Angel Feather Oracle Practitioner Work Book FINAL April 20151

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The document discusses how to intuitively connect with angels and archangels using the Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck. It provides guidance on performing readings and developing psychic abilities.

The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck is a deck of cards used to connect with angels and archangels and perform accurate and loving readings for clients. Each card features a feather with a different color that represents a specific angelic message.

The certification course involves developing intuitive skills, connecting to angelic energy, learning how to properly prepare for and perform readings using the card deck, and gaining an understanding of various card spreads and interpretations.

©Michelle Newton AOK Angels 2014


ISBN: 9780980718850

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

Proof reading: Julie Ryan

Contents and Cover designed by Jai Johannessen
Published with assistance by InHouse Publishing, Australia.
Photo credits:
Chakra photo: ID 37488910 © Peter Hermes Furian
Angel Feather Oracle:
iStock photos: ID:4759337, 1971877, 5929595, 8836296
The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck 7
The Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course:
The Accrediting Professional Body: 7
Assessment: 7
Qualification obtained at the end of the study period:
Risk management provisions for Certified Angel Feather Oracle Readers/Practitioners: 8
What does a typical Angel Feather Oracle Reading session involve? 8
Objectives of the course: PART ONE: 9
PART TWO & THREE: Connecting with the Angels & Archangels through
‘The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck’ to perform accurate and
loving readings for clients and promote client self empowerment. 9
The Angel Feather Oracle Certification Workbook: 10

Making the connection to the Angelic Realm and developing intuitive skills: 11
It is vital to remember that all things are energy including: 11
Grounding: 12
Personal Notes: 12
Energetic Protection: 13
Golden Connection: 13
Golden Mesh: 13
Golden Shield: 13
Personal Energetic Clearing: 14
Tapping Into and Running Your Own Energy: 14
Running your Energy: 14
Tapping into your Energy: 14
Muscle Testing: 14
Personal Notes: 14
Energetically Connecting with Source Energy: 15
Ways to Consciously Connect to Source: 15
Connecting with & Sensing the Energy of the Angelic Realm: 15
The psychic abilities that are used are referred to as: 15
Identifying Angelic Energy: 16
Angelic energy is always: 16
Angelic Communication: 16
Angel Signs: 16
Sensing Angelic Presence 17
Personal Notes: 17
Ways to Connect with Angels: 18
Personal Notes: 18
Meditation: 19
Your own Personal & Sacred Angel Symbol: 19
Draw your Sacred Angel Symbol & note any Angelic Guidance received: 19
Personal Notes: 20

Connecting with the Angels & Archangels through
‘The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck’ to perform accurate and
loving readings for clients and promote client self empowerment. 21
Preparing your Sacred Space to perform an Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading: 21
Suggestions: 21
Angel Smudging Clearing Ritual using the Four Elements & Archangel Michael: 22
The Four Elements: 22
Element of water: Abalone Shell 22
Element of earth: Sage 22
Element of fire: matches 22
Element of air: feather 22

Invoke the presence of the Four Archangels: 22
Invoke the presence of Archangel Michael to work with the four elements
to Angelically clear the room & invite his presence in the reading session: 23
Personal Notes: 23
Clear, Attune & Energise your Angel Feather Oracle Deck: 24
Other ways to clear the deck instead of knocking: 24
Times to cleanse an oracle card deck: 24
Recommended Guidelines for Professional Angel Reading: 24
What I consider to be Inappropriate: 24
What is Appropriate: 25
Stepping into the job of being an Angelic Counsellor: 25
Maintaining focus: 25
The big ‘C’ Confidence 25
Don’t second guess or doubt the information you are receiving: 26
Don’t assume: 26
Other important points associated with professional card reading: 26
Taping of readings: 26
Delivering Pearls of Wisdom: 26
Terms & Conditions: 27
Professionalism: 27
Michelle Newton AOK Angels Disclaimer 27

Using Colour therapy to tune into your client: 28
Examine the influences of colour in your life: 28
Examining your wardrobe: 28
Answer the following questions: 28
Some suggestions to increase the coloured energy that is required for perfect balance: 29
Personal Notes: 29
The starting point of every Angel Feather Oracle Reading: 30
Now at the very beginning of the reading ask your client the same questions: 30
If they struggle to answer go on to ask the following questions: 30
Colour Therapy: Exploring the energy of each coloured feather. 31


Crimson Feather 34
Ruby Feather 35
Burgundy Feather 36
Red Feather 37
Vermillion Feather 38


Orange Feather 41
Burnt Orange Feather 42
Coral Feather 43
Salmon Pink Feather 44
Peach Feather 45
Apricot Feather 46


Yellow Feather 49
Sunlight Yellow Feather 50
Primrose Feather 51
Cream Feather 52


Gold Feather 54


Green Feather 57
Emerald Green Feather 58

Lime Green Feather 59
Chartreuse Feather 60


Pink Feather 63
Rose Feather 64
Magenta Feather 65
Fuschia Feather 66


Turquoise Feather 68
Aqua Feather 69
Teal Feather 70


Blue Feather 73
Light Blue Feather 74
Royal Blue Feather 75


Indigo Feather 78


Purple Feather 81
Mauve Feather 82
Violet Feather 83
Lilac Feather 84


Brown Feather 86
Fawn Feather 87
Caramal Feather 88
Copper Feather 89


Silver Feather 91
Grey Feather 92


Black Feather 94


White Feather 96



Personalise & perfect your reading session routine: 106

Client home work at the end of the Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading: 106

The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck
The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck & Guide Book brings you 44 different coloured feathers
along with associated messages from your Angels.  This deck comprises a beautiful combination
of ‘Colour Energy’ and ‘Angelic Guidance’. The deck is accompanied by a guidebook that assists
you with performing and interpreting your Angel Feather readings.  It provides additional meanings
for each Coloured Feather along with an accompanying affirmation.  These cards are beautifully
gold bound and can be used in conjunction with other Angel Oracle card decks. The deck can be
used daily for personal readings or for professional readings for clients. The reader can deliver
guidance to a client by connecting to their Angels and can also guide a client to incorporate the
benefits of colour therapy into their lives to enhance their personal health and wellbeing.

The Angel Feather Oracle Certification Course:

In this transformational certification course healer, author and Angelic teacher Michelle Newton,
creator of ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck’ will share her wealth of knowledge regarding
the Angelic Realm and colour therapy to assist you to connect with the energy of your Angels,
Archangels and the Angelic Realm. She will assist you to activate and further develop your
intuition, inner wisdom and natural spiritual abilities to receive accurate information throughout
your readings for yourself and for a client. Each card in the Angel Feather Oracle will be explored
with the author so that you gain a deep understanding and knowledge of each of the cards messages
and related coloured energy. This knowledge will therefore enhance your Angel Feather Oracle
readings so that they are insightful, comforting, positive and professional.

The Accrediting Professional Body:

The accrediting professional body for The Angel Feather Oracle Reader/Practitioner Certification
course is the IICT (The International Institute of Complementary Therapies). Successful
completion of this course allows students to become members of the IICT and to gain professional
insurance at a discounted rate. Practitioners will agree to abide by IICT’s code of ethics.

Assessment: practitioners are assessed throughout the weekend course. Active participation is
required on both days and during the second day of the course each student will be required to
perform Angel Feather Oracle readings for other participants of the course.
Successful completion of this work book is a prerequisite for receiving accreditation. Online
students will be required to complete and email to [email protected] for assessment prior to
the certificate being issued.
Online participants are also required to perform 20 unpaid three card readings on volunteers and
complete the reading template outline for each of the readings (template provided online).

Qualification obtained at the end of the study period:
Certified Professional Angel Feather Oracle Card Reader/Practitioner
Certified Angel Feather Oracle Card Readers become a valued member of the AOK Angels inner
circle which will offer ongoing support going forward via an exclusive membership to a closed
AOK Angels face book group.
Each student receives a certificate to display in their reading room or place of practice. It is
advised that the certificate is on display for clients to view.

Professional Reading Recommendations:

Typical age range of a client is from 18 years of age and above. Taking paid professional readings
for clients under the age of 18 is not recommended.
Michelle promotes teaching children to embrace their Angels and the Angelic realm. She
recommends the introduction of ‘The Angel Feather Oracle’ with children or young adolescents
under the guidance of an adult initially. It is advised that the supervisor removes the definitive
answer cards as the child learns to connect with the Angels.

Risk management provisions for Certified Angel Feather

Oracle Readers/Practitioners:
As a student you will be instructed fully on professional practices associated with delivering
Angel guidance, including what is and isn’t appropriate.
At all times readers are instructed to maintain a positive focus on the guidance received for a client.
You will gain knowledge that will allow you to encourage clients to make informed decisions if
required that may bring about peace and balance to their life. The client is supported through the
Angel Card reading to work through questions and given strategies to deal with problems and
stressors if they so wish. Confidentiality is paramount for all Angel Feather Oracle readings and
this is to be maintained by the practitioner at all times. The client’s privacy is also to be respected
during and after any reading session. It is also the responsibility of the professional reader to
provide a beautiful Angelic space for readings that ensures privacy and confidentiality at all times.

What does a typical Angel Feather Oracle Reading session

Each session is an intuitive Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading that will deliver Angel messages
to a client that will guide, reassure, comfort and support them in a loving way. Angelic counselling
and guidance will be delivered during the reading session which will always be respectful, positive,
encouraging and professional.
The Card deck can also be used to guide the client to balance areas in their life by giving them
tools of self empowerment that are simple to implement such as affirmations, working with the
energy of colour and introducing crystal energies that promote wellbeing, peace and a positive
outlook on life.

Objectives of the course: PART ONE:
Connecting with the Angelic Realm and developing intuitive skills.
• Learn about energy, its various forms including Angelic energy, the power of intent & positive
• Learn simple ways to connect with the Angelic Realm!
• Discover & develop your own psychic abilities!
• Learn how to maintain & balance your own energy levels.
• Learn simple meditation techniques, affirmations & other techniques to maintain health & balance:
• Journey up the Angels Staircase & meet your Guardian Angel & Spirit Guide. Receive guidance,
blessings & your own Angelic symbol that can assist you to connect with your own personal
Angels and also assist you during your professional readings to deliver accurate and positive
guidance to a client.
• Connecting with the Angels using crystal energy.
• Colour therapy, how colours relate to the Angel Feathers Oracle Cards.

PART TWO & THREE: Connecting with the Angels &

Archangels through ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck’
to perform accurate and loving readings for clients and
promote client self empowerment.
• Different methods of delivering an Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading: email, Skype & in
• How to give a professional card reading: professionalism, confidentiality, maintaining positive
focus and guidance.
• How to prepare to give an Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading. Preparing the room, preparing
yourself, preparing the card deck (clear, attune and energise the card deck) & invoking the Angelic
Realm to your Sacred Space.
• Learn how to protect your personal energy fields before, during and after an Angel Card Reading.
• Guidance on how to trust the intuitive downloads received and how to present the information
in a loving, positive and comforting manner.
• Examine ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck’ in detail. Take a personal in depth look at
each card with the creator of the deck. Interpreting each of the cards true meanings and guidance
offered for each card plus examine the associated related colour therapy and energy of each feather.
Examine the deck from multiple levels. Understand the depth of the oracle and the many varied
ways it can be applied to gain information and insight into a client’s life and questions.
• Examine presenting themes associated with colour. What is this telling you about your client’s
energy fields & chakra system?
• Using ‘The Angel Feather Oracle’ to deliver a definitive answer.
• Work with varied card spreads: develop a system of reading that works for you.
• Use the extended versions of The Angel Feather Oracle for example: The Angel Feather Oracle
Companion Book and the Angel Feather Oracle App to further enhance your reading sessions.
• Deliver Pearls of wisdom for the client to take home:

- Advice & guidance plus strategies for coping with the demands of life and making positive
changes if required.
- Advice on connecting with the Angels in daily life.
- Teaching client tools of self empowerment:
Giving the client knowledge that will allow them to implement simple strategies that will promote
self empowerment such as affirmations, working with the energy of colour, working with crystal
energies and connecting with their Angels so that the client can be proactive in making positive
changes in their life that will benefit their own wellbeing, bring peace and promote a positive
outlook within their daily life following the reading.

