Episode 4 Fs1 Seton

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Submitted by: SETON, LESRIE JO P.


Submitted to: Mrs. Jessa Andajao

Community and Home
FS1 4


Episode 4 provides opportunities for you to have a more indebt- look into the
factors that the development of a learner. Focus will on the early experiences
and characteristics of the learner as a described by the family and other
significant others. You will be also focus how the teacher links with the
community to maximize the learning and development of students.

❖ TARGET Your intended learning outcomes

At the end of this episode, I must be able to:
⮚ Describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affects the
students learning.
⮚ Seek advice concerning strategies that build relationships with
parents/guardians and the wider community (6.2);and
⮚ Identify effective strategies on how teachers can work together with the
Activity 4.1 Observing the learners community and home environment

Resource teacher: Teachers Signature:N/A School: Grade year level: High School
Subject area:
Date: November 15, 2021


The Learners Development Profile

Name of the learner: Steward P. Barrientos

School: Ayala Central School
Date of Home Visit: November 15, 2021
Date of Birth: December 20, 2009 Age: 10
Grade/ Year Level: Grade 5 Gender: Male
Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 0
Birth Order: 1
Parent: Ester Barrientos, Jimmy Barrientos
Mother: Ester Barrientos
Age: 38
Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: High School
Father: Jimmy Barrientos
Occupation: MEGA Corporation Educational Attainment: High School
Physical Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine the
teachers, parent’s responses, and your own observations.

The physical development of the child is physically normal without deficiency; he

doesn’t have any problems about his physical appearance. His mother was healthy
during pregnancy. He only experience fever and didn’t suffer from any serious health
problems during childhood. He started to talk when he was 1 year old. He is active in
doing activities and always showing confidence in actions. He moves energetically in his
every task or chores to accomplish. I think he is fast learner.

Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine the
teachers, parent’s responses, and your own observations.

When the learner was still a child he usually plays alone. But as he grew older, he
learned to socialize and make friends. He is friendly and talkative. He has a lot of
friends and he is allowed to go out outside with his friends and playmates but with
restrictions and limitations. There are some rules given by his parents like go home
early and not to go far. He is also very close to his family because he is sweet. He helps
his parents in the house and other people. He is kind and respectful to his parents and

Emotional-Moral Development
In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner. Combine
the teachers, parent’s responses, and your own observations.

The nurturing environment that his parents has given to him such as giving attention,
validating his feelings, providing physical affection and comfort help him to manage his
emotions when it comes to his own troubles. He has self-control. The learner is open
about his feeling that is why his parents are always there for him to comfort and to help
him. He knows how to follow rules given by his parents. The parents also let the learner
know his mistakes and sometimes give him punishment to discipline him; they didn’t
tolerate the bad behaviors of the learner.
Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner. Combine the
teachers, parent’s responses, and your own observations.

The learner is more interested in sports than in academics. But still, he is focus on his
academics. He is good at Science while he is having difficulties in Math and English
subjects. He is also interested in drawing. His mother monitors his school performance
by asking his teachers and sometimes the mother also helps the learner in doing
assignments and projects when the learner is having difficulty. The parents also gives
conditions or rewards to the learner when the learner got a good grades or doing good
in school like giving money or cook his favorite meal/dish. Every night, the mother is
always reminding the learner about his assignments and to study. If there are many
assignments to do, the mother doesn’t allow the learner to play outside with his friends.

Write here your salient findings about the learner.

The child was being care by his family to the point that he was able to build a good
physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. So therefore I conclude that for a
child to build a good physical, social, emotional and cognitive development it should
start from the parents and will be enhance in school.

Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the home
on the learner’s development. The questions in your analysis portion of this learning
Episode can help you.

I therefore conclude that the school and home contribute a great impact in developing
the child’s social, emotional and cognitive development, and so as to the total
personality of the learners. Hence, the learning of the child begins at home. It should
start from the parents and will be enhance in school. At home the child learns values,
works and his cognition slowly developed. However, school plays a vital role in
moulding the child. Teachers take the place of parent’s school; they guide and mould
the character and personality of the  student. The teacher should be a mentor, guide,
motivator and a source of inspiration to children.
Write your recommendations.

