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SPSS Intermediate Understanding Your Data

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Intermediate IBM SPSS

Understanding Your Data

(Descriptive Statistics, Graphs
and Custom Tables)
Pawel Skuza
Statistical Consultant
eResearch@Flinders / Central Library

Pawel Skuza 2013

Please note that the workshop is aimed to be a brief

introduction to the topic and this PowerPoint is
primarily designed to support the flow of the
workshop. It cannot be seen as either an exclusive
or exhaustive resource on the statistical concepts
which are introduced in this course. You are
encouraged to refer to peer-reviewed books or
papers that are listed throughout the presentation.
It is acknowledged that a limited number of slides
have been adapted from presentations produced by
the previous statistical consultant (Kylie Lange) and
a colleague with whom I worked with in the past (Dr
Kelvin Gregory).
Pawel Skuza 2013

or go to Flinders
University Website
Index S

Introductory Level
Introduction to IBM SPSS
Introduction to Statistical Analysis
IBM SPSS - Intermediate Level
Understanding Your Data (Descriptive
Statistics, Graphs and Custom Tables)
Correlation and Multiple Regression
Logistic Regression and Survival
Basic Statistical Techniques for
Difference Questions
Advanced Statistical Techniques
for Difference Questions
Longitudinal Data Analysis Repeated Measures ANOVA
Categorical Data Analysis
IBM SPSS - Advanced Level
Structural Equation Modelling using Amos
Linear Mixed Models
Longitudinal Data Analysis - Mixed and
Latent Variable Growth Curve Models
Scale Development
Complex Sample Survey Design / ABS and
FaHCSIA Confidentialised Datasets

Pawel Skuza 2013

What you will learn:

Summarising categorical and continuous
Working with 'Custom Tables' Module
Using graphs to describe and explore the
Assessing normality and outliers
Dealing with missing data
Use of syntax
Pawel Skuza 2013

??? SPSS / PASW / IBM SPSS ???

In late 2009 SPSS Inc. was taken over by IBM Company
and the software changed its official name twice over the
period of one year. From SPSS it was relabelled to PASW
(Predictive Analytics Software) and later to IBM SPSS.
Consequently, there may be books, online resources, etc.
that use either of those different names but in fact refer to
the same software.

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

Predictive Analytics Software

IBM SPSS Statistics

Pawel Skuza 2013


(1) How to

(2) How to cite?

(Examples with APA Style)

SPSS Inc. Released 2007. SPSS for Windows,

Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc.
SPSS Inc. Released 2008. SPSS Statistics for
Windows, Version 17.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
SPSS Inc. Released 2009. PASW Statistics for
Windows, Version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.
IBM Corp. Released 2010. IBM SPSS Statistics
for Windows, Version 19.0. Armonk, NY: IBM
IBM Corp. Released 2011. IBM SPSS Statistics
for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk, NY: IBM
IBM Corp. Released 2012. IBM SPSS Statistics
for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY: IBM

Pawel Skuza 2013

IBM SPSS on Flinders University

Flinders University has licence for number of IBM SPSS products
(versions 19, 20, 21) covering following modules:
IBM SPSS Statistics Base
IBM SPSS Regression
IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics
IBM SPSS Complex Samples
IBM SPSS Categories
IBM SPSS Exact Tests
IBM SPSS Missing Values
IBM SPSS Forecasting
IBM SPSS Custom Tables
IBM SPSS Conjoint
IBM SPSS Statistics Programmability Extension
and AMOS

For details explaining various modes of obtaining access to the

software go to
Pawel Skuza 2013

What is Statistics ?
statistics (st -t s t ks)
1. (used with a sing. verb) The mathematics of the collection, organization,
and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population
characteristics by inference from sampling.
2. (used with a pl. verb) Numerical data.

Harvard President Lawrence Lowell wrote in 1909 that statistics,

"like veal pies, are good if you know the person that made them,
and are sure of the ingredients".

