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Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx

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Forest Ecology and Management

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Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests:

Inuence of forest management
J.A. Foote a,, T.W. Boutton a, D.A. Scott b

Texas A&M University, Department of Ecosystem Science & Management, TAMU 2138, College Station, TX 77843, United States
USDA Forest Service, Agricultural Research Center, Normal, AL 35762, United States

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Available online xxxx
Soil microbial biomass
Soil organic carbon
Soil total nitrogen
Forest harvest
Long-term soil productivity experiment

a b s t r a c t
Land management practices have strong potential to modify the biogeochemistry of forest soils, with
implications for the long-term sustainability and productivity of forestlands. The Long-Term Soil
Productivity (LTSP) program, a network of 62 sites across the USA and Canada, was initiated to address
concerns over possible losses of soil productivity due to soil disturbance from forest management.
Network sites employ an experimental design consisting of three harvest intensities (bole only, whole
tree, whole tree + forest oor removal) in combination with three soil compaction intensities (none,
intermediate, severe). Our purpose was to determine the impact of forest harvest intensity, soil compaction, and their interaction on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) storage, and on soil
microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN, respectively) in a Pinus taeda L. forest 15-years post-treatment
at the Groveton LTSP site in eastern Texas, USA. Soils were sampled (010 cm) ve times during 2011
2012, and we quantied SOC and TN by dry combustion, and MBC and MBN by chloroform fumigation
extraction. SOC and TN were both higher in the bole only treatment compared to the more severe harvest
treatments; however, while TN was signicantly impacted by harvest and varied seasonally, SOC varied
only with season. MBC and MBN were impacted by harvest intensity and varied seasonally, and SMB-N
had a harvest by time interaction. Generally, both microbial indices decreased in the order: bole only
>whole tree > whole tree + forest oor. Temporal variations in MBN and TN were correlated with temperature. Soil compaction and the harvest intensity  soil compaction interaction had no effect on the
measured soil properties. Since N limits tree growth in forest ecosystems, and because soil microbial biomass plays a key role in N mineralization, data suggest that harvest practices that minimize removal of
litter and slash will favor soil N retention, maintain the size of the soil microbial biomass pool, and maximize the potential productivity of future rotations.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Forests in North America currently function as net carbon sinks
(Birdsey et al., 2007; Pacala et al., 2001); however, both natural and
anthropogenic disturbances can negatively impact the strength of
this sink (Chen et al., 2013; Dangal et al., 2014). Forest harvest
practices result in organic matter removal and may cause soil compaction, thereby enhancing the potential to impact forest productivity by altering the pool sizes of limiting nutrients and
inuencing rates of biogeochemical processes. When more than
the merchantable bole is harvested, increasing amounts of C and
Corresponding author at: University of Texas at San Antonio, Environmental
Science Programs, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249, United States. Tel.: +1
210 458 5798.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.A. Foote), [email protected] (T.W.
Boutton), [email protected] (D.A. Scott).

nutrients such as N are exported off site in the non-bolewood tissues, potentially compromising soil fertility and the productivity of
subsequent forest rotations (Carter et al., 2002; Currie et al., 2003;
Henderson, 1995; Metz and Wells, 1965; Powers et al., 2005; Scott
et al., 2004; Turner and Lambert, 2011; Wells and Jorgensen, 1979;
Wollum and Davey, 1975). The legacy of these disturbance effects
on the carbon and nitrogen cycles of forest ecosystems may persist
for more than 50100 years (Chen et al., 2013; Kellman et al.,
2014). Additionally, soil compaction that occurs during forest harvest may increase bulk density and alter soil structure and porosity, which in turn decreases aeration, gas exchange, and water
inltration (Ampoorter et al., 2007; Berisso et al., 2012; Cambi
et al., 2015; Fisher and Binkley, 2000; Greacen and Sands, 1980;
Labelle and Jaeger, 2011; Powers et al., 2005), all of which can
inuence rates of biogeochemical processes in disturbed soils.
Declines in ecosystem C storage coupled with alterations in soil
0378-1127/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

