Fordham at Prayer: Prayers and Reflections For Our Community

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The document discusses various chapels and prayer rooms available at Fordham University as well as different aspects of prayer.

Some of the chapels and prayer rooms mentioned are Our Lady's Chapel, Sacred Heart Chapel, St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel, Keating Blue Chapel, St. Ignatius Chapel, and the Muslim Prayer Room.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin says 'After harnessing space, the winds, the tides, and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.'


at prayer

Chapels AND PRAYER RO OMS at fordham

Rose Hill

University Church
Our Ladys Chapel (University Church, lower level)
Sacred Heart Chapel (Dealy Hall, first floor)
St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J., Chapel (Spellman Hall, first floor)
Keating Blue Chapel (Keating Hall, third floor)
St. Ignatius Chapel (Loyola Hall, first floor)
Muslim Prayer Room (Faber Hall, first floor)

Lincoln Center

Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J., Chapel (Lowenstein, Room 221)


Blessed Miguel Pro, S.J., Chapel

[Additional interfaith prayer spaces are

being planned for all three campuses.]

faith organiz ations at fordham

Jewish Student Organization

Knights of Columbus
Muslim Student Association
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Respect for Life
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Society
St. Robert Bellarmine Society
The Ignatian Society of Fordham University
United Christian Fellowship

at prayer
Prayers and Reflections
for Our Community

In solitude, find in this book of prayer an invitation to

contemplation. In anxiety and concern, find consolation.
In celebration, find your thoughts returned to God,
the source of all being, the giver of every gift.

Dear Friends,
Generations have made Fordham University their home. Here,
minds have been nourished to maturity on rich intellectual fare, just
as souls have been enlightened in the knowledge and love of their
Creator. This University is at once a spiritual and an intellectual
home. For this reason, Fordham has always been a place of prayer.
As members of the Fordham family, we aim to be men and
women of generous service and self-giving love. Prayer helps
make this possible. The words we say in prayer and the spiritual
practices we take up are intended to carry us toward a personal
encounter with God. This sacred encounter stirs emotions, opens up
unimagined vistas, and enables us to recognize who we are: created
beings whose life is a gift bestowed and sustained by the One whom
we meet in prayer.
The logic of prayer is this: it transforms us into agents of
Gods creative power; it makes us recognize that we share in Gods
ongoing work today. Undertaken with regularity and sincerity,
prayer ultimately compels us to live in gratitude and give fully of
our selves.
We are an enormous family, but Fordham is a spiritual home
where we come to know God one soul at a time. Throughout and
beyond the sacred journey of your life at this University, I urge you
to use this book as a source of spiritual sustenance.

Joseph M. McShane, S.J.

President, Fordham University

table of contents

Chapels and Prayer Rooms at Fordham inside front cover

Chapter 1

Why Do We Pray? How? Where? When? 6

Chapter 2

St. Ignatius, Ignatian Spirituality, and Jesuit Education at Fordham 22

Chapter 3

Prayers, Poems, and Reflections in the Ignatian Tradition 28

Chapter 4

Prayers, Poems, ReflectionsCatholic and Christian 48

Chapter 5

Prayers and Wisdom from Various Spiritual Traditions 60

Chapter 6

Prayers for College Life 66

Chapter 7

Prayers for Life after Graduation 74

Fordham University Mission Statement 84
Significant Jesuit Feasts and Memorial Days 86
Sources and Acknowledgments 89

Chapter 1

Why Do We Pray?
How? Where?

After harnessing space, the winds,

the tides, and gravitation, we shall
harness for God the energies of
love. And on that day, for the
second time in the history of the
world, we shall have discovered fire.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

Statue of Archbishop John J. Hughes,

Founder of Fordham University

by their nature,
are spiritual beings.
Prayer gives voice to our
transcendence and thereby affirms
that we are more than just material
The biblical creation story tells us
that God breathed life into humans
(Genesis 2:7).
That breath of life is our spiritual
nature; it is the basis of an intimate
sharing between God and us.

When we pray,
we acknowledge
and exercise
our spiritual nature.
We articulate our most profound
hopes and discover our inmost
In the process, we become more
completely aware of who we are.
In prayer, we explore our intimacy
with God, and we enliven
our capacity to see ourselves
completelyas a body, mind, and
soul that each permeate one another
and make us into a whole person.

In prayer,
we can also discern
what we are capable
of becoming.
Prayer has the capacity to open
our eyes to our limitations and
faults, to enable us to realize our
talents and potentials, to give us
the resolve to freely choose what
God wants from us.
When we pray in a spirit of
honesty and openness, we can
see ourselves as God sees us
as a beloved creation called to
reflect the divine life breathed
into us.

We pray with others,

and we pray alone.
We pray at Mass and in small
communities of friends.
We do this because we live
together and are responsible
to one another.
We do it because our communal
prayerexpressed in song, in
words, in gestures, in silence
both affirms our shared spiritual
nature and articulates our
collective aspirations.

We also pray
together because
our communal prayer
gives rise to our
personal prayer.
Praying together stirs our sense
of Gods presence around us and
within us, and it provides essential
seeds for ongoing reflection and
When we pray alone, we cultivate
those seeds and nurture them into
spiritual fruit that sustains us and
enables us to return to communal
prayer with ever more mature
spiritual gifts.

We pray in holy places.

The artistic, architectural, and musical beauty we encounter
in the University Church or Our Ladys Chapel or the Church
of St. Paul the Apostle, along with the chapels in Dealy, Keating,
Loyola, and Spellman Halls, echoes the transcendent beauty and
grandeur of God. In these locations, we feel that we are in Gods
When we set aside time with God in the Blessed Rupert
Meyer, S.J., Chapel at the Lincoln Center campus or the Blessed
Miguel Pro, S.J., Chapel on the Westchester campus or in the
Muslim Prayer Room in Faber Hall at Rose Hill, we are training
ourselves to be more fully aware that God is also outside these
sacred spaces. Locations that are consecrated for our communal
and personal prayer become portals to a world where God is
constantly, dynamically present.
Therefore, we also pray in places where holiness is not
always evident. We pray in our residence hall rooms and
offices. We pray on Edwards Parade and Lowenstein Plaza.
We pray on the Ram Van and along the path from the cafeteria
to the library. We also pray in our classrooms, study carrels,
laboratories, practice rooms, and studios, and on our stages and
playing fields. We pray when we study abroad and on our service
trips. We pray when we are on campus and off.

When we undertake a life of prayer,

prayer takes hold of our lives
wherever we are.


Why Do We Pray? How? Where? When?

We pray in times of need and confusion,

in moments of happiness and gratitude.
We pray in the face of sorrow and betrayal, as well as
reconciliation and forgiveness. Exaltation calls us to prayer, and
so too does desolation. We pray in solitude and loneliness, just
as we do in our regular gatherings and shared celebrations.
We pray most of all in the in-between times that make up
the bulk of our lives, not just in the highs and lows that mark the
boundaries of our experience.

We pray together and alone,

in song and silence,
everywhere and always
because it is in our nature
to pray.

James P. McCartin, Ph.D.

