Sainio Henri

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A Dynamic Model for Knowledge Transfer and Alliance Learning

in Cross-border Strategic Alliances of Software Companies

Henri Sainio

University of Tampere
Department of Computer Sciences
M. Sc. Program in Information Systems
Master of Science -thesis
December 2007

University of Tampere
Department of Computer Sciences
M. Sc. Program in Information Systems
Author: Henri Sainio
Master of Science -thesis, 117 pages, 2 appendices
December 2007

The thesis at hand examines knowledge transfer in cross-border strategic

alliances of software companies. The purpose of the thesis is to provide
theoretical foundations for a proposed cluster initiative (Asia Software
Competence Project) and a software system innovation, ANIS (Alliance
Network Information System). The first part of the thesis describes the strategic
management context and the following three chapters the dimensions of
epistemology, ontology and culture as relevant to this thesis. Epistemology is
concerned about how knowledge is acquired and processed while the
ontological dimension is here used to refer to the different levels of social
interaction in an organizational setting (individual, team, organization and
interorganizational levels). The third dimension, culture, is a significant source
of ambiguity in knowledge transfer in cross-border context. The core
contribution of the thesis is the conceptual development through describing the
4-Tier Tube -model as the model of knowledge transfer and alliance learning in
cross-border strategic alliance context.
Key words: strategic alliances, knowledge transfer, absorptive capacity,
transparency, trust, tacit knowledge, interorganizational knowledge creation,
alliance learning, alliance innovation, complementary competences, 4-Tier
Tube, Innovation Tube, Knowledge Bus, Knowledge Pool, Skein of Alliance
Learning, Alliance Learning Synchronicity (ALS)





Introduction............................................................................................................. 1
Research window ................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Research questions........................................................................................ 5
2.3. Research approaches and methods ............................................................ 6
2.4. Thesis mindset ............................................................................................. 10
Strategic management context............................................................................ 13
3.1. Strategic alliances - look at the past.......................................................... 13
3.2. Business relationship .................................................................................. 16
3.3. Typology of strategic alliances.................................................................. 18
3.4. Motivation for strategic alliances.............................................................. 20
3.5. Strategic alliances and technology-life-cycle models............................. 22
3.6. Prospective strategic alliance -analysis .................................................... 25
3.6.1. Strategic alliance potential evaluation ......................................... 25
3.6.2. Innovation potential........................................................................ 26
3.6.3. Strategic management choices....................................................... 28
Epistemological dimension - foundations for knowledge transfer............... 31
4.1. Data, information, knowledge .................................................................. 31
4.2. Tacit knowledge and its criticism ............................................................. 34
4.3. Understanding tacit knowledge ............................................................... 35
4.4. Other dimensions of knowledge............................................................... 37
4.5. Knowledge-based theory of the firm ....................................................... 38
4.6. Prior research on knowledge transfer...................................................... 39
4.7. Knowledge in a software company.......................................................... 43
4.7.1. Software business knowledge ....................................................... 43
4.7.2. Software development process knowledge................................. 45
4.7.3. Software technologies knowledge ................................................ 46
4.7.4. Market knowledge .......................................................................... 46
4.7.5. Alliance competence know-how................................................... 46
4.8. Summary ...................................................................................................... 46
Ontological dimension crossing boundaries ................................................. 49
5.1. Ontology vs. ontological dimension......................................................... 49
5.2. Interorganizational learning...................................................................... 53
5.3. Strategies for interorganizational learning.............................................. 56
5.4. Organizational knowledge creation ......................................................... 57
5.4.1. Knowledge conversion ................................................................... 58




5.4.2. Concept of 'Ba' ................................................................................. 61

5.4.3. Towards interorganizational knowledge creation ..................... 61
5.4.4. Management of knowledge creation process.............................. 63
5.5. Summary ...................................................................................................... 64
Cultural dimension .............................................................................................. 65
6.1. Levels of culture .......................................................................................... 65
6.2. Cultural considerations .............................................................................. 66
6.3. Dimensions of culture ................................................................................ 68
6.3.1. Power distance................................................................................. 68
6.3.2. Individualism collectivism.......................................................... 69
6.3.3. Masculinity-femininity ................................................................... 70
6.3.4. Time-orientation .............................................................................. 71
6.3.5. Avoidance of uncertainty............................................................... 71
6.4. Synthesis: culture-based knowledge transfer challenge ....................... 72
6.4.1. Side face (X- and Y-Axis): national culture.................................. 73
6.4.2. Upper-face (X- and Y-Axis): organizational culture ................. 74
6.5. Summary ...................................................................................................... 75
Integrative framework ......................................................................................... 77
7.1. Cubicles for Knowledge Transfer ............................................................. 77
7.1.1. Knowledge Transfer Challenge Cubicle ...................................... 78
7.1.2. Knowledge Transfer Support Cubicle.......................................... 79
7.1.3. Knowledge Transfer Outcome ...................................................... 80
7.2. 4-Tier Tube model for Knowledge Transfer and Alliance Learning . 82
7.2.1. Dynamics of the 4-Tier Tube -model............................................ 83
7.2.2. Innovation Tube .............................................................................. 86
7.2.3. Strategic Alliance tube .................................................................. 94
7.2.4. Information System tube .............................................................. 96
7.2.5. Strategic Management -tube .......................................................... 98
7.2.6. Innovation output ......................................................................... 101
7.2.7. Propositions and merits of the 4-Tier Tube model................. 103
Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 105
8.1. Revival of research questions.................................................................. 105
8.2. Summary .................................................................................................... 106
8.3. Thesis traversal.......................................................................................... 111
8.4. Thesis contribution and limitations........................................................ 109

References ................................................................................................................... 111

Appendix I: Positional and modal coding in the 4-Tier Tube -model
Appendix II (non-public): Alliance Network Information System (ANIS)

1. Introduction
The thesis at hand provides a theoretical framework for knowledge transfer in
cross-border strategic alliances in the software industry - focusing on East-West
crossing partnerships. Knowledge transfer between strategic alliance partners
has peculiar challenges tracing back to different sources, such as properties of
knowledge to be transferred, organizational attributes and the dynamics of an
evolving alliance relationship. A common knowledge pool of an alliance
enables nurturing the shared knowledge.
Cultural distance is something to pay special attention to in East-West
crossing relations where, the other member hails from collective vertical culture
and the other one from individualist horizontal culture. Such is the case, for
example, between Finland (or other Nordic countries) and India or China.
My purpose with this thesis is - along with answering the research
questions - to provide theoretical base for the 'Asia Software Competence
Project' (ASCP) that I have initiated. The ASCP project has practical and
research interests side by side it aims to facilitate strategic alliances between
Finnish and Asian software companies and conduct research on Asian
Software Competence on the levels of company, strategic alliance and
industry. The objective of this venture is to support the emergence of FinnishAsian collaboration in the software industry. Software industries in Finland
and Asia could potentially benefit from the strategic cooperation, but these
cross-border alliances are being established slowly. The reasons might include
geographical and cultural distance at both - national and organizational level.
Indeed, both the previous are challenges from the knowledge transfer view:
geographical distance necessitates IT mediated communication along with
frequent on-site partner visits and team or team member exchanges. Cultural
distance requires double-checking that a piece of information has been
understood similarly on both sides.
Why have I selected the particular topic? Firstly, it converges in a
fascinating way the three threads of interest, the dimensions of epistemology,
ontology and culture into the Skein of Alliance Learning. The 'skein' forms the
core of the model 'Innovation Tube' within the 4-Tier Tube -model that is the
principal result of this research. In this work, the academic streams of strategic
management and knowledge management are being converged into one: this
allows one to perceive how different strategic choices relate to 'knowledge
transfer challenge' and further, to innovation. For me, this research can be seen

as one image that has beauty as a whole and fascinating details to zoom in. For
example, it would be nave to claim that the cultural dimension could be
explored in one chapter of a Master's thesis thoroughly. To understand another
culture and how cultures shape an individual personality and thinking, is more
like a lifetime challenge than just a Master's thesis project.
Knowledge transfer can be examined on different levels: between
individuals, organizations, and industries, to name a few. The flow of data and
information forms the foundation for the knowledge transfer process itself, but
is not the primary level of study in this thesis. The total knowledge transferred
from an organization to another consists of the cumulated knowledge
transferred from any two employees of these organizational entities, but is
supposedly very difficult to measure. Knowledge may be transferred through
personal communication or may be facilitated by the use of information
Why to study knowledge transfer? Firstly, knowledge transfer, in my
opinion is an atomic determinant of joint-innovation in strategic alliances. By
atomic determinant I refer to all those conditions and factors that must be
present in order for a strategic alliance to emerge as a platform for innovation.
For example, without knowledge transfer between organizations, there will be
hardly any joint learning; without joint learning there is not much scope for the
development of interorganizational competence that could lead to a series of
joint-innovations. Another reason to study knowledge transfer is more
personal: if a person needs to select one topic to immerse oneself a bit more in
depth in his university education, knowledge transfer may be a good bet: at
least it has application possibilities all through the professional and personal
life regardless of the domain.
Ontological, epistemological and cultural factors that influence knowledge
transferability in cross-border strategic alliances are examined (Figure 1) in
their own chapters. The ontological dimension (or thread) refers to the levels of
interaction that are present in interorganizational learning: individual, team
organization, and alliance. Epistemology is a field of philosophy that examines
knowledge and its characteristics, creation and acquisition of knowledge.
Cultural thread is a significant contributor to the knowledge transfer challenge:
individuals are conditioned by their native culture to the extent that the
individuals may not even be aware. The threads of epistemology, ontology and
culture are integrated into one skein of alliance learning in Chapter Seven.
The research pool of Figure 1 depicts the focal problem domain in which
ontological, epistemological and cultural factors raise a wide variety of
challenges of research interest.

Figure 1. The context and different streams of the thesis.

In addition to different streams contributing to the research pool, it is
important to note that the thesis belongs to the strategic management context:
the decision of engaging or not engaging in an alliance or partnership is a
strategic choice itself. Further, the choice between all the possible alliance types
is again a strategic choice of most importance that the corporate management
should not take lightly. All through the alliance life cycle, the company
executives have various concerns, many of which are more or less directly
related to the knowledge transfer in the alliance. For example, the changing
levels of partner commitment during the alliance life cycle will impact the level
of transparency directly. If a partner is engaged in the alliance with an
opportunistic mindset, it will close the knowledge taps right away when its
own learning goals have been achieved.
The major contribution of this thesis is the 4-Tier Tube -model described in
Chapter Seven. The model identifies four nested tubes that are used to visualize
different modes and positions to lock-in for a particular alliance in regard to
innovation, strategic alliance (partnership perspective), information system
support, and strategic management. The purpose of the 4-Tier Tube -model is

to be used as a tool to better understand the peculiarities and interdependencies

of different layers of management concerns in R&D strategic partnering.
Practical benefit of the model is that it enables taking a snapshot of a particular
strategic alliance at any chosen time. The analysis of the snapshot together with
having theoretical understanding and practical experience of R&D strategic
alliances may lead to better management of these challenging organizational


2. Research window
2.1. Introduction
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to provide foundations for a PhD
dissertation. The theoretical review of the Master's thesis is more meaningful
when it is seen as the groundwork to help define the framework and
constraints for a software system innovation (Figure 2). Epistemological,
ontological and cultural dimensions identified in the first part of the research
(M.Sc) contribute to the system constraints of a MIS1 -product (ANIS, Appendix

Figure 2. Thesis roadmap.

The implementation of the MIS is conducted in the PhD part. In the spirit of
information system science, the latter part does not limit only on building a
technological innovation, but includes the whole journey identifying the system
constraints from the theoretical framework in M.Sc phase, and implementation
and evaluation of the system.
2.2. Research questions
The research questions for this Masters thesis are the following:
What are the challenges of knowledge transfer in (East-west) crossborder strategic alliances of software companies?
2. What kind of model is best suited to describe the 'knowledge transfer

Management Information System


What are the strategic choices when entering cross-border strategic

alliances and how the 'knowledge transfer challenge' relates to these?


Figure 3. Research tree.

2.3. Research approaches and methods
The research foundations of this thesis are explored in the following by
reviewing research methods in general and design-science approach in
particular. Jrvinen [2004] categorizes research approaches as mathematical
approaches and approaches studying reality (Figure 4). Mathematical
approaches are concerned with symbol systems, such as formal languages and
algebraic units that do not relate to objects of reality. Approaches studying
reality can be divided further based on whether research questions are
concerned with 'what is a part of reality' or utility of an innovation. However,
the rigid classification by Jrvinen [2004] denies interconnectedness of
mathematical approaches and approaches studying reality, and should be
viewed critically. The reality based study could utilize mathematical theories,
for example, a question could be raised: what kind of mathematical theory
could be utilized in the design of a novel information system ?
Further, we can distinguish between conceptual-analytical approaches and
empirical research approaches. When using a theory-testing research method, a
theory, model, or framework is guiding the research. On the other hand, a

A remark and question raised by Hannu Kangassalo.


completely new theory can be created based on gathered raw data [Jrvinen,

Figure 4. Research approaches [Jrvinen, 2004].

Systems theory aims at a better understanding of systems. It views a system
holistically in a particular environment [Jrvinen, 2004]. General systems theory
dates back to the 50's when it was established as a distinct discipline to address
the domain that falls between highly generalized constructions of pure
mathematics and the theories of the highly specialized disciplines [Boulding,
1956]. This thesis belongs to the field of Information Systems Science.
Regardless, whether the strategic alliance partners examined in this research
have interfacing IT systems or not, their interaction forms an information
system consisting of the people of the two organizations and communication
between these. However, special alliance information system (ANIS, Appendix
II) is proposed in this thesis to support the knowledge transfer and thus
facilitate the joint learning process.
Observing Jrvinen's [2004] taxonomy, it is evident that this thesis belongs
to reality-based research and in regard to the PhD part, to research that
examines the utility of innovations. The research as whole belongs to designscience research [see March and Smith, 1995; Hevner et al., 2005]. In the
following, both natural science and design science research streams are
Natural science is the stream of science most popularly associated with the
'science' word: it aims at understanding reality better in physical, biological,

social and behavioral domains. New concepts or specialized language may be

needed for this purpose. Laws, models and theories are the principal ways to
characterize the reality. Two activities are an integral part of the natural science
theory: discovery for generating and proposing scientific claims, and justification
for testing their validity. The first one, discovery, is a creative cognitive process
of the researcher, which may be difficult to formalize and explain in objective
terms. Justification instead is 'heavily prescribed' in the field of philosophy of
science. Inductive logic (which refers to 'justifying' by pointing to accumulating
number of confirming instances) was abandoned by Popper's falsificationism: a
single negative instance could be used to falsify a theory that apart from that
one fallacy would seem to be perfectly watertight [Jrvinen, 2004].
In contrast, design science attempts at creating artifacts that in a way or
other are useful for a human [March and Smith, 1995]. Hevner et al. [2005]
emphasize that design-science is essentially a problem-solving paradigm with
its roots in engineering and that design science is technology-oriented and thus
not aiming at producing general theoretical knowledge. The products of design
science fall into four categories: (1) constructs, (2) models, (3) methods and (4)
implementations [March and Smith, 1995]. Hevner et al. [2005] emphasize that
in design-science research the distinction must be drawn between routine
design and system innovation grounded on design research. In routine design,
application is built based on existing knowledge of organizational problems. In
design-science, however, unsolved problems are addressed in unique and
innovative ways.
The models built in this thesis can be thought as products of design science
research since there is no requirement of physical or information technology
implementation in the respective stream of research. Three of these models are
in the form of 3D-cubicles (knowledge transfer challenge, and support; and
strategic choices), the fourth one as 4-Tier Tube -model.
Bunge [1998] categorizes different models into theoretical and material
(Figure 5). In the case of conceptual models, the primitive symbols correspond to
concepts in certain theoretical context, but without real reference (being a true
interpretation of an abstract theory). Factual model is a product of a non-formal
interpretation that is compared to the primitives of formalism. Apart from
conceptual and factual models, there exists mixed models in which some
predicates represent real properties while some are not given factual
interpretation. Examples of such semi-interpreted theories are information
theory (applicable to a wide variety of open systems) or network theory
(applied to electric circuits, for example). The theoretical models (conceptual,
factual, mixed) are mental creations even if representing real objects. However,

in the case of material model, a real system, such as electric switching system can
be a concrete physical analogue to the propositional calculus [Bunge, 1998].
Thus, the 4-Tier Tube -model presented in this thesis seems to fit the category
of theoretical model and being a factual interpretation of the problem domain of
knowledge transfer and alliance learning.

Figure 5. Different kinds of models [Bunge, 1998].

In design-science, understanding of the design problem and its solutions
advances parallel to the building and applying of the artifact [March and Smith,
1994; Hevner, 2005]. Hevner et al. [2005] present seven guidelines for designscience: the first guideline "Design as an artifact" states that the output of the
design-science research must include one or several artifacts as categorized by
March and Smith [1995]: construct, model, method or an instantiation.


Figure 6. Design science guidelines by Hevner [2005].

The second guideline, "Problem relevance" states the purpose of designscience research: to develop technology-based solutions to important business
problems. The third guideline, "Design evaluation", states that the evaluation
of the utility, quality and efficacy of a design artifact must be 'rigorously
demonstrated via well-executed evaluation methods'. The fourth guideline,
"Research contributions", emphasizes the 'clear and verifiable contributions' in
regard to artifacts, design foundations and methodologies. The fifth guideline,
"Research rigor", refers to methods used in construction and evaluation of an
artifact. The sixth guideline, "Design as a search process", acknowledges the
iterative nature of design science; the continuous search process to discover an
effective solution to a problem. Finally, the seventh guideline, "Communication
of research", states the need to address both, technically and managerially,
oriented audiences. Sufficient details of an artifact should be provided to the
extent that a corresponding artifact can be constructed in an appropriate
organizational context. Managerially oriented audience will need sufficient
details for being able to decide whether the organizational resources should be
committed in their organization for the construction of the artifact [Hevner et
al., 2005].
2.4. Thesis mindset
This thesis follows four basic guidelines: (1) visualize when possible, (2)
thoroughness and slow conclusions, (3) conceptual integrity and
completeness and (4) genuine research attitude (Figure 7). These are introduced
in the following.

- 10 -

Figure 7. Thesis mindset.

