Restoration of Hearing Loss

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A new method for restoration of sensorineural hearing loss: a prospective clinical study

Eunyee Kwak a, Sangyeop Kwak b, Sookjin Song a, Seonwoo Kim c, and Sung Hwa Hong c,*

Earlogic Auditory Research Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Earlogic Korea Inc., Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Medical
Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea

* Corresponding Author: Sung Hwa Hong

Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine,
Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 82-2-3410-3574
Sensorineural hearing loss, one of the most common diseases, has historically been regarded as an incurable and irreversible
condition. The number of people with hearing loss has grown rapidly in recent years, because of the prevalence of environmental
noise and the increase in the elderly population. Although hearing aids are provided as an alternative device to help hearing
impaired people, no fundamental treatment is currently available. Several studies have shown that noise-induced hearing loss can
be prevented by prior exposure to low-levels of acoustic stimuli, a procedure known as sound conditioning. However, to our
knowledge, this is the first clinical study to evaluate the effects of sound conditioning on hearing restoration.
Nine patients with high-tone hearing loss were subjected to modified sound conditioning for 2 weeks. In all, 63 samples (i.e.,
frequency regions) were obtained from the patients. Acoustic stimuli consisted of frequency-modulated tone and amplitudemodulated narrow band noise. Behavioral hearing thresholds were compared before and after treatment to investigate the effects
of modified sound conditioning.
Our findings demonstrate that modified sound conditioning improves hearing ability. On average, the behavioral hearing
threshold decreased by 891 dB (i.e., approximately 15%) after sound conditioning for 2 weeks, followed by a 2 week break (p =
0001, Wilcoxons signed-rank test with Bonferronis correction). Twelve of the 63 samples exhibited hearing improvements in
excess of 15 dB, whereas 27 samples showed hearing improvements of 5 to 15 dB.
Modified sound conditioning may improve the hearing abilities of patients with sensorineural hearing loss.
Earlogic Korea Inc.

Hearing loss is defined as a decrease in the ability to detect sound. There are three fundamental types of hearing loss, defined
with respect to the part of the auditory system affected. These are conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and mixed
hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the inner ear (the cochlea) or the auditory nervous system is damaged. Such
damage can result from a wide range of environmental and biological factors, including noise exposure, ototoxic drugs (i.e.,
drugs that are toxic to the auditory system), and aging. Hearing loss can also be classified by severity into mild, moderate,
moderate-severe, severe, and profound hearing loss.

Hearing loss is now one of the most common diseases of man. More than 278 million people suffered from moderate to profound
hearing loss in 2005, according to global estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO).1 In Europe, more than 15% of
adults suffer from hearing disorders, including mild hearing loss.2 Despite numerous efforts to prevent noise exposure, the
number of people with noise-induced hearing loss has grown rapidly in recent years because of the overuse of audio equipment
and excessive exposure to loud noise in the workplace.2-5 In addition, the growing numbers of elderly people has resulted in a
rapid increase in the prevalence of age-related hearing loss.6,7 Since there is no medical and surgical treatment for sensorineural
hearing loss, most people with mild to moderate hearing loss are left without any treatment and typically suffer a reduction in
quality of life.8,9 Hearing loss is also quite costly, as the annual cost of untreated hearing loss in the UK is estimated to exceed
13.5 billion, because of lost productivity.2,10
Over the past 20 years, a number of pharmacological interventions have been tried to prevent hearing loss or restore hearing
ability. Although a small number of drugs with antioxidant activities were shown to prevent noise-induced hearing loss, no
fundamental therapies have been clinically available.3,11 In the late 1990s, researchers discovered that acoustic stimuli slow
progressive sensorineural hearing loss7 and exposure to a moderately augmented acoustic environment can delay the loss of
auditory function.12 In addition, prolonged exposure to an augmented acoustic environment could improve age-related auditory
changes.13,14 These ameliorative effects were shown in several types of mouse strains, as long as the acoustic environment was
provided prior to the occurrence of severe hearing loss.15
In addition to delaying progressive hearing loss, acoustic stimuli could also protect hearing ability against damage by traumatic
noise.3 In particular, a method called forward sound conditioning (i.e., prior exposure to moderate levels of sound) has been
shown to reduce noise-induced hearing impairment in a number of mammalian species, including humans.16-18 Interestingly,
recent report has suggested that low-level sound conditioning also reduces free radical-induced damage to hair cells,19 increases
antioxidant enzyme activity, and reduces Cox-2 expression in cochlea,20,21 and can, over a longer period of time, enhance
cochlear sensitivity.22 Specifically, increased cochlear sensitivity was observed when distortion product otoacoustic emissions
(DPOAEs) and compound action potentials (CAPs) were measured.
In addition to forward sound conditioning, backward sound conditioning (i.e., the use of acoustic stimuli after exposure to a
traumatic noise) has been shown to protect hearing ability against acoustic trauma23 and to prevent the cortical map
reorganization induced by traumatic noise.24
Given the protective effects of sound conditioning, particularly with regards to enhanced cochlear sensitivity,22 we hypothesized
that sound conditioning could restore hearing loss. To investigate this possibility, we applied modified sound conditioning to
patients with sensorineural hearing loss. The results of our study showed that acoustic stimuli can indeed improve hearing ability.
These findings will pave the way for more effective treatments of sensorineural hearing loss, particularly now when most patients
with mild hearing loss are left behind treatment and demands for effective methods to cure hearing loss are urgent.10

