimic
inputs from frontal cortex (notably, motor-related or release dopamine directly, whereas many others
areas), and ultimately reciprocate them indirectly, via a (such as nicotine and alcohol) appear to do so indi-
series of connections through additional basal ganglia rectly. These effects have been modeled in terms of
and thalamic structures. Two such pathways from stria- the reward prediction error learning theories described
tum back to cortex have been classically described above (Redish, 2004); the idea is simply that drugs
(although there are likely more), called the direct and amplify or mimic positive reward prediction errors
indirect pathways. Due to the number of inhibitory and promote further drug-seeking.
synapses along the route, it is believed that the direct In humans, research in Parkinson’s patients, building
pathway has a net excitatory and the indirect a net on the early work with the weather-prediction task men-
inhibitory effect on cortex. The concept is that these tioned above, has sought cognitive deficits in reward
two pathways act a bit like a gas pedal and brakes for learning more directly related to the emerging picture
behavior, exciting or inhibiting cortical neurons that of dopaminergic function. For instance, Shohamy,
control movement. Myers, Onlaor et al. (2004), inspired by the temporal-
Thus, dopamine is well positioned to affect move- difference model of predictive dopaminergic responses
ment behavior via impinging upon striatal MSNs in the such as the cue-related responses in figure 50.2, tested
direct and indirect pathways. Indeed, one effect of Parkinson’s patients on a multistep chaining task in
dopamine is thought to be directly exciting MSNs pro- which they had to learn a sequence of behaviors by trial
jecting into the direct pathway and inhibiting those and error. Patients were specifically impaired at such
projecting into the indirect pathway, so as to have an learning over multiple steps relative to a simple single-
overall invigorating effect on movement. The removal step association. Second, based on the idea that phasic
of this input (and the consequent imbalance favoring dopamine promotes repeating successful actions (and
the indirect pathway) is a classic explanation for many the absence of dopamine favors avoiding unsuccessful
of the movement difficulties in Parkinson’s disease ones), Frank, Seeberger, and O’Reilly (2004) combined
(DeLong, 1990). a probabilistic learning task with a transfer phase that
However, dopamine does more than directly excite tested to what extent the resulting behavior was sup-
or inhibit MSNs; it also modulates the plasticity of their ported by learning to repeat successful versus learning
inputs from cortex (Reynolds & Wickens, 2002). This is to avoid unsuccessful actions. Parkinson’s patients
a candidate site for learning driven by the dopaminer- tested off their dopamine-replacement medication
gic prediction error described in the previous section. tended to learn via avoidance, while medication pro-
In short, MSNs appear to be involved in producing or duced more learning from success. Similar asymmetries
withholding movements, and plasticity driven by phasic between learning from positive and negative feedback

shohamy and daw: habits and reinforcement learning 595

have now been observed in several other learning tasks than choosing a different restaurant appropriate to
(Bodi et al., 2009; Cools, Altamirano, & D’Esposito, your new circumstances. This is because all that these
2006). mechanisms learn is how well actions have done previ-
There is also a long line of evidence from animal ously; they cannot reason prospectively so as to base
experiments supporting a dopaminergic role in rein- choices on any other information such as knowledge
forcement (see Wise, 2004, for a review). Consistent about menus and maps or your allergy diagnoses or
with their role as drugs of abuse in humans, drugs that appetites for particular foods.
agonize dopamine are potent rewards in animals, sup- Accordingly, a long tradition in psychology has aimed
porting lever-pressing and conditioned place prefer- to identify behaviors that are habit-like in this sense and
ences. Conversely, low doses of drugs that antagonize to distinguish them from others that might be more
dopamine can have extinction-like effects, causing informed or deliberative (Dickinson, 1985; Dickinson
animals to gradually “unlearn” appetitive behaviors. & Balleine, 2002; Tolman, 1948). The latter are called
There is also a long-standing literature on how animals “goal-directed” actions, because they are based on
will learn to work to activate certain neurons electri- knowledge of the particular, desirable goal (such as
cally. One of the most effective targets for such “brain- sushi) and that the action will produce it. They are also
stimulation reward” is the medial forebrain bundle, known as “model-based” decisions, after a family of
which contains (among other fibers) the ascending algorithms in computer science that learn such knowl-
axons from the dopaminergic neurons. edge (an “internal model” of the task or environment)
The recent advent of molecular tools has enabled and use it to evaluate options and guide decisions (Daw,
more targeted experiments selectively zeroing in on Niv, & Dayan, 2005). One key insight of this research is
the dopaminergic neurons. Animals learn to nose- that many behaviors can be ambiguous. A rat pressing
poke, lever-press, or go to a location to obtain stimula- a lever, and receiving food, might in principle be doing
tion of their dopamine neurons (Adamantidis et al., so because that action has been reinforced in the past,
2011; Kim et al., 2012; Tsai et al., 2009), and, con- or alternatively because he knows that the lever pro-
versely, to avoid locations where dopamine neurons duces food and that he is hungry for it.
are inhibited (Tan et al., 2012). Similar reinforcing These two possibilities can be distinguished using a
and punishing effects can be produced by simulating number of experimental manipulations, such as reward
the (dopamine-recipient) medium spiny neurons in devaluation. Consider a hungry rat trained to lever-
the direct and indirect pathways, respectively (Kravitz, press for food. If the rat is then fed to satiety, or the
Tye, & Kreitzer, 2012). Together, these data seem to particular outcome food devalued (by pairing it with
provide causal support for the hypothesis of dopami- drug-induced illness to induce an aversion), the ques-
nergic habit learning. tion arises whether the rat will—on his next opportu-
nity with the lever—still work for the food that he no
What is a habit? longer wants. Habit mechanisms such as the temporal-
difference learning theory associated with dopamine
There are thus both correlational and causal data sug- predict that the animal should, somewhat paradoxi-
gesting that dopamine is involved in a particular mecha- cally, lever-press in this circumstance, at least until he
nism for procedural learning. One way to sharpen our reexperiences the action producing the undesired
understanding of this hypothesized mechanism is to outcome. (Only at this point can such learning strate-
consider what it is not. If—as the dopamine theories gies determine that the action is no longer rewarding.)
suggest—the essence of this sort of learning is strength- In contrast, if an animal adjusts his choices away from
ening a tendency to repeat actions that have been the devalued action without such experience, this dem-
rewarded in the past, then the behaviors it produces onstrates that the decision to lever-press was based on
should have a telltale inflexibility. information not just about the lever’s previous reward
For instance, habits learned in this way can take you history (as habit mechanisms predict) but about the
back to a restaurant you’ve enjoyed in the past, but they particular rewarding consequences (the food) expected
can’t navigate to a new restaurant you’ve just heard for the action.
about, even if it’s in a familiar neighborhood. Similarly, The outcome of many such experiments is that
if you enjoy sushi every day for lunch but suddenly rodents, and also humans, can at different times display
develop an allergy to fish, the learning mechanism we both sorts of behaviors (see Balleine & O’Doherty,
have described would be expected to rigidly take you 2010, for review). Which one is observed depends on
back to your usual restaurant the following day at lunch- the circumstances. For instance, extensively trained
time (it having always been rewarded in the past) rather behaviors tend to be devaluation-insensitive—consistent

596 memory
with the sort of habits predicted by the procedural There has been much additional work using the
learning mechanism discussed here—whereas more weather-prediction task, testing and confirming many
moderately trained behaviors are devaluation sensitive, predictions that derive from our understanding of how
that is, goal-directed in a manner inconsistent with such dopamine, prediction errors, and the striatum support
theories. These two modes appear to be learned in learning, as well as testing more extensively the habitual
parallel, but to trade off in controlling behavior, as nature of the representations that are learned.
though in competition. For instance, lesion studies in First, the reinforcement-driven nature of the learning
animals and functional imaging in humans suggest that appears to be an essential element for determining
goal-directed and habitual behaviors arise from disso- whether or not the striatum is involved. When healthy
ciable neural pathways, involving distinct loops con- participants learn the same task by observing the correct
necting regions of frontal cortex to associated parts of outcome, instead of making a response and receiving
the dorsal striatum. Animals with lesions to areas feedback, learning in healthy people depends more on
involved with goal-directed action, such as the dorsome- the hippocampus and less on the striatum. Removing
dial striatum, can learn to lever-press for food, but even the feedback-based component of learning in this task
early in training (when goal-directed action would nor- also ameliorates the learning deficits in patients with
mally dominate), devaluation probes demonstrate this Parkinson’s disease (Poldrack et al., 2001; Shohamy,
behavior is habitual. Conversely, lesions to habit areas, Myers, Grossman et al., 2004). In fact, the same is true
such as the dorsolateral striatum, render even over- even when the feedback on each trial is simply delayed
trained lever-pressing perpetually goal-directed: unlike by several seconds, as shown in figure 50.3 (Foerde,
in intact animals, it does not transition to devaluation- Race, Verfaellie, & Shohamy, 2013; Foerde & Shohamy,
insensitive (see Yin & Knowlton, 2006, for review). 2011). In addition, and as predicted by the reward pre-
Results like these suggest that procedural learning does diction errors recorded in dopamine neurons, the
not strictly depend on extensive training—rather, it is learning impairments in Parkinson’s disease differ
learned even early in training but normally dominates based on whether learning is driven by rewards or by
only later. punishments, and each is differentially impacted by
All this brings us back to dopamine. The temporal- dopaminergic medication. Notably, under most condi-
difference learning hypothesis predicts that dopamine tions people are poor at explicitly expressing what they
should affect behavior by producing habits. This is the have learned. Thus, the striatum appears to be special-
sort of learning for which the signals recorded from ized for learning from immediate, response-contingent
dopamine neurons (described above) appear to be feedback, regardless of the implicit versus explicit
appropriate. The experiments described in this section nature of the learning.
verify that habits of this sort do indeed exist in humans Second, manipulating the circumstances and the
and animals, although they appear to be accompanied neural systems driving probabilistic learning can change
by an additional, goal-directed decision mechanism. the representation of what was learned from flexible to
But can they be tied to dopamine? For the most part, inflexible in systematic ways. One hallmark feature of
the experiments that tie dopamine to decisions in a habits is that they are more likely to guide behavior
causal sense, from the weather-prediction task to recent when people are distracted. Indeed, learning in the
optogenetic studies, demonstrate that dopamine is weather-prediction task engages the striatum more,
involved in guiding choices without using a manipula- and results in more habitual (less flexible) knowledge,
tion such as reward devaluation to examine whether when learned under dual-task conditions compared
these choices are specifically of the habitual sort. There with learning under single-task conditions, which elicits
are as yet only a couple of studies suggesting that inter- more hippocampal activation and more flexibility
fering with dopamine specifically blocks the formation (Foerde et al., 2006). Learning under dual-task condi-
of habits, while leaving goal-directed behavior intact tions has also been shown to shift learning to be less
(Faure, Haberland, Conde, & El Massioui, 2005; Wang goal-directed and more habitual in other learning
et al., 2011). tasks that bear a closer logical resemblance to the
classic devaluation work in rodents (Otto, Gershman,
Markman, & Daw, 2013).
Relating memory to action Together, these findings suggest that which systems
support learning depends on the circumstances under
How does all this relate, then, to the declarative versus which learning takes place, rather than the structure
procedural distinction—and the classic work with the of the knowledge to be learned, and that which system
weather-prediction task, with which we began? is engaged during learning will have important

shohamy and daw: habits and reinforcement learning 597

defines goal-directed choices is that they depend on a
map or model of the task contingencies, such as the
specific outcome expected for the action: in effect, a set
of declarative facts.
The jury is still out on this, but there are certainly
some suggestions to the affirmative. First, the earliest
demonstrations that habitual learning could not fully
explain decision behavior were in spatial navigation
tasks, where Tolman demonstrated that animals could
draw on knowledge about the layout of the environ-
ment (a “cognitive map”) to plan novel routes, rather
than being strictly bound to repeat previously rewarded
ones. It has long been suggested that the hippocampus
subserves this “cognitive map” for spatial navigation
(O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978). More recently, recordings of
place cells in the hippocampus have demonstrated rep-
resentations of locations “running ahead” of animals’
actual locations at choice points, suggesting a direct
neural mechanism for prospective evaluation of candi-
date routes in spatial navigation as in model-based
learning (Johnson & Redish, 2007; Pfeiffer & Foster,
Figure 50.3 Probabilistic learning shifts from the striatum Accordingly, in spatial navigation tasks also, there can
to the hippocampus when response-contingent feedback is be transitions from a more deliberative and flexible
delayed, as demonstrated by converging fMRI and patient strategy to a more habitual one with overtraining, mir-
studies. (A) FMRI reveals prediction-error related signals in roring that for rat lever-pressing. For instance, rats
humans during learning a probabilistic task. The striatum and
the hippocampus display differential magnitudes of feedback-
trained to turn right in repeated runs on a plus maze
related signals for conditions wherein learning is driven by can be tested in probe trials where they start from the
feedback that is immediate (within 1 second) versus delayed opposite end of the maze (for review see Packard,
(by 7 seconds). (Data from Foerde & Shohamy, 2011.) 1999). Early in training, they turn left—approaching
(B) Data from patients support the selective role for the stria- the same goal location, as though guided by a cognitive
tum in learning from immediate feedback. Patients with dis-
map—but following overtraining, they instead emit the
rupted striatal function due to Parkinson’s disease (“PD”) are
impaired at learning from immediate feedback but intact same response, turning right to visit a different loca-
when learning from delayed feedback. Patients with amnesia tion. Lesions suggest these more location-and response-
due to MTL damage (“AMN”) show the opposite pattern: based behaviors are dependent on hippocampus and
intact learning from immediate feedback but impaired learn- striatum, respectively. These spatial response habits
ing from delayed feedback. (Data from Foerde et al., 2013.) appear to be mechanistically similar to overtrained
(See color plate 42.)
lever-pressing: for instance, spatial responses trained on
a t-maze have been shown to be insensitive to reward
implications for the representation of what was learned. devaluation in the same way as overtrained lever-press-
An important question is whether such effects are due ing, and to be sensitive to inactivation of a prefrontal
to differences in neural systems engaged during learn- area (infralimbic cortex) that also controls habitual
ing, or whether they primarily exert an effect by chang- lever-pressing (Smith, Virkud, Deisseroth, & Graybiel,
ing the expression of what was learned. 2012).
But outside the spatial domain, is hippocampus (and
From Goal-Directed and Habitual to Declarative flexible, relational, or declarative memory) involved in
and Procedural We have defined habitual behavior goal-directed decisions? The record is mixed. Hippo-
in contrast to a second category of so-called goal- campal lesions have had little effect on devaluation
directed behavior. If habits as defined here correspond sensitivity in rodent lever-pressing (Corbit & Balleine,
to procedural learning, do goal-directed behaviors draw 2000; Corbit, Ostlund, & Balleine, 2002). On the other
on declarative memory and on related neural substrates hand, two related effects—transitive inference and
such as the MTL memory system? This seems like a acquired equivalence—both also measure the ability to
plausible hypothesis (Dickinson, 1985) since what flexibly transfer learning from one context to another,

598 memory
and both are closely tied to hippocampus in rodents Interactions Finally, viewing the declarative versus
and humans (Dusek & Eichenbaum, 1997; Shohamy & procedural distinction in the broader context of how
Wagner, 2008). these systems might ultimately give rise to action also
We earlier mentioned that the traditional view of helps to showcase different possibilities for how they
procedural memory holds that it differs from declara- must interact in the service of behavior. From this
tive memory in being inflexible, implicit, and gradual. view, the simple picture of two independent systems
The experiments and theories discussed above formal- underlying memory for different sorts of information
ize the sense in which habitual behaviors are more seems unlikely to explain the rich interactions
inflexible than goal-directed ones. What about the between these mechanisms, both psychologically and
other characteristics? neurally. Understanding these interactions is a major
In memory research, traditionally a great deal of topic of current research in both the memory and
weight has been put on consciousness as a defining decision areas.
feature of different memory systems. Although the First, the circuitry associated with these two systems
essential role of consciousness in memory is now ques- is deeply interconnected. Hippocampus provides a
tioned (e.g., Henke, 2010), a common assumption major input to ventral striatum. Dopamine, famous for
going back to the multiple memory systems theory is its role in driving learning in the striatum, also inner-
that declarative memories are consciously aware, while vates the hippocampus (Gasbarri, Packard, Campana,
procedural learning is not. In contrast, this feature has & Pacitti, 1994; Groenewegen, Vermeulen-Van der Zee,
not, historically, been considered a core characteristic te Kortschot, & Witter, 1987; Samson, Wu, Friedman, &
of goal-directed versus habitual behaviors, which were Davis, 1990). It has been suggested that this innervation
instead defined more operationally in terms of the sorts is so important that dopamine is necessary for long-
of associations or representations that drive the actions term plastic changes in hippocampal neurons (e.g.,
(Dickinson, 1985). Interestingly, recent work in memory Huang & Kandel, 1995; for review, see Bethus, Tse, &
has raised questions about whether consciousness aware- Morris, 2010; Lisman, Grace, & Duzel, 2011). Under-
ness is actually a fundamental and necessary feature of standing the role of dopamine in hippocampal learn-
the distinction between memory systems. Recent reports ing—and how this role interacts with and complements
demonstrate that flexible, hippocampally guided behav- its role in driving learning in the basal ganglia—is still
ior often occurs in the absence of awareness (Henke, an active area of investigation, and many open ques-
2010; Schapiro, Kustner, & Turk-Browne, 2012; Wimmer tions remain. Nonetheless, there is evidence to suggest
& Shohamy, 2012). This suggests that a more computa- that learning in the hippocampus, like in the basal
tional or process-based perspective on the nature of the ganglia, is sensitive to motivation and to outcomes,
representations may be more useful, and leaves open effects that are likely mediated by dopaminergic inputs
the question of how, when, and if consciousness plays to both of these systems (for review, see Shohamy &
into learning and memory. Adcock, 2010).
Similarly, the speed of learning (one shot vs. incre- Similarly, research on the brain’s action systems has
mental over many experiences) is another feature that now clearly rejected the traditional view of a subcorti-
has been traditionally associated with multiple memory cal (basal ganglia) habit system alongside a cortical
systems, but again does not play a defining role in the (prefrontal or hippocampal) goal-directed action
decision work. This, too, most likely does not align in system. Such a view was always suspicious given the
so simple a way with different neural memory systems. “loop” structure by which frontal cortex and striatum
For instance, the aforementioned acquired equivalence are tightly interconnected (Alexander & Crutcher,
and transitive inference effects are both characteristic 1990). Accordingly, the functional anatomy from lesion
examples of flexible, MTL-mediated learning, but at and imaging studies now makes clear that both sorts of
least some forms of them are not one-shot; instead, the action each rely on different parts of both basal ganglia
relationships that support flexible transfer on these and cortex, and in particular that there are parts of
tasks must be built up slowly over multiple episodes. striatum associated with goal-directed action and parts
Meanwhile, the lesion studies discussed above suggest of frontal cortex involved in habits (Yin & Knowlton,
that habits do not arise only after extensive, incremen- 2006).
tal overtraining, but can support the initial acquisition Anatomical features like these challenge the tradi-
of lever-pressing as well, albeit perhaps not one-shot tional view of the hippocampus and the basal ganglia
learning. Instead here too a critical factor is likely the as independent and distinct. Consistent with this, there
representation—what is learned—rather than the speed is much evidence to suggest that the hippocampus and
with which it is learned. the basal ganglia interact in complex ways to learn and

shohamy and daw: habits and reinforcement learning 599

to guide behavior, with reports of both competitive and Grace, 2005; Redondo & Morris, 2011; Shohamy &
cooperative interactions between them. Adcock, 2010).
Initial evidence for oppositional interactions between Finally, in addition to their interactions with one
striatal and MTL systems came from lesion studies in another, a point of major current interest is how these
animals (Chang & Gold, 2003a, 2003b; Eichenbaum, two systems interact with other networks in the brain
Fagan, Mathews, & Cohen, 1988; McDonald & White, subserving other cognitive capacities. In both the
1995; Mitchell & Hall, 1988; Packard, Hirsh, & White, memory and decision domains, for instance, the role of
1989; Rabe & Haddad, 1969; Schroeder, Wingard, & cognitive control and related prefrontal structures is
Packard, 2002). These studies showed that damage to beginning to be appreciated. Indeed, it has been sug-
one system could lead to improved performance by the gested that, in some cases, the prefrontal cortex may
other system. Further indirect evidence for competition play a role in mediating between multiple systems
between systems came from fMRI studies reporting (Poldrack & Rodriguez, 2004). Thus, a current chal-
evidence for “neural competition” between the hippo- lenge is to understand learning of different kinds in
campus and the striatum during learning of the terms of broad networks of interacting systems, rather
“weather-prediction” task. Specifically, during learning, than independent modules.
there was a negative correlation between BOLD activity
in the striatum (caudate) and the hippocampus
(Poldrack et al., 2001). Conclusion
One limitation with such results is that this sort of
The past several years have led to substantial progress
“neural competition” does not reveal whether interac-
in understanding the neural and cognitive mechanisms
tions reflect interference with learning per se, or only
of habit learning. This progress was a direct result
with the ability to express what is being learned (that is,
of converging data from two traditionally distinct
the behavioral output of learning). Additionally, these
domains—memory systems and decision making—and
negative interactions found in imaging studies have not
from multiple levels of analysis, including electrophysi-
been linked to behavioral evidence for competition in
ology, computational modeling, human brain imaging,
humans as they have in the animal work. Moreover,
and neuropsychology. Together, this work has helped
evidence for this type of competition has been scant
elucidate the basic mechanisms by which reinforce-
in neuropsychological populations (but see Cavaco,
ment can drive learning, guide decisions, and build
Anderson, Allen, Castro-Caldas, & Damasio, 2004).
Thus, in humans, these results are still in need of
This work has demonstrated that reward prediction
further explication.
models of midbrain dopamine neurons successfully
FMRI has also provided evidence for synergistic rela-
account for a wide—but also limited—range of moti-
tionships between the hippocampus and the striatum.
vated behaviors; specifically, those that underlie habit-
In particular, functional connectivity between the hip-
ual, stimulus-response learning. This progress opens
pocampus and the striatum was found to support the
the door to many new questions. Having understood
transfer of reward value across related items. Here,
how separate systems work, we can now turn to asking
the association of a single item with reward occurred
questions about how they work together to guide behav-
at the same time as the spread of this reward value to
ior. How does habit learning interact with goal-directed
other items associated in memory, supporting later
behavior? How does episodic memory contribute to
flexible decisions among items that had never been
other forms of decision making? What are the mecha-
chosen between before—a hallmark feature of hippo-
nisms that control the transition of behavior from goal-
campal relational flexibility displayed in the context of
directed to habitual, and can such mechanisms be
value-guided decisions (Wimmer & Shohamy, 2012).
leveraged to promote adaptive behavior? Answering
Additionally, cooperative interactions have been
such integrative questions represents the next chal-
reported between the dopaminergic midbrain and
lenge for research in both memory and decision
MTL, as correlations between these regions predict how
well individuals perform behaviorally on tests of memory
(Adcock, Thangavel, Whitfield-Gabrieli, Knutson, &
Gabrieli, 2006; Duzel et al., 2009; Shohamy & Wagner,
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51 Prediction, Imagination, and Memory

ABSTRACT On the face of it, prediction, imagination, and temporally distant equivalents. Similarly, D’Argembeau
memory seem to be distinct cognitive functions. However, and van der Linden (2006) showed that individual dif-
metacognitive, cognitive, neuropsychological, and neuroim- ferences, such as capacity for visual imagery, affected
aging evidence is emerging that they are not, suggesting inti-
mate links in their underlying processes. Here we explore the phenomenological experience of episodic memory
these empirical findings and the evolving theoretical frame- and episodic future thinking. Notably, specific errors
works that seek to explain how a common neural system sup- made when recollecting the past were also evident
ports our recollection of times past, imagination, and our when people engaged in predicting the future (for
attempts to predict the future. review, see Gilbert & Wilson, 2007).
If memory and imagination are intimately linked, it
“We predominantly stand in the present facing the future is natural to ask whether they are supported by the same
rather than looking back to the past.” neural structures. This has been examined in two ways:
—Suddendorf and Corballis (2007) one with a focus on the hippocampus, and the other
with an eye to an extended set of brain areas—includ-
Although not immediately intuitive, the idea that ing the medial and lateral prefrontal cortices, posterior
memory, imagination, and predicting what might cingulate, retrosplenial and lateral temporal cortices,
happen in the future are intimately linked is not new. and the medial temporal lobe (MTL)—often called the
Throughout the centuries, this notion has consistently “core network” for episodic memory and imagination
reemerged within philosophical, psychological, and (Buckner & Carroll, 2007; Spreng, Mar, & Kim, 2009).
contemporary work, along with the belief that the role Considering first the hippocampus, since the seminal
of recollection is to serve imagination and prediction work of Scoville and Milner (1957), the MTL, and par-
of the future. For instance, in 1798 Immanuel Kant ticularly the hippocampus, have been recognized as
noted that “Recalling the past (remembering) occurs playing a pivotal role in our ability to recollect past
only with the intention of making it possible to foresee experiences. This paper described the case of H.M.,
the future” (Kant, 2006, p. 79). In 1871, the White who underwent bilateral temporal lobectomy for the
Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass relief of intractable epilepsy, rendering him amnesic, or
astutely observed, “It’s a poor sort of memory that only unable to acquire new episodic memories. They noted
works backwards” (Carroll, 1994, ch. 5), while in 2006 “after the operation this young man could no longer
Suddendorf argued, “It is accurate prediction of the recognize the hospital staff nor find his way to the bath-
future, more so than accurate memory of the past room, and he seemed to recall nothing of the day-to-day
per se, that conveys adaptive advantage” (Suddendorf, events of his hospital life” (Scoville & Milner, 1957,
2006, p. 1007). p. 14). The case of H.M. precipitated 50 years of subse-
There is behavioral evidence supporting the connec- quent work examining the role of the hippocampus in
tion between memory and imagination of the future. memory (for reviews, see Corkin: 2002; Squire, 2004).
For instance, D’Argembeau and van der Linden (2004) Episodic memory, however, is not the only function
asked participants to mentally “reexperience” personal that has been ascribed to the hippocampus. In the
past events (episodic memory) or to “preexperience” 1970s, O’Keefe and Dostrovsky (1971) discovered cells
(episodic future thinking; Atance & O’Neill, 2001) in the rat hippocampus that displayed location-specific
possible future events that had or would occur in the firing (so-called “place cells”), while damage to the hip-
close or distant past or future. For the past and future, pocampus severely disrupted spatial navigation ability
temporally close events were associated with more sen- (Morris, Garrud, Rawlins, & O’Keefe, 1982). This evi-
sorial and contextual details and evoked stronger feel- dence prompted O’Keefe and Nadel (1978) to suggest
ings of reexperiencing (or preexperiencing) than the the hippocampus may provide the spatial scaffold for

mullally and maguire: prediction, imagination, and memory 605

episodic memories. While this idea has been debated S. Corkin, personal communication; cited in Buckner,
(Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1991), the onus remains on 2010). This suggests that the MTL, including the hip-
theoretical accounts of hippocampal function to explain pocampus, supports the recollection of the past and
the mnemonic (Spiers, Maguire, & Burgess, 2001) and imagination of the future.
navigation (Maguire, Nannery, & Spiers, 2006) deficits It was not until 2007, however, that the first systematic
observed in patients following bilateral hippocampal study of imagination ability in patients with selective
damage (Burgess, Maguire, & O’Keefe, 2002). But it bilateral hippocampal damage was published (Hassabis,
seems that even explaining memory and navigation is Kumaran, Vann, & Maguire, 2007). These profoundly
not sufficient; as the links between episodic memory, amnesic patients were unable to construct atemporal
imagination, and thinking about the future have crystal- fictitious scenes (i.e., scenes with no past or future tem-
lized, evidence has started to accrue implicating the poral connotations) in the mind’s eye or to imagine
hippocampus and core network in these latter func- future events involving themselves. For example, when
tions also. In fact, there has been an explosion of inter- asked to imagine simple fictional scenes such as
est in this domain, with Klein (2013) noting a 10-fold “imagine lying on a white sandy beach in a beautiful
increase in investigative activity in the last five years. So tropical bay” they, unlike controls, struggled to con-
what is the evidence that a common neural system, struct a coherent response (see figure 51.1). When for-
which includes the hippocampus, underpins episodic mally measured, the patients’ scenes were significantly
memory, imagination, and prediction of the future? less vivid and more spatially fragmented than those of
controls, effects that have since been replicated in a
Neuropsychological evidence new cohort of seven focal hippocampal-damaged
amnesic patients (Mullally, Intraub, & Maguire, 2012).
Patients with Bilateral Hippocampal Damage and Interestingly, this deficit did not appear to be a gener-
Amnesia Initial interest in the neural substrates of alized imagination deficit, since the patients were able
imagining future scenarios can be traced to early neu- to vividly imagine single acontextual objects. Nor did it
ropsychological observations, which tentatively sug- appear to be solely attributable to their memory defi-
gested that patients with severe amnesia also had cits, because when they were presented with all of the
difficulties imagining and planning their personal individual scene components required to construct
future (e.g., Banks & Karam, 1996; Talland, 1965). This scenes, the patients remained unable to use these
paved the way for more detailed investigations. For elements to form cohesive scene representations
instance, patient K.C., who became profoundly amnesic (Hassabis, Kumaran, Vann, et al., 2007). Hassabis et al.
after suffering widespread brain damage (including to proposed that there was something specific about the
the MTL) appeared unable to imagine his personal imagination of spatially coherent fictitious or future
future (Tulving, 1985; see also Rosenbaum et al., 2005). scenes that requires the hippocampus.
Similarly, patient D.B., with central and peripheral Other groups have since reported deficits in imagin-
brain atrophy, displayed episodic memory impairments ing scenes or events in patients with bilateral hippocam-
equal in severity to K.C.’s and was also unable to project pal damage (Andelman, Hoofien, Goldberg, Aizenstein,
himself into the future (Klein, Loftus, & Kihlstrom, & Neufeld, 2010; Race, Keane, & Verfaellie, 2011). For
2002). As these patients suffered widespread neurologi- example, Race et al. (2011) found that amnesic patients
cal damage, it was not possible to localize the ability to with MTL damage were impaired at recollecting their
think about the future to specific brain regions. remote and recent past and at imagining their near and
No formal study was published concerning H.M.’s distant futures. Critically, these patients were able to
ability to imagine fictitious events, but anecdotal evi- generate appropriate and detailed story-based narra-
dence suggests his ability to predict his personal tives when presented with drawings of scenes, indicat-
future was impaired. When, in 1992, H.M. was asked ing that a generalized narrative problem is unlikely to
what he believed he would do tomorrow, he replied account for the deficits observed. Of note, several
“whatever is beneficial” and appeared to have “no studies involving developmental amnesic patients,
database to consult when asked what he would do the whose hippocampal damage occurred early in life,
next day, week, or in years to come” (S. Corkin, per- have documented an apparently preserved ability to
sonal communication; cited in de Vito & Della Sala, construct scenes (Cooper, Vargha-Khadem, Gadian, &
2011, p. 1019). Similarly, when H.M. was asked to Maguire, 2011; Hurley, Maguire, & Vargha-Khadem,
make a prediction about his personal future, he 2011; Maguire, Vargha-Khadem, & Hassabis, 2010).
would respond with a happening from the distant However, it appears that this is based on their intact
past or he did not respond at all (S. Steinvorth and semantic memory and world knowledge (Klein, 2013),

606 memory
Figure 51.1 Example of an imagined scenario from Hass- participant who was age-, education-, and IQ-matched to P03.
abis, Kumaran, Vann, et al. (2007). The cue is shown at the Interviewer’s probing comments are in italics. Relevant back-
top, below which is an excerpt from P03, a patient with bilat- ground information is noted in square brackets.
eral hippocampal damage, followed by that of a control

and does not involve true visualization of an imagined a set of autobiographical memories and were later
scene, or engagement of the hippocampus (Mullally, asked to imagine novel events containing a combina-
Vargha-Khadem, & Maguire, 2014). In one study that tion of specific details taken from these episodic memo-
failed to observe imagination-based scene deficits in ries. The older adults continued to generate fewer
patients with hippocampal damage acquired in adult- episodic details for imagined events, suggesting that
hood (Squire et al., 2010), the patients were in fact not recollection difficulties alone cannot explain their
amnesic, showing instead only mild and nonsignificant impaired scene/event imagination (see also Addis,
memory deficits when compared with a control group Roberts, & Schacter, 2011; Gaesser, Sacchetti, Addis, &
(Maguire & Hassabis, 2011; Mullally, Hassabis, & Schacter, 2011; Romero & Moscovitch, 2012).
Maguire, 2012). This suggests that an impaired scene Co-existing episodic memory and scene/event imagi-
imagination profile may only occur in the context of nation impairments have also been noted in a number
adult-acquired hippocampal damage and concomitant, of other populations. Williams et al. (1996) reported
severe memory disturbance. that suicidal, depressed patients’ recollection of the
past and simulation of the future lacked specific details
Scene Imagination Deficits in Other Populations and appeared “over-general” relative to controls, while
Scene/event imagination deficits have also been D’Argembeau, Raffard, & van der Linden (2008) found
observed in older adults and in other patient groups; that patients with schizophrenia generated significantly
populations in which hippocampal function and other fewer episodic details for both past and future events.
neural components of the core network are known to Interestingly, hippocampal atrophy has been docu-
be compromised (for review, see Schacter, Addis, & mented in depression (Bremner et al., 2000), schizo-
Buckner, 2008). In one study, Addis, Wong, and Schacter phrenia (Herold et al., 2012), and in the aging brain
(2008) noted deficits in future simulations in older (Driscoll & Sutherland, 2005), suggesting that damage
adults. In a subsequent study, Addis, Musicaro, Pan, to this brain region may be a critical factor underlying
and Schacter (2010) sought to investigate whether the these disparate cognitive impairments.
impairment could simply be an expression of an epi- Looking beyond the hippocampus, there have been
sodic memory deficit whereby elderly adults simply few neuropsychological studies focussed on the role of
“recast” entire remembered events into the future. brain areas outside the MTL in imagination of fictitious
Using a recombination paradigm (see also Addis, Pan, or future scenes. In one such study, Berryhill, Picasso,
Vu, Laiser, & Schacter, 2009) participants first provided Arnold, Drowos, and Olson (2010) tested patients with

mullally and maguire: prediction, imagination, and memory 607

parietal and prefrontal cortex lesions. Both patient in which one has a subjective sense of self over time
types were impaired, although the precise reasons for (“autonoesis”; Tulving, 2002). This concept of mental
this were unclear. The authors suggest, for example, time travel or self-projection, believed to depend upon
that the frontal patients may have had difficulty with the integrity of the hippocampus, can also be applied
accessing and/or selecting elements for inclusion in the to imagining the future and possibly spatial navigation
imagined scenes. Nevertheless, this study illustrates that (Buckner & Carroll, 2007; Suddendorf & Corballis,
the hippocampus does not act alone in scene imagina- 2007; Szpunar et al., 2007). This account, however,
tion and predicting the future. struggles to explain why hippocampal-damaged patients
are unable to imagine atemporal fictitious scenes (Has-
sabis, Kumaran, Vann, et al., 2007; Mullally, Intraub, &
Neuroimaging evidence Maguire, 2012). Indeed, a recent functional MRI study
found that frontal and parietal cortices, but not the
A wider network beyond the hippocampus has been hippocampus, supported mental time travel (Nyberg,
highlighted in particular by neuroimaging studies. Epi- Kim, Habib, Levine, & Tulving, 2010), and Andrews-
sodic memory has been consistently linked with activa- Hanna, Reidler, Sepulcre, Poulin, & Buckner (2010)
tion of a core network (reviewed in Maguire, 2001; showed that imagining scenes best accounted for activ-
Svoboda, McKinnon, & Levine, 2006). Attention then ity in the hippocampus and MTL, while other regions
turned to probing whether imagination of fictitious and were concerned with the self and with time. Thus, the
future events are also supported by a wider set of brain idea of mental time travel has undoubted heuristic
areas beyond the hippocampus, as suggested by the value and may account for the contributions of some
neuropsychological findings, and if these are the same areas in the core network to imagining the future, but
regions that support episodic memory (Okuda et al., not the hippocampus.
2003). Addis, Wong, and Schacter (2007) showed exten-
sive overlap in activity of this network (the medial and Constructive Episodic Simulation Hypothesis
lateral prefrontal cortices, posterior cingulate cortex, The constructive episodic simulation hypothesis
retrosplenial cortex, lateral temporal cortices, and (reviewed in Schacter et al., 2012) proposes that epi-
the MTL) when participants recollected or imagined sodic memory and thinking about the future are sup-
detailed events. This suggests that the episodic system ported by a similar neural network because they are
is not solely involved in memory but may also support both constructive in nature. In this way, episodic
event imagination–based processes. This was later memory is conceptualized as a constructive process
extended to include scene construction processes when (Bartlett, 1932), whose critical function is to make
Hassabis, Kumaran, and Maguire (2007) reported acti- available the information required for the simulation/
vation of the core network when participants recol- construction of future events. Thus, information is pro-
lected episodic memories, recollected previously cessed in a manner that enables the relevant details to
imagined fictitious scenes, or constructed entirely novel be flexibly recombined to form a novel event. More-
fictitious scenes (see also Addis et al., 2009; Botzung, over, this hypothesized recombination process dove-
Denkova, & Manning, 2008; Spreng et al., 2009; Szpunar, tails with existing theoretical accounts of hippocampal
Watson, & McDermott, 2007). In summary, these data, function that emphasize the role of the hippocampus
coupled with the neuropsychological evidence, strongly in binding arbitrary or accidentally occurring relations
indicate that a core network of brain regions that among individual elements within an experience (the
includes the hippocampus supports both mnemonic relational theory; Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1993; Konkel
and scene imagination–based processes. But what & Cohen, 2009) and/or to the specific scene context
mechanisms might be involved? (the binding of items and contexts model; Ranganath,
2010). In this way the constructive episodic simulation
hypothesis elegantly explains the co-activation of the
Theoretical accounts core network during self-relevant mnemonic and
future simulation processes. However, this framework
Mental Time Travel into the Future A number of has not explicitly sought to account for the striking
theories have been proposed that attempt to explain navigation deficits observed in patients with hippocam-
the overlap between episodic memory and scene/event pal damage and amnesia (Burgess et al., 2002). More-
imagination. One such account is based on Tulving’s over, recent evidence that amnesic patients are able
proposal that recollection of episodic memories involves to flexibly recombine elements within an experience
a mental journey into the past (i.e., mental time travel) (Mullally & Maguire, submitted) and bind items with

608 memory
each other and with a context (Mullally, Intraub, & occurs in relation to scenes and not to single, isolated
Maguire, 2012) are also challenges for this view. objects (Gottesman & Intraub, 2002), a dissociation
that mirrors the imagination dichotomy observed in
Scene Construction Theory A third account is amnesic patients (Hassabis, Kumaran, Vann, et al.,
scene construction theory (SCT; Hassabis & Maguire, 2007). Critically, however, BE depends upon an intact
2007, 2009; Maguire & Mullally, 2013), which was origi- ability to construct scenes. Thus, patients with bilateral
nally proposed following the observation that patients hippocampal damage and amnesia, who are unable to
with hippocampal damage and amnesia are unable to construct scenes, should be unable to form this
imagine scenes. In contrast to the constructive episodic extended representation and therefore fail to commit
simulation hypothesis, which had a broader focus on the BE memory error. This would result in a situation
the core network, SCT attempts to account specifically where amnesic patients display superior performance
for the role of the hippocampus in scene imagination, relative to healthy controls, and is exactly what Mullally,
episodic memory, and spatial navigation. In essence, Intraub, and Maguire (2012) recently demonstrated on
SCT proposes that the hippocampus primarily acts to a variety of BE paradigms (see figure 51.2).
facilitate the construction of atemporal scenes, and in These results enabled Mullally, Intraub, and Maguire
doing so allows the event details of episodic memories (2012) to conclude that the patients’ attenuated BE
and imagined future experiences a foundation upon could not be attributed to memory impairment, since
which to reside. In this way, hippocampal-dependent they paradoxically outperformed the controls on a
scene construction processes are held to underpin and range of memory tasks. Therefore, in this context,
support episodic memory, predicting the future, spatial impaired memory did not lead to impaired scene con-
navigation, and perhaps even dreaming and mind- struction. Instead, impaired scene construction actually
wandering, with the addition of self-related and tempo- led to better memory, thus successfully separating these
ral processing implemented via the recruitment of two processes.
other regions within the core network. These data also suggest that a function of the hip-
SCT thus places scenes at the center of hippocampal pocampus is the implicit and continuous prediction of
information processing, underpinning (but not wholly the upcoming environment; that is, the hippocampus
responsible for) critical functions such as episodic is continually constructing scenes, extrapolating beyond
memory, prospection, and spatial navigation. This has the boundaries of our current field of view. A recent
intuitive appeal—for most people, recalling the past, neuroimaging study (Chadwick, Mullally, & Maguire,
thinking about the future, and planning how to get 2013), which investigated the role of the hippocampus
somewhere typically involve imagining scenes. This also in BE in control participants, supports this hypothesis.
resonates with the patients’ experiences of trying to Specifically, they found robust activity in the hippocam-
imagine scenes: “There is no scene in front of me here. pus during the presentation of the original scene stimu-
It’s frustrating because I feel like there should be. I feel lus. Significantly, this activity was observed only on trials
like I’m listening to the radio instead of watching it on where participants later committed the BE error. This
the TV. I’m trying to imagine different things happen- suggests that the hippocampus is involved early at the
ing but there’s no visual scene opening out in front of initial stage of the BE effect where the predictive scene
me”; “It’s hard trying to get the space, it keeps getting extension process (attenuated in the hippocampal
squashed” (Mullally, Intraub, & Maguire, 2012). The patients) is hypothesized to occur. The BE data (Chadwick
appeal of the SCT is that it offers a unified account of et al., 2013; Mullally, Intraub, & Maguire, 2012), in
why such a wide range of seemingly disparate functions addition to the original scene construction findings
are impaired following hippocampal damage. (Hassabis, Kumaran, Vann, et al., 2007; Hassabis, Kumaran,
Further recent evidence appears to place scene con- & Maguire, 2007; Mullally, Intraub, & Maguire, 2012),
struction at the heart of hippocampal processing. support the idea that the primary function of the hip-
Boundary extension (BE; Intraub & Richardson, 1989) pocampus may not be mnemonic (Maguire & Mullally,
is a ubiquitous cognitive phenomenon whereby we erro- 2013; see also Graham, Barense, & Lee, 2010) but may
neously remember seeing more of a scene than was instead be to predict the nature of the world beyond
present in the sensory input, and occurs because when the immediate sensorium (Bar, 2011).
we view a scene, we implicitly extrapolate beyond the In conclusion, we believe that metacognitive, cogni-
borders to form an extended representation of that tive, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging evidence
scene. In the absence of the original visual input, this leaves in no doubt the close ties between episodic
extended scene is misremembered instead of the origi- memory, scene imagination, and predicting the future.
nal input, causing a memory error. Of note, BE only An understanding of this relationship is still in its

mullally and maguire: prediction, imagination, and memory 609

Figure 51.2 Examples of boundary extension (BE) tasks with bilateral hippocampal amnesia made significantly more
(Mullally, Intraub, & Maguire, 2012). (A) Timeline of an accurate (“the same”) responses, and thus showed signifi-
example trial from a rapid serial visual presentation BE task. cantly reduced BE relative to controls. Means (± standard
The initial photograph of a simple scene was presented briefly error of mean); *P < 0.05. (C) In a drawing task, three scene
followed by a dynamically changing mask. The second (test) photographs (left panel) were studied for 15 seconds and
picture (which unbeknownst to the participants was always immediately drawn from memory. Drawings by an example
identical to the original picture) immediately followed the hippocampal-damaged amnesic patient (middle left panel)
mask. The task was to rate the second picture relative to the and two matched control participants (middle right and right
first. There were five options ranging from “much closer-up” panels) are displayed. As is evident, this patient more accu-
to “much farther away,” including the correct response “the rately depicted the proportional size of the object relative to
same.” (B) BE is revealed by disproportionally larger number the background while the control participants’ drawings
of “closer-up” responses. Overall, control participants made expose how they extrapolated beyond the given view. (See
significantly more of these erroneous responses, while patients color plate 43.)

infancy. Interestingly, electrophysiological studies docu- ACKNOWLEDGMENT E.A.M. is supported by the Wellcome

menting preplay (e.g., Johnson & Redish, 2007) add to Trust. Note that this chapter is an edited version of an article
that appeared in The Neuroscientist: Mullally, S. L., and Maguire,
this evolving picture by hinting at animal parallels in
E.A. (2014). Memory, imagination and predicting the future:
predicting what might occur in the future. Further A common brain mechanism? The Neuroscientist, 20, 220–234.
studies in humans will need to move beyond describing
this relationship to focus on the mechanisms involved,
the precise functions of each area within the core REFERENCES
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intrigued through the ages. tion task. Psychol Aging, 25(2), 369–376.

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612 memory
Chapter 52 AMUNTS AND CATANI 619










An adequate neurobiological model of our uniquely

human language faculty has to meet the following two
requirements: (1) it should decompose complex lan-
guage skills such as speaking and listening into the
contributing types of knowledge and processing steps
(the cognitive architecture); (2) it should specify how
these are instantiated in, and supported by, the organi-
zation of the human brain (the neural architecture;
Hagoort, 2013). Until not too long ago, the neurobio-
logical model that dominated the field was the
Wernicke-Lichtheim-Geschwind (WLG) model (Levelt,
2013). In this model, the human language faculty was
situated in the left perisylvian cortex, with a strict divi-
sion of labor between the frontal and temporal regions.
Wernicke’s area in left temporal cortex was assumed to
subserve the comprehension of speech, whereas Broca’s
area in left inferior frontal cortex was claimed to
subserve language production. The arcuate fasciculus
connected these two areas. Although Broca’s area,
Wernicke’s area, and adjacent cortex are still consid-
ered to be key nodes in the language network, the
distribution of labor between these regions is different
than was claimed in the WLG model. Lesions in Broca’s
region are long since known to impair not only lan-
guage production but also language comprehension,
whereas lesions in Wernicke’s region also affect lan-
guage production.
More recently, neuroimaging studies provided further
evidence that the classical view on the role of these
regions is no longer tenable. For example, central
aspects of language production and comprehension are
subserved by shared neural circuitry (Segaert, Menenti,
Weber, Petersson, & Hagoort, 2012). Moreover, the clas-
sical model focused on single-word processing, whereas

hagoort: introduction 615

a neurobiological account of language processing in its well before we can lace our shoes or perform simple
full extent should also take into account what goes on calculations. This is all based on the universal availabil-
beyond production and comprehension of single words. ity of a language-ready brain. At the same time, there
As a consequence of the mounting evidence against the seems to be no other cognitive system in humans that
classical WLG model, in recent years alternative neuro- shows as much variability as language. Language comes
biological models for language have been proposed. In in very different forms, at all levels of organization. The
addition, due to new innovative ways of measuring the more than 6,000 languages still in existence today vary
living human brain in healthy participants, such as dif- widely in their sound repertoires, their grammatical
fusion tractography, novel ideas about the architecture structures, or the meaning that the lexical items code
of the language cortex arose (Catani et al., 2005; Catani for. For instance, some languages have a sound reper-
et al., 2013). toire of only a dozen phonemes, whereas others have
This section of the current volume summarizes some more than a hundred; some languages require every
exciting developments that characterize the progress in sentence to be tensed, others require every referent to
the field since the previous version of this handbook. be specified for visibility/invisibility. Further, sign lan-
One important development relates to the neuroana- guages are expressed by movements of hands and face,
tomical characteristics of the language-ready brain. whereas spoken languages are expressed by movements
Language-relevant cortex is mapped out in much more of the vocal tract. How the specific characteristic of any
detail than before. Relevant areas such as Broca’s area particular language modulates the organization and
and Wernicke’s area are further parcellated in terms of recruitment of the underlying neurobiological infra-
their cytoarchitectonic and receptorarchitectonic prop- structure is still a largely open question. It is clear that
erties (Amunts et al., 2010). Furthermore, diffusion cross-language comparisons are needed. One example
tractography studies have provided a much more is provided in chapter 54 by Marslen-Wilson, Bozic, and
extended view on the major connections between lan- Tyler. They provide evidence for the domain of word
guage-relevant areas, above and beyond the arcuate formation, where language families vary substantially in
fasciculus (see chapter 52 by Amunts & Catani). This inflectional and derivational morphology. Another
infrastructure supports a system that is characterized by domain is sign language. The language of the deaf is
an amazing pace. expressed in a very different format than speech (see
One of the central aspects of understanding language chapter 56 by Emmorey and Özyürek). These differ-
is the speed at which it occurs. We can produce and ences are shown to create variations on a common
easily recognize three to five words per second. Mainly theme in the neurobiology of language.
based on electrophysiological evidence (ERPs), there is The common theme is codetermined by the intrinsic
nowadays firm and quite detailed evidence that fast constraints that the brain brings to bear for any given
comprehension is, in part, achieved by predictions that cognitive task. In effect, the brain is a Kantian machine
are made continuously during the updating of the (Dehaene & Brannon, 2010). The consequence of this
input representation. Quite detailed evidence is avail- idea is that reading and speaking might have developed
able that these predictions happen at different levels, in a way that adapts their structural features optimally
all the way from the event schemas and syntactic char- to intrinsic brain organization (Christiansen & Chater,
acteristics of lexical items such as their grammatical 2008; Christiansen & Müller, chapter 58, this volume;
gender to the actual words that might follow (see Dehaene & Cohen, 2007). One novel and exciting idea
chapter 55 by Kutas, Urbach, & Federmeier). is that speech might have adapted itself to the intrinsic
The role of prediction and most other features of rhythms of the brain. This sheds new light on language
language processing is based on studies of only a evolution and on how central structural characteristics
handful of—mostly Indo-European—languages. Classi- of speech (phonemes, syllables, prosodic contours)
cally, the neurobiology of language has focused on core might be shaped by the characteristics of intrinsic brain
features of language such as words and syntax, with an rhythms (delta, theta, gamma; see chapter 53 by Gha-
eye on those properties that are universally shared zanfar and Poeppel). The lesson here is that key fea-
among the many languages in the world. However, a tures of human speech might have adapted themselves
central feature of human languages is the remarkable to the organization of the brain, rather than, or in addi-
variation between them. Our capacity for language is tion to, the reverse scenario.
deeply rooted in our biological makeup. We all share So far, what has been discussed is the machinery to
the capacity to acquire language within the first few encode and decode verbal utterances. However, in com-
years of life, without any formalized teaching program. municative settings, the coded meaning of these utter-
Despite its complexity, we master our native language ances is very often not the same as the intended message.

616 language and abstract thought

For instance, the statement “It is hot here” produced in justice to the progress that nevertheless has been made.
the right context will often be interpreted as a request In recent years new theoretical orientations have been
for action; for example, to open the window or turn on developed and novel topics have appeared on the
the air conditioner. In communication, the listener tries research agenda, all indicating that we are faced with a
to infer the intention behind the utterance. What is field on the move.
understood is often unsaid but requires making infer-
ences. This step from coded meaning to what is often
called speaker meaning involves the theory of mind, or REFERENCES
ToM, network (see chapter 57 by Hagoort and Levin- Amunts, K., Lenzen, M., Friederici, A. D., Schleicher, A.,
son). To understand the use of language in its full Morosan, P., Palomero-Gallagher, N., & Zilles, K.
(2010). Broca’s region: Novel organizational principles and
extent, we need to understand what neurobiological
multiple receptor mapping. PLoS Biology, 8(9), e1000489.
systems, in addition to those representing a lexicon and Catani, M., Jones, D. K., & Ffytche, D. H. (2005). Perisylvian
syntax, are needed to determine the communicative language networks of the human brain. Ann Neurol, 57,
value of language. This has become part of the research 8–16.
agenda in recent years. It shows clearly that any account Catani, M., Mesulam, M. M., Jakobsen, E., Malik, F., Mar-
that claims language comprehension can be fully tersteck, A., Wieneke, C., … Rogalski, E. (2013). A novel
frontal pathway underlies verbal fluency in primary pro-
explained by a mirror neuron system will fail. gressive aphasia. Brain, 37, 1724–1737.
Language has often been claimed to enable thinking Christiansen, M. H., & Chater, N. (2008). Language as
at a level of abstraction unmatched by conceptual shaped by the brain. Behav Brain Sci, 3, 489–558.
processes in other species. However, just as in the case Dehaene, S., & Brannon, E. M. (2010). Space, time, and
of language, an adequate understanding of thinking number: A Kantian research program. Trends Cogn Sci, 14,
requires decomposition in its core constituents. Our Dehaene, S., & Cohen, L. (2007). Cultural recycling of corti-
thinking, abstract as it may be, as well as the choice of cal maps. Neuron, 56, 384–398.
our linguistic expressions are deeply connected to Hagoort, P. (2013). MUC (memory, unification, control)
neural mechanisms of voluntary choice. The basic out- and beyond. Front Psychol, 4(416).
lines of the human and monkey systems for making deci- Levelt, W. J. M. (2013). A history of psycholinguistics: The pre-
Chomskyan era. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
sions begin to emerge (see chapter 59 by Glimcher).
Segaert, K., Menenti, L., Weber, K., Petersson, K. M., &
Language and thinking are among the most complex Hagoort, P. (2012). Shared syntax in language production
functions the human mind commands. Its neurobio- and comprehension—an fMRI study. Cereb Cortex, 22,
logical infrastructure is still understood only very par- 1662–1670.
tially. It is beyond the scope of this section to do full

hagoort: introduction 617

52 Cytoarchitectonics,
Receptorarchitectonics, and
Network Topology of Language

ABSTRACT Anatomical models of language include a core left Core language regions
perisylvian network between Wernicke’s region in the tem-
poral lobe and Broca’s region in the frontal lobe. In addi- Methods and theoretical approaches to anatomically
tion, a number of other cortical areas and subcortical nuclei
based definitions of Broca’s region have changed
contribute to language functions. This extended language
network comprises the inferior parietal cortex (i.e., throughout the history of its study, resulting in the
Geschwind’s region), the anterior temporal lobe, the ante- proposal of many different parcellation schemes (for a
rior insula, the presupplementary motor area (preSMA), review, see Amunts & Zilles, 2012). On the surface,
and the lateral occipitotemporal cortex (i.e., visual word Broca’s region corresponds to the pars opercularis and
form area, VWFA). At the subcortical level, the thalamus,
triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus. Cytoarchitec-
basal ganglia, and cerebellum are reciprocally connected to
cortical language regions and modulate their activity. In this tonically, the pars opercularis and triangularis are
chapter, we describe the anatomy of the language cortical largely occupied by areas 44 and 45, respectively. Their
regions as defined by their neuronal composition and layer- most distinct feature is the presence of very large pyra-
ing (i.e., cytoarchitectonics) and the receptor distribution midal cells in deep layer III. These two areas differ from
for the main neurotransmitters of the central nervous each other for the thickness of layer IV, well developed
system (i.e., receptorarchitectonics). The principal associa-
tion, projection, and commissural language pathways in area 45, but thinner and invaded by pyramidal cells
described by recent diffusion tractography studies will also from neighboring layers III and V in area 44. Layer IV
be reviewed. A particular focus of this chapter is to charac- is known to process, among others, input from the
terize the anatomical interindividual variability and its rele- thalamus.
vance to function in the normal brain and in language Probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps of areas 44 and
45 have been generated using quantitative and statisti-
cal criteria for delineating their borders (figure 52.1A;
Amunts et al., 1999). These maps reveal important ana-
Language development in humans occurred as a tomical features of Broca’s region. Intersubject variabil-
direct consequence of the functional specialization of ity of the overall surface and extent of these two areas
cortical areas located in the temporal (i.e., Wernicke’s is evident in the healthy human brain (Amunts et al.,
region) and frontal lobes (i.e., Broca’s region) of the 2004). In addition, a large portion of these two areas is
left hemisphere. These areas are primarily dedicated buried in the depths of the sulci, which prevents any
to language, and for this reason are identified as core possibility of predicting their exact extent and location
language regions. Other more bilaterally distributed solely on the basis of the surface anatomy of the inferior
cortical areas connect to these left-lateralized core frontal gyrus (figure 52.1A), which is in itself highly
regions and form an extended language network. In variable among people (Ono, Kubik, & Abernathey,
this chapter, we aim to introduce the reader to 1990).
current approaches used to map the main language One advantage of probabilistic maps is that they offer
areas as defined by cytoarchitectonics, receptorarchi- a quantitative approach to cortical localization in
tectonics, and their networks as defined by in vivo patients with brain lesion and in functional activation
diffusion tractography. Although our approach is studies (see; Amunts et al.,
fundamentally anatomical, we refer to possible func- 2004; Fischl et al., 2007). For example, it has been
tional correlates and associated symptoms whenever shown that the maximum probability map for area 44
possible. is more likely to overlap with activations generated by

amunts and catani: cytoarchitectonics, receptorarchitectonics 619


Figure 52.1 Cortical mapping of Broca’s region based on 44 and 45. In addition, the borders of the two areas are not
post-mortem cytoarchitectonic and receptorarchitectonic always well identified by the main sulci of this region: inferior
analysis. (A) Top, surface view of the probabilistic maps for frontal sulcus (ifs); horizontal ramus of the lateral fissure
Brodmann’s area 44 (BA44) and 45 (BA45) derived from (hrlf); ascending ramus of the lateral fissure (arlf); precentral
quantitative cytoarchitectonic measurements of 10 individual sulcus (prcs); diagonal sulcus (ds), (data from Amunts et al.,
brains. The probabilistic maps are intended to quantify the 2004). (B) Further segregation of Broca’s region based on
interindividual variability of the areas that compose Broca’s neurotransmitter receptors distribution. This analysis can
region, where “hot” tones correspond to a high anatomical reveal unique characteristics of subregions that may share
overlap, and “cold” tones to higher variability. This interindi- similar cytoarchitectonic morphology. Area 44v and op8, for
vidual variability can be appreciated in the bottom panel, example, have a similar density of GABAA or alternately
where the left and right maps for BA44 (red) and BA45 GABA(A) receptors but different density of cholinergic mus-
(yellow) are reported for two representative brains. Note, for carine receptors M1. (See color plate 44.)
example, the difference in the left-right asymmetry of BA

tasks involving syntactic processing (Friederici & Kotz, structural and functional connectivity of language net-
2003) and lexical decision (Heim, Eickhoff, Ischebeck, works (Heim, Eickhoff, & Amunts, 2011). These are
& Amunts, 2007), whereas area 45 is more involved in only a few applications of many. An important aspect to
semantic tasks (Amunts et al., 2004). The cytoarchitec- consider is that functional activations often do not cor-
tonic maps can also be used as seed regions to study respond to the cytoarchitectonic subdivision of Broca’s

620 language and abstract thought

Figure 52.2 The cluster tree illustrates similarities between frontal areas based on their receptor distribution profile. (Modi-
fied from Amunts et al., 2010.)

region into two areas when language-related activations the posterior aspect of the superior temporal gyrus and
are superimposed on probabilistic maps. Indeed, often part of the middle temporal gyrus and is involved in
activations overlap only in part with these areas and multiple aspects of language processing (Binder et al.,
extend to other neighboring areas (Indefrey et al., 2000; Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). Cytoarchitectonically,
2001). Several reasons may explain the lack of an exact Wernicke’s region includes areas 22 and 42 and part of
correspondence between functional activations and area 37 (Aboitiz & Garcia, 1997), with further segmen-
cytoarchitectonic maps, including methodological tations identified using probabilistic cytoarchitectonic
shortcomings of both techniques, which may limit our and receptorarchitectonic mapping. The superior tem-
ability to capture the complex segregation of Broca’s poral gyrus, for example, is occupied by three distinct
region. areas (figure 52.3). Area Te1, the primary auditory
The application of novel receptorarchitectonic analy- cortex, occupies a large portion of the Heschl gyrus
sis to cortical areas (Zilles & Amunts, 2009) shows that (Morosan et al., 2001). Area Te2 is partially located
Broca’s region is indeed more complex than previously on the most lateral aspect of the Heschl gyrus and on
assumed. Amunts et al. (2010) analyzed the receptor the opercular surface of the superior temporal gyrus,
distribution of different neurotransmitter systems (glu- whereas area Te3 occupies approximately the posterior
tamate, GABA, serotonin, acetylcholine) in serial sec- two-thirds of the free surface of the superior temporal
tions of the posterior frontal cortex. The receptor gyrus (Morosan et al., 2005) and differs from its neigh-
analysis showed that not only do areas 44 and 45 differ boring areas for the prominent size and high density of
in their receptor distribution profile, but each area can pyramidal neurons in layer IIIc and a high cellular
be further subdivided into multiple areas (figure 52.1B). density in layer V. With respect to receptor architecture,
These subareas show a similar receptorarchitectonic Te3 is characterized by a low density of muscarinic M2
pattern to areas 44 and 45, which arguably suggests receptors (Morosan et al., 2005). Te3 comprises further
their involvement in language-related processes. Inter- subdivisions (Rivier & Clarke, 1997; Wallace, Johnston,
estingly, ventral area 6 has a pattern that is more similar & Palmer, 2002) that have some correspondence with
to areas 44 and 45 than to area 47, which suggests a findings from functional activation studies (Friederici
more distant structural and possibly functional related- & Kotz, 2003).
ness between areas of the same gyrus (i.e., areas 44, 45, Mesgarani and colleagues (2014) have recently shown
and 47 are parts of the inferior frontal gyrus) than that the superior temporal gyrus responds selectivity to
between areas lying in different gyri (areas 44 and 45 distinct phonetic features of spoken language and con-
in the inferior frontal gyrus and area 6 in the precentral tains the acoustic-phonetic representation of speech. In
gyrus; figure 52.2). their comment to this paper, Grodzinsky and Nelken
The anatomical correlates of Wernicke’s region are (2014) emphasized that speech representation in the
more ambiguously defined than those of Broca’s region. experiment was dominated by abstract and linguistically
In its modern definition, Wernicke’s region occupies defined features (Grodzinsky & Nelken, 2014).

amunts and catani: cytoarchitectonics, receptorarchitectonics 621





Figure 52.3 Cytoarchitectonic of the language areas in the superior temporal region (Morosan et al., 2005).

Other cortical regions In the mesial aspect of the superior frontal gyrus, area
6 and, in part, posterior areas 8 and 32 form an impor-
In addition to Broca’s and Wernicke’s regions, other tant language region that participates in planning, initia-
cortical areas are relevant to speech and language. tion, and monitoring of speech (Paulesu, Frith, &
Geschwind’s region in the inferior parietal lobule Frackowiak, 1993; Penfield & Roberts, 1959). This region,
involves area 40 in the supramarginal gyrus and area 39 which corresponds to the anterior cingulate cortex and
in the angular gyrus (Catani et al., 2005). A more recent preSMA, has also been characterized using modern cyto-
parcellation of this region into seven cytoarchitectonic architectonic or receptorarchitectonic mapping in the
areas has been proposed, with five subdivisions covering human and macaque brains (Geyer et al., 1998; Pal-
area 40 and two subdivisions covering area 39 (Caspers omero-Gallagher, Mohlberg, Zilles, & Vogt, 2008). The
et al., 2006). Of the five anterior subdivisions, the three preSMA is involved in action monitoring, distinguishing
most anterior ones show a receptor architecture similar self from others’ actions, and low-level aspects of mental-
to that of area 44 in the frontal lobe (Caspers et al., izing (Lombardo et al., 2010; Yoshida et al., 2011). The
2013). Geschwind’s region is part of an extended anterior insula is highly connected to the frontal oper-
network that links core language regions to areas culum and Broca’s region (Catani et al., 2012; Cerliani
involved in memory, semantic knowledge, and social et al., 2012) and is often activated in language-produc-
cognition (Binder et al., 2009; Jacquemot & Scott, 2006; tion tasks (Dronkers, 1996). In the ventral occipitotem-
Meyer, Obleser, Anwander, & Friederici, 2012; Vilberg poral region, the visual word form area is specialized for
& Rugg, 2008). processing written strings (Cohen et al., 2000).

622 language and abstract thought

Finally, the anterior temporal lobe, which includes nuclei, respectively. Reduced comprehension is more
area 38 and anterior portions of areas 20, 21, 22, and commonly associated with lesions to these posterior tha-
36, has been recognized as an important language hub lamic nuclei (Cappa & Vallar, 1992).
involved in semantic processing (Catani et al., 2013; Pure lesions of the thalamus do not conform with
Mesulam et al., 2013). classical neurological taxonomy of aphasia syndromes,
and a precise clinical-anatomical correlation is often
Subcortical structures difficult to perform in these patients since lesions are
often large and involve multiple thalamic nuclei and
Cortical language areas form complex networks with surrounding white matter (Cappa & Vallar, 1992). In
the thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum (Cappa & general, repetition deficits are rare and comprehension
Vallar, 1992; Schmahmann & Pandya, 2008). Damage deficits of mild intensity. Severe writing difficulties and
to these subcortical structures can manifest with either semantic paraphasias are relatively more common.
isolated aphasia or language deficits that are part of The striatum composed of the caudate and putamen
more complex neurological syndromes. Anatomical is another important relay station of the cortico-
and clinical studies suggest that these cortico-subcortical subcortical loops. Stimulation of the striatum is associ-
networks are segregated (figure 52.4). Broca’s region ated with involuntary language production, while
and preSMA, for example, receive their main afferents lesions more frequently cause nonfluent speech
from the anterior thalamus (i.e., ventral anterior (Crosson, 1992). In bilinguals the left caudate has an
nucleus). Stuttering and reduced spontaneous speech important role in language switch (Crinion et al.,
have been described in association with damage of the 2006).
ventral anterior nucleus or its connections to language The cerebellum receives cortical afferents from lan-
frontal areas (Watkins, Smith, Davis, & Howell, 2008). guage areas through the pontine nuclei and projects to
Wernicke’s and Geschwind’s regions receive projections the same areas via the thalamus. In patients with
primarily from the pulvinar and the lateral posterior cerebellar lesions, verbal fluency can be impaired to
the point of telegraphic speech or mutism, but true
aphasic disorders are rare. Anomia, agrammatic speech,
and abnormal prosody (i.e., high-pitched, hypophonic
8 4 whining, etc.) have been also reported in these patients
9 5 7
(Schmahmann & Pandya, 2008).


40 39 White matter pathways

45 43
41 Language areas are reciprocally connected through a
19 18
11 47 42
22 17 complex system of association and commissural tracts
38 21 37 whose anatomy has been studied in humans with post-
mortem blunt dissections and more extensively with
diffusion imaging tractography (figure 52.5A).
The arcuate fasciculus is a dorsal perisylvian associa-
MD tion tract connecting Wernicke’s, Geschwind’s, and
VLp Broca’s regions. Within the arcuate fasciculus, two par-
VA LP LD allel pathways have been distinguished: the medial,
direct pathway connecting Wernicke’s with Broca’s
VLa CM Pul region (i.e., the arcuate fasciculus sensu strictu or long
VPm segment); and the indirect pathway, consisting of an
VPi MGN anterior segment that links Broca’s to Geschwind’s
region and a posterior segment between Geschwind’s
Figure 52.4 Thalamocortical connections of the language and Wernicke’s region (Catani et al., 2005). López-
areas. A: anterior group; LGN: lateral geniculate nucleus; Barroso et al. (2013) showed that performance in word
LP: lateroposterior; MD: mediodorsal; MGN: medial genicu- learning correlates with microstructural properties and
late nucleus; Mid: midline group; Pul: pulvinar; VA: ventral
strength of functional connectivity of the direct connec-
anterior; VLa: ventral lateral anterior; VPi: ventral posterior
inferior; VPl: ventral posterior lateral; VPm: ventral posterior tions between Broca’s and Wernicke’s regions. This
medial; VLp: ventral lateral posterior. (Modified from Catani study demonstrates that our ability to learn new words
& Thiebaut de Schotten, 2012.) relies on an efficient and fast communication between

amunts and catani: cytoarchitectonics, receptorarchitectonics 623


region Wernicke’s
Anterior region
temporal Geschwind’s
Arcuate fasciculus (long segment) Frontal aslant tract lobe region
Visual word
Arcuate fasciculus (anterior segment) Uncinate fasciculus
form area
Arcuate fasciculus (posterior segment) Inferior longitudinal fasciculus

Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus

Figure 52.5 Language networks visualized with diffusion indicate higher degree of transcallosal connections. Note the
tractography. (A) Association pathways of left hemisphere reduced interhemispheric connectivity for most of the lan-
connecting the main language regions. (B) Density of callosal guage regions. (See color plate 45.)
cortical projections based on diffusion imaging. “Hot” tones

auditory temporal and motor frontal regions. Schulze, fronto-occipital fasciculus provides direct connections
Vargha-Khadem, and Mishkin (2012) suggested that between occipital (and perhaps posterior temporal
the absence of these connections in nonhuman pri- cortex) and frontal cortex in the human brain (Forkel
mates might explain our unique ability to learn new et al., 2012). The relevance of this fasciculus to reading,
words. The long segment is also important for syntactic writing, and other aspects of language remains to be
processing (Tyler et al., 2011; Wilson et al., 2011) and established (Duffau et al., 2005; Forkel et al., 2012).
words repetition (Parker Jones et al., 2014). Within the The frontal aslant tract is a newly described pathway
indirect pathway, the anterior and posterior segments connecting Broca’s region with medial frontal areas
have different roles in reading (Thiebaut de Schotten including preSMA and cingulate cortex (Catani et al.,
et al., 2014), phonological and semantic processing 2012; Lawes et al., 2008). Medial regions of the frontal
(Binder et al., 2009; Newhart et al., 2012), verbal lobe facilitate speech initiation through direct connec-
working memory ( Jacquemot & Scott, 2006), and prag- tion to the pars opercularis and triangularis of the infe-
matic interpretation (Hagoort, 2013). rior frontal gyrus. Patients with lesions to these areas
Language areas of the temporal and frontal lobes are present with various degrees of speech impairment
also interconnected by a set of ventral longitudinal from a total inability to initiate speech (i.e., mutism) to
tracts (Catani & Mesulam, 2008). The inferior longitu- mild altered fluency (Catani et al., 2012; Naeser et al.,
dinal fasciculus carries visual information from occipi- 1989). The frontal aslant tract is damaged in patients
tal and posterior temporal areas to the anterior temporal with the nonfluent/agrammatic form of primary pro-
lobe (Catani, Jones, Donato, & Ffytche, 2003) and plays gressive aphasia (Catani et al., 2013).
an important role in visual object recognition, reading, The frontal operculum is connected to the insula
and linking object representations to their lexical labels. through a system of short U-shaped fronto-insular
The uncinate fasciculus connects the anterior temporal tracts (Catani et al., 2012; Cerliani et al., 2012). Direct
lobe to the orbitofrontal region and part of the inferior insular inputs to Broca’s region from the insula
frontal gyrus and may play an important role in lexical provide visceral and emotional information for
retrieval, semantic associations, and naming (Catani speech-output modulation according to internal states.
et al., 2013). The uncinate fasciculus is severely damaged Lesions to these insular connections may result in
in those patients with the semantic variant of primary motor aprosodia (e.g., flat intonation) and apraxia of
progressive aphasia (Catani et al., 2013). The inferior speech (Dronkers, 1996).

624 language and abstract thought

In addition to the above tracts, data from axonal Left-right asymmetries have been investigated with
tracing studies in the monkey have suggested the exis- respect to the underlying white matter (Catani et al.,
tence of additional pathways, including the middle lon- 2007; Catani et al., 2012; López-Barroso et al., 2013;
gitudinal fasciculus (Seltzer & Pandya, 1984) and the Nijhuis, van Cappellen van Walsum, & Norris, 2013).
extreme capsule tract (Schmahmann & Pandya, 2006). An extreme degree of leftward lateralization of the long
The exact role of these tracts in humans remains to be segment of the arcuate fasciculus has been reported in
demonstrated. approximately 60% of the normal population (figure
52.6A; Catani et al., 2007). The remaining 40% of the
Interhemispheric asymmetry and gender differences population show either a mild leftward lateralization
(20%) or a bilateral, symmetrical pattern (20%).
Lateralization of language functions and underlying Overall, females are more likely to have a bilateral
structural asymmetry are characteristic features of pattern compared to males (figure 52.6B). The degree
human brain organization. Several hypotheses have of lateralization of the long segment has important
been proposed in the past to explain language lateral- clinical implications. Forkel et al. (2014) showed that
ization. One of these proposals suggests that evolution- patients with aphasia are more likely to recover normal
ary pressures guiding brain size and lateralization of language at six months if at the time of the stroke they
specialized language areas are accompanied by reduced have a larger volume of the long segment in the right
interhemispheric connectivity and greater intrahemi- unaffected hemisphere (figure 52.6C). The frontal
spheric connectivity (Aboitiz, Scheibel, Fisher, & Zaidel, aslant tract, although left-lateralized in most people,
1992). Thus, by being connected through less transcal- shows a more bilateral pattern compared to the arcuate
losal fibers or fibers of smaller and slower-conducting fasciculus, which could explain the prompt recovery
diameter, specialized areas reduce “unnecessary cross- of speech functions in those patients with unilateral
talk” and maintain separate parallel processing systems damage of this tract (Catani et al., 2012).
through association tracts (i.e., arcuate fasciculus;
Doron & Gazzaniga, 2008). Indeed, diffusion tractogra-
phy in humans reveals that language areas show reduced Conclusion
transcallosal connections compared to nonlanguage
regions (figure 52.5B). In this chapter, we suggest an anatomical language
Cytoarchitectonic asymmetry, although already present model encompassing a core and an extended language
in one-year-old infants, becomes progressively more network. The core network includes the arcuate fascicu-
evident throughout childhood (Amunts, Schleicher, Dit- lus connecting Broca’s and Wernicke’s regions. This
terich, & Zilles, 2003). In adults, leftwards asymmetry network is left-lateralized in most human brains. In
has been reported for Broca’s region using cytoarchi- addition, an extended network provides access to social,
tectonic analysis (Brodmann area 44 in the pars oper- emotional, and attentional inputs necessary for success-
cularis) (Amunts et al., 1999; Uylings et al., 2006). ful language performances. One unique feature of lan-
Significant leftward asymmetry in the volume of the guage as cognitive process is the extraordinary ability
pars opercularis has also been reported based on in vivo to access, process, and bind together information
MRI-based measurements (Keller et al., 2007). Gray derived from memory and sensorial perception to
matter concentration differences in the posterior part create and convey messages. Perhaps this ability derives
of the inferior frontal gyrus (pars opercularis) have from the development of a unique pattern of connec-
been found to correlate with language dominance tions that typifies human brains. A precise correspon-
assessed by the sodium amytal procedure (Dorsaint- dence between contemporary neurocognitive models
Pierre et al., 2006). Asymmetry has also been observed of language (e.g., Hagoort, 2013; Jeon & Friederici,
for receptor architecture. A larger concentration of 2013; Hickok & Poeppel, 2007), functional activation,
cholinergic M2 receptors has been found in left areas and anatomically defined characteristics of cortical
44v and 44d compared to the right counterparts. Other areas and connecting pathways remains a challenging
receptors show no interhemispheric differences task in contemporary brain mapping.
(Amunts et al., 2010). Structural asymmetry at the
microstructural level has been reported for other ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Valentina Bambini,
Stephanie Forkel, and other members of the Neuroanatomy
regions of the temporal lobe, including areas 42 and 22
and Tractography Laboratory (, the
(Buxhoeveden, Switala, Litaker, Roy, & Casanova, 2001; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine of the Research
Galaburda, Sanides, & Geschwind, 1978; Hutsler & Centre Juelich, and C. and O. Vogt Institute for Brain Research
Galuske, 2003; Jacobs, Schall, & Scheibel, 1993). of the Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf for their helpful

amunts and catani: cytoarchitectonics, receptorarchitectonics 625

A B 18 85%


N. of subjects

30% 30%
Group 1 (~60%) 6
strong left lateralization


Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Lateralization pattern

Aphasia Quotient (AQ) six months

Group 2 (~20%)
bilateral, left lateralization 90



–10 –5 0 5 10
Group 3 (~20%)
bilateral, symmetrical Right long segment (index size)

Figure 52.6 Distribution of the pattern of lateralization of 2007). (C) Recovery of language six months after stroke is
the long segment in (A) three groups and (B) differences in correlated with the volume of the right long segment (Forkel
lateralization between genders (modified from Catani et al., et al., 2014).

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628 language and abstract thought

53 The Neurophysiology and Evolution
of the Speech Rhythm

ABSTRACT Speech research has typically focused on processing basic units from which information on a finer (faster)
single speech events, that is, vowels, syllables, or words. A dif- temporal scale can be extracted (Ghitza, 2011).
ferent approach focuses on connected speech. This work Based on linguistic, psychophysical, and physiological
points to new mechanisms for understanding human speech
perception and production in the context of neurophysiology considerations, it has been proposed that speech is
as well as in the context of comparative and evolutionary analyzed in parallel at multiple time scales (Boemio,
studies. The concept at the center of this research program Fromm, Braun, & Poeppel, 2005; Poeppel, 2003;
concerns rhythms—in the acoustic signal, the neural activity, Poeppel, Idsardi, & van Wassenhove, 2008). Both local-
and the motoric output systems. There is a remarkable to-global and global-to-local analyses are carried out
correspondence between average durations of speech or
speech-like expressions and the frequency ranges of cortical
concurrently (multitime resolution processing). The
oscillations. Here we summarize a multitime-resolution principal motivations for this hypothesis are twofold.
hypothesis about the perception of connected speech, capital- First, one single, short temporal integration window
izing on the role that neuronal oscillations play in processing that underpins hierarchical processing—that is, increas-
speech. We then examine the notion of the speech rhythm ingly larger analysis units as one ascends the processing
from a comparative perspective, demonstrating that lip-
hierarchy—fails to account for the spectral and tempo-
smacking behavior in macaques shares crucial features with
speech. The human and nonhuman primate data jointly ral sensitivity of the auditory system and is hard to
make a strong case for the coordination of neural and vocal reconcile with behavioral performance. Second, the
rhythms in communication. computational strategy of analyzing information on
multiple scales is widely used in engineering and bio-
logical systems, and the neuronal infrastructure exists
Across languages, speech typically exhibits a 3–8 Hz to support multiscale computation (Buzsaki & Draguhn,
rhythm (Chandrasekaran, Trubanova, Stillittano, Caplier, 2004). We conjecture that speech is chunked into seg-
& Ghazanfar, 2009; Crystal & House, 1982; Elliot & ments of roughly featural or phonemic length. In paral-
Theunissen, 2009; Greenberg, Carvey, Hitchcock, & lel, there is a “global” analysis that yields coarse,
Chang, 2003; Malecot, Johonson, & Kizziar, 1972), syllabic-scale inferences about speech and that subse-
reflected in the envelope of the speech waveform. This quently refines segmental analysis.
slow energy modulation corresponds roughly to the The speech signal contains events of different dura-
syllabic sequence (or syllabic “chunking”) of speech. tions: short energy bursts and formant transitions occur
Syllabic structure as reflected by the speech envelope is over 10–80 ms, whereas syllabically carried information
perceptually critical because it signals speaking rate, occurs over 150–300 ms. The processing of both types
carries stress and tonal contrasts, and can be viewed as of events is compatible with a hierarchical model
the carrier of the linguistic (question, statement, etc.) (smaller acoustic units are concatenated into larger
or affective (happy, sad, etc.) prosody of an utterance units like syllables), a parallel model (both temporal
(Rosen, 1992). Consequently, high sensitivity to enve- units are extracted independently and then combined),
lope structure and dynamics is critical for successful or a reverse hierarchical model (coarser temporal anal-
perception. Disrupting this rhythm significantly reduces ysis precedes/guides finer analysis). Although there is
intelligibility (Drullman, Festen, & Plomp, 1994; Elliot no decisive evidence, at the behavioral level, the data
& Theunissen, 2009; Ghitza & Greenberg, 2009; Saberi favor the parallel or reverse hierarchy models. There is
& Perrott, 1999; Shannon, Zeng, Kamath, Wygonski, & some independence in the processing of long (slow
Ekelid, 1995; Smith, Delgutte, & Oxenham, 2002), as modulation) and short (fast modulation) units. For
does disrupting the visual component arising from instance, speech is intelligible when it is first segmented
mouth and facial movements (Vitkovitch & Barber, into units up to 60 ms, and these local units are tempo-
1996). Thus, the speech rhythm parses the signal into rally reversed (Saberi & Perrott, 1999). This observation

ghazanfar and poeppel: speech rhythm 629

rules out the idea that speech processing relies solely one/two gamma cycles. Consequently, the frequency of
on hierarchical processing of shorter before larger neural oscillations in auditory cortex might constitute
units. That is, the correct extraction of short units is not a biophysical determinant with respect to the size of the
a prerequisite for comprehension. Overall, there exists minimal acoustic unit that can be manipulated for lin-
a grouping of psychophysical phenomena such that guistic purposes.
some cluster at thresholds of ∼50 ms and below Gamma and theta rhythms work together, and the
and others cluster at ∼200 ms and above (a similar clus- phase of theta oscillations determines the power (and
tering is observed for temporal properties in vision; possibly phase) of gamma oscillations (Schroeder,
Holcombe, 2009). Lakatos, Kajikawa, Partan, & Puce, 2008). This relation-
ship is referred to as “nesting.” Theta oscillations can
Gamma and theta rhythms in auditory cortex be phase-reset by several means, including through
multimodal cortico-cortical pathways (Arnal, Morillon,
One mechanistic hypothesis about chunking speech Kell, & Giraud, 2009), but most probably by stimulus
and other sounds is that cortical oscillations could be onsets. The largest cortical auditory evoked response
instruments of sampling the continuous speech signal measured with electroencephalography and magneto-
(Giraud & Poeppel, 2012; Poeppel, 2003). Neural oscil- encephalography (MEG), about 100 ms after stimulus
lations reflect synchronous activity of neuronal assem- onset, corresponds to the phase reset of theta activity
blies that are either intrinsically coupled or coupled by (Arnal, Wyart, & Giraud, 2011). This phase reset aligns
a common input (Wang, 2010). Oscillations can be the speech signal and the cortical theta rhythm, the
observed in the absence of stimulation and are modu- proposed instrument of speech segmentation, into syl-
lated by sensory stimulation. In this way, cortical oscil- labic units. As speech is amplitude modulated precisely
lations are thought to shape the output of neurons in at the theta rate, this results in aligning neuronal excit-
the form of spike-timing and to generate phases of high ability with those parts of the speech signal that are
and low neuronal excitability (Kayser, Logothetis, & most informative in terms of energy and spectrotempo-
Panzeri, 2010; Schroeder & Lakatos, 2009). Segmental ral content.
and suprasegmental analyses are carried out simultane- Recent psychophysical research emphasizes the
ously due to neuronal oscillations at different rates importance of aligning the acoustic speech signal with
(figure 53.1A). Considering a mean phoneme length of the brain’s oscillatory/quasi-rhythmic activity. Ghitza
25–80 ms and a mean syllabic length of 150–300 ms, and Greenberg (2009) demonstrated that intelligibility
dual-scale segmentation will involve two sampling is restored by inserting periods of silence in a speech
mechanisms, one in the low gamma range and one in signal that was made unintelligible by time-compressing
the theta range. it by a factor of 3. Adding silent periods to speech to
With a period of ∼25 ms, gamma oscillations provide restore an optimal temporal rate, equivalent to restor-
a 10–15 ms window for integrating spectrotemporal ing “syllabicity,” improves performance even though
information (low spiking rate) followed by a 10–15 ms the speech segments that remained acoustically avail-
window for propagating the output (high spiking rate). able are not more intelligible. The implicated time con-
However, a 10–15 ms integration window is too short to stants suggested a phenomenological model involving
characterize a ∼50 ms phoneme. How many gamma three nested rhythms in the theta (5 Hz), beta or low
cycles are required to correctly encode phonemes? This gamma (20–40 Hz), and gamma (80 Hz) domains
question has been addressed by computational model- (Ghitza, 2011).
ing. Using a PING (pyramidal interneuron gamma)
model of gamma oscillations that modulate activity in a Multitime resolution processing: Asymmetric
coding neuronal population, Shamir, Ghitza, Epstein, sampling in time
and Kopell (2009) show that a sawtooth input signal
designed to have the typical duration and amplitude Poeppel (2003) attempted to integrate four lines of
modulation of a diphone (∼50 ms; typically a conso- evidence concerning speech and oscillations. First,
nant-vowel or vowel-consonant transition) can be rep- speech contains information on at least two critical time
resented by three gamma cycles that act as a three-bit scales, correlating with segmental and syllabic informa-
code. This code has the required capacity to distinguish tion. Second, many auditory psychophysical phenom-
different shapes of the stimulus and is therefore a plau- ena also fall in two groups, with integration constants
sible means to distinguish phonemes. That 50 ms of ∼25–50 ms and 200–300 ms. Third, both patient
diphones are correctly discriminated with three gamma and imaging data reveal cortical asymmetries: both
cycles suggests that phonemes could be sampled with hemispheres participate in auditory analysis but are

630 language and abstract thought

Figure 53.1 (A) Temporal relationship between the speech (C) Differences in cytoarchitectonic organization between
waveform and the two proposed integration time scales (in right and left auditory cortices. Left auditory cortex contains
ms) and associated brain rhythms (in Hz). (B) Proposed larger pyramidal cells in superficial cortical layers and exhib-
mechanisms for asymmetric speech parsing: the left auditory its bigger micro columns, a larger patch width, and interpatch
cortex (LH) contains a larger proportion of neurons able distance.
to oscillate at gamma frequency than the right one (RH).

optimized for different types of processing. Finally, parsing speech at the segmental scale, and right audi-
neuronal oscillations might relate in a principled way tory cortex for parsing speech at the syllabic time scale.
to temporal integration constants of different sizes. The The AST hypothesis accounts for various psychophys-
proposal holds that there exist hemispherically asym- ical and neuroimaging results that show the left tempo-
metric distributions of neuronal ensembles with pre- ral cortex responds better to many aspects of rapidly
ferred shorter versus longer integration constants; modulated auditory content, while right temporal
these cell groups “sample” the input on different time cortex responds better to slowly modulated signals,
scales: left auditory cortex has a relatively higher including music, voices, and other sounds (Zatorre,
proportion of short (gamma) integrating ensembles, Belin, & Penhune, 2002). Systematic differences in
right auditory cortex has more long (theta) integrating integration windows between left and right auditory
neuronal ensembles (figure 53.1B). As a consequence, cortices explain speech functional asymmetry by a
left-hemisphere auditory cortex is better equipped for better sensitivity of left auditory cortex to information

ghazanfar and poeppel: speech rhythm 631

carried in fast temporal modulations that convey brief recent imaging data that show the rightward asymmetry
cues. A specialization of the right to slower modulations of more slowly modulated speech information (Liem,
grants it better sensitivity to slower cues such as har- Hurschler, Jaencke, & Meyer, 2013), a data pattern that
monicity and periodicity (Rosen, 1992)—cues impor- is readily replicated.
tant to identify vowels, syllables, and speaker identity Are asymmetric sampling properties architectural
(figure 53.1C). system features or, instead, driven into the system by
Consistent with AST, temporally extended stimuli stimulus properties? Giraud and colleagues (Giraud
built from short segments of different durations elicit et al., 2007; Morillon, Liegeois-Chauvel, Arnal, Benar,
rightward asymmetry when longer time segments & Giraud, 2012) have measured the lateralization of
were used (e.g., 300 ms) as compared to the short-time neuronal oscillations in subjects at rest. Using com-
structure signals (e.g., 25 ms; Boemio et al., 2005). Simi- bined electroencephalography and functional MRI as
larly, there is significant rightward lateralization for well as electrocorticography, stronger expression of
stimuli with increasing length of spectrotemporal time gamma rhythm in left auditory cortex and a stronger
windows (Overath, Kumar, von Kriegstein, & Griffiths, expression in theta rhythm in right auditory cortex have
2008). In contrast, rapidly modulated speech and non- been observed.
speech signals generate leftward lateralization (Jamison,
Watkins, Bishop, & Matthews, 2006; Zaehle, Wuesten- Visual influences on the speech rhythm
berg, Meyer, & Jaencke, 2004). While still controversial,
there is emerging consensus that temporal parameters Facial motion enhances speech perception, in terms of
of the sort discussed here play a central role in decod- intelligibility (Sumby & Pollack, 1954) and response
ing auditory signals in neocortex. Figure 53.2 illustrates times (Chandrasekaran, Lemus, Trubanova, Gondan, &
Ghazanfar, 2011; van Wassenhove, Grant, & Poeppel,
2005). Facial motion helps because of robust temporal
correspondences between mouth movements and the
speech envelope (Chandrasekaran et al., 2009): mouth
motion, like the speech envelope, is temporally modu-
lated in the theta frequency range. Moreover, the timing
of mouth movements relative to the onset of the voice
is consistently between 100 and 300 ms. Thus, facial
dynamics predict upcoming speech details. The statis-
tics of audio-visual speech in the context of the auditory
cortical rhythms described above, therefore, suggest
that speech communication is a reciprocally coupled,
multisensory event wherein the outputs of the signaler
are matched to the neural processes of the receiver
(Chandrasekaran et al., 2009).
MEG recordings from participants viewing audiovi-
sual movies show that the phase of auditory theta activ-
ity carries robust information for parsing the temporal
structure of stimulus dynamics in both sensory modali-
ties concurrently (Luo, Liu, & Poeppel, 2010). Auditory
cortex can track visual dynamics just as it does the audi-
tory speech envelope. Recent data demonstrate how
such rhythmic visual inputs enhance both perception
and cortical signal processing. Zion Golumbic, Cogan,
Schroeder, and Poeppel (2013) investigated whether
Figure 53.2 The functional lateralization index (LI) in ana- congruent visual input of an attended speaker enhances
tomically defined regions of interest is displayed; positive cortical selectivity in auditory cortex, leading to dimin-
values indicate L > R lateralization. HG: Heschl’s gyrus (red); ished representation of ignored stimuli. They recorded
PT: planum temporale (green); pSTG: posterior superior MEG signals from participants attending to segments of
temporal gyrus (blue). P < 0.001. Error bars indicate 1 stan-
dard error of the mean. (Figure reprinted with permission natural continuous speech. Viewing a speaker’s face
from Liem et al., 2013. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, enhances the capacity of auditory cortex to track the
Inc.) (See color plate 46.) temporal speech envelope of that speaker. Moreover,

632 language and abstract thought

this mechanism was most effective in a “cocktail party” interactions (Ferrari et al., 2009; van Hooff, 1962).
scenario, emphasizing preferential tracking of the Lip-smacks are among the first facial expressions pro-
attended speaker. Since visual cues in speech precede duced by infant monkeys (Ferrari et al., 2006; de Marco
the associated auditory signals (Chandrasekaran et al., & Visalberghi, 2007) and used during mother-infant
2009), they likely serve a predictive role in auditory interactions (Ferrari, Paukner, Ionica, & Suomi, 2009).
speech processing. According to MacNeilage (1998), during the course
of speech evolution, such nonvocal rhythmic facial
How did the speech rhythm evolve? expressions were coupled to vocalizations to produce
the audiovisual components of babbling-like (i.e.,
Given the importance of rhythms in audiovisual speech, consonant-vowel-like) speech expressions.
understanding its evolution requires investigating the While direct tests of such evolutionary hypotheses are
origins of its rhythmic structure. Moreover, the gamma difficult, there are many lines of evidence that demon-
and theta oscillations of the human auditory cortex are strate that the production of lip-smacking in macaque
also present in the auditory cortex of monkeys (and monkeys is similar to the orofacial rhythms produced
probably all mammals). Other mammals do not have during speech. Both speech and lip-smacking are dis-
vocal signals that rival the human speech signal in com- tinct from chewing, another rhythmic orofacial motion
plexity; it is thus of significant interest to understand that uses the same effectors. Importantly, in contrast to
how speech evolved to exploit those preexisting brain chewing movements (which are slower), lip-smacking
rhythms. There are many similarities in multisensory exhibits a speech-like rhythm in the 3–8 Hz frequency
vocal communication between monkeys and humans range (Ghazanfar, Chandrasekaran, & Morrill, 2010).
(and, in some cases, apes; Ghazanfar, 2013). Like
humans, monkeys match individual identity and expres- Developmental Parallels If the mechanisms under-
sion types across modalities (Ghazanfar & Logothetis, lying rhythm in monkey lip-smacks and human speech
2003; Sliwa, Duhamel, Pascalis, & Wirth, 2011), segre- are homologous, their developmental trajectories
gate competing voices in noisy conditions using vision should be similar (Gottlieb, 1992; Schneirla, 1949).
(Jordan, Brannon, Logothetis, & Ghazanfar, 2005), use Moreover, this common trajectory should be distinct
formant frequencies to estimate the body size of con- from the developmental trajectory of other rhythmic
specifics (Ghazanfar et al., 2007), and use facial motion mouth movements.
to speed up their reaction times to vocalizations In humans, the earliest form of rhythmic vocal behav-
(Chandrasekaran et al., 2011). However, there are also ior occurs sometime after 6 months of age, when vocal
important differences in how humans produce speech babbling abruptly emerges (Locke, 1993; Preuschoff,
(Ghazanfar & Rendall, 2008), and these differences Quartz, & Bossaerts, 2008; Smith & Zelaznik, 2004).
enhance multisensory communication above and Babbling is characterized by the production of canoni-
beyond what monkeys can do. One universal feature of cal syllables that have acoustic characteristics similar
speech—lacking in monkey vocalizations—is its multi- to adult speech. Their production involves rhythmic
sensory (auditory and visual) rhythm. That is, when sequences of a mouth close-open alternation (Davis &
humans speak both the acoustic output and the move- MacNeilage, 1995; Lindblom, Krull, & Stark, 1996;
ments of the mouth are highly rhythmic and tightly Oller, 2000). This alternation results in a consonant-
correlated with each other (Chandrasekaran et al., vowel syllable—representing the only syllable type
2009). present in all the world’s languages (Bell & Hooper,
One theory posits that the rhythm of speech evolved 1978). However, babbling does not emerge with the
through the modification of rhythmic facial movements same rhythmic structure as adult speech, but rather
in ancestral primates (MacNeilage, 1998). Such facial there is a sequence of structural changes in the
movements are extremely common as visual communi- rhythm. There are at least two changes: frequency
cative gestures in primates. Lip-smacking, for example, and variability. In adults, the speech rhythm is ∼5 Hz
is an affiliative signal observed in many genera (Hinde (Chandrasekaran et al., 2009; Crystal & House, 1982;
& Rowell, 1962; Redican, 1975; van Hooff, 1962), Dolata, Davis, & MacNeilage, 2008; Greenberg et al.,
including chimpanzees (Parr, Cohen, & de Waal, 2005). 2003; Malecot et al., 1972) in infant babbling, the
It is characterized by regular cycles of vertical jaw rhythm is considerably slower. Between 2 and 12 months,
movement, often involving a parting of the lips. While infants produce speech at a slower rate of roughly 2.8
lip-smacking by both monkeys and chimpanzees is to 3.4 Hz (Dolata et al., 2008; Levitt & Wang, 1991;
often produced during grooming interactions, monkeys Lynch, Oller, Steffens, & Buder, 1995; Nathani, Oller,
also exchange lip-smacking bouts during face-to-face & Cobo-Lewis, 2003). This developmental trajectory

ghazanfar and poeppel: speech rhythm 633

from babbling to speech is distinct from another The Coordination of Effectors Given human
cyclical mouth movement, chewing. The frequency of speech and monkey lip-smacking parallels, commonali-
chewing movements in humans is highly stereotyped: it ties in the effectors’ use are expected. Specifically,
is slow in frequency and remains virtually unchanged homologous structures participating both in speech and
from early infancy into adulthood (Green et al., 1997; lip-smacking are predicted to be similarly coordinated.
Kiliaridis, Karlsson, & Kjellberge, 1991). Evidence for this comes from motor control. During
Measuring the rhythmic frequency and variability of speech, the functional coordination between key
lip-smacking in nonhuman primates across neonatal, vocal tract anatomical structures (jaw/lips, tongue,
juvenile, and adult age groups is one way to uncover and hyoid) is more loosely coupled than during chewing
any similarities with the developmental trajectory of the (Hiiemae et al., 2002; Hiiemae & Palmer, 2003; Matsuo
human speech rhythm (Dolata et al., 2008; Morrill, & Palmer, 2010; Moore, Smith, & Ringel, 1988; Ostry &
Paukner, Ferrari, & Ghazanfar, 2012). Macaques are the Munhall, 1994). X-ray cineradiography visualizing the
most accessible model system because it is very difficult dynamics of the macaque vocal tract during lip-smack-
(if not impossible) to acquire developmental data from ing and chewing revealed that lips, tongue, and hyoid
great apes. It turns out that the developmental trajec- move during lip-smacks (as in speech) and do so with
tory of monkey lip-smacking parallels speech develop- a speech-like 3–8 Hz rhythm (Ghazanfar, Takahashi,
ment (Locke, 2008; Morrill et al., 2012). Measurements Mathur, & Fitch, 2012). Relative to lip-smacking, move-
of the rhythmic frequency and variability of lip-smack- ments during chewing were significantly slower for each
ing across individuals in the three different age groups of these structures. Most importantly, the temporal coor-
revealed that young individuals produce slower, more dination of these structures was distinct for each behav-
variable mouth movements; as they get older, these ior. Although the hyoid moves continuously during
movements become faster and less variable (Dolata lip-smacking, there is no coupling of the hyoid with lips
et al., 2008; Morrill et al., 2012). This is exactly as speech and tongue movements. During chewing there is more
develops, from babbling to adult consonant-vowel pro- coordination between the three structures, consistent
duction (Dolata et al., 2008; Morrill et al., 2012). Fur- with what is observed in human speech and chewing
thermore, as in human speech development (Smith & (Hiiemae et al., 2002; Hiiemae & Palmer, 2003).
Zelaznik, 2004), the variability and frequency changes Facial electromyographic studies of muscle coordi-
in lip-smacking are independent in that juveniles have nation during lip-smacking and chewing also revealed
the same rhythmic lip-smacking frequency as adult distinct activity patterns (Shepherd, Lanzilotto, &
monkeys, but the lip-smacking is more variable. Impor- Ghazanfar, 2012). Lip-smacking showed rhythmic mod-
tantly, the developmental trajectory for lip-smacking ulation in the lower facial muscles, whereas chewing
was different from that of chewing (Morrill et al., 2012). behavior exhibited less structured muscle activity, prob-
The developmental differences between lip-smacking ably reflecting the variable manipulation of the food.
and chewing are identical to those reported in humans This supports the view that lip-smacking and speech,
for speech and chewing (Moore & Ruark, 1996; Steeve, but not chewing, are similar at the level of the rhythmic-
2010; Steeve, Moore, Green, Reilly, & McMurtrey, 2008). ity and functional coordination of effectors.

Lip-smack Chewing Hyoid
Upper lip 4 Tongue 3 Tongue
3 2
Displacement (cm)

Lower lip 1 Lip-smack

Upper hyoid 0 0
marker 2 Lips 1.5 Lips
Upper Tongue Lips
tongue 1
marker 0.5
Lower tongue 0 0
marker Hyoid 2 Hyoid
0.4 1.5
Lower hyoid 0.2 0.5 Chewing
marker 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Tongue Lips
Time (s)

Figure 53.3 (A) The anatomy of the macaque monkey vocal (C) Arrow schematics show the direction of significant influ-
tract as imaged with cineradiography. The key vocal tract ence from each structure onto the other two as measured by
structures are labeled: the lips, tongue, and hyoid. (B) Time- the partial directed coherence analysis of signals such as those
displacement plot of the tongue, inter-lip distance, and in B. (Figure reprinted with permission from Ghazanfar et al.,
hyoid for one exemplar each of lip-smacking and chewing. 2012, with permission from Elsevier.)

634 language and abstract thought

Perceptual Tuning The 3–8 Hz rhythm is critical Differences Between Lip-Smacking and Speech Pro-
to speech perception: disrupting the auditory compo- duction Two core features of speech production—its
nent of this rhythm significantly reduces intelligibility rhythmical structure and temporal coordination of
(Drullman et al., 1994; Elliot & Theunissen, 2009; vocal elements—are shared with lip-smacking. There
Saberi & Perrott, 1999; Shannon et al., 1995; Smith et are also striking differences. Most obviously, lip-smack-
al., 2002), as does disrupting the visual dynamics arising ing lacks a vocal component (a quiet, consonant-like
from mouth and facial movements (Vitkovitch & Barber, bilabial plosive, or /p/, sound is incidentally produced
1996). A preferential-looking procedure was used to during lip-smacking). Thus, the capacity to produce
test whether monkeys were differentially sensitive to intentional vocalizations during rhythmic vocal tract
lip-smacking produced with a rhythmic frequency in movements seems to be a human feature. How can lip-
the species-typical range (mean 4–6 Hz; Ghazanfar, smacking be related to speech if there is no vocal com-
Morrill, & Kayser, 2013). Computer-generated monkey ponent? In human and nonhuman primates, the basic
avatars produced varying lip-smacking frequencies but mechanisms of voice production are broadly similar
had otherwise identical features (Chandrasekaran and consist of two distinct components: the laryngeal
et al., 2011; Steckenfinger & Ghazanfar, 2009). The use source and the vocal tract filter (Fant, 1970; Fitch &
of avatar faces allowed for the control of additional Hauser, 1995; Ghazanfar & Rendall, 2008). Voice pro-
factors that could influence looking times, such as head duction involves (1) a sound generated by air pushed
and eye movements and lighting conditions for face by the lungs through the vibrating vocal folds within the
and background. Avatar faces were generated to larynx (the source) and (2) the modification through
produce three different lip-smacking rhythms: 3, 6, and filtering of this sound by the vocal tract resonators above
10 Hz. In every test session, one avatar was lip-smacking the larynx (the filter). The filter consists of the nasal
at 6 Hz while the other was lip-smacking at either 3 or and oral cavities whose shapes can be changed by move-
10 Hz. Preferential looking was measured by calculating ments of the jaw, tongue, hyoid, and lips. These two
the looking times to one or the other avatar while these basic components of the vocal apparatus behave and
were presented on a wide screen in front of the monkey. interact in complex ways to generate a wide range of
Monkeys showed an overall preference for the natural sounds. The lip-smacking data only address the evolu-
rhythm when compared to the perturbed rhythms. This tion of vocal tract movements (the filter component)
lends behavioral support for the hypothesis that percep- involved in speech production.
tual processes are similarly tuned to the natural fre- Other differences between lip-smacking and speech
quencies of communication signals across primate are the range of hyoid movements and the coupling of
species. the lips with the tongue. For the latter, the coupling of

12 n = 11

Total viewing time [s]

B 8
10 Hz
Lip-smack rhythm

6 Hz

3 Hz

0 500 1000 6Hz 3Hz / 10Hz
Time [ms]

Figure 53.4 (A) Example frame sequence from a video clip natural rate (6 Hz). (C) Total viewing times in seconds for
showing an avatar face producing a lip-smacking gesture. Lip- individual subjects (lines) and grand total (mean and stan-
smacking is characterized by regular cycles of vertical jaw dard error). All but one subject showed a preference for the
movement, often involving a parting of the lips. (B) Synthetic avatar with biological lip-smack rate. (Figure reprinted with
lip-smack rates were faster (10 Hz) or slower (3 Hz) than the permission from Ghazanfar et al., 2013.)

ghazanfar and poeppel: speech rhythm 635

the lips and tongue during lip-smacking is unlikely to Boemio, A., Fromm, S., Braun, A., & Poeppel, D. (2005).
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Behav Dev, 31, 422–431.
Conclusion Drullman, R., Festen, J. M., & Plomp, R. (1994). Effect of
reducing slow temporal modulations on speech reception.
This chapter summarized a research program that J Acoust Soc Am, 95, 2670–2680.
builds on a fortuitous alignment of ideas across a range Elliot, T. M., & Theunissen, F. E. (2009). The modulation
of disciplines: acoustics, linguistics, perception, neuro- transfer function for speech intelligibility. PLoS Comput Biol,
physiology, evolution, and comparative anatomy and 5, e1000302.
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observed acoustically, behaviorally, and neurophysio- Ferrari, P., Visalberghi, E., Paukner, A., Fogassi, L.,
logically—has allowed for the formulation of mechanis- Ruggiero, A., & Suomi, S. (2006). Neonatal imitation in
tic hypotheses about how communication sounds are rhesus macaques. PLoS Biol, 4, 1501.
perceived and produced. The temporally correspond- Ferrari, P. F., Paukner, A., Ionica, C., & Suomi, S. (2009).
Reciprical face-to-face communication between rhesus
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The preparation of this manuscript Ecol Sociobiol, 67, 830–839.
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2R01DC05660 to DP. (2010). Dynamic, rhythmic facial expressions and the supe-
rior temporal sulcus of macaque monkeys: Implications for
the evolution of audiovisual speech. Eur J Neurosci, 31,
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638 language and abstract thought

54 Morphological Systems in Their
Neurobiological Contexts

ABSTRACT The neural framework for human language and aspects of syntactic, semantic, and morphological
communication is analyzed in terms of two intersecting but processing, suggests major limitations to this classic
evolutionarily distinguishable neurobiological systems: a left-
approach to language and the brain. The Broca-Wer-
hemisphere frontotemporal system required for core syntac-
tic functions, integrated with a bihemispheric system shared nicke diagram captures (imperfectly) one important
with our primate relatives that supports sound to meaning aspect of the neural substrate for language function—
mapping and semantic and pragmatic interpretation. This the key role of the left-hemisphere network—but it
view of language as a dynamic coalition of interacting brain obscures another, equally important one. This is the
systems provides the framework for a cross-linguistic examina- role of bihemispheric systems and processes, where
tion (in English, Polish, and Arabic) of the way in which basic
generative systems for inflectional and derivational word for- both left and right hemispheres work together to
mation are distributed across these two systems and whether provide the fundamental underpinnings for human
(and how) different languages vary in these respects. communicative processes. A more fruitful approach to
human language and communication requires an
extended neurobiological framework, where these
The ability to communicate using language is funda- capacities are supported by intersecting but evolution-
mental to the distinctive and remarkable success of the arily and functionally distinguishable neural systems.
modern human. It is this capacity that separates us most This leads to a view of language as a dynamic coalition
decisively from our primate cousins, despite all that we of interacting brain systems, where we ask how core
have in common across species as intelligent social pri- linguistic and communicative functions are distributed
mates. A major scientific challenge for the cognitive across these systems and whether this distribution of
neurosciences is to understand exactly this relationship. functions varies between languages.
What is the neurobiological context in which human In this chapter we will develop this framework as a
language and communication have emerged, and what basis for examining how a core property of human
are the special human properties that make language language, dealing with words and their internal struc-
itself possible? ture, is neurally instantiated and how this varies across
Scientific (and popular) thinking about this relation- a contrastive sample of different languages. This aspect
ship has been dominated by our strong phenomeno- of language, known as morphology, is built around
logical experience, as speakers and listeners, that we the morpheme—the minimal meaning-bearing linguistic
command and inhabit a unified social communication unit—and the ways in which different morphemes—
system built around language. In neuroscientific terms, typically a stem morpheme (e.g., sad, jump) and a bound
this has long been expressed in the form of a single, grammatical morpheme (e.g., –ness, -ed)—combine to
central language system built around a left-hemisphere create new surface forms (sadness, jumped). A basic dis-
cortical network, linking critical areas in the left poste- tinction is made between inflectional and derivational
rior temporal lobe (“Wernicke’s area” in figure 54.1) processes, where inflectional morphology subserves
and in the left inferior frontal lobe (“Broca’s area” in primarily grammatical functions, while derivational
figure 54.1). This classic concept, established through morphology is associated with the creation and repre-
the pioneering research of the nineteenth-century neu- sentation of new words in the language. As we will see
rologists Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke, reflects the below, these different aspects of morphological func-
selective effects of left-hemisphere brain damage on tion can be linked to broader, neurobiologically based
basic grammatical functions involved in language com- distinctions between left-hemisphere systems essential
prehension and language production. for combinatorial morphosyntax, and bilateral systems
Recent research in our laboratories (and others), underpinning lexical representation and semantic
focusing on the neural systems supporting different interpretation.

marslen-wilson, bozic, and tyler: morphological systems 639

signals (e.g., Ghazanfar, Chandrasekaran, & Logothetis,
2008). Still other research suggests bilateral frontotem-
poral interactions in the macaque brain, elicited by the
presence of conspecific calls, that serve to underpin the
interpretation of these calls in their broader behavioral
context (e.g., Gil-da-Costa et al., 2006).
Our hypothesis here is that these (and other) systems,
already well established in the macaque to support their
ecological niche as intelligent primates living in dynam-
ically structured social groupings, are largely present in
the modern human. In the context of human language
comprehension, these bihemispheric systems not only
support the ability to identify words in the speech
input—integrating visual and auditory cues in face-to-
face interaction—but also provide the basis for our
Figure 54.1 The classic Broca-Wernicke model of the neural
basis for human language. ability to make sense of these word-meanings in the
general context of the listener’s knowledge of the world
and of the specific context of speaking.
Neurobiological substrates for language and At the same time, the bihemispheric systems inher-
communication ited from our primate ancestors are not sufficient to
support modern human language. Primate communi-
From an extended neurobiological perspective, strong cation systems are not remotely comparable to human
evolutionary continuity is provided by a distributed, language in their expressive capacities (Tomasello,
bihemispheric set of capacities, shared with our primate 2008). A critical divergence lies in the domain of gram-
relatives, that support the dynamic interpretation of matical (or syntactic) function. Human language is
multimodal sensory inputs, most relevantly in the much more than a set of signs that stand for things. It
context of social communication between members of constitutes a powerful and flexible set of grammatical
the same species. We propose that this basic architec- devices for organizing the flow of linguistic information
ture underpins related communicative functions in the and its interpretation, allowing us to represent and
human. combine abstract linguistic elements, where these
Research in the neurosciences assumes a direct con- elements (words and morphemes) convey not only
tinuity between the structural and functional architec- meaning but also the structural cues that indicate how
ture of the major neural systems seen in nonhuman these elements are linked together.
primates and those that underpin the corresponding The left-hemisphere (LH) frontotemporal system
systems in the modern human. In the domain of visual provides the key neurobiological substrate for these
perception, for example, the concept of dorsal and core grammatical capacities. This system depends, fur-
ventral processing pathways is taken as fundamental to thermore, on neuroanatomical developments that are
a neuroscientific account of the human perceptual significantly more extensive in the human than in even
system, just as it is in the macaque. Similarly, the archi- our closest primate relatives. There are substantial
tecture of cortical auditory processing in the macaque increases in the size and complexity of the frontal and
(Kaas & Hackett, 2000) forms the foundation for temporal areas critical for language function, coupled
current understanding of human auditory function. with the emergence of major fiber tracts connecting
These parallels can also be traced for systems that these areas (Rilling et al., 2008). While the functional
support communicative functions more generally. consequences of these changes are not fully under-
An influential example of this is the extension of the stood, it is clear that their presence is essential. When
dorsal/ventral distinction into the auditory perceptual the LH system is damaged, the parallel right-hemi-
domain (Rauschecker & Tian, 2000). This distinction sphere (RH) regions cannot take over their functions,
dominates current thinking about human processing of even when damage is sustained early in childhood.
complex auditory inputs, and of speech and language A central claim in this extended neurobiological
in particular (Friederici, 2011; Hickok & Poeppel, framework is that the LH system neither replaces nor
2007). Another important domain relates to the intri- displaces the bihemispheric system for social communi-
cate neural systems that support the integration of audi- cation and action, so that we are dealing in the mod-
tory and visual modalities in macaque communicative ern human with functionally distinct neurobiological

640 language and abstract thought

systems, however well integrated they may be in ordi- Perhaps the most salient of these properties—certainly
nary language use. The strongest evidence for this in the Chomskyan tradition—is the generative capacity of
comes from their functional separability. Using behav- human language, whereby an infinite range of com-
ioral and neuroimaging techniques, we see this both in municative meanings can be expressed using the com-
unimpaired young adults (Bozic, Tyler, Ives, Randall, & bination and recombination of a finite set of linguistic
Marslen-Wilson, 2010) and in patients with left-hemi- elements. This is not just a property of syntactic combi-
sphere brain damage. Neuropsychological evidence, nation across phrases and clauses, but also of combina-
dissociating a syntactically focused left-lateralized sys- torial processes realized at lexical and morphological
tem from a bilateral lexically and semantically oriented levels.
system, comes from research that focuses on the pat- Both types of morphological process under examina-
terns of preservation and loss of these aspects of lan- tion here—derivation and inflection—exemplify the
guage function in patients with LH lesions and varying core generative function of recursion (Hauser, Chomsky,
residual language abilities (Griffiths et al., 2012; Tyler & Fitch, 2002), where two or more basic linguistic ele-
et al., 2011; Wright, Stamatakis, & Tyler, 2012). ments (in this case morphemes) combine to form larger
Performance on tests of syntactic comprehension units that themselves enter into further combinatorial
correlates with tissue integrity in left inferior frontal operations. We ask here whether the neural realization
gyrus (LIFG), in left posterior superior and middle tem- of this generative process in inflectional and deriva-
poral gyri and in the major white matter tracts connect- tional morphology is indeed reserved, cross-linguistically,
ing them, as well as with neural activity in these regions to the LH frontotemporal system—as claimed, for
during the processing of syntactically complex materi- example, by Berwick, Friederici, Chomsky, and Bolhuis
als. The combination of structural and functional effects (2012).
shows that syntax depends on a LH frontotemporal For inflectional morphology, a particular focus has
network with both dorsal and ventral components (Frie- been the English past tense morpheme {-ed}, as in forms
derici, 2011; Griffiths et al., 2012; Rolheiser, Stamatakis, like jumped, analyzable as the stem {jump} + {-ed}. In our
& Tyler, 2011) and where, notably, recruitment of RH earlier research on this topic, we focused on the pat-
activity is unable to support recovery of syntax after terns of relative impairment and preservation of
damage to the left (Tyler et al., 2011). function seen in nonfluent aphasic patients with fron-
Critically, however, the amount of LH damage, and totemporal LH damage. These patients exhibit a selec-
the extent to which it involved key LH frontotemporal tive impairment for regular inflectional morphology
circuits, did not affect the patients’ ability to identify but complete sparing of stem-based access (Longworth,
the words being spoken or to understand the messages Marslen-Wilson, Randall, & Tyler, 2005; Marslen-Wilson
being communicated—so long as syntactic cues are not & Tyler, 1998). They show, for example, normal seman-
required to do so (Wright et al., 2012). This is consis- tic priming for simple verb stem primes in pairs like
tent with the observation that nonfluent LH patients hope/wish, and also for irregular past tense primes like
often have preserved semantic comprehension (Crinion shook/tremble, where these forms are also accessed and
& Price, 2005; Hagoort, Wassenaar, & Brown, 2003; represented as whole forms. In contrast, we see no
Tyler & Marslen-Wilson, 2008) and with evidence for priming for regular past tense primes in pairs like
RH involvement in the semantic and pragmatic inter- accused/blame, where lexical access requires morpho-
pretation of spoken language (Indefrey & Cutler, 2004). phonological parsing that breaks the prime words down
Overall, these findings demonstrate the functional dis- into their component morphemes ({accuse} + {-ed}).
sociability of contrasting left-lateralized and bilateral Other patient studies, using correlational techniques
neural systems supporting core linguistic and general to relate variations in neural integrity to performance
communicative processes. with regular past tense primes (Tyler, Marslen-Wilson,
& Stamatakis, 2005), confirm these dissociations
Dissociating morphological systems within and and pinpoint LIFG and superior temporal gyrus as
between languages critical for intact performance in the comprehension
of regularly inflected forms. As with syntax more gener-
If human language is indeed supported by an underly- ally, there is no sign that the RH can take over the
ing coalition of dissociable neural systems, then what critical functions that support regular inflectional
are the implications of this for the set of computational morphology.
functions attributed to human language? How far are In further studies, using neuroimaging measures
they concentrated within a single central system, as with unimpaired participants, we confirmed both the
opposed to being distributed across different systems? specificity of the link between regular inflectional

marslen-wilson, bozic, and tyler: morphological systems 641

morphology and left frontotemporal cortex, and the Derivationally complex forms, though also con-
dissociability of these left-lateralized processes from a structed by combining a stem with a grammatical
bilateral set of processes engaged by the perceptual morpheme, have quite different properties. Whereas
processing of morphologically simple stems (Bozic inflectional morphemes result in different forms of the
et al., 2010). Listeners heard words that were either same word, responsive to its current syntactic environ-
linguistically complex regularly inflected words like ment, derivational processes produce new words—in
played or linguistically simple words like ramp that are linguistic terms, new lexemes with new lexical entries
nonetheless perceptually complex by virtue of their (Matthews, 1991)—whose meaning and syntactic func-
onset-embedded competitor (here the word ram). tion is much more context-independent. The meaning
Using a factor analysis technique that identified the of these words is less predictable from the simple com-
separable dimensions of the brain’s neural response to bination of the meaning of their constituent mor-
these sets of words, a specifically left-lateralized fronto- phemes. This lack of compositionality—and the range
temporal component was elicited by the linguistically of variation from opaque forms like department to trans-
complex words. In contrast, words that were perceptu- parent forms like bravely—has prompted long-standing
ally but not linguistically complex (like ramp) activated psycholinguistic controversies as to whether derived
a bihemispheric set of regions, partially overlapping in words are represented and processed on a decomposi-
left Brodmann area 45 with the linguistic component. tional morphemic basis, or as whole forms with no
This dissociation, seen in the unimpaired brain, com- underlying representation of their morphological
plements the dissociations described earlier in patients structure (e.g., Clahsen, Sonnenstuhl, & Blevins, 2003;
with left frontotemporal damage. Marslen-Wilson, Tyler, Waksler, & Older, 1994). Previ-
The neurocognitive properties of regular inflectional ous neuropsychological and neuroimaging research has
morphology (as seen in English) are consistent with the not provided a consistent view of derivational processes,
defining properties of inflectional morphology as lin- with studies varying in outcomes, languages, tasks, and
guistically defined (Bickel & Nichols, 2007; Marslen- methods.
Wilson, 2007). First, across languages, inflectional In the broader dual-systems context, a recent func-
morphology does not create new words with new mean- tional MRI (fMRI) study (Bozic, Tyler, Su, Wingfield, &
ings that require new lexical entries. Inflectional vari- Marslen-Wilson, 2013) specifically addressed the ques-
ants like cat and cats or walk and walked are not listed as tion of whether derivationally complex words in
separate headwords in standard dictionaries, and their English selectively engage the LH system in the same
meaning is fully predictable from the meaning of the way as inflected forms—implying decompositional
stem combined with the grammatical properties of the access processes—or whether they engage the distrib-
inflection. Secondly, inflections are responsive, in a uted bihemispheric system, consistent with whole-form,
regular and predictable way, to the properties of the noncompositional accounts. In the latter case, lexical
syntactic environment in which they occur (e.g., Bickel access for derived stems would be handled by bilateral
& Nichols, 2007). The information carried by the inflec- temporal mechanisms for stem access. The study varied
tion is not just about the stem itself, but about the the semantic transparency and affix productivity of
phrasal and sentential environment to which that stem a set of English-derived and pseudoderived words,
relates. forming a gradient from nondecomposable opaque
The compositionality and contextual dependence of forms like breadth and archer to potentially decompos-
regularly inflected forms is consistent with a neurocog- able transparent forms (varying in affix productivity)
nitive account where inflectional morphemes are like warmth and farmer. There was no evidence for
stripped from their stems early in processing, and where selective activation of the LH frontotemporal system,
the grammatical information they carry engages the even for the potentially most decomposable farmer
combinatorial linguistic mechanisms supported by forms. Instead, we saw increased activity at bilateral
LH perisylvian brain regions (Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, frontotemporal locations, both for semantically opaque
2007). It is unclear, however, how far these left-lateral- derived words and for transparent words with unpro-
ized effects reflect the specifically linguistic demands ductive affixes (like warmth). This activation reflects
associated with grammatical morphemes—for example, cohort-based perceptual competition between the
their implications for the structural organization of an whole forms and their embedded stems or pseudo-
incoming utterance—and how far they reflect control stems. Transparent forms with productive affixes,
processes involved in the online parsing of complex arguably retaining some representation of their mor-
input strings into stems and affixes (Bozic et al., 2010; phological constituency (Bozic, Tyler, Su et al., 2013;
Tyler, Cheung, Devereux, & Clarke, 2013). Clahsen et al., 2003; Marslen-Wilson, 2007), do not

