(Reis Et Al, 2018) Climate and Fragmentation Affect Forest Structure at The Southern Border of Amazonia

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Plant Ecology & Diversity

ISSN: 1755-0874 (Print) 1755-1668 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tped20

Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure

at the southern border of Amazonia

Simone Matias Reis, Beatriz Schwantes Marimon, Ben Hur Marimon Junior,
Paulo S. Morandi, Edmar Almeida de Oliveira, Fernando Elias, Eder Carvalho
das Neves, Bianca de Oliveira, Denis da Silva Nogueira, Ricardo Keichi
Umetsu, Ted R. Feldpausch & Oliver L. Phillips

To cite this article: Simone Matias Reis, Beatriz Schwantes Marimon, Ben Hur Marimon Junior,
Paulo S. Morandi, Edmar Almeida de Oliveira, Fernando Elias, Eder Carvalho das Neves,
Bianca de Oliveira, Denis da Silva Nogueira, Ricardo Keichi Umetsu, Ted R. Feldpausch & Oliver
L. Phillips (2018): Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure at the southern border of
Amazonia, Plant Ecology & Diversity, DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2018.1455230

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2018.1455230

Published online: 25 Apr 2018.

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Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2018

Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure at the southern border of Amazonia
Simone Matias Reisa,b, Beatriz Schwantes Marimonb,c, Ben Hur Marimon Juniorb,c, Paulo S. Morandia,b,
Edmar Almeida de Oliveirab, Fernando Eliasc, Eder Carvalho das Nevesc, Bianca de Oliveirac, Denis da Silva Nogueirac,
Ricardo Keichi Umetsuc, Ted R. Feldpauschc,d and Oliver L. Phillipsa
School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; bPrograma de Pós-Graduação da Rede de Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia da
Amazônia Legal (BIONORTE), Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso–Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Nova Xavantina, Brazil;
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e Conservação, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Nova Xavantina, Brazil;
Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
(Received 27 December 2016; accepted 18 March 2018)

Background: The remaining forests in the extensive contact zone between southern Amazonia (seasonal rain forest) and the
Cerrado (savanna) biomes are at risk due to intense land-use and climate change.
Aims: To explore the vulnerability of these transitional forests to changes in land use and climate, we evaluated the effects of
fragmentation and climatic variables on forest structure.
Methods: We measured the diameter and height of 14,185 trees with diameter ≥10 cm at 24 forest plots distributed over an
area of 25,000 km2. For each plot, we obtained data on contemporary fragmentation and climatic variables.
Results: Forest structure variables (height, diameter, height:diameter allometry, biomass) varied significantly both within
and among plots. The height, H:D and biomass of trees were positively correlated with annual precipitation and fragment
Conclusions: The association between forest structure and precipitation indicates that these forests plots are likely to be
vulnerable to dry season intensification anticipated for the southern edge of the Amazon. Additionally, the reduction in the
fragment area may contribute to reductions in forest biomass and tree height, and consequently ecosystem carbon stocks.
Given the likely susceptibility of these forests, urgent conservation action is needed to prevent further habitat degradation.
Keywords: allometry; Amazon arc of deforestation; biomass; climate change; habitat fragmentation; precipitation; stem
diameter; tree height; transition zone

