CAMO Compliance Checklist

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Organisation Name:

AOC Number:

Approval Number:

(If Applicable)

Tel No:

Contact Name:


C.A.M.E Reference:
AOC Holder

*Yes / No

Compiled by:


*Yes / No

Reviewed by


SCAA use only

Survey No:

(Commercial Air Transport)

Stand Alone Organisation

(Non Commercial Air Transport
* Delete as required on application
Instructions for completion

When completing this document it is important to make a positive statement showing how the organisation complies with any relevant part of the requirement (column
1) by indicating the CAME or procedure reference in column (2); if any part is not relevant then N/A should be inserted in column (3). Column (4) should detail the
method of compliance or why the requirement is not applicable, and should identify the subcontracted organisation and the contract reference for those continuing
airworthiness task(s) that are subcontracted to another organisation. Column (5) is for SCAA use only.
The term The Owner means also The Operator.
The terms Competent Authority or Agency mean SCAA.
If additional information is required to demonstrate compliance please use the space below or attach an appropriately referenced continuation sheet.
When the Compliance Check List has been completed and accepted by the SCAA a copy should be appended to the C.A.M.E.
Note: This document includes all requirement paragraphs as published in the Commission Regulation EC 2042/2003, as amended. Some paragraphs are not
applicable in Seychelles and are marked accordingly. The Commission Regulation EC 2042/2003, as amended, should be consulted at all times when
completing this compliance checklist for details of the Part M Subpart G requirements and associated acceptable means of compliance and guidance material.

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Additional Information

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

M.A.701 Scope
This Subpart establishes the requirements to be met by an
organisation to qualify for the issue or continuation of an
approval for the management of aircraft continuing

M.A.702 Application
An application for issue or variation of a continuing
airworthiness management organisation approval shall be
made on a form and in a manner established by the
competent authority.

M.A.703 Extent of approval

(a) The approval is indicated on a certificate included in
Appendix VI issued by the competent authority.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), for commercial air
transport, the approval shall be part of the air operator
certificate issued by the competent authority, for the aircraft
(c) The scope of work deemed to constitute the approval shall
be specified in the continuing airworthiness management
exposition in accordance with point M.A.704.

M.A.704 Continuing airworthiness management

(a) The continuing airworthiness management organisation
shall provide a continuing airworthiness management
exposition containing the following information:
1. A statement signed by the accountable manager to confirm
that the organisation will work in accordance with this Part and
the exposition at all times, and;
2. The organisation's scope of work, and;
3. The title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in points
M.A.706(a), M.A.706(c), M.A.706(d) and M.A.706(i).

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

4. An organisation chart showing associated chains of

responsibility between the person(s) referred to in M.A.706 (b)
and M.A.706(c), and;
5. A list of M.A.707 airworthiness review staff, and;
6. A general description and location of the facilities, and;
7. Procedures specifying how the continuing airworthiness
management organisation ensures compliance with this Part,
8. The continuing airworthiness management exposition
amendment procedures.
9. The list of approved aircraft maintenance programmes, or,
for aircraft not involved in commercial air transport, the list of
generic and baseline maintenance programmes.
(b) The continuing airworthiness management exposition and
its amendments shall be approved by the competent authority.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), minor amendments to the
exposition may be approved indirectly through an indirect
approval procedure. The indirect approval procedure shall
define the minor amendment eligible, be established by the
continuing airworthiness management organisation as part of
the exposition and be approved by the competent authority
responsible for that continuing airworthiness management
see AMC M.A.704
procedures should take account of Part M Subparts C, D,
E, H & I as appropriate

M.A.705 Facilities
The continuing airworthiness management organisation shall
provide suitable office accommodation at appropriate
locations for the personnel specified in M.A.706.
See AMC M.A.705

M.A.706 Personnel requirements

(a) The organisation shall appoint an accountable manager,
who has corporate authority for ensuring that all continuing
airworthiness management activities can be financed and
carried out in accordance with this Part.