642 language and abstract thought

Figure 54.2 Schematic overview of inflectional (Infl.) and frontal activation is shown (including left inferior frontal
derivational (Der.) results for parallel fMRI experiments in gyrus Brodmann area (BA) subcomponents), together with
English, Slavic (Polish and Russian), and Arabic. Presence or indicative left and right temporal (superior temporal gyrus
absence of left-hemisphere and right-hemisphere inferior and middle temporal gyrus) activations. (See color plate 47.)

generate comparable levels of competition, but none- not (jump, yard). Furthermore, the complex forms
theless show no signs of selective LH activation (see themselves are distributionally extreme, with typically
figure 54.2). just one dominant affix. The regular {-ed} past tense
This pattern of results for English suggests a strong morpheme applies across the board to more than
distinction between inflectional morphology and deri- 10,000 English verbs, with a subset of about 160 idiosyn-
vational morphology, with inflectional morphemes cratic irregular forms, while the noun plural {-s} applies
selectively triggering decompositional, primarily syntac- to every English noun with just a handful of exceptions
tic linguistic processes, while derivational morphemes (geese, oxen, etc.). The language learning environment
apparently play their role as part of the whole-word induced by these distributional properties may lead to
semantic representations created for each derived sharper or different distinctions between inflected and
lexeme, preferentially engaging bilateral temporal uninflected forms, compared to languages with more
systems. The generality and the cross-linguistic applica- inflection classes and with no clear distinction between
bility of such an analysis needs to be carefully exam- regular and irregular forms. Where derivationally
ined, however, given the particular properties of English complex forms are concerned, these occur in English
morphology. in a much less decompositional processing environ-
Inflectional morphology in English is very reduced in ment than in languages where almost every surface
scope, and the majority of words in the language are form is morphologically complex (as in the Slavic and
produced as bare stems. This leads to a strong distribu- Semitic languages discussed below), and which will also
tional contrast between words that are overtly morpho- vary in the complexity and prevalence of the parsing
logically complex (jumped, yards, etc.) and those that are operations that these forms require.

marslen-wilson, bozic, and tyler: morphological systems 643

Morphological systems in Slavic and Semitic productive forms like żabka, “little frog” (from żaba
languages “frog”), or czytanie, “reading” (from czytać, “to read”).
Activation associated with the presence of derivational
Two sets of studies have examined the scope of complexity was bilateral, primarily middle temporal,
the English derivational-inflectional distinction from and paralleled the English results in terms of the distri-
a dual-systems perspective, in two language families bution of competition effects. As in English, the trans-
(Slavic and Semitic) that contrast strongly both with parent productive forms did not generate cohort
each other and with English. Polish, a member of the competition, again indicating a potential role for mor-
Slavic language family, is typologically similar to English phological structure but without engaging LIFG.
in the distinction it makes between inflectional and The pattern of results for Polish suggests that the
derivational processes, and in its use of concatenative neural distribution of morpholexical functions seen for
word-formation processes (where stems and affixes are English is not attributable simply to the idiosyncratic
separate phonological forms that are strung together in statistics of English inflectional morphology. These con-
a sequence to construct complex surface forms). It con- clusions are reinforced for Slavic more generally by a
trasts with English both in the prevalence of morpho- recent fMRI study in Russian (Klimovich-Smith, Bozic,
logical complexity and in the richness and diversity of Marslen-Wilson, 2013), which found strong selective
its inflectional system. LIFG activation for simple and complex inflected forms,
All content words in Polish are morphologically but only bilateral temporal effects for derived words
complex, realized within rich inflectional paradigms. (and, as in Polish, no bilateral frontal effects).
Every noun is inflectionally marked for case, number, Across both English and Slavic (see figure 54.2),
and gender, and similarly for adjectives, numerals, and regular inflectional morphemes, carrying structurally
pronouns. The neuter nominal form badanie, “inspec- relevant grammatical information and requiring mor-
tion,” for example, from badać, “to inspect,” breaks phophonological parsing to separate these morphemes
down into the derived stem bad-ani, made up of the from their stems, selectively engage a LH circuit that
verbal root {bad-} and the derivational suffix {-ani-}, critically includes the LIFG. Derivationally complex
which in turn combines with the inflectional morpheme forms, in contrast, do not selectively engage the LIFG
{-e} that marks the nominative case for a neuter singular and are processed primarily by bilateral temporal struc-
noun. Polish verbal inflection is complex and heteroge- tures, already identified as central to the mapping of
neous, marking three tenses, with six person/number stems onto meanings. Parallel research in Finnish—a
categories, together with affixes that express mood, typologically different “agglutinative” language with a
voice, tense, and aspect. Verb stems fall into 11 major rich affixing morphology—also suggests a similar divi-
inflection classes, most divided into subclasses, with no sion of labor, with inflectional complexity engaging left
dominant “regular” inflectional class. frontotemporal regions, and derivational complexity
Despite these major distributional and linguistic dif- eliciting stronger bilateral and RH effects (e.g.,
ferences between Polish and English, two fMRI experi- Leminen, Leminen, Kujala, & Shtyrov, 2013).
ments suggest close similarities in how the two languages However, before we conclude that these cross-linguis-
interface with a dual processing framework. Szlachta, tic results reflect potential universals in the mapping of
Bozic, Jelowicka, and Marslen-Wilson (2012) followed different linguistic functions onto different neurobio-
the Bozic et al. (2010) experiment in contrasting inflec- logical systems, we need to consider recent fMRI results
tional complexity with the presence or absence of com- from Arabic. As a Semitic language, Arabic (like
petition-based perceptual complexity. Every word in the Hebrew) presents a more radical cross-linguistic con-
experiment was inflectionally complex and selectively trast, diverging in two fundamental ways from Indo-
activated LIFG and not RIFG. Words with onset-embed- European languages like English and Polish. The first
ded competing stems—for example, the noun kotlet is a basic difference in Arabic word-formation, which is
“cutlet,” where kot “cat” is the competitor stem—showed nonconcatenative in nature. An Arabic surface word—for
a bilateral pattern of activation. Perceptual competition example, the verb katab, “write”—is not constructed by
effects were strongest at bilateral temporal sites (supe- sequentially combining a surface stem with a grammati-
rior and middle temporal gyri), with no sign of selective cal affix, but by interleaving two abstract underlying
left frontotemporal activation. morphemic elements—the consonantal root {ktb}, with
Parallel outcomes were seen in a second study (Bozic, the semantic field of “writing,” and the word pattern
Szlachta, & Marslen-Wilson, 2013) focusing on deriva- {-a-a-} with the grammatical meaning “verbal active per-
tional complexity. There was no evidence for selective fective.” The root {ktb} combines (as do most Arabic
left-lateralized activation, even for transparent and roots) with several different verbal and nominal word

644 language and abstract thought

patterns, with each resulting surface form being a dif- “they hid” (from katam “hide” + {uu} “they”) or qalbuhu,
ferent word. Depending on the word pattern, the root “his heart” (from qalb “heart” + {hu} “his”). These were
{ktb} can surface as a noun, such as kitaab, “book,” or compared with simple forms that could not be decom-
kaatib, “writer,” or as a verb, such as kataba, “write,” or positionally analyzed, either concatenatively or noncon-
kutiba, “it was written,” and so forth. catenatively, and that elicited temporal lobe activation
This is a much more synchronically active system of bilaterally, with no significant inferior frontal gyrus
lexical representation than we see in Indo-European involvement (Carota, Boudelaa, Bozic, Su, & Marslen-
languages. Psycholinguistic evidence from Arabic (and Wilson, 2014; see also Boudelaa, Pulvermüller, Hauk,
Hebrew) shows that both types of morpheme are Shtyrov, & Marslen-Wilson, 2010).
actively parsed and identified during the recognition of The results for the two complex sets were very similar.
spoken and written forms (e.g., Boudelaa & Marslen- Both the purely nonconcatenative forms and the forms
Wilson, 2005, 2011; Frost, Forster, & Deutsch, 1997). with added concatenative suffixes showed selective acti-
Dynamic morphological decomposition seems to be vation of LIFG, combined with strong bilateral tempo-
obligatory for all eligible surface forms in Arabic, and ral effects, but with no sign of RIFG activation (combined
(unlike English or Polish) is independent of semantic results are shown in figure 54.2). Most strikingly, this
factors, with opaque forms like katiibatun, “squadron” means that the nonconcatenative processes active in the
(where the {ktb} root does not have a meaning related perception of Arabic spoken words—involving mor-
to “writing”), being just as effective in root or word phemes with both derivational and inflectional proper-
pattern priming tasks as transparent forms like kitaab, ties—call selectively on the same LIFG regions that are
“book.” required cross-linguistically for the analysis and inter-
The second major difference is that the linguistic pretation of concatenatively suffixed inflectional forms.
functions supported by inflectional and derivational This outcome suggests, in turn, that a critical vari-
processes in languages like English seem to be allocated able, cross-linguistically, is not whether a given morpho-
quite differently in Semitic languages like Arabic. In logical process is linguistically labeled as derivational or
particular, the word pattern morpheme—in addition to inflectional, but whether the neural realization of this
its phonological role in providing the prosodic struc- process is synchronically decompositional. Access to
ture of the surface form—supports both derivational lexical representations in Arabic—perhaps because
and inflectional functions as standardly defined. As these combine inflectional as well as derivational infor-
illustrated above, the word pattern not only serves to mation—is actively decompositional, with a complex
generate new lexemes (noun or verb stems), but also time-sensitive dependence between the extraction of
to convey information about grammatical properties of cues to the identity of the consonantal root and the
the resulting forms—such as tense, mood, and aspect— identification of the accompanying word-pattern
that are generally regarded as being inflectional in (Boudelaa & Marslen-Wilson, 2005, 2011). Inflectional
nature. morphology in English and Slavic is similarly decompo-
At the same time, Arabic also has concatenative mor- sitional, with cues to the presence of an inflectional
phological processes, purely inflectional in character, suffix analyzed in the context of cues to the identity of
which attach affixes to nonconcatenatively derived the stem.
stems to mark properties such as person, number, and In each case we see selective activation of LIFG and
possession. The word katam “hide,” for example, is gen- no activation in RIFG. It is not clear, however, whether
erated nonconcatenatively by interleaving the root this is for specifically linguistic reasons—for example,
{ktm} with the word pattern {-a-a-}. An inflectional because these cases invoke recursive combinatorial
person/number suffix can then be attached to this operations—or whether it reflects more domain-gen-
stem, generating the form katamuu, “they hid.” This eral functions. The parsing processes required to sepa-
secondary affixing process parallels the inflectional rate inflectional suffixes from stems or word-patterns
affixing processes examined in English and Slavic. from roots will generate temporary ambiguities and
Given this complex mix of properties, how do they competing analysis paths that make strong demands on
map onto the dual neurobiological systems under inves- dynamic processes of cognitive control. It is doubtful,
tigation here, and how do they relate to the patterns we however, that data from fMRI will be sufficient to resolve
see in English and Slavic? A recent fMRI experiment, these questions.
paralleling these earlier studies, probed the activation Using MEG combined with multivariate analysis tech-
patterns elicited by purely nonconcatenatively complex niques (cf. Su, Fonteneau, Marslen-Wilson, & Krieges-
stems (e.g., tarak “leave” or kalb “dog”) and by stems korte, 2012), Tyler et al. (2013) were able to separate
with concatenated inflectional affixes—e.g., katamuu, LIFG roles in cognitive control from middle temporal

marslen-wilson, bozic, and tyler: morphological systems 645

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Council, and by ERC Advanced Investigator Grants 230570 to Gil-da-Costa, R., Martin, A., Lopes, M. A., Munoz, M.,
W. M. W. and 249640 to L. K. T. We thank our research groups Fritz, J. B., & Braun, A. R. (2006). Species-specific calls
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marslen-wilson, bozic, and tyler: morphological systems 647

55 The “Negatives” and “Positives” of
Prediction in Language

ABSTRACT We review event-related brain potential (ERP) evi- previously gleaned from the context (e.g., “integra-
dence for the rapid deployment of information from semantic tion”; see Brown & Hagoort, 1993) or are instead medi-
memory and current context during language comprehen- ated by real-time predictive processing (Federmeier,
sion. We summarize studies showing how linguistic expectan-
cies can emerge at various levels as sentential context 2007).
accumulates. We detail various qualitatively different pro- For present purposes, prediction involves the activa-
cesses (as indexed by the N400, frontal and parietal late posi- tion of or information about likely upcoming stimuli,
tive components, and a frontal negativity) engaged when prior to their receipt, that plays a causal role in stimulus
predictions are or are not made—and are or are not met—as processing. Linguistic predictions need not be con-
people make sense of sentences.
scious and typically are not. Their representational
In making sense of language, people typically draw on content may be fine-grained and specific, for example,
diverse verbal and nonverbal information from past for a particular expected word or sound, or for seman-
experience and the current environment—that is, tic features or gist or other types of stimulus attributes
context. Although effects of contextual variables may such as grammatical structure. At a given point in time,
be clear, the causal mechanisms of context effects are there may be multiple (even incompatible) predictions
not. A long-standing and influential idea is that biologi- with varying strengths, all subject to dynamic revision.
cal information-processing systems routinely utilize Without unequivocal evidence of representational
contextual information to prepare in advance for what activation prior to the actual occurrence of some “pre-
might come (see Bar, 2011). The hypothesis that expec- dicted” input, facilitated processing can be attributed
tancies (prediction, anticipation, prospection) play a to nonpredictive factors such as increased ease of inte-
causal role in perception and cognition more generally gration of the input with the message-level representa-
is widespread in the cognitive neurosciences—for tion. Thus, determining when and how predictions, as
example, the role of lateral prefrontal cortex in the defined above, play a role in real-time language com-
“expectation of, and preparation for, anticipated events” prehension is nontrivial. ERPs have proven an espe-
(Fuster, 2001, p. 325), “perceptual predictions” (Zacks, cially useful tool for disentangling the contributions of
Speer, Swallow, Braver, & Reynolds, 2007, p. 273), and different language-processing mechanisms, including
the “prospective brain” (Schacter, Addis, & Buckner, prediction, to context effects. In particular, ERPs
2007). However, within the domain of language com- provide a multidimensional window into the conse-
prehension, the role of prediction has been more quences of lexicosentential (in)congruity, which have
controversial. been measured relatively early in time, as amplitude
Contextual variables impact real-time language pro- modulations of the N400 (see also P2 amplitude effects)
cessing, and sentential contexts in particular have been at and prior to the apprehension of critical stimuli, and
shown to modulate, for example, signal-to-noise thresh- in post-N400 positivities and negativities; we discuss
olds for speech recognition in background noise (Miller, each in turn.
Heise, & Lichten, 1951), the duration required for
visual word identification (Tulving & Gold, 1963), The N400
lexical decision times (Fischler & Bloom, 1979), eye
movements in reading (Ehrlich & Rayner, 1981), and The N400 refers to a relative negativity between 250 and
event-related brain potential (ERP) amplitudes in 600 ms in the ERP to a potentially meaningful item
word-by-word reading (Kutas & Hillyard, 1980; Lau, (e.g., spoken or written word, acronym, pseudoword,
Stroud, Plesch, & Phillips, 2006). At issue is whether picture, face, gesture, etc.). The N400 reflects the
these effects arise due to the post hoc match between summed postsynaptic activity of a highly distributed
information derived from a current stimulus and that brain network that includes higher-level perceptual

kutas, federmeier, and urbach: the “negatives” and “positives” of prediction 649
areas and multimodal processing and storage areas in thus likely strength of the prediction for—the unpre-
the left superior/middle temporal gyri and medial and sented BC. Moreover, in a visual half-field version, in
anterior temporal lobes of both hemispheres (Lau, which the category member was briefly (200 ms) flashed
Phillips, & Poeppel, 2008; van Petten & Luka, 2006). in the right or left visual field, this related anomaly
The N400 is especially large to nouns that do not fit N400 effect was limited to the right visual field (which
with the meaning of their preceding context compared biases processing to the left hemisphere). These results
to the contextually most predictable noun (e.g., “dog” underscore the impact of memory structure (in this
in “I take my coffee with cream and dog” versus “sugar”; case, by category-based featural similarity) on word pro-
Kutas & Hillyard, 1980). N400s are also present to all cessing in sentences and suggest the use of predictive
but the most highly predictable nouns, even when they processing mechanisms during normal comprehen-
are semantically congruent. All other factors (word fre- sion, mediated by the left hemisphere (Federmeier,
quency, concreteness, orthographic neighborhood size, 2007).
word class) held constant, N400 amplitude is inversely Metusalem et al. (2012) adapted this paradigm to test
correlated (r > .8) with an item’s cloze probability in the hypothesis that language comprehension is simi-
an offline paper-and-pencil completion task. For some larly influenced by event knowledge–based organiza-
researchers the N400 sensitivity to cloze probability tion of semantic memory. Participants read short
reflects the activity of a predictive language system, passages—for example, A huge blizzard ripped through
whereas for others it reflects variable resource needs for town last night. My kids ended up getting the day off from
a contextual integration operation. Of course, the N400 school. They spent the whole day outside building a big …—
could reflect both, and from attempts to address this continued by the BC (snowman) or by one of two types
issue have emerged novel ERP paradigms that have of linguistically unlicensed, less probable words either
informed the functional organization of semantic related to the general event (playing in the snow) acti-
memory and incremental language processing beyond vated by the passage (jacket) or not (towel). Both types
semantic memory access. of improbable words elicited larger N400s than the BC,
A case in point is the “related anomaly” paradigm but those to the linguistically unlicensed but event-
(Kutas & Hillyard, 1984; Kutas, Lindamood, & Hillyard, related continuations were reliably smaller (figure
1984). While all low cloze words that complete a highly 55.1A). These results point to the immediacy and incre-
constraining context elicit large N400s relative to the mentality of event knowledge use during language com-
high cloze best completions (BC), those for words prehension and to events as an organizing principle of
related to the meaning of the BC are reliably smaller. semantic memory.
For example, the N400 to “weights” is smaller than that Laszlo and Federmeier (2009) similarly employed the
to “collars,” both anomalous endings for “The barbells the related anomaly paradigm to show that the information
strongman lifted were very ____,” presumably because of brought online by sentence context affects processing
the relationship between “weights” and the BC (heavy), of inputs based on their orthography. Participants read
although the relationship was not controlled in early sentences such as “The genie was ready to grant his third
studies. and final” that were completed either by the BC (wish)
Federmeier and Kutas (1999a, 1999b) investigated or by an unexpected word, pseudoword, or illegal string
categorical relations. They used sentence pairs to estab- that was either an orthographic neighbor or not (figure
lish an expectation for a particular member of a cate- 55.1B, words only). Relative to nonneighbors, all neigh-
gory, which was violated in a third of the sentences by bors—regardless of their lexical status—showed facilita-
a member of a different category (between-category tion, that is, smaller N400s. This result is difficult to
violation) and in a third by a different category member explain via mere integrative processes (for another
(within-category violation). Although the two category- example, see Rommers, Meyer, Praamstra, & Huettig,
violation types were equally implausible on average, the 2013). Overall, these results show that context acts
within-category violation enjoyed greater perceptuo- through the structure of event knowledge, semantic
semantic-feature overlap with the expected category categories, and orthography, and further suggests that
exemplar (e.g., He caught the pass and scored another touch- the system can anticipate features of upcoming words
down. There was nothing he enjoyed more than a good game along these dimensions.
of football/baseball/monopoly.). This pattern was observed Arguably, stronger electrophysiological evidence for
for written words, spoken words, and line drawings prediction comes from ERP effects present before the
(Federmeier & Kutas, 2001; Federmeier, McLennan, de predicted item of interest. There are a handful of such
Ochoa, & Kutas, 2002). Critically, the N400 reduction studies with the same general design—a lead-in context
increased as a function of the cloze probability of—and that sets up an expectation for a particular noun,

650 language and abstract thought

Figure 55.1 Grand average ERPs. (A) Expected, linguisti- (D) Semantic P600 for thematic role violations. (E) Frontal
cally unlicensed event-related and event-unrelated continua- positivity to unexpected vs. expected plausible words (DeLong
tions in discourse context. (B) Expected, unexpected in and & Kutas, unpublished data). (F) Frontal positivity to unex-
out of orthographic neighborhood. (C) Correlations and pected plausible words as a function of contextual constraint.
ERPs to articles based on cloze-probability median split. (See color plate 48.)

preceded by a word (e.g., article, adjective) that either ERPs at the gender-marked adjectives in Dutch (also see
matches or mismatches the upcoming noun (e.g., in Otten, Nieuwland, & van Berkum, 2007; Otten & van
grammatical gender, morphology, or phonology). Criti- Berkum, 2008, 2009).
cally, either class of prenominal words could reasonably DeLong, Urbach, and Kutas (2005) argued for pre-
be followed by a congruent matching noun, and is not diction of phonological word forms based on differen-
a violation per se. As such, these should not elicit differ- tial ERPs to the indefinite articles a and an, which have
ing ERPs, unless the comprehender expects a noun that the same meaning but are predictive of the initial
is only consistent with one of the alternative prenomi- phoneme class of the subsequent word (words begin-
nal words. Several such investigations report differing ning with a consonant versus vowel sound, respectively).
ERPs to the noun-matching versus mismatching pre- Participants read sentences ranging in constraint from
nominal alternatives. low to high and continuing with a range of more or less
In a series of experiments, sentential contexts (spoken expected indefinite article-noun pairings; for example,
or written) in Spanish were designed to create an “Because it frequently rains in London, Nigel always carries
expectation for a noun of feminine or masculine gender …” for which an umbrella is highly expected and a news-
(verbal or depicted), occasionally “violated” by an paper, while plausible, is less so. There was a statistically
article of the other grammatical gender. The results reliable inverse correlation between N400 amplitudes
indicate that the language-processing system was antici- and not only the target nouns but also the articles
pating a word of a particular gender, as a differential (figure 55.1C). These data provide clear evidence of
ERP pattern was found for articles of the expected graded linguistic prediction at a phonological level. Yet
versus unexpected gender (Wicha, Moreno, & Kutas, another variant of this design indicates prediction
2003; Wicha, Moreno, & Kutas, 2004; Wicha, Bates, for semantically defined classes of words in Polish
Moreno, & Kutas, 2003). Using a similar logic, van (Szewczyk & Schriefers, 2013).
Berkum, Brown, Zwitserlood, Kooijman, & Hagoort Taken together, these studies point to the availability
(2005) inferred syntactic prediction from differential of a predictive language processer that activates word

kutas, federmeier, and urbach: the “negatives” and “positives” of prediction 651
features and forms in advance of their input. They dem- indicating that an anomaly—detected by the system
onstrate that linguistic expectancies at many levels, during the N400 time window—is being (explicitly)
from semantic and syntactic to orthographic and pho- noted by the participants, who are “reviewing the prior
nological, can emerge as sentential context accumu- context to determine what went wrong and if the
lates. The fact that the system is capable of making problem might be repaired” (Van Petten & Luka, 2012).
predictions, however, does not mean that it always can This view resembles accounts proffered for posterior
or will do so (e.g., there are hemispheric and age- late positive effects (P600s) coincident with syntactic
related differences in the tendency to predict; Feder- processing difficulties, including agreement errors,
meier, 2007). Nor will predictions, when made, always phrase structure violations, and garden path construc-
be correct. Indeed, whereas N400 amplitude varies with tions (e.g., Gouvea, Phillips, Kazanina, & Poeppel,
many lexicosemantic variables, its latency is relatively 2009).
stable, even though the availability of information and In some cases, semantic anomalies elicit posterior
processes necessary for prediction and incremental LPC effects without accompanying N400 effects. (i.e.,
comprehension are considerably more variable across indistinguishable N400s for expected vs. anomalous
time, as a function of the input, task demands, and words). For example, using sentences like “For break-
individual differences, among other factors. This, fast, the boys/eggs would only eat … .” Kuperberg,
together with the need to refine and revise initial inter- Sitnikova, Caplan, and Holcomb (2003) observed no
pretations when predictions are incorrect, would seem N400 differences but a larger posterior positivity to eat
to imply comprehension and prediction-related pro- following eggs than boys (figure 55.1D; see also Hoeks,
cesses post-N400. Next we discuss evidence for these. Stowe, & Doedens, 2004; Kim & Osterhout, 2005; van
Herten, Kolk, & Chwilla, 2005, for similar reports). A
Posterior late positivities: The late positive complex number of different accounts have been put forward
and semantic P600 for these so-called semantic P600 effects. Many inter-
pret the N400 facilitation (amplitude reduction) to the
Processing differences between expected and semanti- anomalies as indicating that the comprehension system
cally anomalous words are sometimes seen post-N400 was subject to a temporary semantic illusion—that is,
(500–900 ms), with anomalous words eliciting increased in contrast to cases wherein LPC and N400 effects co-
centroparietal positivity. This is often referred to as an occur, that the system initially erroneously interprets
effect on the late positive complex (LPC). Semantic the anomalous word as plausible. Several researchers
anomaly effects on the LPC seem to be more depen- have postulated that the N400 reflects a processing
dent on attention and less obligatory than N400 anomaly stage insensitive to certain types of (for example, com-
effects. Whereas N400 effects can be observed even binatorial) processes essential for appreciating the
during the attentional blink or under masking, these semantic implausibility of a given word in a particular
obliterate LPC effects (Luck, Vogel, & Shapiro, 1996; sentence position (e.g., Kuperberg, 2007). The P600 in
Misra & Holcomb, 2003). Diminished LPC effects have this case is taken to reflect processes involved in syntac-
been described in children (e.g., Juottonen, Revonsuo, tic revision or in aligning the conflicting interpreta-
& Lang, 1996) as well as in adults with schizophrenia tions arising in different processing streams. Others
(e.g., Koyama et al., 1994), whose N400 effects in the (Brouwer, Harmut, & Hoeks, 2012) argue convincingly
same conditions are similar to adult controls. There is against such “multistream” accounts. If the N400 is an
notable variability in the tendency to elicit LPC effects index of lexicosemantic retrieval (subject to preactiva-
to semantic anomalies, which does not seem to be tion) and not a direct reflection of contextual integra-
straightforwardly linked to stimulus factors such as con- tion (as elaborated in Kutas & Federmeier, 2011), then
textual constraint (Kos, van den Brink, & Hagoort, the lack of N400 effect in these cases could mean that
2012; Van Petten & Luka, 2012) or to individual differ- semantic access for the anomalous words was facili-
ences in working memory capacity (Kos et al., 2012). tated (for example, because of the semantic relation-
Even with similar stimulus and task conditions, only ship between breakfast, eggs, and eating in the above
about a third of published studies show an LPC post- example); critically, it does not (necessarily) mean that
N400 effect (Van Petten & Luka, 2012), perhaps the comprehension system was ever “fooled.” On this
because, in a given sample, only about half of the people view, the lack of N400 may reflect preactivation, and
seem to be eliciting such effects (Kos et al., 2012). the (semantic) P600 effect indicates that the system
The functional significance of LPC anomaly effects has detected the implausibility and that it is, parsimo-
remains underspecified and says little about predic- niously, functionally equivalent to LPCs following N400
tion per se. Typically, these effects are interpreted as anomaly effects.

652 language and abstract thought

Thus, some types of unexpected words, including (“unexpected uncertainty”) within a behavioral context
semantic anomalies, as well as syntactic violations, spell- by increasing the influence of bottom-up signals to pro-
ing mistakes (Munte, Schiltz, & Kutas, 1998), and unex- cessing and facilitating the development of a new atten-
pected switches between different languages (Moreno, tional set (Avery, Nitz, Chiba, & Krichmar, 2012; Yu &
Federmeier, & Kutas, 2002), are associated with poste- Dayan, 2005). An appealing aspect of this theory is that
rior late positivities that have gone by different names: it can explain the electrophysiological and functional
LPC, (semantic) P600. An anomaly (or misparse or similarities in various P300-like potentials, while still
error), however, is not a necessary condition for these allowing for differences between them, given the broad
effects. For example, Kandhadai & Federmeier (2010a, connectivity of the NE system. Thus, for example, it has
2010b) linked LPC effects to the flexible “reordering” been found that the syntactic P600 is disrupted by basal
of pairs of words (e.g., fish-hook, hook-fish), so that ganglia lesions, whereas the P300 to sensory feature-
participants could best appreciate the semantic rela- based oddballs is unaffected (Frisch, Kotz, von Cramon,
tionship between them. Repetition also modulates the & Friederici, 2003). On the LC-NE theory, this would
LPC to words in lists and texts (Rugg, 1990; Van Petten, suggest that the basal ganglia may be important for
Kutas, Kluender, Mitchiner, & McIsaac, 1991), and pos- determining the significance of syntactic (but not
terior late positivities more generally have been associ- simple perceptual) features in the input, as a necessary
ated with memory-retrieval processes (e.g., review by precursor to the elicitation of a phasic NE response.
Wilding & Ranganath, 2012).
Although the degree of neural and functional overlap Frontal late positivity and negativity
between these positivities remains controversial, they
bear a “family resemblance” to one another and to the Wholly implausible words (both not predicted and also
well-characterized P300 component of the ERP. The difficult to integrate) often elicit posterior post-N400
P300 (a.k.a. P3b) is a domain-general potential observed positivity effects. A different pattern emerges from com-
for the processing of motivationally significant, task- parisons between expected words and those that are
relevant stimuli. Like the positivities seen in language, unexpected but plausible. In this case, unexpected
the P300 has been linked to the processing of anoma- words elicit an increased positivity over frontal rather
lous or unexpected stimuli (“oddballs”) because its than posterior recording sites (reviewed in Van Petten
amplitude is inversely correlated with stimulus probabil- & Luka, 2012; see figure 55.1E). For example, in a
ity, where probability is multiply determined and sub- category-verification task (e.g., the cue A type of bird,
jectively assessed (see Coulson, King, & Kutas, 1998, followed by high-typicality targets like robin, low-typical-
showing sensitivity of syntactic P600 to probability). ity targets like chicken, and anomalous targets like
P300 amplitude is also affected by attention and task potato), Federmeier, Kutas, and Schul (2010) observed
demands (although the P600 might not be; see Swaab, (for young adults) frontal positivity to low typicality—
Ledoux, Camblin, & Boudewyn, 2011). P300 latency but not wholly anomalous—completions.
reflects an upper limit on the time necessary to evaluate This difference between expected and unexpected
a stimulus in the context of the task (Kutas, McCarthy, words seems likely to be made up of at least two, sepa-
& Donchin, 1977); thus, it makes sense that P300s to, rable effects: a positive-going deflection for unexpected
for example, oddball tones would occur earlier than words that violate predictions, as well as a negative-
late positivities for stimuli unexpected by virtue of their going deflection to some expected words encountered
semantic or syntactic properties. under moderately high constraint. Wlotko and Feder-
Given the morphological and functional similarity of meier (2012a, 2012b) describe a frontal negativity that
the P300 to language-related posterior late positivities, is larger to words completing sentences where there
research into the neurobiological bases of the P300 may are only a few less probable alternative completions
help to inform the neurobiology of language. Bringing than when there are many. They link this negativity to
together a large body of research across multiple disci- adjustments in the interpretation of the prior context
plines, Nieuwenhuis, Aston-Jones, and Cohen (2005; information—a “frame shift,” as in joke comprehen-
following Pineda, Foote, & Neville, 1989) theorized that sion (e.g., Coulson & Kutas, 2001)—and/or possibly to
the P300 reflects phasic activity of the locus-coeruleus working memory use (Ruchkin, Johnson, Grafman,
(LC) norepinephrine (NE) system. On their account, Canoune, & Ritter, 1992) and/or semantic selection
detection of a motivationally salient stimulus elicits a (Lee & Federmeier, 2009). Critically, this frontal nega-
release of NE, which acts as a gain control mechanism, tivity does not seem to require prediction (Wlotko &
potentiating responses to that stimulus. The NE Federmeier, 2012a; Wlotko, Federmeier, & Kutas,
system has been hypothesized to signal state changes 2012).

kutas, federmeier, and urbach: the “negatives” and “positives” of prediction 653
The frontal positivity to prediction violations, instead, demonstrate how the latency, polarity, and scalp distri-
can be characterized most cleanly when equally unex- bution of ERP measures such as the N400 and late posi-
pected words (in the ideal case, the same lexical items; tivities, in suitable experimental designs, can shed light
Federmeier, Wlotko, De Ochoa-Dewald, & Kutas, 2007) on the mechanisms by which context variables impact
are compared as a function of contextual constraint. the time course of interpretation. Some provide strong
For example, the word log has matched, low-cloze prob- evidence for contextually supported and seemingly
ability in both contexts: graded predictive and incremental processes.
(1) He was cold most of the night and finally got up These studies are existence proofs that prediction
to get another … does occur in language processing. The project now is
(2) He fell on the floor after tripping on the … to characterize principles governing predictive pro-
cesses and the biological mechanisms at work. Of all the
However, context (1) leads readers to have strong contextually available information (verbal and nonver-
predictions for the alternative ending, blanket, whereas bal), which does the system use to generate predictions?
context (2) does not lead to consistent expectations for How fast do they come online, and does this vary with
an alternative word. Relative to (2) the ERP to (1) is any trait and/or state variables and environmental
characterized by increased prefrontal positivity between factors? Is prediction automatic and obligatory, or does
500 and 900 ms (figure 55.1F). it come online under only some conditions? When
The link between this frontal positivity and prediction- predictions are made, what kinds of information are
related processes is strengthened by its absence in most predicted, with what specificity, and what degree of
older adults (Federmeier, Kutas, & Schul, 2010; Wlotko strength? Do contextual variables constrain the space
et al., 2012), who similarly tend not to show other pre- of possible predictions to winner take all, with unsuc-
diction-related ERP patterns (Federmeier et al., 2002). cessful competitors squashed or even inhibited? If pre-
These effects can, however, be observed in a subset of dictions turn out to be incorrect, what is the cost (c.f.,
older adults with high verbal fluency (DeLong, Groppe, Smith & Levy, 2011)? Finally, what is the relation if any,
Urbach, & Kutas, 2012; Federmeier et al., 2010), who of prediction to the speed and depth of the interpreta-
also may show young-like N400 prediction effects (Feder- tions ultimately constructed? Clearly, much remains to
meier et al., 2002). Federmeier and colleagues have be discovered, and it seems likely that ERPs will con-
linked the frontal positivity to processes involved in tinue to play an important explanatory part.
message-level meaning construction in the face of failed
predictions. We speculate that this response may arise
from activity related to the basal forebrain cholinergic
system, which has been shown to be sensitive to the
degree of “expected uncertainty” in the environment,
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654 language and abstract thought

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656 language and abstract thought

56 Language in Our Hands: Neural
Underpinnings of Sign Language
and Co-Speech Gesture

ABSTRACT The human ability to communicate information is capture the fundamental multimodal complexity of the
not exclusive to speech—meaning can also be conveyed by human language faculty. Spoken languages also exploit
the hands in sign languages and in co-speech gestures. Tradi- the visual-gestural modality for expression and use ges-
tionally, the two have been studied separately, partially because
each has very different properties (e.g., co-speech gesture is tures accompanying speech, with the hands, face, and
integrated with the speech channel; sign language is an inde- body as articulators. For example, speakers can move
pendent, hierarchical system). This chapter brings together the fingers of an inverted V-hand in a wiggling manner
for the first time findings on the neural underpinnings of while saying “he walked across” or use bodily demon-
signs and co-speech gestures. Sign language and co-speech strations of reported actions as they tell narratives. Ges-
gestures both recruit the left hemisphere for production and
involve the right hemisphere for representation of spatial
tures contribute semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic
events. Sign, co-speech gesture, and speech also implicate information to the verbal part of an utterance. To be
similar neural substrates for comprehension: left inferior able to understand the neural infrastructure of our
frontal cortex, posterior superior temporal cortex, and bilat- language faculty as a whole, we need to take into
eral middle temporal gyri, as well as similar electrophysiologi- account the composite multimodal utterances of spoken
cal responses to semantic violations (N400) and syntactic
languages—that is, both speech and co-speech gestures.
violations (P600). This review underscores the fact that the
brain’s general infrastructure for language and communica- Similarly, mapping the neural architecture for manual
tion treats meaningful information coming from all channels gestures that form a hierarchical linguistic system in
and formats in highly similar ways. sign languages is also necessary for a general account
of the neural bases of the human language faculty.
Meaning can be conveyed by the hands in a variety of Because language on the hands has very different
ways: through signing (used by deaf communities), pan- properties for sign languages and for co-speech gesture,
tomimed actions and emblematic gestures (often used we discuss their neural underpinnings in separate sec-
in the absence of speech), or through gestures pro- tions. When appropriate, we highlight relevant parallels
duced while speaking (i.e., gesticulation). This chapter and differences in each section and situate their neural
focuses primarily on the first and the last phenomena, processing in the context of what we know for spoken
which form the endpoints of the gesture continuum language.
(McNeill, 1992). As one moves from gesticulation
toward sign language, idiosyncratic gestures used with The neurobiology of sign language
speech are replaced by conventionalized/pantomimic
gestures, linguistic properties increase, and the obliga- Sign languages exploit visual-spatial contrasts at the
tory use of speech declines. Unlike co-speech gesture, phonological level (e.g., locations on the body consti-
sign languages are complete linguistic systems, exhibit- tute contrastive units of form), at the morphological
ing structural and language-specific constraints at the level (e.g., temporal aspect is marked by distinct pat-
phonological, lexical, syntactic, and discourse levels. terns of movement), at the syntactic level (e.g., gram-
Traditionally, the world’s languages have been matical roles are distinguished through the use of
grouped into two classes, signed and spoken languages, locations in signing space), and at the discourse level
based on the modality through which communicative (e.g., topics can be associated with spatial locations).
messages are transmitted: visual-manual versus audi- Despite this dependence on visual-spatial processing,
tory-vocal. However, in the last decade it has become the left, rather than the right, hemisphere is critical for
clear that this simple modality distinction does not producing and comprehending sign language. Damage

emmorey and özyürek: language in our hands 657

to the left hemisphere produces sign language aphasias without lexical access). Further, Corina, San Jose-Rob-
that are parallel to spoken language aphasias, while ertson, Guillemin, High, and Brown (2003) reported
damage to the right hemisphere does not. Signers with activation in left inferior frontal cortex (primarily BA
damage to left frontal cortex often exhibit nonfluent 45, extending into BA 47) when deaf right-handed
aphasia, characterized by effortful signing with reduced signers generated verb signs with either their right or
grammatical morphology. Lesions to more posterior left hand, compared to repeating one-handed noun
regions within the left hemisphere produce fluent signs. These results suggest that more anterior regions
aphasias, characterized by fluent signing with persistent of left inferior frontal cortex (BA 45 and 47) are
paraphasias (phonological or semantic errors). Signers engaged in modality-independent lexical search and
with left temporal lobe damage also have much poorer retrieval processes and that this functional specializa-
sign comprehension compared to those who suffer tion is unaffected by the left-handed production of
damage to the right hemisphere or to other left-hemi- signs.
sphere regions. One striking difference between signed and spoken
In this chapter, we focus on a few key left-hemisphere language production is the involvement of the left supe-
brain circuits that have been identified as supporting rior parietal lobule (SPL) during signing but not speak-
language functions, and consider whether they are spe- ing (e.g., Emmorey et al., 2007). The precise role of left
cific to spoken language and whether adaptations SPL in sign production is unclear, but this region is
within these neural circuits are observed for sign lan- known to be involved in the online control and pro-
guage. Although there is clear overlap between the gramming of reach movements to target locations, and
neural substrate for both language comprehension and for sign production, the hand must move to specific
production, these functions are discussed separately in locations on the torso, face, or nondominant hand. In
order to explore the particular effects of distinct motor addition, SPL plays an important role in the assessment
systems on language production and different percep- and monitoring of self-generated hand and arm move-
tual systems on language comprehension. ments. Because signing is not visually guided (i.e.,
signers do not look at their hands), sign language pro-
Sign Language Production The left inferior frontal duction must involve somatosensory monitoring of
gyrus (IFG), including Broca’s area (BA 44 and 45), has hand and arm movements and of hand postures and
long been known to be involved in speech production. configurations.
Several types of data indicate that this region is equally Finally, the neural systems that support the produc-
important for sign production. Using positron emission tion of pantomimed gestures and signs are nonidentical,
tomography combined with probabilistic cytoarchitec- even when signs are indistinguishable from pantomimes
tonic mapping, Horwitz et al. (2004) examined the (e.g., the signs BRUSH-HAIR and HAMMER resemble
roles of BA 44 and 45 in the production of spoken and the actions of hairbrushing and hammering). Emmorey,
signed narratives by hearing bilinguals who were native McCullough, et al. (2011) asked deaf signers to gener-
users of American Sign Language (ASL) and English. ate either pantomimed actions or iconic ASL verbs in
Horwitz et al. (2004) found involvement of BA 45, but response to pictures of manipulable objects. Verb gen-
little or no involvement of BA 44, during language pro- eration engaged left IFG, as found in previous studies
duction (either signing or speaking) compared to a of both signed and spoken word generation, whereas
baseline condition in which participants produced pantomime generation engaged bilateral superior
complex nonlinguistic oral or manual articulations. parietal cortex. These findings are consistent with data
Similarly, extensive activation in BA 44, but not in BA from lesion studies in which aphasic signers were
45, was observed for the nonlinguistic oral or manual reported to be impaired in sign production (e.g.,
control tasks compared to rest. This pattern of results making phonological and semantic errors), but their
suggests that BA 44, rather than BA 45, is engaged production of pantomimes was spared (Corina et al.,
during the production of complex movements of the 1992; Marshall, Atkinson, Smulovitch, Thacker, & Woll,
oral or manual articulators and that BA 45 is more likely 2004).
engaged in articulator-independent aspects of language In sum, very similar left-hemisphere regions are
production. engaged for signed and spoken language production.
Consistent with this hypothesis, Emmorey, Mehta, Left inferior frontal cortex is critically involved in the
and Grabowski (2007) found that left IFG (primarily BA production of both signs and words, with the more
45) was equally engaged when deaf signers and hearing posterior region (BA 44) engaged in phonetic and pho-
speakers overtly named pictures (contrasted with a stan- nological encoding and more anterior regions (BA 45
dard baseline task that required overt motor responses and 47) engaged in lexical-semantic processes. Left

658 language and abstract thought

superior parietal cortex is more involved in signing linguistically structured pseudosigns. Petitto et al.
than speaking, most likely because this region is func- (2000) found that viewing both pseudosigns and real
tionally specialized for the control and monitoring signs engaged superior temporal cortex bilaterally for
of arm and hand movements with respect to a body- deaf signers, but no activation in this region was
centered framework. Finally, pantomimed actions and observed for hearing individuals who had not acquired
sign production rely on partially segregated neural a sign-based phonological system (figure 56.1B).
systems, with sign production relying differentially on Emmorey, Xu, and Braun (2011) reported that pseudo-
left frontotemporal cortices involved in lexical retrieval. signs activated left posterior STS to a greater extent for
deaf ASL signers than for hearing nonsigners (figure
Sign Language Comprehension Not surprisingly, 56.1C). Increased left STS activation for deaf signers
speech comprehension engages primary and secondary was hypothesized to reflect heightened sensitivity to
auditory cortices within superior temporal cortex bilat- body movements that conform to the phonological
erally, and recent research indicates that phonological structure of ASL. Left STS may be significantly more
processing for spoken language is associated with the active for deaf signers than for hearing nonsigners
posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) bilaterally because neurons in this region become particularly
(see Hickok & Poeppel, 2007). Given that sign lan- receptive to body movements that are linguistically
guages are perceived visually rather than auditorally, is structured and constrained.
there any evidence that phonological processing of The location and size of the neural response to signs
signs engages superior temporal cortex? The answer within superior temporal cortex is modulated by hearing
is yes. status and linguistic knowledge. In a functional MRI
First, many neuroimaging studies report bilateral (fMRI) study investigating the comprehension of British
activation in posterior superior temporal cortex during Sign Language (BSL) sentences, MacSweeney et al.
sign language comprehension (see figure 56.1). Second, (2002) found that deaf signers exhibited greater activa-
evidence that posterior STS is engaged in phonologi- tion in a more anterior region of left superior temporal
cal processing comes from studies that examined gyrus (STG) compared to hearing signers (figure 56.1D).

Figure 56.1 Illustration of left-hemisphere activations when (2000). (C) Greater activation for deaf signers than for
deaf signers comprehend sign language. (A) Signed sen- hearing nonsigners for pseudosigns from Emmorey, Xu, &
tences vs. nonsense signs from Neville et al. (1998). (B) Signs Braun (2011). (D) Signed sentences vs. a still image of the
and pseudosigns vs. fixation baseline from Petitto et al. signer from MacSweeney et al. (2002). (See color plate 49.)

emmorey and özyürek: language in our hands 659

These authors suggested that for hearing signers ante- comprehension deficits (Corina et al., 1992; Marshall
rior left STG may be privileged for processing heard et al., 2004), suggesting that neural systems that support
speech and therefore is not engaged during sign lan- symbolic gesture and sign language processing are non-
guage processing. In the absence of auditory input, identical. However, there are no reports indicating a
deaf signers recruit auditory regions for processing sign double dissociation in which pantomime comprehen-
language, as well as other nonlinguistic visual and sion is impaired but sign language comprehension is
somatosensory stimuli (e.g., Karns, Dow, & Neville, spared. Thus, it is likely that at some level of processing,
2012). For deaf individuals, activation extends more pantomimed gestures and sign language share a
anteriorly along STG when comprehending sign lan- common neural substrate. Emmorey, Xu, Gannon,
guage compared to hearing signers. This more anterior Goldin-Meadow, and Braun (2010) found very similar
region may not be as engaged for hearing sign-speech patterns of activation within bilateral posterior tempo-
bilinguals because this area is adjacent to primary audi- ral cortex when deaf signers passively viewed panto-
tory cortex, which may preferentially respond to audi- mimed actions and ASL signs, but with evidence for
tory speech over visual sign language input. greater activation in left IFG when viewing ASL signs.
In addition, a recent MEG study by Leonard et al. Xu, Gannon, Emmorey, Smith, and Braun (2009) found
(2012) revealed that both signs and words activated that comprehending symbolic gestures (pantomimes
superior temporal cortex during a relatively late time and social emblems, such as the “be quiet” gesture) and
window associated with lexical-semantic processing their spoken language equivalents both engaged left
(300–500 ms after stimulus onset), but only speech for IFG and left posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG).
hearing individuals activated these regions during early The authors suggested that these areas are part of a
sensory processing (80–120 ms). Leonard et al. (2012) domain-general semantic network for human commu-
concluded that activation in superior temporal cortex nication. Recently, Rong, Xu, Emmorey, Braun, and
is associated with lexical processing of signs and does Hickok (2012) reanalyzed the Xu et al. (2009) data
not result from a rewiring of visual sensory input to using a region of interest (ROI)–based multivariate
auditory cortices due to congenital deafness. Further, pattern classification method and reported modality-
Cardin et al. (2013) found that when viewing signs, specific responses within the posterior MTG ROI. More
increased activation in left STS was driven by linguistic medial and posterior voxels responded preferentially to
knowledge rather than by auditory deprivation. Deaf symbolic gesture and more anterior and lateral voxels
individuals who were not signers (“oral deaf”) did not responded preferentially to speech. This suggests that
show increased activation in left STS compared to there are subregions in posterior MTG that are sensitive
hearing nonsigners when viewing signed input. Thus, to the modality of input.
left-hemisphere STG/STS activation when compre- In sum, signed and spoken languages rely on very
hending sign language appears to arise from linguistic similar neural substrates for comprehension, including
processing rather than from early (low-level) visual left inferior frontal cortex (see figure 56.1A and 56.1D),
processing. superior temporal cortex, and bilateral middle tempo-
Several event-related potential (ERP) studies have ral cortex. Furthermore, the same electrophysiological
found that semantic violations in sign language elicit an responses to semantic violations (N400) and syntactic
N400 response that is parallel to what has been reported violations (LAN and P600) are observed for both lan-
for spoken and written language. The N400 is hypoth- guage types. Lastly, sign language comprehension can
esized to index semantic processing and integration. In be impaired in the face of successful pantomime com-
addition, Capek et al. (2009) reported that syntactic prehension, but it appears that understanding both
violations in ASL that involved reversed verb agreement signs and pantomimic gestures engages left posterior
elicited a left anterior negativity (LAN) followed by a MTG.
later, more broadly distributed P600 response. For
spoken language processing, the LAN component is The neurobiology of co-speech gesture
hypothesized to index early automatic syntactic pro-
cesses, while the P600 is hypothesized to reflect syntac- Investigations of the neurobiology of co-speech gesture
tic reanalysis and error correction. These results indicate have focused primarily on how information conveyed
that syntactic and semantic processes are supported by by a manual gesture is integrated with information con-
distinct brain systems for both signed and spoken veyed by the accompanying speech. Co-speech gestures
languages. can display semiotic complexity of different types
Finally, the comprehension of pantomimed ges- (e.g., points, demonstrations of objects and events),
tures can be preserved in the face of sign language have different communicative functions (e.g., emphasis,

660 language and abstract thought

disambiguation, speech acts), and vary in their relation Compared to matching target words, mismatching
to speech (e.g., conveying redundant or complemen- words evoked an early P1/N2 effect, followed by an
tary information). Neuroimaging research has focused N400 effect, suggesting an influence of gesture on
mostly on “iconic” gestures that represent objects and spoken words first at the level of “sensory/phonologi-
events by bearing partial formal resemblance to them cal” processing and later at the level of semantic pro-
(e.g., a chopping gesture while describing the steps of cessing. Wu and Coulson (2007) found that semantically
a recipe). While such gestures may resemble panto- incongruous gestures presented after cartoon images
mimic actions, the meaning of co-speech gestures is elicited a negative-going ERP effect around 450 msec,
often ambiguous and depends on speech for interpreta- in comparison to gestures congruent with the cartoon
tion (e.g., Habets, Kita, Shao, Özyürek, and Hagoort, image.
2011). Gestures presented in a speech context produced
similar results. Holle and Gunter (2007) asked subjects
Co-Speech Gesture Production Unlike sign lan- to listen to a sentence in which an ambiguous noun was
guages, little is currently known about the neural accompanied by a gesture that disambiguated the word
regions engaged for gestures produced while speaking (e.g., “ball” with a playing ball gesture vs. a dancing
because they are difficult to study using neuroimaging gesture). An N400 effect was observed to a relevant
techniques due to movement artifacts. Lesion studies word later in the sentence if its meaning did not match
(e.g., aphasia) often involve only a few case studies (e.g., the meaning indicated by the gesture earlier in the
Rose, 2006), and aphasic patients often use gestures in sentence. In an ERP study, Özyürek, Willems, Kita, and
the absence of speech, making it difficult to infer the Hagoort (2007) investigated the integration of co-
localization of co-speech gesture production. speech gestures and spoken words to a previous sen-
Nonetheless, data from healthy participants suggests tence context. Sentences had critical words accompanied
that hand preference for co-speech gestures is deter- by gestures. Either the word or the gesture could be
mined by the lateralization of language. Kimura (1973a, semantically anomalous or congruent with respect to
1973b) found that right-handers with an (assumed) the context set up by the sentence. Semantically anoma-
left-hemisphere language dominance produced more lous gestures and anomalous words elicited identical
right-hand gestures than left-hand gestures, and vice- N400 effects. The time course of integration of mean-
versa. However, a study with split-brain patients (Kita & ingful information derived from gestures did not differ
Lausberg, 2008) showed that some gestures that involve from that conveyed through spoken words.
spatial imagery can be generated by the right hemi- Finally, Habets et al. (2011) showed that the closer
sphere (specifically, iconic gestures that situate refer- speech and gesture were temporally to each other, the
ents in gesture space, such as an inverted V-shaped more likely they were to be integrated with each other
hand with wiggling fingers to depict someone walking). (i.e., when speech and gesture were simultaneous or
Interestingly, such gestures resemble classifier predi- when speech was delayed by 160 or 360 msec in relation
cates used in spatial language in sign languages, which to the gesture). ERPs time-locked to the speech onset
also recruit the right hemisphere in both production showed a significant difference between semantically
and comprehension (e.g., Emmorey et al., 2013; Hickok, congruent versus incongruent gesture-speech combina-
Pickell, Klima, & Bellugi, 2009). tions for the N400 component with SOAs of 0 and
160 msec, but not for the 360 msec SOA.
Co-speech gesture comprehension: Event-related Few studies have investigated the neural infrastruc-
potential studies ture of noniconic beat gestures, which are short, rhyth-
mic hand movements that co-occur with an emphasized
ERP studies of co-speech gestures have mostly focused segment of the speech. Holle et al. (2012) showed that
on the N400 component to investigate whether co- such gestures facilitate the syntactic processing of
speech gestures evoke semantic processing. The earliest speech. German-speaking participants were shown sen-
studies isolated gestures from the accompanying speech tences with either the canonical (dominant) subject-
and examined how they modulated the upcoming object-verb (SOV) German word order or sentences
words or how they were processed following images. with the less dominant object-subject-verb (OSV) word
Kelly, Kravitz, and Hopkins (2004) found that ERPs to order. The sentences were presented either with or
spoken words (targets) were modulated when these without beat gestures that co-occurred with the gram-
words were preceded by gestures (primes) that con- matical subject. The OSV sentences without an accom-
tained information about the size and shape of objects panying gesture elicited a P600 effect at the verb
that the target words referred to (e.g., tall, wide, etc.). compared to the canonical SOV sentences. However,

emmorey and özyürek: language in our hands 661

the P600 effect disappeared when the beat gesture gestures, like metaphoric gestures, add information
emphasized the grammatical subject in the OSV sen- and require more semantic processing than redundant
tences. Beat gestures made the grammatical roles clear gestures. Finally, Skipper, Goldin-Meadow, Nusbaum,
early on in the sentence, and thus a syntactic reanalysis and Small (2009) showed that when iconic gestures
was not required. were related to the accompanying speech, they exhib-
The neural correlates of semantic processing for ited a weaker influence on other motor and language-
iconic co-speech gestures seems quite similar to that of relevant cortical areas (including left IFG) compared to
spoken words and manual signs, as indexed by the N400 when the hand movements were meaningless (i.e.,
ERP component. In addition, the temporal overlap of grooming gestures) or when there were no hand
gestures with speech modulates their semantic process- movements.
ing, thus corroborating the dependence of co-speech Thus, left IFG is responsive to iconic gestures, espe-
gestures on the speech channel (in contrast to signs cially to those with an increased semantic processing
that are not dependent on another system). Further- load, that is, when gestures are difficult to integrate into
more, gestures (beats) can influence syntactic process- the previous or overlapping co-speech context (i.e.,
ing of an utterance, as indexed by modulations of the incongruent, metaphoric, or complementary iconic
P600 ERP component. gestures).
Posterior temporal regions are also involved in the
Co-speech gesture comprehension: Functional MRI semantic integration of gesture and speech. While MTG
studies is more frequently found to be involved in semantic
integration of speech and gesture, the role of STS has
Functional MRI studies have attempted to locate the been more controversial. Holle et al. (2008) suggested
brain areas involved in the perception of iconic gestures that activity in STSp reflects sensitivity to the semantic
in relation to speech. In general, these studies found integration of gesture and speech. In that study, STSp
left frontal and left posterior temporal cortices to be (but not left IFG) was more active for speech (domi-
implicated in interpreting gestures and/or integrating nant or subordinate homonyms) accompanied by
gestures with speech, more specifically the left IFG, meaningful iconic gestures than to speech accompa-
posterior superior temporal sulcus (STSp), and bilat- nied by nonmeaningful grooming movements. However,
eral MTG (e.g., Dick, Mok, Raja Beharelle, Goldin- Dick et al. (2012) and Willems et al. (2007, 2009) did
Meadow, & Small, 2012; Straube, Weis, Green, & Kircher, not find activation in this area. Dick et al. (2012) argued
2012; Willems, Özyürek, & Hagoort, 2007, 2009). Inter- that STSp may be involved in connecting information
estingly, studies examining spoken language compre- from the visual and auditory modalities in general, but
hension alone have also found that increased semantic not in semantic integration per se.
processing results in increased activity in these regions, A stronger consensus has been achieved with regard
especially left IFG and MTG (e.g., Snijders et al., 2009). to activation of left and/or right posterior MTG
The contribution of left IFG to semantic integration (MRTp). Green et al. (2009) found that left MTGp
of speech and gesture was first reported by Willems responded more strongly to sentences accompanied by
et al. (2007). Participants heard sentences in which a unrelated gestures (hard to make sense of in relation
critical word was accompanied by a gesture (same to speech) than to those accompanied by related ges-
stimuli from Özyürek et al., 2007). Either the word or tures. Dick et al. (2012) also found this area to be sensi-
the gesture could be semantically anomalous (i.e., tive to complementary gestures, in comparison to
incongruent) with respect to the context set up by the redundant gestures. Willems et al. (2009) found that
sentence. The incongruent word or gesture (demand- the left and right MTGp responded more to speech
ing more semantic processing) elicited greater activity accompanied by incongruent pantomimes (conven-
than congruent conditions in left IFG. tionalized actions with objects such as ironing or twist-
Left IFG has also been found to respond more ing—the meaning of which would be clear without
strongly to metaphoric gestures, that is, gestures with speech) than to the same speech accompanied by con-
abstract meaning (e.g., a “high” gesture accompanying gruent pantomimes. However, MTGp was not activated
speech like “the level of presentation was high”), com- for incongruent pairs of speech and co-speech gestures
pared to iconic gestures accompanying the same speech (these gestures would be ambiguous without speech)
(Kircher et al., 2009). Dick et al. (2012) also found left compared to congruent pairs. Incongruent speech-ges-
IFG to be more active for complementary gestures ture pairs activated only left IFG and not MTGp. The
(speech: “work”; gesture: typing) than for redundant ges- authors argued that bilateral MTG is more likely to be
tures (speech: “typing”; gesture: typing). Complementary involved in matching two input streams for which there

662 language and abstract thought

is a relatively stable common object representation (i.e., production, despite differences in the articulators. Left
“twist” in speech with a twisting gesture), parallel to the superior parietal cortex seems to be critically involved
notion that both the sight of a dog and the sound of its in sign language production, possibly due to the articu-
barking form part of a representation of our knowledge latory demands of manual phonology and somatosen-
about dogs (Hein et al., 2007). However, when integra- sory output monitoring.
tion of gesture and speech requires a new representa- Regarding comprehension, evidence from ERP studies
tion of the input streams, the increased semantic indicates that the N400 response indexes semantic pro-
processing of iconic gestures results in increased activa- cessing for both language modalities. The integration
tion of left IFG. At this point, these characterizations of meaningful information appears to follow the same
should be seen more as tendencies rather than exclu- time course for signs and words within a sentence
sive functions of left IFG and MTG in speech and context and for gestures in a speech context. In addi-
gesture integration. tion, the P600 component is sensitive to syntactic viola-
Straube et al. (2012) attempted to isolate brain activa- tions in signed and spoken languages, and this response
tion for iconic gestures (regardless of their involvement can be mitigated by the presence of a co-speech gesture
in speech integration). They compared activation for that reduces the need for syntactic reanalysis. Evidence
meaningful spoken sentences (S+) to sentences from from fMRI indicates a role for posterior superior tem-
an unknown language (S−), and they also compared poral cortex in comprehending co-speech gesture and
activation for co-speech gestures presented without sign language, although the precise function of this
their accompanying speech (G+) with meaningless ges- region is likely to be different for the two. For sign
tures (G−). Meaningful iconic gestures activated left language, STG/STS may be more engaged in phono-
IFG, bilateral parietal cortex, and bilateral temporal logical and lexical decoding of manual signs, whereas
areas, but the overlap of activations for meaningful for co-speech gesture, STG/STS may be involved
speech and meaningful gestures occurred in left IFG in audio-visual integration. Finally, both left IFG and
and bilateral MTG. These findings are consistent with MTG are engaged in semantic processing for language
the hypothesis by Xu et al. (2009) that left IFG and (both spoken and signed) and for iconic co-speech
MTGp are involved in meaning extraction for commu- gestures.
nicative gestures (with or without speech) as well as for The commonalities in the brain’s processing of com-
speech alone. municative information from co-speech gesture and
Functional MRI studies on semantic comprehension sign (and in many ways speech) are striking, in spite of
of co-speech iconic gestures and their integration indi- the differences in modalities (e.g., gesture is depen-
cate a similar neural signature to that for the semantic dent on speech, but sign language is unimodal) and
comprehension of words in context: a critical role for differences in the categorical versus gradient nature
left IFG (sensitive to the increase in the semantic load of representations. These commonalities underscore
required to process iconic gestures) and MTG (acti- the fact that the brain’s general infrastructure for lan-
vated when similar information is conveyed in the two guage and communication can be recruited by differ-
input streams). STG and STS may be engaged in the ent formats through which communicative information
integration of gesture and speech at the audio-visual is transmitted.
level, in addition to playing a possible role in meaning
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of this chapter was supported
in part by a grant from the National Institute on Deafness and
Conclusion other Communication Disorders (R01 DC010997) to K. E.
and S. D. S. U. and by a European Research Council (ERC)
This review has revealed a surprising degree of overlap Starting Grant to A. O.
between the cortical regions and processes that support
both signed and spoken language and co-speech gesture
processing, in spite of the differences in their proper-
ties at many levels. Even though less is known for co- REFERENCES
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emmorey and özyürek: language in our hands 665

57 Neuropragmatics

ABSTRACT Linguistic expressions are often underdetermined A: Hey, I wonder who ate some of the chocolates I was going
with respect to the meaning that they convey. That is why to give to Anne?
context is needed to establish the message that is intended to
B: Oh, I heard the kids in the kitchen earlier.
be communicated by the linguistic expressions that are used.
Sometimes context information is explicitly provided, but From A’s utterance, one may infer that (the parentheti-
often it relies on implicit background knowledge shared cals indicate some of the different categories of prag-
between speaker and listener. The context of communication
needs to be invoked in understanding and producing linguis-
matic inference referred to later):
tic codes. What is required, in addition to the linguistic code (1) A wants to know who is responsible for eating
itself, to determine the meaning of an expression is usually
some of the chocolates (speech act conditions).
referred to as pragmatics. The neurobiology of pragmatics is
an area that has come under investigation only recently. Here (2) A thinks B might know the answer to his implied
we discuss central aspects of pragmatics. On the basis of question, knows about the existence of the chocolates,
recent functional MRI (fMRI) studies, it has become clear and so on (audience design: utterances are formulated
that the theory of mind network is involved in making the and adapted for specific listeners).
step from coded meaning to what is often called “speaker (3) A thinks that not all of the chocolates were eaten
meaning,” that is the intended message for the listener. Event-
related potential studies have investigated whether pragmatic (scalar implicature from the use of some).
processing is superimposed on and follows in time the com- Likewise, from B’s utterance in the context of A’s ques-
putation of coded meaning or, alternatively, whether context
tion much further information can be inferred:
information is immediately integrated with lexical, syntactic,
and semantic sources of information. On the whole, the evi- (4) B doesn’t know for sure who ate some of the
dence supports the immediacy assumption, suggesting that chocolates, but B is nevertheless trying to provide some
linguistic and nonlinguistic context information is immedi-
ately used for utterance interpretation. However, quite some
kind of answer (adjacency pair constraint: answers
individual variation is found in different aspects of pragmatic should follow questions; Grice’s maxim of relevance).
processing. (5) B knows or guesses that A thinks the chocolates
were in the kitchen (bridging inference, audience
Neurobiological models of language not only need to design).
address the circuitry that is crucial for encoding and (6) B is suggesting that perhaps the kids ate some of
decoding the content of an utterance, but they also the chocolates (indirect speech act, conversational
need to specify the neural infrastructure for inferring implicature), via additional premises like “kids tend to
what the speaker intended to communicate by uttering do naughty things” (common ground: implicit back-
a sentence (i.e., speaker meaning; Grice, 1989; Noveck ground knowledge shared between speakers and
& Reboul, 2008). This is what we broadly refer to as listeners).
neuropragmatics (Bambini, 2010; Bara, 2010). We will
first discuss what is covered by the term pragmatics and None of these inferences are logical deductions from
why it is crucial in an account of human communica- what is said. They can only be derived by making addi-
tion and language. This is followed by an overview of tional assumptions about the purposes and intentions
recent studies on the neural basis of pragmatics. with which we engage in verbal interaction and about
common understandings about how we should use lan-
Pragmatics guage. For example, other things being equal, we
assume that people will recognize our speech acts
Pragmatics is the study of the way in which context, (questions, requests, assertions, accusations, etc.) even
including the discourse, beliefs, and inferences of par- though they are often not coded directly—here A’s I
ticipants, contributes to the meanings of utterances wonder who is not syntactically a question, but rather
(see, e.g., Levinson, 1983; Sperber & Wilson, 1987). specifies a precondition for asking one (the basis for
The mechanisms involved are diverse, but they give rise inference 1 above), which A thinks should be enough
to substantial inferences that are not actually coded in for B to recognize the intention (inference 2 above). A
what is said. Consider the following interchange: doesn’t seem to think all the chocolates have been

hagoort and levinson: neuropragmatics 667

eaten (3 above), because otherwise he wouldn’t have a wide range of background conventions or under-
said some of the chocolates—some means literally “at least standings. For example, we advance our communicative
one” so is compatible with “all” (cf. some in fact all of the purposes in conversation by producing utterances in
professors are stupid), but since all wasn’t said, the con- turn, where each utterance can be attributed with at
trast suggests “not all.” least one main point or speech act (Searle, 1969)—so
Even more elaborate are the inferences we attribute that, for example, one may recognize in A’s turn above
to B’s utterance, largely because of its position immedi- a question, which will require an answer in response.
ately after A’s. If A’s utterance is an indirect question, Yet another kind of lever for making inferences in
given that questions should be followed by answers, we conversation is a general presumption of rational coop-
try and interpret B’s response as an indirect answer eration. Grice’s (1975) second great contribution was
(inference 4), suggesting specifically that the kids may the theory of conversational implicature, which spelt
be to blame (inference 6). That in turn requires lots of out some of the parameters of this presumptive coop-
further assumptions, like the chocolates being in the eration in terms of four main “maxims of conversation.”
kitchen (inference 5), while drawing on common pre- B’s utterance in the interchange above (Oh, I heard the
sumptions like the possible moral turpitude of younger kids in the kitchen earlier) has no obvious connection to
members of the species, and so forth (6). A’s. But we make the assumption that A and B are trying
What is clear from any such little interchange is that to aid their mutual conversational undertaking, and
what is coded in words and linguistic constructions far that allows a range of detailed inferences. Grice posits
underdetermines what is obviously meant or intended: a maxim of relevance, which requires a timely and per-
meaning in a broad sense is an iceberg, with the little tinent response (hence the need to figure out how B’s
linguistically coded part riding on a large submersed utterance ties to A’s). He also posits a maxim of quan-
mountain of mutual inference. tity, specifying that information provided should be not
Not all the things we infer from utterances come too much nor too little for the purposes in hand: a Who
loaded with this intentional baggage. For example, we did it? question can be succinctly answered by a name
may detect from an accent that a speaker is not a native like Bill, for example. Here there seem to be quite spe-
English speaker, or on the telephone from the acoustics cific rules of thumb that can guide pragmatic inference.
that the speaker is a woman—these are usually not part For example, the maxim of quantity presupposes some
of what the speaker is trying to communicate. The phi- brevity metric, and linguistic systems provide sets of
losopher Grice (1957) made an important distinction alternates, which will typically be of roughly equal
between the kind of meaning that is intended to be brevity, for example, {white, red, yellow, blue, …}. By the
communicated (“nonnatural meaning,” or meaning- maxim of quantity, saying He’s waving a white flag can
nn) and the kind of meaning that is simply conveyed thus be said to suggest—or conversationally implicate, as
unintentionally (“natural meaning”). He defined “non- Grice would have it—that the flag is purely white; if it
natural meaning” as the effect a communicator intends had been white, blue, and red, by the maxim of quantity
to cause in a recipient just by getting the recipient to requiring sufficient information, you should have said
recognize that intention: for example, I can yawn (itself so (see Levinson, 2000). Further, such sets of alternates
a potential natural symptom of tiredness) in such a way are often ordered by informativity, or forming ordered
that you can recognize that I am finding you boring. scales; for example <all, most, many, several, some >, <must,
The intention-laden yawn is for Grice (and the prag- may >, <and, or >, etc. Here informationally stronger
maticist in general) the curious phenomenon at the items to the left entail items further to the right: the kids
heart of human communication; when we use words we ate all the chocolates entails “the kids ate (at least) some
use them in the same kind of heavily intentional envi- of the chocolates.” We can now state one rule for gen-
ronment, where the choice of expressions are scruti- erating general pragmatic inferences, so-called general-
nized for their underlying purpose and intentions. In ized conversational implicatures (or more specifically here,
the language domain, meaning-nn amounts to a theory scalar implicatures), namely, that asserting a weaker item
of speaker meaning—what the speaker intends to achieve on a scale conversationally implicates a stronger item
by the use of his or her utterance in a specific context, doesn’t obtain (otherwise, by the maxim of quantity,
which can contrast with sentence meaning, what is you should have said the stronger one). That’s the
abstractly coded and independent of context. reason that we can make inferences like (3) from the
Grice’s theory of meaning sought to characterize the little interchange between A and B above.
whole domain of intentional communication, but it Another lever is a background assumption of audi-
provides no mechanisms for recognizing communica- ence design. When we refer to persons or things, we use
tive intentions. Here the levers seem to be provided by the terms we think the recipient will be able to use to

668 language and abstract thought

recognize the referent, choosing between Mike, the Recent studies investigated different aspects of com-
author of “The Ethical Brain,” the head of the Sage Centre, municative intentions, such as conversational implica-
etc. In our snippet above, the definite articles in the tures and indirect requests. Bašnáková et al. (2013)
chocolates, the kitchen, and the kids implicate the mutual contrasted direct and indirect replies—two classes of
recognizability of the referents (inference 2 above). utterances whose speaker meanings are more and less
Normally, we introduce new inanimate referents with similar to their coded meaning. In their study, partici-
indefinite articles, and thereafter refer to them with pants listened to natural spoken dialogue in which the
definite ones. But we may also introduce assumptions final and critical utterance—for example, “It is hard to
without ever making overt reference to them, as in We’re give a good presentation”—had different meanings
so sorry we’re late. Our hire car broke down; the steering wheel depending on the dialogue context and the immedi-
came off, where the definite phrase Our hire car intro- ately preceding question. This critical utterance either
duces the fact that we hired a car, and the steering wheel served as a direct reply (to the question “How hard is
has to be understood as part of the same car (Clark, it to give a good presentation?”) or an indirect reply (to
1996). We trade all the time on presumed “common “Did you like my presentation?”). One of the major
ground,” assuming that we’ll both keep track of refer- motivations for speakers to reply indirectly in conversa-
ences previously introduced, and that we can use ste- tions is to mutually protect one another’s public
reotypes (like the naughtiness of kids) as premises in self (e.g., Brown & Levinson, 1987; Goffman, 1967;
unarticulated inferences. Holtgraves, 1999). Half of the indirect utterances rep-
This brief introduction to the scope of pragmatic resented such emotionally charged face-saving situa-
inference already makes clear, first, how fundamental tions, such as attempts not to offend the person asking
the role of pragmatic inference is in language under- the question. The other half of the indirect replies
standing, and second, the extent to which it depends represented more neutral situations, in which the
massively on theory of mind, and specifically on reason- speaker’s motivation for indirectness was simply to
ing about the other’s purposes and intentions, together provide more information than just a simple “no.” In
with constant updating of what we think our recipients the indirectness effect, there were activations in the
presume or know (or do not know), and what we think medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) extending into the
they can infer from what we implicate but do not say. right anterior part of the supplementary motor area,
Pragmatics is, in other words, the science of the under- and in the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ), a
stood but unsaid. pattern typical for tasks that involve mentalizing based
on a theory of mind (ToM; Amodio & Frith, 2006;
The neural infrastructure for pragmatics Mitchell, Macrae, & Banaji, 2006; Saxe, Moran, Scholz,
in language & Gabrieli, 2006). Although the exact role of all the
individual ToM regions is not yet clearly established,
Despite the central contribution of pragmatic inferences both mPFC and right TPJ constitute core regions in
to communication, most research on the neurobiology ToM research (Carrington & Bailey, 2009). The most
of language has focused on either single-word process- specific hypothesis about the role of the posterior part
ing or on the syntactic and semantic operations involved of (right) TPJ (Mars et al., 2012) in the mentalizing
in decoding the content of an utterance. Perisylvian network is that it is implicated in mental state reason-
cortex, with a left-hemisphere dominance, is known to ing, that is, thinking about other people’s beliefs, emo-
be crucial for decoding propositional content (Hagoort, tions, and desires (Saxe, 2010). Activation in the right
2005, 2013; Hagoort & Poeppel, 2013). However, as we TPJ also correlates with severity of autism in a self-other
have seen above, communication involves much more mental state reasoning task (Lombardo, Chakrabarti,
than this. Knowledge about context and speaker needs Bullmore, & Baron-Cohen, 2011).
to be invoked to infer the intended message (speaker The mPFC cortex is a large cortical region with a
meaning) and to engage in successful communication variety of roles characteristic of social cognition
(Bambini, 2010; Levinson, 2000). Relatively few studies (Amodio & Frith, 2006; Saxe & Powell, 2006). The
have investigated the neural infrastructure for effective peaks of the activation in the Bašnáková et al. study
communication beyond the core linguistic machinery (2013) fall in the anterior and posterior rostral divi-
for word retrieval, syntax, and semantics. Many aspects sions, which are associated with complex sociocognitive
of pragmatics that we discussed above have not yet been processes such as mentalizing and thinking about the
investigated at the level of brain organization. Here we intentions of others or about oneself (Amodio & Frith,
will review and summarize our limited current knowl- 2006). Interestingly, the involvement of these regions is
edge in the domain of neuropragmatics. also consistently observed in discourse comprehension

hagoort and levinson: neuropragmatics 669

(e.g., Mar, 2011; Mason & Just, 2009). This might come concepts in the answers (Binder & Desai, 2011; Patter-
as no surprise, since it is likely that the motivations, son, Nestor, & Rogers, 2007).
goals, and desires of fictional characters are accessed in Another type of conversational implicature is irony.
a similar manner as with real-life protagonists (Mar & Understanding irony requires inferring the speaker’s
Oatley, 2008). In fact, an influential model from the attitude towards the linguistic expression (e.g., “what a
discourse-processing literature (Mason & Just, 2009) wonderful talk” said ironically to convey that the speaker
ascribes the dorsomedial part of the frontal cortex and found the talk quite awful). A handful of studies on
the right TPJ a functional role as a protagonist perspective irony (for a review, see Spotorno, Koun, Prado, Van der
network, which generates expectations about how the Henst, & Noveck, 2012) reported mPFC involvement.
protagonists of stories will act based on understanding So far, only one study (Spotorno et al., 2012) reported
their intentions. activation in TPJ. Spotorno et al. (2012) had their par-
A recent fMRI study on the processing of indirect ticipants read stories in which the critical sentence was
requests (van Ackeren, Casasanto, Bekkering, Hagoort, either a literal or an ironic statement. They found stron-
& Ruschemeyer, 2012) confirmed the role of the ToM ger activation for the target sentences in the ironic
network in inferring speaker meaning. Participants stories compared to the literal stories in all four regions
were presented with sentences in the presence of a of the ToM network: the right TPJ, the left TPJ, the
picture. In one condition, the sentence in combination mPFC, and the precuneus. Interestingly, the authors
with the picture could be interpreted as an indirect also report an increased functional connectivity between
request for action. For example, the utterance “It is hot the ventral mPFC and the left inferior frontal gyrus for
here” combined with a picture of a door is likely to be the ironic target sentences, suggesting some form of
interpreted as a request to open the door. However, the interaction between areas for mentalizing and semantic
same utterance combined with the picture of a desert unification (Hagoort, 2013).
will be interpreted as a statement. Van Ackeren et al. As we discussed above, meaning broadly construed is
found that sentences in the indirect-request condition an iceberg, with the linguistically coded part riding on
activated the ToM network much more strongly than a large submersed mountain of mutual inference. This
the very same sentences in the control conditions with mutual inference is also at stake in situations where the
the same pictures and sentences but without the pos- linguistic code is absent. Recent studies investigated
sibility to interpret the sentence in the context of the how human communication develops in a novel com-
picture as an indirect request. The recognition of a municative action for which the constraints from coded
speech act induced by an utterance in combination meanings are lacking (Blokpoel et al., 2012; de Ruiter
with its context requires the inferential machinery et al., 2010; van Rooij et al., 2011). The results of these
instantiated in the ToM network. Interestingly, van studies indicate that human communication relies on
Ackeren et al. (2012) also found action-related regions inferential mechanisms shared across interlocutors
more strongly activated in the indirect request condi- (Stolk et al., 2013), rather than on sensorimotor brain-
tion. The indirect request for action seems to induce to-brain couplings (Rizzolatti & Graighero, 2007). It was
action preparation automatically, even in sentences that found that the creation of novel shared symbols up-
do not contain any action words. For a summary of the regulates activity in the right temporal lobe across pairs
results, see figure 57.1. of communicators, and over temporal scales unrelated
In their fMRI study on conversational implicatures, to transient sensorimotor events (Stolk et al., 2013).
Jang et al. (2013) manipulated the level of explicitness These results suggest that this part of the brain supports
in question-answer pairs, from very explicit (A: “Is Dr. the updating of common ground during a communica-
Smith in his office now?” B: “Dr. Smith is in his office tive interaction.
now”) to highly implicit (A: “Is Dr. Smith in his office Although the number of studies on the neuroprag-
now?” B: “The black car is parked outside the build- matics of language is still limited, there is a remarkable
ing”). The implicit answers generated stronger activa- consistency in the finding that understanding the com-
tions in mPFC and posterior cingulate cortex. The municative intent of an utterance requires mentalizing.
involvement of these areas can be attributed to the Since the linguistic code underdetermines speaker
mentalizing operations subserved by the ToM network, meaning, the ToM network needs to be invoked to get
although in this study TPJ was not found to be activated from coded meaning to speaker meaning. Despite the
in relation to the conversational implicatures. In addi- great popularity of the view that the mirror neuron
tion, the angular gyrus and the anterior temporal lobes system is sufficient for action understanding (Rizzolatti
were more strongly activated, presumably due to the & Sinigaglia, 2010), this system does not provide the
top-down influence on processing of the different crucial neural infrastructure for inferring speaker

670 language and abstract thought

Figure 57.1 Regions of interest (ROIs) were interrogated error bars depict the standard error. (A) Green ROIs show
for activations to an indirect request (IR) for action (as in “It regions from the theory of mind (ToM) localizer (medial
is hot here” in the presence of a picture of a window) relative prefrontal cortex, mPFC; and temporoparietal junction, TPJ).
to three control conditions: PC (picture control), UC (utter- (B) Red ROIs refer to regions that were activated during
ance control), and BC (baseline control). The image shows action execution (pre-supplementary motor area, preSMA;
all ROIs superimposed on a brain template. The bar diagrams bilateral inferior parietal lobule, IPL; van Ackeren et al., 2012;
illustrate mean percent signal change for each condition. The reprinted with permission). (See color plate 50.)

meaning. Next to core areas for retrieving lexical infor- (Levinson, 2000) or, alternatively, are linked with pro-
mation from memory and unification of the lexical cessing effort and increased processing time, as is
building blocks in producing and understanding mul- claimed to follow from the relevance theory of Sperber
tiword utterances, other brain networks are needed to and Wilson (1995; cf. Noveck & Reboul, 2008). The
realize language-driven communication to its full area in which the alternative accounts are tested most
extent. explicitly is that of scalar implicatures. For example, the
quantifier some, although logically equivalent to all, is
pragmatically often interpreted as some but not all (see
The immediacy of pragmatic processing above). The speaker is assumed to use some for a reason,
which is to convey information that would not be pro-
A central issue of debate is to what extent pragmatic vided by all (Grice’s maxim of quantity). The question
inferences are generated automatically and by default is whether scalar implicatures are computed by default,

hagoort and levinson: neuropragmatics 671

or only if licensed by context. In the first case, a term (some), it did affect the processing of subsequent words
such as some will automatically be interpreted pragmati- in the sentence.
cally, that is, as some but not all. In the latter case, this Overall, the results on scalar implicatures indicate
will need to be induced by context. So far, most studies that their processing costs are relatively minor,
on the processing of scalar implicatures were behav- although some contextual modulation can be obtained
ioral. Only a few studies have exploited electrophysio- with quite some individual variation. However, the
logical brain responses to investigate the processing of number of studies is limited, and more definitive
scalar implicatures (Hartshorne, Snedeker, & Kim, answers need to be based on further investigations.
2013; Nieuwland, Ditman, & Kuperberg, 2010; Noveck Although scalar implicatures have been used as a test
& Posada, 2003). Nieuwland et al. (2010) investigated bed for alternative theoretical claims, many other
how quickly pragmatic knowledge is recruited during studies investigated the influence of nonlinguistic con-
informative and underinformative usage of quantifiers. texts on sentence comprehension. These included
In their study, they compared the ERPs to critical words information about the speaker (van Berkum, Van Den
in sentences with an underinformative usage of some Brink, Tesink, Kos, & Hagoort, 2008), co-speech ges-
(e.g., “Some people have lungs, …”) to those with an infor- tures (Özyürek, Willems, Kita, & Hagoort, 2007), and
mative usage (e.g., “Some people have pets, …”). The world knowledge (Hagoort, Bastiaansen, Hald, &
results showed quite some individual variation. Partici- Petersson, 2004). These studies found the same effects
pants who scored high on scales for pragmatic compe- for nonlinguistic compared to linguistic information on
tence showed an N400 effect to the target words (lungs/ the amplitude and latency of ERPs such as the N400.
pets) in the underinformative compared to the informa- In addition, discourse information (Hald, Steenbeek-
tive statements (i.e., to lungs vs. pets). Based on the Planting, & Hagoort, 2007) and pragmatically licensed
pragmatic interpretation of some (some but not all), they negations (Nieuwland & Kuperberg, 2008) influence
showed an immediate N400 response when this reading the amplitude of the N400 at exactly the same latencies
was violated (as in the case of “lungs”). No such effect as semantic anomalies do. This suggests that both lin-
was observed in participants who scored low on prag- guistic and nonlinguistic contexts have an immediate
matic ability. This result suggests that scalar implica- impact on the interpretation of an utterance (Hagoort
tures can be immediately incorporated during sentence & van Berkum, 2007).
comprehension, albeit that this is done with quite a bit In summary, the empirical evidence is still inconclu-
of individual variation. sive with respect to the speed and automaticity of the
Hartshorne, Snedeker, and Kim (2013) introduced inferential steps that are needed to close the gap
an additional control, using “only.” In “Only some politi- between coded meaning and speaker meaning (Noveck
cians are corrupt,” the semantic reading that in fact all & Reboul, 2008). Very likely there are developmental
politicians are corrupt is excluded. This is different for and individual differences in the degree to which prag-
“Some politicians are corrupt,” which could be extended matic inferences are automatically integrated with
as follows, “Some politicians, in fact all politicians, are lexical, syntactic, and semantic processing operations.
corrupt.” With the addition of this control condition, At the same time, it is clear that a full understanding of
they compared declarative sentences such as (1) the neurobiological infrastructure for language requires
“Addison ate some of the cookies before breakfast this a specification of the neural circuitry that establishes
morning, and the rest are on the counter,” with a condi- the common ground between speaker and listener
tional version as in (2) “If Addison ate some of the (Clark, 1996) and that gets us from coded meaning to
cookies before breakfast this morning, then the rest are speaker meaning.
on the counter.” The noun phrase the rest in (1) is only
felicitous if Addison has not eaten all of the cookies, Conclusion
which is what the scalar implicature entails. The assump-
tion is that, instead, conditional sentences suppress the The neurobiology of language has focused mainly on
implicature (Noveck, Chiercia, Chevaux, Guelminger, lexical and sublexical processes, and beyond the single-
& Sylvestre, 2002). The crucial results in this study are word level, especially on syntactic operations. Pragmatic
the interactions between the “declarative/conditional” aspects of language have become part of the neurobio-
and the “some/only some” conditions. The ERP results logical agenda only recently (cf. van Berkum, 2009).
showed the absence of an interaction to some. However, As we have shown, this is a necessary step if we want
at the rest an interaction was observed. The authors con- to understand how linguistic codes get their communi-
clude that although context did not affect the process- cative value. Moreover, integration of neuropragmat-
ing of the quantifier that triggered the scalar implicature ics into the overall picture is helpful for avoiding

672 language and abstract thought

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674 language and abstract thought

58 Cultural Recycling of Neural
Substrates During Language
Evolution and Development

ABSTRACT Cultural evolution has emerged as a key source of that the cultural evolution of language provides a solu-
explanation for the emergence of complex linguistic struc- tion to this problem, indicating how we can explain the
ture in the human lineage. In this chapter, we argue that the
close fit between the structure of language and the
cultural evolution of language has been shaped by nonlinguis-
tic constraints deriving from the human brain. By analogy to mechanisms employed for acquiring and using lan-
reading, novel cortical networks for acquiring and using lan- guage. We then review recent proposals about neuronal
guage are suggested to have emerged through the cultural recycling and how they may provide a neural founda-
recycling of preexisting neural substrates. These language tion for the cultural evolution of language by analogy
networks inherited the structural properties and limitations with a human skill that we know is the product of cul-
of their component cortical circuits. In support for this per-
spective on the neurobiology of language, we discuss evidence tural evolution: reading. Finally, we discuss some of the
regarding the multifunction nature of Broca’s area—often implications for the neurobiology of language, by high-
considered to be a canonical language region—and the dis- lighting specific nonlinguistic neural substrates that
tributed nature of lexicosemantic representations. We con- provide the bases upon which language networks
clude by noting that more research is needed to explore how emerge during development.
the cultural evolution perspective may provide new insights
into the neurobiology of language.
A solution to the logical problem of language
Research on language evolution aims to answer some evolution: Language shaped by the brain
of the most fundamental questions about the nature of
our linguistic abilities: Why is language the way it is, and The acquisition of language is subject to a number of
how did it come to be that way? Fueled by theoretical biological, species-specific constraints. After all, only
constraints derived from recent advances in the brain humans have language; no other animal communica-
and cognitive sciences, the past couple of decades have tion system comes close to the complexity and diversity
seen an explosion of research on language evolution. of forms we see in human language (e.g., Evans &
This research was initially prompted by Pinker and Levinson, 2009). A key question is, however, whether
Bloom’s (1990) groundbreaking article arguing for the these biological constraints necessarily have to be spe-
natural selection of biological structures dedicated to cific to language or whether they may be broader in
language. The new millennium, however, has seen a nature, deriving from constraints on nonlinguistic
shift toward explaining language evolution in terms of neural mechanisms that have been pressed into use in
cultural evolution rather than biological adaptation. language.
Nonetheless, although the cultural evolution of lan- A long-standing influential approach is to assume
guage has had a substantial impact on the cognitive that language acquisition is constrained by a Universal
sciences, it has received relatively little attention within Grammar (UG): a genetic language-specific neural
cognitive neuroscience (though see, e.g., Arbib, 2010; system analogous to the visual system (e.g., Maynard-
Deacon, 1997, for exceptions). Smith & Szathmáry, 1997; Pinker, 1997). As such, UG
In this chapter, we outline how the cultural evolution provides a possible explanation for the close fit between
of language may be consistent with recent thinking the structure of language and how it is acquired and
about the cognitive neuroscience of language. First, we used. But the idea of linguistically driven biological
discuss the logical problem of language evolution faced adaptations as the origin of a genetically specified UG
by theories proposing biological adaptations for arbi- faces a logical problem of language evolution (Christiansen
trary features of language. As an alternative, we argue & Chater, 2008). UG is meant to characterize a set of

christiansen and müller: cultural recycling of neural substrates 675

universal grammatical principles that hold across all language features are likely to be functional, to facili-
languages (e.g., Chomsky, 1981). It is a central assump- tate language use—and thus would typically not be con-
tion that these principles are arbitrary, and not deter- sidered part of UG.
mined by functional considerations, such as constraints But without UG, how can we explain the apparent
on learning, memory, cognitive abilities, or communi- close fit between the structure of language and the
cative effectiveness. This creates an evolutionary mechanisms by which it is acquired and used? Instead
problem because any combination of arbitrary princi- of asking how the brain may have been adapted for
ples will be equally adaptive. A possible solution is to language, we suggest that we may get more insight into
construe the principles as constituting a communicative language evolution by asking the opposite question:
protocol by analogy with inter-computer communica- How has language been adapted to the brain? This
tion: it does not matter what specific settings (princi- question highlights the fact that language cannot exist
ples) are adopted as long as everyone adopts the same independently of human brains. Without our brains,
set of settings (Pinker & Bloom, 1990). However, this there would be no language. Thus, there is a stronger
solution faces three fundamental difficulties relating to selective pressure on language to adapt to the human
the dispersion of human populations, language change, brain than the other way around. Processes of cultural
and the question of what is genetically encoded (Chris- evolution involving repeated cycles of learning and use
tiansen & Chater, 2008). are hypothesized to have shaped language into what we
First, the problem of divergent populations of lan- can observe today. The solution to the logical problem
guage users arises across a range of different scenarios of language evolution is, then, that cultural evolution
concerning language evolution and human migration. has shaped language to fit the human brain (Christian-
In all cases, it would seem that the evolution of UG sen & Chater, 2008).
would require a process of gradual adaptation prior to The last decade has seen a growing body of work sug-
the dispersion of human populations and an abrupt gesting that language may have evolved primarily by way
cessation of such adaptation afterwards to avoid genetic of cultural evolution rather than biological adaptation.
assimilation to diverging local linguistic environments Evidence in support of this perspective on language
(Baronchelli, Chater, Pastor-Satorras, & Christiansen, evolution comes from computational modeling, behav-
2012). Second, the adaptationist account of UG faces ioral experimentation, linguistic analyses, and many
the problem that within a single population, linguistic other lines of scientific inquiry (see Dediu et al., 2013,
conventions change much more rapidly than genes, for a review). A key hypothesis emerging from this work
thus creating a “moving target” for natural selection. is that the cultural evolution of language primarily has
Computational simulations have shown that under con- been shaped by nonlinguistic constraints deriving from
ditions of relatively slow linguistic change, arbitrary neural mechanisms existing prior to the emergence of
principles do not become genetically fixed—even when language (see Christiansen & Chater, 2008, for a review
the genetic makeup of the learners is allowed to affect of the historical pedigree of this perspective). Language
the direction of linguistic change (Chater, Reali, & is viewed as an evolving complex system in its own right;
Christiansen, 2009). Third, natural selection produces features that make language easier to learn and use, or
adaptations designed to fit the specific environment in are more communicatively efficient, will tend to prolif-
which selection occurs. It is thus puzzling that an adap- erate, whereas features that hinder communication will
tation for UG would have resulted in the genetic under- tend to disappear (or not come into existence in the
pinnings of a system capturing the abstract features of first place).
all possible human linguistic environments, rather Christiansen and Chater (2008) describe four differ-
than fixing the superficial properties of the immediate ent types of constraints that act together to shape the
linguistic environment in which the first language cultural evolution of language. One source of con-
originated. straints derives from the perceptual and motor machin-
It remains possible, though, that language did have ery that supports language. For example, the serial
a substantial impact on human genetic evolution. The nature of vocal (and sign) production forces a sequen-
above arguments only preclude biological adaptations tial construction of messages with a strong bias toward
for arbitrary features of language, whereas there might local information due to the limited capacity of percep-
be features that are universally stable across linguistic tual memory. The nature of our cognitive architecture
environments (such as the need for enhanced memory provides a second type of constraints on the cultural
capacity, or complex pragmatic inferences; Givón & evolution of language through limitations on learning,
Malle, 2002) that might lead to biological adaptation memory, and processing. Limitations on working
(Christiansen, Reali, & Chater, 2011). However, these memory, for instance, will constrain the number and

676 language and abstract thought

length of dependencies between nonadjacent elements reasoning, it is proposed that low-level neural circuits
in a sentence. The structure of our mental representa- that have evolved for one specific purpose are rede-
tions and reasoning abilities constitutes a third kind of ployed as part of another neuronal network to accom-
constraints on language evolution. For example, human modate a new function. This general perspective
basic categorization abilities appear to be reflected in has been developed independently in a number of
the structure of lexical representations. Finally, socio- different theoretical proposals, including the “neural
pragmatic considerations provide yet another source of exploitation” theory (Gallese, 2008), the “shared cir-
constraints on how language can evolve. As an example, cuits model” (Hurley, 2008), the “neuronal recycling”
consider how a shared pragmatic context may lighten hypothesis (Dehaene & Cohen, 2007), and the “massive
the informational load on a particular sentence (i.e., it redeployment hypothesis” (Anderson, 2010). The basic
does not have to carry the full meaning by itself). premise is that reusing existing neural circuits to accom-
Importantly, these four types of constraints do not act plish a new function is more likely from an evolutionary
independently of one another; rather, specific linguistic perspective than evolving a completely new circuit
patterns arise from a combination of several of these de novo (cf. Jacob, 1977)
constraints acting in unison. Individual languages If this hypothesis is correct, we should expect
emerge through a gradual historical process of tinker- most brain areas to participate in multiple, potentially
ing, recruiting different constellations of constraints, diverse behavioral functions. Supporting this predic-
and thus giving rise to the diversity of languages.1 tion, Anderson (2010) reviews results from 1,469 sub-
The idea of language as shaped by cultural evolution traction-based fMRI studies involving eleven different
to fit preexisting constraints from the human brain also task domains, ranging from action execution, vision, and
promises to simplify the problem of language acquisi- attention to memory, reasoning, and language, finding
tion. When children acquire their native language(s), that any given cortical region is typically active for most
their biases will be the right biases because language of these task domains. That is, a specific neural circuit
has been optimized by past generations of learners to that is active in a particular cognitive task, such as lan-
fit those very biases (Chater & Christiansen, 2010; guage, is generally also active for multiple other tasks.
Zuidema, 2003). This does not, however, trivialize the The cultural recycling hypothesis further predicts
problem of language acquisition but instead suggests that cognitive functions that have emerged more
that children tend to make the right guesses about how recently in human evolution should be more widely
their language works—not because of an innate UG— distributed across the cerebral cortex than older ones.
but because language has been shaped by cultural evo- This is because these more recent traits will be able to
lution to fit the nonlinguistic constraints that they bring rely on a wider variety of cortical circuits with different,
to bear on language acquisition. A key remaining ques- potentially useful properties in order to produce the
tion, though, to which we turn next, is whether it is optimal network for this novel function, and there is no
possible to provide a more detailed account of the a priori reason that these neural circuits should be
neural bases supporting the development and cultural placed next to one another (Anderson, 2010). Thus, if
evolution of language. the neural mechanisms involved in language are pri-
marily the product of recycling of older neural sub-
Cultural recycling of neural substrates during strates, as proposed by cultural evolution theorists, then
development we would expect to find the brain areas involved in
language to be widely distributed across the brain. Ana-
Over the past decade, a new perspective on the func- lyzing the co-activation of Brodmann areas for eight
tional architecture of the brain has emerged (see different task domains in 472 fMRI experiments, Ander-
Anderson, 2010, for a review). Instead of viewing son (2008) found that language was the task domain
various brain regions as being dedicated to broad cog- for which co-activation patterns were the most widely
nitive domains such as language, vision, memory, or scattered across the brain. Following language in terms
of the degree of distribution of neural co-activation
patterns came reasoning, memory, emotion, mental
A possible reason for why extant non-human primates do not imagery, visual perception, action and, lastly, attention.
have language may be that humans have gone through Indeed, language was significantly more widely distrib-
a number of biological adaptations, most of which are not uted than the latter three task domains: visual percep-
specific to language, but which provided the right kind of
perceptuo-motor, cognitive, conceptual, and socio-pragmatic tion, action, and attention.
foundations for language to “take off” by way of cultural Importantly, as existing neural circuits take on new
evolution. roles by participating in new networks to accommodate

christiansen and müller: cultural recycling of neural substrates 677

novel functions, they retain their original function The available data regarding the neural representa-
(though, the latter may in some cases be affected by tion of reading, combined with analyses of writing
properties of the new function through developmental systems and experiments with nonhuman primates,
processes2). The limitations and computational con- suggest that writing systems have been shaped by a neu-
straints of the original workings of those circuits will ronal niche that includes the left ventral occipito-
therefore be inherited by the new function, creating a temporal cortex. Next, we extend this argument to
“neuronal niche” (Dehaene & Cohen, 2007) for cul- include language more generally, outlining the neuro-
tural evolution. In other words, the emerging new func- nal niche within which language has evolved by cultural
tion will be shaped by constraints deriving from the evolution.
recycled neural circuits as it evolves culturally. Thus,
this is the sense in which we argue that language has Nonlinguistic neural constraints on language
been shaped by the brain through the cultural recycling
of preexisting neural substrates. Evidence predominantly drawn from functional neuro-
imaging in adults supports the hypothesis of language
Reading as a Product of Cultural Recycling having adapted to the brain. We discuss two important
Writing systems are only about 7000 years old and for sources of evidence, one related to the functional diver-
most of this time the ability to read and write was con- sity of Broca’s area, the other to the distributed brain
fined to a small group of individuals. Thus, reading is organization for lexicosemantic representations.
a culturally evolved ability for which humans would be Broca’s area (comprising Brodmann areas [BAs] 44
unlikely to have any specialized biological adaptations. and 45 in the left inferior frontal gyrus [LIFG]) is con-
This makes reading a prime candidate for a cognitive sidered crucial among the “language regions” of the
skill that is the product of cultural recycling of prior human brain (Price, 2010). Some proposals even assign
neural substrates. an exclusive linguistic or syntactic role to LIFG (e.g.,
Dehaene and Cohen (2007) argue that skills result- Grodzinsky, 2000). As described above, however, exclu-
ing from culturally mediated neuronal recycling, such sive language specialization would be unexpected from
as reading, should have certain characteristics. First, an evolutionary perspective. Such proposals also over-
variability in the neural representations of the skill look extensive neuroimaging evidence (reviewed in
should be limited across individuals and cultures. With Müller, 2009). Here, we focus on one example, the
regard to reading, the visual word form area, which is role of LIFG in motor-related processing and action
located in the left occipito-temporal sulcus, has been perception.
consistently associated with word processing across Outside neurolinguistics, Broca’s area is often consid-
different individuals and writing systems. Second, ered a premotor (rather than a language) region (e.g.,
there should be considerable similarity across cultures Curtis & D’Esposito, 2003). Indeed, postmortem cellu-
in the manifestation of the skill itself. Consistent with lar evidence shows that BA 44 is “dysgranular” cortex
this prediction, Dehaene and Cohen (2007) note that (containing few cells with sensory afferents in cortical
individual characters in writings systems across the layer IV), a feature shared with primary motor cortex
world consist of an average of three strokes, and the (Amunts et al., 1999). Unsurprisingly, the role of LIFG
intersection contours of the parts of these characters in language has been related to its motor specialization
follow the same frequency distribution (e.g., T, Y, Z, Δ). (Rizzolatti, Fogassi, & Gallese, 2002). Relevant evidence
Third, there should be some continuity in terms of originates from monkey studies (Rizzolatti & Genti-
both neural biases and abilities for learning in nonhu- lucci, 1988). Specifically, neurons in monkey area F5,
man primates. That reading might build (at least in which may correspond to human BA 44 (Rizzolatti &
part) on the recruitment of evolutionary older mecha- Arbib, 1998), respond to object-directed action when
nism for object recognition is supported by recent presented visually or auditorily, in the absence of any
results from a study of orthographic processing in motor response (Kohler et al., 2002). Since these mirror
baboons (Grainger et al., 2012) indicating that they neurons are not directly involved in motor execution,
were able to distinguish English words from nonsense they are considered important for imitation as well as
words. for detecting and recognizing the actions of others
(Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). These functions are
2 supported by connectivity between ventral premotor
For example, exposure to the specific patterns of occurrence
of center-embedded clauses in German appears to affect and inferior parietal cortex (Fabbri-Destro & Rizzolatti,
sequential learning of nonadjacent dependencies more 2008), with possible additional participation of the
generally (de Vries et al., 2012). superior temporal sulcus (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004).

678 language and abstract thought

Ample imaging evidence suggests that the mirror the retina via the thalamus), but specializations of
neuron system (MNS) exists in the human brain in association cortices are often not understood in analo-
regions corresponding to those identified in monkey gous ways. For example, why is a major “language
studies, that is, bilateral IFG and inferior parietal cortex region” located in LIFG?
(Molenberghs, Cunnington, & Mattingley, 2012), pos- As mentioned, a neural action recognition system is
sibly suggesting some role in the emergence of lan- not a sufficient condition for language. Correspond-
guage (Arbib, 2010; Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004). ingly, the connectivity of IFG is far more complex than
From this perspective, the existence of mirror neurons described above in the context of action recognition
in Broca’s area is not a coincidence, but indicates a (Anwander, Tittgemeyer, von Cramon, Friederici, &
crucial role for imitation and action recognition as Knosche, 2007). While the arcuate fasciculus indeed
building blocks of language (Nishitani, Schurmann, connects IFG with inferior parietal and lateral temporal
Amunts, & Hari, 2005). In the framework of the cul- regions in posterior perisylvian cortex (Catani, Jones, &
tural recycling model, this implies that LIFG is not a Ffytche, 2005), the functional relevance of these con-
“language area” that happens to also play a role in nections goes beyond those ascribed to the MNS, relat-
other, apparently nonlinguistic functions. Rather, LIFG ing, for example, to spatial processing and attention
had initially developed action-related functions, which (Sack, 2009) and auditory processing, auditory-visual
secondarily made it suited for its role in language emer- integration, and face processing (Hein & Knight, 2008).
gence. Indeed, it has been suggested that LIFG’s action- IFG furthermore connects with both the dorsal stream,
related functions develop early in infancy through crucial for visuospatial processing and visuomotor coor-
associative learning (Cook et al., 2014) prior to the dination (Goodale & Westwood, 2004), and the ventral
development of language. This view of sequence and stream (Saur et al., 2008), which provides meaningful
causality can be applied both to child development, interpretation of visual and auditory stimuli (Grill-
where action recognition and imitation may be consid- Spector & Malach, 2004). Although not all of these
ered building blocks of language acquisition (Glenberg functions may appear immediately relevant to language
& Gallese, 2012), and to evolution (Corballis, 2010), emergence, the status of Broca’s area as a convergence
where the existence of the MNS in “preverbal” nonhu- zone (Mesulam, 1998; Meyer & Damasio, 2009), where
man primates is known (as described above).3 However, connections with numerous other sensorimotor and
while the MNS and the imitative abilities and action association cortices come together, provides a promis-
recognition it affords may be necessary phylo- and onto- ing neuroscientific account of its crucial role in
genetic conditions for the emergence of language, they language.
cannot be sufficient: Macaque monkeys (as studied by Related to connectivity-based functional specializa-
Rizzolatti and colleagues) possess an MNS but never tion, a second example of “language adapting to the
developed language. Language evolution must there- brain” concerns lexicosemantic organization. Beyond
fore rely on other building blocks with distributed brain LIFG and its crucial role in lexicosemantic representa-
organization other than imitation and action recogni- tions (Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant, 2009), the dis-
tion, highlighting the role of connectivity. tributed organization of semantic representations is
The relevance of connectivity for functional special- reflected in the principle of category-specificity, which
ization in cortical regions, such as LIFG, is fundamen- was first observed in patients with semantic deficits
tal. As proposed by Passingham, Stephan, and Kotter that differentially affect specific classes of objects.
(2002), the functional role of each brain region may be Some patients, for example, show dissociations between
largely determined by its afferent and efferent connec- impaired animate and retained inanimate items (Mahon
tivity patterns, that is, by which other brain regions it & Caramazza, 2009). Warrington and McCarthy (1987)
“hears from” (receives synaptic input from) and “talks point out that sensory features are important for distin-
to” (sends axons with synaptic terminals to). The con- guishing between living items, while action semantics
nectivity-based principle implies that local specializa- are more important for inanimate items, like tools; loss
tions in cortex are not arbitrary. This is well understood of sensory or action knowledge could therefore differ-
for sensorimotor regions (e.g., primary visual cortex entially disrupt the semantic representations of living
has visual functions because it receives input from and nonliving items, respectively. Crucially, category-
specificity does not reflect impaired processing of
sensory input or motor output, but impairment at the
Importantly, though, we see this perspective as being agnostic conceptual level (Mahon & Caramazza, 2009).
with regard to the question of whether language originated The clinical evidence of category-specificity is sup-
in the gestural or vocal modality. ported by imaging findings in healthy adults. For

christiansen and müller: cultural recycling of neural substrates 679

example, the processing of semantic representations Semantic representations (possibly with the excep-
related to action and function is associated with activa- tion of abstract words; see Shallice & Cooper, 2013) can
tion in left (pre)motor cortex (Chao, Weisberg, & thus be considered highly complex sets of sensorimo-
Martin, 2002; Goldberg, Perfetti, & Schneider, 2006; tor-based representations, whose complexity is reflected
Lubrano, Filleron, Demonet, & Roux, 2014) and left in distributed brain organization. This implies that the
posterior middle temporal cortex (Chao, Haxby, & lexicosemantic system adapts to preexisting brain
Martin, 1999; Hwang, Palmer, Basho, Zadra, & Müller, systems that support sensorimotor and other nonverbal
2009)—the latter being important for nonbiological functions. It also illustrates biological and evolutionary
object motion perception (Beauchamp, Lee, Haxby, & economy. Thus, the emergence of language in hominid
Martin, 2003). Conversely, animate categories are evolution did not require the launch of an entirely
linked to activations in visual cortices, such as the fusi- novel set of brain “modules,” as suggested by Chomsky
form gyrus (Chao et al., 2002) and the superior tempo- (e.g., 1972) and followers (Fodor, 1983), but made use
ral sulcus (Chao et al., 1999; Tyler et al., 2003), an area of existing neural machinery, that is, brain systems for
involved in the perception of biological motion (Pel- sensation, perception, and motor functions.
phrey, Morris, Michelich, Allison, & McCarthy, 2005).
A meta-analysis (Chouinard & Goodale, 2010) cor- Conclusion
roborated activation differences for naming of animals
(temporooccipital regions) vs. naming of tools (left Much recent work on the evolution of language has
prefrontal, premotor, and somatosensory regions), focused on the role of cultural transmission across lan-
highlighting the role of sensorimotor cortices in lexi- guage learners and users in the emergence of complex
cosemantic representations. Examples are premotor linguistic structure. This work has suggested that much
and primary motor cortex (Chao & Martin, 2000; Hauk, of language may have been shaped by neural mecha-
Johnsrude, & Pulvermüller, 2004), visual cortices in fusi- nisms predating the origin of language (e.g., Christian-
form gyrus and occipital lobe (Goldberg et al., 2006; sen & Chater, 2008). In this chapter, we have sought to
Pulvermüller & Hauk, 2006), and orbitofrontal olfac- understand the evolution of language in terms of the
tory regions (Goldberg et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., cultural recycling of neural substrates, suggesting that
2006). Action words related to different body parts language may have “recruited” preexisting networks in
(face, arms, legs) are associated with patterns of activa- development to support the evolution of various lan-
tion corresponding to the somatotopic organization in guage functions. Just as our reading ability relies on a
primary motor and somatosensory cortices (Carota, network of cortical circuits that existed before the
Moseley, & Pulvermüller, 2012), further supporting the invention of writing systems, so—we argue—has lan-
sensorimotor bases of lexicosemantic representations. guage largely come to rely on networks involving brain
Several theoretical models have been developed to mechanisms not dedicated to language. However, much
account for the lesion and imaging evidence. Accord- work still needs to be done and we hope that the present
ing to sensory/functional (Warrington & McCarthy, chapter might serve as a starting point for future cogni-
1987) and sensorimotor models (Martin, 2007), seman- tive neuroscience research on the cultural evolution of
tic representations are distributed throughout the brain language.
as a reflection of sensorimotor processes crucial to their
acquisition, with weighted participation based on the REFERENCES
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682 language and abstract thought

59 The Emerging Standard Model
of the Human Decision-Making

ABSTRACT Just over a decade ago, neurobiologists knew almost early 1990s, movement scholars had begun to turn
nothing about the neural mechanisms of voluntary choice. toward older economic theories like expected utility
Today, the basic outlines of the human and monkey systems
theory (von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944) in an
for making decisions are now clearly beginning to emerge.
Speaking broadly, it is now known that a set of frontal cortical effort to understand this process. Unlike those studying
and basal ganglia store and represent the idiosyncratic values perceptual decision making who approached choice
we place on all kinds of things. This value system, a complex from the realm of sensation (Newsome, Britten, &
of many areas, synthesizes a single common representation of Movshon, 1989; Shadlen, Britten, Newsome, & Movshon,
the values of all of the many choice options that we face at 1996), these scholars found themselves trying to under-
any given moment. These so-called subjective values are then
sent to a set of frontal and parietal areas that actually perform stand the idiosyncratic “preferences” that guide human
the choice process. This chapter provides an outline of the decision making from a cognitive neuroscientific point
human and monkey value and choice systems. of view. This led them to search for hidden internal
representations that might guide decision-making pro-
cesses within the central nervous system.
Over the course of the past decade, enormous progress
Economists had a long history of developing theories
has been made toward understanding the basic mecha-
that specified the minimally complex internal represen-
nism by which the human brain makes choices. This
tation of preferences that could, in principle, account
review focuses on what is known about the mechanisms
for a given set of observed decisions (Houthakker, 1950;
we employ when choosing between goods or options
McFadden, 2005), and this group of cognitive neurosci-
that have different intrinsic values to us. This kind of
entists took this as a starting point (Platt & Glimcher,
decision making is known within neuroscientific circles
1999). They hypothesized that economic theories might
as value-based decision making. Contemporary studies
define the internal variables used by the nervous system
suggest that we can think of value-based decision
to guide choice. What resulted from that hypothesis was
making as reflecting two sequentially arranged neural
a new discipline at the borders of neuroscience, psy-
mechanisms: a valuation mechanism that learns, stores,
chology, and economics: neuroeconomics. This chapter
and retrieves the values of goods or actions under con-
reviews one of the central threads in that discipline,
sideration, and a choice mechanism that takes the output
which is often called the standard model.
of the valuation circuit as its starting point and gener-
ates a choice from among those options. This segrega-
tion of the decision-making system into two neat An overview of the standard model for value-based
components is part pedagogy and part reality (Padoa- decision making
Schioppa, 2011), but it serves as a starting point for
understanding how value-based choice arises in the The Choice Circuit We begin our overview by exam-
brain. ining the neural circuits that actually make choices,
Value-based studies of decision making in neurosci- once an internal representation of the values of the
ence emerged originally from studies of movement options under consideration has already been expressed
control. Scholars of movement control had long been with the nervous system. For an economist, it is natural
interested in how animals choose what movement to to assume that decision makers hold some “internal”
make: if I can look at (or reach toward) any point in representation of the subjective values of the goods or
extra-personal space, how do I select one movement actions under consideration. This internal representa-
from the set of all of those possible movements? By the tion, if it is to support logically consistent comparisons,

glimcher: human decision-making apparatus 683

must by definition lie on a single common scale (Glim-
cher, 2011; Sugrue, Corrado, & Newsome, 2005), and
Left primary
we begin by making the assumption that such a repre- visual cortex
sentation exists. (We turn to the details of that repre-
sentation, and the assumptions it reflects, in the next
For a neoclassical economist, choosers “choose”
simply by executing the mathematical operation that
identifies the option in the current choice set that has
the highest value on that common scale—the argmax
operation. For a biologist, however, this argmax process
is anything but trivial, and serves as our current focus.
How does the algorithmic machine of the human brain Cortex maps
encode the values of items in the current choice set? the external world
How does it deliberate so as to identify the most highly
valued option within that representation? And how
does the well-studied stochasticity of the mammalian Figure 59.1 The primary visual cortex forms a topographic
brain (Churchland et al., 2010; Glimcher, 2005; Tol- map of the visual world as seen through the retina.
hurst, Movshon, & Dean, 1983) interact with this process
in a way that accounts for the stochasticity observed At each point on that map, the firing rates of neurons
and modeled behaviorally by economists like the Nobel tell us something about what the retina sees at that loca-
laureate Daniel McFadden (2005; see also Loomes, tion in the visual world. What is hugely important is that
Graham, & Sugden, 1995)? this basic organizational structure has turned out to be
Answering these three questions—how are subjective almost entirely universal in the mammalian brain. And,
values (the neural correlates of the economic objects interestingly, this seems also to be the way in which
called utilities) encoded in the choice circuit? how is the subjective values are encoded in the choice circuit. Con-
argmax operation performed? and how does stochastic- sider the prototypical example of this, the lateral intra-
ity arise in the nervous system?—has been a principle parietal area, or area LIP (Gnadt & Andersen, 1988).
goal of a number of laboratories over the course of the Area LIP organizes information about the actions a
last two decades, and so we turn to each of these ques- monkey can choose to take, and organizes information
tions in turn. It is, however, worth noting that most work about what orienting eye movement to make next (as
on these particular questions has been conducted in well as encoding information about what is important
the brains of nonhuman primates because of current at each of those locations). Firing rates on this map
technological limitations. As a result, it is through encode (among other things; see, for example, Gott-
studies of the monkey that most of our understanding lieb, 2007) the subjective values of each eye movement
of the choice process (as opposed to the valuation in the set of all possible eye movements (Glimcher,
process, which has been extensively studied in both 2003). Just as the visual cortex is a topographic map of
humans and other animals) has been developed. the properties of the important visual world, LIP
appears to include a topographic map of one of the
How are the subjective values that encode our most important properties of each movement—how
preferences encoded in the choice circuit? valuable it is to the organism at any moment in time
(Sereno, Pitzalis, & Martinez, 2001; Schluppeck, Glim-
A tremendous amount is known about how many things cher, & Heeger, 2005). To make this clearer, consider
are represented in the mammalian brain, a fact to figure 59.2. Here, each point on the three-dimensional
which this book is a testament. We know that most (3D) graph represents neural activity at one point on
classes of information represented in the cerebral the LIP map as it would be seen if we could observe the
cortex are topographically encoded on anatomically entire map at one time. The inset cartoon shows the
two-dimensional “maps.” The cortex is made up of location of two visual targets. If the monkey looks at one
dozens of these small topographic maps. The two- of these targets he gets a reward, and the reward mag-
dimensional structure of the primary visual cortex, for nitudes vary by target. If he looks anywhere else, he gets
example, provides a topographic map of the world as no reward. What we can see in this reconstruction is
seen by the retina, as shown in figure 59.1 (Hubel & that activity on the map encodes the value, to the
Wiesel, 1974). monkey, of every possible orienting eye movement.

684 language and abstract thought

Figure 59.2 A simulation of the map of eye movements in two targets presented to a monkey subject. The right target,
the lateral intraparietal area (area LIP). Each vertex repre- if looked at, yields twice as much reward as the left target.
sents a neuron on the LIP map, and brightness and height (Courtesy of Ryan Webb.)
indicate the firing rate of that neuron. The inset shows the

One interesting feature of the map is that the repre- largest peak, sometimes called a winner-take-all computa-
sentation of each of the three valuable movements is tion (Edelman & Keller, 1996; Maass, 2000; van Gisber-
quite broadly distributed. This reflects the fact that gen, van Opstal, & Tax, 1987).
adjacent neurons are strongly connected to one another How then does the growing, largest peak trigger the
and that the strength of that connection falls off as a selected movement? Some of these topographic maps
function of distance (Gilbert & Wiesel, 1979). A feature include a biophysical threshold that makes that possi-
not immediately obvious in this reconstruction is that ble. In the superior colliculus, which receives topo-
each neuron in the map is also connected in an inhibi- graphically mapped connections from LIP, when the
tory way to other neurons. The exact pattern of these firing rates of neurons at any one location on the map
inhibitory connections varies from area to area, but for experience firing rates over about 100 Hz, these neurons
our purposes let us consider these inhibitory connec- change state and burst at about 1,000 Hz for a roughly
tions to be universal; each neuron is connected with a fixed period of time (Hall & Moschovakis, 2004;
fixed level of inhibition to every other neuron in the van Opstal & van Gisbergen, 1989). This very high rate
topography (Haider, Hausser, & Carandini, 2013; Lee, completely suppresses all other movement-triggering
Helms, Augustine, & Hall, 1997). The peaks of activity, activity on that map, and then passes on to influence
thus, in some sense, “fight” with each other for control the movement-control circuits of the brainstem.
of the map. It is important to understand, however, that it is not
one small brain map that controls all eye movement–
How is the argmax operation performed? related decision making. A cascade of reciprocally
connected maps, as shown in figure 59.3, performs
It should be obvious that choosing, for a network like this function. The specializations of these maps are a
this, amounts to identifying the peak that is highest on subject of intense current inquiry and uncertainty, but
maps like the one portrayed in figure 59.2, and then we do know about a few key specializations. We know,
passing that information on to the circuits that generate for example, that the last of the maps in the eye-
movements. Studies of brain slices (Ozen, Helms, & movement cascade is the superior colliculus, and we
Hall, 2003) suggest that when the monkey chooses, the know that it is only this map on which the biophysical
strength of all of the short-range excitatory connections threshold mechanism operates (Hall & Moschovakis,
in the topographic map increases. As short-range exci- 2004).
tation grows over all of the map, the largest peak
becomes stronger and thus more effective at suppress- How does behavioral stochasticity arise?
ing its neighbors. As those neighbors are suppressed,
they become less effective at suppressing the largest We know that neuronal firing rates are in fact quite
peak. The result is a self-reinforcing growth of the stochastic. If we were to direct two inputs to the LIP

glimcher: human decision-making apparatus 685

values of goods and actions. Ultimately, it must be these
areas that provide the subjective value signals on which
the neurons in areas like LIP operate. So with that, we
turn to the valuation circuits of the primate brain.