Director, Fordham Center on Religion and Culture



Chapter 2

St. Ignatius,
Ignatian Spirituality,
and Jesuit Education
at Fordham

In affirming its identity as a Jesuit institution, Fordham

University invokes a spiritual lineage stretching back nearly
500 years to a small band of young men gathered around their
chosen leader, Ignatius Loyola. These men called themselves the
Companions of Jesus and would become known to history
as the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. Unlike traditional monastic
communities that lived in prayerful isolation from the secular
world, Ignatius and his friendsalong with their followers in
subsequent centuriesaimed to be contemplatives in action,
blending their activities in the world with a dedication to prayer
that matched the devotion of secluded monasteries.
When Fordham students, alumni, professors, and staff
use the term Ignatian spirituality, they mean a spirituality
that fuses prayer and action and takes for granted that
each individual is called to serve God amid the particular
circumstances of their lives.
This spirituality supplies the ongoing foundation for
Catholic, Jesuit education at Fordham today.
Ignatius Loyola hailed from the Basque region of northern
Spain, where he was born in 1491 into a family of significant
social standing. Events in his early life suggest that he was a man
of passions, prone to fits of anger and likely involved in multiple
romantic liaisons. Using family connections, he seemed to be on
his way to a long life as an administrator of royal affairs and the
possible spouse of a princess.
But it turned out that he entered military service where,
at the age of 30, his leg was badly injured in battle, leaving him
with a limp for the remainder of his life. While recovering,
he was bed-bound and discouraged, bored, and itching for
adventure. To pass time, he requested books recounting the
tales of heroic knights and courtly romance, stories that might
conjure images of a thrilling future.


Instead, he was given a narrative of the life of Christ and

a collection of stories about the saints. It was at this moment,
according to Ignatius own account, that his imagination took
his life in a new direction.
Without the books he requested, the convalescing soldier
imagined himself to be a knight engaged in the typical
adventures, and he realized that his musings left him empty
and uninspired. Yet when he imagined himself as a humble
follower of Jesus, as a man who aspired to be a saint, he felt
deeply moved and drawn to a life of devotion.
He began to pray earnestly and regularly. Soon, a vision of
Mary holding the infant Jesus impelled him to begin a journey
which ended at a monastery where he symbolically laid his
sword before an image of Mary and began to fashion himself not
as a knight, but a pilgrim searching for God. He then dedicated
himself to a life of prayer and service to the poor and sick.

At the same time, Ignatius began to analyze and write about

his spiritual life. He traced recurring patterns and determined
which experiences tended to draw him closer to God and which
ones tended to draw him away from God. Above all, he came
to see that God was active in all of the people and experiences
of his life and that, despite the fact that he had not previously
acknowledged it, God was always with him.
He committed himself to practice careful attentiveness to
Gods persistent presence and fresh activity in the here-andnow. He also determined that it was his special talent to help
others recognize God in their own lives. His notes on these
topics became the foundation for his masterwork, the Spiritual

St. Ignatius, Ignatian Spirituality, and Jesuit Education at Fordham

Exercises, a manual that even to this day serves as the foundation

of Jesuit spiritual training and Ignatian spirituality.
Once complete, the Spiritual Exercises treated a series of
devotional themes and prescribed a course of reflections and
contemplations following the life of Christ from his birth and
public ministry through to his death and resurrection. Each step
along the way, exercitantsthat is, the individuals undertaking
Ignatius exerciseswere asked to continuously examine
themselves in the light of what God desires.
Using the Gospel stories as imaginative exercises, Ignatius
instructed exercitants to place themselves within various scenes
of the life of Christ. By imagining themselves close to Jesus
and paying careful attention to the emotions stirred up in the
process, Ignatius determined that exercitants could come to a
deeper understanding of their particular gifts and determine
what God was calling them to do with their lives.
In short, the exercises were designed to promote a deeper
relationship with God and give exercitants a clearer sense of
their personal vocation.

Thereafter, Ignatius realized the necessity of completing

serious theological and philosophical studies if his spiritual
insights were to gain a following. During his time as a student
at the University of Paris, he and six other friends who shared
an enthusiasm for living a life modeled after Jesus professed
vows of poverty and chastity and committed themselves to a
common life of serving God. Together, these companions honed
their preaching skills, aided the down-and-out, and provided
individual spiritual direction for those seeking a deeper
relationship with God.


In 1540, Pope Paul III formally approved their shared life of

prayer and service as a religious order. By the time of Ignatius
death in 1556, his order had already gained prominence across
Europe. Soon, the Society of Jesus counted hundreds of men
among its ranks and growing numbers traveled to serve in the
Americas and Asia.

Jesuit education began as an outgrowth of Ignatian

spirituality, and whether concentrating their studies on drama
or biochemistry, computer science or philosophy, the classics or
the law, students at Jesuits institutions of higher education have
been inspired by the notion of finding God in all thingsa
phrase frequently associated with Ignatian spirituality.
The genius of Ignatian spirituality is the notion that a
persons daily activities in the secular world can be consistent
with a life of profound spiritual devotion. Therefore, a Jesuit
education privileges the idea that academic inquiry should be
undertaken in conversation with our spiritual lives. Through our
studies, we are invited to advance on our journey toward God.
The Society of Jesus thus began early on to invest in higher
learning, setting lofty educational standards for those who
would enter the order and sponsoring schools that trained future
leaders to serve God through their secular pursuits.
In 1841, Bishop John Hughes (later appointed Archbishop)
opened St. Johns College. A small group of French Jesuits accepted
Hughes invitation to assume responsibility for the college in 1846.
Since then, the Society of Jesus has bestowed on the University
a distinctively Jesuit and Ignatian direction. Officially named
Fordham University in 1907, it is now one of 28 Jesuit colleges
and universities in the United States and 96 in the world.

St. Ignatius, Ignatian Spirituality, and Jesuit Education at Fordham

At Fordham, Ignatian spirituality comes alive in a number

of ways. Following Ignatius own example, Fordham focuses
itself on cura personalis, the care of each individual person. As a
community, we strive to care for the whole person: body, mind,
and soul. In this way, we aim to adjust to the particular needs of
each individual and enable each to grow from who they are into
what they are called to be.
We also strive for excellencewhat Ignatius called the
magis, the morein all things, meaning that we at Fordham are
expected to hone our individual talents and exercise them for
the good of others.
Fordham is a place where students learn to be men and
women for others, people who offer themselves in service to the
world, especially the forgotten and marginalized and those who
seek justice. Here, we are invited to commit ourselves to share
the burdens of our fellow human beings, and, in doing so, to
give of ourselves in love.

Fordham University celebrates its Catholic, Jesuit mission.

Specifically, it is dedicated to enriching Catholic intellectual life
and advancing the Churchs work of carrying the Gospel to all
We also welcome people of every faith tradition and those
of no faith at all. By engaging each in the cura personalis,
encouraging each to seek the magis, by aiding every person
to discern their own call to service, Fordham is dedicated to
fostering the renewal of the worldone life at a time, one
person at a time, one soul at a time.


Chapter 3

Prayers, Poems,
and Reflections
in the Ignatian


Go forth and set

the world on fire.
St. Ignatius Loyola


First Principle and Foundation

of the Spiritual Exercises

The goal of our life is to live with God forever.

