9702 Physics - Definitions and Statements v1.0

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The key takeaways are definitions and statements about physics concepts extracted from past exam papers to ensure conformity with examiners' answers. The document also provides exam tips.

The purpose of this document is to provide factual information and definitions about physics concepts useful for quick recalls for AS level physics exams. It contains definitions extracted from past exam papers to match examiners' answers.

Some properties of alpha radiation are that it has a mass of 4u, is highly ionizing, interacts through collision and causes ionization, and has a short range in air of only a few centimeters.

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Definitions and Statements for CIE Physics

This document contains factual information useful for quick recalls for As level physics. It is not intended
for introducing physical concepts already covered in textbooks, and it does not contain mathematical
equations or formulas.
Though definitions and statements on physical quantities/concepts can be found in
recommended texts, they are worded differently and may vary in detail. These discrepancies are
potentially confusing, and the confusion is compounded by exam mark schemes offering yet another set
of definitions that are worded differently. It must be noted however that definitions listed in the
textbooks and mark schemes ultimately bring about the same meaning. The difference is only in the
choice of words used and the depth of detail offered.
As such, every effort was taken to extract definitions and statements from past exam papers.
This was done to ensure conformity with answers finalized by chief examiners from the UK. Only the best
answers from past year papers are listed (best to my ability anyway). I may reinforce answers with
details from textbooks when required.

Blue taken from past exam papers / already listed in the syllabus

Green taken from the International A/As level physics textbook

Orange taken from the Physics coursebook textbook

Red comments by Dr. Lee Chong Yew

Method M-type marks are given when correct physical concepts are stated

Accuracy A-type marks are awarded when accurate implications/facts/observations are

stated. For example, in explaining elastic extension of a wire, students can write:
1. Object returns to original length (M type mark)
2. When force is removed (A type mark)
If you get the M-type mark wrong in this example, the A-type mark will not be awarded.

Compensatory marks awarded to candidates for providing numerical answers correctly

even when the formula is not listed.

Independent these marks are self-contained marks given for each correct statement.
They do not rely on M-type marks to be correct.

Not stated explicitly in the syllabus but included for better coverage

1) Marks: It turns out that mark do exist (2013 exam mark schemes). Be precise to prevent mark

Dr. Lee Chong Yew


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My special thanks to the following students who have volunteered their time to map pass
exam questions to the syllabus. Your work contributed greatly to the creation of this document =)






Yi Xie
Coreen Soh
Jeremy Ng
Yew Jung
Mao Jian
Benjamin Lee
Sarah Hiew


Jin Wei
Joanna Grace
Jonathan Choy

Student Assigned





Dr. Lee

Han Khai
Adrian Yap

Yvonne Low
Yung Sun
Chun Yang

Melissa Phon
Zhi Liang

Yew Jung
Janice Wu
Joelle Teoh
Chong Jun

Dr. Lee

Emily Wong
Han Khai (1)

Yagi Makoto
Le Ee
Ju Vi
Chia Ling

Timothy Chin
Angeline Hong
Jamie Cham
Chin Yoong

Yagi Makoto
Angeline Shak
Yi Chern

Joshua Ng
Chuen Ken
Justin Lee

Hooi Shin
Shang Herng
Ethan Ong

Chew Shyang

Emily Wong
Chew Shyang (1)

Zhi Liang
Melissa Phon

Gary Liew
Jin Wei (1)

Chew Hou
Gary Liew

Gary Liew


Dr. Lee Chong Yew

11th November 2013

Dr. Lee Chong Yew


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Exam Tips
1) Many essay type questions in P2 are recycled time and again (especially on waves and nuclear
physics). They can therefore be answered using a general set of statements. But how do you
identify these general statements?
a) First, you must get your physics right by including a physical concept that is applicable to the
question (you rarely have more than 1 concept per question).
b) How then do you identify these concepts? Easy, look for marks allocated [M1] in the mark
schemes. This is the method mark AKA the main idea mark. If you get the main idea wrong,
you wont score any mark for that particular section.
c) You will soon realize the [M1] (main idea) mark is fairly similar for many question.
d) Once the main idea is established, you should proceed to write down the
implications/observations based on the physical concept. These are the [A1] type marks.
2) There are MANY instances where students are required to devise an experiment to observe OR
verify physical phenomena/constants. These questions are fairly straightforward, and can be
attempted by adhering to the following steps:
a) List down all the apparatus you need
b) Explain how each apparatus is used to obtain measurements
c) Compute/Analyze your data or provide suitable conclusion based on your observation.
d) List also precautions taken to ensure measurement is not distorted by systematic error (e.g.,
apparatus calibrated, no zero error) and random error (e.g., repeat measurement and obtain
average value)
3) Never enter the exam hall with an empty stomach and make sure you are well rested prior

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Section I: General Physics


Physics quantities and units


show an understanding that all physical quantities consist of a numerical magnitude and a


express derived units as products or quotients of the SI base units and use the named units
listed in this syllabus as appropriate
Young modulus

s, x


Derived unit

The difference between each column on table above must be noted (e.g., what is a physical
quantity, or what a derived unit is).
Derived units consist of some combination of the base units. The base units may be
multiplied together or divided by one another, but never added or subtracted.

recall the following SI base quantities and their units: mass (kg), length (m), time (s), current
(A), temperature (K)
SI units is founded upon seven fundamental or base units.
Comment: You must memorize all of the SI base units above. All other units are derived
units (e.g., volt, pressure, force etc). Dont be confused.


use SI base units to check the homogeneity of physical equations

Homogeneous equation: In any equation where each term has the same base units, the
equation is said to be homogeneous or balanced.


use the following prefixes and their symbols to indicate decimal submultiples or multiples of
both base and derived units: pico (p), nano (n), micro (), milli (m), centi (c), deci (d), kilo (k),
mega (M), giga (G), tera (T)











Sometimes it is useful to estimate how big the number is. This process is called determining
the order of magnitude (the power of ten a number is raised). For example, 1.2 x 105 x (2.6 x
106) 1011. If the answer has a different order of magnitude, say, 1012 we know that it is

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distinguish between scalar quantities

Scalar has magnitude/size B1 (2011/Nov-P23/Q1a)
vector quantities and give examples of each
Vector has magnitude/size and direction B1 (2011/Nov-P23/Q1a)


add and subtract coplanar vectors

1. The sum of vectors (be it addition or subtraction) is known as the resultant vector.
2. The resultant can be found using a scale drawing of the vector diagram OR by
3. Only vectors occupying up to two dimensions are covered in CIE. Thus all addition or
subtraction of vectors must be on the same plane. Vectors on the same plane are
known as coplanar vectors.


represent a vector as two perpendicular components.

1. A single vector can be split up, or resolved, into two vectors. The resolved parts are
known as components.
2. In general, a vector is resolved into two components at right-angles to each other.

Measurement techniques


Candidates should be able to use techniques for the measurement of length, volume, angle,
mass, time, temperature and electrical quantities appropriate to the ranges of magnitude
implied by the relevant parts of the syllabus.