J.A. Foote et al. / Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx

The Gulf Coastal Plain region of the USA currently has some of
the highest rates of gross forest cover loss in the world (Hanson
et al., 2010). These rates are particularly high in the southwestern-most portion of this area where gross forest cover loss
exceeded 10% across large portions of this region between the
years 20002005 (Hanson et al., 2010). Despite the importance of
this land use activity, tree harvest effects on ecosystem biogeochemistry have been little studied in this region. Therefore, the
purpose of this study was to determine the impact of forest harvest
intensity, soil compaction and their interaction on SOC, TN, and soil
microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MBC and MBN, respectively) in a Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) forest 15 years posttreatment at the Long-Term Soil Productivity (LTSP) site located
near Groveton, Texas, USA. Three hypotheses were tested to
address the impact of forest harvest and soil disturbance on C and
N cycling: (1) SOC and TN will be lowest under the most severe tree
harvest and soil compaction treatments; (2) lower SOC and TN
under the most severe harvest treatments will constrain nutrient
availability to the current rotation, resulting in less aboveground
litter and more root biomass; and (3) greater losses of organic matter and soil structure changes due to compaction will result in
lower MBC and MBN in the most intense harvest treatments.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
Field sampling was conducted quarterly from March 2011
through March 2012 for a total of ve sample periods (March,
June, September and December 2011, and March 2012) at the
Long-Term Soil Productivity (LTSP) site in Davy Crockett National
Forest near Groveton, TX, USA (31060 32.4800 N, 95090 59.1500 W)
(hereinafter Groveton LTSP). The climate is subtropical with a
mean annual temperature of 19.1 C and mean annual precipitation of 1135 mm (19812010) that is bimodal, with peaks in
MayJune and October (Fig. 1). Topography is nearly at with
slopes of 13% and elevation ranging from 101 m to 110 m. Soils
across the study area are uniform (ne-loamy siliceous, thermic
Oxyaquic Glossudalf in the Kurth series) and developed in loamy
coastal plain sediments of the Yegua and Whitset geological formations. The A-horizon occurs at 015 cm, while the E-horizon
extends from 15 to 50 cm.
The Groveton LTSP treatment plots were established in 1997 in
accordance with the parameters specied by the LTSP program
(Powers, 2006) which consists of three harvest intensities (bole
only, whole tree, and whole tree + forest oor removal) and three
levels of soil compaction (none, intermediate, and severe) in













n. b. ch ril ay e ly g. t. ct. v. c.
Ja Fe ar Ap M Jun Ju Au Sep O No De


Precipitation (mm)

physical structure that often follow tree harvest events may also
have adverse effects on the size of the soil microbial biomass pool,
and may also modify the structure and function of soil microbial
communities (Frey et al., 2009; Jordan et al., 2003; Vance and
Chapin, 2001; Wardle, 1992).
Forest harvest may result in the alteration of biogeochemical
cycling within the ecosystem; however, impacts are variable due
to differences in frequency, harvest method, climate, and inherent
site quality (Goetz et al., 2012). For example, a meta-analysis conducted by Johnson and Curtis (2001) found that harvest had no
overall impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen
(TN). However, they did note that there were signicant differences between tree harvest methods. More specically, they
observed that SOC and TN were greater in bole only harvests and
lower in plots where the whole trees were harvested (Johnson
and Curtis, 2001). In contrast, a more recent meta-analysis by
Nave et al. (2010) found an overall decrease in forest soil C in
response to tree harvesting, but it was primarily related to the loss
of forest oor rather than mineral soil C-losses. Despite the generalizations that emerge from these two meta-analyses, individual
studies have shown that forest harvest intensity (i.e., removal of
more that the merchantable bole) may cause losses (Jones et al.,
2011; Kellman et al., 2014; Li et al., 2003;), gains (Grand and
Lavkulich, 2012; Vanguelova et al., 2010), or no change
(Jerabkova et al., 2011; Knoepp and Swank, 1997; Mariani et al.,
2006; McLaughlin and Phillips, 2006; Richter et al., 1999; Scott
et al., 2014; Wall, 2008; Zerpa et al., 2010) in SOC and TN.
It is unclear how soil compaction might inuence SOC and TN
storage and turnover. Compaction may destroy soil macroaggregates in the upper portion of the soil prole, thereby exposing soil
organic matter (SOM) to decomposers and accelerating decay processes (Six et al., 2004; Tisdall and Oades, 1982). Soil compaction
may also result in decreases in both root biomass and uptake of soil
mineral N, increasing the potential for ecosystem N losses via
leaching and denitrication (Jordan et al., 2003; Torbert and
Wood, 1992). Alternatively, compaction could restrict gas
exchange and reduce soil pore space, thereby limiting access of
decomposers to SOM resulting in no changes (de Neve and
Hofman, 2000; Cambi et al., 2015; Mariani et al., 2006; Sanchez
et al., 2006b) or possibly increases in SOC and TN (Tan et al., 2005).
Soil microorganisms are integral components of biogeochemical
cycles, and play key roles in the development and maintenance of
soil structure and fertility in forest ecosystems (Allen and
Schlesinger, 2004; Gallardo and Schlesinger, 1994; Wardle, 1992;
Zak et al., 1994). Soil microbial biomass as a living and active element of the soil may serve as a bellwether of changes in soil nutrient status resulting from management practices (Allen and
Schlesinger, 2004; Brookes, 2001; Haubensak et al., 2002;
Pregitzer, 2003; Wardle, 1992). Positive relationships have been
demonstrated between soil microbial biomass and SOC and TN
(Allen and Schlesinger, 2004; Brookes, 2001; Li et al., 2004;
Wardle, 1992); therefore, the removal or alteration of soil organic
matter inputs due to forest harvest may diminish the size of the
soil microbial biomass pool (Busse et al., 2006; LeDuc and
Rothstein, 2007; Li et al., 2004; Mummey et al., 2010; Tan et al.,
2005). However, other studies have found little effect of harvest
on soil microbial biomass (Busse et al., 2006; Mariani et al.,
2006). Soil compaction, by altering porosity, gas exchange, and
water inltration, has likewise resulted in variable impacts on soil
microbial biomass. Soil compaction may have no effect on soil
microbial biomass (Shestak and Busse, 2005; Busse et al., 2006),
lead to increases in soil microbial biomass due to reduced pore
space that limits predator access to microbes (Breland and
Hansen, 1996; Jensen et al., 1996a, 1996b; Li et al., 2004;
Mariani et al., 2006), or lead to decreases due to reduced aeration
and water conductivity (Frey et al., 2009; Tan et al., 2005).

