IBM Maximo Everyplace

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All the benefits of IBM Maximo any time and every place you need it

IBM Maximo Everyplace

Accessing IBM Maximo on a mobile device


Leverage IBM Maximo across a

provides several benefits

Global competition means that employConfigure IBM Maximo applica-

range of devices to gain

tions for optimal viewing on a

real-time visibility into your

small, mobile screenor any


device using an IBM Maximosupported browserby using

Allow your users to access any

the IBM Maximo Application

existing IBM Maximo applica-


tion on an iPhone, iPod touch,

or other supported device with-

tions at all times in order to stay ahead

of their competitors. This requires
access to IBM Maximo everywhere, all
the time, across multiple devices.
IBM Maximo Everyplace is designed
to put the power of Maximo on the
latest devices while minimizing adminis-

Use the same application on

out installing anything on those

multiple devices running


IBM Maximo-supported

ees must know the state of their opera-

Consolidate phone, e-mail, and

trative overhead. All the benefits of

IBM Maximo any time and every place
you need it. Maximo Everyplace
enables you to:

access to IBM Maximo in a

Shorten the lag time between an events

occurrence and the recording of that

lightweight, portable,

event in the system. Theres no need to

inexpensive device

wait until you get back to your desk

to enter or retrieve data.

Increase accuracy of data in the system

by allowing users to enter information
while its fresh in their minds.

Offer convenient, targeted access to

Maximo for workers who dont
regularly sit at a desk or use a desktop

The new viewing window in IBM Maximo Application Designer indicates the viewable area on an iPhone
and is configurable for the devices you use.

With Maximo Everyplace, you can use

Choose the look that is most

the Safari browser on your iPhone or

appropriate for your application from

iPod touch to interact with the Maximo

the provided options, such as bigger

system that you use at your desk.

buttons, alternative controls, and a

Maximo Everyplace adds extra configu-

smaller banner

ration functionality, such as a window in

the Application Designer that shows

All the existing Maximo functionality is

you how much of the screen you will

available in Maximo Everyplace. All the

see on the iPhone and an alternative

Application Designer features are also

look to use on your applications. Bigger

available. Maximo Everyplace gives you

buttons and redesigned user-interface

the tools that you need to apply

controls make it easier to interact with

Maximo functionality to your iPhone,

Maximo on a touch screen. And, any

iPod touch and any supported device,

applications that you design using

without installing anything on those

these features are not limited to being


used on an iPhone; they can be

accessed and used on any device that

For more information

uses a Maximo-supported browser, like

To learn more about IBM Maximo

IE 6 or 7. You could use the same

Everyplace, please contact your

application on your desktop machine,

IBM representative or IBM Business

tablets, and an iPhone.

Partner, or visit

with Maximo Everyplace is simple. Just

Know which users will need access and

what those users need to be able to do
Start with an existing application, for
example, Work Order Tracking

Clone the existing application and use

the iPhone-sized window in the
Application Designer to remove any
functionality that you dont need on the
handheld device

Produced in the United States of America

June 2009
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No part of this document may be reproduced or

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permission from IBM Corporation.

Creating useful Maximo applications

Copyright IBM Corporation 2009

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