Ancient Animal Wisdom Booklet

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ancient animal wisdom

Messages, Meanings & Numerology

by Stacy James & Jada Fire

Published by
U.s. Games Systems, Inc.

Copyright 2014 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved. The illustrations, cover design,

and contents are protected by copyright. No part of
this booklet may be reproduced in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher, except by a
reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in
connection with a review written for inclusion in a
magazine, newspaper or website.

First Edition

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in Italy

Published by
U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
179 Ludlow Street
Stamford, CT 06902 USA

I am forever grateful for those in my life that have in
some way participated in bringing Ancient Animal
Wisdom alive.

I give thanks to Joanne Hardy, whose extraordinary Lomi Lomi Massage birthed the decision to create
Ancient Animal Wisdom. Marybeth Francesca Wolf, my
lifelong friend who gifted me my first Medicine Cards
almost 20 years ago. Alvin Tam who patiently and
artistically guided, revised and beautifully designed
these cards with Jada and me. Most of all, I would
like to thank my family for instilling a deeply caring,
compassionate love of nature and animals from the
time I was born. I never remember being without curiosity, adventure or my animal friends. And last, but not
least, my life partner Chip who always encourages me
to be the best, biggest version of me.


Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are ancient divination tools. These

Ancient Animal Wisdom cards can support you in
aligning with your souls purpose, communicating
with Spirit Guides, and connecting with your Inner
Light, as they guide you towards your hearts desires.
Trusting your personal abilities will bring
further clarity to your life questions, challenges
and curiosities.


Ancient Animal Wisdom cards are simple to use,

and are predictable and powerful. Explore one of
our spreads (pages 36-41) or use your creativity to
configure your own array of cards. Every card tells
a story, and multiple cards will tell a sequence of a
story. The story is your message.
Please remember there is no wrong way to select
your cards. Every selection will have personal significance. The card or cards you choose will have special
meaning for you, your questions, and your connection
to Spirit.
You may find it helpful to quiet your mind prior to
selecting your cards, set your intention of what guidance you request from your Ancient Animal Guides,
and be open to receive your message.
Enhancing your own intuition will also increase
the clarity of your message. Meditating, interpreting

your dreams, journaling, and trusting your personal

abilities will all bring further clarity to your life questions, challenges and curiosities.

taking care of your cards

If you allow so, your cards will become dear friends,

trusted confidantes, loving guides and an inspirational
bridge from earth to the hereafter.
Before your first use, gently shuffle your cards
until they are sufficiently mixed and feel like your
cards. Place the deck in your hands and ask your
Animal Guides to inspire a partnership of mind,
body and spirit, with clear, powerful, positive and
loving messages.
If you feel the need to cleanse your cards for
any reason, we recommend spreading your cards
across a table facedown, ask for a blessing to clear
any non-healing energy from your cards and lightly
smudge the air above your cards with sage. This will
lift the energy of your animal friends and brighten
the clarity of your messages.


Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers.

For thousands of years, philosophers, spiritual guides,
mathematicians and healers have used numbers as a
tool for personal understanding, spiritual awareness
and growth.

If you have not yet explored your personal

numerology, now may be the time to do so! The evergrowing Internet, library or local bookstore is sure to
have whatever resources you desire.
Youll find below simple descriptions of qualities
commonly associated with each number. By paying
attention to the numbers you attract, you may find a
message or insight meant just for you.

numerology meanings

1 Leadership, Strength, New Beginnings

2 Intuition, Feminine Divine, Sensitivity

3 Creativity, Mind/Body/Spirit, Divinity

4 Discipline, Order, Devotion

5 Sensuality, Change, Freedom

6 Compassion, Family, Harmony

7 Seeker of Truths, Solitude, Intelligence

8 Balance, Infinity, Material Satisfaction

9 Generosity, Global Contribution, Endings

and Beginnings

african translations

Although English is the official language of Zambia,

Nyanja is the main local language spoken in many
areas of Zambia. In total, there are 73 different
languages represented in Zambia.
All of the Ancient Animals included in this Oracle
Deck are found in Africa, most in Zambia. The names
of the animals are given here in the local Zambian
language Nyanja, for each animal residing in Zambia.
If it is an animal located in another region of Africa,
then the closest local language was used.
(a form of thank you ending most conversations)