God who loves us, gave us life.
Our own response of love allows Gods life to flow into
us without limit.
All the things in this world are gifts of God,
presented to us so that we can know God more easily
and make a return of love more readily.
As a result, we appreciate and use all of these gifts of God
insofar as they help us develop as loving persons.
But if any of these gifts become the center of our lives,
they displace God
and so hinder our growth toward our goal.
In everyday life, then, we must hold ourselves in balance
before all of these created gifts insofar as we have a choice
and are not bound by some obligation.
We should not fix our desires on health or sickness,
wealth or poverty, success or failure, a long life
or short one.
For everything has the potential of calling forth in us
a deeper response to our life in God.
Our only desire and our one choice should be this:
I want and I choose what better
leads to the deepening of Gods life in me.
St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)
(Paraphrased by David L. Fleming, S.J.)


Prayer to Know Gods Will

May it please the supreme and divine Goodness

to give us all abundant grace
ever to know His most holy will
and perfectly to fulfill it.
St. Ignatius Loyola

Prayer for Generosit y

Lord, teach me to be generous.

Teach me to serve You as You deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do Your will.
St. Ignatius Loyola



Take, Lord, and Receive

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,

my memory, my understanding
and my entire will,
all I have and call my own.
You have given all to me.
To You, Lord, I return it.
Everything is Yours; do with it what You will.
Give me only Your love and Your grace.
That is enough for me.
St. Ignatius Loyola

Soul of Christ

Soul of Christ, sanctify me;

Body of Christ, save me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
Good Jesus, hear me.
Within the wounds, shelter me;
from turning away, keep me.
From the evil one, protect me.
At the hour of my death, call me.
Into Your presence lead me
to praise You with all Your saints
forever and ever.
St. Ignatius Loyola


You Have Called Me by Name

Oh, Lord my God,

You called me from the sleep of nothingness
merely because of Your tremendous love.
You want to make good and beautiful beings.
You have called me by name in my mothers womb.
You have given me breath and light and movement
and walked with me every moment of my existence.
I am amazed, Lord God of the universe,
that You attend to me and, more, cherish me.
Create in me the faithfulness that moves You,
and I will trust You and yearn for You all my days.
Joseph Tetlow, S.J. (b. 1930),
Spiritual Director and Writer



Show Me Your Face, O God | Psalm 61

At lands end, end of tether

where the sea turns in sleep
ponderous, menacing
and my spirit fails and runs
landward, seaward, askelter
I pray You
make new
this hireling heart
turn Your face to me
winged, majestic, angelic
a tide
my prayer goest up
show me Your face, O God!
Daniel Berrigan, S.J. (b. 1921),
Poet and Peace Activist


Patient Trust

Above all, trust in the slow work of God.

We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to do something
unknown, something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability
and that it may take a very long time.
And so I think it is with you;
your ideas mature graduallylet them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue
Dont try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming within you will be.
Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. (1881-1955),
Paleontologist, Geologist, and Spiritual Writer


God of My Life

Only in love can I find You, my God.

In love the gates of my soul spring open,
allowing me to breathe a new air of freedom
and forget my own petty self.
In love my whole being streams forth
out of the rigid confines of narrowness and anxious self-assertion,
which makes me a prisoner of my own poverty and emptiness.
In love all the powers of my soul flow out toward You,
wanting never more to return,
but to lose themselves completely in You,
since by Your love You are the inmost center of my heart,
closer to me than I am to myself.
But when I love You,
when I manage to break out of the narrow circle of self
and leave behind the restless agony of unanswered questions,
when my blinded eyes no longer look merely from afar
and from the outside upon Your unapproachable brightness,
and much more when You Yourself, O Incomprehensible One,
have become through love the inmost center of my life,
then I can bury myself entirely in You, O mysterious God,
and with myself all my questions.
Karl Rahner, S.J. (1904-1984),


As Kingfishers Catch Fire

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;

As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each
hung bells
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selvesgoes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying Wht I d is me: for that I came.
I say mre: the just man justices;
Keeps grace: tht keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in Gods eye what in Gods eye he is
Chrstfor Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of mens
Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J. (1844-1889),



Falling in Love with God

Nothing is more practical than finding God,

that is, falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything.
Pedro Arrupe, S.J. (1907-1991),
28th Superior General of the Society of Jesus


O God, I Love Thee

O God, I love Thee, I love Thee

Not out of hope of heaven for me
Nor fearing not to love and be
in the everlasting burning.
Thou, Thou, my Jesus, after me
Didst reach Thine arms out dying,
For my sake sufferedst nails, and lance,
Mocked and marred countenance,
Sorrows passing number,
Sweat and care and cumber,
Yea and death, and this for me,
And Thou couldst see me sinning:
Then I, why should not I love Thee,
Jesus, so much in love with me?
Not for heavens sake; not to be
Out of hell by loving Thee;
Not for any gains I see;
But just the way that Thou didst me
I do love and I will love Thee:
What must I love Thee, Lord, for then?
For being my king and God. Amen.
St. Francis Xavier, S.J. (1506-1552),
Companion of St. Ignatius and Missionary
(Translated by Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J.)



A Minister of Christ

With great devotion and new depth of feeling,

I also hoped and begged for this,
that it finally be given to me to be
the servant and minister of Christ the consoler,
the minister of Christ the helper,
the minister of Christ the redeemer,
the minister of Christ the healer,
the liberator, the enricher, the strengthener.
Thus it would happen that even I might be able
through him to help manyto console,
liberate, and give them courage;
to bring them light not only for their Spirit
but also (if one may presume in the Lord) for their bodies,
and bring as well some other helps to the soul and body
of each and every one of my neighbors
Blessed Peter Faber, S.J. (1506-1546),
Companion of St. Ignatius and Spiritual Director


Who Lives in Love

Who lives in love, loves least to live,

and long delays doth rue,
if him he love by whom he lives,
to whom all praise is due,
who for our love did choose to live,
and was content to die,
who loved our love more than his life,
and love with life did buy.
Let us in life, yea with our life
requite his living love,
for best we live when least we live,
if love our life remove.
Mourn therefore no true lovers death,
life only him annoys,
and when he taketh leave of life
then love begins his joys.
St. Robert Southwell, S.J. (ca. 1561-1595),
Poet, Missionary, and Martyr



I Choose to Breathe the Breath of Christ

I choose to breathe the breath of Christ

that makes all life holy.
I choose to live the flesh of Christ
that outlasts sins corrosion and decay.
I choose the blood of Christ
along my veins and in my heart
that dizzies me with joy.
I choose the living waters flowing from his side
to wash clean my own self and the world itself.
I choose the awful agony of Christ
to charge my senseless sorrows with meaning
and to make my pain pregnant with power.
I choose You, good Jesus, You know.
I choose You, good Lord;
count me among the victories
that You have won in bitter woundedness.
Never number me among those alien to You.
Make me safe from all that seeks to destroy me.
Summon me to come to You.
Stand me solid among angels and saints
chanting yes to all You have done,
exulting in all You mean to do forever and ever.
Then for this time, Father of all,
keep me, from the core of my self,
choosing Christ in the world.
Joseph Tetlow, S.J.