Meter rule, vernier caliper, micrometer screw gauge


Top-pan balance, spring balance, lever balance




Stop watch, stop clock, digital timer, c.r.o


Mercury in glass thermometer, thermocouple thermometer


Ammeter (digital or analogue), multimeter


Voltmeter (digital or analogue), multimeter



1. A loudspeaker produces a sound wave of constant frequency. Outline how a cathode-ray

oscilloscope (c.r.o.) may be used to determine this frequency (2010/Nov-P23/Q3).
a) connect microphone / (terminals of) loudspeaker to Y-plates of c.r.o. B1
b) adjust c.r.o. to produce steady wave of 1 (or 2) cycles / wavelengths on screen B1
c) measure length of cycle / wavelength and note time-base b B1
d) frequency = 1 / b B1
Watch this video for more info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxZWcku_Sw0

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show an understanding of the distinction between systematic errors (including zero errors)
and random errors
1. Systematic error
a) Will result in all readings being either above or below the accepted value OR the
average / peak is not the true value / the readings are not centred around the true
value B1 (2011/Jun-P23/Q1bi)
b) Cannot be eliminated by repeated readings and averaging
c) Can only be reduced by improving experimental techniques (e.g., calibrate devices
before use, make sure no parallax error etc).
2. Examples of systematic errors:
a) Zero error Scale reading not zero before measurements are taken. Check for zero
error before measurements.
b) Wrongly calibrated scale
c) Reaction time of experimenter Delay between the experimenter observing the
event and starting the timing device. May be as long as 0.2 0.5s.
3. Random errors
a) Results in readings being scattered around the accepted/true value OR readings
have positive and negative values around the peak value / values are scattered /
wide range B1 (2011/Jun-P23/Q1bi)
b) Can be reduced by repeating a reading and averaging OR
c) by plotting a graph and drawing a best-fit line.
4. Examples of random errors:
a) Incorrect reading of a scale
b) Inaccurate timing of a complete oscillation
c) Taking readings that changes with time, especially when two instruments have to be
read simultaneously.
d) Parallax error
5. State how the instrument is (2010/Jun-P22/Q1bi):
a) checked so as to avoid systematic error in the measurements
- look/check for zero error B1
b) used so as to reduce random errors
- take several readings M1
- to get an average value for the reading A1


show an understanding of the distinction between precision and accuracy

1. Accuracy is concerned with how close a reading is to its true value
2. Precision is the smallest change in value that can be measured by an instrument or an
3. A precise instrument is one that produces similar values when measurements are
4. From (2011/Jun-P23/Q1bii):
a) When readings are accurate, the peak / average value moves towards the true value
b) When readings are precise, the scatter between each data is relatively small/ lines
are closer together / sharper peak B1

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assess the uncertainty in a derived quantity by simple addition of actual, fractional or

percentage uncertainties
1. Uncertainty indicates the range of value within which a measurement is likely to lie.

Section II: Newtonian Mechanics




define displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration

1. Distance (scalar) is the actual path travelled B1 (2011/Jun-P22/Q1ciii)
2. Displacement (vector) is the straight line distance between start and finish points (in
that direction) / minimum distance B1 (2011/Jun-P22/Q1ciii)
3. Speed (scalar) = distance/time taken
4. Velocity (vector) = displacement/time taken
5. Acceleration (vector) = rate of change of velocity A1 (2013/Jun-P23/Q2aii)


recall that the weight of a body is equal to the product of its mass and the acceleration of
free fall


describe an experiment to determine the acceleration of free fall using a falling body
The setup
a) Steel ball-bearing held by an
b) An electronic timer
c) A trapdoor/force sensor
The timer activates when the ball is
released by the electromagnet, and
stops when the ball hits the trapdoor/
force sensor.

a) Record the time taken t for ball to drop at height h.
b) Repeat the experiment several times for different values of h.
c) Plot the graph of h vs t2
d) Good physics: the average time should be taken for each h to reduce random errors.
Data analysis to obtain free fall acceleration
a) Obtain the gradient of the graph
b) The gradient = g
c) Free fall acceleration = gradient x 2
Sources of uncertainties
a) Electromagnet may retain some magnetic fields when turned off, delaying the complete
release of the ball (systematic error)
b) Measuring height h may be subjected to precision error of 1 mm when measured using
a meter rule/tape.
(Please see pg. 29 for other configurations)
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describe qualitatively the motion of bodies falling in a uniform gravitational field with air
1. The variation with time t of vertical speed v of a parachutist falling from an aircraft is
shown in the figure below (2012/Nov-P21/Q1bii):

Explain the variation of the resultant force acting on the parachutist from t = 0
(point A) to t = 15 s (point C):
a) resultant force = weight frictional force B1
b) frictional force increases with speed B1
c) at start frictional force = 0 / at end weight = frictional force B1
d) When resultant force is zero on the vertical direction, terminal velocity is reached.
2. A sky-diver jumps from a high-altitude balloon. Explain briefly (2009/Nov-P21/Q2a):
(a) why the acceleration of the sky-diver decreases with time
- (air) resistance increases with speed M1
- resultant / accelerating force decreases A1
(b) why the free-fall acceleration is 9.8 ms2 at the start of the jump.
- (air) resistance is zero OR weight / gravitational force is only force B1

describe and explain motion due to a uniform velocity in one direction and a uniform
acceleration in a perpendicular direction.
1. known as projectile motion.
2. applicable to objects moving at constant velocity, whilst acted upon by a force with
vector perpendicular to its velocity.
3. The force could be imparted by gravitational fields (e.g., golfball travelling in the air), or
electric field (e.g., electrons moving between parallel plates with uniform electric
4. Zero frictional forces (e.g., no air resistance)

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5. Horizontal axis OR axis with constant velocity:
a) Acceleration is zero
b) Displacement x after time t is x = xo + uxt
6. Vertical axis OR axis where force is acting:
a) Continuously acted upon by a constant force
b) The velocity v after time t is v = u + at
c) The displacement y after time t is given as y = yo + ut + at2
7. The resultant velocity is computed by adding vx and vy
8. The trajectory of the object will result in a parabola



state Newtons 1st law of motion

A body continues at rest or constant velocity unless acted on by a resultant (external) force
B1 (2012/Jun-P22/Q3a)
state Newtons 2nd law of motion
(resultant) force = rate of change of momentum B1 (2012/Nov-P22/Q2a)
state Newtons 3rd law of motion
1. Stated as (2010/Jun-P22/Q3aii):
a) force on body A is equal in magnitude to force on body B (from A) M1
b) forces are in opposite directions A1
c) forces are of the same kind A1
2. For the collision between a ball and a wall, state how Newtons third law apply
a) force on the wall from the ball is equal to the force on ball from the wall M1
b) but in the opposite direction A1


show an understanding that mass is the property of a body that resists change in motion


describe and use the concept of weight as the effect of a gravitational field on a mass
Weight is the force due to the gravitational field B1 (2013/Jun-P21/Q2a)


define linear momentum as the product of mass and velocity


define force as rate of change of momentum


state the principle of conservation of momentum

1. Stated as (2013/Jun-P23/Q3ai)
a) the total momentum of (an isolated) system (of interacting bodies) remains
constant M1
b) provided there are no resultant external forces A1
2. For the collision between a ball and a wall, state how the law of conservation of
momentum apply (2012/Nov-P22/Q2ci):
a) change of momentum of ball and wall is zero B1


recognize that, for a perfectly elastic collision, the relative speed of approach is equal to the
relative speed of separation

