Getting Started With MariaDB - Second Edition - Sample Chapter
Getting Started With MariaDB - Second Edition - Sample Chapter
Second Edition
MariaDB is a database that has become very popular
in the few short years that it has been around. It does
not require a big server or expensive support contract.
It is also powerful enough to be the database of choice
for some of the biggest and most popular websites in
the world, taking full advantage of the latest computing
hardware available.
$ 24.99 US
16.99 UK
Daniel Bartholomew
Second Edition
C o m m u n i t y
D i s t i l l e d
E x p e r i e n c e
Daniel Bartholomew
In addition to this book, he has also written MariaDB Cookbook, Packt Publishing,
and dozens of articles for various magazines, including The Linux Journal, Linux
Pro, Ubuntu User, and Tux. He became involved with the MariaDB project shortly
after it began in early 2009 and continues to be involved to this day. He currently
works for MariaDB, Inc. and splits his time between managing MariaDB releases,
documentation, and maintaining various bits and pieces that keep the MariaDB
project running smoothly.
Databases are all around us. Almost every website we visit and nearly every store we
shop at has a database (or several) working quietly behind the scenes. The same goes
for banks, hospitals, government agencies, theaters, doctors, hospitals, amusement
parks, and police departments. All use databases to store, sort, and analyze their own
particular information.
This information comes in many forms and can be anything that can be stored
electronically inside a computer. This includes books, catalogs, addresses, names,
dates, finances, pictures, money, passwords, documents, preferences, tweets, posts,
likes, blogs, articles, and much more. Databases are one of the foundational pillars
of the modern electronic world.
Your posts on Facebook and tweets on Twitter are stored in a database. All your
financial information in your bank is stored in a database. Your purchase history at
your favorite online retailer is too. How about your progress in your favorite online
game? You guessed it. What about the record of when you last paid your water bill?
That too! You just can't get away from databases. They are, quite literally, everywhere.
There is a new database that has caught the attention of the database community over
the past few years like few others have. First released in 2009, its name is MariaDB
named after the youngest daughter of its creator, Michael "Monty" Widenius.
MariaDB may be younger than the databases it is often compared with, but it has a
stellar parentage. It's a next-generation evolution of the popular MySQL database,
also created by Monty (you may have heard of it, but don't worry if you haven't).
MariaDB is open source. This means that the source code is freely downloadable
and is governed by a license that helps ensure the source code stays free and open
to all. The MariaDB developers have also kindly provided installers for various
operating systems.
Since its first release, MariaDB has gained a large, loyal following faster than almost
any other database. Today, it powers tens of thousands of websites, big and small,
and is the database of choice for many companies in a wide variety of industries
around the world with hundreds of thousands of users.
The great news is that we can install and use it ourselves, right now, on our personal
laptop and desktop computers. For all of its powerand MariaDB is a very powerful
and capable database, make no mistakeit is very easy to install and use.
This book provides an introduction to MariaDB that is enough to get us started.
Don't worry if you've never used a database before - this book covers everything you
need to know, and before you know it, you'll be on your way to becoming an expert
database administrator (DBA). But even if you never move beyond just tinkering
or playing around with MariaDB, you'll learn about one of the fundamental
technologies of our times.
Not a bad accomplishment over a weekend or two.
Connecting to MariaDB
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MariaDB has a client-server architecture, which means there are two parts to itthe
server, which is the part that does the heavy, behind-the-scenes stuff, and a client,
which is the part that we use to access and interact with the server. We hardly ever
interact directly with the server part. There are many different clients for MariaDB,
but only one is maintained by the MariaDB developers and included with every copy
of MariaDBthe mysql command-line client.
Connecting to MariaDB
To start the client and connect to MariaDB, we open up a command-line or
terminal window and type mysql with some options and press Enter. The
basic syntax is as follows:
mysql [-u <username>] [-p] [-h <host>] [<database>]
All the options in the previous syntax example are in square brackets ([]) to show
that they are all optional. The parts in angle brackets (<>) are bits that we must
supply if we choose to use that option. For example, if we use the -u option, we must
supply a username.
Most of the time, we will use the username (-u) and password (-p) options. We will
also often specify the database that we want to connect to when the client launches.
When we connect remotely to a MariaDB server on another computer, we will use
the host (-h) option.