Temperature ( oC)

Fig. 1. Average monthly climate conditions (19812010) for Crockett, Houston

County, Texas (31180 25.9200 N, 95270 3.2400 W). Data from the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

J.A. Foote et al. / Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx

factorial combination (nine treatment combinations) replicated

three times on 0.4 ha plots. At the time of harvest, stands were
5580 years old and consisted primarily of P. taeda L. with scattered hardwoods (<10%). A feller buncher and skidder were used
for harvesting on the compacted plots, while the non-compacted
plots were hand-felled, with trees lifted off the plots with a loader
(Rick Stagg, USDA Forest Service, personal communication). A 9Z
pneumatic-tired roller (W.E. Grace Manufacturing Co., Dallas, TX,
USA) loaded to 2.4 Mg m1 and 4.2 Mg m1 for the moderate and
severe compaction, respectively, was towed by a farm tractor and
rolled over the soil a total of six times (three passes in one direction and three passes in a second direction perpendicular to the
rst passes) (Rick Stagg, USDA Forest Service, personal communication). Forest oor removal was accomplished by hand raking
all aboveground organic matter from the whole tree + forest oor
removal treatments plots. Containerized P. taeda L. seedlings of
10-half sib families from US Forest Service seed orchards in
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas were hand planted on a
2.5 m  2.5 m spacing. Each of the 27 treatment plots was split
for glyphosate herbicide treatment that was applied once per year
for ve years following harvest.
2.2. Sample collection
Prior to eld sampling, each of the 54 split-plots (i.e., herbicided
and non-herbicided split) was divided into ve sub-plots that
were anchored at the four corners and the center of each split-plot.
We used this method to ensure complete coverage of each splitplot. In the eld, sample points within each sub-plot were randomly located interior to a three-tree outer buffer and between
two living loblolly pine trees. Occasionally samples were taken
within the buffer due to mortality within plots.
At each sample point, forest oor materials were collected
down to the mineral soil from a 0.25  0.25 m quadrat followed
by the extraction of a soil core. Soil cores (4.8 cm diam.  10 cm
deep) were collected with a split soil corer (AMS, Inc., American
Falls, ID, USA), and pooled by split-plot. All soil samples were kept
in a cooler with ice in the eld and maintained at 4 C in the lab
until processed.
2.3. Soil chemical and physical characterization
Soil samples were thoroughly mixed in the lab and a 30 g aliquot of eld-moist soil was dried at 105 C until stable mass was
achieved to measure bulk density, gravimetric soil moisture, and
volumetric soil moisture. This aliquot was subsequently used for
the determination of pH using an Accumet Basic pH meter
(Denver Instrument, Arvada, CO, USA) on a 1:2 solution of soil in
0.01 M CaCl2 solution (Minasny et al., 2011). The remaining soil
was passed through a 2 mm sieve to remove large organic material
and roots >2 mm. A 2030 g aliquot of sieved soil was dried at
60 C, and then nely ground in a TE250 ring pulverizer
(Angstrom, Inc., Belleville, MI, USA) for C and N concentration
analyses. An additional sieved soil aliquot was dried at 105 C for
texture analysis using the hydrometer method (Ashworth et al.,
2001; Bouyoucos, 1927).
2.4. Litter and root quantication
Forest oor materials (i.e., all organic material above the mineral soil) were cleaned of mineral particles and sorted into woody
debris (non-leaf material) and leaf matter (henceforth litter).
Roots collected during sieving were divided into coarse and ne
fractions based on diameters P2 mm or <2 mm, respectively.
Additionally, a 100150 g aliquot of sieved soil was passed through
a hydropneumatic elutriation system tted with a 450 lm screen