Visualization of abstract phenomena is used throughout this thesis in the
form of models, metaphors and analogues that a reader can relate in concrete
terms. In the philosophy of science, phenomenology criticizes science as
follows (Jrvinen, 2004): By losing contact with human experience, science has
nothing of any real importance to say us. Therefore, the guiding principle in
the writing process of this thesis has been to keep the theoretical framework
understandable for laymen who certainly are not experts in the field.
For example, the context of the thesis is depicted in Figure 1 representing
how the thesis topic area consists of three different streams of epistemology,
ontology and culture that merge into one. For many readers, the terms used in
the thesis topic - epistemology and ontology - might already provide a
barrier for getting into the reading process. However, the previous
philosophical notions are not as difficult as one might think at first glance and
light on their very essence is shed later on.
Slow conclusions demand digging down deep into the subject topic and not
accepting the first possible conclusions. Since the topic area consists of different
streams originating in their own sources, impact of all of these must be taken
into considerations equally: for example, it might be that in the field of
information systems which is my background the impact of technology or
systems might be emphasized over cultural factors.
By claiming conceptual integrity and completeness I refer to two things. Firstly,
all the important concepts used should be defined before use. Secondly, I may
use concepts defined by myself, such as innovation potential and alliance pay-off
potential. The use of the previous concepts would be vague if I would not have
declared explicitly their meaning. Therefore, in which ever part of the thesis
these words are used they carry always the agreed meaning.
Finally, by research attitude I refer to research rigor that demands using valid
methods and digging down deep into the research subject.
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- 12 -

3. Strategic management context

3.1. Strategic alliances - look at the past
In the dawn of the 90's Ohmae [1989] stated in his Harvard Business Review
article that to his knowledge "there is not even one scholar who specializes in
the study of intercompany relationships". Since then interorganizational
relationships have emerged as an important area of study in business research
with an abundance of journals and conferences. The business research that was
in the past firm-centric and which then has expanded to inter-firm level and
company-networks, is evolving to larger entities, such as communities, the
members of which are not seen only as customers, but co-creators of value (a
term by Prahalad and Ramaswamy [2004]) and a potential source of innovators
[von Hippel, 2001]. Further, Ohmae [1989] wrote about 'Global logic' of
strategic alliances and stated that strategic alliances are 'critical instruments' in
serving customers globally. Despite the previous, he stated that managers were
slowly adopting strategic alliances in use: maybe because alliances are
sometimes perceived as compromising the 'fundamental independence of
economic actors'.
Other trailblazers of strategic partnering research were Gary Hamel, Yves L.
Doz and C.K. Prahalad [1989] with their article "Collaborate with your
competitors and win". The authors based their insights of the 'inner workings'
of 15 strategic alliances observed for an average of three years. Many of the
strategic alliances of their study included the American-Japanese or EuropeanJapanese -axis which was considered relevant since traditionally fierce
competitors such as General Motors and Toyota, Canon and Kodak, were
engaged in collaborative activities more often than ever before. Authors also
observed that alliances involved with a western and Asian partner tend to favor
the Asian partner, e.g. Japanese or South-Korean company. The authors' view
on the alliances shines through the title which implies that no matter how much
the nature of partnering was supposed to be 'collaborative', what matters
finally is winning the alliance race, instead of emphasizing WIN-WIN outcome
for both parties. The authors' 'alliance world view' as well as the industry
practices of that time were restricted to seeing alliances as opportunities to
absorb as much knowledge from the partner in as short a time as possible, as
they state: "It's not devious to absorb skills form your partner - that's the whole
In the mid-90's emerged a research boom in knowledge management after
Nonaka's and Takeuchi's seminal article and a book Theory of organizational
- 13 -

knowledge-creation. Eventually, in the late 90's the streams of strategic alliance

research and knowledge management research converged: as the result a great
number of papers were published about knowledge management in interorganizational context, interorganizational learning and knowledge transfer
between organizations (see Appleyard [1996], Inkpen [1998], Larsson et al.
[1998], Das and Teng [2000], Parise and Henderson [2001]).
A great deal of academic research on knowledge transfer and
interorganizational learning has based the next potential paradigm shift: seeing
strategic alliances fundamentally as vehicles of innovation, and not to limit
their use only to large global multinationals (target of the research most
commonly). Only when entrepreneurial small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
adopt (cross-border) strategic alliances in their standard portfolio of strategies,
the business ecosystem has reached the mature level of genuine 'Alliance
thinking' as opposite of 'Firm-centric thinking (Figure 8). Reaching the stage of
genuine 'Alliance thinking' is the result of all the pioneering work of authors in
strategic management, such as Ohmae [1989], Hamel et al. [1991], Dyer and
Singh [1999] and Spekman et al. [2000]; and on the other hand on the side of
knowledge management: Nonaka and Takeuchi [1995] and knowledge-based
view of the firm by Grant [1996].

Figure 8. Towards alliance thinking.

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In this thesis I am concentrating on knowledge-based view in strategic

management and focusing on knowledge transfer of strategic alliances.
However, this viewpoint is only one among many possibilities and some others
could be considered equally, such as dynamic capabilities approach by Teece et
al. [1997]. The dynamic capabilities approach is the latest node in the chain of
strategy classics, such as "Porterian" competitive forces [Porter, 1980], the
strategic conflict approach [Shapiro, 1989] and resource-based perspective (e.g.
Penrose, [1959]). With their term, 'dynamic capabilities', Teece et al. [1997] refer
to a capacity of the firm to renew its competences according to environmental
changes. Strategic management plays an important role in developing the firm's
capabilities, i.e. ensuring that internal or external organizational skills are
sufficiently adapted and integrated.
Das and Teng [2000] as representatives of resource-based view of the firm,
consider resource alignment as a critical factor in performance of strategic
alliances. With the term they refer to the resource matching and integration
pattern of an alliance. The authors propose broader interpretation of resource
alignment concept not restricted to supplementary vs. complementary
classification of resources and this broader view includes the value-creating
aspect. Also they stress well that similar is not the same as supplementary,
and dissimilar is not the same as complementary. Table 1 clarifies the different
possibilities of resource alignment.
Table 1. A typology of inter-partner resource alignments [Das and Teng,

Similar resources

Resource utilization
Performing resources

Nonperforming resources

Supplementary [SimilarPerforming]
Complementary [DissimilarPerforming]

Surplus [SimilarNonperforming]
Wasteful [DissimilarNonperforming]

Resource similarity is high when both partners contribute comparable

amounts of similar resources to the alliance. Resource utilization refers to the
degree that shared resources are utilized in realization of alliance goals. The
cases of resource surplus and wasteful resources are included in the typology,
and point to situations when similar or dissimilar resources respectively - are
not utilized. Complementary resources are in question when resources are

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compatible and pressed into effective service as Das and Teng [2000] put it in
3.2. Business relationship
While we have to understand the strategic management context of this thesis
research interest, knowledge transfer, we also have to understand and define
the context for strategic alliances - a business relationship. Holmlunds and
Trnrooss [1997] definition of a business relationship is following: an
interdependent process of continuous interaction and exchange between at
least two actors in a business network context. This definition clearly
emphasizes the process nature and continuity aspects of the relationship.

Figure 9. The simplest case of a strategic alliance.

Further, Holmlund and Trnroos [1997] describe business relationships as
'mutual arrangements having technical, economic, social, knowledge and legal
bonds'. A relationship is relatively symmetrical, when both counterparts have
fairly equal possibilities to influence the relationship. As power-dependent
structures, none of the partners are supposed to have absolute control over the
relationship. While firms develop some resources internally, they gain access to
others (e.g. financial or technological assets) through the relationship, thus
implying resource dependence [Holmlund and Trnroos, 1997].
Strategic alliances vary in their scope and breadth: from an agreement of a
pool of companies to collaborate in a certain narrow area to a contract between
two partners that decide to commit all their shared resources to achieve a
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common vision and goals. The simplest case is when there is a partnership
between two organizations and one strategic alliance in the chosen
collaboration area (Figure 9). In the case of multinational companies (later
briefly MNCs) there can be dozens of strategic alliances that cover a certain area
of the collaboration that are independent from each other [Spekman et al., 2000;
Ohmae, 1989].
Although a strategic alliance can be a contract between more than two
companies, in this thesis, by default, alliances involving a company dyad, i.e.
two companies, are studied. Involvement of more complicated alliance
arrangements could raise important issues as how to manage conflicts in an
alliance network in which the firm's most crucial alliance partners are allied
also with the firm's serious competitors (Figure 10). This kind of arrangement
would impact knowledge transfer between the two companies if the third party
would impose restrictions for transparency of its partner towards its

Figure 10. An alliance network of two MNCs and one SME company.
Outsourcing relationships have been very much in the focus of academics
and practitioners in the recent years [see Kishore et al., 2004; Kern and
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Willcocks, 2002]. Some of the research, such as the ones examining cultural
impacts on a relationship, is perfectly applicable to symmetrical strategic
alliance context. However, outsourcing relations differ from R&D alliances in
two important dimensions: most important is the distinction between parallel
and intertwining processes. The former one being the mode most commonly
in outsourcing and the latter one in R&D alliances. In the software
development, implementation with well-known technologies is the most likely
target for outsourcing. Alternatively, the vendor may be given the total
responsibility of the process from the requirements specification stage onwards
[Messerschmitt, 2003]. Finally, it should be noted that outsourcing is the term
used only in the context where something that is conducted by the organization
earlier is acquired through outsourcing from the outsider, a vendor, through
outsourcing contracts. Thus, there exists resource leverage relationships which
resemble outsourcing relationships, but which aim at new growth, not
outsourcing some existing operations.
3.3. Typology of strategic alliances
Kishore et al. [2004] classify four different relationship types: reliance, alliance,
support, and alignment. This model is dynamic in nature; relationship may
evolve over time and shift from, e.g. 'support' to 'alliance' quadrant. Das and
Teng [2000] divide alliance types into four categories: (1) joint ventures, (2)
minority equity alliances, (3) bilateral contract-based alliances and (4) unilateral
contract-based alliances. Broader classification is possible by distinguishing
equity and non-equity alliances from each other. Equity alliances refer to equity
joint ventures (EJVs) in which a new jointly financed and managed entity is
created; and minority equity alliances in which one partner invests in the other.
However, in the typology of Das and Teng [2000], equity agreements such as
joint ventures are considered a subclass of strategic alliances, contrary to
Duysters et al. [1999].
Koza and Lewin [2000] categorize strategic alliances based on March's
[1991] distinction between exploration and exploitation in three categories of
alliances: learning, business and hybrid alliances (Figure 11).

- 18 -

Figure 11. Three alliance forms in regard to exploration and exploitation

[Koza and Lewin, 2000].

As defined by March [1991]: exploration is diverging and open-ended:

"search, variation, experimentation, play, flexibility, discovery, innovation";
exploitation is converging and of finite nature: "refinement, choice, production,
efficiency, selection, implementation, execution". In learning alliances there is
no hidden exploitation agenda from the side of neither partner, whereas in
business alliance this is common. The latter are established commonly for
securing certain market positions or segments. Hybrid alliances have the
motives, exploration and exploitation, side by side [Koza and Lewin, 2000].
Das and Teng [2000] refer to Koguts (1988) research by stating that EJVs are
the most instrumental in regard to tacit knowledge transfer because of the
significant exposure of partners to each other. Thus, EJVs are an attractive
option for those firms that aim at accessing partners knowledge-based
resources. If partners resources are mostly property-based, joint ventures may
not be an ideal choice [Das and Teng, 2000]. Regardless of which type of
ownership is in question, the important point is that shared ownership
structure decreases the likelihood of opportunistic behavior [Gulati, 1995].
When equity sharing is not present in any form in an alliance, we deal with
contract-based alliances. In unilateral contract-based alliances, such as
licensing, distribution agreements and R&D contracts, property rights are welldefined. When partners are allied with the purpose of exchanging technology
for cash, they perform their activities independently without real need for
- 19 -

integration. Unilateral contract-based alliances are proposed to be suitable

when partners intend to contribute mainly property-based resources that
include capital, plants, distribution channels and patents [Das and Teng, 2000].
Since no real joint learning occurs in unilateral alliances, the knowledge
transferred is mostly explicit.
On the other hand, bilateral contract-based alliances (shortly: bilateral
alliances), including joint R&D or joint production or marketing, require close
collaboration and pooling of resources [Mowery, 1996]. Bilateral alliances
provide to great extent many of the learning benefits of joint ventures, but
might turn out to be races-to-learn since equity investment as an alliance
equilibrating mechanism is not present. If long-term collaboration is not even
targeted, bilateral alliances provide suitable context, since they provide an
opportunity for joint learning, but are not as laborious to dissolve as equitysharing -based joint ventures [Das and Teng, 2000]. Because of the intertwining
learning processes in bilateral alliance, they provide an excellent opportunity
for internalizing partners tacit knowledge. Participants in bilateral alliances are
well aware of this and do regulate the exposure of their knowledge resources to
the other party [Mowery, 1996].
Equity-based alliances tend to be more stable than those involving only
contractual commitment [Mowery, 1996]. Another aspect of equity ownership
in an alliance is that this often results in replication of the parent organization's
hierarchical controls in the alliance [Gulati and Singh, 1998]. Mowery et al.
[1996] argue that equity-based -alliances promote greater knowledge transfer
and thus are well suited to learning critical capabilities from the partner.
Ohmae [1989] implies that equity investments may be seen negatively as a way
of controlling the alliance partner with money.
3.4. Motivation for strategic alliances
Strategic alliances have become more and more popular over previously
dominating joint ventures and other forms of equity agreements. The
proportion of equity agreements compared to the total number of agreements
has declined based on the data from 70's to mid 90's [Duysters et al., 1999].
Strategic alliances are used as tools or vehicles to achieve competitive
advantage through various means, such as gaining access to new markets or
technologies and scale of economies [Ohmae, 1989, Hamel, 1991]. Especially
resource-based view of the firm emphasizes resource access as an important
aspect and motivator of strategic alliances [Das and Teng, 2000].
Strategic alliances provide an opportunity for aggregation and exchange of
valuable (knowledge) resources when these resources are not available at
reasonable costs through other means such as market exchanges or mergers or
- 20 -

acquisitions [Das and Teng, 2000]. They are preferred over mergers and
acquisitions especially when not all the resources of a target company are
valuable to the acquirer: non-desired resources can just be bypassed. Thus, in
the previously described circumstances, strategic alliances provide more
precise and effective means of accessing the critical competence and knowledge
than the other possible forms of corporate arrangements [Das and Teng, 2000].
The effectiveness of strategic alliances from the perspective of new product
development and cross-border knowledge transfer is debated in the literature.
Kotabe and Swan [1995] examined the impact of cooperating firms, firm size,
industry, strategic linkages, temporal aspects and nationality on innovativeness
of new product development. Along with other results, the authors concluded
that small single firms with cross-industry cooperation and horizontal linkages
indicated more innovative products [Kotabe and Swan, 1995]. Another study
by Almeida et al. [2002] implied superiority of MNCs compared to alliances
and markets in facilitating the flow of knowledge across the borders. This may
result from the MNC's ability to use flexibly different mechanisms to transfer,
integrate and develop technical knowledge.
Prahalads and Hamels [1990] view at a firm as a portfolio of core
competences provided an alternative to the prevailing view of a firm as a set
of product-market entities in the early 1990s. According to this view inter-firm
competition is essentially about acquisition of new skills, not a race of new
product introductions. Further, global competitiveness is seen as a function of
the firms pace, efficiency, and extent of knowledge accumulation. Hamel
[1991] considers the classic competitive strategy paradigm by Porter (1980)
incomplete in a sense that it focuses only on the very late stage of productmarket positioning, which is only the culmination point of long-term skillbuilding. Dyer and Singh [1999] expand Porters competitive advantage of a
firm to alliance level and identify four different sources of interorganizational
competitive advantage: relation-specific assets, complementary resources and
capabilities, effective governance and interfirm knowledge sharing routines
the last being more of an interest in this thesis. Knowledge sharing routines
refer to those deliberately developed inter-firm processes aimed at facilitating
knowledge exchanges between alliance partners [Dyer and Singh, 1999].
Dyer and Singh [1999] examine two dominating views about the source of
competitive advantage, industry structure (by Porter) and resource-based view.
In the former, 'supernormal' returns are explained by the firm's membership in
the industry whereas in the latter, the unique resources held by the firm are the
distinguishing factor. By referring to the earlier research implying that
productivity gains in the value chain are possible if participants are willing to
- 21 -

make relation-specific investments and combine resources in novel ways, Dyer

and Singh [1999] propose that idiosyncratic interfirm linkages may be a source
of relational rents and competitive advantage.
Strategic alliances have great potential benefits, but have high probability of
failure: Duysters et al. [1999] refer to great number of research where failure
rate has been found to be around 60% - some being more or less pessimistic
than this number. Bleeke and Ernst [1993] studied cross-border alliances and
found that although two thirds of cross-border alliances encountered serious
managerial and financial problems, most of them could overcome those. One
third of the sample ended up in a total failure (for both partners).
Reasons for failure of strategic alliances are many: hidden agendas, tension
between collaboration and competition (high-ratio of private to common
benefits), asymmetrical relationship, i.e. big differences in size of the companies
and further, their bargaining power [Duysters et al., 1999].
3.5. Strategic alliances and technology-life-cycle models
Roberts and Liu [2001] present the technology-life-cycle model of alliances and
acquisitions that bases on 'Utterback model of the technology life cycle' with its
three stages: (1) Fluid phase, (2) Transitional phase and (3) Mature phase, with
one more added later, (4) discontinuities phase.

Figure 12. Utterback model of the Technology Life Cycle

- 22 -

Although the work of Roberts and Liu [2001] is published in a more

business-oriented journal3, I have introduced it here since it raises an interesting
proposition about strategic decisions in different phases of technological
In the fluid phase, pioneering products, such as a compact disc (CD), enter
the market. In the emergence of a novel technology, organizations may be
confused to which of them to invest and commit their R&D resources. The
characteristics of the fluid phase include low barriers to entry, low brand
loyalty (functionality and quality focus), high profit markets (less direct
competition) and low bargaining power of suppliers. The authors propose that
the managers should pursue 'aggressive outward-licensing strategies', to
support adoption of their technology. Marketing alliances may help reaching
customers quickly in this stage. Additionally, alliances for establishing
standards are common in the fluid phase. Well-established technology
companies may acquire start-up companies with potentially mutual benefits:
resource leverage for the acquired company and gaining access to competitive
technologies for the acquirer [Roberts and Liu, 2001].
The emergence of dominant design causes the shift from the fluid phase to
the transitional stage [Roberts and Liu, 2001]. Now, the focus shifts to
enhancing the dominant technology, which decreases market and technology
uncertainty and shortens design cycles. Other characteristics of the phase are
rapid growth of demand, rise of the customer expectations (quality and timely
delivery) and lowered barriers to entry. In this stage, companies collaborate to
improve the dominant design and develop extensions, such as features or
applications for the platform. Companies of approximately same size and with
sufficient technological competencies join their resources in the form of R&D
contract. Even those companies who were initially on the 'losing' side of the
standard race have to adopt the prevailing platform quickly to increase market
share and revenue growth. The companies riding on the wave of possessing the
dominant technology improve their stock valuation and thus, may be able to
buy smaller players with complementary technologies or relevant customer
base [Roberts and Liu, 2001].
In the mature phase, availability of products around the dominant design
increases significantly. The emphasis of R&D shifts from products to process
innovation. In this stage, R&D alliances are used for sharing costs and risks.
The authors speculate that acquisitions may be used instead of alliances when
the partner is a direct competitor and exclusive rights to the proprietary

MIT Sloan Management Review, 2001, VOL 43; PART 1, pages 26-35

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technology are desired. In the mature stage, manufacturing joint ventures are
used to control costs while marketing alliances are for targeting the latent
market and expanding into new geographical markets. Non-core operations of
the companies may be divested to improve profitability. In general, the mature
stage is the platform for making wide variety of strategic decisions such as
making equity investments and acquisitions, forming alliances for R&D,
marketing and manufacturing [Roberts and Liu, 2001].
The phase of discontinuities is entered when existing technologies are
rendered obsolete by the introduction of novel technologies. New markets
develop decreasing the demand for old market products. Barriers to entry have
been practically removed and new players can enter the markets easily. In this
stage, quick actions of the 'first player' can result in 'near-monopoly rents'.
Financially stronger companies may acquire financially weaker competitors
and thus strengthen their competitive position [Roberts and Liu, 2001].
Roberts and Liu [2001] propose that the decision of whether to engage in an
alliance or acquire (Figure 13) depends - in addition to company-specific
competencies - on market development and the competitive position of the firm
compared to its rivals. Alliances tend to be favored when technology is
becoming better defined and competitive pressure increases (mature stage), but
less so in the discontinuities phase in which consolidation of the companies
decreases the number of the companies. Mergers and acquisitions are favored
over alliances in transitional stage in which companies need to enhance their
technology portfolios [Roberts and Liu, 2001].