1. Ant | Nyelele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2. Black Rhino | Chipembele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3. Hippopotamus | Mvuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4. Mountain Zebra | Bizi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5. Giraffe | Nyamalikiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6. Elephant | Njobvu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

7. Dugong Tiger | Nguva Tiger Kale . . . . . . . . . 15

8. Lion | Mukango . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

9. Nile Crocodile | Ngwenya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

10. Flamingo | Heroe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

11. Black Mamba Snake | Njoka . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

12. Chameleon | Birimangwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

13. Gorilla | Gorilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

14. Gazelle | Paa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

15. Dik Dik | Insha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

16. Humpback Whale | Nyangumi . . . . . . . . . . . 21

17. Civet | Fungu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

18. Honey Badger | Chiwuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

19. Wild Dog | Mubulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
20. Warthog | Munyili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

21. Dusky Dolphin | Dolfyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

22. Cheetah | Mbale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

23. Leopard | Kaingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

24. Penguin | Pikkewyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
25. Rabbit | Kalulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

26. Monkey | Mungili . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

27. Butterfly | Kapususu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

28. Wildebeest | Nyumbu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
29. Frog | Chule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

30. Baobab Tree | Mlambe Mti . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

31. Baboon | Bongwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

32. Sausage Fruit Tree |

Mvungula Matunda Ya Mti . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

33. Owl | Manchichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


34. Kite | Pungwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

35. Kudu | Phuluphulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

36. Hyena | Fisi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
37. Lilac-Breasted Roller | Chole . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

38. Fish Eagle | Nkwazi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Card Spreads
Animal Card Spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Upright or Reversed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Intention Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Spirit Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Past, Present and Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Tiger Dugong Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Four Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Gateway Spirit Guides Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Akashic Elemental Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Chakra Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

1. ant

beneficial opportunity presents itself to you today
by contributing and working for your whole.
This may bring to mind solidarity with your family,
colleagues, or possibly your local or global community. Its time to roll up your sleeves and get motivated
to support a bigger vision. Ant is offering an expansive perspective on life by asking you to work cooperatively with others for a cause that is much bigger
than you alone. Success comes from knowing that
you have shared in the communal workload, offered
your unique gifts, and celebrated in your combined
efforts to strengthen your family, government and
community. Surrender the need to lead and choose to
participate in a service-oriented direction today. Ant
supports you with an extra dose of humility, honor,
respect and tolerance for yourself and the world!

2. black rhino

survival of self
he Black Rhino, nearing extinction, is being
poached because of the supposed magical and
healing qualities of its horns. Mostly a solitary animal,
the Black Rhino is a guide for perseverance and


determination. There is much significance with the

Black Rhinos thick skin. This could be a signal for
you to not be bothered by what others may say about
you and the unique life path that you walk. Keep your
head to the ground and fear not the magic of your
horns! Use them as needed. Protect what you have
created and have a good look at what drives you to
survive. What aspect of yourself will you leave behind
for future generations to follow? Forge forward for
what you believe in and as always, move through life
with integrity.

3. hippopotamus

Healing waters
ippos love water and spend much of the time
submerged in rivers. The Greeks named them
River Horses. Being in or around water at this
time could support you in becoming aware of your
environment and life situations. Water is a primal
source and is said to be the meeting place of heaven
and earth. Choosing Hippopotamus may be a signal
to submerge yourself in water, wash away all that is
unserving, and heighten your personal awareness.
Be humbled by the power of water by spending time
in an aquatic location. Swim, play, relax, bathethe
life waters are calling you.


4. mountain zebra

pen your eyes to the abundance of options
surrounding you. Your life is full of glorious
opportunities. Mountain zebras are equipped to climb
steep inclines in Africa. Their hooves are sturdy and
can fit in small crevices, securing their footing for safe
arrival. Just as zebras can secure their opportunities
and overcome obstacles, so can you. Your willingness to take risks helps you in fully recognizing your
potential and the opportunities awaiting you. As you
embark on this new path, Zebra ensures your safe
arrival at your destination. Choose what brings you
pure joy. Take action on your dreams and be open to
receive the gifts that come!

5. Giraffe

Heart-centered risks
iraffes are the tallest mammals in the world, and
the earth animal with the largest heart. Giraffe may
be telling you to stretch, elongate, and expand your
body and mind. Delight in reaching the high hanging
fruit that are beyond eye level. This isnt the time to
seek approval or follow the group. Instead, pave your
own way and follow your heart, your dream, your


own direction. Giraffe reminds you that this is your

life path and this is your opportunity to replace obligations with heart-driven desires. Where or to whom
is your heart guiding you today? Reach with love to
create your inner vision and aim high for what you
desire. Love is the answer to all things.