(Gillisons Variety Fabrication, Benzonia, MI, USA) to recover ne

roots. All root and forest oor materials were dried at 60 C until
stable mass was achieved and then weighed.
2.5. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations
Soils were analyzed for organic C and total N concentrations in
the Stable Isotopes for Biosphere Science Laboratory at Texas A&M
University. Analyses were conducted on a Carlo Erba EA-1108 elemental analyzer (CE Elantech, Lakewood, NJ, USA). Precision (SD)
of acetanilide standard used during the study was 0.48% for C-concentration (mean = 71.21%) and 0.15% for N-concentration
(mean = 10.35%).
2.6. Microbial biomass determination
Soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MBC and MBN)
were determined on sieved soil sub-samples using the chloroform
fumigation extraction (CFE) method described by Vance et al.
(1987). Soil samples (10 g) were fumigated at eld moisture in a
vacuum desiccator in the dark for 24 h in the presence of ethanol-free chloroform. Simultaneously, a 10 g control sample was
incubated in a chloroform-free vacuum desiccator. Following
incubation, each sample was extracted with 40 mL of 0.5 M
K2SO4, shaken for one hour, centrifuged at 715g for 10 min, ltered
through #5 Whatman lter papers pre-leached with 0.5 M K2SO4,
and frozen until analysis.
Extracts were analyzed for dissolved organic C and dissolved
organic N using a Shimadzu TOC-VCSH with a TNM-1 module
(Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) set for 5X dilution as described
by Chen et al. (2005). Soil microbial biomass-C and -N were calculated using formulae outlined in Paul et al. (1999) where:
(1) MBC = (Cfumigated  Ccontrol)/kEC; and
(2) MBN = (Nfumigated  Ncontrol)/kEN.
Because extraction efciencies for dissolved organic C and N are
less than 100%, extraction coefcients for carbon (kEC) of 0.45
(Allen and Schlesinger, 2004; Joergensen et al., 2011; Potthoff
et al., 2009; Wu et al., 1996) and nitrogen (kEN) of 0.54 (Brookes
et al., 1985) were used to calculate MBC and MBN, respectively.
The ratio of Cmic/Corg was computed by dividing the concentration
of MBC by the concentration of SOC in the same sample.
2.7. Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were performed with JMP Pro (SAS Institute,
Inc., Cary, NC, USA). To determine if herbicided and non-herbicided
split-plot data could be pooled, t-tests were used. No statistically
signicant effects were seen due to herbicide; therefore, split-plot
data was pooled within each treatment plot. A general linear
model was used to test the main effects of harvest and compaction,
and the harvest by compaction interaction. Throughout the oneyear study period we did not see statistically signicant effects
due to either soil compaction or the harvest by compaction interaction, therefore, ndings based only on harvest effects (N = 3)
and season of sampling are reported. A signicance level of
a 6 0.05 was used throughout statistical testing.
Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to
determine the effect of harvest on SOC, TN, MBC and MBN, Cmic/
Corg, and root biomass, and litter mass over the one-year study period. Correlation analyses (Pearsons) were performed to determine
relationships between MBC, MBN, SOC, TN, litter, roots, and
environmental variables examined in this study. Correlations with
precipitation were conducted using total precipitation in the
month prior to each sampling period and correlations with

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

J.A. Foote et al. / Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx

temperature were conducted using the mean monthly temperature in the month prior to each sampling period. For each response
variable, correlations were run using the mean values for each plot
for every sample period, so that each correlation analysis was
based on 120 observations.

Volumetric soil moisture ranged from a low of 0.03 mL cm3 in

June 2011 to a high of 0.21 mL cm3 in March 2012 (Fig. 2B) and
was not affected by treatment. Soil moisture had a strong positive
correlation with total precipitation and a strong negative correlation with mean temperature (r = 0.76 and 0.71 respectively, both
p < 0.001; Table 1).

3. Results

3.2. Soil chemical and physical characteristics

3.1. Climate and soil moisture

Soil pH across the site was acidic and ranged from 3.5 to 4.7
(average 4.15 0.06, n = 27). Soil texture is loamy sand, with sand
concentration of 755 7 g kg1 and clay concentration of
65 3 g kg1 (n = 24).

Mean annual temperature in 2011 was 1.5 C higher than the

30 year average; total precipitation was 684 mm, approximately
40% lower than the 30 year average (Fig. 2A). Mean monthly temperatures during the rst three months of 2012 (coincidental with
the sample period) were 3 C higher than the 30 year average and
total precipitation was 441 mm, approximately 36% higher than
the 30 year average of 283 mm for the same time period.