Figure 13. Propensity to ally or acquire [Roberts and Liu, 2001].

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3.6. Prospective strategic alliance -analysis

This sub-chapter introduces terms and cognitive tools for researchers and
managers to analyze a prospective strategic alliance. Whereas the previous
literature review of strategic alliances was theoretical in its nature, here we
converge with practice. The considerations are the following:
1. Strategic alliance potential evaluation (alliance pay-off potential vs.
alliance challenge)
2. Innovation potential of a strategic alliance
3. Strategic management choices in alliance context
3.6.1. Strategic alliance potential evaluation
In the following, I am presenting an analysis of strategic alliance potential (Figure
14). The best expected outcome for a particular alliance is when the alliance
pay-off potential is high, but the alliance challenge is low, i.e. when the circles
depicted inside the diagonal tubes (in Figure 14) are in the opposite corners. I
propose that alliance pay-off potential could be evaluated as a factor of the three:
(1) business potential, (2) competence development potential and (3) innovation

Figure 14. Alliance pay-off potential weighted against alliance

Business potential refers to potential commercial gains of engaging in a
strategic alliance and is a "taken for granted" motivation for companies. Access
- 25 -

to complementary competencies through an alliance without learning

objectives to fulfill certain short-term objectives is a pure business motivation.
Competence development refers to use of strategic alliances as means of learning,
knowledge transfer preceding and leading to the development of one's own
capabilities (see Inkpen, 1998; Hamel 1991, Das and Teng, 2000, Dyer and Singh
[1999]). Innovation is discussed in conjunction with strategic alliances by e.g.
Narula and Hagedoorn [1999], Hagedoorn and Duysters [2002] and in
populistic business literature by von Hippel [2001].
To put it very simply: the managers of the companies have to weight the
alliance pay-off potential against the alliance challenge. If the alliance pay-off
potential is not significantly greater than the alliance challenge, it is waste of
time, effort and money to engage in such an alliance.
The alliance challenge consists of (1) knowledge transfer challenge, (2)
relationship challenge and (3) X-factors (Figure 14). Knowledge transfer
challenge which is the main interest of this thesis, is highly interconnected with
the relationship challenge and further influences the innovation and
competence development potential.
I define relationship challenge as the total sum of the potential uncertainty
deriving from (a) the relationship of the alliance managers of two
organizations, (b) the relationship between the organizations as whole and (c)
bi-lateral relations of the two countries in the case of a cross-border alliance.
This definition is derived through enumerating all the different levels on which
two organizations can relate to each other and identifying the most critical ones
of all of these.
The X-factors include economic and political changes and instabilities and
environmental catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods, etc. The X-factors,
although having a drastic impact on business in a foreign country, are not dealt
in greater detail in this thesis.
3.6.2. Innovation potential
Innovation is defined as when new knowledge is developed in order to find a
solution for a specific problem defined earlier [Nonaka, 1994]. My view is that
strategic alliances are excellent tools for accelerating innovation since emerging
of novel ideas occurs particularly in conditions in which two formerly separate
knowledge networks are brought together. In the case of strategic alliances, a
sufficient amount of links (linking persons) between the firms support this.
I propose that innovation potential of cross-border strategic R&D alliances is
the product of (1) industry support factor, (2) alliance support factor and (3) the
novelty factor (Figure 15).
- 26 -

Figure 15. Innovation potential.

The diagonal tube of Figure 15 (connecting the opposite corners) depicts the
whole spectrum of innovation potential from the lowest degree to the highest
degree. The cubicle could be converted to a matrix with weight points for the
different factors and an overall score could be calculated. This could provide
some practical value for the alliance managers evaluating different alliance
I propose that industry support factors (Figure 15) consist of converging
industries, industry strengths and industry support mechanisms. The factor is
the greatest, when the alliance partners hail from converging industries that have
industry-specific strengths and institutional support mechanisms for innovations.
Alliance support factors include complementary competences of the firms with
the precondition that there is common knowledge foundation on which to build.
The ability of alliance partners to learn not only on their own, but develop
processes that span both organizations and thus enable development of
interorganizational learning, is critical in joint-innovation.
The novelty factor is the third component: innovative product idea
implemented with novel technologies and utilizing a novel business model yields
theoretically the highest novelty factor.
- 27 -

3.6.3. Strategic management choices

Figure 16 illustrates the critical strategic management choices when considering
a prospective strategic alliance. X-axis and Y-axis together form a face of
Strategic potential. The upper face (with dashed line) corresponds to the
Alliance form with its own X-axis (equity-contract ratio) and Y-axis
(intertwining processes). The information of the cubicle of Strategic
management choices (Figure 16) is further clarified by Figure 17 and Figure 18
(Front-face and upper-face). However, I have decided to synthesize the whole
set of decisions in one single 3D-cubicle, because in my opinion a strategic
decision has to take into account all the factors and interdependencies between
them. The 3D-cubicle as a concrete model is perfectly suitable for weighing
different choices against each other and evaluating their impacts on the whole.

Figure 16. Strategic management considerations for strategic alliance

Side-face X-axis: Alliance pay-off potential
On the X-axis is Alliance pay-off potential which consists of the three factors
identified earlier: business potential, competence development potential and
innovation potential. Innovation potential was depicted in a sub-cubicle of its
own previously.
- 28 -

Side-face Y-Axis: Alliance challenge

The Y-axis forms alliance challenge consisting of knowledge transfer challenge,
relationship challenge and X-factors. Knowledge transfer challenge is a product
of the following: general properties of knowledge (knowledge challenge) in
the particular alliance, ontology challenge and culture challenge. Cross-border
aspect when present is embedded in Y-axis: it raises one additional level of
crossing boundaries. Theoretically, the domestic level is the basic case to
which cross-border, and cross-border / cross-culture interaction of alliance
partners raise an additional layer of complexity.

Figure 17. Alliance challenge vs. alliance pay-off potential

Upper-face: Alliance form and its properties (X- and Y-axis)
Upper-face (Figure 18) of the cubicle relates but is partly independent from the
side face of Strategic potential since the X-axis of the upper face is defined
anew. The upper-face has two properties: equity-contract ratio on X-axis refers
to the degree that equity is used to commit partners to the alliance instead of
contractual binding. Issues related to equity vs. contractual were presented in
"Typology of Strategic Alliances" -chapter.

- 29 -

Figure 18. Chosen equity / contract -ratio vs. appropriate degree of

The degree of interaction on the Y-axis refers to the depth and breadth of
alliance interaction and need for intertwining processes: in R&D alliance the
partners engage in deeper interaction than in some other form of an alliance,
such as joint-product development arrangement that aims at resource leverage
through the other partner. The breadth of the interaction is narrow if the
collaboration area is only a small part of the partners operations and broad if it
is a major part of the operations or production. The degree of interaction is
referred to in "Typology of Strategic Alliances" -subchapter and Ontological
dimension -chapter.
In Figure 18, the four different alliance types can be placed in different
positions in regard to the two dimensions. In general, joint R&D alliances are
contract based coupled with a high degree of interaction. The same applies to
joint ventures, but now with equity commitment being more important than
contractual. Minority ownership alliances can be a mix of equity and
contractual binding while degree of interaction varies depending from the case.
Technology for cash arrangements tend to be contractual with a low degree
of needed interaction. Thus, it is not possible to state that one alliance type can
be positioned always in a certain quadrant of Figure 18, although we can
speculate the general tendencies.
- 30 -


Epistemological dimension - foundations for knowledge


A review of the academic literature discussing data, information and

knowledge shows that conceptual clarity is lacking in the domain. The
distinctions between data, information and knowledge are often inadequate. A
vast majority of knowledge management related articles have adopted the
fashionable tacit knowledge term, but have not gone beneath the surface to
examine what tacit knowledge in reality is. This chapter, if not being exhaustive
treatment on the subject, tries to overcome both the above mentioned pitfalls
and contribute solid knowledge foundations for this thesis.
4.1. Data, information, knowledge
According to Wilson [2002], knowledge involves three mental processes,
namely comprehension, understanding and learning. The author distinguishes
between the messages that carry information (oral, written, graphic, gestural,
etc.) and knowledge that is the result of assimilation, understanding,
comprehending and incorporating into knowledge structures. Because of these
mental processes on knowledge receivers part, it is unlikely that the
knowledge constructed by receiver would be an identical carbon copy of the
sender [Wilson, 2002]. Choo [2005] proposes that transformation of information
into knowledge involves two complementary processes: (1) "structuring" of
data and information that imposes or reveals order and pattern and (2) the
human "acting", sense making, on data and information. Now, we follow the
chain from signals, data and information to knowledge according to Choo
[2006] (Figure 19).

- 31 -

Figure 19. Data, information and knowledge [Choo, 2005].

Humans are continuously bombarded by a vast amount of signals; sights,
sounds and other sensory stimuli. Only a small portion of these is analyzed
further consciously. Structuring of signals is physical: the process of
punctuating signals into data is influenced by observers past experiences and
beliefs of what signals to expect [Choo, 2005].
Data, according to Choo [2006], are 'facts and messages observed by an
individual or group' and may be elements of larger physical systems, such as
books. Data is further processed by 'cognitive structuring', that is, assigning
meaning and significance to the facts and messages. Schemas and mental
models of the actor influence what meanings are constructed by the actor. Next,
information may be transformed into knowledge through "belief structuring",
that is, forming justified true beliefs about the phenomena [Choo, 2005]. In
Nonaka's [1994] words: information is flow of messages, while knowledge is
created and organized by the very flow of information, anchored on the
commitment and beliefs of its holder.
Choos [2006] presentation (Figure 19) of how signals and data form the
basis for information and knowledge may be over simplified4. For example, the
model implies that the degree of order and structure increases with each step
when progressing towards more sophisticated levels from data to knowledge.
According to Choo [2006], the degree of order and structure is higher in the
case of data if compared to a stream of signals, but does this still apply with the
pairs of information and data; or knowledge and information? Is there

A remark raised by Hannu Kangassalo in a thesis discussion.

- 32 -

somehow more structure in knowledge compared to data? Choos [2006] model

clearly lacks in completeness and coherence implying the need to refer to other
De Long and Fahey [2000] distinguish between human knowledge, social
knowledge and structured knowledge - a distinction also included in the model
of cross-border knowledge transfer by Bhagat et al. [2002]. Human knowledge is
what an individual knows (factual knowledge, skills knowledge), comprises of
explicit and tacit knowledge, and is expressed by skills or may be of abstract,
conceptual nature. Social knowledge is embedded in relationships among
individuals or within groups, is largely tacit and composed of cultural norms.
Structured knowledge is embedded in organizational context: in systems,
processes, rules and routines of an organization.
Zander and Kogut [1995] characterize knowledge in a firm at levels of
individual, group and organization by using five constructs presented in the
following. High degree of codifiability of knowledge is the case when the
barriers to encoding knowledge are low. Whether the employees of the firm can
be trained or not in regard to particular knowledge is a question of
teachability training of an individual itself can occur through the work (as an
apprentice) or outside the work place - in schools and training institutes.
Complexity of knowledge is the case especially when knowledge is drawn from
multiple competencies that are distinct from each other. System dependence
refers to the dependence on different professionals for utilizing capability for
production. The last structure, Product observability, points to the characteristics
of the product that make it vulnerable for imitation by a competitor utilizing,
for example, reverse engineering.
It seems that many characteristics of tacit knowledge are inbuilt in Zanders
and Koguts [1995] model of five constructs, but in a distributed manner: for
example Codifiability covers some aspects of tacit knowledge while
teachability some other. Thus, it may be better to consider tacitness as a
higher level umbrella concept compared to those separate constructs of
Zander and Kogut.
Zanders and Koguts [1995] major conclusion from their study is that the
extent to that knowledge can be codified and taught (Codifiability,
Teachability,) are important factors in determining how transfer of
manufacturing capabilities will succeed. The third influencing factor is the
threat of market pre-emption that hails from the nature of industry

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4.2. Tacit knowledge and its criticism

Epistemology is concerned with such questions as: what is knowledge in its
very essence? How is it different from information or data? Two kinds of
knowledge are distinguished from each other in epistemology: tacit and explicit
knowledge. This distinction was introduced by Michael Polanyi [1966] in his
book Tacit Dimension. In mid-90s, Nonaka and Takeuchi [1995] published
their theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation that bases on the concept of
tacit knowledge in its very foundations. Nonaka and Takeuchi [1995] view tacit
and explicit knowledge as distinct knowledge types that can be converted to
each other through four modes of conversion.
Explicit knowledge is transmittable in formal language. If all information of
the firm would be such, the transfer of knowledge would be very easy:
exchange of a pile of documents would be enough [Polanyi, 1966].
Nonakas and Takeuchis theory of organizational knowledge creation is a
master work of its own despite the fact that the authors have adopted the
concept of 'tacit knowledge' in a different meaning than what the original
inventor of the term, Michael Polanyi, meant [Virtanen, 2006]. This weakness in
Nonaka's and Takeuchi's theory has been criticized by Tsoukas [2001] and
Wilson [2002]. Tsoukas [2001] points out that Nonaka's and Takeuchi's
interpretation of tacit knowledge has gone astray when limiting it to consist of
'what can be articulated'. Tsoukas [2001] sees tacit and explicit knowledge as
'two sides of the same coin' implying that even 'the most explicit kind of
knowledge is underlain by tacit knowledge'.
Tsoukas [2001] states critically: "Organizational knowledge is much talked
about but little understood". According to the author, the difficulties rise from a
'double failure': firstly, understanding the 'generation and utilization of
knowledge we need a theory of organization' and secondly, for understanding
'organizational knowledge we need a theory of organization'. He criticizes
Davenport's and Prusak's definition of knowledge [1998] for trying to include
too many things in the concept, referring to 'values', 'experiences' and 'context'
in the Davenport's and Prusak's definition: "Knowledge is a flux mix of framed
experiences, contextual information and expert insights that provides a
framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information".
Tsoukas [2001] proposes himself the following definition: "Knowledge is the
individual capability to draw distinction, within a domain of action, based on
an appreciation of context or theory, or both".
Zander and Kogut [1995] do not seem to be big supporters of tacitness
concept: It would be nonsensical to believe that there is a single dimension
called tacitness. Based on the improved definition of tacit knowledge that
- 34 -

acknowledges conscious and unconscious content of skills, I would like to

argue against Zander and Kogut by saying that tacitness is a useful attribute
for describing the unconscious vs. conscious ratio of a certain skill.
Cook and Brown [1999] distinguish between "epistemology of possession"
and "epistemology of practice". The former refers to traditional understanding
of knowledge that is dominating the discussion related to organizational
knowledge, intellectual capital and knowledge work. The latter in its
possession-centric view of knowledge neglects knowing as an action: knowing
found in individual and group practice.
4.3. Understanding tacit knowledge
If we want to stick to the definition by Polanyi [1966], we cannot overcome the
fact that purely tacit knowledge does not exist. I would argue that the content
that is fully in the unconscious of the human mind is not knowledge, but
something else, to say, just unstructured content. One important property of
knowledge is subjects awareness of it: If there is no awareness by an
individual in regard to particular knowledge, it is said that the person does
not know [Polanyi, 1966]. Tacit knowledge is better understood as knowledge
that forms out of conscious and unconscious content (Figure 20).

Figure 20. The tacit and explicit knowledge and their relation to
conscious and unconscious content.
In the following Figure 21, I am building on the previous understanding of
the nature of tacit and explicit knowledge and depicting a working model for
knowledge transfer process between individuals. The model may be oversimplifying and incomplete in numerous ways, but is presented here to fill the
gap of individual level knowledge transfer since it lays obviously the
- 35 -

foundations for organizational knowledge transfer. In the model, I distinguish

three parts: (1) knowledge articulation (knowledge sender), (2) in parallel - (a)
transfer of explicit part of the knowledge (optional) and (b) socialization
process, (3) Trial-and-error or "groping in the dark".

Figure 21. Tacit knowledge transfer process.

It is clear that there is no way to transfer the subconscious content of the
tacit knowledge directly to another persons subconsciousness, but the recipient
must through trial-and-error create the necessary neural connections to link the
conscious content of the knowledge (explicit knowledge) and the unconscious
content of the knowledge (implicit). An analogue for this process of trial-anderror is a hand groping in the dark for lost items.
In the first stage, the knowledge sender has to articulate to herself, what is
the essence of the knowledge, what are the explicit linguistic instructions that
would help the knowledge recipient to learn the corresponding skill. The better
the knowledge holder succeeds in this process of producing verbal instruction,
guidelines or recipes, the easier the actual process of knowledge transfer will
It may be that knowledge holder cannot even describe the skill in verbal
terms, but can only show "how to do". In this case the visual observation
instead of auditory instructions provides the means to grab into the essence of
the skills knowledge.

- 36 -

In the second stage, the knowledge is transferred through intertwining the

transfer of explicit part of the knowledge (instructions, recipe) and the
socialization process.
4.4. Other dimensions of knowledge
Along with discussing tacit vs. explicit nature of the knowledge, several other
properties of knowledge - relevant to knowledge transfer - are identified in the
literature (Figure 22). Garud and Nayyar [1994] and Winter [1987] distinguish
two other dimensions - simplicity vs. complexity and independent vs. systemic
knowledge - that are adopted by Bhagat et al. [2002] and included also in this
thesis as a part of the epistemological dimension of 'Knowledge transfer
cubicle'. Complex knowledge is characterized by causal uncertainties that results
in greater amount of factual information to be transferred compared to 'simple'
knowledge that can be captured with less information [Bhagat et al., 2002].
Thus, complexity of knowledge is directly influencing its transfer. The other
dimension, referring to independency vs. 'systemicity' of knowledge [Garud
and Nayyar, 1994] points to the fact that independent knowledge can be described
by itself, whereas systemic knowledge must be described in relation to existing
body of knowledge [Bhagat et al., 2002].

Figure 22. Knowledge challenge cubicle (adopted from Bhagat et al.