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)
(b) For commercial air transport the paragraph (a)
accountable manager shall be the person who also has
corporate authority for ensuring that all the operations of the
operator can be financed and carried out to the standard
required for the issue of an air operator's certificate.
(c) A person or group of persons shall be nominated with the
responsibility of ensuring that the organisation is always in
compliance with this Subpart. Such person(s) shall be
ultimately responsible to the accountable manager.
(d) For commercial air transport, the accountable manager
shall designate a nominated post holder. This person shall be
responsible for the management and supervision of continuing
airworthiness activities, pursuant to paragraph (c).
(e) The nominated post holder referred to in paragraph(d)
shall not be employed by a Part-145 approved organisation
under contract to the operator, unless specifically agreed by
the competent authority.
(f) The organisation shall have sufficient appropriately
qualified staff for the expected work.
(g) All paragraph (c) and (d) persons shall be able to show
relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience
related to aircraft continuing airworthiness.
(h) The qualification of all personnel involved in continuing
airworthiness management shall be recorded.
(i) For organisations extending airworthiness review
certificates in accordance with points M.A.711(a)4 and
M.A.901(f), the organisation shall nominate persons
authorised to do so, subject to approval by the competent
(j) The organisation shall define and keep updated in the
continuing airworthiness management exposition the title(s)
and name(s) of person(s) referred to in points M.A.706(a),
M.A.706(c), M.A.706(d) and M.A.706(i).
(k) For large aircraft and for aircraft used in commercial air
transport the organisation shall establish and control the
competence of all personnel involved in the continuing
airworthiness management of, airworthiness review and or
qualify audits in accordance with a procedure and to a
standard agreed by the competence authority.
Account should be taken of AMC M.A.706

M.A.707 Airworthiness review staff

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Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)





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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

(a) To be approved to carry out airworthiness reviews, an

approved continuing airworthiness management organisation
shall have appropriate airworthiness review staff to issue
airworthiness review certificates or recommendations referred
to in Subpart I of Section A.
1. For all aircraft used in commercial air transport, and aircraft
above 2 730 kg MTOM, except balloons, these staff shall have
(a) at least five years experience in continuing airworthiness,
(b) an appropriate licence in compliance with Annex III (Part66) or a nationally recognized maintenance personnel
qualification appropriate to the aircraft category (when Annex
III (Part-66) refers to national rules) or an aeronautical degree
or equivalent, and;
(c) formal aeronautical maintenance training, and;
(d) a position within the approved organisation with
appropriate responsibilities.
(e) Notwithstanding points a to d, the requirement laid
down in point M.A.707(a)1b may be replaced by five years of
experience in continuing airworthiness additional to those
already required by point M.A.707(a)1a.
2. For aircraft not used in commercial air transport of 2 730 kg
MTOM and below, and balloons, these staff
shall have acquired:
(a) at least three years experience in continuing airworthiness,
(b) an appropriate licence in compliance with Annex III (Part66) or a nationally recognized maintenance personnel
qualification appropriate to the aircraft category (when Annex
III (Part-66) refers to national rules) or an aeronautical degree
or equivalent, and;
(c) appropriate aeronautical maintenance training, and;
(d) a position within the approved organisation with
appropriate responsibilities;
(e) Notwithstanding points a to d, the requirement laid
down in point M.A.707(a)2b may be replaced by four years of
experience in continuing airworthiness additional to those
already required by point M.A.707(a)2a.
(b) Airworthiness review staff nominated by the approved
continuing airworthiness organisation can only be issued an
authorisation by the approved continuing airworthiness
organisation when formally accepted by the competent
authority after satisfactory completion of an airworthiness
review under supervision.