3.3. Litter and root mass

Litter mass was unaffected by increasing harvest intensity
(repeated measures ANOVA; p > 0.05; Table 2), varied signicantly
through time (p = 0.05; Table 2), and was negatively correlated
with precipitation (r = 0.53; Table 1). Litter mass was highest in
March 2011 (14711631 g m2; Fig. 3A), with a slightly smaller
peak in September 2011 (14331588 g m2). The lowest litter
mass measurements were similar in magnitude in June 2011 and
March 2012 (12951404 g m2; Fig. 3A). Despite the lack of harvest effect, litter mass was generally highest in the bole only treatment and lowest in the whole tree + forest oor removal treatment
(Fig. 3A).
Fine root mass was likewise unaffected by increasing harvest
intensity (p > 0.05; Table 2), but varied signicantly with time
(p < 0.05), and was negatively correlated with both precipitation
(r = 0.39) and volumetric soil moisture (r = 0.56; Table 1). Fine
root mass was highest in March and June 2011 (183204 g m2;
Fig. 3B) and decreased over time to the lowest levels in
December 2011 and March 2012 (88107 g m2). Fine root mass
was generally lowest in the bole only treatment and highest in
the whole tree harvest (Fig. 3B). Neither coarse root nor total root
mass were affected by increasing harvest intensity or time
(p > 0.05; Table 2; Fig. 3C and D).
3.4. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen

Fig. 2. Weather conditions and soil moisture for January 2011 through April 2012.
(A) Crockett, Houston County, TX mean monthly temperature and total precipitation from January 2011 through April 2012, and (B) mean SE (n = 2427)
volumetric soil moisture for each sample period from 2011 to 2012.

Soil organic carbon content was not impacted by harvest intensity (p > 0.05; Table 2; Fig. 4A), but varied signicantly over time
(p < 0.05). These temporal variations were not correlated with air
temperature, precipitation, or soil moisture (Table 1). Average

Table 1
Pearsons correlation coefcients among variables examined in this study.

Volumetric soil moisture






Soil moisture





















p < 0.001.
p < 0.01.
p < 0.05.

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

J.A. Foote et al. / Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Table 2
Results of repeated measures ANOVA (p-values) testing the effects of tree harvest
method, time, and their interaction on litter and root biomass, TN, MBN, SOC, MBC,
and Cmic/Corg.


Harvest time







Biomass pools (g m2)


Fine roots
Coarse roots
Total roots
SOC (g C m2)
Total N (g N m2)
MBC (lg C g1)
MBN (lg N g1)

p < 0.05;

p < 0.01;

4. Discussion
The removal of tree biomass coupled with soil disturbance during a forest harvest event can have lasting effects on both the quality and quantity of soil organic matter as well as soil physical
properties that can strongly control microbial activity and ecosystem biogeochemistry. Our results show that increased forest harvest intensity signicantly reduced soil TN and MBC 15 years
following harvest. Fine root mass, MBC, SOC, and TN varied over
the course of a single year, and there was a signicant harvest x
time interaction for MBN. However, neither soil compaction nor
its interaction with forest harvest intensity affected any of the
response variables we measured in this western Gulf Coastal
Plain site 15 years post-treatment.

p < 0.001

4.1. Harvest and time effects on litter and root mass

SOC was highest in March 2011 (2058 127 g C m2; Fig. 4A) and
was lowest in June 2011 (1750 86 g C m2), but recovered in
September 2011 (1909 70 g C m2) and remained stable through
March 2012. Although not signicant, the bole only harvest generally had higher SOC than the whole tree + forest oor removal
treatment. Soil TN content was signicantly lower in whole tree
and whole tree + forest oor removal treatments compared to bole
only, and varied over time (both p < 0.05; Table 2). Bole only harvest had the greatest soil TN (7598 g N m2; Fig. 4B) while whole
tree + forest oor removal treatment had the least soil TN (61
81 g N m2). Average TN was highest in March 2011
(89 3 g N m2) and lowest in June 2011 (67 3 g N m2), and
recovered in September 2011 (80 4 g N m2) and remained stable
through March 2012. Soil TN content was negatively correlated
with temperature (r = 0.32; Table 1).

