Engl. 313 Project Proposal
Engl. 313 Project Proposal
Engl. 313 Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Presented to
This project proposal entitled A PROPOSED SHOE FOR NEW BORN
BABIES, prepared and submitted by BERNADETTE HANAPIN MENDONES,
fulfillment of the requirements for the course ENGL 313 Technical Writing
Business and Accounting Application, has been examined and is recommended
for oral examination.
We, the undersigned proponents, do hereby declare that all Information
in this documents has been obtained and presented in accordance with
academic and ethical conduct. We also declare, as required, that we have fully
cited and referenced all materials and results that are not original to this work.
The proponents expressed our sincere appreciation and deep gratitude
to the persons who had contributed much and ultimately resulted to the
completion of this project proposal.
Dr. Darwin D. Bargo, English professor, for his constant prodding and
encouragement. Although there were times that the proponents felt quitting in
looking for the materials needed for this project, he was always there to
encourage us to go on;
Virginia Viernes Velasquez And TAPHAR Alteration Shop for allowing us
to used their facilities / equipment and personnel to make this project possible
in short period of time.
The members of the committee on oral examination who had carefully
reviewed the production of this quality work;
Special mention goes to the authors whose books were used as
references, to the writers whose masterpiece were used as primary source of
materials, and to the presenters of articles published in the internet; whose
ideas have been very useful as it enriched the mind of the proponents in
connection with the subject of this proposal;
Friends and relatives who have been understanding when there were
times that the proponent s does not have enough time to be with them;
Those who in one way or another had served as motivation in the
proponents pursuit of this project proposal.
We dedicate this humble work to our beloved families, friends,
classmates, professors who guided us and served as our inspiration in making
this project possible.
Chapter I
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common childhood, mild viral infection
that causes blisters on your child's mouth, hands and feet. It is also sometimes
accompanied by a slight fever. It usually resolves itself within a few days 1.
As a mother with nurturing child, and Teenage adults that might build a
family someday and soon to be a mother and father, we came up to this
proposal to enlightened their minds to the importance of having a knowledge on
how to take care of their little angels feet. According to Gary Null, author of the
book Get Healthy Now: his babys feet are twisted out. Out-toeing should
corrrect itself naturally, normally disappearing by the time the child is two (2) 2.
Thats why this proposal is aiming to resolve the problems on babys health
arising from their feet.
In the Philippines, average income mothers do not tend to take care of
the other needs of the infants. They just focused on their baby`s basic needs
like milk, soap, environment and clothing. Studies shows that babys feet are
delicate and may affect their growth. Babies are born with only 22 bones in
each foot, but by the age of five, this increases to 26 bones.
The first few years are crucial, as the bones in your baby's feet are made
of soft, flexible cartilage that gradually converts to bone over time.
Your babys feet are particularly vulnerable to injury if they're not cared
properly 3. Due to this concern, the proponents has the solution or an
alternative to hard leather or synthetic components of babys shoes. This
product is in concept of socks that looks like sneakers and guaranteed not to
irritate babys skin as well as the bone development on there limbs.
Babys Foot Literature
A Baby running barefoot
When the bare feet of the baby beat across the grass
The little white feet nod like white flowers in the wind,
They poise and run like ripples lapping across the water;
And the sight of their white play among the grass
Is like a little robin's song, winsome,
I long for Or as two white butterflies settle in the cup of one flower
For a moment, then away with a flutter of wings.
the baby to wander hither to me
Like a wind-shadow wandering over the water,
So that she can stand on my knee
With her little bare feet in my hands,
Cool like syringa buds,
Firm and silken like pink young peony flowers.
The scope of this proposal is for the Parents with infants and babies
under their care. As we all know that most of us has a poor knowledge in proper
caring of infants, young moms and especially young adult parents. And
nowadays fashion is in trend thats why they want their baby to also look
fashionable. Then it would be more great if they will do both taking care of thier
babies feet at the same time being a fashionable in less expensive way.