- 37 -

4.5. Knowledge-based theory of the firm

Grants [1996] knowledge-based theory of the firm is a continuum to the series
of earlier theories that have aimed at explaining firm from different angles.
Grant [1996] gathers essential issues in regard to knowledge that are relevant in
the process of value creation within the firm: transferability, capacity for
aggregation and appropriability. Tacitness of knowledge is closely related to
its transferability since the tacit part of the knowledge needs to be brought to
the surface before it can be communicated further as shown above (Figure 21).
While discussing knowledge transferability, firstly one should distinguish to
what extent the knowledge in question is tacit. This can be examined by a
simple test: if the knowledge responds better to questions starting with how
instead of what, the knowledge is categorized as tacit. Purely tacit
knowledge is as rare as purely explicit knowledge: even the most tacit
knowledge has a part that can be communicated explicitly. Similarly, even the
most explicit knowledge contains tacit assumptions that we cannot get rid of as
long as we deal with human agents.
Knowledges potential for aggregation has an impact on how efficiently
knowledge can be transferred. Aggregation is made more efficient by using
common language and statistical means of presenting information.
Idiosyncratic knowledge, such as capabilities of managers is spread throughout
the organization and cannot be aggregated at one single point as easily as
information regarding companys cash balances [Grant, 1996]. However,
nowadays modern knowledge management systems enable centralization of
scattered knowledge and thus alleviate the previous problem.
When a resource owner receives a return corresponding to the value created
by ones resource, it is said that knowledge is appropriable. Tacit knowledge has
limitations in regard of appropriability since it is not easily transferred. Explicit
knowledge is neither problem-free since once acquired it can be sold without
losing it. Even marketing that particular explicit knowledge exposes it to
potential buyers. Drawing from the previous limitations of tacit and explicit
knowledge, it can be stated that knowledge is weakly appropriable in the
market [Grant, 1996].
Grant [1996] presents coordination mechanisms by Ouchi (1979)5: market,
bureaucratic and clan mechanisms; and different types of interdependence

W. G. Ouchi, A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control

mechanisms, Management Science 25, 833-848.

- 38 -

identified by Thompson (1967)6: pooled, sequential, reciprocal and - in addition

- team interdependence by Van De Ven et al. (1976)7. Drawing together from
these Grant perceives four principal mechanisms for integrating specialized
knowledge. First, for an employee to be able to perform ones job one might
need some knowledge from another employee. Instead of trying to transfer tacit
knowledge from one person to another, a sufficient compromise can be
formulating the essence of the tacit knowledge in the form of rules and
directives. Secondly, sequencing can be an efficient way to organize specialists
independent work for the purpose of integrating their specialist knowledge
without engaging in excessive communication and coordination. Whether
sequencing is applicable depends on the product, physical inputs and
production technology. Thirdly, in the absence of rules and directives,
organizational routines support complex patterns of interactions among the
employees. These interactions may be characterized by a high level of
simultaneity and highly varied sequences of interaction. Fourthly, when more
personal and interactive forms of knowledge integration are needed, all the
previous three are insufficient; instead group problem solving and decision
making is utilized.
4.6. Prior research on knowledge transfer
Literature is quite well available for knowledge transfer in strategic alliances.
Szulanski presents [2000] a process model for knowledge transfer (intrafirm).
Bhagat et al. [2002] introduce a model for cross-border knowledge transfer
emphasizing cultural context (Figure 23). Abou-Zeid [2005] conceptualizes
inter-organizational transfer as four-stage process including the phases of
initialization, inter-relation, implementation and internalization.
Initialization occurs when the prospective recipient firm acknowledges a
certain knowledge gap, identifies a firm with corresponding knowledge and
tries to convince the intended source firm for knowledge transfer. Activities of
the initialization phase involve identifying the type of knowledge to be
transferred, predicting the expected outcome, evaluating potential source and
the method for knowledge acquisition [Abou-Zeid, 2005].
Inter-relation phase starts the dialogue between the source and recipient
firms in regard to the following issues: what knowledge is to be transferred,
when and who exactly are the participants in transaction along with
identification and solving problems deriving from potential incompatibility of

J. D. Thompson, Organizations in Action, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967.

A. H Van De Ven, A. L. Delbecq and R. Koenig, Determinants of coordination modes

within organizations, American sociological review 41, 322-338.

- 39 -

the firms (language, coding schemes and cultural conventions) [Abou-Zeid,

In implementation of knowledge transfer, a selected group of managers and
expert employees in the domain of transferred knowledge, unpack the newly
acquired knowledge, reinterpret it and share the tacit knowledge about their
observations [Abou-Zeid, 2005].
In the phase of internalization, the knowledge acquired achieves taken-forgranted status after the receiver has gained satisfactory results and the use of
the particular knowledge has become routinized [Abou-Zeid, 2005].
Simonin [1999] points out that even when there is an abundance of research
related to knowledge transfer, very few are linking the intrinsic nature and
dimensionalities of knowledge to its transferability.
Bhagat et al. [2002] note that the effectiveness of cross-border transfer of
organizational knowledge is facilitated by the capabilities of transferring, and
the recipient organization. Different institutional mechanisms, such as licensing
or patent-related intellectual property rights may be used to facilitate the
knowledge transfer [Bhagat et al., 2002].
Simonins Knowledge ambiguity concept synthesizes many of the
epistemological, ontological and organizational challenges acknowledged in
this thesis. Knowledge ambiguity is proposed to be contributed by the
following antecedents: tacitness, specificity, complexity, experience, partner
protectiveness and both - cultural and organizational distance [Simonin, 1999].
The three foremost are included commonly by other authors as well (e.g. Parise
and Henderson [2001]). Tacitness is already a familiar term from the previous
chapters, but few others may be introduced briefly here.
The model by Simonin [1999] includes also so called moderating effects that
include collaborative know-how, learning capacity and alliance duration.
Authors earlier empirical research [1997] resulted in a conclusion that distinct
form of collaborative know-how is developed through past experience and this
will benefit in future alliances. In practice, this is expressed through the
adoption of such procedures that enhance information gathering, interpretation
and diffusion. Learning capacity consists of intent to learn and receptivity of the
learning firm together with transparency of the knowledge holder; it
determines to large extent the learning outcome. Alliance duration is another
moderating factor in knowledge transfer: based on literature sources, Simonin
gathers together changes none of which are really surprising - that occur
during maturation of the alliance. These include cultural rapprochement

- 40 -

(Meschi8), strengthened trust [Gulati, 1995] and gaining more in-depth view of
partners expertise and idiosyncrasies [Simonin, 1999]. The increasing level of
trust is a favorable direction, but in practice cannot be taken for granted. Trust
is dealt later in conjunction with the representation of the Innovation Tube.
Asset specificity refers to durable investments that are undertaken in
support of particular transactions. Complexity is a function of interdependent
technologies, routines, individual and resources linked to a particular
knowledge: greater complexity contributes to increased ambiguity.
Organizational distance refers to differences in organizational culture, business
practices and institutional heritage [Simonin, 1999].
Simonin [1999] conducted a large scale empirical study with a sample of 147
companies (complete answers out of all 192 respondents and out of 1000
approached companies) to investigate the significance of the proposed
antecedents of knowledge ambiguity. The questionnaire included specific
questions about the alliance partner, collaborative objectives and experience,
and other knowledge transfer related issues. The conclusion from the research
is that knowledge ambiguity can be considered as an important factor in
knowledge transfer and it acts as a full mediator of several hypothetically
proposed antecedents, including tacitness, experience, complexity, and cultural
and organizational distance. Surprisingly, specificity and partner protectiveness
were not found significant.
In the context of the moderating effects of alliance duration, impact of
ambiguity and tacitness are found to be lasting. Some differences were found
between young and older alliances: In the case of older alliances - the effects of
prior experience and complexity on ambiguity will vanish eventually. In regard
to younger alliances, cultural and organizational distance disappears [Simonin,
1999]. However, total disappearance of the organizational distance is unlikely
as long as organizations collaborate on the alliance contract level, not being
merged into one organizational unit. Also, if the firms hail from drastically
different cultures, I would be very doubtful whether cultural gap can ever be
totally bypassed. Despite this, the gap might be narrowed to the extent that it
ceases to have any major impact on organizational collaboration.

Meschi, P., Longevity and cultural differences of international joint ventures: Toward

timebased cultural management. Human Relations, 50, 2 (1997), 211227.

- 41 -

Figure 23. Model of cross-border knowledge transfer by Bhagat et al.

Davenport and Prusak [1998] have two interesting notions in regard to
knowledge transfer: velocity refers to the speed that knowledge traverses
through an organization while viscosity points to the richness or thickness of
knowledge. Corporate information systems speed up the velocity of
knowledge, but the impact of knowledge viscosity is more difficult to control
since it is a product of cognitive and organizational factors and influenced by
the mode of transfer.
Szulanski [2000] presents a process model of knowledge transfer. Earlier
[1996], the author had given a following definition for knowledge transfer
process: "....a process in which an organization recreates and maintains a
complex, causally ambiguous set of routines in a new setting". Stickyness refers
to perceived difficulties in that process. The author [2000] explores 'stickyness'
parallel to the four generally acknowledged stages of knowledge transfer:
initiation, implementation, ramp-up and integration. Initiation stickyness refers
to the difficulties to recognize an opportunity for transfer and acting upon this.
An opportunity for transfer is at hand when a knowledge 'gap' is recognized
and knowledge to fill this gap is identified in the organization. Implementation
- 42 -

stickiness refers to challenges to bridging the communications gap between the

source and the recipient, and to fill the recipient's technical gap. Knowledge
transfer may interrupt the source from its primary mission. It may also disrupt
the recipient's operations because of retraining or reassigning personnel,
acquiring new personnel or modifying the infrastructure.
Ramp-up stickiness may be experienced when the recipient begins to use
acquired knowledge: the challenge is to identify and resolve obstacles to be able
to match or exceed the expectations for post-transfer performance. Integration
stickiness may be expressed through abandoning the new practices when facing
any difficulties: final integration of knowledge fails and this leads to reversal to
the former 'status quo' [Szulanski, 2000].
4.7. Knowledge in a software company
In this sub-chapter, different types of knowledge in a software company are
identified and analyzed in regard how difficult such knowledge is to transfer
from a strategic alliance partner to another. The latter examination is conducted
in regard to the three aspects of knowledge: degree of articulation, complexity
and embeddedness in organizational context (presented in Figure 22 earlier).
Software development involves crystallization of domain knowledge into a
language that can be read and executed by a computer. This process is
directional: progressing through application domain knowledge to software
architecture, algorithmic design and finally into programming language
statements [Robillard, 1999]. Software development practices may vary from a
company to another, depending on commitments on certain process maturity
standards (SEI-CMM, ISO-9000) or decisions to engage in an agile software
development approach. However, the majority of software engineering
knowledge is presumably utilized all through the industry without a great
variety while the industries for which the software is developed might raise
highly unique challenges. This implies that software engineering knowledge
could be characterized as highly articulated (explicit), structured and
independent from the organizational context.
The depth and breadth of application domain knowledge as the
differentiating factor among the software companies is one important point of
consideration when evaluating prospective strategic alliance partners.
Application domain knowledge can be less articulated, varying from simple to
rather complex and being less structured.
4.7.1. Software business knowledge
Understanding the nature of software business requires examining how the
industry is structured. Messerschmitt and Szyperski [2004] propose following
- 43 -

partitioning for the software industry (Figure 24). Industry consultants play an
important role in crystallization of vertical industry domain knowledge or
horizontal business application needs into software requirements and features.
Application software suppliers implement the software, market the software for
multiple end-user organizations and specialize in certain technical competences
and processes for maximizing operational efficiency and quality of software.
Infrastructure software supplier provides software for application developers and
Several independent software suppliers may team-up with one
infrastructure software supplier. System integrators acquire and integrate
software of several vendors, install and test the interoperability and
functionality of the newly combined system. System integration may require
implementation of custom modules and middleware bridging the portfolio of
the software components. While system integrators concentrate on technical
aspects, business consultants facilitate the adaptation of software in a particular
firm addressing the special organizational issues and needs [Messerschmitt and
Szyperski, 2004].
Two kinds of service providers should be distinguished from each other in
software industry: application service providers that license and operate
applications and infrastructure service provider purchases and operates the
hardware and software infrastructure. Information content suppliers process and
aggregate information to correspond to the needs of customers [Messerschmitt
and Szyperski, 2004].
Strategic alliances of this thesis context are assumed to be formed between
application software suppliers that conduct research and development
activities jointly. Software business knowledge is prerequisite for a software
company to operate successfully as a part of the software eco-system. The
transfer of software business knowledge between the alliance partners occurs
informally and as a side-product in a R&D alliance. Such knowledge is
characterized as less-articulated, rather simple (not complex as technological
knowledge) and possessed by humans (not structured, nor codified).

- 44 -

Figure 24. Software value chain [Messerschmitt and Szyperski, 2004].

4.7.2. Software development process knowledge
Procedural knowledge is used while interacting with our environment, for
example, during activities, such as walking, talking and using a computer
application. Procedural knowledge is acquired through practice, and although
a skill may be difficult to learn and describe; it is rarely forgotten. Declarative
knowledge is factual knowledge concerned with the properties of objects,
persons or events and their relationships. Declarative knowledge can be further
divided in topic knowledge that refers to the definitions of words in a dictionary
and episodic knowledge concerned with an individuals experiences with
knowledge [Robillard, 1999].
In software development context, episodic knowledge develops while
working with different design diagrams (data-flow diagrams, ER-graphs),
defining objects from specification requirements and documenting programs.
Both, topic and episodic knowledge are needed in software development.
Novice programmers may not have sufficient episodic knowledge of the
application domain and this may result in well-designed, but inappropriately
functioning software or unnecessarily complex design [Robillard, 1999].
Software development knowledge on process level can be defined by
process maturity standards (such as SEI-CMM), thus being structured wellarticulated knowledge.
- 45 -

4.7.3. Software technologies knowledge

Small and medium size software companies need to focus on certain
technologies and platforms in which they develop strong competences. The
need to focus on limited range of competences is one of the key drivers for
strategic alliances formation: specialization implies narrower competence
portfolio which raises the need to access complementary competences while
engaging in ventures exploring novel ideas.
Software technologies knowledge is well-structured, independent from the
organizational context and well-articulated. Complexity of technological
knowledge poses the greatest challenge for its transfer; the absorptive capacity
of an individual or a company may not be at a sufficient level to absorb certain
technological knowledge. Challenges with emerging technologies may be that
documentation is not adequate or complete.
4.7.4. Market knowledge
One of the reasons to engage in a strategic alliance with an over-seas partner
may be the market knowledge of the targeted geographic region that the
partner is familiar with. A suitable alliance partner with deep understanding of
the local market conditions and access to distribution and sales channels ease
the entry to a foreign country significantly. Market knowledge may be less
articulated (tacit), varying from simple to highly complex, largely embedded in
organizational context and less-structured.
4.7.5. Alliance competence know-how
Strategic alliance partners may have a varying degree of exposure to strategic
partnering. The other partner may not have engaged in strategic R&D
partnering while for the other one it is a regular practice. The more experienced
partner may have adopted best practices and supporting systems that the
inexperienced partner is not aware of. In such a case, transfer of alliance
competence know-how between the alliance partners could be needed to
achieve equilibrium. Alliance competence know-how is likely to be highly
embedded in organizational context, often less articulated and emphasizing
human and social forms over structured ones.
4.8. Summary
Chapter Four built on the distinction between data, information and
knowledge, as well as the dichotomy of tacit and explicit knowledge. Criticism
of tacit knowledge concept (as understood by Nonaka and Takeuchi [1994])
was raised as an important issue. The working model for transfer of Skills
knowledge and knowledge-based theory of the firm laid down the foundations
- 46 -

for reviewing prior research on inter-organizational knowledge transfer.

Finally, different types of knowledge in a software company were described
and analyzed in regard to the three dimensions of knowledge by Bhagat et al.

- 47 -

- 48 -

5. Ontological dimension crossing boundaries

This chapter contributes the 'Ontological thread' to the Skein of Alliance
Learning that forms the core of the Knowledge Transfer and Alliance Learning model presented in Chapter Seven. The chapter is started by describing what
ontology is as understood in the traditional sense. Then, Nonakas and
Takeuchis [1994] ontological dimension concept is adopted in this thesis to be
used as an umbrella concept for all organizational learning related issues not
belonging to the two other dimensions of epistemology and culture. This
chapter deals mostly with the ontology of information, i.e. the formation and
processing of information and knowledge in organizational context.
5.1. Ontology vs. ontological dimension
The word ontology may be used with different meanings depending on the
context. In philosophy, ontology is the field of study of 'things that exist
[Chandrasekaran et al., 1999] or in other words: ontology is the theory of items
of all kinds. These items can be concrete or abstract, existent or non-existent,
real or ideal [Poli, 2002]. In artificial intelligence it refers commonly to
representation of vocabulary in a particular domain [Chandrasekaran et al.,
Domain ontology (a term by Guarino, 1998) is concerned with special kinds
of items (e.g. ontology of mathematics or law) on a certain level of specificity,
from very general to more specific (e.g. ontology of analytical geometry).
Nevertheless, ontology looks after universal structures in the case of both,
general ontology and domain-dependent ontology; the latter being concerned
with categorically closed collection of items [Poli, 2002].
Information can be categorized into ontological vs. non-ontological and
ontological vs. quasi-ontological information. Non-ontological category includes
semiotic and semantic information. Quasi-ontological information is kind of
meta-data describing who has made the categorization; where, when and how.
Further, descriptive ontology concerns with the collection of information about
a wide variety of items in the world and the specific domain under analysis.
Formal ontology distills, codifies and organizes the results of descriptive
ontology. Categories of formal ontology are described by terms such as thing,
process, matter, form, whole and parts. Formalized ontology conducts formal
codification for the constructs that were descriptively acquired and formally
purified [Poli, 2002]. The use of epistemological concepts such as belief,
knowledge in its different forms (knowledge, uncertain knowledge, wrong

- 49 -

knowledge, etc) indicates that we deal with epistemological information, not

ontological [Poli, 1999].
In regard to the structure of ontology, Poli [2002] discusses the problem
topics of substance and determinations. The theory of substance comprises
of the sub-theories addressing the theory of particulars, the levels of reality and the
wholes and their parts. The theory of particulars counterattacks the logic-driven
thinking leading to the perception of the world as the world of individuals.
Poli [2002] points out that the logical concept of individual should be replaced
by an ontological one that is richer in terms of descriptive and categorical
In regard to the theory of levels of reality, three ontological strata of the real
world can be distinguished: the material, the psychological and the social.
However, categorical and existential dependencies exist among the three: a
psychological item or event requires a physical object as its existential bearer;
without a person there will be no correlative psychological states [Poli, 2002].
In regard to the theory of wholes and their parts, Poli [2002] distinguishes
between three kinds of wholes: aggregates, wholes in the proper sense and
systems. The difference of aggregates and wholes is the following: the former
consists of proximate parts and the latter, of parts which fit together. Dynamic
exchange between the whole and its parts is the distinguishing feature of a
system. Every whole is separated from its environment by a boundary which
separates the interior and exterior of the whole [Poli, 2002].
Matter and form are correlated since any form may be the matter of a
higher form, and any matter may be the form of a lower matter. Discontinuity
in the matter-form dependence exists when shifting from the organic to the
mental plane, for example, atoms or cells are clearly not the matter of mind.
Social stratum is the level of communication and complex social phenomena and
customs, economic and legal realities, history, language, science and technology
(as summarized by Polis [2002] based on Hartmann (1935) and Husserl (1989)).
Ontologies are critical in knowledge sharing [Chandrasekaran et al., 1999]
which may give a hint why Nonaka [1994] has chosen to use the term in his
theory. The word 'ontology' may be misleading for those who associate it only
with its better known etymological meaning in philosophy. In this thesis I have
adopted the idea of the 'ontological dimension' from Nonaka [1994]: ontological
dimension to knowledge creation is concerned with social interaction between
individuals that create, share and develop knowledge (Figure 25).
However, I use the term ontological dimension even in broader meaning
in a sense that I consider it to include learning on different levels, crossing
"ontological" boundaries of an individual, team and organization; and the
- 50 -

properties of the previous ontological entities that may influence knowledge

transfer. To my understanding, even culture can be perceived as an entity on
ontological dimension when the focus is on crossing cultural boundaries not the
characteristics or deep structures of the culture (see Figure 27). When we
discuss cultural boundaries we implicitly assume culture as an ontological
entity with well-defined borders which is often not the case in practice. By
defining ontological dimension this way, the three dimensions together cover
360 degrees of the phenomenon under study, that is, knowledge transfer in
cross-border strategic alliances.