6. elephant

e are all born as loving, compassionate human
beings. Allow your own compassion to flow
through you by releasing worry, fear or unhealthy
judgments. If Elephant chose you today, its time to
be extra compassionate towards yourself and others.
Elephant reminds you that your abundant compassion, sensitivity and intelligence will support you to
overcome any challenges you may encounter now or
in the future. Just as the elephant never stops growing
in physical size, you too can continue to expand your
sense of compassion and understanding of humanity.
Elephant signifies the importance of self-love and
reminds you of the role you play in Mother Earths
divine plan. Love and compassion act as a healing
modality that cures all.


7. dugong tiger
Nguva Tiger Kale

n alchemical dictum states, For a trees branches
to reach the heights of Heaven, its roots need to
touch Hell. Are you a person of extremes? Do you
sometimes neglect to find balance in your ideas, selfcare, emotions, relationships or work? Perhaps you
understand the tendency within your own personality to sway from one extreme to the other, while
choosing to ignore the consequence of staying in the
eye of the storm. Dugong Tiger poses a challenge for
you to pause and look at the effects of your extreme
behaviors. What adjustments can you make to bring
balance and harmony into your life? Speak out loud
with truth and compassion for what you want. The
balance of these opposing animals will allow you your
deepest power.

8. lion

our family pride shall take precedence now.
Be conscious of your loyalty to those closest to
you and your courage to keep your family members
close to your heart. This is of the utmost importance.
There is strength in numbers. Lion families are called


prides and this could be a reminder to be proud of

the company you keep. Recognize the goodness in
each member of your family and at the same time,
release any co-dependent relationships in your family.
Find acceptance, love and support in your family
members and they will find that in you.

9. nile Crocodile

sing your deepest sense of awareness can determine the best direction for you to take at this time.
Crocodile advises you to pay special attention to the
path you are about to embark upon. Divine universal
guidance is offered here to transform any potential
obstacles into opportunities. Crocodile asks you to
pull back, slow down and be aware of the decisions
you are currently making in your life. It is best to
make your choices based on what serves you and the
lives of others, for the greatest good. You may want to
ask yourself, Is what I want in the best interest for
all involved? This perspective may simplify or clarify
your decision.


10. flamingo

ts time to celebrate! Put on your most vibrant
costume and shake your tail feathers! Flamingos
gather in the thousands and put on spectacular
shows. Today is a celebration of life. Dance, sing,
draw, cook. Just make sure you are sharing your
flamboyance with a friend or lover. Its time to tempt
your senses and embark on an adventurous journey.
Choose one specific venture that inspires you this
week and let Spirit guide you!

11. black mamba snake


Death of old ways

nake is bringing you an opportunity to let go of old
habits and beliefs that do not serve you anymore.
What do you need to let go of to become who you
were born to be? This card could be a signal that it is
time to change what is not working. If you choose not
to change this now, you may later experience more
signs nudging you toward alignment. Life is always
giving you confirmations. No matter how they come
to you, the universe guides you in the direction of
your true self. Be sure to listen to the message. Snake
cautions you not to step in the same river twice;


life is a forward movement. Seize this opportunity to

reclaim your innocence.

12. Chameleon

our intuitive senses are heightened at this time
and you have the ability to hear and feel more
than others. This awakening gives you access to
other realms and allows you to see the world from
four distinct viewpoints: Great Spirit above, Mother
Earth below, your soul within, and the universe that
surrounds you. If you find yourself not understanding
a decision, person or situation, call on Chameleon to
bring you clarity. Today, you can renew your spirit and
be open to an expanded perspective by turning your
heart toward the sun and listening to the whispers
within. You are of the Rainbow Energy that is teaching
new generations to live in a higher vibration. This
awakened energy presents a positive influence on
the world.

13. Gorilla

ranquil, loving and loyal, Gorilla is offering you
a rediscovery of yourself and humanity through

the essence of living a gentle existence. Gorillas and

humans share 98.6% of the same genetic makeup,
therefore, we share a deeply connected emotional
life. Questions you may want to ask yourself today are
How can I bring forth unconditional love into my daily
life? In what ways can I exude more love and peace
towards my family members, community and my
world? Gorillas remind you to become conscious of
the quality of life you are leaving for future generations. It may be time to soften your heart and release
your fears, judgments and wounds back to the rich
soil of Mother Earth. Honor yourself and the spirit of
life by giving and receiving love today.