The Valuation Circuit Studies of the valuation cir-

cuits of the brain emerged, in large part, from studies
of the reinforcement learning systems of the brain
during the 1990s. Just as studies of the choice circuit
were gathering steam, it began to be generally accepted
that the dopamine neurons of the midbrain played a
critical role in learning the values of actions (Mon-
tague, Dayan, & Sejnowsky, 1996). That suggested that
one way to begin to understand valuation circuits was
through the study of dopamine. At the same time that
these studies of dopamine were being undertaken, a
second line of inquiry with regard to value also got
Figure 59.3 An example of the interconnected cascade of underway: the search for functional MRI (fMRI) signals
topographic maps that appear to represent the values of that correlated with the subjective values of goods,
current options and execute the choice process, at least for actions, and events expressed in various ways by human
simple orienting eye-movement decision making. The actual
cascade of eye movement networks is much larger, including
subjects (Breiter, Aharon, Kahneman, Dale, & Shizgal,
areas like the supplementary eye fields and a number of other 2001; Delgado, Nystrom, Fissell, Noll, & Fiez, 2000;
areas. (Courtesy of Ryan Webb.) Elliott, Friston, & Dolan, 2000; Knutson, Westdorp,
Kaiser, & Hommer, 2000; McCabe, Houser, Ryan, Smith,
& Trouard, 2001). Both of these approaches converged
map indicating that a particular movement was worth on two particular brain areas: the striatum and a portion
0.5 ml of fruit juice, the neurons in that brain area of the medial prefrontal cortex. Activity in these two
would show a time-varying firing rate. Intrinsic random- areas was found to consistently predict people’s prefer-
ness in the map representation causes these peaks to ences—and preferences of literally all kinds. If someone
bounce around a bit from moment to moment, as was a steep temporal discounter, she preferred small imme-
shown in figure 59.4. Thus, whenever the values of two diate rewards to waiting for larger rewards, and activity
options get close to one another, neuronal “noise” has in these areas in response to delayed rewards was steeply
an effect on the winner-take-all process. Thus variability “discounted” (Kable & Glimcher, 2007). If someone
emerges as a key feature of the operation of this network placed a higher value on food rewards than on mone-
(Dorris & Glimcher, 2004), exactly the kind described tary rewards, then so did these areas in that person
by the random utility theory models (e.g., McFadden, (Chib, Rangel, Shimojo, & O’Doherty, 2009; Levy &
2005) of economics. Glimcher, 2011). If someone was inclined to co-operate
in a trust game, then activity in these areas was higher
What about other kinds of movement-related for offers that required cooperation (Sanfey, Rilling,
decisions? Aronson, Nystrom, & Cohen, 2003).
The utility theories of economics and their descen-
Is what we know about eye movements true in other dants—for example, the prospect theory of Kahneman
systems? We do know that a similar network of areas and Tversky ( 1979)—propose that decision makers
operates in a similar way to control decisions about trade off different kinds of rewards just as if they were
movements of the hand (Cisek & Kalaska, 2010). And comparing those rewards in a single common currency.
we have some data suggesting a similar architecture for The observation that activity in the medial prefrontal
many other classes of movements (Colby & Duhamel, cortex and the striatum seem to encode human prefer-
1991). But what about more abstract decisions about ences for rewards of all types in a single common neural
goods, rather than actions? The truth is that we simply currency immediately suggested that activity in these
do not know the answer to that question (Padoa-Schioppa, brain areas plays a role in behavior similar to that played
2011). But what we do know comes from the study of by utility-like objects in economic theory. But it is impor-
more anterior (frontal) parts of the brain thought to be tant to note that these utility-like signals, now typically
intimately involved in storing and representing the called subjective value signals, differ from utilities in

686 language and abstract thought

Figure 59.4 Three snapshots of LIP activity engendered to variability causes the heights of the peaks to vary stochastically
left and right options that have equal true values. Neuronal from moment to moment. (Courtesy of Ryan Webb.)

several important ways. The most important of these and the ventral striatum that combines the outputs of
ways is that subjective value signals always correlate with many antecedent brain areas onto a single common
and predict choice behavior—even when that choice scale appropriate for direct comparison and choice
behavior is incompatible with a utility-based theory; (Fehr & Rangel, 2011; Glimcher, 2011; Kable & Glimcher,
these neural signals appear to be much more closely 2009; and see Wallis & Rushworth, 2013, for an impor-
related to behavior than they are to traditional eco- tant extension of this approach). Brain activity in the
nomic theories. medial prefrontal cortex and striatum clearly reveals
the idiosyncratic values people place on goods, actions,
The medial prefrontal cortex and the striatum or rewards. One can predict how people will trade off
delays to future rewards, different kinds of rewards,
While some important debate about this point remains, social rewards, even co-operation from measurements
nearly all models of choice thus now posit the existence of activity in these two areas (Levy & Glimcher, 2012).
of a utility-like signal in the medial prefrontal cortex So it is natural to hypothesize that the choice circuits

glimcher: human decision-making apparatus 687

we encountered in the preceding section receive inputs
from these areas—although those connections have not
yet been unambiguously identified.
The most common hypothesis is thus that somewhere
in the brain the values of all different kinds of rewards
must be stored—perhaps in very abstract and incom-
plete ways that are highly context-dependent and that
likely involve the middle temporal lobe of the brain.
When a subject is offered a choice between two or more
goods or actions, activity in the medial prefrontal cortex
and the striatum comes to represent the values of these
rewards on a single common scale for comparison. It
cannot be understated how much data supports this
basic conclusion. Meta-studies of the available literature
robustly show that activity in these areas predicts prefer-
ences in nearly every paper that has ever been pub-
lished on this subject (Levy & Glimcher, 2012). The
medial prefrontal cortex and the striatum are hot spots
in choice and valuation that almost certainly serve as a
critical input to the choice circuitry. The bulk of the
evidence available today suggests that these two areas Figure 59.5 A cartoon of the valuation cascade in frontal
serve as a final common path for valuation in the human cortex and the basal ganglia. Dark gray cortical areas
brain. (Although it may also be the case that some kinds include the medial prefrontal cortex, the dorsolateral pre-
of costs are not reflected in this representation; Kolling, frontal cortex, and the orbitofrontal cortex. Light gray sub-
Behrens, Mars, & Rushworth, 2012.) cortical areas include the striatum, the amygdala, and the

Inputs to common value areas

models of the choice circuit. Much of the work on valu-
So from where do valuation signals observed in the ation signals has been conducted in humans using
medial prefrontal cortex and the ventral striatum come? fMRI. The result is that we know much more about
Both fMRI and single-neuron recordings suggest that a where valuation signals arise in the nervous system than
large number of brain areas contribute to these common about how they are encoded. For this reason, we also
value signal representations. Studies of risk aversion know much less about how the choice and valuation
over food rewards (Levy & Glimcher, 2011) point at the networks interact. We do not know, for example, how
hypothalamus as a critical input to the medial prefron- people choose among goods when no action is required
tal cortex for valuing these kinds of rewards. Studies in the choice process. Does a winner-take-all process
of cooperative behavior (Fehr, 2009) and self-control like that observed in LIP occur within one of the valu-
(Hare, Camerer, & Rangel, 2009) point at the dorsolat- ation circuit maps? That seems likely (Padoa-Schioppa,
eral prefrontal cortex as a critical input to this area for 2011), but at this point we simply do not know.
valuing social cooperation and goods that require or What does seem clear is a basic outline. When a
invoke self-control processes. Studies of the orbitofron- subject is offered a choice between two or more options,
tal cortex (O’Doherty, Kringelbach, Rolls, Hornak, & a network of frontal and striatal areas constructs subjec-
Andrews, 2001; Padoa-Schioppa, 2011; Tremblay & tive value signals, on a common scale, for those goods,
Schultz, 1999) point to this area as critical to the valu- actions, or rewards in the medial prefrontal cortex and
ation of many consumable rewards. Studies of the amyg- in some parts of the striatum. Next, we know that if we
dala (Phelps & LeDoux, 2005; Salzman & Fusi, 2010) ask subjects to select from among the rewards being
point to this area as playing a role in the emotional valued in these areas by making movements, the choice
regulation of reward values. What emerges is a fairly circuits come to represent these subjective values and
complex network of brain areas, schematized in figure to converge as a choice is made. We do not know how
59.5, that construct in medial prefrontal cortex and in the goods and rewards represented in areas like the
the striatum a subjective value signal that guides choice. medial prefrontal cortex are mapped into “action
It is important to stress, however, that models of the space” (the movement-based topographic representa-
valuation circuit are much less well developed than tion that has been so well studied in monkeys), nor do

688 language and abstract thought

we know how all classes of “costs” are incorporated into in which subjects integrate sensory data as fast as they
these representations. It may be that the striatum plays can and then make choices as soon as possible. Can the
a role in this process. It may be that actions are repre- same neural systems, using the same computational
sented in the medial prefrontal cortex. But we know properties, produce both behaviors?
that a mapping of this type must take place; activity in Soltani and colleagues (Soltani & Wang, 2008) were
the parietal choice maps closely mirrors mPFC subjec- the first scholars to demonstrate that the answer to that
tive value signals and guides choice to a precision that question is an unambiguous yes. The same circuits
simply cannot reflect a lucky coincidence. really can perform both of these functions. What Soltani
and colleagues demonstrated is that what differs
Putting it all together: Relating value-based between these two classes of models comes down to the
decision to perceptual decision inhibitory-excitatory balance of the network as the
choice process progresses. In temporally discrete value-
The chapter in this volume by Shadlen and colleagues based decision making, the network begins in a very
describes one of the most important lines of research noncompetitive mode. Peaks of activity on the maps
in neurobiological studies of decision making, the like those shown in figure 59.2 coexist. When a choice
random-dot experiments of Bill Newsome, Michael is made, changes in the excitatory-inhibitory balance of
Shadlen, and their colleagues (Newsome, Britten, the network cause the peaks of activity to compete,
Salzman, & Movshon, 1990). Their studies suggest that implementing the winner-take-all process. In dynamic
perceptual signals originating in extrastriate visual cor- perceptual decision making, in contrast, the inhibitory-
tex’s area MT are passed to area LIP, the frontal eye excitatory balance of the network can be thought of as
fields, and the superior colliculus for decision making. preset, so that some degree of competition is always
As we have seen in this chapter, these three areas are present. This preset balance means that as soon as some
known as choice areas in value-based decision-making critical level of evidence is achieved, the network auto-
models. So what does this mean? Do these choice areas matically converges to a single choice. In this kind of
do two different jobs, one value-related and one per- decision making, it is thus the preset ratio of excitation
ception-related? Or is an integrated view of value-based to inhibition that serves to implement the decision
and perceptual-based decision making possible? threshold used in models like drift diffusion (Gold &
Over the past decade, there has been growing evi- Shadlen, 2007; Ratcliff, 1978). While the details of that
dence that an integrated view is not only possible, but synthesis are beyond the scope of this chapter (see also
now almost required. Both the value-based and percep- Louie & Glimcher, 2012, for more on this), what is
tual decision-making traditions have identified the important is that these two classes of models are now
frontal and parietal choice areas as a key stage in many really beginning to fit together in our understanding of
kinds of decision making. The value-based studies human decision making.
described in this chapter have identified frontal cortical
and basal ganglia inputs to those choice circuits. The
perceptual studies have identified the inputs of percep-
tual circuits to those same choice circuits. What this
suggests is a tremendous degree of unity. It suggests that Breiter, H. C., Aharon, I., Kahneman, D., Dale, A., &
the so-called choice circuits can operate on a broad Shizgal, P. (2001). Functional imaging of neural responses
to expectancy and experience of monetary gains and losses.
range of inputs to produce coherent behavior under
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many circumstances. But just how completely can these Chib, V. S., Rangel, A., Shimojo, S., & O’Doherty, J. P.
two views be integrated? (2009). Evidence for a common representation of decision
Value-based studies of decision making have tended values for dissimilar goods in human ventromedial prefron-
to be about temporally slow decisions. Subjects, whether tal cortex. J Neurosci, 29(39), 12315–12320.
humans or animals, are presented with two or more Churchland, M. M., Yu, B. M., Cunningham, J. P., Sugrue,
L. P., Cohen, M. R., Corrado, G. S., … Shenoy, K. V.
options, and then after a delay asked to choose between (2010). Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: A
them. The data we have today suggests that subjective widespread cortical phenomenon. Nat Neurosci, 13(3),
value signals are injected onto the choice maps during 369–378.
the first part of that process. Then, when the subject is Cisek, P., & Kalaska, J. F. (2010). Neural mechanisms for
asked to choose, the global excitatory and inhibitory interacting with a world full of action choices. Annu Rev
Neurosci, 33, 269–298.
balance of one or more of the choice networks is sud- Colby, C. L., & Duhamel, J. R. (1991). Heterogeneity of
denly changed. Studies of perceptual decision making, extrastriate visual areas and multiple parietal areas in the
in contrast, have tended to examine reaction-time tasks macaque monkey. Neuropsychologia, 29(6), 517–537.

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62 OCHSNER 719








Social and affective neuroscience have become core

topics within the broader context of cognitive neurosci-
ence. As we noted in the prior edition, the social and
emotional aspects of the brain are inexorably linked,
the adaptive significance of emotions being closely
linked to their social value, and nearly all social interac-
tion produces affective responses. The chapters in this
section converge to show that social and emotional pro-
cesses are important for understanding many of the
most basic aspects of cognition and learning.
Previous editions of The Cognitive Neurosciences have
highlighted the important role of the amygdala across
species as a critical structure in the neuroscience of
emotion, and this edition is no exception. However, as
the chapters in this edition indicate, there is an increas-
ing interest and emphasis on how the amygdala inter-
acts with other brain circuits and systems to promote
the adaptive expression of emotion. Hartley, Mos-
carello, Quirk, and Phelps describe a range of tech-
niques that can be used to control fear across species
and outline the overlapping and unique circuitry
underlying each technique, discussing research from
rodents to humans. A key component of the control of
fear is the interaction of amygdala and prefrontal
cortex. This circuitry is also highlighted in the model
of self-regulation described by Wagner and Heatherton.
In their model, there is a dynamic tension between
domain-general frontal control mechanisms and con-
text-specific subcortical emotion and reward circuits.
Self-regulation fails when there is a loss of connectivity
or balance between these regions. Ochsner discusses
the limitations of models, such as that proposed by
Wagner and Heatherton, in explaining several impor-
tant aspects of emotional experience. He proposes a

PHELPS AND HEATHERTON: introduction 695

parallel constraint satisfaction model for the interac- perception and emotion is the core theme of the
tion of cognition and emotion. chapter by Koscik, White, Chapman, and Anderson.
These chapters describe research based on studies of They discuss the bidirectional nature of the relation-
the adult brain, but we know that these brain circuits ship between early sensory processes and higher-order
vary over the life span. One of the hallmarks of devel- knowledge regarding social and emotional informa-
opmental neuroscience is that developmental trajectory tion. The final chapter in this section by Ambady and
is not uniform across brain regions. Somerville and Freeman examines the interplay of cultural and genetic
Casey explore how brain development alters emotional factors on the neural bases of human perception. They
reactivity and regulation. Specifically, they highlight describe evidence to suggest that cultural experiences
adolescence as a time period where there is both asym- influence both basic perceptual and attentional mecha-
metry in the development of the brain systems of nisms as well as higher-order social domains, such as
emotion expression and its control, and also tremen- emotional expression recognition and theory of mind.
dous change. Gee and Whalen explore how develop- Although the chapters in this section take us from
mental changes interact with the amygdala’s primary the rodent in the laboratory trying to avoid a shock to
role in responding to uncertainty and learning to the influence of culture experiences on the human
predict biologically relevant outcomes. They demon- brain, there is significant overlap in many of the brain
strate how exploring blood oxygen level–dependent, or systems that are highlighted, but also some important
BOLD, responses to the biologically relevant stimuli of differences. Across these diverse approaches, it is
facial expressions can inform our understanding of becoming increasingly clear that we need to consider
neural changes linked to psychopathology. the interaction of networks of activity rather than the
How we respond to face stimuli is also explored by specific activations in discrete brain regions. This trend
Mende-Siedlecki and Todorov, who discuss evidence is likely to continue as neural models of social and
that the amygdala possesses face-selective properties affective processes gain the necessary specificity and
that can be observed in the absence of emotional complexity that characterize social and emotional
expressions. As such, they argue that the amygdala processes.
plays a core role in face perception. This link between

696 social neuroscience and emotion

60 The Cognitive Neuroscience of Fear
and Its Control: From Animal Models
to Human Experience

ABSTRACT The complex social and emotional cognition char- a foundation for this inquiry, describing the basic learn-
acteristic of human experience relies upon more basic forms ing mechanisms through which we assign negative value
of learning that enable us to assign affective value to stimuli.
to environmental stimuli, the means by which we
Our neuroscientific understanding of these associative learn-
ing processes has grown out of decades of detailed research control the expression of these learned associations,
in animal models using Pavlovian conditioning paradigms. In and the neurocircuitry underlying these processes.
this chapter, we begin by reviewing this foundational research, The survival of any organism depends on its ability to
describing the basic learning mechanisms through which we detect and evade environmental threat. Cues and con-
assign negative value to environmental stimuli. We then texts that signal danger must be learned rapidly so that
examine various means by which we control the expression
of these learned fear associations. We focus specifically on the serious threats can be anticipated with few actual
functional architecture underlying four distinct types of regu- encounters. These memories should also be long-
latory processes: extinction, active coping, cognitive emotion lasting. A perilous situation might be infrequent, but an
regulation, and reconsolidation. In each section, we review organism should not need to learn about a previous
what is known about the neurocircuitry of the regulatory threat anew. Across a range of species, the neurocir-
method from the nonhuman animal literature, as well as from
studies in humans.
cuitry governing fear learning represents an evolution-
arily conserved solution to these shared environmental
The growth of cognitive neuroscience over the last few demands, enabling the rapid formation of persistent
decades has brought a dramatic increase in the study fear memories. The expression of these learned fears
of affective and social cognition. The foundation of diverts the organism’s cognitive, behavioral, and physi-
much of this work lies in research in animal models, ological resources toward the detection and response
which has yielded a detailed neuroscientific account of to threat. While this recruitment of resources confers
the associative mechanisms through which we evaluate robust adaptive benefit in the face of danger, it also
and anticipate salient environmental events. Through means that fear expression in the absence of imminent
recent work examining more complex social and emo- threat is costly. In humans, excessive fear that persists
tional cognition, it has become increasingly clear that even in safe contexts is a cardinal feature of anxiety
these higher-order processes recruit a common under- disorders. Thus, the failure to regulate the expression
lying neural circuitry as these basic forms of evaluative of fear in accordance with the true presence of environ-
learning. On one hand, this convergence is intuitive. mental threat may be a critical factor underlying vulner-
Associative learning imbues our world with emotional ability to psychopathology.
significance, rendering objectively neutral stimuli In our daily lives, we flexibly control the expression
ominous or alluring, evoking thoughts and feelings, of fear in multiple ways. We may recognize that a stimu-
and motivating our actions and decisions. Much of this lus that previously predicted threat is perfectly safe in
emotional experience stems from social interaction. a different setting (e.g., hearing the growl of a bear
Conversely, social cognition is intrinsically emotional, while in the forest versus in the zoo). We may take
as our thoughts about other people are laden with actions to make a potentially unpleasant situation less
learned evaluations. On the other hand, these overlap- daunting (e.g., bringing a friend to a party where we
ping substrates of both basic and complex learning and will know few others). Sometimes simply changing the
behavior present a vexing puzzle, challenging scientists way we think about a dreaded future event is sufficient
to understand how these shared neural circuits give rise to disarm our fear (e.g., the vaccine shot will hurt, but
to the profound complexity of human social and emo- it’s quick and necessary to stay well). Finally, recent
tional experience. In this chapter, we will attempt to lay research suggests that experiences that violate our

hartley et al.: the cognitive neuroscience of fear and its control 697
negative expectations may, under certain conditions, predict an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). In
directly overwrite this invalidated information. order for the CS to evoke a conditioned fear response,
In this chapter, we examine the functional architec- it must temporally coincide with the US, and it must
ture underlying the acquisition and control of fear. We carry information (i.e., reduce uncertainty) about
begin with a brief discussion of the neurocircuitry of the timing and likelihood of US delivery (Gallistel,
fear acquisition and then explore four types of regula- 2003; Pavlov, 1927; Rescorla, 1988). Through this learn-
tory processes that can be utilized to control fear: ing, a CS can evoke an array of behavioral and physio-
extinction, active coping, cognitive regulation, and logical reactions that comprise a preparatory response
reconsolidation. An overview of the basic circuitry dis- to predicted threat. In rodents, commonly studied con-
cussed is depicted in figure 60.1. ditioned responses (CRs) include freezing as well as
changes in heart rate, respiration, and potentiated startle
Fear acquisition responses. In humans, CRs include changes in skin con-
ductance, potentiated startle, and pupil dilation.
Humans and animals alike use environmental cues to Across species, the amygdala is a key locus for the
determine the presence or absence of danger. These acquisition, consolidation, and expression of Pavlovian
cues can acquire their emotional valence through a fear memory. In rodents, these mnemonic processes are
process of Pavlovian learning, which occurs when a pre- typically studied using auditory fear conditioning, in
viously neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) comes to which a tone CS comes to predict an electrical shock

Figure 60.1 Neurocircuitry of fear learning and regulation: connections are activated, inhibiting fear expression. Contex-
the lateral nucleus (LA) of the amygdala receives afferent tual modulation of extinction expression is mediated by
sensory information regarding the conditioned stimulus (CS) projections from the hippocampus to the vmPFC and/or
and unconditioned stimulus (US) relationship and is the site amygdala. During active coping (circuit denoted in blue),
of storage of the fear memory. The LA and basal nuclei (BA) information from the LA is routed not to the CE, which drives
are interconnected and both project to the central nucleus fear expression, but to the BA, which in turn projects to the
(CE), which has outputs to brainstem and hypothalamic striatum. The IL/vmPFC supports the learning active coping
regions that control the expression of the conditioned responses and mediates the subsequent inhibition of fear
response (CR). Following conditioning, the prelimbic (PL) expression outside of the instrumental learning context.
region of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is acti- During cognitive regulation, the dorsolateral prefrontal
vated following CS presentations and drives the expression of cortex (dlPFC) regulates fear expression through projections
conditioned fear. During fear-extinction learning and consoli- to the vmPFC, which in turn inhibits amygdala activity (circuit
dation, connections are established between the infralimbic denoted in green). Reconsolidation (denoted by red X)
(IL) subregion of the vmPFC and the inhibitory interca- diminishes conditioned fear expression through alteration of
lated (ITC) cell masses, which inhibit activity in the CE the original CS-US association stored in the LA. (See color
(circuit denoted in orange). During extinction recall, these plate 51.)

698 social neuroscience and emotion

US. Lesion and pharmacological studies demonstrate process by which presentation of a CS without the US
the role of particular amygdalar subregions, focusing leads to the gradual suppression of previously acquired
on lateral (LA) and central nuclei (CE) as key sub- CRs. This decrease in fear does not reflect the erasure
strates (Goosens & Maren, 2001; Nader, Majidishad, of the original Pavlovian memory, but rather a distinct
Amorapanth, & LeDoux, 2001; Wilensky, Schaffe, form of inhibitory safety learning that counteracts the
Kristense, & LeDoux, 2006). The LA contains multi- behavioral output of conditioned fear. The persistence
modal neurons that respond to both tones and shock of the original memory is evidenced by experimental
(Romanski, Clugnet, Bordi, & LeDoux, 1993) and manipulations that cause the reemergence of fear CRs
appears to be the site of both acquisition and storage following extinction, such as contextual shifts (renewal),
of the fear memory (Schafe, Doyère, & LeDoux, 2005). unsignaled US presentation (reinstatement), or the
CS-evoked LA activity and conditioned freezing develop mere passage of time (spontaneous recovery; Herry
along the same time course (Repa et al., 2001). Fear et al., 2010; Myers & Davis, 2002; Sotres-Bayon & Quirk,
conditioning strengthens LA synaptic inputs to CE 2010). In a typical extinction experiment, CS-US pair-
neurons (Li et al., 2013), which drive the expression of ings are followed by extinction training (i.e., unrein-
conditioned fear responses via descending projections forced CSs). A subsequent extinction recall test
to brainstem and hypothalamic nuclei. consisting of one or more unreinforced CSs enables
Research in humans corroborates the central role of assessment of whether extinction learning is retained.
the amygdala in the acquisition, storage, and expres- The study of extinction in rodents has revealed that
sion of conditioned fear (Phelps & LeDoux, 2005). fear extinction recruits a network of cortical and sub-
Human functional imaging studies reveal increases in cortical structures. Initial extinction learning depends
the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal in on the amygdala, with substrates in both the lateral and
the amygdala in response to a conditioned threat versus basal (BA) nuclei. The acquisition of extinction attenu-
neutral stimulus (Büchel, Morris, Dolan, & Friston, ates many of the CS-evoked LA neuronal responses.
1998; Cheng, Knight, Smith, & Helmstetter, 2006; LaBar However, a subset of LA neurons maintains robust
et al., 1998). Patients with unilateral (LaBar et al., 1995) responses to the CS even after extinction (Repa et al.,
or bilateral (Bechara et al., 1995) amygdala lesions 2001), resulting in a persistent fear memory trace that
exhibit impaired physiological expression fear condi- allows for the rapid return of extinguished CRs in cir-
tioning, despite intact declarative or episodic knowl- cumstances such as renewal, reinstatement, or sponta-
edge of the CS-US contingency, which has been shown neous recovery. BA is crucial for the expression of both
to depend on the hippocampus (Bechara et al., 1995; conditioned fear and extinction (Anglaga-Figueroa &
LaBar, Phelps, et al., 2005). Quirk, 2005; Herry et al., 2008; Sierra-Mercado, Padilla-
Although the focus of this chapter is the basic mecha- Coreano, & Quirk, 2011). These contrasting functions
nisms of Pavlovian fear acquisition and its control, it is are reflected in the activity of two discrete cell popula-
important to acknowledge that in humans fears are tions within BA (Herry et al., 2008). One population,
often learned indirectly, without direct aversive experi- described as fear neurons, shows decreasing levels of
ence, through cognitive and social means, such as CS-evoked activity across extinction training, while the
through verbal communication or social observation. other, described as extinction neurons, increases its
While the verbal communication of fears is unique to firing rate across the same period (Herry et al., 2008).
humans, fears acquired through social observation have Extinction neurons in BA are reciprocally connected
been reported in some other species. Importantly, these with the infralimbic division (IL) of the medial prefron-
socially acquired fears have been shown to rely on cir- tal cortex (mPFC; Herry et al., 2008), which plays a key
cuitry overlapping with Pavlovian fear conditioning and role in extinction learning, consolidation, and retrieval
appear to be dependent on the amygdala (see Olsson (Burgos-Robles, Vidal-Gonzalez, Santini, & Quirk, 2007;
& Phelps, 2007, for a review). In other words, social fear Morgan, Romanski, & LeDoux, 1993; Morgan &
learning, which may be predominant in everyday LeDoux, 1995; Quirk, Russo, Barron, & Lebron, 2000).
human life, takes advantage of phylogenetically older Following extinction training, IL neurons respond to
mechanisms of fear conditioning. the CS during extinction recall (Milad & Quirk, 2002).
This cortical activity is thought to feed back onto the
Extinction amygdala via the intercalated cell masses (ITC). The
ITC is an inhibitory cell population interposed between
Of all the techniques that can be used to control fear, the BA/LA and CE. By inhibiting LA signals to the
extinction has been most thoroughly investigated both CE, the IL indirectly inhibits the CE, and thus the
neurobiologically and behaviorally. Extinction is a expression of conditioned fear responses (Berretta,

hartley et al.: the cognitive neuroscience of fear and its control 699
Pantazopoulos, Caldera, Pantazopoulos, & Paré, 2005; cortical gray matter in this region (Hartley, Fischl, &
Likhtik et al., 2008; Royer, Martina, & Paré, 1999). In Phelps, 2011; Milad et al., 2005) have been shown to
contrast to the IL, the neighboring prelimbic subregion correlate with fear extinction recall. BOLD activation
(PL) of mPFC opposes extinction, driving the expres- in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in fear-
sion of fear CRs (Corcoran & Quirk, 2007; Sierra- conditioning studies commonly increases in response
Mercado et al., 2011; Sotres-Bayon, Sierra-Mercado, to CS presentation. Cortical thickness in this region and
Pardilla-Delgado, & Quirk, 2012). During extinction CS-evoked BOLD activation correlate with fear expres-
training, CS-evoked responses in PL correlate with the sion (Milad, Quirk, et al., 2007), motivating the pro-
subsequent failure of extinction recall (Burgos-Robles, posal that the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex may
Vidal-Gonzalez, & Quirk, 2009), suggesting that the represent a human homologue of the rodent prelimbic
interplay between IL and PL cortical regions deter- region. As in the rodent, the human hippocampus
mines the success or failure of extinction learning. appears to play a critical role in the context-dependent
While cued fear extinction depends on the interplay expression of fear and extinction learning. Experimen-
of the mPFC and amygdala, information about whether tal paradigms in which fear and extinction learning are
the current context signals threat or safety is encoded associated with visually distinct contextual stimuli have
by the hippocampus, which can also mediate the observed hippocampal BOLD activation during con-
competition between functional fear inhibition and text-specific extinction retrieval (Kalisch et al., 2006;
excitation circuits to ensure that fear extinction is Milad, Wright, et al., 2007), and the magnitude of this
adaptively expressed (Maren, Phan, & Liberzon, 2013). signal change correlated positively with activation in the
The ventral hippocampus projects directly to inter- vmPFC (Milad, Wright, et al., 2007). The absence of
neurons in the PL, allowing inhibition of the principle context-dependent fear reinstatement in patients with
cells that promote conditioned fear expression (Sotres- hippocampal lesions (LaBar & Phelps, 2005) comports
Bayon et al., 2012). This region also directly activates with parallel findings in experimental lesion studies in
BA fear neurons (Herry et al., 2008). Thus the connec- rodents (Wilson, Brooks, & Bouton, 1995).
tivity of the hippocampus enables the facilitation of
either extinction learning or fear expression depend- Individual Variation and Clinical Implications of
ing on contextual information. The influence of Extinction Learning Extinction learning and reten-
context on fear expression is mediated by the dorsal tion are impaired in a number of anxiety-related disor-
hippocampus. Inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus ders (Graham & Milad, 2011; Lissek, Pine, & Grillon,
prevents the contextual renewal of extinguished fears 2006; Milad et al., 2009), suggesting that attenuated
in a novel context (Corcoran & Maren, 2004). Addition- fear extinction may confer psychiatric vulnerability.
ally, when fear conditioning, extinction, and recall However, the factors governing an individual’s ability to
occur in the same place, dorsal hippocampal inactiva- form and retain fear extinction memories are not
tion prior to recall prevents the fear recovery (Corcoran presently well understood. Extinction learning and
& Maren, 2004). Together, these data suggest that the retention appear to be relatively stable individual char-
dorsal hippocampus is sensitive to the relationship acteristics (Bush, Sotres-Bayon, & LeDoux, 2007;
between the current context and the predicted US, Fredrikson, Annas, Georgiades, Hursti, & Tersman,
driving the expression of learned fear in ambiguous 1993; Zeidan et al., 2012), and recent research has
environments. begun to clarify how individual variation in genetic
Functional neuroimaging studies in humans suggest background, sex, and developmental stage modulate
that the circuitry governing fear extinction in rodents fear extinction.
is largely conserved across species. The BOLD signal in Fear conditioning is substantially heritable (Hettema,
a subgenual region of the ventromedial prefrontal Annas, Neale, Kendler, & Fredrikson, 2003), likely
cortex (vmPFC), a putative homologue of the rodent reflecting the interactive contribution of multiple genes
infralimbic region, increases across the course of extinc- that influence fear learning and retrieval processes.
tion learning, whereas activation in the amygdala shows Convergent evidence in both humans and genetically
a corresponding decrease (Phelps, Delgado, Nearing, modified mice suggests that genetically mediated reduc-
& LeDoux, 2004). This inverse pattern of activation in tion in the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic
the vmPFC and amygdala is also observed when extinc- factor impairs fear extinction learning (Soliman et al.,
tion memories are retrieved (Kalisch et al., 2006; Milad, 2010), whereas reduction in the expression of the sero-
Wright, et al., 2007; Phelps et al., 2004), and both the tonin transporter selectively impairs extinction recall
magnitude of the vmPFC BOLD signal change (Milad, (Hartley et al., 2012; Wellman et al., 2007). Genetic
Wright et al., 2007) as well as the thickness of the variation in the dopaminergic (Lonsdorf et al., 2009;

700 social neuroscience and emotion

Raczka et al., 2011) and endocannabinoid system retention, including the NMDA agonist D-cycloserine
(Gunduz-Cinar et al., 2012) also appears to modulate (DCS; Mao, Hsiao, & Gean, 2006; Walker, Ressler, Lu,
extinction learning and retention, consistent with phar- & Davis, 2002), cannabinoids (Lafenetre, Chaouloff, &
macological evidence of the importance of these neu- Marsicano, 2007; Rabinak et al., 2013), adrenergic
romodulatory systems in fear extinction (Haaker et al., antagonists (Morris & Bouton, 2007), estradiol (Milad
2013; Rabinak et al., 2013). et al., 2009), corticosterone (Gourley, Kedves, Olausson,
The prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders is & Taylor, 2009), brain-derived neurotrophic factor ago-
twice as high in women as in in men (Breslau et al., nists (Andero et al., 2011), growth factors (Graham &
1998; Pigott, 2003). Recent studies in both rodents and Richardson, 2011), and dopamine precursor L-DOPA
humans examining sex differences in fear extinction (Haaker et al., 2013). Multiple studies have reported
across the menstrual cycle indicate that cyclic phases of increased efficacy of behavioral therapy when per-
low estrogen are associated with diminished extinction formed in conjunction with DCS administration
retention (Milad et al., 2010; Zeidan et al., 2012). This (Hofmann et al., 2006; Otto et al., 2010; Ressler et al.,
work suggests that normal hormonal fluctuations in 2004). Interestingly, D-cycloserine has no effect on fear
women are accompanied by changes in fear memory extinction learning in healthy human subjects, suggest-
consolidation and retrieval that might contribute to the ing that this drug is most effective in circumstances of
sex disparity in the vulnerability to anxiety. pathological fear (Grillon, 2009; Guastella, Lovibond,
The neurocircuitry supporting fear regulation under- Dadds, Mitchell, & Richardson, 2007). These data
goes substantial changes across development, paral- suggest that the treatment of anxiety can benefit by
leled by marked qualitative changes in fear extinction combining extinction-based therapies with substances
processes (Casey, Pattwell, Glatt, & Lee, 2012). Extinc- that ameliorate the underlying associative learning pro-
tion learning in preweanling rats does not recruit the cesses upon which these techniques depend.
vmPFC (Kim, Hamlin, & Richardson, 2009), and these
animals do not exhibit typical fear reemergence phe- Active coping
nomena following extinction (Kim & Richardson, 2007;
Yap & Richardson, 2007). These data suggest that In the field of behavioral ecology, the term coping style
extinction in juveniles may effectively overwrite or erase is used to describe the way an organism typically
the amygdala-based representation of a learned fear, responds to an aversive stimulus or situation (Koolhaas
instead of establishing a competing inhibitory memory. et al., 1999). Coping styles are thought to exist along a
Data from recent studies in both rodents and humans continuum from proactive to reactive, where proactive
suggest that during adolescence, both the acquisition coping involves responses designed to actively manipu-
(Pattwell et al., 2012) and retention (McCallum, Kim, late an individual’s environment and reactive styles are
& Richardson, 2010) of extinction learning are compro- dominated by behavioral inhibition and withdrawal.
mised, suggesting that adolescence may be a period of Relative to a proactive style, reactive coping is associated
particular vulnerability to persistent fear. Collectively, with an enhanced likelihood of deleterious health out-
these data suggest that developmental changes in comes (Koolhaas et al., 1999). Although passively freez-
extinction processes may represent windows of oppor- ing in response to a CS is a deeply ingrained reactive
tunity or resistance for the treatment of fears acquired behavior in the rodent stemming from innate defenses
early in life. against predation (Fanselow & Lester, 1988), animals
Extinction-based exposure therapies, in which patients can also learn to respond to anticipated threat in a
confront a fear-eliciting memory or stimulus in a safe proactive manner. Coping actively with a fear requires
clinical context (Foa, 2011), are a common behavioral a sequence of distinct learning processes. First, one
approach to the treatment of anxiety disorders. While must learn that a stimulus poses a threat (i.e., fear con-
exposure therapy has demonstrated efficacy in a range ditioning). Next, one must learn an instrumental action
of anxiety disorders, not all patients are responsive. that can be taken to avoid, escape, or otherwise exert
Individual variation in the ability to acquire and retain control over the feared stimulus. Recent research
extinction learning, influenced by the factors described suggests the exercise of instrumental control over a
in the previous section, might modulate treatment stressor can yield persistent neural changes that alter
efficacy. Recent research has identified several pharma- subsequent fear expression. Through these processes,
cological agents that improve extinction learning active coping may foster control over fear responses in
and retention and could potentially be useful adjuncts both present and future aversive situations.
to behavioral therapy. Diverse classes of drugs have In instrumental conditioning paradigms such as
been shown to facilitate extinction learning and/or escape from fear (EFF), animals learn to replace a

hartley et al.: the cognitive neuroscience of fear and its control 701
reactive behavior with a proactive one that allows them suppress conditioned fear, this structure appears to be
to limit their contact with an aversive CS. EFF is divided a final common pathway for the inhibition of innate
into three phases: an initial CS-US fear-conditioning physiological and behavioral reactions that constitute
phase, an instrumental phase, in which the animal can fear expression.
inactivate the CS by performing a specific behavior Few studies in humans have probed the neural mech-
(e.g., rearing), and a test phase, in which a retrieval CS anisms underlying active coping. One recent functional
that cannot be instrumentally controlled is presented. MRI (fMRI) study in which subjects could avoid a cued
Animals that successfully learn to terminate the aversive shock by pressing a key observed heightened correla-
CS through instrumental action show far less freezing tion of activity within the amygdala and the ventral stria-
and more active behavior during the test compared to tum in the avoidance condition (Delgado et al., 2009),
yoked controls, for whom the unreinforced CSs experi- consistent with the role of this pathway in the shift
enced during the instrumental phase are equivalent to from passive to active responses to fear (Amorapanth,
an extinction session (Cain & LeDoux, 2007). Lesions LeDoux, & Nader, 2000). In another study in which
of LA and BA, but not CE, disrupt the acquisition of subjects had to avoid a virtual predator that would ulti-
EFF (Amorapanth et al., 2000). Instrumental learning mately deliver shock (Mobbs et al., 2009), activity in the
is thought to depend upon direct BA projections to the vmPFC increased during avoidance phase, consistent
striatum, a known substrate of goal-directed action with a role for the IL in supporting active avoidance in
(Cain & LeDoux, 2008). This is intriguing, because rodents (Moscarello & LeDoux, 2013). A recent behav-
while lesion or inactivation of LA and CE disrupt ioral study examining the effects of avoidance learning
fear conditioning (LeDoux, Cicchetti, Xagoraris, & on subsequent fear conditioning indicates that, as in
Romanski, 1990; LeDoux, Iwata, Cicchetti, & Reis, 1988; rodents (Baratta et al., 2007), experiences of instru-
Wilensky et al., 2006), pretraining lesions of BA have mental control can diminish the subsequent expression
no impact on Pavlovian learning (Anglaga-Figueroa & of conditioned fear (Hartley et al., 2013), suggesting a
Quirk, 2005). This double dissociation between the CE mechanism by which active coping may promote psy-
and BA suggests that instrumental and Pavlovian learn- chological resilience (Maier & Watkins, 2010). Collec-
ing are processed through distinct amygdalar pathways tively, this work suggests that in environments that
emanating out from LA. Inactivation of the CE pro- afford the ability to escape or disarm a present threat
motes active avoidance behavior in animals that previ- through action, inhibiting passive fear expression in
ously showed no evidence of instrumental learning favor of proactive coping responses can have lasting
(Lazaro-Munoz, LeDoux, & Cain, 2010), suggesting beneficial consequences.
that these nuclei may mediate a direct competition
between passive and active responses to threat. Cognitive regulation
Actively responding to an aversive CS also recruits the
infralimbic mPFC (IL) pathway, which is implicated in Studies of active coping investigate how overt, instru-
suppressing learned fear during extinction. Experi- mental behaviors can diminish fear expression.
ments using a signaled active-avoidance paradigm, in However, another means by which humans can actively
which an action performed during the CS prevents US control fear is to change their thoughts. Theories of
delivery, suggest that inactivation of the IL slows avoid- emotion highlight how the interpretation or appraisal
ance learning and increases the mutually incompatible of an event can influence the emotional response
conditioned freezing response. Crucially, active avoid- (Scherer, 2005). Although a few cognitive techniques
ance causes an IL-dependent attenuation of condi- have been shown to diminish fear, most studies examine
tioned freezing both in and out of the training strategies that emphasize reinterpreting the emotional
environment, suggesting that instrumental memory significance of the event (see Ochsner & Gross, 2008,
yields a generalizable inhibition of conditioned fear for a review and chapter 62 in this volume). By actively
(Moscarello & LeDoux, 2013). This lasting effect of manipulating this appraisal process, fear or negative
instrumental control is consistent with evidence from affect can be diminished.
alternative paradigms suggesting that active control In a typical study of cognitive emotion regulation,
over aversive situations yields plastic changes in the IL participants are presented negative emotional scenes
that diminish subsequent conditioned fear expression and asked to reinterpret the events depicted in the
(Baratta et al., 2007; Baratta et al., 2009) and buffer the scene in such a way as to reduce their negative affective
subsequent response to even uncontrollable stressors response, such as imagining that a scene depicting a
at later time (Amat et al., 2005, 2006). Because both bloody wound is fake. This type of active reappraisal has
active coping and extinction learning recruit the IL to been shown to be effective at reducing negative affect

702 social neuroscience and emotion

using both self-report and physiological measures of by linking components of the neural circuitry of extinc-
emotion (Ochsner & Gross, 2008). BOLD studies of tion with regulation, we gain some insight into addi-
reappraisal consistently report decreased amygdala acti- tional potential details of the neural mechanisms
vation and increased activation of the dorsolateral pre- underlying the cognitive control of fear.
frontal cortex (dlPFC) and/or ventrolateral prefrontal Laboratory studies of cognitive emotion regulation
cortex, along with some involvement of medial PFC techniques are proposed to mirror the processes used
(mPFC) regions. From these studies, a general model during cognitive therapy in the clinic. A primary goal
of the cognitive regulation of fear or negative affect has of cognitive therapy is to enable the patient to form
emerged, in which the dlPFC is involved in the effortful more realistic evidence-based appraisals of a situation,
manipulation or interpretation of the stimulus and the thereby regulating the associated emotional responses
changes in the amygdala are the result of the top-down (Allen, McHugh, & Barlow, 2008). This training likely
modulation of the emotional meaning of the stimulus uses the neural pathways engaged during cognitive
(see chapters 61 and 62 in this volume for more detailed regulation. Consistent with this suggestion, a recent
reviews). One important aspect of this model is that the study reported that fMRI activation in response to
dlPFC does not project directly to the amygdala (Barbas, fearful faces in the amygdala and vmPFC predicts
2000; McDonald, Mascagni, & Guo, 1996). Instead, its success of cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment in
influence is likely mediated by mPFC regions that have PTSD patients (Bryant et al., 2007). This suggests that
stronger connections with the amygdala (Urry et al., the efficacy of such treatment may rely on the func-
2006). tional integrity of the earlier discussed neural circuitry
An important aspect of the studies of cognitive regu- and the success with which individuals are able to
lation of fear is that PFC inhibition of the amygdala is engage these regulatory mechanisms.
critical to the control of fear. In an effort to directly
compare the function of the PFC in the inhibition of Reconsolidation
the amygdala across extinction and cognitive regula-
tion, Delgado, Nearing, LeDoux, and Phelps (2008) The fear-regulation techniques reviewed thus far all
examined the regulation of conditioned fear. In this require the inhibition of the fear memory via the PFC.
study, the cognitive regulation technique resulted in Because the original fear memory is not significantly
decreased fear expression accompanied by increased altered, the fear may return under a variety of circum-
BOLD activation of the dlPFC, decreased activation of stances. For example, the neurohormonal changes that
the amygdala, and increased activation of a region of occur with nonspecific stress may lead to functional
the vmPFC overlapping with that observed in fear impairment of the PFC (Arnsten, 2009) and recent
extinction (Delgado et al., 2008; Phelps et al., 2004). In studies have shown that the success of both extinction
a direct comparison with data from an extinction retrieval (Raio, Brignoni-Perez, Goldman, & Phelps,
study, similar patterns of activation were observed in 2014) and cognitive regulation (Raio et al., 2013)
the amygdala and vmPFC when CRs were diminished diminishes under stress. A potentially more persistent
through either extinction or cognitive regulation. technique to control fear is to target the reconsolida-
However, only the cognitive regulation paradigm tion of the original fear memory. After initial acquisi-
resulted in increased BOLD activation of the dlPFC, tion, memories go through a consolidation process that
consistent with a function for this region in the online transitions the labile, short-term representation to a
manipulation or reinterpretation of the meaning of the stable form for long-term storage. Retrieval of a previ-
CS. When comparing responses across these regions ously consolidated memory can make it labile again,
during cognitive regulation, it was found that BOLD and a process of reconsolidation must occur in order
responses in the vmPFC were correlated with both the for it to regain stability. If the reconsolidation process
dlPFC and the amygdala. These results suggest a model is disrupted or modified, the original memory will not
by which the dlPFC inhibition of the amygdala during be accessible for more than a brief period beyond
cognitive regulation is mediated through the same retrieval (for review, see Johansen, Cain, Ostroff, &
vmPFC region thought to mediate the inhibition of fear LeDoux, 2011; Nader & Einarsson, 2010; Nader, Schafe,
with extinction. It is possible that, much like the genera- & LeDoux, 2000).
tion of fear through cognitive and social means relies The consolidation and reconsolidation of Pavlovian
on the amygdala for expression, the inhibition of fear fear memory require the synthesis of new proteins in
through cognitive regulation relies on a phylogeneti- LA. The injection of a protein-synthesis inhibitor into
cally shared vmPFC-amygdala circuitry. Although most that structure disrupts both processes, destroying evi-
cognitive regulation techniques are unique to humans, dence of the memory at long-term time points. While

hartley et al.: the cognitive neuroscience of fear and its control 703
all long-term memories go through a protein synthesis– in humans, its effects do not extend to multiple mea-
dependent consolidation period, not all instances of sures of conditioned fear (Kindt, Soeter, & Vervliet,
retrieval trigger reconsolidation. In rodent studies of 2009), suggesting it may target the expression of spe-
Pavlovian fear learning, retrieval involves the presenta- cific fear-output measures as opposed to the fear
tion of a reminder stimulus that reactivates the original memory itself (see Schiller & Phelps, 2011, and
memory. Reconsolidation only occurs if this stimulus Lonergan, Olivera-Gigueroa, Pitman, & Brunet, 2013,
somehow violates expectations, suggesting that this for reviews). However, introducing extinction training
process functions to introduce new information into after fear-memory retrieval in humans has been shown
the existing memory. If the retrieval stimulus in a CS-US to persistently diminish the expression of fear for up
pairing is identical to those presented during training, to a year (Schiller et al., 2009) and reduce subsequent
protein-synthesis inhibitors injected into LA have no amygdala BOLD responses (Agren et al., 2012). It is
effect on the later expression of fear CRs (Díaz-Mataix, proposed that, in contrast to standard extinction that
Ruiz Martinez, Schafe, LeDoux, & Doyère, 2013; Wang, inhibits the fear memory via the vmPFC, extinction
de Oliveira Alvares, & Nader, 2009)—suggesting that training during the reconsolidation window serves to
no reconsolidation occurred. However, if retrieval is update and modify the original fear memory. A recent
prompted by the CS or the US presented alone fMRI study compared BOLD responses during standard
(Díaz-Mataix, Debiec, LeDoux, & Doyère, 2011), or extinction training and extinction during reconsolida-
by a US presented at a novel time during the CS tion. Although the extinction procedure was identical,
(Debiec, Díaz-Mataix, Bush, Doyère, & Ledoux, 2010; extinction during reconsolidation failed to engage the
Díaz-Mataix et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2009), then pro- vmPFC and reduced amygdala-vmPFC connectivity,
tein-synthesis inhibitors injected into LA strongly dimin- relative to standard extinction (Schiller et al., 2013).
ish fear CRs during a subsequent test. These results are consistent with rodent studies suggest-
Reconsolidation may be triggered by a mismatch ing that timing extinction training to coincide with
between the reminder and the original training, but to reconsolidation induces plasticity in the LA that may
change the fear memory an additional manipulation of alter the original fear memory (Monfils et al., 2009;
reconsolidation is necessary. As outlined above, recon- Clem & Huganir, 2010), thus reducing the need to
solidation can be disrupted with a pharmacological inhibit it.
agent, but it also possible to change the memory by It is important to note that the strength of initial
introducing new information into the existing memory training can impose a temporary boundary condition
during reconsolidation. Research on reconsolidation- on reconsolidation. With strong training in rodents,
extinction boundaries demonstrates that the effective- presentation of the CS alone cannot trigger reconsoli-
ness of extinction is strongly increased if it occurs dation in the first week after learning, but can do so
during the reconsolidation window, when the memory one month later. In comparison, when initial training
is in a temporarily labile state. Following a single is weaker, the CS alone triggers reconsolidation just 24
retrieval CS with an extinction session 10 or 60 minutes hours after conditioning (Monfils et al., 2009; Wang
later leads to a more lasting reduction of conditioned et al., 2009). Intriguingly, reconsolidation can be trig-
fear than extinction sessions 6 or 24 hours after the gered 24 hours after strong training if the US occurs
retrieval CS, when the reconsolidation window is pre- at an earlier than expected time during the CS (Díaz-
sumably closed (Monfils, Cowansage, Klann, & LeDoux, Mataix et al., 2013). In order to be able to translate this
2009). Crucially, this manipulation is relatively insen- potentially exciting technique to clinical interventions,
sitive to renewal, reinstatement, and spontaneous future research will need to more fully illuminate the
recovery (Monfils et al., 2009). While reconsolidation- potential constraints of fear memory reconsolidation—
extinction boundaries are an area of open inquiry including the relationship between strength of training,
(for review, see Auber, Tedesco, Jones, Monfils, & the age of memory, and the precise mismatch between
Chiamulera, 2013), these data suggest that reconsolida- the reminder and learning.
tion can be used to reduce fear without the use of
potentially toxic drugs, and underscore the idea that old Conclusion
memories can be altered with a well-timed intervention.
In humans, the ability to persistently target fear mem- In spite of the tremendous advances in human neuro-
ories without toxic pharmacological manipulations is science techniques in the last 20 years, our ability to
crucial for its potential translation to clinical disorders. investigate the specificity of neural circuits in humans
Although there is some evidence that a relatively safe is still relatively limited. It is because of these limitations
drug, propranolol, can influence fear reconsolidation that exploring the similarities of neural circuits across

704 social neuroscience and emotion

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61 Self-Regulation and Its Failures

ABSTRACT The ability to flexibly alter behavior in the service overstated (Semendeferi, Lu, Schenker, & Damasio,
of future goals is one of the key evolutionary adaptations that 2002). Instead, it has been suggested that, rather than
has enabled humankind to flourish. Self-regulation refers to overall size, the human PFC demonstrated increased
a set of mental processes for overriding impulses, selectively
attending to goal-relevant information, and monitoring
white matter connectivity (i.e., Schoenemann, Sheehan,
thoughts and behavior for signs of failure. Although self- & Glotzer, 2005; although see Barton & Venditti, 2013).
regulation is of fundamental importance to an individual’s Regardless of whether the human PFC shows evi-
success, failures of self-regulation are common. In this chapter dence of specialized morphological enlargement, that
we focus on the role of exposure to tempting cues, negative humans possess a unique capacity for planning and
emotions, and limited cognitive resources in bringing about
self-regulation compared to all other animals appears
self-regulation failure. We review evidence from neuropsy-
chology and functional neuroimaging that successful self- irrefutable.
regulation depends on the interaction between brain Or does it? Just how unique is the human capacity for
structures in the prefrontal cortex involved in representing self-regulation? Comparative psychological research on
goals and directing attention away from goal-irrelevant stimuli nonhuman primates and other animals has generally
and cortical and subcortical structures involved in represent-
found that, with the exception of some domesticated
ing the value of rewards during decision making. When the
balance between these countervailing systems is disrupted as animals (e.g., Miller, Pattison, DeWall, Rayburn-Reeves,
a result of overwhelming impulses, negative affect, or defi- & Zentall, 2010), most nonhuman animals display
cient top-down control, self-regulation failure ensues. remarkably poor ability to inhibit prepotent responses
in order to obtain later, larger rewards (i.e., delay of
More than any other species, humans are especially gratification). For example, most nonhuman animals,
talented at controlling their own behavior in order to including many primates, will tolerate delays of only a
follow their goals and abide by rules and laws. Outside few seconds before consuming a desired food item
of certain psychiatric and neurological conditions, even (Green, Myerson, Holt, Slevin, & Estle, 2004; Ramseyer,
the most impulsive human is still leaps and bounds Pelé, Dufour, Chauvin, & Thierry, 2006). There are,
more capable of not blowing off work, of not eating however, some rare exceptions. For instance, great apes
everything in the pantry, or of not stealing their spouse’s and some species of birds will tolerate delays as long as
food than are the most precocious of nonhuman pri- a few minutes provided the expected reward greatly
mates. Despite humankind’s enormous advantage in exceeds the value of the currently available item (e.g.,
this domain, successful self-regulation remains difficult Beran, 2002; Dufour, Wascher, Braun, Miller, & Bugnyar,
and failures are common (Baumeister & Heatherton, 2012). Given the studies discussed above, it appears that
1996; Wagner & Heatherton, in press). How is it, then, outside of certain primates and species of birds, evi-
that humans are capable of inhibiting urges and pushing dence of self-regulation-like behavior is sparse among
aside temptations in order to pursue their goals? nonhuman animals. Why is it that humans have evolved
One commonly held view is that humans have evolved this complex capacity to self-regulate?
specific mental faculties that allow for superior plan-
ning and behavioral flexibility. These adaptations under- The importance of self-regulation for human
lie humans’ apparent superiority at self-regulation, and social groups
it has been hypothesized that they arose from a dispro-
portionate amount of cortical expansion of the prefron- Unlike many animals, humans display a prolonged
tal cortex (PFC) over the course of human evolution period of development and are unable to care for them-
(Rilling, 2006). Given the known role of the PFC in selves for the first decade of life. Being a member of a
self-control, it was reasonable to assume that the brain social group brings with it tremendous advantages,
would show specific structural changes to support these from sharing the burden of child rearing to cooperative
putative cognitive adaptations. However, recent work hunting and food sharing (Buss & Kenrick, 1998). As
suggests that relatively larger size of the PFC in humans human safety and survival has long depended on living
compared to nonhuman primates may have been in groups, it has been suggested that humans have a

wagner and heatherton: self-regulation and its failures 709

fundamental need to belong (Baumeister & Leary, other. Self-regulation failure then can occur due to a
1995) that motivates them to avoid behaviors that could particularly strong impulse or when the capacity to
lead to their expulsion from the group (e.g., theft of engage in self-control is impaired or the motivation is
common resources) as this would greatly lessen their absent. Below, we review three common threats to this
chances for survival (Goodall, 1986; Heatherton, 2011). balance: exposure to tempting cues (e.g., food, drugs),
Among humans and possibly some great apes (see emotional and social distress, and depletion of self-
Jensen, Call, & Tomasello, 2007), cheaters who fail to regulatory resources.
share with other members of the group could face
expulsion from the group (Kurzban & Leary, 2001). In Cue Exposure and Impulse Inhibition Modern-day
fact, it is precisely this punishment of cheating behavior humans are surrounded by a wealth of indulgences. At
that enables cooperation to be an evolutionarily sound no other time in history has such a plethora of pleasures
strategy for some social animals (Boyd, Gintis, & Bowles, and vices been so readily available. It is perhaps little
2010). Thus, by allowing individuals to inhibit impulses wonder, then, that the dominant form of self-regulation
and bring their behavior in line with group standards, in daily life is impulse control (see Hofmann, Baumeister,
self-regulation has permitted humans to benefit from Förster, & Vohs, 2011). In the psychological literature,
all the perks of living in social groups, such as coopera- an impulse typically refers to an urge or desire to
tion and food sharing but also the transmission of consume a particular item or engage in a pleasurable
knowledge and culture. behavior. With some exceptions, impulses are inher-
ently rewarding behaviors that invade people’s atten-
What is self-regulation? tion and require effort to inhibit (Metcalfe & Mischel,
1999). One of the most common ways an impulse can
At its core, self-regulation is concerned with starting, arise is from viewing an activating stimulus, such as food
stopping, or modifying thoughts, emotions, or behavior advertisements or the sight and smell of a cigarette.
in order to pursue goals or stay in line with societal Studies show that physiological measures such as heart
norms. Self-regulation encompasses both internal rate and salivary responses are increased following
modes of control, such as when people regulate their exposure to food cues in dieters (Brunstrom, Yates, &
thoughts or attempt to change their emotional states, Witcomb, 2004) and cigarette cues in smokers (Drobes
and also external ones, such as when people initiate or & Tiffany, 1997). Perhaps not surprisingly, then, expo-
stop a behavior (e.g., starting work or stopping oneself sure to desired items also increases craving for and
from overeating). Although many models of self- consumption of the substance (e.g., Carter & Tiffany,
regulation exist, most share a similar framework char- 1999; Federoff, Polivy, & Herman, 1997; Sayette, Martin,
acterized by the capacity to set goals, regulate thoughts, Wertz, Shiffman, & Perrott, 2001). Perhaps more perni-
behaviors, or emotions, and monitor for signs of ciously, being exposed to tempting substances can also
failure (Bandura, 1991; Baumeister & Heatherton, have effects that many people are not consciously aware
1996; Carver & Scheier, 1981; Heatherton, 2011; of. For example, tempting cues can capture people’s
Metcalfe & Mischel, 1999). As will be apparent, self- attention, even when presented incidentally as part of
regulation shares many similarities with components of a film (Lochbuehler, Voogd, Scholte, & Engels, 2011)
executive function in cognitive psychology and neuro- and may activate motor schemas for using the substance
psychology (e.g., Norman & Shallice, 1986) such as (e.g., the action of holding and smoking a cigarette; see
working memory and attention control. Indeed, aspects Tiffany, 1990). This last point is especially interesting in
of executive function have since become incorporated light of recent functional neuroimaging work suggest-
into theories of self-regulation (Hofmann, Schmeichel, ing that among smokers, viewing scenes of other people
& Baddeley, 2012). smoking activates brain regions associated with repre-
senting goal-directed actions (Wagner, Dal Cin, Sargent,
Cognitive neuroscience of self-regulation failure Kelley, & Heatherton, 2011).
Nonhuman animal neurophysiology studies show
Self-regulation failures typically occur upon exposure that consuming rewards (foods, drugs) or engaging in
to a desired stimulus or following some precipitating rewarding activities (e.g., sex) is associated with activa-
event, such as emotional distress, alcohol consump- tion of the mesolimbic dopamine system (i.e., the
tion, or exhaustion of self-regulatory resources. Suc- ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens/ventral
cessful self-regulation relies on a delicate balance striatum) and the orbitofrontal cortex (Damsma, Pfaus,
between the strength of urges and impulses on the one Wenkstern, Phillips, & Fibiger, 1992; Kringelbach, 2005;
hand and the capacity to keep them in check on the Schilström, Svensson, Svensson, & Nomikos, 1998).

710 social neuroscience and emotion

In humans, functional neuroimaging research has studies, engaging in explicit self-regulation, whether
similarly shown that activity in the ventral striatum through cognitive reappraisal or other means, resulted
and orbitofrontal cortex increases when consuming in decreased activity in the striatum and orbitofrontal
(Gottfried, O’Doherty, & Dolan, 2003; Kringelbach, cortex.
O’Doherty, Rolls, & Andrews, 2003) or viewing cues
associated with appetitive rewards such as food or Social and Emotional Distress A frequently
attractive faces, as well as abstract rewards such as reported cause of self-regulation failure is the experi-
money (Cloutier, Heatherton, Whalen, & Kelley, 2008; ence of emotional and social distress. For example,
Knutson, Taylor, Kaufman, Peterson, & Glover, 2005; negative affect often precedes binge eating and binge
van der Laan, de Ridder, Viergever, & Smeets, 2011). drinking episodes (Haedt-Matt & Keel, 2011; Witkiewitz
Given the role of the reward system in motivating & Villarroel, 2009). Laboratory inductions of negative
behavior, there has been considerable effort aimed at mood or social distress (e.g., social rejection) similarly
investigating whether people who are at risk for obesity show that experiencing negative affect leads to disinhib-
or substance-abuse problems show any abnormalities in ited behavior (e.g., Twenge, Baumeister, Tice, & Stucke,
reward processing. So far the evidence seems to indi- 2001). For instance, negative mood inductions lead
cate that increased striatal responses to food (Demos, dieters to subsequently overeat (Heatherton, Herman,
Heatherton, & Kelley, 2012) or drug cues (Janes et al., & Polivy, 1991; Heatherton, Striepe, & Wittenberg,
2010; McClernon, Kozink, & Rose, 2008) are predictive 1998) and smokers to crave smoking (Willner & Jones,
of real-world behavior. For instance, people who are 1996). Similarly, inducing social rejection has been
rated as being particularly sensitive to rewards show shown to increase consumption of unhealthy foods,
heightened food cue–related activity in the ventral stria- reduce task persistence, and interfere with the ability
tum and orbitofrontal cortex (Beaver et al., 2006). A to sustain attention (Baumeister, DeWall, Ciarocco, &
similar finding was demonstrated by Demos and col- Twenge, 2005).
leagues (2012), in which individual differences in A number of mechanisms have been proposed to
ventral striatal responses to food cues and erotic scenes explain how emotional and social distress influence self-
predicted subsequent weight gain and degree of sexual regulation (for a review, see Wagner & Heatherton,
activity in a six-month follow-up. Taken together, these 2013b). Common among them is the notion that people
findings suggest that individual differences in cue reac- are motivated to repair their mood and change their
tivity may reflect a stable sensitivity to rewards, the negative emotional state. This often takes the form of
excess of which makes it more difficult for some indi- increased efforts to regulate emotions, which can come
viduals to maintain self-control. An extreme example of at a cost to self-regulation since the increased cognitive
this comes from a study by Casey and colleagues (2011), load incurred is thought to impair monitoring of
which showed that people who had difficulty delaying ongoing behavior (e.g., Johns, Inzlicht, & Schmader,
gratification as children exhibited heightened activity 2008) and reduce cognitive resources that could other-
in the ventral striatum when viewing appetitive stimuli wise be used in the service of self-regulation.
over 40 years later. Another mechanism whereby negative affect can lead
Thus far we have discussed findings in which passive to self-regulation failure comes from research suggest-
viewing of food or drug cues led to heightened reward- ing that negative affect increases the perceived reward
related neural responses in the striatum and orbito- value of temptations, rendering them more difficult to
frontal cortex. However, an important question for inhibit. For instance, negative affect has been shown to
understanding self-regulation failure is what happens reduce people’s ability to delay gratification, biasing
when people are explicitly engaging in self-control in them toward accepting immediate monetary rewards
order to reduce their craving for appetitive stimuli. In over waiting for larger delayed payments (e.g., Lerner,
general, it has been found that explicit regulation of Li, & Weber, 2013; Mischel, Ebbesen, & Zeiss, 1973;
cravings and desires involves the lateral PFC and the Twenge et al., 2001). In addition, experiencing negative
anterior cingulate cortex. For instance, the lateral PFC affect is associated with increased cravings for carbohy-
and ACC show increased activity when attempting to drate-rich foods (Christensen & Pettijohn, 2001) and,
down-regulate responses to cigarette paraphernalia among smokers, increases both the intensity of
among smokers (Brody et al., 2007; Kober et al., 2010), smoking (McKee et al., 2011) and the amount of plea-
to food cues among dieters (Siep et al., 2012), drug sure people report from smoking a cigarette (Zinser,
cues among substance abusers (Volkow et al., 2010), Baker, Sherman, & Cannon, 1992). Together, these
and to monetary rewards for most people (Delgado, studies suggest that negative affect may serve to ramp
Gillis, & Phelps, 2008). Importantly, across all these up the gain on temptations and pleasurable activities.

wagner and heatherton: self-regulation and its failures 711

Indeed, research in nonhuman animals suggests that sustained mental effort is that it can temporarily deplete
emotional distress (usually via social isolation) can elicit cognitive resources required for self-regulation, thereby
reward-seeking behavior owing to a stress-induced sen- leaving people vulnerable to temptations. This view of
sitization of brain regions involved in reward processing self-regulation as being resource-limited and subject to
(e.g., Peciña, Schulkin, & Berridge, 2006; Piazza & Le fatigue is the central tenant of the limited resource, or
Moal, 1996; Ramsey & van Ree, 1993). Research in strength, model of self-regulation (e.g., Baumeister &
humans provides converging evidence in the form of Heatherton, 1996). Since its formulation, the strength
affect-related modulation of activity in the ventral stria- model has received support from a large number of
tum and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) to appetitive cues studies within the laboratory (for a meta-analysis, see
(e.g., Killgore & Yurgelun-Todd, 2006; Wagner, Boswell, Hagger, Wood, Stiff, & Chatzisarantis, 2010) as well as
Kelley, & Heatherton, 2012). For instance, the experi- more naturalistic experiments using experience-
mental induction of negative mood has been shown to sampling methods (Hofmann et al., 2011). For example,
increase food-cue related activity in the OFC (Wagner engaging in a prior effortful self-control task can
et al., 2012). subsequently make people more vulnerable to tempta-
Research on social rejection provides another means tions such as food and alcohol (Muraven, Collins, &
for examining the role of emotional distress on self- Nienhaus, 2002; Vohs & Heatherton, 2000), less able to
regulation. As mentioned above, a number of studies control their emotions (Schmeichel, 2007), and more
have shown that social rejection can bring about self- likely to violate social norms (DeBono, Shmueli, &
regulation failure (Baumeister et al., 2005). Although Muraven, 2011; Vohs, Baumeister, & Ciarocco, 2005).
there is considerable research on the neural correlates In recent years, there have been several efforts aimed
of experiencing social rejection (for a review, see at defining the mechanisms underlying self-regulatory
Eisenberger, 2012), there are far fewer cognitive neuro- depletion effects, with researchers suggesting that
science studies examining the link between social exclu- depletion reflects temporary decreases in circulating
sion and self-regulation failure. Of the few extant blood glucose availability (Gailliot et al., 2007), lay
studies, results show that social rejection leads to beliefs in self-control (Job, Dweck, & Walton, 2010), or
reduced activity in the PFC during executive function shifts in motivation and attention away from effortful
tasks. For example, social rejection was found to reduce control and toward more rewarding activities (Beedie
activity in the lateral PFC as well as impair accuracy & Lane, 2012; Inzlicht & Schmeichel, 2012). More
when completing complex math problems (Campbell recently, it has been suggested that the strength model
et al., 2006). Similarly, Peake and colleagues (2013) may have overemphasized the role of self-regulatory
demonstrated that social exclusion increased risk-tak- depletion impairing top-down control, neglecting the
ing behavior (operationalized as amount of crashes in possibility that depletion may also increase the strength
a driving simulator) and reduced lateral PFC activity of temptations and impulses, thereby making them
during crash trials. more difficult to resist. Evidence for this last conjecture
Taken together, the results of these studies suggest comes from research demonstrating that following self-
two mechanisms whereby the experience of emotional regulatory depletion, people rate emotions as more
and social distress impairs self-regulation. First, the extreme, pain as more intense, and desires as more
experience of negative affect may serve to sensitize the strongly felt than nondepleted individuals (Vohs,
ventral striatum and OFC to the incentive value of appe- Baumeister, Mead, Ramanathan, & Schmeichel, manu-
titive rewards (e.g., Peciña et al., 2006; Piazza & Le script submitted for publication).
Moal, 1996). And second, negative affect may also act Research on the neural basis of self-regulatory deple-
directly on self-control, reducing the capacity to engage tion is still in its infancy, with only a handful of studies
in sustained attention or inhibit prepotent responses investigating the effects of depletion on the neural
(e.g., Campbell et al., 2006; Peake, Dishion, Stormshak, systems involved in self-control. Within the cognitive
Moore, & Pfeifer, 2013). domain, three studies have examined the effects of self-
regulatory depletion on the subsequent recruitment of
Depletion of Limited Self-Regulatory Resources prefrontal brain regions during self-control tasks. The
In the preceding section, we briefly touched upon the first of these studies measured the error-related negativ-
notion that one of the means by which negative affect ity, an index of conflict monitoring thought to originate
can sabotage self-control is through imposing a cogni- in the ACC, and found that relative to a control
tive load as individuals juggle regulating affect with group, depleted participants showed a reduced error-
regulating their behavior in other domains (e.g., food related negativity during a subsequent task requiring
or drug consumption). One consequence of this self-control and that this effect mediated behavioral

712 social neuroscience and emotion

performance impairments (Inzlicht & Gutsell, 2007). between impulse strength and the capacity to override
Two other experiments examined the aftereffect of or otherwise control them. This “balance” model
depletion using functional neuroimaging. In both (Heatherton & Wagner, 2011) suggests that when
cases it was found that the right lateral PFC showed people experience strong urges brought on by expo-
reduced activity in participants who first completed an sure to temptations, to the degree that these urges
effortful self-control task, compared to control subjects outweigh the capacity to control them, self-regulation
(Friese, Binder, Luechinger, Boesiger, & Rasch, 2013; failure becomes more likely. Conversely, when the
Hedgcock, Vohs, & Rao, 2012). capacity to engage in self-regulation is impaired either
As mentioned above, recent behavioral work suggests by negative affect or prior expenditure of self-regulatory
that another possible aftereffect of self-regulatory deple- resources, then temptations can exert a greater sway
tion is the intensification of desires and emotions (e.g., over behavior, again leading to self-regulatory failure.
Schmeichel, 2007; Vohs et al., 2013). Consistent with Evidence from cognitive neuroscience suggests that this
this theory are results from two functional neuroimag- tug-of-war involves brain regions important for repre-
ing studies, one in the emotional domain and the other senting the reward value of temptations and the inten-
using tempting food cues. In the first of these, partici- sity of emotions as well as lateral and medial regions of
pants were depleted using a difficult attention-control the PFC important for implementing goal-directed
task and subsequently exposed to a series of emotional behavior and inhibiting cravings and desires. This rela-
scenes. Compared to nondepleted individuals, depleted tively simple model of self-regulation failure shares
subjects viewing negatively valenced emotional scenes much in common with developmental models of self-
showed an exaggerated response in the amygdala, a control that emphasize differential maturation rates
region involved in the detection of threat (Wagner & between the prefrontal cortex and regions involved in
Heatherton, 2013a). Moreover, this was accompanied representing rewards and emotions (e.g., Somerville,
by reduced functional connectivity between the amyg- Jones, & Casey, 2010). For instance, in this line of
dala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, a region research it has been found that compared to adults
commonly involved in emotion regulation, when adolescents show exaggerated responses to appetitive
viewing negatively valenced emotional scenes (Wagner and rewarding stimuli in regions such as the ventral
& Heatherton, 2013a). Within the appetitive domain, striatum (May et al., 2004; Somerville et al., 2011), and
another study found that dieters who completed a prior that this is largely due to a failure to appropriately
self-regulation task subsequently showed an exagger- recruit regions of the lateral PFC.
ated reward response in the OFC when viewing highly Further evidence for a causal role of the lateral PFC
appetizing food cues. Moreover, compared to nonde- in response inhibition comes from research using tran-
pleted dieters, depleted dieters showed reduced func- scranial magnetic stimulation as well as transcranial
tional connectivity between the OFC and the lateral direct current stimulation, which has shown that inac-
PFC during appetizing food trials (Wagner, Altman, tivation of the right lateral PFC increases impulsive
Boswell, Kelley, & Heatherton, 2013). Together, the behavior and risky decision making (Chambers et al.,
results of these two studies suggest that self-regulatory 2006; Knoch, Pascual-Leone, Meyer, Treyer, & Fehr,
depletion may serve to impair the functional connectiv- 2006) whereas stimulating the function of this region
ity between regions important for self-regulation, such with transcranial direct current stimulation pushes
as the lateral PFC for appetitive stimuli (Delgado et al., people to become risk-averse and better able to inhibit
2008; Kober et al., 2010; Somerville, Hare, & Casey, impulses (Fecteau et al., 2007; Jacobson, Javitt, &
2011) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex for emo- Lavidor, 2011). In line with the imaging work reviewed
tional stimuli (e.g., Johnstone, van Reekum, Urry, Kalin, above demonstrating a role for the lateral PFC in regu-
& Davidson, 2007; Somerville et al., 2012). This break- lating cravings and desires (e.g., Delgado et al., 2008;
down in functional connectivity leaves responses in Kober et al., 2010; Wagner et al., 2013), these studies
reward- and emotion-related brain regions unchecked, suggest any event that impairs lateral PFC function
thereby leading to an exaggerated response to appeti- may precipitate self-regulation failure, particularly
tive (Wagner et al., 2013) and emotionally charged when an individual is faced with strong temptations or
stimuli (Wagner & Heatherton, 2013a). desires. Moreover, the work reviewed in this chapter
suggests that absent the inhibitory influence of the
Conclusion lateral PFC, brain regions involved in representing
reward value, emotional valence, or both may become
Based on the research reviewed above, successful self- sensitized to environmental triggers, which in turn
regulation can be conceptualized as involving a balance bias individuals toward seeking out rewards, acting on

wagner and heatherton: self-regulation and its failures 713

desires, and ultimately abandoning their long-term Buss, D. M., & Kenrick, D. T. (1998). Evolutionary social
goals. psychology. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.),
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Finally, it is important to note that, although we have
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taken the view that cue exposure, mood, and self- Campbell, W. K., Krusemark, E. A., Dyckman, K. A.,
regulatory depletion all interfere with the ability to ini- Brunell, A. B., McDowell, J. E., Twenge, J. M., &
tiate top-down control over impulses and desires, the Clementz, B. A. (2006). A magnetoencephalography inves-
data from cognitive neuroscience are largely consistent tigation of neural correlates for social exclusion and self-
with alternative interpretations such as motivational control. Soc Neurosci, 1(2), 124–134.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of this chapter was supported ing deactivation of human frontal lobe. J Cogn Neurosci,
by grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse 18(3), 444–455.
(R01DA22582) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Christensen, L., & Pettijohn, L. (2001). Mood and carbo-
Institute (R21HL114092). hydrate cravings. Appetite, 36(2), 137–145.
Cloutier, J., Heatherton, T. F., Whalen, P. J., & Kelley,
W. M. (2008). Are attractive people rewarding? Sex differ-
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wagner and heatherton: self-regulation and its failures 717

62 What Is the Role of Control
in Emotional Life?

ABSTRACT The question of how cognition—and cognitive Many Star Trek episodes depict the struggle between
control in particular—interacts with emotion has been of cognitively controlled Spock and emotionally impulsive
long-standing interest in popular culture and scientific
Kirk as they argue, cajole, and sometimes outright
inquiry. This chapter presents a fresh take on their interac-
tion, offered as a counterpoint to popular theories suggesting battle each other in a seesawing war to prove which
that emotional processes and higher-level cognitive processes, human faculty—cognitive control or emotion—is
such as those supporting self-control, are antagonists that supreme. This model of the cognition-emotion rela-
compete for control over behavior, with the rise of one leading tionship embodies a key assumption common to both
to the fall of the other. While such “seesaw” models can be lay and scientific theories: namely, that cognitive
very useful for explaining specific classes of phenomena, they
may not be able to account for the full range of interactions control is inherently antagonistic to emotion (see
between affective and cognitive processes of which humans figure 62.1).
are capable—and on which they depend on a daily basis. The Is this seesaw view of the cognitive control–emotion
alternative account of their relationship is motivated by a mix relationship sufficient to explain all possible ways in
of old-school appraisal theory and contemporary cognitive which control and emotion interact? If it is not, what
neuroscience data, whereby top-down cognitive control mech-
anisms play an integral role in at least four aspects of our
other kinds of models of their relationship might we
emotional lives: generating emotions, reporting on and consider?
understanding our own emotions, understanding the emo- The goal of this chapter is to begin addressing these
tions of others, and regulating our emotions. This account questions. Toward that end, it is divided into three
suggests that cognitive and affective processes are intimately parts. The first reviews a handful of salient exemplars
intertwined and provides a foundation for understanding
of the seesaw model, using them as foils for considering
core functional relationships among multiple kinds of behav-
ior and for asking new kinds of questions about them. what other kinds of cognition-emotion models might
be useful. The second presents research from my lab
If there is one thing humans are fond of it is dichoto- and others that suggests a particular alternative view of
mies. Up versus down. Left versus right. Good versus the control-emotion relationship. Here, we will con-
bad. Such dichotomies are simple and easy to under- sider examples of emotion generation, self-reports, per-
stand and apply. They typically have traction because ception, and regulation that either are not spoken to
they capture something important about the world. by seesaw models or are inconsistent with (at least
One dichotomy critically important for psychology is strong versions of) them. In the third and last section,
the distinction between cognition and emotion. we will consider one potential model that fits these data
Many lay and scientific accounts of their relationship and its implications for theoretical approaches to
focus on one form of cognition—cognitive control, or the understanding cognition, emotion, and future research
ability to engage in deliberate and reasoned thinking— on their relationship.
and the way in which it stifles emotional responses. This
relationship is epitomized by the relationship between Seesaw models of cognitive control and emotion
the two central characters of my favorite 1960s televi-
sion series: Star Trek. On one hand there is Spock, Historically, the idea that cognition and emotion seesaw
science officer on the Starship Enterprise. Spock is a back-and-forth with one another dates back at least to
Vulcan, and Vulcans have spent centuries eliminating Descartes’s ideas about the dichotomy between passion
base emotional impulses in favor of higher-order cogni- and reason (Damasio, 1994) and carry forward in con-
tive control and reasoning. On the other hand, there is temporary ideas about development (Somerville &
James T. Kirk, the all-too-human starship captain. Kirk Casey, 2010), moral judgment (Greene et al., 2001),
is the embodiment of impulsive emotion, driven as he and a range of other phenomena. For present
is by a pulsating libido and an overweening machismo. purposes, it is germane to review a few examples that

ochsner: what is the role of control in emotional life? 719

inhibiting prepotent responses, and looking informa-
tion up in memory. As such, prefrontal activity is often
taken as a marker for the operation of cognitive control
On the other hand, emotional responding has been
shown to involve a number of cortical and subcortical
structures, and perhaps foremost among them is the
amygdala. The amygdala receives multimodal sensory
inputs and associates them with body states that reflect
the relevance of stimuli to one’s current or chronic
goals, wants, and needs (Cunningham & Brosch, 2012;
Cunningham & Zelazo, 2007; Kim et al., 2011). These
associations may trigger components of affective
responses ranging from heightened attention to freez-
ing and escape behaviors. In so doing, the amygdala has
a natural bias toward detecting, encoding, and trigger-
ing appropriate responses to stimuli that might be
potentially threatening (Anderson, Christoff, Panitz,
De Rosa, & Gabrieli, 2003). As such, amygdala activity
Figure 62.1 A schematic representation of the seesaw rela- is often taken as a marker for threat-related emotional
tionship between cognitive control and emotion postulated processes.
by many lay and scientific theories. Such theories posit that
cognitive control and emotion are inherently antagonistic.
This essential distinction between cognitive control
Such an antagonistic relationship is exemplified by the oppos- and emotion, and their prefrontal versus amygdalar
ing points of view represented by popular television charac- bases, has played itself out in at least three influential
ters like Mr. Spock (who embodies the value of control) and scientific theories.
Captain Kirk (who embodies the value of impulsive emotion) The first example comes from the 1990s, when
from the 1960s television series Star Trek. In contemporary
Drevets and Raichle proposed a “balance model” of the
theories, specific brain systems are often assisted with control
(prefrontal cortex) and emotion (amygdala), and scientific relationship between cognition and emotion (Drevets
questions revolve around the situations in which the activity & Raichle, 1998). This model was based on early posi-
of prefrontal cortex and the amygdala seesaw with one tron emission tomography studies of higher-order cog-
another. (See color plate 52.) nitive abilities, such as working memory, reasoning, and
language. They noted that whenever participants were
asked to engage in an effortful higher-level cognitive
illustrate the core ideas. Here we briefly review task, heightened prefrontal activity was observed, along
three seesaw type models that have a neuroscience with relative decreases in amygdala activity (among
foundation. other subcortical structures). These data prompted the
hypothesis that in healthy adults, the engagement of
What the Models Propose Both human and animal higher cognitive processes naturally “turned off” emo-
research have reliably associated cognitive control and tional processes. In clinical populations, however, this
emotional responding with distinct but overlapping sets naturally antagonistic relationship between cognition
of brain systems. While it is beyond the scope of this and emotion was out of balance. Instead, certain popu-
chapter to review these systems here, for present pur- lations, like those with major depression, showed rela-
poses what’s important are the regions highlighted in tively decreased prefrontal activity accompanied by
the context of seesaw models. increased amygdala activity when not asked to do any-
On one hand, cognitive control has been shown to thing at all (i.e., when at “rest”).
depend upon regions of lateral prefrontal cortex A second example comes from the 2000s in the form
thought to be critical for a host of subprocesses essen- of Lieberman’s affect-labeling theory (e.g., Lieberman
tial for deliberate and effortful control over a thought, et al., 2007; Lieberman, Inagaki, Tabibnia, & Crockett,
behavior, or emotion (Beer, Knight, & D’Esposito, 2006; 2011; Payer, Baicy, Lieberman, & London, 2012; Torrisi,
Buhle et al., 2013; Hartley & Phelps, 2012; Miller Lieberman, Bookheimer, & Altshuler, 2013). In a typical
& Cohen, 2001; Ochsner, Silvers, & Buhle, 2012). affect-labeling study, participants might be asked to
These subprocesses depend upon prefrontal regions decide which of two exemplar stimuli best matches a
essential for keeping goal-relevant information in mind, target photograph of an emotionally expressive face

720 social neuroscience and emotion

(e.g., a fear expression). In one case, the exemplars are warranted? Or are there varieties of interaction between
themselves emotional expressions (e.g., fear and disgust cognitive control and emotion not explained by seesaw
faces) and participants must match them to the target theories and that may even be inconsistent with them?
on the basis of their perceptual features. In another The section that follows makes the case that there are
case, the exemplars are words that could label the target at least three other kinds of core emotional phenom-
expression (e.g., the words “fear” and “disgust”) and ena—and even some emotion regulatory phenom-
participants must match them to the target on the basis ena—that fit this bill. In the end, we will see that seesaw
of their meaning. In a finding replicated many times theories have their clear domains of usefulness but may
across variants of the procedure, the perceptual case be limited in scope to a set of phenomena that involve
elicits greater amygdala and lesser prefrontal activity, the use of cognitive control to down-regulate emotion.
whereas the verbal case elicits greater prefrontal and Before moving on, it should be acknowledged that
lesser amygdala activity. The explanation is that affec- this chapter glosses over important nuances for each of
tive processes are disrupted by the cognitive processes the seesaw models. For example, current theories
involved in selecting a label for an affective stimulus. don’t simply posit a seesawing between prefrontal and
A third example from the 2010s was presented in a subcortical regions, but rather more complex context-
review paper by Heatherton and Wagner on the brain dependent changes in connectivity between them (e.g.,
systems underlying self-regulation failure (Heatherton Torrisi et al., 2013; Townsend et al., 2012; Wagner,
& Wagner, 2011). This paper proposes a model to Altman, Boswell, Kelley, & Heatherton, 2013) that may
explain why various factors (e.g., negative mood) reli- underlie examples of self-regulation success or failure.
ably lead to failures in the ability to engage in goal- Furthermore, most of these models—and the others
directed, adaptive self-regulation (e.g., staying on a cited at the outset of this section—were not formulated
diet). The idea is that self-regulation failure becomes with the intention of accounting for the range of
more likely to the extent that a given factor either dis- control-emotion interactions under consideration here.
rupts prefrontal activity, thereby reducing the capacity For example, none of them were intended to account
for cognitive control, or enhances the response of sub- for the role of control in emotion generation.
cortical structures involved in emotion or motivation, With these caveats in mind, this chapter takes the
thereby making emotional or motivated responses less liberty of being glossy for a couple of reasons. First,
controllable. In a key figure, this model is visualized as the glossy version of seesaw models fits key aspects of
a seesaw with various factors pushing the cognitive or the lay conception of control-emotion interactions—as
emotional ends of the seesaw up or down. epitomized by the Kirk-Spock dynamic, for example—
that this chapter seeks to complexify, if not outright
Limitations of Scope Although it is beyond the counter. And second, it allows us to present seesaw
purview of this review to weigh all of the evidence cited models as a bit of a “straw man” hypothesis that begs
in the support of each model, for present purposes the pointed question of whether seesaw models are by
suffice to say that each model accounts very well for a themselves complete. With seesaw models as the foil, let
particular kind of interaction between cognitive control us now consider data that suggest an alternative account
and emotion that can be usefully modeled in terms of of control-emotion interactions.
a seesaw. Critically, such interactions typically involve
cases where cognitive control is engaged for the purpose
of stopping, inhibiting, or blocking an emotional Can cognitive control and emotion interact in
response. This can be done either in the service of an ways not accounted for by seesaw models?
explicit regulatory goal (e.g., to diet to lose weight) or
in the service of an implicit, or incidental, regulatory To begin building an alternative account of the interac-
goal (e.g., as is posited in affect-labeling theory). tions between cognitive control and emotion, this
There is an additional core feature of these and other section reviews functional imaging research on a wider
related models, however. To differing degrees, they range of emotional phenomena than is typically taken
implicitly or explicitly assume that in the context of into account by seesaw models.
emotional responses, cognitive control always limits Imagine that the circle in figure 62.2 represents the
their expression. Or, put another way, any time cogni- full set of phenomena that involve interactions between
tive control is engaged, emotional responding is cognitive control and emotion. The top left quadrant
blocked, disrupted, or halted. represents emotion generation, the top right represents
Is the antagonistic, either/or assumption about the emotion self-reports, the lower left emotion regulation,
relationship between cognitive control and emotion and the lower right emotion perception. Let’s now

ochsner: what is the role of control in emotional life? 721

This is where the debate about emotion generation
becomes relevant to our present concerns. If emotions
can be generated both by relatively bottom-up, amygdala-
dependent automatic processes and by prefrontally
dependent, top-down controlled processes, then this
would be inconsistent with strong versions of the seesaw
model—versions positing that cognitive control always
disrupts affective processes.
In a functional imaging experiment, we asked what
Figure 62.2 A schematic representation the range of phe- types of brain systems are involved in the controlled
nomena that could involve interactions between cognitive top-down generation of emotion as compared to the
control and emotion. As discussed in the chapter, control and
bottom-up, stimulus-driven generation of emotion
emotion may interact in the context of emotion generation,
emotion self-reports, emotion perception, and emotion regu- (Ochsner et al., 2009). To accomplish this, we asked
lation. Within the domain of emotion regulation, control may participants to view negative or neutral photographic
have both up- and down-regulatory effects. The chapter images on three types of trials. Two of these trials
argues that seesaw models best account for down-regulatory involved participants looking at images and letting
interactions between control and emotion but that up-
themselves respond naturally. By directly comparing
regulatory interactions also are possible, as are other types of
interactions in the context of the full range of phenomena brain activation when participants were responding
that involve controlling emotion. naturally to a negative as compared to a neutral image,
we sought to isolate brain regions involved in the
bottom-up generation of emotion. The third trial type
review examples of each type of phenomena that exem- presented neutral images but asked participants to con-
plify cognitive control—emotion interactions that may struct a negative interpretation of what they saw hap-
not be well accounted for by seesaw models. After doing pening. For example, if they saw an image of an unmade
so, we’ll consider what implications these data have for bed, they might use cognitive control to construct a
theory and research. back story whereby a nominally happy couple got out
of that bed in the morning and was tragically struck by
Emotion Generation A fundamental question in a car and killed. By comparing brain activation when
psychology has been how emotions are generated. So participants viewed neutral images and used top-down
important is this question that the field was preoccu- processes to construct negative interpretations, as
pied with it during the 1980s in what became popularly opposed to letting themselves respond naturally to
known as the cognition-emotion debate. On one side neutral images, we sought to isolate the brain regions
was the Berkeley psychologist Richard Lazarus, who involved in the controlled top-down generation of
argued that emotions resulted from the operation of emotion.
cognitive appraisal processes that interpreted the Three key findings emerged. First, we found that the
meaning of events (Lazarus, 1982, 1991). You felt good top-down as compared to the bottom-up generation of
or bad about an event depending upon the cognitive emotion activated a set of prefrontal systems typically
meaning ascribed to it. On the other side was the Michi- involved in cognitive control, including ventrolateral
gan psychologist Robert Zajonc, who famously argued regions associated with selection and/or inhibition
that preferences need no inferences (Zajonc, 1980, (Aron & Poldrack, 2005; Badre & Wagner, 2007;
1984). Put another way, he argued that affective Thompson-Schill, 2003) and dorsal regions typically
responses are primal and basic, veritable involuntary involved in selective attention or working memory
reflexes that did not require any intervening cognitive (Wager, Jonides, & Reading, 2004; Wager & Smith,
processes. For some time, Lazarus and Zajonc argued 2003). In addition, there was activation of dorsal medial
about whether cognition was necessary for emotions to prefrontal regions implicated in making attributions
be generated. Over time, the field came to realize that about mental states (Amodio & Frith, 2006; Olsson &
the answer to this question hinged upon one’s defini- Ochsner, 2008; Zaki & Ochsner, 2012) as well as dorsal
tion of cognition. If you believe that cognitive processes cingulate regions thought to monitor conflicts between
can be either automatic or controlled, then the terms desired and actual responses (Botvinick, Cohen, &
of the debate change: the question is no longer whether Carter, 2004). We hypothesized that these systems are
cognition is necessary for emotion, but whether the involved in selecting the elements of, and keeping in
emotion-generation process itself is automatic or could mind, negative interpretations that generate an affec-
involve controlled processes as well. tive response from the top down.

722 social neuroscience and emotion

Second, we found that bottom-up emotion genera- few studies had attempted to describe the mechanisms
tion strongly activated the amygdala bilaterally. Intrigu- involved in self-reporting on emotion, per se (Wager
ingly, top-down emotion generation also activated an et al., 2008).
overlapping subregion of the left amygdala. This sug- To begin addressing this issue, we first drew on con-
gested that bottom-up emotion generation depended structivist theories of emotion (Gendron & Barrett,
more strongly on the amygdala, but that top-down 2009; Lindquist & Barrett, 2008) to formulate a hypoth-
emotion generation could also trigger activity here esis about the psychological processes and brain systems
simply by interpreting a neutral event in aversive terms. that enable us to construct self-reports. In brief, we
Third, we found that activity in the amygdala corre- thought that there might be three kinds of brain systems
lated with the strength of affective responses when emo- involved (Satpute, Shu, Weber, Roy, & Ochsner, 2013).
tions were generated from the bottom up, but that First, there might be brain systems, like the amygdala,
activity in medial prefrontal cortex correlated with the that generate one’s initial bottom-up, stimulus-driven,
strength of affective responses when emotions were emotional response. Second, there might be brain
generated from the top down. systems, like the medial prefrontal cortex, involved in
Together, these data suggested that bottom-up and attending to and conceptualizing mental states that
top-down emotion generation had in common their could play a key role in generating a set of possible
ability to trigger responses in the amygdala, but differed descriptors for one’s emotional response. Third, regions
in their dependence on the amygdala as a bottom-up of lateral prefrontal cortex important for the controlled
triggering system for emotion. Whereas bottom-up selection of context-appropriate responses might play a
responses depended quite strongly on the amygdala, key role in selecting among potential emotion descrip-
top-down responses depended more strongly on pre- tors the one that best encapsulates, or categorizes, one’s
frontal regions implicated in higher cognitive processes, current emotional state.
including those involved in cognitive control. To test this account, we presented participants with
It is not clear how seesaw models might account for photographic images that varied in their emotional
such findings. In this experiment, we saw engagement intensity, from neutral to moderate negativity and
of prefrontal regions, including ventral prefrontal extending up to highly negative images (Satpute et al.,
regions most strongly associated with seesaw-type theo- 2013). By identifying brain regions whose activity varied
ries, when affective responses were increasing both as a function of image intensity, we sought to identify
behaviorally and neurally (i.e., in terms of amygdala regions involved in triggering the initial affective
activity). Instead of inhibiting or disrupting amygdala response, like the amygdala. While viewing these images,
response, this experiment highlights a way in which participants were asked to attend to either the perceptual
prefrontal activity, by elaborating the affective meaning aspects of these images—judging whether the images
of a stimulus, can actually engender amygdala activity had relatively more curvy or straight lines—or to their
and heighten experienced negative affect. emotional response to the image—judging whether they
felt good, bad, or somewhere in between. By comparing
Emotion Self-Reports The ability to introspectively brain activation when participants were attending to the
access and verbally describe our emotions is typically perceptual features as compared to their emotional response,
termed a “self-report of emotion” within the psychologi- we sought to identify regions involved in being aware
cal literature. As such, it is a primary dependent measure of and conceptualizing one’s emotional response, such
in many studies of emotion. Emotion self-reports are as medial prefrontal cortex. Finally, participants made
important in everyday life as well. In circumstances these judgments in one of two modes. On continuous
ranging from telling romantic partners how we feel, to trials, participants were given a scale that graded con-
managing conflicts with coworkers, to meditating on tinuously from one end of a continuum to another
how our day is going, to talking with our therapists, we (either from bad to good or from curvy to straight). On
take for granted the ability to self-report on our emo- categorical trials, participants were given one of three
tional states. discrete response categories to choose from (bad,
The very ubiquity of emotion self-reports may lead neutral; good, curvy; equal, straight). By comparing
them to be overlooked, however, as a focal topic of brain activation on categorical versus continuous trials, we
study. Recently, we went to the experimental neurosci- sought to identify brain regions involved in the con-
ence literature to ask whether anyone had unpacked trolled selection of context-appropriate descriptions.
the mechanisms involved in self-reports of emotion. Here, it might be noted that both continuous and
While meta-analyses had documented a myriad of categorical judgment modes require that experience
regions active during emotional experience in general, be translated into conceptual terms. The key is that

ochsner: what is the role of control in emotional life? 723

categorical trials require selecting between a set of dis- norms in the West that dictate this is a polite thing to
crete response options, which taxes these processes to do. And so on.
a greater extent than simply clicking somewhere on a We have termed these conflicts between different
continuous scale that doesn’t require one to sharply types of cues to emotion social cognitive conflicts because
distinguish among qualitatively different kinds of they require the engagement of fundamentally social
experience. cognitive processes to draw inferences about why
What we found supported our initial hypotheses. and what emotion people are experiencing (Zaki,
Amygdala responses co-varied with the intensity of the Hennigan, Weber, & Ochsner, 2010).
images. A region of dorsal medial prefrontal cortex What brain systems are involved in resolving these
typically involved in making attributions about mental social cognitive conflicts (Zaki et al., 2010)? To begin
states was more engaged when participants attended to addressing this question, we adapted a methodology
their emotional responses as compared to the percep- we’ve used previously to study empathy (Zaki, Bolger,
tual features of images. And right ventral lateral pre- & Ochsner, 2009; Zaki, Weber, Bolger, & Ochsner,
frontal cortex was more active when judgments were 2009). In our prior empathy work, we collected short
made categorically as compared to using a continuous video clips of real people talking about real-life experi-
scale. ences that elicited varying degrees of positive or nega-
These results are problematic for seesaw models, tive emotion. We also had them make continuous
insofar as they show engagement of regions of prefron- ratings of how they felt as they were talking about these
tal cortex involved in cognitive control and higher- experiences. This allowed us to select 10-second seg-
level cognition in a situation that doesn’t involve ments of these videos where participants had self-
down-regulation of affective responses—either behav- reported strong positive or negative emotions. In our
iorally or neurally. Neither self-reports of negative experiment on social cognitive conflict, we then pre-
emotion nor amygdala responses were lower on cate- sented these 10-second clips without sound. On consis-
gorical trials as compared to continuous trials, even tent trials, these silent video clips were presented along
though prefrontal engagement was greater in that same with phrases that described same valenced events. For
comparison. Instead, this experiment shows that pre- example, if the video clip had come from a positive
frontal regions can help identify and understand the experience, and the nonverbal cues present in the
nature of emotional responses by helping conceptual- video therefore connoted positive emotion, it would be
ize what one’s response might be, then selecting the paired with a positive event, like having lunch with a
most appropriate conceptualization for self-report. friend. On conflict trials, the silent video clips were pre-
sented along with phrases that described opposite
Emotion Perception Most research on emotion valenced events. For example, a positive video clip
perception focuses on the correspondence between might be paired with a negative event description, like
specific facial features or movements and specific one’s dog dying. The key idea is that the video clips
underlying emotional responses. For example, turning presented nonverbal cues to positive or negative
up the corners of your mouth and crinkling the corners emotion that could then be perceived in the context of
of your eyes are known to be key components of the knowledge about events that were themselves either
facial expression of happiness. But do such facial dis- positive or negative. The job of a participant was to view
plays always connote that one is happy? Consider, for each video of a target person and its accompanying
example, the case of a used car salesman. When he event caption and decide how the target was feeling,
approaches you on a used car lot with a broad smile on taking both types of cues into account. This required
his face, is he genuinely happy to see you? Or is he weighing the relative contributions of each cue to one’s
using that smile as a deliberate means to make you like overall sense of the target’s emotional state, which
and trust him and therefore purchase the cars he has required resolving social cognitive conflicts on conflict
to offer? We encounter such apparent conflicts between trials.
the nonverbal cues to emotion that people express and Using this method, we observed both behavioral and
the information we have about the emotional meaning neural signatures that social cognitive conflict had suc-
of the context in which those cues are encountered. cessfully been elicited. The time it took to make judg-
Facial expressions may look neutral at a funeral not ments about a target person’s emotions was longer on
because people lack feeling for the events transpiring conflict than on consistent trials, and was accompanied
but because they’re masking their feelings of grief. by activation of right ventral lateral prefrontal cortex
People smile and nod in conversation not because and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex—two regions
they’re necessarily happy, but because we have social typically activated in studies of response conflict and

724 social neuroscience and emotion

attempts to resolve them using cognitive control 2001). These models suggest that prefrontal regions
(Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; control behavior, thought, and emotion by biasing
Botvinick et al., 2004). ongoing processing in favor of goal-relevant representa-
To understand how participants resolve these con- tions in posterior and inferior cortical and subcortical
flicts, we calculated a trial-by-trial index of the extent to regions. When judging the emotions of another person
which a participant’s judgment of a target’s emotions on the basis of nonverbal and contextual cues that
reflected relative reliance on the nonverbal or contex- provide conflicting information about that person’s
tual cues. Here, we took advantage of the fact that we’d emotions, prefrontal regions may bias competition
had a separate group of participants make normative between regions that represent nonverbal and contex-
ratings of each video taken alone and each event tual information as each makes differential contribu-
description taken alone. For any given video-and-event tions to your perception and judgment.
combination, we could average these ratings and set This kind of prefrontal involvement in emotion per-
that average value as the benchmark for emotion judg- ception falls outside the range of phenomena explained
ments that reflected equal weighting of nonverbal and by seesaw models of emotion-control interactions. As
contextual cues. To the extent that a participant gave a such, it provides evidence that cognitive control can
rating of target emotions that was more similar to the play an important role in perceiving and understanding
rating given to the video or context description taken the emotions expressed by others.
alone, we could calculate the difference between that
rating and the average to quantify the extent to which
a given judgment was relying more strongly on the Emotion Regulation We began this chapter by
video or context cues. In this way, for each trial we cal- briefly describing seesaw models that appear suited for
culated a single number that represented the extent to describing situations where cognitive control has down-
which participants equally or differentially weighted the regulatory effects on affective responses. Research on
video and context cues when making their judgments emotion regulation is often cited as providing addi-
of the target’s emotions, and then entered these values tional support for these models. For example, studies
into a parametric brain-imaging analysis. We found that of the use of cognitive reappraisal to reframe the
as participants relied more on the nonverbal cues, they meaning of affectively charged stimuli in ways that
showed greater activity in parietal and premotor regions lessen their emotional impact typically show activation
typically described as part of the mirror neuron system of prefrontal control regions accompanied by dimin-
(Gallese, Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004). These regions ished activity in affective response regions (Heatherton
likely supported representations of the motor inten- & Wagner, 2011; Payer et al., 2012).
tions underlying nonverbal cues to emotion. As partici- A problem for seesaw models arises, however, with
pants relied more on the contextual cues, they showed the finding that reappraisal can be used to up-regulate
greater activity in medial prefrontal and temporal- emotion as well. Using reappraisal to increase nega-
parietal regions implicated in making attributions tive emotion, for example, by cognitively elaborating
about mental states and representing semantic knowl- the painful experiences and possible negative out-
edge more generally (Saxe, 2006). comes of people depicted in aversive photos, activates
A final analysis related the regions implicated in prefrontal control regions while at the same time
resolving conflict to those implicated in the relative increasing activity and subcortical regions like the
reliance on video or contextual cues. We asked amygdala (Buhle et al., 2013; Ochsner et al., 2004;
whether functional connectivity (essentially, a correla- Urry et al., 2006). These data parallel those in the
tion between activation in two regions across time) was section on emotion generation above. When elaborat-
greater between regions involved in resolving cognitive ing negative meanings for events, heightened pre-
conflict and the mirror neuron system whenever par- frontal activity can be accompanied by heightened
ticipants relied on that system more to guide their activity and affect-triggering regions like the amygdala
judgments and, conversely, whether connectivity was (Ochsner et al., 2009).
greater between cognitive conflict regions and the pre- If strong versions of seesaw models were correct, then
frontal and parietal regions representing the meaning engagement of prefrontal cortex and emotional context
of event contexts as participants relied more on those should blunt amygdala response. But the opposite was
systems to guide their judgments. That is exactly what observed. Taking these data together with the other
we found. data reviewed above, we suggest that an expanded view
We interpreted these data in light of biased competi- of possible interactions between cognitive control and
tion models of prefrontal control (Miller & Cohen, affect/emotion might be warranted.

ochsner: what is the role of control in emotional life? 725

Beyond the seesaw: An alternative account of the we saw that control regions could help select stimulus-
relationship between cognitive control and emotion, appropriate words for describing and reporting on
and its implications for theory and research one’s current emotional state. Third, in regard to per-
ceiving other people’s emotions, we saw that control
This chapter began with the compelling view that regions may help resolve social cognitive conflicts
emotion and cognitive control are often in opposition. between interpretations of different kinds of cues that
As a shorthand, we referred to these theoretical accounts provide different kinds of information about others’
as seesaw models that posited the engagement of cogni- emotions. Fourth and last, we saw that prefrontal
tive control in the pursuit of explicit or implicit regula- control regions can be used to up-regulate emotion,
tory goals as the effect of diminishing neural and and in so doing, up-regulate responses in subcortical
behavioral signatures of affective response. affect systems like the amygdala.
Using the glossy, popular version of these models as If these data either are inconsistent with or fall
a foil, we then reviewed four kinds of evidence that outside the intended explanatory realm of seesaw
cognitive control in affective processes can interact in models, then how should we conceive of cognitive
ways not well accounted for by seesaw models (summa- control–emotion interactions?
rized in figure 62.3). First, we saw that the use of cogni-
tive control to elaborate the affective meaning of an Constraint Satisfaction and the Making of
event can generate emotion via the recruitment of pre- Meaning In their classic book, The Measurement of
frontal control systems and the triggering of activation Meaning, Osgood, Suci, and Tannenbaum showed that
in subcortical affect systems like the amygdala. Second, approximately two-thirds of the meaning we ascribe to
things in the world arises from our valenced evaluation
of those things as good or bad, positive or negative,
pleasant or unpleasant (Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum,
1957). Fundamentally, this highlights that our affective
responses form a core element of what events, people,
places, things, and so on mean to us. Indeed, the most
profound and important experiences of our daily lives
wouldn’t mean as much if they were bereft of their
emotional potency.
That said, how are these meanings formed and rep-
resented in the brain? That really is the fundamental
question at hand in this chapter. Whether we are gen-
erating emotion, reporting on our own emotion, per-
ceiving the emotions of others, or regulating our
emotions, the particular emotional response we have
Figure 62.3 A tabular summary of the ways in which control reflects the meaning we ascribe to the stimulus or
systems in emotion systems interact during the four kinds of stimuli we are encountering (Scherer, Schorr, &
emotional phenomenon discussed in this chapter. As illus- Johnstone, 2001).
trated in the table, in every case control systems are activated, Viewed this way, seesaw models imply that the
but only in a subset of emotion-regulatory phenomena is
meaning of people, places, and things is derived from
activation in prefrontal cortex associated with diminished
activity in the amygdala or other emotion-related systems. For the relative balance of affective and cognitive control
emotion generation, self-reports, and perception, control is processes. Although theoretically control and emotion
associated with heightened activation in emotion systems, or could be in perfect equilibrium, a greater contribution
it does not clearly up- or down-regulate it—either because from one source leads necessarily to a lesser contribu-
control systems may make use of, but not directly influence,
tion from the other. As noted earlier in this chapter,
representations in emotion systems (as when self-reporting
emotion), or because control shifts attention between neural seesaw models may best account for the class of emo-
representations of emotion-relevant information (as when tional phenomena where cognitive control is being
perceiving another person’s emotions). See text for details. used in service of implicit or explicit goals to down-
Note : Upward-pointing gray arrows indicate greater activation regulate affective responses.
and control systems; upward-pointing black or downward- Given evidence that other types of interactions are
pointing white arrows indicate greater or lesser activation of
emotion systems; double-headed sideways arrows represent possible, we offer an alternative means of modeling
activation and emotion systems that are not simply up- or control-emotion interactions (see figure 62.4). Since
down- regulated by control systems. the 1970s and 1980s, a particular class of computational

726 social neuroscience and emotion

for holding goals and task-relevant information in mind
(Wager et al., 2004; Wager & Smith, 2003), dorsal cin-
gulate regions important for monitoring conflicts
between desired behaviors and actual behaviors
(Botvinick et al., 2004). and dorsal medial prefrontal
regions implicated in representing higher-level thoughts
about mental states (Zaki & Ochsner, 2012).
On the emotion side, we might list the amygdala,
which is important for detecting, encoding into memory,
and triggering appropriate responses to goal-relevant
and, especially, threatening stimuli (Davis & Whalen,
2001; Hariri & Whalen, 2011; Neta & Whalen, 2011;
Whalen, 1998); striatal regions important for learning
what stimuli predict rewarding or reinforcing out-
comes in promoting behaviors that attain these out-
comes, including emotional states (Kober et al., 2008;
O’Doherty, 2004); the insula, which may integrate
Figure 62.4 A visual representation of a hypothetical con-
straint satisfaction model of emotion. In this model, emo-
information about affect-relevant body states and
tional state is represented by the profile of activation across represent that information in awareness (Craig, 2009;
the sphere and by interactions between a network of systems Zaki, Davis, & Ochsner, 2012); and ventral medial pre-
that could be described as supporting cognitive control pro- frontal regions implicated in integrating and updating
cesses (black ovals) or emotional responding (gray rectan- these multiple sources of information about one’s
gles). As described in the text, each kind of system can make
current affective state (Hare, O’Doherty, Camerer,
a greater or lesser contribution to one’s current emotional
response. To the extent that the highlighted systems are Schultz, & Rangel, 2008; Rangel, Camerer, & Montague,
making greater contributions, we might describe emotion as 2008; Schoenbaum, Saddoris, & Stalnaker, 2007;
being influenced by cognitive control. Depending on the spe- Schoenbaum, Takahashi, Liu, & McDannald, 2011).
cific meaning control systems ascribe to a given stimulus or On this view, one’s emotional state—and the emo-
stimuli, activity in emotion systems will increase, decrease, or
tional meaning one derives from a situation—reflects a
be changed in some other way.
profile of activation across all of these systems (and
likely many more; Barrett, Mesquita, Ochsner, & Gross,
model has proved useful for modeling complex behav- 2007; Freeman & Ambady, 2011; Ochsner & Barrett,
iors that arise from the contributions of multiple under- 2001; Ochsner & Gross, 2013). More strongly activated
lying processing systems (Maia & Cleeremans, 2005; representations have a greater impact on one’s current
Read, Vanman, & Miller, 1997; Shoda, LeeTiernan, & emotional experience, interoceptive assessment, judg-
Mischel, 2002; Shultz & Lepper, 1996). These models ment, behavior, and so on. In this way, apparently dif-
rest on a principle known as parallel constraint satisfac- ferent kinds of emotional phenomena can arise from
tion, whereby behavior results from an overall pattern different kinds of interactions among the same network
of activation produced by a network that represents the of underlying brain systems. Data consistent with this
possible relations and interactions between constituent idea were presented in the prior section: highly overlap-
processing elements. In the case of cognitive control– ping combinations of prefrontal control and subcorti-
emotion interactions, each can be broken down into cal affect systems may be engaged, and presumably
subcomponent processing systems that each comprise interact differently, during emotion generation, self-
a key element in a constraint satisfaction network. In report, perception, and regulation. What’s important is
this chapter thus far we’ve only talked about two of the way in which the systems interact, the kind of
these kinds of regions, but the list of potentially impor- consistent—or conflicting—meanings represented within
tant regions can be expanded a bit here to illustrate the and across each system, and how strongly activated each
argument. of these multiple meaning representations are.
On the cognitive control side, key processing ele- To make this concrete, imagine that you live in Man-
ments might include ventral lateral prefrontal regions hattan and late one night you find yourself walking
important for selecting context-appropriate and inhib- down the street to your apartment. As you get close to
iting context-inappropriate responses (Aron, Robbins, your building, you see two young men walking toward
& Poldrack, 2004; Payer et al., 2012; Wager et al., 2005), you. One reaches into his coat pocket when you are
dorsal lateral prefrontal and parietal regions important only a few feet away. For the amygdala, this might trigger

ochsner: what is the role of control in emotional life? 727

an alarm call that you could be in danger and should Instead, more complicated path, mediation, and multi-
be afraid. Medial prefrontal systems might bring to voxel pattern-based models are appearing that specify
mind thoughts about these guys looking untrustworthy, complex combinations of systems and the way in which
the thought that you might be afraid, and thoughts they interact. As we study a wider range of phenomena,
about whether they look aggressive. If prefrontal control we need a more complex set of models to account for
systems are engaged, however, they might generate and them. In this regard, we can follow the lead of research
represent a potential alternative meaning for the situa- testing certain aspects of the glossy seesaw model, which
tion. Ventral lateral prefrontal regions support retrieval have begun to use exactly these kinds of methods to
from memory of the facts that this is November, that understand the neural underpinnings of self-regulatory
you live near an undergraduate dorm on the Columbia success and failure (e.g., Torrisi et al., 2013; Townsend
campus, and therefore these are probably just students et al., 2012; Wagner et al., 2013).
returning home from an evening out, just like you. To In the end, this way of thinking prompts a return to
the extent that these prefrontal representations are the the Star Trek example that kicked off the chapter. To be
most strongly activated and exert a greater influence on sure, the Spock versus Kirk dynamic illustrated some-
your overall emotional response than do the amygdala- thing fundamental about the way in which different
based representations, you may feel less fearful and aspects of our nature interact. But like the seesaw
more confident that you won’t be mugged as you walk models this dynamic exemplifies, it is only part of the
up the steps to your apartment door and the two young Star Trek worldview. Indeed, Kirk and Spock represented
men pass harmlessly behind you. but two viewpoints within a polyglot crew who each had
This example is, of course, overly simplistic, but it their own viewpoints. And that crew represented but
captures some of the essence of constraint satisfaction one node in a larger Starfleet of perspectives. Ulti-
models. And these models can apply to all the other mately, actions taken at the level of Starfleet repre-
kinds of emotional phenomena described in the prior sented some weighted combination of all of the opinions
section. During emotion generation, either subcortical of its members. If we take the analogy between our
or cortical systems can represent meaningful interpreta- brain and Starfleet seriously, our future task is to boldly
tions of stimuli that have the effect of engendering an go where no researchers have gone before, exploring
emotional response. When you are trying to understand new ways in which cognitive control and emotion can
and report on your emotional state, subcortical and interact.
prefrontal control systems each make a contribution to
those reports. And when you’re perceiving another per- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Completion of this chapter was sup-
son’s emotion, control systems can help bias activation ported by grant R01HD069178-03 from NICHD and grant
to favor brain systems representing one or another type R01AG043463 from NIA.
of clue to their emotional state.

What’s Next? While this model relies as much on

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730 social neuroscience and emotion

63 Emotional Reactivity and Regulation
Across Development

ABSTRACT Fears of the dark, sadness following peer rejection, mood disorders during this developmental window
and disappointment from losing a job are examples of emo- (Beesdo, Knappe, & Pine, 2009).
tions that we experience throughout our lives. The intensity
of these emotions can vary by age and across individuals. In
this chapter, we examine the development of two aspects of The emotional landscape of adolescence
emotional behavior: emotional reactivity and emotional regu-
lation. Emotional reactivity can be defined as the mental pro- Emotional reactivity and regulation are influenced by a
cesses that support the detection and assignment of salience number of factors—some transient and developmen-
to environmental inputs. Emotion regulation processes are tally regulated, others stable within an individual
those that would support a modification of an emotional
response most commonly assessed in terms of the reduction (Somerville, Jones, & Casey, 2010). A large body of
of an initial emotional response. Although these emotional psychological research has focused on whether differ-
processes shift in important ways from infancy to adulthood, ences in behavioral and emotional reactivity early in life
we focus on changes that take place during transitions into are indicative of stable, persistent, life-long emotional
and out of adolescence. reactivity patterns. Classic work by Ainsworth and
Bowlby on attachment (Ainsworth & Bowlby, 1991),
Kagan on behavioral inhibition (Kagan, Snidman,
A 2-year-old’s temper tantrum and an adolescent’s oscil- Arcus, & Reznick, 1994), Mischel on delay of gratifica-
lating mood swings illustrate how emotional processes tion (Mischel, Shoda, & Peake, 1988) and Rothbart
may change in important ways with development. (Rothbart, 2007) on temperament suggests that emotion
Through human development, we develop the ability reactivity and regulation can reflect trait-like tendencies
to filter the constant stream of environmental inputs early in life that statistically predict long-term mental
and determine which are important and which hold and physical health and illness.
emotional significance. Emotional responses to this These emotional tendencies vary by age and environ-
information affect our actions and how attention is mental factors. For example, increasing environmental
deployed to them. In this chapter, we present evidence demands (e.g., stress) placed on an individual can exac-
for developmental changes in emotional reactivity and erbate emotional reactivity, while the development of
emotional regulation. We provide examples of how regulatory abilities can help to quiet emotions (Mischel
positive and negative emotional cues engage cognitive & Baker, 1975; Posner & Rothbart, 2007). Environmen-
processes that support the detection, appraisal, and tal challenges and stressors are thought to reach a nor-
regulation of emotions. mative peak during adolescence, when the individual
Two terms used throughout this chapter are emo- transitions from dependence on the parent to relative
tional reactivity and emotion regulation. Emotion reac- independence while regulatory abilities are still devel-
tivity may be defined as the mental processes that oping—a period of life Hall described as ridden with
support the detection and assignment of salience to emotional upheaval, negative mood, and chronic stress
negative or positive information and our reaction to (Arnett, 1999; Hall, 1904).
that information. Emotion regulation processes are those The period of adolescence begins around the onset
that support a modification of an emotional response of puberty and ends ambiguously when an individual
(Gross & Thompson, 2009), most commonly assessed achieves adult-like levels of independence. The adoles-
in terms of the reduction of an initial emotional cent faces unique challenges with more independence
response. Although these emotional processes shift in than ever before, but also more responsibilities at home,
important ways from infancy to adulthood, we focus on school, and in social interactions (Larson, 2001; Spear,
behavioral and brain changes that take place during 2000). The social landscape takes on a heightened
adolescence, given the high prevalence of anxiety and importance, while individuals strive to identify with

somerville and casey: emotional reactivity and regulation across development 731
increasingly complex and salient social groups (Pfeifer termed ventral striatum in humans). These regions
& Peake, 2012; Somerville, 2013). Simultaneously, phys- play a critical role in reinforcement learning, integrat-
ical development mediated by hormonal changes of ing motivational signals, and facilitating instrumental
puberty results in widespread physiological shifts that behavior (Casey et al., 2000; Delgado, 2007; Pasupathy
can be unpredictable, intense, and stressful (Peper & & Miller, 2005; Schultz, Tremblay, & Hollerman, 1998).
Dahl, 2013; Sisk & Zehr, 2005). These changes are sup- The amygdala and ventral striatum are often charac-
ported by self-reports of more frequent, intense, and terized as “negative” and “positive” emotion centers,
rapid fluctuations in negative and positive emotions by respectively. However, the role of these structures in
adolescents relative to children or adults (Larson, emotional processing is not straightforwardly valence-
Moneta, Richards, & Wilson, 2002; Rutter, Graham, specific (Levita et al., 2009; Lindquist, Wager, Kober,
Chadwick, & Yule, 1976). Bliss-Moreau, & Barrett, 2012; Pagnoni, Zink, Montague,
The challenges faced by the adolescent are not spe- & Berns, 2002). Rather, the amygdala and ventral stria-
cific to humans but observed across species, as evi- tum are thought to play complementary roles in detect-
denced by similar increases in interactions with peers, ing and learning about salience based on associative
novelty seeking, and reward sensitivity during this properties and prediction error, respectively (Li, Schil-
developmental phase. These behaviors are thought to ler, Schoenbaum, Phelps, & Daw, 2011). Dense, hierar-
have evolved to serve adaptive functions (Spear & chical striatal-prefrontal cortical projections (“loops”)
Varlinskaya, 2010) related to successful mating and comprise reciprocal circuits that integrate motivational
attainment of resources necessary for survival. We high- signals with context-specific and regulatory demands to
light significant changes in brain maturation and func- ultimately guide motivated behavior (Haber, Kim,
tion that parallel these behavioral changes. Mailly, & Calzavara, 2006; Haber & Knutson, 2010).