The Angel Feather Oracle Certification Workbook:

This workbook has been designed to allow you to personally connect with the energy of the Angel
Feather Oracle and to discover the depth of Angelic guidance it delivers through multiple layers of
symbology. The workbook allows space for you to write your unique impressions and reflections
and will serve as a valued reference throughout your professional practice as a Certified Angel
Feather Oracle Reader.

Making the connection to the Angelic Realm and developing intuitive skills:
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and
you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Albert Einstein.

This statement is pivotal to all the learning contained within this course. Understanding that
your body is primarily an energetic body is paramount. As an energetic being you are making
unconscious connections with the all expansive universal energy constantly. Conscious connection
with the ‘Almighty Source of all there is and all it contains’, including the Angelic Realm will be
easy for some of you and for others just a case of re-learning a forgotten skill. During this course
you will learn how important it is to tap into and run your own energy through your energy centres
known as the chakra system and your energy pathways called energy meridians.

It is vital to remember that all things are energy including:

• our emotions
• the words we use
• our hopes and dreams
• the intentions that we set
• music & sound
• abundance
• crystals
• colours
• Love
Love is the most important and powerful healing God given Divine energy that we radiate from
our heart chakra: love! Understanding these principles allows you to connect with the energy of
the client you have been blessed to read for plus the energy of their Angels, Archangels, Spirit
Guides and Ascended Masters as you work with your own universal team in total collaboration.

Grounding techniques effectively utilise both sensory and cognitive awareness. The term
‘grounding’ refers to a technique that assists you to maintain connection with the earthly realm
hence allowing you to be fully present in the reality of the here and now. Maintaining a physical
connection with the earth is very important in all aspects of life. As we are emotional beings,
daily grounding techniques decrease over-whelm and anxiety and assists you to maintain mental
focus. The practice of grounding is vital when consciously connecting with the Angelic realm
as it prevents one from becoming “floaty & drifting off”. This is especially relevant when you
are reading professionally as you effectively become the conduit/messenger between the Angelic
realm and your client. Being perfectly grounded before a reading session will assist you to be
focused and to maintain clear congruent communication channels with the Angels and Archangels.
There are many grounding techniques that you can use and if you have found one that works for
you please continue to use it. Personally I have never found the grounding tree visualisation to
be adequate enough to completely ground me with the Angelic work that I do on a daily basis.
Therefore for sensitive Earth Angels I would highly recommend the use of the ‘Three Metal
Anchor Grounding System’.

Personal Notes:

Energetic Protection:
Historically people only used the ‘Divine White Light’ as a protective shield. With universal
energy shifts over the past few years now it is not enough just to ‘white light’ oneself. By only
using white light you are effectively throwing a high beam light around yourself that attracts all
energies including many negative ones. Of course working with Gods Divine White light is vital
for the maintenance of health and well-being but I also strongly advise adding layers of coloured
energy (rainbow energy) over the white light and then a layer of Angelic golden mesh.

Golden Connection:
I have found in my work with the Angelic realm that the energetic frequency of the colour gold
is pivotal to invoking and maintaining a connection with the Angels and Archangels. The colour
gold is a pure Angelic energy. Working with the golden ray not only assists you to connect with
the Angels but also provides powerful Angelic protection. I recommend at the start of every day
and especially prior to giving a professional Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading that you use your
God given power of intent to request the presence of the Angels to protect you with their golden
ray of light. Some may find the energy of gold difficult to work with initially; however know that
your intent is all powerful and if you are unable to see the energy visually know in your heart that
the Angels have heard your request and have provided the protection. Working with the energy
of gold becomes easier with time and practice. To assist with this Angelic energy it is always
advisable to request the presence and assistance of the great Angelic protector Archangel Michael.
Protection is his specialty and he will assist you to make the energetic connection and maintain the
protective mesh throughout the duration of the day.

Golden Mesh:
Begin by requesting Archangel Michael’s presence and assistance. With your intent visualise
yourself surrounded by a golden mesh that has small holes like a fly wire mesh. The fine holes in
this protective shield allows for the flow of positive energy in and out of your auric field. Negative
and toxic energies are instantly repelled by the Angelic golden mesh.

Golden Shield:
At any time you feel like you are in danger, have walked into a toxic environment, feel a toxic
energy surrounding another person or feel a negative energy within a space that does not resonate
with your own personal energy field you may request Archangel Michael’s immediate attention
by saying “Golden Shields up!” If you have time to visualise solid golden doors going up around
you, including above and below you do so, otherwise know that Archangel Michael will attend
immediately. This request gives instant and immediate permission to Archangel Michael to
remove the negative or toxic energy. Notice any immediate sensations or guidance you receive
following this and follow accordingly. The guidance may be to remove yourself from the situation

Personal Energetic Clearing:
For quick personal energetic clearing again as with most energetic exercises I chose to work with
Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is a specialist in cutting energetic cords and clearing the
auric fields. For quick and emergency energetic clearing I prefer to call Archangel Michael in to
perform the ‘Golden Guillotine’: here Michael sends down golden like doors to your front, back,
sides, above your head and under your feet this is forceful cutting of anything that has entered
your energy field that is not in Divine balance with your energy and auric fields.

Tapping Into and Running Your Own Energy:

Many of you will already be energy healers and if you haven’t been called to do any healing
modality as yet the fact that you have been drawn to this course means that you are more than
likely from the realm of Earth Angels and will have no trouble relearning these skills as you tune
into your own Divine energy.

Running your Energy:

• Hands in prayer position
• Music for flow and balancing of male/female energies
• Crystals for running of energy and amplification of energy

Tapping into your Energy:

• Visualisation/meditation
• Divine download
• Automatic writing
• Divine switch board
• Self muscle testing

Muscle Testing:
A kinesiology tool that identifies precisely what is taking place in a person’s nervous system.
Muscle testing relies on a sophisticated body bio-feedback communication mechanism. Muscle
testing is a consistently accurate yet simple tool which can be used on a client or for self testing.

Personal Notes:

Energetically Connecting with Source Energy:
Once you are perfectly grounded, protected and in tune with your own Divine energy it is time
to make the connection with the Divine Source Energy. Of course we are always ‘Divinely’
connected to the source but this is a conscious and deliberate connection that I am referring to
here. It is important to remember that as an energetic being it only takes a single energy that is
not congruent with yours to unbalance or unground you. This could be a nightmare during the
night that sends you off into your day totally out of your flow which will result in everything going
wrong or proving to be difficult during the day or it could be a negative comment, someone taking
your car parking space or getting drenched in the rain on the way into work and the list goes on.
These are examples of instances that you should stop and do the work to bring yourself back into
your Divine Flow.

Ways to Consciously Connect to Source:

• Visualise yourself in your personal Divine energy river.
• Visualise plugging back into source just like you would plug your electrical cord into your computer.
• Visualise reaching up and grasping a cord like a tram cord to reconnect.
• Visualise yourself as a train and locking back into the train tracks.

Conscious connection to the Divine is of course vital before performing an Angel Feather Oracle
Card Reading. Visually make your connection using any technique that you have found works for
you then fill yourself with white light through the top of your head, crown chakra then allow the
light to fill you and surround you. Continue by adding rainbow colours as guided and then finish
with the protective Angelic golden mesh.

Connecting with & Sensing the Energy of the Angelic Realm:

By firstly tuning into your own personal energy it will be easier to then make a conscious
connection with the Angelic realm. Effectively you are tuning into your hearts energy i.e. your
intuition and your God given psychic abilities so that you can feel, hear, sense or know the loving
energy of the Angels.

The psychic abilities that are used are referred to as:

• Clairvoyance: Clear Seeing
• Claircognizance: Clear Knowing
• Clairaudience: Clear Hearing
• Clairsentience Clear Feeling
You will more than likely be already aware of which psychic ability or combination of abilities
you use already if not you will discover them through this course.

Identifying Angelic Energy:

Angelic energy is always:

• Loving
• Comforting
• Reassuring
• Protective
• Beautiful
• Positive
• Awesome
• Guiding
• Subtle & Gentle (unless you are in danger then it can be quite definite!)

Angelic Communication:
Angelic communication is always downloaded, sensed or received via Angel signs. This is because
energetically it is very difficult for Angels to enter the dense heavy energy of the earth plane.
Spirit guides however are able to communicate easier audibly as they can enter the earth plane due
to the fact that they have previously incarnated on earth.

Angel Signs:
Angels find some forms of communication easy to work with and they will always work out
which form of Angel sign you receive the easiest and send you Angel signs accordingly.
• Angel signs: transcendent signs: the ‘Angel Angel’ sign
• Feathers: feathers, the falling feather, the coloured feather, pictorial or real feathers, the word
feather or wing, pictorial wing
• Numbers: clocks, computers, signs, car number plates, phones
• Colours: actual colours; repeated colours, rainbows
• Words in all forms: spoken, written, sign posts, car number plates, songs
• Animals: living animals, pictorial animals, animal names
• Clouds and nature signs: cloud formations, rainbows, double rainbows, falling stars
• Symbology

Sensing Angelic Presence:
• Flickering lights & alterations to electrical equipment
• Angelic light
• Silver sparkles or tiny flashes of coloured or white light
• Changing room temperatures: warm or cool
• Feeling a cold sensation or the sensation of goose bumps
• A sudden breeze against your skin
• A sense of an Angels wing brushing over you or a gentle hug of wings
• A pure and loving sensation that suddenly washes over you leaving you feeling at ease and in peace
• Flashes of genius that appear from nowhere revealing the perfect answer
• Time stood still moment: unmistakable knowing that an Angel intervened
• Vision of an Angel
• Hearing Angel music or choir music
• Saviour of Sacred Contract: The rare appearance of someone who quickly vanishes into thin
air (rare presentation where an Angel takes on human form. It is very difficult for Angels to
present this way due to the energy required for them to enter the dense energy of the earth plane
but incidents like this have been reported. This only occurs when the person is in danger of not
completing their Sacred Contract.)

Personal Notes:

Ways to Connect with Angels:
• Angel Oracle Cards
• Angel Altars
• Angel Letters
• Angel Symbols
• Angelic Reiki
• Automatic Writing
• Affirmations
• Benevolent Requests
• Car Parking Angels
• Church or Cathedral
• Cord Cutting
• Crystals: Angelite, Serephenite, Celestite, Spirit Quartz, Mystic Topaz,
• Rose Quartz: Clear crystals with Angels breath: NB: NO Amber
• Gratitude: Voiced & Journaling
• Healing Session: Giving or Receiving
• House Clearing & House Protection
• Light a Candle: Rose, Patchouli, Frankincense & Myrrh
• Meditation: visualisation
• Music: Angel, Classical & Choir Music, Singing, Christmas Carols
• Patchouli Incense
• Prayer: Channelling Divine Grace
• Random Acts of Kindness: especially anonymous
• Roses: Especially shades of pink, pink & white,
• Sacred Geometry
• Vibration & Sound: Tuning Forks, Singing Bowls, Tingas, NB: not Drums
NB: Angel Staircase Channelled Chakra Healing & Balancing track

Personal Notes:

Meditation is the most vital component to maintaining and strengthening your connection to your
Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides. When you chose to meditate
with your Angels you travel to the Angelic Realm to their energy plane where they find it much
easier to deliver guidance and support for your life’s purpose. I strongly recommend daily practice
of meditation and visualisation.

Your own Personal & Sacred Angel Symbol:

Journey with me up the Angel Staircase to ‘The Archangel’s Cathedral’, to receive your very
own personal Angelic Symbol. This symbol is a ‘Sacred’ amplification symbol. It can be used in
Angel Altar work, on your card deck to assist Angelic connection with your readings and for your
Angelic manifestation projects.

Draw your Sacred Angel Symbol & note any Angelic

Guidance received:

Personal Notes:

Connecting with the Angels & Archangels through ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck’ to
perform accurate and loving readings for clients and promote client self empowerment.