14. Gazelle

Sacred spiral
s gazelles leap and whirl across the savannah, they
express their freedom of movement with sensuality, grace and ease. Gazelle fluidly dances through
life and invites you to do the same. This may be a time
to notice if you have attachments to old, static energy
of the past. Does any part of your life feel repressive,
shameful or heavy? Gazelle reminds you that today
could be an opportune time to release negative
energies, maybe even generations of strict discipline,
sexual repression or stifling of your creativity. Dance
with Mother Earth and allow her to restore your


wholeness. The healing sacred spiral releasing the

old and embracing the new brings sensual freedom,
travel, and rejuvenation of your creative spirit.

15. dik dik


ik Dik brings gentleness into your mind, heart and
relationships today. It may be time to release any
harsh judgments of yourself or others and bask in the
soft, loving energy of Dik Dik. You may find it beneficial to take a temporary vow of silence today and
notice how this inner quietude recharges your natural
energy source. Being gentle allows your body to heal
at a cellular level, your mind to rest with ease, and the
movement of your life to flow gently downstream. As
with all animals that have horns, there is an association with psychic awareness. The gentleness of Dik
Dik guides you to be fully aware of your surroundings
and your higher self. Meditation, Yoga, Chi Gong or
other mindful activities will support your growth.
Consider being present in nature today and enjoy the
stillness within.


16. humpback whale


Past life
electing Humpback Whale today is an indication
that spending time near the undulating waves of
the ocean can open enlightening vistas for you. The
sound of whales ancient song assists you in recognizing new possibilities that reflect your gifts of the
past. Whales sing the most complex songs of the sea,
and some say the song of the whale connects heaven
and earth. Whale calls on you to use the magical properties of water and your distinct voice to find your
inner calling in todays world. Whales song offers you
echoes of enchantment spoken through your ancestors from past lives long ago. Today, your ancestors
bring you an answered prayer.

17. Civet

ts time to dabble in your wild, mysterious nature
and the creative spirit of the many masks you wear.
Your shadow of mystery beckons you to come out
and play today. Civet exudes magic and curiosity with
her black mask. Do you also have a mystical mask
or desire you would like to explore? What aspects of
self have you hidden from yourself or others? Today,


you are granted permission to honor and respect the

alluring, playful, sexual and mysterious god/goddess
within. Civet asks, What is it specifically that you
wish to discover and develop with more knowledge to
ignite your curiosity? Seek it now.

18. honey badger


ts time to access your personal power and advocate
for yourself and your life direction. Honey Badger
urges you to assert your power and break through
your personal boundaries. Its possible to reclaim
your fierce energy and use your assertiveness to
create and protect what you have manifested. Honey
Badger stands his ground and does not back down to
naysayers who doubt his personal power. As a skilled
digger, Honey Badger signals that you may need to dig
deeper within to reach the solution for a challenge
or task. Access the innate characteristics that Honey
Badger shares with you, while standing by your truth
and integrity.

19. wild dog


ild Dog asks you to be conscious of the quality
of your listening skills today. One of the greatest

gifts you can give and receive is to listen and be heard.

Wild Dog asks you to share your awareness and full
presence with those you encounter today. Give them
the gift of your open mind, loving heart and willingness to just hear what is being said. Wild Dog cleanses
you of any judgments and inner chatter while gifting
you the magic of listening.

20. warthog

Inner Glow
top being so concerned about what is on the
outside. Your title in life, what you represent, wear,
drive, and what other people think, are all inferior to
the true you. Warthog is a reminder that what is truly
important in life is what resonates on the inside: your
happiness, your spirit, your personal truths, your
sense of sacred self and your connection to the Divine
Creator. When you glow from within, you exude a
tremendous light that shines through. Your greatest
strength will always come from within. Warthog is
reminding you that your divinity is your birthright.
Honor the essence of your inner light, and nourish
your spirit today.