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1. For air molecules undergoing elastic collision (2013/Jun-P21/Q4c)
a) elastic collision (occurs) when kinetic energy (is) conserved B1
b) temperature constant for gas B1

show an understanding that, while momentum of a system is always conserved in

interactions between bodies (both elastic and inelastic), some change in kinetic energy
usually takes place.
1. In stating the difference between elastic and inelastic collision (2013/Jun-P23/Q3aii)
a) elastic: total kinetic energy is conserved, inelastic: loss of kinetic energy B1
[allow elastic: relative speed of approach equals relative speed of separation]
2. In describing, realistically, the collision of a ball on the ground (2012/Jun-P21/Q2c):
a) kinetic energy of the ball is not conserved on impact B1
b) speed before impact is not equal to speed after hence inelastic B1



describe the forces on mass and charge in uniform gravitational and electric fields, as


show an understanding of the origin of the upthrust acting on a body in a fluid

Upthrust is the pressure difference between the pressure at the bottom of the object and
the pressure at the top of the object immerse in a fluid.


show a qualitative understanding of frictional forces and viscous forces including air
1. In describing the motion of a cyclist (2012/Nov-P23/Q3bi):
a) as the speed increases drag / air resistance increases B1
b) resultant force reduces hence acceleration is less B1
c) constant speed when resultant force is zero B1 (allow one mark for speed
increases and acceleration decreases)


show an understanding that the weight of a body may be taken as acting at a single point
known as its centre of gravity
1. CoG defined as: (2013-22/6-3a)
a) the point where (all) the weight (of the body) M1
b) is considered / seems to act A1
2. In an experiment used to find the centre of gravity (2010/Nov-P22/Q3c):

(i) List the two forces, other than its weight and air resistance, that act on the card
during the time that it is swinging. State where the forces act.
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a) reaction / upwards / supporting / normal reaction force M1
b) friction M1
c) force(s) at the rod A1
(ii) By reference to the completed diagram above, state the position in which the card
comes to rest. Explain why the card comes to rest in this position.
a) comes to rest with (line of action of) weight acting through rod allow CoG
vertically below the rod B1
b) so that weight does not have a moment about the pivot / rod B1

show an understanding that a couple is a pair of forces that tends to produce rotation only


define the moment of a force and the torque of a couple

1. State the principle of moments (2013/Jun-P22/Q3bii)
The sum of the clockwise moments about a point equals the sum of the anticlockwise
moments (about the same point) B1
2. moment of a force product of the force and the perpendicular distance (to the pivot)
3. The torque of a couple is the product of one of the forces and the (perpendicular)
distance between forces M1 & A1


show an understanding that, when there is no resultant force and no resultant torque, a
system is in equilibrium.
1. In addition, in certain systems are in equilibrium when the net / resultant moment is
zero OR sum of clockwise moments = sum of anticlockwise moments (2011/Jun21/Q3ci)
2. Three co-planar forces act on a body that is in equilibrium. State how the triangle
confirms that the forces are in equilibrium (2010/Jun-P23/Q2bii):
- if the triangle is closed (then the forces are in equilibrium) B1
3. Describe how to draw a vector triangle to represent these forces (2010/Jun-P23/Q2bi):
a) each force is represented by the side of a triangle/by an arrow M1
b) in magnitude and direction A1
c) arrows joined, head to tail B1

Work, energy and power


give examples of energy in different forms, its conversion and conservation,

1. For an object in freefall with air resistance (2013/Jun-P21/Q3a)
a) loss in potential energy due to decrease in height (as P.E. = mgh) B1
b) gain in kinetic energy due to increase in speed (as K.E. = mv2) B1
c) increase in thermal energy due to work done against air resistance B1
d) loss in P.E. equals gain in K.E. and thermal energy B1
2. For the transformation of energy inside a battery and a resistor in a closed circuit
a) Battery chemical to electrical B1
b) Resistor electrical to thermal / heat or heat and light B1
3. For energy conversions that take place as mass oscillates on a spring (2012/NovP22/Q6d):

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a) elastic potential energy / strain energy to kinetic energy and gravitational potential
State the principle of conservation of energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another

show an understanding of the concept of work in terms of the product of a force and
displacement in the direction of the force


distinguish between gravitational potential energy, and

From (2011/Jun-P21/Q4a):
a) gravitational potential energy (stored) when mass moved B1
b) due to work done in gravitational field B1
electric potential energy, and
From (2011/Jun-P21/Q4a):
a) electrical potential energy (stored) when charge moved B1
b) due to work done in electric field B1
elastic potential energy
1. Explain what is meant by strain energy(elastic potential energy) (2009/Nov-P22/Q4a):
a) ability to do work B1
b) as a result of a change of shape of an object/stretched etc B1


show an understanding of the concept of internal energy

Internal energy is the sum of the total potential energies and the kinetic energies of all the
molecules or the solid/liquid/gas.


recall and understand that the efficiency of a system is the ratio of useful work done by the
system to the total energy input
1. On why certain systems are not 100% efficient (2013l/Jun-P22/Q1aiii)
a) Name the specific type of energy relevant to the question (e.g., kinetic energy) and
mention that is not fully converted as it is exchanged between two objects (e.g.,
kinetic energy of wind not fully converted to the kinetic energy of blades on wind
b) State why item (a) is true: e.g., heat produced, mechanical friction in bearings. (You
must mention specifically where and why loss occurred)


define power as work done per unit time and

derive power as the product of force and velocity

Section III: Matter


Phases of matter


define the term density

density = mass/volume (2011/Nov-P21/Q1a)


relate the difference in the structures and densities of solids, liquids and gases to simple
ideas of the spacing, ordering and motion of molecules
1. Spacing: how far apart are the atoms on average

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2. Ordering: are they arranged in an orderly manner (crystalline) or in a random way
3. Motion: are they moving quickly, slowly or not at all.
4. How the difference in the densities of solids, liquids and gases may be related to the
spacing of their molecules. (2011-23/6-7a)
a) density of liquids and solids similar B1
b) as spacing in solids and liquids about the same B1
c) density in gases much less as spacing in gases much greater B1
d) the spacing of molecules in gas roughly 10 times greater than spacing of molecules
in liquids (2010/Jun-P23/Q4ai) B1
e) volume occupied by gas is 1000 times larger than volume occupied by the same
amount of matter in solid/liquid
f) 99.9% of the volume of a gas is empty space
5. Liquid nitrogen has a density of 810 kg m3. The density of nitrogen gas at room
temperature and pressure is approximately 1.2 kg m3. Suggest how these densities
relate to the spacing of nitrogen molecules in the liquid and in the gaseous states.
a) spacing (much) greater in gases than in liquids M1
b) ratio of spacing is about 8.8 A1
6. The change V in the volume V of some water when the pressure on the water
increases by p is given by the expression:

In many applications, water is assumed to be incompressible. By reference to the

expression above, justify this assumption (2008/Jun-Q4b):
a) unless p is very large M1
b) V/Vis very small, (so incompressible) A1

describe a simple kinetic model for solids, liquids and gases

1. General assumptions of the simple kinetic model:
a) Matter is made up of many tiny particles atoms or molecules
b) These particles tend to move about (hence kinetic)
c) In solids, atoms are held together by strong interatomic forces, thus they are
movement are restricted to oscillations about their equilibrium positions.
d) Work must be done to break the rigid interatomic forces of solid to form liquid so
they can move freely.
2. Assumptions of the simple kinetic model of a gas (2011/Jun-P21/Q6a):
a) large number of molecules / atoms / particles B1
b) molecules in random motion B1
c) no intermolecular forces B1
d) elastic collisions B1
e) time of collisions much less than time between collisions B1
f) volume of molecules much less than volume of containing vessel B1
3. State the evidence for the assumption that (2010/Jun-P23/Q4ai):
a) there are significant forces of attraction between molecules in the solid state:
- solid has fixed volume and fixed shape/incompressible B1
b) the forces of attraction between molecules in a gas are negligible.
- gas fills any space into which it is put B1

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describe an experiment that demonstrates Brownian motion and appreciate the evidence
for the movement of molecules provided by such an experiment
1. Explain what is meant by Brownian motion (2008/Nov-P21/Q5a):
a) haphazard / random / erratic / zig-zag movement M1
b) of (smoke) particles (do not allow molecules / atoms) A1
2. Suggest and explain why Brownian motion provides evidence for the movement of
molecules as assumed in the kinetic theory of gases (2008/Nov-P21/Q5b):
a) motion is due to unequal / unbalanced collision rates(on different faces) B1
b) (unequal collision rate due to) random motion of (gas) molecules / atoms B1
3. Smoke from a poorly maintained engine contains large particles of soot. Suggest why
the Brownian motion of such large particles is undetectable (2008/Nov-P21/Q5b):
a) collisions with air molecules average out M1
b) this prevents haphazard motion A1
c) particle is more massive / heavier / has large inertia M1
d) collisions cause only small movements / accelerations A1
4. On describing the apparatus (2013/Jun-P22/Q4a)
a) cell with particles e.g. smoke (container must be closed) B1
b) diagram showing suitable arrangement with light illumination and microscope B1
5. On observations made from experiment (2013/Jun-P22/Q4b)
a) specks / flashes of light M1
b) in random motion A1
6. On conclusions about the properties of molecules of a gas (2013/Jun-P22/Q4c)
a) cannot see what is causing smoke to move hence (air) molecules smaller than
smoke particles B1
b) continuous motion of smoke particles implies continuous motion of molecules B1
c) random motion of particles implies random motion of molecules B1


distinguish between the structure of crystalline and non-crystalline solids with particular
reference to metals, polymers and amorphous materials
With regards to atomic arrangements (2010/Nov-P23/Q2):
a) Crystals/Metals: atoms / ions / particles in a regular arrangement / lattice long
range order / orderly pattern B1 AND (lattice) repeats itself B1
b) Polymers: long chain molecules / chains of monomers B1 AND some cross-linking
between chains / tangled chain B1
c) Amorphous solids: disordered arrangement of molecules / atoms / particles B1
AND any ordering is short-range B1


define the term pressure

pressure = force / area (normal to force) A1 (2013/Jun-P21/Q4a)
and use the kinetic model to explain the pressure exerted by gases
1. On pressure exerted by gasses (2011/Jun-P21/Q6b)
a) molecules/atoms/particles in (constant) random/haphazard motion B1
b) molecules have a change in momentum when they collide with the walls M1
c) molecules exert equal and opposite force on wall B1
d) pressure is averaging effect of many collisions B1
2. On why pressure on mountain is less than sea level (2013/Jun-P21/Q3b)
a) molecules collide with object / surface and rebound B1

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b) molecules have change in momentum hence force acts B1
c) fewer molecules per unit volume on top of mountain / temperature is less hence
lower speed of molecules B1
d) hence less pressure A0

distinguish between the processes of melting, boiling and evaporation.

1. State one similarity between the processes of evaporation and boiling (2009/NovP22/Q2ai):
a) (phase) change from liquid to gas / vapour B1

thermal energy required to maintain constant temperature B1 (do not allow

convert water to steam)

2. State the differences between the processes of evaporation and boiling (2009/NovP22/Q2aii):
a) evaporation takes place at surface B1
b) boiling takes place in body of the liquid B1
c) evaporation occurs at all temperatures B1
d) boiling occurs at one temperature B1
3. Boiling occurs at a fixed temperature for a given atmospheric pressure.


Deformation of solids


describe the behavior of springs in terms of load, extension, elastic limit, Hookes law and
the spring constant (i.e. force per unit extension).
1. Hookes Law state that extension is proportional to force / load (2012-22/11-6a)
*dont mention that extension is proportional to mass (2012-21/6-3ci)


define and use the terms stress, strain and the Young modulus
1. stress = force / cross-sectional area B1 (2013-23/6-4ai)
2. strain = extension / original length B1 (2013-23/6-4aii)
3. E = stress/strain C1 (2013-23/6-4bi)


describe an experiment to determine the Young modulus of a metal in the form of a wire
From (2011-22/6-4a):
The Setup
a) clamped horizontal wire over pulley or vertical wire attached to ceiling with mass
attached B1
b) details: reference mark on wire with fixed scale alongside B1
a) measure original length of wire to reference mark with metre ruler / tape B1
b) measure diameter with micrometer / digital calipers B1
c) measure initial and final reading (for extension) with metre ruler or other suitable scale
d) measure / record mass or weight used for the extension B1
e) Marks for good techniques: measure diameter in several places / remove load and
check wire returns to original length / take several readings with different loads B1
Data analysis to obtain Young Modulus

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determine extension from final and initial readings B1

plot a graph of force against extension B1
determine gradient of graph for F/ e B1
calculate area from d2/ 4 B1
calculate E from E= F l/ e A or gradient l/ A B1

distinguish between elastic and plastic deformation of a material

1. Description of wire extending elastically (2013-21/6-1a)
a) wire returns to its original length (not shape) M1
b) when load is removed A1
2. Characteristics of plastic deformation: (2012-21/11-5a)
a) Wire/body object does not return to its original shape / length when load is
removed B1


demonstrate knowledge of the force-extension graphs for typical ductile, brittle and
polymeric materials, including an understanding of ultimate tensile stress.
1. F-x graph for (2012-22/11-3b):
a) Metal: straight line or straight line then curving with less positive gradient B1
b) Polymer: curve with decreasing gradient with steep increasing gradient at end B1
2. F-x graph for (2011-22/11- 3ei):
a) Ductile material: initially force proportional to extension then a large extension for
small change in force B1
b) Brittle material: force proportional to extension until it breaks B1
3. Ultimate tensile strength (2011-22/11-3c):
a) UTS is the maximum force / original cross-sectional area M1
b) wire is able to support / before it breaks A1

The phenomena of elastic hysteresis (exhibited by rubber) is illustrated on the stress-strain

diagram below. Explain why a rubber band gets warm when it is repeatedly stretched and
released using the diagram below (2010/Jun-P22/Q5b).