Introduction these climatic changes may be exacerbated by changes in

Across the Earth’s biomes, environmental conditions are land use (Aragão 2012; Silvério et al. 2015). Finally,
expected to be more variable close to the edges than in the research elsewhere in Amazonia clearly has indicated
core area of each biome, posing potentially ecological and that the structure of the tropical forest vegetation is
evolutionary challenges to biota towards their biogeogra- affected by both climate change (e.g. Phillips et al. 2010;
phical edges (Safriel et al. 1994; Kark and van Rensburg Feldpausch et al. 2016) and fragmentation of habitats (e.g.
2006; Kark et al. 2008). This may be particularly the case Laurance et al. 1997, 2000; Laurance 2004).
in regions subject to rapid environmental change, of which Yet few studies have evaluated structural variation
perhaps the most extreme example are the forests of the among the forests in the southern border region of the
southern edge of the Amazon rain forest biome, an area Amazon forest biome and its covariation with climate
affected by high deforestation rates and subject to signifi- and landscape factors. Exceptions include one analysis of
cant recent and forecast climate change. Thus, here the the effects of the interaction between droughts and wild-
advance of the agricultural frontier has already resulted in fires on tree mortality at one experimental site (Brando
converting most forest to pasture and cropland, increas- et al. 2014), and a landscape study which showed that
ingly fragmenting the landscape over the last few decades habitat fragmentation, combined with droughts, increased
(Alencar et al. 2004, 2015; Nogueira et al. 2008). The the susceptibility of the forests to fire (Alencar et al. 2015).
remaining forests are subject to recent climate change, We are not aware of a single study that has evaluated the
including lengthening of the dry season and increasing effects of habitat fragmentation and different climate vari-
incidence of strong droughts (Marengo et al. 2011; Gloor ables across the region’s forests using direct, on-the-
et al. 2015; Feldpausch et al. 2016), trends which are ground measurement of vegetation structural variables
expected to intensify further (e.g. Boisier et al. 2015). such as tree diameter, height, and biomass.
The land surface temperature has been rising steadily Habitat fragmentation, by decreasing fragment size
recently, especially in the south and east of the Amazon and increasing forest edges and numbers of fragments,
region (Jiménez-Muñoz et al. 2013), and the effects of may modify the forest structure in the remaining fragments

Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

© 2018 Botanical Society of Scotland and Taylor & Francis

2 S. M. Reis et al.

(Fahrig 2003; Haddad et al. 2015). For example, fragment of Amazonia with the neighbouring Cerrado (savanna)
edges are subject to a greater incidence of insolation and biome, to test hypotheses related to the variation in the forest
increased velocity of winds, resulting in higher tempera- structure and the factors that determine this variation. We
tures and a drier microclimate than the forest interior addressed two questions. First, does habitat fragmentation
(D’Angelo et al. 2004; Laurance 2004; Haddad et al. affect the forest structure? We expected that forest cover loss
2015), which increases tree mortality rates, principally and forest plots present in smaller fragments and/or nearer
for larger trees (Laurance et al. 2000; Laurance 2004). the edge would have trees with lower height and smaller
The death of bigger trees reduces total biomass, height, diameter stems, or with smaller height:diameter (H:D) allo-
mean diameter and basal area, especially in the smaller metric relationships and reduced biomass, since work else-
fragments and the areas closest to the forest edge, although where has shown mortality rates are greater in smaller, more
with some mortality effects also propagating a few hun- edge-affected fragments, especially for bigger trees (e.g.
dred metres into the forest (Laurance 2004; Haddad et al. Laurance et al. 1997, 1998, 2000; Laurance 2004;
2015; Rocha-Santos et al. 2016). Recently, it has even Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2015). Second, how does the forest
been suggested, based on interpretation of pantropical structure vary in relation to the climate? We expected that
satellite imagery, that in tropical forests the negative the height and the diameter of stems, the H:D ratio, and
effects on standing biomass and forest structure penetrate biomass were all greater in forest plots that have greater
as much as 1.5 km into forests (Chaplin-Kramer et al. precipitation, and consequently less deficit water, since the
2015). greater water availability favours the height growth of the
In addition to landscape-scale factors, regional climate trees, accumulating more biomass (e.g. Feldpausch et al.
is related to variation in the forest structure (e.g. Banin 2011; Pan et al. 2013; Chave et al. 2014).
et al. 2015). For example, where precipitation and tem-
perature are higher, forests generally have taller trees that
accumulate more biomass (Koch et al. 2004; Way and Materials and methods
Oren 2010; Feldpausch et al. 2011; Pan et al. 2013; Study area
Chave et al. 2014). However, in the very warmest forests
We studied 24 forest plots distributed in the so-called
the forest structural responses are unclear. There is some
“arc of deforestation” (Nogueira et al. 2008) over an
evidence that here plants may photosynthesise less and
area of ca. 25,000 km2 (Figure 1 and Table 1). The
expend more energy on respiration, so potentially accu-
regional climate is of the Aw (tropical with dry winters)
mulating less biomass (Lloyd and Farquhar 2008; Lewis
and Am (tropical monsoon) types in the Köppen classi-
et al. 2013). However, the temperature sensitivity of key
fication system (Alvares et al. 2013), and originally
respiration processes appears to decline in warmer envir-
supported evergreen or semi-evergreen forest vegetation
onments (Atkin et al. 2015; Heskel et al. 2016), rather than
in all cases. Mean annual precipitation and temperature
increasing exponentially as simple Q10 formulations in
range from 1511 to 2353 mm and from 24.1 to 27.3 °C,
earlier global vegetation models suggested (Cox et al.
respectively (Table 1).
2000), suggesting that the overall sensitivity of biomass
stocks to high temperatures might be weaker than many
models indicated.
Forest fragments
Extreme drought events may alter the forest struc-
ture. Drought causes mortality, principally in the big- The largest and best preserved regional fragments of mature
ger trees, which are more susceptible to damage in forests were selected for the study, using Google Earth
their vascular system (Phillips et al. 2010; Bennett imagery in order to capture regional variation in floristics
et al. 2015; Rowland et al. 2015; Feldpausch et al. and physiognomy, and with at least three plots for each
2016). During drought events, tropical trees may also forest type. All forest fragments are surrounded by exten-
grow less (e.g. Worbes 1999; Doughty et al. 2015), sive cattle-ranching or soybean fields. The fragments sur-
and if droughts are prolonged or repeated forests even- veyed varied in size from 5 to 45,459 ha (Table 1).
tually accumulate less biomass (Rowland et al. 2015;
Feldpausch et al. 2016).
In the context of regional land-use and climatic changes Forest structure
in southern Amazonia, and the projected high regional cli- In each fragment we established an inventory plot of 1 ha,
mate sensitivity to global warming (IPCC 2015), it is there- which was subdivided into 25 contiguous subplots of 20 m
fore extremely important to understand how the forest × 20 m. The forest plots were established between 2008
structure is affect by abiotic factors. It may for example and 2016 within the private properties and in conservation
help to improve the conservation measures to protect the units; locations varied between 1 and 5440 m from the
remaining forest fragments. In this study, we evaluated nearest edge of the fragment. Six plots were seasonally
whether, and to what extent, climatic factors and fragmenta- flooded (Table 1) and occasionally affected by fire; the
tion determine variation in the forest structure of the south- others have no recent record of fire and were either on
ern Amazon border. We assembled data from permanent anthropogenic black earth (terra preta de índio), open rain
plots established across the region close to the natural border forests, seasonal evergreen forests, or seasonal semi-
Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure 3

