Fostoria Intermediate: From The Desk of Mrs. Matz

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April Newsletter

Volume 2, Issue 9

Fostoria City Schools

Fostoria Intermediate
1202 H.L. Ford Drive
Phone: 419-436-4125
Fax: 419-436-4169

From the Desk of Mrs. Matz

Below is the testing schedule for the upcoming PARCC EOY, OCBA & Third Grade
Reading OAA, please look to see when your child/children will be taking tests,
and plan appointments, etc. accordingly. It is very important that all students are
here on testing days. Make up tests will be administered if necessary, but time is
Third Grade Assessment Dates: Schermer, Binkley, Noel, Ellis
Grade 3 Reading
Grade 3 Math/Adv. Math 4

Inside this issue

Principals Message .....................1
Asst. Principals Message ............2
4th Grade Music Program ...........2
Guidance News ...........................3
Wax Museum ..............................3

Third Grade Assessment Dates: Ross, Reino, Golamb, Multiage

Grade 3 Reading
Grade 3 Math

Group S.T.A.R. .............................3

PTO Carnival ................................4
Leaders of the Month..................4/5
Teacher Requests ........................5
Redmen Pride Days .....................5
Literacy Specialist ........................6

Grade 4 ELA

Grade 5 ELA

Fourth Grade Assessment Dates

Grade 4 Math
Grade 4 Social Studies
Fifth Grade Assessment Dates
Grade 5 Math

Volunteers Needed .....................6

Dates to Remember
April 8 - School resumes

Grade 5 Science

April 9 - Family Math Night

April 16 - Wax Museum
April 20 - BOE 6:00 pm
April 20 - PTO Meeting 6:45 pm

Grade 6 ELA

Sixth Grade Assessment Dates

Grade 6/7 Math

April 21 - 3rd Grade OAA

Grade 6 Social Studies


April 21 - Camp Willson Parent

Meeting 6:00-7:00 pm
April 24 - Redmen Pride Day
April 24 - Midterms sent home
April 24 - PTO Carnival
April 26 - Fine Arts Festival @
FJSHS - 1:00-4:30pm
April 30 - 6th Grade Over & Up
Transition Night


4th Grade Spring
Music Program
On Sunday, April 26,
2015, the 4th Grade
Music Classes of the
Intermediate Building
will present their spring
program at 2:00 pm in
the Fostoria High
School PAC. The students will play their recorders and then present songs from I NEED
Schoolwork, choir rehearsal, track practice
plus my paper route?!
How can I possibly get
all of this done!?! I
Whether it's a relaxing
day at the beach, a car
trip or a thrilling baseball game, the students
will sing about all the
possibilities for the vacation of their lives.
This performance is the
first of many during the
Fine Arts Festival. Plan
to join the 4th Grades
for their program and
then stay and enjoy the
other musical groups
and see the great art
work from the talented
students of Fostoria
City Schools!

Teach Kids to Resolve Conflicts Well

Peaceful conflict resolution is a skill
you can teach your child. Begin by
modeling positive ways to work
through differences, and then consider these tips:
Teaching Conflict Resolution

Teach your child to use I messages. This can be trickier than it

sounds. You want your child to learn effective I messages, such as I
am mad that my toy is broken, rather than I hate that you broke my
toy! Effective I messages identify what a person is feeling and why
without blaming.

Focus on the conflict at hand. When people get upset, they tend to
drag in past transgressions to fuel their anger. Focus on working
through only the current conflict.

Listen. Ask kids how they suggest the conflict be resolved. Too often,
parents try to intervene too quickly and take charge of the situation.
Give kids the chance to work through differences.

Encourage kids to admit when theyve made a mistake. Its important

for kids to realize when theyve done something wrong and to admit it.

Brainstorm specific solutions. When kids are new to resolving conflicts,

they often dont know how to solve them. Sometimes having an adult
name a variety of solutions can help kids begin to think of what works
for themand what doesnt. Over time (and with practice), theyll come
up with their own creative solutions.

Praise your child when you see him resolving conflicts well. Resolving
conflicts peacefully is a complex skill. Notice what your child is doing
right (such as calming down before trying to talk it out) rather than what
he is doing wrong.

Modeling effective conflict resolution skills and encouraging kids to peacefully address disagreements is the first step in raising kids who can effectively solve conflicts. By starting the process at home, you can ensure that
your kids get started on the right track when it comes to conflict resolution.

The third grade teachers will be hosting a wax museum
on Thursday April, 16 from 6:00 until 7:00 pm at FIES. Students in various classes across the building were able to
choose a person they were interested in learning more about
and have conducted research over the past few months.
Students have been hard at work creating a display to enhance their presentation at the museum. The evening
of the museum, students will be
dressed as their famous person and
will be sharing interesting information
they have learned while completing
research. All students and parents
are invited to join us in learning more
about these famous individuals!

In the next several weeks, I will be talking
with students about Attitude and Self-Control. We
will focus specifically on having a positive attitude, making good choices, resisting temptations
(even when it is difficult), and taking responsibility for our own choices and actions. We will also
focus on self-reliance, self-discipline, and using
good judgment when problem solving.
If your son/daughter expressed an interest in
participating in a Family Support Group, more information, including a permission slip, will be sent
home soon.
As always, if you have any questions or
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by
phone at 419-436-4125 ext. 3203 or by email at
[email protected].

Bridge Home Health
& Hospice presents
(Special Times Always Remembered)
2015. It is a series of
workshops designed
to allow youth ages 6
-12 to express their
feelings, receive support from peers and
create lasting memories of their deceased
loved ones. Parent/
Guardians must register children at
least one week prior
to the scheduled
group. Workshops
are held in Findlay,
Bowling Green, and
Ottawa. Brochures
are available in the
FIES main office.