Teach Me Your Way of Looking at People

Teach me Your way of looking at people:

as You glanced at Peter after his denial,
as You penetrated the heart of the rich young man
and the hearts of Your disciples.
I would like to meet You as You really are,
since Your image changes those with whom You
come into contact.
Remember John the Baptists first meeting with You?
And the centurions feeling of unworthiness?
And the amazement of all those who saw miracles
and other wonders?
How You impressed Your disciples,
the rabble in the Garden of Olives,
Pilate and his wife
and the centurion at the foot of the cross. . . .
I would like to hear and be impressed
by Your manner of speaking,
listening, for example, to Your discourse in the
synagogue in Capharnaum
or the Sermon on the Mount where Your audience
felt You taught as one who has authority.
Pedro Arrupe, S.J.



Possessing Nothing

Our stance as Christians in the midst of the world

is that of poor persons, possessing nothing, not even ourselves,
and yet being gifted at every instant in and through everything.
When we become too affluently involved with ourselves and
deny our inherent poverty,
then we lose the gifts and either begin to make demands for
what we think we deserve (often leading to angry frustration)
or we blandly take for granted all that comes our way.
Only the truly poor person
can appreciate the slightest gift and feel genuine gratitude.
The more deeply we live in faith the more we become aware
of how poor we are and how gifted;
life itself becomes humble, joyful thanksgiving.
This should gradually become an element of our abiding
George Aschenbrenner, S.J. (b. 1932),
Spiritual Director and Retreat Master


Intimacy of B ody and Soul

The intimacy that exists between body and soul is a marvel of

creation and a mystery of human existence. Yet we do wrong to
think, because the soul will be judged after death while the body
will crumble in the grave, that this mortal handful of dust is any
less a gift of God, any less noble or beautiful than the immortal soul.
The mysterious interplay between the body and soul is an
essential characteristic of our human nature. If the body is
sick or sore, tired or hungry or otherwise distressed, it affects
the spirit, affects our judgment, changes our personality. So
slight a thing as a headache can affect our relations with those
around us. It is through the body that we express and experience
love and kindness and comfort. We excuse our snappish, illmannered conduct to one another on the grounds that the body
is having a bad day.
We are constantly, day in and day out, hour after hour, under the
influence of the mysterious workings of soul on body and body
on soul.
Walter Ciszek, S.J. (1904-1984),
Missionary and Spiritual Writer



Help Us to Remain Close to You

Lord Jesus, we ask You now

to help us to remain with You always,
to be close to You with all the ardor of our hearts,
to take up joyfully the mission You entrust to us,
and that is to continue Your presence
and spread the good news of Your resurrection.
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J. (b. 1927),
retired Archbishop of Milan

God Bless the World

Mighty God, Father of all,

Compassionate God, Mother of all,
bless every person I have met,
every face I have seen,
every voice I have heard,
especially those most dear;
bless every city, town and
street that I have known,
bless every sight I have seen,
every sound I have heard,
every object I have touched.
In some mysterious way these
have all fashioned my life;
all that I am,
I have received.
Jack Morris, S.J. (b. 1927),
Founder of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps


Heart of JesusUnconditional Love

Recall the presence of the Risen Lord with you ...

Tell him you believe He is present here to you ...
Reflect on the fact that He loves and accepts you just as
you are now ...
Take time out to sense His unconditional love for you as
He looks at you lovingly and humbly.
Speak to Christ ... or just lovingly stay in silence and
communicate with Him beyond words.
The devotion to the Heart of Christ, so vigorous some years
ago, so much on the decline today, would flourish once again if
people would understand that it consists essentially in accepting
Jesus Christ as love incarnate, as the manifestation of the
unconditional love of God for us.
The great turning point in your life comes not when you realize
that you love God but when you realize and fully accept the fact
that God loves you unconditionally.
Anthony de Mello, S.J. (1931-1987),
Spiritual Director and Retreat Master



Chapter 4

Prayers, Poems,
Catholic and


Love is the most durable power

in the world.
Martin Luther King Jr.


The Lords Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
The Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace.

The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


The Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ,
His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by
the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand
of God the Father almighty;
from there He will come to judge
the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.
The D oxolo gy

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.
World without end.



My Nature is Fire

In Your nature, eternal Godhead,

I shall come to know my nature.
And what is my nature, boundless love?
It is fire,
because You are nothing but a fire of love.
And You have given humankind
a share in this nature,
for by the fire of love
You created us.
And so with all other people
and every created thing;
You made them out of love.
O ungrateful people!
What nature has Your God given You?
His very own nature!
Are you not ashamed to cut yourself off from such a noble thing
through the guilt of deadly sin?
O eternal Trinity, my sweet love!
You, light, give us light.
You, wisdom, give us wisdom.
You, supreme strength, strengthen us.
Today, eternal God,
let our cloud be dissipated
so that we may perfectly know and follow Your Truth
in truth,
with a free and simple heart.
God, come to our assistance!
Lord, make haste to help us!
St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380),
Mystic and Theologian

No B ody But Yours

Christ has no body now, but yours.

No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
with compassion on this world.
Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing frighten you.
All things pass away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Those who have God find they lack nothing;
God alone suffices.
St. Teresa of vila (1515-1582),
Mystic and Theologian

Faithis the Pierless Brid ge

Faithis the Pierless Bridge

Supporting what We see
Unto the Scene that We do not
Too slender for the eye
It bears the Soul as bold
As it were rocked in Steel
With Arms of Steel at either side
It joinsbehind the Veil
To what, could We presume
The Bridge would cease to be
To Our far, vacillating Feet
A first Necessity.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886),


The MagnificatCanticle of Mary

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;

my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
For He has looked upon his handmaids lowliness;
behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.
The Mighty One has done great things for me,
and holy is His name.
His mercy is from age to age
to those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart.
He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones
but lifted up the lowly.
The hungry He has filled with good things;
the rich He has sent away empty.
He has helped Israel His servant,
remembering His mercy,
according to His promise to our fathers,
to Abraham and to his descendants forever.
Gospel of Luke 1: 46-55


Love bade me welcome

Love bade me welcome, yet my soul drew back,

Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning
If I lackd anything.
A guest, I answerd, worthy to be here:
Love said, You shall be he.
I, the unkind, the ungrateful? Ah my dear,
I cannot look on Thee.
Love took my hand and smiling did reply,
Who made the eyes but I?
Truth, Lord; but I have marrd them; let my shame
Go where it doth deserve.
And know you not, says Love, who bore the blame?
My dear, then I will serve.
You must sit down, says Love, and taste my meat.
So I did sit and eat.
George Herbert (15931632),
Poet and Anglican Priest



No Longer My Own

I am no longer my own, but Thine.