Emotional reactivity and regulatory circuitry Development of emotional reactivity and

regulatory brain circuitry
Emotional behavior is thought to emerge from interac-
tions between brain regions that make up frontolimbic Emotions can exert potentially powerful influences
circuitry. One essential region of this circuitry is the over our thoughts, actions, and decisions. We and
amygdala, located in the medial temporal lobe. The others have put forth a hypothesis that normative tra-
amygdala is important for detecting salient informa- jectories of brain development might lead to unique
tion, assigning it emotional importance, and modulat- emotion-cognition interactions during adolescence
ing neural circuits and physiological reactivity through (Casey & Caudle, 2013; Casey, Getz, & Galvan, 2008;
dense feedback projections. As such, this region priori- Casey, Jones, & Hare, 2008; Ernst, Pine, & Hardin, 2006;
tizes information processing of positive or negative cues Geier & Luna, 2009; Somerville et al., 2010; Steinberg,
and mobilizes behavior in service of reacting to and 2008). This view builds on existing evidence from
learning about salient information (Davis & Whalen, behavioral, structural, and functional magnetic reso-
2001; Phelps & LeDoux, 2005). One way in which this nance imaging studies of humans, and incorporates
region influences behavior is by forming and storing findings from nonhuman primate and rodent models.
learned associations between environmental cues and The central tenet is that normative trajectories of brain
positive and negative outcomes (e.g., conditioning; development lead subcortical and cortical systems of
LeDoux, 2000). Its response can be regulated through the brain to interact differentially during childhood,
direct and indirect connections with cortical regions adolescence, and adulthood. On one hand, subcortical
such as the ventromedial and ventrolateral prefrontal systems such as the amygdala and striatum are tempo-
cortices, which can up- or down-regulate amygdala rarily heightened in their response strength during ado-
responses based on the contextual appropriateness of lescence. This heightened response could be due to
the emotional response, additional learned associa- multiple factors, including relatively early emerging
tions, or explicit attempts to regulate an emotional subcortical gray matter development and connectivity
reaction (LaBar, Gatenby, Gore, LeDoux, & Phelps, paired with temporarily heightened neuromodulatory
1998; Milad & Quirk, 2002; Ochsner & Gross, 2005). dopamine signaling (Laviola, Pascucci, & Pieretti, 2001;
Signaling the salience of environmental inputs also Teicher, Andersen, & Hostetter, 1995). On the other
draws on the processing resources of the basal ganglia, hand, the prefrontal cortex that can implement cogni-
a collection of subcortical nuclei including the caudate, tive and emotional regulation (and interact extensively
putamen, globus pallidus, and nucleus accumbens (also with subcortical regions as part of reciprocal circuitry)

732 social neuroscience and emotion

continues to undergo substantial structural and func-
tional development during adolescence.
As a result, subcortical-cortical circuitry interactions
are thought to manifest differently during childhood,
adolescence, and adulthood. During childhood, dopa-
minergic signals are not yet sensitized, and cortical and
subcortical structures and connectivity are continuing
to refine. In adulthood, prefrontal cortical signaling is
more structurally and functionally mature as a result of
continued development and experience, leading to a
stronger capacity for prefrontal control properties to
facilitate behavioral regulation. During adolescence,
subcortical circuitry generates strong signals that are
countered by still-maturing regulatory capacity, leading
to a strong influence of emotional and motivational
signals over choices and actions. The day-to-day chal-
lenges and stress during adolescence may further
enhance this shift in balance (Arnsten, Wang, & Paspalas,
2012). With age and experience, the connectivity
between these regions is strengthened and provides a
mechanism for top-down modulation of motivated and
emotional behavior (Somerville, Fani, & McClure-Tone,
2011; van den Bos et al., 2011).

Emotion reactivity and regulation in adolescence

As described above, adolescence is a period of the life
span marked by intensified daily emotional experi-
ences. Strong-signaling subcortical circuitry, paired
with still-maturing cortical circuitry, could partially
account for adolescents’ emotional behavior. In the
next section, we review evidence relating cognitive and
emotional functioning, and their interactions, with Figure 63.1 Top: Amygdala response to facial expressions of
circuit-level brain function as it changes from child- emotion was significantly greater in adolescents than in chil-
hood to adulthood. dren or adults. Bottom: Ventral striatal response to receiving a
large monetary reward was significantly greater in adolescents
than in children or adults. (Reproduced from Somerville
Amplified Emotional Signaling in Adolescence et al., 2010, with permission from Elsevier.)
One component of the neurodevelopmental hypothesis
is that emotional information is processed robustly,
perhaps even in an exaggerated fashion, by the adoles- It should be noted that these effects are not wholly
cent brain. A growing body of work has probed for consistent across studies (see McClure et al., 2004; Pine
unique patterns of functional recruitment in adoles- et al., 2001; and Spear, 2011, for a differential viewpoint
cents to salient positive and negative cues. One experi- on aversive processes in adolescence), possibly attribut-
mental approach presents static images of facial able to different age groupings of comparison or task
expressions that vary in emotional qualities for partici- demands and documented low test-retest reliability in
pants to passively view or make a simple judgment on. adolescent participants’ amygdala reactivity (van den
These studies show exaggerated recruitment of the Bulk et al., 2013). Further, these effects are influenced
amygdala while viewing facial expressions of emotion in by pubertal development. Longitudinal investigations
adolescents relative to children (Hare et al., 2008) and have demonstrated that the amygdala and ventrolateral
adults (Guyer et al., 2008; Hare et al., 2008; Monk et prefrontal cortex response while viewing sad facial
al., 2003; Williams et al., 2006; see figure 63.1A, and see expressions (but not other expressions) is significantly
also Somerville, Fani, & McClure-Tone, 2011). greater after pubertal onset than just prior (Moore

somerville and casey: emotional reactivity and regulation across development 733
et al., 2012), and that the ventral striatum is significantly with complete abandonment. This control of emotions
more reactive to a wide range of emotional facial dis- is an important societal function, since emotions can
plays after puberty’s onset relative to before (Pfeifer disrupt other goal-directed activity through wide-ranging
et al., 2011). Together, these studies suggest that emo- mechanisms—from fundamental ways in which emotion
tional facial expressions are assigned higher salience in captures our attention (Vuilleumier, 2005), to the dis-
adolescents than in younger and older individuals, ruptive effect of high physiological arousal on cognitive
perhaps reflecting their social communication value performance (Yerkes & Dodson, 1908), to the sociocul-
during a time of life characterized by social reorienta- tural display rules that can motivate us to suppress the
tion (Crone & Dahl, 2012; Nelson, Leibenluft, McClure, expression of our true feelings (Gross & Levenson,
& Pine, 2005). 1993). As a result, human emotion is ubiquitously
Numerous studies have begun to examine emotion subject to regulation attempts that vary from implicit
reactivity in adolescents to the receipt or loss of mon- and automatic to intentional and effortful.
etary incentive or prizes. These studies show that the Emotion regulation is accomplished through interac-
magnitude (Ernst et al., 2005; Galvan et al., 2006; van tions between emotion circuitry and regions of the
Leijenhorst et al., 2010) and temporal sustainment brain that are capable of exerting regulation or control
(Fareri, Martin, & Delgado, 2008) of responses in the over emotional responses. Given the continuing devel-
ventral striatum are greater in adolescents than in chil- opment of cognitive control capabilities (de Luca et al.,
dren and adults (figure 63.1B). Importantly, this pattern 2003; Huizinga, Dolan, & van der Molen, 2006) through-
has been recently extended in human imaging to out youth, one could hypothesize that regulatory influ-
contexts of primary rewards such as juice (Galvan & ences operate with reduced efficiency during childhood
McGlennen, 2013), indicating that even fundamental and adolescence compared to adulthood.
rewards may elicit heightened value signaling during Here we focus on the developmental trajectories of
adolescence. However, like the amygdala findings, results three types of emotion regulation: forms of regulation
do not always support an account of adolescent striatal whereby participants must disengage from emotional
hypersensitivity (see Bjork et al., 2004, and Galvan, material in order to accomplish a secondary task, pro-
2010). cesses whereby emotional information is reappraised to
A complementary approach examines the extent to reduce its affective impact, and emotion regulation that
which participants’ neural activity reflects computa- is the result of associative learning.
tional learning signals that are thought to reflect dopa-
minergic neuronal activity (Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, Disengagement from Emotional Material The
1997). These studies examine how the expectations of need to disengage from emotional aspects of stimuli in
receiving a reward based on prior outcomes and its order to complete a secondary task is a form of emotion
value (e.g., low or high magnitude) impact future regulation that draws on cognitive and attention control
choices. Cohen and colleagues (2010) showed that resources. One task that has been used to elucidate
compared to children and adults, adolescents respond developmental emotion-cognition interactions is the
more quickly to stimuli that have been previously associ- emotional go/no-go task, where participants must
ated with a high (relative to low) reward value and show follow instructions to respond to (or withhold a response
greater ventral striatal activity to unexpected reward. to) stimuli that vary in appetitive or aversive salience.
This heightened positive prediction error and striatal Adolescents have more difficulty than children and
activity has been suggested as a possible mechanism for adults withholding a response toward an emotionally
increased risky decisions during adolescence. Alterna- arousing happy face relative to emotionally neutral
tively, van den Bos, Crone, and colleagues (van den Bos faces, suggesting that the appetitive salience associated
et al., 2011) have shown neural representation of pre- with happy faces selectively disrupts their impulse
diction errors to be similar across age. According to control (Somerville, Hare, & Casey, 2011). Hare and
their work, the functional connectivity between the colleagues demonstrated that adolescents are slower to
ventral striatum and prefrontal cortex is what is chang- respond to fearful faces (Hare et al., 2008), suggesting
ing as a function of age. As such, developmental changes that negative emotional content is more disruptive to
in behavior during adolescence may reflect how learn- their cognitive performance during adolescence as
ing signals guide behavior and expectations (van den well. The incidental presence of emotionally negative
Bos et al., 2009, 2011). images reduces young adolescents’ performance during
a go/no-go task more than in children or older indi-
Emotion Regulation in Adolescence In our daily viduals (Cohen-Gilbert & Thomas, 2013), likely by cap-
lives, we rarely allow ourselves to experience emotions turing attentional and cognitive resources (Grose-Fifer,

734 social neuroscience and emotion

Rodrigues, Hoover, & Zottoli, 2013). However, other greater regulatory success. When images contained
studies have found that adolescent regulation capacity social content, younger adolescents showed even less
is intermediate relative to children and adults when regulatory efficiency, which offers the initial suggestion
faced with emotional cues, though adolescents respond that social content is a relevant dimension that might
more quickly in the presence of emotional cues to particularly challenge adolescents’ regulatory abilities.
which they ought not respond (Tottenham, Hare, & A brain imaging study with similar methodology repli-
Casey, 2011). Generally, this pattern suggests that when cated the continual improvement of reappraisal success
adolescents should engage in cognitive control over with greater age, and was paralleled by greater recruit-
their behavior, the presence of emotional cues more ment in the lateral prefrontal cortex with development
strongly interrupts that ability compared to younger (McRae et al., 2012). Thus, late-developing trajectories
and older individuals. of the prefrontal cortex might result in a lessened
These findings may be explained by strong subcorti- capacity for adolescents to capitalize on reappraisal in
cal responding while viewing emotional images in ado- reducing their affective responses.
lescents (Hare et al., 2008; Somerville, Hare, et al.,
2011) during a time when recruitment of and connec- Emotional Learning and Regulation A third form
tivity with cognitive control circuitry, including ventro- of emotion regulation critically depends on fundamen-
medial and lateral prefrontal cortices, has not yet tal forms of associative learning. Classical conditioning
reached adult-level maturity (Asato, Terwilliger, Woo, & is a form of emotional learning whereby an individual
Luna, 2010; Luna, Garver, Urban, Lazar, & Sweeney, observes associative pairings between an otherwise
2004; Luna, Padmanabhan, & O’Hearn, 2010; Rubia et neutral stimulus and an inherently appetitive or aver-
al., 2006). Thus, in contexts in which emotional cues sive outcome. This associative linkage is critically depen-
conflict with cognitive control demands, regulatory dent on synaptic plasticity that stores the learned
success is reduced in adolescents. As such, the disrup- association at the level of individual synapses within the
tion of cognition by emotion during adolescence may amygdala and hippocampus (Phillips & LeDoux, 1992;
be the result of robust subcortical responding with a Schafe, Nader, Blair, & LeDoux, 2001). Importantly,
regulatory capacity that is constrained by still-develop- expression of these learned associations is dynamically
ing prefrontal systems. updated by changing environmental contingencies. For
example, if a cue that had previously predicted an elec-
Cognitive Reappraisal Reappraisal is a form of tric shock does not any longer, the organism generates
emotion regulation whereby an individual attempts to a new memory that signifies the new learned association
alter the meaning of an emotional cue through cogni- with safety. This process is called extinction. The ven-
tive reinterpretation (see also Ochsner, chapter 62 in tromedial prefrontal cortex is necessary for the storage
this volume). Greater reductions in negative affect are and expression of extinction memories, in that its signal
observed after reappraisal than other emotion regula- of safety propagates to the amygdala via direct signaling
tion strategies (Gross, 2002), indicating that reappraisal that blocks the expression of fear (Maren & Quirk,
is a particularly effective form of emotion regulation. It 2004). In this way, the expression of extinction learning
is striking that despite the efficacy of reappraisal and can regulate emotional responses in a contextually
the strength of adolescent emotional reactions, adoles- appropriate manner.
cents tend not to utilize reappraisal strategies as much Research in this area is suitable for translational
as adults do in their daily lives (Garnefski, Legerstee, approaches that allow for cross-species comparison
Kraaij, van den Kommer, & Teerds, 2002). Reappraisal that critically links levels of analysis that range from
relies on numerous, complex cognitive processes, molecular physiology to human behavior. Given that
including working memory, abstract reasoning, and extinction learning is mediated by the ventromedial
selection (Ochsner & Gross, 2005). This has led scien- prefrontal cortex (Milad & Quirk, 2002; Phelps,
tists to speculate that reappraisal ability might be a Delgado, Nearing, & LeDoux, 2004), one could predict
late-developing process whose efficacy is constrained by that the capacity to regulate emotional responses via
neurodevelopmental maturation. extinction might vary across the developmental course.
A recent study (Silvers et al., 2012) asked participants Recent examinations of fear acquisition and extinction
ranging in age from 10 to 22 to view emotionally nega- in rodent and human developmental samples (from
tive images and reappraise their reaction to them so as childhood to adulthood) demonstrate that even young
to reduce their negative impact. Results showed robust individuals can acquire fear memories through classical
age differences in the degree to which reappraisal conditioning. The expression of this association (freez-
reduced negative affect, with greater age predicting ing in rodents; galvanic skin response in humans) is

somerville and casey: emotional reactivity and regulation across development 735
this chapter contribute to our understanding of neural
responses to positive and negative emotional informa-
tion and how they may influence adolescent behavior
differentially from that of children and adults. These
findings are significant for informing the developmen-
tal trajectory of psychopathologies like anxiety and
mood disorders that emerge during this developmental
During adolescence, we believe that unique patterns
of subcortical-cortical interactions impact emotional
processes at the psychological level. This developmental
neurobehavioral pattern underscores the conceptual-
ization of development as not only linear in nature, but
representing complex trajectories as well. Behaviorally,
emotional tendencies seem to shift during adolescence
in a way that sensitizes them to emotional information
differently than during younger or older ages. At the
neural level, nonlinear recruitment, structural changes,
and connectivity challenge assumptions that develop-
mental processes “fill in” slowly and steadily. This
pattern reflects the multitude of changes that take place
in adolescence, ranging from hormonal, physical, and
psychosocial that adolescents must navigate with less
“regulatory input” from authority figures. Tuning of
brain circuitry underlying emotion regulation reflects
Figure 63.2 A lack of extinction learning and retention of normative, experience-dependent maturation that
extinction memory is observed in adolescent humans (top) results from adolescents interacting with their environ-
and mice (bottom). P23, “child”; P29, “periadolescent.” (Repro- ments. Thus, the differences reported here should not
duced with permission from Pattwell et al., 2012.)
be pathologized or interpreted as adolescent deficien-
cies, but rather as normal developmental progressions,
comparable in magnitude across ages, suggesting that much like a child learning to walk.
conditioned learning is evident very early in life. There is a growing recognition that adolescence is a
However, the extent to which humans and rodents time of life associated with numerous preventable
express extinction learning varies nonlinearly across health risks that result from dysregulation of emotional
development. Specifically, adolescents show a reduction responses, including the deleterious outcomes of risk
in the expression of extinction learning relative to both taking, experimentation with drugs and alcohol, rela-
children and adults (figure 63.2; Pattwell et al., 2012). tional aggression, the emergence of mood anxiety dis-
In this way, adolescents do not seem to be able to capi- orders, and suicide, to name a few. Despite the
talize on learned extinction cues. Interestingly, this fundamental importance of this developmental phase,
effect has a nonlinear developmental course: younger the majority of neurobehavioral findings reported here
and older individuals show stronger extinction than have emerged within the past decade. The degree to
adolescents. which adolescent neurodevelopment research has
recently achieved recognition as an important, yet
Conclusion underspecified, topic of study within the emotion and
emotion regulation research disciplines is truly excit-
The work highlighted in this chapter illustrates the com- ing. With a greater volume of comprehensive and
plexity of emotional processes and their development. careful empirical research, this area will continue to
Increasing daily challenges associated with striving for advance toward the ultimate goal of translating neuro-
independence, paired with heightened signaling of sub- developmental findings in ways that improve adolescent
cortical regions during adolescence, can exacerbate mental and physical health.
emotions, while the development of regulatory abilities
supported by refinement of cortical connections can ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by NIMH grants R00 MH087813
regulate emotions. Collectively, the studies presented in (LHS) and P50 MH 079513 (BJC).

736 social neuroscience and emotion

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64 The Amygdala: Relations to Biologically
Relevant Learning and Development

ABSTRACT The amygdala plays a critical role in learning about contributions to biologically relevant learning during
cues in the environment that predict biologically relevant classical conditioning (see Davis & Whalen, 2001), neu-
outcomes and informing our behavioral responses in anticipa- roimaging studies have documented a largely similar
tion of these outcomes. Consistent with classic principles of
learning theory, the amygdala is particularly responsive to
role for the human amygdala. For example, functional
uncertainty, which enhances learning. Much of the extant neuroimaging studies have demonstrated contributions
research on the human amygdala has employed facial expres- of the amygdala during classical conditioning para-
sions to elucidate its contributions to emotional learning. In digms with a variety of CS-US contingencies, including
addition to their role in nonverbal communication, facial colored squares predicting electric shock (LaBar,
expressions can be considered conditioned stimuli based on
Gatenby, Gore, LeDoux, & Phelps, 1998).
their reinforcement history in prior social situations. Through
interactions between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex These findings demonstrate in a clear manner that
(PFC), bottom-up and top-down processing shape this social the human amygdala is involved in learning about envi-
learning. Stronger amygdala-prefrontal connectivity begets ronmental cues that predict biologically relevant out-
better behavioral outcomes, and disrupted cross-talk between comes as well as informing behavioral responses in
these regions underlies emotion dysregulation in healthy and
anticipation of these outcomes (LeDoux & Schiller,
clinical populations. Moreover, the amygdala and its connec-
tions with PFC undergo dynamic changes throughout devel- 2009). Research in humans has extended this initial
opment, which likely contribute to developmental changes in work to show that the amygdala might function in a
emotional behavior. Given the neurodevelopmental nature of more general manner, facilitating all kinds of biologi-
many disorders and the widespread implication of amygdala- cally relevant learning. For example, the amygdala is
prefrontal circuitry in psychopathology, understanding how responsive to both aversive and appetitive CSs (Paton,
the amygdala changes in typical development and possible
disruptions in biologically relevant learning are both funda- Belova, Morrison, & Salzman, 2006). Data such as these
mental to treating psychopathology. The following chapter fit well with attentional hypotheses (Kapp, Whalen,
will detail how the amygdala contributes to biologically rele- Supple, & Pascoe, 1992) and seminal work demonstrat-
vant learning and gives rise to individual differences in emo- ing a critical role for the amygdala in associative changes
tional behavior, as well as how these processes change with observed in appetitive reward paradigms in the rat
development and risk for psychopathology.
(Gallagher & Holland, 1994). That is, amygdala activa-
tion to a tone that predicts shock is but a part of an
affective information-processing system that directs our
The amygdala and biologically relevant learning
attention to important events in the environment. The
The amygdala plays a central role in learning about amygdala functions as an orienting subsystem for the
biologically relevant events, which can signal the rela- rest of the brain, which allows us to respond appropri-
tive safety or danger of a given environment. In the ately to those events (Davis & Whalen, 2001; Gallagher
framework of classical conditioning, the amygdala & Holland, 1994). In alerting other systems at times
responds to biologically relevant events that require no when it would be advantageous to gather information
previous learning (i.e., unconditioned stimuli, or USs, (i.e., learn), the amygdala supports adaptive functions
that are inherently emotionally salient, such as a shock), that cross the categorical boundaries of constructs
as well as the events that predict these biologically rel- such as motivation, emotion, vigilance, attention, and
evant events (i.e., conditioned stimuli, or CSs, which cognition.
begin as neutral but take on emotional salience through
conditioning). This form of learning depends on the The Role of Uncertainty in Biologically Rele-
amygdala in both humans and nonhuman animals (see vant Learning Derived from principles of learning
LeDoux, 1996). While nonhuman animal studies still theory, the idea that there is more to learn in the face
comprise the majority of our knowledge about amygdala of uncertainty is fundamental to how the amygdala

gee and whalen: the amygdala 741

responds and orients the rest of the brain to the envi- Indeed, human neuroimaging research shows that
ronment. The Rescorla-Wagner model is based on the presentations of static pictures of facial expressions
notion that an increase in the associative value of a CS engage neural systems similar to those engaged during
will be greatest (i.e., learning is most likely) on trials associative learning tasks, including the amygdala. Like
when the individual finds the occurrence of the US to associative learning, responses to facial expressions can
be surprising (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). Together with be implicit (Whalen et al., 1998). In humans, patients
the magnitude of the US, the predictive value of the with selective amygdala lesions displayed deficits in pro-
CS dictates the degree of surprise created by the US. cessing the facial expression of fear (Adolphs, Tranel,
The predictive value of the CS increases quickly in Damasio, & Damasio, 1995), leading to numerous neu-
early conditioning trials, when the organism makes roimaging studies using presentations of fearful faces
new associations, but decreases during late trials (see to probe amygdala function. These studies have shown
Bouton, 2007). A related but separate model of classical that the amygdala is particularly responsive to fearful
conditioning, the Pearce-Hall model, focuses on the faces compared to other expressions, including angry,
amount of attention to the CS that is recruited by the happy, and neutral faces (e.g., Breiter et al., 1996;
degree of surprise created by the US on the preceding Morris et al., 1996). Consistent with the importance of
trial (Pearce & Hall, 1980). Interestingly, this model has uncertainty in learning, since the amygdala responds
helped to guide research on the influence of amygdala more to fearful faces than angry faces, which embody
activity on attention. Particularly relevant is work estab- a direct threat, one function of the amygdala may be to
lishing a role for the central nucleus of the amygdala augment cortical function to assist in the resolution of
in enhancing CS associability when expectations are predictive uncertainty (Whalen et al., 2001). That is,
violated (Holland & Gallagher, 1999) and in nonspe- the inherent ambiguity of fearful faces, in that they
cific attention or arousal observed in the service of predict the increased probability of threat without pro-
learning (Kapp et al., 1992). Recent work has extended viding information about its nature or location, leads
these principles to the human amygdala by testing a to greater activation of the amygdala.
hybrid model positing that the degree of surprise to the Given that the amygdala plays a major role in the reso-
US (i.e., prediction errors) drives learning, but that lution of predictive uncertainty associated with fearful
associability of the CS affects learning rates. Specifically, faces, surprised faces provide a particularly important
a reversal-learning task revealed a functional dissocia- comparison expression. Indeed, surprise may be the
tion of amygdala subregions during associative learning, second-most compromised expression in patients with
such that a more dorsal portion of the human amygdala selective amygdala damage, following fear (Adolphs,
(where the central nucleus resides) was more sensitive to Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1994). Fearful and sur-
immediate surprise at the time of the US, whereas the prised faces have common features (e.g., eye-widening),
ventral portion was more sensitive to associability at the and both expressions indicate the detection of a signifi-
time of the CS (Boll, Gamer, Gluth, Finsterbusch, & cant but unknown eliciting event. Consistent with this
Büchel, 2013). Taken together, these studies highlight logic, the amygdala shows robust activation to surprised
the contributions of the amygdala in processing uncer- faces (Kim et al., 2004). Further, neural responses to
tainty that is fundamental to learning. surprised expressions show a greater resistance to extinc-
tion, presumably due to their inconsistent reinforce-
Facial Expressions as Conditioned Stimuli ment history. Likening facial expressions of emotion to
Humans have a great deal of experience with facial conditioned stimuli allows us to draw parallels between
expressions of emotion (Somerville & Whalen, 2006) two seemingly distinct avenues of research: those that
and have learned that they predict important outcomes. characterize the neural processes associated with learn-
Facial expressions play a crucial role in nonverbal com- ing about stimuli that predict biologically relevant out-
munication. Not only do they communicate the inter- comes (i.e., Pavlovian conditioning) and those that
nal state of the expressor, but they also convey important characterize reactions to stimuli that have acquired
information about the immediate environment. Thus, similar predictive value through our experiences in the
information gleaned from facial expressions of emotion social world (i.e., facial expressions of emotion) (Davis,
can be used to guide future behavior. When conceptual- Johnstone, Mazzulla, Oler, & Whalen, 2010).
ized in this manner, facial expressions are conditioned
stimuli. That is, they are environmental cues that have Amygdala-prefrontal connectivity
been associated with important outcomes in the past.
When they are encountered, we use their past rein- Bottom-up and top-down connections between the
forcement history to predict what will happen next. amygdala and medial PFC (mPFC) are fundamental to

742 social neuroscience and emotion

emotional behavior. While attention to salient stimuli the dorsal and ventral prefrontal regions identified in
can be biased through bottom-up processes driven by the previous studies of connectivity in nonhuman
the amygdala, this reactivity is thought to be modulated primates.
through top-down cognitive control by the mPFC
(Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002). Competi- Amygdala-Prefrontal Functional Connectivity
tion between these bottom-up and top-down processes at Rest While structural connectivity characterizes
is highlighted in behavioral phenomena such as the neuroanatomical architecture of amygdala-
emotion regulation, fear conditioning, and extinction prefrontal circuitry, functional connectivity measures
(Bishop, 2007; Quirk & Beer, 2006). While numerous provide information about the moment-to-moment
studies have assessed the separate contributions of the interactions between the amygdala and mPFC in
amygdala and mPFC to top-down and bottom-up inter- response to particular stimuli or at rest. Based on the
actions in emotion, respectively, more recent studies extensive anatomical connections between the amyg-
suggest that the structural and functional connectivity dala and mPFC shown in human and nonhuman pri-
between these two regions is a better predictor of behav- mates, a number of investigations have used functional
ioral outcomes than the activity of either region alone connectivity to assess the strength of amygdala-mPFC
(Banks, Eddy, Angstadt, Nathan, & Phan, 2007; Kim, coupling and its relationship with behavioral out-
Gee, Loucks, Davis, & Whalen, 2011; Pezawas et al., comes. Resting-state functional MRI provides unique
2005). Stronger coupling between the amygdala and information about the intrinsic connections between
the mPFC begets better behavioral outcomes in terms brain regions in the absence of explicit task instruc-
of effective emotion regulation and lower anxiety. tions and has been shown to index the functional
integrity and maintenance of network connections
Amygdala-Prefrontal Structural Connectivity (Biswal, Yetkin, Haughton, & Hyde, 1995). Resting-
Data from nonhuman primate brains have revealed state maps have revealed distinct patterns of connectiv-
strong bidirectional anatomical connections between ity for each of the human amygdala subdivisions (Roy
the amygdala and mPFC. A heavy projection of afferent et al., 2009). At rest, the amygdala was positively
fibers to the amygdala originates in the mPFC (includ- coupled with ventral regions and negatively coupled
ing orbitofrontal cortex and ventral anterior cingulate with dorsal regions. Amygdala coupling at rest can be
cortex; Aggleton, Burton, & Passingham, 1980; used to predict individual differences. For example,
Leichnetz & Astruc, 1976). There is also a heavy projec- the amygdala was positively coupled with ventromedial
tion from a posterior but dorsal portion of mPFC to the prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) in participants reporting
amygdala (Pandya, van Hoesen, & Mesulam, 1981). lower levels of anxiety, but not in subjects reporting
Reciprocally, the amygdala sends efferent projections higher levels of anxiety (Kim et al., 2011; figure 64.1).
to these same ventral and dorsal mPFC regions (Amaral In future examinations, resting-state connectivity may
& Price, 1984; Barbas & de Olmos, 1990; Carmichael & be used to predict amygdala-prefrontal activation or
Price, 1995; Ghashghaei & Barbas, 2002), and to a how well someone regulates their emotional responses
slightly more rostral portion of the mPFC (Ghashghaei, when challenged with a particular task.
Hilgetag, & Barbas, 2007). The mPFC regulates activity
of the amygdala through input to the basolateral nuclei Amygdala-Prefrontal Functional Connectivity
of the amygdala and the intercalated cells, which regu- Predicting Adaptive Behavior The majority of
late inputs from the basolateral nuclei to the central examinations of amygdala functional connectivity have
nucleus and thus inhibit amygdala output (Harris & been conducted during explicit tasks, with findings
Westbrook, 1998; Milad & Quirk, 2002). demonstrating the central role of amygdala-prefrontal
The majority of our knowledge about structural con- interactions for behaviors such as emotion regulation,
nections in this circuitry is based on the literature of extinction, and resolving ambiguity. Emotion regula-
nonhuman animal studies due to the invasive nature of tion is a classic example of how top-down and bottom-
lesion and tracing studies, which are difficult to employ up processes compete and interact to produce optimal
in humans. However, a number of studies using nonin- (or counterproductive) behavioral outcomes. For
vasive methods such as diffusion tensor imaging have example, one’s instinctive reaction to a frightening
identified an amygdala-prefrontal axonal pathway in scene in a horror movie may include an urge to scream
the human, with a specific focus on amygdala connec- or run out of the room. Normally, this bottom-up reac-
tivity with the dorsal and ventral regions of the mPFC tion is controlled by a top-down intervention (e.g.,
(Croxson et al., 2005; Johansen-Berg et al., 2008; Kim reminding oneself that this is only a movie). Recent
& Whalen, 2009). These regions may be analogous to findings suggest that the degree of efficient crosstalk

gee and whalen: the amygdala 743

Figure 64.1 Amygdala-prefrontal functional connectivity at a reverse pattern in the vmPFC compared to low anxious
rest. While all subjects show that amygdala activity is positively subjects. (Adapted from Kim et al., 2011.) (See color plate
correlated with vmPFC activity and negatively correlated with 53.)
dorsomedial PFC activity at rest, highly anxious subjects show

between the amygdala and the PFC corresponds to which involves the suppression of a previously learned
one’s ability to regulate one’s emotions in this way. pairing between a CS and US (Quirk, 2002; Rescorla,
In a study of emotion regulation, functional connec- 2001). The inhibition of CS-US associations depends
tivity between the amygdala and mPFC increased during critically on top-down regulatory input from the mPFC
reappraisal, and the strength of this connectivity was to the basolateral amygdala (Milad & Quirk, 2002). For
associated with participants’ self-report of how effective example, in rodents, electric stimulation of the mPFC
they were at regulating their emotions (Banks et al., resulted in the inhibition of conditioned responses. In
2007). A selective increase in the functional coupling humans, increased vmPFC activation and structural
of the amygdala with the vmPFC and dorsolateral PFC volume have been associated with successful extinction
during emotion regulation has also been reported (Erk (Hartley, Fischl, & Phelps, 2011; Phelps, Delgado,
et al., 2010). Similarly, numerous studies have demon- Nearing, & LeDoux, 2004). These results suggest that
strated increased prefrontal activity and concomitant emotion regulation and extinction rely on overlapping
decreased amygdala activity during successful emotion neural mechanisms (Delgado, Nearing, LeDoux, &
regulation (e.g., Ochsner et al., 2002; Wager, Davidson, Phelps, 2008), consistent with the fact that both pro-
Hughes, Lindquist, & Ochsner, 2008), highlighting the cesses involve reevaluating biologically relevant stimuli
importance of amygdala-prefrontal interactions in suc- (Quirk & Beer, 2006). These structural and functional
cessful top-down control of emotion. Supporting the findings highlight the importance of amygdala-mPFC
idea that stronger amygdala-prefrontal connectivity interactions for the regulation and inhibition necessary
begets better emotion regulation, stronger amygdala- for extinction learning and memory.
mPFC functional coupling has also been associated with Amygdala-prefrontal interactions further support the
greater amygdala habituation (Hare et al., 2008) and resolution of ambiguity in our environment. Unlike
lower anxiety (e.g., Gee et al., 2013; Pezawas et al., fearful faces, surprised faces do not predict the valence
2005). Although correlational measures cannot inform of an unknown eliciting event such that they can be
the directional nature of regional influences, negative subjectively interpreted as either positive or negative
(inverse) amygdala-prefrontal coupling has been theo- (Neta, Norris, & Whalen, 2009). Individual differences
rized to reflect top-down regulation. in valence judgments of surprised faces correspond to
Functional interactions between the amygdala and distinct patterns of brain activity involving the amygdala
mPFC also support the extinction of fear conditioning, and vmPFC (Kim, Somerville, Johnstone, Alexander, &

744 social neuroscience and emotion

Whalen, 2003). Specifically, lower amygdala and greater normative anxiety relate to the strength of amygdala
vmPFC activity were observed during positive interpre- activity and its connections with mPFC (e.g., Hare et al.,
tations, with the opposite pattern to negative interpreta- 2008; Pezawas et al., 2005). Not surprisingly, pathologi-
tions. Here, the vmPFC plays a theorized role in cal anxiety in psychiatric disorders is marked by disrup-
resolving the emotional ambiguity of surprised faces, tion in this circuitry, particularly an imbalance between
similar to its role in top-down regulatory input to the hyperactivity of the amygdala and hypoactivity of the
amygdala during fear extinction or emotion regulation PFC (e.g., Shin et al., 2005). While atypical amygdala-
(Quirk & Beer, 2006). Indeed, greater vmPFC activity prefrontal circuitry is a classic neurobiological model
predicts both (1) more positive ratings of surprise (Kim for anxiety disorders, disturbances in amygdala-prefrontal
et al., 2003) and (2) more positive interpretations of an function have now been implicated in a range of psy-
extinguished tone (i.e., tone now predicts no shock; chopathology including depression, bipolar disorder,
Oler, Quirk, & Whalen, 2009). Amygdala reactivity to schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, psy-
surprised faces can also be modulated by context. When chopathy, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
surprised faces were paired with positive or negative (e.g., Blair, 2008; Foland et al., 2008; Taylor et al., 2012).
sentences that provided a clear resolution to the ambi- Future research is needed to understand how abnormal
guity of the face, greater amygdala, weaker vmPFC, and amygdala-prefrontal interactions contribute to psy-
greater ventrolateral PFC activity were observed in chopathology. For example, it may be the case that a
response to faces in negative contexts (Kim et al., 2004). failure of top-down regulatory control allows bottom-up
Taken together, these studies suggest that emotionally responses to disrupt typical functioning. Alternatively,
ambiguous stimuli incite competition between top- initial bottom-up reactions might be so exaggerated
down and bottom-up processes, with the balance of that they override the normally functioning top-down
activity in this circuitry reflecting the resolution of control system (LeDoux, 1996). Given the prominent
ambiguity. role of amygdala-prefrontal circuitry in typical and atyp-
Though various forms of top-down control depend ical behavior, future research in this domain will be
critically on the amygdala and PFC, the extent to which critical for informing the etiology of psychiatric disor-
different emotional processes rely on the same regions ders, understanding the nature and timing of their
of PFC is less clear. While extinction specifically involves onset, and developing novel treatments.
the ventromedial region of PFC, emotion regulation
paradigms highlight the role of ventral and dorsal Developmental trajectories of amygdala circuitry
lateral PFC, in addition to vmPFC, in regulating amyg-
dala reactivity (Erk et al., 2010; Wager et al., 2008). Typical development is marked by dramatic changes
Specifically, mPFC may mediate the top-down effects of in emotional behavior and regulation (e.g., Bunge,
lateral PFC on the amygdala (Delgado et al., 2008; Dudukovic, Thomason, Vaidya, & Gabrieli, 2002;
Lieberman et al., 2007). When comparing specific types Tottenham, Hare, & Casey, 2011). Moreover, given the
of emotion regulation, suppression and reappraisal neurodevelopmental nature of many psychiatric disor-
strategies were both characterized by decreased activity ders and the increase in risk for psychopathology in
of the amygdala and increased activity of the PFC— adolescence (Pine, Cohen, Gurley, Brook, & Ma, 1998),
usually including both medial and lateral PFC (Ochsner research on the healthy maturation of amygdala cir-
& Gross, 2005). These same regions also support more cuitry can elucidate how neurodevelopmental processes
automatic, incidental forms of emotion regulation such may go awry in patients who develop disorders charac-
as affect labeling (Hariri, Bookheimer, & Mazziotta, terized by amygdala abnormalities (Gee et al., 2012).
2000; Lieberman et al., 2007). These findings provide
functional and structural evidence for shared neural Amygdala Development in Childhood and Adoles-
mechanisms during different types of top-down control cence Consistent with behavioral changes in emo-
of amygdala reactivity. tional learning across development, relevant networks
in the brain change significantly across the course of
Amygdala-Prefrontal Connectivity and Psychopa- typical development (reviewed in Somerville, Fani, &
thology An emphasis on amygdala-prefrontal inter- McClure-Tone, 2011). Structurally, the amygdala is a
actions is particularly relevant to clinical studies, as rapidly developing region (reviewed in Tottenham &
impaired interaction between bottom-up and top-down Sheridan, 2009). The fastest rate of structural volume
processes is believed to be a hallmark of many psy- growth in the amygdala occurs within the first two
chiatric disorders (Davis & Whalen, 2001). As detailed postnatal weeks and stabilizes by eight months old
earlier in this chapter, individual differences in in nonhuman primates (Payne, Machado, Bliwise, &

gee and whalen: the amygdala 745

Bachevalier, 2010). In humans, the basic neuroanatomi- et al., 2003). Recent research has also shown changes
cal architecture of the amygdala is present at birth in amygdala function related to puberty. Consistent
(Humphrey, 1968; Ulfig, Setzer, & Bohl, 2003). Longi- with a decrease in amygdala activation with develop-
tudinal examination in humans has demonstrated con- ment, amygdala activation was higher in prepubertal
tinued structural development of the amygdala through and early pubertal adolescents compared with mid- and
two years of age, and evidence suggests that structural late-pubertal adolescents (Forbes, Phillips, Silk, Ryan,
growth is complete by age four in girls but shows a & Dahl, 2011). In addition, amygdala function related
modest but significant linear increase beyond child- more strongly to pubertal stage at age 13 than at age
hood in boys (Giedd et al., 1996; Gilmore et al., 2012). 10, though there were no significant differences in acti-
Taken together, these studies suggest that the amygdala vation at these ages (Moore et al., 2012). Future research
undergoes early structural development. will aid in characterizing the trajectory of amygdala
However, functionally, the amygdala displays pro- function across a broader developmental period, as well
tracted changes throughout development. The amyg- as clarifying how the observation of linear or nonlinear
dala shows functionality early in life, since it responds developmental trajectories may depend on factors such
to emotional stimuli in childhood (Baird et al., 1999; as task.
Thomas et al., 2001). Though children show reliable
amygdala signal to facial expressions of emotion, evi- Development of Amygdala-Prefrontal Connectivity
dence suggests that patterns of amygdala activation to Given the fundamental role of amygdala-prefrontal
distinct expressions may differ between children and interactions for effective emotion regulation, fear con-
adults. For example, whereas adults show greater amyg- ditioning, and extinction learning, it is critical to inves-
dala activation to fearful than neutral faces (Whalen tigate how connections between the amygdala and
et al., 2001), distinctive patterns of amygdala activation mPFC emerge. Rodent models indicate key changes in
have been observed in youth, with some evidence that amygdala-prefrontal connectivity during adolescence
children display greater activation to neutral than (Cunningham, Bhattacharyya, & Benes, 2002; Kim &
fearful faces (Thomas et al., 2001; Tottenham, Hare, Richardson, 2009). While less is known about the devel-
Millner, et al., 2011). However, other studies have found opment of amygdala connectivity in humans, prior
similar patterns of differential amygdala response to sad work has demonstrated that the strength of amygdala-
and disgusted faces in children, as seen in adults (e.g., mPFC functional connectivity was associated with
Lobaugh, Gibson, & Taylor, 2006). Thus, the extent to amygdala habituation in adolescents, suggesting a func-
which the amygdala responds to facial expressions tional role of connectivity in adolescence similar to that
uniquely in children remains unclear. in adulthood (Hare et al., 2008). In addition, prior
Evidence suggests that significant changes in amyg- research has shown that the strength of amygdala-
dala function occur from early childhood throughout prefrontal effective connectivity increases with age
adolescence; however, findings on the direction of (Perlman & Pelphrey, 2011). To characterize changes
change in amygdala activation across development in connectivity during typical development, a recent
differ depending on task design and age groups studied. study examined amygdala-mPFC functional connectiv-
To date, studies comparing amygdala activation to facial ity to fearful faces from early childhood through early
expressions of emotion across children, adolescents, adulthood. Findings revealed a developmental switch in
and adults have demonstrated important functional the valence of connectivity, such that the amygdala and
changes across the life span (Gee et al., 2013; Hare mPFC were positively coupled in early childhood and
et al., 2008). During the presentation of fearful faces, a became negatively coupled across development (Gee
linear decrease in amygdala activation was observed et al., 2013). Specifically, amygdala-mPFC coupling
from 4 through 22 years of age, such that amygdala switched from an immature phenotype (positive cou-
reactivity was highest in childhood and decreased with pling) to a mature phenotype (negative coupling)
age (Gee et al., 2013). When activation was collapsed during the transition to adolescence (figure 64.2).
across facial expressions (fearful, happy, and calm), Moreover, connectivity became more strongly nega-
amygdala reactivity was higher in adolescence com- tive with age, replicating studies of amygdala-mPFC cou-
pared with children and adults (Hare et al., 2008). pling in adults (e.g., Hare et al., 2008; Kim et al., 2003).
Though fewer investigations have examined amygdala In this study, the developmental switch in amygdala-
function during childhood, studies directly comparing mPFC functional connectivity mediated the relation-
adolescents with adults have shown decreases in amyg- ship between age and a developmentally normative
dala activation from adolescence to adulthood (Gee decrease in separation anxiety. Given the role of mPFC
et al., 2013; Guyer et al., 2008; Hare et al., 2008; Monk in regulating amygdala reactivity, evidence of stronger

746 social neuroscience and emotion

Figure 64.2 Development of amygdala-prefrontal func- mPFC was observed during the transition from childhood to
tional connectivity. A developmental switch from positive to adolescence. (Adapted from Gee et al., 2013.) (See color
negative functional connectivity between the amygdala and plate 54.)

negative coupling and reduced amygdala reactivity with facilitate adaptive behavior such as stronger emotion
age may provide a neurobiological basis for develop- regulation, changes in amygdala-prefrontal circuitry
mental improvements in emotion regulation. may also render individuals vulnerable in certain stages
of development or with risk for psychopathology. The
Conclusion coming decades will be an exciting time for research
on affective neuroscience, as we better understand how
Emotion, whether typical or in the context of psycho- the amygdala interacts with a broader brain circuitry to
pathology, can be conceived as a constant interplay give rise to what we currently call emotion. This line of
between an organism’s reactions to biologically relevant research will play a critical role in detailing how amyg-
stimuli (bottom-up processing) and its attempts to mod- dala circuitry facilitates adaptive behavior, contributes
ulate these responses (top-down processing). A wealth to developmental changes, and influences risk for
of animal and human studies demonstrate the central psychopathology.
role of the amygdala and its connections with PFC in
these processes. Across the life span, amygdala function
and connectivity undergo dynamic changes, which REFERENCES
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750 social neuroscience and emotion

65 Sensory Foundations of
Socioemotional Perception

ABSTRACT Accumulating evidence suggests that social cogni- Theories of emotion: Form and function
tive processing and emotion are integrally intertwined. This
link encompasses early sensory processes and high-order, con- Darwin (1872) was the first scientist to speculate about
ceptual processing, and likely stems from the adaptive, func-
tional role that emotions fulfill in regulating behavior toward the importance of emotional expression in humans. He
biologically relevant goals. In this chapter, we discuss the link suggested that emotional expression serves a functional
between sensory and socioemotional processes from converg- role in regulating behavior in response to salient envi-
ing perspectives, including shared neural substrates empha- ronmental events and in signaling important social
sizing critical roles of the amygdala, ventromedial prefrontal information to others. More recently, Shariff and Tracy
cortex, and insular cortex; commonalities in connection with
chemosensory, visual, and motor systems; and bidirectional
(2011) suggest that early in our evolutionary lineage,
interactions of perceptual and socioemotional processes. We emotions served as cues (e.g., for action) but were later
discuss the evolutionary origins of socioemotional systems, exploited as signals (e.g., communicating one’s emo-
and emphasize their function in biasing behavior, suggesting tional state to others). Theoretical classifications of the
that complex emotional and social cognition neurobehavioral range of human emotion impact and shape our under-
programs originate and continue to share a deep functional
standing of the functional role of emotional processes
integration with simpler basic sensory and perceptual
processes. in the brain. Many models of emotion focus on the
form or content of emotion experiences and emphasize
the importance of classifying distinct subjective emotion
Traditional models of cognition view higher processes experiences (e.g., Ekman, 1999).
such as reasoning and decision making as separate Other researchers argue that our best chance at
from the workings of dedicated affective neural understanding emotion experience will be borne of
systems, but growing evidence supports the notion of attempts to understand their adaptive functions.
an integral link between affective and cognitive pro- LeDoux (2012) argues for conceptualizing the range of
cesses (e.g., for reviews, see Pessoa, 2009; Phelps, phenomena typically under the umbrella of emotions
2006). Of particular relevance in the present chapter is based on how the underlying physiological processes
the relationship between emotion and social cogni- serve the pursuit of motivational drives for optimizing
tion. Social processes and behavior appear to be heavily survival. He writes: “By focusing on the subjective state,
influenced by emotional states and abilities, and emo- emotion theories tend to gloss over the underlying
tional experiences may serve an important function as details of emotional processing for the sake of converg-
social signals (Adolphs, 2002, 2003). In this chapter, we ing on a single word that symbolizes diverse underlying
review the neuroanatomy of socioemotional systems, states mediated by different kinds of circuits” (LeDoux,
and in particular discuss the relationship between early 2012, p. 655). For instance, aggression may be moti-
sensory processes and higher-order knowledge regard- vated by an array of underlying motivational drives,
ing social and emotional information. We emphasize including personal survival and drives to reproduce. In
the importance of sensory and motor processes in each case, the same emotional experience might be
understanding information in socioemotional contexts induced by different, adaptively functional motivations.
and argue that these lower-level processes are critical By adopting this framework, LeDoux abstracts away
in shaping our understanding of emotional and social from the notion of basic emotions in favor of examining
events in the world. Rather than acting as mere way the function of sensory and motor processes in regulat-
stations for the relaying of sensory inputs and outputs ing behavior to optimize survival.
from higher-level neural processing, we argue that per- Farb, Chapman, and Anderson (2013) also argue that
ception and action are integral to socioemotional focusing on the function of emotions will be more
processing. informative for understanding the neural processes

koscik et al.: sensory foundations of socioemotional perception 751

related to emotional experience, though they do not go vertebrate brain. The anatomy of social-emotional brain
so far as to ignore the basic emotions altogether. They regions has roots in primitive sensory systems, particu-
suggest that the adaptive function of emotions is to larly the chemosensory systems. The brain of the last
shape perception, cognition, and behavior to aid the common ancestor of vertebrates contained telence-
organism in fulfilling relevant goals, in line with the phalic components that were most likely entirely olfac-
survival-circuit framework presented by LeDoux (2012). tory with an additional striatal region (Aboitiz, Montiel,
Both frameworks emphasize function over form and Morales, & Concha, 2002; Aboitiz, Morales, & Montiel,
make conceptualization of emotional experience more 2003; Butler & Hodos, 2005). Aboitiz and colleagues
flexible. If the function of physiological experiences (2003) have suggested that early mammals possessed
serving emotions is to adaptively regulate behavior to largely olfactory-based brains and navigated their envi-
fulfill goals and desires, then we can extend the func- ronments (spatially and socially) via odor-labeled
tion of emotions into any cognitive domain requiring routes, places, and objects. Over time, olfactory-based
an organism to regulate its behavior to negotiate chal- representations became elaborated to include associa-
lenges and opportunities to achieve desired goals. tive networks of other modalities, eventually leading to
There seems to be a considerable overlap of such emo- the unique mammalian neocortex (Aboitiz et al., 2002).
tional processes for the regulation of social behavior. The evolutionary expansion of neocortex in mammals
may be due to a series of adaptations to nocturnal life
Social cognition and emotion: Overlapping that favored the elaboration of olfactory systems,
systems? thereby expanding the telencephalon, which may then
have been exapted to receive thalamic inputs from
Assuming that the function of emotions is to allow other senses (Aboitiz, 1992).
organisms to behave adaptively, one particularly rele-
vant function of emotions is social signaling. The evolu- Functions of the Chemosensory Systems Chemo-
tionary exploitation of emotional expressions as sensory systems provide vital information about the
communicative signals may have resulted in the subse- physical and chemical makeup of places, objects, and
quent evolution of “self-conscious” emotions, which others. Chemical sampling provides direct and difficult-
serve exclusively social functions (Shariff & Tracy, to-feign information, which helps guide diverse behav-
2011). For instance, Tracy and Robins (2008) suggest ioral repertoires. Indeed, the ability to detect chemical
that pride, which is recognized equivalently across compounds, particularly in the bodily secretions of con-
cultures, may have evolved to indicate social status. specifics, allows mammals to communicate biologically
Adolphs (2002, 2003) argues that emotions not only relevant information, including sex, reproductive status,
serve important functions in social communication but social status, immunological status, and so on, and is
also regulate social behavior. Deficits in processing involved in sexual behavior, parental behavior, aggres-
emotion-related information are often associated with sion, territorial marking, and individual discrimination
deficits in the social domain (Adolphs, Baron-Cohen, (for reviews, see Brennan & Keverne, 2004; Halpern &
& Tranel, 2002; Fine & Blair, 2000; Milders, Fuchs, & Martınez-Marcos, 2003; Sanchez-Andrade & Kendrick,
Crawford, 2003). Arguably, recognition of the perceptu- 2009).
ally or semantically salient aspects of an expression is Chemosensory evaluations, particularly those in the
an inherently social task. On this view, any act of emotion olfactory domain (Haddad, Lapid, Harel, & Sobel,
recognition that is not self-oriented is a social process, 2008), prioritize the analysis of stimulus hedonic value
and so it is not surprising that there is extensive overlap (i.e., pleasantness or unpleasantness). Thus it is reason-
between social and emotional brain regions. This is not able to expect that other hedonic processes, particu-
to say that social cognition can be reduced to emotion- larly emotion, should show considerable overlap in
related processes; rather, in the vast majority of social neural structures with chemosensory systems.
interactions, some component of neural processing is
likely related to decoding the emotional state of another Overlap of Chemosensory and Socioemotional
individual. Neural Systems The interaction between chemosen-
sory and socioemotional neural systems is demonstrated
Neuroanatomical substrates of socioemotional in humans by the interaction of emotion and olfaction.
processes Unsurprisingly, pleasant odors can elicit positive affect
(Seubert, Rea, Loughead, & Habel, 2009), reduce
The link between social and emotional processes anxiety, and improve mood (Lehrner, Eckersberger,
extends deep into the evolutionary heritage of the Walla, Pötsch, & Deecke, 2000; Lehrner, Marwinski,

752 social neuroscience and emotion

Lehr, Johren, & Deecke, 2005), whereas unpleasant substantia innominata, diagonal band, thalamus, peri-
odors can reduce feelings of calmness and alertness and aqueductal gray, and peripeduncular nucleus (Aggleton
negatively impact mood (Weber & Heuberger, 2008). et al., 1980). Generally, connections with the amygda-
Conversely, viewing unpleasant emotional images lae are reciprocal, positioning the amygdalae as impor-
reduces olfactory sensitivity (Pollatos et al., 2007); per- tant nodes for influencing broad swaths of cognitive,
ceived emotions impact subjective pleasantness of odors emotional, and peripheral bodily processes. Notably,
in the same direction as emotional valence (Pollatos et the amygdalae have strong projections to hypothalamic
al., 2007); and video-based emotion induction alters the and brainstem centers, allowing them to influence
subjective intensity of odors in men (Chen & Dalton, behavior relatively directly (for a review, see Höistad &
2005). Social cognition and olfaction also interact. Barbas, 2008).
Empathy is positively correlated with odor identifica-
tion for smells (Spinella, 2002). Moreover, face recogni- Chemosensory roles of the amygdalae The amygdalae,
tion can be enhanced by certain odors or disrupted by along with other structures located near the uncus in
others (Seubert et al., 2010; Walla, Mayer, Deecke, & the medial temporal lobe, receive direct input from the
Lang, 2005). Likewise, recognition of facial expressions olfactory bulb (Hadley, Orlandi, & Fong, 2004; Scalia &
of disgust is enhanced by the presentation of an odor Winans, 1975; Scott, 1986). In most mammals, exclud-
regardless of the valence of the odor (Seubert et al., ing humans and closely related nonhuman primates,
2010). the accessory olfactory bulb (of the vomeronasal
Three neural regions exemplify the overlap between system) connects directly to the amygdalae (Halpern &
socioemotional and chemosensory systems, namely, the Martınez-Marcos, 2003; Meredith, 1991; Scalia &
amygdalae, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (including Winans, 1975). The amygdalae serve as an important
orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal regions), and site where information from the main olfactory and
insular cortex. Each of these regions plays important vomeronasal systems interact in most mammals, par-
roles in chemosensory processing as well as having well- ticularly the posteromedial cortical amygdala (Halpern
known roles in social and emotional processing. & Martınez-Marcos, 2003).
In terms of chemosensory function, the human amyg-
Amygdala dalae have been shown to be involved in processing the
intensity, more than the valence, of pleasant and
Neuroanatomy of the amygdalae The amygdalae are unpleasant odors (Anderson et al., 2003; Gottfried,
located in the anterior medial temporal lobe and are Deichmann, Winston, & Dolan, 2002). Intensity repre-
made up of more than 10 nuclei differentiable in terms sentations in the amygdalae may be for valenced odors
of cytoarchitecture and connection patterns. These only, suggesting a complex combination of intensity
nuclei include a basolateral nucleus and cortical-like, and valence (Winston, Gottfried, Kilner, & Dolan,
centromedial, and other nuclei, including the anterior 2005). Perhaps because aversive odors are hedonically
amygdala area, the amygdalohippocampal area, and intense, the amygdalae are activated by highly aversive
the intercalated nuclei (for a review, see Sah, Faber, odors, and activations have been differentially related
Lopez de Armentia, & Power, 2003). Connections to to subjective ratings of aversiveness (Gottfried et al.,
the amygdalae are diverse, coming from virtually all 2002; Royet, Plailly, Delon-Martin, Kareken, & Sege-
neural systems. The amygdalae receive visual, auditory, barth, 2003; Zald & Pardo, 1997). In addition, the amyg-
olfactory, gustatory, somatosensory, and visceral input dalae are involved in encoding and retrieving olfactory
from higher-order sensory cortices (Höistad & Barbas, information, independent of the hedonic properties of
2008; McDonald, 1998). Although there may be less the odors (Jung et al., 2006). Temporal lobe resections,
evidence for direct projections from primary auditory which often include the amygdala (but probably other
or visual regions to the amygdalae, the amygdalae do olfactory-related regions as well), result in deficits in
receive early-stage olfactory and gustatory information odor discrimination, but not detection (Jones-Gotman
(McDonald, 1998). In addition to unimodal sensory & Zatorre, 1988).
inputs, the amygdala receives polymodal and highly In addition to amygdalar involvement in olfaction,
processed input from the hippocampus and perirhinal the amygdalae are involved in gustatory processing. The
regions as well as prefrontal cortex, particularly from amygdalae receive direct input from primary gustatory
ventromedial prefrontal regions (Aggleton, Burton, insular cortex as well as subcortical gustatory nuclei
& Passingham, 1980; Ghashghaei & Barbas, 2002; (McDonald, 1998). Similar to olfaction, the amygdalae
Ghashghaei, Hilgetag, & Barbas, 2007). Subcortical respond to the intensity of taste valence (Small et al.,
afferents to the amygdalae include the hypothalamus, 2003). Amygdalar response to taste may also signify

koscik et al.: sensory foundations of socioemotional perception 753

some sort of nutritional and thus motivational rele- subliminal racial biases (Cunningham et al., 2004;
vance, given that the amygdalae are activated Lieberman et al., 2005). Lastly, the amygdalae are also
more strongly by high-fat foods than low-fat ones involved in cooperation and interpersonal trust (Engell,
(Grabenhorst, Rolls, Parris, & D’Souza, 2010). Haxby, & Todorov, 2007; Koscik & Tranel, 2011; Singer
et al., 2004; van Honk, Eisenegger, Terburg, Stein, &
Emotional roles of the amygdalae Although the amygda- Morgan, 2013).
lae at one time were thought to most strongly respond
to fear-related stimuli and negative affect, they clearly Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex
respond to other emotions, including positive affect.
For example, happy and sad faces activate the amygda- Neuroanatomy of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex The
lae, though to a lesser degree than fearful faces, while ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is a large
angry and disgusted faces do not (for a review, see region of neocortex that comprises medial portions of
Fusar-Poli et al., 2009). Equally salient pleasant and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) as well as portions of
unpleasant odors result in similar magnitude of amyg- the medial walls of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), includ-
dala response (Anderson et al., 2003). It has been sug- ing portions of the anterior and subgenual cingulate
gested that the human amygdalae may be involved in cortex. Interestingly, the vmPFC receives direct amyg-
the appraisal of biologically relevant stimuli more dalar and amygdalothalmic input, whereas dorsolateral
broadly, including social stimuli (Sander, Grafman, & portions of the PFC lack amygdalar input (Porrino,
Zalla, 2003). For example, Cunningham and colleagues Crane, & Goldman-Rakic, 1981). The vmPFC connec-
(Cunningham, van Bavel, & Johnsen, 2008) demon- tions to the amygdalae are most dense with posterior
strate that amygdalae activity is modulated by evaluative orbitofrontal and posterior medial prefrontal regions
goals and motivational salience, in addition to a bias (Ghashghaei et al., 2007). Efferent vmPFC neurons
toward negative information. That the amygdalae are converge on the thalamus, which projects to the brain-
associated with emotionally but not perceptually salient stem and autonomic centers; these hypothalamic
events (Anderson & Phelps, 2001; Todd, Talmi, Schmitz, centers also connect to the amygdalae. This descending
Susskind, & Anderson, 2012) and specifically emotional pathway provides a rapid means for the vmPFC to influ-
influences on learning and memory (McGaugh, 2004; ence the autonomic system and is likely involved in the
Phelps & LeDoux, 2005) is consistent with their role experience and expression of emotion (Barbas, Saha,
not as a stimulus-driven processor of specific stimuli, Rempel-Clower, & Ghashghaei, 2003). As a portion of
but a flexible emotional modulator of information the PFC, and unlike other cortical regions, vmPFC has
processing. widespread connections with the reticular nucleus of
the thalamus. Moreover, the mediodorsal thalamus, the
Social roles of the amygdalae The emerging view of the principal thalamic nucleus for the PFC, has similar
role of the amygdalae in social cognition and behavior extensive connections with the reticular nucleus. This
is that this region is critical for evaluating salience or suggests that the PFC, including the vmPFC, is inti-
relevance. Insofar as social behaviors are extremely rel- mately involved in controlling and selecting the flow
evant for humans, the realm of social cognition is highly of information important for selective attention
salient and thus recruits the amygdalae (for reviews, see (Zikopoulos & Barbas, 2007). On a larger scale, within
Adolphs, 2010; Amaral, 2003; Amaral et al., 2003; the vmPFC there is evidence for a trend where monitor-
Sander et al., 2003). There are numerous examples of ing of reward value involves medial OFC, and evaluat-
amygdalar involvement in social cognitive processes. ing punishment value involves lateral OFC. Additionally,
Bilateral amygdala damage results in deficits in recog- representations of reinforcers become more complex
nizing social emotions (Adolphs, 2002), in a tendency from posterior to anterior regions (Kringelbach &
to prefer abnormally reduced interpersonal distance Rolls, 2004).
(Kennedy, Gläscher, Tyszka, & Adolphs, 2009), reduced
eye contact (Kennedy & Adolphs, 2010), and reduced Chemosensory roles of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex The
social network size (Becker et al., 2012). The amygdalae vmPFC plays an important role in both olfaction and
play an extensive role in the evaluation of faces (Mende- gustation, and it receives relatively direct input from
Siedlecki, Said, & Todorov, 2012; Todorov, 2012); these systems. Regarding olfaction, branches of the
single-cell recordings indicate that neurons in the olfactory tract from the olfactory bulb send projections
amygdalae represent parts of faces as well as whole directly to a region of vmPFC located ventral to the
faces (Rutishauser et al., 2011). The amygdalae are genu and rostrum of the corpus callosum (Carmichael,
also involved in implicit social judgments, including Clugnet, & Price, 1994; Ongür, Ferry, & Price, 2003;

754 social neuroscience and emotion

Tanabe et al., 1975; Yarita et al., 1980). As well, primary Grabenhorst, 2008). Medial PFC regions, especially
olfactory regions, in piriform cortex, project to second- anterior cingulate cortex, appear to be involved in
ary olfactory regions in the OFC (Carmichael et al., more complex emotions (Rudebeck et al., 2008).
1994). Data from macaques suggest that orbitofrontal Damage to the vmPFC has been shown to reduce inter-
regions are critical for odor discrimination; however, personal disgust (Ciaramelli, Sperotto, Mattioli, & di
the homologous region in humans may be significantly Pellegrino, 2013), which is thought to arise from the
more anterior and in a different cytoarchitectonic primitive distaste response (Chapman et al., 2009).
region (Gottfried & Zald, 2005). In addition to simple emotional responses, the
In humans, the OFC is involved in higher-order olfac- vmPFC plays an important role in emotional regulation
tory processing (Gottfried et al., 2002). OFC is activated of behavior, particularly at the intersection of emotion
more by the valence of olfactory stimuli than by their and decision making. The somatic marker hypothesis
intensity (Anderson et al., 2003). Furthermore, the suggests that somatic states, through which emotions
OFC is involved in emotional olfactory processing are expressed, influence and bias decision making
(Anderson et al., 2003; Royet et al., 2003; Zald & Pardo, (Damasio, Tranel, & Damasio, 1990; Damasio, 1994,
1997) and odor discrimination and recognition, but 1996). Damage to the vmPFC, including medial OFC,
not odor detection (Jones-Gotman & Zatorre, 1988; results in both blunted emotional responses, demon-
Potter & Butters, 1980; Zatorre & Jones-Gotman, 1991). strated by reduced psychophysiological responses to
Pleasant odors have been found to activate different emotional stimuli (Damasio et al., 1990), and abnormal
OFC regions compared to unpleasant odors: medial decision making, demonstrated by abnormally disad-
OFC is activated for pleasant but not unpleasant odors, vantageous choices in the Iowa gambling task (Bechara,
and lateral OFC regions are activated for unpleasant Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1996).
odors (Anderson et al., 2003; Rolls, Kringelbach, & de
Araujo, 2003). Social roles of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex Perhaps
The other major chemosensory system present in the best-known evidence for the role of the vmPFC in
humans, the gustatory system, is represented in cau- social cognition is the case of Phineas Gage (Harlow,
dolateral OFC alongside the olfactory representations 1868), who exhibited profound personality changes,
mentioned above (for reviews, see Rolls, 2004; Rolls & including changes in social behavior, following a trau-
Grabenhorst, 2008). The OFC responds to the valence matic injury that likely included portions of his vmPFC
of taste stimuli, with the right caudolateral OFC more (Damasio, Grabowski, Frank, Galaburda, & Damasio,
responsive to pleasant than unpleasant tastes (Small et 1994). More recently, patient E.V.R. demonstrates that
al., 2003). Mid-OFC and anterior cingulate cortex activ- damage to the vmPFC results in profound changes in
ity correlates with the subjective pleasantness of fat personality and social behavior despite intact intellec-
texture and flavors; the pregenual cingulate cortex in tual capabilities (Eslinger & Damasio, 1985). Damage
particular represents highly pleasant food stimuli to the vmPFC results in abnormally high rejection of
(Grabenhorst et al., 2010). Overall, the OFC has two unfair offers in the ultimatum game (Koenigs & Tranel,
roles in gustatory processing. Since it is involved in 2007) and a lack of distinction between human and
olfactory encoding, including retronasal olfaction computerized opponents on a similar task (Moretti,
present during feeding, it is likely that the OFC binds Dragone, & di Pellegrino, 2009); increased moral per-
sensory inputs to produce a flavor percept. In addition, missibility of attempted harm (Young et al., 2010); and
given the OFC’s role in reward, this region likely com- a decrease in normal correspondence bias (Koscik &
bines flavor and reward value to guide feeding behavior Tranel, 2013). Regions within the OFC respond to facial
(Small et al., 2007). attractiveness (Winston, O’Doherty, Kilner, Perrett, &
Dolan, 2007). For an extensive review of the role of the
Emotional roles of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex Con- vmPFC in social cognition and behavior, see Forbes and
verging evidence from humans, macaques, and rats sug- Grafman (2010).
gests that the OFC plays a role in simple emotional It has recently been proposed that the role of the
responses through its representation of reward infor- vmPFC in social evaluation has been important for the
mation, including primary reinforcers and abstract evolution of the human brain. In most mammals, che-
reinforcers (e.g., money and social reinforcers; Rolls, mosensory evaluation of conspecifics was one of the
2004; Rudebeck, Bannerman, & Rushworth, 2008). most important roles for the brain regions that are
OFC activation relates to the subjective experience of homologous to the human vmPFC. Given that humans
emotion, and OFC damage impairs emotional behav- are highly social creatures faced with similar needs for
iors, feeling, and learning (for a review, see Rolls & conspecific evaluation despite a conspicuous (though

koscik et al.: sensory foundations of socioemotional perception 755

not total) lack of chemosensory communication, Koscik human-unique area in the anterior insula rostral to this
and Tranel (2012) have proposed that the human region (Small, 2010). The anterior insula and frontal
vmPFC retains its role in social evaluation. However, operculum respond to the valence of taste stimuli
instead of relying on chemosensory information, the (Small et al., 2003) and whether taste stimuli are pas-
multimodal, integrative nature of the vmPFC has been sively or actively evaluated (Bender, Veldhuizen, Meltzer,
adapted for inferring social value. This shift from Gitelman, & Small, 2009). However, it may be better to
chemosensory processing to inferential computation conceptualize insular taste cortex as a multimodal
increased the processing power necessary to make region for integrating oral sensations rather than uni-
social evaluations, which in turn provided a driving modal cortex (Small, 2010). Ventral anterior insula
force for the enlargement of the human brain (Koscik responds to oral stimulation regardless of modality or
& Tranel, 2012). edibility; however, connectivity to feeding-related brain
regions, including the hypothalamus, is greater when
Insula tasting potentially nutritive stimuli (Rudenga, Green,
Nachtigal, & Small, 2010). In addition to taste stimuli,
Neuroanatomy of the insula The insular cortex is tucked the right anterior insula and ventral striatal area increase
deep in the sylvian fissure beneath the frontal, tempo- activity during exposure to disgusting odors, whereas
ral, and parietal opercula. The insula receives multi- the left anterior insula responds to all odors regardless
modal information, which likely acts to coordinate of valence (Heining et al., 2006).
internal and external sources of information through
subjective emotional awareness. Lesions to the insula Emotional roles of the insula Consistent with its relation
can cause distinct deficits, including gustatory, olfac- to gustation, meta-analysis reveals that the insula
tory, auditory, somatosensory, body awareness, affective, responds strongly to disgust faces (Fusar-Poli et al.,
volitional, and linguistic impairments, as well as addic- 2009), and direct recordings in the ventral anterior
tion (for reviews, see Ibañez, Gleichgerrcht, & Manes, insula in epilepsy patients reveal a crucial role for this
2010; Jones, Ward, & Critchley, 2010). region in categorizing facial expressions of disgust
There is active debate over the best way to parcellate (Krolak-Salmon et al., 2003). Both dorsal and ventral
the insula and the scale on which to do so (for a review, anterior insula respond to other categories of disgust-
see Kelly et al., 2012). In terms of gross anatomy, the ing images, although posterior insula does not (Deen
insula appears divisible into anterior and posterior seg- et al., 2011; Wright et al., 2004). Disgust sensitivity cor-
ments based on the central insular sulcus, which divides relates with ventral anterior insular responses to images
the insula roughly into dorsoanterior and ventroposte- of disgusting foods (Calder et al., 2007). Despite this
rior portions. Based on studies of functional connectiv- evidence for the involvement of the insula in disgust
ity, perhaps the most popular view is that the insula can processing, the insula may not be a disgust center per
be divided into three subdivisions: posterior, dorsal se (Chapman & Anderson, 2012). For example, the
anterior, and ventral anterior regions (Chang, Yarkoni, insula is also activated by anger (Damasio et al., 2000),
Khaw, & Sanfey, 2013; Deen, Pitskel, & Pelphrey, 2011). fear (Schienle et al., 2002), anxiety (Critchley, Wiens,
The dorsal anterior region is associated with cognitive Rotshtein, Ohman, & Dolan, 2004), and pain (Peyron,
functions and is connected to the dorsal anterior cin- Laurent, & García-Larrea, 2000).Thus, although disgust
gulate cortex. The ventral anterior subdivision is associ- may be a particularly strong stimulus for the insula,
ated with affective and chemosensory processes and is insular activity is clearly not exclusive to disgust.
primarily connected to pregenual anterior cingulate
cortex, while the posterior region is associated with and Social roles of the insula Several lines of evidence suggest
functionally connected to primary and secondary sen- that the insula plays a role in social cognition. Given its
sorimotor cortices (Chang et al., 2013; Deen et al., role in disgust, the insula may be involved in social
2011). For an alternative four-subregion parcellation forms of disgust. For example, observing disgust in
scheme, see Kurth and colleagues (2010). others activates the anterior insula (Wicker, Keysers,
Plailly, & Royet, 2003), and the insular response to dis-
Chemosensory roles of the insula Primary gustatory cortex gusted facial expressions is correlated with scores on an
is located in the anterior insula and adjoining frontal empathy scale (Hein & Singer, 2008; Jabbi, Swart, &
operculum (for a review, see Rolls, 2008). The human Keysers, 2007; Singer, 2006). Disgust appears to be
gustatory cortex is located more caudal than would closely connected to morality; similar facial activity is
be predicted from the location of homologous evoked in response to both physically disgusting stimuli
regions in primates, perhaps due to the addition of a (e.g., cockroaches, feces) and moral transgressions

756 social neuroscience and emotion

(Cannon, Schnall, & White, 2010; Chapman, Kim, The effects of perceived emotion on sensory pro-
Susskind, & Anderson, 2009), and experimentally cesses are evident in activity in sensory cortices. Expo-
inducing disgust increases moral wrongness judgments sure to fearful faces enhances early responses in
(Schnall, Benton, & Harvey, 2008; Wheatley & Haidt, visual cortex (Keil, Stolarova, Moratti, & Ray, 2007;
2005). The insula may support the connection between Pourtois, Grandjean, Sander, & Vuilleumier, 2004).
the primitive distaste response, disgust, and morality Task-irrelevant affective information, including fearful
(for reviews, see Chapman & Anderson, 2012, 2013). expressions and shock-pairing, enhances activity in
These data provide critical support for the intersection early visual cortex, including V1, and alters the func-
of emotion, social cognition, and moral judgment, sug- tional connectivity of early visual cortex (Damaraju,
gesting the moral regulation of interpersonal behavior Huang, Barrett, & Pessoa, 2009). Lastly, fearful faces
may originate in primitive chemosensory precursors presented unilaterally increase activity in the contralat-
related to affective evaluations of what may be good and eral visual system, which may indicate temporary reduc-
bad to eat (Chapman & Anderson, 2013). tion in activation thresholds for retinotopic locations
The insula’s role in social cognition also extends previously containing fearful faces (Carlson, Reinke,
beyond disgust. Observing pain in other people consis- LaMontagne, & Habib, 2011).
tently activates the insula (Singer, Seymour et al., 2004),
and the insula displays increased activation for faces of Expressing Emotion Affects Sensory Processes
cooperators in the Prisoner’s Dilemma compared to Emotional impacts on perception are not limited to
neutral faces (Singer, Kiebel, et al., 2004). In addition, utilizing the facial expressions of others as communica-
activity in the right insula increases when forming bad tive signals that bias one’s own perception. Expressing
impressions of others’ personalities; moreover, greater emotion oneself also serves to bias one’s own percep-
interaction between the insula and hippocampus relates tion to meet behavioral goals (Darwin, 1872; Lee et al.,
to better memory for faces associated with negative 2013; Susskind et al., 2008). If emotions are thought of
personality impressions (Tsukiura, Shigemune, Nouchi, as preparatory action tendencies, then facial expres-
Kambara, & Kawashima, 2012). sions might be thought of as part of the mechanism that
prepares an individual or organism for appropriate
Effects of emotion on sensory processes behaviors.
For example, fear and disgust have distinct—and
Given the neuroanatomical relationships between opposing—effects on sensory perception (Susskind et
sensory and socioemotional systems, we may ask: To al., 2008). Making a fear expression results in a signifi-
what extent does socioemotional processing affect cant increase in the upper visual field size relative to
sensory process? There is considerable evidence indi- neutral, consistent with increased opening of the eyes
cating that emotion can modulate selective attention, and raising of the eyebrows (Lee et al., 2013; Susskind
and there may be an important role for emotions in et al., 2008). By contrast, making disgust expressions
early sensory gating. result in narrowing of the upper and lower visual field
relative to neutral, consistent with lowering of the brow
Perceiving Emotion in Others Affects Sensory and raising of the cheeks. Fear expressions also result
Processes Emotions, particularly emotional expres- in faster saccades and enhanced stimulus detection at
sions, can communicate important information about further visual field eccentricities, whereas disgust
the environment to other individuals. For example, expressions result in slower saccades and reduced stim-
when others are expressing fear, it would be wise to ulus detection. In addition to alterations of the visual
increase one’s own vigilance so as to prepare for danger. apparatus when posing fear and disgust expressions,
Indeed, presenting fear expressions before a discrimi- fear expressions resulted in dilation of the nostrils,
nation task enhances contrast sensitivity (Phelps, Ling, while disgust expressions resulted in restriction of the
& Carrasco, 2006). In addition, observing the eye- nostrils. In summary, Susskind and colleagues (2008)
widening associated with fearful facial expressions, suggest that emotional expressions alter properties of
compared to neutral or disgust expressions, enhances the facial sensory apparatus that fundamentally affect
gaze-direction discrimination and facilitates peripheral- the ability to collect environmental information. In the
target detection (Lee, Susskind, & Anderson, 2013). case of fear, the effect is to open up the sensory appa-
Thus, visual processing is enhanced by the presence of ratus to enhance detection and vigilance; while in the
a fear facial expression, which may indicate the pres- case of disgust, the effect is closure of the sensory appa-
ence of a threat that needs to be detected (Whalen, ratus to mitigate exposure to contaminants. Via facial
1998). expressions, emotions can gate sensory processing and

koscik et al.: sensory foundations of socioemotional perception 757

thus influence perception at its earliest stage, limiting than emotional stimuli, differently affect perceptual
how photons reach the retina and molecules the olfac- encoding.
tory mucosa. Although co-opted for the purposes of
social communication, facial expressions may have orig- Perceptual contributions to socioemotional processes
inated as a sensory adaptation for the sender, suggest-
ing that the more recent socioemotional roles of facial In addition to the effects of emotional information on
expression arise from an original sensory function. sensory (via facial expressions) and perceptual (via
experienced emotion) processes, there is evidence of
Experiencing Emotion Oneself Affects Sensory the inverse relationship. At the most basic level, sensory
Processes In addition to perceiving or making emo- systems are required for perceiving others. Beyond this
tional facial expressions, subjectively experiencing basic function, however, perceptual systems may support
emotion can also affect perception. Todd and col- higher-order socioemotional processes. Recognizing
leagues (2012) have shown that emotionally arousing actions and emotions from multimodal perceptual
images are indeed perceived to be more perceptually information (i.e., visual, auditory, and olfactory pro-
vivid than neutral images. When identical visual noise cesses involved in social perception) forms the basis for
was superimposed on arousing and neutral images, understanding the intentions and feelings of others and
observers perceived the arousing images to be less noisy allows us to successfully navigate our social world.
than the neutral images. This enhanced perceptual viv-
idness was mediated by amygdalar influences on Visual Contributions Visual processes play a criti-
extrastriate cortex and occurred relatively early on in cal role in the ability to recognize other agents from
perceptual processing (∼200 msec following stimulus visual cues, including form and motion, and multiple
onset; Todd et al., 2012). Similarly, auditory stimuli con- regions of extrastriate cortex are specialized for pro-
ditioned with aversive experiences are perceived to be cessing various visual aspects of social stimuli. More-
louder (Asutay & Västfjäll, 2012). Emotional enhance- over, activity in these visual processing regions may be
ment of visual processing appears to come at a cost, instrumental in supporting higher socioemotional abil-
however. In particular, processing of spatially or tempo- ities. The fusiform face area is preferentially involved
rally peripheral information is reduced, such as in emo- in processing face information (e.g., Grill-Spector,
tion-induced blindness (Ciesielski, Armstrong, Zald, & Knouf, & Kanwisher, 2004; Kanwisher, McDermott, &
Olatunji, 2010; Kennedy & Most, 2012; Riggs et al., Chun, 1997), while the extrastriate body area and
2011). superior temporal sulcus are involved in processing
While Todd and colleagues found similar effects of human forms from static and dynamic information,
positive and negative emotional arousal on perceptual respectively (see Peelen & Downing, 2007, for a review
vividness, other evidence suggests that positive and of body perception). Much of our social experience
negative affect may bias perceptual gating in opposing makes use of the visual system, and some researchers
ways. Schmitz, de Rosa, and Anderson (2009) induced suggest that information in these perceptual regions
positive, negative, and neutral affect using International forms part of our understanding of emotional and
Affective Picture System images. Following mood induc- social information (e.g., Scholl & Tremoulet, 2000;
tion, participants were presented with compound face- Schultz, 2005).
house stimuli, with a relatively small face overlaid on a The role of the visual system in social processing is at
relatively larger house and asked to attend to the sex least in part bottom-up. A variety of studies examining
of the faces. Negative affect resulted in decreased processing of animate motion in nonhuman animals,
activity in the parahippocampal place area, suggesting human infants, and clinical populations support this
decreased encoding of peripheral information (i.e., view. Newly hatched chicks show innate biases toward
information about the house). In contrast, positive perceiving the motion of animate entities that are likely
affect resulted in increased activity in the parahippo- not attributable to elaborate top-down mechanisms. For
campal place area, suggesting an increase in encoding example, chicks presented with animations of geomet-
of peripheral information (Schmitz et al., 2009). ric shapes preferentially approach shapes that appear
Further, positive and negative emotions were shown to be alive, that is shapes that demonstrate self-
to have opposing effects on functional connectivity propelled motion, a hallmark of animacy (Mascalzoni,
between the parahippocampal place areas with early Regolin, & Vallortigara, 2010; Tremoulet & Feldman,
visual cortex, suggesting that emotions differentially 2000). Chicks can also discriminate between complex
gate information flow from early perceptual cortices. instances of biological form from motion relative to
This work demonstrates that emotional states, rather non-biological, rigid, or rotating shapes (Vallortigara,

758 social neuroscience and emotion

Regolin, & Marconato, 2005). Such biases toward contingent on attention to the global correlated motion
animate entities may have critical social consequences of multiple individual elements.
for survival, since this mechanism is likely involved in
imprinting (e.g., Jaynes, 1957; Ramsay & Hess, 1954). Motor Contributions There is also evidence for a
Human infants as young as two days old also exhibit role of the motor system in facilitating socioemotional
spontaneous preferences for biological over nonbio- processes. Generally, these findings fall under the
logical motion, as indexed by longer looking times umbrella of the simulation theory of social cognition
(Simion, Regolin, & Bulf, 2008). These cross-species (Gallese, Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004; Gallese, 2007) and
data provide support for the notion of innate sensitivity its extension to emotional experiences (Nielsen, 2002).
of the visual system to animate or biological motion. The basic tenet of these theories is that others’ emo-
Since newborn animals do not possess the depth of tions and mental states are understood, at least in part,
higher-level associations of animate motion with social through covert motor simulations of their expressions
context that might influence perceptual processing, and actions (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2010). In other
innate preference for biological motion may form a words, we may recognize the emotional expressions and
bottom-up foundation for social cognition, in that early actions of other individuals by engaging our own motor
visual processing of socially relevant stimuli supports systems in covert simulation of the activity we are observ-
the development of more complex socioemotional ing. In this way, internal feedback signals from the
perception. motor system aid us in resolving the meaning of
Further support for the bottom-up role of visual pro- observed motor activity in others. This kind of embod-
cesses in socioemotional understanding comes from ied simulation of observed actions may play a critical
studies of visual information processing in autism spec- role in our ability to understand the feelings and inten-
trum disorder (ASD). ASD is largely characterized by tions of others.
deficits in social intelligence, but some authors suggest In support of simulation theory, Neal and Chartrand
that the observed socioemotional impairments in ASD (2011) demonstrate that internal feedback signals
may reflect (at least in part) a more general, lower-level resulting from mimicking facial expressions influence
impairment in processing socially relevant perceptual the accuracy of identifying those expressions in others.
information. For instance, individuals with ASD com- In particular, individuals who received Botox injections,
monly show deficits in processing both faces and facial which render the muscles around the eyes less effective
expressions of emotion (for a review, see Harms, Martin, at contracting, are significantly worse at identifying
& Wallace, 2010) that may be related to a perceptual facial expressions than controls. In a second experi-
bias in ASD toward local rather than global stimulus ment, the authors applied a face mask that created a
features (Behrmann, Thomas, & Humphreys, 2006; tight film on the surface of the skin, increasing the
Brosnan, Scott, Fox, & Pye, 2004; Frith & Happé, 1994). resistance of the skin to facial muscle activity and
Whereas faces are typically processed holistically, those thereby amplifying muscle signals (Neal & Chartrand,
with ASD may be biased to attend to individual features, 2011). Stronger facial feedback signals elicited in this
impairing recognition of faces as gestalts. Eye-tracking condition were associated with significant improvement
of individuals with ASD indicates differential face scan- in recognizing expressions. Thus, inhibition of facial
ning compared to healthy individuals (Pelphrey et al., musculature impaired recognition, while amplification
2002). Further research on local processing bias in ASD of musculature feedback improved recognition, provid-
shows that performance on face-processing tasks can be ing support for a direct role of facial mimicry and feed-
improved by cueing individuals with ASD to attend to back signals in recognition of emotional expressions.
appropriate facial features (López, Donnelly, Hadwin, The motor system is also involved in perception of
& Leekam, 2004). Local processing bias may also human forms from motion information. Point-light bio-
account for deficits in animate motion perception logical motion stimuli (Johansson, 1973) depict human
observed in ASD. In animate displays depicting multi- figures using only about a dozen points of light, each
ple dynamic geometric shapes, healthy individuals tend representing a major joint on the human form. These
to describe motion in social terms (e.g., chasing), while stimuli are often used in action-perception research
those with ASD show impairments in perceiving the because they convey such compelling information
socially interactive elements of animate motion about the dynamic human form without introducing
(Castelli, Frith, Happé, & Frith, 2002). If those with overly complex visual features (e.g., faces, clothing).
ASD are biased toward local stimulus features, this Further, by randomizing the starting position of each
could explain why they are less able to describe inter- point-light, scrambled control stimuli can be created
activity of animate agents, the recognition of which is that completely disrupt perception of human forms but

koscik et al.: sensory foundations of socioemotional perception 759

contain identical motion information. Using functional processes may also shape the course of socioemotional
MRI, human biological motion (relative to the scram- responses. Given that socioemotional neural systems
bled control stimulus) significantly engaged regions in once evolved from simpler sensory systems, but also
the premotor cortex (Saygin, Wilson, Hagler, Bates, & continue to the present day to demonstrate overlapping
Sereno, 2004). Likewise, lesions to premotor regions behavioral and neural substrates, we suggest that socio-
are associated with significant impairment on biological emotional and sensory systems have maintained a deep
motion recognition relative to healthy individuals, indi- functional integration.
cating that this region is necessary for accurate percep-
tion of human actions from biological motion (Saygin,
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66 The Role of the Amygdala in
Face Processing

ABSTRACT Historically, the amygdala’s role in face processing Single-unit recordings in nonhuman primates indicate
has been relegated to the domain of emotion, while a network that populations of neurons in IT cortex and superior
of posterior cortical regions is typically considered the core temporal sulcus (STS) respond selectively to faces, as
network involved in face processing. In this chapter, we
examine several decades of neurophysiological and neuroim-
compared to comparably complex object categories
aging work suggesting that the amygdala possesses face- (Bruce, Desimone, & Gross, 1981; Desimone, 1991;
selective properties, which can be observed in the absence of Desimone, Albright, Gross, & Bruce, 1984; Perrett,
emotional expressions. We also review a recent large-scale Rolls, & Caan, 1982; Perrett et al., 1984). These results
group analysis of functional MRI data from 215 participants have been widely and robustly replicated (Eifuku, de
in face-localizer tasks observing robust responses to faces in
Souza, Tamura, Nishijo, & Ono, 2004; Hasselmo, Rolls,
the amygdala, which were reliable over time and identifiable
in a majority of participants. Taken together, these data & Baylis, 1989; Kiani, Esteky, & Tanaka, 2005; Tsao,
suggest that the amygdala deserves consideration as a key Freiwald, Knutsen, Mandeville, & Tootell, 2003), gener-
node in the core face-processing network. alized to human subjects (Ojemann, Ojemann, &
Lettich, 1992), and confirmed in combination with
Successful navigation of our social universe requires an functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; Tsao,
understanding of other social agents. Harmonious Freiwald, Tootell, & Livingston, 2006). More recent
interaction depends on accurate inferences regarding work has refined and revised theories on the neural
a rich compendium of social information—identity, architecture of face perception, suggesting that there
race, gender, age, emotions, mental states, and person- may be multiple face-selective patches (Freiwald & Tsao,
ality, just to name a few. Much of this information can 2012; Rajimehr, Young, & Tootell, 2009; Weiner & Grill-
be inferred from the human face. Behavioral research Spector, 2010, 2012). However, contemporaneous
shows that we are able to rapidly extract information research using identical methodology suggests that the
regarding identity (Grill-Spector & Kanwisher, 2005; Yip neural bases of face processing are not limited to pos-
& Sinha, 2002), race and gender (Cloutier, Mason, & terior cortical areas.
Macrae, 2005; Martin & Macrae, 2007), emotional
expression (Esteves & Öhman, 1993; Whalen et al.,
1998), and attractiveness (Locher, Unger, Sociedade, & Single-unit recordings of face-selective amygdala
Wahl, 1993; Olson & Marshuetz, 2005), and even make responses
inferences about personality such as aggressiveness
(Bar, Neta, & Linz, 2006) and trustworthiness (Willis & In 1979, Sanghera and colleagues set out to examine
Todorov, 2006; Todorov, Pakrashi, & Oosterhof, 2009) whether neurons in the amygdala respond to visual
based upon minimal exposure to faces. Moreover, these input, citing previous anatomical work describing pro-
inferences and evaluations have behavioral conse- jections from IT cortex to the amygdala (Herzog &
quences (Todorov, Mende-Siedlecki, & Dotsch, 2013). Hoesen, 1976; Jones & Powell, 1970). Indeed, of 1,754
Given the importance of faces, it is not surprising that neurons analyzed, 113 units in the lateral aspect of the
they have been the subject of an extensive study in amygdala were deemed responsive to visual stimuli.
psychology and cognitive neuroscience (Calder, Rhodes, Moreover, in the last paragraph of the paper, the authors
Johnson, & Haxby, 2011). wrote, “It should also perhaps be noted that nine of the
The initial groundwork for research on the neural amygdaloid neurons with visual responses were found
bases of face perception was laid in the 1970s and early to respond primarily to faces or photographs of faces”
1980s by researchers mapping the visual properties of (Sanghera, Rolls, & Roper-Hall, 1979, p. 624). Over the
inferior temporal (IT) cortex (e.g., Gross, Rocha- next 30 years, research confirming these initial findings
Miranda, & Bender, 1972; see also Gross, 1994, 2008). has steadily accumulated, leading to the conclusion that

mende-siedlecki and todorov: the role of the amygdala in face processing 767
there are neurons within the amygdala that display Neuroimaging evidence of the amygdala’s
robust selectivity for faces. face-selective properties
To begin with, a number of additional single-unit
recording studies of nonhuman primates have repli- There is a lack of complete convergence between the
cated Sanghera and colleagues’ findings (Leonard, single-unit recording research and human neuroimag-
Rolls, Wilson, & Baylis, 1985; Nakamura, Mikami, & ing work, with respect to which brain areas are ulti-
Kubota, 1992; Rolls, 1984), with later studies examining mately classified as face-selective. Functional MRI
the effects of novelty (Wilson & Rolls, 1993) as well as studies of human face perception have classically relied
identity and expression (Gothard, Battaglia, Erickson, upon paradigms employing functional localizers
Spitler, & Amaral, 2007) on face-selective responses (Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997; McCarthy,
in the amygdala. Subsequently, these findings were Puce, Gore, & Allison, 1997), which allow researchers
corroborated by high-resolution fMRI work with non- to compare between blood oxygen level–dependent, or
human primates (Hoffman, Gothard, Schmid, & Logo- BOLD, responses to faces and to comparatively complex
thetis, 2007; Logothetis, Guggenberger, Peled, & Pauls, objects (e.g., houses). In this way, localizer studies and
1999), and generalized to humans in neurophysiologi- single-unit recording studies share the same fundamen-
cal work with patients undergoing treatment for epi- tal logic—subjects are presented with stimuli from
lepsy (Fried, MacDonald, & Wilson, 1997; Fried, various categories (e.g., faces, body parts, objects,
Cameron, Yashar, Fong, & Morrow, 2002; Kreiman, scrambled faces, etc.), and subsequently, researchers
Koch, & Fried, 2000; Mormann et al., 2008; Quiroga, test for units (areas of the brain or neurons, respec-
Reddy, Kreiman, Koch, & Fried, 2005; Rutishauser et tively) that respond preferentially to a given category.
al., 2011; Seeck et al., 1995; Steinmetz, 2008; Viskontas, Despite relatively similar approaches in terms of tasks
Quiroga, & Fried, 2009; see also Sato et al., 2012, for and stimuli, neuroimaging studies employing func-
similar findings using intracranial field potentials). tional localizers consistently identify only regions in
Across the majority of this work, several patterns posterior cortical areas, including the fusiform face
have emerged. First, based on single-unit recording area (FFA; Kanwisher et al., 1997; McCarthy et al., 1997;
work in both humans and nonhuman primates, it is Tong, Nakayama, Moscovitch, Weinrib, & Kanwisher,
clear that only a subset of neurons within the amygdala 2000), occipital face area (OFA; Gauthier, Skudlarski,
is truly selective for faces. A conservative estimate of Gore, & Anderson, 2000; Puce, Allison, Asgari, Gore, &
the number of face-selective amygdala neurons among McCarthy, 1996), and posterior superior temporal
the visually responsive neurons would likely lie some- sulcus (pSTS; Allison, Puce, & McCarthy, 2000; Puce
where between 5% and 10% (see Todorov, 2012), et al., 1996). Taken together, the FFA, OFA, and pSTS
though some authors have suggested that as many are considered to comprise a network of core regions
as 20% might display selectivity for whole faces involved in the perception of faces (Haxby & Gobbini,
(Rutishauser et al., 2011). Second, face-selective 2012; Haxby, Hoffman, & Gobbini, 2000; Said, Haxby,
responses in the amygdala are qualitatively different & Todorov, 2011).
from those in posterior cortical regions on at least a However, face-localizer studies do not typically clas-
few metrics. Direct comparison between recordings in sify the amygdala as a face-selective region. When con-
amygdala and STS suggest that face-selective responses sidered in the context of regions involved in face
in the amygdala have longer response latencies than perception, the amygdala is occasionally referenced as
those in STS and, moreover, generalize somewhat less a supporting node in the extended face network
across faces than those in STS (Leonard et al., 1985). (Haxby et al., 2000; Haxby & Gobbini, 2012), tasked
Third, face-selective neurons in the amygdala are less with processing emotional expressions. However, a
clustered, as compared to those in IT cortex and STS. number of human neuroimaging experiments have
Finally, it seems that no single facial characteristic or reported increased amygdala response to neutral
quality (e.g., species specificity, emotional expression, faces (for example, Dubois et al., 1999; Fitzgerald,
identity, familiarity, etc.) can completely account for Angstadt, Jelsone, Nathan, & Phan, 2006; Johnstone
the amygdala’s responses to faces. For example, et al., 2005; Kesler-West et al., 2001; van der Gaag,
Leonard and colleagues observed that only four face- Minderaa, & Keysers, 2007; Wright & Liu, 2006).
selective neurons in the amygdala (out of 19 tested) While some researchers have argued that the
responded preferentially to faces with emotional “extended” aspects of the face-processing network
expressions, while Gothard and colleagues observed deserve more attention and prominence (Ishai,
that 64% of face-selective amygdala neurons responded 2008), this perspective has faced its share of criticism
to both emotional expression and identity. (Wiggett & Downing, 2008).

768 social neuroscience and emotion

Three related issues likely contribute to this diver- cortex (dlPFC) and superior colliculus (SC). We per-
gence between the neuroimaging and the neurophysi- formed an additional conjunction analysis across the set
ological literatures with respect to the amygdala’s of 10 studies that indicated that face-selective responses
face-selectivity: (1) measurement limitations of fMRI, in bilateral amygdala, bilateral FFA, and right pSTS
(2) low statistical power, and (3) theoretical biases (see were robust with respect to task differences.
Todorov, 2012). First, the amygdala is subject to a Our next step was to validate our initial findings
decreased signal-to-noise ratio relative to cortical using the NeuroSynth platform (;
regions due to its location and small size, and as a result Yarkoni, Poldrack, Nichols, Van Essen, & Wager, 2011),
is comparatively difficult to image (LaBar, Gitelman, which draws upon a database of more than 4,000 extant
Mesulam, & Parrish, 2001; Zald, 2003). Second, tradi- neuroimaging studies to simulate interactive brain
tional practices associated with the functional localizer maps for specific search terms (i.e., “face”). Neuro-
approach, namely, relying on individual brain analysis, Synth offers both forward inference and reverse-inverse
result in decreased statistical power, which may hamper capabilities. While the former technique tests the likeli-
researchers’ ability to isolate face-selective responses in hood of activation in a region given the term—that is,
the amygdala. Given single-unit recording work suggest- “face”—the latter tests the likelihood that a term is used
ing that only about 10% of neurons in the amygdala in a study given the presence of activation. We repli-
display face-selective properties (Fried et al., 1997; cated the majority of regions observed in our initial
Kreiman et al., 2000; Rutishauser et al., 2011), it is pos- group analysis: bilateral amygdala, bilateral FFA, and
sible that these responses would not be detectable on right pSTS, using both forward inference (figure 66.1D,
the individual subject level with fMRI, especially when E, F) and reverse inference techniques (figure 66.1G,
stringent statistical thresholds are imposed. The ten- H, I).
dency not to perform group analyses of localizer data Subsequently, we tested whether face-selective responses
(an effort aimed at avoiding cortical misalignment) in the amygdala are detectable in individual partici-
only further reduces statistical power. Finally, it is pos- pants. Indeed, we were able to observe face-selective
sible that overarching theoretical biases have contrib- regions in the amygdala in a majority of participants
uted to the problem. Vision scientists and emotion (86.5% in right amygdala, 84.2% in left amygdala, at
researchers’ interest in posterior cortical regions and p < .05), but these responses were especially sensitive
the amygdala, respectively, while grounded in previous to increases in the strictness of statistical thresholding,
research, may have resulted in a narrow view of the much more so than in FFA. This difference may be a
amygdala’s function. direct consequence of decreased signal-to-fluctuating-
In an effort to overcome these challenges, we per- noise ratios in the amygdala compared to posterior cor-
formed a large-scale, whole-brain group analysis of tical regions. To ascertain that the face-selective regions
functional localizer data (Mende-Siedlecki, Verosky, in the amygdala were not an artifact of liberal statistical
Turk-Browne, & Todorov, 2013). A total of 215 partici- thresholding, we compared individual face-selective
pants were recruited to 10 separate studies employing responses in the amygdala to those extracted from a
face localizers, which, in turn, used a variety of stimuli control region defined anatomically in A1. We con-
and behavioral tasks. We reasoned that this large sample firmed that face-selective responses in the amygdala
size would afford us adequate statistical power necessary were more extensive and stronger than those in the A1
to counteract the limitations of fMRI.1 control region.
To begin, we conducted a simple contrast between Complimenting these standard univariate approaches,
responses to faces and control stimuli. We found robust we conducted a separate set of multivariate analyses in
face-selective responses in the amygdala, as well as in order to test the reliability of responses in face-selective
the posterior network of cortical regions observed in regions over time, as well as the covariance of these
prior studies—including FFA, right pSTS, and OFA reliability scores across face-selective regions. Since
(figure 66.1A, B, C). This analysis also revealed face- a little more than half of our data came from partici-
selective responses in right dorsolateral prefrontal pants in multirun versions of the face-localizer task
(N = 119), we focused just on these participants and
tested whether the multivoxel patterns of face-selective
Here, we present data specific to face-selective responses in responses were reliably correlated across runs. We first
the amygdala. A more detailed overview of the methods, conducted a group analysis of the first-run data for all
analyses, and results of this investigation—including those
related to other regions deemed to be face-selective by these multirun participants, which yielded a similar set of
analyses—can be found in Mende-Siedlecki, Verosky, Turk- face-selective regions of interest (ROIs) as observed
Browne, and Todorov (2013). in the full group analysis, including bilateral FFA,

mende-siedlecki and todorov: the role of the amygdala in face processing 769
Figure 66.1 Group analysis of functional localizer data from inference analysis, showing activation across the NeuroSynth
215 participants, with NeuroSynth validation. Panels A database for the term “face.” These maps indicate the consis-
through C depict brain regions showing greater BOLD tency of activation for the term. Panels G through I show the
responses to face vs. control stimuli (p < .05, corrected), results of a reverse inference analysis. These maps indicate
including bilateral amygdala. We used NeuroSynth—a meta- the relative selectivity of activation for the term (see Yarkoni
analytic tool capable of synthesizing results from a database et al., 2011, for details). (This figure originally appeared in
of neuroimaging studies—to externally validate these data. Mende-Siedlecki, Verosky, Turk-Browne, & Todorov, 2013.)
Panels D through F represent the results of a forward (See color plate 55.)

bilateral amygdala, and right pSTS. Next, for each ROI amygdala, right FFA, left FFA, right pSTS, and SC. A
and for each participant, we extracted voxel-by-voxel principle components analysis identified two distinct
parameter estimates from the Faces > Controls con- sources of variance in the reliability of face-selective
trast, for both runs of the localizer task, and computed responses. On one hand, cortical regions (right and left
the Pearson correlation between the two runs. On FFA, right dlPFC) loaded strongly onto the first princi-
average, across the 119 multirun participants, face- pal component, while on the other hand, subcortical
selective responses in the amygdala were reliable over regions (right and left amygdala, SC) loaded strongly
time, and this reliability was significantly greater onto the second principal component. (We note that
than zero; the average cross-run reliability was also the right pSTS loaded equally onto both principal com-
computed for an anatomically defined control region ponents, with relatively weak strength.) These first two
in A1. components accounted for approximately 50% of the
Moving forward, we sought to explore systematic total variance.
covariances of these multivoxel reliability correlations Finally, we performed a series of psychophysical inter-
across the network of face-selective ROIs. We observed action (PPI) analyses aimed at isolating face-specific
that the right amygdala and right FFA were most highly patterns of functional connectivity between our face-
intercorrelated with those of other ROIs, based upon selective ROIs and other brain areas. We placed seeds
correlations of cross-run reliability scores. Specifically, in right and left amygdala and observed enhanced con-
reliability in right amygdala correlated with left nectivity with bilateral fusiform, primary visual cortex,

770 social neuroscience and emotion

and right dlPFC during the presentation of faces, as structures. This implication is consistent with prior lit-
compared to control stimuli. erature proposing two distinct streams of face process-
ing (de Gelder, van Honk, & Tamietto, 2011; Garrido,
Conclusion Barnes, Sahani, & Dolan, 2012; Johnson, 2005). By and
large, this previous work discusses the amygdala’s role
The data described above provide evidence for robust in face processing in the context of early detection
face-selective responses in the human amygdala, which of environmental threats—specifically, fearful faces
are reliable over time, consistent over multiple tasks (Cecere, Bertini, & Làdavas, 2013; Jiang & He, 2006;
and stimuli, and identifiable in individual participants. Lerner et al., 2012; Pasley, Mayes, & Schultz, 2004;
Taken together, this set of analyses indicates that there Pessoa, 2005; Williams et al., 2006). In this framework,
are regions in the amygdala that are face-selective. Criti- information traveling along the subcortical route is
cally, we arrived at this conclusion based on the same transmitted from the retina to the SC, and then via the
criteria that are used to classify the posterior cortical pulvinar to the amygdala.
regions (FFA, OFA, and pSTS) as being face-selective. However, recent research suggests a broader role,
While we do not claim that the amygdala’s primary beyond fear, threat, or negative affect, whereby the
function is the processing of faces, we argue that the amygdala is acting to facilitate rapid assessment of
robustness and reliability of the face-selective responses behaviorally relevant sensory input (Garrido et al.,
detected in the amygdala merit consideration of the 2012). For example, Santos and colleagues (Santos,
amygdala as a core node of the face-processing network. Mier, Kirsch, & Meyer-Lindenberg, 2011) demonstrated
These results are highly consistent with recent neu- that faces that are salient elicit amygdala activity, regard-
roimaging studies implicating the amygdala in general less of emotional expression or threat. In this study,
face processing (Engell & McCarthy, 2013; Rossion, participants viewed 3 × 3 arrays of faces and were
Hanseeuw, & Dricot, 2012), beyond the perception of directed to detect target faces (happy expression, angry
emotional expressions. Rossion and colleagues (2012) expression, blue mouth and eyebrows, or red mouth
sought to identify regions involved in face processing and eyebrows), which appeared on 50% of the trials.
by performing a large-scale factorial functional localizer Contrasting trials containing targets and trials with no
(N = 40), where participants performed an N-back task targets yielded robust activity in right and left amygdala.
on images of faces, cars, scrambled faces, and scram- At the same time, the amygdala activity did not differ-
bled cars. A conservatively thresholded conjunction entiate between the various target conditions. More-
between a Faces > Cars contrast and a Faces > Scram- over, Santos and colleagues found that amygdala activity
bled Faces contrast yielded robust activity in right and predicted target detection. These results are consistent
left amygdala, as well as FFA, OFA, and pSTS. In a with an ongoing shift away from initial characterizations
related vein, Engell and McCarthy (2013) set out to of the amygdala as purely a “fear module” and toward
examine overlap between regions involved in the pro- a broader role of detecting situationally or motivation-
cessing of faces and biological motion. Large-scale anal- ally salient stimuli (Adolphs, 2010; Cunningham &
yses of localizer tasks in which participants passively Brosch, 2012; Cunningham, van Bavel, & Johnsen,
viewed faces and houses (N = 124), as well as faces and 2008; Sander, Grafman, & Zalla, 2003; Todorov, 2012)
scenes (N = 79) both identified the right and left amyg- Work on the amygdala’s connectivity—both anatomi-
dala as responding preferentially to face stimuli. cal and functional—offers additional insight into the
Despite this strong convergence, these results stop amygdala’s influence on face perception. In our PPI
short of defining the amygdala’s specific role in face analysis, we observed that both right and left amygdala
processing. Moreover, these data are unlikely to deter- seeds showed a pattern of face-specific connectivity with
mine conclusively whether face-selective responses bilateral fusiform gyri, primary visual cortex, and right
observed in the amygdala are reflective of the visual dlPFC. This result is highly consistent with anatomical
properties of faces, attentional changes associated with work in nonhuman primates, which observes both
faces, the inherent social value of faces, or some com- reciprocal, long-range connections between amygdala
bination of these possibilities. That said, the amygdala’s and IT cortex, along with back-projections to striate and
connectivity—with both cortical and subcortical struc- extrastriate cortex (Amaral, Behniea, & Kelly, 2003;
tures—offers important context regarding its contribu- Amaral, Price, Pitkänen, & Carmichael, 1992). Further-
tions to face processing. more, our PPI analysis is in line with diffusion tensor
While correlational in nature, the results of the prin- imaging work in humans that also demonstrates strong
ciple components analysis described above suggest an connectivity between the amygdala and primary visual
intriguing dissociation between cortical and subcortical areas (Avidan, Hadj-Bouziane, Liu, Ungerleider, &

mende-siedlecki and todorov: the role of the amygdala in face processing 771
Behrmann, 2013; Catani, Jones, Donato, & Ffytche, et al., 1985; Nakamura et al., 1992; Sanghera et al.,
2003; Gschwind, Pourtois, Schwartz, van de Ville, & 1979), the face-selective regions observed in posterior
Vuilleumier, 2012; Pugliese et al., 2009). To exert its cortical areas seem to be much more homogenously
excitatory effects on sensory regions in the cortex, the composed of face-selective neurons (Tsao et al., 2006).
amygdala transmits through the nucleus basalis of A better understanding of the fundamental differences
Meynert, which maintains direct cholinergic projec- between cortical and subcortical aspects is critical
tions to the cortex (Kapp, Whalen, Supple, & Pascoe, for building a comprehensive neural model of face
1992; Whalen, 1998). Taken together, this profile of processing.
connectivity suggests that the amygdala is uniquely Convergent findings across multiple methods, para-
suited to rapidly process faces that are in some way digms, and species populations have robustly identified
behaviorally relevant and subsequently decrease the responses in the amygdala that are preferential for
sensory threshold in cortical regions (in this case, faces. Although additional investigations are needed to
primary visual areas), accelerating more fine-grained characterize the exact nature and purpose of the amyg-
aspects of face processing. dala’s contributions to face processing, there is ample
In identifying the amygdala’s precise contributions to evidence to suggest that the amygdala deserves consid-
face processing, future work must inevitably confront eration as a core face-selective region. The populations
additional open questions—with likely interrelated of face-selective neurons found within the amygdala are
answers. For example, standard fMRI’s spatial resolu- tasked with detecting and processing one of the most
tion makes it difficult to determine which amygdala important stimuli we social creatures can perceive—the
nuclei are responsible for the face-selective responses face.
we observed. The amygdala comprises many individual
subnuclei with varying functionality and connectivity REFERENCES
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67 The Cultural Neuroscience of
Human Perception

ABSTRACT Culture and the brain were once thought of as Bharucha, 2009; Chiao & Ambady, 2007; Han &
mutually exclusive views on behavioral variation—an idea that Northoff, 2008; Han et al., 2013; Kitayama & Park,
is changing with the emerging field of cultural neuroscience. 2010). Accumulating evidence for neuroplasticity and
In this chapter, we discuss recent research examining the
interplay of cultural and genetic factors on the neural bases
the coextension of culture and the brain has made clear
of human perception. We conclude that cultural experience that cultural and neural processes are not inherently
readily impacts basic mechanisms underlying perception, distinct objects of inquiry; instead, they may richly inter-
ranging from lower-level nonsocial domains (e.g., attentional act. A complete and accurate understanding of behav-
deployment and object perception) to higher-order social ioral variation requires the comprehensive study of
domains (e.g., emotion recognition and theory of mind).
these tandem processes.
More broadly, we discuss the promise and pitfalls of a cultural
neuroscience approach to psychological processes and Arguably, the human brain evolved to permit elabo-
explain how this multilevel approach can contribute to both rate social behavior, particularly so that such behavior
cognitive neuroscience as well as to social and cultural may be adapted to the social structures and patterns in
psychology. which individuals find themselves. Cultural neurosci-
ence is centered around the assumption of a bidirec-
tional relationship between culture and the brain:
the brain adapts to cultural processes, and cultural
The cultural neuroscience of human perception
processes adapt to neural constraints (Ambady &
Humans are biological systems embedded in larger Bharucha, 2009). As such, this burgeoning field aims to
social systems. We see, think, and act in the context of provide a fuller understanding of psychological phe-
others. We exist in cultural environments in which spe- nomena at multiple levels of analysis.
cific meanings, practices, and institutions organize our
perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral tendencies. In Neuroplasticity
spite of this fact, culture and the brain were once
thought of as mutually exclusive views on variation in Progress in the emerging field of cultural neuroscience
behavior and were subjects of study divided by relatively has been bolstered by accumulating evidence for
strict divisions across the natural and social sciences. neuroplasticity. The human brain has long been known
Although it is clear now that culture and social experi- to be intrinsically malleable, with environmental and
ence may readily shape brain function, this was not experiential factors determining both its function and
always the case. Even with respect to more general, structure. Occipital regions centrally involved in vision,
nonsocial experience, the broader field of cognitive for example, can be recruited to process sounds in
neuroscience early on was surprised by such influences blind individuals (Gougoux et al., 2009), and primary
on the brain. In the early 1990s, Posner (1993, p. 674) auditory cortex can be co-opted to process visual stimuli
remarked in Science: “If the neural systems used for a in deaf individuals (Finney et al., 2001). Thus, in the
given task can change with 15 minutes of practice … face of impairments, the brain is able to flexibly reor-
how can we any longer separate organic structures from ganize itself. Even beyond recovering from impair-
their experience in the organism’s history?” ments, recent evidence has documented the astounding
The answer, we now know, is simply that we cannot. flexibility of neural mechanisms to high-level social and
Recent research examining the neural mechanisms cultural experience.
underlying the effects of cultural experience on the Consider a study examining the influences of jug-
brain and, conversely, examining how the brain gling experience on neural activity. All participants
gives rise to cultural experience has led to the emer- lacked juggling experience; half were asked to teach
gence of a new field: cultural neuroscience (Ambady & themselves to be able to juggle for at least one minute

ambady and freeman: the cultural neuroscience of human perception 777

continuously, and were given three months to practice. understand the tuning of neural processes to the cul-
Following the three months, voxel-based morphometry tural environment. On the one hand, cultural mapping
revealed that those who had learned to juggle exhibited can show how the environments or cues of different
increased gray matter in two areas associated with visual cultures are processed differently by individuals from a
and motor activity—the mid-temporal area and the pos- given culture. Alternatively, culture mapping can show
terior intraparietal sulcus. After an additional three how the same environment or same cues are processed
months, during which the participants had stopped jug- differently by individuals from different cultures.
gling, these regions’ gray matter returned to original Culture mapping can also reveal how identical cues are
size (Draganski et al., 2004). In another study, expert processed differently across cultures.
male dancers underwent functional MRI (fMRI) while Once such multilevel cultural convergences and
watching videos of various dance moves. When viewing divergences are mapped out, the second, perhaps more
dance moves that the experts had been trained to challenging, goal of cultural neuroscience is to deter-
perform relative to moves they had not, the experts mine the actual sources or causes of these differences
showed greater activation in regions associated with the and similarities—that is, the goal of source analysis. By
mirror neuron system involved in the action simulation, and large, cultural neuroscience studies typically
including the premotor cortex, posterior intraparietal compare two different cultural groups (e.g., Americans
sulcus, and posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS; and Chinese), with the assumption that behavioral
Calvo-Merino, Glaser, Grezes, Passingham, & Haggard, and neural differences that arise are due to the wealth
2005). of cultural learning, experiences, and contexts that
Similar effects for experience and exposure on neural pervade the lives of those two groups. However, in some
activation were found in a study on taxi drivers in cases that assumption may be premature, as the cultural
London (Maguire et al., 2000). London taxi drivers factors may covary with genetic factors.
undergo extensive training over a two- to four-year Although the vast majority of genetic variation exists
period that involves learning, among other things, the within populations (∼93–95% of genetic variation;
layout of 25,000 streets in the city in order to obtain an Rosenberg et al., 2002), there is variation between pop-
operating license. Using voxel-based morphometry, ulations of different ancestral origins (∼3–5% of genetic
Maguire and colleagues found that the gray matter variation). Thus, it is possible that cognitive and neural
volume of the posterior hippocampus was enlarged and processes associated with specific genes that vary in
anterior hippocampus gray matter volume was reduced allelic frequency may show variable functioning across
in London taxi cab drivers, when compared with an populations, independent of cultural influences.
age-matched control group. Further, hippocampal Indeed, more than 70% of genes are expressed at the
volume was positively correlated with taxi-driving expe- neural level (Hariri, Drabant, & Weinberger, 2006).
rience. The longer the taxi drivers had driven in Thus, one major question in cultural neuroscience is
London, the greater the posterior hippocampal gray the extent to which behavioral and neural differences
matter volume and the more decreased the anterior across cultures arise due to cultural versus genetic
gray matter volume. This suggested that environmental factors, or their unique interaction (Chiao & Ambady,
demands and, specifically, spatial navigation experience 2007; Way & Lieberman, 2010).
due to one’s chosen occupation, dynamically shapes the There a number of genes important to brain and
structure of the hippocampus. Together, all these behavior that show variation in allelic frequency across
studies show that the brain continually adapts to the geographical regions, including the serotonin trans-
cultural environment and is plastic with respect to both porter (5-HTTLPR) and dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4)
its function and structure. Such work has been critical exon III polymorphisms. For example, evidence
in providing a foundation for a neuroscience of culture. indicates that the S allele of 5-HTTLPR is associated
with increased negative emotion and heightened
Culture mapping and source analysis anxiety, and the S allele is more prevalent in East Asian
populations (e.g., 70–80% S carriers) relative to other
There are two overarching goals of the emerging field nations (e.g., 50% or less S carriers). Recently, Chiao
of cultural neuroscience (Ambady & Bharucha, 2009). and Blizinsky (2010) examined the prevalence of
The first goal is for researchers to map out the differ- 5-HTTLPR in different countries and correlated the
ences and similarities across cultures at the behavioral relative proportion of short and long alleles in each
and neural levels—that is, the goal of cultural mapping. population with a measure of individualism and
The majority of past research in cultural neurosci- collectivism for each country. Overall, Western societies
ence fits within the purview of this goal, seeking to tend to be characterized by independence and

778 social neuroscience and emotion

individualism, emphasizing individuals’ goals and to perceive objects and scenes as wholes and to pay
achievements. East Asian societies, on the other hand, attention to contextual information (referred to as
tend to be more interdependent and collectivist, holistic perception), whereas Westerners are more
emphasizing relationships, and roles. Chiao and likely to perceive objects and scenes according to their
Blizinsky found that 5-HTTLPR S carriers were consid- distinct parts and ignore contextual information
erably more prevalent in collectivistic relative to indi- (referred to as analytic perception; Nisbett et al., 2001;
vidualistic populations. Counterintuitively, however, Nisbett & Miyamoto, 2005).
collectivist populations contain considerably fewer
depressed individuals, while having an increased fre- Object Perception Overall, Americans engage in
quency of the 5-HTTLPR short allele linked to height- more analytic perception and Japanese engage in more
ened anxiety and depression. Chiao and Blizinsky holistic perception. The framed-line test (Kitayama
argued that this seeming paradox may be explained by et al., 2003) has been especially useful in demonstrating
cultural ideology and norms of collectivism that act as how these two cultures shape divergent patterns of
a buffer and provide social support in those popula- visual perception and attentional deployment. In the
tions. This interpretation is tentative but suggests that framed-line test, participants are shown a square figure
the unique interplay of cultural and genetic factors may with a vertical line hanging from its top edge (but not
have a profound impact on brain and behavior. spanning the entire height of the square), located in
the horizontal center. After briefly inspecting this
Human perception arrangement, participants are shown a new square
figure of a different size. In the absolute condition,
Cultural psychologists have long documented that participants are asked to draw a line in this new square
culture can exert a deep influence on the way individu- that is identical in absolute length to the vertical line
als think and behave. Culture influences how we per- previously seen. In the relative condition, however, they
ceive ourselves and others (Markus & Kitayama, 1991) are asked to draw a line that has identical proportion
as well as how we perceive and interpret more basic, to the context (i.e., the surrounding square frame) as
lower-level visual and perceptual cues. Some of the that of the vertical line previously seen. Thus, perfor-
biggest strides in cultural neuroscience have come from mance in the absolute task depends on analytic process-
the domain of human visual perception. ing of a salient stimulus and characteristics that are
Two cultures whose social structure and practices independent of context. Performance in the relative
differ considerably in such a way as to influence visual task, however, depends on holistic processing that
processing are Western culture and East Asian culture. includes the surrounding square frame, and the rela-
As mentioned, Western societies tend to be more indi- tionship between the salient stimulus and its context.
vidualist and independent, whereas East Asian societies Consistently, Americans perform better in the absolute
tend to be more collectivist and interdependent. These task than in the relative task, whereas Japanese show the
two different sociocultural systems are known to give reverse pattern, performing better in the relative task
rise to dissimilar patterns of cognition (Nisbett, Peng, than in the absolute task (Kitayama et al., 2003).
Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001). Recent work has shown Building on these behavioral findings, Hedden and
that these systems are also likely to influence visual colleagues (2008) examined neural activity during this
attention to aspects of the environment (e.g., Kitayama, task using fMRI. Participants were asked to judge the
Duffy, Kawamura, & Larsen, 2003; Masuda & Nisbett, size of a vertical line either incorporating (relative con-
2001). Specifically, practices and ideas in Western soci- dition) or ignoring (absolute) contextual information,
eties tend to require separating objects from their con- the surrounding square frame. Results revealed cultural
texts and interpreting independent and absolute aspects variation in neural responses to the extent that distinct
of environmental stimuli (i.e., analytic thinking). Prac- brain regions were recruited to perform the relative
tices and ideas in East Asian societies, however, tend to and absolute line judgment tasks in relation to the per-
require interpreting objects in conjunction with their ceiver’s culture. Participants recruited frontal and pari-
context and understanding the relatedness among envi- etal regions associated with attentional control to a
ronmental stimuli (i.e., holistic thinking). In contrast, greater extent when engaged in a task that was incon-
Western societies (emphasizing independence) place gruent with their cultural patterns. Thus, activity in
more value on salient objects and one’s own relation- frontoparietal regions increased when people of East
ship to those objects. This should lead to Westerners Asian descent ignored contextual information and
directing more attention to these, without as much people of European descent incorporated contextual
concern for context. Indeed, East Asians are more likely information during line size judgments. Moreover, the

ambady and freeman: the cultural neuroscience of human perception 779

degree of activation during the incongruent relative to it has been proposed for over two decades that one’s
the congruent judgment task was negatively correlated cultural background may influence the recognition of
with degree of individualism in people of European others’ emotions (Lutz & White, 1986). Thus, one ques-
descent and the degree of acculturation in people of tion of interest to cultural neuroscientists is whether
East Asian descent. Thus, the brain’s attentional network members of a given culture exhibit a selective ability to
was more strongly engaged by culturally nonpreferred recognize the emotions of members of one’s own
perceptual judgments. This line of work also illustrates culture. It is possible that acculturation leads to the
how cultural experience modulates the function of unique tuning of the perceptual system to emotional
neural mechanisms in a sensitive, graded fashion. expressions of other members of that same culture.
Beyond somewhat simplistic line and frame stimuli, Elfenbein and Ambady (2002b) conducted a meta-
Gutchess, Welsh, Boduroglu, and Park (2006) con- analysis of studies involving face emotion-recognition
verged on similar results in higher-level object percep- tasks across multiple cultures. Indeed, analysis of the
tion. East Asian Americans and non-Asian Americans results from these studies led to the conclusion that
performed a task involving the recognition of complex individuals are better at recognizing own-culture expres-
pictures showing an object against a background while sions relative to other-culture expressions, pointing to
their neural responses were measured using fMRI. East a robust cultural specificity in emotion recognition.
Asian Americans and non-Asian Americans performed An early cultural neuroscience study examined the
equally well but recruited distinct brain regions during neural basis of this cultural specificity. American and
the task. Non-Asian Americans showed more activation Japanese participants were presented with American
in the object-processing areas in the ventral visual and Japanese faces exhibiting angry, fearful, happy, or
cortex than did the East Asians, who showed more acti- neutral expressions. Both American and Japanese par-
vation in the left occipital and fusiform areas associated ticipants showed a significantly greater bilateral amyg-
with perceptual analysis. Goh and colleagues (2007) dala response to the perception of fear faces when
also found that elderly East Asian, Singaporean partici- posed by same-culture, ingroup members as compared
pants showed less of an fMRI adaptation response in to fear expressions posed by other-culture, outgroup
object-processing areas compared to older Western members. Thus, American participants showed a stron-
adults. Westerners who were presented with images of ger amygdala response to fearful American faces, and
an object showed reduced neural activation to the Japanese participants showed a stronger amygdala
object with subsequent presentations, indicating that response to fearful Japanese faces. No significant differ-
they had adapted to seeing the object. In contrast, East ences were observed for anger, happy, or neutral expres-
Asians continued to show an equally strong neural sions (Chiao et al., 2008). One possible explanation for
response during subsequent presentations of the same these results is that a fear expression may have particu-
object, with all iterations showing a response as if they lar communicative value for ingroup members because
were seeing the object for the first time. These findings it provides information about dangers in the environ-
suggest that Westerners allocate greater attention to ment that might be especially relevant to them. In addi-
objects than do East Asians, whose attention may be tion, expressions of fear may be particularly valuable for
directed elsewhere (such as to the background). eliciting the help of others (Marsh, Kozak, & Ambady,
Thus, a perceiver’s cultural background shapes the 2007). Recognizing fear signals from ingroup members
neural mechanisms underlying the perception of might motivate helping behavior and contribute to the
objects and their surrounding context in a manner success and survival of the group. Thus, the amygdala
adaptive for the values of one’s culture. Culture equips exhibits selective responses to own-culture fear displays,
individuals with different perceptual strategies that are providing a neural correlate of the cultural specificity
evident at the behavioral and neural levels. in emotion recognition.
A more recent study found that culture influences
Emotion Perception Successfully reading others’ neural responses to fear faces depending on the direc-
emotions is important because they avail the perceiver tion of gaze. In Western cultures, eye gaze is generally
with information about upcoming behaviors or envi- seen as a sign of respect (Argyle, 1976). A failure to
ronmental conditions. As others’ facial expressions make eye contact may therefore be seen as disingenu-
warn and ready perceivers for impending action, and ous. In East Asian cultures, however, direct eye contact
because such actions are most likely to happen within can be perceived as impolite and inappropriate. In
one’s culture, the emotions that are most ecologically these cultures, averted eye gaze, especially downward
relevant are those that are expressed by members of shifts in gaze, is generally perceived as respectful (Knapp
one’s own culture (Weisbuch & Ambady, 2008). Indeed, & Hall, 2002). Eye gaze also affects the perception of

780 social neuroscience and emotion

emotions. For instance, Adams and Kleck (2003, 2005) an overall behavioral difference across two cultures,
found that direct relative to averted gaze affected per- one set of neural mechanisms may exhibit an analogous
ceptions of approach-oriented emotional facial expres- difference in responding, whereas other mechanisms
sions (e.g., anger and joy) by facilitating speed of may exhibit a cultural convergence.
processing and increasing recognition accuracy. Averted Such simultaneous convergence and divergence was
relative to direct gaze, on the other hand, exerted a also observed in a study by Freeman, Rule, Adams, and
similar influence on the perception of avoidance- Ambady (2009). American and Japanese participants
oriented emotions (e.g., fear and sadness). Within the were presented with figural outlines of dominant and
same culture, a differential neural response in the subordinate bodily displays (figure 67.1A). In response
amygdala has also been found to direct-gaze as com- to the same bodily cues, reward-related mesolimbic
pared to averted-gaze emotional faces (Adams, Gordon, regions including the head of the caudate nucleus,
Baird, Ambady, & Kleck, 2003). bilaterally, and a dorsal aspect of the medial prefrontal
In one recent fMRI study, both Japanese and US cortex showed a mirror-image pattern of responding
participants showed stronger neural activation to same- across the two cultures. Specifically, the caudate and
culture fear faces with averted gaze and other-culture medial prefrontal cortex showed stronger responses to
fear faces with direct gaze in several areas of the brain dominant displays in Americans, whereas these same
associated with face, gaze, and emotion processing such regions showed stronger responses to subordinate dis-
as the bilateral fusiform gyri, the left caudate, and the plays in Japanese individuals (figure 67.1B). Further,
right insula (Adams, Franklin, et al., 2010). Interest- the magnitude of activation in these regions was related
ingly, however, all participants showed greater activa- to self-reported dominant or subordinate behavioral
tion in face-processing areas, such as the bilateral tendencies. These mesolimbic regions are typically acti-
fusiform gyri, to direct relative to averted gaze when vated by rewarding and motivationally significant
displayed on Japanese faces, whereas the opposite was stimuli, and in responding to such stimuli they help to
true for US Caucasian faces. This finding suggests that coordinate learning and behavior. This finding suggests
both Japanese and US Caucasian participants may share that perceiving other individuals’ nonverbal power dis-
a common understanding of the distinct cultural mean- plays triggers reward-related responses that may help
ings associated with gaze behavior. In this case, partici- contribute to high-level social behaviors. Moreover, the
pants from both cultural groups showed greater results demonstrate additional neural correlates of the
activation to incongruous eye gaze behaviors, based on individualism characteristic of Americans, emphasizing
what is generally considered most culturally appropri- dominance and elevation of the self, versus the collec-
ate. This finding indicates that social expectations and tivism characteristic of Japanese individuals, emphasiz-
cultural norms may be transmitted and processed con- ing deference and obligation to others, elevation of
sistently across different cultures. Further, underlying one’s social group, and subordination.