It is possible to add the password after -p on the command line, with
a couple of caveats. First, there can't be a space between the -p and the
password. For example if our username is tom and our password is
correcthorse we can use the following command line to log in to
mysql -u tom -pcorrecthorse
The second caveat is that doing this is very insecure and should not, in
fact, be done. Command-line interpreters and shells are almost always
configured to save the commands we run in a history file that could
have insecure permissions, meaning that if we make a habit of typing
out our password on the command line like this, an attacker only has to
gain access to the history file to find out our MariaDB user password.
Chapter 5
Your MariaDB connection id is 209
Server version: 10.1.2-MariaDB-1~trusty-wsrep-log binary
distribution, wsrep_25.10.r4123
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
MariaDB [(none)]>
The last line of the output, MariaDB [(none)]>, is the MariaDB prompt. It appears
whenever MariaDB is waiting for us to give it a command. Apart from its primary
purpose, the prompt gives us two pieces of very useful information. First, the prompt
says MariaDB which tells us that we are connecting to an actual MariaDB database
server (as opposed to a compatible database server that isn't actually MariaDB).
Second, the part in the brackets tells us which database on the server we are currently
using by default; in this case, we aren't using any database, so it says (none).
Database changed
MariaDB [test]>
If the database does not exist when we try to USE it, we will see the following error:
MariaDB [(none)]> USE test1;
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'test1'
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| dbt3_s001
| flightstats
| ham
| information_schema |
| isfdb
| lds_scriptures
| library
| mysql
| performance_schema |
| test
| wikidb
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]>
The preceding example is from my personal install of MariaDB; the databases listed
when you run the command will almost assuredly be different. This command is
useful especially if you're given access to an existing MariaDB database server and
want to see what databases are available to you, or if you can't quite remember what
a specific database was named.
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Chapter 5
You may have noticed in the previous examples that all the commands
ended with a semi-colon (;). This is called the delimiter and it is a
characteristic feature of Structured Query Language (SQL). We can
interact with the command-line client using this language. In basic terms,
SQL is a computer language optimized for interacting with a database.
MariaDB uses its own variant of SQL which is similar to, but not exactly
the same as, the SQL variants used by other databases. When we learn
how to write the SQL statements for MariaDB, we also learn a good deal
about writing SQL for other databases, but there are some differences.
For instance, USE and SHOW are commands which exist in MariaDB, but
not in some other database servers that use their own variant of SQL.
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Generally, databases are created for specific things or specific applications. For
example, we could have an accounting database for the finance department, a human
resources database for the HR department, and a parts database for the warehouse.
Creating and dropping (deleting) databases are two things that we will do less often
than just about anything else when working with MariaDB. There just isn't much
call for it in day-to-day work. We generally create a database and then use it as long
as it is needed (which could be for years or decades) and then we delete (drop) it.
Thankfully, the commands for creating and dropping a database are very simple, so
they're easy to remember.
If the database already exists when we try to create it, we will receive an error. We
can suppress the error with IF NOT EXISTS.
The following are some examples:
CREATE DATABASE my_database;
The preceding two commands are equivalent if the database does not exist. If
the database does exist, the first command will exit with an error and the second
command will do nothing.
Full documentation of the CREATE DATABASE command is
available at the following location:
Chapter 5
If the named database doesn't exist when we try to drop it, we will receive an error.
We can suppress the error with IF EXISTS.
The following are a couple of examples that drop the database that we just created:
DROP DATABASE my_database;
The preceding two commands are equivalent if the database my_database exists. If
the database does not exist, the first command will exit with an error and the second
command will do nothing.
As mentioned previously, the DROP DATABASE command can be very dangerous.
Why is this, you might ask? This is because if you have the appropriate permission
to drop a database, MariaDB trusts you and will delete the database and everything
in it when you tell it to, no questions asked. So when setting up users, it is important
to give only trusted users, who actually need it, the ability to use the DROP DATABASE
command. More on setting up users and giving them permissions is given in Chapter 4,
Administering MariaDB.
Warning: When dropping a database, user privileges for the database
are not removed. We need to revoke them manually, or drop the user
entirely; otherwise, if or when the database is recreated, the user will
still have the privileges. See Chapter 4, Administering MariaDB, for
information on managing users and their privileges.
