A CN B CM CM: 9.rli10ri (G R67/to, 7tg

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The d anelerofa sleelba wasdelerm ned byusing a metrerue to measlrefolr

Tlre positons on ihe scae were esii'n€ted to be as io ows:

x (1 0 r0.2) cm
9745/01 y (5.010 2) cm
Practice Pap€rs Set 3


Wh ch of lhe folow ng giv€s the val!e of the dtameterwith irs associated uncerla nty?
speed of ghi i'r free space, A (1 0:0.05) cn B (l 010 1) cm C (1 o 10.2) cm
D (j.O 10.24) cm
permeab lity of free space,
Pe.m ltiv ty of lree spac€,
Two bodies X and Y are connected by a ight cord passed over a tight treerunning
(1/(36n))x10'gFml oJt,-r !lowr. s.1,r91o
horzonta. The valleofq may be ra[en as9 8m s,
1.60 x 10 re C
unified atomic m€ss constant,
resl mass of oleciron, 9.rli10ri[g
lhe Avogadro -nstani,
lhe Bollzmann constani
gravitalional constanl, G
accele.alion of free tati, g

When X has trave ed 2,0 m atong the ptane what is the tota

Lrni{ormly acce erated rnotion

A 2OJ B 59 J C 64.i D 132 J

work done oi/by a sas w= After acceerating down a h l, a cyclst moves at constant speed and then deceterates
as he c nbs !p another hil Wh ch graph shows rhe varalion oi d srance s t.ave ed
by ihe cyclistwith rime t?
gravilaiiona poiential _Gtu
displacemBnl ot pa ice ns,h.m,
v€ ocily of padicle n s.h.m.,

all€rnating cur.enVvo lage,

transmis6ion coef fi cieni, T- A stone is reeased iiom rest ar ihe top of a 40 m hiah tow6r. Air resistanc€ mav be
. 6t^u
wrere A = ,l +
F) iaken as neg sible what is the tme laken for the stone to faLl the tast 10 m 6 the
grolnd? (Iake 9 as 10 m s")

0.693 a 0.38s B 1.4s C 2.5 s o 2.8 s

3 4

The qiven aqrarn shows a car wiih a rearwheel drve acceler€ti.g in the direct on
d The given dlag.am shows a non-unilorm rod (cente of gravily not at geomelrica
shown. Which of lhe to lowing d agrarn b€st shows the directon ot the reslliani force centrc) oflenglh 1 m aid on llshtsupporls across two top_pan barances The baances
exert€d o.lhe rear whees by lhe rcad? oive roadlnss of360 s and 240 g.

ic Whe.e s lhe ce.t.e olqravily ofihe rod reialive io tsgeomotca cenire?

A 1/'1Qmeire io ihe left B 1/10 melre io the ght

The giv€n dlagram ilustrales tlo equa masses X a.d Y on a frict onless a I (rack c 1/6 mehe to the left D 1/5 metre 10 the r ght
mov ng lowards each other.

A irol ey lhat runs a ong a rai has a weisht Wslspended frcm il. Thew€ighl sraised
lhrouqh a heiaht q whie the llo ey s moved Ihrough a hoizontald stance p
t^ l

What are tho possible veaclles ol (he hlo masses after ihey make an e astc co sion?

c The resuli is that the we aht moves ihrouqh a d slance r from X io Y, slarl ng and

Whal s Ihe work dane on the weighl n lh s process?

A rod wih 6eg gible weighi is suspended lrom three dentica springs With a weqht A W@+q) C wq o Wr
l4l hanging fro.n the midd e of the rod, the extenson of each spr ng s, The mlddle
spr n9 s then removed and ihe welghl ncreased 1o 2hl.
10 Acareigineprovdes24kWoflsefu power in order to trave at a constani speed. li
thedrvingforceonthecaris600N whai s the speed of the car?

a 2.5ms_r 6 4ohsr c 25ms1 D 4omtl

l1 The axis of roiaion of a c.culai p ate is through its cente and perpendicular lo ils
plane. Two partcles P and Q are o.lhe plate. The dlslance of P f.om the axls s twice