21. dusky dolphin


Show off
he Dusky Dolphin is the most acrobatic of all
dolphins! Playful, cooperative, and flexible they
are often seen leaping and somersaulting through
the waters of the Southern Hemisphere with their
Dusky friends. Dolphin never stops to think about
whether she should or shouldnt be joyful or free
Dolphin just is! Now is the time to trust your own
authenticity. Dive in, embrace your flair, and show
off the special talents you have. Step right into the
limelight and share your gifts with the world. Claim
your vitality today!

22. Cheetah

Divine Feminine
heetah asks you to honor your feminine life force
by sharing your divine passion. Acknowledge the
yin energy on the planet as unconditionally beautiful and nourishing. You are an essential part of this
radiant, feminine energy that feeds the planet. Often
when the land suffers degradation, the essence of
human spirit also frays. Celebrate the divine feminine
energy in a sacred way with the special women in
your life. Treat them to a handmade gift, a dinner,


or circle of inspiring communication. Gentlemen,

if you have drawn this card, it is time to honor and
appreciate the women in your life for their essence of
beauty, nurturing and sensuality. When we exude and
share love for our sisters, we also bring greater love
to ourselves.

23. leopard

eopard is offering you a renewal of passion and
fulfillment by asking that you follow your innate
intuition. Calling on your spirit guides always
supports you, although the light of intuition already
exists deep within you. Gaze into Leopards eyes and
you will see a reflection of your inner flame of knowledge. As Leopard strides silently, she also encourages
you to embrace your inner quietude. This stillness
grants you access to your greatest insights. Leopard
presents you with certainty, confidence and courage
to follow your intuitive knowledge.

24. penguin

he magical spirit of Penguin awakens in you
today. Penguin represents cosmic parental energy
and asks you to be open to love, responsibility and


nurturing of your physical and internal home. Penguin

brings an offering of fertility and multiplying life gifts.
Now may be a time to conceive a child, launch a new
business or lovingly oversee a new project. Continued
growth will occur by filling your mind with positive
intentions, your spirit with faith, and your body with
fresh foods. Knowing what you choose to birth today
is your key to moving forward. Once you are clear,
take a few moments to meditate, visualize, and celebrate your bountiful gift!

25. rabbit

Cycles and rhythms

ay attention to natural cycles, especially lunar
cycles. The full moon signifies the completion of
activities and projects you have already started and
the new moon is a time of creating new endeavors.
The saying, go with the flow stems from following
the natural cycles of life and the everlasting rotation of the moons influential energy. Rabbit may be
signaling that your life could be easier if you learn to
go with the flow. There is great wisdom in recognizing
when the time is right to act, withdraw, or simply wait
for divine guidance. Trust that you are exactly where
you need to be at this time and allow the rhythms
of the earth to gently guide you. Look at the moon
this evening. Is it waxing or waning? Meditate with


the powerful essence of Moon Mother to guide you

through todays question.

26. monkey

ts time to climb out of your comfort zone and get
adventurous! Where have you always wanted to
travel? What lifelong dream gets to be realized? To
whom have you been too shy to introduce yourself?
Its an ideal time to pull out your journal and meditate
on your hearts desires. Young monkeys will test each
other by playing King of the Castle. Where is your
edge? What is your Castle? Identify one way
to begin manifesting your adventure today! Bring
the mystery alive. Swing into this divine moment
of opportunity.

27. butterfly

ransformation is occurring in your life and is
fluttering toward renewal. Allow the universe to
support you by asking for gentle guidance. You may
want to evaluate the stage of your relationships,
career, creative projects or the current condition of
your health. Have you planted the seeds for transformational change? Are you nourishing those seeds


with love and intention to grow, prosper or heal? Have

you taken the necessary steps and allowed time for
maturity into its adult form? Or is it time to emerge
and present your new wings to the world? Are you
ready to fly?

28. wildebeest

ildebeest says Its time to go! Its time for a
clean break, a fresh start or a change in location
because abundance and renewal are just around
the corner. Perhaps youve reached your peak or
exhausted your resources in your current position
and its time to embrace something new. Wildebeest
encourages new beginnings on your journey ahead
toward renewal. Use your intuition and life desires
to guide you on this divine exploration. Your future
glows with the potential of the bright days that
lie ahead.

29. frog

f frog has hopped into your life today, it may be time
to cleanse your environment, your mind or your
physical body. Your body is your sacred temple and
there comes a time in your life journey to clean
house and bless your temple within. You may be


feeling sensory overload from past experiences.