Figure 25. Spiral of organizational knowledge creation [Nonaka, 1994].

Nonaka [1994] emphasizes that interaction between individuals is in critical
role in developing ideas which originate to one individual. He refers to the
groups which contribute to the development of knowledge by communities of
interaction. In the case of strategic alliances focus of this thesis - the
interaction spans evidently across organizational boundaries. Other, lower
levels of possible interaction are individual, group and organization level as
shown in Figure 25 and Figure 26; the latter being further development of the

- 51 -

Figure 26. Spiral of Organizational knowledge creation adopted to EastWest cultural context.
In strategic alliances two distinct ways of acquiring skills should be
distinguished from each other: a company can gain access to relevant skills by
licensing, subcontracting or by utilizing partners employees for specific goals.
On the other hand, the company may decide to opt to internalize desired skills.
Hamel [1991] coins terms quasi-internalization and de facto internalization,
respectively. The previous distinction is relevant since only internalized skills
can be utilized outside of the boundaries of the contract confining the business
relationship. Grant and Baden-Fuller [2004] argue that the value of alliances
over firms and markets lies in accessing knowledge and thus acquiring
knowledge should not necessarily be seen as an ultimate goal of an alliance.
When strategic alliances are used to pursue those strategic objectives that they
are endogenously most suitable for, we have taken one step towards genuine
alliance thinking as depicted in Figure 8 earlier.
In Figure 27, I have depicted three major levels of ontological dimension
that contribute to knowledge transfer challenge: (1) team level, (2) interorganizational level and (3) cross-border level. From the knowledge transfer
aspect, the team level is the platform for knowledge transfer between the
- 52 -

individuals. The latter two levels build on the top of the team level both raising
one more source of uncertainty and complexity to the team level interaction.
In a single-organization context, only the first level of ontological challenge,
the team level, is present. Suitable conditions for knowledge creation in teams
were discussed in the chapter of Epistemological dimension (based on
Nonakas work [1994]).
When two organizations collaborate within a single-culture context, the two
ontological dimensions are present: team and inter-organizational level. In this
case, different corporate cultures discussed in the chapter of Cultural
dimension (based on Schein [1992]) may raise difficulties or misunderstandings
in the team level interaction.
In cross-border context, all the three ontological dimensions are present.
The interacting ontological entities examined, Culture A and Culture B, are
recognized as contributing to the ontological challenge, but are not analyzed in
qualitative terms in this context focusing on the ontological dimension.

Figure 27. Ontological challenge - crossing boundaries.

5.2. Interorganizational learning
The dynamics of interorganizational learning raises many challenges for
alliance practice and interesting research themes. Strong desire of
- 53 -

internalizations of partners skills coupled with concurrent international

expansion goals most likely result in inflammable partner relations [Hamel,
The prerequisite for interorganizational knowledge creation is both
partners ability to learn. One part of organizations learning ability is
absorptive capacity a concept introduced by Cohen and Levinthal [1990]. The
definition of absorptive capacity according to authors consists of three parts: (1)
recognition of the novel information outside the firm, (2) assimilation of
information and (3) application of information for commercial purpose.
Cohen and Levinthal [1990] ground their concept of absorptive capacity by
starting from the examination of individual's cognitive structures. The authors
point to research suggesting that prior experiences influence future cognitive
tasks, such as learning and problem solving. On organizational level, the
absorptive capacity depends on persons in "gatekeeping" or "boundaryspanning" roles, i.e. those persons who stand at the interface of the firm and its
environment or between the subunits of the firm. Lane and Lubatkin [1998]
expand Cohen's and Levinthal's firm-specific absorptive capacity concept to
company dyad -level by arguing that "the ability of a firm to learn from another
firm is jointly determined by the relative characteristics of the student and the
teacher firm" [Lane and Lubatkin, 1998]. Lane's and Lubatkin's [1998]
contribution of 'relative absorptive capacity' -concept is another instance of the
perceived shift to 'alliance thinking' from a firm-centric thinking.
Dyer and Singh [1999] recognize that Cohens and Dyers concept of
absorptive capacity does not take into account that the degree of absorptive
capacity varies depending on the partner. Further elaborated, partner-specific
absorptive capacity by previous authors acknowledges the significance of
overlapping knowledge bases and interaction routines that maximize
sociotechnical interaction. Absorptive capacity of a firm will improve over time,
because only after getting to know each other, partners really learn how to
communicate with each other and find easier critical expertise in the partner
company [Dyer and Singh, 1999].
In the empirical study of Hamels [1991], it was found that the managers
had several concerns regarding asymmetric learning in the alliance: concern
over the intent of partners (on axis collaborative vs. competitive), transparency
(referring to openness) and receptivity (referring to the firms ability to absorb
skills from the partner). Hamel considers [1991] the three previous factors
together as prospective determinants of interorganizational learning outcome.
Based on several case studies Inkpen [1998] offers explanations why learning in
alliances fails: undervaluation of alliance knowledge, nature of knowledge
- 54 -

made learning difficult and the parent corporate culture did not support
alliance learning. Inkpen's [1998] 'alliance knowledge' includes different
perspectives: (1) knowledge about how to design and manage alliances, (2)
knowledge that the partner wishes to gain access to, but needs not to
internalize and (3) knowledge that a partner can use to enhance its own
performance (e.g. strategy and operations).
Hamels [1991] theory of inter-partner learning consists of core propositions
that are briefly characterized in the following. In the case of competitive
collaboration, partners may view strategic alliances as transitional devices
aiming at internalization of partners skills. Termination of a learning alliance
should not be considered necessarily as a failure, but more as a statement that
the learning goals of the alliance have been achieved. From the perspective of
well-being of a relationship, it is beneficial if partners motivation for value
gaining from the relationship is of slightly differing nature, for example one
organization may aim at short term economic benefits while the other one in
learning skills for long-term benefit. This division of value motivations will
lessen the need to engage in time-consuming value-sharing discussions [Hamel,
Learning and bargaining power are in relation to each other since successful
learning may result in making the initial bargain obsolete and thus potentially
leading to unilateral dependence. Because of natural avoidance of this kind of
one-side dependence, partner may view the alliance as a race-to-learn; as stated
by a manager in Hamels study: If they learn what we know before we learn
what they know, we become redundant.
The objectives of an alliance partner, intent, may be internalization, resource
concentration or substitution. Asymmetry in either transparency or receptivity
results in asymmetric learning. Transparency is influenced, not only by
protectiveness of employees, but through design of organizational interfaces
and the structure of joint tasks. Receptivity is constrained by the skills and
absorptiveness of receptors among others [Hamel, 1991].
Interorganizational learning occurs when existing knowledge is transferred
from one partner to another or when completely new knowledge is developed
jointly. In interorganizational learning, transparency of knowledge holder and
receptivity of knowledge absorber must be present in order to transfer
knowledge and learn jointly. Interorganizational learning is essentially: a joint
outcome of the interacting organizations choices and abilities to be more or less
transparent and receptive [Larsson et al., 1998].

- 55 -

5.3. Strategies for interorganizational learning

Larsson et al. [1998] acknowledge interorganizational learning dilemma: being
a good partner paves the way for possible exploitation by another,
opportunistic partner. Evidently, collective knowledge development in this
kind of strategic alliance will not be successful at all.
Larsson et al. [1998] gather from literature factors that contribute to the
interorganizational learning dilemma by creating barriers to receptivity and
transparency that are the core enablers of collaboration strategy. Receptivity
can be constrained by availability of organizational slack which according to
the introducers [Cyert and March, 1963] of the term - serves as a means to
reduce goal conflict. In addition, strong intent to learn and adoption of a
student attitude contributes to receptivity. Transparency is not achieved only
by removing the obstacles for accessing knowledge, because the knowledge
itself can be tacit, sticky or socially embedded slightly varying concepts
from different researchers. The previous factors are perceived mostly as
partner-specific motivational and ability barriers, [Larsson et al., 1998].
Individual strategies for interorganizational learning include collaborating,
competing, compromising, accommodating and avoiding [Larsson et al., 1998] (Table
Table 2. Interorganizational learning outcomes [Larsson, 1998].
B's learning
strategy ->
A's learning



B-> A

+c >a


B -> A

-> a
b -> a




b -> a
a -> b
+ c -> a&b

+c -> b

b -> a
b -> a
a -> b
+ c -> a & b

a -> b

a -> b

A -> B
+ c -> b


B -> A
A -> B
+ C -> A&B
B -> A
+ c -> a
b -> a
a -> b
+ c -> a & b
A -> B
+ c -> b


A -> B : High transfer of existing knowledge from A to B
b -> a : moderate transfer of existing knowledge from B to A
+ c -> a&b : moderate creation of new knowledge c that is appropriated by both A and B

- 56 -

The best alliance outcome, i.e. greater amount of new knowledge is created
when both organizations are using collaboration strategy. Any other
combinations of individual strategies will result in less knowledge transferred
from one partner to another and thus less new knowledge created. Assumption
here is the notion by Larsson et al. (influenced by Schumpeter, 1943) in which
the potential for new knowledge created through collaboration is proposed to
be a function of the total amount of knowledge that is disclosed and absorbed
among the organizations.
Larsson et al. [1998] recognize the dynamic fluctuation of chosen individual
learning strategies. The shift occurs often towards decreased transparency and
receptivity through adoption of competition or avoidance strategies.
Compromise strategy is suggested by Larsson et al. [1998] as a possible
solution to the interorganizational learning dilemma. Weakness of the
compromise strategy is that not all learning potential can be realized through it,
because of avoidance of competitive vulnerability in the case of total
transparency. Two organizations adopting accommodating strategies may not
accomplish great overall results, but the alliance itself can be relatively stable. A
combination of collaborative competitive strategies is unlikely to be longlasting since the exploited collaborative partner will sooner or later adopt a
competitive strategy too resulting in exacerbated relations [Larsson et al., 1998].
5.4. Organizational knowledge creation
The organizational learning perspective of the previous sub-chapters
emphasizes absorption of existing knowledge. We should not restrict to this,
but also examine how completely new knowledge is created in a partnership.
Organizational knowledge creation is in its essence a dynamic process, in
which tacit and explicit knowledge are in perpetual, never-ending, dialogue
[Nonaka, 1994]. This process and its peculiarities are presented in the following.
In this review, necessary remarks are raised to update the theory to crossculture, cross-organization -context.
Nonaka [1994] considers individual commitment as one of the crucial
components in promoting the creation of new knowledge in an organization.
Commitment itself is induced by three factors that Nonaka has named
intention, autonomy and environmental fluctuation. Intention has two
facets: how individuals form their approach to the world and, on the other
hand, how they make sense of their environment. Intention plays a role in how
the value of information and knowledge is perceived and created. Autonomy
applies to levels of individual, group and organization. Autonomy of
individuals in organization may induce unexpected opportunities and provides
- 57 -

greater flexibility to acquire, relate and interpret information. Autonomy

increases individuals self-motivation to create new knowledge. Environmental
fluctuation refers to intervention of external world in the form of chaos and
discontinuity in individual process of knowledge creation. Because of
ambiguity, redundancy, and randomness in organization, new patterns of
thinking may arise and individuals recreate their own systems of knowledge
[Nonaka, 1994].
When two organizations collaborate with each other to create new
knowledge, this involves the establishment of cross-organizational teams.
Individuals as representatives of different national and corporate cultures may
express varying degrees of intention and autonomy. Based on Hofstede [2005]
and Bhagat et al. [2002] it could be hypothesized that employees of an
individualistic culture intrinsically expect greater personal autonomy.
5.4.1. Knowledge conversion
Nonaka [1994] presents the ACT9 model by Anderson (198310) as one model of
knowledge conversion. Nonaka considers as the limitation of ACT model the
fact that transformation of knowledge is seen as a unidirectional process from
declarative to procedural knowledge. Also he acknowledges that this might be
because the ACT model is more concerned with maturation than creation of
knowledge [Nonaka, 1994].
Nonaka [1994] responds to the previous deficiency by presenting his own
model for knowledge conversion that includes four different quadrants:
socialization, combination, externalization and internalization (Figure 28).

ACT stands for Adaptive Control of Thought. Later, the model in its updated form

was named ACT-R, the R standing for rational (source: Wikipedia).


J. R. Anderson, The Architecture of Cognition, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University

Press, 1983.

- 58 -

Figure 28. Knowledge conversion [Nonaka, 1994].

The knowledge conversion model of Nonaka [1994] is accommodated to the
cross-border context in Figure 29. In the following we review the original
model along with relevant updates to suite the alliance context.

Figure 29. Knowledge conversion model including internal cubicle of

Culture-based challenge).
Socialization process is the mechanism to convert knowledge tacit-totacit. Language is not always needed in socialization process, but shared
experience of knowledge sender and receiver is relevant. Some shared
- 59 -

experience is a precondition for successful knowledge conversion in this mode

[Nonaka, 1994]. In cross-border alliance context, the cultural background
mediates the socialization process, thus raising potential conflicts as introduced
previously: individualism-collectivism conflict and horizontalness-verticalness
Combination involves social interaction in order to combine explicit bits of
knowledge held by different individuals. Information can be sorted and
reorganized, for example, with the assistance of computer applications.
Information itself can be collected through face-to-face conversations,
teleconferences, e-mail, phone or any combination of these [Nonaka, 1994]. In
cross-border context, combination frequently involves gathering information
through IT mediated communication, thus resulting in greater vulnerability for
Externalization is a process where tacit knowledge is converted into explicit
knowledge. This can be achieved through using metaphors or analogies that
capture the essence of knowledge content to be transferred. Tacit and explicit
knowledge should be considered complementary, not substitutive, to each
other [Nonaka, 1994]. In the chapter of Cultural dimension, it was hinted that
the approach to tacit knowledge may vary depending on cultural background:
employees of a collectivistic culture being more sensitive to tacit knowledge in
some cases [Mller and Svahn, 2003]. Further, the authors [2003] propose that
collectivists tend to excel in understanding complex, tacit and systemic
knowledge whereas individualistics often Europeans tend to analyze
technology more concretely, including different documents and artifacts
(technology reports, licensing documents, etc.).
Internalization is a reverse process to externalization in which explicit
knowledge is converted back to tacit knowledge. In a sense, internalization
resembles most the traditional form of learning of all knowledge creation
modes [Nonaka, 1994]. Based on Mllers and Svahns [2003] statement above,
it could be hypothesized that individualistics could develop their
technological competence relying more on learning through internalization,
i.e. independent study of explicit documents and source code that their partner
has exposed to them.
Nonakas [1994] knowledge conversion cycle can be criticized as being oversimplistic: the knowledge conversion is depicted as a closed cycle without
inputs or outputs, but from where do novel ideas and knowledge emerge


Note by Hannu Kangassalo.

- 60 -

5.4.2. Concept of 'Ba'

Nonaka et al. [2001] define 'ba' as "a platform where knowledge is created,
shared, and exploited". Ba provides a medium for the knowledge concentration
of an organization; it collects the applied knowledge of the domain and
integrates it. The authors emphasize the role of interaction between individuals
and the environment in the context of ba.
The Japanese word 'ba' means roughly "place", but according to the authors
it refers not necessarily to a physical space, but to a specific 'time-space nexus'
that can be physical, virtual, mental or some combination of these.
Participating in a ba gives an opportunity for the individual to transcend one's
own perspective that may be limited in many ways [Nonaka et al., 2001].
Knowledge is an integral part of a ba and if separated from ba, it turns to be
bare information. The authors categorize four different types of ba: originating,
dialoguing, systematizing and exercising; each supporting a particular mode of
knowledge conversion between tacit and explicit knowledge. Originating ba
begins the cycle of knowledge creation, being a face-to-face interaction medium
for sharing feelings, emotions, experience and mental models [Nonaka et al.,
Dialoguing ba - if compared to the originating ba - is a more conscious
outcome of selecting a mix of people with specific knowledge and capabilities
for a project team. Dialogue enables the conversion of individual's mental
models and skills to common terms and concepts, i.e. the conversion of tacit
knowledge to explicit knowledge facilitated by the abundant use of metaphors
[Nonaka et al., 2001].
Systematizing ba is associated with the combination phase of knowledge
conversion. Prevailing mode of interaction is virtual, in contrast to being
physical. Thus, the collaborative information technology plays a key role in
combining new explicit knowledge with existing knowledge base after the
concepts have been justified throughout the organization [Nonaka et al., 2001].
Exercising ba supports the internalization phase of knowledge conversion
(from explicit to tacit knowledge). Learning occurs by continuous selfrefinement during on-the-job training (peripheral and active participation)
supported by senior mentors and colleagues [Nonaka et al., 2001].
5.4.3. Towards interorganizational knowledge creation
In the following, Nonakas work [1994] is accommodated to the strategic
alliance context. Nonakas [1994] description of organizational knowledge
creation process is used as the foundation for extended interorganizational

- 61 -

context. Additional remarks are raised basing on the chapter Cultural

First, total quality of an individuals tacit knowledge is raised through
continual interaction with explicit knowledge, i.e. reflection between experience
and rationality (the stage of enlargement of an individuals knowledge,). Next, a selforganized team is built for sharing tacit knowledge [Nonaka, 1994]. In the crossborder alliance context, teams can be formed from the employee pools of the
two organizations, adding the cross-cultural dimension to knowledge
conversion as shown earlier (Figure 29).
In Nonakas single-organization context, a self-organized team consists of
employees across functional boundaries of the organization including core
members who assure reasonable redundancy of information by having prior
work experience from different functions. Team should interact not only within
the team, but with relevant stakeholders, such as suppliers and customers to
ensure creative dialogue in which tacit knowledge can be communicated and
shared. Links connecting individuals within and outside - the organization
provide access to valuable resources when special kinds of expertise is needed
to solve a particular problem [Nonaka, 1994].
Precondition for sharing knowledge in a self-organized team is building
mutual trust among the members. Trust starts to build up, when team members
share their original experiences [Nonaka, 1994]. In the cross-border alliance
context, the trust needs special attention as building trust may require more
time because of the cultural distance. Shared experience is the foundation for
raising common perspectives that are the shared part of team members tacit
knowledge repositories. Prevailing mode of knowledge conversion in this stage
is evidently socialization [Nonaka, 1994].
In conceptualization12, the perspective that the team has come up with, is
articulated through continuous dialogue. The prevailing knowledge conversion
mode at hand is externalization. At this stage, transformation from teamspecific tacit perspectives to more universally understood explicit concepts is
achieved. The quality of dialogue can be improved through using dialectic,
such as contradiction and paradox. Dialogue should leave plenty of space for
revision, negation and constructive criticism [Nonaka, 1994]. In the alliance
context, the cultural remarks on externalization (knowledge conversion)
previously apply to the conceptualization stage.


The conceptualization term by Nonaka is not interchangeable with the one used by

Nicole Guarino (as defined in his paper Formal Ontology and Information Systems).

