What Is A Full Moon Ritual?: Step 2: Meditate

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Step 2: Meditate

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Allow your mind to be

calm. After a few minutes open your eyes.

Step 3: Time to Write

Using the pen and paper make a list of affirmations. This
should be all those things in your life you wish to release with
this moon cycle. It could be negative thoughts or behaviour
patterns, addictions, situations, people, bad energy or
anything you wish to let go of. For example:
◊ I release myself from ….
◊ I cleanse myself of ….
◊ I free myself of ….
◊ I forgive myself for ….


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What is a Full Moon Ritual?
A Full Moon Ritual is a simple ceremony undertaken during ◊ ...........................................................
a full moon when you tap into lunar powers to help you let ◊ ...........................................................
go of negativity and problems, and recharge your spiritual
◊ ...........................................................
and emotional batteries. It is a very healing ritual that helps
to bring soothing, refreshing and purposeful energy into ◊ ...........................................................
your life. In this easy guide we will take you through the ◊ ...........................................................
steps of performing a Full Moon Ritual, starting with the
things you will need.

Step 4: Speak to the Universe

Checklist When you are ready, place your chosen crystal into the palm
of your left hand to connect it to your heart. Read aloud to
◊ A Crystal (Labradorite, Moonstone, Selenite or Clear the full moon your list of affirmations, the things you wish to
Quartz) let go of - cast them out into the universe, set them free.
◊ Palo Santo Feel the refreshment that this brings.
◊ Heatproof dish
◊ Matches or other fire-making device Take a moment to feel those negative
◊ Pen emotions slip away. Feel refreshed by
◊ Paper the void they leave that you can fill
◊ Oracle Cards (optional) with fresh energy and positivity. Make
◊ Candle (optional) a promise to take care of yourself.
◊ Hot cup of steaming tea (optional
but kind of nice) Step 5: Reflect
Allow the energy you have created to
surround you. Sip on your hot tea, hold
Step-by-Step Guide your crystal, draw an Oracle card for
extra direction or insight on how to keep
Step 1: Create Your Sacred Space your positive energy flowing. Keep your crystal
Find a spot where you can sit peacefully. Organise with you that evening, then the next morning pop
your ritual tools in front of you. Light your Palo Santo and it near a window so that it can recharge and remind you
bless the space with its smoke then brew yourself a hot cup that you have already let go of those negative things should
of tea. they pop back into your mind.

© 2020 House of Formlab

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