3.5. Soil microbial biomass

Both MBC and MBN were signicantly impacted by harvest
intensity (p < 0.05; Table 2) and varied signicantly with time
(p < 0.05). There was also a signicant harvest by time interaction
for MBN (p < 0.05). MBN was negatively correlated with temperature (r = 0.53; Table 1). Generally, bole only harvest had higher
MBC (197263 lg C g1) than the more intense harvests (165
216 lg C g1; Fig. 4C). MBC on average was highest in March
2011 (239 10 lg C g1) and lowest in September 2011
(188 9 lg C g1) (Fig. 4C). Soil microbial biomass N was usually
highest in the bole only harvest (2537 lg N g1) compared to
the more intensely harvested treatments (2134 lg N g1;
Fig. 4D). From March 2011 to September 2011 MBN declined from
an average high of 33 1 lg N g1 to a low of 23 1 lg N g1 and
remained stable through March 2012 (Fig. 4D).
Ratios of Cmic/Corg were unaffected by harvest treatment
(p > 0.05; Table 2), but varied signicantly over time (p < 0.05),
and were negatively correlated with soil moisture (r = 0.35;
Table 1). Over time Cmic/Corg decreased from highs in March 2011
and June 2011 (0.017) to a low in December 2011 (0.011;
Fig. 4E).
There were signicant positive correlations (p < 0.05) between
MBC and MBN and litter, ne root mass, SOC, and TN (Table 1).
MBC and MBN were correlated more strongly with TN (r = 0.58
and 0.64, respectively), than SOC (r = 0.50 and 0.44, respectively;
Table 1). Of the correlations between biomass variables and MBC,
there was a stronger relationship with ne root mass (r = 0.48)
than litter mass (r = 0.35). In contrast, MBN had a somewhat stronger relationship with litter (r = 0.38) than ne root mass (r = 0.35;
Table 1).

Contrary to our prediction, forest harvest intensity had no effect

on either aboveground litter or root mass. However, litter mass
tended to be highest in the bole only harvest versus the more
intense harvests, consistent with previous studies (Jones et al.,
2011; Wall, 2008; Zerpa et al., 2010). Because rates of N-mineralization are positively correlated with soil total N (Booth et al.,
2005), the larger pool sizes of soil TN in the bole only harvest
may have enabled greater N availability in this treatment, thus
facilitating greater leaf production and subsequently higher litterfall (Jones et al., 2011; Zerpa et al., 2010). In contrast, ne root mass
was generally lowest in the bole only treatment, suggesting that
resource availability was higher in the bole only harvest treatment.
Several studies have shown that root productivity is reduced at
higher soil nutrient levels (Gundersen et al., 1998; Tingey et al.,
Seasonal variation in litter and ne root mass was related to
environmental variables. Litter mass was negatively related to precipitation during the previous month, which may reect increased
decomposition during periods of higher rainfall; however, others
have found decomposition of P. taeda needles unrelated to wetter
conditions (Sanchez, 2001). Fine root mass had a stronger negative
correlation with volumetric soil moisture than with precipitation.
This was not unexpected considering that plants are likely to invest
less energy in root production when soil moisture is available
(Gundersen et al., 1998; Fisher and Binkley, 2000; Sword et al.,
1998a, 1998b; Teskey and Hinkley, 1981; Tingey et al., 2005;
Torreano and Morris, 1998).
4.2. Harvest and time effects on TN and SOC
In line with our expectation, TN was signicantly and negatively impacted by intensied levels of biomass removal during
tree harvest. On average, whole tree harvest (6196 g N m2) and
whole tree + forest oor removal (6181 g N m2) resulted in TN
that was 10% and 18% lower, respectively, than the bole only harvest (7598 g N m2). Total N content throughout the study
approximated the range (75.485.3 g N m2) reported in the
uncompacted bole only harvest treatments at 10 years at the
Louisiana and North Carolina LTSP installations (Sanchez et al.,
2006a). Results from the current study are also consistent with
previous ndings obtained 5 years post-harvest at this site,
wherein whole tree + forest oor removal resulted in approximately 19% lower TN concentration compared to the bole only harvest (Scott et al., 2004), suggesting that diminished soil TN has
persisted through time since harvest in the most intensely harvested plots.
Soil TN has shown variable responses to harvest in other forest
ecosystems throughout the world. Although Johnson and Curtis

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

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preharvest, but bole only harvest led to a non-signicant increase