Figure 1. Location of the forests sampled in the southern Amazon border, between eastern and northern Mato Grosso and southern Pará,
Brazil, showing the approximate biome boundaries based in IBGE (2004). The classification of forest and no forest was based on the
PRODES (Amazon Deforestation Monitoring Project) (INPE 2017). All plots sampled lie within mature, evergreen or semi-evergreen
forest fragments.

deciduous forests (Table 1). For this study, we used the Habitat fragmentation
latest available censuses between 2013 and 2016. To evaluate the effect of habitat fragmentation on forest
We identified and tagged all the woody individuals structure, we measured distance from each plot to the forest
with a diameter at breast height (1.3 m) of ≥10 cm, for a edge, the size of each fragment and the forest cover in
total of 14,185 (range = 338–1599; standard devia- surrounding landscapes. Whenever possible we measured
tion = 31) trees and at least 410 (range = 9–135; the distance to the nearest edge in the field. When this was
standard deviation = 256) taxa identified to species not possible, we estimated this value using Google Earth,
level. We identified species in the field or by compar- which provided a spatial resolution of approximately 20–
ison of collections with herbarium (NX, UFMT, UB and 30 m depending on available imagery, and based on our own
IAN) material of known identity, and with the help of detailed knowledge, having explored the local context of
specialists. After identification, the material was incor- each plot on foot. In our definition of forest habitat edge,
porated into Herbarium NX Nova Xavantina, Mato we included all other vegetation and land-use such as planta-
Grosso (Coleção Zoobotânica James Alexander Ratter). tions, pastures, and roads at least 25 m wide, as well as
We determined the classification of families based on natural grasslands in the six floodplain forests.
APG III (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2009) and We calculated the area of the fragment where each plot
reviewed and updated the nomenclature of the taxa was located using Google Earth and ZONUM software
using the Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil (2016) (http://zonums.com/online/kmlArea/). These edge and
(http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2015). fragment data were collected at the closest possible date
We measured the diameter of each tree following stan- to the field sampling and in no case were they collected
dard protocols of the RAINFOR network (http://www.rain more than 2 years after the last forest census.
for.org/). We measured the total height using a Leica We calculated the percentage of forest cover surrounding
DISTO laser measurement device. Data were deposited each plot using buffers of radius size of 1000 m (314 ha),
in the ForestPlots.net forest monitoring database (Lopez- following recommendations of Rocha-Santos et al. (2016).
Gonzalez et al. 2011). For this we used the land-based metrics in the Fragstats
4 S. M. Reis et al.