Figure 67.1 Cultural specificity to (A) dominant and subordinate figural outlines in (B) caudate and dorsal medial prefrontal
cortex (mPFC) response. (Adapted from Freeman et al., 2009.) (See color plate 56.)

ambady and freeman: the cultural neuroscience of human perception 781

Mind Perception Beyond recognizing expressions of Tranel, 2002). Adams et al. (2010) found that own-
the face or body, the ability to understand others’ culture “reading the mind in the eyes” judgments more
thoughts is one of the most defining attributes of strongly engaged the STS, a region important to social
human behavior (e.g., Saxe & Baron-Cohen, 2006). It inferences and theory of mind. Specifically, American
is often referred to as “theory of mind,” since it requires participants showed stronger bilateral STS activity when
theorizing that others have minds like one’s own and inferring the mental states of American targets, and
that one may therefore be able to use one’s own mind Japanese participants showed stronger bilateral STS
to understand what is occurring in others’ minds (see activity when inferring the mental states of Japanese
Gallagher & Frith, 2003, for a review). Naturally, the targets (figure 67.2). Thus, culture equips its perceivers
ability to infer the internal states of others’ minds is with a culturally tuned ability to infer others’ mental
susceptible to broader cultural influences. states, reflected in activity of the STS. In this case, the
Kobayashi, Glover, and Temple (2007) examined eyes of different cultures are differentially processing in
theory of mind by using false-belief and cartoon tasks the STS, with preference for one’s own culture.
with 8- to 12-year-old American and Japanese children
while measuring their brain responses using fMRI. In a Conclusion
typical false-belief task, someone places an object into
a cupboard in the presence of an observer. The observer The emergence of cultural neuroscience thus far has
then leaves and the object is moved from the cupboard allowed for a deeper understanding of the processes
to another location. The test, then, is to see whether underlying human perception. This new field has shed
the child will understand that the observer still thinks light on the nature of cross-cultural similarities and dif-
the object is in the original location—the cupboard ferences previously observed in behavioral work, and
(since this is where the observer saw it placed) or if the extended our understanding of the phenomena to the
child will mistakenly apply his or her own knowledge neural level. We reviewed evidence showing that culture
about the object’s true, current location. A child with a shapes basic perceptual processes at varying levels of
theory of mind should be able to take the perspective complexity and across both nonsocial and social
of the observer and assume the observer will look for domains. We highlighted how aspects of the sociocul-
the object in the cupboard. The study found activation tural environment shape perceptual processing and
in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and precuneus give rise to culturally specific behavioral and neural
across both groups of children, suggesting these areas responses. Much of this research involved identifying
are important for universal understanding of intention- the neural correlates of established cross-cultural differ-
ality. But there was also evidence of cultural specificity ences in perception. As discussed earlier, however, there
in other brain areas. Japanese children showed stronger is an increasing focus on the interplay of genetic and
activation in the inferior frontal gyrus, similar to Japa- cultural factors; we expect this can only continue, as the
nese adults in a previous study by the same group. Thus, role of culture-gene interactions becomes easier to
the neural substrates underlying the understanding of examine with methodological advances and increases
others’ intentions do seem to be affected by culture. A in the ability to measure genetic polymorphisms.
more recent study was able to clarify these findings. In addition, a cultural neuroscience approach to
Behavioral data suggests that people are better at human perception holds great potential for an increased
reading the minds of others from their own cultures as understanding of how culture influences behavior, the
compared to those from other cultures (Adams, Rule, mind, and the brain more broadly. For instance, one
et al., 2010). The “reading the mind in the eyes” test way to examine plasticity is to examine how the brain
involves presenting participants with cropped photo- changes with exposure to a new culture. Examining the
graphs of faces so that only the eyes are visible and was unique effects of acculturation in immigrants and how
developed by Baron-Cohen and his colleagues (Baron- cultural influences manifest at the neural level in bicul-
Cohen, Wheelwright, Hill, Raste, & Plump 2001). Par- tural and multicultural individuals will be of great
ticipants have to choose from adjectives that best importance. Interestingly, there might be critical
describe the target’s mental state. This task is believed stages—stages of development during which the brain
to require the perceiver to take the perspective of the is more likely to change than other stages—that future
target in order to infer his or her state of mind. Indi- research could address (Han et al., 2013). Cultural neu-
viduals who lack mental inference abilities (such as roscience shows promise in helping not only to under-
patients with neurological damage) show severe impair- stand the neural basis of psychological processes, but
ment in choosing which adjectives best describe the also in helping to uncover the plasticity of the brain’s
targets’ mental states (Adolphs, Baron-Cohen, & response to its culture and environment.

782 social neuroscience and emotion

Figure 67.2 Cultural specificity in (A) left and (B) right reading the mind in the eyes (RME) task. (Adapted from
posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) response to the Adams et al., 2009.) (See color plate 57.)

That being said, there are a number of logistical on a broad range of perceptual phenomena at multi-
challenges in conducting research in the area of cul- ple levels of analysis, from lower-level attention to
tural neuroscience. Attention must be paid to ensure higher-order social processes. Advances in concepts
proper control is implemented, given differing and methodology in cognitive neuroscience provide a
scanner sites. Further, almost all the recent discoveries solid foundation for examining the mutual interplay
in cognitive neuroscience have come from richer of cultural, neural, and genetic forces throughout the
industrialized nations. For example, to our knowledge, life span.
there have been no studies in cultural neuroscience in Historically, psychology has vacillated in its focus; at
Africa, South America, or the Middle East. Within the some times, popular approaches focus on influences of
field of psychology, 95% of psychological samples learning, experience, and culture, and at other times
come from countries with only 12% of the world’s they focus on innateness and fixity. Like most dichoto-
population (Arnett, 2008), typically Western industrial- mies, rarely does either side provide a full and complete
ized nations (Henrich et al., 2010). Within the field of characterization of the phenomenon. Theoretical and
human neuroimaging alone, 90% of peer-reviewed empirical work identifying the various factors underly-
neuroimaging studies come from Western countries ing what is learned and what is innate and how they
(Chiao & Ambady, 2007). Nevertheless, the cultural interact will be critical, and the cultural neuroscience
neuroscience framework represents an unprecedented approach would seem highly promising in this regard.
opportunity to link human diversity across multiple The cultural neuroscience approach provides the excit-
levels of analysis, from genes and brain to mind and ing opportunity to examine the mutual interplay of
behavior. As outlined throughout this chapter, it is culture and biology across multiple levels of analysis,
revealing novel insights into the influences of culture from genes and brain to mind and behavior, and

ambady and freeman: the cultural neuroscience of human perception 783

ultimately to move toward a more complete and accu- in grey matter induced by training. Nature, 427(6972),
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported, in part, by a
advantage in emotion recognition? Psychol Bull,
National Institutes of Health R01 MH070833-01A1 grant. Cor- 128(11931518), 243–249.
respondence should be addressed to Nalini Ambady, Depart- Finney, E. M., Fine, I., & Dobkins, K. R. (2001). Visual stimuli
ment of Psychology, Stanford University, Jordan Hall, Bldg. activate auditory cortex in the deaf. Nat Neurosci, 4(12),
420, Stanford, CA 94305. Email: [email protected]. 1171–1173.
Freeman, J. B., Rule, N. O., Adams, R. B., Jr., & Ambady, N.
(2009). Culture shapes a mesolimbic response to signals of
dominance and subordination that associates with behav-
ior. NeuroImage, 47(1), 353–359.
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ambady and freeman: the cultural neuroscience of human perception 785

Chapter 68 KREIMAN 791






74 BLANKE 865

75 HAGGARD 875

Scientists are finally approaching the relationship

between the brain and consciousness in several comple-
mentary ways. Over the past 20 years, many have
attempted to identify the neural correlates of conscious-
ness (NCC)—the minimal neuronal mechanisms jointly
sufficient for any one specific conscious percept. For
example, one can examine how brain activity changes
when a sensory stimulus is experienced or not, every-
thing else being held as similar as possible. In his
chapter, Kreiman illustrates what can be learned
through such an approach using binocular rivalry as a
case study. He then moves on to consider what we know
about the NCC of voluntary actions, which have now
been investigated using electroencephalography (EEG),
functional MRI (fMRI), and intracranial recordings of
neuronal activity.
A complementary strategy is to consider conditions
in which consciousness is globally diminished and ask
what has changed in the brain. The chapter by
Massimini considers the loss of consciousness that
occurs in dreamless sleep, in general anesthesia, and
after massive brain lesions. Recent work using transcra-
nial magnetic stimulation and high-density EEG shows
that level of consciousness can be measured objectively,
without requiring behavioral reports, by considering to
what extent brain activity is both integrated and differ-
entiated across these diverse conditions and in indi-
vidual subjects. Demertzi and Laureys examine in detail
how a combination of careful clinical tests, passive para-
digms that use EEG, positron emission tomography,
fMRI, and a combination of transcranial magnetic stim-
ulation and EEG to evaluate brain responses to sensory
stimuli, and active paradigms that examine the neural
responses to commands in behaviorally unresponsive

TONONI: introduction 789

patients, can shed light on level of consciousness. understanding of what awareness of the body contrib-
Blumenfeld summarizes what we have learned about utes to consciousness itself, and of how one can distin-
how and when consciousness is lost in epileptic seizures guish the awareness of one’s body (self-identification),
such as absences, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and of where it is in space (self-location), and from where
complex partial seizures. This is an area of study that one perceives the world (first-person perspective).
was nearly nonexistent even 10 years ago, but has by The chapter by Haggard examines instead the way
now revealed a remarkable diversity of individual differ- awareness of agency—the intentional initiation and
ences in the way consciousness changes during a seizure execution of actions—relates to the underlying brain
and in underlying mechanisms. mechanisms, both in experimental settings and in path-
A further strategy is to try to distinguish conscious- ological conditions. He also evaluates what our growing
ness and its neural correlates from other aspects of understanding of the control of intention, decision
cognition, both conceptually and experimentally. making, action, and movement says about free will and
Tsuchiya and Koch make a strong case for a double social responsibility.
dissociation between consciousness and attention. They A final strategy that should complement experimen-
also point out that some putative NCC may actually be tal and clinical studies is the development of a theoreti-
related to stimulus processing or response preparation cal framework that clarifies what consciousness is, how
rather than to consciousness itself. This is a conceptual it can be generated by a physical system, and how it can
distinction that will certainly promote new experimen- be measured. This brings us back to the chapter by
tal paradigms and lead to much-needed refinements. Massimini, which proposes a theoretically motivated
Kouider and Sackur address another classic distinction measure of level of consciousness and tests theoretical
in consciousness research—that between phenomenal predictions against data from clinical and experimental
and access consciousness. They argue instead for a neuroscience. Altogether, the section on consciousness
unified framework in which consciousness is pragmati- shows clearly how much we have learned since the days
cally identified with access to cognitive content, but when research on consciousness was nearly barred from
access itself can be more or less partial, and discuss the psychology and neuroscience or banished to the after-
underlying neural mechanisms. In Blanke’s survey, one thoughts of a textbook, pointing to a future in which
sees clearly how a combination of neuroimaging with consciousness may instead regain its central seat in the
clinical and behavioral studies has already refined our cognitive neurosciences.

790 consciousness
68 Neural Correlates of Consciousness:
Perception and Volition

ABSTRACT Consciousness is the result of interactions among theorems. An elegant theoretical framework to define
neuronal networks in our brains. Although our mechanistic when, how, and why a given circuit of neurons can give
understanding of consciousness remains tentative, the last two rise to consciousness whereas an apparently similar
decades have seen intense and increasing efforts aimed
toward elucidating the neural circuits and spatiotemporal
circuit or ensemble firing pattern does not has been
dynamics underlying certain aspects of conscious experience. proposed by Tononi. The theory proposes that “the
Experimental paradigms such as those involving bistable per- level of consciousness of a physical system is related
ception (wherein a constant stimulus can give rise to different to the repertoire of causal states (information) available
percepts), combined with neurophysiological recordings and to the system as a whole (integration)” (2004, p. 253,
computational theories, have provided hints at neuronal
emphasis in original). This theoretical framework can
signals that correlate with subjective perception. It is also
revealing to determine which firing patterns do not correlate help distinguish why some physical systems may experi-
with consciousness or which ones correlate with preconscious ence consciousness while others do not, which species
sensations. Both nonconscious and preconscious signals have can experience consciousness, why different neuronal
been described in perceptual studies as well as in studies of circuits show distinct contributions to consciousness,
volitional decisions. Discriminating neuronal activity linked to
and even why different activity patterns in the same
internal perceptual changes in the absence of external
changes provides empirical constraints and initial glimpses neuronal circuit may show different correlations with
into how signaling cascades in the brain can give rise to conscious experience.
consciousness. To formulate a principled strategy to begin to inves-
tigate the problem of which aspects of brain function
correlate with specific contents of conscious sensations
The phenomenological feeling of consciousness is central and which do not, Crick and Koch (1990) defined the
to our moment-to-moment experiences. What we see, neural correlates of consciousness (NCC). The NCC
hear, feel, or reminisce forms the content of conscious represents a “minimal set of neuronal events and mech-
sensations. Most scientists would agree that conscious- anisms sufficient for a specific conscious percept”
ness is ultimately encoded and orchestrated by the activ- (Koch, 2005). Over the last two decades, growing enthu-
ity of neurons in the brain, but the elucidation of where, siasm and blossoming efforts have capitalized on tools
when, how, and why neural ensemble dynamics lead to to interrogate brain activity at the circuit level in order
consciousness remains a deep and fundamental mystery. to take initial steps toward investigating the NCC.
Our brains are physical entities. In many ways, the There are multiple fascinating aspects of conscious
chemical components of brains are similar to those experience that need to be explained. We focus the
encountered in plants and trees and distinct from those discussion here on two of them, sensory perception and
in chairs and tables. An important distinguishing volition. With some degree of approximation, we can
feature of the organization of the chemical components think of these as representative of brain input and
in our brains is the existence of interconnected output, respectively. We aim to provide an overview of
neurons—yet interconnected neural circuits are also the advances, difficulties, experiments, and theories
present in Caenorhabditis elegans and related worms. that have shaped the discussions around the relation-
Whether the neuronal circuits in worms lead to con- ship between neural activity and conscious perception
scious sensations somewhat akin to the ones experi- in a few specific instances, which we cover more thor-
enced by humans is not clear. Out of the bewildering oughly at the expense of other themes in the field. In
complexity (Tononi, 2004; Tononi & Edelman, 1998) doing so, we are not doing justice to a large body of
that results from vast numbers of interconnected heroic efforts. We refer the reader to several reviews
neurons arises the feelings of love and pain and the (see Baars, 1989; Blanke, 2012; Blumenfeld, 2011;
capacity to plan our future and prove new mathematical Cotterill, 2001; Crick, Koch, Kreiman, & Fried, 2004;

kreiman: neural correlates of consciousness: perception and volition 791

Dehaene & Changeux, 2011; Jackendoff, 1987; Kim & to this proposal, how the NCC is activated is not
Blake, 2005; Koch, 2005; Kouider & Dehaene, 2007; relevant; detection of the NCC implies eliciting
Logothetis, 1998; Metzinger, 2000; Rees, Kreiman, & percept P.
Koch, 2002; Posner, 1994; Searle, 1998, 2005; Singer, This set of requirements implies that we should be
1998; Tononi, 2005; Tononi & Koch, 2011). able to “read out” percepts P by interrogating neural
activity patterns. We should only be able to detect NCC
Articulating a set of requisites to guide the search whenever the subject experiences P. Detecting the NCC
for neural correlates of consciousness in the absence of percept P or vice versa would violate
(1–4). Violations of (1–4) suggest that we have not fully
It is helpful to ponder what it would take to understand captured the NCC. Admittedly, this is a tall order.
the neural circuits that orchestrate a given aspect of
consciousness. For the sake of argument, let us consider Consciousness and perception
a given putative NCC for a certain percept P. The puta-
tive NCC could take the form of activity from a particu- We focus here on the quest to characterize the neuronal
lar subset of neurons, in a specific brain area, at a circuits involved in eliciting visual percepts because
certain time point and with a structured firing pattern there has been more work in this domain. Several
(Koch, 2005). We discuss below what we do and do not aspects of the discussion here will also be applicable
know about those neurons, areas, times, and patterns; to other sensory modalities, and perhaps even to
for the moment, we refer to these as putative NCC for other aspects of conscious experience. Following on the
short. We are also not specifying what the percept P is. definition outlined above for the NCC, we seek to
As an example and to frame the discussion, consider describe the correlates of a specific visual percept (say,
the perception of a given face. What sort of evidence seeing a particular face) in terms of specific brain
would reinforce our belief in a certain activity pattern areas, neuronal types, ensemble activity patterns, and
to be part of the NCC? To a reasonable first-order timing.
approximation, we can borrow from the articulation of Visual inputs are rapidly transformed into conscious
requisites to correlate neurophysiological responses perception. Visual signals impinging on the retinae go
with behavior (Parker & Newsome, 1998): through a cascade of processes that lead to perception
(1) Activity in the putative NCC should correlate in a fraction of a second (Blumberg & Kreiman, 2010;
with the percept P. The putative NCC should be elicited Hung, Kreiman, Poggio, & DiCarlo, 2005; Lamme &
by any situation that leads to percept P (e.g., presenta- Roelfsema, 2000; Liu, Agam, Madsen, & Kreiman, 2009;
tion of stimulus P, visual imagery of P, dreaming about Logothetis & Sheinberg, 1996; Schmolesky et al., 1998;
P, perception of P during a bistable perception or a Thorpe, Fize, & Marlot, 1996; VanRullen & Thorpe,
masking experiment, etc.). 2002). When exactly perception arises along this rapid
(2) Conversely, the putative NCC should not be and approximately hierarchical sequence of steps
elicited by situations that do not lead to percept P remains unclear (Baars, 1989; Fisch et al., 2009; Koch,
regardless of the presence or absence of P (e.g., presen- 2005). A rough outline of the brain areas and pathways
tation of a different percept Q , perception of Q during involved in this cascade has been documented through
a bistable perception test even when the stimulus that anatomical and physiological studies, particularly
would otherwise lead to P may be present on the screen, in monkeys (Bullier, 2001; Felleman & Van Essen,
etc.). Note that the same neurons can still be involved 1991). Significant efforts are currently being directed
in representing P and not P as long as the NCC as a toward describing these cascades in rodents (Wang &
whole is correlated only with P. Burkhalter, 2007). Due to the difficulties inherent in
(3) No NCC, no consciousness. If we somehow anatomical mapping and neurophysiological record-
abolish the activity related to the NCC, we expect to ings, much less is known about the architecture of the
observe a concomitant impairment in consciousness. human visual system.
Abolishing activity could take the form of a deliberate Information from the retina is needed to trigger a
lesion in animal models, a certain neurological condi- visual percept, yet several arguments suggest that we are
tion in patients, pharmacological interventions, optoge- not directly aware of the activity of neurons in our
netic interventions, and so on. retinae. Investigators have argued that one of the
(4) Activation of the NCC should lead to the requirements for the NCC is that of an explicit represen-
percept P. This activation could be caused by presenta- tation. A set of neurons is said to explicitly represent a
tion of an external stimulus, electrical stimulation, certain aspect of information y if an accurate estimate
optogenetic techniques, or any other means. According of y can be obtained by a one-layer network acting on

792 consciousness
the output of those neurons (Koch, 2005). Information Experimental Paradigms As we ascend through the
about local contrast changes is explicitly encoded in the visual hierarchy, neuronal responses become more
retina. Information about the presence or absence of a sophisticated, and the neurons’ firing preferences grad-
face is not explicitly encoded in the retina (even though ually begin to acquire some of the properties that we
the information can be decoded from retinal activity associate with our subjective visual percepts (Connor,
through a cascade of multiple operations). Several Brincat, & Pasupathy, 2007; Logothetis & Sheinberg,
aspects of the properties of retinal photoreceptors 1996; Tanaka, 1996). The arguments used above to rule
argue against their explicit representation of conscious out a role for the retina or LGN in conscious perception
information: (1) retinal photoreceptors can follow lose their weight, and there is a need to use more
rapid spatiotemporal changes that we are not aware of sophisticated experimental paradigms in an attempt to
(e.g., a monitor’s refresh rate); (2) there are no photo- dissociate perception and sensory inputs. Common to
receptors at the blind spot, but we do not see a hole in many of these empirical approaches is to consider two
the corresponding location in an image; (3) there is no conditions in which the external inputs are identical,
feedback to the retina from other parts of the brain; where other internal variables are as similar as possible
(4) visual percepts can be elicited through imagery or and the percepts are different (Kim & Blake, 2005).
dreaming in the absence of retinal activation; (5) the Consider the famous Necker cube (figure 68.1), which
type of visual information that we are typically con- can be perceived in two different configurations. Let us
scious of cannot be decoded in a single step from the assume that fixation, attention, arousal, and other vari-
retina; (6) retinal photoreceptors show major activity ables are identical in two trials in which the viewer
changes in response to multiple small eye movements perceives the two different possible configurations
that we constantly make and that we are completely (figure 68.1B, C). By assumption (identical fixation),
unaware of. Similar comments can be made about the retinal activity should be similar in both trials (except
output cells in the retina (retinal ganglion cells) as well that neurons are capricious and may not show the exact
as their target cells in the thalamus (within the lateral same spiking pattern in two seemingly identical trials,
geniculate nucleus, or LGN). Several, but not all, of not even in the retina; see, e.g., Van Steveninck, Lewen,
these arguments are also pertinent in the case of Strong, Koberle, & Bialek, 1997). Yet, for the percept
primary visual cortex (V1; Crick & Koch, 1995; Leopold, to be distinct in the two conditions, something must be
2012). different in the brain.

Figure 68.1 Example of bistable percepts. (A) The Necker predominantly red lines (B2). (C) Binocular rivalry. When
cube can be interpreted in two possible configurations (A1 presenting different stimuli to each eye, subjects report a
and A2). Upon viewing the Necker cube, subjects can volun- percept that alternates between the two inputs (C1, C2) in a
tarily switch from one configuration to the other (bottom). seemingly random fashion. During binocular rivalry, it is dif-
(B) Monocular rivalry. Upon fixating on the grid of horizontal ficult to voluntarily switch between the two percepts. (See
red lines and vertical blue lines, subjects report a percept color plate 58.)
that alternates between predominantly blue lines (B1) and

kreiman: neural correlates of consciousness: perception and volition 793

We know almost nothing about what changes in perception. The psychophysics of binocular rivalry and
cortex when perception switches while viewing the the variables that govern dominance and alterations
Necker cube. A few other paradigms have proven more have been carefully studied (Alais & Blake, 2005).
fruitful for investigation. We focus below on discussing Which neuronal changes accompany the perceptual
bistable percepts, including binocular rivalry (Blake & changes evident upon viewing bistable stimuli? Access
Logothetis, 2002), flash suppression (Wilke, Logothetis, to neuronal responses in the human brain is rather
& Leopold, 2003; Wolfe, 1984), and structure from limited (Engel, Moll, Fried, & Ojemann, 2005; Kreiman,
motion (Bradley, Chang, & Andersen, 1998). Several 2007; Mukamel & Fried, 2012); most neurophysiologi-
other experimental paradigms have been examined, cal studies of binocular rivalry to date have focused
including near-threshold or degraded stimulation, on examining responses in macaque monkeys. Before
visual crowding, visual masking (Kouider & Dehaene, delving into the neurophysiological responses in
2007; Macknik, 2006), and different forms of transiently macaque monkeys, it is important to ask whether
induced “blindness” such as motion-induced blindness monkeys perceive bistable stimuli in the same way that
(Bonneh, Cooperman, & Sagi, 2001), inattentional humans do. Because it is difficult to access subjective
blindness (Rees, Russell, Frith, & Driver, 1999), change experiences in monkeys, investigators have used inge-
blindness (O’Regan, Rensink, & Clark, 1999; Simons & nious controls and behavioral measurements to evalu-
Rensink, 2005), and the attentional blink (Raymond, ate perceptual alternations while monkeys view bistable
Shapiro, & Arnell, 1992; Sergent, Baillet, & Dehaene, stimuli. For example, embedded within a binocular
2005). rivalry experiment are catch trials consisting of mon-
ocular stimulus presentation where there is no ambigu-
Neurophysiological Changes Correlated with ity about what the behavioral responses should be.
Bistable Percepts Several experimental paradigms Throughout these studies, the answer is consistently
exploit the observation that our brains impose a single that monkeys seem to perceive changes in the interpre-
interpretation on the outside world at any given time tation of bistable stimuli in the same way that humans
(figure 68.1). In cases where the visual input is ambigu- do (Libedinsky, Savage, & Livingstone, 2009; Macknik
ous and is compatible with two (or more) different & Livingstone, 1998; Myerson, Miezin, & Allman, 1981;
possible interpretations, our brains settle on one of Sheinberg & Logothetis, 1997; Siegel & Andersen,
them. Under many circumstances, this decision is only 1988).
transient, and our brains may toggle between one inter- In binocular rivalry experiments, ascending through
pretation and the other. The Necker cube discussed the visual hierarchy, there is a progressive increase in
above constitutes one such case. In ambiguous depth the proportion of neurons that show a correlation with
from motion stimuli, a set of dots is set to rotate in such perception (Leopold & Logothetis, 1999). While bin-
a way that the image can be interpreted to rotate in ocularly presenting orthogonal drifting gratings to fix-
either of two possible directions (Bradley et al., 1998; ating monkeys, none of the neurons in the LGN showed
Siegel & Andersen, 1988). Another example is the phe- any evidence of alternations indicative of binocular
nomenon of monocular rivalry (Campbell & Howell, rivalry (but it should be noted that monkeys were pas-
1972; figure 68.1B). Consider a grid of horizontal red sively fixating and not reporting their perceptual altera-
bars and vertical blue bars; perception mostly alternates tions; Lehky & Maunsell, 1996). Similar conclusions
between horizontal red bars and vertical blue bars at were reached in a motion-induced perceptual suppres-
the expense of an interpretation containing both hori- sion experiment wherein the activity of LGN neurons
zontal and vertical bars. Rivalry is much stronger when did not correlate with subjective perception, but pulvi-
elicited in a binocular fashion. Binocular rivalry arises nar neurons did (Wilke, Mueller, & Leopold, 2009).
when a stimulus R is shown to the right eye and a dif- Logothetis and colleagues conducted an elegant
ferent stimulus L is shown to the left eye (figure 68.1C). series of experiments in monkeys that were trained to
Typically, perception alternates between R and L in a report their alternating percepts during binocular
seemingly random fashion. The rate of alternation rivalry by pressing and holding levers. In primary
depends on the characteristics of R and L. In a trivial visual cortex, only about 18% of the neurons showed
case, if L is blank, R completely dominates perception perceptual modulation (Leopold, 2012; Leopold &
(e.g., if you cover the left eye). If R and L are very large Logothetis, 1996). This small percentage of neurons
(say more than 5–6 degrees of visual angle), in addition showing perceptual modulation in primary visual cortex
to perceptual alterations, parts of the image are per- is consistent with the idea that perceptual alternations
ceived as a mixture of R and L (known as piecemeal arise from competitive mechanisms beyond V1 (Leopold
rivalry). Stimuli with high contrast typically dominate & Logothetis, 1996, 1999; Logothetis, Leopold, &

794 consciousness
Sheinberg, 1996; Wilke, Leopold, & Logothetis, 2002; & Kastner, 2005). These discrepancies between blood
see, however, Blake, 1989; Blake & Logothetis, 2002). flow measurements and neurophysiological signals have
In areas V4 and MT, 38% and 43% of the neurons also been observed in other experiments (Logothetis,
showed perceptual modulation (Leopold & Logothetis, 2002; Posner & Gilbert, 1999; Sirotin & Das, 2009;
1996; Logothetis & Schall, 1989). Intriguingly, in area Watanabe et al., 2011). An elegant study by Maier and
MT, half of the neurons increased their firing rate when colleagues examined blood oxygen level–dependent
their preferred stimulus was perceived, while the other (BOLD) functional MRI signals, local field potentials
half showed the reverse pattern; that is, they increased (LFPs), and spiking responses in primary visual cortex
their activity when their preferred stimulus was sup- during binocular rivalry (Maier et al., 2008). During
pressed. The correlation between subjective perception physical removal of a stimulus, BOLD signals, LFPs, and
and the activity of some, but not all, MT neurons was spiking responses agreed with each other. However,
also apparent in a structure-from-motion task during during perceptual suppression, there were small
conditions in which the input was ambiguous (Bradley changes in BOLD signals and LFP responses that were
et al., 1998). The bewildering variety of neurons that not observed at the spiking level. These observations
show different degrees of correlation with perception highlight the notion that blood flow and spiking signals
is perhaps a reflection of the intricacy of connectivity measure different aspects of brain function, and the
patterns in neural circuits. The advent of techniques nature of the relationship between these signals may
based on optogenetics may enable the possibility of prove to be important to gain further mechanistic
interrogating (and manipulating) different layers and insights into the circuitry involved in conscious percep-
different types of neurons. Analysis of circuitry at the tion (Leopold, 2012). A potential explanation of these
level of “brain areas” may prove insufficient to uncover results is that blood flow signals in the LGN and in
the NCC. The neurons in V1, V4, and MT that show primary visual cortex reflect feedback modulation from
stronger correlation with subjective perception may higher visual areas after perceptual rivalry has been
have distinct properties (in terms of their location, resolved, consistent with the notion that V1 does not
inputs, and outputs, and how they interact with other have a direct role in visual awareness (Crick & Koch,
neurons) from their neighboring neurons whose firing 1995; Leopold, 2012).
is oblivious or anticorrelated with the percepts. Strong modulation in blood flow signals in early
In the highest echelons of the ventral visual stream, visual areas in the absence of concomitant strong
90% of the neurons in the inferior temporal cortex and modulation at the spike level has also been observed
the superior temporal sulcus showed a correlation in studies of attentional modulation (Kastner &
between their firing rate and the subjective report of Ungerleider, 2000; Reynolds & Chelazzi, 2004). It has
the neuron’s preferred stimulus (Sheinberg & Logothe- been argued that modulatory changes observed during
tis, 1997). In a variant of binocular rivalry–denominated binocular rivalry experiments could reflect attentional
flash suppression, a stimulus is flashed monocularly fol- fluctuations (Macknik & Martinez-Conde, 2009). The
lowed by presentation of another stimulus to the other extent to which attention and awareness can be dissoci-
eye (Wolfe, 1984). The flashed stimulus dominates per- ated has been a matter of significant debate (Dehaene
ception, even though the initial stimulus remains & Changeux, 2011; Koch & Tsuchiya, 2012; Posner,
present. In parallel to the binocular rivalry results, 1994). Under most everyday circumstances, attention
neurons in the macaque inferior temporal cortex and and awareness go hand in hand, yet psychophysical
superior temporal sulcus show a strong correlation with experiments suggest that it is possible to attend to a
the percept (Sheinberg & Logothetis, 1997). Similarly, stimulus even in the absence of awareness (e.g., Koch
most neurons in the human medial temporal lobe also & Tsuchiya, 2012; van Boxtel, Tsuchiya, & Koch, 2010).
show a correlation with subjective perception during Furthermore, a functional imaging study showed that
flash suppression (Kreiman, Fried, & Koch, 2002). blood flow signals in V1 are modulated by attention but
not by changes in awareness (Watanabe et al., 2011).
Attention, Imaging, and Stimulus Configuration These results are consistent with recent neurophysio-
Dependencies In contrast to neurophysiological logical recordings that lend further support to distinct
recordings in macaque V1, several human functional signals giving rise to attentional modulation and aware-
neuroimaging studies have suggested that activity in ness (Maier, 2012).
primary visual cortex also correlates with subjective per- Other factors beyond attention can also influence the
ception (Haynes, Deichmann, & Rees, 2005; Polonsky, relationship between neuronal activity and awareness.
Blake, Braun, & Heeger, 2000; Tong & Engel, 2001; see The discussion in the previous section described differ-
also similar claims in the LGN: Wunderlich, Schneider, ences in the correlations between subjective perception

kreiman: neural correlates of consciousness: perception and volition 795

and neuronal responses across areas. In a particularly future state is entirely defined by the initial conditions
intriguing study, Maier and colleagues asked whether, (and any external forces). A system is said to be chaotic
for a given individual neuron, this correlation depended if it displays extreme sensitivity to initial conditions
on the details of the stimulus configuration (Maier, (minuscule differences in the initial state can lead to
Logothetis, & Leopold, 2007). The authors recorded widely different future states, as in the famous parable
neurons in area MT in the macaque monkey during of the butterfly effect; Devaney, 2003). These two words
binocular rivalry flash suppression. For a given stimulus, are not antagonistic. A system can be both deterministic
the results were consistent with earlier recordings and chaotic. Consider the act of flipping a coin: obtain-
(Logothetis & Schall, 1989). However, when the authors ing heads or tails can depend on a lot of factors (exact
changed the stimulus configuration (e.g., different initial angle, torque, speed, wind, properties of the
motion directions or drifting gratings instead of random surface where the coin lands, etc.) but the physics
dots), the extent to which the neuron signaled subjec- underlying the problem are well defined and purely
tive percepts was significantly altered. For example, a deterministic. Nobody would claim that the coin
neuron may show changes that correlate with percep- “wanted” to land on heads. The other cautionary note
tion when the right eye sees a left moving grating and has to do with computability. There are many reasons why
the left eye sees a downward moving grating, but not certain functions may be difficult (or impossible) to
when the stimulus in the left eye is an upward-moving compute: there are problems that are not computable
grating. These idiosyncratic correlations force us to (Garey & Johnson, 1979), and there are computable
revisit the notion that the NCC for a particular percept problems that require unrealistic computational
may invoke a fixed set of neurons. These puzzling resources or data that we do not have access to. Chaos
observations further suggest the urgent need to relate and questions about computational resources may
theoretical ideas of how consciousness arises to neuro- make it very difficult and perhaps impractical to make
physiological recordings (Tononi, 2004). predictions in certain systems but neither speaks against
determinism or in favor of free will.
Consciousness and volition
Neurophysiological Correlates of Volitional
Consciousness is clearly not restricted to awareness of Decisions The majority of studies about decision
sensory events. At the other end of the sensory/motor making have focused on situations in which a cue indi-
spectrum, volitional actions carry a strong sensation of cates the target behavior. The cue may be noisy, inter-
ownership (e.g., “I want to raise my hand”). Before preting the cue may require training and memory, and
discussing the neuronal manifestations that correlate the relationship between the cue and reward could be
with our awareness of intention to act, we need to a probabilistic one. Yet common to many of these exper-
discuss the controversial notion that our volition and iments are a temporal trigger and an incentive to
intentions are dictated by neurons. choose one action versus another. In contrast, the study
of volitional decisions requires situations where differ-
Volition and Free Will Studying the neural signa- ent actions are equally likely and attractive.
tures that correlate with consciousness about volitional A few studies in macaque monkeys have examined
actions may have important implications in settling the neurophysiological responses in the parietal and frontal
age-old questions about “free will.” Intuitively defined, cortex while monkeys performed volitional decisions
the word “free” associated with will implies that, for (Maimon & Assad, 2006a, 2006b; Okano & Tanji, 1987;
most of our actions, we experience the strong subjective Romo & Schultz, 1992). Single neurons in the lateral
feeling that we could have opted to act otherwise (see intraparietal area, cortical area 5, the basal ganglia, and
also Haggard, chapter 75 in this volume). If we are frontomotor areas exhibited gradual increases in firing
asked to pick between a blue pen and a black pen and rate during execution of volitional arm movements.
we pick the black one, it seems that we might as well Some of the neurons showed activation during both
have picked the blue one. visually triggered movements and proactive movements.
The extent to which free will is truly free or merely However, the slow ramp in firing rates was characteristic
an illusion has been a matter of debate for millennia, of internally generated movements only.
with strong advocates on both sides (for an overview, This slow increase in activity is reminiscent of gradual
see Haggard, 2008; Heisenberg, 2009). At least two changes in scalp electroencephalographic signals in
main cautionary notes should be discussed here. The the human brain during execution of volitional move-
first involves the distinction between “determinism” ments (Brass & Haggard, 2008; Deecke et al., 1987;
and “chaos.” A system is said to be deterministic if its Haggard, 2008). In a variant of this type of experiment,

796 consciousness
Libet asked subjects to tap their index finger at will and approach them with a new arsenal of tools that is
also report the time of their intention to act based on making rapid strides in elucidating other aspects of
an analog clock present on the screen during the exper- cognition, including multielectrode arrays, computa-
iment (Libet, 1985; Libet, Gleason, Wright, & Pearl, tional modeling, microstimulation, optogenetics, and
1983). These experiments revealed that the averaged so on.
scalp electroencephalographic signals preceded the Advances and controversies in trying to correlate
conscious intention of the urge to move by several hun- neural signals and conscious perception have led to a
dreds of milliseconds. The interpretation of these theoretical framework that provides quantitative defini-
experiments has been the subject of much debate in tions of how neuronal interactions could lead to con-
the field (e.g., see Libet, 1985, 2002, and discussions in sciousness (Tononi, 2004). Additionally, initial but
the same issue). significant steps have been made toward better defining
In a recent study, Fried and colleagues took advan- questions about conscious processing (e.g., dissociating
tage of a rare clinical opportunity to record from >1,000 pure attentional effects from conscious perception;
neurons in the human frontal and temporal lobes when Koch and Tsuchiya, 2012), toward sharpening experi-
subjects performed willed action and reported the time mental tools (e.g., noticing that blood flow signals may
of volition onset, as in the Libet experiment. Consistent not reveal underlying spiking; Maier, 2008), and toward
with earlier studies using noninvasive methods, they a richness of experimental paradigms and approaches
found evidence at the single neuron level in humans (Dehaene & Changeux, 2011).
for an anatomically localized early frontal cortex signal There is currently significant excitement in cognitive
that preceded conscious will. Over a time period of neuroscience with the advent of tools that enable the
∼1,500 msec prior to the awareness of will, an increasing manipulation of circuits at unprecedented resolution
number of neurons in two specific brain regions, the (e.g., Han et al., 2009). These tools open the doors to
supplementary motor area and anterior cingulate exciting and promising opportunities to attempt to
cortex, were progressively recruited. The subjectively transiently inactivate and also directly stimulate local
reported onset of volition could be accurately predicted circuits, and thus bias subjective decisions in ways that
on a single trial basis based on neural activity in the have not been possible before. While it is anyone’s guess
supplementary motor area well before the subject’s whether the quest for the NCC will be resolved in the
awareness. Based on these findings, the authors pro- near future, there is no question that we should expect
posed a computational model and a biophysically plau- fascinating surprises and novel insights in the commu-
sible mechanism for the emergence of conscious will in nity’s efforts to elucidate how physical systems lead to
humans based on progressive recruitment of neuronal consciousness.
ensembles in frontal cortex until a threshold is crossed.
The model is consistent with the notion that the all-or-
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800 consciousness
69 Toward an Objective Index
of Consciousness

ABSTRACT We usually assess another individual’s level of con- to questions. If awakened, at times she may say she was
sciousness based on her/his ability to connect to the sur- experiencing nothing; at other times that she was
rounding environment and produce appropriate responses. dreaming, and recall a vivid experience. During anes-
However, we know that consciousness can be entirely gener-
ated within the brain, even in the absence of any interaction
thesia, some people may regain consciousness yet be
with the external world; this happens almost every night, unable to signal it. Similarly, some patients with brain
while we dream, and may occur during certain forms of anes- damage may be behaviorally unresponsive and thus
thesia as well as in brain-injured patients who emerge from judged clinically unconscious, yet they may be able to
coma and remain unresponsive. Yet, to this day, we still lack generate brain signals indicating they understood a
a way to assess the level of consciousness that is independent
question or a command. In general, the problem is
of processing sensory inputs and producing appropriate
motor outputs. The aim of this chapter is to suggest that that, while we assess level of consciousness based on an
establishing an objective index of the level of consciousness individual’s ability to access and respond to the external
that does not rely on a subject’s capacity to access or respond environment, these features are not necessary.
to the surrounding environment is a challenging undertak-
ing, but not an impossible one. One way to accomplish this
task involves three fundamental steps. First, start from theo-
retical principles that suggest which intrinsic properties are Dissociations between consciousness and
fundamental for a physical system to give rise to conscious responsiveness
experience. Second, devise a practical means to gauge these
properties in human brains. Third, test the candidate metric
in different controlled conditions—such as wakefulness, Sleep Behaviorally, the most striking consequence of
sleep, anesthesia, and brain injury—in which consciousness is falling asleep is a progressive disconnection from the
known to be present, diminished, or lost. To the extent that external environment. Reaction times to auditory tones
this procedure yields a reliable, graded measurement scale become longer prior to falling asleep, and responses
along the unconsciousness-consciousness spectrum, an objec- are absent coincident with the transition to nonrapid
tive frame of reference may be available to assess subjects who
are completely disconnected from the external environment.
eye movement (NREM) sleep (Ogilvie & Wilkinson,
1984). With the deepening of NREM sleep, responses
Everyone knows what consciousness is: it is what van- can be obtained only with progressively louder tones;
ishes when we fall into dreamless sleep or general anes- this feature is known as “high arousal threshold,” and
thesia and reappears when we wake up or when we it persists during REM sleep (Rechtschaffen, Hauri, &
dream—in other words, it is synonymous with experi- Zeitlin, 1966).
ence. Though we are very familiar, via a first-person Conscious experience during sleep can be assessed
perspective, with the transition from consciousness to by studying subjective reports obtained after awaken-
unconsciousness and back, we still lack a scientifically ings from different stages or at different times of night.
well-grounded method to assess the level of conscious- Generally, during NREM sleep, there are longer reports
ness of other individuals. How do we judge if somebody later in the night and short reports early in the night.
is conscious—experiencing things such as sights, Notably, during the first NREM episode, when slow
sounds, and maybe pains? Usually, if we observe pur- waves are prevalent in the electroencephalogram
poseful behavior and appropriate responses to sensory (EEG), a substantial number of awakenings yield no
stimuli or commands, we decide that the person is con- report whatsoever (McNamara et al., 2010). Thus,
scious. If in doubt, as when someone is resting with eyes NREM sleep early in the night is the only phase of adult
closed, we can ask: if she answers that she was thinking life during which healthy human subjects may deny that
or daydreaming, we infer she was conscious. they were experiencing anything at all. In this case,
But sometimes matters are less clear: someone fast responsiveness and consciousness are concurrently
asleep shows no purposeful activity and will not respond reduced.

massimini: toward an objective index of consciousness 801

Indeed, the most remarkable dissociation between pharmacological muscle blockage is not the only mech-
responsiveness and conscious experience in physiologi- anism responsible for impaired responsiveness in sub-
cal conditions occurs during REM sleep. Awakening jects who become aware during anesthesia; though
from REM sleep yields reports of conscious experience patients undergoing the isolated forearm protocol
80–90% of the time and, especially in the morning may use their nonparalyzed hand to respond when
hours, the percentage is close to 100%, which is of prompted, they rarely show spontaneous responses and
course the report rate of wakefulness. Most REM reports voluntary activity (Sanders, Tononi, Laureys, & Sleigh,
have the characteristic of typical dreams: complex, tem- 2012). This striking reduction of motor initiative points
porally unfolding hallucinatory episodes that can be as to a central mechanism for decreased responsiveness.
vivid as waking experience—yet the subject remains One possibility is that since most anesthetics suppress
unresponsive, and sensory stimuli are ignored to the neuronal activity in the putamen and the amygdala
point that they are rarely incorporated in dreams (Mhuircheartaigh et al., 2010), they may produce unre-
(Koulack, 1969). sponsiveness by impairment of motivation or decision-
The neural mechanisms of unresponsiveness to making action selection.
sensory events during sleep are still unclear. During
NREM sleep, thalamocortical neurons become hyper- Brain Injury In patients who survive severe brain
polarized and generate intrinsic oscillatory activity that injury, consciousness is assessed clinically based on the
may decouple inputs from outputs. Thus, it has been subject’s ability to connect and respond to the environ-
suggested that the “thalamic gate” to the cerebral cortex ment. Patients who remain unresponsive even though
is partially closed (Steriade, 2000). This putative mecha- their eyes may be open are considered unconscious
nism of sensory disconnection, however, cannot be (vegetative state). The appearance of nonreflexive
invoked during REM sleep, when thalamocortical behaviors, such as visual tracking or responding to
neurons return to be steadily depolarized, as in quiet simple commands, are sufficient clinical criteria for the
wakefulness. Thus, it has been suggested that the gating minimally conscious state (MCS), while functional com-
of sensory inputs may occur somewhere at the cortical munication marks the emergence from the minimally
level (Nir & Tononi, 2010). In addition to sensory conscious state (EMCS; Giacino et al., 2002). Because
disconnection, muscle paralysis brought about by of concurrent lesion of motor systems and pathways,
descending inhibition from brainstem centers contrib- however, it may happen that brain-injured patients
utes to unresponsiveness, especially during REM sleep recover consciousness but are unable to signal it behav-
(Hobson, Pace-Schott, & Stickgold, 2000). iorally. For this reason, neuroimaging protocols (Owen
et al., 2006) have been developed to probe for signs of
Anesthesia As during physiological sleep, during awareness even in patients who are completely unable
anesthesia responsiveness and consciousness may also to move. In these protocols, subjects are instructed ver-
decouple. Some dissociative anesthetic agents, such as bally to enter and sustain specific mental states (such as
ketamine at high doses, are known to induce a dream- imagining playing tennis) while their brain activity is
like hallucinatory state associated with sensory discon- recorded; in this way, some vegetative patients may
nection and complete unresponsiveness. In addition, signal that they are aware by producing specific neural
during general anesthesia subjects may recover con- responses and, in exceptional cases, they can establish
sciousness and regain sensory connectedness to the a basic form of communication (Monti et al., 2010).
environment but still remain unable to respond. Once However, willful brain responses to commands, as well
every 1,000 to 2,000 operations, a patient may wake up as cognitive potentials triggered by sensory stimuli, are
and report having experienced events of surgery often absent in conscious brain-injured patients, result-
(Sandin, Enlund, Samuelsson, & Lennmarken, 2000). ing in a significant rate of false negatives (Bardin et al.,
This condition, where wakefulness-like consciousness 2011; Fischer, Luaute, & Morlet, 2010; Höller et al.,
cannot be communicated to the outside world, is 2011). In fact, there may be many cases, such as in
termed “anesthesia awareness” and may have long- aphasia, akinetic mutism, catatonic depression, or
lasting psychological effects. Lack of responsiveness in diffuse dopaminergic lesions, where a patient, although
these cases can be largely ascribed to muscle-paralyzing aware, is not able to understand or willing to respond.
agents that are usually administered to achieve gross More fundamentally, a brain-injured subject may not
patient immobility during surgical procedures. However, respond to verbal commands or sensory stimuli simply
studies employing the isolated forearm technique, in because a peripheral or central lesion prevents
which an inflated cuff prevents the paralyzing agent sensory inputs from being transmitted and processed
from reaching the hand muscles, have shown that direct effectively.

802 consciousness
The empirical search for an objective index of crucial role has been proposed for high-frequency
consciousness: Advances and problems neural activity and the dynamic formation of neuronal
coalitions, including prefrontal areas (Crick & Koch,
The physiological, pharmacological, and pathological 2003); the occurrence of reentrant interactions between
examples outlined above demonstrate that conscious the front and the back of the brain (Edelman, 2001); a
experience can be present in subjects who are unable high level of cortical depolarization with a background
to access sensory events and/or unable to produce of high-frequency activity (Llinás, Ribary, Contreras, &
appropriate (behavioral or neural) responses. Ideally, Pedroarena, 1998); the involvement of a “global work-
since sensory and motor functions are not necessary, space” (Baars, 2005) encompassing frontoparietal areas
one should try to identify and measure directly in the (Dehaene & Changeux, 2011); the activation of higher-
brain the minimal set of neuronal mechanisms that are order association cortices (Laureys, 2004); the long-
necessary and sufficient for consciousness to emerge, range, high-frequency synchronization of brain activity
the so-called neural correlates of consciousness (NCC). (Singer, 2001); and related ideas.
Practically, these aspects of neuronal activity should While these proposals have heuristic value, the
always be detectable when consciousness is present and empirical evidence does not provide criteria for neces-
always absent when consciousness is lost. sity and sufficiency. For example, prefrontal areas are
Over the past two decades, great progress has been certainly important for evaluating and reflecting and
made in the search for the NCC. This approach, spear- deciding upon an experience, but why would they be
headed by Francis Crick and Christof Koch (Crick & necessary for the experience itself? Indeed, conscious-
Koch, 2003) is often implemented by comparing brain ness appears to survive large prefrontal lesions
responses to sensory stimuli that are or are not per- (Markowitsch & Kessler, 2000). Reentry can favor
ceived, as indicated by the subject’s verbal report. cooperative interactions between distant areas, but
Stimuli can be embedded in noise so they are at thresh- there is abundant opportunity for reentry in structures
old for visibility, they can be masked by strong stimuli that do not seem to participate directly in generating
presented briefly afterwards, or they can be made consciousness, such as the hippocampal formation
visible/invisible through manipulations such as binocu- (Crick & Koch, 1998). High-frequency firing may
lar rivalry (see Dehaene & Changeux, 2011, for review). signal strong activation, but it can occur in the absence
In this way, it has been possible to ask whether the vis- of consciousness, and vice versa. For example, strong,
ibility of a stimulus is correlated with changes in activity high-frequency activity, and even reactivity to sensory
in primary versus higher-order visual areas, whether stimuli, can occur during both deep sleep and anesthe-
visibility is accompanied by late EEG potentials (e.g., sia (Kakigi et al., 2003; Kroeger & Amzica, 2007;
P300), or by changes in power and coherence in various Steriade, 2000), and both humans and rats undergoing
frequency bands. While this work is essential in advanc- inhalation anesthesia show loss of consciousness (in
ing the scientific study of consciousness, it should be rats, loss of righting reflex) despite increased gamma
remembered that in these experimental paradigms sub- power in the EEG (Imas et al., 2005). Late event-
jects remain fully conscious throughout—it is only the related potentials, such as the mismatch negativity and
content of consciousness that changes. Thus, the level P300, reflect widespread brain activations that occur
of consciousness is not the variable under study. Cru- when subjects report detecting a stimulus, thus repre-
cially, these experimental approaches depend on a sub- senting a neural correlate of conscious access to
ject’s capacity to decide whether she saw or heard sensory events (Dehaene & Changeux, 2011). However,
something and her willingness to communicate her more often than not, these components are absent in
decision: in other words, in these paradigms it is diffi- conscious brain-injured patients (Fischer et al., 2010;
cult to dissociate consciousness from sensory processing Höller et al., 2011; King et al., 2013). Synchronization
and executive function. Yet, as described in the previous usually reflects the occurrence of distributed interac-
section, these functions may be impaired or absent tions, which is presumably important for conscious-
independently of consciousness, especially in pathologi- ness, but there are well-known situations, such as
cal conditions. generalized seizures, in which frontoparietal areas and
Undoubtedly, studying the neural correlates of per- high-order associative networks are highly active and
ception has added new insights, suggesting several pos- massively synchronized, yet consciousness is lost
sibilities concerning the neural mechanisms that may (Arthuis et al., 2009). Similarly, coherence and Granger
underlie conscious experience. Thus, it has been pro- causality can actually be increased when consciousness
posed that consciousness may require the ignition of is reduced in NREM sleep (Duckrow & Zaveri, 2005)
strong, widespread brain activations. For example, a and during loss of consciousness induced by general

massimini: toward an objective index of consciousness 803

anesthesia (Barret et al., 2012; Supp, Siegel, Hipp, & effectively to form an integrated whole. Hence, an
Engel, 2011). emerging idea in theoretical neuroscience is that con-
In parallel with measures that index the strength, sciousness relies on an optimal balance between func-
extent, and synchronization of brain activity, alternative tional integration and functional differentiation in
empirical markers of level of consciousness have been thalamocortical networks—otherwise defined as brain
proposed that quantify the information or spectral complexity (Seth, Dienes, Cleeremans, Overgaard, &
content of brain signals. In anesthesiology, the most Pessoa, 2008; Tononi, 2004, 2008; Tononi & Edelman,
commonly used monitor is the bispectral index (BIS). 1998). This notion implies that brain complexity should
The BIS evaluates the frontal EEG based on proprietary be high when consciousness is present and low when-
algorithms that compound indices of EEG beta activity, ever consciousness is lost in sleep, anesthesia, or coma.
fast and slow synchronization, and burst-suppression Based on this general principle, theoretical measures
patterns, yielding a value between 0 (inactive EEG) and have been designed to assess the joint presence of dif-
100 (fully alert subject). Another algorithm—the spec- ferentiation and integration in neural systems. For
tral entropy algorithm—is based on evaluating a frontal example, neural complexity (CN; Tononi, Sporns, &
EEG channel as well as muscle activity (E-Entropy). Edelman, 1994) is high when small subsets of elements
Although on average such indices have lower values tend to show independence (differentiation) but large
during deep anesthesia than when the subject is alert subsets show increasing dependence (integration). A
(Avidan et al., 2008), they cannot reliably assess con- related metric, called causal density (Cd; Seth, Barrett,
sciousness in individual subjects due to wide variation & Barnett, 2011), is based on Granger causality and is
across subjects (Kaskinoro et al., 2011). Equally, they high if a system’s elements are both globally integrated
are not reliable in discriminating at the individual level (they predict each other’s activity) and differentiated
between conscious and unconscious brain-injured (they contribute to these predictions in different ways).
patients (Schnakers, Majerus, & Laureys, 2005). Finally, Φ, a measure that is directly derived from the
In conclusion, based on empirical evidence, several information integration theory of consciousness (IITC;
brain-derived measures have been considered as candi- Tononi, 2008), is based on perturbing a system in all
date markers of level of consciousness. All these mea- possible ways in order to count the number of different
sures evaluate either the spatial extent of neuronal states (differentiation) that can be discriminated
activations or their spectral content/entropy. None of through causal interactions within the system as a whole
them, however, discriminates reliably between con- (integration).
sciousness and unconsciousness on a subject-by-subject These theoretical measures differ in some respect,
basis in different conditions. but they all share the insight that level of consciousness
depends on the extent to which neural elements can
A theory-driven index of consciousness engage in complex activity patterns that are, at once,
distributed within a system of causally interacting corti-
Theoretical Principles Given the difficulty of iden- cal areas (integrated) and differentiated in space and
tifying a reliable marker of consciousness based on time (information-rich). So far, however, the proposed
empirical data, a theoretical approach grounded in first theoretical metrics can only be applied to simple systems
principles may represent a useful complement (Boly, of simulated elements or under highly restrictive
Massimini, & Tononi, 2009). Such an approach should assumptions.
start from self-evident axioms in order to establish what
physical properties are fundamental for consciousness A Practical Tool to Approximate Theoretical
and how they can be measured. Measures Clearly, testing the general hypothesis that
Naturally, in the case of consciousness, evidence can changes in level of consciousness are invariably linked
only be gathered from phenomenology, the first-person to changes in brain complexity entails the development
observation of subjective experience itself. Phenomeno- of practical approximations. As recently proposed (Mas-
logically, each conscious experience is both differenti- simini, Boly, Casali, Rosanova, & Tononi, 2009), a rather
ated—it has many specific features that distinguish it straightforward way to gauge the conjoint presence of
from a large repertoire of other experiences—and integration and information in real brains involves
integrated—it cannot be divided into independent directly probing the cerebral cortex (in order to avoid
components (Tononi, 2004). Mechanistically, these possible subcortical filtering and gating) by employing
fundamental properties of subjective experience are a perturbational approach (thus testing causal interac-
thought to rely on the ability of multiple, functionally tions rather than temporal correlations) and examining
specialized cortical areas to interact rapidly and to what extent cortical regions can interact as a whole

804 consciousness
(integration) to produce differentiated responses Conversely, when subjects lose consciousness during
(information). According to this proposal, a signature NREM sleep, TMS pulses invariably produce a simple
of consciousness is that the thalamocortical system wave of activation that remains localized to the site of
should respond to perturbations with complex, rapidly stimulation, indicating a breakdown of communication
changing activity patterns (information) that affect a and a loss of integration within thalamocortical net-
distributed set of cortical areas (integration). On the works (Massimini et al., 2005). The disappearance of a
other hand, it can be predicted that during loss of con- long-range, differentiated pattern of cortical activation
sciousness, whether this is caused by sleep, anesthesia, is not simply due to a reduction of responsiveness of
or coma, the brain should react to perturbations with a hyperpolarized cortical neurons. In fact, increasing
response that is local (loss of integration) and/or ste- TMS intensity only results in a larger, simple positive-
reotypical (loss of information). negative wave, closely resembling a spontaneous sleep
Practically, these predictions can be tested in human slow wave (Massimini et al., 2007). In this case, the
brains by employing a combination of transcranial mag- response to TMS is stereotypical and spreads like an oil
netic stimulation (TMS) and high-density EEG, a tech- spot to vast regions of the cortex, revealing a loss of
nique that allows stimulating directly a subset of cortical differentiation. Similar local and/or stereotypical
neurons and measuring, with good spatial-temporal responses are invariably also found during general anes-
resolution, the effects produced by this perturbation on thesia (Ferrarelli et al., 2010) as well as in brain-injured
the rest of the thalamocortical system (Ilmoniemi et al., patients with an unambiguous clinical diagnosis of a
1997). As shown in figure 69.1, in healthy, awake sub- vegetative state (Rosanova et al., 2012). Crucially,
jects TMS triggers a complex EEG response involving wakefulness-like, complex responses always recover
different cortical areas at different times (Massimini during REM sleep (Massimini et al., 2010) in minimally
et al., 2005; Rosanova et al., 2009). conscious patients, who show signs of nonreflexive

Figure 69.1 Examples of transcranial magnetic stimulation temporally differentiated patterns of activation. During non-
(TMS)-evoked cortical activations in sleep (A), anesthesia rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, anesthesia, and the veg-
(B), and brain-injured patients (C). The gray arrows indicate etative state, the thalamocortical system, despite being active
the cortical sites of TMS. The values in the parentheses indi- and reactive, loses its ability to engage in distributed, complex
cate the intensity of the electric field (volt/meter) induced by activity patterns; it either breaks down in casually indepen-
TMS on the cortical surface. The traces show the TMS-evoked dent modules (loss of integration) or, when TMS is delivered
currents recorded from eight cortical sources in both hemi- at high intensity, bursts in a large and stereotypical response
spheres (gray circles); the thick trace highlights the activation (loss of differentiation). During rapid eye movement (REM)
recorded from the cortical areas located under the stimulator. sleep and in the minimally conscious state, the TMS response
During wakefulness, TMS triggers a sustained response recovers its spatial spread and differentiation.
that engages distributed cortical sources in spatially and

massimini: toward an objective index of consciousness 805

Figure 69.2 Calculating and testing the perturbational com- compressed and result in high values of perturbational com-
plexity index (PCI). Operationally, PCI is defined as the nor- plexity. (B) PCI values are shown for 152 TMS sessions col-
malized Lempel-Ziv complexity of the overall spatiotemporal lected from 32 healthy subjects. The histograms on the right
pattern of significant cortical activation triggered by a direct display the distributions of PCI across subjects during alert
perturbation. Its calculation starts from scalp TMS-evoked wakefulness (dark gray bars) and loss of consciousness in
potentials (A) and requires performing source-modeling and NREM sleep and different forms of anesthesia (light gray
nonparametric statistics to detect the time course of signifi- bars). PCI does not depend on stimulation site or TMS inten-
cant cortical activations triggered by TMS (A′). This proce- sity but is solely sensitive to changes in the level of conscious-
dure results in a binary spatiotemporal matrix of cortical ness. PCI calculated during wakefulness (110 sessions) ranges
activation (A″), which is compressed using the same algo- between 0.44 and 0.67 (mean: 0.55 ± 0.05), whereas PCI cal-
rithm (Lempel & Ziv, 1976) that is commonly employed to culated after loss of consciousness (42 sessions) ranges
zip digital files. Complex patterns of activation that are, at between 0.12 and 0.31 (mean: 0.23 ± 0.04), giving rise to two
once, distributed and differentiated cannot be efficiently separated distributions. (C) PCI yields intermediate values

806 consciousness
activity, and in locked-in syndrome (LIS) subjects, who consciousness can be known based on subjective reports
are totally paralyzed except for vertical eye movements upon awakening—PCI provides a reproducible and
through which they signal that they are aware (Rosanova reliable scale along the unconsciousness-consciousness
et al., 2012). spectrum. This scale can then be used as an indepen-
dent frame of reference to assess more challenging
Establishing a Measuring Scale Besides providing cases. For example, brain-injured patients (MCS, EMCS,
qualitative support to basic theoretical predictions, and LIS) who show minimal signs of consciousness
TMS and high-density EEG measurements open the attained values of brain complexity that were invariably
possibility of developing a quantitative index of the above the maximum value obtained in unconscious,
level of consciousness, a necessary step to construct a anesthetized, or sleeping, healthy subjects.
measuring scale. To this end, a novel empirical measure To the extent that this measurement scale is further
called the perturbational complexity index (PCI) was validated by empirical data, it may be then applicable
recently introduced (Casali et al., 2013). Calculating to disconnected/unresponsive individuals whose level
PCI involves two fundamental steps: (1) perturbing the of consciousness is unknown. Already in the context of
cortex with TMS to engage distributed interactions in the present results, finding a PCI value above the sleep-
the brain (integration) and (2) “zipping” (i.e., compress- anesthesia distribution in a patient who is otherwise
ing) the resulting electrocortical responses to measure completely disconnected from the external environ-
their algorithmic complexity (information). The under- ment would suggest that she/he is conscious to some
lying idea is that PCI should be low if causal interaction extent.
among cortical areas is reduced (loss of integration), Crucially, PCI is measured by evaluating the com-
because the matrix of activation engaged by TMS is pressibility of the deterministic brain response to TMS,
spatially restricted; PCI is also expected to be low if a perturbation that engages large portions of the thala-
many interacting areas react to the perturbation but mocortical system directly without requiring the sub-
they do so in a stereotypical way (loss of differentiation) jects to perform any sensory, motor, or cognitive task.
because, in this case, the resulting matrix is large but In this way, the brain’s capacity for consciousness can
redundant and can be effectively compressed. In fact, be assessed based on the complexity of cortical interac-
PCI should reach high values only if the initial perturba- tions, independent of the subject’s capacity to access
tion is transmitted to a large set of integrated areas that and react to external stimuli.
react in a differentiated way, giving rise to a spatiotem-
poral pattern of deterministic activation that cannot be Conclusion
easily reduced. In these terms, PCI provides a rough
estimation of the theoretical measure of Φ, which can Compelling evidence suggests that subjective experi-
be defined as the amount of irreducible information ence can be generated within a brain that is discon-
that a system generates above its parts (Tononi, 2008). nected from the external world on the input and output
In recent work, PCI was tested on a large data set of side. In these cases, behavioral and neurophysiological
TMS-evoked potentials recorded in healthy subjects measures of consciousness that rely on the brain’s
during wakefulness, dreaming, NREM sleep, and differ- capacity to access or respond to the external environ-
ent levels of sedation induced by various anesthetic ment are not applicable by definition. In the present
agents (midazolam, xenon, and propofol), as well as in chapter, we suggest that resorting to a theoretical
brain-injured patients who emerged from coma and approach, combined with systematic empirical testing
entered different clinical states (vegetative, MCS, EMCS, in controlled conditions, may help overcome such cir-
LIS). As shown in figure 69.2, PCI is reproducible within cularity. Theoretical principles suggest that in order to
and across subjects and depends in a graded fashion on obtain a reliable index of level of consciousness, mea-
the level of consciousness. Crucially, in healthy (awake, suring either the spread or the entropy of neuronal
sleeping, and anesthetized) subjects—whose level of activations is not enough; instead, one should assess the

during intermediate levels of propofol sedation and during of functional communication (emergence from the mini-
sleep stage 1. (D) PCI values are shown for 48 TMS sessions mally conscious state; EMCS) and attaining levels of healthy
collected from 20 brain-injured patients. PCI followed the awake subjects in locked-in syndrome (LIS). Patient results
level of consciousness (as clinically assessed with coma recov- are within the frame of reference obtained in awake, sleeping,
ery scale, or CRS-R) progressively increasing from vegetative and anesthetized control subjects (modified from Casali et al.,
(VS) through a minimally conscious state (MCS) to recovery 2013). (See color plate 59.)

massimini: toward an objective index of consciousness 807

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massimini: toward an objective index of consciousness 809

70 Consciousness Alterations After Severe
Brain Injury

ABSTRACT The past fifteen years have provided an unprece- in a linear manner. For instance, every night when
dented collection of discoveries that bear upon our scientific falling asleep, we experience a decrease of the level of
understanding of consciousness in the human brain following wakefulness up to the point where we lose awareness of
severe brain damage. Highlighted among these discoveries
are unique demonstrations that patients with little or no
our environment. Clinical conditions resulting from
behavioral evidence of conscious awareness may retain critical severe brain injury, where the relationship between
cognitive capacities. These first scientific demonstrations wakefulness and awareness is violated, challenge our
support the possibility that some severely brain-injured understanding of how consciousness works in healthy
patients in long-standing conditions of limited behavioral situations.
responsiveness may nonetheless retain latent capacities for
awareness. Such capacities include the human functions of
language and higher-level cognition that, either spontane- Consciousness alterations after severe brain injury
ously or by thought-directed interventions, may reemerge
even at long time intervals or can remain unrecognized. Func- Brain Death Classically, brain death is caused by a
tional neuroimaging, such as positron emission tomography
and functional magnetic resonance imaging, as well as elec- massive brain lesion, such as trauma, intracranial hem-
troencephalography and evoked potential studies, have orrhage, or anoxia. The diagnostic guidelines for brain
offered the possibility to objectively approach covert cognitive death are (Quality Standards Subcommittee of the
processes in patients who are otherwise incapable of intelli- American Academy of Neurology, 1995):
gible or sustained behavioral expression. Such studies have
used experimental protocols to assess brain function during 1. demonstration of coma
resting-state conditions and after external stimulation. These 2. evidence for the cause of coma
technologies have further permitted the detection of nonver- 3. absence of confounding factors (hypothermia,
bal command-following and even established muscle- drugs, electrolyte, endocrine disturbances)
independent means of communication with some behaviorally
unresponsive patients. Such advances are expected to shed
4. absence of brainstem reflexes
light on the gray zones between the clinical entities of con- 5. absent motor responses
sciousness and help resolve medical and ethical controversies 6. positive apnea testing
around the management of such challenging situations. 7. a repeat evaluation in six hours (but the time
period is considered arbitrary)
8. confirmatory laboratory tests (only when specific
Defining consciousness from a clinical perspective components of the clinical testing cannot be reliably
Consciousness is a multifaceted term for which there is
no universal definition (Zeman, 2001). Clinical practice No recovery from brain death has ever been reported
dealing with patients with disorders of consciousness over the last 50 years in a patient fulfilling the above-
teaches that we can define consciousness by reducing it mentioned clinical criteria (Laureys, 2005).
to two components: wakefulness and awareness (Posner,
Saper, Schiff, & Plum, 2007). Clinically, the level of Coma Coma can result from bihemispheric diffuse
wakefulness can be gauged based on eye opening, cortical or white matter damage or bilateral brainstem
which may be absent, stimulus-induced, or spontaneous lesions, affecting the subcortical reticular arousing
and sustained. Awareness is more difficult to define and systems. Coma is a time-limited condition leading to
more challenging to assess behaviorally. At the clinical death, recovery of consciousness, or transition to a
level, we can only infer awareness by asking patients to vegetative state (Laureys, 2007). Many factors such as
follow simple commands or by observing nonreflex etiology, the patient’s general medical condition, age,
behaviors such as visual pursuit. The relationship clinical signs, and complimentary examinations influ-
between wakefulness and awareness can be described ence the management and prognosis of coma. In terms

demertzi and laureys: consciousness alterations after severe brain injury 811
of clinical signs, after three days of observation, a nega- in 2002 by the Aspen Workgroup to differentiate it from
tive outcome is heralded by absence of pupillary VS/UWS. According to the defining criteria (Giacino
or corneal reflexes, stereotyped or absent motor et al., 2002), patients in MCS manifest at least one of
response to noxious stimulation, absent bilateral corti- the following:
cal responses of somatosensory evoked potentials, and, 1. purposeful behavior (including movements or
for anoxic coma, biochemical markers (i.e., high levels affective behavior) contingent to relevant environment
of serum neuron-specific enolase) (Wijdicks, Hijdra, stimuli and not due to reflexive activity, such as visual
Young, Bassetti, & Wiebe, 2006). pursuit or sustained fixation occurring in direct
response to moving or salient stimuli, smiling or crying
Vegetative State, or Unresponsive Wakefulness in response to verbal or visual emotional but not neutral
Syndrome The vegetative state (VS) is usually caused stimuli, reaching for objects demonstrating a relation-
by diffuse lesions to gray and white matter. It can be a ship between object location and direction of reach,
transition to further recovery, or it may be permanent. touching or holding objects in a manner that accom-
This is the case for VS that lasts more than one year modates the size and shape of the object, and vocaliza-
after traumatic injury or three months after nontrau- tions or gestures occurring in direct response to the
matic injury. At present, there are no validated para- linguistic content of questions
clinical prognostic markers for individual patients 2. following simple commands
except that the chances of recovery depend on a 3. gestural or verbal yes/no response, regardless of
patient’s age, etiology, and time spent in this condition accuracy
(Multi-Society Task Force on PVS, 1994b). 4. intelligible verbalization
The VS is usually described as a “state of arousal
Like the VS/UWS, MCS may be chronic and sometimes
without awareness.” The criteria for the diagnosis of VS
permanent. Emergence from MCS is defined by the
are (Multi-Society Task Force on PVS, 1994a):
ability to exhibit functional interactive communication
1. no evidence of awareness of self or environment or functional use of objects.
and an inability to interact with others
2. no evidence of sustained, reproducible, purpose-
Locked-In Syndrome Locked-in syndrome (LIS) can
ful, or voluntary behavioral responses to visual, audi-
result from a bilateral ventral pontine lesion (Posner,
tory, tactile, or noxious stimuli
Saper, Schiff, & Plum, 2007b), but mesencephalic
3. no evidence of language comprehension or
lesions have also been reported (for a review, see
Laureys et al., 2005). In LIS there is no dissociation
4. intermittent wakefulness manifested by the pres-
between arousal and awareness, but it is mentioned
ence of sleep-wake cycles
here since it can be misdiagnosed as a disorder of
5. sufficiently preserved hypothalamic and brain-
consciousness. According to the American Congress of
stem autonomic functions to permit survival with
Rehabilitation Medicine criteria (1995), LIS patients
medical and nursing care
6. bowel and bladder incontinence
7. variably preserved cranial-nerve and spinal reflexes 1. sustained eye opening (bilateral ptosis should be
ruled out as a complicating factor)
More recently, it has been recognized that some in the
2. quadriplegia or quadriparesis
health care community, media, and lay public feel
3. aphonia or hypophonia
uncomfortable using the unintentionally denigrating
4. a primary mode of communication via vertical or
“vegetable-like” connotation, seemingly intrinsic to the
lateral eye movements or blinking of the upper eyelid
term VS. Hence, the European Task Force on Disorders
to signal yes/no responses.
of Consciousness proposed the alternative name “unre-
5. preserved cognitive abilities
sponsive wakefulness syndrome” (UWS), a more neutral
and descriptive term pertaining to patients showing a Based on motor capacities, LIS can be divided into
number of clinical signs of unresponsiveness (i.e., three categories (Bauer, Gerstenbrand, & Rumpl,
lacking response to commands or oriented voluntary 1979):
movements) in the presence of wakefulness (Laureys a. classic LIS, which is characterized by quadriplegia
et al., 2010). and anarthria with eye-coded communication
b. incomplete LIS, which is characterized by rem-
Minimally Conscious State The minimally conscious nants of voluntary responsiveness other than eye
state (MCS) was defined as a disorder of consciousness movements

812 consciousness
c. total LIS, which is characterized by complete immo- assess brain function during resting-state conditions
bility, including all eye movements, combined with pre- and after external sensory stimulation.
served consciousness
Once a LIS patient becomes medically stable and is Neuroimaging In resting conditions, when we do not
given appropriate medical care, life expectancy is esti- perform any task and receive no external stimulation,
mated to be up to several decades (Laureys et al., 2005). our brains are engaged in some kind of typical cognitive
Even if the chances of good motor recovery are very activity when the mind is unconstrained (e.g., Mason
limited, existing eye-controlled computer-based com- et al., 2007; Raichle & Snyder, 2007). We have recently
munication technologies currently allow these patients proposed to reduce the phenomenological complexity
to control their environment (Chatelle et al., 2012; Stoll of such cognitive process into two components: external
et al., 2013). awareness, namely, everything we perceive through our
senses, and internal awareness, or stimulus-independent
thoughts (Demertzi, Soddu, & Laureys, 2013). Internal
Detecting consciousness in severely brain-injured and external awareness have been shown to negatively
patients correlate both behaviorally and at the brain level (Van-
haudenhuyse et al., 2011). More particularly, when
Behavior The existing behavioral scales mainly focus healthy subjects were asked to independently self-rate
on deducing awareness of the environment. For their external and internal awareness as these were
example, the widely used Glasgow Coma Scale scores before an auditory prompt (and hence considered to
eye, verbal, and motor responses to external stimuli reflect a resting condition), they reported an anticor-
(Teasdale & Jennett, 1974). The Full Outline of Unre- related pattern between these two states. Interestingly,
sponsiveness (FOUR) scale recognizes the difficulty to the alternation between the external and internal
assess verbal responses, especially in cases of intubated milieu not only was found to characterize overt behav-
patients or patients with tracheotomy, and requires ioral reports but also had a cerebral correlate: behav-
patients to show nonverbal conscious behaviors such as ioral reports of internal awareness were linked to fMRI
eye blinking or hand signing to command (Wijdicks activity of midline anterior cingulate/mesiofrontal
et al., 2005). In that case, the FOUR can detect patients areas as well as posterior cingulate/precuneal cortices
with LIS but cannot always differentiate VS/UWS from classically coined as the default mode network (DMN).
MCS patients. The Revised Coma Recovery Scale Inversely, subjective ratings for external awareness
(CRS-R) is the most sensitive scale to differentiate MCS correlated with the activity of lateral fronto-parieto-
from unresponsive patients because it assesses auditory, temporal regions often linked to attentional processing
visual, motor, oromotor, and communication abilities (figure 70.1). These data suggest a coupling between
next to arousal assessment, covering the diagnostic cri- brain and behavior during the resting state and under-
teria for MCS (Giacino, Kalmar, & Whyte, 2004). Among score that certain brain areas seem to play an important
the existing scales, the CRS-R has been recommended role in sustaining consciousness (Heine et al., 2012).
as the most appropriate tool to evaluate patients with Indeed, in brain death, no DMN functional connectiv-
disorders of consciousness (Seel et al., 2010). ity could be identified (Boly et al., 2009; Soddu et al.,
To date, bedside evaluation is the gold standard for 2011). But alongside the spectrum of consciousness
diagnosing patients with consciousness impairments. impairment, ranging from healthy controls and patients
Nevertheless, incorrect diagnosis is not rare (Schnakers with LIS toward MCS, VS/UWS, and coma, functional
et al., 2009). In order to minimize misdiagnosis rate, connectivity is reduced in DMN (Vanhaudenhuyse
neuroimaging and electrophysiology procedures have et al., 2010) and other congitive-related networks
begun to assume an adjunctive role in the diagnostic (Demertzi et al., 2014). Such data suggest that fMRI
assessment of patients with disorders of consciousness. resting-state acquisitions could be used as an assisting
means to gain insight in patients’ diagnostic picture.
Assisting Technologies Functional neuroimaging, Using positron emission tomography, when patients
such as positron emission tomography and functional in VS/UWS were compared to healthy subjects in a
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as well as electro- resting state, they were characterized by reduced levels
encephalography (EEG) and evoked potential studies, of global metabolism; nevertheless, recovery from VS/
have offered the possibility to objectively approach UWS did not coincide with resumption of global meta-
covert cognitive processes in patients who are otherwise bolic activity (Laureys, Owen, & Schiff, 2004). Rather,
incapable of intelligible or sustained behavioral expres- patients in VS/UWS showed impaired metabolism in a
sion. Such studies have used experimental protocols to widespread network encompassing midline and lateral

demertzi and laureys: consciousness alterations after severe brain injury 813
brain function in noncommunicating clinical condi-
tions. Preserved pain perception in MCS patients is
suggested by findings of cerebral correlates of pain
processing in a network similar to that in healthy con-
trols (Boly et al., 2008). The activation pattern observed
in patients in MCS was also much more widespread
than in unresponsive patients, suggesting a difference
in capacity for pain perception. The type of adminis-
tered stimuli also seems to make a difference to the
observed neural responses and therefore further assist
in the inference of awareness. Stimuli with emotional
valence, for example, such as infant cries and the
patient’s own name, induced a much more widespread
activation in patients in MCS than did meaningless
noise (Laureys, Perrin, et al., 2004). The activation
pattern was comparable with that previously obtained
in healthy controls. Patients also showed higher fMRI
activity in the anterior cingulate cortex after listening
to their own name as compared to listening to a famil-
iar name, and this activity correlated with the behavior-
Figure 70.1 Subjective ratings about awareness are coupled ally assessed level of consciousness of the patient (Qin
to the activity of the resting brain. Behavioral reports of et al., 2010). Such results imply that self-referential
increased internal awareness (blue areas) correlate with con- stimuli, like one’s own name, are attention-grabbing
nectivity in cerebral regions of the so-called default mode and therefore can be used in the assessment of resid-
network, encompassing anterior and posterior cingulate cor- ual brain function of these patients (Demertzi, Van-
tices. Inversely, when subjects report being more externally
oriented toward their environment, areas of a frontoparietal haudenhuyse et al., 2013).
attentional network (red areas) are recruited (adapted from
Vanhaudenhuyse et al., 2011). These data suggest that resting- Electrophysiology Various EEG paradigms have
state fMRI acquisitions could be an alternative paradigm to made an effort to differentiate between the clinical enti-
study residual brain function in human populations where ties of disorders of consciousness. Fifteen-minute EEG
communication is hindered (e.g., due to motor paralysis, lan-
guage comprehension, or lack of motivation), such as in
resting-state acquisitions showed that patients in VS/
patients with disorders of consciousness. (See color plate 60.) UWS had significantly higher correlated oscillations
than patients in MCS in the delta-frequency band
(Lehembre et al., 2012). Such delta-frequency activity
associative cortices compared to healthy controls is represented as a high-amplitude brain wave with an
(Laureys et al., 1999). Importantly, functional connec- oscillation between 0 and 4 Hz usually associated with
tions of these areas with the thalami were restored after the deepest stages of sleep, also known as slow-wave
recovery from VS/UWS (Laureys et al., 2000). It was sleep. As previously shown, power in the delta band also
recently shown that, compared to healthy controls, increases with severity of disorders of consciousness
patients in VS/UWS exhibit metabolic dysfunction in (Leon-Carrion, Martin-Rodriguez, Damas-Lopez, Barroso
both external and internal awareness networks as well y Martin, & Dominguez-Morales, 2008). Similarly, the
as in the thalami. In contrast, patients in MCS com- bispectral index, a measure of the depth of anesthesia,
pared to healthy controls showed dysfunction mostly in was shown to discriminate between unresponsive and
internal awareness network and thalami, which could patients in MCS (Schnakers, Majerus, & Laureys, 2005).
reflect an altered self-awareness in these patients that The bispectral index was also positively correlated with
is difficult to quantify at the bedside (Thibaut et al., behavioral scores of awareness at the time of testing and
2012). associated with outcome results at one year post-trauma.
Brain responses to external stimuli provide valuable Additionally, an EEG entropy score of 52 (value ranging
information not only about the preserved functional from 0 to 91, with higher scores indicating higher con-
(and to some degree anatomical) connectivity among sciousness level) was shown to be able to differentiate
distinct brain regions but also about the nature of acutely unconscious from patients in MCS with 89%
detected responses. Pain is among the most robust sensitivity and 90% specificity (Gosseries et al., 2011).
stimulations allowing for the investigation of residual Other efforts have also been made to use EEG signal

814 consciousness
patterns as a prognostic tool for these patients. For
example, it has been observed that patients in VS/UWS
who made a behavioral recovery, at three-month follow-
up they showed higher occipital source power in the
alpha band of resting EEG when compared to those
who did not (Babiloni et al., 2009). Normally, high
power of prestimulus cortical alpha rhythms (about
8–12 Hz) underlies conscious perception in healthy
subjects. As such, cortical sources of resting alpha
rhythms might predict recovery in VS/UWS patients.
EEG studies measuring effective connectivity also
seem to be able to differentiate between unresponsive
patients and those in MCS. Effective connectivity is a
measure of the causal relationship between brain areas.
One study using a mismatch negativity paradigm and
applying dynamic causal modeling found that the only
significant difference in functional connectivity between
VS/UWS and MCS was an impairment of backward Figure 70.2 Muscle-independent fMRI communication with
connectivity from frontal to temporal cortices (Boly a patient clinically diagnosed as “vegetative”/unresponsive.
Following a certain communication protocol, where the
et al., 2011). In addition, measurement of EEG effective
instruction to imagine playing tennis was used as a coded “yes”
connectivity after the application of transcranial mag- response (encompassing supplementary motor area; upper
netic stimulation (TMS) revealed that unresponsive panel in the illustration) and the command to imagine navi-
patients showed a simple, local response after the TMS gating in one’s house corresponded to a “no” answer (para-
pulses. In contrast, patients in MCS showed more hippocampal area; lower panel in the illustration), this patient
was able to willfully modulate the brain activity and provide
complex activations after the TMS pulses, which
responses to a series of autobiographical questions (adapted
involved distant cortical areas ipsilateral and contralat- from Monti et al., 2010).
eral to the site of stimulation (Rosanova et al., 2012).
Importantly, an EEG-TMS objective index has recently
been proposed allowing for accurate patient classifica- around their house, and one patient was able to use the
tion at the single-subject level (Casali et al., 2013). modulation of brain activity to answer reliably “yes” or
“no” to simple questions, even though no signs of com-
Functional Neuroimaging and Electrophysiology munication had ever been found through bedside
as Tools for Command-Following and Communica- examination (Monti et al., 2010). The automated user-
tion A willful modulation of brain activity to a certain independent analysis of the acquired fMRI data classi-
command can be an alternative way to evidence aware- fied the brain’s responses as a “yes” or “no” answer to a
ness in the absence of motor output. Using fMRI, it was series of simple questions (figure 70.2).
demonstrated that a posttraumatic patient behaviorally Similarly, active paradigms have been attempted with
diagnosed as in VS/UWS could repeatedly and for a cheaper and portable EEG-based technologies. In the
prolonged time follow commands when assessed using case of a young comatose woman who failed to show
a novel fMRI paradigm of mental imagery (Owen et al., any motor signs of conscious awareness, only EEG-
2006). When asked to imagine playing tennis and evoked potential based on command-following allowed
walking through her house, the patient activated the the diagnosis of total LIS at the intensive care unit
supplementary motor area and parahippocampal areas, (Schnakers et al., 2008). The task was to count a target
respectively. These specific activation patterns were not name or her own name in a list of other names. A previ-
different from those previously observed in a cohort of ous study using this task demonstrated that while most
healthy volunteers (Boly et al., 2007). Such a command- patients in MCS exhibited increased amplitude of the
following paradigm has been further developed to be P300 when instructed to count, no task-related P300
implemented as a communication system. In such a changes were observed in unresponsive patients. A
protocol, differentiation between brain responses was number of studies have demonstrated that EEG power
used as a proxy for behavioral responses. Using the spectral analysis can be also used as a flexible bedside
previously described “tennis paradigm,” it was demon- tool to demonstrate awareness in brain-injured patients
strated that of 54 patients, 5 were able to follow the who are otherwise unable to communicate (Chatelle
commands to imagine playing tennis and navigating et al., 2012; Cruse et al., 2011). What remains to be

demertzi and laureys: consciousness alterations after severe brain injury 815
shown is whether such technologies can be used as health care workers, those who are more likely to inter-
evidence of the expressed will of a competent patient act with patients?
(Gantner, Bodart, Laureys, & Demertzi, 2012). For When clinicians were asked to express their opinions
example, how can a negative response of an “unrespon- on possible pain perception in VS/UWS, a significant
sive” patient to the question of whether he or she wants number of medical doctors ascribed pain perception in
to continue to live be considered a reliable response to VS/UWS (56%) despite formal guidelines suggesting
be respected? Similarly, should pain treatment in a the opposite (e.g., The Multi-Society Task Force on
patient in MCS change once he or she has communi- PVS, 1994b). For MCS, there was no discrepancy in
cated that he or she is suffering? Should proving con- opinions, and the majority (97%) of respondents
sciousness in these patients be considered a piece of thought that MCS patients feel pain (Demertzi, Racine
evidence to be celebrated, or can it work against et al., 2013; Demertzi et al., 2009), in line with neuro-
patients’ and families’ best interests (Jox, Bernat, imaging data strongly suggesting preserved pain per-
Laureys, & Racine, 2012)? These aforementioned ques- ception in MCS (Boly et al., 2008). The issue of pain
tions require answers that future establishment of management in unresponsive patients becomes more
ethical and legal provisions can provide. challenging when withdrawal from life-supporting treat-
ments, such as artificial nutrition and hydration, has
been agreed upon. In a wide survey around Europe, we
Medico-ethical implications of dealing with showed that health care workers’ opinions on end of
patients with disorders of consciousness life in disorders of consciousness differed depending
on the diagnosis (i.e., respondents supported treatment
Ever since disorders of consciousness appeared in the withdrawal more often for patients in VS/UWS than in
clinical setting, clinicians, scholars, theologians, and MCS), professional background (i.e., when physicians
ethicists have wondered what it is like to be in a state imagined being in MCS, they preferred more often to
of profoundly disturbed consciousness (e.g., Thomp- be kept alive compared to paramedical professionals),
son, 1969). Such controversies mainly stem from how region of origin (i.e., Northern Europeans agreed with
different people regard indefinite survival in disorders treatment withdrawal more often compared to Central
of consciousness (Demertzi, Laureys, & Bruno, 2011; and Southern European respondents), and religious
Jennett, 2002). Despite the general view that quality of beliefs (i.e., religious respondents agreed less with treat-
life is diminished in disease as a result of limited capaci- ment limitation in both VS/UWS and MCS compared
ties to functionally engage in everyday living, one needs to nonreligious respondents; Demertzi, Ledoux, et al.,
to consider that these attitudes are formulated from a 2011). These data show that personal opinions about
third-person perspective. Consequently, only rough esti- ethical issues in disorders of consciousness differ, and
mations about what it is like to be in such a situation hence different clinical practice can be expected. For
can be made with the risk of imminent bias. Such bias example, in the European survey, the majority of par-
could be attributed to the fact that patients’ quality of ticipants approved of stopping treatment in VS/UWS
life evaluations are made from the perspective of healthy (66%), much more than in MCS (28%). In this case,
individuals who tend to underestimate patients’ subjec- patients in VS/UWS may run the risk of being left
tive well-being (Demertzi, Gosseries, Ledoux, Laureys, without administration of opioids or other analgesic
& Bruno, 2013a; Nizzi et al., 2012). Indeed, it was drugs during their dying process (Fins, 2006; Laureys,
recently showed that patients in LIS expressed a posi- 2005) on the grounds that they are unable to experi-
tive subjective quality of life, contrary to what could be ence suffering due to hunger or thirst.
expected in this condition (Bruno et al., 2011). In this From such studies on clinicians’ attitudes and atti-
self-reporting survey, it was shown that the majority of tudes of patients’ families (e.g., Kuehlmeyer, Borasio, &
patients in chronic LIS, despite mentioning severe Jox, 2012), it becomes evident that medical and ethical
restrictions in community reintegration, professed controversies continue to exist for patients with disor-
good subjective well-being. Self-reported happiness ders of consciousness. In order to resolve them, at least
status was associated with longer duration in this condi- to a certain degree, we need to improve our current
tion, the ability to produce speech via assisting tech- understanding of how these patients function. The use
nologies, and lower rates of anxiety. These findings of objective biomarkers may help us to better deter-
suggest that healthy persons who are not in direct mine the differences in underlying pathophysiology
contact with this patient population can have distorted characterizing the clinical entities of consciousness.
pictures about what life is like in these severely con- Consequently, clinicians should learn about patients’
strained situations. But what about the opinions of values and preferences and focus attention on changes

816 consciousness
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71 Consciousness and Seizures

ABSTRACT Why do seizures temporarily interrupt conscious- and temporal lobe complex partial seizures. Although
ness? To answer this question, recent studies have combined these seizures differ from each other markedly in their
behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging measure-
physiology and behavioral features, they converge on a
ments to explore brain networks crucial for both normal
consciousness and its disruption by seizures. The most common set of neuroanatomical structures when con-
common seizure types leading to impaired consciousness are sciousness is impaired (table 71.1). These include the
absence seizures, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and tem- frontoparietal association cortex and subcortical arousal
poral lobe complex partial seizures. Although these seizure networks, often affected in other disorders of conscious-
types differ in many ways, they share a final common set of ness as well (Laureys & Schiff, 2009; Laureys & Tononi,
anatomical structures leading to impaired consciousness.
These structures, which can be referred to as the “conscious- 2008). These key structures, which can be referred to
ness system,” comprise regions well known to play a role in as the “consciousness system” (Blumenfeld, 2009, 2010),
controlling the overall level of conscious arousal, including are affected through different mechanisms in different
the upper brainstem activating systems, thalamus, basal fore- epileptic seizures, which may reflect important aspects
brain, and higher-order frontoparietal association cortex. of normal brain network function.
Interestingly, different seizures affect these same structures
in different ways. Absence seizures lead to abnormal
This chapter will first introduce the consciousness
increased activity in the thalamus, with a mixture of increased system, its main components, and how it is involved
and decreased activity in the frontoparietal cortex. General- in disorders of consciousness, including epilepsy. The
ized tonic-clonic seizures are accompanied by increases in discussion will next focus on recent advances in behav-
activity in many brain regions, but following seizures while ioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging tech-
consciousness is still impaired there is decreased activity in
niques that have shed new light on the mechanisms of
frontoparietal cortex associated with persistently increased
activity in the cerebellum. Temporal lobe complex partial impaired consciousness in epileptic seizures (table
seizures exhibit an interesting pattern of increased activity in 71.1). Hopefully, with further work, we will soon be able
the temporal lobe and thalamus, along with decreased activ- to prevent this devastating interruption in the lives of
ity in frontoparietal cortex resembling slow-wave sleep. people with epilepsy and provide them the full benefits
Human studies and animal models support a model in which
of normal consciousness.
temporal lobe seizures inhibit the subcortical arousal systems
provoking a transition to sleep-like cortical activity. Better
understanding of impaired consciousness in seizures may
shed light on both normal consciousness mechanisms and The consciousness system
on potential new treatment approaches for people living
with epilepsy. Although philosophical discussions of consciousness
can be enlightening (Baars, Ramsoy, & Laureys, 2003;
Transient impaired consciousness in epileptic seizures Chalmers, 1996; Dennett, 1991; Nagel, 1974; Searle,
provides a window into mechanisms of normal con- 1997), neurologists tend to think of consciousness and
sciousness. Brain circuits operating in optimal fashion its disruption as a problem in functional neuroanatomi-
generate consciousness, but are disrupted by specific cal localization. In studying coma and related disorders,
anatomical and physiological alterations during epilep- Plum and Posner introduced a classic distinction
tic seizures. Understanding these mechanisms has enor- between brain systems that control the level of conscious-
mous importance for patients with epilepsy, since ness and those that generate the content of consciousness
transient loss of consciousness has a negative impact on (Plum & Posner, 1972, 1982). The content of conscious-
safety, productivity, emotional health, and quality of life ness includes all of the hierarchically organized sensory
(Sperling, 2004; Vickrey et al., 2000). New insights and motor systems, memory, and emotions and drives.
gained from understanding impaired consciousness in Individual brain networks with specialized functions
epilepsy may also provide novel treatment avenues for each contribute to the content of consciousness. The
other disorders of consciousness. level of consciousness depends on other specialized
Several types of seizures can cause impaired con- brain systems that control whether we are alert, atten-
sciousness, including absence, generalized tonic-clonic, tive, and aware (mnemonic: AAA; Blumenfeld, 2010).

blumenfeld: consciousness and seizures 821

Table 71.1
Seizures and impaired consciousness: Summary of behavior, electrophysiology, and neuroimaging findings
Seizure Type Behavior Electrophysiology Neuroimaging
Absence seizures Behavioral arrest typically Widespread bilateral 3–4 Hz Functional MRI shows increases
3–10 sec with minor eyelid or spike-wave discharges with in thalamus, but complicated
hand movements and rapid maximum amplitude in early increases in some areas
return to baseline. Simple midline anterior frontal region (e.g., medial frontal cortex,
repetitive tasks can often and possibly precuneus. precuneus) preceding EEG
continue during seizures. Animal models suggest focal onset by several seconds, and
bilateral onset with sparing of later widespread frontoparietal
some regions. association cortex decreases
lasting long after EEG end.
Generalized Rigid tonic extension and High-frequency polyspike Focal CBF increases in
tonic-clonic clonic jerking of limbs usually discharge in tonic phase, frontoparietal association
seizures lasting 1–2 minutes with rhythmic polyspike and wave cortex and thalamus. Post-ictal
profound unresponsiveness in clonic phase, generalized CBF increases in cerebellum
continuing into the post-ictal suppression post-ictally. correlated with thalamic
period. Human intra-cranial EEG increases and frontoparietal
shows some regions spared in decreases. Animal model
“generalized” seizures. supports relatively focal
bilateral cortical increases
based on fMRI.
Complex partial Behavioral arrest lasting 1–2 High-frequency discharge in CBF increases in temporal lobe
(temporal lobea) minutes commonly with oral medial temporal lobe, and and medial diencephalon-
seizures and manual automatisms, and sleep-like delta slow waves in upper brainstem with CBF
confusion in the post-ictal frontoparietal cortex. Slow decreases in frontoparietal
period. waves continue post-ictally. association cortex. Animal
Animal models suggest model shows fMRI increases in
depressed subcortical arousal lateral septum and anterior
impacts cortex. hypothalamus; these regions
may inhibit subcortical arousal.
We focus here on complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin, since less is known about the pathophysiology of impaired
consciousness in complex partial seizures initiated from other cortical regions.
Reproduced from Blumenfeld, 2012, with permission from Elsevier.

