Abstract Template - Sample: Guide Lines For Submission of Abstracts
Abstract Template - Sample: Guide Lines For Submission of Abstracts
Abstract Template - Sample: Guide Lines For Submission of Abstracts
HEADING: Times New Roam 14, Upper Case Bold, Single Line Spacing
2 Blank lines with 9 font
In the present work, investigations are made to study heat transfer and friction characteristics for forced convection
flow of air in solar air heater rectangular duct with artificial roughness on the absorber plate. Correlations for the
Stanton number and friction factor have been developed as a function of geometrical parameters of roughness
elements and flow Reynolds number for both smooth and roughened absorber plate rectangular ducts. By using
these correlations, effect of various parameters on heat transfer and friction in solar air heater duct with roughness
on absorber plate is determined and compared with that of smooth one under similar flow conditions.
Keywords: Heat Transfer, Artificial Roughness, Ribbed Absorber Surface, Solar Air Heater
The last date for submitting full text of paper is 15 July, 2015
Full text of the selected papers should be submitted in English only
Paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word document form
It should be in an A4 format with 2.5 cm margins Left, Right, Top and Bottom
Use Times New Roman style for the text
All text paragraphs should be single spaced, with first line indented by 10 mm
Page numbers should be incorporated with right alignment
Paper should contain the following components:a. Title of the Paper (Font size 16 in Times New Roman, Bold)
b. Authors details: Names, (Font size 14), Affiliation, Email (Font size 11 italic)
c. Abstract (Maximum 300 words, Font size 11)
d. Keywords (Max 6 words, italic, Font size 10)
e. Introduction (Font size 12)
f. Content of Paper (Font size 12)
g. Conclusion (around 200 words, Font size 12)
h. References (Alphabetical order of the Authors, Font size 11)
i. Tables and Figures in the paper if any, should be numbered separately j. Figures having
graphs, etc should have a legend inserted in it
9. Total paper can be of 5 to 10 pages (Maximum 3000 Words)
10. Papers should be submitted through Email only to the ITC 2015 Conference at papers@techcongress.net
Please note that the papers presented at the Conference will be published in a CD format. Therefore, the
authors are requested to adhere to the above formatting guidelines while submitting their papers. Please
see the template (Annexure 1) for immediate reference.
Template for Submission of Full Text of Accepted Abstracts
Content of Paper
Conclusion: around 200 words
Paper size: A4 (210x290 mm)
47 mm (1.85)
Bottom 47 mm (1.85)
32 mm (1.26)
32 mm (1.26)
Header & Footer
0 mm (0)
Print area:
146 x 203 mm (5.75 x 8)