ASPECT Manual Chapter 1
ASPECT Manual Chapter 1
ASPECT Manual Chapter 1
Western Psychological Ser vices 12031 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90025-1251
General Description
ASPECT Subscales
A weighted average of all three ASPECT subscales,
the PCI is a global score that can be used to compare one
parent to the other. Analysis of the differences between the
parents scores on individual subscales clarifies the
specific ways in which the parents differ. Although the
subscale scores are used to explain PCI differences, it is
the PCI that is used to guide custody recommendations,
which are not made based on subscale differences alone.
A brief description of each of the subscales follows.
Observational Scale
The Observational Scale assesses the selfpresentation and appearance of the parent. Information
used to score the items on the Observational Scale is
obtained primarily from observation of the parent and, to a
lesser degree, from the parents responses to specific items
on the Parent Questionnaire. Items on the Observational
Scale reflect (a) the parents physical appearance; (b) the
manner in which the parent interacts with the examiner,
with the child, and with the other parent; (c) the parents
initial understanding and articulation of the effects of the
divorce on the child; and (d) the parents own perception of
his or her parenting abilities. For specific information on
scoring these items, as well as those on the other
subscales, see Scoring Criteria in chapter 2.
Social Scale
The Social Scale addresses the parents social
conduct and interaction with others, including the child,
the other parent, and the community. The parent-child
relationship is a major factor in the social environment of
the child, and it is therefore afforded the most items. This
relationship can be further divided into the direct
interaction between parent and child, the childs
perception of the parent, and the social environment that
the parent provides for the child. Direct interaction
between parent and child is assessed by examining the
quality of their observed interaction (e.g., warm, positive)
and the manner in which they communicate (e.g., open,
easy, honest). Other items, which more indirectly assess
the parent-child relationship, include the parents ability to
recognize present and future needs of the child, the
parents ability to provide discipline and self-care training,
and the parents motivation for seeking custody.
Principles of Use
Respondent Population
The ASPECT is intended for use with parents
engaged in a dispute over custody of their children.
Because the ASPECT employs a self-report format, it
should not be administered to individuals who are either
unable or unwilling to cooperate in responding to the
Parent Questionnaire or to testing in general. This would
include hostile, uncooperative, or malingering subjects.
Individuals with poor reading ability may have the
questions read to them.
Clinicians should be cautious when examining
subjects who have had prior exposure to the questions on the
Parent Questionnaire. These individuals may be able to
present themselves in a falsely positive light, and therefore
may not be suitable candidates for the ASPECT.
The ASPECT has not been used to determine
placement with relatives, or in cases involving either
same-sex couples or couples who are cohabiting but not
married. Additionally, over 10% of the items on the
ASPECT do not apply to parents whose children are all
below the age of 2.
Users who employ the ASPECT with respondents in
any of these excluded groups will find that the results are
not valid or cannot be scored.
Chapter 1
User Qualifications
In general, the ASPECT should be used only by skilled
mental health professionals with advanced training in
psychological assessment. Although transfer of information
from the various tests, the Parent Questionnaire, and the
examiners notes can be accomplished by clerks, the
responsibility for interpretation should be assumed by
the professional.
Prior to administering the ASPECT, the user should
become familiar with the theoretical rationale,
standardization, psychometric properties, and specific
limitations of the instrument, as described in this Manual.
It is also helpful for the user to draw on personal clinical
experience in order to make judgments concerning
individual items, and to supplement the ASPECT with
other information, when appropriate.
Users are encouraged to become familiar with and
conform to the standards prescribed by the American
Psychological Association (1985) for the use of tests.
Users who are unfamiliar with the issues and laws
regarding custody evaluations should review the literature
in this field before using the ASPECT. Additionally, it is
assumed that the user will confer with outside consultants,
when appropriate, to assure proper use of this instrument.
Ethical and Legal Issues
Use of the ASPECT in research and clinical settings
should conform to the ethical principles developed by the
American Psychological Association (1981). Users should
take precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of the
results, particularly because the validity of the ASPECT is
threatened if the respondent is familiar in any way with its
constituent items. In addition, ASPECT results for each
parent should be conveyed in accord with the
aforementioned guidelines set forth by the American
Psychological Association (1981). The legal and
professional standards for confidentiality vary throughout
the country, and it is the users responsibility to be familiar
with the laws and standards of his or her state. Safeguards
should also be maintained to ensure protection of the
information contained in the instrument and in this Manual
from those not qualified to interpret psychometric data of
this type. In particular, consultation with attorneys and
judges should focus on the clinicians judgments, based in
part on his or her interpretation of the ASPECT results,
rather than on the actual test data, which nonclinicians may
not be qualified to interpret.
Normative data, both parents scores, individual
items of the ASPECT, and the examiners clinical
judgment should all be considered when making a custody
decision. The user takes responsibility for integrating the
results of the ASPECT with any other available
information to arrive at a decision regarding custody
recommendations or mediation. In doing so, the clinician