A CN B CM CM: 9.rli10ri (G R67/to, 7tg
A CN B CM CM: 9.rli10ri (G R67/to, 7tg
A CN B CM CM: 9.rli10ri (G R67/to, 7tg
When X has trave ed 2,0 m atong the ptane what is the tota
work done oi/by a sas w= After acceerating down a h l, a cyclst moves at constant speed and then deceterates
as he c nbs !p another hil Wh ch graph shows rhe varalion oi d srance s t.ave ed
by ihe cyclistwith rime t?
gravilaiiona poiential _Gtu
displacemBnl ot pa ice ns,h.m,
v€ ocily of padicle n s.h.m.,
The qiven aqrarn shows a car wiih a rearwheel drve acceler€ti.g in the direct on
d The given dlag.am shows a non-unilorm rod (cente of gravily not at geomelrica
shown. Which of lhe to lowing d agrarn b€st shows the directon ot the reslliani force centrc) oflenglh 1 m aid on llshtsupporls across two top_pan barances The baances
exert€d o.lhe rear whees by lhe rcad? oive roadlnss of360 s and 240 g.
A irol ey lhat runs a ong a rai has a weisht Wslspended frcm il. Thew€ighl sraised
lhrouqh a heiaht q whie the llo ey s moved Ihrough a hoizontald stance p
t^ l
What are tho possible veaclles ol (he hlo masses after ihey make an e astc co sion?
c The resuli is that the we aht moves ihrouqh a d slance r from X io Y, slarl ng and
Whal s Ihe work dane on the weighl n lh s process?
A rod wih 6eg gible weighi is suspended lrom three dentica springs With a weqht A W@+q) C wq o Wr
l4l hanging fro.n the midd e of the rod, the extenson of each spr ng s, The mlddle
spr n9 s then removed and ihe welghl ncreased 1o 2hl.
10 Acareigineprovdes24kWoflsefu power in order to trave at a constani speed. li
thedrvingforceonthecaris600N whai s the speed of the car?
l1 The axis of roiaion of a c.culai p ate is through its cente and perpendicular lo ils
plane. Two partcles P and Q are o.lhe plate. The dlslance of P f.om the axls s twice
. .,e,.€..e,o-!iI:"
I . il""r ,- oi ,y o, O
Whal s the new extension ofeach sprlng?
A 3xl2 B ,1xl3 C 3r
12 A compact d sc s rotal ng lf a disc drive at a consrant number of revolut ons per 17 Theg ven graph shows a panicular instanrol a trafsve.se wave rraveting from etr to
s€cond. A poinl on the disc, a d srance rlrom the centre of rolaton is novtng wrh righl on a rope. What ls the dnection of hol on ol Ihe point p and e?
Which oflhe folowing graphs besl i usrrates the reationsh o behdeen vand,
13 w € rs
a.aporrpo, reEc,i,.
A th€ acceeraton olfree fa Iat P.
B lhe change n poienriai energy per !n td stance iio.n p.
18 The given diagram showsthe.e alive pos ton oftwo operalors S, afd S?, rhat
C lhe forc€ acting on any body p aced at p prod!ce waier waves ofwavele.glh 2 m When operaled by tsetf, each generalor
O the work done n bringing lnil mass from nf nilytop p.od!ceswaves which have an ampllude A al P.
re E:--'- :_G#
16 Which sl consisls ofqlanltes ihat ronain constant when a body moves in
undanped simp e ha.monic morion?
The given diagram shows a wre sltuated b€n4ee. Ihe poles oi a horseshoe magner
B 14mA C 20mA O 24nA whch is placed on a top-pan balance The readlng on the balance is 142.0 9 when
lhere is no curenl in the wire, a.d 1446 9 when there s a cu.rent o12.0 A n the
The given d agram il!skales how a polentiomerer is ro be ca ibrated wth a srandard
cel, Nlll potental is obtained at a poi.t near !. For berrer acclracy lh€pontshoutd
When there is a cu(e.t of 3.0 A n the dneclon YX which of the fo lowng ls the
r€ading on the balance?
Whch ofthe foilowng may be achieve this? A 138.1 g B 14079 C 14599 D 148.59
A Replacng lhe gavanomet€rwilh one o{ owerresstance 31 Acoi P is connected to a 5Q hz aternaUng supply olconstant peakvollage, s placed
B Replacing lhe potentiomeler wilh one oI higlrer resistance per unit tength. cose lo a separate coil Q whch s connected ro the Y-inp!l terminals of the
C Pllting a shlni resstance in para le wih the gatvanorn€ter. osci oscope as show.
D lnfeasing the resistance R.
The screen of the osciloscope shows a snlsoidaltrace
The cois a.e lhen linked w th a solt ron core. What s the effect o. the trace?
32 An aircrafl oI lenglh l and wingspan r is fyng horizonlally at speed v as show.. The Photoelecirons mey be emiiled when e €ctroma!netlc radiation of lrequencv ffals on
Earlh s magnelc field ln tho reglon is nclined at an angle I to lhe ho zonla and has a oadicuLar melalsurface. The q ven c.aph shows how th€ marimum kinelcenergy E
!rnform flux denslly A. of ihese electrons var es w th f The experiment s ihen repealed using a nother meial
of greaier work functio. e.ergy.
Aze.oB: 4
c-o 212 2
35 The e€caon energy evels n a ceria n atom are represented bylhe I ven scae
drawing. A g.een ne s produced by a transtion trom E3 to Er.
a c 033 0.87
37 A helum gas aser has a powe.of4.0 !1/ and em ls a 30 ms pllse per second. I rs
wavelength is 620 nm, how many phoions are there in eu ch pu se?
Near a p-njunclon, free electrons in the nrype materialrend to diffuse across the 0-parlicle
junction nto the p-iype maieria.
Wh ch of the iollowing best€xplains why rhe d ffusion occurs?
A ConcentraUon otelecirons n the n,iype halerat s sma tand n ihe p-type c
mater alis large, D
B Concentratio. ol e eclrons in ih e fiype mareiia is targe and i. the p-type
materle s sm.ll
C Smaiipotentla across th€ depeiion ayer cause eeclrois to dfflse
conl nuously acrcss the p-njuncton.
D Diff€rent the.malag taton ofatoms n the n-type and ptyp€ marerial,