Put me to what Thou wilt, rank me with whom Thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for Thee or laid aside for Thee,
exalted for Thee or brought low for Thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to Thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Thou art mine, and I am Thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven.
John Wesley (1703-1791),
Founder of Methodism


Take My Hand, Precious Lord

Precious Lord, take my hand;

Lead me on, let me stand.
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.
When my way grows drear, precious Lord, linger near
When my life is almost gone.
Hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall.
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.
When the darkness appears and the night draws near
And the day is past and gone,
At the river I stand,
Guide my feet, hold my hand.
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.
Precious Lord, take my hand.
Lead me on, let me stand.
Im tired, Im weak, Im alone.
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.
Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993),
Jazz Artist and Gospel Lyricist



We Make Up for the Neglect of the Crowd

In Christs human life there were always a few who made up for
the neglect of the crowd.
The shepherds did it; their hurrying to the crib atoned for the
people who would flee from Christ. The wise men did it; their
journey across the world made up for those who refused to stir
one hands breadth from the routine of their lives to go to Christ ...
The women at the foot of the cross did it too, making up for
the crowd who stood by and sneered.
We can do it too, exactly as they did. We are not born too late.
We do it by seeing Christ and serving Christ in friends and
strangers, in everyone we come in contact with.
While almost no one is unable to give some hospitality or help
to others, those for whom it is really impossible are not debarred
from giving room to Christ, because, to take the simplest of
examples, in those they live with or work with is Christ disguised.
All our life is bound up with other people; for almost all of us
happiness and unhappiness are conditioned by our relationship
with other people. What a simplification of life it would be if we
forced ourselves to see that everywhere we go is Christ, wearing
out socks we have to darn, eating the food we have to cook,
laughing with us, silent with us, sleeping with us.
Dorothy Day (1897-1980),
Founder of the Catholic Worker Movement


Great Responsibilit y

We certainly have a great responsibility.

We Christians must give witness to Christ
and from the way we act, people should be able
to grasp the message that Christ brought on earth.
But at times the witness we give of Christ
is weakif not non-existentor deformed
in one way or another.
Various personalities and minds averse to the action of grace
project an image of Jesus
that is often in their own image and likeness.
Therefore, those looking on deduce
what they can from the data they have:
for example, that deep down,
religion simply bends peoples necks
but not their will.
And this is because those Christians,
who call themselves Christs disciples,
since it is they who live and not Christ in them,
cast a shadow that veils in their own person the religion they profess
Basically, it is a religion that is not attractive
because it has been distorted ...
Let us help one anotherin our own small way
to be authentic witnesses to that Jesus
who fascinated our hearts,
in that Church that we too can help beautify,
so that upon seeing her,
the worlds pilgrims will recognize her.
Chiara Lubich (1920-2008),
Founder of the Focolare Movement


Chapter 5

Prayers and
Wisdom from
Various Spiritual


Holiness lies spread and

borne over the surface of time
and stuff like color.
Annie Dillard


J e wi s h t r a di t ion

You graciously endow mortals with intelligence,

teaching wisdom and understanding.
Grant us knowledge, discernment, and wisdom.
Praised are You, Lord, who graciously grants intelligence.
Bring us back, our Father, to Your Teaching,
and bring us near, our King, to Your service,
and influence us to return in perfect repentance before You.
Praised are You, Lord, who desires repentance.
Forgive us, our Father, for we have sinned;
pardon us, our King, for we have transgressed;
for You do pardon and forgive.
Praised are You, Lord, who is gracious,
and does abundantly forgive.
Pray to Be Shocked
J e wi s h t r a di t ion

We have lost the ability to be shocked ...

Should we not pray for the ability to be shocked at atrocities
committed by man, for the capacity to be dismayed at our
inability to be dismayed?
... Prayer should never be a citadel for selfish concerns, but rather
a place for deepening concern over other peoples plight ...
Prayer is meaningless unless it is subversive, unless it seeks
to overthrow and to ruin the pyramids of callousness, hatred,
opportunism, falsehoods.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972),
Theologian, Philosopher, and Civil Rights Advocate

Sayings of the Prophet

I s l a mic t r a di t ion

If you walk toward Him,

He comes to you running.

None of you truly believes

until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.

There should be neither harming

nor reciprocating harm.
Muhammad (ca. 570-632),
Prophet of Islam

Whether Your Destiny is Glory or Disgrace

I s l a mic t r a di t ion

Whether your destiny is glory or disgrace,

Purify yourself of hatred and love of self.
Polish your mirror; and that sublime Beauty
From the regions of mystery
Will flame out in your heart
As it did for the saints and prophets.
Then, with your heart on fire with that Splendor,
The secret of the Beloved will no longer be hidden.
Jami (1414-1492),
Poet and Sufi Mystic



The B odhisat t va Vow

B udd h i s t t r a di t ion

May I be a guard for those who are protectorless,

A guide for those who journey on the road;
For those who wish to go across the water,
May I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.
May I be an isle for those who yearn for landfall,
And a lamp for those who long for light;
For those who need a resting place, a bed,
For all who need a servant, may I be a slave.
May I be the wishing jewel, the vase of plenty,
A word of power, and the supreme remedy.
May I be the trees of miracles,
And for every being, the abundant cow.
Like the great earth and the other elements,
Enduring as the sky itself endures,
For the boundless multitude of living beings,
May I be the ground and vessel of their life.
Thus, for every single thing that lives,
In number like the boundless reaches of the sky,
May I be their sustenance and nourishment
Until they pass beyond the bounds of suffering.


The Path of Goodness

Hindu t r a di t ion

Let me not wander in vain.

Let me not labor in vain.
Let me not mingle with the prejudiced.
Let me not leave the company of the virtuous.
Let me not fly into anger.
Let me not stray off the path of goodness.
Let me not seek for this day or for the morrow.
Give me such a wealth, O Almighty!
Pattinathar (10th century),
Hindu Saint and Ascetic

Seeking Trust
L a ko ta Nat iv e Am e ric a n t r a di t ion

Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.



Chapter 6

Prayers for
College Life


Faith consists in accepting God

without asking him to account
for things according to our
standard. Faith consists in reacting
before God as Mary did: I dont
understand it, Lord, but let it be
done in me according to your word.
Archbishop Oscar Romero


A Student s Prayer

O Lord, my God, bestow upon me

understanding to know You,
zeal to seek You,
wisdom to find You,
a life that is pleasing to You,
unshakable perseverance,
and a hope that will one day take hold of You.
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274),
Theologian, Philosopher, and Poet

Prayer for a New Semester

Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a new semester,

make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.
Thank You for the gift of being able
to rise each day with the assurance that
You walk through it with us.
Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness,
and the energy to put them to good use.
May all that we are,
all that we try to do,
may all our encounters, reflections,
even the frustrations and failings
be in Your hands.
May the work we do and the way we do it,
bring new hope, new life, and courage
to all we come in contact with this semester.
We thank You, Lord.


God Be in My head

God be in my head and in my understanding;

God be in my eyes and in my looking;
God be in my mouth and in my speaking;
God be in my heart and in my thinking;
God be at my end and in my parting.
Give Me a Holy Heart

Lord, grant me a holy heart

that sees always what is fine and pure
and is not frightened at the sight of sin,
but creates order wherever it goes.
Grant me a heart that knows nothing
of boredom, weeping and sighing.
Let me not be too concerned
with the bothersome thing
I call myself.
Lord, give me a sense of humor,
and I will find happiness in life
and profit for others.
St. Thomas More (1478-1535),
Lawyer, Statesman, and Martyr



Prayer for Light and Help

Jesus, I feel within me

a great desire to please you
but, at the same time,
I feel totally incapable of doing this
without your special light and help,
which I can expect only from you.
Accomplish your will within me
even in spite of me.
St. Claude La Colombire, S.J. (1641-1682),
Spiritual Director and Writer

Prayer for Guidance

O Spirit of God, we ask You to help orient

all our actions by Your inspirations,
carry them on by Your gracious assistance,
that every prayer and work of ours
may always begin from You
and through You be happily ended.
Prayer for Humilit y

Let me have too deep a sense of humor ever to be proud.

