Philips Guidelines
Philips Guidelines
Philips Guidelines
They must be used consistently on all products, packaging, advertising materials, stationery, business forms,
transportation, signage, etc., in accordance with the mandatory rules which are laid down in this section.
To ensure suitable prominence, the housemark configuration must appear in black on a background with a
tonal value lighter than 40%. It must appear in white on a background with a tonal value darker than 40%.
120%xP P
If you have questions, please call the Philips Branding Hotline at 1 800 642-9366.
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> For headlines and headings, use one of the following versions of Gill Sans typeface:
Gill Sans Bold
Gill Sans Condensed
Gill Sans Regular
> For body text, use one of the following versions of Garamond:
Garamond Semibold
Garamond Regular
> Capitals and italics should only be used for abbreviations or when extra emphasis of a few words
is essential.
> The body copy must be black on light colored backgrounds and white on darker colors.
> The headline may be white if required by the color of the underlying visual.
> The Company Blue is PANTONE® Process Blue.
If you have questions, please call the Philips Branding Hotline at 1 800 642-9366.
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incorrect usage
> To position Philips wordmark and/or shield emblem within a frame or on any background specially
created for it.
> To use more than one color in the Philips wordmark and/or shield emblem.
> To combine or incorporate the Philips wordmark and/or shield emblem or any part of them with, or in
any other, trademark, symbol, device, or emblem text.
> To create any new trademark, symbol, device, emblem, name, etc., in which the word Philips or any part
of it is incorporated, regardless of whether the word Philips is used in its standardized form or not.
For details on using Philips Promotional Signatures in your store’s promos, see Promotional Signatures section.
If you have questions, please call the Philips Branding Hotline at 1 800 642-9366.
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> The height of the shield emblem is 120% of the height of the wordmark.
> Align the top of the shield emblem with the top of the wordmark.
> The distance between the shield emblem and the wordmark is 2 times the height of the wordmark
(2x P), where 1x P equals the height of the Philips wordmark.
> The following must appear at the bottom of all documents. It is commonly referred to as the “Philips
smile.” See illustration below for placement and dimensions of smile, wordmark and shield emblem.
> When printing, the smile must bleed off the page.There should not be a margin around the smile.
> The housemark configuration in the Process Blue area should appear in white.
> The Philips wordmark and shield emblem are not to be used in any way other than as specified here.*
* For loose-leaf documents without a cover sheet which are intended for internal use only, the application of the housemark configuration is not mandatory.
If you have questions, please call the Philips Branding Hotline at 1 800 642-9366.
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When used with the housemark configuration, the theme line must have the same width as the configuration.
It must always be placed below the configuration, at a distance of 1x P from the baseline of the wordmark
as shown below.
1xP 1xP
The size of the housemark configuration and company theme line is measured over the width of the wordmark.
On all formats except extremely tall/narrow ones, the width of the wordmark (X) is determined by adding the
height (H) and width (W) of the advertising space and dividing the result by 12.
One of the main elements of the advertising approach and layout is the use of the company color Process
Blue together with a standardized color area.
housemark color
The housemark configuration in full color or spot color advertisements must appear in white on a
Process Blue background.
company typefaces
The main typeface is one of the following versions of Gill Sans typeface:
Gill Sans bold
Gill Sans bold condensed
Gill Sans regular
Gill Sans light
If you have questions, please call the Philips Branding Hotline at 1 800 642-9366.
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Clear zones, color and positioning rules must be followed when applying the housemark configuration.
Some frequently used sizes are shown below.
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Clear zones, color and positioning rules must be followed when applying the housemark configuration.
Some frequently used sizes are shown below.
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