Table 1. Characteristics of plots sampled in different tropical forest ecosystems at the southern Amazon border.

Plot Code Forest plot code Geographical coordinate Local AF (ha) DE (m) Prec (mm) Temp (°C) TB (Mg)

FEP-01 FLO-01 −12.8S and −51.9W PP 870 1,030 1613 25.5 111.1
FEP-02 FLO-02 −12.8S and −51.9W PP 2,035 1,000 1621 25.6 144.7
FEP-03 TAN-02 −13.1S and −52.4W PP 8,432 990 1625 24.9 143.5
FEP-04 TAN-03 −12.8S and −52.3W PP 16,901 520 1679 25.1 127.4
FEP-05 TAN-04 −12.9S and −52.4W PP 16,901 329 1662 25 138.3
FEP-06 FRP-01 −11.5S and −51.5W PP 45,459 3,600 1634 26.9 135.1
FEP-07 POA-01 −11.0S and −52.2W PP 9,789 1,180 1772 26.1 140.1
FES-01 VCR-02 −14.8S and −52.2W PP 4,968 1,350 1511 25.2 196.8
FES-02 GAU-02 −13.4S and −53.3W PP 3,499 160 1701 24.1 91.7
FES-03 SAT-01 −9.8S and −50.5W PP 17,624 90 1821 26.7 121.8
FES-04 SAA-01 −9.8S and −50.4W PP 13,039 860 1815 26.8 187.7
FES-05 SAA-02 −9.6S and −50.4W PP 15,680 2,980 1778 26.6 166.3
FOA-01 SIP-01 −11.4S and −55.3W PP 12,066 900 1848 25.1 79.2
FOA-02 ALF-01 −9.6S and −55.9W CU 17,628 5,440 2350 25.5 98.8
FOA-03 ALF-02 −9.6S and −55.9W CU 17,628 5,410 2353 25.6 160.5
FSI-01 PEA-01 −12.1S and −50.8W CU 21 1 1631 27.3 133.7
FSI-02 PEA-02 −12.3S and −50.7W CU 378 1 1637 27.2 154.7
FSI-03 PEA-03 −12.4S and −50.9W CU 164 1 1621 27.1 131.4
FSI-04 PEA-04 −12.4S and −50.7W CU 605 1 1637 27.1 210.4
FSI-05 PEA-07 −12.5S and −50.9W CU 5 1 1621 27.1 226.8
FSI-06 PEA-08 −12.5S and −50.7W CU 8 1 1632 27 222.5
FTP-01 GAU-04 −13.1S and −53.3W PP 234 150 1795 24.7 145.8
FTP-02 GAU-05 −13.0S and −52.9W PP 29,560 2,720 1757 24.9 250.2
FTP-03 GAU-06 −13.3S and −53.4W PP 85 80 1729 24.7 176.9

FA: fragment area; DE: distance to the forest edge; Prec: total mean annual precipitation; Temp: mean annual temperature; TB: total above-ground biomass
per hectare; PP: private properties; and CU: conservation unit. In this study, we used codes (“Plot code”) to represent the different types of vegetation. FEP:
floresta estacional perenifólia (seasonal evergreen forest); FTP: floresta estacional perenifólia em terra preta de índio (seasonal evergreen forest on
anthropogenic black earth); FES: floresta estacional semidecidual (seasonal semi-deciduous forest); FOA: floresta ombrófila aberta (open rainforest); and
FSI: floresta sazonalmente inundável (seasonally flooded forest). Equivalent forest plot codes are given to indicate equivalency to those codes used in the
ForestPlots.net database (Lopez-Gonzalez et al. 2011) where the data have been deposited.