Let me know my absurdity before I act absurdly.
Let me realize that when I am humble I am most human,
most trustful, and most worthy of your serious consideration.
Daniel A. Lord, S.J. (1888-1955),
Spiritual Writer


An Ex amination of My Use of Time

Killing Time
How do I kill time?
Let me count the ways.
By worrying about things
over which I have no control.
Like the past.
Like the future.
By harboring resentment
and anger
over hurts
real or imagined.
By disdaining the ordinary
or, rather, what I
so mindlessly
call ordinary.
By concern over whats in it for me,
rather than whats in me
for it.
By failing to appreciate what is
because of might-have-beens,
These are some of the ways
I kill time.
Jesus didnt kill time.
He gave life to it.
His own.
Leo Rock, S.J. (1929-1998),
Spiritual Director and Retreat Master


Teach Me to Listen

Teach me to listen, O God, to those nearest me,

my family, my friends, my co-workers.
Help me to be aware that no matter what words I hear,
the message is, Accept the person I am. Listen to me.
Teach me to listen, my caring God, to those far from me
the whisper of the hopeless,
the plea of the forgotten,
the cry of the anguished.
Teach me to listen, O God my Mother, to myself.
Help me to be less afraid to trust the voice inside
in the deepest part of me.
Teach me to listen, Holy Spirit, for Your voice
in busyness and in boredom,
in certainty and doubt,
in noise and in silence.
Teach me, Lord, to listen.
John Veltri, S.J. (1933-2008),
Spiritual Director and Retreat Master


Prayer of a Single Person

God, You have formed me in Your image

and called me to exemplify Your creative love in the world.
I ask for Your help in living a good and generous life.
Guide my decisions, and encourage me when I falter along the way.
Give me the wisdom to seek Your will in everything I do
and the strength to persevere in times of difficulty,
confident that You constantly sustain my very being.
May I be a faithful friend,
a caring neighbor,
an authentic manifestation of the divine life within me.
May my actions give witness to what You have called me to be.



Chapter 7

Prayers for Life

after Graduation


We each have our vocation

the thing to do is answer the call.
We each have something to give.
Dorothy Day


I Have My Mission

God has created me to do Him some definite service.

He has committed some work to me
which He has not committed to another.
I have my mission.
I may never know it in this life,
but I shall be told it in the next.
I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons.
He has not created me for naught.
I shall do good; I shall do His work.
I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place,
while not intending it if I do but keep His commandments.
Therefore, I will trust Him, whatever I am, I can never be
thrown away.
If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him,
in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him.
If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him.
He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about.
He may take away my friends.
He may throw me among strangers.
He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink,
hide my future from me.
Still, He knows what He is about.
I do not ask to see; I do not ask to know;
I ask simply to be used.
Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890),
Theologian and Spiritual Writer



God, help me and all those in military service

to promote justice and security,
inspire courage in the face of violence and injustice,
wisdom in the deployment of power,
and hope in moments of despair.
May I always honor You as I undertake my responsibilities,
and may I be a source of strength for those with whom I serve.
Give me the desire to advance the cause of peace in all that I do.



An Artist s Prayer

God, make me a sign of Your beauty,

a sound of Your love,
an act of Your compassion.
Make me a vision of Your infinity,
a voice of Your justice,
an outpouring of Your mercy.
Accept the gift of my creativity
that I may praise You through my work,
which I can accomplish by Your grace alone.
A Teachers Prayer

Teach me to teach, Lord.

Grant me intelligence and wisdom,
inspiration and dedication.
Make me virtuous and compassionate.
May I teach as much by actions
as by words.
May I be joyful in new discovery
and humble before enduring mystery.
May I open minds and touch hearts
and so spread Your love to those who seek to know.
A Lawyers Prayer

Holy Spirit, Counselor and Advocate, guide me.

Inspire me to protect the weak,
to be generous, honest, and merciful to all,
to be conscientious in my duties.
Give me wisdom,
and enable me to be a sign of Your grace
and a conduit for Your justice.

Prayer for Those Who Work in HealthCare

You have called me to share in the work of healing, Lord.

Please help me look upon every patient
as a person beloved to You,
deserving of my love, generosity, and compassion.
Sustain me in my calling.
Give me courage to press on amid stress,
and let me be a source of comfort to all with whom I work.
Help me to be conscious that
I am an instrument of Your healing power,
even when I may be powerless before illness and death.
Keep me humble in the knowledge that
I serve You in serving all those entrusted to my care.
Prayer for Those Who Work in Finance

I seek the wisdom of knowing that money is a means, not an end.

I seek the grace to conduct my work with integrity and honesty.
I seek the vision to make prudent decisions that advance
a greater good.
Help me, God, to be a worthy steward of what is entrusted to me.
And give me the ability to see that
I am called to serve You in my work,
just as I am in every aspect of my life.



Prayer for All Working People

I want what You want, O Lord.

By asking You for guidance
with complete confidence and faith
that You are helping me,
nothing that I am called upon to do
becomes too much or too bothersome.
Nor is there any room for worry.
With Your help I will make decisions better and faster,
knowing that You will not lead me astray.
I will have confidence that, by wanting what You want,
I need not worry about the outcome.
So I will live my life, knowing that it is Your will that I accomplish.
Prayer for Married Couples

God of life and love,

You give us grace through married life.
Help us to see You reflected in one another.
Help us to know You,
to serve You,
to honor You
through all the challenges and joys
of this enduring partnership.
Make us forgiving friends and generous companions.
Help us guide each other toward You.
May our union be the wellspring of a deeper union with You.


Prayer for complete trust in god

Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life with fear.
Rather, look to them with full confidence that, as they arise, God to
whom you belong will in his love enable you to profit by them. He has
guided you thus far in life. Do you but hold fast to His dear hand, and
He will lead you safely through all trials. Whenever you cannot stand,
He will carry you lovingly in his arms.
Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same
Eternal Father who takes care of you today will take care of you
tomorrow, and every day of your life. Either He will shield you from
suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace then, and put aside all useless thoughts, all vain dreads
and all anxious imaginations.
St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622),
Theologian and Spiritual Writer

Prayer for Parents

Help me to become a good parent, Lord.

I have been entrusted with enormous responsibility.
Help me always to understand that my role is to model
Your self-giving love.
And when I mess up, help me to carry on.
Teach me to listen, to accept my mistakes,
to never allow anger and frustration to block out understanding
and compassion.
Give me the grace of laughter and joy in the children you have created.
And inspire in me a sense of gratitude for the gift of parenthood,
which is, after all, a call to serve and know You more completely.



Prayer of the Seeker

My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following Your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this
You will lead me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore I will trust You always
though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for You are ever with me,
and You will never leave me to face my perils alone.
Thomas Merton (1915-1968),
Trappist Monk and Spiritual Writer


Fordham Universit y Mission Statement

Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New York, is

committed to the discovery of Wisdom and the transmission of
Learning, through research and through undergraduate, graduate,
and professional education of the highest quality. Guided by its
Catholic and Jesuit traditions, Fordham fosters the intellectual,
moral, and religious development of its students and prepares
them for leadership in a global society.
Characteristics of the Universit y

As a University

Fordham strives for excellence in research and teaching, and

guarantees the freedom of inquiry required by rigorous thinking
and the quest for truth.
Fordham affirms the value of a core curriculum rooted in the
liberal arts and sciences. The University seeks to foster in all its
students lifelong habits of careful observation, critical thinking,
creativity, moral reflection, and articulate expression.
In order to prepare citizens for an increasingly multicultural
and multinational society, Fordham seeks to develop in its students
an understanding of and reverence for cultures and ways of life
different from their own.