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The columns in a database can have relationships defined in one way or another. For
example, the id column in an employee table may relate to the employee_id column
in an address table. These relationships (also called foreign keys) are why we call
MariaDB a relational database server.
A database without tables of data is nothing more than an entry in the MariaDB
system database (this database is called mysql) and a directory in the file system
under the datadir directory. Until we create some tables and start adding data to
those tables, our new database is useless.
There are few things in MariaDB that we will spend more time on, at least in the
beginning, than when we create the tables in our database.
When we create a table, we are defining its structure. This structure includes such
things as the number of columns and the type of data that we want to store in each
column. Data types include things such as numbers, text, and dates. For example, if
we are creating an employee table, we might decide that each row will contain an
employee identification number (number), a surname (text), any given names (text),
a preferred name (text), a birthdate (date), and so on.
We might also want to store the e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and home
addresses of the employees, but we don't necessarily want to store that kind of data
in the same table. Why? Because they are things people often have more than one
of. For example, many people have both personal and work e-mail addresses. The
same holds true for phone numbers and, for some people, even houses. If we try to
design a table that has enough fields for the multiples of phone numbers and e-mail
addresses that people have, it will quickly become unwieldy with too many columns,
and with possibly no single row that uses all of them. Instead, we break apart the
data into multiple tables, and define the relationships between the tables.
A good rule of thumb is to break the information apart into a separate table when it
is clear there could be multiples of it. For example, it wouldn't make sense to have
a single orders table in a company database that contains everything. Instead, we
would have a customers table for the core customer information, an addresses
table to hold the multiple addresses that the customers might want us to ship items
to, an items table for the various things we might ship to a customer, and lastly, an
orders table to actually track the orders made by customers. Of course, this is only
one way to split the information apart and we might also need to store payment,
supplier, and other information.
[ 60 ]
Chapter 5
The process by which we refine our table definitions and split our data off into
multiple tables is called normalization. There isn't space here for a complete
discussion of this process, but the MariaDB Knowledge Base has a page which
discusses it in depth and you can refer to the following location:
As with creating a database, we can add an IF NOT EXISTS command before the
table name to suppress the error that would appear if the table exists when we try
to create it.
The <column_definitions> part has the following basic syntax:
<column_name> <data_type>
[DEFAULT <default_value>]
[COMMENT '<string>']
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The parts in angle brackets (<>) are the bits that we fill in. The parts in square
brackets ([]) are optional and the pipe character (|) means "or". For example, we can
(but do not have to) specify NULL or NOT NULL in a single column definition but we
cannot specify both. Columns are allowed to be NULL, or have no value, by default.
Marking a column as NOT NULL means it can never be undefined; some value has
to be assigned to it, even if the value assigned is an empty value. Multiple column
definitions are separated by commas.
type of data being stored. Different datatypes exist because various types of data are
most efficiently stored in different ways. Plain numbers can be treated differently
than dates and vice versa. Common datatypes include numeric (numbers), strings
(text), and dates.
Numeric datatypes include INTEGER (basic numbers, commonly written as INT), and
FLOAT (for floating point numbers). A good article on floating point numbers can be
found at the following location:
String (or text-based) datatypes include CHAR, TEXT, and VARCHAR, which are
optimized for different lengths of text. The CHAR datatype is for fixed-length strings,
for example, a product identifier that contains both numbers and letters can't be
stored as a number, but if it is a fixed length such as 8 characters, we can store it
efficiently as CHAR(8).
The VARCHAR datatype is for text that isn't more than a sentence or so long. Text such
as names and addresses are commonly stored as VARCHAR.
Lastly, date and time datatypes include DATE, TIME, and DATETIME. As you might
guess, the DATE datatype is for storing dates. Dates are always stored and displayed
in the form YYYY-MM-DD (a four digit year, a two digit month, and a two digit day),
for example 1998-02-14, and while it is recommended to input them that way, they
can be entered in a variety of ways. For example: 2015-5-28, 15528, and 15*05*28
are all ways to enter the date 2015-05-28.
The TIME datatype is for time in the format HH:MM:SS.ssssss
(hours:minutes:seconds.microseconds). As with the DATE datatype, while
MariaDB will store and display values in those formats, it is less picky about how
they are entered.