software, that computes descriptors of forest patch and land- weighted Lorey’s height values, based on basal area per
scape attributes (McGarigal and Cushman 2002). subplot, using the equation
ABi  Hi = ABi
Climate variables
To evaluate the climate effect on the forest structure, we where ABi is the basal area of an individual and Hi is its
obtained data on 19 bioclimatic variables (Table S1) from height (e.g. Saatchi et al. 2011). To evaluate the H:D
the WorldClim 1.4 database, with a horizontal resolution of relationship, independently of disturbance, such as the
ca. 1 km (Hijmans et al. 2005). We also used data from the damage caused by recently opened clearings, we excluded
Tropical Rainfall Monitoring Mission (TRMM) (NASA from the analyses all trees with broken stems or those with
2012) to derive the mean of the annual maximum clima- more than 50% of the crown broken off.
tological water deficit (MCWD) (Aragão et al. 2007) We also calculated the mean, median, and total biomass
between January 1999 and December 2011, including the of trees per plot. We estimated the biomass (B) based on the
droughts of 2005, 2007 and 2010 (Figure S2). To estimate Pantropical model revised by Chave et al. (2014), which is
this, we first calculated MCWD for each year, and then derived from the equation in Chave et al. (2005), that is,
took the mean of all years. MCWD was defined as the
most negative value of climatological water deficit (pre-  0:976
B ¼ 0:0673 x ρD2 H
cipitation lower than evapotranspiration) among all the
months in each year.
where D is the diameter in cm, H is the total height of
the tree in m, and ρ is the density of the wood. We
obtained wood density values from the ForestPlots data-
Data analysis base (https://www.ForestPlots.net/). We chose this equa-
In each plot, we calculated the minimum, maximum, med- tion to calculate the biomass because it is the most robust
ian, and 95 percentile of tree diameter (D), height (H) and approach, given that it takes into consideration the dia-
their allometric (H:D) relationship. We also calculated the meter and height of each tree.
Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure 5