Pawel Skuza 2013

Levels of Measurement and Measurement Scales

Differences between
measurements, true
zero exists

Height, Age, Weekly

Food Spending

Interval Data

Differences between
measurements but no
true zero

Temperature in Celsius,
Standardized exam

Ordinal Data

Ordered Categories
(rankings, order, or

Nominal Data

Categories (no ordering

or direction)

Ratio Data

Service quality rating,

Student letter grades

Marital status, Type of

car owned, Gender/Sex

Pawel Skuza 2013

Data can be dirty

Incomplete data

Real World Data

Missing attributes
Missing attribute values
Only aggregated data

Inconsistent data

Different coding
Different naming conventions
Impossible values
Out-of-range values

Noisy data
Inaccurate values

Need to pre-process the data before using for analysis

Pawel Skuza 2013

Common Data Entry Errors

Wrong data but within range
The marital status of married person is entered as a
Both single and married are legal
This type of errors checked by using double entry method

Wrong data and out of range

If 1 stands for male and 2 stands for female, then the
value of 3 represents erroneous data
Frequency distribution procedures flagged these

Pawel Skuza 2013

Common Data Entry Errors

False logic( Consistency )
A 25 years old respondent is reported as having
experience of government service in 30 years.

Missing data
Missing data codes for items such as Not applicable
and refuse to answer have not been pre coded in
the questionnaire, even though they should have
Need to find these cases replace with the appropriate
data code
8=refuse to answer
Pawel Skuza 2013

Screening and cleaning the data

Exercise 1
Data set describing the survival status of
individual passengers on the Titanic. More
information about the data can be found in here:
Use Save file as option
My data_2008_08_19,
My data_2008_08_20

Keeping diary of undertaken analyses - Syntax

Pawel Skuza 2013

Descriptive statistics
Summarising and presenting data
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion or Variability

Pawel Skuza 2013

Central Tendency
To summarise the location of a

Pawel Skuza 2013

Measures of Central Tendency

Three common measures
The mode of a data set is the value that occurs with the most

The median is the central of an ordered distribution
Order the data from smallest to largest
For an odd number of data values in the distribution
Median=middle value of the data
For an even number of data values in the distribution
Median=(sum of the middle two values)/2

(Arithmetic) mean or average

Mean is the sum of all the entries divided by the number of
Pawel Skuza 2013

Trimmed Mean
The trimmed mean is produced by discarding
the most extreme values
In SPSS, the trimmed mean is calculated by
discarding the top and bottom 5% of the cases

The Trimmed Mean procedure is available

through the Explore procedure
If the Trimmed Mean and Mean are similar it
suggests that there are few, if any, influential

Pawel Skuza 2013

Measures of Central Tendency

Arithmetic Mean
Trimmed Mean

Pawel Skuza 2013

To summarise the spread or dispersion
of a distribution
Low variability => scores are similar
High variability => scores differ
Interquartile range (IQR)
Standard deviation / Variance

Pawel Skuza 2013

The Limitation of Point Estimates

The sample median and sample mean
estimate the corresponding center points of a
Such estimates are called point estimates

Pawel Skuza 2013


Two definitions used
Exclusive range
Xmax Xmin
This is the most commonly used way of
calculating the range

Pawel Skuza 2013

Deviation Score
The arithmetic mean uses information about every

A good measure of variation should also

summarize how much each observation
deviates from the measure of central tendency
The deviation score is the distance a score is
from the arithmetic mean

di X i X
Pawel Skuza 2013


Variance and Standard Deviation

The variance is the mean squared deviation
from the average
There are two formulas
One for populations
One for samples

n 1


n 1

Pawel Skuza 2013

Variance and Standard Deviation

The sample variance formula has the (N-1) divisor
This produces an unbiased estimate of the population

The standard deviation is the positive square root of

the variance



n 1

n 1

Pawel Skuza 2013


Quartiles and Percentiles

The distribution can be divided into four equal
Based upon the cases

First quartile (Q1) is the 25th percentile
25% or one quarter of the cases fall below this score