Frog is here to help you replenish and renew.
Be conscious of what you allow in your soul space,
mind, body and home. Become clear on what you wish
to release and receive. You may find yourself inspired
to cleanse your home of clutter and flush your body of
toxins and impurities. With insight and support, Frog
encourages you to seek peace of mind, optimal health
and inner bliss.

30. baobab tree

Mlambe Mti

Wise offering
aobab says it is time to make an offering! Being
one of the oldest forms of life on our planet, the
baobab breathes ancient wisdom. Known as a gift
from God, the baobab offers almost everything it has
as never-ending gifts to its community. Baobab shares
its afternoon shade with playful children. Elephants
delight in its pulpy fruit, and its bark finds itself in the
hands of villagers. For as much as the baobab gives
out to others, in return it is nourished, replenished
and continues to grow deeper and deeper into the
earth. Baobab encourages you to give, share or make
a peace offering to a loved one, to Mother Earth or
even to a perfect stranger. Know that your offering is
an infinite gift. Enjoy the gift of giving, there is always
enough for everyone!


31. baboon

Primal law
s a protector of your primal spirit, Baboon asks
you to tap into your intuitive, spiritual and inborn
truths. Baboon urges you to own up to your primal
instincts and honor your role of expressing your
masculine or feminine energy. Primal Law is not a
contemplation of the mind. It lives in the present
moment and guides you to make clear, concise decisions based on the unique feminine and masculine
roles in your life. As you strengthen your self-awareness, your actions and decisions will become clear.
Release any resistance to your innate truths, and
accept the power your primal spirit has gifted you in
this lifetime. Discipline and order will provide structure in your life while expanding and illuminating
the journey.

32. sausage fruit tree

Mvungula Matunda Ya Mti

his native tree bears abundant, radiant fruit and
flowers. Local legends believe it to play a sacred
role in the manifestation of great sexual energy.
Drawing the Sausage Fruit Tree today encourages you
to explore your creative, sensual and sexual energy


that your own body stores within. Like this tree,

you embody primal life forces that can be accessed
to create, procreate or to simply explore your life
passions and desires. The roots of the Sausage Fruit
Tree ensure your strong sense of grounding, so a
stream of creative fire can flow forth. Sausage Fruit
Tree asks you to honor and embrace your primitive
power and share in this gift of abundance.

33. Owl

Inner Shaman
haman lives with his heart in two places. One lives
within and the other invisibly extends through
the crown of his head, resting high above his auric
field. This dual heart energy connects you and Owl
to your spirit world and ancestors of light. Shamans
heart blesses you today in accepting that you are your
greatest healer. When Owl comes calling it is time to
tap into and trust your innate wisdom. Listen to the
sound of a drum, rhythmically in tune with the beat
of your own heart. Release the ego mind and become
one with your true self. All of your answers live within
you. Today is the day to embrace a nature walk, let
loose with a tribal dance or perhaps seek out a fellow
healer to share in light work together.


34. kite

Magic messenger
agic messages exist all around you. They are
spiritual signs and confirmations from the
universe. These messages may appear to you in cloud
formations, recurring numbers, animal encounters
or even in the media. Today, Kite is asking you to pay
attention to the clues that appear and to stay open
to the infinite supply of magic that exists all around
us. Should you be seeking an answer or clear insight,
ask Kite your question, then notice, acknowledge and
take action on the information you receive. These
messages are sacred signs that are divine in nature.
The spirit realm is excited to participate in your
journey with you and is always ready to collaborate
on your lifes vision and dreams.

35. kudu

udu gifts you strength and nobility in optimal
health. His magical, spiraling horns urge you to
claim your vitality and radiance within. Quiet your
mind, move inward and listen to what your body
needs at this time. Kudu honors the divine wholeness
for your body, mind and spirit and asks you to cleanse


yourself of excess. Internal restoration presents itself

today and suggests that you consider consuming
nutritious garden greens, fresh juices, omega oils
and whole grains. You may also be drawn to strength
training, physical exhilaration or a brisk hike in
nature. Only you know what your body needs.
Move intuitively and welcome your radiant health.
Visualize a harmonic bridge that weaves the essence
of your mind and body into a complete state of wellbeing. Kudu blesses you.