Preparing your Sacred Space to perform an Angel Feather

Oracle Card Reading:
Any room can be used for an Angel Card reading but please keep in mind that you will be
performing a ‘Professional Sacred’ card reading for a client; therefore “Professional & Sacred”
should always be in the fore front of your mind as you set up your room and establish intent.
Setting up the space as a ‘Sacred Space’ will heighten your ability to connect with your Angels
and your clients Angels.

• Setting positive loving intent for the space
• Pride in presentation: neat tidy room
• A simple yet beautiful reading table can be achieved with a lovely cloth and two comfortable chairs
• Good lighting or natural light: make sure the room is not dark
• Attuned and Amplified Angel Feather Oracle & Companion Book: Amplify both with crystals
and your Sacred Angelic Symbol prior to reading
• Light a candle or candles: The flame symbolizes connection to Divine/All That Is/Source
(whatever Source connection you prefer) and the lighting up and sending and receiving of blessings
• Rose sent: be mindful that some clients may be sensitive to strong aromas: you can muscle test
prior to the client arriving to check this
• Crystals for your use if you so require: a selection of crystal tumble stones (Lovely to gift your
client an appropriate healing crystal at the end of the session)
• Angel Figurine or other items symbolic of Angels such as feathers, wings, the word Angel
• I personally would not suggest having a crystal ball or crystal skull on your Angel card reading
table. For me neither of these items resonate symbolically with Angel work
• Tune in and ask the Angels to guide you to the colour to wear for the reading

Angel Smudging Clearing Ritual using the Four Elements
& Archangel Michael:

The Four Elements:

Element of water: Abalone Shell

Element of earth: Sage

Sage smudge is used to purify the mind, body & spirit before praying. Also used to purify the
atmosphere & clear negativity in homes, work places & cars. Carry a small amount of sage in
your pocket or in a pouch to ensure personal & spiritual safety. This herb is considered ‘Sacred”
by the Native Americans.
Archangel Michael connects with this aroma to quickly clear negative & dense energies within
your space.

Element of fire: matches

Element of air: feather

• Prior to smudging session please ground yourself
• Open windows & doors in your reading room
• Remove yarn from the sage
• Light the tip of the sage then blow out and allow to smoke
• Place the sage in the abalone shell
• You may place sand or salt in the bottom of the shell if you wish
• Using a feather, fan the sage smoke into all areas of the room

Invoke the presence of the Four Archangels:

Beloved Archangel Uriel, Angelic Guardian of the North, whose name means “Fire of God”, I call
upon you for protection and guidance today in my Sacred Space.
Beloved Archangel Raphael, Angelic Guardian of the East, whose name means “Healer of God”
I call upon you for protection and guidance today in my Sacred Space.
Beloved Archangel Michael, Angelic Guardian of the South, whose name means “Who is like
God” I call upon you for protection and guidance today in my Sacred Space.
Beloved Archangel Gabriel, Angelic Guardian of the West, whose name means “The Strength of
God” I call upon you for protection and guidance today in my Sacred Space.

Invoke the presence of Archangel Michael to work with the
four elements to Angelically clear the room & invite his
presence in the reading session:
Dear Archangel Michael,
I respectfully request your Divine Presence in my Sacred Space today.
Please release and clear any negative energies surrounding my body or auric fields.
Please release and clear any negative energies within my Sacred Space and replace them with
love and peace.
Please stand in protection throughout this clearing session and usher in the highest vibrations of
Archangel Michael I invite you to stay present in Sacred Space for my Angel Reading session today.
Please maintain a high energy within my Sacred Space and protect me at all times. Surround me
with Angelic love and allow Angelic inspiration to flow through me. Amen.
Extinguish sage when Archangel Michael guides you to.
Know that Archangel Michael will clear and transmute any dense energy within your Sacred
Space. On completion of the clearing session, burn a rose or patchouli candle/incense and play
some Angelic music to elevate the Sacred Space to an energy that will promote Angelic connection.
Preparation of the room and the four elements clearing procedure should be performed before
any professional Angel Feather Oracle Card Reading session even a Skype or email session.
The energy of the space must be elevated to optimum frequency to promote an environment that
assists you to be a clear channel and conduit for Angelic downloading.

Personal Notes:

Clear, Attune & Energise your Angel Feather Oracle Deck:
There are several ways of clearing an oracle card deck. When you first obtain your Angel card
deck I advise sitting quietly in meditation with some Angelic music playing and light a candle on
your Angel Altar. Ask the Angels to surround you with the White Light of the Holy Spirit and
then surround yourself in a golden Angelic mesh. Take your cards and ‘knock’ on them with your
fist and as you do ask that any old energy the cards may have accumulated be cleared instantly.
Then proceed to hold each card for a short time to imprint your own energy on the card and as
you do tune into the energy that each individual card contains. Following this fan the cards across
your heart and ask the Angels to lovingly infuse your card deck and all the readings you perform
in your service as an Angel Feather Oracle professional reader.
This process can be repeated anytime you are guided to by the Angels. When you are not using
your Angel cards place them on your Sacred Angel Altar and place crystals especially a clear
quartz pyramid onto the top of your deck to maintain an amplified energy within the deck. Also
choose any crystal associated with love to sit beside the pyramid on the top of the deck, for
example some rose quartz, garnet or rhodonite.
Always place your own personal Sacred Angel symbol on top of the deck.

Other ways to clear the deck instead of knocking:

• Sage
• Sound: singing bowl or tingas
• Angels breath

Times to cleanse an oracle card deck:

• When its new
• After a reading
• If you start to receive muddy readings or continually draw the same cards over and over again
• When guided to by the Angels

Recommended Guidelines for Professional Angel Reading:

What I consider to be Inappropriate:

• Giving specific dates or times: Angels don’t have clocks!
• Telling a client that they are going to die or a family member is going to die
• Telling a client that someone is going to have an accident or become ill
• Delivering bad news or negative information
• Diagnosing disease within the body
• To talk about yourself constantly throughout the reading
• To read for the same client within a six month period
• To gossip in any way during a reading

What is Appropriate:
• Maintain confidentiality at all times: before, during & after the reading
• Even if you are a gifted Angelic medium always use the card deck throughout the reading
• Just sit and listen if the client wants to talk
• Deliver compassionate and loving guidance from the Angels
• Asking the client do they have specific questions right at the start of the reading. Their time is
valuable so start where they would like to begin.
• Giving approximate timeframes such as “I am feeling it will be at least a couple of months”, or
“I am feeling it will be at least a year” as guided
• If the client asks for a definitive answer instead of you verbally delivering the answer use the
YES/NO/MAYBE cards but explain clearly that the Angels will guide the cards in response to
the question. Check that they are ready for the answer and gain permission again before using the
definitive answer spread.
• To teach your client some simple techniques to connect with the Angels in their daily life.
Give the client good advice to take home. Offer some practical suggestions that will promote
self empowerment. Suggest appropriate reading matter. Deliver your pearls of wisdom, guide &
• Consider the spiritual advancement of your client and deliver guidance accordingly.

Stepping into the job of being an Angelic Counsellor:

The Angels will be present to assist you in your Angel card reading with your client. You must
know this in your heart and trust that your Angels have guided you to do this work. When you
become a professional reader you are becoming an Angelic counsellor and you will be a direct
channel for Divine Grace.

Maintaining focus:
Being able to maintain focus throughout the reading is paramount. It is highly advised that you
don’t have any phones turned on, mobile or landline and always remember to ask the client to turn
their phone off or place on silent. Committing to being 100% present to your client will see many
clients return because of the value of service you offer.

The Big ‘C’ Confidence

This is such an important part of becoming a professional reader. When you are gently confident
and totally trusting of the guidance and information that you are downloading this will build the
clients trust and confidence in you and their Angels.

Don’t second guess or doubt the information you are
When you doubt yourself you are doubting the Angels.
If you deliver a piece of information and the client just says “no that’s not right” be confident and
say “well that’s the information that the Angels are giving me” then explore what other meanings
it could have for the client. Often clients don’t want to hear what is being said or are unable to
instantly recall or piece together the information that you have given; so you must be able to
maintain confidence.

Don’t assume:
Try not to make assumptions or presume information that you have downloaded. It is fine to ask
your client questions. The biggest lesson I have learnt over the years of giving Angel readings is
not to presume the gender. Many birth names can be either gender for example: Terry, Jamie &

Other important points associated with professional card

Remuneration for Angel Card Readings
It is perfectly reasonable to charge for an Angel Feather Oracle Reading. Value the work and
service you perform. This is a pure energy exchange for services rendered. You have given your
time and your expertise to another person therefore a payment is justified. You would never
expect to not pay for your cup of coffee from the coffee shop. Spiritual people also have to pay
bills and feed their children. If you feel drawn to you may do a certain amount of free readings
a month or free readings for family and friends or make a donation each month to a charity from
the money you have earned through reading. Remember you must always value yourself and the
service you are performing for the Angels.

Taping of readings:
It is totally up to you whether you feel comfortable for a client to tape a reading on their phone.

Delivering Pearls of Wisdom:

An important part of any Angel card reading is giving clients strategies for coping with the
demands of their life and positive suggestions that may allow the client to implement changes
to improve their present situation. ‘Knowledge is golden’ and providing knowledge or ‘pearls
of wisdom’ may be the keys that they require to alter their present outlook on life. Giving your
client some homework is a great thing to do because it shifts them from dwelling on problems into
being proactive which will ultimately benefit their general wellbeing. Suggesting reading matter,
crystals, affirmations colour guidance or ways to connect with their Angels at home will bring
them comfort and promote a positive outlook going forward.

Terms & Conditions:
NB: As a Certified Angel Feather Oracle Card Reader you are responsible for your own professional
practice and conduct.
I strongly recommend that you take some time to set out your terms and conditions including a
‘Disclaimer’ and record these on your website, face book page, display in your reading room or
have in a formal word document or flyer that can be emailed to clients prior to their reading. NB:
PLEASE seek your own legal advice in this area.

I would also advise that you consider adding the following items to your terms & conditions:
• Cancellation policy.
• No Show’s & late arrivals.
• Length of appointments.
• Fee structure: I recommend payment prior to the reading.

• Design your own business cards and flyers: include your AFO Certification qualification once
attained, start a business face book page, decide on a business name and obtain an ABN (Australia).
• Display your AFO Reader/Practitioner Certificate in your reading room and on your face book
• Always be on time for your client.
• Schedule breaks between readings so that clients don’t have to wait.
• Set a timer if you have to and STICK to the time allocated.
• Dress professionally.

NB: Very Important

Never perform an Angel Reading if you are unwell, in physical pain, stressed, angry or emotional.
Reschedule the reading!!
To read well your energy levels must be high. You owe it to your reputation to commit to this:
remember word of mouth is a powerful thing. Your aim is to provide quality, enjoyable readings
and gain referrals through giving a high standard service.

Michelle Newton AOK Angels Disclaimer:

Michelle Newton of AOK Angels takes no responsibility for the professional or business practices
of any Certified Angel Feather Oracle Reader. Certified AFO Readers are responsible for their
own actions and effects of their actions at all times: this is firm and binding. If Michelle Newton
is notified of a breach of professional standards by any Certified Angel Feather Oracle Reader/
Practitioner the individuals accreditation will become null and void and the individual’s name will
be removed from the AOK Angels website immediately.

Throughout this part of the course we are going to examine The Angel Feather Oracle in detail.
The Angel Feather Oracle is in fact two card decks in one and therefore has many depths that the
reader can tune into. Using the many levels of this card deck effectively allows the reader to tune
into their clients energy to receive information about the clients chakra system and emotional and
physical health. It also delivers a multitude of symbology and knowledge that aids interpretation
of your Angelic downloads received through the cards. Foremost the Angel Feather Oracle is an
Angel card deck and secondly it is a colour therapy deck.
Of course each card has a specific & obvious Angel message written on the card but there are also
has many alternative messages for each card too. One of the standout problems that I see is people
taking the message on the card literally instead of actually tuning into the energy of the card to
receive multifaceted information.
The card deck can be used in many ways not just for the obvious Angel message. Each card has an
associated affirmations, crystals & Archangels that can be referenced in the guidebook and in The
Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book. Further examination of the Angel Feather Oracle in this
workbook is also going to open up further new information for each feather that I have recently
downloaded which is very exciting.