. .,e,.€..e,o-!iI:"
I . il""r ,- oi ,y o, O
Whal s the new extension ofeach sprlng?
A 3xl2 B ,1xl3 C 3r
12 A compact d sc s rotal ng lf a disc drive at a consrant number of revolut ons per 17 Theg ven graph shows a panicular instanrol a trafsve.se wave rraveting from etr to
s€cond. A poinl on the disc, a d srance rlrom the centre of rolaton is novtng wrh righl on a rope. What ls the dnection of hol on ol Ihe point p and e?
Which oflhe folowing graphs besl i usrrates the reationsh o behdeen vand,

13 w € rs

1-ae al,Fq.di o nega..ero dr.ao,ue



a.aporrpo, reEc,i,.
A th€ acceeraton olfree fa Iat P.
B lhe change n poienriai energy per !n td stance iio.n p.
18 The given diagram showsthe.e alive pos ton oftwo operalors S, afd S?, rhat
C lhe forc€ acting on any body p aced at p prod!ce waier waves ofwavele.glh 2 m When operaled by tsetf, each generalor
O the work done n bringing lnil mass from nf nilytop p.od!ceswaves which have an ampllude A al P.

lflhe generalors are operaled in phase s, 4m s2

14 A u nitorm sphere of d iameter d has a gralirario nai fie d skeng th X al rs suriace
vrhat rs ihe amp tude olosci auo. at P? I
se@nd unilorm sphero has rhe sane densiy bur has a d am;te,2cr.
Whal is ihe graviatio.a led srrength at rhe surfa.e olrhe second sphere?
B %A
B4X c8x o 16X

19 Whlch oithe fo ow nq dlagrahs conecry shows (he appea.ance oi ptanewaterwaves

15 An object is moving in simpte har.ionic moron wjth ampijtude a. Wh ch graph best
passing through a wid€ Oap n a r ppte ta.k exoer menr?
shows lhe variation of its veocity vwith ts displacement,{ fo. one conrolete osclationt

re E:--'- :_G#
16 Which sl consisls ofqlanltes ihat ronain constant when a body moves in
undanped simp e ha.monic morion?

A acceleration force tolat energy

B amplitude anglLarlrequency acceeraton

C a.gularfrequencyacceerauon fo.ce

D lotalenergy amp tlde angutar fr€que.cy

Page 5 af 14
9 i0
DiasGm (a) shows how the clrrenl in a certain dod€ varies with the porentia The d agram shows a long slraighl wne P sil!ated alofg the axis ot a llat circular co I
The ne PQ is a st.aight ne,
diflerence across il. O Both Ihe wre ard the coircariy a cuffeil. Whlch oilhe fo owing coffectly descibes
Oagram (b) shows hao of lhe diodes connecred n para er wrh a mil]ammeter ol the forc€ acting on each partof Q due to ihe cliient in P?

100.} A The force is awaylrom P

B The force is towads P.
C Theforce s perperdicu ar lo the pane of Ihe diasram.
lf the curenl /s thrcugh the miramrireter is 8 mA, which of the fo lowng is the vat!e of D There s no force in any dir€clon

The given diagram shows a wre sltuated b€n4ee. Ihe poles oi a horseshoe magner
B 14mA C 20mA O 24nA whch is placed on a top-pan balance The readlng on the balance is 142.0 9 when
lhere is no curenl in the wire, a.d 1446 9 when there s a cu.rent o12.0 A n the
The given d agram il!skales how a polentiomerer is ro be ca ibrated wth a srandard
cel, Nlll potental is obtained at a poi.t near !. For berrer acclracy lh€pontshoutd

When there is a cu(e.t of 3.0 A n the dneclon YX which of the fo lowng ls the
r€ading on the balance?

Whch ofthe foilowng may be achieve this? A 138.1 g B 14079 C 14599 D 148.59

A Replacng lhe gavanomet€rwilh one o{ owerresstance 31 Acoi P is connected to a 5Q hz aternaUng supply olconstant peakvollage, s placed
B Replacing lhe potentiomeler wilh one oI higlrer resistance per unit tength. cose lo a separate coil Q whch s connected ro the Y-inp!l terminals of the
C Pllting a shlni resstance in para le wih the gatvanorn€ter. osci oscope as show.
D lnfeasing the resistance R.