36. hyena

yenas wail, scream and laugh with hysteria
to communicate with their fellow creatures.
Ask yourself where and with whom you may have
been repressing your true thoughts or inhibiting
honest expression. What you have to say is important
and valuable to others. Trust the power of your
communication today and reveal your personal
truths. In doing so, you will bring clarity and ease
to your throat chakra, which will assist in opening
your voice and releasing repressed energy. Consider
visualizing the color blue in your next meditation or
simply wear the color blue to own and embody your


37. lilac---breasted roller


s the LilacBreasted Roller dips and swirls,
peaceful reconciliation nestles in your heart. Begin
this journey with honest communication, an open
heart and a joyful spirit, for lilacbreasted roller is
the bird of peace. Are there words or actions that may
have caused concern? Forgive yourself or someone
else. Lilac gives you an opportunity to release all
negativity and resistance you have carried around for
too long. You may communicate this with your choice
of divine prayer, healing words or compassionate
actions. What is most important is that reconciliation
blossoms within you today.

38. fish eagle


Great Spirit
ish Eagle circles and asks what I want to know. I tell
him, the secrets of the earth and sky, the magic of
your soul. Fish Eagle calls for silent observation of
your lifes purpose, and your souls calling. As he
circles overhead, sit quietly honoring Great Spirit.
Fish Eagle sees all and knows all, for he is one with
the elements. Sit quietly to connect with your inner
calm and ask Fish Eagle to provide a guiding message


of your souls calling. Fish Eagle reminds us that we

can do nothing without the partnership of Great
Spirit, for Who can fly with only one wing? Know
that when Fish Eagle comes calling Great Spirit is
reminding you that you are not alone. Open your
eyes and ears to the signs that surround you as you
embrace all that Great Spirit offers.


animal Card spreads

All cards should be mixed or shuffled gently between

uses or between two different people selecting cards.
After you feel like your cards are ready for use, start
by selecting a spread from one of the following pages.
Each spread offers a unique perspective and healing
opportunity. All spreads begin with the selected cards
facedown. They are then turned over one by one
as described.

upright or reversed

If your card is facing upright when you select it, read

its passage as written. If you have chosen a card that
is reversed (upside down), the energy of this animal
is in its reversed form. For example, if you have
chosen Dik Dik and its main message is Gentleness,
but you have chosen this card in its reversed form, the
message may be to acknowledge the resistance you
have around the energy of Dik Dik and Gentleness in
your life.
When you have chosen a reversed card, it signifies
an imbalance between you and the energy of the
chosen Animal Spirit Guide. In simple terms, you are
heading in the reverse direction. Many times, cards
will end up naturally reversed in your deck after
completing a reading. Or, it may just jump out of
the deck and land on the table already in reverse.
No matter how it happens, this placement allows your
Animal Spirit Guides to lead you toward wholeness.

intention Card

Many people choose an Intention Card each morning

as part of their daily ritual. This card will give you
insight and help you align with your souls purpose by
choosing a message to support you with clarity, loving
intention and focus throughout your day. Feel free to
ask a question for guidance.

spirit healing

Ask your Animal Spirit Guides to bring you healing

messages through the card(s) you select. Pay attention if a certain number appears or comes to mind
during your day. Select this number of cards as well
as look for your healing numerological message (as
given on page 6). It is helpful to journal the messages
you receive for further contemplation.

past, present and future

At any point in time you can access insights and

healing into your past, present and future. Choose
three cards and read them from left to right representing your past, present and future.

tiger dugong balance

As you lay out the cards, ask for guidance to balance

your masculine and feminine energies. Select two
cards and place them side-by-side in front of you.
The card on your left represents your female,
intuitive, receiving energy. The card on your right

represents your masculine, giving, goal-oriented

energy. Allow the energy of both of these Animal
Guides to offer you a message of balance for your
Inner Spirit.

four directions

(For tranformation)
Select four cards and place then in a square.
The card facing east is your message indicating
what energy, action, or personal understanding will
support your project, idea or dream to grow.
The card facing south indicates how you can
nourish your project, idea, or dream for optimal
health and prosperity.
The card facing west asks what are you willing to
let go of or release from your past in order to lighten
your way.
The card facing north is your gift of manifestation
and your gifts from Spirit.

Gateway spirit Guides spread

This spread is only done one time. Select two cards.