Our level of consciousness affects each of the many lateral temporal-parietal association cortex on the
contents of consciousness. lateral surface (figure 71.1B). Portions of the insula
The specialized brain networks that regulate the level (not shown) also likely participate. Subcortical compo-
of consciousness have been studied extensively over the nents include the basal forebrain, hypothalamus, thala-
past century. Early work on human brain disorders mus, and upper brainstem activating systems (figure
(Penfield, 1950; Von Economo, 1930) and experimen- 71.1A), as well as portions of the basal ganglia, cerebel-
tal animal models (Bremer, 1955; Moruzzi & Magoun, lum, and amygdala (not shown). The anatomy of the
1949) has been complemented by more recent studies consciousness system was discussed in greater detail in a
demonstrating the importance of both cortical and sub- recent review (Blumenfeld, 2012). Of note, the cortical
cortical structures in controlling level of consciousness components of the consciousness system include both
(Steriade & McCarley, 2010). In analogy to sensory, the recently described default mode network, which is
motor, and other cortical-subcortical brain systems, the important for internally directed processing (Raichle
specialized structures regulating level of consciousness et al., 2001), as well as other cortical regions important
can be called the “consciousness system” (Blumenfeld, for externally oriented attention (Asplund, Todd,
2009, 2010; figure 71.1). Snyder, & Marois, 2010; Buschman & Miller, 2007;
The consciousness system includes cortical compo- Dosenbach et al., 2007; Vanhaudenhuyse et al., 2011).
nents such as the medial frontal, anterior cingulate, Impaired consciousness in epilepsy and other disor-
posterior cingulate, and medial parietal (precuneus, ders occurs when the systems providing either the
retrosplenial) cortex on the medial surface (figure content or level of consciousness are disturbed. Selec-
71.1A), as well as the lateral frontal, orbital frontal, and tive loss of individual systems serving the content of

822 consciousness
Figure 71.1 The consciousness system. Anatomical struc- components (shown in red) include the basal forebrain,
tures known to regulate the level of consciousness. (A) Medial hypothalamus, thalamus, and upper brainstem activating
view. (B) Lateral view. Cortical components of the conscious- systems. Note that other circuits, such as the basal ganglia and
ness system (shown in blue) include the medial and lateral cerebellum, may also participate in attention and other
frontoparietal association cortex, anterior and posterior cin- aspects of consciousness. (Reproduced with permission from
gulate, precuneus, and retrosplenial cortex. Subcortical Blumenfeld, 2010.)

consciousness, such as a lesion in the visual cortex or been called simple partial seizures, while those with
in the language areas, causes specific deficits in that impaired consciousness are called complex partial sei-
aspect of consciousness but is not usually considered a zures. Generalized seizures can also have variable mani-
disorder of consciousness per se. On the other hand, if festations depending on the intensity, duration, and
many or nearly all contents of consciousness are physiological pattern of the epileptic discharges.
impaired together, this represents a disorder of con- The most common generalized seizure types are gener-
sciousness. Most commonly, this occurs when there is alized tonic-clonic seizures and absence seizures,
dysfunction in the consciousness system (figure 71.1). both of which usually cause marked impairment of
Disorders of the consciousness system cause an impaired consciousness. Because absence, generalized tonic-
level of consciousness, which leads to widespread dys- clonic, and complex partial seizures are the major
function in most contents of consciousness. Examples seizure types associated with impaired consciousness,
include coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious the remainder of our discussion will focus on these
state (Laureys, Owen, & Schiff, 2004; Laureys & Schiff, three types of seizures (table 71.1). Interestingly, despite
2009; Laureys & Tononi, 2008), and certain types of the differences between these three seizure types, all
epileptic seizures discussed in the next section. converge on a final common set of anatomical regions,
leading to impaired consciousness (table 71.1).
Seizures associated with impaired consciousness Absence (petit mal) seizures have been recognized in
the medical literature since the 1700s (Temkin, 1971)
Seizures are classified into those that are partial and consist of brief episodes of staring and unrespon-
(focal)—involving more localized areas of the brain— siveness. Most commonly seen in childhood absence
and those that are generalized—affecting widespread epilepsy, absence seizures can also occur in adolescents
regions bilaterally (Berg et al., 2010; International and adults. The electroencephalogram (EEG) shows a
League Against Epilepsy, 1981, 1989). Not all seizures characteristic widespread bilateral 3–4 Hz spike-wave
cause impaired consciousness. Focal seizures may cause discharge, which begins and ends abruptly along with
localized symptoms, such as hand twitching or an the absence behavioral event. Although classified as a
odd sensation in the epigastric area, without alterations form of generalized epilepsy, recent work suggests that
in overall alertness, attention, or awareness. Partial sei- absence seizures involve selective bilateral cortical and
zures without impaired consciousness have traditionally subcortical networks while sparing others (Blumenfeld,

blumenfeld: consciousness and seizures 823

2005a; Meeren, van Luijtelaar, Lopes da Silva, & Coenen, Treiman, 1982; Sadleir, Scheffer, Smith, Connolly, &
2005), which may help explain specific deficits in Farrell, 2009) and simple motor responses (McPherson
consciousness. et al., 2012) resembling the minimally conscious state.
Generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures are Behavioral evaluation of consciousness during sei-
well-recognized, whole-body convulsive episodes in zures has employed a variety of testing procedures. The
which consciousness is deeply impaired, both during most extensive testing has been accomplished in
seizures and for a variable time period afterward. Again, absence seizures, ranging from simple reaction time or
despite being classified as generalized seizures, recent motor tasks to tests of verbal responsiveness and memory
work suggests intense focal involvement of the con- (reviewed in Blumenfeld, 2005b). For other seizure
sciousness system (figure 71.1), which may be related types, retrospective questionnaires have been used (Ali
to the deep state of unconsciousness seen in general- et al., 2010; Cavanna et al., 2008) as well as scales based
ized tonic-clonic seizures. on review of video during seizures (Arthuis et al., 2009;
Complex partial seizures are episodes of staring and Blumenfeld, McNally et al., 2004; Blumenfeld et al.,
unresponsiveness, but unlike absence seizures, they 2009; Englot et al., 2010; Lambert, Arthuis, McGonigal,
involve focal brain discharges on EEG, usually last Wendling, & Bartolomei, 2012; Lee et al., 2002).
longer (typically 1–2 minutes), and involve focal Recently our group has investigated prospective
“automatisms” such as repetitive chewing or hand methods for testing patients during inpatient video/
wiping. Complex partial seizures are seen most com- EEG monitoring of seizures, including video games
monly in temporal lobe epilepsy, but can occur in focal meant to simulate real-world situations such as driving
seizures arising from other brain regions as well. One (Yang et al., 2010) and standardized prospective behav-
important puzzle has been why focal seizures should ioral testing batteries, including both verbal and non-
cause impaired consciousness, but as we will discuss, at verbal items (Bauerschmidt et al., 2013; McPherson
least in the case of temporal lobe seizures it has been et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2012).
shown that seizures disrupt the consciousness system, It has been pointed out that lack of external responses
leading to bilateral cortical dysfunction (Blumenfeld, does not prove loss of consciousness during seizures
McNally et al., 2004; Englot et al., 2008, 2009, 2010). (Gloor, 1986). Patients might be conscious during sei-
Much work has been done in recent years to further zures but unable to respond due to motor or language
advance our understanding of the pathophysiology of deficits, and may not report their experiences later due
impaired consciousness in these three major seizure to amnesia. Similar considerations apply to other states
types. The sections that follow will review the main of impaired consciousness in which internal awareness
behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging may persist despite external unresponsiveness (Sanders,
findings shedding new light on impaired consciousness Tononi, Laureys, & Sleigh, 2012). Recent advances in
in epilepsy (table 71.1). functional neuroimaging may offer new avenues for
testing internal states of awareness in apparently unre-
Behavior sponsive patients (Monti et al., 2010; Owen et al., 2006).
Absence seizures have the largest body of literature
The behavioral deficits in epilepsy are similar to other in which detailed behavioral testing has been done,
disorders of consciousness such as coma and vegetative most likely because these brief events can be captured
and minimally conscious states, except that the changes in outpatient EEGs and absence seizures in some chil-
are more transient in epilepsy (Blumenfeld, 2011). For dren will occur multiple times in one recording session
example, behavioral arousal in generalized tonic-clonic (Blumenfeld, 2005b; Kostopoulos, 2001). Deficits in
seizures transiently resembles coma, because in both behavior during absence seizures are not absolute (Blu-
conditions patients are deeply unresponsive to external menfeld, 2005b; Chipaux, Vercueil, Kaminska, Mahon,
stimuli. One interesting difference is that in coma the & Charpier, 2013), and although a complete under-
eyes are closed (Plum & Posner, 1982), whereas in gen- standing of the mechanisms has not been reached,
eralized tonic-clonic seizures the eyes are usually open. there are several factors that influence the variable
Absence seizures are very transiently similar to vegeta- severity of impairment during absence seizures. One
tive or minimally conscious states, with either no important factor is the difficulty of the behavioral task.
response or occasional simple responses to external Impairment during absence seizures is more severe for
stimuli (Blumenfeld, 2005b). In both absence and tasks requiring verbal responses or complex decision
complex partial seizures the eyes are usually open, and making, whereas tasks involving simple repetitive
there may be automatism, or orienting responses toward actions can sometimes continue right through seizures
stimuli as in the vegetative state (Escueta, Bacsal, & (figure 71.2A). This is similar to other disorders of

824 consciousness
consciousness, such as global encephalopathy, which that spike-wave discharges lasting less than three seconds
classically impair higher-order functions more severely do not cause deficits, and although this may be true for
than simple tasks (Mesulam, 2000). clinically obvious absence seizures, with careful behav-
Another factor that influences behavioral impair- ioral testing transient deficits can be detected for even
ment during absence seizures is the precise timing of brief episodes lasting less than one second (Berman
tasks relative to seizure onset and end. There is often et al., 2010; Browne, Penry, Porter, & Dreifuss, 1974).
some recovery toward the end of seizures, and depend- In addition to deficits during seizures, it has been shown
ing on the task there may also be some initial sparing that patients with childhood absence epilepsy often
just after seizure onset, resulting in a U-shaped time have significant attention deficits in the interictal period
course of deficits (figure 71.2A). It has been claimed even when no spike-wave discharges are occurring
(Killory et al., 2011; Levav et al., 2002; Mirsky & van
Buren, 1965; Vega et al., 2010).
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures usually last for
about two minutes, with profound impairment of con-
sciousness during seizures and for a variable time in the
post-ictal period. Onset may be focal or bilateral, and
behavior progresses through a series of stages, includ-
ing bilateral clonic, tonic, vibratory, and clonic activity,
followed by post-ictal lethargy (Blumenfeld et al., 2009;
Jobst, 2001; Theodore et al., 1994; Varghese et al.,
2009). During and following generalized tonic-clonic
seizures, patients are deeply unresponsive to even basic
tasks such as ball grasp, visual tracking, or blink to visual
threat (McPherson et al., 2012). Amnesia commonly
occurs for events around the time of seizures. Interest-
ingly, in rare cases patients remain conscious during
generalized tonic-clonic seizures and can reliably
describe their experiences afterwards (Bell, Walczak,
Shin, & Radtke, 1997; Botez, Serbanescu, & Stoica,
1966; Weinberger & Lusins, 1973). The mechanisms for
this spared function should be investigated further, but
it has been speculated that such seizures may involve
bilateral frontal regions while sparing other areas neces-
sary for consciousness.

impairment (right cluster). Multiple standardized behavioral

tasks were administered prospectively during partial seizures
Figure 71.2 Behavioral changes in seizures. (A) Variable using the revised Responsiveness in Epilepsy Scale (RES-II),
and transient behavioral impairment during childhood including both verbal and nonverbal items (items 1–10) and
absence seizures. Percent correct responses are shown over responses were scored based on video/EEG review. Scores
time (2 sec time bins) before, during, and after seizures show a bimodal distribution, with the large majority receiving
(shaded region). Performance on the more difficult continu- a score of either “0” (no response whatsoever) or “4” (normal,
ous performance task (CPT) declined rapidly for letters pre- unimpaired response). Data are from 33 partial seizures in 11
sented just before seizure onset and recovered quickly after patients, 4 with temporal lobe epilepsy and 7 with neocortical
seizure end. Impaired performance on the simpler repetitive or unlocalized partial epilepsy. A bimodal pattern of behav-
tapping task (RTT) was more transient than on CPT, did ioral test scores was also seen in 35 partial seizures from 14
not begin until after seizure onset, and was less severely patients using an earlier prospective testing battery (Yang
impaired during seizures than the CPT task (F = 15.3, et al., 2012) as well as in a recent study with larger sample size
P = 0.017; ANOVA). Results are based on a total of 53 seizures (Cunningham et al., 2014). A bimodal pattern has not been
in 8 patients. (B) Bimodal distribution of impaired conscious- observed with similar testing items in other disorders of
ness in partial seizures. Impairment on behavioral tasks is consciousness (Giacino, Kalmar, & Whyte, 2004). (Repro-
bimodally distributed, suggesting that most partial seizures duced with permission from Bai et al., 2010, panel A; and
can readily be separated into those with overall impairment Bauerschmidt et al., 2013, panel B, with permission from
(left cluster in the histogram) versus those without overall Elsevier.)

blumenfeld: consciousness and seizures 825

Complex partial seizures, most commonly arising Electrophysiology
from the temporal lobe, consist of staring and unre-
sponsiveness lasting for about one to two minutes. Since first introduced for human use in the late 1920s
Often “automatisms” are seen, such as lip-smacking or (Berger, 1929), EEG has provided tremendous insight
repetitive semi-purposeful hand or leg movements into the pathophysiology of epileptic seizures. Low-
(Escueta, Kunze, Waddell, Boxley, & Nadel, 1977; Hoff- density scalp EEG recordings have recently been
mann, Elger, & Kleefuss-Lie, 2008; Penfield, 1950). supplemented by high-density >200 channel scalp or
Consciousness is commonly spared for the initial part intracranial recordings with higher sampling frequen-
of the seizure, is maximally impaired in the later ictal cies, yielding unprecedented spatial and temporal reso-
period, and then remains impaired into the post-ictal lution. Animal models provide invasive recordings of
period. The deficits in complex partial seizures are single neurons or neuronal ensembles. The full poten-
often less severe than during generalized tonic-clonic tial of these techniques has not yet been realized, but
seizures. For example, simple responses such a grasp- has begun to be applied to understanding impaired
ing a ball or visual tracking are preserved in over half consciousness in epilepsy.
of complex partial seizures (McPherson et al., 2012). Absence seizures are accompanied by a characteristic
However, tasks that require more meaningful responses large amplitude 3–4 Hz spike-wave discharge on EEG
such as command-following, decision making, or typically lasting less than ∼10 sec with relatively sudden
speaking are severely impaired (Cunningham et al., onset and end (Ebersole & Pedley, 2003). Although the
2014). discharges are bilateral and widely distributed, they are
One important and somewhat controversial question not truly “generalized” in the sense that the voltage is
is whether complex partial seizures disrupt the content maximum in the anterior midline contacts. Localized
or the level of consciousness. In other words, are the maximum amplitude of spike wave has been confirmed
deficits in complex partial seizures caused by selective using conventional EEG (Rodin & Ancheta, 1987; Weir,
problems in one or several specific cognitive systems 1965), high-density EEG (Holmes, Brown, & Tucker,
(e.g., language dysfunction, memory dysfunction, etc.), 2004), and magnetoencephalography (Westmijse,
or is the overall level of behavioral arousal impaired Ossenblok, Gunning, & van Luijtelaar, 2009). Electro-
because of depressed function of the consciousness physiological studies in animal models of absence epi-
system (figure 71.1)? Most likely, both mechanisms con- lepsy also demonstrate focal bilateral spike wave with
tribute to impaired consciousness in complex partial relative sparing of more posterior regions (Meeren,
seizures. Sometimes, however, partial seizures are Pijn, van Luijtelaar, Coenen, & Lopes da Silva, 2002;
difficult to classify with regard to consciousness when Nersesyan, Herman, Erdogan, Hyder, & Blumenfeld,
selective deficits in cognitive function occur without 2004; Vergnes, Marescaux, & Depaulis, 1990). These
impairment in overall level of behavioral arousal—this findings suggest that deficits in consciousness during
can occur, for example, when focal seizures cause déjà absence seizures may be related to intense involvement
vu, amnesia, aphasia, hallucinations, “forced thinking,” of particular brain regions, even in so-called general-
or altered self-perception without deficits in overall ized seizures (Kostopoulos, 2001; Pavone & Nieder-
level of consciousness (Ali, Rickards, & Cavanna, 2012; meyer, 2000). Several early studies reported that
Cavanna, Rickards, & Ali, 2011; Heydrich, Dieguez, impaired consciousness in absence seizures is associ-
Grunwald, Seeck, & Blanke, 2010; Picard & Craig, ated with EEG features, including spike-wave ampli-
2009). For these reasons, the latest report on classifica- tude, duration, rhythmicity, frontocentral distribution,
tion of seizures recommends eliminating consciousness and generalization (Browne et al., 1974; Jus & Jus, 1960;
as a major classifying feature of partial (focal) seizures Mirsky & van Buren, 1965). However, since other inves-
(Berg et al., 2010). However, recent behavioral studies tigators claimed there is no relation between EEG and
have shown that the vast majority of partial seizures absence behavioral severity (Boudin, Barbizet, & Masson,
show either deficits in multiple verbal and nonverbal 1958; Davidoff & Johnson, 1964; Gastaut, 1954), this may
cognitive functions during seizures, or relative sparing be a topic worthy of further investigation.
of most functions (figure 71.2B; Bauerschmidt et al., In generalized tonic-clonic seizures, the EEG during
2013; Cunningham et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2012). This the tonic phase shows widespread polyspike discharges
bimodal distribution of deficits (figure 71.2B) suggests or low-voltage fast activity, which gives way to polyspike-
that cognitive impairment in partial seizures is usually and-wave during the clonic phase and then generalized
a broad phenomenon affecting virtually all functions, suppression post-ictally. There is some evidence based
as would be expected in a disorder of overall level of on EEG that generalized tonic-clonic seizures, like
consciousness. absence seizures, may affect some brain regions more

826 consciousness
strongly than others. For example, secondarily general- thalamocortical synchrony, which may contribute to
ized tonic-clonic seizures show some EEG asymmetry these physiological changes (Arthuis et al., 2009; Bar-
even during the generalized phase (Kriss, Halliday, Hal- tolomei, 2012; Guye et al., 2006; Rosenberg et al., 2006).
liday, & Pratt, 1978; McNally & Blumenfeld, 2004), and Although less is known about impaired consciousness
intracranial EEG has demonstrated that generalized in complex partial seizures originating outside the tem-
tonic-clonic seizures can spare some brain regions poral lobe, a recent study showed similar findings using
(Schindler, Leung, Lehnertz, & Elger, 2007). intracranial EEG in parietal lobe epilepsy (Lambert
Temporal lobe complex partial seizures exhibit focal et al., 2012).
5–7 Hz theta frequency discharges over the temporal
lobe on scalp EEG, often accompanied by more wide- Neuroimaging
spread slower delta- and theta-frequency activity. Intra-
cranial EEG shows periodic spikes or low-voltage fast Functional neuroimaging has provided important new
activity initially in one medial temporal lobe, followed insights into the mechanisms of impaired consciousness
by theta-frequency polyspike-and-wave activity extend- in epilepsy. Earlier work based on lower-resolution
ing to the lateral temporal cortex unilaterally or bilater- methods has given way to functional MRI (fMRI) and
ally (figure 71.3A, B, C). Loss of consciousness is more other techniques. Single-photon emission computed
common with bilateral involvement (figure 71.3E, G) tomography (SPECT) does not have the resolution of
but can also occur with unilateral temporal lobe seizure fMRI, but allows imaging of cerebral blood flow despite
activity (Englot et al., 2010; Gloor, Olivier, & Ives, 1980; patient movement during seizures. SPECT is based on
Lux et al., 2002). Seizures with left-sided onset are more injection of a radiotracer during seizures, providing a
commonly associated with impaired consciousness; “snapshot” of cerebral blood flow at the time of injec-
however, this effect may be caused at least in part by a tion. The tracer is rapidly taken up by the brain and
bias favoring verbal testing methods; impaired con- remains relatively stable, allowing neuroimaging to be
sciousness can certainly be seen in temporal lobe sei- done 1–2 hours later when the patient is no longer
zures with right-sided onset as well (Englot et al., 2010). moving (Devous, Leroy, & Homan, 1990; Kim, Zubal, &
We recently observed an interesting phenomenon in Blumenfeld, 2009; McNally et al., 2005). Caution must
which sleep-like slow-wave activity occurs in the fronto- be exercised in interpreting functional neuroimaging
parietal association cortex during temporal lobe sei- studies, since they are only indirectly related to neural
zures with impaired consciousness (Blumenfeld, Rivera, activity through neurometabolic and neurovascular
et al., 2004). This slow-wave activity had been observed coupling. Direct measurements of neuronal activity in
previously but interpreted as seizure propagation (Lieb, animal models have revealed unexpected relationships
Dasheiff, & Engel, 1991). However, the frontoparietal and shed important light on the interpretation of neu-
slow-wave activity during temporal lobe seizures more roimaging signals in epilepsy and under normal condi-
closely resembles the EEG of slow-wave sleep, coma, or tions (Englot et al., 2008; Hyder et al., 2010; Mishra
encephalopathy than seizures. Fundamental studies in et al., 2011; Schridde et al., 2008; Suh, Ma, Zhao, Sharif,
an animal model demonstrated very similar phenom- & Schwartz, 2006).
ena and confirmed that this ictal neocortical slow-wave Neuroimaging in patients with absence epilepsy has
activity has reduced neuronal firing, blood flow, and recently used simultaneous EEG-fMRI to demonstrate
metabolism, similar to deep anesthesia or sleep, whereas changes in all parts of the consciousness system during
seizure activity shows increases in all of these parame- seizures. Spike-wave discharges in these patients
ters (Englot et al., 2008, 2009). We concluded that focal produce fMRI increases in the thalamus as well as the
seizures in the temporal lobe can induce a unique state primary visual, sensorimotor, and auditory cortex bilat-
of depressed cortical function, which may be crucial for erally, while predominantly fMRI decreases are seen in
impaired consciousness in this disorder. In support of default-mode cortical regions such as the medial fron-
this, we found that bilateral delta-frequency slow-wave toparietal cortex and lateral parietal cortex (Archer,
activity on intracranial EEG recordings from the fron- Abbott, Waites, & Jackson, 2003; Berman et al., 2010;
toparietal cortex is strongly associated with impaired Carney et al., 2010; Gotman et al., 2005; Moeller, LeVan,
consciousness in temporal lobe epilepsy (figure 71.3A– et al., 2010; Moeller, Siebner, Wolff, Muhle, Granert,
F). Temporal lobe seizures without neocortical slow- et al., 2008; Salek-Haddadi et al., 2003). The lateral
wave activity (figure 71.3G) are not associated with frontal cortex shows variable changes (Carney,
impaired consciousness. Masterton, Flanagan, Berkovic, & Jackson, 2012). It was
Depth electrode recordings from patients with tem- recently recognized that the standard “canonical”
poral lobe epilepsy have revealed abnormally enhanced hemodynamic response function does not adequately

blumenfeld: consciousness and seizures 827

Figure 71.3 EEG in temporal lobe seizures with impaired seizures with impaired consciousness have bilateral increases
consciousness shows cortical slow-wave activity. (A–D) Time in temporal beta frequency and frontoparietal delta frequency
course of intracranial EEG changes during typical temporal activity, while seizures without impaired consciousness show
lobe seizure with impaired consciousness. Only ipsilateral mainly increases in ipsilateral temporal lobe beta. Mean frac-
contacts are shown. Bars along left margin indicate electrode tional changes (± standard error of mean) in intracranial EEG
contacts from different strips, rows, or depth electrodes in the power compared to 60 sec preseizure baseline. (E) Temporal
indicated brain regions. A subset of representative electrodes lobe beta in seizures with impaired consciousness. (F) Neo-
are shown of the 128 studied in this patient. Calibration bar cortical delta in seizures with impaired consciousness.
on right is 3 mV. Montage is referential to mastoid. (A) Seizure (G) Temporal lobe beta in seizures without impaired con-
onset with low-voltage fast activity emerging from periodic sciousness. (H) Neocortical delta in seizures without impaired
spiking in the mesial temporal contacts. (B) Sample of EEG consciousness. Bilateral temporal lobe beta activity and fron-
from early seizure. Rhythmic polyspike and sharp wave activity toparietal delta activity were significantly higher in seizures
develops in the mesial temporal lobe, while the frontal and with vs. without impaired consciousness (P < 0.05, Mann
parietal contacts show large-amplitude irregular slow activity. Whitney U test; n = 38 seizures with impaired consciousness
(C) Sample of EEG from mid-seizure. Polyspike and wave and 25 seizures without impaired consciousness in 26
activity is present in the mesial and lateral temporal lobe patients). Mes T, mesial temporal; Lat T, lateral temporal; OF,
contacts, with ongoing slow waves in the association cortex. orbital frontal; LatF, lateral frontal; MedF, medial frontal;
Paracentral Rolandic and occipital contacts are relatively LatP, lateral parietal; C, perirolandic pre- and post-central
spared. (D) Post-ictal suppression is seen in temporal lobe gyri; O, occipital. (Reproduced from Englot et al., 2010, by
contacts, with continued irregular slowing in the frontopari- permission of Oxford University Press.)
etal neocortex. (E–H) Group data. Focal temporal lobe
fit fMRI changes in absence seizures. Thus, fMRI deep cerebellar nuclei and thalamus. To investigate this
increases may begin well before the EEG onset of sei- mechanism further, we performed a correlation analy-
zures, and a complex sequence of fMRI increases and sis of SPECT signals in the cerebellum versus the rest
decreases continue in different brain regions long after of the brain during and following generalized tonic-
EEG seizure offset (Bai et al., 2010; Carney et al., 2010; clonic seizures across patients. This showed a strong
Moeller, Siebner, Wolff, Muhle, Boor, et al., 2008). To correlation between cerebellar increases and decreased
fully relate the fMRI changes in absence seizures to activity in the frontoparietal consciousness system struc-
impaired consciousness, it will be necessary to more tures (Blumenfeld et al., 2009). The neural mechanisms
carefully analyze these complicated signals. So far, only for these changes should be investigated further;
a few studies have attempted to relate fMRI and behav- however, the findings suggest that cerebellar inhibitory
ioral impairment in absence seizures (Berman et al., outputs may be important for depressed forebrain func-
2010; Li et al., 2009; Moeller, Muhle, et al., 2010), tion and impaired consciousness in generalized tonic-
showing simply that more extensive fMRI changes occur clonic seizures.
when behavior is impaired. Studies employing larger Complex partial seizures have also been imaged
sample sizes and data-driven approaches to fMRI signal mainly with ictal SPECT. These studies have shown ictal
analysis will hopefully soon yield more information increases in cerebral blood flow in the upper brainstem,
about network impairment in absence seizures (Guo medial thalamus, and hypothalamus (figure 71.4;
et al., 2011). Blumenfeld, McNally, et al., 2004; Hogan, Kaiboriboon,
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures have been imaged Bertrand, Rao, & Acharya, 2006; Lee et al., 2002;
mainly with ictal SPECT, which is lower resolution than Mayanagi, Watanabe, & Kaneko, 1996; Tae et al., 2005).
fMRI but alleviates problems with patient safety and These subcortical changes were shown to be associated
movement artifact during seizures. Neuroimaging of with impaired consciousness (Blumenfeld, McNally,
generalized tonic-clonic seizures has shown dramatic et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2002). In addition, cortical
changes in the consciousness system (figure 71.1) both SPECT decreases were found in the bilateral frontopari-
during partial seizures with secondary generalization etal association cortex in temporal lobe complex partial
(Blumenfeld et al., 2009; Blumenfeld, Westerveld, et al., seizures (figure 71.4; Blumenfeld, McNally, et al., 2004;
2003; Lee et al., 1987; Rowe et al., 1989; Shin, Hong, Chassagnon et al., 2009; van Paesschen, Dupont, van
Tae, & Kim, 2002; Varghese et al., 2009), as well as Driel, van Billoen, & Maes, 2003), in the same regions
in tonic-clonic seizures induced by electroconvulsive in which slow-wave activity was reported on intracranial
therapy (Bajc et al., 1989; Blumenfeld, McNally, Ostroff, EEG (Englot et al., 2010). The cortical and subcortical
& Zubal, 2003; Blumenfeld, Westerveld, et al., 2003; changes in complex partial seizures again involve the
Enev et al., 2007; McNally & Blumenfeld, 2004; Takano main components of the consciousness system, includ-
et al., 2007; Vollmer-Haase, Folkerts, Haase, Deppe, & ing the bilateral upper brainstem/medial diencepha-
Ringelstein, 1998). Specifically, during generalized lon and frontoparietal association cortex. In contrast,
tonic-clonic seizures, increases are observed in the bilat- simple partial temporal lobe seizures do not show these
eral lateral frontal and parietal cortex, medial parietal network effects, but instead show localized changes in
cortex, thalamus, and upper brainstem, while decreases one medial temporal lobe (Blumenfeld, McNally, et al.,
are seen in the medial frontal and cingulate cortex. 2004). The relationship between cortical and subcorti-
Post-ictally, cerebral blood flow decreases are seen in cal changes in temporal lobe complex partial seizures
medial and lateral frontoparietal association cortex was further strengthened by correlation analysis of
(Blumenfeld et al., 2009; Enev et al., 2007). Again, these SPECT data across patients, showing a strong relation-
changes overlap but are not limited to the default-mode ship between increases in the medial thalamus and
network. The cerebellum shows an interesting progres- decreases in the bilateral frontoparietal association cortex
sive increase in cerebral blood flow in the late ictal and (Blumenfeld, McNally, et al., 2004).
early post-ictal periods, beginning in the midline and Based on these findings, we proposed a “network
progressing into the lateral cerebellar hemispheres inhibition hypothesis” to explain the puzzle of why focal
(Blumenfeld et al., 2009). Prior work from a cat model seizures in the temporal lobe often cause loss of con-
of generalized tonic-clonic seizures showed a similar sciousness (figure 71.5; Blumenfeld, 2009, 2012; Blu-
progressive increase in cerebellar activity (Salgado- menfeld & Taylor, 2003; Englot & Blumenfeld, 2009;
Benitez, Briones, & Fernandez-Guardiola, 1982), which Englot et al., 2008, 2009, 2010; Norden & Blumenfeld,
was proposed to contribute to seizure termination and 2002; Yu & Blumenfeld, 2009). Under normal condi-
post-ictal suppression of forebrain activity. Cerebellar tions, consciousness is maintained by bidirectional
Purkinje cells have strong inhibitory outputs via the interactions between the cortical and subcortical

blumenfeld: consciousness and seizures 829

Figure 71.4 Cerebral blood flow imaging in temporal lobe to superior (A–D), and coronal sections (E, F) progressing
seizures with impaired consciousness. Complex partial sei- from anterior to posterior showing blood flow increases in the
zures arising from the temporal lobe are associated with sig- bilateral midbrain, hypothalamus, medial thalamus, and mid-
nificant cerebral blood flow increases and decreases in brain. Decreases are seen in the bilateral association cortex.
widespread brain regions. Statistical parametric maps depict (G) Three-dimensional surface renderings show increases
SPECT increases in red and decreases in green. Changes mainly in the bilateral medial diencephalon, upper brain-
ipsilateral to seizure onset are shown on the left side of the stem, and medial cerebellum, while decreases occur in the
brain, and contralateral changes on the right side of the brain ipsilateral contralateral frontal and parietal association
(combining patients with left and right onset seizures; n = 10). cortex (same data as A–F). Extent threshold, k = 125 voxels
Data are from >90 sec after seizure onset, when consciousness (voxel size = 2 × 2 × 2 mm). Height threshold, P = 0.01.
was markedly impaired. Note that at earlier times there were (Reproduced from Blumenfeld, McNally, et al., 2004, by per-
SPECT increases in the ipsilateral mesial temporal lobe (not mission of Oxford University Press.) (See color plate 61.)
shown). (A–F) Horizontal sections progressing from inferior

components of the consciousness system (figure 71.5A). brainstem, thalamus, hypothalamus, and basal fore-
Focal temporal lobe seizures produce abnormal poly- brain (figure 71.5D). Removal of subcortical arousal
spike discharges in the medial temporal lobe (figure leads to widespread cortical slow-wave activity (figure
71.5B). Seizures propagate along known anatomical 71.5D) resembling coma or deep sleep and produces
pathways to subcortical structures, particularly to impaired consciousness.
GABAergic inhibitory neurons in the lateral septal In addition to the human data, neuroimaging and
nuclei, anterior hypothalamic ventrolateral preoptic other measurements in animal models have provided
area, thalamic reticular nucleus, habenula, substantia valuable insights into the mechanisms of impaired con-
nigra pars reticulata, ventral pallidum, and cerebellar sciousness in complex partial temporal lobe seizures.
cortex (figure 71.5C). These regions may powerfully Rat hippocampal seizures show behavioral arrest and
inhibit subcortical arousal systems in the upper neocortical slow-wave activity similar to humans (Englot

830 consciousness
Figure 71.5 Network inhibition hypothesis for impaired of consciousness. (C) Spread of seizure activity from the tem-
consciousness in temporal lobe complex partial seizures. poral lobe to midline subcortical structures. Propagation
(A) Under normal conditions, the upper brainstem-dience- often occurs to the contralateral mesial temporal as well (not
phalic activating systems interact with the cerebral cortex to shown). (D) Inhibition of subcortical activating systems leads
maintain normal consciousness. (B) Focal seizure involving to depressed activity in bilateral frontoparietal association
the mesial temporal lobe. If the seizure remains confined, cortex and to loss of consciousness. (Modified with permis-
then a simple partial seizure will occur without impairment sion from Blumenfeld & Taylor, 2003.)

et al., 2008). Multiunit recordings revealed up and (Motelow et al., 2012). The combination of human
down states of neuronal firing, closely resembling coma, data and work from the animal model suggests that
deep sleep, or encephalopathy (Englot et al., 2008; therapeutic neurostimulation of subcortical arousal
Haider, Duque, Hasenstaub, & McCormick, 2006; Ste- systems (Schiff et al., 2007) may be a reasonable
riade, Contreras, Curro Dossi, & Nunez, 1993). Rat future treatment option, with a goal of improving
fMRI and electrophysiology confirmed that ictal neo- consciousness in medically and surgically refractory
cortical slow activity is a unique state of depressed corti- complex partial seizures.
cal function, associated with a mean decrease in neuronal
firing, cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and Summary and future directions
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (Englot
et al., 2008). In contrast, hippocampal or neocortical We have seen that absence, generalized tonic-clonic,
seizure activity elicits increases in all of these variables. and complex partial seizures all converge on the same
Further experiments demonstrated that cutting the set of anatomical structures when consciousness is
fornix prevented subcortical spread of seizures, neocor- impaired. These seizures differ in behavior, physiology,
tical slow activity, and behavioral arrest (Englot et al., and neuroimaging, yet all converge on the conscious-
2009). In addition, stimulation of inhibitory subcortical ness system (figure 71.1) through different mechanisms
structures such as the lateral septum replicated slow (table 71.1). Seizures can disrupt the consciousness
activity and behavioral arrest (Englot et al., 2009) and system either through direct propagation or through
single-unit recordings revealed a shutdown of neurons indirect network effects, leading to impaired level of
involved in subcortical arousal, such as cholinergic consciousness. Mechanisms involving changes in infor-
neurons in the penunculopontine tegmental nucleus mation integration or the global workspace have also

blumenfeld: consciousness and seizures 831

been proposed (Bartolomei, 2012; Tononi, 2005; epileptic unconsciousness, leading the way to improved
Tononi & Koch, 2008). In absence seizures, the thala- treatments. While stopping seizures remains the goal,
mus shows abnormal increased activity, but the complex approximately one-fifth of patients with epilepsy are
time course of fMRI signals has made the exact nature refractory to all medical and surgical treatments and
of cortical changes less certain. Although the data so suffer from disabling seizures with impaired conscious-
far suggest that the consciousness system is involved, ness. Treatments aimed at preserving the level of con-
additional studies are needed that take into account the sciousness during seizures could greatly improve the
complex fMRI time course in relation to behavior. In quality of life for these patients, and will hopefully be
addition, improved animal models may add to the fun- achieved in the near future.
damental understanding of cortical and subcortical
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS William Chen and Robert Kim helped
changes in absence seizures. Neuroimaging and elec- prepare the figures. This work was supported by NIH
trophysiology measurements in generalized tonic-clonic R01NS055829, R01NS066974, R01MH67528, R01HL059619,
seizures suggest that focal bilateral regions of the con- P30NS052519, U01NS045911, a Donaghue Foundation Inves-
sciousness system are involved most intensely. The cer- tigator Award, and the Betsy and Jonathan Blattmachr Family.
ebellar changes seen late in seizures and continuing
into the post-ictal period may play an important role in
seizure termination as well as in impaired conscious-
ness, and should be investigated further. Complex Ali, F., Rickards, H., Bagary, M., Greenhill, L.,
McCorry, D., & Cavanna, A. E. (2010). Ictal consciousness
partial seizures have been a puzzle, since it was unclear
in epilepsy and nonepileptic attack disorder. Epilepsy Behav,
why focal seizures produce this sleepwalk-like state, 19, 522–525.
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72 On the Relationship Between
Consciousness and Attention

ABSTRACT Over the last 20 years, our understanding of the (Laureys, 2005). Though the content of consciousness
neuronal basis of perceptual consciousness and selective includes notions related to the self, we focus here on the
attention has greatly progressed. This advancement was facili- vastly better-studied aspects of visual consciousness (for
tated by research using visual illusions and task designs that
keep sensory input constant yet vary internal factors such as other modalities, see several articles featured in Tsuchiya
top-down attention and subjective visibility. To isolate the neu- & van Boxtel, 2013). Furthermore, we focus on top-
ronal mechanisms of consciousness and attention, however, it down selective attention, which is an endogenous, goal-
has become increasingly clear that keeping the sensory input oriented, and volitionally controlled component of
constant is not enough. Unless manipulated independently, attention, as opposed to bottom-up selective attention,
consciousness and attention usually covary. Recent studies
that independently vary both consciousness and attention
which is an exogenous, automatic, stimulus-driven com-
have found that the behavioral and neuronal effects of con- ponent of attention (Itti & Koch, 2001).
sciousness and attention can be dissociated, implying that Top-down attention and consciousness are both
their neuronal mechanisms may be largely independent. Yet, mental processes that can be manipulated without
even if independent neuronal mechanisms underlie con- changes in sensory inputs. As such, they are amenable
sciousness and attention, there remains a conceptual dispute
to contrastive analysis (Baars, 1997) without stimulus
over the exact relationship between these processes. It is now
generally accepted that subjects can selectively attend to attri- confound. Contrastive methods have been extensively
butes of events or objects without becoming aware of them. used in the search for the neuronal correlates of con-
Whether the converse is also true is much more contentious. sciousness (NCC). The NCC is defined as the minimal
That is, is attentional amplification of the neural representa- set of neuronal mechanisms jointly sufficient for any
tion of an event or object always necessary to experience it
one conscious percept (Koch, 2004). To dissociate the
(i.e., is consciousness without attention possible?). We argue
that attentional amplification is necessary to experience an NCC from neural activity that merely correlates with the
object only when it needs to be “selected” among other objects physical characteristics of the stimulus, an array of visual
that compete with it in space and time. In a situation without illusions has been extensively used (Kim & Blake, 2005).
any competition (e.g., an isolated object or a uniform texture), Researchers have investigated behavioral and neuro-
selective attention may not play any significant role. Accord- nal effects of top-down attention under identical sensory
ingly, we argue that the neuronal mechanisms that give rise to
consciousness need to be carefully disentangled from the inputs while instructing subjects to direct their atten-
neuronal mechanisms that resolve competition. Using an tion in one way or the other. This contrasts with studies
isolated-object paradigm, future studies can test the possibility of bottom-up attention, where some aspects of the
of consciousness with no top-down attentional amplification stimulus array (e.g., an abrupt cue) are manipulated,
in mice or monkeys by inactivating synaptic inputs from fron- making it likely that some of the observed attentional
toparietal attentional areas back to visual areas using the
rapidly advancing technology of optogenetics.
effects are directly caused by external factors.
Ultimately, the function of selective attention is to
reduce the onslaught of sensory information streaming
Conceptual issues of consciousness and attention in from sensory arrays to a trickle that can be processed
in real time by the organism. At the neuronal level
Definition of Consciousness and Attention Both (Kastner & Ungerleider, 2000), both top-down and
“consciousness” and “attention” are words used in bottom-up attention act in at least three ways: (1) to
everyday conversation with different meanings. As in increase the baseline neuronal activity (but also see
previous papers (Koch & Tsuchiya, 2007; van Boxtel, Otazu, Tai, Yang, & Zador, 2009); (2) to amplify the
Tsuchiya, & Koch, 2010a), we restrict our discussion to neuronal response to the selected location, feature,
“consciousness” in the sense of “contents of conscious- and/or object; this may occur by reducing noise cor-
ness,” to be distinguished from the meaning inherent relations among neighboring neurons (Cohen & Maun-
in “levels of consciousness,” as in sleep or arousal sell, 2009; Mitchell, Sundberg, & Reynolds, 2009); and

tsuchiya and koch: on the relationship between consciousness and attention 839
(3) to suppress the neuronal response to locations, fea- consciousness,” which is distinguished from “access
tures, objects, or events that are not selected. In the consciousness” (Block, 1996, 2007). Phenomenal con-
discussion on the relationship between consciousness sciousness, defined as “what it is like to have any one
and attention, the second aspect of attention, atten- specific experience,” is closely related to both broad- and
tional amplification, is most relevant. The third aspect narrow-sense qualia. A representation is access-conscious
is also critical when attention resolves competition if it is posed for direct control of reasoning, reporting,
among visual objects, as we emphasize in this chapter. and action (Block, 1996). Cognitively accessed contents
There are two core questions with regard to the rela- of consciousness are stored for working memory and
tionship between consciousness and attention: Can top- flexibly guide present and future behaviors. Such report-
down attention select and amplify the neuronal activity able conscious contents are sometimes called “aware-
representing an object, even when that object is not ness” and are sometimes distinguished from phenomenal
consciously perceived? Is attentional amplification nec- consciousness (Chalmers, 1995). To avoid confusion,
essary to perceive an object consciously? Before review- we will not use the term “awareness” in this chapter.
ing recent studies on these issues, we elaborate what we Here, we will discuss the neuronal mechanisms that
mean by the contents of consciousness. are directly responsible for narrow-sense qualia rather
than the neuronal mechanisms that enable cognitive
Qualia in a Broad and Narrow Sense The funda- access. Cognitive access mechanisms may involve selec-
mental question at the heart of the mind-body problem tive attention, especially when sensory inputs involve
is how electrochemical activity in the brain generates competition among objects. Thus, phenomenal con-
subjective conscious experience. Consciousness is sciousness without cognitive access is closely related
always experienced, at any given moment, as a unified to qualia without top-down attention (Block, 2007;
whole. This single moment of conscious experience is Campana & Tallon-Baudry, 2013; Koch & Tsuchiya,
sometimes called “a quale in a broad sense,” as defined 2008; Lamme, 2010).
in Balduzzi and Tononi (2009; a quale is the singular
form for the Latin word qualia). In a narrow sense, a Possible relationships between consciousness
quale refers to a particular aspect within a quale in the and attention
broad sense. Examples of the narrow-sense qualia are
the redness of a Rothko painting or the dull pain of a Consciousness Is Not Necessary for Atten-
toothache. A quale in the narrow sense can be consid- tion What is the relationship between consciousness,
ered an elemental unit of conscious experience and as in narrow- or broad-sense qualia, and attention?
corresponds to the “one conscious percept” that the While some philosophers argue that attention without
NCC is minimally sufficient for. Note that narrow-sense consciousness is not possible, largely on a theoretical
qualia are the targets of most psychophysical studies, basis (de Brigard & Prinz, 2010; Marchetti, 2012; Mole,
since broad-sense qualia are more difficult to study. In 2008), accumulating evidence strongly suggests that
a typical psychophysical experiment, the redness of attention can amplify neuronal activity that remains,
one object is compared with that of another object. however, inaccessible to consciousness. By last count, at
Although two objects presented at different positions least 37 papers report such an effect (for reviews, see
or time points produce different broad-sense qualia, Cohen, Cavanagh, Chun, & Nakayama, 2012; Dehaene,
they can be comparable in the narrow sense (Kanai & Changeax, Naccache, Sackur, & Sargent, 2006; Koch &
Tsuchiya, 2012). Tsuchiya, 2007; Tallon-Baudry, 2012; van Boxtel et al.,
Does top-down attention alter qualia in either the 2010a). In particular, bottom-up spatial attention
broad or the narrow sense? In this chapter, we argue can be attracted by invisible stimuli (Hsieh, Colas, &
that the role of top-down attention depends on the Kanwisher, 2011; also see Zhaoping, 2008, 2012), top-
nature of the sensory input. If the input is cluttered with down spatial and feature-based attention can be directed
many competing objects, top-down attention resolves to invisible stimuli (Faivre & Kouider, 2011; Kaunitz,
the competition among the stimuli for access to neuro- Fracasso, & Melcher, 2011), invisible objects can elicit
nal resources and alters qualia (Liu, Abrams, & Carrasco, object-based attention (Norman, Heywood, & Kentridge,
2009; see Carrasco, 2011, for a review). It is unlikely, 2013; but also see Tapia, Breitmeyer, Jacob, & Broyles,
however, for top-down attention to have any major 2012), and temporal attention improves priming for
effects on qualia if an object is presented in isolation. invisible objects (Naccache, Blandin, & Dehaene, 2002).
Given this mounting evidence, we conclude that visual
Phenomenal Consciousness and Cognitive Access consciousness is not necessary for selective visual atten-
A closely related concept to qualia is “phenomenal tion to operate. Put differently, subjects can attend to a

840 consciousness
feature or to an entire object without consciously seeing the attentional effects increase as the discrimination
that feature or object. task involves more intense competition among stimuli
or fine discrimination of an object that requires high
Is Attention Necessary for Consciousness? While spatial resolution (e.g., Landolt-square and vernier res-
attention without consciousness is largely agreed upon olution, Yeshurun & Carrasco, 1999). In other words,
among visual psychologists, the issue of “consciousness these studies suggest that certain kinds of conscious
without attention” has been more controversial (e.g., discriminations can be performed with little or perhaps
Cohen et al., 2011, 2012; Tsuchiya, Block, & Koch, 2012; no top-down attentional amplification, while others
Tallon-Baudry, 2012; Tsuchiya & van Boxtel, 2013). cannot. Unfortunately, however, these results do not
A popular conception of attention is to view it as a prove “consciousness without attention,” because the
“gateway” to consciousness. In this view, a subject can dual-task paradigm involves reporting when top-down
consciously experience some aspect of the sensory attention is drained away; it cannot be ruled out that
input only if he or she attends to it. It postulates that some minimal attentional resources have not been allo-
some amount of attention is always needed to amplify cated to these stimuli.
neuronal activity in order for any aspects of the input Why do certain types of discrimination substantially
to be consciously experienced at all. benefit from top-down attention, while others do not?
This view has been challenged by evidence that sug- Some studies suggest that natural stimuli are pro-
gests some classes of percepts and behaviors (e.g., iconic cessed so efficiently that they can proceed with little
memory, partial reportability, gist, and animal and or no top-down amplification (Fei-Fei, VanRullen,
gender detection in dual tasks) can give rise to con- Koch, & Perona, 2005; VanRullen, Reddy, & Koch,
sciousness with little, or perhaps no, top-down atten- 2004). A feedforward computational model of bottom-
tional amplification (Block, 2011; Hardcastle, 1997; up object recognition supports this idea, showing that
Iwasaki, 1993; Koch & Tsuchiya, 2007; Lamme, 2010). natural scenes can be categorized with little or no top-
Supportive evidence comes, for example, from a down attention (Serre, Oliva, & Poggio, 2007). Recent
series of dual-task experiments (Braun & Julesz, 1998), studies on the nature of peripheral vision suggest that
where subjects perform a demanding task at the fixa- summary statistics accessible at the periphery may be
tion point while simultaneously carrying out another sufficient for certain types of discrimination, possibly
task at the periphery. The dual-task paradigm has accounting for why these seemingly complex stimuli
revealed that subjects carry out certain peripheral dis- can be discriminated at the periphery without much
crimination tasks, such as form (triangular vs. circular; attentional amplification (Freeman & Simoncelli, 2011;
Braun, 1994) and conjunction of orientation and color Rosenholtz, Huang, & Ehinger, 2012; figure 72.1).
(Braun & Julesz, 1998), at the same level of perfor- Recently, Cohen and colleagues (2012) argued for
mance when these tasks are performed alone, (that is, the lack of any direct evidence supporting “conscious-
as single tasks) and when they are performed together ness without attention.” As to the dual-task results, they
with the demanding central task (the performance level point out that even discrimination of natural scenes
is adjusted to be ∼75% correct for each task when per- suffers when top-down attention is sufficiently with-
formed alone). drawn via more demanding tasks (Cohen, Alvarez, &
The features that can be discriminated with little or Nakayama, 2011; Walker, Stafford, & Davis, 2008).
no top-down attention include not only a number of The scope of the attentional gateway hypothesis,
low- and mid-level features (Braun, 1994; Lee, Koch, & however, seems limited to situations where intense com-
Braun, 1997) but also some high-level object categories petition among objects is present. Because attention
such as faces (Reddy, Reddy, & Koch, 2006; Reddy, selectively enhances neural responses for a target
Wilken, & Koch, 2004) and animals (Li, VanRullen, among possible distractors, it is not surprising that any
Koch, & Perona, 2002). Surprisingly, other classes of visual discrimination becomes more dependent on top-
seemingly simpler discrimination (e.g., color-bisected down attention when the target is exposed to suffi-
disks, rotated letter “L” vs. “T”) cannot be performed ciently strong competition. The conclusion obtained in
together with the attention-demanding task (VanRul- highly competitive situations is unlikely to generalize to
len, Reddy, & Koch, 2004). When detection or discrimi- situations where only a lone object is presented in isola-
nation thresholds in visual tasks are measured under tion or where a uniform texture is perceived. In these
single- or dual-task conditions, the effects of attention cases, the object or texture is experienced, while top-
are nearly absent for simple detection or coarse dis- down attention has no possibility to select a target
crimination (Lee, Itti, Koch, & Braun, 1999; Morrone, among competing visual stimuli (for there are none).
Denti, & Spinelli, 2002; Tsuchiya & Braun, 2007), while We will return to this point later in this chapter.

tsuchiya and koch: on the relationship between consciousness and attention 841

Original Metamer

Figure 72.1 Why can we perceive natural scenes at the center, both look subjectively the same; that is, they produce
periphery with little or no top-down attention? (A, B) Percep- similar qualia in the broad sense. (C) Impoverished represen-
tual metamers (Freeman & Simoncelli, 2011), and (C) mon- tation at the periphery can still be sufficient to discriminate
grels (Rosenholtz et al., 2012). The nature of peripheral natural scenes. Thus, degraded representation at the periph-
vision has been studied using psychophysics and computa- ery is rich enough to generate vivid but coarse conscious
tional modeling. (A, B) One such computational model of phenomenology of a gist of the scene without top-down atten-
the ventral visual stream responds identical to (B) as it does tional amplification (Campana & Tallon-Baudry, 2013).
to the original photograph (A). Indeed, when fixated at the

Expectation, Attention, and Consciousness due to a failure of other mental processes, such as
Proponents of “the gateway theory” (i.e., that attention expectation (Braun, 2001; also see Cartwright-Finch &
is necessary for consciousness) emphasize visual phe- Lavie, 2007; Mack, 2001) and immediate memory
nomena in which a salient stimulus is not noticed unless (Landman, Spekreijse, & Lamme, 2003; Sligte, Scholte,
top-down attention is directed to the stimulus (Cohen & Lamme, 2008; Wolfe, 1999). Change/inattentional
et al., 2012; O’Regan & Noe, 2001). blindness occur especially when the change is not
In change blindness (Simons & Rensink, 2005), a large expected and is less familiar (Werner & Thies, 2000).
change between two otherwise identical images tends While expectation and attention are both top-down
to be missed until attention is directed to the changed mental processes, they are likely to be supported by
location. In inattentional blindness (Mack & Rock, 1998), distinct neuronal mechanisms, serving different bio-
a stimulus that appears at an unexpected location, away logical functions (Summerfield & Egner, 2009). A
from attention, goes unnoticed. In attentional blink recent functional MRI (fMRI) study (Kok et al., 2012),
(Chun & Potter, 1995; Raymond, Shapiro, & Arnell, which independently manipulated attention and
1992), two targets are embedded in a rapid temporal expectation, found that fMRI signals in V1 are
sequence of distractors. When the first target is detected, enhanced or reduced by attention only when the
the second target tends to be missed if it occurs ∼200– target is expected (figure 72.2), exposing the interde-
500 msec after the first target. pendency between attention and expectation. In the
There have been suggestions that these phenomena larger perspective, it suggests that the question of the
may occur not because of the failure of attention, but relation between consciousness and attention will need

842 consciousness
A Hypothesis 1: B Hypothesis 2: C Real signal
Attention and prediction Attention and observed in V1
have opposing effects prediction interact

Predicted stimulus

Parameter estimate

BOLD amplitude
Unpredicted stimulus 3

Unattended Attended Unattended Attended Unattended Attended

Figure 72.2 Dissociating expectation from attention using amplifies responses to a predicted stimulus compared to an
functional brain imaging (Kok et al., 2012). (A) Hypothesis 1 unpredicted stimulus, while it has little effect on an unpre-
states that attention amplifies neuronal activation while dicted stimulus. (C) Functional MRI response in V1 is consis-
expectation (or prediction) leads to reduction of the response tent with hypothesis 2, dissociating the effects of attention
in a predictive-coding framework (Friston, 2005; Rao & and expectation. (Modified from Kok et al., 2012.) Future
Ballard, 1999). (B) Hypothesis 2 states that the effects of studies need to investigate the relationship between attention
expectation (or prediction) reverse depending on whether a and consciousness, while controlling for expectation of the
stimulus is attended (Friston, 2009; Rao, 2005). Attention stimuli.

to be reformulated in broader terms to include expecta- standard psychophysical paradigm in humans (Koch &
tion. The next step in the investigation of the neural Tsuchiya, 2007; van Boxtel, Tsuchiya, & Koch, 2010b;
correlates of consciousness is to determine how atten- but see also Block, 2013). In the future, however, it may
tion, expectation, and consciousness relate to each become possible to test consciousness with no attention
other. using animal models, which we will discuss later in this
The attentional blink paradigm is claimed to be a chapter.
sensitive assay for the necessity of attention for con- Given the practical difficulty of establishing con-
sciousness (Cohen et al., 2012). However, it is a rather sciousness with no attention, we turn to recent studies
complicated phenomenon, combining forms of back- that try to test if consciousness and attention are sup-
ward and forward masking, and relies on working ported by different neuronal mechanisms. By indepen-
memory (Akyurek, Hommel, & Jolicoeur, 2007; Colzato, dently manipulating consciousness and attention, these
Spape, Pannebakker, & Hommel, 2007; for a review, see studies measure the behavioral and neuronal conse-
Dux & Marois, 2009). It is unclear whether the atten- quences of such manipulations. The results are mostly
tional blink paradigm purely manipulates top-down consistent with the proposition that consciousness and
attention without other confounds. attention are supported by distinctive neuronal mecha-
nisms (Tallon-Baudry, 2012).
An Optimal Psychophysical Test for Conscious-
ness Without Attention? What is the ideal test that Independent manipulations of consciousness
could determine whether or not attentional amplifica- and attention
tion is necessary for consciousness? As argued above,
change/inattentional blindness as well as attentional Recently, researchers have started manipulating con-
blink may induce perceptual blindness because of a sciousness and attention independently using the same
failure of interaction between top-down attention and stimuli within a single task structure (Kanai, Tsuchiya,
other processes, such as expectation and working & Verstraten, 2006; van Boxtel et al., 2010b; van
memory. On the other hand, the dual-task paradigm den Bussche, Hughes, Humbeeck, & Reynvoet, 2010;
has fewer complications, being a purer manipulation of Watanabe et al., 2011; Wyart & Tallon-Baudry, 2008;
top-down attention. However, as long as subjects report figure 72.3A). These studies have typically manipulated
on a poorly attended (rather than a completely unat- the conscious visibility of a target stimulus via backward
tended) stimulus, some amount of attention might be masking or continuous flash suppression (Tsuchiya &
directed to the stimulus, making the dual-task paradigm Koch, 2005), treating visibility as a proxy for conscious
unsuited to attain a “no attention” condition. awareness; that is, if the stimulus is not seen and not
Indeed, achieving zero top-down attention without reported on, it is not consciously perceived. Then, they
any confound may be nearly impossible within a simultaneously manipulated bottom-up attention by

tsuchiya and koch: on the relationship between consciousness and attention 843
A Manipulating consciousness B
Visible Invisible
grating grating 1

Normalized BOLD signal

Attend to
Manipulating attention



Attend to 0.2
grating M C

Attended Unattended

Figure 72.3 (A) 2-by-2 factorial design for independent of a target grating inside the continuous flash suppression,
manipulation of top-down attention and conscious visibility arranged in a ring configuration, presented in the periphery.
of the stimulus (Watanabe et al., 2011). Subjects are asked to (B) Functional MRI responses in V1 are strongly modulated
carry out one of two attention tasks while viewing either a by top-down attention but not by conscious visibility of the
visible or an invisible target stimulus. At the same time, depen- grating. Modified based on figures 2 and S2 (7 subjects in
dent variables, such as hemodynamic responses in the brain, total) in Watanabe et al. (2011). The data was provided by the
are measured. Here, we illustrate roughly what participants original author. The mean BOLD signal over 7–18 sec from
perceived in each condition (not the physical stimulus) in the the block onset is normalized to the attended and visible
study by Watanabe and colleagues. Subjects either had to condition. The error bar represents a 95% confidence
report the presence of a target letter at fixation or the visibility interval.

cueing, or they modulated the spread of top-down (Haynes, Deichmann, & Rees, 2005; Polonsky, Blake,
attention using a dual-task design. Braun, & Heeger, 2000; Wunderlich, Schneider, &
When manipulated independently, consciousness Kastner, 2005) that used binocular rivalry and located
and attention affect the duration of afterimages in the neuronal correlates of consciousness to V1 and even
opposing ways (van Boxtel et al., 2010b). A number the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (also see
of previous experiments showed, paradoxically, that Maier et al., 2008, on the difference between single
attending to visual stimuli reduces the duration of the neuron activity and hemodynamic response in monkey
induced afterimages (Baijal & Srinivasan, 2009; Lak, V1). This is a prime example of the necessity of separat-
2008; Lou, 2001; Suzuki & Grabowecky, 2003; Wede & ing consciousness from attention (Koch & Tsuchiya,
Francis, 2007) and, independently, that perceptual 2011; Tse, Martinez-Conde, Schlegel, & Macknik, 2005);
invisibility reduces the duration of the afterimages unless explicitly manipulated independently, the neu-
(Gilroy & Blake, 2005; Tsuchiya & Koch, 2005). Because ronal correlates of consciousness can, and usually will,
the effects of consciousness depend on the details of covary with the neuronal correlates of attention.
the afterimage-inducing stimuli (e.g., spatial frequency; Taken together, the behavioral and neuronal effects
Brascamp, van Boxtel, Knapen, & Blake, 2010), it is of consciousness and attention do not always vary
critical to use the same stimuli to study the effects of together, especially when consciousness and attention
consciousness and attention. are independently manipulated, in contrast with what
Watanabe and colleagues (2011) likewise indepen- one might expect from the gateway theory. This is
dently manipulated consciousness and attention while easiest to explain assuming that consciousness and
recording fMRI signals from the primary visual cortex attention are independent biological processes.
(V1) in humans (figure 72.3A, B). They found that the
V1 hemodynamic response is strongly modulated by Untangling the neuronal correlates of
attention but not by the visibility of a grating. Similar consciousness from those of cognitive access
effects have been reported for neuronal activity
recorded via microelectrodes from monkey V1 (Maier, As we have seen in the previous section, the neuronal
Cox, Reavis, Adams, & Leopold, 2011). These two mechanisms that support consciousness and attention
experiments challenge many previous fMRI studies may well be distinct. Yet, at the level of behaviors and

844 consciousness
perception, the effects of consciousness and attention involve competition and thus do not engage attentional
are often closely related. In particular, when we attend mechanisms.
to a feature, object, or event, we usually become con-
scious of it. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies suggest The Neuronal Correlates of Access and Con-
that similar brain regions, such as frontoparietal areas, sciousness The research program for finding the
are commonly activated when probing for conscious- NCC assumes that for a given narrow-sense quale X,
ness or attention (Bor & Seth, 2012; Rees & Lavie, there exists a minimal set of neurons whose activity
2001). Without explicit and independent manipula- pattern is jointly sufficient to generate the quale X (or,
tion, however, neuronal activity in these areas might more generally, brain mechanisms sufficient to gener-
reflect the neuronal correlates of cognitive access rather ate the quale X; Crick, 1994; Metzinger, 2000; Tononi
than those of narrow-sense qualia (Frässle, Sommer, & Koch, 2008). Activating this NCC—by TMS, electrical
Jansen, Naber, & Einhäuser, 2014). Next, we consider stimulation, or optogenetics—would induce the associ-
potential reasons for this surface similarity and discuss ated quale while inactivating the NCC would eliminate
the role of the task designs that have been extensively the quale. It is also assumed that an object that
utilized for studying consciousness and attention. elicits a quale X is always experienced (as a part of a
broad-sense quale) when the NCC sustains a particular
The Role of Competition in the Study of the Neu- pattern of activity. This is assumed to be true whether
ronal Correlates of Attention and Consciousness or not there are competing stimuli for the object for
Studying top-down attention inherently necessitates a the quale X.
stage for competition among stimuli, where attention Now we consider those neuronal mechanisms that
selects one or a few target items and suppresses distract- enable the subject to cognitively access a quale X, a
ing stimuli, as is the case for the dual-task paradigm, process we call the neuronal correlates of access. It
change/inattentional blindness, and attentional blink. involves those mechanisms that hold the representation
In all these cases, a target competes against other dis- of the object in working memory and enable the subject
tractors that are presented within spatiotemporal to report on it using some response modality.
proximity. In this framework, the NCC that have been identified
Is competition also necessary to study the NCC? Do in most previous studies are an aggregate of the mecha-
we consciously experience an item only when it com- nisms underlying phenomenal consciousness, such as
petes against other objects? Obviously not; we can see the coalition of neurons that maximizes the integrated
perfectly well an isolated stimulus or perceive a uniform information in Tononi’s integrated information theory
texture when there are no other distracting stimuli to of consciousness (Oizumi, Albantakis, & Tononi, 2014;
be suppressed by attention. However, most NCC studies Tononi, 2012) or activity in the global neuronal
use experimental paradigms that introduce competi- workspace of Dehaene and Changeux (Dehaene &
tion among objects (Kim & Blake, 2005). Bistable Changeux, 2011), together with the additional mecha-
figures induce competition between two possible inter- nisms that mediate attention as well as access (Aru,
pretations. Binocular rivalry and continuous flash sup- Bachmann, Singer, & Melloni, 2012; de Graaf, Hsieh, &
pression render an object invisible via interocular Sack, 2012). Untangling all three will not be easy.
competition. While binocular rivalry is less controllable The proponents of the gateway theory, according to
by top-down attention than bistable figures (Meng & which every conscious percept must first pass through
Tong, 2004), a recent study suggests that binocular the crucible of attention, claim that a quale X without
rivalry requires visual attention (Zhang, Jamison, Engel, cognitive access cannot be scientifically studied, or that
He, & He, 2011). Crowding renders a target unrecog- it may not even exist (Cohen et al., 2012; Cohen &
nizable by surrounding objects in close proximity at the Dennett, 2011; Dehaene et al., 2006; O’Regan & Noe,
periphery (Faivre & Kouider, 2011; He, Cavanagh, & 2001). We argue, however, that cognitive access is only
Intriligator, 1996). Motion-induced blindness (Bonneh, necessary when the object for the quale X needs to be
Cooperman, & Sagi, 2001) results from competition selectively amplified to win the competition among
between a moving surface and an object. Therefore, other objects. The exact amount of attentional amplifi-
when these visual illusions are used as the main tools cation needed would depend on a category of the
for the search for the NCC, the putative NCC can object for the quale X (e.g., less for faces and natural
involve the neuronal mechanisms that resolve competi- scenes, more for rotated letters) as well as the intensity
tion, in addition to those that are directly responsible of competition.
for generating qualia. Therefore, it is desirable to have This raises the question of whether access is needed
experimental designs in the NCC literature that do not at all for phenomenal consciousness to occur (Block,

tsuchiya and koch: on the relationship between consciousness and attention 845
2007, 2011; Campana & Tallon-Baudry, 2013; Lamme, been activated at the time of perceptual switches while
2010). Conscious access and reports might enhance a viewing ambiguous stimuli and binocular rivalry
quale X to the extent that it can be held in working (Kleinschmidt, Buchel, Zeki, & Frackowiak, 1998;
memory and reported accurately (Kouider, de Gardelle, Lumer, Friston, & Rees, 1998; Lumer & Rees, 1999).
Sackur, & Dupoux, 2010; Lau & Rosenthal, 2011). In However, a recent replication of this effect by Knapen
fact, from a third-person perspective, it seems impossi- and colleagues (2011) discovered that the effects criti-
ble to assess a conscious experience without any report cally depend on the exact nature of the control stimu-
from the subject. However, so-called mind-reading tech- lus. When they created the control stimulus, whose
niques are being developed that allow perceptual dynamics during transitions is comparable to that
content to be read out from the hemodynamic response during genuine binocular rivalry (see figure 72.4), the
in many regions of the brain, including volunteers difficulty in deciding which stimulus was perceptually
watching movies (Nishimoto et al., 2011), patients with dominant became comparable between real rivalry and
grave neurological damage and in a minimally con- the control. As a result, the difference in frontoparietal
scious state (Monti et al., 2010; Owen et al., 2006), or activity between the rivalry and control conditions dis-
visual imagery experienced during sleep onset (Hori- appeared. This study implies that activity in frontopari-
kawa, Tamaki, Miyawaki, & Kamitani, 2013). Further- etal areas can be caused by, rather than cause, difficult
more, from a first-person perspective, on a day-to-day perceptual decisions that are required during percep-
basis we rarely report the contents of consciousness tual transitions.
outside the lab. That is, most of us don’t go through
our daily life and keep up a constant verbal report of On the Importance of a No-Report Paradigm While
what we momentarily experience. Keeping this argu- subjective reports are the gold standard in conscious-
ment in mind, next, we review recent studies, which ness research, the development of mind-reading tech-
suggest frontoparietal areas as the core of the NCC. niques allows researchers to infer the contents of
consciousness in the absence of explicit reports from
The Putative Neuronal Correlates of Conscious- subjects. Certain conscious visual content can be
ness in Frontoparietal Areas Based on the meta- decoded in healthy participants (Brown & Norcia, 1997;
analysis of the NCC studies, frontoparietal areas have Garcia, Srinivasan, & Serences, 2013; Haxby et al., 2001;
often been suggested as a common and central compo- Haynes & Rees, 2005; Horikawa et al., 2013; Kamitani
nent for conscious perception (Bor & Seth, 2012; Rees & Tong, 2005; Nishimoto et al., 2011) and in some
& Lavie, 2001). However, this claim needs to be reevalu- nonresponsive and noncommunicable patients (Monti
ated for several reasons. et al., 2010; Owen et al., 2006).
First, given a large number of distinct cytoarchitec- Consider binocular rivalry for moving gratings
tonically defined regions within frontoparietal cortex, (Frässle et al., 2014). Here, both optokinetic nystagmus
these claims are too unspecific. Even narrowing them (objective) or verbal (subjective) reports can be used to
to within dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and posterior infer the dominant direction of perceived motion.
parietal cortex, they are still rather coarse. Without When both objective and subjective reports are used,
identifying particular subareas within these areas for the usual occipital, parietal, and frontal regions are
each individual subject, it is unclear if the same regions identified as fMRI correlates of perceptual alternations.
are engaged in both consciousness- and attention- However, when subjects passively experience rivalry
related tasks for a given subject. without verbally reporting their percept and the domi-
Second, the studies that point to activities in fronto- nant direction of motion is inferred via the objective
parietal areas as the NCC typically utilize visual illusions optokinetic nystagmus, differential activity in frontal
that involve competition among objects, as we saw in areas disappeared and only activity in occipital and pari-
the last section. Studies that use illusions that minimize etal regions remained.
stimulus competition tend not to find frontoparietal The contents of consciousness can also be inferred
activation as the NCC (Tse et al., 2005). without overt reports in nonhuman primates, especially
Lastly, as discussed below, the act of reporting by using robust visual illusions. Wilke and colleagues pre-
button press on one’s own perception gives rise to activ- sented a salient red circle that could be masked using
ity in frontal regions that are not present under condi- generalized flash suppression (GFS; Wilke, Logothetis,
tions of unreported perception (Frässle et al., 2014). & Leopold, 2003; Wilke, Mueller, & Leopold, 2009;
Another recent fMRI study also points to the role of figure 72.5A) to monkeys who were trained to report
frontoparietal areas in solving competition between their percept with a lever. By titrating the stimulus
stimuli. In previous studies, frontoparietal cortex has parameters for GFS, they rendered the illusion

846 consciousness
Figure 72.4 Confounding activation in frontoparietal areas transition cannot be captured (e.g., instantaneous replay; top
can be introduced by a less faithful replay of what subjects right of panel A). With a third response option of accurately
really experience. (A) An exemplar time course of stimulus reporting the transitional states, a more faithful replay can be
and perception during genuine binocular rivalry. One eye is reproduced (e.g., duration-matched replay; bottom right of
stimulated by a vertical red and the other eye by a horizontal panel A). (B) Brain activity contrasted at the perceptual tran-
green grating (top). The subjective experience is highly sition between genuine rivalry and instantaneous replay
complex, involving various durations of intermediate per- (without faithfully reproduced transitions), indicating a wide-
cepts (rows 2 and 3). As a control condition, a perceptually spread right-lateralized frontoparietal activity, replicating pre-
matched replay movie can be presented to both eyes without vious studies. (C) No difference in the brain activity between
interocular conflict. However, if the replay is reproduced genuine rivalry and duration-matched replay. (Modified from
from binary responses, the variable nature of each perceptual Knapen et al., 2011.) (See color plate 62.)

ambiguous, so that monkeys sometimes saw a target and An alternative way to dissociate the neuronal corre-
sometimes did not. When they recorded single-unit lates of qualia from that of access is to ask subjects to
activity and local field potentials (LFP) from the dorsal report their percept with different response modalities
and ventral pulvinar, a visual thalamic nucleus, they (e.g., Imamoglu, Kahnt, Koch, & Haynes, 2012). The
found that, on average, both single-neuron activity and report-modality specific activity should be considered as
low-frequency power (9–30Hz) of the LFP were corre- a part of the neuronal basis of access but not of
lated with fluctuating perceptual reports on a trial-by- qualia.
trial basis (figures 72.5B, D). In sum, these experiments support the claim that
They then carefully tailored the stimulus parameters what we experience every waking minute of our lives—
to control the visibility of the circular target without consciousness for objects, thoughts, events, or memo-
requiring perceptual reports from the monkeys. In the ries—exists whether or not we report on them. Studies
absence of such report, the single neuron spikes in that employ a no-report paradigm can distinguish
the pulvinar continued to correlate with the visibility of access from qualia per se, while NCC studies exploiting
the target (figure 72.5C), while the low-frequency power visual phenomena that rely on competition among
of LFP did not (figure 72.5E). This is a striking dissocia- stimuli, objects, or eyes are likely to be contaminated
tion of multimodal neuronal responses within a single by access mechanisms (Macknik & Martinez-Conde,
brain area, with low-frequency power coding for a neu- 2009; Tse et al., 2005). Another alternative way to
ronal correlate of access while spikes encoded the neu- isolate the neuronal mechanisms of qualia is to focus
ronal correlates of qualia. The former disappeared on a single, isolated object without any competition.
without explicit reports, but the latter remained the
same regardless of the presence or absence of the Conscious Perception of an Isolated Object
reports (Wilke et al., 2009). Without Top-Down Attention In our opinion, the

tsuchiya and koch: on the relationship between consciousness and attention 847
A B Active (with report) C Passive (no report)

LE RE Invisible Surround on Surround on

% change

Spiking Spiking


0 0

–15 –60
–0.5 0 0.5 1 –0.5 0 0.5 1


% change
% change
Removed (9-14Hz) (9-14Hz)
(15-30Hz) (15-30Hz)



Stimulus Percept
–0.5 0 0.5 1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Time since surround onset (s)

Figure 72.5 Neural correlates of access and qualia. subjective experience. Solid lines indicate the difference in
(A) Wilke and colleagues (2009) used a binocular masking firing rate between visible vs. (perceptually) invisible trials.
technique to manipulate the visibility of a disk. (“LE” = left Dotted lines indicate the difference in firing rate between
eye; “RE” = right eye.) The neuronal activity is compared with visible vs. physical removal trials. (D, E) The low-frequency
the control condition where the stimulus was physically (9–30 Hz) power of the local field potentials (LFP) in the
removed. (B, C) While recording spiking activity in the pulvi- pulvinar distinguished the visibility only when monkeys
nar, some neurons signaled the visibility of the stimulus inde- reported the visibility (D), but not when they did not report
pendent of the presence (B) or absence (C) of report, the visibility of the stimulus (E), making them neuronal cor-
suggesting that these spiking activities are a correlate of relates of access but not of qualia.

detection or coarse discrimination of a single object is top-down attentional amplification is likely to be some
unlikely to suffer even if top-down attentional mecha- parts of frontoparietal cortex (Bressler et al., 2008; Nou-
nisms were completely eliminated. However, any psy- doost, Chang, Steinmetz, & Moore, 2010). The extraor-
chophysical manipulation may not be complete and dinarily rapid development of ever more refined
cannot assure total removal of attentional resources. transgenic mice as well as viral techniques, both of which
How could one prove that no top-down attention is target specific, molecular, and projectional defined neu-
required to detect a target? ronal populations that can be labeled and turned on or
One way to do so is to transiently knock out the axons off with millisecond precision from anywhere from mil-
that project to early visual cortices from frontal and liseconds to hours, has given systems neuroscience an
parietal areas as well as higher-order visual cortices. In amazing ability to delicately, reversibly, and transiently
the limit, one would obtain a purely feedforward set of intervene and to observe the phenotype at the behav-
cortical regions (with local feedback, of course) but no ioral and the circuit levels (Huang & Zeng, 2013). In
modulatory input from higher cortical regions reaching particular, it is possible to either locally or globally turn
down into superficial layers in earlier cortical regions. off (and back on) feedback pathways originating in
Recent development of optogenetic techniques frontal or parietal regions and projecting back into one
promises an opportunity to test such an idea of “con- of the 10 or more visual regions in the common labora-
sciousness with no top-down attention” in animals, tory mouse (Cruikshank, Urabe, Nurmikko, & Connors,
especially in mice (Deisseroth, 2011; Yizhar, Fenno, 2010; Oh et al., 2014; Wang, Gao, & Burkhalter, 2011).
Davidson, Mogri, & Deisseroth,, 2011) and to a lesser The mouse can be trained in a visual foraging task, and
extent in monkeys (Diester et al., 2011; Gerits et al., its top-down attention can be selectively manipulated
2012; Han et al., 2009). The neuronal source of using optogenetic and pharmacogenetic tools.

848 consciousness
If top-down attention were to be transiently inacti- addressed with elegant experimentation, possibly utiliz-
vated by these interventionist optogenetic techniques, ing the development of optogenetics in transgenic
we predict that the affected animal would not be able animals. Consciousness research has successfully turned
to perform a visual task if the target is presented many philosophical questions into empirical questions,
together with distractors, whereas it would be able to and it will continue to do so in the future.
perform the task if the target is presented in isolation.
Without inactivation, the same animal would perform ACKNOWLEDGMENTS NT is supported by the JST PRESTO fel-
lowship (Japan), the ARC Future Fellowship (Australia), and
the task as well as before the inactivation, with or
the ARC Discovery Project (Australia), and CK is supported
without any distractors. by the G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation
To make sure these tasks are performed consciously, (US). The authors thank Jakob Hohwy, Jeroen van Boxtel,
the mice or monkeys can be trained to report their Lisandro Kaunitz, Fabiano Baroni, and Ned Block for com-
confidence via post-decision wagering (Kepecs, Uchida, ments on an earlier version of the manuscript.
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tsuchiya and koch: on the relationship between consciousness and attention 853
73 Consciousness and Its Access

ABSTRACT Consciousness is a fundamental dimension of our are daunting challenges that consciousness researchers
mental life that involves both cognitive functions (attention, face no less than in other fields of cognitive neurosci-
verbalization, working memory, and so on), and subjective, ences. How then, could any progress be achieved in the
experiential aspects. During the past two decades, thanks to
conceptual and methodological progress, a cognitive neuro-
field? Two strategies have eased these issues and led to
science of consciousness has emerged and gained full respect- considerable progress over the last two decades, and
ability. However, this science remains challenged regarding both critically depend on a psychological operational-
whether the subjective dimension of experience can be fully ization of “consciousness.” The contrastive approach put
accounted for by the neuronal and cognitive mechanisms forward by Bernard Baars (1989) allows moving on
underlying conscious access. In this chapter, we first review
without formal definition, while the search for a neural
the progress and challenges of the cognitive neuroscience of
consciousness. We then discuss recent proposals that vindi- correlate of consciousness (hereafter NCC) put forward by
cate specific approaches to the subjective, phenomenal Francis Crick and Christof Koch (1995) allows moving
dimension of consciousness while denying the importance of on without focusing too much, at least for now, on the
access mechanisms. In contrast to these proposals, we argue necessity of a reduction to elementary brain structures
for a unified approach to consciousness, whereby experiential
and processes. The combination of these two approaches
and cognitive dimensions of consciousness rely on the same
set of core neural mechanisms. has constituted the core of most recent successes in the
scientific study of consciousness.
Despite all the progress made recently in the scientific
study of consciousness, there are still intense controver- The contrastive approach
sies regarding what a theory of consciousness should be.
In particular, the lack of consensus concerning the psy- The contrastive approach is based on the idea that even
chological definition of consciousness has rendered the if we don’t know what consciousness is, not to mention
study of its neural basis somewhat inconclusive. In this why we are conscious in the first place, we at least know
chapter, we review the progress made so far in uncover- when it happens. Consciousness is thus considered as
ing the neurocognitive mechanisms of conscious access, an outcome variable (absent/present), allowing us to
and we emphasize the dependence of such progress on compare situations where it occurs to close situations
precise, operational definitions of consciousness. We where, all other things being equal, it doesn’t. This
outline some of the main issues that research on this approach enables researchers not only to delineate the
topic faces today, in particular the issue of whether conditions for a stimulus to access consciousness, but
consciousness can be envisioned independently of its also to specify the extents of unconscious processes.
access mechanisms. This strategy has been most successfully applied to
perceptual consciousness, that is, consciousness about
Moving on without definition an external event. Many experiments use very brief
visual stimuli that are sometimes visible and sometimes
Nowadays, the vast majority of scientists reject dualist invisible. Subjects have to report whether they saw a
interpretations of consciousness that imply a separation stimulus, which is taken as an index of whether they
between mind (consciousness, thoughts) and matter were conscious of it or not. By comparing the two situ-
(the brain, neurons). Consciousness is amenable to a ations, one can tell apart which cognitive mechanisms
materialistic approach, with a biological perspective: we are shared, and which are specific to conscious process-
will understand how and why we are conscious by study- ing. Using this methodology, it was shown that some
ing the cerebral and neuronal features of the brain. Yet high-level processes are triggered in the absence of per-
the lack of a consensus definition of consciousness and ceptual consciousness (for instance, extracting the
the reduction of mental states to neuronal structures semantic information of a word or digit; Marcel, 1983a,

kouider and sackur: consciousness and its access mechanisms 855

1983b; Dehaene et al., 1998), while some others seem by objects regardless of whether they are perceived con-
to require that participants be conscious of the stimulus sciously or not (Leopold & Logothetis, 1996). These
(e.g., applying a rule; Sackur & Dehaene, 2009; but see posterior regions thus cannot be considered as NCCs.
Sklar et al., 2012). Notice that, critically, the use of this Instead, regions located more anteriorly and more ven-
methodology implies that one can trust participants in trally in the inferotemporal cortex were involved
their reports of whether they are conscious or not. specifically during conscious perception of a face
as opposed to an alternative percept (Leopold &
The neural correlates of consciousness Logothetis, 1996; Tong, Nakayama, Vaughan, &
Kanwisher, 1998). The visual ventral stream could thus
According to Crick and Koch (1995), the best starting be considered a potential NCC.
strategy for a neurobiological science of consciousness But in the early 2000s, Stanislas Dehaene and his col-
is to search for the NCC. These are defined as “the leagues showed that this was not always the case
minimal set of neuronal mechanisms or events jointly (Dehaene et al., 2001). They used the method of visual
sufficient for a specific conscious percept or experi- masking: a word was presented very briefly (about
ence” (Koch, 2004, p. 16). A candidate for the NCC 30 msec) and temporally surrounded by abstract and
would therefore be a structure involved only during meaningless shapes (the masks) that render the word
conscious experience and would never be active outside invisible (subjects see a flicker of shapes, but report
conscious experience. According to this approach, neu- seeing no word). By removing the temporally surround-
roscientists should actually leave aside, at least for the ing masks, one can render the word visible—thus creat-
moment, the problem of reducing conscious mental ing a contrastive situation (see figure 73.1). Dehaene
events to their associated physiological structure and and colleagues showed that the inferotemporal cortex,
processes. Rather, they should focus first on “correlat- which is part of the ventral visual stream, is activated by
ing” them and finding out about their relations, which unconscious masked words. Although the strength of
will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the this activation was much lower than for conscious per-
whole issue. ception, these findings ruled out the ventral stream as
In experimental practice, this strategy implies a con- an NCC. By contrast, in this study, the parietal and
trastive approach, aimed at characterizing the neural, prefrontal cortices were activated exclusively in the con-
rather than cognitive, features that are specifically scious situation. Since then, numerous studies have
involved during conscious as opposed to unconscious shown the particular importance of the prefrontal
processing. Here also, the search for NCCs depends on cortex for consciousness (see Dehaene & Changeux,
the admission of subjective reports as valid experimen- 2011, for an extensive review), making this region a
tal data: in order to test whether any brain structure is candidate NCC.
an NCC, one has to trust subjects regarding the classi- The use by the same group of alternative imaging
fication of their own mental states as “conscious” or methods with better temporal resolutions, such as
“not conscious.” magnetoencephalography and electroencephalogra-
phy, has more recently led to a better understanding of
The prefrontal cortex the temporal dynamics giving rise to conscious experi-
ence. They reveal that perceptual consciousness is a
Early uses of the contrastive method in the search for relatively late phenomenon that is preceded by a
NCCs relied heavily on the progress made in neuroim- cascade of neural events operating in an unconscious
aging methods in the 1990s. Earlier studies used bin- manner. Indeed, they found evidence for a two-stage
ocular rivalry and pointed to the ventral stream of the mechanism for visual awareness (Del Cul, Baillet, &
brain as critical for visual awareness. Binocular rivalry Dehaene, 2007; Sergent, Baillet, & Dehaene, 2005): in
consists of presenting a stimulus (e.g., a face) to one a first stage, lasting for about 200–300 msec, visual stim-
eye and another stimulus (e.g., a house) to the other ulations induce activations in the visual areas of the
eye. Perceptually, the two objects do not merge but give brain, more specifically in the occipitotemporal cortex.
rise to alternating percepts: we see the house for a few Activity in these sensory areas tends to increase with the
seconds, then the face for a few seconds, then the house strength of the visual stimulus (duration, contrast, energy,
returns, etc. Thus, while the input stimulation is con- etc.), irrespective of whether it is consciously perceived.
stant, the content of consciousness varies, and one can Conscious representations arise only afterward, when
directly estimate which regions are associated with con- neuronal activity exceeds a certain threshold. Activity
scious percepts, everything else being equal. This tech- induced by the perceived object suddenly spreads to the
nique revealed that the primary visual cortex is activated prefrontal cortex and is dispatched to other cortices. In

856 consciousness
Figure 73.1 Contrast of unconscious and conscious process- restricted to occipitotemporal regions (left panel), conscious
ing in functional MRI (Dehaene et al., 2001). While the perception is associated with the involvement of a parietofron-
neural activation induced by invisible words is primarily tal network (right panel). (See color plate 63.)

other words, the neural mechanisms that are specifi- share several common properties: they are triggered
cally implicated in consciousness are only involved at automatically, they are encapsulated (their internal
the final stage of a long chain of unconscious events. computations are not available to other processors)
Further, these studies pointed to the prefrontal cortex and, importantly, they operate unconsciously.
as an area where neural information converges, creat- Consciousness involves a second type of element,
ing global brain activity and allowing sensory areas to namely, the cortical “workspace” neurons that are par-
interact with other, task-relevant regions. ticularly dense in prefrontal, cingulate, and parietal
regions. These neurons send and receive projections to
The global neuronal workspace many distant areas through long-range excitatory axons,
breaking the modularity of the nervous system and
Such findings have been integrated in a theoretical allowing the domain-specific processors to exchange
framework by Dehaene and his colleagues, Jean- information. The global workspace provides a common
Pierre Changeux and Lionel Naccache (Dehaene & communication protocol by allowing the broadcasting
Changeux, 2011; Dehaene et al., 2006; Dehaene & of information to multiple neural targets. A mental
Naccache, 2001). Called the global neuronal work- state is conscious if two conditions are met. First, the
space, it is a neurobiological extension of the cognitive content of the mental state must be represented as
global workspace theory originally proposed by the psy- an explicit neuronal firing pattern that can reach
chologist Bernard Baars (1989). workspace neurons. Second, top-down amplification
According to this theory, the cerebral architecture is mechanisms mobilizing the long-distance workspace
composed of two qualitatively distinct types of elements. connections must render the representation accessed,
The first type is represented by a large network of sharpened, and maintained. A mental state, even if it
domain-specific processors, in both cortical and subcor- respects the first condition (explicit firing pattern avail-
tical regions, that are each attuned to the processing of able to workspace neurons), will remain unconscious
a particular type of information. For instance, the occip- until its neural signal is amplified. This amplification is
itotemporal cortex is constituted of many such domain- the neural counterpart of top-down attention, which,
specific processors, or “cerebral modules” (movement in this framework, is a necessary condition for con-
processing in MT/V5, face processing in the fusiform sciousness. Whether consciousness requires top-down
face area, etc.). Although these neural processors can attention is a highly debated issue (Cohen, Cavanagh,
differ widely in complexity and domain specificity, they Chun, & Nakayama, 2012; Dehaene et al., 2006; Koch

kouider and sackur: consciousness and its access mechanisms 857

& Tsuchiya, 2007; Lamme, 2006). This framework consciousness are considered “easy” from an epistemo-
enriches the traditional search for the NCC: according logical standpoint (although they may be immensely
to the global neuronal workspace theory of conscious- intricate and complex empirically) because they consti-
ness, no single area is viewed as necessary and sufficient tute information-processing challenges; the problem of
for consciousness. Rather, it stresses a particular type of qualia is “hard” because it involves crossing the objec-
neural interaction between a set of interconnected tive/subjective, public/private divides.
areas. The necessary and sufficient condition for con-
sciousness of a mental representation is that the infor- Dissociative approaches to consciousness
mation that implements this representation should be
distributed and shared among a global network of With respect to the epistemic distinction between an
densely connected areas. easy and a hard problem, Ned Block has proposed
that consciousness should be dissociated into two com-
The hard problem of consciousness ponents, namely, access and phenomenal conscious-
ness (Block, 1995, 2007). Phenomenal consciousness
The strategy of looking for neural correlates of con- is related to the private, first-person experience. Access
sciousness has, up to now, been fruitful. We now have a consciousness corresponds to the fact that some repre-
better view of which neural mechanisms are important sentations are “poised for direct control of thought
for consciousness, and scientific theories provide func- and action” (Block, 1995); it designates the functional
tional descriptions and testable predictions regarding cognitive properties of conscious contents, which
conscious processing. Yet many have criticized the very can be explained in terms of computational mecha-
foundations of this approach, arguing that functional nisms and are linked to global broadcasting (Block,
explanations come at the price of sacrificing the “phe- 2005) in agreement with workspace theories of
nomenal” aspects of consciousness: functional explana- consciousness.
tions are restricted to the cognitive mechanisms (i.e., Several neuroscientists have adopted Block’s dissoci-
attention, working memory, etc.) underlying access to ation and explicitly distinguish between two neural
conscious contents, ignoring the problem of how these correlates of consciousness. For instance, the duplex
contents arise in the first place. Indeed, some philoso- vision theory of Milner and Goodale (1995) has
phers (Chalmers, 1996) have concluded that there is recently been updated to associate sustained ventral
not one single problem, but actually two problems of stream activity with phenomenal consciousness, while
consciousness: they distinguish between the “easy only the involvement of more anterior (e.g., prefron-
problem” and “hard problem.” In a nutshell, the easy tal) regions supports conscious access (Goodale, 2007).
problem consists in explaining the functional proper- Similarly, Semir Zeki (2007) has recently linked micro-
ties of conscious representations. They are intrinsically and macro-consciousness in his original theory (Zeki &
accessible: one can verbalize to some extent any con- Bartels, 1999) with phenomenal consciousness of
scious content, reencode its information in any format specific attributes (colors, contrasts, etc.) and bound
available, store it in memory, integrate it in reasoning, objects, respectively, while unified consciousness is
focus attention on it, and so on. These properties can somewhat analogous to access consciousness. In the
be studied by means of the usual objective methods of local recurrence theory of Victor Lamme (2006), phe-
experimental cognitive neuroscience. nomenal experience is explicitly associated with any
By contrast, the hard problem consists in explaining recurrent neuronal activity (i.e., local or global loops),
the subjective, qualitative side of conscious representa- while conscious access occurs only with global recur-
tion—using the phrase of Thomas Nagel (1974), the rence. Although all these theories diverge in many
sense of “what it is like” to be conscious. It is argued respects, they all link phenomenal consciousness with
that even if all the functional cognitive properties posterior (i.e., occipitotemporal) regions, while ante-
of conscious representations were unfolded, there rior (i.e., prefrontal, workspace) areas are linked to
would still be a subjective remainder. With the help of conscious access (see Kouider, 2009, for a review).
cognitive neuroscience, we can hope to understand They are also motivated by the possibility of probing
how we put to work the representation of a red signpost consciousness in the absence of subjective reports
on the side of the road: why we notice it, how we associ- (Lamme, 2006) and are thus committed to the hypoth-
ate it with specific behaviors, and so on; still, the esis that there exists a form of phenomenal conscious-
specific subjective feeling that this red elicits in the ness that might be irreductible to access mechanisms.
observer would, according to this perspective, stand as We now turn to the empirical and epistemological con-
something of a mystery. The functional aspects of sequences of this commitment.

858 consciousness
Neural purity and the overflow argument 73.2). Using short presentation times and a pioneering
cued report method, Sperling showed that the informa-
Two main empirical arguments, which we termed the tion available for a short period of time after stimulus
overflow argument and the neural purity argument (see presentation vastly exceeded the information subjects
Kouider, de Gardelle, Sackur, & Dupoux, 2010), have could spontaneously report. This has been taken as an
been offered by proponents of the access/phenomenal indication that phenomenal consciousness does indeed
consciousness dissociation. The overflow argument is overflow access (Block, 2007). Yet, as we discuss below,
rooted in the intuition that we are conscious of much it remains controversial whether the large amount of
more than we can describe and manipulate. This intu- available information in cued reports reflects phenom-
ition was operationalized by Sperling over half a century enally conscious representations or unconscious pro-
ago (Sperling, 1960), who used letter arrays to quantify cessing that becomes reportable by virtue of the cues
the amount of information available at a given time (Block, 2007; de Gardelle, Sackur, & Kouider, 2009;
after presentation of a complex visual scene (see figure Dehaene et al., 2006; Sergent et al., 2012).

Figure 73.2 The Sperling paradigm (Sperling, 1960) and its row, performance increased to 3 out of 4 items. This suggests
interpretations. (A) Experimental procedure for the cued that a large amount of information is available but decays by
report. A brief array of letters is shown, followed by a random the time of reporting. (B) Two interpretations of the results.
tone cue (high tone in this example). The pitch of the cue Interpretation 1 assumes that subjects are phenomenally con-
(low, medium, high) instructs subjects to report one of the scious of the whole content in iconic memory demonstrated
three rows (lower, middle, or higher row, respectively). When by the high-level performances at short delays. Interpretation
participants are not cued and have to report all letters in the 2 hypothesizes that subjects access both high- and low-level
array, performance is restricted to about 4 out of 12 items. information from iconic memory. Low-level information is
However, when using the post-stimulus cue to report a specific reconstructed at higher levels. (See color plate 64.)

kouider and sackur: consciousness and its access mechanisms 859

The neural purity argument follows from the assump- verbalization. Nonetheless, subjects’ performance on
tion that there exist specific neural mechanisms for nonverbal tasks such as detection or discrimination
phenomenal experience (e.g., local neural recurrence). shows that information can be accessed before it fades
Such mechanisms allegedly constitute pure indices of away. In other words, the overflow argument might only
consciousness, more reliable than subjective reports, show that access overflows verbal report. Further, the
which are limited by verbal, memory, and attentional demarcation between expressible and ineffable con-
abilities. For instance, Block and Lamme argue that in tents may not be clear-cut: it is well known, for instance,
paradigms where subjects cannot report the presence that experienced wine tasters acquire a vocabulary and
of a stimulus due to inattention (e.g., change blindness, develop descriptive skills to finely capture nuances of
inattentional blindness, attentional blink), they might sensory experiences that seem elusive at first. Similarly,
still be phenomenally conscious of the stimulus as long early introspective psychologists of the Külpe and Titch-
as it induces local recurrence in perceptual brain ener schools developed impressive fine-grained skills in
regions (Block, 2007; Lamme, 2006). order to describe visual impressions created by stimuli
The interplay between the neural purity and overflow very similar to those later used by Sperling (see, for
arguments is complex with respect to whether one instance, Dallenbach, 1920). These examples indicate
should trust subjective reports. On the one hand, the that descriptive powers can be improved, to the point
overflow argument depends on the intuition that there that there may not be any fixed limit to what aspects of
is more to a given conscious experience than we can conscious experience are reportable versus those that
report. It thus depends on a negative statement: “there are not. This does not logically rebut the overflow argu-
is something in my conscious experience that I cannot ment, but suggests that whether subjects are to be
report.” If this statement is to be meaningful, it is a trusted on their intuition about overflow is itself some-
second-order report (a meta-report) of consciousness, thing that should be put under experimental scrutiny.
because it states the incompleteness of some access- This leads to the second line of argument against the
consciousness report. Subjects should be trusted regard- overflow argument, namely, that its apparent compel-
ing this intuition. On the other hand, the neural purity ling force might be illusory.
argument implies that by studying brain activations, we Indeed, the intuition of a rich phenomenal experi-
know more precisely than subjects themselves whether ence on which the overflow argument is built might be
they are conscious or not. In other words, their reports overstated. Observers might overestimate both the
should not be trusted. quantity and accuracy of the information they experi-
ence at one given moment, lured either by a nonspe-
The limits of dissociative approaches cific “cognitive illusion of seeing” (O’Regan & Noe,
2001), or by perceptual illusions (de Gardelle et al.,
Arguments for a dissociative approach to consciousness 2009; Kouider et al., 2010). In addition, if we admit
suffer from serious flaws. We have put forward the fact that the intuition of overflow is a meta-report of con-
that the phenomenal overflow argument is confounded sciousness, the possibility of consciousness without
with situations of partial awareness, while the neural the involvement of access mechanisms is methodologi-
purity argument reflects the confusion between phe- cally dubious: if subjects do not have access to their
nomenal consciousness and unconscious perceptual experience, how could one determine that they are
processes (Kouider et al., 2010, 2012). conscious of it? Actually, someone experiencing phe-
We start with the overflow argument. First, it is impor- nomenology without access should not only be unable
tant to stress that limits on (verbal) reportability should to talk about it, she should not even know anything
not be equated with limits on access. Perception involves about it! In other words, reporting a “rich but unac-
nonconceptual contents that are difficult to verbalize, cessed visual experience” demonstrates that we have
such as shades of colors, smells, and so on. However, access to some kind of information.
the relative poverty of verbal reports in these domains Finally, the assertion that phenomenal experiences
should not be equated with poverty in access. Indeed, can arise in the absence of access leads to an epistemo-
the hallmark of psychophysics is precisely to uncover logical impasse: in order to prove that a particular
the rich, graded, and multidimensional aspects of content is phenomenal, one has to ask the subject about
domains such as color or smell perception using indi- it. But if the subject is attempting to report about her
rect measures like similarity judgments (Gescheider, experience, it also means that she is attempting to
1997; Sackur, 2013). Furthermore, as verbal reports access it. Hence, one faces an observer effect: any observa-
take time and are performed in a sequential manner, tion of the internal states of a system changes the state
accessible information may have disappeared prior to of the system (Kouider, 2009). As such, any attempts to

860 consciousness
observe internal states prior to access will necessarily be of the notions of partial awareness, confidence evalua-
contaminated by access mechanisms themselves. tion, and expectations, access mechanisms can mecha-
A potential escape from the problems outlined above nistically account for phenomenality without reliance on
might be to accept the neural purity argument, accord- specific and dedicated mechanisms for phenomenal
ing to which phenomenological consciousness can be consciousness.
probed regardless of reportability, through neural The notion of “levels of representation” is one of the
indices. However, this strategy is circular, since validat- most venerable notions in cognitive psychology: for
ing the neural index in the first place necessarily instance, a written word might be encoded at the level
requires reliance on access mechanisms. Indeed, dem- of nonspecific geometrical features, letter fragments,
onstrating that a specific neural mechanism (e.g., local specific letter shapes, or abstract letters, and then at
recurrence) is sufficient for consciousness initially lexical, phonological, and semantic levels (Vinckier et
requires the assessment of neural events while probing al., 2007). We know from numerous psycholinguistic
whether the subject is conscious. As the sole uncontro- tasks that these levels of representation are somewhat
versial way to prove consciousness relies on access independent, in the sense that some tasks can require
mechanisms, it appears impossible to map neural and access to one specific level. This kind of representa-
phenomenal states without depending on access. This tional hierarchy is implicit and basic in most areas of
is not to say that we cannot, in some situation, infer cognitive psychology, but has been largely ignored for
conscious contents from brain states. As we gain more consciousness. Recently, we proposed that different
insights into the nature of the brain mechanisms associ- levels of representation of one and the same stimulus
ated with conscious experience, we can reapply this might be separately consciously accessed and lead to
knowledge in cases where reports are impossible, for global broadcasting independently from one another
instance, in cases of patients with locked-in syndrome (Kouider et al., 2010). For instance, because of some
and in vegetative states (Laureys et al., 2005; Owen et degradation, a visual stimulus may only be accessed at
al., 2006), as well as in the case of preverbal infants some lower levels, making it only partially conscious.
(Kouider et al., 2013). But clearly, this extrapolation Thus a word might be accessed at the level of letter
beyond the domain of reportability is justified, because features, while remaining unaccessed at higher levels
we had first relied on conscious reports, and thus on having to do with the whole word form (which does not
access mechanisms. preclude unconscious processing at these higher levels).
Finally, the neural purity argument largely reflects a But conscious contents are not simply stimulus driven:
theoretical confusion: it merely shows that the brain the cognitive system has some a priori knowledge about
processes information without consciousness, but not the world, with some confidence level about the likeli-
that there is phenomenal experience associated with hood of sensory signals. Hence, access to partial infor-
these processes. A supposed neural index of phenom- mation is combined with prior knowledge of what
enal consciousness in the absence of access may thus should be perceived: if participants expect to be shown
simply reflect unconscious processes (Dehaene et al., letters and are partially conscious of letter fragments,
2006; Kouider, Dehaene, Jobert, & Le Bihan, 2007). Yet, they illusorily see letters (de Gardelle et al., 2009). The
because one cannot demonstrate whether phenomenal intuition of a rich, elusive phenomenality comes from
experience is involved or not, the neural purity argu- real-life situations, where stimuli are complex and span
ment becomes unfalsifiable: if, say, local recurrence is a large portion of the visual field. Thus, at each moment,
observed in the absence of conscious access, stipulating various parts of the scene are accessed at different
alternative forms of consciousness, instead of uncon- levels, with restricted levels for eccentric and crowded
scious processing, cannot be verified and simply stimuli. Since the pioneering work of McConkie and
becomes a matter of faith. Rayner (1975), who used eye-tracking methodology to
blur a text beyond a window centered at fixation, it has
Partial awareness and the illusion been known that we do not need rich and detailed
of phenomenal richness information over the entire visual field to produce a
visual consciousness with the impression of richness.
Nevertheless, while phenomenal consciousness seems More recently, Freeman and Simoncelli (2011), using
dubious both from methodological and epistemologi- more controlled methods, constructed stimuli that
cal standpoints, phenomenality in itself is a reality. Our looked exactly alike in spite of systematic distortions at
conscious mental content does seem to exceed all pos- the periphery. Again, this suggests that our visual system
sible reports, and it has a qualitative and subjective accesses only low-level geometrical information in the
“feel” that is private. Here, we explain how, by means periphery of the visual field, and creates on this basis a

kouider and sackur: consciousness and its access mechanisms 861

conscious representation that is illusorily detailed. Our access and more complex (e.g., Bayesian) mechanisms
visual experience is always a mixture of detailed and of integration with priors and expectations may provide
coarse information: information at fixation is accessed a progressive bridging of the gap between functional
at the highest possible level, while information in the mechanisms and subjective experience.
periphery is only accessed at the level of coarse features.
However, the visual system does not assume that the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by funding from
the Agence National de la Recherche and from the European
world in the periphery is blurred. Rather, our confi-
Research Council (“DynaMind” project). We thank Vincent
dence that there is potentially detailed information de Gardelle and Emmanuel Dupoux for fruitful discussions
in the periphery is high. The integration of low-level on the topic of this chapter.
conscious access and of high confidence about what
is potentially discriminable mechanistically yields an
impression of ineffable richness, which is precisely REFERENCES
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kouider and sackur: consciousness and its access mechanisms 863

74 Bodily Self-Consciousness

ABSTRACT Recent data have linked self-consciousness to the used video, virtual reality, and robotics technologies to
processing of multisensory bodily signals in temporoparietal study bodily self-consciousness. These findings in
and premotor cortex. Studies in which subjects receive ambig- healthy subjects will be compared with evidence from
uous multisensory information about the location and appear-
ance of their own body have shown that activity in these brain
abnormal states of bodily self-consciousness in two neu-
areas reflects the conscious experience of identifying with the rological conditions, out-of-body experiences and heau-
body (self-identification), with the experience of where “I” am toscopy (Brugger, 2002; Devinsky, Feldmann, Burrowes,
in space (self-location), and with the experience of the per- & Bromfield, 1989). Recent data about three aspects of
spective from where “I” perceive the world (first-person bodily self-consciousness will be discussed, and in par-
perspective). I argue that these data may form the basis for
ticular how these three aspects relate to the processing
a neurobiological model of self-consciousness, grounding
higher-order notions of self-consciousness and personhood in of bodily signals and which functional and neural mech-
multisensory brain mechanisms. anisms they may share. These are self-identification with
the body (i.e., the experience of owning a body), self-
Humans experience a “real me” that “resides” in “my” location (i.e., the experience of where I am in space),
body and is the subject or “I” of experience and thought. and the first-person perspective (i.e., the experience
This is self-consciousness, the feeling that conscious from where I perceive the world).
experiences are bound to the self. Thus, experiences Starting with the breakdown of bodily self-conscious-
happen for someone, the subject or the self, in an ness, the results of detailed observations in neurological
immediate way. They are generally felt as “my” experi- patients who have had out-of-body experiences (char-
ences and seem to be present whenever “I” am perceiv- acterized by abnormal self-identification, self-location,
ing a color, have a thought, or feel pain. Experiences and first-person perspective) will be described. Next,
are felt as belonging to “somebody,” and it is this unitary some of the major experimental paradigms, behavioral
entity, the “I,” that is often considered to be one of the results, and neuroimaging findings will be reviewed. In
most astonishing features of the human mind. So far a final section, I will highlight how the principles of
self-consciousness has mainly been approached by phil- bodily self-consciousness extend to interoceptive signals,
osophical inquiry, and has led to an impressive body describe interactions with visual consciousness, and
of work. However, there is an overabundance of diverg- sketch some limitations of the present approach.
ing theories about the nature of the self and self-
consciousness that are not data-driven (i.e., Aikins, When the self leaves the body: The out-of-body
2005; Bermudez, 1998; Gallagher & Shear, 1999). experience
A powerful approach to investigate self-consciousness
experimentally has been to target brain mechanisms If you ever while lying in bed suddenly had the distinct
that process bodily signals (i.e., bodily self-consciousness; impression of floating up near the ceiling and looking
Blanke & Metzinger, 2009; Christoff, Cosmelli, Legrand, back down at your body on the bed, then it is likely that
& Thompson, 2011; Damasio & Meyer, 2009; Jeannerod, you had an out-of-body experience (OBE). OBEs are
2003; Knoblich, 2002; Legrand, 2007; de Vignemont, striking phenomena because they challenge our every-
2011). The study of such bodily signals is complex since day experience of the spatial unity of self and body: they
bodily input is continuously present and updated challenge our experience of a “real me” that “resides”
and conveyed by many senses, including tactile, pro- in my body and is the subject, or “I,” of experience and
prioceptive, and visual signals about the body. Although thought. As Sylvan Muldoon, one of the first modern
prominent accounts of self-consciousness have also authors to describe an OBE, wrote: “I was floating in
highlighted the importance of motor and interocep- the very air, rigidly horizontal, a few feet above the bed.
tive/homeostatic signals (Craig, 2009; Damasio, 1999; … I was moving toward the ceiling, horizontal and pow-
Frith, 2005; Jeannerod, 2003; Seth, Suzuki, & Critchley, erless. … I managed to turn around and there … was
2012), the present review will focus on multisensory another ‘me’ lying quietly upon the bed” (Muldoon &
mechanisms and highlight recent research that has Carrington, 1929).

blanke: bodily self-consciousness 865

Although OBEs may be considered a bizarre depar- implicated a well-centered region in the right hemi-
ture from normal human experience, they are more sphere at the junction of the right angular gyrus with
than a mere curiosity, have allowed study of the bodily the posterior superior temporal gyrus (figure 74.1;
foundations of self-consciousness, and have impacted Ionta et al., 2011).
cognitive neuroscience research in healthy subjects. Based on the frequent association of OBEs with visuo-
OBEs have been reported since time immemorial and somatosensory illusions, abnormal vestibular sensations
have been estimated to occur in about 5% of the general (Lopez, Halje, & Blanke, 2008), and the known role of
population (Blanke, Landis, Spinelli, & Seeck, 2004). the TPJ in multisensory integration (i.e., Bremmer et
During an OBE, the subject is awake and experiences al., 2001; Calvert, Campbell, & Brammer, 2000), it has
the “self,” or center of awareness, as being located further been proposed that OBEs (and abnormal self-
outside the physical body at a somewhat elevated level. identification, self-location, and first-person perspec-
Thus self-location is abnormal, and this change is tive) occur due to disturbed multisensory integration of
described by most individuals undergoing an OBE as bodily signals in peripersonal space (somatosensory,
the most astonishing OBE aspect. It is from this elevated visual, and proprioceptive signals) and extrapersonal
extrapersonal location that the subject’s body and the space (visual and vestibular signals; Blanke et al., 2004;
world are perceived (i.e., abnormal first-person per- Blanke, 2012). These clinical data have informed the
spective) (Blanke et al., 2004; Brugger, 2002; Devinsky design of experimental approaches in healthy subjects,
et al., 1989). Most subjects experience seeing their own and it has been shown that multisensory conflicts
body as lying on the ground or in bed, and the experi- of bodily signals can alter bodily self-consciousness
ence tends to be described as vivid and realistic, differ- by inducing altered states of self-identification, self-
ing from the degree of realism described in dreams or location, and the first-person perspective.
dream-like states. Thus, self-identification with a body—
that is, the sensation of owning a body—is experienced Experimental approaches to self-identification
at the elevated, disembodied location and not at the and self-location
location of the physical body (i.e., abnormal self-
identification). What causes this disunity between Using video, virtual reality, and/or robotic devices,
self and body and changes in self-identification, self- researchers have studied bodily self-consciousness by
location, and our everyday body-centered, first-person inducing experimentally controlled changes in self-
perspective? location, self-identification, and first-person perspective
(Ehrsson, 2007; Lenggenhager, Tadi, Metzinger, &
The neurology of bodily self-consciousness Blanke, 2007). The experimental protocols are based
on paradigms from multisensory perception that had
OBEs of neurological origin have been reported in previously been tested mostly in studies on upper-limb
patients suffering from many different neurological dis- perception (for review see Blanke, 2012; Makin, Holmes,
eases (Blanke et al., 2004; Brugger, 2002; Devinsky et & Ehrsson, 2008; Serino et al., 2011; Tsakiris, 2010) and
al., 1989; Maillard, Vignal, Anxionnat, Taillandier, & exploit visuotactile and visuovestibular conflicts to
Vespignani, 2004). Most common are migraine and epi- induce full-body illusions or out-of-body illusions.
lepsy, but OBEs have also been described after focal In most full-body illusion paradigms, a tactile strok-
electrical cortical stimulation (Blanke, Ortigue, Landis, ing stimulus is repeatedly applied to the back or chest
& Seeck, 2002; de Ridder, van Laere, Dupont, Menovsky, of a participant who is being filmed and simultaneously
& van de Heyning, 2007), general anesthesia, typhoid views (through a head-mounted display) the stroking of
fever, and spinal cord damage. Anatomically, OBEs have a human body in a real-time film or virtual-reality ani-
been associated with damage to the right and left tem- mation. A video camera is placed 2 meters behind the
poroparietal junction (TPJ; Blanke et al., 2004), in par- person, filming the participant’s back from behind
ticular the posterior superior temporal gyrus, angular (figure 74.2A). In an experiment based on OBEs of
gyrus, and the supramarginal gyrus. Outside the TPJ, neurological origin, participants view a video image of
several cases with damage in the precuneus (de Ridder their body (the “virtual body”) from an “outside,” third-
et al., 2007) and frontotemporal cortex have also been person perspective (Lenggenhager et al., 2007) while
described (Devinsky et al., 1989). Although these an experimenter stroked their backs with a stick. The
studies have implicated a wide variety of brain stroking in these paradigms was felt by the participants
regions, a recent lesion-analysis study using voxel-based, on their backs and also seen on the backs of the virtual
lesion-symptom mapping—in the largest sample of bodies. The head-mounted display showed the stroking
patients with OBEs due to focal brain damage to date— of the virtual bodies either in real time or not (using

866 consciousness
Figure 74.1 Brain damage leading to changes in bodily self- Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping (VLSM; bottom left) of
consciousness (out-of-body experiences, or OBE). Brain focal brain damage leading to OBEs. The violet-to-red cluster
damage and results of lesion overlap analysis (top) in nine shows the region that VLSM analysis associated statistically
patients with OBEs due to focal brain damage are shown. with OBEs as compared to control patients. The color code
Maximal lesion overlap centers at the right temporoparietal indicates significant Z scores of the respective voxels, showing
junction (TPJ) at the angular gyrus (red). Overlap color code maximal involvement of the right TPJ. (Modified from Ionta
ranges from violet (one patient) to red (seven patients). et al., 2011.) (See color plate 65.)

an online video-delay or offline prerecorded data), gen- different visuotactile conflicts, and that these changes
erating synchronous and asynchronous visuotactile can also be achieved in the supine position (Ionta et
stimulation, respectively. al., 2011; Lenggenhager, Mouthon, & Blanke, 2009).
Under these conditions, subjects self-identified with Changes in bodily self-consciousness are also associ-
the seen virtual body, and such illusory self-identifica- ated with an alteration in how visual stimuli interfere
tion with the virtual body was stronger during synchro- with the perception of tactile stimuli that are applied
nous than during asynchronous stroking conditions while stroking is applied to induce full-body and out-of-
(Lenggenhager et al., 2007; for a similar approach, see body illusions. Such visuotactile interference is a behav-
Ehrsson, 2007). Concerning self-location, a forward ioral index of whether visual and tactile stimuli are
drift (as predicted) was found. Thus, self-location was functionally perceived to be in the same spatial location
experienced at a position that was closer to the virtual (i.e., visuotactile cross-modal congruency effect; Iga-
body, as if subjects were located “in front” of the posi- rashi, Kimura, Spence, & Ichihara, 2008; Pavani, Spence,
tion where they had been standing during the experi- & Driver, 2000; Shore, Barnes, & Spence, 2006; Spence,
ment, compatible with a breakdown of the experienced Pavani, & Driver, 2004). When testing such cross-modal
spatial unity between self and body. Later work con- congruency effects during the full-body illusion, it was
firmed that self-location toward and self-identification found that visual stimuli seen at a position 2 meters in
with the virtual body are systematically influenced by front of the subject’s back and tactile stimuli (applied

blanke: bodily self-consciousness 867

on the subject’s back) were functionally perceived to be
in the same spatial location (figure 74.2B). Moreover,
this interference was modulated in states of illusory self-
identification and self-location (Aspell, Lenggenhager,
& Blanke, 2009; see also Aspell, Lavanchy, Lenggenhager,
& Blanke, 2010). These data provide online perceptual
evidence that self-identification and self-location with a
virtual body alter how the brain perceives stimuli
applied to the subject’s own physical body. Research has
shown that alterations of bodily self-consciousness are
also associated with physiological changes (i.e., skin
conductance response to a threat directed toward the
virtual body; Ehrsson, 2007; Petkova & Ehrsson, 2008)
and nociceptive changes (Hänsel et al., 2011; figure
74.2B). Thus, not only is tactile perception altered,
but it was also found that pain thresholds increase
(Hänsel et al., 2011) and body temperature (Salomon,
Lim, Herbelin, Hesselmann, & Blanke, 2013) decreases
during the full-body illusion.

Multisensory brain mechanisms of self-

identification, self-location, and first-person
Neuroimaging data on bodily self-consciousness are
unfortunately still sparse, and have linked self-
identification and self-location to several brain regions
using different paradigms and techniques. Thus, a func-
tional MRI study (Petkova et al., 2011) reported that
Figure 74.2 (A) Experimental setup during the full-body
illusion. A participant (light color) sees his own back through self-identification is associated with activity in bilateral
video goggles, as if a virtual body (dark color) were located a ventral premotor cortex, left posterior parietal cortex,
few meters in front. An experimenter administers tactile and the left putamen. Both cortical regions, premotor
stroking to the participant’s back, which the participant sees and parietal cortex, have also been linked to illusory
on the video goggles as visual stroking on the virtual body. ownership of an arm as manipulated in the rubber
Synchronous but not asynchronous visuotactile stimulation
results in illusory self-identification with and self-location hand illusion using visuotactile stimulation (Ehrsson,
toward the virtual body. (Modified from Blanke, 2012.) Spence, & Passingham, 2004; Makin et al., 2008; Blanke,
(B) Full-body illusion and visuotactile integration. The experi- 2012). In an EEG study, self-identification and self-
mental setup of the full-body illusion was adapted to acquire location with a virtual body were associated with dif-
repeated behavioral measurements related to visuotactile ferential suppression of alpha-band power (8–13 Hz)
perception (i.e., the cross-modal congruency effect; CCE). In
addition to the visuotactile stroking (as in A), participants
oscillations in bilateral medial sensorimotor regions
wore vibrotactile devices and saw visual stimuli (light-emitting and medial premotor cortex (Lenggenhager, Halje, &
diodes) on their backs while viewing their bodies through Blanke, 2011). Alpha-band oscillations over central
video goggles. The CCE is a behavioral measure that indicates areas (that is, the mu rhythm) have previously been
whether or not a visual and a touch stimulus are perceived to linked to sensorimotor processing (Pineda, 2005), and
be at identical spatial locations. Participants were asked to
indicate where they perceived a single touch stimulus (i.e.,
short vibration) applied either just below the shoulder or on
the lower back. Distracting visual stimuli (i.e., short light
flashes) were also presented on the back, either at the same illusory self-identification was modulated by visuotactile strok-
or at a different position (and were filmed by the camera). ing as described in A. The effect of congruency on reaction
Under these conditions, participants are faster to detect a times was larger during synchronous than asynchronous
touch stimulus if the visual distractor was presented at the visuotactile stroking, indicating greater interference of
same location (i.e., congruent trial) compared to touches irrelevant visual stimuli during illusory self-identification with
co-presented with a more distanced visual distractor (i.e., the virtual body. (Modified from Blanke, 2012.) (See color
incongruent trial). CCE measurements were carried out while plate 66.)

868 consciousness
mu rhythm suppression is thought to reflect increased vestibular cues from the physical body (indicating
cortical activation in sensorimotor and/or premotor downward gravity directed toward the physical body)
cortices (Oakes et al., 2004). Another functional MRI than on visual gravitational cues from the virtual body
study (Ionta et al., 2011) found that self-identification (indicating downward gravity directed away from the
with a virtual body is associated with activation in the physical body), whereas participants from the Down
right middle-inferior temporal cortex (partially overlap- group show the opposite pattern (relying more strongly
ping with the extrastriate body area), a region that is on visual gravitational cues from the virtual body than
like the premotor cortex involved in the multisensory on vestibular cues from the physical). The role of ves-
processing of human bodies (Astafiev, Stanley, Shulman, tibular processing in the first-person perspective and
& Corbetta, 2004; Downing et al., 2001; Grossman and bodily self-consciousness is supported by the proximity
Blake, 2002). Future work is needed to distinguish of the vestibular cortex to TPJ (Lopez & Blanke, 2011),
regions associated with ownership for the entire body related changes in first-person perspective during the
from those related to ownership for body parts such as so-called inversion illusion (Lackner, 1992; Lackner &
an arm or the face (for review see Blanke, 2012; Makin DiZio, 2002), and frequent vestibular disturbances
et al., 2008). during OBEs. Accordingly, it has been argued that
Recently changes in the experienced direction of the changes in the experienced direction of the first-person
first-person perspective have also been achieved using perspective are due to abnormal signal integration of
robotic stimulation while participants were in a supine otolithic vestibular cues and visual cues (Blanke, 2012;
position and viewed a virtual body that was filmed from for a more extensive review of visuovestibular-somato-
an elevated position (Ionta et al., 2011; Pfeiffer et al., sensory interactions, see Blanke, 2012; Lackner & DiZio,
2013). Despite identical visuotactile stimulation, half of 2002).
the participants experienced looking upward toward
the virtual body (Up group), and half experienced Bodily self-consciousness
looking down on the virtual body (Down group), and
these subjective perspectival changes were associated It has been argued elsewhere (Blanke & Metzinger,
with consistent changes in self-location (Ionta et al., 2009) that the three aspects of bodily self-consciousness
2011; Pfeiffer et al., 2013). In addition, subjective —self-identification, self-location, and first-person per-
reports of elevated self-location and sensations of flying, spective—are the necessary constituents of the simplest
floating, rising, and lightness (which are common in form of self-consciousness, which arises when the brain
out-of-body experiences) were frequent in the Down encodes the origin of the first-person perspective from
group and rare in the Up group. These data show that within a spatial frame of reference (i.e., self-location)
self-location depends on the experienced direction of that is associated with self-identification. The reviewed
the first-person perspective. It also shows that self- data reveal that self-identification depends on somato-
location versus self-identification are associated with sensory and visual signals and likely involves bimodal
different multisensory mechanisms, as self-identification visuotactile neurons that have also been described for
was not found to depend on the first-person arm-related manipulations (i.e., Ehrsson et al., 2004;
perspective. Graziano, Cooke, & Taylor, 2000; Iriki, Tanaka, &
Changes in self-location and the first-person perspec- Iwamura, 1996; Maravita & Iriki, 2004), whereas self-
tive were reflected in bilateral TPJ activity (Ionta et al., location and the first-person perspective depend on the
2011). TPJ activity peaked in the posterior superior additional integration of these bodily signals with ves-
temporal gyri, differed between synchronous and asyn- tibular cues, probably in trimodal visuotactile-vestibular
chronous stroking conditions, and depended on the neurons in posterior parietal and temporoparietal
experienced direction of the first-person perspective. cortex (i.e., Bremmer, Klam, Duhamel, Ben Hamed,
More recent work was able to extend these findings and & Graf, 2002; Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg, 1998;
show that these subjective changes in the first-person Grüsser, Pause, & Schreiter, 1990). These differences
perspective are associated with interindividual differ- between self-identification versus self-location and first-
ences of visuovestibular integration (Pfeiffer et al., person perspective are corroborated by neuroimaging
2013) such as visual verticality judgments using the and neurological data, showing that self-identification
rod-and-frame test (Isableu, Ohlmann, Cremieux, & recruits primarily bilateral premotor and parietal
Amblard, 1997; Lopez, Lacour, Magnan, & Borel, 2006; regions, whereas self-location and the first-person
Young, Oman, Watt, Money, & Lichtenberg, 1984). perspective recruit posterior parietal–TPJ regions
Based on these data, it can be concluded that partici- (including the insula; Ionta et al., 2014) with a right
pants from the Up group rely more strongly on hemispheric predominance.

blanke: bodily self-consciousness 869

Although it is obviously not necessary to master con- cardio-visual illumination of the virtual body in the
cepts (like the first-person pronoun “I”) or symbolic full-body illusion (Aspell et al., 2013) so that a flashing
language to enjoy the form of self-consciousness silhouette was either temporally synchronous or asyn-
described here, many recent authors have thought chronous with respect to the participant’s heartbeats
brain mechanisms of agency are necessary for bodily (figure 74.3A), changes in illusory self-identification
self-consciousness (Frith, 2005; Jeannerod, 2003; and self-location were induced that were of comparable
Pacherie, 2008). While the experience of being the magnitude as in those using purely exteroceptive (visuo-
author of one’s actions and being able to selectively tactile) conflicts (figure 74.3b; for related work, see
control a body are important for bodily self-consciousness, Suzuki et al., 2013). It was further found that such
the reviewed data show how the passive, multisensory, cardio-visual conflict modulated tactile perception (in
and globalized experiences of self-identification, self- the cross-modal congruency task), and that this was
location, and first-person perspective are sufficient for reflected by somatosensory activity in parietal cortex (as
a minimally conscious selfhood (Blanke & Metzinger, measured by somatosensory evoked potentials).
2009): global motor control and agency (Kannape & These findings are compatible with proposals that
Blanke, 2013; Kannape, Schwabe, Tadi, & Blanke, 2010) both exteroceptive and interoceptive signals are impor-
or cognitive self-reference based on language or tant for bodily self-consciousness (see also Seth et al.,
memory (see below) are not necessary conditions. 2012). Given that the reviewed data show exteroceptive
and interoceptive signals are combined and that they
Bodily self-consciousness and interoception are potent modulators of bodily self-consciousness, it
may be argued that signals from inside and outside the
Are interoceptive bodily signals relevant for bodily self- human body form an integrated cortical system for
consciousness? The large majority of reviewed studies bodily self-consciousness that includes the insula. Such
on bodily self-consciousness focused on the manipula- insula involvement in bodily self-consciousness has
tion of exteroceptive sources of information about the been confirmed using functional connectivity analysis
body (i.e., vision and touch). Yet recent behavioral, (Ionta et al., 2014) and neurological data in patients
imaging, and neurological data also link the insular suffering from heautoscopy (Brugger, 2002; Heydrich
cortex and interoceptive processing to bodily self- & Blanke, 2013). Patients with heautoscopy have
consciousness, and evidence has been put forward that damage centering in the left posterior insula (Heydrich
the brain’s representations of internal bodily states & Blanke, 2013) and suffer from abnormal self-
(Critchley, Wiens, Rotshtein, Ohman, & Dolan, 2004) identification and self-location. Affective and interocep-
are equally or even more important for the self (Craig, tive symptoms are frequently reported by such patients,
2009; Damasio, 1999). Although it is not yet known and it has been argued that abnormal self-identification
whether exteroceptive and interoceptive systems and self-location in patients with heautoscopy is caused
form a common or distinct system for bodily self- by a breakdown of self-other discrimination regarding
consciousness, recent evidence suggests this is likely affective somatosensory experience due to a disintegra-
to be the case (Aspell et al., 2013; Suzuki, Garfinkel, tion of visuosomatosensory signals with interoceptive
Critchley, & Seth, 2013; Tsakiris et al., 2011). Interocep- (and/or emotional) bodily signals. These findings high-
tive and homeostatic processing (e.g., heart, lungs, light the role of interoceptive and emotional brain
intestinal tract, blood pressure) have been associated mechanisms for self-identification.
with the insular cortex (Craig, 2009) or the posterior
medial parietal cortex (Damasio, 1999; Damasio & Bodily self-consciousness and visual consciousness
Meyer, 2009), and several recent studies have revealed
that level of interoceptive awareness (as measured in How does self-consciousness relate to the larger field of
a heartbeat-awareness task) modulates measures of consciousness studies? Empirical research into brain
bodily self-consciousness (Tajadura-Jimenez et al., mechanisms of consciousness has mainly focused on
2013; Tsakiris et al., 2011). Stronger evidence for a behavioral and neural differences between conscious
common system for bodily self-consciousness has been and unconscious processing of stimuli, mostly in the
provided by research based on experiments that inves- visual system (i.e., Crick & Koch, 1990; Dehaene &
tigated whether a conflict between an interoceptive Changeux, 2011). Can such consciousness arise without
signal (the heartbeat) and an exteroceptive (visual) self-consciousness? This is an interesting topic for future
signal modulates bodily self-consciousness (in a research, and would require integrating studies of
comparable fashion to the previously described visuo- bodily self-consciousness with earlier research of con-
tactile conflicts in the full-body illusion). Presenting sciousness that investigated conscious and unconscious

870 consciousness
target detection, binocular rivalry, bistable perception,
continuous flash suppression, and other perceptions in
well-defined psychophysical settings (i.e., Tsuchiya &
Koch, 2005). Roy Salomon has taken first steps in this
direction and was able to show that proprioceptive and
vestibular signals as well as changes in self-identification
and self-location (in the full-body illusion) modulate
visual consciousness as quantified in a continuous flash
suppression task (Salomon et al., 2013). These last
experiments suggest that bodily self-consciousness may
turn out to be an important component for conscious-
ness generally (Damasio, 1999). As Gerald Edelman
stated, “It is not enough to say that the mind (and con-
sciousness) is embodied. You also have to say how”
(1992). Bodily self-consciousness may provide this link,
bringing the “I” of conscious perception with conscious-
ness studies.