The screen of the osciloscope shows a snlsoidaltrace
The cois a.e lhen linked w th a solt ron core. What s the effect o. the trace?

Number of waves on scre-.n

B lncreases SIavs rhe same

11 12

32 An aircrafl oI lenglh l and wingspan r is fyng horizonlally at speed v as show.. The Photoelecirons mey be emiiled when e €ctroma!netlc radiation of lrequencv ffals on
Earlh s magnelc field ln tho reglon is nclined at an angle I to lhe ho zonla and has a oadicuLar melalsurface. The q ven c.aph shows how th€ marimum kinelcenergy E
!rnform flux denslly A. of ihese electrons var es w th f The experiment s ihen repealed using a nother meial
of greaier work functio. e.ergy.

Wh ch of the lollowinq oraphswl be obtained?

the emf. generated between the winqtps by eectromagnellc B

B Btv C Bxv D Axvsno

33 Energy is dissipated al a mean.ale P na€sstorwhenil s con.ected to a s nlsoida

alternal ng supp y, A diod e, wh ich may be take. to have zero res sla nce n the foNard
d rection and infi. te reslsiance n the reve6e d reciion s lhen inserted n ihe cncuil n c o
series wilh the res slor.
Which expresso. gives ihe new rale olenergy dissipation?

Aze.oB: 4
c-o 212 2

35 The e€caon energy evels n a ceria n atom are represented bylhe I ven scae
drawing. A g.een ne s produced by a transtion trom E3 to Er.

Whlch oilhe following transilons co! d produce a red ilne?

A EltoE3 B EatoE, C AtoEl E, lo E,

l3 14
36 An €iectron, wilh a klnetic energy of 2.0 eV, e. counterc a potent a baftier wrth a
he ght ot 6.0 eV. C ven that the lransm ss on coefiic ent is O.l3 wh ch of the to owi.g A un form e ectr c f e d of strengih F s created behleen hvo horzonla ptal€s p and e
is ihe reflection coefficient? An c-panicle, a F,parUc e and a r photon enler the te d as shown.

a c 033 0.87

37 A helum gas aser has a powe.of4.0 !1/ and em ls a 30 ms pllse per second. I rs
wavelength is 620 nm, how many phoions are there in eu ch pu se?

A 1.98 x 1Or7 a 275 | 1011

c 3.36, lorr D 3.74 ! 10'i7 What are the deflections ofthe partices n lhe eteciric fietd?

Near a p-njunclon, free electrons in the nrype materialrend to diffuse across the 0-parlicle
junction nto the p-iype maieria.
Wh ch of the iollowing best€xplains why rhe d ffusion occurs?
A ConcentraUon otelecirons n the n,iype halerat s sma tand n ihe p-type c
mater alis large, D
B Concentratio. ol e eclrons in ih e fiype mareiia is targe and i. the p-type
materle s sm.ll
C Smaiipotentla across th€ depeiion ayer cause eeclrois to dfflse
conl nuously acrcss the p-njuncton.
D Diff€rent the.malag taton ofatoms n the n-type and ptyp€ marerial,

39 N lrog€n-14 can be kansformed to OxygenlT by h gh eneqy d-pa.tic es as to ows:

r:N +:He ,';o + lH
The n trcgen and he ium nucle have a tora rcsr mass of 18.006r.
The oxygen and hydrog€n nuclei have a rota rest mass oi 18.007u.
The mass oi 0.001! has an en€rgy equ valent oJ 1 NteV.
Which ol lh€ folowing cotrect describes the lniormation g ven?

A l,4ass or0.001u has been conveded nlo 1 MeV ofeiergy.

B Th€ kinetic energyofth6 products oxceeds ihe k netic €ne.gyofthe reactants
by 1 MeV.
C lhe kin€tic energy or the reaciants exceeds ihe kinetic energy ol the producls
D The reaclails had oniy 1 M€V oi kineric energy and at oi this was converted

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