We developed a correlation matrix of the Kendall’s tau (FES-01–02-05) (Figure 2 and Table S6) and like the
values of the environmental and forest structure variables other 11 forest plots (FEP-01–07; FES-03–04 and FTP-
mentioned above (Table S3). Multiple variables share 02–03). The H:D ratio varied in a similar fashion to tree
similar source data, leading to high correlation amongst height, with the lowest ratios (i.e. the lowest heights for a
them, so we excluded those with greatest correlations given diameter) being recorded in two of the seasonally
(r > 0.7) to avoid repetition of largely redundant forest flooded forest plots (FSI-05 and FSI-06). Tree diameter
structure and climate variables (Tables S3 and S4). For all and biomass did not vary systematically among the plots,
variables, the maximum values and the 95 percentiles were except for FSI-03, which had lower diameter and biomass
highly correlated; we included only the 95 percentile in than the most of others plots (Figure 2).
order to avoid the influence of outliers. Finally, we
excluded predictor variables that correlated poorly
(r < 0.1) with the vegetation descriptors (Tables S3 Relationship between forest structure, fragmentation and
and S4). climate variables
To verify possible differences among all forest plots in The structural variables were associated with the precipita-
the structural variables (95 percentiles of the D, H and H: tion and with fragment area and distance from the edge
D, and mean B), we applied the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of (Figure 3 and Table 2). Tree height, allometry (H:D) and
variance with the Dunnett post hoc test and a Bonferroni biomass all correlated positively with precipitation and
correction (Zar 2010). fragment area (Figure 3). Tree height also correlated with
We evaluated the influence of habitat fragmentation the MCWD (Figure 3). Tree diameter did not correlate
and climatic variables on forest structure using simple with any of the variables. Additionally, the precipitation
correlation and Generalised Linear Models (GLM). We and MCWD correlated positively with the fragment area
also included in the models the forest type for each forest (P < 0.05; Kendal’s τ = 0.44 and 0.60, respectively).
plot. Simple correlation showed that, six seasonally Based on the best GLM models for each forest struc-
flooded plots and two plots on anthropogenic black earth ture variable, forest type and precipitation were most
were unduly influential, with extreme structure and cov- related to tree height (Table 2). Forest type was also a
arying extreme climatic and fragmentation conditions. To strongly related to tree diameter and biomass. Annual
avoid these outliers driving the regional results we mean precipitation and distance from the edge were impor-
excluded them from the GLM and correlation analyses tant factors for mean plot H:D (Table 2). The percentage
described above. of forest cover around each plot was not selected in the
To build the GLM, we first standardised the data and best models and was not correlated with any forest struc-
removed the collinearities on the basis of Variance ture variables. All plots presented more than 50% forest
Inflation Factors (VIFs) of less than 10 (Quinn and cover in surrounding landscapes.
Keough 2002). We conducted model selection using the Precipitation and MCWD were not selected in the
Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC), with a model con- same model, indicating that each had similar (but inverse)
sidered to be the best if it had the lowest AIC value effects on forest structure. Thus, all structural parameters
(Barton 2016). To access the spatial autocorrelation in affected positively by precipitation (Table 2) are affected
the residuals for each model we used Moran’s I. Here, negatively by moisture stress (MCWD) (Table S7).
no spatial dependence was detected among plots, indicat-
ing that the data were not spatially structured (Figure S5).
Thus, we considered the plots as independent samples in Discussion
our subsequent analyses. Our results show that the forests of the southern border zone
We conducted the analyses using SAM 4.0 pro- of Amazonia vary remarkably in their structure, principally
gramme (Rangel et al. 2010) and R 2.15.1 (R Core in terms of their tree height and tree height:diameter ratio.
Team 2012). The applied R packages were vegan Most of the structural variation in these forests was statis-
(Oksanen et al. 2016), spdep (Bivand et al. 2013), tically related to fragment area and precipitation, supporting
spacemakeR (Dray 2013), MuMIn (Barton 2016) and our overall expectations and largely consistent with our
packfor (Dray et al. 2016). We adopted a 5% significance hypotheses. Here, we briefly first discuss this overall varia-
level for all analyses and used 999 randomisations for the bility and its potential ultimate drivers, before proceeding to
permutation methods. discuss the results in more detail.

Structural variability of the forests of the southern Amazon

Results border zone
Forest structure Our general expectation was that climatic variation in the
In general, the three open rainforest plots (FOA-01–03), a region would be a fundamental determinant of the varia-
forest plot on anthropogenic black earth (FTP-01), were bility in forest structure here, principally because drought
significantly taller than the six seasonally flooded forest events and seasonality may be more intense at the southern
plots (FSI-01–06), three seasonal semi-deciduous forest border in relation to the core area of the Amazonas basin
6 S. M. Reis et al.

Figure 2. Variation in the vertical structure of forests at the southern Amazon border. Box-plots show subplot-level values in each
location, statistical comparisons are made for among-forest analyses based on the non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test (H). The
complementary pair-wise analysis of forest structure is provided in Table S7. = FTP (seasonal evergreen forest on anthropogenic
black earth), = FOA (open rainforest), = FEP (seasonal evergreen forest), = FES (seasonal semi-deciduous forest), = FSI
(seasonally flooded forest).