(9%). Although we are unable to suggest denitively a mechanism
for the TN loss observed in our most severe harvest treatments, we
hypothesize that our results may diverge from the results synthesized by Johnson and Curtis (2001) due to (a) the sandy soil texture
at our site which affords little physical protection for soil organic
matter (e.g., von Lutzow et al., 2007), and (b) the high mean annual
temperatures that prevail at the southwestern limit of the forest
biome in the USA that would favor rapid decay of organic matter.
Contrary to our prediction, harvest intensity had no effect on
SOC 15 years after treatment. However, there was a general trend
of highest SOC occurring in the bole only harvest treatment and
lowest SOC in the whole tree + forest oor removal treatment. In
this study, intra-annual variation in the SOC content at the
Groveton LTSP site ranged from 1600 to 2200 g C m2 which was
within the range of values (16004400 g C m2) found at ve and
10 years at other LTSP sites with P. taeda L. in Louisiana and
North Carolina (Powers et al., 2005; Sanchez et al., 2006a, 2006b).
Both SOC and TN varied signicantly with time over the course
of this study. While others have found large interannual uctuations of SOC and TN concentrations (Carter et al., 2002; Knoepp
and Swank, 1997), we did not expect to see these relatively large
variations occurring over short time periods (i.e., 3-months).
Changes in SOC during this one-year study were not related to
environmental variables. Post and Kwon (2000) suggested that
short-term shifts in SOC may be due to the dynamic nature of
the light-fraction of organic carbon, and may change in response
to seasonal litter inputs such as those that occurred in June and
September 2011. Variation of TN over the study period was negatively correlated with temperature. Higher temperatures will favor
more rapid decomposition and N-transformation rates, increasing
the potential for N-losses via leaching and trace gas emissions.
4.3. Harvest and time effects on MBC and MBN, and Cmic/Corg ratios

Fig. 3. Biomass (g m2) by time of sampling. (A) Litter; and (BD) roots. Symbols
are means SE (n = 3).

(2001) found little overall effect of forest harvest on TN, they

showed that whole tree harvest slightly diminished N and bole
only harvest signicantly increased N when compared to controls.
Additionally, conifer species tended to have signicant increases in
soil TN following bole only harvest (Johnson and Curtis, 2001).
While we cannot say that bole only harvest increased TN per se,
we can say that intensied forest harvest led to lower TN which
has been reported in other studies (Jones et al., 2011; Kellman
et al., 2014; Olsson et al., 1996). For example, in a Pinus radiata forest in New Zealand 15-years post-treatment, Jones et al. (2011)
found that whole tree + forest oor removal led to a signicant
decrease in TN concentrations (18%) when compared to

In accordance with our hypothesis that increasing harvest

intensity would reduce the size of the soil microbial biomass pool,
results showed that MBC was signicantly and negatively
impacted 15 years after harvest. Throughout this study MBC values
(164268 lg C g1) were similar to the average (216 lg C g1)
reported for an LTSP loblolly plantation site in North Carolina
(Busse et al., 2006), and also fell within the range reported for temperate/boreal coniferous forests (736 661 lg C g1) (Wardle,
1992). Harvest method had no persistent effect on the Cmic/Corg
ratio, with values (0.0110.015) that fell within the range of values
previously reported for temperate/boreal coniferous forests
(0.0093 0.0046) (Wardle, 1992).
In addition, MBN was signicantly impacted by a harvest  time interaction, indicating variable responses to harvest
among the sample periods. However, there was a signicant trend
of lower MBN in the more intensely harvested treatments. MBN
values (2137 lg N g1) fell at the lower range reported for combined temperate angiosperm and temperate/boreal coniferous forests (93 65 lg N g1) (Wardle, 1992).
Soil microbial biomass is generally correlated with substrate
quantity (Allen and Schlesinger, 2004; Anderson and Domsch,
1989; Powlson et al., 1987). However, few studies have addressed
the direction, magnitude, and duration of soil microbial biomass
responses following forest harvest events that alter organic matter
inputs to the soil. In coniferous forests, tree harvest reduced soil
microbial biomass in stands <10 years old when compared to reference stands (LeDuc and Rothstein, 2007; Mummey et al., 2010). In
contrast, Smolander et al. (2010) found no differences in MBC and
MBN in Picea abies (L.) Karst Norway spruce stands >10 years old.
Forest harvest intensity (i.e., extent of organic matter removal)
has also produced mixed results. For example, Busse et al. (2006)

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

J.A. Foote et al. / Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Fig. 4. (A and B) SOC and TN (g m2); (C and D) MBC and MBN (lg g1); and (E) Cmic/Corg by time of sampling. Symbols are means SE (n = 3). Cmic/Corg calculated using
concentrations of MBC and SOC.

