Specimen Paper 1 Phy
Specimen Paper 1 Phy
Specimen Paper 1 Phy
in collaboration with
General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
PHYSICS 9745101
Higher 2
t hour 15 minutes
Additional I\,,laterials. [,4ultiple Choice Answer Sheet
Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separale Answer
Fach correct answer will score one mark. A mark will nol be deducted for a wrong answer'
Any rouqh working should be done in this booklet
(1/(36r)) x 104Fm 1
gravitational potential,
p: r
altemating currenUvoltage,
*y.,"," p = .lU$ E)
decay constant,
, = 0 693
^ t,
ii F
c D
What is the shape of the acceleration-iime graph for the same journey?
ln an elastic collision the velocities of tlvo objects of masses 20kg and B0 kg are shown below'
5.0ms 1
before collision
10.2ms 1
after collision
5 A child is sitting on a playground turntable and is rotating with uniform angular velocity.
The resultant force that the turntable exerts on the child is '160 N. The weiqht of the child is 120 N-
A beam of weight 160 N is supported at X and Y. Loading on the beam and dimensions are
shown in the diagram.
0.40 m
0 90m
800 N
support at x support at Y
A 400 N 1960 N
B 400 N '1160 N
c 570 N 990 N
D 740 N B2O N
Which line gives the kinetic, graviiational potential and elastic potential energies?
gravitational elastic
kinetic energy potential energy potential energy
A crane lifting a container out of the hold of a ship is wofting at a rate of 670 kW. The container
has a mass of40 tonnes (1 tonne = 1000kg) and is rising with constant speed of '1.3ms
The unit of gravitational field strength is N kg
A Nm'zkg' B kgm' C ms 2
D Jksr
'tO The Earth, at a distance of 1.50 x 10rr m from the Sun, orbits the Sun in one year.
D lt is accelerating.
13 Which graph shows velocity against displacement for a body undergoing simple harmonic
displacement displacement
\0 displa
14 The displacement x of a molecule undergoing simple harmonic motion in a sound wave is given
x = xo sin 2rft
A 2.0'1
" 101ms 'z
C 1.26 x 106ms'?
D 1.26 x lOems'
16 The random kinetic energy of all the gas molecules inside a tyre of an aircraft in flight is 63 ki.
The translational kinetic energy of these molecules is 10 kJ. The randofi potential energy of the
molecules is -2 kJ and the potential energy due to the height of the aircraft is 4ki.
17 An ideal gas has a volume of 5.3 x 10 3 m3 when at a pressure of 1.04 , 10s Pa and a
temperature ol24oC.
D Fast molecules leave the sudace so the mean speed of those left behind is reduced-
19 Inanideal gas at 50O oC, the mean kinetic energy of the gas molecules is 1 6 J
' 1O-'?3
What are the values for the temperature of the gas and the mean kinetic energy of the gas
molecules when its molecules are, on average, travelling at twice the speed?
c diffraction.
D interference.
22 Energy lrom a point source of waves spreads out uniformly in all directions. The amplitude and
intensity of the waves at a distance x from the source are A and 1 respectively, as shown.
amplitude A
intensity /
Assuming no absorption by the medium through which the waves are travelling, what are the
amplitude and intensity at a distance of4x?
intensity at amplitude at
distance 4x distance 4x
B Al16
c Al2
D 2
23 A diffraction grating is used to produce the characteristic ljne spectrum from a lamp that emits a
red line (R), a green line (G)and a blue line (B).
light from lamp light from lamp
grating B grating R
light from lamp light from lamp
24 What is the pattern of the electric field between a positively charged conducting sphere and a
metal plate near to it?
The diagram shows a square meial plate with a potential of 500 V, and equipotential lines
surroundinq it.
How much work is done on an electrcn in crdei to move it from point P to point Q?
A -1.6 i 10 r7J
B 4.8 x 10 17J
C +1.6 x 10
D +4.8 : 1o-r7J
ln the circuit shown, a battery supplies a current of 0.025A for B0 s- During this time it produces
'18 J of electrical energy while resistor M receives 1 1 J and resistor N receives 4-0 J.
internal resistance
e.m.f. of battery
of battery
1.5V 60o
B 9.0v 60()
c 9.0v 360c)
D 16.5V 360c)
A 12V battery of negligible resistance is used with a potential dividerto provide a variable voltage
across terminals P and Q.
load resistor Z
resistorX whose resistance can be changed between 100() and 1200O
400 ()?
maximum/V minimum/V
7.2 3.4
B 10.3 4.0
c 10.7 8.6
D 12.0 8.0
082 T
An alpha particle travelling in a vacuum enters a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0
and is deflected into a circular path of radius 0 066 m.
What is the speed of the alpha particte? (mass of alpha particle = 6 7 10 kg)
' '??
A 5.1 ! 1o'zmtl
B 1.3 x 105ms
D 1.3
" 106ms-l
3l - Ari electron moves into a magnetic field and is deflected by it- The first diagram shows a side
view of this and the second diagram shows the view with the electron as it initially comes towards
an observer-
ln which direction will the electron be deflected?
elecrron ^^lxxxxxxxxx
--;--\ I
side view; field into paper view frcm the front field
Which graph shows how the power varies with time together with the relationship between
maximum power YJo and mean power yrns4ms?
'107ms r?
33 What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron travelling at a speed of 2.30 x
A 2.BB x 10r1m
B 2.43 r 1O
c 3.16
' 10-11m
D 4.60 x 10 7m
The graph shows how the maximum energy of photoelectrons varjes with the frequency f of the
radiation used to produce the photoelectrons
energy of
35 X-ray spectra are taken from hro X ray tubes P and Q. The intensity of the X-rays is plotted
against the wavelenqth in both cases and is shown below.
A X-ray tube Q has the higher voltage applied lo it and the target material in both tubes is the
B X-ray tube Q has the higher voltage applied to it and the target materjals in the two tubes are
C X-ray tube P has the higher voltage applied to ii and the target matenal in both tubes is the
D X ray tube P has the higher voltage applied to it and the target mate als in the two tubes are
36 The word LASER comes from the first letters of the words in the phrase Light Amplification by the
Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
C a charged particle being emitted from an atom as a result of a high energy photon hitting the
D a photon causinq another photon of the same frequency to be emitted from an excited atom
37 Energy levels for electrons in materials vary with the separation of atoms as shown for a
semi;nductor material in which the valence band is filled and the conduction band at low
lemperatures rs emplY.
At which separation does the graph show the matedal behaving as a semiconductor at room
interatomic distance
Which diagram shows possible paths when alpha particles are deflected by a gold nucleus?
c D
39 The mass of a nucleus is X The total mass of its constituent protons and neutrons is Y.
How many radioactive atoms are present in a source made of this material when it has an activity
of8.7 1o'gBq?
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SLrbleclNo 5 c 25 D
97 45 01 40 6 B 26 c
7 D 27
8 D 2A B
I c 29
10 c ,]0 c
11 31 D
16 36 D
17 c 37 B
2A c 40 D