My Life Project: Estrategias para Potenciar La Estadia en El Extranjero

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Estrategias para potenciar la estadia en el


Name:Bryan Chingo
Teacher:Wilson Rojas



To achieve our goals in life, we must consider many things, the skills with
which we, our faults, our strengths, dreams, fears, all these are a set of
factors that always affect anything we do.
it should be emphasized that life a wonderful and ephemeral act which can
not waste, having a reference plan which guide our steps is the best option
we have to reach our goals, flourish as human beings and enjoy life with
confidence to know where I want to go and I have in this long journey.


The reason for this life project is that at this time during a stage full of options
that would improve my life, a vital point that will define me myself and my
now I will finish a stage of training that is adolescence, to introduce a full
responsibilities and obligations world, so the best way to address this issue is
to have a plan which guide them my upcoming steps, in which I may have of
refencia clarify what I really want for me based on the values and experince
I've had so far, and with these words give an anteroom to my life project.

General objective
create a plan of life based on self-knowledge and goals set at a short, medium
and long term

Specific objective
build a solid source of self-knowledge based on reflecting on oneself
highlight the capabilities and limitations that I have for these bases, guide my
define my goals to achieve

3.1 Who I am?
Question that simple should this force in our minds. "Who am I?", depart from
a biological perspective we are animals rations are limited in this world time,
then I am a person that you belong has this kind, someone who has a
delimited time here, a person who does not have a predicted future
I am a son, a brother, a student, a dreamer.
My name Gutavo Chingo Chuquitarco 17 years, born in the city of Latacunga,
I am a person who thinks this world can still change, we can find a better
world, we can do together and reach a more just society, the control that I
have compared this world is tiny yet, but I've always believed that knowledge
they accompanied love are the two ingredients you need to change the world.
3.2 Name the elements forming the self confidence / a
to number these elements is necessary to look back and divide them into two
groups which are in my opinion: the values and education learned throughout
all this time these groups .are very important that this form much of our
thinking and act and these help settle our confidence has therefore lodges
which are me:
respect: respect for others and even to yourself helps create bonds of trust
with others and with oneself
Love: When I love, I am able to trust
empathy: learning has to be in the shoes of another makes me able to trust
education: to have confidence that you believe and think it is necessary to
base knowledge since this can argue what you think and trust yourself
Experience: experienced give you the thing certain act a certain way, and if
you trust your actions

3.3 To be confident which elements must be present:

Trust, trust yourself and unsure of things you are doing, have strong ideals
which can support the things you do. self: self-knowledge is very important, do
an internal analysis of what you have, knowing that you possess, what are
your fears, your weaknesses, your weaknesses, all this will determine the way
you react to life
self-acceptance: recognizing your weaknesses, I think, is the most difficult
step of performing that recognize your weaknesses and shortcomings, seems
a sign of weakness but it is not.
Accept you is part of growing up. he general society by creating estuary rates
as one, and we played very hard not to be like that, we run from us, and we
lose security
Shyness aside: everyone have good experiences and bad, and the bad will
stress that based on these, many people stop believing in others, and are
isolated from other .se feel timid and do not give the opportunity to meet other,
4 .a concept map about "Know yourself"
4.1 description of concept map
The following table has four sections: my fears, my qualities, my dreams and
my faults.
Each of these continental information about I think

4.2 concept map

My fears are :decisions: decisions scares

me that you never know if you're right, a
decision could change your life in an
extreme form, and choosing is something
that puts me wrong.
death: these one of the most common fears
that the human being, not knowing that
there desoues death, so I prefer to think
that nothing exists.
the consequences of any act has a
consequence, and therefore are not as
predictable unpredictability .me terrified.

am pretentious
I have too much ego


My qualities aremy qualities:

reasoner: I like to think I'm a person
acting fit your reason and guided based
on what you believe.
loving: I transmit feelings are
legitimate and have always liked prove,
especially with my family
Visionary: I always like to think that
this world has many; osbilidades to
crrecer and get a golden age of
humanity, plus I have always embodied
a factor involved in this change
different: every human being is
different, but in my opinion there are
certain factors have contaminated many
people, I think not I belong "to those
many people"

My deams aremy dreams: I believe that man

has given importance to material things,
specifically the money, man ceases to feel
and love, changing it to be able to get more
tickets, why is defiled himself, this world is
full injustices, for this reason I have two
great goals in my life, one is to become
political since this can change things, and
the second is to be an engineer working for
the planet.
as I focus just one, that decision is harassing