Happy Spring!
Bethany Zambori-Sanford, Guidance Counselor

When: Friday
April 24th
Time: 5:00-8:00 pm
Location: FIES
Inflatables, games,
50/50, Raffle
Baskets and food
Get your pre-sale
tickets at any Elementary School
from April 16-23.
Pre-sale tickets are
5 for $1.00


Seth Tatum leads by example by following all directions and is very helpful to everyone
he meets. Great job Seth! Miss Binkley
Trevor Barchus shows leadership inside and outside of the classroom by helping pick
up trash in the hallways, showing respect towards teachers, and working well with his
peers. Miss Golamb
Elijah Kiser has started participating more in class discussions, continues to complete
his work neatly, and he is a great role model for others. Mrs. Noel
Joshua Haynes is a great role model in our class who is dependable, responsible and
eager to learn! Joshua listens and helps others in our room. He is prompt with returning
his homework and completes multiple tasks throughout the day. I am pleased with his
initiative to go beyond classroom expectations and learn more about fourth grade math
vocabulary! Mrs. Reino
Clayton Nye has worked very hard to become a leader in our classroom, and he does a
great job of leading by example. Clayton is meticulous about completing his work and
remembers to ask questions when he doesn't understand. He is always willing to lend a
helping hand, and I'm very proud of the changes he made this year. Mrs. Ross
Mason Moyer has made good choices this month. He has become a good example for
others. He participates in class, does his homework regularly, and follows the classroom and school rules. Mrs. Schermer
James McCaskill is a great worker and is always willing to help. Mrs. Schreiner
Ella Brose is always responsible with her work, and she demonstrates good character in
class. Mrs. Armstrong
Keilani Maragne was not only an excellent leader in March, but she is a leader every
month! She is a very bright student who works hard to always get good grades. She is a
friend to all her classmates. She is a leader in her reading group and always is on task.
She has had all her homework assignments finished on time this entire school year!
Miss Bartz


Devin Reed is a leader in our classroom by being friendly with everyone. She also helps students that need it. Mrs. Linhart
Johnathan Leitch is very kind and helpful to everyone he meets! Mrs. Riedlinger
Harmony Costilla is a great leader because she is an outstanding role model of how to be
proactive in school. She is a responsible student who consistently completes her homework
and in-class assignments with great care. Finally, Harmony sets goals for herself and prioritizes her time, making sure she "puts first things first". - Mrs. Sharkey
Micheal Randolph does an excellent job participating in class and sharing his thoughts and
ideas with us. Mrs. Terres
Emma Maynard is a leader in class through her enthusiastic desire to participate and her
motivation to be successful. Emma is a kind and polite student who is a model of excellent
behavior. Mrs. Click
Noah Curtiss consistently shows excitement for learning. He especially enjoys the content
in science. Mrs. Hossler
Shane Haas is a terrific helper. After school, he always searches for ways to assist the
teacher in the classroom. He is friendly to his classmates and has a positive attitude. Mrs.
Austin Daniels is a very hard working student, and he sets an example for all students to
follow. He is kind to his classmates and is always willing to help others! Miss Jennison

If you wish to request
your childs teacher
for next school year
and have a valid academic reason, forms
are available in the
school office. Please
stop in to complete
the form by Friday,
April 17th. We will do
our best to honor all
requests, but it is important that we balance our classes.

Morgen Freeman always tries her best and takes pride in all of her work. Mrs. Lewis
Dezerea Miranda comes to class each day. She has a positive attitude and puts forth her
best effort. Mrs. Costello
Savannah Barringer has given an outstanding effort all year and demonstrated outstanding
citizenship. Mr. Kramer
Allyson Keckler has worked very hard this year to improve as a student and in other areas,
and her effort is paying off. Great job, Allyson! Mrs. Miller
Josh McCarley works hard in class and does a nice job on his assignments. Mrs. Riley
Jasmine Herrera is a good student that tries her best at everything and does a very good job
for me on a day to day basis! Mr. Smith
Jaden Dessausure is a positive role model for other students and is always responsible and
dependable. Jaden completes all work on time and uses good judgment in her decisions.
Mrs. Stone
Marcos Torres participates in class discussions, treats others well, and tries to be the best
person he can be by working hard and doing the right things. Mrs. Ward


Often when students are encouraged to read fluently they think
they have to read quickly. While this is a part of it, fluency is not
the same as reading fast. Fluency actually involves three key aspects of reading: rate, accuracy, and expression.

3 Aspects
Rate- Students need to read at a pace, or speed, appropriate for
the level of text difficulty. By the end of each grade level students
should be reading at:
(3rd) 97-117 words correct per minute
(4th) 113-133 words correct per minute
(5th) 129-149 words correct per minute
(6th) 140-160 words correct per minute
Accuracy- Correctly identifying words is key to fluent reading. This includes words the students can sound
out, those that they memorize, and words with complex or irregular spelling patterns.
Expression- Fluent readers read dialogue the way a character would say it. They speed up when the action
in a story gets exciting, and they slow down on difficult parts of the text. This means fluent readers decode
and comprehend what theyre reading at the same time.

What you can do at home to help:

1-Have your child read daily. It is recommended that children read 20 minutes every day.
2-Echo Read-You read a sentence, and then have your child repeat the sentence after you.
3-Choral Read-You and your child read a passage together at the same time.
4-Reread previously read stories or passages. This works best with a one-two page passage, or short story.
5-Many teachers send home weekly reading fluency passages for practice. It takes one or two minutes a day
to practice these passages. Practice these with your child. Youll be amazed at their improvement over the
course of the year!
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Dawn Skornicka

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