- 62 -

Crystallization of teams newly developed abstract concepts into products,

systems or services is the challenge ahead next. Essentially, crystallization is a
collective social process in which internalization is the dominant mode of
knowledge conversion. Redundancy of information in organization enables
experts to take an initiative when they are in position of knowledge leadership,
i.e. when they have crucial information and knowledge needed in the task at
hand [Nonaka, 1994].
After knowledge has traversed all its way through being shared,
conceptualized and crystallized, it must still go through the process of
justification in which final convergence and screening occurs. In this stage,
questions regarding knowledge quality and value to organization are raised.
Business criteria for evaluating knowledge can include cost, profit margin and
utility regarding organizations interests. Middle and top management will
make the decision about evaluation criteria that may include business criteria
along with other value premises, such as aesthetics of the product. Evaluation
criteria should be consistent with organizations higher-order value systems.
Finally, justified knowledge is integrated to become a part of organizations
whole knowledge network [Nonaka, 1994].
Nonaka [1994] emphasizes the circular, never-ending nature of
organizational knowledge creation process that has many interfaces with
environment including customers, competitors and suppliers. The way
outsiders react to the product by their bodily actions decisions to purchase
or not to purchase, the ways they use the product (often unexpected) will
give important feedback to the organization. This feedback forms the basis for
the future iterations of knowledge creating cycles.
5.4.4. Management of knowledge creation process








management of organizational knowledge creation (shortly: OKC-process).

Redundancy in organization refers to deliberated overlapping of not only
information but also business activities and responsibilities. At a quick glance,
this kind of overlapping could be assumed to increase inefficiency and disorder
in organization, but according to Nonaka it is highly beneficial in different
ways: it can speed up concept creation, reduce the impact of managerial
hierarchy, build mutual trust (through eliminating cheating) and simply
connect individuals that otherwise would not have much in common in regard
to field of expertise.
Environmental fluctuation contributes to the development of creative chaos in
the organization. An organization may face a crisis triggered by changes in the
- 63 -

technology or market environment. Similar sense of crisis may be generated

intentionally as well by the top management to avoid stagnation.
As a third concept in the management of the OKC process, Nonaka raises
requisite variety (original concept by Ashby, 1956): which refers to matching the
degree of diversity within and outside the organization and leads to increased
5.5. Summary
The previous chapter of Epistemology described knowledge mostly in static
context, while this chapter of Ontological dimension built on top of this by
immersing into dynamics of interorganizational learning and innovation in
alliance context. Necessary remarks were made to expand Nonakas and
Takeuchis [1995] theory to the thesis inter-organizational context. Now we
proceed even further, adding one more layer, culture, on the top of cumulated
understanding of the previous chapters.

- 64 -

6. Cultural dimension
This chapter explores how culture can influence knowledge transfer between
strategic alliance partners hailing from different cultural orientations. Culture
here is inspected from the three points of views culture as containing different
levels, culture as manifested in communication and social interaction and
culture as seen through different dimensions of Hofstede [2005].
6.1. Levels of culture
In this chapter the influence of culture on knowledge transfer is recognized to
occur in different levels (Table 3), such as national culture [Hofstede, 2005;
Bhagat et al., 2002], organizational (corporate) and occupational culture [Schein,
1992]. More recently, Karahanna et al. [2005] have coined the term
supranational for pointing to the cultural differences that cross national
boundaries (or exist in more than one nation). Regional, ethnic and linguistic
subcultures belong to the level of supranational [Karahanna et al., 2005].
Religion could be thought as fitting the definition of supranational culture as
Schein [1992] defines the culture of a group as follows: "A pattern of shared
basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external
adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be
considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct
way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems". The definition
stresses "shared, taken-for-granted" assumptions of the group members.
Schein's [1992] acknowledges that any social group with a 'stable membership'
and shared learning history has developed a culture of its own.

- 65 -

Table 3. Levels of culture [Karahanna et al., 2005].




Cultural differences that cross national

boundaries (or more than in one


Collective properties that are ascribed

to citizens of countries (Hofstede,
1984 )


organization vs. industry (Gouldner,


Social and normative glue that holds

organizations together (Siehl &
Martin, 199015).


Cultural differences in collective units

smaller than an organization.

6.2. Cultural considerations

Hall and Hall [1989] acknowledge concerns over messages, context, time and
action chains in cross-cultural situations. If we examine the speed with which a
particular message can be decoded, we can distinguish between fast and slow
messages: for example, prose vs. poetry, headlines vs. books, cartoon vs.
etchings and manners vs. culture [Hall and Hall, 1989]. Further, the author
[1989] divides between high and low context cultures in which context points to
the information that surrounds an event: A high context (HC) communication
or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person,
while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message. In a


G. Hofstede, Cultures consequences: International differences in work-related values, Sage

Press: Beverly Hills, CA, 1984.


Goulder, A. W, Cosmopolitans and locals: Towards an analysis of latent social roles.

Adminstrative Science Quaterly 2 (1957), 281-306.


Siehl, C., Martin, J., Organizational culture: A key to financial performance? In:

Organizational climate and culture, ed. by B. Schneider, Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, 1990.

- 66 -

low context (LC) communications, the majority of the information is carried in

the explicit code. Hall and Hall [1989] describe in the following way a common
conflicting scenario between high and low context people: High-context
people are apt to become impatient and irritated when low-context people
insist on giving them information they dont need. Conversely, low-context
people are at a loss when high-context people do not provide enough
information. Thus, one of the major challenges in inter-cultural communication
is to find the appropriate level of contexting for each and every situation [Hall
and Hall, 1989].
Understanding of space and time varies in different cultures. In regard to the
former, Hall and Hall [1989] point to territoriality that refers to peoples
tendency to emphasize the ownership, to label places or goods as mine.
Similarly, the space is used as communicating power, office location and size as
examples. Respect for each persons personal space varies from culture to
culture: Northern Europeans tend to keep more distance than their Southern
counterparts [Hall and Hall, 1989].
In regard to time, in monochronic cultures time is experienced in a linear
way; and people prefer conducting activities one thing at a time. For the
previous purpose, available time is segmented, scheduled and
compartmentalized. Approach to time is almost as if it would be a tangible item
in regard to the used vocabulary: time can be spent, saved, lost, etc. On
the other hand, polychronic time is depicted as a non-linear time-continuum
with simultaneous occurrence of events and emphasized involvement of
people. Polychronic time is much less tangible than its monochronic
counterpart [Hall and Hall, 1989].
In low-context cultures (U.S., Germany, etc), the flow of information is more
constrained since information tends to be more focused, compartmentalized
and controlled. In high-context cultures, the spatial involvement of employees
and emphasis on interpersonal relations encourages free flow of information
[Hall and Hall, 1989].
By action-chains Hall and Hall [1989] refer to a sequence of events in which
one or several people participate and contribute for achieving a desired goal.
Action chains of employees may be interrupted by meetings or
communications by phone or e-mail to the extent that normal work flows are
severely hindered. The authors [1989] propose that monochronic, low-context
cultures are particularly sensitive to interruption of action chains compared to
high-context cultures.

- 67 -

6.3. Dimensions of culture

Figure 30 shows the index values of the five dimensions identified by Hofstede
[2005]: power distance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity, uncertainty
avoidance and time orientation. Bhagat et al. [2002] acknowledge that the
previous five dimensions are not the only ones of significance by referring to
other dimensions examined in the literature: particularism vs. universalism,
abstractive vs. associative, tightness vs. looseness and uncertainty avoidance,
among others. However, Hofstedes [2005] dimensions of culture deserve to be
reviewed more in detail, as follows.

Figure 30. The dimensions of culture [Hofstede, 2005].

6.3.1. Power distance
Hofstede [2005] defines power distance as the extent to which the less
powerful members of institutions and organization within a country expect and
accept that power is distributed unequally. The distinguishing feature of this
definition is that the viewing angle is the value system of those that possess less
power, not vice versa. This contrasts to the usual approach in which the
distribution of power is described as seen from the leaders perspective. The
power distance index (PDI) is useful for evaluating differences in dependence
relationships between countries. In less-power-distant countries

- 68 -

subordinates dependence on bosses is lower and the interaction between the

two is consultative.
Power distance could be a potential challenge in inter-organizational
knowledge transfer in this thesis context. Organizational culture in India is
characterized by greater power distance: India possesses a score of 77
(10th/11th) compared to Finlands 33 (46th). It could be hypothesized that in
less-power-distant cultures, the flow of information and knowledge would be
more unconstrained between different levels of hierarchy.
6.3.2. Individualism collectivism
Individualism-collectivism dimension is considered as the deep structure of a
culture by Bhagat et al. [2002] who follows in this regard in the footsteps of e.g.
Hofstede [2005].
Individualism and collectivism are expressed through completely different
social patterns of behavior. Individualists emphasize their own preferences,
needs, rights and contracts, and these are major motivators as well [Bhagat et
al., 2002]. In cultures expressing individualism the ties between individuals are
loose and the individual is in the first place concerned about the interest of
himself/herself and the immediate family. In collective cultures, people are
socialized from a very early age into cohesive in-groups that protect them, but
expect unquestioning loyalty [Hofstede, 2005].
For example, it could be hypothesized that in individualistic cultures
employees may feel more comfortable sharing knowledge with persons all
through the organization regardless of the position, whereas in collectivistic
cultures the vertical flow of knowledge may be constrained. However, Bhagat
et al. [2002] contradict this by stating that individualists maintain relatively
loose linkages to other individuals and consider themselves independent of
collectives. Further, the more extensive communication in a collective culture is
supported by Bhagat et al. [2002] who state that collectivists maintain close
linkages to other individuals and possibly belong to several different
Bhagat et al. [2002] summarize perceived differences in regard to
individualism - collectivism axis (Kagitcibasi, Triandis, etc): these cultural
orientations influence not only behavior, but essentially the way of thinking:
the way how the body of information (or knowledge) is processed, interpreted
and utilized. Individualists think of self as independent of the social
environment whereas collectivists accept the interdependence with other
actors. Collectivists approach to information is once again different from
individualists: contextual clues are searched for instead of just considering the
information as it is, detached from the context. Collectivists value much higher
- 69 -

information about organizational, history, patterns of obligations and norms.

Individualists focus on knowledge concerning personal attributes: personality,
beliefs and attitudes towards things and people [Bhagat et al., 2002].
In a cultural context, Mller and Svahn [2003] generalize with admitted
exaggeration that employees of collective culture are more sensitive to
relatively tacit knowledge (e.g. organizational history and norms) and also
towards systemic and embedded knowledge. Employees of individualistic
culture tend to focus more on those explicit attributes of knowledge
phenomena. Individualistics communicate without inhibitions with other
employees throughout the organization even interorganizationally - whereas
collectivists prefer to communicate with people who belong to their own group
or unit [Mller and Svahn, 2003].
To summarize, it could be said that individualism-collectivism degree of a
culture influences knowledge transfer directly when the members of the
cultures in knowledge exchange possess differing approaches to information,
its processing and communication; and indirectly since individualists and
collectivists tend to have their own culture-rooted preferences over forming
social ties and interaction within the organization.
6.3.3. Masculinity-femininity
Hofstedes [2005] definition of a masculine society is following: ...emotional
gender roles are clearly distinct: men are supposed to be assertive, tough, and
focused on material success, whereas women are supposed to be more modest,
tender, and concerned with the quality of life. Similarly, the definition of a
feminine society: ...emotional gender roles overlap: both men and women are
supposed to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life.
Masculinity-femininity dimension is not related to national wealth since rich
and poor countries seem to divide arbitrarily to the groups of masculine and
feminine countries. Neither is there a relation with the two dimensions of
masculinity-femininity and individualism-collectivism [Hofstede, 2005]. In
regard to Masculinity Index, Finland (MAI 26, 47th) is among one of the
feminine ones while India scales in the mid-range with MAI 56 (20/21st)
[Hofstede, 2005].
Masculinity-femininity degree of a culture shows up in the organizational
culture by imposing implicit rules of how people on different levels of
hierarchy are supposed to deal with each other. For example, a manager from a
masculine culture may need to maintain an image of all-knowingness,
decisiveness and giving instructions, but not engaging in a dialogue with a
subordinate. This may result in problems and blocks for the information flows
- 70 -

in cross-border strategic alliances in which managers of masculine culture may

be set up for an employee from a feminine culture and vice versa.
6.3.4. Time-orientation
The fourth dimension of Geert Hofstede [2005] is labelled as long-term versus
short-term orientation. According to the author, long-term orientation shows up in
traits such as perseverance and thrift that align the person for future rewards.
Similarly, in short-term orientation the virtues related to the past and present,
such as respect for tradition and preservation of face are important. The
highest rankings in Long-Term Orientation Index are occupied by East-Asian
countries: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.
Differences in time-orientation may influence knowledge transfer in crossborder strategic alliances since the organization of long-term time orientation
may expect building strong relational capital and trust before it opens its
knowledge taps. This can be interpreted as withholding the knowledge assets
by the organization with the short-term time orientation.
6.3.5. Avoidance of uncertainty
Hofstede [2005] defines the fifth dimension of his famous IBM study,
uncertainty avoidance, as ... the extent to which a member of a culture feels
threatened by ambiguous or unknown situation. The roots of the term trace
back to the work of American sociologist James G. March and his colleagues
who observed uncertainty avoidance in American organizations. Hofstede
[2005] discovered the dimension as a by-product while working with the
questions related to stress in work that were supposed to map a completely
other dimension, power distance. The basis for the discovery of the new
dimensions was that he found out that some nationalities scored consistently
less stressed-out regardless of the occupational status when compared to other
Figure 31 shows Uncertainty Avoidance Index -values mapped against the
individualism-collectivism dimension. Finland groups together with Germanspeaking countries (German, Switzerland, Austrian) while seemingly being
more strongly an uncertainty avoiding country than its Scandinavian
neighbours, Sweden and Norway, for example. In strongly uncertainty
avoiding, individualist countries rules are explicitly declared and stressed
while in strongly uncertainty avoiding, collectivist countries, rules are implicit
and rooted in tradition [Hofstede, 2005].

- 71 -

Figure 31. Uncertainty avoidance related to individualism-collectivism.

In regard to UAI values Finland is positioned in the middle in regard to
uncertainty avoidance and marginally below the middle in regard to
Hofstede [2005] generalizes that weak uncertainty avoidance cultures are
good at basic innovations, but lack in developing these into new products or
services. Implementation of new products is very much a detail-oriented
process in which strong uncertainty avoiding countries seem to perform better.
Thus it could be thought that synergy could be achieved in collaboration of
companies from innovating and implementing cultures. In this regard, the
Finnish-Asian collaboration of this thesis context does not particularly stand
out as particularly synergetic since Asian countries (India, China) and Nordic
countries can all be found in the lower part of the table. The influence of
uncertainty avoidance on the knowledge transfer between the alliance partners
is supposedly subtle.
6.4. Synthesis: culture-based knowledge transfer challenge
In addition to Hofstedes [2005] individualism-collectivism dimension, Bhagat
et al. [2002] distinguish between horizontalness and verticalness of a culture. The
difference between verticals and horizontals is: the former pay attention to
differing status and consider it appropriate to stand out of the mass; horizontals
perceive the status differences between people to be very minor and do not
- 72 -

strive for striking out of the crowd [Bhagat et al., 2002]. In the following
synthesis, the horizontal vs. vertical distinction is included as one of the
significant contributors of culture-based challenges to the knowledge transfer.
Figure 32 depicts the proposed culture-based knowledge transfer challenge
of strategic alliances. The perspective of the figure is horizontal-individualistic
culture (HI). The side face depicts national culture and the upper face
organizational culture.

Figure 32. Culture based knowledge transfer challenge.

6.4.1. Side face (X- and Y-Axis): national culture
The X- and Y-axis of the side face depicts the challenge derived from the
national culture. Abbreviations used in the figure are HI: Horizontalindividualistic, HC: horizontal-collectivistic, VC: vertical-collectivistic and VI:
vertical-individualistic. There are four possible scenarios presented in the
1. Case HI-HI: The knowledge exchange participants (sender and receiver)
are both from the same or similar cultures, for example domestic
strategic alliances of Finnish companies or a Finnish-Swedish alliance
2. Case HI-VI or vertically challenged: a Finnish company allies with an
American company
- 73 -

3. Case HI-HC or collectivistically challenged: a Finnish company allies

with a Japanese company (Japan according to Hofstede [2005] is a
horizontal culture unlike China and India)
4. Case HI-VC or collectivistically, vertically challenged: a Finnish
company allies with a Chinese or Indian company
I have selected as the Y-axis collectivism-individualism instead of power
distance, because these two seem to partly correlate with each other. As
Hofstede [2005] states: large-power distance countries are also likely to be
more collectivist, and small-power-distance countries to be more individualist.
6.4.2. Upper-face (X- and Y-Axis): organizational culture
The upper face presents the cultural challenge tracing back to organizational
culture. The X-axis of the upper face overlapping organizational cultures (OOC)
refers to the extent that the organizational entity of examination (MNC, joint
venture, etc) has to deal with two identifiable organizational cultures that are
distinct from each other. The Y-axis of the upper face crossing organizational
boundaries (COB) refers to the degree of interaction between the organizations
involved in the business arrangement, ranging from a need to act seemingly as
one organization in contrast to keeping the organizational activities distinctly
separate. It should be noted that circles in the upper-face MNC, Joint R&D,
etc., do not map to the dimensions of the national culture.
I distinguish between the following cases:
1. Case X-OOC(-), Y-COB(-), e.g. MNC with mono-culture: The
boundaries of a multinational company may span over several countries
and cultures, however, the corporate culture may have common
denominators imposed from top to bottom in different geographic
regions. By default, it could be thought that the corporate culture of a
MNC is one and same within the company although this may be not
very common in practice.
2. Case X-OOC(+), Y-COB(-): organizational cultures are different from
each other; the need to interact with each other is low, e.g. technology for
cash -arrangements.
3. Case X-OOC(-), Y-COB(+): organizations need to interact highly with
each other while there is no major difference in organizational cultures
of the partners

- 74 -

4. Case X-OOC(+), Y-COB(+): organizational cultures are very different

from each other while the organizations need to interact highly, for
example cross-industry R&D alliances
6.5. Summary
Cultural factors play an important role in strategic alliances that cross not only
national borders, but also East-West axis. For example, countries such as
Finland and India (or China), are perceived as relevantly distant culturally from
each other as perceived through the different cultural dimensions.
Along with many challenges of cross-border knowledge transfer and
sharing, business partners committed to a long-term relationship may develop
unique and novel ways of interorganizational knowledge creation. Partners
from different cultures can learn from each other new approaches and
viewpoints to problem solving [Mller and Svahn, 2003]. Partners from
different geographical regions may hold unique complementary competences
or market expertise and bringing these together can result in innovative new
products and services. The evaluation of strategic alliance partners must
include the identification of cultural challenges rising from different cultural
contexts (Figure 32), and these challenges have to be weighed against the
potential gains from the alliance.

