Application of Pscad-Emtp-Phase Shifter Modeling PDF

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Chapter 5: Transformers

The winding connections for each transformer are shown.

The winding turns for each winding and is proportional to
the number indicated (kV rating of the winding). The core on
which each winding is wound is defined by the angle of
alignment depicted in the diagram.
The AC side windings are wound to provide a 7.5o phase


Phase shifting transformers can be assembled in PSCAD using
multi-winding single phase transformers. This requires that the
winding connections be known. Tap changers can be applied to
effect a variable phase shift. If core modeling is a requirement,
the advantage of the UMEC three phase transformer with its core
modeling capability is of limited benefit because each winding
end cannot be brought out for connections. If the actual phase
shifter is constructed with a three limb core, a fictitious delta
winding may need to be added in the model built from single
phase units to obtain the correct zero sequence effects.
As an example, converters with 24 pulse or higher employ phase
shift transformers. Consider a 24 pulse converter transformer
comprised of two similar 12 pulse converter transformers, one
phase shifted +7.5 and the other phase shifter 7.5.
Each 12 pulse transformer is assembled in single-phase units from
the UMEC four winding model in the Transformers Page in the
Master Library. The connections are made as shown above with
the star primary windings in series.












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More complex winding arrangements might

require more than four coupled windings, which
is not available in the Master Library. Contact
[email protected] if you have a need for more
coupled windings.

Leakage reactance is best checked by undertaking a simulated

short circuit test. Apply a short circuit to the secondary windings with small resistances and determine the p.u. transformer
short circuit reactance as calculated from the measured voltages.
Adjust the transformer leakage reactance until the desired short
circuit reactance is observed by short circuit test.
Other types of complex transformers, such as 6-phase and zig-zag
transformers, can also be built by assembling single-phase units.


Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC

Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC

Hermann W. Dommel, Transformer Models in the

Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients, 5th Power
Systems Computation Conference, Cambridge, England,
Sept 1-5, 1975.

2. W. Enright, O.B. Nayak, G.D. Irwin, J. Arrillaga, An

Electromagnetic Transients Model of Multi-limb
Transformers Using Normalized Core Concept,
Proceedings of IPST97 International Conference on
Power System Transients, Seattle, June 22-26, 1997, pp

5.1 Load example case Example5.1.psc which is the case
of a DC current saturation test with a Y-Y winding
conguration and a UMEC three limbed core. Start
the case with 0.1 kA of DC current in the neutral and
conrm the transformer does not saturate. Change to a
5 limbed core and repeat the test. Build the transformer
from single phase units for a Y-Y winding conguration
of the same 3 phase rating as the UMEC model using the
general transformer model. Repeat the test with 0.1 kA
in the transformer neutral showing saturation. Design a
third delta winding to represent a 3 limb core and repeat
the test and compare with the UMEC test with a 3 limb
5.2 With example case Example5.1.psc studied above for
the Y-Y winding conguration, observe the harmonics
detected in the primary windings of the transformer
(winding #1). Make note of the 3rd harmonic level.
Change the secondary winding to a winding and
repeat the test with all other parameters remaining
equal. Was any 3rd harmonic detected and why?
5.3 Load example case Example5.3.psc which is a case to
energize a transformer with remanence setting. With the
circuit breaker initially closed, and the remanence at zero
in each phase, ramp the source volts up slowly (change
the Three Phase Source parameter Voltage Input Time
Constant on the data entry sheet) and observe what the
peak ux linkages are in reference to the 230 kV winding
(#1). Is this level expected? Return the breaker to close
at 0.5 second, and the Voltage Input Time Constant
to 0.05 seconds, and adjust the remanence initializing
current sources until a maximum inrush current on one
of the phases is observed. Do not take the remanence
above 0.8 p.u. of rated ux. Adjust the In rush decay
time constant in the saturation data sheet of the
transformer model to 0.0, thus removing any articial
inrush current damping, and observe response.

Applications of PSCAD/EMTDC

Connection of six four-winding single-phase UMEC

transformers for 24 pulse converter application.


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