As a Catholic University

Fordham affirms the complementary roles of faith and reason

in the pursuit of wisdom and learning. The University encourages
the growth of a life of faith consonant with moral and intellectual
Fordham encourages faculty to discuss and promote an
understanding of the ethical dimension of what is being studied
and what is being taught.
Fordham gives special attention to the study of the living
tradition of Catholicism, and it provides a place where religious

traditions may interact with each other and with contemporary

Fordham welcomes students, faculty, and staff of all religious
traditions and of no religious tradition as valued members of this
community of study and dialogue.

As a Jesuit University

Fordham draws its inspiration from the dual heritage of

Christian humanism and Ignatian spirituality, and consequently
sees all disciplines as potential paths to God.
Fordham recognizes the dignity and uniqueness of each
person. A Fordham education at all levels is student-centered,
and attentive to the development of the whole person. Such an
education is based on close collaboration among students, faculty,
and staff.
Fordham is committed to research and education that assist in
the alleviation of poverty, the promotion of justice, the protection of
human rights, and respect for the environment.
Jesuit education is cosmopolitan education. Therefore,
education at Fordham is international in its scope and in its
aspirations. The worldwide network of Jesuit universities offers
Fordham faculty and students distinctive opportunities for
exchange and collaboration.

As a University in New York City

As home to people all over the globe, as a center of international

business, communication, diplomacy, the arts, and the sciences,
New York City provides Fordham with a special kind of classroom.
Its unparalleled resources shape and enhance Fordhams
professional and undergraduate programs.
Fordham is privileged to share a history and a destiny with
New York City. The University recognizes its debt of gratitude to the
city and its own responsibility to share its gifts for the enrichment
of our city, our nation, and our world.


significant Jesuit FeastS and Memorial Days


1 Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God and Titular Feast of

the Society of Jesus; The Holy Name of Jesus
3 European Martyrs of the Society of Jesus


4 St. John de Brito, S.J., and Companion Martyrs of India

6 St. Paul Miki, S.J., and Companion Martyrs of Japan
15 St. Claude La Colombire, S.J.Apostle of the Sacred Heart


2 St. Nicholas Owen, S.J.Martyr of England


22 Our Lady, Queen of the Society

27 St. Peter Canisius, S.J.Doctor of the Church


4 St. Joseph Rubio, S.J.Apostle of the Blessed Sacrament

16 St. Andrew Bobola, S.J.Martyr of Poland
24 Madonna Della StradaOur Lady of the Way


9 Blessed Jos De Anchieta, S.J.Founder of Sa Paulo, Brazil

21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.Scholastic and Patron of Youth


2 Sts. Realino, Regis, Jerome, Maunoir, BaldinucciJesuit European

9 St. Lon-Ignace Mangin, S.J., and Companion Martyrs of China
14 Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin and Penitent
27 Blessed Rudolfo Aquaviva, S.J., and Companion Martyrs of India
31 Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus


JESUIT feasts and memorial days


2 Blessed Peter Faber, S.J.Master of the Ignatian Exercises

18 St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J.Chilean Social Activist and Scholar
26 St. David Lewis, S.J.Martyr of Wales


7 Sts. Melchior Grodziecki and Sephan PongrczMartyrs of Hungary

9 St. Peter Claver, S.J.Apostle to the slaves
10 Blessed Francisco Garate, S.J.Minister of Hospitality and
Evangelization in Spain
17 St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J.Doctor of the Church


10 St. Francis Borgia, S.J.Visionary General Superior

14 St. John Ogilvie, S.J.Martyr of Scotland
19 North American MartyrsSts. Isaac Jogues, S.J., Jean LaLande,
Rene Goupil, S.J., and Companions
30 St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, S.J.Porter and Evangelizer in Spain
31 Blessed Dominic Collins, S.J.Martyr of Ireland


1 Solemnity of All Saints

3 Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J.Prophetic Advocate in Germany
5 Feast of All Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus
13 St. Stanislaus Kostka, S.J.Novice
14 St. Joseph Pignatelli, S.J.Shepherd of the Jesuits dispersed
by the Suppression
16 St. Roch Gonzalez, S.J., and Companion Martyrs of South America
23 Blessed Miguel Pro, S.J.Martyr of Mexico
26 St. John Berchmans, S.J.Scholastic and Patron of Youth


1 St. Edmund Campion, S.J., and Companion Martyrs of England

3 Feast of St. Francis Xavier, S.J.Apostle to the East




Sources and Acknowled gments

Chapter 1
Why Do We Pray? How? Where? When?
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., from Toward the Future (Mariner Books, 2002), English
translation by Ren Hague, copyright 1975 by William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. and
Harcourt, Inc.
Chapter 2
St. Ignatius, Ignatian Spirituality, and Jesuit Education at Fordham
What Are We? An Introduction to Boston College and Its Jesuit Heritage (Boston College,
2002) and Kevin OBrien, S.J., The Heritage of Jesuit Education (Fordham University,
Chapter 3
Prayers, Poems, and Reflections in the Ignatian Tradition
St. Ignatius Loyola, from What Are We? An Introduction to Boston College and Its Jesuit
Heritage (Boston College, 2002).
First Principle and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises, from David L. Fleming, S.J.,
Draw Me Into Your Friendship: A Literal Translation and a Contemporary Reading of the
Spiritual Exercises (Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1996). Used with permission: The Institute
of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Prayer to Know Gods Will, from Letters of St. Ignatius of Loyola, translated by William
J. Young (Loyola Press, 1959). Used with permission: The Institute of Jesuit Sources,
St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Prayer for Generosity, attributed to St. Ignatius Loyola, Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits,
edited by Michael Harter, S.J. (Loyola Press, 2005). Used with permission: The Institute of
Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Take, Lord, and Receive, St. Ignatius Loyola, Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits, edited by
Michael Harter, S.J. (Loyola Press, 2005).
Soul of Christ, a contemporary paraphrase of the Anima Christi, a favorite prayer of
St. Ignatius, which he placed at the beginning of the Spiritual Exercises, taken from David
L. Fleming, S.J., Draw Me Into Your Friendship: A Literal Translation and a Contemporary
Reading of the Spiritual Exercises (Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1996). Used with permission:
The Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Falling in Love with God, Pedro Arrupe, S.J., as quoted in the article Love Will Decide
Everything by Kevin F. Burke, S.J., America magazine, Nov. 12, 2007.
Teach Me Your Way of Looking at People, Pedro Arrupe, S.J., The Spiritual Legacy of Pedro
Arrupe, SJ. Used with permission: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights
Help Us to Remain Close to You, from Journeying with the Lord by Carlo Maria Martini,
S.J., 1985, Alba House.
You Have Called Me by Name and I Choose to Breathe the Breath of Christ, Joseph
Tetlow, S.J., from Choosing Christ in the World 1989, Institute of Jesuit Sources. Used with
permission: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Show Me Your Face, O GodPsalm 61 from Daniel Berrigan, S.J., And the Risen Bread:
Selected Poems, 1957-1997 (Fordham University Press, 1998).