Using Colour therapy to tune into your client:

Before your reading consciously tune into the client or clients that you have booked for the day
and allow the Angels to guide you to the coloured clothes to wear on the day. You may be very
surprised when most of the clients that arrive will be dressed in a similar colour; something that
never failed to amaze me when I was practising kinesiology.

Examine the influences of colour in your life:

Examining your wardrobe:

It is recommended that our wardrobes contain every colour of the rainbow: check your wardrobe:
Does it contain clothes in the colour of the rainbow?
I now understand why this is so important: effectively we can bring balance to our life and our
energy fields just by consciously dressing with the Angels. The Angels know what is ahead for us
on any given day; so trust me they will guide you to wear just the colour that will assist you with
all that is coming your way in the hours ahead.

Answer the following questions:

What colours or colour do you like to wear?
What colours or colour do you never wear?
What colour do you like and you have bought clothes in but when you wear it you can’t wait to
get it off and then probably never put it on again? NB: note when you wore this item everyone
you ran into probably told you how amazing you look too!!

What colour is your car?
What is the main decorative colour in your house?
What colour is your bed linen?
What colours did you choose for your wedding party?
The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about your energy centres. The colours you wear
are the colours you love, the energy of that colour sits well on you, sits well in your energy field.
The colour or colours that don’t sit in your energy field are the colours that you actually require,
the energetic colours that you are deficient in and require boosting. So how to manage this you
ask? Trust me I have tried it if you don’t like a specific colour it won’t matter what you do, most
probably won’t be able to wear it.

Some suggestions to increase the coloured energy that is

required for perfect balance:
• Wear the colour as underwear: you will forget you have it on however I would not wear that
colour at night when you are trying to sleep initially
• Chose a shade of the colour: you will be surprised there will be a shade of that colour that you
will sit with for example: instead of bright orange try tangerine. Often when choosing an alternate
shade you may also find that the season of year may affect your choice as well; for example I find
it easier to wear tangerine in the summer than in the winter
• Chose a crystal of the colour or even better a piece of crystal jewellery NB: earrings will not be
effective. Choose a crystal bracelet or pendant to integrate the coloured energy effectively. An
inexpensive crystal tumblestone will also be just as effective if worn daily
• Visualise painting the colour around yourself as you are getting dressed each day
• Use an essential aromatherapy oil that matches the colour you are deficient in refer to The Angel
Feather Oracle Companion Book
• Eat foods in that colour also refer to The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book

Personal Notes:

The starting point of every Angel Feather Oracle Reading:
So much information can be gathered about your client before they even sit down at the table.
Did you notice: what coloured car did they arrive in?
What colour are they wearing?
What crystal jewellery if any are they wearing?

Now at the very beginning of the reading ask your client

the same questions:
What colours or colour do you like wear?
What colours or colour do you never wear?
What colour do you like and you have bought clothes in but when you wear it you can’t wait to
get it off and then probably never put it on again?
NB: note when you wore this item everyone you ran into probably told you how amazing you
look too!!

If they struggle to answer go on to ask the following

What colour is your car?
What is the main decorative colour in your house?
What colour is your bed linen?
What is your favourite crystal?
What colour flowers do you love?

As your reading progresses you will be able to gain information about your client based on the
answers they give you and the information and concerns they speak about.
If your client has a health issue take note: what part of the body is unbalanced and which chakra
does it relate to?
Note the colour of the chakra.
Watch for repeated presenting colour themes in the cards that are drawn.

Colour Therapy: Exploring the energy of each coloured
We are now going to explore the energetic teachings of each of the Angel feathers. You will learn
that many of the coloured feathers are related to one of the main energy centres or chakras within
the human body. I am going to examine the cards according to the chakra system and then look
at the remainder of cards that sit outside the chakra rainbow.

In this section I have also downloaded more information and Angelic guidance relating to the
coloured feathers. Here we will explore in depth each of the feathers and you will deepen your
understanding of the energy of each of the Angel feathers.


Chakra: Base (Survival & Security)

The colour red is a fiery energy. It represents physical life, power and drive. It signifies passion,
courage and excitement. (Warm Colour)

People who are balanced with the energy of red are:

(supports life)
• Motivated, energetic & excited with all that life offers
• Entrepreneurs & innovators full of ideas
• Move from one project to another easily
• May be daring
• Extroverts and often boastful about themselves and their skills
• Stable, secure, self confident, warm
• Those most balanced with the energy of red are passionate and at one with the process of life

Indicators of an under energy of red energy:

• Listlessness
• Out of touch with reality
• Shyness
• Unable to move forward
• Feel lonely, insecure and unsupported

Indicators of an over energy of red energy: (burns)

• Aggression
• Restlessness
• Impatience
• Selfishness
• Focused on survival and own needs
• Impulsiveness in word and action
• At this worst an individual who is tyrant, one who seeks self fulfilment and gain at the cost of
all around them

Associated Body Parts:
genitals, reproductive organs, blood & circulation

Red Healing:
• The colour red is full of energy and vitality. Red is excellent to use if fatigued or exhausted and
after illness use to stimulate recovery
• Assists circulation and the circulatory system: blood vessels
• Infertility, impotence, reproductive organs male and female
• Use if you are cold or getting a head cold
• Painful muscles and stiff joints especially in the legs and feet and problems with mobility
• Use if you feel alone, unsupported or insecure

To bring Red energy into your life:

• Breathe in red, visualise red, meditate on the colour red
• Wear: red clothes
• Red crystals: garnet, ruby, red jasper, bloodstone
• Bring red into your environment: flowers
• Essential oils: myrrh, patchouli
• Red foods: eat red meat, red skinned vegetables & fruit

Times not to use Red energy:

• Don’t use with hyperactive, violent or aggressive children or adults
• Don’t use in work areas with machinery where concentration is needed
• Don’t use in reading rooms, bedrooms or rooms you want to relax in
• Don’t use if you feel angry
• Don’t use if you have high blood pressure or heart problems
• Don’t use if your are bleeding or have haemorrhoids
• Don’t use with cuts or wounds
• Don’t use if you are accident prone

Personal Notes:

Associated Animal: Spider (connection)
Other symbols for the Crimson Angel Feather:
Spiritual protection, visual clarity, feminine beauty & mystery

Crimson Feather Wisdom: Let’s examine creativity: many people would say
that they are not creative but everyone has creative talents. The wisdom of this card calls you to
be truly in the moment. These are the times when Angels sing because you are following your
passions, life purpose and Sacred Contract.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Crimson Feather what message do you

What skills and talents can be considered creative?
Creativity means being in the moment and feeling passionate about what you are doing: when are
you truly in the moment? Give examples:
What needs to be unleashed or further developed?

Associated Animal: Swan (faithful)
Other symbols for the Ruby Angel Feather:
Steadfastness, smooth relationships, success, confidence, life energy, nourishment, self esteem,
vitality, positive thinking, reliability, stamina endurance, grounded.

Ruby Feather Wisdom: This card is too often taken literally! They will say things
like “I am married, I hope someone is not coming in they are already here!”

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Ruby Feather what message do you

If the client has a partner, are they happy? Is it really their soul mate?
If they are happy do they need to give more attention to their partner? Are they taking their partner
for granted?
Are they in love with someone else or does someone else love them known or unknown?
Who is coming in? This is deep love: could it be a child, new pet, new friend male or female or
new project that is close to their heart. Something, someone or something is going to touch their

Examine: What is at the heart of the situation or concern at the moment?

Associated Animal: Fish (spiritual aspects)
Associated Ribbon: Multiple Myeloma, adults with disabilities awareness
Other symbols of the Burgundy Angel Feather:
Wealth, success, prosperity, energy, vitality, richness, firm direction, self empowerment, creativity,
romance, vigor, maturity, leadership, refinement, unconscious beauty.

Burgundy Feather Wisdom: This card is often a call to connect with the Angelic
Realm via Angel Altar work or meditation. It is very much associated with manifesting.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Burgundy Feather what message do you

Where is the miracle required? Is the miracle required in the client’s life or someone associated
with them?
What needs to be manifested into form?

Associated Animal: Kangaroo (progression)
Associated Ribbon: Heart disease awareness
Other symbols for the Red Angel Feather:
Passion & sexuality, survival, vibrancy, love within a relationship, security, success, career, goals,

Red Feather Wisdom: This is the “keep going card”: a project has been started and
it requires concerted effort to push forward and complete.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Red Feather what message do you

Identify the project: what is the project the Angels are referring to?
Identify the idea: people often come to a reading for clarity: what’s the idea?
Is there an element of procrastination with a project?

Associated Animal: Koala Bear (journeys)
Other symbols for the Vermillion Angel Feather:
increased creativity, increased joy, increased optimism, positive view of life, nurturing, easing of
phobias, courage.

Vermillion Feather Wisdom: This is the Angels hug card. With this card the
Angels put the wings around those who are grieving. It is often taken literally: “I haven’t had
anyone who has died recently!” NB: Remember Angels don’t have clocks. Everyone has someone
in the heavenly realm. This card is often delivered when a past loved one or relative (can be
ancestors unknown like great grandparents etc) would like to reconnect.
It is also a call to connect with to the Angels to: so lighting a candle the quickest way to connect
is the message so therefore again about Angel Altar work.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Vermillion Feather what message do
you receive?

Has there been a recent bereavement?
What is the candle message for the client?
Is this a call to do Angel Altar work?


Chakra: Sacral (Governs gut instincts & tuning into the bodies physical needs)
The colour orange is a mixture of red and yellow. Orange energy is subtle and delivers direction,
courage, opportunity and purpose whilst moving you along our Sacred path. (Warm Colour)

People who are balanced with the energy of orange:

• Trust their intuition and tap into their creative talents
• Is not afraid to follow guidance and experiment new ways of doing
• Physical and drawn to physical activity and sport
• Are curious and explore options: tests then accepts or rejects
• Are self reliant, passionate, practical and tolerant
• Courageous make changes and except the consequences
• Purposeful and know when to move on
• Creative: have a willingness to fill their time with creative pursuits
• Optimistic & happy
• Warm hearted and believe in friendship, family and community
• Enjoy intimacy

Indicators of an under energy of orange energy:

• Fearful & inhibited
• Lack of interest in the world
• Fear of intimacy
• Feeling bleak or depressed
• Boredom
• Grief stricken

Indicators of an over energy of orange energy:
• Unkind practical joker
• Over serious

Associated Body Parts: lower back, lower intestines, kidneys & bladder, adrenal
glands, abdomen, liver, spleen, pancreas

Orange Healing:
• Stimulates digestion
• Aids detoxification
• Boosts the immune system
• Heals issues with sexuality & intimacy
• Aids athletic performance
• Regulates blood sugar & fluid balance
• Aids physical and emotional energy

To bring Orange energy into your life:

• Breathe in orange
• Visualise or meditate on orange
• Add orange to your surroundings flowers etc
• Crystals: use orange crystals such as carnelian or peach aventurine
• Essential oils: sandlewood, cardamom, ginger
• Eat: oranges, tangerines, mandarins, apricots, melon, carrots, orange peppers, lentils & spices:
cinnamon, cloves, ginger & ginseng

Times to use Orange energy:

• Playrooms, exercise rooms, sports halls, dance studios & places of social gatherings

Times not to use Orange energy:

• Don’t use in rest rooms or if you want to relax
• Don’t use if you suffer from addictions of any kind
• Don’t use if you are argumentative, angry or irritable
• Don’t use if you have diabetes, irritable bowel, colitis, kidney problems, hepatitis, incontinence,
or adrenal dysfunction

Associated Animal: Duck (emotional stability)

Associated Ribbon: Leukaemia, MS, ADHD, Self injury awareness

Other symbols for the Orange Angel Feather:
Warmth, fulfillment, relationships, intelligence, vigour, awe, ambition, wisdom, liveliness,
happy memories, adventure, equilibrium, desires, creativity, positivity, artistic pursuits, strength,

Orange Feather Wisdom: This is the choices card: choices to be made or

consequences of choices already made. It is also the emotions card: emotions of the past and
present and how they are or will affect the future. The energy of this card requests you to be in
the present moment.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Orange Feather what message do you

Is there a decision to be made?
What emotional turmoil is holding the client back?
What emotional healing is required?
What’s the client’s life purpose?

