List of Key Physics Definitions
List of Key Physics Definitions
List of Key Physics Definitions
Basic / primary / fundamental Quantities that, by agreement, are treated as independent of any
quantities other quantiiies.
(mass Ikg], length lml, time [s], temperature IK], amount of
substance lmol], electric current [A], luminous intensity [cd])
Derived / secondary quantities Quantities obiained by simple combinarion of the basrc quantities.
One Newton (N = kg m s') Amount offorce acting on a mass of 1 kg causing a constant
acceleration of 1m s2.
z one Joule (J = kg m'zs_2) Amount ofwork done bya force of 1N when its poinl ofapplication
moves through a distance of 1 m in the direction ofthe force.
D lJncommon pretixes T (tera = 101':)
P (peta = 1O1s) f (femto = 1015)
a (atto = 1014)
One Mole The amount of substance that contains as many elementary entities
(atoms, ions, molecules etc) as there are atoms in 12 g of C-12.
Scalar quantities Quantities that requires only magnitude to be fully described-
Vector quantities Quantities that requires both rragnitude and direction to be fully
3t Relative velocity VA/B
.?> (of A to a) (Vector addition gjves resultant;
vector subtraction gives change in vector or relative value)
Reading Deiermination of a single value of an unknown quantity (raw value
given by any instnrments e.g. a calibrated value at a point on a
Final result of the analysis of a series of readings e.g. the lglglb
J:ti""** t rr*- : i-a.*,r between 2 poinis is a measurement obtained by taking 2 !94!!g!
F at the 2 points and calculating the difference in the 2 readings.
'6 Error (Uncertainty) t Ax The difference between a measurement and a true value.
t Uncertd;ntres dre always e,(precsed to I s.l.
Systematic error Errors that occur according to a definite pattern, yielding consistent
- overestimation (positive error) or undereslimation (negative error).
Errors that occur wiihout a definite pattern, with equal probabilities
of obtaining an overestimated (positive error) or an underestimated
(negative error) measurement,
The extent to which a measurement agrees with the true value,
Precision The extent to which a set of measurements done u nder the same
experimentalconditions agrees with one another{the spread ofthe
data obtained).
Displacement The length travelled between the finaland the initial position ofa
body in motion accompanied by a specific direction oftravel
E (denoted by a + or - sign or by an angle to a reference line).
Drlplacement per unrt lrrne. i-.r :,', b _' I
€hame in velocity per unittime;or-rate of change ofvelocity.
9 A body at rest remains at rest and a body in uniform velocity
I (Law of inertia) continues its molion in a uniform velocity unless acled upon by an
external resultant force,
Newton's 2"" Law The rate ofchange ofmomentum of a body is directly proportional
3 to the magnitude of the applied force, and the change of
z r,=E) momenium takes place in the direction of the applied force.
o I drJ
Newton's 3'o Law ln a mut!al interaction between 2 bodies, the force exerted by one
z on another is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the
force exerted bV the other on it.
lnertia The property of a body which resists a change in its state of motion-
Mass is a measure of the inertia of a body (not the amount of
subslance - mole).
The product of the instantaneous velocity and the mass of a body
gives momentum.
E Ate\e4 It is a measure of the reluciance of a system in changing its state of
o Elastic collision Collision in which bother linear momentum and total KE ofthe
system ;s conserved,
In a one-dimensional (head-on) collision, the relative velocity of
approach before collision is equalto the relaiive velocity of
(Perfectly elastic) separation aft er collision,
When a moving body, A, collides head on elastically with a
stationary body, B, of identical mass, A comes to a stop and B
moves off with the initial velocity of A.
lnelastic collision Collision in which the linear momentum is conserved but the total
KE ofthe system decreases.
Perfectly inelastic collision collision in which colliding bodies become a single combined body
moving with a common velocity after impact (coalesce).
lmpulse F At = area under the F-t graph = a momentum
FGM defined as the gravitational force per unit mass acting on a !!!ql!
test mass placed at that point.
cravitational field stren8th q!lb!! Gravitational field strength at a point y{jl[!! a sphericalsolid mass
(e.9. earth) increases linearly with its distance, r, from the centre of
a solid mass
the solid (ear1h).