and Li et al. (2004) found no differences in MBC based on harvest

intensity in P. taeda stands >5 years old in North Carolina.
However, in those same P. taeda stands, Li et al. (2004) found that
harvest intensity decreased MBN in stands >5 years old. Similarly,
Hassett and Zak (2005) and Tan et al. (2008) found that harvest
intensity decreased both MBC and MBN in aspen stands of nearly
10 years old. Hassett and Zak (2005) suggested that reduced soil
microbial biomass was driven by reduced litter inputs as well as
modied soil microclimate, and Li et al. (2004) found that MBN
was positively related to soil C and N. We found that MBC and
MBN were more strongly related to TN than to SOC, suggesting that
in this system N may be more important than C as a limitation to
microbial biomass.
Microbial biomass C, and the Cmic/Corg ratio varied signicantly
over the ve sampling periods of this study, while MBN varied in
response to a signicant harvest x time interaction. Soil microbial
biomass C was highest at the beginning of the study in March 2011,
and then decreased during the following summer as the soil dried,
consistent with other studies (Aponte et al., 2010; Wardle, 1992).
MBC and MBN remained low during winter 2011 and the following
spring, likely in response to the cooler temperatures and smaller
ne root pool sizes that prevailed during that time. In addition,

very high soil moisture during March 2012 may have slowed the
recovery of the soil microbial biomass during that spring season.
The Cmic/Corg ratio varied signicantly over time, with higher
values during MarchJune 2011 compared to the September
2011March 2012 interval. Over the course of the entire study,
Cmic/Corg ratio was correlated negatively with SOC and the
SOC:TN ratio. Since Cmic/Corg is higher when SOC pool size is lower,
the microbial biomass is probably not carbon-limited. And, Cmic/
Corg is higher when the C/N ratio of the soil organic matter is lower.
Taken together, these observations suggest that the soil microbial
biomass pool in this study area is probably N-limited (Liao and
Boutton, 2008; Wardle, 1992).
4.4. Potential implications for forest productivity
Given that soil TN, MBC, and MBN were signicantly lower in
the more severe harvest treatments, is there any evidence that
these differences in key indices of soil fertility have affected tree
productivity at this site? At 5 years following the implementation
of treatments at the Groveton LTSP site, stand volumes were
6.88 m3 ha1 in the bole only, 5.13 m3 ha1 in the whole tree,
and 2.42 m3 ha1 in the whole tree + forest oor removal plots

Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

J.A. Foote et al. / Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2015) xxxxxx

(Scott et al., 2004). All treatments were signicantly different from

each other at that time. At 15 years following the implementation
of treatments, stand volumes (SE) were 163.8 10.2 m3 ha1 in
the bole only, 156.3 11.6 m3 ha1 in the whole tree, and
143.7 8.6 m3 ha1 in the whole tree + forest oor removal plots
(Scott et al., 2014). Although stand volumes were 514% higher
in the bole only treatment, these differences were not signicant
at 15 years post-treatment. We postulate that during the rst
5 years of regrowth, loblolly pine root systems may have been largely conned to the uppermost portion of the soil prole where
soil N and microbial biomass were most impacted by the previous
harvest, thereby limiting tree productivity in the more severe harvest treatments. By 15 years postharvest, root systems are likely to
be more extensive and more deeply distributed, potentially providing trees with access to nutrient stores that may not have been
diminished by the previous harvest event, thereby alleviating harvest effects. It will be important to reevaluate these potential treatment effects towards the end of the rotation period to assess their
longer-term impact on forest productivity.
5. Conclusions
The forest ecosystems of the southeastern USA are among the
most important timber producing regions in North America, making it important to understand the impacts of tree harvesting on
the biogeochemistry of this region. We found that forest harvest
practices that removed more than the tree bole signicantly
reduced soil TN, and MBC and MBN in loblolly pine forests of the
western Gulf Coastal Plain region. Moreover, these reductions were
still evident 15 years after the treatments were imposed. Although
recent stand volumes show little response to the intensity of harvest, the persistent reduction of soil TN and soil microbial biomass
pool sizes in the most severe harvest treatments suggests that
rates of key biogeochemical processes may be altered. This in turn
could constrain mineralization rates of limiting nutrients and
reduce the productivity of subsequent rotations. Our results suggest that harvest practices in the southeastern USA that maximize
retention of aboveground biomass and litter will minimize soil N
losses, which should help sustain the long-term productivity, carbon sink strength, and the economic value of forestlands in this
This research was supported by the USDA Forest Service
Southern Region and Southern Research Station and by USDA/
NIFA Hatch funding. J.A. Foote was supported by the Texas A&M
University Graduate Merit Fellowship, and by the McMillanWard Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Ecosystem
Science and Management. Darrin Moore, Matthew Foote, and
Stuart Foote assisted with eld work. Darrin Moore, Ayumi
Hyodo, and Ryan Mushinski assisted with laboratory analyses in
the Stable Isotopes for Biosphere Sciences Laboratory. Rick Stagg
and Kerry Hogg, USDA Forest Service, assisted with coordination
of site access. Jason Vogel, Mark Tjoelker, and Frank Hons provided
helpful comments on the manuscript.
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Please cite this article in press as: Foote, J.A., et al. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass in US southern pine forests: Inuence of forest management.
Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

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