Design of Antiwindup AVR For Synchronous Generator Using Matlab Simulation
Design of Antiwindup AVR For Synchronous Generator Using Matlab Simulation
Design of Antiwindup AVR For Synchronous Generator Using Matlab Simulation
Design of Antiwindup AVR for Synchronous Generator
Using Matlab Simulation
Abdelelah Kh. Mahmmod
Elect. Eng. Dept. /College of Engineering/ University of Mousl
Automatic voltage regulator AVR is designed for synchronous generator utilizing anti
windup PI controller, to keep the terminal voltage of the generator to the rated value. The
simulation of the synchronous generator is done using Matlab instructions which based on d-q
axes models and the designed AVR as anti wind up PI controller. The results shows when an
inductive load is applied to the generator the terminal voltage drops , the AVR is automatically
increasing the excitation to get rid of this the disturbance as fast as possible.
Keyword: Anti windup PI, AVR, Synchronous generator.
-,.=!_. i.\=\ ->!_>\ .\=\!-,.\\! ,=.= ,,=.
,!.>.=\, _>.\=\! _ -.=.\!
.=>= _> -\{! .,=
-,.\,_:\! -=..\! ,= / -=..\! -,\: / =\! -=\
_>,.'=.' -,.\ ,=.= ,,==. .=,\ .= _ ,. (AVR) _.,, .'=>\ .'==\ _\='>. _,='.. =,== ,.=.=',
-..=\ -=,\ _\= _.=.\ .\=\\ =. -,.\ . _.\= .'...=.', ,>.'=\ .'=, ,.=.=', -,.=.\ .\=\ -=.=. ,.
-=>\ .'== _\='>. _,='.. -,.\ ,=.= _= .='=.=\ '==\ _'=' . _='.= _.'.== == =,\=. ..= -.' _,,. g.'..\
.\\ -=, _' .\=\ _\= ==\\ ,=. .,, ',>,.'=.' -,.\\ ,=.= =,,. _=\ ..= -, Exciter ..= _.= _\=.,
,= _=, =,,\ .
-,>\.=\! =\=\:\! : -=>\ .'== _\='>. _,='.. =,== -,.=. .\= _>,.'=.' -,.\ ,=.= .
Received 11 Oct. 2007 Accepted 25 June 2008
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.17 No.3 June 2009
1. Introduction:
One of the major auxiliary parts of the synchronous generator is the automatic voltage
regulator AVR. The role the of AVR is to regulate the terminal voltage of the synchronous
generator whenever any drop in terminal voltage occurs due to sudden or accident change in
loading or at any fault occurrence. The AVR also improves the transient stability of the power
system. The function of the AVR is to compare a reference voltage V
with a sensed and stepped
down transformed and rectified terminal voltage V
or the error signal:
, )
t r
V V t e =
The excitation to the field winding of the generator will be function of the error voltage.
The excitation system controls the generated EMF of the generator and therefore controls not
only the output voltage but the power factor and current magnitude, as well.
The excitation control of synchronous generator is needed for stability of overall system
and compensating the decrease in terminal voltage. The RMS output terminal voltage of a
generator is proportional to the field excitation and may be represented as:
, )
V f N ,Z, = | , (1)
where N
is the speed of the prime mover, Z is the effective number of winding turns in
each phase and| is the flux per pole. The flux | is dependent on the field current I
. The relation
of the field current I
and the flux| is not linear all over the operating range. The field current is a
direct function of the DC voltage (V
) applied across the field winding. The generator output
voltage my be represented as:
, )
RMS S out
V f N ,Z, V = (2)
For an ac generator, the supply frequency is kept constant by keeping the prime mover
speed constant by using a governor. From (2) it is evident that terminal voltage depends upon the
field dc supply (V
). There are various types of excitation system and controllers. The applied
control methods for these types may be realized as analog or digital. The excitation of
synchronous generator to field winding has the form of:
(1) A DC generator driven by either steam turbine [prime mover] mounted on the same
shaft of the generator or AC induction generator with high frequency.