Associated Animal: Possum (opportunity)
Other symbols for the Burnt Orange Angel Feather:
Emotions, feeling burned emotionally, creativity, creative endeavour.

Burnt Orange Feather Wisdom: This card again has a focus on choice but
this time it is about accepting a golden opportunity. The Angels can present open doors but it’s
up to us whether we walk through to receive the blessings. This card also asks for keen
observation of Angel signs that are presented, so tuning into and recognizing repeated patterns
of guidance is vital.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Burnt Orange Feather what message do
you receive?

What would it take for your client to take a leap of faith?
What is the barrier, restriction or who is the person that is holding them back from embracing an
What is the clients dream?

Associated Animal: Dog (companionship)
Other symbols for the Coral Angel Feather:
emotional balance, protection from harm, listening skills, opportunity for change, unrequited love,
connections in life, life transformation.

Coral Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the friendship card. It is associated with
all the blessings and trials that can come with relationships associated with friends.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Coral Feather what message do you

Who is the friend the card is referring to? Male or female?
Is it a past or present friend or is there a new friend coming in soon?
Is it a ‘best friend’ or ‘friend of a friend’?
Is the friend a human or an animal?
Does the client need to phone a friend or how will the contact be made?
Is this related to a ‘face book friend’ or is the contact to be made through social media?
What help does the friend require?

Associated Animal: Cow (nourishment)
Other symbols for the Salmon Pink Angel Feather:
Job satisfaction, true vocation found, self love, following true vocation

Salmon Pink Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the self love card & self
esteem. It is all about looking after number one, putting one-self first, taking care of the physical
and emotional body and knowing “that you are more than enough”. This card is often presented
to mothers, carers and Earth Angels.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Salmon Pink Feather what message do
you receive?

Is the client putting everyone else’s needs in front of their own?
What is the guidance delivered around mothering or is it relating to being a mother or the clients
Is the client an earth Angel? Is there an imbalance with giving and receiving?
What is holding the client back from taking care of themselves?

Associated Animal: Ladybird (love)
Other symbols for the Peach Angel Feather:
Gentle strength & joy, confidence, truth & balance, peace, breaking emotional structures &
blockages, love expressed through the heart, long life, empathy & harmony, sensual pleasure,
sweetness, protection, love of mankind, understanding person, compassionate, sacrifice for the
needs of others, communication, heightened attraction

Peach Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the lovers card: symbolic of deep love
and lust. It is a sweet yet passionate card. The love can be unrequited, poor timed or secret love
or it can related to long held dreams of the heart that are unfulfilled.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Peach Feather what message do you

Is the secret associated with love or unfulfilled dreams?
Is the secret known or is it unknown?
Is the secret related to an affair of the heart? (Tread carefully in these waters: do not bring this to
the table unless the client brings it up first)

Associated Animal: Deer (kindness)
Other symbols for the Apricot Angel Feather:
Admiration, generosity, charity work, fundraising, earth Angel, benevolence, grace

Apricot Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the Angels pat on the back card. As
you will be aware this is the name of my business therefore it represents the foundation of spiritual
values and principles. It therefore is often related to spiritual based businesses and spiritual based
work either for remuneration or charity.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Apricot Feather what message do you

Is this card talking about a personal quality in the client?
What is the spiritual calling for the client?
Have they tapped into their God given talents?
Is this card related to issues around cash flow in a spiritual business?
What is it that the Angels want to congratulate the client on?


Chakra: Solar Plexus (governs the stomach)

The colour yellow is the brightest of the colour spectrum. As the colour of the sun it brings
vitality, warmth and clarity of thought. The energy of yellow allows one to deal with issues and
covers all options as it searches for understanding. (Warm Colour)

People who are balanced with the energy of yellow are:

• Scientists: uncover the solutions to problems
• Love new ideas
• Flexible and highly adaptable
• Act quickly & are willing to get things done
• Great communicators, love to network
• Financial ambitious
• Happy & have a sunny disposition
• Self controlled, self confident have a healthy self esteem
• Stylish and sophisticated

Indicators of an under energy of yellow energy:

• Feeling sluggish
• Lethargic
• Depressed
• Anxiety
• Struggles to hold onto money

Indicators of an over energy of yellow energy:
• Acid sharp tongue
• Suspicious
• Negative
• Tendency to bear grudges & resentment

Associated Body Parts: pancreas, liver, spleen, skin, gallbladder, stomach

Yellow Healing: energises the adrenal glands, the sympathetic nervous system,
muscles, heartbeat, digestion and circulation. It also stimulates mental clarity, verbal reasoning
and will power.

To bring Yellow energy into your life:

• Breathe in yellow, visualise yellow, meditate on the colour yellow
• Wear yellow clothes
• Yellow crystals: citrine, topaz, tiger eye, yellow jasper, gold, gold topaz
• Bring yellow into your environment: flowers
• Essential oils: citronella, lemon
• Yellow foods: yellow peppers, lemons, eggs, cheese, melons, grapefruit, bananas, pineapple,
yellow lentils & chickpeas. Spices: turmeric, mace, mustard & saffron

Times to use Yellow energy: use in reading rooms, studies and in rooms with
children who have learning difficulties. Also use in room which hold social gatherings: will
increase conversation.

Times not to use Yellow energy:

• Don’t use with hyperactive children & adults
• Don’t use if you feel restless, stressed or if you can’t switch off mentally
• Don’t use if you can’t sleep
• Don’t use if you feel aggressive
• Don’t use if you have stomach disorders, stomach ulcers, acute indigestion or nausea

Associated Animal: Elephant (intelligence)
Associated Ribbon:
Endometriosis, bone cancer, suicide prevention, bone cancer awareness & Remembrance of Black
Saturday bushfire victims

Other symbols for the Yellow Angel Feather:

Intelligence, grace, generosity, vibrancy, unity, happiness, vision, courage

Yellow Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the “you are what you think about
card!” It’s the getting out of your head and back into your heart card. It’s also “the don’t worry
be happy card” a call to hand over your worries to the Angels.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Yellow Feather what message do you

Listen to the things that the client repeatedly says.
Listen to the words they say over and over again.
Can you see a communication pattern?
Look deeper: what’s the ‘real’ stressor in their life?
How can you assist your client to change their thought processes?
What ways can you give to assist the client with their worries?
Are they locked up inside are they getting enough sunshine and exercise?

Associated Animal: Otter (joy & laughter)
Other symbols for the Sunlight Yellow Angel Feather:
Creativity, warmth, new home, inspirational thought, focus

Sunlight Yellow Angel Feather Wisdom: The happy day’s card! Jump
for joy and feel excited card as there is good news and good things ahead.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Sunlight Yellow Feather what message
do you receive?

What would really make your clients heart sing?
What happy news do the Angels tell you is ahead for the client?
What happy event is ahead?
What new situation will unfold that will bring in happiness: new home, new job, money, new
partner, grandchild, travel, love, new creative project?
Can your client smile?
Is your client grateful for what they have and what is to come?

Associated Animal: Eagle (Divine spirit)
Other symbols for the Primrose Angel Feather:
Intellectual, stimulation, protection, support, guidance, optimism

Primrose Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the card of the advance highly
evolved soul. It is associated with great spirituality and has an ability to see the world through
many sets of eyes. This person is here to teach not to learn.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Primrose Feather what message do you

Is the client the advanced soul or do they have an advanced soul in their life?
If the advanced soul is a child this will bring pressures and huge learning for the client, how can
you assist your client?
These children/adults are highly sensitive the Angels will give guidance for your client to take
If this is a mother of an advanced soul, educate about the importance of her health and well being:
this child needs her so she must take care of herself first and foremost so that she can guide and
protect them.

Associated Animal: Butterfly (transformation)
Associated Ribbon: Lung cancer awareness
Other symbols for the Cream Angel Feather:
Thoughtfulness, creativity, feminine energy, correct path of development

Cream Angel Feather Wisdom: Cream is a colour made from mixing yellow
with white. This is the ‘change is good card’: let go of any resistance and take a deep breath and
go with it, ‘go with the flow’.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Cream Feather what message do you

What change is coming for the client? (Corresponding cards will give a lot of guidance regarding
the area or areas that are being affected or will be affected in due course)
What emotional issues are bought up for the client regarding the changes?
If this a hormonal change: menopause?
What has the client changed their mind about?
Has someone else involved with the client had a change of mind or change of heart?


Chakra: No parts of the body connect with Gold

The Energy of Gold:

The energy of gold is an offshoot of yellow even though it is not directly related to an organ or
body part its energy can be seen in the auric field or energy body. The energy of gold is purity and
relates to “I am” it brings access to knowledge of the true self.

Balanced Gold Energy Blessings:

• Honour
• Protection
• Connection with the Angelic Realm
• Illumination
• Knowledge
• Wisdom
• Respect
• Appreciation of others
• Riches, wealth & abundance

Gold Healing:
• physical and psychological depression can be assisted by the energy of gold as it is uplifting and
dissipates negative energy
• Assists digestive problems
• Arthritis
• Underactive thyroid
• Scars on the skin

Associated Animal: Gold Fish (spiritual situation)
Associated Ribbon: Childhood cancer awareness
Other symbols for the Gold Angel Feather:
Understanding, blessings of a home, stability, health, attraction, spiritual inspiration, solar magic,
glory, spiritual communication, financial wisdom, knowledge, compassion, leadership, truth,
purity, spiritual truth, wealth, abundance, self worth, confidence, self confidence, humanitarianism

Gold Angel Feather Wisdom: The gold medal: first place after a consistent
effort: honour and reward. The end of a period of time that is full of learning and growth: usually
a 10 year phase. Gold energy holds the gift to release and forgive and it trusts completely. It is
also related to the wise old sage: it is warm and sparkly and its light brings illumination to the
body mind and spirit.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Gold Feather what message do you

What is ending?
How has the period of time bought about transformation?
Is this associated with a wedding ring?
What has turned around or is about to turn around?


Chakra: Heart
The colour green is found mid spectrum and is the colour of the plant kingdom. It consists of two
colours: yellow and blue. Yellow brings clarity and wisdom whilst blue brings peace. The energy
of green brings the gifts of balance and harmony plus change and growth.
(Green is a secondary colour and can be either a warm or cool)

People who are balanced with the energy of Green are:

• Prosperous and love to share what they have accumulated
• Has the ability to discriminate and always seeks balance
• Tolerant, well balanced and calm
• Giving within relationships & understands the needs of others
• Enriches their partners life and the lives of others

Indicators of an under energy of Green energy:

• Has conflicting ideas & struggles to find balance
• Needy in relationships or have relationship problems
• Subservient in relationships
• Claustrophobia,
• Feelings of being trapped in a relationship, or trapped by other peoples rules or regulations such
as a society, church, school, university
• Restrictions from being housebound,
• Anxious, out of touch with life or unable to give to self

Indicators of an over energy of Green energy:
• Controlling & dominant
• Manipulative
• Jealousy and envy
• Greed

Associated Body Parts: shoulders, chest, lower lungs, thymus gland & heart, arms,
hands, skin, secondary circulation, & the immune system.

Green Healing: energises the associated body parts and promotes positive feelings,
compassion and sensitivity.