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

(c) The organisation shall ensure that aircraft airworthiness

review staff can demonstrate appropriate recent continuing
airworthiness management experience.
(d) Airworthiness review staff shall be identified by listing each
person in the continuing airworthiness management
exposition together with their airworthiness review
authorisation reference.
(e) The organisation shall maintain a record of all
airworthiness review staff, which shall include details of any
appropriate qualification held together with a summary of
relevant continuing airworthiness management experience
and training and a copy of the authorisation. This record shall
be retained until two years after the airworthiness review staff
have left the organisation.
See AMC M.A.707

M.A.708 Continuing airworthiness management

(a) All continuing airworthiness management shall be carried
out according to the prescriptions of M.A Subpart C.
(b) For every aircraft managed, the approved continuing
airworthiness management organisation shall:
1. Develop and control a maintenance programme for the
aircraft managed including any applicable reliability
2. Present the aircraft maintenance programme and its
amendments to the competent authority for approval, unless
covered by an indirect approval procedure in accordance with
point M.A.302(c), and provide a copy of the programme to the
owner of aircraft not involved in commercial air transport,
3. Manage the approval of modification and repairs,
4. Ensure that all maintenance is carried out in accordance
with the approved maintenance programme and released in
accordance with M.A. Subpart H,
5. Ensure that all applicable airworthiness directives and
operational directives with a continuing airworthiness
impact are applied,
6. Ensure that all defects discovered during scheduled
maintenance or reported are corrected by an appropriately
approved maintenance organisation,
7. Ensure that the aircraft is taken to an appropriately
approved maintenance organisation whenever necessary,

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Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

8. Coordinate scheduled maintenance, the application of

airworthiness directives, the replacement of service life
limited parts, and component inspection to ensure the work is
carried out properly,
9. Manage and archive all continuing airworthiness records
and/or operator's technical log.
10. Ensure that the mass and balance statement reflects the
current status of the aircraft.
(c) In the case of commercial air transport, when the operator
is not appropriately approved to Part-145, the operator shall
establish a written maintenance contract between the operator
and a Part-145 approved organisation or another operator,
detailing the functions specified underM.A.301-2, M.A.301-3,
M.A.301-5 and M.A.301-6, ensuring that all maintenance is
ultimately carried out by a Part-145 approved maintenance
organisation and defining the support of the quality functions
of M.A.712 (b). The aircraft base, scheduled line maintenance
and engine maintenance contracts, together with all
amendments, shall be approved by the competent authority.
However, in the case of:
1. An aircraft requiring unscheduled line maintenance, the
contract may be in the form of individual work orders
addressed to the Part-145 maintenance organisation.
2. Component maintenance, including engine maintenance,
the contract as referred to in paragraph (c) may be in the form
of individual work orders addressed to the Part-145
maintenance organisation.
See AMC M.A.708
All Subpart C Tasks and AMC need to be cross-referred
Consideration to Part 21 subpart D changes
Consideration to Part 21 subpart M for Repairs
Consideration to contracts (Appendix 1)

M.A.709 Documentation
(a) The approved continuing airworthiness management
organisation shall hold and use applicable current
maintenance data in accordance with point M.A.401 for the
performance of continuing airworthiness tasks referred to in
point M.A.708. This data may be provided by the owner or the
operator, subject to an appropriate contract being established
with such an owner or operator. In such case, the continuing
airworthiness management organisation only needs to keep
such data for the duration of the contract, except when
required by point M.A.714.

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

(b) For aircraft not involved in commercial air transport, the

approved continuing airworthiness management organisation
may develop baseline and/or generic maintenance
programmes in order to allow for the initial approval and/or the
extension of the scope of an approval without having the
contracts referred to in Appendix I to this Annex (Part M).
These baseline and/or generic maintenance programmes
however do not preclude the need to establish an adequate
Aircraft Maintenance Programme in compliance with point
M.A.302 in due time before exercising the privileges referred
to in point M.A.711.
See AMC M.A.709