Second quartile is the 50th percentile or median

50% or one quarter of the cases fall below this score

Third quartile is the 75th percentile

75% or one quarter of the cases fall below this score

Pawel Skuza 2013

Revision: Box and Whisker Plot

Upper Whisker = maximum is 1.5 times
interquartile range from third quartile

Third Quartile (Q3)=75th Percentile

Median = 50th Percentile

Interquartile Range

First Quartile (Q1)=25th Percentile

Lower Whisker = maximum is 1.5 times

interquartile range from first quartile

Pawel Skuza 2013


Outliers are observations that deviate
significantly from the majority of observations
Outliers can lead to
Model misspecification
Biased parameter estimation
Incorrect analysis results

Pawel Skuza 2013

How to report?
Altman, D. G. (1980). Statistics and ethics in
medical research. VI - Presentation of results.
British Medical Journal, 281(6254), 15421544.
Lang, T. A., & Secic, M. (2006). How to report
statistics in medicine : annotated guidelines
for authors, editors, and reviewers (2nd ed.).
New York: American College of Physicians.
Thabane, L., & Akhtar-Danesh, N. (2008).
Guidelines for reporting descriptive statistics
in health research. Nurse researcher, 15(2),
Whitley, E., & Ball, J. (2002). Statistics review
1: Presenting and summarising data. Critical
Care, 6(1), 66-71.
Pawel Skuza 2013


Reproduced from Morgan, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., & Barrett, K. C. (2007).
SPSS for introductory statistics : use and interpretation (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence

Pawel Skuza 2013

Summary Statistics
Categorical variables in SPSS
Analyse > Descriptive Statistics
Frequencies (Statistics: quartiles,
Explore (median, percentiles)

Bar chart

Pawel Skuza 2013


Summary Statistics
Continuous variables in SPSS
Analyse > Descriptive Statistics

Graphs in Explore
Pawel Skuza 2013

Exercise 2
Describing categorical data
Summarising continuous data
Data Exercise_2.sav
Simplified data from PISA 2003 Study - Australia
(The Programme for International Students Assessment)


Pawel Skuza 2013


Exercise 3
Checking Normality
Data Exercise_3.sav --- Sample of
Chicago high schools
Research question Are variables Average
class size, Reading at national norm %,
Limited English % normally distributed?

Pawel Skuza 2013

A lot of statistical tests and methods are based
around the normal distribution assumption
Often skewness and heterogeneity of variances is
a problem

Allows the use of standard methods
Allows the use of more powerful methods

Converts measurements into a foreign unit

Using statistical nonparametric tests may be

an alternative
Pawel Skuza 2013



Pawel Skuza 2013

Exercise 4
Missing Values Analysis
Data Exercise_4.sav --- Sample of
passengers from the Titanic

Pawel Skuza 2013


Dealing with Missing Data

Handling missing data
Ignore record (not advisable)
Fill in with attribute mean or median (not
Fill in with most likely value based upon
imputation process (various approaches
available see below references for
more information)

Pawel Skuza 2013

Missing Data - References

Abraham, W. T., & Russell, D. W. (2004). Missing data: A review of current methods and
applications in epidemiological research. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 17(4), 315-321.
Allison, P. D. (2003). Missing Data Techniques for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 112(4), 545-557.
Baraldi, A. N., & Enders, C. K. (2010). An introduction to modern missing data analyses.
Journal of School Psychology, 48(1), 5-37.
Buhi, E. R., Goodson, P., & Neilands, T. B. (2008). Out of sight, not out of mind: Strategies
for handling missing data. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32(1), 83-92.
Enders, Craig K. (2010). Applied missing data analysis. New York: Guilford Press.
Everitt, Brian. (2003). Missing Values, Drop-outs, Compliance and Intention-to-Treat. In B.
Everitt (Ed.), Modern medical statistics : A practical guide (pp. 46-66). London: Arnold
Fitzmaurice, Garrett. (2008). Missing data: implications for analysis. Nutrition, 24(2), 200202. doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.nut.2007.10.014
McKnight, Patrick E. (2007). Missing data : a gentle introduction. New York: Guilford Press.
Peugh, J. L., & Enders, C. K. (2004). Missing data in educational research: A review of
reporting practices and suggestions for improvement. Review of Educational Research,
74(4), 525-556.
Streiner, D. L. (2002). The case of the missing data: Methods of dealing with dropouts and
other research vagaries. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 47(1), 68-75.