Materials and Methods

The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Samsung Medical Center. The study was conducted from
November 2007 to March 2008.

Patients with high-frequency hearing loss [i.e., above 1 kHz, as measured by conventional pure-tone audiometry (PTA)] and
speech discrimination scores (SDS) above 70% were selected for participation in this study. Patients ranged in age from 20 years
to 60 years and had access to e-mail.
Subjects were excluded if their hearing thresholds exceeded 70 dB HL at frequencies of 1, 2, 4, or 8 kHz, or if their speech
recognition thresholds (SRT) differed from measured PTA thresholds by more than 10 dB. In addition, subjects were excluded if
their SDS scores were below 70% (i.e., indicative of neuropathy), if acoustic tumors were confirmed by imaging analysis, or if
they were shown to have middle ear diseases involving perforated tympanic membranes or effusion with no documented
conductive hearing loss.


1. Pure tone audiometer for baseline measurement

Initial audiometric evaluations measured pure-tone air and bone conduction, as well as speech audiometry (SA), using a GSI 61
clinical audiometer (Grason-Stadler Inc., NH, USA). Patients with high tone sensorineural hearing loss were selected for the
study if their speech discrimination scores exceeded 70%.
2. Micro-audiometric evaluation: AMA-PTA
Subjects were assessed using Automated Micro Audiometer-Pure Tone Audiometry, AMA-PTA (Earlogic Corp., CA, USA),
AMA-PTA is a computer-controlled audiometer that carries out automated air and bone conduction tests with effective masking
noise. AMA-PTA can perform air conduction audiometry at 6 frequencies in 2 minutes, and at 11 frequencies in 3 minutes. In
addition, the audiometer performs fine audiometry over 1/3 octave (i.e., 17 frequencies) to 1/24 octave (i.e., 134 frequencies)
band options, thereby reflecting the general structure of the cochlear filter as a function of frequency. Data from the AMA-PTA
were analyzed to obtain targeted frequency bands.
3. Stimulus sounds
Stimulus sounds for conditioning were produced using the AMA-PTA Sound Generator (Version 52) and Sound Forge software
(Version 80). Stimulus sounds included mixed sounds of frequency-modulated pure tones and amplitude-modulated narrow band
noises. FM and AM sounds were modulated at frequencies of 0125 to 8 Hz and 7 to 11 Hz, respectively. Since the levels of
applied sounds were approximately 5 to 15 dB SL (i.e., 75 dB HL), sounds in these ranges are not acoustically harmful to

1. Plan of test
Basic pure tone audiograms were analyzed to determine which octave bands to use in subsequent AMA-PTA tests (figure 1).
After determining the test frequency range, AMA-PTA measurements with 1/24 octave band resolution were conducted three
times (figure 2). Next, we determined the target frequency band for sound conditioning, ensuring that the range did not exceed
the critical band of 1/3 octave (figure 3). A relevant sound conditioning wave file for each patient was selected from the sound
file list (table 1) and e-mailed to the patient or a family member. The patient received the sound file, listened to the sound for 40
minutes twice per day (once in the morning and once in the evening) for 2 weeks, using the ear with poorer hearing ability. In
cases where both ears had the same hearing thresholds, the right ear was selected for sound conditioning. Patients were allowed
to use a personal computer, CD player, or MP3 player, as a listening apparatus. However, sound volume was categorized into the
following levels, based on the subjects feedback: (1) very quiet, (2) quiet, (3) regular, (4) loud, and (5) very loud, and all patients
listened to the conditioning sound at level 1. The second hearing threshold measurement (i.e., 1/24 octave band AMA-PTA on the
previous frequency range) was conducted three times after the initial 2 weeks of sound conditioning. After completing the second
hearing measurement, each patient took a 2 week break. The third AMA-PTA test was conducted after the break to evaluate the
durability of improved hearing ability. The overall procedure used in this study is summarized in figure 4.
2. Statistics
Thirteen patients were selected for participation in this study after we adopted a significance level of 005 and a statistical power
of 08. The standard deviation was set at 71, and Wilcoxons signed-rank test with Bonferronis correction was used to assess
differences in hearing thresholds.