Gravitational potential energy The GPE of a mass m at a point in the gravitational field is defined as
GMm the work done to move the mass from infinity to the point by an
GPE=- external agent without a chanse in its kinetic enerFV.
Gravitational potential The gravitational potential at a point in ihe field is defined as the
Simple Harmonic Motion A to and fro motion or periodic variation in which the acceleration is
directly proportional to the displacement from a fixed equilibrium
x = xosinl,)t
position (centre) and is always directed towards the fixed
v= vocosot, v = !rr) equilibrium position, i-e. in the opposite direction to the
3 displacement.
Latent energies
Lu > Lr because vaporizalion involves breaking more intermolecular
bonds and expanding into a greater volume (greater work done
against atmosphere).
First Law of Thermodynamics Change in internal energy of a system (aU) is the sum of the work
done q! the system (W) and the heat :!-ppl.iCdlq the system (Q).
The sum ofthe potentialenergies and the kinetic energies ofthe
lnternal energy U random motion ofall the molecules in the system.
Since there is no intermolecular interaction, potentialenergy among
For idealgas,
E atoms is zero and thus internal energy of an ideal gas depends solely
6y = 6xg= 1Nk61= 1np61 on KE of atoms which is proportional to the thermodynamic
t- 2 2 temperature ofthe gas.
Cyclic change Change which brings the state of the system throLrgh a series of
changes and finally returning to its original state.
lsothermal transformation Transformaiion which takes place at a constant temperature.
charge The product ofcurrent and time.
l coulomb (c) The amountofcharge passing through a section ofthe circuitwhere
a steady current of 1 A flows for 1 s.
Potentialdifference The p.d. across an electrical device is defined as the amount of
electrical energy converted to other forms of energy per unit charge
passing lhrough it.
1 volt {V) The p.d. across a device in a circuit in which 1J of eledrical energy is
converted into other forms of energy when 1 C of charge passes
through it.
Resistance The resistance of a conductor is defined as the Glig of the p.d.
IF across it to the current flowing through it.
z I R=-
a I
The e.m.f. of a source is defined as the electrical power supplied by
the source per unit current delivered by the source.
Work done per unit time.
The rate ofdissipation/ conversion ofenergy.
Maximum PowerTheorem Maximum power is delivered to the load when the resistance of the
load is equalto the internal resistance ofthe source,
Kirchhoff's First Law (Current Law) The algebraicsum ofthe currents at ajLrnction is zero (conservation
of charqe).
Potentialdivider lf a p.d. is applied across several resistors in series, the p.d. across a
particular resistor is the product of the fraction of the resistance of
ln ) that resistor to the overall resistance and the p.d. across the
^ lR l"
Root-mean-square value The r.m.s. value of an alternating current is its effective value
t- corresponding to the value of a steady direct current, which will
dissipate the same amount of heat in a given resistor ;n a given time
as the alternating current in the same circuit.
''' Jz
Area under the P t graph is energy.
Mean power is the area under a P-t graph divided by time.
f'p at Mean power in an alternating circuit is halfofthe maximum power if
(P)= the A.C. is sinusoidal.
/Pl=t v t-v P_
=--L-+= zrr
P = lovosin'zot
Jz 'lz
N, V. to
Electrostatic force
distance aPart.
Electric potential inside a charged Electric potential at all points inside a hol ow charRed conductor has
the same value as electric potential at the surface of the conductor.
ln general (i.e. for both point
charge and parallel charged plates)
dV ofthe electric potentialenergy
E=-- Electric field strength is the negative
dx gradient.
: dU Electric force is the negative of the electric potential energy
dx gradient.
z A region in space in which a current carrying conductor experiences
I Magnetic field
a magnetic force.
oi Force experienced by a unit length of conductor, carrying a unit
Magnetic field strength
current, placed perpendicular to the magnetic field.
- Magnetic flux d€nsity (B)
B=- F
.9 (lrom F = al[sino dnd F = Bqvsino)
The strength ofthe magnetic field that results in a force of 1 N on 1
r Tesla (T)
m of a conductor, carrying 1 A of current, placed perpendicular to
.9 the magnetic field.