● The teacher must be hard-working, inventive and patience in handling the

learners. The teacher must use a variety of teaching strategies in order to catch
the interest and attention of the students to focus on the lesson.

● For the parents, they must be responsible in guiding and disciplining their
children, they must be open with them. They should always ask them about their
studies and give encouragement to focus and study hard to become successful
in their lives. The discipline should start from them, and even if their child are
already in school there should have a proper guidance from them and also
monitor them from time to time.

● The learner must be always compliant and dutiful. They must ensure to
themselves that they are motivated to learn and participate since they are
responsible of their own learning.

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you
answer the questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting
experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.

The style of parenting experienced by the learner is Authoritative type of

parenting style. His mother knows his most liked subjects, and other interests
and hobbies. The use of non-physical punishment but of reasoning in disciplining
them is also a characteristic of this parenting style. The imposing of study rules at
home on the learner to value education is very helpful and to stress self-reliance
on the part of the learner. Warmth and nurturance is exhibited by his parents.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family
factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the
learner in school?

Parents play an important role in child’s development, especially on child’s

adolescent life. Learners whose parents support their academic achievement
perform better than students who receive none. Children don’t easily get
influence by negative peer when they have a close relationship with their parents.
When the learner’s parental relationship is lacking in warmth, nurturance and
supervision, the more likely for him to be influenced by peers or bad people.
Authoritative parenting, as practiced by the parents that I’ve interviewed,
encourages students to claim more responsibility and self-reliance towards their
learning. Also this type of parenting encourages learners in school to be less
susceptible to peer’s bad influence. Positive family relationship guides a learner
towards good decisions in life. Moreover, through their interactions on a day-to-
day basis--parents can model and/or shape the cognitive, emotional and
behavioral attributes they desire to see in their children.  

3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the

learner? If yes, what are these effects?

The communication between the home-school has an effect on the learner

because I believe that “Education begins at home”. The learner’s behavior in
school reflects how he is nurtured and reared by his parents at home. One of
these effects for instance, if the learner possessed misconduct, then the learner
may interact with his/her classmates and teachers disrespectful and impolite.
Furthermore, communication between home and school has an effect on the
learner because this type of communication is for continuance and reinforcement
of what is accomplished at home or in school since the student does not stay in
school every hour of the day. By teachers regularly communicating to parents,
they are able to identify the learning needs, the learning gaps and how they can
bridge it with more permanence. Through this, both parties can monitor the
student’s progress and performance and can compare notes. The more involved
the parents are, the easier for the learner to cope and deal with challenges in
school. Parents can adjust their parenting style to accommodate study skill
needs of the child. Achievements of the child can be shared. Supportive
availability of parents encourages a positive attitude towards learning that results
to higher achievement or scores in test, increased completion of homework and
even better attendance.

4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the
development and learning of the students? Who are the people or which
institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding the development and
learning of students?

The teacher can partner with the community to contribute to the

development and learning of the students by having family-school-community
learning partnerships to help children reach their maximum potential. Community
collaboration with schools complements and reinforces values, culture and the
learning opportunities that schools can provide for their students. In other words,
teachers, parents, business, non-profit, service clubs and the like — working
together, truly make a difference in the lives of the students. They can make
students more aware of the reason behind the curriculums by producing
programs, workshops, demo classes and other interesting interactive sessions.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you
experience? How did it affect?

When I was a child, the style of parenting I have is authoritarian type of

parenting. Wherein my parents are always in authority and rules are given, yet
they are so gentle and loving. They demand and respond to us equally. Even
though sometimes they are strict, they have clear reasons behind it. They make
us to understand the consequences of our behavior and attitudes. This type of
parenting style affects us positively. As a student, I became responsible to my
studies, I able to manage my time and I do not even engage myself in going out
with my peers when I knew that I have a lot of things to do. This affects me on
my studies in the sense that, instead of spending my time with other, I rather
choose to work on my projects and any school activities and do my works on

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration?