The “I” of conscious experience is one of the most
astonishing features of the human mind. The reviewed
investigations of self-identification, self-location, and
first-person perspective have described some of the
multisensory brain processes that give rise to bodily
self-consciousness. As argued elsewhere (Blanke &
Metzinger, 2009), these three aspects are the necessary
constituents of the simplest form of self-consciousness,
which arises when the brain encodes the origin of the
first-person perspective from within a spatial frame of
reference (i.e., self-location) associated with self-
identification. Cognitive psychologists and neuroscien-
tists have studied many different aspects of self-related
processes (e.g., Arzy, Thut, Mohr, Michel, & Blanke,
2006; Christoff et al., 2011; Esslen, Metzler, Pascual-
Marqui, & Jancke, 2008; Gillihan & Farah, 2005; Heath-
erton et al., 2006; Jeannerod, 2003; Knoblich, 2002;
Legrand & Ruby, 2009; Macrae, Moran, Heatherton,
Banfield, & Kelley, 2004; Northoff et al., 2006; Perrin et
al., 2005; Platek et al., 2006; Vogeley & Fink, 2003).
Mechanisms of bodily self-consciousness overlap with
several of these self-related processes, and it will be an

Figure 74.3 (A) Cardiovisual full-body illusion setup. Par-

ticipants (a) stood with their backs facing a video camera
(b) placed 200 cm behind them. An electrocardiogram was conditions (shown on the left; “Body”). A greater change of
recorded and R-peaks were detected in real-time (c), trigger- self-location toward the virtual body was found in the synchro-
ing a flashing silhouette (d) outlining the participant’s body nous versus asynchronous body condition. No significant
(virtual body) (e). The video showing the virtual body was difference was found between the synchronous and asyn-
projected in real time onto a head-mounted display. It chronous control conditions (shown on the right; “Object”).
appeared visually that the virtual body was standing 200 cm in The cross-modal congruency effect (CCE, see text) was larger
front of the participant. (Modified from Aspell et al., 2013.) during cardiovisual synchrony and had greater magnitude
(B) Self-location and visuotactile integration. Self-location when the vibration and the visual distractor were on the same
was modulated by cardiovisual synchrony only in the body side, reflecting associated changes in self-location (B, right).

blanke: bodily self-consciousness 871

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Crick, F., & Koch, C. (1990). Some reflections on visual
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874 consciousness
75 Intention and Agency

ABSTRACT Cognitive neuroscience makes an important dis- relevant for the diagnosis and treatment of the many
tinction between actions that are triggered by a specific stimu- neuropsychiatric disorders that affect capacity for vol-
lus in the external world (i.e., reactions) and actions that are untary action. Third, and perhaps most importantly,
relatively independent of any individual stimulus. These
internally-generated actions instead result in a combination neuroscientific findings may have important social
of motivation to act and an internal decision about what implications, because human society depends on a
action to make and when to make it. Some internally-gener- concept of individual autonomy and responsibility for
ated actions are accompanied by a characteristic conscious action.
experience of “willing” or intending to move, which is clearly
linked to the ability to initiate the action. This chapter focuses
on the brain mechanisms and computations underlying inten- What is intentional action?
tional action. The medial frontal cortex plays a key role in
generating intentional actions and, in conjunction with the Ludwig Wittgenstein famously asked, “What is left over
parietal cortex, in the subjective experience of intention. The if I subtract the fact that my arm goes up from the fact
second part of the chapter focuses on the sense of agency—
that I raise my arm?”(Wittgenstein, 1953, §621). We all
the experience that our actions aim at external outcomes and
are the causes of those outcomes. The same frontal brain know that intentionally lifting one’s arm and having
circuits that initiate intentional action are also responsible for one’s arm lifted feel quite different, but cognitive psy-
linking actions to outcomes. Some evidence suggests the chology has nevertheless struggled to provide a good
action-outcome link is a prospective prediction of outcomes definition of intentional actions, where there is a direct
within action-related circuits, rather than a retrospective
and immediate correspondence between stimulus and
causal inference within outcome-related circuits. The chapter
ends with a brief discussion of the implications of cognitive action. Intentional actions are not driven by any obvious
neuroscience for social and moral responsibility. or immediate external stimulus. For example, my leg
may kick forward because of a sharp tap on the tendon
Intentions are mental states that represent one’s future just below the kneecap (a reflex), or because I just
actions. However, not all actions are intentional. The decide to kick my leg forward. In essence, this approach
key tasks of the cognitive neuroscience of human inten- defines intentional actions as internally-generated,
tional action are to identify the specific features of rather than externally-triggered (Passingham, Bengts-
intentional actions as opposed to other kinds of actions, son, & Lau, 2010). This definition has dominated recent
to investigate the specific mechanisms of intentional thinking about intentional action, and has both advan-
action in the brain, and to consider the implications of tages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that
these mechanisms for human cognition in general. the definition says what intentional actions are not, but
The cognitive neurosciences’ interest in intentional does not say what they are in a positive sense. In particu-
action emerges from two sources: the classic philosophi- lar, the causes of intentional action remain largely
cal interest in free will and the increasing mechanistic undefined. On the other hand, this definition gives a
understanding of the motor circuits in the brain. clear operational definition of intentional action that
Healthy human adults generally have the experience can be used in experimental designs. Indeed, many
that they can choose their actions for themselves on at studies have compared the brain mechanisms for inter-
least some occasions. This makes them responsible for nally-generated versus externally-triggered actions.
an action and its outcomes. However, the neurosciences These studies are reviewed in the next section.
view actions as events in the motor system, caused by Several studies have compared the brain processes
neural mechanisms in cortical and subcortical cognitive for internally-generated versus externally-triggered
and motor areas. The first view is person-centered and actions. The design of these studies aims to make the
subjective, while the second is system-centered and physical movement, and any physical stimulation, bal-
mechanistic. Reconciling these two very different views anced across experimental conditions. Differences
of human action represents an important frontier in between conditions can then be linked to the different
our scientific understanding of ourselves. Moreover, sci- causes of action. For example, an early positron emis-
entific investigation of intention and agency may be sion tomography study (Deiber et al., 1991) asked

haggard: intention and agency 875

participants to move a joystick at regular intervals. The basis of internally-stored information or in a condition
direction in which to move the joystick was either where an external visual cue specified each movement
instructed by an external signal or freely chosen by the in turn. The majority of cells in the medial frontal areas,
participants. The results showed increased neural activ- notably the supplementary motor area (SMA), showed
ity in the supplementary motor cortex when actions a preference for internally-generated movement, while
were selected by internal cues, compared to external the majority of cells located more laterally in the pre-
cues. A subsequent study (Deiber, Ibañez, Sadato, & motor cortex showed a preference for externally-cued
Hallett, 1996) replicated this difference even when the movement (Halsband, Matsuzaka, & Tanji, 1994).
external cues allowed the same of degree of motor
preparation as free selection of action, and showed that Intentional action as internal generation
the centers specifically involved with internal genera- of motor information
tion of action were located more anteriorly within the
supplementary motor cortex, in the region subse- Internally-guided and externally-triggered actions are
quently labelled the presupplementary motor area opposite ends of a cognitive continuum. Most everyday
(preSMA). actions probably lie somewhere in between, and involve
More recent functional MRI studies have contrasted a mixture of one’s own decisions and responses to the
free selection with external guidance for several differ- external environment. Many readers of this book will
ent dimensions of action decision. In the studies of have had the experience of participating in a psychol-
Krieghoff, Brass, Prinz, and Waszak (2009) and Mueller, ogy experiment. You typically decide for yourself to
Brass, Waszak, and Prinz (2007), participants selected participate (signing the consent form being the exter-
which of two actions to make on the basis of external nal marker of this decision), but then you may respond
cues or their own free choice. In another condition, the to the stimuli the experimenter shows you. It is hard to
action itself was fixed, but participants could decide say exactly which parts of the activity are intentional, as
when to make it, again based on either external cues or opposed to stimulus-triggered, and what specific factor
free choice. Freely selecting which action to make, as makes them intentional. In fact, intentional actions are
opposed to being instructed which action to make, acti- characterized by the presence of several different
vated the rostral cingulate zone (Mueller et al., 2007). factors, none of which may be necessary, but which may
A subsequent study replicated this finding, and also be jointly sufficient. We describe some of these below.
showed that freely selecting when to act activated a First, intentional actions result from internal decisions
slightly more posterior area on the surface of the supe- about what to do, when to do it, and even whether to
rior frontal gyrus (Krieghoff et al., 2009). do it at all. Mike Shadlen has proposed the term
The above findings fit with a general account of a “freedom from immediacy” for this core property of
fundamental gradient in the specialization of frontal human and some nonhuman action selection (Shadlen
cortex, between internal guidance of action on the & Gold, 2004). Clearly, actions can be more or less
medial aspect and external triggering on the lateral constrained by the environment, so the degree of
aspect. Medial and lateral frontal regions have different internally-generated decision making must be graded.
connectivity: the lateral frontal cortex receives from the Second, intentional actions normally have a distinc-
inferior parietal regions that form the extension of the tive motivation: they are goal-directed or aim at produc-
dorsal visual stream, while the medial frontal regions ing a particular outcome. This indicates a tight linkage
receive from limbic and superior parietal regions (Aver- between intentional action and neural reward systems.
beck, Battaglia-Mayer, Guglielmo, & Caminiti, 2009). Humans and animals internally generate actions that
Perhaps the strongest evidence for a concept of inter- produce appropriate reinforcement, even when there
nally guided action comes from lesion studies. Monkeys is no external stimulus cuing the action. Somatic states
learned to perform an arbitrary movement (raising the such as hunger and thirst may form the basis of inten-
arm) to receive food. When the medial part of the pre- tional action (Damasio, 2000). However, the human
motor cortex was surgically ablated, the frequency of experimental literature has struggled to include this
this action was sharply reduced, although the animals motivational aspect in experimental designs. Given a
could make the action quite normally in response to a transparent choice between more rewarding and less
tone (Thaler, Chen, Nixon, Stern, & Passingham, 1995). rewarding actions, or between more and less moral out-
Recordings from single units in the medial and lateral comes, people generally choose the most desirable
premotor cortex confirmed this preference. Monkeys action (Moretto, Walsh, & Haggard, 2011). For example,
learned a sequence of three successive movements. if I offer someone a $10 bill or a $20 bill, they will prob-
They then performed these movements either on the ably reach for the $20 bill—but this seems more like a

876 consciousness
direct response to the $20 stimulus than an internally-
generated action. Because of this ambiguity, many
human experiments used arbitrary, valueless action
decisions. Such experiments clearly cannot capture
how everyday intentional actions follow from goals and
reasons, but they may be able to study the process of
generating intentional action.
A third critical element of intention is the timing of
initiation of action itself. The combination of a motiva-
tion to act and a decision about which action to make
is not always sufficient to trigger action. For example,
action may be physically prevented by external con-
straint, or not appropriate given current circumstances,
competing actions, or competing goals. For these
reasons, the brain needs a mechanism to maintain
intentions and release them only at the appropriate
time: another form of “freedom from immediacy.” The
temporal aspect of intention has received more experi-
mental attention than any other, and forms the topic of
the next section.
The combination of decision, motivation, and timing
of initiation gives intentional actions a level of flexibility
and complexity that stimulus-driven actions lack. The Figure 75.1 Computational motor control model for goal-
traditional definition of intentional action can some- directed action. (Reprinted with permission from Frith et al.,
times be misinterpreted as implying an action with no 2000. Copyright © 2000, The Royal Society.)
apparent cause—something that is clearly nonsensical.
Perhaps it is better to think of internally generated quite different ways within cognitive neuroscience. In
actions as responses where a combination of several cognitive psychology, intentional action goals are often
factors jointly cause action (Schüür & Haggard, 2011). considered as prospective memories to perform a
desired action at a later, appropriate time. In senso-
Mental chronometry of intentions rimotor control, the goal is a state of the body, such as
getting the hand to a particular target position in space.
Mental chronometry has been a rich line of investiga- The main difference between the two approaches is
tion in many areas of psychology, and no more so than how close the person is to the time of action. Prospec-
in intentional action. Recent computational models tive memory involves long-term or prior intentions:
(see figure 75.1) provide a useful framework for con- other events and other actions may occur before the
sidering intentions and time. intended action. Sensorimotor control models, in con-
In these models (see chapter 39), actions begin with trast, begin with the immediate current intention or
specification of a goal. A “planner,” or inverse model, goal and are assumed to operate over the short term.
converts the goal into a set of motor commands to They therefore deal with intentions-in-action rather
achieve the goal. These commands are sent from the than long-range intentions (Searle, 1983). An external
brain to the spinal cord and the muscles, causing physi- triggering event, or an internal representation of
cal movement and finally bringing about the goal state. elapsed time, is required to retrieve a relevant prior
A copy of the motor command is sent to an internal intention from long-term memory and transform it to
forward model, which predicts the effects of the motor an intention-in-action: this process marks the trigger or
command. Therefore, the system potentially has access decision to make the action now. This progression
to several different kinds of information about a current toward triggering action is associated with a gradient
action, each relating to a different time: a description across the prefrontal cortex: more anterior regions deal
of the future or goal state, an estimate of the current with more abstract, longer-range intentions, while more
state, and a delayed description based on feedback posterior regions deal with specific action details
from the body and the external world. (Koechlin & Summerfield, 2007; Pacherie, 2008).
This model of intentional action begins with goals, Neuroimaging studies identify the lateral part of
but the concept of action goal has been viewed in two Brodmann’s area (BA) 10 in the prefrontal cortex as a

haggard: intention and agency 877

key area for maintaining intentions (Burgess, Gonen- action (a movement of the wrist) at a time of their own
Yaacovi, & Volle, 2011). However, fewer studies have choosing. EEG was recorded from the scalp throughout
investigated how a stored intention is transformed into the experiment. In addition, participants watched a
an action. One recent study used multivariate pattern spot that rotated continuously on a clock face. After
analysis of fMRI data to identify the regions of the brain each action, participants indicated where the spot had
from which it was possible to decode which of two tasks been when they first “felt the urge to move.” Libet’s
a person would perform, and also when they would finding was simple, but striking (figure 75.2). People
switch to the new task (Momennejad & Haynes, 2012). experienced the urge to move on average 206 msec
Two distinct regions of the medial prefrontal cortex before the physical onset of muscle contraction.
carried information relevant to timing of intention. However, the preparatory activity in the brain, or “readi-
The lateral prefrontal cortex in both hemispheres main- ness potential” (Kornhuber & Deecke, 1965) was
tained information about the forthcoming switch. At the present as much as 1 sec prior to this point. This tem-
time of retrieval, and at switching to the new task, infor- poral sequence, in which brain activity comes first and
mation about timing was present more medially in conscious awareness of impending movement comes
BA10 as well as bilaterally in the SMA. While this study later, seems to rule out the Cartesian dualist concept of
cannot causally identify the trigger signal that means conscious free will, according to which the conscious
“act now,” it confirms a lateral-to-medial as well as an controls movements of the body via the intermediate
anterior-posterior gradient in prefrontal cortex in trans- mechanisms of the brain. Libet concluded that volun-
forming long-range intentions into current actions. tary acts are initiated by unconscious brain mechanisms,
rather than by conscious intention.
Conscious intention and brain activity This result has attracted considerable attention in
philosophy, and in the public imagination. The experi-
A key question in cognitive neuroscience of intentional mental method suffers from several drawbacks. For
action has been the relation between conscious inten- example, simple voluntary actions often do not produce
tion and the brain processes that trigger action. The a single, discrete, vivid experience of “urge,” or inten-
processes of action selection, motivation, and temporal tion, or decision. Estimating the time of conscious
flexibility that characterize intentional action are all intention is more difficult than estimating the time of
associated with specific conscious experiences, of choos- an auditory onset or visual onset. Some have questioned
ing, of urge, and of commitment to act. I have the whether such judgments make sense at all. Neverthe-
experience that “I” am the cause of my own actions, less, the basic result seems to replicate: people can
while the conscious experiences associated with reflex report an experience a few hundred milliseconds prior
actions and with habitual actions are quite different. In to voluntary action. It is less clear what gives rise to this
reflex action, we are generally aware of the triggering experience, and what the content of the experience is.
stimulus and are sometimes surprised by our own motor From a neuroscientific point of view, the Libet experi-
responses. In habitual or routine actions such as walking ment can seem almost trivial: what could conscious
or typing, we experience a background buzz of ongoing intention be other than a product of brain activity?
activity, without clear awareness of each individual
motor command.
In the last decades, several neuroscientists have inves-
tigated the neural basis of the characteristic conscious
experiences accompanying intentional action. Some-
times this work has been used to consider metaphysical
questions, such as whether humans have free will or
not. Here we limit ourselves to a “natural history”
approach to intention, asking what conscious experi-
ences accompany intentional action and what mecha-
nisms produce those experiences. Whether this data
constitutes evidence of “free will” is a philosophical Figure 75.2 The Libet experiment. The buildup of a “readi-
rather than a neuroscientific point, and the subject of ness potential” preceding voluntary action occurs several
many excellent books (e.g., Kane, 2005). hundred milliseconds before action onset. In contrast, the
subjective experience of intention is reported to occur around
Inquiry in this field began with the famous “Libet 200 msec before action onset. Libet argued from the temporal
experiment” (Libet, Gleason, Wright, & Pearl, 1983). order of these events that conscious intention could not be
Libet asked participants to make a simple voluntary the trigger for action.

878 consciousness
However, since numerous brain processes contribute to may be part of the normal regulatory process that allows
preparation and control of actions, an important scien- us to make an action only when it is appropriate, and
tific question is to identify those that underlie the expe- not at other times when it would be inappropriate.
rience of intention. Fried and colleagues (Fried, Recent work in healthy humans (van den Wildenberg
Mukamel, & Kreiman, 2011) recorded from 1,019 indi- et al., 2010) and monkeys (Wardak, 2011) confirms that
vidual neurons in the brains of patients undergoing deciding whether to act and deciding when to act are
preoperative monitoring before epilepsy surgery, while closely linked. Even in a simple reaction task, cognitive
the patients performed the Libet experiment. They motor areas maintain a tonic inhibitory influence on
found several neurons in the medial frontal cortex that the primary motor cortex until just before the time of
progressively modulated their firing rate before the the expected “go” signal (Duque et al., 2010).
patients’ average reported time of conscious intention. Intentional inhibition has sometimes been viewed
Interestingly, these neurons could either increase dualistically, as a form of “conscious veto” underlying
or decrease their firing rates as the action onset self-control (Libet, 2005). However, the neuropsycho-
approached, suggesting that medial frontal areas may logical cases described above show that a specific frontal
initiate action by a balance of excitatory and inhibitory brain mechanism is responsible for inhibiting actions
drives onto motor-execution areas. We shall return to that might, in principle, be executed. Neuroimaging
this point later. They also showed that they could accu- studies of inhibition broadly agree with this view. The
rately predict the time of the conscious intention to classic experimental paradigms for studying inhibition
move from a population of a few hundred such medial generally involve an external stop or no go signal—yet
frontal neurons. Neurons in other brain areas, such as in everyday life, healthy adults are expected to
the temporal lobe, showed much less association with inhibit inappropriate actions endogenously, without
conscious intention. any explicit instruction (Aron, 2011; Filevich, Kühn, &
Haggard, 2012). Therefore, intentional paradigms such
“Negative volition” and inhibition of action as the Libet experiment have also been used to investi-
gate inhibition (Brass & Haggard, 2007). Participants
An interesting recent debate has focused on decisions were asked to prepare voluntary key-press actions, but
to inhibit intentional actions. Behavioral sciences have then to cancel their action at the last possible moment
often struggled to study inhibition of action, largely on a freely chosen subset of trials. These intentional
because it produces no measurable behavioral output. inhibition trials present an unusual experimental chal-
As a result, the contribution of inhibitory processes to lenge, because the input is not directly controlled by
intentional action has generally been underestimated. the experimenter’s instructions, nor is there any behav-
Nevertheless, classical neuropsychological studies ioral output to measure! Crucially, however, partici-
showed that medial frontal lobe damage could cause a pants indicated the time at which they experienced
form of excessive, compulsive action, in which the willing the action using a rotating clock hand, even if
patient’s actions would be triggered automatically by the action was subsequently canceled. This subjective
objects that happened to be present in the environ- marker allowed the authors to investigate brain activity
ment, even when no particular reason or desire to time-locked to intending actions and then inhibiting
perform the action could be detected. These were them. A region of BA 9 in the dorsomedial prefrontal
termed utilization behaviors (Lhermitte, 1983). This cortex was found to be activated in inhibition trials, but
finding suggests that one normal function of the healthy deactivated in action trials. A later study, using a differ-
medial frontal cortex may be to inhibit those actions ent experimental paradigm, additionally showed that
that we currently do not wish to make, and not simply this area had a strong effective connectivity with the
to initiate those actions we do wish to make. A dramatic preSMA during inhibition trials, relative to action trials
example comes from the neurological syndrome of (Kühn, Haggard, & Brass, 2009).
anarchic hand. This unilateral form of utilization behav- Based on this evidence, it was suggested that this
ior sometimes follows a medial frontal and callosal dorsomedial frontal area may express the intention to
lesion. Della Sala and colleagues (Della Sala, Marchetti, inhibit actions, and may do so by exerting control over
& Spinnler, 1991) report the case of a patient whose action-preparation circuits elsewhere in the frontal
anarchic right hand reached out involuntarily to grab cortex. Interestingly, a similar prefrontal region, with
a hot beverage immediately after the patient announced similar connectivity to preSMA, was activated when par-
that she had decided to wait for the drink to cool before ticipants intentionally decided to resist feeling the
taking it. This compelling example suggests that the emotion suggested by unpleasant visual stimuli (Kühn,
maintenance, and then eventual release, of inhibition Haggard, & Brass, 2013). This region may therefore

haggard: intention and agency 879

form an important part of a general brain circuit under- an fMRI scanner. Participants viewed a video image of
lying inhibitory self-control. Consistent with this view, their own action with a variable delay. In a first condi-
hypoactivity of the medial prefrontal cortex during tion, participants simply detected whether the image
inhibition tasks has regularly been reported in studies was delayed or not, while in a second condition, partici-
of ADHD (Rubia et al., 1999; Smith et al., 2006). pants judged whether the video they saw showed their
own action or not—that is, they made judgments of
Sense of agency agency. The behavioral results from the first condition
showed that delays in visual feedback became detect-
The sense of agency refers to the feeling that one con- able only if they lasted 200–300 msec or more. The
trols one’s own actions and, through them, events in results from the second condition showed that this
the external world. Sense of agency thus refers to the time window produced an ambiguous sense of agency,
experience and mental representation of the relation with participants sometimes judging the observed
between one’s own intentional actions and their exter- action as their own and sometimes not. Comparing
nal sensory consequences. It is difficult to imagine a positive and negative judgments of agency for these
more fundamental distinctive feature of human mental intermediate delays did not identify any brain area
life: all human endeavors, technologies, and transfor- coding for positive judgments of agency. However, the
mations of our environment are ultimately based on angular gyrus showed a stronger activation for trials
being aware of the consequences of our actions. More- where participants denied agency, compared to trials
over, sense of agency plays a crucial social role: agents where they accepted it. Interestingly, neuroimaging
can only be held responsible for the consequences of results from the first, delay-detection condition also
their actions if there is general agreement on who per- showed that angular gyrus activation increased with the
formed the action. For example, many legal systems video delay. This study confirms and extends previous
allow a defense based on reduced or absent sense of reports of angular gyrus involvement in agency juge-
agency. ment (Sirigu, Daprati, Pradat-Diehl, Franck, & Jean-
Animals can learn and perform instrumental or goal- nerod, 1999). It further suggests that the sense of being
directed actions very readily. A rat that presses a lever in control of one’s actions is a default mode of the
for food perhaps experiences a kind of agency. However, brain, not specifically coded as an individual state.
the range and sophistication of human instrumental Second, timing provides an important cue for the func-
action is clearly much wider. Agency is best treated as a tion of this circuit.
psychophysical problem: how do people represent and The computational motor control model (figure
perceive the relation between intentional actions and 75.1) has been used to explain the sense of agency. If
outcomes? Like all psychophysical investigations, we the comparison between the state of the limb estimated
begin with physical reality: these are the facts of agency, by an internal model matches that reported by sensory
whether the agent performed the action or not. Next, signals, the current sensory input is attributed to one’s
we can consider the agent’s awareness deriving from own action. This causes a sense of agency over the
these facts. The term “sense of agency” refers to the current sensory input. In the model, as in the human
normal awareness of initiating one’s voluntary actions, neuroimaging literature, agency is not defined by any
and thus controlling their immediate outcomes. For positive signal but only by an absence of errors. More-
many habitual actions, the sense of agency is thin, but over, the model insists that sense of agency is necessarily
it remains present as a background “buzz,” accompany- retrospective: the brain waits for delayed sensory feed-
ing normal mental life (Synofzik, Vosgerau, & Newen, back before the computations that lead to sense of
2008). Sense of agency moves to the foreground of agency can begin. This link between feedback delay and
consciousness during significant action decisions or agency recalls the pattern of results of the neuroimag-
when action outcomes are important. ing results described above.
Most scientific studies have not tackled the conscious The same model has been used to explain why the
experience of agency directly, but have asked partici- consequences of self-produced action are often not per-
pants to make binary judgments about whether they did ceived: conscious awareness is associated not with actual
or did not cause a particular action outcome. These sensory feedback but with the element of sensory input
studies have identified ambiguous situations in which that is not predicted by one’s own motor command
judgments of agency may be incorrect, and have also (Blakemore, Wolpert, & Frith, 2000; Gentsch & Schütz-
identified the physical clues used for making such judg- Bosbach, 2011). However, it may seem paradoxical to
ments. Farrer and colleagues (2008) instructed partici- use the same model both to account for the experience
pants to move a set of wooden pegs into holes while in of controlling external events and to account for the

880 consciousness
relative imperception of external events caused by one’s participants’ feeling of control reduced, but only for
own agency. incompatibly primed trials. Crucially, the primes in this
A recent study resolved some of these uncertainties experiment did not predict the color patches that
with a novel interpretation of the role of the angular appeared after each action. Therefore, the influence of
gyrus in sense of agency. Chambon and colleagues priming on sense of agency was interpreted as a pro-
(Chambon, Wenke, Fleming, Prinz, & Haggard, 2013; spective fluency effect: people feel a stronger sense of
see figure 75.3) used subliminal arrow stimuli to prime control when it is easy to select which action to take,
participants’ actions, so that selecting the appropriate irrespective of the statistical relation between their
action in response to a left or right target arrow was action and outcome. People mistake the ease of choos-
either facilitated or inhibited. After the participants ing what to do for actually achieving something. Inter-
responded, one of several color patches appeared on estingly, the angular gyrus showed increasing levels of
the screen after a short delay. Participants reported how activation as the subjective sense of control over the
much control they felt they had over the color appear- color path decreased, but only for incompatible trials.
ing on the screen. The results showed a higher sense of This result confirms the negative coding for nonagency
control over action outcomes when participants’ in the angular gyrus. However, this code may be pro-
responses had been facilitated by subliminal priming, spectively based on what we think we may achieve, and
relative to when they had been impaired. Interestingly, not just retrospectively based on what we have actually
the angular gyrus showed increasing activation as the achieved.

Figure 75.3 Subliminal priming of actions influences sense panel: activation of the angular gyrus associated with the
of agency prospectively. Upper panel: subliminal primes facilitate target-response event varies negatively with perceived level of
or impair actions in response to target arrow stimuli. Responses control, but only following incompatible priming. (Repro-
are followed by appearance of a color patch, and participants duced from Chambon et al., 2013, by permission of Oxford
judge how much control they have over the color patch. Lower University Press.) (See color plate 67.)

haggard: intention and agency 881

Low-level agency perception
Several studies have shown that human judgments of
agency may be biased. In social situations, people tend
to think they caused events that were in fact caused
by the actions of others (Wegner, 2003; Wegner &
Wheatley, 1999). The bias to overestimate one’s own
agency in the case of simple sensorimotor events may
form an instance of a more general tendency to believe
in one’s own self-efficacy (Bandura, 2001). However, it
remains unclear whether these biases actually alter low-
level perception of agency, or whether they are merely
response biases. Investigating this question requires an
implicit measure of agency. One candidate is the
“intentional binding” effect. In the original demonstra-
tion (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002), participants
used the clock method developed by Libet and col-
leagues to indicate the time at which they made a vol-
untary key-press action. In one block of trials, each
Figure 75.4 The intentional binding effect. (Reproduced
action was followed after a short delay by an auditory from Moore et al., 2013, with permission from Elsevier.)
tone, while in another block of trials no tone occurred.
The perceived time of the actions was shifted later,
toward the subsequent tone, in the block where tones trials where the tone occurred than on trials where it
occurred. In the same fashion, the perceived time of did not, suggesting a change in the perceived time of
the tone was compared between a baseline block where the action triggered retrospectively by the ensuing
participants simply heard a tone occurring at random tone. In a block where most actions (75%) were fol-
intervals, without making any action, and an experi- lowed by tones, action binding was again observed on
mental block in which participants caused the tone trials where the tone did occur, but also on trials
through their own voluntary action. The perceived without any tone. This pattern of results suggests that
time of the tone was shifted earlier, toward the action the action was shifted prospectively toward the tone, in
that caused it, compared to the baseline block. Taken anticipation of its likely occurrence. Voss and col-
together, the action binding and the tone binding leagues used a similar design to compare the predic-
implied a perceptual compression of the time interval tive and retrospective processes of action binding
between action and outcome. Crucially, neither of between a group of psychotic patients and age-matched
these effects occurred when the voluntary key-press healthy controls (Voss et al., 2010). They found similar
action was replaced by an involuntary twitch of the levels of binding in both groups, but for very different
same muscles induced by transcranial magnetic stimu- reasons. In the healthy controls, action binding was
lation (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002; see figure dominated by the prospective component, suggesting
75.4), or by a second tone. On this basis, it was sug- it depended on predicting the likely outcomes of
gested that intentional binding may reflect the tempo- actions. In the patients, action binding was dominated
ral association between intentional actions and their by the retrospective component. Disorganization of
outcomes. It may therefore provide an implicit marker thought and agency are cardinal symptoms of schizo-
of sense of agency. phrenic psychosis. This result suggests that even low-
The intentional binding effect involves independent level experience of simple sensorimotor events in
measures of action binding and tone binding. There- psychosis depends on opportunistic conjunctions of
fore, intentional binding allows sense of agency to be events, rather than learned regularities of instrumental
broken down into distinct components, in a way that action.
judgment of agency attribution does not. For example, Studies of the neural basis of intentional binding
by varying the probability of a tone following an action, have suggested a key role for several frontal lobe cir-
Moore and Haggard (2008) showed that action binding cuits. Importantly, these show considerable overlap with
involved two distinct processes, one prospective and the areas involved in generating intentional action.
one retrospective. In a block where only 50% of actions They are also quite distinct from the parietal areas
were followed by tones, action binding was stronger on generally identified with explicit judgments of agency.

882 consciousness
This evidence can only be reviewed briefly here. First, Responsibility for action
intentional binding effects were reduced after inactiva-
tion of the preSMA caused by repetitive transcranial All human societies appear to hold individuals respon-
magnetic stimulation (Moore, Ruge, Wenke, Rothwell, sible for their actions. In many systems of law, theories
& Haggard, 2010). Second, Parkinsonian patients of responsibility are explicitly dualist. The agents’
showed significantly stronger intentional binding after capacity for rational thought, their conscious choice
taking their dopaminergic medication than immedi- over their actions, and their freedom to do otherwise—
ately before, suggesting that dopaminergic drive in the all make them responsible for what they do. In dramatic
basal-ganglia-thalamocortical loop strongly contributes contrast, neuroscience ultimately views intentional
to sense of agency (Moore, Schneider, et al., 2010). actions as consequences of specific, deterministic elec-
Finally, an fMRI study showed that activation of the trical and chemical brain processes. Modern cognitive
caudal SMA correlated more strongly with the per- neuroscience rejects dualist notions of brain-indepen-
ceived interval between voluntary actions and tones dent consciousness, and instead views an individual’s
than between passive movements and identical tones choices, actions, and even his or her character as mech-
(Kühn, Brass, & Haggard, 2012). anistic functions of his or her brain. For the neurosci-
entist, the conscious, rational thought is simply an
additional brain process, which is presumably just as
Context and belief in the conscious experience determined as all others. These opposing views form
of intentional action the basis of a lively debate between law and neurosci-
ence. For example, if psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric
Taken together, these results suggest that the processes disorder, are psychopaths truly responsible for their
of preparing and initiating voluntary actions in the actions? Can neuroscience help to guide such individu-
frontal lobes also involve a prediction of the anticipated als toward more prosocial behaviors (Anderson & Kiehl,
consequences of action, much as the computational 2013)? Greene and Cohen argue that if neurobiological
motor control model suggests. Importantly, the experi- determinism is true, then retributive justice and punish-
ence of agency, or causing the effects of one’s action, ment are misguided. To the extent that a criminal’s
appears to derive from the same circuits that develop brain “made them do it,” then there is little point in
action itself. Thus, the sense of agency may not simply punishing criminals for their actions (Greene & Cohen,
be an inference or confabulation of authorship, but a 2004). Of course, the same determinist neuroscientific
measurable internal signal within the motor system. theories of action offer ready support for a rehabilita-
There is currently a lively controversy regarding the tive view of justice. Rehabilitation of offenders could, in
division of labor between the frontal and parietal lobes principle, provide learning experiences that change the
in both intention and agency. The conscious urge to brain, and thus behavior.
move that was previously identified with medial frontal Humans are social animals, and our brain mecha-
cortex was also recently reported after direct electrical nisms have coevolved with our increasingly large and
stimulation of parietal cortex (Desmurget et al., 2009), diverse societies. To participate in such a society requires
while patients with parietal lesions had a delayed expe- a brain that is able to follow, or learn to follow, the social
rience of intention to move (Sirigu et al., 2004). The and moral codes by which societies work. Equally, soci-
involvement of parietal cortex in agency is also clear, eties will generally try to protect themselves against pos-
since the angular gyrus is routinely activated in judg- sible harm from individuals who do not follow these
ments of (non)agency, as we have seen. However, frontal codes. The methods of protection are costly, since they
activations did correlate with implicit markers of sense involve either costly care for those who are incapable
of agency, whereas parietal activations did not (Kühn of following such codes or costly punishment for those
et al., 2012). Therefore, one interim hypothesis sug- who are judged capable, but who transgress. For a strict
gests that the frontal lobe houses the core machinery neurobiological determinist, individuals are punished
for voluntary action, including the prospective con- not so much for the action that they performed, but for
struction of experience of goal-directed action and the having the kind of brain they have—since it was their
low-level experience of agency. The parietal lobes, in brain that caused their action. The consequences of this
contrast, would monitor the motor instructions gener- view are highly unpalatable and morally unacceptable!
ated frontally. By comparing these instructions with However, even a determinist may agree that responsibil-
later sensory inputs, a parietal comparator could detect ity and punishment are more acceptable in a society
nonagency and contribute to explicit judgments of where all individuals have an equal opportunity to learn
agency. to follow legal and moral codes of behavior than in a

haggard: intention and agency 883

society where some individuals have little or no such Desmurget, M., Reilly, K. T., Richard, N., Szathmari, A.,
opportunity to learn. Education and culture are soci- Mottolese, C., & Sirigu, A. (2009). Movement intention
after parietal cortex stimulation in humans. Science,
ety’s ways of influencing, or constructing, individual
324(5928), 811–813.
brains that produce appropriate behaviors. Duque, J., Lew, D., Mazzocchio, R., Olivier, E., & Ivry,
The debate on responsibility often ignores this crucial R. B. (2010). Evidence for two concurrent inhibitory mech-
role of learning: responsibility for action presupposes a anisms during response preparation. J Neurosci, 30(10),
brain that is capable of learning codes of behavior, and 3793–3802.
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Inati, S., & Grafton, S. T. (2008). The angular gyrus com-
appropriate learning experiences. If equal access to putes action awareness representations. Cereb Cortex, 18(2),
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appropriate learning experiences for all. Frith, C. D., Blakemore, S-J., & Wolpert, D. M. (2000).
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by an ESRC Professorial Fellowship (ES/J023140/1) and by 357–363.
an ERC Advanced Grant HUMVOL (323943). Gentsch, A., & Schütz-Bosbach, S. (2011). I did it: Uncon-
scious expectation of sensory consequences modulates
the experience of self-agency and its functional signature.
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78 ASSAF 921






83 MARCUS 981

There was a time, not so long ago, when the experimen-

tal and theoretical tools available to a cognitive neuro-
scientist were relatively limited. Data presentation in a
talk or paper might comprise some colored spots, sug-
gestive of neural activity, superimposed on anatomical
images of brain slices. Or, there might be an X-ray scan
or post-mortem image showing the general site of a
brain lesion. Such data would be accompanied by a
diagram comprised of a series of boxes with arrows
coming in and out. These diagrams were overviews of
potential information-processing algorithms.
Those days are over. The methodological advances in
the whole of neuroscience are quite breathtaking; new
technologies for measuring and analyzing the living
human brain are surely among the most remarkable.
Today’s young cognitive neuroscientist is expected to
understand an enormous range of technologies and
computational methods. Moreover, the next generation
of cognitive neuroscientists must understand not only
the methods that are specific to measuring human
brain and behavior, but also the methods in neighbor-
ing fields of neuroscience working on animal models.
In recognition of the striking advances in methodology,
this fifth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences includes
a new section to provide readers with an introduction
to some of the exciting new methods for measuring and
interpreting brain structure and function.
The existence of many different methods opens
many opportunities but also poses many important
challenges for cognitive neuroscience. Each method
assesses brain function by its own unique dependent
measure, with its own units. The methods probe the
brain at a wide range of length scales and time scales.
Some of the methods are noninvasive and applicable to

wandell: introduction 889

healthy volunteers, whereas other methods are only There are many long-range connections in the
appropriate for animal models or only made as part of human brain; the significance and function of these
clinical procedures. One of the great challenges going connections must depend on the absolute size of the
forward will be to find ways to integrate the data from brain. The human brain is about 2,500 times the volume
different measurements into a single theoretical under- of the mouse brain, and the ratio of human to mouse
standing of brain structures and functions. To meet this white matter is even larger, about 50,000 to 1. Hence,
task, we must understand the different technologies the challenge of understanding white matter cannot
and their associated theoretical tools. be understood simply as a long list of connections;
The chapters in this section provide an overview of understanding it will require theory. Bassett and Lynall
the current state of several technologies. Functional describe network theory, a branch of mathematics that
MRI (fMRI), which is only 20 years old, is now a common has provided a set of tools for characterizing the network
and widely accepted technology. In recent years, it has of connections in the human brain. Network theory can
been augmented by a set of analytical tools that were be applied to several types of measurements, including
once hard to envision. The measurements themselves white matter connections or causal links derived from
have advanced, so that it is now possible to obtain an functional measurements.
fMRI signal within submillimeter voxels containing a Simple model systems provide us with an opportunity
few tens of thousands of neurons. These measurements to undertake fundamental measurements that cannot
can be obtained at a sampling rate of less than a second. be ethically or practically undertaken in humans.
A strength of fMRI is that it has a large field of view of Kispersky, O’Leary, and Marder use a simple model
activity in the living human brain. Several chapters system to address a fundamental question about key
introduce modern theoretical tools that take advantage biological components—the membrane channels that
of the field of view. Signals from different parts of are essential for neural communication. They show that
the brain influence one another, and in some cases neural network behavior can be precisely replicated
there will be a causal relationship—one region is the despite considerable variability in the number of chan-
principal driver of another. Roebroeck and Goebel nels. Channels are essential for signaling. But the abso-
explain the theory and methods for assessing causality. lute number or distribution is not. A network of cells
These methods are applicable to several neuroscience can perform its function despite considerable variation
methods, including fMRI and scalp measurements at the channel level.
(electroencephalography and magnetoencephalogra- The methods reviewed to this point measure system
phy). Lewis-Peacock and Norman describe theoretical properties. Experimental work benefits greatly from
methods for using information from multiple voxels at the ability to perturb the system one is measuring.
once, a set of techniques called multivoxel pattern anal- Yoshor and Beauchamp describe experiments in the
ysis. These methods have improved sensitivity, but they living human brain that involve both measuring and
also suggest that there is meaning in the pattern of exciting neural tissue in visual cortex. Using intra-
activation that cannot be found in the activation within cranial electrodes in the human brain—now called
a single localized region. Thus, the large field of view electrocorticography—they measure local mean fields,
in MRI has enabled cognitive neuroscientists to extend and they also perturb these fields. As they explain, these
their thinking from the response of a single cell or a technologies can be used in very controlled experimen-
single voxel to the pattern of activity in the whole brain. tal designs that inform us about visual perception and
The last 10 years have seen a substantial advance in at the same time provide valuable information for the
ways to measure using MRI. One of the most important design of prosthetics. Zalocusky and Deisseroth describe
is diffusion-weighted imaging. This measurement the relatively new technique of optogenetics. This tech-
method, along with computational methods called trac- nique is now being widely applied in the mouse brain,
tography, has been used to characterize the massive and a few investigators have implemented the method
number of connections in the human brain. Assaf in nonhuman primates. Optogenetic methods provide
describes the measurement methods, including diffu- the scientist with the ability to initiate signals in specific
sion tensor imaging and diffusion spectrum imaging. classes of cells with high temporal precision, much
He also describes other quantitative MRI techniques for higher than classical pharmacology. The signals initi-
assessing human brain tissue. In a rather surprising turn ated by optogenetics spread through the neural circuits
of events, the act of learning something new changes and influence behavior in a variety of ways.
the diffusivity in the living human brain. These new The growth of cognitive neuroscience technologies
methods provide insight about both connections and has also led to an enormous growth in the amount of
function. data. The days of a simple lab notebook, and a methods

890 advances in methodology

section comprising a few paragraphs, have been replaced methods now being used to understand the brain.
by terabytes of data and sophisticated algorithms of high Other sections of this volume include methods that are
complexity. Science is based on transparency and rep- also important, including multiunit electrode record-
lication. Future generations of scientists must develop ings, calcium imaging, and behavior measured locally
tools for data and computational sharing. Marcus or at scale on the Internet. No doubt, by the time the
describes the problems of data stewardship and sharing next edition of the book is produced, yet more tech-
and discusses an approach that he is developing. The niques will be added to our arsenal. To work together
field of neuroinformatics will be an essential part of as a field, we must find ways to speak across these dif-
cognitive neuroscience as we go forward together. ferent methodologies. The proliferation of these
The chapters in this section describe recent cutting- methods provides new opportunities and exciting times
edge tools; they are a subset of the large number of for young cognitive neuroscientists.

wandell: introduction 891

76 Computational Causal Modeling of
High-Resolution Functional MRI Data

ABSTRACT Functional MRI is increasingly used to study the possible noninvasively in vivo by diffusion MRI (dMRI)
connectivity in large-scale brain networks that supports per- and computational tractography analysis (Johansen-
ception, action and cognition. This chapter focuses on the
Berg & Behrens, 2009; Johansen-Berg & Jbabdi, 2011;
modeling of causality (directed influence or effective con-
nectivity) and how this can be applied to fMRI data obtained Jones, 2010). Functional connectivity refers to the correla-
in well-designed cognitive, perceptual, or motor tasks. This tion structure (or, more generally, any order of statisti-
kind of modeling entails the estimation of multivariate math- cal dependency) in the data such that brain areas can
ematical models from the data record which embed assump- be grouped into interacting networks. Finally, effective
tions that allow us to move beyond mere correlations between connectivity modeling moves beyond statistical depen-
activity signals. We discuss the main challenges of causal fMRI
data modeling: the missing region problem, the missing time dency to measures of directed influence and causality
problem, and the missing model problem. We then suggest within networks (Friston, 1994).
how greatly increased spatial and temporal resolution of This chapter focuses on the latter: modeling of
acquisition can assist in addressing these challenges and, directed influence, effective connectivity, or causality
potentially, move computational causal fMRI modeling into and how this can be applied to fMRI data obtained in
the realm of cortical microcircuit dynamics.
well-designed cognitive, perceptual, or motor tasks.
Causal modeling of this kind entails the estimation of
Understanding how interactions between brain struc- multivariate mathematical models from the data record.
tures support the performance of specific cognitive These models embed assumptions (implicitly or explic-
tasks or perceptual and motor processes is a prominent itly) that allow us to move beyond correlations to direc-
goal in cognitive neuroscience. Neuroimaging methods, tions of information flow. Statistical inference on
such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoen- parameters estimated in the context of such models
cephalography (MEG), and functional magnetic reso- then provides quantification of directed connectivity,
nance imaging (fMRI), are ever more employed to and inference can take place on individual parameters
address questions of functional connectivity, inter- or on a group of parameters together; the latter is often
region coupling, and networked computation that go referred to as model comparison. We can partition
beyond the “where” and “when” of task-related activity models of causal influence into two parts, each neces-
(Friston, 1994; Horwitz, Friston, & Taylor, 2000; McIn- sitating choices and assumptions: the structural model
tosh, 2004; Salmelin & Kujala, 2006; Valdes-Sosa, Kotter, and the dynamical model (figure 76.1).
& Friston, 2005). A network perspective onto the paral- The structural model contains (1) a selection of the
lel and distributed processing in the brain—even on the regions of interest (ROIs) in the brain that are assumed
scale accessible by neuroimaging methods—is a promis- to be of importance in the cognitive process or task
ing approach to enlarge our understanding of percep- under investigation, (2) the possible interactions
tual, cognitive, and motor functions. Functional MRI, between those structures, and (3) the possible effects
in particular, is increasingly used, not only to localize of exogenous inputs onto the network. Note that
structures involved in cognitive and perceptual pro- although ideally the structural model within a causal
cesses, but also to study the connectivity in large-scale modeling framework is guided by measurement or
brain networks that support these functions. knowledge of direct structural connectivity (as defined
Generally, a distinction is made between three types above), it is not identical to the concept of structural
of brain connectivity (Sporns, 2010). Structural connec- connectivity. For instance, a structural model can
tivity (or anatomical connectivity) refers to the physical contain connections between ROIs that are hypothe-
presence of an axonal projection from one brain area sized or thought to exist only indirectly via several relay
to another. Identification of large axon bundles con- stations. The exogenous inputs may be under control
necting remote regions in the brain has recently become of the experimenter and often have the form of a simple

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 893

to each other. The functional form of these equations
can embed assumptions on signal dynamics, temporal
precedence, or physiological processes from which
signals originate. Connectivity modeling involves the
estimation of (and inference on) the parameters in the
dynamical model from actual measurements and, pos-
sibly, exogenous inputs. The number of parameters to
be estimated (i.e., the total model complexity) is directly
dependent on the complexity of the structural model
(i.e., how many ROIs and connections are included)
and the complexity of the dynamical model.
In this chapter, we discuss causal modeling of fMRI
data, its challenges, and how greatly increased spatial
and temporal resolution of acquisition can assist in
addressing some of these. We first briefly review some
of the spatial and temporal properties of the fMRI
signal and the modeling of its mechanisms. We also
focus on a few recent techniques that have greatly
increased acquisition resolution. We then discuss two
popular methods for causal modeling of fMRI time
series: G-causality and dynamic causal modeling. This
leads to the challenges one faces when using these tech-
niques as tools to answer cognitive neuroscience ques-
tions, formulated as three problems: the missing region
problem, the missing time problem, and the missing
model problem. We conclude with summary and discus-
sion of future directions.
Figure 76.1 A partitioning of functional MRI (fMRI) con-
nectivity models. Models to estimate causal connectivity from Spatial and temporal properties of the blood oxygen
fMRI time series can be partitioned into a structural model
and a dynamical model. The structural model contains a
level–dependent functional MRI signal
selection of the structures in the brain that are assumed to be
of importance in the cognitive process or task under investiga- The fMRI signal noninvasively reflects the activity within
tion. Specifically, it specifies which regions of interest (ROIs) neuronal populations with excellent spatial resolution
in the spatially rich high-dimensional fMRI data set will be (millimeters down to hundreds of micrometers at high
considered for further analysis, as illustrated by the selection field strength), good temporal resolution (seconds
of the red boxes y1 … y4. The structural model can also define
down to hundreds of milliseconds), and whole-brain
the possible interactions between the ROIs in the form of one
or more directed graph models that might be compared in a coverage of the human or animal brain (Logothetis,
later model comparison step. Finally, the structural model 2008). Although fMRI is possible with a few different
also defines where exogenous inputs (that may be under techniques, the blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD)
control of the experimenter) can exert effects on the network. contrast mechanism is employed in the great majority
The dynamical model embeds the structural model assump- of cases. In short, the BOLD fMRI signal is sensitive to
tions into parameterized equations that relate the selected
measurements and inputs to each other. Connectivity model- changes in blood oxygenation, blood flow, and blood
ing involves the estimation of the parameters in the dynamical volume that result from oxidative glucose metabolism,
model from actual measurements yj and, possibly, inputs uk. which, in turn, is needed to fuel local neuronal activity
(Adapted from Roebroeck, Formisano et al., 2011.) (See color (Buxton, Uludag, Dubowitz, & Liu, 2004). This is why
plate 68.) fMRI is usually classified as a “metabolic” or “hemody-
namic” neuroimaging modality. Its superior spatial
indicator function that can represent, for instance, the resolution, in particular, distinguishes it from other
presence or absence of a visual stimulus. Thus, they functional brain imaging modalities used in humans,
represent the primary way in which experimental task such as EEG, MEG, and positron emission tomography.
design enters connectivity analysis. The dynamical model A strength of fMRI as a neuroimaging technique is
consists of parameterized equations that relate the that an adjustable trade-off is available to the user
signals of the selected structures and exogenous inputs between spatial resolution, spatial coverage, temporal

894 advances in methodology

resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the modeling these processes correctly and parsimoniously
acquired data. For instance, although fMRI can achieve (in the dynamical model) greatly affects the capacity for
excellent spatial resolution at good SNR and reasonable correct causal inference. Since the fMRI signal is sensi-
temporal resolution, one can choose to sacrifice some tive to the local oxidative metabolism in the brain, it
spatial resolution to gain a better temporal resolution mainly reflects the most energy-consuming of the neu-
for any given study. This trade-off is important in causal ronal processes. In primates, postsynaptic processes
modeling that tries to use high spatial or temporal reso- account for the great majority (about 75%) of the meta-
lution to improve sensitivity, and makes clear that using bolic costs of neuronal signaling events (Attwell &
both very high spatial and temporal resolution is difficult Iadecola, 2002). Indeed, BOLD fMRI has been shown
to achieve. However, the continuous improvements in in various experimental paradigms to be more sensitive
MRI hardware and pulse sequences regularly increase to postsynaptic activity, rather than axon generation
the breadth of the achievable spatiotemporal resolution and propagation or “spiking” (Logothetis, Pauls,
for a given contrast-to-noise level and field of view. Note Augath, Trinath, & Oeltermann, 2001; Rauch, Rainer,
that this primarily concerns the nominal resolution and & Logothetis, 2008; Thomsen, Offenhauser, & Laurit-
SNR of the data acquisition. It is important to realize that zen, 2004). On the physiological level, the main vari-
the physiology underlying the BOLD fMRI signal can ables that mediate the BOLD contrast in fMRI are
put fundamental limitations on the effective resolution cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and the
(spatial and temporal) and SNR that is achieved in rela- cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen. These physiological
tion to the neuronal processes of interest. variables change the oxygen saturation of the blood,
The BOLD fMRI signal arises from a complex chain which is the basis of the BOLD signal contrast. BOLD
of processes that we can classify into neuronal, physio- fMRI is directly sensitive to the relative amount of oxy-
logical, and physical processes (Uludag, Dubowitz, & hemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin and to the fraction
Buxton, 2005), each of which contain some crucial of cerebral tissue that is occupied by blood (the cere-
parameters and variables and which have been modeled bral blood volume), which are controlled by local
in various ways (see figure 76.2). Each set of processes neurovascular coupling processes. Neurovascular pro-
has a profound influence on the effective spatial cesses, in turn, are tightly coupled to neurometabolic
and temporal resolution of BOLD fMRI. Moreover, processes controlling the rate of oxidative glucose

Figure 76.2 The neuronal, physiological, and physical pro- cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen, TE: time to echo, TR: time
cesses (top row) and variables and parameters involved to repeat, SE: spin echo, GRE: gradient echo, SNR: signal-to-
(middle row) in the complex causal chain of events that leads noise ratio). The bottom row lists some mathematical models
to the formation of the fMRI signal (ePSP, excitatory postsyn- of the subprocesses that play a role in the analysis and causal
aptic potential; iPSP, inhibitory postsynaptic potential; FIR, modeling of fMRI signals. (Adapted from Roebroeck, Seth,
finite impulse response; B0, main magnetic field, CBF: cere- et al., 2011.)
bral blood flow, CBV: cerebral blood volume, CMRO2:

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 895

metabolism (the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen) veins. The larger vessels have a larger domain of supply
that is needed to fuel neural activity. or extraction and, as a consequence, their signal is
The canonical temporal dynamics of blood flow and blurred and mislocalized with respect to neuronally
blood volume, the hemodynamics, show a robust BOLD active tissue. Here, physiology and physics interact in
signal increase 1–2 seconds after neuronal activity, an important way. It can be shown theoretically (by the
which peaks at 4–6 seconds if activity ceases quickly. The effects of thermal motion of spin diffusion over time
initial neuronal activity is quickly followed by a large and the distance of the spins to deoxyhemoglobin) that
cerebral blood flow increase, an overcompensating the origin of the BOLD signal in spin-echo (SE) pulse
response that supplies much more oxyhemoglobin to sequences at high main field strengths (larger than 3 T)
the local blood system than has been metabolized. As a is much more specific to the microscopic vasculature
consequence, the oxygenation of the blood increases than to the larger arteries and veins (Uludag, Muller-
and the magnetic resonance signal increases. The Bierl, & Ugurbil, 2009). This does not hold for gradient-
increased flow also induces a “ballooning” of the blood echo sequences or for SE sequences at lower field
vessels, increasing cerebral blood volume, the propor- strengths. The cost of this greater specificity and higher
tion of volume taken up by blood, further increasing effective spatial resolution is that SE-BOLD has a lower
the signal. A mathematical characterization of the intrinsic SNR than gradient-echo–BOLD.
hemodynamic processes in BOLD fMRI at 1.5–3 T has
been given in the biophysical balloon model (Buxton, High spatial and temporal resolution
Wong, & Frank, 1998; Buxton et al., 2004). A simplifica- functional MRI
tion of the full balloon model has become important in
causal models of brain connectivity (Friston, Mechelli, Ultra-high field (UHF) scanners of 7 T and above are
Turner, & Price, 2000), as discussed below. It is the increasingly used for high-resolution fMRI studies
temporal specificity of the hemodynamics that mostly because there is a large increase in the SNR available
determines the ultimate effective temporal resolution for fMRI compared to 1.5 T or 3 T systems. Combined
of BOLD fMRI. The hemodynamic response to a brief with advances in parallel imaging (De Zwart, van Gel-
neural activity event is sluggish and delayed. This means deren, Golay, Ikonomidou, & Duyn, 2006; Heidemann
that the signal is a delayed and low-pass filtered version et al., 2006; Pruessmann, 2004; Wiesinger et al., 2006)
of underlying neuronal activity. Moreover, differences and the necessary radio frequency coil technology,
in hemodynamics in different parts of the brain form a UHF fMRI at 7 T and beyond has increased the level of
potential confound for dynamic brain connectivity spatial and temporal detail accessible with fMRI by at
models, as discussed below. least an order of magnitude over the last decade. This
It is an interesting spatial property of hemodynamic also allows us to exploit the higher spatial specificity to
processes that, although they are characterized by a neuronal events provided by SE pulse sequences.
large overcompensating reaction to neuronal activity, A few 7 T fMRI studies in the human visual system
their effects are highly local. The level of locality of the with enough spatial resolution to achieve specificity at
hemodynamic response to neuronal activity limits the a level close to cortical columns and layers illustrate the
effective spatial resolution of fMRI. The path of blood possibilities. Yacoub and colleagues (Yacoub, Harel, &
inflow in the brain is from large arteries through arte- Ugurbil, 2008) were able to characterize ocular domi-
rioles into capillaries, where exchange with neuronal nance maps and orientation preference maps in human
tissue takes place at a microscopic level. Blood outflow V1 (figure 76.3A). The achieved resolution at the level
takes place via venules into the larger veins. The main of cortical columns is an important finding, since it
regulators of blood flow are the arterioles that are sur- indicates that the small point-spread function of the
rounded by smooth muscle, although arteries and capil- employed SE fMRI is specific enough to differentiate
laries are also thought to be involved in blood flow fine-grained cortical representations within cortical
regulation (Attwell et al., 2010). Different hemody- topographic maps. Polimeni and colleagues (Polimeni,
namic parameters have different spatial resolutions. Fishl, Greve, & Wald, 2010) found resting-state BOLD
While cerebral blood volume and cerebral blood flow correlations between output layers II–III of V1 and
change in all compartments but mostly in venules, oxy- input layer IV of MT, higher than between any other
genation changes occur mostly in venules and veins. combinations of granular, infragranular, or supragranu-
Thus, the achievable spatial resolution with fMRI is lar layers between these areas (figure 76.1B). This is in
limited by its specificity to the smaller arterioles and correspondence with the known layer IV to layer II–III
venules and microscopic capillaries supplying the tissue, forward connectivity between V1 and MT (Felleman &
rather than the larger supplying arteries and draining Van Essen, 1991). This result presents a clear indication

896 advances in methodology

Figure 76.3 High spatial resolution 7 T fMRI in the human areas, showing increased V1 layer IV to MT layers II–III cor-
visual system with cortical-column and layer-level specificity. relations. Left: V1 to MT correlations normalized to 1. Right:
(A) Region of interest selection in V1 on a T1-weighted ana- V1 to MT correlations normalized to diagonal elements (from
tomical image. Left: Ocular dominance map in human V1. Polimeni et al., 2010). (C) Axis-of-motion preference map in
Right: Orientation preference map (from Yacoub et al., 2008). human MT showing columnar-resolution motion selectivity
(B) Cortical depth resolved resting-state fMRI correlation and its modulation across cortical depth (Zimmermann et al.,
matrices between human V1 and middle-temporal (MT) 2011). (See color plate 69.)

that BOLD fMRI at UHF has enough spatial specificity Complementary to tangential, and especially radial,
to discriminate (small contiguous sets of) layers and specificity afforded by very high spatial resolution
sample information about their connectivity and func- fMRI, there are other ways of deriving directionality
tional roles in cortical activity dynamics. Zimmermann from space that rely on sophistication of analysis. A
and colleagues (2011) show an example of a human case in point is the study from Heinzle, Kahnt, and
visual system study with high spatial resolution UHF Haynes (2011), who use a support vector machine–
fMRI that illustrates the possibility of combining the based regression to explain extrastriate human response
cortical tangential and radial specificity. In their study, from those in V1. The support vector machine helps
these authors distinguished column-level and layer-level reduce the dimensionality of the large number of can-
axis-of-motion selectivity in MT simultaneously (figure didate voxels in V1 by selecting a sparse set of best-
76.1C). predicting voxels. They find a clear, topographically

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 897

organized connectivity structure between visual areas, distributed source analysis. MR-EG and InI can achieve
in what they term “cortico-cortical receptive fields” very high temporal resolution, because a lot of the time-
(CCRF), even between spontaneous activity during the consuming gradient encoding steps are omitted. This
resting state in complete darkness. The CCRF of a voxel means regularization and prior constraints are needed
is given by the weight distribution of the optimal linear in the computerized image reconstruction to come to
combination of voxels in V1 that best predicts the signal a unique spatial problem solution. This solution will
fluctuations of a voxel in a downstream area. For the have intrinsically lower spatial resolution, which,
same goal, Haak et al. (2012) developed the method of depending on the kind and degree of remaining gradi-
connective field modeling. The spatial connective field ent encoding, can be inhomogeneous (typically higher
of a population of neurons in a target fMRI imaging at the periphery of the brain, i.e., the cortex, where coil
voxel is estimated as the contiguous set of voxels in the sensitivity information is largest). Thus in a real sense
rest of the brain that jointly predict the target activity these techniques allow an even wider range of trading
best. Concretely, the center and width of a connective in spatial resolution for much higher temporal resolu-
field are estimated as the peak and width of a two- tion. In the limit of no gradient encoding at all, one
dimensional (2D) Gaussian on the cortical surface that would be imaging by the so-called one-voxel-one-coil
maximizes the fit to the signal of the target when used principle (Hennig et al., 2007), with a coarse spatial
as a local spatial weighting function. This complements resolution entirely determined by coil sensitivities and
and extends the population receptive field estimation an almost unlimited temporal resolution.
method (Dumoulin & Wandell, 2008) in which activity The greatly expanded breadth over which SNR, spatial
is explained as a function of stimulus-space informa- coverage and temporal and spatial resolution can be
tion. Interestingly, the connectivity field generates a traded off have mostly been used to the advantage of
concept of causality-from-space based on cortical tan- higher temporal resolution. This has allowed the relative
gential information, complementary to the concept timing of BOLD signal variations to be evaluated directly
from radial depth discussed above. This is derived from at the level of hundreds and even tens of milliseconds.
the convergence or divergence of (functional) connec- For instance, Tsai et al. (2012) used a multiprojection
tivity between areas. For instance, as the authors point version of the InI technique to achieve 4 mm isotropic
out, if the connective field size for V1 to V2 is larger nominal spatial resolution across the whole human
than for V2 to V1, this would indicate that visual infor- cortex with a temporal resolution of 10 Hz (a time-to-
mation converges from V1 to V2. repetition, or TR, of 100 msec). The authors apply this
Recent advances in enhancing the temporal acquisi- acquisition to a simple sensorimotor task in which later-
tion resolution of fMRI have come largely from using alized visual stimuli have to be responded to as fast as
the spatial encoding capacity of radio frequency–phased possible with an ipsilateral button-press. They observe a
arrays with many receive coils for three-dimensional temporal offset of several hundreds of milliseconds with
(3D) encoding. When a larger part of the sample is V1 activating before M1, reflecting the task-induced
simultaneously excited (either as a contiguous slab or order of neuronal events despite differing hemodynamic
as a set of noncontiguous 2D slices), the combination response function shapes (figure 76.4A). In Chang et al.
with 3D encoding can speed up whole-brain acquisition (2013), the inverse imaging reconstruction principle is
by an order of magnitude. Fast fMRI techniques that combined with an echo-shifting technique that allows a
apply subsets of these principles include CAIPIRINHA TR shorter than the time-to-echo. This is used to achieve
(Breuer et al., 2006); simultaneous multislice and mul- a whole-brain coverage at a staggering temporal sam-
tiplexed 2D echo planar imaging (EPI; Feinberg et al., pling rate of 40 Hz (TR = 25 msec), about an 80-fold
2010; Moeller et al., 2010; Setsompop et al., 2012); 3D speed-up compared to conventional EPI with less than a
EPI or echo volumar imaging (Posse et al., 2012); 2-fold SNR loss. The authors report that this fMRI acqui-
inverse imaging (InI; Lin et al., 2012); and magnetic sition allows detection of visual stimulus timing offsets
resonance encephalography (MR-EG; Hennig, Zhong, from hemodynamic response function shape analysis of
& Speck, 2007). Multiplexed 2D and accelerated 3D 400 msec at the individual level and as low as 50 msec at
fMRI techniques typically solve overdetermined inverse the group level. Finally, in a rat study, Yu, Qian, Chen,
problems (from radio frequency–coil data to voxel Dodd, and Koretsky (2013) show the possible ultimate
signals) because gradient encoding and coil sensitivities combined spatial and temporal specificity of BOLD con-
completely determine the spatial solution and together trast fMRI (figure 76.4B). By employing a line-scanning
fully sample the voxel grid. In contrast, MR-EG and InI technique (that does not have tangential cortical dissolv-
image reconstruction solve intrinsically underdetermined ing power), a very high radial cortical depth resolution
inverse problems akin to those solved in EEG/MEG is achieved at a 20 Hz sampling rate (TR = 50 msec).

898 advances in methodology

Figure 76.4 High temporal resolution fMRI showing rela- reflecting the task-induced order of neuronal events, despite
tive timing between and within cortical areas. (A) High tem- different hemodynamic response function shapes (from Tsai
poral resolution evolution of hemodynamic responses in et al., 2012). (B) High spatial and temporal evolution of
human visual and motor cortex in a visuomotor task sampled hemodynamic responses in rat barrel cortex. Top: fMRI signal
at 10 Hz. Top: Regions of interest, visual cortex (V cx) and change for different cortical layers (L1–L6) against post-
motor cortex (M cx), on reconstructed cortical surfaces. stimulus time. Bottom: Recorded and fitted onset time of the
Middle: Measured responses. Bottom: Model-fitted responses hemodynamic response against post-stimulus time (Yu et al.,
showing visual cortex signal increases before motor cortex in 2013). (See color plate 70.)
the early stages of the hemodynamic response function,

BOLD fMRI responses after whisker stimulation show an we call static techniques). Within the class of dynamic
earlier response onset at layer IV in the barrel cortex. In techniques, two separate developments have been
contrast, BOLD responses in motor cortex through most used: Granger causality analysis (GCA; Goebel,
cortico-cortical somatomotor connections had a simul- Roebroeck, Kim, & Formisano, 2003; Roebroeck,
taneous early onset in layer II–III and layer V. These Formisano, & Goebel, 2005; Valdes-Sosa, 2004) and
results show strong agreement of laminar fMRI onset dynamic causal modeling (DCM; Daunizeau, David, &
(i.e., both spatially and temporally) with input projec- Stephan, 2009; Friston, Harrison, & Penny, 2003).
tions into the cortex. Despite the common goal, there are differences between
the two methods. Whereas GCA explicitly models tem-
Causal time-series modeling of fMRI poral precedence and uses the concept of Granger cau-
sality (or G-causality), usually formulated in a discrete
Recently, causal modeling techniques that make use of time-series analysis framework, DCM employs a
the temporal dynamics in the fMRI signal and employ biophysically motivated generative model formulated
time-series analysis and systems identification theory in a continuous-time, dynamic-system framework.
have become popular. This modeling of temporal fMRI And although these approaches have recently started
signal structure, and its use for causal direction estima- developing in an integrated single direction (Valdes-
tion, sets these dynamic techniques apart from earlier Sosa, Roebroeck, Daunizeau, & Friston, 2011), initially
methods that do not use temporal structure (and that each was focused on separate issues that pose

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 899

challenges for the estimation of causal influence from easy to estimate from data records. The initial develop-
fMRI data. Whereas DCM is formulated as an explicit ments in AR modeling of fMRI data led to a number of
state space model to account for the temporal convolu- applications studying human mental states and cogni-
tion of neuronal events by sluggish hemodynamics in a tive processes, such as task switching (Roebroeck et al.,
small number of areas, GCA has mostly been aimed at 2005), gestural communication (Schippers, Roebroeck,
solving the problem of region selection in the enor- Renken, Nanetti, & Keysers, 2010), top-down control of
mous spatial dimensionality of fMRI data. Although visual spatial attention (Bressler, Tang, Sylvester,
these two approaches to statistical analysis of causal Shulman, & Corbetta, 2008), switching between execu-
influence have the focus in this chapter, they are com- tive control and default-mode networks (Sridharan,
plemented by many other methods (most of them Levitin, & Menon, 2008), fatigue (Deshpande, LaConte,
static), such as psychophysiological interactions (Friston James, Peltier, & Hu, 2009), and the resting state
et al., 1997), covariance structural equation modeling (Uddin, Kelly, Biswal, Xavier Castellanos, & Milham,
(McIntosh & Gonzalez-Lima, 1994), and causal graphi- 2009). Additional variants of AR modeling applied to
cal models (Ramsey et al., 2009). fMRI include time-varying influence (Havlicek, Jan,
Granger causality, or G-causality, was proposed by the Brazdil, & Calhoun, 2010), blockwise (or “cluster-wise”)
economist Clive Granger (Granger, 1969, 1980) and influence from one group of variables to another
partially based upon earlier ideas of Norbert Wiener (Barrett, Barnett, & Seth, 2010; Sato et al., 2010), and
(1956). Almost simultaneously with Granger’s work, frequency-decomposed influence (Sato et al., 2009).
Akaike (1968), and Schweder (1970) introduced similar However, G-causality is definitely not tied exclusively
concepts of influence, prompting Valdes-Sosa and to the standard linear AR model, especially when viewed
colleagues (Valdes-Sosa et al., 2011) to coin the in the wider context of WAGS influence. It can be
term “WAGS influence” (for Wiener-Akaike-Granger- equally well instantiated in nonlinear models (Freiwald
Schweder). This is a generalization of a proposal by et al., 1999) and time-varying models for nonstationary
Aalen (Aalen, 1987; Aalen & Frigessi, 2007), who was data (Hesse, Moller, Arnold, & Schack, 2003), and it
among the first to point out the connections between can be framed in terms of nonparametric spectral fac-
Granger’s and Schweder’s influence concepts. The torization (Dhamala, Rangarajan, & Ding, 2008). In
general concept of WAGS influence gives an opera- addition, WAGS influence has been instantiated in
tional definition of what “causality” or “influence” could Markov processes and more general stochastic pro-
mean for observations, structured in time, for multiple cesses, based on Martingale theory (Aalen & Frigessi,
variables of interest. In economics, the variables of 2007) and in continuous-time signal models (Florens &
interest might be interest rates, employment numbers, Fougere, 1996). Nonetheless, it will be informative to
and the federal budget deficit. In neuroscience, the compare the class of linear stochastic models (LSMs),
variables could be invasive electrode recordings, intra- of which the AR model is a special case, with the signal
cranial EEG, noninvasive EEG, MEG, or fMRI time model in the DCM approach to discuss their subtle
series from different parts of the brain. The idea of distinctions.
WAGS influence or G-causality is that a variable A Both LSMs and DCMs can be given a state-space for-
G-causes another variable B if the prediction of B’s mulation (figure 76.5). In a state-space representation,
values improves when we use past values of A, given that the relations between measured variables yj (e.g., fMRI
all other relevant information is taken into account. data) and exogenous input variables uk (e.g., stimulus
Two more things need to be specified when we want to functions) are modeled through unobservable state vari-
apply this idea to our data: (1) which model we use to ables zi. State-space representations generally consist of
make predictions and (2) what “all other relevant infor- two sets of equations. The transition equations, or state
mation” is. The second point is dealt with in the struc- equations, describe the evolution of the dynamic system
tural model selection process, which entails the selection over time, capturing relations among the hidden state
of a reasonable set of relevant variables (e.g., voxels, variables zi themselves and the influence of exogenous
channels, or ROIs). Structural model selection is rarely inputs uk. The observation equations, or measurement equa-
an easy modeling step, as we will discuss below in the tions, describe how the measurement variables yj are
context of the “missing region problem.” The most obtained from the hidden state variables zi and the
common answer to the first point is the linear autore- inputs uk. The LSM accommodates equivalent represen-
gressive (AR) model for discretely sampled data. The tation of the general class of autoregressive moving
AR model is a simple model that can flexibly represent average models with exogenous inputs (ARMAX
a wide range of signal dynamics, auto- and cross- models; Reinsel, 1997). Connectivity modeling of neu-
correlation patterns, and spectral characteristics, and is roimaging data involves the estimation of the elements

900 advances in methodology

Figure 76.5 State-space representations of dynamic connec- capturing relations among state variables z themselves and
tivity models. The state-space representations for a linear sto- the influence of exogenous inputs u. The observation equa-
chastic model (often employed in Granger causality analysis) tions or measurement equations relate the measurement vari-
and a dynamic causal model are shown and compared with ables y to the state variables z and inputs u. Connectivity
respect to their mathematical properties. In a state-space modeling of neuroimaging data involves the estimation of
representation, the relations between measured variables the elements in the coefficient matrices A, Bj, and C from
y = (y1, …, yN) and, possibly, exogenous input variables u = measurements y[t] and, possibly, inputs u[t]. Whereas a
(u1, …, uM) are modeled through unobservable state variables linear stochastic model employs linear stochastic transition
z = (z1, …, zL). State-space equations generally consist of two equations, those in dynamic causal modeling are bilinear
sets of equations. The transition equations or state equations and deterministic. (Adapted from Roebroeck, Formisano,
describe the evolution of the dynamic system over time, et al., 2011.)

in the coefficient matrices (A, Bj, and C in figure 76.5) population dynamics can be captured without error
from measurements y[t] and, possibly, the inputs u[t]. from the chosen inputs and the transformation of that
The first important difference in modeling signal input in its “flow” through the DCM network. The exog-
dynamics is that LSMs employ linear stochastic transi- enous inputs mostly have a very simple form, such as a
tion equations, whereas those in the most-used forms stimulus function that represents the presence or
of DCM are bilinear and deterministic. The stochastic absence of a visual stimulus or level of experimental
term in the LSM transition equation allows for variation manipulation, such as attention left versus right. The
in the state variables that cannot be explained by inability of DCM to model signal variations beyond
the inputs u[t]. In fact, in the case of a purely autore- those implied by the exogenous inputs makes its con-
gressive model, exogenous inputs are absent and all nectivity estimation highly dependent on the exact
signal variation is modeled as driven by uncorrelated number and form of the assumed inputs and the form
stochastic processes (called “innovations”). This forces of the structural model. Stochastic extensions to DCM
all dynamic and spectral complexity in the observed have been developed (Daunizeau, Friston, & Kiebel,
signals to be represented in the model parameters. It is 2009; Friston, Stephan, Li, & Daunizeau, 2010). These
exactly this property of comprehensive and flexible rep- developments clearly have the potential to eliminate
resentation of signal dynamics and spectral properties one of the differentiating aspects of LSMs and deter-
that has made autoregressive models a popular tool in ministic DCMs and bring the models even closer
analyzing complex biophysical signals (Bernasconi & together. Interestingly, the inclusion of noise in the
Konig, 1999; Brovelli et al., 2004; Ding, Bressler, Yang, state equations makes inference on stochastic DCMs
& Liang, 2000; Harrison, Penny, & Friston, 2003; Kamin- usefully interpretable in the stochastic framework of
ski, Ding, Truccolo, & Bressler, 2001). In contrast, the WAGS influence (Valdes-Sosa et al., 2011).
transition equation in DCM for fMRI, in its most used The second important difference in modeling signal
form, does not have a stochastic term. As a consequence, dynamics is that, in DCM, the state variables are given
any and all signal dynamics that it can capture are a definite physical interpretation within a generative
limited to the signal subspace spanned by the assumed model of the data. For every selected region, a single
inputs. In other words, it assumes that all neural state variable represents the neuronal or synaptic

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 901

activity of a local population of neurons, and (in DCM design to resolve neuronal population interactions.
for BOLD fMRI) four or five more (Stephan, Weiskopf, However, the accompanying challenges are mainly
Drysdale, Robinson, & Friston, 2007) represent hemo- caused by the enormous dimensionality of the data that
dynamic quantities such as capillary blood volume, contains hundreds of thousands of channels (voxels)
blood flow, and deoxyhemoglobin content. All state and the temporal convolution of neuronal events by
variables (and the equations governing their dynamics) sluggish hemodynamics that can differ between remote
that serve the mapping of neuronal activity to the fMRI parts of the brain. We formulate the ensuing challenges
measurements y[t] (including the observation equa- here as the “missing region problem,” the “missing time
tion) can be called the observation model. Most of the problem,” and the “missing model problem” and discuss
physiologically motivated generative model in DCM for how each can be ameliorated or avoided.
fMRI is therefore concerned with an observation model
encapsulating hemodynamics. The remaining state vari- Missing Region Problem A distinction can be made
ables and transition equations can then be said to between exploratory and confirmatory structural model
model neurodynamics. In contrast, in LSM and GCA, the selection procedures for brain connectivity, that is,
state variables may or may not have a definite physical procedures that choose the set of applicable structural
interpretation, depending on the particular representa- models. Exploratory techniques use information in
tion chosen. However, in the most straightforward rep- the data to investigate the relative applicability of
resentations, LSM state variables are very simple many models. As such, they have the potential to
functions of the measurements y[t]. In its standard for- detect “missing” regions in structural models. Confir-
mulation, LSM/GCA does not use a biophysical model matory approaches test hypotheses about connectivity
of hemodynamics and, as a consequence, models neu- within a small set of models assumed to be applicable.
rodynamics and hemodynamics with the same simple DCM is mostly used as a confirmatory technique in
dynamical model. In short, the LSM observation model structural model selection. This means a small number
amounts to a linear combination of the state variables of models are compared, where each model specifies
at the same moment in time (and hence, is static), the nodes and edges in a directed (possibly cyclic)
whereas the observation model in DCM is nonlinear structural graph model. Applications of DCM often
and dynamic. use very simple structural models (typically employing
The observation model in DCM for fMRI is a bio- 3–6 ROIs) in combination with its complex, parameter-
physical model of hemodynamic coupling largely based rich dynamical model. The clear danger with overly
on the balloon (Buxton et al., 1998) and Windkessel simple structural models is that of spurious influence,
models (Mandeville et al., 1999). The parameters in or the missing region problem: an erroneous influence
this model, such as transit time and autoregulation, are found between two selected regions that in reality is
estimated conjointly with the parameters quantifying due to interactions with additional regions that have
neuronal connectivity. Thus, the forward biophysical been ignored (Roebroeck, Formisano, & Goebel,
model of hemodynamics is “inverted” in the estimation 2011). Prototypical examples of the missing region
procedure to achieve a deconvolution of fMRI time problem of relevance in brain connectivity are those
series and obtain estimates of the underlying neuronal between unconnected structures A and B that receive
states. It is important to note that the specific biophysi- common input from, or are intervened by, an unmod-
cal model for the interactions between neuronal states eled region C.
(neurodynamics) on one hand, and the model for the Early applications of G-causality to fMRI data were
hemodynamics on the other hand, largely dictate which aimed at counteracting the problems with overly restric-
of these models will absorb given aspects of the observed tive anatomical models by employing more permissive
data. For instance, if there are delayed coherent varia- structural models in combination with a simple dynami-
tions between variables in the observed data and the cal model (Goebel et al., 2003; Roebroeck et al., 2005;
hemodynamic model has much more affordance for Valdes-Sosa, 2004). These applications reflect the obser-
delays than the neurodynamic model (as is the case in vation that estimation of mathematical models from
DCM for fMRI), then the delay will be put into the time-series data generally has two important aspects:
hemodynamics in the fitting of the model. model selection and model identification (Ljung,
1999). In the model selection stage, a class of models is
Challenges chosen by the researcher that is deemed suitable for the
problem at hand. In the model identification stage, the
Causal modeling aspires to use high-resolution spatial parameters in the chosen model class are estimated
and temporal fMRI signals and good experimental from the observed data record. In practice, model

902 advances in methodology

selection and identification often occur in a somewhat signals per se, it is the difference in hemodynamics in
interactive fashion where, for instance, model selection different parts of the brain that forms a severe con-
can be informed by the fit of different models to the found for dynamic brain-connectivity models. Particu-
data achieved in an identification step. The important larly, the delay imposed upon fMRI signals with respect
point is that model selection involves a mixture of to the underlying neural activity is known to vary
choices and assumptions on the part of the researcher between subjects and, to a lesser extent, between differ-
and the information gained from the data record itself. ent brain regions of the same subject (Aguirre, Zarahn,
The technique of Granger causality mapping was & D’Esposito, 1998; Saad, Ropella, Cox, & DeYoe,
developed to explore all regions in the brain that inter- 2001). Finally, the sluggish and delayed BOLD signal is
act with a single selected reference region using autore- relatively sparsely temporally sampled such that, in a
gressive modeling of fMRI time series (Roebroeck real sense, time is missing in our data.
et al., 2005). By employing a simple bivariate model David et al. (2008) aimed at direct comparison of
containing the reference region and, in turn, every GCA and DCM for fMRI time series and explicitly
other voxel in the brain, the sources and targets of pointed at deconvolution of variable hemodynamics for
influence for the reference region can be mapped. It causal inference. The authors created a controlled
was shown that such an exploratory mapping approach animal experiment where gold-standard validation of
can form an important tool in structural model selec- neuronal connectivity estimation was provided by intra-
tion. Although a bivariate model does not discern cranial EEG measurements. As discussed extensively in
direct from indirect influences, the mapping approach Friston (2009) and Roebroeck, Formisano, et al. (2011),
locates potential sources of common input and areas such a validation experiment can provide important
that could act as intervening network nodes. Other information on best practices in fMRI-based brain con-
applications of autoregressive modeling to fMRI data nectivity modeling that, however, need to be carefully
have considered full multivariate models on large sets discussed and weighed. In David et al.’s study, simulta-
of selected brain regions, illustrating the possibility of neous fMRI, EEG, and intracranial EEG were measured
estimating high-dimensional dynamical models. For in 6 rats during epileptic episodes in which spike-and-
instance, Valdés-Sosa et al. (Valdes-Sosa, 2004; Valdes- wave discharges spread through the brain. Functional
Sosa, Sanchez-Bornot, et al., 2005) applied these MRI was used to map the hemodynamic response
models to parcellations of the entire cortex in conjunc- throughout the brain to seizure activity, where ictal and
tion with sparse regression approaches that enforce an interictal states were quantified by the simultaneously
implicit structural model selection within the set of recorded EEG. Three structures were selected by the
parcels. In another example (Deshpande, Hu, Stilla, & authors as the crucial nodes in the network that gener-
Sathian, 2008), a full multivariate model was estimated ates and sustains seizure activity and further analyzed
over 25 ROIs (that were found to be activated in the with (1) DCM, (2) simple AR modeling of the fMRI
investigated task) together with an explicit reduction signal, and (3) AR modeling applied to neuronal-state
procedure to prune regions from the full model as a variable estimates obtained with a hemodynamic decon-
structural model-selection procedure. Exploratory volution step. By applying G-causality analysis to decon-
structural model selection is not principally tied to volved fMRI time series, the stochastic dynamics of the
GCA. Indeed, methodological developments for DCM linear state-space model are augmented with the
have arisen that address the comparison of a large complex, biophysically motivated observation model in
number of structural models, such as family wise infer- DCM. The results showed both AR analysis after decon-
ence (Penny et al., 2010) and post hoc inference volution and DCM analysis to be in accordance with the
(Friston & Penny, 2011; Rosa, Friston, & Penny, 2012). gold-standard intracranial EEG analyses, identifying the
most pertinent influence relations undisturbed by varia-
Missing Time Problem Causal computational model- tions in hemodynamic response function latencies. In
ing of the BOLD fMRI signal that aims to use the tem- contrast, the final result of simple AR modeling of the
poral structure of the signal faces a set of challenges fMRI signal showed less correspondence with the gold
that we together refer to as the missing time problem standard, due to the confounding effects of different
(cf. Valdes-Sosa et al., 2011). The hemodynamic hemodynamic latencies in different regions that are not
response to a brief neural activity event is sluggish and accounted for in the model.
delayed, entailing that the fMRI BOLD signal is a The lack of causal models to account for the varying
delayed and low-pass filtered version of underlying neu- hemodynamics convolving the signals of interest and
ronal activity. More than the distorting effects of hemo- aggregation of dynamics between time samples has
dynamic processes on the temporal structure of fMRI prompted a set of validation studies evaluating the

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 903

conditions under which discrete AR models can provide influence remains unchanged if channels are each pre-
reliable connectivity estimates. In Roebroeck et al. multiplied with different invertible lag operators
(2005), simulations were performed to validate the use (Geweke, 1982). In Seth et al. (2013), it is shown by
of bivariate AR models in the face of hemodynamic simulations that this invariance property generalizes to
convolution and sampling. They showed that under the relatively mild nonlinearities of the balloon model
these conditions (even without variability in hemody- equations. This means that, when sampling fast enough,
namics), AR estimates for a unidirectional influence are G-causality at the neuronal level is accurately detected
biased toward inferring bidirectional causality, a well- in the BOLD signal even though hemodynamic convo-
known problem when dealing with aggregated time lution reverses the order of signal peaks in the analyzed
series (Wei, 1990). They then went on to show that BOLD time series. Although no definitive statements
unbiased nonparametric inference for bivariate AR could be made, this seemed to require sampling rates
models can be based on a difference of influence term on the order of 10 Hz or higher, that is, TRs of 100 msec
(X->Y—Y->X). In addition, they posited that inference or less. The authors make the case that it is a low sam-
on such influence estimates should always include pling rate, rather than hemodynamic convolution, that
experimental modulation of influence, in order to rule is the main potential confounder in AR analysis of fMRI
out hemodynamic variation as an underlying reason for data. This is especially relevant given the advances in
spurious causality. In Deshpande, Sathian, and Hu fast fMRI pulse sequences that were discussed above. It
(2010), the authors simulated fMRI data by manipulat- is important to emphasize again that this analysis is
ing the causal influence and neuronal delays between specific to linear discrete AR models. More general
local field potentials acquired from the macaque cortex discrete vector autoregressive moving average models
and varying the hemodynamic delays of a convolving have further invariances that can account for combina-
hemodynamic response function, the SNR and the sam- tions of convolution, sampling, and additive noise situ-
pling period of the final simulated fMRI data. They ations (Amendola, Niglio, & Vitale, 2010; Roebroeck,
found that in multivariate simulations with four regions Seth, & Valdes-Sosa, 2011; Solo, 2006).
and hemodynamic and neuronal delays drawn from a
uniform random distribution, correct network detec- Missing Model Problem Foregoing discussions
tion from fMRI was well above chance and was up to about missing region and missing time problems might
90% under conditions of fast sampling and low measure- give an impression that increasing model complexity is
ment noise. Other studies confirmed the observation the way forward for causal connectivity models for
that techniques with intermediate temporal resolution, fMRI—either structural model complexity by including
such as fMRI, can yield good estimates of the causal more regions, or dynamical model complexity by for-
connections based on AR models (Stevenson & Kording, mulating realistic parameter-rich generative models, or
2010), even in the face of variable hemodynamics (Ryali, both. There certainly is a lot to gain in that direction,
Supekar, Chen, & Menon, 2010). In contrast with these especially when supported by the advances in spatio-
results, another recent simulation study investigating a temporal fMRI resolution. However, in resorting to
host of connectivity methods concluded low detection model complexity-increasing solutions to missing
performance (sensitivity) of directed influence by AR region and time problems, one faces what we will call
models (Smith et al., 2010) compared to static models the missing model problem. Part one of this problem
that use the instantaneous dependence structure in the is very straightforward: sometimes models do not exist.
data. This may be explained by the mechanism used to Although almost pedantically simple and obvious to
generate the gold-standard connectivity in this study, state, this has important repercussions in cognitive neu-
which, in contrast to the earlier studies, did not use an roscience investigations of causal brain connectivity. It
explicit mechanism to create delayed influences at the begins with the realization that the absence of complex
neuronal level with specified latencies. models does not necessarily mean that no useful inves-
An insightful comprehensive analysis of the com- tigation can be performed. A particularly powerful illus-
bined issues of hemodynamic variability and coarse tration has recently been reported in Schippers et al.
temporal sampling is provided in Seth, Chorley, and (2010), where between-brain (rather than within-brain)
Barnett (2013). It is shown, both with theoretical argu- influence is investigated in the context of human social
ments and detailed simulations, that G-causality based communication by gestures in the game of charades
on discrete linear AR models is invariant to the convo- (see figure 76.6). Here, the causal chain of information
luting effects of hemodynamics, even when these are that goes from the sender of information (the gesturer
different between brain areas. The theoretical argu- in charades) to the receiver of information (the guesser)
ment stems from the fact that a general measure of is investigated with conventional fMRI time resolution.

904 advances in methodology

Figure 76.6 Between-brain causality in a social communica- span seconds. (B) The time-lagged flow of information
tion study, illustrating causality inference when a detailed between communicating brains is resolved with G-causality
generative model is missing. (A) The causal chain of informa- analysis of fMRI. (Adapted from Schippers et al., 2010.) (See
tion that goes from the sender of information (the gesturer color plate 71.)
in charades) to the receiver of information (the guesser) can

Since the total chain of temporal causality in social com- well, we call the model unidentifiable. If we are faced
munication can span intervals of seconds (figure 76.6A), with an unidentifiable model, we have only a few
it can be very informative to investigate time-delayed options: give up (cf. part one of the missing model
information between the brains of the communicators. problem), simplify the model (and inevitably make it
The time-lagged flow of information was resolved with less realistic), try to acquire data that supports its iden-
G-causality analysis and, as expected, the between-brain tification better, or increase the number and weights of
G-causality from gesturer (information sender) to assumptions or Bayesian priors that force parameters to
guesser (information receiver) was found to be signifi- a priori values. It could be supposed that part two of
cant, in contrast to that in the anticausal direction the missing model problem is largely solved in model
(figure 76.6B). More importantly as a finding in social comparison frameworks that use a mixture of model fit
neuroscience research, the brain areas found to be and model complexity penalty as a criterion, such as the
communicating were found to be part of the putative Bayesian information criterion (BIC) or free energy.
human mirror system in both brains. This illustrates the Indeed, the use of such model comparison criteria is to
use of the nongeneratively modeled G-causality concept be preferred over model fit alone in any model selec-
to answer interesting neuroscience questions that (1) tion or comparison step. However, the weights of com-
are not easily formulated by a generative model, for plexity and model fit in the balance are dictated by the
instance, incorporating the entire interpersonal com- criterion chosen by the researcher. What is the “best”
munication chain, and (2) are concerned with the iden- model (among those considered) according to one cri-
tification of the unknown areas that interact to perform terion could be ranked lower by another criterion that,
a perceptual, cognitive, or motor task. for example, weights model fit more and complexity
Part two of the missing model problem is more subtle, less. Moreover, it is common to perform model com-
and states that many existing realistic models contain parison between dynamical model parameters within a
too many interrelated parameters to estimate from the confined structural model (cf. the missing region
available data records. This stipulates the interaction problem). This means complexity is balanced with
between models and data in model identifiability. A model fit in a situation where the above choices have
model is identifiable from a given data record if there already been made, since the data have already been
is a unique setting of its parameter values that fits the recorded and structural and dynamical models have
data best. If there is a number (or even an infinity) of been preselected. The missing model problem is about
possible parameter settings that all fit the data equally general choices to be made before this phase.

roebroeck and goebel: computational causal modeling 905

Discussion and future directions microcircuits. The canonical cortical microcircuit thesis
postulates that neocortex is organized as a sheet of
We discussed causal modeling of fMRI data, focusing many microcircuits (Douglas & Martin, 1991, 2004,
on two popular dynamic methods (G-causality and 2007a, 2007b). Each radially organized circuit stretches
dynamic causal modeling) and their distinguishing over the cortical layers and organizes feedforward and
characteristics, as has been discussed extensively in the feedback outputs and inputs in discrete layers (figure
literature (e.g., Roebroeck, Formisano, et al., 2011, and 76.7). As such, high spatial resolution fMRI has the
its comments and references). This led us to the formu- potential to obtain causal direction from intracortical
lation of the most important challenges for causal time- space (see figure 76.3B), completely complementary to
series modeling of fMRI as the missing region problem, the concept of causal direction from time in G-causality.
missing time problem, and missing model problem. The theory of cortical microcircuits is well established
The main differences between methods can be viewed and can be used to give dynamical computational
as the relative prominence and the preferred method- accounts of perceptual or cognitive mechanisms, such
ological solutions they give to these three problems. as predictive coding (Bastos et al., 2012). As the animal
Interestingly, the most recent developments in both study in figure 76.4B illustrates, BOLD fMRI potentially
methods (see, e.g., Roebroeck, Seth et al., 2011; Valdes- has enough effective temporal resolution to capture
Sosa et al., 2011) have largely adopted typical strong some of the temporal precedence in layer activity
points of the other, such as structural model explora- dynamics stemming from the structural microcircuit
tion (Friston & Penny, 2011; Rosa et al., 2012) or gen- organization. The prospect is that increased spatial and
erative modeling of hemodynamics (Ryali et al., 2010; temporal resolution of fMRI acquisition can support
Smith, Pillai, Chen, & Horwitz, 2009). This means com- the identification of microcircuit models of a reason-
putational causal modeling of fMRI data as a tool for able level of sophistication. This will require causal
the cognitive neuroscientist is now even less a choice modeling approaches that take both intracortical space
between one concrete method and the other. Rather, it and temporal signal structure into account, possibly
is about choosing appropriate solutions that provide a along with aspects such as cortico-cortical connective
balanced answer to the three problems. The balanced field signatures. In turn, this creates the potential to tie
answer will be different each time for different types of causal analysis of fMRI data to computational simula-
experimental questions. Performing structural model tion models of cognition and perception (Peters, Jans,
exploration and considering larger structural models van de Ven, De Weerd, & Goebel, 2010) and add physi-
addresses the missing region problem. Inverting gen- ological realism to neurodynamics models. Although
erative models of hemodynamics is a methodological models of hemodynamics for causal fMRI analysis have
answer to the missing time problem. The missing model reached a reasonable level of complexity, the models of
problem forces one to consider that such model- neuronal dynamics used to date have remained simple,
complexity-increasing solutions cannot always be com- comprising one or two state variables for an entire corti-
bined and fully exploited in each situation. Of course, cal region or subcortical structure. Realistic microcir-
DCM and GCA are by no means the only causal model- cuit models of neuronal activity have a long history and
ing methods for fMRI. Among other popular methods have reached a high level of sophistication (Deco, Jirsa,
are graphical causal models (Ramsey et al., 2009), psy- Robinson, Breakspear, & Friston, 2008; Markram,
chophysiological interactions (Friston et al., 1997), and 2006). Furthermore, microcircuit models have been
covariance structural equation modeling (McIntosh & used in combination with structural connectivity data
Gonzalez-Lima, 1994). We do not mean to discourage from dMRI to capture the slow temporal dynamics
the usage of these methods. In fact, the challenges of observed with fMRI in humans in the resting state
causal fMRI modeling and much of the discussion (Deco, Jirsa, & McIntosh, 2011; Honey et al., 2009;
above apply just as much to these methods. Honey, Thivierge, & Sporns, 2010).
At the beginning of this chapter, we posed the ques- The use of dMRI to guide model selection and com-
tion of how increased spatial and temporal resolution parison, and possibly aid in avoiding the missing region
of acquisition can assist in causal fMRI modeling. We problem, has also begun to enter causal modeling
can now revisit this question with a future prospect that of cognitive neuroscience investigations with a task
can be formulated most easily for causal time-series design (Stephan & Tittgemeyer, 2009). Extending the
models such as GCA and DCM. multimodal information possibilities, several studies
Part of the excitement about high spatial resolution have aimed at model-driven fusion of simultaneously
fMRI is that its capability of resolving cortical laminar recorded fMRI and EEG data. This can be achieved
structure provides an experimental link to cortical by inverting a separate observation model for each

906 advances in methodology

Figure 76.7 Cortical microcircuits and the laminar specific- myelin (right, myeloarchitecture) (B) A canonical cortical
ity of causal information flow. (A) Typical density variation microcircuit model that supports predictive coding. (Adapted
over cortical layers of cell bodies (left, cytoarchitecture) and from Bastos et al., 2012.)

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910 advances in methodology

77 Multivoxel Pattern Analysis of
Functional MRI Data

ABSTRACT The central goal of cognitive neuroscience is to of MVPA methods over individual voxel–based methods
understand how information is processed in the brain. To is increased sensitivity for detecting this information.
accomplish this goal, researchers studying human cognition Conventional fMRI analysis methods try to find voxels
are increasingly relying on multivoxel pattern analysis
(MVPA); this method involves analyzing spatially distributed that show a statistically significant response to the
(multivoxel) patterns of functional MRI activity, with the goal experimental conditions. To increase sensitivity to a
of decoding the information that is represented across the particular condition, these methods spatially average
ensemble of voxels. In this chapter, we describe the major across voxels that respond significantly to that condi-
subtypes of MVPA, we provide examples of how MVPA has tion. Although this approach reduces noise, it also
been used to study neural information processing, and we
highlight recent technical advances in MVPA.
reduces signal in two important ways: first, voxels with
weaker (i.e., nonsignificant) responses to a particular
Cognitive neuroscience theories deal with information condition might carry some information about the pres-
processing: what information is represented in differ- ence or absence of that condition. Second, spatial aver-
ent brain structures, how is this information trans- aging blurs out fine-grained spatial patterns that might
formed over time, and how is it used to guide behavior? discriminate between experimental conditions.
Functional MRI (fMRI) constitutes a powerful tool for Like conventional methods, the MVPA approach also
addressing these questions: while a subject performs a seeks to boost sensitivity by looking at the contributions
cognitive task, we can obtain estimates of local blood of multiple voxels. However, to avoid the signal-loss
flow (a proxy for local neural processing) from tens of issues mentioned above, MVPA does not routinely
thousands of distinct neuroanatomical locations (voxels, involve uniform spatial averaging of voxel responses.
or volumetric pixels) within a matter of seconds. Instead, the MVPA approach uses a weighted average
Traditional univariate fMRI analysis methods have of responses, treating each voxel as a distinct source of
focused on characterizing how cognitive variables mod- information about the participant’s cognitive state. The
ulate the activity of individual brain voxels (or small technique finds ways to optimize these weights, and
clusters of voxels; e.g., Gonsalves & Cohen, 2010). The then aggregates this (possibly weak) information across
goal of this chapter is to describe a different approach voxels to derive a more precise sense of what the par-
to fMRI analysis that focuses on extracting information ticipant is thinking. The multivoxel response can be
about a person’s cognitive state (i.e., a snapshot of the thought of as a combinatorial code for representing
person’s current internal thought space) from spatially distinctions between cognitive states (see figure 77.1).
distributed, multivoxel patterns of fMRI activity. This Because MVPA analyses focus on high spatial-frequency
approach is referred to as multivoxel pattern analysis (and often idiosyncratic) patterns of response, they are
(MVPA; Haxby et al., 2001; Haynes & Rees, 2006; typically conducted within individual subjects, although
Kamitani & Tong, 2005; Norman, Polyn, Detre, & recent advances in data alignment procedures have
Haxby, 2006; Pereira, Mitchell, & Botvinick, 2009). paved the way for the expansion of classification analy-
Over the past decade, this approach has become ubiq- ses beyond the individual subject (Haxby et al., 2011;
uitous in fMRI research, and its adoption has led to see the section “New developments,” below).
novel discoveries about the brain bases of perception, Broadly speaking, the term MVPA has come to
attention, imagery and working memory, episodic encompass two distinct methods. The first method
memory, semantic knowledge, language processing, involves using pattern classification methods imported
and decision making (see Rissman & Wagner, 2012; from machine learning to learn a mapping between
Tong & Pratte, 2012). multivoxel brain states and cognitive state information.
Given the goal of detecting the presence of a particu- This approach flips standard univariate fMRI analysis
lar cognitive state in the brain, the primary advantage on its head: standard voxel-based analysis uses multiple

lewis-peacock and norman: multivoxel pattern analysis of functional mri data 911
Voxels blood oxygen level–dependent, or BOLD, data, includ-
v1 v2 v3 Avg ing temporal and spatial realignment, noise filtering,
and z-scoring of the data (over time, within each voxel)
A within each run. Next, feature selection chooses which
Cognitive voxels will be included in the analysis. All voxels in the
states B
brain can be used, but it is often advantageous to limit
C the analysis to certain voxels. One way to select features
is to limit the analysis to specific anatomical regions
(e.g., Haxby et al., 2001, focused on ventral temporal
Single voxel
{A,C} A {A,B} None cortex in their study of visual object processing). Uni-
vs. vs. vs. variate statistics used in conventional fMRI analysis
distinctions B {B,C} C
(e.g., Mitchell et al., 2004) and newer multivariate
“wrapper methods” (Guyon & Elisseeff, 2003) can also
A vs. B vs. C be used for feature selection (e.g., one can discard the
voxels that—taken on their own—do the worst job of
Figure 77.1 Observing the multivoxel response pattern discriminating between conditions). Finally, pattern
allows us to distinguish all three cognitive states, A, B, and C. assembly involves sorting the data into discrete “brain
Considering each voxel in isolation provides only partial
discrimination. patterns” corresponding to the pattern of activity across
the selected voxels at a particular time in the experi-
ment. Patterns can be assembled using the prepro-
regression to predict the activity of individual voxels cessed fMRI signal for each trial or, alternatively, by
based on the participant’s cognitive state. By contrast, using multiple regression to estimate the unique neural
classification-based MVPA uses multiple regression to response in each voxel for each trial (Mumford, Turner,
predict the participant’s cognitive state based on the Ashby, & Poldrack, 2012). Brain patterns are labeled
activity of multiple voxels. The second major subtype of according to which cognitive state (or experiment con-
MVPA does not use pattern classifiers; rather, it exam- dition, stimulus, response, etc.) generated the pattern;
ines the similarity structure of multivoxel patterns (i.e., this labeling procedure needs to account for the fact
which patterns are similar to one another) and uses this that the hemodynamic response measured by the
similarity structure information to draw conclusions scanner is delayed and smeared out in time, relative to
about what information is reflected in these patterns. the instigating neural event. Once the patterns have
In the section “Mechanics of multivoxel pattern anal- been assembled, MVPA can proceed along two main
ysis” below, we provide an overview of these two sub- branches of analysis: classifier-based MVPA and pattern-
types of MVPA. In the section “Applications of multivoxel similarity MVPA. We will now discuss both methods in
pattern analysis,” we illustrate how MVPA has been used turn.
to study information representation and processing in
the brain. Finally, in the section “New developments,” Classifier-Based Multivoxel Pattern Analysis
we discuss recent advances in MVPA that allow for finer- There are two steps to classifier-based MVPA. The first
grained mappings between brain activity and cognitive step, classifier training, involves feeding a subset of labeled
states within individuals, and also new methods for patterns into a multivariate pattern-classification algo-
aligning and combining brain data across individuals. rithm. Based on these patterns, the classification algo-
Importantly, while this chapter is focused on fMRI, rithm learns a function that maps between voxel activity
we should emphasize that most of the MVPA methods patterns and cognitive states. As illustrated in figure
described here can be applied to other imaging modali- 77.2, brain patterns can be viewed as points in a multi-
ties as well (for applications to electroencephalography dimensional voxel space; the goal of the classifier is
and magnetoencephalography data, see, e.g., Jafarpour, to find a decision boundary in this space that best
Horner, Fuentemilla, Penny, & Duzel, 2013; for applica- separates the patterns associated with the to-be-
tions to direct neural recording data, see, e.g., Hung, discriminated cognitive states. The second step is gen-
Kreiman, Poggio, & DiCarlo, 2005). eralization testing: given a new pattern of brain activity
(not previously presented to the classifier), can the
Mechanics of multivoxel pattern analysis trained classifier correctly determine the cognitive state
associated with that pattern?
Here, we will review the basic procedures of MVPA. All The most commonly used classifiers are linear classi-
pattern analyses start with preprocessing of the raw fMRI fiers, which derive a linear decision boundary between

912 advances in methodology

Step 1: Feature selection and pattern assembly

faces scenes


patterns of
brain activity

n voxels

Step 2: Multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA)

Classifier-based MVPA Pattern-similarity MVPA

Classifier training Generalization testing

face? mountain

scene? C

µ1= [−2 1]
Activity in voxel 2

Similarity matrices
Neural Other
scenes A B C A B C
µ2= [2 – 1]
–10 0 10 B B
Activity in voxel 1 C C

Derive classifier decision boundary Compare matrix of pairwise similarities

Minimum distance of multivoxel patterns to matrix of pairwise
Linear discriminant similarities from another domain of interest

Figure 77.2 The two main types of multivoxel pattern analysis of functional MRI data. (See color plate 72.)

classes. At training, the classifier learns a weight for between these algorithms relates to which features of the
each voxel, plus an intercept term; collectively, these data they use when modeling the data. The multidimen-
weights determine the equation of the hyperplane (in sional clouds of data for each class can be characterized
two dimensions, a line) that forms the decision bound- in terms of their mean value and also their covariance
ary. At test, the classifier uses these weights (and inter- matrix. This matrix specifies the spread of the cloud
cept) to compute a weighted sum of voxel activity along each voxel dimension (i.e., how tall or wide the
values, and it uses this weighted sum to determine cloud is) and also the covariance between each pair of
whether the test pattern falls on one side or the other dimensions (i.e., the tilt of the cloud). The simplest
of the decision boundary. There is a wide range of classifier is the minimum distance classifier (e.g., Haxby
linear classification algorithms; the main difference et al., 2001), which estimates the mean value for each

lewis-peacock and norman: multivoxel pattern analysis of functional mri data 913
class based on the training data and then classifies new of parameters to estimate from n2 to n. Support vector
points based on their proximity to these means. machines (SVMs; Cox & Savoy, 2003) achieve complex-
However, figure 77.2 demonstrates how ignoring the ity control by defining the category boundary in terms
covariance matrix can produce nonoptimal decision of a small number of support vectors (i.e., training
boundaries. More complex linear classifiers (e.g., Fish- exemplars close to the decision boundary). Another
er’s linear discriminant; Duda, Hart, & Stork, 2012) can way to limit the number of free parameters is to limit
converge on the optimal decision boundary by creating the number of voxels used for classification (e.g.,
a more sophisticated model of the data: in addition to restricting classification of oriented gratings to low-level
estimating the mean, they also model the class-condi- visual cortex; Kamitani & Tong, 2005; or restricting clas-
tional probability densities (i.e., they estimate the full sification of faces and scenes to ventral temporal cortex;
covariance matrix within and between voxel dimen- Kuhl, Rissman, Chun, & Wagner, 2011). This is a useful
sions for each class). Figure 77.2 shows how the bound- approach when there is a priori knowledge of strong
ary learned by a linear-discriminant classifier factors in selectivity for the classes in particular brain regions.
the “tilt of the ellipse” for each data cloud. Nonlinear An effective way to reduce the complexity of linear
classifiers (e.g., k nearest neighbor, multilayer neural classifiers is to add a regularization parameter to the
networks) can form even more complex decision model that punishes undesirable properties of the solu-
boundaries. tion (e.g., large weights on individual voxels). Common
Classification of fMRI data is a challenging problem, forms of regularization are L2 regularization, which
for several reasons: first, the number of data points penalizes the sum of squares of the voxel weights, and
(brain patterns) that are available for training tends to L1 regularization, which penalizes the absolute value of
be small relative to the number of parameters in the the weights. As the regularization parameter is increased,
model. For example, Polyn, Natu, Cohen, and Norman L2 regularization pulls in extreme voxel weights (result-
(2005) trained a classifier on 450 total brain patterns ing in a smoother distribution of weights), whereas L1
(150 for each of three stimulus classes) per participant, regularization causes some weights to be driven to zero
where each brain pattern consisted of approximately (a sparser solution). In both cases, the regularization
7,000 voxels. In this situation, the covariance matrix has parameter limits the space of possible solutions, thereby
millions of unique entries (corresponding to all of the reducing the flexibility of the classifier and reducing
voxels, plus all of the unique pairings of voxels); each overfitting.
of these entries is a parameter that needs to be esti- Practically speaking, all of the above forms of com-
mated based on only a few hundred training patterns. plexity control (GNBs, SVMs, voxel reduction, and
Further adding to the complexity of this problem, the regularization) have been shown to improve generaliza-
brain patterns are very noisy (i.e., the clouds are highly tion performance, relative to linear classifiers that do
dispersed). In this kind of situation, where the data are not incorporate complexity control. The only excep-
noisy and the number of parameters being estimated tion is when the number of voxels is very small or the
by the classifier dwarfs the number of training patterns, number of training patterns is very large, at which point
classifiers are prone to overfitting the noise in the train- it becomes feasible to estimate the full covariance
ing data: that is, the classifier may learn idiosyncratic matrix. Importantly, with fMRI data, nonlinear classifi-
features of the training examples rather than the actual ers virtually never outperform linear classifiers on gen-
distinction between the classes, thereby leading to poor eralization tests—the added flexibility of these classifiers
generalization. leads to overfitting.
Overfitting is the main obstacle to achieving good
fMRI classification. One way to combat overfitting is to Pattern-Similarity Multivoxel Pattern Analy-
collect more data, but there are practical limits on col- sis The second major form of MVPA is pattern-simi-
lecting more data per participant. In the final section larity analysis (e.g., Kriegeskorte, Mur, & Bandettini,
of this chapter, we will discuss new developments in 2008). Here, brain patterns are viewed as points in high-
MVPA that allow us to obtain more data by combining dimensional voxel space, where the distance between
across subjects. The other way to combat overfitting is points indicates the similarity of the patterns. Rather
to try to limit the complexity of the classifier. For than specifying which features of the data to separate
example, Gaussian naive Bayes classifiers (GNB; Pereira with a classifier, pattern-similarity analysis summarizes
et al., 2009) simplify the modeling of the covariance the space using a matrix that records the distance
matrix by treating the n dimensions of the data as inde- between each pair of points. This matrix can be viewed
pendent (such that the off-diagonal elements of the as a neural “fingerprint” of the representational space.
covariance matrix are zero), thus reducing the number Although information about the exact positions of the

914 advances in methodology

points is lost, the information about similarity structure scenes). Consider an analogy: when injecting contrast
contained in the pairwise similarity matrix is highly dyes in neuroanatomy, we don’t care whether the dye
diagnostic of what information is coded in that region stains cells green or red, so long as the colors are visible
(e.g., if items with similar shapes elicit similar neural under the microscope and so long as the different stains
patterns but items with similar sizes do not, this indi- we are using (to measure different cellular properties)
cates that the region is more sensitive to shape than size have distinct colors. Likewise, when we attach cognitive
information). states to faces or scenes, for example, we don’t do this
The final step in pattern-similarity MVPA is to because we care about faces or scenes per se, but rather
compare the neurally derived similarity matrix to some because thoughts about faces and scenes are highly
other similarity matrix (e.g., to a matrix holding a cog- visible and differentiable with fMRI.
nitive model’s predictions about the conceptual similar- This type of MVPA has been used to study various
ity between stimuli). The comparison between these aspects of memory and cognition. For example, Polyn
matrices is used to evaluate the quality of the model’s et al., (2005) used classifiers in a free recall experiment
predictions. A key benefit of the pattern-similarity and showed that category-specific patterns of activity
approach is that—in contrast to the pattern-classification emerged about 6 seconds prior to verbal recalls from a
approach outlined above—it is not necessary to explic- given category. In a more recent study, Zeithamova,
itly specify (ahead of time) the dimensions of cognitive Dominick, and Preston (2012) used classifier-based
variance that are of interest. Rather, all of the requisite thought tracking to explore the process of memory
analyses can be carried out post hoc (e.g., to see if an integration. Classifiers tracked the reinstatement of
area represents the size of an object, look at whether object and scene category information during repeated
objects that are similar in size gave rise to similar neural exposures to AB and BC stimulus pairs (e.g., frog-bucket
patterns). and bucket-scene). Across subjects, the degree of reac-
tivation of the C item (in this example, the scene)
Applications of multivoxel pattern analysis during AB exposures was positively correlated with later
performance on a transitive inference memory test for
In this section, we will describe three common uses of the A-C association; the authors explain this result in
MVPA: (1) classifier-based thought tracking, (2) classi- terms of participants binding the (reactivated) C item
fier-based information mapping, and (3) information to the A item at encoding. For other recent examples
mapping based on pattern similarity. We will discuss the of classifier-based thought tracking, see Lewis-Peacock,
goals of each analysis, and we will review some recent Drysdale, Oberauer, and Postle (2012) and Detre, Nata-
applications of each method. rajan, Gershman, and Norman (2013).

Classifier-Based Thought Tracking The goal of Cautionary notes for thought-tracking studies The ideal
the classifier-based thought tracking approach is to situation for thought-tracking is to get independent
measure participants’ thoughts on a trial-by-trial basis, readouts of the relevant cognitive states, but achieving
to characterize the dynamics of these thoughts, and to this goal can be difficult. Classifiers are opportunistic:
assess how they relate to behavior. This approach is used if two categories are anticorrelated in the training set
when the main concern is tracking a particular latent (e.g., all training patterns are either faces or scenes,
cognitive state, and there is relatively less concern about never both), the classifier will learn this negative cor-
how that cognitive state is represented in the brain relation, and it will come to treat the lack of scene
(although this approach can be applied to specific activity as strong evidence for the presence of faces (see
regions of interest to localize cognitive representations). Kuhl et al., 2011, for discussion of this issue). Training
Compared to univariate methods, MVPA squeezes on additional categories alleviates this problem by
more information about the participant’s cognitive reducing the size of the negative correlation between
state out of each snapshot of fMRI data, thereby increas- categories at study (e.g., if there are faces, scenes, and
ing the effective temporal resolution of fMRI analysis objects, then the absence of faces does not perfectly
and making it possible to record trajectories of cogni- predict the presence of scenes).
tive states over time. However, even with the added
sensitivity of MVPA, not all cognitive states are equally Classifier-Based Information Mapping A second
“visible” to fMRI. In this situation, researchers often application of MVPA is less concerned with getting a
find it useful to take the cognitive state of interest and useful readout of information processing during indi-
link it to something that we know is highly visible with vidual trials, and more concerned with assessing whether
fMRI: stimulus category information (e.g., faces and a particular fine-grained distinction is represented in a

lewis-peacock and norman: multivoxel pattern analysis of functional mri data 915
particular brain region (e.g., Pereira & Botvinick, 2011). similarity of mental concepts based on the similarity of
This analysis is similar in concept to the mass-univariate patterns of brain activity elicited by those concepts. The
approach, in that the goal is to determine which brain strength and versatility of this approach comes from the
regions are responsive to a particular cognitive process. many different ways that similarity matrices can be com-
However, rather than considering how the activity in puted and thus permits many types of comparisons. For
each individual voxel is predicted by a person’s (pre- example, Kriegeskorte, Mur, Ruff, et al. (2008) showed
sumed) cognitive state, classifier-based information that the similarity structure of neural patterns in human
mapping uses information from multiple voxels simul- IT cortex (measured using fMRI) resembles the similar-
taneously to predict the person’s cognitive state. ity structure of neural patterns in monkey IT cortex
This analysis can be done using many different a (measured using electrophysiology). Furthermore, they
priori regions of interest, or it can be done using the showed that the similarity structure of neural patterns
searchlight method (e.g., Kriegeskorte, Goebel, & Ban- in both human and monkey IT (specifically, clustering
dettini, 2006). This method consists of constructing a into animate vs. inanimate objects) could not be
“searchlight” of voxels and sliding this searchlight all explained purely in terms of the low-level visual features
around the three-dimensional brain volume. For each of the stimuli.
placement of the searchlight, you consider the multi- Pattern-similarity analysis is frequently used to study
voxel pattern of activity within that searchlight. A clas- the representation of item-specific information—the
sifier is trained on these patterns and then used to logic here is that regions that differentiate items within
assess how informative these patterns are about the a category should show greater pattern similarity
cognitive states of interest. between two instances of the same item, compared to
This approach has been used to discover new insights two distinct items from the same category. For example,
into cognition and the localization of function in the Ritchey, Wing, Labar, and Cabeza (2012) found evi-
brain. For example, Soon, Brass, Heinze, and Haynes dence that encoding-retrieval similarity at the individ-
(2008) used the searchlight technique to discover brain ual item level predicted memory success. Similarity
regions whose activity patterns were predictive of future between an item’s neural representation and the neural
decisions. They found that the outcome of a simple representations of other studied items has also been
decision (to press a left or right button) could be used to predict memory performance. For example,
decoded from prefrontal and parietal cortices up to 10 LaRocque et al. (2013) found that greater levels of
seconds prior to this decision entering awareness. across-item pattern similarity in perirhinal and parahip-
pocampal cortices were associated with better recogni-
Cautionary notes for classification-based information tion memory performance.
mapping An important caveat for the information-
mapping approach is that above-chance decoding— Cautionary notes for pattern-similarity analysis As
which signals that a brain region contains information described above, classifiers compute weighted combina-
about a particular cognitive distinction—does not nec- tions of features that discriminate between classes;
essarily imply that this region is involved in guiding uninformative or noisy features may be effectively “fil-
behavior based on that distinction (e.g., Williams, Dang, tered out” by being assigned small weight values. In
& Kanwisher, 2007). Furthermore, information mapping contrast, pattern-similarity analyses do not compute
is opportunistic and may produce false-positive results; weights for each voxel—these analyses treat all voxels
see Todd, Nystrom, and Cohen (2013) for discussion of as equally important. For this reason, pattern-similarity
how MVPA can be more susceptible than univariate analyses are more susceptible to contamination from
analysis to experimental confounds (e.g., task diffi- uninformative or noisy features than classifiers. Another
culty). Finally, multivariate decoding is not necessarily concern is that pattern-similarity results can be influ-
more sensitive than univariate decoding (Jimura & Pol- enced by univariate effects. For example, imagine that
drack, 2012). If the underlying signal has a coarse a 33-voxel searchlight contains a 10-voxel subregion
spatial scale, then univariate approaches using spatial that tracks memory strength, such that all 10 of these
smoothing at this scale will outperform MVPA. In this voxels activate together for remembered (but not for-
case, the extra parameters used to model the data in gotten) items. This will increase the average pattern
MVPA can lead to overfitting (Kriegeskorte et al., 2006). similarity between remembered items. Naively, one
might interpret this effect in terms of neural represen-
Pattern Similarity Analysis The goal of pattern- tations “converging” in representational space, when
similarity analysis of fMRI data (e.g., Kriegeskorte, Mur, (in fact) it is merely due to a univariate effect being
& Bandettini, 2008) is to make inferences about the superimposed on the searchlight region.