M.A.710 Airworthiness review



(a) To satisfy the requirement for an M.A.902 airworthiness

review of an aircraft, a full documented review of the aircraft
records shall be carried out by the approved continuing
airworthiness management organisation in order to be
satisfied that:
1. Airframe, engine and propeller flying hours and associated
flight cycles have been properly recorded, and;
2. The flight manual is applicable to the aircraft configuration
and reflects the latest revision status, and;
3. All the maintenance due on the aircraft according to the
approved maintenance programme has been carried out, and;
4. All known defects have been corrected or, when applicable,
carried forward in a controlled manner, and;
5. All applicable airworthiness directives have been applied
and properly registered, and;
6. All modifications and repairs applied to the aircraft have
been registered and are approved according to Part-21, and;
7. All service life limited components installed on the aircraft
are properly identified, registered and have not exceeded their
approved service life limit, and;
8. All maintenance has been released in accordance with this
Part, and;
9. The current mass and balance statement reflects the
configuration of the aircraft and is valid, and;
10. The aircraft complies with the latest revision of its type
design approved by the Agency.
11. if required the aircraft holds a noise certificate
corresponding to the current configuration of the aircraft in
compliance with Part 21 subpart I.

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

(b) The approved continuing airworthiness management

organisations airworthiness review staff shall carry out a
physical survey of the aircraft. For this survey, airworthiness
review staff not appropriately qualified to Part-66 shall be
assisted by such qualified personnel.
(c) Through the physical survey of the aircraft, the
airworthiness review staff shall ensure that:
1. All required markings and placards are properly installed,
2. The aircraft complies with its approved flight manual, and;
3. The aircraft configuration complies with the approved
documentation, and;
4. No evident defect can be found that has not been
addressed according to M.A.404, and;
5. No inconsistencies can be found between the aircraft and
the paragraph (a) documented review of records.
(d) by derogation to M.A.902(a) an airworthiness review Can
be anticipated by a maximum period of 90 days without loss of
continuity of the airworthiness review pattern, to allow the
physical review to take place during a maintenance check.
(e) An M.A.902 airworthiness review certificate (EASA Form
15b) or a recommendation is issued by appropriately
authorised M.A.707 airworthiness review staff on behalf of the
approved continuing airworthiness management organisation
when satisfied that the airworthiness review has been properly
carried out.
(f) A copy of any airworthiness review certificate issued or
extended for an aircraft shall be sent to the Member State of
Registry of that aircraft within 10 days
(g) Airworthiness review tasks shall not be sub-contracted.
(h) Should the outcome of the airworthiness review be
inconclusive, the competent authority shall be informed.

M.A.711 Privileges of the organization

(a) A continuing airworthiness management organisation
approved in accordance with Section A, Subpart G of this
Annex (Part M) may:
1. manage the continuing airworthiness of non-commercial air
transport aircraft as listed on the approval certificate;
2. manage the continuing airworthiness of commercial air
transport aircraft when listed both on its approval certificate
and on its Air Operator Certificate (AOC);

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)
3. arrange to carry out limited continuing airworthiness tasks
with any contracted organisation, working under its quality
system, as listed on the approval certificate;
4. extend, under the conditions of point M.A.901(f), an
airworthiness review certificate that has been issued by the
competent authority or by another continuing airworthiness
management organisation approved in accordance with
Section A, Subpart G of this Annex (Part M);
(b) An approved continuing airworthiness management
organisation registered in one of the Member States may,
additionally, be approved to carry out airworthiness reviews
referred to in point M.A.710 and:
1. issue the related airworthiness review certificate and extend
it in due time under the conditions of points M.A.901(c)2 or
M.A.901(e)2; and,
2. issue a recommendation for the airworthiness review to the
competent authority of the Member State of registry.
(c) An organisation shall be registered in one of the Member
States to be granted the privilege pursuant to paragraph (b).
See AMC M.A.711

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)











M.A.712 Quality system

(a) To ensure that the approved continuing airworthiness
management organisation continues to meet the requirements
of this Subpart, it shall establish a quality system and
designate a quality manager to monitor compliance with, and
the adequacy of, procedures required to ensure airworthy
aircraft. Compliance monitoring shall include a feedback
system to the accountable manager to ensure corrective
action as necessary.
(b) The quality system shall monitor M.A. Subpart G activities.
It shall at least include the following functions:
1. Monitoring that all M.A. Subpart G activities are being
performed in accordance with the approved procedures, and;
2. Monitoring that all contracted maintenance is carried out in
accordance with the contract, and;
3. Monitoring the continued compliance with the requirements
of this Part.
(c) The records of these activities shall be stored for at least
two years.
(d) Where the approved continuing airworthiness
management organisation is approved in accordance with
another Part, the quality system may be combined with that
required by the other Part.