a) area between lines represents energy/area under curve represents energy M1

b) when rubber is stretched and then released/two areas are different A1
c) this energy seen as thermal energy/heating/difference represents energy released
as heat A1
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Section IV: Oscillations and Waves




describe what is meant by wave motion as illustrated by vibration in ropes, springs and ripple
1. Wave motion is a means of moving energy from one point to another by particles that
vibrate in direction parallel (longitudinal wave) or perpendicular (transverse wave) to the
direction of energy transfer.
2. All waves exhibit common properties, where they can be reflected, refracted, diffracted,
and can interact to produce interference patterns. These properties can be observed on a
ripple tank.
3. Reflection: as waves strike a suitable reflective medium, they are reflected at an angle
similar to the angle of incidence. There is no change in the wavelength/wave front.
4. Refraction: The change in direction of a wave due to change in speed
5. Diffraction: defined as the spreading of wave into regions where it would not be seen if it
moved only in straight line (aka geometric shadow)

(b) show an understanding of and use the terms displacement, amplitude, phase difference,
period, frequency, wavelength and speed

1. From (2010-22/11-5ai,ii):
a) Displacement: distance (of point on wave) from rest / equilibrium position B1
a) Amplitude: the maximum displacement of a particle in the wave.
b) Phase difference: the difference in the relative positions of the crests or troughs of
two waves of the same frequency expressed in radians or degrees.
c) Period: the time for a particle in the wave to complete one complete cycle
a) Frequency: number of oscillations per unit time (not per second) B1 (2010/JunP23/Q5ai)
b) Wavelength: distance moved by wave energy / wavefront during one cycle of the
source or minimum distance between two points with the same phase or between
adjacent crests or troughs. OR One wavelength is the distance between two
neighboring peaks or two neighboring troughs that are vibrating in-phase.
c) Speed: speed at which energy is transferred / speed of wavefront (2008/Jun-Q5aii)
2. The variation with distance x along a progressive wave of a quantity y, at a particular
time, is shown in the diagram below (2009/Nov-P21/Q5b):

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(i) State what the quantity y could represent.

- displacement / velocity / acceleration (of particles in the wave) B1
(ii) Distinguish between the quantity y for a transverse wave
- displacement etc. is normal to direction of energy transfer / travel of wave /
propagation of wave (not wave motion) B1
(iii) Distinguish between the quantity y for a longitudinal wave
- displacement etc. along / same direction of energy transfer / travel of wave /
propagation of wave (not wave motion) B1
3. Illustration of phase difference:

4. When two progressive waves are in phase, they have a phase difference of 0 radians.
5. When two progressive waves are out of phase, they have a phase difference of radians.
(e) show an understanding that energy is transferred due to a progressive wave
1. State what is meant by a progressive wave (2009/Nov-P21/Q5a):
a) transfer / propagation of energy M1
b) as a result of oscillations / vibrations A1

recall and use the relationship intensity (amplitude)2

1. The intensity of a wave is the energy passing through unit area per unit time.


compare transverse and longitudinal waves

1. Transverse waves have vibrations that are perpendicular / normal
to the direction of energy travel (2011/Nov-P23/Q5a)
2. Longitudinal waves have vibrations that are parallel to the direction of energy travel
3. Only electromagnetic waves (a transverse wave) can travel through a vacuum / free
space (2012/Nov-P23/Q5a)

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show an understanding that polarization is a phenomenon associated with transverse waves.

1. Polarization is characterized by (2012/Nov-P23/Q5c):
a) vibrations are in one direction M1
b) perpendicular to direction of propagation / energy transfer A1
2. Illustrations for polarizations


state that all electromagnetic waves travel with the same speed in free space
1. The nature of EM waves

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2. Common measurements students must know:

EM Wave

>106 to 10-1
10-1 to 10-3
10-3 to 7 x 10-7
7 x 10-7 (red) to 4 x 10-7 (violet)
4 x 10-7 to 10-8
10-8 to 10-13
10-10 to 10-16




explain and use the principle of superposition in simple applications

1. Explained as: (2012/Jun-P22/Q6a):
a) two waves travelling (along the same line) in opposite directions overlap/meet
b) same frequency / wavelength A1
c) resultant displacement is the sum of displacements of each wave / produces nodes
and antinodes B1
(Some question use superposition and interference interchangeably 2011/Jun-P21/Q7a)


show an understanding of experiments that demonstrate stationary waves using

microwaves, stretched strings and air columns
1. Standing wave setup and demonstration using microwaves.

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a) List all apparatus in the diagram above, and identify their functions. Wave source
(microwave transmitter), reflecting sheet (to reflect wave), microwave probe and
meter to detected wave intensity.
b) Observations: Probe will detect alternating regions of high and low intensities as it
is moved from the source to the reflecting sheet. These regions are the antinode
and node respectively.
c) Analysis/conclusion:
- Node is detected on the surface of reflecting sheet
- Regions with the highest intensities are the antinodes
- Waves travelling towards the reflector and waves that are reflected interfere to
form standing wave patterns.
- The distance between two consecutive node is equivalent to
- If two nodes are detected between the reflector and the source (one single
loop), the wavelength of the microwave is 2L, where L is the distance between
the two nodes (fundamental mode).
- If 3 nodes are detected between the source and the reflector (2 loops), then
the wavelength is equal to the distance between the first node and the last
node (second harmonic)
2. A string stretched between two fixed points P and Q based on the figure below.

A vibrator is attached near end P of the string. End Q is fixed to a wall. The vibrator has
a frequency of 50 Hz and causes a transverse wave to travel along the string at a speed
of 40ms1 .
Explain how this arrangement may produce a stationary wave on the string. (2013/JunP22/Q5aii)
a) waves (travel along string and) reflect at wall/fixed end B1
b) incident and reflected waves interfere/superpose (to form standing wave patterns)
c) analysis of wavelength is similar to item (1) above
3. The figure below shows an arrangement for producing stationary waves in a tube that is
closed at one end (2012/Nov-P22/Q4a):
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Explain how waves from the loudspeaker produce stationary waves in the tube.
a) waves (travels along tube) reflect at closed end / end of tube B1
b) incident and reflected waves or these two waves are in opposite directions M1
c) interfere or stationary wave formed if tube length equivalent to / 4, 3/ 4, etc. A1
4. Use the principle of superposition to explain the formation of a stationary wave
a) two waves travelling (along the same line) in opposite directions overlap/meet M1
b) same frequency / wavelength A1
c) resultant displacement is the sum of displacements of each wave / produces nodes
and antinodes B1
5. Describe an experiment to determine the wavelength of sound in air using stationary
waves. Include a diagram of the apparatus in your answer (2012/Jun-P22/Q6b):
a) apparatus: source of wave (speaker) + detector (microphone attached to a c.r.o) +
reflection system (wall) B1
b) adjustment to apparatus to set up standing waves consecutive nodes and
antinodes detected as microphone is moved from the source to the wall B1
c) measurements made to obtain wavelength (c.r.o) B1 (the distance between two
nodes is equivalent to )

explain the formation of a stationary wave using a graphical method, and identify nodes and
1. The properties of nodes and antinodes (2012/Nov-P22/Q4bi):
a) Node: no motion (as node) / zero amplitude B1
b) Antinode: vibration backwards and forwards / maximum amplitude along length
B1 OR position (along wave) where amplitude of vibration is a maximum B1
2. On formation of standing waves:

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3. When the waves that form the standing wave (see diagram above) are 90o apart (or
separated by a time equivalent to 25% of the period), destructive interference will
result. If they are 180o apart, constructive interference will result, but the amplitude
will flip to the other end. See the diagram below:


explain the meaning of the term diffraction

1. State what is meant by the diffraction of a wave (2010/Jun-P21/Q4a).
a) when a wave (front) passes by/incident on an edge/slit M1
b) wave bends/spreads (into the geometrical shadow) A1
2. Describe the diffraction of monochromatic light as it passes through a diffraction
grating (2012/Nov-P21/Q4a):
a) waves pass through the elements / gaps / slits in the grating M1
b) wave bends/spreads (into the geometrical shadow) A1
(award 0/2 for bending at a boundary) (2008/Nov-Q6a)
The term geometric shadow is not found in textbooks.


show an understanding of experiments that demonstrate diffraction including the

diffraction of water waves in a ripple tank with both a wide gap and a narrow gap
1. Use the setup of ripple tank explained in part (g) below.
2. Include narrow and wide gaps/slits/openings for waves to pass and diffract as illustrated

3. Note that wavelength remains the same even after diffraction.

4. Diffraction is maximum when the width of the slit is equivalent to the wavelength.
Diffraction is reduced when the width of the slit deviates from the wavelength.
4. White light is incident on a diffraction grating, as shown in figure below (2012/NovP21/Q4bi):

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The diffraction pattern formed on the screen has white light, called zero order, and
coloured spectra in other orders.
(i) Describe how the principle of superposition is used to explain white light at the
zero order.
a) (The) displacements (of each wavelength) add to give resultant displacement
b) each wavelength travels the same path difference or are in phase B1
c) hence a white maximum (is produced) A0
(ii) Describe how the principle of superposition is used to explain the difference in
position of red and blue light in the first-order spectrum (2012/Nov-P21/Q4bi):
a) to obtain a maximum, the path difference must be (equivalent to the multiple
of) or (the) phase difference (equivalent to the multiple) of 2 rad B1
b) (Since) of red and blue are different B1
c) maxima (occurs) at different angles / positions A0

show an understanding of experiments that demonstrate two-source interference using

water, light and microwaves
1. The setup to observe interference of waves in ripple tank (2011/Jun-P21/Q7bi,ii):
a) two (ball-type) dippers M1
b) connected to the same vibrating source /motor (to obtain a coherent source) A1
c) lamp with viewing screen on opposite side of tank B1
d) means of freezing picture e.g. strobe B1
(the observation and analysis portion is the same for both water and light. They are
discussed in item (3) below)

2. The setup to illustrate interference using microwaves (transverse waves)

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Explain clearly all the apparatus needed and what each item is used for. For other EM wave,
just change the source to other emitters such as light bulb (add an extra slit) and laser.
3. Generalized Observation: on changes that can be observed as a detector is moved along
interference fringes formed by light, water or microwaves:
a) Explain how the intensity of light alternate between high intensity and low intensity
OR waves superimpose to form regions of constructive interference and destructive
b) Note that the intensity or amplitude of wave is maximum on the zeroth order (i.e.,
the perpendicular distance between the separation of two slits.
4. Generalized Conclusion:
a) The separation between each consecutive bright fringe/maxima is constant
b) Bright fringe/maxima is formed when the path difference between the two
coherent source is a multiple of wavelength (n)
5. Changes that can be made to the setup to observe properties of interference patterns
a) slits made narrower B1
b) slits put closer together (not just make slits smaller) B1
Additional comment: Increase the distance (D) between the source of interference and
the wall at which the interference image is formed. This all came from x = D/a and
d sin = n
6. Based on the diffraction setup below (2010/Jun-P21/Q4c):
state what effect, if any, the rotation of the grating will have on the
interference patterns
- No change for the position for zeroth order diffraction B1
- 1st and higher order diffraction rotated by 90o B1
suggest a reason why in certain experiments, the interference patterns are
not symmetrical about the centre (e.g., the angle between the two 1st order
diffraction is different)

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- Symmetry broken because screen not parallel to grating OR grating not normal
to (incident) light B1

7. Outline how (2009/Nov-P21/Q5c):

(i) diffraction may be demonstrated using light.
(a) suitable object, means of observation M1
(b) laser or lamp and aperture M1
(c) light region where darkness expected A1
(ii) interference may be demonstrated using light.
(a) suitable object, means of observation and illumination B1
(b) light and dark fringes observed B1
(c) appropriate reference to a dimension for diffraction or for interference B1
8. Initially, the light passing through each slit (on the setup below) has the same intensity.
The intensity of light passing through one slit is now reduced. Suggest and explain the
effect, if any, on the dark fringes observed on the screen (2009/Jun-P22/Q5c).

a) amplitudes no longer completely cancel M1

b) so dark fringes are lighter A1
Dark fringes can only be obtained when the amplitude of light passing through each
slit are the same. Differences in the intensity between the two interfering waves
will result in dark fringes getting lighter and bright fringes getting less intense.

show an understanding of the terms interference and coherence

1. Interference: The formation of points of superposition (constructive and destructive)
where two coherent waves pass through each other
2. Understand that waves are coherent if there are (2012/Jun-P21/Q6ai):
a) constant phase difference M1
b) between waves A1

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show an understanding of the conditions required if two-source interference fringes are to

be observed
1. Process for microwaves to form constructive interference patterns (2013/Jun-P21/Q5a)
a) waves overlap / meet / superpose B1
b) coherence / constant phase difference (not constant or frequency) B1
c) path difference = 0, , 2 or phase difference = 0, 2, 4 B1
d) same direction of polarization B1
2. General conditions for constructive interference to occur (2012/Jun-P21/Q6aii):
a) path difference is either or n -- B1
b) phase difference is 360or n 360 or n2 rad
3. General conditions for destructive interference to occur (2012-21/6-6aii):
a) path difference is either /2 or (n+ )
b) phase difference is odd multiple of either 180 or rad

State features of a stationary wave that distinguish it from a progressive wave (2010/JunP22/Q4a):
a) stationary wave does not transfer energy (no energy transfer) B1
b) the amplitude of standing wave varies along its length/nodes and antinodes B1
c) neighboring points (in inter-nodal loop) vibrate in phase, etc. B1
1. For standing waves, the terms in-phase and phase difference is different to that used
for progressive waves.
2. In standing wave, in-phase refers to the fact that all points reaches amplitude
simultaneously. Thus every particle along a standing wave is in-phase.
3. Phase difference is no longer the measure of difference in angle between consecutive
crest or troughs. It is measure in terms of the difference in position of oscillation. For
example, the phase difference in a standing wave between points A and B below.is 180o

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Section V: Electricity and Magnetism


Electric fields


show an understanding of the concept of an electric field as an example of a field of force

1. State what is meant by an electric field (2010/Jun-P21/Q5a):
a) region/area where a charge experiences a force B1
define electric field strength as force per unit positive charge acting on a stationary point


represent an electric field by means of field lines

a) the lines of force start on a positive charge, and end on a negative charge
b) the lines of force are smooth curves which never touch or cross
c) the strength of the electric field is indicated by the closeness of the lines, the closer
they are, the stronger the field.


describe the effect of a uniform electric field on the motion of charged particles
1. For a positive charge:
(a) positive charge attracted by the negatively charged plates
(b) force acting on the charged particle is in the same direction as the electric field
2. For a negative charge:
(a) negative charge attracted by the positively charged plates
(a) force acting on the charged particle is in the opposite direction of electric field
3. The force experienced by a charge in a uniform electric field is the same regardless of
where it is located between the plates.