(2) Static exciters which are solid-state devises widely used now days. These devices may
consist of some form of rectifier bridge on the rotor, or thyristor bridge type with firing
angle controlled. Other types are Chopper type excitation with triggering to the base of
the power transistor. The main power for the system is supplied either from the AC bus
of the generator, which called self excited or from pilot exciter.
The speed response of the AVR is of great interest in studying the performance and stability
of system. Because of the high inductance in the generator field winding, it is difficult to make
rapid changes in field current. This introduces a considerable lag in the control function and is
one of the major obstacles to be overcome in designing a regulator system.
1.1 Review of Publications:
The original report which published by IEEE committee recommended four types of AVR
structures and for different and various synchronous generators machines [1]. Then, later many
researchers and designers worked on it as computer program simulation for AVR realization
[2,3,4]. The excitation of synchronous generator becomes with great interest of researchers and
they implement power electronic devices like thyristors bridge or choppers [5,6,7]. The AVR
Abdelelah : Design of Antiwindup AVR for Synchronous Generator Using Matlab
may be realized as analog circuits [8,9] or digitally realized[10]. Another role of the AVR is to
stabilize system at occurrence of any disturbances [11].
In this work the synchronous generator is simulated with Matlab and an AVR is designed in
the form of anti windup PI controller to eliminate saturation of the exciter and realized as analog
circuit configuration controller and as a digital controller.
2. Simulation of Synchronous Generator:
The synchronous generator is modeled on the base of direct and quadrate axes for sub
transient generated voltages E|" and for armature current in the direct and quadrate axes Id, Iq
which is shown in Fig. (1) by simulation with Matlab[12].
Fig. (1a, b)
Simulation for Synchronous Generator Using Direct and Quadrate Axes
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.17 No.3 June 2009
2.1 Identification of Transfer Functions:
The inductive load is applied at time 0.5 sec. with the speed of synchronous generator is
assumed constant value. The transient response for the terminal voltage and current is shown in
Fig. (2). From the transient response, the time constant can be found by calculating the time t
when the voltage reaches 63% of the final value or 37% of its final value for the decaying
transient response. The transfer function is identified as:
, )
1 s
s G
+ t
= , Where t =1.7 sec. and K
is the final DC value. In this case it is unity
because per unit is used.
Fig. (2)
Transient Response for the Terminal Voltage (V
) Armature Current, I
, Filed Current I
Terminal voltage Vt (PU)
Armature Current Ia (PU)
Field Current I
Time in Second
Abdelelah : Design of Antiwindup AVR for Synchronous Generator Using Matlab
2.2 Simulation of Exciter:
The exciter is simulated as a transfer function between the applied excitation voltage and
the current which generate the EMF in the winding. The model is given as:
, )
1 s 1 . 0
s G
= (3)
This is the transfer function of the block diagram after PI controller and before synchronous
generator block in Fig. (3).
3. Design of PI Control AVR:
The overall block diagram representation of the generator and exciter and the controller is
shown in Fig. (3), when the terminal voltage is compared with reference voltage which generates
the error signal.
, ) , ) , ) t v t r t e = , then the PI controller output is given in Laplass transform as:
(s) =Kp E(s) +K
/ s E(s) (4)
The transfer functions of the PI controller given as:
, )
, )
i i
K 1 T s
G s
E(s) s
= = , where Kp, Ki are constants, T
/ K
The design method is to find K
, T
, K
for a desired specification.
1. Fast rise time t
=0.7 sec.
2. Fast settling time t
=1.7 sec.
3. Lower maximum overshoot =13%.
The tool which is used in this work is designing by SISO tool in Matlab shown in
Fig. (4). In this method is the plant transfer function is given in the work space by Matlab
instruction given below.
=tf ([0 1], [1.7 1]); G
=tf ([0 1], [0.1 1]); C =tf ([kp kd.T], [1 0])
=Series (G
, G
); Sisotool (G
The PI controller designed by giving the unknown PI controller parameters in the UGI
shown in Fig (4) as block C.
The values of Kp, Ki and Ti are chosen to achieve a satisfied performance specification.