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Chapter 5
The DATETIME datatype is a combination of both the DATE and TIME datatypes. It
stores and displays values in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ssssss
and unlike the TIME datatype, the hours, minutes, and seconds should conform to
real-world values (no 26 hour days, for example).
There are other specialized datatypes that can be used with MariaDB, but
these are enough to get us started. See a complete list of supported datatypes
at the following location:
Don't worry about trying to memorize all of the different
datatypes now. They'll become second nature as we gain
experience using MariaDB.
A result of Query OK means that the table was created successfully. Zero rows were
affected because this is a brand new table and thus has no data in it yet. Unless we
are on a very slow, or a very busy server, the command should complete instantly
(0.00 seconds) or near instantly (such as 0.05 seconds).
Full documentation of the CREATE TABLE command can be
found at the following location:
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Chapter 5
The actual CREATE TABLE command that is displayed is slightly different from the
CREATE TABLE command that we used to create it, but the table created is exactly
the same. The differences exist because MariaDB is giving us enough information
to recreate the table exactly, even if we're creating it on a different server with
different settings.
For example, the ENGINE and DEFAULT CHARSET parts after the column definitions
are default table options on my local MariaDB server. They are specified because on
a different MariaDB server, the defaults may be different.
Full documentation of the SHOW CREATE TABLE command
can be found at the following location:
| Type
| id
| int(11)
| auto_increment |
| surname
| varchar(100) | YES
| pref_name | varchar(50)
| birthday
| date
| NO
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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| birthday | date | YES
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The <alter_definition> part of the command can ADD, MODIFY, and DROP (delete)
columns from tables, among other things. Multiple alter definitions in a single ALTER
TABLE command are separated by commas.
Because we can have multiple alter definitions in one ALTER TABLE command,
the syntax examples in the next four sections will not contain the beginning ALTER
TABLE table_name part that must begin an ALTER TABLE command. The examples
that show actual usage will contain the full command.
When using the ALTER TABLE command, the data in our table is preserved and
converted when necessary.
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Chapter 5
The FIRST and AFTER parts are optional. We can use one, but not both. The FIRST
option puts the new column as the first column of a row. The AFTER option lets us
specify which column the new column appears after. If we don't use FIRST or AFTER,
the column will be added after the current last column. For example, the following
will create a new username column and place it after the pref_name column:
ALTER TABLE employees ADD username varchar(20) AFTER pref_name;
For example, the following ALTER TABLE command will change the pref_name
column to varchar(25) from its original setting of varchar(50):
ALTER TABLE employees MODIFY pref_name varchar(25);
For example, the following ALTER TABLE command will delete the username column
that we created earlier:
ALTER TABLE employees DROP username;
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If you've been following along with these ALTER TABLE commands, your employees
table should now look as follows:
MariaDB [test]> DESCRIBE employees;
| Field
| Type
| id
| int(11)
| surname
| NO
| auto_increment |
| varchar(100) | YES
| pref_name | varchar(25)
| birthday
| date
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
If we try issuing a DROP TABLE on a table that doesn't exist, we will receive an error.
We can suppress the error with IF EXISTS. The following are a couple of examples
of this:
DROP TABLE mytable;
If the table exists, the preceding two commands have the same result, the mytable
table is deleted. If the table doesn't exist, the first command will exit with an error
and the second command will do nothing.
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Chapter 5
As mentioned previously, the DROP TABLE command can be very dangerous, because
if you have the appropriate permission to drop a table, MariaDB trusts you and will
delete the table and everything in it when you tell it to, no questions asked. So when
setting up users, it is important to give only a few trusted users, who actually need it,
the ability to use the DROP TABLE command. For more on setting up users and giving
them permissions, refer Chapter 4, Administering MariaDB.
Full documentation of the DROP TABLE command can be found
at the following location:
In this chapter, we covered a lot of ground. We learned about the mysql
command-line client application and how to use it to connect to MariaDB, how
to use the USE command to switch to an existing database, how to use the SHOW
command to list all the databases in MariaDB, and how to create our own databases.
We also explored a little of the information regarding datatypes and normalization,
and learned how to use that information in order to create and modify our own
tables. Lastly, we learned how to delete (DROP) both, databases and tables. In the next
chapter, we'll start storing and modifying the data in the tables of our database.
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