with evergreen non-seasonal rain forests (Lewis et al. increase tree mortality, as observed in a recent study in
2011). In particular, water deficit may kill large trees these forest plots (Maracahipes et al. 2014). It therefore
(McIntyre et al. 2015), taller trees tend to be most affected appears likely that the combined effects of reduced frag-
by these conditions (Rowland et al. 2015). As these trees ment area and precipitation and higher temperatures,
die and break-up or fall, large clearings are opened, together with fire and its potential interactions with
favouring the establishment of species of different ecolo- droughts (Brando et al. 2014), contribute to forest struc-
gical groups (Lawton and Putz 1988). The frequent for- ture here.
mation of clearings in these hyperdynamic transitional
forests, as documented by Marimon et al. (2014), may
thus also contribute to the structural variability found Response of the forest structure to the fragmentation and
here. Finally, the forests of the southern border of the climate variables
Amazon are located within a mosaic of vegetation types Temperature appears to be an important factor determin-
with many species typical of the adjacent biomes (Ratter ing the height of the trees worldwide, including poten-
et al. 1973), which may have a direct influence on the tially in tropical forests (Koch et al. 2004; Way and
structural diversity of these forests. Oren 2010; Feldpausch et al. 2011; Lines et al. 2012;
Pan et al. 2013), but here the absence of a clear statis-
tical relationship between structure and temperature
Seasonally flooded forest plots (P > 0.05, Kendal’s τ = 0.31) suggests it is not critical
The lowest height and H:D allometric ratio in the season- at the southern Amazon transition zone. Rather, in our
ally flooded forest plots may be explained by their smaller study the greater forest heights, H:D ratio and biomass
fragment size and proximity to edges. These factors as that were observed with increasing precipitation suggest
well as higher temperatures and lower precipitation water supply is the dominant climate control on forest
(Table 1) may intensify the fire effects. Fires in the wider structure, and is consistent with some work elsewhere in
grassland matrix can penetrate into forest fragments and the tropics (e.g. Álvarez-Dávila et al. 2017), given
Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure 7

Figure 3. Significant (P ≤ 0.05) relationships between forest structure and climatic and fragmentation variables of the southern Amazon
border forest plots. H95 = height 95 percentile, A95 = allometric ratio (H:D) 95 percentile, MB = mean biomass (Mg), FA = fragment
area (ha), PrecWM = precipitation of wettest month (mm), MCWD = maximum climatological water deficit (mm).

especially that tropical plants tend to grow faster and The negative correlation between the cumulative water
taller as water is more available (Givnish et al. 2014; deficit and tree height may be related to the mortality of the
Vlam et al. 2014). In addition to apparent effects of largest individuals during extreme drought events (Phillips
annual rainfall, we also found that climatological water et al. 2010). Such droughts have been directly observed in
deficit was associated with reduced investment by the the study region in 2005, 2007, and 2010 (e.g. Brando et al.
trees in height growth, consistent with the hypothesis 2014), and these have indeed tended to kill larger trees
that tree height is constrained by the availability of (Phillips et al. 2010; Feldpausch et al. 2016), as is often the
water (Ryan et al. 2004; Givnish et al. 2014). A sig- case with droughts in other tropical forests (Bennett et al.
nificant positive correlation was also found between 2015). In Amazonia, recent strong droughts appear also to
precipitation and tree height along a precipitation gra- be a major cause of the recent basin-wide increase in tree
dient in Australia, which Givnish et al. (2014) related to mortality rates (Phillips et al. 2009; Brienen et al. 2015). In
the increase in leaf area and rates of photosynthesis with the near future, more frequent extreme droughts, especially if
increasing precipitation. combined with warming of the Amazon region and thermal
8 S. M. Reis et al.