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Current of electricity


show an understanding that electric current is the flow of charged particles


define charge and the coulomb

1. charge = current x time B1 (2013/Jun-P22/Q6a)
2. coulomb:
a) the SI unit of electrical charge
b) a charge of 1C passes a point when a current of 1A flows for 1s.


define potential difference and the volt

energy transformed from electrical to other forms
1. p.d. =
B1 (2011/Nov-P23/Q4a)
2. volt is the potential difference between two points when 1J of energy is transferred by
1C passing from one point to the other


define resistance and the ohm

1. electrical resistance = potential difference / current (2012/Nov-P21/Q2a)
2. Ohm = volt/ampere B1 (2011/Nov-P21/Q5a)
3. internal resistance: (resistance of the cell) causing loss of voltage or energy loss in cell
B1 (2011/Jun-P22/Q5aii)


sketch and explain the I-V characteristics of a metallic conductor at constant temperature, a
semiconductor diode and a filament lamp
1. Metallic conductor
a) The line passes through the origin
(as for an ohmic component)
b) Graph is straight line, where the
current is proportional to the
voltage applied
c) Obeys Ohms law

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2. Filament lamp
a) The line passes through the origin
(as for an ohmic component)
b) For very small currents and
voltages, the graph is roughly a
straight line.
c) At higher voltages, the line starts to
d) Current no longer proportional to
voltage applied.
e) The V/I ratio gets larger.
3. Semiconductor diode

a) Small negative current flow when

negatively biased
b) Small positive current flow when
forward bias voltage below
threshold voltage
c) Large positive current flow above
threshold voltage (2V)


sketch and explain the temperature characteristic of a thermistor (thermistors will be

assumed to be of the negative temperature coefficient type)

a) resistance decreases with increasing temperature

b) typically thousands of ohms at room temperature
c) resistance falls to a few tens of ohms at 100oC

state Ohms law

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Ohms law states that, for a conductor at constant temperature, the current in the
conductor is proportional to the potential difference across it.(m)

define e.m.f. in terms of the energy transferred by a source in driving unit charge round a
complete circuit


distinguish between e.m.f. and p.d. in terms of energy considerations

From (2012/Nov-P23/Q4a):
a) e.m.f. = chemical energy to electrical energy M1
b) p.d. = electrical energy to thermal energy M1
c) idea of per unit charge A1


show an understanding of the effects of the internal resistance of a source of e.m.f. on the
terminal potential difference and output power.
1. A battery delivers the maximum power to a circuit when the load resistance of the
circuit is equal to the internal resistance of the battery.
2. When load resistance is zero, power dissipated by load is zero because P=I2R
3. When load resistance is very large, power dissipated gets very small as the current
through the load is reduced significantly.


D.C. circuits


recall Kirchhoffs first law and appreciate the link to conservation of charge
From (2012/Jun-P23/Q5ai,ii)
a) Kirchhoffs first law: sum of currents into a junction = sum of currents out of junction
b) KFL is linked to the conservation of charge B1


recall Kirchhoffs second law and appreciate the link to conservation of energy
From (2012/Jun-P21/Q5ai,ii)
a) Kirchhoffs second law: sum of e.m.f.s = sum of p.d.s around a loop/circuit B1
b) KSL is linked to the conservation of energy B1


show an understanding of the use of a potential divider circuit as a source of variable p.d.
1. In using a potential divider to measure the R, I and V of a wire (2012/Nov-P21/Q2bi)
a) metal wire in series with power supply and ammeter B1
b) voltmeter in parallel with metal wire B1
c) rheostat in series with power supply or potential divider arrangement or a variable
power supply B1


explain the use of thermistors and light-dependent resistors in potential dividers to provide
a potential difference that is dependent on temperature and illumination respectively

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a) At low temperatures, resistance of
thermistor is high
b) Most electrical energy dissipated by
thermistor hence the potential
drop across the thermistor is large.
c) Vout increases
d) At high temperatures, the
resistance of thermistor drops.
e) The potential drop across
thermistor reduces
f) Vout reduces accordingly.
a) At low illumination, resistance of
LDR is high
b) Most electrical energy dissipated by
LDR hence the potential drop
across the LDR is large.
c) Vout increases
d) Under strong illumination, the
resistance of LDR drops.
e) The potential drop across LDR

Vout reduces accordingly.

Section VI: Modern physics


Nuclear physics


Infer from the results of the -particle scattering experiment the existence and small size of
the nucleus.
The deflection of -particles by a thin metal foil is investigated with the arrangement shown
in figure below. All the apparatus is enclosed in a vacuum. The detector of -particles, D, is
moved around the path labelled WXY

1. Describe the two main results of the -particle scattering experiment (2013/JunP21/Q7a):
a) the majority (of alpha particles) /most went straight through or were deviated by
small angles B1
b) a very small proportion/a few were deviated by large angles B1
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c) small angles described as < 10 and large angles described as >90 B1
2. Relate each of the results above with the conclusions that were made about the nature
of atoms (2013/Jun-P21/Q7b):
a) most of the atom is empty space/nucleus very small compared with atom B1
b) mass and charge concentrated in (very small) nucleus B1
c) the nucleus of an atom is positively charged, which causes the -particles to deflect
due to repulsive force.
d) as atoms are neutral, the atom must contain negative particles.
Please take note that the experimental results provided the evidence for the physical
properties of atoms. For example, on the conclusion that atoms are mostly empty space is
deduced from the fact that the majority of -particle went straight through the atom. Also,
it can be concluded that the mass of an atom is concentrated in a very small nucleus due to
the large deviations experienced by the -particle (2010/Nov-P22/Q7a)
3. Explain why the apparatus is enclosed in a vacuum (2012/Nov-P21/Q6bi):
a) Vacuum is needed because -particle travels short distance in air (energy loss from
collisions with air molecules) B1
4. Gold foil is used in the experiment because it can be made very thin (only up to a few
hundred atoms thick).
5. The a-particles in this experiment originated from the decay of a radioactive nuclide.
Suggest two reasons why -particles from a radioactive source would be inappropriate
for this type of scattering experiment (2010/Nov-P22/Q7b):
a) -particles deviated by (orbital) electrons B1
b) -particle has (very) small mass B1
c) -particles have a range of energies B1
* Do not allow -particles have negative charge or -particles have high speed