916 advances in methodology

New developments The power of this “feature space” idea is that it is
usually possible to learn the neural correlates of par-
In this section, we will discuss recent advances in MVPA ticular feature dimensions based on a limited subset of
that complement and extend existing approaches. stimuli; once the brain-to-feature mapping has been
learned by a decoding model, the model can be used
Decoding and Encoding Representational Spaces to decode the feature vector for any stimulus that
A major limitation of the classifier studies discussed resides within the representational space, regardless of
above is that the classifiers are specialists: they can only whether that stimulus appeared at training; likewise,
discriminate between cognitive states that they were once the feature-to-brain mapping has been learned
trained to identify, and the training process is highly by an encoding model, it can be used to predict the
laborious. The classifier needs to be trained on a large brain response to any stimulus that resides within the
number of “snapshots” of these cognitive states (on the representational space. For example, Mitchell et al.
order of hundreds or more, depending on how subtle (2008) used this approach to decode which of two novel
the differences are between the cognitive states) before words (i.e., words not presented during classifier train-
it can discriminate between them reliably. You can train ing) the participant was thinking about, with 77% accu-
a classifier to discriminate between brain patterns elic- racy. Several other studies have used this feature-
ited by lions and camels, but this classifier won’t tell you based decomposition approach to decode the contents
anything about the difference between oranges and of visual stimuli based on brain activity (e.g., Kay,
grapes. This fact places a strong limitation on the kinds Naselaris, Prenger, & Gallant, 2008).
of questions that can be addressed in any particular Importantly, if a particular feature-space model yields
study. above-chance decoding (or above-chance prediction of
Recently, several studies have sought to surmount this brain patterns in a particular region), this tells us that
limitation by reconceptualizing the decoding problem: the model has some relationship to how those stimuli
instead of treating stimulus classes as distinct entities, are coded in the brain, but there could be other models
these studies draw on the psychological literature on that do a better job. Given two competing models of
representation and conceptualize psychological states neural coding, one way to discriminate between them
as points in a high-dimensional representational space. is to build encoding models based on the two different
For example, the meaning of a particular concrete “feature spaces,” and to see which one of them does
noun can be conceptualized as a point in a high-dimen- a better job of predicting the observed fMRI activity
sional “meaning space,” where each dimension corre- (Serences & Saproo, 2012).
sponds to a particular aspect of the noun’s meaning—for
example, can it be eaten? can it be manipulated? can Improving Across-Subject Classification Earlier,
it be used as shelter? (see Just, Cherkassky, Aryal, & we discussed the “data starvation” problem in MVPA
Mitchell, 2010). analysis: the number of brain snapshots is typically low
Once stimuli have been placed in an n-dimensional relative to the number of parameters being estimated
feature space, classifiers can be trained to decode each by the classifier, resulting in a high danger of overfit-
feature dimension (e.g., what does the brain look like for ting. The easiest way to combat this problem would be
nouns that describe edible vs. inedible items). These to combine data across participants. However, this will
classifiers can then be applied to a novel brain pattern only work to our benefit if the brain patterns corre-
and used to decode the coordinate of that stimulus in sponding to particular cognitive states are reasonably
the n-dimensional feature space. The decoded set of consistent across participants—otherwise, the added
coordinates can then be compared to a “dictionary” of within-class variability (resulting from across-participant
the meaning vectors associated with particular words, differences) will offset the beneficial effects of having
and—based on this—the classifier can make a guess more data. The key question thus becomes: how can
about which word the person is thinking about at that we align data across participants in a manner that
moment. Alternatively, some studies have used a comple- minimizes across-participant variability in cognitive
mentary encoding approach where, instead of predicting representations?
feature vectors based on brain patterns, these studies The standard approach to across-subject alignment is
learned to predict brain patterns based on a combina- to transform each participant’s data into a common
tion of feature vectors: that is, if a word has a particular template space based on anatomical landmarks, and
meaning vector, what should its fMRI pattern look like? then to combine the transformed data. This procedure
See Naselaris, Kay, Nishimoto, and Gallant (2011) for has proved to be very useful for standard univariate
further discussion of encoding and decoding models. fMRI analyses, but there have been relatively few reports

lewis-peacock and norman: multivoxel pattern analysis of functional mri data 917
of anatomical alignment alone leading to good across- accomplish (Davis & Poldrack, 2013). Going forward, it
subject classification. There are two likely reasons for will be beneficial to compare MVPA to other measure-
this: first, the transformations result in spatial blurring, ment and analysis techniques to get a better sense of
which might erase high-spatial-frequency information which aspects of neural processing we can and cannot
in the data that would otherwise be useful for the clas- detect with MVPA. Comparisons of MVPA with univari-
sifier. In addition, people have different experiential ate analysis (Jimura & Poldrack, 2012) and fMRI adap-
histories that shape how concepts are represented in tation (Epstein & Morgan, 2012) suggest that these
their brains—no amount of anatomical alignment will methods are interrogating different aspects of the
correct for such differences. neural code. It will also be useful to compare MVPA to
To address these issues, Haxby and colleagues have neurophysiology data from human and nonhuman pri-
developed a new across-subject alignment procedure mates (e.g., Kriegeskorte, Mur, Ruff, et al., 2008) to
called hyperalignment (Haxby et al., 2011) that aligns better understand the strengths and limitations of this
brains not based on anatomical landmarks but rather powerful, but relatively recent, advance in the cognitive
based on the functioning of those brains (i.e., aligning neuroscience toolkit.
parts of the brain that behave similarly, regardless of
“where” exactly in the brain these parts came from).
The basic hyperalignment algorithm performs a Pro-
crustes transformation that rotates, scales, and shifts REFERENCES
temporal trajectories of voxels to best align data sets
Cox, D. D., & Savoy, R. L. (2003). Functional magnetic reso-
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aligned a data set of 21 participants viewing the movie sifying distributed patterns of fMRI activity in human visual
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918 advances in methodology

Jimura, K., & Poldrack, R. A. (2012). Analyses of regional- Mumford, J. A., Turner, B. O., Ashby, F. G., & Poldrack,
average activation and multivoxel pattern information tell R. A. (2012). Deconvolving BOLD activation in event-
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lewis-peacock and norman: multivoxel pattern analysis of functional mri data 919
78 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance

ABSTRACT Quantitative measures of biological tissues such as We can divide MRI contrast into three categories:
measuring relaxation times (T1, T2, and T1*), magnetization
transfer, diffusion, flow, and exchange have been studied for 1. contrast that originates from an MRI physical
almost 30 years. But only recently the acquisition of these parameter
measurements became fast enough, and the analytical 2. contrast that represents a biophysical property of
methods robust enough, to enable large population studies. the tissue
With the great investment in technology development of
these methods, parameters such as the myelin water fraction 3. contrast that is induced by external chemicals that
(Deoni, Rutt, Arun, et al., 2008) and the axon diameter are transported into the tissue (contrast agent).
(Assaf, Blumenfeld-Katzir, Yovel, & Basser, 2008; Alexander et
al., 2010) distribution can now be estimated in vivo and for The acquisition of each contrast necessitates the use of
the whole brain. This is a quantum leap in the ability of MRI different pulse programs, and as a result each MRI
to dive into the microstructure of the brain and provide the experiment should be planned to achieve the suitable
researcher with invaluable parameters that will provide a contrast to the research. Thus, the researcher faces a
more comprehensive characterization of the tissue. difficult problem when performing an MRI experi-
ment: what is the best contrast mechanism to investi-
With these new approaches to studying the brain, the gate the phenomenon of interest? To answer this
link between structure and function can be revisited. A question, one should understand the origins of each
full description of quantitative magnetic resonance contrast mechanism.
imaging (MRI) methods requires a whole book (e.g., MRI is not a specific modality in the sense that the
Tofts, 2003); in this chapter, we will focus on two vast majority of MRI experiments measure water, which
methods that are being intensively explored and used, is not specific to a molecule, an organ, a tissue, or any
T1 mapping and diffusion MRI. Both methods provide cellular type (Hashemi et al., 2004; Stark & Bradley,
an unprecedented view of the brain, especially the 1999). Therefore, increasing the specificity of MRI is
white matter, allowing exploration of the microstruc- usually achieved by manipulating the MRI signal (by
ture, in vivo, at a scale that could have been achieved changing the pulse sequence) so that it will be more
thus far only by microscopes. sensitive and specific to certain parts of the tissue
(Hashemi et al., 2004).
What is quantitative magnetic resonance imaging? The most basic MRI sequences provide contrast that
is sensitive to the different relaxation times of MRI: T1,
Contrast Mechanisms of Magnetic Resonance T2, and T2*. T1 contrast provides excellent distinction
MRI is a powerful imaging modality for several reasons: among the three tissue types in the brain (gray matter,
it is performed in vivo, noninvasively, and is highly sensi- white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid); T2 is highly
tive to tissue composition. MRI is also a very flexible sensitive to the water content of the tissue; T2* is influ-
modality, permitting acquisition of a multitude of dif- enced by the magnetic susceptibility of the tissue. More
ferent contrasts, each sensitive to a different aspect of advanced techniques can extract information that is
the tissue (Hashemi, Bradley, & Lisanti, 2004; Stark & specific to biophysical parameters of the tissue. In
Bradley, 1999). Either representing a MRI physical this category, information about diffusion, flow, macro-
parameter (e.g., relaxation) or a biophysical property molecular content, and chemical exchange can be
of the tissue (e.g., diffusion), MRI has become central extracted. Additional approaches combining several
in neuroscience, enabling scientists to explore the brain contrast mechanisms and mathematical models allow
in many ways. us to relate the MRI signal into specific tissue

assaf: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging 921

compartments, such as white matter, myelin, iron con- acquired for a single subject in a single session. Finally,
centration, and so on. other factors, such as complicated and ill-posed models,
limit the applicability of quantitative MRI. Nevertheless,
Quantitative Versus Qualitative A distinction with the advances in MRI technology, more stable gradi-
should be made between quantitative and qualitative ent systems, more accurate radio-frequency (RF) coils,
MRI data. The initial image reconstructed from the and user-friendly modeling algorithms, the use of quan-
scanner, for any pulse sequence and contrast mecha- titative MRI in brain research increased dramatically in
nism, is qualitative, not quantitative. Qualitative images recent years.
are typically identified by adding the word “weighted”
to the description of the contrast mechanism. For T1/T2 relaxometry
example, performing a spin-echo experiment with
experimental parameters that enhance T2 contrast will Relaxometry MRI experimentation entails RF exci-
result in a “T2-weighted image”; performing an experi- tation of the hydrogen atoms of water molecules (spe-
ment with a pulsed-gradient, spin-echo diffusion cifically the magnetic spin of the nucleus). In physics,
sequence will result in a “diffusion-weighted image.” such excitation is termed perturbation to equilibrium
Quantitative information is derived by specific pro- state, following which the system seeks the return to its
cessing of the acquired “weighted” image or a set of balanced condition in a process called relaxation
such images. Typically, more than one “weighted” image (Hashemi et al., 2004; Stark & Bradley, 1999). In many
is needed to extract a quantitative image. For example, cases, this concept is straightforward because the system
at least two diffusion-weighted images with different can be perturbed in a single way (e.g., nuclear imaging,
experimental parameters are needed to calculate the optical imaging, etc.). The magnetic resonance imaging
apparent diffusion coefficient (Le Bihan, 1995; see signal is more complicated than most, because mag-
below); several inversion recovery or spin-echo images netic resonance was blessed with not one but two relax-
are needed to compute the T1 or T2 values (Hashemi ation mechanisms; each refers to different aspects of
et al., 2004; see below). the excitation process (Hashemi et al., 2004; Stark &
The quantitative maps are extremely powerful since Bradley, 1999).
their accuracy is higher than the weighted image, and In MRI, RF excitation causes two parallel physical
their interpretation is more straightforward because processes to occur: (1) the spin of the hydrogen atom
they can be compared across subjects or groups of sub- nuclei is excited to a higher energy state; (2) the oscil-
jects. One drawback to quantitative mapping is that it lation of the entire spin population of the tissue becomes
is still scanner- and pulse sequence–specific. Using the synchronized in coherence (i.e., resonance). The two
same pulse sequence and methods across scanners above-mentioned relaxation mechanisms of MRI refer
(even with the same magnetic field and company brand) to these two processes: relaxation time T1 describes the
may lead to systematic differences in the quantitative return of the excited spin magnetization to its equilib-
information. The main reason for that is that different rium state, while relaxation time T2 relates to the loss
sources of biased noise affect different scanning sites, of spin coherence or resonance following excitation. T1
and since noise is generally not modeled in most analysis and T2 occur in parallel after the RF excitation. They
procedures, it will affect the measured parameters differ significantly in their time constants and the bio-
(in a different way across scanners). The processing physical processes that affect them.
methods must take into account the specific biases and T1 is the basic relaxation mechanism in magnetic
noise characteristics of the magnetic resonance imaging resonance. Also termed spin-lattice or longitudinal
scanner. Different methods to avoid biases and reduce relaxation, T1 refers to the return of magnetization
noise can lead to different results. For example, calcula- to its equilibrium state by transferring energy to the
tion of the T1 can be achieved by several procedures environment (lattice). As a consequence, T1 depends
(e.g., inversion recovery, Hahn, 1949; and DESPOT1, on the interaction of the spins with the environment,
Deoni, Rutt, Arun, et al., 2008); however, with each and hence T1 is affected by the external magnetic field
method different T1 values will be computed, although level as well as the composition and mobility of the
the correlation between the methods will be high. environment (Hahn, 1949). Following that concept,
Another limitation of quantitative MRI is that acquisi- areas with lower mobility of the environment (e.g., fat,
tion of several images is typically needed for accurate rich areas such as white matter) will have different T1
calculation of the desired parameter. Consequently, from fluid-rich areas (e.g, cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF).
quantitative measures may require long acquisition Thus, T1 images provide the best contrast between the
times, which limit the amount of data that can be main tissue types (gray matter, white matter, and CSF)

922 advances in methodology

Figure 78.1 T1-weighted MRI of the human brain showing high-contrast among the three main tissue types: cerebro-spinal
fluid (CSF), gray matter, and white matter.

and are generally used for segmentation and parcella- both processes lead to similar consequences (i.e.,
tion of the brain (figure 78.1). dephasing), the latter can be experimentally separated
The initial RF excitation causes a coherent precision and is called the true spin-spin interaction relaxation,
of the spins. This coherence declines over time, and T2 T2. This is the basic contrast mechanism used for
refers to the time constant of the coherence loss diagnosis purposes since spin-spin interactions are
process (also termed dephasing). As indicated by its extremely sensitive for water content, which regularly
additional names, spin-spin or transverse relaxation, T2 changes in pathology or following insult to the tissue
mechanism differs from T1, and the T2 value depends (Stark & Bradley, 1999).The combination of both spin
on other factors. The loss of spin coherence occurs coherence loss processes is called T2*. This is the con-
due to interactions of spins with other spin magnetiza- trast mechanism used to measure the blood oxygen-
tion (either of water or other molecules). Conse- ation level that is at the heart of fMRI.
quently, T2 depends on the chemical content and The term MRI relaxometry refers to acquisition and
mobility of the spins. Here we differentiate between analysis methods that quantify the relaxation parame-
two sources of interactions: (1) spin coherence loss ters (mainly T1 and T2) for each image pixel in the
due to magnetic field inhomogeneities, typically caused brain (or any other part of the body).
by the chemical composition of the tissue (e.g., high
concentrations of iron ions); (2) spin coherence loss Inversion Recovery: The Measurement of T1 After
due to interaction with other hydrogen atom spins RF excitation, spins exchange energy with the lattice
(Hashemi et al., 2004; Stark & Bradley, 1999). While and return to their equilibrium state at an exponential

assaf: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging 923

ize the magnetization growth and compute T1 accord-
ing to the following formula:
⎛ ⎛ TI ⎞ ⎞
Mz (TI ) = Mz , eq ⎜ 1 − 2 exp ⎜ − ⎟ ⎟ ,
⎝ ⎝ T1 ⎠ ⎠

where Mz(TI) is the measured magnetization TI, Mz is

the magnetization at equilibrium (which can be mea-
sured when TI is set to zero), TI is the inversion time,
and T1 is the time constant of the longitudinal relax-
ation. This formula becomes complicated if several T1
components are modeled (i.e., several compartments
within the voxel with different T1s) and even more
complicated if there is exchange between the different
T1 pools.
Figure 78.2 Scheme of T1 relaxation curves for different While inversion recovery is a wonderful acquisition
brain tissue types: cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF), gray matter and analysis pipeline to measure T1 relaxation, it has
(GM), and white matter (WM).
one significant drawback—it takes a lot of time. Accu-
rate T1 analysis will require roughly 30–60 minutes of
acquisition. Yet, once measured, such experiments
yielded high differences in the T1 values of the different
rate. The exponential time constant, T1, measures how brain tissue type; for example in 4 Tesla, the T1 of white
long spins in a particular neighborhood take to reach matter is ∼940 msec, while that of gray matter is around
the equilibrium of the unperturbed magnetization level 1,350 msec (Kim, Hu, & Ugurbil, 1994). Moreover,
(figure 78.2). several papers have shown that T1 is greatly influenced
Historically, the main challenge in relaxometry was by myelin content and that myelin is the main contribu-
to produce an acquisition protocol that separates T1 tor for T1 reduction in white matter and in the deep
from T2. This is not straightforward, since the two pro- layers of the cortex (Bydder, Hajnal, & Young, 1998;
cesses occur simultaneously. Concomitantly, due to the Duewell et al., 1996; Hajnal et al. 1992; Kim, Hu, &
basic physics of the MRI experiment (which are beyond Ugurbil, 1994). In the following sections, additional
the scope of this chapter), T1 cannot be measured approaches that allow a more rapid computation of T1
directly (since it happens on the longitudinal axis of will be described.
the spin’s magnetization, which physically cannot be
measured; Hahn, 1949; Hashemi et al., 2004). Spin Echo: T2 Measurement The measurement of T2
This problem was solved by the forefathers of MRI. is more straightforward than T1 since this process occurs
In 1949, Erwin Hahn developed a pulse sequence, at the transverse axis of spin’s magnetization, which is
inversion recovery (IR), that measures T1 and remains detected by MRI receiver coils. The main challenge
a traditional pulse sequence for measuring T1 (Hahn, here is to separate pure spin-spin interactions (T2) from
1949). In order to separate T1 from T2, IR uses a pulse coherence loss due to magnetic field inhomogeneity
(180° flip angle) that excites the spins without introduc- (T2*, see above). In 1950, Erwin Hahn, who introduced
ing any coherence. Thus only T1 relaxation is present inversion recovery, published a new pulse sequence
without contribution of T2. Although a 180° pulse pro- called spin echo that eliminates field inhomogeneity
duces a very “clean” T1 process, it cannot be measured effects and thus permits measurement of T2 relaxation
(due to the above-mentioned reasons). Therefore, the (Hahn, 1950). Using the pulse sequence 90°-TE/2-
trick in IR is to “freeze” the process at a certain time 180°-TE/2-acq, Hahn showed that using a 90° excita-
point along its development (following a time interval tion pulse followed by a 180° pulse generates a signal
called inversion time, TI) and apply a 90° pulse that at a particular point in time, called the echo time (TE),
introduces a coherence level proportional to the mag- in which the effects of dephasing is absent. While full
nitude of longitudinal magnetization at that time. description of the magnetization processes that occur
The application of the IR sequence (180°-TI-90°- in spin echo is complicated, the measurement is rela-
Acq.) captures T1 process at a specific time point (TI) tively simple (Hashemi et al., 2004; Tofts, 2003). By
along its evolution. To complete the measurement of repeating the spin-echo experiment at different TE
T1, one needs to repeat the experiment several times at intervals, it is possible to compute the average T2 of the
different TIs to obtain enough data points to character- tissue or, if data quality permits, to estimate different T2

924 advances in methodology

components. It is well accepted that in brain tissue acquisition. One of the great challenges in relaxometry
there are three pools of T2 components: a long T2 pool was to develop new acquisition and analysis pipelines
(>100 ms, mainly CSF water), intermediate T2 pool that enable fast and robust estimation of these relax-
(∼60 ms, cellular T2) and short T2 pool (<10 ms, myelin ation properties. In the last decade, such approaches
water T2; Gore, 2001; figure 78.3). It has been proposed were indeed developed and are based on the fast
that the measurement of the short T2 pool can serve as imaging sequences, steady-state precession, and spoiled
an indicator of myelin water. However, the accurate gradient echo.
measurement of this short T2 water pool requires Steady-state precession refers to sequences in which
certain implementation of the pulse sequence as well the acquired magnetization reaches a steady-state level
as long acquisition scans, making it less preferable for after a series of RF pulses. In spoiled gradient echo, fast
that purpose. acquisition with extremely short TR and small flip angle
in combination with a spoiler gradient to remove trans-
Advances in Relaxometry Measures Spin echo and verse relaxation achieves excellent T1 contrast. The
inversion recovery are excellent methods that enable acquisition scheme of the fast relaxometry methods is
relaxation time quantification, albeit with a lengthy similar to the traditional methods in the sense that in
order to calculate the relaxation time (either T1 or T2),
there is a need for multiple acquisitions of the same
slices but with different experimental parameters. The
advantage of these methods over the conventional
ones is that the acquisition is faster by an order of
T1 maps can be achieved by computing several images
of the same slice acquired with spoiled gradient echo
sequences with two or more flip angles (a technique
that is also called driven-equilibrium single-pulse obser-
vation of T1, or DESPOT1; Deoni, Rutt, Arun, et al.,
2008; Deoni, Rutt, & Jones, 2008). DESPOT1 yields
T1 maps with extremely rapid acquisition (a few
minutes, depending on resolution; see figure 78.4A),
yet it assumes single T1 population for each voxel. In a
similar manner, steady-state precession sequences (e.g.,
bSSPS) acquired with varying flip angle can be used to
produce T2 maps (figure 78.4B).
Figure 78.3 Spectrum of the T2 components in the mouse Different variants of this method exist with different
optic nerve. (Modified from Gore, 2001.) names (e.g., FIST). The main difference between the
methods is not in the acquisition protocol, where the

Figure 78.4 Representative sagittal slices (at approximately the same location) through the whole brain. 3D T1(A) and T2(B)
map volumes for each of six volunteers.

assaf: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging 925

differences are minor, but in the algorithm used for distinction between diffusion and displacement will
calculation of the relaxation time. become significant, as will be described in the following
Although the fast acquisition methods are extremely sections.
powerful in calculating the relaxation times within a Diffusion imaging is measured using a pulse sequence
reasonable acquisition time, they do provide a single called pulsed-gradient spin-echo (figure 78.5A; Stejskal
value of each voxel. Yet it is commonly agreed that even & Tanner, 1965). In this pulse sequence, which is based
the most homogenous voxel in the brain will contain on the basic spin-echo method, two sets of magnetic
spectra of different water pools, each with its own relax- field gradients are applied, separated briefly in time.
ation characteristics. For instance, a voxel in white Each of the magnetic field gradients tags the spin mag-
matter will have several water pools that are known netization according to their location at the time of
to have distinct T1 values (myelin water exhibiting gradient application. Any change in the location of the
short T1, and axonal water and extra-axonal water spin in the time interval (diffusion time, Δ) between the
having longer T1). It may be that some of these pools two gradients will lead to signal loss. The size of the
exchange with one another, implying that within the signal loss is proportional to the spin displacement
time frame of the acquisition a certain water molecule during the diffusion time. Regions containing fast spin
can experience several pools. In order to obtain subvo- diffusion (e.g., CSF) produce low signal; areas with slow
xel information, more sophisticated acquisition and spin diffusion (e.g., white matter) will have higher signal
analysis framework had to be devised. Multicomponent (figure 78.5B). In the 1960s, Stejskal and Tanner devel-
DESPOT (mcDESPOT) is such a model, allowing the oped a mathematical relation between the signal loss
calculation of several T1/T2 values per water (Deoni, and the diffusion coefficient (Stejskal & Tanner, 1965):
Rutt, Arun et al., 2008). The acquisition in mcDESPOT
log (E) = − bD,
is similar to DESPOT1/2, although it requires more
data points, but the model is completely different and where E is the signal loss or decay is diffusion experi-
more complicated. Such an approach allows the com- ment, D is the diffusion coefficient, and b (b-value; Le
putation of highly specific contrasts, such as the myelin Bihan, 1995) is a parameter that sums various experi-
water fraction map (Deoni, Rutt, Arun, et al., 2008). mental parameters related to the diffusion weighting,
Other models were recently suggested to improve some including the strength and duration of the diffusion
of the drawbacks of mcDESPOT and require different gradient and the diffusion time (b = γ2g2δ2(Δ − δ/3),
acquisition or analysis schemes. where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, g is the strength of
the applied diffusion gradients, δ is the duration of the
Diffusion imaging diffusion gradient and Δ is the diffusion time). The
b-value is an important parameter in diffusion MRI,
Background Diffusion imaging provides powerful since it controls the diffusion weighting: how much
quantitative measures of neural tissue within minutes of signal will decay due to diffusion. Choosing the b-value
acquisition (Johansen-Berg & Behrens, 2009; Jones, in diffusion MRI experiments is critical, since this
2011; Le Bihan, 1995). Diffusion MRI measures the net parameter determines the sensitivity to the diffusion/
displacement of molecules per unit of time. The distinc- displacement; for example, if we study molecules that
tion between diffusion and displacement is important, exhibit very slow diffusion or small displacements (e.g.,
especially in the understanding and interpretation due to many barriers to diffusion), low b-values will lead
of the diffusion MRI experiment of neural tissue. In to little signal loss and thus poor signal-to-noise ratio
the theoretical and physical description of transport for estimating the diffusion coefficient. Thus, in experi-
phenomena, diffusion and displacement are linked by ments where slow diffusion is expected, one should
Einstein’s relation: prefer using higher b-values.
Indeed, in experiments performed on post-mortem
< x >2 = 6Dt D,
tissue where the tissue is fixated and the diffusion is
where <x> is the net displacement, D is the diffusion slowed, higher b-value is needed to achieve similar
coefficient, and tD is the time unit (also called diffusion signal decays compared to an in vivo situation. Typically
time). This link suggests that one can easily infer the the b-value is controlled by the magnitude and duration
diffusion coefficient from displacement measurements. of the diffusion gradients (see different gray scale levels
However, this relation was developed for a very specific indicating variable magnitude of the diffusion gradient
condition where the diffusion is free—that is, there are in figure 78.5; Jones, 2011; Le Bihan, 1995). Examples
no barriers to the motion of the molecules. This condi- for the effect of b-values on diffusion imaging contrast
tion is rarely met in biological systems, thus the are shown in figure 78.5.

926 advances in methodology

Figure 78.5 (A) The pulsed-gradient spin-echo pulse gradient amplitude (g) that determine the b-value are out-
sequence depicting the spin-echo sequence (900 followed by lined. (B) The obtained diffusion-weighted images from the
1,800 pulse) and the pair of pulsed gradients (four versions experiment in panel A show the change in contrast and signal
according to the gray levels). The time intervals (δ and Δ) and intensity with the increase in b-value.

When barriers to the molecule’s motion exist (e.g., direction perpendicular to the fibers compared to the
cell membrane), the displacement will be affected (as parallel direction. The displacement of water molecules
the net displacement will be confined to the barrier in neural tissue is anisotropic—that is, not equal in all
geometry), while the diffusion coefficient itself remains directions. When considering the white matter, the
the same (in theory). Since in diffusion MRI we measure interpretation is straightforward—intuitively, water
the displacement rather than the diffusion, the exact molecules should experience more displacement paral-
diffusion coefficient (according to the Stejskal-Tanner lel to the long axis of the neuronal fibers (due to the
relation above) will be miscalculated. Therefore, in a high packing of the neuronal fibers and their myelin
biological system, the computed diffusion coefficient is lamellas) than perpendicular to them. Based on this
called the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) to indicate concept, it has been proposed that characterization of
that the measured value includes the effects of barriers white matter can be achieved by measuring the ADC
to motion. This is also called hindered diffusion (Le perpendicular and parallel to the fibers’ orientation
Bihan, 1995). and extracting an anisotropy index reflecting the differ-
The diffusion MRI measurement is directional. By ences between the two measures (e.g., D⊥/D//). Such
specifying the direction of the applied pulsed gradient, measurement can be performed on very specific fiber
the diffusion or displacement will be acquired along systems, where the orientation of the fibers is such that
that direction. In an aqueous environment, such as the it allows easy prescription of diffusion gradients in the
CSF, the signal loss is the same in all directions. But in parallel and perpendicular directions (e.g., the spinal
fibrous and cellular tissue, the signal loss is highly direc- cord, optic nerve, and corpus callosum). However, for
tional. In seminal works from the early 1990s, it was most fiber systems in the brain, defining the parallel
shown that the contrast and signal decay at various and perpendicular directions is impossible. Moreover,
brain regions depends dramatically on the orientation even if such information were available, due to the
of the applied diffusion gradient, especially in white heterogeneity in fiber orientations in the brain, each
matter (figure 78.6; Moseley et al., 1990). This is the system would have to be acquired separately.
basis for the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) method. In the mid-1990s, the concept of DTI was proposed
(Basser, 1995; Basser, Mattiello, & Le Bihan, 1992, 1994;
Diffusion Tensor Imaging As indicated in figure Basser & Pierpaoli, 1998; Pierpaoli & Basser, 1996; Pier-
78.6, the displacement and ADC in neural tissue, espe- paoli et al., 1996). In DTI, the whole brain is sampled
cially in white matter, may differ when measured in with diffusion imaging in multiple directions (the same
different directions. There is greater signal loss in the directions for all brain voxels, in at least six directions),

assaf: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging 927

Figure 78.6 Pulsed-gradient spin-echo diffusion-weighted (B–D) with diffusion weighting when the gradients are
images on the cat brain: (A) no diffusion weighting; applied along the x (B), y (C), and z (D) directions.

and for each direction the ADC is computed. The direc- The principal diffusivities (axial and radial diffu-
tional ADC maps are then analyzed using a diffusion sivities) can be used to compute various summation
tensor model. Mathematically, there are several ways to parameters. The most commonly used are the mean
apply the diffusion tensor model, yet in all of them the diffusivity (MD) and the fractional anisotropy (FA;
result is a three-dimensional ellipsoid that best describes Basser & Pierpaoli, 1998; Pierpaoli & Basser, 1996; Pier-
the multiple measures of the ADC in the different direc- paoli et al., 1996). The MD is the average of the three
tions. The DTI acquisition and analysis pipeline is sum- eigen values (three axes of the ellipsoid), while the FA
marized in figure 78.7. is the normalized variance between them. The formula-
Once the ellipsoid is calculated in each voxel, it is tions for both indices are
possible to define the principal directions that will cor-
respond to the diffusivity parallel to the fibers (largest MD = (λ1 + λ2 + λ3)/3
axis of the ellipsoid) and diffusivity perpendicular to 3 (λ1 − D )2 + (λ 2 − D )2 + (λ 3 − D )2
FA = ⋅ .
the fibers (mean of the two shortest axes of the ellip- 2 (λ12 + λ 22 + λ 23 )
soid). The extracted diffusivities are often called axial
diffusivity, D// or λ1 (largest eigenvalue), for the largest The size, shape, and direction of the ellipsoid char-
axis of the ellipsoid; and radial diffusivity, D⊥ or λ2/λ3 acterize the diffusion tensor and can be extracted for
(smallest eigenvalues), for the mean of the two shortest each voxel individually. The following figure summa-
axes of the ellipsoid (figure 78.7). rizes the different options of the ellipsoid varying in

928 advances in methodology

Figure 78.7 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) pipeline includ- corpus callosum and the bottom graph for a voxel is superior
ing (A) acquisition at multiple gradient directions homoge- longitudinal fascicules. (C) Tensor analysis of the data in
nously covering space (the example in the figure includes the panel B resulting in ellipsoids colored according to their
basic six-direction scheme). (B) Apparent diffusion coeffi- orientation (left-right in red, anterior-posterior in green) rep-
cient (ADC) calculation for each direction. The two graphs resenting the fiber orientation in the two selected voxels. (See
represent two voxels—the top graph refers to a voxel in the color plate 73.)

size (figure 78.8A) indicating on the MD, varying in specific to this method (Jones & Cercignani, 2010). For
shape (figure 78.8B, rounded sphere → elongated example, as in any MRI method, and especially in dif-
ellipsoid) indicating on the FA, and varying in color fusion MRI when the signal is attenuated, DTI suffers
(figure 78.8C) indicating on the orientation. The latter from signal-to-noise limitations. Other acquisition-
code, where ellipsoid (fibers) crossing in the left-right related issues include gradient stability, eddy current
direction will be colored in red, ellipsoids that lie in the artifacts, gradient sampling schemes, and optimized b-
anterior-posterior direction will be colored in green, value, which have been studied in recent years.
and ellipsoids that are orientated from inferior to pos- In addition to acquisition artifacts, there are inher-
terior position will be colored in blue, is extremely ent flaws in the processing of DTI images that are
widely used and is termed the color-coded FA map manifested in errors in the computed DTI indices. The
(Pajevic & Pierpaoli, 1999). It should be noted that any most common problems arise in voxels that contain
arbitrary orientation of the ellipsoid can be achieved by more than a single tissue type, such as voxels at the
combinations of the three colors (red-green-blue). boundary between white matter and ventricles. Another
Figure 78.9 summarizes the most widely used parame- very problematic case arises in white matter regions
ters extracted from DTI analysis. The information in that contain several intersecting fiber populations.
the color-coded maps is enormous, since it provides In such areas, the DTI model fits only a single direc-
three-dimensional information into two-dimensional tion, and this may be a compromise direction that
maps, and the anatomy of the fiber systems becomes fails to represent the underlying architecture (see
apparent. figure 78.10). This has implication on FA and MD cal-
DTI provided unprecedented information about culation in those areas as well as on tractography (see
white matter, its physiology, and architecture. Even so, below).
there are artifacts and error in DTI’s acquisition (Jones
& Cercignani, 2010). Some of the artifacts in DTI are Imaging Microstructure DTI’s apparent inabil-
common to any MRI measurement, and some are ity, in some cases, to characterize the underlying

assaf: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging 929

Figure 78.8 The meaning of mean diffusivity (MD) and matter bundles will appear as a very elongated cigar-shape
fractional anisotropy (FA), and fiber orientation on the ellip- ellipsoid. (C) The orientation of the ellipsoid is indicated by
soid extracted from DTI analysis. (A) Changes in MD will its color; ellipsoids that lie in the left-right direction are
affect the size of the ellipsoid; increase in MD will cause an colored red, ellipsoids in the anterior-posterior position are
increase the size of the ellipsoid. (B) Changes in FA will affect colored green, and ellipsoids in the inferior-superior position
the shape of the ellipsoid; low FA (as in cerebrospinal fluid) are colored blue. (See color plate 74.)
will appear as a pure sphere, whereas highly ordered white

Figure 78.9 Summary of quantitative indices extracted from with section at the genu of the corpus callosum enlarge in
DTI. (A) Reference T1-weighted scan; (B) Axial diffusivity; (H). Color scale for (B–D) is given in diffusivity color scale
(C) Radial diffusivity; (D) mean diffusivity; (E) fractional (bottom left). Color scale for FA map is given in the FA
anisotropy; (F) color-coded FA map; (G) ellipsoid glyph map color scale. (See color plate 75.)
Figure 78.10 Example for partial volume artifact in DTI. ((C) enlarged at (F)) where one can follow the direction of
(A) T1-weighted anatomical image with the right frontal the fiber (red for the corpus callosum and green for the tha-
region enlarged at (D), including line drawings of the differ- lamic radiation). In the crossing fiber region, the observed
ent fibers system the passes in that region: one arriving from color is a mix of the two-fiber system. Since two crossing fibers
the genu of the corpus callosum and one from the thalamic reside within the same pixel in the region, the diffusion is
radiation of the internal capsule, and both projecting into the hindered in all measured directions, which artifactually can
frontal lobe. (B) FA maps enlarged at (E) showing low anisot- be characterized by isotropic diffusion and thus reduced FA.
ropy area (marked by yellow circle) in the area of the crossing (See color plate 76.)
fiber system. This is also shown in the color-coded FA maps,

architecture of white matter initiated directed research complex signal dependency, and it is now agreed that
to overcome this problem. Indeed, technical and com- DTI is a good first approximation of the diffusion pro-
putational solutions to some issues (e.g., crossing fibers) cesses in neural tissue, but certainly does not represent
were proposed (Assaf & Basser, 2005; Descoteaux, or characterize it completely. For more comprehensive
Deriche, Knosche, & Anwander, 2009; Parker & Alexan- characterization of the diffusion MRI signal, alternative
der, 2003; Tournier, Calamante, & Connelly, 2007). models to DTI had to be formulated.
However, the same studies indicated that DTI fails to Studying the origins and characteristics of the multi-
represent the underlying tissue even in homogenous exponential decay in diffusion experiments suggested
white matter, since DTI’s model (Gaussian tensor) is that diffusion in neural tissue is complicated and that
not appropriate for neural tissue (Assaf, Mayk, & Cohen, molecules at different subvoxel components (cellular
2000). The main indication for that was the measure- compartments) have different diffusion characteris-
ment of diffusion signal decay at a large range of tics. For example, it was found that one can measure
b-values. According to the Stejskal-Tanner equation two diffusion processes in neural tissue: hindered and
above, the relation between the signal decay and the restricted (Assaf, Freidlin, Rohde, & Basser, 2004).
diffusion coefficient is exponential, but it was shown While restricted diffusion refers to water that is con-
that this is not the case for neural tissue, and the depen- fined within specific environments, hindered diffusion
dency of the signal decay on the b-value seems to be implies water molecules move significantly but encoun-
composed of multiple exponents whose number cannot ter an obstacle to their motion every now and then.
be determined easily and thus cannot be assigned to Further research suggested that the origin of restricted
physiological compartments (Assaf & Cohen, 1998, diffusion stems from water molecules that are trapped
2000). DTI’s Gaussian model is not able to analyze such within axons, and that if one can design an acquisition

assaf: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging 931

and analysis pipeline that will enable characterization restricted diffusion in the axonal compartment
of restricted diffusion, it will be possible to obtain direct (modeled by diffusion within impermeable cylinders)
information regarding the axons. and hindered diffusion elsewhere (modeled by a diffu-
The alternative methods to DTI that analyze diffusion sion tensor). The great advantage of such a model is
imaging data can be categorized as “model-based” and that it is possible to separate the diffusion signal into
“model-free” approaches. The “model free” approaches two components, each with its own characteristics
characterize the signal decay by simple mathematical (Dr, diffusion within the axons; Dh, diffusion outside
transformations (principal component analysis and the axons; Fr, axonal density, etc.), and investigate each
Fourier transform, Assaf, Mayk, & Cohen, 2000; kurtosis one of them independently. CHARMED and similar
analysis, Jensen et al., 2005, etc.), yet the interpretation approaches are regarded as a better approximation of
of the output parameters of these methods is sometimes tissue microstructure than DTI. Additional frameworks
as vague as DTI. However, they are more accurate than were developed in recent years on the same concepts
DTI simply because these methods can analyze the mul- of CHARMED with some modification and enable mod-
tiexponential decay, which DTI cannot. eling different features of neural tissue architecture
The “model-based” approaches usually differentiate (Assaf et al., 2013; Zhang, Schneider, Wheeler-Kingshott,
the two types of diffusion in the tissue, hindered and & Alexander, 2012).
restricted, and try to assign each with a cellular com- The specificity of the CHARMED model to the axonal
partment. For example, the composite hindered and compartment opens a vista of new opportunities in
restricted model of diffusion (CHARMED; Assaf & exploring this compartment. The axon diameter distri-
Basser, 2005; Assaf et al., 2004) models diffusion signal bution is an important factor in brain and white matter
decay as a composition of two diffusion processes: physiology since the diameter is linearly correlated with

Figure 78.11 Cluster analysis of the axon diameter distribu- different clusters are shown in the middle row; note that the
tion along the corpus callosum: (top row, left). A midsaggital colors of the graphs match the clusters’ colors. In the bottom
T2-weighted MRI with the AxCaliber clusters superimposed, row are the histological ADDs of the same clusters. (See color
enlarged at right. The AxCaliber averaged ADDs for the plate 77.)

932 advances in methodology

the conduction velocity (Waxman, 1980). AxCaliber, microstructural analysis of tissue features. The intro-
which is based on CHARMED, enables the estimation duction of quantitative MRI measures will continue to
of the axon diameter distribution from CHARMED provide new perspectives on brain anatomy and physiol-
measurement performed at a wide range of diffusion ogy. For example, the relation between structure and
times (Barazany, Basser, & Assaf, 2008, 2009). Changing function in the brain could be explored and redefined.
the diffusion time permits selectively weighting differ- In addition, the role of tissue microstructure in cogni-
ent populations of axons based on their diameter. For tion could be evaluated. The use of quantitative methods
example, at short enough diffusion time (∼10 msec), in MRI will become more central in neuroscience, since
only small axons (1–2 microns) will experience they will allow investigation of the human brain in vivo
restricted diffusion, while larger axons will exhibit only in great detail, bringing MRI to the verge of virtual
hindrance to diffusion since the water molecules did microscopy.
not have enough time to explore the boundaries of the
axons. At longer diffusion times, larger axons will expe-
rience restricted diffusion. Analyzing the entire multi- REFERENCES
diffusion time data set simultaneously allows the Alexander, D. C., Hubbard, P. L., Hall, M. G., Moore,
estimation of the axon diameter distribution function E. A., Ptito, M., Parker, G. J., & Dyrby, T. B. (2010).
(in the original AxCaliber framework this function was Orientationally invariant indices of axon diameter and
modeled by a gamma function). AxCaliber was vali- density from diffusion MRI. NeuroImage, 52(4), 1374–
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ation of water and N-acetyl aspartate signals due to diffu-
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Conclusion Basser, P. J., Mattiello, J., & Le Bihan, D. (1992). Diagonal
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934 advances in methodology

79 Network Methods to Characterize
Brain Structure and Function

ABSTRACT Network science provides tools that can be used to between functions like memory, attention, and move-
understand the structure and function of the human brain in ment? How do we control the interactions between dif-
novel ways using simple concepts and mathematical represen- ferent neural circuits in our brains?
tations. Network neuroscience is a rapidly growing field with
implications for systems neuroscience, cognitive neurosci-
To answer these questions, we can use tools from
ence, and clinical medicine. In this chapter, we describe the systems neuroscience to perform (1) data analysis to
methodology of network science as applied to neuroimaging extract characteristic or predictive patterns in the data
data. We cover topics in constructing networks, probing and (2) forward modeling to build mathematical
network structure, generating network “diagnostics,” and models of the system from first principles. The distinc-
experimental design. We discuss several current frontiers and
tion here is important: data analytical approaches lead
the associated methodological challenges and considerations.
We aim to provide a practical introduction to the field: we to descriptions of an observed process; for example,
supplement the explanations and examples with pointers to brain areas A and B tend to be alternately activated
resources for students or researchers interested in using these during a visual task. In contrast, modeling involves the
methods to address their own questions in empirical and creation of a set of mathematical descriptions (i.e.,
theoretical neuroscience.
equations) that describe how components of the system
behave, given certain inputs or conditions. For example,
the activity in brain area A could be described by an
Why network neuroscience? equation that captures its behavior, including its depen-
dency on the activity of brain area B, and vice versa.
Each area of the human brain plays a unique role in Crucially, the mathematical descriptions in a model can
processing information gleaned from the external then be used to predict the behavior of the system given
world and in driving our responses to that external a different set of inputs, or in a different context. Natu-
world via behavior. Mapping these roles has led to enor- rally, models are much more difficult to create than
mous insights into the complex and varied contribu- descriptions.
tions of different brain regions to our mental function. In this chapter, we focus on newly developed tools for
However, the brain is far from a set of disconnected data analysis, which we refer to under the broad term
building blocks. Instead, at each moment throughout network neuroscience, that we envision will dramatically
the day, parts of the brain communicate with one inform the efforts in forward modeling in the coming
another in complex spatiotemporal patterns, like evolv- years. Network neuroscience provides a simple and
ing dance partners in a multifarious choreography, elegant systems approach to understanding how neural
which enable the formation of creative thoughts, the circuits function, how they constrain one another, and
acquisition of new skills, and the adaptation of human how they differ across individuals. A network represen-
behavior. Understanding this spatiotemporal complex- tation of a biological system (e.g., a genome, proteome,
ity requires a paradigmatic shift in our conceptual or connectome) treats individual components (e.g.,
approaches, empirical goals, and quantitative methods: genes, proteins, brain regions) as network nodes and
in short, in the way that we design and interpret our treats interactions between these components as
models and experiments. network edges. Network science, an interdisciplinary
Systems neuroscience addresses this complexity by approach spanning biology, economics, sociology, lin-
seeking to understand the structure and function of guistics, and computer science, provides a battery of
large-scale neural circuits and systems. How do indi- quantitative diagnostics that enable us to describe the
vidual brain areas interact with one another to enable architecture of this network in a statistically principled
cognitive function? How is cognition constrained by manner. One can then study these properties of
white matter pathways? How does the brain transition the network to gain insight into organizational

bassett and lynall: network methods to characterize brain structure 935

principles and evolutionary drivers of complex cogni- showcase some of the tools available, at each stage of
tive phenomena. our example analysis, we outline various alternative
As a basis for discussion throughout the chapter, we methodological choices available to the researcher.
use data from a previously published experiment
(Bassett, Wymbs, et al., 2011; Bassett, Porter et al., 2013) A few foundational concepts
to illustrate how neuroimaging data can be transformed
into a network, how these networks can be studied, and In figure 79.1, we illustrate the path from data to diag-
how they can be compared statistically with one another nostics commonly traversed in a network study. In a first
to address a neuroscientific question. It is important to step, data is collected from human subjects using one
keep in mind during this exposition that there is no of the many neuroimaging modalities currently in use:
generic “correct” way to do a network analysis: to structural MRI, functional MRI, electroencephalography,

A Neuroimaging data B Network representation C Network diagnostics

Connectivity matrix C.1.

Connectivity strength
Brain regions

20 0.8

100 No clustering Clustering
20 40 60 80 100
Brain regions C.2.

Long path length Short path length

Embedded network

(Coronal) Core-periphery organization Modular organization

Figure 79.1 From data to diagnostics: The stages of a added to close the connected triples (i.e., three nodes con-
network study. (A) Data acquisition. Neuroimaging data can nected by two edges; green) to form triangles (i.e., three
capture structural connectivity (e.g., diffusion spectrum nodes connected by three edges; brown), thereby leading to
imaging, DSI; diffusion tensor imaging, DTI) or functional higher clustering. (C.2) The average shortest path length is a
connectivity (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic of global network structure. The left panel contains
fMRI; electroencephalography, EEG; or magnetoencephalog- a network with a relatively long average path length. For
raphy, MEG). (B) Representations of a network. Top: A con- example, to move from the purple node (top left) to the
nectivity matrix in which matrix elements (or pixels in the orange node (bottom right) requires one to traverse at least
grid) represent one connection between two brain regions, four edges. The right panel contains a network in which addi-
and the color indicates the strength of that connection. Center: tion edges have been added (green) to form triangles or to
A topographical network visualization in which brain regions link distant nodes (peach), thereby leading to a shorter
that are strongly (weakly) connected to one another lie close average path length by comparison. (C.3) Mesoscale network
to (far from) each other in the plane. Bottom: An embedded structure can take many forms. The left panel contains a
network visualization in which nodes are placed in anatomi- network with a core of densely connected nodes (red circles;
cally accurate locations. (C) Network diagnostics. (C.1) The green edges) and a periphery of sparsely connected nodes
clustering coefficient is a diagnostic of local network struc- (blue circles; gray edges). The right panel contains a network
ture. The left panel contains a network with zero connected with four densely connected modules (red circles; green
triangles and therefore no clustering, while the right panel edges) and a connector hub (blue circle; gray edges) that
contains a network in which additional edges have been links these modules to one another. (See color plate 78.)

936 advances in methodology

magnetoencephalography, or diffusion imaging. Next, connectivity patterns between brain areas. Functional
the data acquired from each subject are converted to and structural brain networks each provide different
network form. The construction of the network depends types of information about brain organization and cog-
upon the researcher’s choice in defining network nodes nitive function. There is no simple relationship between
and network edges. Finally, the constructed networks a person’s structural and functional networks: for
are analyzed statistically to test hypotheses regarding example, areas that have no detectable white-matter
the organization of the networks. Statistical diagnostics connections can be functionally connected. The ques-
come in two forms: (1) previously defined network diag- tion of how these two types of networks relate to one
nostics that have proven useful in previous studies, or another is a source of considerable scientific endeavor
(2) diagnostics created in an individual study to capture (e.g., Hermundstad et al., 2013; Honey et al., 2009).
a pattern observed in the data.
In this section, we will describe this path in greater Node choice: Parcellation To create a network, we subdi-
detail, illustrating choices that can be made at each vide the system that we are studying into components,
stage of the analysis and the impact these choices can and we represent these components as network nodes.
have on the conclusions that can be drawn from the The components of the brain are often thought of as
study. regions of interest: primary visual cortex, dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex, or fusiform gyrus. Each region can
Network Construction Having decided to under- then be represented as a node in the brain network.
take a network analysis, we most likely have a neuroim- A map that segregates the many voxels of a neuroim-
aging data set in hand and are faced with the question aging data set into regions of interest or network nodes
of how to extract a network from it. To do that, we must is referred to as a parcellation. There are two basic types
define what a network actually is. A network can be of parcellations: (1) those based on neuroanatomy and
defined in mathematical terms as a graph G composed cytoarchitectonics and (2) those based on data-driven
of N nodes, which represent brain regions and E edges clustering methods. In applying a parcellation to neu-
between those nodes that represent region-to-region roimaging data, our goal is to choose areas of the
relationships. The use of the term graph here differs brain that can be treated as separate units in the brain
from the common usage depicting a visual representa- system (Butts, 2009), where “separate” can be defined
tion of data on axes. Instead, in network science the in many different ways: functionally, structurally, or
term graph often refers to the join-the-dots pattern of anatomically.
connections (edges) between nodes. Neuroanatomical parcellations define brain regions
To construct a brain graph, we must choose how to based on the underlying neuroanatomy. The set of
subdivide the brain into network nodes (or brain Brodmann areas is an example of a neuroanatomical
regions) and how to define the edges (or interactions) parcellation, in which each brain region is comprised
between those nodes. The choice of nodes and edges of tissue with a particular cytoarchitecture—that is, a
in the extraction of brain networks from neuroimaging particular arrangement and appearance of stained neu-
data varies widely, and the question of whether a single ronal cell bodies, when slices of brain tissue are viewed
most appropriate choice exists remains under debate under a microscope (Brodmann, 1909). A network that
(Bassett & Bullmore, 2009; Bullmore & Bassett, 2011; uses Brodmann areas as network nodes can be used to
Bullmore & Sporns, 2009; Bullmore et al., 2009). probe the relationship between relatively large brain
areas such as dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (area 46),
Types of brain networks In some cases, the choice of primary motor cortex (area 4), and the fusiform gyrus
node and edge definition depends upon the type (area 37). Other parcellations that are similar in spirit
of network under study. In general, there are two types include the Automated Anatomical Labeling atlas, the
of brain networks. Functional brain networks are con- Harvard-Oxford atlas, and the LONI Probabilistic Brain
structed from functional neuroimaging data (e.g., Atlas. A key advantage of using neuroanatomical parcel-
functional MRI, electroencephalography, or magneto- lations to define network nodes is that they enable neu-
encephalography), and network edges represent the robiological interpretation and simplify group-based
functional or effective connectivity patterns between interpretations and comparisons.
brain areas. Structural brain networks are constructed Connectivity-based parcellations define brain regions
from diffusion-based neuroimaging data (e.g., diffusion based on data-driven clustering methods that isolate
tensor imaging or diffusion spectrum imaging) and sets of voxels with similar functional or structural prop-
network edges represent the “hard-wired” white matter erties. The functional parcellation of Power et al.

bassett and lynall: network methods to characterize brain structure 937

(2011) is an example of a connectivity-based parcella- the hand motor cortex. Second, the choice of a parcel-
tion in which each brain region is composed of voxels lation scheme can alter the observed network structure.
that show similar neurophysiological activity as mea- As a simple example, consider region size. When we use
sured by fMRI. The resultant network can be used to a parcellation scheme with relatively small nodes, we
probe the interactions between functionally distinct will be probing the network structure of the brain at a
areas in a given task, and these areas may or may not higher resolution than if we used a parcellation scheme
adhere to cytoarchitectonic boundaries. Connectivity- with relatively large nodes (Bassett, Brown, Deshpande,
based parcellations have also been derived from Carlson, & Grafton, 2011; Bassett et al., 2010; Meunier,
diffusion imaging scans by clustering white matter Lambiotte, Fornito, Ersche, & Bullmore, 2009; Zalesky
tractography data (e.g., Cloutman & Lambon Ralph, et al., 2010). While several studies have demonstrated
2012; Gorbach et al., 2011; Perrin et al., 2008; Roca, that qualitative features of network organization are
Rivière, Guevara, Poupon, & Mangin, 2009). In com- relatively immune to changes in parcellation scheme
parison to the neuroanatomical parcellations, the con- (Bassett, Brown et al., 2011; de Reus & Heuvel, 2013;
nectivity-based parcellations provide a unique window Wang et al., 2009), quantitative properties of networks
into individual differences in brain structure and func- (to be discussed in the next section) and biological
tion, which can empower the search for biological interpretations are necessarily altered.
underpinnings of connectivity while somewhat compli-
cating group comparisons. Edge choice: Structural and functional connectivity To
After choosing a parcellation, we must choose how to characterize the relationships or edges between network
apply that parcellation to the neuroimaging data set at nodes, we must define a type of interaction between
hand. In the context of a functional imaging scan, we brain areas. Two basic types of edges are commonly
detect a time-varying signal (or “time course”) from used: (1) those that estimate the “hard-wired” anatomi-
each voxel (or three-dimensional pixel) in the brain. cal connectivity between brain regions and (2) those
The activity of all voxels within the region can be aver- that estimate the functional coherence or real-time
aged together to create representative regional time interactions between brain regions. The goal of these
courses (Achard, Salvador, Whitcher, Suckling, & Bull- approaches is to define a single consistent type of inter-
more, 2006). However, it is possible that by averaging action between brain regions from which to construct
time series together, we lose important information a single type of network (Butts, 2009). Networks with
about signal variability within a region. Alternative multiple types of links are referred to as multiplex net-
approaches include calculating the median regional works (e.g., Bianconi, 2013; Mucha, Richardson, Macon,
activity or the first principal component of the activ- Porter, & Onnela, 2010), but these are rarely used in
ity—that is, a single representative signal that accounts neuroimaging studies.
for as much as possible of the variability in the signals An anatomical edge can be defined by the existence
from all the included voxels. In the context of a struc- of a white matter tract connecting brain region i to
tural imaging scan, the white matter tracts terminating brain region j. This edge could either be given a binary
in a single region are treated identically, and so the value (e.g., 1 if a tract exists between region i and region
“strength” of a structural connection is simply propor- j and 0 if a tract does not exist) or a continuous value
tional to the number of detected tracts that connect the (e.g., the number of tracts that exist between region i
two brain regions (Hagmann et al., 2008). An alterna- and region j). Alternatively, anatomical edges can be
tive method, which avoids the difficulty and arbitrari- represented by the mean fractional anisotropy or mag-
ness of making either/or decisions about whether tracts netization transfer ratio (a proxy for myelination) along
near boundaries end in one particular area or another, a tract or set of tracts between regions (Hagmann et al.,
is to weight tracts according to their spatial placement. 2008; van den Heuvel, Mandl, Stam, Kahn, & Hulshoff
To quantify the connections to a given region, tracts Pol, 2010). Anatomical edges are used to represent the
located close to the center of mass of tract termination information transmission capabilities between large-
points within that region could be more heavily scale brain regions (Sporns, 2010).
weighted than tracts located farther away. A functional edge can be defined by coherent oscil-
What is the effect of node choice on network studies? latory activity in region i and region j, putatively repre-
First, the definition of any particular node affects how senting communication (Fries, 2005). This edge could
one can interpret changes in that node’s network prop- either be given a binary value (e.g., 1 if the coherence
erties. If we have defined a node to be the entire primary between region i and region j is statistically significant
motor cortex, we must interpret changes in that node and 0 if it is not) or a continuous value (e.g., the mag-
differently than if we had defined the node to be only nitude of the coherence between region i and region

938 advances in methodology

j). Alternatively, functional edges can be defined based been performed, which significantly increases the
on any statistical relationship between regional time chances of type I (false-positive) errors.
series (David, Cosmelli, & Friston, 2004; Dawson, Cha, Several multiple-comparison correction methods for
Lewis, Mendola, & Shmuel, 2013; Gates & Molenaar, these errors, such as Bonferroni and false discovery rate
2012; Smith et al., 2011; Watanabe et al., 2013); exam- (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995), have been proffered
ples include mutual information, synchronization likeli- (e.g., Achard et al., 2006; Bassett, Wymbs, et al., 2011),
hood, and partial correlation. A common choice in although some argue that these approaches are too
fMRI networks is the Pearson correlation (Zalesky, stringent for network-based analyses (Fornito, Zalesky,
Fornito, & Bullmore, 2012). If two brain areas have & Breakspear, 2013). A false-positive correction in
similar activity—however that is defined—network which edges are retained if their p values are less than
approaches assume that they are in some way function- 1/N, where N is the number of nodes in the network,
ally linked. These edges are taken to reflect functional may be a suitable compromise (e.g., Bassett, Meyer-
interactions such as information transfer, coordination, Lindenberg, Weinberger, Coppola, & Bullmore, 2009;
or shared processing (Bassett & Bullmore, 2009; Bull- Lynall et al., 2010).
more & Bassett, 2011; Bullmore & Sporns, 2009). In a second approach, we do not perform any statisti-
cal thresholding on the edge weights. Instead, we study
Probing Network Structure After defining the the entire network (inclusive of the noise), and then
nodes and edges of a network, we can begin to probe compare that network structure to null models that
the organization of that network to better understand have been constructed to account for one or more
its structure and, to some extent, its function (Butts, sources of noise (Bassett, Porter, et al., 2013). For
2009; Proulx, Promislow, & Phillips, 2005). Two key example, we can construct a null model for functional
issues inform our next steps: statistical noise in the data brain networks by creating surrogate time series that
and the presence of multiple scales of interest in the maintain the mean, variance, and autocorrelation of
network. In the recent literature, several methods have the original signal. By comparing the real brain network
been proposed to address each of these factors, and to this null model, we can identify features of the
here we briefly review these approaches. network that cannot simply be accounted for by linear
properties of the time series. A critical area of ongoing
Statistical noise In empirical measurements of brain research is the development of more sophisticated null
activity and anatomy, noise affects our confidence in the models that seek to account for more complicated
estimated strength of edges in both anatomical and structure in biological networks such as growth and
functional brain networks. In a functional network, development, temporal dynamics, and physical embed-
should we treat two regions as connected if their activity ding of the network inside of the skull (Bassett, Porter,
profiles are correlated with a Pearson’s r of 0.01? Or in et al., 2013; Klimm, Bassett, Carlson, & Mucha, 2013;
an anatomical network, should we treat two regions as Sporns, 2006).
being connected if they are linked by a single stream-
line, as estimated by white matter tractography algo- Multiscale structure In studying many complex systems,
rithms? Answers to these questions depend on our we often try to isolate a single level of the system and
understanding of the noise present in the data. Noise study it intently in the hopes of gaining an intuition for
in these data sets can stem from biological, measure- how the system works. However, for most systems this is
ment, or data-processing sources or a complicated com- a simplification that often costs us understanding.
bination of all three. Complex systems often display multiscale structure, or
To maximize the power to detect neurophysiologi- nontrivial organization, across different scales. The
cally relevant connectivity patterns, two main solutions brain is no exception, having intricate architectures
have been proposed. In one approach, we can test the that exist and processes that occur across a range of
statistical significance of each edge in the network, and spatial, temporal, and topological network scales
then remove statistically nonsignificant edges from the (Siebenhuhner & Bassett, 2013).
network by setting their value to 0. We then study the The presence of multiscale structure in the brain
organization of the remaining (statistically significant) constrains the types of methods that we can use to study
edges. This approach is often utilized in the context of brain networks. An important example of multiscale
functional networks. If edges are defined by statistical architecture lies in the spatial distribution of edges,
similarities in regional brain time series, the signifi- which shows different organizational features depend-
cance of the elements of the resulting connectivity ing on whether the edges are strong versus weak or
matrix is affected by the large number of tests that have short versus long, and on whether they connect regions

bassett and lynall: network methods to characterize brain structure 939

Cumulative thresholding

Density: 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
10% strongest 90% strongest
edges retained edges retained

Windowed thresholding

Density: 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

20% strongest 20% weakest
edges retained edges retained

Figure 79.2 Probing multiscale architecture in network above a certain weight value or threshold. Windowed thresh-
edge weights. Multiscale structure in a weighted network (left) olding (bottom) is the procedure whereby a connectivity
can be probed using thresholding techniques. Cumulative matrix is separated into a set of graphs that contain edges
thresholding (top) is the procedure whereby a connectivity whose weight values lie within a given weight range or window
matrix is separated into a set of graphs that contain edges (Bassett et al., 2012; Schwarz & McGonigle, 2011).

that are within versus between hemispheres (e.g., sparse graphs and large weight ranges produce dense
Bassett, Nelson, Mueller, Camchong, & Lim, 2012; Her- graphs.
mundstad et al., 2013). Simple binary networks (where Cumulative and windowed thresholding techniques
edges are treated as either present or absent) and non- can provide insight into the multiscale nature of a
embedded networks (where edge locations in the brain network’s connectivity patterns, embedded in edge
are ignored) necessarily neglect this multiscale struc- weights. The windowed thresholding approach has the
ture, and in doing so dismiss potentially important bio- advantage of isolating the network structure of strong
logical signatures present in the data. versus weak edge weights. Strong edges can provide
For simplicity, we will use the remainder of this sub- insight into the organization of energetically costly links
section to discuss the role of edge strength in multiscale in anatomical brain networks and of heavily utilized
brain structure. To study the network topology (the coordination links in functional brain networks. Weak
arrangement of the elements in a network) and puta- edges, while technically less significant according to
tive biological utility of edge strength, we can probe some statistical tests (Achard et al., 2006), can imply
weighted networks (where edges maintain estimated strongly correlated network states (Schneidman, Berry,
strengths) using a variety of thresholding techniques. Segev, & Bialek, 2006) and can distinguish diseased
Cumulative thresholding is the procedure whereby a network structures in schizophrenia (Bassett et al.,
family of graphs is created from a single connectivity 2012). Observed weak correlations between regional
matrix; each graph in the family contains edges above activity could be driven at least in part by the variability
a certain weight value or threshold (see figure 79.2, of neuronal activity signals, which plays an important
top). The threshold for each graph in the family is role in cognitive function (Misic, Mills, Taylor, &
unique, and specifies the density of edges in the graph: McIntosh, 2010), development (McIntosh et al., 2010),
small values of the threshold produce dense graphs and and recovery from injury (Raja Beharelle, Kovacevic,
large values of the threshold produce sparse graphs. McIntosh, & Levine, 2012).
Windowed thresholding is the procedure whereby a
different family of graphs is created; each graph in the Generating Network Diagnostics A network
family contains edges whose weight values lie within a “diagnostic” is simply a named measurement used to
given weight range or window (see figure 79.2, bottom; describe a network’s properties. These properties can
Bassett et al., 2012; Schwarz & McGonigle, 2011). The then be compared across different networks. For
width of the weight range specifies the density of each example, a patient’s network diagnostics can be com-
graph in the family: small weight ranges produce pared with those of a healthy participant; or a human

940 advances in methodology

brain network can be compared to a worm neuronal entire graph, mesoscale diagnostics characterize the
network, to see whether the properties captured by that organization of groups of nodes. For example, core-
diagnostic are shared by neural systems in different periphery diagnostics enable us to uncover a core of
species (Bassett et al., 2010). densely and mutually interconnected nodes and a
Network diagnostics are not quantities like mass, periphery of sparsely connected nodes (see figure
entropy, or replication rate that a priori have a clear 79.1C.3, left; Borgatti & Everett, 1999; Rombach, Porter,
physical meaning. Instead, they are mathematical defi- Fowler, & Mucha, 2012). Core-periphery organization
nitions that formalize architectural concepts specific to might confer robustness to the brain’s structural core
network science (Newman, 2010). As an outsider, this (van den Heuvel & Sporns, 2011) and enable a balance
jargon can at times make the field seem impenetrable. between stability and adaptivity in brain dynamics
However, upon closer inspection, many diagnostics (Bassett, Wymbs, et al., 2013). Modularity is another
capture an intuitive property of interconnected systems type of mesoscale property in which sets of nodes form
that can often be easily interpreted in the context of densely connected subgroups (see figure 79.1C.3, right;
the brain (Rubinov & Sporns, 2009; Sporns, 2010). Fortunato, 2010; Porter, Onnela, & Mucha, 2009).
Modular organization provides a natural substrate for
Local, global, and mesoscale properties We can use network the combined integration and segregation of informa-
diagnostics to study the organization of anatomical and tion processing arguably required for healthy brain
functional brain networks across spatial scales, from the function (Bullmore & Sporns, 2009).
neighborhood of the network surrounding a single Despite the changing fashions for particular diagnos-
brain area (captured using local statistics) to the archi- tics (for example, small-worldness, a buzzword of the
tecture of the entire network (captured using global early 2000s that is now falling somewhat out of favor),
statistics). A typical local diagnostic is the clustering no single diagnostic can capture all of the important
coefficient C, which relates to the likelihood that a organizational properties of networks (Newman, 2010).
node’s neighbors are connected to one another, The library of network diagnostics is continually growing
forming triangles or loops (see figure 79.1C.1). The as applied mathematicians, physicists, engineers, com-
clustering coefficient can be calculated for each node puter scientists, and others define new mathematical
separately, and then the values can be averaged across entities to capture previously unexplored patterns in
nodes to determine a mean clustering coefficient for network structure. While each diagnostic has a unique
the network. A brain-centric interpretation of the clus- mathematical definition, it is possible for several diag-
tering coefficient is that it might quantify the amount nostics to produce values that are highly correlated with
of local information segregation (Bullmore & Sporns, one another across network samples (e.g., across differ-
2009; Sporns, 2010). ent brains). A current challenge is to determine the
A typical global diagnostic is the average shortest families of network diagnostics that provide comple-
path length L. The shortest path between node i and mentary but not necessarily independent information
node j is the smallest number of edges that must be about functional and anatomical brain organization
traversed to get from node i to node j. The average (Lynall et al., 2010).
shortest path is the mean shortest path over all possible
pairs of nodes in the graph (see figure 79.1C.2). A Interpretational caveats Network diagnostics can be
brain-centric interpretation of the average shortest path intuitively interpreted in terms of information process-
length is that it might quantify the amount of global ing: high clustering can suggest that information is pro-
information integration (Bullmore & Sporns, 2009; cessed in local domains, while short path length can
Sporns, 2010). A related concept—the network effi- suggest that information is being transmitted over
ciency (Latora & Marchiori, 2001, 2003)—is also calcu- longer distances within the network. However, the bio-
lated based on shortest paths through a graph. Networks logical meaning of these interpretations requires a
with high efficiency have short path lengths and net- conceptual leap from topological to biological terms,
works with low efficiency have long path lengths. which are semantically equivalent, but not necessarily
Network efficiency has been interpreted in relation to conceptually interchangeable (Rubinov & Bassett,
the efficiency of information processing in the brain 2011). Biological efficiency, for example, has evolution-
(Achard & Bullmore, 2007; Sporns, 2010). ary implications that may not apply to network effi-
Mesoscale diagnostics (“meso-” means “middle”) ciency. More generally, such interpretations of network
capture intermediate-level properties of network orga- diagnostics require empirical validation demonstrating
nization. Rather than focusing on either the local the relationship between quantifiable estimates of
neighborhood of a node or the global structure of the information processing or biological efficiency and

bassett and lynall: network methods to characterize brain structure 941

network characteristics. Until then, a cautious interpre- calculating the area under the curve (Ginestet, Nichols,
tation of network diagnostics need not hamper the Bullmore, & Simmons, 2011). The advantage of this
utility of these approaches in prediction, classification, procedure is that we can then determine group differ-
diagnosis, and monitoring and in the study of system- ences in this value by performing a simple t-test or
level dynamics underlying cognitive function. permutation test. The disadvantage of this procedure is
that we have necessarily lost information about the
Using diagnostics to probe brain network structure We have shape of the curve. Two groups might have identical
shown how a variety of different networks could be area-under-the-curve values but quite different curve
produced from a single brain scan. The network diag- shapes. An alternative approach is to use functional
nostics generated will vary considerably, depending on data analysis, a statistical technique developed for the
whether a weighted or binary network is used, whether principled study of curves, to determine whether the
we take a cumulative or windowed thresholding shape of the curves is significantly different (Bassett
approach, and what range of connection densities we et al., 2012; Siebenhuhner, Weiss, Coppola, Weinberger,
choose to consider. For example, we can see in figure & Bassett, 2013; see figure 79.3B).
79.3A that the value of the clustering coefficient tends While network diagnostic values and curves provide
to be small for sparse graphs and large for dense graphs, insight into the organization of the network, it is the
where neighbors of a node are more likely to also be mapping of these values back to brain regions that
connected to one another (see figure 79.3A). The value enables us to make fine-grained biological interpreta-
of network efficiency shows the opposite effect: large tions of our data. Different network diagnostics can
values characterize sparse graphs and small values char- display very different spatial distributions across the
acterize dense graphs, where any pair of nodes is likely surface of the brain (see figure 79.3C). For example, in
to be connected. an early motor skill learning task (Bassett, Porter, et al.,
Given this variation, how do we choose which actual 2013; Bassett, Wymbs, et al., 2011), the clustering coef-
numbers should be used to represent a sample, when ficient is strong in the primary motor cortex and weak
it is compared to another? The characteristic curves of in visual association areas, while the network efficiency
diagnostic values as a function of graph density or displays the opposite trend. Such maps can be con-
mean edge weight provide useful signatures of brain structed for individual participants or for groups of
networks in different states (e.g., health and disease, or participants and enable us to link our results to the
various task states). We can collapse a curve extracted large body of neuroimaging literature isolating func-
from a single participant into one number by tions of individual brain regions.

A 1 2 B 1 C
Clustering coefficient
Group 1
lo610 (Network efficiency)

Clustering coefficient

Clustering coefficient

Group 2 57.5
0.5 1 0.5

Network efficiency

Area 21.2

0 0 0 9.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Density Density

Figure 79.3 Using diagnostics to probe brain network struc- used to determine whether the area between the two curves
ture. (A) Clustering coefficient (left y-axis, black) and network is significant in comparison to a null model. (C) Area under
efficiency (right y-axis, light gray) as a function of network the clustering coefficient versus density curve (top) and the
density as estimated using cumulative thresholding tech- network efficiency versus density curve (bottom) for 112
niques. (B) Schematic of mean clustering coefficient versus regions of the brain, defined according to the Harvard-
density curves for two sets of participants: group 1 (thin, light- Oxford atlas (see Bassett, Wymbs, et al., 2011, and Bassett,
gray dashed line) and group 2 (thick, dark-gray dashed line). Porter, et al., 2013, for additional details on this data set).
Functional data analysis is a statistical framework that can be

942 advances in methodology

Experimental Design Since its inception, network of these results are surprising or groundbreaking. The
neuroscience has predominantly been exploratory results often grab the attention of the media instead
in nature. In network-based studies of the brain, because they directly address the perennial problem of
researchers are constantly fine-tuning methodological Cartesian dualism that pervades both lay and medical
approaches and isolating empirical questions that are thinking: linking the mind to the brain. Indeed, studies
amenable to these approaches. Often these studies have demonstrating brain correlates of behaviors or psychi-
included a reanalysis of previously published data, atric disease continually inform, and provoke new
which had initially been examined from a more tradi- developments in, the philosophy of mind. In addition
tional perspective. The use of previously acquired data to their philosophical appeal, network methods can
is unquestionably justified for many reasons, including also display these results in a quantitative and visually
but not limited to the use of taxpayer money for research appealing way. But do these results fundamentally
studies, the time spent by subject participants in volun- advance our understanding of how the human brain
teering for the study, the difficulty in obtaining patient works?
data, and the richness of data acquired by current neu-
roimaging techniques that cannot be mined completely Network Neuroscience as Explanation The
using a single analytic approach. These studies have growing consensus in the community is a resounding
provided extensive early validation of network methods “Yes.” Network science provides a fundamentally new
and their use in understanding the human brain. level of explanation for cognitive function. And what
However, the reanalysis of previously acquired data do we mean by an “explanation”? Among other things,
has its disadvantages. The most critical disadvantage is an explanation can (1) describe phenomena in terms
that these studies were often not conceived with net- of more fundamental and general principles, or (2)
work-based hypotheses in mind. New data acquired provide a causal history of the phenomena (Woodward,
using experimental paradigms specifically designed to 2011). Reductionist models of biological phenomena
test network hypotheses will open up entirely new fields have traditionally provided explanations of the second
of inquiry. The development of such paradigms and form (providing causal histories) but in general have
hypotheses is an important frontier in network difficulty providing explanations of the first form
neuroscience. (linking to fundamental principles). Network science,
however, provides inherently new information about
What can network approaches tell us? how the brain works in relation to general mathemati-
cal and physical principles, and it is this new informa-
Is network neuroscience an enlightening new approach tion that informs novel hypotheses, interpretations, and
to cognitive science, or is it simply an interesting intel- empirical studies.
lectual exercise for the mathematically inclined? The
empirical evidence to date strongly supports the former Shifting conceptual paradigms Network science has sup-
conclusion. ported a fundamental paradigm shift in the conceptual
The first type of evidence comes from the fact that framework that we use for neuroscientific inquiry.
network neuroscience has provided diagnostics that By placing significant weight on the importance of
display close relationships with more traditional mea- interactions, network methods stand in contrast to
surements or known quantities. For example, people other approaches focused primarily on the localization
with a variety of psychiatric and neurological diseases of cognitive functions to specific brain areas through
have differently connected brains than people who are the study of local brain activity. Instead, the princi-
healthy (Bassett & Bullmore, 2009). When people pled investigation of time-dependent communication
perform different tasks, their brain regions interact dif- between brain regions, facilitated by network methods,
ferently, leading to alterations in network diagnostics has enabled the discovery and description of both
(e.g., (Bassett, Meyer-Lindenberg, Achard, Duke, & intrinsic (the default mode network; Snyder & Raichle,
Bullmore, 2006). Over both long and short time scales, 2012) and extrinsic connectivity phenomena.
from years (Meunier, Achard, Morcom, & Bullmore,
2008) to days and minutes (Bassett, Wymbs, et al., Revealing organizational principles Network science can
2011), the brain changes in how different regions inter- be used to uncover organizational principles of complex
act with each other. As your behavior changes, so do systems. As an example, consider the use of network
your brain networks (Reijmer et al., 2013). science in the identification of evolutionary and meta-
Together, these results provide important validation bolic constraints on brain structure (Bassett et al., 2010;
of the network approach to neuroscience. But not all Bullmore & Sporns, 2012). By studying network

bassett and lynall: network methods to characterize brain structure 943

architecture present in natural organisms, from human (Bassett et al., 2012; Vaishnavi et al., 2010) and genetic
to worm, we can infer fundamental principles of brain phenomena (e.g., Esslinger et al., 2009; Fornito et al.,
organization, such as cost-efficiency in network organi- 2011). Determining the role of molecular and cellular
zation (Bullmore & Sporns, 2012), and posit their alter- dynamics in large-scale network neuroscience is critical
ation in disease states (Vértes et al., 2012). Extracting for a mechanistic understanding of brain development
these guiding principles is of critical importance in and function.
building an expanded theoretical neuroscience, and is • Network-based prediction. Network approaches
a necessary complement to the accrual of increasingly provide novel possibilities for classification and predic-
detailed accounts of specific brain areas, pathways, and tion. Machine learning, mathematical modeling, and
molecules. statistical analyses have shown promise in predicting
brain state (e.g., Richiardi, Eryilmaz, Schwartz, Vuil-
Distilling mechanisms of disease In addition to uncover- leumier, & Van De Ville, 2011), disease progression
ing organizational principles in the healthy brain, (e.g., Raj, Kuceyeski, & Weiner, 2012), and potential
network neuroscience has provided new insights into receptivity to neurorehabilitation efforts (Bassett,
the mechanisms of disease. In Alzheimer’s disease, for Wymbs, et al., 2011, 2013).
example, regions of dense functional connectivity (also • Network approaches to behavior, perception, and
known as network hubs) correspond to areas of greatest evolution. Applications of network methods outside of
plaque deposition (Buckner et al., 2009). In contrast to neuroimaging could provide important insights into
descriptions of plaque density from non-systems cognitive function. For example, the network concept
approaches, these results from network science suggest of community structure has been used to capture the
a disease mechanism: high metabolic function, infor- organization of human movements (e.g., Wymbs,
mation processing, and structural connectivity in brain Bassett, Mucha, Porter, & Grafton, 2012), the temporal
network hubs might augment the pathological cascade relationships between concepts (e.g., Schapiro, Rogers,
in Alzheimer’s disease. Network neuroscience methods Cordova, Turk-Browne, & Botvinick, 2013), and the
have also played a primary role in our growing under- genetic interactions underlying cellular machines
standing of schizophrenia as a brain-wide pathology, impacting on neural function (e.g., Conaco et al.,
characterized by extensive dysconnectivity rather than 2012).
localized abnormal activity (Fornito, Zalesky, Pantelis,
& Bullmore, 2012). Even in the context of stroke, Together, these frontiers promise important progress in
network methods have been used to show that com- our understanding of cognitive function, its neurophys-
munication pathways are altered far from the lesioned iological and genetic underpinnings, and its relation-
site (Crofts et al., 2011), illustrating the wide-ranging ship to behavior.
possible uses of network methods in the study of both As with any young field, the scientific excitement of
localized injury and distributed disease. network neuroscience is paired with its growing pains.
First, it is not always clear how to translate the findings
Network Neuroscience as a Young Field Despite of network neuroscience to the clinic, be that in the
these exciting recent advances, network neuroscience development of antipsychotic drugs or in the rehabilita-
is still a very young field, and many challenges remain. tion of injured patients. Progress in this area requires
Particularly salient frontiers evident in the recent litera- further advances in clinical systems neuroscience.
ture include the following: Second, sources of noise in specific subject populations
(e.g., movement in adolescents or in people with schizo-
• Network dynamics. The human brain is a dynamic phrenia) can produce network signatures, which if not
system (Deco, Jirsa, & McIntosh, 2011) underpinning adequately corrected for can lead to the inaccurate
the complexities of cognitive function. The extension identification of group differences in network struc-
of network methods to characterize the temporal ture. Indeed, the identification and understanding of
changes in putative communication patterns in the individual differences in brain connectivity will be an
brain is necessary to understand the constantly evolving important area of growth in the coming years. Third,
nature of cognition (Allen et al., 2014; Bassett, Wymbs, some network diagnostics and concepts can appear to
et al., 2011; Kramer et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2012). be fads: small-worldness and power-law degree distribu-
• Neurophysiological and genetic drivers of network tions were of great interest until it was shown that most
organization. The brain networks that we observe are real-world networks are small-world and power-law
driven by lower-level physiological processes (e.g., degree distributions do not necessarily imply a specific

944 advances in methodology

underlying mechanism (e.g., criticality; Stumpf &
Porter, 2012). Finally, simple network representations Box 79.2: Toolboxes and Helpful Code
of complex systems like the brain necessarily abstract • The Brain Connectivity Toolbox is a MATLAB
away many potentially important biological details: toolbox for network characterization (Rubinov &
nodes are not all identical, but instead have different Sporns, 2009).
structural and functional properties (e.g., Hermunds- • The UCLA Multimodal Connectivity Package is a
set of Python programs used to calculate connectivity
tad et al., 2013). A critical effort in the coming years
metrics from a variety of neuroimaging modalities
will be to extend network representations to take into (Brown, 2013).
account these inter-regional differences to create more • Netwiki contains shared data and code for network
biologically realistic models of this complex data. analysis, including methods for dynamic community
Despite these growing pains, network science is a detection (Mucha, 2013).
• Statnet is a suite of packages for statistical network
vibrant, rapidly growing field that brings with it excep-
analysis, focusing especially on exponential random
tional promise for both empirical and theoretical graph models, which test hypotheses about the pro-
neuroscience. cesses that might have led to the generation of a par-
ticular network you have identified (Handcock et al.,
Conclusion 2013).
• NetworkX is a Python package with a large user-
base focused on the creation, manipulation, and study
In this chapter, we have discussed why network methods of complex networks (Hagberg, Schult, & Swart, 2013).
provide an interesting approach to the study of neuro- • Pajek is a Windows package that supports the
scientific problems in general. The promise, challenges, decomposition, analysis, and visualization of large net-
and controversies of network neuroscience make it an works (Batagelj & Mrvar, 2013).
exciting area, ripe for rapid progress, and crying out • There are multiple options for visualizing static,
dynamic (changing over time), and even interactive
for new minds. To encourage you to dive in, we have brain networks. These include Graphviz (or RGraphviz
provided a list of reviews and resources to explore in in R; Bilgin et al., 2013), igraph (Csardi & Nepusz,
Box 79.1 and a list of helpful toolboxes in Box 79.2. We 2013), gephi (Bastian, Heymann, & Jacomy, 2013), d3
hope that these tools will be of use to you as you walk (Bostock, 2013), and helpful user contributions on
the paths of methodological innovation and scientific MATLAB’s File Exchange (
• Sometimes there is no substitute for writing your
own code.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Brian Wandell for helpful com-
ments on earlier versions of the manuscript.

Achard, S., & Bullmore, E. (2007). Efficiency and cost of
Box 79.1: Reviews and Resources economical brain functional networks. PLoS Comput Biol, 3,
• Several reviews address the general techniques Achard, S., Salvador, R., Whitcher, B., Suckling, J., &
used in applying network science to neuroscience data: Bullmore, E. (2006). A resilient, low-frequency, small-
Bassett and Bullmore (2006); Reijneveld, Ponten, world human brain functional network with highly con-
Berendse, and Stam (2007); Bullmore and Sporns nected association cortical hubs. J Neurosci, 26(1), 63–72.
(2009); He and Evans (2010); Bullmore and Bassett Allen, E. A., Damaraju, E., Plis, S. M., Erhardt, E. B.,
(2011); Wig, Schlaggar, and Petersen (2011); Sporns Eichele, T., & Calhoun, V. D. (2014). Tracking whole-
(2011); Kaiser (2011); Bullmore and Sporns (2012); brain connectivity dynamics in the resting state. Cereb Cortex,
Sporns (2012); Stam and Straaten (2012); Sporns 24(3), 663–676.
(2012). Bassett, D. S., Brown, J. A., Deshpande, V., Carlson, J. M.,
• A smaller number of reviews focus on network & Grafton, S. T. (2011). Conserved and variable architec-
applications in disease: Bassett and Bullmore (2009); ture of human white matter connectivity. NeuroImage, 54(2),
He, Chen, Gong, and Evans (2009); Xie and He (2011); 1262–1279.
Fornito et al. (2012). Bassett, D. S., & Bullmore, E. T. (2006). Small-world brain
• Networks: An Introduction is an excellent network networks. Neuroscientist, 12, 512–523.
science textbook (Newman, 2010). Bassett, D. S., & Bullmore, E. T. (2009). Human brain
• Networks of the Brain is a wonderful book about the networks in health and disease. Curr Opin Neurol, 22(4),
application of network science to neuroscience (Sporns, 340–347.
2010). Bassett, D. S., Greenfield, D. L., Meyer-Lindenberg, A.,
Weinberger, D. R., Moore, S., & Bullmore, E. (2010).

bassett and lynall: network methods to characterize brain structure 945

Efficient physical embedding of topologically complex Butts, C. T. (2009). Revisiting the foundations of network
information processing networks in brains and computer analysis. Science, 325(5939), 414–416.
circuits. PLoS Comput Biol, 6(4), e1000748. Cloutman, L. L., & Lambon Ralph, M. A. (2012). Connec-
Bassett, D. S., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Achard, S., Duke, T., tivity-based structural and functional parcellation of the
& Bullmore, E. (2006). Adaptive reconfiguration of fractal human cortex using diffusion imaging and tractography.
small-world human brain functional networks. Proc Natl Front Neuroanat, 6(34).
Acad Sci USA, 103, 19518–19523. Conaco, C., Bassett, D. S., Zhou, H., Arcila, M. L., Degnan,
Bassett, D. S., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Weinberger, D. R., S. M., Degnan, B. M., … Kosik, K. S. (2012). Functionaliza-
Coppola, R., & Bullmore, E. (2009). Cognitive fitness of tion of a protosynaptic gene expression network. Proc Natl
cost-efficient brain functional networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci Acad Sci USA, 109(Suppl. 1), 10612–10618.
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948 advances in methodology

80 Using Computational Models to
Understand Robustness and Variability
in Nervous Systems

ABSTRACT Computational models of neurons allow us to is that the basic principles generalize: given appropriate
understand how cellular components interact to generate experimental measurements, this model and its more
neuronal activity. Model activity, and consequently model elaborate cousins that include additional currents can
explanatory power, depends on model parameter values. How
do we choose parameters for neuron models in a principled
describe the excitable electrical behavior of all types of
way? Some parameters (such as neuronal resting potential or neurons in any nervous system (Armstrong & Hille,
average spiking rate) can be estimated directly from experi- 1998).
mental data; however, many other parameters (such as density Experimental work over many decades has revealed
of ion channels in the neuronal membrane) cannot be con- how other components of neurons and networks, such
strained easily unless they are explicitly measured. More
as synapses, dendrites, and other membrane conduc-
importantly, many parameters in biological systems are highly
variable, so even with careful measurements it is inaccurate tances, operate in quantitative terms. With modern
to represent a distribution of measured values with a single imaging and electrophysiological and molecular tech-
model parameter value. Here, we describe several techniques niques, it is becoming possible to obtain data in living
to overcome these problems in the context of conductance- nervous systems from the level of individual biochemi-
based neuron models. Rather than building one, representa-
cal reactions to the activity patterns in large neural
tive model, we construct a family of models, each with
parameters drawn from a distribution of values based on circuits. Similarly, computer power is increasing at a
experimental observations. From this population, we select rate that makes detailed simulations of these phenom-
those models that match observed activity and discard the ena possible (Alivisatos et al., 2012; de Schutter,
rest. Overall, the techniques we describe result in computer Ekeberg, Kotaleski, Achard, & Lansner, 2005; Markram,
models that explicitly capture the variability observed in 2006). Even with these advances, a major challenge
neurons and overcome the problem of manually choosing
parameters for these models. when building neuron models is turning experimental
measurements into appropriate model parameters.
To fully understand nervous system function, we need Thus, in principle, we can construct biologically real-
to build quantitative models that incorporate experi- istic models of neuronal networks as a means of under-
mentally measured properties of neurons and networks. standing nervous system function at any level of detail
Models allow us to understand how different compo- that can be accessed experimentally. In practice, it is
nents and processes interact to generate emergent not possible to fully estimate all the parameters of a
behavior and therefore provide a means of articulating neural system by experimental observation because
and testing theories of how nervous systems work. The even for a single neuron a detailed model can have tens
most famous example of this is the Hodgkin-Huxley or even hundreds of parameters representing morphol-
model of action potential generation in the squid giant ogy, channel densities, and the kinetics of the resulting
axon (Hodgkin & Huxley, 1952). This model explains membrane conductances. In addition, when attempt-
how action potentials, or “spikes,” in neurons are gener- ing to estimate values of model parameters from experi-
ated by an interaction between two different membrane mental data, one finds that the measured values are
currents, a fast inward (depolarizing) sodium current widely variable, even in neurons with virtually identical
and a slower outward (hyperpolarizing) potassium overall behavior (Marder & Goaillard, 2006). We
current. As is the case with all good models, its power emphasize that, in this context, these differences
are not due to measurement error; they represent
genuine biological differences. For example, figure
*These authors contributed equally to this work. 80.1 shows measurements of membrane currents in two

kispersky, o’leary, and marder: understand robustness and variability 949

anatomically and functionally equivalent cells taken Membrane potential
from the crustacean nervous system (Schulz, Goaillard,
& Marder, 2006). In this example, the overall behavior
of the two neurons is indistinguishable in spite of large
differences in three of the underlying membrane
currents. Cell 1 Cell 2
Observations such as those in figure 80.1 also place
us in a practical predicament as modelers. First, neuro- Membrane conductances
nal systems have a large number of parameters, making
simultaneous measurement of all parameters in a single
preparation unfeasible. Second, even when experimen-
tal error is taken into account, the measurements of
subsets of parameters are highly variable, and we do not
typically know how all the parameters covary. There
are at least three approaches to dealing with this Cell 1 Cell 2
Membrane conductances
(multiple cells)
1. adopt a “representative” value for each param-
eter, for example, the mean of the experimental
2. use the experimental values as “initial guesses” of
the model parameters, then search parameter space to
find values that are in some sense “optimal.” For
example, optimal parameters might be sought on the
basis of close agreement between the overall behavior
of the model and behavior of the system observed
3. treat the model parameters as a distribution that
can vary among different versions of the model. In this
approach, we construct a family of models rather than a
single model, then either systematically vary each
Figure 80.1 Recordings from multiple cells reveal biologi-
parameter over the observed range or randomly sample
cal variability. Top: Current-clamp recordings of spontaneous
within that range. bursting activity from a lateral pyloric (LP) neuron from the
Cancer borealis stomatogastric ganglion. Each animal has one
The third approach is the only one that explicitly cap- LP neuron. The LP neuron produces periodic bursts. In both
tures biological variability and is therefore the most cells shown, several single-burst cycles are overlaid to show the
invariance of the burst shape over time. Across the two cells,
relevant for developing a complete understanding of
voltage behavior appears to be qualitatively similar. Middle:
biological systems (Doloc-Mihu & Calabrese, 2011; Voltage-clamp recordings of the neurons shown in (top) to
Goaillard, Taylor, Schulz, & Marder, 2009; Golowasch, measure individual K+ conductances. Traces show current
Goldman, Abbott, & Marder, 2002; Hudson & Prinz, through a single population of voltage-dependent ion chan-
2010; O’Leary, Williams, Caplan, & Marder, 2013; Prinz, nels as the membrane voltage is stepped through a range.
Billimoria, & Marder, 2003; Prinz, Bucher, & Marder, Each trace shows the current for a single voltage step. Cur-
rents recorded are the delayed rectifying K+ current (IKd), the
2004; Taylor, Goaillard, & Marder, 2009; Williams et al., Ca2+-dependent K+ current (IK[Ca]), and the A-current, the
2013). For instance, a deep question that is prompted transient K+ current (IA). The same measurements are done
by the experimental data shown above is how nervous for the second neuron (cell 2, gray). Bottom: Across animals,
systems function in spite of underlying variability in conductances have highly variable values. Each circle repre-
their components and properties (Goldman, Golowasch, sents a single animal’s conductance through a subset of chan-
nels at +15 mV. (Adapted from Schulz et al., 2006.)
Marder, & Abbott, 2001). It is important to construct
models that capture biological variability, not only as a
means of addressing this question, but as a pragmatic
and principled way of deciding whether or not a model
accurately describes the underlying population of

950 advances in methodology

Shortcomings of using unique parameter sets A

g max(mS/cm 2)
in models 300
1 200
Figure 80.2 (Golowasch et al., 2002) shows the behavior
of a computational model of a single cell with several
different types of conductances, including a fast sodium
(Na+) conductance and a slower, delayed-rectifier K+
conductance (Kd). Three different parameter sets are 400

g max (mS/cm 2)
used to generate three different models (figure 80.2A, 300
left panels 1–3). Each parameter set has distinct values 2 200
of the Na+ and Kd conductances (figure 80.2A, right 100
panels 1–3). These values were chosen to lie in an 0
experimentally determined range. The behavior of the
model is very similar in all three cases, in spite of large

g max (mS/cm 2)
variation in these two conductances. Significantly, when
a model is constructed from the average values of both 300

conductances, its behavior changes and no longer 200

matches that of all the models used to compute the 100

averages (figure 80.2B). 0

gNa gKd (× 4)
There are two important lessons to take from this

30 mV
simple example. First, very different underlying param-
eters can produce very similar model behavior. This 200 ms
means that the task of choosing an “optimal” set of
parameters based on overall behavior does not have a B
well-defined solution (i.e., there are multiple solutions 400

g max(mS/cm 2 )
that generate a given behavior). In other words, a con- 300
sequence of neuronal variability is that many different 200
parameter combinations can produce functioning 100
neurons. Second, the average parameter values can give 0
qualitatively different behavior to three examples gNa gKd (× 4)
chosen within the experimental bounds. This indicates Figure 80.2 Different parameter combinations can produce
that the average parameter values are not necessarily equivalent model behavior. (A) Each row (1–3) shows a dif-
represented biologically in any single cell. ferent set of parameters for the same model neuron. Sample
This prompts caution in adopting strategies (1) and activity traces (left column) are qualitatively similar for each
(2) and suggests that model parameters might not be model (inset: expanded view of a single-spike burst, scale bar:
50 ms). The individual conductance values for the sodium
best described by single numerical values. Strategy (3)
and delayed-rectifier potassium conductances vary substan-
avoids this problem and allows us to address interesting tially over the three different models. (B) A model that uses
biological questions, such as how sensitive a biological the average values (right column) of the conductances used
system is to variation in specific parameters or how the in (A). The model does not produce the same qualitative
parameters might covary to give a particular global behavior observed in all three models in (A). Specifically, this
model has multiple spikes for each burst (left panel, inset:
behavior (Marder & Taylor, 2011). However, working
expanded view, scale bar: 50 ms). (Adapted from Golowasch
with populations of models introduces technical prob- et al., 2002.)
lems, most notably the computing power required to
run many instances of a model rather than a single
instance. We illustrate these concepts with single-cell clamp and current clamp recordings, from which we
examples; however, the methods are quite general and can estimate a subset of the biophysical parameters,
can be used for entire networks. such as the properties of different ionic conductances.
Across multiple cells, we would obtain a range of values
Capturing parameter variability using for each parameter that would provide an estimate of
families of models the mean value and the spread of this biological feature.
If we have a large number of data points, we can infer
Suppose we want to build a model neuron using experi- something of the shape of the distribution of parame-
mental data. The data consist of intracellular voltage- ters. For example, we may be able to infer a covariance

kispersky, o’leary, and marder: understand robustness and variability 951

Experimental data Modeling
Neuron properties Model parameters Example model behavior
(randomly chosen parameters)
Max. conductance (µS)

Random sampling Systematic sampling

gKA gNa gKCa

{Parameter set 1}

Neuron behavior
{Parameter set n}

Figure 80.3 Procedure for generating populations of model randomly sampling, parameter values are drawn according to
neurons. Left: Maximal conductance measurements from the probability distributions estimated from the experimental
hypothetical experiments are taken (black circles). These data (dotted lines). When systematically sampling, parameter
measurements allow the estimation of the distributions of values are drawn at regular intervals and all possible combina-
each property in the population (vertical curves; gray arrows tions of the intervals are used. Right: Resulting models are
indicate sample means; sample points fit with Gaussians). simulated. Many resulting neuron models have qualitatively
Below, the output of an example neuron shows periodic burst- similar bursting behavior to what is observed experimentally
ing behavior, which is typical in this type of neuron (scale bar: (rows 1, 3, 4). However, one of the neurons shows tonic
100 ms). Middle: Each model in the population is created spiking behavior (box), highlighting that different qualitative
either by randomly sampling the parameter space (left) or by behaviors are possible from these parameters (scale bar:
systematically sampling the space on a grid (right). When 100 ms).

structure and then sample from distributions that pre- exponential in the number of parameters. It is easy to
serve covariance (such as multidimensional Gaussian see that regardless of how powerful our computing
distributions with the same covariance). resources are, we only need to add a few parameters
We can then construct a family of models in one of before the simulation becomes impractical or unfeasi-
two ways, as illustrated in figure 80.3. We can randomly ble. For example, suppose it takes 1 second to simulate
sample the measured parameter distributions, choosing a population with 10 parameters. Each additional
values over the experimentally observed range—we parameter increases the simulation time 10-fold, so
refer to this as the random sampling method. Alterna- simulating this same population with 11 parameters
tively, we can systematically vary each parameter inde- would take 10 seconds, while a simulation with 20
pendently over the observed range using prespecified parameters takes 1010 seconds, or 317 years.
intervals. We call the latter approach systematic sampling Even single-neuron models can easily require tens of
(or “grid” sampling). parameters, so the curse of dimensionality is very real,
Systematic/grid sampling is attractive because it especially when one considers larger-scale simulations
explicitly traces the dependence of model behavior as of networks of neurons. Yet it is nonetheless possible to
each parameter is varied and will generate all combina- obtain useful information on how underlying parame-
tions of parameter values over the chosen intervals ter variability contributes to model behavior using
(Prinz et al., 2003). For example, we might be inter- random sampling in place of systematic sampling
ested in how the firing rate of a neuron changes as Na+ (Sobie, 2009; Taylor et al., 2009). While random sam-
conductance is increased (for examples, see below) for pling is never guaranteed to cover specific combina-
all possible combinations of other parameters. However, tions of parameters, finding how the behavior of the
the disadvantage of this approach is that it suffers from models depends on the distribution of parameters is
the so-called curse of dimensionality. Suppose we have not subject to the curse of dimensionality. This is
N different parameters and we want to vary each over because the computational cost of a single simulation
the experimentally observed range. If we wish to sample is fixed (it can of course, be significant); however, the
each parameter at M distinct values, then the total number of replicates in a family of simulations can be
number of models we need to simulate is MN. The chosen arbitrarily and will only be dependent on the
computational cost of performing this simulation is precision required to draw conclusions. For example,

952 advances in methodology

suppose we have a single-neuron model with many con- it was coupled with. Similarly, structural information
ductances, and we want to find the proportion of con- and gene-expression information can be compard with
ductance combinations over a fixed range that produces other neurons of the same type as well as synaptically
a tonically spiking neuron. An unbiased estimate of this coupled partner neurons. NEOBASE allows other inves-
proportion is p = , where t is the number of tonic tigators to mine the data in interesting ways by search-
N ing for hidden relationships or by identifying statistical
spiking cells and N is the number of “trials” (parameter
correlations. Another similar database, Neuroelectro
combinations tested). The standard error in this
(, leverages the work already
estimate is p(1 − p ) , which depends only on the
published by other groups by collecting basic biophysi-
N cal information from papers archived online. This data-
number of simulations and the underlying proportion
base captures only intrinsic properties, such as resting
of tonically spiking cells—it is independent of the number
membrane potentials and baseline firing rates. However,
of parameters in the model.
the information is captured from many different corti-
In situations where the data show interesting struc-
cal and subcortical cell types. Neuroelectro aims to
ture in the variability, such as systematic correlations
compare different cell types with one another in terms
between parameters, random (uniform) sampling pro-
of their electrical properties. Both of these efforts, and
vides a means to test whether correlations are necessary
others like them, aim to provide a rich source of data
for the system to function or whether they are a conse-
that can be accessed by other scientists for more tar-
quence of some additional constraint. For example,
geted analyses.
correlated variability is found in the expression of ion
channels in identified neurons of the crustacean stoma-
Simulating Model Databases to Assess Features of
togastric ganglion, but computational studies indicate
Parameter Space More commonly, model databases
that these are not necessary for function, implying the
are constructed with model parameters selected auto-
existence of a biological constraint in the expression
matically by computer, either randomly or by sampling
mechanism. We may, however, use experimentally mea-
parameter space on a grid (Prinz et al., 2004). Each
sured correlations in parameters to further constrain
model is then assessed for its ability to produce biologi-
populations of models. For example, we can sample
cally realistic behavior. An initial application of data-
from multidimensional Gaussian distributions that have
base simulation asked the question: How many different
covariance equal to the measured covariance when
combinations of parameters can yield similar circuit
restricted to the parameters that have been measured
behavior? In this example, models were constructed to
mimic the pyloric circuit of the crustacean stomatogas-
tric ganglion, a ganglion that produces a triphasic
Case studies pattern of muscle activation required for proper diges-
tion. This small circuit contains three neuronal types at
Cataloguing Biological Variability in Popula- its core and its connectivity is known. Thus, each model
tions of Models An initial purpose of building vari- in the database contained the same three model
able-neuron populations is purely to catalog the neurons with the same synaptic connections. Models
variability observed in experiments. These types of data- differed in their density of intrinsic conductances and
bases are not meant for simulations directly, but rather synaptic strengths. The output of the circuit is highly
to provide a repository of individual observations that stereotyped and varies minimally between animals.
can serve to constrain specific simulations at a later Importantly, this property allowed models to be rejected
time. One such database, NEOBASE (Muhammad & when their behavior deviated from the physiologically
Markram, 2005), contains the individual intrinsic con- observed behavior. After millions of model circuits had
ductances measured from many different neurons. In been simulated, models that replicated the behavior
addition, the experimenters collected anatomical observed experimentally were extracted and the param-
reconstructions and gene-expression patterns from eters analyzed. Remarkably, successful models had a
each neuron. Often, neurons were recorded simultane- wide variety of parameters and often differed substan-
ously as pairs, thus yielding information about synaptic tially in terms of their intrinsic properties (Prinz et al.,
coupling between neurons. The database is relational, 2004). Beyond identifying single successful models,
which means that it explicitly represents relationships database simulations can be useful for characterizing
between individual entries (i.e., neurons). This means the shape of multidimensional parameter spaces. Such
that the specific information about one particular neu- results can identify entire regions in which successful
ron’s properties can be correlated with the exact neuron models reside and identify important properties of

kispersky, o’leary, and marder: understand robustness and variability 953

these regions, for example, that they are sometimes Using Variable Model Populations to Estimate
noncontiguous with one another (Achard & de Parameters Including parameter variability in com-
Schutter, 2006). puter models can be useful when estimating the values
A follow-up question that arises from these results: of unknown parameters. For example, when construct-
How are individual parameters related to neuron-level ing a model of a neuron that is not well characterized,
properties like spike threshold or spike rate? More gen- assumptions about underlying conductances cannot be
erally, this question can be phrased as: How sensitive avoided. Many neurons are initially studied with current
are models to any given parameter? This can be clamp recordings. These recordings provide the
approached in a population of variable models by ana- response to depolarizing and hyperpolarizing inputs,
lyzing how much one property, like spike rate, changes frequency-current relationships, and the response to
when removing a single parameter compared with the noisy stimuli. Such responses are the product of many
full model. Measured over many different models and distinct, underlying conductances that cannot be easily
over many different parameters, this approach showed reconstructed from the recordings. In principle, voltage
that multiple conductances contribute to neuron-level clamp recordings can be used to characterize individual
properties simultaneously in all cases (figure 80.4F). conductances. However, this process depends on being
This highlights the ability of neurons to find multiple able to pharmacologically isolate each channel popula-
ways to produce desired output and suggests that tion, which is often not possible. Alternatively, a popula-
nervous systems use variability as a method to ensure tion of models with variability in each conductance
robust, functional output (Sobie, 2009; Sobie & Sarkar, parameter can be used to estimate unknown parame-
2011; Taylor et al., 2009). ters with fewer assumptions. Each model is simulated
and evaluated relative to known current clamp behav-
Variable Model Populations Can Show Consistent ior. In this manner, a resulting set of models can be
Response to a Perturbation Model databases can discovered that contain parameter combinations that
be used to ask what the result of a perturbation would yield realistic behavior. In one case, this method was
be on a set of realistically variable neurons. In this applied to study olfactory mitral and granule cell ion-
context, a perturbation refers to a global stimulus like channel distribution (Bhalla & Bower, 1993). In these
a change in gene expression, a change in ambient tem- cell types, conductances had been measured at the
perature or the application of a neuromodulator. In a soma, and geometries of the neurons had been recon-
traditional modeling study, a perturbation would be structed. However, the distribution of each ion channel
applied to a single model only. In that case, the response throughout the neuronal arbor was unknown. By syn-
to the perturbation might be a feature of the specific thesizing the known information about somatic con-
parameter combination of that exact model. To obtain ductance and morphology, a model population was
a more general understanding of the effect of a pertur- generated in which the free parameters were the ion-
bation, it can be applied to a database of models. This channel densities. Models that matched known firing
process can uncover general effects of the perturbation behavior were identified. The results suggested that
that are consistent through the entire population and, mitral cells concentrate calcium and slow potassium
equally importantly, discover effects that would not be channels in the glomeruli, while sodium and fast potas-
observed when considering only a single model. Further, sium channels are concentrated in the soma. A similar
any effect that occurs in most models is more likely to approach was used to study how individually variable
be “real” in the biological sense. In one study utilizing excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) combine to
this approach, the sodium conductance was instanta- form a larger, composite EPSP observed in cat muscles
neously tripled in a set of biophysical neuron models (Segev, Fleshman, & Burke, 1990). In this system, indi-
(Kispersky, Caplan, & Marder, 2012). This manipula- vidual EPSPs have variable amplitudes and time courses
tion can be considered biologically analogous to an and sum nearly linearly. The unknown distribution of
increase in gene expression of a single ion channel due single synapses along the muscle contributing to the
to, for example, the application of a neuromodulator. composite EPSP was investigated in a population of
Tripling of the Na+ conductance in these model neurons models that combined synapses in many different
was found to have two different effects on excitability configurations.
depending on the firing rate. Incorporating variability
into the model population highlighted that the firing Epilogue: Visualization and analysis
rate–dependent effect of the conductance increase
was a general feature of this perturbation and not We have seen that modeling neurons and neural systems
model-specific. requires us to grapple with large numbers of parameters.

954 advances in methodology

A 0.2 nA/nF injected current 10 nA/nF injected current B
70 Control with fit line
15 Hz 72 Hz 3x gNa with fit line

50 mV

Frequency (Hz)

Frequency (Hz)
27 Hz 200 ms 60 Hz 20 ms 40
3x g Na


50 mV
10 0 1 2
Current (nA/nF)
0 2 4 6 8 10
250 400 Current (nA/nF)
Kd conductance


150 200

0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Sodium conductance Rheobase shift (nA/nF) Voltage threshold shift (mV)
















Input conductance

Resting membrane potential

Resting spike rate

Phase of burst start

Phase of burst end

Spike rate in burst

Slow-wave amplitude

Slow-wave peak

Figure 80.4 Population simulations show that each neu- upper-right region is the model shown in (A). (D) Over the
ron’s behavior is sensitive to multiple intrinsic properties. whole population, tripling the sodium conductance always
(A) Example model neuron from a population in which the decreased the rheobase (the minimum current required to
sodium conductance was tripled (black: control; gray: 3x gNa). fire an action potential). All points in the histogram are below
The left column shows the model neuron at low current injec- zero (gray line). (E) Similarly, voltage threshold was hyperpo-
tion (firing rate increases with 3x gNa), and the right column larized for all 1,000 models when the sodium conductance
shows the model neuron at high current injection (firing rate was tripled. (Adapted from Kispersky et al., 2012.) (F) The
decreases with 3x gNa). (B) Frequency-current curves for this neuron-level properties (rows) of a population of lateral
example neuron with fit lines. (C) A population of 1,000 pyloric neurons are plotted relative to their sensitivities to
randomly generated models was considered in this study. biophysical parameters (columns). The size of each circle
Models were only included in the population if they fired represents how sensitive a given behavior was to that property.
tonically at low current injection level. Black points represent In general, each property was sensitive to several parameters
the sodium and delayed rectifier potassium conductance of at once. (Adapted from Taylor et al., 2009.)
single models in the population. The large gray dot in the

kispersky, o’leary, and marder: understand robustness and variability 955

While computational hardware and methods are
improving, we are still left with the problem of inter-
preting and conveying results that necessarily reside in
high-dimensional data sets. As with simulations, analyz-
ing data from model populations becomes increasingly
difficult when the number of parameters increases.
The goal of analyzing data from simulations of high-
dimensional model populations is to obtain a qualita-
tive picture of the shape of the underlying parameter
space. In general, this requires careful statistical
approaches or dimensionality-reduction techniques
(Hastie, Tibshirani, & Friedman, 2009). Dimensional-
ity-reduction techniques remove redundancies in high-
dimensional data and thus represent structure using
fewer dimensions. There are many techniques for
achieving this, each with its own set of advantages and
drawbacks. For example, principal components analysis
performs a high-dimensional rotation of data on a
transformed basis, ordered by decreasing variance. This
Frequency (Hz) can work well for data with a simple (linear) covariance
structure that can be well-approximated by assuming
variance components are orthogonal. Both experimen-
tal and simulated biological data often have more
complex structures that require more sophisticated
dimensionality-reduction techniques that preserve local
kinks and twists in the distribution. One example of
gelec (nS)

such a technique is locally linear embedding, which fits

a piecewise regression model to subsets of variables in
a way that locally represents the variance of the data
(Roweis & Saul, 2000).
Visualizing high-dimensional data in a two- or three-
0 dimensional projection is another problem that grows
exponentially in difficulty with the number of para-
0 0.75 1.5 2.25 meters. One method, called dimensional stacking,
gsyn (nS) plots parameters in nested squares, producing a two-
dimensional projection of all parameters plotted against
Figure 80.5 Methods for visualizing high-dimensional data.
one another (Taylor, Hickey, Prinz, & Marder, 2006).
Top: Dimensional stacking nests axes within one another to
achieve a 2D representation of higher-dimensional data. Each The order in which squares are nested changes the
point in the image represents a single parameter combina- resulting image (figure 80.5, left). A selection algorithm
tion, and the color represents a property of that model (for is used to automate the order of square nesting such
example, bursting vs. tonic spiking). The outer, largest edges that regions of similar network behavior are co-
of the square represent increments of the transient calcium localized. This produces an overall picture in which
(CaT) (y-axis) and calcium-dependent potassium (KCa) con-
ductances (x-axis). Nested within each increment of these regions of model behaviors can be associated with
two parameters are all increments of delayed-rectifier (Kd) parameters. A second method, called the parameter-
(y-axis) and sodium (Na) conductances (x-axis), which repeat scape (figure 80.5, right), nests three to six attributes,
within each interval of the outer axis. This nesting continues
until all parameter combinations have been represented. The
order of nesting is important for the picture that emerges. In of the model: gsyn, a synaptic conductance (nS), and gelec, a
this case, the nesting order is automatically determined to gap junction conductance (nS). Color of each shape repre-
maximize contiguous areas of model behavior (represented sents frequency. The juxtaposition of the shapes in this
by color). Bottom: An example “parameterscape” plots five manner gives a quick view of which oscillators are firing at
measurements from each model in a population (frequencies similar frequencies and whether other models nearby in the
of five oscillators: f1,2, fast oscillator 1,2; s1,2, slow oscillator parameter space exhibit similar frequency behavior. (See
1,2; hn: “hub neuron” oscillator) relative to two parameters color plate 79.)

956 advances in methodology

color-coded for their values, in concentric circles or Goldman, M. S., Golowasch, J., Marder, E., & Abbott,
squares in a two-dimensional plot (Gutierrez, O’Leary, L. F. (2001). Global structure, robustness, and modulation
of neuronal models. J Neurosci, 21, 5229–5238.
& Marder, 2013). Both of these methods work
Golowasch, J., Goldman, M. S., Abbott, L. F., &
extremely well for grid searches, and might be adopted Marder, E. (2002). Failure of averaging in the construction
for the visualization of random searches by judicious of a conductance-based neuron model. J Neurophysiol, 87,
binning of the data. There are other, more general 1129–1131.
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lower-dimensional spaces for visualization purposes, mechanisms switch an electrically coupled, synaptically
inhibited neuron between competing rhythmic oscillators.
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(van der Maaten & Hinton, 2008), which approximately Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. H. (2009). The
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description of membrane current and its application
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before proceeding. Hudson, A. E., & Prinz, A. A. (2010). Conductance ratios
In general, analyzing and visualizing data from model and cellular identity. PLoS Comput Biol, 6(7), e1000838.
populations becomes increasingly difficult as the Kispersky, T. J., Caplan, J. S., & Marder, E. (2012). Increase
in sodium conductance decreases firing rate and gain in
number of parameters increases. Presumably, as time
model neurons. J Neurosci, 32, 10995–11004.
goes on, new methods of visualization of the results Marder, E., & Goaillard, J. M. (2006). Variability, compen-
from more and more complex sets of models will be sation and homeostasis in neuron and network function.
developed. That said, the success of both dimensional Nat Rev, 7, 563–574.
stacking and the parameterscape methods reveal the Marder, E., & Taylor, A. L. (2011). Multiple models to
capture the variability in biological neurons and networks.
importance of trying to overcome the limitations of the
Nat Neurosci, 14, 133–138.
human mind in visualizing the results of varying many Markram, H. (2006). The blue brain project. Nat Rev Neuro-
parameters at the same time. And of course, it is exactly sci, 7, 153–160.
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(2013). Correlations in ion channel expression emerge
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Achard, P., & de Schutter, E. (2006). Complex parameter tive to hand-tuning conductance-based models: Construc-
landscape for a complex neuron model. PLoS Comput Biol, tion and analysis of databases of model neurons.
2, e94. J Neurophysiol, 90, 3998–4015.
Alivisatos, A. P., Chun, M., Church, G. M., Greenspan, Prinz, A. A., Bucher, D., & Marder, E. (2004). Similar
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map project and the challenge of functional connectomics. rosci, 7, 1345–1352.
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958 advances in methodology

81 Studies of Human Visual Perception
Using Cortical Electrical Stimulation

ABSTRACT One of the best-studied examples of the functional Clark, Armstrong, & Moore, 2011; Histed, Ni, &
organization of cerebral cortex is the visual system, where Maunsell, 2012). When applied to human subjects, elec-
distinct cortical areas that respond selectively to visual stimuli trical stimulation offers a unique opportunity to study
have been identified in the primate brain. However, the fact
that these areas respond to visual stimuli falls short of proving
the qualitative properties of stimulation-induced visual
that they are critical to visual perception. The long-recognized percepts, because human subjects can readily offer
observation that electrical stimulation of human occipital verbal descriptions of percepts. This can offer insights
cortex can make a patient experience a visual percept in the about how activity in visual cortex underlies visual per-
absence of an external visual stimulus offers perhaps the ception, and may advance efforts to restore vision with
strongest evidence that visual cortex has a causal role in visual
cortical prosthetics for blind patients.
perception. In this chapter, we review our recent efforts to
understand how electrical stimulation of cortex can produce
a visual percept and to compare the abilities of different Early studies of electrical stimulation of human
human visual areas to contribute to perception. We also con- visual cortex
sider implications of this work to understanding of the neural
basis of visual perception, and to the future development of
a cortical visual prosthetic to restore vision to the blind.
In 1870, Gustav F. Fritsch and Eduard H. Hitzig used a
thin metal probe to apply an electrical current to the
cortical surface of awake dogs, finding that stimulation
How does activity in the brain lead to visual perception, of the central part of the hemisphere resulted in con-
a term that we use as an umbrella for all of the mysteri- tralateral limb movements (Fritsch & Hitzig, 1870).
ous processes that result in conscious awareness of an This finding was subsequently corroborated in human
external visual stimulus? The most popular approach to patients by the neurosurgeons Fedor K. Krause and
this question is to measure the brain activity that occurs Ortfrid F. Foerster (Luders & Luders, 2001). These dis-
during presentation of natural stimuli, using techniques coveries helped overturn the previous dogma that cog-
ranging from microscopic (recordings of individual nitive functions are equally distributed across the
neurons using penetrating microelectrodes) to macro- cerebral cortex (equipotentiality), leading to a new
scopic (measurements of large populations of neurons understanding that the brain is divided into function-
using blood oxygen level–dependent functional mag- ally specialized regions. In the ensuing years, electrical
netic resonance imaging, or BOLD fMRI). These tech- stimulation to study human brain function was pio-
niques and others have been used to show that the neered by Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield
primate visual system contains over 30 different cortical in a series of landmark studies beginning in 1928
areas (Orban, Van Essen, & Vanduffel, 2004). However, (Penfield, 1958; Penfield & Rasmussen, 1950). Penfield
a correlation between the presentation of a visual stimu- used electrical stimulation to study the function of corti-
lus and activity in a specific neuronal population does cal areas in awake and cooperative patients undergoing
not necessarily indicate a causal relationship between brain operations under local anesthesia, usually for the
the measured neural activity and visual perception. To treatment of epilepsy. He extended the results of Fritsch
demonstrate such a relationship, it is necessary to acti- and Hitzig to map the organization of motor cortex, the
vate the relevant neurons and demonstrate that this motor homunculus, for which he is perhaps best
results in a visual percept (Parker & Newsome, 1998). remembered today. He also examined sensory cortex
Electrical stimulation is a technique that enables and was able to elicit reports from patients on percep-
researchers to artificially activate a specific brain region, tual experiences produced with stimulation, including
affording the opportunity to study how activity in that somatosensory, auditory, and visual percepts (Penfield
region influences or even produces a visual percept & Perot, 1963; Perot & Penfield, 1960). Penfield and
(Borchers, Himmelbach, Logothetis, & Karnath, 2011; co-workers found that stimulation of the occipital lobe

yoshor and beauchamp: studies of human visual perception 959

could produce a percept of a simple visual stimulus, a A
bright, colorless spot of light called a “phosphene.”
In the course of carrying out his studies, Penfield
noted that stimulation of wide regions of the brain did
not produce any discernible response—neither a visible
movement nor a report of a percept. In fact, stimulation
of many cortical sites was undetected by his human
subjects. Collectively, the experience from Penfield’s
studies in human patients suggests that only stimulation
of the brain in or near so-called primary sensory areas
will routinely result in the patient reporting a sensory
percept. For example, Penfield found that stimulation
of the occipital pole (probably at or near the primary
visual area, V1) resulted in a percept of a phosphene.
But stimulation of other regions in the occipital, tem-
poral, and parietal lobes, regions that include what are
now recognized as visual areas that are relatively distant
from V1, did not produce reports of a percept (Penfield
& Perot, 1963).
It is noteworthy that Penfield’s experiments and most
other early studies of electrical stimulation of human
visual cortex (Brindley & Lewin, 1968; Dobelle & Mlade-
jovsky, 1974) took place in the operating room during
brain operations performed under local anesthesia. Figure 81.1 (A) An example of a subdural grid-electrode
The time window for carrying out these experiments array implanted on the cortical surface of a patient with medi-
during an operation was understandably limited by cally intractable epilepsy. After implantation, the craniotomy
is closed with electrode tails (insulated white wires) tunneled
clinical concerns related to prolonging the time of outside the scalp to be connected to a recording system in an
surgery and by patient cooperativity. Acquiring good epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU). (B) Research studies can be
research data in this time-pressured and stressful envi- conducted in awake and cooperative patients with implanted
ronment is challenging, and it is possible that this envi- intracranial electrodes who are undergoing clinical testing in
ronment obscured patients from detecting subtle the EMU. While resting comfortably in their hospital bed,
subjects can make behavioral responses with a computer
percepts (“false negatives”) or led them to spuriously
mouse. (See color plate 80.)
reports percepts that were not actually produced with
stimulation (“false positives”). These problems were
ameliorated when physiological research in human sub-
jects with intracranial electrodes shifted from the oper- trials of stimulation (figure 81.1B). Working in this envi-
ating room to the epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) ronment, Lee and colleagues confirmed Penfield’s
in the 1990s (Engel, Moll, Fried, & Ojemann, 2005; finding that stimulation near the occipital pole com-
Friedman & Riviello, 2012). After undergoing surgical monly resulted in a report of a phosphene percept, and
implantation of an array of intracranial electrodes also that many sites in occipital, temporal, and parietal
(figure 81.1A), patients are continuously monitored in lobes classified as “extrastriate visual cortex” did not
an EMU, a hospital unit dedicated for this purpose, produce any perceptual reports (Lee et al., 2000).
over multiple days of video and electrophysiological
recordings (from the implanted electrodes) for clinical Electrical stimulation of identified human
purposes—in order to capture the onset of a spontane- visual areas
ously occurring seizure and define the epileptic region
of the brain. This period of clinical monitoring offers While many cortical areas have been identified that
a more hospitable environment for carrying out respond selectively to visual stimuli (“visual areas”), it
research studies that require awake and cooperative remains unclear which of these areas have the ability to
patients with electrodes directly on the brain; there is support visual perception. Some have proposed that
less time pressure than in the operating room, and either early visual areas or late visual areas are privi-
patients are generally more comfortable and coopera- leged in supporting perception (Blake & Logothetis,
tive, as well as better able to be tested with multiple 2002; Tong, 2003), while others have suggested that

960 advances in methodology

ventral visual areas support perception and dorsal visual A Location summary
areas do not (Goodale & Milner, 1992). Past studies of Medial
cortical electrical stimulation (CES) of human visual
cortex (Brindley & Lewin, 1968; Dobelle & Mladejovsky,
1974; Girvin et al., 1979; Lee et al., 2000; Penfield, 1958;
Penfield & Rasmussen, 1950) did not define the specific
visual areas being stimulated—these studies largely pre- Ventral
dated functional neuroimaging. Without functional
identification of the stimulated visual areas, it remained Posterior
unclear how the ability to produce a percept varies
across different visual areas, and if the character of B
percepts produced by CES is predicted by the specific

Probability of evoking percept

visual area that is stimulated. 1

To better understand the link between CES of specific

areas of visual cortex and the production of a visual
percept, we performed a systematic study involving stim-
ulation of electrodes located on fMRI-identified visual
areas in 10 patients with epilepsy who underwent semi-
chronic implantation of subdural electrode arrays for
clinical purposes (Murphey, Maunsell, Beauchamp, &
Yoshor, 2009). Only patients with normal visual function 0 20 40 60 80 100
on clinical testing (including normal quantitative visual Distance from occipital pole (mm)
field testing) and anatomically normal visual cortex C
were enrolled in the study, and electrodes ultimately
Visual area

determined to be located on epileptic cortex were

No percept
excluded from analysis. The standard clinical electrodes Percept
employed in this study were circular platinum alloy discs
embedded in sheets of silastic (figure 81.1A); each elec- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
trode had an uninsulated center with a diameter of Distance from occipital pole (mm)
2.2 mm that contacted the cortical surface directly.
BOLD fMRI was used to identify individual visual areas Figure 81.2 (A) The location of 50 electrodes across 10
in each subject by using phasic retinotopic stimuli and subjects are plotted as spheres on a single, inflated left hemi-
sphere. The left hemisphere is shown from posterior, medial,
functional localizers prior to surgery for electrode and ventral views. Green color indicates that electrical stimu-
implantation. Post-implantation computed tomography lation of the electrode produced a percept. Red color indi-
(CT) scans were merged with the preimplantation fMRI cates that it did not. (B) In each subject, the distance between
to localize electrodes relative to specific visual areas. the occipital pole and the electrode along the cortical surface
Visually evoked responses recorded from the implanted was measured. For each distance, the probability of evoking
a percept was computed. Each blue point shows the average
electrodes offered additional confirmation of which cortical surface distance and probability for 10 electrodes,
electrodes were located on visually responsive areas and calculated with a moving-window average. The black curve
agreed well with the characterizations made with fMRI. shows the best-fit Weibull function. (C) Electrodes were also
All 50 sites of visual cortex that were studied with classified depending on their position in the visual hierarchy
electrical stimulation were plotted on a single brain in as either early (electrodes located in areas V1, V2, V3, V3a,
and V4) or late (all other areas). Electrodes that produced a
standard space (figure 81.2A). Plotting the probability
percept are shown as a black O; electrodes that did not are
of percept production against distance of an electrode shown as a red X. Most early electrodes (symbols at the
site from the occipital pole allows for a quantitative bottom) produced a percept, most late electrodes (symbols at
measure of location relative to the hierarchy of visual the top) did not. There was a rough correspondence between
processing; it is well established based on latency and early and late classification and distance from the occipital
pole (shown on the x-axis). (Reprinted with permission from
other measures that cortical visual processing begins at
Murphey, Maunsell, Beauchamp, & Yoshor, 2009.) (See color
the V1 in the occipital pole and follows a roughly pos- plate 81.)
terior to anterior progression (Maunsell, 1995). This
plot (figure 81.2B) showed a sharp decline in percept
production with increasing distance from the occipital
pole. The decreasing probability with distance from V1

yoshor and beauchamp: studies of human visual perception 961

corresponded to a similar sharp drop in production A
of detectable percepts with electrode sites in fMRI- Electrical stimulation 12
motor response
identified early versus late visual areas: 100% of V1 sites
Auditory cue + feedback “One” “Two” “Correct”
produced a percept, while just 11% of fusiform face
0.3 s 1 s 0.3 s 1.5 s 1.5 s
area (FFA) sites (a late visual area) did (figure 81.2C).
Response interval
These data demonstrate that when electrically stimu-
lated with cortical surface electrodes, early human
visual areas are far more likely to evoke a percept than B
Electrical stimulation 12
later areas. Multiple sites in later visual areas that motor response
showed strong and selective visual responses with both Auditory cue + feedback “One” “Two” “Incorrect”
fMRI and LFP recordings failed to produce a detectable 0.3 s 1 s 0.3 s 1.5 s 1.5 s
percept with stimulation—strong evidence that there Response interval
are late visual areas that do not produce a visual percept
when stimulated (with these methods). However, the C 100

ability to produce a percept is not completely restricted

Percent correct
to early visual areas, and there is no sharp dichotomy
between early and late visual areas in their abilities to 50

support perception.
For the sites that did produce a detectable percept
with stimulation, subjects were asked to report on the 1 1.5 2.0 2.5
qualitative properties of the percept. Subjects usually Current (mA)
reported a consistent percept with repeated stimulation
D 3
of a specific individual electrode. Stimulation of many
sites in both early and late visual areas elicited descrip- 2.5
Threshold (mA)
tions of consistent simple phosphenes (small flashes of
white or silver light). Stimulation of some areas elicited
reports of more complex percepts, with descriptions of 1.5
color or more complex shapes. However, no systemic 1
difference was noted between percept complexity for
early and late sites. In contrast to previous reports
(Blanke, Landis, & Seeck, 2000; Lee et al., 2000; Perot 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
& Penfield, 1960; Puce, Allison, & McCarthy, 1999), no Distance from occipital pole (mm)
elaborate percepts such as images of faces or objects or
memories were described from any site where electrical Figure 81.3 Determining thresholds for detecting electrical
stimulation produced a detectable percept. This dis- stimulation. (A) Each trial contained two 300-msec epochs,
marked by the words “one” and “two.” The current amplitude
crepancy could reflect the fact that electrodes that
(and the epoch containing the stimulus) varied from trial to
produce complex visual percepts are relatively rare, and trial. The subject’s task was to detect the epoch in which the
our study tested a relatively small number of electrodes. stimulation was delivered. A sample trial is shown in which a
It is also possible that this discrepancy relates to the fact high-amplitude current train was delivered in the second
that previous studies did not objectively verify that the epoch, and the subject responded by pressing mouse button
subject actually detected stimulation of a particular two and received positive feedback. (B) A sample trial in
which a low-amplitude current was delivered in the first
electrode—perhaps the oft-cited accounts of subjects epoch, and the subject responded by pressing mouse button
reporting a complex visual perce

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