- 75 -

- 76 -

7. Integrative framework
This chapter aims at integrating the threads of epistemology (Chapter Four),
ontology (Chapter Five) and culture (Chapter Six) into the Skein of Alliance
Learning. The very same chapters contribute the three dimensions of the
Knowledge Challenge Cubicle (Figure 34). The Challenge and Support cubicles
are inputs for the Knowledge Transfer Outcome (Figure 36). Further, the latter
contributes to the Y-axis of the actual 4-Tier Tube model of the next subchapter 7.2. Other significant contributors to the 4-Tier Tube model are March
[1991] and Larsson et al. [1998]. The previous chains of influences and
contributions are summarized in Figure 33.
The 4-Tier Tube -model of knowledge transfer and alliance learning in
software R&D context is abstracted carefully based on the theoretical review of
this thesis and the consequent conceptual development of this chapter.

Figure 33. The heritage and contribution (Cs in figure) of the thesis.
7.1. Cubicles for Knowledge Transfer
Next I will analyze the knowledge transfer challenge and support through the
use of cubicles as cognitive tools (Figure 34 and Figure 35).

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7.1.1. Knowledge Transfer Challenge Cubicle

Knowledge Transfer Challenge Diagonal (Figure 34) connects the opposite
corners of the cubicle. It depicts the whole spectrum of knowledge transfer
challenge, from the lowest degree to the highest degree.
In Figure 34 I introduce two constructs individualism-collectivism conflict
and horizontalness-verticalness conflict that together predict rough cultural
compatibility (the diagonal of the ceiling) in knowledge transfer context.
By horizontalness-verticalness conflict (shortly, HV-conflict) I refer to all
those challenges in interorganizational exchange of knowledge that trace back
to horizontal-vertical cultural orientations, i.e. the other partner representing a
horizontal culture, while the other one a vertical culture. The degree of HVconflict bases on index values of Hofstede [2005].
By the term individualism-collectivism conflict I refer to all those challenges
in interorganizational knowledge transfer that trace back to different cultural
orientations on the axis of individualism-collectivism.

Figure 34. Knowledge Transfer Challenge Cubicle.

The major contributors to the epistemological dimension were Polanyi
[1966], Zander and Kogut [1995], Nonaka [1994] and Tsoukas [2001]. The
- 78 -

ontological dimension was based on the works by Nonaka and Takeuchi [1995],
Cohen and Levinthal [1990], Dyer and Singh [1999] and Larsson [1998] among
others. Finally, the cultural dimension followed in the footsteps of Hofstede
[2005], Schein [1992] and Bhagat et al. [2002].
7.1.2. Knowledge Transfer Support Cubicle
In the cubicle of Knowledge Transfer Support (Figure 35) I have identified (1)
evolutionary factors, (2) relational factors and (3) supporting systems.

Figure 35. Knowledge Transfer Support Cubicle.

Evolutionary factors evolve over time, namely alliance experience of an
organization as whole and specifically, of alliance managers.
I propose that Alliance Learning Synchronicity (ALS) consists of the three
factors: relative absorptive-transparency capacity [Lane and Lubatkin, 1998],
partner learning strategy match [Larsson, 1998] and knowledge transfer balance
(presented later in detail).
The development of ALS occurs when partners adjust to each others
communication and learning styles, and develop transparency-absorptive
capacity synchronization over time. In regard to transparency, Hamels [1991]
research was referred to earlier. Cohen and Levinthal [1990] were the
- 79 -

introducers of absorptive capacity. Lanes and Lubatkins [1998] relative

absorptive capacity resembles Alliance Learning Synchronicity -concept, but
has the learning firm as the focal point.
By relational factors I refer to issues concerned with the alliance relationship,
such as trust in individual and organizational level. Development of personal
ties is emphasized especially in collectivistic cultures [Hofstede, 2005; Bhagat et
al., 2002].
Supporting systems refer to (1) information systems in use for facilitating the
partner interaction, (2) best practices adopted by the partner companies and (3)
cross-border software development process maturity.
I further label relational factors as soft and supporting systems as hard.
The common denominator for hard supporting systems is explicit codification:
crystallization of domain knowledge into software, documenting best practices
or process flows. Having been designed and implemented, hard support
factors are relatively static (hardwired) compared to soft support factors
that cause dynamic fluctuation in an alliance relationship.
7.1.3. Knowledge Transfer Outcome
As a product of the previous 3D-models, it is possible to estimate the
knowledge transfer outcome expectation at any given time during an alliance
life-cycle and hypothesize a cumulative knowledge transfer outcome (Figure
A case study could be conducted by selecting case companies in regard to
different expectations of realized cumulative knowledge transfer outcome. The
highest knowledge transfer outcome expectation is when knowledge transfer
challenge is moderate or low and supporting mechanisms exist for facilitating
information flows and knowledge exchange.

- 80 -

Figure 36. Knowledge Transfer Outcome.

- 81 -

7.2. 4-Tier Tube model for Knowledge Transfer and Alliance Learning
Based on the previously presented three dimensions of interorganizational
learning, a model for knowledge transfer in cross-border R&D alliances of
software companies will be introduced: 4-Tier Tube model (simplified in
Figure 37, full in Figure 38). The 4-Tier Tube model in its essence is designed
to be a tool for strategic thinking. On a higher level, the model helps to perceive
the connection between knowledge transfer and attainment of strategic
The 4-Tier Tube consists of four nested tubes: Innovation Tube, Strategic
Alliance tube (SA-tube), Information System tube (IS-tube) and Strategic
management tube (SM-tube). The SA-tube folds the Innovation Tube and
firms F-1 and F-2. The skein of alliance learning around Knowledge Bus twines
further inside the Innovation Tube.

Figure 37. The 4-Tier Tube in three dimensions.

The X-axis stands for time, Y-axis for dynamic knowledge transfer (influenced
by the Challenge and Support factors of Figure 36)) and Z-axis for attainment of
strategic objectives. Strategic objectives belong to the categories of alliance payoff potential presented earlier (Figure 14): business potential, innovation
potential and competence development potential.

- 82 -

Figure 38. The 4-Tier Tube -model.

7.2.1. Dynamics of the 4-Tier Tube -model
The 4-Tier Tube can be thought of as a shuttle that is steered towards strategic
objectives (S-1 S-n) on the level of the SA-tube (decision making layer), but
the direction of which is influenced by several layers of the 4-Tier Tube, most
importantly by the knowledge fed to the Knowledge Bus (described in detail in
the respective sub-chapter) in the core of the learning skein.
In Figure 38, the 4-Tier Tube is depicted in a 45 degrees angle that
corresponds to middle point on Y-axis, i.e. optimal rate of knowledge feed
relative to the objectives. Greater than 45 degrees (up to 90 degrees;
perpendicular) direction of 4-Tier Tube implies knowledge-surplus, i.e. partners
share knowledge more than what can be utilized in the alliance or knowledge
sharing occurs before necessary maturity level of an alliance. This knowledge
can be such that sharing of it is not related to the strategic objectives of an
alliance, but furthermore, the exposure of this knowledge can be seen as losing
valuable assets which the partner outside the alliance relationship may take
advantage of.
- 83 -

Less than 45 degrees direction of the Tube implies knowledge-deficiency, i.e.

knowledge is not fed by the partners appropriately to correspond to the needs
of the phase and its strategic objectives. The lack of trust is a common reason
for guarding the knowledge assets from the partner. As the knowledge transfer
rate varies, the 4-Tier Tube moves back and forth on Y-dimension while
simultaneously adjusting its own angle. Optimal knowledge transfer is defined as
when the following conditions are present:

Proper timing for sharing certain knowledge assets: not too early,
neither too late
Right allocation of resources for knowledge transfer: avoiding
wastefulness of resources or lack of resources
Appropriate (knowledge) targets and involved persons for
knowledge transfer

During the alliance life cycle, the 4-Tier Tube traverses from the origin
towards the right periphery on X-dimension and towards the back wall of the
cubicle on Z-dimension as the alliance objectives are met one by one. Besides
the tube having a certain angle at any given time X-i, it has a certain position
[X-i, K-n, S-n] determined by the very central point of the Tube.
In the upper face are depicted the four possible outcomes of the 4-Tier Tube
model (the product of two dimensions: time and the reach of strategic

Early positive realization (+)

Early negative realization (-)
Late positive realization (+)
Late negative realization (-)

Figure 39 is the cross-section of the 4-Tier Tube. The details of the diagram
will be clarified gradually as the discourse proceeds (e.g. Figure 40 and Figure
41 depict the content of the innermost tube which is not very clear in this
For now it is enough to perceive the overall structure of the model along
with its different tubes and corresponding modes. The direction of a Tube
implies the assigned value of the mode of the respective layer. At any given
time, all the modes are in use (in contrast to being exclusive to each other): they
indicate the current, prevailing mode for each tube.

- 84 -

Figure 39. 4-Tier Tube cross-section.

The layer of Strategic Management Tube (SM-tube) is a pre-alliance level in
a sense that only on this level the decision of whether to engage in an alliance
or some other organizational arrangement is made. The strategic objectives that
can be achieved through strategic partnering could potentially be reached
through an acquisition, organic growth or an outsourcing arrangement. In 4Tier Tube, the SM-tube is locked by default in the alliance mode.
The layer of Information System Tube is concerned with different IS related
decisions of a strategic alliance, such as how IT / IS can support four important
aspects of an alliance in a balanced manner: knowledge transfer, alliance
learning, innovation and alliance decisions (corresponding to the four Tubes
folded by the IS-tube).
The layer of Strategic Alliance Tube (SA-tube) is concerned with different
decisions on strategic alliance level, for example, strategic learning positions
(Figure 45 later).
The layer of Innovation Tube is concerned with decisions having impact on
the innovative capabilities of a strategic alliance, such as alliance learning
(Figure 43) that is a prerequisite for joint-innovation.

- 85 -

The order of the SA tube and IS tube could be thought as being reverse to
what I have depicted in the 4-Tier Tube model. However, later on I have
visualized how information system is a cohesive belt that supports the strategic
alliance on different levels. As IS-tube folds the SA-tube and the rest of the
tubes, this highlights the crucial importance of an appropriate information
system that answers the needs of all the inner layers of the model.
Modal and positional coding
To understand the next few subchapters, it is important to acknowledge how
the 4-Tier Tube model is interpreted. In the 4-Tier Tube model there are two
possible alternatives for codifying information:
1. Modal coding
2. Positional coding
The direction of a tube (or learning skein) implies the mode: for example,
the direction of the learning skein inside the Innovation Tube implies the
current learning mode of a particular alliance (modal coding). The modes of the
4-Tier Tube model are depicted in Figure 39: (1) learning mode, (2) innovation
mode, (3) alliance mode, (4) IS support mode and (5) strategic mode. Each of
the modes is assigned a value at any given time. Possible values for the modes
are called flags and are presented later.
Secondly, the position of an entity inside the tube may codify information:
for example, the positions of entities, firms F-1 and F-2, inside a tube depict the
chosen strategy in relation to the other. The entity can also be the strategic
alliance as whole or an inner tube. These all are examples of positional coding.
Modal and positional coding are presented both in Figure 53 of Appendix I.
The 4-Tier Tube model is evolving dynamically: at any given time the
status of the 4-Tier Tube can be determined by checking the flags of the modes
and the entity positions (the combinatory product of these is the number of all
the possible states of the model).
In the following, the 4-Tier Tube model is described starting from the very
core and gradually progressing towards outer layers. I call this approach
systemic layering. Each of the nested tubes represents a unique domain of
interest that is described in the following sections.
7.2.2. Innovation Tube
The strategic management chapter of this thesis sheds light on the motivation
of strategic alliance use. Figure 40 depicts how a business driver (1A) brings
together the complementary competences (2A) and pooled resources (2B) of the
- 86 -

partners for the purpose of innovating jointly. Alternatively, there can be an

idea of a software product for which there is no any identifiable business
driver: it emerges just out of the blue and may even radically change a business
logic of an industry.
When the partners have agreed with the software product idea and
elaborated it further together, they shift into the contracting stage. If the two
organizations decide to proceed further, the actual alliance learning stage
begins. Overly simplifying, Innovation Tube can be thought as a black box that
converts the inputs of knowledge, complementary competences and pooled
resources into outputs of software products.

Figure 40. Innovation Tube and the Skein of Alliance Learning (across
If we go beyond the black box metaphor and shift to the core of the
Innovation Tube we perceive the intertwining skein consisting of
epistemology, ontology and culture threads. The cultural thread of the skein is
relatively static in the alliance relationship: The cultural dyad is determined
when alliance partners have engaged in the alliance. Evidently, the national
cultures of the partners will remain same all through the relationship.
However, a special negotiated culture, alliance culture, may be developed
through long-term interaction of partners [Spekman et al., 2000]. As alliance
- 87 -

learning skein twines further, one of the threads may be in turns more in the
surface than others, i.e. the knowledge transfer challenge of the particular
phase manifests more through one dimension than others16.
Similarly, the general quality and properties of knowledge transferred in
the alliance is determined to a high extent according to strategic collaboration
area. For example, in technology R&D alliances it is more likely that the
knowledge transferred is technological, not marketing knowledge. The model
does not imply that technological alliances are restricted to transferring only
technological knowledge, but by definition that is the most common form of
knowledge exchanged.
The inner core the Skein of Alliance Learning - evolves on limited range as
depicted in the picture and as shown in examples. The interorganizational
knowledge transfer and learning is supported by the inter-organizational
information systems in use.
Turbulence factors
Turbulence factors within the Innovation Tube include human and
organizational factors, and communication gaps resulting from cultural
differences and differing cognitive styles.
Interorganizational trust is needed for supporting knowledge transfer and
protecting the alliance from a wide variety of turbulence factors that in the most
severe cases threaten the stability of the partnership. Two dimensions can be
distinguished in regard to trust: structural or calculative and behavioural pure
trust. The former is based on rational motivation such as potential gains and
reputation effects, the latter on optimistic expectations of partner behaviour.
Calculative trust is often in a greater role in strategic alliances [Larsson et al.,
Larsson et al. [1998] define interorganizational trust as "...the mutual
confidence among the members of two or more organizations in the
forbearance of opportunistic exploitation of one organization by another based
on both calculation and good intentions.
Long-term time orientation of the alliance has a positive influence to the
development of interorganizational trust along with prior related interaction.
Prior experience with the same partner can pave the way for communicating
tacit knowledge more clearly, since partners are familiar with each other and
their respective communication styles. Long-term orientation coupled with


However, the order of the three threads in the Figure 40 (from left to right:

epistemology, ontology, culture) is arbitrary.

- 88 -

interorganizational trust and collective awareness are effective safeguards in

conjunction with collaborative learning strategies [Larsson et al., 1998].
Strategic alliances are paradoxical in a sense that all through its life cycle
there exists a tension between learning from the other partner and protecting
the firms own core assets or capabilities. Kale et al. [2000] investigate this
dilemma on the backdrop of relational capital and its role in strategic alliances.
Kale et al. [2000] consider mutual trust, respect and friendship at the individual
level to be included in the concept of relational capital. The authors [2000] also
argue that relational capital significantly impacts the firms ability to balance
between learning and protecting (so called dual objectives).
Finally, knowledge transfer between organizations traces back to
individuals; cognitive styles of whom are in critical mediating role in the
interorganizational learning process. In the model of Bhagat et al. [2002] (Figure
32) three elements of cognitive styles contribute to knowledge transfer
outcome: tolerance for ambiguity, signature skills and holistic vs. analytical
thinking. Individuals characterized by high tolerance for ambiguity deal more
effectively with knowledge that is tacit, complex and systemic. Bhagat et al.
[2002] propose that horizontal individualists belong to this group.
Knowledge Bus and Knowledge Pool
The dimensions of alliance learning are referred to here in short by D-e
(epistemological dimension), D-o (ontological dimension) and D-c (cultural
dimension). In the core of the learning skein, I have depicted Knowledge Bus
(Figure 41) which is shown in detail in Figure 42.

Figure 41. A zoom to the cross-section of the learning skein.

- 89 -

The learning skein is situated within the Knowledge Pool which is the venue
for developing and nurturing deep expertise in the area of R&D collaboration.
Here we come close or even converge with the concept of Ba from Nonaka et
al. [2001] that was reviewed earlier.
Knowledge transferred to the Knowledge Bus is the fuel of alliance
learning. As long as the alliance partners transfer knowledge to the Knowledge
Bus, the learning skein keeps twining further approaching the learning
objectives. Figure 42 zooms into Knowledge Bus to provide a view to the very
innermost core of the 4-Tier Tube model.

Figure 42. Knowledge Bus.

Knowledge transfer mode is assigned to knowledge transfer balance which
implies at any given time, the possible asymmetry in regard to knowledge
transfer, i.e. the other partner contributing more than the other. The value
assigned to the knowledge transfer mode is thus one of the three: Partner Adominant, Partner B-dominant or balance. Knowledge transfer supply implies how
much knowledge is contributed to the Knowledge Bus at any given time and
can be categorized into high, moderate and low as visualized as the sizes of the
circles in Figure 42. The content of the Knowledge Bus at any given time
consists of one or more knowledge types: technology, process, business, and

- 90 -

market knowledge. The knowledge portfolio depends on the alliance type

and its objectives, alliance phase and project phase.
Knowledge transfer status of a particular alliance is determined based on the
three variables introduced above: knowledge transfer mode [balance, Partner
A-dominant, Partner B-dominant], knowledge transfer supply [high, moderate,
low] and knowledge type [technology, process, business, market].
Alliance Learning Mode
Figure 43 depicts the Alliance learning mode as a product of the two: Alliance
Learning Synchronicity [Low, High] described earlier and learning phase
(explorative vs. exploitative phase). The alliance learning mode (depicted by
the direction of the learning skein) at any given time points to one of the four
quadrants (modal coding of the 4 Tier Tube model).

Figure 43. Alliance Learning Mode.

March [1991] lists activities commonly associated with the explorative phase
of learning: search, variation, risk taking, experimentation, play, flexibility,
discovery, innovation. Similarly, the exploitative phase of learning is
characterized by refinement, choice, production, efficiency, selection,
implementation, execution [March, 1991]. Further, March [1991] states that
- 91 -

maintaining the balance between exploration and exploitation is critical for the
survival and prosperity of a system. In strategic alliance context, explorative
and exploitative learning occurs on different levels that may overlap with each
other: in individuals cognition, team or project level and alliance level. In an
organization, regardless of the important function that both, exploration and
exploitation phase individually have, they nevertheless need to compete for the
same scarce resources [March, 1991].
March [1991] points to the vulnerability of exploration by stating that the
returns are less certain, more remote in time and more distant from the locus of
action in an organization. Presumably, explorative activities, such as search for
new ideas, markets or relations, has uncertain outcomes, but on the other hand
may lead to occasional breakthroughs that result in significant economic gains.
In a strategic alliance, either of the alliance partners may be less risk-taking, and
thus avoiding engaging excessively in the explorative mode. If the willingness
to take risks, to explore a wide variety of options, differs greatly between the
alliance partners, it may result in dysfunctional alliance learning.
The Innovation Tube is depicted in the following picture in the context of
Strategic Alliance tube (SA-tube, Figure 4417). The alliance partners are
represented as F-1 and F-2.


The Z-axis is not visible in this picture for the sake of clarity.

- 92 -

Figure 44. Strategic alliance -tube containing Innovation Tube.

- 93 -

7.2.3. Strategic Alliance tube

Figure 45 expresses positional coding of the 4-Tier Tube model. The figure is a
cross-section of Figure 44: the alliance partners F-1 and F-2 around the
Innovation Tube in Figure 44 can position themselves in five different strategic
positions (P-1 to P-5 in Figure 45) of alliance learning. The positions were
presented earlier in this thesis referring to Larsson [1998]: (1) collaboration, (2)
competing, (3) compromising, (4) accommodating and (5) avoiding.