5.1 description of PNI

This table sets, positive, negative and interesting things in my

5.2 illustration of PNI

the positive in my

my self-esteem

My attitude to my

My skills

My interests

is in a point

life are irreverent


I like the

fragil because
i Chingo
and positive



am far of my

since you only



family and this

life once for this



is hard

reason , I going


insomuch as my

to let the best of


family is a



center of

in my

interesting in my

,physic ans

cI am a person that
he can face any kind
of problem, but
always solved or at
least try to fix it, in a
very calm manner.
I have a soul artist
and poet.
I am very patient and
I am interesting to
talk about deep

I consider myself shy,

I'm not as tolerant of
people who are not
related to what I think
I do not like doing
things they like the
most people
I do not adapt so
quickly to things I do
not like
I am chosen

I am multifaceted, I
have many tastes for
different things, I like
to cook, read books
on philosophy,
spirituality and
politics, I like to
compose music, I like
to write poetry,
I would like one
simple life, being a
carpenter, farmer,
writer and musician
this will be effected,
when done my goal
No es correcto?

My intelligences
are very
importartan for
me bacause ,it
has opened me
and are at this
level essencial
for get my goals
My fears about my

My economic

The carreer that

. My vocation

next future, Do they

situation allows

I like is

breakdown in

limit me?let down to

me to afford the


personal pleasure

my mother.

career I want?

or mechanic


depends of the





carreer that I


and I can study

at:U.K. OR


6.1 illustration of P

7.what should I do with what i have

7.1 what you need to do to be a better person and know more?
Strengthen you (

Once you know your conceptual map, you PNI,

and your SQA, what you need to do to be a better person and know
strengthen you (esteem

modify your conduct. (Responsibility )

mature (living only)
remove ( seriousness

acquire ( more opinions of the other person

repair ( tolerance

8. My Life line

I was born iin


3 years: birth
of my sister

10 years :i feel
in love

11 years :i
president of my
schoo and y
met my best
teacher l

17 yearS
:enter to ESPE

4 years:enter
to kinder

5 years:enter to the

8 yearss :living
with my

7 years: my
parents' divorce

6 years:i meet
to evangelic

12 years:enter
to hight school

13 years :i met
firs my best

14 Years :i met my
best friends

17 years :i
alowed to GAR

16 years :the
birth of my
second sister

15 years ;i had my
seconf girlfriend

8.1 Analyze according to your timeline what kind of problems have hurt
most: the emotional or mental:
There are two things that really affected me negatively but I have a very
strong person, this is the divorce of my parents, when I was seven years old,
my mother and my parents had constant fights, we have a life of not having
such high pay our class, my sister and I had so much fear as the changes
came in a rough manner, I think the worst thing you can see is your mother
mourn and you so powerless not know do, were sad moments, I
comprehended the situation somewhat but see that your little sister do not
understand what happens .in the time I got to mature, stop thinking about
what I feel and I started to protect my sister, and my mother did not know to
do with his life, the following years were even stronger, since my mother alone
kept us, we went has live where my grand mother, she taught me the
simplicity of life that does not need much to be happy, my grandmother is a
peasant with great values.
that whole situation forged me as a man, but not quite as years later when I
was 15 old, my mother became pregnant, when we realized as I was 5
months pregnant, I always want to have another sister, when my second
sister was born, and came to our house, my mother fell into depression, again
not know what to do with his life. this was very strong that the misfortune that
had generated so far was fading, and the father of my youngest sister was not
present, then touched me take the role of homemaker and nurse since my
mother had a bad mental.and physical health and suffered much at this stage
but I always knew that my mother would recover that gave me strength to
overcome all this was my baby sister she is my greatest blessing, note that in
these stages stop believing in gods, and trust only in me.
8.2 Analyze, for each chronological hairline What prevailed most in your
life? The problems for your sake or problems unrelated to you. Write down
your answer here.
all the problems that happened to me is past, I never looked back and I do not
like to remember

8.3 Analyze, for each chronological hairline did you solve every
situation in your life?
Yes, why?
I solved all my problems, and I never hold a grudge against anyone because
the only one suffering am

8.4 According to your timeline:

you know you can do things?
I know the things that can arise from a need, am aware that I have potential
but creeo I can use it only in emergency situations
8.6 You know you have knowledge and experience to solve situations that
have occurred?
I consider my strength of character any problem can be solved
8.5 Is it worth what has happened in your life?
there is neither good nor bad experiences, only experiences that one can
learn something that can improve one.

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