Table 2. The relationship between environmental variables and can reduce the density and diversity of species (Mantyka-
forest structure, using generalised linear models, of the southern Pringle et al. 2012). Such effects can also increase the sus-
Amazonia forests, Brazil.
ceptibility of fragmented forest structure and their biota to
Factors Estimate Standard error t P fire (Laurance and Williamson 2001; Laurance 2004). In the
southern Amazon region, these different effects are all likely
Height 95 percentile to be relevant, but clearly further analysis is needed, includ-
Intercept −0.276 0.109 −2.531 0.003
ing long-term monitoring evaluation of the climatic and
FES −0.008 0.161 −0.050 0.961
FOA 1.392 0.328 4.249 0.001 dynamic processes in these forests.
PrecWM 0.431 0.140 3.082 0.010
Diameter 95 percentile
Intercept −0.356 0.290 −1.228 0.243 Conclusions
FES 0.039 0.445 0.089 0.931
FOA 1.715 0.530 3.237 0.007 Our analysis across different locations, spanning a large
H:D 95 percentile part of the southern Amazon zone, suggests climate
Intercept <0.001 0.174 <0.001 1.000 sensitivity in forest structure here. Climate change, and
DE −0.785 0.302 −2.597 0.023 especially any reduction in annual or seasonal precipita-
PrecWM 1.260 0.302 4.167 0.001 tion, is thus likely to have a significant effect on the
Mean biomass
Intercept −0.540 0.166 −3.249 0.007 forest structure in the southern border of the Amazon.
FES 0.244 0.257 0.949 0.361 Secondly, our results also suggest that the effects of
FOA 2.291 0.303 7.555 <0.001 reduction in the annual precipitation may be further
exacerbated in smaller fragments. This suggests that
DE: distance to the edge; PrecWM: precipitation of wettest month; H:D:
allometric H:D ratio; FES: seasonal semi-deciduous forest-plots; FOA: habitat fragmentation may intensify the negative effects
open rainforest-plots. Significant effects (P ≤ 0.05) are shown in bold of climate change and burning in forests in the southern
type. Amazon border, resulting in a substantial risk of
increases in tree mortality. Given the likely susceptibil-
ity of the remaining southern Amazon border forests to
peaks in El Niño events such as in 2015–16 (Jiménez-Muñoz environmental change, strong conservation strategies are
et al. 2016), may therefore have profound implications for the urgently needed to guarantee the persistence of these
forest structure of the southern Amazon border, located as they habitats, especially for the smaller fragments and those
are in a region that is already naturally close to their distribu- close to agricultural frontiers.
tional and hydraulic limits. In this scenario, large trees are
more susceptible to damage to the xylem, which can ulti-
mately result in the death of the plant (e.g. McIntyre et al. Acknowledgements
2015) and eventually lead to forests of lower stature We are grateful to the team of the Laboratório de Ecologia
(McDowell et al. 2008; Rowland et al. 2015). Trees being Vegetal – Plant Ecology Laboratory at the UNEMAT campus
smaller in drier areas with greater water deficiency is directly in Nova Xavantina, especially to Henrique A. Mews, Nayane
C. Prestes, Ana Paula G. da Silva, Laís F. S. Neves, Mônica
be related to conservative modifications in the hydraulic struc-
Forsthofer and Leonardo Maracahipes, for help in collecting
ture of the plants under hydrological stress to avoid embolism field data. We also thank the National Council for Scientific
(e.g. Lines et al. 2012; Claeys and Inzé 2013). Thus, as have and Technological Development (CNPq) for financial support
recently argued in both tropical and temperate zone contexts of the projects PELD “Cerrado-Amazon Forest Transition:
(e.g. Stegen et al. 2011; Banin et al. 2012; McIntyre et al. ecological and socio-environmental bases for Conservation”
(stage II) – process nr. 403725/2012-7), PVE “special visiting
2015) it is likely that trees in forests subject either to more
researcher” (401279/2014-6), PPBIO “Phytogeography of the
extreme climatic events, or to more disturbance (including Amazon-Cerrado Transition Zone” (457602/2012-0) and
seasonally flooded habitats), or both, will in general tend to FAPEMAT – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
be shorter at a given diameter in order to avoid risks of Mato Grosso (164131/2013). We also thank CNPq for
hydraulic and/or mechanical failure, whereas trees in forests research productivity grants to B.S. Marimon and B.H.
Marimon Junior, a post-doctoral scholarship to D. Nogueira,
with high rainfall, such as our FOA-01 and FOA-02, will have
and international doctoral grants to S.M.A. Reis and P.S.
greater heights and hence greater biomass. Morandi. We are also grateful to CAPES and FAPEMAT
Besides the correlation with the climatic variables, both for scholarships to S.M.A. Reis, P.S. Morandi, F. Elias, E.
height and the biomass of trees were positively correlated A. Oliveira and E.C. Neves.
with fragment area. This result may be related to the inci-
dence of wind in smaller fragments which have a higher
proportion of forest edge (D’Angelo et al. 2004; Laurance Disclosure statement
2004; Haddad et al. 2015). These disturbances are known to No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
be able to generate high mortality, especially of the tallest
trees (Laurance et al. 2000; Laurance 2004), and conse-
quently in our dataset such edge-generated disturbances Funding
may have affected the height and biomass of trees. We also thank the National Council for Scientific and
Elsewhere, local climatic changes as a result of fragmentation Technological Development (CNPq) for financial support of the
Climate and fragmentation affect forest structure 9

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