How can you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they
help you?

As a future educator, I could establish good home – school collaboration

by talking to the parents to report their children’s performance in school. It would
be necessary to ask open-ended questions in order to get the parents talking
about their child and to share information that may help me with the student in
school. In order to have a good working relationship with the parents, I need to
think like one, to genuinely send off caring and concerned messages when
speaking about their child and to create a welcoming environment to their
guardians. Positive, honest and clear communication is suggested as the
foundation to building personalized relationships with parent where each of us
understands and respects each other’s perspective. Together, the parents and I
can discuss expectations for their child’s achievement and our respective roles in
helping the child meet these expectations. As part of an educational institution in
the future, I can develop programs to promote effective home-school-
partnerships that support positive academic, behavioural and social
competencies for all students in my school. I’ll look to be engaged in efforts to
increase mutual respect, understanding, caring and flexibility among families and
the school community. Parents’ role on the other hand will involve regular
communication with me about their child's progress, encouragement of leisure
reading with their children, participation in school functions, athletics, and other
extra-curricular activities, monitoring homework completion, frequent
communication with their children about academic and behavioural expectations
and progress. They can also participate in school as committee member or

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. Which is most likely the kind of children raised by the authoritarian parents?
I. Fearful
II. Inhibited
III. Hostile
IV. Withdrawn
A. I and II
B. I, II, and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, III, and IV
2. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she behave
in class?
A. Relates well to classmates
B. Is suspicious of others
C. Quarrels often with classmates
D. Has low level of independence
3. Which parenting style/s contribute/s to the development of children who have low
level of responsibility?
A. Authoritarian
B. Authoritative
C. Permissive
D. Neglecting and Permissive
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. Make an artistic, colorful, and creative visual expression of your insights or

feelings about the influence of the home and school and community to the
learner. Then write a few statements on the space below about your visual art.

1. Make an artistic,
colorful, and creative
visual expression of
your insights or
feelings about the
influence of the home
and school and
community to the

Then, write a few
2. statements on the
H- Humility C- Communication space below about
your visual art.
O- On our Home O- On the
M- Make Family members M- Mother of the child
Stick with
E- Educate themselves for M- Makes acrostic……..
the better U- Unity and that’s
N- Need to give 2. Make a reflection
I- Importance for acrostic about the
T- The betterment of the home, school and
community link.
Y- Young Children

S- Student-Parent-Teacher
C- Communication Should be
H- Handled in an
O- Organized manner L- Learn to
O – Orderly conduct that will I- Instill
L- Lead to learning N- New
K- Knowledge

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1. Episode 1 - The School as a Learning

Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that provides

social, psychological and physical environment supportive of learning.

Name of FS Student: Paloma, Vanessa H. Date Submitted: December 16, 2021

Year & Section: BPED IV-D Course: BPED

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode Improvemen
4 3 2
Accomplish All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or
ed questions/ tasks observation observation more
observation completely questions/ tasks questions/ tasks Observation
Sheet answered/ not answered/ not answered/ questions/
accomplished accomplished accomplished tasks not
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or
were answered were answered not answered more
completely; completely; completely; questions
answers are with answers are answers are not were not
depth and are clearly connected clearly answered
thoroughly to theories; connected to completely;
grounded on grammar spelling theories; one (1) answers are
theories; and are free from to three (3) not
grammar spelling error grammatical/ connected to
and are free from spelling errors theories;
error more than
four (4)
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; shallow;
by what were by what were somewhat rarely
observed and observed and supported by supported
analyzed. analyzed. what were by what
observed and were
analyzed. observed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is
Artifacts reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the not reflected
context of the context of the context of the on in the
learning learning learning context of
outcomes;comple outcomes;comple outcomes;comple the learning
te, well- te, well- te, not organized, outcomes;
organized, highly organized, very relevant to the not
relevant to the relevant to the learning outcome complete,
learning outcome learning outcome not
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted
the deadline deadline after the deadline two (2) or
more days
after the
Comment/s Over-all score: Rating:
(Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed name

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