Pronoun I. Direction: Pick The Appropriate Pronoun by Choosing The Letters Below

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I. Direction: pick the appropriate pronoun by choosing the letters below.

1. ______does that car belong to?
( a) who
(b) Which
(c) Whose
2. Excuse me but shouldn't you say to ______does that car belong?
(a) which
(b) that
(c) whom
3. That's another way of saying it. I'm talking about the car ______ parked over there.
(a) who's
(b) that's
(c) who
4. _______ do you think would have a car like that?
(a) Whom (b) That
(c) Who
5. Well, I should say someone for_______ money is no object.
(a) whom
(b) who
(c) that
6. The car to ______ you are referring happens to be mine!
(a) that
(b) whom
(c) which
7. That's interesting. We are talking about the car ______ has a red roof.
(a) that
(b) who
(c) that's
8. Yes, it's the best car ______ I've ever had. Why do you ask?
(a) which
(b) that
(c) who
9. Well, I think you ought to speak to that man _____standing with a notebook in front of
the car.
(a) which
(b) whom
(c) who's
10. Oh no! It's a traffic warden putting a parking ticket on my car and I haven't any
money to pay the fine _______ I'll have to pay.
(a) whose (b) which
(c) who
II. Direction: choose the appropriate letters of the pronoun to which where it belongs
according to what type.
1. Those are Tom's.
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun

d. interrogative

2. They didn't give themselves a chance to think before beginning the competition.
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun d. interrogative
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun
3. The dog that bit her brother belongs to the man down the road.
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun

d. interrogative

4. Do you know when the movie starts?

a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun

d. interrogative

5. They think hers is the most interesting submission.

a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun

d. interrogative

6. The audience sat transfixed as the woman who had just won the award fell down the
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun d. interrogative
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun
7. Someone will need to finish doing the lunch dishes before Don fixes dinner.
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun d. interrogative
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun
8. Have you been there before?
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun

d. interrogative

9. The studio plans to give them each a fruit basket.

a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun f. demonstrative pronoun

d. interrogative

10. Ted will choose where they going because either of the options works for Alicia.
a. personal pronoun
b. relative pronoun
c. indefinite pronoun d. interrogative
pronoun e. reflexive pronoun
III. Direction: Underline the pronoun in the paragraph.
I went on another trip last week. Few have visited the park I saw, because
everyone visits Yellowstone. I saw something moving in the woods, but could not see it
clearly. Then there was more movement and everybody saw it. Either could have been

a bear or both were just the wind. Nobody could figure it out, but we had many guesses.
The scenery there was gorgeous; one could see for miles. Anybody would love that one
view of the valley because nothing is more beautiful.

Pronoun Key Answers

1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. a
8. b
9. c
10. b
1. f. demonstrative pronoun
2. e. reflexive pronoun
3. b. relative pronoun
4. d. interrogative pronoun
5. a. personal pronoun
6. b. relative pronoun
7. c. indefinite pronoun
8. f. demonstrative pronoun
9. a. personal pronoun
10. c. indefinite pronoun
1. another
2. few
3. everyone
4. something
5. everybody
6. either
7. both
8. nobody
9. anybody
10. nothing

I. Direction: underline the correct verb which agrees to the subject.
1. Each of the family members (has, have) one vote.
2. One of the boys (eat, eats) pizza every week.
3. Both of the answers (is, are) correct.
4. A few of the staff (was, were) gone today.
5. All of the animals (run, runs) when they are scared.
6. Someone (has, have) his own thoughts.
7. Much (has, have) happened since high school.
8. You know that others (has, have) tried this.
9. We can begin since everybody (has, have) arrived.
10. Less (is, are) usually the way to go.
II. Direction: continue the sentence by putting, could, should/ought to, shall, will, might,
can, may

The article stated that he ___________ read at the age of three.

You ____________ take a sweater in case it gets cold.
It's going to rain all afternoon. ___________ we go to the cinema?
Scott ________ be 21 at the end of the month.
Julie said they traffic was heavy, so she _________ be late for the meeting.
You look a bit confused. ________ I help you?
You stole a CD from a friend? You _____________ be ashamed of yourself!
I don't know the meaning of this word. _______ I borrow your dictionary?
_________ I borrow you book?
You _______bring your weapons before going to battle.





key answers for verb

1. has
2. eats
3. are
4. were
5. run
6. has
7. have
8. have
9. has
10. is
1) could
2) should/ought to
3) shall
4) will
5) might
6) can
7) ought to/should
8) may
9) may
10) shall
1. cook, cooked
2. dig, dug
3. drive, driven
4. wrote, written
5. give, gave

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