Figure 45. Alliance Learning - strategic positions.

The mutual collaboration strategy both alliance partners positioned in the
collaborative square of Figure 45 is ideal for nurturing innovation. However,
metaphorically thinking, the turbulence factors within Innovation Tube (as
depicted earlier in Figure 40) if being strong enough may pierce the wall of the
Innovation Tube and enter the realm of Strategic Alliance tube. When
turbulence factors are manifested on this level, they cause the SA-tube to whirl
around and the consequent centrifugal force causes the partners F-1 and F-2 to
shift farther off from the axis of rotation (out of the collaboration square). After
this shake down, the partners settle and lock-in in one of the four other strategic
positions of alliance learning.

- 94 -

Innovation Mode
Figure 46 depicts the same SA-tube as in Figure 45, but has other content now,
and to avoid confusion is presented as a separate diagram. It visualizes the
Innovation mode (modal coding) that is a product of two dimensions: radical
vs. incremental innovation and technological innovation vs. non-technological
innovation (business models, process improvements, etc). The default flag for
the R&D alliances innovation mode is the lower left-hand corner of incremental
technological innovation. Occasional shifts to the other quadrants occur in the
emergence of radical innovation or non-technological innovations, the latter
being often incidental by-products of R&D alliances.

Figure 46. Innovation mode.

- 95 -

7.2.4. Information System tube

Information System tube (Figure 47) folds the parts of the 4-Tier Model
presented earlier: (1) SA-tube, (2) Innovation-tube, (3) Skein of Alliance
Learning and (4) the Knowledge Bus. Each of the former raises one point of
observation to the system requirements. The four together constitute the
cardinal points of IS-tube from which the proposed alliance supporting system
(ANIS, Appendix II) is evaluated.

Figure 47. Information System support.

The cardinal point of knowledge transfer (the relation of IS-tube to the
Knowledge Bus): the system should provide features that support the flow of
information and knowledge transfer between the alliance partners.
The cardinal point of learning (the relation of IS-tube to the learning skein):
the IS should provide features that support teams and individuals of partner
companies to learn jointly.
The cardinal point of innovation (the relation of IS-tube to the Innovation
Tube): the system should provide a platform for brainstorming, elaborating and
implementing innovations.
- 96 -

The cardinal point of alliance: the system should support decision making
in the alliance level.
The round arrows in Figure 47 depict the relation of different cardinal
points to each other: knowledge transfer is the prerequisite for alliance learning,
as the latter is for the innovation. All these three can be supported by right
decisions on the alliance level (in this respect there could be two-way arrows
between alliance and the rest of the tree). Prospering in innovation fulfills the
objectives of the alliance level (assuming that the alliance has been formed as a
platform of innovation) and thus completes the cycle.
The four different cardinal points should be taken into account equally
when designing an interorganizational information system. I designate this
view as a balanced design approach.
System level concepts
The purpose next is to introduce the important underlying system level
concepts relevant to the IS -tube. From system point of view, two different cases
of interrelationships can be distinguished: interfacing and integration [Waring
and Wainwright, 2000]. Interfacing is described as interaction and
communication between two elements or subsystems - whereas integrating
refers to a process, where various traits, attitudes and behaviors are organized
into one entity. In general, integration is needed when heterogeneous
information system environment has become a burden for an organization and
standardization is desirable for the improved efficiency [Waring and
Wainwright, 2000].
Information system interfacing on an abstract level can be divided further to
semantic and syntactic interoperability [Park and Ram, 2004].
Semantic interoperability is defined as knowledge-level interoperability that
provides cooperating businesses with the ability to bridge semantic conflicts
arising from differences in implicit meanings, perspectives, and assumptions.
Idealistically the information environment should be semantically compatible
resulting from commonly agreed rules and concepts by different business units
[Park and Ram, 2004].
Syntactic interoperability is an application-level interoperability that allows
different software components to interact with each other, even though their
implementation is different [Park and Ram, 2004]. Hasselbring [2000] states that
that syntactical level is addressed by middleware, while Enterprise application
integration (EAI) addresses the semantic level also.

- 97 -

7.2.5. Strategic Management -tube

In the following Figure 48, the previous Strategic Management -tube is viewed
from the top. This cross-section visualizes four different strategic options:
1. Strategic partnering
2. Non-partnering: organic growth and mergers and acquisitions
3. Non-strategic partnering (e.g. non-strategic outsourcing).

Figure 48. Cross-section of SM-tube.

In the centre of this Strategic Management tube is the Alliance Mode (R&D).
The picture visualizes how there is four different positions within the Alliance
Mode for SA-tube to lock in (refer to Alliance Typology section): two of them
are equity-based, namely minority equity alliance and equity joint venture. The
other two are contract-based: bilateral and unilateral alliances. As visualized in
the picture, it could be hypothesized that there is tendency to shift from
contractbased to equity-based alliances, and further to equity joint ventures
(EJVs), but further study would be needed to support this claim.
- 98 -

Two uppermost quadrants of the Alliance Mode, minority equity alliances

and bilateral alliances lean towards strategic partnering while equity joint
ventures and unilateral alliances lean away from the strategic partnering. This is
because EJVs as established organizational entities can be considered as single
organizations (or partnerships) depending from the viewpoint. Unilateral
alliances are asymmetrical relationships and thus have characteristics of
(strategic) outsourcing relationships.
Table 4 summarizes the 4-Tier Tube model: the four tubes (SM-, IS-, SAand Innovation Tube) and the three other parts or layers (column 1):
Knowledge Pool, Alliance Learning Skein and Knowledge Bus.
Each of the layers corresponds to a unique domain of interest (column 2):
strategic management, IS management, alliance competence, innovation
management, knowledge management, ontological dimension (organizational
learning), culture and epistemology. Columns 3 and 4 describe the use of
modal and positional coding. The column 5 declares the succeeding element
inside the focal element. The column 6 declares the mode of the particular tube
or layer while column 7 lists the possible flags of a particular mode. The last, 8th
column, describes any other information contained in the 4-Tier Tube -model in
regard to the particular tube or layer.

- 99 -

Table 4. 4-Tier Tube Model -summary.

- 100 -

7.2.6. Innovation output

In Figure 49 on the next page, I have depicted Strategic Alliance tube along
with Knowledge transfer challenge cubicles and the realized knowledge transfer
outcome square with four options:
1. High-support, low-challenge (best)
2. Low-challenge, low-support (average)
3. High-challenge, high-support (average)
4. High-challenge, low-support (worst)
Further, I propose that the innovative output of a particular alliance is the
product of knowledge transfer outcome, innovation potential (Figure 15) and
interorganizational competence as depicted in the figure. Here, innovative output
refers to product, service or process innovations.

- 101 -

Figure 49. Innovation output.

- 102 -

7.2.7. Propositions and merits of the 4-Tier Tube model

The 4-Tier Tube model is a novel and intuitive model for knowledge transfer
in cross-border alliance context. The model perceives knowledge transfer in its
actual context of alliance learning and innovation, not in isolation as most of the
formal models tend to do. Thus we can call it a holistic model. The 4-Tier Tube
utilizes systemic layering: the model is described starting from the inner core and
progressing gradually towards the outer layers. The 4-Tier tube is a dynamic
model since it traverses in the three dimensions adjusting its angle as the
knowledge is injected by partners to fuel it. Because the innermost tube,
Innovation Tube, has certain inputs and outputs, we can also state that the 4Tier Tube is an input-output model.
The 4-Tier Tube -model utilizes its own terminology for describing
dynamics of alliance learning (tubes, modes, modal and positional coding,
turbulence factors, Knowledge Pool, Knowledge Bus). The model is visually
stimulating because it is an analogue to a concrete object. The model facilitates
the discussion about dynamics of strategic alliances through providing a rich
set of metaphors.
The learning skein in the core of the Innovation Tube is depicted as
consisting of the three threads of epistemology, ontology and culture. In fact,
these three are the challenges of alliance learning, not depicting literally the
learning process itself. Do we circumvent here the difficult question of what
inter-organizational learning actually is? It is wise to acknowledge that alliance
learning cannot be defined only in one way and depending from the viewpoint
it can be described as processes, as a game theoretical interaction of partners in
a complex system or as in this thesis, as the three intertwining threads.
What can we learn from the 4-Tier Tube model? The main implications of
the model are summarized in the following:
1. Knowledge transfer should be adjusted according to strategic
objectives, being neither knowledge-surplus nor knowledge-deficit in
regard to the attainment of the objectives. Exposure of too much of
firms knowledge assets too early or in greater degree that is
purposeful for the tasks at hand should be avoided. Knowledgedeficiency can be a result of withholding critical knowledge
resources from the partner or learning disability of another party.
2. Knowledge transfer is perceived as an atomic determinant of jointinnovation. It is a prerequisite for joint-learning and joint-innovations
of alliance partners.

- 103 -

3. For an alliance to sustain in long-term, the knowledge transfer

contribution must be in balance (both partners contributing equally).
4. Information System support should take into account the four
cardinal points equally: (1) knowledge transfer, (2) learning, (3)
innovation and (4) alliance.
5. Alliance Learning Synchronization (ALS) develops over time in an
alliance relationship and is a determinant for achieving the learning
objectives of an alliance.
6. Turbulence factors in Innovation Tube hinder the joint-learning and
innovation processes, but when amplified and expressed in the realm
of the SA-tube, they cause severe instability for a strategic alliance,
leading potentially to the dissolution of the alliance.
7. In an ideal situation, both partners adopt a collaborative learning
strategy (locating in the collaborative square of the SA-tube).
However, the turbulence factors tend to shake the equilibrium of the
alliance eco-system resulting the alliance partners to drift to learning
positions not optimal for innovation.

- 104 -

8. Conclusion
8.1. Revival of research questions
The research questions set in the very beginning are revived in the following
coupled with a short summary of how this research has addressed them.
Research question 1: What are the challenges in knowledge transfer in (East-west)
cross-border strategic alliances of software companies?
The challenges were in the beginning categorized into epistemological,
ontological and cultural. This classification proved to be feasible for the
purpose of this thesis.
Epistemological challenges: knowledge is seen as a valuable asset to a
company and is shared with the partner only in the presence of appropriate
levels of trust, commitment and collaborative learning strategy. Knowledge in a
software company can be highly complex and systemic requiring sufficient
absorptive capacity from the receiving party and transparency from the side of
the possessing party.
Ontological challenges: the partners need to develop interorganizational
learning practices. Without shared ontologies, knowledge sharing is not
possible. Crossing the borders of entities (individual, team and organization),
causes discontinuity of underlying assumptions of knowledge and raises the
need to validate the used ontology again.
Cultural challenges: those dimensions of culture that restrict the flow of
information and knowledge in an organization are the ones affecting
knowledge transfer most (e.g. verticalness of a culture). Similarly as above,
culture, as perceived as an ontological entity, demands that representatives of
different cultural orientations ensure the use of shared ontology, i.e. all
communication should be double-checked so that misunderstandings are
Research question 2: What kind of model is best suited to describe the 'knowledge
transfer challenge'?
The Knowledge Transfer Challenge Cubicle was created as the draft model
for knowledge transfer challenge for this thesis context. However, it does not
take into account the dynamics of an alliance relationship by any means. For
this purpose a more sophisticated model, the 4-Tier Tube model, was created.
- 105 -

The strength of the 4-Tier Tube is that it allows us to perceive knowledge

transfer in a context. In the model, the role of knowledge is highlighted because
the Knowledge Bus, in which knowledge is metaphorically injected, resides in
the very core of the model. Shared knowledge is the fuel of the 4-Tier Tube,
without which the learning skein stops twining further. The rate of knowledge
transfer is examined in relation to the strategic objectives and partly determines
the angle of the whole tube.
Research question 3: What are the strategic choices when entering cross-border
strategic alliances (A) and how the 'knowledge transfer challenge' relates to these (B)?
3A. The strategic choices are determined based on the following questions:

What degree of interaction of partners is needed to achieve the objectives

of an alliance? High vs. low degree.
Is it justified to look for an overseas alliance partner? Cross-border
aspect increases the alliance challenge many-fold.
What are the targeted pay-offs through strategic partnering? Categorized
into innovation, business and competence development.
What is the desired equity / contractual commitment for an alliance?
Based on the previous, what is the most suitable alliance type to be
adopted into use?

3B. Knowledge transfer challenge obviously increases in cross-border

context because of cultural differences and geographical distance. Knowledge
transfer expectations are higher in alliances formed for innovation and
competence development, compared to business alliances. Knowledge transfer
is supported by such equity / contractual commitments that create favorable
conditions for trust to develop between the partners.
8.2. Summary
Figure 50 summarizes the main content of this thesis in the form of a logical
tree that raises an interesting case study possibility for the future. Numbers 1-4
hail from the chapter dealing with strategic management context, numbers 5-6
from the dimensions -chapters, numbers 8, 9, 10 and 11 from the Integrative
Framework chapter.
Number 1 in Figure 50 (original: Figure 16) concluded the chapter
concerned with the strategic management context of this thesis. X- and Y-axis of
the cubicle forms two subcubicles of its own (3 and 4, Figure 14).
- 106 -

The alliance decision (whether to engage in particular alliance or not) is

supported positively (+ sign) when alliance pay-off potential (4) is relatively high
compared to alliance challenge (3).
Knowledge transfer challenge cubicle (8, Figure 34) contributes the X-axis of
the alliance challenge cubicle (3). X-, Y- and Z-axis of the knowledge transfer
challenge cubicle is formed by the subcubicles of knowledge challenge subcubicle
(6), ontology challenge subcubicle (7, Figure 27) and culture-based knowledge
transfer challenge cubicle (5, Figure 32).
In regard to the final knowledge transfer outcome expectation (11, Figure
36), knowledge transfer challenge cubicle contributes negatively (- sign) and
knowledge transfer support cubicle positively (+ sign). The whole framework
could be tested in a case study research in which alliances with different
knowledge transfer expectations would be compared with realized outcome.

- 107 -

Figure 50. Summary of the thesis - arrival in the starting point for a case
study research.
- 108 -

8.3. Thesis contribution and limitations

The main contributions of the thesis are revived shortly here.
In Chapter Three, it was shown how academic research has evolved in the
last 15 years reaching a stage of Alliance thinking in which the streams of
strategic management and knowledge management converge into one; and in
which strategic alliances are used as vehicles of innovation. A framework was
presented for evaluating different aspects of a prospective strategic alliance: in
particular the strategic potential of a particular alliance, the innovation potential
and strategic management choices; all in the form of 3D-cubicles.
In Chapter Four (Epistemology), I presented a working model for
knowledge transfer between individuals. I identified and evaluated different
kinds of knowledge in software companies.
In Chapter Five (Ontological dimension), I reviewed Nonakas work and
accommodated it to the strategic alliance context (updated spiral of
organizational knowledge creation).
In Chapter Six (Culture), I built a model to depict culture-based knowledge
transfer challenge along with constructs individualism-collectivism conflict
and verticalness-horizontalness conflict that together contribute the upperface diagonal cultural compatibility in Knowledge Transfer Challenge Cubicle.
The most important contribution of the thesis hails from Chapter Seven
Integrative framework. I introduced Knowledge Transfer Challenge (Figure 34)
and Support (Figure 35) Cubicles that contribute to the theoretical Knowledge
Transfer Outcome (Figure 36). Finally, I described the 4-Tier Tube model (Figure
38 to Figure 48, summary in Table 4) as the model for knowledge transfer and
alliance learning.
The thesis provides theoretical framework, but no supporting empirical
data. However, conducting a case study in latter stages is a conscious choice
that has allowed more in-depth immersion in the literature review and
framework development.
The following Table 5 summarizes the contribution of this thesis. Proposed
significance of the contribution is divided into scientific, academic and practical.
Scientific implies a real contribution to the scientific research in the domain.
Academic implies that the contribution is a valid piece of academic thought,
possibly an incremental development of existing model, introduction of novel
concepts or a fresh perception to an old problem domain. Practical implies that
the contribution is mostly useful from the perspective of practitioners.

- 109 -

Table 5. Thesis contribution evaluation.




4-Tier Tube model


A novel, complete model for knowledge transfer in

cross-border alliance context with its own terminology,
dynamics and propositions.

Challenge Cubicle


Contribution: Knowledge Transfer Challenge Diagonal,

Verticalness-horizontalness -conflict, individualismcollectivism -conflict.

Transfer Support


Contribution: Alliance Learning Synchronicity (ALS),

evolutionary and relational factors.

Potential Cubicle


Assists managers to evaluate the innovation potential

of a prospective strategic alliance.

Alliance Pay-off
Potential vs.


Assists managers to weigh the alliance pay-off

potential against the challenging aspects of an

Choices Cubicle


A tool for strategic thinking that enables management

to weigh different alliance choices and pay-offs to each

A 'rough' model
for knowledge
transfer process
of tacit knowledge


A model depicts the phases of knowledge transfer

based on the authentic (Polanyi) understanding of tacit

Updated spiral of


Addition of the 3rd dimension (culture) to the original

spiral of Nonaka [1994].



A proposal for culture-based knowledge transfer


- 110 -

8.4. Thesis traversal

In the very beginning (Figure 2: 1. philosophy), I had a genuine question in my
mind: what is knowledge all about? Much has been written about the
management of knowledge in the 90s, but majority of this research is overly
emphasizing the knowledge management level while undervaluing the
knowledge object level distinction of the two different levels by Wiig [1997].
In this thesis I have covered the third level as well to say knowledge atom
level in the epistemology section. I wholeheartedly believe that understanding
of these three levels together provides strong foundations for researchers in a
wide variety of fields. After all, regardless of the domain, the properties and
characteristics of the core knowledge remain the same: knowledge varies in its
degree of articulation, complexity and organizational embeddedness as stated
earlier. Also I believe, that understanding of how knowledge really flows is
the key in todays world in which researchers, corporations and industries are
increasingly cooperating to advance science and technology.
Thesis traverse continued uphill through the wilds of culture and strategy
and arriving on the top of the hill (Figure 2): organizational science and
information system science. From the high point, it was easy to perceive the
need for a supporting IS in the cross-border alliance context. This thesis has
come to an end, but it feels like a beginning of a greater journey. The real
research is yet to begin.

- 111 -

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Appendix I: Positional and modal coding in the 4-Tier Tube

Figure 51 depicts modal coding of the 4-Tier Tube model. The direction of the
tube is indicated by the barb pointing to the one of the quadrants, i.e. different
sub-modes (1-4), the values of which are called flags. For example, Tube X
(corresponding to Mode Y) of Figure 52 has four different flags to point to.

Figure 51. Modal coding.

Figure 52 demonstrates positional coding of the 4-Tier Tube model. The
main idea is that there exists entities, such as a strategic alliance (folding the
partner firms inside it), individual firms or an inner tube, that can be placed in
different positions and the placement of these entities in relation to each other
or to an inner or outer element codifies information in the model.

- 118 -

Figure 52. Positional coding.

Figure 53 demonstrates the modal and positional coding in simultaneous
use. The Mode 2 is locked for the Inner tube while it is positioned in the lower
left-hand quadrant of the Outer tube.

Figure 53. Dual coding (positional and modal).

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