Fig. (3): Overall Simulation of Synchronous Generator, Exciter, Controller
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.17 No.3 June 2009
4. Anti windup PI Controller:
The process to avoid saturation of the exciter that introduced from large value of integration
error from integrator part of PI controller is called integrator wind up. To eliminate it anti windup
is used. Several ways to avoid integrator windup one possibility is to stop updating the integral
when exciter is saturated. Another method, where extra feedback path is provided by measuring
the exciter output and forming an error signal as difference between the exciter output U
and the
controller output V and feeding this error back to the integrator through gain
. The error signal
is zero when actuator is not saturated. But when the actuator is saturated the extra feedback path
tries to make the error signal equal to zero. This means that the integrator is rest, so that the
controller output is at the saturation limit. The integrator is thus rested to appropriate value with
time constant T
., which is called tracking time constant. This method for anti windup can be
applied also for actuator with arbitrary characteristics, such as dead zero or hysterics. If the
actuator output is not measured, the actuator can be modeled in the controller output and the
equivalent signal can be generated from model to reset the integrator.
The antiwindup AVR shown in Fig. (5), the exciter saturation is modeled in the controller
by cascading it with output of PI controller. The difference between the output of saturation
model and its input is feedback to the controller with gain
= . The overall antiwindup PI
controller shown in Fig. (3), the role of AVR is to regulate the terminal of voltage whenever any
drop occurs. It is shown that a load is applied suddenly at 0.5 sec., the terminal voltage is
regulated during about 1.7 sec. automatically as shown in Fig. (6).
Fig. (5): Anti windup PI Controller Fig. (4): UGI SISO Design Tool
Abdelelah : Design of Antiwindup AVR for Synchronous Generator Using Matlab
Fig. (6)
Transient Response of the Closed Loop System with AVR
at Load in 0.5 Sec.
Terminal voltage Vt (PU)
Armature Current Ia (PU)
Field Current I
Time in Second
Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.17 No.3 June 2009
5. Realization of the PI Controller:
Realization of anti windup controller may be analogue or digital. The analog can be realized
by operational amplifiers OPAMP configuration shown in Fig. (7).While the digital one can be
realized by uses of interfacing or data acquisition system (DAQ) to inter data to the-computer
or -controller. The role of DAQ is to inter the sensed data as a word and the -computer
performs the given anti windup controller, by programming the algorithm of PI controller with
antiwindup. The digital block diagram of the anti windup PI controller AVR given in figure (8) in
which the integration is performed by trapezoidal method where T is sample time period, kp, ki is
the PI parameter of the controller which is designed by sisootool.
The anti windup digital PI controller is performed with given algorithm:
, ) , ) , ) , )
K T 1
U(k) U k 1 K e(k) e k e k 1 m k
2 T
= + +
Where m(k) is the difference between the input and output of the modeled saturation
The actuator saturation is realized as software, and the input to the saturation is saved and
compared with the output of the saturation characteristic, and the difference m(k) is negatively
feedback through the integration by gain
therefore the integrator resets when the difference
m(k) is not equal to zero
Fig. (8): Digital Block Diagram of Anti Windup PI Control
Fig. (7) Realization of Anti Windup Analog Controller with OPAMP Configuration
Abdelelah : Design of Antiwindup AVR for Synchronous Generator Using Matlab
6. Results and Conclusions:
The synchronous generator was modeled by Matlab instructions on the base of direct
and quadrate axes. The inductive load was applied to the generator at 0.5 sec the AVR
regulates the terminal voltage by increasing the excitation automatically with fast rise time
and short settling time. When the parameter of PI controller is changed the transient response
will be oscillatory and take long time to improve terminal voltage, the anti windup is used to
reset the controller integrator when the actuator is saturated. The anti windup can be used for
elimination of other forms of non linearity like dead zone and hysteresis and others.
7. References:
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2- G. M. Pavlov, G. V. Merkurbev. "Automatica in Energy System". C. Peterburg 2001.
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5- Muhammad H. Rashid, "Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications".
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11- P. M. Anderson and A. A. Fouad, "Power System Control and Stability", IEEE Press,
12- "SIMULINK Dynamic System Simulation for MATLAB", The Mathworks Inc., 2000.
The work was carried out at the college of Engg. University of Mosul