Magnetic Flux (O) Magnetic flux through a plane surface is defined as the product of
the flux density (B) normalto the surface and the area (A) ofthe
The magnetic flux linkage through a coil of N turns is defined as the
I Ma8netic {lux linkage (O = NC)
total flux through N turns of the coil where each turn experiences
d @ = NBrA
the sarre maSneii. flux (0) throLlgh its ar ed.
.9 / The amounl of magneiic flux linking a coil of 1 turn that produces in
l Weber {Wb)
it an e.m-f. of 1V as it is reduced to zero at a uniform rate of 1 s
When there is a change in magnetic flux through a circuit an e.m.f. is
set up in lhe circuit.
dO dNB A
The magnitude ofthe induced e.m.f. is proportionalto the rate of
I dt dt change offlux linkage.
The induced current always flow in a direction to oppose the chan8e
[enz' Law
producing it.
(the negative sign in equation of
Faraday's [aw)
Photoelectric effect The phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a solid
surface when it is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation.
Photon A'particle'ofelectromagnetic radiation, which carries a quantum of
energy E that is related to its frequency f and the Planck constant h
by the equation:
v 7t6lof
photoelectric emission l(1)
no. of photoelectrons emitted per second depends on the
v intensityot thF rncident rddiarion {rdteol arrivalof phoLon5
(a) ao-.Y%o'. ll . 42) Maximum velocity (KE) ofthe photoelectrons depends on the
' kutu
f .*i (C"-o^- photo
type of material irradiated and frequency of incident
A1c,<;-o ,t*-^.e+\a photons (and also the depth of the electrons before irradiation).
.(3)There will be no phoioemission if the frequency ofthe incident
ttr,,. t"1 tu--|>|" radiation is below the threshold frequency fo ofthe material.
Work function (O) The minimum amount of energy needed by an electron for it to be
dislodged from a photo-emissive material.
Threshold frequency {fo) The minimum frequency of the incident radiation that allows
photoelectric emission from a 5!rface,
t Threshold wavelength (l"o) The maximum wavelength ofthe incident radiation that willcause
6 photoelectric emission from a surface.
T + KEmd
Einstein's photoelectric equation E **" o*- = 0-"a (or em fred odoe etoD)
z ""a.d*ia
o E
o 1.,i=4,*1.u.,,'
Stopping potential (V") The polential of the anode of a photocell lhat is just enough to repel
all the approaching photoelectrons from the photocathode so that
=l,nu.",' lhe pffective Lullent through the pholo(ell is zero.
de Broglie wavelength A particle with momentum p is associated with a wavelength I give
by the de Broglie equation:
The most stable state in which allthe electrons in the atom are in
cround state (of an atom)
their respective lowest enerqv states available.
Excited state (ofan atom) The unstable state in which one or more electrons in the atom have
transited to a higher energy level.
Excitation energy The amount of energy absorbed by an electron that transits from
the lowest enerev level to a higher energy level.
lonisation energy The amount of energy absorbed by an electron that transits from
the lowest energv levelto the highest energy ievel.
Transition to higher energy levels This phenomenon occurs when:
(1) the electron collides with another electron with KE > excilation
energy, or
{2) the photon with hf = excitation energy is incident on the
an electron at a point,
Scanning Tunneling Microscope A very high-resolution microscope that is used to obtain images of
conductive surfaces at atomic scale level, lt works on the basis of
electron tunneling
G, Transmission coeff icient (T)
Reflection coefficient (R) R+T=1
z Number of excited atoms is more than the number of ground state
Population inversion
o De-excitation of an excited atom by a perturbing photon of
: Stimulated emission
matching frequency.
Resulting radiation has same phase, frequency, polarization and
direction of travel as the incident perturbing photon.
Valence Band The valence band is the highest range ofelectron energies where
electrons are normally present at absolute zero-
This is usually the uppermost occupied band.
Conduction Band Range of electron energy here is higher tha n that of the valence
band. Electrons are free to accelerate u nder the influence of an
applied electric field and thus constitute an electric current.