Patient Trust from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., The Making of a Mind: Letters from a
Soldier-Priest, English translation by Ren Hague (Harper and Row, 1965).
God of My Life from Karl Rahner, S.J., Encounters with Silence (St. Augustine Press, 1999).
Reprinted with permission of St. Augustine Press.
As Kingfishers Catch Fire, from Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works, edited by
Catherine Phillips (Oxford University Press, 2009).
Who Lives in Love, from Collected Poems: Robert Southwell, S.J., edited by Peter Davidson
and Anne Sweeney (Carcanet Press, 2007).
O God, I Love Thee, from Sermons and Devotional Writings, edited by Christopher Devlin,
S.J. (Oxford University Press, 1959).
A Minister of Christ, adapted and reprinted with permission from The Spiritual Writings
of Pierre Favre (Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1996). Used with permission: The Institute of
Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Possessing Nothing from George Aschenbrenner, S.J., Quickening the Fire in Our Midst:
The Challenge of Diocesan Priestly Spirituality (Loyola Press, 2002). Reprinted with permission
of Loyola Press. To order copies call 1-800-621-1008 or go to
Intimacy of Body and Soul, from Walter Ciszek, S.J., He Leadeth Me (Ignatius Press, 1995).
God Bless the World, Jack Morris, S.J. Reprinted with permission of the author.
Heart of JesusUnconditional Love, from Anthony de Mello, S.J., Sadhana: A Way to God
(Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1995). Used with permission: The Institute of Jesuit Sources,
St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4
Prayers, Poems, ReflectionsCatholic and Christian
Martin Luther King Jr., from Strength to Love (Fortress Press, 2010).
My Nature is Fire, from Catherine M. Meade, C.S.J., My Nature is Fire: St. Catherine of
Siena (Alba House, 1991).
Faithis the Pierless Bridge, reprinted by permission of the publishers and the Trustees
of Amherst College from THE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON, Thomas H. Johnson, ed.,
Cambridge, Mass.: the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Copyright 1951, 1955,
1979, 1983 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
The MagnificatCanticle of Mary, reprinted from The New American Bible. (Catholic
World Press, World Bible Publishers, 2011).
Love Bade Me Welcome, reprinted from George Herbert: The Complete English Poems,
edited by John Tobin (Penguin, 2005).
No Longer My Own, reprinted from John and Charles Wesley: Selected Prayers, Hymns,
Journal Notes, Sermons, Letters and Treatises, edited by Frank Whaling (Paulist Press, 1981).
Take My Hand, Precious Lord, Words and Music by THOMAS A. DORSEY 1938
We Make Up for the Neglect of the Crowd, from Dorothy Day: Selected Writings, edited by
Robert Ellsburg. Copyright 1983, 1992, 2005 by Robert Ellsberg and Tamar Hennessey.
Published in 2005 by Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York 10545. Reprinted by permission.
Great Responsibility, from Chiara Lubich, Essential Writings: Spirituality Dialogue Culture
(New City Press of the Focolare, 2007). Reprinted with permission of New City Press of the



Chapter 5
Prayers and Wisdom from Various Spiritual Traditions
Annie Dillard, from For the Time Being (Vintage, 2000).
Blessings, from Arthur Hertzberg, Judaism (Free Press, 1998).
Pray to Be Shocked, reprinted from Abraham Joshua Heschel, On Prayer, Conservative
Judaism 25 (Fall 1970).
Sayings of the Prophet, from Robert Frager and James Fadiman, Essential Sufism
(HarperOne, 1999); Diane Morgan, Essential Islam: A Comprehensive Guide to Belief and
Practice (Praeger, 2009); and Bonnie Louise Kuchler, Sylvia Boorstein, and Andrew Harvey,
One Heart: Universal Wisdom from the Worlds Scriptures (Da Capo Press, 2004).
Whether Your Destiny Is Glory or Disgrace, from Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut,
Perfume of the Desert: Inspirations from Sufi Wisdom (Quest Books, 1999).
The Bodhisattva Vow, from Shantideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva (Shambhala
Publications, 1997).
The Path of Goodness, from Sandra Krebs Hirsh and Jane A. G. Kise, SoulTypes (Augsburg
Books, 2006).
Seeking Trust, from William Pillow, Love and Immortality: The Long Journey of My Heart
(iUniverse, 2009).
Chapter 6
Prayers for College Life
Archbishop Oscar Romero, from John Dear, S.J., The Questions of Jesus: Challenging
Ourselves to Discover Lifes Great Answers (Image, 2004).
A Students Prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas and Give Me a Holy Heart by St. Thomas
More, from A Time for God: St. Louis University Prayer Book (
Prayer for a New Semester, reprinted from
God Be in My Head, from the Sarum Primer, 1538.
Prayer for Light and Help, St. Claude La Colombiere, S.J., from Hearts on Fire: Praying
with Jesuits, edited by Michael Harter, S.J. (Loyola Press, 2005). Used with permission: The
Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
An Examination of the Use of My Time, Leo Rock, S.J., from Orphaned Wisdom:
Meditations for Lent (Paulist Press, 1990). Used with permission: The Institute of Jesuit
Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Teach Me to Listen, adapted by John A. Veltri, S.J., Orientations, Vol. 1 (Loyola House).
Used with permission: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Prayer for Guidance, adapted by John A. Veltri, S.J., Orientations, Vol. 1 (Loyola House).
Prayer for Humility, by Daniel A. Lord, S.J., from Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits,
edited by Michael Harter, S.J. (Loyola Press, 2005). Used with permission: The Institute of
Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, MO. All rights reserved.
Prayer of a Single Person, reprinted with permission of the author.



Chapter 7
Prayers for Life After Graduation
Dorothy Day, from Dorothy Day: Selected Writings, edited by Robert Ellsburg (Maryknoll,
N.Y.: Orbis, 2005).
I Have My Mission, from The Newman ReaderWorks of John Henry Newman, 2007
by The National Institute for Newman Studies.
An Artists Prayer, A Teachers Prayer, A Lawyers Prayer, Prayer for Those Who Work
in Healthcare, Prayer for Those Who Work in Finance, Prayer for All Working People,
Prayer for Those in Military Service, Prayer for Married Couples, and Prayer for
Parents, published with permission of the author.
Prayer for Complete Trust in God, St. Francis de Sales, from The Essential Catholic Prayer
Book: A Collection of Private and Community Prayers (Ligouri, 1999).
Prayer of the Seeker, Thomas Merton, from Thoughts in Solitude (Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 1999).

We have sought permission to publish copyrighted material in this book. If any material has
been printed without proper permission or attribution, please contact us at [email protected].

Fordham University 2013 Produced by Development and University Relations, in collaboration with the
Office of University Mission and Ministry and the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture. 13-1479 eeo/aa



When you put it all together,

what is a Jesuit education all about?
It is about nothing less than
empowerment and transformation.
And this is the way in which the transformation takes place:
cared for, our students are challenged.
Challenged, they awaken to their real potential.
Awakened, they are transformed.
Transformed, they are empowered.
Empowered, they emerge from their experience
at the University as recognizable Jesuit graduates:
they are men and women of competence, conscience,
and commitment to the cause of the human family.
They become men and women with a difference
and men and women who make a difference in the world.
Joseph M. McShane, S.J.



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