To bring Green energy into your life:

• Breathe in green, visualise green, meditate on the colour green
• Wear green clothes
• Green crystals: emerald, malachite, tourmaline, green agate, beryl, green jade, green aventurine,
& rose quartz
• Bring green into your environment: flowers
• Essential oils: pine, bergamont, melissa
• Green foods: green fruit, green vegetable, avocado, pears, olives

Times to use Green energy:

• Use in rooms, workshops and studios where peace and calmness is desired, sensitivity is needed
or activities involving physical touch.
• Use if you find it difficult to give to yourself or others
• Use if your heart doesn’t feel into an area of your life or work
• Use if you feel out of touch
• Use if you are working with your hands
• Use if you feel anxious or you need to calm down
• Use for high blood pressure, circulation problems, asthma, immune deficiency, arthritis, cancer,
AIDS, upper back and shoulder problems, skin disorders

Times not to use Green energy:

• Don’t use in laboratories or rooms where analytical thinking is required
• Don’t use with auto-immune diseases

Associated Animal: Sheep (practical)
Associated Ribbon: muscular dystrophy, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, celiac
disease, organ transplant & donation, bipolar disorder, tourette syndrome & mental health

Other symbols for the Green Angel Feather:

Energy balance, adaptability, reliability, rest, success, healing of the heart, overcoming fear,
reconciliation, growth, peaceful thoughts, fertility, nature, giving & sharing, pursuing goals,
abundance, vitality, strength, health, grounding, good luck, beauty

Green Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the Angels Kiss card: keep it simple
sweetheart. Its energy breaks things down into small doable steps, diminishes overwhelm and
ushers in a refreshing breeze.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Green Feather what message do you

What’s out of perspective?
Where is your client living on the time line: living in the past or living in the future?
What opinion and guidance can you deliver from an outsider looking in?
Where can your client find pleasure right now?
What basic needs of your client aren’t being met at the moment?

Associated Animal: Kookaburra (healing the self)
Other symbols for the Emerald Angel Feather:
New life, new growth, calmness, Archangel Raphael, alternative therapy or modality, medication
or herb, time out, rest, well being, peace,

Emerald Green Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the card of the grand
physician Archangel Raphael and his band of healers. Powerful healing energy and answers to ill
health and dis-ease within the physical, emotional and energetic body.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Emerald Green Feather what message
do you receive?

Who is physically or emotionally unwell at present?
Where is the physical pain in the body?
What is the client “sick of”?
Is the client called to embrace some learning in the area of health or wellbeing?
Is the client a nurturing Earth Angel? Are they a health professional?
What requires balancing in the client’s life?
Does there need to be some healing in the area of finances?

Associated Animal: Rabbit (reproduction)
Associated Ribbon: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma awareness
Other symbols for the Lime Green Angel Feather:
Clear headed, uplifted, careful, health conscious, non-judgemental, readiness to take on the world,
perceptive, recognition of spiritual truth

Lime Green Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the “money makes the world
go round card”! It’s a card that brings either big time excitement or big time resistance. The
energy that it ushers in is one of abundance and closely relates to love and the heart chakra. When
you can look at money and abundance from the perspective of love then your heart and life can be
truly filled with joy and appreciation for the gifts money brings to your life and in return what you
can give to others in the world.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Lime Green Feather what message do
you receive?

What is the client’s money story? Is there a vow of poverty?
Is the client a light worker or Earth Angel who requires healing from being the poor servant?
Examine healthy energy exchange for service.
Is it a windfall or steady stream of abundance?
NB: Never predict a large lottery win or a legacy from someone passing!

Associated Animal: Wagtail (motion)
Other symbols for the Chartreuse Angel Feather:
Confidence, prosperity, growth, astral travel, meditation, new home

Chartreuse Angel Feather Wisdom: The colour chartreuse is made up of a

balance of 50% yellow and green. It’s the “time to pack your bags” and “let’s get moving card!”
This card is also meet with great excitement or great resistance and is often taken literally. People
will say “I don’t travel anywhere!” They only read ‘holiday’: the fact that they drive to work,
travel to visit family and friends, go to the shops, social functions, sport or church is not considered
travel. This card is also importantly about ‘SAFE’ travel. Travel can also be physical movement;
so walking, exercising or dancing. When drawn next to the Ruby Feather it could indicate love
with someone from another country or heritage or the arrival of a knight in shining armour or a

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Chartreuse Feather what message do
you receive?

What type of travel is the card referring to?
Is the travel in the country of origin or overseas?
Is it physical movement that needs to be increased?
Are there difficulties with moving forward, maybe fear or phobias?
Is this card relating to someone from another country?


Chakra: Heart
The energy of pink depends on the amount of red combined with white. The colour pink symbolises
tenderness and caring. The richer shade of pink can improve assertiveness and self confidence
whilst the paler shades are more supportive and protective. Pink is regarded as a feminine colour.

People who are balanced with the energy of Pink are:

• Kind and caring
• Openhearted
• Have a healthy self-esteem
• Generous
• Follow their hearts
• Sweet, gentle & kind
• Innocent & youthful

Indicators of an under energy of Pink energy:

• Struggle to express softness or tenderness
• Not romantic find it difficult to express love
• Too soft & sensitive
• Easily dominated
• Trust everyone can be taken advantage of
• Easily heartbroken

Indicators of an over energy of Pink energy:
• Over protective mother
• Smothering
• Possessive in love
• Unfaithful

Associated Body Parts: Heart

Pink Healing:
Pink is the energy of unconditional love, it can calm violent emotions and turn around turbulence
and aggression. Pink is also useful to provide the energy to move out of a negative situation.

To bring Pink energy into your life:

• Breathe in pink, visualise pink, meditate on the colour pink
• Wear: pink clothes
• Pink crystals: rose quartz, rhodonite, rubellite, pink tourmaline, rhodocrosite, cherry opal thulite
• Bring pink into your environment: flowers
• Essential oils: rose

Pink foods: pink grapefruit, rhubarb, strawberries

Times to use Pink energy:

Pink is a good colour for girls bedrooms as it can be peaceful and restful Sitting rooms, Mixed
with a hot fuchsia it will bring passion.

Associated Animal: Flamingo (happiness in love relationships)
Associated Ribbon: Breast cancer awareness
Other symbols for the Pink Angel Feather:
Friendship, compassion, fidelity & faithfulness, motherly love, happy memories, harmony,
honour, service.

Pink Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the romance Angel’s card. This card
represents the knight in shining armour arriving for the princess in the white carriage. It’s about
a development in the area of love and romance. It could indicate the arrival of someone new or a
rekindling of love that has become stale due to the pressures of life. This card is also about all
things and people that make your heart sing.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Pink Feather what message do you

What development is about to take place for your client?
If this card falls next to the Ruby Angel Feather it will indicate a soul-mate or twin flame.
Is your client’s heart open to receiving love? Is there a blockage to love?
What makes your client’s heart sing? Note accompanying cards

Associated Animal: Penguin (family)
Other symbols for the Rose Angel Feather:
Healing, peace, health, self love

Rose Angel Feather Wisdom:

This is the card of the happy, safe and loving home. The home is where the heart is! It is about
maintaining a loving energy in the home and cleansing the home of unwanted negative energies.
This Angel feather can indicate the need for some rose quartz in an area of the home. It also refers
to connecting with the Angels in the home by creating Angel Altars.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Rose Angel Feather, what message do
you receive?

Scan the client’s home is there any energy’s that can be removed and replace with love?
What blessing is coming into the home?
(could be a new child, grandchild, more money, employment for one of the occupants, rewards or
recognition, improved health either physical or emotional, improved relationship, happy times, a
wedding, anniversary, birthday or family celebration)

Associated Animal: Tiger (creator)
Other symbols for the Magenta Angel Feather:
Initiative, co-operation, spiritual healing, respect, pragmatism, right place at the right time,
winning, appreciation, universal harmony

Magenta Angel Feather Wisdom:

This is the card of the business man or women who is not afraid to go out on a limb to create their
own niche brand or products. This person is passionate and driven, often for a cause that supports
people and their creativity often produces a legacy that benefits the world on their passing. Refers
to the inventor, the visionary, the author, the musician, the humanitarian, the scientist who makes
a discovery etc. The Magenta feather can be indicative of a lonely and somewhat isolated calling.
This card also describes a person who is a very hard worker not necessarily in business. They
work hard all their lives, long hours and love the work they do (for example can be seen in
housewives and mothers who care for large families: the 80 year old women found in the kitchen
happily cooking Christmas lunch.)

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Magenta Feather what message do you

What business flare does the client possess?
What guidance on business do the Angels want to deliver: what changes are required in the
business? Is the client’s work/life in balance?

Associated Animal: Turtle (rebirth)
Other symbols for the Fuschia Angel Feather:
Positive pure energy, energetic, sensual, feminine, fun

Fuschia Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the card of the perfect new home or
lifestyle. Often misinterpreted: even though ‘lifestyle’ is mentioned first on the card people usually
read ‘home’ first and will say things like “Oh no I don’t want a new home I have just moved” etc
Remembering that Angels don’t have clocks in this case they would be referring to the recent
move. A new lifestyle can be just as important as a new home for many people. Whether it is a
new lifestyle or home either way it is to do with a blessing of love from the Angels to what is
coming. So the perfect home is found, in the right place for the right place or new hobby, new job,
creative project, sport or social activity that will bring in loving new friends and acquaintances.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Fuschia Feather what message do you

What is it that the client would really love at this point in time?
What needs to be cleared to welcome in this blessing?
Decipher: is it a new home or a new lifestyle?
What research or preparation is required at this point in time?


Chakra: Heart & Throat

The energy of turquoise combines the balancing and calming qualities of green, the cool and quiet
energy of blue with the warmth of yellow. This energy allows self expression as the blue energy
of communication combines with the green energy of growth whilst the yellow energy explores
information through ones feelings and senses.

Turquoise Energy:
Allows you to stand still and only think about yourself
Seeks self fulfilment in personal relationships
Use if the throat or chest requires soothing
Use if you are low in energy
Use if you are finding it difficult to fit in

Associated Body Parts: Heart & Throat

Turquoise Healing: Wonderful healing colour for the central nervous system.

Associated Animal: Pelican (abundance)
Other symbols for the Turquoise Angel Feather:
Awareness, natural energy, sophistication, protection, healing, stress reduction, inner healing,
prosperity, generosity, promotes heartfelt communication, artistic talent & creativity, healing
therapist, perception, deep compassion, peace & growth, positive growth, overcoming obstacles,
confidence, successful completion of projects

Turquoise Angel Feather Wisdom: The luck of the God’s card. It never
ceases to amaze me that people will say: “what does that mean?” It’s like the message is a little
shock; just not what they thought possible, is it really true? It’s a fortuitous card that ushers in the
energy of riches and blessings. Good luck can be seen or unseen.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Turquoise Feather what message do you

How is the luck going to be delivered?
Is the luck on top or is it hidden?
Will the luck come from choosing to follow one’s life purpose?
A colour associated with healers: is the client a healer?
Are the Angels calling the client to “make their own luck”?
Is the luck expected or unexpected?

Associated Animal: Whale (regeneration)
Other symbols for the Aqua Angel Feather:
Creative expression of ideas, medicine, optimism, practical outcome, safe travel especially over
water or at sea, nursing, carers, complementary therapies, animal healing, protection, earth &
world healing

Aqua Angel Feather Wisdom: This is another card related to Archangel

Raphael. The aqua feather refers to healing and all those who are healers. The energy of this card
is a calling from Archangel Raphael to serve and be of service to people in the world and relates
strongly to healing delivered via the hands. It can be associated to the element of water so it could
refer to someone who is a water sign or someone who enjoys water sports, fishing or boats. It is
also related to safe travel over or on water and to living near water or the beach. The aqua feather
may also refer to hydration or dehydration in the body.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Aqua Feather what message do you

Is the client aware of their healing hands?
Do they use them in service?
Do any of the associated messages regarding water have any relevance?

Associated Animal: Seal (inner voice)
Associated Ribbon: Ovarian cancer, sexual assault, OCD, anti-bullying, post
traumatic stress disorder, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, poly cystic kidney disease awareness

Other symbols for the Teal Angel Feather:

Wisdom, healing, aids decision making, richness, emotional healing

Teal Angel Feather Wisdom: This is one of the three definitive answer cards.
Don’t ask the question if you don’t want the answer!
When using the definitive cards always ask permission to do so and ask the client are they ready
to hear the answer first before proceeding.
When drawn in a general spread to an open ended question for example “what do the Angels want
me to know?” i.e. not a closed ended question that gives a definitive answer, always refer to the
coloured energy and other symbols of the teal feather for the Angelic guidance.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Teal Feather what message do you

Is ‘yes’ the answer the client wanted?
Is ‘yes’ the answer they didn’t want?
What is it that the Angels would like you to know about the energy of the teal for the client?
Does the client require the teal colour to balance their energy?