This is usually the lowest unoccupied band.
E n-type semiconductor Semiconductors which are doped with group 5 impurity atoms (e.9.
phosphorus, arsenic).
d Maioritv carriers in n tVpe semiconductor are electrons.
p-type semiconductor Semiconductors which are doped with group 3 impurity atoms (e.9.
boron, aluminium, gallium).
Majoritv carriers in p type semiconductor are holes.
p-n junction as rectifier A p-n junction allows electric charges to flow in one direction, but
not in the opposite direction.
When connected in a circuit with alternating e.m.f., it acts as a
rectifier to restrict current flow every half cycle (when it is in reverse
Depletion layer A layerformed atthejunction where the p-type and n type
semiconductors are in contact. lt is void of mobile charge carriers,
hence acts like a laver of insulation.
Rutherford c.-scatterinB lnference from the experiment:
(1) Majority ofthe c. particles pass through undeflected
) an atom is largelY emPtY sPace,
(2) Some c(-particles are defiected to a large angle
+ there exist a positively charged body that is small but massive
enough to provide a magnitude of e ectrostatic force that can
repel the oncoming cL-particle to such a great extent.
Conclusion of Rutherford o- An atom has most of its mass and all its positive charge
concentrated in a very small volume in its nucleus (= 101r m).
scatterinB experiment
Electrons are spread out around the nucleus and occupy a much
large volume (= 10 m).
lmportent rationale forthe (1) Vacuum: air molecules caLrse deflection of cl'-particles. ln a
vacLrum, it can thus be conclusive that deflection of cl particles is
entirely due to its interaction with gold atoms.
(2) Narrow parallel beam oI ct-particles: ensures that there is little
divergence in the deflected beam so as to facilitate measurement of
angles and to increase the precision,
(3) Thin gold foil is used: to maximize the probability that any
interactions causing the deflection is between a single o. particle and
a sinele eold atom.
P Number of protons in an atom (proton number).
9 Nucleon number Total number of protons and neutrons in an atom (mass number),
:c lsotopes Atoms that have the same number of protons but different number
z ot ,1
6 Unified atomic mass unit ('r) of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
o 1u=1.66x10'z?kg 1)'n
: -
1u is approximately the mass of 1 nucleon.
ruc'z = 931 MeV
z E is the energy equivalence of mass m, and c is the constant speed
Einstein's energy equation
of light.
Gain in energy is reflected as an increase in mass; loss of energy is
reflected as a decrease in mass.
Bindinc energv (BE) The amount of energy required to completely separate a nucleus
into its constituent nucleons.
Mass detect (Am) The difference between the mass of a nucleus and the total mass of
tls qeparaie individJdl (on\lrluenr nucleon5.
Nuclear fusion The process where 2 small nLrclei fuse to form a larger nucleus wth a
release of energv.
Nuclear fission The process where a large nucleus breaks up into smaller nuclei (of
similar sizes)with a release ofenergv.
The difference between the masses ofthe reactants in a nuclear
reaction and the masses ofthe products.
Energy released 2 ways to calculate:
(1) Energy released - m0,"0,.,)c'
(2) Energy released BEp-a"o' BE'"*"*,
Binding energy per nucleon An indication ofstability-the largerihe BE/nucleon ofa nuclide,
the more stable the nuclide is.
Fe 56 is the most stable nuclide with the highest BE/nucleon {= 9.0
Radioactive decay The process through which unstable nuclides eventually form stable
nuclides by the emission of subatomic particles (c{. or 0 particles) orT
Activity (A) The rate at which radioactive nuclei are disintegrating within a
radioactive sample-
.: e=!!=rN
(The number of radioactive nuclides that decay in a unii time)
.9 Decay constant (l) The probability that an individual radioactive nucleus will decay in
o ln2
= tt
Half life The time taken for half the total number of radioactive atoms in a
substance to decay.
Decay law ladioactive substance decays exponentially with iime.
( can be:
x =Xoe-r'
1)Activity (A)
Xo is the initial value o{ x at t =0 2)Count rate (C)
3) Number of radioactive nuclei (N)
4)Mass (m)
5) No. of mole (n)