These two animals are your life protectors and
your Animal Spirit Guides who walk beside you
offering protection, guidance and love. Honor and
respect them. The more you learn about their character traits and history, the more you will learn about
your own life journey. Feel and accept their love.
You may notice that they start appearing in unexpected places.

akashic elemental spread

Select five cards (facedown) and place them in the

order of Above (Fire), Below (Earth), Left (Water),
Right (Wind). Place the fifth card representing the
Akashic card (Ether) in the middle, as the central
point of focus that supports and strengthens each
of the surrounding four elements. This spread will
uncover your relationship to each element. When
you are interpreting your cards, you may find it
helpful to use this guide:

Akashic: Represents your souls historical records.

Fire: Represents creativity, passion, desires, healing

and renewal.
Water: Represents fluidity, softness, cleansing
and clearing.

Earth: Represents the ability to ground and be rooted,

committed and connected to the earth.
Wind: Represents action, change and taking initiative.

Chakra spread

Gently shuffle and select eight cards. Lay out your

first seven cards from bottom to top in a vertical line.
Save your eighth card and place it below the others.
Each animal will provide a message of how best to
balance each Chakra. You may want to take notes and
notice from time to time how your energy is balancing
or shifting.

Crown Chakra Connection to the Divine Creator

Third Eye Intuition

Throat Chakra Communication


Heart Chakra Unconditional Love


Solar Plexus Identity, Self-Esteem

Digestive Harmony

Sacral Chakra Relationships

Sexuality, Money, Creative Life Force

Root Chakra Sense of Belonging

Tribalism, Connection to the Planet, Soul Purpose

Auric Field Card (8th card)

(This is a bonus card to be pulled last.) This card reinforces the lower seven chakras and governs them all
providing an overall view and holistic message.


Ted Andrews, author, teacher, and lecturer, has been a

distant mentor for Ancient Animal Wisdom. His publi40

cations, wisdom and knowledge have guided Ancient

Animal Wisdom to what it is today. We recommend
his books to further your understanding of spirit,
animal guides and natures symbolism.
Jamie Sams and David Carson created Medicine
Cards in 1988, establishing a foundation for many
other card decks to follow. These cards have been
used in my home for more than twenty years and
are still just as transformative today. Medicine Cards
represent North American animals.

about stacy james

Stacy is a creative intuitive, guide, teacher, writer and

lover of all living things. She is enamored with the
outdoors and its creatures as well as all people, both
young and old who inhabit our earth. She has spent
the majority of her life in service to others personal
growth and is a continual learner of life.
Please visit these websites:
Oracle Decks & Affirmation Art
Dazzle Africa Non Profit

10% of proceeds from each purchase of Ancient Animal

Wisdom is donated to Dazzle Africa to support conservation efforts by the South Luangwa Conservation
Society in Zambia.

about jada fire

Jada is an innovative painter, illustrator, writer, yoga

dancer, performer, yogini, spirit guide and blessed
mother of her sweet baby boy, Satori Tiger!
Her passions include: indigenous culture, crystal
& plant medicine, trance dance, goddess & drum
circles, organic cooking, teaching yoga, painting with
children and being present with the gifts of God.
She is blissfully married to her soulmate, Alvin
Tam and together they reside in Las Vegas, Nevada.
They have created an eclectic list of instructional
yoga-dance DVDs, CD products, personal development
books and movement studios. She is proud to present
this most dynamic and healing Ancient Animal
Wisdom Oracle Deck, which she created with fellow
goddess and writer Stacy James.
I feel a deeply primitive and sensual connection to
these oracle cards. I know they will bring you healing
and will generate enthusiasm to uncover even more
magic in your life. They are intended to guide you in
surrendering to the light of the Divine and sharpen
your own intuitive flow. These animals, illustrations
and passages come as insightful gifts from Creator
and I am honored to share them with you. Peace,
Passion & Compassion.

Enjoy! Jada

Please visit my websites:

Gallery of the Arts ~ Yoga & Dance

Teacher Training, Workshops & Retreats
Community Inspired Yoga & Movement


Photograph by Latoya Isa Stephenson

Thank you for journeying with your Animal Spirits

to bring joy and light into your lives and our planet.
Most of these magnificent animals were introduced
to me in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia,
Africa. I would like to give special thanks to the staff
of the Mfuwe Lodge and Bushcamp Company, Peter
Mambwe Zulu, his family and the village of Mfuwe.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the women of
Dazzle Africa, a non-profit, that is a grand representation of kindness, respect, love, and camaraderie,
which we can never have enough in our world. We
welcome you to join us on a future visit to Zambia for
safari, yoga, personal transformation, adventure
and friendship.

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