Chakra: Throat
The energy of the colour blue is associated with stillness. It has high values of honour, sincerity
and integrity. This energy proceeds carefully and steadily and thinks before acting. It instils
tranquillity and peace. There are two aspects of blue, firstly the process of communication and
the flow of energy and secondly the sensation and experience of peace and serenity. Blue is
associated with truth and intelligence and is spiritually calming. Blue is a cool colour.

People who are balanced with the energy of Blue are:

• Poets, writers & philosophers
• Honest and have high integrity
• Contemplative
• Bring wisdom to love
• Loyal
• Devoted
• Free spirits
• Hate arguments or conflict will cough or splutter to avoid same
• Overcome obstacles
• Detach from emotional turmoil

Indicators of an under energy of Blue energy:

Poor communicators often frustrated and disappointed with their attempts of communicating their

Indicators of an over energy of Blue energy:
• Manipulative
• Argumentative

Associated Body Parts: throat, upper lungs, arms, the base of skull, neck, thyroid
& parathyroid

Blue Healing: energises the thyroid gland, assists metabolism and body temperature
control. Blue energy stimulates the voice, communication, self expression and personal

To bring Blue energy into your life:

• Breathe in blue, visualise blue, meditate on the colour blue
• Wear: blue clothes
• Blue crystals: turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, sodalite, aquamarine, azurite, kyanite
• Bring blue into your environment
• Essential oils: lavender, chamomile, geranium
• Blue foods: fish, plums, blueberries, asparagus

Times to use Blue energy:

• Use in bedrooms, restrooms, medical rooms or clinics used for medical procedures
• Use if you need to relax
• Use to cool down
• Use for fevers, insomnia, shock or bleeding
• Use for inflamed wounds, sunburn or burns, skin conditions
• Use for swollen glands or ear nose and throat problems
• Use for laryngitis, when you can’t speak up or have a speech impediment
• Use for stiff neck, migraine or headache

Times not to use Blue energy:

• Don’t use if cold or shivery
• Don’t use if thyroid deficient or if you have slow metabolism

Associated Animal: Salmon (persistence)
Associated Ribbon: Colon cancer, crohn’s disease, bullying, chronic fatigue, child
abuse, huntington’s disease awareness

Other symbols for the Blue Angel Feather: Inspiration, truth, hope,
physical protection, loyalty, the sky, devotion, sensitivity, spiritualityhealing, communication,
inner knowing, friendship, patience, art, the ocean, music, wisdom, creativity, service, sound
sleep, divinity, Mother Mary Queen of Angels

Blue Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the ‘go with the flow’ card. It is about
accepting situations and people for who they are and what they are capable of. With acceptance
comes freedom to move forward. This card also relates to Archangel Michael.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Blue Feather what message do you

What needs to be accepted?
What or who is being controlled?
Is the client going to water?
What will assist the client to move forward in their life?
What is Archangel Michael’s message for the client?
Is travel over or near water indicated?
Is a situation true or is there a lie hidden or known?

Associated Animal: Firefly (communication)
Associated Ribbon: prostate cancer awareness
Other symbols for the Light Blue Angel Feather:
Hope, faith, devotion, patience, understanding, tranquillity, fidelity, purify the home

Light Blue Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the ‘something needs to be said
but at the right time and right place for both parties, using the right words. Timing is everything
here with this energy. This is not a time to stay silent. Caution and good timing will bring about
resolution of a sensitive issue. Follow the Angel signs and call in Archangel Gabriel to assist with
‘the words that are spoken & the tone they are delivered’ and ‘how it’s received and assimilated’.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Light Blue Feather what message do
you receive?

What is the present energy flowing through this relationship?
Who does the client need to talk with?
How is the communication to be delivered: face to face or not?
Can the communication be held in another realm with Angelic assistance?

Associated Animal: Owl (wisdom)
Other symbols for the Royal Blue Angel Feather:
Loyalty, laughter, joviality, honesty, friendship, tranquillity, peace at home

Royal Blue Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the congratulations card; a

sure sign of being on track with one’s life purpose. It is my experience that clients that ask “Am
I on the right path?” are the ones that actually are on track.
This person is the seeker of truth, a person who is constantly learning and improving their present
situation by making changes and embracing their journey. All this person requires is reassurance
to continue trusting their Angels guidance.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Royal Blue Feather what message do
you receive?

What still needs to be found?
Is there a missing piece of the puzzle?
What has the client been chosen to do?
What choices need to be made at this point in time?
What riches will come from following the right path?
Why and what is the client doubting?
Is there doubt regarding a decision just made?


Chakra: Third Eye

The colour indigo is related to law and order and is steeped in tradition. The energy of indigo is
associated with spiritual perceptions such as clairvoyance and other psychic abilities.

People who are balanced with the energy of Indigo:

• Structured and tidy
• Uphold social order & have integrity
• Show ingenuity & are self reliant
• Intuitive, seek solitude to meditate
• Spiritual masters & pioneers have profound thought processes
• Inspirational speakers or writers
• Able to reconcile science and religion
• May be mysterious

Indicators of an under energy of Indigo energy:

• Impractical
• Easily depressed
• Fearful

Indicators of an over energy of Indigo energy:

• Bossy
• Controlling
• Have Rigid ideas

• Fanatical
• Blind devotion

Associated Body Parts: bones, especially the spine, pituitary gland, lower brain,
eyes, face and sinuses.

Indigo Healing: Indigo energy is the strongest painkiller in the light spectrum so is
powerful in healing. It is calming and produces healing and deep peace. It energises the pineal
gland. Stimulates the lower brain, central nervous system and endocrine system: hormone activity
in the body.

To bring Indigo energy into your life:

• Breathe in indigo, visualise indigo, meditate on the colour indigo
• Wear: indigo clothes
• Indigo crystals: lapis lazuli, sodalite, sapphire, azurite
• Bring indigo into your environment
• Essential oils: patchouli, franckincense
• Indigo foods: plums, blueberries, grapes, eggplant, dark blue vegetables

Times to use Indigo energy:

• Use in meditation rooms
• Use if you need to calm your nerves and relax
• Use to assist sleep
• Use to help you think clearly
• Use if you lack imagination or need to develop your intuition
• Use if you suffer from migraine headaches

Times not to use Indigo energy:

• Don’t use in play rooms or centres of physical activities
• Don’t use if you are sad or depressed or have a mental illness
• Don’t use if you have anorexia, infertility or menstrual irregularities
• Don’t use if you have nightmares
• Don’t use if you have a fear of the paranormal
• Don’t use if on sedatives

Associated Animal: Swallow (soul connections)
Associated Ribbon: targeted individuals: bullying, harassment, stalking, MRSA awareness
Other symbols for the Indigo Angel Feather:
Self knowledge, mystery, artistic or acting professions, dignity, imagination, wisdom, tranquillity,
knowledge, prophecy, self mastery

Indigo Angel Feather Wisdom: This card is pretty straight forward: “it’s time
to meditate”. There may be a blockage in the third eye chakra that requires healing. When a client
is receiving the meditation Angel message it will not let up until they address it fully.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Indigo Feather what message do you

Is there a blockage in the client’s third eye?
Is meditation a part of their daily lives?
What assistance does the client require to make meditation a daily activity?
Is the client having visions?
Is there a visual trauma that the client has experienced that requires healing?
What is it that the client does not want to see?


Chakra: Crown
The colour purple is composed of red and blue. The red is dynamic whilst the blue is soothing. The
energy of purple is associated with psychic perception and imagination therefore purple allows
concepts and ideas to manifest into the world. It is associated historically with the richness of
ceremony and churches.

People who are balanced with the energy of Purple:

• Enlightened
• Spiritual masters
• Clergymen
• Musicians
• painters

Indicators of an under energy of Purple energy:

• Unrealistic
• Wishful thinkers
• Dreamers
• Not productive

Indicators of an over energy of Purple energy:

• Arrogance
• Fanatical
• Imagination become fantasy and delusional

Associated Body Parts: top of the head, brain, scalp and the pineal gland.

Purple Healing: Purple energies the pituitary gland. It stimulates the upper brain and
the nervous system. It activates creativity, inspiration, and artistic ability. Colour Healing: Purple
light can only be used sparingly as long exposures may be depressing. Purple light should never
be directed onto the face. It should only be used on the back of the head and only used sparingly
as long exposures may be depressing. Purple light should not be used on children. An over
exposure of purple light is healed with golden light.

To bring Purple energy into your life:

• Breathe in purple, visualise purple, meditate on the colour purple
• Wear: purple clothes
• Purple crystals: amethyst, alexandrite, aragonite
• Walk in the mountains
• Essential oils: lavender, elemi, frankincense
• Indigo foods: grapes, eggplant, asparagus, red cabbage

Times to use Purple energy:

• Where you want to inspire artistic expression
• Use in meditation rooms
• Use in children’s classrooms, can calm hyperactive states
• Use if you need inspiration and clarity
• Use if you feel depressed or lack faith
• Use if you suffer paralysis or MS. Use to increase the immune system or to treat internal
inflammation. Assists headaches & palpations

Times not to use Purple energy:

• Don’t use in rooms for entertaining
• Don’t use in rooms of people who are mentally ill or withdrawn or who have addictions

Associated Animal: Horse (grace)
Associated Ribbon: epilepsy, domestic violence, migraine, lupus, fibromyalgia,
cystic fibrosis, alzheimers disease, pancreatic cancer

Other symbols for the Purple Angel Feather:

Spiritual teaching, idealism, manifestation, integration, royalty, respect, wealth, independence,
creativity, enlightenment, inspiration

Purple Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the love and light card of the deck. It
is all about sending love and light either though healing modalities, prayer, kind deeds or distant
healing. The purple feather is also an invitation to use your own personal Angelic symbol for
manifestation work.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Purple Feather what message do you

What is the client’s spiritual calling, how are they called to serve?
Which Angel or Archangel is with the client at the moment?
Is the client an Earth Angel or healer?
What manifestation is the client working on presently?
Does the client have a connection to a church or spiritual church?
Are there energy blockages or repressed emotions associated with a church or religious upbringing?

Associated Animal: Lion (courage)
Other symbols for the Mauve Angel Feather:
Co-operation, self confidence, spiritual enlightenment, religious faith, modesty, psychic abilities
& gifts

Mauve Angel Feather Wisdom: This is ‘the leap of faith’ and ‘have faith’
card. It calls a person to tune into the inner river of spiritual faith so that they can overcome fears
and anxiety to move forward or to dig deep so that they can cope with a difficult situation.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Mauve Feather what message do you

What is testing your client’s faith?
Who is testing your client’s faith?
How can you assist your client to find the courage they require to move forward?
What is the leap of faith associated with?
Is the client questioning old belief systems?

Associated Animal: Dragonfly (supernatural powers)
Other symbols for the Violet Angel Feather:
Wisdom, love, calmness, soul’s vocation, humility, success, power, meditation, visionary, harmony,
devotion, teacher, independence, Divine inspiration, equilibrium

Violet Angel Feather Wisdom: This is the enlightenment card. Indicative of

a synchronistic event, lesson, spiritual event, healing session, knowledge received or a Divinely
orchestrated meeting that has impacted the person significantly and elevated them spiritually.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Violet Feather what message do you

Is the spiritual event known or is it hidden?
What spiritual knowledge has the client recently received?
Has the client found a spiritual mentor or guide?
Has the client been meditating and connecting with spirit more?
What synchronistic event has occurred recently?
Has there been a recent significant new moon or full moon?

