Channel 4 Mini Style Guide

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Channel 4

Condensed Identity
Style Guide
The New Identity Logo Height
The new Channel 4 identity uses cutting edge technology to A3 Portrait 54 mm
push the brand into exciting new areas. The Identity Style A4 Portrait 40 mm
Guide has been developed to provide a comprehensive A4 Landscape 42 mm
understanding of the new Channel 4 identity. It describes how Brochure 44 mm
to correctly implement the new design elements off air, on air 210 Squared 38 mm
and online. The complete guide can be found at: A5 Portrait 34 mm
A5 Landscape 34 mm
The Logo For the first time in Channel
The print version of the logo is displayed on the right. 4’s history a bespoke
The Channel 4 logo has been designed to reproduce at a typeface has been designed
minimum height of 10 mm. There is no maximum to be used throughout the
reproduction size of the logo. The logo must never be redrawn, channel. It is called C4 and
adjusted or modified in any way. It should only be reproduced is available to be used in the
from the artwork provided. following weights:

Logo Position C4 Headline Regular

Channel 4 always places its logo in a distinctive centre right used with type box
position. This is unique to the channel and is therefore C4 Guides
instantly recognisable. used to create type boxes
around headlines
Isolation area
The Channel 4 logo should C4 Text Regular
always be surrounded by a C4 Text Italic
minimum area of space. C4 Medium
The area is defined by C4 Medium Italic
measuring a third of the C4 Text Bold
height of the logo. C4 Text Bold Italic

For example: C4 Condensed Regular

logo height = 10 mm C4 Condensed Italic
area of isolation = 3 mm C4 Condensed Bold
around all sides of the logo. C4 Condensed Bold Italic
Colour Pantone 5275 C70 M70 K45 R46 G31 B84
When placed over a
photograph or illustration Pantone 2602 C72 M98 R82 G5 B127
the colour of the logo may Pantone 207 M100 Y46 K23 R191 G3 B59
be taken from the image. Pantone 186 M96 Y65 K4 R240 G10 B54
Alternatively, the logo may
be black or white. Pantone 173 M76 Y84 K5 R237 G59 B33
Pantone 144 M59 Y100 R255 G105 B8
Channel 4 has a colour
Pantone 123 M22 Y90 R255 G199 B25
palette to avoid using
different versions of the Pantone 377 C52 Y100 K28 R89 G140 B20
same colour. Other colours Pantone 5545 C51 Y45 K59 R51 G82 B56
may be used where it is
appropriate to do so. Pantone 549 C57 K34 R74 G133 B148
Pantone 540 C100 M60 K65 R5 G23 B54
Channel 4 Pantone Black 6 C98 M40 K100 R0 G0 B0
The ‘four’ in Channel 4
should always be a numeral. Pantone Warm Grey 8 M12 Y18 K56 R112 G99 B87
The only exception to this Pantone Warm Grey 4 M6 Y12 K31 R176 G166 B150
rule is when the formal title
Pantone 538 C4 M1 K10 R219 G224 B227
Channel Four Television
Corporation is used. Pantone 621 C11 Y9 K2 R219 G238 B222

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