Chapter II
Steps in creating the proposed sock
1ST Step: Design and specification
This is the step whereas the client will tell what he/she wants for the
product. This includes:
1. What material to use?
2. How many stitches per inch going to apply in opertion.
Importance of this is the strength of the socks created are based on how
many stitches it does have. In every fabric material there is a
corresponding stitches needed.
3. What design?
This is the most exciting part in sewing production, it is not just simly
putting the pattern paper on top of the fabric, but you should also know the exact
way of fabric elasticity to avoid miss cutting or one way cutting, it makes your
finish product offshaded.
4TH Step: Sewing
This is the step where the fabric that have been cutted are being stitched
to create the finish product.
Upon realization the proponents can cater different designs and features
of the product that will best suit to this project. We encourage parents to give
importance to their babies needs especialy in choosing a right shoe for the
infants. There are cases that when the baby wore a leather shoe it can cause
athletes foot, because leather is not friendly to the infant foots. Why? When
parents will not introduce shoe to the infants, infants may easily get sick
because infants loved to bite their feet during their transition month from
crawling to walking. This is the stage where the babies are front to get diseases
How it works ?
Statement of Work
When engaging in this kind of project, there are lots of procedures need
to consider.
Know first your target market.
Know your competitor weakneses / strength.
Benefits consumer / producer vis-a-vis.
Conceptualized the styles / designs of the product going to produce.
Finalized SPEC designs / sewing operations procedures.
Source fabric sample swatches and accessories, from the sourced
sample materials, select the best fabric and accessories that would fit to the
Chapter III
Virginia V. Velasques is a great friend of mine, she is a sample maker,
has been in the business since 1982 un-interrupted, her expertise is in kniiting,
Other Man Powr Staff, These people will handle the mass production,
packaging, purchasing and sourcing.
industry, in
The place where the production and office will be situated in the same
building for a economical and supervision purposes. The equipment will be
acquired brand new for a long term use.
Chapter IV
There are two types of cost computation, depending on how you will do
the production, it is more costly if you will use a in house production, than to
outsource it to a sub-con.
In-house Production Cost
Chapter V
Through brainstorming of the proponents, we came up to this project
proposal namely, A Proposed Shoe for New Born Babies. This aims to prevent
babies health problems arising from their feet such as hand, foot and mouth
disease, athletes foot, irritations and incorrect out-toeing of babies feet. This
product will be an alternative to ordinary baby shoes in the market. It is actually
a sock, designed to look like a shoe that is made up of cotton fabric and other
baby skin-friendly materials more comfortable than ordinary shoes which are
composed of hard leather and synthetic components that may cause irritations,
rashes and sometimes athletes foot to babies.
The proponents made consideration of the target market, competitors,
benefits and risks, costs and resources, and concepts for this project proposal.
This project proposal aims to benefit the target market, parents,
especially their babies. It may prevent health problems of babies that are
caused by their feet. This will also benefit parents who are unable to buy costly
shoes for their babies due to budget shortage. It is a shoe-designed sock which
is fashionable and will eliminate the need to buy costly shoes. The socks can
also used for a long run that can be the best benefit for a practical mom.
The risk that the project proposal may encounter is the aggressive
competition in the market. Other businessmen may also came up to a product
same as the project proposal. They may also imitate the product to a point that it
will be hard to claim it as authentically ours, if they make improvements and
other designs. Another risk will be the demand because in the Philippines there
is a low income for a normal family to purchase of product like this which means
that we the proponents need to adjust in order that a normal family can afford to
buy this.
Gary Null: Get Healthy Now
ISBN: 1-58322-042-9
Seven Stories Press
Page 349
Date researched 9/20/2013
Internet Sources
funkyfeet by Inez Lovia - Santiago 9/23/2013
http://www.online-literature.com/donne/3401/ 9/30/2013
Chapter VII
Product revision
Bonding time
Table of Contents