Role of the funding source

The study sponsors had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, or dissemination, or in the decision to
submit this paper for publication. The corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study and had the final
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.

Of the 13 patients who agreed to participate in this study, 4 patients did not conform to the study protocol or failed to meet
eligibility requirements. Therefore, data were analyzed from the remaining nine patients. Behavioral hearing thresholds for each

patient were obtained at seven frequency regions. It is important to note that hearing thresholds obtained at each frequency were
analyzed as individual results, because of the frequency specificity of the auditory system.25 For that reason, each frequency
region was considered to be a single sample. To rule out the possibility of bias arising from test-retest variation,26 we repeated the
behavioral hearing test (i.e., pure-tone audiometry) three times for each sample and adopted the average value as a hearing
threshold of the corresponding sample. As a result, 63 hearing thresholds (i.e., 7 frequency regions 9 patients) were obtained
in every session.
To examine overall changes in hearing abilities as a result of modified sound conditioning, we calculated the grand average of the
63 hearing thresholds for each session and compared the grand averages before and after sound conditioning (figure 5). The
grand average before modified sound conditioning was 5980 dB HL, and this value decreased to 5089 dB HL after patients
underwent 2 weeks of modified sound conditioning followed by a 2 week break. Thus, 891 dB of significant improvement in
hearing ability was achieved (p = 0001, Wilcoxons signed rank test with Bonferronis correction). In addition, a comparison of
the grand averages from post-1 (i.e., after performing modified sound conditioning) and post-2 (i.e., 2 weeks after modified
sound conditioning is stopped) sessions revealed that improvements in hearing ability could be maintained for at least 2 weeks
after the conclusion of sound conditioning (p = 1000, Wilcoxons signed rank test with Bonferronis correction).
To investigate the distribution of hearing improvement, we calculated the magnitude of improvement in each sample by
subtracting the post-2 average from the pre-treatment average, and grouped the results by the extent of improvement (table 2).
The results showed that 2 weeks of modified sound conditioning improved hearing ability in 52 of 63 samples. Among the 52
samples, 39 exhibited more than 5 dB of improvement. Surprisingly, 12 samples achieved improvements of greater than 15 dB.
To examine intra-patient improvement in hearing ability, we compared the pre-treatment patient average with the post-2 patient
average (table 3), where patient average refers to the average hearing thresholds of seven samples of the corresponding patient.
Significant improvements in hearing ability were observed in 7 of the 9 patients (i.e., patients A through F, and H). Among the
seven patients, one (i.e., patient B) exhibited more than 40 dB of hearing improvement.
Although we obtained averages of three repeated tests and used these values as representative hearing thresholds, we still could
not rule out the possibility of bias resulting from test-retest variations. Therefore, we reanalyzed the effects of modified sound
conditioning after excluding samples that displayed more than 10 dB of test-retest variability (i.e., standard deviation) in any
session. Consistent with our previous findings, these results also suggested that modified sound conditioning improves hearing
ability (figure 6). The grand average before modified sound conditioning was 6080 dB HL, and this valued decreased to 5413
dB HL after sound conditioning. Thus, 667 dB of significant improvement in hearing ability was achieved (p = 0001,
Wilcoxons signed rank test with Bonferronis correction) after undergoing 2 weeks of modified sound conditioning followed by
a 2 week break. Comparison of post-1 and post-2 grand averages confirmed that improvements in hearing ability could be
maintained for at least 2 weeks after the conclusion of sound conditioning (p = 1000, Wilcoxons signed rank test with
Bonferronis correction).

Hearing loss has long been considered to be an irreversible phenomenon, as it is linked to hair cell death and the auditory hair
cells of the mammalian inner ear do not regenerate. However, a number of recent studies have found that hearing loss does not
necessarily result from hair cell death,27-29 as loss of outer-hair cell electromotility can reduce hearing ability by as much as 40
dB.28 In addition, noise-induced permanent hearing loss can result from damage to the cochlear amplifier, which is a main
function of outer-hair cells.29 In light of these observations, we sought to explore more effective methods of hearing restoration.
As previously mentioned, sound conditioning can protect the auditory system from noise-induced damage and slow the process
of hearing loss.12,16 In this study, we verified another capability of sound conditioning: the hearing improvement effect. There are
several clues relevant to the mechanism of hearing improvement produced by modified sound conditioning. It has been suggested
that sound conditioning induces physiological or biochemical changes in outer-hair cells.22 As hearing loss can result from
damage to outer-hair cells,28,29 it is possible that modified sound conditioning improves hearing ability by modulating the
function of these cells. Likewise, it is possible that sound conditioning influences the mechanical coupling between the basilar
membrane and outer hair cells. Secondly, the relationship between ROS (reactive oxygen species) and hearing loss should be
taken into account. Recent studies have shown that noise exposure increases free radical production, which damages hair cells.4
ROS are also known to play a role in age-related hearing loss.7 Interestingly, there is some evidence that sound conditioning
interferes with the adverse effects of ROS (i.e., by increasing cochlear antioxidant enzyme activity),20 and that low-level sound
conditioning reduces free radical damage to hair cells.19 Thus, it is plausible that modified sound conditioning improves hearing
ability by restoring ROS-induced hair cell damage. Future studies should explore the synergistic effects of modified sound