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

(e) In case of commercial air transport the M.A. Subpart G

quality system shall be an integrated part of the operator's
quality system.
(f) In the case of a small organisation not managing the
continuing airworthiness of aircraft used in commercial air
transport, the quality system may be replaced by regular
organisational reviews subject to the approval of the
competent authority, except when the organisation issues
airworthiness review certificates for aircraft above 2 730 kg
MTOM other than balloons. In the case where there is no
quality system, the organisation shall not contract continuing
airworthiness management tasks to other parties.
See AMC M.A.712

M.A.713 Changes to the approved continuing

airworthiness organisation
In order to enable the competent authority to determine
continued compliance with this Part, the approved continuing
airworthiness management organisation shall notify it of any
proposal to carry out any of the following changes, before
such changes take place:
1. The name of the organisation.
2. The location of the organisation.
3. Additional locations of the organisation.
4. The accountable manager.
5. Any of the persons specified in M.A.706(c).
6. The facilities, procedures, work scope and staff that could
affect the approval.
In the case of proposed changes in personnel not known to
the management beforehand, these changes shall be notified
at the earliest opportunity

See AMC M.A.713

M.A.714 Record-keeping
(a) The continuing airworthiness management organisation
shall record all details of work carried out. The records
required by M.A.305 and if applicable M.A.306 shall be

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)
(b) If the continuing airworthiness management organisation
has the privilege referred to in point M.A.711(b), it shall retain
a copy of each airworthiness review certificate and
recommendation issued or, as applicable, extended, together
with all supporting documents. In addition, the organisation
shall retain a copy of any airworthiness review certificate that
it has extended under the privilege referred to in point
(c) If the continuing airworthiness management organisation
has the privilege referred to in point M.A.711(c), it shall retain
a copy of each permit to fly issued in accordance with the
provisions of point 21A.729 of the Annex (Part 21) to
Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003.
(d) The continuing airworthiness management organisation
shall retain a copy of all records listed in paragraph (b) until
two years after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn
from service.
(e) The records shall be stored in a manner that ensures
protection from damage, alteration and theft.
(f) All computer hardware used to ensure backup shall be
stored in a different location from that containing the working
data in an environment that ensures they remain in good
(g) Where continuing airworthiness management of an aircraft
is transferred to another organisation or person, all retained
records shall be transferred to the said organisation or person.
The time periods prescribed for the retention of records shall
continue to apply to the said organisation or person.
(h) Where a continuing airworthiness management
organisation terminates its operation, all retained records shall
be transferred to the owner of the aircraft
See AMC M.A.714

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)







M.A.715 Continued validity of approval

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Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Compliance Checklist

Requirement (1)

Proc. (2)


Method of Compliance (4)

Y/N (5)

(a) An approval shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It

shall remain valid subject to:
1. the organisation remaining in compliance with this Part, in
accordance with the provisions related to the handling of
findings as specified under M.B.705 and;
2. the competent authority being granted access to the
organisation to determine continued compliance with this Part,
3. the approval not being surrendered or revoked.
(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the approval certificate shall
be returned to the competent authority.

M.A.716 Findings
(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with
Part-M requirements which lowers the safety standard and
hazards seriously the flight safety.
(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the Part-M
requirements which could lower the safety standard and
possibly hazard the flight safety.
(c) After receipt of notification of findings according to
M.B.705, the holder of the continuing airworthiness
management organisation approval shall define a corrective
action plan and demonstrate corrective action to the
satisfaction of the competent authority within a period agreed
with this authority.

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