Pawel Skuza 2013


Time permitting
Additional Exercises 5 & 6
Multiple Response Set
Data Exercise_5.sav
Merging files
Merge ITEMS_1.sav
Merge ITEMS_2.sav

Pawel Skuza 2013

SPSS BOOKS (Hard copies)

Chapter 3 in Allen, Peter James, & Bennett, Kellie. (2012). SPSS
statistics : a practical guide : version 20. South Melbourne, Vic.:
Cengage Learning Australia.
Chapters 3, 4, 9,10,11 in Argyrous, George. (2011). Statistics for
research : with a guide to SPSS (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.
Chapter 2 in Landau, Sabine, & Everitt, Brian. (2004). A handbook of
statistical analyses using SPSS. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Chapters 4 & 5 in Kinnear, Paul R., & Gray, Colin D. (2009). PASW
statistics 17 made simple (replaces SPSS statistics 17). London ; New
York: Psychology Press.
Chapters 4 & 5 in in Field, Andy P. (2009). Discovering statistics using
SPSS : (and sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll) (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE
Chapters 4, 5, 7, 9 & Appendix A - Noruis, M. J. (2008). SPSS 16.0 [or
later versions] Guide to Data Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Pawel Skuza 2013


SPSS BOOKS (Online copies)

Hard copies and online versions
Chapters 5, 6, 7 in Pallant, Julie. (2010). SPSS survival manual a step
by step guide to data analysis using SPSS (4th ed.). Maidenhead: Open
University Press/McGraw-Hill.
Chapters 3, 4 in Morgan, George A. (2011). IBM SPSS for introductory
statistics : use and interpretation (4th ed.). New York: Routledge.
Online versions
Chapter 5 in Bryman, Alan, & Cramer, Duncan. (2011). Quantitative data
analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 & 19 : a guide for social scientists. Hove
; New York: Routledge.
Chapters 5 & 6 in Marston, Louise. (2010). Introductory statistics for
health and nursing using SPSS. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Chapter 3 in Larson-Hall, Jenifer. (2010). A guide to doing statistics in
second language research using SPSS
THEORY - Marsh, Catherine, & Elliott, Jane. (2008). Exploring data : an
introduction to data analysis for social scientists (2nd ed.). Cambridge ; Malden,
Mass.: Polity.
Pawel Skuza 2013

SPSS Help and Resources

SPSS has a range of help options
Used to find specific information

Find illustrated, step-by-step
instructions for the basic features

Case studies
Hands-on examples of various types of
statistical procedures

Statistics coach
To help you find the procedure you
want to use

And manuals available online http://www01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?u


Pawel Skuza 2013


SPSS Online tutorials and resources

(!!! Please keep in mind that usually online resources are not academically peer
reviewed. Despite many of them being of high quality as well as being very useful
from educational point of view, they shouldnt be treated as a completely reliable
and academically sound references)
- Statnotes: Topics in Multivariate Analysis, by G. David Garson
- UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education - SPSS Starter Kit
- Getting Started with SPSS for Windows by John Samuel, Indiana
- Companion Website for the 3rd edition of Discovering Statistics Using
SPSS by Andy Field
- SPSS for Windows and Amos tutorials by Information Technology
Services, University of Texas
- Journey in Survey Research by John Hall

Pawel Skuza 2013

SPSS Help and Resources


(!!! Please keep in mind that usually online resources are not academically peer
reviewed. Despite many of them being of high quality as well as being very useful
from educational point of view, they shouldnt be treated as a completely reliable
and academically sound references.

!!! Suggestions / Guidance found on forums should be especially

treated very doubtfully, yet they may point to more reliable academic
resources and be somewhat of help.

Archives of [email protected]
List Serve that is endorsed by IBM SPSS
Other forums
Pawel Skuza 2013


Please provide us with your feedback by
completing the short survey.

Pawel Skuza 2013


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