conditioning and antioxidant drugs.

Although we used very low levels of acoustic stimuli (ranging from 5 to 15 dB SL), a few patients appear to have been negatively
affected (table 2). However, we discovered that three samples, all of which had negative effects in excess of 10 dB, had very high
levels of test-retest variability (i.e., standard deviations 20 dB). Therefore, the seemingly negative results may have been
influenced by large transient threshold shifts. Interestingly, these three samples were all obtained from one patient (i.e., patient I).
Although we have not yet determined the source of the test-retest variation, it is clear that the transient hearing threshold shift did
not result from the hearing test equipment or study methods, as the same patient experienced standard deviations of less than 3
dB in three other samples. Moreover, large test-retest variability (i.e., in excess of 20 dB) occurred in only 1 of the 56 samples
from other patients.
Modified sound conditioning differs from conventional hearing aids, which amplify external sound, in that sound conditioning is
designed to fundamentally improve hearing ability. In this study, patients underwent modified sound conditioning for 2 weeks. As
the magnitude of hearing improvement may depend on the duration of sound conditioning, further studies should expand on our
results by testing additional timeframes. In addition, the severity of hearing loss may influence the extent of improvement
achieved via modified sound conditioning, as efficacy may depend on the pathological status of a damaged inner ear. Most of the
patients in our study suffered from moderate or moderate-severe hearing loss before undergoing modified sound conditioning.
Thus, future studies should investigate the efficacy of modified sound conditioning for various types of patients, including those
with mild hearing loss.

EK, SK(Seonwoo Kim) and SHH participated in the design of the study. SS participated in data collection. EK and SK(Seonwoo
Kim) participated in data analysis. SK(Sangyeop Kwak) participated in developing AMA-PTA and provided technical advices.
EK and SHH participated in writing the report. All authors have seen and approved the final version of the report.

This study was funded by Earlogic Korea Inc. We thank the individuals who joined this clinical trial and Hee-Yeon Shim for her
technical assistance.

Conflict of interest statement

SHH is a consultant of Earlogic Korea Inc. SK(Sangyeop Kwak) is CEO of Earlogic Korea Inc. EK, SS, and SK(Seonwoo Kim)
declares that they have no conflict of interest.

Figure Legends
Figure 1. Pure tone audiogram. Octave bands for AMA-PTA test were selected on the basis of such pure tone audiograms.
Figure 2. Micro audiogram of the AMA-PTA test with 1/24 octave resolution in the selected frequency range.
Figure 3. Selection of targeted frequency bands for sound conditioning.
Figure 4. Study protocol.
Figure 5. Changes in the grand averages of hearing thresholds. Pre refers to grand averages before modified sound conditioning.
Post-1 refers to grand averages after 2 weeks of modified sound conditioning. Post-2 refers to grand averages 2 weeks after the
conclusion of modified sound conditioning. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxons signed rank test with
Bonferronis correction.
Figure 6. Changes in the grand averages of hearing thresholds. Pre refers to grand averages before modified sound conditioning.
Post-1 refers to grand averages after 2 weeks of modified sound conditioning. Post-2 refers to grand averages 2 weeks after the
conclusion of modified sound conditioning. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxons signed rank test with
Bonferronis correction.

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Table 1. List of sound files

Abbreviation: CF, center frequency: Oct.,octave

Table 2. Improvements in hearing ability.
Hearing Improvement (HI, dB)*

Number of Samples

20 HI

15 HI < 20

10 HI < 15

5 HI < 10


0 < HI < 5


-5 < HI < 0

-10 < HI -5

-15 < HI -10

-20 < HI -15

*For each sample, hearing improvement was calculated by subtracting the post-2 average from the pre average.
Results were grouped by the extent of improvement.
Abbreviations: HI, hearing improvement.
Table 3. Changes in patient averages.
Pre Patient Average

Post-2 Patient Average

(dB HL)

(dB HL)






< 00001



< 00001











P value**










**Statistical analysis was performed using the paired T-test or the Wilcoxons signed-rank test (*).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

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