Rep. Wray's News From Raleigh

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Representative Michael H.

Democratic Executive Liaison
N.C. House of Representatives
503 Legislative Office Building
Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
(919) 733-5662
(252) 536-8013 (Cell)
[email protected]
Halifax and Northampton Counties

Representative Michael H. Wrays Raleigh Report

March 12, 2015
This week was an extremely busy one but productive and rewarding. I met with
numerous constituents this week including those who came for Agricultural Awareness
Day, Town Hall Day. I also met with representatives from our local Electrical Co-ops.
Take a look at these pictures below:
I met with members of the Roanoke Electric and Halifax Electric Co-op to talk about
energy issues and the health of rural eastern North Carolina.

I met with Craig Ellison and Michele Spruill with the Halifax County
at the General Assembly

I met with Joe Martin and Mike Belch, two members of the Northampton County Farm
Bureau as a part of the NC Ag Awareness Day. Mr. Belch is also a member of the
Northampton County Cotton Producers Association.

The Roanoke Rapids Canal Trail was voted as the state's Great Greenway by the
American Planning Association- NC Chapter. I was happy to celebrate this award with
Roanoke Rapids Schools Superintendent Dennis Sawyer, Senator Angela Bryant,
Roanoke Rapids City Councilmen Wayne Smith, and Roanoke Rapids City Manager
Joseph Scherer.

Senator Bryant and I had the pleasure of meeting with officials from the Roanoke
Rapids Graded School District. Pictured are Tom Davis, Director of Student Support
Services and Athletic Director; Senator Angela Bryant; and Dennis Sawer,

I am very happy that my good friend Walter Davenport has been elected to the UNC
Board of Governors!

Here is the latest news from Raleigh:

Governor, Agencies Lag in Public Info Requests
More than a month after WRAL News asked 18 of North Carolina's top government
leaders for their travel records, two agencies have yet to provide a single document
showing where the governor and lieutenant governor went in 2014. The requests were
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respond to public information requests. The project was timed for Sunshine Week, a
national initiative to promote the importance of open government and freedom of
Read more here: and Part 2: Records Show Huge Travel Costs
and Methodology

Judges Side with Governor against Legislature

A three-judge panel sided with Gov. Pat McCrory in ruling that the General Assembly
violated North Carolina's Constitution by creating three commissions, including one
overseeing the cleanup of coal ash dumps, for which the majority of members are
chosen by legislators. Citing required separation of legislative and executive powers,
the Superior Court judges struck down the appointment process created last summer by
the Coal Ash Management Commission, in which six of nine members are appointed by
legislative leaders. House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger
immediately said they would appeal the decision.
Read more here:
Rep. Hall Wants Student IDs Accepted, Longer Voting Period
Democratic Leader Rep. Larry Hall filed two bills: 1) A bill that would extend early voting
by a week; 2) A bill that would allow college students to use their college ID card as
their newly-required photo identification when voting. The early voting period is now
fewer days because of a law passed in 2013. Rep. Hall said even though more people
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they are going to be user-friendly, if they are going to be responsive to what the voters
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Read more here:
Study Has Troubling Findings about Child Health in NC
While some of the grades show the state is moving in the right direction, others are
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. Bu the obstacles
children have to face especially considering that one in four under the age of 18 lives
at or below the poverty level are sobering. The state earned a D because of the
number of impoverished children. The poverty rate increases from 25 to 28 percent for
children under the age of 8. The grades reflect the 2013 rate, which was defined by the
federal government as $23,550 for a family of four.
Read more here:\

NC, Similar States See Uninsured Rates Lower More Slowly

States that did not expand Medicaid after the Affordable Care Act including North
Carolina saw their uninsured population decrease at a slower clip than those that
expanded Medicaid. That might not come as a surprise, but the Obama Administration
on Monday put numbers to what many had already assumed. Among low-income
uninsured populations in states that expanded Medicaid, the uninsured rate dropped by
13 percent since the ACA became law five years ago. In the other states again,
including North Carolina the rate decreased by 7 percent.
Read more here:
Report Highlights NCs Ongoing Economic Struggles
It's been seven years since the Great Recession hit North Carolina, but seven isn't such
a lucky number for thousands of North Carolinians still reeling from the impact,
according to a report released this week by the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center.
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enough jobs in the state to keep up with
population growth and that the percentage of people employed still falls below prerecession levels. Report author Patrick McHugh said it's important to look at the whole
picture when judging the state's recovery.
Read more here:
Air Pollution Fracking Mandate Signed into Law
Environmental legislation that gives leeway to a North Carolina state panel in creating
air pollution rules for fracking has been signed into law by Gov. Pat McCrory. The
governor signed the measure soon after the Senate gave final General Assembly
approval Monday night to the bill, which cleans up environmental laws already in place.
The legislation adjusts the 2012 law authorizing hydraulic fracturing for drilling natural
gas and directing exploration rules be created.
Read more here:
Report Says NC Women Wont See Equal Pay Until 2064
North Carolina ranks 23rd among U.S. states in women's employment and earnings
compared to men, according to a report released Thursday by the Institute for Women's
Policy Research Nationally, the gap between men's and women's earnings won't close

until 2058 if current trends continue. In North Carolina, pay equality won't come until
2064. The report, "Status of Women in the States," examines several factors related to
employment and earnings: Wages, wage ratio, labor force participation rate and share
of all workers in managerial and professional jobs.
Read more here:
Member Spotlight
Carla Cunningham (NC-106)
Rep. Cunningham represents District 106 in Mecklenburg County.
She holds a Bachelors in Nursing from Winston-Salem State
University and is a lifelong advocate for issues regarding
healthcare, mental health, developmental disabilities, seniors, and
children. Rep. Cunningham has served on the NC Commission
for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance
Abuse Services and is currently a Member of the American
Nurses Association, NAACP, North Carolina Black Legislative
Caucus, Mecklenburg Co. Democratic Women and Chair of the
Minority Affairs 12th Congressional District.
Rodney Moore (NC-99)

Rep. Rodney Moore represents District 99 in Mecklenburg County

and is a native of Wilmington, NC. He sits on the House
Appropriations Committee and serves on the subcommittee on
Transportation, Government, and Commerce & Job Development.
Rep. Moore has served as Vice Chairman of the Charlotte
Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and serves on the
Board of Directors of the Urban League of Central Carolinas.

Please remember that you can listen to committee meetings and press conferences on
the General Assemblys website at Once on the site, select "Audio," and
then make your selection House Chamber, Senate Chamber, Appropriations
Committee Room or Press Conference Room. A schedule of committee meetings and
other events is also available on the website. Please email us [email protected] at any
time if you wish to be removed from this contact list.

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