Associated Animal: Angelfish (messenger)
Associated Ribbon: epilepsy & cancer of all kinds awareness
Other symbols for the Lilac Angel Feather:
Acceptance of responsibility, deep meditation, concentration, awakening, releasing addictions,
enchantment, balance, harmony, feminine energy, objectivity, emotional healing, support

Lilac Angel Feather Wisdom: This card is often a call to Earth Angels. The
lilac feather is the Angelic Realms invitation to connect on a deeper level with the Angels and the
Archangels. If it falls next to the Indigo feather then healing or activation of the fifth eye chakra
may be required.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Lilac Feather what message do you

Is the client’s fifth eye chakra open or not?
Does the client realise that they are an Earth Angel?
Does the client meditate?


The energy of brown is practical and focused. It is a warm and comforting. The colour of the
earth and the natural world. It represents solidity and prefers not to take risks.

Brown Energy:
• Represents the seed waiting to grow
• Reliable and steadfast
• To be in the background
• Neutral and non threatening
• Grounding
• Balanced

Associated Animal: Ant (practical)
Other symbols for the Brown Angel Feather:
Animal magic, home, friendship, freedom, success, business, endeavour, time for solitude,
masculinity, simplicity, money, happy long lasting relationship, period of creativity, project
coming to fruition, comfort, endurance, solid foundations

Brown Angel Feather Wisdom: This card is ‘the one foot after another card’.
It’s about practicalities and requires the focus to be on the fines details and small achievements
seen. Not the time to look at the bigger picture as this will just add overwhelm. The brown energy
is related to careful planning and allowing the manifestation to unfold within Divine time.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Brown Feather what message do you

Why is the client rushing?
Does the client feel time poor?
What time management skills can be implemented?
What project requires time to grow?
Is the client grounded?
What is out of balance?

Associated Animal: Emu (endurance)

Other symbols for the Fawn Angel Feather:

Grounding, solidity, comfort, warmth, focus

Fawn Angel Feather Wisdom: I consider this to be one of the best cards in the
deck. It’s another ‘Angel hug’s card but is also ‘the answered prayer’ card. This card tells you
that the Angels have sorted everything out and that it is just a matter of Angel time for you to
witness in earth time. Its energy has the power to surround you with love so that you can take a
deep breath and know that all is well. You feel the Angels right beside you taking care of you and
your best interests.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Fawn Feather and what message do you

What lesson or lessons have been learnt from this difficulty?
Is there a repeated theme to be examined?
What or who needs to be released?
Examine the attitude of gratitude: journaling

Associated Animal: Bee (work)
Other symbols for the Caramel Angel Feather:
Enthusiasm, sensible projects, practical

Caramel Angel Feather Wisdom: This is a pretty straight forward card

usually about a new work venture but can also be some form of new activity done with the hands
such as a hobby or creative project. Its can relate to a serendipitous event that brings a new job or
job offer. The energy of this card brings an open door regarding paid work which the Angels
encourage you to accept.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Caramel Feather and what message do
you receive?

Is there a moment of serendipity associated with a job offer?
What blockages or resistance are coming up with the thought of a change in work?
Is a promotion involved with this change of work?
Is a change in career called for? Is study or learning associated with the new line of work or

Associated Animal: Grasshopper (success)
Copper Angel Feather Wisdom: This is also another pretty straight forward
card usually relating to business growth or a promising business venture. If it falls next to the
magenta Angel feather then the person is quite an entrepreneur: a visionary who is passionate
usually self employed.
If the client does not have a business it could be that they are approaching something in a ‘business
like’ manner.
It can also mean that something is smoothing out or conflict is easing: the cards falling next to the
copper energy will assist you to see what is easing in the client’s life.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Copper Feather and its message?

Is there going to be a business proposition?
Is the business to take a new direction?
Is more money about to come into the business? How?
Will new staff come to the business?
Is there a breakthrough related to the business that will assist growth?
What difficulty is resolving?


The energy of silver is bright and reflective which can create illusion. Silver energy removes
emotional resistance and barriers. It is associated with the moon and its energy can shine brightly
to light up your path. An invisible silver cord is said to attach to humanity to “the other side”.

Silver Energy:
• Soothes the emotions, helps solve arguments & ushers in tranquillity & harmony
• Brings clarity
• Takes an unbiased position
• Reflects mistakes
• Professions that create make-believe such as movies and sitcoms.

Association to the Human Body: The feminine dimension of the self

Silver cutlery can promote balance and friendly mealtime conversation.

Associated Animal: Wolf (teacher & spiritual guide)
Associated Ribbon: schizophrenia, ovarian cancer, gynaecological cancer, stalking,
dyslexia, parkinson’s disease awareness

Silver Angel Feather Wisdom: This card relates to the feminine Goddess
energies of the moon. It is a card that relates to women and all things associated with femininity,
the female body, hormones, reproduction, mothering and nurturing.
This is Archangel Gabriel’s Angel Feather.
The Angels also deliver this card a message that they are shining down silver light to show the
way forward.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Silver Feather and what message to you

Is the card related to a female family member, friend or partner or the client?
Is Archangel Gabriel about to make an announcement of a pregnancy?
Is there a related hormonal imbalance?
Is there a message about the client’s mother, mother in-law or grandmother?
Is the silver feather indicative of a New Zealand connection?
Are male and female energies balanced?
What are the Angels shining light down on: a certain area of the client’s life, a problem or showing
new direction?

Associated Animal: Glider (trust)
Associated Ribbon: diabetes, brain cancer and asthma awareness
Other symbols for the Grey Angel Feather:
Carefulness, practical, authentic, timeless, reputable, quiet time, quality time, flexibility, classic

Grey Angel Feather Wisdom: This is one of the three definitive answer cards.
Don’t ask the question if you don’t want the answer!
When using the definitive cards always ask permission to do so and ask the client are they ready
to hear the answer first before proceeding.
When drawn in a general spread to an open ended question for example “what do the Angels want
me to know?” i.e. not a closed ended question that gives a definitive answer, always refer to the
coloured energy and other symbols of the grey feather for the Angelic guidance.
This card is usually saying that the Angels are still sorting things out for the client and they ask
that they allow time for the unfolding of the perfect plan. There is however a ‘grey’ area to be

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Grey Feather what message do you

What is the grey area involved with the clients question?
What situation or person is not showing its true colours or ‘is not as it seems’?


The energy of black is connected to the mystery of the darkness. It contains every colour within it
and absorbs all light that falls onto it but also radiates nothing back out. This energy can be linked
with the night, things that are unseen or hidden and also fear.

Black Energy:
• Preparation
• Keeps control, is not giving of information
• Self disciplined
• Protective
• Completes the incomplete
• Mystic arts
• Wearing black all the time can indicate that something is missing from a person’s life.

Negative Black Energy:

• Believe all is ended
• Have nothing to look forward to
• Afraid of what’s coming next

My personal experience with working with Goths/Emos:

These young ones dwell in the dark side of black energy wearing black clothes, make up, have
huge amount of black in their bedrooms and listen to heavy metal music all which will make them
muscle test weak so therefore depletes their vital energy. This energy is negative and depressing.
These young ones need colour, any colour even if they wear it under the black.

Black in the Aura or X-ray’s: signifies disease within the physical body.

Associated Animal: Cat (protection)
Associated Ribbon: melanoma awareness
Other symbols for the Black Angel Feather:
Preparation, creative, artistic, idealistic, protection, self discipline, mystery

Black Angel Feather Wisdom: This is one of the three definitive answer cards.
Don’t ask the question if you don’t want the answer!
When using the definitive cards always ask permission to do so and ask the client are they ready
to hear the answer first before proceeding.
When drawn in a general spread to an open ended question for example “what do the Angels want
me to know?” i.e. not a closed ended question that gives a definitive answer, always refer to the
coloured energy and other symbols of the black feather for the Angelic guidance. Falling next to
the white feather will indicate balance, a relationship or balance of yin and yang energy’s.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Black Feather what message do you

Is ‘no’ the answer the client wanted?
Is ‘no’ the answer they didn’t want?
What is it that the Angels would like you to know about the energy of the black for the client: is
their auric field protected?
Do they need to add colour to their energy field?
Have they experienced a dark night of the soul, a trauma or negative event?


The energy of white is the complete energy of light. It is the cosmic intelligence of brilliance
and reflects all the light that falls on it therefore radiates the colours of the rainbow. It brings
completion and wholeness.
The energy of white is cold.

White Energy:
• Purity
• Cleanliness
• Truth
• Openness
• Destiny
• Clear, explicit & brings clarity
• Purification: can clear blocks and in-ground emotional patterns
• Allows development in all areas or directions

Body Parts: the eyeball

Wear white to top up the other colours in the body’s system. This is the only colour that I
advise against wearing a lot of all the time, leaves you wide open like a light beacon. Wear in
conjunction with other colours.

Associated Animal: Dove (peace)
Associated Ribbon: ending violence against women, safe motherhood, pregnancy &
childbirth awareness

Other symbols of the White Feather:

Hope, calmness, cleansing, faith, relaxation, enlightenment, clairvoyance, illumination, truth,

White Angel Feather Wisdom: The white feather is the Angels calling card. It
brings Angelic comfort and love. It can be an indication that the Angels have been leaving signs
of comfort in the form of actual white fluffy feathers calling to feel their Angels. It is full of
reassurance of better days ahead. To see where the new beginning is going to come notice the
cards that have fallen next to the white card in the reading. Falling next to the black feather will
indicate balance, a relationship or balance of yin and yang energy’s.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the White Feather and what message to you

Has the client recently found an Angel Feather?
Energetically what needs to be cleansed or cleared?
Where in the client’s life is the new beginning going to come?
Is there a new person coming into the client’s life such as a new partner, friend, associate, colleague
or maybe a new baby?
Is there guidance around the direction to be taken?

Associated Animal: Dolphin (saviour & guide)
Associated Ribbon: Autism
Other symbols of the Rainbow Feather:
Chakra balance, new beginning, soul mate, renewal, spiritual illumination

Rainbow Angel Feather Wisdom: The rainbow Angel feather is the most
magical card in the whole deck and it brings with it Angelic blessings.
The rainbow is composed of the seven fold rays or chakra colours. It is a continuous spectrum
of colour known as the magic bridge between heaven and earth. This is the magical bridge the
dolphin can cross to access the higher knowledge and wisdom of Atlantian times.

How does the energy of this card feel to you?
What is the first thing that comes into your mind with the Rainbow Feather and what message to
you receive?

Will the blessing be ‘on top’ for all to see?
Is the blessing a hidden blessing?
Does the client require a chakra balance?
Is the client called to be an energy healer?
If this card falls next to the vermillion feather it is a ‘Hello from Heaven”
If this card falls next to the primrose feather it could be referring to a child or adult who has autism.




God answers in 3 Ways:

He says ‘Yes’ and gives you what you want
He says ‘No’ and gives you something better
or He says ‘Wait’ and gives you the best! (Author Unknown)





Divide the coloured feathers up into the chakra colours as shown in the workbook and draw one
feather for each of the main chakras.
The coloured Angel feathers can also be used in intuitive healing, chakra balancing sessions as
guided by the Angels.

Choose x3 Cards for each area of life



Body Soul


Draw one card per day


Personalise & perfect your reading session routine:
You will discover a process of reading that will become like second nature for you. When you
give your reading sessions a process it will allow you to come across as a confident and relaxed
reader. Find and use any card spread that you resonate with. The best way is to keep adjusting
until you come up with the perfect fit for you.

Client home work at the end of the Angel Feather Oracle

Card Reading:
At the end of the reading chose one card specifically to refer to the affirmation associated with the
coloured feather; then chose another card and refer to the crystal for that coloured feather; then
chose a third card and refer to ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book’ for the related Angel
or Archangel and write these things down for the client to take home and work with. Also write
down any other pearls of wisdom such as reference points, books etc that have come through to
you during the reading. We can only guide the client ultimately it is up to them to embrace the
learning and advice so that they can move forward.
On conclusion of the reading after your client has left, say any prayer, send them love and light
and you may be guided to light a candle for the client. As you light the candle ask the Angels to
assist them act on the guidance and advice that was downloaded during the reading. Of course
thank your Angels for allowing you to be their Divine Channel and for entrusting you with this
special vocation.

Personal Notes

Personal Notes

Personal Notes


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