Describe a simple model for the nuclear atom to include protons, neutrons and orbital
electrons (aka the nuclear model of an atom).
1. Describe in detail an atom of uranium-235 (2013/Jun-P23/Q7ai):
a) nucleus contains 92 protons B1
b) nucleus contains 143 neutrons (missing nucleus 1/2) B1
c) outside / around nucleus (contains) 92 electrons B1
d) most of atom is empty space / mass concentrated in nucleus B1
e) total charge is zero B1
f) diameter of atom ~ 1010 m or size of nucleus ~ 1015 m B1
2. Scientist originally viewed atoms as a neutral particle made up of lumps of negative and
positive charges mixed together. This is known as the plum pudding model.
3. Rutherford later proposed and verified the correct structure of an atom, which consist
a) mostly empty space
b) has a dense nucleus with orbiting electrons around it
c) this is known as the nuclear model of the atom.


distinguish between nucleon number and proton number

1. Nucleon number the number of protons together with the number of neutrons in
the nucleus is called the nucleon number (or mass number) A
2. Proton number the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom ( aka atomic
number) Z

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show an understanding that an element can exist in various isotopic forms, each with a
different number of neutrons
1. With reference to the two forms of uranium (uranium-235 and uranium-238) explain
the term isotopes (2013/Jun-P23/Q7aii):
a) Nucleus must have the same number of protons B1
b) Nuclei have different number of neutrons (list down the respective nucleon
number) B1


appreciate that nucleon number, proton number, and mass-energy are all conserved in
nuclear processes
1. Explain why mass seems not to be conserved in the reaction below (2013/JunP22/Q7aii):

a) mass-energy is (always) conserved B1 (as opposed to mass conservation alone)

b) mass is less because energy is released B1
* item (b) should be explained in terms of E=mc2 B1 (2013/Jun-P23/Q7bii)
c) Energy emitted in the form of kinetic energy of the products / -radiation photons /
e.m. radiation B1 (2012/Jun-P21/Q7b)
2. In a nuclear reaction, proton number and neutron number are conserved. Other than
proton number and neutron number, state a quantity that is conserved in a nuclear
reaction. (2011/Nov-P21/Q7bi):
a) Momentum

show an appreciation of the spontaneous and random nature of nuclear decay

1. State the experimental observations that show radioactive decay is spontaneous
a) the half life / count rate / rate of decay / activity is the same no matter what
external factors / environmental factors B1
* other environmental factors include chemical / pressure / temperature / humidity
2. State the experimental observations that show radioactive decay is random:
a) the observations of the count rate / count rate / rate of decay / activity /
radioactivity during decay shows variations / fluctuations B1 (2011/NovP22/Q7aii)
b) time of decay (of a nucleus) cannot be predicted OR nucleus has constant
probability in a given time B1 (2009/Nov-P22/Q7bii)
3. Explain what is meant by radioactive decay (2010-23/11-9a).
a) Nucleus emits -particles or -particles and/or -radiation B1
b) to form a different / more stable nucleus B1
4. Suggest why some radioactive sources are found to contain traces of helium gas
a) if the source is an -emitter B1
b) -particles stopped within source (and gain electrons) B1
5. When unstable nucleus undergoes radioactive decay, the atom will be affected as
a) -decay, the nucleon number decreases by 4 and the proton number decreases by

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b) -decay, the nucleon number is unchanged and the proton number increases by 1.
c) In -emission there is no change in nucleon or proton number.

show an understanding of the nature and properties of -, - and - radiations

1. State what is meant by an -particle (2010/Jun-P23/Q7ai):
(d) either helium nucleus OR particle containing two protons and two neutrons B1
2. -particles are fast moving electrons.
3. - radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths between 10-11 m
and 10-13 m.
4. Radioactivity can be detected using a Geiger counter, photographic plates, and a
scintillation counter
5. State the properties of radiation (2012/Jun-P21/Q7aii):
a) Can be deflected in electric/magnetic fields B1
b) absorbed by thin paper or few cm of air (3cm 8cm) (not low penetration) B1
c) mass 4u (1u 1.66 x 10-27 kg) B1
d) highly ionizing B1 OR causes dense ionisation in air (2010/Jun-P22/Q7aii)
e) contains 2 protons + 2 neutrons B1 (2008/Jun-Q7a)
6. Explain the process by which -particles lose energy when they pass through air
a) collision with molecules B1
b) causes ionisation (of the molecule) / electron is removed B1
7. State two properties of -radiation (2012/Nov-P23/Q6aii):
a) can be deflected by electric and magnetic fields or negatively charged B1
b) absorbed by few (1 4) mm of aluminum B1
c) 0.5 to 2m for range in air B1
d) speed up to 0.99c B1
e) it is an electron B1 (2008/Jun-Q7a)
8. Distinguish between an -particle and a -particle (2008/Jun-Q7a):
a) particle is a helium nucleus or contains 2 protons + 2 neutrons BUT -particle is
an electron B1
b) -particles speed < -particles speed B1
c) -particle has discrete values of speed/energy BUT -particle has continuous
spectrum of energy B1
d) -particles ionising power >> -particles ionising power B1
e) -particles range << -particles range B1
f) -particle has positive charge, -particle has negative charge B1
g) -particles mass > -particles mass
9. Summary of properties of -, - and - radiations from (2011/Nov-P22/Q7b):

0.01 0.1 c
helium nucleus

9.11 x 10-31 kg
Up to 0.99 c

penetrating power

few cm of air

relative ionizing


few mm of

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EM wave
few cm of lead


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affected by
photographic film
deflected by







IMPORTANT: You must memorize the table above

10. A radioactive source emits -radiation and -radiation. Explain how it may be shown
that the source does not emit -radiation using the absorption properties of the
radiation (2012/Jun-P23/Q7a):
a) thin paper reduces count rate hence B1
b) addition of 1cm of aluminium causes little more count rate reduction hence only
other radiation is B1
11. A radioactive source emits -radiation and -radiation. Explain how it may be shown
that the source does not emit -radiation using the effects of a magnetic field on the
radiation (2012/Jun-P23/Q7a):
a) magnetic field perpendicular to direction of radiation B1
b) look for a count rate in expected direction / area if there were negatively charged
radiation present. If no count rate recorded then not present. B1

12. Two horizontal metal plates are separated by distance din a vacuum. A potential
difference V is applied across the plates, as shown in figure below.

A horizontal beam of -particles from a radioactive source is made to pass between the
plates. State and explain the effect on the deflection of the -particles for each of the
following changes: (2011/Nov-P23/Q6a):
a) The magnitude of V is increased.
(e) greater deflection M1
b) The separation d of the plates is decreased
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(f) hence more force on the particle A1
13. -radiation is the most strongly ionizing because:
a) of its large mass (1840 heavier than -particles)
b) has a charge of 2e
c) is slower moving compared to -particles (higher probability of interaction to take
14. -radiation is less ionizing because its:
a) relatively small mass (approx. 1840 times lighter than -radiation)
b) has single charge e
c) is faster compared to -radiation

infer the random nature of radioactive decay from the fluctuations in count rate
1. State how the random nature of radioactive decay may be inferred from observations of
the count rate (2010/Nov-P23/Q9bi).
a) fluctuations in count rate (not count rate is not constant) B1

Dr. Lee Chong Yew


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